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WAJ31 05 Numerical Literacy

1. Show

two objects with a big difference in mass to pupils. Ask the following


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Look at these two objects. Which one do you think is heavier? Lighter? How could we find out?

What can you say about the size and mass of the objects?

[Expected answer: bigger object is heavier than smaller object.]


Repeat procedure (a) with another two objects in which the bigger sized

object is lighter than the smaller sized


[Expected answer: The mass of an object does not necessarily depend on its size. A bigger object may not be heavier than a smaller object.l

Activity 5: Gomparinq Mass bv a Simple Balance

Children's Learning Outcome:

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To compare the mass of two object using a simple balance directly' To order objects from lightest to heaviest or vice versa.


. A cloth hanger; . 2 small boxes; . Thread; . Scissors/pen knife; o Coins of different denominations.


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