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Revised Burlington Practice Tests for Michigan Proficiency Book 1 New Speaking Tests (For the ECPE, effective

e 2009) S p e a k i n g Te s t 1
Your local high school is looking for a new physical education teacher. You are part of the committee that will select the person to be hired. From all of the people who applied for the job, four candidates have been selected. Now you must decide which one of these candidates is most suitable for the job and make a recommendation to the head of the school board. Candidate 1 Information Sheet Hiring a New High School Physical Education Teacher Brian Farrow The following is a list of some of Brians qualifications and experience and relevant personal characteristics. former member of U.S. Olympic swimming team currently works as private swimming coach uses innovative training techniques well liked by parents of swimmers he coaches an avid fan of football and baseball will not be available to work on weekends

Beth Novak The following is a list of some of Beths qualifications and experience and relevant personal characteristics. has a B.A. in sports science played volleyball at college worked at several schools as assistant to the PE teacher coaches local girls soccer team in the evenings first-aid certified tends to become impatient with less able students

Candidate 2 Information Sheet Hiring a New High School Physical Education Teacher Carl Mendes The following is a list of some of Carls qualifications and experience and relevant personal characteristics. certified to teach high school volunteer coach of local teen basketball team has refereed at inter-school football games for 4 years broad knowledge of team sports taught PE at an elementary school for 3 years can be overly competitive and dislikes losing

Katy Woodman The following is a list of some of Katys qualifications and experience and relevant personal characteristics. currently works part-time at a gym as a personal trainer recently graduated with a B.A. in physical education played on the womens varsity basketball team toured with her university hockey team lively and energetic hasnt worked in a school before

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Revised Burlington Practice Tests for Michigan Proficiency Book 1 New Speaking Tests (For the ECPE, effective 2009) S p e a k i n g Te s t 2
The city council plans to set up a Careers Advice Center for young people in your town. You have been asked to recommend premises for the new center. Four possible locations have been suggested and you must choose the one that you want to recommend to the city council. Candidate 1 Information Sheet Choosing Premises for the New Careers Advice Center 24 Main Street The following is some information about the Main Street site. situated in central business district in a newly built shopping mall small space divided into 2 offices local high school 2 blocks away parking lot employment agency located on the same block

16 Greengate Place The following is some information about the Greengate Place site. used to be a restaurant quiet area outside town center space in front of building for outdoor meeting area opposite bus stop and subway station bright and sunny with modern decor building on narrow side street, not visible from main road

Candidate 2 Information Sheet Choosing Premises for the New Careers Advice Center 78 Founders Way The following is some information about the Founders Way site. attractive building, over 200 years old situated in central, trendy part of town very large space over 6,000 ft2 3-story building accessible by bus and train inside needs refurbishing

4 Constitution Square The following is some information about the Constitution Square site. small downtown property directly outside the towns largest train station adjacent to newsstand near youth center basement can be converted into seating area building only has 1 bathroom

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Revised Burlington Practice Tests for Michigan Proficiency Book 1 New Speaking Tests (For the ECPE, effective 2009) S p e a k i n g Te s t 3
Your university plans to appoint a new editor to take over the student newspaper because circulation has dropped significantly in the last year. You are part of the committee that will decide who gets the job. You have been asked to decide which of the four candidates you think is most suitable and make your recommendation to the head of the student council. Candidate 1 Information Sheet Appointing the New Editor of the College Newspaper Nancy Tevez The following is a list of some of Nancys qualifications and experience and other relevant information. graduate student in modern American literature wrote several film reviews for the student newspaper plans to expand the newspapers arts section good at coping under pressure currently working as a teaching assistant only on campus 2 days a week

Ben Hudson The following is a list of some of Bens qualifications and experience and other relevant information. freshman lives in residence hall on campus wants student newspaper to focus more on current affairs very involved in university life good at motivating other people inexperienced as a writer

Candidate 2 Information Sheet Appointing the New Editor of the College Newspaper James Davenport The following is a list of some of Jamess qualifications and experience and other relevant information. junior, majoring in economics has taken part in market research projects good at working as part of a team running for student representative has experience in fund raising does not yet have any ideas for improving the content of the student newspaper

Lucy Muller The following is a list of some of Lucys qualifications and experience and other relevant information. graduate student in sports science contributed articles to several weekly sports publications has many contacts in the world of professional sports takes her work very seriously proposes adding a sports supplement to each edition of the newspaper rumored to be bossy and stubborn

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Revised Burlington Practice Tests for Michigan Proficiency Book 1 New Speaking Tests (For the ECPE, effective 2009) S p e a k i n g Te s t 4
A three-day pop music festival is being organized in your country, to take place in July. You are members of an organizing committee that has been assigned the task of selecting a location for the festival. From the four proposed locations, you must decide on one and make your recommendation to the head of the organizing committee. Candidate 1 Information Sheet Choosing a Location for the Three-Day Pop Music Festival Limestown The following is some information about the town of Limestone. mid-sized town in attractive coastal area town hosts annual classical music festival in February many indoor concert venues with ample seating all venues have excellent acoustics first-class hotel accommodations local residents concerned about the disturbance the festival would create

Deansgate The following is some information about the city of Deansgate. large city festival site is an undeveloped area outside the city concerts would take place in modern outdoor amphitheater jazz music festival held here last spring surrounding fields can be used for camping amphitheater hasnt undergone safety inspection since last year

Candidate 2 Information Sheet Choosing a Location for the Three-Day Pop Music Festival Tattonbury County Park The following is some information about Tattonbury County Park. 25-acre park on the side of a gently sloping hill nearest town is 10 miles away several colleges in the vicinity open fields available for camping no restrictions on available space outdoor stages need to be constructed

Jacksonville East The following is some information about the town of Jacksonville East. large student population festival would take place in renovated industrial complex on citys outskirts old factory buildings could be used as indoor concert venues space for outdoor events local hotels would offer reduced rates during the festival city council has not yet granted permission for the festival to take place

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Revised Burlington Practice Tests for Michigan Proficiency Book 1 New Speaking Tests (For the ECPE, effective 2009) S p e a k i n g Te s t 5
There is great concern in your community about the rising number of accidents and violent incidents involving drunken teenagers. You have been asked to serve on a committee that will advise the city council on how to deal with the problem of underage drinking and alcohol abuse. You must discuss the four proposals set out below and decide which one would be most effective. Then you will make your recommendation to the city council. Candidate 1 Information Sheet Proposals to Solve the Problem of Underage Drinking Organize close monitoring of all downtown bars The following is some information about the bar-monitoring proposal. random police checks of downtown bars customers must show proof of age (e.g., valid drivers license or state ID card) underage drinkers to be ejected from premises bar owners fined if underage drinkers found bar owners encouraged to tighten security inconvenience caused to customers during police checks

Open teen bars The following is some information about the teen-bar proposal. special bars for people below legal drinking age cocktails and beers with zero alcohol content served bar-like atmosphere with live DJ 11 pm closing time responsible drinking habits encouraged bars might not make enough profit to stay open

Candidate 2 Information Sheet Proposals to Solve the Problem of Underage Drinking Launch scare campaign on TV The following is some information about the scare-campaign proposal. short movies to be screened during commercial breaks on TV dangers of excessive drinking shown in graphic detail hard-hitting message shock tactics have been very effective in similar campaigns (e.g., anti-smoking) well-known teen actors to give endorsements TV commercials are expensive to produce and broadcast

Send out educational pamphlets to parents The following is some information about the parental-education proposal. parents alerted to the problem detailed description of warning signs that a child is abusing alcohol pamphlets written by qualified healthcare specialist effective way to tackle the problem at home pamphlets distributed to high-school students to take home to their parents possibility that advice will be ignored

E BurlingtonBooks

Revised Burlington Practice Tests for Michigan Proficiency Book 1 New Speaking Tests (For the ECPE, effective 2009) S p e a k i n g Te s t 6
Your college has decided to enter Student Talent, a talent show on national television with a large cash prize for the winner and his / her college. Contestants are students between the ages of 18 and 22 who perform a variety of acts in front of a live studio audience. You are part of a committee that has been asked to select a student to represent your local college and perform live on the show. From the four candidates below, you must select one. You will then make a recommendation to the college arts director. Candidate 1 Information Sheet Choosing Someone to Represent the College in the TV Talent Show Steve Winters (aka The Magnificent Steven) The following list provides some information about Steve Winters and his act. magician and escape artist uses a lot of props in his act (e.g., water tanks, chains, etc.) does some dangerous tricks has invented an amazing new trick especially for the show has pledged to give half the prize money to charity if he wins refuses to give details of his act prior to the show

Emma Bartram The following list provides some information about Emma Bartram and her act. talented pop singer discovered in local talent show wants to become the next Madonna very competitive performs popular R & B and hip-hop songs her parents want her to become a doctor, not a singer

Candidate 2 Information Sheet Choosing Someone to Represent the College in the TV Talent Show Carla Powell The following list provides some information about Carla Powell and her act. very promising actress moved audience to tears as Juliet in college production of Romeo and Juliet will perform monologues from Shakespeare comes from a poor family appearing on the show could be her big break suffers from stage fright

Paul Robertson The following list provides some information about Paul Robertson and his act. does stand-up comedy regular performer at Sidesplitter, a local comedy club is more interested in the experience than in winning father is a successful scriptwriter for TV very popular with fellow students his comedy routine features some potentially offensive material

E BurlingtonBooks

Revised Burlington Practice Tests for Michigan Proficiency Book 1 New Speaking Tests (For the ECPE, effective 2009) S p e a k i n g Te s t 7
Each year, your college organizes an Awareness Week. The idea behind Awareness Week is for students to become involved in a project that will improve the life of the local community. You have been asked to serve on a committee that will help select a project for this years Awareness Week. From the four proposals set out below, you must choose one. You will then make your recommendation to the college dean. Candidate 1 Information Sheet Selecting an Activity for the Colleges Awareness Week Organize a sleep out to raise money for a homeless shelter The following is a list of some information about the sleep out. students sleep outside for one night, as if they were homeless number of homeless in the local area on the rise participants in sleep out would be sponsored by friends and family money from sponsors would go to new homeless shelter students work to organize and publicize the event concerns about student safety during sleep out

Give public lectures on everyday environmental protection The following is a list of some information about the public lectures. aim is to spread the message: Think globally, act locally. series of public lectures on green lifestyle lectures written and given by college students good opportunity for students to practice public speaking more students involved behind the scenes (e.g., stage lighting, etc.) researching and writing lectures is time-consuming

Candidate 2 Information Sheet Selecting an Activity for the Colleges Awareness Week Design website to promote tourism in local area The following is a list of some information about the tourism website. current website is in need of updating project would be financed by local department of tourism all equipment available at college, as well as guidance from experienced IT teacher opportunity for students to learn more about local heritage and culture day trips to conduct research and take photographs tight deadline for completion of project

Organize week of activities at college for blind children The following is a list of some information about the activities for blind children. activities organized at college (e.g., games, group discussions) tour of campus planned for first day opportunity for sighted students and blind children to come together and discover what they have in common may lead to further cooperation between college and childrens school rewarding experience for older children and students needs and interests of younger children not catered to

E BurlingtonBooks

Revised Burlington Practice Tests for Michigan Proficiency Book 1 New Speaking Tests (For the ECPE, effective 2009) S p e a k i n g Te s t 8
Your college is planning to add a new six-month course to its history curriculum. As current students in the colleges history department, you have been asked to serve on a committee that will decide which course will be chosen. From the four choices given, you must select one. You will then make a recommendation to the head of the colleges history department. Candidate 1 Information Sheet Choosing a New Course for the Colleges History Curriculum War in Ancient Greece The following is some information about the War in Ancient Greece course. examines famous battles and ideas about war in ancient Greece recent films (e.g., Troy, 300) to be used as teaching material coursebook written by course professor, Dr. Peterson light workload (e.g., few hours of homework per week) continuous assessment (6 essays, one submitted each month) students exposed to some violence

The History of Medicine The following is some information about the History of Medicine course. follows the development of medical theory and practice focuses on various historical periods from antiquity to modern era Dr. Grey, author of Medicine Through Time, would be a guest lecturer course is quite challenging grade based on one written exam at end of course students would need to purchase 3 books

Candidate 2 Information Sheet Choosing a New Course for the Colleges History Curriculum A History of the Future: Popular perceptions of the future since 1840 The following is some information about the History of the Future course. looks at past perceptions of what the future would be like study material from popular culture (e.g., science fiction comics, songs, etc.) special study on 19th-century science fiction writer Jules Verne visit Jules Verne museum continuous assessment (six class presentations, done in pairs) Mr. Jameson, the teacher, lacks experience teaching at this level

World War II: War from the peoples perspective The following is some information about the course on World War II. focuses on ordinary peoples experience of the war opportunities for field trips to historical sites associated with the war college library has a series of CD-ROMs for self-study recent films would be shown (e.g., Atonement, Saving Private Ryan) grade based on project on a topic of students choice, submitted at end of course some students might find the course depressing

E BurlingtonBooks

Revised Burlington Practice Tests for Michigan Proficiency Book 1 New Speaking Tests (For the ECPE, effective 2009) Speaking Strategies and Tips
The speaking test lasts 25-35 minutes and is comprised of five stages. Candidates take the speaking test in pairs, and two examiners are present throughout. Candidates take part in a decision-making task. Each candidate is given information about two different options. Candidates work together to decide on one of these options and then present and justify their choice. T i P Throughout the interview, you and the other candidate should act as a team. You will both do better if you work together from the beginning of the test. S Ta g e 1 Introductions and small talk (3-5 minutes) Examiner 1 starts a conversation on general topics (your work, studies, leisure activities, etc.) in order for you to get used to interacting with the examiner and the other candidate. T i P You can demonstrate your fluency by giving expanded responses and asking each other questions. S Ta g e 2 Summarizing and recommending (5-7 minutes) Each candidate is given an information sheet with descriptions of two options, so between the two candidates there are four possible options. You take turns summarizing the information to each other, using your own words as much as possible. You may not see your partners information sheet. You must listen carefully to the other candidates descriptions and then recommend the better option of the two. At this point, each of you silently chooses one of your own options and thinks of reasons why that option is better. You do not have to follow your partners recommendation. There is no correct answer all options are possible. By the end of this stage, the four options have been narrowed down to two. T i P While your partner is summarizing his / her options, take notes to help you remember details to mention when making your recommendation. S Ta g e 3 Consensus reaching (5-7 minutes) Each candidate chooses an option and tells his / her partner. Then you discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these options with the aim of reaching agreement on one option. You are still not allowed to look at your partners information sheet. By the end of this stage, the two of you will have chosen one option. T i P Remember that you are not competing against each other you should compare and contrast the two options to be sure you are choosing the one you both think is stronger. S Ta g e 4 Presenting and convincing (5-7 minutes) Candidates formally present the option they have chosen to the second examiner. The examiner plays the role of the person who would be involved in making the final decision in the situation. You have 2-3 minutes to plan your short presentation together. You are now allowed to look at the relevant information sheet if you wish. Each of you must present two different reasons in support of your choice and explain why those reasons are important. Your goal is to convince the examiner that your choice is the best one. T i P Use the time you have for planning to rehearse your reasons and to make sure that you present your ideas in a logical order. You should not repeat what your partner will say. S Ta g e 5 Justifying and defending (5-7 minutes) Examiner 2 asks you questions about the decision you have made and about points which were raised in your presentation. The examiner may ask why you decided that something was or was not important. T i P Be prepared to defend the points you made in Stage 4. aSSeSSMeNT Each candidate is evaluated separately by each of the examiners. The three main areas in which you are assessed are: discourse and interaction grammar and vocabulary (range and accuracy) delivery and intelligibility

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