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Murray, B.A., C.W. Bachman, and A.L. Baier, Explanatory Notes for Resistance and 'Propulsion Data Sheets. 1972. 1. Noonan, F.E., P.G. Antonides, and A.W. Wood, Practical Guide for Shipboard Vibration Control and Attenuation. 1990. 1. Frankel, G.E., et al., Marine Engineering. 1971. 1. Budd, I.W., et al., Criteria for Hull-Machinery Rigidity Compatibility. 1980. 1. Walter, C.J., A Guide for Plant Installations in Trucks. 1981. 1. Blank, A.D., E.A. Bock, and J.D. Richardson, Introduction to Naval Engineering. 1985. 1. Morgan, N., Marine Technology - Reference Book. 1990. 1. Taylor, A.D., Marine Control Practice. 1987. 1. , ., . 1. , .., . 1994. 1. , .., - - . 1982. 1. Cahill, A.R., Disasters at Sea - Titanic to Exxon Valdez. 1990. 1. Taylor, A.D., Introduction to Marine Engineering. 1985. 1. Souchotte, E., Marine Auxiliary Machinery. 1975. 1. Williams, L.D., Salvage - Rescued from the Deep. 1991. 1. Sulzer Centrifugal Pump Handbook. 1989. 1. , .., . 1977. 1. Lebech, M., B&W Museum. 1959. 1. Power for a Changing World. 1994. 1. - . 1. Haddad, S. and N. Watson, Design and Applications in Diesel Engineering. 1984. 1. Kyrtatos, P.N., Diesel. 1993. 1. Hafner, E.K. and H. Maass, Torsionsschwingungen in der Verbrennungs - Kraftmaschine. 1985. 1. The Jet Engine. 1973. 1. Japikse, D. and C.N. Baines, Intoduction to Turbomachinery. 1994. 1. Dean, C.R., The Fluid Dynamic Design of Advanced Centrifugal Compressors. 1974. 1. Glassman, J.A., Turbine Design and Application. 1975. 1. Leigh, R.J., Applied Digital Control / Theory, Design & Implementation. 1992. 1. , ., . 1996. 1. Isermann, R., Digital Control Systems/Fundamentals, Deterministic Control. 1989. 1. Isermann, R., Digital Control Systems/Stochastic Control, Multivariable Control, Adaptive Control, Applications. 1991. 1. Karayanakis, M.N., Computer - Assisted Simulation of Dynamic Systems with Block Diagram Languages. 1993. 1. LM2500 Simlified Non-Linear Engine and Control System Simulation. 1978. 1. Matko, D., R. Karba, and B. Zupancic, Simulation and Modelling of Continuous Systems. 1992. 1. Watton, J., Fluid Power System/Modeling, Simulation, Analog and Microcomputer Control. 1989. 1. Eichenauer, J.C., Transient System Analysis on a Personal Computer. 1988. 1. Hartley, T.T., O.G. Beale, and P.S. Chicatelli, Digital Simulation of Dynamic Systems/ A Control Theory Approach. 1994. 1. Golten, J. and A. Verwer, Control System Design and Simulation. 1991. 1. Law, M.A. and W.D. Kelton, Simulation Modeling & Analysis. 1991. 1. Smith, J.M., Mathematical Modeling and Digital Simulation for Engineers and Scientists. 1987. 1. Houbak, N., SIL - a Simulation Language. 1990. 1. Korn, A.G., Interactive Dynamic System Simulation. 1989. 1. Lewis, V.E., Principles of Naval Architecture Second Revision. 1988. 1. Lewis, A.E., Principles of Naval Architecture Second Revision / Resistance, Propulsion and Vibration. 1988. 1. Lewis, A.E., Principles of Naval Architecture Second Revision / Monitors in Waves and Controllability. 1989. 1. Kokotovic, V.P., Foundations of Adaptive Control. 1991. 1. Scheid, F., Introduction to Computer Science. 1970. 1. Gottfried, S.B., Programming with Basic. 1975. 1.

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