SB Elements

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The Elements of Art Name:

Define the following elements of art:

In your sketchbook divide 4 pages in half, on the first half create a title page for the elements
of art with their definitions. For the next 7 halves you will fill the page with a different
element of art, using at least two different materials and creatively including the name of the
element. You may use collage, drawing, painting or other materials to fill the page and
explore every possible use of that element!

Total 40 points

___/10 Objective: You filled each half of a page with an element of art, along with a half of a
page that lists the elements of art and their definitions. You use at least 2 art materials for
each half page.

___/10 Design: All pages are filled (no empty white space). You creatively explore all
possibilities for the element of art.

___/10 Studio Skills: You creatively use at least 2 materials to explore the element of art

___/10 Presentation: Each page is neat and all parts are necessary and considered.


Due: Wednesday 9/24

You must include this rubric to be graded for this assignment. This time it will be late if not
turned in on time.

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