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Baguio City
Constitution and By-Laws of the KASAMA/SSC 2000 Preamble We, the students of the Saint Louis University, adhering to Christian Principles, imploring the aid of Almighty God, recognizing the rights and responsibilities of students, in order to establish a nationalistic, democratic, autonomous and representative student government that shall uphold the fundamental rights of the students, and other sectors of the society, in order to foster and enhance the individual and social personality of the Louisian. Do ordain and promulgate this constitution. Article I Name and Office Address Section 1: This organization shall be known as the Kataas-taasang Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral/Supreme Student Council, herein after referred to as the KASAMA/SSC of Saint Louis University; Section 2: The office address of the KASAMA/SSC shall be at Saint Louis University, P.O. box 71, Baguio City, Philippines. Article II Principles and Purpose Section 1: The KASAMA/SSC is the autonomous, democratic, nationalist, and representative student government of Saint Louis University, the authority of which emanates from the students; Section 2: The KASAMA/SSC recognizes its role in advancing the welfare, ideals, and aspirations of the studentry, and the role of the SLU administration, Faculty, and Personnel in all aspects of human development. Section 3: The KASAMA/SSC shall: a) Be the vanguard of fundamental rights, interest and general welfare of the students; b) Endeavor to promote cordial relation among the students, and with the administration, faculty and employees of SLU; c) Act as the sole legitimate voice who shall present the position of the students to the SLU administration, other educational institutions, and to government agencies in all matters affecting their rights and interest in conformity with the official policies rules and objectives of the University. d) Act as the official representative to the body tasked with the determination of rules and policies that directly affect the students; Section 4: The KASAMA/SSC shall endeavor to develop among the studentry a sense of service and responsibility so that they will utilize educational opportunities to the maximum for the unity and welfare of the University populace as well as the Filipino people.

Article III Bill of Student Rights Section 1: Every Louisian shall have: a) The right to enjoy academic freedom as guaranteed in all institutions of higher learning, by the Philippine Constitution;

b) The right to receive relevant and qualify education through competent instructions, adequate welfare and services and functional curricular facilities; c) The right to freely choose his field of study and pursue his/her course up to graduation provided he/she meets the academic and behavioral requirements regardless of his social status, political, or religious belief; d) The right to proper and effective use of the SLU Guidance and Counselling Services; e) The right to sponsor, participate, attend or join seminars, symposia, workshops, dialogues, information drives or similar activities on matters of public or general concern without fear or being subjected to any disciplinary action subject to applicable rules and regulations; f) The right to establish, join affiliate and participate in organizations, societies, and alliances whose purposes are not in conflict with this Constitution and By-Laws; g) The right to be free from involuntary contributions, except those approved by their own organizations or societies; h) The right to free expression including the right to publish regular print, circulate or mount leaflets, newsletter, posters, wallnews, petitions, and similar materials which are not otherwise prohibited by law; i) The right to be free from unreasonable interference of any kind from whatever source; j) The right to free and peaceful assembly to voice out opinions or petition for redress of grievances; k) The right to due process in all proceedings before any administrative or disciplinary sanction be imposed by the administration; l) The right of access to or be informed of, all data pertaining to his/her financial account, class standing, and academic grades; m) The right to expeditious issuance of official certificates, diplomas, transcript of records, grades and transfer credentials and similar documents Section 2: The students have the right to participate in the body tasked in the determination of University rules and policies that affect their rights and welfare.

Article IV Student Duties and Responsibilities Section 1: Every Louisian student shall: a) Uphold this Constitution and the rules emanating from the KASAMA/SSC and to cooperate with and support all programs, and policies that may be adopted by the officers of the KASAMA/SSC; b) Exert his/her utmost to develop his/her potentials for services that he/she may become an asset to the studentry, KASAMA/SSC, University, and Philippine society; c) Uphold the academic integrity of the University and endeavor to achieve academic excellence and abide by the rules and regulations governing his/her academic responsibilities and moral integrity; d) Participate actively in civic affairs and in the performance of his/her duties, act with justice, give everyone his/her due, and observe honesty and good faith.

Article V Powers and Duties Section 1: The KASAMA/SSC shall have the power to: a) Call assemblies of the student body b) Adopt and implement policies that promote student welfare; c) Participate in the body that determines University policies which directly affect students;

d) Perform other functions and exercise other powers as may be authorized by subsequent rules of the University or orders of the CHED and as provided for in this Constitution; Section 2: The KASAMA/SSC shall have the duty to: a) Present the needs, problems, and positions of the studentry to the SLU Administration and Faculty and to ensure that proper action shall be taken on the same; b) Draw up a semestral program of activities; c) Adopt and implement rules and regulations to govern its internal proceedings. Article VI Organization of the KASAMA/SSC

Section 1: The KASAMA/SSC shall be composed of three branches namely, the Executive Committee (EXECOM), the Legislative Body herein referred to as the Congress of Louisians, and the Judicial Body to e known as the Student Court; Section 2 a) The Congress of Louisians shall be composed of two (2) duly elected representatives from all colleges and heads of duly recognized universitywide extra and co-curricular organizations; b) There will be one representative from first year and second year, and the other one will be from third and fourth year. In the case of the College Engineering and Architecture (CEA), third, fourth, and fifth years will have one representative; c) The member of the Congress of Louisians shall elect from among themselves their Speaker. Section 3 a) The Executive Committee shall be composed of the KASAMA/SSC President, VicePresident, Executive Secretary, Secretary for Finance, Secretary for Public Relation, Secretary for Business Affairs, Secretary for Audit; b) The members of the EXECOM shall be directly voted by the entire SLU studentry at a popular election. Section 4 a) The Student Court shall be composed of a Chairperson and ten (10) members who are appointed from the different colleges of the University; b) The members of the Student Court shall be determined through the recommendations of the College Assemblies. The recommendations shall be screened by the Congress of Louisians through the Committee on Appointments. The Committee on Appointments, after a thorough screening and determination by the whole Congress of Louisians, shall submit the final list to the EXECOM for final consideration and approval.

Article VII Congress of Louisians Section 1: Legislative power shall be vested in the Congress of Louisian; Section 2: In general, the scope of legislative powers of the Congress shall cover all matters concerning internal student policies and program of activities, the promotion and implementation of its objectives and purposes as embodied in this Constitution; Section 3: The Congress of Louisians shall have the power to: a) Update internal student policies and program of activities;

b) Deliberate and decide on all matters of appropriations for student activities involving the KASAMA/SSC funds; c) Adopt internal policies that promote student welfare; d) Elect their own officers and create ad hoc committees they may deem necessary in the performance of their duties; e) Override the veto power of the KASAMA/SSC President by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all its members; f) Perform other functions and exercise other powers as may be authorized by this Constitution and By-laws; Section 4: The Congress of Louisians shall have the duty to adopt and implement rules and regulations to govern its internal proceedings; Section 5: There shall be a Committee on Appointments of five (5) members in the Congress of Louisians which shall act, either to confirm or not to confirm, appointments made by the President. Its composition shall be determined by Congress; Section 6: The Congress of Louisians shall meet regularly for at least twice a month. Special meeting may be called for anytime by the Speaker of the Congress upon written request of at least one-half (1/2) of its members.

Article VIII The Executive Committee Section 1 The Executive powers shall be vested in the President of the KASAMA/SSC; Section 2 The President of the KASAMA/SSC shall have the power to: a) preside over meetings of the Executive Committee; b) call special meetings of the Executive Committee; c) acts as the official spokesperson of the KASAMA/SSC and the SLU studentry to the Administration, Faculty, and other institutions; d) act as the head of representatives of the KASAMA/SSC and the SLU studentry in the body that determines University policies which directly affect students; e) be the officer-in-charge of liaison correspondence with such institutions and associations which the KASAMA/SSC is affiliated with; f) exercise general supervision over all members of the College Assemblies; g) call assemblies of the student body; h) implement, with the assistance of other EXECOM members, policies, programs, laws, and regulations passed by the Congress of Louisians in conformity with the laws of the land; Section 3 The Vice-President of the KASAMA/SSC shall have the power to: a) assist the President of the KASAMA/SSC in any administrative task; b) assume the duties and responsibilities of the President in the absence or temporary disability or incapacity of the latter; c) exercises other powers delegated to him/her by the President. Section 4 The Executive Secretary of the KASAMA/SSC shall have the power to: a) assist the President in any affair of the Executive Committee as pertaining to his/her office; b) be the custodian of the records of meetings of the EXECOM and be responsible for the safekeeping of all records and documents of the organization; c) give proper notice of meetings to all members of the EXECOM; d) perform other duties/functions required of the office; Section 5 The Secretary for Finance of the KASAMA/SSC shall have the power to: a) be the custodian of all KASAMA/SSC funds, in coordination with the University Treasurer, and of the official seal of the KASAMA/SSC; b) keep the books of accounts which shall be the subject of monthly audit by the KASAMA/SSC Secretary for Audit;

c) have the power to transact requisitions upon the approval of the KASAMA/SSC President and Secretary for Audit; d) prepare and publish a statement covering the expenditures from the funds under his/her custody at the end of every month; e) deliver for safe-keeping to the University Treasurer, all funds remaining from the petty cash at the end of the school year; and f) perform such other functions as may be required to the office; Section 6 The Secretary for Audit of the KASAMA/SSC shall have the power to: a) examine and audit the expenditures of the KASAMA/SSC; b) countersign requisitions and disbursements to be made by the Secretary for Finance; and c) check the validity of any collection being made before the final approval of the legislative body; Section 7 The Secretary for the Public Relations of the KASAMA/SSC shall have the power to: a) serve as the link between the SLU studentry and of the KASAMA/SSC; b) be in charge of the press releases of the KASAMA/SSC which shall be prepared at least once month; and c) handle all matters related to information regarding the activities of the KASAMA/SSC as well as other functions as may be required by the office; Section 8 The Secretary for Business Affairs of the KASAMA/SSC shall: a) take charge of the business affairs of the KASAMA/SSC; b) be in charge of coordinating the activities of the various colleges and duly recognized extra and co-curricular organizations; Section 9 The KASAMA/SSC President with the concurrence of the EXECOM, has the power to veto any bill passed by the Congress of Louisians.

Article IX The Student Court Section 1 The Student Court shall have te jurisdiction to decide over: a) cases involving the interpretation of the constitution of other duly recognized SLU student organizations; b) cases involving interpretation of laws or acts passed by the Congress of Louisians or the KASAMA/SSC President; c) questions involving the students rights and duties under this Constitution; d) cases involving the interpretation of the scope of powers, rights and duties of an officer of the KASAMA/SSC; e) conflicts between this Constitution and the Constitution of other recognized student organizations; Section 2 The Student Court shall have the power to render an opinion upon any matter covered by this Constitution;

Section 3 The Student Court shall have the power to promulgate rules and regulations to govern its internal proceedings;

Section 4 The Student Court shall submit to the KASAMA/SSC PRESIDENT a report on its operations and activities at the end of every academic term.

Article X College Assemblies Section 1 a) There shall be in every college of the University a College Assembly composed of the College Governor, Vice-Governor, Year-level Mayors and ViceMayors, and the heads of duly recognized organizations within the college; b) The College Governors and Vice-Governors shall be chosen through the popular elections by the students of every college; c) The Year-level Mayors and Vice-Mayors shall be chosen through a popular election by the students of each academic year level; d) The College Assembly shall deliberate and decide on all matters affecting students of the college; e) The College Governor shall preside over the meetings of the College Assembly, which shall be at least twice a month; f) The College Governor shall appoint such officers as he/she may deem necessary in the performance of the duties of his/her office. Article XI Relations with Other Organizations Section 1 The KASAMA/SSC shall extend its endorsement, cooperation, and assistance to student organizations whose purposes are not in conflict with this Constitution as may be determined; Section 2 a) Without prior favorable endorsement by the KASAMA/SSC, no college-wide organization and university-wide extra and co-curricular organization may be given a certificate of recognition by the Student Affairs Office; b) The KASAMA/SSC President shall, with the concurrence of the Congress of Louisians, submit to the Student Affairs Office an endorsement on the application for recognition filed by any student organization; c) Recognition of these organizations may be revoked or cancelled for violation of this Constitution, University rules and regulations, and/or law of the land; Section 3 All duly recognized student organizations shall choose an adviser from among the full-time faculty members of the university. Section 4 No Student can head two or more duly recognized college-wide or university-wide extra and co-curricular organization at the same time; Section 5 a) University-wide extra and co-curricular organizations fall under the administrative supervision of the KASAMA/SSC and Student Affairs Office; b) College-wide and co-curricular organizations fall under the joint administrative supervision of the College Assembly, KASAMA/SSC, and the Students Affairs Office. Article XII Accountability of Officers Section 1 The officers of the KASAMA/SSC must at all times be accountable to the studentry and serve them with utmost responsibility, integrity, efficiency, and dedication; Section 2 a) The KASAMA/SSC President, members of the EXECOM, Congress of Louisians, and the Student Court may be removed from office by impeachment on any of the following grounds: 1. culpable violation of this Constitution; 2. malversation of funds; 3. graft and corrupt practices;

4. gross neglect of duty; 5. betrayal of students rights; or, 6. unauthorized representative or misrepresentation resulting to the damage or prejudice of the KASAMA/SSC; b) The KASAMA/SSC President, members of the EXECOM, and Congress of Louisians upon incurring four (4) absences from the regular meetings shall automatically be removed from office; Section 3 The Congress of Louisians, by two-thirds (2/30 vote of all its members shall have the sole power to hear and decide cases of impeachment. A complaint for impeachment filed by any member of the Congress of Louisians shall be necessary to initiate impeachment proceedings; Section 4 An officer who has been impeached shall be removed from the office and such impeachment shall constitute a perpetual disqualification to hold any office in the KASAMA/SSC; Section 5 The Congress of Louisians has the sole power to suspend or expel any elected officer not included in the impeachable officers by a simple majority vote of all its members. Section 6 Any elected officer of the KASAMA/SSC maybe suspended or expelled on any of the following grounds: a) b) c) d) culpable violation of this constitution; gross neglect of duty; malversation of funds; or, causing dishonor or shame, or subjecting the organization to jeopardy. Any officer who has been suspended two times shall be automatically expelled;

Section 7 Any member of the Congress of Louisians may file a complaint or any student may submit a formal petition with supporting evidence to the Congress of Louisians for the expulsion or suspension of any officer not included in the impeachable officers. Upon receipt of the complaint, the Congress of Louisians shall investigate the charges and act accordingly. Article XIII Funds and Disbursements Section 1 a) Funds for the operation of the KASAMA/SSC shall come from the student fees collected with the other school fees during semestral registration, in accordance with the laws, and regulations of the CHED and the university; b) The KASAMA/SSC may sponsor fund-raising activities to finance its activities when the need arises, subject to applicable laws and rules; c) No monetary contribution may be accepted by the KASAMA/SSC from any source; Section 2 Until the Congress of Louisians provide otherwise the amount of twenty pesos (PHP 20.00) shall be collected from each student per term through the University Accounting Office to finance the operations of the KASAMA/SSC; from said amount the equivalent of 20% shall be allocated for College-wide student publications; Section 3 a) No disbursement shall be made without the appropriate resolution prepared by the Committee on Budget and Appropriations and approved by the Congress of Louisians; b) The disbursement shall be subjected to the Committee on Audit; c) A petty cash fund of PHP 2,000.00 shall be held by the KASAMA/SSC Secretary for Finance and shall not be disturbed unless a requisition stating therein the purpose of disbursement be made and countersigned by the EXECOM Secretary for Audit. In the absence of the latter, the KASAMA/SSC President and the Moderator may countersign the requisition; d) Before the KASAMA/SSC Secretary for Finance should get a replenishment, he must first present a book of accounts supported by the receipts incurred

since the last replenishment to the Commission on Audit and to the Congress of Louisians; e) In case of emergency, when no written record of the previous expenditures is available, the KASAMA/SSC Secretary for Finance, with the approval of the President, Secretary for Audit and the Commission on Audit, duly noted by the Moderator, may request for replenishment; f) All expenditures of the KASAMA/SSC shall be audited by the Committee on Audit and subject to the final audit by the Internal Auditor of the University, who shall be the Ex-officio Auditor of the KASAMA/SSC.

Article XIV The Committee on Audit Section 1 There shall be an autonomous Committee on Audit (COA) composed of an Auditor General, preferably from the College of Accountancy and Commerce, and ten (10) Commissioners all of whom shall come from the different colleges of the University; Section 2 The appointment of the members of the COA shall be in accordance with Section 5, Article VII of this Constitution; Section 3 The COA shall submit to the Congress of Louisians before the final examination of each term an audited financial report of the KASAMA/SSC, copy audited financial report of the KASAMA/SSC, copy furnished the EXECOM. This report shall include comments, recommendations, and measures deemed necessary for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the KASAMA/SSC.

Article XVI Amendments Section 1 Any amendment to or revision of this Constitution may be proposed by the Congress of Louisians upon a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all its members; Section 2 Any amendment to, or revision of this Constitution shall take effect when ratified by a majority of the vote cast in a plebiscite which shall be held not later than a month after the approval of such amendment or revision, and upon the approval of the University President.

Article XVII Effectivity Section 1 This Constitution shall take effect immediately upon ratification by a majority of the votes cast in a student plebiscite called for the purpose.

Article XVIII Separability Clause Section 1 If any of the provision of this Constitution is declared invalid, the remainder or any provision not affected thereby shall remain valid and effective. Article XIX Transitory Provisions Section 1 Three (3) weeks after ratification, the primary election of officers of the KASAMA/SSC under this amended Constitution and By-laws shall be held; Section 2 The Committee on Constitutional Amendments as created shall organize a Central COMELEC and College Electoral Boards, subject to the provisions of the By-Laws, to administer and supervise the elections;

Section 3 The first KASAMA/SSC under this amended Constitution and By-laws shall give priority to the following matters: a) Completion of the organization of the Congress of Louisians including the creation of the Student Court, Committee on Audit, and appointment of Chairpersons and members thereof, as well as other officers; b) Providing for the rules to govern its proceedings; c) Adoption of other measures that promote student welfare and interests; Section 4 Existing extra and co-curricular organizations that are duly recognized by the Student Affairs Office prior to adoption of this Constitution may continue to operate subject to the provision of this Constitution and By-Laws.

BY-LAWS OF THE KASAMA/SSC Saint Louis University Baguio City Article I Elections Section 1 the officers of the Executive Committee shall be elected in a popular election; Section 2 All enrolled students are qualified to vote in the KASAMA/SSC elections which shall be held on the seventh (7th) Friday immediately following the opening of classes for the academic year; Section 3 a) Certificates of Candidacy shall be filed with the Central COMELEC one week before the start of the campaign period; b) The campaign period shall start two weeks before the date of the elections; Section 4 The majority of the votes cast by eligible voters shall decide the KASAMA/SSC elections. In case of a tie, a recount may be held. If the tie is not broken, drawing of lots may be made; Section 5 a) The Congress of Louisians, through the Commission on Appointments, shall create an Electoral Board in every college and appoint members thereof. The College Electoral Board shall be composed of a Chairperson and four (4) members to administer elections in their respective colleges; b) There shall be a Central COMELEC whose members shall be composed of the Chairpersons of the various Electoral Boards. The members of the Central COMELEC shall choose a chairperson from among themselves; c) The creation of the College Electoral Board and the Central COMELEC that will conduct elections of the KASAMA/SSC officers for the next school year shall be done at least three (3) weeks before the graduation exercises. d) The Central COMELEC shall have the power to: 1. exercise exclusive original jurisdiction over contest relating to the elections, returns, and qualifications of officers of the KASAMA/SSC; 2. promulgate and enforce all the rules and regulations relative to the manner and conduct of an election; 3. supervise, together with the Dean of Student Affairs, Moderator, and Advisers of the KASAMA/SSC, and the EXECOM, the conduct of primary elections, and administer the elections of officers of the KASAMA/SSC; e) COMELEC decisions and orders relative to election contests shall be final and non-appealable forty-eight (48) hours after promulgation of such decision or order. A party may appeal to the Student Court on grounds of rave abuse of discretion on the part of the Central COMELEC and/or pure questions of law. Section 6 Certificates of Candidacy for positions in the College Assemblies shall be filed with the COMELEC two weeks before the date of election. Each certificate must bear the signatures of respective College Deans who will check

on the academic qualifications of the candidates, and the Dean of Students Affairs who will vouch the integrity of the same; Section 7 Electoral protest, shall be filed formally in writing within fortyeight (48) hours after the proclamation of winning candidates. The Central COMELEC shall decide within forty eight (48) hours upon receipt of the protest. All election cases shall be heard and decided by the COMELEC en banc with the concurrence of the majority of its members.

Section 8 The winners of the KASAMA/SSC shall be proclaimed immediately after canvassing.

Section 9 Any student found guilty of violating election laws, as promulgated by the COMELEC of the Congress of the Lousians, shall suffer the perpetual disqualification to hold any elective and appointive office in the KASAMA/SSC. College Assemblies and extra and co-curricular organizations, and deprivation of the rights of suffrage by the KASAMA/SSC, without prejudice to administrative sanction which may be imposed after complying with the requirements of due process in accordance with the SLU Student Handbook.

Article II Qualifications of Members of the KASAMA/SSC of the College Assemblies, and Extra or Co-curricular Organizations Section 1 Every candidate seeking an elective position must: a) be a full-time student with a minimum load of eighteen(18) units except candidates from the Graduate School, College of Law, College of Medicine, and senior undergraduate students in their last academic year. b) have enrolled in SLU for at least one year, except for those running for the first year positions, and must have been enrolled in regular term or summer term prior to his/her election. c) have passed all his total load during the previous semester/summer Section 2 Candidates for the positions of KASAMA/SSC Presidency and VicePresidency must be at least third year students, except candidates from the Graduate School, College of Law, and College of Medicine, and must be full-time students during their term; Section 3 The elected outgoing President cannot run for re-election.

Article III Tenure of the KASAMA/SSC Officers Section 1 All elected and appointed officers shall take office upon their oath and shall continue holding their oath and shall continue holding office until the proclamation of the newly elected set of officers for the incoming year, unless expelled, impeached or otherwise disqualified. Section 2 Any incumbent officer seeking for re-election shall resign before filing his certificate of candidacy.

Article IV Procedures Section 1 A majority of their respective total members shall constitute a quorum to do business in the Congress of Louisians, Executive Committee, and Student Court. Section 2 A simple majority vote of the members shall be necessary to pass a resolution in the Congress of Louisians.

Article V Effectivity of Measures Section 1 The KASAMA/SSC is recognized by the Administration and the Faculty as the link between the Student Body and the Administration Faculty on all matters concerning the interest and welfare of the students; Section 2 The suggestions and/or recommendations of the KASAMA/SSC to the Administration and Faculty carry strong persuasive effects; Section 3 Any measure passed by the KASAMA/SSC when not in conflict with the policies of the University or the CHED shall take effect upon its approval by the President of the KASAMA/SSC and attested to by the Moderator and Adviser of the same.

Article VI Moderators and Advisers Sections 1 The KASAMA/SSC shall have a Moderator to be appointed by the President of the University and approved by the Congress of Louisians. He shall be consulted by the KASAMA/SSC on matters concerning the administration and policies of the University; Section 2 The KASAMA/SSC shall have two Advisers coming from the full-time faculty of SLU to be appointed by the Congress of Louisians and approved by the President of the KASAMA/SSC; Section 3 The Moderators of the various College Assemblies shall be their respective Academic Deans who shall be consulted by the College Assemblies on matters concerning the existing policies of their respective colleges.

Article VII Standing Committees Section 1 The following shall be the standing committees of the Congress of Louisians: a) b) c) d) Budget and Appropriations Committee Research and Information Committee Grievance and Suggestions Committee Students Rights and Welfare Committee The Congress of Louisians may create other committees as it may deem necessary;

Section 2 Each standing committee shall be composed of at least five (5) members. The members of each standing committee shall select their Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson.

Article VIII Amendments of By-Laws Section 1 This By-Laws may be amended by the Congress of Louisians by a twothird (2/3) vote of all its members; Section 2 Any amendment to these By-Laws shall take effect upon the approval by a two-third (2/3) vote of all the members of the Congress of Louisians.

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