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Receptionist: Hello, Hana Hospital. Patient: Hello. Id like to make an appointment to see a doctor this week, please.

Receptionist: We have an opening on Wednesday morning with Dr Hwang. Patient: What time? Receptionist: Ten oclock Patient: Thats fine. Receptionist: Whats your name? Patient: Marvin Martian Receptionist: How do you spell that? Patient: M-A-R-V-I-N

Doctor: Hi Marvin! Patient: Good afternoon Doctor. Doctor: What can I do for you? Patient: I am not feeling well. Doctor: What's the matter? Patient: My head hurts for 3 days now. Doctor: Is there anything else? Patient: My eyes feel tired all the time. Doctor: I see. Let me check. Doctor: You have played on your computer for too many hours. Please take one week break. Patient: Okay doctor.

Receptionist: And whats your date of birth? Doctor: Get well soon. Patient: March 27 , 1973 Patient: Thank you doctor. Receptionist: Can you tell me what is wrong? Patient: I have a chest pain and sore throat for two days now. Receptionist: O.K. See you on Wednesday at ten oclock.

Receptionist: Hello, Hana Hospital. Patient: Hello. Id like to make an appointment to see a doctor this week, please. Receptionist: We have an opening on Wednesday morning with Dr Hwang. Patient: What time? Receptionist: Ten oclock Patient: Thats fine. Receptionist: Whats your name? Patient: Receptionist: How do you spell that? Patient: Receptionist: And whats your date of birth? Patient: Receptionist: Can you tell me what's wrong? Patient: Receptionist: O.K. See you on Wednesday at ten oclock.

Doctor: Hi Marvin! Patient: Doctor: What can I do for you? Patient: Doctor: What's the matter? Patient: Doctor: Is there anything else? Patient: Doctor: I see. Let me check. Doctor: You have .......... Patient: Doctor: Get well soon. Patient: Thank you doctor.

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