SNC Kudos V 1 Final

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SNC Kudos - SNC Kudos V 1.


Wireframes illustrating the non-administrative functions of the SNC Kudos application, including Kudos History and the Send Kudos wizard. Project Manager: Earl Cameron

Document Contents
Title Page View Sent Cards Select Card Recipient Select Name Search Pop-Up Search Results No Results Choose Recipient Coomplete Compose Message Signature Virgin State Previous Signature New Signature Omit Signature Confirm Kudos Sent 2 3 5 7 8 9 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20

Momentum Advanced Solutions | 155 Commerce Valley Drive E. | Thornhill, ON L3T 7T2 CANADA

Copyright 2011

SNC Kudos
Title Page
Document: SNC Kudos Page: Title Page

Created by: Momentum Information Architect: Christopher F. Ash

Version : 0.5

Creation Date: May-18-11 Modification Date: May-26-11 Description: Home page for the application. Links to both the Kudos History interface and the Send Kudos wizard.

Kudos History 1.0 Send Kudos 2.0

Notes: Page is intended to promote the Send Kudos concept as much as afford a menu to the two current features.


1.0 History mini application in the primary

browser window.

Promotional Style link opens the Kudos

2.0 Kudos Wizard in the primary browser

View Previously Sent Kudos Activate Kudos Wizard

Promotional Style link opens the Send

3.0 setting an appropriate tone and

emphasizing the concept.

Illustrative image fills the white space,



Modifications Date

Copyright 2011

Momentum Advanced Solutions | 155 Commerce Valley Drive E. | Thornhill, ON L3T 7T2 CANADA

SNC Kudos
View Sent Cards
Document: SNC Kudos

Created by: Momentum Information Architect: Christopher F. Ash

Version : 0.5

Page: View Sent Cards Creation Date: May-18-11 Modification Date: May-26-11

1.0 Kudos > Kudos History Send Kudos 2.0

Description: Self-contained miniature application for viewing previously-sent Kudos cards.

Kudos History
3.0 Now Showing Kudos Sent by 4.1 In All Categories 5.0 Recipient Sutherland, Donald Sutherland, Donald 6.0 Sutherland, Donald Sutherland, Donald Sutherland, Donald Sutherland, Donald Sutherland, Donald Sutherland, Donald Sutherland, Donald Sutherland, Donald Sutherland, Donald Sutherland, Donald Everyone 4.2 To All Departments Me 4.3 from Program Start Category Teamwork Process Improvement Teamwork Health & Safety Process Improvement Teamwork Teamwork Process Improvement General Acclaim Teamwork General Acclaim Teamwork to Present 4.4 Company Department Sent 11-05-23 11-05-23 11-05-23 11-05-23 11-05-21 11-05-15 11-05-06 11-04-18 11-04-18 11-04-04 11-03-20 11-03-18

Notes: Table refreshes with new data each time a setting is altered.


See over...

Activate Kudos Wizard

Modifications Date

Copyright 2011

Momentum Advanced Solutions | 155 Commerce Valley Drive E. | Thornhill, ON L3T 7T2 CANADA

SNC Kudos
View Sent Cards Annotations
Document: SNC Kudos

Created by: Momentum Information Architect: Christopher F. Ash

Version : 0.5


Breadcrumbs show the relationship between the Kudos History App and the Kudos Title Page. Click Kudos to return to the Title Page. The promotional style link to the Send Kudos Wizard moves to the left side-bar. A radio-button control toggles the list view the individual logged into the system and those sent by everyone.



3.0 below between only those Kudos sent by

4.1 content of the list to just one of four

The first of four drop downs limits the categories when a non-default selection is active. The default selection, In All Categories, shows kudos of all four types. Four other options are the category names, in alphabetical order: General Acclaim, Health & Safety, Process Improvement and Teamwork.

The fourth of four drop downs, and the second of two devoted to setting a date range, defines the date after which kudos sent are not shown. By default, the most recent date shown is the Present. When the drop down is opened, it lists month/ year combinations (May 2011), adding one new combination each month, at the top of the list, for the month just past. The present month is omitted (Present takes its place). Once a date is selected in this box, it eliminates from the third drop down (4.3) all later dates. The header of the chart shows five Department, Category and Sent. The columns are fixed in number and content regardless of selections made in radio switch or filter drop-downs above. By default, the sort order for the table below is controlled by the date on which each kudos was sent, with the kudos most recently sent listed at the top of the chart. This is indicated by the presence of a downward-pointed arrow in the sent header. Clicking another header will move the arrow to that header and reorient the sort order for the data to that field. Clicking on the header for the data presently controlling the sort order reverses the sort order and flips the arrow vertically. The space reserved for the chart extends expands. Only data sufficient to fill this space is loaded from the database. Scrolling the scrollbar at table-right to the bottom of the inset frame loads additional data. Content reflects data imported from active directory at the time the kudos was sent. When the mouse-pointer is moved over the chart, the row beneath the cursor highlights. Clicking the highlighted row activates in a dialogue window the same kudos card sent to the corresponding recipient. The default sort column remains highlighted.

Page: View Sent Cards Annotations Creation Date: May-18-11 Modification Date: May-26-11 Description:


5.0 columns: Recipient,, Company,


4.2 content of the list to just one department,

from those imported from Active Directory at the time the kudos was sent, when a non-default selection is active. The default selection, In All Departments, shows kudos sent to every department. The other options are the department names, in alphabetical order, as originally listed in active directory. The last option on the list is Unknown and limits the list to those kudos sent to individuals unassigned to a department at the time the kudos was sent. The third of four drop downs, and the first defines the date before which kudos sent are not shown. By default, the earliest date is limited only by the length of the kudos program and set to Program Start. When the drop down is opened, it lists month/ year combinations (June 2011), adding one new combination each month, at the top of the list, for the current month. The first month the program ran is omitted (Program Start takes its place, but is listed at the top of the drop down). Once a date is selected in this box, it eliminates from the fourth drop down (4.4) all earlier dates.

The second of four drop downs limits the

6.0 vertically as the screen real-estate

4.3 of two devoted to setting a date range,

Modifications Date

Copyright 2011

Momentum Advanced Solutions | 155 Commerce Valley Drive E. | Thornhill, ON L3T 7T2 CANADA

SNC Kudos
Select Card 1
Document: SNC Kudos Page: Select Card 1

Created by: Momentum Information Architect: Christopher F. Ash

Version : 0.5

Creation Date: May-18-11 Modification Date: May-26-11 Description: User chooses an image appropriate to the message they wish to send.

Send Kudos
Choose Kudos Card



Notes: Graphics must be clear, as well as the orientation.


1.0 control buttons: Cancel and Next. 1.0

On the first page of the wizard are just two Next is disabled until a valid selection has been made from the form area below. Clicking the cancel button on this or any subsequent page cancels the kudos card build process (discarding all work) and returns the user to the page from which they activated the Send Kudos wizard. Each card is represented visually in the selected by clicking the proximate radio button or by clicking the card itself.

2.0 correct orientation. The card may be

Choose a Kudos card to send.

Modifications Date

Copyright 2011

Momentum Advanced Solutions | 155 Commerce Valley Drive E. | Thornhill, ON L3T 7T2 CANADA

SNC Kudos
Select Card 2
Document: SNC Kudos Page: Select Card 2

Created by: Momentum Information Architect: Christopher F. Ash

Version : 0.5

Creation Date: May-18-11 Modification Date: May-26-11 Description: User chooses an image appropriate to the message they wish to send.

Send Kudos
Choose Kudos Card



Notes: Graphics must be clear, as well as the orientation.


1.0 activates.

Once a card is selected, the Next button

Choose a Kudos card to send.

Modifications Date

Copyright 2011

Momentum Advanced Solutions | 155 Commerce Valley Drive E. | Thornhill, ON L3T 7T2 CANADA

SNC Kudos
Recipient Select
Document: SNC Kudos Page: Recipient Select

Created by: Momentum Information Architect: Christopher F. Ash

Version : 0.5

Creation Date: May-18-11 Modification Date: May-26-11 Description: Fool proof system for selecting a kudos card recipient.

Send Kudos
Choose Recipient
Send Kudos to: 3.0




Notes: No field may be edited by the user.

No Name Entered 2.0 Find a Recipient


1.0 typically represented: Cancel, Previous

On subsequent pages, three buttons are

and Next. On this page, as with most, the Next button is initially disabled. The Previous button moves the user to the previous page, which in this case is the card selection page. The recipient field is at all times read only. entered.

2.0 Initially, the value is given as no name Identify the recipient of the Kudos. Complete the name field via the pop-up name search window.
Clicking the Find a Recipient button

3.0 activates the People Search in a pop-up

dialogue. The arrow is oriented upward to indicate that the page opens in a dialogue window over the current page.

Modifications Date

Copyright 2011

Momentum Advanced Solutions | 155 Commerce Valley Drive E. | Thornhill, ON L3T 7T2 CANADA

SNC Kudos
Name Search Pop-Up
Document: SNC Kudos

Created by: Momentum Information Architect: Christopher F. Ash

Version : 0.5

Page: Name Search Pop-Up Creation Date: May-18-11 Modification Date: May-26-11 Description: A generic people search used to populate the recipient field.

Name Search Recipient Choose

Search for:
1.0 Type a name and click Search

Send Kudos
Send Kudos to:



Notes: Easy-to-use. Intuitive. Simple. Classic. Original page is darkened to highlight the dialogue.


1.0 into the text field. The search activates

A name or partial name may be entered when the proximate Search button is clicked.

In this Department:

At this Email Address:

Identify the recipient of the Kudos by completing the fields above. Complete the name field via the pop-up name search window.

Modifications Date

Copyright 2011

Momentum Advanced Solutions | 155 Commerce Valley Drive E. | Thornhill, ON L3T 7T2 CANADA

SNC Kudos
Search Results 1
Document: SNC Kudos Page: Search Results 1

Created by: Momentum Information Architect: Christopher F. Ash

Version : 0.5

Creation Date: May-18-11 Modification Date: May-26-11 Description: A generic people search used to populate the recipient field.

Name Search Recipient Choose

Search for:
1.0 John 3.0 Recipient Adams, John Deer, John

Send Kudos
Send Kudos to:
Company In this Department: Search Department



Notes: Easy-to-use. Intuitive. Simple. Classic.


1 2 3 ... 32 Email

Next 1.0 the search executes.

The search field remains populated after

2.0 loaded from the database. A pagination

Only data sufficient to fill the window is

At this Email Address:

Hancock, John Johnson, Debbie Identify the recipient of the Kudos by completing the fields above. Complete the name field via the pop-up Kepler, John name search window. Patmos, John Smith, John 4.0 Cancel Ok

mechanism here allows the user to request additional chunks of data from the server. Note that a selection may be made from a page that, later, is no longer visible. The selection remains valid until a new one is made.

3.0 columns: Recipient, Company,

The header of the chart shows four Department, and Email. By default, the sort order for the table is alphabetical by name, beginning with A. This is indicated by the presence of a downward-pointed arrow in the name header. Clicking another header will move the arrow to that header and reorient the sort order for the data to that field. Clicking on the header for the data presently controlling the sort order reverses the sort order and flips the arrow vertically. Cancel and Ok buttons close the dialogue selection. Ok confirms the selection. Ok is disabled until a selection is made.

4.0 window. Cancel closes and cancels the

Modifications Date

Copyright 2011

Momentum Advanced Solutions | 155 Commerce Valley Drive E. | Thornhill, ON L3T 7T2 CANADA

SNC Kudos
Search Results 2
Document: SNC Kudos Page: Search Results 2

Created by: Momentum Information Architect: Christopher F. Ash

Version : 0.5

Creation Date: May-18-11 Modification Date: May-26-11 Description: A generic people search used to populate the recipient field.

Name Search Recipient Choose

Search for:
John Recipient Adams, John 1.0 Deer, John

Send Kudos
Send Kudos to:
Search Department Email



Notes: Easy-to-use. Intuitive. Simple. Classic.


1 2 3 ... 32 Email

Next 1.0 directory. Department is shown where

Content reflects data contained in active available. When the mouse-pointer is moved over the chart, the row beneath the cursor highlights. Clicking the highlighted row or the associated radio button selects the person indicated. Results are based on first name, last name, full and partial matches. The default sort column remains highlighted. Ok activates once a selection is made.

CompanyDepartment In this Department:

At this Email Address:

Hancock, John Johnson, Debbie Identify the recipient of the Kudos by completing the fields above. Complete the name field via the pop-up Kepler, John name search window. Patmos, John Smith, John 2.0 Cancel Ok 2.0

Modifications Date

Copyright 2011

Momentum Advanced Solutions | 155 Commerce Valley Drive E. | Thornhill, ON L3T 7T2 CANADA


SNC Kudos
No Results
Document: SNC Kudos Page: No Results

Created by: Momentum Information Architect: Christopher F. Ash

Version : 0.5

Creation Date: May-18-11 Modification Date: May-26-11 Description: A generic people search used to populate the recipient field.

Name Search Recipient Choose

Search for:
1.0 Hohn

Send Kudos
Send Kudos to:



Notes: Easy-to-use. Intuitive. Simple. Classic.


1.0 appears to this effect. The search is

If a name produces no match, a message limited to those names in active directory associated with email addresses.

In this Department: No results were found to match your search criteria At this Email Address: (names lacking email addresses were omitted from the search).

Identify the recipient of the Kudos by completing the fields above. Complete the name field via the pop-up name search window.



Modifications Date

Copyright 2011

Momentum Advanced Solutions | 155 Commerce Valley Drive E. | Thornhill, ON L3T 7T2 CANADA


SNC Kudos
Choose Recipient Complete
Document: SNC Kudos

Created by: Momentum Information Architect: Christopher F. Ash

Version : 0.5

Page: Choose Recipient Complete Creation Date: May-18-11 Modification Date: May-26-11 Description: Read only fields are auto-completed by the system based on the selection made via the people-search.

Send Kudos
Choose Recipient
Send Kudos to: 3.0 At this Company: In this Department: At this Email Address:




Notes: Fields with no data cant be over-written.

John Patmos



Change Recipient

1.0 button activates.

Now that all fields are populated, the Next

4.1 { Company Name } 4.2 { Department Name } 5.0

2.0 even when populated with data from the

people search. Clicking the Change Recipient button

The recipient field is at all times read only,

3.0 activates the People Search in a pop-up

dialogue. The arrow is oriented upward to indicate that the page opens in a dialogue window over the current page.

Identify the recipient of the Kudos. Complete the name field via the pop-up name search window.

4.1 where the data is present in Active 4.2

Company and Department Name populate Directory. Where it is not either or both fields may be replaced with N/A.

5.0 present.

The email address is essential and always

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Copyright 2011

Momentum Advanced Solutions | 155 Commerce Valley Drive E. | Thornhill, ON L3T 7T2 CANADA


SNC Kudos
Compose Message 1
Document: SNC Kudos

Created by: Momentum Information Architect: Christopher F. Ash

Version : 0.5

Page: Compose Message 1 Creation Date: May-18-11 Modification Date: May-26-11 Description: User selects the category of Kudos and types a message.

Send Kudos
Compose Message
Selected Kudos Category: Message to John Patmos: 3.0




Notes: General Acclaim is selected by default. The message field may be set to require a minimum number of characters.

2.0 General Acclaim


1.0 Previous and Next. On this page, as

Three buttons are represented: Cancel, with most, the Next button is initially disabled. The Previous button moves the user to the previous page, which in this case is the recipient selection page. A drop down enables the selection of one identified). General Acclaim is selected by default. The message field records the message to character count remains TBD. Note that the name of the recipient is reproduced in the field name.

2.0 of four kudos categories (previously

200 characters remaining

3.0 the kudos recipient. The maximum

Select a Kudos category and type your message to the Kudos recipient.

Modifications Date

Copyright 2011

Momentum Advanced Solutions | 155 Commerce Valley Drive E. | Thornhill, ON L3T 7T2 CANADA


SNC Kudos
Compose Message 2
Document: SNC Kudos

Created by: Momentum Information Architect: Christopher F. Ash

Version : 0.5

Page: Compose Message 2 Creation Date: May-18-11 Modification Date: May-26-11 Description: User selects the category of Kudos and types a message.

Send Kudos
Compose Message
Selected Kudos Category: Message to John Patmos:




Notes: General Acclaim is selected by default. The message field may be set to require a minimum number of characters.



1.0 button activates (in this case, the user

Now that all fields are populated, the Next need type only a single character into the message field).

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum

2.0 types.

Character count updates as the user

2.0 12 characters remaining

Select a Kudos category and type your message to the Kudos recipient.

Modifications Date

Copyright 2011

Momentum Advanced Solutions | 155 Commerce Valley Drive E. | Thornhill, ON L3T 7T2 CANADA


SNC Kudos
Signature Virgin State
Document: SNC Kudos

Created by: Momentum Information Architect: Christopher F. Ash

Version : 0.5

Page: Signature Virgin State Creation Date: May-18-11 Modification Date: May-26-11 Description: Options on the page are configured as the user prefers.

Send Kudos
Sign Card
Attach an image of your Signature? 2.0 3.0 Browse...




Notes: Page uses the request and response system for maximum clarity while maintaining ease of use for experienced users.


No. Omit signature portion from kudos card.


Signature File to upload and attach (.png format, 100 pixels by 50 pixels):

1.0 Previous and Next. On this page, as

Three buttons are represented: Cancel, with most, the Next button is initially disabled. The Previous button moves the user to the previous page, which in this case is the message page.

Locate a scan of your signature in .png format with transparent background color.

2.0 user to toggle between two explicit Indicate whether to include an image of your signature.

A Yes/No radio button set enables the options: Attaching a signature file or leaving the signature file blank. Yes is always the default.

3.0 forced to upload a signature if the Yes

When no signature is on file, the user is

option is selected above. The Next button will activate only when a file is selected for upload or only when the No option is chosen.

Modifications Date

Copyright 2011

Momentum Advanced Solutions | 155 Commerce Valley Drive E. | Thornhill, ON L3T 7T2 CANADA


SNC Kudos
Previous Signature
Document: SNC Kudos

Created by: Momentum Information Architect: Christopher F. Ash

Version : 0.5

Page: Previous Signature Creation Date: May-18-11 Modification Date: May-26-11 Description: Options on the page are configured as the user prefers.

Send Kudos
Sign Card
Attach an Image of your Signature? Use Previous Signature? Previous Signature: 2.0 3.0 4.0




Notes: Page uses the request and response system for maximum clarity while maintaining ease of use for experienced users.

Yes Yes

No. Omit the signature portion from card. No. Upload and use a new signature file.


1.0 button activates. When a signature is on

file, the page is valid by default. A Yes/No radio button set enables the options: Attaching a signature file or leaving the signature file blank. Yes is always the default.

Once the form is in a valid state, the Next

2.0 user to toggle between two explicit

Indicate whether to include an image of your signature.

3.0 afforded the opportunity to upload a new

signature via a Yes/No radio button set, provided the user has opted to attach a signature via the Yes/No radio button set above. Note that when a signature is on file, this is the default selection and the form is valid. The Next button above is therefore active by default most times this page is accessed

When a signature is on file, the user is


The signature currently on file is shown.

Modifications Date

Copyright 2011

Momentum Advanced Solutions | 155 Commerce Valley Drive E. | Thornhill, ON L3T 7T2 CANADA


SNC Kudos
New Signature
Document: SNC Kudos Page: New Signature

Created by: Momentum Information Architect: Christopher F. Ash

Version : 0.5

Creation Date: May-18-11 Modification Date: May-26-11 Description: Options on the page are configured as the user prefers.

Send Kudos
Sign Card
Attach an Image of your Signature? Use Previous Signature? 2.0 3.0 Yes Yes



Notes: Page uses the request and response system for maximum clarity while maintaining ease of use for experienced users.

No. Omit the signature portion from card. No. Upload and use a new signature file.


1.0 signature, the form is invalid and the next

button disables. A Yes/No radio button set enables the options: Attaching a signature file or leaving the signature file blank. Yes is always the default.

When the user opts to upload a new

Signature File to upload and attach (.png format, 100 pixels by 50 pixels): 4.0 Browse... Attach a scan of your signature in .png format with transparent background color.

2.0 user to toggle between two explicit

Indicate whether to include an image of your signature.

3.0 afforded the opportunity to upload a new

signature via a Yes/No radio button set, provided the user has opted to attach a signature via the Yes/No radio button set above. If the user opts to upload a new signature, it invalidates the form and the Next button is disabled.

When a signature is on file, the user is


When a user opts to upload a signature via the No option above, the Next button deactivates and does not activate again until a file is selected via the browse button.

Modifications Date

Copyright 2011

Momentum Advanced Solutions | 155 Commerce Valley Drive E. | Thornhill, ON L3T 7T2 CANADA


SNC Kudos
Omit Signature
Document: SNC Kudos Page: Omit Signature

Created by: Momentum Information Architect: Christopher F. Ash

Version : 0.5

Creation Date: May-18-11 Modification Date: May-26-11 Description: Options on the page are configured as the user prefers.

Send Kudos
Sign Card
Attach an Image of your Signature? 2.0




Notes: Page uses the request and response system for maximum clarity while maintaining ease of use for experienced users.


No. Omit signature portion from kudos card.


1.0 button activates. When the user opts not

to attach a signature, the form is valid. A Yes/No radio button set enables the options: Attaching a signature file or leaving the signature file blank. Yes is always the default. Selecting the No option leaves the form in a valid state, activating the Next button.

Once the form is in a valid state, the Next

2.0 user to toggle between two explicit

Indicate whether to include an image of your signature.

Modifications Date

Copyright 2011

Momentum Advanced Solutions | 155 Commerce Valley Drive E. | Thornhill, ON L3T 7T2 CANADA


SNC Kudos
Document: SNC Kudos Page: Confirm

Created by: Momentum Information Architect: Christopher F. Ash

Version : 0.5

Creation Date: May-18-11 Modification Date: May-26-11 Description: Review page with option to preview.

Send Kudos
Confirm Send
Teamwork Kudos To:



Previous 2.0

Finish Preview

Notes: Some elements are dynamic depending on data availability and user selections. See below.


3.0 John Patmos { Company Name } { Department Name }

1.0 Previous and Finish. On this page, the

Finish button is always active. The Previous button moves the user to the previous page, which in this case is the signature page.

Three buttons are represented: Cancel,

Message: 4.0 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum Signed: 5.0 Christopher Ash

The Preview button launches the kudos

2.0 card as the recipient will see it in a

dialogue window. Recipient details are reproduced here. where the data is missing.

3.0 Company and department are omitted

The message sent to the recipient is

4.0 reproduced here.

5.0 attached, beneath a Signed label. If a Click Finish to send the Kudos above to the individual indicated. Click Preview to view the card as the recipient will see it.
signature is not attached, the image is omitted and the label is replaced with the word From.

The signature is reproduced here, if

Modifications Date

Copyright 2011

Momentum Advanced Solutions | 155 Commerce Valley Drive E. | Thornhill, ON L3T 7T2 CANADA


SNC Kudos
Kudos Sent
Document: SNC Kudos Page: Kudos Sent

Created by: Momentum Information Architect: Christopher F. Ash

Version : 0.5

Creation Date: May-18-11 Modification Date: May-26-11 Description: Confirms that the message was send..

Send Kudos

1.0 2.0

Notes: User may preview from this page as well.


Your Teamwork Kudos has been sent to John Patmos (

1.0 Clicking this button returns the user to the

page from which they originally launched the Send Kudos wizard. The Preview button launches the kudos

A single button is present labelled, Done.

Click Done to close out the Send Kudos wizard. Click Preview to view the card as the recipient will see it.

2.0 card as the recipient will see it in a

dialogue window. Text confirms the sending of the kudos

3.0 card.

Modifications Date

Copyright 2011

Momentum Advanced Solutions | 155 Commerce Valley Drive E. | Thornhill, ON L3T 7T2 CANADA


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