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DiMST/713/1 2007 25 SePtember DSF Copvto: APBMembers


DG HelicoPters DGTyphoon AFVGL DGE DGAcq Pol D DEfACq D DISTeam UK) Finnreccanica met LordDrayson with$ir KevinTebblt(President, advance' in provided for i* on .lg Septembet. wasgrateful the briefing he repo{gg! to Gu


2 that anOrPteO DISVersion the stressed , approache*:. & management suitable wouldalsoaddress to authoritv speak

the in*6 uK nave of irnporrancethe;;A;;.iUaiaO had Finmeccanirn gfad therefore Hgwas of on behalf theglobalcompany' noted TeFQtt wittr $omeone s'cn a strorqXqJwJg.gge MOD.wilhpersonal appointed 9l tlrewould, is did thatttaty notorg"niu*-.otpanies theUKiypically important' more much being contacts
He replacement' stressed 3) Lor{graysonaskedafierAlanJohnston's thanthattheywere was the individual lessimportant thatthe natiffit that Orsiwas sperding requirqd anO-i''raO-ifre capable rytftotit/ :ebnil ryted cornmenting the on from one 0r two OaFa;e"k i" ttp Ui, nui Oemurred to candldates takeon the rcfe' the tlat.1i_nce stressed turnedto iyphoon. LordDrayson Discussion 4) to deploy.Typhoon had ORAhad stooJupandthe decision beenmadeto


and of shortage sPares, the-cos to tebrn,andthiy wersworking bear * tt t Finmeccanica BrianeuniO$ ;;; ' wheretheywerethedrivers' downon costrs 5)


sgctop 2' Tplbit OESO, taisJbGv"oion Hefelt{e terms. infamiliar T-$!g.$!11$l respnded

of on on cornment the lackof consutlation theclosure Afiera brieF

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