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NAME : K.Jothimani ROLL NO : 09MCA21 CLASS : III MCAA Guided by, Ms.Bharathi Kannamma.K

Objective of the Project

The aim of the project is to develop an e-recruitment site. Job portal enables search job, post job, search resume and post resume.

Existing System

Defining the problem

 It is manual system
 The problem with

the existing system is there is no

updated information about the jobs.

 The jobseeker need

to spend a lot of time and effort to

get a job.
 Time Consuming work.

Study On Proposed System

The development of this new system contains the following activities, which try to automate the entire process keeping in the view of database integration approach.

 Automates information related to  Avoid

job portal system.

mismanagement (verify users profiles, accept,

reject users).
 We can maintain all type

of users details properly.

 Data Integrity and security.

Developing Solution Strategies


a mechanism that ensures duplication is not

happening in online.
 A detailed

profile of all the candidates and

employer details to be maintained constituency wise.


registered, the administrator can view the

jobseeker and employer details whenever job portal is done.

Module Description
The new Online Job Portal system is to assign the work is been divided into three modules, Administrator Module Jobseeker Module Employer Module

Administrator Module:
Administrator module can do the following activities:

view all the registered users power to delete them. Administrator maintain the details of jobseekers and employers.

Jobseeker Module
Jobseeker module can do the following activities:

Online facilities of filling registrations form/ signup. Free Resume Posting. Resume Posting Interface. Online Resume Edit. Search Job Listings and save the desired jobs. Upload / Attach Image to their resume. sends to the job seeker also.

 Acknowledge mail

Employer Module:
Employer module can do the following activities:

Online facilities of filling registrations form/ signup. Email to selected jobseekers.

 Search Jobseekers.  Listing for

job applies and email to jobseekers. to their profile.

 Upload / Attach Image

Process Description

Context Flow Diagram

Report Details Register

Employer/ Company

Online Job Portal

Job Seeker Details Control View Details

Jobseeker/ Candidate


Level 1
Profile Details

Recruitment Details

Recrui tment




Employer/ Company

New User

Regis ter

Employer Details

Jobseeker Details

System Specification

Application Specification
The Online Job Portal system uses 3-tier major application is a program, which is organized into three disjunctive tiers. These tiers are Presentation Tier (Front-End) Application Tier(Logical) Data Tier (Back-End)

Hardware Specification


: Intel Pentium IV

Hard Disk Drive : 40 GB RAM : 512MB and more

Software Specification

Front-End Back-End

: Eclipse : DB2

Operating System : Linux

Cost Estimation
Duration = 85 days Number of hours=8 Cost per hour=Rs.250 Total cost=250*85*8=Rs. 1, 70,000

Final outline of proposed system


Project helps us to maintain the data efficient with low error rates.

Automated software.

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