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nearbv LlahLnlna LlecLromaaneuc

larhad 8achldl Marcos 8ublnsLeln
ILLL Internanona| 5ympos|um on L|ectromagnenc Companb|||ty
Iort Lauderda|e, Iu|y 25-30, 2010
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 1
CuLllne of resenLauon
LlahLnlna ulscharae
lnsLrumenLed 1owers
Aruclallv-lnluaLed LlahLnlna
LlahLnlna LlecLromaaneuc lleld SlanaLure
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 2
CuLllne of resenLauon
LlahLnlna ulscharae
lnsLrumenLed 1owers
Aruclallv-lnluaLed LlahLnlna
LlahLnlna LlecLromaaneuc lleld SlanaLure
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 3
LlahLnlna dlscharae represenLs one of Lhe laraesL sources of
elecLromaaneuc dlsLurbances whlch can aecL a wlde ranae
of elecLrlcal and elecLronlcs svsLems.
uaLa on llahLnlna elecLromaaneuc elds can be obLalned
essenuallv uslna
naLural llahLnlna
upward-lnluaLed llahLnlna from Lall sLrucLures
Aruclallv-lnluaLed llahLnlna
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 4
ln Lhls presenLauon:
We summarlze Lhe maln llahLnlna processes relevanL Lo LMC
We revlew measuremenLs of elecLrlc and maaneuc elds
produced bv neaauve cloud-Lo-around llahLnlna ashes
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 3
CuLllne of resenLauon
LlahLnlna ulscharae
lnsLrumenLed 1owers
Aruclallv-lnluaLed LlahLnlna
LlahLnlna LlecLromaaneuc lleld SlanaLure
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 6
LlahLnlna ulscharae
LlahLnlna ls a LranslenL, hlah-
currenL elecLrlc dlscharae whose
paLh lenaLh ls measured ln
1he mosL common sources of
llahLnlna ls Lhe elecLrlc charae
separaLed ln LhundersLorm clouds
uman (1987)
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 7
Lightning Discharge
Charge Distribution
LlecLrlc eld aL
around level
AdapLed from Carv (1993).
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 8
LlahLnlna ulscharae
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 9
LlahLnlna ulscharae
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 10
LlahLnlna ulscharae
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 11
LlahLnlna ulscharae
AbouL 90 or more of alobal
Cloud-Lo-around llahLnlna
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 12
LlahLnlna ulscharae
AbouL 10 or less of alobal
Cloud-Lo-around llahLnlna
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 13
LlahLnlna ulscharae
Cccur onlv from Lall ob[ecLs
(>100 m or so) or from
ob[ecLs of moderaLe helahL
locaLed on mounLaln Lops
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 14
LlahLnlna ulscharae
Stepped leader
+ +
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
+ +
- -
+ +
+ +
- -
- -
- -
t = 0
Preliminary discharge
- -
- -
- -
t = 1 ms
+ +
- -
- -
- -
- -
+ + +
t = 1.2 ms
+ + +
+ +
t = 19 ms
t = 20 ms
t = 20.1 ms
+ +
+ +
return stroke
t = 60 ms
+ +
t = 62 ms
AdapLed from uman (1981)
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 13
LlahLnlna CurrenL
Schemauc represenLauon of currenL versus helahL proles for Lhree modes of charae Lransfer Lo around ln neaauve
llahLnlna subsequenL sLrokes: (a) darL leader/reLurn sLroke sequence, (b) conunulna currenL, and (c) M-componenL.
1he correspondlna currenL versus ume waveform represenLs currenL aL Lhe around.
AdapLed from 8akov eL al. (2001).
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 16
LlahLnlna CurrenL Waveshapes
8eraer eL al., 1973
llrsL SLroke
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 17
LlahLnlna CurrenL arameLers
8eraer eL al., 1973
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 18
LlahLnlna ulscharae
Plah speed vldeo (7,200 lmaaes per second) of a neaauve around ash
capLured on AuausL 13, 2008 near 8apld ClLv, SouLh uakoLa
vehlcle movlna aL
100 km/h
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 19
LlahLnlna ulscharae
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 20
llrsL 8eLurn SLroke: llne SLrucLure
LlecLrlc eld waveforms of a rsL reLurn sLroke. 1he waveform ls shown on Lwo ume scales, 3 us/
dlv and 10 us/dlv. 1he elds are normallzed Lo a dlsLance of 100 km. L denoLes lndlvldual leader
pulses, l slow fronL, and 8 fasL Lransluon. Also marked are Lhe small secondarv peak or shoulder
o and Lhe laraer subsldlarv peaks a, b, and c. AdapLed from Weldman and krlder (1978).
-20 -13 -10 -3 0 3 10 13 20
3 us/dlv
10 us/dlv
-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80
Sllde courLesv of rof. v. 8akov
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 21
SubsequenL 8eLurn SLrokes: llne SLrucLure
-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
5 us/d|v
5 us/d|v
10 us/d|v
10 us/d|v
-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80
LlecLrlc eld waveforms of (b) a
subsequenL reLurn sLroke lnluaLed
bv a darL-sLepped leader, and (c) a
subsequenL reLurn sLroke lnluaLed
bv a darL leader showlna Lhe ne
sLrucLure boLh before and aer Lhe
lnlual eld peak. Lach waveform ls
shown on Lwo ume scales, 3 us/dlv
and 10 us/dlv. 1he elds are
normallzed Lo a dlsLance of 100 km.
L denoLes lndlvldual leader pulses,
l slow fronL, and 8 fasL Lransluon.
Also marked are Lhe small
secondarv peak or shoulder o and
Lhe laraer subsldlarv peaks a, b, and
c. AdapLed from Weldman and
krlder (1978).
Sllde courLesv of rof. v. 8akov
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 22
LlahLnlna 8eLurn-SLroke llelds: 1-3 km
1vplcal verucal elecLrlc eld lnLenslLv (le column) and azlmuLhal maaneuc ux denslLv (rlahL column) waveforms for rsL (solld llne)
and subsequenL (dashed llne) reLurn sLrokes aL dlsLances of 1, 2 and 3 km. AdapLed from Lln eL al. (1979).
Solld Llne:
llrsL SLrokes
uashed Llne:
SubsequenL SLrokes
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 23
LlahLnlna 8eLurn-SLroke llelds: 1-3 km
1vplcal verucal elecLrlc eld lnLenslLv (le column) and azlmuLhal maaneuc ux denslLv (rlahL column) waveforms for rsL (solld llne)
and subsequenL (dashed llne) reLurn sLrokes aL dlsLances of 1, 2 and 3 km. AdapLed from Lln eL al. (1979).
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 24
LlahLnlna 8eLurn-SLroke llelds: 1-3 km
1vplcal verucal elecLrlc eld lnLenslLv (le column) and azlmuLhal maaneuc ux denslLv (rlahL column) waveforms for rsL (solld llne)
and subsequenL (dashed llne) reLurn sLrokes aL dlsLances of 1, 2 and 3 km. AdapLed from Lln eL al. (1979).
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 23
1vplcal verucal elecLrlc eld lnLenslLv (le column) and azlmuLhal maaneuc ux denslLv (rlahL column) waveforms for rsL (solld llne)
and subsequenL (dashed llne) reLurn sLrokes aL dlsLances of 1, 2 and 3 km. AdapLed from Lln eL al. (1979).
LlahLnlna 8eLurn-SLroke llelds: 1-3 km
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 26
LlahLnlna 8eLurn-SLroke llelds: 10-200 km
1vplcal verucal elecLrlc eld lnLenslLv (le column) and azlmuLhal maaneuc ux denslLv (rlahL column) waveforms for
rsL (solld llne) and subsequenL (dashed llne) reLurn sLrokes aL dlsLances of 10, 13, 30, and 200 km. AdapLed from Lln
eL al. (1979).
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 27
LlahLnlna 8eLurn-SLroke llelds: 10-200 km
1vplcal verucal elecLrlc eld lnLenslLv (le column) and azlmuLhal maaneuc ux denslLv (rlahL column) waveforms for
rsL (solld llne) and subsequenL (dashed llne) reLurn sLrokes aL dlsLances of 10, 13, 30, and 200 km. AdapLed from Lln
eL al. (1979).
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 28
LlahLnlna 8eLurn-SLroke llelds: 10-200 km
1vplcal verucal elecLrlc eld lnLenslLv (le column) and azlmuLhal maaneuc ux denslLv (rlahL column) waveforms for
rsL (solld llne) and subsequenL (dashed llne) reLurn sLrokes aL dlsLances of 10, 13, 30, and 200 km. AdapLed from Lln
eL al. (1979).
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 29
CuLllne of resenLauon
LlahLnlna ulscharae
lnsLrumenLed 1owers
Aruclallv-lnluaLed LlahLnlna
LlahLnlna LlecLromaaneuc lleld SlanaLure
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 30
- 1all sLrucLures are oen sLruck bv llahLnlna
- 1all Lowers are a means Lo record llahLnlna currenLs and
assoclaLed elecLromaaneuc elds
LlahLnlna Lo 1all SLrucLures %
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 31
Monte San Salvatore, Switzerland
CN Tower, Toronto, Canada
elssenbera, Cermanv
LlahLnlna Lo 1all SLrucLures %
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 32
1vplcal CurrenL Waveform AssoclaLed wlLh upward
LlahLnlna lnluaLed bv Cround-8ased Cb[ecLs
AdapLed from ulendorfer eL al. (2007)
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 33
Sensor 1
Sensor 2
Sensor 3
22 kA
10 kA
8 kA
1ranslenL rocesses alona Lhe 1ower
8eLurn SLroke CurrenL Measured alona 1he CsLanklno 1ower
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 34
1ranslenL rocesses alona Lhe 1ower
8eLurn SLroke CurrenL Measured alona 1he Cn 1ower
309 m
474 m
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 33
1ranslenL rocesses alona Lhe 1ower
8eLurn SLroke CurrenL Measured alona elssenbera 1ower
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 36
SlmulLaneous CS-sLamped measuremenLs of :
- LlahLnlna currenL on Lhe Cn 1ower
- LM eld aL Lhree dlsLances (2 km, 16.8 km and 30.9 km)
- vldeo lmaalna wlLh uvu quallLv
- Plah Speed camera lmaaes
- nALun currenL esumauon
MeasuremenL Campalan ln 1oronLo, 2003
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 37
Locauon of Lhe Cn 1ower and Measurlna SLauons
avanello eL al., 2007
Cn 1ower CurrenL MeasuremenL SvsLem
553 m
474 m Rogowski coil
403 m Recording instruments
Triaxial cable
avanello eL al., 2007
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 39
LlecLrlc eld sensor
Acuve spherlcal Lvpe
(1 kPz - 130 MPz)
Maaneuc eld sensor
Acuve mulu-loop Lvpe
(4 kPz - 130 MPz)
Low-nolse, muluple-aaln sensors provlded wlLh opucal-ber llnks
6-stroke flash






d|/dt (z = 474m)
|(t) (z = 474m)
Lz (r = 2 km)
Lz (r = 50.9 km)
Lz (r = 16.8 km)
n (r = 2 km) n (r = 16.8 km) n (r = 50.9 km)
d|/dt (z = 474m)
|(t) (z = 474m)
Lz (r = 2 km)
Lz (r = 50.9 km)
Lz (r = 16.8 km)
n (r = 2 km) n (r = 16.8 km) n (r = 50.9 km)
d|/dt (z = 474m)
|(t) (z = 474m)
Lz (r = 2 km)
Lz (r = 50.9 km)
Lz (r = 16.8 km)
n (r = 2 km) n (r = 16.8 km) n (r = 50.9 km)
d|/dt (z = 474m)
|(t) (z = 474m)
Lz (r = 2 km)
Lz (r = 50.9 km)
Lz (r = 16.8 km)
n (r = 2 km) n (r = 16.8 km) n (r = 50.9 km)
d|/dt (z = 474m)
|(t) (z = 474m)
Lz (r = 2 km)
Lz (r = 50.9 km)
Lz (r = 16.8 km)
n (r = 2 km) n (r = 16.8 km) n (r = 50.9 km)
CuLllne of resenLauon
LlahLnlna ulscharae
lnsLrumenLed 1owers
Aruclallv-lnluaLed LlahLnlna
LlahLnlna LlecLromaaneuc lleld SlanaLure
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 47
8ockeL-and-Wlre LlahLnlna 1rlaaerlna 1echnlque
In|na| 5tage
5troke 5equence
AdapLed from 8akov eL al. (1998)
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 48
Photographs of a lightning flashes triggered in 1997 at
the ICLRT (Int. Center for Lightning Research and
Testing) at Camp Blanding, Florida.
CourLesv of rof. v. 8akov
8ockeL-and-Wlre LlahLnlna 1rlaaerlna 1echnlque
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 49
In|na| 5tage (50
- 500 A)
~ 5 C
~ 1 C
~ 10 C ~ 1 C
~ 30 C
~ 10 C
~ 1 C ~ 1 C
Sllde courLesv of rof. v. 8akov
8ockeL-and-Wlre LlahLnlna 1rlaaerlna 1echnlque
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 30
LlecLrlc lleld 1vplcal Waveform aL 300 m
1991, kennedv Space CenLer
(AdapLed from 8ublnsLeln eL al., 1993)
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 31
LlecLrlc lleld 1vplcal Waveform aL 300 m
1991, kennedv Space CenLer
(AdapLed from 8ublnsLeln eL al., 1993)
L-lleld chanae due Lo Lhe
downward leader sLaae
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 32
LlecLrlc lleld 1vplcal Waveform aL 300 m
1991, kennedv Space CenLer
(AdapLed from 8ublnsLeln eL al., 1993)
L-lleld chanae due Lo Lhe
8eLurn-sLroke sLaae
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 33
LlecLrlc lleld 1vplcal Waveform aL 300 m
1991, kennedv Space CenLer
(AdapLed from 8ublnsLeln eL al., 1993)
1he wldLh of Lhe v ls Lvplcallv 100 usec
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 34
LlecLrlc lleld 1vplcal Waveform aL 30 m
1991, kennedv Space CenLer
(AdapLed from 8ublnsLeln eL al., 1993)
1he wldLh of Lhe v aL Lhls dlsLance ls onlv a few usec
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 33
verv Close LlahLnlna LlecLrlc llelds: varlauon wlLh ulsLance
LlecLrlc eld waveforms of Lhe rsL leader/reLurn-sLroke sequence of ash S9721 as recorded ln 1997 aL dlsLances (a) 10, 20,
and 30 m and (b) 30, 110, and 300 m aL Camp 8landlna, llorlda. 1he lnlual downward-aolna poruon of Lhe waveform ls due
Lo Lhe darL leader, and Lhe upward-aolna poruon ls due Lo Lhe reLurn sLroke. AdapLed from Crawford eL al. (1999).
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 36
Summarv (1/2)
LlecLrlc and maaneuc eld slanaLures of neaauve cloud-Lo-
around llahLnlna aL dlsLances ranalna from a few meLers Lo
200 km were revlewed and dlscussed
1he mosL slanlcanL radlauon ls assoclaLed wlLh Lhe reLurn
sLroke sLaae of Lhe llahLnlna dlscharae.
Powever, aL dlsLances as close as a few Lens of meLers, Lhe
elecLrlc eld chanae assoclaLed wlLh Lhe downward leader
becomes verv slanlcanL.
MaanlLudes and waveshapes of Lhe elecLromaaneuc elds
varv conslderablv as a funcuon of dlsLance.
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 37
Summarv (2/2)
AL verv close dlsLances (wlLhln 100 m or so), Lhe leader-reLurn sLroke
elecLrlc eld chanae ls characLerlzed bv an asvmmeLrlcal v shape, Lhe
bouom of v belna assoclaLed wlLh Lhe sLarL of Lhe reLurn sLroke.
AL dlsLances of abouL 1 Lo 10 km, Lhe reLurn sLroke elecLrlc eld ls
characLerlzed bv a rsL peak followed bv a lncreaslna ramp and Lhe
maaneuc eld ls characLerlzed bv an lnlual peak followed bv a hump.
AL far dlsLances (30 km and bevond), Lhe elecLrlc and maaneuc elds
are characLerlzed bv slmllar, blpolar waveforms.
AL 100 km, Lvplcallv Lhe L-eld peak ls ln Lhe order of a few v/m. lor
shorLer dlsLances Lhe radlauon peak can be esumaLed uslna a 1/u
MC-AM-4 !ulv 2010 38

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