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TWCA, ONE TORONTO & COMMITMENT 2 COMMUNITY Present: A Ward 42 Organizing Meeting

As we speak, Toronto City Council is making plans to balance a huge operating deficit in the 2012 budget. Everything is under review, all city services are on the line, and decisions are being made very quickly about the future of our city and which programs and services will be cut. The impact of these cuts will be felt by all Torontonians for years to come across this city and in your local community. We know that our city services make Toronto safer, healthier, more equitable, vibrant, and prosperous. We deserve to live in a great city and we deserve to be heard! Thats why people like you are organizing ward by ward across Toronto to build the communities we want and the city we need and deserve. Please join us for an organizing meeting in your local community in Ward 42 and find out: Whats at stake in your community and across the city How you can get involved and make your voice heard at City Hall What you can do to organize in your community How you can be part of an exciting city-wide network that will protect Toronto and make it stronger

TWCA, One Toronto and Commitment 2 Community Present: A Ward 42 Organizing Meeting Location:TAIBU Community Health Centre (27 Tapscott Road, Scarborough in the main space) Date: Tuesday, July 26th, 2011 Time: 6:30 to 8:30pm Important: Cant make the meeting but want to connect with local organizers in your ward? Contact Anita or 416 351 0095 x256. To stay informed, please join our mailing lists. Sign up at:, Sponsored by: Toronto Environmental Alliance, Social Planning Toronto, Toronto Womens City Alliance, Toronto York Region Labour Council, Public Interest Please contact me for further questions about the meeting and to confirm your attendance. (647) 235-8575 Hope to see you soon! Jennifer

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