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Ecosystems &Biodiversity PCK 1

Soil Ecosystems

Soil Ecosystems data collation Activity Complete the following tables. Site Characteristic type of vegetation level of shade soil dryness/dampness soil pH soil compactness soil texture (sandy, heavy clay etc) Site 1 Site 2 Rambutan tree Mango tree Light brown Brown Dry Damp Loose Compact

Table 1 (a) larger macrofauna Macrofauna Order or group Semut hitam Semut merah Lipan Ulat gonggok Siput Cacing Kutu tanah lioas number @ location 1
soil volume = ____

number @ location 2
soil volume = ____

2 5 1 1 3 Table 2 (b) smaller macrofauna

4 1 2 1 3

Macrofauna Order or group Semut merah Labah2

number @ location 1
soil volume = 100

number @ location 2
soil volume = 100

1 1

Ecosystems &Biodiversity

Soil Ecosystems

Table 3

Use results from Table 2 and 3 and calculate the number of Orders or groups per litre of soil and leaf litter, and the numbers of individuals from each Order or group per litre of soil and leaf litter. Macrofauna location 1 location 2

number of Orders or groups per litre of soil/litter eg. no. individuals of group B per litre of soil/litter 15 no. individuals of black ant per litre of soil/litter2 no. individuals of red ant per litre of soil/litter 5 7

Ecosystems &Biodiversity

Soil Ecosystems

no. individuals of centipede per litre of soil/litter no. individuals of black ant per litre of soil/litter

no. individuals of black ant per litre of soil/litter

Table 4

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