Ref Card

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i3 Reference Card (1/1)

Mod1+Shift+q Mod1+Shift+<number>

Moving around
Mod1+Enter Mod1+j Mod1+k Mod1+l Mod1+; Mod1+Shift+j Mod1+Shift+k Mod1+Shift+l Mod1+Shift+; Mod1+Control+j Mod1+Control+k Mod1+Control+l Mod1+Control+;
open new terminal focus (left) focus (down) focus (up) focus (right) move window (left) move window (down) move window (up) move window (right) snap (left) snap (down) snap (up) snap (right)

kill a window move a window to another workspace

Using workspaces
switch to another workspace

Changing container modes

Mod1+e Mod1+h Mod1+w Mod1+Shift+f Mod1+f Mod1+Shift+Space Mod1+<Mouse>
default stacking tabbed global fullscreen toggle fullscreen toggle oating drag oating

Restarting i3 inplace
restart i3 inplace

Exiting i3
exit i3

Opening other applications

open application launcher (dmenu)

Copyright c 2009, Michael Stapelberg All rights reserved. Designed by Zeus Panchenko

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies.

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