CPP Program To Implement Virtual Functions

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Aim: To write C++ program to define matrix and vector class, to use function with default argument and

to do matrix-vector multiplication using friend function. Program:

Code for Program that defines template of vector class that provides modify and multiplication facility in C++ Programming
#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> template <class T> class vector { T *arr; int size; public: vector() { arr=NULL; size=0; } vector(int m); vector(T *a,int n); void modify(T value,int index); void multiply(int scalarvalue); void display(); }; template <class T> vector<T> :: vector(int m) { size=m; arr = new T[size]; for(int i=0;i<size;i++) arr[i]=0; } template <class T> vector<T> :: vector(T *a,int n) { size=n; arr = new T[size]; for(int i=0;i<size;i++) arr[i]=a[i]; } template <class T> void vector<T> :: modify(T value,int index) { arr[index]=value; }

template <class T> void vector<T> :: multiply(int scalarvalue) { for(int i=0;i<size;i++) arr[i] = arr[i] * scalarvalue; } template <class T> void vector<T> :: display() { cout<<"("; for(int i=0;i<size;i++) { cout<<arr[i]; if(i!=size-1) cout<<", "; } cout<<")"; } void main() { clrscr(); //Creating Integer Vector.int iarr[]={1,2,3,4,5}; cout << "Integer Values \n"; for(int i=0; i < 5; i++) { cout << "Enter integer value " << i+1 << " : "; cin >> iarr[i]; } vector <int> v1(iarr,5); //Integer array with 5 elements. cout<<"\nInteger Vector : "; v1.display(); cout<<"\n\nModify index 3 with value 15\n"; v1.modify(15,3); //modifying index 3 with value 15. cout<<"After Modification : "; v1.display(); cout<<"\n\nMultiply with scalar value : 10\n"; v1.multiply(10); //Multiply with scalar value 10. cout<<"After Multiplying : "; v1.display(); cout<<"\n\n"; //Creating double Vector.double darr[]={1.1,2.2,3.3,4.4,5.5}; vector <double> v2(darr,5); //Double array with 5 elements. cout<<"\nDouble Vector : "; v2.display(); cout<<"\n\nModify index 0 with value 9.9 \n"; v2.modify(9.9,0); //modifying index 0 with value 9.9. cout<<"After Modification : "; v2.display(); cout<<"\n\nMultiply with scalar value : 10\n"; v2.multiply(10); //Multiply with scalar value 10. cout<<"After Multiplying : "; v2.display(); cout<<"\n\n";



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