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Instituto Politcnico CRISTO REY Jesuitas Centro Concertado

Avda. de Gijn, 17 Tf. 983 332 811 Fax 983 332 277 47009 VALLADOLID


MODAL(ES) Can, could

PRESENTE/FUTURO I can take you to the airport.

EJEMPLO DE PASADO John couldn't run in the marathon because he sprained bis ankle.

Be able to

Mary is usually able to answer your questions about registering for clases. We will be able to fix your car when the mechanic comes in. (futuro)

I was able to find a parking space.


Can Could (mas educado) May (I/we only) (ms educado)

Can I use your calculator? Could I use your phone?

Sin forma de pasado Sin forma de pasado

May I borrow your car? Sin forma de pasado


Will Can (informal) Could (ms educado) Would (ms educado) Might (forma), I/we only (ms educado)

Will you (please) turn down the radio? Can I get you a sandwich? Could you (please) move your car? Would you (please) feed the dog? Might I call you back?

Sin forma de pasado Sin forma de pasado Sin forma de pasado Sin forma de pasado Sin forma de pasado



Mary should eat more vegetables.

I should have called my friend last night, but I

Educacin Infantil Primaria y Secundaria Bachilleratos CC. FF. G Medio y G Superior PCPI Cursos F.O.D.

Instituto Politcnico CRISTO REY Jesuitas Centro Concertado

Avda. de Gijn, 17 Tf. 983 332 811 Fax 983 332 277 47009 VALLADOLID

didn't. Ought to I ought to go to bed earlier. Had better (Es ms fuerte) You had better clean I ought to have gone to bed earlier, but I didn't. (uncommon) Tom had better have done

your room before your father gets home, or you will be in big trouble.

his homework, or he's not going to the concert on Saturday. (uncommon)

Educacin Infantil Primaria y Secundaria Bachilleratos CC. FF. G Medio y G Superior PCPI Cursos F.O.D.

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