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Greetings citizens of the world, we are Anonymous. In response of the increasing censorship campaigne (?) given by Colombians Goberment, we have decided to iniciate #operationdefensa, in porpouse of fighting against bad information, besides censorship against our info channels in diferent social media. We consider information as a right we all must enjoy, and the denial of this right is repudiated by all Anonymous comunity. Anonymous consider censorship as a way to keep people in ignorance, and we will not tolerate no one to censor our media and try to silence our voice. Intelectual,speech and comunication freedom is the right we have for having and expresing their thougts, search and recibe information, and so as Anonymous. Comunication is in the basements of a free, active and viable society,for then we make use of the Universal Declaration of Human rights, specifically in the terms of:

Article 19
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers

Article 27
Everyone has the right to freely participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits. We feel very sorry about Presidents Santos fb being "penetrated". We feel very sorry about Uribes cry out for help in twitter and being unheard (?). We feel very sorry about Uribe's "penetration" was the joke of the month. We feel very sorry about you all have a taste of your own medicine. We feel very sorry that policemen can not hide behind their uniforms anymore. We feel very sorry about police assigning a special force to find us, and showing their complete lack of experience in the net finding anything. We feel really sorry about you acting in a kiddy way closing all our fan pages, groups and fb accounts. We feel very sorry that instead of this, it did not work for you. We really regret for you using the language of fear and call us terrorists. We feel really sorry for you being in panic about us. We feel really sorry for being more creative, active and skilled (?) than you are.

Human rights are not to be used as the toilet paper of a decadent and weak goverment. Knowledge is free We are Anonymous We are legion We dont forget We dont forgive Expect us

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