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The Non-Identical Twins : The Chloroplast and The Mitochondrion

[Scene1] Narrator: This is mother nucleus. She s pregnant with a pair non identical twins.

[Scene2] Narrator: Suddenly, a massive tremble shook the cell, mother nucleus was going to give birth! She screamed and shouted *screams*, the BUBUs rushed to her aid. BUBUS: Push, push! Mother Nucleus: *pushing* Narrator: And in a flash of the eye, two sausages-like organelles were borned. Chloroplast&Mitochondria: *Baby cries* Narrator: They were almost identical in shape, but their colours differ greatly. One was green, while the other was blue. Mother nucleus named the green one, Chlori, and named the grey one, Mito.

[Scene3] Narrator: They grew up together through thick and thin and went to school together. They enjoyed playing ball games with each other. Soon, they realized that their characters were completely different: Chlori was active, bubbly, green and bigger in size while Mito was dull, shy, boring and grey. [Structure] [Scene4] Narrator: As they entered into puberty, they fell in love with the most gorgeous ribosome, Lulu. They fought and in order to win her heart and competed to see who was the best organelle. [Scene5] Narrator: A 3 km duathalon race was held to decide who will win the heart of Lulu. By the time everything was prepared, it was dark. Mitochondria filled himself up with food before the race. All the food was converted to energy so he was leading during the race (process of oxidation). [Scene6] Narrator: By the time they were halfway through the race, the sun begin to rise. They reached the river where they had to swim for 300m. Chlori has great affinity with water and he began to speed up as he can convert light energy to chemical energy together with the help of carbon dioxide and water (insert process of conversion). He began to catch up with Mito.(run) [Scene7] Narrator: In the end, there was a draw as they passed the finishing line together.

[Scene8] Narrator: Both of them did not catch the attention of Lulu. As both of them did not catch the attention of the girl, they hated each other and went their separate ways. [Scene9] Narrator: farm. To find ways to impress Lulu, Mito opened a restaurant and Chlori started a

[Scene10] Narrator: When the BUBUs entered Mito restaurant [Exclusive Matrix Restaurant], they were spell bound by the interior design. The interior of the Mito restaurant looked liked a maze. [Scene11] Narrator: There were cooking demonstrations in front of every table. Enzyme chefs converts food to energy for the customers using the finest ingredients of oxygen and glucose. [Scene12] Narrator: Mito did not have a food supply so he ran out of food very quickly. Business became poor and he was forced to close to down. [Scene13] Narrator: Chlori grew glucose (insert process). BUBUs enter farm. (describe structure and process) CO2 supplier. But no one wanted to buy them so he could not make any profits. [Scene14] Narrator: One day, they met each other along the streets and they realized that they actually missed each other. They started to chat about their past. Mito decided to invite Chlori to his restaurant to have a meal. [Scene15] Narrator: They started talking about their own business. After hearing about Mito s problem, Chlori suggested supplying glucose to Mito so he can continue releasing energy. It was a good idea so Mito agreed. A deal was made. [Scene16] Narrator: Both brothers came to realize that instead of competing against each other, they had to work together to make their business successful.

How about I supply glucose to you and you can continue running your restaurant by releasing energy for your customers.

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