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History: Nagtatae siya, malambot ang dumi niya. Objective: >Vital Signs: -T: 35.5C -CR: 115 -RR: 32 Sunken eyeballs Dry lips Weak in appearance

Diarrhea related to presence of toxins as manifested by frequent elimination of mushy stools.

NOC- Bowel Elimination Goal: After 3 days of nursing intervention the patients parent/watcher will: Report reduction in stool frequency. Return to normal stool consistency.

NIC- Diarrhea Management Assess: -Observe and record stool frequency, characteristics, amount and precipitating factors. -Observe for excessively dry skin and mucous membranes, decreased skin turgor, slowed capillary refill. -Identify foods and fluids that precipitate diarrhea. Therapeutic: - Monitor intake and output. Note number, character and amount of stools; estimate insensible amount of fluid losses. - Encourage increase oral intake of fluids containing electrolytes. -

Evaluation Criteria
Reestablished and maintain normal pattern of behavior. Verbalized understanding of causative factors and rationale for treatment regimen. Demonstrate appropriate behavior to assist with resolution of causative factors (e.g., proper food preparation or avoidance of irritating foods).

- After 3 days of nursing intervention the goal was partially met. No signs of dehydration noted(avy paedit nito wla ko maisip na ngyari.hahaha..tnx )

Collaborative: - Monitor laboratory studies. - Administer medications as indicated.

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