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Cumulative summary of BMPs installed and load reductions achieved in the 35 targeted sub-watersheds

CUMULATIVE (FFY 04 February 28, 2011

Practice Terraces Water & Sediment Basins Grade Stabilization Structures Sediment Basin Livestock Exclusion Pasture & Hayland Seeding Grassed Waterways CRP buffer / filter strips Fence Heavy Use Protection Areas Pipeline Tanks Brush Management Nutrient Management

Units Installed 1,001,844 ft. 258 no. 97 no. 10 no. 8 ac. 1044 ac. 44.8 ac. 92.7 ac. 13,022 ft. 10 no. 3160 ft. 7 no. 280 ac. 159.7 ac.

Acres Benefited 9588 735 3143 2175 8 1044 626 110

Gross Erosion Reduction Tons/Yr. 13,174 1036 1836 723 84 4403 497 591

Sediment Delivery Reduction Tons/ yr. 16,782 1607 5168 5746 32 1565 510 192

Phosphorus Delivery Reduction Lbs./Yr. 77,772 7163 19,593 19,682 158 8271 2607 1079


17,429 ac.

22,344 t/y

31,602 t/y

136,325 lbs/y

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