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Small Group Communication

Why Should You Learn About Small Groups?


meet needs are everywhere

 Groups  To  To  To

learn a highly valued skill become an effective group member participate in the democratic process

What is Small-Group Communication? Small-

The interaction between three to nine people who are working together to achieve an interdependent goal

The Types and Functions of Small Groups

TaskTask-oriented groups
Secondary groups

completing tasks

Relationship-oriented groups Relationshipinclusion/affection

Primary groups


Assigned groups Emergent groups conditions

appointed hierarchy environmental

What is Leadership?

A process of using communication to influence the behaviors and attitudes of others to meet group goals

The Role of Leadership in Small Groups


of Small Group Leaders

Designated leaders - appointed Emergent leaders - environmental

The Role of Leadership in Small Groups

Power and Group Leadership

Distributive power - leader Integrative power interdependence Designated power - relational

Sources of Power
Reward Punishment withhold needs Coercion hostile tactics Referent - loyalty Expert power - knowledge

Theoretical Approaches to Group Leadership



Democratic leaders Laissez-faire leaders LaissezAutocratic leaders



Different contingencies (situations) require different leadership styles

Theoretical Approaches to Group Leadership


Competencies Approach

What do effective leaders do?


Distributed Leadership Approach

Each member is expected to help the group move forward

Establishing Culture in Small Groups

Group Norms
Informal rules for interaction

Role Structure
Formal (positional) and informal (behavioral) roles Behavioral functions
 Task functions  Maintenance functions  Self-centered functions Self-

Establishing Culture in Small Groups



Trust, supportiveness, cohesiveness Groupthink


and Cognitive Paradigms

Observable diversity (physical characteristics) Implicit diversity (worldview)

Problem Solving and Decision Making


of Group Problem

Multiple perspectives Takes longer Well suited for conjunctive tasks (all members have some info, no one has all) More effective when the process is systematic and organized

Problem Solving and Decision Making

 Effective Group Problem Solving Wording the discussion question
 Is it a question of fact, value, or policy?  Is it stated clearly?  Is it measurable?  Does it focus on the problem?

Discussing criteria for judging solutions

 Absolute criteria (must be met)  Important criteria (should be met)

Problem Solving and Decision Making

Identifying alternatives

Evaluating alternatives

The Functions of Groups in a New Era


decisions change conflict


 Negotiating  Fostering

creativity ties to stakeholders


Technology and Group Communication Processes


Decision Support System (GDSS)

Brainstorming Evaluation of alternatives Anonymous Efficient

How Should You Communicate in Small Groups?

 Relate  Use

your statements to preceding remarks conventional word arrangements concisely

 Speak  State

one point at a time

Being an Ethical Group Member

 Be  Be  Be

trustworthy and supportive honest and truthful

thorough and unbiased when evaluating information with integrity group conflict ethically

 Behave  Manage

 Questions?  Comments  Head

from TAs

to recitation.

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