Individual Communion Service Be An

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(No Model.) 2 Shoets—Sheet 1. I. K. BEAN. INDIVIDUAL COMMUNION SERVICE; No. 596,364. Patented Dec. 28, 1897. Witnesses: fh (No Model.) 2 Sheets—Sheet 2, I. K, BEAN, INDIVIDUAL COMMUNION SERVICE. No, 696,354. Patented Dec, 28, 1897. UNITED STATES ISAIAH K. BEAN, INDIVIDUAL COM PaTENT OFFICE. OF PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA. MUNION-SERVICE. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No, 596,854, dated December 28, 1897. Applestion Sled Mey 21,1807, Seal No 087,888, (No model) To all, whom it may concern: ‘Be it known that I, Isaran I. Bran, a citi- zen of the United States, residing in Philadel- phia, Pennsylvania, have invented a certain Improved Individual Communion-Serviee, of ‘which tho following is a specification. My invention consistsof an individual com- munion-service designed to be carried in the hand and in whieh the tumblers are so ar- vanged as to be readily removed or replaced. My invention is clearly shown in the ac- companying drawings, in which— Figure 1 is a view, partly in section and partly in elevation, of a communion-service made in accordance with my invention. Fig. 2 is a cross-section of the céntral standard on 5 theline 22, Fig. 1; and Figs. 3and4are plan viewsof the detachable tumbier-holder, show- ing the contral standard and the central tube of the tumbler-holder in seetion. lakingof communionszing, As such glasses are of necessity small in’size, some means must be employed for carrying a number of, ‘them simultaneously,and portable trays have deen used for this purpose, but they are cum- ersomeand quite expensiv the objections made to the: e a form of tumbler-holder hereinafter de- seribed, and illustrated in the accompanying drawings. A central standard A projects upwardly froma base B and is provided with an annular shoulder a, A series of detachable and rev- oluble tumbler-holders D are placed upon this standard and are upheld by the annular shoulder a, the lowermost holder being pro- vided with a eontral tube d, resting upon said shoulder, and each of the other tumbler- holders having a like central tube which rests upon that of the holder beneath it. ‘The portion of the central standard be- tween the annular shoulder a and the base B adapted to be grasped by the hand when it is desired to carry the communion-service from place to place, ich tumbler-holder has a series of open- ings d’, in which the tumblers d? may be placed,’ as many of these openings being formed in each holderas may be desired. In ‘the service shown in the accompanying draw- 25 30 38 © ings two sizes of tumbler-holders are shown, Fig. 3 showing one which has twelve open” ings and is infended to be the top holder of the series, mounted on the central standard, while each of the other holders has apertures, for eightoen tumblers. Each holderhas a waved or scalloped edge, ions d, by means of which nndled when removed from itmay be readily} the central standard. ‘The standard A and bi and inside the lower portion of the standard are arranged the wires }, forming the hooks B, upon which the empty tumbler-holdors may be hung after the glasses in the same © B are hollow, have been distributed. ‘The upper ends of the wires b are bent outward, s0 as to engage the inner walls of the stem A and be upheld therein by frictional contaet. ‘To prevent the withdrawal of the hooks from the stem, a shonlder or contracted neck 6 is formed on the inside of the standard. ‘The hooks may, ltowever, be drawn down below the base, 80 as to expose the same for the purpose of hang- ing the holders upon them. ‘Tn using the service the standard A isheld in one hand and the tumblers of the upper holder are first distributed, whereupon said holder is removed, hung upon one of the hooksb',and the tumblers of the second holder distributed, and so on, each holder being free to turn, so thatall of its tumblersare readily accessible, As the empty tumblers are col- lected the holders are restored one by one to ‘their position on the standard. Having thus described my invention, 1 claim and desire to secure by Letters Pat- ent: 1. The combination of the central standard having a lower portion adapted to be grasped. by the hand, and above the same a sories of revoluble tumbler-holders, which are freely removable in succession upwardly from the standard, each tumbler-holder being provided with a ¢ollar or sleeve fitting the central standard and adapted to space and support the successive holders placed thereon, sub- stantially as specified. 2. The combination of the central standard having an annular shoulder on the same and above the same a series of revoluble tumbler- holders freely removable upwardly from the 55 60 65 7° 75 80 9° 98

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