Associated Technologies: Background Talent

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Associated Technologies In the Courses and Programs in the School of Communications June 2011 SectionI: Background Talent The

Howard University School of Communications has more than 1,400 students, 60 faculty members and 5,000 alumni from the four departments: Radio, Television and Film; Journalism; Communication and Culture; and Communication Sciences and Disorders. With the assistance of the Student Council and student body, the faculty and staff work to keep students informed and engaged in a wide array of activities within and outside of the classroom. We use an entrepreneurial and experiential approach to learning, exposing students to professionals and scholars during their time at Howard. Facilities The School has one full-time manager of multimedia and four other full-time staff dedicated to supporting equipment and technology for student and faculty use. The School has more than 10 dedicated computer and editing labs for teaching and learning. Two television/film production studios and several audio production studios afford students opportunities to gain hands-on experience with media technology. Collaboration Howard University owns and operates two professional media entities: WHUR and WHUT. WHUR is a commercial FM radio station that has been ranked as the number 1 station in the Washington DC metropolitan area more than 50 times in recent years. WHUR also operates an HD radio component WHUR-World and now holds the licenses for two XM Sirius channels (141 and 142) that will feature Howard University productions on one and other HBCUs on the other channel, beginning in the fall of 2011. WHUT is a PBS affiliate. Students work closely with the professionals at both entities to produce content, sell advertising, solicit sponsorships and operate equipment through internships and other experiences. The School of Communications also works closely with such organizations as Bloomberg, Reuters, NBC-4, NPR, the Washington Post, New York Times, Cox, Time Warner, IPG, CMG and Edelman to give students opportunities for experiential learning. More than 100 media and communications companies come to the Schools Annual Communications Career Fair to recruit Howard University students and other students from HBCUs and majority-serving schools from around the country. Howard University

has been a leader with the Black College Communication Association, assisting them with starting and maintaining their news service and podcasts. Additionally, School of Communications faculty members are active and serve in leadership roles in professional and academic organizations, including the following organizations: National Association of Black Journalists, National Communications Association, the Broadcast Education Association, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, American Advertising Federation, the Public Relations Society of America and American Speech Language and Hearing Association. Evolution of Technology To earn the title, best in class, the new Howard University School of Communications will undergo a state of the art transformation. The infrastructure of the building will consist of new and predictive technologies ensuring the students will have the best tools at their disposal. Everything from upgrades in media and audio-visual equipment to cloud based information technology will be incorporated using a plug-and-play feature allowing for years of technological adaptation. In addition, interactive hands-on laboratory experience coupled with web-based class participation will grant students the expertise needed to propel them into the real world of digital and social media. SectionII: 1)CommunicationSciences&Disorders(CSD)GraduateProgram Current(Dominant)Technology Computers Laptops Smartboard(1) LCDProjectors

ProposedTechnology Smartboards(3) Thesmartboardsoftodayarelessinteractivethantheywillbeinthefuture. Theboardwillmostlikelyneedtobealargetouchdisplaythatcansync withstudentslaptops/tablets,canhandlecloudcomputing(classdocuments, testandnoteinformation)andpresenttheclassroominapotentiallyweb basedenvironment.

LabsUsed Room258


Program Current(Dominant)Technology LCDProjectors Laptops Videocameras Stillcameras PortableTelevision/DVD/VHSmonitors

ProposedTechnology iPads(orequivalenttabletdevice)Thisisaparticularlygreatassetwhenit comestoeTextbooksandthestudentsinteraction/connectionwithdigital andsocialmedia. Kindles(mostlikelywillnotsupportenoughmaterialforeTextbooksand willprobablybeanarchaictool57yearsinthefuture) Desktoppodiumswithbuiltinmicrophone(andbuiltinvideocamerasto displayinwebbasedclasssetting) Lavaliermicrophones(Inthefuture,thesearelikelytobemuchsmallerand betterqualityfortheclassroomsetting) Jumpdrives(orequivalentstoragedevice) Overheadtransparencyprojector Laptops

LabsUsed Nolabsused

Radio,Television&Film(Audio/Radio,BroadcastTelevision,Film, TelecommunicationsManagement)UndergraduatePrograms andMFAinFilm(MFAF)GraduateProgram Current(Dominant)Technology Videocamerasandaccessories Filmcamerasandaccessories Stillcameras Lighting(studio&location) LCDprojectors Televisionmonitors

DVDplayers Screens Laptops Desktopcomputers Microphones Cables Portableaudiorecorders CDrecorderplayers Multipleformatdigitalaudiorecorders/players Analogtapemachines Audiosoundbooth Multipledigitaleditingworkstations Multiplevideo/digital/audioworkstations Studiotelevisioncamerasandaccessories Multipleproduction&broadcastaudiosoundboards Tripods Asfarasthemediaandaudiovisualequipment,duringthetimeof implementation,theywillneedtobefullyHDandbothbackwardsandplug andplaycapabilities.Thatistosaytheequipmentshouldbeadaptiveforold andnewtechnologiesalike. LabsUsed Room223 Room319 ScreeningRoomWest ScreeningRoomEast MediaProductionCenter(Room101) Room104 RTCRTR123 StudioA(WHUT) Note:Thissummer,theScriptwritinglabwasrelocatedfromG45dueto facilityissues.Itwillberelocatedbeforethefall2011semester.

3)Journalism(Advertising,PublicRelations,Broadcasting,Print/Online) Current(Dominant)Technology Laptops Desktopcomputers LCDprojectors PortableTelevision/DVD/VHSmonitors Stillcameras HD/HDVcamerasandaccessories

Portableaudiorecorders Microphones Cables Externalharddrives DigitalSLRcamerasandaccessories Portablepocketvideocamerasandaccessories Tripods Lighting

ProposedTechnology Laptops DigitalSLRcameras Newer,updatedhidefHD/HDVcameras(mustbethetopequipmentatthe timeofimplementationtocreatelargesttimeframeofcapacity) Portableaudiorecorders Desktopcomputers

LabsUsed Room254 Room219/221 NewsRoom(Room244) MediaLab(Room229) CapCommLab(Room227) NewsVision(C218/222)

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