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POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor Semester Spring Programme: BE Course: Telecommunication Year : 2006 Full Marks: 100 Time

e : 3hrs.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Attempt all the questions. 1.

Explain PSTN hierarchical network with neat diagram.

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 4 8 7 5

b) Explain in brief about the transmission impairments observed in a communication system. c) What is Frequency Division Multiplexing? Explain how it is different from Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA). 2. a) Draw transmission format of E1. b) Define and elaborate SDH. c) Explain frequency diversity technique. 3. a) Differentiate among message, packet and circuit switching. b) Explain the advantages of multistage switching than single or two stage switching. c) Why synchronization is important in a communication system? 4. a) What is multipath propagation? How diversity techniques mitigate the effects of multipath propagation? b) Derive lost call cleared (LCC) model. 5.

Over a 40 minutes observation interval, 80 subscribers initiate calls. The total duration of the calls is 5400 secs. Calculate the load offered to the network by the subscribers and the average subscriber traffic. What do you understand by Next Generation Network (NGN)? Describe the benefits of NGN.

b) Define ISDN and BISDN. Explain ISDN protocol architecture.

10 7 8



b) Classify signalling system and differentiate between In Channel and Common Channel signaling.

7. Write short notes on (Any Two): a) Multi-protocol Label Switching OSI model b) GOS



d) QOS

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