Bible Interlinear Greek English

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Wlth Lexlcon and Synonyms


A Critical Lexicon and Concordance to the EnglishCreek New Testament (Bullinger) A Dictionary of New Testament Creek Synonyms (Berry) A Grammar of Septuagint Creek (Conybeareand Stock) A Creek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature (Bauer, Arndt, Cingrich, and Danker) A Creek Grammar of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature ( B l w and Debrunner, Funk) A Linguistic Key to the Creek New Testament (Rienecker, Rogers) A Reader's Creek-English Lexlcon of the New Testament (Kubo) A Shorter Lexicon of the Creek New Testament (Cingrich) An Index to Bauer, Arndt, Cingrich Creek Lexicon (Alsop) Do It Yourself Hebrew and Creek (Coodrick) Creek-English Lexicon to the New Testament (Creenfield, Green) Creek-English Lexicon of the New Testament (Thayer) New Testament Creek Primer (Marshall) The Analytical Creek Lexicon Revised (Moulton) The Englishman's Creek Concordance of the New Testament (Wigram) The Englishman's Creek New Testament (Newberry) The Creek New Testament Slidaverb ConjugationChart (Peterson) The Interlinear Creek-English New Testament (Berry) The lnterlinear Creek-English New Testament (Marshall) The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology (Brown) The NIV Interlinear Creek-English New Testament (Marshall) The RSV Interlinear Creek-English New Testament (Marshall) The Zondervan Parallel New Testament in Creek and English (Marshall)



With Lexicon and Synonyms



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Regency Reference Library is an imprint of Zondewan

Publishing House. 1415 Lake Drive, S.E., Grand Rapids, M i c h i i 49506

ISBN 0.310-21 1704

Printed in the United States o America f

Tlie Value of HEBREW and GREEK

to CIergymen

I . Without some knowledge of Hebrew and Greek, you cannot bnderstand the critical commentaries on the Scriptures, and a commentary that is not critical is of doubtful value. 2. Without some knowledge of Hebrew and Greek, you cannot satisfy yourself or those who look to you for help as to the changes which you will find in the Revised Old and New Testaments. 3. Without some knowledge of Hebrew and Greek, you cannot ap3reciate the critical discussions, now so frequent, relating to the books of the Old and New Testaments. 4.. Without some knowledge of Hebrew and Greek, you cannot be certain, in a single instance, that in your sermon based on a Scripture text, you are presenting the correct teaching of that text. 5. Without some knowledge of Hebrew and Greek, you cannot be an independent student, or a reliable interpreter of the word of God. 6 . As much knowledge of Hebrew can be secured, with the same method, under the same circumstances, by the same pupil, in one year, with the aid of the Interlinear Old Testament, as can be gained of Latin in three years. Greek, though somewhat more difficult, may be readily acquired within a brief period with the aid of the Interlinear New Testament (which contains a lexicon) and an elementary Greek grammar. 7. The Hebrew language has, in all, about 7,000 words, and of these 1,000 occur in the Old Testament over 25 times each. 8. The Hebrew grammar has but one form for the Relative pronoun in all cases, numbers and genders; but three forms for the Demonstrative pronoun. The possible verbal forms are about 300 as compared with the It has practically no declension. 1,200 found in Greek. Within ten years the average man wastes more time in fruitless g. reading and indifferent talk, than would be used in acquiring a good working knowledge of Hebrew and Greek that in turn would impart to his teaching that quality of independence and of reliability which so greatly enhances one's power as a teacher. 10. There is not one minister in ten who might not if he but would, find time and opportunity for such study of Hebrew and Greek as would enable him to make a thoroughly practical use of it in his work as a Bible-preacher and Bible-teacher.

T H ~ are many ways scarcely needing mention in which the Interlineat E New Testament may prove its value, not the least of which is the facility with which it enables one, even if rusty in his Greek, to put his finger on the oris. inal Greek word or phrase, and at the same instant upon a literal rendering. To many it will repay its cost in the time saved from turning to a Greek diutionary. Of course it becomes a necessary adjunct to every complete working librarv. he ever-growing interest in New Testament study makes it desirable that the general reader, who would be well informed on current topics, should have some acquaintance with the relation of the standard English version to the original text, while a still more intimate knowledge on the part of the clergyman and the Bible Class teacher would seem almost imperative. Toward this end no aid is likely to be more helpful than the Interlinear New Testament. This work is intended therefore to help the English reader of the New Testament, who may desire to refer to the actual words used in the Greek text. It has not been framed to teach people Greek, though it may be used to good advantage for that purpose. The Intellinear Translation brings to view certain poinb of interest that no other translation has ever pretended to give. Take for instance the word ' master.' This word 'master ' is used in the Authorized Version to translate e h different Greek words, all bearing different shades of meaning. The word 'judgment ' in the Authorized Version stands for eight different Greek words in the original ; and so of many others. Of particles, ' but ' represents twelve different words ; 'by,' &en ; 'for,' eighteen; ' in,' fineen; ' of, ' thirteen ;and ' on,' nine. We do not intend to imply that a given Greek word can be, or that it i s deairable that it should be, translated in all places by the same English word. On the other hand, one should be able to ascertain, on occasion, just what the facts are ; and it is an interesting feature of the Interlinear New Testament that in the margin appears the English word of the Authorized Version ; in the text appears the Greek original of that particular word ; and immediately under it, the English word that is i u nearest literal equivalent. We give the Greek Text, with an interlinear translation as literal aa may be to be useful ; and in the margin the Authorized Version, divided into paragraphs to correspond to the Greek text. This work also gives in ita notes not only the various reading0 of six different

editors of the Greek Testament, but also these variations <n English whenever the sense is affected thereby, but without attempting to present in every case all the minute shades of meaning which a Greek scholar will attach to them. Many of these variations may be thought to be of no great import;~riee, de-wnding even to the different spelling of the same word ; but from this they rise to variations of the greatest importance. All are of interest, because they concern the word of God, and are here made available to the English reader, to whom we furnish in this volume a l he may require both as to the'tezt of the New l Testament, and for its word-for-word tru1islution.

THE GREEK TEXT. The Greek Text is that of Stepbeus, 1550, which has long been in common use ;but ss the edition of Elzevir, 1624, is the one often called the Received Text, or Textus Receptus, because of the words, " Textum . ab omnibus recep tum," occurring in the preface, we give the readings of this Elzevir edition in the notes, and mark them E. I t is the text corumonly reprinted on the Continent. I n the main they are one and the same ; and either of them Inay be referred to as the Textus Receptua There are a number of m i n d variation8 between the editors which we do not attempt to preseot. I n all these cases we have followed the majority of modern editora With them we have also added the final v to the third person singular &c. Ebr 06ro we and plural in UL ; third singular in t ; in datives plural in UL, have given o6roc, and abroir where some have airroir. A to the form of the Greek text a few words are needed. s 1. PARAGRAPHS.--We were disappointed in finding nothing like azcthority for where a paragraph ought to be. Ancient manuscripts were no help : they . have few or no ~ a r a ~ r a p h sThe editors all differed, each making paragraphs according to his own judgment. W e were therefore obliged, after referring to the best examples, to form paragraphs for ourselves. W e are anxiouc that our readers should remember that the paragraphs have no authority, which they might have had if the ancient manuscripts had agreed in the placing of them. 2. PARENTHESES.-Most of the editors have placed here and there parentheses in their Greek texts. These we have disregarded, seeing that there are no such things in the early Greek copies. W e have placed them in the English where we deemed them necessary to preserve the sense, but not being in the Greek they also have no authority. 3. INVERTED COMMAS.---Someeditors mark with inverted commas the WO& that are spoken, and others in a similar way mark the quotations from the Old Testament. But in some places it is doubtful where these quotations close, and it was thought best to omit them. These also, beiig absent from the ancient Qreek copies, have no authority. 4. Po~m.-There is no authority anywhere for the punctuation. There are few\r no points in the ancient copies, and editors naturally differ in their system of point& We bave been obliged to puncbuate for ouraelvea as we judged

.. .


best. W e have not attempted to note the differenoe in the p u n c ~ t i o n the of various editors, except in places where it materially alters the sense. 5. CAPITALS.-T~~ remark neededhere L in reference to the names of God, only of Christ, and of the Holy Spirit. The greatest difficulty is touching the word 'Spirik' I n some places it i~ very difficult to say whether the Holy Spirit as a person or the spirit of the Christian is referred to (see Rom. viii. 9 ) ; and if sometimes a small letter and sometimes a capital had been placed to.the word X V E ~ J in, the Greek, persons would naturally have concluded that the question ~ was thus indisputably settled. I t was therefore judged best to put a small r everywhere. I n the English we have been obliged to put a capital S when the Holy Spirit wits referred to and so have retained it wherever we thought this was the case ; but in some places it L really doubtful, and becomes a questior~for the spiritual judgment of the reader. The Greek will not help in the difficulty, bemuse in the earliest copies every letter was a capital. I n the other names we have followed the usage of modern editors ; putting in the Greek a capital to Jesus but a small letter for Christ, and a small letter for Lord and for God. 6. VERSES.-I~ a few places it is doubtful where the verses should commence. I n these cases we have followed B ~ d e r ' s" Greek Concordance," though that work does not in all cases agree with itself.
l. The plan The Greek words have always been kept in their right order, md where the interlinear English would not make sense in the same order, the words have been numbered to show how they must be read. Thus, "And Trelated8to %em 2also 'those t h o 'had *seen C6it]" (Luke viii. 36) are numbered eo ur to mad "And those also who had seen [it] related to them. " T prevent this numbering, and transposition in reading, being increased o unnems.arily, a few words are often made into a phrase. This hits been done at the commencement of each sentence, where needed, two or mora words being joined with a low hyphea Thus, ins& of
'Xy6vero Bt W e 4to


we have printed

The words in brackets [ 1 are what have been added in the English to complete the sense where there is no word in the Greek to correspond to the words added. Where a Greek word occura which the English idiom requires s h o ~ ~not be ld translated, the word stands alone with no English word under it : as art, ' that,' in Mark xii. 7 ; and 06 in verse 14, where there afe two negatives, which, if' both were translated, would in English destroy one another ; and so of ~ 6 where it , simply marks the sentence as a question. I n a few places we have been obliged to put a double translation, mostly be. ow of the double negatives used in the Greek, where they do not immediately a follow one another, and so could not be translated by such stxengthened exprea-


aiom aa 'not a t all,' ' in no wise,'
anything. (M, nothing.)

translation below the one required in English.

In such oasea we have plaaed a l k a Thae-

2 Points of grammar. The Aorist. This tense of the Greek verb has been a t all times the most difficult to deal with, being translated, in the Authorized version (and by others), sometimes by the present, sometimes by thepast, sometimes by the future, and sometimes by the perfect. Grammarians say that, in the main, it is the indefinite past, and we have endeavored, as far as may be, t keep it to this, avoiding, except in a few places, the translation of it as a pero fect. We all know what stress is often laid-and rightly so--upon the word 'have.' ' I f I say, ' he has cleansed me,' it is more than saying ' he cleansed me.' The former expression indicates the perfect, and implies a continuance of the act, or its effects, to the present time ; wherem the latter speaks of an act a t some time in the p u t , without anything being implied as to its continuance. ITor this reason it appeared unadvisable to translate the aorist a$ the perfect, except in a few places where the true Rense would otherwise have been destroyed. It is true that the English idiom requires it elsewhere, but it waa thought best to preserve the above distinction. An extreme case will illustrate this point. I n 1 Corinthians v. 9 occurs the word Eypaqa, ' I wrote ; ' and in verse 11 the same word precisely-' I wrote ;' but the Authorized Version (and others) put for the latter 'I have written.' I t is there accompanied with the word 'now '-' now I have written.' This is needed for good English ; we have put ' I wrote' in both places, but have placed a comma after the word 'now' to make it read more smoothly. W e preserve this uniformity for the make of literalness, always remembering the fact of the Authorieed Vemion being in proximity, which will make all plain in such instances. In a few places we have translated the aorist as apresent where the sense demanded it. As, for instance, tyvo, in 2 Timothy ii. 19 : " The Lord know8 those that are his," instead of "the Lord knew," &c. The Imperfect. This is mostly translated as ' I was writing,' or ' I wrote.' But there are a few plaaes where this tense is said to have a different meaning, This will be best illustrated by the much-disputed passage in Romans ix. 3 : "For I could &h that myself were aacursed from Christ for my brethren." Here the word for ' I could wish' is in the imperfect. I f the learned were agreed as to a translation we should have kept to the same, but while some translate ' I could wish,' aa a conditional present, others give ' I could have wished' aa a conditional past. We have thought it best to keep the sense of &he simple imperfect as referred by Winer to this passage. "I f d t a wish, and should do so still, could it be gratified (a conditional clause being understood)." W e have put " I was wishing." Thc Perfect. This we have kept as uniform as we could, implying an aat perfeoted, but continuing to the present in itself or its consequences, I n a few

. ...

places we have translated it as a p e n t : as in Matthew di. 47, in the eense of 'they have stood and still are standing.' The Subj.ju7lctive. I n this mood perhaps we have deviated further from ordinary practice than in any other, but we have endeavored, as far as practicable, to keep it distinct from both the English imperative and the Greek future, Thus in Romans xiii. 9 for 06 QovcCaccy (future indicative) we have, ' thou shalt not commit murder ;' but in James YL 11, for p+ QovcCagr (aorist subjunctive) ' thou mayest not commit murder.' THE PRONOUNS. times it is important to know whether the pronouns At are emphatic or not. i y B yp68o and y p 6 ~ o both ' I write ; ' but where the are ty6 is put in the Greek, it makes the pronoun emphatic. This however is somewhat due to the writer's style, and in John's Gospel and Epistles, it has been judged that, from his peculiar style of composition, he puts in the pronouns where emphasis is not always intended. John ix. 27 gives a good example of the same verb with and without the pronoun in the Greek : " Why again do ye wish to hear? do ye also wish to become his disciplex? " COMPOUND WORDS. I t was found impracticable to translate these uniformly throughout. For instance, if yv6arc be translated 'knowledge,' i t might be thought that Briyvoa~rshould be 'full knowledge,' &c. : but on referring to a Concordance it will be seen that the latter word cannot be intensified in all places, and then to translate it by 'knowledge' in some places, and 'full knowledge' in others looks too much like interpretation. W e have therefore translated both words by 'knowledge.' I n the few places however where one of each of such words occurs in the same sentence, some distinction was impere tive.

The references to the notes are marked thus in the text 'aGro5" : the mark'' showing how far the variation extends. I n a few places a note occurs within a note. I f words are to be omitted or transposed by some editors but not by others, these latter may want to alter a word in the sentence. I n such cases on4 tick shows the termination of the inner note. Thus'. ' ' if See notes 'and " Matthew v. 44. This mark -stands for omit; and for add; but in some places all the editors do not actually omit, some putting the word in brackets as doubtf,ct. I n that case it is put thus, "--aCroe [L] TTr " ; which means that Lachmann marks the word as doubtful, and Tischendorf and Tregelles omit it. I n some cases, all mark a word as doubtful, and then it could be put either thus, dC [LTTr], or [b2] LTTr ; we have adopted the latter plan. I n some places the editors mark part of a word as doubtful, mostly in compound words. See for IV instance [ ~ K ] ~ L ~ & V O read by TrA in Luke xi. 49. I t will be seen by this that the marks [ l applied to the Greek or the editor8 in the notes always refer to readings which the editors point out as doubtful. They must not be confounded with the same marks in the English text and notes, which always point out that there is no corresponding word in the Greek

. . . .. . . . . .

I n some places where a word i added by the editors, another English word Is s added in the note to show the connection of the new word. Thus in Lukexv. 2, the word 'both' is added ; but it falls between the words 'the' and 'Pharisees,' therefore it is put thus in the note T E both (the) 1~'l"l'rA" to show that it must be read ' both the Pharisees.' Slight variations in the use of the parenthesis occur in the course of the work, but we trust the meaning intended will in all cases be plain to the student. Where long pieces are to be omitted they are marked in the text where they commence and where they end, but in the notes the first word or two only and between. Thus in Luke i . 55, note 'stands, ' x the last are named with cat ~ i r e(verse 55) ~ . . uijbu (verse 56) LTTrA ;-i, y a p . . aiwat Q. The four editors omit the whole twenty words; but G on~itsonly the last twelve. l n Luke xxiv. 10, note 'is thus, ' 4 the C . .l,implying that some word must be added. We have endeavored to make the notes as plain as possible for the English reader. One point still needs to be explained. For instance, in Luke vii. occur the words "and =answering 'Jesus said ;" but a note oniits the word 'Jesus.,' and the11 it must be read (as stated it1 the note) "and answering he &aid." This is because the word eirev (as already explained) stands for both 'he said,' and 'said.' Also in verse 27 occur the words hyi, droarfA;lo, 'I send,' is but a note omits the word b b , ' I,' and then ~ U - ~ M O to be read ' I send,' but without emphasis on the ' L'


... . .


1. MONEY. It was deemed better not to attempt to transhte the sums of money named in the New Testament, as we have no corresponding pieces to those then in use. W e have therefore used the Greek words untranslated, and give a list of them here. I t is not without interest and instruction to know the approximate value of money and the extent of the measures used. For instance, in Revelation vi. 6 we read of " a measure of wheat for a penny" in the Authorized Version ; but this leaves the reader in doubt as to how far i t speaks of scarcity and dearness. W e want a t least to know the value of the 'penny,' and the capacity of the 'measure.' The following lists, it is hoped, will be useful ; but approximate values onbr can now be arrived at.




Zm v r d
KoJQCI~~X ioa&pror



mite farthing farthing Penny piece of silver tribute money

lepton kodrantes assarion denarius drachma didrachma

0.00375 0.015 0.16 0.16






piece of money stster 00.64 mina 15.75 pound talent 943.66 ririlovrov talent piece of silver. This is the common word for silver and i~y6pcw money, as Pargent in French. I n different p l m it would represent wholly different coins.
W n .
R *

0 1 i;ot (liquid measure) vessels* measure (dry " ) ohcenix 0 2 2 0 bushel (dry " ) corn measure* u6rov measure (dry " ) seah a l 7 4 Bhroc measure (liquid " ) bath 8 4 P~~ firkin (liquid " ) metretea 64 1 ~~POC measure (dry " ) w r It is judged that those marked * are referred to es measures independent of their capacity : such as "washing of vessels," &a 3. LONG MEASWIE Here the names already in use were near enough to be retained.
tian~ xoivcf P&*

mMm u f b

fathom furlong mile ~aabbath day'e journey ~


oubit fathom furlong mile 6 farlongs

1 6


0 9





Wlth W o n and Synonyms


E &cvtt,

1624. G Griabach, 1805.

L Lachmann, 1842-1850. T Tischenrdorf, Eighth Edition, 1866-1872

Tr Tregdlea, 1857-1872.

A Alford, vol. i. 1868 ; vol. ii 1871 ;vol. iii 1865 ;VOL iv. 1862,1870 W Wordsworth, 1870.
$ signifies an a d d i t b . ,, an o m S o n . [ ] , in the interlinear translation, that there is no Greek tooTd , sponding hthe English. C ] signides in the notes that an editor marks the reading as doubt@d ,, how far the variation in the Greek text extends. T L h refers to 60th Stephens 1550 end P & :








B~B~~OI: yeviaewc

of [the] generation of Jesus

'Itlaoi Xptaroir, vioC b ~ a p i 8 , uvlo5

Christ, 80n

of Savid,

of Abrnhnm. Abrnhnm Jncob; begnt begnt begnt Isano ; and Isaae Judas Phnrcs and and begat

Son the son of DtLsId,thi #on of Abraham.


2 'Appadp i y ~ v v q a e v ' I a a & r '~aacir.82 iyfvvqaev rbv riv

'Tah-hr3. 'Iarip.6i lyQvvt)arv TAY 'IeZj6av rai ro6g ci6~X$o6~
and Jncob and J u d u 'brethren Zara

'his ;

3 'IohGas-Gi iyivvqaev rdv cPnpzc rai rbv Zapci i r
and Phares
~ Y ~ V V ~ UTAYV E begat

of begat J u d . .and his ~

'g","t":icttq?J"a,","b ,$

2 dbraham


ri]~ 8ap&p.
Thnmar ;

brethren ; 3 and 'Ebp&pw ' E ~ ~ i p . 6 1 Phares andJndns egat Zarn Pmom ;

and Eqrom of Thnmar ; and PhnU re8 begnt Esrom ; nnd T ~ c ' A p i ~ ~ 6 t i @ srom begat Arnm; V Ea bcgat Amm; and Aram begat Aminadab ; 4 and d r a m bcgnt Aminrrdab ; nnd dmic'Ap~vabdp1[.8k iyiwqoev r i v Noaou&v Naaaa&v.di i y i v v c ,dab be,,t and Aminndnb bcgat Nnasson ; and Naasson and Nnnsson b q a t

; Y ~ v : ~ ~ ~ u s'Aphp'.' 4 'Apdp.8 iyivvqacv T ~ V v

orv rbv Xuhp&v. 5 EaApiv.82 i y i v v v u ~ vrbv dBoiCU

*r.t Rachab ; Salmon ; nnd Born and S~rlmon begnt begnt ohd

'Pnxhfl' d l %<".62 dy6vvqmv r6v e'h2/37j6I1 r ~; l


~ ~

and Cooz b c ~ a t h r d ~ e'~pljs11 Ruth ; nud Obed of

2 rijc

s0bcd h be& b q n t Ijarirl rind ~ ; 6 the Jesss Jesse king nnd D.lrid the 'and begnt Jesse ; and Jmse begat D~~~~ king1 be a t had been of her rfat Solomon i rCv ,3uaiXha. bAapi611.6i '6 @aatX6g"iy6uvqa~v d v gZoXo- the wife of u r ~ a s . solw 7 and Solomon bepal tllc king. And David the king begat Roborrm and Roboum tl6V~Cf'~ T ~ S r0i 0 6 iov' 7 ZoXoP&v.G1 dyiv- begat nnd Abia be- begat Asa. 8 nnd bsn of the 'one who had been wife] of &ins ; m d Solomon mon begnt ~ o s k p h a t .nnd UqUEV T ~ 'P6p06pa 'PopodtL-8k ~ ~ ~ V V ~ U 'APt6' 'Apt& Josaphat beg!&; JoV ~ bE V v gst Roboam ; rmd Roboom begat Abia ; 'AbiR ram. and J o r ~ ~ m beent 0cia; 9 nun Ozinr 6; iy6wqaev ?AV h ' A ~ 6 8 h'A6d11.8ib y ~ ~ V t TAY ~ IV u Q @ ~ ~ ' ~ o a t h n m and U ] ~ ' w begat' ; 'and begat Asa ; and bsa bcgat dosaphat; Joathnm beqnt Achax and Achnz be'iwaa$2c7.6$ iyivv?pv 'Iwp6p' ' I w ~ 8; iyivvqaev rbv & ~ h e k i s s . 10 and and Josaphnt begat Joram ; and Joram begat E i k i n s be ak hlnuas-

82 dyivvr]aev TAU ' l ~ a a a i .6 'leuaai.8i dyivvqiyev rbv bAapi611

Ozias ; begat

9 J ' ~ q o ~ f l - i8y2 v v q u ~ yrbv ' ~ w d ~ a p'IwdOop.8i i *

and Ozias Aeham ; begat and Achaa Joatham ; begat Emkias; and Manassea Josias ; Ibrothrcn

and Joathnm begat Josiaa ; 11 and the time thoy morq bylon c"rried: 12 and after '*


i y i v v q a ~ v rbv "AXat' XAXa<.6i dydv~.qu~v k'E<~riav."andhisbrethren,nbout rbv JeC'lOnlnS


10 !'E<errizc1'.61Eyivuqa~v rdv &Iauauuij' Mavanaij~.6i +vand Ezckins gat and Josim begat Amon ; begat Manaeses ;


vqaev rbv m'Aphvii' m'A,u&v11.8i

and Amon

i y ~ v v q u ~ v n'lwuiav~ll rbv
begat and

11 O'Iwaias".82 lyivvqaev rbu 'Iexoviav rai r o i s ( i 5 r X ~ 0 6 ~


~ 6 ~ 0iri, 0

r i j ~ ~ r o i r ~ u iBaPvXGvoc. p a~
of Enbylon.

12 ~ ~ r d . 6 2
And nfter

a t [the time] of the carrying away

Gay.) ~ a Mao@.A ; rcarh MaOB. T ~ h . EGnyyhArov ~ a r MaOOaiov ( M a d . GW) CILTrW i E b $ LTr; Bot?s TA. . 0 'Iwfitb L'IT.AL C ' A ~ ~ r v A. L ~ d b A a v 3 G W ; Aave'r8 LTTrA. 6 jSautAs6s LTTrA. B PohoEr&va CITTrAW. h 'AV&$ LTTrA. '056lav L W r 4 :0<cias LTTrA. k 'E<r~aicrv L. 1 'E<rxeias L. A L a'Iw~eiav M r b L lwmias LTTrA.


~ T

be si,lnthie,. the c n r r y i n ~ away of Babylon, Jechonias be& LrlG snfqthiel h ~ n' ~ 0 ~ 0OtGk XahaOtlh64 qiliwqovi r l v Zopoplil3~A. 13 Zopop*36t bnbsl ; 13 nud Zorobohe, ~ b i ;~ d thiel ; and m d Snhthiel begnt Zurobnbol ; 'Zorobw Ahind begat Eliakim. 6 ~ ; y l v v q u ~rv v 'A/3iod6" 'Apcod6.84 i y i ~ u c v 2 i ~~ r6u nnd Glinkim bcgnt A ! Abiud ; and Abiud bogtwt zoi*: l4 nnd Azor begat land knt Safloc;nud Sndoebegat '~Xtnrcip' 'EXta~~ip.6i iyivvtlaev 'A&jpg 14 'A -64 dc!tint; nn11Achimbeand Elinkim begat Aror ; and twbr . ~Eliud; 15nndEliud t ; &.cat Elcnznr ; and l y b w t ] u ~ 7dv Zlo[6hr' &z8&~.8) y l ~ q a ~ v ' A x ~ i p . v l r6v 'AXE;/& lile.nznr begnt MntSndoo ; and Slrdw: begat Achim ; 'hchlm thtrn; nnd Mntthnn be'irt bennt Jncob; 16 nnd 6 ~ ~ ~ Y V T ~ 'EXto176. 15 ' E X L O L lydvlqi?t~i i ~ ' E X ~ ( i 2 ~ U U U E ~.~~ r J~.cob bcgni J o ~ e p h trmd bCgHt EHud; and Eliud begat El, the hilnbnnd of Mnry of whom was b o r l zap' 'EXEL&ZP.G~ iy8vvr)u~v rMarO&v*P rhv *Ma&dv#.6i lytvJesus, Who called a r ; and E l a w begnt Mntthnn ; and Matthn~r baChrint.

bg[t:iz q v \ i ~ r o t ~ ~ u Ba$vXGvoc, ' I ~ x o v i qiyivvqo~vn ZcrXiriav a~ rdv

l ~ ~




V~UEV rdv

Jacob ;

16 '~aicc;P'.Gdiyimqaav rdv ' I w ~ r j $riw

and Jacob begat Jwpli thr


dv6pa Mapiac, i S 45 iy~vviOq 'Iqaoir~ Xa 6potoc xpinrhs. 6

Jonna, who arllcd Christ. rill the gene- husband of B I ~ of whom was born , 17 rntloua from Abrnhnm to Dnvid are fourteei 17 lItiuat.oZiv a; y ~ v ~ adrrb 'Appadp $we sAa/%8" i mtions ;and from So all the generations from Abn~hnm t o Dnvid [were] irvtd until the cnrryYEYEU~ 6aliarQouap~c' &nb sAnpi8!1 d c rai b prroirerria~ inp,~wny into Bnbylon are f o ~ r t e c ngenera- %generations lfourtecn; nnd from Ilsvid until tlto c ~ t r r y i l ~ n w ~ ~ y tiuns. and from the cnrryitig into Ba/3vXGvo~, y ~ v ~ a i dcrartoanp~s.rai cirri, rijg p ~ r o t r ~ u i a g B:wbylon unto Christ of Bnbylon, 'pnerntions 'follrteeu ; and from the carryil~g mvuy ore fourteen generaBa/3vXGvo~. g roG ~puroG, yev~ai 8rrariuaapac. B w tions. of Babylon t o the Christ, *generation8 'fourteen.



vyQvvqars"oiirws $V. J , ' , , ~ ~ ~18~'Iqaoirn ~ ~ h ~ ~xptaroir this wise: \'Then as hi8 Now of Jesus Chriat tho birth t h n r w r r 'llaving mother M ~ z y wrw 0s'1w+t1 z ;v.+ mwB~i'uqc wydpl'rijpprp6~.ahr03 Ma iac rd to oro they crime to- *been7betrothed for his mother to Joaaph, &lore gether, she wrrs found with childof the Hol UVYEXOETV ai'roirc ~6piBq Z.v.yaurpi.Zxovaa i r me6paro~ of [the] 'Spirit Ghost. 19 Then joaep{ 'came 'together 'they he wns found t o be with child her ~I"1shsndf not wil- hyiov. 19 'Iw~,i$.Gb&.ci~r)p.atr?~,~ a t 0 &V, m ; p4 ekxwv n man, nnd be'ng t bi ~ !illg t o mnlce her a 'Ho~YBut Joseph her husband, 'righteous 'being,nnd not witliag $ ~ ~ & d e ~ ~ ; ~ ainjv~rapn8ecypariunt," i/3ovXjt)tl YXa'Opa" drroXiiunr nbnjv. privily. 2D But her to expose pibliely, purpoxed secretly t o pnt 'nway 'her. h0 thought on 20 mira.62. aCroG.ivOvpq8Evro~,i606, a'yy~hos rrupiov theso things, behold And *theseathings 'whon'he "hnd4pondored, behold, a n irngel of [the] Loml the of the Lord app~nrednuto him in r a i Bvnp i$rivq at+, Xiywv, 'Iwarj$, vidc sAn@i6,1 p,) a dream, ~ son of seph thou n y i n g ,JO- i n a dream appenrcd to hirn, mnytng, Joseph, son of Dnrill, ' W C ~ n v i d , fonr not t o $opqO$~ rapaXn/3~Zv Maptdp r;~v.yvvair6.uoa' rd.y&p iv tnko wife :thee 3Inry thy unto for 'fen'. totnkc to [thee] Mnry t h y wife, for thnc which i n which is conceived in a&$ y~vvqOhv iurtv hyiov. 21 r & r a c & viciv, her is the Holy hcr is begotten 'of E:'theI6Syirit Iis 'Holy. Andahosh~llbri~~gfartl~ason, Ghost 21 b u d she rl.dvopa.atro5 ' I ~ u o ~ v ' airrby.ydp U&EL r d ~ shnll 'bring torth a Kai KQXQUEL~ sonu nncl thou rhnlt and thouuhalt cull his name Jesus ; for he #hall uwve cnll his nnmo JESUS : for hc sh:rll snvo his Xabv airroz dnb rGv.ripa rtGv.airrGv. 22 ToCt0.61 GXov pe0pl0 from thcir sins. 2poople 'his from thee NOWthis all 22 Now nll this mns donc, that it might be y ; y d ~ ~%a v, ~XqpwO+ b ;qOl~ h 6 *roii'' mrpiov fillfilled which wns cnmctoprrss, t h a t m i r h t be fulfilled thnt which wrurpoken by tho Lord spoken of the Lor? by the prophet, snrln*, 8t& TOG T ~ O $ ~ ~ T O V , XQYOVTO~, 23 'I80d ?mpOdV0~ iv 2 Behold, n vlrgln through the 3 prophet, saying, &hold, the virgin "with shnll be with child, ,,a shall bring forth yaorpi.i'fEt rai rQC~rat vidv, Kai rnAiuovutv 16 G~popa a son, and they shnll 'child 'shnll Ybe, and shnll bring forth n son, and they shall cnll u~tn~l~e




: 1


q ysvvc






for LTT~[A].

51aOOiv ~,mrb.

Aaui6 Gw;Aauti8 LTrrA. &siy~a~ivar LTl'rA. J AiOpq

'- 'Iqvoc Tr.

- 103 ( ~ ~ (l t d 1)


r, 11.


'with deep, 'Us
enll which h lE'nmnniiel, name ~ i y intcrpr,-tc<I is, with





8 lurtv p~B~ppqvevdpcvov, &fEOD) j p h

is. hiug i n w v m d e 'Joseph from the

UueEds. 24 i ~ ~ r ~ y ~ p B ~ i'hY 'lwotj( d r b ro) invov, ir2; r11.8(


d i i M tho n n p l of 1111)

And Y l ~ a r i n.'bceu 'nrousod g

LE rpouiratev
n hnd ovderud .

a t r y h ciyycXos
hini the cu~gol

~vpiov' ~ arapiXapev Lord had biddoll h i m i

of [the] Lord, and took to[liiru] ~ ~ o t ~ ~ ~ " ~

a6rjv Ewc 06 her not till she hnd t~v.yvvai~a.aciro3, 25 ~ a ioCr.lyivwu~~v hol. until b r o i ~ g l ~ tforth IIIW his wife, nnd knew uot flntburn son : nu11 110 drbvPvibv ea6r<sr i v rpwrJro~ov" ~ a i i~ a ~ a e v h* name JPcnllcd {~EKEV
she broil, h t forth 11irr I
I ~ I I I ~




dntborn ;


h e cullul

rt.G1~opa.u6ro3 'Itlaoiv.

1 IT. Now when Joma iv 4pfpnrs 'Hpw8ov r o i l p a a A i w ~i806, phyot d r b a'varoXdv w n r l m r ~ i i ~ ~ B u t l ~ l o h ,

in [rl.e]dnyr irnsivcd of lierod nt Xlug the king, bchol:, anyiug, a n g i f m m [thc]
U r t ~

2 L


Nun Jeuii8

y ~ v v t l e i v t o Iv BqeXdp rijc 'Iov8ainc, ~

hnving been born i n Bethlehbu of Juamn, erat of J~idmn the dnynot iu IIurod tlla king Ire

rirpeyfvuvro is ' I ~ u d ~ v p 2 , a X~YOYTEC, I103 b

feruu~ilem, of tho Jewa? Where hh

TEX- hold, thoro cnurc'wi~e

Is he who hrhr

~ W I I born

~au1~Eds '~0118aiwv; ~i8opev ydp adroir 7bv daripn ~ h o r o i a h o t l t niabolP) t

for we a~biv

Dlull from tho cnnt to Jcrusnlcm, t snying

King of thc JCWR l for WO hnve noan hin ntw the enst a ~ ~ d nre i n the cnst, and nrc come t o do homnge t o blur. 81favi~ig .hrcrrd como t o worbhif 11Im 3 Whenllcrod t h o k i ~ ~ g 61 "HpP8qc paai4edsQ Brapk~Bq, n r 8 a a ' I Eoud.Xvpa h 4 h eard lhcsc tlti~rg* ~ i .but Yficrod 'the *king he w r troubled, nud bll Perusalem he rM troubled, In1d S all Jerusnlcm with abroir- 4 ~ a i auva ay&v ucivrac rods cip~upeie Kar him. 4 b t d who,l hq W I . Aud bnvinggat?kd together a l l the chiof pricats and hnd g a t h ~ d the 611

Z rp' civaroXg', ~ a,jXeoptv ?rpourvwjaat abry'. v i

3 'A~o6aasin


ypappareis roir Xaoir, irvvOcivero rap' ahrGv, r o i r b xprarbc

scriber of thc pooplo, he lnqnirod of them Bethlehem where the LhrlIt rhould be born. And they rnid

:::P' demnajtrl ziZ2Fetft

t o p t h a r he the anid unto hilll I,,

y~vvtirat.6 Oi.82 gr1rovQa h J , 'Ev RqQXrip r i j ~I u v h i a ~ . '

t him, o In
of J u d r a : for thua it hna b n written by tho


09rwc.ydp yiyparmt &d roa rpo@{rov,6 Kai m) ~ q & i p ~ t ~ l o h e nof. J I ~ A ~ '

Ifi 'lo(6a, 06dapGc iha .6d of Juan, i n xiu



for thus it " And thou ~ethlchem' b the prophet, 6 Aird I

iun) 1 iv r o i ~ rj7~pdurv 'ii~68a- E t ~ o u ~ t h ~ o h e m , " ( tlie

a n nn~ongtho


hoovcrnora of ludn, 'out my pcople magi,

2' P,~:",$~:F:: :

ycip i&Xe6a~rnr 7jyo6p~vo~, notpnv~ir b ~ X a i i v . ~ oprincas of Juan : for ijurrc v

a lender,
&er&, w l ~ oshnll &hq,herd Iarnel. Then Ysccrctly 'hnriug cnlled the

'of 'thce 'for shnll go forth

r l v ' l ~ p n ! ~ X . T 6 r ~H & 8 q hXkBpnll raXiuag 7 ' ~ +eprpwuev nap' a6rdv

inqrurcd nccr~rntclyof them to And hnving ~ e u t thom

pc: lo 11rneL WbOn h@ hnd privily cnllcd the rbv xpdvov roir pnrvopivov a'uriposa wise mcn, inqi~iredof tho time of the "nppc~iring 'stnr. ~ : ' ~ t f ~ l $ ~ ~ ~ f c

rode pciyovc, rule m


8 And he liont tPIcni r i mccu- Dcthlehem, nlid unid, Go nnd ncnrch dill@GC iEerhanrrll rapi ro; rat8iov. Indrv.84 gently for tho ~ 0 1 1 1 1 ~ E; q r ~ , n ~ r c l y inquiro for the Iittlechild ; n n d r h e n ye shnU %ve found him] child nlid whcn ye hnvc (onnd Irin~, 11rin rimyyeiXnrb pot, 8nwg K& & P X B h ?rpou~vv+c~a6rG. mo word ~igriin, h n ~ l f t bring word bnck t o me, thnt I a 1 0 hnoingcome may do homnge to him. may 0ornCnnd !vor~l~ip him nho. 9 Whon thny O Oi.86 ctroituavrcg roir PaatXiw~inopa6Bqaav. ~ a i806, b hnd henrd the kill i And they hnviug hcn1.d tho king, went nwny ; nnd behold, the they doprrtsd ~ I I $ 10,thestnr, whikl~ they irarljp, $v E I ~ O Yr+ dvaroXg, T P O ~ Y E Y t r o d ~ us bXBirv iv n C i n the ,c,,~ srnr, uhieh thoy snnili the eat, want bcioro them,. untilhmviugcomo before them, ;ill it cnme nrid atmd orcr k i u ~ q 'isrcivw 0 6 Bv rb nnlbiov. 10 i861jr~g.8ir l v duripa, where tl,, l i t stood orcr wlicro tvnu the littlechild. And h ~ r v i n ~ x c o n the rtnr, wns, lOlYhcn thcyrnw i7in'pquav ~(ipdv p~ydXqv e$d8pnq 11 rai 1XBdvre~. the rtnr, cthoyi rcloircd , n t with e r e e l i n g ~ ~ l thr~ rcjoiccd [wlth] joy 'prcnt 'excrcdingly. Alld hnving comc into joy. 11 A~ltl n.h,.ll ,llc,

8 rai r Q p $ a atrodc ai6. RqeXEip :rev, nopeveivrer Idrpr~

Bothlcho~n,he anid, Haviug pone,


- b L. - a h i r 7bv

b &ycpOeic

hnving ljrsen LTTrA.

iu~i9q i.rrrA.

~ ~ W T ~ T O KI.TTrA. O V

(6 fiaarArirs 'Hphdrlr L R r L

- b T.

~ b (read v

ctrrav T.

a sdl~~) I.TF,+


i [ c ~ a u a r r ircprPGr

~ ~ 8 . 4 .



h ~ L w*rl

anti having fallen down- did honlnge t o hliu: and h u v ~ n g opcucd lmdopn~dthoirt~aBqaavpoir~ airrij~ ?rpoui~veyleav ailrcg 62pa, x p v u i ) ~ xnl 'treasures 'thoir they oficrcd to Idm gifts ; gold and auto him gifts ; go1 and irmkinccn~o. a% h'pavov rai u/dpvav. 12 xai xp~~~anu6ivrE~ni x ~ ~ A ~ ~ d b $ f frnnkinoense and m v r h . And h a c i n : ~ bccn divinely instructed in dream that they d ~ a p PT) dva~&p$ac n p t ~ 'HPLj6~lv,6 i l X X V s ha06 shoold ;lot return to Horsed, they depnrted , ' to Horod, by another wag illto thoir own coun- $ve~dpquaveic r$u-xhpa~-ahrirv. try way* they w i t h h w into their own country.

2 : ;

T::9 {i ;c

6 a .

,MATOAIOZ. f I. the r$v 01, Lay, I E E ~ O Y " ri) natsiov pcrd 3Tupiag rijC-p~rPds.a'irr6'I, o $ the house,wthey foundthe littlochild with ~ ~ ~ ~ Xary his mother, 1011 m i neu&fip n p o u e ~ ~ v q u a v air+ K U ~civoi~auregroirc

13 'Ava~wpqaa'vrwv.6C alirGv, 1606, a'yyeXo~ mpiov

IS And when the weru dopnrted, behold adroam,mying,Ariae, NOW having 'withdrawn 'they, bchold, an angel of [tho] L-ord

m$aiycrat rar' dvapll r y '1W*,

nppenrfii a the l i t t b child aud md

M ~ o m p h ,uying, ~ a v i n riscn t a b with [thoel g



ri) nai8iov rni rdv. Vrlpll.(l6roi), rai $&YE is AEy?rro~, rai ia8i i~ai &ve7nw aoi. yQXXtr d ' H Ljsqs c q r ~ i v k'w~ rb
be there until I shall tell thee; ia'about g! o '
to destroy him. 'terod t o meek the Andhe having risen took with [Pim] by night, and denth withfiron o?Herod: into

?$ :m,; " :
nnd fleo into E * : ! andbethouthereuntal I bring thee word: for Horod will 8eek the r g child to destroy ~IJL I4 When hearose he took the joun; child and hi mother by ui h t and departed into8pylpt:15nndwar there until the d w t h of Herod: that it might b. h 1 ~ l . d which r ken ot the Lor b r pro het, a n j u g out of hare i erlled my son. 16 Then Herod, when he saw that hew,, mocked the wine men. was ex. rent forth, nnd dew ceeaing and the children thnt

& mother,



little child,

.rrar&ov, T O ; cinoXiaa~ airrd. 14 '0.68 iyrpeeic naphXa@et

his mother

the littleohild and

rb mi6iov Kai rtju.pqrfpa.atro6 vulerdg, rai c i v ~ ~ ~ pifa t v ~


imp+,, and

15 rai

~ S Y d r ~ iBWC wes there until


rijs reXevrijg ' H A8ova Ova

the that by the Lord through
TO: the



T P1102v might ba fnlfi led QLbt which w u spoken prophet, mying,


dnb n~uiYl rupiov 6rd

h ~ ? e collod I

npo$irov, Xhyovsop, ' E t Aiyhrrov

of Egypt

irciXcua rbv.vidv.pov.
my non. the all magi, the

16 T d r ~ Ddllg, 'H
Then !%rod, wraenraged greatly, and


871 hvenaix@q2nb TGY phywv,


having wen that he wna mocked by hnving sent

bevpdeq Xiav, zai &noureiXap

nhvras roilc

bv B ~ ~ ~ X E ~ ~nL~L c roi~bpiocs-a&rijg, xai BY u v Anb were all the coRad and in in Bethlehem na76ag ro6g t h e r e o ~ fmm two boys that [were] in Bethlehem m d in rU it8 borden, from
~ ; ~ d ~ ~ & n $ ' ~ ~ ,8ieroCp rai ~ a ~ w r i p u , "; card rbv ~pdvov Bv +cpi@wwhich he diliKent- two yearn old and under, according to the time which hehrdaccurately ly inquired of the wise UEV nap& TGV ~ & Y W Y . 17 T ~ Ti~Aqp&eq rb E iqeiv men. 17 Then war fulfilled which wns inquired from the m&Then wra fulfilled that which W- voken spoken by Jereln the oh7311 ' ~ ~ p e p i o v x ~ o $ $ ~ oX ~,Y O Y T O ~ 18 @ W Y ~ 4Y 'Pap; 706 v , g p h ~ t savng, , rn mn there R vOiM) by Jeremithe prophet, wing, A voice in Bhmo hmrd, lamentation, tjr06uOq. ~Bptjyos rail' ~Xaveudp~ a tbvppd~~ O X C 'Pa t)X i ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ t , " ~ was heard, h " , ~ a n ~ hmental(on and weeping s n d axnourning Rn%ei wecping . o her chil- ~Xaiovua v&riwa.aCri)g, rai oirr ~ ~ e c X c v ~ ~ jt napad~Bi)var, ~ ~ vesplng [Cm] ; her o h i l k a~d 'not 'would ~ k oomforted, r they are not. $71 o ~ C . E ~ U ~ V . beob1w t h y u not. o


1s nut when Herod wrs dead, behold, an

19 T~X~vr;lua~roc-bi roir1Hph80v, i806, d y y ~ k o ~l~vpiov

Bnt l t a d n g 'died 'Herod, behold, nn angel o [the] Lord f

%$iftFy$e",P,' 'ra;

6vap $aivera~~~'Iwa?)$i v Ai 6nry, 20 X ~ Y W Y , ' E y ~ p ry?

to Jomph in Egypt, in a d m m app$0 Joeph ssying, Having tO rnying, Ariae, and rb xai6iov ~ anj~.p~rQpa.ccCroir, nopcdov i rai take the young child @EIS naphXaPe his mother, andhis mother, and go risen take with fthee] the little child and and go

m a a r ' Bvap i+(ivq in a rlream appenred L ; aar' Bvap they saw OLTTrAW. 86; thr~tlgh LTTrAW. P ep+vo( r a j I,TTrA. +aivclat rr. D roG (read [the]) LITrAW.
9 jOiAqorv L .
1 #aivcrcb

rar' 6vop LTTrA.

IntoCthe] lhnd of Israel: for they h a r e died who were seeking


land of Israel, yijv 'IupaljXo r~Bvljraurv.~drp Sqroirvrec 77jv \C/VX$uinto t h e are deadwhich oi for they
the life

arose, and took tlie of thelittlochild And he hnringrisen took with him] the little child and young child and hi# mother, nnd came injv 'Xopo4h. 22 dxo6aay to the land of Israel., rai 'bh8ev" rig his mother, and came into [the] irnd of Isrncl. 'Having.'l~eard 22 But when he hcard Archclnus 6; i;ri 'ApxiXaog PaaiXeGei 'iwi"rijg 'Iov8aiag civri v'Hpt&?ov thnt in Jndre:r in did reign rho 'butthat Arehelnus reigna over Judiea insteadof Herod rooul of his futhrr 1 1 ~ ~ he wns roir.lrarplg.aCroir," d@o/%jBq cimX8eiv. ;KEY XPVyyT'o- rod, thither: afr;ii~lto notwithhe wns afraid there t o go ; z h a ~ i n g J b c e n dlrlncly go his father, standiug, bciug n'nru82 rar' ;yap, cive~C;pquev rci pipq rijg I'aXtXaiag, ed of God ill n drc:rll~, eig Oeig 6instructed 'and in adrenm, he witlidreff into the parts of Girliln? : he turned rtside i r ~ t o the p u t s of Gulilcc : 23 rai dX8Lv ~ a r y r ? ~ uEeI S rr6Xiv Xeyophvqv WNulapir.ii23 and he came rind v dwelt in R city mllod and having come he dwelt in a city called Xnznrcth; Naznreth: thnt it W n-XqpwQ$ ri) pilf?iv 8idr TGY ~poq'~~lrGv, might be fulfil!cd ijri which ntns slinlici~by so that should be fulhiled t h a t which wns spoken by t h e propilcts, thnt the prophets, He hhnli Nacwpaiog rX?$3i]o~rac. bo called a Nnzurcnw. a Xirzariean shall he' be called.

705 ~aiSiov. 21 '0.8b iy~p8e;g ~apiXa/3ev

~ i ?raiSiov rai child's life. 21 And he )




L 3

' ~ b . 8 i ~ a i g . ~ ~ i ~ a i ~ . i napayivrrar 'Iwbwqg 6 fiiva~~

Now in those dirvs proclaiming i n the wiidcrucss


John and

the snying,

/3anriar$g, rqpGuuwv Iv r e

of Judion,


preaching in tho n i i dcrucssof Ju(l:o:l,t';tr~d Repent, forhas drawnucar the kingdom of the henveus. For this '"ring, n c ~ c r i t J c : thckingdoln of Iic;rrcr~ f ~ r l6 ~ i q 8 ~ i g " ~ b "'Hoaiov TO.; rrpolp~)rov, Xfyovros, is nt hnnd. 3 For this is he who was spoken of b j Esaim the prophet, sirying, is he t h a t wnn spok<,~i of by t h e prol)h<:t E(Pwv?jPoG~roci v T$ Ipljpy, 'Eroi~6uare r ) 1 S h ~ rcv- s~i.zs,snyir~g,~~~crnirc r ~ [The] voice of one crying in the wi\derncss, Prcpnrc the way of [the; of One crying i n t11o wildcruess Prcp:tre piov e68eiag ~ o i ~ irci~..rpi/3ov~.ahroir. Ai~rhg.8bd 'Iu6iwqc e the $nY of r110 re 4 Lord, straight make his pirth.. .4ndzhimsolf 'John L r d , make his pnths straight. 4 And t h e E~XEV rb.~v8vpa.airroir 6Tb T ~ L X W U~a/l$XoV, U ~/ & v ~ u ~ p -nanie John had his rniK 8 hnd his raiment of hirir of n cnrucl, and a girdle of ment of cn~uol'sIlnir,

3 06rog.y6p M~ravoeire'jjyyir~v-yCip ~ a u i X ~ i u r ~ v o ~ p a v ~ v .

& U T ~ V ~ ]Tpi r?$i, V

i1.6i rpoq,) k1'~r05 4vil drpi8~gnbont

nnd the food of him wns locusts

leather and 'honey 'Thcn

about 'wild. went out

his loins,

cal piXi iiyp~ov. 5 Tire I S E T O ~ E ~ E ~ O ~(1;rbv 'IepoudXupa rai ~ Z u a j t

to him Jcrus;rlom, and all

his loius ; 1u1d leethorn his nicnt wns locusts and wild honey.

S Thcn went ont to hini .Tcrnsnlcni :uld J u d ~ a , and nll the country around the Jordan, and were b a p "l1 J1l'lion~ and rcgi~m r o i ~ u d nl,<r~it {0vroa iv l 'Iop8&vyb atroir, ~~opoXoyoirp~voi n Jor<l:ln, 6 nod \\.<,re ' @ &' r&g 'tizod in tha Jcrdnn by him, confessing baptized of h i r ~ i i r ~ J o r Ilnu confessing tli<,ir riag c<i.rGv. 7 '18Lv.Si T O X X O ~ Grijv (Papioaiwv rui Za&?ou- sin; i n u t whell tlo 'their But havingseen many of the P11;~risees and Sndda- S"" "l"ll3' of thc I'ltnrisccs 1111(l Snd(11r~~ucs KUiwlJ i p ~ o y i v o ~iiTi rb./3&n~iopa.~airro5,~ X E V U ~ I T O ~ C , to his b;llltisnl g ? come Cccs conling to his baptism, he said toWthcm, he said lint0 thcl,~, gcncr:rtion of v i ~ ~ t ~ t . ~ , I'evvtjticrm ~ X L ~ V rig Y6Ti81&~ ~ , hpiv $ ? J ~ 676 7;s PEA- who hnth wnrur(1 ,.,,U :Y Ofisyriug of vipers, who forewarned you to flee from the cpm- to flco from the wri~t h to conic? B Briug forrh Xoh~qgbpyjg ; 8 xoL~U~fr&h %ap7roirSdt;ioug" o p r a - therefore frllits I ~ , . , . c ing wrnth 7 Produce therefore fruits worthy of rcpcnt- for repentance: !I arid think nottosn witl~iil voiags 9 rai p4.8dEqr~ Xky~iv 1v iavroic, I T U ~L '!X O~ E ~ yourselves ~ Y have ance : and think not t o say within yoursclveu['Bor] 'f:rtlrer 'we'have Abraham 'to oto. fa-

Io1~8aia ~ E u u ~spixwpocro5 '1op8hvov. 6 rai clpaxrirai 4


~ 6 s


S cimjijh6'cv entcrcd 1.TTrA. t (vend 74s 'IOU. Over Judma) L$T?A]. airsoir'lIpJGov I.TTIA. \v A'a{apie LTT \V. rtul 1 . 1 1 ]A. ~ Y 8ri 1 ;I, a b o i ; 1:r.r) A. a [ A ~ I J T E ~ J l.. it11 I) ROT(I~+ L . ~ Y LTTrA U~ 0 b i l p t i a ~ l l )I,TLT,AJ. d ~ a p n o v t i o v f i u i t worthy OLTTLAW. i

through ~ T A W . T a h o i ) (reatl the

ro; r a ~ p b ~

he huubwmd. And having come



S~eivnaev.3 m rpoa~XB&vvairrq" A rerp6Swv i

tohim the telnptcr

E ~~,","~he,",t~i t

=ia, lf than be the God* commnnd 88011 rthouarut of God, speak thnt these stones loaves 'may .becoma mnde these 4 But he bread. 4 ' 0 68 cirorprJ~igl r ~ v , l?iyparrar, Ohr i r ' bpr p d v ~answewd and snid, I t s said, It h~ bexi written, Pot by b-r alone , " O t ' ; f $ ~ > b : ' ~ ~ ~ ~ But he nasrering &joerar xdivepwroc, &U' Tarin r a v r i fitjjtarr irropevopivy 6rd but by every word that shlrll =live 'tqnn, but by every word going out through Procmdeth the mouth of God. 5 T h e n


1 roir eeoir, eir8 Yva o i X i 6 o ~ o ~ r o r dipror y8vwvral. Son

ard aroc
tho holy

Q E O ~ ~ .6

Tdre rapaXajtPhvr atrhv

Thcn 'takes

6 6r6poXos lc the

devil tnketh him

[theLouth of God.

shim %the , l d e d l
him upon the

r4v hyiav rdhrv,

city, and

f i ' ~ r ~ oatrbv~h i rb ~ r ~ p 6 y r o rot pinnncleofthetemple, iv~ v


to U into the holy on a P and setteth him city,

of the 6and mith untohlm It thou be the Sni Qod, cnst thyself temple, nud mys to him, If 'Son 'thou'art of Qod, cast thy- clown: foritiswitten, Ha shall give his TAU x 6 w yiyyrrai.y+, "Orr rozc-dyylXo~~atroG iiv- a n p i a c h q e con. self down : for it Mbeen written, Tohj~angels be corning thee: m d In their hnnds t h shall TEXE?T[IL nrpi COG, rai h i x ~ l l p v UE, arr thw at will give chnrge cmcarning thee, and in [their, hand8 #ha l they boar thee, any time tkou dnsh thy foot agninat a pljrore r oar6 VC ?rpbg Xieov riw.rd6a.crov. ?E? atry' ,tma '$ 7 J, , ,,id lest t ou stri e againat a stone thy foot. 'Said 'to'hh unto him, I t is written again, shnlt 6 'Iqaoiic, niXrv yiypamai, Ofr.irr~rpciueic rci, iov rbv t,mpt Thou Lord tndt the h 'Jesus, Again i t h W n d t t e n , Thou s h d t not tempt CthefLord God. 8 A ~ a i n the& BE& aov. 8 H&LV mzpqXap@var cilrhv 6 6th O X O ~~i'c exceeding hig%intonu h " monnWed 'thy. Again %It= him 'the 'tfvil to t d n and sheweth him

irpo;, 6 rai nA'X6y~rll a&r$,

E i


1 roz &OS,

mav- of



~ p o c i j q t ~ b v Xiav, ~ a~i ~ i x v w airpi rduac rcicPaut.rv

amonntain high 'exceedingly, and &em

king* g10 of them g and anit? him All Xeiae TO; ~dujtov n)v-6dEav.airrGu, 9 rni bXQyerP a t r t j , these unto pill jt gire xai dorns of the world and their glory, ad sayr tohim* thee, if thou wilt fall d ~ n cTaiira r h v r a aocn bhuw, ihv ?TEU&V r p o u r v ~ a O m~ n d ~ o r a h i me. *Theseathin. 'dl to t l r will I g i n if hnllily down thou wilt worship ~ ~ t ~ ~ i m y $ t h e n ~&tau : for i t i a , worship the Lord thy Thou y8yQarra~.y6p, iov rbv.d~dv~aov r p o a ~ ~ v r i u ~ t ~ God, and him only rcai , for it had been written, Lord thy God shnlt thou worship, and 11 Then the =me. thou devil a6r$ pdvy Xarpe6uig. 11 T d r ~i iqutv atrhv 3 6 ~ 6 ~ 0 X o ~e't h him aria b ( lav Mm alone . D n l t t h o n m m Then atnvei 4him 'the 'devil, nnge18bWdnnd miniatered unto him. me. Then 'any8 ato4him 'Jesus, Get thee w n y , Satan;

to him



;1 :



10 T ~ T XQyec a t r @ 6 'Iqaoirc, E

" ~ ? r c r ~ c ~ , uaravii'


rai iJo6, diyy~Xor ~poaijXOov uai Giqslvovv airrc&

and behold, angels come and that ministered John tohim. Bnt Yhaving *henrd

12 'Auoi,aac.Gi eA'IqaoS~n i 'Iwciwgci rapabddq, ,dv-d h ; " , ; ; " , " , " i

wrre delivered up,


2z ; ;: he departed into Gnu!

13 Now when Jesus

withdrcn i n come

;c d
into he l

v I'd~Xaiav.13 rai rarctXin&v n j v f N a ~ a p i r ,&~%~h~~cd," ~

Qalilce : at and Esnina and having loft

tXe&v ~ur(r'rn]uv
in [th0fborders of Zabulon

gKasepvaoilpl' rrjv r a aeaXaaaiav, which is upon the se;

hpemaum, Xephthnlim, the prophet, which [iafon the un-side, that might befulfilled saying, thalim:


dwelt in' Capernn~ua

14 thnt i t F O;t$ P f:l

d ioq ZapovXhv ~ a Ne$eaXeip, 14 i'va ?rXqpwe$ i

of Z:tbulon, Jordnn,


thnt which wns spoken by

6cd 'Hnaiov 703 rpo$$rov, Xlyovrog, 15 rij Eaaiad the prophet,

way of [the] sea, beyoncl

%a$ovX&v rai yij N$eaXip,66bv BaXiaasg rCpav 703 of ~ e ~ h h ~ a l i m . b , , t h e

and lrmd of Kephthnlim, Qnlilee of the n8tioer.r

Land saYing 15 The lnnd of ~nbulonnnd the land

'10~8civov, raXtXaia r 3 v CBVGV, 16 Ar Xalc

the wnyof the sen,bepond Jordnn Gnlilw oi the 16 the the people which- was sitting ple which ut i darkn

6 rea8ip~voce n t i L ;

l dwev


~ J w n *-ru n ~ v .


a674 l 0 him LTTrAW. 1 b LTTrAW. J i v LTrA. h q v e v set LTTrA. a&o^ m A . s:rih L. b efwev said LTTrA. c 7aikci V O w i w a 1 T r ~ . ~ ( I imiuo, behind o L]W. e b 'Iqvoiis TTiAW f X 3 4 0 hzarath L ; Na&pi@ W ; NOJOpi ~ a a r m ~ a


MATOAIOZ: , " ~ $ ~ c ~ ~ ~ i ' hv hundrei 1 8 ~ 9Ggll piya, nai ,24",j

in the

IV,V .
~~a~q~lvor~ bv

and in darkness hassecn a21ight great, and tothosowhlch weresitting incthaj

shadow of dcathllight x3pq ~ a art$ Bavcirov, $35 civBr~iX~v i a6roTc. 17 ' A d is SpNng Up U From country and shadow of death, that time light has sprung up t o them. Prom to preach, and to say, rbre ip[aro 'Iqa6flg rqpiruartv K& Xiyeiv, Meravoeira* Repent : for the kingRepent ; dom of heaven is at that time began JesW t o proclaim and to say, hand. ijyyirev-ydp pauiXeia rGv 06pav(;Iv. for has drawn neir the kingdom of the heavens.

18 IIepixarGv.81 'A 'I~luoiig" p c i rljv OciXauuav rijc I'nXim


And Jcsus, walk-

And awalking lee , hesaw two




sea called

of Galiand

lug by the sea of o a a l= saw two brethren ~ i & o n called peter: and Andrew his brppher, casting a net into thr sza : for they wcre fishers. 19 And he s a ~ t hunto them Follow me and I wid you' fishers of men. 20 And they ntraightway left thew nets followed him.' 21 And going on from thence, he saw two brethren Jnmes the sot, of ~ebe:

Xaiac d8ev 660 ciGeX$o65, Pipwva r b heybpevov nirpov, xni

brothers, S ~ m o n who


Av8piav T ~ V - & ~ E X Q ~ V . ~ Q T O Gpcixhov~ac & ~ $ ; ~ X ~ U F W U ,

Andrew his brother, &%sting a large net' into sea, for they were fishers : you and he says to them, of mon. him, Jamcs

r1jv ~ciXauuav'4aav.ydp ~ X L E T ~ . 19

X i y ~ c a6~0ic> &iir&
Come And t h e j

bsiuw pov, ~ a is o t & ~ w

after me, and I will make

dlXl~Tc & U ~ P & T W V . 20 O i . 8

fishers followed two brothers,


d$kvr~crdl Girrva ljnoXoir0quav airr(t3.


21 Kai
And the [son]

immedintely having left the


fr~'iBev, ~ldev ciXXovg 860 &JeX$o6s,'Icirwpov r i v ~ a 'Iwcivvqv rbv.ci8eX$bv.aCroG, f v rc? l

Zebedee their father, of Zcbedee, and John his brother, in the ship " , ' $ d ~ ~ c ~ ~ p ~ r dZe/3eOhaiov roG.sarplg.a&rLjv, ~arapri<ovra~ Girrva ~ rdl 22 And they immedi- with Zebedce their f athcr, mending 'nets a t e l ~ . l e f t t h e s h i p a n daLr3v' cai hr6X~uev atroitg. 22 oi.81 .e&BQwg &$kvres TO their him. *'l'their, and he called them ; and they immcd~ntelyhaving left the lowed fathers


Fmng gone on thepce, he saw other



2 ; :

sXoTov cai rbv.sarLpa.airr3v ljroXo6Bgaav atrcy".

ship and their father *all followed SGnlilee him. 'Jesus, And 'went %about


23 Kai lrepiijyev 'iiXVvr1jv I'aXtXaiav 6 'Ir1uoG~,~t86arwv

~ ~

tenehing in their syn:

bv raig-uvvaycr)ya7g-atrC;,1r, a~qpiruawv eGayyiXiov rijc ~ ~ ~i rb g

:. :thr",","ptGy :g

kmgdom, and healing In their synagogues, and proclniming the glad tidlugs of the all manner of sl~kncss @aaiXeia~, aBeoas~ljwv ~ i sZuav y6uov rai ~2icravpuXariav and all manner of dlsense among the peakingdom, and healing every diseuse and every bodtly weaknose plc. 24 And his fame f v T@ Xa(t3. 24 cai cilrijX6ev fj (iro?jabroil 'dhqv 17jv XvAnd went out the fame of him into all among the people. sY" bronght unto him all ~ i a v .~ a ?rpou~veynav i atr@ &vrag T O ~ ~ . K ~ K ~ ~ - ~ O sick people thatdivers ria. were taken with And they brought t o him all who were ill, discnsca and torments, aoiriXais vduoig cai paacivotc UtJv~xopf vovc, m~ail' Gaipovi&~ ~ , " , " , " ~ , " ,by vtrriousf ~ ~ ~ \ ~ diseases and torments oppressed, nnd posscsscd by and those which were ~ Q V O U rai u ~ ~ q v i a ~ o p i vKai ~ , ~ , o v sapaXvr~ro6~' d8epciKai lnnnti;, and tho~: demons, lunatics, and pnralgtics; and he that had the pnlsy E aV %. nth+ G X X O L sohXoi and he he.rlcd them.' T U E ~ 6 r 0 6 ~ rai r)~oXo6~guav 25 And there followed healed them. And -'followed 'him "crowds 'great from him great multitudes IC fiolu Galllee, rijc raXiXaiac rai Aera7rljXewg rai 'IepoaoXitpwv nai 'IovGaiac *f and $m ' Decapolis. Gnliloe and Decnpoli: and Jcrusalcn~ and Judea m~d from Jcrusnlem :r~lclfio,nJndza, and KU; 7 r i . p ~ O ; ' I o ~ ~ ~ v o V . T ~ frunr beyond Jordan. and beyond the Jordan. V. And seeing the h. went 'IG&v:diro6c 3xXov~. 4vij3q rd rrai ca8ioavBut beelug the crowds, he went op into the mountain; nnd 'having =sat up into a mountain : and when ho was set, his dlsCiPICs came un- TO^ aCroG, "srpoaijXBo~~~ On;lrG1~i-~aQqrai.atroG. civoi2 rai to him: 2 and he *down 'he, came t o him his disciples. And hnvin,?





rb.ardpa.atro5 a8idaarev atroirc, Xiywv, 3 ~ a ~ c i p i o o'l l
his mouth he taught them, saying, in s p i r ~; t for theirs

i ~ ~ ~ s t ~ ; Blessed [are] the 3 Blessed a,-e the poor

& * I

brwXoi r+ nveCPar~. atrijv iariy Ij PaaAeia 6r1


meek: for they ~ h n l l earth, jnhcrit 6 Ble5sed the r e tllcy a 6 p a ~ & p r ooi xetvGvrey kai ~ L $ G V T Er<v ~ L K ~ L O U ~ V ~ V which do 11111lgerand ~ S . Blessed they who hunger and thirst after rigllteousncss ; for th1r3t for they sh~ill righteO1lsness: ciirroi X O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~7 pa~cipbor Yoi ~dX<pov~~' atroi be filled. 7 Blcssedrrre ~ ~ O ~ L . they shall be filled. Blessed the merciful ; for they shalI obtaln:for they mercy. ,1XqOijaovrat. 8 pa~ci~iot raeapoi ~ap8iq'&L a6roi rbv 8 Blessed are the pure 01 shall find mercy. ,Blessod the pure in heart ; for they in hcart : for they shall see God. 9 Bless& t v G+ovrai. 9 purdpl~t eipqvonotoi. ijri qaCroiI1vioi Be05 ed are the peaceoi Wad 'xhnll 'see. Slesacd the peacemakers ; for they sonu of God mnkerq : fclr they sh~ill be called the children J E ~ ~ w ~ ~ ~%YEKEYL B I K ~ L O of GOA. 10 ~ i e s s c d v o ~XqOjaovrat.IOtin~~pioi oi arc @hall called. be Blessed thcymho havebccn persecuted on account of right- they which are persecutcd for righteousai'vq~'ijrl a&&v iariv @aatX~ia o6pavSv. 11 pa~hpioi ness* sake: for theirs r3v eousness; for thairs is the kingdom of the heavens. Blessed is the kingdom of heaven. 11 lure, ijrav dvai8iawatv 6pFic ~ a 6ih&t~uiv, ei-rrwuiv nliv ye when Blessed are i ral mol are ye when they shall reproach xou, and shall pcrsccute, and shall sny every r e h e you, and cute qrovqpbv r@jpa" a 06p3w ~ ~ E L J J ~ ~ E V ZVEKEV hpo;. 12 ~ a i - you, nnd sh.%',","i ~ ' OL," of evil wicked word agrrinst you, lying, onnecountof m a Re- against you fakelp, S.ptaObc.6pGv roX6g { v rozc otpavoig. 'Or my Sake. l 2 Iteper rai OiYaXXtiiuO~, juice and exult. for yourrewud CisJ great in tho heavens ; $ ! ! ~ , C d ~ ~ in heaven: for x y6rwc.y6p i8iwSav TOGS ?rpo$<mc~ 0 6 ~ 6 p . so persecuted they the for thus they persecuted the prophcta who [were] b o l r s you. rophets which Were 13 'Ypris ( U T E T A w a r rijr yijc. idv.62 rb $has pwpawOp', geforeyou. f, " t ~ ~ ~ are the salt of th8 earth : but if the salt become tnsteless, Ye Blessed the meek;

6 p n ~ 6 ~ 1 0 t xpaeic. 61-1 aGroi ~~q~ovop$aovarv yijv.ll oi riv

they shall inherit the

TGV OLPavijv. in spirit : for theirs is is the kingdom of the heavens. " , ~ . k i ~ $ ~ s ~ ~ ~ p a ~ 2 ~ r o r xevOoirvre~' 6ri atroi xaparX1~8$aovrat.they that mourn : for oi Blessed they who mourn; for they shall be comforted. shall be ed. 5 Blccsed a r e the



T ~ cihiue<uerai; L 0 6 6 ; ~ ~ U X ~ P L iri, E;.P< t P X 1 l with wbat sllsll i t be salted 1 for nothing h a it strength any longer, but to be

thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast Out. and t o be trodden dsrefrL $ 3 ro3 ~6apov' ot.86varar x d h i ~ ~ ~pvpijvnilncivw under foot of men. am the light of the world, 'cnnnot A a a ~ i t y he hid on 14 Ye are the light of that the world. A c ~ t y Spoug ~eip6a~' 0&8l raiovuiv k 6 X vK~ I~ 15 C ~ ri06aatv a6rby is set ouan ~ I I !cnnnot sruountain situated. lFor do they light a lamp and put it be h:d. 15 xctthcr do men lirht a candle, 2nb r i v p661ov, dhk' r t ) Xuxviav, xai h h p ~wzaiv TOTS rind put it under a ~ ~i uuder thecornmeasure, but upon the lampstand; and it ahinaa for all who bnsh", but on a candlc5tlck; and ~t glvcth ;v rp' O ~ K ~ P 16 03rwc Xap#cirw rb.$3~.6p3~ . iprpoa~ev1:ght unto all thnt are [are] in the house. Thus let shine your light before in the house. 1G Let Tour 11ght se a h ~ n e berijv OiwOp&~uv, x w c i8waiv 6p3v r& raXd ipya, ~ a 60th- iore men, thut they S i men, so that they may llee your good works, and m y mny see your good works, and g l o r ~ f y aoatv rtv.narbpa.irPGv rbv iv"rois otpcivoic. your Father w h ~ c h is glorify your Father who [is] i n the heavens. ~n heaven. 17 Think not tbat I 17 M$.vopiarlr~ Geov ~arahG0ar Y@OY 7 0 3 npo&L rbv ~ to destroy Think not t h a t I cnma t o ribolbh the law or thn pro- the law, or the p -

8ivacIi[SW, .~aiflKnmnareza~ai
cast out,

rGv &vOpDnwv. 14 'yreic



salt have lost his sn-

and t o be trampled upon by


$jyrc~c' oirr$AOov raraXiiaai, dXXd phets : I came not t o nloIish, but

I u ~ r y toyou, ono

~XqpGaal. 18 d p < ~ . ~ d p destroy, but tocome * o I am not ~ I I I

tafulfil. For verlly fil. 18 For verily I *ay rndthe e.uth, "iota 'one or or one tlttlo shall in


Xiyw &piu,iwc-dv rapEXOp b otpavbc rai ,j yij, i3ra 'Zv Ij

Until shallpaasawnytha heaven the

~ , " ~ . E ~
19 ~ ~ h o u o c v ethurc. r

pia repaia uir.p$

tittle in no wiwe shnll p m a w n y from

xapiXOv 6x6 ro3 vdpov, iwc.2~xcivra ~ w w ~ ~ ~ , P ~ ~ c f ~



P Vel.scs 4.5, ti.anrporcd LTTT. -&p& (reud [thiilg]) LTT~A. ~ aLTl'rA. i



aiwo'r (wad rtAq6j. they


shdl be arllcd) [ I . ] I . ~ I . ~ ~ J having been c,rst LTr,a.



v .

fore shall break One yhvqmi. 18 Bc.Cctv o-3,) kbap / ~ b ~ v ~ v - ~ v r o X ~ v . rGv~ t w ro of thesc lenat corn- coue to p m . mnndlucatl, and Whoever thenshnllbrenlr olla of them co~~~u~ruiiurcucs the ~ c c ~ ; ~ t ~iha~rurwv, 616ciSp oUrwc robe dvOpDnovc, bXci~taroc rai rX11the kingdom of ban1e-h a d ohall teach % I km, leaat ahaU ven: but whonoever g$s~rai v r e PaarXEiQ ~ S ofphviiv zc.8.&~ b Y nor?jUp rai becalled in the kingdom of the henvans ; but whoever shall prirutisc and be called great in the GrGdrF of~roc pkyac KXq8$crrai b rg' paatXeiq rGv v heaven. shall t e a c h f t h n l , this jone] grblct shall bo called in tire kingdom of rhn 20 b or I any unto you, hat except your o4pav3v. 20 Xhyw.y&p irpiv, Sri idv.p?j n~prcueCag Giraro"tj righteou8noas rhtrll For I say to you, That uleun shall abound 'rightexceed the rQhteoushuuvenh n r ~ of the sulbes rurd d q t] ;vW ~ X E ~ O VrGv ypappariwv rai @a raaiwv, ob.pd s v rribw aad ~ L a e e r ,in no wiae Pharisees, ye shall i WUSUCSB your above [that] of the n no c m enter into the E ~ u B X B ~ T~ i fljv /3auA~iavr i j v 06pnv3v. E c kingdom of heaven. 21 Ye have hewd rhollyoeurer i u k the kingdom of the honvena that i t WM a i d by them of. old time, 21 'Hro6uare iiriXi~phBqnroic&pxaioic, Ob.$ov~6utic' Thou h a l t not kill * Ye hnve h a r d that i t wwsaid to the ancients, Thoushalt n o 6 c o ~ imurder; t and whosoever. shalf kill shall be in dun- 0c.8.d~ $ 0 ~ 6 ~ g , J O X O UTQL ~ ~~ ~ p i b b l . 22 CyA.64 Rer of the judgment: but whoever ahnlloo~nmit ulurder, liable shnll be to the judguent. But I 22 but I say unto you ~ h whosoever i; Xiy@ ;piu, i i r ~ xiic ~ t d 6pyrtdp~vos r$.dl8aX$$.abroir Jeirc~~ a g r y wlth his brother say to you, Tllirt every one who is a n m with hia brother lightly. without a cause shall be in danger of the ivoxoc Zurac K p i ~ ~ i k - 8 - a ~eirg r+.ciGeX~$.a6roC, * judgment : and who. UabU h a l l b e to% judgment: but whoever b l i u u y t o his brother, soever shall say to his brother, shnllbe ''Parh,ll ~ V O X O Eiurai r $ ~ 1 iy' ~ (bc.8.d~ E ~ X V , MW$, ~ 8 liable h l l b e to the Sanhe&im : but whoever .ball r y , Fool, in danger of the coun- B r a , cil: but whowevcr x ,hall nay, Thou fool cvoxos 5urui eic njv yiavvav roir m p d c . 23 'E& oZiv q o u shall be m danger o j' linblo .'&allbe t o the Cfehenna of fire.. If therefore thou hell fire 23 Therefore $hpPg rb.G3pdv.~o~ rb Bvaraunjprov, ~ d r e i pvq@e& thou.bring thy brri


g g&","{,"h

t o the alkrr, and the1.e l h d t ofter

$71 6.&8~X$dc.uov~ X E L

24 that thy brother h- nomething against thee, leave there 'gift ths altar gin b thy there thy and gof o r e uov !prpoaBev roil Jvuiaun]piov, rai iinaya, np3rov GruAway; & be recon- 'thS before the nltu, and go away, first be
oiled t o thy brother XCiyvBt ~@.dlb~X$@.uov, rdre iXO&v ?rpdu$~pe b3pdv real rb and th then come and reconciled 25bgres tothy brother, and then hatingcome offer 'gift wiyh tGne.dver=v uov. 25 'Iutlc ~ i v o 3 vr@.duriGi~y.uov mx4, gwc.'jrort e l quickly whiles thou B? agreeing withthineadverxeparty quickly, whilst thou nrt art in 'the way with

bim; 1-t a t m time alv d6@ PE; abroir,I1)cjror8 a ~ a p a s $b hrri8iuoc rf? the in the way with him, lert %bee 4deliver ''thea~dverseJpartyto ths thee to the judge, and the udge deliver thee rpirg', rai i) Kpinjc b~~ ?rapa8$" r $ i r r q p i q , m i Eic $uXa~?)v t o t ~ o f f i ~ r tthou judge, and the judge thee and deliver t o the o a w , m l into prison be cast into p ~ a o n . 26 veril I snr unto pXqtlhag. 26 Cip7jv Xiyw 001, btiX8p~ ireiBev, thee, TKOU shalt by thou be cut. Verily I may t o thee, I n no wise shalt thou come out thence, no mems come out r08phvtr]v. thence, till thou hnst $wc.dv & x o E @ ~ rbv i a ~ a r o v id the uttermoat until thou pay the Inst kodrante-s. %thing. 27 ' H K O ~ U Q8rc xdbih8q'1 TE 'roie cipxaidrc.ll Ob.poix~627 Ye have heard that i t WM said by Ye have heard that i t wassaid to the ancients, Thou shalt not commit them of old time Thou d PX6nwv p v a i r a n p b ~ ~ h ~ l commii a d ~ l -U E ~ E28 1 h.3) XQYW irpiv, 8 r ~ ?r&' not t ' tary : 28 but 1 say adultmy: l u t l u g to you, thatereryone that loolutipon c woman to unto you That whose ~ ~ O ~ X E V U E V a6njv b T$ v lo;heth on a rb bntBvpfua~ dabrfc," 4811 woman to lust after l w t after her, already hUeommittcd adulterywith her in her hath committed dultery Mth her al. rapGi9 eaLro3.u'29 e C d.d$BaXpdc.aov d 8aEtbc ucav6aAi~er . i G ready in his haut. %cut 'his But U thine eye, the right, cause 'to Joffend


~ t r , 4 P ~ ~ ~ , h UE, f Z&XE f abrbv tcai P d h ~&ni) uoir' ~$ ~~


u d cut

from 'thee, plockout

W 3pbv i) 8 t ~ a b o d v ' y TA. 8 ibiih LTzAW. shi) iv 684 LTT~AW. b UI napa8y L% T] [. M r A W ; air?ijr T . Z iawo3 XI.


thy gift

a t the


aud there ahslt reme~uber

rard COG, 24 a"$ec Irsi rb 8Gpdv

m p ~ i p ~ i . y h nor Yva



c ~(it]from thee : forlt u p r o l r u b e for thee that t


--x i ei

L T ~ T ~ A ] . ' iaxci T. 702s crp~aiow m r A w . a

d aurqr

ctrAXqmr 71
&nldp.rinh into Geltrllna

rX3i~.aov.ten; p ~ j5Xov pXqO$
~ucuiWd, and not 'rrhu:a
h a d if


'thy 'body

ikth' y ~ e, m ~' ~ ~& o l~ d , P ~ ~ t ~ n h d

tl'ut perish$ " ,e : l ; \ ~ ~ 8 h ~ 3oAnd if t h right

fir YCtv~/av. KC(; E; <.J~&(i.(rov x;p akav8ahi<Et a,~ K K O $ O V 30

thy r:ghl, hnnd cnnmatoJotToudlthee, cut off


ai*rr)rj~ a i
It one nf am1

cinb ao6' avp$8p~r.yhp cot i'va hndXtp-ai

lthy 'body

cnst [it] from thoe : for it uprofitabie for thee that should perish

2,"; ",zy,"n$Firy2
wt~olcbody bhouid be

b Gv-~hGv.aov, ; j gXov rA.aC~pd.aov ',!3XvOp' ~ i yi~vvav.1~ v m p g thce for it is profitmeiubcra, and not 2whole

31 g'Eb$OrlG6i. hiirill i j r . 6 ~ cinoX6av

It wru mid RIM, thnt whoever nhnll put nway

his wife,

be cnsc into O e h e n n ~ able for af t h memlxre ~ h o u l d One


a h r i cinoarharov. 32 iydI.E$ Xiyw &piy, h

but I

iac.&~ 31 I t hath beenanid,

cast into holl.

any t o you. khat whoever Whosoever shall pllt nwny hia wife, let hive her * writing o i rhnll pnt n3vny his wife, errcpt on account of fornlcntion, cause8 gvorccrnent : 33 but I my unto you Thnt a b r ~ j vkpoiX1uOai l' rcai '2C.idv" droXrXvpivqv who-ocver shnh put her tocorntnlt adtalrcry; and whoever h r who hnateen put away a h Imarry, awny his wifo, savlng for the csnae of forniporx1rai. cntlon, cnuseth her t o Qommitnn~lultery. commit ndultery : end 33 & - ~ X L,i~oCaare,6r1 gi$iBt+ roir cipxaiorc, 06r.hniop- ~ IJ $ ~ Agnin, yo hnve henrd thnt i t w ~ srrid to the nncionta, 'll~oushnltnot comruittoth lrdultcry. u dro86u~is.di ryi rvpiy rndc.$tcovc.uou* 34 iTf ha$tg;$t rija~rc, forswearthyself, but thoushnltrander to thc Lord thine onths. boon said by them of old t h e , T ~ O U shalt bi hlyw 3t4iv p4 dpdaai iiXws. prjre i v r @oirpavG, ijrc 'b11t my to l o u not to s r e n r a t all, neither by the hcavon, because[t;ftk! ~ $ ~ ~ iariv 703 &OS' 35 p$re i v rg' yp', h i iirordJidv iariv r 3 v tho Lord t h l n ~ onths: It b of God ; nor by the earth, because [the] footstool it ir but I #ay unto you, Swenr not a t nll ; neiro6iv.a6ro;' p h r ~ 'I~poadXvpa, 6ri E;S r d X i c k r i v ra; ther b~ heaven; fur it of his feet : nor by Jerurnlem, because [the] city it ia of the is God B thmne: 2-5 nor b~ the earth. for it h P E ~ C ~ @aaiX6wc*36 ~ O V ( U rp'.~$nhp'.~ov p d ~ p ~ . , h i Ins footStooi: neither d pent King. Xerthor by thy head shalt thouswenr,becnuse b Jerumlsn~;for it is tKo city o t tho groat oir.66vaani piav r p i ~ X E V K ~ V ~ ~ X Q L Y C Lroiijuai.II a "ij Y OiurwI' ~ i l l g .36Noithera)mlt thouartnotnble one hnlr white o r black t o mnke. 'Let 'be thou swunr by t h y hand, becnnua bi d.Xdyog.ilp3v, vai vai, 0; 06' -76.62 T E ~ ~ U U O ~U W U 1~ cn~lst not mnko thou T ~ T one 'hut y o u r +word, Yea, yes; Nny,nay: bnt what[is] more than themfrom hnir white or blnck. 37 But lct oorrouiirlrcrof nov~lpoirlariv. nicatiou Yen, t n ; evil is. ~ n y uny : for wl;ht, * c soever is more than 88 'Hko6anrs Sri g1#60q,1 'OqjBaXpbv 6 v r i iqj&fXpo3, ~ a the- cotneth of evil. Ye have honrd thnt i t wars and, Eye 'yet 38 Ye hnvo hennl

let hlru give toher a lottor of divorce :

rinoXPapfir r j v . y v v n i ~ a . ~ r oaapcrrAc Xd you ropveinr, aoioi f,

% 2;;




iEdvra civri tJdvros. 39 iydI.62 Aiyw irp711 p4 civriarGvai ry' ::::; ;"" t~t e, : d ,
tooth wil; turn for tooth; but I say to r o u not t h y right to reslst cheek, a too:h for a tooth: who~ever

rovqpy'. LAX' i j a r i ~ UE Pbaniaei inill ~v.J~[ihv.~aovaiaydva,u ' ~ bIue reaint yon, 3~ t nnto any That not
but whosoever thee bhallstrike on other;

arpi#ov a t r G rai r i v AXqvo 40 r a i

t o him also the

ry' 86Xovri ooi rpi- shau sniite thee on

gu t

and tohim who would with thee go ~ ~ % ~ g , " ! e c ~ ~ ' ~ ; sb ipciriov' 4 0 h d if sup runllwill t o b w and thy tunio take, yleld t o him also [thy] cloak; rue thee a t the nnd take nwny thy 41 ~ u 8urtc E c i ~ ~ p ~ pihiov h,Braye p r ' a6roS 860. cont. let him have thr i . 6 u ~ i and whosoeverthee W l compeltogo 'mile 'one, go with him two. cloke also. 41 And whosoever h l l coru42 ryi airofvri U rdibov.i~rai rAv.BiXovra c i r b aof 'bavei- pel thee to go a milq To him who asks of thee glve ; m d him that winher i r o ~ uthee t o bor- go with him t w n l a 42 Give to him that oau8ai~~ p + . d r o a r p a $ ~ ~ . asketh thw m d from row tliou h a l t not t u r n away from. bim that,~ o o l d hot-


&jvai rcai r i v . x i r ~ v ~ . a oXapeTv, 6 9 ahrG~r a i v ~

I W&

et$ yicvvav d n i h & into Gehennago 8W ly LTTrA. S LTrhW. b &n LTFrA. p o i ) ( s v ~ j v a cLlTrA. I h he who I.. b anoAriwv every one that puts away LTTrA. ' y a p j u a $ has married L, n o r j u a i j piAarvav L m r A . O iusai shnll be LA. ~bcm*t cis ntr~ke* upon L'ITrA. o ucay6va a o v LTrA; uov (read the right cheek) T . r86s ~ m r & baviaeu8at T.

;;& G)

row of thea t a r n not thou nwny. ye have hevd t h a t it hat11 been naid Thou rhalt love t h j neighbour, and hate thine enemy. 44 But I m unto ~ o u Love p , your enemlea bless them that c d s e you, do good $0 them that hnte you, nnd pray for them whlnh despitefully uw you, nnd perwcute you 45 that ye mny bs thichildrcn of Father which is n heaven :forha makath hi8 YUU to rise on tho evil and on the good, and wndeth rain on the just and on the unjuat. 40 For if ye love them which love you, whstruwardheve ye7 do not evon the publicnns the same 7 an,,if yu salute your brcthrcn only what do ye more that; donoteventhe ~ b l i c n n s s o ?48 ye h e m f o r e ~ r f e c teven *

MATBAIOE. V, VI. 43 'Hro6uare Sri 'iPP6Btl,"'Aydnfiuetc ~i)v.rXquio~.uou xni

Ye havo he~rrdthat i t ww snid, Tholr nhalt love thine eucmy' But1 thou0 who you, any thy ueigl~bour to you, Lore you, 'well ourl

piufiu~isrbv.b~6p6v.uov~ iyA.6; Xiyid ilpiv, 'Aya,riire roljs 44


lxep06~ &pGv, ' E ~ X O ~ E ~7-06~K ~ T ~ P ( I J / ~ ~ i)pi?c, K C L X ~ ~ TE V O U ~




w ~ ~ ptuoirvrac &pc?g,'II xai 6g

hato you



~ and


p ~&nip rGv~ ~ who pr.41y f r r tl~ose

so t h ~ r tye may bu
his m m

~irqp~a&ivrwv &pES xaill 6ew~ovrwv &p&-' 46 6rwc. yevquee

desyitefully use



you ;


vioi roir.rarpdc.&pGv r05 bv 06 avoic' i;ri rbv.i~Xlol~.airoii

nons of your l a t h e r evil who [is] in [the] feavens : for and good, &causes toriae on

Bv~trFXXei i r i novqpodc rai ciya6olis, rai PpFxi tni Bcraiovc

and seutisruiu on
love just

Kai cidirouc. 46 i&v.ycip ciya7I7jUqr ~ 0 6 ciyLZ?rijvra~ ~' irpiic,

ond unjust. For if ye love tlioso who you,

riva piU6bv
alld if

~ X E ~ E ; 6 ~lcai oi r)lGl/ai rrh a f rb" roioirur v 0 i what reward hnveye? =not 'also4tho"ttaxagatherersTthe'same *do?

47 kni

&ar&uqu6e rods..d6~X$od~.i~pijv pdvov, ri

ye salute your brethreu only, 'Not *also*the stsx"gutherorl even ra 'so 'do ?

rsptu'hllnil 'be h u n v ~

ubv ~ O L E ~ T otxi K ~ oi *reXGva~~I E; I moi;rwsll roto3ucv ;48 iueoee

nnry do ye?

wh8t extri,ur.ii-

08v & p i cT ~ X E L Ob&u~~pll ~, i).ranj +ijv 6 PY roic 06pcivoig'l '

s&creforelye ~ r f m t , p your k t i l e r ~ who[is] iu the

r Q X ~ iburiv. 6~
xwrfect Take hwd that e donot your alms beore mcn, to be Been of them: oLherwi= ye have no reward of your Fatt~er which isin hcaTen. 2 Thercf?rewhon ihtne alms, do not sound a trumt before thee, as the EBppocritCs do in the aynnggues and m the ntrcots, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you They havo their re! W u d 3 But when thou doest alms let thy left hnn,l&ow what thy right hand dooth: 4 that thino alms ma be insacrot: and thy %ather which llpeth in secret himself !hall rewsrd thes opnly. is. newure your alms not to do before

t_6 lTpouiXeradr , j ~ . ~ i h ~ q p o o 6 v ~ u ~p4~TOLE~V ~ D p ( S~pnpou0ev v

rljv (ivQpLjrwv, rpbg.rb.eeaQtjvai airroic' ei.Ek.p.rjyr, 'ptuebv
O ~ K . { X E ~ napd E ye have not with

in order to be seen your &&or alms,

by them: the

otlierwiau heavcur.

rewnrd W11en tllc*, tlie

~Z r$.rar i 6p3v rf? dv 'rois" 0 6 p a ~ o i2 . r a ~

aho[is]iu do not sound o trniupet in the

therefore thou doeat as


X O @d~~ ~ t ] p ~ b & v f l ~ , plj.baXriUy4'


l p ~ p ~ UOV, 6 ~ Q
before and in

i $ u r ~ oi ;roxpt~diroeoilucv ( v rais avvaywynic rtci bv rnic p

the hypocrites syuagognes mcu.

~ i6patS, ~ T W C 6o~au63uiv &rb t 3 dv6phiTwv' 6 ?jv X6yw

streets, t h a t they may have glory from their reward. X r i l y 1 say

&piv, ~

? T ~ ~ O V U )~ V ~i ~.

p e U ~ b ~ . 3 f~04.82T O ~ O ~ V TdXqf 6r~~. O ~

But thou whnt secret : doing d w aud

they have

~ O U U Y ~ ] Y ,?.YUD~W alms, Et not *knod.

~.cipcurapci.uov . ri ~ o l i . ~ e ~ h u o u , ~ i
lthy 'left .'hand 'almr in thy Yircher

t11y right l ~ ~ ~ n t l

g$ m that 'may 'be 'thino

uov I ~ . ~ X E ~ / L O Ubr~ry'rpvrr$'rai h..lraip.uou ~V~"

6 PX6rwv

ry~pvrry 11a6r6c" &ro6hucr cot 'iv.rc>.?av~p$.'!

5 d n d when thou who sees in secret hirubelf shlrli render t o tllco opuiy. myeat, thou shalt not tt,o h ocrites ;5 Kai Grav k n ; o ~ ~ 6 X p , o6r.iup &unap" oi &rokpirai, are: for thcyfPove to l a d when thou prnymt, thou &halt ]lot be I W the hyyuerlred, prUJ standing in tho rpnagoguesandin the iiri $cl\oir~u~'tv r a i ~ uuvaywynic xai 6 1 1 rnic yw~liaicrGv aorners of tho street& for theey love in the synugoguar lurd in tho coruurs of the

-U;<&, the

rcis ~ L V O G U L V ) p g ~ i '~Iv. v e i r ~ o y e i ~ ~ p ~ ~ ~ bp& ~LTTrA. G a ( LT AW. inqpaa&vswv epic rai LTTIA. 3 oiiswr S0 LTrA. l e v r ~ o il&?tht)ll CiLTTrAW L Tb a%, i Bi ~ U TG [ b 06p6vro( the he;rvcnly LTTrA. S 1.1~. eallle LTTrAW. h .. a v s o s 6 i u o i iAr?poovvv $ *r, f 70's T . 8 ' K a & d y v rig)ltoousliess GLTT;AW. k U ~ O Q C ~ ~ i~ eO e ~ (j( ye plmay, shall I I U ~ OCK u v c ~ , ye L'ITIA, 2 t v l @ +avep@ LTTrAW. be U8 LTTrA.




~tmtr s*mdlng

t pray, o
#o that they may appear


~XaretGv larGrec npoae~~a0ac, anwc lBvu.$nvGu~v roic

~ ~ ! , ~ f ~ t ;

unto you, t hey h ~ v e 6 But when to uou. VurilJ I say to you, t h t they haw, *reward a , entor thou prayt into thy ai*rGv. 6, 8rav npooeti;yp, eiaeX0e eic rb.n~aptei4v'.aou, cl-t, m d when thou 'tltcir. But thou, whon thou prayert, enter into thy cha111ber, mi rAtisac rtjv.8irpav.aov, npdusv&c nji.nar i-aov r+ i v wh6h h in-t and m d having shut thy door, @W to thy lather who [l"] in * ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i c in #tnt e h l l mward ry' rcpvnry'. aai b.sanjp.aov J pXQnwv i v ry' rpvmy' &so- thee o w l y . 7 ~ u t recrcc; and thy F~\th.r who wen in lecrat :FT$ P& %: F l h e i UOL O b . ~ @ . $ ~ ~ t p t7 I O U ~ V X ~ ~ E Y O?L .. P ~~ ~ T T o ~ o $ 'I . ~ ) ~ c u the b T e n do: mr~derto thw openly. g u t when ye pray donot O Y W n t b that the .hdll be h a d for yilnrrr," Gump oi i&troia borm8uiv.~dp68 i v r & v o h o y i q thodr 1 myutitionr, U the heathonr : for thay think that in uoh 4puking 8 B not tr . much l i b unto them for ahrGv eknrow8i~uovrai. 8 08v 6poiw0 ~ T O ~ OC l a t h h i w e & ~ W 'their thcy shall lm hand. A ot 'themfors ' e fik. b to them : what thin@ ye haw Dodo! before ye ank

trv8pDnorc' dp4v X 7 irpiv, m 8 t r " dn6~ovarvrbv piaO~vtheir Ew


K et$ltz'


o:Eev.ydp 6.rnn)pii irv airijaai airrdv. 9 oGrwc

ark him.


~peiav:%errs npb roir 6pZc

ye pray

for "knuwe

&your Pntfer of what thlnga 'ueod 'p have bfora



Thar therefore

1 r p o m 3 ~ e irpeic' lTLrep.+pGv ~e
Our b'hther thy nnmo ; let Gome

$.~?naiXeia.aov* yevq8;)rw d.86Xqpci.aov, 3c iv olpavg, aai l1 Give urthk Our thy kingdom ; let be done thy will aa in hmven, [m] h o ~ $ ~ ~ ~ d \ u ~ r ( n i *r$cU ?$S* 11 rbv.dprov.bGv r C iriodoiov dbc i p i v Y_n zTy&$b$
upon the ~ r t h ; day ; our b m d

Who [art] in tho

i v roic O C ~ ~ V I J T C , dytau&jrw T ~ . ~ v o ~ ~ . u o v * 10 qiXeird

henvcm, muotlfiorlba

t;g"c"po",z u

h,ve,, H.uowod h thy -me. 10Thy

in hcavca.

,, ,

0, l

a t k






pepou* l2 aai &$rc tjpzv rd..lad+eAtjpan+pGu,

and forgin

khgdom and t powh m, .nd the glow, for A"Mn l4 For And lead not ua into our dmbtom ; it p forgive men their rrerpaayt6v, &AB f;l?natljpdc dnb roii novqpol?. 'Sri aoii i m i v tiur t t w s lour h a ternsation, but doliver ur from evil. thine van!' lather will also t o r g L Tou : 13 but it paatXeia rcai birvapic rcai rj 6JEa eic r o 4 ~ aiirvnc. & ye forgave not m m the kinpdonr nnd the powcr and the glory to the agos. their trerparw ndther will yom * n t h 14 'Edv. tip & ijrt roic tiv0pl;~orcrd.napnm6 ara.air~Gv, forgive rout trar For& p &give men their oknccs,

ow debtr,

? : +p$ S:,,%:;,; : ,%


a ,

aot into brnptation

roil;.d~etXfrai~.~pGv* rai p ? ) . ~ / a e v +p@ ~ c 13 6 ~ ~ ei'


dr hacc rcai irpiv d.nanj .6pGv

**l1 Yorpira *also f ou v e forgive men

~JOW t e ' hr k

d obpdvtoc* 16 Idv.61 p4
'the *heavenly. their offence.#, neititer

but if h o t

tipijr roic dvOpLjroi~;V&napamirpara.aCrirv,II t i t juei

ye fnat, be not for they dirtlgure

0484 d

rarrip lpGv
Aud when

l a t h e r y o u r 'wil fol#ire

16,fforav.b4 vqareCqra, p?).yivaaOe v~anep"ool irxospiral

16 ~

p ~

llowncngr in couutcnnna;


d$avi~ouuiv.ydp ~ . r ~ ~ u ~ n a : ~ t~ ~ ;t ri G~v , ~ ; a
tlicir fncem,

~ $ a

tenance :for they dlrfigure their frorr, that 80 that they may appeu. to m n fating. Verlly I nay nuto men to yerib I irpiv, 'iirr" tinlxouaiv rbv.piaGiv.uC~Gv, 17 at1.68 vqareiwv may unto you, m m to you, that they h a m their rowrud. But thou, fnsting, ham their 17 But thou when thou bXei$ai aou srjv aequXijv, rai rb.npbawndv.oov viqac. 18 6nws frutut, u,oint thine ahoiut thy bead, md 'thy Y n a 'wah, m that hand, and - ( ~ u hthr f a d 18that thou a p p).$av~c 7roic dv0pLjroi~w ) m ~ i u v M~ d r ? , X y narpi yenot unto u thou luajort not a * ? to m m futing, but to 'Prthm at,but unto thy P%


~ Y dptjv Xtyu $.a~Grtv r o ? (tv6p6~0ic ) ? U ~ E ~ O M E ~ '

L. t


h$ LTT~A. ~ T + I ~ V T A . , 0-dv +Pj gay~pcpl LTZ~A, P f l a ~ ~ d h o p j w TA. STT~AW. a have for@ven CWA. t &L -0 to et& of W ~ N G t r z r ~ W .P L r& . naoaw; 2 7 , W hwav 4 &b 7 d~ dfl& t

LW~AW. m


-4 s




thcr y h fFllther,rccrvt: c 1 c h ir In rvllirh 0 1 { V r $ X ~ p ~ ? r ~K tU '~ci.?ranjp.Uov r j l' seeth in pccrer. ' t h ~who [is] i n secret ; , nud thy F ~ ~ r h c who r U in rcwru(l Opcnl~. z ~ p ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ $U !E 'L abv.r$.pa~eprfj.'l & O ~ J cot secret wili render t o thee openly. 19 Lny not n p for ~ u ~ ~ r s e l treucnrea ~cr 19 Mlj.6quavpiYere 6p7v 6rl?ravpo6c rij~ yjs, gnov upon ei~rth, where Trenaure not up for yourselves trennnrer upon thu clrrch, r v l ~ r r a moth nnd rust doth E Ciqavit~r, a i i ~ o v ~ ~Xi?rrac 8cop;~aaovatvmi corrupt, and where O ~ M ; $,oGu~s thieves break through moth lrnd rust spoil, and where thicrea dig tl~rough nu6 and ktcnl : 20 but 1ny up for pollrwlvcs t r a - )CX~TTOVU~V'. ~quaupi~ere.8i ;piu- 6 ? l ~ a ~ p; I ! 0{1p(lvt~, 20 ~i's sums in honven, where steal: but trensure u p for yourselves treasures in I~enren, neither moth nor rltat rind O ~ O U oirre u l j ~ ~ T E O Pp(;urc (iqqviz~r, a i;?rov iiX6rr(rt 06.8~~ i doth corrupt whcre thieves 'do not where neithcr moth nor rust spoils and where fhierei do not break ,through nor O P ~ u u O v u ~ v 066i ~Xinrouurv. 21 8?r0v.~dp iurcv A $ilantlpic rtenl : 21 for where nor steal : for whcre *is 'rrcnriure J m r trewure is, there a16 through


VT. 6 phi?rw~. 23 ;V

'd i

so. 2PThelight ofthe will your heirrt be nlbody is the if

b i ) r i ) ~ 2 i l i ZUTUL L ~ ~ i K' U P ~ ~ Ci )Lp ( ; ) ~ . l h ' b

'your, there willbe rrko 'hcnrt 'your.

22 '0X 6 x ~ ~ TO; s
The 1 I I P ~ thine eye But if clark

of rbb


Coiivll fh.LgSn.\ltdc.uov

$wretvi)v iurar' 23 ii(1~.8i d

light ncss. If theroforc the light thnt in in thee be dnrlnow, 110s grcnt io th~rt'dluknew1

will he.

6q61zXpdc.uov ?rovqpis

r i o i v r i ?GC




6Xov rb.a~p~.oov arorrtvbv <urar.

lihy body a-illha
U X ~ O S iuriv,



i v ooi

If themfore the ight thnt [is] i n thee dnrkncas


rb u r i ~ o cl l b o y ; i
the darkness how great

24 No mnn cnn serve 24 O68~ic d6varuc 6uui ~upiocs GOVXECCV. rbv i'l~a $.ytip two mnsters: for eiNo one if able tw-o lorh t o serve ; for either the one ther ho will hntc the oue,nndlovctl~cother; p16ljbE1, KC(; r i v ~repovciya?r;lar' i v i ~ &vt)i(~rcir,Kai or e l he will hold t o he will hnte, and the othcr ~ he will love; or [thej one he will hold to, n ~ d the one, and dospisn the other. Ye cannot 706 C(T~POV K C ~ T ~ o ~ ~ ; / u EO ; . ~ ~ U U U ~ E @ L. ~ O U X E ~ EK[ VK YttCtp~ serve God and mnru- the other Yenrenotnble "God Ito 'serve nnd msmhe wilfdespise. mun. 25 Therefore I you, Tilkc no ~ W V + . ~ 25 drci ro3ro Xiyw Cpiv, p~j-peptpviir~ ' r$-$w~$.i~pGv, thought for your life, mon. Bectruseof this I s n y toyou, be not cnreful ns rn ~ u u life. r whnt ye shi~lleat or what yo ahnll r i qciyqrc: biaifi ' r i ~ i q r e . " pq8i r+-~h~cart.i~~iljY,v, nor yet for your body, what yesliouldeat and what ye shoulddrink; nor as t o your hod^ whnt yc shnll put on. Is not life more r i ivt6aqo6e. oCxi rl/oXlj ?rXeidv iartv rijs rpoqils cai than mcnt, nnd the whnt yeshouldputon, 'Not %he 'life .more 'L t h a n the food nnd body thnn rnimcnt? 26 Behold the fowls of rb uGpa 703 dv8&paroc; 2 ippXk#are et's rci rererva ro3 G the for they sow the body thnnthe rniment? Look a t the birds of th.


z';, ","~",hg,t:,"r o6pavo3, iirt i z :

barns ; Set your henhenven,

O ~ . Q T E ~ ~ O U U 0682 ~Y,

6~pi<ovuiv, 06Zi
do they ronp, nor

~ U I ~ C ~ ~ O V U L


theysow not,


do they gather

~ ~ h i c h o f y o u b j t t x k6 E ~ J : C(GXXOV b [ a $ i . P ~ r ~ a6rGv; 27 ri'c-84 6p[Zi1pcpring thought cnn add .much 'are better t h m they 1 But which out of roll * k i n g one unto his stnt u r e ? 28 Andwhy take pv(Zv J6varar rrpou6c:ivaa r+v.ljXiriav.aCroG A I ~ X L I V a ; h ye thought for rni- cnreful in able' t o add to his atnturo 'cuLit lone?

;,c:Z ~ ,,,,

~ into & or B ~ i c ~ , ~ , g r u a i ~ a rai r and

b.rar$f i t h e r n the 0henvcub ~ r os ~ u6rh' 06% d ~ your ipGv d 6~d ~ occ them: 'nor ~


lilies of the field, how 28 kai ?repi ivbirparo~. i p ~ p t p v ~~ a r ; p c 8 e rrd K (VC( r r~a ~ they grow; they toil and about rniment why are yecareIul? oberve the tl:es not, neithcr do they spin: ?I) and yet I say r03 (iyp03,nGg ka6Edv~r.n oli?ro?rl$" 0682 "vtj8er' ' 29 X i unto you, That even of the field, how they grow: they labour not nor 60 they spin : 'I Solon~on in nll his lory wnn not nrrnyed Y W 8i ilpiv, &L 066h Z O ~ O ~ & ?rdUv 7rtpt.E;V V fike one of these. say 'but t o you thnt noteven Solon~ou i n nll hi; glory WII# 30 Wlrcrcforc if God i v T O ~ T W V .30 E;-6; r i ) X ~ ~ T O V ciypoC. u ; ] ~ e ~ a v ~ TO: so ciothc th; grnss of PCiXero the ficld, which t o dny clothcd as one of these. But if the grass of the fielcl. t o '(lay

a ~ p v + a i ( rLTTrA. l ? ;v T@ q$avspG GT.TTrAW. b vbv thy-LT~rb. K a i L. UOv th): : G 6 or LTr ; uab f. g Fapwvp G L T T ~ A W . o bF . I p6 +$e+6, uov &aAoirr L! T . l . 4 ~ ~ a v o v u LTTrA. I KOTLWULU LT; K O A L O ~ ~ U LYA. m V ~ ~ O O V U L LE2rA. tv Y V

VI, VII. MATTHEW. I6 ral a6prov ere di/3avov paAXdpevov, d 8rbc ot;;c h to-morrow into an oven C% Qod ? M not ulocli mow ~p~civvvarv,oir TOM$ piiMov irpiic, ~ X L ~ ~ ~ L Q ~ Oj Lcb'lde you,31 'J!lrcuetor# 31 t tletaith? 0 of lit; -yB, cdu he] not much rqther you, O ~ O* uttlefaitbp L tde ] hf W" olv )up~py+~re, hiyour% Ti (6ywp~v. ri ~ i w p v , jug, W %*l1 we $


be a r d ,


What uhnll weestl or what B a l l w e d r W ~ ~ k ~ o ~ $ , " , For all thwthlngu the natiom

CFor after *l1 thingr do the Qentilea u k : ) for YW h e r .Itor. For b o w 8 your ! e &r the heav8nly that ye ve & "nb Pather knOweth that ye hnve n d ro6rwv ir?rdvrwv+ SqrtireSi rpGrov O74v ~ a a A e i a i 0 3 of a u them thin 33 v ,f ytl~eue"thlnga 'l. . al But a y b y e ' 5rd the kingdom 83 But reak ye 5 n t kingdom oi God, and 8 ~ 0 5 njv.8[ri~o&vtjv~~airroi,, raiira r d w a rpoorcii rai r i g h t e o u s n ~rind ; of Qod m d h k righteownws, and 'theae W u g d shdd all them thing8 Fb.U k added unto you. reerjaarar' 6piv. 34 t j o h . P p ~ ~ l p ~ q r ~ airpcov* sc ~ a k e n thueton no be . d d d to you. o tf o be for the moryw i though* for the mmrow: for the morrow aCPeov eprpdja~~q ~ d ' rdavnjc? d p ~ e ~ b v a a u take thought ior for the morrow Iha!beursfulabout the Cthhg8] o i t r o t 8utEciant t% f o tho t h i n p of itself. Sufficient unto theday rjpipq raria ntrijs. U the evil thereof. day [id] the evil of it. yciprpiprr rpivere, vII. Judpnot, that Mr).~pivere, p?)xpt8ijre*2 i v 'lvn L Judge not, that ye be not judged: "with 'what 'for judgment ye judge, Y be not judged. e 2 For with whnt jud K~~%UEU~E. rai i v pkp~ perpeirc, 'ciwr erpqeipe~ar~~ ye j u ~ eye merit , y e l a l l k judged; and with what measure ye mate, itrh.llkim-d agrin be judgad: cad with what meaaureye mets 6@v. 3 Ti.84 pXir~cc rb rdp$oe rb f v ry' b98aXpG 703 itahallbemeas~ed t : ain. 3 h d why to jou. Butwhy l w k e s t t h o u the mota ,that [M in the eye tha &8EX$oij.uov, njv.84 bv r '-ay' . b$BaAp$80rbv 06xarbvoric; ,,t, 01 teat t thou, th, b i i , of thy brother, but the .n &m r o w %ye i 'burn perosirwt not t brother's eye,but oon"Ot h t " 4 $ ~ 3 c : fpeic .ry'.dr8~A$@.oov,"A dr/3Mw rb that ir in thine o w n &er Ctha$Jl cast a t 8 how wilt thou lay to thy brother, e e? 4 Or hov win ~~dppoc 'd?rdn roi.b$BaXpoG.uov* m i i804, 8okbc f v ry' er et me thy out pull mote from thine eye : and behold, the D1i n the kote out of t i h . Gordv f c *ye; in thine b &JuAptlj.aov'; 6norprrci, ZrpaXe ~ p 3 r o v 5 ant b. W out of bee 5 Thou h-rite a-riu, out t i n e [own] eye l eye? ro4.8pBaApoir.aov,u rai rdrc Gca/3X1+ecc b@aAeiv 71 xipqoc ~ t c ~ t o u t t h e b e a and then thou wilt me clearb to caat out tha mote ~ ~ O & ~ h " , thine [own] eye, ree clslvly to wt out ire roG d$BaXpoG roAd8eX$oG.crov. out of the eye ot thy brother, the mote out brother's eye. of tby

32 rciwa.ydp ruirra rd ievq "Ire- a1 8h.u wb be clothed?

z)mr.' oid~v.y.ydp 6.ranj -6pGv 6 ohpdvro~ Zrb







: , {

6 Mtj-bGrc
-s 1

Give not that which [is] holy 'your them


ilyrov TOTS maiv* h 8 4 pdAqr~r 0 6 ~ BCttrenotthrLHhich .

tothe dogs; uor m t the uwiue,

papyapirag ;@v ~prpoaeebrGv ~oipwv, p$rora -rarabefm

trample upon they rend

T a ~ a w a i v b ~ r q v ~roi~.roaiv.airrdv, f6

tbek feet,

biSwaiv 6pbc.

ie holy unto the dogs neither c u t pc you; l& thcy should lr before swine, est they trr)mylethom rai srpa$ivrec ander their feet, and -d. bang tmed turn w i n and rend You.

& I ~ ~ E T Eye shnyl find knock ' and ye o n h d : and it shall b i opened hu anto you : 8 for e v e q #p06ere,rai ivory~aarac;piu. 8 abs.ydp d a i r h happdver, one that -1~9th receivknock, .nd i t ohall be o&ned to you. For everyone that .aka receives, 0th ; and he thnt wekp 0th findetha and t o rai d k r i n , e+iurei, ~i r$ that~p060vrtxtivoryilu~rae. him1tbe ~ docketh Ort t i and ha that &kr finds, urd to him knocb i t &a be o p d h 1 opened 9

7 Aire'ire, rai Boetjoerac 6piv* zqflire,'.rai

h , k
and i t shall be givun to you:

7 A&, and i t shall b given ou; w k , nnd


rat *v BaatActav L ; 703 Oa05 ( r e d is r g t t ih. things] o LTTrAW. sit+ A. *ye~-pq@+ u n u it S ~ l l l rnenm~lad be CILTTM. i r out o LTTP. V?K m3 *Od+ov mu q v 6orov L ~ A , u a r a s a n j ~ o v u t v the^ s U tiaiyle upon LITCA. i v o i y m a ~ i4 ope~lad it LTC.
in$v~&utv L ~ A . o.ri)v Strarodziyv


P P C P L ~ ~ ~ U CE C' T i

T& (omit the

what Is them you, whom if his SOU .&bread, will he

5fBT8AIOE. v1 1 9 ; ric J l a r i v V t O ;v (iYBpwnos, 8v'zilivn. mai+apu Sv& i

Or what 'b5b.n 'Vf

g~;;?;:~, him
E 4

who willhegin him?

*should4wk and

%on .fish

anQroi &prov, pjhieov i ~ i d h u r r a0ryi; 10 b ~ a idv ixOiiv i

a ur nt

l If 10 than evil, know h o d t o give




pd d(iv

8 atone

i r t E 6 u ~aGr@;11 r i i




h e a h o u 1 ~ 6 ~ l p nwillhegive h i n t ~ t U thsrefore p, *il c h i l b n , how much dvrec oiSar~ Gdpara &yat)d 6 r G l v a ~ r o i s ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ c ~ n Q p 3 ~ , nday luorosha1l Our Father 'being, know [how] 'gifts 'good t o give to your children, how niuch whichhinioavsn give t l ~ i w ut o them pZMou S-iramj .irpGv b i v rois o&pavoiS Gcjasr Lya6cS t wk him? more IOW & t k who [klh tb. & . w i l l g i n good thing# M


airoitaiv a 6 r i v ;


18 Therefore a l l 12 r k b ~ a U ~ Y S U ~ . ~ C ? Y ~ X ~ T E b a n ~ i G u i v Gpiy oi OB thin whstsoever ye All things therefora whaierer ye desire thnt %hould3do *to6you w o u g t h a t nlen ~ h o u l d , ' do t o you, do 9 even dv6pwror, oiirwc car Gpei~ O L E ~ T E X atroic* oi5roS.yCip lurw 5 lo t o them: for thie 'ruen, , go also 'ye ]do t o them: for thu L the is the law w d the pro-


vipos kai oi npo$ijrar.

mt the c


13 "EieBh6ere" 6td rijc aravijs d X q ~S" ~ ~LX a r r i a m?Xq"

wide i the gate, aud w d s brad the s r q t . h o lewd. to d ~ h c t i o n , and br<nd is the way, th~bt leadeth todwtructio& roMoi ~ i b loi ~iuep~dflevo~ a&r%* 14 f6rru un?~tj ~ 8; and many thare be many are they who' enter through i t : far nmruw the which go in thareat: 14 because strait if Lhe dAtf"~ori fiehtppi~tf 2 i ) c ij (~TC~YOVUQ EISrrjv Iwtjv, rai gnte, andnarrow wthe gate and straitened the way that lea& to life, and wa wh~ch lendeth unto ,,~d few 6Aiyot ~Ouiv oi ~Gpiuxovr~s airyi2v. be t!mt And it, few are they who find it.

13 E n t e r ye in at the rtririt gate: f o r lcai ~bpbxwpog


through the narrow





the gate


jv~n6h~iav, rni


iraye~. 16 (ixb rtiiv.lcapirGv.anQrGv I T C Y Y ~ UtE0 6 ~phr' a r U 'E

thorns, or figs of P i o u s . BY tbeir fruits yeahnll know tt~orn thi*tlcg? 7 Even ! u~Xh6~0vuiv irav6Gv 'ara$vXdv U i j ciirb rptPtjhwv ocra; &?rd ~ ~ ; Do they gather from thorns ~a bunchof grapcs, or from d thistles ~ $ ~ ~ figs? ~ 0 ~ but a corrupt tr? 17 oijruc r i i v 8 8 ~ 6 ciyn6iv rapiro3c raXoirc xotri' r;.6& SO e v e ~ y %roe 'gmd .truih 'good yroducoa, but the cnnuotb:iugforthe~iI uanpdv 66vJpov raproirs nov~poirc n o t e i . 18 ol.bbvnrar f r u ~ tnelthcrcauacor, Yfr~its Ibwl producen. 4C~~nuo~ rupt tree bring forth conup* good fruit. 19 Every 6iuJpov 6 a6dv icapsodc aovqpo.irc jao~eiv,~ oh84 6iv6pov sn* t w o that bringeth la Good 'fruits sevrl produce, nor a 'tree Icorforth good h i t ia Aewn down, and csst rprpbv lcapnoi,c raXo6~r o c ~ i v . ~ ~ navk &vc"pov titj ~ u i o i l v j l9 into by their fruits ye fore thefire. 20 Where- rapt 'mta 'good "produce, Ercry true nut protlucing ahallknow thorn. rapnBv kaXhv 6 r r d ~ r r r n ~ is ?rGp PciXXErar. 20 rai 'fruit lgood is cut down aud into fire is c.wt. Then surei)

!:b y :




mcirA!J Gv.rapnGv.ahr3v biriyvc~ata0e aliro6~.

21 Not

bS their fruits ye shall kllu~v them. erery one 2 OI!J irsg S X ~ Y W V pot, l<6pl~, 1 &pi, F ; U E ~ E ~ ) U E ~ C C thnt soith unto me Lord Lord shall ente; Not every one who snyn t o nle, Lord, Lurrl, s l ~ n lcnier iuto l into 'thc i i u g t ~ o mo t heaven. but he that 71jv /3aarXeiav rtjv oBpnv3ue S noi3v T A BiXt~paro6 doeth the will of my the kingdom of tbe hcnvcns, but he who d w s the will


a1mjue~ shall ask LTTrA. b $ rai iX8$v ainjusb or Y j v n v LTr [ A ] . a ihv LTTrA. LTTrA. 7i how G t r r . SO lb fish shall usk LTTIA, C ihv T. d eiwiA8a~r i) d h q L[T]. J iveyrcciv bedr o h b i but LT [ W A ~ . i ura+uAhs grapa LTT~A. C [i) m i ~ q LT. m U G. C [dVjtlQW l ifl p

PII, VIIL. rrarp6~.pouroG iv

Irtby ry",$&q,

of nip Yatl~er who[%] in [the] Lcnrcm.

MATTHEW. 6tpavo?c. 22 a & i : d


my to 1110

"$i~lnFw:; iu
that dny.


KGpie, rirpie, oh ~cG.ulji , that . dny, Lord, Lord, %ot 'through'thy 6vdparc Oaposf~q-",";%b$;$i:~;," and 'naYne clid we &P6hop~v, name have rai r~baap~v," rai rt$-acg bvdtiarr Sa~pd~~ra

;t in thy cast out *proph,hesy, nnd through thy name deuions caat out, and namo done mnny wonand in thy rroMdp iaoii)aapev; 23 rai dertol works? rs ~ n d rc$-acG dvdtmar h v y ~ b d then will I profcns unthrough thy name .work8 'power 'many pcrfom? to them, I never knew ~ d r e p ~ X ~ Y a tIr ~ i~~ijrt otSfaore e"yvwv 4p2ic. t a o ~ w p a i ryou: d e p ~ r t f r o mme, 6 ; o , ~ then will I confess t o them, Never knew I you : depart ye Ye that work b i q n i t ~ .

d i ipoir, oi Ipya<dpevoi r+v tvopiav.

from me, who work lawleusnesa




Therefore wbo~o7045 1 6 ~ P0 ~ ~ 6 24~ ~ thou% # u ~ everhenrcth ~ ~ say'words 'these, i n g ~of mine niid

E v e q ono therefore whoswvcr hcnrs

~ n~i o ratroCc, qhpol6aw atr6vll tvSpi qpovipcy,ijarc~ ~ i 4~086-

,~;!,,f, , :: "! and doas them, I willliken him t o n "mm lpruJent, who built man, which built his pqa~urrrjv.~iriav-ai)r~G1~rrjv air av. 25 rai rarfPq t j iz "" Iai : da:!, : , his house upon the rocc: and cnmedown the ded, and the fioda Ppo~rj rai ftjXBov11 oi ~ o r a p o irai c"m~ltanv 6vapor, ~ a i 2; oi raia, and came the streoms, and blew the winds, gnd that house. and it 'apoaia~aov~~ r$-oiriq.dreivy, rai ohr.e"aeaev. ~~8epeXiwro.~dp for it & ~ ~ f o ~ t i l t l e d not: fell npon that house, and it fell not; forithadbean founded;; ": tn:gtt ,


h i rrjv airpav. 26 rai

upon the 'these rock. and d bn& not do h

and everyone who

aiic b ciroirwv
h -

~ O 706~ U X6yovc these sayings of minc,



robrouc rai pd.aorGv atroirc, dporoO$aerat


&+pi too& ijari~ 4x086 qUEv d v Sppov' 27 rai gni

he .hall be likened t o a 'mm

canle down the wiuda,

rariPq - 4 &OX;)
rain, and

his h o w and carno the

upon the
atre-, and and

snnd: blew

m i iheov oi wornpoi ral ~ m ~ u

that h o w ,

~ V E ~ O rai C ,

apoafro+av r&oiriq.C~~ivy, &reaev, rai tjv lcai

beat upon

the the rain descended and and tho floods cam;, dnd the winds blew and a a v b a t upouthat 1;onhe. oi the and it fell : nnd groat) was the fall of it.

und G, ahall be likenedwhich foolish man, built his house upon

and doeth them not

it fell,

nnd 6was


'4 arGar~ aurijc peyiXt].

Yfall 'of *it great.

28 Kal iyivero i j r ~ wnvv~rQX~aevlf d 'lqaoirc totre Xdyouc

And it cnmc topass when J5nishod at 'Jesus 'wordu .ho

f06rovg ~ t ~ l r X $ a ~ o v r o X X O Liai +.drSa~--ai)roG- 29 tjv oi ~

%hue astoni8hed were the (rowd. them

it tewting:

p ~ , $ & , ~ t ~ ~ ~ etlded these sayings, the oplo were rwtoua t his doctriile: F) for he a n v h t them


ydp Si~ciarwv aCroitc

for teaching .. An sciibes.

&c itovaiav 'hnving, v-and o t &c the i~w , rai not ~ oi as %authority
fro111 the mountnin, Yollowed *him



W L When he w w dowu from the mountnin, great mnltitudcs followed him. 6 ~ X o ixoXXoia 2 ~ a isoh, Xenpbc zdXB;vll rr oaerivel ahr$, 2 And, behold, there i a c r o ~ d a Iproac. And behold, a leper having come d!d homage to him, came a'lcwr and worship d him saying Xiywv, Kirpre, iicv eihpc, S6vauai ye ~aeapiaar. 3 Kai ~ o r Gthou kilt, thud f saying, Lord. if thou wilt thcu art able me t o clcause. And canst m~rlieme clenn. . 3 And Jerlus u t forth ~rnzivn~.'~Gv-~eipa +j#aro atrdG G 'IqaoZc,I ~ i y w v his hand, a n g t o n c h d , havmg etrotchsd out & ] hand 9ouchod =him U 'Jesus, saying, him sa ing I will. be the; c6m.l Aleprosy ;mBiXw, rca6apiaBqrr. Kai ~ir86cl)sb!~aBapia6q11 $ Xiwpa. mediatuly his I I ~ ahro; I will, bc thou clennwd. And in~medintelp ,WRH cl~nnscd his lepro y. wnq clr.tnued. 4 A nd U + 70;s the LTTrA. O d r p o + q ~ & u a p e vLTTrh; P [TOVTOV~] LTr. ' bp.oiwCljve~ai h0 shitl: be I likened LTTr. a+-+ ob$av LTTrA. a 4AOav Tr. s r p o o ~ ~ a ~ struck a g a i n ~ tnpoouav ~; dneoav TPIA. awov i v o i ~ i a v LTTrA. W 6 ~ i h s u e v LTTIA. a h u j v (read their scribes) LTTrA ; rai oi *apioaioc and the Pharisees L. 7 rai rrara,9iwoo aGro5 L ;. ~ a ~ a , 9 i v r 6 i os a m. snpooeAOtv having wule to Chim] ~ n r ~ w . 8 i'Irluoirr (rcud ho touched) JTTIA. b i~ab'rpiuOqT .

~I~ora/3dvrrSi atr$' &a6705 6 p o q i)mXobBquav aPr@ como

hen Imd3come420wn 'he

;+c t n n i t h Jcrllflh ~ ~ ltoll no mnn; 4 Kai Xiyer atrc? 6 'I~~aolic,"Opa llntahim* pq8evi eZnpc*c&M'n F,, dlew And ' M J ~ :'to4him 'Jesus, &a no one thou tell; but go thrPclf to the pric*tf uecrvrdv BeiEov iqei, rai d . r r p o a f v ~ yrrb 63pov 8 xpoa~~ a<l off or the glf c thnt >loscs ronl,ll;m~rd,for thpwlf shuw to the P r k t , and offer the gift which 'oratatiruonyuntothom. fralev CMwu{s,H eie p a p r 6 p t o v aliroic. dowd '~Iosoa for a terrtimony t o them.



And "nvinu "ntored 'Jcsus into Capornau, acam~ pbrun1un, tlicrc cam0 airrclj ii~ardvrapXoSn napamXCv a t r b 6 rai Mywv, Kilprs, nllto him ncOuturion 4toshim 'a "cent~uion, bemhing him and laying, Lont, bc.+c(.hing him 6 nud ~nyi~lq, I~OT(I, y r - b.nais.pou P f P A q r a r hv q j oirig .rrapaXvrrrdg, b~rvGg Faann'ly v n n t I!cth nt homcslck my servant is laid i n the house pnrnlytic, gricvonnly torof thcl~;rlsy,grievously toi.11rcntrd.7Ancl Jesns v l ~ d p ~ v o ~ . 7 'kKaillhi y e t air+ 'h 'Illao~EIU 1X8&v Bepn-' 'Ey& mith uuto him, I will montcd. And 'anys %04him 'Jesus, I hmingcomo will uomc nnd hcsl him. B Thu centurion nn- 7 7 ~ ~6b ~ d 8 '"Kni c i 7 i o ~ p t ~ i) iii~ardlmzpXogn r ~~ . ~ g~ Ki'p!~, aw(vt.d and rniii, l o r d heal Iiim. d n d "annworing 'the 'ceuturiolr mid, Lord, I nrn not worthy thah tholl sh~ultlcst come oCr.eipi iravbs 'iva pov in4 t 4 v ariyqv eiaiXBpc* pdvod n n :cr my roof: but I nm not worthy that "iny ' u n d a roof thoushonldedtcome, but ouly rlmak thc word only nu;\ nly servant ~h,,li einb " X d y o ~ , " K a i ia8ijaarar b.naic.pov. 9 m;-ydg & civl )lcnlod. 9 For I am speRL a word, x m d (ihnllbe henlcd my servnnt. For aluo a n Innu under authority, h:lrillg soldiers Q p w x d g oipi irnb E ~ o u a i n v o , .r ~ w v h' &/iaurbv q u r r & r a ~ * mc!: nnd I *ay to this man auiiiuilcr authority, hnviugundcr niysclf soldiers; ntrri, ko ~ nnd he goeth~ ~ ~a, i GO ; 1 ~ + , ~ X6yw ro6ry. I I o p ~ h & ~ r~ , naope6ernr' rai r i "E you, and he goes ; and toraott&, &me, and he cometh ; nnd and I say t o thir [ohcl, GO, to thi9 my scrvnnt, and h. ~ a Epx~ral'rai r ~ . b o ~ h y . ~ i oIv o i q a o v roirro, rai x o l e i . i I,

D And when Jesur into

5 fE~aehBLvrrn-81 @ Ivuoire rig hKanepvao6p,nnpoatjXBou gr

{qv, &MC+


Jeans heard nnd he comcs; nnd t o my bonilnran, Do this, and he does [it]. he nlarvcllon+ and 10 'Arohaac.G1 6 'Iqao5~ ieaipaaav, rai ~Znevr o i ~ circohovsi~idt o then1 thirt folI And Phnvi~lg =heard 'Jeus woudcred, aud said t p those followlowed, vcril unto ynu. I b a v e not BoSmvP, ' A p r j v hiyw LpIY, q o i d 1 ;v ryi '1qat)X ioaa6r?y found eo groat faith, Verily I sny t o you, Not even in Israel so groat no, not in Isrscl. i n g ~ 11 any u n t o ~ o u ,niarrvn 6 oy. 11 XCyw.Gd Gpiv, a r t noXXoi &nb dvarohdu That But I s ~ yt o you, thnt mauy frum enst from the cant ondwest, faith 'have !found. nn~lshnllsitdownnith rai 8 ~ e ~ & v o u n r v~ n 6i v a ~ X t 6 ~ a o v r ap ~ r d i~~ , r 'Appactp xcd shall come, aud shall recline [nt tnble] with lbrnhnla mud west Abrnhnm, and king: Rlld Jnrob, in the Imac and do111of hcnvan IS But 'Iaad~. 'JarLp BY r'Ij p a a t h e i ' p rGv 06pavGv' 12 0i.64 vini uai the children of the I s a w and Jacob in the kingdom of the hcavons; but the sons kingdom rhnll be oast oqt into outer dnrk- rijc paarX~iag c ' @ h q 8 $ a o v m r N r r b ardroc ~6 b(&r~pov' i r ~ i ncsa: there shall be of the h n g d 6 m shall be c u t out into the darknesa the outsr : there wveping and gun.hing of t a t h . 13 J e s u Z O I ~ L 6 ~XauBp6~ 6 p p v ~ p b g d 666vrw~. 13 Kai ~ T E Y rai r ~ said nnto tho coutu- Phallbo the weeping and the gntu ing of the teeth. Aud Yanid riou Go thy wn and R, t/-,OU h ~ bc$~VCd, i) *lquoirg ryi ~ t a i ~ a r o v r r i p ~ y , ~ ~ t ~ a i u Baiarevang !'Yaaye, snbo it dononutothee. 'Jesus to the ccnturion,, Go, nnd rrs tbauhantbelieved And his servent wna hchlcd in the s e b ~ l ey e v q 8 ~ ~ ~ w . @of. Kai icieq b.~aig.~nirroGu "bv rq" 6Q.q hour. be i t to thee. And wss healed hi8 servant i n mhour ~KE~VV.~ 'thnt. 14 rind when Jema 14 Kni bh6&~ d'Iqaoiic ;g 77jv oiriav l%poV, I$EY wns come into Peter'; And %vingacome 'Je.+us t o the houw of Pctcr, bnw hoiiro hc~1.w wife'^ his motlli.r :;;in, nnd sick n)v.aevB~pdv.atroG /3e~Xqpivqv ~ a m p i a c i o v a a v , 16 rui i of a ferer. 15 And he his wife's mother laid and iu a fever; and




jAhb I?Ol.TTrA. r p o ~ ~ v ~ LTTrAW C Mu~ii~-+ y ~ o v LTTrAW. e~veA06~10~ LTTrA. 8 a674 a6706 he LTTrA. h I(a+apvaoi+~ LTTI.AW. 1 t r t a s o w a p x q ~. T rtai LT[T~ ,A. m tiro~~r6'eig i LTPr. 8 hdyp by a word GLTTIAW. 1 (, 'Ivvoik (read he says) LT[TI]A. nt'mrv i v v+ " I u p a j h p a674 him L q r a p ' o36cvi r o u a r i ~ v Q ~ m v d p c v o plnced L. r hazovtapxq i$tAa&mvzac shall g0 f o r t h T. with n o olle so great fiilth in I s r ~ e l LTI.A. W i r b i t iipao i r t r i q r rrai c ~ [ T r j kv awoir ( ~ r a d servaut) the CLTTrAW. t f r o m that hour L.

he o W ;


vU I

her hand, rud

w a r n rijc xnpbc.a4~&, wi
to them.

&W ,A ajcjv



h e m m and miniutemd

t)yipeq rai Grqrdver xatroic.l

she arose, and Lte~ad unto them.

19 g ! luln-

1 a roXXodsn cai BEfPaXev rd nveh ara

Au e r e n i w eing oome,
%ay brought

l6When theevenwar fhvbrOught to hi& nimy tllnt tvcm rcui rhvras rodg po-he.;ml with dooiis: Xdyy rmnv, a d he cad out the spirl(w by aword, and all who and h0 Out tlv npirita with kb word ra~irc ovrac ietpdrrevarv' 17 Snwc rkqpwt$ 7) i. and henled ,111 thn; *ill %ere he herled I. & that might tm fulfilled that which I 17~~;;l~~ bqe6v 'Haaiow 703 rpo$tjrov, Xiyovro~., AiriAc rdg ~ I I I WM~ I.pokcn ilp ~ ~ wcmrpoken by E s a i ~ l the prophet, srrying, Himelf the E81ri.w tlre prophcc ssrving Fiim.clF too2 (lot)e~~eici~ rjpirv kai rd!: v6aovc b/3tioraaev. o i r iAfinnitiw, nud LnArniitica of us took, nnd the diaesrcs bore. biue oul. sickneased.
to him 'posaessedJwith+deuona

16 '0 i a ~ 6 2avopbq~ om~vcyrav n ahy" Barpovr~op~vovc

B L ~


l$ 'lbL;v.& d 'IVao3g ~nohhodcSxXovt$ repi airrdv, b~iAnd Ysoeing gmt crowds arollnd hiiu, ' he com-

Xevaw cinahB~iveis 75 ripav.

nlsuded ascrib to dcpnrt said t o the other nida to him, Teacher,

19 rai rpoaahOth

E ~ S 18 NOW W ~ WO ~ , J And hnangcolue to [him] one law great mnltitnder

ypappared~glnevairry', AcBcinrsrcahe, dxoXove6aw aot Snov-id?

tho~~mnyo.,tgo. And 'nays Jto'hirn 'Jcsua, The foxea 'holes

$ ? ~ a ~ ~ ~ : n ~ t I will follow thee nhithcraoevet part anto the other

unto him, ' ~ t r u t e r I

dnhpm. '20 Kai h i y ~ iahr@ d 'Iqaoiig,Ai JLXi)nara!:$ W ~ E O ~ G


i ovo~v rci ~aratvdroii ohpnvoii raraa~qvJoaigd.6i viAc rai

%me, mtl tho b M s of the heirven noata, TO; civBpDrov OGC-LIXEL roir njv ~a$ah+~ rXiv of rr1.n him uot where the head he mny Pay.

~,$$~,"P~~~ 2::

but the Son 20 And Jcyos nai& nnTlru birds v 21 "RrepoE to him:nd foxca h ~of e *Anooler th0 but

8i rGv.lmOt,rGu-zabrori" rlrrnr airry',

.and tir~t said of hir'disciplcs to go and bnry mid to him, my fat er. me, and lwve


inir rS6v For



rpljmv /mrhOeiv xai Bd+at rrb-rari a-pov.

%lravn uGr+, ' A K O A O S B E ~ pot, rai ;$E!: rodr vupnd~864ar

to him, Follow ro&g.iavrGv Y E K ~ O ~ I ; . thew own dond. the doad

me hen& il And 22 '0-6~;~1~pf!:fl ;;t;;i~i~b~ps;;r'~ rue first &go add b i ~ r y

k% ?te:f 6n;a,br2

to bury Follow

nndlct tile doad bury thek dead

23 Kai

ippcivr4 airry' c;!: cri)nrkoiov, $xoXo6Bqaav ahr$

'he into tho And 10, rkip, 'groat 'follo~rcd arose 'him a 'tempwt

And 'hnvingsentercd 'hii 'di.vcipla<.

23 Ana when he the entcrcil into U hhi WIU hlr Qwiy lcs iol.owedyiim. 24 A 11~1, bul~cld,tlrem sett, sotiint the ship WM coveixd by the warcs; nrosc n grout tempcrt atrhs.& irti9~~8av. rai rpooeXOdure~ 40; pnOqrai"eaLro3fl in the rcn, innomuch 25 that thc shi war cobut 110 W&\ nlwping. And hovingcoluo to w m ] 1 1 dneiplou 10 of him v1,wd with tko wavw : but he was asleap {yupcrv ai~rdv, yovrq, KGple, aGoov ljpii$,11 cinoX/\ipeea. 25 And hL disciplos hf awoke him, anying, Lord, srtve M; we poribh caute to ltim oud 26 Kai Xfyat airro'ig, Ti BaAoi iara, bAiydrtaroi ; Tdre awoke him, siying, And he unys to them, Why fcariul arc yo, 0 bo] of little faith? Then, Lord, save us: we periah. H dud he mith ! ly~&Jhic 'Clraripqaev roie hvipot!: rai r e Bahcimp, rai iylvero unto them, Why are hnvixg lrrihen 110 rebuked the win& aud tho W, m d thcre was E t s g t ?% h :: yuXtj~~q paycihq. 27 oi.62 dvOpwnor leaipaaav, Xiyovre~,aro e, and mbukod the winds and tho mm. and a 'mlm 'great. And the mcn wondered, saying, thorowna agront ialm. ITorqndr harcv o4roc, Srr Braihi civepor rai O~haaaa27 But tho men mnrWhnt kind [okmnn] 18 this, that e v e l the whda rmd the aea vellcd sa ing What mrunir o?md Is this b 3 x a ~ 0 6 0 ~aLry";n a~v that own the w i n d obey him? m d the WO O ~ O Y I him

oi-pagqrai abroii. 24 rcai isoit, oetuftb!: pfyaI; Iyivero Iv'rp'


Bahriaop, Gare r3 d o i o v xaX6nreaOar irsrb rGv xvprirwvo

g :

aim4 to him LTTrlW.


(trud ho eaid) T.
' 7 -

x a crowd L. ~ ~

Q ~ T D Sa r n A W .

b Ajyec says LTTrAW. 0 -WCL ~ I A W . 8

- rb a+m+ ship)the disciples) a


L T T ~ . a-'Iqooh

mi L.

(yead 8

LTrA. oi pahsai [L.lFtr, ak(3 uaacro6ovrrv ~ m r &


MATBAI'OZ. VIIT, I X , c o ~ c ~ ~ h " , h , " 28~Kai ~ihXOdvrr afrij", f h n.rrfpav eI'g rrjv xhpnv rijv & ~~
And whcnzhad3come 'he 'met ,,to the other side to the country of the demons out of tho

into tho country of the Ger~eecnci~ met hini two possessed with d e ~ l a coming out of , t h e tombs, --ding fierce, so that no man might prrss b that way. 29 h a . gehold. they cried out,,saying, what hnve we to do with thee, Jesus, thou son of God 1 a r t thou comehithcr t o torment us hefore the time? 90 And there a good way off from then1 nn herd of many swille feeding. 31 SO the devils besought him, strying, ~f thou cnst us out, s d e r us t o o away into the herfof swine, 3 b d he said unto them, Go. And when they were dome out the went iutothe bird ofswine:

kr~pr~av~~ull 6n$vnjaav.a$r$ 860 8 a i p ~ v i ~ d ~ix v751, ~ o~ pvqpeiwv i~ep~dpevoi, xahexoi Aiav, &are p3 iax6riv rrvd
comin~, 'violent way+ Son Gergosenosl 6him 'two "o~sessed'by 'very, so that not 'wasible 'any 2 & ~ e And 10, they cricdout, snyiug,

~aprhOr7i rijc.~oS.ixrivqc' 29 uai 806, {xpatav hiyovrrS, aid.

to Pass
What t o un and t o thee, . ~ e s u s , time

Ti <p?vrai aoi, " I q ~ o ; , " via 70; 6 ~ 0 ; ~ X O E S $ 8 ~ 3 5 n

to torment
'many us? Now there wus far o f from them

of God? art thou come hcre begro [tl~e) n hcrd

raipo~Pabawiua~ <pCc; 3OTHv.6i parphv hn' a . 6 ~ ciyiX? 3~ xoipwv n o n i j v - P O U K O ~ ~ 31 ]0i.8; 8aipovec naperhXovv VI .
of 'swine him, feeding; And the demons allow besought

atrdv, XQyovreg,E i ~ p h a ~ i c "'bnirpr$ov 4piv dnrX&iv~ i ~)piic,

saying,' lcrd

If t h o u c ~ s t o u t U,


t o go away Go. swine:

eir rrjv Ci dhqv r&vxoipwv. 32 Kai E?TEV ai)roYcn, 'Y~hycre.

into the of the swine. And hesnid Into the t o them, ierd of the


hErXOdvrrg *cia,7Xeov1l Pr$v ci bhVv r3v xoipwu'U eic Gppquev ~riiaa rj ciyiXq qr3vxoipwv" rard roit
'rushed '&l1 'the .of t h o 'swino down ,the

e,"dbe$'d;2i,"","z rai 1'806,

violently down a

And they having gone out went away and behold,

* a z h ~ ~ ~ ~ {xpnpuoli rig ~njv OlXaaaav, rai driOavpv bv rozc ii8aa~v. ~ F ; ~ ~ r ~ n they t h a t kept d Steep into the sea, and. died i n the waters. and went 33 oi.62 @i;urovrec r$vyov, rai cineXf3dvrec EIS na ndhiv j j their ways into the city, and told every B ~ ithosewho t fed [them] fled, and havinggoneaway into the city
thing, and ci7njyyeAav ahvra, rai rd ~~v.8aipovi~op6v~v. 6efefs11en the dedla. the pasrelated e v e p h i n g , and the [events] concerning those possessed by dcmona m w d of 84 h d , behold, the 34 ~ a [JOG, nCaa n6Xic ctE{hOev ~ i ' c i ravvdvr~~acv" )loo;' Src>"'l $ h o $ ~ ~ t ~ e ~ And behold, a l l the dity went out to ~ ~ meet Jesus; i perape and when tlley snw him, ~ a i8dvreg aitrdu, naperciXranv '87rwc11 they bemught k t out of 8 he wonld n thut x ~ 1 : seeiug him, they besought [him] that Be would depart froffi tbeir coasts rwvdoiwv.atr3v.. thelr borders.

,,: ""

into ship, a


Q Kai ipPdc

rig 'rdll~Aoiov&mipaoev rai $hOev

pnRsed And havingentored into the ship he passed over and cnnle to atrc? over rendcarnointohis njy.i&ay &Xiv. 2 rai ;8ob, w n p o a ~ $ ~ p ~ v " napa)lurirbv oml'city. brougdt b a ~ o dto hiB own city. . hold, Aud behold, they brought t o him a yarnlytic him a man erck o f the bai rXivt#I$ xai /&;v d 'IqaoiS njv.niarcv.nlr3v p , 1y1ng on m hod: @ and 'seeiug 'Jams their faith lyiug; and Jesus seeing thoir On a bed k i t b #aid unto the e?nrv r(t3 napahvrruc& ehpa~l, ~ Q I C V O V %$duvraill , sick Of the palsy said t o the paralytic, Be of good courage, child; 3hnve*bccn Yorgivcn be of good ehco;; th; sins be forgivcn thoe. Yuo~ai.&papriar UOV;" 3 Kai i8o6, riwig rijv ypappariwv Z~inov'l 3 And behold certnin nthee 'thy 'sins, And 10, some of the scribes said of t i e scribks said within themselves, hv iavroic, O6r0~ flhaa$qpei. 4 Kai "i8$v1' 6 'IqaocS r d ~ This nzan blasphem- in tl~emsclves, This [man] blasphemes. Aud2perceiving 'Jesus eth 4And Jesusknowi n g their thoughts ~ Y O U ~ ~ ~ Q E ~ ~ . b"~wa-r~ll . E I ~T ~ U Y ~ E T O ~o v v p d ~~~~V, e;p~iSIIE / . , ~ E Y said, Wherefore think their thoughts, said, Why 'ye 'th~nk eyil ye evil in your he:rrts? , 6 For whcthcr is emiw, &V ~aig.~LIp8i~l4'.6p&~riqycip harcv E ~ K O T ~ ~ E ~ E ~ ,T E ? ~ ;5 O Y t o say, 2'hy sins be for- in your hemnts? For which is ea~ier, t o say,



1 '1r)uoi GLTTrA. f I ' ~ p a ~ v + v I'a8aPVv;~ Gadarenes TTrA. L; f iA06v7oS ~ l h o i L T T ~ . ) m ~niiu.rerhov GPls send us GLTTrA. [ b 'IVuoik Jesus L. AprijAOav LTr. P 703~ ~ ~ i ~ the vswino Q L ~ . o s r j v ~oipwv LTT:~]. G U L VL . row T. X & $ k v r a i are W npou+ipovutv they bring L. v 7b (rcud a $hip) L T T I ~ A ] . ( tvm L. fcwgiven L n r . J uov ai iPapriar LTT& rfaav LT- cl8bs k ~ ~ o w i n g LTr. b ' I v a ~ WW. i

iuets trrrr.


t h m to E ~ T E ~f*EYerpatH a i ven a n aeh a ~ s my V, ~ r ~ tolay, MW and that 'ems h o w t h r t the L%n f men ~repincirec; i'va.Bi aiBijre art bEovaiav i ~ e b uibc. roir dv- power onoearth tobtb. 6 t forwalk? But that yemay know that authority has the 6on of ve sins (then 4 t h to thA a i c ~ tbe of 0p(irov bni rijc ytc &$rtvat &pzpriaE* Xiyet ry" napa- aby,). Arlre take. up rdre mm on the esrth to forgive sins: then hesays tq the pwobed and go unto 1 ~ n he Xvri~q?, ~p9eic''d dv uou ~ Y K X I V ~ Y ~ a $nay&eic rbv t&e hduse. 7wted d o glE ', i am snd do r t *a, and go .to Iytic, aavlng a * ,. t L e u p tb his hAuse, p g u t when the o7~6v aou 7 Kai byep9aic &?i,iXBev eic rbv.otov.afroir. theymultitudes taw rt nmwvelle4 and hb h o w d n d having priwn he went away to S~ouhe 'thy. loriflecl God whteh givein Nab power 8 ibdvrec-bb oi 6xXot hbOalipaaav,ll rcai bB6Eaaav rbv Odv, hdahaving4sccn' 'the ncrowds wondewd, and glorified W unto mm.

d'A Q ~ v r a P C a ~ at &papriabe. ~a j?l


een 'forgiven .thee ['thy]



$e %

rbv Bdvra b~ovaiav rotalirqv roic dlv9pLj~otc.

wlro gave And 'authority Ypming 'such 'Jesus to men. thence saw a man sitting forth from thence, he =W a W, named BVOY, ~ a XByer afr$, 'AKo- mtthew, sitting at i at the tax-ofice, Yl[atthow iatcd, and sags tohim, Fol- the receipt of custom I ~ i h X06Qei Xai (ivaard~ poi. ktj~~X~66qa~vII1 Kai dyivero and he ~me.t untohim ahr$. 0 ~ ld n d l Ion m a And having ari-en he followcd him. h d it came t o w e arose and foliored

9 Kai naphywv b 'Iquoirc 4rQBevei&v dv6pionov u a ~ f i p v o'v p l l n d u JWS-~

h ri, reXLjvrov, iMar9aiov"X E 6 i


hhro) d v a x ~ ~ p i v o u ~6 oi~iq;mrai" i b d , noMoi rAGva~.~ b ~ .

at his reclining [at table] h the house, that behold,

many tar-gatherers meat in tbe h o w berai drpnprwkoi iX06vrec avvavh~~tvro ~@'Iqaoir h"'d~sinnorm puhurw cai and my came and ~ n d sinners ?raving colue were reclining [at tnblo] with Jcaus and sat d o w n d t h h h a n d roic.pa0qraic.a6roC. 11 rcni iB6vre~ oi cPaptaaiot neinovn ~ ~ e , d ~ c & ~ p & hts disciples. And havingsoan[it] the Phwi-eas said Baw a they -id


2 But when J~BIIS ncm eata your teacher? But J e w having heard heard $hey that he to them, he E~TEV qa6ro?c,11O t X eiav i ovarv ot iaxliovrec iarpoii, whole need not a phyhe a i d to them, @Not keed 3have 'theySwlio s u e 4 8 t r ~ n of aphysician, ~ g ~ ~ ; ~ ~ rdM1" oi K C l l c 3 ~f~ovres. 3 xopev06vrec 6 phgere ri ( a r ~ v and learn what that l 2 , but they who ill are. But having gone harn whnt is, mwneth, I will have mercy, and not anori. l*EX~ovU OiXo, ~ aof ~ v a i a voh y d p tlX6ov ~aXiaat i g Buraiotrc, flcs :for I am dot cpme Uorcy I desire, nnd not sacrifice: h o t for YI acame to call righteoue t o call the righteollr, hut sinners to repeut'ciWil cipaprwXoilg Veic ~ L E T ~ Y O L ~ Y . ~ anoa one^], but sinners to repohtanW.

roic.pa9qrai~.a6roq OAmri"per& rGv . reXuvGv rai +a to his disoiplecl, Why with the tugrthorern and rwXGv b0iet d.BtBLaraXo~.6pirv; 12 '"Iqaoirc~~4rcoliaac

% ::;$Q~,P~L':Y~ I

14 T d r ~ npoatpxovrar afry" oi paeqrai 'Iwcivvou,XQ~ovre'c) 14 Then oame to hfm


come non?

to him the disciples 'do h t

of John,


anyins, wAiari" j 7 rai oi @a raaiot v~urelio~ev I *n0XXh,lloi.b2.~p~~- d h y do weand m%y ly$and*the BPfarisew much, but

the diaci lea of John

Jdtaci- the Fhnriaw fast oft but thy diad lea rai.aou o~.vqareliova~v; Kai elrev ntroic 5 '.IqnoZc, Mlj not ? 13 And J!estu mid 15 unto them C~rn the plo~ 'thy fsat not? And Said atoYhom 'Jesus, children of 'tho brideB6uavrat oi viol 705 vu $ G Y o ~ E V ~ E ~$'.iiuovper' ahr3v chnmber mourn, rrw T ~Y s Can the 80- u the bri6chnmbw naourn f while with them long a thebridogroo n in with them? brit tbo lorrv d vv gioc; bX~6uov~at IjpEpa~ Bi 6rav &nap6$ day8 will come, when 'come 'but '&YS- whon wl havebeen taken awav the bridegroom shall is the britgroom? . il be taken-from tholu afirGv d V?J $ioc, rai 7 n V q ~ r ~ l i ~ o V then ahall the; 6 16 a ~ . and from them the brikgrgrarm, nnd then they will fast. But no one. faat. 16 No man pm-


i q 3 d i ~ ~ einiPXqpa i h ~ o v g &yvci$ov ini ipariy.naXar$. t

ariso LTr.

- bI#Iiewd are forgiven

Pub a piece

of Ycloth



an old garmont:

mcnt, for thnt wkch

$n F :

$ nzZ

.. 4 iI#Io@j&pav

'Ci LTr&

rivov a6700 L. LTT.A.

a sou (read thy sins) GLTTrnw. +erpc LTTrAW. I Zyc~pe were a f r i ~ ~ d LTTrA. MaBBdov L T! T r, k +KOAOLV~LT. k&va~er. W fa1 T. h y o v LTT;. o 6rd 7i LTrA. - I ~ U O ~ Q 9-06~96~ LT[T~]A. LIT. ' * E ~ c o sLTTrA. d d 'lTrhW. ' e i ~~C T ~ Y O L GLWtAW, f & W l S O MLT. ~

iNput aiptc yci@rt.rXGowpa.ariroir roi7 ipariov, rai ~ ~ i p u v tnkurh frrlm the rar,no,lr, trllcl the is 'tiil;c-"i~way for 'its Ifiliinp +up f r o u rlle garuent, and a *\*orss l ~ l ~ ~ l ~ n . o ~ . 1 7 # e i uxiupa y i v ~ r a i . 17 0h6i /3&XXovaiv o?vov v6011 Lher &aroCg dcr tncu put now wine illto oyd bottler : el..e rent fake' 1)l;lw. o r put, they 'wine 'new into "skin., tile bottles b~.cak, nnd IraXrrto6geei.6i.p$y~ $ y v v v oi ~ ~ r haroi, m i i oivoc ikxEimr, othcrtvi* 'ure4bur& 'the ?skins, and the wine is y o ~ i v d out, lold, an,l r,le runncth out, the wine,lottqer Dcrihll: b11t t t ~ e y new wine rai oi & U K V ~ ~droXoijvrar." pllt ciXXd z/3ciXXovrsrv oivol~viov ~ i g Into bottlesl and and,ihe ekjns will be dhtroped; b u t they pu. Ywine 'new into both w c preserved.

ciaro64-l1 ~aivoirc, rai a&p$6repa11 avvr~lpo3rat.

Znkinv 'new, and both arc preserved tog~ther. 18 While he spake tht-se tl~ings unto ledru5ra abroij.XaXoijvroc ahroic, 1'606, t?gXwvbebXe&vn tl~cnl, bcllold, there 'The- hthings 'asYhc'ii4~peaking t o them, behold, a ruler haviugcon~e c;strle i i certnin mler, nr~tl rvor.hip d him, T ~ O ~ E K ~ Y E L airr@, Xkywv, d"Orl'l 7j.6uy6r~lp.pov 6prc ir~heir*:tying, l l y giughter did hon~lige t o him, saying, 3ly dnughtcr just now hss i h even now deld. but colrle nnd lay thy hand qUEV' d X d l iX8Av h t i e e g njv.xeip&.aov ha' abrijv, Kai 111unher, nndshc.shal1 died; bnt haviug come lay thy hnnd upon her, and al i r a 19 And JOYUS

1 9

~ a i i y ~ p o ~ ib~'Iquo3g e 4 ~ ~ X ~ l ; O qabrcij l . u~l

bitll: knd 80 did his she shall live. And having a r b n Jcsu followcd him, discip1c.i. rni oi.paeqrui.abroii 20 .And, behold a which kasand di-ciples. di ensccl with a n imue 20 Kai i806, yvvi]' a@o@ooi%a Ghb~rn c'nl,~ p o a ~ h of blood twelve yenrs And behold, a woman having had n fluxof blood twelve y c w ~ , hnvlng cnnlc bohind khlt and toltrhed thc hem df his eoi7aa brrdev ;;$are 70; rpaalrt6ov ro~.ipariov.abro~. gnrutcnt: 21 for she come within herself, If behind touehod the border of his g a r m e n c

I luny but tourh his (rnrmcutt I &all be r h u l a 22 But Jeans t~lruml him nbout, and n.hcn he her he snid Daughter, b;, of colutort thy f ~ i i t hhnth lutrcfe thee \rhole. And thc wolltau was ntadc whole Zrotu thtit hour.

21 c*X~yev.yci
For .e si h n !

iavr$, 'Edv p6vou. fi'+wpa'r .ro3 ipariov Lf o u l j I shall touch Ygarmcnr a6r0; b ~ & j a o p a22.'O.di.f'I~~ao'ir~II ~ g~acarpa$~ic" i6wv m; lhis I shall be cured. But Jcsus having trrucd pnd having seen abrrjv E ~ X E Y , e&paet, 6 6 y a r ~ p tj.riart~.aovaduwriv ae. .
within herself, her he s:rid, Beof goodcourngc, daughter; t h y faith hittkcurodthce.




And 'wna4curcd 'the 'wornnu from



t h a t hour.

?3 And when Jcsus 23 Kni ~ X ~ A Y 'Il1aoSg eic rdv o i ~ i a ~ a'pxovroi, d TO; I * ~ I I # iuto thc ruler's And Yhaving %ome 'Jesus into the house of the ruler, ~ I I I Z and ~ saw the I~ , ,~~ilrxtrcln the lro- ~ n i i8I.h nnd 70ifg ariXr)~Lic ~ a 7 % b ~ h 0 l J i6 ' 60p2Jpo6plJo~, ple nlnkiug R noise, and having sccn the flute-plnyers nnd the crowd making rr tumult, 24 IIC naicl unto thom G ~ V Cp i w e : for t& 24 h X t y ~ r , nhroicl1I' A l ~ a ~ c o ~ ~ i r ydp k r 6 8 a v ~ v rophatov, 06 e ' rit 111:1idIN not da1t1, but says to them, IVitlldr:rw, "uot for 'is *dead Ithe :*d:imscl, alccpth. Aud they kllphed hin, to scorn. ciXX6 kaehbEi. m xareySXwv ai~roij. ~ T E . & ~ E E / ~ X ; ! Q ~ i 15 25 b u t when t l ~ a ople but slccps. And thcy lnuphcd a t hilo. But when *hndibeen "pot 'out

I b~Xoc, riu~h0Av irpdrqarv r i ) ~ . x ~ t p b y . a b rxni ,iylpOq ij~ ~ df :f fh ,&o , ; by the blind, and the 'the 'crowd, having entered he took hold of hcr hand, nnd %rose maid riroae. ni And tile hareof ri) ~ o p ( i u ~ o v26 icai itjjXO~v ;j.r$;;rq . iiXqv n j v nhrolid into that 'the 'dnmseL d n d =went 'out 'this 'report into al l Innd. ylj7J~ K E ~ Y ~ Y . ?iAnd when J e s ~ l s lnnd 'that. depnrkd thence two h'ioti nlrn ~ O I ~ O N O ~ 27 Kai Irap(iyovrr i r a i e ~ v~$'Iqaoir, tjroho68qanv 'nfircij" him eryiug, and unyAnd 9nssIng 'on 4thcnce 'Jesus, 'followed 'him lug,' I ' I sal uf ~ a ~ K ~ ~ ~ O Y T E ~ rni XlyovrEg, 'EXfljaov ?)pi?c, ' u i l rid here merc ono., 6Lo TV X O ~ , P klld when i e waa %WO b ind ['men], ' crjiug nud ~ n y i n g , Rave pity on us, Son con'@ iuto the ~ O L L I O r$v oiriav, 1rpoa~X80v'1 ahr@ oi the l,li,,d men came td Aapi8.u 28 iX8dvrr.6i hiru r and J c s u suith of David. b d h a v i n g c o m e idro tho house, cnme t o him the

2 :

7 irdAAvvrac are destroyed c n r . 1 o b o v viov cip i u ~ o i ~ d A A o v a t v c L. Ap+drspot 0LTTrAW. b $ C (read n certain ruler) aLTr. C trpooaAO~v : P having come to [him] L ;~iueAO&~v having entered TAW. d 67' T. ~ x o A o ~ LTTrA. ~E' f 'IVuoirs T. I. u ~ p a + ~ LTT. A. is h h e y t v said c1TrA. a h f L[T~]. vib~ Aavei6 1,TTrA; v i i AavCS GW. I rpomjA8av LTC,


5y; ci./roariXXwAtiZc
I scnd forth y o u . as

M A T T H E W.

sheep in +h0 midst

oirv $p61t3101
But buwarc of

ihcrcforc y r n d u r ~ t as the serpents, and hnrmlcss mcn;

shccp . in [the] m ~ d s of wolrcs: t bc yc Of 'vOLv"J: bcyethcreforc wise as sorpcnm, oi G$ELS, dripaioi &c a ~epiurepai.a n d h a r r n l ~ ~ ~ a s d o ~ e s . rai L as the doves.

&c rpo'pnra Ev

pbuy X~KU?.~' yiv~a9e

: ~ ~ ~ ~ O:ebF:tiy e ~ c
you in their Rynn-

1 7 rpouixere.6i ciri, r3v civOpDnwv. rapa8Duovarv.yckp htilic

for they will delivcr you

;; ,; ~ ;~ ; ;";~ ~; $

gogues; 18and ye~ha1: t o sanlic~lrims, and i n thcir spngogncs they will scourge be brought before govcrnors and kingw for 6pirc' l 8 rni dni $yepdvnC 62 rai PtraiXeT~ drxet!peoee my -ake, for R testiyo~i: uud bolore governors nlso and kings ye slisll bc brought mony ngRinst them and tho Gentiles. $YE~:EY bpoir, eic pnp~6provahroic kni 7015 'i:O~~~uiv. u when they deIY~ t on acconnt of me, for a tcstiuiony t o t h c u ancl t o the u;rtions. liver you up, tnko no tholight how or whnt 19 Srav-bb 1rnpnSid3aiv1' 6pzc, ptj-p~pipl'ilu~r~ ri yc shall spark: for i t But whcu tlicy dulivor up you, bc not cnreful horv or What shall be gircn you i n thnt sqme hour whnt XaXipnlre. mSoOt+mi.ytlp 6piv i v ireivp re ($pp ri "Xi";/- ye shail spank, 20 For ycsliouldsl)c,ik: for it shnll bc givcn you i n that hour what y c ~ l ~ n l t i i not yc tlint aponk, il bllt tho Spirit of our UETE'I II 20 oi,.y(ip 6usic bure oi hnhocvrec, dXXd 73 rj~e6paplrthcrwhich epc&oth sl>cnk: for ::nor, #ye 'nrc theywho speak, but tllc Spirit i n you. 21 And the

&/c avvhdpin, Kai bv raic.avvaywynic.ahrcjv pauriytjuovcriv 7 b XnXolv dv hpiv. 21 IInpn6t~uei.82

of your .V.~thcr 'brother "rise 'up brollldr

gninbt fkcir' puentP, put t o death. 22to h an" theul And ye behnted of RU dureth to the endohall

spunk dclith;



you. fnther and

But 'will ,'deliver 'up and the fathor the child: and 'will them.

&o'eX$b~ cic"eh$ov
U T J ~ U O V ~ L rir:va.

Ocivarov, ~ n nnrdp ricvov. rai iral.tni



dni yovir, ~ a OavarDaovaiv~ i airrohc.

will put to death on account of by nll my nnme;

'cliildrcn against parents. 11;itcd

22 rai iueuee piu06p~votfinb ~ 6 ~ 7 w 6id v

And ye miii be

rb.8vopci.po~. sake :for~ l tha that enmen b name'r

qroz" 'Iupadh Swc-ri?v" ikep 6 v i i ) ~ dvOphrou. 24 Ohret TO^ *so

of Isrncl until be coule the Sou of man.

beanvod. 23Dntwhen but hethnt uutloros to [tl~e] end, he shnll be saved. But when they city flee ye into this persocute in 6ii~r(ouivh/iZs i v rp'.irdXei.rn6rp, $et?yer~ Or))v.(iXXqv"'P auothcr:'for v e rshlrll etS ii~ 1 say unto you, Ye tl~ry ycrsccute you in tliis city, another: not hnro gonu over the' irp'jv.ydp irtiiv, oL.p$ 7E~~ullTE ./rdXELS citics of 1 ~ r n e l , the till for verily I siry t o rou, I u no wise will ye hnrc co~nplctcd the cities be 24 The disciple is not

6-62 6ropeiva~ tic

rhXoc, oJroc awOilaerni. 23 8mv.82


above his master, nor the servnnt above his lord. 25 I t is onough iariv pn81lr))c ;rip rbv bidciurnXov, 0682 8ocXoc ; r i p for the disciple that he 'is 'a "disciple above the tcnchur, nor a bonl~lmsn be x.r liis master, nud thc servnnt s s his lord. 1f they h~rvocalledthe rhv.~t?~iov.ahroir.25 ciprerbv ry' paellrg 'r'va yhvrlrai Sufficiont for tho disciple thnt he become as mn*ter of the house his lord. Ueelzcbnb how mtloh b.6idhu~n~o~.abroir, A doCXoc m i 6.~6~ioc.a6roc.i 'rbv moro skdl thev toll his teachcr, and the bouduan as his lord. I f 3tho t h a n of his houehold? 36 Fcar thomnotthoreoi~odenxd.rqv'~ E E A I E ~ ~ tl~ciX~uav,ll~ 6 ~6 ~ X ~X Ofore: for thcre is noB o~~X V %nstcr $of 'thc 'liouso 'Ueelscbul 'they "cnllcd, how much more thing covcred, tha6 sh;lil not be rcvoaicd. ' ~ 0 oirin~olj~~~.nZ;rol;M4 6 ~ 26 o5v $opqBire ahrouc and hid, tilatshall lloi those of hi8 household? 'Xot 'therefore 'ye Yshouli fcnr them ; be k n o m . P7 Whnt I



for nothing

oh~?bv.~cip U ~

T ~ rV r n X v ~ ~ p h v o v ~



o t K . ~ . / r o K a ~ v q e j n E r ayou in dnrkness, tell speirk yc in light: ihitt l .

shnll not be uncorcrrd,
yO Upon hoU*Lop8. 28 And fc* not them

~ a i~puxrbv 6 0h.~l~wu8;jae.fai. ,6 Xbyo hpiv bv r i 27 nud hiddcn whit$ shirll not be kuown. What I tell you i n the

nnd whnt the enr,

e henr in prench

arorip Eimre bv r$ $wria m i

dnrkncss claim spcnk i n tpc light; upon the houscto]~~.

8 E / $ rb o3c and what i n the oar


ye hcnr



p6kre d l r j v Go~liicrwv. 28 rni ~ p ~ . $ ~ p ld l ~ ~ ~ ~ ' l r ~ ;

ye should not fcnr bccauno of

rapa8&a~v they ~11~11 delivered LTT!.. m [SoBlj. ybp irpiv ;v i ~ a i v g j &p$ r i AaAlj.] r.. have n AaAljo-qrs ye should iipenk TTI.A. 0 rilv irlpav tile next GI.Wr. (&v .D )c& i v ?j ;K r a h p G ) SC~KOLTLV ;p&, ~ c U .W E ELF 7i)v d M q v and if in tlie next (illld ~f t'ro~nthis! t l l ~ ? persecute you.,t~ecto tulotllercrL1. 4-70; L T ~ A . t- &V TA. O L K O ~ E V ~ ~eTicmzs ~ h r w u they h;lvs s~~rllarned T ~ A W . V 70is oi~~cwois p i +oj3ciuOe Sear ye 110tG L ~ W . . GL L





which the rijv x & n ~ ~ r rb uirpa ~ 'v.6i $vXjIv p ~ ~ . B v ~ ~ ~ ~ r ; ~ ~ ~ v " but nrunot ~ b l c klll to tho aoul: but rsthcr t'lose kill the body, z t soul are not able fear him which is R I J ~ & ~ O K T E ~ V U Q o P ~ ~ O I I T E . I I ~ & ~ J~ ' pZXXou rbv. Guv~pEvOY rKaiq to destroy both hell. to kill; but ye should fear rather him who is able both nnd body in 29Arc not two s ~ : l I c#?rX,jv rni ucjpa cinoXLuac iv y ~ 6 w p .fLg~o6xi660 srpoveia rows sold one offnrthfor a tllcm soul and body to destroy in &henna. Wet 'two ipnrrows


~ ~

eivall not f ~ r l l the on ciun~(piov n w X ~ i ~; rui ?v .it atrirv ot.naueirar bni r,JU ai ground without your *for ?an 'assarion 'are 'sold? and one of them shallnot fall t o th& Ynther. W Bat the very hnirs of your yrjv &YEVroc.nnrp;~.&pGv' 30 &p3v.6b rai ai rpiXcrijc head 11 nllmberclL 11 ground without your Father. But of you even the hnirs of the 31 Fonr ye not thcrexliuar $ p ~ O p ~ ~ ~ ~a vv .31 ~i i i n t otv r$opfiOijre." fore, ye are of more r~~bnXijc n l u e i h n n mnlv splrhead all numbered are. 'therefore 'should 4fear; rows. 32 Whosoever TOM^ u T p 0 ~ ~ i w vL ~ ~ Q P 6pEic. 32 G E~E otu iiutherefore shnll confess me before men, than mnuy sparrows better are ye. ,Every one therefore whosohim will I confcss also d rijv &v0phnwv; S ~ O X O $ ) ~ T W betore my F'ather rig SpoXoyjlu~r v dpoi tlpnpoue~v which is i n hcnvcn. ever shall confess mc before meu, 'will *confess S3 But whosoever~hnll deny me before men, K&Y& U ~ T @ b~ $papoa0evro4.aarpl~.pouTO> b b 06 avoic v him will I also denp 'also l 1 him before my l a t h e r who[Ll inctho] $avens. before my Father which is in henPO& Q3 Sur~c-~d' 1 &v1'(ipvrjuqrai PE i'papou0ev r&v +vep&awu, M Think not that I am But whosoever shall denp me before men, 9 come toIsend peace on apvljsopac d a t r i v ~ & y & Zplrpoa0ev roir.narp6c.puu roi, came not to " iu lend pcme but a 'will 'deny Ohim 'also 'I before my Father who [is] In


T ~ yjjv. Y

~ ~ a ; ~ ~06pov04. ~ m rariarice against his Cthel heavens.

Think not that I cnnle to place pence on ot~.jrXBov PUXETY ~iprjvqv, &XXd phxarpav. 35 jrX00v and the daughter in the earth : I came not to place peace, but a sword PI=came law against her mother @ law. 36 llmn,s I 8rX&uat 6vOpwaov KCLT(~ ro6.aarpd~.atroir, rcai' Bvya-

31 M$.vopiuqr~~ ~ WBov PaLiv eipivgv bni : ~ ~ 8 r

shall be they of for to 'set a t vnrinnce a man against his father, and a daughhis own household. rQpa ~ a r c i qrpb~.alirijg, rai virpqqv ~ a r d i j aevr ~ 37 Re thnt loveth father or mother more ter against er mother, and ndnughter-in-law against 'mothor~ n ~ ; 0epEc a~i t r ~ j ~ 36 rai dxefioi ioG.riv0pDaov ~ i ; oi oicraroi And enemies of the mnn [ahnll be] Yhousehold loveth son or daughter Iher'


more thnn me is not ahrov. 37 ' 0 $rX&v mrHpa pqripa h b p tp4 o ~ r . ~ u r i u worthy of me. 38 And 'his. He that lovea f a t l ~ e r or mother above me is not he that tnketh not his p cross, and followeth pov & E L o ~ ' Kai d $tX3v vidv ij @Vyarkpa6 d p d 6 oitre ater me Re that GnJ of me. 36 is not worth of me worthy; and he that lovea son or daughter nbove m# 'not eth hi life shall lose it: ~ ~ r i v ' p o v 38 cai cc ot.Xappcivec rdv.uravpbv.awoC and he that loseth hi8 of me worthy. And hethat takes not his cross life for my bake shall rai droXdu~oi bniuw p v O ~ &rtv pov htroc. 39 d a;pJu, O K &d it. 40 He thnt eeiveth you receiveth and follows after me 'not 'is of me worthy. He that haa found me and he thnt recei;eth me recoiveth njv.+u~4v.atroir &aoXiaer atrtjv. rai d &aoXiuac nju him that sent mo. his life shall lose it; and he that has lost 41 He thnt reccivcth a . prophet in the @ X ~ V~ 1 6 ~ 0 3 &JEKEV bpoG e6pljuei a6rtjv. 40 '0 Gexdjl~lio~ of a prophet ~ h n l rel 'life 'his on account of me shall 5ud it. He that receive8 caive a prophet's roward ; he ;p&- $p2bfxerar* rai d hpb J~xdpevoc Gixerac rbv &nomceiveth a righteous you me receives ; and he that m& mc%ives receives him who sent man In the name meiXavrh pc. 41 d Bexdpevoc .srpo$rjrip EI'S of a man 8w'opa aposhall receive R rightma He thnt receives n prophet in [the] name of a eous bnd 42 mnnls rewtrrd. $ < ~ o v pi~0d~ TPO$$TW~ X ~ # E T O L " ~rai d bexdpavo~ todrinl; prqphet [the] reward of a prophet shall receive ; and he that eooeives one of those little 81rarov e i;vopa Srraiov pra@di, Grraiov a Oup Of "ld arighteons [-]m [the] nnme of a righteous [mnn] the reyard of a rightconr


.[mnn] shnll receive.

fear ye

fAijrF/~rar.l ~ 42 i


Iva rirv plc Gu

'1ittL ones

And whocl-er shall give to drink to one

&norrrrvdv7wv G ; & r o ~ r e w 6 w o LTTrA. J +o,%iuec fear ye TA. v [rtai] L. LTTrA., b ~ o i the p C 64 LTrA. xiyb a h b v LlTrA. 70;s O &v LTr. A?jp$c~abLTTrA.





S 11.
r o i t ~ w vr o n j p ~ o v\CIvxpoi?
'of 't11wa tarily

3fATTHEW. pdvov tic Bvopa paeqro5,

only i u [thc] ntrrne of a disciple, hi8 rcward. 'Jesus. thence co~luandiug

wflt@~nlyinthennme of a disciplc, velily I you, he i n no wise 10% his reward. pitss, whcn Jesus' had made nn end of cow-

6pdv X&'/W $piu,

s cup

of cold inater]

~ R O X B U r~i ) ~ . / i [ ~ 8 i ) ~ . i t h 0 i j .

I n;by to you, in nowise s h l l he lore

& l



6re i r i h ~ a r v6 'IvuoBs binrrioowv roig ' XI. And it came to hrei6'~v 705 ~ L ~ & U r n E manding his trvclre K i L~
and disciples, he 4cpnrted thence to tench nnd to prench iu t l ~ c i r cit~cs. 2Komwhon Jo11u had lhis, he dcpnrted

And it cumeto pass when 'hnd.'fini*hed ,=disciples in

E D S E K ~pa8t/rais ahro;, reiQPtl

rt]p6aaeiv IW rni~.n6X~arv.a&rCiv.
t o pretrch thcir cities.

2 'O.G~.'IW~YU~)L. cikohaac
Xow John chrlht, having sent two

sent two of his diaciles 3 nnd zaid U U ~ O t o l ~ i m , Eim: Art thou he that *houl<lcome, or do we Pd.~r ipxdp~vos, Br~pov ~ o u c ? o K ~ ~Kai E ~ ; ~ 4 c ( cirorpi- 1ookfor nuother? 4 JeArtthou the coming [ono], or anocher are we to look for 7 And 'answer- sus answered and said

i V T@ 8bpwrq~i(f) { ~ " P Y 76 705 hcul.d i n thc prisou the having heard in the prisou tho works of the works of Christ, 11e

xq'uroi?, .rrhp#ac bb60" rCiv.pa8qr~v-airroij, 3 einev abr$,

of his dlsciplcs, strid

8c;c d 'Irlaoirc ETTEY airroic, nopev86vr~c ciirayyeiXare 'Iwtivvp

big 'Jesus said to them, see : lepcrs w e raised, H~ving goue blind reintc t o John whtrt ye l ~ e n r nnd receive bight, and and denf

i ~ t : things

~ , " ; g ~ ~ t which ye do

d ciro6ere r a i pXi.rrere. 5 r v f ~ x o ; & U ~ P ~ ~ T O ViU a iVhe" and 'Fe: ~ L l blind receive h ,

%rue hctu ; And blessed

their sight, nnd the inme

?repilraroiiuiv. Xerpoi
wulk ; dead

ra8api~ovrui, - L ~ a i " K W $ O ~ them lepers dcnf , ""lk> clennsed d the

are cleuused, poor a d are evangelized me. t o say t o the

ci~o6ovutv* lverpoi iyeipovrai, krai" ? r r G o i ehayyeXi~ovrar.

6 rai par6pt6~. lurtv, iis.'"&iv'l p$.urnv8aX~uat h 6yoi. v



shall not be offended i n 'fegrtu lJesus into

7 Tohrwv.Gc? ?ropeuopbuwv
But as these weregoing

t a r 0 l'Iquoirs Xhy'eiv TOTS

hear, the dead nre up, and the poor have o them. eiiched t the And bleasedishe, whosoe~cr shall m me.not be offended

GxXoi~ m p i
crowds concerning t o look a t ? '

John, a reed

T i ni&jXB~ra"is rrjv
What went ye out wind in soft ohaken ? garments

B~&uaaBai; rciXapov 6x6

by [the] wh?t went ye out t o see?

civipov uah~v6pevov; .8 dXXd tuhesconcerningJohu


ipqpov r a n d as they ne. the wilderuse parted, Jesus hegnn to snT unto the mnltiWhat went ye out intd

r i 1 ' I ~ i ] X 8 ~ r ~ I i; Civ8pwirov 6v p X a r o i c Oipario~c" j p $ ~ ~ u i8eiv I


~ ~ k ~ d e ~ the wind? But what


nyod l

; i806,
of kings


T E ~ paXarZr

$opoi?vre~ TOTS ;v
in Ule


Behold, those who the

r&v @aaLXiwv
phet ? Yen, For this

I wty

houses raiment ? br:hc!fl, thcg (iXX3 Ti nitbXb)ETEll9iJEiY; ~ p o -t h a t wear soft c(ot'~l1~0 But what went ye out to see? a pro- B But what wont ye in Cl(armentbJ, wear


$hrtlv ;'l vai, h l y o d g v , r a i

n~praadr~pov ?rpo$$rov'

t o you, and [one] more excellent than a prophet.

10 o ~ T o ~ . ' Y & P " iuacv



is [he] conceruiug whom i t has been writtanfBehold, betore t h y face, who


$ ~ t ~ ~ ~ n h ~ ~ yiypanr,ai, '1606, u 6 y ~ 1 1Rroihet. 10 Forthis is

t ~ , O ~ \ ~ ~ $ ~ u shall

tosee? bpro-

d l 0 0 r k u w"~yh6v.povb ?rpoaD.rrov.aov, '8cU r a r a - messenger before thy, rp

which prepare thy wny berore thee. 11 Verily 1 say prcpare thy way before thee. Verily I any to you, nntoYou,Amon6~11cm that are born of NOob~.i~i?yfpraL v h ~ E U Y ~ ~ T y vSv~ l ~ i j v[ L E ~ < W'V W C ~ ~ ~ O hnth not O a I men there V of women ugreater than John risen a greater thirn there htrs uot rise11among [those: born John the Baptist : notTO; pairrlaroij' 6.2; pirp6rapo~l v Pa~tXEiq T ~ U withst;~ndinghe that the Baptist. But hc that [is] less i n t1.a kingdou~ of the is lenst i n the kingdom of heaven is gretltcr o&pavGv pei{wv v t i & ~ ~ U T L V 12~ ~ij . ~ rii~i).dl.TSV{ p ~ p t j v I W ~ Y Y O V he. 12 A U from ' than ~ heuvuns g r a t e r thnn he is. But from the days of John the days of John the

~ n messenger y

arav&aei rrjv.686v.aov

ly.rrpoa8iv oov'

11 'Ap4v XQyw Gtiiv,



L'CTrAW. 1 [rail LTr. [rail L. 1 r a i and [L]TT~A. m ;v Z&rjhBass LTT,A. 0'ifiasiors (Yead [garnlellts]) [ L ] T T ~ A . P e b i v (vead ['ire]) qa]. 9 ?ipo+rjqv iseiv; (rtud B u t why weut ye out? t o see rr prophet? TA. v a p fur <LT:A]. rai (reclcl atld he sllnll prepare) L . ~ Q T airoi, b ~ V . [&h] L. h

6td by (his disciples)


g$iez 2 $

Baptist Until now the kiugdom violence, and suEcreth of heaven the violent take it by

: " and [the] ,violence, !

MATOAIOX. Xf. 703 panriaroir ir'ws iiprt, I j paatXeia TGV 0;pav3v p:&the Baptist until now, the kingdom of the hacvens is taken by lerai, ~ a i piaarai hp?r&bovolvairnjv. 13 nhvr~c-ydp oi
violent seize it. For all tlie


prophets and the law 'until JJohn 'prophesied. 'And whlch wris for to come: BkX~re GQEaaeal, ahrcig bartv x'HXiacll 6 phXXwv i'pxeaeac. ears if ye are willing to receive [it], he is Elias who is about t o come. hear lot him hear. 16 ~ ~ t w h e r e u n t o s h a l15 d $xwv 6ra ~ L ~ I C O ~ E v Q ~ o ~ l ( ~ K o ~ V 16 .Tivi.& dpothaw* ,' Illlcenthisge~erl~tlon? that has Ha ears t o hear, let him hear. Bnt t o what shall1 liken I t is likeunto children sitting inthemarkets, r$v.~~v~dlv.ra6r~v iariv z?raidapioigll 'hv ; dt i k e 'it 'is to little children in [the]~iyopa7g oia and c n l l i n ~ unto their this generation markets fellows 17 and ~ a y i n g We ha& piped unt; Ka6qP~voi~," Tpoa wvoQai,ro'i~.Craipoig.airr+, ' 17 ~ a i baai YOU and Y have not e sitting, and ofing t o their comp:inions, and d:m&d; we have n~ourued unto YOU, XkYovuiv,I' HirXGaap~v jpi'9, real oirrtp~rjanaei'iBpqv$aapev nnd ye have not lasaying, We pipod t o rou, and r e did not danco; ,wo mourncd mented. 18 For John c m o ncithcr eating c6p?~,'1 06~-iredrC/aaQe. 7HXB~v-ydp real 18 'Iw&vvqc $ r ~ p daeiwv nor drinkinq andthcy t o you, and ye did not wail. For 'came lJohn neither eating say, He h a d a devil. Tivwv, K U ~ XQyovu~v, Auipdv~ov 19 ~X&V 1 1 i b ~ d 19 The Son of m:un camecatinganddrinlc- nor drinking, and they say, A demon ho has. 'Came 'the 'Son ing, and they say, Bb hold a r03 A 3 4 ~ T O U iaeiwv rai ~ i v w v , xai Xiyocralv, '1806, =of mina cnting and drinking, and thcy say, Behold, ous, and a winebibber and a friend of Brit wia- &vepw?rog $ciYoS ~ a i oivo?r6rr]c, T E X O U ~ ~ V $iXo~ lcni

f ~ l $ ~ t ~ f t TIz h ~: i ~

?rpo@:rai a d vdpog ?we 'Iw&vvov?rpoe$r~rvaav'~' ~ i 14 Kai


dom i, justified of her children.

20 Then began he t o upbraid mo,t of his the cities


a glutton and

a .wine bibber, of tnx-gatherers n friena

cipaprwX3v. ~ a i8tralheq i
of sinners. And 'was5justified

4 aoqia cinb r3v."r8revwv'l a h r 'wisdom v 'children 'her.'



~ ~ . ~

20 T d r ~ 4pEaro dveidilecv rdlc ~ 6 h ~ bvg arc i

Then hebcgan to reproach the


mighty works

most of his works of power, because they repented not. Woe unto thee, chorazin l the thee! Beth- 6 0 1 , eX~papv'Ir otai aoi, fBqeaqL8hv.ll 6r1 ei bv T6py rai snidal for if thomighty works which were t o thee, Chornzin I woe tothee, Bethsaida l ,for if in. Tyre and done in you, had beep ZlldGvi iyByovro ai 8vv& EL* a; yevdpcvar bv 6p7v, $~~~h",y~,"u;$~",'; o n had taken a c e the works o w e which bare taken place l. you. rc;rmtcd long ago i n ?r(iAai &viv aci~~ip anod@ perevriyaav. 22 d r j v Xtyw rai and ashes. long ago But i n sackcloth and ashes they had repented. I slip 23 But I say unto you, 1t shall be more toler- j p v , T G P ~ rai Z183v1 (iverrdrepou Earal ;v <pipp itpiaewe ablefOrTyreand~idOnt o you, For ryre and Sidon ,more tolerable shallitbein day of ]udgmcnt a t the day of judg6pTv. 23 Kai aG, gKa~epvao6p,fl 6 w ~ 0 3 ~ h<ll $ o6pnvoir ment, than for you. 25 And thou, Caper- than for you. And thou, Capernaum, who t o , the heaven nnum wh~chart exk6+we~Taa,ll f w S "80v 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ p l / % X b 6 G 1p ' U 671 b QV XoS6alted ' unto heaven Sodshalt be brought do& hast been lifted up, t o fades shalt be brought down : for if in to hell: for If the a 1 ELS ~ i . " ~ ~ v d ~;V U O i , ~ ~ ~va~ mighty works, which pOic m i Y h v ~ v ~ ~ ~ I have been done i n om had taken place the works ofpower whleh have taken place i n thea, thec had been done i n ~ o d d mit. would have O ~ ~ ~ l pixpt, T ~ ~ .' U ~& 2E P rO $ ~Xfyw dpzv, h 4 , ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ? i U. & remained until this it had remained u n l to-day. But I bay t o you, t h a t day. 24 But I say unto you hat it shall be L ' O ~ wv ~ Y E K ~ ~ T EZarat V bv ,jp~pprcpiaewc ~ O mo;e tolerable for the ior [the] land of S o c m more tolerable shall i t be i n day of judgueut land of Sodom in the day of judgment, than boi. for thee. than for thee.

$ ' , " ~ ?: ? ~a; nXeTarai :$ ;; : ~~


in which hnd taken place


06-p~revdqauv. O6ni 21


&po+rjrrvcrav LTTrA. X 'HAeias T. Y Fti~o6riv ra~8iots QLTT:AW. 5 rpou+wvoivm rois ~ a & ) p i v o i s i opa^(market) L; ~aBqpCvocs r a t s ciyopuis 'I'TIA. dv Iv Irhipoig who caJll2 to the eumpa!aons (iripo's reud uillillg to the others TEI) ( [uCTGV] their A) Aiyovuiv say LTTIA. C v p i v LTTrA. ipywv works TTr. e Xopa<riv TTrA. fBq61o a l 8 6 LTr. B Ka+apvaoJp LZTrAW. h p i LTTrA, 5 W. l 705 LT'PIA. 6Jlwthjq ; shalt thou be littud up? LTTrA ;,i$aie;)s W. 1 ~arap$q thou shalt descoud U ~ A . m iyat.dp9quav qrriA. 9 i v UOL y~v6peva~-Ld O ipe~vev LlTrA.



MATTHEW 25 ' hixtivg ryi ~ a i p $daorpiQric S 'IqooGc rlsrv, 'EGpo;

that time

s l l ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~

answering of the

Jesns heaven

said, earth, t!:nt

I thnnk thee. 0 Fa-

tller, Lord of l l e n ~ ~ ~ a"d because thou hnst hid these P,&sirpv+nc1' raGra & s bao$;v rai a v v t r ~ vrai & ~ ~ r t ~ X u J / afrom the wice , ihinss ~ thou didvt hide thesethings from wise and prudcnt, and didst reveal ,",","e~~~~~d,","~ babes. 26Evens0,Faahr& vq~ioig. 26 vai, 6 ~ a r i ] i~ ~ i r ,osrwg qiy~vrro rii60~ia~I them t o babcs. Yca, Faihcr, for thus i t was well-plcasing ther : so it good i n thy sight. : p ~ p o ~ O b 27 ITAvrCC pot sapr668rlGab r o 6 . i ~6s ~ O U All things are de0021. ~ 27 . bofore thee. All things to me wore dclivcred by my Lthor. livcrcd me ll1Y Fathcr: and nd man ' 0b6t;g ~ l r ~ y i v ~ u ~ vitv ti-p~j h Q ~ T ~ P0h6k rbv knoweth the Son, but TAU r i ~ kno;vs the Son except the Father; nor the Father neither And no one the knoweth nu; man the 7 , xaripa n g ~ ~ i ~ i v EL)-p$l ~ i~ ~ ~ a i y-sav. ~ u v di, Father, save the Sou, Firthor b u y 'one 'does know exccpt, the Son, dud he t o whomsoever and he t o whomsoever the Son will reveal P&Xqrar S v i b ~ ci~oraX6#ai. -28 AEGTE p d c s rcivrec hint. 2s Come unto luny ill 'the 'Son t o rcvcal him]. Come to me, all me, all ye that labour and are hen- laden, oi ~ o i r i G v r qrai a~$opriap~voi, r&y& civasaz5ow ;g. I ,ill you ye that labour and arc burdcncd, nud I ?ill give f a t &U. mt. l Take my yoke thw, 0 Fathcr, Lord and the

xoyoZpai aoi, ~cirrp,K ~ P L E ro; 06pavoG rai r : ~ : ~ , i;ri y


20 cipare rtv.~vy6v-pov ;p' ir,uZc, rai p&O~re&a' lpo5, iirr

Take my yoke

ie cn-y, rind my

upo~ you;





for lowly in heart: nnd )-e

'ap+6~" EitIi

msttvb~ qj-rnp6ip. K U ~r i ~ p l j u ~ r ~ &v&savuiv lowly . in hcart ; and ye shall fiud rest 3;okc ~ a T ~ . # u ~ n T ~ . i r30 6.ycip.<vy6~-pou p~v. xpqar3g rai rb popriov
I am rind
to your souls. Ly For my yoke is:
a y

~ ~ , o ~ ! ~ :




XIL A t that time Jesus went on the ssbbath day through 'Ev i r ~ i v y iaopr6oq ' I ~ c T o ~ r 6 p ~ a u ~thecorn; and hisdircis~ v'~ At that time went Jesus on the Sabbath ples were an hungrcd, and began topluck the at& TGV u?~opipwv.o i . S i . ~ ~ ~ O q r ~ t l .isrivaaav, rcai atr~~~ of eorll to through the corn-ficlds ; nud his disciples were hungry, a n a cat. 2 But ;hen the Pb:irisecs saw it, the ljpravro riXX~iv arhXuag m i laOi~rv. 2 0i.62 Sapiaaloi snld unto him, Bchol,$, beg;rn to p:rlck [tllc] eiirs and to eat. Bot the Phnrisees thS, disciples do that

c 2

ou iXa$pdv k ~ r i v .



i8civ~ec t ~ 7 ~ o v l l abrc?, '1606, ~ i . ~ t a O ~ ~ m ; - o o v ~oioGoiv 8

haringseen said to him,
d 7 ~

Behold, snbbnth. 'David,

thy dis~:iples But he said

obr.~5rariv so(riv
i t is not li~rvful to do 'ye ' l ~ a r c reild n-hat

ua,8/36ry. 3 'O.6i EZTEV

when he huugcred


are doing what day. 3 Unt he saidunnot a;roTS, Otc t o them, Hare ye did, rend l)avid t o tllem, =Xot Nhcn he Was an huullimsulf

grcd> and him; 4 that were with .they how and he ,,tcrcd into the oi PET' afiroG; 4 s G c e;a,llhOev tic r t v O:KOV r05 8 ~ 0 5raL house God, and , thosc with him? How he entered into the house of God, and whichthe not lawful was shewbread. 706g 6 TOVS T ~ O ~ ~ U X ~W a y ~ v , l l E Q~ Yoijsll O'jr for him toeat, neither the caves of the prcscntation he ate, 'them which which "not 41awful'it2wus with him, but only for

C ~ Y ~ ~ Z J W T ri 6roir]crrv VAn/3iG,II ;re i~eivnaevWa&rtc". l E m

T G ~


airrc? $ayiV,0bo'i roic p$ air~oij, ~i.pFL?j roic iepeGalv p d l ~ ~; the priests 7 lS

ior hilu Or to erit, nor for those with him, law, but for the priests Sabbaths only 7

5 "H 08r.civfyvwrt i v

0 ; iEpdc bath days the priests the pricsts in the profane the sabbath nnd are ;V r y iepd rb acipFarov P,l3r]ho~uiv, a dvairioi E ~ U ~ V ~ i ; blameless? 6 ' ~ uIt say in the temple the sabbath profane, and guiltless are 7 unto You, That i n this place is one greater 6 hiyw.8; 8riv, ~oG-iepoG Zp~i<wvl' r i v &;E. h ~ i - 6 ; the temple. 7 ~ u t than But if if ye had known wh?t But I sfry t o you, that 3than+the5templo 'a'greater is here. tiiu meaneth, I w l l i y 7 J t ~ ~ E 1 ~ iariv, aNEX~ov'l ri QiXw ~ a 06 Ovuiav, O ~ J K(ZV hare mercy, and nor i ye hnd known what is, Mercy aacrifice, ye would not I desire and not sacrifice, 'not

T(? have yc not reAd in the

v6py, Sri rois o6pfiauiv

that on the

1 that on the law, ow enot read in sab-

5 Or have

'davai8 LTTrA ; A d d GW.


P i~pv+as 1.TTrA.

9 d 8 0 ~ i Zylvmo LT. a

- a h b r GLTTrAW.

rrpa6s LTTrA.

V~@&TOL~ L.

1 & # U ~ O VL . T

6 LTTrA.

t e h a v LTT~A.


6.EAeos LTTrb.


K ~ O I O C iurtv b . ~ ~ ~

~ a ;T,-J~ n
Bor Lord 'is 'also "of %he

hnve condemned the K a r ~ J ~ ~ r o 6 ~ ~ ~ & u civatriour' a ~~L~~~ lye ?hnd condtmned the guiltless.

~ 2 2 ~ 2

oven of the nabbath day.

uap$~irov 6 vibc T O ~ . L ! ~ V ~ ~ ~ T O V .
'sahbnth the son of mnn. he went into thcir synagome.

a having departed thcnco, d;2,"dW:E&z,Ws r.1n d iboir; civt?pw?roc vrcllu into dmir syna- 10

9 Kai p~raP6q t.rietv,&Xe&v i ~ ~ r j v . m v n ~ w ~ j v . a 6 r t ~

And hchdd, ~ a, man there was %ha ~ ~ saying, that they might accuse

C;/v r,iv" x~7pa txwv Etpci;'

I s it lawful him. on the But he snid

hall his ht~nd wi:h ryd. d7rtlp&rquav And they n-kecl h ~ m , aslted saying, IS it inn-ful t o hcnl ou t l ~ esnbbnth d ~ ~ p ~ 7 r

a 6 ~ 6 v , XQyovreg, ~ ~ : e " c ~ a TOT^ atip/?natv riv

sabbnths t o the&,

:'h:md ~ 'hnviug withered. And ~ ;


'Ivararqyopfiabatv a6ro3. 11 '0.6; E:*EV atroiq, ~6~t~)'1


~~~P~,?'~.t:~~A~~~' said unto them, What


t o heal?

e~uratII iE irpijv

ijc ;EEL ?rpd

n~jln shall there be What'~hal!~theyo~be~of 6yon man, who shall have 5 among you. that shall %nve one sheep, and if ~ a ;&v dp7'rboP T O ~ ~ roic ~ c i p p a ~ t ~ i O ;g pdevvov, 06x2 i t fall into r pit on and if Y:tll 'this OII the sabhaths into spit, willnot tho snbhath dny will be not lay hold ;U it, rpariju~t ahrb rai 12 T ~ U L , 08v 6ca96p~r ;vaud lift it out? l 2 How lriy hold of i t n ~ i dwill raise [it] up? How much then is "better ' s mnch then is a man b t t e r than a s ~ ~ c c p ?p l c i 7 ~ 0 ~ P O ~ ~ T O V GUT r"Ceaslv r o T c - ~ a ~ a a rraXiJc O T ; c~l~ IVhcrc~forct is lamful 'mm i than n sl~cep So that i Is!,mrful l ! on the rnbbatha 'well to do \vcll 04 the st~bbirth <tap.13 ~h,,,, r o t ~ i v . 13 T ~ T Xbysi r $ . ~ i ~ Q p ) p i ) ~~ r ~ tl'rrjv v E m E ~, v ~ XETP& sibith ho to the ninn 'to 'do. Than he srrya to the man, Stretch out 'halid Strctcl~ forth thin; And u0v.U Kai ~ E ~ T P L V E V , i&~orar~or6@q1' &c t j rrai ;yi$c m it forth ; ~rncl was 'thy. 1 it Aud he stlultched [it] out, and it was restored sound os the reritorcd xvholc, like as the other. other.


14 kOi-BJ @apianiot avtt/3oirXrov a a p o v K ~ T ' afro; 14ThcntboPharisces wcot out, ;~ncl held a But the Plurriseas seouucil 4held. 'against 'him 'hliving conllril againit him* O ~ I ~ ~ E E , " abrbv 6?roXlacoorv. 15 '0.B;.'Iqao3c yvoir~ iiswp how they might desg~ne out how him t h y might destroy. But Jesus having knorvn stroy llim. when Jesus knew if ( C v ~ ~ [ j p ? ]~ K v ~ ~ lcai '$~oho68qaava t r @ 'bX)?ot'1 u E E Y sroXXoi, he withdm\v himand elE from tllcnce: wi~h<liww thence, and followed him 'crowds 'groat, ercat nlnltitudcs fol- rui i ~ e p 6 ? r ~ v a v a6roirc rrhvra~' 16 rai i7'rripl70~ airroic lowcd him, and he hcnlcd $hornnit. lcand and' he hcnled them 'l1, nnd strictly charged t h c u chnrgcd t h e d that (Ivu p4 $av~pbv airrbv aoi~aworv. 17 "'67rwg"7r!qtllc~ shonld not nlakc that 3110t "publicly known 'him 'they '.-hould 'make. So th:rt xu~ght hi111 kuo~vn: l i that it ulight be fnifilled pwec rb lfirle>v 'Haatov ro3 ?rpo$$rou,X ~ y o v : o ~ , at& ~~hi:h was spoken by bofuiiilled that which WLLS syokcn by Estiias the propher,, saying, Ein!as the prophet saylug, 18 Behold m 18 '160i) d-nnig-pov 6v ; n$piriua," b-&ya~rlr6g.pov ";c servant, ~vhom have I Behold my servant whom I h.~ve chosen, my belorcd in choscu; my beloved, i n whom m soul is well b" P E ~ ~ ~ K ~ u E Y? ~ - ~ ~ X ~ ] . J L O J I 'J X Y E ~ , U ~ . ~ O U ' ' ~ ~ ~ I U~ . T h* plcnsed: f n i l l put my whom *found %Ielight my -soul. I will put my Spirit upon spirit upon him, and hc shall shew judg- air6v, rai rpiatv ro7c ievratv cisrayy~X~i* oi~c-;piaer 19 meur, to the Gentiles. him, and judgment t o t b e nations he shall declare. He shnll not strive 19 Hc shall not strire nor cry; shali 0682 rpavy(ic~t, 0661 cit:od~~t rtc d~ ~aiLc?rXar~i'at~ =,)V any man lm;%rhis voice nor cry out, nor shal13hear 'any "one in the strccts in the street8 20 A bmised sjlau he 9wvljv-airro3. 20 ~ t & X a pu u v ~ ~ r p t ~ i p i vO ~ - K ~ T E ~ ~ EaL i, ~v ov ~ not brenk, and smokhis voice. A 'reed 'bruial he shall not break, nud ing flnx shall he not pjv qucuch, till he send XIvov ru$6p~vov ~ b - u p b b ~ Zwg.(iv ir/3hXp ig I ~ K O ~ t, forth jndeent 'flax 'smoking heshallnot quench, until he bringforth%~ntci~victory 'the


ievq ~,"~~;h$lA~h", 'j~tdgmcnt. 21 And qiv" rcy'-bi~6puri-a6ro iXirto3atv. iE,"2 rpiutv. rai i n tilcc tr~lct. his name [the] nationa shail hope.

raises [it] up L.

-~ a i


~ . $ E ~ ~ ~ v82 P P @ a p t u a i o Q V ~ B O ~ ~<Aapov ~ a raGroi) T 01 ~ LOV ' -11y) LT[RA]. m i v a that LTTIA. +p&rrva R.

c u a B ~ i z o L. s ~

- jjv +v

LTPIA. 8 e p a n d u a t ; T. h uov rilv xcipa LWrA.


- Zurar Tm. .riycipct lle

i &rcrrarcaraOq 1.TTrAW.

i v (read [on]) GLTP~AW.



--&,yAot eit

(read r o M o i
P qV80-n~.


ST1. MATTHEW. 22 T ( ~'apour)r~~xBr)~ E abr? '6apovtZhp~voc,


2?Then wan brought nl,to llil,, ollc lx,Kqc,hea Then IVRR brought tollim one possessed by n demon, with n dcvil, blind, mid he rai r c w p d ~ ~ ~ iOEprirtvaEv abrdv, &are r j v tru(hhv 'I1 and dnnlb: iu.omnch ~ a i healell l l , 1 l l, end dumb, and he henled him, so thsrt the #blind thnt tiro bliild nnd rwqciv 'rain XaX& rca; 23 m b~iaravroadvres dulub both sprrlre and i ~~d *were L~~~~~~ tall ". N 23 Anti all the dulub both ~ p u k e and SRN. people were nm.uccl, " oi Cxhot rai ~ X E Y O Y , M$TL oSr6g dariv 6 uidc w ~ n F i 6 ;rrncl mricl, Is not this xnis :is the son. of unvil,l thc Son of Dnvid? stho'crowds and mid, S4 But when the Phnrio ~ K . ~ K / ~ ~ wccs hc;rnl it, they s:rid, X~EL '24 Oi.6; @nptaa~ot K O ~ U ~ V I r' o v ,06ros ~ ~~ S But thc Pl~ariscos hnring hcnrd mid, This [mm] cnstx uot out .li'llor" 4io'.h 'lot cnst onr devils, but hy r& ~aitthvia ;-p4 i v rfr REEX~E@O~X ~ 3 % ' dp~ovrt 6ai~t0viwv. Bcc!xrl,itb tho prince the de~uons except by Bcclzcbul prince of tho tlcmons. Of fho devil 25 And Jcsu. knew thcir 23 Ei6Ag.6G ' l q ~ o i j c ' 'rdc.dvQvp$u~i~-alrc;iv EITEY airois, thooghts, nnd s:rid n u t 'knowing 'Jesus thcir thoughts hesaid t o them, unto tllrlu, Every kiugdoru diricled nIIiioa pnaiXeia peptaQeiaa ~ n 9 'iavrtlc ipql~03rai. rai gninst i!xelf is brought Eyery kingdom divided agninst itsclf is brought to dcsolation, and to dcwlntiou ; nnd every l t yor aZua nriXi~Yj. oircia p~ptaB~iau rcn6' in6rijc oci-uraOrju~rat. dcd~agaiurt bonae divi itself every city or house dividod agninst itself will not stnud. shnll not at:md:?cinud r L .L11 1% .t 0UtS~tllU, . 26 m; E aarnviis r3v uaraviiv brc/3~iXX~~, ;avrbv i p ~ - o is diridcd ngninst i b$' Audif Satnn =Satnu 'cnsts 'out, ngninst himself he W L ~ himaclf ; how hhnll


pioJqsir3g 05" uraBju~rar$-/3aaiX~ic~airroG; rcai ~i ir; 27


How thcu

will stand cant out the

his kingdom? demons, thay your sons of you r u t out

Ahd if

F'"' :t,,"d7 ~
Bcelzcbub your "vii"

~ A n cost out

BEEXZ;F~~O~~X T A Jaipdvta oi-uioi.hpliv iv rivt i~P&w

Beelzebnl by whom


childrcu cart whom out? therefore

I~hXXovaiv ;
28 et'-6; " d
But lf


roiiro aitroi y;+v

Spirit of God

iuovrar ,reptrui."
the demons,

do they mat out ? on bccoant of this

$ ~ judge& olt

i$Oaoev I$' ;p&,'

OM come nlmn
Tic s w o n e to cuter

by [the]

m ~ 6 p r &o;" ~ K , ~ & X X W Garpdvca, dpa r rd

pauiXe;a 705 8~03. 2t)

of O d o

.?rGc 8;varai
is nble

by spirit ; ~ ~ ~ f t ~ , " a t ~ ; ~

you. R Or ho~c;ruone enter into

and spoil his goods, U K E ~ Vexccpt hefir-t bind the into the house of the strong [ m a d and koods Strong '":ln7 nuclthen he will spoil his house. ailro5 ac*tapatiacct,ii dciv-p4 np3rov Gjup r;v iuxvp6v; 30 C that is not with !I 'his to plunder, unless flrlst he bind the stroug [man]? N IS q p a i n ~ t O me; nu? ho that gathereth not rcai r 6 r ~ +v-oirciav.ai1ro6 30 3 p4-G~ PET' ipoit ~ i t hn t ~~vnttercth s n d then his house he will plundcr. Hc who is not with me abroad. 31 %'herefore I my unto you, All iaai lpoii iartv. ~ a id prj.ouvciywv p i ipoii aropaiCer. mnnuer of sin nnd a m h u t me is;. and hewho gnthers not with me scntters. blarspheniy shall be forgiren unto men: 31 ~ t c i roiko Xfyw 3piv, X a a drpapria rcai bc~t rho bl:rsghcu1y Bemuse of this. I say to you, Every sin and ng(tinnt the lfol!~GIl~> t sli?'l not be forgiren ci$eOrjurrare TOTS civ8pDnoic. 4.6i 705-nr~~6paro~. ,,,',b mcu. 32 klld rhnU bu forgiven to men ; brit the 'ooncerning Jthe*Spirlt 'blns- whosoever spc:rketh

you the kingdom

Or how

E ~ C E X ~ S ~ V r,iv oi~invroii iaXvpoii


gqpia oir-d~~Btja~rnr aiyBpDnoc~.~ rai "0;s 32

phsmy .hall not be forgiven

to men.

~ ~ V

And W

npenkq W

l ~ ~ i bo forgiveu him: bnt


A sf:l

s word ngninst the

Xdyov rear& ro? via; r95 civOpDirov,

Son of man,

ci$eerja~rar ai)r$.

it ehnll befordven him it l,o for. Q - 8 . 2 ~ E Z X ~ -rcar(i 705 m~6pnrocroG z!c iov, f o t ~ - & $given h i m neither i n ~noithcr in but whoever sylalis ngninst the Spirit the i t shnll not this ic01.1d t o come. the

;* gninst rhcHoly Glrost.


6&u~rclr~~ oirr~i v ro6ry r$ aIt& OGTE ;v rcy' pi?,?,Xov- 33 aLry,

ba forgiven him,
neither in make this

in the


Eitllcr make the coming trce6ood, mduf.&t


33 'H


not jaare ri, BivJpov rcaXbv rcqi r l v raprlv


--.rpocnjveyrrav they brought L. 6atpovt~6psvov nrghbv ~ w 4 . L. ~ t - w+hbv K& 5 LlTrh. - ~ dLTTrA. t Aauis GW ;A a u c s LTT:A. - b'Iquoirs LTTrA. Y ~ p r r a i iuovrac 6pGv LTTFA. * i v Pvcliparr Oeoi iyi ~ I . A W . a + r i u a r to seiec upon I:rr, A. QL





-4 s

&p.prr&cr h@will suize n'lon L ; 6capu+ &vOp6ap;.or LIT~[A~. iiY LTT~AW.

he might plunder T.

06 (i &+c% i nowise shall ic be i,rgiruu ll n

+ [ipiu]

to you A,


good; or el* make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupL: for =its good, or mqke the tree c0rrup.t and =fruit the t r y in known by a h i r aarpdv- irydp roir raproG- rb, $&v6povyivdurerar. b known. fruit. 34 O h o oorrupt : for from the ?pit the tree ration of Tip6I'E gene- ~ i t i rovqpoi can ye being' evil, 34 revvripaia bxtBvGv, ?rGp 86vaaea ( aed AaA~iv, : ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ OEsprhg f of"Tipw, ~how are ye able go01~ i n~t o s p M c k e d , " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ th g dance of the W t the ijvreg~ br.ydrp roir raptaae6paro~ rile rcap6iae rb ' urdpa mouth s@eth. 35 A 'behgd for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth good man out of the trcasure of the k a k i . 35 d . & y d b ~ dv0pwrop L. roir (iya6oi OqaavpoS eart bringeth forth ,pa& . ~ good~ h man out of the good treasure gpod things: and an evil mnn out of the grijg ~lapbiacII b~@:pdrM~r hrdil (i aei* rai 6 r o v q p ; ~ bvepwevil treasure b d n W of the henrt puts forth the gmlthings; and the wicked m~ll forth evil things. you r o br 706 rovqpoir QqaavpoGHrpdMet .rrovqp&. 36 XCyo. i ~ G WBU~ I That every idle word outof the wicked treasure puts forth wicked things. But I sag that men shall S p & r dpybv 8!c'dv" kAnX jawaiv" oi rivOpwnur, they8hailgivesceonnl vpiv, iirt wiiv thereof in the day of toyou, that ewry word 'idIe whatsoever =may ispeak 'me% judgment 87 Por by thy word; thw halt(ir06Cjuovaiv rpia6roir Xdyov bv +bpg rpiuewc. 37 brc ~ 'by i t . an W C O U ~in day of judgment. be justifled ond l~ they shall m d e r of

MATBAIOE. XII. afiroir r d d v , 4 rot$aara rb @dpov aarpov rai rbv caprbv

be thycondemned,

rdp rGv.~6$wvaov
for thy words

thon shalt be jwtlfled,

di~aiw6?juitop, rai b rGv.A6ywv.aov

dnd by
thy wordn

thou shalt coaieGned 88 Thou aertsfn of 98 Tdta ( i r ~ r ~ i ~TtVEC iTGV ~ ( J C f p p ~ lm b u ~ ~~ v' ~ ~ a@apti thescrlbm andof the Phaviseer aswered, Then answered, some ot the scribes snd PhnriMeater we a sign'*om octii)v,I1 XbYoLr~c, AtB:pdaraX~, BiXopev cirb aoil ~ ~ E i6tiv.O ~ thw. 39 But he an- sees, saying, Teacher, we wish from thee a sign to sea Bwored and said unto them, An evil and a- QQ '0.~8 (i7r0~pi6~ig! EITEV airroi~; ~cvaci*nov~pd a pot~ i dultcrous generation But he answering said to them, Ageneration vickcd , and adulafter no XUA~I; aqpaiov iriJqrri* cai aqpaiov oL.808?juarar ai'qj, and there shalla be given to it, but t i e terons a sign seeks for, and a sign shall not be given to it, $,","na~f40t~~r et.pS rb aqpeiov 'Iwvii roil rpo$$rov. 40 Ourep-ydp$v 'IwvCc was three days and except the sign of Jonaa the propheC For even cla was Jonaa



t;~~t;;;h","i!~L'$ d Earai


son of

m,,n be fn the


roiAig 703 mjrovp rpeip Gpipac rai rpeic vCriac, oiirwe

belly of the great fish three days and three nights, thud

dtp roil rivOp3rov b T$ wip6ig rijc y{c rp~ig v

tho enrth. 41 The xucn be the of man in tho hcsrt of tho earth t h e e of shnll rise ?)pipac'~ai rp~ic v6rrac. 41'A'Y6p~c UN&v~virai" (ivaurtjaovrar iu jndgment with this gencri~tion,a n shall rmd nights. Yen Ninerites alldl stand up co~tderunit : because r$ K idet PFT&r ) j c . y ~ ~ c . ~ a 6 ~ qa r ~ ~ p l ~ o i k l ~ rcni ~ ~ , airr/,W' they repented Jonas ; in thv jufgmcnt with pmnohing of at the this generation, and shall condom it ; and bohold a greater $71 p ~ r ~ v 6 ~ / u a v sip rb rcrjpvypa 'Iwvii. cai ido6, rXeiov ~ s ~ h ~ ~ & i c O ~ ~they repented a t the proclnmarion of Jonw ; and bchold, n~ore for f ; south shrrll rise up in 'IwvZi 6 6 ~ 42 pnuiXtaaa v6rov dyepO~uarui r$ r iaet . 6v th? judgmept with thau ~ o n w her& A queen of [the] south shall rise up in the ju&ent thls genoratlcn and bhnll condemn 1 : for per& rijc.ycvaiic.ra6rqc, rcai raracptvei airnjv' h i 6 sho onme from the ut- with it ; for she came this generation, and shall coadepln tenuost part8 of the earth to hcar the b~ ~ G ~ F P ~ T U V ~ v 7 : y$c ciroijaat rr)v ao$iav OXOX~p~vrO~'n n lsdonl of S o l o ~ o n ;from the cud8 , of the eirr~h to hem the wisdom of Solomon ; and bchold a grentcr t h a i solombn cs here. rai i806, r h ~ i o v O~ohbp&~roc" ~ 43"0rav.68 r3 cirh6aprov 66 . 43 When the unclenn and behold, more than Solo~non here. But when the unclonn spirit is one out of a man, ge walkoth ~ ~ i c p a b516XOp &?rb TO^ &lJ6pChOv, G~Qpxernt i ( ~ I J ~ ~ ~ W V ,6 through dry plnces spirit is gone out from the man, he goes through weterleas secking rest and find: 0th none. 6 4 ~ h e n T ~ T W V , t;rlroGv civciravaiv, rai otx.e6piarer. he 44 rdra Xiyet, uith, I will rptnrn places, seeking rest, and finds not [itj. Then he says,

mhall speak TTrA.


-6 s

~ap8iar OLTTrAW.

&Aoyivor: OLlTrAW,'

+ l r y ^him LITCA.

- rh LTrW.

i- , i h v


rai @aptuaiwv L.

( r e d whloh) LTTrA.



into my honse from whence I ,came o u t . and when he is come: he fint?eth i t empty, Eswept, nnd gnrnisllcd. 45 Then gwth hc, and with nopefierai rai .rrapa~ap~&vei dauroc dTr&i'repn nveiipara taketh other himself pg seven spirit? he goes and takea with himself seven other spirit8 more wicked than him-' aovqp6~~pa bavroc, rai ~ia~X96vra raroirei b ~ e i ' rai iverai self and the enter in more wicked than himself and entering in they dwell there : and becomes and' dwell tkere : and the last state of thnt J ric,aaxara T O ~ . & V ~ ~ & ~ O ~ . ~ Kxeipova V rijv nptArwv. oi;rwc man is worse than the E~UO 'the =last *of 'thnt 6man worse thanthe first. T h u first. Even R C shnll i t be also unto this wickb r a t rai rzj. ~veQ raljrp rp' ~ovr]pqi. ed generation. itshallbe also to txis a e i r a t i o n the wicked. 46 46 ' R ~ i . ~ 6 airro3 ,XaXoSvroc roic 6xiXXcic, /so$, 4. p$rqp talked While he yet i'~ to the pople

q'~nrarpf$m I rbv.ot6v.poz~," S ~ E Ui~;iXOov'm i E ~

I will return to my house.


whence I came out. And having come E ~ ~ ~ U Kaxo)lci<ovra, a~aapwpfvov KEKOU qpLvov. 45 ~ J T E L rai he flnds [it] unoc6upied, swept and acmed. Then

rai oi&6eX$oi.'a8roG" ~iar$xaaav it*, &roZvres a b r j Xcz;

and his brethren 'speak

But while yet he

waa speaking t o the crowds, behold,] mother behold, h*r mother t:thA~t2;;ri&tP were standing without, seeking Sto 'him speak with thy mother and


hi]uai. '47 elnev.6k r i a&$, '1606, Ij.p$rqp.aov ~ a oi d6eX$oi ~ i



thne. 48 But he ansaid unto him that toldhlm* is my mother? and kai ~ i u i vo ~ . & ~ E X $ O ~ .49OKai bmaiva~ rijv xeipa who are my hrethron? ~ V; end who am my brethren? stretching out zhmd 49 And he stretched forth his hand toward xabroir'lbni rode. aeqrdc.a&roi?rTnsv, '1606, tj.pljrqp.pov rni his disciple-, and sai 'his to L e disciples henaid, Behold) my.mother and Behold my mother an3 m brethren l 50 For oi.ci6eX$oipov. 50 iiuris-ydp dv Ynoijap" ~b BLXq,ia r00 wlosoever shall do the my brethren. For whosoever shall do the will will of my Father which is in heaven, the aarp6s. OU FOG hv otpn~o?~, airrdc p0V ci6~X$bc rai same is my brother, of m? Fatter who [is] i n uhe] heavens, he my brother and and sister, and moo

'thy Vithout are standing,

ito iur$raotv; <qroijvrir' COL. XaAijuai.Il 48 '0.88 &no; :;; :;w ;; :;n;: ~:i
seeking 4 0 'thee 'to 'speak. to him, Who But he

.p e n said one to him, Behold,


47 Then one said un'brethren mother and thy brah'm1 thy


*piOric ' E ~ T E V

wdndvicil atr@, Tic turiv Ij.pljrqp.pov ; swered and

in my mother?


said t o him who spoke

&&X$+rai p~jrqpiuriv.'
sister nnd mother is.


13 out of the L 'Ev-16dll rq".$pQpg.l~eivp bFeXedvYorth d 'IqaoZc adnbHh,,, Jesus ,,t by the hdin that day 'having g o n e 'Jesus from ,a rijSoiriagbkcieqro napd n j v BhXauuav~2 rai wv;lXQquav sea 2 great the honse sat down by the sea And were gdthered together E2tit:fii$,"," : ? $

XIII. The Rame day

E m 60 that he went havlng and the wdo~emulti: a ship $(ivra ~aei]UOal, rai b 8 ~ X o c i rdv aiyiddv E ~ U & ~tudestoodonthe.hnre, h KE~, entered m t down, and all the crowd on the shme stood. S And he 'pske many thinga unto them U 3 rai hXciXqaev a&rofc noXXd b .rrapapoXaY~, v XQywv,'1608 nrables, saying, Beb n d he spoke to them many thing# in pnmbles, saying, ~ e h o l dRold. a ' forth to sow; 4 and ~ F T ~ X Q Ei)~ JU T E ~ ~ Wroir u.lreipaiv. 4 rai bv.rj.on~i~e~v.airr~v he sowed, some V when %vent 'out 'the 'sower to sow. And a& he sowed sec& fell by the wn side and the fow% &piu ~ E U E V napd n j ~ badv, W ; c$XeevN rd ncrnvd draill cam: and devoured some fell by the way, and =came 'the %ir& and them up: 5 some fell a on stony p1.1ces ~nri$ayv airrd. 5 hMa.68 infuev hni rd aerp&6q, gnov w%ere they had not deroured them. And some fell upon the rocky places, where much earth: and forthwith they sprung O ~ K - E ~ X EY$V H O X X T ~ V , V 1 6 9 6 ~i~avireiXev aid rb pd becnuse they had up ~ U ; theyhadnot 'earth lmuch, and immediately sgrrngup because of not deepnoss of earth : when the sun ~XEIU yij~' 6 IjXiov.68 jLvar~iXavt0~~ a u p a r i ~ e r6.), ,and UP they were f W ,,, hn-dng dopth of earth ; and [the] sun having risen they were scorched, scorched; and beean.e him lcrowds 'great, so that he

airriv dxXoi aoMoi, dare ahrdv is brSl nXoiov

into the





* Vei%e17 in [ ] T.
and LTTrA. hip) L n r &

rbv 0 1 1 ~ 6 ~ hr~urpdjJIu pou LTTrA.


;K O I I ~

AT- dnb (rcctd ;&h. having gone nub o f ) ~ r . ; Jlheov LTr; l A 0 6 v r a having come A . - a A.



+ ~ a ' and [LIT. t 8; but LTTrA. [airo;] L, - a h o i ) (read [his] hand) T. J ror? A. - 81
S '

+ njc L

- r b (read a



* had away. 7 th raibecause of rd.ptj.Zxecv root, wizeredfell among AS 8~ct not having some

MATBATOE. fiiCav itEqpdv0q. 7 &G2

root were
M e d up.


And .ame

IAE~V br2
fell' upon

'::",",p :

~ ; gu" $~g h~ ; ;, , , $ +" " : but other fell into g 4 mound, and

some cirtfiold some S.pb thMfiold. g ~ d o h n t h one eonr t o hem, let him

the. thorns, and agrew t p 'the .thorn and choked them. ~ Z E U E Vi r i njv yijy d v raX$v, hd i8i8ov raprdv, Eifi"re$y:$ And aome fell upon the ground the good, md yielded fruit,
8 &a82
ikardv, 8.84 i6$~0vra, 8.88
hundred, anothor

rdc rircrivtlas, ~ arivlpqaav ai dravOai rai *riir&?rvt&v~ i &TA. rpL(i~o~ra. b 0




Ils tht


t r a gdro6erv~cirovlrw.
to hear let him hear.

10 And

: & sa&ys $

the didples ears

10 Kai ?rpoa~XOdvrec

oi pa&lraih 'ehov%r@, kAraria

tho; unto them in paAnd *comestoCehim3 'the Ydisdples said tohim, rables? l 1 He nnawered EY ?rapa'poXaTc X d T S asrois; 11 '0.68 ciro~pttlei~ andsnia,,ntotbm,Be 9 elreu it ts given unto in parables m k e s t thou to them? And he. answering mid di60rat yvLjva~T A p~ar$ptaT ~ E ries of the kingdom of youtoknoWthemyste- 1a3~oig,P "OTLZjpiu heaven bat to them to them, Because to you it has been given to know the mysteries of t b oir.6Q6orar. 12 iiurrc it not iivcn. 12 Par ~ whosoever hat4 to him paatkeiac rSv-oirpavLj~, K E ~ Y O C ~ . ~ ~ of the heave-, but to them ithaa not been given. .Whcsc&vav kingdom rhnll be given, and shall haye 8bn.n- ~ d &EL, p i?o&jae~at airr@, a i ~ reptauev&ja~~a~* hnc.88 for haa, ashall *be 'given 'to2him, and he ohall beinabundance; but whosoever d u l l be taken away O & ~ . ~ X E9L rui ij i E L (ip&jaerar &r' atroir. 13 81d roirro hns not, even nhat h%na .hall be taken away from him. Becauseof t U to them in parsbl~a i y arapapoXaic airrois h&;, : art ~ktnovrec06-phhnovorv, z n z , "g , in parables to them I speak, beww seeing they see not, avvrocatv. rai they he& not, neither nai d~o6ovre~ otrhodovatv, 0682do they understand. 14 And divbrdo they understand. and hoaring in them is they hear not, nor %



tilled the prophecy of E g n i ~whlchaaith, BY , hearing, e shall hear and s h s J not.under! &and and seein ye shnll ice andshafnot perceive): 15 for this paple's heart is waxed! gross and their ears dun of h e h g and their eyes t h e j have closed;lcst at any time thq should with their eyw and

4 . 1! p 5 ek 1 'n i %hem the prophecy of Esaias, vhch sap, 'AICOP & K O ~ ~ E ~ C , o t - p l j - ~ ~ i j r exai P X S ~ O W E S rai * I n h-earmg yenhall hear, and in no wise understand ; and seeing p shall
I and

?rXq oirac miir'n airrot t j ~ p o $ q r ~ i'IIuaOot~, 4 Xl~ovaa~ a


rcai o C - ~ S - ~ G ~ T E 15 ~ T Q X ~ Y O ~ ~ Y Z @ rapBia ~oir . I

In no wlse perceive : for .has 7gron#et the Qeart

Xaoij.r06rov, rai TOYS

their eyed

sof 'this 5people, and with the

Daivn Paplws <rovaav, rai 703s


heavily they have heard, and

d$Odpoirs.atrdv IrCippvaav' fltjrore

they have closed ;



lest they shbuld W with the


~ ~ s Oalpo%, rai r d i ~haiv rircodawa~v, ~ h ~ ~ ~ reui rg' ~ mrp8ip ~ avv- d and with the ears they should hear, and with the heart they nhould with their heart and eyca, bonla be C O ~ .naIshonlahealthe~ 16Bat blessed arc your qes~ for the oar tarthey see: and ears 7 d o1 W unto Y ~ dI t many. prophets and righteoas men hare deh a t o seethoae thin!? which ye .we, and have not seen them; and to hem Uime thing8 which hear h not Eewa t and understand, a d &odd beconverted nnd I dbonld heal them. bled


~ a Brturpi~wut~ OiciowpL" atroCr. 16'Tptiv-64 i rai

But of you
Jyob prophets

i pachp~ot oi b$OaXpoi, iirr phbrovaiv* ~ ard bra p6 ;v,"

W the

art qcigo&t.l 17 d tjyJycipn A.&

and 'ghteoas
for v d r

I lay to you, that

ZjpTv, art roMoi ?rpo$ijra


the e m

~ a 8i~ator i ~ a dnoGaar i

drt$ t o m w b t y e q a n d ' n o t '&W; & o ~ E T ,rai O ~ K - ~ ~ O V U ~ ~ . m d to hear what pe hew, and heard n o t 18 1~ 07% ( ~ K O ~ njv irap~P0X7)Y , % ~ t i p 0 ~ ~ T E TO$ l8 Eear ye therefom tbe parable of the &e 'themfore 'hear the parable ofthe sower, sower 19 When any paathaia!: nai p4 one h;?areth the word 19 I I a ~ r d ~ . ( i ~ o d o ~b Xdyov ~ro~ of the kingdom, and When any one h e m the word. of the kingdom and not [it]

ire06 qaav i8Qv

a' pxirere, rai @$K 'T{OY'~



1 etmw mr~. f v T E & d e r v T[TI>,. , h a6mC (read his disciples) L k Brb ri LTCA. 1 W G v ](read a&.roigT. m m (riud a h & in them) aLmAw. a their ears) I,. 0 i h o p a r I shall heal L ~ A : P SpGv L[TTAJ. P ~LWWIY~Y L~TIA? cBav L T ;i&avT ~ . t - yhp for T . *unripcrvrosLTE~A.


M A - T T H EW.
comes 'the 'wicked30ne as& catches away that which was s o h ed


nbderstandeth then not. ri) avvihvro~,p x ~ r a6 rovqpbs rrai &PT~<E;EL hfi~ap~bvov cometh theitwicki l ratchrth that which \\-\-ss in his heart. Thii is he who by the way was sown This is he. whioh rein hi# h& ceived wed by he way 20 '0-82 rd r ~ r p 4 6 qu ~ a p ~ i o t,r t g iarcv b rhv X6yov 8ide. 20 But the that s &d he whouMn the rocky places was s o n , this is he who the word ,received the into Xap/?&vov aitrdv* 21 06n aton~places, thesame &otiwv rai ~6edc p ~ r d hears and immediately with joy receivea it ; 'no is he that hcareth the word, and anon with joymceivethit ;21 yet ZXEL 6 fiizav bv iavrcj, & M A r p b a ~ a i p 6 ~ T L V ' y ~ v ~ p Q v ~ c . 6 L 2 ~U 'has 'but root in himself, but temporary ia; but 'having Sriscn h t h he but dnreth for n himself, not root i & 4 i # ~ ~ 8wyp03' 6td ~ r i ) XbyoV, ~6edg U W V - a while: for when ~ 'tribulat~on 'or mec cut ion on account of the word, immediately he is tribulation or peruecution ariseth because ay b 8aXi{~rai.22 '0.62' ~ i grdg &rhveac aaap~ig,oqrdg iariv of the W O P ~ offended. And he who @mong the thorns was sown, this is ho is offended. 22 also that received seed d rdv Xciyov cir08wv, Uai p ~ c p v a O C ~ ~ ~ V O ~ - ' ~ ~the ~ ~ I + ' T among G thorns is he who the word heam, and the .care O this life f he that hearech the word ; and tho care of rai &r&q rXohrov w u ~ p r v i y ~rbuIX ~ Y O Y ,rai r i ~ a p ~ M ~ ro3 &I ty world and the 0 end the deceit of riches choke the word, and u b i t f u l deoeitfuln&s of riches

d u r#xap6iq.a6roi? otrdg iarrv

away b rapd rljv d6dv o?rap~ig.. sown

'i h


i t becomes.

~ i w r a i . 23 '0-82 h i mju x y i j v . d u uaArjv" arrapeig, oh6g

But he who on word the ground the hears ono good
was sown,


rdv Xbyov ciu08wv

and produoer,

he who-- the

~ ~ ful. 23 But be th& into the uai ~ a v v i h v .Ss 64 uap- received seedis hethat ~ m1 understands ; who indeed bnngs heareth the word, this amother

~ro$mp~i; r o e 6 ' 3 - p l v irarbv, Zd".6L iS$rovra, q 1 . 2 mi b1 6

forth fxuit,
P hupcired,


and-derstanaeth'it; which also beare* another hit, and., bringe$h forth, sozne an hnndredfold, some sixty, some thirty.



24 "AM.qv?mapa/3oXljv rapQ8qrr~vt r o i g , XBywu, 'Qponha

Another parable put he before them, saying, 'has become sowgood

a eq 4 p a a ~ X ~ irGv .like 'the '?cingdom =of 'the

his field;

otpavGji* CivOp4~ya u ? r ~ i p ~ v r ~ U p11t ~ d b v

to a man but while 'slept

crippa iv r+-dypyi.ahroi7. 25 iv.6i.r~j~xaOebS~~v civ&Jphrodg


~ & m ~ ~ X B E VaCroi7 b h~8pi)p b i b n ~ i p ~lt<(tvia dud p&rov ~ h ~ ~ s & ~ d d . ~ K , n'ai y~' le$ came his enemy arid sowed darnel inCthelmidat enemycamenndsowed
'men whichsowed good seed And mhen 'a$routed 'the 'b&


24 Another parable he forth unto saying, T+

tarcsamongthewheat* and went hi8 wa B U whn the ~ rai uaprrhv irroiqa~v,r 6 r ~h$civll tcai rd &Z6uia. 27 ~poa.Aand a d fruit produced, then appeared also the darncl. 'Having %ome then appeared'bit* forth the 27 2 86vr~g 6 oi GoGXoi 705 oiro8~orr6rov d r o v a&@, KGPLE, tares also. the so the Of house'to['him] land thebondmen of the master of the house- said to him, Sir, holder came and asid o6xi ~ d d v &ripa E&vr~ipagII r$ U$ dypg; 7r69ev ,061~ du unto him, Sir, didat %oc sgood 'seef 'didst 'thou 'sow in thy field l whenoe then in thousow good seed thy field? from

uirov, rai drijXO~v. 26 S T E - ~i @ X c i ~ ~ q a ~ ~6 705 ~ d u

ofthe wheat, and r e n t away.



then hath i t tares ? A n Hasaldunto them, enemy hath ro6ro h?roiqu~v. 0i.62 e60sh~eII* E ~ T O V aliry,'' O ~ X E O ~ Ydone this. The serL~ .this ' %id. And the bondmen i d to him, Wilt thou then vants said unto him Wilt thou thenth8t.w; cirnXB6vres U V M ~ a h W ~ E'0-8 gi$q,u 08. go and ather them ~ h ; 29 ~ No ; up ? 29 %ut he said. But he said, [that] having gone forth we should gather them? Nay; lest while yegaplj?r07 O U X X ~ Y O V ~ E 7.d Cl<ciVla, i ~ p l c h m ~ ~ ~ T O ; ~ ther up the tares, ye S ilpa U lest gathering the darnel, ye shoulduproot with them the root U also the wheat withtgem 30 Letboth uirov. 30 ;$ET~vavEci~euf3ac +$rjrpa h p 6 ~ f i70;" e~plfipoc'POW to&ther until ~ wheat. Suffer togrow together both until the h e a t ; the harvest : and in the

~ X E Ldr&i' <r{hvux;

drc? an!

28 '0-6> i$1] a 6 r o l ~ ,'Exepbc 6vOpwrro~whence

And he said to them, aan4enerny 'a 'man


- 70VTOy (read of life, LTTrA.


6 LT.

orv say to him LRA; hiyovutv ai.r+ T .

c ;mcrpco T . T

- ra

ovvrrviyer TA. urr~i~awr [who] sowed ~ m r


K ~ ~ yijvv Q LTFrA. 7 mvtris b iniurerpcv sowed over LTRA. ~ O C X O (read oi 62 and the?) A. L air* A6yovc Gqurv says L T T r h h sws until LDA.

~ .




of harvest 1 0eplapo5 ipJ 707s B e p t ~ r a i ~ , L'uX. will b.! 1- to the renpors xal i v ir@llxacpG roSP aathc; togeth$ and in tho t i u e of the harvest I w ~ lsay to the h e s t mcn, l Qal f i r ~ t ~ h ? t n r c s ~ a n d b iXitare ~pcjrov rd tr&ivrt~, xcri Gboara a t r b . jaiC" o"Qupag nd t h u in bundles to burnthe~u: gather but first the darnel, and bind thaql into bundle) the vheat into my robc.rh.xaraxairm atrci' rhv.(iJ 6rov kovvayciy~r~" rtjv barn. tp burn them; h ~the wheat bring togother into t


my grn'uory.

31 Another parable put he forth unto The them saying kingdom of a&en is like to n ain of mustard s e e r which aman took, and sowod in his field : 31 which indeed is the lenst of all beeds: but when i t is grown, it ia the greatest among herbs and hcometh a tree: so that the birds of the nil come and lodge in the branches thereof.

31 " d X q v .zrapa@oX?jv ~
Another parable

put f e before

69qxev airrok, Rbywv, '0 oia f

them, raping, Lke whichhaving

@;V taken,



/3aurhda rin, obpavcjv r6rxy ~ r v l ~ e w , , haBv

kingdom of the heavens to a grain of mustrrr his held a seeds, sowed in which

4:vC)pu~ocU A E ~ P E V ~@.&yp(g.Clh?~$' 8 pi~~Lrepov ~ 38

a tnan






than all herbs

rijv ~rapphrwv, 6rav.Gi

the Is, heaven and and becomes roost

but when it be groan, a tree,



pei~ov r5v X L I X ~ V W V iariv. xai yiverat GivEpov, iiare

greater than the come branches the birds that the

L X ~ E ? Y r t ~ereivciroir obpavoir xai 'raraarrjvoirv" i v 707s C



rX68oic rcdro9.
of it. parable spoke he
33 Another parable B ake he unto them; * e kin,d o r u of henh ven is like i l t o leaven,

33 X A M q ~ ~apapokljviX6Xquev aJrot, ' oia iariv t j 0

faothria rcjv otpavth c6pv, ijv Xapoi,oa yuvrj iv6x u C v


t o them,




mgdom of the hcavens to l u r e n , w1uch havingtaken, a\von&n : , ~ c ~ i ~ i ~ ~ ~ , " ~ ~ ~ ; surevpf meal, till tho dX~6pou u6ra rpia, ;WC-06 b r ~ p L 9 ~~X O Y . w*lolenn leavened. 's in 'of 'meal seahs ltluee, until 'was 'luavcned 'all.



M All these things spske Jesus unto the mult~tudo parables ; in and without S parable 0 ake he not unto tgem : 35 that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, sapng I will open m in pnrables. mllutter things wdch have been kept secret from the foundation of the world,
96 Then J e w sent



ahvra iX6Xq~ev iv roi~ . 34 TaGraxwpic ncipa@oXij~6 'Iq~ofic mpapoXaic iinw~ xai mbtr" iXciXl abroics
' ~ h e s e3hings %all and without spoke Jesu in pruables to the

a parable


'he 'spoke

to t h e n ;


so thnt

I will open i n

might be fulfilled that which wasspoken by pru&blos


$+'&U 81d


~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~TOo TzO I ~" , X Y Y E

prophet, suying, f w i l l utter things hidden

f ' A Y o ~ ~ o~apa/3oXais hv rb.ardpa.pou. i c6Eopai r~lepv~p6va

my mouth :
from [the] foundation

0 & ~ b ~ara@oXijs ~ 6 ~ p ~ u . U
of [the]. world.

36 Tdre
the multitude away, and went into disaud his the ciples came unto him, sapng, Declare us the parable ofunto bares of the iield. 37 He answered and said unto them He that soweth the seed is the Son of man. 38 the fieldisthe world! the good seed are th; chilnren of the kingdom but the tares are the :hildrcn of the wicked otle: 39 the enemy thst sowed t h e u is the devil. the h.~rvc.t i* the e& of


rode bxhov~,fiX6fv rig rrjv oix~av



Then havinghsmissed the

=Jesus; and cape t o him his disciples,' saying, r @ p ( i ~ O y l l <piu njy ?rapa@oX?jv &V cltaviwv r00 ciypoir. Expf~und to us the parable of the dnrnel, of the field.

lcai q.lrpoaijXBovlla&r@ oi.pa6qrai-atroir,Xiyovrec, eZxev satroic," '0 or~ipwvrb x d t v

said to them, He who

vent =into .the



&id he





g r i p a buriv b uibg ~ 0 dv~phT0V' 38 6.8; ciypdc' i ~ r l v 3 6



the Son

of man ;

and the field



world ; butthe who

xdopo~'r6.G rraX6v axip a, o6roi eialv'oi uioi rijc @~lXiac'

and the good are


are the s o u of the kingdom ;

~(t-64& c h ~ l h ~ U ~0; Ui0i TO^ E Y

darnol sowed thorn

TOVr] 00' t h s b o n s of the e v i f [one];

3,9 6-62 bxgpbc

and the enemy

axeipac atrci iarlv" 6 Grci/30Xoce6-62 6

is the dcvil ;

~ atlv[the] corn-

oothinv LTT,A. n + 'Huaiov Isaiah T.

9 npo$hgav


r ~ b c r u & # , ~explain LTr. ~ov

- eis (~e~c!E[ln])-~ d ucruvdycre LTr. 6 'I?uoirs (?.cudhe weat) m ~ 6 6 i d xasaurqvo;v LTTrd. ~ LTTIA. o v LTT~A.
[T~]A. a

and the harvesO

a6zois LTTIA.

' iurbv 6 ' ~ r t i p a aGri L. s

pletion As of the age is, is gathered therefore



&XEla vrosIt .ai&v:g ;artvs oi.8


~ E ~ L U T a'yy40i E ~ U L U .the U ~ reapers are the angcls. the and the h a n e s t men angels are. 40 therefore the

them which do iniquity ; 42 into ashall cast them and furnace of fire :thnreshall be wailing an* gnashing of teeth. 43 Then eiS rdv ~ h ~ i v o v m ~ ; g ' irei !bra1 i) ~Xavepbgrai d shall the righteous TO; there shall be the weeping and the shine forth as the sun into. the furnace of the firc : i n the kingdom of bpvypbg r3U' b8dvr~v.43 T ~ T E Giraloi ~ K X ~ ~ # O V U L V thcir Father. Who 0i gnashing of the teeth. Then the righteous shall shine forth ns hath ears t o hear, let h i hear. his kingdom all the offences T Y a Kai 703g T O L O ~ U T ~~~ d ~ ~ p i 42 ~ , pdo6arv 'airro$g and those who practise Lzmlessness, and they shall cast them and they shall gather out of

Kdi crvXX~~ovuiv ~ijs-$a~tXia~.Ct6~0;a rd arciv8aXa br i6vr

is con- be in the knd ~aierni," obrwg E"ora~'bv q avwreX~i+ j roG.aiGvo~-xrozirov.U Sonthis man shall send of world: 41 The of suned, thus it shall be in the' completion of this age. forth his angels, and $1 i) v i 3 ~ TO; civ9p6rov roirg ciyyfXovs:airros, they shall gather out of his kingdom all =shall escud 'forth 'the 'Son =of *man his angels, things that offend, and darncl, and inftre

40 ;aTEp 0 8 ~ u ~ X X ~ ~ E T U ~< l & i l ~ l ~K, U ~ ~ v p i ~ a rburned in the fire so rd W tsr~saregathcredmd ~ -


d ijXtoc hv q paaiXei,q .ro;.rarpbs.atrGii. j

sun i n the kingdom L t him hear. Again i Eke of their Father. to hear

'0 E"pv Lra

has ears


He that

y d ~ ~ 6 :&KO&TW. l~"

44 Z I T c i X i ~ ,6~ ~oia bariv .+ paaih~iaTOY 06pavGv Oqaavp+

the kiigdom of the heavens

t o treasure -to


treslnre hid i n

ce~pvpbuy. hv r@ ciyp@,Zv
h and

i the n
joy buys like

field, ,wliich 3having 'found of it gbcs that field. is the kingdom .of the peart ;


a"v0pcr~ro~ &pv#~v, a manthe which when hath found ha

'a 'n~an

m i 'cixb rijg iapiic hLroG irxhyer rai "r&ra

f o r , the

and all things aamany as hehas



hideth, and for 'joy thereof gmth and fiehi.

~ ~ ~ a n , 8 ~ U ~
4s again, the%ngq dom of heavcn'is hkp

r w X ~ i , "rai' ciyoph~ecrtv.ciyp6v.h~e7vov.
he sells, and Again

45 IT6Xtv 6poia 6ariv

n merchnnt, seeking

4 ,paoiXeia

T ~ U 06pavGv


to a man

fpndpy, <,~rniivrr. ~a)loirsp p y a irac* 46 bag


E ~ ~ & U Eva UntOame'chantmann: " seeking g o o d l ~ pearls who having found one 46 who *hen he had 'one pearl roXirr~pov papyapirqv, cirreXB&v n f . r p a ~ excivra i;aa found price went of v great very precious having gone away has sold all things asmany a s old all th6t he had, pearl, and bought it. ETXEY, ~ a rjydpaaev airrdv. i h8 had, and bought it,

47 IIciXiv 6poia iariv


4 paatxeia
the kiygdom
K C L ~ ;K

rGv o6pav3v uayGvp

of the every heavens t o e dragnot kind gathering



r$v 96Xauuav,
into -the

ravrbg y i v a r ~avvaya-

47 ggain, the kinp dam of heaven is like a together; which when i t was filled having drawn up on the cast into the that and sea, aiy~aAdv, raili ~ a e i a a v r ~ gavv&[av rd raXIi ~ ; g ' e & y ~ ~ i a , " gatheredof every kind: when it shore, and having sat down they collected the good into vessels, full, they drew t o rh8; aaxpri i t w , E"paXov. 49 oi;rwg iarai i v o v v r ~ X ~ shore, and sat flown. ip andthe corrupt 'out 'they'cast. Thus shall i t be in the completion gathered the gooE Into ~ e s s e l s hut cast r04 a;Guo~' bE~Xziuovracoi riyyXoi, rai ri~opto~acv. the bad aday. 49 :.o roilg of the flge : 'shall 'go 'out 'the 'mgels, and shall separate the shall i t be a t the end of the world : the anr0l1qp0ifgb~ ~ & J o v TGU ~ ~ K U ~ W50 , rhi ~ a X o ~ u airroir~gels shall comeforth. W iv and slmll cast them and serer the wicked wicked from [thelmidst of the righteous, from among the just, n j v K ( ~ ~ L Y O r04 m p d g . h i iarai ' d ~ A a v O p brai i) .so and shall cast them V ~ into the furnace of the fire: there shall be the wailing and the into the furnace of fire: there shall be @ p v y p ir5v d6lvrwv. ~ wailinp and gnashing gnashing of the teeth. of cccrh.



"dri iire brhqphQrl civaptp6aavr~~C

and of'


th",~7"EI~T~$~,"a"$ 61 BAEyer a6rois~b'Iyaoirs," Evvtjrare

raiiru ncivra;

stood all tbese thing67 'Says 'to 'them 'Jesus, Hare yeilnderstood Theseathings 'all? the^ say unto him, A ~ ~ O V U L Y ajrc;, Nai, h ~ G p ~ e . " '0.68 'al?rev"a6roic,' Ard 52 And he said to them, Becauae of Lord. mid Lord' 52 them, They 8r.y to him, Yen, he unto


this every scribo dlsciyiod into the kingdom of the & h ;; $ e a : ofpav3v ii olbp ~ L &v8p6ay oiro6ea?rdrp, iiartg QwPLMer Y holder whiChbringeth heaTenS li? to.. man a master of a h o w , who puts f b forth but of hia trear0ij.8~aavpoii.a6ro~ waivd wai 7raXarc-i. a r e aing8 new and oat of his tredsure [things] new and old.


kingdom of

roGro T E ~ ypappar~is pa8qr~v8eic kds njv /3aorXeiavI' rGv

E ; :



53 And it came t o =para'blm 'Jesus And i t came to pnas whep 'had 3finished aaa that when Jasus ?$V narpida L d ' flniahed these ra$rag, perrjpev &KE%EV' Kai '6X8&v 54 parablea he departed 'these, he withdrew thence ; and having come into a ~ ~ ~ t r y thence '54 And when & he WA come into his airroii, i6i6aarev atro6s hv rp".avvaywyp".afrdv, u ? e l ~ w n ~ ~ r ownCountr he tnught 'his rown],pe taught them in their synagogue, no that them in tteir s p a [rogue, insomuch that ru8abl1~26~06s Xkyerv, lld8ev ro&ry m i ?).~o$ia.a8~ rcai the were astonished, 'astonished 'they aud said, Whence to this [man] this wiadoin and anksaid, Whence hath this manjhis wisdom ai Gvvriptg : 55 o5rdc i a r ~ vb roij r 6 r ~ o v o ~ vids; and these might$ the works of power? lnot %his 'is 'thenof ?the scarpenter 61ron? p] ~]ras~rf,Ots",~~ mo6~iUt).pljrf~p.a&roir Xky~raiMap~rip,rai oi&6eh$oi.a6roii is not hir mother not his ~uother called Yary, and his brethren

53 Kai byivero $re br6X~aev b 'Iqaoiis rds rapapohds

~ i g


: "2 e :" s 8 , 3whencethen 5,$ : : i nith

were beended


h o d , and

'Irirwpos real nlIwaijsll wai Zipwv rai 'Io66as; 56 rai, ai

Jamerr and Joses *not 'all and Simon




(i6~X$ai.adroirodxi aZiaat apbs 4 ~ ciaiv ; rd8eu otv r04ry 2 ~

Jhia 'sisters
'with 'are? whence then to this

hnth this man all theae thingq? 57 And they But J m s mid unto them, A rophet is not without%onour,

urn. [man]athese3things 'all? And they were offended i n him. But 'IquoGs elmv a f rois, 06w iarrv ~poqljrqc bripoc ci-prj

racra ndvra; 57 Kai iawav6aXi~ovro v afrfg.' 0 6 b 4

::","h J

a Jwus said to them, &not 'is 'a 'prophet without honour except i n his C O U ~ ~ V ~ r$'_narpl&Pair~G' rai 1v Cg-okiq-a6roG. 58 Kai 06r hy and his own m a nin h e didnothouse. i d n his ComJ Country and in And %oh mighty worb there h n o i ~ o ~ v lki ~ V Y & ~ E I lroXXhc 61d mjv.&?ri~riav-a6rGv. S because Of their 'he.ldid thereDworks30f4power'many because of theirunbolief. belief. 'Ev ireivy rutpy7 ~ ~ K O V U E'Hp6Sqc 6 qrerpdp~qs~ Y X V At t.hst tima T. At that the heard Herod the totrarch

2 4

F$ njv (iwotju 'Iquoir, 2 wai ~l?rev & : rois.ralaiv.a6roG, O6rdc 6arcv fame of Jesus, and snid to his servants, This is ~ ~ ~ p 'Iwdvvrj~b P ~ ~ adrbg ljy6p6)q cirb rLjv verpdv, ~ a i 2 ~ ; the parriu77jse he is risen from the dead, and f is risen h.omrhe John Baptist:
$ e o :

~ -id ~unto~ the,

g2egthf gboause of '!

8 For Herod hnd laid

m d therefore might


roirro ai 6vv&plS ivepyO~~iv a6rG. 3 '0ydp iv

the 1 0 r k s ot power operate

i n



hold on John nnd , John bound him and put bound him, snb put h m in priaon for i iv $vha~y",~l61d ' H w8rh6a T ~ Y yvvaiwa '@rXi?raovQ Remdbs' his m m ] in prison, on account of ierodias the wife 'Philip brother ~hilip's'wife. 4 For John &id b t o ~ o ~ . & ~ E ~ $ 4 ~ . ~ ~ v . oyatr(; o ~ y P ~~ p d. ' I w d ~ v q ~Oirc ,'~ him I t is not lawful :of %is 3brother. For 'said %o 'him 'John, 'Not for thee to have her. U01 ~ X E ~ U a6rilv. 5 Kai '8iXwv afrbv &?rorreivai, 6 And when he would BFeariv hnvo put h m todeath, 'it 'is lawful for thee to have her. i 'toDb;ll1 And wishing aLm

rpahaac 'HpdSq~having seiled rbv 'Iwhvvqv EGqaev ra6rbv1'wai 828ero ~~~~d

? w & v y s a674 LT.

r AZyer a67o;r d 'Iquoik LTTrA. h ~ 6 p r LTTrA. r i h b e r . says L . k& @avrAeip in the kingdom L ; p a u ~ A e 4 the kitlgdom GTTTA. to 1i ~ r h ? j u c e ~ ~ a ~ CPTrAW. m O$X LTTrA. Iwdlg Joseyh LTTrA. 0 i8iv?wn T . P avroy (*cad [his]) LTTrA. Q r ~ ~ p a d p T. ~ s x r Bvsbv T. CV ?j (- ?j T,) t$vAart i r i 9 e r o in the prison put [ h i l r ~ jaslde L T ~ A . t *rAinrrov [T]A. o (-- 6

- -


he feared


they held. counted him

'the ' d a n i h w kept, the dnugllta of H e r o d f ~ d*c* aof $erodiss in the midst, and pleased Herod ; Whereupon Herod 7 whereuponhe them .nd air76 ti~9' 8prov ~ X d y q a ~ v 80Zvat 8.xbCiu" airrjaqrat. 8 'H.82 promire l withan osth with oath promimed t o her to give whawver she *odd uL But she ~ ~ Tpopipaa&iua 6?rb ric- qrpic-acrijg, Ads pot, qqaiv, 68e fie, bsing before ink i n g urged on by c r nrotl~ar, ~ i y e me, she l a p , here atacted of hormoaer, mid Give me here in; ~ i v a r rd v re ahjv 'Io&vvov roG @amturoij. 9 Kai Job; Baptist's head u p n a dish the Lad of John the Baptiatr b a d in a chargcr. B And the Ling waq nor Y.h.m$6q1' b fiautXe8~' 6~d.q2" ro6s 8p~ovc cai ~ 0 6theless for ~ 'was *grieved 'the 'kiug ; but onaccount of tho oaths and thone who sake. and them whi& sat with him a t meat, azlvavareipivovc lt;IXevaev 6081jva~.lO rai ripJlas he commanded it tobo reclined with [him at table] he commanded [it] to be given, And havlng sent given /cm. l0 And he mnt and beheaded dnere$&Xiaev*rbvi''Iwciwqv bv r f $vXatp'. 11 cni 4uQ~6tl J O ~ A in the prison. %e beheaded John iu the prison, And%v~*brought11 And his head war

~ ~ d ~ m ~ c,*a ~ m $ 6 wy~v~aiuv.8i dyopivwvli roQ'H ijdov, hp~ljaaro 6vy&qp g;L,,t&\n/\s 4 oP.erod, 'd8n-d But a birthday being,wlebrated
TAU dxXov,
the multitude, because as

8 r ~ &S ~polpijqv airrlv alxov.

a prophet him

' H w6tci8os bv r q piay, cui 7"]peae1!g 'Hph8g0 7 86cv r

4.c~ aX$.airroir bni rivart, rai b8deq rctj sooagiy* rai f v t i s 'head on a dish, and w u given to the dimsel, having come and brought [it] to her mother. took the [it] by body,

ayrev ry".pqrpl.aCrijg.

~~~i","$t~ 12 rai xpoueXtllvre~oi.paBqmi.aC~oir Ld i% 5,",4$

.he n :and slu brought l Aud came and took U the it Catr6.l1cai. 1XBdvroc d?njyyerAav body: and burieitold and and it; and having come told jesus. men 13 jeSw IJeaur withdrew thence dWut place *part,

hFs diaoiple~


fipau ri, bu3pa," cai EBa$av

and buried to Jesua to

r$ 'IquoG. 13 d ~ a i (irobuaSU b 'IqaoZs d v ~ ~ h p q lc~ieev~ a~v

And 'having 'heard
place ship


dv A o i y

ipqpov rd?rou car'.isiav.

a desert

8~~1% followed him

Kai &roGaavrec
from the cities.

haPing heard [of it] the crowds

oi GxXor rjmXob~qaava f r $
Jesm saw

followed k m on foot outof thecitles. 14bnd Jesur went fnrth. and 'acrowd, and Waamoredrith compassion towards them, and healed snw agreat multitude, and was moved with ~ 0 6 ~ ( i ~ ~ h a ~ o v ~ -15i'OfiaG6i x ~ v u p i v ~hrpoajXBov 11 cmpassion towud a rrGv. s their i n h An evoning ~bving come came thctu and he healed sick 1b And airry" oi.paBqrai!airroir," Xlyovr~c,'Epqpds iarcv the rdnoc, hi, diacipios erentng, 6 place, their' it when to him his disciples, swing, Uer~rt is came t o rai 4pa k7j6q X C I P ~ X B E Y ~ IcirdXuuov rot)^ 6xXovs, i'va ~ ~ ~ $ ~ ; ~ ; , ~ I and the time already is gone by : dismiaa the crowds, that time is now ;send cineXBdvreg EL'$ rdc rhpnc ci op6awarv Bav~oT~ Pphpara. the multitude aweyl haPing gone into the villages may buy for themse.irr~ m a t . ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ $ < 16 ' o . G ~ . ~ ' I ~ u o z ~airroic, ~ i xpeiav ~xovatv( ~ x E ~ ~ E ~ Y ' eirev ~ ~ r But Jesus raid to them, 'need 'they %are t o go awry : them, They need not 8 6 airrois .ir a i ayeiv. 17 Oi.61 Aiyovaiv airrq, Oirrixoprv depart. give ye them ~ ~ g i n 'to %hem y e o' eat, t But they soy t o him, We h m not L& i.p?j nQvreaprovs rai 680 ix66ag. 18 '0.6; E ~ T E V@Lpfri have here but' fire , here except flve loaves and two fishes. b d he said, Bring 1" 0 and two fl*her. 11HE;aid, Bring them p01 "airro6~ 66&.11' Kui 39 KEXE~Q[I~ 706~ GXXOVS h a - hither t o me. 19And 'toJme 'them here. And having commanded the crowds t o re- he commanded the multitude to sit down ~XrBrjvai Oro6~ bni xdprovg," P~ai" Xn,&Lv r o 6 ~ nEvre' dprovg 0, the graav, a d to& cline on the grass, and having taken the fire loaves the 5 r e loaves, and the

dxb TSV ~ ~ X E W Y 14 Kai .

And having gone out

iE~X8hv f h ' I q ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 X t ) v And~ the ople s % ~ hadheardlha.zthep 6 ~ when


on foot


~ X X O U rai ,


ha' gadrd8s," cai d8epcinevaev





yeveoiors 8; ysvopdvocg LTTrA. * Bv LTrA. Y AvqOcis being grieved LTTrA. a 8l but LTT A. 7bv LTFrA. b w & p a Corpse LTTr. C airr6v him TTrA. d b ~ o 6 u a 61 LTTrA. r ne<oi T. 8 ab~oic GLTTrAW. h rrpo~ilheav LTr. f i) 'Iqrross (read he saw) LTTrA. 4b70i (read the disc~ples) LTT~A.' rapih0ev F 1 $ o3v thereforeT [A]. K& QLTtrAW. lqooik (read he said) T. a &be ahov's LTTrA. O rov Xoprov LTTr. P


M A 4 T 8 A I CX.


t w o f i s h ~ ~ d l o o k i nKg~ L LTOGS 860 ixBCag, &vapXE+ag elg rdv obpaviv q~bX6~qa:v.n up and he b1t.s.~ed, to heaven, andgave and the two fishes, having lookcd up to the heaven he blessed ; the loaves to his dis- rai rkiang &?w~v ro7g paet]raT$ ro6g 6provg, oi.6k pa~~~~t and having brokcn he gave to the disciples the loaves, and the diszo a n d they did Bqrai sois txXois. 20 ~ d iqayov ncivrec rai bxoprcia9qaav. i ciples to the crowds. 'all and were satisfied ; And Zate the fragments that re- rat rb ?rcp~aueiiov T ~ Y ~XCLUfi~rwv, BGJem t~nd they took np that which wasovcrandnb?vs of the fragments, twelve ,hadeaten were about K O ~ L ' Y O U ~ EL$. 21 oi.6; ia6iovreg 8aav 6vbpes &Ei five thousand -men, hand-basiets fut And those who ate were men abollt beside women and ~ e v r a r r a ~ ~ X ~ o i , *yvvarrLiv~ a na~biwv. xwp;g i children five thousand, besides women and children.

2 3

1; ', "




22 Kai 'eie6wg1' Ijvciy~aaev ' I q a o ~ g ~ ~ ~ o 6 g . p n e q r ~ g . ~ a b r o 'd

Andirnmediately 'compelled 'Jesus his disciples 2 2 ~ n d t r ~ g h t w a ytP/3ijvat cig wrh" ?rXo?ov ral 7l;oociyerv aCrdv tic rd ?ripav, s disciples to get into a Jesus coastralned hip ,:enter into the ship and to go bcfore him to the other side, ship, and to go before ~ws.05 &?roX6uP ~ o d g 6xXovg.. 23 K U ~ &?ToX60ag 7 0 6 ~ him u n t o the other until he should havo dismissed the crowds. And having dismissed the side while he sent the 'mnltitudes away. 6xXovC &v6fiq ei's rb 6pog rar'.iffiav ?rpoae&EnaBai.'O&23 And when he had orowds he went up into t h e , mountain ' apart to pray. lEven-' sent the multitddes away, he wont up lzto C c 8; y~v0,Li~~~qg 4v ire;. 24 r3.6k ? ~ ~ o ~ o u L lrdvog 48q a mountain apart to ing land being come alone he was there. B7it the ship now in [thelmidst pray: and when the 6?rb T Y V U evening was come, he 7 j j g 6aXcibb7/g?jv,"$ ~ u ~ Y ~ ~ ( ; ~ E Y o ~ K V ~ ~ ~ T Wfit' ' was there alone. 24 But of the sca was, tossed by the waves, 'was for the ship w u now i n $VXaKy' rfig U V K T ~ ~ the rnidst of the sea, bvavriog 3 bv~p0g. 25 T ~ r & ~ r ~ . J k tossed with waves: 6 ~ ~ n t r a r y 'the 'w;nd. But in [tLu] fourth watch of the night, for the wind was con'IqaoiiE,I1 irepilrarGv bri .rijg BaXBatrary. 25 a n d in the J&~ijXB~vll atroirg rpbg fourth watch of the 'went 3to 'the~n IJesus,, walking on the sea. night Jesus went unto them,walking on the aqg. 1 26 b ~ a i86vr~c 1 i abrbv oi paeqrai" i d enjv OciXabuavll sea. 26 And when the And %eeing '. *him 'th6 Zdisciplea on the sea


$ , " A :


i n~pi?raroGvrabrapci~Bqaav,Xiyovr~c,"Orr $civraapci.iariv* T

they were .troubled: walking were troubled, saying, An apparition it is: ~ ~ f c ~ c ~ ~ e ~ a cirb f roil~ ~ ~ , " $ i ~ $6/30v Zrpa&zv. 27 d~irOQwC11.b8 'EXciXqaev eabfear. 27 ~~t Etmight- and through fear they cried out, But immediarbely 'spoke Yo ;,~m~~~;,";,k;y~ good cheer. it ie

;z$e$8 28. 'A?ro~pt6el~ fnirr+ 6 n h ~ p o ~~ e v ,K6pie, . sl ~~ oi).~l, Peter said, Lord, if itbe thou, and said, Lord, if i t be a ~ w e r i n g him PE bni rd 3 a r a . 29 '0.6i ~ ? T E Y , thou, bid me come un- R ~ X E V Q ~ V g7rp6c U E ~ X Q E T U I ~ , bid me .to *thee 'to =come upon the waters. And he said, And when Peter was 'EXBQ. Kai ra'rapdg c i ~ hTO^ ?rXoiov I16rpoc T E P L E T ~ come dOvn Out of the Come, And having dcscendedfrom the Peter walk= ship ship he walked on the wat&, to go to Jesus. T ~ U E i?ri tr ijaara, i b ~ b ~ ~ v l l rbv 'Iquoh~. PXknwv.82 Y d npdc 30 But he saw ed upon the watern, to go to Jesus. But, seeing the wind boisterous kY he was afr:rid. uld TAY ( ~ Y E ~ O i a X ~ p t v i i$op$eq, ra; & Fdpevos K&ra?rovbeginning s d k , h e the wind strong he was affrighted, and Beginning to cried, saying, Lord save me. 31 ~ n d ) ii~eoeat E~paEev, AtY";, Khpie, uGudv PE. 81 E L B ~ ~ ~ . G . immettiately Jeeuv sink , he cried out, saying, Lord, save me. And immediate1J stretched forth Air , xipa Q?raXci@~ro abroit, rai XbyEb hand,andcaught him. 0 Iqb03$! ~KTE'E~YU~' and said unto him, C Jesus hsvingstretchedout the hand took hold of him, and saya 1; r)iA~iy?ucv LTrA. r nar8iwv , ~ ayiv v a c ~ l j v . L &@dos T. t b 'Ir)voGs (read he compelled) GLTT~AW, * a h o G (wad the disciples) QTT~AW. W r b (read a ship) TI. crra8iovs rrohhoCs b r b rijr yils b r c i ev many stadia from the land waa dfstnnt ~ r . 7 4AOev ~ m . a b 'Iquous (rrud%b went) ~ L T T ~ A W . 8 *v OdAavvar mm. b oi 82 pa&lrai 166wcr airrbv L ; t86vrec 81 a h b v T , : 6 s 9aAdo 9 LTTrA. d eirb'Gs LT%+. 6 'IqooGs a6roir L , b ' I ~ v o t k ;airrois [o IgvovsJ A. T lIirpw eke! aGr@ L. g ZAOeiv npor sc LTTrA.. h 6 La'TrA. ' #a; qA9cv and he went D + cvxvppv S.

E t ;

p &


roig 6 'Iquoilg,I1X ywv, i

'Jesus, sayihg,

8 2

8apae?rc, . Be of good courage, iyL-eipi, p7j.$0/3~l~e~. I am [he], tear not.





of little faith tllO; And"having 3entered Nhcrcfore doubt? 32 And when a f i r ; ~e i ~ ?rXoTov hr6muev d bvapocw 33 oi.6; i y r$ they were come into rb 'they into the ship :ceased 'the Iwind, And those in the the ship, the wind cenqed. U Thcn thcy whoiy mdke6vrc'i7rp0a~k6vl]uav air@, XfyovrES, 'fi?]QLiC that were in the ship vhip having come worshippod him, saying, ~~~l~ cnmo and worsh~ppcd him, snying, Of n truth 6 ~ 0 6uibc 1. thou art the Son of God. 'of "God 'Son thou art I to him, 0 [thou] of little faith, why didst thou doubt 1
34 And when they were golle over, they came into the land of 35 rai i7riYudv'r~~~ 6 7 6 ~CivSpec ~ O ~ . ~ ~ ? ~ O V . ~ K E ~ U O U ' 0i Gcnnesnret. 35 And bud ha~-ingrccoguizod him the men .of that place wnt wlrcn t,he men of that pl~co hnd knowledge ar~iXav i ie ~ q r ~ ? ~ . r ~ p i ~ w p o v - b rai i v q v , ~ i v ~ ~ ?rpoaljveyravaCri$ of him they sent out to all that country round, and bronght t o him into ali that country

X I V , XV. nr A 'I'T H E W. thou a6r@, 'OXiy6niare, eic-ri i8iuraaar; 32 Kai 'bpp&vrwv~


31 gu;Sirz~epiaavrec4Xf30v "eicnnjv.yijvo Pr~vvqaap6r.I~

And hnving.pnssed over they came to the land of Gaunesaret.


rcivrac 7035 ~ a r G ~ . ~ ~ o v36arai ,?raperciXovv aLrbv 'Iva r c~

thoaa who were ill ; and besought him

that that were discnsed


M many

as touched Then

roi xpaonldov ro3.ipariov.atroi.


they might touch the


of his garment ;

~ a ~i

$ , " h ~ ~ $ ~

8 ~ 0't

$$nvro 6reaDBqaav.
were cured. come to Jesus the 'from

2 5

and touch the hem of his garnlcnt : and as many as touched were made perfectly whole. Jesus

$ $

T~TE, ?rPouip~ovrar r+'Iqao3 qoil drb 'Irpo~oh6pov


Xy. Then came t o

scribes and

rypappar~is. rai @apl~a?ol," Xiyovrec, 2 'Aiari" 0i pu8r/7ai Phnrisees, which were Oand SPharisees, saying, 'disciples of Jerusalem, saying, 'scribes , ~ O U ~apnpnivovaiv. 741~ '1~aoci60uiv TGY ?rp~u~vrQpwv; 2 Why do thy disciple6 ou transgress the tradithey ?&p vi?rrollrUlrd5.~eipac.'airrijv~~ bprOtJiueiw~lv. '0-62 hnndswash not thew ijrav 3 when they eat for 'they 'wash their hnnds when b r e d they eat. But he bread.
3 But he an-





of the


, k o t tion of the elders? for

them Why do yeunto swered and ~ n i d also 'ye 'transgress the trnnsvvess the conanswering said to them, Why 'also by dvroXljv 703 BeoC Sid rrjv.?rap&6oai~.6pGv 4 '0 ydp mand~nentof GodFor ; your commandment of God on account of your tradition ? For God commanded say-

a i ~ o ~ p 1 6E ~c E Y ~ i A ahroic, aAiarillm i 6pEic aapapaiv~tf 7tjv

6eb~.yivri~aro, y ~ v , l T i p ~bv.naripa.~uov~~ ~rrjv ij ~ K U

God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother;

(rnripa* rai ' 0 raxohoyGv raripa $ pqripa, Bnviry rfe; ~ t ~ ~ ; t ~ b h $ and, He who spealrs evil of father or mother, by death say whosoever ~ ~ v r c i r w . 6 XQyere, w ~ S - eing~ .r+ rarpi 4' r i ~ay'tokisfatheror his 5 ~
him die. l k t ye say, Whoever @hall say to taiher or

and mbther : and hglHOnOuthyitherHo that curseth nth& or

; ~ t


not me ; father or his his and h yhull be e in no wise honour his father or his mother : free. the commandmade have ye 6 rai ~ ~ v p h a a r e bvroXSvil 704 8 ~ 0 3 616 rrjv ?rnf&-mcnt of God of none tra- effect b your tradiend ye made void the commandment of God on account of tion. 7 f e hypocrites, bouiv 6pGv. 7 '~norpirai, rcaiijc b n p ~ $ ~ r?repi? ~ ~ ~ wellU Esaias pro~ 6pGv ~ did dition lyour. Hypocrites l well prophpsied concerning you phesy of You, W i n 8 This people drawet% 'Huaiac, XEywv, 8 C'Eyyice~ roili d.Xab5.06roc urdpart nigh unto me with Easiaa, saying, Draws n w r tome this people with 'mouth their mouth and with a i r ~ v rai" r o i ~ . ~ ~ i XPEu i v , ~ .rip$ ~ d $ w honoureth m; their their lips but -their, and wit& the lips "me 'it'honoim ; but their heart far heart is f i r from me.

nt is1 a gift

AGpov, "ofdv

whatever by me

dE Qpoi


thou mightest be pro5tea-:


xKajll mighteat bt. profited


oi-p4 yripiap'

rbv.naripa.airo3]rBpa.a6ro~~~' mother

1 b a p i w o v having gone up LTTrA. Genneaaret) TTr. P I'evvr)oapiO LW.

- aitsSv (read the hands) will he honour 7bv h6yov the word ; 7bv v 6 ~ 0 v h e law t p q r i p a a6703 q ~ ] . - W i C e r por * - 7 $ v r 6 ~ a r air7Gv r


6th r i LTrA.

--h or+ ~ e s F[A]. ; g

7 TLp?)UEL



@apruaiorrtai ypappareis TTr. efrrev said LTr. W cov (re:&




+ eis (read at 77 q v



b &po$q7aucv



rtai QLTT~A.

t h n do worahip me, teaching for dwtrines the comnrandmontn of men. 10 And he called ,,aid the multltudo, unto them,.Henr,nnd that wlfich understand.goeth into 11 not
0 But in


&II(XEL l i hpoi. j
me: teachinga

MATBAIOZ. 9 ,~$rqv_61 d/30vrni

injunctions o e. ! n m

1 1 ~ ~

tmching [nq]

ut in vain thcy worship me,

G~JaaraAidc hvrkhpara &v9 h w v . rbv


10 Kni

understand l

And having called to @im]


EY I I E V ~

he said

aliroic, 'Aro6ere rai

t o them, Hear


11 not 02

the mouth'defleth rb ' E ~ U E ~ X ~ I ~~ E Vurdpa rolvoZ TAY ~ ~ O ~ W T O E ) rb O V man; but that which .that which enters into tho mouth dcfilcs the man ; cometh out of the rb ir~opet~dpevov TO; arbparoc, ro&o rorvoi dr mouth, thh de5leth a &Xi6 moe but thnt which goes forth out of the mouth, this defiler
T~)U (ivepwTov.


Then having come to Pim] his disciples snid t o him.

12 T i r ~ P O U E X ~ ~ V T E ~0i.paer]ra1\.~alirojll ~ ln & r t ~~ ~ T f ~ ,

the blind lead the ihv dPq y", cip$drepoi ~i~/3devvou reaoGvrac. 15 'ArorP~B~ic.6i blind both nhnll fall fito tbediM l I ~ h e D .if both into a pit will fall. And answering pllliwered PO* .nd ITirpo~ lncv ~ atrcy', @p&aovGpiv n j ~ . r a p a ~ o A ~ v . ~ r a 6 ~ laid Peter said t o him, Expound t o us this parable. mntountothin pnrable. ua himxDcolm 1s And Jesus mid, 16'0.6~!IqaoO~'~ ~lxcv,'A~p?jv 6 E S ~ &a;veroi rai bare; ye rlro yet wrthout But Jarus mid, "Still 'also (e swithout sunderstanding 'are) u n d e r n t m j i n ~ ? DO 17 not yeyct underatand, 17 k o i j r ~ " V O E ~ T E Si-1 riiv ri) E ~ ~ T O ~ E V ~ ~EISri)Y E Y O that *hatMwver enter: 'not ' y e t 'perceive 'ye that everything which enters into the eth in a t the mouth goeth into the belly, arbpa Eic T ~ ~01kiav Y XWPET, rai d$e6pGva hr/3CiXX&rai; a d is out mouth into the belly goes, and into [the] draught is cost forth? the draught ? 18 But thorn tkimw which l8 ~6.84 irnopavdpeva hrc roG ardparoc hr rijc proceed out of the But the t h i n p which, go forth out of the mouth out of the month come forth from the heart; and rap6ia~ dftpx~rar,K&ktivCt rolvoi rbv 6 ~ 8 p w x 0 ~ . fr-ydp 19 the defile tho man. heart come forth, and theso defile the man. For out of 19 %orout of the henrt proceed evil thoughts, 755. rapdiac dElpxovrar GiaXoyrapoi xovqpoi, $6~01, polx~ial, murders, adulteriea, the heart come forth areasonings 'evil, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, &lre witncas,b ~ T O ~ V E ~ ~Kkorai, ~ ~ u d o p a ~ 'D a~ ) rap i a ~ . 20 r a i r & ~ ~ L ,h ~ ~ ai ] 1 mieg : 20 the.e are the fornications, thefts, falsewitnessings, blasphemies. These thingr thinwwhich dcfile a r(t KOLVOGW~ rhv bv8pwxov~ ~6.64 &vixrotc m m : but to eat with iartv nnwashsn handa de,they which defile the man ; but the %ith %nwashed 5 . not a m n la e a XEPULV fayeiv oir.roivoi rbv 6v8pw~ov. il Then Jasna went .hands eating defiles not the man. thenoe, and depnrtod 2 Kai I ~ E X ~ d kV i e ~ vI q d 0 6 ~ V E X ~ P ~ E& Er(i p Q p ~ 1 & ~ 6' ~ U V into the coasts of Tvre And going forth thence Jesus withdrew t o the parts and Sidon. 22 ~ h d behold, a n o u n o i T o rai ZtdLvog. 22 rai i6r6, ; u yuv$ Xavavaia d r b Cannall came out of of and *idoni and behold, a =womnn 'Cannn~ean from the same coanta, and cried unto him, say- r(;Iv.dpiwv.h~eivwv IEaXQoGaa lbrpaCyaaevll ma6r$,"Xbyovaa, ing Have mcrcy on thowbordws having come out criod to him, saying, me' 0 Lord thou sou , of havid; dy daug.h- EXQqu6v p, "uib Aapi6.ll Ij.8vy&rrlp.pov rarGg 6a1ter is ~ i e v o u s l vexed H a ~ pity on me, Lord, Son of Dnvid; y e my danghter miserably isposwith a devil. 20 But 23 '0.61 o ~ K . C ( ) K E K ~ ~ ~a t] r e Xdyov. rai rpoa~ he answered her not a povi~erat. word, And h disci- msed by a demon. i But he answcred *not 'her a word And having



* (read the disc~ples) hiyovakv s;ty LTTrA. h%qyoi -- airoi)(read the parable)- aitzy LTTrA.- 'ITJUO~~Sho;&lid)w$Aoi ciatv06 >lot sariqv (rend LTTrA. 1 LTr ; iapatav T. vii Aavi6 uW vibs Saveis LTTrA.

LTr. ~3x4

come to Dismiss



OtjpDrwv11 azirdv, X~YOVTES,

asked after
u r n

his disciples
for she criek


'As6Xuaov azinjv, 6rt rp&*t bma0rv.Ijpiv. 24


'C)~&~T~CL.. an^^^^
I am not acnt but unto the lost sheep of tne

ce sought* him, and .bebaying, Sand her away; for she

ofif F ~ T C Y , Obr-d~~ar&Xqv cie TArp6para r& ciaoXwXdra ei':prj

I was not sent
except t o the sheep the did h0mag-e said,


of [the] house saying,

'Iupa?jX. 25 'H.6i
of IaraeL help Lord, me l


?rp0a~t&~i azirf&

But h e having Cpme

to him, answered and said

Xiyovaa, KGpie, po?jJei poi. 26 '0.6.2 U T O K ~ L ~ E CITEU, 06% h not meet to take ;he I~
cmdren'a bread, and t o cast i t t o doga 27 And she said Truth, lit 'l i ? good to t a b the bread of the children, and to cast [it] Lord :yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which roig mvapiorg. 27 'H-& d m v , Nai, &pry ral'-y&prd KVU& ia fall from their mmBqt she mid, Yea, Lord : for even the little tere' table. 28 Then to the little dogs. Jeaus answered and la8i~in'rb r 3 v #ixiwv T ( ; ~ Yr i a r d v ~ w vd ~ b - T < s rpaa6Cqc said unto her, o WOeat of the crumbs which fall from the table man, great i thy faith: 8 be it unto thee even as ~6v.mrpiwv.atr~v.28 Tdre ~ T O K P L ~ E 6 'IqaoSc E I ~ E Tazirp", thou ~ l t .ad her ~ G of their masters. Theu answering Jesus said t0 her, daughter w8s made whom 'Q yGvai, pey&Xq (IOU' rj aiarig* y~vq6ljrwaoi 8iXciS. hdw. from that very 0 woman, great [is] thy faith : be i t to theo as tlion desirost. ~ u het answering

Piar~v ra>bvfi Xap~Tu rbv. 6prov 7 3 v r ~ r v w v ,Kai /3&eiv



i&8q t j . O u y & ~ ~ ~ - a z irijg-6pac-Ercivqg. dab ~ ~

her daughter from Jesus that hour. came towards the And having departed thence of Galilee ;

And W& healed

29 Kai pernPdc EKE~OEY 'Iqaoii~ d 4Xeev rap6 r1jv BdXaa-

eig rb 6p0g drheqro of Galilee; and went and having gone up into the mountain he was sitting Up into a mountain, and sal down there. h;. 30 rai ?rpoaiiXBov abr* 6xkoi T o X X O ~ , ~ X O V ~p&'~ 30 a n d great multiE there. And came t o him 'crowds lgrent, having with tudes oame unto him having with them t h d iuvrGv xwXo6g, r v ~ A o 6 rwqoCg, K u X X O C ~ , rai ;ripovg noX- that ~, b e blind lmany, dumb, maim&, and them lame, blind, dumb, maimed, and 'others many others, and cast h i r g , rai qc"@t#nvn a6rodS m p c i rods adsac 'roi 'Iqao5." them down at ~~~~~e and they cast down them at the feet of Jesus, feet. and he healed

uav rijg I'aXihaiagy rcai dvapdi

,from thence, and ed came nigh unto the sea

zs h a J -


~ a ~i ~ E ~ & ? ~ E U Uairro6g.. 31 GUTVodq 8xXousR ~ U V ~ & U Uthe multitude wonderEV L

and he hehled them ; so that the crowds wondered, ed, when they ealv the

. P ~ f a o v r a~w$oirg g XaXoijvra~, r ~ ~ o i 3 cy ~ ~xwXodg aepim r T ~

$ ~ ~ e a t ~ o B ~ ~ seeing dumb speaking, maimed sound, lame walk- the lame to walk, ~ a r o i i v r a~ ,a rv$Xobg pAksovrac- ~ a vi6d&ianvu rbv Oebv the ~ i i see: and and blind seeing ; and they glorified t h a God ~ ~ y I f ~ , " ~ f i e d 3 ~ h e T Q h ~ ~

'IapaiX. 32 'O.G1.'Iqaoig qoamX~acip~vog roirg~a6qrcigJ;,",";n~$~,~;~~;;~; of IbrneL But Jesus having called to [PimJ disc~ples co,npassion on airro5eIaev, ZlaXayx~i<opai Eai rbv BxXov, ijri 48q them~ltitude~becanse
c ~ ~ ~ ~ $ have nothing to eat : 'days l t k e e they continue withme, and have not what they may and I scud them away fasting aiv. rai daoXGaat airrode Yrjariq o8.8BXo, pilaore i~XvOGaivlest they faint i n th; ent ; and to fendaway them fasting Iamnotwllling, lest they faint w a r 33 And his discip es say unto h h , i v rp" b6@. 33 Kai xiyouaiv a6ry' 0i-paeqrai.~a6roi," 1 1 6 0 ~ ~ Whence should y e in the way. And say %'him 'his 'disciples, Whence have so much bread i n the wilderness, as t o $piu du dpqpig dproi roaoikot 6 a 7 xopr&aai 6xXov roaoiirov; fin so great a multi~ to us in a desert loaves so mnny rur to satisfy n crowd so great? tude? 2 4 And Jesus saith unto them, HOW 34 Kai X h y f i a6roxc 6 'Iqaoiig, ndaovg dprovc ~ X E T ; Oi-6.4 many loaves have E And 'says Ito +them 'Jesus, How many louvee hareye? Andthey And they snid, Seven daov, 'Ear&, ~ a bXiya i~066ia. 35 Kai ~ ~ K ~ X E V U E V and a d he little fished i 7075 b n few mid, Seven, and %few smrrll!i8hes. And he c p m a n d e d the tho multitude to sit
'his said, I am moved with compassion towards the crowd, because nlready

d<pipag" 75apou~fvovaiv r boi, m 06r:~ovacvri i


zk :


0 +pi)~ouv LTTrA. 6,yAov the c r o w d TA.

(ruud.tke disciples)

i t e m ~ v is allowed LTA. it ipbJlav T. a&& of hit11LTTrA. T ~ 4- u a i and LTTrA. i6ota<ov T. $pdpac GLTTrAW. - a&oJ [r&$rrb. Y napayyrihas @y having commanded the c r o w d Lrrr.





$ X X ~ i c I I a)va?r~Uiv i r j v yijv' 36 hi haP&V'' r06c ;TT& tr the crowds to recline on the ground; and h a n n g taken the sercq seven loaves ashes andgavethank% & P ~ O V ~a ro$c i ~ e & a c , ~ ~ i ~h~apiur~juag irclau~v b;o*w~~vu rai and ;rake then,, and loaves and the gnve to his disciples, fishes, having given thanks he Lroke and gave and the disciplesto the ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ T 0i.8 ~paeqrai C dr$ T6x1y.", ~ ~ Kai ( L ~ . ~ L ~ O ~ 37 multitude. 37 And and to his disciples, and the discipbs to the crowd. And they did were filled: and'they Eqayov r h v r ~ ~ ,ixoprha0qaav sal e$pccv rai rb reptatook up of t e broken h lab lull, and were satisfied and they rookup that which rr.nsovor nteot that was left eeven baskets full, U E ~ O Y rGv rcXaUp(ir~~I' ~ d i r arvpi8ac TA;] i S . 38 oi.8.i 38 And they that did andabove of the fragments wven baskets fui; and they who ent were four thousand men beside women ~ U ~ ~ O+Jav T E T ~ ~ K ~ U X~ ~v XS ~ O ~ , W E ~ ~ES xwpic f y ~ ~ K Oa i ; and 'hildren. 39 And ate were four thousand men, bemides women and he sent awny the mulC ~ ~ titude and took ship, rai6iuv.ll 39 Kai dxoh6aac 7 0 3 ~ X ~ O V g!v6/37j1' e [ T O and &me into the children. And having dismissed the crow& he cutered into the coasts of Yngdala

rXoiov, ~ a ~i A ~ E vrd ;pia hiMn GaXci."

ship, and came to the boxders of dgdals.

XVI. The Pharisees a h o with the Seddutees and tempting dmired him that he would shew them a

:ge :i$er,"y,","a tempting


16 And ~ O U E X V T the Philrisces and i Sndducces ~ \ Kni T having come~to~ [him]E.oi @apiuaio~~ a ZlaSSov~aioc ,,.Elp6cOvrEe iinqp&~?luavli r h uqpelov ;K rofi o8pavoG ah
.[him] asked him a sign outof the hcaven

aiduntoany, i?ri6ei[a~atroiL. 2 d.& d ~ ~ ~ p l efrev ai,rcir, k ' O ~ i a c it is evening, ye them*PYhen e~ic

It &K be fnir weather; to shew them. But he answering snid to them, Evening ~ ~ f i " , & ~ m ~ ym f ~ ~ b qX d y ~ r ~ E66iaa rv)ficice~.~dp ohpal&-. 3 m ~vop ~ , b i zt be toul having come ye my, Fine weather ; for 'is "red 'the 'henven. And to b y for the ui-vyv&uv b 'heaven. a t~ p & X$&M morning, - 'pov xeipOv. ?rv,3ficiLei-yBp '10weri~g Ithe o6pavlc. y a storm ; for %is *red hpcrlU, ye eern the f e w of the l 6 ~ o ~ ~ i r arb l piv T ~ ~ U W ~ r06 06pauoir ~ L V & U K E T E i. O Y ~ , c ~ $ ~ ~ e ~ Hypooritas l the 6indeed & ~ f Iface 'of 3the +heaven ye know [how] times? 4 Awickedqnd 8ialcpiv~iv,rd.66 uqpeia rGv ~aipGv ot.66vaue~;'I 4 yev~d genaratlon t o diucern, but the signs of the times ye cannot I A generation seeketh after a aign andthere shallnosi& 7rovqpd lai pot~nXigu ~ ~ p ~hiricqrei' lai UqtIEi0~0&.600$iov be given unto i t but w i c k ~ d cmd d u teroue a sign seeks, and a sign shall not be thesign of the rAphet Jonsa. And e ! left OErat orir'tp'. E ; . P ~ U ~ ~ E ~ 'IwY~? rb O V "'TO; ?TPO$<TOU." Kni them, and departed. given to It, except the sign of Jonas the prophet. And

lornng.n..$;: :i:

ci512,",2~me","0~~ K L L T ~ L T & (1br03~ V d~;heElJ.

otter side, they had
lurid untothem

them he went aFaY.


Jd $ T*

5 Kni iXBdvr~s ~i.~ab~rai.llatroiY rb rbpau i~eXcieovro Els


'his adidciples

E&. 6 6.6i.'IquoSs
And Jesu

to tho other side they forgot E ~ T E ahroig, 'Opar.~, TpoaY rat said to $hem, See and be-

au7 h readoned amo

a thep ~ r the leaven rGv P&YYU and i Saddueees. v Oi.64 umgytFgX E TdEof b 7jls CJpqj:of the @n i u a i ~ ~ aXa86ovrcaiuv. 7And thoy ware

bread reasoned among the-lres, when Jatu perceived b =ia unto them, d P p ~ v . 8 rvodc.82 ye Of little f*th~ * Y took And having known [this]

c a m we have taken

BLEXOYIIOYTO i v iavroie, Xsaying, r ~Because dprovg 3uot 6yov ~, "OTL otrc lonve~
Jesus said



1 'Iquoirg EITEY Oatrole," Ti.8into them,

Why rea0 Cpej of little faith, because lonves rememhr the

Ron ye

among yonrselves,



iiri &prove oljrc

kot five

ber the 5ve loaves of 'ye 'took?


P i X @ ~ ~ ~~ ) ~ T W . V O E ~ T E , 066; ;'' 9 O
Do ye not yet peiceive, nor

~ V ~ ~ O ~ TO&*,' E r i l jE ~ E ~ T r

he b k

m O L T ~ ~ A , P &we ye

'and L.

~ & T W V 'E.


LTTr. 1ta1 and LT. b i8i8ov m r . 0 a h o S (read the disciples) ~ X A O L S the C S O W ~ S do TTrA. ,rb r s p i v v c i o v r G v ~ h a v ~ d r w v a v LTTrA. ?) T. dviSl he went np ori.~w. h M a y d h v \ ag&n LTT~: 'O+ia~ to end of vercle 3 [TA 1. 1 - G r r o ~ p w aLTTrA ; $; rrac i roi) wpo+1j~ovLTTrA. a aimoi) (read the discipled) LTT~A. 0 ~VTOLS.

,. . .

have G.

XVI. MATT HEW . tiprove rGv ~ ~ v r a ~ i u ~ i X i w?rduovs KO ivovt b X & P ~ r e , ~ a v, i


~~w5,"~~;$2tsa;~ IO NailLa the mvenloaves of the

of the the

five thouund, seven luavea

and howmnny hanf-basketa ye took [up]? of the four thou~rtnd,


10 0662 rode i?rr&a"provg rGv rerpariux~Xiov, a i ~ ?rduac

nor baiets

qam iEa$

~ ~ ( ~ P E T11 :How E TO$

xe took [up]? to beware

and how many



permire ye not that M concerning of the leaven of the Phnrimea to beware

Srt 06 ?repi

toot: UP? 11

rbproy"elrov +?v ~ n p o u i ~ i ncbvrijc Z:lipq~ @apiuaiwv it not to you concern~ ~~ rOv

b r e d I spoke to you Sad(lucees?

tez&fi& ?,"'g

uai xa86ovraiwv; 12 Tdre avvijrav iirl O ~ K E ~ T ET p o u i ~ ~leavenof t h e p h i U iv


ing bread, that should beware of


Then they understood that hesaidnot

of brend, Slrdducees. but of the

drb rijb cl;pqc

the leawn and Pharisees

iiprov," VctXX"l i ~ r b j ~6iEaxijc rGv i

@apiuniov xai Za6Eovxaiwv.

and of the Saddhcees? l 2 Then understood they h o ~ t h r c he bade t teaching of the then, not beware of e leaven of bread u t of the doctrine 04 the Phand of

13 'EXB4v.88
And 2hnving =come Philippi

15 'IqaoSs

E I ' ~ rd into the

pipq Kacuapeiag r i j ~ the8sddUceea

parts of Caesnrea' saying, Whom %e

@iXi?r.rrov Ijohm TOGS. aBqrdc aziroQ, Xiywv, Tiva =peH

into thecoasts of Cae'do pronounce ken sto lobe 'the %on man h a thep sareadisciplea sayiilg Philippi,he asked his x~lliov,"Oi-pBv 'IW&YU)IYrbv /3a?rriur$va ~bhXoi".6dZ'HXiav U whom do meisay thai said, Some John the Baptist ; and others Elias ; Son of man 14 And they said, Solqe a)rp0l-&'Ip$a~, T ~ U ?rpo$qr3v. 15 Aiyt adroiga say that thuuart John and others Jcrcmias, or one of the prophets. nesay8 to them, the ; and 0th-some, EBaptist: lias JereXiyere Y E?S 8 riua PE 8 elvai; 16 b'A?ro~pcB~is.6d~i- or one of ths miae, * t u t ~e whom &mel10y e pronounca to be? And anawering Si- prophets, 15 He saith unto them But whom ~ L O V I ~ T E ~ T E ~ , Zir 1 d X L U T ~ ~ , ~ i b c703 BEO; 703 say ye tdat I am? I ~ o U mon Peter said, Thou art the thrist, the Son of God the 16 And Simon Peter answered and said, CGYTQ~. 7 CKnia'aoxpi6ei~" 'Iqa03~ ~ ~ at?@,.Ma~Cipioc ou art the Christ 1 d E E Y ~h living. And answering Jesns said to him, Blessed the Son of the livini And Jeans Zipwv dBdp ' I w ~ i ?Srt udpt: tcai aZpa otx.d?r~cciXv$ivGod. 17 and said an,~ answered u thou, Simon t Bar-Jonaa, for 5esh and blood revealed [it] not to him, Blessed a r t COL, aXX' hnartjp-pou d t v erolgll ozipavolc. 18 KciyG-6~thou Simon Bar-jona. for and blooj to thee, but my Father who [is] in the heavens. And I also hnth not revealed it UOL Xiywy ~ T U$ 1 I I i r p o ~ L xai ra6ry o;K;&I; ~ $ ~ 18 e ~I say i i ~ to thee say, That thouart Peter, and on thia hencen. And

X ovurv oi.bv6pwnot ~zvarrbv vibv 70; d ~ 6 ~ & r o v ; i 14 OL&

he qAestioned

t s discipled,

When J -





p011 njv ixrXqaiav, ~ a &h $8011 ot.xariox6wvuiv i

my assembly, And I will give to thee the keys of the

and gates of hadea shall not prevail against

build my church. and of the the prerail agninst it. not Of Ih ' sa Q ~ J o ~ ohpav3v' rai 8."bdvll 6tjupc h i rijc yijg, Earat & ~ E ~ 19 And 1 will give unheavens : and whatever thoalqayeat bind on the earth, shallbe bound tv roic otpavoic' S.ibdvll Xliuyc bri yijc, b r a t and whatsoever thou in the heavens ; and whatever thoumayest loose on the earth, shallbe

a h f p 19 'rcaiI1 8huw COL' rdc gxhiS1~ /3aui~eia~ rijc


: n Epf 2 F tEi :
also unto




2 b",i:,"u,"'i,"g",h ; :

AeXupivov iv role ofipa9oic. 20 T d r ~ k6r~ur~iXaroll paeqroic

loosed in the heavens. Then charged he fie
a, &-

raig la6roQ"'Iva pq8evi

ciples 'hie


8 6 azirdc ibrtv m y l g ~ 7

that to noone they should say that

the L i s t .

6 X rurcic.

ven: and whatsoever thou uhalt loose on earth shnll be loosed ~~c" in heaven. ? ) Then X charged he his disciples that they should tell no man that he waa Jesns the Christ.

f $ ~ h ~ ahewunto hi- disciples, unto Jerusalem, and how that he go maqV thing, of the elders and chief

irliroi, iirr

~21 h 'An6 rdrE qp$ciro s From that time began

MAT8dIO8. XVI,XVII. ' I t ~ u o i~ E I I C V ~ E L Y paeqrais )~ roic 6ei aGdv ~icxeXBeiv *~e~oad);v~a," sic tcai
t o go away clders to and Jerusalem, chief priests day and and Jesus to show to 'disciplca

that it isnocessary for him from the

~ i ~ ~ ~ , " n " ~many thing8$ to S& ~,"L ~

roM6 waeeSv cinb rijv ~rpmpvr$pwv rai dpxi~p6wv K i U

scribas, and
fo bo killed,


w a i n the third day.


y p a p p a ~ i ~ v ,&noimav6fivat,kai rp" rpirp GFhg &yEper?vat. icai p rp

and the third t o b raised a

buke him, sap in^, Be

22 ruzi rrpo~hapdpvo~ atrbv '6 nQrpog bjp<aro" '%xrrcp$v

it thee, And Phaving % A n 'to *klru 'Peter began t o rebuke this shall nct be unto , " I X E ~ ~ i d p i e . 06.pd brat COL uoi, thee. 23Buthetarned a 6 ~ -Xtywv," and .said wlto peter: favourable t o thee, Lord: in no wim shallbe to thee him, saying, [Qod b] Gec thee behind me sotan: thou a t & roiko. 2 ' . ; orpaqeig E Z ~ Vr+ ~ ~ f r ~ ~ , " bxiaw pov, r 308 Txa~e offence unto me : for thia But he having turned eaid t o Peter, Get behind me; thcn sevvurest not the of ?pov ei.11 iiri oi~.$poveig r(i things t ~lw t Q O ~ uaravii, u~(iv8aXdv but those that be 04 f t : a n offence +m to me thou art, for tbp thoughts orepot of the thinga m a n 24 Then said ~ 24 ~~ Jesus unto his disci- 70; Q E O ~ ) ,(iXXa 76 7 3 &3J0pdl?rwV. Tdr b ' I ~ U OEZTEV G ples, i f any man will Qf God., but the things of m & Then Jesus aid come after me let him deily &self, Ad ro~-p9qrai~-aliro3, rtg B ~ X Ebriuw pov & ~ G v iraoEi L , uphiscross, and follow to his disciples, nny one d e s i y a m me t o c o w , let m e 25 For whosoever vq,,(idW iavrdv, iCai will save his life shall dp&ro rbv.sravp6v-abro3, rai &KOand let his cross, lose i t : and.whosoever him deny h i m ~ l f ,and let him take UP

mr lose his w i l lsake shall life for X OV&~TW 2.5 8g-ydp-cld~l' pot. d&p 2t; rorr r ~ 3is a man him follow m . t e For whoever may desire


~ U U ~

t o save,

profit* whole world, cinoXFrhuet ahnju. 6~-6'-dv gain th; if he shall &xoXhv~ v ~ ~ ~ l j v . a h~ rUo 3 ~ E V E ~ lose his own soul shall lose ? it ; but whoever may lose his life onsooounc of O f v ~ ~ , " L ~ ~ n ;Bpoir, ~irpfio~r ~; alinjv. 26 ri-ydp tL$~X~irai" wxos, Bav hue c s E O U ~27 For the me* ? it' For what i s k o f i t e d '.!man, if Sonof man shall come rbv ~ d a ~ o v O V ~X njv.B~.~~?jv.airroC r w e c ; <$ m the glorg of his Fathernithb th: mxwhole he gain, and his soul or nnd then he shall re- T L ~ W U E avepwnog dlvr&Mayprij~.#vxjlg.afroG;27 6XL ward eveT man ac- what will'give 'a km [aslan exchange for his soul? k r 5.L e o r h g to his worlis. za TeriQ I say, unto XEL-ycipd v i b ~ . r03.dv0pdlrov Epx~aBai bv 66Fp r03 warp66 yea, There be Rome *about 'the %on sof %an to come in the g l o q 3Farhnr ptanding hem, whi& a a u mt taste of aliro3 rGvYdy~Xwv~a3roC*a rdre cinodDoei b~6ury ~ i death, till they see the 'of fhis with hs angels ; i and then he will render t o each .Son of man coming in bis kingdom. tcarci njv.npE~iv.aCrob. 28 'Apdv Xfyw 6piv,' e i ~ i v according t o hia doing. V e d y I say t o you, There are



L? 3

TLVES W r G 6 6 ~ some of those here

iaqrdrwv,n o7rtves ot.ptj yeziuwvrac Bavcirov ~

standing Son who i n no wim shall taste ofmm coming of death


gwc &v X$WULV

his kingdom.

they have seen the

ri)v ui6v ro1? dvep(vr~vbp~dp~vov iv


And after days 'sir Y a k h [ 'Jm Peter Jesm taketh Peter,James, and John rrai 'I(irw,3ov ~ a 'Iwciuuqv rbv.&6eX96v,afroC, ~ a civa9Bper i i his brother, and bring- and James and John his brother, and brings u p eth them UD into an high mounriin apnrt, ahrodg ~ i g 6pog qX6v rcar'.i6iav. 2 ~ a perepop$bjBq i 2 and was tmnsfi,wed them into anmountain k g h apart. And he wap tr~nsfigurad before thcm : and his airrGv, K a b a p # ~ v ai E rb.?rpdawxov.aliroC3~ d CXtos, f.rcc did shine as the Epnpoo0~v sun, and his raiment before them, and %hone 'his Yaca PS the wan,

XVII. And after s i r

Kai pr8' ?',?6pag


r a p o \ a ) l s k v ~ ~ I q ~ o ( i ~ mrpov d' rbv


6 L[T~]A. eis 'Iepou6hvpa &ireAOc;v LTTrA. P i)p&a?o A. q a674 inrrrpdu A+uv L ; h+i a+& inr7rpGv says to him rebuking Dim;] A . eZ ;p03 LTTIA. 8 idu LTTrA. ~ ~ e h ~ & ; u c ~ t r ( .be profited L ~ A . v shall OTL that S . T W &v U e im&w
oLrhr ;08e cmorns W.

XVII. IfATTHEW. r c i . ~ ~ . i p ~ r l n ~ a ~y k ir 0X N K & &c rd $;c. 3 m; 1806, i roi

and his garments .to6them became white as the light; .wit.h 'him and behold, p m d lXoses 'and =Elias

was white RS the liwht. 3 And. behold, tEcm a p appe;lred uuro them

Oquav"atroic JMwuijc"~ai~'HXiag,l'~p~r'abroi, uvXXaXoGvr~g.~! $f;i;;;hnL.~S

4 dirorptO~lc.82d 116rp0~ ~ T E V 'Iquos, Kl;pie, raX6v iurcv E rly'

answered Pcter, and unto, Lord, Petcr said to Jesus, Lord, good .it is lt lS somi US to be And answering here : it thou -wilt. let ?)pZS6 8 ~ aTv~(1' E O ~ X E I b ,i r ~ ~ ? j GC"rpE?g ~ " ~ U ~us~ make here three i ~ ~ ~ p ~ U K , U thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles: ; one for for ns here t o be. thee and one for MOani pinv, rai CMwmj" piav, icai driav 'HX;p." 5 airrog ses. hnd one for Elias. forthee one, and for Xohcs one, and one for Elins. While yet he 5 ~ ~ ~ i vet c.pake. he l behold, n b&ht cloud XaX.oCvros7 isoh, V E Q B X ~ e $ ~ ~ ~ i~r ~ u rji a u ~ v i i ' l airrorjc* m Ovcrshn~lorred them: i w:~sspeaking, behold, a2cloud 'brizht overshadowed them : and and behoid a voice out of the cloud, which ;$oh, qwvi) i r ~ { VcE ~ I ~ X X~ S ,~ y 0 ;~; d ~~ EUTLV 6.vi6c.po~ said, This is my b y ~ ~ 7 10, a voice out of the cloud, sc~ying, This is my Son loved Son, in whom I am well pleased. be,w f~ir8h~t]ua.H guhro6 ~ K O ~ E T E . ' !6 Kai ye him. G Bnd'nh& 6 ciyanq;dc, i v the beloved, in whom I hare founddclight : 'him 'he.= lye. Aud the disciples heard 11,


& r 0 6 u n ~ roi ~pa6t)rai hEir~uovli ? T ~ ~ G W ~ O I icai D ~ wereOn their , 6iri J . they ' T ~ ~ afraicd and sore ~
hearing Lit] were terrified them, 'nnd md the 'disciples greally. said, fell upon their f l w , Jesus

igo$iOiluav u$dEpa. 7 ~ a '.lrpou~XO;v" i

And having come to [them] kise up,

6 'IquoGg ki;$aro"

nnd 7 And Jesus came and touched them and said, k i s e , not touched afraid. 8 And ,,-hen

ahr6v, 'rail1 ~lirev, 'E$pOr]r~,~ a , U T ~ . $ J O ~ E ~ ~ 8 E'E;rtipavrq i ~ .

their eyes, they sawno had lifted u p and be not terrifietl. 2Hnring'lifted4up mm, jesus

Ei r06~.6yiOaX~oir~.airrGv oi8dva EZEOV ai-prj r3v

their eyes k o 'one 'they 'uaw except


alone. And as'were3descen,ling Ithey from the mountain bIq8Evi E ~ K ~ rhE ;papa, T To no one tell the rision, 'charged

9 Kai raraPaivdvrwv aAr6v mcixb%oG 6pow i v ~ r a a a r o

tain, Jesus ch.ugea airoig 6 'IqaoGc, Xiywv, Hwc-06 them, s n ~ n gTell the , Shem 'Jesus, saying, until the vision to no man.untiL tha Son of man be V E K P ~ "(ivaur@."1 Kai iirq- risen again from the Y 0 ui6c 70; h v e p h r 0 ~ ;K h d desd. I0 And his disSon of man from among [the] dead be risen. ciples asked him, saypdrl1aav airrtv ~i.~laOr~rai.~airroi,,~~~ E ST i 06v oi ypap- ing. Why then say the X~YOV , ed *hi 1his : clisciples, sa,iug, then 'the -scribes scribes that Elias must n%y first come 7 11 And Jepur~ig XhYovucv $71 P'HXiavl' ~ X ~ E T Z P ( ; ~ T O V ; l l '06 sus ansaered and said V ; 'say th?t Elias must come first? &d unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and q'Iqao3cu riiro~piO~ig ~Tirevratroiq," 5'HXiag" piu [pxerac restore a11 things. Jeaus ans~ering said t o them, Elias indeed comes 12 But I say unto Iou, That Eiias is come al'apGrov" rai cisoraraurljue~ ircivra. 12 Xiyw ijpiv re:rdy, 2nd they knew 6mt and shsll restore a l things. i Cut I s l y to ~ o that himnot, but bare done u *'HXi,rgl1 $81) $ ~ E v Kai 0 h i c - i i r 6 ~ U ~ T ~ :&X'" i ~ o ; r ]nn;o listed.R- Lilie\s7isc , ~ ~ ~ aV , ~ they - him atso so er er E l b already is come, nnd they knew not him, but did shall also the Son of uav i v a6rly' ~ U U $BX~luav* ocrwg rai6 vitc roij dvgphirov m,tn suffer of them. T-, cu the disciples to him whatever they desired Thus also the Son of m m understood that he





is about

T ( ~ U ~ E L YR ;'

ailr(;rv. 13 Tdra uvvtjh-av oi ;ia9qrai $ri

them. Baptist Ithey Then understood the disciples thnt he spoke t o them.
~ V 6xXov

~ Of


to suser from John the


'Iwcivvov roi, pairriuroij ~Tirevnbroig.

14 Kai iXO6vrwv wa9rGv" ~ p 3 g T

And =having ?come to




1 4 And when they were come tothe titude, there came to

X 6.$~&1LTTrA. J M o i i 6 r LTTrbW. 'Hhciar T. a avAAahoiv7er ( w v h a h . T) J I ~ v u t ;LTTrA ; >Iwi;q- W. air~ou LTTr. b ROL$UU I will make LTA. d 'HA[? ('HAei? T ) p k v LTT~A. e +rbs of light G . q i 6 d ~ ~ LTr. ua B & r o v a s avroir LTTrA. ~ h i;iruav i ~pooijh0av came to LTTr. LlYrA. ~ a i+ILdP~vosand touch~ng ; ~ aij$aro n; i LT i 1 -K&LT. ;K GLTTrAW. qs@< be rniscd LTTrA. a i r 0 6 (read the disciples) LTTr. P'HAeiav T. q 'Iqoois (rend he ~ l l d LrTra. ) r O ~ T O LTT~[A]. ~S 1 'HAaias T. Z ~ & O V LTTrA. v &h TrA. OVTWY LTTrA.




him a ccrtain man, a i r $ &Bfwrrog yovvrrerGv xaljr+," 15 ~ a XBywv, Kdota, i kneeling down to him, to a xnan ' kneeling down to him, and snying, and savine. 15 Lord. " -, blrvc nicrcy on N V s(,u : HXfqadv ~ G Z TO" ui6v, h i u~Xqvi&<~rai Yrar3c ~ ~ a ~ e i I ~ a i for ho i luna'.ick, nnd 3 . son, for he is lunatic and miserably sutlcrs : soro rexcd: for oft- have pity on my times he falleth into rroXXhrcic-ydp ?rhrrei Eic 76 rep, icai rroXX&~r~ T A 3 w p . the fire, and oft into for often he falls into the fire. and often into tho mnter. the water. 16 And I brought him t o thy l 6 ~ a ?r oo$veyrca a6r6v ro?c.pae~~rai~~uou, o6~-4dvv$i ~ a i disciples, and they And brought him t o thy disciples, and they were not could not cure him. 17 Then Jesus snswer- Bqaav a6rbv thparr~~aar.17 'Arro~p~bki~-8i 6 'IquofiSESREV, ed and said, 0 faith- able him t o heal. And answerins Jesus said. less and perverse generation, how long ' Q yeye& hrrtaroc ~ a 8i~arpapphvq,i'wg n 6 r ~*~aopai i shall I be with vou? 0 generation unbelieving and perverted, until when shail I he how long shall I &ffer 8 you 7 bring him hither p ' %&v;" Ewe rrdr~ &vSiopai 6pGv; gfperi poi atrbv Gba. t o me. l 8 And Jesus with you? until whenshallIbear with you? Cring t o me him hcre. rebuked the devil. and he departed of 18 Kai brreripqaev aLr@ 6'IqaoGg, rai iEijX0ev &r' a6roi7 rb him: and the child And %eLuked =him 'Jesus. and went out from him the was cured from that very hour, l9 ~h~~ 8aipdviov, ~ a i6'~parre6By d rralc cirri, rijg.6 al.-Ereivqc. i cnlhe the disciples to demon, )and was healed the boy from t f a t h,our. Jesus apart, and said, l g dre rr O U E X O ~ ~ T E paeqrai r@'IqooG rcai-i&iavE ~ T O U , oi ~ why couldnot himout l 2OAnd Jesus Then Lving 'come 'the 'disciples to Jesus apart said, ~ ~ e ~ $ $ ~ ~ ;aAia~il' LETS 06~-rj8uvijOq dxFaXeTv aCrB ; 20 '0.6i-~'I?, l ~ ! ;( I LEV uoCS1' for v e r i t I onto Why l ~ e r e . ~ n abfe t o cast out him l ot And Jc5us a a If ye have faith you, grain of mustard c ~ ia6ro?c, s ~ ~ ~ " rrjvdcinuriavll &t~(;)y. d / l ? j ~ . ~ d p Aid XLYu seed, ye shall say unto said them, Because of Zunbelief 'your. Forverily Isny ~ ~ t ~ f 3 0 n 8pZv, ldv ~ ' X ~ rriurtv &S K ~ K K O Vaivhrr~wfiEPETTE r(tj B p ~ i ~ 2 ; T E place ; and it t o you, If ye hnve faith as a grain of mustard, ye shall say 3mountain remove. and nbthing T O ~ T Y ,e M ~ ~ h p OvreiX3evil h i , ~ a pertrp;laerai. ~ a oljdiv $3~ i i shnll l impossible & hence thither, and it shall remove ; and nothing Remove unto ou. 21 Howheit lto %his, this eind 600th not &8vvanjaei ;@V. 21 fr~G~~.8~.rb.y6voc ! I K . ~ K ~ ~ O ~ E ~ ~ T OI by prnycr &l1 be impossible to you. But this kind goes not out


gv :e

Draver and fastinc. 22 And while they 22 g'Ava~rpe~opQvwv".di aljrijv l v r i I'aXiXaig, d r e v a6roic aboae i n Galilee, Jesus And while 'were =abiding 'they i n Gnlilee, 'said Sto4them said unto them, The Son of man shall be 6'Irlaolc, M6;\Xei 6 vibc roe (iv~pljfrourrapa8iBoaBai e i ~ betrayed into the 'Jesus, Bis'"about 'the -Son 'of 'man t o be delivered up into hands of men : 23 and the shall kill him xe?png civBpLj~wv, ~ aci~o~revo5oivaCrciv, a rp" r ir 23 i ~ i a n J t h e third day h [the] hands : of men, and they will kill him ; and the t&r% shall be raised agnin. And they were exceedhiy~pO~uerai.ll iXinr#qaav a968 a. Kai ing sorry. heshall he raised up. And they were grieved great y.

exceot bv

- -

;v rrpoa~wy@ v q a r ~ i g . ~ rai

- -


were come to Cnpcrnaum they that received tribute moneu cam0 t o Peter, and said Doth not your rnnsier pny tribute? 25 He saith, Yes. And when he was come into thc house, Jesus prercntcd him saying What think& thou: Simon? of whom do the kings of the earth tnkccustomor tribute? of their onm childrm, or of strangers? ?G Pe-

24 And when they

24 'EXBBVTUV-G~ a6rGv
And 2having"come 'they to 3rcccived

iKa~~pvao6,u" ?rpoai$6ov
Capcrnaum to Peter didrachas? and 'came said, He.says, Yes.



rd 6idpaxpa Xaj~privovrec r y TT6rpy rcai k~irrov,"'06i8ha'the "didrachlllas er

~ a X o ~ & , u Ooit.reXei. . v

'your does he not pay the into the

~ ; k ~ a ~ , 25 Aiyei, Nai. ua;

'anticipated kings




E ~ u ) ~ X ~ E ("g V
he cutcrcd

T ~ Y tiav o


~ p o 6 ~ ~ n a e 6 ~ 6 '~I q ~ o ~ ~ a v b rhwv
or from

Xiywv, Ti aoi.dorei, Zipwv; oi paorhelg rig yijc

saying, What thinkest thou, Simou? The do they receive custom or tribute ?

of the earth from whom

Xap~hvouaiv r6X11 7j rcijvuov ;


~&v-'.~riGv.a6rijv,cirri) 7j
from their sona,

LTr. peti)@v &opal LTTrA. a 81; 71 LTTrAW. b C he s:lys LTTrA. 6A~yo?rrariav little faith LI-~;A. e M s s Q a f verse 21 ~ T ~ A S Zvosps~$ophvwvwere abiding together LTTr. WEV LTTrb. h &vaunjaerar he shall rise ngttln L. i Kdrq5apvaoGp LTTIAW. 1 ~i T . k etnav CTT~A. m rimA06vra eutering LT ; iAO6vra hilviug come rrA.

aitr6v QLTTrAW. 'Iquoir LTTrA.


1 .

the gers. strangers? 'says



rdv CiMojpiwv; 2&nAfyer a6rqi"

s t 'him ~

l T Q ~ p o s , ~ r d v dX- ~ ~ a ~ ~ , " , n ~ , " 'Axb

'Peter, From the

Aorpiwv. *J3$q aQr4 b 'Iqaoiir, p'Apayell bAe68rpoi a vioi.



atran- unto him, ~h~~ the i ~ children free. 27 Sotwithstanding. we 'said 3t04him 'Jesus, Then indeed free should offend them 27 i'va.Gi prj.qaravdaXiawp~v11a6ro6~,xopav8ei~, ~ i g ; ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ But that we may not offend them, having gone t o up the fish Ihat first & y ~ i a r ~ a rbv Civap&ra ?rpdrov ; ; ~ ~ ; p a ; ~ ~ e ~ h ; g ov, i 6ci)tauaav sea cast a hoof, and th. sy~ming p h 'bat mouth thou

; $


8iv dpov0 rai

tahe, thnt

civoi&zg rb.ardpa.aGroir
its mouth for the i n the. 'Jesus Yerilg. me

and haring opened

fer ;

~ E E ~ J O XaPhv U

6ds airro'ig hurt hp03 rai aoii,

and thea came disciples kingdom

a&pjaei~ ura- a iece'of money : thnt thou .halt find a ata- t a l e p for me and uutb them and give thee\

I In
saying, nnu l


having taken give-to them that hour

'RV hkeivp r#s(;jpqll x p o ~ X 0 0 v paeqrai oi

Who then pthe] 3greeter And

r$ 'IqaoG,
to Jeans. of the heahe set

Xhyovres, Tic dpa

p ~ e w viuriv b rf pacih~iqr d v 06v

's i
3called 'to [&him] and said,

pav3v; 2 Kai r p o a K a X ~ a c i ~tb v o ~ ~ 'Ig~oiiCll xaidiov, iarquev

a little cbild,
1 say t o you,

called a little child U n L S unto him and.aet him in the midst of them arpa$$re rai yduqae~ r h nai6ia, 06.prj eiu6hQqre &c 3 a n d s a i d , ~ e r i~ ~ a j l a ye are converted and become as thelittle children, inno wise shall ye enter into -to YQU, Except ye be aonverted, and berr)~ PaaiA~iav T ~ Y h p a ~ 3 ~ . 8 0 ~ 1 ~ 0 4 06lJ V ~ a 7 T ~ l ~ d ~ p l l comeaalittlechildren the kingdom of the heavens. , Whosoever therefore will humble ye shall not enter intd the Engdom o h e 4 f lavrbv &g, o h d c bariv 6 peitwv QV T$ pnUl- ven. 4 Whosoever this little child, he 19 the greater i n the king- thereforeshallhumbl~ himself ss himself as thia little 'hEiq rdv 06pav3v. 5 ~ aij~.~bdv" i 615qrai xxaidiov ~ 0 1 0 3 ~ 0 ~ the same in child dom of the heavens j and whoever will receive 'little 'child 'such geadest i n the king4

adib b pQacp-a6r3v,3 rat elnev, 'Apr)v XQya hpzv, bdv. v


$2 J",t&Pt,"$ !ng,Whois+e reatest ga$;? k&yes:t

XVIII. At the same

their midat,

ivl' i x i ~@-n3.6vd~arLpov 6 i x ~ r a i 6 ijc.6'.dv i i *

'one in 'one my name,. ''Ee 'reeeivea. who 'of 'these 'little sones beliein


But whoevw shalloauseYo70 end one such little child i$ me, it is profitable fend oneof these littlq

Iva rdu.prcpdv.ro6iwv r 5 v riur~lldvrwveic BpQ, avp$ipei abr@ 'IYU rpepadp' p6X0s y&jll for him that should be hung . millstone @turned b y 8an saas 'upon a ' rpci~~~Xov.a6roi& rarasovriu8p' h ry" xeX6yer ral v
'his =neck,
and he be sunk i n the depth of the

me which believe in onesi t were better for hi& that a millstone



u q ~ .7

0aXcia- drowIled in sea. depth Obai r q ~ d u p y &xi, rdv urav6kXwv' &6ytq.ycip ofthesea. 7Woeunto
Woe tothe world because of the offences 1


For necessary

the because of offences 1 for i t must

Z i a i v l lbX8~ivr h u ~ h v d d a d r ) v 06ai ry".(iv8ph7~~.~d~~bq~ll , $b; ;*e t

i t is Bto 'come 'the 'offences, yet t o that man

;F: ;;

that )man by whom &' 03 rb arciv6CIXov i p x ~ r a ~ 8 Ei.68 <.xai .uov d.xodc.uov the offenco oomethl by whom the ozenu comes l And if, thy tand or thy foot t:~ &xd aoii. rahdv fend thee, cut them a~avdaXicei a, ~xrolC/ou ba6rd" lcai c a w Z t o3offend'thee, cut off them and cast [them] from thee ; good off and the711 from t h i e : i t is bctter for thoe to enter into life not buriv E ~ U E X ~ E Z Y rt)v <WT)Y 'xwXbv EIS KuXX~Y,II for thee it is to enter into life lame or maimed, [ratherlthan halt ormaimed, rathec, thanhaving two hnnde 860 xeipac 660 x66aSZxovra PXq8ijvai eic rb xiip rb aidviov. or two feet to be cnst two hands or two fegt haring to be cast into the fire the eternal, into everlasting fire. 9 And if thine eye of9 rai ei S.b$9aXpdc.u0~uxav6aXi~~i ~ ~ E a6rbv ~ a i QE, X E f end thee, pluck i t thine eye onuse'to30ffend1thee,pluckout it and cast out, and cast it from And if thee: i t is better for &xb a02 ~aXdv aoi dp~ivpovd$8aXpov eic njv cw4v thee to entrr into life [it] from thee ; good for thee i t U one-eyed into llfe with o w eye, rather


&Tdhet,"f$; &


* eindvros ddand having said LTTr. O b TL.l~posLTTrA. P 'Apa y e T i t . vRav. 8ar\i{wl*~vT. mjv (read [thell LTTrAW. a fipipe dRy L. o IqvoCs TTrA. v 7ansrv6uer L'ITrAW. 6v LTr. 8v r a t b i ~ v O L O ~ T O V( - v T ) L'lTrA. J r e p ) about LTTr; T cis to A, * ~UTLV (read [it is]) LTrA. a i~eivy (read to the man) 1,'rri1, b-acrbi it (and cwt [it]) LTTrA. ~ i r M h vj xvXdv &I I ':

to be cast twoeyes thnn having into hell


XAT0AIO8. G 660 6~QaXpo6g X ~


O V T ~ PXqB,jvar

heed that

to cuter, [rather] than two


t a b c c ~ s t into the

XVI 11, rrjv

70; 7rv06~. 10 'Opiire prj.rara$pov$aqra ivbg T ~ V ye des iqe not one of yQ~yyav these E t t k you, ; for &henna of the fi& unto onm ~h%+, SW , ye despise not one I in heaven their nngel~ ~ ~ K O ~ V . T O ~ T W VQ y ~ - ~ d p ihl oi.ciyyeXo~a6r~v b ~ X ' GpYv, d ~,"o,"l~ysmbyeh?&~~~ ti~cse of little ones, for I say to yo-I, that their angbls in [the] whioh is in haven, olipavoZcil dici.ravrbc pXbaovaiv ~b apo'awaov TO; 7rarp6c.pov 11Forthe Son O man f heavens continually behold thc face of my Father is colno to nave that w h i ~ h w ~ l o s121iow 705 t. v oitpavoic. 11 erjXO~v.,fdpb viAi r05 C ~ V ~ P ~ T O V thillk P ? if 8 man who [is] in [the] heavens. For is eorue the Son of mnn hnve a n hundred ,hecp,nnd oneof thorn U(;)U(LL r . ~ T O X W X ~ ~ .12 Ti opIv.c?o~ei idv yivqrai U ; bu gone astray, aoth to save that which haspeenlwt. Whnt think ye 7 If there should be henot leave the ninety m d niuo, and goeth rlvl & ~ 8 p A ih"ari)v aphpara, lcai 7rXavqeG i'v ~y alirGv, into the mdnntains, to any roan a hundred sheep, and be gone astray one of them, sndaeeketh that which is gono clstray? 13And ohxi f&$~icII~ d ~ g i w e v q l ~ o v r a ~iai~rdl ~ 8pq vv a if so be t a t he find it, [does he] ilot, h n n g left the ninet~--nine on1 the mountains, verily I k y unto YOU, h he rejoiceth more of X O P E V ~ &TEZ~ E ~ TA' 7rXavA~i~vov; xai idv yhwmr 13 that a h e q , than of the hav~ng gone seek that which is gone astray? and if i t should be ntnety and nine which went not E~~EZV aLr6, &pljv XQYw ;@v, 8r1 ~aipei h ' airrci; piiXXov 11 Even so i t is not that he find it, verily I nay to you, that herejoices ovw 'it more the will of your F*in hea- r j bai roig gbvv~v~~ovraavvia~l rois @lj.aeaXavqpivoi~. 0614 ther which ven, t h a t one of these than over the nine tyznine which havo not gone astray. F a Little Ones ahOuld r w olir..!arrv ~ is not [the] 6QXq a 2papoa8ev 705'Father iirp5vn roir [is] aarpbc 'your who perish. it wilf before


15 Moreover if thy i n [the]

otpavoic-, 'iva ci~6Xqta~. ~3v.pirp3v.roirrwv. kelS"

hcavens, But if

thnt sho~~ldperiah one

=sin 'against 'theo him

of these little ones. 'thy 'brother, alone. go

brother shnll trespass Mainat thee, go and t l him his fault beel tween thee and him alone : a ha shall bar thm, thou hast gained thy brother. 16 But if he will fhec, a e n t a k e ~ i t thecone h or two more, that in the mouth of two or every thrco word m a r be estabashea. he shall neglect to hear them, toll it unto the

15 'Edv-G2 &papr<ap 'eic

reprove him etween thee and thy brother.

ai" 6.ciGeh$dc.oou, ijzaye m~ai'


a.bri)v ~ e r a t h uoa ~ a aSro8 pdvov. idv uou &xot;ayl, i

If thee hewillhear,
take t h o u g a t gained

E I C ~ Gqaac rbv~ri8eX~6v.oov.~bdv.68 prj.cireo6ap, *ap&Xa@c 16


n p ~ u05ll ~d

i'ua 4 6690, 'lva Q r i

But if he will not hear,, mouth

ordparog Giro papi6pcuv

of two' witness-

thee b'idks one or two, thatupon[the]

~ ~ : ~ e ~ ~ ~~g~ ~ t < , " ~ ~ ;

inheaven: and whatnoever Ye looso onenrthuhall be loosad in heaven. 19 Again I B y unto you, That if * two of you shall ngree on earth as touching u p thing that they shall ask it shall be dobe for \hem of my Bather which ia in
d i v 72 otpav4

r ISV maO$ 7rZv word. or 0 tlmee may stand every {ijpa. 17 Qciv.62 hempa~oirug atrGv, But if fail to listen to them, PE~T;'~ i d l j a i q * bdv.82 ~ a r i j g brrXVaiac ?ra aro6ap, baembly he faif t o lbtdn to, tell [it] to the ( ~ ~ e m b l y .And* also the

let him be unto thee {uru cot $@rep b 2 6 ~ 1 xai ~ r~XC;)vqc. 'Apdv &fYw ~6 b 18 ~ 1 an heathen man and 8 publican, le Verily let himbe to thee aa the heathen 'snd the taxgatherer. Yerily I say

1 ~say unto ~ , "What- ~to\you,~Whatsoever ~ 8fiuqr& bai rijc earth, shall be 8e8epiva Qvrr@n ~ ~ f you, 4 " ;piu, 8uu.q6dvUye shall bind on the ytg, E"urar bound i n the b ",",~

o ~ ~ o a v ~ ' 8 u a i d ~ X ~ ~ T E r f c . ~ g iaral X~hvpfva rai dri , he'aven ; and whatsoever. ye shall loaae on the earth, shall be lopsed
r ~ ( 06pavy", j" th(e heaven.
may ngree on


19 sIIciXivll XQyw 6 p 5 ~ , hdv 6Lo' 'hpGv 8r1



I say t o you, that




of you whatever

U U ~ $ W Y < U W UiTijc '3~ nepi ?ravrbc aphyparog oS.hdv Qr ~V ~

the earth concerning matter they shall lrsk, it shall be done t o them
[L]L e

atr;lawvrac, yev+rerai ahroic' aapd roir.rrarpdc.pov

from my Bntheu.


who [is]

he not teabe) LTr.


in the heaven

my LTr. f v LTT~. a L ; pcrh ueav~o5with thyself T. i r rG 1 . 1 f ~ r ] ~ . . a I~rjv ve14 L; &hv ~ M ~ C D it i ~ ~ you a& V p of Y k agree m . ,

iveMjrtov7a i v v c b

~ m r i;v e y r o v r a a w i a

- verse 11


i+ljuec (read will



+ r a c a- dP: l~ L

cm ~ w j u w w it

q &v 1.TrA.

Ew L a


olpavoic. 20 o%.y&p e;atv
1 [the] heavens,



860 T EYE avvqypivor riC bayem.F o r w h ~ aO Por w h a me two or gatherodtogether unto ~ d O ~ ~ e r m name t%mrm I i~ rh dpbv Svopa, ~ K E Selpi ;V piay atr0v. the 1l;id.t of them. my name there am I in [the] midst of them.


21 T ~ T?rpoa~X~(;Iv E "atry' b I I i r p o ~ dsev,"KIC;ph,. roocirt~


b?~r(iric22 A6yer airr$ ;

mven times?


Then 'sin

having come * "me

to him




how oftan

r;lae~ eic

Q@ ~ . & S E X ~ ~ ~ . ~ a iV ci$tjuw rO
'my 'brother 'Jesus, a d I forgim

atry'; Iwc


z S ~ y s'to .him
~ ~ ~ K

b ' I q u ~ iOt.Xiyw ~,
O V T & C?rr&.

I tlay not totheeuntilaeventimes,

b e irrieq,

how oit shall my b -

'&U'" W ~

seven times ? 4 Jeau8 ! 2 but until seventy times cven. Because of thin k ~ ? ? ? * l i k e not saithunto t him U n t g h 4 I t j pauikia rijv otpavGv &vOpLay p a a A ~ i ,SS IjaiArle~vmven times: but, 'the Ykingdom .of %he 'heavens to a man a king, who would Untii rerenty timer seven 23 Therefore i# avv5rra~Xdyov ~ r d p r3v.606~wv.a~ro~. & cap6vov.8i aho; the kingdom of hea24 take account with his bondiuen b,-fzharing =begun 'be veh likened nnto certain king which uuvalpeiv, w?rpou?lvk~eq" Xa&ry' :cn b $ ~ & q c pvpiwu would take sdcount of to reckon, there was brought to him one debtor of ten thousand his a ~ ~ a n t 8 . dnd when he had begum d?r080i3ici, 8- 6o reckon, one w u rrrA&urun 25 e~.iXouroc.8i a t r o i talent& ut %not 'having 'he [+herewith] to pay, .corn- brou h t unto him. whicf owed him ten rihmu~v .atrbv b d io~.Jutroil'rptrOivai, rai njv yvvaira tho-a talenth za msnded .him Sord to be sold, and Wife But forasmuch sr he
C ~

23 AL&TOGTO K ~ ~


~atroi%ai rd 'ricta, icai r h w a iiaa a ~ i ~ ~rcai, " drrosov .

h and the children, and aU srmuchas he had,

and p y m e n t to to be sold and hi# to him, payment to be mad& %o %h88

~ ( P B

him, aaying,
~ & ~ O ~ ~ ~ !

be made.

26 reu&v.


b &iho$' rpomdvei at?@,

did homage and with me,

Haring fallen down therefore the bondman have patience


hiywv, CK6pi~,11 pa~poO6~quovr ' dbpoi,u rai r i v r a euo~ b

l a '

abondm.n pay thee men fdx:eivov" cinQXvaev atrdv, rai rb J&VELOY&$ij~ev ahr(t?.the lord of that *of'that released him, and ;the 'lonn lforgrtve 'him. compassion,mdloosed with b.80GXoCgd~e~vo$ dpev C'va 7 3 U~ V ~ O ~ ~ him, =d forgave him V W V 28 'EE;EXOL;V.~J found one ?fellow *bondmen the debt' 28 But the snma servant went thnt bondman But having gone out ahbv out, and found one of ;$E&EV a t r $ irarbv ~ ~ v & ~lcaicnpar;l L z, atroG, ' f %is, who owed o him P hundred denarii, and havingsehd h i c i h : f ~ ~ ~ a* hiywv, ' A a d S ~ ~ , ~ ~ o b"$ ~ i X ~ r ~ . 29 m - hundred ponce: and iG rtni rviyEV, hethrottled pim], saying, Pap me what thou owest. sbadng'fallen ~ ~ $ ~ , & ~ ~ P


27 asXay~vtaOei~.88

dptor r o i 606hov

'I *will .bay. And haviugbeen moved with compassion the lord


U ~ V O ~ V

~~06vSovXo~.atroil roirc.rci8a~.atroS'Irape- throat, sa ng. Pay

at with his feet me, and all

'down %herefore 'his =fellow'bondman sought him, saying,

be- me that tfou m u . et

29 And his fellowser-

XMEC airrdv, Xkywv, M a ~ ~ o ~ 6 ~ q a o v p ~ iK& ~ mr&vrallvant fell down a t hb 1s' ' { ,

feet, baOught him saying, Hare ntience with me, nnd V &will pay thee. But he would not, but havhggone wt 30 Will he would not : bnd Pay thee a6rbv Eic $uAu~C~~V, ' W ~ - ~ O&n08$ C ~~ rb ~ $ E A ~ ~ E vwent a. d c ~him but o v t him into priaou, nntil he should pay that which wan owing. into rlson till he shoulf y 'the debt. 81 isdvrcc P6i oi.a6v~ovXoi.a~ro~" ~ ( i qywdpeva" 81 SO W ~ I his fellowI :Having .seen 'but %S ?fellow *bondmen what things had taken pkw, servants saw what W M done they were o e r ~ Avrrrja~laav $ 6 8 rai iXOdvrcC6 r ~ a & ~ q u a v ' r $ . m p i ~ ~ ~ a t r ~ v ~ ~ and ~ a' to their lord told unto their lard all Were grieved great&, and having gone narrated Have patience

&s08&aw uoi. 30 '0.68 o ~ K - ~ ~ E X E V , n&Md"iadO&v

,& , ,


cfrev LT'X &AA& &I Was wnducted -6aII&rpor(reccd [h~s]lord)rA. ~T.. - a hKJpterpoo-tjhis] wife) & ( r oid u wheefs([Qo~] I) ir~ov m ha8 o i , (read + Z~civor(read that boudman) ;pi tccivov (read of the bondman) (read the bondman) t ipd - pot ei if anythinz - clr 4 s u&as a 6 4 - u d w a [LN~AW. m. - oii LTT~A. 03v (therefore) a670i o i &AA' bouhor ; oZlv oi dv'vsouhoc a6706 m r ~ . i a w S v L=& y ~ ~ 6 p .were taking place T w~ .



@A] R.

LTrA. a et













that t n s done. 32 Then his l a d aftcr that he had cafied him said unto hiin,0 thou'wicked Eerrant, I forgave thee all that dcbt, because thou desiredst me : 33 shouldest not thou also have had compassion on thy fellowservant even as I had pity ' on thee? 84 And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors till he should pay ali that was due unto him. 35 So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto ou, if ye from your earts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses. all

that had taken place. says


n6vra r2r yevritleva. 32 T6re n oaraX~acip~vo~ aljrrjv y e i aGr$,' ,AoGXe .rrovl)pl,niiaav njv b$eiXljv X6

'his 210rd 'that to him, 'Bondnlan 'wicked, all =debt



%alled .to ['him] ,'him

~ x e i ~ ~ ~ v C O L , inei raperciXeu(i~ 33 06r.EXJet d${rCi peg

I forgare thce, since thou besoughtest me ;
as also 'thee to have pitied thy fellow bondman, And being angry toks, also each fences, until his lord

did it not behoro =also thce had pitied) to the tormenThus ye forgive 'of


cjr a hleijuai rdv.a-lrvJovXdv.~ov, %ai iyD" ae 'rjXQtlaa; h


34 rai bpyrueei~ h.&pro~a6roirnap6Jw~ev aitrbv roig paoavi-,

delivcrcd up was owing will do him

oraig, Pws.'oS" ci.rroJ$ nzv rb d$erXIpe~~ov VtrirrqT1) 35 Oiirw~

heshouldpay all thnt the hoarenly from to him.

nai b.nar.;lp.pou b WBnot~pCivioc"C $ U E L 6 p i ~ TO ;;lv-pS &$,?TE

my Fathcr to you unless

%raaro~ r@.ci8eX$$.aljroii cinb rLiv.rap8~5v.itCLcjv =rdr napahis brother ltheir. y o u hearte

nrhparq eairr3v."

And it came to pas8 when %ad *finished "Jesus 'wor& Jasw had finished. ( g d these sa nga he de- T O ~ T O V C ,perijpe~, i r b yrijgll I'aXAaiag, ~ a ~iX O E Y~ i r r Spia he withdraw from Galilee, " and came to the bordercl paxtcd g o m 'Galilee, 'these, and came into the rjjf7j~'IovSala~ nSpav ro0 'Iop6civov. 2 rcai )jroXoCOqaav airry' :oasts of Judea beof J u d e a beyond the Jordan : and Ofollowe0. %h yond Jordan 2 and y a t ,m d t i t u b ~ O I - bxloi rolhoi, ~ a 6@epcireua~v i atroirc ET. owed him; and he %row& 'great, and he healed ,them there. healed them there.
3 The, Pharisees also came unto him, temDting him, and ' sayl'ng unto him, Is i t lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause? 4 b u d he answered and said unto them Have ye not read ' that he which mad; t k n ~ t the bea ginnihg made them male and female 5 and said, For this ' cause shall a man leave father and mother and shall cleave to his h e : and they twain shall be one h h l 6 Whoreh r e they are no more twaiu, but one flesh. Whac therufore God hath joined together, let not man put asnnder. 7 They say unto him, Why did Moses ther command to give a writing of .divorcement, and to put her RTVRJ?Hesaithunto B them, Moses because of the hardness of y o u hearts sutfered YOU to gut away r o d wives : ut from the beginning i t was not so.

XIX. b s d it came to pass that when






6 'IqaoZ~ rod^ Xiyovc

3 Kai qoa~XOov126Ty"' @aptdaioi ?retp6tovr~g Zoi" airrdv,

hnd 'came t o him, for
&to 'him 'the

'Pharisees for a man

.tempting to put &way answering


rai Xkyovres aa4r$,u E i ~ ~ e u r rbLidp6xy" ciroXCuai rrjv v

and saying his wife to them, ning this male I s i t lawful every cause?

yvvai~a.airroCrard rciaav airiav ; 4 '0.61 ( i r ~ ~ p t e11rev ~ e ~ i

But he lllilde them, father said

ca$roig,liOirrr.civ6yvwre Sri
and female

Have yp not read that be*'

d *nortjuaSll



[themlfrom [the] bepnand add, and On account of mother; and

xijg ciprrev ~ a O{Xv B~oiquevairroCg, rai EIAEV, e ' l E v ~ ~ ~ ~ l i 5

' e 'man

r01jrov ~a7aXei$~i Civ0Pwn~~ raripa rrai d v pqrdpa, ~ a i rbv

ashnll leave

fnpoa~oXXq~lja~rai~~ r~.yvvairci.airroii,~ a iuovrac oi.660 eig l

shall be joined 'flesh therefore Bone? to his wife,

and a&alL"e 'the 'two 'for

ahpra piav; 6 ;are oirrirt siaiv $60,

So thnt nolonger are they two, 'man



udpt yia* 3

one. What sop

06v b Oe35
to him, Why then vorce, in view of

God united together, 'Moses

~ V V Q ~ E V F E YCi&pwaoSp7j.~w~i~~rw. ovatv ,, 7 Al
let' not soparrrt.8.
t o give 'did command her? a bill of di-

airrq, Ti 06v gMwujjgl' ivereihro Boir~nr PiPXiov ' c h o * . arauiou, ~ aciroXiraai halj~tjv;" Aiyac qirroic, " O T ~ i 8 gMtraijcU
and to put away He nays to them, allowed you Moses t o put away thua

x p b ~ r~v.arX~po~ap6iav~6pGu E?rQrpe+~v 8piv cinoXBuar

your hardaheartedreas

rcig.yvvairrac.6Pcjv' &ra
your wives;



oir.yQyo~~u oijrw~.
it wss not

from[the] beginning however

- r d r a p a r 7 i ) p a 7 a at?& OLTTrA. b - L~0~;m.p (rend ~110's wife) LTA.


~ LTTrA.O, ~

- 06


L * K O M ~ ~ ~LTTrhW. ~ LB M-Va U ~LTTrAW, U ~ T U S

- a+?+LTrA. -6 s


* -

oirpa'vros LTTr ; [&r]ovpdvror L o i LTrA. LTTrb. a ~ t i u a created Tr. s 'EYcra h Llm,

- air79

XIX. MATTHETV. Q X w.62 ;p%, 'Sri11 S c . 2 ~ ciroX6ap njv.yvvaira.a6roir i

~ & ~ ~ o ~ , ", l, ~ "" amny his urifc, except it be fOrui"tic%

d I

say t o you, that


shall put amay

his wife



iTi TOpvEiq,ll YaphbP &XXq.v, / . L o t ~ ~ ~mrni r4i al'

and shall marry another, commits adultery; and

not for fornication,

, & ~ ~ e ~ h ~ ~ m ~

he who ' h ~ r [ ~ t h'is]t 'put %way 'murries commits adultery. a

(i?roX~Xvp6vqv yap$aac


10 Ai y

put amny doth commit"atroirl'l oiirwc dariv El airia 70; & ~ % p h adultcry. 10 His disLto =him lhis a d i s ~ i p l ~ s t If thus is the case of the man ciples '*yunt0 lnnn be the cnsc of the If

~ marrieth her whichl is dultery : and who30 ~ ~

notBut lie to marry. 11 good said unto thcm, ~ 1 men cnnuot 1 to them, Not all receive this word, but [those] receive this snying, snve the0 to whom i t orS 8f8orai. 12 i f J i ~ . ~ d p hvoG~oc o'lrtve4' blC ~0tXiacis given. 12 For there towhom it hasbeen given ; for there we eunuchs who from [the] womb are f;omo eulluchs, which were so born p~rlrphc ~ y ~ ~osrwg ~ % ~ ebvoiixot a ~ n o u l their motherls ~ rai ~iuiv ) ~ 6irivec of [their mother were born thus, and thereare eunuchs who womb : aud there some ennuchs, which ~fvouxia%qaav r3v (iv~pthkwv,i ~ i a i v ~ V O G X ~ ~T I Y were made eunuchs 6ab m E O E ~ were mnde euuuchs by men, and'thcreare eunuchs who of men : and there be eunuchs, which have e6vo6xtuav iavroirc 61d rljv $ U U L X E ~ ~ rGv 06pal)Gv. made themselves euV made eunuchs of themselves for thesakeof the kingdom of the heavens. lluchsfor the kingdom of heaven's sake. He b 6uvhpevoc xwpeiv xwpeirw. that is able to receive Be who is able to receiveCit] let him receive [it]. it, let him receive it.
with the wife,

rov per& rljc Yuvatrd~, 6 . a u p ~ Q P ~ t o ya/jijaat. 11 'O.di

it is not profitable to marry.

E ~ T E V with his wife, i t is so

But he said

aitroic, Oh ?rhvrac xwpoSatv rdv.Xdyo~~.Oioirrov,'l &AA'

13 Then were there ~~,"~~il$,",","th~~ i should put hts hands awl%fi a6roic, ~ a ?rpoae6~qrai.oi.62 pa8qrai Q~eripqaav ha might lay on them, and might pray ; but the disciples rebuked On them, and pray: a ~ d the disciples rebuked tibro%* 14 b.8B.'Iqaoirc ~lnevq, *A$ere r& ?rat&a, rai p4 th&. l4 But Jesus Lhem. But Jesus said, S a e r the little children, an8 'not said, Suffer little chile dren and forbid them K W X C E ~ Ea6rd 6XBeiv r p d c rpe'll rSv.ycip.roio6rwv Qariv not, to come unto me : 'do forbid them to come to me; for of such is the for of such is tha kingdom of heaven. 8auiXeia r6v o6pavGv. 15 Kai h?rt%ei~ ba6r0ic ~ d xeipa$l 15 h d he laid his c kingdom of the heavens. And having laid upon them W ] s handa hands on them, and departed thence. t ~ o p ~ 6 8K E ~ % E V . ;q be departed thence. 16 And, behold, one

- 13

T d r ~Psrpoaqvi~%q~ ahrc;
Then were brought

to him little children, that

~ a i 6 i a , 'Iva

Chis] hands


16 Kai i606, ere wpoaeX0&v

'~iyat)Q," r4yaObv ri

t ~ l a6r@,I1A L ~ ~ u K ~ ~ said ~ ~ v Oame and E

to him, 'Teacher

him t godd thing Rhad wd Master do, that I play have 'good, what good [thing] shall I do that I may have life eternnl? he said unto him, Why life And 17 '0.82 d?rv.a6rf~, p Xfyeic ciyaf36v; ot8eig ciynede tallest thou me good? =Ti e t no one [is] good is good but And he said to him, Why me c ~ l l e sthou good? one, that is, God : buC EIS, 6 %dc." ci.88 6lXeic J E ~ V E X ~ E ~ V n)v ~wljvlllif thou wilt e n t e ~ i n t o except one, God. But if thou desirest to enter into life, life* mnndmcnts. 18 He '74 ~ U O Y " 7dc iW0Xhc. l 8 aAQy~t a6r(>,11 noinc; '0.8?.'1~saithnntohim,FVhich? the commandments. He says to him, Which l And Je- Jesus said, 'Thou shalt do no murder, Thou U O C EITEV, T6, ~ o ~ . $ o v E C U E ~ ~ . o C . p o ~ ~ ~ i t a e t ~shalt not comnlit a~ #W said, Thoushalt not commit murder; Thou shalt not commit adultery; dultery,Thoushalt not atenl, Thou shalt not o ~ . K ~ ~ $ E L s * O ~ - $ E U ~ O ~ ~ ~ N ~19 U iEpLrbv' ?rnr6pa bear false witness, . ~ r ~ 'father 19 Honour thy father Thou shalt not steal; Thou shalt not bear false witness; Honour and thy mother : and, 'oovl' rai rljv.pqrQpa' Kai ciyarnjaeic rbv.?r~qaiov.aov rho,, shalt love th 'thy and mother ; and Thou shalt love thy neighbour as neighbour as thjsed.

And behold, one having come to him] said

?roujaw 'c'ya WEXW"

.lwljv aihv~ov I ;



-8 7 ~ nication

LTrA. L.

disoil)lest T[A'].
pc tpurpc r e p i

m 7hs XC+QS aiJr0;s LTRA.


aim($ etrev LTT1.A. Oiyaeh L n A. W uX&1 . n r A . =T i ByaBoir ; eis 1 u ~ r v k7.ya86s W h y askest thou me concc:rnii~g b the good 9 is gol~d + b Be69 God W) QLTT,.AW, ( I cip,r$v &?v eiueABciv LTTrAW. a e p e ' LT~A. a6rG he' mid to him L ; A+L air74 z, b Ql)civ he mys T. p uov OLmrbW.

- ci GLTTrAW. ~ h -~ ab L. P t r p ~ q 1yAe ~~~~ $QuK aTb~oKv tropveias exceptt hfor cnuse rof fori OitroAeA~~e'kqva as T[T .l. n - acsoir (read the [roirrov] v B ~ LTTTA. u v +.a6rois to e m T. iPE T.


v ~ n t ~ i a ~ od I, T & v r ~ c rairra' anirh unto him, All 'Snys %o 'him 'the 'yoiuug "man, All these the* things have I t h ~ s c l f . 3 fix v e d ~ q r d g . p c , u . " ri i r hurep3; 21 gNE$$ kept from my youth elpvXaELpqvll ~ ~ ~ j c hare I kept~ from my youth,~ what yet lack I ? n "Said 3to'hirn ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ If thou wilt be pcrtcct, b ' ~ q a o i r ~E , i T~XELO~ E&UI, $ n a y T L ~ X ~ U UOV r r ~V d ~ ~ ~ n ~ $ ~ i ~ ~ n 'Jesus, $ , If~ thou desirest perfect " , ~ t o be: go sell thy

The young

MATBAIOZ. a ~ n ~ r d v 20 A i y ~ t at+$ b .




h n c i p X o v r a xai 8bc h n r w x o i c , ~ a i lEeis Bqaavpdv Iv prorzrty and give t o [the: poor, and thou shalt have treasure in r c u : and come and follow me. 3 ~ u 'oirpav@.fl rai &;p0 airoXo36~r o t . 2 'Aio6aac.GB t p 2 b vecrviaros when the Young man hearen ; and come follow me. But'having 'heard 'the "young 'man hcard that saying he went awny eorro&ul: %AV X ~ Y O V " C i ~ j j X 6 ~' w V ? T O ~ ~ V O ~ &~.ZXOV X ;V rrrjpara for he had m a t poathe word went away grieved, he h a d Dposaession, saosiom.

R";'trCa>ur0o p h a l t and t h





'mnny. P Then maid Jew 23 '0.61 ' ~ ~ u o ~ lr x~c wroiS.paeqraic.atroZ, 'Apdv Xfyd i unto his disc~ples, Verily I say And Jesus said t o his disciples, Yerily I say hnto you That a rich man shali +iv, iiri, m 8 ~ U ~ r j & o S r7rX06?110c" E ~ Q E X E ~ Ueig~ r?)v P u U l E ~C ~ ~ ; d ~ < ~ to you, t h a t with difecOltp a rich man \ ~ shall enter into the kingzr R d agai? I q3y X ~ i a v 3 v o t p a v G v . 2 4 7 r 6 X t v . 8 i XQyw r ilpiv, net~o.rrDrepdva r t v i unto you, I t 1s easier dom of the heavens. Andngain I say toyon, easier is it fm a camel to go through the eye of a x c i p q h o w 8d T ~ V ~ I - ~ ~ ~ UaT O S o ~0 8 r ~ X 6 ~ i v , " ~ X o 6 i $i S needle, than for a rich a camel through [the] eye of a needle t o pass, t h a n a rich m i n $0 enter into the Hngdom of Qod. UloV P ;c' rr)v P a u l X E i a v qro; 6eoGU'~iaEX6Eiv." 25 ' A r o 6 a a v r e c 25 When his diiciples man into the kingdom of God t o enter. 'Haring dheard henrd at, they were amazed, I?? 0i.pa6qrai-~atroi)" bE~nXljauovro u$'68pa, X i y o v r f ~ , suving Who then can land [this] his disciples were astonished exceedingly, aaying, beaavhd 7 ?6 But Jesus and said Tic d a 66varai uu6jIvai ; 26 'EpPX.i$ac.8h b 'Iqooii~ unto them, With men Who nt e ! i able s t o be saved? But looking on [them] Jesu9 this is impossible; but things E ~ B E Vairroic, IIapd c i v 6 p h i r o t c r o i k o ciJ&vardvbarrv, rrapd.6i are gossible. said to them, With men this impossible is, but with QE+ t ~ & v r b v v a r c i " viar~v.n a God all things possible are. 27 T ~ T E A O K ~ ! ~ E ~ ~ & b nirpog ETTEV a t r ~'1806, Ijp~?c , h m , Behold, we have Then answering Peter said t o him, Lo, we left xapEw 7 r c i v r a rai ~roXou6$aapiv c o t . ri cipa f a r a t 4pTv ; we have therefore 7 all things and followed thee ; what then shall be t o us? :e m d :;: i; i 4 q <;sU: ' 28 ' O . 8 i . ' I q a o ~ g E ~ X E V t k o i g , 'Ap~jvX i y w hpiv, arc 6,ueic o i a unto you, That ye And Jesus said t o them, Verily I say t o you, t h a t ye who which have followed & K O X O V ~ ~ U ~ o t ,T hv~ rtj w n a X i y y ~ v ~ a i p ; Iiirav ra6iap pV ~ i hnre followed . me, in the regeneration, when shallsit down man shnll sit in the 6 y i b e roi, C ~ V ~ ~ L ~ K O~V i 6 p d v o u dd~qg.&iirroir, b Kff6iUa& throne of his glory, th 'On of man upon [the] throne of his glory, 'shall +sit ye also shall sit upon twelve throne^, judg- rai 7 l' biri d3Jera 6 p d v o v c , ~ o i v o v r e rr d g Gth8eka @vXdrc the tribes 'aiso $e on twelve thrones, judging the taelvo tribes of Israel. 29 And ereq- one that hath TO$ 'Icr a?& 29 rai ?rzg %g" ~ $ ~ K E V *oixiaS, 68eX$o6t, forsnken housea, or of Eracl. And every one who has left houses, or brothers. brethren or sisters (i8~$cic, ~ n r i o a , pqdpa, or fnthe;, or mother: ~VVUTKU," $;Kv~, or wife, or chi1dren.o~ or sisters, or f a t h k , or mother, or wife, or chilhen, or lands for my name's , sake. 'shall receive an a ~ 0 c k v ~ ~ ~ T i ~ ~ . ~~ ~ ~ V ~ ~ ~ T a ~ ~- a~ r O v ~ a ~ X a a i ~ v 6 ~ v Oi e ~ ~ o V , ' ' hundreAfold,nnd~shall l n d s , for the sake of my u m e . a hundredfold racra , , &a LTr. * i46Aata h 70;s t o t h e LTrA. i 06pavois (~tad this w o r d ) LA. m nAo6utoc GTT.A. P cioeAOtiv t o e r i t e r L[T~]. li rwv 0 6 ~ ~ v G vthe h e a v e n s LTTI.A. of -- s i u ~ h e e i v LTT A. ' a 6 r o s (read the d i s c i l d e s ) OLTTrAW. d v v a r i n & n aT. v durtv (read [;lreJ) G-LTTLAW. ) ~ a ~ i q ~ v c u L ? a h o i yout,selves Trr. Y Lusts 1.TTrAW. 5 T. oirclas .m A. -- 7 y v v a i ~ aLTT8.A. b 5 o i ~ i a o r h o u s e s TTIA. s C i v e ~ T, a d ;p03 tv61*a2df S . . aohhcrahcloiova Arj&erac many tlmes more shall r e c e i v e W r A .



,g .: ; w: :~~,",9:;~e,"~;~~~Sh"$


G& ~ h ~ ~ e t ~ 6 ~ , " , " t i

4" G

+ -

- -

.hall receive, '&hall 'he 6is 'the zkingdom
K U ~

~ W $ aihu~ov ~ X q p o v o p ~ u 30 .?roXXoi.Gb V ~~
life Lost, eternal nnd lnst shall inherit ;
but many
Or '

that a r e f i s t a h l l be



&Jovrair Oror i u ~ a r o tmi ~uxaroi , ?rpOro~.

*the 'heavens

t o "Oroia.Z&p ~ of henron ir~ 'li .a kingdom

agreed Fd with

hur~v4 pautX~ia rGv ofpavuiv dvep&xy oi~od~uxdrp,U T L ~l i k e u n t o a m ~ n ~ l ~ t r i * B

t o a man a mastor of a house, who workmen for went out withcthc] morning 'his.

~ E + ~ E vi p a

rppwi p~u8huauOalipyiiraE4 rbv &p7mmeZr;

to hire

I L ~ the labour* for a penny R day, hc sent them ijpipav, ~ T ~ U T E L X E Y ai~roi~c T;)v-& reXuiva.afroG. Q Kai into his rineyard. dw, he sent them into 6 s vineyurd. ~~d 3 And he wont out about the third hour TEpi f l ? ) ~ "rpirqv Lpav, 1 8 GXXovc ~uTGTcZS.and saw othcrs stand: ~~ .&l8&v having gone out about the third hour, he saw others. standing ing idle in the marketplace, 4 and said unto ~ lv r i iyop+ cifyoSc. 4 ~ r c i ~ e i v o i~ i"x e v ,'Y?rciyere rai them ; p o ye 81.0 into in the marketplace ~ d l e ; and to them he said, (to also the meyaud, and whatsoever is .right I 4[c~Tg i g dpr~X&ua, a ii-ldv p' Giratov GLuw 4piv. will give you. ~ n d ~ TAY ~ i into the vineyard, and whatever may he just I will give you they went their Way. 5 Again he went out y e t m$ 5 OL-OE drijXBov. TIriXrvh QEEXQAV repi ~ a about the ~ h t h i and And thcy went. Again hnving gone out about [tho] sixth and ninth hour, and did likewise. 6 And about 'iv~~a'rqv' Gpav, isoiqoev hua6rwg. 6 IT~pi-62T$V ivd~r&rqvho eleventh hour he t And about the eleventh went out, and found ninth hour, he did likewise.

a h r o ~ .e uv,u~r)+~uag.~i ruiv iplaruiv per&

And having agreed with the

~~~6i.&o&~d;; . 2 And when he

hvapiov r4v

workmcn for a denarlus

L ~ v

Li$pavU @EX~&V EV ~ U Oiuruirag 1dPY~6E,n X ~ Y E L ud 6 US ra,i

hour havirrggoneout h e i u n d others stand ye all the standing

idle, idYel

ahro'i~,Ti & d ~ ~ T ~ ) K OBXqv +tjv ~)'~dpav oi ; 7 & ITE cip

to them, Why here to him, Becsuse no one also ye into the 'hns 'hirod. He says t o thcm,

ahryi, "0r1 oitsei!:rjplig ip~uQLuaro. L ~ E L X ahroig, " Y r d y ~ r ~ jbeaztpntyt%

saith unto them,. standing w h y stand ye here idle? 7They XiYovu~vallthedayhim, Bocnnse unto They no man hath hubd u a and any8 vineynrd. and whnt~ o e y ~ M' right* that yc shall when even waq come, receive. GO


rni Gpeic EIS TAV d p r ~ X G v a "rai ii.ddv ,~

vineyard, receive. But eveuing being come Call

y' Giratov


and whateror may be 'says 'the 'lord 'of 'the the


#~cr8e." 8 'O#iac.Gi y ~ v ~ p Q vXiyet 6 rbp(oc 7-03 ( i p r e ~ u i ~ o lord qg the ~

6vincynrd P?Y

of the vine-


~lji.t~l~p6~y.nirroC, KdXt~ov roils bpy&rag,rai icx&?oc0a;to his steward, and

b~urern:andgivethom their hire, boginning them from the lnst unto the drE roigU rbvp~u86v,( i P ~ & p e v ~ b TOY ~oxa'rwy2wS TOY first. 9 And when [their] hire, beginning from the kst unto the hired came that were nbont the S ?rpDrwv. 9 P ~ a i bX6'6vreC" oi s ~ p i ju ~vde~drqv r lcrcnth hour, they reSelcvcnth ceived eveCV man first. And 'ha~ing'come 'thoae~hired]"about 'the penny. 10 But when Conv EXnpov &L*& bllvdo~ov. 10 qbX86vr~~.Gi'loi apOror the first came, t h q *&ur they received ench a dcnirius. And "hnving *come 'the 'first supposed should have received they ivci/ttuccv BTL r.lrX~iovaXlj+ovrat." rai 2,crpov s ~ a iaitroi more, and they likethey thought that more thcy would receive, and thcyr-ived also themsclvos wise 'I'ec~ived b r e r f man a nny. l1 And dvd ~ ~ ~ Y & o L 11 .hnp6vr~~.di ov ~ ~y6yyv<ov rard 70; when t E y had receireach a dedrius. And hnving rcceived [it] they murmured against the ed at the mumured agnil;.t t i e goodman oi~odear6rov, 12 hiyovreg, '"On%6roi oi i q a r o r piav of the house, 12 snym ~ s t e of the house. r aajing, These lsat one ing. Theso last hare wrought but one hour, Cpav hroiquav, rrai iuovr: 'ipTv d r o i r s V i * o i q u a ~ , rois aud thou hast hbur have worked, and 'equal ' t o "us %hem 'thou 'hnst 'made, who them equal unto ns, which have borne the /3aur&unoiv~b /%peg ipEpag rai r i v ka6uwva." 13 6-81 burdenand heat of the hsvo borne the burden of the day and the heat. But he drry. 13 But he nn@

e g

drrorpL8eic x~l.lrevivi a i r u i ~ 'Emipe, ofr.ciGr~3 as. oir~i ,~


I~ a~ K ~ ~ V O L C i TA. GLlTrAW. h 62 and (ag;kin) TT~A. 1 i v i r q y LlTrA 1 hpyoiic Q 1 , r P r ~ . m [pou] my ( v ~ l ~ e y s r L. ) d crab b i k v 8ixalov h<$euee LTTrA. 0 ~[Trn]. P IAOjv~cr L. 62 9 ~ a ' iA8o'vres T r l L c '*k?ov A 4 ~ J l o v m r LTrA ; whclova A4pJlovrar T. 7 b ( [ r b ] A) d8.d iqv&tov ~ aa i o i TTrA. h EIT( L ~ T ~ [ A ] v a 6 r o k jpiv LT. . ;(recld hast thou made, &c. 1) L, a i v i &?&v t ~ r t l?. v

-e v (read [the]) - opav


said t o one of them,

Friend, I do not wrong thee.

JSot thee no wrong : didst

~ ~ ~ m ~ i ~





not thou w e ~ 7 ~ ~ p l ouvve$~vqudc p o t ; 14 Jpov rb-obv real v me for a T y ? lfor a *denarias 'didst 'thou 'agree $with me? 14 Take that t ine is Take thine own and and go thy way : I wili Graye. BiXw.y8il1ro6rr ry" 6axdry GoZvai rai .uoia l 5 ziju give unto thia last, eTen as untothee, 1s I~ B e O But I ?U $0 this Is% gve an also to thee: or it not la* for me oljk.t~euriv pot a r ~ ~ j j u a t ehXwI1 6v roic 8 itLoiC;bejb ~ i s l l is i t not ~ ~ for me t o do what I will in that which [is] mine? t ~ ~ lawful rovqpd~ hariv Sri 6 & ciya86~ eipi; 16 oi;rwC eye evil bepause I am b.b~6nXpdc.uou good \G SO the last *thine aeye *evil 'n because i good am? Thu~ sh'all be first and the fist last: for)manybe ~uovrai iuxarol r @ h o i , oi oi r p L k 0 i tuxarot. croh\oi.y+ called, but few&oaen, shall be the. last first, and the first last: for many


aiuiv ~Xqroi,bAiyoi.86 6rXerroi.I~

are called. but few chosen. And 'going 'up 'Jesus to Jerusalem took the twelve disciples aqnrt in the way, and Gh8erea Lpa6qr&c11 rar'.i6itrv %v r@d8$, reqil'd?rcv abroic, maid unto go ,$ 18 Be- the twelve hold we them to Jedisciples apart in the way, and said to them, msaiem ; a n d the Son 18 '1806,civapaivo~~v 'I~poadXupa, rai b vibc 705 LvephBehold, we go up to Jerusrrlem, and the Son of man priests and unto the rou rapaSoB$aarai roic cip~~epe3u~v ypapparairuiv, rai rai ecribes and they shall will be delivered up to the chief priests and scribes, and oondenh him to death 19 and shall delive; KaTaK L Y O ~ ~ L Y airrbv f8avdry,1' 19 rai rapa6~uouu~v atrbv him to the Gentiles to they wig condemn him to death, and they will deliver up him mock and to scourge and io crucify* him; roic i8veucv 1 ri) hprai5ai rai pauriy3uai rai arnvp~uai* ~ and the third day he to the Qentiles to mock and to scourge and to crucify; &all rise agam.

l7 Jesus going up to Jerusalem took

17 Kn1 fivapaivwv d '

'IepoudXvpa raplXapov




rai rp"r irp )jpipg gAvaunjuera~II

day came he will rise again.

20 Then came to him the mother of Zebedee's children with her rons, worshippiug him, and desiring a certain thing of him. h And he ssid unto her, What wilt thou? She saith -to hirn, ~~~~t that

and the tfird Then

20 Tdre npouijX6ev aljr$

4 pfirqp r3v v13v ZeP~Gaiou per&

of Zebedee with

t o him the mother of the sons

aitro5. ri)v-ui3v.aljnjSr oul~~voirua airoiraoi ri hrap'" rai her sons, ' &ing homage and asking something from him. 21 b - ~ iElTEv . T i 6;Xeic; A ~ Y Eahr@, E~TI'Iva L And he said t o her, What dost thou desire? Shesays to him, Say that

~ t ~ J ra&uwuiv io5ro~llo'i~ ~ ~~ O U : ~ " , ~ " ~ 860 uioi e d~ E~FiSv.~uou~ i ~a ri;ht haha, azld the 'may %it 'these 'two *sons my ono on thy right hand and one other On the left in bg etiwv6pwv1 bv rp'.pauiAeig.aov. 22 'Arorep~Beic.8.ib thy kingdom. 22 but But answering Jesus answered and On Ethyl left in thy kingdom. ir~ said, y e h o w not ' ~ ~ u oelnev, Oirr.oi8are ri aireiuBa. JirvauOe rieiv rb what to drink Are+ ee Jesus ye aak, of , g said, Ye know not what ye ask for. d r e ye able to drink the cup thnt I shall drink ~ O T ~ P I O Y iY& piAXo rive~v, "rai rb pd~rtupa 8 hy& which I am about to drink, and 'the ebaptism "which 'I cup of and to be baptized H{th the baptism that I am baptized with? famriropat parnu~$vai;I' AQrovuiv n h @ , AUvh~ ~ < am tobaptized ["with] Ito 'be ,'baptized " ~ ~ ['with]? ~ They ~ him, ~ e are to W ~

riU6, 8aith unto them, Ye pe8a. 23 n g ~ iMyel abroic, T,d psv r o f ~ p i d p021 " v shall drink indeed of able. And he says to them, =Indeed 'cup my ye shall drinY, my cup and be b a p tized wiih the baptism, O~aird p d ~ r t b p 8 6 & pa~riropal ~ T T ~ U ~ U E U ~ E " ' that I am baptized. and the am baptized [with] ye shall be baptised baptfsm which with : but to sit on rb.8i.ra6iua~ k ~ L ~ L & J . ou ~ a i E ~ w u ~ / ~ w v . 06s o v " ~~ my right hand, and on my loft is not mine [with] ; bui to sit on my right !n ad and on my left 'no t to give 'but it shall be dthem for whom h ~ i ipbvq 8 0 5 & M ) ~ ~ ;olc v ~ ~ 1.jroipauiai 3rd r03 t is prepared of my 'is mine to give, but [tothose] for whom'lt haa been prepared by


n o M o i &p LlTrA. ?<k Odvt170v T. B dyepOiue7ab he shah be raised mm. i [ O ~ T OL. ] L uoo ~ a7b f i d n ~ i u p a , i (read [thy] right hand) LT. L uov thy (left) G L ~ A ~ . m r a i LTTrA. K a b rb p d r r ~ t u p a iyi, S b hyh Panricopar, ,9an.rruO~va~ GLTT~A. P uov (read [my]left) m r a s o i ~ this o B a n ~ i { o p a ~ a n ~ r u 9 + ~ k c rQ e ~ A . BL

- G& but

4 LRLA].,

, L

26O~AO R T A ] .

O L ~ ~ L ~ CA U ~


Tf..,, LTrA. , an

K d (V

(is not mine) TA,


my Father. about the two 'them And brothers.

ol 6 i i a Ijynva'rn]aav Father.
were indignant L3him] 3aving called 'to

S4 And when

Imrpdcpov. 24 rKai droGaavrec"

having heard [this] the ten

repi r(;rv 660 ~ ~ E X $ G26 .6-6i.'IVaoirSxpoaraXeaa'p~vo~ Y airro6~ dx&v, Oi8ara h i oi

said, Ye knowthat the over them,

But Jesus


the ten heardwith inthey were moved dimation against the

bov&v rararvp[e60vV
exercise lordship them.


of the natims

minionoverthem,and ~ they that are grcat exercise authority npon oijrw~ '6$" 'kmt" 6piv' &X' ac.vidvll &Xg them. 26 But i t shall thus however shall it be among. you ; but whoever would among not be 80 among You : but whosoever will be 6ti7v11pbyag y~v6&at, '{UTW" p G ~ ~ ( ~ K O Y O27 rni Gc-y$civ'lgreat among TO", let 6 ~ S' you great become, let him be your servant ; and whoevhim be your n~lnlster 27 and whosoever wilt 86Xp h 6 p i ~ v elvat ~ T ~ G T o ~ , 6jpGv 80GXoc' . 2 8 wancp be chief among you, Zga~w" would among you be first, let him be your bondman ; even as let him be your serTant : 28 even as the 6 vibp roir c i v 9 p D ~ 0 ~ oirr.jjX0ev J L ~ K O Y V ~ &XXd 8larovij- son of man came not ~~V~L, the Son of man . came not to be served, but to serve, to be ministered unto, but to minister, and t o aai rai doijwai njv.$vXtjv.abro~ X6rpov dvri 7roXXGv. give his life a ransom his lite a r m s o m for many. for many. and to give 29 from they de29 Kdi irxopevopbvwv a6rGv dxb " I e p i ~ ;?)roXo66qaelr putedAnd ssJericho, a ~ And as 'were 3going 'oat 'they from Jericho 'followed great multitudG folr a 0 i r ~ v o llowed him. 30 And a t r @ ;&hog 7roh6g. 30 rai i606, 660 m$Xoi And behold, two blind [men] sitting 'him ' crowd 'great. s ~apd bdbv, ~ K ~ ~ U ~ V T E E 8rt 'Iqaocg xapci~ec [rpa&v, side, when they heard is passing by cried out, by* b i d e the way, having heard that Jesus saSing, Uyovre~, b'Ehbrluov* B p , tdpt~,' cuibcll "Aapi6.u 31 '01.5xXoh.~ g nb r ;o2 ; . O; saying, Have pity on ua, Lord, Son of David. But the crowd vid. 31 And the mulhaeripguav'a6roig h a atwsrjawutv. oi.62 'irpa- titude rebuked them rebuked them that they should be silent. But they the more cried because they Should hold their peace. but ~ o Y , "~ b Y ~ ~ *'EXitlaov jjpzc, ~ 6 p t & , '21ibg" dAapi8il. r&S, " Kai they cried t h e rhore, Out, aoying, Have pity on us, Lord, Sod of David. And Saying Have mercy on U 6 Lord thou son 6 'Iqaozc ~$hvqa&v abroCg, E ~ T E V ,Ti 9dXere of ~ d v i d . 3i And Jebsriag stopped, Jesua called them, and said, What do ye desire susstoodstill, andcalled thcm and said 6 noijaw 6piv ; 33 Abyovlli~ a&r$, KGpie, ' l ~ a & ~ 0 ~ X w h~t ~ l ~ " thnt i h 8 a wiu ye I should do to you ? Theysay tohim, Lord, that *my'bc5opened shall do unto you? 33 They sny unto him, qP3v oi bf9aXpoi.D 34 ZxXay~vta0eic-bd6 ' l q ~ 0 5 c +,bar0 Lord, that our eyes 'our eyes. And moved with compassion Jesus touched may be opened. 34 So

utv airrav, rai oi p~ydkot~ a ~ ~ t ; o v u i a ' ~ oabrGv. vutv

and the great ones exercise authority over

26 o 6 xot


andsaid, Yeknow


~~~~~~ triby&d g$
"F:\ ,

E ;



~ ~ their eyes : and immediatily their eyes ? 9 a ~ p o i , ~ ~ jroXo69qaav airryi. rai received sight, and eyes, and they followed him. tbey followed him. Kai bre 4yyiuav sic ' l e oubhvpa rai @BOYeig Bqe- XYI. Andwhon they And when they drewnear to Skusalem and came to Beth- drcw nigh unto Jerusalem, and were come $ a d m r p b c " 7b 8poc r3v hXalGv, r6ra U b L " I q u ~ f i ~ cialaretXev t o Bethphage, unto the mount of Olives then @age towards the mount of Olives, then Jesus sent sent Jesus two tdisci6 o paeqrcig, 2 XQywva6roic, 0110p~68qr~~~ ~ h p q v v p l e ~ , 2 saying unto C eis njv d them, Go into the viltwo disciples, aaying to.them, Go into the village, that lage over against you, hinbvavn" 6pi)v, rai qeir9bwg" e&pi]aere Bvov 6&6epbvqv, a and straightway ye ~ i opposite you, and immediately ye wiU find a n ass tied, and shnll find an ass tied, and a colt with her: zGXov pei a&rijc* X6aavrag raciy(iyerb'l pot. 3 rai lciv loose them, and brin a colt with her ; having loosed [them] bring [them] to me. And if them unto me. 3 An$ theiq eyes ; and immediately f eceived bight? 'their

rGu kd$9aXpGv~~.a6r2v. ~

a ~CtlLwc civ6/3Xe$av la6rGv oi ~ i


r drtov'r~av~e$8? TA. 8 OLTTrA. ; h i v is it LTr. ;v LTr. SpGv of YOU L i m a r he shall be LMA. 7 bv LTTrA. G U T ~ L he shall be LTTT. .'Ieperx& T. b K6pte1 iAiquov $pis LTrA ; ~ 6 p r T. e c via LT. A a v S QW ;,Aavcls LTTrA. ircpatav LTTrA. Kipre, ihe'quov $ p i s L ~ A . 8 ['iva] that LA. h avoryourv LTTTA. i oi b+O&& qpwv LTT~A. L bppi~ov LMA. 1 - a h G v oi ZHpedpoi LTTrA. m eis.tq L T R ~ i r. 0 nopriou8c LTTrA. P rativav~b LTTr. cir83s l . i y e ~ 1,Trb. ' k




them i and mafghtway hewillmnd thcm. done, 4 AU this war that it m h t filLLbd w " '0 Pken by the prophet, u r i n e b Tel r e the d a u g h b of Sion, ~ e h o l dthy ~ i n oom, g eth untq thee, meek and dttlng nPon an ssa and s colt the foal of h au. 6 a n d the *d laanant, and did no wmmmded them, 7 nnd brought the nan and the colt, m d pui on them their clothos and the set him t h k o n . 8 A d a



% h ~ i w ~ ~tdroare\ei" atroirg. 4 a8Xovw .bi he ~ottbt arm yovav 'h nXqpw8f rb hbtlelv dd roir npoqnjrnv, to p. that might b hllbllod tbL w W h w r l p o h . t* propha, Xhyovro~, Elnare 6 Bvyarpl ELPu, '1804, b&aiXeitcauu t% o daughter of #ion, Behold, ttq king Say ring^ ipxeral ~ Q?rpaScv ~ a i U J, iAl~/3qICh~ Gvov xal wcjXov Inl w p e s t o thoe, meek and mounted on sn ur md a colt [the) vihV &?racv iov. 6 n E V ~ ~ Y T E 01. pn&1rai, rni ~roi$aavo C ~ ~





gu n



t orbw&=

Ant** %hem


'tb bir*p1(11,




ra0Ac x?rpoaBra~evU ahroic d 'Iqaoirc,




7 qyayov r ~ j v
thop brought the


dvov rai rbv ~LjXov, b?r88qrcav ~ ~ n c i ~ ~ w ~ a t r 3 v rai rd iphria us and the colt, and put upon them 'garmsntr zatrOv,u real a b . ~ r ~ ~ d 8brhvw"atrBv. 8 6.62 +i'oroc h " , ~ r ~ ~i a ~ ~ ~ ~
'their, and he snt on them. And the greater part [of the]

$~',","&,"!~ X o ~ 6x rarpwaav iavr5v 7d ipf ria b rp" hay', bXXoi.62 v

themin followed, cried, down branchon from the ing, Hosanna blesacd dB$. Davia: to 9 0i.62 txh01 0i

in the way ; others cut


. 9And





garments on tire wry, aqd others werecutting


rov rXd60vg d r h rOv 6bv6pwv rai bimphwuovll iv trees and were ntrewing [them] on the ? r p ~ C i y o v an;~ ~ ~ K O X O V ~ O ~ M E ~ r ~ 0i

$ h t cometh in the name ofthe Lord. ~ M I M the high! in ~ when he. L war c o w into Jerusnlem the m d e d oa ing, h o ir this? i l g n d the m d titnde mid This L J w the 'rophot of ~ ~-thoP~.lila
( I

Ecp~lcov, X Q Y o w ~ g*Qaavvd r $ vi y" aAaj3iS.J' , etXo qpQvo~ were crying out, uying, E o u n n a to tU h n of D a M ; bxud b bpxdpevoc i v bvdpdlri mpiov0 'Qaavvd b roic v

And the crowd. those going before

m d those


m] who he

oomed And

in [the] name
m he entered

of [the] Lord. into

Hoarnna i n



10 Kai eia~X8dvrog.ahroireic ' I EoadXvpa bgia&)

feruaulem %ss 'moved *city,

rtiaa ,j nAcc, Xiyovaa, Tic Iarrr 06roc; 11 Oi.64 dxXoc



OV, M&,




'Iq~pirgd ?rpo$$n]~,' d 6 r b 'NaJthe prophet, hewho[b] from Nr

cic rb lepbv %oii 8eo3,fl rcal



And the crow&

Ccrpl'ifl njg I'aXiXaiac,

rueth of Galileo.

12 Kai eiaijX8ev g6"Iqaoirr

unto written, My 'houne shall be called the housa of praycr ' but r e hare made it b den of tbicr-. 14 And the blihd and the lame meto him in the temple ; and he healed them, l5 And when the c\ief priests and w r i h ~ a w wonthe

13 And Jem8 went And 'entered 'JWU into the temple of God, and mtothctempleofGod1 b&$PaXev ?rhwac ro&c s ~ X o i r v ~ a c 6yopciCovraS v r(r" rai m d cast out all them that sold bought o=t oat rellfng and buying in the in the temple and hp$, rai rdc rpa?rkfa$ r3v roMv/3tsrcjv kariarpe$ev, rai 0VerthI'e~the 'tebler bbla O the money ohangem he orerthrew, -and f themoneychangcrs, temple, and the and the sears of them rdc ~aeh6~ac A O ~ O ~ W W YrhC ~ e p i ~ r e p d ~rai Xfyec 13 . that nold dorea 18 and the It L eats of those selling the doves. And he s a p

t thm,' It h u L n mitten, o
called ;

ahfoig aerai'

I'iY a ~ r a r , ' O . O : K ~ ~ . ~ O V ?rpoaevxijg CA&O ~ K O ~

My house, h m made a houm a den of prayer of robbers. it

eh11 And he healed 'wrilma

d ri~6d atrbv
t a t ye

i 8 ? r ~ t $ a ~ ~? 'n i X aXpar3v. 14 Kni ~ t l~

npoatjX00v ahry" n, Xoi rai ywXoi b rq'j irpy", real v

*came Zo'him ' b k d land 'lame in the temple, and
UEY atr01;c.



16 ' l d d ~ r ~ ~oi b d p x i e p ~ i crai oi ypapparsig . i

But ' w i n g 'thenchief 'priests 'and 'the
-L 6Aov L m r A

A. W ink on LTP~A. WV~TC$CV did direot LTrA. 1 in' LlTrA. B [ ~ f r r r ~ . a~ineclbOroav they set [him] r. b i u v p w a v strewed T. 8 a6rbv him LTTrA. d Aavi8 O W ; Aavei8 L ~ A . b rpo$?j~c 'Iquo3r L m r & 2 Na<apiO ELTTIAW.' C 6 LTl'rA. roC L Beoi L T ~ , j rotrtra r~urke n r k

citf3br mr.

* &noar6Mrc he sends 0.

- a;.rSv - a


B1 A T T H E IV.


d ~ r f thinss t h a t ~1 the ~ron,derw whi8:h he l\.rought, and the children crying i n the crying in the c"i1dr6n (lid, lLnd the temple, ~ a ~ X Q y o v '[;2ua~~vd v;$ 'ba/3is," 4yavct~rqaav, and safinfi, Hosnuns ra~, r@ teluplc, and saying, Hosnnna to the Son bf David, they wereindignant, l(3 kai '"~1.rrovll C T I ? , ' A K O ~ E LoBroi hhyovarv; '0.61.'Itl- plensed, 16 and said ~ ri ~ and said t o him, Rearest thou what these say? And Je- untoh~m,Hewcst thou what thcse say? And ardpa- Jesus saith unto them, ~ 0 f i ~ a6roiS, Nai. o6bknore (iv6yvwre, "Ori -;K XQYet 'did "ye read, Out of [the] mouth Yea i Ye never sus snys to them, Yea;, %ever rend, Out of the mouth TOE uq7ri,ov rai OqXac6vrwv rarrlpriaw a:?~ov; 17 Kai of babes and suckof bnbes and sucklings thon hnet perfected praise? ~~d linga thou hnst pcrfected prnise? 17 And rrcmXiT&v atroirg h<ijXB~v iEw rGg T ~ X E W Ee i ~ BtlBa~iav,.rai he left them,andwcnt h%vingleft them he went out of the city to Bethany, a ~ ~ d of the city into out Bethany ;and he lodgqhhiaeq h ~ ~ i . ed there. passed the night there. I8 Now i n the morn18 nITpwiac11.86 O f . l r a ~ c i ~ ~ vrr)v ?rdXtv bxeivad~v i n f i " ~ h e r e t u r n c d i u t * EIS ' ~ Now early in the morning comiug back into the citr he hungered)I theAnd when he saw e 19 he 19 rai i 8 & ~ avrtjv pinv i n ; rijg 66oir, $X&v in' a k h v , rai fig tree i n the way, he it, and nothing it, and found to thereon, b u t 'and seeing 'fig-trce :one by the may, he came t o 0G6iv E ~ P E V aLrp" ei-plj +a hv p6volr. rai Xiyet atr$, leaves only, and said nothing found on it except leaves only. And he says t o it, grow on Let no *mit thee henco-

r& Bnrt/cciatn c9 d ~ n i ~ arni ~ r , nai8ac krpcicovrrcc iv rc; ~ roAc

~'c~~~ ~ o l f C 3 v ~ ~ s ~

p ?dllr.hi hr aofi rapnbg ykvvrai eig Hevermore of thee fruit let there be for

And present1 the fig tree withere$nwny. 20 And nnpaxpGpa ?j U V I : ~ . Kai i86vreg oi paeqrai iBa6paaav, when the disci les saw 20 'immeaintely 'the 3fig-tree, And seeing [it] the disciples wonderod, i t , the mar veJed, saying IPov saon i~ t h e Xiyovreg, n 2 g napn~p,?pa LF~pcivOqI j a v ~ i j 21 'Axorpt0qi~f i g ~ r e e ~ i t h e r c d a w a ~ l ; snying, How immodiately isdriedup the flg-tree l 'Answering 21 JOsus answered nud said unto them, Verily 61 S 'Iqaoirg elmv atroic, 'Apljv XiYw &piu, !dv i x q r ~ ?riurtv, I say U U ~ O e 'and Jcllus said to them, Yerily, I say t o you, If ye have faith, have faith, a n d douet not, ye shall not only ra! p ~ . b t a r p t ~ ~ 06 , p6vov T A re T ~ S 0vkG~ n o l l j u ~ r ~ , this which is done do the[mirnole]of the fig-tree ahall ye do, t o the fig tree, but also and do not doubt, not only if ye shnll sn cSXXdr rdv r$.dpei.ro6ry ei-/nlr~, *ApOqri rai pbjOqr4 thismountain but even if to this mountain yc should say, Be thou taken away andbethoucast removed, and'be thou 22 rai ~ c i v r aGanqAvI1.shall be done. sea' it the 22 And rig rr)v 6ciXaaanv, yevijaerai. into the sea, i t shall come t o pass. And a l l things what4oever a l l t h i ~ swhatsoever , ainjaqre i v q T ~ O O E T ~, U T~E, ~ O V '~xE6~#,~ ~ 6 . ! ' j V ~ e shall ask in prayer, L!ieving, ye ahall fa believing, ye shall receive. ye mny ask i n prayer,, ceire. 23 And when he WM 23 Kai 'iXO6vri.a&r(jlleic rb iepbv rrpou,?hOov a f r $ come into the temple, on his coming into the temple there came u p t o him, [when] the chief And ever. h n d 4dried sup

rbu:aiGva. Kai iErlp&veq forward for ever.

Gi6ciarovri oi cip,ylepfig 'tai oi . r r ~ ~ a p b r eroCi Xaofi, Xlyov~o

teaching, tho chief priests and the elden of tho people,

say- he teaching, and ~ 0 t E ;i rai rig uoi iswrev 77jv saidp BY what autho~ T E E ,'Ev noip iEova;p rai,ra r i t y doest thou these ing, By whkt authority thcse thinga.doest thou? and who t o thee gnve things ? and who ~,$ovainv.ra6rqv 24 'AnoreptB~ic.'8b'~ '1qao4~' ~ X E V ; .h E a&ro'ig, thee this authority? And answerzng Jesus said t o them, 24 And Jesus answered this authority ? and said unto them, I 'Epwr;law 6p;g K;$ X6yov k!va, 6v Qdrv i7rgri pot, rciyA nlsowill ask you one 'Will 4ask 'you '12also ?thing *oue, which if ye tell me, I also thing 'in like if Ye will me I which wise 6piv f v noip hfovaig raijra ?rot;. 25 rb pcinrtapa teliyoubywhntruthoto you will say by what authority these things I do. ~h~ baptism rity I do these thinge. 25 The baptism of '1wciv.vov n68ev qv ; 6 F odpavoC, bg civephxwv ; J O ~ U whence was i t ? of John, whence was i t ? from heaven, or from men P from' hoaven, or of m e n ? And they reaOi.66 GieXoyi~qvro iavroig, X l y o v r ~ ~ , 'EdV ei7rw- sonedwiththemselves And they reasoned with themselves, saying, l we should saying, If we s h a d nay, From heavon ; he prv, 'Er otipavoir, $piu, xAtarill o h 0 6 r - 6 ~ t a r ~ ~ uw?.llls~y us, w h y arr 'ay, From heavep, he will any to us, Why then did ye not believe did ye not then bo-

$ ~ ~ ~ $ ~


anput mr.

+ TOGS ( r e d who were) LTTrA.


Inavayay&v LTA. a i,Wdvsog ai~roc LTTr. r3- bi and L

+ Oi,LT[A]. + ~b that LTTrA.

l Aavt8 G W ; haveis ~ m r - 4 .

m CT~UV LTTIA. ihv Tr. r hlip+evec L v r q . W iv among L h 6 b i si LTTrL




we shall li-h'm? say SBut afr@; 26 Ictv.62 eirwpev, 'El ivOp&rwv, qjo/306p&Ia ~ b o men f if but if we should any, From men, we fcar the w e a r the A p l e ;foi -? hold ~ o h n = pro- 8 Xov* rdvre~.ydpGxovutv r6v *I~Civvqv a rpo$firqv.l phet. 27 thep an; for all hold Johri as aprophet. swered Jesw, andsaid We - p o t telL h d 27 Kai BrorrptOivrec r@'Iquoir aelrov,n Ofrr.oi&tpev. 'E$q Neither unto them, he said tell I you by And w w e g ' J e s u they a d , We know not. 'Said


what authority I do them thin28 But wl!rrt think ye? A certazn man had two sons and he ceme t o the $rat, and a d , son, work to anyin mp vmmyard. 29 He answered and said I not: but aft&ward he repented, and WC-t 30 And he came to,' ;be 8econd, and u l d llkowise. And he anawered and said, I sir : and went not. P ~ h c t h e r them of

%.them *a&

a6rqiC rrai atrbc, Of62 b & X6 w 6p;v Qv roiq .&(ovui~

'he, Neither



by what


them things I do, 'two, and

rairra rot;. 28 TL6d 6piv.Borrei; tivOpwrocaslxev brQma

But what think P?

a mm

had :children go

660,N c ~ a i ~ p o u e X B A v rqi ?rp&ry elrev, Tiwov) #rays

having come t o the


he mid,


u h p ~ ~ ipydlov)bv r ( i i . ~ p ? r E X ~ ~ i . ~ p o ~ . ~ hrorrpleei~. ov 29 '0.62

to-day work my rinepud. And he answering

eln'sv, 03.9jlXw' ih~pov.e6l" erap~XqOeic&rijXgv.30 lXai


I will not ; but 8fbxwuC f a r i n g repeated

second and
he mid went not. likewise.

he went.


rpouehe&vn T$ e 6 ~ ~ f i pelrev cbaa6rwc. 6-68 d ~ o ~ p t e ~ l c ~ll

haring come t o the h a h e answuing did

irzt:2 7thht.R,"; 'E1ko1, air, elrev, G, unto him, The first. said,
Verilysnith unto them UEV unto you; Jesus I

rai O ~ L & ~ $ X ~ E 31 Tic brr rGv 660 broivY. ~ a r p d c ; ~ ~ O V U lL V~ $ , "' 0 ?rpGroc.' A h ~f l

Which of the two

rb 8iXq a


That th0 the w i l t of the fathorr They .ay t o Mm. me h. t ~ n ~ ~ ~ Ahysta afroiE b 'IquoZc, ' ~ p l )Xiyw $CV, 6 r ~ reXGvat rrai t o ~ v oi before you. 'Says %'them 'Jesus, Verily I say to you, thrrtthe tax-gathemnand John came unto pou ai nbpval ~po6yovutv6p6c eic ??)V pauixeiav TO^ 8~03, in the way of rlghteousness and ye be- the harlots go before you into the Lingdom of God. lieved him not : but 32, @ g ~ v . ~ dkp r p d ~ 6pZc 'Iwhvvqc" &v ? bay" 6t~atodtqC, ~r~~~~~ B r 'came o 'to you 'John in way of rightemanem, and ye, when ye h d rrai of~~:.drtu.re6unm afr$, oi.64 ~ ~ X c h axai ai rdpvab i ~ & ~ ~ ~ n$ eand ~ did'not believe p ~ p' him,. but the tar-gathm and tbm harlotr might be&ve him. briur~vuav afr@.@Qs.& i6dvrec 'ohb- erepeX$9qre iiurepov believed him ; but ~e hsvIng leen &not repent &a'WUdr 705 TIUT&UCLL it f T($ to believe him. ss Hear pa33 *AXXqv ?rapa/3oX?jv iirroiruare. I'AvO oadc mricn ?/v A 'certain there m 8 rable : There waa a Another parable hear,


$ :



i t

and hedged it a master of a house, who planted a vineyrub, and 'a 'fence 'it rounb about, anddigrrai Xqvdv, rai 3~066~ U E P ged a winepress in i t a~pib~qrc~v, 6pvlev Iv atr$.a w i n c p r , and ,a built a tower,anJ 'placed Paboutl and dog h it b& let i t out to husband- ?r;pYbV,rrai nb(hJorofi afr6v ewpyoi~, rrai cine6fipquev. men and went into a ; : and a tower, u*t let out it toKusbanamen, and left the countn. when the time of the 34 cre.83 tjyytaev d xatpdc r&v rraprGv, (iriuretXev ~ 0 And when drew mar the -on oi the fruits, he sent the hu?ban<Imep., that 606Xov~afroC aphcroirc yewpyodc Xcv@eiv rotr~xapn06c.afroii. they mlght receive the hi" bondmcn to the hwbandmen to receive his fruits. fruits of It 35 And Xapdwe~ oi y~wpoi roir~.~o6Xov~.aCroZ, sv-pav the husbandmen took 35 ~ a i his smants, 8n(l beat And 'having a a b n 'the %usbanLen his bondmen, one one and killed nnothlr, nnd stoned an- $&tpav, 6v.62 ci?rfmetvav, iiv.63 bXt9opdXqaav. 36 rdhtv other. 36 Again, he they peat, andanother they killed, and another they atoned. Again scnt other seivnnta more than the first : &n'&sr~th~v BXXovc 606Xov~ rheiovac r6jv T P ~ T W V ~ abroiq, i and they did unto he sent other bondmen more than the first, and thg

Ol I K~O ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~' S 6uric~~ $ ~ T E Zdpr~lGva, $paypbv afr@ E T ,& ~ U E V rrai

3 ~

repe~lt) ;oGL8il A. LTr

afterws~ds [obeyed] L T ~ .

+ ~ (read s 'hbyv efrrav - &L man) L -r a rB &lpyother pov (read the vineyard)7m a certainbut [LIT. tlrpoueA8&v 82 Lmr~. - LTl'rA. Gmpw he who
r &c rrpo+iqv Z x w u r v




b 860 re'xva L.


GTAW. k ' I w d v y s rrpb;

7r; QLlTrAW.

itpar LW a iC18am TA.

I &di


(I.& drd neither


MATTHEW. aav a i t r o i ~ &an;/rwg. 37 i;ar~~ov.8i cirQareiXevrpbg ahroilg

t o thclu in like nlnnuer. his sou, saying, And a t last he scut to thcm' my non.

themlikewipe. 37 B1lt l"stof 'l1 them his hour sajing.

k k . u i d v . a ~ r o ~ ,Xfywv,

the husbRnllmen saw the mu, they said aBut thc hu,baud~ncu sccing thc son said among theniaelrcs, This D'ong tlLelllselves~ T1lis is the heir ; come, let & ~ r i v ~ ; \ , ~ p o v 6 ~ o g ' S T ECi7ro~reivwpevntrdu, sal 'mrci- us kill him, and let us d ~E , come, let us kill him, and 6eize on his inheritis the heir ; ance. 39 And they uXOPe~'" J ~ V . K ~ ~ ~ O V 39 ~ ~ ~ a p-6 ~ r ~ acirdv caught him, and cast T O Kail X ~ ~ ~ T O ~ . s srs.~on of his inheritance. h d having taken him him ont of the vineyxrd, and slew Aim. i~t$cZXolJ :<W TO: C ~ ~ X E X G 6 7 r~bK ~~~~ l ~ a ~ .o6v 40 When the lord VO ~ 40 ijrolv thex cast [him] oot of the vineyard and killcd [him]. When therefore therefore of the n n e ard comnth, what will i18g K ; ' ~ L OO ; dlpreXGvog, 7i T O L ~ ~ U E7075 y~wpyoig e do unto those husT S L ahnll come the lord of t l ~ e vineyard, what will he do 'husbandmen b a n d ~ e n ? They say 41 i s ~ i v o [ g.41 Aiyouutv atrc;, ~ a s o i ! ~ ~arcSg cirohiaec a n t o him, He will mi; serably destroy 'to 'those ? They say to him, Evil [men] l miserably he will destroy wicked men, and will vine~a let airrohg, m rdv d p x ~ X 6 v a Pd~86aerai'~ i &hXoic yewpyoig, untoout 11th husband-r d other them, and the vineyard he will let out t o other huabandmen, men, which shall renThey will have respect for


~ i ) l t . ~ i i ) v . ~They. will But when o~ reverence my son. 38

35 Oi-bi yewpyol i86vreg r d v ' u i i ) ~ e27rov dv

inuroTg, 05rdc

O ; ' T L V EC ~ ~ ~ O ~ ( ; ~ O UaUt r @r0i)g lcaproifg i v roTg.~aipo7~-abrGv.~~ii,",~a,",","s.f~~J","s~ ~ LV

who 'Says will rcndcr =to 'then to hi111 the 'Jcsus, .rejected fruits in their se;rsons. in =build, the saith unto them, Did

42 AEyel aciroig 6 'lrlaoiig, Oh8irore-6viyvwre ;v ralc ypaDid pc ncver rcad 'those 'who

~~ri~~~~s,r~~ei~,, scrip- ,,hi,h the builders

*.he is bccome the head of the corner : this is the and it is marvellous in onr eyes? 43 Therefore say I unto g d 'J!&y~d;;~:i from you, and given

is bccome

lliJov;v Cire8o~ipaoav oi ywviag' rap&


tures, [The] stone which

ohco8opo3vre~, t\is o5rog


iy~vj8)l i g ~ r:$nXtjv
and i t is wondcrf~!l in

of [the] corncr : from [thq] Lord our eyes?

rvpiov iybvero a this,, hq

Becnuse of this

~ a Eariv 0nvpacrr)j dv 6$8aXpo7g-GpG~; 43 Aid roiiro X6yw i irpiv, Sri &p8ilcTml c$' iIyGv

sal t o a nation bringing ~ and forth the fruits thered of. 44 And whosoever , 6o8fia~rai ; ~ V E L rotoGvr1 706g ~aproi)g ahrfg. qrai shall fall on thia stone it shall be given t o a nation producing t h e fruits of it. llUd shall be broken: but on whomsoever i t shall b ~ T E U ~ r i rhv.Xi8ov-roiirov avv8Xaa8 jo~ral' i$'."ov.G'.Bv fall, i t will grind him iV he who falls ou this stone shall be broken ; but on whomsoever t o powder. 45 when the chief priests Xtnttfib~t atrdv." 45 'Kai & ~ o ~ a a v r e g " and Pharisees had oi it shall fall it will grind t o powder him. And %caring Ithe heard his parnbles they perceived that h ; sai iyvwuav epakeof them. 46 BU~, &pxip?~ oi cPapiaaioi rhg-rapnpoXci~-airroii 'cl~ief Jpricsrs 'and %hc 6rharisccs ' his parables know when t,hey sought t o lay hand%on him, they 6;-c' ahr6v X6y~t. 46 K M ; ~ ~ ] T o a hTh v ~ p a r f a a l , feared t h q multitude ~ E ~ that about rllcm he speaks. And seeking him t o lay hold of, because they took h n i;
t o you, that 3;ihall 'bc jtnken 'from the kingdom


7 0 8eoG, ~
of ~

I say




igo/3jJqanv roitg ; ~ h o u g 61r~r8rj" S " rpo$Grqv aitrhv ~ I x o v . , 'J

thry feared thc crowds, because Jesus as again a prophct spoke him they held. t o them i n

for a pro"et.

XXII. And Jesus para- answered and 'pake unto them againby paPautX~ia r& 0 6 ~ a 1 ' rables, and aaid, 2 The 3~ poxa~g," Xiy,mv, 2 ' Q p o ~ h e q bles, SR~ID~, 6Has 'become 'the Ikingdom %of'the "heavens kingd0m of heaveu is likc unto a certain dvgph~fp $a~tXy,Sarcg i7roiqatv ycipovg' king, which made a to a man a king, who made a weddiug fanst for his son : marriage for his son, 3 a n 6 scnt forth his 3 rai c i x i f l r ~ l h ~ v roitg.80GXov~.atroii rahbaai r04g K E I C ~ ~ servants to cail them scut his bondmcu to call those who had becn t h a t were hidden t o and
And nnswcring


Kni &.irorpt9~l'c,. b'ltluoGS r&hiv ETTEV v a 6 ~ ~i7 cnapav

lnrited to IICscut

y ~ p o v ~kai oirtc-lj~e~ov , ihoeiv. 4 I I ~ X ~ Y not come. 4 AtheNedding:anztlley would

other bondmcn, saying, Sag' Again gain, he sent forth other servants saying, ~ ~ thcm'm.h,ch 1 1 t o those who had been are bidden, Behold, I come.

thc wc<idiugfeilst, and thcy would not

~T~OTELXCV 4XXoug 806hou~,Xiycov, Ei7rare

uxWr".ev let



66 T.

us possess LTTrA. P ~ K ~ L J U C TG T .LT T ~ A ~ . CL verse 44 [L] T. &rti =TA. eis for LTTrA. v hv aapa/?oAair a6?ois L m r &





hn7eprepnrcdmydin- ~ ! U O ' I 8 0 , , r ~ . C i P i ~ ~ ~ t i~ i )p/ ~r t ( 5 ~o' ~ . T c ! ~ ~ ) o ~ . ~ o u ncr : my oxen and m!/ f~6 d ~. ; l ~ , ' KC(; fntiiuxs :;illc,, and' invited, Bcliold, my diuuor I prkparcd, my orcu and a l l things rendy: rri uir~urd ~ ~ Q v p i urai n41tra a, Sroipa. Sr E I ' ~ roirc come unto thc m l r riaxc. S I)ut tl;cy tho fattcd beirstn. are killed, nnd all thiugs[nrc] rcndy ; coruo t o the made light of it, null . Y h ~ i ~ v c . Oisi C ~ ~ ~ E X ; ~ U C I V T Ex~~ ~ X ~ O V , 5 & xhli.tiiv rdv ~ \ ~ s t ~ ~ ~ m w " ,vcddina feast. But they bcing ncgligcntof [it] mcnt away, 9,"b~~ one to t o his merchnntlise: iEiov AYP;v, yd'l.82 ze/Sll r t j v . ~ p i ~ o p i ~ v . a 6 ~oi.Ji. Xoiroi 6 0~ the remnR1lt hisowp Jicld, and anothcr to his commerce. And the rout, took his .servnuts, and entreated thein s itc- rpnr;)urcvr~groi~g.80i,Xouc.cr6roir 6 ~ p t u n v Kai d x t r r ~ i u n l ~ . f'llly. and tfcm. laid hold of his bondmen, , iniullcd and killed [them> 7 Rut wllen the king h w r d thereof, he was 7 "Aro6uag.GA b pauihhS hpyiuetl! rai niti$ag rd wits wroth, , and having serit m o t h : and he sent Andhaving henrd [it] the king forth his armies and dostroyeh those k u r - ~ ~ p C l T ~ t ; p a r ~ a t( r~o~ j~ X E U r o d S . ~ o u ~ i ~ - ~ ~K 2 ur?jv ~ , i EV ~i ou a dcrers, nnd burned up his forces ,he deptroyed those murdercra, and thcir city 8 Then snith 8 L '0 ~ h~V he to his servants, The T ~ X L V . U ~ i v~ G p q n ~ v . T ~ TXEY i roi~.EojiXoi~.cr6ro~, wedding is rcndy, but their city he burnt. Then he says t o his bo~lrl~nen, The thcp which werc bidnot worthy. piu y(ipog 2roip1.6g huriv, 0l.82 KEKX~~~VOL oO~.$uav den 9 Go ye thcreforc into 3indced 'wedding Yfehst Sready 'is, hut those who hacl been invited wercnot the highatnys, and ns many % , shall find uEioi. 9 . ~ 0 p w ~ u Oofiv in; rric 8icEL80vg rGu 38&v, rai e Go therefore into' tho tlioroiighfares of thc higllvnys, and bid t o ttfe knrriage: worthy ; 10 So those sorvantn went out into houg . b i L v " ~ ~ i ~ P~ a ~ ,Q u a eic 7065 Y & Q U ~ . qr 1 r~ 10 Kai highwnya,and gnthcr-,. asmany ns ye sh:ill fixid, invito to the wedding fc.wt. b d

bad i,nd


Shaving'gone~out 'those 'bondmen

~ < E X~ ( ; V T Eoi.BoSXoi.b~~ivoi ~rcic ht8oiic ~ O ~ ~ ~ $ ~ eig y


into the highways brouglit togcthcr

uvvtjyccyov ~ c i u r a g
a11 and 4becarue'full Ithe 'king not

~",~$gp~";.~~~~p~,"~ ijuouc E ~ ~ O Y , novqp06g T E rai when the king in as many ns thcy found, acvil 'both and

ciya006c. ~ a i ~ X $ u t ) b ~

t o see the p e s t s , he

~'we.lding .Ycnst of~guests.? o ~

ueai ro6c ~
the guests

'yicpog" & t ~ a ~ ~ i t i i v w v .eiu~X8&v.8b b pna~XeG~ ~ l e a 11 O

V C I K E ~ ~ ~ Y O UL ~ K

garment : 12 an? he snithunto him, Friend, how carnest thou in hither not having a wcddin* garment? And he was spceuhlcss. 13 Then soid the king t o the s e w a n t ~ Bind , him hnnd and foot and take him awny,'and cast him into outer durkness ; there shall bewecphg andgnashing of teeth. 14 For many are called, but few are chosen.


AndJcoming 'in 'the a man

E ~civt)pwnov o h bu8e8uti~vov
clothed Fi-icnd, how

to e e a

beheld thero

IvSvpn EiuijX&g
TES ~ ( 6 bound his

12 rcai ~ 6 ~ a iw @ .'EraTpe, T G ~ ' r

cj8~/.l?)V.!v~v[~L? - ~ W
Then said the king

wit,hngnr,ncnt of [ t h ~ $ : ~ ~ ~ ~ f; ~ a sand hesays t o him, t

y d f . l; ~ ~


didst thou enter here not having a garment of [the] wedding feast? But hg


13 r h f d~Znev pauiXe6gi1roic 8iardvoic, AClljuav6

tothe feet and hauds outer : take away him and

~ 7idJac rni x ~ i p a ce & p u r ~ 0fi airrbv kaiil~6KpciXEr

fiery shall be the For many are weeping called,

cast out h i m ] nlld the but few

i sic rb u~drog rb h&hrepov. b ~ e i Cnrai b ~XavOpAc~ n i,

'into the darkness the gnashing

ppvypbc rGv d8dvrwv. 14 ~ o X X o i . ~ c ii~ i v ~ u dqroi,.dXiyoi.8i

of tho

15 , m e n went the Phnrisees, and took counsel how they might entangle him i n his t d k . 16 And thcp sent out untohim thcir disciples with the Herodians, saying, Master we know that thou art) true, and teachest the way of Q O ~ i n truth, neither cnrest chosen'

15 Tdre a o p ~ v e h v r ~ @ a p m n ~ovppo6hiov fia$ov &wS oi ~ o~

Then hnviug gone the Pharisees "ouusel 'took thcy might ensnnre in discourse. with the And $hey sond


a;~r$ ai)rdv x a y r 8 ~ ~ u o u ibv Adycp. 16 rai d7ioo~~hXXovurv v

him t o him

.rodg.paO~jrd~.nhrGu /.ETU TGY 'H ~Eiavilv, g,

their disciples Lerodisns,

~ Y O V T E S Al8Ci,~ saying, Teacher,

u k a h ~oZEap~v ,


1, rai r i v 4 8 6 ~ 660; rofi

way of God in


we know t h a t true thouart, and the

W t s o i p a ~ a have hwpared L'ITrA. I 8s L m A . I 6s LTTrA. Cni LTT~A. b i i v LTT~AW. b 6i ~aurhshs hxol;uas L ; b 62 j3aarAe3s TTrA ; xal ixo6aas b puu. W. 8 m&hv bridechamber T. * 6,fiaucAws ~ f m LvT T ~ ~ L 0 %are ai~rbvral LTT~A. S hdyovras L ~ I . f abrbv him LITCA.


8i8haris,m oh i
tenchwt, and

thou for nnpnlnn: for Ihe for 'not 'thonalookest thou repnrdcst 17 'i'ell person of nlcn. ?rp6awirov drv8p3xwvg l7 h o ~ r 2 N oirv <$'v, ri ' aoi ;;inkcsttlicrcforr, What sic it on [the] appearance of men ; tell therefore us, khnt =tho11 lawful to give tribute 6orei; E(ear1v 6oir1mirijvaov Kaianpc 05 ; 18 r'1,ofic.2& unto c w n r , or not 'thinkest? I s i t lawful to give tribute to Cresnr or not ? Dntaknorving But P@rcaivcll their wickedness, and b ' I l t ~ o njv.novl)oiav.u6r3v elnev, T pe heqrilere, bno- snid, Why tempt ye ~c i 'Jeans their w:ckdness said, Why ule do pc tempt, h p - me, Ue h ~ ~ o c r i t e j 19 Sh0lvme the tribste irpcrai; 19 $ncJei(arB pot rb v(;p~llcpa r03 rjvcov. Oi.84 money. , d u d t ~ ~ c y Eriter ? Shew me the coin of the tribute. And they bronght unto him e pcpuy. 20 Au(L ho lrpoa~jveyrcava t r q 6qv6piov. 20 rai XQyeiatroisi, T i v o ~ sir~~l~untothoru,\Vhoae presented to him a dunnrins. And hesays to thcm, Whore [is] is thia imnw i ~ n dailper?cription? 21 Thcy rj.e/x&v.n$r~~ n i iniypa$l) ; 21 A6y0~clv a t ~ $ , Ktrian~os.,ay unto him, Creaar'cr k " this image and the inscription ? They say to him, Cmsnr'd. Thca snith he unto thom,Fander therefore Tdre X6 afiroic, 'Ar660ra 08v rd Knianpos Kaianpl, ,,to cm&nr thing8 the Then he snrs t o them, Rcnder thcn the things of Cmsar to Caesar, which are Cmsnr'a ;
1.1~Xei there is car8 tothee abdut

MATTHET. a01 X E O O ~ ~ E V ~ S , PXQreiE ~ oh-ykp

no one,


rrai rci, roir 8eoir r$ &G. 22

mdthe things of Qod to God.

having heard they wonctcred; 22 When they hnd henrd these worth ~ a ci$ivrec alirdv '(irijX80v.~ i tlrey mnrvelled and and lcaving him went away. lcft him, and' went 23 'Er*Ireivp rp" fittbpq npoc~X8bvn$r@ Zac?6ovrcaior, moi" their way. On that dny carno to him Sadducccs, who) Xiyovr~c p~j.eIvac drvharaaiv, rai. b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~alrdv, 24 c v 23 he same da r ~ a c Xicame to him the sac?uay there is not a resurrection, end they queationcd him, ducces, which say that yOvrEE, At&ia~aXe, nMwac~ii eZn~v, 'Eciv T i c ~ i X 0 e h ~ thcre is no reaurrocp4 Teacher, Moses anid, If any one should dio not tion nnd asked him, 24 s k ~ i n gMaster, Moy , ixwv rErva, O &.rriyap~gahaei d.ciJeh$bs-ai~roir rdv yvvaira S ~ said ~f a mnn die B having children, ashall4plarry 'his 'brother #wife having' no chilhren' hisbrother shallmar$ abro3, rai d v a a ~ a e anQp a r$.ci6~h$$.ntroC. 25'Hanv.El i his dfe, raise *his, and hall raise up seec? to hid brother. Now there were seed unto his brother. 25Now therewere with m o ' $piu lnrd h6eX~oi.~ n bi ?rp..roc pyatltjacr~"ire>le6rl1- s seven brethren: and wick us seven brothors ; ancl the firpt having n~drtied (lied, the first, when h0 hnd

Klti And

L~o6anvres i8a6tinanv.



aEv, ~ n ti,i jx:ylov a r i p j ~ a &$;/rcev i ~rr)v.yvvaira.aliroi r@ ~ ~ : ~ , a a $ , ' ~ $ ; , ' ~ ~

and not hnving seed left

(ij.nbr03, 26 6 p ~ i ~ m i s

and third, unto tb; Bevent" 27 And last unto the beven. And last of all died 'dao the woman. Of 'l1 the Therefore in also, 2s 28 T$ (i~cturda~iI' rivoc r 2 v &rat pvrj; thcresurrection whose 'In 'the 'therefore resurrection of which of the seven ahall she be wife? I n like manner also the

t 86rEp0~, n b rpiro~,his brother: 26 like~ i wine the gecond also

socond, and the third,

his wife

ixsuc, Left iiis wife uuto

EIos r2v inrci. 27 Uarepov.GB nhvrwv dnQBavev qrai" I j yvvtj.

~ ~ ~% " ,

~ h v r e c . ~ d~pU X O Y a6rrjv. 29 'An-ocpi8eic.8d 6 'I~lao3c tlire~* her. had

for all had her. And. answering Jesus said

29 Jenus anR"ered mid them, Yo do err, not a6roic, nXav&o8e,p?) eiJdres rdg ypu$hs, pq6d r?)v66variv kuoming the scripto them, Yc err, not knowing the bcriprures, nor the power tures nor the Power of Qod.' 30 For in the 703 8 ~ 0 3 . 30 iv.y(ip r$ (ivaarhaei oGre yapoiracy ocra resurrection the9 nciof God For in the resurrection neither do they marry nor ther marry, nor arc given in marriaga, but 6bryapi<o~rai,ll&AA' d y ~ ~ X 0'70iJi' '8eoirll bv 0ilpa~$ are oa the angeb of b u o given in marriage, but as angela of Qod i n h a v e n God i n heaven. S1 But as touching tho resar. E ~ U ~ V 31 reoi.6B . f i g ( ~ V & U T ~ U E~W ~l Y .hE K ~ ~OY ~, I C - ~ V ~ ~ V W T E of the dead, rection they me. ~uocohoerning the resurrection of the dead, have ye not rend hare ye not read that which was spoken unto rb b)18;~ &piu 705 8ec4, XQyo~ros, ' E 4 ~ i p i by cod snfing 32 you that whichwas spoken to you by God, laying, am 32 1 un the' God of

h eIqbv T,


-Bw3 LMA],

- ~ d T[Tr]& c

+ - oc (read saying) 6d' Ivq ua od~~cJesus (says) LT. M~iiQljs c o8v b


+ 713the

k a6~4 T[A]. L ~ A W . 0 'iva that L LTTrA, y+i<~VTu LTTrrL LTP~L



1 imjheav L ~ A .


P yjpas LTTrh.


$ ' f " , ~ ~ ~ , " , " ~ ~ ~ " Gb , 6 "~

MAT8AIO2. X X I I , XXIII. ~ 'Appadp rai h 0 ~ 6'Iandr rai b O~bs 6 ~ ~. 'TarhP; 06s

of jacob? ~ ~ d the i God~ of Abraham t ~ ~ and the God of Isaae and the God of Jacob? =Not the'-G0d the { u r t ~ O E ~ S 'Y ~ E ~ s I V E K ~ G V&AAA Chvrwv. 33 Kai oh'3 ! I , but the living' 'is 'God God of [the] dead, but of [the] living. And having 33 And when the multitude heard they UavrES oi 6xh0i d ~ ~ ~ A j l r ~ a o v rr#.6i6aX+.a6ro3. irri o at his heard, the crowds were astonished a t his teaching. doctrine. 34 But. when the Pharisees had heard that he had put the Sadducees to silence they were Rathered together. 35Thenone of them, which as a krwyq, asked him a qucutzon, tempting him and Gaying 36 Qaster, which d the great commandment in the law? 37 Jesua saidunto him T ~ O Ushalt love t h i Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy and.with p11 thy mind. 38 This is tbe first andgreat commandment. 39Andthe second ir like unto it,

34 Oi.6i Qaptaaioi &reo6nnvre!: ijri i iPwcrev r o 6 ~ Za8Rut the Phari~ees, having heard that he t a d silcnced the


b o v ~ a i o v m1v<x~qaav ~, b.rri.rb.airrd, 35 rai dm]phrqaev ducees,

'one 'of


were gathered together, and 'questioned ['Ohim] . Y O ~ L K ~ ~ x ~ t p h & ~airr6v, Z ~ aAiywv,ll , v i %hem 'a Odoctor 'of ?the 81aw, tempting him, and aaying, which 'comman4ment ['is 'the] said to him, Thou shalt love [the]
K ~ OV P Lojd

36 A L ~ c ~ u roia ~ Eivrob) K~ ,
And Jesua

37 a'0.6?-'Iq~~3c T E V E~ a6r@,11'Aya.rr~aetc
'thy with all all thy heart, and with all

6 ~ 6 ~

bov dv 6Xp b~$.~ap6i$f rat f v 6Ap r~.~,!~x$.aov, dv oou, rai

thy soul,

and uirh great

~ $ - 6 i a ~ o i ~ . u o38 aijrq iariv v.

thy mind. This

e.rrpD~q rai p~~&Aqll

[the] first and



39 G~vripa.~6i" b ioia airrg, ' A y a x j u ~ c ~ ?;bv

And [the] second [is]


Thou ahalt lore

T;'~hb",~lta~~y,",$. ~hquiov-uou aeavrdv. 40 dv ra6rarc rais Jvaiv ivro?.ai'~ 40 on these two corn- thy neighbour as thyself. On these two comma~~llments
phets. 41 Whlle gathered riseea were the Pha-

ttsttev : g c 'xai
~ ~ a

oi rrpo$ijrat rpiyavrai." % p ~ ~
prophets hang.

and the

41 'been assembled 'together, rGv But 'having Zvvt,ypdvwv.6? 'the

@nptaaicdv b.rrt)pDrqaev *Pharisees 'questioned

together, Jesus asked aitrodc baIquo3~, Xlywv, Ti 6 'iv bore'i lrepi 703 X ~ L U T O ~ ; .42 them, 42 saying, What saying, What ye 'think concerning the Christ? think ye of Christ 7 43 He say8 Aiyer whose son is he? They rivoc vids dart'v ; Adyovaiv abrt$, T05.~Aapi6.1~ say unto him Hesaith of who_m 3 s ~ n 'is ?he? The Soia They say to him, Of David. unto them, How then abrots, U35 o6v fAap;8" i v ?rveCpa~i ~ 6 p t o v ~ airrLv raAei;" doth David in spirit tothcm, How then 2David 'spirit ?Lord 6him 'does 5callt call him Lord ~ a y ~ u g , 44 ~ h e ~ ~ ~ ~ l a i h 6 Y ( t o , E ~ T Ehbl' r6pioSr@.rupiq).pov,K ~ ~ ;Ko ~ E & G u . ~ o u d u n ~v 44 V v my Lord, Sit thou on saying, 'the 'Lord to my Lord, Sit on my right hand my right hand, till I make thine enemies S.'wS.B~ 0; roir~-i~Bp06~.aov ~ 0 ~ 6 d t o v " '6 TGV-TO~GV-UOV. thy footstool l 45 I f until I plnce thine enemies [as] a footstool for thy feet. David then call him 5 Lord how is he his 45 Ei o h fAa/3i6'1 rake: airriv b p t o v , ~ 3 vibs.airroir son?' 46 And no man I f therefore David calls him Lord, how his son y a s able to answer Xlyov, him a word, neither i t ~ r i v ; 46 Kai o6Jeic i.66varo kairr$ & n o s p t 6 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ durst any man from is he l' And no one was able him to answcr a word that day forth ask h ,, i any more ques- O&C% irdXPqoiv ric (ir'~ K E ~ rig Ijpbpac i.rrepwrijaaiairrAv Y ~ S tions. nor dared anyone from that day t o question him


any more (lit. no more). Jesus to themultitude, and to his disciples, asaying, ~h~ scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat : 3 all therefore whntsoevcr they bid you obscrve,


T ~ ~ I I S ~ I C ~

~ 2 T6rr h '1qooiri dhdhqa~vr o k 3

Then Jesus spoke the 'his, scribcs

to the crowds and 'seat

IxAois xai roi~.paOqmi(

to "disciples hnve sat down the

aho;, 2 hiycov, 'ET; rijc 1 3 ' T ~ ~ra66Spa~ir68cuav oi ~w~"



ypappareis rcai oi Qapiairioi. 3 .rrcivra

and the Pharisees ;

otv 6aa."2v1' ~ t x o -

all things therefore whatever they mny


- i, &bp;(readE"+q aisi rnot) he ai.r$ b 6; $

np6q LTTrAW.
LTTm. i3noxBsw

. KaAi a h b v ~v'ptov g LTrA ; ~ a h e ; C p r o v h b v T. ~ a

* - 62 and T.

- K G ~hiywv LTTr. a b 62 'IquoGs a i r - 'Iquoirs W. [el A. p q ~a * Aav%4QWq;aAavet8 ; i ~ ~ i p a r~ r oi ~ r p o + i j ~ a r a a i LTTrAW.

- &bp

nnder (thy feet) LTT~L


air^$ LTTIL

- b (read [the]) L T T r l

1 blwiiuius L ~ c A W , m div TW,

tell you to kcep, kocp and nnd

do. do not: nnd 13ut aftcr thcir works

~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ o , " ~ , " :
4 Fur

Olv iJriv *rqpe?v,~ ~ p e i r e noirire'~ O rai rnrci.JB rd.!pya.a;r~v tfint observe and do; paj.roieire X6youalv.ytip rcli o&.noio~aiv.4 Eeat~e6ouaiv pydpll say, and do not.
du riot ; bnrdois 8hauldcrs uo~o them. fo: they sny


$opria PupQa qrai Guu/3riarar~a,~~iniriE%aurv rni


' nnd
of men,

hard to bear,

s ~ h ~ ~ ~ 'fori ~ d bind heavy b~trb they dens and g r i c r ~ i i sto i n i r o 6 ~ borne, anrl lrrv thcm be on they li'lo,rsel,.e; lny [thcm] on tho but mcn's sho~;l(lcrd thcy will not to with one of thcir tingers. 5 But all their

BA 06.f)LXouoiv will not more t h c : ~ Z ~ O U rcjv C i v O p d 7 ~ ~ ~ ~ Ba~r6Xy.uir~cjvl~ C

but with rllcir o ~ v u fiugcr

rtv,iaac a h & . 5 .rr&vm.dA rd.?pycc.nbrcjv noioBacv 7rp8c rb works they do for t o

And a l l
by men. and oulsrgo their works thcy do

9eut)tjvni. roiC ~ ~ ~ p 6 ~ X X 1& c O U U ~ V 'd(kll r(i $ U X ~ K T $ ~ I U 0 ~ V . lactcrios, and onlarge

bo sccn
'their, 'lore YTl~cy3mnkc4broad 'and the flr t plnce synagogues, borders in the Opl~ylactcries the borders of their

be seen of men : they make broad their yh7-

trtr3v, rai peynXL,i/ouoiv rtS rprianeEa 'rcjv.ipariwv.alirG~**U

of their garments, suppers, ' and the

a t feasts, and the chief the s p a mgs in the market"

seats i 6 ~iXo4aivV r e b ( v npwro~Xiaiavbv roic biRlJ~lC, r & goguerr,n rai ~

'rind tho
in the

rrpwroxaOrdpiag ( v m i g uuvaywyaig, 7 roi rodg rionaupo)~ (v

drat seats aud the snlutations

in B h not ye called raic dyopai~, raApia0ni 0nL rcjv bv9phnwv 'bnPPi, ri)aP$i.II Rabbi : for ouuChrist rni M nater even is ycrw the market-places, and to bc called by men Rabbi, Rabbi. and a l i yo nro breth! 9 8h 82 p r ) . ~ X ~ 9 j i r ~ ~ ~ a / eTc.ytip' ioriv6pGv3 ~ r a O q ~ ~ n j ~ , l And call no 3/.3i" g u t <e 'be'not cnllcd Rnbbi ; for one ia your leader, the enrth: for ono ia m"J1Tour fnthcr upon s o u r Father which ia ' 6 ~ p i u r 6 c ~ ~ U T E C - B6 p ~ i c T~l ~ Ci&X$oi hore. 9 rai rraripa the Cwist, and all ye brethrcn are. And 'father lnot be heaven' iOxeither In yo called masters: W X ~ U 6pGv ~ ~ E htri r ? y~t ~e:c.ycip harivad..rrarr)p.6p~v,ll for on@ your 3laster . is 'call syourC"any40ne]on the cnrth ; for one in your father, even C that is h r i ~ t . 11 among greatest But h; b6 b roig 06pavoiC.~~ j y 8 B ~XqOtjre v IO m9qyrlmi* ~ t l ~ . ~ d shall be our scryou p who [is] i the n heavens. h e ~ t h e r be called lendcrs ; for one l2 whosoever shall exalt him6p3v iarrv b ~ a f ) y ~ q r r j cb ' ~ , xpiar6C. 11 b.& peicwv 6pGv self ~ h n l lbe nbnsed. *your 'is lender, the Christ. But the greater of you alldhethatshall hum' ble himselt shall be iarnr irpcjv Grirovog. 12 Sari~.d(k6$3aet laurbv ra.rreivw94- e ~ s i k a , shall be your ~orvant. And whosoever will exalt himself hall be.

F tb!:bi~lk:b$! A


semi. ral i j a r i ~ raxrivDa~r laurbv ir$wOljaerar. humbled; and mho;roaver will humble himnelf shall be exalted. 13 (14) d0irai.r8il 6,uiv, ypappareic rai Qapianiot, But woe t o you, scribes and Ppalsees,


heaven agninat

8ri ramuOiere rric oiriag rcjv ~ q p G vrai trpo$ciaet ,

for ye devour 'prnying, Woe the houses


of widows, and as a pretext 'at Sgr--+, .length

ter ye tllcol that an

and phnriseo<,

r p o u ~ u ~ d ~ ~ v o ro5ro Xi]lC/~uOe trepruadre ov ,ipitta.Ii ~ , ~ ; l ; ~ ~ ; h , " , " s ~ ~ Bid ~ .

Becanreof t h i ~ye shall receive more a b u n t n t judgn.rnt. t o you, scribes md Ptariacea, hypocritca,

cntering t o go in. scribes and P h n ryou, ~ , 14 Woe unto i , . ~ Aeiara rtjv PaurXeiav rcjv 06pavcjv ipt~~po~Oev C i v O p ~ ~ hprocritb~lfor yc dorGv ~v' of the heavens before mcn ; vour widowa' house^, ye n11ut up the kingdom and tor a prcrcu:,e 6pEiC.ydp O ~ K . E ~ U ~ ~ X E0684 , r o 6 ~ ~ i a e ~ ~ n p 6 v&$ere Q ~ E o u ~ make long pr:l.yur : for ye do not cuter, noreven those who arc cntering do ye suffer therefore ye ahall I.0ccivc thc grctttor dlrmE ; ( ~ F X @ E ~ V15 O6ai Ouiv, ypappareic rai Qapraaioi, Onorpirai, nation. 15 wop Ir3to . to enter. Woe toyou, scribes and Phnrisces, hypocrites, you, scriles ancl l'herinoes, hypocrites1 for 6rr ~eptCiy~rej v BciXaoaav ~ a rljv 57 dv troiijaai Sva n i co,p,ss a,ltl for ye go about the llsa and the [land] to make one K n d tomak8onepro&

14 (13) 06aif ;piu, ypapparei~rai Qa raaioi, $norpirai, zrr


qpeiv LTmr. 0 n o r < c a r r x a i q p e i r e LTTIA. P 82 but LTTrA, xai G V U ~ ~ U r zi)roiB2 8 a ~ d ai)rGv but they themselves with their finger LI'TrA. h r a u r a $TI.]A. v B i LTTrA. l j a p p i LTr: lja@BeiT ; t t ~ i p a r i u v a k v LTTrA. v 8 y i p for LTTIA. b4@i [gap@i] A. j;&p:i ?. Y 8 r b i u ~ a h o s teacher LTTTAW. - o xprurdr GLTTrAW. o ovpavror the heavenly LTTrA. C orr ~ a 0 1 ) r ) 7 i ) $ d k i viuzrv eis L'I'TrA. ~ V J L W V raqp Lmr. o f 6i but (woe)IELTTrA. 6; but E . d Verse l 3 &laced after 14 E; vwac 13 L T T r L



elgrc* and Is u:~do, ga u;rko him nrola more ilm cua of hell thin yourselrcg l6 Woe unto which say, Whosoever s11:rllswosrb ~ h tcruc it not{iugi but wt~o~oever swear shi~11 b tJ10 gold of thn ternhe is a dcbtor l 17 iLfo01~nna blind : for whether is greirter, the gold or the temple t b t sknctifieth the gold? 18 b d , Wb* soever &all s w e . ~ by tllealtar,itisnothing; but whosoover swear-

MATBAIOP. ?rpooi/Xi~~ro~-, txii &au ivqrut,

pro"ly~c. henn;

woi:Yre ahrbv vidv yehim
ason p O f who 'bthd,

i u d whan hg&l bocomo [so], ye m n h

,,,,, , blind

8 ~ 7 r A d r ~ p o v &,u(;iv.

twofold mom than yoursolvos.

16 ~ i ah,xiv, i18qyoin, Xoi, oi i

1 V u t o you,

Xtrovrec, n ~ g - d v bpbap Qv dudq IY

my, T@ WVU$

0hO*hvd.afiV' 8S.8.dv

va05, 6q~iA~i. pwpoi kai W XOi0 l7 .b&i .worn by the gold of the temple, il a deblor: Fools and * bgnd, gricll.ydp h p ~ i q ~b r b , b ~ p v a 6 )i ,6 vahp b iicltcicwvn vU ~

Whocvor shall pwew by tho templc,notliing i t is;

for which




or tho ,temple which uwrctffla


$,~yi~,h\o~t$fiEisl i n c 19 l i fools and b

~ ~ $

Whoever shncswear by the altar, T$ 8 4 T J 6~ ~ c atroc, ~ i ~ nothing it L ; but whoever ahallawenr bpthe gift that [is] upon it, gold? And,

rbv'~pvu6v; 18 ~ a i "O~.~edvll dug bv r J 6varaun)piy, , b

oLJQv ~ U T L V *nOs.8-d~ d p 6 b ~b~

is a debtor.

:or whether u greater, n ,,ltar 611e&t, or t11nt sanctitiath the or the

BGpov, L T A B G ~ o Y ;20peizov, rd bpdaac V ri) hq(trbl7jp~ovrb dly~CiZ~v 6

alkr for which [is] groator, th gift, O ~ Y which mnctifias the glft? He %hat 'therefore swrura p d b

b$~iXac. 19 lpwpoi ~aIbTZI Xoi, ri ycip


~ ~ ~ t , ~ h ~ J ~ , ";v$ r@6 v{ u ~ ~ u n fswears ~~~ ~ ~iy al~rrr sweareth by it, by the

bv ahr$ scui tv riialv roip



f a6roZs %l a id ~ ~ i v ~ vuJ 6pv6s i v abr@Krti iv ~ ~ ~ $ dpdca~ rq? ~ i


u r d by all things that [are] upon

,wear by the temple it. Andhothat swears by tho tomylu swcars by it and by awomeb by it* md 7 ' , m x a ~ o i ~ ~ Q&& r ~ ~ ~ a i bpdoaclg i v r J otpavG i,v 22 b b . him that dwellcth; 22 And ha that hi" in it. And he that swears by the honvuu dmll swearb h ~ v c n 1dpviet tv r@ Bndvip roi, Baoir ~ a Iv T@ ra9r)pQvyIrcivw i swcvrs 4 the b o n e of God and by himwho sits upon that aiiteth tbrcon. airroii 23 OQi 6pi7/,ypappareip Kai @apiaaiot, irrorpirui, iirr 23 woe oeto you Woe t o you, scribes and Phnriseea, hppocrites, for tyribes and ~harisccu: it' hygocritcst for ye ppy &~oCa~aroirre$ 6 6 0 ~ gaFQi Bvt)00p ~ a rd ~ 6 g a ~ orai rd ov rd i v, mintandanlse go pay tithed of tho minf and the anihe and the cummin, null and cummin and have dp/ri~ara 76 pap&rpa 705 vd:lov, r$v Kpiaiv rai "rov omitted thekeightior oldt*s of the law ye have loft aside the weightier [mattern] of the law, judgment, and judnlnent m& and ZBEL ?roi+mi,~ c i ~ e i v a p4 " i r&aO faith: the'% ougdt ye ~ E O V ~ a njv T ~ L V ' to hnm done, and not metcy and faith : thaw it behovedbon] t o do, and t h o ~ enot to leave the other und o ~ . W Ye blind P& 1Qvat.fl 24 b8qyd nt$hoi, qoiI1 6ri;Xicovrrc rbv K & U U T < ~ , g k t d e b , ~ hti at t o k eavingssida sGuides Ibllnd, who filter out tho gnat, a g ~ tm8 E W ~ I ~ O a , W a m e ~25 Woe unto rdv-d'i xcipqhov ~ararivovr~c. Ohai &piu,ypappurcis ~ a 25 you, scribes and Pha- but the camel swallow. Woe to you, scribe and


~ @apiau~oi, ' o ~grt ~ $ ziro~prmi,

P h u i s ~ , ~ t e s for ,

raea itare rb c"Ew9~v rro,rtpiov roii

p-? C
the ontside of the

dde of t b cup and of

: :z L~ c,~ gt:cofrijg rapo+i60~ Iu~Bav.82 ~ $y4are vfulli vri(ll icprayijg k: * y$: ithe dish, but within ~ o a tomion and e e and . of plupdtu
raee cleanse f l r ~that %i~cpaaiac.~ 26 Gapwak ntph6, 2 ! Pha-' t which it within the d p i n c ~ n t i n e n a Vhariaee 'bhnd,


naeciptaov ~p6jrov76 ivrdc

cleanse &at t h u inside

be ,,lean also. ,27 of the cup and ofthe dish, that Oxnay 7beoomeb.leoltheaontsido I" , z; " i rei r K;JW& 1aBap6v. 27 OQai $p%, ypapparek xai @a carriot, for ye are unto 01 Woe t o ~ o u , awik and PLieees, whited sepulchres $ ~ ~ o K P L ~ Q ~ u ~ ~ p ~ O t c ( K i K O V L ~ ~ ~~ VlO ~ S , &L w ~ , ~ E ~ ~ ~ ~ 0i'T~ve~ ' which indead kpped bcmtifuloutwN.d, but hrpocri*, fW Ye Whid u e within full of dead { ( U ~ E V pCv qaivovrac h u t i h l , fuweev.68 yipovucv d&uv l ~ i~paiot, but witbin arefull of b o nlen'r and Of outwardly indeed appear

~ $ s i ~ ~ proij $ ~ t ~ ~ r t ; ~ i rorqpioyt~& 7rapoJ/i60~,l~ ; %a



m rb ixrbc i


to leave aside LTTrA. 9 I d8tciac uiu.ight00~8~ew qw.

bp~a<s~e LB.

TL G. h pe?<dv L &y.~~&ras S xa~ou$oan'd a d t in m r w .


+ 61 butLTCA.~ A W . - Q[L L2TTL. GL * &:m - o i (yead filteriilg out,, ..rwsllowiug)

B D C LfTrA. ~ ~

rb 8Aws ~ m r ~ .0

h &V LTTrA.

~ W P O ~ K&


~ a p ~ J lU,~ i8

a6roG of it L.& ',

XXIII. MATTHEW. v ~ p 3 v~ n hciflqc c i ~ a ~ a p u i a ~ .oi?rwcrai ;pTs outwrh.dly so y e a " I o i 28 Thus also ye tcw&1~
of [Lhe] dead and of all unclcsnuess.



Q Q ~ V E (roigE&v8ph?roi~ ~~ Gi~nioi,& J W ~ E V . & ~ x p

dh ~ ~ r

iudced nppcar

to mcn

righteous, but within

Woo toyou,


6aoxpiu~ws &vopiag. 29 Oi~aiipzv, ypappareig rai parai

of l~ypocrisy .and lawlessne..s. scribe*

outw~~rdly apyc;ir righteous unro " Of hypocrisyye:rre i but within nud iniquity. 29 Woe unto you, scribe+ and Phabe-

and Pha- cause ye build the pruaioc, irno~pirai, oiro8opeir~ o 6 ~ 8rr r rai@ou~ ?rpo$qr3v, tombs of the ~ r o ~ h e t a , r3v riaces, hypocrites, for ye build the sepulchres of the propheb, ~~~e~~~~~ cai K O ~ ~ E r6T pi'qp~iar3v &miwv, 30 ~ aXiyere. Ei y&~vll 30 and say, If we had ~ E i the tombs of thc righteous, and ye %ay, If wehadbeen beenin thed a ~ s o Our f and aaora fathem we would not i v raic ~phpars rdv.?tarfpwvY~p3v,O&K.L?V.Y$~EV~ z~oivwvoi hrve deen partakers h ~AIP dAys of our fathers we would not hnve benn pnrtakord . with them in the t blood of the prophets. alirir~'~ ry' dlparl r 3 ?rpo$q73lJ. 31 ~ ~ U T E iv ~ paprvpeire 31 Wherefore ye b6 with them in the blood ofthe prophetr. So that yebearwitness witnesses unto yourselves that e are the ~ ~ U T O ~ E ,~ i 0bbr~ 7 ~ h C71 i $OVEUU(~VTWV r p o $ ~ r a ~ ' ~035 ? ehildrenof tkemlvhtch to yonrselves, that son* geaw of those who murdered the prophets; k~lled the prophets. 32 Fill ye up then the 92 rai 8peic ?rXqpDuarerb pirpov r5v.aaripwv-itp3v. 33 ;$ELC, me,urn your faof your fathera. Serpents, thers. 33 Ye serpentq and ye, fill ye up the moasuo ye generation of v l y ~ ~ ~ p ixcGv3v. 7 6 5 $6yqr~ d?rb GC p i a e w ~ YE- pers,howcnnyeercap. a r a ~ offspring of vipers, how eh11 ye escup from the judgment of Ge- the damnntionof holl? Wherefore, behold, kvvqs; 34 did roirro, 'i606, i &?roar;Mwr p b ~ 6p2c T O - 34send unto you proI sand $0 YOU Pro- phets, and wise men, henna? Because of this, bchold,


@hrairai ao$ods
phcta and

uqi ypappai'i~'*rain
scriles ;
and [some] of them

wise [men] and crucify,

and [some] of them

l: rrtr3v ye w i l l &TOrdXlv*

icr~veire a aravpDuarEt kai ~ i


airrib paariy&aerE bv rai$

ye will amurge in

of them ye shall kill and md crucify ; andronu Of them ye

f;om city to city: 36 that upon you may your synagogues, and will persecate fiom city to ; come the S5 STWC WO9 b$' 6 p d ~ ?rZv a l p Gf~aiov biQuvo' E ~ O V Ublood shed upou the m that should come upon you all [the] Wood %ghteona p ~ , ~ a t yGg, &?rb'rofifl aytmroc "-4PeX ro; Gucaiov, :wC 705 the bloodof Zachnriar d7ri of Barachisr, upon the earth from the blood of A'bel the righteous, to the yeslewbctwean

&vvaywyais.6p3v, cai 8rDEer~ Brb rdhewc


T$hczG ik::zt :tom


ayparoc Zaxapiov uio3 Bapaxiov, "o i$ove6aare peraE6

blood of Zacharias son of Barachiw, whom ye murdered between

70; the hem le and the

vao; rcni 705 ~ ~ u i a u r q p i o ~ . dpljv Q6

the alt" VerilY I unto you All these thingsehsf~comeu~on temple nnd the altnr. Verily I say t o you, *&all 'come thin generation. 37 0 Jerusalem, Jerusalem. erdirra ?r&vrau i?ri rrjv.yev~civ-raiqv. 37 ' I E ouaaXljp, that that killest the %hem 'thing8 'all upon this generation !crusalem, prophets and stonest them which a r sent IE ouuaXrjp, rj ci?romeivouua TOGS ?rpo$ljra5 xai X~BoPoXoiuaunto th,, howe o*, grusalem, who killest the gropheta and stonest would I have gatharod roits ci?r~araApfvouc rpbc airniv, ?rouci.ri~ 4OhXqua i?rruuir- thy children together, ,,ennsa~ngathereth h e who have been sent to her, how often would I have gnth- her chicken8 under Irer a y a ~ ~ ird.rQ~va.aov, ii~t.rpd?rov 4?riu~v&~ec, v liqvc~ll rd wings, nnd ye would 38 Bellold medtogethar thy children, in the wny pathera %gether 'a 'hen house is left nniu you




vourria.giaur~s~~ ir?rb
her brood

a d e r mer]

r d ?rripvyaeh, cai oCr.,iOtX~aar~ unto you, Yn shall not ~ I 9

dngs, y o u house -and desolate ; Ye would not I for I say E ~ ? ~ T E L,X O ~ V E ye any, . Blsee me henceforth, till e shall say, Blessed U e that the Lord. name of cometh i n the

~ E T $p% ~ L left to you

6.0k05.itp6~ i~p3poS.'! X h y ~ - y & p 39


p , 08. p
W you,

In no wise me shall ye we henceforth

i s q r ~ ci?r'.~ipr~~WS.&Y
i n [the] nhme


[h]he who

6 ia6pevos i v

dvcipar~ mpiou.

of [the] Lord

ice p c u r o r LTTIA. r rjpeea OLTP~AW. a t r i u v ~ o r w v o mm. i 8 c~ai LmrA. b~~~vvri5pevov LTT~A. TO; W. d & & . t h a t G r]w. n d v z a ~ a i r LTIA. ~a f6pyLr i n r ~ v & ~ LTTrA, g ahije T[T~]AW ; 4avri)r (read [ er]) L er . h [ a k i j o ] her(wingel~,


dl L p w .

G8 xnv.

And Jews

roi, I E ~ o S , " rcti
the temple, and

['him] 'his 'diriplos to p i n t out tohim the buil(ling8 temple. 2 h n d Jesus TOU L E ~ O U . 2 i)-C?i?'Irluo~Sil elnrv u6rois, Oir.Phb~~re mnciura snid unto them, See ye But Jesus said to thcm, Ecc ye not all not all the-e things Z 'f the vcrily I s:q unto you, raGra ;l1 dpljw Xhyw ilpiw, oh-p~j C i ~ e O i $ 6 ~ Xi6oc i n i Xi6'ov Tllcre shall not left thesethings? Verily I s;ry t o you, not nt ak1sh:lll bc ~eft.herc stone upon stone here o ~ i estone upon 3 KaBqphuov.c!~ ahroS bni roG another, that shall not ;g oir.~~j~~.~aruXvQ~~uerat: be t h r o ~ n d o w n3And which shall not be thrown donrq . And as'was 'sitting 'he upon the as ha sat upon the mount of Olives, the Gpouc r3Y bXai3v T ~ O U < X ~ O U airrtfi oi p a e q ~ a ~ar'.ic*iau, i~ Xhdisciples came unto mount of Olircs Jcama 'CO 'the 'discip:ea apart, sayhim privately, saying, l ~ c l us, mhcn shall YOYrEc, Eini $piu, T ~ T E a k n i r {urai ; kai ri rb uqp~'iov these things be? and ing, Tell us, w4cn2thc&e 'things 'shall be? and what [is] the sigu what shall be the sign of ~ i j g - u i~apovuiag j~ rai Prrjcl' auur~XriacroG ai3uoc; 4 Kai of thy coming, the end of the world? of thy coming and of the completion of the age? And 4 And Jesus answ~red a n d said unto them, a~orpieeig i) 'Iqaoi'c ~ T E Y airroic, BXh.rr~re;G rig p 6~ Tnkehecd that no tuan answering Jesus said t o them, Take heed, lest any on: 'you

from ~ h temple : and c departed his disciples callle t o hi111b,lildin,sshew him for to of

24 Kai iFeXBhv Jesus I going forth S 'IqaoGc kbnope6ero &TA And wcnt away from
n ouijX60v


oi.pa6)qrai.ahroi, bn'iE~iEai ahr(fj r(ic 0/~08op((Ig


deceive b you. o m ~ n " , " ~~Xavrjup. 5 ?roXXoi.ydp ~X~6uovrai i r$.6~6pari.pov, Ximanps nllc in n:rn:c saying, I a m 'mislead. For many will come in my name, ~11ris.t); and shall de- YOYTEC, 'Eyh tip1 6 xpi~rdc' rai T o X X O ~ ~XauGaovuiv. G And Te ~ of wars and sapng, I am the Christ ; and runny they will mislead. rumours of wars: see 6 nI~XXlju~re.C?i drol;eiv rroX6povc m i (irocig noXhpwv. Ipiire, wars and rumours of wa18s. ,yefo: But ye shall be about to hear of See,

:it: " , P :

~l~iws must come to

be not jdisturbcd:; for~ t is nccessvy all [these] things t o take place, but not yet ; ~ i



~acivmil y~v6uea~' ciXX' oirnw

'nation against nation

riso against nation, kingdom against kingdom: and there shall bb famines, and pstilences, and earthquakes, in divers placer. B All the* a t e the beginning of sorrons.. 9 Then ahrlll they deliver you up t o be aWicted, and shall kill you : and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. 10 And then shall many be shall betrr~yone anoue rind, shall hate ll other, ,llmly false prophets

huriu ri) r&og.

end. kingdom against

7 ' ~ Y ~ p ~ r j ~ ~ ~ ai6uoc L p i6uog, K@ i . Y d 'i~ill



PaUiXia bni ~auiX$iav' rai

king don^ ;

and there A l l be famines and pcstileuccs

h p o i 'rai Xolpoill


U E ~ U / ~ O ~ rard

andenrthquakcn in [diffcrent] plnccs.


rdnovc. 8 raGra

But all to tribuhtion, and all

h&will kill

those [are] a beglnn~ng. of

throw. you;

9 Tdre ?rapctGduovoiv6pzc ;c 6Xi#lU, rai & T O K T E ~ 0hJtv.

Then will they dclivcr up you hated And then by and yewillbe the nations onaccount of many, and
K U ~

6piig. ~ a Eu~uBe i pruohp~uoi ~ x&vrwv ' r 3 iBv3v ~ Gid 6 b ~ ~ rb.5uopd-pov.

my nnme.

10 ~ a rdre u~a~~aXiuOj7aouru~M O ~ , n i i PO
will be offended w ~ l hate l

one another

T U ~ U ~ ~ U O VK U V LU~~JOVULY U ~ ~ ~ ciXh+ovc'


they will dclirer u p nnd

one another;


~ ~ ~ v e r ~ ; n ~roXXoii #~vSorpo$(raiiyepejuovrai,rai dl~ t",~

nXavjuovucv AOX-

becnuse iniquity shall many false proilhets will arise, and will mislead abO'lud, thewax cold. X06c' 12 rni 616 nlnny shall lore Of rb..rr~q~vvQ.rjuai ~ &vopiav, rF/vy$u~mi T Y 13 ~~t he that shall many ; and bccnuse shall harebeenmultiplicd Iawlessness,'will'growscold tile same endure untoshall end the b; (i a n TGY TO;\XGY' 13 6.8i ~ n o p ~ ~ v aT ~ X O ~ ~ 11 ins this 'the B v e .of 'the 6xuany ; but he who endures to[the] end

~-1)elof the kingdom O ~ T U W~~ ; / U E T ~ 14 rai O I. q p v ~ 6 r j u ~ r aroGro.rb.~ira~~6Xiou i shall be prenched In all the world for a he shall besaved. And thcreshall be proclaimed these glad tidings i ~, L V witness unto a11 na- r(g @aaiX~iac v ;Xp r e o i ~ o v p h v eic papr6piov ~ ~ U roic tious; and then When of the kingdom i n all the habitableearth, for a testimony t o all tho shall come, ye therefore shall see tXevuiw' rai r6r.E ij&i ri) T ~ O S .15"Orav o t v i6rlr.E rb : ~ ~ o , ~ nations ;~and then shall come tho end. ~ ~ i ~ n When therefors ye shall sce the by Dnviel the prophet, PEhXvypa stand l u t h e h o l ~ place, nboruin;rtion


rijc ipqphaewg, rb

of desolation, which was spoken of by.

bVf3iv 6id Aavi4X






e;~ (he out cgf L) 706 i e p o i InopcGero w l ~ ~ . I i ~ o ~ p c 0 it~iswering snid) LTTrA. P njs LTTrA. O [ a h o c ] 0t' him L. m +a&a a&a I.TPrA. - p i CLIT-AW. c rwv E . * ~ a Aorpoi L ? . ~ . A . i 9 vavra ~ r r r [ ~ ] . ? iri T .

k irrb (&


XXIV. qrjrov, vierben bv


r d n y 4yiyg b dryayivhugwv wvoei'holy OIe who made

(whonore~deth~etlli~ let him an- understand :) 16be let them which the11

standing in [the] 'plnce

J u d m fl* into tile mounttbius ! 17 let hiiu which is on the houreto not come down to cipai zriU 6pq. 17 d bni roi 6ipa?os pr).~iarapaiv~rw~ mountnins ; he on the hounetop let himnot c o m ~ d o mto take anything $'?h,","L f h ~ ~ 2 y ~ h ~ ! ir rrjc.q/riac.air~oi' 18 ~ a di f v .r$ dyp$ plj.hnurrpa+cirw let him whlch is iu out of his house,; and he in the field let him not return the Mturrl lmck to take hls clotl~eh dniuw a'pac 'rd iphrianaatroi. 19 ota' raic bv.ya.orpi.i- 19 And r o e unto tlrom back to take =gnnnentn 'his. But woe to those that are with that with child, and to then1 thrrt give xoiruaig i a l . raic eqXa~o6uac~ ~ ~ e i v a raic ;ipbpacc. auck in t 1 1 0 ~dnyrl bv ic child and to those that give auck in those day& P But prny ye that yonr flight be not in 20 xpo~e6~cc~~a.6.4 'lva yj.yi~qrai$.$#fy?).~lp~v p J v o rpflbd the winter, neither ou ~ei , And pray thnt may "not Iyour *flight in winter, nor the sabbath dny: 21 for

16 rdra those CV' r i 'Iovdai9 ~evylrwuavxixi" rd 01 in then Judea let them to the

btvll aappciry. 21 *Eurai.~d rdra BXi+ic peyhXq,

on sabbath: for there shalfbe then 'tribulaCion 'great

8uch as %ot wm not aince the ben ginning of the world l~iyovevlt dn' dpxic i d ~ p 6 ~ TO$V ~ V oh?.oLp) o thia t h e , no, uor , ns been from [the] begluning df [the] world until now, no, nobever ever shnll be. aa And


~ r h ; t u { ~?uc%e:rj ~~,


yivqrai. 22 i h i ai
shnll be ;


i ~ o x o p h e v ~ai.+ipar.;reivai, n~
those *dye,


and uncss Ihad 'becn Lshortcned

.ahnll "be 'shortened


*thea7would havcbeen saved any

not 1 there should no fled be anved: but alpE. 6id.dt rods idrirodr elwt., Rake for the flesh, but on account of the alect be

~ ~ t , 8 ~ ~ u

~oXopw9$uovmi ni-<pi ai lreivai. 23 Tdra bhv ric


i n , J I b 0 6 , b e 6 xpivrdc, 4
8ay, &hold, herecis] the Christ, $or f a h thrist. *nrise

6pTv you iba, p~.dn~urr6uqre.1~ 24'EyepThen

anyone believe [it] not. false proietn, and will g i n

here h &riht, or there.


or here,

Brjuovrac d p ~rvbdxpimoii a i +aubonpo jrai, i a i Muouurv


*lime it not& %There will Chriats and falsefnlse pro-

" : , ;

P~:Z ErS.

if ittku.eposniblc,they possible, even elect. 25 Behold, the Per ro6c irXeiroGg. %i8oz;, npoeipqra 6piv. 26 hdv ov'b einwurv h a ~ e you bofore. told the elect. Lo, I have forctold[it] to you. lf therefore they mp 26 Wherefore If tilef shnll sn uuto you, ipiv, '1806, bv rfi Bprjpy lariv, p~.lFQX0qr~~ 'Jbo6, bv &hold, Ke is in the go not forth : Bohold, [he is] in de-ert 0 not forth : to you, Behold, in the wildernew he is, bcholb, $re is in the roig rapeiolc, p7j.nrure6aqre. 27$ Caroand ;tip- lrecret chambcrs hethe chambers, belleve [it] not. For RS the llghtuing COU& lieve it not. 27 $or w Xerai dnb civaroXGv rai $aiverar dvupGv, osrwc the li htning cometh out $ tbe enqt find forth from[t:the] east and appears as far as [the] weat, go aliineth even nnio the west: sonh~bll also the Zvrai fiai" napouuia'roit uioir roi d v e p 3 ~ 0 ~ . G n o ~ . ~ ~comi;,g~ ~ the sonof 28 dp allall bc also the comiug of the Son of m a n For whorever man be. 28 For whereYs~gm 'peat and wonders, ao an

utl)reia payciXa ~ a ripam, dara enh.vijnnill,ai Jvvarlv, gal i

tO ?iiaIend,



Edv p' rb nrGpa, bra; uvva~e$uovrai oi &oi.

thoro will rnrcnse 'lG the on&# be nthered together. nrmo8itbLcly &er 6i.c d i perd d v ehi+rv rGv.$pr &v-i~eivwv $hiog urort3 tribulntion of ately,'hut after the tribulation of t f o w days the nm nhnll b t110- day. lhnll the . U ~ ~ ~ U P rai L , uebjvq o i r . 8 ~ ~ ~ 1 T ~ rb.$6yyog.nh,~ijc, ~ a i oi darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the give her li ht, nnc? the h a l f f*ll froll' doriper neuoiivrar ~dnbll o+avoi, iai ni buvdpric r&v roi #tars shnllfall from the heaven, and the powara of the he"Tcudcavens s K weq of tha nuathe l l be may be the carcane, there will be gathered together the elrgler. 'ImmeJi-

20 Eil-

g !



oirpavijv ~aX~vetjuovrat. sai rdre $avljurrai rb aqpaiov 30

hoavena of the Son Curhi EG.

, shall be shaken
of man voeiru

And then

shnll nppear the and then


roi via; roi ~ h v e p D ~ o;v 'r$I1 06pav$~ iai krdr.41 v

the heaven;

shaken: 30 and thpn of the Son 8hn11 aPPOar of the man in ~6-4 heaven: and thenrh.U &all

* r i the things aLnrAw.

iye'vero T . srrurev'are L. 1 ~ a LTTrAW. i S

; doee he u~iderstsnd? Tr. l Epdrrov garment LTTr.



eii LT~. sa~a/Id~u) r. 1m . Jv DLTTrAW. C o h aAay8ijvar T; aAav6uOa~ (read 8 0 that will be rnislud)"rr, LTTrA. h i~ O u t of T. i LTTrA. &+a T .


811 the trtbw the earth mouru nnd they shrill sm th; Son of mnn coming in the O1olldr, with power and grant glory.

MATBAIOZ. XXIV. 3/ovrai nEani ai 9vXai rijc y i j ~ .cai ;~,Lo?~rnl vibv roii rbv
aIl o

the tribes o the land, and they shall see the f coming

Son with 'an~ole

&yOp&~ov, hpx(;p~vou i rGv VF$EXGV obpavoij per& JPh TUG

f on the clouds
of heaven

&;d? ;t :geW:;

rai 66kc nokhijc. 31 mi dsomehei r o l e dyyihbvc

And heuhnll send ',

sound of n trumpet, nud t h y shall gathcr tc%ctllerhi* elect from the four winds, from o11e end of hcnven to tlre othm. 32 Sow learn a lnrrable of the fig tma; Whenhisbrunch U yet tcndor, nnd putteth forth lcnves yo h know tlrnt nigh : 33 M, likewi-e yo when ye sharll soe .li t l l m things, know that it is nerrr even nt the d m a M karily I any unto you This gooerstion r h h l nod P*w*

POWer 'hfa

aicroi, per& u c i ~ s i y yl$wvGcn o~ peykXqr, rai

with 4a'trumpet .sound his elect fro& the four

b?rcavvrihvaiv &K~)WV

nnd thcy bh~llgather togethw

T ~ ~ ~ . ~ K ~ E K T hk T~G V T-E U Q~ ~~~ W Y ~ I Y ~ ~ W d7T' O ~ U ~ O G .

wmds, from[tl1e]8atremiti6# But from its brunch the Eg-trm isbecoxne nenr [is] the

of [thelhcnvena'

to [the] extremities of thcm.

d~pwv CI~TGW.33 'A7~6.81 745

~ ( ~ O E Tnjv 7rappoXGu0 srav E

Q J ~ ~


h.rh&8oc.abrrjS y i ~ q r ~ ~
ye knpw thnt



When alrendy

h ~ a h d ~ , rd qirXXa n ~ ~ $ 6 p , ~ l iyyirc Jrb~ ~ ~ rai ijri ~ d

and the
~ .

lenrer it puts forth,


33 Oi;rwp m hpeic, iirnv iu"qrE o n d ~ r a mijra,' i ~ m m . Thus al.& ye, when ye see dl these tllingq yiv&urerr iirc iyy& iuriu h i &;patc. 34 cipljv Xdyw t+riv,P

$$ ot&2~,"C :

iti%nvon au'l enrth know t h a t nenr It is, a t [the] doors. Verily I sny to IOU, S ~ R I Ipnss awn but my 0t-p4 7rnpEXBg Ij.ycve&-aii~ Swe-dv ndvra raijra P(LSB ~~~tOf I n no wke w i l l h a ~ e y a s ~ awny this gener.rtiou uutil ed all these th1rrg9 and E V ~ T ~ L . 35 ' oLpavbc m i 1.j ytj ~ n ~ ~ X ~ ~ o 0 k~iowethno m a n no, of bet v e t a h pbe. !l!he heavon and tho earth shall p u r away, wen, but my Father ~ i . ~ i X ~ ~ o t - ~ o v 0ic.p3 na 6 X O w ~ i w . 36 U~pi-Jd 74s ,jtEQpac but my wor, in no wise nwq ~ uco~~mrning t 'dacy

o ~

111~1lnlso tbecodlng ~ K E ~ a rrijcn 6pae oC8eic oldev, ohad oi ~ Y Y E ~ OTGY ~ Y i ~ ~ L of the Son Of 'that and the hour no one )mows, not even the angels of the S* For M in the da thnt were beiore t c dpavilv, ti-p4 d.nanjk.tpovfi udvoc. 37 " Q ~ i r ~ p . ~ 6 d ~ ai qpipcrr flood they W- eatiXZ henmlla, but my Father only. But aa the days nod drinking m r y sr ingnndgiviniinmar- ro5-NGt, O ~ ; I WZ U ~ w ~ a i t'ji wapovoia ~ ~ I t403 roir &vOp&rlrcgo until the of l o o, BO .hall be alao the coming of the Son of thnt hoe entered into L the ~ k.39 and knew WOU. 38 Q u l r ~ p ~ ?p7aV h rplc dpipalcy %arc , ydp v ~ p i j ~ not u n t ~ l the fl&d m a n 'An for they were in the dnyr t h i c 4 [werc] befo~rs onrne nnd took them .l1 d ~ y ; ' s o ~ h n l ~ a o ~ararhvup05, 703 rphyomes rui nivovrec, yapoirvr~~ a i ~ the coming of the Son the flood4 enting and drinking, marrying nod



$ $ ~ ~ o ~ i ~ t l h O e ~ ~ ~ "~ y a p i ~ o z ~ ~ c ,Q ~ . ~ p i p cia{Xeav NI& is 7rjv ~ i F w 5 - 6 ~ , ah a? d~pt B ac thc onashall be tnkcn' glviug in marriqe, until the day whcn 'cutered ' o into the He ark, ml.1 the other ldt: Two shallbe kai 6brl'yrwaav, l'wc GXOfv 6 r a r n r ~ v u p ~ ~ $?v xui


grincliug nt the mill ;

~ ~ d O 42 Watch tlrerefom: hour your for ye knowLOT^ doth

and U i ' Then

&heyknew not


" c m g 'Lhe


nnd took uwny of mtmu is tnkeu,

i i n a ~ r a~ oOros L"aratbrai" n c, ~ h ~
thug .hnllbo n l the ~ two will be

~japouaictroil vio6 roir dv8prjnov. ~ ~

coruing of tho Son fie&,, the one a t the Watch

come. 13 nut know


40 ' 1 ' 6 ~ ~ 0 Z ~ o v r a i ~ .T+ dy y $6".ere 7rapuXap&iv~ra1, 96 v

ln the


if the modOf

had and the one

l~ai 2Lgierac. 41 660 ddn

is left ; Is tsktm, and or&

ci)ttjQovoaii v r $ ep~hwv;.ll pia

grluding mill, ono


7rapaXap/3(i~~rac, pia Ci ia'rni. 42 FpqyopPre o h , rai




therefore, for 1311~ thIs

ye know not i n what h o w

otr.oi8ar~ roiq '6pqU d.r6pi0~.i~~ijv zp~srar. 43 dmT1jo.8i

your Lord


0 raii~a P

- (reada great+trumpet) TLTr. b + &v the . are put forth LW& 67~ that ' - ~s GLTFrA. + 031b vibc nor the LT. - pov (read the Frrther) ykp for (as) - #dr + -,is rrpb0(read of*theiflood)LTA; M ~ a'yapivmwesfijpepp duy (rend t h e days) ~krl a. L ; yapi&vrrc r. - roi a 6 LT. - LIT~A. A QLTS.A.


~ V Z ~ TTr.


8011 & a s

P rrpcAcduesac CXLlT, A. GLTT~[A]. k80rr. 3 6rcivats








~ ~ I J & U K E T E , E; { ~ E C 0~h~bEUTd~lf~ $V~LA?h o r n inwould watch ?r0;(l thief whnt come, know, thnt if 'had 7!aiown 'the 'mnnter 'of *the8huuse in what wntch lIc ,vo,,ld ,,,ntch-

d ~AcXirr~~ ipx~rar, iypqy6ptla~v.c2v,~ a otle ~v.eiaaevg8coi

the thief comes,

ed,an(~\vouldnothave he would hlwc wntched, and not have swlcred 'to %e ~,!f~~~d$.s


ovyiivaiI1 njv.oirirtv.atro5.
Ldi~g Vhrough ready,

'his 7 h ~ ~ .

is'rolpoc' i;ri $?Gpq

wherefore a,ro ye lbefor i n such nn hour ru, yc think not the Son o ~ I . ~ o K E T ~ E 'b vibs ro5 civC?ph?rovEPX~rcrc. I ofmnncornet,h. 457Vho

44 Gid.ro5ro rai

y i ~ ~ c a ttore be ye also ready : I~


then is a faithfnl and wise servant, whom his lord I n t h made Who then is the faithful' b a n b n n and prudent, whom 3ha8 ruler o m r his hoosehold, t o ~ i r othem f7;tlUEv h.~6pt0c.'ahr06"i d r~S?9~par~iar".aitroJ,'6ck6?~ac~~ in ~ U C ro6 meat season? 'sct 'his ?lord orer his household, 6 give 46 Blessed is that scrvant, whom his lord aOro'ic T<V rpoq+v { v raip+ ;. 46 par4ptos ~ - G O ~ X O ~ . ~ K E T ?; J O ~whcn he c o m ~ t shall V, , i~ food 'in sensou? Blessed t h a t bondrunn, whon findso doing. 47Verily t o them the I sny'uuto you, That i X 8 ; ~ C ; - K ~ O L O ~ . ~ ~ T~ O~ ~; / U mrO1OG1~~a E EL ' A ~ L ~ e L J u n k e him h ~ shall ah%ving4come lhis 'lord will find doing thus. Verilg: ~ l c r o r c r n l l h i s ~ o o d s .

for in whnt hour ye think not the Son

of man

Tic Zpa i a r b b rcarhc 6c.SXoc rai $p6vipoy, 6v rari-

O B T W C . ~ 47

X S ~ W

I say to you, that over


irpiv, i i r ~t r i .rrguiv roi~.~rcip~ovaiv.airro~ '~arauriju~c :

all say his property 'evil 3bondman 'that he will set. '


aildv. 48 'l3dv-b? r i r ~ b r u d e 60510~n i ~ ~ f: t ~ ~ ~ ' l ~

But if '8hould aDelays

his h e a ~ t , My lord dclnyah his coming; nnd shall begin t o smite his fellowser~~~t~~~

~ap6i(l.rtliro~, Xpov~<ei 0h-~6pi6c.povH PiXe~iv," lea; &of,lrcci 49

his heart, 'my 'lord t o come,

t o beat

and shduldbegii cn ; 50 the lord of that r&c ~ U V ~ O ~ X O V"iu9i~cv'~-Ji s ? r i ~ ~ i v " T & TOV S~, ral PE in [his] fellow-bondmen, and t o eat and t o drink with the not for him and i n an a day looketh


~ E ~ V ~ V T W V , 50

$EEL b &piac raG.Go&X?t,b

"of *that *bondman

~ Qv ;,pipe hour ~ i
in n day

t h a t 'he is not ~ ~

O 51 and c u t himf tnsunder, and o$.rpou8orpi, rai dv $p9 O ~ - ~ L V & I J K E L , 51 kai nppoiut him his Parand tion with the hvpoi n which he does not expcct, and in nnboilr which he knows not, mites : there shnil ba, ' B E L cttrdv, rai rb. iposahroJ p ~ r & 7Gv ~ T O ~ ~weepin V gnashing T S and will cut t J S t w o 'him, and f i n portion ' with the hypocrites


'wil17corne 'tha =lord




9;lue~. ;KEY iurai 6 ~XavOpbcrai b ppv pbc r 3 v 66dvrwv.

will appoint: there will be the weeping and thc g n a J i n g of thG teeth.

~ 2 5~ T E T bpoiw9j u ~ r a t
virgins, t o meet who having taken the bridegrwm. five their lamps,

/3auihria r i v 06navGv d i ~ a
~hkavens [to] ten their lnmpa

!ben 'will 'be Omnde gl,ike 'the 2kiugdom 30f ?he

mp8Bvoig, dlrfvEs Xa3oGuai rir~.Xaprci6as~a~rGvn iFijX90v


kingdom of henvcu be

xn. Thenahn,,thB

ci~.~cir&vr~a~v~~ 705 vvpqiov. 2 T ~ ? J T E . G ~ w;junv

And five
prudent, ing taken and foolish.

atrGvII p p a i , Xax $ p 6 ~ i ~ ~ ~ , rail1r k r e ~ p w ~ a 3 . a d l r ~ v ~ c l l n 11 i l ~

lwere Iof

:@:hgt;Ot~t$; lnmp., and went forth


t o luect the brideThey who [were] foolish, har- ~ ~ E k ~ r ~ ~ i ~ , v " , , " ~

po6uai rds.Xap?r&8as.b~av~~v,11 o&c.aapov r ~ 8 ' 2avrGv

did not take oil with

oil ;

4 ai.6k
but the

? took their lamps, 1-h $p6vipot h p o v Watov dv TOYS Ciyy~iot~ took no oil with and
themselves %e sels prudent took



'a6r&JU )LET& ~ 3 v . X a p ~ h b w v ~ a ~ r 3~ p o v i ~ o v r o ~ . B ~ 5 v.~ ~ o G with sels

then1 : 4 but the wise took oil in their vestheir Inmps. 'their with their lamps. 3famYing Ithe 5 Whilc the bridcgroom tarried, thoy vvp$iov, .iv6urafav *&rat rcai b~&C?ev6ov. .pi~vq.6h nil slumbered nu4 6 'bridegroom, they %ameJdrowsy =all and slept. Butin[the]middJe slcpt. A And a t midnipht there wns a cry vvrrbc ~pnvy?jy C y ~ ~ '1605, b v v p $ i o ~ ~v, e+~~rat,II ,,clc, ~ ~ h o i d the , of [the] night 'a 'cry 'there 'was, Behold, thehridcgroom comes, go bridrpronm cometh ; b 8 ~ o p v ~ 8 i j v Tc ~ . aT I a h o ; (.t.euJ[his]) ~n . k h 06 ~OKE;TC &p? LlTrA. oi~csrias ~1"l'rh: 1 Gcfvcu G L ~ ~ A . m oljrwr a o i o i v r a LTTI-A. 1( ~ e i v o p (read the evil bondman) 0 p o v b rlipior L~TIA. q a 6 ~ o his (fellal i P ihtlciv L I ~ . bondmen) L ~ I A W . &din should eat GLTT~AW. a riq should driulr QLTTCAW. i a v r G v LTrA ; airrGv TW. v i r a c i y v i v I.TTrA. 1 p p a i r~ollsh R it air&v q r a v LTTrA. LTTrA. J -'ai EGLTTrAW. a prudent LTTrA. *;a:Pi&$but t h e L; a%"(p for those av7wr Gw ; who TT ;a y&p for the TA. i LT~A ; rdyrwv T a -?&-&I . (read the veseels) LlTrA. i a u ~ 6 v ; &&v z r LT .l +xerab LTl'rA.



I .



~o~eouttomeethim. XEOQE 7 Then all those virto meet him. Then ?we all gins arose, and trim- forth med theif lamps. $And ~ ~ ~ Q ~ v o i - h ~ ~ T v a i , r(ig.Xap.rr66aS.ga6r6v.I' 8 ai.62 rai i~hupquav the foolishGived us of s a unto the wise, those virgins, and trimmed their lamps. And the your oil ;for our lamps Pwpal rais $povipoic h~l?r~v," 4pTv ;K roG.iXaiov.6pijv, Ahre are gone O!It. But foolish to the prudent said, Give us of your oil, thc wise answered saying, Not so; lest ;her% ~ T ui-Xap?r&8ESjP(;)V~ ~ v v u v r a i . 'A.rr~lepiQ~aav.Ei L u 9 ai be not enouzh for us for our lamps are going out. But J a u s ~ e m d 'the and you: bkt go ye rnther to them that $ ~ ~ Y Lk Y 0 ~O 1 1 , X ~ 60 O M ~ X O TiE h ~ lcip~Qup ~ l G/LTv ~ ( 1 &p?~' ; sel:, and buy for Your- 'prudent, saying, mo,] lest "not 'it amay suffice for us and you : selres l0 And while they went to buy, the W O ~ E ~ E U ~ ~~ EX . X~ O~ Y~ d" ~ 7 0 6 ~? ~ W X O ~ ~ ' Tciy0p6Uar& Bp (~S, bridegroom came ; and but go rather t o those who sell, and buy they that wcrn ready went i n with him t o 10 6?r~p~opQvwv-8i ~ T ~ y 0 p 6 ~ a ~ , ( L hY @&V 0 the qarriage :and the for yourselves. But as 'went Snwty 'they t o bny, 'came 'the door was shut. 11 Afterward came &lzothe vvpfdog' rai a; 2-'roiPor eiaijXQovpw' a6ro6 rode yhother virgins, saying, 'bridegroom, and those ready went i n with him to the wedding Lord Lord open to i2gut he answer- povc, ~ a brh~ioev 86pa. 11 Gunpov-8i ipxqvrm 'rai" ai i ed and said, Verily I feast, and 'was'shut 'the =door. Add afterwards come also the

MATBAIOZ, XXV. 'airroZ.ll 7 T&E IjyfpQqaav ?riicra~ ai


~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ . yXor?ralinapQHvo~,~ O ~ l m ~ ~Xbyovua~, ~ P L E , L CE~ U O I ~ O jll*iv. 12 ' O J i K K ~ ~ , Y therefore, forye know othcr virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he 2;" ;29 :2; ,: ; h ~ o l e p ce l ~ e ~',~ p l i XLyw 6pT7~, o6r.o:ba 3 t ~ i i ~ . rpq~ iv v 19 of s a n cometh. answering said, Verily I say to youJ I do not know you. day nor the hour Watch in

yop~Zre ov'v, 8 r ~ oirr.o?6are rtjv Gpipav ot8i njv Lpav

therefore, for ye do not know he comes. of man travelling into a far who 14 " ~ ~ 7 E p -&vepw7roc ~ T O ~ V ~ ( ; )~Y K ~ ~ E U E V ~ & ~ his own servants, and For [it is] as [if] a man leaving the country called hie own delivered unto them hiigoods. 15Andunto J O ~ X O ~ S , rni T U ~ Q ~ W I C E Y a6rois rci-6?rcipxovra.airro~.15 one he gave five ta- bondmen, and delivered to them his property. And

gf hencen is as a man

14 PO* the

kn i*

pf 6 v i h ~ dvOp&rovipx~rat.u 706 which the Son



man accord- t o one he gave five talents, and t o another two, and toanother one, ing ; and straightway ir?iur(r ~ n r d r$v.i6iav 86uap~v lity to his several abirai " & T E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~6eb6)c. U E U took his journey. t o each according to his respective ability ; and left the country immediately. And 'having 3gone 'he who the five talents received trafficked with the same, and i v airrois, rai qb.rroiqu~v" 6XXa .rrBvre rr&Xavra.u17 ~aa6rwg made them other like- with them, And five and mnde other 5ve talents. I n like manner wise he that had r e a K a j a rd '~ai a6r6&I &kXa $60. 6 t::e also he who[received] the two 'gained lalso 'he other two. I8 But he that had re- 18 6-8; rh ?vTXa@v (~TEXO&Y & p l ~ ~ vT< y5," IZI the earth, and But he who the one received having gone away dug


f ~ ~ ' t ~ h",";a $-p{v ,~ ~ W d, , ~ ~ ~

K E V 7iQvrerhhavra,




l6 Then he f~$..~$h~dfi~a&


16 .rrop~v~~ic".~8~ll ~Lvre 6 rd rhXavra Xap;v Pei'py&utrroa

660 E K Q ~ ~ ~ u E U

ri) & ~i~~ 19 and hid his lord's x(i~b~pvIC/~vI' P Y 6 ro~.kuPi&.a~ro6. Merd.8i Y X ~ ~ V O V money. 19 After a long bid +,he money of his lord. h d after a 'time time the lord of those ~ a uvvaipEr and ?roX3v11~ ~ X E T U6 & p 1 0 ~ T ( ; ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ w Y . ~ K Ei~ v w v , L servants eon~eth, reckoneth with them. 'long comes the lord of those bondmen, and takes 20 And so he that had received five, talents CIi1~6l.J ~ ~ O L . I I 20 ~ a ?rp0UEh6&v X i ~ ( i 76'enme and brought 'with 'them. '.account. And 'having =come 'he who the five taother five talent. say6XXa ~ Q v rrhXavra, Xbywv, e ing, Lord, thou deliv- Xavra XaPGv, ? r p o a ~ v e y ~ r v ~ eredst anto me five lenta rewired, brought t o @m] other five talents, sayiq,

$2:0g g'::




QrtGipquev. eirObs ropav8sis left the country. Immediately having gone T. 0 62 and [ L ] T [ T ~ ~ P +pydua~o TA. q i ~ i p s ~ a gained LTT. ev r a a v ~ LT~~A]. a 8 ~ a i t ~ a c k b s LTTI[A]. a v ~Mawov talent t. f i v [the] earth TTrA. hdyov p$ a&&v LTTIA. 9 R O ~ X ~ ~ V OLTPrA. ~ V V CKPV$~CV LTTrA.

- 8; but GLTTrAW.

- a ~ h o ; (wad [him]) TA.



B iuu~Gv LTT~A. aL[TTJ. i

- ;V fi h vibs 70;

h e b a v TT~A.

06 p$ not at a11 LRAW.

~ Y ~ ~ & T O P X f ~ aGLTTrA. ~ V b




X Y V.
Lord, talents

fi1ATTHEW. rEvre r&Xavrci pot rupiGw~as. iGe, pciMa

five talents t o me thou didnt deliver: behold, other And "snid 'to 'him havc l gained besides them. rood and

7 . 3
T ~ V T Egikined beside then1 fire tn'e"'9: hPholdl Illave five taleutr more. 21 His

e~hXavrali h~ip8qaa bhr' airroi~.' 21 "E$q.c6k1'airrf; d ~ 6 ~ 1 0%ye, E ~ u ;



ai~roij, 336, . boijX~ &ya& rai rrqri, Q r i 6Xiy&

Ihie, Wcll ! bondman

thou been fnithfnithful, over n few things thou wast ~ A i ~ ~ ~ $ ~ $ , " ~ ~ ~ f ,


overmany t h i w s : e n ter thou Into the joy of t h y lord. 22 B o ro6.~1~pio1~.uov. ITpoaeXBAv-dEi" 23 ~ n i d r(i Giro r&- also thnt had received G- two talcnta came nnd And hnving C me to[him] aalso 'he who the two of thy lord. mid, Lord, thou delivXavra.eXaj3cLv" elrev, Kirp~e,860 r&Xnvr&pot xapiJwraq- ereast unto mo two lcuts received d d , Lord, two talents t o me thou didst deliver; t+nts: behold,I hnve a ~ n e dtwo other tai d e , (ZXXn 60 r&Xnvra dr6pGqua bbr' a6roic." 23 *E$q f?ntr beside them. tnleuts have l gniued besides them. 'Said 23 His lord snid nnto behold, othcr two him, Well done, good a;r(> h.rirpro$.airrofi, Ebl 606Xe &)'Cl62 Kai and faithful servant; 'to Shim hls 'Lord, Well! bonilmnn good and faithful, over thou h n ~ t been faithfaithful, over mnny t h i n r ~ thee wil1,I set : enter into the joy,

riurdc, bri roXXGv ae ~nrau.r$aw. ~ineXQe

r$v xapdv


iuco the thc one 'thou'nrt joy talout


riardq, bri roXXijv

of thy L o r d had received snid,


~araarljuo. eiueXOe ~ A ~ ~ ~ , R k , f ~ ~ , " , h C

will I set : enter over many things :

a few things thou wnst faithful, ovcr mnny things thee

is r j v xapciv roij.mpiov.uov. rb ?v r&Xavrov &X.q$Ag

'a 5man,

24 ~poue~O&v.Gi ~ a i 6

of thy ord. 21 Thcn the JOY And having come t o [him] "also 'he who he which hnd receivcd

E ~ T E VK6prel ,

Zyvwv .ae $71 urXqpb~

I knew thee t h a t

1 div6pwroq, t)pi<@v iixov oli~.iuxerpag, ~ a avvhywv i

renping: whcre thou didst not sow, and

thee thnt thon a r t a n hard where man, rcnping not gathering sown, and gathering


where tholl not and beiugnfnid, haring l o n e away f h i d $ : rb.rciXa+rdv.oov Zy q j y$ E { X E L ~ rb.udv. 26 'Aro- hid t h y talent in the earth 10 there thou i n the enrth ; behold, thou hhst thine o m t h y talent *An- hnst 'thni ir thine. q i 0 ~ I . q d.&pio~.airroG E I ~ E Vairr6, fIIovqpB AoCXE" rai 26 His lord nnswcred 6.i swcring 'and 'his SLord said t o him, Wicked abondman 'and Z'horcsaid andslothand wickcd him* whence thou didst not scatter,

$&v -oir,6iardprraa~' rai $opgeei~, cir~XB&v ZK v+a 25


'slothful, thou knowest t h a t I reap where

6h-vtlpf, ?j8elc $ri &piLw $rev 0 6 ~ . ~ a n e irai ~ v v & ~ w fulscrvant,thouknew~a, $8~1,

I sowed not,

~oi~.bieardpniua i d e i ; 27
I scattered not ;

g o b

ne" paheiv hrb.cipy~pidv".pov where i have not thcr

m y money

gather whence I sowed not .and gnthat I where

strawed: 37 thou oughtest therefore t o have put my money t o t o the money chaugcrs, and coming should have received minc own with the exchmgers, nnd then a t my coming I rhry. 28 &pare ov'v dr' airroir rb rMavrov, rai 8dre should have received r@ interest. Take therefore from him the talcnt, andgive[it]to him who mine own with usury. 28 Takc therefore the .~ravri 6001j- talent fro? him, and Exo~rl &KU7LiXaVrLX. 29 TG-ycip i x 0 ~ ~ 1 rci has the t e n talents.Foz'who jhns 'to 'evzry =one shall give it unto him which hath ten talents. ~ ~ ~ i a u e v 6 l j u ek&i7b 5.i r0ij1' p j . ~ x 0 v r 0 ~ka; 29 For uuto every one rai~ , aErai, be givan, andihe] shall be innbuudnnce; =from 'but him who hns not, evcn thnt hnth xhnll be 6 &EL (ipQju~rni atro;. 30 Kai T ~ &XOETOV ~ o ~ X Ogiveu,abundnnce :shall (is' V ave- ~ V a t ~ d he b a t t h a t which he bsa shail be tnken from him. And the uieless bondman' from him t h a t hnthnot

itbehoved 'therefore 'thee t o put

TOTS irpar~~iraic'N iX8Av h h tropibtLp~~t/v.~?v Kai rb-bpbl' &v

cast ye out

into the darkness the teeth

U K ~ T O ~ ht;i)r~po~* . inrai d rb hi outer : there ehnll be the


hath. 30 Andcnst ye the nnprofitable darkness: into outer servant there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 31 When the SOU o t man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the

rai -h ,$p~ypbcTGV ~ S ~ Y P W V .
and the gnashing of the

31 "Oiav-6i i X e p d
But when 'comes Ithe "Son

703 &vGphrov b~ r$.665p.a.Lroii,

'of 'man with him,


his glory,
U ~ ~ U E ~


~ a ri & v r oi m ~ y ciyyEX01ip ~~' G T Or ~d ,r ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ' K

all the holy angels

then willhesit upon[the]

[r&Aav~a] Tr. b a i i r o ; ~LTT~. - 81 and GLTTrAW. 6 and T. a Aa; h 76 dpyJptd T . B ue ofv m r ~ . f AoGhe r r o y p a L, piuv (rtud [received]) LTTrA. ayto& 1jx~&ere QL~T~AW. k 706 61 but of him who L r u mL i ~parre<eira~s T. QLTTrA.



throne et his glory: a? :nld hofore hiru shall bc gtrt:lcred nn- throne of hi* glory, and shull bc gathered ucforc him tlor.4: and he shrill r&vra rci ievI),rai Ud$oot~il' ahroic 6n' dXX$lwv, 6axep i) wpnrate them asone another, a a11 the natlons, and h o w l l l s ~ i u a t e thom from one nnothcr, as the sheyhcsr! divldeth hw aotpiv ( ~ $ o P ~T&E L < apdpara 6nb r3v dpi$wv, 33 rai arhaer sl~ocp he the set the shepherd separates the fl om goats. X, sheep from the goats ; andhc will -et

MATeAIOX. XSV. Op(;vou 86{)l~.aitroS, 32 rai n a v v a ~ e ~ a e r QnrpoaO~v ai~~ uhro;

ehwv6pwv. sl~cep on his right *rdpiv ap6para ;K 8eftGu a6ro5, rd.8b hpiptct hand but theaonts on the shcep on =right .'hand 'his, but the goats on [his] loft. the 1;ft. 34 Then 8h:rll ?to 34 T h e i p e i i) PaatXefig rorg ;K ~ E S L S V ah-05, ?lfir, 0i the King them O n right Then Jwil14say'the "king to those on 'right 'hund lhis, Come, the hnud Come yebles-ed of ~ a r h rinherit E & ~ O P ~ Y O L rokaarp(ig-pov,K ~ I , I ~ O YjaarE T / V ~rotpaapivqv , O~ the kingdom repred b esaed of my Father, inherit the "prepared for you from t%efoun&nh karapoiijg K~U/.LOU. 35 ba~ivaaa.~Ap, datbon of the world: +piu @abtkiaIJ 35 for I was an hun- Yor'you 'kingdom from[the] fouuducion of [the] world. For I hungcred, gred, nnd ye gave me I thirst ~ a i66ra& pot gayeiv' IGi#~/aa,rai Caoriaar6 pea S f v o ~ i and y? gave me dri& and yegnve me to ent ; I thusred, and yegnve "to 'drink 'mc; astrmger I WM a stranger and 36 y ~ p ~ drai, X E ~ L E / ~ ~ PEE jlueig X T~ e took me in: &Ua- &OY, rcai mvqyriyeri naked, and ye clo~hed me ; I wns led, m d ye clothed I w s and y e t w k -tu 'me; a, mes ~IeWRR sick a d F e y e a , nai ireari+aaei yeo i v guXnrp' vi d me: I m qv, rai PijhJ~r~" ?rpiic

pn.ou, and

C came


ye visited

me; in




ye came


h,, i mying, L O Z ~ , m& Thcn w i t mswcr him thorighteous. .*nying, Lord, ~~~r~~~ &re ui qe';bop~v" retvJvra, rcai Ct?piJ/ap~v; 6t$3vra, rai t l , c e ~or thirsty, and when 'thee lnuw 'we hungering, and fcd [theo]? or thirstiug, m? tile drink? iroriuapev; 38 rdre.6i at eiBop~v fLvov, rcai a ~ v q ~ & ~ o 38 When mw we theo guve[thceJtodrinkl, and when 'thee 'saw %e nntranger, and took [thee] in? a stmnger, ~ E Y thee ill? or nnkcd, and i j Y ~ I ~ Z * ~ U , rcai repiepriXo EU : 39 ndre-bf ae E ~ ~ O '.&a@ev,j,' thee.r Or . clothed lhoe] 2 And w h p 'thee 'snw xwe lick, whonsnw WO thw sick, or naked, and


p. 37 Tire haor tOljaovrar aitry' oi Girarol, Xdyovreg, Kirpre,



~rinpri=?and~ame iv $vha~i, rcai 4X80p~v.rp6gU E ; 40 Kai &?ro&pteeig d unto thee. 40 And m in Kingshallanswsr priaon, and came t o thee? And answering the and s a l unto them, Pa@th&c E i aitroig, 'Aprjv hiyw i,p7v, i$'.iiaov irot$aaro verll~ unto You* king wig nny to them, Verily I aay to you, Inwmuch ye did [it? Inumuch as ye have ~O ~ done i t unto one of ivi ~ O ~ T W ' YT ~ U - & ~ E X ~ ~ V . TGYUbXaxiurwv, ipoi ~ T O L ; ] the l a d of them my t o one of th-e my brethren the least, to me ye brethren, yehave done it unto me. cl Then CarE. 41 Tdre 1 E; rai r o 7 ~ Eirwvirpwv, ~ O ~ E ~ (ir' ~ E E U mhtrll he say also unto. did [it]. Then will&asy alsotothose on [the] left. Go from tllcm on the b f t hand, =@part from me, ye bpoGt toi" raqpapivot, eic rh ~p rh aaivtov, 76 tjrotpncursed, into ererlast- me, the cursed, into the 5re the eternal, which has bocn ing Ere, prepnrod for the devil m d hil a - u p 6 ~ 0 ~ Grapdhy rairoi~.iyy6ho~g.a&roZ. i x ~ i v a a a . y 6 ~ , 42 For I hungered, r l s : 42 for I was an prepared for the devil and his angels. ungred, and ye gave me no meat: I ~ a 0&~-86Prarh $aye7vmi6i$qaa, rai ohr.iaoriaar~ pe* i pot thirsty, nnd ye ave and p gave not to me to eat ; I thirsted, and yegave 'not %04drink'me;




a M n g e r ~ W U J , and ye t w k %ot 'Ln .me ; baked, and ye did nol in ;nnked,& sick,anl inprison and her6 PE' &uetvljg, rcal iv $vXa@, rai oirr~iaearE~aaBi ye me p& yc me 'not. clothe me; sick, and in prison, and ye did not vixit me. 4ATi&&h:1&,zg 44 Tdre drorp~&jaovra~ va'aitriin icai a&roi,hiyovreg, Kbpie, illg, ~ ~ when d , Then ~ LRIU 'answer 'him 'also 'they, aaying, Lord,

43 fivoc r j q v , rcai ot.avvqytiyeri PE' yvpvdg, rai of.?repts/3&-

2 a ~ ~ f b , " ~ ra4 rZEiPpv 1 lrdre ~ f ; ~ rervJvra, ij 6tJ13vra, 4

t6vov, i j yvpvdv,

when :thee l a w 'we hungering, or thinrting, or a atrunger, or naked, or p or nahed, or z or h prinon, nnd did rioeevij, i j Iv $vXatcf, rni ot.6i~rovrjaapivnot; 45 Tdre &no~ i ~ ~ , rick, or in f prison, and h ~ ~ did not minister t o thee ? Then will anrwer them, mafin~, n p t e j a ~ r a ~ atroSg, Xiywv,'Apjv X6yw ;piu, b$'.iiaov 06r.hrocy d ~I lay you, he answer them, soying. Verily I say to you, Inasmuch sn ye did not

xxv, ssvr.
jlt] to ouc of tllase the 'ntvay letrst, %lisll"o eternal.

ncithcr tome did ye [it]. bud


qunre ivi rn6rtov 73v bXn~iarwv. 038; bpoi ilrof,iaare. 46 Kni

'thcse intopunishiucut otcrnal, buc the righteous into life

gy~~o~h, ~ ~ ~ of thcsc, yo (lid uot

me. 46 And tllcqo ~ ~ ~ , rnent : but the righteous into life ctcrnaL ~

dxeX~ilaovrntoFroi eic rdXaaiv ai3vrov. oi.6i Giratoi eig Zw~jvto aihvi0~.

i 2 6 Kai iyivrro $re arihrurv 6 'Irp~o?crdvrag rovg

X X ~ *nd i t a a e ,
t o pass whcn Jcxus
, :

b u d i t cnmc to pnss wheu "had 'Bnishcd



A6you~-robrouc, airev roic.pn8rlrai~.nbroG. 2 OiJart $7, perd

~ $ i ~ ~ ~ d thrsc sayings he said t o his disciples, Ye know t h a t af ter his disciples, 2 Ye know ~ j ~ i p n g lrciaxa yivarnt, rai d vi;g roir rivephaou thatfeust 4twO"ay-iY rb tlre f the pncrsm* two d ; ~ p tlio pnssovcr takcs plncc, and thc Son ovcr, npd the Son of anprr8io"orat ~i~.r~.arnvpw8ijvni, TJre uvv;l~8qunv oi 3 is betrirJcd be to bc crucified. Thcn wcrcp;rthc~ctl togcthcrtho ,"{, is dclirercd u~

:,","l:,"$ E'$tfi:

& p ~ f ? Wg~ a i ypau~iareic"m ; oi xp~a$6repot TO? haoO i oi

chief yric-ta to the nnd thc court scribes and tho oldcrlr

eiS 71jv C ~ / I X J ) V roi, r i p ~ t ~ p i wroir X E ~ O ~ ~ ~ g

of the high pricst who wtu cirllcd Jcsus took conusel togethcr in orrlcr that

pi'ic*tsg of tho pcople of tlie puplc, unto tho the 'ldCra VOV Kni'ciqa, 4 ten; pa!fico who was csilc13 of the high rical, Caiaphxs, and eaisphnr, and con-


a v ) ~ ~ $ o r ~ ~ ~ ~ a 'iva r o ri)v ' I t l a o ~ v ~ p n r ; ) a ~ a t ~ sultcd that thcy rniplrt civ x 8dXfp.11

m drnorrcivworv. i
and .a 'turnulc kill rlrerc 'be Dim];

5 L*XEYOY.BB, M l j l v rZj ioprij, i'vn tilj

bv rcij Xacij.
being in

yivqrat 86pv@o~
Now Jesus the lepcr,

they might r i z c by guilo, and Jpsuslrysubti'ty~ ) kill Aim. 5 B I I thcy sirid, ~ o on tho t but they snid, Not during the fwst, t h a t "not fea9t dlry,lent thcrc be nn uproar among the


among the pcoyie.

6 'l'oir.81.'Iquoi, Y ~ v ~ p l Bq0avip~;U 6u ~ ' ~


o ; K / ~Z ~ ~ ~ W Y O E
of S i u o n

705X~srpoC, .~rpoaijXBe~~ S rrlr$

3carue vcry prcoious,

6 Now whcn Jmna BethnnV *toAhim'a Awoman,A i.rlabnrtwflnskof ointment the hou-c of ~ i r n i d n the

in [thc] house


~ciXk~3u~rpoi~ p1;pov
his hcnd

i~ovra~~ Z,8a(,vr;pov,'L rni

having, and
'Y Lvn~etp;O U .

C ~ T ~ ~ E E V ilri


[it] on

nrtjv.~~pahjv."ah& tz2 ~,thh,*w&~

hnving nn alnb~~xtcr it on hi. hend, as ho

as he ruclincd [at table].

intlignnnt, xnying,

8 iGtjvrecGl ~i.~nOqrai.~abroi,i~ fjYnv&~-ointment, nndpFecious Of

But accing [it] his disciples

n)uav, Xiyo),~c, ki jl.(i~LjXata.nOrq ;9 '4Silvaron.ydrproirro Eig

For what this wustc?

it, they had indigno. H Y ~ To a.llnt ~ ~ I aoirrlmeot h w e becn sold for mnch, and hnvc been given t o [thc] poor. ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ i s t h ~ i ~ 'Ir]ac@ ~ i x e v abroic, T ~ d a o v gxapiXera might hnve been nold i 110 I'voCc.82 But knowing [this] Jesus ririd to tltem, Why trouble do yo c;ruse for nruch'nnd Riven tLc poor. 10 Whcn Jer i yvvatri; Ipyov.yirp r(tXi)v ffipYCianrol' / g dpb. l l r(iv-BUS understood it, hc to t ie ,womnn.? for n 'work 'good slio wrought towards me. firrid unto tlrem Why "lt r o u b ~ c thc wdman ? ye rore ydp roirg xrwxo&g Exere p68' c ' n v r h ~i 06 r&t!ror~ rho h ~ r t hwrought fop w n p Ifor tilc poor ye h~rvcwith you, & t i e not alwny~ 12 pahoirrra-yc'rp aijrq r b . p d p ~ v . ~ ~ ?hri TO? alwrryswith you; buk ro yc have. For "in 'pouring 'thin C'womrtn] this ointment on me ye hnve not n1ways. l2 For i n thnt aLjpar6c.pov srpbg rb.ivra$ ixoiqaev. 13 ci 4v she hnth poured thia for niy bliryinq she did [it]. &ily .I ssp ointment on my body my body L , V K ~ O V X ~ ) ~ 6Xy shc did it lforluy btuinl: 1 3 v ~ i y say unto I to you, Wlicrcsoe-~crshnll bc'yroclaimed them glad tidings in a l l you, IYheresoevcr this

~~,,"bi."d':,'di,i,", is

dri.pi,povl' rrpaerjvat aoUo?, rni


~ t u x o i g .tiou, S

l '






r$ r6atfy,, Xcthl8tju~rnt rai

the world, a mcmorisl


shnll be s p k e u of alsothat wh!'ch of her.

pvtlp6avvoy uirijg.
rai oi y p a p p a ~ e i c LTT1.A. p6pov LWr. noAuripou LT. LT'Pr.4. C ~66va70 TA. d f.ipydua70 T.

gospel shall be prenched in tho wholc world 'this rwomkn], for there nhall also thiu) t h a t this woman b:rti done, be told for 6 memorial of her.

a r?$ rtcr#JaAGsLTTC. 7b pvpov GLTTrAW.

6QAy ~ p a ~ v o u GLTTrAW. tv

+ '10;s (read tv the poor) LW.

J jxou daa ~ - a6mO (veudu at ld~Adistil)ous)~ o v e

7 6
14 Then one of the

twelve calL:d Judas Then 10having"gone loue'of %he *twelve, 'who "&S called 'Jud:rs ~scnridt, went uuto thechietpricsts, l5and ' 1 ~ ~ ~ p ~ & q g roig cipxcepeig,. 15 E ~ ~ E T , 8il\ri pot , U I said unto them, What will ye gire me, I 'Iscnriote, to the chief priests, snid, Whnt are ye willing "me will deliver him unto Joijvac, gr6 (;'l &piu rapa8haw airrLu; Oi.62 iarqaav airy' you? And they cove- 'toagive, a n 1 1 to you will deliver up him? And they appointed to him nn~itedwith him for tllirty pieces of silver. rPi&~oura cipy6pia. 16 ra; (irb rdre CcGr~i ~lrratpiav l6 And from t:~irty pieces of silver. b n d from that time he sought anopportunity time hc sought oppor- ,, tuuity to betray him. iva a i ~ r i v TCtpasy. that him he might deliver up.

A I A T O A rozl. xxvr. 14 T d r ~ T O P E V ~ E ;e~ : ~rijv 8&6era, d hyo't" E Y O S 'lobEns


l 7 Now the first day 17 TG.82 IrphT'Q 7 3 ~ . & ~ 6 p O v ?rpoaijX60~ p&0i of the Past o unf Now on the first [day] of unleavened mrend] came the discilcnreued bread the disciples cnme to Je- 7Cli T(> 'ITpT03, Xkyoure~ ba&~(l?,ll 0HX~ig HOG ~roiphu~pkv sus, snying unto him, plen to Jesus, wying t o him, Where wilt thou [that] weshouldprepero Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee COL 9ay~Yv rb. ?r&uxa; 18 '0.62 E ~ ~ E' Y n h y e r ~ i rilv Y , ~ c to eat the pnssover? for. thee to eat the passover 7 And he snid, Go into tho 18hnd he said, Go into thecitytosuchaman, 7r6X1v r p b rdv-beiva, ~rcie i r a r ~ ~ abr(l?, '0 8i8&a~aXo~ Xiyei, and sapunto him The city unto such a one, and say to him, The teacher snys. Mastersaith, N iime ' ~ - ~ lyyirc. iarLv. d ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Is a t hand ;I keep r p b thee I will koep the pnasorer ~ perk ~ ; TOL(;) ri) T & U X wich U the at thy Uy time 'near lie ; with house with my disci- r& v-Jla eqTGv-pOU. 19 Kai troiqaav oi paeqrai &g avvira&v p!@% 19 ~ n the diad ciples did as Jesus had And *did 'the 'disciples ' W *directed appointed them ; lrnd airroi~ 'IqaoG~, they made ready the 6 rai 7jroipaaav rb rhaxa. 'them 'Jesus, and prepared the pnssover. pnssover.


20 Xow when the ercn wns come, he snt down with the

20 'O+ias.82 yevoptvqc c i v i ~ ~ t r o
as they were enting

per& 76% 8hseka1.

the twelve.

And eveniug being come he reclined [nt tnble] with he snid, Verily

I say unto you, that irpijv ?rapa8Paet PE. 22 Kai Xvro6p~voia$6Spa Ijpcavro one of you shall betray me. 22 And they You. deliver UP meAnd being grieved exceedingly thcy began were exceeding sor- Xdyetv nirr(>kk'~aaroS aitrGv,l1MGri 6 h ei 1, rbpra ; 23 '0.d.i [he], Lord? Bat he rOn?ul, and t o lny t o him, ewh of them, evcry one of them to 0 say unto him, Lord, is cirorpi6~i~ T E U , ' bpph$JCtg E~ PET' bp03 'bv rf$ rpv@l\iy i t I ? 23 And he nu- answering said, He who dipped with me i n the dish swered nnd said, He vibg 706 (iv%p(;thnt dippth his hnnd ~ 4 X E1J ~ , "~ + 0 8 r 6 ~ rapciSDaei. 24 d p wlth me ~n the dish [his] hand, he me wl deliver up. il The 'hldeed -Son "of ~'nurn the same shall bctrni me. 24 TheSouof man TOV 6 ~ 4 ~ ra0Ac ~ 1 , ykypamac repi abroG, oira;.Ji r$ gocth nu i t is written goes, as it has been written concerning him, but woe of him : but woe unto thntmnn by whom the ( i v @ p & r y - ~ k ~81' y05 d uibc roil (iu8phrou rapaEi6orai. iv Son of mnil is betrayto thirt man by whomthe Son of man is delivered up ; ell l i t hnd been ood for that he raAbv 4u a&r$ E oirr-hyevvtj0q d . ~ u ~ o w ~ o g . ~ r e i v o ~ . i h:rd not becn born. good were i t for him if 'hsd4not *been aborn thut 'nian. 25 Theu Judas, which 25 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . , ' ~ 0 ~ J j ~ ~ 8 ; I ~ ; , ~ rapn6t80ic U ~ T ~ V i elnev, Mhrc betrnyed him. nuswercd a ~ t d said, XIiuter. is And ausnrcring Judas, who w?s delivering up him, said, it I ? He said unto (j E; 1, mfiC(pFlji;ll ElTns. said' be], Rabbi ? He says to hiu. Thou hnst said.

:y;z, $:,?:$; if

21 rai ba0~6vrwv-airr3v i r ~ u , e 'Apjjv XHyw &piu, 8rt

I sny t o you, thnt one of




& $2

i + pa8qrGv disciples I.T. h - airs$ LTT AW. B wai iyi, T. cis EK-UTOF e:boli one LTT.A. 1 +v Xe;pa iv 70: r p v & \ i ~ LTTrA. m CaSBei T. rbv ~ n r [ ~ ] . Q docc P - ltai Lrrr. q - 7b (read a cup) TT~A. J rai LT] [~. having given Lwr.

26 And as thcy were And ns they were entiug, 'having "tnkeu 'Jesus the bread, took enting JFSUS irXaaev rai "b6i6ovl~roig paOqmi~, lllcai" bread,'nnd blecsed it, lcai ~irXoy~jaa~, nud brnke ir. and gave nnd hnving blessed, broke and gnve t o the disciples, land it to the dieciples, nnd .aid, Tnb,ent ; this is E ~ A E V A ~ ~ E T J ~ , ~ E T E ' , ~ E 70Gr6 ~ U T L UT ? J . u ~ ~ & . ~ o v . Kni 27 my body. 27 And he said, Take, eat; this is m y body. Aud took the cup, nun gave thanks, it to Xap&u %h1' ?ro~pioU, '~ajll ~Bxapiuu a s , i6wrev nirroi~: j them, s a ~ i n g ,Drink h n v i n ~ taken the cup, and hnving given thanks, he gave[it] to thu111.

26 'Ea8r6vrwu.6l.airrljv,

XaP&v h ' I q a 0 3 ~ nrbvll 6prov,


XXVI. MATTHEW. Xlywv, ITiere hF abroii n ~ v r e s28 roirro-ycip iurivrb.aTtih.pov, o

~ n y i n g , 'Drink "of thnt of the
t ~ ~ rijr l i

it : 2R Tne nll of blood for this xlly of the
test am,,



For tllis many


my blood,


"xniuijc" 8iae$rq~, nepi noAhGvwl~vv6prvov" ri, E $

fen covennnt, which for is poured out

~ h : ~ " , ~ o ~ ; y s ~ ~ 21) But I say unto you,

rcu~ksion of sins.

6@0lv +.tapr[&.
TO; this

.rrh &n' I willnot drink hence.But I sny to you, that not nt a11 will I JTiuk hence- : ~ ~ h T ~ ~ e
fruit of the vine, until

%yw.$i Gpiv, 'Zriu oh-r?)


hpri i s ro6rov
forth of 'thnt

J y e ~ v l j p a r rec ~ciprihov, zws rig <pipas iday whin I you in o~ ~ drink t new with
I d r i n k with you: ncw inthe

iceivllg $raw abr6 rivw peg 6p3v rarvhv hv

of niy fnthcr.

73 PaaiXaiq T O ;

rnrpdr.pou. 30 Kai ~pv$aavreC dtilheov aig rb bp05 r 3 v

And havingaungnhymn they went out t o the mount

my Father's kingdom. they ~ ~ ~ y s ~ , " t a & , h ~ ~ ~ the mount of Olives.

30 And when

I ~ U ncivra~ , ~ ~ ~ irpeic arav8a- be offended Meca~~se of of Olieeu. Then 'says =to'them )Jesus, All ye will be me this n i h t : for i t is written, f,wiIl amite A~uBfioerB~v ipoi i v ~ . v u d . r a i r p . yiyrnrai.ydp, the shepherd and the i offoudetl in me during ' this night. For i t na been written, aheepof the dock aha11. be scattered abroad EarriFo rbv r o ~ p f rai ZGiuoropxia~$aerai" np6para BS B U after I am risen va, rd ~ I will amite the shepherd, and will be scattered abrond the sheep again, I will go before you into Qalilee. 33 Pcr i j ~noipvqc. 32 erZr.82 npocitw 6 p b ~ answered and ter f u t after m y being raised I will go before you unto him, Though all of the flock ; offeudcd a i ~ I'aXiXaiav. 33 'Aro~pi6'ai~.c%.ITb~poceIney ahrcy', mm fihall bethee, yet r4v b hecnusa of into G;tliice. And nn..wering Peter snid t o him, will I never be offeuded. 34 Jesus said unto

;Xni;v, 31 rdra %ye' a h r o i ~ ' d


Ei 'rail1 rciuree arav8a)ltae~aovrat dv uoi, d h oir8krore

evcu nll will be offended 'siid night, 'him i n thee, 'Jesux, cock


rxav6ahioBfiaopai. 34 *E60 a6rG 6 'Iqaoirc, 'Ap4v Xtyu

will be offeudelt that during this


him, VerilyI say unto thee mat this night,

Vcrily I s a y t o thee, thrice,

35 peter anid

Sri bv ra6rg r i vvrri, npiv

thou s i l t dcny me. with thee all the ?S~LJ~ "to4him

before [the]

&Xirropa $wvijaai, z



unto him, with thee, should die, lqhough I yet will I not deny

tirnpvljuk pf. 35 Aiyer a6rG d n k r p o ~Kdv ,

'Peter, t o die, in nowise thee will I dony.

p thee. Likelvi~e also 8 Evenif i t wcreneedful for me said '1 O diaciples' l 't


a3v uoi aao9avaiv, ot.p$. ae &rapu~uopai. 'Opoiwc wdvreg oi paeqrai elxov.

EVOV 36 Then cometh Jecakd sus with them .unto a place called QethrJ'~eaqp~vij,lt rai TOTS paeqraicd,Kaeiuare c.l.i.05, semane, and saithunto Qethnemane, and he says to the disciples, Sit here, until t h e disciples Sit ye here, while go and dneXe3v fnpoae6fwpa~ bri,fl 37 Kai napaXa/%w rbv gray yonder, 3 i A r d huving gone away I shnll p a y yonder. And having tnken a i t h b i m ] e took with him P c ter and the two sons rIErpov rai roic 660 violjq ZePe8aiov, ,jpSaro XvneiaOai rai of Zebedee, and began I'cter and thc two sons of Zebedee, ,-he began t o be sorrowful.snd t o be sorrowful and ~ ( S I ] ~ O I ' E ~ Y38 rdre . airroicg, II~piXvnd.5 lo;iv ~ . ~ U ~ $ very heavy. 38 Then .~OU saith he unto them, my soul dccylj depressed. Then hesays t o t h m , Very sorrowful is , My soul is exceeding jr'wc eavrirov* peivare cj6e lfai ypq~op~ire hp06: 39 Kai sorrowfnl, even unto par' evcn to death ; remain here and watch with me. And death : t i r r y ye here, and watch with me. "lrpoaX6'hv~~ plrpbv Zreaev dni npdawnov.abroir rpouavxd- 39 And he went a little hariuggoncforward a little he fell upon his face Pray- farther and fell on his face and rayed ~1105, rai )chybv, I I ~ T ~ . ~ ~ OGvvardv duriv k?rap~X8irwl' a; V , " saying b my gather: if i t de possible, let cg, and saying, my Father,. if posbible i t is let pnss this cup ass from me: cin' bpo; rd.nor+piov.roGro. nXSv o6x &S iyi; BiXw, dXX' dig nevertheyess not as I from me this cup; nevertheless not ar I will, b u t a s will, but as thou wilt.

36 T ~ TEPXeraiher' airr3v 4 ' I q a d ; ~ xwpiov Xeyd E sic

Then comes with them Jesus to a place

disci~lcs s a i d



7b LTTrA. p a r o s LTTrAW.


K ~ I V T[A]. ~ ~ S ~KXVVV~~VOV LTTrA. ~ L ~ V K O ~ ~ L U ~ L TV ~ A V Z ~ L ~ T O . Kai


likewise) W.

tow arc$ [t\lem]

C I'e0rqpavei LTrAW ; r e e q p w c i 2. I b ' l l o o u s Jesus (says) W. h pL rnoeh0dr@ L r . mA rrr. i lrov my ,~[l'rJ

-+ ahro; - himLTTrA. b ++ ;vand GLTTrAW. Se L of L .


? YcV$-

T ~ ~ ~ O having oomo L I V

* r i t h u n t o p c t ~ , ~ ~raeair80vrac, ~ a i ntt rg" Ilfrpy, .Oiirwg olu.iax6anre piccv could ye not -watch with one hoarp aleeping, &nd says t o Peter, Thus wero ye not nble oue 41 JVutch and PrnY, Gpav ypqyopijaac Cpoir ; 41 yp))yopirerai npoae~xaa~e, thnt ye cnter not into with me 7 W~rtch itnd prny, temptatinn :the epirit hour .to watch iuaced is. williw, but l'va ,ur).~ibhXeqr~ i ~ ~ i p n u p d ri) piu rveGpa ~ c v, npd~u~iou, tttotlcuh W weak. 42 the t h a t ye enter p o t into temptntiou : the 'indced 'spirit [is] nNny ngsin He reody, sccondtime,nnd pray- Ij.82. adpt & U ~ E Y ? ~ S 42 LTdXiv b~.Fj~vripou& T E X O ( A Z ~ TPOU. s a g y , 0 m Fn- but the tleah Y went Agnin , h socond time hnving gt~llu sway he ther t 1s cup mny nnt 'ptrss rwny from qirSa7-0,XQYWY, IIC~TEP-~OV, ~i oir.66vnrat ~oiiro' r t norrjpiou" me, emept I drink it, prayed, snylug, m y Father, 'if 'munot 'this 'cnp t h y will be done 43 And he came and. ?rapeXeeir~ ''rir' ipoir ikv.p$ aljrb riw, y~vqehr(r) 6)tXfl,1~(i ri) foulld them asleep pass from me unless 'it 'I'drink, 'bo 'doue ngnin: for their eyes were hen*. 4, ~~d 0021. 43 Kai i X 8 3 ~"EirpifJ~CLadrods I&Xcv,' ra8~680vrag, he left them, nndfwent 'thy. And having c o p e he find.s them again ~lceping, away ngsin, and prayed the third time, s,, 6uav.ycip aitrGu.oi.d$8uXpoi fipapr]piuot. 44 Kai d$ic ing the same wor& for 'we1.o 'thcir "cyes heavy. And len\.~rlg 45 Thcn cometh he to snitk ai~rot;~, O&neX8&v nciXiuNn;poafl&fnro Pir.rpr.rov,' r6v a t r i v his disciples, nnto them, Sleep on thom, having gone amay ngnin he prayed a third time, = t h e aiaiuo. now and take wur EiT&b,q 45 r ( ; r ~ p ~ ~ %h$i ~odg.pa8r)rdg.~ni1ioir,ll ra rent : behold tho honr , i~ a t , hnnd,' nud tho 'thin6 'an~infi. Then he uomcs to his disciples Eonof nlnnisbotrayOd ~ a Xiyet cri~roi~, i Kn8ehS~re 6rb".Xoi~bv ~ n id ~ n ~ n i ~ a e a into the liiblrdd of sinners, 46 nit@, lot us and 8 s ~t o ~ h m , t Sleep on now and tnkt! your ; be going: behold, he isoh, d Son $yyirev Ij Gpa, rca'i thevibc roit civ9pthnou rapa6tdont that doth 10, Shss*drawn %ear1the 'hour, nnd of mnn is delivered beirny me. 40AnEhoaomoLhant0 the disciples nnd And- 06. pth the,,, dllntp, thon.

40 Kai gpx~7-a~ rplc

&ld he con1e8



7-0.3s paO1ltd~.~ a Ei ~ ~ ~ a hK o i ,~ U r P ~ the diaciylns nnd fiuds the111


' ~ aeir i

xeipnc 6paprwXGv. 46 iyeipeu0e, ( i y w p ~ v a idoi,

of sinner*. Rise up,

up. into [the] huudb

let us go ; behold,

Yhns :'drnwn 'new 'he who is delivering u p me.


behold, Judt~s, one of the twelve,

47 Kai iri aljro~Xci~ol7vro~, 'IoCGag elg r i b 6d6sra 306,

47 And nhilc he yet
and with hirn

1;L$f2y;nE; jrXOev, rai p~r'ahro3aGxXog noXzjg per& paxaip3v anql ShXwv, m i cnlne, and with irim 'crowd 'great with swords sinrc.s,
npcapvr6pwv 7-05 Xffoa. 48 6 . z ~
eiders of the people.
n aign,

And 'yet

'aa "he = i s spenking

snd stnve., from the of thepeople. 4 ~ N o w

And he who

?rapnJiSoircahrbv iswrev atroic uqpeioir, XQycrrv, "O~.'civ~~ ( 1 X 4 u ~ adtr6s burive xpar$uar~ abrdv. 49 l a i ri.8iwC ,

allall kiss that same i n he: h o h him faat. 49 And forthwith he

L5 ~~ h o, m d" a r e~r I

~ delivering up him ~ gave WM & ~ ~ ~


~aying, Wlrom)sover Aud iolluedinrcly

I shall kiss,



having come up t o Jesus henaid, Hail, RiiLbi, and a r d c u ~ i y kidscd sndkirsedhiru. Jcsus said u n ~ o him, him, But Jesus said t o him, Friend, for wllnt [pnrpoae] Friend, wheroiorc nrt t h o u a m e ? Tllenonme rhpet; Tdre ?rpoaeX8dvreg Q ~ i P a X o rag x ~ i p aini v ~ they and laid hands a r t thonco&e? Then having come t o [him] they laid h;ruds on on iesus nnd took rai Qrpcirtlaavahr6v. 51 Kai i6o6, r3v him. 51 knd, behold, rbv ' I ? ) U O ~ U , one of them whioh Jesus, an& sei~ed him. And behold, clue of thnsa were v i t h .Jesus rr)v xeipn &~iUTctUv phxair$u stretched out hishand, p ~ r d I ~ U O ; , Qrreivac ' and dfew his sword, with Jesus, having stretched o a t [his] hnud drcw "sivurc? and struck a servant of the high ptiost9s, pav aljr05, ~ u rarcitag rdv GoitXov 705 cipxtepEw~ci$eiXev i nnd smote off hi# oar. lhis, and smiting the bondman of the hihh priest took oL

zfz ~aiy~Arg4 l.61.'1~~0itcT ~ ~ E aArcy", 'Emipe, h@' eoand ahrdv. 50 E U

~pou~X8;v 'IVaoit eiirev, X ~ ~ PV{apj?i,"rn; rar~tX?pev ry' E ,


found then

rrdh~v p c v air~oirs d agirill he - ~b r r o ~ p t o vLTTr.4. ~ r d h ~- dn' <p03 nahrv P - i~ [LJ drrchetv v ;&v TA' - airroi, (yead the disciples) LZWA. iT . S
m [L]TT~A.


T P ~ T ~ V A.

9 t .



his thy ear. sword Then *says Sto *him its plnce ; 'Jesus,

uirroii rb cjriov. 52 767~ fflyec airry' S 'IqaoGc, 'Anborpc&dv 61 Then Put Jesus mhim sdd up
thy s&ord into hit

'uov njv pFixarpavl1 eig rhv-r6nov.airrijse rrcivres-ydp oi An- place:the .l1 they shall for take sword
perish with the sword. Thinkest thou t h a t Orthink- I bannot now pray to tako [the] sword by [the] sword &hallperish. my Father and he shall xeT~ iirr oC.66vapar ~bprturaparcaX6aar ~6v.?rarh~u.~ov, presehtly ~ i v o me more t b twnlve my Father, eat tbon thnt I am not able now to call upon leaions of angels? xai aaoaanjnrt par a bahdnvzfl '$'l "6era * h ~ y ~ G v u c ~ M But how then ?hall h;; &e b.UIptures fu,and he ;\.ill furnish to me more than twelve legions filled, that thug it must yiTwv; 64 ncj~oiiv .rrXqpwOGalv ai ypa$ai iirr oiirwc be? magels 7 How thm should be fulfilled &hescriptures t h a t thus

P ~ V T F p(ixaipav i v ~


Y p x n i p ~ I L~oXoGvra~. ij 60I 53


~ E SyevtaOar ;
it must
be 7


M I n that same hour I& that h ~ n r said Jet11111 to the crowds, As agrinst asid Je8u.Y to the multitudes, Are ye come Xpan)v e b & j X B ~ ~ e lptrd ,ua~aipGv a i $Xwv mXXa ~ i P E ; out againut a thief r v a r o b i u are ye come our with swords and staves t'o n t! i m e t with swordsand s t a r r for t o take rue 7 I llst ~ae'.Y)pSp@v '?rpbg' 6 p Z ~ ~ B i r a 0 ~ ~ L %p ~ ' W Y ;V rcf?iep$," daily wirh you teach~ d U~ v Daily wth you I nat teaching in the temple, ing in the tem le and ye laid no h o l f o i me. rai oci~.ircpanjoard PE. 56 roiiro.62 %ov y d y O l ~ ~ ~ zAq- M But all this war
ye did not wize me. But this all

55 'Ev htzrvg r7p" (;;PQ E ~ T E U ' I ~ C T O ~ ~ 6 TOTS 6xhoif, 'aE h i

is come to p&ss that

&weiuull. ai yoadai r ~ rv o q q r ~ v . T ~ T oi paOqraih Z L V T Emight p E ~

fulfilled the scriptures of the lli~n fled. prophets. Then the d h i p l e s

luny done, thnt tho scrip turfs of the ro h c k Then all the disci 1 forsook him, and &. d



riq6vr~~ aCr6v e'guyov.


57 Oi.62
But they whc

~panjaavregTAY 'IquoOv cialjyayov rpbc KaThad s&ed Jo-us led [hilu] away to Cat57

they that had

cidav r i v dpxr~pia, grov oi ypapparei~rni oi ?rpeu$6r~po~ hold on Jesus har kit14 Inid nwny to Cain led nphas the high priest, where the scribm and the elders *c higll pkeet avvfiX8ilaav 58 '0.6i.flirpo~tjroXo6Ber a6rG '&?rbu parpd- the add
weregi~~l~arcd togather. .And Peter followed him from

d ~ v%WC T , p~rd
with the cldcrs

~ a6iijs G

TO$ I p x r ~ p 6m i ~iaehehv ( ~~t o m e the ond.

ir&ellro him "far off unto the

~ ~ h

afar 58 But worearsemhledPeler followed

even to the court of the h i y l priest ; and hnvingenteredwithh he sar. oaccrs


hrqp~rGvi&iv 76 76Xo~.59 Oi.62 r i p ~ c ~ ~ 0:~ with the sorvamts, t o i ~

And the chief priests and the sought f a h evidence

To ~$~$i,","II,N,"~

r p ~ a / % r e , o ~ ~76 u11v6bLOV 8Xov K Q ~

end the S a n h c i i m 'whole'



and all the

witness against Jesus, 60 ~ard 706 'IqaoG, gawg l a t r i v Bavar&uwatv,~~ rai oirx t o put him to death; agaiust Jesus, so that him they mightputto death, aud 'not none: yen, thoughmau~-false e$povS mraill roMcjv n$~v'EVB~papn;P~v ~pou~X0dvrwu'6 x witur~ses cnme, yet O; 'found['nny]: even many f a h witnesses having come forward not found they nono. A t the lnst c a i c two fu1.e 5 OV." 61 i;arepov.82 ~pocreX86vr~g d60P#v80~hpfirpe~" wituestie. 61 andmid, 'they 'Pound [any]. But a t lasthavmngcome forward two false witnekses ~ h i s f e l l u bsnid, I am able t o destrov the rlaov, O6rog Zqq, A6va ar raraX6uar rhv vabv 70s 6 ~ 0 5 temple of GO^, G d W , of God, build i t in three day& said, lfhis [mnnlsaid, I am a f l e to destroy the temple 62 And the high priest rai O * L ~ rptcjv Gpep(;Iv % i ~ 0 8 0 p i j ua i~ ~ d v 62 Kai dvaardr mose, a) .~ said and in three days t o build it. Andhsvingstoodnp him, Answerest thou nothing7 what is it b cipxiep~ig~ l m v aCr$, 0 6 8 2 ~ LEmrcpivp; ri o h o i uov ,hid $hese witness the high priest said to h i Nothing anawerest thou? What 'these 'thee against thee? 63 But

@UUU.T&UOVU~U ) @ ~ U ~ T & U U U ~ V . LTTrA U ~ T W W ~ +cl(&papnipwv LTTCA. o 06x d p o v Q[L]TT~L oiwobpiucrc T ; drbv zr&

- $ev60~*iprupes%m&




~ ~ ~ 8 t ~ ~ 1 d

an;.wered and said unt o him, I adjure thee by thetell us God, that thou living thou be the Christ, the Son ofunto him Jesus God. M Thou hastsaid: neveribeless I you*Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of poweg and coming In t h e clbuds'of heaven. 65 Thenthe high priest rent his clothes, ERYing, He hnth spaken blasphen~y whnt fur; ther need have we of witnesses? behold,now ye have heyrd his blu phemy. 66 What thing They answered je and snid, He is guilty of death. 67 Then did, $hey spit in his fa= and butfeted him ; and


MATBALOE. XSVI, h ~ ~ r a , u a p r u p u i ~ ~ . 'O.6i.'TVaoi7q Eacdxa. ral 'tii~otip;D~iq!l & 63 v ; 6

'do 'witne-s 'ngai~lst7 highpriest But Jesus wns silent. And 'God anvwcring the

Cipx~epe3~T , E UaBr,$, 'Efopri<wU ~ a r c 703 E~ i

said t o h ~ m , I adjure thee by the Son


& ~ J T O ~ ,

'living, 2Sirys

that 'to'him us

E ) ; T P ~ i a6 1 1; . thou tell if thou a r t :Le


XPturdS,b v i i ) 705&OS. G4 ~
Cluist, of God.

a;r@ 3 'IrlaoCc, 2 3 l;rac. xX$u Xiyw ;Piu, cix'-dor~ 1 6$ea6e,

Thou hast said. Moreover I say to you, ~ e n c e f d r t h yeshallaL9

ri)u uli)u roi, (iz@p&no~l ra0ilp~vou br 6 ~ 5 G u 6uvcipewq rai rijS the son of man sittiug a t [thelright hand of power, and ~ ~ X ~ ~ E V ZGV U E $ Z ~O%C(UO;. 6 ~O U i TO^ ~ 65 T ~ TbE i P X ~ ~ P ~ 3 S C
coming rent on the clouds of heaven. saying, Then the high pries8 Hc has blaspl~cmad why ;

6 ~ @ i q t e vrir.ipcirin.a6roC, Xdywu; '"OTLIIi/3Xaa$;jprlae,~'ri

his gurments,
~ T LX P E ~ ~ ' V ' '

any more 'need phcmy


'hare 'we of witnesses 7 What he is.

I X O ~ Ep a p T 6 " ; ~ ~ ; U 26')

Y ~ Ij~06~CLre V r)jU ~ 10, now ye have heard the



$vpiav v a & r ~ ~ .66 rr v iul8o~ei Oi.61 cixorpi6ivre~ 'l ; elnou,

of him.



o ye think? And they Then they spat

EUOXOS 6aucirov iuriv. 67 Tdre bu6xruuau eiq ri, xp6awxou

of death

smote thee?


aitroS, rai brcoXci$caav aitrdv, oi.68


hands, 68 saying, Prcphesy Who he that C.hrigt, unto ns, thou

&his, and buffeted .him, and some struck miml with the palnl of the 68 ~ Q Y O U T E C ~P O $ $ T E U Q O V x p ~ u r QT;C l a r ~ u d ~ <@V, , hand, saying, Prophesy t o us, Lhrist, Who is he that

aaiaag. ue ;
struck 69 Now Peter r a t withont in the palace: ,, damsel came nnto him, srcying,Thou &is0 W a d wit11 &?SUS 70 But he denied before them all, m'J'ng* thou sayest. what I kliOw 71 hna when he porch, ~ O I I O out into the sr,,v hirn,andsaidunto them fcllo,u wasthere, thnt were also wit,l Je5us of z:~rcrh: 72,And again hc ~lctued with onth, Ido uot knorr, an man. 73 AU(I nfter n while they t h a t stood by, and said to Peter, Surely thou also art of t h e m for thy sWchbearayeththne. 74 Then began he t o curse ~ u dto swear strying, 1 knownot r h l mrrn. And iruruediately the cock crew. 75 And peter remembcred the r o r d of Jesus, which s:rid unto hirn, B~,~~~ cock crow, thou shalt d e n y me thrice. And he wrmt out, and wept bitterly.

thee ? But Peter 'without 'was 'sitting in the court, and 'come Jesus the

69 '0.82.TTirpo~ 'IEw ir&Oqro'l bv r$ airXg, rai xpoa{Xeev

a&r$ (tjia.xa18iurq~ X6yovual Kai
'toshim Oalilrenn. 'a Imaid, But he saying, denied


6aQa perd 'Iqaoir ro;

with all, saying, 'Not into ttie And porch this[mnn] he dcnied
R : . W

And thou wast before

I'aXtXaiou; 70.'0.82 Ijpvljuaro ~ p x p o a ~ ~ v Y x & u rXiywul 01;c wv, olb&. ri

3saw 'him

A h y ~ ~ s . ' E ~ ~ X e d ~ r aratrbull e i ~ r i ) TUXGUJ 71 6b v


'I "know what tllon sAyest. And2hnving'gone 'out

$ 1 8 a h~ v (iXXq, , ~ d
was with with Jesus the

rai XQyera r o i ~ ";RE:, bKai'' oProg

pays t o those there, And man. Nuarmn. again

'another ['mnidl,and

<v prd ' I ~ ~ J O S NuJwpniou. .72 Kai x&Xcv )jp~;$uizro 705 cp~e'rlj P ~ ~ u , "oL~.olJarbu C ~ ~ @ P W V73Y . E T & C(e~piv.Ji i ~rt O M
a n oath,

I know not the

After a little

0 0 ~ (jY&

'to[%!m] them

ior3reC EITOV r(ij Zlirpip, ' A X q 6 ; ~

said to Peicr,

6h!~ing%rne also thou of

r t h ~ ~ e ' w h3stood4by o art, for eran t o curse


rai a3 h6 aitrijv 1' rai-ydp ji.Xaiici.aou GijXdu

t h y speech


3~niu~~ifest 'makes. 'tl~ce

~ E L U oh~.ofdn "0rt )

74 T ~ T$ ~ F C I T O* ~ a r a ~ a 6 ~ p a r i rai ~ v ' ' E ~e ~ ~ U

~h~~ he begm man. thc And hmedint,cly the word a cock

aud t o swear,

I know not

(" , 75 TAY ciu~pwxov. Kai e ~ b 6 E ~ c ~ X Q K T W P b $ ~ u q u ~ u . rai


,,Ort ,.rrpiv


iyvilueq 6 IIErpog TOG jparoc

'Petor Before [the]


of Jesus, who had said to him, thrice Ihvu wilt deny me.

'IqubC ei'~q1~Lroq gaitr~ij'l,


&AiXirroga $wuijuai, rpic rixapuljap pea rai

he wept crow, bittedy.

Q < E X ~ & U ;&LJirXanueu .rrirp;g.

hnving gone out

- A ~ o c c ~ t eTr.i ~ ' - 67t LTTrA. r


+ a 6 r i v them a.

c p r 7 h LTTrA.

LTTrA. i t 0 - airsbv [L] Tr. -a6roic~pCi7rlcTav- %c74 [ -r~dah~~ir k to them AW. C r t a ~ a e ~ p a 7 i ~OL'ITrAn7. etv 666% Tr. LTTrA. 8 ~h
b 7 6

' - airsoi, [L]TT~A.

, , , ~ ~ ~ k a ~ ~ ~ e , And morning bcing come, '"couu~el "took lall 'the the ,l1ief rind &pxipC xai oi rrpea/3irepoi roir AaoG ~ a r d roG 'IqaoG, ~ ~ ~ c ; , f n & ~ 'chief 'priests Othe e ders ' 'of =the 'Opoplo against Jesus* Jesus to put him to
so that they might put to death hiln ; away [him] and

XX.VII. ATT THEW. lTpwtag.8; yevopivrlg, aup/306hiov fiapov arivrrr oi



8avar&juae aitrdv- 2 kai Erjaavreg aitrby &afiya- death:

and having bound t o Pontius him

rai napidoxav 'aitrbvU kIIovrip"

delivered up


2 and when thoy led the had bouudaway, led him lrirul to 'Il~hrirq~" anldelivercd him tb Pontius PIUU Pilate governor.

K ~ T - 3 Then Judas, which that he wns had betrayed him, when he aaw that he ~tipi8q, h r r a p ~ ~ 1 8 ~ i t nbniarp~#ev'ird rpidxovra 9 y 6 - was oondernned recondemned, aving regretted [it] returncd the thirty pieces of r t e d himself,' aud rought again t h e roig cipxiepeOoiv xai O T O ~ G " ~ p ~ ~ @ ~ ~ l p oXi g ~ W Ythirty pieces of silver 4 ~, , !e $ r t o the chief priests and the elders, saying, t o the chief priestsand elders, 4 baying, l have "Hpflprov arpa P&83ovU. Oi.61 E ~ T O W , Ti sinned in thnt I have I sinncd delivering up =blood 'guiltless. But they said, What [is that] betrayed the innocent blood. And they said, rp'pbc IjpZis; a6 q$#~i.'l 5 Kai ,&'#as rd cipyhpia w h a t h t h u t to see to ua 7 thou wllt see [to i t 1 And havingcast down the pieccsof silver thou to that. 5 And he cast down the pieces riv rq? va@l1 civex3 qaev, xai cirreX8L;v ciatjytaro. 6 Oi.6d of silver in the temple in the temple he witfdrew, and having gone away hnnged himself. And the and departed and 6p~iep"g Xapdvrec rd dpy6pla s ~ l ~ o vOL~t&ariv ,U PaXeiv went and thc chief self. 6 And himchief priests having takcn the piecesof silver said, I t is not lawful to put priests took the silvcrr Then Ohaving 'seen 'Judas 'who %elivcred &up 'him

8 Tdra


'Io66ac d n1napa8ibo3t$laitrbv 6rt

atrci ~ i g rop/3aviiv, isei TAY

them into the ~ e l potter, treasury,

since [thc] price

rip4 a'l ardg Jariv. 7 6Coun2vpotblood them i t is.

po6Aiov 61 Xapdvreg, $76 aanv i airr3v E

'and Ihnving 'taken, they k u g h t with for

pieces and for toIt IB not lalwful put them iuto the treasury TLY ci pbv roir b e a u s i t is thepric; i e l d of the Of took counsel they And and the

~Epapiw~, is
Ithat 'field

buryiug ground Jield

ra$tjv< rois (Qvoic. 8 6th

of blood to

for strangers. Wherefore lww *called this day. prophet,

1 ~ X f i 96 ~

~ ~ ~ , " d ~ r ~
field war
9 ~ h ; n was fuilillcd

bought with t i e m the

ciypA~.Ereivog I# p6g &paroc Bog i.xXqph8q rb

wan fulfilled that which wan spoken by

fig-utjpepov. 9 7 6 fore ~ ~ that

bt18tv $id 'Iepepiou roir apo~tjrov, XiyouJorelnina the


called The field of Then blood 'unto this day.


by Jeremy the prophet, saying, And they took Ing, And I took the thirty piece8 of silver, the price of him who the thirty pieces of silver the price of him reripqp6vov, 8v b r y ~ p ~ v y r o cinb vi3v 'Iapatjh, 10 xai thatv!rtsvalued,whom wasnet apriceon, whom they set a price'on'of ['tlre] 'sons *of &lsrxeI, and they of the childreuof Israeldidvialue. l0 and f8w~av a6rd is rdv &y bv TO; xpatdwc, naed uvviraEiv gave them forihe potaccording sr 'directed ter's beld, as the l o r d gave them for the defd oithe pottar, appointed me.

sap- that which was spoken

rog, Kai h a p o v

rpicixovra cipyhpia, r?)u ripGv ro6

K ~ ~ L O C .

'me ['the] ?Lord.

11 '0.81.'Iqao~itStlaqVpapoo8ev roir Ijyepbvos* rai b?rr]pDBut Jesus stood before the govsrnor ; and 'quea11 And Jesus stood before the governor : T?lUEY atrbv d $ ' / E P ~ V , XQyov, 23 1 d ~ a a ~ ? d g 3 U andthegovernorn*ked T tioned 'him 'the 'governor, saymg, lThou 'art the king of the him, payin brt thou the klug of'thc Jews1 'Iov8aiwv; 'O.8~.'IquoGS ' a & ~ $ 2~ XiyEi~. 12 Kai A L I ~ ,6 Jesus said unto Jews ? And Jesus meid t o him, Thon sagest. And him Thou sayert. 12 d n d when he wan bv.r$.rcarqyopeiu8a~ azirbv dab 731~i p ~ i e p i ~ vawi ~ 6q E U"- accused of the chief c ~ when 'was 'accused 'he by the chief pricsts and the el- griests and elders, /3vrQpwv,ozi8iv &ae~pivaro. T ~ T Xiyet a&r$ d X I I i ~ c h ~ e answered nothing. 13 E 13 The11 said Pilrlre ~," d~s, nothing he anawered. Then lsays 'to *him 'Pilate, unto him, lieureat

~uT~$v TTYA.

at~bv LTTriL

hb the temple T T ~ . ZI&roc ~ hU; L A ~ I ~ , S I 2

- n i y TTr. -~ C oi nwLTTrA.~ . av TT L

1llerA6~y T.

P t 8 3 o v LTA. v h k ? q LTTrA.

m aapa8o$r had delivered up LTr. 9 ~I,!~,LTT~A. eis 7bv vaov


QW$ T.

T ~ V



K:: t:

thou not how many


XXVII. o3aiv; 14 Kal :,I ztgi Herreat thou not how many thinga *thee 'they witnessp, agninst ? . - And :"? answered him t o o&r:ci~~rpif?q apbc 0682 ?v i f p a r 6 a r ~ a&r$ 6avpdCeiv rbv
MATBAIOE. 0 6 ~ . ~ i ~ adaa ~ ~uoir rara a ~ d ~
to even one word,


mrlch that the govcr- he did not answer him uor marvelled greatly Ijy~pdva Xiav. 'governor exceedingly.

so t h a t



15 Now a t that feast 15 Kard.82 io r$v E ~ D ~ E L liyephv aoh6eiv h a tho porernor was wont NOWa t [the] t a s t ~ u a 4 a c c u a t o m e d Ithe lgooernor t o release one to rclease unto the Imop,e a prisoner, r f BxX(t) Bkapiov, Sv IjeeXov. 16 el~ov.BC 767.5 866whom the would 'to the 4nuitituQe 'prisoner, whom they wished. And they had then a'pri16 l\nd they Knd then a nor nblo prisoner call- /.L~OU hriuqpov, X~yd EVOU BapaPPEv. 17 C T V I J ~ ~ ~ ~ U W U edUarabhas.l7d!hore- soner 'notnble, cated Barnbbaa 8Being4g~thorodstogether f % ~ e ~ c h ~ ~ $ .06ve ~ ~ ~ EITEY aliroig b YITtXciroc," Tiva BiX~ra dno~ { a6rGv said unto them, '?herefore 'they 7ssid *to othom ePilnte, Whom will ye[thnt] I U"'0m I relenne uuto that? X&TW &piu; BapaPPGv, ye ou '1qaoi.j~ X~ydp~vov rbv xptardv; ~ ~ or ~ Jesus release to you 7 b Bornbbas, ~ or Jesus ~ b ~ who is called Christ 7 wllichisdalled~hrist? 18 "d~~.y(ip STL 8 2 $Qdvov rrrpi6wrav, atrdv; 19 Ka6q11 'An 'wns h ~ h ~ h " , ~ ' ; " ~ he know that t h ~ o u g h envy they llalivered u p him. K c Z K i m . lowhen a1 a6roG i a i 705 $ i p a r o ~cirisre~X~v b ~ 8 r d v ir he wns set down on sitting 'but 'he the judgment on t h e judgment seat 'sent %oS Ohim wife sent unto him yvv?).airroir, Alyovaa, Mq6Cv aoi rai " Giraict, snpi?g, ~ n v e thod his anying, [Let there Be] nothing bctveen thee and Y i g h t e o w nothrng t o do with that just m a n : for I l r e i v ~ ' aoXXd.yBp i'aaQov o$pepov ~ a r 'dvap . 6 i haye suffered Ithat [man];for many things I suffered to-day in n drenm becauseof thing. this day in a drenm becauaeof him, afrdv. 20 Oi.62 cip,ylepeiC rai oi rp~aP6repocg?relaav r o 6 ~ 20 But the chief priests hirn. But the chief priests and the elders persuaded the and elders persuarled the ,multitude that 6 X X ~ yvag airljuwvrai r i v Bapnppiiv, rbv.62.'I~aoirv &ao)l~ they should askBarab- crowds thnt they should beg for Bnrnbbas, and =Jesus 'should has, nnd deatroy Jesus. 21 *he governor an- iawa~v.21 &?rorpif?ei~:b> ) y ~ p E ~ ~ E a6roic, viua B6X~r8 b ? &T Y gwered nnd anid uuto 'destroy, And 'answering 'the 'governor said t o them, mhich will ye them Whether of tlie ci?roX&aw&piv; Oi.68 z ~ l r o v laBapnPPGv. l, twaid will ye that I dab T ~ Bdo U relenseuntoyou?The of the two [that] I r e l e ~ s o t o you? And they said, Eurrsbbns. ; ; ~ l ~ ; ~ ; b ~ ~ 22 Alyei a b r o i ~ Y I T A ~ T O ~ , ~ ~ Ti 0I.v aoujau ' I ~ c T o ~ d ,v u Wh,>t ahnll I do the; 'SUYB'to %hem 'Pilate, What then shnll I do v i t h J e ~ u s , who with Jesus which all X~ydp~vov i b r d ~ AiYovutv b a & ~ $ "~ ~ V T EZlravpwO$rw. called Christ? They X ; T ~ , any unto him, Let hi. is called & ~ i s t ? They 'say . ' h i m l 'oil, Let b i n ] b. cmcified. becrucified. 23And the 23 'OJC c<y~p&vll &bq, T i ydp ttarbv baoiqaev ; 01.6i And the governor skid, What 'then 'evil did he commit l But they done? Butthey cfied aepiuaGc Erpa~ov,XCyovrec, Xrat)pwG$rw. 24 'I6iv.61 b out the more, sayln Let him be the more cried.out, saying, Let Dim] be crucified. Bud aseeiug






24 m e n P i l a b -p ~ITtXdro~'~ 0666~ &$EXET, art pfiXkov edpv,Bo~yiverai, ~ $ ~ i ~ ~ , c O ! $ t p r e IPilnte ~~~ t h a t nothing i t availed, b u t rather a tumult is +rising, rirther n tumult -8s XaP&v 88wp cia~~hbaro rdlc ~ ~ i d&aivavr~" d ~ J o v , p a ~ r09 having taken water he washed hands befors the croivd, Eipi &?b l05 a?pcY~0~ froir.8traiov.t&rov~~~ bcfore the multitudb, XhYwv, e'A656~" Guiltless I am of the blood of this righteous [man]; nnying blood innocent naying, of I am of this

1; :


just pernon : see ye to ~ $ E u ~ E . Kai daorpt6~ig 25 b Xabc . E ~ T E U ,Tb it. 25 Then anawered .will see [to it]. And 4anowering Iall 'the =people said, all the people, and Ijpiic rai bri rd.r6rva.IjpSv. 26 Tlra cin.QXvHis blood be on a: a a6roS as, And on our chil&a biood @M] on nr and on our children. Then heredreu, 26 Then releaued bc ~ ~ u i t o UEV ~ ailroi~ rbv BapaPPEva ~6~.62.'IqaoGv2Lpay~hhhaag ~ b b ~ them : and when he leased t o them Barabbsa ; but 'Jesus vfng 'scourged had scourged Jesus he dolivered him to' be ~ ~ Q ~ ~ W K E Y ~ravpw6$. i'va he dilireredup Dim] that he might bo crucified. crucified.


drxaiouj 4 ;

T. -IIL~GTOS IIQ~AZTO$ (wad and hu said)



- TO^

clnav n r . d ~ a 7 & a v r bLW. 8b~aiov (read of this [ m a n ] ) ~ L ~ r ] &

m A .

+ 7bv TTT.

i946r LTA.

- act$





MATTHEIV. 97 Tdre 01 arparrCirar roil $y~p6voe, rapahapdvre~

Then the soldiers of the governor, Jwue to the prsstorium, gathered him against him

17 Then the aoldierr

h a m g taken wnh [them] a11

& $ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
hall and gatheredundmthe band p/ soldte~a. 28 And they etrlpped him, and Put On 23 And when 'lm robe.

rbv 'Iqaoilv eig rb qxzithptov, avwjyayov Is' aCrbv 5Xqv areipav* 28 rai gh~diraavre~~ airrbv bnepii8q~av aCr$
the band; 'scarlet ; and having stripped they put round him a crown of

;&vnh$th;~t:"tbea pat it upon sheaf and a reed in his r ~ g d they put [it] on his head, and a reed in hund : nnd they bowed the knec before him, bc~idv~~ airroir* K U ~yovvlrertjaavre~ 2plrpoaOev airroir livf- and mocked him s s 'right Shand 'hia ; and bowing the k m 8 before him they ing, Hail, King df t z i Jews l a0 And they rai~ovll h $ , Xiyovr~c,? h i p , mb pa~lXir~ll 'Iov6aiwvaspit upon him, m d a took the reed, and mocked him, saying, Hail, king of the Jewa I amote h i a on the heah 30 Kai tpnr6aavre~ airrbv 3apolJ rbv KciXapov Kai irvn- 31 And aftor t h ~they eig t m d rtruck had mocked him, they And having spit upon him they took the reed took the robe off from rov E I ) ~T ~ V . K EdX?)v.ahoi). 31 Kai 8r.5 BvirnlSav shy' him, and put his 0And when they had mocked him raiment on him, and [him] on $is head DbFQGvuavll airrbv njv ~Xap6da,0~ai"v4duactv airrbv rd led him away to cmhim. they took olT him the clonk, md the1 put on him 32 And M they came agcfk And having platted

%An 66n ~o~rivqv" rai sXiFavrec ari$avov 20

isieqrav an1 injv.~~$aXdv".a6roir,rai ~hXapov

cirav8Gv thorns rdv

hlr own garment6 ; a d

ip&ria.a6roir* ~ a &s$yayova6rbv ~i'crb.aravp3uac. i

led away 'him to crucify.

m m they found S out, of Cyrene, Simon by name: him the

by nBn~e they come Cipwva. roijrov tiyycipevaav i'va cipp rbv.aravpbv.atroir. ~ o t ~ ~ h ~ ~ l ~ d t o ~ Birnon; Mm they compelled that hemight carry his cross. lace of n akufi 33 Kai 1h86vng tic rdrov Xry6 evov PI'oXy081," q 8 ~ " lrmv $$to ey are him riuink min led cnfed Oolgothb, which L. with and And having come to a plum tfuted t h k y d evog xpnviov ~ d r o ( ,34 ~ ~ i6.dwxav ailrlg 'ririv" 'i?ror' he caltd sof 3a *skull 'pluce, they gave him to drink r i n e g u he And they crucified 85

32 'Ere y6prvoi.6i r5pov dvepwrov Kupqvniov, 6v6prr

Antgoing forth they found amm a CyreIW&Ii,



prrd ~ o h f p ~ ~ i i ~ p i v o v ' ~ v a h p e v oir~.~rj8ehtv" c rai o~ srieiv.' him. nnd mrted hia

with gull mingled ; and wing tasted

he would not


35 Xravp6aavr~g.6i a6rbv dtepepiaavro rd.ipciria.airroi?,

And having cruciflcd
a lot ;


they divided

w@ciXhovre~" rhqpov' ~i'ua niqpb8

cwting the prophet, Thuy divided

that might b ful&d

h, garment.,

thnt which w u spoken by


, ,i &4v


~ y b ~ g'~g' ~ ~ B T ments among them, : :g; ~P~:,S:,";: 2

gamenta ccistinglota' that it di ht be fulfilled WEC% wn. a

705 rpo$+ov, ~ i ~ p ~ p i u a v r o ~(i.ipdrid.p~V iavroi~., rai

my gurments

36 And sittin down among themwlves, and they watche! him there; 37 and set up b?ri rbv.iyartapdv.pov rpahov dGpov.' 36 Kai ra8ljpevoi orer his head hia uccufor my vesture they oast . a lot. And sitting down sation writton THIS IS J E S U S ' T H B dqpovv aCrbv lrei. 37 Kai bni8q~av Isdvw rijs K I N G O F T H H they kept gunrd over him there. And they put up orer JEWS. 38 Then were rr$ahfc.airroir r?)v-airiav.airroir yypa piv1)~)0 6 ~ 6 C~ T ~therc two thierer cru~ cified with him one V his head hin m u a t i o n =ken : This L. on the right hnnd and another on the ldt.

'Itluoircb paaiXc3~r3v 'IovJaiwv. 38 Tdrc aravpoilvrai d v

Jesus the king


atrq? 660 Xparai, erg

But thow their heads,

39 Oi.61 rapanopcvdpevoc I / ~ ~ ~ u $ $ ~ o V V K ~ V O % p wE dAnd rerlled him, airr6v, T39 ~by they that e
passing by and railed a t saying, him, shaking

of the Jews. Then are crucified w i t h QK detiGv rai EIJ: eirwlrirpwv. two robberu, one at [the] right handand one at [the] left.



rdc-ne ahdg-ahrGv,40 ~ aXiyovr~c, '8 ramh6wv rbv vabv i

Thou who destroyeat

the temple temple, m d bulldest

t b t dontroyert the

wagging their beads, and saying, Thou


C iv8ioavrec having clothed L h xhapJ6a K O K K ~ ~ eptd8q~av aV a&$ LTTrA. 14 s r e + & j r TTrA. ;v 6 s e t t 4 LTTrA. l ivinartav T. m @aotAe30 king LTr. i~8ciuavrec having take11 off T . 0 ~ aT.i P I'oAy08d Tr. 6 OLTTrAW. 1 Kpoviov sdnos ~eyducvor LTTrA. 8 rrriv T . t otvov wine ~ T t r . 7 rj6'ihvucv L T P ~ ; i8ihquev L * ~aAdvsec having C & LT& a iva nhqpwbji to end of vcrac OLrTrL



~ h ~ the so; of G D ~come , 4 donm the 41 Likewise also the cl,,ef thou a r t of God, descend from the cross. lIn %annro him, the ficribej 9 4 caill oi ( I p ~ i e p ~ ipnai<ovrec PET& rGv ypapparlwu ra2' ic ~ , " , " e ~ l ~ ~ ~ r 'and ~also s ~ " f priests, ~ i i ~ the chiof mocking, with the scrik~s , and he cannot save. If he apeu/3urQpwv C~EYOY, "AXXovc &~watv, 42 icrurbv ot.GPuarar be the King of Isruol, said, Othcrs ho saved, himself he is not able let him now come d o m from the cross, uGuat, beill paurhedg 'IupafiX hurcv, earapkrw vfiv &ad 70.3 and t o enve. If king .of Israel he i , let him descend now from t h e s him. 43 I-Ic trusted in eedv.~ GO^ ; let him deliver uravpoir, ~ acniar~Guo i evlldabr$.ll43 T ~ T O L ~ En i iV him if he ~ 1 ~ cross, 1 and we will b k v e him. Ke trusted on God : hare him : for he said, I R l U the Son of GO^, ;vuciaew virv fatirdv,llei OQXFL. airrciv. eIa~v.~cip,"0riQ~oii 44 The thieves also, let hirndeliver2now 'him, if he will lJin&] him. For he anid, 'Of 'God which wcre crucified rai oi Xparai oi ~wnravpwe8vwith him, cast the ~ i p t uidc. 44 Td.G'.nirrb lame in hi8 teeth. '12am =Son. And [with] the same thing also the robbers who were crucified to*

MATBAIOE. XXVII. cai BY~ r tuiuc IjpQpatg oiroBopJv, ~CJUOY ~ ~ ~ ueavr6v. ~i vidg ~ ~ a d in fhn. day8 buildest [it], u v e thyselt If son re1 roir Jroi,," rarcipqe~ciab 705 uravpoJ. 41 'Opoiw~

rep1'h cjvei8r<ov 'abr@.'' gether with him reproached him.

45 'Aab.8 frrqS &pag urdroc bylvero bni xZiuav n j v 45 xow from the sixth liour there wns Now from 'sixth ['the] hour darkness wan aver all the dnrkncss cver all the land ullto the ninth yijv fwg Gpac kivu(irq6.H 46 mpi-bi T$V ' i v ~ c i ~Gpav v" h ~ u r . 46 And about land until [the] 'hour 'ninth ; nnd about the ninth hour the ninth hour Jesus peydhp, X ~ Y W , .'HXi, crieriwith a l o u d v o i c ~"6vtP6q~e~'l 6 'Iquoirc f ::j saying, ELI, BLI, 'criod 'out lJesus 'wit a voice .loud, aaying, Ell, Ell,



God, my God, why lama snbrchthd? that Is, My &d, my "Why me hast thou forsaken mc P 47 Son,e of hyearkXt~ec ? 47 of73v who there riur4rw~1'hnving ; irti were standing &KO$And some those that stood there when hest thou forsnkeu
~ ~ ~

hate^^^^^^^^ Ohapd1'PuapaxOavi


TOET'lurtv, eel:


&Q. OV, qivari"


~ uavrEE, iX~~ov,'~Ort ~ $wvei o t r~o ~ . ~ 48 Kai E ;G Bw e d , ~ "HXiavli ~ ~ ~

'Elias 'cnlls 'this ['man]. And immediately

Elias. 48Andatraight- heard,

~ ~ ~

filled it with and put it on 8 wedl and Rare himsaid, Lot with vinegar and put [it] on a reed, gave 'to W n k 'him. to drink. Bnt the 'l'he be, let us see vlletber Xo~.rroit$Xeyov,H "APE$, "i8wpeu ei Ipxerar. "HXiacn uduwv 'liaa refit anid, Let be ; 'let UI llee xcomes 'Elins t o save him.

atrGu cai XaPAv undyyov,q .rrXrjaac.ra ~ ~ f ~ 'having &run'one 'them and taken a sponge, and filled [it] B E o u ~ rai ~ E P L Q E I \ ~ eaXkpy, b ~ d r i < ~atirdu: 49 0i.8; v

bpap&v t

d t 'of


hnd cried again with a And Jesus again having cried with a lvoice 'loud yie loud voice, riclded up the ghost. 51 And, berd nvrcpa. 61 Kai iBo6, rb raraabrau~aTO$ uaoir luxiaeq hold, rho rcil of the b i s l spirit, And behold, the yell of the temple wan rent teniplo was rent in twain from the top to 66011 xkabfl Bvweev f w E r&rww' rai ya huciu6'q, rui the bottom. rind the into two from top t o bottom ; and the enrth was shaken, and earth did &ake and therocks rent; 5i and ai air at hu~iuOquav, 52 rai rd pvqpeia &ve$xOfluav, cai the graves were open- the roc&s w e e rent, and the tombs were opened, md e d . and many bodies 53 rcai of 'the eainrs which T o X X ~ uDpara rGv e~eoipqphvwv iyiwv 8lept arose, 53 and m ~ n y bodies of the lfrllen =asleep 'saints arose, and

M Jesus, whon he

50 ''~?luo~p sdXtv cpcitac

$ w e leyhhp d



C ~ L ~ T E ~ O ~ V

we believe

wit11 (him) I.TTrA. 1 air~dv L W ~ A W . P k ivdn)~ LTTrA. I iv&qv LTTrA. m i/3dqu~v cried T r , 'HAi jA'r LA ; IIAei j k i T. 0 Aqpd L ; hcpd TTr.4. P u a a a ~ 8 a vI ; i .
uapax6avci TTr. 'IiAciac T. LTTrL

[S;] ~ a TrA; - 61 ~ a ' c i [LIT. b - cl 1TrA. + uai and LT. P Zn' atrdv on him m ; ib r L; let us believe T. 7,: 6 6 4 , ~ . -- air76v T[T~]. IT LTTrA. h + wv

W V U T ~ V ~ W ~ ~ Y ~ P P

Cva ~i A. r iuq~drwv TTr. X in' Tr o & 660 placed after ~ d r w TTrA.

; - dnb T.

'Hhsiav T.

efmv LTr.

having gone forth out of the tombs and

after appearcd h18 arising, t o mnny.

tEeXO6vr~( Ix r i v lrvqpriwvper& r$v.+paiv.abroii, 80v E I ) ~ +I

into the But the

e$iii; T i::2rg$:z ; : :


aad went into the holy

dlyiuu 1~dXlv a hveqaviaOt~aav o X X O ~ ' ~ . ~ i T

holy city

oity, and unto mnny. appenred

M NOT when thQ they kept y a r d ovor Ccntul'ionlwcre with him, that sbv 'Iqaoirv, i8dvreg rdv aei6p6v xni rd ' y ~ v d ~ t e ~ wntchiug Jesus, saw ~a,I~ Jesus, hnviug sccu the enrthqunke and the things thnt took place, i$o/3tjet1aav~ $ 6 6 Xiyovrec, 'AhqeGc beeos vihcll * v ofiroc. done, tllry fatred a, feared groat y, snyiug, Truly aQod's 'Son 'was 'this. 6'ent1Y', RnY1ng* thin was the Son of 0 ~55 'Haav.6; d ~ a iyvva'irec roXXai dnb ~axpdeev e w ~ aoa. And there were there Pwomen 'many from afar off soking 55 And mnny women car, &vec 7jroXoireqaav ry" 'Iqaoir cinb r t c rahikn'niac 61a- wcre there beholding OD, who followed Jesus from Qalilee min- afor oft, which fol:lowed Jesus from QauovoQaai alir$, 56 bv ale ;/V Mnpia MnyJaXqyrj, ~ a 1iilcc, miui~taring unto btering to him, among whom was Ynry the Mngdnleno, nnd him : 50 among which was Mnry Mngdnleno Mnpia roir 'Iax&,Bov rai " I ~ a t r?jrqp, xni t j )r?jrvp r3v .,a i~~ the moth$ Mary the 'of 'Jaxues .nu& IJ06es nlottier; and the mother of tho of Jnmes and Joses and the mother viGu Z~/3~Gaiov. Zebedee's children. nons of Zebedee.

54 '0.61 'Imrdvmp~oc" xai



per' aliro5 rrpoiivrec


and thoy who with



57 .'OJliac.GJ y~uopkYrcBXOev 6vOpwroc 7rAobato~d7rd

Aud evening bcinp come Arirnathea, to Jesus. by name He *came 'a 4mnn Pri~h


*'Ap~paeaia~,~~ 'IwaGq, 8~ xni atirbc ebpa8rjreva~vn rich roirvopa a

Joneph, who also hlmself to Pilste
was discipled

?G 'Iqaoir. 58 06;oC 7rpoaeXecLv r@'IIiX6ry'

havjng gone of Jesus. Then Pilate

irjaaro rb aBpa
begged the body the body.

B7 When the even wall come there came of h i m e thmn, named Joseph. who also himself ww J, ,, P disci le: 58 he went t o ~Ylate and
g e ~ ~ , $ ~ " , {

ro5 'IqaoG. rore 6 gflrXdro$! I~iltvnevdro6oOijval

communded to be givcn np vral~ped his now

aBpan ~

mnnded t h e w

W rai hn/3&v ri, aGpa dJIwarj$hvr&At[ev airb

And having bnken the body 'clean, and p7:cogd Joseph

it i n 8 'linen 'cloth bod



he mapped it


*tOop@,60 xai ~ Q ~ K w r~xars~-atiroir a6vb tv pypriry B


e m 'out hXardptlaav hv tfi nQrpq uai rpoa~vXiaac XiOov piyav he had hand he in he had hewn in the rock ; md having rolled n astone 'great a great stone to the rp" 66pp 703 pvqpeiov &rijXeeu. 61 8v-6b ixeT lMapiall door of the sc~ulchre to the door of the the


which own new tomb which


{iy12t7: 2;;;


wont a n y .

And there wpa there sitting opposite


and departed. 61 And tl,ere was @$ai;;id,;h;;",h~

MayEahqv3 rai t j 6XXq Mnpia, xa9ljpeuac daLvavrr r&

Magdalene sud the other

b y ,


the wpulchra

rd f ov.
mpu chre.

62 Tp".di brabpiov, +rig dariv p r d r?jv ~ a ~ c c a ~ e@ N v w t h e n e r t d n ~ , ~o,

thnt folloffed thd day of the prrpnration the chief priests and $hawere gathered together the chief prientr nnd the Pharisees to pi- ?iscell came together unto Pilnte, 63 saying 63 X ~ . Y O U T E ~ ,KGpre, bpvlja$qpw 8rr bxeivoc sir, we relucruberthrri saying, Sir, we have called to mind' thnt that that deceiver said, while h e a r s yet alive d rXLvo!: ~ l i 7 E ~ Merd 7peic $pipac byeipoltac. 64 KQ- After threedays I wid dekirer said whilst Eying, After three days I mine. corn. rise again. 64 Comman& therefore that O ~ Vdu$aX~uOijvat TAY i!wS rpirlfc fi/.dPaE' the sepulchre be made baud therefore to be secured the until the third day, sure until the third jttjnore hX66a~regoi.paQ~~rai-~aliroir~~ r hKX 63/waiv atirdv, dny, lent his disciples Ovvx ~~~ bv night and lent 'coming 'his adinciplea by night stcrl '.rwny lhim, atorrl hjrn awn;, and Now on the, morrow, which is after the preparation,

mvlj~eqaav oi ripXiepeis xai oi .@apraaior rphc




Jnwph T.

ytvbprva were taking place LTTrA. vibs 0ooS LT~A. '~wxij T'&paOcias W. 8 iPaO7r4@q LT*. ne~hdrpl. T g D A S r o s LT:; h rb uGpa (reud [it]) f l ~ r ] : i it in (R liqen cloth) ZrA. iai over (the door) L 1 Map'@ T . m JIthcrrov LTr ; UcA&rov T . a6703 (red t;Ld dinciplos) T. WKT& a m &


n c r G r o s P.

MATBAIOZ. XXVII, XXVIII. f;J & " , ! O ~ h ~ r o ~ ~ ~~di r w a i vr@ ha@; 'Hytper] dri) rijv V E K ~ L~ . iaral rai Va i
doad : the error and say t o the people, Re is risen from the dead ; and 'shall =be fiJln11 be than rX&vq xeipwv r & .rrp&rt]c. 65'E$q.pSi,1 atroic the first 6.5 Pilnte 'the 'lnst Ye =deception worse than the first. And =said *them


F :b we&,

hnvaawatch.: gobour

'Pilnte, Ye have and mnde the oi8are. 66 Oi.62 sepulchre and sealing the stone,sure, setting ye know mow]. And they


6 ~ U L X & T#Exere ~ o v a ~ w 6 i a v& K ~ ~ E T&u$ahiuauO~hS O~,~ * E

a yard : Go make [it ss] secure

sop~vebvreg Ga$a)tiuavro rbv r&$ov

having gone made 'secure %ith 'the *guard.

'the Zsepulchrc

a watch.

uqpayiaavreg rbv Xit)ov, pard rijs ~ o v a r w 6 i a ~ .

'sealing Ithe 'stone,

XXVIX In the end NON1.t. on Subbuth u ,t x u getting dusk toward [theI$?~day] of the snbbnth, as i t be~nntodawntoward uaPPhrwv, )jX&v 'MapiaM~ny8aXqvtj~ a i 6XXq Mapin the firnt drry of the of [the] week, came Mnry the Atagdalene and the other Marp week came Mnry Mngd:tlede nnd the other h J p i j ~ a ~ b v 1 hliry to see the sopull t o see tho


'O$>-GiaaPPc4rwv, r&lri$warol;ap


2 Kai iJo6, actapb~ lybvrro phyag. 6 yehog-yap mpiov

descended out of heaven,

And behold, 3a'enrthquake 'thcreawns 'great ; l r nn angel of [the] Lord


o~?pavoc, ?rpoueX&h ( ~ T E K ~ X L U Erbv hieov V

having come rolled away the stone

wns a great enrth- tcixb 96oag,l1 ~ a ir68qr0 i r h v atrofi. 3 Ijv.8; ViJ6all i ~ qllake : for the nugel from the dbor, and wns sitting upon it. Lnd "was "look of the Lord descended (ibrp(~?17j, ri).?l~6vpa.atroG X E U K ~ U wh~eil' L ~ V . kai X from heaven, nndcsme a t ~ 0 ; and rolled back the 'his u lightning, and his raiment white as snow. stone from the door KUi 4 &.lrb.61 TO; $6pov a h 0 ; ~ U E ~ U ~ ? ~ U U Vn ] p 0 3 ~ ~ g ,';yd.01 alld sat upon it. 3 countennnce wns like And from the fcnr of him *trembled 'those2keeping'guard, and b lightning, and his rni5 'A.lro~piGeip?I ( ? . ~ y e X o ~ ruT~ i) elrev VOVTO i)aeifl verpoi. merit white 4 nnd for fear of him came as dead [men). But 'answering 'the .angel said to 1he the keeper8 did shake

And, behold, there hnving


dead yuvarEiv, M+. 0/3eiuO~ ;peTEa ol6a.ycip 8rr 'IquoGv ri)v iuravr not ye ; for I kuuw that

nten. 1 -4 ud the n n ~ e l women, ,

t ~ ~ ~ , ' " ~ $ f)qr~ire. 6~He~is. Inotr ~here,~ 'i for f aGiiriscn, K~O&pwPhvov $ ~ ~ o t a 6 6 y h q y&p, v not ye: for I ' know crucified ye as

JCSIUr h o has been

he said

$~i",hyB,~,""~,.,$~~~; 6 ~ 5 7 ~ T rbv r6sov 67rov irecro si, rirpio~.~' rai raxI ~ E E 6 is not here : for Come see the plnce whcre Jw~41ying'the "Lord. And 'quickly he is M he ro~~vGeiuai eirare roig.pcceqraig.airr05, Sri ljyhpeq dsrb r3v Come, see the plnce ~ l ~ r the Lord 1nr. re 'going RV' t o his disciples, thnt he in risen from the l And go quickly, Y E K ~ O V ~ a ii606, 7rpo&yei 6piic is n j v raXrXaiavS . tell his ~fiaciplesthat he risen from the dead ; and behold, he gocs before sou into Gnlilee ; there dcnd i and, behold! he atrbv i?J/eaOa.i606, e l ~ o v6lliv. 8 Kai Zb(eXB~Guacn a x i r And hnving gone out quickly ~ ~ ~ e e b him e ye shall sec.~ Lo, I have~told~ yon. i ~ ~ ~ l ~ see him: 10, I have (in6 p ~ q p per& ~ d~ o vKa; xapzg pyhX?lg, i6papou ~ i p told ~ o u . 8 And from from the depwtedq,lickly they tomb with fenr and 'joy 'great, they rnn

i ~ ~ i


the sepulchre with fenr did run to bring and and great joy;
9 And as they went t o

&.lrayyeiXal ~o~g.paeqraT~.atroG.9 'hg.61 brop~60vro

to tell [it] to his disciples. But as they wore going

his disciples word. (irayy~ihai ~o?g-paeqrai~.airro;,~ 806, bhtl'IsaoirS. rni ecin-+vto tell [it] to his disciples, Yalso'behold, Jesus mot tell his disciples behold. Jesus met them T?,'uEYI atraig, Xhywv, X ~ ~ ~ E A1.61. npoaeX8oGuai TE hp&snping, A11 hail. a n d them, saying, Hail I An11they having come to n i m ] seizod they came and held ]~av 0 him by the feet, ??pJaY a6r0; r06g sdSag, Kai - r r p o a ~ ~ 6 ~ 7atr@. 1 r6re and wotibi d him. hold of his feet, and worshipped him. Then 10 m e n sniB6sus untothem, Benot afraid : XIYEC a t r a i ~ ' I ~ u o G ~ , 6 o/~CUOE' ~ & ~ t rcirayyeiXar~ ir e, go tell my brethren 'snys 'to %hem 'Jesus, Aar not : Go, tell


IlrAG~opLTr ; r I e r A ~ z o s T. MaprGp T . ~ a i TTr. and &&daTTr. &S LTTrA. X jyct+t?quav &Q LTTIA. Y 6 &pros (veud lie waa lying) T[T~A]. &rcAt?oiuar having depirrterl TTrA. -&r6i inopwovro L~ayyciAac Tors p q r a ; ~ aim06 LTTrA. b TA. C i.mjvn]uv TTr.
P t

P - 82 and OLl'TrAW. - i n b e s OJpas LTTrA.


XXVIII. BIBTTHEW rois.cib~X#oic.~ou & ? c ~ X ~ W U ~ V YUU n)vraXrXaiav, d ~ & l p i ' l (~

m7 brethren that they go into Qalilee, and thero rue


&ha11 they nee.


they go into Qaand o sy seu m .

11 lToo~uopivov.di airrlv, ibol, rivic r f c x o u ~ r w 6 i a ~ U

~ u as 'were 'going h lug gono into the hat dors, Tere done. city 'they, 10, somc of the t o the g~~nrd hav-


Bdvrec eic: rGv srdhiv ecisri]yy~iXavll dpXrcpcfiaivL'lravm roic

reported ollief priesta a l l things the 01.

rd yevdpcva. 12 xai
and counsel

having taken, money

perd 73v rpm'much they gave

And having been gathered together with

PvrLpwv, ovp,8oljXrdv.r~ Xa,86vrec, cipyCpca itcavd Edwxuv rois orparidraic:, 13 XLyovr~c, Ei'slrare
by nlght having come
"be 'heard Syou 'free did 'this by the him, we

oi.pat)qrai.adroi saying, Say that his disciples to the roldicrs, IJVKT~~ bX&dvrec ~ K X E aBr3v 4p3v ~ o i p w p f v w v14 kai ~
being aslcop. we willporsunde And him

iciv cirovo8y" rocro 'iri" ro5 {ycpdvoc, iiP~iS ~eiaopev gahrdv"


of watch came into the cit and shewed uuto t{i chief priests all tlle things that werc done. 12 And when they Were aasen~blcd \\,it11 tile elders, and had taken counsel tliey gave large doney unto the soldiers 13 saying, Say ye,' His dihcipies came by night, and stolo him awcz~ while wo slcpt. 14 And tf tl'iSCouc tOthegovernor's cal.~, will perwe sunde hilu and secure


6pdg dpp~!pvov~ nori]aoprv.

from 'care 'will 'make.

15 Oi.62

the money, alld did ns lLSbthe"OOk And they having tnkan the they were taught :nnd

ha/36vre( rd

cipy6pra broiqaav &c 16i6cix81pav. ~ a h8i~$?lpi~tlq" i 6 X6y0c


ruonl reported this saying isamong as they were taught. And Sis4sprcadsabroad "r9port tile until thia ofiros srapd 'lovbaiorc:pixpr rijc mjPepovi. day. 'thin among [the] Jewa until the proscnt. .


16 Oi.62 lvbcra paeqrai i n o p ~ 6 Q ~ a a v rl)v I'aXiXaiav, EIS

But the eleven disciples went into Ctaiilce,

eic rb bpoc


aitrtv slrpoaexljvqaav kaBrg"+I1 oi.62 18laraaav. 18 rai npoa-

iuto Qalilcc, iuto a r u ~ ~ n t a where Jesus in hnd a pointed thew, him they worshipped him : but sonle doubled And 17 ~ n d ) w l l e n they saw eX6)hv ~ ' I ~&&Xqaev adroig, XQywv, 'E66eq p01 him they worship ed u o ~ ~ to them, saying, 3 ~ a s + b e e n 3 g ~ v e n 'to7me hi": 18but bO1ne cnue ed. And Jesus spoke c w to[them] o Jesus mo3v11and spnke uuto them, aGoa ifovaia dv oitpavg" ~ a i yGc. 19 nopcv06vr~~ therefore a a ~ i niuuto me in heagiven g , All power is 'all 'authority in heaven and on earth. ~oing to the mountain whither 'appointed 'them 'Jesus.

Irkfaro adtois b'Itlaofic. 17 ~ a i i6 6 v ~ ~ gi ~ ~ i p ~ , " " ~ ~ t d


pu6qreiraara rhvra rd ievq, "/.3a~~izovre~II a&ro&c: rd sic

dirciple all the nations, buptizing

bvopa to3 ~ a dc rai 703 viofi xai roz ciyiov rva6paroc, r

all narions, b:iptizing them in tile namo of the Father, and of Spirit ; name of the Fat& and of the Son and of the Holy, Son nnd of thc Holy 20 bibharovr~sa6ro6c rqpeiv ~Ciltra ijaa Ivc~~iXCipqv h d s : 20 teachin ~ t teaching them t o observe all things whatsoever I commauded them to observe thiugs whatsocrer I irpiv* xai iboir, 2 Fee' ;@U eipi srciaac rcic @pag Bwc rijc hare cornmantied you: you. And 10, with you am all the day8 until the and, 10, I amwith you alway, even uuto the avvrekiac 70; aiLivoc.., O'Apfiv." p end of the worid. completion of the age. Ameu. Amcn.

to the Te thel.efore,nnd tench


B a h b v (rectd [him]) T[T~]. & n j y y e A a v ailnounced T. f d r b LTr. rijs the LTrA. a h $ LTTrA. i .ipipas day LTrA. gad 08v c~[L]T&]A. a @amhav, hn-rillg baptized ~ r . 0 '.4p$v O L ~ ~ A . P Ma8Oaiov according to Matthew Zr&

i+r)cricr&) s oken of T. is


- --

'O T




THE beginning of 'APXH ther i gospele h ofJesus; BEOMN*G r h s t , i h of God

2 ns i t is wrlttm i n

roij E ~ U ~ ~ E 'Irlaoir X raroir, bv;oC roit Oeoirmn A ~ O V

O the glad tidings f of Jesoa Phrist, &n of (fad ;

~h$,~;"~~~t&~,",","~$ as i t has been written in the prophets, Behold, I send rpi) S rdu before thy fnce, which rbv.6YY~Xd~~.p~v ~poah~ov.aov, S Karab~EV&aEL *hall pruynre thy wny before thee. The mYtmessenger befora thy face, who shall prepnre ,voice of one cryinfi i n dSdv.aov f 2 p ~ p o ~ Ouov.I1 3 (Pwvtj /.3oGvTOS r f ip jPv, Qv hv +he wlldrmess* Pre- thy way before thee. [ThQ] voice of one crying in the wilderness, ye tllc, w a of the ~ TE rd, mnko h18 paths ' E T O L ~ ~ U C Y d8bv KVpiOV, tgiac n_oiairrriS rpiPove ~ttaight. Prepwe the way O? [the] Lord, strbight make 'paths

2c0c" yhypalrrai dvdroigr P o ~ ~ ~ a ~ g , I Iehy(;ll 0 6 , ' ~ B (iTObTQMW



4 ' E Y ~ V E'T O c f ~ ~ vParritwv bv rp" bpjpy, h ~ & i " Iw cg K~p8a4 j o b did bnptize i n 'the wilderness, and %me 'John bsptizing in the wilderness, and proclaim. prwoh the bnpti~m of roipontance for the re- V W U pdwriupn p~ravoiac ~$JEULU drpapriDv. 8 rrai mnsion of binn. 5 And ing [the] bnptism of rcpcutnnco for remission of sins. hnd there went out unto him the laud of i~e.rrope6ero rpbc atrbv x i a a rj 'IovBaia xhpa, rai oi it1epoJudma, and they of went out to him ail the 'of "Judsn 'country, nncl they of Je-

~ ~ $ i , " f n " , " ~ ~ C ~ 37'~ ~ltro;,ll ~ ~ O ~ O X O Y O ~ ~ E Y O L d~ : rdg.dlPnpriag.a6rGv. 6 mfiv.82ll s d with cnmel's hair, by him, confessing their sins. And 'wan ~ : P , ~ ~ ~ 6v8~8vphvo~ ~ rrap.rjXo?r, c6vyv~~ ~ ~ p a r i v ~ v n'IwdvvqS , z ~rpixag ~ ~ ~ ~ rrai p
and he did eat locuats IJohn clothed in hair of a cnmel, and a girdle of leather and ; 'l mpi njv.da$~irv.alrroir, Olo9iwv" cirpiJag ~ a piXi 6ypiov. rai i prenchcd uaying There corneth bne about his loins, ancl eating locust^ and 'honey =wild. than 1 after me, the 7 ~ a br~jpvaaev, i Xtywv, "Epxerai d iaxvpdrep6g pov bxiow ~","~t,$W,","~~,$O~~ And heproclaimed, snying, He comes who [is! mightier than I after etoop d o n nnd un- pov, 06 06g.eipi iravdc r6+ac Xijrrai'rbv iphvra fit having stooped down to loose the thong ~ , " ~ ~ l e iic~ ~ " ~ d e, l me, of whom I am not 8i $ wnter : but he shall rGv.irr0J~~pdrwv~a6roir.d Ppivll ip&rriaa ;pfiE9iu11 8 a ~ i , bnpfize you with the of his sandals. iudeed baptized you wit11 water, Holy Ghoat.

the river of Jordnn, ruaalem,


2:dhizfi uoXvpirai,t1k ~ ahparriJovro rcivr~g" r$ 'IopBrivp norap$ i 'dv

and were =baptized 'all in the YJordnn 'river


at~bs-bl Parrria~i6piic rIvl1

but he will b q t i z e you

rve6parr B iy.
'Spirit '$bly.

with [the]

9 And it came topnaa And i t came to pasa i n thoae days [thnt] 'crrme 'Jesub in those days, thnt Jecame from iYazn- cirb. tNarapbrll r i j ~ FaXAaiac, rai i/3arriaBq '6nb 'Iwcivreth of Qnlilee, and from Nazareth of Galilee, and was bnptized by John u7an hn tired of John in 10 And vov EIS rbu r ~ ~ P 8 c i v q u .~ ~ i 10 ~ a rivapaivwv xcindllro~ strnight way coming i n the Jordan. And immediately going up from the , up out of the wnter, . he m w the henvens u8aroc, eisev ~ ~ t c o ~ f rodev oCpav06it~,rai rb av~ijptr vo ~ o ned, rind thc Spirit water, he haw parting asunder the heavens, and the Spirit liye a d o ~ e descending uponhim l l n n d there ~ 0 a ~ i l l aeptar~pav rara/3aivov atrdv. 11 rai $wvi aaiyiv~name P voice from as a dove .descending upon him. A n d a voice came

9 'Kai" iylvero bv h ~ ~ i v araic &hpat i<

fihgav ' I q & t ~



b vioi, 705 &oG T : 70; LTrA. E4ayyUtov r a d Ma'prtov GLTrAW ; r a 7 d M i p ~ o v . T d ([T~~ow) 'HuaS? I r p o + j q Isaiah t h e prcphet r a e h s according as TTr. f 'r'prpou8b uov GLTTrAW. a i h (read i ~ r o u .I send) LT1.A. R b OLSTrAW. T'P~ A. h rai ~T,]A. i 'Iepouo~vpe~~ac T. k ncivras, wai @an~i<ov70GLTTrA. O iuewv TTrA. b TTrA. I h' a6roS $v 'Iop8ciY a o r a + i TT1.n. m wai qv LTTrA. ;v ( ~ e a d v c v p ~ . r rwith [the] n n ev (read $&a71with wnter) T [ T ~ ] A . P p i v [L]v~A. s p i r i t ) ~ [ ~ ~ r ] ~ .8 [ r a i l L. 1 Na<ap?B ETrW. v cis rbv : l o p 8 d y v 6 n b 'Iwdvvov ):BA. W e30Jq TTrA. 1 i~ out of L % & Y &S GLTTrAW. C 9 OL1 L W A. L tyCVC70




(read [came])



1 .

MARK. itr r ~ j v ~irpnvLjv,Xir r i 6.vidc.pov 6 ~ i ~ a r q r i6 ~b' v $ ,

ont of.the heavens, Thou art my Son the beloved,

* a ~ ' n g l

in whom i n whom I am w l my sou' el


I have found delight.

And immediately the Spirit "him

12 Kai c ~ ~ 0 3 c % h r s p a ajrbv ilCphXX~1 dp m rig

ness. And he was there i n the wilderness 'dag-s the 'forty,

immediatelY 'drives out into the wilder- lnto spirit 'Iiveth him the wildernem.



pov. 13 rai $v d i ~ ~ v 'Tl$ i p k y e f i p i ? q rraoaph~ovra,~- $ $ i f ; ~ ~ s ~ ; ; r ~ ii ~~

d a ~ s ,tempted of Sat a n ; andwas withthe. and angels ministered unto beasts ; and the him.

T L ~ ~ ~irrb. 702 uarnvii, rai ijv pera ~ ~ u o ~ tempted by Satan, and was with

r3v Bqpiwv. rai


oi dyyXOr~ L ; ~ K ~ V O&h?$. VU
the angels ministered to him. ljohu glad tidings came of the And after into Galilee, 'was 3delivered'up procl:~iming the

14 fM~rri.Gillr b ~ m p a 8 o Q ~ vrbv 'Iw&vvqv@ ~ E Yb 'Ir]voirc at

Jesus kingdom

~ i g . v I'aXtXaiav, rqp6auwv rb eirayy~Xiovg r 6 ~/3actX~iaf" 4 Jesus came into Quli70; ~ E o G ,15 of God,

14 Now after thst John wasput in prison,

lee, pmaching the gospel of the kingdom of (;oar ,l5 and s a ~ i n g , and saying, 'Has *been ?fulfilled'the 'time, and .ha8 The tlme is fulhlled; nnd the kingdom of Paoihria roG ~ E O ? prravorhr, xai niorrbrrr ;V r $ / ~ o d i -a t hand :repent of God; repent, and believe i u the ye, and believe the r awnnearthe kingdom v gospcl. 16 Now as he bayyXiqJ.16 i1Trpi.rrar3v.8i"?rap&rljv eciXa~of.Yv'iij~ wnlked by the of glad tidings. And walking by the sea : of G* Gnlilee, he saw Simon

Xiywv,""Orc ~rnXi]oc~rat sa~phg, 676 rui

Xaiag EIGEY Zipwva rai 'AvEpEav r6v ci8~X$bv kaliroG" 'PhXlilee ing he saw Simon a large net 'to *them fishors and Anchew i n the 'Jesus, of men. him. the sea ; Come after.


Xovm~" mCrp$i,3Xqarpov11 r e BaXhuap. dv

17 ral ETTEV nirroi~ 'Iqooirs, AEGTE 6 bnlTiuw pov, kai nocjaw

And 'maid you me,

cast- the sea : for they were And ijoav-ycip n&Xieig*1 fishers. 17them, Jesus said unto Come for they were fishers. ye after me, and 1 will and I will make straightwny they for-

of him

:d &'$p"aF,"t g ,, :
~ ~ m $ ~

6pZS yr~Saeat"&Xrrig"dvQphawv. 18 Kai

t o become their ncts


And immediatcly having left

; :", 'L", '

their nets, a~~

.rd.6irrvn-Pal~iv~l ,iroXozi0qonv aGri,Z.

they followed


~~cI'c~v the son of Zehcdcc and John GK~&W" dXiyov ri8ev 'Idrwpov ri)v 702 ZPc?aio~, his brother: who nlso rai thence a little he saw James the [son] of Zebcrlec, and yerein mending thcir net,s. 20 And i v r+ ?r;\oiy str:rightway hc cr\tle& 'IW~UY~V r6v.ciE~X~bv.airro3, a aitroilc ~ i John his brother, and these [wcrc] in the ship thcN : and they left thcir father Zebedee rtarapri~oma~ Girrva. 20 sai r~b@iwcfi T& dr&Araev a&robc' in the ship with the And immediately ho called them ; h i d servants, and mending the nets. weut after him. rtai Ir$S~regrbv ?raripa.atrGv Z~pr8a?ovi v T$ ?rXoiy prrh and having left their father Zebedce i n the ship with

19 Kai

.rrpo/.3&~little farther pone on he saw James

rGv ptaQwr3v, ci~ijX00v bniaw aCro5.

21 And they went into Cnpcrnnum; and And they go into Caperuaum; and immcrliatcly onthe s t r n i g h t w ~ y On the sabbath day he entered v6flpaurv v~i'oeXQ~v'! ~ ; ~uvvnywyljv i8i8aurrv.I' 2% rai into the synngo e w sabbaths having entercd into the synagogue he taught. And and taught. 22 they were astonished ifrxXilauovro r$.E~6~~$.niro2. <v.y&p Gi8Larcwv airroljg at his doctrine : for he Uiey wcrcastonishcd a t his teaching: for he was teaching them taueht them as one that had nuthority 6s dfovaiav' ?xwv, rcni oirx oi ypappar~ic*.23 Kai r $v and not as +he scrib& M 'authority 'haring, and nqt as the scribes. And thcre was 23 And there was i n the hired servants, they went away after him.

21 Kai rio?rop~z;ovrat sKnnrpvaoljp'II rai teGQ6wc11 roit E;<

7 4 ~

g d

i ~ i


uoi thee LTTrA. c cir&ws LW. ;K? QLTTrAW. e ~suue~&~ovra $pipap TTr ; K a i p 7 a LTrA. &&+m$ 7fUUQ.A . B 7)7s fiauthcc'ac [L]TT~A. h ~ a Aiywv T ; ~ a A. ; ; vapiywv and passing 0 1 LTTrA. 1 1 &p.706 P i p o v o s of sirnon L ; xIpwvor TTrAW. +B&owar casting around GLTTrAw. m rip+Lphqu~pov [read [a net]) TTrA. &Ac~is TA. 0 ci&r T. P al;r&v (read the IIC~S) LTT~[A]. r .&ehs TTrA. V i~eiesv [L]TTI.A. Ha4apvaoJlr LTTrAW. ctGi~s . T - F ~ u c ~ ~T[T~]A. '&v d8;8au~cv c;r 7;)v m v n y w y j r [air~iv] (retrd their acribesj L. U;-?$V E. $ c&Oir immediately TA.




aheir synagogne aman Qv~.mvaywy~.airrGv Oivtlpwroc b m ~ 6 p a r ~ . d r a e ( i ~rai ~ , v rq with an unclesn spirit; their synagogue a man with a n unclean spirit, and and he cried out i n 24 saying Let &v6rpa[av,24 hiywv, "Ea," r i GpYv real aoi, 'Iqao3 Natapqvi ; alone. whit have we he cried out, saying, Ah l what t~ ns and t o thee, Jesus, Naeamne ? to do'with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? ~ X B E &.lroXiaar rjpiic; .oi8ciU aa ric c l , 6 iiyroc ~ a r t thou come to de- art thou come t o destroy IUS? I know thee who thouart, the Holy [One] atroy us 7 I know thee who thouart the Holy 703 ~ E o G .25 Kai b~eripqaev airry" 6 ' I ~ u o ~ c , @[p&bXiywv,n One of ~ o d . ' 25 And of God. And %buked 'him 'Jesua, saying, B . Jesus rebuked him, aaying,Hold thy peace, Bqri, m i ~ F E X ~ Q4 air TO;. 26 Kai E arapci fav and come out of him. silent. and come forth out of him. And 'havina 4hrown o h t o'convnlsionr 26 And when the unclean spirit had t o m aLrAv rb .rrveSpa rb &rriOaprov,rai crpciSavl1 him, and cried with 'him 'the 'spirit %he 4unclcan, an<havingcried I loud voice he came I Gare out of him.' 27 And QlijX8ev d l f l l atr03. 27 rai teappiletlaa~e r c i ~ r ~ c , l l they were all amazed, came forth out of him And Owere 'astonished 'all. so that insomuch that they yioned among 'UU&jTiVi' g p b ~ ' haQro6hU ' Xhyovras, T imtv TOGTO; i t emselves saying, they questioned together among themselves, saying, What is this? What thidg is this? i what newdoctrine r k - 4 8t8axd ratvrj ai;rq, 8n" ra# bEovaiav rc-al roic ~ v E C this? for with nu- what 'teaching *new 'this, t h a t with authority even the spirita thority commandeth he the nuclean paurv roic LiraOriprotc bmrciuuet, ~ a irraroitovarv air+; i s irits, and they do the unclean he commandn, and they obey him f 2 ~ i 28 k'Efijk8~~-8ill &rod airroil 1~b83e tic a q v rdv repi~ < ~ ~ ~ spreadabro~dthroaghAnd went out the fame of him immediately i n all the 'around

,, .

&: & ;

.re And forthwith,

~wpov j g I'aXtXdiac. n
country Galilee.

when they were come out of the s nagogue they entereg into th; house of S1mon and An&ew, with James siand John. 30 B U ~ mon'a life's mother lay sickof a fever, aud anon the tell him of her. 31 Knd he came and took her by the hand, and lifted her up ; and immediately the fever loft her and mhe ministored them. 32 And a t even, when the sun did set, they brought unto htm all that were dis-

29 ICal
into the



~vvayuyijcObEeX86vre~ ?jX80vn
oynagogue Andrew, having gone forth they cam9 James and Joha. with wan lying

And immediately out of the house of Simon and

r?jv oiriav Zipwvoc rai 'Av6piov, perd !TarD/3ov rai 'Iwhv-

QO 4.62

Andthe mother-in-law of Simon

T E V ~ E P ~ Zipuvoc

rarira~ro mptaaotiaao rai

in a fever.


Peireiwel1 XQyouurvaitry" ~ E p airrijc. i immediately they s p k t o him about her.

31 rai rpoaaX81;v

And hgvIng come t o &er] =loft 'Erening him

ljy~lpfv atT?jv, rpar+ac

.he raised up her, having taken

i njc- ~rpbc.qa6rljg*" ~ a & Q ~ ~ ~ K E

%er hand.

;mto alirrjv b

rvp~rbc r~ir8iwc,IIrai

8iqrdver atroic. 32 '04ius g$epov wpbc ctirrbv

they brought t o sun,


immediately, and she ministered t o them.

8k yavopBv~c, ijrc
'and being come,


b jjXroc,

:d igds,t,","r zr , :i k

when went down the

rrivras 7035 rarljs Z ovrac rai 7035 Batpovt~opL~ov~* 33 rai

out many devils. and ~ K e r e d the de*ls not to w h u a h espf* they

z;i$,",",,"4'p,"n;fc:; E P & T E I ~ roXXo3c M ~EV many


devils. 33 And all the 811 who 'ill 'were and thoae possessed by demolu ; md c i ~ & ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ r d X i c ;8Xq hmuvvqypQvq Qv" ?rpb!:n j v 86pav. 34 rai ttj , " , hehenledmany the %city 'whole *gathered 'together %sa at the door. bud

r a r G ~ . E ~ o v rr o~ ~ A a r gvhao~c,rui a r
that were ill of various diseases, and

Gacpcivta roXXd t[lpaXev, rai oir~.lj$tevXaXaiv rci Garpdvca, 'demons 'many he cast oat, and d e r e d not *to4speok 'the 'demoIu: 8rr &?etaav airrdv.

85 And in the morn- beeanse they knew h i in^ risin up a great while before day, he 35 Kai rpw'i v ~ v ~ ~ o v n - . X i d v a a r d ~ hEijX&v rai av went out, anddeparted And very early while yet night having r i m up he went out and

a 0i8ap'v we know T . b ACywv T. c $m&jvav &ravres ~VRA. r W V < ~ T E ; V LTTrA. B ~ p b T. r h aGto6s I,TrAW. 6r8axi ~ a t m a new teaching LTTrA. j ~ at.$jhOev LTTrA. i navta,yoi) everywhere T[T~]A. 0 i[ah%&w 3Ab'cv having n oir039 L T T ~ I . h0 Came LTr. P W ~ $ LTTrA. C P (tead [her] h m d ) LT[Tr]A. # i 6 w c v LRA. v ivvuxa LTTrA. *v iiAq $ ndhcs irrruvvqjp&q LTTrA.

-'Ea !'rum L.


- -

- gone forth
e b 8 i o r TT&

d inJ E : iavroirc [&@$C] T . r

I, 11, dnc\fiv

*went 'after having found


MARK. riC tpnpov r6iiov, wxdx~iflr p o u ~ ~ x r r o . S6

dehert 'a place, nnd there was praying.

And and there t a ~ ' O ' i prayed 36 And Simon and they kai that him and followed after him. 37 And when they had

Ohim him


Xip(,JvK a i
t o him,

oi per' aifroz' 37
%m ;

'Simon land'those %ith they say

zeirpdvr~S. atrdVU XbYo~uiv atr(ij, "0ri rhvrac a~tlroi)uiv foundhim,i ll'llmen seek UE." thee. unto l l u they asid
Al l
for thee. 38 And he
XQy~a i

38 Kai

6 r 0 i ~ , ' ~ ~ wrcic~ ixo hvae ropo.rrdhers, saidunto them,Letua eic ~ v ~

Let us go into the neizhbbuing


And he a

to them

CK,jKEib1 i(qP$(Oa

r 0 5 r ~ y=p

that there also I may preach ; 'for 'this he was lilee,

40 ~ n there came a d leper t o him, beseeching him and kneeling . 40 Kai Xerai n b~ atrbv X a . r r p d ~ ,raparaXSv aCrbv Era; down td him, and ayAnd %a .him l a l l c p r , Fseeching him and in. unto him, If thou wilt, thon canclt make yovvner3v atrdv,"h ~ a i ' l Xiywv a6BTy',"0ri 6iXpc 66vaaai rue clean. 41 And J+ 62rv kneeling down t o him, and saying t o him, If thou wilt thou art ablo fu8, more6 with comp raeapiaat. 41 "0.61.'Iqaoirc" ukXay~via6eig, &- &nd, nnd forth htk assion, put touched me to cleanse. And Jesus be in^ mored with compassion, having hlm and snith unto him: I will; be thou reiva~ k ~ ~ i d xeipa he i j # a ~a.L~oir,~ a hiyei 'airr@,\lean. 42 ~ n as soon stretchedout [his] hand touched him, and says to him, u he had spoken, ims mediately the leprosy BiXw, ~a6apiueqri.42 Kai meixdvro~.atroir," nr66iwcu dcixijX- departed from him, I will, be thou cleansed. dud' he having spoken, immediately depart- and he was cleansed. 6ev (171.' atroir Xhrpa, rai Ol~a6ctoia6q.~~ Kai tpppipqah43 ~mstra~~{ ed from him the leprosy, and he was cieansed And having strictly forthwith s e i t him ~EVOS .atr$, Pe.L6QwcIilgipaXev atrdv, 44 xai Xiyei a6r& ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 2 , charged him, immediately he sent away him, And saYa t o him, nothing to any man :

Xuiav, rai rd Baipdvta brPciXXwv.

and the demons casting out.

e $ ~ "I C ~ P ~ Q U W V raic.btrvaywyai~II~atr~v f b ~ ic Shqv T ~ FaXt- in their synngoguer V preaching i n their syn;rgogues in a l l throughout ail Qalilee, and rnst out devils.

countw t o m s , ~ ~ ~ t O there also: for therolbecause have I come forth. And fore came I forth 39 And he preached

dC'(~XjlXw6a.l' Kai 39


:,: ;g

"Opn pq6evi qpq81vi1 eZrpce rciXX'p 8raye, u~avrbvBeigov

&e t o n o o n e anything t h o u s p & ; , (lit. nothing) but go, tfiyself shew

E",~~;;y~fk+' and for thg! clesnsin those things r$ iapei; rai rpoaiveyrs r e p i ~oir.xa6aptapoir.aov& rpoa- which %oses COD to the priest, and offer for thy cleansing what 'or- manded, for a tostimony unto t h e m LraEev 'Mw~i]c,"ic papdpiov a6roi~. 45,'0.66 ; ~ E X ~ ( ; V 45 ~ u he went out, t dered 'Yosa, for a testimony to them. But he having gone out and began to publish i t much and to b l u e 6pEaro m]p6~0eiv ~ohhdrrai dia$qpilatv ~ b Xdyov, 6 0 ~ 8 v nbroad&ematter, inbegan t o proclaim [it] much nnd t o spread abroad the matter, so that somuch that Jesus could no more oponiy pqtilri airrbv GCvaaQai.'$avepGg fie .rrdhivN eiu~h8eiv'enter intothe city, but no longer he was able openly into [the] city t o enter ; was without i n desert 'dM'" wthvli bpjlpoic sdnoic xa~v,ll ijpxovro rpbs atrbv places. and theyeTery rai to hi& from came but without in deaefi' places wns, and they came t o him quarter. 7' 11. And sin he from every quarter, entered intoyaapernaum, sfter s o l e dnys. Kai zanhXiveiaijX6avnfie uKarcpvaoirpn 8 i <pEp3v, and it was noised that) L A n d again he entom$ into Capemum after [some] days, he was i n the house. 2 And straightway b'~ai" tjrolia6q , Sri 01~dv' U T L Y 2 kai "le66iw~~ ~ . aVW- many were gathered m d i t was heard that i n [the] h o r n he L ; and immediately were together, insomuch there ~6qaav .roMoi, &UTE pq~krt.xwpdv pq6i rd thatreceivewasnc room bo thm no gathered together mnny, so thnt there wan no longer any room not even not so much as abou;


a ory,,roimv LW.

e6pov aurov x a i f 0 1 1 ~ him and mr*. d d i(ijA8ov I came forth *A, 4AOev he went n r . cir ovvaywyhs QLTTrAW. K ~ ayomnerGv i aCr6.v ~ [ n r ] (rGz6v T. ; h ~ aT[A) i x a i and ~ m r . a 6 r o i ?#a70 LTT~A. 1 airy^T. m cirr6vsor a6708 LW. d03~ Zxa8cpiu@q TA. P e683r LTTrA. O ~ ~ 8L[T~]. i v i M h LTTrAW. ' Mwiiuijr LTTrAW. C;$ n6Aw $avep& T. V &A& LTrA, W. in' TTrA. [jv], L I* ntiw08ev LTTrAW. eiuijA6ev ndArv LW i U Ka+a,avaoBp t r r c r w . rbcAObv n a r v he having entered b. KM bmr~ a jv o i ~ y m : L [LTTI]~

ZKei h,

ra~r&iwtev T. b d+axoi


elsewhere W A .

- b T[T~]A.

~ aixei GW. i




$'&ce':thp",2~ them, ~~d they a t the


MAPHOB. I, I rrjv Oitpav. rai i 6 E atroif r;vXdyov. 3 Kal ~pxovra~ XX L

door ; and hc spoke to them t h e word. And they come

~ ~ , " n " ~ s ~ k m , , " ferplcalrdv, rapaXvrtrbv ipov~eg,~~ 'i~~; aiP6pevovh 3 reuuhpwv. was borne to him, 'a %aralytic ?bringing, borne by four. of four. 4 And when 4 plj J V Y ~ ~ E U frP~u~YYiuaiL' 816 r i ) ~X A O V , OL atrffj ~ they unto him for the could not come nigh And not being able t o come gear to him onaccount of the crowd, press, they u ~ { ~ a ralv ~ Srov v i~~ 1Eop6Fnvres fhe roof wherc hc was & r euncovered u thej v roofu ~ where heqv, rai having broken up [it] Xaand ,vhcn they had they was, and they t h&$' $I1 d ~apaXvrt~i)g rarhreiro. broken it up, they 1 ~ X&atv rbv g~p&/?Parovll down the bed where~n let down the on which the y l y t i c was lying. couch the sick of the palsy lay. 5 WhenJesussaw 5 ii8Av.8dnd 'Irlaoirg v . . r i u r t v . a ~ r XEYEL T @ rapahvrtr@, ~ 6v their faith, he said And 'Jesus their faith says t o the paraytic, onto the sick of the 'uoi ai.&paprint.aou.li6 'Huav-8i rtveg palsy, Son, thy sins be T ~ K Y O k&$H~vraill Y, forgircu thee. 6 But Child, 3have'been5forgivensthee 'thy 'sins. But thcre were some thcra were certain of the scrihs sitting r6v ypaptiarQwv ir~7 ~aO$pevoi, GiaXoyi~dpevotdv raig rai thcrc, andreasoning in of the scribes 'there 'sitting, and reasoning in their hearts 7 Wby dcth this thus rap8i'at~.abrGv, Ti 08r0c 7 0ijrwc ~ X E Z m/.3Xau$?Jpia~"; &peak blasphemies ? their hearts, Why %his [zmaf] *thus 'does 'speak blhsphemics ? who can forgive sins but ~~d only l 8 ~~d rig 86varar &$tiuat Bpnpriac, ai-plj erg, d 6ehp; 8 Kai immediately whcn Je- who is able t o forgive sins, except one, [that is] God? And :: h ll~COiwg'L driyuozip d'IqaoSg ry",rv~6~arc.ntro O Ow I p 8r1 o r gl reasoned within them- immcdiately 'knowing 'Jeuns i n his spirit that thus selves he said unto 8taXOyiroY+aL thern,'why reason ye QV C T ( U T O ~ ~ , ~ E ~ T E U ' ahroi'g,Why these things8taTi raifra reathese things in your tht:y are reasoning within themselves, said t o them,


$ ~ ~ \ , ~ ~ t ~ , X" O~ ~h ~, "~
sick of the palsy, Thy sins be forgiyen or to say, Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk? 10 B U ~ that ye nlay know that the souofmanhathpower on earth to forgive sins, (he ekith to the sick of the palny,). 11 .I Say unto thee, dnse, and trrke up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house. 12 And immediately he arose took n the bed, and went forth before them all ; insomuch that thcy were all amazed, and glorifled God, saying, We ncvcr raw it on this fashion. Ye

E U raig.1~ap8ia~g.6~2~; bbrtv ~tlfo~&repov, iv ~ E 9 ri

in your heart6 P which is easier,

E ~ T E ~ V rapaXurtry", r'A$iwvraill sao~" a; r@ a riac, *been 'forgiven ethe@ ['thy] to say to the para1j-t.i~. E ~ T E Z V , ~ ~ ~ t ~ a t , Zpdv yuov rbv ~p&P,3arovIIrai t* v~aill "


to say, klse, and take UP thy couch and x r ~ f t r & ~'11~a.8B ei8GrE &L i~ovuiav X E L d uibc ro; 10 ~ ~ l L ; ~ but that yemayknow that 'authority 'haa 'theXSon

&v6p&~ov r&$tfvatiri rig yij~' drpapria~, Xiyec ry" kapa3of .man to forgive on the earth arise, sin*,he says t o the pare-

Xvrtrilj, 11 Xoi Xiyw, Zty~tpalrll~ a ?doov rbvgKp6/?Par6u11 a l

lytic, To thce I say, and t a b up =couch lthy and

aov rai i;rayaelg rbv.olr6v.uov. 12 Kai 4y6pOq betObw~, qai"



thy house. couch

And h e arose immediately, and before God, ill,

having taken up the



rbv g~p@Parov~ ~ { A O E V ~ "ivav.riovll T & V ~ W W ,

,went forth

so that 'were Jamazed

13And hewentforth again by the sea side. and all the multitud: resorted unto him and he taught them: 14 And ss he passed

tliurao0ac a & v r a ~ , '605ii~etv O E ~ U dXiyOvrac,B rai rbv ,

=all, and saying, Never thus did we see [it]. by the

"Orr eaot8iror~ oiirwc"fa~Ei80p~v.1L

13 Kai 1EijXO~v T & ) ~ ; v gaTapd"

And he went forth again came crowd

J&Xnuaav, n ~ ~ i
sea, and them.


a n the And

< dc

6 x X 0 ~$ ~ X E T OTpbc aLrbv, rai i8i8aareu atrobe. 14 Kai

hm, and he tn3ght

0 r p k ab~bv #&povrer rrapahvrtrbv LTr ; $ ~ P ~ v ~ e ; &rbv r r a p d v r t ~ b v rrpbs TA. rrpoucviyrtar to bring near T. g rpkf3awov LTTrAW. h &CV where LlTrA. i K ~ \ Li8bv T. k & + $ v ~ a lare forgiven LTTI. I oov ai cipaprt'ac Q T T ~; COL ai A p a p r i a ~[ Q O V ~ A L. m ; f 3 A a ~ $ ~ p c ;(read Why does this [man] thus spcak? he blasl~hcnles.) ' I.TTrA. cu&s 9 Aiyer Says T r r A . P abroi they (me reasolling) 01 A ]W. L7PrA. 0 - oiirws L. * 'Eyetpa OI.TW ; 'Eycipov TrA. r 'A$ievrai are forgiven LTTr. 8 uov thy (sins) a m r a w . Y h i ris Y ~ &+tivob S rai G[T~]AW. rbv r p i S a n 6 v oov L ~ ~ A W . a iiraye go T. OLTTrW. +etpc GLTTrAW. ~ aoi[ I , ~ ~ A w . b rai cil133s TPrA. L ~ ~ ~ ~ O Q % B V T d bhyoKras[~Jn. ea oijsos oilbilrorr n r r . ci8apev LTTr& OS sip tO T.


11. Aaphywv E

M.A R K ,
~ ~ hA~v?vll E V rdv


of Alphzus

K C I ~ ~ ~ ~ E Y O byl he snn. Lcvi tlie rh ~

a t the 80nthe receipt of cnhsitti"fi a t Of tom, nud said unto tax and says t o him, Follow me. And having arisen he arose nnd followed And ~ K O ~ ~ nifr$.~ 15 Ka1 E idy6v~rol'h ~ v . r ( ~ ' l ~ ~ a r a ~ ~ i a ~15 And iacnme ~ ~ ~ U V him. a~~ t bhc followed him. d u d it came to pass he 6 0 pass, that, anin his sat nt meat Jesus T Av i v ri.oiri~.a6ro6,rai roXXoi reAGvni rai cipaprw- house, many publicnn~ [at table] in his house, t h a t many tnx-gnthcrers aud ,in- nnd fiinucrs sat also together with Jesus Xoi avvavirecuro r 3 'Iqaoir mi roig.paOt/rais.atroir' and hie dihciples : for uora mere reclining [nt table] w i t h Jesus and his disciples ; there were many an11 they followed him qoat,.ydp roXXoi, rni 't)coX069~~oavll atr$. 16 mi nloill ypap- ia ~ n d when t h e for they were many, nnd they followed him. And the scribcs scribes and PhnriRkes saw him eat with pubpareic "m;oi @np[oaioi," i86vrec, Patrbv bo8iovra" perd licnns and sinners, and the Ph:rrisecs, having soon him enting with they anid unto him disciples, How i n it thnt rGv ~ ~ E ~ J J I & Jm &paprwX3v," Z ~ E Y O V r~ig.paO~~aTs.airroO, eateth mddrinkoth 1 he tho tnx-gnthcrcrs nun sinners, said t o his disciples, with pnblicnne and T ~ ~ T ~ I I i;rt per& rGv sreXwvGv ~ a ripaprwX&v~~ i loei~c' ~ a m8 heard i t When Jed i he snith Why [is it] that v i t h tho tax-gatherers and inners ho eats and unto them h e y thnt are whole) have no

passing on he saw


the [son]



rni X6ye~. n@,

'AKOXO~OEL Kni rivaordc pot.


ail~ei 17 Kai ;'l

drinks ? 'have

ci~ohaag d 'IllooircAbyei airroig, 06 xpeinv a ,

'Jesus says t o them, 'Xot

of the

And 'having 3heard


but they t h a t arc lick :

i ~ o v u i v oi

'thcy 'who 'nre *strong of a physician, but t o call righteous [ones],

io~60vrec inrpoir, &AA'

they who


~ a r G c2 x 0 ~ -i ~ h t c o u sbut c"1 r I , siuners


res. oit~.fiXQov ~aX6oai8iraiovg,

I cnmc not

but ainnera

, are.

to mpentanoe,


18 Kai'qanv oi paODraiYIwhvuov~ a =oi rGv cPapiuaiwv~ i

And 'Owere lthe Zdisciglen =of 'Johrr f:zstiug; plcs and thcy come and say sand'those70f 'the *Pharisees t o him; Why %he .disci18 And the d k i p l a and o the Pharisees used t Of fart:

vqarei~ovra~~ ipxovrai cai Xhyovaiv air+$, xA~ari" paOqd m i oi rai 'Zwcivvov rni oiy r 3 v Qaptoaiwv vqure6ovo~v, 62 ooi oi
'of &John 'nnd 'those 'of "the l0Pharisecs lfarit,

~ ~ , " $ ~ p " ~ y ~

but thy disciples of John and pn&]rni 06.v~]urehovoiv; Kai E ~ ~ a6roig d ' ~ ~ a o i r ~ , the Phariseas f w t 19 E V M4 of di..cipleq fast n o t ? And 'said =to *them 'Jesus, but t h y disciples faet not 7 19 h n d Jeaur G61~uvrac vioi ro6 vvpI#JGvo~. oi bv-4 d vv $Los per' atrGv said unto them Can with them the ehildmn 0 i t h e the sons of the bridcchamber, while the b r i ~ g r o o m Can bridechamber fast ioriv, ~ t p J r & iioov.~p6vovz p ~ eiavrGv ~xovocv ; t~ ' rbv yvp- while the brideflood is, fast? as long an with them they have the bride- is with them? 88 long sa they hnye the bride$iov,l1 0fi.8~VaVr~l V?,IUTE~ELV' 20 i ~ ~ 6 ~ 0 v r C l l . 6 ~ Srav groomwiththem they ijpipat groom, they are not able t o fnst. But will come days when cannot fast. 26 But the da will come, 67rap9t . &T' a t r 3 v d VU I#JiOgJ rdre Vt/- when t%sebridegroom will hnve been tnkcn nmny from them the b r i h r o o m , and then they shall be tnken away from them, and then are6oovo[viv R i ~ ~ i u raic jpipaig." 21 braill ot8eig l?riPXqpa shall theyfast inthosa nis will fast in those dnys. And qo one apiece dnys. 21 No man also

C@~ovsll C?~V&$OU di7ri&irr~i11r i eipariy).raAaif$U'ei-&-pG, f

of %lot11 'unfulled
sews up &ofYt on a n old garment ; 'new from the

otherwise, ment: else the new old, and old, and t h e rent

zztho: :z $ro$


rb rhjpwfag llaatroir'l lcaivdv roir raXaioir, ~ a piece that filled i t the rb taketh away from up i

'tnkes 'amay

the 'filling

h A c v s b TA. 1 yiverac it comes to pass n r a . k -+;v 74 T[Tr]. 1 $ror\od~?ovvthey were following TTIA. m oi T. TGV-3apc~ai0v of the Pharisees TTI. 0 + K& also [I.]TT~. P iiri &seiec L ; iirc ;)u%~ev that i l e was eating TTr. 9 dpaproA&v x a i

.rthwvCv LTrA. T TTIA. I S &Ctap~wh&v ra'c ?&v rehwvGv LTr. t [K& nivei] L. ELS pcravoiav tlLTTrAW. W oi @ a p r u a ~ othe Pharisees OLTT~AW. r 1 A i h 7; LTI& 7 p a % q ~ a i the) disciples TTrA. (oi X ixovutv ~ b w p + i o v per' airrGv(pc0' havrGv,L) LTT~A, v ireir) rfi' tjpipq that day GI.TTIA*. b ~ aOLTTIAW. i C ~ ~ K K O V S L. enipanrst ITCA. ipcirrov aaharcjv LTTrA. f i n ' a9703 from it A. B irr' from LT. ha a h o i , [T~]A-

32 .



made worse. 22 And x~ipov axiupa yiv~rai. 22 cai 0 6 6 ~ PhXXet OTVOY vLov ~ i c ;~ man old bottles : 'a rent takes place. And no one puts Iwine 'ncw into nine intopubtcth 'lew 'worse eise the new wine doth ( i u ~ o l.1r&ato6~' ~i.di.~tj, j~ iih&a~il' obog b vkog'l r0i1g hburst the bottlea, and lSkins 'uld ; otherwise, *bursts 'cbe'wine 'new the skins, the wine is spilled, and the bottles will be roilc, KC(; 6 oIvog lirX~Zrat rrai oi ciuroi ciroXoGvrat." ~ ~ c i X X c i mnrred : but new wine and the wine is poured out, and the skins will be destroyed ; bnt muat be put into new bmles;' olvov viov is ciaroirc ratvoirg PXqriov.U 'wine 'new 'into 'skim *new is to be put.


z2tt%fid[the ~days~oil~Abiathar a ~

23 b u d it came t o ss that he went through the corn fields on the sabbnth day and hisdisciples began: as they went, to pluck the ears of corn. 24 And the Pharisees sai&unto him, Behold, why do they on sahbath d ~ y that ~ h i ~ them, Have ye never read whst need, did when hc had and an hungred, he, with h i m and they ? that How 26 he went into thc houso ~f God in the days of ~ $ c

23 Kai byivero n?rapanop~b~u~ni.a~rbv a@pauiun roig

And it came to p m that he went on the sabbnth
7 t h a?ropi WV, rai O$pgavr~ oi-pa9qrai.atrpir1' PSbbu through the corn-&le., and abegan Ihis 'disciples [their] way


7 r o i ~ i v ~ ~ rod^ a rr6~ a ~ .24 rai oi @apiunioii ~ ~ y o v ~ o v p~

to make, plucking



And the



atrq7, "Ide, ri ?roto3uiuPu 1 roig aciPPauiv i1


to hun, Behold, why do they on the sabbath thut which is not lawiul? 25 ~ Kui ra8rt~1' X ~ Y E Ya~ ~ OirbB?rora &lyvwr~ ri b?roiq~ ~ '~ E airroic, ~ w ~ ~ ~ And he said to them, 'Never 'did ye read what 'did

aev tAaPi8,fl Bre xpeiav ZUXEY ~ a h?r~ivaatv,airrtg rai oi i

'David, when nced how the


ha had and



and those

atroii ; 26 vir3g" ~ialjX9cv

high priest,

rbv olrov
house the and

8~06 isri

hc entered into the

of God

'A@dOap "r03" c i p x t ~ p k w ~rat ~ 0 c ? p r 0 ~r<c , 6 ~ ~

lonves of the

for the priests; and presentation ate, which i t is not lawful to eat except for the priests, gave also t o thorn atv," rrai EGwr~v rcai roic airv a6rq ou'aiv ; .27 Kai ~ E Y E Y which were with him? he baid unto and gave even to thosewhowith him were? And he said them,Thcsabbnthwas a8roig, T ) i ahP/3arow Bid rbv (iv~pw?rov ~ Q Y E T7O , 6 ~ ~ 0 d made for man, and to them, The sabbath on account of man was made, not not u a n for the sabbath : 38 therefore the & Y ~ ~ w ? T O ~ 8th rb adpparov. 28 $are rripidg ~ U ~ L V b Son of mnnin Lordnlso man on account of the subbath : so then Lord is the of the sabbnth.


irpoOka~w~ Iqay~v, i ) ~ o ot~.c"t;euriv$nyeTu ~i.p+xroZc iap~G-

uibg 703&v9p6?rovrai 7-03aa/3/3cirov.


1 1 And he entered 1. again ; and the synainto there was


of m m

also of the

sabbath. the synagogue, and there waa there

~iuijA9~v ?r&Xtveig zrljvll a ~ v a ~ ~ ~ ~ raGv'' , rtai j v

And he entered again into

rr)v ~Ezpa, 2 ~ a i a man there which had (ivgpw~ogitqpa pkvqv Exwv &witheredhand. 2 And a *\vitired 'having ['his] 3hand, and they they watched him whether he wouldheni E ~ ~ ~ O atr6v~ ~i v TOTE a c i ~ ~ a a t v V Y dO~Patr~6a~l'l a6r6v, him, he m11 heal him ; on the sobbath werc,wat&ing him whether on the sabbath that they might acccse h i m 3 tva e ~ a ~ q y ~ p j l u atroG. ~3 cai Xdy~t r$ Civ9phrq~ ~aiv the man i n order +,hat they might accuse him. mm And he says to the which had the witheric rd ed hand, Stand forth. r$ f ~ ~ l l p p p {~ O Y~ L r l ~.EipCf,I1 f E y ~ i p a ~ ~ l X l T~ 4 And he saith unto who %nthered 'had 'the Knnd, Arise [and come] into the them I s it lawful to dogobdon thesnbbnth phaou. 4 Kai Xiy~t atroig, 'EE~urlv roig ad@fiauivhiyaeodays, or to do evil? to midst And he sayn to them, I s it lawful on the sabbaths t o do snvo life or to kill? rra~o?roiijaa~; +hxrjv aijaai, ii?rorcr~ivat Oi.d> ; But the; held ,their 7roidaa~,~~ 5 And when he good, or to do evil? =life 'to 'save, or t o kill? But they ad looked round about on them with baii)?rwv. 6 ~ a i r ~ p i P X ~ J l 6 p ~ v o ~ ped dpydg, iaa~X7 atroirc anger, being grieved were silent. And having looked around on them with anger, being * ~ [ E L will b u ~ ~LTPrA. st 6 vdos L n r k 1 &m,X6hAvra~ rai o i i u ~ o is destroyed i ancf the skins TTrA. &M&. P A q r b v ~ T ~ ] A . D a i ) ~ b ;U rois uci,!3flaucu mapau aopsliecr8ar (6tanopav'evOac L T ~ ) LT-A. 0 o i paBI)rai ai)roO ijplavro LTTrA. P b80m~h~u L. 9 < U LTTrA. r aGrbs [L]TT~. Aiyec he s a p L m . t Aavcib LTTrA ;Aaui'6 u ~ V . [nor]TrA. 706 LTTKAW. m& iepei; T. J rai and TTrA. +p (yecad [the]) T[T~]A. l j u (read [was2 L[T~$ b a a p q p o h ? o L. C i v on (the) T . d Ocpcrr e u t r he heals T. 0 ~aqyoprjvovvtv they shall accuse LT~. f 6 v x e i a ixovri [qpdv LTrA; Gy tqphv ~ e i p &owc T,. r*Eyatpa OLTT~A. h iya8bv rroojvcu T o . ovvhvnotiprvos TA.




&~h~e,~~,"fni~~ piered a t the hardncrsr of h&, he to the unto the man &.retch dvephay, 8 E R)v.X~ip(i!uov.~Kai ~ ~ ~ iEfreiv~v, cai~forththinehind. And ~ ~ man, Stretch out thy hund. And he stretched out Et], and ldao~nrearLBq". eip-aftroim6yt$g &g ciXXw.U 6 ~ a 8Ed- stored whole a the i 6 And . Cu mtored &is %and udund aa the other. And having went fo.rh, Uvrec oi Oapiuaior netBQwCllprrd rGv ' H or U V ~ $ O W d ; $ ~ o n out the Phrviass, immdiutaly with the s rodians against him, how they might da. Odaoiovv" car' atroii,' 87rwc atrbv d.rroXQuworv. Itook again& him, how him they might destroy. stroy him.

111; Xvroipcvosn ial



awp&oer rjjc-ca biac-atr(;iv,Xiyet r$



7 But Jews withdrew himself with his disciples to the mat the sea; and %great 'a multitude from GdiIee and a rent multitude from anlileo followed r ? j ~ ~ X ~ 6 e q' ~ t ?@,l ~ a dad aalJ" i 'Iov8aiag, 8 dab '1.9 him, and from Judars, followed him, and from Judee, nnd from Je- 8 and from Jerusalem and from Idumaer, and poaoh6pwv, real dab 'ldovpaiac, rrai aQpav703 '10 dci~ov' beyond Jordan; nmlem, and from Idumea, and bayond the Xrdan; nnd the nbout Tynr and a rrai 'oi%epi T6pov ~ aEidGva, ?rXijBoc aoX6, Tdro6anvrec11 sizon,whengreat i multitude they and they around Tyre and Sidon, a 'mnltitude 'great, having heard had heard whnt grent
J -

7 Kai b 'Iqaoii~ PcivexD qaev per4 r(;iv.paeqr(;iv-atroir" qapbcn

withblew with h b disciples


R)v e&Xaauqv* real aoXd

al$eog dab njc raXAaiac


how much he WM doing c ~ m e


wbaoier".;5XBov a be atrdv. 9 cai alaev roic-paBqhim. And he spoke to his dfc

z:,B"hlm". $2,$ye

nke to his disciples

should wait on him 6mn11 ciplea, that a small ship might wait upon him, 011 account of the because of the multiJxXov, L a p~.BXi/3wurv atr6v. 10 aoXXo3c.ydp ieepci' $ & r i c y arowd, that they might not presa upon him. Por many he he had healed many 5 boor insomuch that they aevutv, aura ~aiaiarecv atr@, atroG iiJlwvrnr, i'va healed, #o that they besct him, that him they might touch, r m a n h ~l~ovpri.ariyac* ~ ard ave6para rd dcheapw, brav atrbv Y ~ H ~ P ' R l~l U d . 11 i h ~ had scourges ; and the rpirik, the uncleun, when Mm they saw him when fell xhBe9pei, apouhmarev~~ @ ,cai r;cpa&vn,zZXiyovra,nW0rr down before hid, and ah they beheld, fell down before him, and cried, anying, Thou cried saying Thou nrt the ~ b n o f ~ d d . 1aAnd

r&c.a&roi, 'iva nXordpiov r p o a x a p r ~ahrtj ~



$: ': ;

1 b side roi eeoii. 12 Kni aoMd iaeripn adroit, i'va p)

of Qod. And much

u the Son t

he rebuked them, so that 5not not

him known.

%trbv awe bull blrotfiuwaiv".

t a n e e s t 'they Should %aka

K U ~ rpoa~d~~rnr l 13 And he goeth U And he goes up into the mountain, and calls t o pim] whom into a mountain, fe&v atr6cg rai danjX6ov apb~ atrdv. 14 cai inoiqaev cnlleth u?~tolrim whom %vould 'he; and they went to him. And he appointed he Would: a d t h c ~ came unto him. 14 Aud GhSeca 'iva taiv per' atroii, K U ~%a draourQMpatro&g he ordained twehe, twelve that they might be with him, and that he might mnd them t h ~ t they should be with him, nnd thnt he qpkoerv, 15 rai ~ x t t v b~ovuiav d6~paa6irei~ vduov~cai' might send them forth rdg to preach, and to have authority t o hen1 diae~lrer m d to preach, I5 nnd to h a ~ epower to henl bc@iAXeiv daip6via. 16 e ~ d8rBOqc~v Ei i f?$ &OF" sicknesses, and to cast to c ~out t demons. And he added to k u o n [the] name out devils : 16 and Simon he surnamed P b IIirpov" 17 cai 'Ici~wpov rbv roG Ze/3~8aiov, 'Iwciwqv ter 17 and ~ a m e a xa1 the Peter ; and Jamea the [son] of Zebedee, &ad John #on'of Zebedee, and John the brother of #dv CldeX bv TO$ ~ a ~ h p o v ' BaQOqccva h 0 7 ~ bvdpara Jdmen and he sur' reai tbe brot er of James ; and he added to them [the], names nnmed' them BmnI & r c r t a ~ e m ~o ~ m r a w . &) vov (read [thy]) hand T[TI]A. m Cyr%r&S t j ~ A v rb=rAw. &&S TTrA. 0 &roir)vav T ; i8iBovv girve T ~ A . P per& TGVp a h r i ) v air~oi) k3&pvev QLTTIA. P eip OLT. +rf.oAoJ&)ucv L T ~ A ;+h'&)crav placed @er a mT . 4 6 6 [LFT~A. t or [L]TR[A]. cuto6orrcs hearing LTTIA. * m t e i he ie doing T I L eO&povv, rpooirrtumv L ~ A W . J K ~ ( O V LTTIAW. ; 1A .; c . 8 avc bv a h b v o n . b ro&vbv m& 0 $8ctoav $v ~ p r v r b v a6rbv C~VOLL] lam- t e& h: known him to b tb. C b N t L . . O r p m h t v ras v6vovp ~ am& i rai i r o q v s v r&s & u a he appointed the twelve T, d c, and riivow =ruvr r m ,

13 Kai &va/3aiveiale rb 8pog,


er* which in The aousdf thunder: is lrnd Andren, and Philip and~l=tholomewlnnd Matthew, nndThomns so,c o$ JamCS fp,",y~~n;$~:?;t;and JuCanaanite, dns I~cnriot which

MAPKOZ 111. gBoav~p~Qc,~l iuriv vioi /3povrcc' 18 ~ a 'Av8piav, ~ n i 5 is i Boanergcs, which

Sons of thunder ; and and Androw, and

iPiXimrov, rni BapeoXopaiov, rcaj hMarOaiov,\ rai BwpGv,

Philip, and Bwtholomew, Mntthew, and Thomas,


&G of Alphleux, ~ a 8q66aTov, rai Bipwva 'L4X$ni'ov, i br(i Jnmcs rbv nnd 'Id~wPov [son] the and Thaddleus, and Simon 73v iKa~~avi'~qv,U a'IohGav k'IaraoiJrrlv," 2s rai ?rap& 15 ~ i
the Cannnlte, him. and Judas ~scbriote, who also delim-

BWKEV a6~6v.
ecl up

Kni l;pXovra~U okov* 20 rat av9ioxerai s6Xiv m 8xXog, tic

And they come t o r house : and scomesitogether 'again 'a'crowd, ~ n td n went into %rrs ~ . 8 6 v a ~ B a i . a 6 r o iiprov (nyriv. 21 m i 6. 6-1 h l~.~~~ 0 an houne. 20 And the roultitudo cometh to- SO that they are not able so muc ss *bread 'to "eat. And having gether agnin, so that uavrec oi 7rap' ahroii ifijkeov rparijuai a6r6vS they could not heard [ef it] those belonging t o him went out t o lay hold of him ; much as eat bread. 22 Kai oi ypapparaic oi 6rd 21 A U ~when h ~eyov-y(ip,*'Ori bEfuy. ! s friend^ heard Qf at, for they said, He is beside himself. And the scribes who from they went out to lay hold on him: for thoy 'I~pouoX6pwv raraPhvreE &YOU, "or1 B E E ~ ~ E ~ orai X ~ anid He is bebide himJerusalem came down said, Beelzehul he has ; and nelf.'n And the scribes which cnme down "Ori ;V r@ ZPXOYT/ rijv 8a~poviwvb~PhXXerrd Ga~~idvia. from Jerusalem said, By the prlnce of the demons he casts out the de~iloos. hnth Beolzebub, and by the prince 04 23 Kai T ~ O U K ~ E U & ~ E Y O a6r0dc bv ~apaPoXa?~ ~ ~"XEYEV the derils crrsteth he And having called t o nim] them in parables he said out devils. 23 And he called them unto a6ro7c, IlGc 86varai uaraviic uaraviiv b~P&XXeiv 24 rai ; and aaid anto them in to thom, How can Satan 'Satan 'cast 'out 7 and pnmbles, How can Sa-


itself glided, .is %ot &able .to 'stand And if a kingdom If a kingdom agrb be divided kingdom /3autXeia.d~~ivq'25 rai Edv oiria brp' iavriv F 4 ~ ~ 0 "06 against i, itself cam& stand 25 And 'that wngdom and if a house against itself divided. .not a be divided 86varaill Purae$vai I j . o i r i a Q ~ ~ i26 rai v q ~ ~ 6 aaraviic civQurrl Mainat that 'is'able 'to 'stand 'that ?louse: house cannot stand. and if %tan hna risez up 26 And if Satan rise iavrdv qrai, pepQprarar,ob.66varar raraeijvac,!JcihXd np against himself, against himself and has been divided, he is not able he cont o stand, but andbe

, , ,

tdv /3au~Xria b p dmmjv


l a y , O & ~ ~ V C L T ~ jL 6 t ~mei ~a


~ i~~1 not stnnd,but hnth s n &XOS X E I . 27 S t ~ t . 8 6 v a ~ a i - ~ t S ~ uKe6q 703 iu-ppofi, end. 27 No nurn can No one in any wise is able the goods of the strong man, enter into a strong anend has. man's home, an l spoil E ~ u E X ~ & V eic r~v.oi~iav'~.ahroG, 8c~p~Ciuai, ddv-plj sp3rov his goods, exce t the having entered into he bin$' his house, to plunder, unless flrst will stron man. nnd then rbv iuppbv &$ap, ar i r ~ ~ d r;lv.oiriava6toi; 8iap7rciuei. 28 hthe strong mnn hebind, and then hir house he will plunder. Ve-


you, AU sins An11 be forgiven unto the sons of men, nnd blasphemies wherewith mever they shnll hlnspheme : 29 but he thnt ahall bla-pheme d u s t the Holy (tho: fnth never forgironess, but is in danger of eternal dnmnntion: 30 lecnuse they anid, He hath an unclean apuit.

P<V rily

XiYw 6piv.

I say to you, that

of men,

8 ~ ~&VTCI 1


irpapniprcra TOT*
+tins blasphemies whrrtsbever

to tlrn


&vepcjrwV," ~ a iPXaa$7Jpiar T & J ~ ~ " - " ~ IPxaUJ"

and against the Spir~t

they shnll the

UYLOV, O ~ K . ~ X E ~ B(euiv

tic rd TVEGPLZ rb
'liable 9.0 'is

, ,


has not

T ~ aiGva, V forgiveneso to eternity,


'6XX'" rvoxhc bi.urrv'

but he h a


c ~ p i ~ ~ 30 ' I I ~c
judgment ;


.&YOV, because thoy said,

fl~~Gpcl.&K(;e~~r~~ fxil
An unclean spirit

h MaOOaiov LTTrA. i Kavava;ov Cananam LTTrAW. k 'Iu~ap~c6e m 6 the ( c ~ o w LTrA. ~) p782 LTIAW. O 06 bvmjucrat a (urijvab TrA) LYl'rA. 6pcpiuOq, r a i he 1s Will not be able TTrA. P I j o i ~ i izcivq u ~ a 8 j v a c divided, and T. u 6 v a c TTrA. &M' but TTrA. 0;8rip B l j v a ~ a r GLTrW. * eip * v &&v 706 i q v p o i riucA0irv 7 & u ~ e l i r n r . ) 70% v i o k 7Gv ~ V O ~ ~ ~ C & a p n j @ a r a 76 O V OLTTrAW. . I ai the OLTTrAW. J 6 u a LTTrA. ;&v TrA. a &id L m A . b &rar

r S o a y & LTT~A.

9 i p ~ 6 7 a rhe CORN38 T.

+ +


shall be T .



shl (read guilty of eternal sin) L=.


$11, IV. MARK. 31 d'Ep~ovmi.oilvl~ eoi &8~X$oi ij.pi~~p.airro5," rai rai

Then come @is] bretluen and hi3 mother, and

h: b i1

and, rpbc atr6v s w v o G v r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ t ~ , 5 ; ~ t t ; ; $ atr6v. iSw 'iorGrtg" ci.rrior~iXav "without 'standing sent to him, @ calling him 32 And the multitude ~~ 32 rai br68qro hjyxoc repi a t r 6 ~ ''d.lrov-8?"atr@, '1806, snt about him, and And %at 'a 'crowd around him : and they said tohim, Behold, ~ " , " & l ~ t ~ t & ~ ~


<.pGnlp-u0v rrai oi.&6EX$oi.aov

tby mother and thy brethren

andthybretkrenwithh d out seek for thee. 33 And he answered ' & ? T E K ~ atroSc, XEywv," Tic huriv <.p$vp.pov m$'!oi &&X- them, snying, Who is ~ ~ ~ he answered them, saying, Who is my mother or 'breth- "' 3 ' mother, or my brethren? 34 And he ~ o" i ~ o w 34 Kai T ~ p ~ ~ X ~ #OK;rXy ~ 0 S rrpi looked round about on ( "; h p ~ ~ ren my? And havinglookod around on Yin4a'circuit 'thosezwho around them which sat about him, aud said, Behold airrbv" ra8qpkvovg, XiyEt, P*IGE,~ <.p$r?]p.p~~ oi ci8X$oi my mother and my rai him were sitting, he says, Behold, my mother' and 'brethren brethren 1 35 For whosoever shall do the fov. 38 Sc.qycip1'.iiv ~ o i $ . r p BiXq a" 701 0 ~ 0 1o;roS 'rb , will of ~ h dthe snlue , for whoever shall do the%, w i t of God, he 'bro- i 8 my brother, and ~ I my : sister, and mother. without


UE. thee.

33 Kai

$ds you rai ciBEX$$.6pov" rai pljrqp bariv.

my sister he began him and mother to tench a 'crowd sat sca an

&her my and

by 'great, the so that sea,. sea. ho And

4 Kai L And

.rr&Xiv7jPFaro d i 8 6 a ~ ~ rap& r4v O&Xaaaav* ~ a i iv


'a~~uij,j~Oq" rpbc atrbv ii~Xoc vroXB&ll.6ar~atrbv

wan gnthored together to entered into tho crowd close to the them ing h 4 in parables ship

@&vra~ i rb ~ X O T O Y I ' ra8Gu8ac i v c

i n the the land was.


'IV. And he began ,gnin to teach by the having sea side : and thern wns

BaXciaap, rai .rr@ b

And he taught

BxXoc rpbc 4 v 8ciXaaaa~ rijc yijc 'jjv.U 6ri airroirc bv a a p a p o w TOM&,

many things, an@ a i d

2 rai i8i8aar~v:ti ' ",,: p

bv r e 81-

~ ~ ~ ~ and all the that he entered into a

multitude was by the


K U ~ EX~yeva6rd?c

t o thern in

he taughd them many On 'teach- thingsby

Ba4$a6r01, 3 ' A I C O ~ E T E . i~iiX8rv s n ~ i p o v i8oh 6 yrootli a;:!~:

Hearken: ?hold, went out the as he sowed, birds of the one heaven sower

2: : ; ;

4 rai lyiuero iv.r$-a~~ip~cu, S-piv E T E ~ E V ?rap&n j v d8dv,

And i t came topass by the wax,

rai 4 x 8 ~ ~ rdl
a n d , came tbe And another

T E T E L Y ~ ~ 0 1 .06pav0;" ' .

rcai ~ a r i $ a y ~avh 6 .
and whcre devoured


6 "dXh0.6;" .!?rEUv

rb rr~rpij8e~,hrov


Behold, there went out a sower to sow: naand sowed, some fell he it came by the way side, and the and devouredair of "le came it up. Sbndsomefellon

upon the rocky place,

it had not "carth

,E$ ::

, , : ""i

.~roXX$v- i c~68iwg11 ~ V ~ T F I X E Yaid ~ b - p ? j - P680gda and m ~F , ~~~iv

immediately i t =much, and immediately i t sprang up, because of not having depth sprang up, because i t had no depth of earth: yijc' 6 en$Xiov-8i &var~iXavroc'~ bi~avparia8.rl,'1U ~ 616 K 6 .but when the sun of earth ; and [the] sun having arisen it was sc?rched, and because of was up, i t was scorched ; and because it had rb.plj.ix~iv $iCav i F ~ ] p C i ~ 87 . a & X X O . ! T E ~ EE&- B'~dg" noroot, i t withereda~~ i V not bnving root i t withcred nwny: And another fcll among the way. 7 And some fell and the &xhv8ago a cii ~ 6 ~ ~ a acirav8a1, rai a v v i ~ v r ~ atr6, rai tamong thorns,up, and ~ a; v av h orns grew thmns, and =grew h p lthe . 4 t h ~ r n s , and choked it, and choked it, and i t yieldfruit. And rapnbv otr.~8wrev. 8 rai hadMo" I ~ E U E Y E ~ S j v yijv 4 v ed no fell on 8 poo(l L n fruit it yielded not. And another fell into the ground the ground, and did yield ~ aZ i ~ 0 ~ 7 LTrAW ; r a i ipxcrac T. p ai p j q p airroi, rai oi k8eA4oi air70c QLTTrW ; o i &8ch+oi ahroi, ~ a ip j q p a h i o i A. unj~ovrcs TTrA. B raAoitvrcs LTTrA. h mpi a h b v bxhos LTTrAW. rai A6yovuiv and they say LTTrAW. ~ aai (- a: W) ci8eh4ai vov i and thy sisters LT[A]w. 1 & R O K ~ L O C ~ S h ~ oA ~ Y C L a ~ s answering them he says TTrA. m ~ a i and LTTr. n J*Ov [T~]A. 0 70;s r e p i a h o v K J K ALTTr. ~ P 'I603 L. 9 y&p for LT [TT]A. ra 0eAjPara (read the things God wills) A. 5pou my I.TP~-4. avv8yerai is gathered together LTTrAW. 7 ~AE;UTOS very great Tl'rAW. cis r b (- r b ~ I W rhoiov i p p i v ~ a ) LTTIW. jjuav were 1TrA. J roi, LT[T~]A. 2 70; oirPavoG QLTTrAW. a rai ;MO LTTrA. rai and [LR]A. C c&?bs LTTrA. da 6 s L. rai i r e ivireihev 6 ijhros a l ~ d when the sun was rise11 L ~ A . A. k ~ a v , u a r ; u 8 ~ u athe8 v


werc scorched rr.

7 s ;



others TA.


Lruit incrensecl anil fiat Q'rangz$ brought forth: aome good, and yielded fluit, growing np and increasing, and thirty, andsomeaixty, ~ p e yk2yll TpL&KOYra, rai k2vll i~$Kovra, rai kZvfi irardv, and some an hundred. ( he rid unto t o r e One thkty, and one sixby, and one a hundred. them! He that bath 9 Kai A ~ y e v l a l i ~ o k , ~ Oxwvu 6 r n iroirerv cirovfrw. ears to hear, when he let him hear, 10bnd And ho a i d to them, He that hua ears t o hem let him hear. wirs alone, they that 10 n"Or~.8illhyEvero Orarnp6vaS,ll P+pDrt]~av~~ ahrdv oi repi were nbout him with the twelve ssked of And when he Walone, 'asked 'him 'those *about him the pnrable. atrbv aiv TOTS 8hbera q 4 v napapoX$v." 11 rcci fieyv And he 'him +with .the 'twelve [ss to] the pnrable. ,And he mid them Unto you i t 13 give<toknowthemys- atroic; 'Ypiv r6QJorac yv3vai rb pw~-$piov"r i c paarXeiar t s ~ of the king lam qf t o them, To you hnsbeengiven to know the myntery y of the kingdom God. but unto them itw, rapapohak 'rh".x&vra thnt'are without, all TO; 8eoG0 hreivoic.81 roic time thlngs are done of God: but to those who are without, in parable8 all things in pnrubles. 12 that 12 yva / ~ X ~ T W U L Y , wai p4 E ~ w u L ~ ' rai geeing they'may see yiveral' and not erceive ; and are done, that seeing they may see, and not perceire ; and hai~ring ttey may hear, ~I ~ , i Y' and not understand; ~ I C O ~ O Y T E E C O ~ W U ~ Ya p4 u V V ~ ~ U ~ p$Tor intar i\C/whearing the? may hear, and nob uuderstnnd, lest fit any tin10 the lest they uhoolcflhconshould be converteB and their sins should w1Y9 Kai 4 ee ^ atroig tr)lapnjPcrm." 13 Kni be forgiven them, rut&, a ~ 'should d z r g i v e n 'them [ltheir] 'sins. 4 And 13 And he said unto them Know ye not Xiyet aliroig, 0tr.oWare rr)v.xa apoX7j~.ra6rt]v; rni nGs t t i s pnrablo ? and how thlspkmble7 and how he S?$-@ to them, Perceive ye not l ye know all theu will l4 Thesower .rrhaac rclc napapoXdrc yvDaaa8e ; 14 h ar~i'pwv rbv Xdyov soweth the word all the parables will ye know? The sower the word I b A n s these arethey aneipec. 15 oirroi.& eiaiv oi nap& d8dv, 8nov uneip~rat by the w y side, where And these are they by the way, where is 8 o w ~ the word 1s sown ; but when they h : heard, d X ~ Y O ~wai ijrav &oCaoarv, 'eLBbwcn Zpx~rai d a a r a v 2 ~ ~ , Sntancomoth immedi- the word, ately, and taireth away and when theyhear, immediately comes Saton the word that was ral alpat rdv Xdyov rbv ionappivov 'hv rai~.rap8iar~.alisown in their heart#. 18 these they and takea away the word that hss been sown in their hearts. likewise which are ri)v.ll. 16 rai o3roi x~laiv d oiwcn oi Qnir(t ~ e r p h 8 q sown on stony greund * And these are in life manner they who upon the rocky p10c01 v h o when thcy havd hcnidtheword imme- U T E L ~ ~ ~ E V O C , ijrav ~ K O ~ U W U TAY Xd.yov, r6eiwCU ~ r d oy, ~ Y p dintely receiveit with are sown, who, when they hear the word, immediately with gladness l7 and have noroot i& themselves, ~ a p i Xapp&vova4valirdv, 17 rai 06r.~~ovaiv i~ birav hv iavand so endure but for joy receive it, and hnvenot root i n thema time: nfterward, whennfEUctionorpar- roic, dXXd np6arcaipoi eiuiv* elra yevopivqc BXi ewe $ sccution ariseth for selves, but temporarg are ; then having arisen tribu ation or the word's sake ima~ i. aid rhv X ~ Y O Y , T~h6&~cIIa v 8 d i ~ o v r a18 rai mediarely they a;e of- 8iwypoG fended. 18 And these persecution on account of the word, immediately they are offended. And are they ~ h i c h are a~iclI ~(1.5 cil~&v8u~ u~eipdpevoi,otroi sown among thorns. z~;r~Lll 'eiaiv oi such as hear the word1 these are they who among the thorns are rown, these 19 nnd thb cares of t h d 19 ~ i oi rbv Xdyov b & ~ o C o ~ r ~ ~ , I ' a ai pfpipvai roii world, and the deceit- eiaiv fulness of riches, and are they who the Word hear, and the cares the lusts of other ai3v0~.C~~ljTO~II Ij cirhrq 70; ~Xoljrov rai ai nepi rat things entering in choke the word, and ii Of this Ilfe and the decei! of riches and the *o4

MAPKOZ', IV. raXtjvS rai hJiJov rapntv civapaivovra rai 'al(civovra,"ai




which me good ground ; auch a r

*other 'thiiga

rdXoind Br~evpiai i u ~ o p ~ v 6 p ~duvpnvi e vai

'desires entering i n And them

O V U I Y ~ rbv Adyov, chole t h e word,

rai &apxoc yiv~rai.20 rai eo~roili eiaiv

and a n f r u i t h i it becomes.

oi dni I?)Y ' Y ~ Y are they who upon the ground

m 8s ixer LTTrAW. 1 a6rois CtLTTrAW. aiI[av6pevov L'i'TrAW. k cfs A ; eis Unto TTr. 7 L ' . 0 d a r d p6vag LTTr. P rjp&rov LTrh ; <p&sovv T. ~ hrs p a p o h d ~ a ra rh T . the pai-ablesTTrA. r yvGvar LTTrA ; r b ~ v 4 p t o 8CSorac TTrA. v ;v a 6 r o b in them T ; cl$ acrov's d+ n j p a ~ a (read [their qi?s]) [L]TT~A. v c683s m r a . h%em TrA. opotwp crgrv T. I tiI83s LTTrA. 0th~rs CLTTrAW. in'c about T. 4 t o J u a v r e s heard TTrA. 0 rodrov thh GLTlrA. dQ V ~ V ~ ~ O V U ~ V TA i~civoi those mrb


niv raXtjy uxap8vree,

O ( I T L I ~ E ~ ~ K O C Q ~ U LTAU ( Y the

X6yov rai word acd

hen' the WO*, .and rccoive it, find bring the good have been sown, snch as hear forth fruit, soam rai ~ a p n o r j b o p o i r a i v , "iv' r p t & r c o v r a , rai Qv"h'rt~fold, somesixty, rapa8iXo~rai, receive [it], and bring forth fruit, one thirty, and one 21 And he said unto an hundl'cd'

i&jxovra, rai

i r a d v . 21 Kui a r y ~ v aliroie,
And he said t o them,

dor a bushel, or unnor a not to be T E ~ $ ij GrrTTb ~ r j y bed? m ~ d X6Xvoc ~ p ~ ~ ~ 6a bl rhv pCL68~0v i'va X Y On a Icomes tbat under the corn mcaoure i t may be put or under the 22 for there is nothing 'lamp 22 ofL.y!zp bid, which shall not be 06%i'va H i rdv X v ~ v i a v' l r t r e Q $ " x Khivqv ; for not msnifestod. neither couch 7 n s it] not t h a t upon the l n m p t a n d i t may be put 7 TFKS any thing kept luriv krln K vnr6v, %'l hhv.pd , m pav~pwQ$' o68L ssoret, but thnt i t .in 'anything {idden, unless i t should be mitde mnnifcat, nor should colne nbrona. 23 IT any man hnve Iykvro & T ~ K ~ V $ O Y , &AA' "6;s $av~phv .'l' ear3 to hear, let him i t shoul! come. boar. 34 And he said hrs iaken'plnce 'a 'secret "thing, but thnt t o light unto them Take heed 23 EL* ~XEL (5ra &KO;E~Y, (ixov6rw. 24 Kai Z X E ~ E V t r o i ~ ,,hat a hear: with And he said to them, what monsure yemet If a n w e haa ervs to he.u, let him hear. t shall be i 'trcovaro. h i v pQrpy~ L E T P E ~ T E p ~ r p q Q h u ~ r ia ~ and unto you to you Take lreed whnt ye hem : with what mcnsure go mete it shall be measured that hear shall more

one a hundred






hPiv, 0 ~ a i ~ f p ~ u ~ ~ irp?v1lP r~ irc a ii ~ 6 6 o v 6 ' ~ v . ~ ac.yctp 8~ju o C 25

to you, and 18s+U "added 'to'you 'who 'hear ;

qciv for whoever be given : and he thnt

:&fF,i, tFhi2Khti

mny have, ashall'be'given cipO$ueral cin' rhall be taken from

atz$ rbi 5~ O ~ K L E X E Lrai , 8 E X E ~ shnll not 'taken ere? be him 'to2him ; end he who haa hot, even that ~flhich haa that which h. bath. he

af TO;.
him. Thus

26 Kai fXsyev, OCrwc hbriv i) /3aai>,eia ro; 8~05, ibdvl &F

And he said, a man




of God,




b25k::d",","":$$$ if man should o a ~ t


BvOpwxo~ PdXp rbv uxdpov ini rijc 755 27 rai rcn8dbp

rhould cast the night, upon the earth, nnd the md and

~ ~ , f ~ t o , ~ ~ ~ l l ~ and should ~ l e e pandri*enight and d , .

should sprout he knowcth not how. firet blhde

rid iyeipnrm vlxra rai $pipaw, xoi 6 u s d p a r 8/3hamdvp1~ theand grow up, spring and 8md "u"~J
and day, Ihe ; then sesd 'of 'itself a n ear,

rai I j d ~ ~ r a i ofr.ol8~v ( ~ 6 ~ 28 ~ ' 6 a6t-ijflCirV

l e ~ t h e n g dhow %nows5not first a bln'de,

trdpll i) for the earth s,lfi then full *fruit,

Y? ~ ~ ~ ; ; $ ~ g ;
thedtheear~afterthd the S9 Bnt when the Oorn in car. immediately he putteth in the sickle, beharvest ir

~apxo$opai, np3rov xdprov, '~Zra~~c i ~ v v , ' ~ i r a " "xX,ipq ur

brfhp forth fruit,
U~T~Y' corn in

6~ 7 3

U~hxvi'. enr. the

29 8rav.8i
sickle, for

xxapa~$~l ~ b
has come

a ~ fruit i h6o u g h t forth, ~ r ~ ,

~~d when soffers*itself ithe


~ E C O E W&~T ~ U T ~ X X E ~ .~ ~~ ~ x ~ Sri o TY P,b q r ? I ~ ~ b ~ ? E P L C T ~ ~ ~ . O T u 5 a v cmse the

he sendn the harrost.

8 ~ 0 3 ; 30 And he anid, of God 7 W h c r c u ~ t O we liken the kingdom of h I] 1v .?roiq nqpa/3oX+ napa/3ciXwp~va 6 r G v ; " 31 b ~ d ~ ~ y l l or with what God7 at with what parable ahnll we compare it 7 to grain comparison shall we compare i t 7 31 I t 13 aivcinew~, grav crap# 6xi r i j s y ? ~ , Cjlrrp6repoCu like a grain of mmless tnrd seed, vhlch, when of mustard, which, when it haa beeu soiPn u p n the earth, i t is sown in the earth lrcivrwv rGv orappcirol dduriv'' e r 3 v . bxi yijc'" 33 ~ a is less t h a ~ ,811 th; i ~ then all the seeds ia which [arelupon the earth, and seeds t h a t be in the earth: 32 but wheu it G r ~ v u n a p t , , & ~ a p a i ~ ly,i v h r a i f x & v r w v rGv X U ~ ~ C ~ U is SO*, it groweth upIa Ci WV whcn i t h- been sown, i t grows up, and, becomes 'than Sail 4the 5herbs and beoorneth greater: than alI herbs, and ? ~ i < w v , ~ a ~ o t e i~ X C i b o v p ~ y ( i X o v ~ , i ~ &UTE 86vauQar 6nb ~ h ~ ~ t eout great th grenter, and producea 'branches 'great, so that .'are 'able 'under branches ; so t h a t the kingdom

30 Kai

~ E Y E V , .*T;vln '6poiDawp~vr4v h n d he,aaid, To what shall vie liken the

/3nuiX~ia~v roir




~ X Y O P LTTrA. 7eejj LTPrAW. 7L m .iwa that LTCAI. :A& e i +aw~p6wmrA. ~ O~ 4 rrpOV. iI/Ltv G. ; P ~ . K O ~ O V U L GLTTrA. Y P & E L ha9 LTTrA. ;AV TTrA. PAami LTTrA. y i p LTTrA. v e?rv T. * nA7jpqs u i r o s LTTrA. wapaspi LTTrA. '? eb&r TTrA.. IIGF h o w TTrA. a T ~ V La i ) i w napaPohlj BApev parable ahnll we represe9t it? L ~ A . b KOKKOW a grain Q L T ~ A R - . C firxpc;repbv &W being leas LTPrA. i m ~ LTTrA. v [ri)v djs r j s ] L. f &ei<uv (peZ{ov T) I F ~ W T W V7Gv Aaxdvuw L Z ~ A .

(read it ie n o t ) [L.JT{A].


+ &C



- ti LTnA. 7025



:$: Uz$2 z n j v O fi k n
doIrof it. 33 a n d with S h e mahy such parables 33



MAPKOZ. I, . TV a6roij ~ ( r ~ r ~ i v 705 otpavoii ra.rauqyocy. i d

'of 'it the birds of the heaven to roost.


Jparahles 'mnny he spoke to them the abletohear it. S B u t Xdyov, ~aethc g?$6vavro11 drodetv, 31 r a p a ~ o h f c without parable spakg he a not unto word, as they were able to hear, but without a parable a6roic' h driXvev them : and when they o ~ K - ~ A & A E L rar'.~bLav-bi ~ o i S . ~ a ~ r l r a ~ ~ - a i r ~ o ~ " were alone, things S p y e he not to them ; and a6 & he exto to his diiciplea ho explained nfs duciplea ~avra. all things.
35 And the same day, when the even was mme* he saith

~ ~ ~ , h ~ ~ h e ~ , And~ d " with 'such

E: ,

Kai roia6raic rrapa/3oXaTc roAXaie i X r i X ~ r atroic

35 Kai -XQyera&roic2v
And he says to them on

Q K E ~ V ~e ~

$~Cpp, dll/inc Y ~ v ~ p ~ v q c ,
day, evening being come, crqwd,


k","zE,""" %hp,


A L Q A ~ W ~ F L E V Q p a v .36 .Kai fie 7b ~

Let us pass over to the other side.

d$Qvrar 7611 ~ X X ~ Y , rkoiY' Kai ciXXa

And having dismissed the

T$ as he wan in the

36 And when they had

F&,'% t~,"Og""~$ they take with

[them] him ship ; salso *other even as he was in the isill k?r;hor&p~an p r ' a6ros. 37 ~ a y)i v ~ ~ aXU?XU\G c ship. And them were 'bat ship, wen, with hirn. Ana cornss a 4torm alro with him other little ships. 37 And ' U . ~ v ~ p ~ v pey&Xq," nrh8i" d P r a BrBpaM~vic rb d o i o v , there arose a great aof 'wind 'violent, a d the wavo. beat 'into the ship, storm of wind and the waves bee{ into 4 u r ~ Oat~b7j8q yepitauOa~."S8 ~ a gv airrbs Pdrill rp' q ~ 6 i the ship so that lt so that i t already wan filled. And "was 'he on the stern now mii. 38 AIUI he waq in the hinder p& pVp 47Ti 7b T p O U K E & A ~ ~ o Y Q E L J W Y - ~ a q8~e~eipovuiv~~ K~ i of the ship, asleep on on the custion sleeping. And they arouse a pillow: and they a w d e him; and sey atrdv, X~YOVULY u ~ T $ ,AcBdoxar(e, oC.pEXu uoc Srt unto him, M s s t ~ , him, and say to him, Teacher, fs it no concern tothee that carest thou not that weprish? 3~ Andhe ~ T o X X ~ ~j E 39 UKai ~ &E E P ~ E ~ C ~ r ~ r ~ p r@ (ivdpYj qu~v .rose and rebulwd the we perish? And having uo-a he rebuke! the w~nd, wind' and said unto the ,,Ls, peace, be still. Kai E:TEU T+ 8aX&iUp, Xihra, T E $ ~ ~ W U O . i r d r a a ~ v Kai d b d the wind ceased, and said to the sea, Silence,. he quiet. And 3011 'the

r a p a ~ a p @ & v ~ aCr6v~ $v dv ~ ~ t &c

h(Evepoc, p i ~

dyEvaro yaX$v?l peyhkq. 40 ~ a eirev atroTE, ~ L ~ ~ ie ~

a "calm 'great. And he a i d to them,

anto them, Why are

and there was

ye have no T ~EAoI how I bqff r ~ i j ~ ; rrG~ w c o6r" { X E T E riurrv; 41 Kai iqofaith? 41 And. they Why fe&rful are ye thne? How %ot 'have'ye faith? And tltef i t d d d erc*ng'y* an- /3$equav u d one t o @ov pbyav, ' rcai WEYOU ?rphr-dXXrjXovc, Tic other, mat manner f w e d [with] fear 'great, and said one to another, Who of this* that cipa o5rdc da~tu, arc ~ a bi dvepos rai B6Xaaaa aitraro60vthe wind the then "this ' , that even the wind- and the h sea obey SW obey him ?

$ "O t that

orv ai.ry"' ;
him ?

V. And they Came over unto the ot er

G Kai they cameeic the1othera v of the C d sea,a a q ct,o @OOY 7 dp 2 T~) ~ & And to side

rrjv ~ c j p a v
the country

of the -S, i t t o ~G+'~I'aBapqfiijv.U rai u d ~ ~ X 8 6 v r ~ . a h r~Xoiov, 2 705 ~ ~ ~ And on hie having gone forth out'of the thecountry of a- the Oadarenea of ship, darenes. 2 And when he WR. '~3eEwc" wci~tja~n)aevll atry' drc 7 3 pvqpsiwv cEvepwsrog ~ the ship, immediatab immediately' met him out of the tombs R man there met him out ~ 1 K Uj T O ~ K ~ ~ UEZXEY 4~ ~ LY of the tombe man BY ax~Ejti~76.jUEaeci~ S BC with an unclean s irit, with an unclean epirit, who his] dwelling had in the 3 who had hi# d w e k smong thetombs ; Xpvqpeior~"' xai Yoirr~~ zlrX6u~ucvU068el'~ btjB3varoH at& mnncould bindhim, tombs ; and not even with ~haixu anyone w ~ able s him (lit. no one) no, not with cha!na ,:



1 82 LT~[A]. rAo;a h roiq i8iocq pq&)~ais to his own disciples TA. B d81iYaVZo C M ships o ~ r w A . 1 a c a v T. m p y a q &vd@ou LTT~A. K 7 L 'O 48q yepi<eu8ab P~eipouarv they awake TTrA. r b rAoiov alreadywas filled the ship LTTrA. P i v in a&'ITrAW. r e p a q v i i v Gerasenee &ny^ irnarro4et T ; 3rrworiec a+r+T;A. r ; ohu 3not *yet LTr. &8iws L ; &&S T[T~]L d$eAt%ms a6roir Lmr. L m r ; repye(n)viiv Qergesenes A. 3 6yqmv LTR. 1 pvtjp,pcrev (- v a w ) GLTRAWS Y 0662 L ~ A W . S & ~ Q C L with a CM b.i&'vam G & M ~ ~ h d * +.PCuirt any longer (lit. no longer) LTRAW. .

' -

V. JGaai, 4
to bind,

Gidr r i ahrlv because that he

that hehad chriina

noXX&rig n b 8 a ~rai &X&aea~v ~ -because ~ 8

often with fetters and

had been andbound with fetters ton chnius, and the chains h*d been lucked naundor by Ithe 'chains, and gim, and the fetters been bound, and Shad 'been 'torn 'awnderTby 'him 7 d l ~n66ac auvrerpi$8ai, rai 068~ic Ca$rdvi a ~ u ~Ga@&aai* v" broken in ieces : nelthe fetters had been shattered, and no one him w r able to subdue.

JQuQar, ~ a i G1~a~iiuOnt 6r' ahroi, rdS &XCaeig, rai

:g e


6 m i d8ta~avrbcilvurrds rai rjpbpag i v roig e G p ~ ~ ~ Iv a vi

And continually night and dny in the mountains mh in

roic pvfipaa~u'~ ~pii<wvrai rarardnrwv iaurdv Xi80ts. $v.

the tombs he wrcs crying Jesus and cutting afar, himeelf withstones. he ran and did

cinb 6 f'16&~.82" rb~~'lquofiv parp68ev, EEpaper rai rrpouAnd having seen hornnge to him, from

~rirvqaev a 6 ~ $ ,7~~ a rcptitag ,$wyy" pey&p h e l n ~ ~ , "bpoi g i Ti

and crying wlth a voice 'loud Son of God the Moit H i g h ? he anid, What to me

cai aoi, 'Irlaoir, ui2 roi) 8 ~ 0 s G+iarou; dp~iZw oe ibv TO;

andto thee, Jesua,

I adjure thee

spirit him,

PE pauavia;g~. 8 ihayev.ydp abr$, IEEEXOE,rb

'torment. unclean, For he was saying to him, Come forth, the out of the man. And be asked the

by God, k o t "me

x v ~ c p arb &r&8aprov, br 706 &vOpD~ov.9 Kai bnqpDra airr6v, T i

ways, night and day he tains, in d . in the an tombs, r u i n g , and cutting himsnlf utones. 6 But when he 8RW Jesus ater off, he rnn and worshipped him, 7 and cried with a loud voice, nnd said, What hnve I to do with thee, Jesus, thou son of the most high God? I adjure thee by menot. thou torment that 8 For he said unto him, Come unclean Out Of spirit. d .And man lhou he asked him, What

iaoi.dvopall ; Kai kci?re~pif3,1, 'Xlywv," lAay~Lu'l $ ~ $ ~ f , " ~ y ~ ~ $ ~ &


What [is] thy name? And he answered, saying, Legion name 6 Legion : for h i ~oXXoi 6apeu. 10 Kai napetcdXei a6rbv my name [is], because many we are. And he besought him that he would not send Of the TOM&, p4 na6r03c11ciroureiXp i(w rig ~Dpac. 4v.G.i them i'va 11 much, that not them he wonldsendout of tha country. Nowtherewsn ~ ~ . $ ~ ~ r ~ l ~ $ " , "


there just nt the mountain6 a 'herd =of .swine 'besought %m 'all

t x ~ np4 Ord 6pqY &yL4 ~ o i p o v i pry&Xg /3ou~opivq.12

'gTeat feeding ; %he sdemons, ' saying,

?raper&Xeaauahrdv Pr&ureg oi Gaipove~,~~ Xlyovr~g,IIQp3/ov Eg,gPki$p;z


~ And s l l S derifi~ ~ ~ the ' 12

$pc?S [ g ~ 0 3 g xoipouc, i'va


wemay into them. 13 And fcrthwith Jesus ave them us into the awmo, thnt into them we may enter. bad leave. ~ n t fd unclean e atroic qe18hws b 'Ir]aoirg.II rai h&X86vra rd spirits went out, and 'allowed %hem 'immediately lJesus. h d having gone out thd enteredintOthe and the herd ran viw aveCpura rdl &x(teaP~a ~iuijXf30~ rods ~oipoug- dppqaav l e n t l ~down a steep eic rai spirits the unclean entered into the swine, and 'rushed pbce into the SW, (they were a b ~ u two t ciy6Xq rard 70; . I C ~ ~ ] ~ Uis r&b 6iiXauaav' 'Ijuav 84" thousand;) nnd were O; 'the 'herd down the steep \into the sea, (now they were choked in the he& 14 And they that fed Giu~iX~oi. bnviyovro bv rp" 8aX&uap. 14 YOi.Gb'l the swine fled, .and rai And those who told i t in t h e city, and about two thousand), and they were chokcd in the sea. , i n the country, And @ ~ Q K O Y T tE ~ ~ G g ~oipougl" B$u~oY, v&~fiyyeihav'leic TQY they went out to see rai fed the swine fled, and announced [it] to the whet it wa8 that wris 15 And thcy r6Xw xai ~ i g o 3 ~ r ciypo6c. cai w i ~ f i X B ~ ~ l l ri i m ~ v iGeiv 16 Jesus and city and to the country. And they went out t o see what it is that him that was l;onse.~t.d the devil, alld yeyovdc' 15 K U ~E"p~0vrai ?rpbc rbv 'Ir]aoih,rai BewpoQurv withthe legion, sitting, h ad has been done. And they come to Jesus, and see and clothod nud in

a6ro6~eiafXBwpev. 13 Kai

r i ) ~ L I ~ ~ O U L ~ ~rae$p~vov ~ ~ E U O Y 'raill
the possessed bg dcmone him who had eitting and mind,

ipar~aplkov uw$porai
clothcd and they were afraid. And

and of sound 16

&La~thkg$ that r : ~ : ~ 'g o h~

voSvra, rdv.iaxqrdra rbv ~XeyeGva~ll b$o/3jeqaav. 16 rai rai

the legion : ivxvev aGz6v LTTrAW. d 8 ~ i r a v r b AL, s pMjpau~v (-v GW) ~ ai vi 7ois 6 p e u ~ v QLTTrAW. v A . B aGr6v A. h Aiyec he says LTTrAW. 6vopL COL LTTG. k?kyec at@ he says to him OLTTrAW. 1 Arychv LTTrA. m i u r r v is L. atra TTr. 0 ~ ( i~ P C L , the mountain QLTTrAW. P r L v r r s GW[L] ; n'ajrres o i Gaipoves (read they besought) WrA. q eiOdws 6 'IvuoCs (rsad he allowed) [L]TTT[A]. nai OL I,TTrk aG~oirsthom GLITrAW. they w'ent LTT~AW. a L A . Y AeyLova L'IT~A.


if told them how

MAPKOZ. 8rqyjlu~vr0 airroic oi i86rrec,

A &

V. dyivcro r@ 6at-

~ ~ , " , " : $ ~ ~ ~'related~ e ~

:$ s ; ~ ~ they

pray sessed by demons, and concerning the swine. And they began to be him t depart out of K ~ X E ~ V a airrhv &?r~X&'iv r i ) ~Gv.b~iwv.a~rGv. A 18 Kai their coastn l 0 And him t o depart from their bordeh. h d when he wwcome into the.ahip, he that had zbp~dvroS'Iabro5 ri) .?rho?ov, raperhhet a h d v d bcendevil prayed with shavingsenterad 'he posseshed him into the ship, 'besonght 'him 'he 'n-ho

~ ~ & p~~ ~ ~ ~~ oAp~i; aa yrepi ~ ~ vi , to

?to 'them 'thone'wlioshnd 'seen ['it] how i t happened to him yn-

riuv xoipwv. 17 ~ a .ijpFavro rapai

that he might be with Garpovrueei~, %a a$ p~r'airroir,~ 19?36in him. 19HowbeitJesus shad *been 'possessed %y "demons that he might be with him. But suffered him not, but o&K.&$~~Kv &h6 airrbv, a h @ ,"~?raye rhd E;C saith unto him, Go caIquo3~" home to thy friends, Jesus did not suffcr him, but says to him, Go to and tell them how ~t things the Lord O ~ K ~ Y ~ UT , V J ? J ~ z o ~ ~ . udo & ~ ,~ Y Y ~ a iX o i ~I ' O I Kai ~ ~ ~ r~ ~ 'COL lath dono for thee, thy houae to thine own, and anllounce to them howmuch forthet, and hath had comi o n o n t e e o n d d p i ~ ~ ~ ~ i r o i q o e v4hdqsiv ae. 20 t a i drijhtlrv mi xai , " edepnrted, and began the Lord did, and pitied thee. And he departed and to p~~blishDec~ipolis in Sus how reatthinpJasus Faro K ~ ~ ~ U U ~ T@AEKUT~XEL, b?roitlu~vuhy' !V L Y had !n for hlm: imd (Segan to proclalm In oe Decapolis, how much %had 'done *for 'him 'l1 men


*IquoC~- a ?tCivr~c ~ i dOa6patov.

'Jcsus; and all wondered.

I 1 And when Jews wM plused over gain b;). ship unto the othcr tho other side, *was 'gathered 'a Jcrowd 'great to him, and he W61de much eople gar,dv OCiXauuav. 22 Kai hi806,11 r p ~ ~ r E ~rC rGv drpxra . thered unto%im: and ?rap& he was nigh unto the by the sea. And behold, comes one of the rulers of nea 23 And behold auvayhywv, dvbpar~ there cometl; one oj. 'lh~rpoc,rai i8&v airrbv, rinrer r p b the rulers of the synn- the synagogue, by name Jairus, and seeing him, falls at gogue Jairus by name ro6~-r68a~.airro3. when he 23 rai inape~Mec~~ noUci, hiywv, airrbv

21 Kai 8ta?repCiaavroc rov"'Jqao9bv r@ rXoiy mLXrv EL'S And ZhnvingJpassed *over 'Jcau3 in the ship again to , T O T ~ ~ E Y , " UVU$XOQ 6xh0c 7roXirc b?r' abrbv, rai 4~

$ '; 2:

ho fell a t hi8 feet his feet ; end he besought him much, saying greatly saying XIand besought M "Or1 T ~ ) . ~ u ~ ~ ~ T ~ ~~ ~ YC. ~, TuWo v ! ~ E ~ * . h a &O&V U~ EMy little daughter is a t the last extremity, pray] that having coma little daughter ' l i e d at the pou~t death : of kaCr$ Xeipac," 18ToS11 cai l prav thee come her, thou wouldest lay on her [thy] and hands, by thy h,,,;dS on so that she mny be cured, m d thnt she m l v bc heal- m&juerar.ll 24 Kar &?rijheevper' n6ro3, ~ a ?j~oXoirOel i abr+ 8J&Ut "" ? " , : , she shall live. And he departed with him, an'd *followed .'him


f i t h him : a d much n n B fol'owod him* peO lethrodgcd him. 25 And a.certain wcr $h$~o:$el~ $ W 8 26 and had nrtered'many things of msny physicians and had spent all that she had, and was uothing bettered, but rather grew worse, 27 when she had heard of Jesus came in the press bd hind, and tonched his garment. 28 For she raid, If I Inay touch but his clothes, I shall be whole. 29 And

'adcrowd agreat,

BXXOS ?rohdc, rai avvie~rpov airdv. 26 Kai y v t j

and pretaed on
r q



And a woman 'certab

being with a flu. under l

osua hv


a? aroc O

838exa,? 26 ra; ?rohXd raOo3aa

and much having suffered 'her gmmur, %o 'worn having spent rather Jesus,

o k l o o d years 'breln, and

d ~ h noXhGv iarpiuv,

rai hnaviiuaua rh?rap'.piavr,jr

?rdvra, ~ a pqbiv &$hqeiua &XXd pzhhov 1 ~ i rb-x~ipov

and in no way having benefited but having heard touched concerning 'having %ome,

bXOoCua, 27 ci~oljuaua

r e p i r03 'Iquoir, 1hOoGaa i v

having come in for she ani& hiu gnrment ;

the crowd

8 ~ X y . ~ ? r l bY+aro ~ o ~ . i p a r i o V . a ~ r o ~ e~~, 28 .X~yv.~ci ,

If but
h18 garments

Orr 'rav riuv.~pariw~.airro3fi+o ar.It awe~aopur. 29 Kai

I sha$touch,

I ahnll be cured.

h d

p ~airroit 4 i :p ~ a i v w o r[.rva~] entering -i'Iqeoiro (,.cad he did has done llot suffel.) h ~ & y e r h o vtell 7b 7rkpav ndhrv?. ran'oiq~ev cob r i . s a p u a A e i he beseeches may live -H $'w~f ~baxeipas akfiu ~8b6 vSah-05 LTT~LA]. o a in, idv ~ $. + the things T[A].



8 @;S







b ~ aan* GLTTrAW. i L ~ A W . 6 ~ripj& h is06 [L]TT~A. I bva in ordel* that LTT~A, T. P abrijc QLTrAW. TA.

~ ~ t o D a ~ , "I;z a:
41 And


V, VI.

T )K O ~ ~ U ~ O uoi XIYu, iZY~iPai.'l42 Kni k ~ t 8 i c ~ i . " i W ,

str@ightmny prctcd* D.rmsc1, t o thee I Sny, ari~e. A n d iin~ncilintciy the a n m s ~ l nrosQl and (iviurr] ri) rop&6iovrai .Irepi~.rrcirec, &~.~?ip arGv 8tLc"exa. walked; for she wns arose the the oE dnlnscl and walked, for she was 'ycnrs 'twcive [old]. rears. And they were

rai l ~ K U T ~ U E ~ pI~yciXp. 43 ~ n E L E U T E ~ ~ ~ I T O i ~ ~ i s h ~ t 6 And~thcy wcrc nn1;iscd with Znmnzement gre:rt. n ~ ~ e n ~ And hc chnwccl 43 And he charged ahroig .~roXXh 'Ivn pq6eig myv$'l roirro* rni ~ S i r ~ l / straitly no them much t h a t no ono should know this ; a ~ he ~ n l d [thnt somed mnu should know i t . n n ~ lcommrmded thnt 6oOiivai air+ pay~iv. nomething. ~ h o u l d thing]should be given to her to cat. given her t o eat. m, And he rent Kai iF;ihOev ireiBev, rni liQAQ~v" r$vnarpila.atro? rig froln thcnw, and And he l ~ c n out thence, nud t cnmo into hi.5 [own] couiltry ;


L 6

g~;+r~q~nd~;Rdp~; ~ a ci~oXouOo.iruiva6r@ ol.~tnOqrn;.atroS~2 i

rni yevotii~jovt

'him 'his 'disciples. And 'bciug "coulo ples follow him. 2And 3f011cw when the snbbnth day aaPP&rov $pEaro O v r$ uvvnywy.j EiEcia~~iv*~~7roXhoi d rai p was 'Sabbath he began i n the synagogue t o tcncli ; and m:my teach in the nynag o p e : pnd many ciroQovreghEe.rrX$auovro, Xfyovrec, TIdBev roirlt, rairm ; hcarlng lrzm as- henring were astonishod, saying, Whcncc t o this [man] thcsc t1ii:lgs: i tonishod, sn ing, From whencc hnth this man rai ric ao$irr 608eiun qairr$,li r6rl!1 ( i i 6vvCip~i~ ~ thescthi~gr?nndwhat and what the wisdom t h a t has been given t o him, thnt even Zworks%of'power wisdom iP this which is,qivennntohim,thnt roiuirrai did ~ b . ~ i p & J . a 6 ~ 0 ~ ; l 1 3 oirx o5rGg darrv syivovra~ even auch mighty 'such by his hnnds are done 7 "not %his 'is works are wrought by hi8 hand^? 3 IS not b T ~ K T W V , 6 vibc 'Mapiag, vciL?eX$bg.o"i'l 'Ici~tLFov n i w'IwrrGil f t h i the cnrpenter the the carpontor, the son of Nary, ~ and brother of J:irues aud Joscr eon of Yary the 'broi rai oirr.eiuiv ai.ci8e~$cri.nhroir 66& ther of J ~ & ~ S ,rind lcai 'Io6Gn ~ f l Bi/rol~og; Joscr andof 3uda and and Jndas aud Simon? and are not his bistcrs hcro sirno; ? and me' not hi3 sistcra here with rpdc IjpEg ; .Kai iu~avo"nXi<ovro atrq. 4 x i X ~ y ~ ~ ~ . 6 i ' l hv ahroir us? h n d they wereof- with u s ? Aud thcp were offended i n him. But "said $to 'tl~uw.

F:cb,$dho "Ori 06%turiv rpop$rqg b 'Iyaoiig,

A prophet is not withown country, and his Out but in among his own kin, and

do no work save thnt ha few hi; upon a laid folk, healed 6 And he marvelled round about the villnges, teaching. to do, except

Vrophet without honour, cxccpt i n r o i ~Zavyyevbaiv~~ rai bv r$ a"rai bv his [own] country and among p i a ] kinsmen and in ~iri~.~abroir'l. OCK '!lj66varoll Q E E d ~ t O * ~ p i a L ; Y C Y , U L ~ 5 Kai ~ ~v his [own] house. And he w w "nble =there 'not any work of pomrr




E/-plj hv rQ


.iroijjuai,ll i.p+ bXiyoic &fili)[hbroighniBeic b Q ~ p & ~ e v u ~ v6 rai r68abpal;~v'1 6id .

And he wondered bccause of on a few infirm h~ving laid [his]

T ~ xeipns E h~mls

t$ unbelicf.

& t ~ ~ i ~ ~ he " ~ , healed [them].

rGv' Anda ?rEplijyev rdg villages i nrbrhy 8rE&u~ov. ~ heiwent nbout the rDpac a circuit tcael~in:.

7 Andhecallcd unto 7 Kai npoakaXfirat Gd6ern, rai Enro afiro6~ hina the twelve, and and he cnlls t o [him] the twelve, and &emu them began t o send them 660.660, rai 86iL?ova6roig QFovuiavr;v rvupa'forth by twonnd two ; &rourfXX~tv aud gave them Pope; t o seud forth two and two, and gave t o them authority over the spirits over uncienn spirits abroig 8 and rommnnded TWY TGV &ra8dprwv* 8 rcai . i r ~ p i ] ~ ~ i h ~ V Yvn p ~ 6 i theru that thcy should the unclean; and hc charged them t h a t nothing take nothing for their Iollrney, snvo a stafE Q ~ ~ W ~ L V EL)^ S d v , Ei./14 b a ' p d 0 ~pdvov' p4 ' T $ ~ U U , only; no scrip, no they should take for [the] way, except n staff only; no provision bng, brend no money i n thcj,. : 9 but be I*.$ bprou,ll p?) eig njv &ivr]v xahr6ve 9 gdXX'll ir7ioc'~8epQvovg shodwithsnnda1s;and nor bread, nor i n the belt money; but bc shod



i Eye~pe OLTT~AW. k e 3 6 s TTrA. 1 eGe6s immediately T [ T ~ ] A . m yvoi L T T ~ A . 97067~ P oi the T[A]. i p x e ~ comes T T ~ A W . a~ 0 BLBBVKCLV hv q o v v a y w y ~ T T ~ . j j to this [man] T T ~ A . r GLrI'TrAW. g y~v6peva~ Tr. r<r ~ V A . v ~ 0 . i iBeAr&bsLTT~AW. W 'IwQ~~Tos LTT~A. K U E"Aeyev find.'-aid I.TTrA. ~ Y ~ 6 7 I.TlSAW ; 0 ~ havro3 T. . evcvv~v 'r'1.r. 6 .-b a6roG his (kinsmen) [I.]TT~A b airroi, LTTrBW. c ;8vvaro m*: OVN n o ~ i j a a r ~ ~ ~ A L '8 i V a p ~ v O Gv LTT~A. t iQaiuavev T, f ip~w, )i? n i p a v TT~A, k bMh Lrrrrw,

with sandals ; and to them, ye go out


gat PXeycv notbud on two costa he

oav8aXiag ~ a p l j . ~ ~ ~ d ~ aGiro XLTGVLZS. i ~uBe~~ 10

Wherever theuce. ye enter

put not on two tunics. And hewid them, I n what placa airroTc, 'f~nov.ihdvueiakXBqre eig okiav, 6 ~ e r$vere h y dv noever Y enter into i e
into a house, there rauAn until
11 bnd not nor receive you nor hear &xopEvdpevor ~KE?~?EV, b~rivdSuref i ) X O ~ VYOU, ~ when 'ye depnrt &06uwaLv the &epnrting thonce, shake 08 the dust thence shake .hear you, dust dnder your feet +h 6?roKdrwrGv.?ro83v.0pGv, papdpcov a6roTc. l&pljv ror a testimony aw i h [is] under hc your feet, for a testimony to theul Verily g a i m t t h a y e r i l ~ I say Unto you, It shall i v tjpipg bo more tolerable f m Xiyw +;v, &veKrdr~povE"ura~ ~oGdpoic ln I say to you, more tolcr+ble it shall be for Sodom or Qomorrha in day ~ ~ d oand hmorrha in the day of juQY Kai ~~ rpiaewg, 6 ~ ~ . T ~ X E L ~ K E ~12Q . ~ ~ iSeXBdvric' m i ~ h p ment, -than for that of judgment than for that city. And havinggone out they pro- dty. 12 And th

bEiXBr/r~ iKE~OEY. 11 ~ a kiiaoi.ilv plj.d~Ewvra~~ i GpEs, pqJC that place.

h d as many as will not reccivo

& hi~a$~y :


13 ~ ' uov'l 'c'va ~ t t ~ ~ v o r j u w u t v .kai Gaytdvca

olaimed that [mm] should repcut. and anointed with oil And bccnme *hei~rd 'the anany "king

bnd 'demono illfirm

cai IjXer$ov iXaiy ?ro)lXoirc6fiPhurovc lcai

and [of

14 Kai Ijrcoau:v b PaaiXd~.' H 66qg,


his name, and he said, John the B a p 14 And lrfng Herod PEK VEK~GV GyBp6q,' rai 6td T O ~ T O ~ ~ ~ hoard gf htm; (for h a 6 0 5 from uruong [tl~e] dead isrisen, und because of this lope- name WAS spread atist broad : apd he said, ) atv a; Gvvcipats i~ airrd. 16 *fiXOtq WE OVs " 0 7 " ' H X h C U That John the Baptist ~ rato 'the 'works Cf 'power in him Others m&, E h wns rimn from the dead, bariv. 6XXot.Gi i'A~yov, "OTLT o$tjrqc 'buriv,U %'l eTc 7 t h mightyand thorofore works do shew it h; andothers aald, lprophot it is, or as one O f t h e forth them~olvw in

bYhv~ro ~i).avopa.a6~03, n OZh~yev,~ 'lwhvtqc d p a r ~ i "Orb



* p m others said, That it is a prupl~etor 6&& &ile~r$fiiua ' I w ~ v v q v ,0 5 d c xbur~v* a 6 r d ~tjyrp&l the dek as one of ~ 'beheaded 'John, he it is. He isr~sen ~ h , he+ Yfrc ve~pGv.ll 17 ALrhg-y dp S 'Ho68qr)~ ci.~rourriXag ~ h n ~ 4 $ m ~ i ~ ~ J from among [the] dead, For 'himself 'herod having scnt ed : he is risen from

16 'AcoCuac.Gi

But having heard


6 8 q ~ ~ l ~ ~w'JOr~u T v , u 6v

& " , ; i ~ ~ ~ ~ & ~




f ~p(irquevrhv 'Iw&vvqv, lcai E"6quev atrdv dv

seized John, and bound

i;z ! !: di m d hold upon 8 ~ d ' H g ~ h d E rrjv yvva?a @cXi.~r~ou ~ d 6 ~ X ~ o i r ~ agpA,","g,""g;",l$ a r0~ 6ro?, on account of erodias the wife of Phiiip his







For 'sad 'John mnrrled her 18 F a to.,?ds John had. daid unto 'OTL ob~.i~eurivCOL ZX'XBLV T$Y y v v a i ~ a r o ~ & ~ ~ ~ $ o v . u o v . It 1s not lawHerod, I t is not lawful for thee to hnve the wife of thy brother. fi"" g ,z k" 19 'H.82-'Hpw8td~ V E ~ X Et~6r$, cai %i?jeeXevUairrdv &TO- 19 Therefore Herdias ~ V held it against him, and wished 'him 'to had a quarrel against But Herodias him, and would have m~ivar* a oi~ K . ? ) ~ ~ v ~ T 20 d.yd 'HpDdqc i # o p ~ i r o ~ o. rdv killed him; but he 'kill, and waa not able: Herod feared could not: 20forHerod feared John, knowing '~whvv~v, eiGAc a6rdv civ6pa Gi~atov eai ilytov, ~ a that hewan a just man i John, ]mowing bim [to be] a man just and holy, and and an holy, and o b \ servedhim and when U V V E T ~ airrdv* ~ a ciKo6uac ~ 6 ~ 0 3 , ~ E ~ i ?iohXd bi?roiec,l' KUL he had dim, he did kept 'epfe 'him; a d having heard him, many things did, end meny t h and her heKaFmarried.
h iv8doau8ar E.
1 &v L T ~ , 1 &&v

a6r4v i &


18 E"~~yv.~dlp b JIw6vvqS q i ' ~ p G p , ~ lip's'wife :for he had

aake hm brother Phii

;&for &v L ;Sr Bv r6rros p$ Gitqrar whatsoever place h60 u 6 h e ~ ~ r i y Q[L]TT~A. m irripvtaV i ) IT~A. peravoworv LmrL O Ehcyov they said L. P iyriyeprar (has risen) iKvIKpiiv L ; * drr vwpGv bvicrn) A. P 8C also L T T T A ~ r ' H h r i a s T. i u r i v [L@T~A. t jj GLTT~AW. ihcyfv TrrA. -.Or& LTPrA. 1 iurrv' a i d s Q[L~TT~L I ;K vtl(pi)v T[T~J& q QLTRAW. 457jrer sought L b rjaopcc was at a loss [aboutJ

will not ~ e m i v e ~ . m


....+ -

, .


'Hp48qc r o ~ ~ . y ~ v ~ u i o i ~ .~a h r o ~ d i r ~ i ~ ~ I ~I E~TVOV roic

E ~ L U T ~ ~ L

henrd 'him gladly. )j8bwc airro; ~ / K O U E V . 21 ~ a Y ~ v ~ p ~ )jPdpaS.~ir~nipov) i vqE csrro 21 A l ~ dwhen a couhim And 'being "come 'nu 'opyortuuc "day, vhcn venieut day wnn come, gladly

~ ~ , " ~ h d ~ ; ~ ~ Herod a e ~ on his birthday a supper mnde t o 'grcnt $men per t o his lords, high cnptnins, and chief ahr06 ~ aTOTE ~~Xthpxocg aroTg rp6roig i ~ i rile raXiXuiac, Of 'his and to the chief crrptnins and t o the first [men] of Galiloo ; 22nnd when thc daugh t e r o f t h e s a i d H e r o d i n 22 ~ n eia~X6oiraqgrile 6vyarpbc a6rijr r~s'H0w8r68oc,~ a i i nnd 'hnving 'come "in 'the 'daughter 'of "horsclf '~erodins, and


thom t h a t snt with dp~qanpivqc,' ~ a d p ~ a c i o qr~ ~'Hph8p rcai roSg uvvnvai y him, the k i n g ~ n i d u n t o hnving dnnced, and pleased Herod apd those reclining the damsel, Ask of me , ' E ~ T E Vb p a a i X ~ 6 ~ ~reopaaiy, Airqodv pc T@ whntfloever thou wilt, K L G O C Ep V L , and I will give i! the& [at tnble] with him], .said 'the Oking to the d w s e l , Ask me 23 And he sware unto her macsoever thou B - ~ & V QiXpg, rai 63uw 60;- 23 real Gpoa~v airre, " ~ r r And he swore t o her, mhait psk of me, I will whatever thou wilt, and I willgive t o thee. 've d thee, unto t h e fdf of my kingdom. 5-idv PE ain'japc, 63uo aoi, Pws $piaovs r f s F.racXcinc 24 Andshe went forth, W h n t e ~ e metl~oumayost r nnk, I willgive thee, t o half of 'kiugdoru and snid unto her mother ~ h n t a h n ~ l ~ a s k ~ 24 6H.6kU lEeXeo6aa ~ T r e v 1 J ' y q r p i . a i r ~Ti, hair& pov. ~ g h d s h e s n i d f i e head 'my. And sho havinggoneout raid t o her mother, IYbnt sllnll I of John thl Baptist. 25 And she came in aopai ;l1 'H.81 ETTEV, Trjv -E nX4v 'Iwhvuov 705 i B a r r ~ u ~ ~ i j . . U etnightway with ask? And she mid, The Read of John the Baptist. hnateasked, the king, 25 K ai EiuEX60~uak ~ i r e f ~ p r c i arov6ijc rpbc rbv paaixfa, unto I g'l

~ { e R ~;z:,"fli~ it+uaro, ~ ~ f l

will that thougive me

h d having entered immediately with





for their the fCad of John the Baptist. And 'very ssorro~vful , makes which snt with Y E V ~ ~ Eb O ~ V P~UAEG~, 8th TO$(; SPicoVc KCLi 7035 him, her. o ~ And im- [awhile] %ado not joct he w 27 ~ l d ro'the =king, on account of the oaths nnd those who modiately the king m ~ y v a y a ~ ~ ~ p ~ u ~ v ~ ~ 6 n j ~ ohk.~eihquE~ U &6ri]aal." 27 ~ a i ~ , " m ~ n ~ ~ , reclincd [at; tnblc] with [him], " ~ n ~ ~ would not 'her 'rejcat. And held to be brought : O~t8iwg''ciroartiXac b paarXE6(; P U H E K O ~ ~ & T W ~brLrnSEv ~" and he went be- imoledintely lhnviug %nt 'the =king n guprdsman ordered hendod him i n the risou, B andbrought qiv~x6jlvatI'f-ljv.r~$c~\dv.airroir'. 28 8b.8iU iroX8cLv &HEKEEis head in a charger, to brolIght his h e a d b n d he having gone beaqdgnve it to the dnmsel: and tile d-sei $ciXiu~va h r i ) ~v r $ $ v X a ~ f , a ~+EYKEV T ~ ~ Y - K E h ~ i aX)jv airr05 rnve it t o her mother. hended him i n t h e prison, and brought t i 8 11oad 29 And when his dinclpies heard o j it, they h r i r i v a r ~ ~ a ~i ~ W K E V n j v r$ ropaaiy' ~ a rd ropho~ov , at i cnmo nnd took up hin npon a dish, and gave it t o the damsel, and the dnm8el corpse, and laid it i n a tomb. ~ ~ W K E V ahnjv 29 Kai ciro6anvrE~ oi pa6qrai gnre it t o her mothor. And having heard [it] ~disciylcr

Xi~ovaa, ttiXo 'ivn Ipot 6y"c if-alrijc" i r i r i v a ~ t ~ ~ ~ t 26 ~~dt the she asked, i ~ . saying, I desire thnt to me thou give a t once upon a diah king was exceeding njv KE nX4v 'Iwcivvov ro6 parrioro5. 26 Kai repiXvrro~ lorry; pet for his oath's

Pdt :

airro? ' ? ~ X ~ O Y , '


6pav ~d.rrGpa.a&roG, lcai l 6 q ~ a v 'a;ril

and t o o k u p his wrpsa, and laid it

i v Tr(;;fl~VqpEiy.
i n the tomb. 30 And the npogtles gnthered ~ I I C D ~ S O I V ~ S 30 Kni uvv6yowai oi cirdaroXot r p b c rbv'IqaoS~, a i ~ together nnto Jesus, And 3nre4gathered'together 'the 'npo~tles to Josus, nnd and told him nll things both what they had (ihyyEiXaV a&rf; rcivra, wrai" Saa lroil]aav rcai xi;aa' done, nlrd whnt they they related t o him all thingq both what they had done and urhnt hnd tni~gbt.31 hurl he #nid unto them, Come i8iSaEaV. 31 ~ a Y t i r ~ vairroic, i ~~ +is afiro; ye yourselves apart they had tnught. And he said to thorn, Come ye yourielvea
C 6 TC L. &TO~~UCV LTTrA. Gpcurv She pleased ~ T l ' r a . f cixrv S i 6 BautAr3c L; 6 62 @auiAs& t i r e v nnd the king said n . ~ . g ~ aaiid TTIA. i h a;njuwllai should I ask I.TTI.A\V. i fjarri<ovror l"R& E ~ ) O LTTrA. ~F < f 4 ~ 7 $ ~ UOL LTT~A. P ~ V ~ K C L ~ ~ V O V ~ reclined [at table] Tl'rA. i 8 e ~ u aci~njv r TTrA. c i . 0 3 ~Tl'rA. P m r r o v h c i r o p a LTT-AW. 9 iviyxai [hlm] to bring TTrA. [ i d I r l v a ~ ~ J a dish L On . 8 ~ o(lead aud haring i gone 11e b e h e a d e d ) L'ITrA. r a 3 r b v him T. t 4A0av lTrA.. (lead a tomb) ULlTrAW. ~ aL1"A'rAW. i 6ua T. I &ye& he s a p TTrAN.


- 74


~k jpqpov
into 'dcwrt

MARK 10: rd?rov, rai z d ~ a m i r ~ u dAIYov. THuav i n t n while ; for ;here ~ c ~ &ll o ~ d e a e r t and ~~ rest
'a place, and


ydp 0i-~pX6p~1~oi 6?r(iyo~~r~ rai 0664 rai oi ?roMoi,

far 'those *coming 'and %hose 'going mnny,



and not even to eat

dcpnrmd into a desert a place by the a3 And the people saw plRoebyshipprivablyd o i y l 1rai.Diav. 33 Kai r160v a6roirc ~ ? ~ ~ Y O Y M~xXOL,II them departihg, nnd c ~E i ahip apart. hnd 'them "going 'the, many knew him, and ran afoot thither out ~ a db?rlyvwaav~~ i eairrbv%oMoi, rai ?r~cp' d?rb ?raaGv rGv of all cities,and o u t *aid ?recognized .him ?many, and on foot from all the went them, and came together unto him. r6Xewv avvh6papo~~ K E T , f ~ a?rpoth80va $ r o h ~ , ~ uzfvljX- 34 And Jesus, when he i grai citieu ran together there, and went before them, and came to- came out, saw much peo In, and was moved dov, ?r bc aCrdv.W4 rai bEeX0;v hrT6ev d 'IqqoirsU ?roX+vwitR compassion together him. And having gono out 'saw 'Jesus *great ward them, beca~wa they were as sheepnot ax~ov rai bu?rXay~viaeq h' 'a+ro?c,fl iir~ iJaav b r i n g a shepherd: %crowd, and wss moved mth compawion townrda them, becaone they were and he began to teach ?rpb/3ara p4 Zxoum ~oipiva.rai GpEar0 616harriv 'a6mire them a many the as h when things. .a sheep not hnving a shepherd And he began to teach them was now fnr spent, h& disciples came unto TOM&. 35 Kai 46q iipac.?roXXijc k y ~ ~ o p i v qn;ooueh- him, and said, his i ~,U . many things. And already a lnte hour [it] being, Con- a desert place, and now

had they opportunity.

'tlv~aipovv.U32 rai d?r,iX8ov

h n d they went away into

5qpov :6?rov ry'


Were~n~ny couiugnnd going, and they had leiRure lnuch as t o ent. 32 And they



to him hia disciples d TOXOG rai 46q 4pn.?roX?tj. the place, and already [it is] a late hour ; saving gone 'to


Bdvrrc 'atry'" 0i.~aeqrai.~a6roir" nXQy~~aiv,l'llOti buriv Z ,,p65



thattheymnygo d?rdXvaov trirroirc, 'iva ~ ~ u ~ ~ dismiss them, that rillri&a,andbuy them.

g w t

:p,"&': hp ~~~P~~~~

O P & U W ~ ~ have nothing for they selves bread : to eat. Y tXey ?ay bu, 37 He and iavroTc O$provp.n ri Pydpn $&ywuiu q o ~ i ~ ~ i~ ~~ ~ h ; for themselves bread ; 'something for to eat they say unto him, 37 '0.62 d?rorpi0~I\s rl?rrv airrois, Adrr atroic 4~~24$ayetv. shall we go and buy But he answering said to them, Give 'to %hem 'ye to eat. worth of h e a y nnyhundred and Kai Xiyovaiv airry', 'A?reXBdvr~c dyo hawpev r6iarouiwv givethemtoeatl38He they say to him, a n r i n g gone shaE we buy two hundred many loaves have o r them. HOW 6qvapiwvn&prov~, sbdpvU rai afirok $ a y ~ i ; 38 '0.64 X i y f c go and see. And w k n v denarii of b r e d , find give them to eat? And he says they knew, they isay, ive, and two f s h at'woic, ~ ~ U bprovc~&re ; irhyrre 'rail1 O V i6rr~.Xai p v - Add he commanded to them, How many loaves hove ye? go and see. And aving them make lit down by companlos rec Xiyovaivv, Hivre, rai Giro iX8&ac.39 Ka &rat+a6roZc upon the green grass. known they my, Five, and two tishea. And he ordered. them 40 And they sat down in rauka by hundradr wdva~Xivatu ?rhvra~ uvpndura.m~p?r~urai r$ ~Xwp@d p r y . by fiities. 41 and h ~ to make 'recline 'all by companies on the green grass. when hehad taken the fivelonves odd the two 40 rai xdvi?r~aovn ?rpaoiai.?rpaatai, Jivcifl ivarbu xai ydvd" fihh,, he looked up to h n d they ant down in ranka, by &nndre& end by heaven and blessed, the Irevrtjrovra. 41 m i XapAv TOVE X ~ Y T L rove rai r06c 66'0 and b r h uemlonvw to b d ka and the two disciples to let b m v e e f fiftioa And having taken the . dre

dn~X8dvr~c ro6s ~6rXy.1&yp04~ K& ag, d eic tai

.the 'in 'a scirouit country and



iXBirac, &va/3Xi$ac ale rbv o6pavbv r6Xdyqacv wai rarirhafinbed, the having looked up t o Lves, the heaven he bles~ed and broke

urv ro6g 6 rove, rai d6i60v roT~.paer/r~~S~.~~nirr03II 'iva "rapsand gave to hia diociplea that they might
a ivcrlra6uade 'ITrA. 8 eirxaipovv LTT~A. b ;v whoiy eis i pov Wwov L 0 oi ZxAo. (wad they ra) ~ m r n w . d &ymuav knew L T ~ A . 0 a6rots%em e; o d r b v ornr. f K ~ wpoijheov airro6r G. L e ~ a&KjXOov wpbs d d v OLTTTAW. h i) 'Iquoik (vend i he saw) o m n w ; [b 'IquoCr] cISev L. 06706s LTT~A. y~vop4qs T.' I ~ 6 7 6 ~ . [Q~TO~)] L h q o v add TTrA. iprovs LJTT~A. P y$p [L]TTrb; 9 OVI i o v u v (read buy Lithsrmelvea eat! [ ~ ] m r A . r h m p u v & L ~ K O U L W V GLTT~AW. . ~ & u o p e vs h d l we give L T ~ A Giuopcv e. ; t -K& [LP~A. [a&s$] to him L. 1 ivaxhtfivar L iv4ueuav Z T ~ A . 1 x a r i L ~ A . $ 8 - d ~ 0 (wad the disciplea) TT~A. 3


- -




them. dividedh e two t he afish^.^' andall. 4tAnd a t bcfore m,,ng they did rill cat, rind a c r o took up 43 And they filled. twelro hn<kcts full of the fr:~grncnts, tho fisllcs. 4 4 and of they tl~;rt*dident of the lozwcswcrc five tho~lsnud men. 45 And straightway he con~traillcd his di.wiples t o pet into the ship, a ~ td go to the otllcr o sldo before nnto Bcthsnida n-hilc he sent away ihepeoplr;. 46And when he.hadscut them away, he $cpwted into a mountain t o pray. 47 And whcn even was comc, the ship wns i n tllo midst of the and he alone on t h i land. 48 And he anw rowthem toiling Ing; for the wind w . the thorn. contrary unto fol,rtl; P:~to

MAPKOX. VI. OGulv'l atro'iS* rai roic dljo iXO1:aci p ~ p [T(?GIV* v ~ n i ~ ~ ~ 42

thcm. n And and tho two fishes he dividcd nluong nil. Au~l of fmgAnd

I$nyov wlivrec, ~ a b;yopr&u~qaav' rcni i 43

wcrc sntisfied. full, %he nnd



And they took np of lisl~cs.

C ? & J E K ~ ~ ~ o ~ i v o v g I 'l j P ~ i E , ~ a&nbr&v i~/eL&,. 44 ~ n i d~X " i

twelve hand-baskcts


40nv Civ8peg.


?were 'thoseZthat

$ay6vreg. ~ 0 6 6 6prollc e & ~ ~ i Tl E V ~ C ( K I Q X ~ ' X [ O C l




45 Kai f ~ C e i ~ c l I ljvciy~aaevroi~.paO~r(ig.n&roi,
And immediately he conipellcd ship, his disciples to Ecthand t o go bcfore t o the other side

five thous:rnd

bppivai eis 71 rhoiou; ~ a ~ p o c i ~ ~ 0i rb w!pav wphg Rq8l v ~

t o enter into the soida,

bdiddv, gwS atrbc g67roX6ap" 7i)v ~ X X O V . 46 Kai ctaoraEripevoc avrotc, (iwjjX6ev e i 713 6 p 0 ~T ~
them, he departed into the 15ountain %hip
being come, ' ~ a s ' t h e



should dism~ss h e crowd. t

And having tnkeu lcave of

~ O U E ~ & X U ~ 47I .Kcti d+ing ~ t o pray. Aud eveniup

Y ~ ~ ~ p i ~ rb S , $v q nXo'iov dv pfay r,ic BnXn'aaq~, u airrbc ~ i

in thcmidst of the
sea, and he

p6voc h i rijc yijc. 48 Kai h ~ T J ~ v " a&roi~c 'paaavr~opkvovg ~ alone upon thc land. And he saw them lnbonriug i v r@i h a 6 ) ~ [ v , jjv-yicp 6 Zvepog iuavrioc atroic' 'raiil nepi
rowing, for "wns 'the 'wpd wntcb. contrnry he comcs to t o thcm ; thcm, nnd abont walk-

watch of the night he. i n the cometh upon the unto them

md would hnvcpn.;sed [the] fourth

rer&pqv$?f).a~ljv rijc

upon thesea, sup- in6 on the sea, and would havepassedby them. Bot they, .posed i t had been a /J6vrgS. airrbv kreptwaroGvra bwi r i g QaXci~a~g,'~ idoFnv 8nirit, aud cried out : on the scn, thought [it] 50 for they a l l saw seejng him walking hjm and were trou- $avraupa nleb~al,"~ a c i v ~ ~ p a t a v 50 i . alirbv , , f ~ ~ I ~ ~C " 'nppnrition .to b, n, " ~ ~ !e ' and cried out : f o r a l l . ,'him them, and saith u o t ~ n&?olr,ll ~ a brap&Oqaav. OKai /&ehwgU i iXBXrlaavp r ' airrGv, good chezr: 1 ~ and ~ ~ were troubled , And immediately he spoke with thorn. it is i. be not afraib. 51 a d d he went up ~ a X.6y&t d6roic, i ~ a p b f ? ~ ~b' h ~ i p l , ~ ~ - Q O P ; ~ U ~ E . l1nto them into the and ~ w s t o them, Be of good courage : a m [he, ; fear not. ship; and the wi r b ~Ao'iov,i a i Erc'67raaev cc:rsed : and they we% 51 Kai tivipq ?pbc airroirg m0l.e amazed in themAnd he went up to them into the ship, and "fell 'the ~ l v ebeyondmensure s Civepo~. hiav PBK..IFE l ~ d 0 ~bv iavroiq .itiirnvro, l' and wondered. 52 they considered not Andcxoo0dingly beyonfmeasure i n themselves they werc nmnzed, 'wind. the miracle of the I ~ ;: fortheirhenrt q ~ aiOa6pa~ov'll52 oi-ydp.uvvijrav' , ~ ~ ~ i roic ciproic' ' 4 ~ - ~ i i p " W a a hardened. and wondered; for they understood not by t h e lonves, for -was

:zGh,"z ~ ? & "Ewi ~ ~ ; ~ a$OE?.EV crrap~XOeivatro6c. 40 0i.G ~ rGv , rijc OaXcioazg, i

o thz night f

V U K T ~p i~

x ~ r nphc alir06~, a~ iipirn-



53 And whcn they 'their *heart hardened. hnd passed over, thcy came into the land of 53 Kai Giawepciaavrec ' ~ X ~ O bwi T ~ V V y6v" ' r e ~ ~ a a p i r , ~ ~ Gennesaret and drew And having passed over they came t o the lnud of Gennesnret, to the shoie. 54 And , when they werecome Kal ? T ~ O U W ~ ~ L ~ U ~ I ]54~ V . U Kai ~ < E X ~ ~ ? / T & J U . ~ i k ~705 ~T V of the ship, and drew t o shore. And on t h c i ~ ~ o m i u g out of t h e straightway they knew him, 55 rind rau ~ A ~ i o vf&ekh)c" bwiyv6vre~ atr6vw, 5 5 ~ x % e p [ ~ p a ~ 6 v r e c " , through t h a t whole ship, immediately having rccegnized him, runniup through region round abont, and began /to carrI ZXqv r ~ v ~ ~ 7 r ~ p i ; y w p o v l l . i $pEavro h i 7075 a ~ p ( ~ / 3 $ & r ~ t ~ l ~~i~~v about i n beds those all t h a t country around they began on couchcs

%jS.~apJia-atrGv" ne7rwpwpEv~.


~Adupara a

Ko+ivwv TA.

d n h q p h p a r a Tl'r.4.

that T. sfsav TTr. O ~ a e$O;s i I.l'rA ; &AA' $v but was T'Cr. neprucroir] Tr. q ~ a leav'pa{ov [L] TTrA. i &rSv ~ap8icr LTTrAW. t /ni +v yijv heov dis T . v I'cvtqoupir LTTmW. [oi hv6pcs 70; 7 6 ~ / K C ~ V O V ] the men of that p ace L. 0 ~ aep~i6pccuov they ran through w r . ~c;'pav( o n ~ i t aroul~d) TTrA. 1 ~ ailud TTr. i a K p ~ a r r o r LTnAW. s

g knohva~ dismisses LTT~A. 91rprraroirv+a T . 1 6rt

' '

6 62 cir@$sT.


h i&v

see111g LTTrA. m hurrv it is T.

'- iafi GLTTrAW. TTrA. - ~ a LTTrA. k hr'r ?is O a h a u q s ;


ipariov.aliroir ir'$wvm~'. ~ a i Suoi &v g j j ~ r o v r oairoil ~~

of his garment they might touch; and as many as touched

that sick, wllem they heard he was. those t h a t were iU t o w r r y about, where they yere hearing that 56 ~~d whithesoover he entered, into vilC i ~ iurrv. 56 ~ a 8nov ddv" E ~ U E ? ~ O ~ E ~ ) E T O K& ac ~iU i lnges* Or cities8 Or there he was. And wherever he entered into v i d e s or country, they laid the ({ft. he is.) sick in tho streets, and ? r d k r g i j ci polic; iv raze ciyopaic f~riOovvll rodg ~ U ~ E Y O ~besought hm that V in the mnrketplnces they laid thoscwho were bick, they might touch if it iclds, cities or were but the bordcr of rag, ~ a Ti C L ~ E K ~ X Q V U al;rbv 'IVU KBY 705 ~paunQbov70; his garment: and na and besought him that if only the border mnny as touched h i wwo made whole.

VI, VII. B1 b R K. ro6c ~ a ~ G ~ Z ~ o v ?repr$Epeiv, Gnov r;rf

1C 0 )




were henled.



rpdc ahrbv oi OapiaaTor rai rtvrg

tb him the Phnrisees and pome

And are gathered together ecribes,

VIL unto tohaving come from Jerusalem; and havingseen ether Then him the Inriseas, nnd certnlu rivdc rGv-pn&lrGv.aC~oirh x o i v e ~ e p o i v , 'roir' rribes, which nome of his disciples -with deilled hands, that came from Jerusalem. &vixroig, kiueiovraclt l ~ P ~mipQp#a~ro~ll oi.y(ip @apt- 2 &id when they snw ~ ~ S , Q unwashed, eating breed, they found fanlt ; for the Phnri- 'Ome Of his d l k c i ~ l e s eat brend with cleiilod, aaior nhvreg oi 'Iovbaiat, bcir-p~j n?rvyp$l yit,bwvrac r&g that is to say, with aees and all the Jews, unless with t h e f i s t they wash the unwn"en, they found fault. 3 For the eipag, oli~.ha8iovuiv K aroGvreg d v ~ap(i6ouivTOY TPEU- Phnrisecs, and all the tands, eat not, 'holding the traditiou of the el- Jews except the wash their' hands o& eat pvr6pwv. 4 real Oci?rb1I&yopZg, bd~.p?j pcl?rriuwvrai not, holdiag the! traders ; and [on coming] from the &arket, unlcss they washthemselves dition of the elders. 4 And when they run18 oCr.6u0iovarv0 Kai ?r0&i iarcv lrapiXaP0~f m m the mnrket, exthey eat not ; and 'other %hinge 'many there are which they received cept they wash, they
of the

~rijv ypappa~iwv,iXBdvr~cL?rb 'I~pouoX6~wv' nai ibdvr~c 2

Zr 5 y"

~pareiv, /3anrrupoirc ~ o r q p i w v EaarGi cdi x a k ~ i w v Prai Kai

to hold, oouchea : washings then of cups ' question

eat not' And many other things there be, and vesseb and brazen utensils and which the have rehim the Pharisees

rcXr~Gv~~~ 5 qiaerrau bnepwrGarv airrbv oi @apiuaioi ~ a oi i ob.xcpcnar04aiv~~~ a r c i

'walk 'not

ceived to gold, as the wnshing of cups and and tpe pots, brasen ve~scls,

g , d


according t o scribcsnskedhim,f hg a + A L I P & ~ O U ~ YTOY & a d t & v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u ilvI O p ~ accord~n to the tradlscipler the tradition of the elders, but with unwashed hands dltion of the elders, in&ovoiv rbv &TOY; 6 '0.62 T & ~ ~ ~ p~lirev h r o i 1w"Or~ll~ reate phands 7 5 H8 1 6 ~ ~ ~ ~ ,' a but w h brendwlthuul cat bread? But he answcri~lg said t o them, answered and said 1 1 . 11 rrak@ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ o E $ ~ ~ E V U ?repi~ &pGv rLiv irno~plrGv,to them, Well hatb 'Huatae E Y Esains prophcbied oi Well prophesied Eaaias concerning you, h~ocrltesl pou hyyocr~tcs, as i& hS hypnnrar, y '=05roc 6 Xab&I roig P E rip+, 'F written, hisp people honoureth me with u it been written, This people with the lips me honour, lips, but aipov- henrt is fnr,from me. +.Ji.~apbia.a6rij1)nt$w dn6~ertin' 7 Cirq~~di t u t in vain they wor- 7 Howbeit in vain do but their heart far is awny from me. they worshi:, me, ~ a PE, ~ ~ ~ ~ U K O YBi6aa~aXia~ i T E ~ ivrciipara hnwv. teaching for doctrines ship me, teaching [as] teachings injunctions o men. men. 8 For laying the c0Dnnanfbents of


8 ' A $ ~ V T E ~ r?jv ~ ~ ~ I I 704 8 ~ 0 4rcpctreire rtjv Tap&- asidc . ~ ~ ilJroX$v ,

Bor, leaving the commnndment of God, ye hold the

the oommandtra- ment of God, ye hold the tradition of men Goncv TGY civOp&?rwv, b/3a?rr~apoic SETTL~V ~ a ~orqpiwv, i rai the w d i n g of pot; dition of men, washings of verseL and cups, and and cups : and mnny

- LT[T~]. d i h v T. 3. EIS into [L]TT~A. k i e e u a v TTrA. B ij+av~o LTTr. h + 671 that TTr. k iu8wvu~v they eat TTr. 1 + TOGS LTTrA. TOVTCWLV LA. an' LTrA. m -i p ~ p $ a v ~ o (9.ead verses 3 and 4 inparenthesis) GLlTrAW. n v ~ v often T. i r 8&7i LTrA. * 06 u c f ) t n a ~ o ~ uoivp.aeyrai crow 1TrA. t P - ~ arhrr/Gv T. i ~ aand LTTrA. i ' rcrvaic Wit11 defiled GLTTrA\Y.. - & r o ~ p t e e i sTTTL - 071 [L]T[T~A~ i?rpo+ti7(VUk LWrA. Y + 67b T . ' ' 0 Aabs 0 6 ~ 0 L. s -y&p for IiITrL b - ~ a a ~ r u p o .v.s..

aoreirr T[T~A].

ye do. other such likehe i n p th nuto thee well Ye reject the cornmandment of God thlbt ye may own tradition. Honour 10 For Nonos said, thy fath?r and thy mother ; and, Whono ~ ~ ~ t $ t f ife?:; ~ n $ death: 11 but yesay, If a shnu to hL father or niotter ~t W Coi:bbn, that is td a y , a glft by whatsoever thoulmightcst be proficed by u e ; he shallbefree. 12 And ye suffer him no more t o do ought for his father or his mother. 13 making tho word od

MAPKOE. VII, ciMa na dpoia roiagra noMd ~ o i e i r e . 9 Kai [Xaycv ~

"ther t o them,





ye do.

.Aud he said of God, that said, Honour

afir~ig, KctX3c
Well your traditiod

&Bereire rtjv bvroXrjv, rob J E o ~ , /njv ~ .~u

do ye set wide tho commanduent ye may observe. For 310~0s

napci80viv.6pijv rqpfiaqr~. 10 C M ~ ~ i j c h . y &eiirev, *'I'lpa p

thy father and thy mother ; let him die. and, Rewhosyo.tksovi1 of EUt SRY, is, If father 'bay a gil;,)

rbv.narQpa.aov~ an)v.pqripa.aov' m i , ' 0 I C ~ K O X O iraripa i ~GV

7j pqrfpa Bavciry reXe~~rciro., 'Y ~ i 62 Xiycre, 'Edv ~iirp 11 g
or mother by death

(iid3 ono^ TI?


t o fnther or

m r p i t j r+ pqrpi,

mother, m1 is] a corban, (that

Kop;3Zv 5 Lariv, EGpov,

12 draill oi~ririB S ~ E T E
nud no lougtr yc sl;i;er his morhcr, or

whateverfrom me,thoa mightest be profited by :-

"o.bdv hE tpoir

for his fnthm

tion, which ye have making void the word of God by your trnditiou which delivered: and many nap~B&mre- ~ a ira o oia i rota3ra nohXa ~oieire. such liko things dohai have deiiruod ; and ye ye I4 And he i [4things] %U& m y yo (10. called all the 14 Kai npoaraX~acipwo~~ fnhvrall dxXov, Aeyav. atroic,, rbv unto hi''8* he sai unto I h d having called to [him] all the crowd, he said t o t?.oru, them, Henrken nie every one o g'A~oirerEl1 f pov n h v r ~ c~ a hi ~ V ~ i15 oirJfv bar~v. i i w , ~ ~ ~ . " you ;here understand. and is nothing Hear ye mo, all, and undorntand: Nothing therek$romw;thfrom without a man, t h a t entering into him cau deAlo him: but the things whichcome out of him, those are they t h a t defile the man. nny man have earn t o hear, lot him hear 17 And when h0 was 'entered illto the house from the pooplr, hls disciples him conccrlling the parable. 18 h d he 6aith unto them, so without understanding also 7 Do ye not perceive, that whntsoeverthin from entcretf, into


% ;

;z$13 &~upoCvregrbv Xdyov roir Beoir r~.napn86aai.i~pGv

C ( ~ T ~0Y 8 ; ~ 6 roiijaai him nnything todo (lit. not.hing)

r@.xti~pi.~a6roirlI ry".p~lrpi-~utroir,II 7j

Bav. roir civBp6nov eiunop~~~dp~vov tic, atrdv, B


is able him,





which from

i ~ b r b ~oivGuai'~I v
him t o defile ;

but the things vhich defild


k 6 ~ ~ ~ p ~ &n'nliroir," f ( ~6p~v
go out the man.

16~~ivCjl' huriv

are thethings which


~orvoijvra (ivepwirov. l6 rbv

And when

If anyone


~ X E L (5m& K O ~ E L Y ,&KOVQTW.II have s u s t o hear, let him hear.

from the crowd, prable. derstanding hked

17 Kai 8.r~ eiaijXBev tic l' OIKOU

he went into n house conccruiug the 'his"discip1os

dirt rob ~ X X O V hnqp&rwvatrbv oi.paBt~rui.atrob Urapi r i ] ~ ,


mpaPoXij~.l~ rai Xiyet abroic, Ocrwg rai cpeig 18

And he srrys t o them, *Thus salso


'u y

6without '11n-

:i;lo;z. i t eutereth not


hara; Perceive ye not that everything whlch from W ~ E V E ; U Xenot.vo~ire iiri ircv TO $< Owithouc p~~dpeuov rbv civepwirov oi~.b6varai atrtv. ~ocy3anr; aig


1'9 Sri o~~.sia.rrope6crai ubrob ig T




is not able

~ U rapBiuv,



t o dciile ?


Out because It cntors not 'of )him 'iuto %he "hcnrt, but into the iuto the drnught purging all m c m l h'olXiavs i tic rtv ci9~8pGva m Lrnope6erai, PraOnpiCov" ncivra 40 And he mid, That v.hich cometh ollt of belly, and into the draught 6 o a out, purifying all pp&para. 20 'Eh~~ev.8i, "OrL rb d~ 703 ( i v e p 6 ~ 0 ~ the man, thnt dofileth the man. ''1 For i r o n A n d he said, T h a t which o t t of the ulnu within, &t of tho the iOOd' hoprt of men, proceed ~ K T O P E V ~ ~ E IVKO ~ Y O~ o i ~ rbv (ivepwn~v. 21 SUWBEY.~C~,O E~ , oi evrl thoaghts, ndulthnt deElcs t h e man. For frolu within teries, furtlications, forC1l' murders, 22 thcfrs, r j l ~rup8iac. rGv av8p&irwv oi 8taXoyiapoi oi rah-oi ;Keovetvusnoss, wicked- out of the heart of men 'rensouings led go


rropeirovrai, Ipoix~iai,~opveiai, $6~01,28 rAo.;rai,I1~ X E C U ndnlteries, fornicntionq, ~lmrdcr*. thefta, covcro~is 8 a6roi' (,.cud LhlsJ)LTTrA. f n d h t v itgun tTTrA. g h ~ 0 6 u a LTTrA. ~i h wve~e LTTrA. i K O ~ V & a h~ L T. U 6u ;l( 70; & V ~ ) ~ W ~ ? O V m verse 16 y[yr.\J. 1 ixeive ~ [ T r l . c~noprvdpeiw. from the Snau g0 out LTTrA. P ra6crpi4wv t'i'rrq o 7jlv r r a p a ~ o h i p the parable L'& T& 4 ~ b tlic (house)T. v P aopueiar, ~konai, +6voc, y orxciac
c nIwiiofls L r r r a w .


- ~ aI.TT~[A]. i

VII. ~Eiai, rovqpiai, 8dXoc,

dexires, wiclrednosses, gulle, blnrrp cmy, evils haughtiness, go forth,

MARK. dahXyeia, b$OaXp3c royqph~,

licentiousness, foll~: :m cye


@haz$,gpia, 6r~pq)auia, dppou6vns 21 sdvra rn8ra r& ?rovrlpG Eaweev irrope6~rai, riri
fr~m within
KOLUO~ rbv

man. borders

deceit* InariviOUSUCRS, a n evil cyc blasphemy, prido,fooi! ishnea: 23 nli those evil things defile the within, andcome from


and defile


24 IKdi br~ieevn dvaurcic

And thence of Tyre nnd Sidon;

cisijXeeu clc rd a p ~ e d p ~ azd a n d from thence n

the house, no one

into the' bordorn of e r e a+ Sidon, aud entered into nn house, u d would have no W<B~X~u" -yvOvat, rai o i t ~ . = l j b ~ j e q ~ Xae~iv. 25 ~&ro6aaaa man know it: but he wished to know [it], and he could not be h i d *Having .heard he could not be h i d 25 For a ceriain wordp"~vlj r e p i atro5, E ~ X E rb.0~ ~TPLOV-airrjjc 5 p a V rv~ man whose young for #a swoman about him, of whom .had 'her Tittle Jdaughter s spirit dnudhter had tLn unclean npirit, heard of ci~ciOaprov, *bXBoCaa" r p o a h r ~rpbc ~ ~ ~ rod~.rd6ac.airroC. h im, and cnmo and fell unclean, having come fell at his feet, a t his f w t : 26 tho WO26 a$v.68 t j 'EMqvic, bZvpo$oivtaaa~lr$ ylvel* rai. man was n Greek, & ~ ~ ~by nn~ (now 'the' woman a Greek, Syrophenicinn by ram), and tion ;and she beso~tght him thnt he \ ~ o u l d ipcjra airr^ov 'Iua rb Gaipdviov CBr/3ciMgU 1; rijc Qv ar bc forth the devil e him that tho demon heshould cast forth out of d u u g f t e r out of ller drughtcr.

T6pov trai ZidGvoC". rai E ~ ~ E X O L ; ~.rdv" oiriav, otslva sic

and hnvingcnteredinto

having risen up he went awny iuto the


atnjc. 27 db.6~.'Iqao5~ elnev~~t r t , " A ) ErpOrou Xoprada ~

'her. ficd But Jesus the children; for not and said good t o her, Suffer t o take first the

t o bo antis- first be filled : for it

Bijvai rE risva. ot.ydp CraXdviariv" XaP~ivrbv ciprov r 3 v c

is it
dogs. children,


to take

risvwv, rai fpaX~iv roic kvvapioi~.V8'H.Gi cinerpi8t) rai

cast [it] t o the Lord ; But she answered under t o him, Yea, for even the little b)gn

bread of t h e the tchildrcn'aunto the and o cnst it and him, Yes, Lord :


the 2 s under the ren's crumbs. 29 And Of the r p a ~ i th6a8ie~" r b rOv +ixiwv rOv raibiwv. 29 Kai E ~ T E Vhe anid unto her, For ;~~ & table eat of the crumbs of the children b d he s&d this w i u g go thy way ; the dcvil IS (one aLre, AicE T O ~ T O Vrbv Xdyov ijraye0 iSeXilhveev 'rb Jai- out of t h y deuaator. to her, Bccnuse of this word go ; has gone forth the derbv found the devil govu p.'Aviov hr rij6.8vyarpd~.aov.u 30 Kai &ne/\eoiiaa mon out oL thy daughter. And having gone away t o Out and laid uponher dark6h* the bad.

hlye airrd, Nai', xipie' mi.Kydpl

rvvd ,a $noxdro rjjc


ol~ov.atrijc, etpev kri, Ju~pdviouEFeXqXvedc, rai ~ l j v QVYQher house, she found the lnid on the demon bed. Sidon, hadgoneforth, and the

dnughS1 And again dopart

ripa PePXrlpQuqvhri rjjc rXivqc.u


31 Kai ?rdXiv iEeX0hu

he cnme to %U bpiwv of the borders
the sea

hr rOy bpiwv T6 ov lcai X L ~ G V O ~from the .loa~ts ing , oj

And agnin hnvingdepnrted from the borders of 8yze and

baov Galilee, through thc through [theymidst midsb Of the coasts Decnpolis. 32 And thej Ac~nsdX~uc.32 rai $hpovaiv ahr$ K W $ ~ U bring unto him out of Decapolis. And they bring to him s dcnf men t h a t was deaf 3 a n lmpedimcnt i n hir OpoyiX~Xov," rai ?raparaXo~a~v atrbv 'Iva brie$ speech ; R U they b e ~ t h a t he might lay soech him t o put hi1 who spoke with diflculty, and t h t y beseech him handupou him. 3 3 h d air$ 77jv x~ipa. 33 rai ci~oXapdpevocatrdv cisb rolj h e took hini asidc fi'om on him m s ] hnnd And having taken away h i from t h e the multitudo, and +)?dkvU mnpbgll rljv 6hXaabav rjjc raXiXaiac, &v&
of Galilce, r'E~e;Btv 62 T& a bpra LTPr. t r a i ' P t 6 J v o r TA. 7i)v (read a houso) LTTrAW, Ij8iAquev T. tj8uvduOq T. ? &AA9.&B39 &xo$uaua but immediately h a v i n hoard A . r;crch8oiuabaving c o m e i n T . Zvpa 6 4 6 i y u r i l 4 v LT1 7 y u r i 62 j v P. rxficiAg GLTTrAW. da, fmwirtruua G ; ~ u p o ~ o ~ v i ~ tLTW ; Z 6 p a @ o t v i ~ r u u Tr& czua a eheyrv and he s a i d LTTrA. iurbv K ~ O L m r & Y f 70%Kuva iors BaAeiv w r L g y,& k 7b r a r G r o ~ for [L]w~. hiueio~u~v A W . L ~ i S +C 0vya~pd.s u r b ~ a r ~ 6 v r TA. % o ov 1 I)ABtv Sri ( t h e child) Befihvp'vov irri 7i)v r h l y v ~ a r i darp6vrov i(eAqAu0ds LTP~A. b ~ aaud LTTr. i P~6;voc he ciime t h r o u g h Sidon LTP~A. cis u t O GLlTrA. gOy'yu\aih~ Tr.

ere c a u ~ eand the aen h' unto of


put hi r i n r 1 : t nhs c.lrs, nnd o spit an& t o ~ t c h dhL tongue; 34 tnild laokin~: to U hcavcn i sigtcd, m and n tlOtO him, a b Ephphntba, that is Be opcnok 35 ~ n s r m i g h t r y . h h enrs was.@ and the ~trinp.ct I& tongue N W, m d he phrie % & & h e them that Qby should tell no . u b r bat the more he &t& them so much nore n great den1 published it: $# m d were beyond luan, astoniqhcd, He hath dono things ~ ~ c l lho : d t h both thc deaf to hesr and the dumb

VII. VIII. MAPKOZ. GXXov ~ar'.;~i'av, l'@nXev roir~.EarrbXov~.P~16ro~'~ Lra rd

crowd 'his, nynrt, ho put his fingers his tonguo, to 'cars

ci6roir, xai ~ r 6 a a g *$are rig-yX&uuqg.airroir,34 r a t . civaand hnring spit hc touched thc heavon and, having

PXi$ns e i ' ~ .rhv p6pavAv IurtvaSev, rni Xhyei ahr$, 'E$$aB(i,

d looked up to thnt is, ears, rtglltl~. But us much as hegronned, and And immediately says t o him, were ope'ued Eyllyhathr, his

S.iariv, A[avoi~6rlri.35 Kai qe66iwSU rJqvoi~B!~uav'l aCro4


ai rirzoai, ~ u i iX66q d Beuphe r i j ~ . Y X 4 u u ~ 6 r o , EXriXec rai

nnd was loosea tho band Aud he he charged them them chrzged, of his tongne, that and he s p h

6 ~ 9 3 s .36 rai 8i~areiXaroairroic 'Iva pqbevi t ~ L ~ ~ u i v . U

110 ono they should t c l t

6uov.68 vairrbg" airroig 8iear~XXero~ wpGhXov n~piuudrepov

exceedin:: mole abundantly they were ndtonizhed, enf saying,

'\Vcll and

37 lcai 6nep?repiuuGc i ~ ~ . r r ~ ~ ] a a X6yovreg, ovro,

he mnkcs t o hew,

they proclnimed [it] : and nbove mensuro

KaXGg ~ h v m~ e ~ o i q r f v ' 7 0 6 ~ rai ~w$o;g .?roiei (itcodeiv,

*all %hings 'he 'has =done: both the the dumb t o spcak.

t o d
VIII. I n those days

~ a xro6~'1 i ciX6Xovc XaXeiv.

the multitude being In those days very great [the] crowd being, ver great and having i $ciywatv, r o a c a X ~ a c i ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ "i'Jqeat, Jesus ~ a plj bxdvrwv ri 'Jr called his disciplen apd n o t having what they mny eat. k a v i n g %alled *to [[him] unto him and saith r~irg.paBqrcic-~airroii" atioig, 2 XrAayxvitclpa~ Xiyet aato the& 2 I h a ~ eaoGgU he says t o them, I am moved withcou~pmssion his disciples compassion on the SUB multitude because rpeic ?rpoapf.vovaiv Cpoi,U b i rdu BxXov* Sn 48q b$pipac" a the h a d now been 'three they continue with me wi& me three days on the crowd, because already 'days m d have nothing td i ci~oX6uw aCroirc eat: S and it I send ~ a odr.iXovoiu ri ~ciywoiug3 nai hdv have >lot what they may eat ; and if I shall bcnd away them them awa fasting t o and their own Kouses, they dmjurerg" otov.a6rGv, b~AvO?ja~vralrg hd~;e~iu2c.ydpa tv nibl faint by the way: to thcir homc, they will faint i n the way ; for some lor divers of them issting tune from far. 4 And aC.rGu parpd6av gijraaiv." 4 Kai cirerpiQ~~aav $ oi pa6qatr his disciples answered And =answered *him 'discihim. From whence con of theln from afar are come. a man satisfy tllese rai atroG, hlT68~v ~odrot,$8vviaerai TLS xoprCiuat men with b m d here plw 'hia, Whence 'these 'shall 'be *able 'aIfyone shere to snti-fy In the wilderness ? b And he asked thcm. oipiov br'.hpqpiac ; b Kai 'irqp4ra" aCroC~, IIlaovg How man loares have with bread In a desert ? Aud he wked them, Howmany l h a v e y e el they mid L v c e 6And h e! oi sovs ; Oi.8f kelnov,"'Em&. 6 Kai 'rapljyyeiX~vti 7$ mnnded the people to '&.vr? Andthey W 4 Sevea And he ordered the crowd dt Cooan on the mound: m d he took civareaeiv b ~ rii j g yij~' ~ a iXa@Av ~oirg Crroi ciprovc, the seven loaves, and to mi a ln 4n $he ground. And huving taken the seven loaves, thanks, md t nai 'iva f,"Ze and gave t o his m e t ~ a p i o n j a a ~ X a a ~ v h8i8ou r~i~.~aOilraig.aCroir, discipies to w t m o r e having given thanks he broke and kave t o hi8 disciples, that them' and they did n n a p a 8 & f i ~ * 1 1 ~ a i ~rapieqkau* r$ 6xh 7 cai set them before the l a 7 And they they might set before [them]. And they eet [it] before the crow$ bnd n a few small fishes: q8~l.lrev rapam d he blessed, and OalxovU i~8681a dXiya* reai PS ~irXo~rjaac e o m m d e d t o wt they had emall L h a a few ; aud having bleesed he desired 90'be 'set

'Ev hxeiuaiC.rai~.7jpipai~ ~raprdXXovl' GxXov Cvrog,

netting t:



E? "'



i)voiyquav - e6Olwt - ai)&r (read h e charged) - a 6immediately T. ~O (read [his] fingers) Aiywo~r r ~ . m 6 no robs r & + a t r o i they - -(readmthe disci r6Aivm.M o 8 againpgreat LW. --'Iqles) b ikd at poc o o ; ~G L ~ A W .


L ~ A . L ~ A W .


UWIA. yriyrrc T. rrai 7tVES and'aome 1 isb from (afar) m ~ 8 j r o v u c EW ; etotv are A. h h 6 1TrA. ia A . k efnav TrrA. 1 sapay. ho orders LTWA. I . [ ~ a i and L ] rapart0biuiv TTTL 0 efxav LTP~L ) . 7a*a tl~eee L ss elncv wapa.rc8+ac wa' a6rb L ;aim& r efnev ~ aT&TQ s a p a r t O i Y a ~ i n; ahi u c r p i b ~ e v set these before [them] TA. he

Q ~ O ;

a ~ r r r ~ w .


*before['them] 'also 'these.

MARK rai ai~rri.~ r~~n~ov.Bill ipprriaOrjuav. 8 mi

And thcy ate and were satisfied



were filled: nud they UpOf t" broken arn c'rrdl su~vpis*ac." iraav.64 9 .jjpav ~ ~ p ~ a a e 6 p ~Xnapcirwv they took up 'o,er +and5above 'of 'fragments seven bsskots. And 'were seven bnskets. 9 Aud left jS rai they toi pa y r i v r ~ c ~ (rerpariaXi~to;. ciriXvaev air~oG~. thst had 1those2whoJhnd *earon Bbout four thouuanp ; and he sent %way 'them. ~ b ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ t r n i g h t w a And immediately havlngenteradinto the ship with adiac@les he entered into P @hi oi * h d i r i p e s , d a$roi, 6 ~ ~ rdl piptl ~ d p a v o v f % ; 11 kai igijX&Jof. e tw &intonthelPMts pf 4x *out, %the e ~~d 'hi, he came into fhe p a d of Dalmanutha. Dalmanutha. 11 And aapiaaioc C&; ~pEavro x a v ~ q r ~ i va h $ , Cqro;vrec rap' the Pharisees came u 'Pharhcas nnd began to drspute with h h , seeking f r a question with him, and &gnn ahroir aqp~iov&;rb 705 O ~ ~ C L V AOE ~, ~~L. ? ~ O W E ~alirdv. 12 m i soeking of him a ajgn him a bign from the heaven, tempting him. from hesven temptr him. 12 +d?ie ayh% hvnur~,,cifn~ ~$-rl,e&pan.abro3 Xiy~t, Ti t j . y ~ l ~ c d r . n ~ ~ m hrs aprrtt deeply having groaned in his spirit he snys, Why %his .'gitncration and snith, Why dot; this generation nwk Vcqp~iovInifqrei ;l1 cipdv Xhyw '6piv,'' ei.800 jaerui ry after a sign? verily I *a 'sign 'seeks ? Verily I sup )o you, If there shall be given s:ry unto you. There shell no sign be given y~ve@.ra;rv aqpiiov. 13 Kai ciqeic i r o 6 c , abp/3dc unto this geoer~tioe to thin generation a sign. And hnving left them, having entered 13 And ha left them, aud entering into the ?rJXivH ~ i S d ~ i o v l l Cl~ljXeev r i ~ zipav. b ri) rb ship ngain depwted to again into the %hip he went away to the other side. the other uide. 14 14 Kni intAcieo;ro XaP~iv ci rove, K U ~ ei+7) gva (i IOU had Now the disctpler forgotten to take And they forgot to take k v e a , ' &nd except one bread neither hnd

l 0 Kai v ~ i 6 6 w ~ dppdlcW "

t b rhoiov per& r3vpa6qrGv

" i


them, uying,

they had not [any: with

pe8' iotlriv i v

T$ in the

rrhoiy.. 15 m dtrariMtro i
ship. And

'he chnr@d

they more thuu with them 'hip one l o s t 15Andhechnrgcd

airroic, Xf ywv,'Opiira, c/3X6rfr~ rijc C6pqc &va @a iuaidu (inb

ofHerod. t&o heed of the leaven of the

b~?~glotT;~ l a v a of th. P h i ~

xai rijc 6 6 f i ~' H hs*ov. 16 Kai GuXoyiCovro :

and of the leaven saying,

knOningCitl bread. 17 And when Jarus knew it, he sritb O ' I q o o ~ ~ "y e a t r o i g T i diaXoyiCraOe $71 dprovc U mntotha,wbmMu Jesus mays to them, Why reason ye h u r w , loaves xe, b e c o w ye have no Because loaves "not lwe 'have.

&X$Xovj;, dAiyovr~c,H" O n ciprovc otr e 2 ~ o p ~ v . n Kai yvodc 17

And they reasoned

n t h one another, p - 0 4

~ ~ aeong


$2 1

&ere ;

'ye %are ? Do ye not jet' pcrrceive nor understand 7

~XETE rn)u.kap6iav.6p61'; haveye yourheart?


068~.mviete; gdrrk ~ ~ n w p w p b v ~ v brd1,yt-g::

Yet hardened

O ~ . @ ~ T E T E ; heart yet hardened? h f * do P not see 7 not and eyes, lee ye 18 Baring rai &ra !xcbrec oG~.ClroCere; lcai ob.pvt)pov~~aro;19 ;re hear ye not? and d; and ears haring, do ye not hear 7 and do ye not remember? Wben e not remember? 9 When I brdte the rode xivre ciprovc ircXaaa Irevrarru~iXiov~,r&ovc five loaves among five h 51-0 thousnnd, how many thouunnd how mv11y the five loaves I broke to the basketa &l1 of fragKO ivovc 'TA$ 1 ,rcXaupirwv+ ~ are; A6yovarv atrG, ments toor ye up? hm baskets fuc of fragment. too ye up) They aay to him, They say unto Bim Twelve. Ahs*tnca. 20 "OTE?~~" imdl 6ic 7 0 4 ~ r06c rerpa~ru~iXiovc, l sevm20 And rid ~ e amongfour 'Twelve. And when the m e n t o the four thousand, thousand, how many bnskets fall of frag~ 6 u w vum~piJwv ?rhqpDpara~Xauptirwu $pare; =Oi-81 ments took ye =p) of how many basketd Lthe] fillingcl of eagments took yo up? d n d thep And they said Seven. a1 h he seld oat0 ~ n d d ~ o v , ~ 21 Kai Arytv atroic, nr13cll OoGU uuviere ; 'Errci. them, it that mid, Seven. And he mid to them, How 'not 'do y e anderstand ? ye do not l

18 dq6aXpoiy rxovres



eic TO&^


@upisas L. - oi 4 a y 6 r n s (re@ and they were) q T r & , + [a$&] he ar&pr?v L'ITrA. 3 o q ~ c h LTT~A. v [BCtv] A. ff6.A~~ L'J3rA. -andLTrW ; Lets- + w r r Tr ;- rig 7b rrAoiovr (read h;rw LT~A. mAoiov] having enlbarked) TA. c d '-b'IqvoCg (readTrA+;.[*ail L.+ [&tow] LT&& L.L ~+AI&.rai A+ , o 19~ hthey @ A+vvw ' r r A ~ he T[Tr)l. IT. au &~v LmrAW. [bij rtar T. loaves m t v T;
~ a ;+ayov b







P ~ ana they say to him a. G

- Ilk T&

0 . w ~ ~

not yet L




drvnfiXi$ag CXFYEV, B X ~ X O 0 6 ~ V ~ P ~ T O I I ~ , BEvdpa r ~ '871 I'illlll*n!4rin 'libon having looked op 110 said, I b h o l d the men, lli* e p s , nnd I I I ; L ~ O for U tree4 l~illrlook I I ~ :nnd he 3 p J 1 ?r~p~?raro~vrfi~. Elra T ~ X ~ 'ini6+]rcvU T ~ C 26 V 'v#', ra*corell, and I sec [them] walking. Thcn again he laid pn i] m1 ovrry oliril cleilrly 1w 0 Alld he seub h i d xtfpnc )xi ro6s.~peaX+od~.cr6ro~, 'inoiquev airrdv h a - , 1 rni n'v:ry to iiia house, i ~ ~ n g l e upon his eyes, 'and made him look riyirip. N14cl1or illto the town, nor /3XQ$c1i.I1 rni wcino~ar~urciOlt," xlvB,6X~$av~rqAnvui;ru rai id to a l r ~ the tor,vp, up. in And he wna restored, and , looked 'on Ialenrly
t'b \ f ~ l * tllat IIO put r

eth to 22 Kni P ; p ~ ~ meiS B,18uni'b&v'~ i t $hgou"aiv a6rG n Xdv, t" i l Brthshi~ln nn% they * A n i ho cornus t o Bethsnida; and they bring to Wul I Lid bring n1,li;d u l n n u u : ~ him, ant1 heaought hiiu rni ?rapa~aXoGuiv airr:Jv 'iva airroir i;#qrar. !23 ral to tollcht,im. 23 Iir took tllc blilld nlIln and beseech him thnt him he urighl touch. "Y tllo hnn8, ;md Iscl; i7icXa/3d ~ E V O E [ ~ r Xoij qLEil+yaycvll a6rhv hlnr ollt of the towti of tlie hand of the b k d [man] hn led forth him nu4 n III-u he hnd api G ''l liin nlld Illlt 5Fw rqg , K ~ ; I rai , n d u n c tic rd.+ ~s a~n.airro3, QniOeic b r i n g laid out of lie viilrrgc, imp having spit up-~n k se p , 011Wllt. 24 And heloolirdS ~~i~~~ a&r@ a$rbv 71 rPXirEl,II 24 rai 'IIII'II :l* tl'wu, \v:~II(i~ig:[his] l linids upon him he naked him if anything he h e h o l b h d







'iinavrac. 9
all rymg,


2 rai cinEur~iXev ccBr3v

And he nent. him


h & house,

,Aby,wv, b1\1~6211 n j v rhpqv eir rivi bv ry' r3tip.Y

t o a n r one i n the' viliage.


cpqJ2 ~ i ~ p c
nor mayeat tell [It]

Neither into the. village mryeat thou enter,

27 Kai ~ C @ ~ E V i, 'Tquoijc rai oi.paOqrai.airro3

Philippi. And by the way he was quertionlng 27 And J e a w went n6ea of Ca*ruea out, and hie Risciplea, r06c-pae~)r&~.aljroir, into th? of XCywv dairroic;l' Tiva hfyovutv 01 Cmsarea Pl.iliyi~i nnd : his disciples, saying t o them, Whom me 'do apronouncr t~s;;~~p;;~;: tivat; 28 0i.h cd?r~xpi&luav' crwriwqv rovpanunto them 1yhom do t o be? And they an-wdred, John the Bnp men *ay t h s t 1 a m ? r i u n j ~ ' rai 6XXoi h'H\ iav*" aiXXoi.di iba1I ri;v.npo$qrGv. 28 And BR List: bUi John they nnswwed tist ; and others, Pliaa; but others, one of the propherd.

y e

And 'went =forth



hh dinciylw

into the

rdc r3-


Kcruap~iac'rijcOiAi~nou*, i v r e l& xai




Rome artv. lflina ;find

29 Kai n c d c kXkyei hirroic,!l

he uys t o them,

a n t o them But whom tAat I a m ? to be? = *Answering ,'and answereLh Pekr says t o him, Thou am tho C h n o t . t and naith unto him, 30 Kni irati t uev airroic fva pq8avk "X6 wuiv" nepi m o u a r t the ChristAnd M atrict&h6rged them t h a t w one they axould tell con*srninp 30 And he chnrged t h e p that they should ahroir. 31 Kki .IjpFaro Gcdciursiv atrodc Sri zh v toll no mnn of him, hirn. And he began t o teach them t h a t t t h upcannary for the 31 And he began t o tench therd, thirt the vi3v rdi; ~ ~ v O ~ D T O V o ~ ~ i z aaeeiv, rai cino~oreipaueijva~ n Son of mnn must ~ u f f e r of man , many thinga t o suger, and to be r e j e c t d many things, and be i apaypap~iarkwv, tcar rejected of the elders, Ocinbli7 t h n;oeu,8vripwvrai ~ d r p ~ r ~ p~ L v i nnd ofthe chief priests, of the elder4 and chief priestd and scribe+ nud and scribes and be 1 killed, and :hr three aromavf3~var,i P E T & r 7 tjpipac dvaur?jvrtr. m ~ 32 m i dnysrisengrrin. 32And t o be killed, and after t R d e ;'day8 t o rise [ngain]. b d he ~pnkothat aa 'ng ~ a ~ ~ rdv kiyovqihdhti. Kai rrgofiapdp~vo( qBairrdv And ~ u i took t i m , and hegnn openly the word he spoke. And a aving taken btu [%in11 *him

Aiycra ' aic-62 riva pr Y I k r ye, whom k e .do *ye .sprvnonnce ~Zvai; ' ~ ? r o r p inldill$~ l e ~ ~ IIbrpoc xi ye^ atr& Xd.d b xpiardc.



P Zpxovrac t h e y c o m e LTTrA. beholdest A. &S SCv6pa O.

r /3Aintrs t h o u 8cipAeJlev he &?W distluctly n r h . W i n t ~ a r e u r i h :b n r ~ a r i u q L l v d ~ h e w c v ~ A . Y SqAavyGc T L . S drama all t h i n g s L ~ A W . rbv GcTTraw. b'p* ]lot T. c K J W ~ [a6roic] ~ r . T. d h 'HAciav T . f aGi4 Adyovng t o h i m saying Lmrtqd' 8 k' TA. e h a v spaka TA. m 8; LTTrA. 1 aai nlld L. k J r q p h r a a6roJg asked tklcm LTTrA. 1 6rr cl$ LTTrA. Yb b Udrpos ahbv LmL R* -pTGY of the OLTZrAW. ginuuy L. f i esrb by LTTrAW.

P j & v e y ~ c v he iOv~tv TrA.


brought f o r t h mrr.

.... +

he tU1.nEd abou and lookrrd on i8Av r03~.pa8qrd~.atroir, inaripqaav *r+l1lllrpy, ' X ~ y w v b","];eda$;2: ,~ hi# dbckph, ~bulied -W L Q-ac thee behind me *T.raye bniao pou, aarnvii' bri ot.$povaic rd 8 s t m : for thou S$ C)& bahind me, Satan, for thy thoughtrr are not of the thint & h i ~ ~ roir 6~03, d T& T ~ civ6phnw~. m V the( thingrr that 'be d men. of God, but the things of m e n 34 Kni npoaxaXrahpevoc rbv dxXov &v ro?c paeqra$ ,,hen he And having called to Chfm] the crowd with called tho peo le unto crtroc elrev ahoig, t"Oaricll~ ~ X b?rioopov '&6eiv,' 6na aluqhes~id gisciph E L him w t hb ih untothem, h he said t o them, Whosoever d r i r u after me t o come, Xhossne Mu vrla6a6w iavrdv, rai hp(irh tAv.oravphv.abro5, tni after me, let him deny hlu dolly hirnself, and let him take up his croem, and himneU and take up hia cr& and follow dxohovgeirw pot. 35 8c.ydp.";~" 86Xp r1;v.$~ $v.atroir m. (SFbr whosoever let him follow me. For whoercr may desire hElite will save hia I l k shall lone i t . but whosoever &&at, (iroX6u~i a6njv' Zg.J'.Av x(i?roX1.ap'l r?jv.~&v~$v-at~oijl~ his life ~hvll to ravj, shall lone it, but whoever may lone his hfe m sake and the OSthe B A b)Yxev ipoit rai roi) e h yehiov, '06rocn aDa6i a6njv. peT1s,it. 36aame ~~ hU. t save For on account of me and of the g d t i d i n g s , he akll uve it. ahall it profit r man if he &all gains thg 36 ri.ydp lh$~Xrja~iil 6 ~ 6 p 'Idv ~ep8hag" b w ~ ~ ~ ~dapovwholePrrorld and lea For what Lull it profit n man if he gnin the 'world his own sod1l S Or
'Peter him. But he, torniDg

VIII, I X . d IIlrpocu


t rebuke h m 33 But o i.

4LEaron iriripqiv g ~ torebuke

a6rd. 38 6.61 tniarpa$cic ~ a c



Aov ~cai dl;rlpiw6jllr$v.+vx$v.a6roir ; 37

'whole and 'a man loso



hla w n l ?

tiv6pwro~~~ dvr(iX\aypu
CrdJ an exchange
may hirre been a-hnmed of me and the adu:teroua

shtJl 'give r i j e . ~ ~ ~ i ~ . a h88o 8cyhp-f av U r ~'; for his soul? For whoever my words

in e what x c h aoman give for h . i soul P 58%osoever therefore W be ahmed me and d my w o r b in thu a-


p ka; roir~ e 1poirc Xdyovc bv +-yavr@.rai~rg~

in thL gcperatlon
also the Son


ihe ,gon d the




q poixahidi *li dpapruhy', xai 6 aiAc roi, ( i v j ~ j i~ v ; i ~?

and siuful,
labnYlal of

ot'lacratabrdv. 3mv
him the ~ n g e b 'be

Ap B

when lie shnllcome h the glory

iu T$ 6dSg roij.xarpoc.airoir
of his Father

of hi. Father wit!


I say

perd rcjv ciyy6Xwv rdv dryitov!



g Kai rXeyev atroic, ' A dv, m a t there be some d

ha snid t o them,
standing, kingdom which bhall not tnate U ~ ~ K ~ TO W T I, V of ~ ~ V C death, tilfthey b e who

X r i l j them that stand here,

wen the lu G I O oome ~

hiy@ irpiv, 5.r~ cioiv rivig gr3u cj8al1 ~

I lay to you, That thum are aoluo of those here
until L n n o ~ i w s h a l l t u t e ofdeath theysee ye&awvrar Bavfrou k'wc-ilv i8warv njv $aaiXaiav .roii

in power. 'aix

wkt i % %

dOod having come


Oeou 1XqXvhiav tv EVV(~C(EI.

,,a-sk Jes~ls taketh wilh htm ndrpov rni 'rbvl'' I f ~ w p o v c r ikrbvu'Iw(iwqv, cai dva$Cpat Peter, and Jamea, and ~ Peter and Jamea and John, and brings up J o b and lwdeth them n into a n hi airroitc a i ~ 6poc ir+q~bvrai-iaiav pdvovc- rcai prrepop- moolltePn a p r t them into a 'mountain 'high apart alone. And he was t r u - themselves : nnd he waa t r ~ n a 5 thbq ipnpoaeav a6r3v, 3 rai rd.ipcirta.alroir l i y i ~ ~ rfore them. ~ll tguretI r e them; and his gPrmcnt6 became raiment became &iniug, excseding white aziA/3ovra, Xavxd Xiav ~13v,"oTa yva a3c 'lai rijc as snow ; so no M&Ul white e=CF.edb& M EllOWl 6uCh u a$PEZ' O n th0 h ' 0 n whi%

B Kai hp~8'11 i p a i iL napah~p/36var ip

tnkea with


d '1qaoi)c TAU

' ~ aAi ~ Cand 80yS TTrA. L * Ei.74~ any One LTr. If dqohOVBeiv to idv WrA. a lnohiuer Shrill lose TTTA. r icrvroc + u ~ i ) v GTrW. a o h o r OLTTrAW. &$eAeidoes it pro& T. A b + ~ b the (man) L T ~ [ A ] W . v p i * {qprwejvac to lose TA. TL y e 60i BvBpwnor (read tor wkt,&cC ~) eTTrB;eat to gain TA. ri yQ ~BAuerBv9pwnos] A. U L r Sac 7wv h per&L W i 7bv W, 70, OLTriL iyivov70 LWAW. m h XL& R L follow O T T ~ A W .



%J K" "h"i, ,a


they weretdkingwith Jesua 5 And Peter movered and said to

them. 4 h 4 there yjjg o f .6bvurai r p a d unto them with M ~ ~ earth is not: able ~ ~

MAPKOB. Xevr;vai. 4 rai 5$Oq afroiCO ' H X / a c n

t o whiten. And 4appcnred 'to ethorn


'EUu %th

Jesus. And 'answering Jesus, Master i t is b.fIlrpoc Xby~i r(ilIquoG, r'Paj3pi,ll raXdv iurtv rjplig 6 8 8 good for us to here: lPeter t o Jesua, Rabbi, good ! is for a s here i and let us make three tabernacles. one for ~ ~ v arai roi$bwp~v ' u k q ~ &rp~i't,~ l' ~ uoi piav? ~ a PM"i thee, and to be ; and let ua make Sabernaclea 'three, for the0 one, and for X* sea, and one for Elirra. 6 Borhe wistnot whut U?'piav, rai piav. 6 0f.yd ri vXaXljag"' to forth lere one, and *or des one, For he k e n not whnt he should my, mre e'irdd. ~ n d there was a cloud that wljualt.ydp ir$oPoi.I1 7 ~ a iyivero ve$kXV i r t u ~ t i htovua mrshadawetl them : for they were g+ently afraid. And there came a cloud overshadowing and a voice came out of t h e cloud, sa ng, atroig: rai x ; j X B ~ ~$WV$ i t rig ve QXqg, ~" IXEyovua,"O5rd~ This Y m becved them ; and there came a v a i a out dUr c k d , uying, Thi. Son :hear 8 And mddenly, when they ~ U T ~ Y d.uidg.pov i) ciyarqrdc. *ahro3cikot;re 8 Kai &&7rtva " had looked round air my Son the beloved : 'him 'hear vye. And suddenly bout they aaw no man a y Lore saTe Jenul oitr8ri.of66va ~TGou,'AMd" ~ b 'IquoGv v only d t h ' themselves. no longer any one they saw, but Jesus $ And as they came down from the moun- pdvov peg 6pvr3v. 9 bKarapbtvdvrwv.8~~~'atriiv ro3 Cciri)" tain he charged them alone with thernselven. And as 'were 3desasnding 'they from the ~ ~ n Spov~GteuraiXaro a f r o i ~ ~ ~ ~ Fva pqb~vi dSiqyjlu~vrat B ~ el~ ~ i thr had aeon, till t i e mountain he chnrged them that to no one they should relate whnt they

~l\lwaei,~~4aav qavXhaXoCvr~c~ 'InaoG. 5 m &rorcprt)sip rai 2 S M ~ ~ , they were talking with and


d. m

from the dead. 10 And the kept that saying wdthemse~...quentioning one wit11 nuother what tke risin from the dead shouli mean 11 And they asked him, Why asp. the scribes l ewered and told them, Elias verily cometh &at and restoroth all thin'gs ; and how it ia m i t t e n of the Sonat mnn, that he lxlust auiter many things and be set a t nought: 13 But I say unto you, That EUW is indeed come and they have done'unto him whatrroover they listed, as it is written of him.



dov,ll ei.pd Srav d vibs 705 drv6pcjnov

except when the Son


V E K ~ ~ ~


be riseL

(vauri. 1 mi rhv Xhyov ( ~ p 6 ~ a r p b ( (avro6t 'uu&0 &v

And that saying what they a d d

of man

from among [tho]


r o i r v r ~ ~ ~ huriv rb ~i
tioning And


EK~ the Yrona 3among [%he] VVend ; Y dvaa~fjvac. 'riaing. saying, That 'my Ithe 'am% anawering


they kept

among themselves,


11 Kai irqphrwv afrdv, Xkyovre6., F'Ort" Xkyovutv g oi ypa

him, that Elias must oome first? And he E ~ ? E V " h o ? ~L'HhiaSU a , lp~vll iX6hv ~pijrov, m asid t o them, Elfindeed having come first,

parei~Sri h'HXiavll 6ei iX6eiv rpcjrov ; 12 '0.62 iciro~pi6eip (i~~~a~i

redtom of man

rhvram ~ a ri G g
all ,, thinga ; and 1Ya 7roXXct

~QypanraiQri vibv TOE 73v

the Son


how i t h ~ been written of a

that maup things he should suffer and be let at nought :

h i


rai oRiEov6evw6~.fl &id XSyw 13

and they did t o him whrtsPer


rai k'HXiagll iXljhvOev, ~ a inoiqaav a6rG i

Elias hnn come,


to you, that also

14 And when he they desired, ss i t has boen written of him. came to h b disciples, 14 Kai qahQ&v" rpbc r06g pa6qrd~' " 1 8 ~ ~ " 970Xi)v he saw a greet multitude about them and And hnving come to the diaciplos he saw a crowd 'great the scribea questidniu '"af $ . rai arith them. 16 b n a ?rap; a6rol;g.'rai ypappareip s a u v ~ q r o ~ v r a ~ "r ~ i 13~ straightway all the aro1,nd them, aud ncribes discussing with them. And o Le, when they beEl8 him were greatly v a ~ i t O & ~ E l ln ; ~ d~Xog d wai6AvK aairrbv xahF~6ap/3+6q,hai amazed, )snd running immediately all tho crowd ~ e e i u g him were greatly amazed, and

P'~BlXq~av,~~ ybypanrai raehg

ir' aitrdv.


O Q T W ~thus TTrA. Q'Hkiat T . P Mwiiuei L r W ; M w v q j T T A . P mvAaA&vret l'. rePaBBai TA. a ~ p e i q r~qvdr c LTTrA. " H ~ e i ? T. v b n o ~ ~ he should answer TTTA. c ~ $ W c'x4opor yAp &te'~ovro for they became greatly afraid ~ r r m ~ T. r Aiyovua OTTIAW. 2 a ~ o t j e a te o i r ~ ~ LTTrA. a ri p . L 3 b aai ~ a ~ a @ a r w v r ~ m r . wv C ;K L d eidov 8 1 q y j ~ w v LTTrA. ~a~ * 01)v<q~o~vte$ LTTrA. f.0 TL wherefore LW. C 0i Oapwaior rai the Pharisees and h 'HAeiav T . 4 i dA ' eccT mir . and written, &C.) L . T = d r o ~ a ~ r m d vLTT~L ' 8 ;( ~ r a d how has it boe~i tc I $v T [ T T ] . dtov8cye$ ( l A) LTTA; i~ov8evm0j b. PP. i)Oehov m , i ~ o ~ . r e T~. Ts " the saw TTr. m v S i ) 7 0 6 ~ a sl TrA. apbp a 6 ~ o j with them m. r m d@h X* i t r @ a + p i @ q oY L T R I . i%dvrs L m L


running t o

rja?r6Covro atrdv. 16 rai i~7]pi)rtp~eu ?'roirc
saluted discus ye [him] What
I C 706



scrihs, What question Y $ ~ ," ~~ &h ~ , i ~ "~ ' ankwered and said, Maatefl,Jhsvebrought which thee my d u m i bath a son spirit. 18 and where soeve; he taketh and he tenreth him :him hefoameth,rindgnasheth with his teeth and pineth away: ahd I apake to thy disciplea that they bhould cast him ont and they could not'. 19 HOan. swerethhim,andsnitb, Ofnithless generation how long shall I with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him unto me: 20 And the brought him unto &m: and ,ben he saw bun, strai htway the spirit tare %im. and he fell on the bound, wallowed foaming.

he asked
them? Teacher, 'I1brLght


ypap~areic," Ti zmrrlreir~" rpbe aa6r06c;1117 Kai bL?rowith said, 'dumb; and he Lams,

Kpt&;c1' 7 ~ ~
p u ?rp&
my to

BXXOV c~~?rev,U ~ ~ u K YEXI;a rhy AI ~ E

a'spirit 'him;


swering oneoutof the crowd thee, having

ae, ixovra ?rveGpa a"haXow. 18 rai G a ~ v - ~ atrcb dv~

it orhes 'down

mraXd/3p fiuoer
it seizes
his teeth, 'thy that

hirr6v.l rai ir$ i*t, rai rpiza

and gnnshes



tddvras.fatroZ,l' rai kpaivercct*

rcai geT?rovilTO$ paeqraig

t o Y&iciples

nnd iswitheringaway. And I spoke

aov Yva atri, i~/36Xwatv, ~ a otr?uxvanv. i

19 '0.62


it they might cast out, and they hnd not power. But he anrpt8rie hatryl XQYEL,~Q v ~ c i( I ~ T L U ~ O C , Ywe y~ s p J cJ/.& rpleriug him s a p , 0 Pgeneration'unbelievingl until when with you
shalrI be? until when shall I bear with you ? And they brought spirit him to him.
~ U O t; k


civ6fopar hpiiv; $E'~ETEr t v at

Bring And seeing him to


20 Kni 41~ryreavatrbv apbc airrdv. ~ a i6;v atrdv 'eit98ws i rb ?weirpall

the earth he rolled

him immediately

kiurcipa~~vl' alirdv, rcci

threw 'into Sconvulsions 'him, foaming.


i s i rijc

and h a ~ i n g fallen upon the his father,

yijc ~ X U X ~ E Tci$pitwu. 21 Ka; iaqp3rqaev rbv-aaripa-aitroZ, O

he asked

IIduoc xpdvoc iariv

Bow long a time From childhood. And

is it t h a t

&c roirro
this often

fYovev atryi; '0.6i rlmv,

been mith him? And he said, both into fire i t east him

ago since tL:a came unto him7 An& he aachild. ofttimes it bath east


lIIaidid0ev. 22 rai ?roXXLn$matrbv rai eic &pR {/3aAev rai

& : i ::a and destroy him : eic G6ara, 'iva cinoXfup atrdv* n&XX'I1d n 062;vaua~," " ~ c 3 n ~ t do -9 t into water8, that it might destroy him : i anything thou nrt able f but # otj8quov ~ @ v , aaXayxvtaeeic &'I 6piig. 23 *O.Si.'Iq- m. 23fJ~SU'S said unto And Je- him, I thou canst be[L0 dof help us, being moved with pity on us. heve, all things are qoZc E ~ ~ a&rt,G, E OGlivaua~" E Y i P~iureiruat,~~. ?rhvra Gvvard possible to h'm that m said to him, If thouart able t o beliew, allthings arepossible 7rlarriovn. 24 qKain r~6eiwc11 rcp&Fac b n a 4 p roii of the child cried out, T$ to him that believes. And immediately crying out the father of the ~atbiov 'per6 Ga~pirwvll &yev, IIturehw, 'KCpta," / ~ o $ ~ E L mine unbehefi thou little child with tenrs said, I believe, Lord, help 25 Jesus saw that the people came pov-r$-d?rtarig. 25 '16;~-68 b 'Itl~oirp 6n $ ? T I ~ W T ~ ~ X E Lrunnilrg together, he V mine nnbelief. But 'seeing 'Jesus that 'was (running $together rebuked the foul spirit saying unto 8@0c, b~eripqaevT$ W E ~ ~ C ( TT@ & ~ a 6 6 p rXiywv a&r@.hlm, ' ~ h o u L (~, dumb an l 'a crowd, rebuked the spirit the unclean; saylng to it, deaf spirit, I charge thee, come out of him, TbWmeirpa ciXaXov riri ~ * $ 6 v , " d y 3 b~trciaaw,~( E ~ B enter no more rb '.cot ~ and E %n i: dumb and deaf, I thee comm~ud, come into lum. 26 And the spirit cried, and rant NE" airrov, rcui p l l r f r ~ eiatX6Jpc atrdv. 26 Kai "arph- h.lm sore, aitd cnlue oat of him, and no more mayest thouenterinto him. b d having out of hlm: and he I n v . k a i aoXXd aBanaphFav" baatrdv," iEijX6~~' a was as one deadmall ~ somuch that ; ini criedout, and Jmuch 'thrown *into Scon-i-uisions , 'hlm, i t came out ; and said, He ia d e a h


:EF;nh:F ZdmEG



~'~y;$z,","~ y[2


lyivsro cjuei veipdC, ;are cB~oXXoic Xiy~iviirr cinleavev.


hebecame $S if dend. 80 thnt many sard that he was dend. 8 ovv<q7c;rs L'ITrA. a air~o6s E. 7 aiJroJs them ~ L W A. I b & n e ~ a;?$ answtre! ierl him ITTA . C & r e v LTTIA. d i h t LTT~A. C - ai)rdv (read [h&]) T . f - avrov (read Lhis] teeth) [L]TT~A. g e h a TTrA. h a6mis them fLTTr+y. 7b fveGpa Lnrk mvemipa~cv LT. 1 ;K smce LTTrAW. m K ~ trs mp a 6 6 v TA. L &AA& T : 0 6Jq LTTrA. P a ~ u r e G u aT r [ ~ ] . l~ P x a i [L]T[T~]A. TTrA. psra &a~~vuv LTTrA. t K6~iprc QLTTIAW. ' b the.(crowd) T. a a ~ o ~ axw+bv v i wevpa Lrrrk X if~r&uuw croc TTrl. YB from L. 'a s p a t a s OLTTrAW. U cnrapi~as QLIT, A W. b* -hirrdv G[LJITIA. ~ 0 6 s Lmr& tha


Z n u t Jesus h k h i m br the hand' h b up ; and he ?.row, But Jepus,

27 6.61.'1qaoii~
ra? dviarq.
an$ he arose. having taken him by the, hand, raised %p


rparljaar datrbv r t c ~ e c p 6 ~qy~ipev ' afirdv,

cnine into the house And when ho was entered into a house. his disciples his disciples nsked h i d privately, could fbatlp&rwv atrbv ~ a r ' - i & a v , g"Oreu ~ @eic 06~-+6vvqnot we cant h m out 7 asked him apart, Because [of what1 we 'mere not 29 he them, This kind can eqp~v&cpaXeiv aGr6; 29 Kai ellrev airroTc, Toirro ?d yivoS come forthby nothing able to out it 7 And he mid to thom, This ki but by prayer and

ts And when he W-

'28 Kai e~ia~X86vra.a6rbv"eir: orrov oi.pa6qriLi.aGroC

t v otdevi GLvarac ~ & X ~ E ; V LP+ b ?rpoa~vxG v 18rcaiv q a r ~ i q . ~

cnn go out
armye by

b y nothing




ed thence aud passed And from thonce having gone forth they went through through dnliloe and he W O U I ~ U Q ~ nny raXiXainc' rcai O ~ K . $ ~ E X E ric. 'yv@*!' thdt i'va V 31 i6idnaman should know i L nnd hc would not that anyona s h o u l d h o w [it]; 'hc'a-as *teach. Galilce ; 31 For he taught his r 0 6 ~ - p n ~ ~ r h ~ . a & r o Si ) ~ p va 6 r o i ~ "Or1 6 vib( ~ a rh , ~iwip~ea,andsaidunto XEV d his disciples, them The Son of man ing for and said t o them, The Son is ddlivered into the of men, and 70; c i v 0 p ( ~ ~ oxcipa8i~orar eic v. x ~ i p acivOphaov, rai ~ thcy shall kill him of man is deliverad into [the] hands of men, and and after that he i ( i T O ~ ~ E v O j j ~ c v a : aljT6v. 6 a d ~ r f l ~ O ~mc~ f r p j r ~i P i p p g i . killcd, he shall rise the third day. 32 But they will kill him ; and having bocn killed, on t e t h u d~ry thcy understood not &vaqT~qEral, that saying, nnd mere 32 0i.S; ~.yv.!ovv rb ;ijpn, rai 6$o$oijvro afraid to ank him. "ill arise. But thoy understood not the saying, and were afraid 33 ~ n he came t o a t r Q vta~pwrjjbal; d Capernnam: kndbeiqg 'him 'to 'ask in the honse he nsked 33 Kai "fiX8~vIl O K a ~ ~ p v a o & p ' bb n i okiq Y E V ~ ~ E V W r v thalU, what wns i t tlint ye disputed 8And h e cnme t o Caprnnum ; and 'in h t'e 'hoilse 'bciug mnng yourselrcs by b l 34 n u t they r q p i h a a L r 0 6 ~ , i ;v r1j T P r p G c &~vroic" BLEXO ~ Z E G ~ E ; them, What in the way among yoursclvGs were lO c?ksSing? held thcir p a w : for he r k c d

ao a n d t h a depart-

30 iI(ni dr~i8ev" 6t~X66vrec k a a p ~ ~ ~ p ~ 66th rr$c 1 ~v o1


=hc., ?ho slrozcM & the grentest. 35 And r,$ he unt down, ~ n ~d~ l l e d 35 rai taeiaac i$Dvqasv 'roils tlie twelve, nnd snith t h O . And sitting down he called the ;i, pf; ; :t dgm "h , 6&d~ra, hiyec atroic, E re5 6hX~i 6roc ~ I v a r , rarar rai i a twelvo, and he says t o them, If anyono desires &rst 'to .be, henhnll be be

~E$'~~,"~~~","I~,",~ were silent ; ~ p 'one *another ydp they6i~XB~8,luav qEv 34 Oi-6; iuuhawv. ciXh,jXnvc b ~ But thoy *with for hadbwndiscussing by

;~~g~;;;;';","~h';,l~ and set him in the

midst of them : and he had arms him i n his tnken he anid unto them: 37 Whosoever shall receive one of such children in my namo rccciveth me : and whosoerer shall receive me, m i v e t h n o t me, but him that sent 38 And John nn:d ; r e him, saying, Mnrter, we haw one cwting out devils in tily name, R U he f01~ loweth not UR : and

?rhvrov i q a r o ~rai 7rcivrwv Gccinovo~. 36 Kai .Xa@v

'of 3all 'last and it in %of3a11


And having taken

aaidiov atri)

&ST~~JEV atrb

hvpiay.abr3v' ~ c t i b v a y m X i u 6 ~ v ~ C '
their midst ; and hnvingtaken'inc his] a m r TVhoever one rue bnt of such little chiidren me me.
WO saw

alittlechild he set

E ~ T E Va6.roic, he said to them,

37 "OS.i&v" ?v r 3 v 'roroi,rwv


66tqrar dlri r~.6v6pnri.pov, dpl EiX~rar*rai at.rihv" ipd

shall receive in ahall recoive, not And 'amwered m y nnme, me "him mivw, 'John and whoever sent Teacher, who

'66tqrartU o6c t p i 66~erat,dhXd

him who saying,

&aoar~iXavrdp ~ .

38 u ' A ~ ~ ~ p i 8 q ab6 l~ ~ ~ ~ I I ' I w ( t v OV," ~ ~ X ~ y ~ i d o p 6 ~ . i l v q Al8harahe,

some one

r ~ v * r~:6vcipari.u0v a br/3ciXXovra baip6vra, Y i j oBr-&roXovQei ~

i n thy nnme cluting out domons, follows not


Aiywv T .

4 ~ . ' i v rcai X ~ r w X 6 a c r aCrdv, *~ p~~~

WO forbade


F o r b i e i l n not: f o i But J w u said, Forbid not him ; for no one there 14 there do n nlnn which shall miracle i n ~ p rnamo 6~ ?ioetjaai 64va rv h i ry'.6vdpari.povy rni Jvw$urra[ Ilghtlg 8 dzltrrnt cnn evil of my nruuc, wko rho" do e work o g o w e r i n rind be me. 40 'he that ra~6 raroXoyijani PE. 40 GC-ycipoirr.larcv mB %p3v,"hbp is not agairlst us is m d i l y t o sponk cvil of mo ; for ho who b not against you, for On Our parr. whosoever ahall give ip6g nortjptov a cup of watei to b i p 3 v ~ u r ~ ~ Sc.yAp.2~ 41 . roriap you is. For wilocvor may give 'to 3drink 'you s cup rink i n my name bccmise ye bclong t d GEarog i v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - b v d ~ a r i6r1 ~ o v , I I iare, dp$v . ~ ~prmoii Chri4, voriij I say oi mntir i n my name, tocause .'t'kist'o 'ye "are, rorily I soy unto you, hc zhnll not Jose his reward. 42 And &/tiv, fcixoXi~pP b ~ .ra6d~.abro% 42 Kni k - d v 7vhosoerershnll oEcna r And whoever ono of those littlo on% to you, h no wl..e ~ h o u l d 1 . ho o a &r rcwdrb thnt believe iu me i t utmvdaXiap b a r3v pirnGv g r3v h x i ~ ~ ~ i~ better ~ ~ w ~ ~ 6 10, Ilia m:.y cdtbc "to ' o 5 n d 'one 'of %he 41ittlo)"oner who betiow in a millstono wcrc h.~ngtJ n b o u ~ neck, nnd his raXdv darrv ahrc? piiXAov ei T E ixairai iXi60c:pvXl~bc" , h c , ~ into the t urc, good it is for h ~ m rather if cput o mlllatone sea 43 And if t h y hand offend thee, cut m); T ~ Y . T ~ ~ x P ~ o Y~. (~t ~pk$Xrlrat rig 74v ~ ~ ~ X U U U ~ Y: .i t is better for i ~o~, it cl.. 'lt L uwk, and he h w bccn cast into the sea. thee t o entel into life mnimed, thnn hnving 43 i(ai hhv ka~nv8di&+ ae ~.Xaip.aov, cixdro\C/ hands to go into WO .'ad if J6hould'cnuaeato 'offend 'thee 'thy -hand, cut o b it : hell, into thc fire t b t rnX6r 'a01 darivU mMbv' rrjv tw))v E ~ U E X ~ E ~ V , " e d : shall be quenchnever 24. where their good for tlfw ,it b maimed into life to enter, [rather] worm dieth not and

39 ''Iqqoij~ EZTEY,

o.irr.ciroXo&d 4piv.n he follows not U. M ~ ) . K w X ~ E ~ E 0 & 8 i ~ . harrv airrdv. ~fi~

him, because

~ u s ~ ~ ~ ~ l , , "




thnn the two

rdc $do xaipa~i ~ o v r a dnrX9aiv rig rdv ).ievvav,

hand8 bving t o go away into t h e their worm thy foot

Qehenns, into the

4 rb

rifp rb diQPau~ov, 44 'Snov 6.arDXqF.ahGv oi).t~Xavr+,wai

fire the unqu~nchnble,



thee cut lt fn~~~",$f~~h";i~," t h a n having two fee;

:: !

g ; ? ;

t o be into hell should c n w "to 3oKend shnll be quenched: ae, ciadiiti$ov aCr6v. ra)tdy oPiorev uoil ~/uaXt)~iv 4 v ; ~ e $ h e ; o ; h e ~ ~ y g 'thre, cut ole it: good i t is for thee t o entcr into fire is not ucnched, ~(,II;Y XW.\~V, 860 rd6ac ixovra ~ x t ) 6 ~ eic a47 a n a if %in0 eye ~ i lifo lame, [rather] thnn the two feet hiwing t o be c u t into Offend PInck it out : i t is better for n;v y Q ~ v ~ ~ a v rb asp rb ( i ~ ~ ~ a r o4G, 'r6nov 6 UK&\ q~ic, v ~ hoe to enter into the tho Gellema, into the fire the nnquonchnble, whcnt kingdom of God with oue eye, tllnn hnving ailr5v oL.reXavr@, rai r6 r i p ot.u/3ivv1rrai." 47 rai idv 6 two eyes t o be cast %heir died not, and the fire is not quellched b d if intohell fire : 48 where thcir worm dieth not bp8aXpo'c.aov arav8dirp U , c'r/3aX airrdv' rnXdv and the fire is nod thinu eye should airuse "to -lofPelad =thee, c u t out it : good quenchcd. 49Foreve onerhrillbesnlted w i x 'a01 8ariv" povd$6aXpov iaX0ivric rrjv pualXaiav TO^ fim, andevery sacrifica for the^ it t with one sye t o enter into the kingdom shall be salted with

rir xl;q ol.a/36vj~vrat.n 45 rai ldv 8.~o$~.aov ~mrv6aXi<~

is not quenchcd And if

tl:a tlio


fi rode

otGod,[rather] than nn fire of fire,

6bo 6$6aXpoC~ ~ o v r a l /3Xqtlijvnr


e whm

haring their worm

t o b c a s t into tbe

sic n j v





&henand the and

vav 'ro3 ?ivpi,c,u 48 GTOV b.o~3Xq~.a'tr3v oir.r~X~vr@, rb rai

dlcs not,

rilp ot.a,f3hvvvrai. 49 IIiic.ydp

is not quenched.

For everyone with fire shall be salted,

rvpi Mta~,uerat, "rai

aifan' 6vaia

&Xi &Xinbliaarac.fl 50 ~ n X t v rb viLXn~,n

ert,rr sncrifice with snlt shall bE snlted. Qood [is] the O ~ irtoAoJ8rr i u i v because he WAS K 2 irtwAliourv n r A . 8 l6rt oirr t u o ~ o v 8 e h i v l Tr : i U O E t 8 ~ ~ o w i us T. ug b us i n r a w . C ni, o ~ n m w . ' p& (read [my]) L T ~ ~ C * 671 that [I.]TTTA. f cinoAiocc shall he lose L T ~ . g TOJTWV a of these little ones) (~e d iyv'hor bvcrbs, millstone turned by 6 ~ fa1th.r ; eir ipd T . L T T ~ ~ A ! . h n i u ~ i v x 6 have ~ ~ au ass LTPrA. ff~av8crhiq l). i m i v U6 LTTrk m tiucA@rivis i v &;)v LM AW. '' p imir ut LTTrAW. P verse 44 T T ] [~. q cic sb a i p r b h u ~ e o t o v [y+] for L . [L~TT~[A]. v~rne I l T r k 46 ci Zmev TTIA. r TO$ ~ p d L T T ~ A , r rai whoa 8vcr;a &kiMiu$rjuoscu T [ T ~ ] . i h


.. -- .


- -


but ult l n u kthtrroltnsrr wherem,&on & but if tb.


1 X. % bdv.84 rb wiiXa~" dvaXoy yivqrcu, Iv - dvt afrb d ~ U E ;~

ultlr ult

d t

one 4 t h another.m &ve h yournelrea

dsd he from thence and mmeth thlcoeate of

roar-;Er&i v Zavroig

ia h o m e , with what


A y e memnt

~ a eipflve6~rfi v CihXjlXoig. i
m d be at peace with one anothar. he comes into the borders And of Judass, riaing up


~ K ~ K E (ivaurdC~ X E T e~' I rd 8pia njSJIov&iap ~?EY Q i ~

And thence

7 ZVEKEV roGrov mraXei#~~ canre ehan a man 8ijXv dnoiqaev abro4s leave his father and female. %ad9 Yhem 'God. On account of t h i shall 'leave mother and cleave to rbv.narBpa.atro8 rai njv pqrlpa, 'rai irpou~oXhis .e;, aey 8 and dive uno his father twam An11 be one 'a man and mother, and Ball be flenh: then thepm Xq&jueraiU n p b y njv.yvvai~a~.aGro3, 8 rai Zuovrai oi 660 k PO more twain but one flesh 9 h a t joined to his wife, and 'shall 'e 'the Ytwo b

him, and nn he had been accustomed again he tlught @npiuaio~ Cirqp&qaau* themagain. 2Andthe abro6g. 2 Kai npoa~XBdvr~s Pharisees cume to him them. And coming to plm] the Pharisees wbed and asked him, I s i i lawful for 8 mpn to abrbv ei BSEU~LV civ8pi yvvaira irohiiaai, ?raipci~ov?ay put his if i t is lawful for a husband a wife t putaway, o tempting Wnpting him. 3 And him he answered and said abrdv. 3 31 &nokoi8~ig f r ~ a h r o f ~ T 6piw ?voriharo 01 . E v ,i Whatdid him. But he answ&ing said to them, What 'god 'did 'commnnd Yam command 4 And they asid d M ~ u;U $ 4 Oi.61 e ~ ~ r o v ,M w a ~ ~ ~ f n dnfrpc$tvi1 Piflxiov tiro&lfferedtowri$8 bill And they #aid, M allowed a bill of diof divorcement and to 8WW. 0 W mauiov ypri+ai, rai irohijuai. 5 gKai i n o q ~ & i s 'IquoGs 6'' answered and rorce t o write, and to put away. And anawering Jenw catduntothem Forthe bardneis of yolthasrt d n ~ a t r o i ~ , IIpds r~v.a~X~porcap6iav.6pGu v lypa+~v he wrote ou thin pre- raid to them, I n view of your h a r d h a r k d n e ~ he wrote for you wit. o J t from the u vmi3 the mjv.ivrohdv.ra6~v' 0 dnb.86 xriuto~Bpmv m i r on G made them thir commandment ; but from [the] beginning of creation male and mgh and femnle. 7 For

him aguin ;he tawht crowd# to and, U he wont,

t h e ~ p l e r e s o * unto

bfozE,","{ airrdv, rai 6xX0i npbs

the other . d .

70311 nfpav roii '10 6hvov. ~ n a a v l ~ ~ o p e i , o v r a r h h X i ~ i

of the &dm. c o w together agdn


~ 6 X i v8 i 8 n u ~ ~ v i

$ 2


3 joined together' let ~i'sacipra piav* Sure obrirr rluiv ado, iXXd pia ucipr. Q i Ofor ?flesh 'one ; llo that nolonger are they two, but one flesh. What not man put asunder, 0 t h 6 Ocbg avv~DvSrv,iEYBpw?roc xwpitirw: 10 Kai ' l v of thmefore God united together, a k o t mparah And in matt@. 11 a n d he $ olriqnn(iXiv 0i.~a~qrai.~atr0311 mpi nro3.abroi,ii Q b q with unto them WhoMever shall the house again his disciples concming thesame thing i s e and marr Ljrquav1l atr6v. 11 rai Xhyer a.irrois, "OsPidvn d n 0 X 6 ~ mother, ' hommittetg him. And he says to them, Whoever shouldpet away rctultery againat her. poixlirat in' 12 And if a woman ~).jv.yvvattxZd r o 3 rai ya r G q .&tqv, shall put away her and shou/d marry another, commits adultery againd hiswife husband and be married to 'another ahe ad+qv. 1'2 wni idv qyvvr) iroX6ap~7dv.dv6pa.airrij~ '~nil' oommlttethadul~ery. h ., And if a woman shouldput away her husband and

&$;~i$s~~ge$~ ,



13 h d they brought 'yapqQ$ a"XXy," poixiirai. K , y h i l * e n tohim, be married to another, she commits adultery. t e should touch them: and his disci13 Kni n ooi$fpov a6r@ ratbia, 'tva u"#q~a~ h i h * a learebuked thoee that And t&y brought to him little children, that hemight toneh thnn. rought t h e m 14 But w h Jesus saw it he 0i.84 paeqrni k r i WY roic n O U ~ ~ P O V U L 14 ib&v.64 V. muah displeu;ed, But the disciples rebuhled thoao who cought them. But havingseen D t l 8ud laid unto them m the little child! 6 'Iquoiis ijyavcirqaev, m i el?rev ahroic, 'A$eie rd ~ a i 8 i a rm fo oome unto me, Jesu was, m . said t o them, SufFer the little children d
Y ~ ai ~ a i e r v i LTTMW. 1 rai ~11d LTTrA. a~~mope60wa& TA. iw-qp&twv Were askil~g T R A . L MwOfir LlTrAW. efnav L T T ~ A , c 6 62 but mm. h 6 Beds (read he NUB& L ~ A ~ w i i & j cIn&. W. ; qj yuvarxi L ; up& * v aai ~ p o ~ o W & j ~ e ~ a T. mad? them) [L]TIT~A]. vatra T . 1 r i g +V o i r i d v LTP~A. m a&03 (vead the dieciplee) [L]TT~(A]. 70Grou x i s LTTr& 0 i q p l j r w v iverg asking TA. P v LIT?*. 4 ; ' bnoA6uava 8ht) l l ~ l t h g &v ehould msiTg another L ~ A . t xcri m ~ . S y c y ~ l j q away

-& dsirpeqW
T .

aa m h . L

0; GLTrAW.


- -

+xeuOa~ np6c PE,

to come






do uot hinder

~ ~ ) - I c w X ~aBr& rG~.~dro.roioGrcovfor offorbid ib the kin E~E find such thorn not:


/3aatXeia ro5 0~05' 15 &pt)v XQYw itpiv, ijc.'id~"

k~ugdom the it. of God.


shwil nut receive rhail enter into

n j v pnatXeiav


of Qod


I say t o you,


saibiov, ob.p?j ahd,

d o n of God. 15 ver& unto YOU, Whw 1 soev"rahn"notraceive the kingdom of God a s a little chljd, he shall

aa a little ohild, i n n o wise ~


airrhv. 16 Kni

And having taken =in /Jhta] *arm# 'them, he blessed them.

ivayrnhlaii ievot

And kneeling down t o

rdp xeipac Ir' abrci *~iliXdyei l i ~ c i . ~ a

on them as he wont forth him a ked into [the] way, him,

np in his arms, pub h " upon cmd blessed them.

h~rnnyh i d h i ~ ]

17 Kai i~~opevop6vov.nbroir eic

B66v, npoa8pap&v E?Q uai

sTeacher 'good,

*running *up 'one and.

yovvsertjaac alirbv inqpDra ahrdv, At8haraXa ciynet, ri

whnt gone forth the there clime one But r u ~ ~ n i n g , kneeled nnd e h a l l l d o t h t fife eterual 1 lnry inb(uitP to him and n 4 c d him, aisev a h @ , Ti pe h i y e i ~ ciynB6v; oir6aic &yul)bc ec'.prj Good ' a ~ n a t e r , what maid t o him, Why me callwt thou good? No one [is] good a r ~ e p t i n h e r I t eternal I life ? ~ d Bedc. l 9 rds bvro)ldp o76ag, rM4.poixeirqc* l8 a n d Jesus saidunto one, God. The commandments thou knowedt :Thou shouldeat not oommit ~ , " B ' ~ h ~ , ~ $ \ e n J p~-$ouei~up~'~ prj:~hiJ/~c* good but one, that 12 adultery ; thou shouldorit no8 commit mnrtler ; thou 6houldest not #teal; thou God- 19 Thou knowe@/ the co~nlnnndrnents pt).+ev6opaprvphaycm ) c ? ) . d r ~ o ~ r e p ~ a g ripa rhv Do not commit a d d ~~ tery Do not kill Do mhouldcnt not bear false witness ; thou shouldest not defraud ; honour uot ;teal I)O not bear mrhpa.uov rai r ? )pqrhgaf. 20 '0.6; a ( i ~ ~ ~ p l e b ~cl l n ~a ~e 'withem. Defraud ~ ~i i f k i t h j father and mother. And he answering said not, Honour thy father and mother. S h d h e O atrclj, Ai6hamXe, 'raitra ndvrau db+vXaEdpq~n' vadrqrdc answered anti asid ire to him, Tenoher, *these 'nll have I kept from S o u t h unto him, Mirster, all I you. 21 '0.68.'Iquo~~ip/3XiGar air$ tjyrirqa~valirriv, KaiS theue havemy olaervmy. h a d Jesus looking upon him loved hlm, and 21 Then Jesus behoidohrev abr$, "Ev e u ~ i 6arep~i. 'l 6naye, 6aa ? X E L ~ rhhq- ing him lovcd him, and said unto him, &aid to him, One thing to thee is lack in^ : go, as much W thou llwt m11 One thiu thou inck-

l, And when he

noitjnw 'iva Swiv aidvtov ~Xqpovo $aw ; 18 '0.8i.'11/~~irc way,


oov rai &c

rt give u4 $he poor, rrnd thou shalt haye treRsUre i n and give to the %oar, otpav3. rcai bai,po, (i~oXoi,O~ipot, grEpac rbv uravpdv." 22 '0.68 ~ h a ~ c a v ~
heaven ; and come, b e ~ sad n~ at follow me, taking up the went away grieved, Jeauu 'rkche. crow But he, and come tnkc ny the


nrwxoip, uri


8q~avpbvi v

whataoerer thou hnst, l' " "

" '$
~ i


srvyvcioac i r i r(i Xdyy cinrjhdev Xvnoirpevoc* ~v.ydp.lxwv

the word, And How

mhpara noXhL. 23 Kni aepipA~J/&pvol;'Iquoitp b

' p ~ d s i o u slmany. to his diaciples, lcokiug around difacultly those

he had thnt anyiug, md went X6yec ~ 0 i c soya 23 And Jaws looked

~ ~ $ & ~ ~ ;

)laB/lmic.aliroir, F l D c Gvar6Xwc oi rd xp$para hovree is round ulloutl and snlth

'having into hnrdly nhall IP"'~ t h a t 'lat they

rljv $iiaiA~iav705 ~

E O ~ i u e ~ e b u ~ u 24 Oi.64 p a e ~ ~ r a i ; ra~. ;Bap- hvve richcs enter into of Qod shall cuter l h i d the disciplea were as- z E : g t { P

pofivro Eni roi~.Xdyoi~.ahroG.'O.b1.'IquoG4- nhXtv cisorcpiBeic


wcre wtonihhed at hL toniahed a t his words. And J e s u w i n anawering swereth ButgJcau8and a ~ ~ i n an, XQyeca6roic, hT6~vn,11 GCuroXdv iariv '706~ naroi06ra~snithuntothey,Child~ y s them, Children, how to difficult i t L [for] those who trust rent how hard 1s it f o r them thar imt in ini kroicl ~ ~ l j p a u i v " 77jv $adlXin~~ 0 i~t E O GL ~ U E X ~ E ~riches t o enter i n t o ;g V. in riches into the kingdom of God to enter l tho kingdom of God l 25 I t u anhier for a 'W a&ron&t~pdv iuriv K & ~ ~ X O 61d lrijc" ~pVpaXlii~ V 'r;cn cnmei to go throu h Ewier i t b [for] v c a n ~ e l through the eye of tho the eye ot u nL&ye, 8 K a i OlTrAW &v LTTrA. ~ a r r v h 6 y e c ble~ses he Ithem] mm. cGhoyec 11eb 1 1 b h e ~them LW ; - qGhdyec a 6 7 6 'ITIA. Y Mi)+ o v e v q c , p t , p o c x e ~ i p ~ r L C aavra ravra L b i+q TTI A. l 41, ~ ~ ~ c eT. i ( e I eov t h x (niothur) LT. d i.$,jAa&a I.. c c c thee TA. f 70's L'IVAW. I T ;pas rbv m a v p d v ~ L ] T T ~ . h T C K Y ~1. ~ i n e l r ~ ~ e d i z i~rois m)I.~.(av~v ra T . k 106s L'I~Aw. 1 (i.ead au t.3 Y of


p -


t o enter into the mm than for 8 doh Hngdam of ~ ) o bOe needle

to paclr, than [for] n rich man into the

of God

~ a $ i ~ ~ ~ m c i a t nho6arov v , r$wpaa~htiav Beoir ~ ~ ~ i ~ roir

;%P,&W-%~,":$$ ~iaaX0eiv. 20 Oi.84 nsptaa2~iS~nX~ueovro, XQyovr~c npic among themselvesl to And they axcoedinglr were astonished, wying arnoug
$ine ; h n; t $ i b

inrrro6g, K d ric 661jaraiaw9ijvai; 27 'Ep/3XQ+nc-mGi'U

~ T O ~

Fvith them8elres, And who fr able to be mvod? But looking o n them npon them X Eapd &vep&noicO .Obvarov, &X' oh lapd man it ia,iru )ossible, i) '1j1aoirc ~ Y B L , but not wtth Ood: for all things Jedus says, With men [it is] impossible, but not with are powible. 28 Then Pr$ll OE@* n & i ~ a dp bvvarh @ ~ r t kapd T$ BE$. 228 'KaiU . v~~ God; for all thrngr W s i b l e with Pod unto him Lo we have h"a left all, And have fol- iiptaro ad TICrpoc XCyetvU atr+ '1804,f i p ~ ai$tjxapav ?rhvra, 7~ lomd thee* 29 And 'begm 'Peter t o say t o him, Lo, we left ., U Jesus answered and mid, Verily I say u a o icni t~jroXouetjaapiv~oi. T'Ano~prB~ic.G4 29 b 'Iqaoirc elnev," you, There io no mnn and followed thee. But answering Jesus said, that hnth left house, , or brethren or ai~ters A@v X E ~ W6p;v, 0 t t E i ~ d r l ~ (i$jlrtB~ d 8~ oirtiav, ~ J E X or father A mother: Verily I say to you, No one there b who has left house, or r or wife 'or children yvvn;ra," rixvn, or land;, for my sake: 666X$hc, irarbpa, pqrlp~," and the ospel's, 30 but or airten, or father, or mother, or wife, or cl~iluren, or he shnR ' reoeive an V, CYFKBK d 0c i c d 703 B ~ J ~ W E X ~ O 30 ~dt)-/llj.Xci&l hundredfold now in a p ~ i , ~ , that h l l nor nucive this time, housw, nnd ' ~ n d s , for the mtke ofme and of the glnd tidings, brethren, and sisters, and mothcrs drtarovranXnaiova virv B r@.xaipc~.roCry, v oiriac r;ni &&Xchildren, nnd ' lnnds h hundredfold now i n this time : hounea aud bro-



$06~ xai ci8eXqdc m =pqripacll m r6wa rtni ciypozj~, i i pcrd

31 But thers and

eternal life.

~ ~ ~ b rEt{i,";&~ yt p 3 1 )~, n iv ~ l f ~ i
last brat.
'but **hnllabe
82 And they were i n




and ohiltlren and life


with 'Many

ai3vt rcljdp~qpl~qt t j y aiLviov. 31 noX{w

that is cgming
etornnl. Inat, and the liut firnt.

Xoi 62 Eaovrab n 31-01Zuxnroi, icai "oil1 iuxarob np3roi.

32 'Hauv.84 iv r$

parsewtions, and iu the

the going to Jenzsnlem. nnd i s u s went befor: them: nnd +V they were amazed ;and rnwas =going *on 'before 'them 'Jm, and they were astonished, snd u they followed they wote afraid, ~ h he ci~oXovBoiivr~c d i$0~0irvf0.~ a ira axap&v i nrihtv rode took agnin the tweloq following were afraid. And havfng taken to Bim] ngsin the ~ n begnn to tell them d rdr piXXovra a6r@ what things D ~ O U I6&6era, $p$aro' abroic XQy~iv ~ hnppen unto him, . twdlve, he began them to h11 the t h i n b which were about 'to4him 33 daying, Behold we go up. to ~ ~ ~u v p ~ a~i v ~~33 '"Ort, i606, (iut@aivopeu eic ' I E U ~ X V P ~xai u ~ v i. ~ ~ . O , and the Son of m d 'to 'hnppeu: Behold, we go up to Krusrrlem, wd

&vaPaivovrec is'IepoadXvpaarai And,thay were in the wny going up to J e r m l e m , ' and npqCiywv aiJf0hc b 'Iqaoir~,rai 'd%appo?vro, hraiu

$ , ~ 1 ~ 2 7 ~ e ~ b~ v i~ ~705~&v98dirov ~ d~ u , "
untg the scribcs and the Son they shnll condemn .c shalt mic" him to death, deliver him to the t o tho
$ $ ~ ~ C ~


nil1 be delivered qp1to the

and thcy wilf condemn

napa8oBtjaerat roic ai ~tepaCarv rtai

g i e f priests t o death, and

ypappar~Cuiv,rtai rtnrart ivo~aruatrbv BaY(iry, rai


ti !$




moa8&aovaiv adrbv rois i e ~ ~ ~ l v , B naifovarv airrcj, 34 rtai

and will rlotuge him ; him, and will spit upon him, and will

~hnU u r r g h i m and r l e l v e r up him to the Pentiler And &y will m L him, shall shall upon him: dcai paurry&uoir~iv spit kill him, atrdv, rai bpnr6aoverv &ilry," xai !noand the third day he B a l l rise again.

invo0uiv eazirdv*%ai

kill 35 And Jnmw md john, the sons of zu- 35 Kai bedee, come unto him, And

and on the third

'ry' rpirp dP6pg1lcivaartjaerai.

' day
he will rise again. nnd to him Jarnes John, the

1rpoanopc6ovrai a t r @ 'I&r:opoc ~ n 'Iwcivvqc goin i

62 but TTrA. r70370] this [is] L. P TT~AW. ~ a GLTTrAW. i hiyerv b I I i ~ p o c TA. tj~ohov@?jrapiy L ~ . A W . &rrorpcBri~ (omit but) b 'Iquo3r d n i v GLTI.W ; :$lb'11)uoCp p q ~ e p ai) n a ~ i p a , LTTrA. Jesus said. (- &*OK. TA. i) y u v a r ~ a LTTIA. ~(1)7ipa mother LTr. oi GLW. J Evrrsv for the sake o[t]TTrAW. b 0; 8; d ' ~ & prmiuovucv ~ avTy, ~ a~ i Q ~ L Y & C O V)U b v ~ a i ~ LLTT:A. V &nd those TTr. C roip L. a i r d v (read'[Uml)[ ~ I l f ~ r ] . fptrd rprir $pipop &r three days LTTrA. e oi . A

-e&rshBriv [;we]) TT?. (read h a v followed





- 74

8 4



3 A R K. T t,ioi ZePe8n[&v,X ~ y o v r ~ g ~ , Aid&a~a)le, ~ X O ~ . I E'lva O V

sons of Zebcdm, sqioa, Tencirer,

do for

rve dc ro th;rt whntcver fiouldest


njicwpe:,i 7;orGaPS +piu. 3G '0.6; Tnv a

wc may

nsk thou~\.ooidedt for us. do

And ho snid tothem, What doyedesire

,:g, Ti


w h a f c w ~ e rwe shall

"ould YO thni 1nhould 'to sd:, 'me for you? And they aaid t o him, Give t o us, that one said unto him, Grant for yo'l7 37 They 0 ~ b ~ ~ 6 t l ~ ~K!~ '~ -; p W ~ E1Vv.unto~ that we mny O ~ 0 Q ~ ~ us &Crc;jv.aov" rai : g n nt t l ~ y right hnnd nna one a t thy left hand we mny sit in sit, one on thy right llnnd nnd the other on .r$.66~y.oov.39 '0.6i.'Iqa0$~ l a e vairroTg, Oh~-oFGarari thy icft hand, in thy ~ thy ~40ry. But Jesus said to thcm, Yc know not what f in ~ ldunto But JWUI s l p ~ . S8 thcm Ye airEiu8. 6Ci~nuOe TITLETV rb T O ~ ~ ~ 8 by&Y ~;7lw, LO . qr:ail' rh know not w h 4 ye ye nsk. Are yc nble to drink the cup which I drink, and 'the ask : can ye drink of the cup that I drink! &?wrr@pa S i G ,6rcn~iSopnt, pn?r~[~847?ar ; o f ? nud be bnptized. 'h3ptism 7wl~ich *am 1bnpLigd ["with], 'to 'be 'baptized I%ith] P with the baptism that I nm bnptizcd r i t h ? '39 Oi.82 rri'lro~fll nirrr;?,Avvhpe8a. ' 0 - 6 ~ . ' ~ q I ? ~ ~n h i C , 39 And they mid unto ao Y ~ And they mid t o him, We nre nble. But Jesus said tothem, him WOcnn. And Je'said unto Ye ~in Tb slGi.l,ll .rrorrjp~ov 8 rivw, T L E U ~ E ' ~ a TlA pcirrriupa sus ,hall indeed them l ; m e "ilidccd ' 'cup which drink, ye shall drink ;nud the baptism of the cup that I drink 40 rb-bi-rcaei- tismrind I am b a p Of ; that the 8 l$ panri<opat, pa.rrriuefi&~9~. ~ I I baptized [with], ye shallbe baptized [with] ; I b u t $0 sit tized withnl shall ye which I car QK 8$11;7~- U - %a;Ui t E ' ~ O Y & ~ L W V - ~ ~ L O U ~ ~ O O~IK-{UPLL sit baptimd: ipbv on my right hand my left htlnd is nt iny ri;ht t m d and a t luine and on my left hnnd 80%?ai,;U' ~roipaur&r. 41 Kai &leo6aav- but it shall be g i give. miu" ~en td to give, but [to those] for whom it has been prepared. And having them for whom it is oi Eirca IjpCnvro & ~ ~ K T Em$ V'Iarhpov K U ~p repared.hcnrd it ~they n ~ the ten 41 And h c =C hercrd [this] t l o ten bogt o be iudigntnt about Jnmes . nnd began to be di3-


i ~ ~ 37~ , '~S.rrov" ; l Oi.6; a6rqi, Ads fipTv, '(ya





'Iw:ivvov 42 ~3.6L'I~aoiig O C K ~ X E U & ~ V O ~ t r 0 6 ~ " T~ a XQyec

John. But Jesus

t having called 'o r u m ] ?them


pleased with Jaruea nnd John. 42 ButSeaua them to him

airroig, Oi8ar~ijri
to them,

aud saith unto them' nations which are accounted ;knm~vpie6ovaiv a6rLjv. ~ aoi.peyciXoi.airrc7rv' ~ a r ~ $ o v a ~ ht~ o v -over the Cfeni o rule arcrclon lor$ship over thom; and their great onw exorcise authoriiy orcr them; and their lordship arv airrtiv. 43 oCx oi;rwc G i w i a r a ~ n Q v 6$vs BXX' p e n t ones exercise orer thcm; not thun liowever shall it be among you ; but authority Upon them. 43 But so shnll it not 6 ~ . ~ i ( i v ~ l fy~viaOaipiyagll Iv 6piv, iarar z S ~ C i be ~among ~ g b u t ~ ~ ~ you: wl~wvor deircn tobccome grcnt among. yon, shnllbe 'servant whosoever will be grcnt among you, 6p~jv.l" leai 8g.a&" BiXg % p ~ v Cy~viaOaill G T O .U~ ,U L h r l l b c ~ o u r m i n i s t e r : 44 " T~ ~ T s 'your ; nnd whoever desires of you to become first, ahnllbe 4I and whosoecer of you will bc the chiefacivrwv bofi;\o~'45 KM;-ydp vibc T O ; civQpL~+ov b oh~.ijh@v shaj1 bc servant est, .of 'all 'bondmnn. For even the Son of man came not of nll. 25 For even the 1 came not Son of n ~ n n GtarololBQva[, X i & biarovijaac,~ boiiva~ & KU? t o be mlnistcred unto tab bervcd, bnt to serve, and t o give his life b u t t o minister, and t o give his life a ranXirrpov dvri roAXLiv. a o n ~ many. for r n s o m for many. 46 And they came 46 Kai ~c"p~olJrac~ e'Iepl~D'"Kai ~ K T O ~vopivov.abroirto Jericho : and as he And thoy come t o Jericho; and =Re was going out went out of Jericho with hla disciples and dnd C ' I e p c ~ leai~ ~ h , r3v.pa8qr3v.ahroS, ~ a i6~Xovi~avofi, great n u m b r o f peaa from Jericho, and his disciple+, and m 'crowd 'lurge, ple blind Bartimmus, t h i son of Timmus, sat 'vibS TL aiov Bapripatoc g3I1 7uqXd~ ha QrciGqroaapd njv by the high,,.* ron of 'fimeus, Bnrtimmua the blind b a n ] , wa8 d t t i n g beside the begging. 47 A d w h e n Yo h o w that those who are accouutod to rule over tha


B O K O ~ V T E ~iipx~iv rLjv Cevijv



Woltjuw T . e~rav LTTrA. uov thy T. 0 AprcrrepGv TTrA. P uov (reat.! [thg left hand) [L]TT~& 9 or LTTrA. r cfnav LTl'rA. piv TRA, pov (read [my]e f t hand) OLTTrAW. rai ~ r p o u ~ d h e u d p a iv oo ? ~ ~ ~ r r ~ i) '1quoi)s L ~ A . dmrv it is LTT~A. &v LTTT; J piyar y r v i d a c mr. a Alriiv Grajtovos QI.TT~AW. . i d v OTIA. b i v 3p;v among you L. c d v a c to be LTr. d i p x e r a l he cl rimes L. 0 'Icpscxh T g ithe (son) LTT~AW. P i) (read a blind [man])LTT~A. upocairqs a beggar TTIL


+ ,674

to him [LITT~A.

i u e thee LTTrAW. . m UOv ir GeCtGv TTrA.


I ahoiild do LR. ; p.



~ ~ ; ~ began to cry out, bnd

MAPKOE. X, X . I b8bv I~po~atrGv." rai &roduac 8rc11guoiic b kNnCwoatdpn r ~ ~ h w 47

begping. And having heard that Jesus the ~sza;nnu E O T ~ Y ,GpEaro rpci~eiv Kai XJYELV, 10 vibcli mAtr/3ib," 'Iqnoir, ' %ybizyh me i8 i t n n s h e bepan to cry out m d to say, Son of Dayid, Jenw clrnrgid him thnt he (lit it "1 should hold his peace : iX6qodv Fe. 48 Kni dlreri rov a&r$ R O X X O ~ but he cried the Nore hare pity on me. And arcbufed 'him lmany t h d a gront dcel, Z%mc Son Y mAn/3i8," 616r]~dv pea of Dnvid, have mercy 6-84 710Xh@ ~ ~ X X O &paC~lJ, on me. IQ And Jekus but he much more cried out, Son of David, have pity on me. stood still and commnnacd dim to be 49 Kai a ~ & b 'Iq~oSp ncIn~v atrbv qkovq8$vacsu K U ~ cnlled, And thcy call And 'having 'stopped lJesus asked for him t o be called. And the blind man sayin X Q Y O Y ~ E a&$, ~ ~)6pUl' unto him, Be bt goo$ $ O V O ~ U ~ Y T V $ X ~ Y , TAY comfort rise he they call the blind [map], saying t o him, Be of good canrage; crlleth i h ~ e . h hqd he, away OEly~t~ai,ll calla thee. 60 And he &7r0/3aX&vrb.i~~ciriov.ntroC, @WYE? OE. '0.81 cnstiag away garrnent rose, and rise up, he his garment,




" ~ " c ~ ~ ~ t;: ~ ~PdvourdcII ~ X~O E Y?r ~ ,","~~

,i .d unto him mat ha~ingrisenuphe came Jeaua. b u d answering *says ~ ~ l t t h o thee?l i t f s h atr$ 6 ' I q ~ o i r c ,T uth ~ r % d X ~ t c T O L ~ Uuoi ; l 1 '0-84 TV i do unto Whnt dost thou desire I should do to thee? And the b blind man s a unto 'to &him lJesus, ~ him, Lord, that I ~irev air@,8'Pappovi," i'va- civnpXi$w. 62 '0-&.'[gmi h t receive that I mny receive sight. And J b Rnbboni, rigft. at And [mm] said to him, raid unto him, Go th I J O S ~ 7 5 a&r$, " Y s n y ~ ' $.r;urtc.bov uiawrEv OE. Kai ~ 7 ~ ~ n a y ; thy faith h r t t thy fnith has heuled thce. Aud made thee whole. And 'aid to ' &UJ/~XE$EY, ~ E O X O ~ ' ~ @ L K R ~ T E llq~OO'l lu immediately hereceiv- t~&8.iwcfi b8@. ~ , " W ~ J ~ & ~ immediately he"received ~ i g h t , ~ n ~ ~ ~ , ~ and followed Jesus i n t h e way.

bp rbv 'Iquoirv 51 ~ a &?ro~pc8eiph i p i s


" '

Annnwhen they came nigh to Jerusa-

c Kd l

6re Qyyitovurv ric .'IF ovoahtjp,"

ferusalem, to

~ , 9 ~ n n B e tl~aih ~ : ~ ~Bqeavia~,'~r h rb 6 p o ~ 'EXacGv, T&.rrourQM~rll ?p TGY 660


And when they drew n w t o



bin d~sciples 2 and

mount of Biives, he and Bethaay, towards the mount of Oiives, he aunds landcth forth two of r ~ Y ~ p a ~ , , r l j v - a ~ 2orai XQyec abroic, 'T.rrciyere eic r 3,


8nith unto ihem, Go of hisdisciplW and asya to them, Go into tho way the vil77jv.~ardvaurr6pi)v' rai Z~ir86wc"~ O A O ~ E I ~ ~ ~ E Y O L E ge over against you: ~ h p q v and soon m ye be village, that oppoaite you, and imrnedintely entering into ent+cred into it, atrGv eirpjaere TGXOU /+' SY 0t8ica i)roub rhall~ flnd never ticd, l h e o n a colt man it ye w i l l find a e t tied, upon which no one ofmen



w t . loose him and bri& him. 3 And if any miin sayunto you Why do ye thin? an ' ye that the Lord hat{ need of M m ; and atrai htwny he will wndgim hither. And the wont their way, anlfound thecolt tied by the door without i n p l a c e where two ways met. and they loose him.' 5 And certain of them thnt atood thore unto thorn, m a t do ye loosing thecolt ? 6 And they said unto themavensaJesur hod oommanded : and they

mh ,,t e: l ~h~avm loosed airrbvil d i y c i y ~ r ~ .3 ~ a Qciv rrc 3piv ~d CX6aavr~c it o " i

[it]. And if anyone t o you 'of *It teed

e h

T TOLE~TE i roirro ; etrare, "Ore" b dptoc aliro; X ciav

do Ye

The Lord hither. the

EXEL' rai f~tiOiwgllalirdu g&noareheig & ? E4 ia'AnijXe~~.Bh,n h .

shd immediately


he will send tied at

And they departed, door without,


k d E S ~ O k a ~ b AGXOY Y ~ll and found the colt

B~d~pEvdvp b p ~ '"Z)~Y" 6 6 ~ 0 % ~ EEw


70; &p$d8ovl.rai X ~ O V U L Y atrdv. the cross way, and they loone it.

6 real rivet 75v


rdruv b e
ing said


And some of those them stmdov atroic, roieir~X ~ O V T E ~~ .rrGXov; 6 Oi.64 T Y ttthem, Wh6t are yedoing loosiug t h e colt l And they

T i

m a ~ i x o ahroic ~aO&p ~I' "*hv~r~iXaro" d 'Iqaoirp* rui c i q i j ~ c r ~

to them 'c6mmanaed 'Jesur* And they rllowed

no o:le yet)


X. I
afro6c. 7 rat

And to yesus, and cast their Pbrf/3aXovna6rq rd.ipciria.ahrGv, uai icdBtaev id qair~@.~ thnh&i they cast upon i t their garments, and he rat on it ; 8 b d many spd 8 raoXXoi.G1ll r~tiyLrca.aCr3vlarpwuav eic njv 6 8 6 ~dXhor.81: their garments in the . Othars and luany th~irsr7ments strewed on the way, and other# down branches off Out the Curoi@h8ac" t i ~ o ~ ~ o v bul rdv ' 6 6 ~wv,I1"eai iurphvv~ovtrees and strawed l 8~ branches were cutting down from the trses, and were strewing the nthht went before *em' the way. eig njv&Jdv.l1 uai oi rporiyovrag uai oi &aohov0oGv- a n B they that fol! 9 [themlon the way. And those going before and bhos& follow-lowed, cried, saying, Hosanna Blessed rs r'ec i~parov, ' Q a a ~ v &~irXo~qphvog i) he thatof the Lord : ~ cdmeth in the name lng were crying out, saying, Hwanna I blessd p] he , 10 bleased be the kingiI~xdp~vos 6vdpar~ mpiov. 10 E L X O ~ T J ~ Q V $ ] iv ~ dom of our father comes in [the] name of [the] Lord. Blessed the con- David, that cometh in thc nume of the Lord: pf vq pnurXeia J6v dvdpari rvbiovl' ~ 0 ~ . ~ a r p b ~ .Ho+anna in the high$p3 lng kingdom 'in ['the] 'name *of [?the] 'OLord ' 'of 'our Ynther est. I1 And Jesus entered into Jerusalem; aAaPi8.U 'Qaavvd by TOTE &+!~iuroic. 11 Kai E ~ U ~ $ @ E Y into the temple: and .Darid Hosanna in the highest I r And 'entered %to and when he had l o o t ed round about upon 'IepoadXvpa ad'Ill~05c eai" rh iiapdv. ~ a TprpA~#ap~vo~thingr, and i *Jeru~alem 'Jesus and into the temple ; and having looked round on the eventide waacome, rcivra, bb#iagn lj8q oiiaqg rijc Gpag, irijXB~veig Bqea~iav~ ~ ~ $ ~ ~ ~ all things, ,late &wady being the hour, he went out to Bethany



tley led


~3Xov lrpbg sbv 'Iquoitv. ~ a ifettEug~ i

colt to,






prd rdv 6hSera.

with the twelve.

12 Kai rp" ira6ptov bF~XBdvrwv afrijv h b Bqeaviag,

d a d on the

he hmgered.

tr~ivuueu' 13 xai 8 0

' paupdOev d n d wing a ~ - t r e a afar ofZ


morrow 'having sgone .out 'they

from 7k,ving

Bethany, leaves,

c" O UV $.6XXa, Va
And haring come t o

12 And on the morrow, when they were come from Bethan7 he was hungry : 13 and

he came, if haply' %e might find any thing afrrjv, oir8lv 5 EV ei-pd foir.ydp.5v e a r p b ~ ~ ~ V .thereon :and when he ~ K W nothing he Pound except leaves, for i t was not [the] reason of I@. came to it, he found it, nothing but leaves. 14 m i .iro~p.iO~ic g6'Iqaoir~bl~ev airqi, MqrCrt aoG ' e i ~ the time of for And 'answering 'Jesua said t o it, NO more of thee for waa not uet. l 4 And r i v aiuival ipv8~411 a p r h vfroi. Kai $rovov oi paOt]rai $ ~ ~ u $ ~ ~ , " $ ~ ~ ever *any 'one %uit ' t cat. And 'heard adisciylea eet fruit of thee here(lit. no one) nfter for ever. And ahro;. 15 Kai {pxovrat tic ' I E oa6Xvpa' uai eiueX0;v his disciples heard it. 'i h. And they come t o , ferusalem ; m d %wing zntered ~ w $ ~ ' & y a , " ~ ~ e s ~ kd 'IquoGs" ei'~ rb iepbv qptaro be/3ciXhetv roljg nwXoGvrac went into the temple 'Jebua into the temple he began to cast out those selling snd began to Cast 0114 them that sold and rai riyo 6Zovru~ r@ iep@ rai r r i ~ p a r 6 ~ a ~ uoXXv- bought in the temple, hv r r3v and Lying in the temple, and thg table. of the money and ove'rthrew the tables of the monev~ L U ~ eai r i r ~ea956pag ~ G vawXo6vrwv rdg T E t ~ r ~ p c chmgws and these& GV ic chwgers and the seata of those relling the foves of the; that sold doveq. 16 and would warfurpe#eva 16 rai O~K.$$LEV ric B L E U ~ ~UK E ~ ~ Onot 'iva K~ S that W, he overthrew, and suffered not that anyone hhould carry a vessel man should carry an8 vessel tlirou h the 61d 70; hpoir. 17 rai i8i8aaeav, mXQywvll Uairro~g," 06 17 he through the temple. And he taught, saying tothem, .aNot taught, saybg unto

he went if perhaps ho wl find anything on il


bpa d ~ & p $ ~71' l bv air@ ~


at aX8&v bnJ off havingr lences seeing a 'l 'Iee



4Cpovc~v they bring n r r .

H O ~ fiCA. O ~

P i n ~ f i d M ~ u uthey cast upon e L T r r A w . rv

9 a6dv

L ~ A .


m be dallcdof all
but the ye Iinve mad0 i t n Of prayer? den of thieves. .l8 And the scribes and chief priests heard it, and how they mi2ht dcstroy him : fur the7
~~~c~~~ nibhed a t hi> dociriue. And cvc'n was come, ho \vent out of the city.




20 And in the momin^, as the^ passed by, they eaw the Fg rroa dried U from thc m t a 2P A U ~pm,sr calling t o r t m a u brance eaith uurohim h t e r , behold, t~,: fig tree wl~ieh thou cur-edst is withcretl Je us away, r2 an-wering saith uuro

y;ypnnrat, O " ~ ~ S-OZKAE-~OU K O ~ t'l ~ I rpou~vyijcK X ? ) ~ $ U E ~ ( ~ ( 'h" 'it been written. Y Y horlse a house of yrnier ahall ho callad n 2 i a t u roic ~ ~ U E U ~ $ 1 ;~ ~ 7 ~ . 6 8 r o i ( ~ u a ~ ~ I I for all tile U Pd un;l~alov nations? but ye made it a den XVUTGV. 18 Kni l j ~ o v ~ a voi q y p y p a r e i c &pX(EpEi.C,U Of robl'crs. And 'heard ['it] 'the s c r ~ l r s 'aud4the6chief oyrit..~s, ~ n ;<rjrottu n 3 g aitrbu ~dnoXiootraiv." ~ o ~ o ~ u r o . y d p i I 8atrdu,ll him, and they aought how him they shall destroy ; for they feareb t i $ ~ t rfiSu 6x)XXOc *C$EnXtjbuETOII 6 T#~61~aX@.n~ro~, k c : t u ~ e nll the crowd were astonished at his teaching, 10 Kni w i j ~ ~ I 1 bYiv~ro i E ~ n ~ p ~ I ?tw ~ ~ iI jIrdAewc. x ; ~ ~ c And whcn everung came he went forth qut pf the city. 20 Kni JTpwt ? r a p a n o p ~ v d p ~ u o ~ " E:~OU rdu Q V K ~ ~ S I And in the morning pnssing by they haw t h e &-tree ty $iZGv. 21 rni a";n,p~,~a8~;~ b II6rpoC t ; q o a p p Q u ) ] ~ i~ (Lied up from [the] roots. And Yhaving "remembered 'Peter


ir &ied.ap. 22 Kni cixorprS~ic a'ItlaoGg Xiyei atroic, 'EX~re r i a r i u 'Osoir. ? And 'answering 'Jesus snys tothem, Hnve fath i n G d 23 ci ,;t*."yOpP, XiYw ilpiu, Err 8s.A~ eim 7+.GP~i.roCrY, t o r verily I say t o you, t h a t whoader shall iny t o this mountain, sny unto you, Th:tt ~~~o~~~ & ~ ~ ~ t : 8~- 4 ~ J0 ~ ) ~ trai pXjOqri ~ r l j v BhXaaauu, rai ptj.6tathou r e m o T c ~nud Ik tho;takcu away end bo thou cnst into t h e , sea, and shallnot be thou c.stp,lnl, not ICIJIQ$ du r@.lcnp?iq.c(troii, sco; and iuto the ciXXct CriareCug'l 6 r 1 dil" eXEy~c'

X i y ~ a t ~ l i j"Pa@?i," i ,
silj* t o him


ise, I j

U V I C ~ +)V ~



we, t h e fig-tree which thou cursednt


doubt in his hcart, but do'1Lt in his hci:rr, but s b l l believe t h a t what h e s a p shallbelicvothattho-e y i u e r a t . iarnr irtrcj %.ldu E ~ T 24 Ccd.roSro Xlyw t ; t h place, thw sh:ill be to h m wh:rmer he sh~$ say, For thi,reasou 1 ~ n y shall hare wlfjlLCocvcr $piu, I I h u r n Sau:ddv" h ~ o u ~ v X d p ~ v o ~ " , T~UTE~TE air~iae~, be s ~ i l h .24 1i~crefore I hny rlnlo ycu, to SOU, All things whatvoaver praying ye ask, believe thinfiksocreryedesiro, STZi h a p $ 6 u ~ ~ , ' Ik a i rarar $piu. 25 Kni $raftk ~ ~ ~ l l r E U when Fe Pray! bclirve t h a t j e receive, And when ye m r y scand and [they] shallbe t o you. that pc receive them, l ETE rar& TLVOE' !Ua' id andyeshnllhnreth~m. ? T ~ O U E V X ~ ~ E Y O ~ , Ei T l &$ier 25 And when s e ntand forgive if anything Y A a v e a g a h t \anyone, t h a t u1so prwin? raying,.forgive, if ye Enre ought a inat b.ran)p.vpGiu b IUroic otpauoic &Q@ 'irpiy rd nnpnany :that your your Father who [is] i n the heavens may forgfve you 'ofr l ~ which is i n heaven o ra ot6d b.rar$p.&p~u may forgive you yew ~ ~ 4 p a3p3u.. 26 '~1.62,+LETS$ier~, trespasses. 16 But if fen=. Iyour. But if ye forgire not, neithep your Father e do not f o r d v e nei- t will yscr o bv m r o i ~ loirpauoic (ipfiu~i~ ( i . r a ~ a ~ ~ 4 ~ n ~ a - 8 p G v . which is innenvenfor- whoLisJi n the heavens will forgive your oYEences. give your trespasses. 'I~pou6Xvpa' ; K R ~ I@ ieoc? bv 27 Kai x o v r a ~~ 6 X c ue i ~ 27 h n d they come And e y !t come again to Jerusalem. hnd i n the tedplg again t o Jerusalem: tro~ mi and as he waswalking 7 i ~ p t r a ~ ~ G u r ~ c . aZpxovrai rpbc aitrbv oi & p ~ l p i c in the temple, there ss he is walking come to him t h c c h k i priests and oome to him the chief prierts,andthescriben, oi ypappar~icrai oi ~ ~ E u / ~ G T E ~ o23 rai uXhy~v~culi L, airryi, and thc el~lers,28 and the scribea 8x14 t h e eldeis, sad they say t o him, aay unto h i u By what ~ authoricy ddast thou 'Eu r o i q i<ovbip raika r o i e i c ; O a r a i l ' r i c ' u o t p a T l jlEovuiau Yauthority these things ? and who By what authority bhase things doest thou? and who thee gnve theo this auroi$c; 29 'O-b2.'Iquoic thority to do these ralirrlu ~ ~ w K E Y ,'iua rniira ~' things? 29 h&u s as l t h ~ gave, t h a t these things t h o ~ s h o u l d s t d ~ ? And Jcaua





-'Or' L. P nnrol$~are have made m A . P &p~tepa?s o i p a p p a r e i s LTTrAW. &noA~uwulvthey rnightde8troy LTWAW. [ d d v ] L. t n i s y d p fbr aJm!rA. ibrA$ou o w o T. W :havTTr. i$tnop&owo they went forth LTr. X napanopcv6pevoc rrpot LTTrA. ' p a p e e l TA. i, O L m m w . b y* for LT[TI]A. 0 nicrrev'n TA. d S wht mn. h a p o u e 6 ~ r d ~ aye pmy and t i O &v LTTrAW. f b ;hv eiri) mr{A]. Adci LTTrA. i iAdpcrr ye received LTTrA. UTI~KCTC stand LTTrA. ye I-VC)'IIC ?6 T . T m U . n &.pv the^ said or TA. P. i 8 ~ r t c V &WU&V icuin)~'R. *v L

- -


fI, XII.
dweritlg and answer mid to them 3Will



r~norprO~is" a ~ r o i C , ' E n ~ p w ~ a w ,~cdytd a hdyov elirev %pat h

. also. I

andwered Baldanthing,' askthcai' I to of you one queaa's0

rai &nonpiOly%'po~, rai

tion and answer me ~ ~ h ~ noi& '30 pcinrrapa t'Iwcivvov oirpn?loi? j?l these things. 30 The hnptiqm The baptism of John from henven was lt or from ,it from of John, wxs or of I do r civOphnwv; dlionpiOrlri pot. 31 Kai TiXoyi~ovro" apbc iav- men? answer me. answer me. And they rensoned with &cm with thomsekes, sayAnd they rensonell men ? r o 6 ~Xi,yovrec, 'E& E ? ? ~ w ~ E t, otpavoir, ipei, wAlaril' ing If we shsll say' , 'v E #elves, saying, If we should sny, From heaven, he will sap, w, ~ y Shy, u Why thcn ~ i l i F~ .' henyen he did xoavn 06~.batare8aaraa&@; 32 J&XX' fdv" E ~ H WE V . EE ye not believe him7 then did ye not bulieve him 7 but it we s h o d sny, From 32 But if we shall soy Of men thcy fonred dvephirwv, h$opoi?vro rbv Xa6ve Z d ~ v r ~ g " . y d1px 0 ~ thepeo ie :fornllnten ~ TAU urn,they feared the oeol)le ; for nll held coantel ~ o h nthat he , wns a prophet indeed. 'IW&UVV]U bvrwg" o $ ~ ] T3 S 33 kai i r . ~ r o ~ p t'Xi- ~ ~And~ nnswered ~~ . 8 6 33 ~ thcy John that indeed &prophet he WM. bnd answering they end snid unto Jesus We cnhnot tell. And youa~vrt? 'Iq~oir," Oir~.qi8apev. '3 ' I ~ u o C ~ Kni ci.lro~pt0ei~"XQy~innaweriup snitll Jesus SOY to Jesus, We know not. And Jesus awwering s:rys uuto thcm, Neither do I tall you by wh:rt afiroic, O68k iyh h6yw ;piu hv bt;ovaip ra3m ~ 0 1 3fiuthority I do these . to'them, Neither I 'tell you by what uutliority these things I do. thinga. me, and I will tell you by whnt authority these things


;piu, 8v aoiq 8Sovaiq rnirra





zn h;




p.zr1lble.4 t o sny, ' sviney~rrd XII, And he begall 4 t o speak unto them bp T V L ~ ~ ~ ] K$pny,udv, ~ n 6pvt;~v EY, i parables. A certntn tlentecl '6 man, and placed ubout [it] a fence, and dug m m planted a d u e ~ J ? ~ o X $ V ~ O U rai (t;tt086 ?]oEv d p y o v , , f l t % b ~ rairrbv aboutandand anhedge ~a it, diggdd a a Mne-vat. and buit ~ ' t o n r . ancl let out it plonfor the wil~efat he began t o them

Q Kai ijplhro a6roTg iInv napn/3ohuig Riyaiv." 'AprAGva 3 And .

C r ~ v a civOgwno~,Il ~v mi


y~wpyoig. uai dn~8$pqurv: 2 ~ a i n b r ~ t h ~ v 6 rrpar rodg

tohusbnn<lnen, nnd left tho country. husbhndmcu a t the season And that he sent trbh



"' i'$di::$:p~ia$ into men, went


{ ~ c ~ ~ ~ husb:indmen ti.,ehusbnndmen h7i) grg$ I F ~ p T ~ irOij &p7EXGVOS 3 hoi.$iil ,ha- vnnt, that he might jtb he might rcccive from the fruit .of the vineynrd. But thcy haring nu men of the fruit from .rr&hrv of thevincynrd. 3And /.~~VTES nbrdv c"de[pnv, a i ~ cixfareiAa)) K E ~ V .. 4 tnken 'him 'beat, and sent him] nwny empty. And ngain 'lley him, nnd sent hiin bent ciiriar~lh.av p r p 8atro6s fiXXov 6oCXoll' r&reivov jX'QopoX,j- away empty. 4 And ~ ~ hnviug ngnin he eent unto he sent to them anolher bon~lmnn, and him them nnother servnnt; a a v r s ~jbka$nhaiwanv,!l mi kciaioretXav ~rtpo/r{vov.ll m d a t him thcv cast . ~~ RtOnCh alld wObn(lod ~ t a n e d thcy stivck on the head, and sent [him] away having insulted [him], him in the head, and ~ X U rni t 6'uai l i r h k ~ ~ " ~ Ociaiaw&av' ncir~bov&nirr~ivn?,. ~ e n him nwn shameagtiin another ho sent, and him they killed; also f u l : ~ hnndlez And And again he ~ e n another; t ?yoXXodg d ~ h o v'"~035" b G Q p o v r m~OdcI'-ba c i n ~ ~ r ~ and o l ~thoy killed, ~, p ~~, D i ~ him many othets, ' asone 'beating, a d 'others 'killing. nud many otliers ; benting tiome,nndkiU4 n ~ . " 6 Zrt OAfidl EYU P V ~ J e~ovll dynaqrbv qnirroir,l1ing some. 6 Ra-ring Yet therefore 'one. =son 'haviug sboloved 'his sown, et therefore one son, dir6a~tth~v rakai"atrbv " n p b ~ ~aXarov,". ~ / ( L J"Or1 sent him also lnsdunto X~ V , Kis ~ e l l b e l o ~ e dhe he sent also him to them last, saying, them snylng, They will iererence my son. aatjaovrat rbv-vldv-pov.7 hCEiV01.8$ oi yawpyoi . ' a ~ l 7~ ~ ~v husbandB U those They wE1 have reipect for my son. But those husbandmen said men said among thema bonhnn, the


rcalp@ GoirXov, 'Ivn raod rGv yewoyijv



at rod^

~&y.yL p i s L ; d ~ d y (read (rep. 1 will ask) TTrA. b 7b LTTrAW. v LTTrAW. Ard 7i LTrA. 1 odv LTrAW. Y &AA& (read but ehould we say) LTTI.AW. S rdvrrs L a 6 n w s &L TTrA. b ' 1 7 ~ 0 5 ~ O V Q TT~A, A LV (&ro~prOeis] b'Iquo5r L ; b r o ~ p ~ 8 rm s . iA AaAaiv LTTrL a BvBpwros rc$6rirmmv T. r C & ~ C T O TA. B 7i)v ~ a p r & the fruits TT~A. h ~ aand LT'l'rA. v i i A ~ 9 0 , 9 0 A ~ u a LTT~A. ~as dre+aAiwuav T . q7ipr)uav insulted L W ; ,<7ipauav TA. 1 r d h t v Q1,TTrA. m o h LTPrk &?~oK~~vvou~~ GLTRA. O ovv [LITTrh. P ixwv vibv L ; rrxcv vibv TTr?. 9 d ~ O LTTr.4 ; a67oir W. 3 a a i [L]TT~& L. W ~ ~ L ~ ~ Yp a470Js LTTrA. O b ~ lrpot h d i r Juax WrA ;d r a v rpbs d a u ~ 0L.~ 3
TT! A.

- b o ~ ~ rSrrAoyi<owo ecis




O X.

X! I,
oa/6po~'G ~ i r r ~ , &TO*

pi^; ~ p b giavro6~>"OTL06ri)g ~uri%e r h j 6


and the ~ n h c r i t n n d among themselvce, This is the feir : come, let U b a l l be Onra. 8 And r~eivwpev a;ri)v, rai $@v Jarat rhqpovopia. 8 rni XaPdv~es they took him nnd him, and olus will be the inheritance. And having taken killed hit,,, trnd cnst . him out of tho vine- 'airrbir ~ ~ h r r ~ i v a v , ~ ~ rai iF6fiaXov c"Fw 705bp~eXijvog. him* they killed Dim], and cart forth Dim] outside the vineyard. the vineyard do? he 9 r i xo6vn .rroiGu~t d p t o g ro5 rip~e%voc; 6XeLju~ralKC(; b What therefore will do the lord of the vineyard 7 He will comc arrd ~ ~ l ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ , " , " " t ~ $ willgive thevinAyard (i~oX6ueirodg yewpyo6g, rai BDnai rbv dp.rreX3va &XXoig, unto othcn. l0 And will destroy the husbandmen, and will give the vineyard t o others. have ye not rend this rcripture The stone 1 036h T ? ~ U . ~ ~ C L ~ T ) V . T I Y ~ T ? , ? V CivEyvwr~ 0 ; AiBov 8v which thd builders re*Not *even %his acripture 'did lye %end? [The] stone which ected is become the l e a d of the corner : rd~e8o~ipaua30i O ~ K O ~ O ~ O ~ W E ~ , 06~0d Eig re$aX$v l 1 this way the Lord'r 4rejected 'those lwho abuild, this become ,head doing, and i t is marve~iousin our eyes? ywviag. 11 rap8 nvpiov dyQveroaiirq, rat Eurrv 8av12 And t h ~ sought t o of [Ihe] corner : y from [the] Lord was thisJ and it is w9nlay hold on him but fenred the peopl;: for p a d Qv66BaXpolC4p3v. 12.Kai b ~ ~ o airrbv rparijuai, v v they knew that he had derful , i n our eyea. And they sought him tolay holdbf, rpoken the parable a-, 6$0/3$3q~av -TAY Cxhv* Eywuav-yIp CLnphc q6rods ainst them : and they E f t him and went and they feared the crowd ; or they knew that agairwt then thoir W U ~ . rdv rapapoX?jv E ~ ~ E rai ~ $ Q v T E ~ &+jX80v. V * atrbv

~ , " ~ ~ , ~ ' ~

the parable he speaks. And lenving h i they went awsy, la and they llead 13 Kai &~ourdXXovucv p b s ~ atrdu ~ t v r i j ~ @apir'~iwv a v Qnto him certain of Pharlseeu the Pharisees and of And they send to him some of the tlleHerodians tocatch ikai rdv 'H w~Ytavijv, 8va atrbv ciypeCuwu~v Xdycp. 14 yoL6b11 him in his' words. that him they might catch in discourse. ilvd they and of the % o d i w , 14 ~~d say t o him, Teacher, WC know that true thou art, true, and carest for no rai 06 $ X E ~ 001 repi O ~ ~ E V ~ C * 06.ydp p X l ? r ~ ~' g is man : for thou regardest not the person of and thereiscare t o thee about no one ; for jnot 'thou llookest on [the] w men, but teachent the T ~ ~ U W T O V( i v ~ ~ h ~ &X)v , h' &Xqeiac n)v b6bv 703 8~05 way of m truth : appearance of men, but with truth the wny of Gud I n i t lawful t o give tribute to Cmsnr, or BiBdur~i~. *E(~uriv ~ i j v Kaiuapi Goiivar" o; ; 15 6 i j p ~ v a ~~v l5 we give teachost : I s i t lawful tribute t o Caesar t o give or not? S ~ o u l we give d or shall we not give p?).bdp~lr ; b~i6&cI'airrdv.rT) T E V E~ Rut he, knowipg their their hypocrisy b~r said u n t o or llhould we not give l But he knowing pwp said hp tempt ye %?iringneapnnr, airrok, T PE T E L P C ~ ~ E T E ;$Qp~rko ~ i p G~v6piov i'va 'i8w. that I may see rt. t o them, Why me do ye tempt? Bring me a d e n a r i u that I may see [it]. 16 And they brought it. b d he saith unto 16 Oi-64 ijjeykaiJ. Kai X ~ Y E ahroig, Tivog $-eir&v-aikq L rai them, Whore is thiu And they brought [it]. And he says to them, Whose [is] this image and image and su tlont ins iriyp.)< ; c0i.6h11.d ~ l r o @ abr@, Kaiuapog. (Kai unto him, Cmnar'a. the insor psion? And they anid t o him, Cmsar's. And 17 And Jesus anrwering unto them, d r o r p ~ 8 ~ BH 'Iquo5~ ic elmv fatroic,ll g'dird6ore r 8 KaiRander t o Casar the 'answering 'Jesas rofd to them, Bender the things of Cmthingr that are Car o i Be06 r(r"9~@, hiOaCpaaavll Kai rarts, and t~ God the uaposnKaiuapi, ~ a l r t o Ceaar, and the thing8 of God t o God. And. they wandered things that are God's. am, And they w e l l e d a t dr bim. a t h m. i. .

bow thou thr;t

gz&f&: $

having come

iXedvr~~ Xdyovu~v airy@,A L ~ ~ U K U X E , 6ri &Xqt)T)s ET, oi6apev

gytG 4



18 Kai fp~ovrnc Xa68ovra?or r p d c atrdv, o'lriveg Xhyovuiv l 8 T ' n come a n t o him the Sadducees And 'oome 'Sadduceea' to him, who Which sa there is ng andthey ~ V ~ U T ~ Upd.~hai' rai 'QqpDrquavR airrdv, XQyovrec; L U d e d him, saying, a resurrection there is not. And they questioned him, saying,

+aid they say) L ~ A , a &v having known T.

7 icai and (read W a6rbv him LTTrAW. 03v TA. o3v 4 p i v tell ue therefore L 8 boivac rijvuov Kaiuapc LT?. c [ t ~ i ' 6 iL. ] d c h a v LTP~A. b 6 i and (Jesus) L ~ L a A, P Th Kafuapos dw660rr Tl'rA. h d@aip&v LTrA; i ~ e @ a $ ~ a { o v graug w o n d e r d ~ ~ l-iprlpivrcuv LTTIA..

brdmctvav a i ~ r 6 v r ~ . m



MARK 19 At86uraXe, kMwuijcn Zypa$ev $piu, 8ri Biv rtvog d8ATeachcr, Moses wrote for us, that should die and leave behind a wife the m d chilrlren leave not,


if of anyone a bra- brotlar


$0~ dro@civprcai caraXiq ywairca ral l r i ~ v aplj.(i$$," X4P9


&M: hie, and leave E> :;; ? i2d7:e:FC51&e2 hiabrothcr rhould

20 Now there

' brother U sp a

that s~hould *tale

71jv ywvaZrca ma6r~ijfl~ a take his wife, mdraise i and up 6eed unto his browife

of him

tEavaonjap urtp

to hi. brother.
a wffe,

wife, and dying left seed 21 And the mcmd took h- and t h m m;and the drat took died neither lek he 06r&gijrev urippa* 21 rd 6 8etrepoc AaPav a6f$v, rcai m y k d : andthe third e leftno rsed; and the mcond took her, m d likedae. 22 And the wren had her, and left dlri0~lrev,Orai 0684 airrbs d$<rnvYur&ppa- m; 6 rpirog n o w d : of all the dled, and neither he left wed; and the third W o m ~ d i e d n l 23In ~. the resurrection there&uairrwc* 29 cai PWa/3ov a6rrjvn oi imi, %ail 06n.&$ijrcav r01.q r k n t h q s b u likewira And Sook *her ' h +even, and te left no r e whose wife 8hnU ia of them? e r - a . * i y d q ' r h v %riOmev rai tj yt~zmj.~2 tw-rp she 'benu m herfor !3 the . t~ art ofall died also the woman, In the wife. 24 And Jesua answering mid unto toZlvn dvaurciuei, viirart dvau~irurv;~ TLIYOS a6rGv iurar them DO ye not therewhen they W a r h , of which of them &allshehebe fore 'err, beL.ausa ye 1 ' t h d o m 'remmction, no $uav- rcai d kpirro~ a v yvvaka, rca; dro~njarcw W

20 irrd &8eX$oi were the b brethrena: seven bven bmtand t took


yvdj ; oi-ydp inrd i u ~ o v a6rjv yvvaka. 24 wKai dnorpt0sic

wife? forthe evep

Panswering p ~ of GO^ 2~ F O ~ ~ & ~ ' I ~ I J O aitr07c,~ 8~d.roijro ~haviiuee,p4 ri8drey when the dead, t h q a1mv ~ ~ Oh from they 'Jerm anid to them, Wet %herefore 'do Dye err, not knowing n e f t h r m r p , nor are @Veninmnrrinee'but rdr ypa$dc p44 .njy Girvapv roir 8eo3; 26 b~av-~drp Hic For when iromunong ue in theanuelel.whioh26 And heaven. of God? the #cript~wta ncn the power



h d



ve~pirv dvauriruw,. o h yapoiiaiv oiirc xyapiarov7ac,fi"; tp ;yrh", i$ , g d "

[the] derd



tiuilr &c dyythor JoiR

angeb who dead, that

ther rise,

neithar do t h y

W us given

in muriam, ye not -d

tv zo?~ o&pavok. 26 ~~pi.84

in the


r J v vecpJv, STL iyaipovrar* 06rcivhyvwr~ iv r# P i P y

the they rise, on, the have ye not read buah,

in the book of M m how in the bush aaying, h am the ' *I him, Q

in the


d H, p n the p&]

bri .rijsR Phrou, b&gRe l r ~ va&r$ d

how Pepoh 'to 'him of 1sbui

hkywv, ' E
*(, Jg .

8 [am,tEe Qod

6 &bg 'Appadp raj

H e i r not the

Oebc 'Iuadre rai o



~ ; ~ $ o d the God of Ju?ob P 8e6~, He ia not the God 27 of the tas but : the of dead,
therefore do greatT;

of I b r a h u n and the God

u d the


hsard them Teasonlng together, and perceiving that he had ~ t b r w v ' ' 6 7 ~o h " ~ 0 x rXavEa8e. 28 Kai T ~ O U E X answered them well 4 ~ ~ Andshnving'come~up asked him, Which d err. o [the] 1iTing. t e therefore greatly f the firat commnndrGv ypnppariwv, ciroirlra~~ i r r i f ~ u ~ ~ r o ~ v r ~ v ent of all?& q " r m , ~ ~ ~ 29 And 'onesof 'the *.cribcs, having heard them reboning together, perceiving Jesnr answered him rrhe h t of all &L raX3s " a i r o i ~ i~erpi8q> c'?rqptGrt/uevdirrdv, IIoia i d v c o - n ~ e n ~ thd well them he answered, questioned him, Which ia* Hear, 0 &ad; !he

8~bg' I a r i @ ; '27 oirr$ariV 'h' 0 ~ Vrpirv, dXXd *8bs8ing b ~

God qf Jscob?
God of [the] dead,



'.rrpcjn) rau3v
hfm, flrst

i v ~ o X $ ~ 29 ka'0.82.'~q~~ij~ ; dnercpi0qf
A dJem answered

%of'all 'commnndment t ['I'be] first of all

"a6~@,~ "Ori
theretbpe sw. r -+rai TT~A.

r p P q maaaa3v rcjv BvroXGv,


1 gf) T ~ K V O Vleave n o child TA. MoiiQils LTTrAW. m ai/roC IT~A. 03v 0 p3 r a r d r r r h v having left bhtnd no Thk P &at90v [L]TRA.. Ju~arov LTTrA. Kat q t+ drri6avev LTTrA. w v TTTA. &#q aGro% bvIqooik ~ l to them n r ~ . X ~aqi&vra' d v &av &vamGo'v [LP, LTTrAW. J 0; OLT~T~IW. MUVU~UO LTIVAW. s.7~cGLTTrAW. b nws TTrA. d Oebq G L ~ ~ A W . ;pr% odv (iSeadnAav. ye err) T [ T ~ ~ A . b LTrlW. f ~ v < q ~ o 6 w o v LTTrA. rr i&v having seen LTW. h d r c r p i h a h o i s mr. in p w ~ wavzwr ivroA4 Q1.W ; i m A i n p h q a h v m v TTrA. & ~ c ~ p i'lquoi-s TTrA. i, 8 ~ h a6ry ndvrov ivroA4 ow ; advrwv [ivrohj I m t v ] cummandment of an ie L; 1miv Hl'cb. (wad [The] first 1s) TTrA.


the commandment8 [ Q Hear, i




Lord our God ir one Lord: ZO nnd thon ahnltlr~ve Lord thy thc God witftall thy heart, m d with nll thy sou1 md with all th mind' and with th; rtrength: this W the 5rst commnndment. 31 And the second ia like, nnmclythis, Thou rhnlt love thy neighbour ns thyself. There is none kther commmtlment greater than these. 32 h d ,khe scribo aaid unto him, TYcll, Maater, thou hnst snid the truth : for therc is one God. nnd there is none othc; but he : 33 and to lore him with all the heart and with all the un&rstnnding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbour aa himmlf, b more than all whole burnt offerings .nd sacrificer. 34 And when Jesus ILW that he nnrwered dlscreathe said unto him &ou art not tar fro; the kingdom of God. And no man &er thnt dumt aak him any pwrtion.



MAPKOE. XII. rclrproc i.Bebc.tjpGv ~6piocelc iuriv. SO real

Lord our God ;Lord 'one

' k


thou shalt lovo [tho] Lord and with


rclrpiov rbv.Bedv.uov 15 SXqg njc.rapSiac-uov

thy God with all all thy herut thy aoul and with thy mind

rai 15 SXqc rijc-~v;yijg.uovrai 65 SXqc ~~.Siavoia~.uou

tl-y strength. like
!WE[is the]

and with all

~ a 65 SXqc n j ~ . i u ~ o ~ . a o v . i 'aiirq
And [the] second

?rphn) ivroXlj.'

commandment. 'neigh-

31 Orni" Gcvrfpa Phpoiau

b o w , 'thy

qaiiq," 'Ayamjuer~rbv rXq[it is] this : Thou ahalt love than these another commandment

aiov aov


ueavrdv. Meilwv r06rwv dAXq

thyself. Greater And
E~TEY airriy"
%o 'him 'the


there is not.

otr&~riv. Kai 32 rah,

6 ypappareiq, KaXijc, GtGhaRight, teach*b



LXqBeiar. %l?rasH Sri ETC 1uriv s0~6c,n ( i i ~


nccofding to

thou hast snid thnt him :

'God, him

and with

oi,r.c"artv dXXoc
all the the 6oul

there ispot another begidea

atroii. 33 ~ a rb Lynnqiv atrbv 15 i

to love the understanding and wlth nll and

SXqc rijs ~~(pBiac rai

heart and with

m d with all all the

45 6Xqc r;ig uvviuew~' i 15 SXqc m


rijc $ w ~ c c "rai 1E iihqc

neighbour ss oneself, and the


rb &yar$v

to love [onc's] burnt

rbv ?rX?~~iov iavrdv, '?rX~idv~I &c iuriv ~civrwv rijv hXoredv*more than all Jesus Not

rwphrwv rai wrijvll 0vuiijv. 34 Kai b'Iquo3c iG&v xahrtvn

offering6 mcriflceu. And wing him that intelligcnUs he answered. from the kingdom of-

Src vovve~ijc ( i ~ ~ ~ p i EITCY, atrq, Oir paroriv e))

snid to him.

a t thoa r


&nb rijc pnatXeiac roii &OS. Kai 066sic.06~frc irdXpa ahrtv

And no one any more dared

;i hm

'to 'aucstion. JePus 35 Kcti inorrpteeie b 'IqaoSc c"Xe EY, &8&areuv1v ry7 i ~ ~ t - , mered m d arid, whila be tnught in the ternAnd 'nrrsrrwing 'Jesus #a& teaching in the tempt, How ray the n j XQyovu~v ypappardc 8ri b X iurbc vide Jluri11 ic ol Aapdl' ; %bes Son of Chrht Is HOW that sny the scribes that the ason 'is of IJitvid? ~6 For David hi-eli 36 ntrbc xydpllaAn/3i8'l b e l ~ ~iv l er$11 v l me6pari iy ! & ~ ~ ~ , " ~ ~ , I -$ ~ fo* ) *David maid 4 the Spirit the 6July,, ". u ~ ~ Lord, Sit thou On my *E~TEw" ~6pl0c ~ & I c v ~ ~ v ) *K&~OV" E ~ L ~ J V T . ~ o v , ~ I CG OV h t b d i till 1make .said lthe . ~ o r d to my ~ o r d , a t m y right f a n d unril 8it d n e enemies thy footstool. 37 avid 6 3 roir~.~~~p06~.uovo ~ d G i ~ij~.?robdv-uov. -4irr;r. 1 ~6r ov~~ 37 therefore himelf call- I place thine enemies [ae] a footstool for thy feet. sHimscli 6th him Lord and whence is he den h i h~Ijvll aAa/3ib1'X i er aGrbv ~6 tov' K& a6Bev 1vibc.airro3 non? And the corn- %herefore 'Davld carh him Ad, and whence hiawn



shW. monmPtheud


1ur~v Kal d ?roXirc dxXoc $rcovev a%roiit j f i ~ c . ;'l

is he?
And tbe great crowd heard him glndly.

38 Kai k A e y ~ v atrole bv $-6i6ajl$a%roii,' BX6?rrr~ W And he midunto them in h h doctrine, And hs said to them in his teaching, Take heed of Beware of the scribes8 real love to go in rGjv ypappartuv, rdv BeXdvrwv bv crroAa7~?rept~are?v, long clothing,andlovs the scribes, who' like in robes to walk &out, m d

- bpoia ,et i%s njc , a (?.cad - more ~- he [L]TT~&t mOLTrAW. - xar[a@ov] i~e [is][like ( ma O Aw. !I .T aeptu6'hepbv abundmtly m. - 76v - 7% [ L M T ~ ~ . , Acves LlTrA;. Aavcid gmrv m A ; i m r v Ahveib i a r v Aavtb GW. A a v 3 ow. b Aiyc~ says W : - 74 * hbec sltys - b (read a[!he&u S ~ O K ~(read beneath shy feet) TW 8 m * xoi8coov -A. h -o h [ L ~ I L
it) LTr.
a i q a cjn) j ~ o h 4 TA. T. 8

K U ~


U) -

' . h.





m& e

k Zv -a$ B6axfla6ro0 iAqev

m .





snlUt-'tiOns In the thc chief bents mnrket-placcs' in lnd the f i y n : l g O ~ u cand the a~ U1'wra*gt which de'lt fc~lsts 40 : vour n.irlows' houbea,

& u r a u p o i G ;v r a i ~ d opaic 39 rai xpwrorat?e6pia~ rnig {U salutations i n the marlet-places and 5rst scrts in the u v v a y w y a i ~ mi xpcororcXcuiag i v roic S~irvocc'40 oi 'rareusynagogues and Grst plnoes a t tho suppers ; who de6iovrecu your


oiriflc houses

rGv xvpGv, rai

of widon8, and

npo$boc~ Va~pd as a pretext 'nt 'grent +length


theie sh.111 reccive greater d n ~ n n t i o n . 'prny. These shall receive more nbundant judgment. 41 Aud Jcsus sat rru 41 Kai rcrGisac 03 ' & q u o i t ~ "O ~ a r ~ v n u 705 y a t o $ v X n - over ngninst the treaAnd PlrnvingJsnt'down 'Jesus opposite the trcnsury, R1lrY* beheld how the people cast mouey riou berdpec 7rGc b bxioc PhXhei xaXrbv sic r b y a z o q v X c i - into the treasury: he snw how the crowd cnst money into the trensury ; and mnny that were r ~ c h cnst in much. KIOY* rai noXXoi ~ X o i r o t o r i@aXXov noXXci. 42 rni iXBoiua .ia And there cnme a and many rich were casting [in] much. And'having'come certain poor widow, and threw in two ia x$pa n r w x 4 {Pahev X~rrci 660, ii b a r ~ vr o ~ p c i v r q c . ,ites, shewhich make a i t u o 'widow 'poor cnst [in] Ylopta %WO, which i . a kodrantcs. farthing. 43 And he

npouev;ydpevoc~ o 6 r o i mX$iC/ovra~" r r ~ p r u U d r p o rpipa. . ~

43 r n i . r r p o u r a X ~ a c i p e v o c ro3c.pa6~rhc.atroir P X h y e ~ "airroic,
And having called t o @im]

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l e : n t ~ n ~ to them, unto thkm, Veril &a: 'Ap~jvXLYw 6@v, iirr rj. a-aiirq arcrrp) .rrA~iov c i v r w v n ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ , " d Vcrily I nay t o you, t h a t t 8 s e w i d o ~ o r more thnn a i l pore in, than ail r ~ ry a X d v r ~ v l l s b y a C o $ v h c i r t o v . 44 xciv~ eic qP!PXqrcevll has cnst [in] of thooe casting into the treasury. 44 for all they did cast atroic ipahov. uGrq.81 inof their abundance. T E ydp b~ ~ roil .rrepiaa~6ovro~ for out of thnt which wns abounding to them oust [in], b u t she but cnst Ofi n all that did

h h disciplea

he soye


out of

ir r i i ~ . 6 a r e p l j u e w ~ . a i r nhvra r~~
hor dcstitution aall

*mach*au %ho 'hod


ETXEV ipahrv,

she had* even all her

[=in> living'

2Xov rbv./3iov.a3rijg.
'Owhole Ohor "livelihood. Kai b r ? r o p e v o p i v o v . a t r o i i TO; i s p 6 X ~ Y E L And M he wsa going forth out of the temple ' ~ a y s %o 'him 1 B ~ $ v . p a ~ t ) r G v . a l j r o i i , AiGiaraXe,' r ? r o r a n ~ i iieoc xai 'one *of shis 'discipleu, Teaoher, lee, what stones and ~ o r a n aoiroSopai. 2 Kni ' b 'I~aoirc& ? r o ~ p r O e i c~Tnev i ~ atry", wimt buildings I And Jeaus anewering said t o him,




BXix~inc rabrac
Seest thou these

r&cp r y h h n ~oixodopric; 06-p?) +e8t

great buildings 1

oir.p+uaraXvOd. Kai raeq hvov Up0n not be tbrqwn shall nnOtherl that stone which shall not be thrown down. And as'was sitting down. 3 h , ~ he airroit eic ri, dpoc r 3 v ' E X a t S v rardvavrr roe i ~ p 0 3 ,wi?rq d- " t the mount of Olives over against 'he upon the mount of Olivea oppdte the temple, the tcrnple, Peter and rwvILairrbv rar1.i8iav =nhrpo~a i 'I&wpoc rai '1whvvtIc rcai James and John and k ;d .him "apart ' P e w 'md 'Jam= .and .John . u d privately, 4 Tell him U, Xieoc hxi
stone upon

not a t all shall ?e left

&yifi \one~ ~ not be Eft ,tone

ing said unto hi

5 ~~~~B,B

xIn. And M ha went out of the tunple, one of hin disciles naith unto him, aster, see what manner of stones and what

?urar ; rai when shall these 'bntlrew, Tell us when *these 'things '8hal.l be? and what the - a r ) p a i o v gtav /.lfAhP ' I r h ~ a r a i j r a a v v r e ) l ~ i u e a t ~ all these things shall ; sign when 'should 'e about 'all b 'thew sthinga t o b e nccomplirhad? & f 5 'O.b%.'Iq~o3~ & a o ~ p c ~ ~ i ~ ~ a[nro o i ~ a " 6 r X.iy~iv,~ BXtrere began to any, Tnke Anddenlu anawering t o them %pan t o any, Tnke heed heell lest any nxm deceive you : 6 f o r mnny rig 6 p 6 ~rhoj jot). 6 ~ o h h o i . ' y d p ~ dir6uovra~,ixiryi shnllcome i n a y 11n111e, est anyone fou 'mhlead. For many w i l l come in saying, I am Cltrist: and shall deccive 6~dpari.pov, X f y o v r ~ ~ , d "Orr eipr' rai l o X X 0 i r c 7rhnvi- many. 7 And wllcn my name, saying, am E e l , and many they will ye shall hear of war8

AvrpQag, 4 YEi.rr&l1 $pi$ s 6 r ~ r&ra

:k$fi>:de ? ,"h","," &

1 ~ a r 6 d o v r e TrA. s P etnsv he Bald OLTTr.

[L]T~A. 0 bndvawc Tr. ,%dd6v~wv LTTrAW. B ;K ?f T~[,A]. inorcpcb'eir b'Iqubik L ; inorprb'sis TTr.4. a b8e here L T ~ . v hi9ov r r r . erqpwro TTrA. 6T . Y e h b v LWr& ' raika n b v r a ovvrcheiv8ar L; ~ a 3 r av v r s h s i u l a t r i v ; ~ a imrpt8ek m& b ilpia~e Aiyetr w r e i g L T ~ L y+ for TA,

m h j p + o w a c LITrA.

did Cast [in] LTr.

- 6 '11v03s




~ r T ~ ~ " , ~ aovarv. ~ brav.62, d&~04at]r~u $ , f l 7 ~ : 7roXkpovc nai cinodc 7roXIPwv,

,hinys luurt mislend. But when ye shall hear of wnra and rumoun of mum, d ,;but th; bo li.t?p~~i~f3~. 6 ~ 2 eydpll p v b ~ e a ~&?A' oCm J L ~ ~ U be not . i i ri, ni,tion a- e not disturbed ; Ot amust 'needs for come to pass, but %ot v e t f ]&the

nation, rQXoE.8 'Ey~pB~aerac. ievoc 'hiu ievog ~ a pautxaia d i ngdom against kingFor %hall %ise 'nation agoinat nation and kingdom dom :and there h a l l be earthqurkes in di- in-i pauiXeia~.gcail1 ;aovrar ~~lUp0i nard-r67rovc, kai' P ~ against ~ kingdom ; & and there ahall be earthquakm in different phca, and ~ ~ ~ ~ troubles: these iuovra~ Xlpoi jnai rapaxai." k&pXnill h6ivwv rairra, the beginning' O lor' Beginnlngs of throes [are] these. rows. 9 But take heed there shall be famines and troubles. ydpU 6pliC to yourselver :forthey 9 BXQ.rr~rt.62 p ~ i ciavro6c. 7rapa63aovuiv.) 6 But take heed ye , to purselves ; for they will deliver up you to



F &


synagogues : ye will be beaten, m d before governors be brought before Nler* and kings for my ~ aPaaiXQwv urnOPjaeuOa Evecev-bpos, i pao.r6piov airroir sake for a bstimon and h g n ye will be brought for my sake, for R t;sthony to them ; agnihat them. 10 ~ n h the gospel must first 1 l~ai 0 Irriwa rd ievl) m 8 ~ i.rrpihovN nqpvxQ~lKCrrb bepubllrhednmongall and to all the nationr must drat be proclniiucd the nationr 11 But when they shall lead M, ha ikou. 11 '$rav-6kH O & y ( i y ~ ~ c ~ U 6pifc ~apaEtEdvr~c, and deliver YOU UP, g ~ i d i i . But whenenr they may lead away you delivering &on] up, take no thought b forehand what ye p$-%Tp~pplp~Zir XaXtjuqr~,Ppq6d ~ E X E T ~ ~ T E ' ~ ri shall speak, neither do be not careful beforehand what ye uhould soy, nor mcditnte h o u r reply] 1 ye premeditate: whatsoever &XXv 8-qbdvU 608p' 6piv bv bn~i~rp.r$.6pp, roir~oXaXeir~* given you inthat hour, bat whatever maybegiven to you in that hour, that speak; m+arb cov. that speak is not ye for It 06. hp bar oi X ~ X O G Y T E S ,(iXXd bnt the Spirit the goly. but the Eoly for 'are 'ye they who

rhallbe ' synagogues :anrye mnhedrirm and t o

uvt~f6pia~ n eic wvaywydc. G ~ o ~ ~ u E u O E , i7ri +y~pdvwu i cai


tc:S? L
t r


" , ~ t h ~ &BeX$bs ci6~X$i)v 12 krpa66a~c.S2ll ~ ~ EIS



t '

OCiv~~rov, q n j p nai

ther to dapth, the And 'will 'deliver %p 'brother brother t o denth, and f ~ t h e r & ~ d r e ~ , " h . ~ n & e ~ ~ K Y O V * ~ a 87ravau~aovratr f ~ ~ j ai yovei~, P i h rai tlavanj.g.iast child; and 'will %e *up 'children against pnrents, and will put to gdbh.",r~d%e aovarv a6ro6s. l3 nai ;acuee praoip~voi b ahvrwv 8ici h And ye wl be il hnted by all on account of them* 18 d y e . .l be death hl hatea of for rd-i)vopCi_tiov* 67ropeivac ~ i g r f X o ~oirroc u(r~8Pju~, name's .pLe :but he thrt my name ; bat he who endures t9 [the] end, he ahdl be anto the -4 the rat. 14 "Orav-62 i6qre rb PGfXvypa ' rijr: ipqpPaewc 'rb But when ye,see the abomination of the desolation which u m e . when p h.u mved. l, h l k naved. nl .ee the abomination of &$3lv 67rb AavrGX roG rrpo+tjrov,ll 'Curb$' &rov 06.dci. bolation of W= spoken of Daniel the prophet, standing whore it ahould not by ~ a n i ethe prophet l m t ~ d i n g where ii b ( ~ V ~ ~ L Y W U K W Yvodm. r 6 r ~oi iv r e 'Iov6a1p ~ E V mght not, Oet him @B who rerds let him understand), then those in Judea let that rendeth underrtandl then let them Ybruaa~ elc-rd 15 b v6dNb?ri 6Pparoc p4 kara- ' that in J u flee them h t o the mountains, Ohe 'and upon the housetop 'not Uet lhim ~ to the moanMns: l p L him t h t IS P d r ~ weis njv o k i a pq6i ~ ~ i u ~ h e i ~ ~ I L ~~ = yhpai ir on he h o w t o not come down into the house, nor go in to take any thing out of godowninto thegouse neither enter t h i n ' rijE-oinia~-a6roG' rai d a& rbv ciypbv Z3v11 16 Luj.i.rrcurp~#Ciso to t ~ any thing on4 ~ e Uhow; and he that in the field is let him not return d h h w l6 and i m o : let him that L in the r& 67riaw dpcu rb.ipCircov-adroii 17 oirai.61 rais dcld not turn back to the t h h g s M i n d to take his garment. But woe to those that w i n for to take up




his gument 17 woe to them that are


i~.~aarpi.b~06a(~c r a ? ~ &1Xntoiraail: iv in~ivars KC(; rais

ue with ohild
4 , -

and to thorn that


give suck



iu' a h-&&wea p ayeahear of whenapfiy iapbegmhmg LTTr. - -p~for i peAw&eu G ~ o Be2 rai r x i yi v CTBA. rrdr &v and BYOQLV - 70s m &v rai ua,ad&uec -- &qeav AavciA - cis q v otriov CL-^% ri) * m ;ion+- L ; io-qrha L[m] I '. &a' T* r r. ricrrh8a:mL T n . - BP [iBU L . &

h LTT~[A].


TTr.4. T[TT]L

T [T~]A.


&T, T&

LTTr.4. ~ L TTIA.




[L]TT~[A]. [L~~A.

( . 1d

days 1 And pray

that 3may 'not ' e b your "flight
those days ! 18 And

{pipalE. 18 T ~ O U E ~ X E U O E . E1((vn p~j-~Bvqrai ~ a<.~vyr)-6p3vN ~,"~t,";lf;v,";,"Ck;;

X E I ~ G V O 19 iaovrai.ydp ~.
in winter ; has not been for 'shdl be ['iu]
O ~ - Y ~ Y O ? J E Vroia6r1l

ai.ljpipai.ireivae Bi !, kq t +
'those 3days


prac ye thnt your

tribulntion, such as mch wnS from the beginning of the which God

h '

the lika now.

from [the] beginning of creation which zcreated and not a t nll shall be ;

d p ~ i g I C T ~ U E W'bGSI1 &TLQEY daysshallbenMiction, ~ 6 'r6p~o~ creation

any flesh; and o x s s [the] Lord




'God until had shortened

vcv, ~ a 06-p?j yivqrar. 20 sai ei rj i 06r.dv.hahBq

the days, there would not have been saved

~ K o X ~ / ~ W U E Vrdrs rjpipag, II
&XXd 61d

~riiaa ahpe

c!Y~.~;~'~~~~~~$ 2 o ~ i excepi that the d

Lord hnd shcrtened those days, no flesh should h saved.: but but onaccountof the elect whom he chose, he hns shortened the for the elect's sake, whom he hat11 chosen {pbpaS. 21 Kai rdre ihv rig 6p'iv eirg, d'1806,11 686 6 hehath shortenedth; days. And then if anyone to you say, Behold, here [islthe days. 21 And thcn if any man shall say t o ~ p ~ a r d eijll *ic?oi,'lb ~ e i ,gp$.~~urt6al~r~.II iyep0~00vrac Lo,herei8Christ; c, 22 you Christ, or Bchold, there, ye shall not belicve lit] 2There 3will *arise or, io, he is there ; beh m not : i for &p1'' + E V ~ ~ X O [ O T O Lill $euc?orpo$ijmi,~ a Ji~ D u o v u ~ v !otlpe'ia lieve Christs and22false m ' alse &or fabe cllrists m d false prophets, and will gire signs prophets shall rise,

r06g ~ K X E K T O ~ ~ iE~XiEaro:b~ohdPwaevrdc osg

s ~ ~ d ~ elect. duce, if it posrod*. 23 ET* 8i erere. 'ic?o6," xpoai qra 6 P v rhvra. 23 Buteven the heed: S'b1e, take ye gut ; e ' f?k: heed : I have &retold to you all things. behold,^ have foretold 10, 24 "'AXX'II i v i~eivnigrazg vjpipaec, per; r ~ ~ . 0 X i ~ o ~ . i ~?OU lthose l days, 34after ~ all r ~ ) n u t v thiupa. In Dut in those days, afte that tribulation, that tribulntion, the 5 ijXiog arori~Ojoera~, a i aexlj~q o6.bioec rb $EYYog sun shrill bcanrkened ~ the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give zLight not the give her light " "
~ K ~ E K -

ripnra, rpbg rL dro.rrXni~qiv Gvvctrbv krail' ro;g ei

to deceive if possible oven the

and wonders,


a6rQg, 2 : rai oi 6aripe~ 5 "TO; ohpavoi; Eaovrac b r ~ i r r o v r ~ ~ , " 5 &ad the

'her ; and the star8

*tars o i of the hceven shaU be falling out, ;V TOTE 06pnvo'ie a a X ~ v ~ ~ o o v ina heaven shall be r ~. ~ai 6~~6p~ic ai ai and the powers which [are] in the honvens shall be shaken ; then shall they sco the Son 26 rni rdre d#ovrai TAY vidv 703 &vOpDrov tp~dpevovi v of man cornins in and then shnll they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with grent power and glory. y ~ ~ i k a iPET& 6uvbp~ws6 ~ o k k < c 6dfqc.0 27 rai rdre 27 And then shall he c rcai clouds with 2power 'great and glory ; and then send his augels, nnd hall gnther togethor C ~ ~ ~ O U T E0~6Eg~. & y ~ ~ X 0 ~ ~ . ~ a 6 ri 0 ~ ~~ ~ h f ~ 706s his elect from thcfour ~ ~ i rl, vv ~ he will send h's mgcls, and will gather together winds.from the utcerm o d part of thc earth % ! ~ K X E . K T O ~ ~ . ~ C;K~ TTGV ~T~ U ( J ( ~ ~ W U Y ~ ~ w LT' O~ E & Y , aKpOv t o the uttermost part his elect from the four winds, from [the] extremity of heavm. 3A SOW learn n parable of the cifipolr fig ,\.llen her y!g to [thc] extremity oioavoij. 28 'AT;-82 r i g avrig ph0.E~~ tree; yet tcnder, of earth of heaven. But from thc fig-tree learn branch is


r i v rapa@oXljv. Crav ra6rig 687

tho parable : whcu of i t

akcndy the branch

5 rXh60g" &raXhc yiv?,tender

e LYCR, know *OrCh 70 that is be- sululucr is ncnr : 29 so


rat, ~ a is i ~ $ v j ' l rCi $ib\Xa,

eome, and i t plits iorth the leaves, is.

' ~ ~ v ~ ~ K iiri dyydg rb Ohpoc ~ h J , " y , ' $ ~ l l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; E T E ' ~ ye know thnt near the sulumer things eolnc to pnna,

iariv. 29 oi;rwc rpi itPeTc, iirav UraGra iGrlretl y~vipeva, kUo" even
also ye,

a t tho is~nigh* Y . it ~CII when these things ye ace coming t o pass, 30 ~ ~ r i I y y unto l m

Y ~ V G U K E ~ Ey 6 ~ $re b y iarcv tri

know that nenr
it is,

a t [the] doors.

B6paic. 30 '-4pdv XHyw. irp?v, rntiont'lnt not gm*you shall ~IIS',





$-yevedr.ctbrq, piX?ig 03 V ~ h v r a
until a11

you* till all these things be

that in no h will have passed away this generation,

+vy$ GP& (read it lnny not be) LTTrA. $v l.TTr. c IroMDwuev ~ v ' p r o s T. is'ITrA. e 7) .TA. 8 p$ ~ I U T C ~ ' E T B believe [lt] nc~t GLTTrAW. * L ~ LTTrA. E * - ~ a~ i[ ~ r h 62 nnd T . j XOL<UOVJLK will work TA. i I,~LVS~~PLUTOL rai A. is06 [L]TT~A. 'AAA= 1.TTlA. < Q O W ~ L <K TOG O ~ P ~ V ~O T O V T C C ~ P ~ LTTrA. Kai U a;?oG ( ? ' e ~ d tile elect) 'IT.-\ P - a&ov (retld the angels) [L]TT~A. Qdtrlr rohhijs L. i6gn <SIJb ~ h c i 6 0 i ~ r i j s a~ LTv. t y t v l j m e ~ a t is known A. it ;r+v'r~ Ear.

b .

rawa LTl"r.

7airra a o i v ~ a TTrA.



done, ,hall Heaven nnd 31 plrtaway. racrd yivqmi. 31 d oirpavdc K a i y i j waaoabuD my worJs vLali these things h 1 1 have rnken plrcs T e hcn-ren and the earth h shall n o t r a N n y . 32 X E ~ U O U T ~ Loi.di.Xdyoi.pou 0 & - ~ p 4~7ra0iXOwuiv.l~ TPtpiiGi .~ " 3 ' 2 of t a t day and that but my word. in no wise ehailpws away. But coucerning pour howeth no m,m, pass away, no, not the angels 7 j j C < r i p c - b ~ i ~ q c z ~ a i r i j c Gpag, oi18Eic oTdEv, 068; ' 0 ; i y 'l which are in heaven, that day and the hour, no one knows, not even the anneither the Son but theFather. 33 ~ A k e y e~ E X Oboin iv ot?pav@, 066; d vi6c, i-p+ b 7rarGp. 83 BX~BETE, L~ heed, watch and pray : gel8 how not when those in h a v e n , nor the Son, but t h e Fnthier. Take heed, for the time is. 3 1 For the & y , ~ u m ~ 'Kai ? ~ ~ o ~ E ~ x oirr.oi8are.yrip T ~ T E k a t p d ~ ir~ E u ~ E ' ~ i) Son o man 7s as a Illan f watch and Pray ; for ye know not when the time taking a far jonmey wholefthishouse,nnd ~ U T L Y Q4 &c ( ~ V ~ ~ W A O C i ~ 6 8 r 3 p o ~ c if^^;^ f i u o;r;av gnre authority to his is i gs a man going out of the country, 1e;rring zhouse servants nnd to every man his work, and airroir, rcai 6 0 3 ~ o i ~ ~ 6 0 6 ~ 0 ~ ~ a i jIvr io io v u i a ~dmi'li r h u r y r r F r ~, cotnmanded the par- 'his, and givhg t o h u bondmen ' the authority, and to cnch one ter to watch S5 Watch e tberefom: for r d - i Y O V - ~ & T OKU; T@ O ~ p w p $ ~ U E T E ~ ~ U T O ~ p ~ p n y o p ~ . ~, L o w not when t i e f work, i r and 'the 'door-keeper 'commanded that he s ould wacci!.


cockcrowing, or in the $ ~~~ : lest mm- ipxefai. eb+i, i j f p e c o u u r r i o u , ~ & X E K T O ~ O $ W W7rpwi., ing snddenb he find comes : atorening, or a t midnight, or a t cock-crowing, or morning; you sleeping. u y unto a l Watch. l,

nnz;g:O kt coming iEai$vqc he shoul find-+tic S 4 &pg suddenly you

~aB~i80uras. ~ " - 8 i 37
sleeping. h n d what

6piv Xtyw, ?rc?uiv X l y w , I'pq o p e i r ~ .


dtch. t o you I my, t o a l l I say, XIV. Attor two da th feart M T H ~ . 6 i 7 6 ?rriuxa ~ aT& i cicupa p r d 660 wover, and of unNow it WM the passover and the [feast nnleavened bread after two earened bread. and a chief and q p i p a ~ *real i t < r o u v o i cipxtepeic rai o i y p a p p a r d c 7r3c tire aeriben sought how d a y r And 'were *seokinglthe'chief "priests .and 'the *scribes how they might take him 2 &yov b81," a t r b v iv 6dXy ~ p a r $ u a v r e r c i x o ~ r r i v c d a [ v . by craft, and put to drath. 2 But tlley him by guile gctting hold of they might kill him]. =They 'said 'but,

tc L 14

2 ;of the people. ~Notr ivj the Gopry', p tlesto r e iB6pv/?oEthere shall rbe" of the Xaoii. ; he^^^ i n ry' fenat, i a a tumult ~ u m TO$ people. =prom
3 K a i Svroc a6roii d B q e n v i q , ;v T$ oi'ri'q Z i p w t l o c so6 v 3 And bein in Bethany in tllc f,o,lse of And %being 'he i n Bethany, in the house of Simon the silnon thelepr* X E T ~ O ~ , T T Q K L ~ ~ Y O V . C ( ~ T O ~ , he ~O $X(!~V ~ X O U U U &X&~ t amcat, t h e came t a woman hnving a n leper* M he reclined [at table], 'came 'a woman having a n a h aIabmterbox0f *nt- P a u r p o v p 6 p o u v6 &U 7 r t u r u i j r 7roXvrrhoC~. 'raiu uvvm e n t & : o ~ ~b u t e~ finnk o~ ointmcnt of nard ~ r ~ ~ ~ 'pure, of groat price ; and hpring the box. ,;$am lrAb & A h ~ a u r o o v , rnrsxccv atr03 amrdll r i j c pouredthe,,,, wcm head. brokcn it on his some the ahbwter fiusk, she poured [it] 'his 'on thnt.hna indimation K E + ~ X $ C . l j u i v - 8 i rivet & y a v a r r o ~ v r?rpb~.Cauro6c, ' r a i 4 ~~ w l t h ~ n themselves a n d 'were 'some indignant within themselves, and ona said w h y WA y6yov~~ ; t h h wwta'of the oint- ~ f y o ~ ~ ~ ri ~)j-&xhX(;rp r o 6 , E ; C @pou lucnt made? for i t saying, For what %his dwnsrc .the *omtment 'has been mnde? h~ight hnve bean aold for more than three 6 r j 6 6 v a ~ o - ~ d o r o F r o O 7rpaeij1~ac i a h v w Prplaroaiwv hllndred pence, and for i t wns [for] thin to have been sold for above three hunctrcd hnre boen givan t o the 608ijvar r o i c 7rrwxoic' K a i ~ v / ? p i p ~ ~ ~ poor. And they mur- B q v a p i w v , ~ rcai mured against her. dennrii, and tobavo been given to the poor. And they murmured 6 And Jeeus aid Lot heralono why irou- at*. 6 ' 0 . 6 L ' I r l ~ o f i c ~ Z n e v ," A ~ E T E atnjnjy' ri shy' rd7rovc ble ye he;? she h t h a t her. But Jenur said, Let Aalone 'her ; whr t o her trouble


m angel A.

napchcv'uerac oW.

eithcr TTrA.
B 6 p v ~ o rTTTA.


t. I . uovr j) or zyycho: -pe te mr n .r pi)ener-. aainnappo~uhtSdr LTTrA.a~cc i~co -~ a i + f r w ~t v a m yaip for corar -~ m - r a r h (read a6705 on his) -ra'c A+evrqa i -+ p6pv ointment Pqvapiuv

TA. T[T~]+



m d . L~T~]A. h T.A.

OL'IT~AW. LlTrA? ~ n r r .


9 ~ C ~ ~ ~ ~ .W Y T



do ye cause 7 a good the *them poor work

she wrought toward8 me. you,


r a p h x ~ n rcaXbv lpyov r~lpyciaa~on 1pf .l1 ; 'tic

ye have with

7 r c i v r o r ~ . ~ c t m g h t 7aFor ye work m~ good on me. hare

the poor with you

roirc r r w ~ o i r cixrra p g iaurGv, ~ a ~ T U V OiXqre 86va~&af"ays, and whensoi

and whenever ye dcsire ye are able

not always. She done what she could : she is come Wa6rq," hoiqaev" rpo&apev pvpiaai xpov.rb.aGpa" r i ~ aforehaud to anoint Ishe, she did. She came beforehand t o anoint m y body for body to the b*rY* ing. 9 Verily I say rbv bvra$;aapdv. 9 ci 4vJ X ~ Y W+iv, ij~ov.~avll ~ f l ~ v x O @ n t o y o u , ~ e r e s o e v e r n the burial J r i l y I say to you, Wheresoever shall beprochimed this gospel shall be preached throughout rb.~ta~~bXrov.~roirro~~ rbv Kdapov, .Sic %OV 5 b~oi~laev whole world, this the in &.hole 'the world, also what 'has 'done also that she hath done this glad tidings #hall be spokfsn of for 1a6rq XaXqOijurrar ric p v q p d ~ v o v alirijc. a memorid of her. Ithis ['woman] shall be spoken of for a memorial of her. 'to 'do good ; but me not always ye have. What scould

tatro8c11ev'.ror+aac* bpb.8 oh rhvrore Z X E ~ E . 8

ii v ~ i x ~ v l l have ye

10 Kai b b 1 1 ' ~ ~ C 6 ~c ' I a ~ n p ~ I r q c , Y bdll c

rGv GDJrra,
twelve, him

~T~XOEV rpbc 7 0 6 ~ cip~i~p7c, 'lva

wont away to the chief priests,





one of the


airrbvl1priests, t o betray him


rd~o",",/;~~~v* unto the chia

unto them l1 And when they heard i t they were gltd, apd promised to 6lve him money. And he sought how he might con. veniently betray him.

t h a t he might deliver n p rejoiced,

to t h e m =him

11 Oi.62 cirodaavrrc d~ctpgaav, ~ a ixt]yyei)lavro , i

And they having heard

dfyhptov Goiivar.
money 'to 'giva

~ a tL?jrer i


f~t~aipws airrbv

And he sought how


rapas '.l
Ihe 'might 'defver %p.


la And the first de of nnhavened break $ 7 ~ r h u ~ a 76 when the killed the And on the first day of unleavened Dread], when the passover pasaover, %is discipler wilt thou that we go said unto him, Where ~ ~ V O V , ovolv a&@ oi.pa8qra;.aliroir, I103 X{ 6iXetC Lhey killed, ray ' 'him t o 'bin 'disciplea. Where desirest thou [that] and preporb that thou

12 Kai rq' rpDrp $pipq rcjv citirpwv,

L.nrX86wec Crorphuwpev 'lva



r6 r h a x a ; 13 Kai m'yest 13eat the sendover? And he passBnd eth forth two of him Go the ,ity,

we should prepnre thnt thou mayest eat the passover 1 of his disciples, and 'will 'meet and urya t o them,


cixoarQXXar Giro r3v.yaO~~rGv.atroir, Xbyrc atroic, 'TrCyere rai

he sends forth two into the

z d :, y $"5 there

rai r i ~ a ~ m jijp% i divefwwop K E P C ~ ~ ~ O Y a~ C6arog .you 'a man s pitcher of water paar&cwv. d~oxovo$aare a;r$, 14 ~ a 8rov.ghdvl1 riaihOD, i ric
T ~ r6Xiv' V


bearing a you a man &all meet itcher of water: him. l h4 And whereroever e shall go in na carrying ; follow him ; and wherever he may enter, to the goodmnh rirarr r @ o i x 0 6 r a s 6 ~ . "0rr d & ~ & u K u ~ hiyri, n o G h o u a The ?duster o~ Whers my t o the mader of the house, The toncher bays, Where guestchamber is the where lariv rb rardhvpa h ~ O r6 rdcrxa prrd rGv.lmOq~Gv-p~v shall eat tke p v l V I L the guest-chnmber where the qassover with .my disciples 0verwithmydiscip1ea7 15 And he will shpw qhyw ; 15 rai atrbp ipzv i d v I y ~ o v "(liya iarpw- ~ o n n l a r r e u ~ ~ e r r o o m 1nuY ent 7 and he y o u 'will ' h e r m upper room rrge, furand Prepared : there mnke pfvov k~iorpov.uh K i " ~roepdaarefjpiv. 16 Kai ISrjXOov ci ready f 0 r . u ~ . l6And ' nirhed ready. There prepare for n a And went away $is disc~ples went orth and came into gn8q~ai.~airoir," 6X60v cic +v rdhev, ~ a eEpov ~ a e & ~ xai i the city, and found M his disciples, m d came into the city, and found as hehadsaidunts them: aud they made ready e~rrrv atroic. xai Ijroipaaav rb rciuxa. 17 Kai dlC/iac the ~MSOVCT. 17 And he had aaid to them, and they prep.ued the passover. And evening in the evening he comr o p i v q ( ipxrrai prrd r i v d66rKaS 18 Kai d v a ~ ~ l p ieth n d ~t hthe twelve. l e * ~ u e Y satand v with ing come he comes with the twelve. And ss 'were Jreclining did eat; J e a u naid, city,




a h b v e6~aipwf rra a8oi L'TTrA ; a 4 ~ b v &K. rrapa8$ W. g &v LTrA. h guest-chamber) [ L ~ T T ~ I . i dv6yarov GL'ITIAW. k [Zio~povJL there TTA ; rt&ri T . &oii (re& the disciples) r[n].

i v i g o i tO me GL'Tl'rAW. aitsois LTrA; - aG703r T. &~,yeu - a c q (read ezxev she could) [L]T[T~]A 7b u & p 6 gov LTr. 3 + - .zoGro (read the glad tidings) [LJTRA. b - o i h v TA. and (verily) [L]TT~A. LTTrAW. ' I ~ K a p l h eTA. * + 6 the TTrA u a p d o i ai)7bu L ; a i r ~ b v rrapa80i TTrA.
$ P Y ~ U Q T OT.


+ g o v (read my
1 rai





Verily I say u n t s f m h al;rGv ~ a iu8i;t~wv"e7mv b 'Itjuoirg,fl'Ari,:'v i y ~ i X One of ou whteh eat-' r4at Yable] 'they Bth shrill beand were enting 'said 'Jcsus, Vcrily I say tray me. 19 And the 6 ;v, Sri 6pGv ~apct8tGaei p , 6 iu8iwv p; bp0;. began to be sorrowfuf p me. to say unto hil< to you, thnt onc of you will deliver up me, who is eating with one IS .it I I $9oOi-oC?'I .fip&wro Xvn~TaQai, a XIyeiv aBrt,j, elg prae'll ET*, ~ i ~ ~ ~ p n ~ t ~ ~ ( tAnd$they ~ began to be gricved, a d to sap to him, one by one, s a iy6 ;" 20 '0.:;*&TOswcr'ed a?ct snid unto M 6 ri dylj qKai 6XXo4-, 816 n them, It rs one of the ms it] I? And nnothcr. [Is it] I ? But he antn,clre tlrnt dippeth ~ ~T E ~ u k b rGv GLGEFK~, 3 atl@aT~6with Ae in the difh. K P L O E E ~~ ~airrgig, 21 The Son of man m- bwcring .said t o then), [It is] oua of the t\relve, who is d i p deed gwth na it is written of 'him : but ~ E V per' ~bpo; ?$ls rb rpvpXiov. 21 6 O ' vi6c TO^ h l ' 6 ~ ~ T 0 l . J woe to thnt mnn by ping with me ln the dish. The sindeed 'Son 'of whom the Son of mnn , , is betrn edl good were UTCLYEl, KaQdc y f ~ ~ ~ T 7 W l TE$ ahr0;' 06ni.68 ~ y ' it for t i n t man if he *goes, as it h a been written concerning him; but woe had never been Low.


&v8p&ay.h~eivq~ 05 6 v i b ~ dv0pDnov xapn8i80rar' Si roir

to that man good by whom th8 Son of man were i t for him if %ad +nc&%been 'born And as they were eating, 'having *taken 'thnt 'man.

is dclivcrcd up ;

~aXbvwijvl' . airrclj ei 06rc.byevvrj8q d.dv0pw?rog-'.a~~ivos.

22 a n d as they did eat Jesus took bread, and blessed, aud them, it and finVC to brake

22 Kai baOid~*rsv.aLrGv, X C Y ~ & V

'IojaoC$" ciprov,
'Jesusr n loaf,

~6Xoytjaacb ~ ~ a a e i * , rswrev aBroig, rai

clxev, A & $ E ~ E ,

al;c~anid, Tnke, eat: having biessed ha brake, nud gave t o tham, and said, Take, thisismy ?$(iy~~e.ll roijl.6 rb.aG & pov. 23 Kai Xa$&v ' Zr8' he took the cup, nnd And having taken the eat; this i s my when he h:rd given : he they t o airroi~'Kai { T ~ O V aCr0ir thanks, andgnve it all ~ F O + ~ L O V , i l ~ a p l ~ ~ f i b ~ ( ~ of it. 24 knd cup, having given thnnks he gave to them, and theyadrank3ef 'it



be said unto them* r;vrcSs 24 K Q ~ elrev airroTg, Toirrd. hariv r6.aTp6.pov nrb" This is my blood of And he said t o them, This is my blood that tall the new testanlent which is shed fo; qrj* ~ , c a i v ~ ~ ~ J i a 76 r j ~ ~ , soXXGv d ~ ~ v v d p e v o v . ~ ~ O Cnepi many. 25 Vcrily 1sa covenant, which for many is poured out. unto you, I. will clring Of the nomo1.c of the fruit of 25 Xiyw cplv, 'Zrc O~K~rLOf S~W ~ I C 705 Verily I sap to you, that not any more in m y wise will I drink of the ~ l ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ : o~~~ iirav airrb new in the kingdom " ~ v v r j ~ a rrijc ciPa8Xov, b g rijc.7jpbpag-hrcivq~ of God fruit of the vine, until that day when it

:z 22

they I drink new in t h e kingdom of God. bad sung an hynln 26 Kai 6 p v ~ u a ~ r e lFjlX00v is ri) dpog rGv9EXaiGv. ~ they went out iutd And hnving sung a hymn they wcut out t o the mount of Olives. the moaut of Olires. 27 And Jesus snitb 27 ~ aXiyei ab~oigd'IqaoGc, "Orr a6vrry a~nl~6aXia~ljaea8 i And 'says Sto *them 'Jesus, AU ye will be offended cause of me this night: eiv hpoi'l r ~ . v v ~ r i . r a 6 r g . ~ Qypnarai, IIarhFw r t t for it is writtcnf L in me in this night; f6r itKas been written, I will srnite the smlte the shepherd, and the -hesp shall be woipiva, ~ n i ~81aurop.rr~ai3~a~scrl ?rpdpara." 28 'AMd r(i 2W er &cl)herd, and will be mattered abroad the sheep. But that I am rlbeu I will before 70: into p(rb ~i)iyep&ivai-pe.~po6Ew tic rrjv I'~Xihaiav. alilee. 31) But Peter after my arising, I will go before you into Gnlilee. said unto h ~ m A1though all shn!i be 29 ' 0 . 8 ~ . ~ f r p o c a67@, i$?j 'Kai eiI1rcivre~ a~av6a~1aorjaovral~ offcnded, yet to121 not But Peter sald to himi, Even i f all shall be offended, I. 30 And Je-us saith 06li hyh. 30 Kai Xiya~airrcij d'Iq~oir~, 'Apljv hfyw aoi, nntol~lm,Yerily sny I unto'thee, That this yot not I. And 'says *to 'him 'Jemn, Yerily I say to thee,


rivw ~ncvbv v ri PaaiX~i~l 0 ~ 0 6 . d 703

U!,"; kh",%eu&: c



b 'Iqooirs e k e v TA., P K=?& TA. Oi 62 (read ;Iptavro they began) TA. P ra; EAAos, M4 r t ; TTr. bnoupi8ais LTT~A. ;K (read &v of the) ~ [ n $ 7i)v ~ " p a the hand L. g71 fur T[T~]A. [L]T[T~]A. b '1r)ooit~ ? $iY& QLTTrAW. a 7) i (read a cup) LTTrA L] f l ~ r l ? . r b [LIT?. -S ( n i p noAA& (K uvvc+.teuov L; &xuvv6p~vov (nip r o M & a r * . d yen) p y o r mAw. P O A . v r U a L T . 6&au~o~n.&jcour~ r a q x i f i a ~ a ;s h n p 6 p a ~ a L 6iauxo~niugivov-rai TTrA. h E*rai rmr,

- +


to-dny in this night,

before that twice [the1 cock twice, thou

i thisnight, GAtrropa any, even ~nu o ~ kcrow eioro t

Src i arjpepov Jiv rp'.vvrri.ra6rp,~l ~ p i v 6 6i$


+wGuur, ' r p i c kdrap~),ijap ~ . lS p !

crox the *more, thrice thou w ~ l deny me t

But he

li~.n~p~uuoi iA..~;v

mently, If I hhould die

BiiAAov,ll 'E&v
If will I deny.

i t were needful)for me

u u v a ~ 0 6 a v ~ i v o&-,u$ UE with thee, I will not uoi,

to die with

thec, in no wise thee Likewise in nny wise' the% also laid they a l l.

nLrap~ojuorat.~'QuaCrwc.62 rai nhvrec 2X~yov.

And in like manner also
'they 'spake.

32 Kai c'pxovrar
and he says Pray. and And John



rb" 6vopa
nnme [in] Sit Pater

Gethsemano; I 32 And they cnme to

bnd thcy come to s placc of which the to his disciples, ho tnkw with, him ;

rai;rok Kaeiuara &:E, ?we rpoue6~where, while and

a . 33 Kai napahn)r/31iv~t rbv IIirpov xai .qrhvl'8 1 $ l ~ v

nud he snith to hi.

mi ' I w i v v ~ ~ p ~ 6iourni.' Kai GpCmo ir6arPriu8at rv '

deep1 depressed. y

and ho began to be greatly um~ucdand $;;iile~ hc takcLll ,vith 33 And is

2 :;;~ ;; :

h6qpoveiv. 34 rai Aiyer ahroic, I I ~ p i X u r 6 ~ ~ - $ v ~ ~ him l'ctcr nod Julnes iurlv - ~ o u

And hossys to them, Very sorrowful remain
t ~ ~ E

my soul

0av&rov. p~ivare ;GE

death; here and he fell

ypqyop~ire.35 Kni
watch. prnycd

snpo~A-and to bo v e v heavy.

an'L John* and began t o be sore amazed,

even to

8&vH ptyhv
forward a llttle possible i t is,

i ~ i ~ r i~ c ' ytg, n l
upon the earth, and

.rrpoUr]ir~ro "lva, E i cecding sorrowful un-

And having gono 34 nnd saith untd them, My soul is exthat, if to deuth: tarry yo here, and watch. 35 And he and fell on tho ground: and prnyed that, if i t were possible, the hour might p a from him. ~

Juvnrdv iurtv, .rraptX6p APpC,



might pass from

him the hour.



36 rai { ~ E ~ E v ,forward alittle went

And he said, 'cup

d ranjp,



FaUler, all things [are] possible to thea ; thke away

?rap6veyre~h TOT$but


tpoi roiro." &AA' oh r i

% ~ m *me but not what them finds

b 4 06Aw, &AA& r i ch.

$7 Kai Zpxrrar xai eipiuret abro6c ra8~66ovrac*m A i y r I-$. i 2 :

And he cornea and diping. And he u y s


fn~~,~~l$&$',"~ what thou. posible onto t h e e

not what I will, but what thou wilt. 37 And n i r p y , Z'ipwv, K ~ Q E C G E L ~ ;~ ~ ' J K - ~ U X U U ~ ~ &pav ypq- he cometh and findp h ~ ~ to Peter, Simon, sleepeat thou.? wast thou n o t able one hour to 0th them' sleeping,


watch ?

; 38

conldest not thou ~ctpaupbv. rb p i u ?rveiipa ?rpd6u,~ov,1>6i ucipc ~ ~ ; ~ t c h ~ a n ~ into temptation. The 'indced 'spirit [is] ready, but the flesh lost yeenterinto temp

ypqyop~irerai . ? - ~ o u E ~ ~ E u ~pr)Paiu6X6qreV&!!$~~e~~","t i'va E ,

Watch and pray,






The spirit flesh is wcak. butAnd 39 the ~?iciXtvllagain he went away. hdyo~ er'nhv. 40 rai ~6nourpi#arn~6pev a&ro.i;c. w i n g 'saying. And having returned he found them again thesame antl prayed and syake 40And ra~e66ovraC*?juav.yiip zoi.b~BaXroi.a&r3y" a/3epapt7p6yot,u when he returned, he sleeping, for 'w'ere 'thou 'eyes heavy ; found them asleep again (for their eyea real o&~.p"6~iuavi bairry' & ~ o t c ~ t ~ i j u t v 41 Kai gpxerac were' h e a v , ) neither r .II and they knew not what 4 h i i lthey 'should 3ans\ver. And he cornea $her what to answer him. 41 And he r b rpirov, rai Aiy.5~ atroic, K C ~ ~ E ~ ~ b l l ToE~ b v rai cometh the third time, e ~ EX i now and saith unto them the third time, and says to them, Sleep on sleep on now and . &va?ra6ru6e. & n l ~ ~ t j'X ~ & i Gpa. iE&, aapa6isorat take ybur rest l i t L take your rest. It is enough; has come the hour ; 10, Welivered "up enough the hour i s come ; &hold, the Son d vibc 70; & V ~ ~ ~ TE[(: V x ~ i p a g O ~ h p a p42.byei- of manisbetrayedmto O ~ ~ d ~ ~ . 'the ' o Sn 'of *man into the hnntls of sinners. &e, the hands of sinnera. 4a ~ i e I I ~ let us go ; e , beu6e, ciywp~v*iaoir, b 7iapa6~606(: %yYtx~v.' PE 10 he that betrayetl let us go ; behold, he who is delivering up me haa drawn near. m is a t hand. ; weak. And again having gone away he prayed, 'the 'same

du6~mjc.35 KaI ~ h A t v d?r~XC)4v ? r p ~ u ~ ~ i rbv rahrbv tation~a o,

i W thou OLTTrAW. 5:d~t) W K T ~ LrPrA. PC d r r a p n j ~ n LlTrhW. irneptuuQ~ iA6Ac~ LTTrA. "',Gip p LTr. ! , aaapv;)uofia~T. L P rc$qfiavei 1,TTrAW. q 7ov QLmrAW. per awov L m A . npomhObv Pr. 8 $mtmev TA. v 70570 h i &OS LrPrAW. v LA a&v ~ t r b . aGrGv oi cicpocrhi i g v r c TA. .l r i A ~ 6hOhv.again con~ing ; iAOhv Tr. Y uoi T, rra~afiapvvofitvo~~ A W . b &norpc8&orvaGr+ L A W . a - r b LRAW. dijyycuev E. L

43And immcdi+tebl while he yet bpake comath Jod;rs, one 04 the twelve, and with him with swords rind tude a great mnltistaves,from the chief priests and the scribes and the eldenr And he that betrayed him had given them a token, saying, Whomsoerer1 shallkiss, that same ia.h~ him, and lend h m away i ~nfely.45 a s soon as he was come, he goeth straightway t o him,nndsaith Master master. and kissed him. 46 And they laid their hands on him and took him. 47 h n d one of them t h i t stood by drew a sword, and smote a servant of the high priest, and cut off his ear. 48 And Jesus answered and said
Jagg, das,



43 Ha; e ~ ~ O i w g li ir i aCroii.XaXoivro~~apnyiverar '106And immediately *yet 'as =he*is speaking, comes up Juh, & l rGv J h J ~ r a , cai p ~ r 'airrof i i ~ X o g iaoXirck 'one 'being of the twelw, and with him a 'crowd Lgreat,


PET&paxaq3v ~ a @hwv, rapA TGY (i i

with swords


kai TOY
and the



from eldera


c i e f priests

~ ~ a j q . i a r i wrai Ifr&v" q ~ a p v r i p w v .44 v

'wd4delivering 'up 'him
l ; b

Now "had egiven 'he %who

J E J ~ K E L . ~6~
saying, and

~apa8i806~ airrbv ~b;uuqpov~~ a&roig, Xbywv,

a sign seize t o them, him,


1 shall kiss

$LX<uw aCr6c iurrv'


~par;luar~ a&r6v, rai m 6 r n y & i . l ~ r ~ "

lead [him] away t o him he snyq, laid But 'one sword hia

ciu$aXGg. 45 Kai dX83~, =~irOQw~ll o u E X ~a6rG Xkyar, T~ &U

And being come, immediately coming up
"K ;.

?'pappi, bappi
Rabbi, upon him Rabbi 8

K U T E $ ~ X ~ ] ~ E U46 0i.J; Ohr6/3aXovH aCr6v.

him. And thcp him. the took off 'their, and

and ardently kissed zhands

PQr' abrbv 7215 x ~ i p a ~ aSrGv,'( rai i r p h ~ a a v aCrdv. 47 Etr.aC


struck ear.


rap~urq~6rwv urau(ipvog r+v p(ixaipnv

stsnding by, having drawn high priest 'LTesus and

E,":a thief

with swot&


b "certain of those

&raia~vrbv 8ocXov ro3, ( i p x i ~ p i wcai ( ~ $ ~ Xa&roir rb ~ EV

bondman of the And "answering

~ ~ ~ w i $ s ~ ~ rLrioat."~ 48" Kai rirdrpiLig ~ ~ o , $ ~

n ith you i n the tem-

d '1quoi)g E ~ T E Y aCrob
said t o them, sworl and staves i n the temple

'Og i d

As against
m8 ? nnd

tookteaching and t ple me not): b u t

pr& C S F X unjv ' ~ S I ~ X ~ E T E ~ p ~ ( ~ q i p raii ~ ~ X W VuvXXap~iv E ;

*obz !be are ye come out with Daily t o Lake teaching,


filled. 5 0 . 8 n d t h e ~ all forsook h ~ mand fled. , 51 And there followed him a certain young

49 ~aQ'-+pbpavIjpqv
I wns

tv r+ iepc? GrJciarwv, rai

6fulfilled 'the 'acr~pturas. me : but [it ia] that 'may ye.did hot bcim nnkcd qnd the 51 Kai ET^ rig young meu laid hold all fled. 'X ' And one a certziu leaving him on hlm : 52 and he left v7j ~i'I @ivJi)l~a the linen cloth, and Y E ~ V ~ U K O ~ " ~ ~ X ~ i r Oa&@, fled from them naked young man was following him, a linen cloth about having cmt

.e b $,"a~ ~; t " 50 Kai ~ ~ ~ahrav t r & v r ~ gi$vyov> f & &$fvrfg W

i ~ ~ p a n i u a PE. ri



rk?lpw@ljotv ai


"him 'the 'yonng 'men,

p ] naked i


rcai rcparo6aru a6rbv Woiv ~ a v ~ a r 52 ~ ~ ~ o i 6 68


pody] ; and

but he,

rcaraXtrLv r ~ ) v uivJdva
And they led away
53 And they led Jc-

vpvac E

leaving behind the linen cloth, t k e d

53 Kai &?r;lyayov r6v'Iquoiiv r p b g rbv (ipxrepfa. rsri

to the high priest. And the chief priests and the aU elder. sus away t o the high th, COW together to him priest : nlld with him were asselublodall tha rni oi ypappar~ig.ll54 Kai 6 airp0g 6 ~ parpd&v IjroX66b chief pricits and the and the 8cribes. And Peter from afar ol? fob elders nnd the scriks. .n;v ai1X)jv TO; ( ~ P x I E ~ xai ~ . ~ w $v 64 And Peter foi~owcdO ~ U E Y air@ 2 u ~ g iuw him nfnr off even into lowed him as far ns within t o the court of the high priest ; and he waa the p:rlncc df thc high priest : hexat with ab~yraO~p~vos" TGU~ T ~ ~ E T G 9 ~ p p a i ~ 6 p ~ v o ~ per&. icai v , rpbg the servnnts, and kitting with the officers, and wrvming himself at u r m e d hi~usrlfcrt the b the.chief rb" $35. 55 Oi.& 6 p x r ~ p ~rai ZXov ri) Q U V ~ S ~ L O U i 1 r o v v ig ~~ &e. priests and all the the fire. And the chief priests and 'whole 'the sanhedrim sought councilsought for wit(lit. light).
H O A ; ~ [L]TTIA. T&V T. 1 ~ v q + o T. v m irrciys7a LTTIA. 'Py3Pi L;Tri P 72s xeipas ;H' a h b v L ; T&S xscpas a v r y O &rifiaAav r. jafl/3rl T ; ) & 9 e i [bapPsiJ A. WrA. q 715 LTrAW. r (j7ciP~ov LTTIA. B ;[4ljhOa~s LTTIAW., i4vyov r c i v ~ s s T I A ~ D V C ~ V ~ Q KTLS LW. O~ , v W V ~ K O A O ~w aE L O s following with L'ITrA ; ~ ) ~ o h o t i e q o s v followed W.' a6.ri~v ~ I n r . [ r air76 T . 0; V E ~ V ~ U K O(vead they seize) ~ m . C ovvxa&jCrcvw T . b rb E . ~ p c y * ~ a ~ saoii Irpcu~vropoc , ~ i~ L



x c i ~a6rGv.' '
from them.

~ v v 6 ~ ~ o v ;laGr+ n & t ' r ~ ~d p x ~ ~ p ~ ia oi Z ? r p ~ u ~ 6 r c p , ~ ~ rar oi e ~i

a &8irs L W r k

+ 6 LTrAW.

+ i) ' I Q ~ a p r i ) n pIscariote L T [ T ~ ) A ~ h - Gv LTTI[A].



'did find '[any]. For many

31 -4 R



neas against 2'esus to card rov^'Iqao6 paprvpiav, E ~ C BavarGaat airrbv* KU; O ~ X him todeath. and rb b~ainst Jesus ' testimony, to put to death him, and 'not found none. 5d For


d ~ $ p i a ~ ~ v .56 rohXoi.ycip i#~vdopaprC~ovv r n m

bore false testimony agaiust and alike their testimonies were not. saying,

a6ro3, "any against him,mtness bare but


cai iunt ai paprvpiai o9r-ijaav. 57 ~ a rii v ~ g .4 z 1 a a r & v ~ ~ c together. not

bore falye testimony against him, WC

their w i t n c ~ sspeed 57 And some , haviag risen up there nrose w i t n e ~ and bare false

i+uipap~6~opawx a i a6ro5, hbyovrrg 58"Ort < t c ~ i i ~ r 0 5 ~ ;~$~\~r~.h:~y~'; ; p U ahr0i XiyOvrOg, "07-1 E

I will destroy this thnt is mnde him. saying, will destroy thi., temple t h e "lththree days I will in XEl O T O ~ ~ T O Y , kai did rpcijv $ p ~ ~ G v X O& Y ~ i p ~ r ~ i ?build w ~ ~ x l r ~ another made m a c with hands, and in three days mother. not made with hand8 &ither so did 69 But their oirodopjac~. 50 Kci2 0682 o i j r w ~E q %4v a $-paprupia.a&rG~. witnessagreetogBt+er. I will b d l d And neither thus alike was their testimony. 60 And the hif e midst, stood up in t h 60 ~ a i ' civaurcig 6 cipxt~p~3g 'TA" j . ~ 6 6 0 h ? j p h ~ q 6rind asked Jesus, say~ ~ And *havfngSstood%p'the 'high in the midst questioned ing Anawerest thou notiling ? what B it rbv ' I ~ U O G Y , X Q ~ Y ,06k2 ciworepivp 0 6 8 6 ~ ; r i o6roi UOV which these witnese Jesus, snpng, Answerest thou nothing? What %hese &thee against thee? 61 But he held his peace, and ~ a r a y ~ p r v p o i a w ; '0.81 lai&ra, ~ a ' 0 6 8 i ~ 61 i cirerepivaro. answerednothing. A'tasrify $against? But he wqs silent, and nothing answered gnin the high priest nsked him, and s a d BciXiv d c i p x r e p ~ i r ~b ~ r l p h r a niJr6v, xai X6yer a i ~ r $ , X4 him, M thou Again the high priest was questioning him, and snys to him, the Christ, the Son of the Blessed ? 62 And 1 xpiur6g, b vibc ro6 e6Xoyt)roi; 62 'O.Gi.'Iqaoig elxev, Jesus said, I am : 'art the Christ, the Son of the blessed? And Jesus ye shall ~ e the Son of e

b & karaX6aw r b v . v a h v . ~ o ~ r 7611 teplplc ~u



7-03 d ~ 8 p i h ~ K~~ 0
of man

Q T ~ ~ E rightYhand of.on the map sitting power, Y O

sitting the cloud#



4~v Y & ~ E ~ aQpxbp~vou~ r di j v YE$EXGY ~ w ~ ,i p r $

of power, and coming with And the high priest having rent

a t Qhe] right hand of the heaven.

and wining in the ~ ~ n t ~ h i . ~ ~ rent clot[es,

r o i oirpavoi. 03 '0.64 cip:p~i~pri.c din@jFag r o d ~ - g ~ ~ 3 v , * . z h G ~

XQyei, T [
blnsphemy :

xpeiav gxopev papr6pwv ; 64 ~ j ~ o i r a a r ~ "rfis

have we of witnesses? And they

says, What any more need

ye heard


pxaa$t)piag.l1 r i

death. some begau to spit on him and t o a t r h v W a t c"l,oxov 6av;rov. 65 Kai $pfavr6 riveg iplr&eiv cover hi face) and to him to be deserving of death. And. %began 'some to spit up,m buffet him t say o unto him,' Prophes abrq, ~ a repircaX6rr~tv krh.rp6awrov-ai~03,~I i kai KoXa- and the servants him, and to cover up his face, and to m- strike him with the palms of their hsndr. what 'to 3you 'appenrs? all condemned

&piu $ ~ i v ~ r;a Oi-bk r6vreg i

64 Ye have heard the blasphemy : what think p0 7 And they all condemned him to

KUT.~POJ~Y be w i l t y of

& :

b a ~ i a p a a ~ v airrbv m~/3aXXov.i'
with the palm of the hand 'him And 'being of the 'maids of the 'Peter 'struck.

66 Kai 6vrog 7-03IIirpov "bv

high priest,

, ja i r i t q

66 And as Peter wua ~ 6 r i 0 , " p ~ s ~ apia beneath in the palace t

in the court below,



7 t h ~ a t 8 i u ~ i j70; (ipxi~pQwg, ~ a Idofiaa rhv IIbrpov priest: 67 and when v 67 i

peter she saw Peter warming himself, she looked u p t 6 PET& o i on him, and said, ~ n d r --arming himself, hnving looked et him says, And thou gu-ith %he thou also wast with Jenus of Nazareth. Nacapqvofi O'Ir]aoS 3aea.' 68 '0.64 Ijpytjaaro, Xiywu, PO&k'l68 B U ~ denied, sayhe 4Naz.are~le * J s q 'wsst. But he denied, saying, *Not ing 1 h o w not, neithe; undererstand I olda qo&d?" bria~alyar air" Xipig, Kai bFijX0~v irw whatthousayest. b d ' ?sow norewn understand what thou snyest. And he went forth out he weht out into the I

one there cometh one of the maids of the high

8eppa~v6pevov, bp/3Xi+aua a&r$

Xb yet, Kai

d ~ ~ P L U K OLRL V 0 - rb (read [the]) QLTTrAW. f 0 6 r &erpivam ov8dv mr. g ir 8etrGv rathjpavov GL!lTraW. h 7jlv fiAaa+qplav L . irpo ov efvac TTrA. a6705 rb wPduw~ov Zfidov R;, iAafiov (mud recei?ed him &h buff eta).^^^^. r&.n p aka neither (know I) ~ r r ~ . oirra iv a&Air r r a . jjuOa rev I q o o i LTT~A. 9

nor ~ n - r ~ w . crir r i LTTCC

g % h i ,Unih: r o q ~ o a f i t o v * x n i dhirrwp i$&vqaev." 69 ICa: nai8io~q S And the maid ,nw 'him again, and into the porch, and a cock crew. l6oBaa a6riv %rlXiv $p{aroll Xiyeiv r o i ~ I L Z ~ E ~ ~ J K "OTL , ~ V ~ ~ I V of them. 7O seeing him again began to say to thee mtonding by, he denied it again. oirroc 65 a6r3v bbriv. 70 '0.66 a&rv ?jpviro~ /.fern K41 And a little d t e r And he *gain denied d s d nftct they that stood by snid C'one' l ' ag~into Peter Surely p t q 6 ~ 1 r(iXiv oi rape~rGrec .rXeyov ry" TIirpy, 'AXq03~ thou art one od them : a little' t o Peter, Truly again those standing by said for thou art a h a n and thy speech b $ a6rGv ET' real-ydp rcrkihaioc 1, weal 7 XaXtci ; a Qslilenn thou art, md *speech agrdth thereto. 71 But from among them thou art, tor both he began to curse and 71 E V t o swear, clayiw, I UOV' d p ~ i 6 t ~ t . I ~ 'O.6h )jptaro ~ v u ~ E ~ ~ Z T ~ {rai~ * b p ~ 6 ~ i v , ~ know not this mah 'thy agrees. But he began tocune md t o svear, of whom ye peak. 72 And the secoudtime "OTL 06k.016~ 'T&V.bve ~ ~ J R O Y . T O ~ T O V 8~ X ~ ~ E T E . Kai 72 the cock crew. +d I know not &a m m whom ye nveak o t And Peter called t o mlnd the word that J - U ~ ~ K - ~ E V T E ~ O V ~ & K T W ~ h$hvq~ev.Kai dvepeaeq I T I T ~' O 0 4 ~ S mid unto hi, Before the second tilne a cock crew. And 'remembered J P e t e ~ the the cock crow twice * r thou shalt deny m; pqparoc O S i L elrev a6rG blIqaoCc, "Ort rpnpi v 4Xtmopa thrice. And when he word that 'said 5 0 *him 'Jesus, Before [the] cock

~ $ 5eft kft:t~p& tgkt


he a$wt6iaat

6icU bd.rrapvfiap PE rpic'll rai


twica thou wilt deny me thrice ; and having thought thereob

XV. And straightway in the moruin the chief priwts he13 a consultation with the elders nud acribsl rnd the whole council and bound Jesua, and carried him awa and dellrered him { i Pilete. a And P i b k the Eng od Art thou asked him the Jews And he answering safd $ ~ m ~ i ~ ~ priest8 accmed him Of he many things but aliswared nothing. 4 pilate Peked him w i n , eaplng, Anthings they witness aaiust thea b But yet ann-ed nothing ; 80 that PiLate marvelled 6Now a t that fenst he released unto them one there waa on8,named Barabbaa, whmi bound with them that had made insurrection With him who h ~ committed murder in thoinsur~ction. BA,-,~ the mult~tudecrying aloud began to desire him to do as he had aver (lone unto them.

he wept.

c 5

And immedintaly

c ~ ( l e 6 ~ c ' i rdU ~ dl'Ki


p UVpP06~10~ ~ d e
'counsel and Jesua And

~ l f i ~ C K ~

in the morning elders

*having )formud ncribes and

oi ( i p x i ~ p ~PET& TGV W ~ E ~ / ~ V ~ C Q W Va fypapltariwv rat ic ~ i

Ithe %chief

~ X O Y ~d

T O V U ~ ~ ~ ~ O V , 67iffd1v~~c ~ 'VI

~uo~v &T?~VEYICCIY i ~ a
carried [him] nwny l u ~ d 'questioned ?him

Ewhole 'the ssnhedrim,

having bound

delivered up b i m l 'Pilate, swering

to Pilata.

2 tcai b~lflp&rqa~v abrbv b


'ITLXEETOC,II ~ ~ b paaihedc TGV 110v6aiwv; 'O.bC ~ 8 " , $23 1

'Thou .art the of the Jewr? And he sald to him, Thou sayest. And Pilota nothing ? .And *were accuaing again questioned

o. n
lthg him,

~ p t e ~jel.rrev a6r$,11 23 XEyeic. 3 Kai tcarq~dpovvatroij oi ic

'chief apriests urgently.

xoXXh' 4 6.6i.iITrXlr0~~ r(iXtv k b ~ q p h r q n ~ v l l a t ~ d v ~ 1~6~wv,H 6 ~ 0 &norpi

wing* Answerest?ou athey

066iv ; 'is,
But Jesua


See, of how many things *thes


m ~ a r a ~ a ~ ~ ~ o i r'O.Bi.'lquoGc 6 aiv."


06~~rt.066~~ ~ o i e ~ , dx~

not m y more any thing ansdered,

&xQXuev &are lrbv 'Pilate. Now a t feast t { : Y d ' & that eavp6Z)~tv nlItXLrov.U6 Kar(i.64 [the] ioprrjv he relceaed so ~ Pwondered a6roig Sva bidprov, 0 6 ~ ~~ T ~ ~p T O . ~ ~ . 6 i ' O V 7 4 rGv


t o them one prloncr, whomsoever they asked. And there wan thc [ono] call. d ed
~ E V O $ BapaPPci~ per& Bnrnbbaa with

.saocister in inaurrcction And


oyriv~g rp' arhaet $dvov ze.rror?jr~iaav. ~ aqdva/301jaagU iv 8 i

who in the fuaurrection murder had commibted. began t o beg mim to do] an crying out the crowd

c ~ X X O Sjiptnro airaiaOai8 i

raehc '&EL" Zrroiec pirroi~

alwnyr he did to t e , hm

i)ptaro ~ M t T ; v ~dAtv A. napevrGvtv T ~ A . [rai dAire7op d+~5~qaev] L. bpwvar GL'ITrAW. J &&S immediately LTT~. rai i) AaAtd. WOIJ bpota<er L m 6ir +wvi)vcu LTTA 7 p k pc &napnjvv LTl'rA, v ~b bi;pa &C L'ITrA ; r b b y ~ b W. a i r o t p d v a ~ e T. s d ini r b ( ~ . t a d npwi early) LTTI[A]. 1 r&v the T; 8 rireitc TTTA. h IIerAary T. XIetA~ros T. J a h $ hiye&to him snye TWA C r4 L T T ~ A . ivpL.ra m A . 1 Aywv T . m r a q y o p o i v t v they accuse LlTrA. PIlerA2ro~~ &v a a p ~ r o i v r o T, ~ u ~ a u t a v LTTIA. ~hv i v d d r c o t d ~ l g LITCA. up .-&,iz




9 d.Gi.'ITrXhr~~~ dct?rcrpiQqairroic, hiycctv, &XETE

amw@ But Pilate answered them, ~ y i n g , Will ye I should release ~ ~ ~ $ u ~ ~ ' , $ of ;$v rbv paa&ia r3v a I ~ ~ B a iJ0 '~ ;y i v ~ u ~ ~ v .8rt p6td t h e K i n ~ the Jews1 w E yd b y o a the King ofthe Jews? f o he knew ~ thnt through the chicf priests hnd l' For he hew c ~ p c i ~11 oi.8 cipx- defivemd him for en. $~bvovrrapa8~6d~iaav airrbv oi 11moved the chief But the 'had *delivewd .up shim 'the 'prieata. But the chief


But Pilate

& t ~ ; e ~ ~ ~ ~ unto them. l2 And ci?roXt;up atroic: 12 d . 6 i . ' f I c X & ~ o ~ ~ & ? r o ~ p r 6 e i ~ ?r&Xtvo Pilate ~ n ~ w e r eand d he might release to them. And Pilate aI)dwering again W again unto them What will ye thenihn; '~l.rrev~~ airro;~, o h w%X~r~ll ?roc$uw XQyerellI uhnll do ug~lohim mid to them, What then will ye I should do [to him] whom ye call whom yeeau theKin of the JOWR ? 13 7 PaacXEa r&v 'Iov6aiwv; 13 Oi.62 .rr&Xiv i ~ p a & v , Zrairpw- they cried out ~ King of the Jews? But they sgain cried out ~ r u c i -crucify him. Pi'nte said unto them uov atrdv. 14 *0.6L1fItX6ros~ rX~yev atroic, Ti ydp tarBv why, wilat evil .him And Pilate said tothem, What then 'evil he done? And they cried out the more dsoiyaev" ; 0;.6i bn~piaaor6pwc11 EE~paSav,ll~ ~ ~ W U O air- exceedingly &cif7 & V did he commit ? But they much more cried out, Crucify him. him. l5 l i d sopilate, prientr stirredup

t e p ~ i c civjaeinav r i v

ixXw rva pZXXov rbv

wowd that

nk tr


T i

rdv. 15 '0.8i."rhtXL~oc~~ f3ovXdpcvoc

And Pilate, *~tiafactory 'to 'do, liveredup desiring released to them



?to .the scrowd 'that *which [.ass]

iravbv ~ocijaar,~~ indXvaev aCr07~ Bapappciv. rai r a p { rbv iva uraupw6~.' 8wnv rov 'IqaoGv, fpayrMdanc, Jesus. avina scourged Chiml. that he miaht bo crucified. - - -. 16 Oi.6i urparrGrai cimjyayov airrbv b o rijg airXtjc, 6
And the soldicm led away

dg- $0 be cr=cifie&

~ l i ~ ~ ~

mll3ngreleased Banrbople, to contenb the as unto them, slid

f which hall, 6Xqv d v u ~ ~ i p a v ' rium. m d they cnll ?rpatrdprov, rrai eavy~aXoiiuivll dariv h [the] pra?torium, and they call together 'whole f h e bud. ~ ~ ~ ' m l ~ ~ n 17 ~ a iftv6t;ov~~# ' ahrbv ?rop$irpav, rai ?r~irt@iaew airrc; olothed him with And they put on him purple, and placed on h ~ m ~b and tgorna , 1attekV; crdwn of a uri$avov, 18 rai ljptavro cio~6l;E-put i t about hi* hmd, zrXiFavr~c ci~civ8tvov having platted [it] 'thorny 'a crown, and they begsn t o m- 8 and began to him Hail, King of the #at airrbv, Xai E, gPaut&ZI1 7 t h 'IovBaiwv* 19 Kai &7Irrrov ~ e & 19 And they 1 lute him, Haifl King of the Jews, And they struck smote him on the headwith a reed and airroi; njv re aXrfv ~caXci~ty, t v ~ r n ~ o vr$, rai TLQBVTE~ did spit upon 'hihim rai air hi# 4 with a r , and .pt m him, and bending and bowing tkd kuees worshipped him. rd ydvara ~ o u ~ t d v o airr$. 20 Kai .BTE ivbnaiSav vv 20 d s d when ther ban the knees did homnge t o him. And when they hnd mocked him, mocked him, they toolc i06vaav airrbv rr)v ?rop$6pav, K~ai iv66vuav airrbv rd Off the ut his owa him, and they took off him the purple, and put on him clothes ontim, a n a l fi h!pr out to crud$ hipcirca.rd.'i6ia.11 rai it5& ovarvfl airrbv 'iva karavpdawai~~ h,m. 21 And the, 'him his own gnrmentn; and they L a d 'out that they mny crucify compel one Simon a
within the court,

, L","",,": i;ytz cRl,cg


lairrdv.Il 21 rai ciy apeCovarv rrapciyovrci rrva Zipwva KvhLm.

mnian, Bufua, And coming compel &om a field, apas.Uy 'by the father 'one. Sirnon of Uaxander a

W- ~ o n u y f a t h of the ~

tf:,:E gz~,z %

pqvaiov, i p ~ d ~ ~ m&?ill ciypoZ, rbv ?rarQpa vov 'AXe&iv6pov rai "lexgnder

and tobenr

'Poit$ov, 'Iva

a' g

his cross.

2a d n d th ~ LY WI himuntotho$ceOof And they bring him to 'Oolgotha 'a "plnce, which L othn, which is, being fntc retcd The place ) c E ~ ~ p p q v ~ v 6 ~ r v o v , rbroc. 23 Kai d6i6ovv air+ o f , % u i i : i a ~ n d t h w ~ aviov being interprcred, a o s ! 'skull 'plnce. And they gave him gavc him to drink wine B lIeLh&ros T. t D~ALV inorrpr0eis x d , . n v iAayev TT.A. CeiAere] Yr. -$V hiyere L ? T I rbv the LTTrAW. A ~ ~ O V T Csaying L. S irroivuev K ~ K ~ha. V septUUWS QLTl'rAW. 0 irrpa<ov I . d nori)qac 7b irravbv 6 x h o T. a WVK~O~U~V.T h i & r t a &TO$ L ; .$&a p i r ~ a i a?o6 iv8tb6moyutv LTT~A. b /3aurAds QAW. 1 av76rZ f iyovuev they lend L. r~ravphuovocv they ehnl~crucify LTT~A. a s b Mr. ~ b I'oAyoBiv I IIoAyoB1v A ; [rbv] I'oAyo8h T . v ; r

that he migft carry

22 Kai $ipovarv ahrbv b?ri nroXyoQZiu ,?b?rov, 8 iariv




x ' 7 .
24 Kai

but 24 6 n d they had to drink 'medicat,ed'with 'myrrh 'wine ; but 11e did not take [it] And crucified him, they q ~ r a v ~ d u a v r e g n.irrbvll r8iep6Pi~ou11 r&.i;uciria-a.irro3, PhXXovparted hislots upon having crucificd garments, clmtiw him they divided his garments, castthorn, whatevery man T E ~~ f p o v ' a 6 r h , T ~ S X h ri &pp. 25 73v.62 And ing a lot on them, who [and] what [each] should take. And i t was [the] it wrta the third hour, anfitheyhrurifiedhim. ijpa rpirq, c a i icrrabpwuav a i ~ r 6 v .26 K a i $V b.lrcypnqj4 superscrip 'hour 'third, 4nd they cficificd him. And @was 'the "inscription tion of his nCCUSRtion wa% writt,en over, rijc.airi'a~.a6;oS i r ~ y ~ ~ p a p p I' i pautXeir~TGU 'Iovciaiwv. v ~, 0 ~ ~ ~ S ~ l ~ 'of .'his "accusation ~ A " , ~ written up, The King of the Jews.

mFh: i ~ ~ v u p v p v i u p i v o u o i v o r Ph.61' o6r.&zpev. Or ~n he reccired at not.

6~tcih v him they crucify two 27 Kai.uilv n.irrcy" uravpofiorv 660 Xpurcis, E a ;K thieves ;the one O his n 'And with him they crucify two robbers, one a t [the] right hnnd ri h t hand, and the ~ 6 ~ ~ 6 ahroij. 28 ' ~ a E ~ X q p h 6 q ypaqrj p w v i otter on his. left. r a i Eva 28 And the scriptnre and ono a t [the] loft of him. And was folfillgd the scripbure wna fulfilled; which snith And he was Xiycivaa, K a i p ~ r d &vdpwv b X 0 ~ i ~ 6 ~ .29 K a i oi '1 nundered with the which sap, And with [the] lawlcss he was reckoned. And those trnnsgressors 29 And they' that ;Ssed by r a p a r o p ~ v b p e v o i d/3Xaap)ipouv al;r6v, ~ i v o f i v r e c d rc~$aX;g r ~ railed on Rim, wngpassing by railed a t him,' shaking 'hc~.~is ging their heads and Ah, thou'that a b r i j v , ~ a hih y o v r ~ c , 'Obh," S-rcaraX6wv r 6 v v a b v rcni ' ; v d&ro est the temple, 'their, and snying, Ahn, thou who destroycut the temp10 and in oud guildcst it in 30 save rpiuiv Ijpipaic o i ~ o 8 o p 3 v , ~ l 30 uGsov aeavr6v, w ~ a ~ a r h p n " i three thyself, ,,ud come t h e e dnrs b u i l ~ ~ c s t[it], 6ave thyself, and desccurl

$ ~ ~ i ~ ~ , " ~Cjrb e


706 uravpoilr. 31 ' O p ~ i w ~ . ~ G i " oi dpxcepei~,i p r n i rai

And in like manner also the chicf priests, muckchief priests mockillg the crO?y. 8aidan1ongth.@mselvesrovrec r p b c ciXXlj)\ovS PET& G v ypapparLw'v, ~ e y o v , " A X X o v S r with the scr~ben, He lug saved others ; himsew . am on^ one nnothcr with the scribes, said, Orhcrs Christ the King from rael descend now of Is- he s y d , hecannot save. 32Let

iuwuev, i a v r h v oC.66vara~ uGaai. 32 h x p i a r 6 ~b / 3 a o ~ X ~ 6 g

himself he is not able t o save. The Christ the King the cross, that wemay J ~ O U I I ' ~ u p n r j h ~ a r a @ ( i ~ w &ri) 705 uravp06, ;(va Z 8 w p ~ v vfiv see and believe. And cross, that WC may sco of Israel l let him descend now from the the that were crucifiegwith him.reviled . l r i u ? . ~ 6 u ~ pK avi~ . oi ovvroravpwpivota ~ ht'~i8i<ov him. 33 And when And they who were crucifiedwith him 'reproached be'icre' the eixth hour was and ijpag ardroc i y ~ v e r o;pJ come, there was dark- al;r6v. 33 brevop~vr)c.8i" ness over the whole him. And * k i n g "come ['the] 3 h o ~ u 'sixth, darkness came orer lnnd until the ninth hoilr. 34 And a t the iihqv 71jV yijv, Ewe c b ~ v c i r ~34 ICai .re ~"l r$ ninth hour Jesus cried all the land, until [the] 'ninth ; and a t the hour the with a loud voice saying ELOI E L ~ I LA- b v ~ h ~ p " ' iP6quev 6 ' 1 q ~ 0 6 c $JWV@ pe.yhhp, ehiywv," f:EXwt, X*' ~ A B ~ C H T H ~ N Ininth 7 %cried 'Jesus with a 'voice 'loud, saying, Eloi, which is, being interretea, My God, my E X W ~ gXappiil' h ~ a ~ a x 6 a ~ i ; l l 6Urtv ~ E ~ E ~ ~ ? ] Y E U ~ ~ E U O U ,~ god why hast thou Eloi, lama sabachthani l which in being interprrteil, forsjken me 7 35 And some of them that 0 ; 6 e d ~ - p o vd.8ed~.pov,eic-ri 'PE i y r a r b h c ~ e ; "35, Kai riv:c ,~ stood by, when they My God, My God, why me hast thou forsaken 7 And some



r G v k j r a p ~ u r q ~ 6 ~ &vK I ~ U ~ iXeyov, l ' i 8 0 6 , ~II1'HXiavll ~ IO YTE~

36 And one r m and of those

standing by having heard said, L09 Elins filled a sponge full of vinegar, and put it on f w e i . 36 ~pn;uAv.N D&U O a m i " yr ions o r 6 y y o v 6goug, $led R sponge with viucgnr, And .having 'run lone md rail, and gnve him e calk. to &ink$ 8ayingl Let Pare" raXhpV hirTT6ri<ev a 6 ~ 6 vXhywv, " A ~ E T E , , rrpi6ei'c alone let us see whe*her Alias will come 'h&ving3put i t ] 'on 'and a reed gave.'to 'driuk 'him, r gaying, Lct be. t o take him down. ~ S W ~ EeiY i p x ~ r a qa'HXiagII K ~ Q E X E ~aY6 ~ 6 v . i. let us-- -- 'comes see if 'Elias t o take down him. .. .-

P &S 62 who however TTr. P uravpoirurv aCr6v, K& they crucify mra. r 6rapcpi<ovra~ they divide GLTTrAW. S veme 28 T [ ~ ] A . t 0% T. him and TTrA. - d and G1,TTrAW. ~ a . r a P & descending L T R A . s v 0i~060pi)v rptuiv <pipats LT'lrA? a &v with (read crucified along with) LT. 7:- TO; LTTr. a673 him L ~ aIVO~C!V~JS LlTrA. i c iv67-q~ LTTrk 6 ~ &pp LTTrA. 6 ~ - h & ' yTT1.A. ~~ h u a ~ a X ~ a vTTr. ei iy~a7iht?r6s LTTrA. p B A e ~ LT ; h a p h TrAW. 8 'EAwLihw; LTA. n a p c u ~ h r w v. T I'I6c TRA. m 'HAriav T. T L F TTrA. -'K& L[Tr].i. @ re

- ,~,?v


U .

' H k i a s T.

37 'O.Bi.'Tr~uoii!:


5 43
37 And Jeei!s cried


$ov$v p6 6Xqv dEQmevaev. with a loud voice and And Jesus having uttered a 'cry x*h explred. gave up the, ghost. 7b Karaabragpa r o i yaoi iuxiaOq eig 860, %rci!'oivw- 38*ndtheve11rent the temple waa of in
veil of the temple was rent into two,

And the
to boMm.


&v Eos ndrw.

aopp)site "him

39 '16&~.8i
that thus

And *ha~ing .seen Ithe *centurion %h0 having cried out

B uevrupiwv d na

BE.bvavrias atro3 Sri oi:rws

gave the ghost he ~ ~ . o ~ rai ~ ' A ~ ~ 'o IG .~ ~ v ~ ~ ~ ~6 o0 s .40 'Haav.di o ~said 8rul thi8 &h Truly this man *Son 'waa of ( i ~ b And the were a b ~ i yvvakey &ab panp68~v6~wpoGaai, bv arc v4v11~ a Mapia men looking a n afar looking on, among whoa wae alno Mary nomen from afar off Yary off : Magdalene, Wand xrosl''Iarhpov 103 p l y 0 6 rai Mary the mother of May8aXtlvlj, rai Mapia the Magdalene, and Nary the .of "~omq w e 1 ' . a d Jamer thelesaSalome I Joaea and and of %~uGu p<rqp, ~ a XaXDpq, 41 di %ail' %E 4v B i v 41 ( W ~also, when he O 70f @Jose8 'mother, and SJome; who 8lso when heww i n Qali. was In Qnlilee, folIOW& him, and m i n b haig 'tjuoEoXoli0ovv alir4; rcni 8iqrBvo11v ~ a oiXXai noMa i *to h i ; and ) lee followed him and ministered t o m nna *other8 'nra~y man other women , whicK came up with a avvava/3iiuai alirql eig ' I e oa6Xvp. i him unto Jemeilem. rho came up with him t o ferusalem. 42 b a d now when eapau~etnj,the even come* 4% Kai 461~b+aS y~vopiwqg,2mi And already evening being come, sinca it war [the] preparation, ~ ~ ~ ~ & ~ tho day before t b b a~oud/3/3a~ov,~~ 43 bijXBevl1' 1 ~ a 4 d i ~ S lurrv that ir [tbb y ] before sabbath, Joseph who [was] fram 'zPhhE came
he expired, roid,

'~pciSa~I1BEhaveva~v, ~ T E V ,g;","," E

tpp td,, eom to to fie the bottom. 89 L d when the centurion, c t o E F E which stood over r

g% ~ 7 , : ", "

S..,'hg :" &A , E




z,,Z:" b""i,,


rpaOaias, ~ziuxilpwy /30vXevrii~8 ~ a a t d g ?iu q o u - ys l b ;; o ~ ~ ~ 1 1 ; ; wdt%matha, [m] honowabk c o n u U , 'W& also m W', l f of 8 ~ ~ 6 ~ v o pauiheia~ &o;* soXp$aas eio$XBav ?rpdcc came, and went in ~ r r j v ros
boldlyunto Pilate, Jecraved the body of and u A U ~Pilate Pilate and begged the body of Jesun h d Pibte marvelled if he w e n already dead: and 40a6pauev~1 $ 6 ~T ~ ~ Y ~ K E K U ~~ p b u t t a ~ ~ u c i p m qrbv calling untb him the ei V ' having cnlled to &m] the centurion, he srked wondered if already he were d a d ; and him whather he had rewvpiwvn BaqpDrqaev azirbv ai ' T ~ X ~ L ~ ~ d~QBavev. 46 rai been any while dead. m t u r i o ~ he questioned him if long he had died And 45 And when he knew at of the centurion, he dab roil YEVWP~WVO$ i8wpquaro rb Eoirpa1lry' gaye the bod tb Joyzloirg bavIngknown [it] from the centurion be g r m t e I the body 46 I n d he %\&t b t e linen, ?wu$Qi. 46 uai hyop6uag eiv8dva, brcail' ~aeaX&v took him down, and And havipg boughb a linen cloth, and hsving taken 'down wrapped him in the to J ~ p h linen and laid him in ahrdv ~ . J E ~ ? ~ J - E Y r# uiv8bv1, uai i r a r i ~ q ~ ~ v l l alirbv ;U a ,p;lclue which wsr 'him he a r a p p d him] in the linen cloth, and laid him in hewnoot of nrock,and Ypvqpaiy," 4v AaXaropqpfvov 24 drpac* ~ a ~ p o u -rolled a stone unto the i of a tomb, wh~ch waa cut r out of a rock. and roU- 47 ~~d Mary &fagdaLng for the kingdom

of God, having boldness he went i n


dLIiXcirov~1 adrijaaro rb rGpa rqi, 'lquo3. 44 S.6i.eIIAi~og sus. ~ i

t~6Xruc.v XiOov i n i mjv Ojpav TO; p v q p ~ i o ~ . 4-8i.Mapia tj 47


a stone t o the


of the


Mnv the

May8aXqvlj xai Mapia

l'lwcrGtl i6a~povv no3 mri6srai;''


k B Kal8ray0w


and J k f q ~ [mother] of JOM



bvou r o i ca,6/.36rovr M a p h
'the %hbafi,

6 May6aXt)wj
And very earls

he is laid.

ldrry the dI.gdalme and &m &e


'L7oir" J I a ~ h / W~ ~ h p q tjydpauav 3 i m
of Junea



(zp&para, %a BXOoQaar dXeiJ/wuiv a6rdv. 2 kai Xiav npw'i

aromatics, that havingcome they might anoint him. r &W* L R ~ . TT. a

where he was laid. XvI. And when tha wbbnth wan Wst, MaMu dalene and ~ U X Y tr& not& oa Jnmsa, and Snlome, had bought sweet ~ p ithat they mi h t ~ , come and anoint hfm. a And very eorly fn t he morning the ~ r s t dccy of the week, they


jjv (read [was]) T [ ~ A ] . ] L t 0670s 6 bepm L ~ A . LTTIA. # %Qi)ros LTTrA. LT[T~] wpbr u & ? a r o v LTr. b L~AW. G rbv m. d IlerAirov T . 1IerA&or if?aripa<ev T. 1 already LTr. e m&pa GOrp8e STrL h ~ d LTTrAW. 1 89cctv LTr. t &njpccrfb 14'10~lj~~-~.= ~ i e e ~ r ~ ~ ~ r e b u e b c m l s i d ~ m ~ s-mT[~&



-come 105 having




oipla auk Peter that him. But go; mY to his disciples acd he goeth before you I I i r p y , $71 xpobj.~i ipiic ~ i c njv I'aXrXaiava lrei alrbr into Galileo. there ye ss he to Peter, t h a t he goes before you into Galilce ; there him = i d u n t n ~ o u . 8 A n d ~ ~ L E u ~caetLc elrav Gpiv. ? Kai d(aX000aai v r a ~ i r P E, 3 they went out quick- ~ha11 gee, ly, and and from the ye as he snid t o you. And having gone out quickly wpulchre; for they i$vyoy ( i r b 705 trembled usither said they fled from the : m d were a-


the Wn1- O r i j ~ptii R =me aa~$&rwv ipx01)mt bri 71) Ppvqpiov,U civareichre nt the An, rising of on the fird[day] of tbe week they come t o the tomb, "hnvinp said among them- Xavro~ roir fiXiov. 3 rai iXeyov r p h c Cavrcic, Tic &aorvXiau. selves, Who shall roll And they said among themllelveq IYho will roll away ns away the stone *risen 'the %U& fiom the door of the jjpiv rbv Xleov qic" rrjg e f p a ~ roir pvqpaiov ; 4 Kai civafor us the stone out of the .door of the tomb? And havino they saw that thd PXd+auar eawpoijurv Srr r&rorc~6Xtarai1i Xieos. qv-yirp 6 stone W- rolled a- looked up they see that hlrs been rolled away the stone : for i t w r way: for it wsa very .;c rb ~ v ~ ~ E ? ei8ov o Y , I 66 a. 6 rai 'aiueXBoCuaiU 5Andenteting ~ ~ Y C U C t k seYpchre, great And having eutered into the tomb, they m r tr e ! they saw a young mnn sitting on the right Y E ~ Y ~ U K O Y ~ae?jp~vov roic 6eStoic, ~ ~ p t p ~ / 3 X q p l v o v iv arobjs. side, clutlled in a long a young man sitting on the right, c!otled with a %ob white garment. aud they were &&hted. X~Vtdp' aS6apP$eqbav. 6 6-61 Xiyet airraTc, M4 6 And he raith unto 'wh~te, nnQ they were greafly amnzed. But he says t o them, YSot them, Be not nffrighted: Ye seek Jesus of l ~ e a p ~ ~ i u 0 a . u o ~ ~ v r b Na~apqvbv rbv iarav'I~ ~ Nazareth, which was Ibe amazed 'Jesus lye k k the Notarene, who haa beea c ~ c i f i e d he ia risen : Gybpeq, oirc.iartv !{E d rdnoc Srov Zeq~av : be cmclfied. the place where they pop'v0v' a e in risen, he i8 not here ; behold the place where they laid h i d him. tell his dis- airrdv. 7 tciXX'u i;rriryare, eirare ~oic.yaeqrctli~.airroii 7 But go rai T$

,, ,

e{t'-$hr:;ey :,, : ,;"

ZVTE~~ &k.

p~t)piOU* el~dv-"86'l. airrcic rpdpog Kai

tomb. And 4powessed Othem 3trembling 'and

they anything to uny Z K U T ~ U L ~ 'rai oi16evi xof61v" .~raov, $$opoirvro.y&.p.~ man: were ramazement, and to no one naything they spoke, for they were afraid. &aid. (lit. nothing!
9 NOW when J9 L'Avaaraic.6i rpwE ~pwrp aappcirov i$kvq rpGcraa risen early the Now haviug risen early [the] first [day] of the week he appcnred f i s t furt day of the week appcared f i s t td. TOY Mapiq T$ May8aXqvy',aci$"i ~ K $ E ~ ~CardE I $ K daipdUary Magdalene, out t o Mnry the Mngdalene, from whom he had cnst out 8even demona


i:v~,"zg$h;gdjy$ via. 10 irivVb o p ~ v e e i u a ~ dmjyyelXEv

r o i ~ p i airroij Ehe went and told She having gone told [it] t o those who with him Id them that had been nith him, as they vopivotc, ~ a v ~ o ~~ a~Xaiovari.11~airaivoi u r vi ciroCaavrac mourned and wept. been, [who were] grieving and weeping. A n d they having henrd 11 And they, when ijrL Lhey had henrd that rai d8eci0q ;a' airrijs 4niarqaav. 12 Mara.81 he *live, had that heia aLire and hpa been seen by her disbelieved [It& And hfter
ko Lf t : ;

rairra Gvaiv S( aitrtv acpiaaroirarv


i q a v ~ p & eb irdpp ~ v

thet he appoered in these things to two of

ss they walked he wae mnnifested in anothez

mother form unto p p $ i , ~oP~vorSvoiE ciypdv. 13 K & K ~ Y O6~~ ~ X e d vhr~c two of them, as they gomg into [the] countq- ; and they haring gone form, walked, and went into the country, 13 h p tjyyet'hav roig Xoraoic* 0682 Irsivoic baiarevaav. 14"Yarcpove they went and rt told [it] to the rest ; ncither them did they believe. Afterwar& unto the residue: neiaitroi~ roic gvdara b$avp&e~,sai t v d ther believed t h * ~;ivarai QYOIJ: them. J 4 M e r w a r d +ecLea ratYableJ Ithey t o the elevea he was manifested) and rp he appeared unto the cieven as they sat a t diu~v ~ t j v . c i r t ~ ~ i a v - a i r rrai ar)ltlporap8iav, iirr ijv roicI m-t, and upbraided proached their hnbelief and hardness of heart, because 'those 'who thern v i t h their unbeLie? and hardness of e t a ~ a ~ f ~ ~ r ~ a.irdv iyqy~ppivov oirr.8aiarevuav. 15 I(ai I ~ E beart,because they be*had 'seen 'him 'arisen Ithey 'believed "not. And he said limved not them ahich h d seen him after he aCroic, ~ O ~ E V ~ tic V T K ~~ U ~ O Y ~ rbu E iiaavra qp6Eare rb itayWM riwn. 15 And he t o them, Having gone into *the *world 'all proclairu the glad

&v~K~K~~LVT~ P y+pa T. q inb from LTr. 7 i y LTr ; q pip^ 7 5 v T j 7 TQXG G L ~ A W . W y&@ for LWr. t Wa LnrA. iA6oFuac having gone A. 1 ~as&.M&~ov according to Mark Tr ; [&ayyiAiov] ~ a MLipuov ghd ~ d 5 ovbir L. nap' LTr. b G i and (she)L vmes 9 to 20 tiding0 scc$rrding Mark A, to d jx vs~pcpajv from among [the] dead L . m 6 i and (afterwurdq LTr.


1 .
yiX[ov r 6 u p ry'
K T ~ U E L16



~ i a r r 6 a a c a~i a n ~ i u ~ ~ i ~ a w 0 ~ a themy Q0 ye ~ eand ii baptized Into shnll be preach thc go~pel to ever^ cl*rtllre. Re AndSigns'thoseethnt baptizedahall be savedthat is my name
de- not hhall be damned. 17 And these signs

to all the creation. He that believes

saved, nnd hethat dinbelieves shall be condemned. ?beliere 'these t h n / l 'follow :

6-84 h~iartjaas. ~ara~ptetjuerirr. aqprTa.68 TOTS 17


A~ar~ilunaiv eraera T a a ~ o ~ o v 6 r j a ~ i ' ~@.&vdpari.~ov but ho thnt bclicvetd ;v ~ . ampdvla


they shall cast out;

with 'tongues ldeadlr

Xa~~aovaiv f~atvn7c'Uahall follow them that

'they *shall 'spc;k

'new ;

18 g 3 9 e i ~ ci oijacv

K A eavciatpdv ~

riwtriv 06-pl) vils ; they shall speak

believe: In my name ehali they c n J out de-

'anpthing they drink iunowi.u, with new t o n ~ u e ; r 18 they shall take up and if they .hands 'they '&all 'I~J-, and drink any daadly them shnll it injure; upon [the] infirm t h i n ~ , ishall not hurt t K ~ X Gir'fovalv. ~ them; the shall lny *well 'they 'shall 'bebe. hands on t i e sick, and 19 ' pZv 0 ofiv K j ioSiperdrb XaXijuar airroic k&vaXtj- they Bwrecover' The2indeed therefore at f& i p k i n g t o them was taken so then the 6 ~ 6 ~ 3 8~03'Lord had spoken unto roe ~ $@g1'/c rbv o&pt~v6v, a ircit)ioev i r ~ i up into the kenven, and sat a t [the] right hnnd of God. them, he was rweivcd np into hoavcn, nnd 20 ~ F T v o L . hErXBdvres hnjpvfav savraxo6,ro~ ~~ mpiov a v ~ ~ p - on the right hand sat And they h a ~ gone forth prenchcd everywhere, the Lord workmg of God 20 And they g went forth and yoirvroc, Kai TAU XdyoIJ $ E @ ~ [ o ~ ~ u T O7~ 3 i?rat?oAov606v- preached every where, 61& ~ with [thcm], and the word codIrming by the Lfollowing.upon the Lord working with them, and confirming rwv u ? ) ~ F ~ w v . l '-4p$~." the word with rig^ r i t ] 'sign& Amen following. Amen

serpents they sfall take up ;and if

a t r o 6 ~hphhJ/~i.nh?ri

~ ~ { D U T xrTpa!: CatC)rjuovoiv, ~ a serpents; OU~ i


Mdpmv rirayratov.n
'gln tiding&

The 'aocording % 'Mark




'HOLY to draw Up



EITE14HIIEP ?roMoi hn~xripquav hvar6~aaeac 8 i f i y ~ a i vF O B b S M U C R

took in hand



T n X q p 0 ( 0 p q p i ~ ~ ~ ;v 4p7v oi

4 ?v ~ p a ~ p 6 - a declaration of order i"

r ~ t i 0 n man

have taken

concerning the 'which 'haw *been W y *bellevecl Tamong

mat- thaw thing8 moat murely ~ ~ c v e d ru thqy delivered [them] to us, they 'from C4the] .beginning ~ ~ ~ d $ ; e ~ e ~ v b, Unto which from alirdnrar ~ a &rqp8rai yrvdprvor roG Xbyov, 3 rEofrv i *eyewitnesses Tand *attendants ' M u g 'been of the Word, i t seemed good rccipoi, ?rapq~~XovOq~dn 2vw9ev ,TZULV cirptpic, Ka- istern of the word; also to me, hnving been acquainted from t b h t withall things accurately, with ~ l i , " ~ ~ , " $ ~

rwv, 2 rcaO&~ ~api8ocra.v



~,w~~~,"~,n,"nd 2 :

B a E f i ~ COL ypci+ai,
T E ~ ;


8~6$iXe, 'iva 4 X6ywv


fcct understandmg of

mcthod to thee to write, moet excellent Theophilus,

that thoum~ghteat know


most excellent Tbt.0philus, 4 that thou mightest h o w the Therc was in the days of Herod the Ling certainty of tho a thinga, wherein thi-U 'Iov6aiac i p 6 ~TLC dudparr Zaxapiac, 15 C$qp~piachnst beenlnatructed. of Judea a 'priest 'certain, by name Zachnrias, of [the] coursa 5 THERE wns in the daya of Hcrod, the 'A/3i6' ~ a crj.yvv~.aCro31' TGU BuYat6pwv 'Aaphv, ~ arb Klng of ~ualecr, csri ;K i n of Abbis, and hfa wife of the daughters of Aarou, and tain prioet named w~ohov&jue~ 7a&a L ; &~ohov&jueca i i r a Tr. r rarv& Tr. g r a i iv rais ~etuiv and iu the hands m. h P A i h should it injure GLT~AW. 4 ' 1 ~ ~ 0 Jesus LTr. 3s I ' A ~ d v eLhAW. E a v e h j p + h LTrA. m To rari Mtiprtov da.pydArov WLTW; Kard MQrov Tr ; EGayyiArov a a t d Miprov [A]. E,kyyiAtov ([Ebay.] A) ~ a r &o v ~ i v A OLWAW ; ~ a bovcrb T ~ d . b-&j 0 py avr4 LTRL

no ern in^ 'which 'thou *wmt mstructed 'of ['the] 'things 'the 'certainty. 5 ' E ~ ~ V Ev O hT ra~c*4p;paiC 'Hpdt80v b ~ ~ i ? paa&ws l


rdv ha$&Xrcav. unto thee in order,


. l -


was of

dau hters her nnme Elkabetb. And they wero Yust 'both W of Aaron. mf her ni&" roi Oroi. noprudpevot bv nriaacc raic i v r I a i c ~ r . i name was Eliaabeth. God, walking in all the commandment8 and 6 And the were both fo" athe Lord blamclcw. 7 i a6roic righteous %dore Qod, ~ i ~ a t ~ p a roilv w ~ i o u~ ~ E P X T O L . ~ 9 1 commanllmonta the walking in all and ordinnncca of And there was not to them

AOTKAZ. I ~~j;;~;f~~h;I","W~ 3vopa.aLrfS 'EXta~iper. 6 ~aav.82 Giraiot tippdrepoc dlv3.


ordinnnoesof the Lord ~ ~ C V O U , 1(al)6rt 'EXla~,/3er araipa, xai &p drepot npofivl' blameless. 7 And thdy m child, inasmuch u Elizabeth w u barren, an@ foth adhad m thvt Eliaabeth was P~fiqli.(ireci v rais.~)p6pais.aLrGv fiaav. 8 'Eyivero.G4 dy h m e n and they both ranted in their days were. And it came to pun in were du wellstricken a in YWS, e h n d it r .tepareirerv.a6rbv bv T$ r(iEec rij~.b$q epias-aliroi ivdvrc, of f i s c o w before . came t o pus, that fulfUing his priestly v in t b ordw ' wh~le executed the he o m a before ~ & i 9 ear& rb t O o ~rijp iepafiLs, OEOO, CAaxev od b the order of his accordingto the custom of the priestly s&rvice,i t fell to him by lot God, course, 9 according to the a t o m ot the TO$ e ~ p l t k a t iaXO(;v 8ic rbv vabv,rof mrpiou* 10 m; priest's dare, his lot t o barn incense, having entered into the temple of the Lord. And wan to burn incenae when he went into the ~ l rb i ~ X i j e o ~ Xaof $V" T ~ O U E V X ~ ~ E ESw V, sy" +Q ' ~ '+oil ~ O temple of the Lord. all the multitude of the people were praying without at the h o w \ y ~ . , ~ b ~ roi Svpi&paro~. df a6rG ciyy~hoc rvpiov; : ; 11 dwere pray&g mthont of incense. And appeared 'to 'him 'an 'angel Fthe] 5Lord, atanda 1 the time ofappeared brhc ~ I C BeFiOv 703 evaiaan]piov roi 6'v/cr~it~aro~. gal 1t And there incense. 12 unto him sn augel of a t [the] right af the altar of iucen$c. and the Lord standing on 6X 6q L ,. X aP ia 0 U , in* ''Zncharias 'seeing ['him], rai $dpoc dnlneaev upon atrdv; the right side of the ,ltar of incense. 12 'was' troubled and f e u fell him. when Zocharias saw 13'El~ejt.EJ n b ahrdv b iyyekog, M?).@opoc, Zuxapia' Aim, he was troubled, and feur fell upon him. But 'said Ohim 'the angel, Fear not, Zachnriits, 13 But the angel said 8idrt ~iaqro6aeq;,lais.aou, rai ~ . y v v ~ . a o v 'EXtaciP~r yycuunto him, Foar not Zachsriaa : for because has been heard thy supplication, and thy wife Elizabeth shall prayer is henrd ; and Y<UEL vidv aoi, rai redbaerc rb.Bvopa.aLroir ~ ' I w ~ v v ~ / v . " thy wife beer a #on to thee, and thou shnlt call his name John. nhall bear thee a son and thou shalt callhi; 14 rai tarn1 xapci a01 Kai ciyaXXinat~,Kai noXXoi . a r t rg' name John. l 4 And Aud he shall be joy to theo and exultntlon, and many at thou shalt have joy and gladness. mud h y a u v ? j ~ a ~ " . a~ap<uovrai. 15 ~ara1.ytip piyag ~ Y ~ S T W V ~ro~ m m shall rejoice a t shnll rejoice. For he shall be great before his birth his girth 1b For he .hail be r in the ir06'1 q i o u w I C U ~oivov ~ a iaire a t p rip, rcti night of t o Lord, and the Lord ; nnd wine and strong g i n k in no wise rhall lle drink, and $hall drink neither winenor strong drink nue4paro~ Ci iov nhqaOljaerae Z t i ii l. ~oiXiacptjrpcg and he shall be tilled with [the] 'Spirit 'Zoly he &hallbe filled ercn from [the] womb 5nothsx with the Holy Ghost V ~ G Yl a aljX d.lrtarpk$ibai ' a ~ e n f r o m h i s m o t h e r ~~6 ~ 0 ; . rai noXX0irc ~ 16 of the sons of fsrncl shall he turn t o [the] womb. 16 And many 'of %is. And many of the children of 18rael shall he t,,rn to dptov rbv.erPv.aLr3v. 17 xal alirdc 1rpocXe6aerar dvcjrriov the Lord their God. Lord thew God. And he &all go forth before 17 And he shall go bexve6pari rai dvv6p~e k'HXiov," hr~arp6$arrap8ia~ fore him {,, the spirit atroij i v and power of Elfw, to him in Cthe] spirit and power of ELias, to turn henrtn turn the hearts of the mri wv fathers to thechildren i n ~ t 8 e i;V [the] $p014~6 [the] ~ 81and the disobedient ti of f a t f e s t o children, aud [the] disobedient to wisdom of the wisdom of the just; e h v , aroip6aai to ready ~u,uiy Xabv xarea~~vaapbvov. Kni 18 for the nghteoua, t o make ready for [the] Lord a people prepared. An11




~B,~ph~;,"~y',&~~apiac n p b ~ byyehov, Kard ri y~cjaotiairof ro; ~ i n e Za v rbv


by .hall I know this h i d 'Za%ariu to the angel, By what shall 1 know thi.? zYnuw;; iy&:yc+paipt ~ Q F U ~ ~ ~ xai C ,. Y ~ u ~ . pT ~ O / ~ E @ I raic T V $ ~u !v K U in for I un. an old mnn, and my wife advanced m d angel said a6r$, 19 +d the angel ?U- $p6paig.a6riic. 19 Kai &no~pi@aic a"ryhoc ~7n-5~ rwarmg aa~dunto hun, her And *anawering lthe to him,



Er& ECFaPp4A 6
am Qabriel,

rapea~qu&s l v 4 n t 0 ~ TO; Oeot*; IC K

atand before 004 to annoonceSghd *d*nga -@thee and not able t o cpclrk


6r~arkX~v XaXijaar rp6s ae, Kai

I nu sent
to sped

to thee.



!tu;~inG;t;ise8;$ of & d . and sm zent to S P M ~ unto thee

~ ~ ~

~ d

raira. 20 rtai i606,

Ithdae ;

and 10, thou shalt be silcnt

j c q utw?rOv~ api~6vvcipevoc XaXijanr d "

~ ~ ,wak; until the

BXpr fiC-$pipalipoc yivqrar

my words, which

ra5m: civB'Gv o t r i n i a r e v ~ a ~ thew thing. shn8 that till the day in which ehall takeplacs these things, because thou dillrt not believe ~ o ~ f ; ~ f ~ ~
dull be fulfilled
in their asoson.

ro'is.Xdyotc-pov, o?nves?rXqpoB?iuovrn~ rbv.~alpiv.afh6v. worde, which wbnll be eic

~ ~ ~ l ~ d waited for hcblrrlua, And'wore 'thePpeople expecting b c h ~ r i a s , m d they wondered nt and mnwelled that he tarried so 16ng in the r r & ~ o v i ~ ~ r v - aivr r @ va4. 22 iteX0iv.A o&rlj6bvaro1temple. t b ~ n d s u in the temple. But having come out be wns not able he came out, he could is delaying not npak unto them : XaAijaai atro'is* ~ a i?r.7~waaviirr bnraainv Cdparr~v iv and they i he ha, seen in that he hacf%p: to sped to them, and they recognized that a vision vision in the temple: r$ v@* rrai atrbc ,BL~YE~WY aliroic, ra; drkpev~v ~w$6c. or he beckoned unto f the temple. And he W= making signe to t h , and continued d u b . them and remained ~ n id t 23 rrai byivero &c i?rXtja011aavai rjpipac rijc XErrovpyia~speechless. 23 that, h. to pass, And i t c m e to pans, when were ful5lled the days %rvica soon us the duya of his ministrution were acabroir ri?rijXBev ~ i rbv.01~ov.airroii. c complished, be deyart'of 'his he departed to hie housa ed to his own bnuse. 24 MET&-64ra6rag' r&s <pipas uvvbhi~ev'EXtaciper w And after those Now attor these days .conceived lEUabeth dayshiswifeBHsabeth conceived andhid heryvw).adroir, xai T E ~ L ~ K bavrrjv )cij~aL. nbvre, XiyoVaU,, self i v e daontha s& UWe, and herself Pmontbr v , ay-, ing, 25 Thus h& mth 25 " O ~ L . O B ~O neroiq~ev i l l kirptoc BY. rjpiparc aTs Lord dealtwhereinmg ~ WL~ * in the days he Thns to me h ~done the Lord in [thej day& in which looked on me, to take l i?re76ev b$ek'iv nrbv.6~et66~ b civOp3?rorc. ov' v &~~,",",'"PrOaCh men. my Feproiwt among he looked upon [me] to take W

21 Kai fiv b Xabc ~poa6otidv Zaxapiav0 iBaCpa~ov TAY kai iv

t:f;c; ~


~PEY hg


26 'Ev.68 r q pqvi

T@ &!rc.rcl, And in the month the s u t h

ciaeurciX~b ByyeXos I'nPprdX m ~ f ~ h ~ , " $ e ~

was sent the angel Qabriel briel

writ from

roir 0 ~ 0 5 ndhtv r,jc ~ ' a ~ t ~ a i abvopa EIS ~,

to avirgin betrothed


tapir," 27

Onlilee, named gazaOod Of ~ o dt o acity of m l s whose rime CwuI Na- rcrb ie , to a virgin bvopa e 8 ~ L s e dto npbs mapBivov ~ p ~ p v q u r e v p civ6pi ~ i~v~ to a man whose name name of the virgin




' I w h $ , i5

oirou rAapi6.1ira; rb &opa rijc ?rupC)Qvo), ~tb'jdi and the vir-

d [the] h ~ u s e of David, and the

Maptcip. 28 rai ~iaeXBiv6 ciyy~ho~'~ atnjv eZrev4 n unto her, nnd nuid ' .rrpis ~u that arj [ W 4 W. And *coming 'the angel to &er said, highly favoured the xai E, ~ ~ x a p ~ r w p bvd p t o ~ perd q05, V E & X O ~ ~ $ Y Q Lord W with fhee: i q~

%25$," La*,,

[thou] favoured one l women. and


the Lord [if] with thee, But she



th0a amongst

4 % ~ ~ v a t F i ~ .29 I 'H.68 wi60iruall ~


[art] blessed art thouAnd qong 29 awhen shesnw him she

at Was troubled a t ' his m p n g andcast in her sul~tation this ahoul4 be 30 And the angel

seeing mim] wns troubled

7@-~6yy.a6r0ir,~~ rrai 8rehoyi~eron o r a s b ~

his word,

b ciunaupbS mind &hat mnnner of

'salutation Mary,

reasoning of what kind might be 'angel to her. Fear not,

otrop $0 Kai

not Msry: for thou h w i found frvoar ~ i t O O ~ .31 and, I . h B far thou brut f!und f&vow with God ; and 10, thoushalt conceive hold thou shalt Conceivi in thy womb, d v yaarpi rai r i t y vibv, rai KaXiaetc r3.6vopa-airroir and bring forth a 80n, in [thy] womb and bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name andshalt callhrs nuno

E~TEU b bnd 'usid 'the

Gyy~Xbca h t , M?).$oPoii, Maptcip' s ~ i dunto hor, Fear


~hpiv ?rap&r t j C)e@. 31 ~ ai806, yat,XX<$pfi i

1 L. S N 4 q i B LTW.



in; 7 y A6yy 6wap~i& -A.

+ b i n e A o s the angel T.

m [the]) 'i p y u 7 c o ) r i y v %TT~. i

-6 (re@


Aavei8 LTTrA ; Aav8 GW. & A o y v p i y W i,v yvvartiv Ir[rr]r.

1 wM<pJ/n Lrrrr.

7b TT~[A%

&7Cb from TTrA.


- 6 doiua iyyeAos

be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest : and theLord


AOYKAZ. ' I ~ u o ~ 32votroc rarac piydc, ~ n.vf br 6tF/iurov a t l 0 i j u ~ ~ . l

and Son of [the] Highest shall he h ~ V Oplvov *AaPisu called ; and %hall 6give 'him [!the1 PLord "God the throne of l).rvid


2 $~l~hr$~,"ofu~~ 2


~ a i d&a~iah(I3


shall be g r e d ,

m5pcoS i) OEAS T

father David : 33 and he shell reign over the house of Jacob for ever ; and of his kingdom there shnll be no end 34 Then said BIaiy unto the angel, How bhnll this be, Seeiiig I know not a man? 35 And the angel ansnered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shnll come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall over8hadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee be called tile Sou of God. 36 And, Elisab;th,th<he cousin behold also conceived a son

roS-~ctr~i)~-abroG, @ ~ u ~ X E ~ U iE?Lf ir6v olrov 'Inrcup is 33 rai ro6c aiGvac, rai rijg.paul;\~ia~.airro~ ob~.iurac
his father ;
and he shall reign over tho

house of Jacob to


since to her,

of his kingdom 'Mery to the angel,

there shall not be au c n h How shall 'be 'this angel said

34 El?rev.di Maprcip ~
But =said

p ro*v zyyeXov, TIG!: c"urni rocro 6 ~

And answering the
E~TEV abryi,

(EvGpn o&.yiv&a~w 35 Kai h ~ o ~ p c e ed rzyyehoc ; ;

a man

I know

n v ~ i r p a Y L O iV~ e X ~ 6 u e r a i a;, rai d6varrc ~

[The] aspirit 'Holy shall come upon thee, and 3born
dTldklci~~ UOC'


power of [the] Higbcst 'holy 'thing shall be

shall overshadow thee ; wherefore also the oalled 'she Son of God. And 10,


~ a ri) y v v & p ~ v ~llyiOV ~Xq8;)i va

Elizabeth her old age, thy kinsrvomnn and zalao

uerai u i i ) ~ ~ 0 6 .36 rai idoh, 'EXtaciPer Ij.buvyy~v$c".oov ~ a i 0 ahr4 c ~ ~ ~ ~ l vi6v i$ d y ~ pa l' ' .la b ~ iKcU ~ s r s X ~ v~ $ ~ ' o
has conceived
a son i n

p +

this [the] 'month

with her, who was 'sixth is to her who [was] called barrun ; for not %hall 'be barren- 37 Be$'l ~tiv fiijpa. 38 E ~ T E vMC(cdp, -~~ with God nothing shall ~ ~ I O E C ?rap& 'with "God 'any 'thing. And Isaid 'Jay, be impossible. 38 And (lit. every) Atary said Behold the handmaid'of t h e l o r d ; '1Jo6, 806Xq K U ~ ~ O V ' yivocrd pot ~ a r d T ~ - ~ { ~ ~ be i t unto me accord- Behold, the bondmaid of [the2 Lord ;, be it t o me according t o thy word. Ing to thy word And the angel departed Kai dA{hev h' abrfis d ~ Y Y E ~ O ~ . from her. And deoarted from her the angel.

$ i ~ ~ ~ t ~;rroS~iariv a/h $ 7$ ~ ~ ~ i ~ e h ~nhovplvp areipq.


37 grr obr 6duva-


39 'AvaurZua-8 Mapidp dv r a ~ ~ . $ ~ i ~ d r ~ . r a 6 r a c ~ bnopeieq

And 'rising ' u p 'Mary in those days went into the hill country into the hill-country with haste, and with huste, into a city of Juda. 40and enter- ~iuijX8~v ri)v o t o v Zaxapiov ~ aIjurciunro rrjv'EXtaci/3~r. eic i ed into lthe honae of entered into the houae of Zacharias and saluted Elizabeth. Zwharias, and saluted 41 mi ~IKOUUEV f ; j ' E X c a ( i ~T r & a ~ a u p 6 rfic ~~ Y v ElisaPeth. 41 b d it hnd itcsme to .%earh 'Elizabeth the salutation oame to aas that

39 And Nary arose days, and went E ~ S Rjv in

bp~~Yrjv ~ r ( iu~ov8fic,E p

~ E T ~ X L V '1068a, to a city of Jndah,

40 rai

~~i~~~~ &c

; " , l ~ ~ ~ o ~ $ , ~ Mapiay,' iuripr~urv Ppl$os i v r@-rocXip-a&r;i ( T A jrQn d r6 xoi

the babe leaped in he; of 'the 'babe in her womb ; and 'was 'filled with a f oice womb. and Eliaabefi m e 6 aros d iov waa &led with and 4with cot& 'Spirit 'goly : U the *he spake out with 6 loud voice, and said,
BLapsed art

,j 'EXtaciper, 42 ~ a&ve$&vqaev ~ $ W V , ~ ~ I i


cried out

peyciXg cai elaev, RtXoyqpBvtl


bv yvvacfiv, ~ a&Xoi

llond and said, Blessed [art] thou among women, and blcssm o w w o m e s and yqtcivor b 'rlap~6s ? j ~ . r o l ~ ~ a c . ~ o vrai T6eev pot roGro, r 43 . blessed l d the fruit of the fruit of thy womb. And whence to me this, thy womb. 48 And -*ence ir this to me, 'lva p+qp roZl.rupiov.pov rpdc 44 i806-ycip, For 10, that the of my that should come the mother of my Lord to me ? Lord ahonld come to me l 44 For, 10, -soon &S iyivero $ W W ) ~ o ~ - & u ? ~ a u ~ o ~ -rd-6r6.pov iutiipEIS u o v M the voice of thy c m o the voice of thy salutation into mine ears, leny malutrrtion m d e d in mine e m , the babe ~ U E V i v CiyaMrdu~rT A ' OS'' i v r@cocXiq.pov. 45 ~ a leaped inmy womb for ed in exultation the bs in my womb; and joy. 45 And blessed W ~ho that believed: for pa~apia ~carehaaaa, Src Zarar reX:iwucc TOTS there shall bo a perforblessed [ s she who, believed, i] for there shall be a fulfilment to the things mance of those things mpiov which were toid her XeXaXqplvocs air@ ?rap& h o m the Lord spoken to her from [the] Lord. a [ZK v03 of thee L. o v ~ e v i LTW. s O uuvc;Aq1 A a v e d LTT;A ; Aavt8 OW. m. m p e ~LTT~AW. 706 8-06 m ? ~ . t rbv ~ u m a u p b v s Ibfaplas 'EAcuaper 6 i 7b BpC+or i v iy.yaMtbmr O\Y: & . g wav'lD^ with a %ry n r A . m h jlri 2




46 Kai e'irev Mnpihp, M E rlX6vei Ij-JNXfj-pourbv &piov
48 And

the Lord,



'my 'soul

' My Lord, 47 and my the doth

spirit bath rejoiced in G hnth ~regnrded 4 0 Y he O ~ saviour. 4 8the ~ low estateof hi* hand: for* from henceforth all

47 ~cti +yaXXina~v rh.?ryeGph-pov bni @8e$ rcji.awrijpipov'

and 'exulted he looked upon the


my Snviour.


BrSPXeJ/evbrri r$u rarreivwalv rijc.60iXqc.aitro3. is03

of h s bon Imaid ; i 'generations. '10

generation. shnll call For me blessed. 4Y For he that is mighty hatb droiqa6v pot kr~yaX~ia" Gvvardc, K U ~iiytov r6 Bvotcn things ; andme grene 6 done to %me is *has .done "to 7m0 8grent *thingg 'the 'mighty sane, and holy [is] Mme. 50 And his a&roir.50 rai rb.eXtog.airro9 eic yevedg ly~v~&v"~?S mercy is on them thnt [is] to generations of generations to thoso fear him from gcnernhis meroy 'his ; and tion to geucrntion, $opovp-L6voicnbrdv, 51 . ~ K o ~ ~ u E u Kphroc bv ppa~iovt.abr0~'51 He hnth xhewed fearing him. He wrought strength with his arm, strength n-ith his arm; he hnth scnttcred the 6rta~6priaev 6repq$hvo?& dcnvoip rcap8inc.nbr&v. proud in thc imnginnhe scnttcred [the] haughty in [the] thought of their henrt. , tion of their henrts. 52 He hath put down 52 KaeeiX~~ Gvvharag &rbBpdvwv, m i BJ/oaev T U T E ~ V O Y ~ . mighty from theip the He put down rulera from thrones, and exalted [the] lowly : seab,andexnlted them of low degree. M He 53 T E E L V & V M~~V ~ T X ~ U E Y &yaO3v, nai . ~ A o v r o ~ v r a ~fiued the hungrg bath [the] hungry he filled w i t h e o d thinga, and [the] rich with good things ; and for, from henceforth 'will 'count 'me Dblessed 'all

rhp, &rb ~0t.vGv pa~npro~aiv.perr%ar ai y~veai. 49 Sri

he sent away



54 civreXcipero 'Iupa$X .rraidb!:alroG,

He helped Israel 'servant

ih,ep't,","nyhat24Bgz hath holpcn hi8 ser55 as he 8pake to ou;

[in 6rderJ to remember our fathers, ever.

pvqaeiivac bXQovc, 55 rcaOdC iX&qaev n;odc ro6c ~~,"~~,"',"f"'$~~","~:

mercy, according aa he spoke t o hia seed to

raripac.+&v, r@'AppadP rcni rc&anippri.a6r09 "'tic rbv

to Abraham and

aiGva." 56*Ep~ivev.dBMaptdrp drv a$r$ catI irnQarpe+eveic rhv-01~ov~a8rij~.

and returned to her house. Now to Eliaabeth a son.

And 'abode



fathers* his Abrahaml and to seed for ever, 56 And Mnry aabout n&u~ill pijuac rpetc, bode with herand remouths about % o n t b 'three, turned to & opm


57 Tii.8L'EXiuQ~r ErAljatlq d ~pdvoc ?O?.TEKETV-O~~~~Y, Now


wan fulfilled t l ~ e time that sheshouldbringforth, full timecame thatshe

K U ~ oi

rai iyivvqarv vidv. 58 mi jrouuau oi rrpiotroi

she bore 'her And

Sheard 'the =neighbours and r his mercy

;; ~ ; ;

a son.

58 And her

pveic abriic

with h r d hadshewedgmat oby86g mercy upon her ; and ahri#ic, rcai uvvhxnc ov nitrp". 59 Kai byivero av her, and they rejoicefrith her. And i t c a m e t o p . on the eighth ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j $

thnt swas magnifying t h e o


r6 lot rh-arooa6so; rer'

that on the eighth day



GPhpgu ~ X ~ O nepirepeTv rb .rrar&ov. rcui Q K & X O U ~ a h h V

day they came to circumcise the little child, name of his father said, and were calling




60 And his answered and so; but he shnll be called John. 61 And they said unto 61 Kai q d a o v h p b ~ ahrtjv, "Osi oir6dg iariv 'bv And they said to her, NO one is among the her, Therc is none of th kindred that is cnGed by this nome. W E Y E ~ Q " O U8c raX~lrac ~ r~-6vdpariLro6ry. 'EVBVEVOV 62 LEfolk of thee who i caned, s by thi, name. 'They Jmade*signs 62Anbthe made aigna to his fntker, how he pi~@-rarpi.airroij " r&ri &v.OSXOL mAeiaOac Sairrdv.l' would have himcalled. 'and to his father [as to] what he might wish 9 0 Jbe .called 'him. 63 And he asked for a writing table, and 63 cai airrjaac ~ i v a ~ i 6 i oEIY~CI$EV, v Xtywv, P'IwCEvvqc" ~h And having asked for a writing tablet he wrote, saying, John name is John. And


called him Znchnrins, 6vdpart roG.aarp6g-airroir Zaxapiav. 60 rai &no- after the nnme of hia sane Zacharias.


rpiee~aa Ij.pljrqp.airro9 t l r ~ vOfxi, &X& ,

'his 'mother No;

~ h ~ 8 f i a ~PmI c ~ V - mother ' W




but he shall be called



iariv trb!.Bvopn.airrot. ~ ahOu6pauav rrhvrec. 64 'Av~ct;~I3~-6i i ~ K

his narue. And t h q 'wondered

ilPdp+ )i the kins


~ ~ m~ & .

1 rai yeveir alld generations TTrA. v TT. h &$by L ~ A . P ' I r i v q ~ . t TO a5rb it LTTrA. olk LTRA.


And wns opened opened immediately,

m ~ U uiivos S

n ~ ~ ~; ~ l ~ k



a. a &S L n r . 6 s cn?pveias from amwg


KU~ sod God. 65 And his mouth immediate1y and his tongue nooaed], and dxelt round .l1 about R d h ~ kilhoy~vT ~ O E ~ V . 65 Kai J Y ( v ~ rh i r6vrag yG/3oS On that t V o them : these he 'poke, b l a ~ i n g God. b n d 'came fupon *all 'fear s;lrings noiwd ro6g nepcorroiivrag airrok. ~ n iv SA rp" 6pce1+ r i j ~ ; aB~.oxd throughout all them ; and i n 'who% 'the hill-country hill co,,nt,.y of luthaw who dwelt around drm. 66 And all they 'Iou8niag 8eEXaXEiro r&ra rd- 'icara-racra. 66 rai t h ~ heard //tern laid of Judea 'were "being %lked 'of. 'all t 4h'kse Sthings. bnd ,lp in their harts, s:ryins: What manner ?OEVTO ~ 6 v r ~ g oi d~06uavr~g qj-#ap8iq-a&r&jl,, Qv hiof chiid shpll this be l &laid[stheml ?lp lall 'who nheerd in their hcart, sxyAnd tho hand of the Lord was with him. Ti n'pn rd-?rac8iolrro9ro :mat; Kai XE;D Wbrt then 'this 'little 'child 'will "be? And [the] h m h


z: .,

AOTKAE. h&tOr~iei",% rb-mdpha6ro~' rapa~pijpa ~ a 4.yXGuaa.airroG, i


o [the] Lord f
67 And his father Zaahnrias Holy Ghost, (t w~rh the was filled



his father saying, was filled .with [the] 'Spirit

67 Kai Zaxapia~ 6-nanjp-airroii EfiljoOq rveirparog

Lord the fng, 68 Blascd be the O ~ d grollla aGX, Srr EaeudJ/aro rrai iroiqu~vh6rpwacv Lord Gocl of ~ s r n e l . sod of t r a e l , because he looked upon and wrought redemption for he hnth visited and redcorned his people, rclj.ku&atrofi' 69 rai 7jvEtpEv Kipag uwrqpiac Ijpb dv 69 end lrnth rai-ed up for his people, rrnd raised up s h o r n of salvation for us in the a n horn of salration for uu in the house of airy zAn$idH "~&~~.aac8bg-airro9. ra6;g Lhcihqaev 6c(i 70 his servant David h o w of David his '-ant ; according ns he spoke by [the] 70 as Ile spnke by thd mo::th of his holy pro- urdpnrog r i j ~ iov brGv"-d?r'.aW~oc?r o$qrGv aLroG. (t phets, which hnrc been mouth *loly 'since %me 7began &ophets ]of 'his ; since the worldbe &n 71 that we shoul$ $ 71 uurqpiav i~Op&v-$pGv a i ~ QC x t c p d g ?rivrwv anred from cur enesalvntion from our enemies and from [the] hand of all mies, and from the band of tbthato r&v peu06v~wv $pc?;'. 72 rocijaac perd r3v r a r i p ~ U- ; 72 to perform the those who ha6 us ; t o fulfll mercy d t h Ofather# mercy promised to our fathers, and toremem- tpGv, ~ a pvq~OijvqriJtaOljtqg kyiag aCroi7, 73 iiprov Sv i ber hi. h01 covenant our, and t o remember 'covenant %01y 'his, [che] oath which




iov, rrai x?rpo~$ljr~va~v,li 68 EliXoyqrdg X;ywv,

pro~lleskd, Blessed be [the]



Er .

~ b ~ h 74 thnt~he, he ~ W O M t o ~ . Abraham our father, togire us [thatJ wonld grant unto us, 74 hpWG ;C that we being deliverE L ~ crSvH-dX9pGv-d~p3vIIU ~saved, Q S ~ ~ S of our med. $V ~VT w ~ out fear out of [the] %and t being ed out of the hand of our enemi= plight X C ( ~ ~ E ~ , E7.5Y v Baco'rq;r ~ a dtrcaeou6vp bv&?rtov a&r$ ~ i i atroii serve in holiness and fear, 75 him w~thout we8hould~erie him in holinw and righteousness before Mm, righteousness before &gag rds rjripag er&.~wij~ll-~pSv.Kai df, ?ratGiov, 76 him, all thednys of our the drip of our life. And thou, little child, life. 7OAnd thou, child shalt be called thepro! rpo$<77ig 6$iur0V Khq861jb C I ~ O ~ O ~ E ~ Opd -ydp r prophet of [the] Highest h halt be c d e d ; for thou 8% go before [the] the face of t%o Lord rpoudnov, mpiov irotp6uat 6doirg.abroij. 77 rot 6otvar t o to give BcnowledR~ face prepare hia ways. of [the] Lord t o prepare his ways ; t o give

:6ttzh6,& npds *A&adp ~dv.rariplr<~Gv, Gotvat ;)pZv 6pourv roG +f


of salration unto his yvijcrtv awrqpiag T@.XQ[$.U~JTO'~~ &$bUEt (tpaprt&~.atr3~, ~ o p l by, theremission knowledge of salvation e t o his people i n remission of their sins, of their sins 7Rthrough iv the tender' mercy of 78 dcd arhciy~va iAioJp 8~0ii.$p3~, 0:g h?rw~rri$aro our God : wheregy the through [the] bowels of compassion of our God, in which ho.visited dayspring from on , high hath ~ a i t e d us qpc?~ & ~ a ~ o hifi;J/ovc, 79 isrf8vai ~ 0 dvi ~~K ~ T E I ?j 79 touive light to therd t o ohme upon those 'in 'dnrknw us [the] day-~pringfrom on hieh, that sit in darknas , Oavirov caOqpivotg* roii K ~ T E V E0 6I X ~ 7V~ UK~$ . n d C the shacloa of death, toguide our feet *and On ['the] 'shadow 'of 'death i 'sitting ; t o direct



&p (read For also) CTT~A. irpo+~~suucv LW ) . (read [the]) LTTr& C T&V LlTrA. 6 v mrA. ~ a v e i L T P ~ A; Aav1.6 @W. l roi ~ m r ~ . *c Colic (read all our days) OLTT~AW. a <&v (read of [our] enemies) [LJITIA. 6 i also rrrr.

t ~ ~ ~ t ~ and waxed itrony in spirit and wan in rai icparaioitro ava6parr~ rai q v i v r a i ~ lpiporc $WC the mud wnn rtrcugthened in ~ p i r i c ; and he wav i n the deserts until [the] d""cria his ahewing nato Ir
our loo& into [tho] wny of pncc. And the little child

ro'Gas.dp3v c/c

d8lv ; p t j ~ ? ~ Tb-Gi lrar8iov q i r h v ~ v~ 80

tjltfpnc drvac"eiEtw~qirroir p l ~ a rbvlIapnliX.



adccree pass in thoae days, t h a t there weut out a dc. cree from Csmr AI\f;.oln Craar Anyusrus, that should b registered e all the R U S ~ U B t h a t a l l the world ihould bc tnxect oiuotr i1v,we 2 a'ilrqPtj '.rinayoa@j "n Lrr] hyh~~rron "(Atrd thin tnxingww took pluco p en - , runde when Cyreflrut h:ildri~b( world ; thi8 registrutiou &bt n~us was governor o l101.8ovroc rijc Xvpiac iKtlpqviov.U 3 m;(no toJJron6v7ec a r i a . , 3 A U ~ r e n f !riu f overnor 'of sSyria 'Cyrcnius. Aud (vent loll t o be tared every one 6myo6$ruf3at, Y m u r o ~ ~~u.~iG'nv".siAtv. ~ , p i p ~ . H d ~ n ~a bnu city.~ .sir. 4' xai into his to-le hsgistercd, ench to hlr own city : nnd .'went *up 5 l s o u p f r o u ~ alilw out of the city of h'u;r'Iwarjq rind r f i I'aX~Xaiac ~ nbAewc ' ~ a s ' c i p i r ~ ~ ,cth, i n t oJ U ~ M , rtjv 'Jomyh from Qalilee out of [the] city Naz:ircth to the city of Dnv~d And
I C culllo t o

i d4ijXerv Gdypa n. And i t c*mr to ~2 'EYi~~er~.OII v ra~~.{pipni~./xeivar~

plrsa in those dnyd awent

of h h rhewing



rap4 Kaioapo~ Atyoirarov,


niiaav rrjv

' r

ie r


'Iovitiov, EI'C r6Xrv "An/3id1 $TICraheirnr BqBXrip, 6th$:$i :

Judaen, to

r city

of Duvid which

is called

Bctlllehclo, hcnuse wns of the house and

rl.elvai.nirrBv it:
of hin bclug girter h i u s e l l with

oirov cui mrp[iic " A ~ t f l i 8 ,5. lkino~

funrily of Dlvid, to h i u

of [the] house a d

lineage O navia:) f 6 io be taxed with t o r e BInry his espoused

~ ~ ~ $ . b ~ i - ~ t h n t , while they were oZay lyleCip. 6 ' E Iv r$ clvar.abro6~ there the days wer* nccornpPahed that she he being great with child. And% ratue t o paw in t l u [time] they wcm Rhuul,l delivereh h- 7 And she brought {K? A X ~ O ~ ) ~aU ljttipar ro6.r~rti1f.rri1r4~' rai ~ i ~ Y 7 there "ei-a 'fulfllled'the dnyrr for her bringing forth, and she brought *Orthhermappcd him In flrstbornwne and K v r b ~ . ~ ; h v . ~ l brdv ~ F r ? npwr6roleov,rai i u n a ~ ~ h v w a e v amadling clothen,and forth her son the first-born, and nrapped'iu, rw:tddlinghlothes ~ ~ , B e l c ; ~ ~ ~ , ' ~ , " C m ci&rd.v, civQlehvwabrdw IV m; $ h r ~ l y ,&drt ohr.4~ r o o u for thcm in the i and lnid him i n the manger, h a u s e there was not MPry
who wns betrotlied as wife,

ypcia&aaearl'aiv Maptip r e Opc/rvqurcvtt~v$ a6rG Pyvvairi,"

; l :

a h r o i ~rdno~: r$ raraXtparr. 1v
for them a place i n thc inn.
8 And there were i n

8 Kni no~pivec Gaav $ 1 ) r e x6pq r t nitrp', &ypavXoiivrr~ ~ ~ ; ~ : " , ' ~ $ ~ ~ ~ ~ f And ahcpherdr wero i n the zcountry Irinluo, lodging in the ticlds field, keepinp wntrh ~ n $r~Xtiaaovr~~ i qvharcir. r,jg vvrr6r: i n ; rr)v.soitivqi~.abr3v. ~ ; # O f i t t ~ ~ n ~ ~ f ,

0 sai 'io"06," ciyy~hoc kvpiov iniarq aBroic, ~ a i

anpcl of the ~ d r cnclo d upou t1lcm, nud th6 m d behold, nn angal of [the] Lord atood by thcm, and [tho] glory gloryof t'leLordahoue rouud about tllcnr: rvpiov repiiXap$rv aLr06~' ~ a i l$0pt'~8qaav $dFov and they were sore rof [tho] Lord shonc n ~ ~ u u n d them, and they fcxrbd [with] 'fcnr f"iid. l0 And the pc1 said unto rhcm, ~ f i ~ a v . rai E ~ A E V t r o i ~ d7yeXo~,M ~ ) . $ o ~ E ~ is06E Fear not : for, bcl~old, 10 a u~ ' gent. And 'said 'to %hem Ithe tirngel, Felbr not ; abchold 1. bring 'U ~ o o d tid l n p oP(grc;rt joy wliich shall h to nlf oirayye~i~opffi6 p i ~ ~cIpdvpcYci?.7]v, $711: i ~ r a l e t , 'which shall D people. I1 For unU . I announce glad tiding8 t o you [of] joy you is born thiu dn rnWi ry' hn+' 11 8 ~ 1 dr6~8r)i r p i ~ l j p ~ p o l , ~ aw.njp, i;c kkTtV in thc city of ~ n r i x to rll the people ; for was born t o you to-diry a Suviour, who is I Saviour which i r I Chri4t the iord. l? An4 ~ 0 1 b r d ~ KGQIOC, 1 Y ?~(;XEL sAa/3i8.H 12 K U ~T O ~ O 6 p i ~ 8huN be n signnn-. this i h r h t [tho] Lord, in [the] eity of David. And this [h] to pou t o yuli ; Ya shall rind rb mjptiov* e6ptiuere ppitpo!: Ianapya~~wp~vov.'xei- the bnbo wrnpped 0in h ~ swna.:~ing ~ 1 t the ~ign: ye shall find v babe wrapped i n swaddling cloth-, ly- lying in a mnnyor.



by night over

their flock ;




1 K v p i v w Cyrenns L. k iavroii (read his city) Lmr. h i y i v e r o rrfin) T. m Aavci8 LTTrA ; Aavi8 OW. 1 Nacaphe L ; NncapiO TW. &noyp&+edac t . il*lr?rnrvyivr) L'rTrA. P vatrei L I ~ A . q q (read a mallger) LTT~A, X iSbJ j ~ T ; A & 8 &rib =*A;# C+ K& a d ~LB& ~abvot v g

-4 L





l3 sudaenlythere / ~ E I J O V " bv wr$'l $dryB, 13 Kai l$k;$vq~ iyivero dlv ri? was wit51 the anwe1 a multitude of {he in manger. And suddenly them was a i t h tha ing God heavenly and sayins, dYYbXy aXij90~ urpnriac ~oi~paviov," praiqaivo6urwv TAY 6 ~ & , 14 G ~~ ; i n~the ~ ~ d an:'el ~ n multitude~ of [the] 'host 'heavenly, ' ~ prafning God, h l ~ l l e > t , on earth K C L ~ X~y6vrwv, 14 Ar;fn ;U 3Giuroi~OE$, rai 8 y i j ~ d pace, poo.1 will townrd men. 15 And i t saylngl Glory in [the] higlicst to Qod, and on enrtb came to pn-S, nr the E ~ P T ~ I J Idv & V ~ ~ [ ; ) ~ ~eL80~in.l~ Kcli iY6v~ro, ~, OL$ 15 dnijXangels were ?ono nwny pewc, from into in lnell good. plcaaiuo. d n d it camc to gas^, ns 'departven, tlieshephcrdn said 6ov &' aljr3v rhv 06pni~tv d y y ~ h o%a; oi b ~ ~ p ~ oi ~, One anO'hcrt let ed 'from 'them %to ?the 'heaven 'the Pan.rrels, that tho men now go even 'unto ( ~ X X G X O U ~ ,A L & % J G)j ~ W J : 1) Bethlehem, nnd see oi T O L ~ ~ V E ~ % C T O V I I T this thin6 which is the aheyherda said one another, Let ns go t g o u g h indeed u*rH come to pns8 which rni ? , rb.~~pa.robro rb yeyovb~ 8 d the Lord h a d made B T J Q X E ~ ~ ~ W / L E Y knownuntons. l6And Bethlehem, m d let us see thi- thing that has oometo pnur whiah t h r the came with haste, nnBfound Jlnry, and ~ 6 p t 0dyv&pfu~v ~ 4piu. 16 Kni b f i h 6 ~ ~U1 'E ~ U ~ V T E Cmi T . Joneph and tho babe Lord made known to ua. b a d they came having m o d and lying in a manger. rai rdv'Iwalj$, ~ a 71 Pp{ o ' ~ :rrii I T A ~ ~ they had cCiv~bpo~II men it they made found bothXwy and J o q h , and the D & lrhowndaroadthe~y~ieyr~6pianv1~ in^ which was to d + $hrvp. 17 i8dvres.b& then1 concernin this mg i n the manger.. A n d hnving socn, they made known ahrond


'a t those things which concrrning rob + atpi the

werctoldthcn!b&the shepherds. l9But my kept all those things, and pondered them in
glorify in^ and Faisin8 God for a 8 the things that they had heard nnd seen n it u wM tO1dunto tiem*

)i)pnrog roJ AaAqIvroc adroig

saying which had been told them

nrpi roe

: E 2",2,":k!$ 19 $.&.eMapi&plladvra uvve4pec r&.bfipara.mirra. : $ " aJr04~. $;

conwrning the things which had heen lrpokcn by the nhephordr to

na~8iov.~oirrov. 18 rai n d v r e ~oi iroCaavrec bOaBpauav thk little bad all who henrd ?rEpi riju XaXqOQvrovirab rirv nozpbvwu ~ p 6
But Mary [them] in 'all her heart. ]kept those snyings,

f u v ~ ~ & h ~ o v u a l l +.~ap8iq.ahrij~. 40 rai g~?r6brp~J/dv' dv




ol rroiuive~, boSd~ouresrni aivoBvrq rhv O E ~ Vini n d a ~ v

'the '.hepherds, glorifying and praising


for dl thin@

which they had heard and seen, as it waa said t o them. 21 vhen eight 21 Kni 6re isrXljuBrluau tjfbpa~ brr& roir ~ ~ p t r '~ ip) ~ days wrre nccomplishAnd when were fulfilled days 'eight for the 'circumcising the ed for the circumcising ~ ~ ~ , of the child, his name rrrrtdiov," a i K X G Orb.6vopa.a3roil ' I ~ u o ~ C . 7b Kh)was called JESUS, =was 'called 'his 'name Jaw, which b e ] war which was so nnmod little of the angelbefore he &U 70; ciyy6Xov v b roir kuvXAq$Oijvar" atrbv dv was cOnceired m the called by the angel before swas3conceived 'he in thu womb.


lj~ovuav rai hd80u,~~ raO&c bXaA$@ ~ p a.liro6J:. b ~

~ i




days of her purifica22 Kcri Sre i?rX~uBqaau fiplpaz ~oii.~a~a~tu~oir.~nljrirv ai tion nccordilig to the And when were fulfilled the days for their purificntion law of Mores were accomplishcd they rbv udpou ~ M w u ~ w s ,(imj ayou aljrbv eig 'LEoud'~ KUT& broueht hilu'to Jeru- a c e e i n g to the law of MOSW, they Xiought him to Rrusr sale& to prcsent him Iv U to th; Lord ; 23 (ad it Xvpa napaurijuac rclj wpiy, 23 rcaOAc yiypanrai i a written in the law lem to present to the Lord, an it has been written in [tbe] of the Lord Ewry iov mpiov, Ort TZU 6puev Gcauoiyov p7jrpav male that opeheth the a womb 4101y opening womb shall be called of [the] Lord, 'That every male h o l ~to the Lord :> mrd 24 21 ind to offer a sacrr- r f rvpi'cp ~XqOi)uerai* rai roJ sobvar Bvuiau and t o offer a sacrifice according t a fice according to that 'to ttle ?Lord 'shall 'be 'called ;

22 And when the wom6.



pl,Cas~rc &TTrA.

- 7fj (read a manger) GLTTrAW.

aveupav m r . d hovoa T, g 6nic~pc+av GLTTrAW, h L~OV T. 1 a h 6 v him GLTTrAW. Lmr& I aiGs (read her purificatioll) E. m Mwiiudof LTTrAW.

rr. -p r u a0ih BV~PWTQL oirpavos of heaven hMapiaT.LlTrA. [L]T[TTA]. ~ d h ~ v ~yvir v e y mad? known LTT~L t *

y eC8o~iap f g o d o

+ l+ L the .

@Oav TTrA. mvj3dA. flM~pr~t)<v~~


0 that whichhas bceu said in [the]

1 UKE . .
Ei'PvpBv~v ;v

in the of turtle doves voung pigeons.



~ l r ~ i ' o uZ F C Y O ~ , T~VYOIVWV

law of [the] Lord, A pair



660 or two

pv~oaao6~" .rr~prarrpGv.
of pigeous. And behold, there wns a man in Jerusalem

25 ~ n . iJoi3, q4u iivlgpwlroc1i i v ' I ~ p c u a a X ~ (G bvopa i p

whose name

lrm, who,e nnmc m:tn 1011s just and clevont, waiting for the and the him. 26 Aud Ghost wa.npon himby theHol1Ghost, thirt he shouid nor see seen the Lord's Christ. 27 And he C:IIUC Ly the and mhcn the p;~ri>nts br'uugl~t in t h ~ :1.111lrl

Xvy~Dv, K
[was] Siuncon; waiting for "Holy the was upon Spirit

c?ircnlor rai U ~ 6.&33p~7ii~c.06~~c

this man consolation

and [the] him. tho


~bXccp;~~, ; nnd thc same Simeon

rv~ij~a consolativn of l<rncl:

T p o a c ? ~ X 6 r ~ v ~ S a p h h - X ~ U L V 'Iapa$X, ~ a i ~ TOG
of Israel,

and [the] 'Spirit

'ilyrov $v1'i.rr' a&rdvS26 m; nv~&Etaroc 70; (tYiov

ailr$ r ~ ~ o q p n r r o ~ 6nbo iv was revealcd nuto ~v t Bcivnrov .rrpivs,j" death, before he had
death bcfore Spirit

And i t was to him divmrly com~l~uuicated by


Holy that he should not see

i$ .he shou d see the

rbv Xormbv xupiov.

Christ of [ttre] Lord. when 'brought +in

27 rai ~ ~ B iv U n v i y a r i S p r i t into the tmtplc: S ryi

And he came in the 'the 'parents the little child

Eic rb iepdv. rai i v - r ~ . ~ i a a y a y ~ T v ~ yov~icrb mt8iov 'Iq- Jes,~,, to do for him T O I ~

into the temple ; and sus,
U O ~ V ,T O ~ . T O I < U L ~ L . C ~ & T O ~ ~ U T ~ K

1:tw. 23 then took he ~ b . ~ ~ 8 t o ~ ~ v ohim npinlri-nrmi, and v Lles-ed God, nnd >aid,

Je- after the c~lstomof the

. roii

: o :; ~,'?~:Y,:l~~~~ Lp ' b y 'Othe "law 'for 'him, he also received him into 'arms, part in yeacc, accordXacta6 roG," rai ~ 6 X 6 ~ ~ a e v~ b v d v , r ~ rai 29 NGv c i . r r o X 6 ~ 1 ~ $2 E>~.~9~3~~,"~ 'his, and blessed God, and Said, Xow thoulcttestgo thy jalvation,31
V(;~OV mpi

that they might do

'according 'to 'what 'had 'become 'customnry

ahrol, 28rai.airbc iJiSaro abri, is~(icdyh-6E~XEV,

;Tbv.GoGhdv.aov, bialrora,
thy bondman,


T ; - ~ < ~ ~ - u $V , o u ip$vO' fore hastprrpare~lbethou the fnce of all

thy word, thy salvation, of all the peoples ; a light in peace;
people ; 32 a light to

0 Mwter, according to
'mine 'eyes face




oi.6$B~Apoipou rb.owr~pr6v.aov, card

' lighten glory of t,,; 3lWtich the the Gentiles

people Isrnel. 33 And

for .have 'seen

marvelled a t those which E ~ S ~ o ~ & X v $ r v b8vGv h ~ a 66Cav AaoG.aov 'Iaoarjh. spokenof him. U And i for revelation of [the] Gentiles and glory of thy people 1;rael. Sirneon ble'scd them and saidunto Nary 11d $3 Kai fiv U ~ ' I w a + $rai rj.ptjnlp.wa6~oij" Bavp6<ovr~~ ~cnther,Behold this ~' $4 And 'were 'Joeeph %nd =his+mother wondering at clttld is set for tde fall and risin again of ro7g XaXovptvor$ *pi airro5. 34 cai ~ 6 X d y ~ a ~ v in fsracl; and many the things which were spsken concerning him. llnd 'blessed for a 8ign which shalt be spoken against B u ~ E ( ; ~ Y a Ei ~ E V?rpbc Maprdp 4 ~ - p q r d p a ~ , abro5, 3s g e a , n sword shad .them 'Simeon, and said to Mary his mother, pierce through thy own soul also,) that K E ~ T sic ~ L '1606, o B r o ~ TTGU~V civd~raaiv cai xoXXGv the thoughts of many Lo, this [child] is set for [the] fall and rising up of many hearts may be rethou hast prepared bet ore [the]


~pdawaov T&VT(OV r i v X~GIJ. 32 $Gc Jo~ephand his mother

air rob^


r@'IapatjX,cai ic aqp?ov civ~lX~y6p~vov' ~ ( 2 1 .3,i no; x6611vealed fn Israel, and for a sign spolien against ; (and of thee also airrijg n j v + ~ , ~ r j v 6rche6aernr {op$aia. i;lrwc ~v.cinoraXv'soul 'shall 'go 'through 'a 2~mord so that ; ) may be reg63acv f c ~ o X X 4 v cap6rc;iv GiaXoyrapoi. tesled of many hearts [the] reasonings. 36 And there was one 36 Kai $V *Avva .rrpo$b<r~c, Bvy&rqp @ ~ v o v $ X , b~ Anna, a prophetess,

#vXijg ' A ~ PaGnl n-pop~Pqwia 4phpacS?roMaic, <$aaaa ' EV

of [the] the daughter of Phanuel of the tribe of ase;: she was of a tribe of Asher, she was advanced in 'days 'many, having lived great age, and had lived wirh an husband J&q ET& irv8pbg" hlrrci cilrb ~Fj~.~aapB~viac~'-aiwijg, 37 rai fro, l,,, &$h 'husband 'seven from her virginity, and virginity ;37 and she

And there was Anns

a prophetess, daughter

of Phanuel,

B i j i v T ; &v Tr.

+ + the LTT~.

father GTTrl. iq mm

- aGr06(read [[his2arms) Q T ~ & h~s] (read mother)


P vouuoirc TA. a6~oir

9 ~ v e p o r o ijv T. r



'qv ~ y t o v QLTTrAW. 1 i) ra7jlp a6roir hiS LT~. J per&i v 8 p b ~

uqeavrias A ,

\ourscore cns n widow of about bag-,qn four xtpn '(;c$ irGv b y B ~ q x ~ v r n r t a u ~ p ~ u v tj 06% wllich depnrted H ~ C [wns] n t\.rdow *ab?~tt *years 'of 'eighty-four, 'who 'not ~~dth$$n~Ys,~i (i$inrarod i n i t ' itooi,, vqartiaic ~ a dctjaeaiv harpe;qvaa roi, i fnktinRs rind adcpnrtcd from the tchyle. with fitstings and supplication8 serving nighrnndd:~~. And v 6 ~ r a 3 ?jpfpa;eS m eai;rqfl a6qj.rG $pp dlrruriha 3& i P u coll~inp tllnt inin etant pnvc tllank*like- 'LiC'lt On. dny : nu11 she a t the a m e hour coming n p wire U V ~ L the ~ o r d ,~ V ~ I W ~ O X O ~ Er n ~ ~ i y a~i 71; f ? T O ~ , AhXec lrepi ailroir lr2inrv andtllsm tll:rt him to rpnhc of l,,,,kcd rill gave pmiw to the Lord, and apoke concerning him to all for ro~lcmptionin ~c TOTE ?rpoo~~~opFLIvoiEW U L Y Gun' I OVUCIXG~. X~TQ rusalcm. tho* waitlug for rederuplion in grusalem.

1 54




3 Avd when the 9 39 Kai BrhXeuav h i i ~ a v r ~ ~ ~ .K ~ d & rbv vdpov '~TU performed And nhen they had completed all things according to the law thin s nccordin the e w 0, the mpiov, kirlrimp~&crv" r$rl raXiXaiav, tic lnjvUlrm;lhc3 the returned into of [the] Lord they rcturned to Gnlilee, to 'dty Qnzlee to their o k n city ~ A n r e ~ 40 .And 'ahrcjv" h " ~ a b a ~ i 40 ~ ; . T1.64 nar&ov qG$vev ~ a hpai the child grew, and 'their pawn], h'unwth. And the little child grew, and becnme wnxetl strong in s irit, filled with wibLm: raioirro ~ w ~ ~ j ~ l n r t , ~ rX,lpoGpevov Pao$ia~,~ reai and the praw of God strong in npirit, being Blled wlth WLdom, m d [the] gm r nuupon him. OEOG N;IT~. Of Qod wns upon him.





oi. OVET 'iirroi,car'-fro~ ' I E ovaaXr)p 41 NOW hi8 p m n t ~ 41 Kai brop~6ovro went to Jcrusnlem bnn 3tvcut rhist~enrs yearly to &ru*nlm o m y ycur nt the fwnt o f t h e p ~ v e r 42. W vf . roi 7r1qa. 42 xai B ~ i VETO irGv E driJrra, when Ire wna twelve nt t e feast of the prr.aort>r. And when wru pear8 rold] 'twlre, fear8 old, thcy went to ~~~~~~l~~ ,,fter ~ ~ v u / ~ ~ airrcjv u ~ '10 oadX~pu~~ vTw ~ xnrd rh r'8oc r i i ~ thecustomofthe bant. 'hanng %one 'up 'tllcy to P-nlem accordiug to the cu8tum of t h e




\yy".Pt; i o r i j ~ 43 m i ,

reXeic~ahvrovrdc tjptpac, iv.r~.irmarpi~erv

the returned the l & - t , and bnringcnluplcted tho days, oa =returned chi& ~ tnrrlod be- airro3~ irnip~lv~v hind J in U S s'I~laoicll raic bv ' I E ovacr~~p, 6 rat a d Joseph and hi; 'they Zemained 'behind 'Jesus %he *child in !eruaaleml and knew not toh~.cyv~ *IWU;$ i Ij.yjrqp.airroir-' 44 vopimzvr~~.6ih h v m a 44 But they su posing him to 'knew [*it] 'not 'Joslph 'and his 'mothor ; but mpyoring him the dnfa journey. and *iv went uvvo6iq bar" ~ M O V Ijp8pa~ 68Jv, ~ n civ~~tjrovv i they aouRht dim ,i n the company to be a e y went a day'@ journey, and nought their kinsfolk ahrdv i v roic wyy~viotv rai wivll ruic yvwaroic* 45 rai and acqurrintanea ~~8 when they him among the relatiom and among the acquaintnucan r and found him not they 8 dvree xa6~hv iniarpt&avric ' I ~ p o v a a h j ~ , ~<qr0irvrecn ~ ~ ~ ~ l :not~ a k e found him h v they returned to Jerusalem, meking ;; h aCr6v. 46 Kal byivero zt(~B'll Ijpipac r ETE ~Tpovairrhv i v And i t cnme topasr ofter Wnyn '&m they found him in gays thcy found him him' piay r3v di8auxhXwv, xai 6x06in t11e telnylo altciug T@ lepd rcaOtl6pevov Iv in the tho teurpl:, dttiig in [the] mitlst of tho teachers, both heudoctors, both hcnring them, nndnskinp them ovra.nhrGv ~ af?rEpwr&vra i abro6c. 47 IEiuravro.62 nhvrtc y t i o n d . 47 And fill ing them and questioning them. And 'were 'amaccd 'all hnt hunrd hiru were n.*tonidleda t his unoi ~ K O ~ O I airrd ~ lai J ~ E q avl)ta~c ~ araic cilrorrpiatarv j i cleratautling ant1 nu- 'those searing 'him a t Di.1 undcrstnn~ling nnd na~~vem ewcrs. 4d And when xai ~ L V they saw his. the atroit. 48 Kai i6tjvrhc ntriv & E ; E * X ~ ~ / ~ ~ Ja7rp6s'airrhv wero nmnzod : Ad h& And seeing him they werenntoni*hed: and to' him unto him mothcr ~ u i d hn, hmt the; ~.p<rqp.airroii tl?ev," Tbrvov, ri isoi~~aac 4piv oGrwc; tllas ale-nyt ft\.ith na? hi^ mother LRI~, ('hild, why hwt thou done to ns thlra? ajril hel-self TTrA. &nb(veud left not) TTrA. c gwr try to LTT~A. 467+ W ; a i i q (veud &vOwpoh. she gave y aase) L ~ A . f @c$ (read to God) LTTrA. C CV (nad [inj) LTTI~A]. h miwa m. 1 r h T. inimpc+av T . 1 f i v LTT~A. m iavrwv LTTrAIV. NaCapiB ~ A W . 6 nvtlipa~c LTTrA. P uo+ia T ~ A . P b a @ a t v d w o vgonig U p LTT~A. r eir'Icpou6Avpa 1 A. oh. Zyvwuav oi yovais a h o i , hfs prrellts knew it not ~ r r r a . v c vac av q u u v d i p LTTrA. aurov W ;v QLTTIAW. j (g.eacf [hiln]) O[L~TEA. iva$qmCwesLTT~A. a TA. l efuev epbc 3 r b v p pjnlp a h r o i b x r r ~

J ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ .






whold, i e said thy father to them, and I distressed

UE. were a e u f i n g thee.

49 Kai
I have sourht thee sorbehold~thy*athernna And rowing. 49 And he said Unto them? How is i t Father'sbuRincss7 not thsy understood ,he saying which he

1'806, b.nanjp.aov ~ d y & b8vvLpevot dkroij f v :?rev npbc airroCg, T i 6rr irvreirl

W h y [isit] thot ye were seeking me 7 knew ye not thnt that ye 'Ought that I wist not
i t behoves 'to Jbe me? to them.

P E ; ofis.gZeiro 6rc
And they


tb.: [affairs]

TO$. -rarpdg.pov
c: my Fathor




60 Kai a&roi must be about

And he went down subject these things

06.mvijrav rb fifipa 8 iX&Xiluevahroig. 51 Kai rariPq per' a8r3v rai 4Xeev

with them And and came to them. understood not tho word which he spoke to

b ~ a c a p b r 'rai $v 4irorauadrevoc ll
Nazareth, kept and be was all

::d $gnt2 ?i " : ,

kept all these sayings m her heart. 52 And Jebv +.Kapc?iq.airrijc. 63 Kai 'I~~Jo~&' 7rpob~oirrv f a ~ $ i ~ a sus increased in wise q i in her heart. And Jesua advanced in wisdom and dom find stature, and 1n favonr m t h God iXirip," rai xtipirr ?rap&&G ~ a &v0p&nolc. i and man. ~taturo,. and in favour with God and men 1 1 Now i n tbe fif1. T E V T E K ~ ~ ~ E rijg T ~ q t o v i ~ K & dy Tip*p~!ou teenth rear Of t,he 'Ey ire[ 6t 'In 'year 'now ['the] 'fifteenth of the government of Tiberius

airroig. ~ a $.pljrqp.a~?roZ8rerljpac '?r&vra~ d . ~ ~ ~ a r a " - ~ r n ~ r a l l i but his mothgr

hin mother

with them, and came Nnzareth* thcm: subject untoand was

C~sar, and


E ove6ovroc TIovriov 3 L g g 4 g ~ v e r n ~ 'Pontiua r

'of sGalilee

gIIiX&rovI1r i '1ov8aiag, being governor ~

'Pilate lierod,


of Jutctrlvch Herod being d@a and of Qalilee,

and his brother Phili tetrarch of Iturrer an3 of the region of Trad.8eXqjoir.airroij h ~ ~ ~ p a p'Irovpaiac K U ~Tpaxwvi-nchonitis, and Lyaaniaa rfij: ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ his brother Seing tetmrch of ~ t u r e a and Sof 4Tracho- the tetrarch of Abilene, 2 Anuas andCair t 6 0 ~ ~ L p a g ~ aA~~uaviov , i rrjE'A/%X1~~c hrerpap30ijvrog," aphas being the high ~Ltb['the] region, and Lysaniaa 'of *Abilepe 'being tetrarch, priests, the word .of God came unto John 2 'ba' 4 ~ i ~ p b w 'Avva rai kKai'd$a,u ~ Y ~ V E T O fi$pa the son of Zilchariasin ~'l in [the] hi$-priesthood of Annaa and CaiapbY, came [the] word the wilderness. 3 And he came into all the Oeoij ini l'Iwhvvqvll rbv m r ~ i jZaxapiou vibv bv q? ip4pqs , o u n ~ r y a ~ o u ~ ~ o , . ~ a n , " of God upon John the *of JZachnrias 'son in the wilderuesa preaching the baptism of repentance for 3 rai $X&v eig ?rZuiZv nn)ul' nepi~wpov roij '10 Gcivov, remission of sins ; lthe And he went into all the c o u u t v around the fordan. i t is written in the 'being tetrarch end Philip

~ n hr~rpapFo~vrod'l rahiXaiag 'H 660v, @iXi~?r01~.8& i rrjc roi

proclaimiug [the]


/%i~ri~pa peravoiac I E diqj~ur2)dLpnpri~v' Esairts

baptism of repentance for remission

of sins;

the prophet of aaging, The voice


prophet, Prcpare

u it h c ~ writton in [the] book n

saying, the




of [they words of Esaias

A wv d


TO; One crying in the the derncas Prepare ye the way of ihel o r d , make

?rpoqjljrov, OXEyq~rofi~~ @wvr) PoGvrog hv r# ipGpy,

way of [the] Lord ; 'straight rahe l 6h.u be filled U

[The] voice of one crying in the wilderness, 511ed, and every moun'make and every mountain and 'the lcrooked [.places] into 'smooth ; and 'shall


'E~oipluizr~ d8bv rvpiou eberiag noirir~rdg r p i c c rrjv airioij. 5 ? r Z ~ a $6payg ?rXrlpweIjUtrar, n z v ?ipoc ~ a rai

~~,;;D_:$,~~ll. gt l -" , " ; crooked s h ~ lbe made i straight andtharocgh i

Poi~vbgraneivwe~u~rat. rai peire~iav,~

a ~ t r a i g h t[path], and the rough

shall be made low ; and 'shall "ode


r& uroktd

shall ti ~ ' see <the salvation " , " ' ~ m ~~~,"d

came forth to be b a p tized O generation of riper8 who 7rika udpt rb uwrljplov r0ir &oz. 7 ' F A E ~ E o h PO?$ r t h warned yAu t o V h 'all 'flekh the salvation of God He amid therefore to the flee from the wrath $0 come? 8 Bring forth ~ K I ~ O ~ C ~ ~ PxXoic YPanrtuBfiva~4 ~ ahroz, revvjlpara therefore fruits WO*. O ~ ~ O I ~ ' Ycomlng out crowds t o be baptized by him, Off9pring thy of repentance, and begin not to $a within ~ X L ~ W rig 6Iri8eiF~u ~ V , 4piv $ U Y E ~ V Ci~b peXXoCuqc b p y { ~ iyourselves, d e have of vipe~s, who forewarned you to flee from the coming wrath? A b r a h ~ mto our fainto 'ways

reai ai rpaxtiar

6604~ Xeiag. 6 rai B+erai


(wisdoni) fr.

d ~ a h these [L]T[A]. a <v $ i n r d trjpa?a ndrta .L. b Na(ap8 Tl'rAW. f <Awi ~ a vi + i p , ~ r . o B TICLA~TOV T . h TCT~ZPOU~XO$WO~ T. 1 apxccpdw$ GLTTrlW. Raf$a L. 1 ' I o b y v Tr. m 709 I3LTTrAw. 7;)v (~eaci P d r i a s straight [paths] LTT~A. 0 hiyortos LTTrA. every c o u n t r ~ around) LRA.

+ -

SOU ther: ~ forn h

of these

I say able GO^ is t


AOYKAX. 8 ?roi$aare o3v rapnoire ciFl'ovg

Prodace therefore in fruits worthy


6 s pe~avoiag. mri
of repoatunce ;


nnd 'not

npchildrenunto Abraham th3 uxe is laid unto the root of the trees:

age X6yeiv i v .iavroig,

t o say

IIaripa &ouev rbv:Appnctpg

SAbrahnm, these stonea 'God from,

Pbzin for I sny

yourcelvea, p o r ] Yather 'we 'havs 3able

X6yw-ydp itpiv,

6Lvnrni b 9ebc l r ~ 3 v X i 9 w ~ ~ r o 6 r w v
9 $6f&

t o rniseup children to Abraham. But already also the axe to the the peo le nshed him, fii&W r3v GQv8pwv rairal. n2iv O ~ V8hv6pov p?j noioirv saying, b a t we root of the trees is applied :'every 'therefore tree not producing do then 7 11 He answerethandsaithunto r a p ~ b v r~aXbv'l brrdnrerai cai eig n9p PdMerai. 10 Kni them, He that hath fruit 'good is cut down and into [the] fire is cant. And two coats, let him imP N . to him that hath b ~ p h ~ u v ~ ah7bv 0: 5yX01, hiYO~rcI i O ~ V~ 0 1 $ 6 0 p ~ ~ ' l T ' ; none. and he that hath 'asked *hi 'the '&owds, saying, What then shall we do 7 meat: let him do likeV wise. 12 Then came 11 'Anorpi%eig.6i 'X6y~i" ahroic, '0 ~ W 660' ~ i r O v a c also publicans t o be And answering he says t o them, Hethat has two tunics bnptized, and said unto him &Imter what Gdrw T@ ptj.txovri. rai fxwv Pphpara bpoiwg shah we do 7 ' l 3 And impart to him that has not ; and he that haa victual8 41ikewiae he said unto them, no more than T O ~ E ~ T W .12 'HX%ov.8d lcni reX3vai panrra@vni, ~ a i that which is appoint- 'let 'him 'do. And 'came YaLo ' t a x - g a t h e m t o be baptized, and ~ ~ l d ~ , ~ V~llrovll ahr6v, Aic?karaXe, ri snoi$aopavfl;13 '0.61 ETTEV npbg mande,j of him, say- they said t o him, Teacher, what shall we 7 And he aaid we ing, And And heshall what atroGg, ?rlqG?v nX60v rapd rb 8iarernyp6vov unto them, ~~~~l~~~~ t o them, 'Nothing Smore 'beyond "that .which 'is 'appointed to neither ac- $p> npkaaer~. 4 'F1~qphrwv.8b l atrbv rai arpar~vdpevoi, cuse an11dalsel and And asked him also thosewho were soldiers, ,, 'exnct. be content witg ), wages. XQyovrec, wKai~jpGc ri ?roi$aopev";Kai ~Tnev *lrpbs ahrofi~," them, And we what shall we do? And he said t o saying, 15 And as the people wereallin expectation, in

~'~nt~~~'.a~~:1 :

which tree bringeth not forth g o d fruit is

t o you, that

byeipai r g ~ v a r$'Appakp.


&&lrl npbc m)v


i e : i2 2 $:


Giaaeiaqrs ypq6i11.uu~o$avnjaqre, rai . &preiaOe TOT^

nor nocue falsely, and be satisfled

their hearts of John, 'NO 'one 'oppress whether he were the &j,Wviole-~p&,. Christ, or not ; 16 John answered, saying unto with Your wagea.

lt,"$i22,"s:16 n[poa80rGvro~.bB TO$ Wople, anda6iaXoyi~opbvwv 'all XaoG, ~ i noivbut one mightier thad But asawere% sexpectatfon 'the 'were *reasoning
TW bv rais-rap6iair.ahrGv nepi roir *'Iocivvov,~~ f i ' l ; ~ ; ~ p not worthy to unloose: in their hcarts concerning John, whether or not he shall b n p t h you ahrbc eiq b ~piardg, 16 (iirerpivaro a b ' I ~ ( t v v q ~ iixaaiv, with the Holy Ghost and with are: whose he might be the Christ, %answered l John all, fan i in his hand and Agywy,ll ' ( s E ; indeed with water pa7irizw 6piiCb*but he comes w h ~ [ i s l p2v i;Gari baptize you, ZPxerac.6k b he purw will Boor, o and h saying, thr d~ ~~ will ather the wheat i a ~ v ~ d r e p 6 ~ pov, 05 ofireipi iravbc Airuai rbv ipkvra r 3 v mightier than I, of whom I am not fit t loose the thong o wit11 fire nnquench- 6~0dqp(irwv.ahroir' a6& 6pCc pnnriaei bv nve6parr able. 18 And many of his aandals ; he 'you 'will "baptiee with [the] 'Spirit other thmgs in his ex17 03 rb nr6ov ;v ~ - X E ;.a?ho?, I hortntion preached he d i(r K U ~ TUpi' his Rand, nntothe people. l9 But '&ly nnd with Bre ; of whom the KinnowingfanCis] i n Herod the tetrnrch, 6ialia~api~~'Injv.liAwva.aljroir, kai aavvk5l" rbv being reproved by him ' K U ~ for Herodins hi8 bro- and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and will gather the 4 ther Philip's wife, and for all the evils U ~ T O Y eig rr)v.&~o~$rcqv.a&ro~, 7b.62 k v p o v rarn~a6aei which H6rod lind done, wheat into his granary, but the chnff he will burn 20 added yet thls above t h a t t h e shut up m p i Cia/36ar(~.18 IIoXXd p2v.oi5v rai Kr~pa naparaA5v John in prison with flre nnquenchable. 'Many therefore 'and other things exhorting

fc 2,"t,"eP4"f"i f 0 ,x ";

~ ~ ~ , , : ~ ~

r [ x d b v ] L.



7iXOL$UOJ+~Y (t~o~i)uyJ+ev should J pv6e'va no one T. ; Iwivov Tr.


' I o a v y c T. wvayayriv

to gather T.

should we d o LTTrAW. iheyev he said LTTrAi errav we do TAW) ~ a4pe;c LTTrA: i (Cirro;c to them S 6 'Iu6aqs g r a u l v Adywv ~r ; hdywv ~ ~ U b L eic perivotav to repentance L. 0 Grcura62par to thoroughly purge T .


z1 Sow when nllthe people Nore baptized i t came to -p:ksa, t11;il rpdpxqcu 1Xeyx8pevoc h a h o i mpi 'Hpwo"i680~ Je*~nalso ' rijc bvtrarch bcing royroved by him concerning Herodiaa the tiwdt andwas oyc~en heaveu ul'l'xingfthe 23 v pvatrcbc f @ i h i ~ ~ ~ ~ I 1 ro6.&8~~$0i).nhroQ, mpi ? r h ~ ~ w and the Iioly ~ h o s b lcai wife af Philip his Lrotlur, aud concerning all v r o i a ~ v rovqpGv 6 "Ho&6qc,20 T ~ O C T ~ ~ ~ K E U~ ~ ; A a ~ e ~ v ~ ; ; ~ ; 5;;'' 'which 'had .done ['the] %viviis 'Herod, rdced nsid Thou art) my baroiro b?ri raatv *mill ~arirsheiuei r b i a ~ ~ ~ ~k~il' Son.I in thee I bv ~ q ~ l loved thir to all that heshut up john in the am well plbased 23 And Jesus himself began to be about $vha~G. t-y years of age, be*on. ing (as wan su poned) aravra.rbv Xadv, xai the son of !orepb, 21 ' bv-r~;-pa~rtueijva~ 'the 'people, an4 which wns the son of 'all Now i t came to pass 'having 'been 'bnptized Heli, 24 which war tha 'Iqu05 ~ a ? r n u ~ i v r o~ a Ti~ O U E U X O ~ ~ Y O U , c &lJefpx6$~a1 ~ V of Matthnt which T son Jesus having been baptized and praying, "as &opened 'the was thh son od Leri son of oilpnvdv, 23 lcni rarapijva~rb mtz'rpn rb 6 ~ O Uuwparc~$which was thewas the Melchi, which uhcavcn, and descended 'the Spirit the goly in a bodily son of Jnnna, which eiier 'hoci" ~repiarepdubr' a6rdv, rcni $wv,jv it o6pavoir ~ n ~ ?~,P,I; " , ~ ~ form as a dove upon him, and a voice out of heaven of Mnttathins, 1v11ich of y~viu6at, mXbyouuav," Zir 1 b.vid.c-~OU L y a ~ q r dbv, nor\ wan rke sontlte .iluos, 6 ~ ,,.hich ,f came, snying, Thou art my Son the Beloved, in thce Xnuw, which bvas tile &J>I of Esli, which wan n~686~~~." the son of Nngge, I hare found delight.26 which was the son of Mnath which w u 2 8 Kai airrbc $v O6" 'Iquosc Phaei brZv 3 rpi6rcovra the smoftMattathia. And lhimself S ~ a a 'Jesus 'about L1'OldJ 'thirty which was the 8on o/
he announced the glnd tidings to the people.

LUKE. rbv Xaciv. 19 'O.GL.'HpD8qc the 5 But Herod


t{:yk", Fd,"v:",'u


'Iw01j$, roir'Hhi,ll ~ d p ~ v o c , " q6u7 Ijc bvopi&ro, vib~ll

[.to %e], being, aa wan supposed.

of Jose~h,

Em% P;t:$hWch:$
W ,

the son 24 TO; War6(ir,ll roir tP~vi,"705v1\2tXXi: 703 w'Iav~h,lI 00 Joanna which waa roir which of Matthat, of Levi, of Melchi, of Janna, theson of dhesa which -she son d Zero'Iwufj$,25 roir xMarraeiov,ll ' A p h ~ , NaoGp, roir Y'EuXi," roir roQ of Joseph, of Mattathias, of has, of Naoum,

of . H ,


n, .


poti Nayyai, 26 ros Macit), roir Marra6iov, roi =PE


of Zoro- was the son Elmoro3 EaXaOiijX, roZdNq i 28 roir v&I~h~i,il ea'A66i,ll dam, which wna the roi, babe1 af Salathid, of of Melchi, of A ~ G ,son of Er, 29 which wan the son of J 703Kwbhp, 705. oOhp,ll r o ~ "29 r0~~"Iwblj,ll ~ ~ , TOG'EXLwhich wm the m % of Cosam, of #modam, of Er, of joses, of ~ l i Elimr, which was the son of Jorim which ;&p, 703 'lo .$lCL, haMar6hr,11 iaA~~t,ll r03 EV E&, was thesonof drrtthat roi 703 30 eaer, of J!reim, of Xntthat, of Levi, of &eop, which was the Levi, 30 which war roir'Io68n, TO; ' I W @ ~ $ ,L a ' I ~ ~ hro3'EXiarcpip, 705'"M- the son of 8imeo TOG v: 31 of Jnda, of Joseph, of Jonan, of F W m , of M e which waa the 80n Juda, which was the X E ~ , " m'70ir M d i v h ~ , ~ MarraOd, 70; naNa6hv," 703OaAa- rron of Joseph, which l 8 of Menna, of Mattatha, of Bathtn, of Da- was the son of Jonnn which was the m 04 P8U 32 roti 'Ieuuai, roil Pa'S213~6."709 qaBod.~," raEalpcjv," mala, 31 whiahwm i, roi H& of Jesse, of Obed, of Booz, of Salmon, the @on htelea, which oi

e, p&$&,

of Naggai, of

of Maath,

of Nattnthias, of Jonnnes,

of Rhtlkesa,

roj b'Io6&,11 roi c'Iwawri,l roQ'P?jud,roC Zopo27


of Esli, son od Snlnthiel which which was the was the so11 od Neri 28 which w a the wmof Melchi, which~was the

g:;:; ;:;; ;$::

of Jwep


$, d

r e ~ p & p ~ (T s . l
1 'IU&qv T . r 0 -6 ~ I A .

r'Hhei m ~ . Maeede T. Aevei TTrA. v McAx~i TTrA. Md8aOiov h. r 'EuAci Zcpaeiv n r & 'Iomj Josech TTrA b '1~86 m& 4 'Imcrvcb L m k - d Nypci lYrA. 'A6Sci m r A . fa ' A . p LTTCA. E p& F 'IyuoO Jesus LlTrA. MaBO69 T ; MaOetir TrA. is A d e i TFrh t.'Iov&p TTrA. JleAeJ m . 705 Mew& [L]TT~A. NaOcip T. &VC& LTIZA ;bQV8 GW. P 'Iw41j6 Jobed Lnr& 9~B&LlTrL m%%

- @tAimrov - cipx6ptvos &ueii(readr pofc ihis) w a-A&OVU(LV [rail L. ' rSv ~ o Gv vibs

GLTmAW. nr.



h xa1 ~ A &8d Jcr LlTrA. &S ( v o p ~ a r o LTT~A. 'Iavvai LITCA.


~~c~~~ $= +i Mattntha which wan Of KnlusOn* of Aminndab, of drum, of dnrou, ~ i c ~ w & h f ; ~ ~ ~ 2 roir anpie, roS31oi,ba,34 rot ' I ~ K D Proir 'Isatic, soit 'Afipacip, , D ~ 32 which~ ~ ~ of Phares, ~ , of Juda, of Jncob, of Isnnc, d Ahrehum, Uieaon of Jesao nrhich ro3 8fipa, rot Naxhp, 35 70; w x ~ ~ 0 6 ~ , % o $ ' P a y n ? QahiK, 704 , was the son 04 Obed which ,lre so,a oj of T'!rnh, of x*chor, of sumch, of Rngnu, of Phnlek, Boo. which w m the 706 xX~,d~p,O ZlaXh, 706 706 yKaYvhv,bot 'Apf~aSci6,. 706 #on A S:rlmon, which f of Eber, of Sal4 of CJnan, of Alph.uaa, wad iheson of Snnsson, 33 which was tlie con Xljp, ro6 N3e, roG A(ip~x, 37 706 &fa80uadha, roij ' E v ( ~ x , of Aminailnb which of hm, of SW, of ~ ~ ~ of ~ NatLusa>a, h , of Enoch, wos the son 04 Arnm which was the son of 706 E'Ia~Qd,il abfn>d~fiX,"o$ bKa'ivciv,"8 704 701'Evdc, Esrom, which was the of of Xrleleel, o Chinan, f of Enw, son of Phares, which 70; was the ron of Jud* 70: X?je, 70i)'~b(i/L, 0603. 3 which was thesun 04 . 4 of sot& of A&& of Q O ~ . Jacob, which wua the ronof h , which was '1~~0i) cma6pnroc iov .AXtjpsi1.3niarpsll.e~c i s d tire. son of Abrnham, And Jesus, 'of ['the] 'Spkit .ably 'full, returned from which was tire sun of Tllrva was the 70; ',Io,o~LYou. ~ a iycro iv r(li nvrirparr dtic r j v e'pqttovl' i sonof~nchor,35whichthe ,To& and wns led by the Sii prt into the wildernmr wus the son of Shruch which was ,hs oj 2 $yipas C~eaoa ci~ovra,~' neipci~dp~~oc roir cPtn/3tlXov. 3rd Ragau, nhii-h wa. (he day8 . f!rty, ' boing tempted by the d~ril; 8011 of Phalw, which

AOY'KAE. 111, IV. 703 Naaaa(~v, 705 ~'~ptvabtiP," " A p h ~703 " E V O U ~ ~ , ~ 33 703 ,~




soli of H ~ cai~ OLK ~ ~ ? ~ a ~ . ~ t t 6 o a i ~ . i ~ e~ vaaavvr~Xeni i~, 'which w w tlte son of and th& duyys, and %eing Sala, 36 f~urEpOvll ~ T ~ i l , a a B3 .BKai E : r ~ Y I l nitT@ h v soli of Cninnn wl'a !hc @Elui)v whlch was theson of drphoX- 'ended 'thcy Rfterwnrda he hungefied And 'SNQ 4to 'Km Ithe which wni was son 6td/30Xof, Ei uiCc the the 1 roi Oeoir,, ciri ri.&>.i8y.ro6ry " h a of Scm which of koc which wM 'dovil, If Son thou ut of God, speak to t h i ~ stone that

31atlrutinln, was become bread. And *a~swbred 'Jesur to him, snying, thesoj~ot~noch,which rfyparrai, "0ri o h h ;pry p6vy ~ ~ o a r a idvOpwro~, ' 4 It ~ , ~ ~ 'mnn, ~ ~ i c ~ w hns bcen written, That not on bread alone shall nive 31alelee1, w~.ich.war "&AA' bri navri Ptjrart 8~03." 5 Kai dvayay&v aaitriv '6 the son of Ca~nan. but of on every word of G6d. And 'leading ' u p *him Itha

ps~ l~~ r~ i ~ ~ Kai ~ j T E K O h ' G ~ u ~ npbc aLr6v,li ih6y~v!l &pro(. 4 ~ a ~ ~I BE

Euoa, which was the dih/3oho~l'mric 8poc 6$1]hdv" Zd~i~ev r(ijaSrdc Pauln6r$ Ion Seth which 'devil into a amountaip 'high shewed him all the kiug theson of h a m , which was thesonof God h i a ~ o i ~ o v ~bf vur'yplj xpdGov. 6 ~ n ~i r r e vu6rG r<c v ~~ And %aid~ 4to 'him ~ ~ ~ do= of the hubitnb~e ~ ~ world~in b moment, of time. b ~ i IV. *lloftheHolyGhost 6 201 6haw n j v . 6 ~ 0 v a i a v . r a 6 ~ i r u ~ a v u i i ~ returned horn Jordan Ithe adevil, and was led by t,,; To thee will I give %his 'anthority 'all nnd Spirit into the wider- rjlv.86~av~aCrGvy. dpoi rapa8QGorai, ~ a i$.niiv" ijr1 8Qha nezs12 bclngfortydnys their glory ; for to mc i t hns been delivered, nnd to whomsoe~er wish I texpted of the devil. Aud in tho-e days he di8wpi aaitnjv' 7 ad oirv hcir npoamwjavE bv6rc6v Opov," did : and it. Thou therefore if thon wilt worship beforo me, when they Iverccnded, I give he afterward hunger- iarai aov P n t i v ~ a 8~ . Kai cinocp~8ei~ qabrrjj ETKEY h ' I ? ] u o ~ ~ , I ~ ed. 3 A d , the Sshal14besthine'al12things. And anawering him '-id 'Jerua, said unto him, If thou bstheSonofGod,com- PYxaye dniaw pov, ~ a r n v G yiy a n r a t . ~ n ~ h p , U ' a ~ p o a ~ v u i .~ m u d this .tone that Get thee behind me, Satan; for hss been wripu, Thou sllrit war. It bo made bread. ~ C ~ ~ P L TO v Y~ E ~ Y . u o u , I I ~ . m i a4rg pdvy Anrp~6uets. 4 ~ n Jesus answered U E L E d him, saying, It ia Writ ship [the] Lord thy God, and him only shalt thon arrve. ten That mnn shall not91ivebylrcadalone 9 TaKai7jynyevnaaitrbv ric 'Ie o~aaX$p,~ a Iarqaev "'(t6r&v" i b e y ? v e r y word 01 And he led him t o !hem, mud et him 'Ap.erva8&,3 A. 'Aapeiv, 70; 'Apvei of Admin, of Ami, TA. v 'EupPv EL. PepoGx QLTTrAW. x'E,3ep TrA. ? Kai'vdp TA. 'IkpcB L ; 'I+ T . MeheAcjh T. b ICaiv6p T . r q p r ) S 7 V j . &yiov LTTrA. *.W T cp i p 4 p g LTTrA. m T C U Q C ~ & OTTrA. f 6,mepov L ~ A : YZ~ 5 clrev 6; LTTrA. h rpbs,at7irv b 'll/uoirr LTPrA. ahh' ;oj raw' he;/ov m&. r;lipa~r Be03 T[T~]A. l o 6&,30hos (read he shwed) TTrA. m ei~6pos.dhAbv [L]TT~L a a v LTrA. l ipo; L m A W . P r i u a d GLlTrAW. 9 [b] A ;clnev a 3 7 4 b'Il/ooir L ; b ' l q u o i ~ clrev at?$ T . Graya &aiuopov, u a m v i G [ L ~ . T ~ A . 18 ydp for GLTTrBW. KL;PLOV W . av~bv (reME'[h~m]) T I . ~ . T[ Ibv Be6v uov npouxvmimc( LT:. v* liyayev 6i =A,





1V. LUKE. i r i r d m ~ p 6 ~ t o v ~ E ~ o G , tl?rev aliry', Ei .hn uibr d 1.0; nai

upon the edge caat of tho temple, add


roir 8~03,P i X e
ot Qod,

e nkd$ l" $ : : , $, ; ueavrAv bvrt3Bev ~ 6 r w .10 yhypanrac.yfip, $,"AA% thp~alt 'hence '!loan ; for it has been wrltten, a moment of time.
anid to hiin, If the Son thou art hlghmountain,shewed
~ , " ~ S ~ ~ $

*or& ro~~.hyyhXoi~-a6roi) tvreXeirai

to his angels

vk6Ear d, thce; 11

6 And the unto him devil *aid All this to power wiil'1 glve thee, nai 621 d?ri xetp3; hpnGuiv ue, phrrore and the glory of them: and that in [tW] hands shallthey bu t h e , lest

A E P ~ COG, he will give c b g e concerning thee,

705 8tu-

:d : : : $Et

soever I.wiu 1 give it. thou strike ngainot a stone thy foot. a n d answering zaaid 7 If thou therefore wil*. worshlp me all shall a6ry' h 'IquoGc,"or1 ~ipqrai, Otn.t~?r~ip(iu~ts &OLOY be thlne. 8'And Jesus %*him 'Jews, It hos been said, Thou shalt uot tempt [the] Lord answrred Get thoe he.aid to him, rdv.&dv-uou. 13 Kni ovvreXQuac ?r6vra ?rsipaupAv 6 614- hmd me, satan : for i t thy God. And having finished every temptation the de- is wrltton, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him obly poX0s &&an) h7i' U&TOG oi)lp~.~alpoG. ril departed from him for r'tiura malt t h o u s e ~ ~9 And e. he brought him to J6. 14 Jini ~ ~ T ~ U T ~ E $d '+I J~ u o ~ s E ~ U Y ~ 203 ?rv6paroSrusrrlem, and set him ~ E L And 'returned ljesru in tho power of the Sp~rio on a pinnacle of the d S njv raXiXaiav. nai 9ljpq tEijXt)~v nag 6hqg rijc moi- E " , P $ & ~ ~ ~ ~ h to Galllea; and r romolv went out into 'whole 'the c o u ~ t r yof hod, cast thyself

n p ~ ~ ~ ~ p$ cXiBov rdv.?r66a.aov. 12 Kai &?ronpcBaibb bv ~ eiaev


i x 'uIn;dpconcerningairroii. 16 ~ a airrbc'i8i6ao~evi v rai~lavv-~ ~ ~ ~ ?repi him. w and he taught in 'srn- shall give his aywya'ic U&T;Y, 60~a&ipevos 67r6
w e a

~ i t



being glorified


T~VTWV. all.

16 m i $hB~v

And he came to

keep thee: thee in Chllrge Over 11 and tL tAew hands the s h d i

ynjvl!zNa&zpir,b3 $v h6pap$vos.r
Nazareth, where he war on the brought up ;

m; E~u*~&Ycar3

rhriwBds.aCrfj iv
Un -tom and stood up of Essian the

*+1 rGv uappcirwv lrr j r avvaywyrjv, 4: hp9

of the ~abbab WIagOPe, book he f o m d

~ t ~ ~ ~ h ~ ~ d ~ g and he entered amriling to ft , a stone. ~~~~~~~;;oa;;,e;; .ud, Thou not tempt the Lord thy tenlphtion hodepwt-

rai.&viarq civayv3vac. 17 rcki dzebdeq

to repd
t h pmphot,



b'~uaitov. ~ogijrov,'' a e&vaar6fae" pi$Xiov 70s ~ i ri,

and having unrolled the written,

And there was giron to him [the]

~,"$l~~d~,"d,"dh,"~ ikz
for a
1 And J e s m e t u m 1

*rbv" rdrov 05

place where i t wos

qv y ~ Y p a p p i v 18~ ITve3pa kupiov ~ ,

[The1 Spin$ of [the1 Lord [is] ed in the power of thla

6 ~ '+E,
to [the] poor, i heart, n

06.~8ven~vfl gXptohv pe .
he hss sent to proclaim me

upon me, on account of which he auointad me to announce the glad tiding8

f~bayyEXiT~uOac~~" ,
, f

~rwxoic,&?rimaXdv p giciaauenc TOGS uuvrerpip~i~vov~ e ~ ~

to heal
tq captivu



rtjv ~ap8irrv," ~qp6Fat aixpaXihoi~ b'$eaiv nai ~ $ X o

19 drva/pk#cv,&?rourd)tar r~8pavopivov~ &$&sec. ~
m v e r g o f night, to send forth [the] crushed indehverance,

~ i v e r a n c a and to [the] bimd

of him through o r ,; f i"o z~ ; i r taught in their synaigogues beina lorlfied ~


~ had6been brbught up :

E g22h"$zegt:

to pro- and*he went into tho was, as his synagogue on the sabbath day and stood U claim [the] lyeu 'of [%h01 &LordIacceptabla for to r&d. 17 A d /.?@hiov, cirro60i)~ T@ 67rqphrp ~ K ~ ~ L U Em i ? ~ & Y ~there was delivered Y , uu Unto him the bbok of having delivered [it] to the attendant he .at down. and 'of 'ail book, the prophet Esaias. bbzt uwaywyp' oi b$8ahpoi ~ u a v " & r ~ v i ~ o v a6rG. a n d when he h 4 re~ 'in .the 7synagogue Ithe 'eyes wero 6xed upon him. opened the ISook, ho found the plnce where 2 'HpEaro.86 Xiyecv ?rpbs airro6s,"Orc ~ ~ J ~ E PTET\' VpWraL it was written, 18 The 1 O Y1 h d he began t o m y to thorn, To-day in fulfilled Splrit of the Lord is upon me bccnuse he Ij.ypa$7j.aCrq tv roic.tuiv.6pGv. 22 Kai ncivreS. ipapr6povv bath andntcd me to thia scriptura in your ears. And all bore witness proact, the gospl to




~EKT~Y. 20

Kni haring rolled np ~ ? r ~ 6 [ a the rb And

c Na<qiO W ; NaSapB Nazara T. r 7iJv LmrA l iva~eOpap 6 QLTTTAW. p d v T. ~ b 703~ r ~ o + l j m 'Hua;ov LTTTA. &voi(at havi!l,g opened LT'. TGV T. cEvcrev QX.ll.rAW. f&ayycAiuauOar OLTTmw. r cauaoOa~ 7034 u v v ~ ~ ~ p c p . p . c ' v n v ~ * rrapsiav v h iv wvayoyg^ auav o i b f d e o i L ; oi inpOaApoi 2v r~vcrywyn' +~av mrL



poor ; sent airr$, ini ~ roic me to heal the broken- to huu, lrai C B i . C p l ~ r oa t TOTE Xdyoic sijc Xcip~~o'OS irropevohowten, to preach deand woudcrcd the womb of grace which proliv-c8 to the w~ p i t ' o l c i~ r o i r - u r d t ~ a r o g . a i r ~ o i t , acXeyov, iOCX1lko3r6c iuriv ~ i tiven, nnd recovering cecdd outof his mouth ; and they said, 'Xot %his 'is t o m t a t liberty thcln vile 'lwmj$"; 23 Kai ezrev ?rpbc airro6g, II6vrwT apeire thnt nre bruised, l9 to preach the the son of Joseph? And he said to them, Surely ye will say year of the Lord. tier r t j v . ? r n p a P o X r ' p . ~ a 6 q v , 'Iarpf, B e p 6 ~ e v u o v ueavrdv* 20 And h closed the me this parable, Physicinn, henl thyself ; book, end he p:rve i t again to the minister, h a ~~o6uapev yevdpeva rill UKan~pva~6p,U aoiquov andsac the wl~atsosver wehnve heard being done in Capernaum, do eyes of all them that u. hiyw $piu, h i were in the smrso6ue Kai &?E ;v ~ - n m p i 8 ~ - u o 24 El?rev.%, ' A ~ i v were fastened on him. also here in thine [own] country, But he said, erily I my to you, thnt 21 And he began to bay nnto rhem, This dny is 068~ic r p o $ $ q c ? ~ E K T ~ u r t v bv r&?rarpi8~.~airroir.I~ 25 b& bS this t.cript~uefulfilled no prophet acceptable is in his [own] country. %In in your ems. 32 And , bare him W I ~ U C J S , a X q O ~ ~ a c - SXbyw hpiv, p ?roXXai x$pal $uav b~raig $pipals 2 and wondered at the 'but truth I say to you, many widows were in the dsys gracious words which proceeded out of his q'IIXi~~i' rfj I ~ p a & $re bv ' b~ieiueq d o i r ~ a v b ~ 'E'riu $79 mouth. And they said, of Elias in Israel, when %as .shut 'the Zhenven for Pyears I n not this Joaeptl's tyiuero Xipbc piyac i?ri ? r E u a u rrjv son? q ~ n he said rpia ~ a i d unto them, Ye will ' t b and months 'six, when there was a-amine 'great upon all the " ; : ~ l y p ~ ~ ~ ~ t O p~~ n ?rpbc oir8epiav airrijv t ~ i ~ s'HXiacb ei-iri yiju, 26 i $ 6 ~ siohn, heal ihyself : land, and t o none of them was sent Elias except t o we hnve ~ c ~Gpav.27 ~ a?roXXoi' i heard done in Caper- 'Zlcipenra" rijcVZl~63vog,'l p b yvvni~a . m u m do also here in s-ra o Sidonia, f to azwomnn 'widow. And ~ u a n y th?eountq. he Aerpoi 4uav wb?ri sald, Verily 1sny unto 24And 'EX~uuaiov7 0 6 ?rpo$firov bv 7@' I u p a ~ X , ~ you, so prophet is leper. W& i n the time of Elisha the prophet in Iarnel, -pted in his om ~ a oirseic a i r r c j v ireueapiueq ip?j xN~~pdlvii i 6 Z6pos. 23 Yai countr~. 25 But I tcll you of a truth, and none of them was elennaed except Nnamnn the Syrian. llnd 6vpoG widows were in Israel i?rXljuQtluav ~Civreg bv uvvaywyp", c i l r o i r o v r ~ ~ i n thethe days of Elias, %ere 'filled when was 'all "witheindignation 'in 9 h e 4nynag~gue, hearing shut up three yews rairra. 29 ~ a &vaurhvreg bEiBaAov airrbv i rijc six and having risen up they caat him out of [the] great famine when these thinga ; was throughout aU the ad.Xewc, ~ acya v aitrbv $we Jrijc" b p h o ~ i TO$ r)100trc land. 26 but nnto and him unto the !o rw ofthe mountainupon none bf them was ~ l i w City' wnt save unto 8a05 $.?rd.X~c.Zairr3v $ ~ 0 8 d p ~ r o4ic~ rbl' ~ararcpqpviua~ ,~ a city of Sidon, which their eiw had been built, for to throw %ownsheadlong unto a woman that piuov airr3u brope6ero a widow. n +a airrdvo 30 a t r b g . 8 8 61eXO&v Grdr many lepers were m 'him; but he passing through [the] midst of them went away. h 1 in the time of ~ l i s e ~ prophet. the 31 Kni ~ a r i j & 6 ~ v b K a ? r e p v a ~ 6 p 1 1r d k v rdihaiag* none of them wa; And he went down t o Capernaum a city of Qalilee, clearbed, naving Naeman the Syrian. Kai ~ L ~ ~ U K W ~ 0 d b~ roic uciP/3aarv. 32 lcai bSe?rhljua6 V c 28 And all they m the and was teaching them on the sabbaths. And they were as. synagogue. when they these things, UOUTO h i r+.6~8ax" aitroij, ~ T tv Itovuip $v S.Xdyog.atroir, L were filled with wrath tonished a t hstes~i,g, i for with authofity was hla word.

of sight to the blind,


piivac :E,





$ ~ t ~ ~ ~ 33 Kaid ~ svvaywyg' iF, o i v 9mnn r o ~h w v ~veirpa $ p bv the pw Garpoviov :tek~&$2&~aedprov,xai civi~patev (wv$ pry&, 34 ?iyyv,' 'Ea, g ; and Ahl
city and led him unto And in spgoye war

hin-ing a spirit


3 demon

built that they might

unclean he cried out with azvoim 'loud, snymg, ~ ~ $ I( ? v rat~ uol, ' I q u 0 9 Natapqvi ' ; @Beg ~ @ ' e ~ ri?roXiuar @Zc; us ? the midet what t ~8 and tothee, J b u s , Naaarene 7 drt thoncome to destroy a ing ofthemwenthiswaS, 0l6d ar ric 1, d iiyioc r 0 3 8 e o i r . 35 Kai iaaripquev And PFebuked of God, I And came down I know thee who thouart, the Holy [One]

m eig GLTr; c k 7jlv TA. vi6g imw ',IOYdp$ o h s TA 1 [A] T . T Ka&pvaoli~L ~ ~ A W . 0 irrvmi T. P 8r' that T. 'HAtiou T. r iri LT~[A] I Ersmvbs L ~ A . W i v r4 ' u a.+A ini 'Ehruaiov (,EAtuaiov W. 'HAiiag T . t ~~a LT)m6 wp+jmv LW. Naqb r 4 s t d a grow) G ~ ~ A W .a ~ 0 8 6 1 , -y'mr~ Gmr so aa K ~ Y ( L mAw. ~ 0 L O ~ +v

io x L

.him Jesus

saying, H o l ~ f t h y peace, and come forth Ithe &mon into the


U$T@ ciY~qa0i?g, hiywv, at deqrl, rai Z(eX8a Kai (i#ai,

And %ahanng 'thrown shim

came out were aStoni.hed at doctriue : for his word was with power. from him, m nothing having hurt him. And x a m e lastou~shment 33 And the man, gogue there was a'Pa67ri ndv;ac, ~ a W V E X ~ ' X O Z ~ Vxp6g dXXljXovc, Xbyovrec, Tic which had a spi1,it of i upon nll, and they spoke to one another, saying, What an and cried out with a loud 1Xdyog oirrog, iirt hv btovuiq rai Gv~a'pei bxlr&aa~rroig voice, 34 .saying, Let word [is] this, that with authority and power he commands the alone; what have we t o do witH thee ci~aedprolc?rve6paaiv,rai iFQpxovrai; 37 Kai iEexope6ero t h o ~J ~ S U S of ~ ~ unclean spirits, and they come out 7 And Swent*out reth? nrt thou come t o <destroy u s ? I know qXog aepi atros eic ?rdvra ~ 6 x 0 ~ T E ~ L X ~ P O V . thee who thou a r t . aa Y r u m o ~ ~ concetning him into every place of tho countrgaro~~nd. the Holy One of ~ o d l 35 And Jesus rebuked 38 'Avaarci~.6d r i j g avvaywyijg eiu?Xeev eig T ~ oi'riaw h.lm, saying, ~ 0 1 thy V d And rising up ollt of the synngogue he entered' into the house ace, and come out of Zipwvog' g<'l T E V ~ E62~ TO; Xi wvog ~ auve~opQvv of Sirnon. 'The %other-in-law 'and o&imon was oppressed with i n the midst, he came out of him and hurb nvp&ry"peyciXy: rai ~ p D ~ - ~ p ~ a v x ~ p iatrijs. 39 rai him not. 36 And they d6rbv a 'fever 'great; end they asked him for her. And were all amazed, and midst

dd(n airroir. to Galilee, and taugttl of Caperanumf City out of Mm. them on ahrbv ri) 8at dvtov is e~611 6 u ~ v6&jXt?evdays. 32 And they p

dx' a&roG,. pq6Jv PXa'#av alirdv. 36 rni b Qvero e&ppos


P a27i1h$tt2",","&g
word L this I Ifor with authority and power he commnndeth the nnclean spirits, and they come out. 37 And i&utyntry

ixwrdg b?r&vo



iaeripqaev rq3 ?rvp~r$, cipijrev ati-$vs rai

he rebuked the fever, and

lt l e e


pi:; ","

xqpuxpf~a.8BdvaarZiaa GLT,JK~VE~. atroic.

and immediately

40 A6vovrog.82

~ a e e w o ~ v r. a ~ wduotc 8
and he 'on 'one 'ee,ch

arising she served .them. ~ ~1 TO; GXiov T ~ V T E iid01 And a t the going down of the sun all as many ns had with 'diueasee lvarioua hrought *han& them to

[persons] him,

?roikihai~ ?jyayov a6roirg ap6g alirdv.

lharing 'laid


the synagogue, and healed entered into Simon'a housk. And Simon's uev" airro6~ 41 k i E ~ p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . 8 2 tcai 6atp6via dab xoXXdv, wife'smother was ta. them ; and 'went out 'also Idemons from mnny, ken with a great fever. and they besought h i d ' r p k ~ o v r a~ ~a Xhyovra, "Or1 06 1 ! i X ~ L U T ~ ~vitc TO^ for her. 39 And he 6 " crying out and saying, Thou art the Christ the Son stood over her and rethe ; and 8 ~ 0 ' ~ . bxtripdv otr-era aCrd XaXeiv 6ri $delaav buked her: fe4erinme. Kai it left and of God. 'And rebuking he suffered not them t o speak becaae they knew diately she arose and ministered unto them. r6v ~piur6vaCrbw eTl?al. 40 Now when the sun 'the 'ihrist 'him Ito she. was setting, all they that had any sick with 42 I'evopEvqc.Ei <pfpny ~ S E X O & V f ~ o p ~ 6 8 q E"p9p0~ diversdiseasesbrought And P b ~ i n%ome g day having gone &t he went into a desert them nuto him. and "of %hem

;v; Cr&ury aL.rDv rcic x~ipac h b ~ ~ O e i c ' l'ieep&~evof

38 And he arose o a t



rdaov, rai oi 6~Xotni.<;lrovvllatrdv, rai jjX60v gwg aCro3

pluce, and the crowds sought him, and came up to him

he laid his han& On healedOne Of them' And them. 41 and

~ n irareixov ahrbv airrdv. 43 6-62 dx'

pnd were detniuing .him asid to them, f i a t he mighr not go a l s o t o the other kingdom from them.

illrev xpbc uCrol;g, "Ori rai raig CrBpatg xdheaiv


the 'glad 'tidings for this


'it 'behores 'me, the

d v ,f%tu&iav 703of ~~d ; because 6~0;' 8rt

devilsalsOcame~uto* But he saying,cryingart Christ Thou Out, 6ay- the son of God. And 90nannounce fered them them sufhe rebuKing not to

Picl'T O ~ ~ T O qCixQuraXpai.ll 44
hnve I been sent f o r t h of Qalilea

auvaywyaic" rijs 'I'aXtXaias.U


Weak : for they knew that he was Christ. 42 And when i t waa Kai # ~ ) ~ ~ U U ';V V r a i ~ W day, he departed and And he vas preaching in the went into a desert place : and the people sought him, and came unto him, und stayed

h m

I w ' T ' ~ E ~layiiig L s

id from LTTrA.

Q &nro.raAqv I was seut forth T , T T r ~ .


~ A . xpro~br OLTTrA.

t inb f S - 4 (I-ead[the]) OLTTrAW. - +? jeepirme~TTrA.rom 'IYrA. a. I&jPxov~o T. ~pavya<ow~a LT.


ITC((TOVWsought after OLTTIAW.

* eis T a r m w a y o y a r TTrA.

Sc; PC L

'IovSaias OE Jude&L

P irri Lmr.i.

1'2 Kai
And i t came to puss that behold, a man faoe

iyFi*~ro iv.~y'.cb,at airrdv i v p[$ r 3 v ndhewv,
'he in one of the cities,


~ n i606, &v+ rrhrjpq~ i Xiirpnc* 'rai i8&vl1r i v ' I r g o v ,

of leprosy, and seeing saying,

E~T$ ~;;;~~et$~;;~~~

2: h when~ e ;l ~~d

~ : ~ ~ * had

and followed him. 12 And i t came to thou wilt pa"* whencity, R.ns in a certain he behold 6t;vaaai pe m e c t p i a ~ . 13 Kai brreivcq T ~ x ~ i ~ man full of leprosy: V a a thou art able me to cleanse, And having stretched out mis] hand seeing Jesus f e l l on his face, and bei$aro a6ro3, mel?r&v,~BfXw, e a ~ i o e q -Kai. ~ 6 8 6 ~sought him, saying, ~a ~t ~ he touched him, saying, I will; be thou cleansed. And immediately the Lord* if thou wilt thou canst make m; Xhapa &?rrjXevAA' abroii. 14 rai abrbc irap$j.yiXev abr$ clean. 13And he put leprosy departed from him. And he chirrged him forth his hand, and touched him, sa ing, p16ev; eireiv' &XXd &reXO&v G~iFovaeavrbv r$ ;p;, rai I will: be thou eyean. no ono to tell ; but having gone shcw thyself t o the prlest, and And immediately the leprosy departed from ~ p o a d v ~ r ~ r0i.~Ci8CfptUp0ii.~0~, O A ?rpoaBraF~v x~pi K~ S 'MW- hi,. 14 And hechargoff or for thy cleanring, as 'ordered 'MC+ ed him to tell no man: and thyurjgIU EIC papripiov abroig. 15 Ai$px~ro.Gb pZXXov i) butl go the a h ~ w ~ to1 f ses, for n testimony to them. But was spread abroad still more the offer for thy clcanaing,


upon pis]

?rpdawnov i8e$311 abroii, XEywv, 66pi$, ddv BiXpc.

he besought him, Lord, if


to he healed

a6roiimrai uvvi]p~ovro X X O L ~rraXXoiciroljerv, G

and 'were 'coming him from 'crowds 'great to hear, by their infirmities. and

~ ~ ~ ~ & ~ e a
timony unto them. f.tme abroad of him:

concerning him ;


~ e p a n ~ 6 ~ av;n' r abroii! drirb r ~ v . c i a ~ e v ~ i ~ v . a b r &tv . ~a f :



16 airbc-bl $v 8~oxwpGv i v raic ip$poig rai npoaev~d- ~


i$ n,

~ ~ Pray- and to be healed by h i d of their infirmities. 16 And he withdrew h~mself into the wilKai iylvtro E pi$ TGV ~jptpGv v a6ri)c 4v 6186a- derness*mdprayed. And it crime to pass on one of the days that he wns teach17 And it came tb




rcwv, rai, 4aav raB~pevor @aplaniot rai vo~o8r86a~aXor, ~

and tbcre were ritting by come Pharisees and tesclicrs of the law,

that there were p h d



oi' .ijaav xMtlXv86resn i r ahaqc ~ O p q gr i g raXtXaiag rai

r h o were out of every villnge

of Judrea

and which were come out of e G& rai 'I~pouaaX$p.rai GLvnpig rvpiov Ijv EL^ lilee,v e q town of and Judsp, and of Jctrurnlem : and power of [the] Lord was [there] for jerusalem : hnd the them. And behold, men carrying upon a couch lg ~

of Gnlilee

ri, liiueac Jabroirg.~18 rai iEo6, Bv8pec q6povr~g hiri rhivqc

to heal

~ b hd l d, men o in bed a taken a lnnn who was pamiymd, and they sought 'him 'to Ybring with a palsy: and thz J rceiv rai g~ivac dvcjirtov a6;oii. 19 rai prj eirprjvrec a8i&ll sought m a ) l s t o bring in and t o place mim] .before him. b d not having found by before him. to l9 And him in, and lay him aoinc ~ i a e v ~ ~ n w a i v abrbv 61d ?;.AV 6 ~ X o vLvaP&vrw when they could not , what way they shouldbring in him on account of the crowd, going up by what they might bring him i n l x i rb 63pa, 6td r 3 v wepcipwv raOirav a6rdv oirv rcy" because of the multion the housetop, through the tiles they let down him with the tllclel went the housatop and let nhivt6i ;E rd pfuov $urpobgev 703'I?poC. 20 rai iB;v +v himdown th;?ugh the littlecou~ inte the midst before jesus. b d seeing tiling with hrs couch into the midst before xiariv.airr~v l?rv ba6ryj,n *Av9pwne, 6$bwvrai U 0 1 Jesas. 20Andwhenhe their faith he said t o him, Man, =have'been 'forgiven Othee snw their faith he said unto hinr Xan thy 21 Kai ,jpEavro G~aXoyiZ~uear ypapparetc sins arefckgi~entthee, oi And *an to reuson the scribes 21 And the scribes and the Pharisees began t o rcai ei @apraaioi, Xhyovtec, Tig iartv oirrog 6~ X ~ X pXaa- reason, saying. w h o i s E ~ and the Phurisees, seying, -Who Ls this -who speaks blas- this which apeaketh $qpiag ; t i c o"6vaza~ c6$thva[ cipapriac," pi.114 pdvog d ( 3 ~ ; .f orgive sins ? Who~ o d 6 blasphemies but can ~ phemler? who in able taforgive sins, except 'nlone 'God? alone? 22 b n t when


civepwxov 65 +v ?rapuX~Xvpbvo~, 6&jrovv a t r t v ~ i u e v ~ y rai


r'i8bv 8 i T . 1 Aiywv LTr. t M w i i 6 $ LTTrAW. V ;)H' a6m3 LTTrA. + oi the L. wurAqAy@&es come together L. Y a b 6 v him (read was for his healing) TA. 8 + . Gcril v a rb bnL i *- &b QLTT~IW. akcji O L ~ & a &papriar hqkiivar L ~ A ,

Jesus perceived their thoughts, he answering sald unto them, Whnt reason ye in your is easier,23 Whcther hearts? to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee ; or to say, Rise up and walk? 24 But thatyemayknowthat the Son of man hath powcr upoli earth t o forgive sins, (he said unto the sick of the palsy ) I say unto thee b i s e : and take up th; couch and 1 0 into 3 thine'house. 25 And immcdilltelyheroseu before them, and t o o l up that whereon he lay, and departed to his owll house glorifying God. 26 b n d they were all ammed and they glorified ~ o dand , were filled with fear, strange things to day.

22 ' ~ ~ ~ ~ o i r cd .'Ir]aocg ~orjg.GiaXoyiapoir~~a.irr3~ Gi d&noBut 'knowing swering said which to is 'Jesus them, Why their reasonings reason Ye in an-

~ p ~ e ~ i ~ l ~pTpi)c ETTEV l airroitg, Ti 6iahoyi%~ub'a raic rap8iarc 6 v



23 r l dartv ~LronDr~pov,~ E

=hearts COL to say, Have been forgiven thee

T E ~ V A$6~vrai f~

thy sins'

~ i n e i v r"E ,
or to say,


alH~ a ~i E p t ~ 6 r E24 'Iva.61 t;


I r k

walk? of man

But that on the



*i(ovuiav .ixet
authority sins,


civephnov" bni rijc

TOthee I say,

ye mny know that earth to forgive

b ~ y ~ i p ~ l y l ' rni

hits the Son hesnid t o the

y ; ~&$clvat 6papriagy ~ T E VT @ %rapaXeXvp6vy,l1 Zoi Xiyw, E

paralysed, go


rb.rXivi~tdv.aov T

O ~ E ~ O V

rbv 0i~d.v


and having takenup thy little couch And imluedrately having stoodup before


25 Kai napa~pijpa drl~aardc bvGnrovatrGv,


them, havingtakenup glorifying


i$'q?l i

rar6retr0, d i r i j X 8 ~ ~ rbv-o~rov.a6roir,605dZwv
his house, qll, say~ing,

[that] on whnch he was lying, he departed to And amazement seized with fear,

20 rai rraraatg haPev i i ~ a v r a c ,rai we have seen r d v ' ~ ~ 6 v .


We hare seen

and they glorified



~ T X $ U ~ ~ U U $6,6ov, Xfyovres, " O ~ L V ei6op~v

were filled

rrapci605a mjpepov.
atrange things to-day.

27 Kai ~ E T Z I r a i k a

dSijXOe'y, rai ieiciaaro r~hDvr]v,

saw a tax-gatherer,

after thesethings he went forth, and

bvdpart ~ A E V ~ V , ~ ~ ~aetjpevovi

d rb rhXDvtov, rai ~1.lrev airrcij,

by name Led, sitt~ng a t the tax office, and said t o him, 27 And after these things he went forth, 'AroXoitee( pot. 28 Kai raraXin6v kG7rnvra,11 &vuartc l t j ~ o and aaw R publican, Follow me. And having left all having nriscn hc folnamed L e d , s i t t h g a t j~,,,uEY~~ the receipt of custom : a h $ . 29 Kai i~oiqaev ~ O X I ~ V p ~ y ( i hmh'l ]~ and he said unto him, lowea him. And =made 'entertainment 'a Acreat

8xXog OraXw~ ~ 1 ~ ~ l m ~ o s e 2 8 u ~ a , " airr(t3 b rp".oi~ip.airroZ, lLA~vFcll ~ v rai $v ILeVi for him in his house, and thcre was aamultitude 'of *taxSollowe$ him. 29' ~~d feast in hisown house. Levi made him a great vGv rroXbS" rcai 6 U w v o'i 4aav atrGv r a ~ a r e i p ~ v o ~ and there was a gatherers 'great and others who were with them reclining 30 rai i y d y y v ~ o v oi.Pypappareic.a6rGv rai oi @up[company of pubhcans and Of And murmured their scribes and the Pharisat down Others them. [at table]. with that But their scribes ua70~ll r p b c iol;, X6yovreg, qAtariI1 perd and Pharisees murat his disciples, saying, Why with mured against his disoiples, saying, Why do r~hwvGy r a i 6paprwXGv" ia0iere rai nivere ; 31 rai &TO' ye eat and drink W~~~ tax-gatherers and sinners do ye eat and drink? And anpublicans and sinners? B1 And Jesus answer- rpt8~;c ' I t l u ~ EITLV d ~ S 7r;bc airro6cy 06 x p ~ i a v ?~ouaiv oi ing said unto them, swering Jesus said to them, No need have theywho The t h a t are whole neegnot a physician. i J Y i a i v O v r ~iarpo;, ~ t & > X ' b i rarGc txov7.5~. 32 ohr but they that are a i d are i n health of a physician, but they who ill are. 3ot d I cpmo not to call '2 therighteous,butsin- QXtjXvOara)liaat Glraiovc, &hXd drpaprwX06~ per&ners to repantanca. lIzhavecome t o cull righteous [ones], but sinners to repenta3 And thcy said unto him, why do the dis- YOlaY. 33 Oi.62 'lnovna p b c airrdv, wAiarill oi pael)rai ciplea of John fnat ance. And they said to him, Why 'the adisciples


evEyecpe QLTTrAW. f b vi'or TO; hAp&rov i[ovolav i ~ e TTrA. r h e'yarpc GLTTrAW. 6m r ~ . j Aeva?u A ; Aavciv TTr. k U ~ " V T ~~ A . L rj~oAo68eb LTTrA. m i, GLTTrAW.. Aavais A ; Aevsis WT. P @apruaio& rta; oi y p a p p a ~ i s a&v \[~$T&v]Tr) LlTrAW. mAGc r c h o v i v L m A . 4 Ard d LLTrA. c T ~ the QLTT:AW. V ~ a &aprwh&v A. i &i LTTrA. v errap .LTl'r& W Ath ri L T ] ; [T A t a r i TA.

r rclpclhvrc~+paralytic L .

B ~ o ~ p r Oqn]. el~

Vl V , 1 LUKE. ~'1w6vvov~I vqure6ovuiv rvrva ~ a iderjueig ~otoiivra~, 6.of ~ o h n 'fast often and aupplicutions make,


Often andlikewise rctte p yera, ;nd in like disciy[es the phariof unto them Can ye

poiwc ~ a ioi rcjv @aptaaiwv, oi-bd

manner also those of the Phtrriaees,

but those of thee to them,

aoi ial)iovoiv ~ a sie c s ' b u34t h i ~ e e n tsaidd t an and drink? And he


drink 7

34 '0.6J

while the briclcproom is with them? 35 q u t +sons 'of 'the 7bridechnmber lUw1nle"the '%bridegr~om"~ith '%hem '%a the W' " when the bridegroom roiijaac *vrlure6aiv" 35 bXeiraovrai.81! Gripat a~aillgrav shall be takeu awny ; 'to umnke *to efast 7 But will come d a ~ s 'abo 'when f~~~ they fnst in those shnll them, and then CT' atr3v b vvp$Iog, 7 6 s v ~ u r ~ ~ a obv uday*. 36 And hespnke u i~ &nape$ in also a parable unto hall be taken awny from them the bridegroom, then they willfast them ;Nomnnputteth a piece of a new gard ~ e i v a traic <pQpaic. 36 *EXeyev.81! rai 1rapa/3oX$v ~ theae dnys. And he spoke also a pnrable to ment upon an , otherwise, thenold ; if both a h ~ o h"0ri 0h8~ig ~, ini/3Xtipa i p a r i 0 ~K C ( ~ V O ; c brt/3ciXXec the new maketll n rent, them, No one a piece of a.'gnrment 'new puts on and the piece that w w taken out of the new ,:yrcirrov raXatdve ei.8i.p;lye rai 78 raivbv duXi<~t,II a reeth not with the rat agarment 'an 'old, otherwise both the new he renrls, and ofd. 37 And no man d?rb 703 putteth new wine the old bottles else r@ naXai$ eoit.avti$wve'ili. bri/3X,lra rb with the old does not agree [the] piece which [is] from the new wine Gill burst

And he

daev ~ p d c abroCs, M$ Ghvauee 7Jthe ~ bridechnmber fast, 6 6 make the children of the
Are ye

vioirc 705 vvp$cjvo~,

6 vvp$iog

a6i-Gv iariv


~aivoir.37 rai o.ir8eis PC~XXELY O YVQOY ~ i ciaro;~ O~ c lraXai06~.~ h ~ , l ~ ~ ~ ~ i , h , " ~

ner. And no one


%ill 'burst 'the 'new


gb v60g 01voc" r 0 6 ~ciu~oGc,~ a airrbg ~ t " , ~ $ b " , ~ $ e ~ f i , $

=wine the skins, and


Owine 'new into 'skins



38 B U ~


both are

straightway deaireth eic ciuro6~~aivoir~. PXqriov, hrai cip drepoi avvrqpoirvnrc.~~new: forhesaith,The Into Skins 'new ia to be put, and kth are r e d together. 01di8bttu' but 'wine 'new

will be poured out, and the skins will be destroyed ;

b r ~ v ~ ~ a e rrai ,oi Curoi (inoXoirv~ai' 38 &Xh olvov i~Qov ai

T L & ~ raXaidv OLXet V ~ O V * And no one having drunk old [wine] immediately desires new ;
v ,




39 ~ a oitbeig i
for he says. The


Xiyet-ycip, '0 raXaid~ kxpqar6r~pdg.-" iarcv.

old 'better %abbnth ['the] 'is. spassed p , ' on the second s E ~ E U ~ U L a6rhv 61d mrcjvll u?ropipw~' ~ a i ir~)lhov oi sobbath after the Brst through the falong .he corn fields ; m d Cm 4plu~king paeqraiahroir "roirg ur6xvaS, ~ a ijue#,ov,'l + h ~ o v r ~ g disciples plucked the i 'his 'disciplcs the ears, and were eating, rubbing [them] ears Of and did ent rubbing them i n raic X E ~ U ~ U O . 2 riv2g.8i TOY @ap~uaiwv~ T O Y Pahroic,II Ti the& hand*. 2 And E But some of the Phnrisees said t o them, Why the Phnrii n the hands. sees said unto them 7oieire 8 O~K.~~EUT~U qmfeiv iv" r o i ~ u6~/3ccucv;3 Kai Why do ye that whicl; do ye that which i t ia not lawful t o do on the sabbaths 1 And is not lawfill to do on the sabbath days ? dlro~pcpleci~~rpd~ ahro6ce'lnev6'Iqaoir~.," 0682 ro5ro civ8yvwre, 3 h d JMUS answeranswering to them 'said 'Jesus, Not even this did ye read, ing the& said, Hare ye not read so much 8 droiquev "Aa@i8,"'6?rdre1' i~eivaoev airrdg m i oi ss this, what Dnvid B a t which 'dici 'David, when he hungered, himself nud those who did, when himself w w nnd they per' atro3 vi)vr~gn4 wi)pll eiuijXeev eic rhv o l ~ o vTO^ Oeoir, an hungred,with him ; which were with him were? how heentered into the house of God, 4 how he went int; of ~ a roirc A rove rijc .rrpoeQuewc"cXa~av,rail1 r"$ayev, rai the hduse andGod, and i aid take eat &he m d the k e s of the presentation took, and ate, and shewbrend, and gave a 'Iwdvov Tr. Y 'Iqqocs (And) Jesus TTrA. y u s c i u a c TTrA. [ ~ a iL. ] b inb fiom (a garment) [ L ~ T T ~ A . c u x i u a s having rent (vead puts Lit]) TTrA. d o)(iuc~ he will rend LTTrA. oir w p + w v t j u c ~will not agree LTTrL f TO the TTrA. C b oivoC b vioc LTTrAW. h rcai L ~ ~ I # J ~ T E w O r q p o i ) v ~ a T[Tr]h. ~ vL _~ i c66Lws TT~A. k ~pqu~tic gW TT1.A. 1 d 8 w ~ c p o n p h [L]T![A]. s~ " TWV LTTrA. K O ~ <06&0vTOGS Q T ~ X V ~ ~ TrA. * [a6s&vl of them L. P - a?ic [ L ~ T I A . dv T ;- noreiv i v trec~d 70;s on the) LTrA B.. o IqvoGc crncv +c i r o v ' s L ; o ' I ~ u o v c npbc aGroGs E:PEV T. S Aavi8 ow ; Aavcis h LTr. o v ~ c LT~. s m s L; [&S] Tr. Aaahv haviug takeu LTIL And it came to pass on 'second .'first

'EYlv~ro.di i v ou/3/36ry

lb~ur~poapcjry' 61ano-


~ ~ z:z

tz& ~


+ -


to eat gave also t o those with htm, which it is not l ~ w f u l to eat $xcept but for the p r i ~ t s dvovs rode i e o e i ~ 5 Kni neyev aCroQ, '"Orbnr6pprdC Iatrv ; he the Ithe 'phests? And he said t o them, .Lord sir unto them That said p80nly son of mdn is Lord d vibc roir civ8phlrov eai ro5 aappoirov: also of the sabbath. ithe %son 'of *man also of the ssbbath.

$:tis not lnwr e zh it



~GWICEY Peaill roic per' akoir, o i ) ~ oirrc.l5~nriv qayeiv aCp4

~ iripy 6 'EyBvaro.G2 $s2fo iknc",f,"tz to paw aalsoa i 'onlQvanother &d it came

mabbat!~, that he enterod the sYnagogue a ~ l taught: and d therewa.ramanwhose right h ~ m d was withered. 7 And thescribes and Phnrisees watched him, whether he would hcnl on the sabbath day ; that they might bud an accusation ainto the and synagogue and tnught ;

ua/3P&ry elaeX9dv airrbv

sabbath 'entered .lhe a urn, and there was there

elc T?)Y avvayyyt)~ GrGciaceiv' rcni rai

his hand


bd~ei 6vOpwxo~,"

m $.~eip:a6roir 4 Ge$r& 4~ & ) p & .'7 Cnapenjpovv".G1* u ~ T ~ u ' i

the right was withered.
b i d "were 'watohing

%he heal,

ypappareic ~ a oi cPap~aaioi, ei i

iv r $ oa/3$ciry =Oapasabbath he will But he

%nd 'the 'Pharisees, whether on the

T E ~ U E L , '%a ~

ep4tt'iF$;,&lh:,"~ rr~d~.Gia~o~~apod~~airrij~, tory" hhv9phny1irftj uB grai Mlr~vll and. said t o the mad %eW their reasonings, and mid the man who
them, I w i l l ask you r
~ l;p&,, ~

that .they might 5nd an accusation against him.

f~aqy~piavll abroir. 8 a d r b ~ b i

2; t ~ ~ g t h e I S ~ ~ b I~ will< ask ~
~~;<~~ot~;,","iO;~," .orto destroy it?l ~ h d lookinttem d l he said upon round about the man,' stmtch f o n h thy hand. And he did so and hi* hand as wan theother. 11And the -ere filled with ma8new and oommuned 0ueAt.h anather what they might d o t 0 J m


~ *nrjll ~

~ j j ~ ~ ~ i~earrv Oroic ~a(i/31jaatvil dya8o-




whether it is lawful on the 'life =toYsaveor

r~~ronobjjuar; $VX?)Y uGaar

t o do evil?

4 Pci~oXbaat";10 Kni
t o destroy ?


t o do And

dvephny," b a n g looked around on all them he eaid t o the man, " E ~ ~ E L Y On)v.~~iph.aov.'0.61 blroiquev ' 0 8 r w s ' h a i 'drroY r a r ~ a r c i 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i p6.y i $r r"o ~ '4 ciXh7.I' ' ai ~
his lhand sound as the other. Stretch out thy hand. And he did so, d 'wns But they

? r e p t ~ X ~ ~ & pT~ v T U ~ a6~06c~ T E P &U0 ~

$1 atroi-bi 1

dlvoia~, Kai 8ceXLXovv Tprpbc & X ? ~ ~ O U C ri were filled with madndss, and w ~ u l t a d with one another [ss to] what Bv "noi?jaetav" rqi 'IqaoD. hrhfidqffal'
they should do

to Jesus.

12 'EyQvcro.Gi
12 ~~d if came to

Qv ~aig.?jp6paic:raC~arc xdEfX9ev11 c rb ei'

those d a p he wont ovlt into the

r $ prap and mountain lrpou~itEau9ar.rai' heqv Gravv~reeEGWV in r f ~ 40s pray* and was spending t i night iv p mountain to
mutinuea n11 night in mayer it was dqyAnd when tOQOd. l3 he slled untohim his'disdyles : and them he ahoue twelve ' whom rlso he n a m h aportles; 14 Simon, whom b also nnmed Leter ) m d Andrew his b r b &er, James and John, Philip and Bartholomew, 15 Matthew and Ehomas, James the rm

And it came to PM8 in

prayer Dim]

o PGcjEera, o E r~raii ~ pagvrdc.a6roir- rai BrXeEcipevoc cin' abr3v

of God. &d when it became and chose out day he ca led to his disciplea, *spostleg from them twelve, whom also Peter

~ 0 Qeoir. 5


rcai 8re iyivaro dpbpa npoae cjvqa~v

(i~oardXov~ hvdpaaev, 14 Xipwva BY lcni hvdpauev IIkrpov

Jhe =named : Simon whom also James he named and ~ n dd e w

rai ' A d Qavrbv.ciGeX$bv.ailroir, ~ " I & K w / ~ o Y & v v ~ ~ , rai z " I ~

his brothel., John,

ya @ ~ i T a o rai Bap8oXo aiov, v Philip m d Bartholo~ew,

15 ra"Mar8aiov" ~ a &dp6v, i

and T h o m ~ ,


the [aon]

who [was] and

a ' I ~ ~ w p "rbv ov
Jameu ed Zealot, Iacariote,

roirn '~X$alovrai Xipwva rb10

of Alphleus and Simon

I ~ E V O YZqX~njv, 16 c

became [the] a aplace

raX06- Of' calleB ~eldten,16 and nndslrnon all- judsa t k broth* of ' ~ a ~ h f i o ~cli'106bav J m e s * and Jud* I* v,

Judns brother] of James,

d'Iu~aoihrqv,n .mill iyivrro BC

who also he stmd on

r oS6rqce 17
Ltmyer. 'level,



the trhtor. 17 Aud he which and the company his disciple* and a


per' airrfh
with Ihis them

1urq h i r6aov restvoir, cai b X ~ o zpaeqrGv

and a crowd of adiuiples all ~~d~~~


Jerusalem, and from the sea conat of Tyre and Sidon, which kai ~ ~ ~ 0 V U a b j p riic aapdiov Tbpov r d Zi6Gvoy, 07 came to hear him, nnd kai and Jerusulem and the sea coast of Tyre and Sidon, who t o be of their diseases. 18 and the 4160~ (inoiruai ahroc, rcai iaerjva~ cirb r3r.vduwv.~tr3v, that we:e vexed with their diseases, ~ n c l e h n Spirit6 : and cnme to hear him, and to be healed of the were healed. 18 rai oi gbxXoCpevoP h;?rbll avevprirwv riraeciprwv, 'rail1 19 g n d t h e wholetuulnnd th6se beset by 'spirits 'unclean, a d titude sought to touch him. for there went d8~pa?r~hovro. cai niic b 6xAoc kd17jr~in 1 9 ilar~u8a~ airroCa virtie O U of him, and ~ thcy were healed. And all the crowd sought to touch him; healed them dt and a "multitude 'great of the people from

airroir nai 7rXij8047 ~ o k 6 TO; ha05 &?rb ?rriuqsris'fov6aiac and



66uctpic m ' atroir ~ & ~ ~ X E iiiro rcivra~. p ~al O T

power And from him went out and henled his eyes all. he liftingup upon Ddisci*

20 Kai aitrbS f?r&payr06s.b$OaXpoirs.afroir eic ro6spaOq20 And he lifted np his eyes on his disciples 'his said, Blessed. [are] t h a poor, for yours is les, and aaid, Blessed ye oor: for yours pauiXeia 705~ E O ; . 21 paK&pl0' oi ?relvG~r~g IS theEingdomof~od. the kingdom of Qod Blessed b e ] who hunger now, for 21 Blessed are ye that hunger now: for ye ~op~au&jueuee. yar6pior oi rhaiovrey vzv, Sri j~hciuert. .hnn h filled. Blessed ye ahall be filled. Blesaed. b e ] who weep now, for ye ahall laugh a r e ye that wee n o r : qaugh. 22 parripioi bare Srav ptutjuwotv &piisoi rivOpw?roc,~ a Srav for ye shallye, when i 32Blesledare Blessed are ye when ashall 'hate 'you 'men, and when men shall hrrte you

rdg atroir zkyev, Marciptot

0; ? ~ T W X O ~ ,

Sri +rips iuriv

d$opiawutv lipci~,mi bv~i8iuwuiv,

they ahall cut 'off your name as 'you, wicked, on account of the

~ a i ~ / 3 r i X w ~ l ~ when 0they 1 their rb and ~ ~ f - m separate

cast out

and &ell reproach boa], and Son

company, and ahall re-

6voPa.6p3v &E rovqpdv, l~venaI1 roC vioir roij ivept6.rrov. PIoah v * RS evil, out your &me rind cast
for the Son of man's Bake. *Rejoice ye in that dnr, and leap for rejoice in that and b a p joy ; ' joy : for, behold, yollr plUebs.6p3v aoX6g dv rq? o f ~ a r h nra$rall reward @cat in ]leayour reward [is] great in the heaven, saccording .to 4theaestbings 'for ~ ~ n ~~ ~~ d lnoiovv r o i ~ ?rfo$7jratc oi.?raripeGaitr3v. 24 nkljv ofai the18 21 But the prounto woeunto phets. did 4 0 'the prophets 'their 'fathers. But woe you that are rich I for 6pTv 7 0 ; ~ 7rkovuiot~,&L &7riXere rrjv.?raprin~quiu.~p~v.hare received your ye to you the rich, for yesare receiving your consolation. W Woe unto you that are 25 otai 6piv oi 6p~irrXqupivoi0, aervhuere. ohai P6piv"full I for ye shall 6rr W e to you who have been filled, o for ye shall hunger. W e t o you hunger. WoeuntoYou o that laughnow I for ye 0i y ~ X 3 v r e ~ Sri r~vO?jUtr~ Kka6u&re. 26 0hai q6p~l~" mown and weep. &v? nai shall who laugh now, for ye ahall'mouru and' weep. Woe t o you 26 Woeunto you when all men shall 'speak Brav kd31: '6piic ~ h w u i v " 6 v ~ 6 ~ "bep:d?roiW narci % oi well of yon? for SO when well of you speak all men, 'according 5 0 did their fathers to the false prophets 27 But "rairra'l ydp b?roiovv rbis ~ev~o?rpo$tjraicoi.nar6pes.airr3v. unto I say which %h= 'things lfor did %oathe .false .prophets 'their 'fathen. hesr Love your enemies) do good to 27 .''AXX'" 6piv Xiyw roic (ino6ovuiv, 'Ayaxiire 7065 bx8pods then; which hate you But t you I say who o hear, Love 'enemies 28 bless them, thai


23 mxaiperen BY d~eivprp" tjpipq rai unipr;]aar~. i606. rip, b

+ K&


and they) LTTrA. sirme things LlTrA.

~iawutv .&.~iig T.

+ rroAh great T.


- ~ ' o v703 mra. + and LlTrA. Lrrb'Iuxapr&B L=. - ~ a-i B ivo~Ao6pevor i<?j~ovv TTrA. Evcxcv *q&p')re a L r r m w . r h a h i the + v3u now P - vprv o - 4giv - lrarres 'AAA&LTTrAW.











~ f " " t l ~ ~ ~ * ;/LGV, K ~ X GO ~ E T T E ~ L piuoZuiv ;jiZiq, 28 ; X O ~ E ~ T E spitcfnlly use you. 'J'""r, 'well "do to those who hate you, bless aull unto him that 7(oi1g h - a ~ a ~ w ~ i v~hpTt1,~~ T ~ O ~ E ; ~ E ~ O E rGv o u q W~aIII smiteth thee ou the you, and pray for those who ''lo one cheek olfer also the otller; and him that ~ ~ I ~ ~ E ~ < hpZg. T 29 V ~ I / W T$ r6rrovri oe Ybril1 i v aray61~~, r tnkcth a w ~ thy clokc y forbid not fake thy despitefuliy use you. To him who strikes thee on the check, coat also. 30 Give to T & P E X E ~ c i i jtjv &jlX~)v'~ n cirb 705 aipovr6q uou r i i every man thatof him asketh offer of thee ; aud also the other ; aqd from him who takes away thy




that taketh away thy goods ask And asnot again. 31 then8 ye

iphriov, ~ a rhv xtrGva p~j.~wX6u?lq.30 ravri i

cloak, also the tunic do not forbid.

ZTo"c~ery'one'and who


wouldthatmenshould airo6vri m , 6i6ov. ~ a l hsrb ro; n'ipovroq rh:rh, do to you, do Y alsoto e asks thce, give ; and from him who takes away what [is] thine, them likewise. 32 For if ye love them which p<.&raIr~i. Q1 KC(; ~aO(;q OiXer~'ivn rot&aiv itpiv oi love you, what thank ask [it] not back,; and according as ye desire that 'should 'do "to 'you have ye? for sinners also love those tha6 &vOp~roi, ~ a 6p~TqlI roiir& ' i airroiq Apoiwq. 32 r l i ei love them. 33 And if 'men, also 'ye 'do t o them in like manner. Aud if ye do good to them phich do good to you, ayarzre ro6q ciyarGurag ~ o i a6pTv ~ C i p ~iuriv ; c ,what thank have ye? ye love those who love you, what fto 5you.'thauk 'is =it? for sinnws also do even the same. 34 ~~d if ~ai-ycip hpaprwhoi oi ciyarcjvrai atroirg ciyarGaiv. ve lend to them of for even s i ~ ~ u c r s 'those 3who 'love 'them 'love. 'whomwhathope to re- 33 ~ a i bhv ciyaOoroiijre celve, ye thankhave roiq ciya9o~oioSvraq itpGq,


e l for sinners also And ~f ye do good t o those who Tend to sinncrs, to re( p v c F ~ ; P i SBurivU; ~ a i hp! celve as much agaln ~~t loveye you; what 'to 'you thank is i t ? 2even rfor

do good to slnners

YU O, %he =snme

oi hpaprwhoi rb a6r6

enemles, and do good ? T O L O ~ ~ U L V .34 ~ a iAv '8nvei<qre" lend, hoping fo; i rap' ;v 6Xri<~re nothing agaln and Id0. And if 'ye lend [to those] from whom ye hopc your reward shhll be fciroha/3~iv,l' rain 6piv X d p i q ioriv; xai gYLp1'hoilhraprwhoi great and ye shall be the of t o reeelve, what "toJyou 'thank is i t ? %even for slnners Highest: for heiskind cf.paprwXoiS i6av~i~ovaiv," dwoX&pwaiv rd kr~a.ll35 ? T A ~ u 'lva unto the unthankful 'lend, that they may receire the like. Gut and to the evil. 36 Be J"nners ye therefore merciful, &yai?<~ r0irq-i~8~oirq.i)pGv,a &ya6o?roi~ire, a 'bav~i<w&" ~ i ~ i as your Father also 1s your enemies. and do good, and lend, merciful. 37 Judgenot, love Kni and ye shall not be 'pq6iv1' "&rhri<ov~q'" iarai 6 piaebq-6pGv 7roXirgo; judged : 3noth~ng 'hoping 'for agaln ; and 3ehall 4be your 'reward great, and ye shall not be condemned : forglve, K U ~ ~ U E Q ~ E uioi ProSll 6J/iarou' Zri atrbg xpqur6q iariv h ~ i and ye shall be for- and ye shall be sons of the H~ghest ; for he 'good '1s to given. 38 give aud it shill be 'given ci~apioroug U ~ K rovqpoirq. 36 ~ ~ V E U ~ E ol~rippoveq, q06v" unto you; good mea- the ' unthankful. and wmkcd. Be ye therefore compkss:onate, sure pressed down and'shahen together: ~ a g l 'rcai" A-~ar<p.hpGv ol~rippwvBariv. 37 ~ uprj.~~ivert, h~ i and running o w r , as also your father Zcompass~onate 'is, And judge not, shall men give into Sour bosom. For with s ~ a iot'I-p< ~pioijr~' p r j - ~ a r a 8 l ~ & Z~ r ~ i ~a , oli-pG Karathe same measurethat that in no wlse ye bc judged ; condemn not, that i n no w1.e ye be ye mete withal i t shall be rneSured to you 61~aoOijre. ~ T o X ~ E T E , i ~ a ciroXu9jl~~uOe' 38 GiJore, rai condemned. Release, ahd ye shall be released. Glve, and


boor!)a~rai &p&. pitpov ~ a h d v~ ~ ~ i ~ a pvh v a iaeaaXe~ra~ o v "

it shall be glven to you, 'measure 'good,
gether and runnlne over same pressed down and shaken toPbosom

pkvov '"rni" w a ~ r ~ p ~ ~ p 6huouaiv v e o; ~ ~ K ~ X H O V ~ 6 p ~ ~ rbv ~ v


~ c i pairr@ p:rpy

'with %he Jfor

6" perpeire, measure with which ye mete,


shall they give into

(Evripeit shall be

vpap OLTTrA. - Kai GIITTrAW. r r p i TA. J ;p T. [b? 7@]L ; bi. 7@T ; [S;] T@ ~ r . [rtai ; p ~ i s ] L. b ( ~ e a d ~f ye also) T. c ao7iv X&PLSL. f\)r d y a p TT. TTrA. h oi LTTIA. 8 a u e i q 7 e L ; 6 a ~ i ~ T )T ; S a v e i < TrA.~ f h a p ~ i v 7 ~~ g ykp T[T~]A. i Gavi<ovrrrv T. Lcra LTAW. 6avi<7T. pq8Cva f ri+~hri{ov7~s L. [iu s o h LTTrA. 70;s ~ i ~ ~ a v i n; the he.1.c ens L. o ~] P 703 (?.end o f [the]) GLTT~ AW. KaL [L]T[T~]. h a I r ecccl that ye be i ~ ojudged) L t . rta; t ~ aand TA i LlrrA. Va ~ % ~ ~ K ~ U V V O / L L lV OA . C Tr V y&p /LC7py LTTr.

+ -

measured again to you. And he spoke

&pbl. 39 E1r~v.cX ~ a p a p o X ~ j v airroiC, Mljri
a parable 'not to them, %oth

again. 39An6hep~ake Can the blind lead t h i a pnr.~bleuuto the111

y : ; i l ditch ? 40 The disciple P6Bvvov z ~ ~ a o G v r a40;O ~ iarrv p a e ~ ~ r d ~ r3v o"rb&axa- is not nbove his mast" K h i p 'a %it 'will fall 7 &not 'a zdisciple above the teacher that:isbut perfect shall be hov aairroG.u~arqprt.rphvog.8i ? r iarai b 8t8&arcnXoS an his msstsr. 41 And of him ; but 3periecbed 'every 'one shbll be lur %teacher why bcholdest thou the mote that is in thy a&roC. 41 ri-82 @X~TELS ~ iK & ~ $ O Q ) ri) iv r $ 6$8aXpr$ brother's eye, but perhi. But why lookest thou on the mote that [is] in the eye cei~estnot the beam that is in thine own roC.ci8eX$oG.aov, . njv-8d dorcbv njv ;v r@.i8iy hpedp$ eye? 42 Either how of thy brother, but the beam that [is] in thine own eye canst thou saFto thy brother Brother let 0 6 - r a r a v o ~ i ~ ; blj" T S ~8Cvaaat Xhyetv r~-ci8eX$@-aov7 p ~ i i the ~ t 42 me ~ ;note porceivest not ? or how art thou able to sny t o thy brother, that is in thine e o, I s &able 'a "blind [smnn] a blind [man] to lead 7

8ivarat rv$hi)c


d8qyriv ; o6xi c i p $ i r ~ ~ o i ~ ~ % i:kd7ff

E :

'A~EX$~, d@eg
'thine, thyself the 'in crite, cast out Arst

brP&Xw 7b K & ~ $ O S
mote 'thine ['own] 'eye the 'beam not

QV T@ 6$eaXp@ when thou t h self boldest not beam

Brother, ,suffer [that] Imay cast out the

that [is] in seeing.?


aov, a h r b ~ j v b rq?-6$JaXp+~ov8orbv 06 PXQrwv; r v

beam out of thine [own] eye, that[is] in the %ree producing

that is in thine own eye ? Thou hypocrite &TOcast out the beHppo- out of thine own eye and the ,,te

tie L-

rptrh, iliPaAr nprjrov r i v . 8ori)v ix ro~6$8ahpoC.aou.rai 7 6 ~ ~ JtaPXh$eig

of thy brother. *fruit 'corrupt ; nor

~~~1~~ that is in thy

c b ~ f i a i ~ ~ v Irc&p$og rb rb I

then thou wilt see clearly to cast out

ro~.&8~h$oij.aov%43 0 6 . ~ & pbarrv 8hv8pov ~ a X b v T

For %ot 'there 'is a ltree 'corrupt 'good 'tuit



iv r @ 6$8aXp@ a good tree bringeth brotkel's 43 For



g$tyyf %ith%;

nbt forthcorruptfruit; neither doth a corrupt ~ ~ ~ G

raprbv aa?rp6ve o68P 66v8pov aarpbv roi03v Ka

raX6~. tree is known by his

'good ; Own fruit. For not thorns men do Qf figs nor of a for each tree bp its own fruit is known, for not they grapes. 45 at,hm good cirav03v m~XXiyovatv a C ~ a ,oirJi ;K Phrdv frpvyGatv man out of the good from thorns do they gather figs, nor from a bramble gather they treasure of his heart bringeth forth that arafJv)l$v.ll 45 Stiyaeb~ b e p w ~ o ~ 703 ciyaeoii BqaavpoG which is good; and an c ;K a bunch of grapes. The good man out of the good treasure evil man out of the evil treasure of his rijC-rap8ias3a8r@" .rrpo$Cper ri, ciya0d.v. ~ a di TOVV- heart, bringeth forth of hia heart brings forth that which [is] good ; and the wick- that which is evil :for of the abundance of the hi8 p65 b d v e p ~ ? r o CEK TO; TOWPOG iBrlaaupoG r i g ~ a p 6 i a ~ he,t ~ ed man out of the wicked treasure of 'heart speaketh. 46 And why call ye me,Lord, Lord, air.roG11 .rrpo$Epet ~b ~ov?lpdV'iK-ydp kr05"? r ~ ~ l a a d 6 do not the things , ~ IhFs brings forth that which [is] wicked ; for out of the abnn- which I say7 47 Whoparog 'rijg" rap8ia5 mXaX~xrb.ard~a.airroG.'' 46 Ti.8.4 PE soever comcth to sayand heareth my me, dance of the heart =speake 'hia 'mouth. And why me inge, and dorth them, raX~ira rcirpie, rai 0 6 - ~ o i ~ 12r ~ i Xiyw; 47 a@ . d Ep- I shew : 48 to whom he is likeyou be do ye call Lord, Lord, and do not what I say? Everyone who is like a man which

44 k'raar~v.~dp 6fv8pov b~ ro?.fc?iov ~ a p r o G i v h a ~ ~ r a06.~drp gather y r.


X d p ~ v lrpdc PE ~ a ciroirwy ~ O U - T G V - X ~ ~a rot3v ahroirg built an house* and ~E i ~ Wi V

i s coming


me and hearing

my words

and doing


' the foundation on digged deep; and laid


6~08~iCo &phj rivi iariv 8poiog. 48 8por6g iariv &vOph.lry flood : and the stream rock when the Like he is to a man arose, I will shew you to whom he is like.
beat vehemently upon

Earu#ev-icai bpciOvve~, rai ieprev that house and could dug and deepened, and laid not shake 'it : for it building a honse, who BepQXtov i?ri njv ?rbrpav' n?rXpppCpa~".Gi~vopBvqg O~poaHfia foundation on

oiroc?opo~vrc oi'riav,

rock ;

and a Bood and

laving come could not

3burst shaJte


norapi,c r+.oi'ri~-imiup, rui 09x.iu~uarv uaXrGuat

'stream thnt ouae,

.Upon 'the

I K ~ I L also LTT~A. d p r a u o i v r a ~LTTrA. a 6 ~ oL ~ A . i T[T~]A. d g ~ f i a h e i v cast O u t TA. tc~ c i ~ & k e i TA. v ~&rv again [L]+[T~]A. fora$vA~v 7 P q L j ~ ~~~ V A . B a5705 (read [his) heart) T r avepwnos [ L ] ~ I . A . i &Iuavpoii TOV LTTSA. I (read 0f [the]) L'~T~A. 7 j j ) ~ a ~ 8 i air706 [L]PT~A. as m rb u d y a a h o i A d a t L. rrAqpp6pqs TTrA. rrpoaipqtev TTr.

+ -

+ -6 s


+nu founded upon 6 rock. 49 But he that mddocthnot,

L like a m r s that without built an a foundat~on and on

the e.rth; aga&t

AOYLAE. V ,VI. I a it, nfor ~hrd b e n founded upon rtjv ~ rock. n v 4Uuthe whociKoirunt ~ j it * Pre0~p~Xiwro:ydp hni irp .4 6.b.i 9 ~ the h o d gal ptLlj.7rori)uas iipoldc i a r i ~ civ6phxy q0;~080\l~onvrr%i~i~,
did not 'like

' h

to a man

having built 'burat

a hmh 'the 'strmm,

& " , ~ ~ ~ ~ , " ~ ~ $ ~ Jon:the earth without a foundation ; on which , !, I ""

Immtdi*tuly i t fell; and the ruin of that house ww great. and immediately it fe& great. and

bni rGv yijv p p i ~ 0aptXiov8



pdc, kai seir6iwc Bnea~v,~ byivaro rb mi b~eiv~lc tdya.



a rile oiKiac
aof *house

t'E~~i.8a'l JnX?jp~u~v 7r6vra ri.~$pam.ntroir a/$

And when he had oouipletcd all his words i n the he d ~ o l 705 Xaoir eia6Xt)av eig+ i~ UKanepvao6p.ll2 'E~tnrovrcia~ov had ended all his sayears of the people he e u k e d into Cnpcrnnum. 40f 'a 'ccntArion $ g l Q nvoc &irhoc x a ~ u jixwv gprhhev r~Atvrpv,BC $v ~ tored into Cnpernaum. 'and 'wrtain aa'bondman 'ill 'being a n s about to dic, who W3 And & certaiQ e e ~ -atr$ iuripoc. 3 (i~o6uag.84 nepi roir 'Iqaoir cinfurelXavnp3c turiou's scrvmt, him, by him honourcd. Bud having heard about unk, who Josus he sent to wna sickl and $0 abrbv ~ p ~ a ~ h ~ r i p q v s 'Iov8aiov, apwrujv a6rdv S7rwC r;v die. 3 And when he elders of the Jews, begging him that heard of Jcsus, he sent him uuto him the cldcrr of iAt)&v GinaGap rbv.doirXov.a6roir. 4 oi.82 na ayevdp~vor hnring come he m q h t cure his bondman. And they &ring coluo come nnd hcnl his #er- npbc rdv 'I?pobv ' ~ C ~ ~ E K ~ ~ C Y V b axov8aioc, iiyovrec, ahr " vaut. 4 A n d when thcy to Josus besought him diligently, enying, came to Jesus, they ,, bebought him iustaut- Orb citlric iuriv wnapi&~" roirro' 6 ciyax$.ydp rb 1y aayiug, That he that %orthy 'he %R to whom he shall grant this, for he loves W& worth for whom hcshould io this: ?for' ~ ~ v o s - ~ ) ~Cti $ @v U Z ~ Y ~ Y W Y ahrbc $ I C O ~ ~ t j p i ~ .E ~~V ~~* he lorcth our ~lntlon, our nation and the synsgoglle he bu~it for us. m d hc bath built us a 6yuagogue. 6 Then 6 ''Il)~oircV O P E ~ bljv a i r ~ ~ i cfisv.8; airr0ir bzi p a ~ p o i ~ ~ TO ' Jraus wout with them. d u d Jcsua went with thcm; but already he 'not 'far And when ho w8.i now not far from thehouse, cinixovroc xci7rb" rijc oiriac, !nep$av ynpbc airrbvllli irardvthe centurion scut 'beingdistant from the houae, %ant *to =him Ithe rapxoc $iXovc,Ii XQywv aa6r$," I(;pra, pr).a~6hXovoh not thylrlf : for I am turion friends, saying to him, Lord, trouble not [thysew, *not not worthy rhouldcat that thou ~ c i p ilravb~" C;nb rljv.ariyqv.povu 'iva aiaiX6pc* my roof : 7 for YI'am worthy that uudur my roof thou shouldeat come; neither thought 1 my- 7 Jib 0682 ipavrbv 7jFiwaa xpds ae dXb)iv' dhXd @ell worthy to say in wherefore neither mpsclf counted I worthy 'to thee : but come %hoe 'to "ome ; but a word, and my ser- ~irri: Xdyy, rai *in8rjutrnr" b.raic.pov. 8 xai-ydp ay& &V~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l s $ m h : " ~ , " Iany by a word, and ahnil be healed my eervnnt. ; For alao I w t under authority, Bpwndc eipi 6rrb itovaiav rauadp~vo~, ixwv 6n' hpavrbv having under me soiam under authority appointed, having under mysol! diors, ~d 1 Unto man ouo GO and he gocth; arparihrac, rcni Xfyw ro6ry flop68qrl, rai nop~6rab* mlli to hother, Comet soldiers, and I say to this [one] Go, md he gocl; aud he con~eth. and tO i my scrvnl~t b o t ~ ~ i s , rai ciXXy, ' E ~ X O V .rai Epx~rac.~ a r$.G06Xy.pov, IIoiqaov aud he do?tdit. 9When m d to another, Lome, and he coma ; and to my boadman, Do Jcsus card thcse things, mrrvsllod roirr0, ~ a ~016i. 9 'Arohaac 8 i 2 rrtirrd d 'Iqaoir$ i6airat him, and turned this, and he does [it) And having heurd thsse things Jeaur wonhlm about, and laid ,,,,to the oyle that pndV aigrdvs rai arpa$ai$ r$ cirohov6oirvrr aliry' 6xXy followed I ,ay d a d a t him; and turning t o the 'following ' m Icrowd N


Jgiit i $ r: i

7 4 ~

f ~ f a ~ ~ ~ $ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~



P 8td ~b it(Lh5e o i u o 8 0 p e i d a ~( o i ~ o S o ~ < d a b aOtf/)lr because it was well built m r L T) &8bc ovvdrreuev inimbdiately it fell r rrpoudpqlcv TP. q\oirdoPo3vrc b u i l d i n g L. v tjpi)~wv t~skod. T r,. r r p k acrbv X. b ixav6s eIpc IT~A. ai)r+ T . r 4 h o v g i, i x a 7 6 n a p x ~ ~ K ~ T O V T T) P ~ ( ( & TTTA. C(OY d ia&j~o let be healed T T ~ A . 6rb *v oriyqv W.

together mrr. 'Enet6$ after that LTTrA. U Ka$apvaoljg LTTrAW. - d n b (read r i ) ~ the) T. froul W r a p e t n he ~hould grallt LTTIA.


unto you I have not found M) 'great faith, faith did I find. no not in b r a e t 10 'And they that 10 Kai irnoarp6+avrec#Ooi rep$Bhvres eis rbv. otovI1 e6pov sent, returning towere the And 'paving'returned 'those 'sent to the house found house found the servant khol4 that had tbv faiaOevoSvra" GoirAov irycalvovra. been nick. the sick bondman in good hedth. And it came to 11 Kai byfvero dv g@V[ijc bhrop~C~rqn 1~6Xiv 11 the day after, that 'is And it came to p a s on the next [day] he went into a city e went into a clty called'Nain and raXoz~~ivqv 'Naiv, xni uvvero~Covro t r q oi.paOqrai.aCro3 of his disciples many a went oalled Nain, and went with him his 'disciplea with him and much y p l e . l2 Now when ! irLXp 'ircavoifl rai dxXos ?roXd~. &p62 tjyyiaev 12 e came nigh to 'many m d a lcrowd 'great. And- he drew new t o the gate of the gate of the city, the beold, prdXawc rai isoh, hfexopi~e~o krt6vr)njc," lvibc povo- man there wen a dead carried out, the city %l80 'behold, was being carried oat [one] who had died, a n 'son 'only only son of hismother, y~v$~bg.tiqrpi.airro3, mai:rq +vt1 xai X;lpa' rui 6~Aoc rile and she was a widow: to his mother, and Ihe k a s a widow, end a crowd Sof*the and much people of the cit ww with her. 03v at+. 13 xai is&v aCrrjv b ~6ptoc13 Angwhen the Lord P I % ~ E W ~irravhc snw her he had comb i t p 'comiderable[wss]with her. And swing her the Lord her, and b ~ r ~ a 7 x v i a B g ir' o a t e n rai e l ~ e vairre, Bf?).~haie.pnssioa' on her, Woep said unto mmoved m t h comwsion on her md d d t o her, Weepnot. not. l4 Ahd he onme aid,

LUKE. eZrev, Aiyw 6p%, o6dd 6v rq7 'Tapat)Xroaa6rr)v ?riartv ~Jpov.

I M t o you, not eveu in ~
Isrsol so great




[it1 htnr stbod stilL And iurqaav' xai cinav, Neaviart, aoi Xiyw, byipeqrc. 15 Kai hesay U&O Younguman* I S&id thee, s e . ntoppect And he snid, Young men, t o thee I y, A r k And 15 And he that war, cive~i0laevb v~robc a 4p'faro XaXtTv* rai 3Gwrc~vatrbv ~ i deadsatuplandbeg* 4st %p 'the *de;d .n'd b e e n t o speak, and he gave him And bier, and t h m bearing

14 ~ a r i o d e i u v fiJ.aro p

coming up he touched the

n i sop03 ~

oi.61 /3aarciZovrap

z: ~~~~~~~ iig
. ~ ~ ~


\her. 16 b d $her* came afear on all: and hL mother. And sseised ' h r the? glorified God, , rbO&6v, *'Oft rpoqnjvc ph~acqQyliyeprarHbv camp., That a great God, saying, A zprophet 'great had risen up amongst prophet is risen among us; and, That $@v, rai "Orb bneari+a~o i) 6ebc rbv.Xabv.a~ro~. 17 Kai God hath visitrd his as; and .Has Wsited 'God his people. people. 17 And this rumour of him went b[fXQev d.Xdyoc.06~0~ 8Xv rt1Iov8aif repi atroir, rai forth thmnghout all bv went out tSlm report in J n h concerning him, and Judma, and thoughout all the mglm 'bun xaisp rp' replxhpy. round about. in all the country around

16 WaPev-Gi $dpos Pt'?ravrac," xai they glorified BddFaCov apd


18 Kai &mjyyeiXav s'Iwcivvpn oi.pae~~rui.atroir r ~ p i

And 'brought .word 'to .John

%la *disciples


rdvrwv r06rwv. 19 rai rpoaxaXracip~vo~ 860 rivhc rviv


t h thinga

And John

having called t o

[him] 'two 'certain

pa&rZlv.ahro% 1 " I ~ r i v a q ~ ~ ~ irrpJ.~v

of hi* diwiples


18 And disci lea of John shewed gim


XQywv, E6.J

m thou

b bpxdpevoC
the coming to .Mm

[one] or

[them]1 ~ o i p ) ~ C tp 'r another


11 uiato him two of hie p dispifl IDnt lhm t .



cv ; he thkt

mxr to imllfor t

20 lTapa evdpavoc.62 rpbc airrbv ol divsp6c xeZ~ov,U r'lwcivAnd laving come

the men


WE!b p a ~ ~ l a n d?r~Urdrpv fc <p&- ~ p U6 , Xbywv, C6.d ~ the Baptiat hna sent na to thee, saying, Art thou 6 t p ~ d p ~ ~ ~ cI O T ~ O U ~ O K & ~ 'RV 'a&~p'" 4~ V 21 E V ; *6i"
coming Cone] or another u e we to look for? many of 'In %he Lame 'and scourgee hour he healed
diseasae and

sp'6pg iBcpcinauaav roXXo6c cinb vduov xai paariywv xrti


Jesus saying Art thou shouid come ? ~ ; h ~ ; ; k 2 0 ~ ~ ~ men wem come uuta him, the said, John Baptist gath sent ur, anto thee, saying, hrt thou he that should come? or look we for another? 21 And in that same hour he cured many of their infirmities and plagues, and of evil

rlc rbv O ~ K O Voi r a p + ~ C v r e r~ m . f i d e v o G w a LTT~[A]. S TG Tr. h i w o p c ~ T. e S--igav~; [L ?,[A]. lTrA. [+CB ~ h ] l povoya+( v i b ~ y m a? W ; Jjv BOY. ; qv W mflm\ a;+ l. r a m a s 01~1. 1b y i p h , IS "son ~ m r ~ c . ev "dvver T ; 'Iudvec Tr. t 'Iw&qc R.. v sbv d p t o v the Lord mr), Ccgov W. Y &U L=. J ' I w i q r ~ r . Ii ~ r i q that m&. 6i L ~ A ,


+ [LW~)

irib;mdU"hmnny mevp(crwv rovqo(;rv, lcai rv$Xotc rohXoic b~apianrobrb" %l were biind hc gave 4 "pifits 'evil, and to 'blind 'many hc granted sight. a Thc,n Jesus a Ev m s ~ ~ i n g unto said 22 rni ( i ~ 0 ~ p l O E i c ' I ~ u o G ~ ~ ~ . E I Th o i ~~, O P E U ~ & thcm Go your way, And Z a n s ~ e r i n g 'Jesus said to them, Having and h11 John what me. tT6Ere rai ~rol;ucire.eiiri" things ye have seen rec irayytiXare d'Iw&vvpll and hcnrd ; how thnt heard ; that to John what y c h v e seen and the blind see, the lame walk, the 1ep.r~ are ru$Aoi &va/3Xlrouuiv, xwXoi ~~piraroGuiv, T P O ~ ~aOapi<ovXE *lwnsed, the deaf he*, blind receive sight, lame walk, lepers arc cleansed, the dead are riscd, t0 the poor the gospel rat, K W $ ~ ~ ~ O ~ O U U ~ V , ~ hyaipovra~, OK V E K O ~ rrwxoi tliayyeXi~ovrat* ie preached 23 And deaf hear, dead are raiaod, poor are evangelized ; blessed is he, whosoSc.d&v p~~arav6aXiuQ$ bpoi. iv ever shall not be ~ f 23 rai prripidc ~ U Z ~ V fended in m& and blessed ia whoever shall not be offended in me.


24 'Ar~XOdvrwv.6irGv Ciyy6Xwv f'I~Civvo~'l rjpEaro XQytcv

dnd6havingedepnrted 'the 'messengers
24 And when the

'of &John he began to speak

l e ~ :: ~E ~ X " t : ,

of J O ?rpbc rode bXXovc *pi "Iw&vvov," Ti ~ ~ E E X + ~ O ~ T /c ~ E" were departed, he to the crowds wncerlliug John: What have ye gone out into concerning ~ n&hapov 6rb ivipov u d ~ v b the began h speak unto T ~ ) V Z ~ V ~ O V t h ~ a c d a i ; job what went ye the wildernass to look a t ? am d by &the] wind shaken ? ~ $ ~ ~ , ptvov; ~ &AAA ri~ gi&hqh&Barrt 6 e b aiv$wrov b p d a ; i 25 ~ c i shuken with the wlnd? But what have ye gone out to see l) a man in soft 25 But what ye ~ 0 iparioic Ijp$i~apivov isoh, 7 ~ ; oi bv ipnriapr; bv6b[y clothed in soft man Out for to A raiclothing arrayed? Behold, thcp who in 'clothing 'splendid ment? Behold, they m; rpv$$ 6r&pXdvrtE 7074- pnaAEiocg eiaiv. 26 &XXd ri bv which $alacos lare. But what apparelled and live and in luxury are living lin %he delicatel~,hreinkis~s'i Y h~X6Oar~ll B i6eiv; ?rpo$jrqv; vni, X6yo &@v, rai $e e :y gone out to me? a prophet ? Yea, 1 say L you, and [one] A prophet? Yea, I ?r~pibudr~p~v Tpo$jrov. 27 05rdg dariv npi 06 yi@ unto You, and more excellent than a prophet. W Thin is he concerning whom i t hag much more than a prophet. 27 This is he, ~(larral, '1606, hi{&'1 &roUrihhkJ rb~-riyydbv-~ov b r of whom it i written, been written, Behold, s send my messenger before Behold I send my messedger before thy ?T~OU&OV.UOV, K ~ T ~ U K E V C ~ UT T ) V - ~ ~ ~ V - U O ~ r p o u 6 i v EL iV UOU. face, which shall prethy face, who shall prepare thy way before thee. pure thy way before pEi<wV bv ~ E V V ~ T lO ~ a l ~ ( ; r ~ y l ~ thee. % For I say 28 Akyw 'ydrp" unto you, Amongthose 'I *say 'for to you, "a "eater 'among ['those] Shorn *of *women that are bornof women k is not a ~rpo$jrqgll f'Iwhvvov'!1r03 /3arriar03~~ oir8tic barcv. 6.6; y p h e t than John the prophet than John the Baptist no one is ; but he that [is]


pirpbrepoc bv r$ / ~ ~ u Ar03 ~ Q p~izwva6roG Earcv. 29 Kai E &OS

in the kingdom
of God greater than he justified

of God is greater than andthe publicans, juetified God, being b a p tized with the baptism of ~ ~ OO h ~the . P h m k e s and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against them?Ives, being not b a p

And God,

~ ; p 1 ~ $ h r?ig ~d eXabc ~ ~ ~ lcal oi rtXGvai d8iraiwaav rbv Oedv, ~ , 8 &ro6aac

all the people having heard and the tar-gatherers aving been baptized [with] the baptism

rb pCinrtapa f'Iw6vvo~.II 30 9i-8i @aof John ; counsel of God but the Phaset aside

pcqaio~lcai oi


and the doctors of the law the

4 v PovX4v 703 6 ~ 0 4 Geirqaav

him. And 3said 'the of 'generation
~ E V E ~ E


as' to themselvea, not having been baptized by

tie Cavr06c, p$ ) ( j a r r i a O ~ ~ ~ r ~ g 6 Datroii. 31 m~lrev.Gi 6

=Lord, Ithis ? To what therefore shall I liken the and t o what are they like? sitting,

unto then shali I liken the men of this generation? and to what are they like? 32 They are like unto children sitting in the marketplnee, andcalliug one to another, and say-

k;piog,I1 T i v ~ 06v

6poiLjuw rode (ivOphrovC rGg


ra6rqg ; lcai rivt eiaiu iitloloi; 32 b;l*ocoi eiaiv

Like are they tolittlochildren calling one to nuother


TOT^ b~

in a market-place

&yop+ raOqpivoi~, rpoa~wvoGuiv ciM~jXoi~ rai

d 'Iw6wcr T ; 'Iwaivcr ~ r . h dyt, (mud irom. 1 mi ~ a i r r ~ m T T r L oi

-- rb)7L~r]. I send)


f ' I ~ ( i v o v~ r .

- d 'IquoCr (read he said) [L]TT~A.

o j$TihOa~e went ye out


L ~ A .


8i b-idpbor GLTTrAW.

- y&p TTrA.

- ~rpo+iqrL L ~ A ] .


and saying, We piped

to you, and ye did nut dnnce;

unto you, nnd yepiped m'hnve hare
We not danced ; we harp

'kai X6yovat~~,l~ HilXfisapev Gpiv, liai otre.d~p~+aaa8~* Mpqvljaapev Oirpil,,Il lcai oir~.QliXa6anre. d.XljhvQav.yrip lJohn 33 For P'IwctvvqcIl
mourned 'the to you, and ye did not weep.

6 panrtarsjc

mourne'i $0 yon9 and Y haye not wept. e 33 For John the B a p 9p$re1'rdiprov laeiwv" spljre"" toZvov ; rivwv,ll ; ; , " i e k l I z , " u z ; ; g nc~thcr 'bread 'eating nor 'wine 'drinking, wine , and ye say, hc has. 'Hes 'come 'the 'Son
30f dman

eating and drinking; ye say, Bchold a enting and drinking, and ye say, Behold, a man a glutton nnd g l ~ t t o n o u ~ friend wmebibber,man, and :l a d.61- of publicnns and sindrpaprw)l3~. O ~ V O T ~ T V~ ~ , I ~ ~ $iXOcI1~ n~i v ~ ~ 55 X ~ and 'was nera l 35 n u t wigdom a wim-bibber, of tnx-gatherers a friend and of binnera ; is justitled of all he8 rcat3Qq ao$ia cinb wr3v.ri~vwv.nirr~ r&vrwv." children. ajustified 'wisdom by %er 'childxen 'all,

and ye smy,

icai XQyere,Anip~utovz x ~ t 34 bXGXv0ev b z;idc 705 &?98phrovSOU of devil. is34'Tho . hath k man conlu
A demon

iaoiwv rai rivov, reai Xiyere, '1606, divopwnoc $ 6 ~ 0 ~ aud rai

i airrbv r3v cPapraaiwv 'lva $hyp g peg 36 And one the Aud =asked 'one. *him 'of %he 'Pharisees that he ~ h o n l d with PharineoRdesired eat airroir* ~ a ieiaaXe;v eis ' T ~ Vo i ~ i a v ~ ~ @apiaaiov yhue- that he wouldent with Andhaving entered Lute the home of the Pharisee he rehe him into the Phnrisee'a icxioq.11 37 .Kai l606, y ~ v l j %v rg ~ 6 X e tjjric house, and sat domu clined [at table] ; and behold, rr woman i n the city who was 37 behold a womnn in ctpaprwXdc,a iniyvo.iraa 6rc bcivci~lrail' QV r?j 0ih"iqthe ;ity, which was a hnving b o w n that he had reclined [at tnble] in the house sinner when she knew a sinner, that J ~ C S a t meat ant TO^ @apiuaiov,xopiuaua M&/3aurpov /hpou, 38 rai UTC?UU inthcIJhnriscekhouse, of the Pharisee, having taken an alabastertlask o ointment, and standing brought an alabnster box of ointmcnt =napd roic.rdo" bwiaol' ~Xaiovaa,d~pEaro ppixeiv 38 nnd stooq a t hi; at Lid feet behind weeping, began to bedew feet bchind him weeping, and begnn to wnsh ~oic.6cirpvatv,~~ raig rcai I T ~ K E $ ~ Xh!sfe?t with tenfs, and S ~?C his feet with Mars, and with the fairs of 'bend dld wlpe thetnwlth the hairs of her head and atnjc ei5ipaaaev:11 ruri ra~e$ihel rodc-nd6ac-airroij,kissc?d his fcot' and 'her she was wiping [them], and w~snrdently kissing his feet, anointed them ' with 6 @apta&iocthe ointment. Pharisee the 39 NOW rai $Xeifev T$ @py. 39 i6;u.68 and was anomcing[them] m t h t h e omtment. But having seen, the Pharisee which had biddcn him b ra)liuac airrbv E ~ E U IU bavrg", O6rog 1 himself, saying, Thia sawit, he spake within who invited him spoke within himself, aaying, This [person] if if he were a pro.

36 'H,ohra.Gk ~



qv ?rpo$jrqc, byivw~~ev.&v lcai norant) t j yvv4 ric

he were who
P prophet,

would have known who and for him, a sinner she i a


the woman [is] m,nner of



;iris Lrrerai airro5, 6ri ctpaprwXdc hartv. 40 Kai cino~piQei~ h $ , " ~ ; " , e ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~~
touches said him, And @answering

resus answer-

b'Ill~~~c elnev
'Jesus And he says,


airrdv, Xipwv,
say [it].

Simon, I have to thee something to say. Two debtors



~ i r ~ing v . ~ said

b d he saith, Master there were say0n. 41 There was; certain creditor which h6averar~'l rtvi' d C;$~iAev dqvcipia revra~wia, 6.63 had two debtors: the to a 'creditor 'certain ; the one owed Sdenarii 'five 'hundred, and the One owed five hundred pence, ~ n the other d k'repoS nevrljrovm. 42 p+.6Xdvrwv.'6i'1airrirv &TO- fifty. 43 And when other fifty. But .not 3having 'they .[wherewith] t o they had nothing to pay he frankly forGoSvar dti$ord.polcb~apiaaro.ric O ~ Vairr3~, ~ i ~ i ,~ 'E"~ O Y them both. Tell k I gave Pay, both he forgave : whichtherefore of them, say, 'most me therefore, which of love 'airrbv ciyna$aeiI1;43 'Ano~ptQeic.'63~~ m61'Xipwv elsev, 'fro- them will Simon hitn most? 43 an. =him 'will 2 1 0 ~ e ? And "answering lSimon arid, I we red and said, I s u p Teneher, h&yowe$ TTrA 6p;v TT?. P ' I w d q Tr. pi) not TA. r &~8ov +7ov LTrA ; i d i w v Zp70v T. p T. ~ T ~ V U O:VOV LTTrh. V 4iAos TAWV&V QLTTrAW. lrdv~wv 7Gv T ~ K V W Vai)Tifs ZT~A. X rbv O ~ K O V LTTrA. J ~ a ~ t r r \ i OLTTIA. r] 1 ij7rc $v ;v rtljAsi LTTr.4. ~ aand LTTrAW. i K~T~K~LTUC LTTrA. C brim v a p d 706s s 6 6 a s a & ~ o G GLTT~A, d 70is 6 d ~ p V d ~ v Gp&a~ofip6xerv 706s n6Sas a6705 LTTrA. 0 i t i p a t e v T. *AL. e ~ a k et&, $ q d v TmA. , B )(p~o@eiAk~ar LlTrA. h6avrqa l . 61 [ ~ ] T l r & a i d LTTTLA]. 1& y a 4 ~ 6 b aVT0v LTTrA, 8

'0.6E f$qaiv,~ t ~ k a r e a ~ e , 41 A60 gxpew~etXirai1' eilrQ.I1 aaav

unto him, gzi0~a,"~t,"~h",f

- '





hcsajdunto him, Thou fake i t that (be] tu Whom the more ho forgave. And ha raid to him, judged. O p 8 3 ~ fsprvas. Kai arpaqj~ig npbc rr)v y v v a i ~ hry' , 44 And he turncd to the and said Rightly thou hnst judged And having turn04 t o the woman,

OF*. that he, to whom Xappciyo c forgave most. And


AOrKAE, VIT, VIIT. i$ ?h TXETOV ixnpLsaro. '0.8i efnevairry',


Unto Sbuon, Sefst thou S ~ WE $ r B?&ELC ra6r?lv njv yvvai~a eiai'XBJ v aov tic VqL C ; this woman? I entered mto thine house, thou to Siruon he said, Seest thou thin woman? I entered 'thy 'into eatost me nownterfor r)jv oI~iav,8 6 ~ ~ .roSlc.nd8as.pov11 aGrq.64 my fcet : but P ~ hilth O feet with hous% water for m~foet thou gavest not, but she to?rs, and wiped them TOTS 8&~puaiv ~ O ~ 0 6 ndSas, rai raic BplEiu 'rile V s with the hatrs of her with team b e t w e d my feet, and with the hairs head. 45 Thou pavest me no kiss: but this K E aXij$I1 ai~rijg iS6patev. 45 $&qp& poi 06r.EEw~as' Woman since the time &ad Iof .her wiped [them> A kim t o me thoa g e ~ e not, a I came iu hath not ceasM to kiss my feet. a;jrq-68 h$' $S eiu$Xeov O & . P $ ~ ~ T~ara$rXoGa(i EYI~ 46 hIy heed with oil but she from which [time] I csme in a e o d not ardently kissing thou didst not anoint. but this'voman ha& q / l O ~TO&$~d8ec.l' 4 3 ihailp ~ ~ ) u . K E $ ~ $ v . ~o b k . ~ h ~ i # a ~ ' ( ov anoiuted n y feet wlth my fwt. With oil my head thou didst not anoint, ointment. 47 Wherefore 1 anto the0 qiirq-62 /.L6pv $ X E ~ $ ~ V O VT O ~ ndba~." 47 0 5 . ~ 6 p i ~ '~ E Her sins, which a r i but she with ointment anointed my feet. For which cfbuse many are forgiven Xfyw aoi, for she mllch ci$Ewvrai 'ai.ritmpriai:ajrij~~ai noXXai, &if but to whom little I sny to thee, fbrgiren have boon her %inn 'many; for forgiven, 48 eth little. thesnnte lov- IjyLi~qa~v he noA6' (rf-8b 6Xiyov d$ierai bXiyov ciyaxqi. -id uutohcr, ~h~ sins shc loved much ; but to w h ~ m little in forgiven little he lovca. areforgivcu. 49 Aud 48 Bln~v.6h atrp', 'A$Ewvrai uov ai hpnpriai. 40 Kai " , " ~ { ~ ~ ~ , " ~ I I ~ t tAnd ~ ~mid to her, Forgiven hare been thy , " he ~ sinq. And themselves, j j p ~ a y ~oi a v v a v a ~ ~ i p v o i Xiyelv BY iavroic, Tic '08rdc o within Who i s this thnt foraiveth sins began those reclining with Chfm] , s within themsolrca, Who %his k q M) And he mid to fhe 6uri1~'l 5s ~ a cipapriac hpiqmv ; 60 Elneu.61 xpic T?)Y pi .Thy faith 'is who even *sins 'forgives? But hesnid t o the WC~ t saved thee; go in h v a i ~ a'H..lriafr~.aov crkaw~bv aeg nope6ov eic eip$vqu. , w e . man, Thy faith has saved thee; go i n peace.




~8 Kai ,iyivero 6v.rQ.xaBe~g rai atrdp

And i t came bpass;fterward,thai he went throoghout


And i t came to pass


afterwards vlllnge,



journeyed t h o u g h


~ard.nlXiv ~ a i
city by city kingdom


qp6aawv rcai

etayyeAiCbd u ailr,;,

F~~{i~'ga2~~h","~: roiBtoG0 ~ a oi 8 1 j 6 ~ ~ a p y o e TGV flaaih~iau i

ng thc giad tidinpsof tidings, the

and village

and announcing the glad

with him, 2.11~deerand '~0me. 'certain who had been Curet from 98pirils tain woman* which i hnd been henledof evil rovqpGv ~ a ciaBevetGv, Mapia ?j raAovpivq May8aX17vt$, spirits and Iwicked and infirmities, MW who is called Magdalene, Yary called Magda- &$' $C a a ~ ~ d u i a dnrd i&hqk?%t, 8 rcai " I w ~ Y yvv4 ~ Y~ lene outof whomwent fxom whom 'demons 'revan hadgone o u t ; sere;l devils and and Jonnna wife Joenna the 'wife of Xov<d inrrpdaov 'Hp&8ov, rai Xovacivva, rai i'repai soXXai, Chuzn Herod's stew- of C h u a a steward ard, and Susanna, of Herod; nnd Btuanna, and other^ 'mimp, maqy others, which a't'riueS 6iqr6vovv wahry'" xcin6%Gv.C~ap~dvrwu.atrai~. ministered unto him who were ministering t o him of their propdrty. of their substance. 4 And when much .~arci.ndXru d.Ti4 Zvvtdvro~.~1 6xXov nohkoir, rai T ~ U ople were gathered And 'msembling 'a 3crowd .great, and those who from each city wure ggother and were n p d atrdu, tlnev 6rA napapohfic. 5 ' E ; ~ $ ~ E u come to) him out of ~ O ~ E V O ~ Q Y W U ~ every city, he spnke by coming to him, he awke by a parable. *Went 'out a pnrable : 5 A sower W u i went out to SOW his i) ~ A E ~ ~r0i) U r ~ i p a rb~.uardpov.ai1roG~sal hu.r@.aneipeiv seed: and s s he sowed, 'the 'sower t o sow his uecd ; and a r Psoved eome fell by the wly ~1brtUB.p;v (ZTEOEY napd T?)Y 3 6 6 ~Kai Ka~~a7$891, 7& , Kai side; and i t WW den down, and the 'ho some fell by the way, and i t westrampledupon, nnd the
a pov

k$,"dtgl$ iz :

of God, and the twelve [were] with

2 sai yvvairE~ riveg


~aav.re8epanev fvai cinb nvevl.t~rwv



~ (

Iri roits n66as T ;por ini rrd8ar TTA. P GrCAcrncv T. C TOGS rroscrr p w 4. L O PLT, ~ LL ~ ~ T&PC u E ~ L . v ' h a ~ W. a

0 -+C ~ c + d + (read with her hairs; r 7 d r a&ar ~ o OLTrA, v at@ ( a t n j r . ~ )

them PC&

h.out of L'ITUi

70; O ~ J P C I Y O ~ a ~

r ~ $ a a h dv 6 rn1 ~a .
~TFPOY Yilrcu~vll~


~ ~ ~ ~ . t ~ A birds of 1110 henvcn devourcd it. And Other fell upon a rock ; and diri r i v r l r p n v , r n i $viv iF:lpcivi3tl, 6;d r b ~ ~ . & E I V ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ i t w n r b ~ n a ulmn the rock, and hnring sprung up i t withered, bccnuse i t htrtl not because i t lncked nwny* UP' it moispiatp r 3 v &rave&v, r n i turc. 7 And some fell ii:pdbn. 7 r a i arsp0v ircaev bv a n d other fell in [the] midst of the thorns, and thorn< sprnng up with a"ongthorns; the moisture ; aljr6. 8 r a ; Brtpov it, and choked it. 8 And ' a v p $ v ~ i ' a n i ~ d cirnv8ac cilr6lrviEa~r hnvingsprnngnp togcthcr the thorns choked it; and other Other ' On good ground, nnd sprang imaev a l r i " n j v y+ n j v ciyaG$v, r a i 9viv iraiqaev up, ancl b:wo fruit feu upon tho ground t h e good, and having sprung up produccd a n 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ b l f o l d . 1 d whcn he hnd *:lid these Tnijra Xiywv $$DUEL, C ~ w v thing,, he cried, He '0 rcnprbv ~rcaro~~maXnaiova. a hundroclfold. Thcse things saying he cried, R e th;it has t h a t hnth c m to hcnr fruit let nim Iicnr. S ~ n d ( ~ K O ~ ~ K O V ~9 ' W . T ~ ~ ~ T tW v oi.paer]mi-CZirroir, his, di,ciplcs asked (E~Y T E a rb V . ~ ~ ears t o hen? let him 1:cnr. And 3askcd 'him 'his 'di fiplen, him, s:lylng, What might this pnrnble bcP bX~yov76c,i1 i c T r).rapn/3o>?).a~r?$; 10 '0.6; :xv, 10 he said, u n t o saying, What mny be this parablo? And he said, you i t is givcn to know t h e mystprics of the 'Ypiv 656orai yvJvai r d pvar$pia r i i c pnacXeinc roir kin g ~ of GO^ : b u t ~ m To you it hur becn girou t o know t h e nlgbtcries of alto kingdom to othcl.~in l~arnbles; e ~ o c ' roic.6l: X O I A O ~ S bv rapnpoXui'~,i'ua PXCirol.rc. ptj that seeinr thl!ymiZht not see, 2nd hearing of God, but t o the rcst in pnrab!cs, that leuinu not they might not under-

pX6~wuiv, r n i &ro6o1~re!: ~crj.avvtcliarv. 11 " st:lnd. l1 The 3PRr'thle is this: rd Now ,,is is the mord of God. 'they 'may see, aud henring they niny not undcr<tand. ai'frq r j xapn/3oXlj. 6 aac;poc bariv 6 XdyoS roi, 8~oir'12 oi.GP 12 Those by the
'this. lthe by vil the 'parnble : The way aeod is t h e word hem; from thcn

napd r $ v 66tv aioiv poX0~ i m nipai

and takes awny the


d d ~ 0 6 0 v ~ ~ ~ TI r a S , I ipxcmr

ore those who

of God : and those thenare they lhnt Bide cometh the deril, 6 8th- and tsketh away t h e comes the de- hearts lest t hOf ;.hould Out ~ y their

r3v hdyov

r i ] ~ . ~ a p & a ~ . a 6 r c h ~ , believ; nnd bc saved. i'va.pi

rock, those who nnd

whcn a root of trial tl~oy hear, hnve not,

wit11 joy

13 oi.82 bxi e r i c i r l r p a c , h o i '

a time

having lcliuvcd thoy should k rtrved. And those upon t h e the belicro,

'dmv droilawaiv, p f r d xnpiLc 6 Q X o v r a ~ %XAyov, r a i 06rol 7 ~

word, these

fji&zv O ~ K - C X O V ~ L V ,

OF rpbc ~ a t p 3 vriur~i!ovncv, n i r
who for And t h s t which into tha cnres nro choked, thorns and

tiwu fell, ri'ches

and ill

.rr~~paa/tofi ci$iarnvra~. 14 rb.62

fall away.

tic r d r ~&rciv9ciC xro6u,

l3 They on the rock ar.3 they, which, when tht,v hcnr reccire the W O with joy ; rind ~ thtse have no root whichfor R while be: liere. nnd in tlme of temptation fall nwny 14 And that whivli rcli nmongthorus arc thry, which, whou th(,ylinve heard, go forth, naa are choked with cnvcs

o5roi riatv
thcse and plccrstlres


ciro6artvreC, rai 4irt p~pt.pv(;Ivn i f i o i r r o v r

of life moving along and 'not

aro they T V ~ Ohiwing hcnrd, and uncler

rai ~ ~ o 70; ~ v l r o p ~ v 6 ~ i ~ v o i v piov fuvlc~viyovrac,'i~ i olj ra reXaar)opoiralv.

~~~c~~f"~4i~I; h r i ~ l g f r u i t to pcrno ~~~h",";,,&~,"nl~~~Q

t h t y $11irh in nn 110-

i v r$ naXi y e , osroi ~ ; a l vh:rving henrd t I I C word, jino'' 'do bring t o perfection. n nrc kcei, i f , anti byin: forth And t h a t i t h e good ground, these dirtvac h rapsip r a X i r a i ci-/atIf &ro6anvraC r i v Xdyov v ~~~~
they who i n keep a heart right and good hnving hcard eudurtlncc. the word hnlh lif.hted a cilndla,

15 TA.&



rai ~aplro$opoiraiv bv
bring forth fruit with

i,no,t!o~,G. 01;6a;~-Ei o ~ e r e t h n i l h a W16 c it

X 6 X ~ ~ ~

And no one f ebed; bnt setteth it on it un'lcr a l~Or acnndlestick, thnt they a lamp having l ~ g h t e d covers it with a vessel, or under a couch which ater the llght. 17 For no.ti8tJaivD g h M p U 8 r i hvxviac ha.rrtri6,1gt.u,i1 i'va oi thing is secret, t h a t puts [it], but on a lalnpstnnd puts [it], t h a t t h r y who not be made

[it], and

raX6rrai aljrbv


~ I T o K & ~ ~

cl'oropavdpevoc @ilrwaiv
enter in mtlr sce

r b $GC. 17 06-ycip
the light. F o r not [anything] secret



03 f a v ~ p t v yevtjacmc' 0662 cilrdrpv$ov

manifest 'shnll *become ; nor


which 'sot

7 rra~kcucv fell down nra. a w v ~ v c ; c r a rT. err into of.Trrrw. . a aiiv ciq napaBoA$ T. d ci~06uavrtr heard T P ~ .




+v nirpav T .

- hiyovrcr

h ~ i d q u ~ vT ~ L L

not beknownandcome not be known and to light come. Take heed thercfoiq sbrond. 18 Take heed *GS Sc-ky~p-~ul! therefore how ye hear: i'xp, 'shall *be 'given 'to 'him ; reai 608hf7~rat a6rG. and ye hear ; for whoerer may have, for whosoever bath, to how him shlll be given; zc-'du1l p~.:xv, lcai 2 60h"~i ?XELV ~ Q ~ U E TdU ~ ahr05, ~ L ' f ~ " , " ~ ~ whoever may~ ~ have, even what he seenls to have shall be taken- f r o m him. ~ ~ h ~ not " , taken even t h a t which 19 n ~ ~ a p ~ Y ~ ~ ~a iu r~ ~~ rj p$rrlpn rai oi ci8eX7rpi)c r 8 " . 8 ~ he seemeth to have. mother and 'brethAnd came to him [his]

AOTKAZ. VIII. manifest' neitheranv i o h - y u ~ a & a ~ r a ~ I I ei'e $avp6u M p . 18 PXirrer~ o8u U ~ i n yhid, t h a t shall rai



l9 mother and his i his mencame tohim $0; atro5, ~ a oirr.)j6~uauro avvr~lxeiu ta&r@ 61d of rbv brethren, and could ren Ihis, and were n o t nble t o get o him because the the come t And it not press. a20 him for ~ X X O U . 20 O K U ~ 6~)7yyiXql' a6r$, PX~ydvrwir,"9 'H.p7jrqP.aou And i t was told him,, saying, Thy was told him b y certctin which said, Thv reai oi.ci8e)l$oi.uov c'artjraatu SEW, i6eiu CiXo~,re~." mother and dren stand thy b r ede- and t h y brethren are standing without, 'to 'see .thee lwi.hinp. siring t o sec t h e . $ 1 '0-8i (iro~pt8eicEZXEV 2 Srpdc air rob^," M i l r ~ l p . p o v ' ~ a i ~ ~ ~ And he answering d said ~ ~ hto tllem, ~ n My mo! her ~ and My mother and my d8X$0i-p0~ 06roi eiatv oi rhv Adyou roir 6~0irC ~ K O ~ O Y T E ~ rai these mybrethren 'those 'are who the word of God are hearing and which hear the word of God, and do it. ~ o i o ~ u ta&rdv.ll re~ doing it.
22 NOW i t came t o pnss on a certain day, t h a t ha went into a shi with his disciples: anghesaiduntothem, Let u s go over unto the other side of the lake. Andtheylaunched forth. 23 But ns they bailed he fell asleep: and there came down a storm of wind on the and they were filled with water, and were in jeopnrdy. 24 And they came to him, and awoke >im saying, Master, mns! ter, we perish. Then ha arose, and r e b u b d the of the water: and ing w i n d and the ragthey ceased, and there a calm. 25 And h e said unto them, Where is your f a i t h ? And they being afraid

22 'Kai

And it came t o pass on and

iy6u~ro" bu pi(i TGU Ijp~pOv ~ a ahrbc i

on& of the days that he
K U ~E ~ T E U

cutered them,



7rhoiov lcai ol.pct6)lrai.abroi,,

a khip, his disciples, t h e other side of the

and he said lake;


~ ~b T o $ s , & g
they put off.

Let us pass over t o

A ~ ~ X ~ W ~ E I I r?ThpctU i ~ 7i)
And as they sailed

T ~ Xipuq~' S


K ~ L~ u $ x ~ ? ~ u ~
a storm

23 7rh~durwu.6i.airrGu d$6~uwaeu' rai rari$q

he fell asleep; and came down

auepou 0 rrju Xi,uuqu, ~ a nvu~irhqpoi,uro,~ a inu66u~vou. ~ i i of wind on the lake, and they were being filled, and were i n danger. 24 rpoa~X66urec.6i 8ti)y~yav airrdu, X?Thyovr~g, 'E;lrcar&ra,
And h a ~ i n g come to [him] they aroused him, saying, Master, rebuked

iriar&ra, (ir0XX6tt~fla. '0.62

Master, r e are perishing. raging wind

W6ype~ic1' E T I ~ T ~ E Y ~T
hnring arisen and they ccnsed, is

And he

Ciuitiy rai r@ icX66wui roi, i;doroc*ral Iraiaauro, rai iy6uero

and the of the watcr ;


and there wan your faith ?

yaX7jvt). 25

I ~ T E V . ajroic, ~ ~



4-ribrl.c-6p~u ;
one mother, Who l f c n watcr,


@opr16~ur~c.6i i8nhpnaav, Xlyovr~grpbc dXXfiXovc, Tic 4 a

And being afraid they wondered, %his and 'is, t h a t even him? tne saying winds to

And he said t o them, Where

ner of mad is this! for he ~ ~ r f ~ m a n d even eth the winds and water, and they obey him.

o;rdC bariu, Zrt ~ a TOTS duipotc irtr&ar~eiK U ; r(lj %art, i

he commands and the

sai irraro6ovarv
they obey

C L ~ J T ~; ?

%Andtheyarrived a t 26 Kcti ~ a r b i - h ~ v a aEIS T$Y ~ h p n u rGU Y ~ a G a p q u G ~ ~ v the countr of the GaAnd they sailcd down t o the country of the Gndnrencs, darenes wtich is orer aKain.tbalilee.27~nd $ric dariu z & ~ ~ i ~ ? T S p c t~~I'aXtXaia~ 27 iE~X86uri.Ei.airryj T 'S i when he went forth t o .which is over ngclinst Galilee. And on his having gone forth land there met him T out bf the city a cer- b7ri &TT!/YT~~EV aa&~@ll dvfip 71s :K r j j ~ ~ X E W S , taln man, which had upon the land 'met $him 'a Sman'certain out of the city,

7 4 YGV ~

I ;&v L. in any wise should not be known L m A . k h r ykp T n A . + ~ 6 7 0 ; his ?. O &rqyyiI\? 66 LTTrA. Y A E ~ ~ VLTTI[A]. ~ W V s + 8s' *r. 1 O~AOV&S crc Tr. B a v s o ; ~L. ' - a676v GLTT1.A. v dyiveso 6 i Ll'TrA. - ; r r ( v (read [is]) LTTrAW. Y repauqyh? 6 ~ ~ e ~ Q e ; s been aroused TTT. having ivr~aipa LTrAW; a v ~ i m T. a ~ a- avry Qeraselles LTrA ; 17epyeqvwv Gergesenes T. (read [him]) ~ ~ T I . A ] .



m ~ q f Y i r f TTr. ~ o

biic ETXWR
who had 'wan we.lring,


a gnrment tomb.. %ot

~ ~ ~ v ~ v . i r u v d v Ip&riov oil& d*ls rai ,

a long time, and i n the


Ive8r86arcro,~ a 1v oiriq OLK.C;UEVEY, i v TOTS puiIraaiv. honqe* but in the ~ i 6XX'

m d in &house did not abide, but

~ m

long time 4

28 iE&v.Ji
But h a v i n g e n

rbv 'IqaoCv drail' dvarpciEac spoa.~neaellaLr$, and fell b w n befod

J r ~ u and having cried out hefelldown before him,
snid, What to me and to thee, Jesus,

and wi


p ~ y & ~ einav, Ti iroi rai aoi, 'lqaoi, t ~ i roil ~ t o d o w i t & t h e e . ~ r u . i aov

t$$~:~~Gz izt
*a Son of God high? I b e m h thee tormentmenot. e c ~ o ; he had commanded the anclean spirit to come out of the For oftentimed i t had caught him: and he kept bound with chnina and in fetter8 ; and he brake thebnndn ,a W, e i v e n of th4 devil into the wilder-


a voice ]loud

&oC 705 irrC/iurov; 8iopai

of God the M03 High? I l~esoochof thee not




me 'thou 'mnymt4torment.

29 en[aptjyyeXX~v".ydp m ~ z ; p a ~ i 6raBhpry CFahBeiv T@

from the man. For many times i t had seized being kcpt, thc 'JebUE, demon and

F r he was charging the o spirit the unclei~n to come out & r b 703 &yepthsov' TO\XO?~-ydp ~ V O L SQ V V ~ ~ ~ & Katrdv, XP E L
him ; break-

~ n98aati~iro," ih4acuiv rai rEGaiS$vXauac;pe9*o~, gdiapi m;

u3J he \TLJ bound, with chnind m d .fetters
the desert t 'is namo? bonds he was driven by And 4sked And he said, Shim Legion,

r d Geapd tjXa6vrro Cni, 706 h8uipovoc" eic rrig


the What h t i y name?


dp$povC. 30 bqpthn]aev.di abrbv 6 'lqaoGc, 'Xiywv," kiariv 6v0paR '0.62 ;

had entered into him. into the
,E~TEY, 1

T uor because aaid, Legion : i And he many devils saylng, What S h y wwe entered Into him.

~ ~ y ~6 6 1 . u ~ ~ m6arpdvia ?roXXd 31 And they besought him that hewould not because demons m m y colurnand aem go to the deepirr- Out siaijXB~v~ airrdv. 31 rai n m p ~ a i r X ~ i " eig atrhv 'Iua p$
And he besought him that 'not 'heawould


abroic eie n)v Z$vaaov cin~XBriv. 32 ijv.6i

abyss fcedmg to go away.

command them

dy&q ~ o i p w v r n ~ ~ d ~ o u ~ o p f v wb " T@ 6peis rai Pnapa- would suffer them to i ov v v

a herd of %wine 'mt~ny sought him

~~,"d',"~~,",~~, feeding on the ~ ~ o u ~ Non there was thcm: : : th a m t:::t $

to enter ;

i n .the mountain, and they be-


38 Then went the devils out of the the and entered into b rai trhrpa+sv a6r02~.33 hFaXBdvra82 r d o"arp6vra & ~ m6 swine: and the herd and he allowed them. And having gone out the demons from the ran riolentb down 8 steep place into the dvapthr0~ q~i'a~XBev%~c ~oipovc. roirs lcai 6 p p q a ~ ~ci iXq lake, and werechoked. and fu&ed 'the gerd S( When they that fed they entered fnto the swine, mnn theta -W whnt ww xarh roil rpqpvoi e i rrjv Xi vqv, rcai & ~ T V i y t f iJdvrac.82 done, the^ aep! and ~ 34 down the areep into the l k e , and were choked And 'hnring4een went and toldtt ln the city rrnd in the counoi p6arovreg ri, r y e y ~ v , i p i v ~Z$vyov, rai *&EXvu try. 3s Then they went 'thorn %who 'fed ['them] whnt ha.1 taken plaoe fled, and having out to a what WM w done. and came to JeBdvrectt ir7jyyeAav r $ v s6Xcv rcai eic 7035 (iYpo6c. 'and foulld the gone awny related [it] to the city and to the country. m&, out of whom the devils were depwted 35 iE,7hBov.82 i6e;v rb yayovdc' xai 'G9ov1' r p b ~ ri,v shtinu at the feet oj And they went out t o see what had taken place, and came to. Jesus clothed, and in 'lqrroitv. xai v ~ ~ p o v i t ~ae;]pavovTAY b~)Bpwnov 03 rd his right mind: and the were atraid Jesus, and found seated the man from whom tire 36 alsowhich saw 6ucpdvia wi~~Xq~6eer,' ipartapivov rai crw$povo~vra,m p & m itthemthat war he bywh4t demons had gone out, clothed and of sound mind, at of * d e r ~ e

rriXovv" abrtv 'Iva bairpf\l/

.a6roir; rig ;rceivovc aiaeXBdv.

into those

that he would afow them





703~ s68ag ro5'IqaoC. m i b$o/3$Bqaav. 36 15nrj~pcXav.81

the feet of Jesus. And they were afraid. And 'related

airroic 'rai"



s d c iatheq


%osthem Palso 'those 'who 'had6seen Csit] how wss h0814 he who had beenpoab 8 rai Xpdvtp I r a v 4 OCK ive66uam i ~ b r r o v and for a long time did not h a ~ n T. q put on r garnle~it m. d rai L ~ A . Ilap$yyotAe he charged Ea. f s8cupeJc~omr.
g 6rapjocrov LTTrA.

- hiywv L. ivol*a t o ~ k LTl'r. AryrI&v Trr. m cloi)\Oev 6 a ~ p 6 v i a noAAh LT. nape~~Aovv they besought LTT~A. O @ouro,u&q L . P rraptrrdAsuav LTT.A. 9 cio+jhOov LTTIAW. yeyovbs G L l T r A W . &RA & v r z ~GLTT~AW. t ljA6av ~ r . v d p a v Tr. rkijh8cv went d~ut r. ~ aL i ~ ~ [ A ) T
h 8aipoviov LTTrA.


AOYICAE. V ~ L thewholem;ltitudeof~ ar it i p h n / ~ a ~ ~ J ~ I ~b ~X,iOoc s ? ~ Whealed 37 Then pou~uetie. 37 aGrb~ U

the of the OR.. duenes round about ~ ~ ~ ~ wcra taken with great fear: and he up into the ship, and returned back again. 38 Now the mnn out of whom the devils wcrc departed besought him t h a t he might be with him: but 3esus sent him away, saying, 38 Retlirn tothineown house and shew how rt'thingr R O bath ~ one unto thee. And he went his way, and published throughout the whole city how rent thin a Jesus had $one unto%im.

:,"':if;country around of ~ ~ " , the

'great ,twne .gone

?r~pik&pov rLjuzra8aQlJu~ull drncX&iu cin' airrib, iirt $hpcr

GIadPwnea m And he t o depart from them,

by demon&





the multitnde O the ! for w i t h a f e u

h hip

uuu~i~ouro' airrbc.61


rig .rbU ?rXoiov

shad 'him

6riarp~EU. 38 biJkroll.61 airroii b &vip &$' 03 i6rXIAnd *was lobegging "him


X68~ir& 6atp6ula eiuai

?the *demons 'Jwus, sfying,



haring entered into the lthe *man Yrom 'whom him. But 'sent 4nway and

t o be (taken] with Return

atrcy'. &~iXv'a~u.84 a6rtu

to thy house relate

6 ' I ~ u oXdywu,, 39 ~ Y T ~ U T ~LE $ EU . O ~ K ~ V . U O U a 8r~yoii ' ~ ~ ~ ' ~ C~ ~ ~ i

6ua Qnoit~aru UOL' all that 'haasdone 'for .thee ~6Xiu ~
P ~ U U W iiua U

b Brdc. Kai cirijhBtu, rag &qv rrjv


And he deputed, through 'whole 'the

'Jwua 'Jesus,

bnoiqutu aLrcy' b ' I ~ u o ~ s .


pr~claimingd l that %ad 'done 'for &him

40 e'Eyl~ero

'It 'came *to ' p ~ a 'and

6 lv" ry" f;~ourpC\tacll 'Iq~oirv air2 rbv


40 And it came t o received that, him the crowd, for they were all looking for returned, the p o - a6rdv. 41 Kai i'Jo6, ~ X ~ E&v@ V dvopa 'Ihacpoc, g!e ~ l n d l g recc~ved And behold, 'cnmo 'a 'man whose name [was] Jairus, and lm: for they were all waiting for him. ga6ri)gn& p x w rijc avunytoyij!:6rijpxtv, ~ a i .rrra&u ?rap& 41 And, there he a ruler of the synagogue wa~, and having fallen a t came a man named Jairua, and he wtcs R ~ 0 ~ d B a c ~ ~ G 1 l ' a f E/K~ X F ~ 6 r i ) ~ 6 ~ h rl ~~ a L iu~Xotiu T;V E;E rulerof thesynngogue: the feet of Jcsus he gc50ught him t o come to m d he feu down a t 42 &l 67JyCi~qp O V O ~ E Y ai)~cy' ~ flu' ~ ~ Jesus' fcct, and be- O ~ C O V . R & T O ~ ' .ought him that he hia house, because 3 d n u ~ h t a r 'an 'only was t o him, about 'ycnrs would come into his house: 42 for ha hod JLj&ka, lcai aGrq cir68vqur~v.i'Eu.81.r$.ir~ciy~ airrbv' one only llaughter [301d] 'twelve, ahd she wns dying. And aa 'went 'he ! about twelve ycars o age, and =he lay a ay- 0; i ) x X 0 1 U V V ~ ? T V I Y O U a6r6u. 43 Kai ~ V V I ohs dv $atr ~ ing. But ns he went the crow* thronged him. And a woman being with a flnx the p o p l e thronged ay aroc &ni) ir3u J & ~ F K ijrtc k ~ i c ~, iarpo6g" rpouavnXDaaoa him. 43 ~~d a man having an issue orblood since 'yenn 'twulve, who on phyaieinns having spent of blood twelve years, g~~~ 0 6 iu~vuevm67r"1066EUbc ~ E p n 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ piou l which had epent all her living ripon ph +hole ' l i ~ n g ['her] could by no one be cured, ii oro roi rpauni8ov roii ipnriav ~ ~ ~ e ' 44 4 ou~hBoGuadntn8~v a ~ h ~ ~ 44 carno bchind him: t a r i n g come behind t chcd the border o 'garment f and touched der of his the bor- nfroc, rcai ~apaxpijpa rurq fi6a1~~0ij.a~paroc.atrijg. and immedintely her 'his, and immcdiatrly stopped the flux of her blood.
W -

t6iEaro airrbv b dxXo~. 7 j ~ a v . ~ d p ncivrts ?rpoaBa~3ur~~


b drybhp~udc O ; 'API'OU~ V issue of blood etonch- 45 rcai elntu b ' ~ q a o i rT;c ~, ed. Jesussaid* And 'haid t 'Jesus, Who [isit] that wan touching me? 'DcnyWho touched lne? Whenall deuied,Petcr rivwv 6 ~ h u r w vE:TEV b n6rpos ra; oi " p r ' aitroii," 'Eni8 , and with they that were " 6 Ma\tl,r land 'all, *said *PcLer &and'those 'with 'him, Yas-


the multitud; throui thee and Press thee, and enyext thou Who touched me? 4 8 And J e w s said Somebod hothtourhkd lue: for perceive t ~ ~virtne i. nt gone out of m e 47 And

U T C ~ T 0;, i)xXoiauvi~ovaiu ~ a


the crowds


t h w and

rcni cino~~ipovacu,
pre.8, And Je.u6

and uoye*t thou,

'Toucl~rd from


Who [in it] that wan touching

~ O V

b Ci#cip~v6c ~

O ;l'V


46 'O.BL'I~~aoirc. l r ~ U ,"Hyba~(; tT
snid, [tiat]

*me 'some lone,

iylo.ydp 2
for 1


~ ~6impcuPl~rXOoGuavli BT' ~ ~
power went out

zi repao7JvGv C e r a s e n e s LTrA; r e p y t q v & v Gergesenes T. c + h IVJUOGF (read 110 S O I I ~ ) [L]TT~& b i8etiro L ; i 8 e ; ~ orrA. o U T r . 0 'Ev 62 ~ r . f v . 8 0670s this h ~ i . h T ! T[T~] O rai iYivc70 i v ~OPCI;CQBOL and i t c a m e to pass n s he proceeded I,. a&bv carpots GLTTr*\V. l . + a v r i s h e r L. m 6 ' L uirv a 6 r y OLTTrA. rai he'yccc; P i~eAqAvOviavhod gone O u t TTr& Tis 4 L$apevk ~ o ; T l T r ~ j . v
7 $ p & q u e v LTr4.

reatl a ~ i l l p 1.TTt.A. )

7 4

ncrip, neither bread



Provislo~ b:lg, nor bread, nor money, nor cach two hwse ye enter into xir3vaq ~ X E L U .4 rai e/c ijv.&v o i ~ i n r And ~iuQXOqre, pivere, tl,are &bide, t h e n d tunics to hnve. And into whatever house ye may untcr, there remaiu, depart.. And whoso- rai ireitltv I(Qpx~u8e. m! 5 buol Ev plj.iE/~~vrai'i Z jplic, eror wlll not receive you, when ye go out and thence go forth. And as many as may not receive you, t (ir6 h.~iv , ri)v T ~ of t h ~ r city, &hakeofE i~epxdl*~uoi r i j ~ . ~ d X ~ w ~ . ~lnikajl1 l ) ~K O Z ~ L ~ ~cirbY the verp dust fro111 going$orth from that city even the dust from yonr feet for a testimony ngnhat them. r ~ v . ~ 0 8 ~ v n&~orivd<are,ll papr6pfiou dT' ~ f i r 0 6 ~ . .&~~v 6 And they departed shake off, for a testimony against them. and went through th; 'Our a rhpaj', eLayyeXiC6town,, preaching the 6 . 1 E ~ ~ p x d p ~ v ~$ O.X OiY T O rard ~L ~ 8 goslw;l, and h e a h g And going forth they pasBed thmugh the villages, snnouncing the e v q whera


hrr coats ,,picce. two

thcrmoney;neithe, p $ r ~ Thpav, /i?jre riprov, p$re 6pyirprov, PGre kcivcill660


glad tidings and

~ a Bepareir ovrec navra~oir i .

haqling everywhere.

tetrnrch heard of all And 'henrd 'of 'Herod 'the "tetrrtrch 'the .things .being "done that was clone by him: and he was p lexed, PGn' airroir" ahvra. rai 6tqndpei, 6rd rb X6yeu6ai in4 because that wan rlbr lUhim 1 and wna perplexed, because It wan said by reid of sonle thnt John WM riscn 'from the TlYWV, "(17~ q'1wh~Vq1;~' '~y)(IY~praii' BK VE)C~(;)U' dend. 8 and of pome some,, John h w been raked from among [the] dead; t h a t bliss had appear! cihXtrr~* 8Q, "OTL ed; a d others, h t 8 b d T ~ V W U 8 , . "Ori "Hhin&l i$civt)' one of the old' Proby some . also, that Elins had uppenred; by othem al.*, thnt hets waa risen a % i n t~nd~erodsaid,fohn *pO$+~c t~Tcll rGv cipxaiwv riviurq. 9 ?Kai lTv""AP have I beheaded : bat a prophet one of the ancients had wise& And *anid who is this of whom t thillgs) H (j.Jqg, x ' I ~ ( i w I l dY& ~&~e~e~ciXraa. v~ . ric.86 iuriv o 6 r o ~ . 1 hear Aud he daaired to see lgerod, John f beheaded, but who Cis ' this

7 Now H e r d the

7 "Hrovaev.6t 'Hpth6qc d Oreipdpxqg"








. yby&li

rirofw roiairra; Kai lctjr~ti&iv airrdv.

hear snch things? And he sought t o see him.

10 h d the apostles, concerlling vhnm

nant p.ih pdVately d n d he tookthem, and he retired into a dew^ place whatsoever they had done. And having taken .them d, ;$; : : B Be,ba$ ~ar'.i8iav eic ' r d ~ o v Zpqt~ovndXewc raXov~ivq~" BqOacii8ci.
received them, and But the crowds hhving known [it] followed s e k i s m t " d ' f m Q o $ p ~ v d iaLro3c dhiXe~airroic repi ' rijc ~~ and them thaC received them he spoke to them 'concerning the
ad need of healing. l2 And when the day k p n n to wear away, :;t;wfz t e the multitltde R: h; Lnd war, n ~they m y t g0 into Y* towns round ng:tyd%m, lvla get a c t u a l s : for we u e here in a desert place, 18 ~ u he laid t Unto them Give ye them to eat.' And the, -id,we b y e no more but 5 ~ 0 loaveu and
a d those egan miss "ne6d 'having of healing

Fzedt"t",Tdyg 10 that they h ~ d done.

r;f;,"w,"~Jim~~d11 i i

Kai 6xourpi~avreEoi cirduroXoi .8iqy$uavro nhr@ Anii ahaving"returnd 'the sapostler retaed to him 8ua iroiquav. rrai napa~a@v atroBe i r a ~ ~ A ~ ~ u
into a Pplace 'desert of a cltp called him ; kingdom



Bet hsnidn. nnd having ,of God,

0i.82 a~hoi yvc;vrec

tj~ohoir~qua~ atr@' ~ a '8eEhi paatheiai ro; Oeo?,

But the

~cairo3c xpeiav i~ovr.acBepareiac idro. 12 'H.62 ;IpQpa

he cured.

Gg&m d i v ~ ~ npomXO&~re~.8&656rra elnov ahryi, 'ATov' oi

to decline,
m.ihaving come the




t o him,

XVUOV rbv ~
the the

X ~ O 'iva Y , crowd, that

b(i~~XOdvr~EH eic rcic KLKX

having gone into the 'arrun!

KLJ ac ~ a i
iviltges and for hero

crolrllriypo)~ rarahfuuorv, ~ a eiipwutv i ~ i ~ t r i u p 6 u . G8e i bri

country they mny lodpe, end may 5nd Bbt he said raid, proviaiona ; i n 'desert Laplace we are. d 'ye tooent.

1v ipGpY r 6 r y 6upiv. 13 'Elr~v-bL: p b g ~ airroirg, Adre airroic,

them, Give Yto"them more than

6 p ~ gayeiv." Oi.& i~
But they


0hr.eiuiv G p i ~X ~ E ; O Y

There are not to ua dnorrvciuvrrc TA.

- 3ri a6705 [L)TT~A. q ' I w h y e TT. i)ykpev was raised LTTr. t rcc ?me oue TA; l i e R. e1nc.v 6L LTTrA. - i, GLl'TrAW. r(wad dsodw I hear) qv.]. ~6A)ilvd o v p i q v a city &led TWA. i

[ b d ] RLI

b i x o w a t LTTrA.



r e r p a & p ~ T. c 'Hherar T. 'Iod v T. r

p o e

aving gladly received L ~ T ~ A ,h noptv8dwec QLTTrA. bp&c LT& 0 c h a v LTTrA.

- 7039 T[z~]A.



' r i v r ~Zproia
five loavea ahould buy

hi 1860 ~Xe4~c,Y ; - ~ ~ ? j r iO l~ E U O J U T E ipcic ~ T' ~
and for two



unless indeed

having gone

~~,~~~ yn?tbz
meat for dl

dlY~p&wCI~v ? & d u . ~ ~ ( ~ v . r o ~ r o v ic r r m pprjpa~a. 14 'Hanv plc. 1"0rthb7

this people yictd;

'they 'wore men. And he about 5ve thouaaad

ydpu had dv8ps ? r ~ v r a ~ i q i X i o t . Eln-~v-bL! d c r06t rp

about 4nen 'fire ' t h o ~ s s o d 'them But he ,aid


atroe, K a r a ~ X b a n~r o i r ~d i o i a s rt
'his, Xake 'recline

dpoiqaav oiirw~,mri ' r i v i d t v a v l ~ Zlravrac.

hnd made them 41'.it down. l 6 Thenhe took the five losvar *a the they did m, and made 'recline 'l. al b d haviug taken two and looking U to heaven' he b l m roir~ ?rdvr(iprov~Kai ro6c 860 iX04ac, civa/3XC#al: i rbv ~ them, rntd brake, the five loaves and the two fiuhea, bsving looked up to the and gave to the h i plea to ret before the otpavhv rirX6yr)mv a67'oil~~ a ~ a r i ~ X u a ~ v , lbisou roic multitude. 17 ~ n d i a i heaven he blessed them and broke, and gave t o the they did eat, and were all filled : and them pa6r)ra~l;"lrapartObvai" @ Gkhy. 17 ilcai E ayov Kai 1 x 0 ~ -,taken r npof frogdisciples to set before the crowd And t ey ate and ware mentuthntmainedto

in companies by


16 Aap&v-Gt

rciaOqcav ?rivrec. ~ a i7jp0q

'satisfied 'all ;

?TEP~UO iruav



and wan tdiken np that which wanorerandabove to them


~ 6 p v o i 6h8era. i7ivkro iv.r~.dvai a h b v ~ p o a ~ v ~ d p *rra+a~vov

a% .

of fmgsenta 'hmd Absalreta 'twelve.

18 Kai

And i t came to pnsa


P~~Y~UP them,

. I

f u a ~ ovvjuav a&$ , ~
%ere .with

oi pagtjrai. ~ a d ~ q p & q ~ adroCc, i %J

to be?
Baptht ; &d they

.him 'the Pdisaiples, a d he questioned

XCywv, T i v a p OXb7ovtriv oi BXXocl' elvur; 19 OI.62 &TOsaying, Whom 'me 'do*pronounce 'the 'crowds


18 bad it W t .
U be W.B

hir d h i le4 h m an$ he i: asked them nayin " H k i a ~ . ~ i . 6 b , i;ri u o o $ d ~ ~ s 73V &pxahv & v h q . Whom mo n C t'h, Elina; and others, that 'Lyrophet 'nome of the anclenta h- visen tht I am? 19 They anawering -id, John Xiyar~ 20 El?r~v-Biahroig, 'Ypeic-bi r i v a p a:var ; the B ~ ~ ~but ; some * And he mid to them, whom l u e 'do 'yo "pronounce to be? my E1i.s. . n d 0 t h ~ . But j e s'Aaoxpi9eis.Gi 4 I I i r p w " ellrev, Tbv ~ t a r b v OEOG. 21 ro3 "U: prophota in risen old that'one Of And nagwering Peter soid, The Christ of God And he again. -id ilrrriprjaac a6roic ?rapljyyeiX~v pqbevi 'ailr~iv" rolro, ~ ! y ~ h ' ~ I w , " , " ; strict@ enjoin~ng them cluvged [them] to no one to tell thii peter -wering sfid rhv v i t v r06 (ivOp&lrou ~ o M d The Christ of God 22 ~ilrCjv, "On b~i %hinea And he a*aitlY 21 saping, I t is nece-.sary for the Son of mu charged them, and aaetiv, rai ~lro8o~~pau8ijvar r i j v upea/3vrCpwvlrai &px- m u n~ ~ n n t hthem * u ~ cilrt n ded to te uma attl to suber, and to be rejected by the eldcm and e h d snjing, ~ h o of SO^ irpiwv rcai ypapparbwv, m i alronravOjwac, ~ a q rpi ij manmust mfler many pr~esta and scribes, and to b U e d , . and t h of thing*, and be rejected md chi.l
s~~ering said, John

r p i 8 b r ~ c Pdlrov,"

q'Iw6vvqvI rbv pa?rrtu&p*


mOLai and othean,

4 0

,, peol,t



p r i a h and u i b , and be slain, and r a y one desires raised the third be And he noin to them &pirw blriaw pou wiXB~iv, &.lrapv jaciaeo" iavr6v, icai after me to come, let him deny himself, and let h ~ m a b up alb If MY m a w a l l t m coma after me, let him ~iv.araupbv.a6ro x~ae'.+pClbpav,"ai ci~oXov8eirw pot. deny hi-lf oncl t l h his cross daily, and let him follow me ; up his 01080 L l y , and follow me. 24 Fur 24 Sg.ydp.Tavl' rjv.ll/v;y+v.airroG u3ua1, dlroXQ~c a&- whosoever will for whoover may dmire hin life to rave, ehall low it ; his life shall low, it: but who-oerer will 104 +v. Sr.s.2~ ( i ~ o X i a p 7ljv.#u;y,iv.atro3 &JEKEV ipoc, 05ros hi. iife tor my dq but whoevsr may lose h's life on account of lue, he the lame dull u v e it. &zy to be rumd. h d e ssld to all,

v ( I ~ p O ~ w23"Ehearv-B npb( r i v r a c , i.~


b2 .


B LxOv'er 660 or.mrAw. h p< rr L T ~ L i 62 nnd T . k &uei (read 1 rardrhrvav TTr. rapa6eivab m r A . r a ~ pbvar LTTr. d 0 ot &xAor A+ovocv T T ~ A . P eTrav LITIA. 'Ioci t q v Tr. 'Hhsi'av T. nirpor b& icrorpcesir nrA. t A+cv GLnrA. v ivauGvar to arise LA. Z;OXeJBar, +vr)4&tk OLTTrL #a# +&av L. Y & ;V T . Zproc r i m e T.

&bout fifty each) [LT~]A.

I. X
man YI&EI. airnjv. 25 .ri.y&p h$Xira[&~@pw?0~, ~~p86ljane advantnged if he gain save Por what is .lpro5ted 'a 'man, having gained the whole horld, and lose himself, or cast rbv r6uPou ijhov, iavrbv.82 ciiroXEaag i) <t);'ll*iot)~i~ ; away ? 26 For whom- the 'world 'whole, but himself having destroyed or nufiered the loas of? ever shaU be of me and of m~worda, 26 G~-~drp-civ d?raiu;yuv~ij F E rai r o ; ~ bp06c Xdyovc, J have been ashamed of me and my words, For whoever ha shall come hi.8 TOGTOY b uibc 70; ( ~ Y ~ ~ & b ? r a c u ~ ~ v ~ u ~ r a i ' e p~ a ~ Aov f l Bcome own glory, and m hts the of m5n will bc ashamed of whsa he shall Father's and of the v hoiy anie~s. 27 ~ u I t 821 re 8dfp a8r~ir rcai r& Tar be rcai TGY ( i ~ i w ciyyiXwv. angels. toll You of a t y t h , in the glory of himelf atnd of the Pntfer and of the holy there be somestun&ng here, which shall not 27 Aiyw.@ &p;Y dXqeGg, Eiuiv river r;v '&8E1' i u n l r b ~ ' tmte of death, till But I say to you of a thlth, there rue sonie of those here standthey see the kingdom

E5 Forwhat



h. a

hg the

T W V , ~O oi ~ t

who in no kine kingdom

oir-plj bY~6uovra~II' Oa~~Ci~ov &oGav

.h811 taste

of death

until they shall have seen


4 v pauiX~iavroij &OZ.
of God. these worda about 'days 'eight

88 'Eyhz~tro.62 ptrd roirc_Xbyov~.roirrov~a ~tjPQpal 3 i &m&

And i t came to pass after

C ~ a inapaXap;v drb~ll " IXirpov rcai C'Iocivvqv"rai ' I ~ K w ~ o

bnd it asme to

that having taken Peter and John and James aimnt an eight is .rd 8p0c ?rpoui~au~at. rai 29 iYir.ero Bsd i t came to pzss to pray. these any- he went up into the mountain h g s he took Peter and oh; and Jamea, and ~ Y . T ~ - ? ~ ~ O U E ~ X E U ~ U L Tb ~idor ro~.?rpou&rov.atro~ a6t.b~ went up into a mounaa 'prayed 'he the appnraxlce of his face tnin to prnF. 29 And ar he prayed, the fa~ r ~ p o v ,U ~ 6-iparlu 6c a6roG X~vr6c ~ ~ U U T ~ ~ T T W V K ohion of his counta- *came] altered, nnd @S c c t h i i g whit0 -Lent. nance wan altered nnd his raiment was ;hite 30 Kai i808, 6v8pc 660 UVVEX&XOVV abr@, O % L Y 4uav E~ andglistering. 30And And behold, 'men 'two talked with hi, who were behold, there talked f 31 0; b9Btvrtg 8v 86Ep Wyovb4 v with him two men, Mwu~jdI rai glHXiac W ich were Moses and Moses and Elins, . who appearing in glory spoke 0; ~ k n sl:l who appeared r in glory, and spnke of ~F060v-abroir qv i;p~XX~vll ?rht)poGv dv ' I ~ ~ o v u a X t j ~ his dece~sewhich he his departure which he was about t o accomplish in Jerusalem. $ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ m $ 32 S h B ~ : ~ b.Gi.ITirpoc ral oi d v a&$ $aav /3~papqpivoi b?rvgr. Peter and they that But Peter and those with him were oppysed with sleep. were with him were 8iaypljyopju~vr~~-8i Z 8 ~ ~ U k~ njv.BLtav.abr03, rai roitg 860 he,,vy with sleep: &henthe were and having awoke fully they saw h B~OT, and the WO

g m

t",:$,"LifkEt",d6 ~ 8 p c t ~
him. 33 hnd it men

T; who WstoodU T ~ W abr@. O. V E with ~him.

33 And xai

i t came to pass


~v_rt$_6i&as 'ae-

came to pass, as they ~ w ~ i ~ E b e d 1 ahr06~ d?r' abros, d n f v d IIirpos ?rpbc rJv departed from him 'these from him, 'said 'Peter to Poter said unto ~esus: pWted Ya-ter, it is good for 'Iquoi)v,'Emur(ira,rahdv iariv 4p;lc ~ l v a i~ a?roi$awpev . i Master, good it is for us here to be ; and let us make Jenus, us to be here: and let make three tabern u b s ; one for thee, uqvdc rpeig, piclv ooi, rai 'Momi piav," rai piav and Sabernaclea 'three, one for thee, and for Moses one, knd one one for Elias : not p$ 8 Xkyei. 34 ra6ra 82 cniro~.XiYovro~ knowing whnt hesnid. m'HXi9,11 Ei8;c 34 W'hilehethuns ake, for Elies, not knowing what he issnying.. But these things, as he was saying . there came a c k d overshadowed 1 QYETOvt+EXq rai " i r ~ u ~ i ' a aabro6cs i$op$f3qaav-8~ ~v'! iv-r$ snd them: and they famed lcame 'a 'cloud and orershadowed them, and they fenred an M they entered into E~UEX@E?V"tic rTjv Y$iXqv. 35 rai 9wvrj iy~vrOK { the cloud. 35 And ah~~ivovs there came a voice out .those entered into the cloud: and a voice came out of of the cloud, sa 'ng hi^ is my rijc hiiovaa, OSrbs iorrv 6-vicig.pov 6 Pciynmlr6c." &n: hear him. 36 And the raying, This .ls mp Son the belored ;


aGroi, Tl'rA 4 7bv QLTIYAW. i i ~ e M e T. v i a u ~ l a & v mrA&

i m 6 r o v GLT~AW. 5 y n i v o v r a r should taste OLTRAW. [ ~ a l L. ] ' I u & q v Tr. M o i i o i ) ~LTTrAW. g 'HAeias T. h [&l and L efsav T . p i a v Mwuc; Q; p i a v M o i i u e i LTTrAW. . m ' H A c i p T. 0 riutheciv a h o k they uutered TT~A. P i&Ary&voc chaseu in&


.him 'hear 'ye. lJesus those alone: And and as

occurred the voice told

ahrui dxoC~re. 36 Kni iv.r@ y ~ v i a C imjv Gll'Iqaoir plvoc. gai aitroi iaLyqaav, ~ a ofdevi cir$yyeiXav i
they were silent, and to no one

alonc. And they kept those things which they had seeu.



i v hrsivars raic $piparc obBb

i n

&v riwpci~aarv.n
day, on their having come down

anything of what they had w n e thc

37 'Eyivero.8i

alv'l 71'

they were colne down from the hill much people met from the ruountain, 'met .him 'a &crowd 'great. hid. 38 And, behold, i606, civ7ip cirb roir BxXov t&v~/3dqaev,ll Xiywv, AcBriaraXe; a man of the c o m ~ n y behold, a lunn from the crowd cried out, sa~iug, Teachor? ter I k d e c l l th& M&s'&ylng look G;opai aou 'Ini/3Ae+ov" i r i rtv.tlidv.pov, iirr povoy~v~jc my aon: fhr he u$n I beseech thee look upon my son, for a n only child is mine ouly child. 39 Aud 10, a spirit "iariv por'I1 39 K& ido6, nveirpa XnpPcivei al'rrbv rai i6- takoth him, nnd he he ia to me: aud behold, n spirit takes him and sud- suddenly crieth out and it tetrrcth him thnt) ai$v1]c k p d ~ ~ l , rai anapciaa~l ahrhv pErd d$p06, he foameth again, sud denly he cries out, and i t throws 'into *convulsions 'him with foaming, br~liaing hian hardly depnrteth from him. rui p($yic hnoxwp~i&x' aitroij, auvrpi/3ov airrdv: 40 rai 40 And I besought thy m d with dimculty departa from him, bruuing him. And disciples to cast him

And i t came to pans on


,jELlpq, m r a X O 6 v r ~ ~ . ~ ,:: ~ G ~ h

a cirb 705 6pouc, avv~vr~laevf r $ 6 ~ X o croXils.

: s sny,2 :i ;:e 38 Kai


;sc$eqv rGv. aBqrGv.aou 'lva xH~/3dXXwarvU atrd, rai otr

tfr diaciplsr

dBuvij4qaav. 41
'thcy 'upere able.

an"he Ang Jesus 41 and 'not answering raid, 0 faithless and perverse 'A~rorpi(3~i~.dA d'Irpoi)~ T E U ', Q Y E U E ~ generntion how long ~ And'answering 'Jeaue said, 0 generation shall I ?e' with you,

that they might c u t out


E. :'

bear with

K U ~di~urpappivq, &!we

ndre faopal
when ahnll I be with thy son.


perverted, Bring


civ66oflni ;+v;
you ?

?rpoaciyaye 7;de rbv.ui6v.aov.u


6pds rai yor~ and 42 "F.rr.Gi


~ n d Jeaus re' the unclean s irit and henled the 'tw 'he *wns coming new 'dashed 'down *him 'the 'demon and threw c{ild; and dolivered ~ardpa~cv' irEri~qaEv-?A b 'Iqaozc r$ r v ~ 6 ~ a r i hint agnin to his fnr$ b i m ] tnto convulsions. And rebuked LJesus the spirlt the 43 they were nll amazed at &rae&pry,rai idaaro r3v raisa, rai &ri6wrtv afrbv r$ the mighty power of unclean, and healed the child, and gave back him to

yet him.

~ he ~ ~yet a" , " ~ i ~ ~ , $2 ~ " , " w w , " e ~ ~ ~ " , " ~

rpoaap~op~vov.afroir $$qFev

a t r b r6 datpdvrov

K U ~avv- buked

.~rarpi.nfroir.43 i~~nXtjauovro.61 rcivr~c rp' peyaXcidrq~r dri

hin father. And ' ~ r r e "astonished a a t the majsrtr

705 BeoC.
of God.

ncivrwv.82 BavpaZdvrwv i r i rZacv oTc Zbro;qaevn %'IQAnd [ns] all were wondering to et



ooircll rlnrv rpiplc ro4.paBqrdc.ahroG, 44

he said his disciples, your ears these words : For the Son




6~~;s:; rd

bra.;pGv roig-X6yovg.r06rov~6-ydp-vibr roir dvOpcjrov piX- : :


Bnt while they won$ ~ ~ ~ ~ he said unto hia disci-


h i nflpa8io'oaeai Eic ~P'ipa~B1~B~cjlrwv.6 tjyv60,tv 45 0.6 i bout to be deliverad up into [the] hands of men. But they understood not

your enrs : for the Son of man shnll be de-

in:", "p ,$ ;:'

unaerstood not this this saying, and i t was veiled from them that "YlnB, and i t w&s hid from them, that they p?).a~aewvrac atrd. rai i$o/30Cvro bEp~~ijan~'l afrbv perceired i t not : and they should not percci~e it. Aql they feared t o nsk him thc feared to mk him of t i n t saying. 46 Thcn mpi roir i$paroc ~ol'rrou. EiaijXB~v.diGcaXoyrup6c c'v tberenrose a re,ouing 46 concerning "saying 'this. But "came ' u p 'a Preasoning among among them which of a f TOTS, rd, sic dv riq peizwv afr31~. d.dl.'IqnoC~ ci6&vll them ahould'he great47 est. Je8us perthem, this, who might be greatest of them. And Jnsus hnving seen cciring the thou& of
T ~ ~ U K E K ~ X U ~ ~ ~ U O U



dr' nfrGv h a

- b LTTrAW.

Qn'rAW. GLmrL

- ir


. i v T[R& i ~ , i i A ~ u iOLTTrAW. v 'IqooGc (vead tnoirc he WW doing) ZTTA,

p a a vA

, ,

* ifi15~usv LlTrA.

t rbv vi6v uov , & b ~ OW. 8 CTO'C( b i a e pj u a r L c*1S&g T,,,



b ; him, 48 and snid unto them, Whosoerer shall receive thia child in my name receiveth me: and whosoever shsll me ceivcth huu that sent me: for he thatialeaat among You the anme nhnli be m a t . 49 And John answered and said, Mluter, we row oue ensting out d ~ v in ~ i thy name; and we forbad him, bocause he followeth not with 50 Jcsus said unto him,




rdv reMOPing brthnl36p~vo~ little child the 8caAoyrupbv rijs-rapbias.airriiv,having taken hold ofdrrri6iovfl of their heart, a turquev aurd w n ' i.avr$, 48 rai. elrcv' airroigl m~c.e8dv" np
Phbll receive thia snd whoever

Gi.$almr roirro rh raibiov b ~ r$-6v6pari-pov, bp2 8iX~raco i

little child iu my nnme, me rece~res ;

he bet



a d


to them,


rai zc.'~dvllbp3

shall receive,

Gi.$qrar, 8kX~rur ri)v drobr~iXavr& PE.

receircs him who sent


oiSroi i p f less. p o'among r6urv ;piu 67r&p~wv he giurnin I r ~ $ bv 'all 4 0 u For he who 'is uha'l bo piyas.

49 ' A ~ O K ~ L ~ E i'lwhvvqs" eirel,, 'Ertarrira, ~S.$~

And ans\vering John said, Uastex, thy neme casting out iihe demons,


!f",z= rai b~wXirunp~v airrciv, torus.

and we forbade Sto againet

eibopiv rrva bri ry".tv6pari.uov ir/3JXhovra kroi'l buipcivra*

we s w some one in a

6rr ot~.cirolov0eipe8' <pijv.30 'Kni


because , he follows not


dreY ?rpbs airrhv m b l l ' I ~ u o iMG.rwh6ere' i~,

=said .him




Forbid uot j

for whosoerer =not



lurtv rag' n,jp3v,GrQp n7jpijvgturrv.

's i


i a

31 And it came to 51 'Ey~vero.bk bv.rcji.uvprhqpoiiu~a~ rdg GEI$paC p m when the time And i t cnme to pnua whorl were being fulfilled the dnys of the wns' come that he fionla be roeeivd up, 0civaX~~~wSn.atr~ii3 ~nl airrbs rh.rpciuwrov.Pairro3" qiurrjLe stedfnstly set his receiving him up, that he his face sbdfnce to go to Jeruna*em, 52 cent prEavR 703 rope6euear 'I~povuaXtjp. 52 rai dn~are~Xev ~ e r s b e f o rhis face: fsstly set e to go to Jert~snlem. And he wnt and the went, and r entered fnto avillnae ayyQXovc xpd' rpouir~ov a6ro4, wai ropev9ivr~s E ~ U $ & O V of the Samaritans, to messengers bofore ' 'face 'his. And having gone they entered make zeady for him And they did noiE I ' ~ T ~ h p q Xapap~trijv,I v &UTE iror &uac airr$. 53 rai oilrc m i v e him, h u e into a village of &un:uitans, W r to mare r u d for him. ~ And 'not



~ ~ ~ ~ iG&wro aCrciv3 STL~ rb.rpduwrov.atroii ~ $v ~ ropevcil ~ ~ o ~ " J =lem. 54 h d when 'thep Wid reccive him, becnuse hls faca WMCWI B*
And seeing [it] his dbciplar thouthatwecommand Ia~wpog wrri t ' I ~ & v ~ R we~?rov,u Ktipre, 8;XEig cir('*51-0 to come down John mid, Lord, wilt thpuCthntj wo ehould heaven, and consnme them eren ss ~ E &p ~arapijvnr Y =cirbn ocpavoG, rai baX3uar airroirg, 703 call h to come down from the heaven, and aonsume them, them, and anid, Ye 7 h s rat *Hh;ag~roiquev'; 65 Zrpa~eig.82 i r ~ r i p q u ~ v a&roic, know not what man- ss alau. E~~~~ did l But turning he rebuked them, ner of spirit ye are of. Sd For the Son of man *rai el?r~v, Oir~.oidare o'lov m~ituarci~: T E ~U 50 zb-ydp not destroy and Paid, Ye h o w npt of what npirit %are 'ye. For the men's liven bat to save them h n d they went vibg 705ddp&rov otrc.$jX0ev \Clvxdg d v ~ p h r w v ciroAiaat, to anothervillaga of man did not come [the] live8 of men to?i&roy,

64 idhw~s-6i ~ipeqrai.~a&roG~~



67 And i t Qame to that, ss they went m h e way, a certain man mid unto him Lord. I will follod thoe whithersoever thougo& 58 b a d Je-

&U6 ~ 3 u a r .Kai trop~C9~uav irionv rhpqv. ~ eic

but to wrva And they went



57 a8Eydv~r~.Giu ropeuopivov.irf rijv iv a$ Sdy' rlriv r r ~

And it came to puns
m they were going

'one in the way 'mid '~ome thoumayeatgo, Lord

rpbc ab~hv, 'AKoXOV~$UW Grov b L 2 ~ U C ; A ( P X ~ , ch-6pre.u Uc o


l will follow

thee whorever

;v L. f b T. S i m r v is LTTrA. h A . 'IW~WJF TT. 1 eincv 8; L ~ A . m b I] '. f & 6p&v YOU O L ~ & o &vaArjfi+cws LTTrA. P [Q~TO~] LT~A. 9 dunjpcuev TRA. r ndhcv &fiapcr&v a city of 8am;tritzlns 1 : ;K O U t Of L . a h o i ) (read the disciples)~ [ T ~ A J t ' I o d y ~ Tr. c i ~ a 1TrA. v sai rirrcv (verse 55) ucjucu ( v m e 56) LITIA ; I i# rai ' r n l p ~ &roil)uev T C ~[A]. C cnip~c LZT~CA]. 6 ydp ucuupc a. b LTrk 6 K a i 'ad

-- ....

a -

natdiov TrA.




. -...

68 Kai ~ l n e vairrc? ;'Iquoirc, AI ciX&.rr~reg $wX~oirc ~xovuiv,~
And %aid =to6him




x , " ~ v ~ ~ ~ e , . h ~ >

r d ?rereivdC 705 oifpnvo?

and tho
of m m to nnotlier,

K ~ ~ ~ Q K ? ) V ~ U E ~ *

6-84 v i b ~ TO?
69 ETnev.81

birda of the air how


of the


neat8 ;
EE nXljv r l i y l . &ad he m 1

the 8on

divf)pO?rov otr.lxei
hna not

roir rljv
where the nte.

w p h Er~pov,'AroAobOs pot. ' . l m v , 'KGptr,' irn'rprJ6v O&

Follow But h0 mid, Lerd,

lay hi8 head. 59 And he nuid unto another, And hemid 'OLLow B'1t mid Lord, ruffer me ,";~i~hw,

nmu; Son man hath not where to

him Let


oc e&.rr~XBlvtc .rrpGrovll 8&.$at ~dv.xnrbpn.~ov,60 Einov.81 dead bury th& deadr Le going away first t o bury my father. ~~t the o thou o G d but %ngdo.%lnd jreorh o.

'to 41iim
doad ;

'Iqaoi;c," " A $ E ~ 0 6 ~ 7 varpoZ~c 8&.+n~'rode i a v r ~ v And another a l w 61

'Jesus, Lonve the dend the t o bury kingdom

V E K ~ O ~ ud.BC\ I ~ ~

(~TEXOAV 8tdy EXXE n ) v /3autX~iavTO; 8 ~ 0 3 . flrst go bid thorn fare=

decrare of

their own laid Lord I *'l low 'thee bnt bt me


well which w e n t home at d y house. 62 And 61 El.rrev.82 rd Er~oos,'A~t?XoVfl<~w rcirpra' ?rpG~01?.81: mid onto him, e got, Jesus And 4nid salso 'nllo~hel., I will follow thee, Lord, but first Xo mnn, having put h b hand t o thc plough, b.rrirpe+dv poc ci.rrorcifaa6ae roic Eic ~3v.o?cdv.pov.62 Elnav.82 a n d l ~ k m back, is fit g allow me t o take leave of those a t my house. BUG 'said for t h e kingdom of

but thon going forth

gnpbc airrdv b 'Iqao5~,11OtEeig bhni/3nX3vfl

'to *him 'Jeas, arid



bporpov, rai /3Xi.rrwv Eic

looking 'on of God. kingdom

upon [the] plough,

keie rrju paaiX~iav" 8~05. -70;

No one

having h i d

kia hand
E ~ I ~ Burcv ~ ~ E T



the thin@ behind,


'r i


f o r the

M ~ r d - d i.raPra c i v i S ~ 9 v lihplog ' m i " i r i p o v ~ 6 i@oNow after the.setl.ings 3appointed 'the *Lord and into every sent city 'them 'also *others *seven'fnce two and two before

X. Afterthese thing#
aent them two and two he

ptjmvraN, rcai ci.lriorsihtv aClro6c (ivri.Gbo afroir,

'his, to C O U I ~ .

n;ob npoaP.rrov ~ : e r ~ ' f , " n t , " ~ ~ ~

his face HZp~Xh~vn cznitrbC before city and into

.rrEanv n6Xiv rai rdxov

He said therefore to theru,

a ~ d place where he Was about hilnsblf whither


c"px~u6ar. " E X E ~ EOo8vn npbg ailro6c, '0 piv Beprap6c 2 V

grcat, of the

The 'indeed 'hnrveqt [in] ~ h ,hnrvMt truly Lord

;,":'h,",$!,;: ;"

oi.62 ipyhrat

bXiyota 6 ~ 7 j 6 ~otv roil ~upiovgl'~atg few: ""U-' ve r~ ers are ' rny
Suppllcnte thcrefore tlre

but the workmen [are] few.

therefore the

Eord bf

r o G BrpiupoG, 6 a w c




r6v 8:f;:q~tv

bourcrs iuto h ~ s harvost. 3 GO yonr wayh: aliro4. 3 ' Y r h y ~ r e 'iGo6, qby;" cinoarlMw iiplruc 'his. Go ; 10, I send forth you as lnmbs i n fortham lnmba among bcholdl I send you p6ay X6~wv. 4 prj paurh<ere r ~ u X c i v r i ~ v I I aTjpav wolves. 4 c n r ~ ynrip$ [the] mldst of wolvos. Nolther carry purso nor provision bag thcr purse@nor acripp uor shoes: and salnta 'pqSi" hnod7jparns 'rail1 pqGQvar n r d rrjv 36Lu man by tho way. nor sandals, and no one dn the way s.~lutc. 5 And into whntsoevcr house ye enter f u n $ 5 EiS.ijv.8'.du Voiriav ~ i a i p ~ q a 8npijrov hiyere, EI)pfiiqr $ .ay, Pence be th this e,~ And into w h ~ t e v e r house yc may enter, first -ay: Pence house. 6 And ~f the son of peace be there, o?iiq.r06ry. 6 rai id^ "pb" i r ~ .?v;~sEipquvc, y6irava- your PCLCE shall rest i to this house. And rt indeed be there a son of pence, ashall upon it: ~f not,it shnll t u r n to you again. ~ c i 6 u ~ r a tin' a 6 r b ;j.~ip7jwl.hp~v''d.8 p $ y ~ , " &pc* 7 hnd i n tho anme 'rest 'upon Olt 'your 'pence; but if not so, t o you house remaxn eating & v a ~ h ~ $ e i7 dv a676 . 61: ry" o i ~ i g ~ U E T'huOio~~re~" and driulunk i vsuch ~ E , thing8 %,they ~ ofor : it shnll return. 'In %he *same 'nnd house abide, estlng nnd a e labourer k worthy

he a y send out workmen



e sp;rov drrrsAOeiv first to go away L ; T,C&OY &rreAO6~7~ TTr. d I(;ptc T . l- b 'Ivooirs (read he said) [L]TT A . B f)'lqqoGs r p b s ai)rdv LTr ; - rrpbs a t r b v A. h iurBMhOv L i [ a 6 ~ o i r Tr. ] 7jl pacrtheip LTTrA. [ ~ a i TrA. ] [&Go]t.W0 L. i),ueMev LTTrAW. P i~Pdh?J hpyarar OLW ;' l p y d r a s ; K B ~ . A ~ lTrA. 0 6 and !he snicf) L7TrA. ; 9 &y&,(,*crd drocr. 1 scud forth) LTTrA. f i a h r \ d ~ l wLTTrAW. ~ ' /.Le TTrA g K ~ T. * # & U # A ~ T # L oiuiav TTrA ; o i ~ i a v 6icriheqT~ L. p i u QLTTIAW. L b the (son) r iuauanajoerar T. iu6ovrss LTTIA,




rao' atrGv* citoc-yip d l p y L n ] ~ cf his rCt from house toQ+ not rivol*rfc house. 8 ~~d into whatsoever driuking the t h i n p [supplied] by8 them ; for worthy 'the 'workman city r e e n b r and the Q ,' p(i.crapabm i t oixia( ric oiriav. receive you 'eat sucT; ,hi, move not from houae to house. '. b t h i n p r. &e mt before you: 9 m d heal 8 rai sic ij~?6'~.av rdXrv tiaipxqa6e, icai 6S~wvrar6 p z ~ , ~ ~ $ ~ ~ , "into whatcryer 'ab0 'city ye may enter, and they receive you, And J ~ ~ T i e kingdom of God 6 0 6 i t ~ rd ?raparie~pava you,, 9 rai b)tpaneliere r the6 ~iv Gpiv, and o Yin is come nigh unto you. 10 Butinto whamper eat the t h i n p w t before heal


", :h":

city ye enter, m d they a t r f &aet9&~, Xiytrs atroic, Hyytkev d$b' 6p;c kai paarreceive you not, 'it 'sick, snd nay to them, Hea drawn near to you the kingyour ways out into atreeta of the anme, Xia 709 8~0tj. 10 iC.fiv.8.~~ d X 1 ~c t i ~ ~ p ~ q ~ e p?j, r ~ and say, 11 Even the dom of & d . " But into whatever city ye may enter, and "not r e y duat of your city which cleaveth on US: 6C~w~ai GpZic, hEsX86vrec oic tdc.~Aartiac.a6rk,sinore, we do wiw off against 'they 'do rpcsire you, havinpgonoout into its streets, say, ou : notwithqtanding ye sure of this, that 11 Kai rbv rovioprbv rbv rouqeivra ?)piu f i rdkewc ~ the kingdom of God Even the duat which clung t o us out of 'city come u ~ g hunto you. r i)piv0 d + v roQro yiv9arere, Sri But I you vpGv c i ~ 0 p a 0 ~ d p ~ f 3 ~ this know, thirt we wipe off againht you ; yet that i t *hall be mor; 'your Y ~ K ~ Y ebq' Gp5c11tj /3aaLXeia 703 OEOC. f E 12 XQyw.f6i11 irpiv, ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ :h&cip I I W a m t o has d ; r w n n . u to you the kingdom And 17 1 . to you, of God.



t::t %< 4

for if themightyworks that for

thzg$hbaGfl ijrt

ZoSdpoic bv qj.,jpipq.breivq ive~rcirtpov c'urac

in that day

more tolernFle it uhall be than

fi rp'

oitai aoi, BqBaai'Gd. had been done ~n Tyro ndXei.b~tivp. 13 Ohai cot, gxwpazi~,'~ andSidon whichhare cit7. Woe t o thee, Chorazin l woe to thee, Bethsaida I bean done'in you, they for had a great while ago ijri si iv T6oy rai Zc63vi b6y8vovro" ai Gvvcipaic ai repented, sitting m for if in and Sidon had taken place the works of power which 6nckcloth and arhes. 14 But it shall bo more ysvdpevai bv &piu, rdXac (Zv ;V u ( ~ K K ( ~~ a U X O ~ $ i tolerable for Tyre nnd have been taking plwe in you, long ngo Bidon at the judgi n sackcloth and when


ment, than for you. 15 And thou, Capernnwhich art

14 But T6py and Sidon ~xaerjptvaill p~rtv6?~uav. nX)jv for Tyre rni Z16Gvi civet+ sitting they h ~ repented d more rdr~pov c'urai 6v r$ kpiaei

to 'heaven, shalt be


thrust down to helL tolerable wlll i t be in the judgment thnn for you. And thou, Caper16 He that hoareth 8 w ~ uroirn ooirpavoir ni$we~iua,U 8wc O "6ov hearoth me; and vao6p,' e that despiseth you mum, who to the heaven h a ~ been lifted up, t o t %addespl-eth ma. and he rarapiBau8~ap. 16 '0 ciro6wv 6pGv 6 03 ciro6~i' kai that despieath me deI-th that rent thou rhalt be brought doan. He that hears you c e 'hears, and

4 itpiv. 15 kai a6, kKanap-

he that rejects
whomnt returned aeain with

6 ciecrdv GpCc ipl ciearai* J.62

me. 'the

you 'me ' r e j w , and he that *me 'rejeotr

bpi ciOerGv ci6erei rLv

rejectr hfru

tiroarsAavrdr pe. 17 'T?riarps4av.di ol i~8oprjrovra~ xapZic, Xiyovrsc, ytrd

And 'returned





Kbpie, rai rd Gacpcivra 6rorciaa~rac4piv bv rQ bvdpnri

Lord, even the demons are rubjeot to UI through 'name name. 18 And h e aaia aov. 18 Elnav.di atroic, 'E&3povv rbvcraravliv ciarpantjv unto them I beheld 'thy. And he said to them, I beheld Satan as liphtuing Satan as ' li htning 6~ TO$ oioavoir r~udvra.l 9 i'do6, q6i6w~i" 3pTv d v 6Eovaiav fall from Ifieaven. 10 Behold, I piye unto out of the h;aveu falling. Lo, I gio'e jou the authority fnu power to tread on wrpentsnud8corpions 203 r a r ~ i v br&w i)$~wv uko~niwv,kai dri rliaav j v kai a d over all the powe; t o tread upon serpents and scorpions, m d upon all the of the enemy : and 703 6 ri6t~ap.n nothing ahall by any ~ ~ V Q ~ L V ~ e p 0 G ' rai 0 6 6 b 6pac 0h.pd means hurt you. power of the enemy, and nothing in anywise ahall inj~ue. eLoiA8)1~eL ~ A . d+ci~Gohs f bi and O[L]T~AW. OLTTI A. 8 XopaCiv EGLW ; XopaCeiv l T r L h gyrvi)&loav LTTrA. ~abipevor LTTrA. Ka4a.p vaod* LTTrAW. 1 p i LTTTA. m m3 LTP~. 69r0ljq ; ~ l thou be lifted U p ? LTl'rA. t a6t~ducrE L ~ A . 0 ro3 the T r L P [g401 two L o b&ua I brrve given 9TrA.

-ti,mthe (feetd lie]) i tv re

ofue AIL

- S. also LTTrA. - i+'6p;p ~ A .



~ ~ ~


80 d t j v Iv roCryl ptj- nipe ere, iirc r 8 mcCparn 6piv ;rrorciuin

thL rejoice not, rather thnt the

to you

jected, In the

xnipere.81 spciXXovU 6n rd.bvdpara.6pGv

but rejoice heaven* that yoar nnmea Woiced

are sub- the me =bje& tiypci$q" rejoice because your unto You ; but rathm are written nrma'an, d t t e n h q n h e

i v TOTS oljpavoic. 21 'Ev alirt-r# Opq rjyaMrciuaro v r

h the same hour

- t,ddkItha&
~ ~ ~

" ihihf:2 -

6Spirit Lord of the wise .nd

'lquoirc,"icaai tlnav, 'E50 oXoyoibpai uoc, ncir~p,~ ~ , " , ~ " , ~ e ~ ;

'Jseua, heaven prudent, and urid, ?praise

that thou hwt hid

~6ptEro8 oirpavoir kai rijc yGc, 6 cindrpv$ac razra i n 6 theae things trom the n
and of the W h , %batthou didat hidethesething8from

~ ~ ~ ~

W , PABa- thw i for 30 i t seemed good in thy sight. njp, Brr oiirwc riyivero c680ria1' ipnpo~ebvuou. 22 *Kai 22 a i l thiugd dewoe i t woll pleasing before thea livered to me of n y ther, for thua Father and no mnn urpapic npdc r o i paeqrtig ~ i n ~ v ,IIcivra *rnpe8c;Oq poc" ~ O W & who the son ~ ll hnving turned to the disoiplw he mid, All thingo w m delivemd to me is but the Bather. m d w(ho the Father d but 3 r d roir.mrp6c.pov~ ~ aolj6eic ytvOurer sic turtv b vibc i.pd the son, i to by my Father, and no one knows who L the Son except whom the So? w ~ lrel veal him. 23 And he b xnnjp, m i sic turrv d nanjp, ai-plj b vidc, rai d.birivll turned hi,, unto h& the Fathsr, m d who is the Fathor, aroept the Son, and he to whomower dimi les and said pria pe6Xqrac S uibc cino~nXl+ar. 23 Kai urpa$cic n p l c vate&, $lewdsee n the the %lay +will 'the 'Son to revonl CLirnl. And hnviug turned to tging8 that, ye see : zoirc paeqrdc rar'.i8iav d?rev, Marcipioi oi d@aXpoi many Iprophets thnt for l1 you* rurd ' the dhciplw he saidl B l e ~ e d [R=] the era ]ring, haye desired to those thin@ oi PXbnovrcc dl $XQner~. XEyw.ydp 6piv, arc noXXoi ye llee and hmve not 24 Whioh whet y e s e s Bor I say to you, that many and to

uo$Gv ~ a uvverGv, rai cintrciXv+ac aCrd vqaioic' vai, 6 nu- to babe,: even i
d i b t reveal t h y to baber : yea,


?rpo$ijrai reai PautXaic 4eiXqaav i8aiv B






C~180~"' (ireoiruai rai

not; and to hear


what ye hear,

to we whnt nnd

6 p ~ i c@inare,

:coh E$,$",",";
h P ~ not h w d tnbm e


~ K O ~ E T rai E,

heurd not. mmpting eternal

25 Kni i806,
him, nnd uying,



&Y~UW, ~ I C T C L ~ C ~ ~ W V

And bhold, n 'doctor =of *the 'law 'certain atood up,

abrdv, *itail' Xhywv, Ar66uraX~, r i

up, and tempted him, Masterinherit dqpovo tjuw ; 26 '0.84 elncv airrdv, 'Ev rclj vdpy r i do to what hall I incrit And he said to him, I n the law what eternal life 26 ne yf panrat ; nGc d v a y r ~ l j u ~; 27 '0.62 cinorpreeic alrrev said unto him* f i t ai~ said,' how rendeatthethou? written in Inw' hul L n written? how And he answering raadont thou?

'what 'having 'done lifo

nottjaac {wljv aiDvrov


:28 ;;j t


Thou h a l t love [the] Lord 'thy and with all

dprov rdv.~adv.uov f S iiXqc erijc" ~ap8iac

thy God with all thy soul nnd with a11 thy rtrexigth

the Lord t hJ God whh


a l l t h y h w t andwith a11 th stm;lgth all thy soul' and with rai rd& 8Xqc ~ ~ . 8 t a v o i a ~ ~ ~~ uardv.nXquiov.uov . ouo i uaav- with a 5 thy mind;nnd rud with d 1 thy mind ; md thy neighbow ar thy- th sel;. 21) Ana he said roirro rdv. 28 Eln~v.82 atr+, 'Oi>83p c i w ~ r c ~ i e ~ ~ * noiei, vnto h i s T ~ O U h t wlf. And he mid to him, Rlghlly thou halt amwered : thir do, muwered ' r i ~ h : this t do, and thou shalt liro. rai {fiap. 29 '0.61 OfXwv h6cracoirv~i iavrbv elnav ~rpbcm B U ~he willing t o and thou Shalt l i r a But he desiring to juatify him~elt said to just@ himelf a i d unto Jaw, And who rbv '~qaoirv,Kai ric iuriv ~ O nXquiow ; 30 'YroXaPL;v.lSdll ir my neighbour p V Jemn, And who ir my neighbour? And tnking [it] up 30 And J m a mswer-

*it a q c rfc.rl/vMc.uou rai b f 6Xqe rijc.iux60c!'.uou

blIquoirc alnev,'Av8 wndc rtc rar6/3ocwav cirb ' I EouaaX4p



L ,



going down from


gfd:t\"dA%?2JE ~nlem ~ericho,and to


T~ - p i M o v o ~ m n w . dvyiypanrcrr8have been illecribedhe;rejoiced) A . + iv in (the)T. + iyip) the Holy -~ 0'Iqoois (?-earl+ y a k T ivi.por rmpe86&) sjbor(ia iyivt70 - rtai m a$eis -6paeq7& etWev * s / v h& * idav T; .LT. V . .at i v i*p coy b ;*D rp' i q 6 i . iv iA9 drrvoiq LTT~. drratuqar LTTIA. I - (ii 8112z .
L ~ A . LTrA.
lp r h





a~~i~sea~w, o'i
'fell 'among,

~ K ~ ~ C N U

feu among t h h w , eiC k'IeptX&,W rai XparuTc which stripped him to of his raiment, Jericho, and 5obbers

who both having stripped

wounaed him! and d* a.irrbw Kni T X q y d ~ 'i ~ ~ e i ~i r~j X ec v(i(b~vrfc $piOav? . ( i e ~ , l a a v m ' 2 ~ 3 him and woundn b r i n g inflicted went away, leaving Chim], half dead nlf dead. 31 chmce there came lvXCivoafra.U 31 ~ a r c i uvy~vpiav 61 i ~ ~ i r c K ~ T down a.certain pnest 'By *a 'coincidence 'now 'a prieet @certniu wont being' that way: and when he saw him, he -d. by EPaiv~u v +-;8$-brivp,, rai Q i8;v atrbv &vr~?rapijhon the side. down I , that road, and having seen him he paased by on the o g 22 And likewise a Lerarci Q2 bpoiwc.6i r a i mAevinlc," n y ~ v d p ~ v ~ c I I TAY ~itq when he was a t Owe the place, came and posite sidc!; and in like manner also a Levite, being at the looked on him and pmSed by on t,hkother rd?rov, &6&1' Kai i8;v O &~rL?rapijXe~. 33 Praride. 33 But a e - p t , haring came and having seen psssed by on the opposit~ r side. 'A ' S tain Samaritan M he o-eg.ed,cRm:where ppeiVSII 6i r i q 6 6 ~ ?)AOev~ aatrdv, r a i i6;v 6 ~ ~ i 'but 'certain Journeying, came to him, ,and hnving seen Le W? : and when he mnritqn raw hlm he had comK ~ passion &him, M rnd qcxtrh~" iurrXay~viu0q. 34 r a i ~ p o u ~ X e & v ~ T ~ ~ rciC E Y went to him,md bound him war moved with aomposaion, and ha ing npprnached bound up



rpabpara.atroir, inrxLwv rXntov ~ a oZvov. ri?ri/3~$huag.61fl i

his wounh, pouring on oil brought on

nnd set hiln on h;;

m2b&Mtg:,",""$jt r i v i d rb.i8iov a

and him

wine ;

and having put a n inn, and

rcrijuoc l j y a y ~ v atrbv ei'c %av6o~eTo~,l'.rai


a r e of him. him on his own beast ~w~~MLo&~&,~$f?r~p~XhQq atroii. 35 rai he tw)r twopence: took enra of him. And ha andt gave said unto 660 Jqvhpca i8wk~v and the careof him; two denarii he gave [them]

bri n j v aiiptov '~FEXOLV," d~/3aX&v

the morrow innkeeper, going forth, and taking out to him,

'?rav8ox~i,"r a i

E~TEY wafirclj,"

to the


m d whatsoever thou ' E m p ~ X # ~ rairroii. r a i 8.rt.d~ i ? r i ) ~ u ~ ~ ~ ? r a Zdy& ~ c , * j u CV ~ , " Take tire ~ of him, ~ and whatsoever thou mnyest expend more. I e ~ ~ ~ ~ on pay thee. 36 which T + - ~ T ~ Y ~ ~ X E &?r08&u0 COL. U ~ ~ ~ . ~ E 30 Tic x ~ d v l lr 0 6 r ~ u now of these three* my coming back will repny thee. Which thcrefore of these thinkest thou waa neighbow untb him rijw rp~cSvJ ~ O K EUOI ~Xqniov" y~yovbvar 703 ; ~ ? ~ E u ~ Y s ~ that fell among the thieves l he who fell three aeems to thee *neighbour 'to 'have =been of him mid, He that shewed 706~ Xpurdc; 37 '0-6; E ~ T E U , ' ?roi?juaS &OF 0 ri) mercy on hime Then among bho robbers? And he said, Ho who shewed .compassion &%idJcaus unto him Go, and do thou like: per' a t ~ o i i . E l m v zo6vll a t r $ d 'Itlaoirc, lTop~Lov,xai w k towards him. +Said 'therefore 'to l i m 'Jesus, 'and Go

air ?roiei 6poiwc.

38 N~~ ft came to gnss,astheywent,that entered into ;ain villnge : and a artrrin woman named Uartha received him ,nto her house. 39 And she had a dnter cnlled which sat r t Jesus' feet, nnd heard hisword. 40 But Marthn wan cumbered rbout much serving m d came to him, nnd raid, Lord, dost thou not care that my aister hnth left me t o m e alone? bid her
do likewise. vroceeded 'they that he enter-

38 a ' E y ~ v ~ ~ ~ . 8 ~ . b v ~ ~ r(f3.?rop~6~bealr o 6 ~ ail b~CZi" atrbg eiuGXAnditcame toparu as

eev eic ~ h p n v r ~ v h . yt~1~+-8Q tvdrarc M6 8a 8 ~ s d into 4 'village 'certnin ; and a 'woman 'certain by name M k l h a ree8iCaro atrbv eig c r ~ v . o ~ ~ o u ~ ~ . d39 cai S '.6~ ~ d8~X$,j a & l : ~ r 6 4v
,,iVd him


raXovpCvq eMapiu,ll
called of Jesus Jdnry,

hcr house. hnving sat down his word.


sxc'had at the

sister feet

rai fraparaOiuuaa" gnapdll r 0 6 rd8aE ~

But Marthe

who also

h?~5 'I?,Iuo~" ?~ICOUEU r b ~ . X d ~ ~ v . a & r ~ ~$.8i.M&.pOa 40 .

wan listening to much

? r p l ~ ??rrpi noXh7jv & ~ K o u ~ f niurtiua.8i r~?~~ ~u'


distracted about

service ;

E~KEV, K6n(e,

and coming up she saitd, ~ & d , =alone 'me. 'left to

is it no concern to thee thnt

o J - ~ ~ X EUOL iiri ~j.'(i8~X(blj.p0~ v q ~ ~ K ~ T ~ X I ~ am- " L pd PE EU

my sister

Aevclrqs TTrA. yes&cvot T . 0 r aljrby r r a i 2ntfitP&ras L. ' 1 nav80KiovT. iCch0hv LTT~.[A]. 'n a v 8 0 ~ T.; ~ alj~6 [L]TT~[A]. o h [L]T[T~]A. Y nAllqiOy 8 0 ~ e 001 GTTrAW. i X 62 'and ('Jesus) GLlTl.a. a 'Ev S2 And as TT. b [ r a i l LT=. C i v oLriav T . ahfg (~tud the house) l-[~r]. M o p r i p T. frapaKa8p08aiva A * g npbf ~ g a i l l TTrA ~t h 706 K V ~ ~ O V the Lord LTTrAW. of rtlvr~Actncv



''Icpelxh TP.a p a -q s T. pi

N ~ X ~ U O V LTT~[A]. T ~

- ai..rbv [L@[Tr]A.



,, ,,

AOTKAZ. X. I 6p7v. < ~ l r ~ i rai c;pjoere' K OCETE, rcai b & v o ~ y ~ a ~ r a l ' l i-~, ;piu.
aeek, a i d ye shall find ; fnocls, receives ; and it shall be opened t o *I& linds ;

oDOed unto you. t o you ;

asketh areketh and he that receiveth hndeth and t o him that

10 For every one t h a t

s g l l ask b-d of auy rarhpa airhoec b vihC zprov, p?)Xieov irc8ioec a t r @; of YOU t h a t is %father, father shall %sk 'for Ithe 'sou bread, a stone will he give t o him? will bo give him a stone? or if he ask a ec/ll~ a i i 8 h vp$ dvri i ~ e b o ~ ~ , 8$1v f i ? r l b & ~a6r$I1; 12 ~i fish, will he for a fish if also a fish, tustead of a filrh a serpent will he give t o him? or give him a acrpent 7 aim+ U 12 Or if he shnll ask a n ~ a l[iLiv" hairjupll h6v, p4 ~ T L ~ & Q E L K O P ? ~ O V ; 13 i egg. will he offer him a also if he should ask cm egg, will he give t o him a scorpion P It scorpion? 13If ye the& bcing evil, know how 06v ; I * ~ i S rovqpoi i l r C i p ~ o v r0 i ~ a r ~ ' & y d d 66t~araN ~8 t o gtvc good gifts unto therefore ye, 'evil 'being, know [how] good gift. your children : how mueh more our 6i6dvac ~oi~-rbkvor~.6pGv,u y pZiXXov b m?7jpk r6 heavenly Father give t o give t o your children, how much more the Fntlrer who[is] of the Holy Spirit to them oirpavoit ~ & U E L r v ~ i i p a iiy10v TOTE airoii~lv & T ~ V ; U t h a t ask him ? heaven will give [the] 'Spirit 'Holy to thoae t h a t ask him?

? -t t hI";","2 ta :f

10 ?riic-~drp airGv Xapp&vei. ~ a ib C q r b E ~ ~ ~ U K Kat ' C L

For every one t h a t asks him t h a t knocks and he t h a t seeks


~ ( i j ~pofiovri c d v ~ i y ~ u 11~riva.82 ~ 6 p G ~TAU ~ a~. ~

it will be opened
And which of you who [h]


14 Kai ijv i~pciXXwvGaip6viov, 'rai a t r b $v"w$dv*

And he was casting out a demon, and




I4 And he wrra c a s t


" ihiXqov byivero.6~ ro~-btrcpoviov i ( ~ X ~ d . v r o ~ , ~ b

and it came t o pass on .the demon h d Swoudered 'the acrovrds.

having gone out, But some of

Ithe 'dumb. said,

came t o pass when the devil was kono out the dumb spakc and the people wondered. 15 But some of them anid He ensteth out deviis through Bee!zebub the chief of the dcvils. 16 And others tempting hitn, of him a sign Prom henveu. 17 But he knomingtheir thougdts, said uncothem,Every kingdom divided ngainst itself is brought to dcsolation.andahous& dit.ided;*;;inst If a S;ltnn fallcth. 18 h o d also be dirided against iOa6paoav oi dxXot. 15 rcvig-8i ( i

Beelzebul prince of the

aitrGv neI?rov,U 'Ev


And othcrs,

demons a aign

~K/&%EL T& he crwts out t h e


16 " E T E ~ Co T~ ~. P~ ~~ O Y TUE T~ ~ ~ E ~ Op7TClp' a6~0it i & j ~ 0 ~ ~ I E C ~ Y it

tempting, But he Every kiugdom
~ K O ~



were seeking from mid

oitpnvoii." 17 AhrAc-6i
heaven. t o them,

E ; ~ &qa6rGv s
knowing their itself fnlls.

rd 6cn~o$para'~ clrev
thought. 'divided And if also

airrois, n6aa paaiXia povrae' C?'

iaur$v 8eap~prueeiua'~ ips'agamst

is brought to

~ aO i

E ofrov rirree. 18 ei.62 rrai b uaraviis r i

huw shall stand his kingdom 7

dcsolntion ; and a house against a house a g n ~ u s thimself be dirided,

iavrAv E L E ~ E ?rGc U r a~ I ,u e r a ~ ~ ~ u ~ ~~ rj./3aarXeia.a~roC;

kingdomhow stand? behis 8ri Xiyr, v B E E ~ Z E P O ~ X X X E L rh. 6nrp6vta. l 9 ~i-8h i ~K~~ V ~E causcge that I cast because ye nay, by Beelzebul 1 cnst out 4he demons. And if out devils through by& CV R E E X ~ E ir,l3&AXw rdr 6aip6z*ca, 8oi".vioi-6p~v ~~O~X dv Beclzcbub. 19cast out by Beelzebub Andif I by Beelzebul cast out t h e demons, your sous by I

whom do they cast out l on r c o u n t of this judges they .hall ~ ~ e f " ~ ~ ~ bc your judges. rat." 20 ei-62 ;v Ja~r6Xy QEOG ' V ~ I C / ~ & X X W & 6arpdvia, T 20 But if I with the be. demons, But if by [the] finger of God I cnst out t h e finger of God cast out dcvils, no doubt the 6pa ? eaav l$' 6piic t ) paotX~ia ro3 B~oir. 21 iirav d * i n g d ~ m of God in tlrcn $come upon you the kingdom of God. When t h e collie upon yon. , 21 when a atrong man L U X U ~ ~ K~~ ~ ( I J T X L U / L ~ L ~ V O ~ $JVX&UU~ T ? ~ v . ~ u v T o ~ . u & ~ ~ v , iV wmcd k e c p t h his strong [man] being armed may keep his own dwelling, in palace, his goods are i n p a c e : 22 b ~ when ~ t ipjvp ioriv rri-6srfip~ovra.ffitro~' brdrv.62 "6" i ~ x v p 6 22 stronger tliau hc -ha!l paw are his goods ; but us soon aa the srrollger
b &vorX8rjue+ar TA. c Avot~Orjoc~ac LTAW. R. +f LTT~AW. 8 $ or 01,TTrAW. air+ int8&uer TTrA. g ehv TTI[A]. h a E n j o ~ ~ slldl ask ETTrA. he 18d~ara &ya8h GL'ITIAW. b p & (read your father) L. [ ~ aairrb ljv] T ~ A . i m ;K&\q8ivros I ~ ~ v i n g been cabt out L. c h a v T~A. O T$ the LTTrAW. P ib oGpai,oi ;j<+ovv r a p ' air06 LTTI-AW. Grapcp~dci~a 9 7d b ~ a v o + p a + a ai)+&v L. ia~r:~u T. oi I.. a i r ~ o;p& ~ p r ~i a oiv r a r LA ; a i r o ; ~ p r ~ ;uov+ab 9 p 3 v T ; i a ; a k o r rpr.rai b p & &rowrar Tr. v + KiytJ Tr. * b (reud a stronger) LTTrA.

E; : they

d e v i l , by whom do

~ i v e~ K ~ ~ X ~ O V U L 6i(i V;

roijro t ~ p i r a ii,

ah LOu 0 i ZUOV(;IY

repot afroii lrdO&v

thm he coming ayon Dim] shall overcome him,

LUKE virljap aLrdv, d v ravorXiav

'Panoply his a p i k



hir spoils. 23 He that ie not with me i s divide& He t at is not with me against me is, and hethat that gathereth not 'gainst me he p d - ~ v & pys i ~ ~ ip05 akopni~si. 24 "Orav rb cirteaprov with me scattoreth. gathen not with me soettern. when the mclenn 24 When the unclean spirit is one out of msGpa btihep 6nA roir dv$hrov, &dpx~ral 6 i ci166pwv a man 6 e valketh ~ p l r i t is gone out from the man, he g m through waterlcsa througd drl lace8 recking rest- an$ h d ! , rdnwv, tqroirv dvh~ffvbiv* p?) 6 ~ U R O V x X i y ~ l 'TTo- in none, i e saith, I lcai a , ukiag r ; and not L i n g r.nyl he say* 1 wiu wi% retnm unto mr house whence I came arpi+w sic rAv.otdv.pov Seev CEiXBovw 25 rai QXBbv out. ab andwhen he return to my house whence I came oat. And h a d n g come cometh, he flndoth it swe t and gnrnished tirpiurst aaocxpwPbv0v K U ~~ ~ E K O U ~ ~ ~ 26U TO~VT. T O ~ E ~ ~ T U Len goeth he, and ~ E p6 he fib [it] swept and adorned Then he g m taketh to him seven 11 other s irits more rui napaXap@Lvsi Ytnrci 6)rspa~vafipara rovqpdrepa invroir, Mcked himself. and takes seven other spirits more wicked than himself, nnd the entar in and rai tbrh9dvra rarotr~i ixri* ral ivrrai rd i ~ x a m dweu af thnt mnn r0G last state and the last and having entered they dwell them ; and &camer the is worse than the drat. tivOphnov ireivotr xeipova r3v 7rpDrwv. 27 'Ey)vero.Gi tOf{c% %nun 'of =that worse than the &at. And it came to pass things, a certain v.r .Xlyslvalirbv rairta, Bncipaaci ri!: " y v d w v l ; y ~mnu of the culupnny aufnpoke I h e them tllings, W t h g .up 'certain 'a Jroman per?voim ir roir 6~Xov drsv abrq, Marapia roAia paorciaaaci h t h e w ~ ~ b t h barn at from the woad laid t o him, Blessed the womb that bore as, rai paaroi oDc ierjhauac. 28 Alirbc.6i alrsv, 'MW- e d 28 But he saici, thee, m d [thc] breastu whioh thou d i h t luck, be yea Yea rather, blesqed O r 6 they that hem the o&;ye" par6pio~ oi &060vrec rbv hdyov roir 8abir rai word of God, m d keep rather blessed they who hear the word of Giod and it.

&hi8 hetrker m a y in which he had trustod, and

8idwaiv. % b 14.3v ?

ig' $

~ ~ c & ~ i m ~ ; eth from him' all h b


Brsnoi9si, rai r&art5Xa.ahroG 6: 1;


prz ipoG car' tpoG imivo xai 6



;tit $E :


29 And when th8 ~~~ckw~~et~,"~""; But the crowds boing thronged together he began to Say, 'gcuoratlon began to Say, $his evil aiirq C rovqph iarivo a7)peiov %riZrlrei," xai o~~ppiov in anseek ageneration: P 04 alld 'this .wickad ; a sign it neekn after, 'and a s ~ g n not there no sign be but the sign boOi/aerai ahrg', ei.pd rb aqpciov 'Iwvc? eroG ?rpo$~rov.~~ tho prophet. given of Jonns '~hnllbo givcn to it except the sign of Jcnan the prophet. 30 J~~~ was SO raO&.ydp 'Iwvci~ *uq\i~iov o i ~ i ~ e v f r a iofirwc sign unto the Niner N ~,~ For as WM Joaoa a aign t o the Ninevitog, t h ~ u vi''ap s'man be'lso t11b Son of to the E'arai rai b v i b ~ i(uep&rovrfj.yevs$.rai~rB.31 Baaihiuua Bencration. 31 The 705 &ha11 nlno the Son W of man to this generation. uwn of the A La11 7i.c up insouth thg


29 T3v.62 6 ~ h w v brnepoirop~vwuflptaro Xiyeiv, ' H yeveci


and condcrnn them : 7 t h for she camo from the d this gcncration, a d shnll coudemn thcm ; for she came from tho ~.Ep(ir(dlJl ~ i j ~ 7j y Ci~oi'flal U O $ ~ g ~ Y h o p ~ ~ r o~ ib06, dom of Solomon; and, r7)v CI o k ci~ , e n b of the cnrth to hcnr the wisdom of Solomon, and &hold, behold, a greater than Solomon is here. 32 The rXaiov ~ZoXopir~~ros" . 32 rivsp~chNiu~vi" $6~ dvnanjoovrai men of Nincve shnu more than Solomon here. Non of Ninoveh dlall ~ t n n d up riseupin the judgment I thin gcnerntion, iv rg' rpiuei /.lard rij~.ysvec?c.ra6~, rciia~pivoira~v rai ahrtjv* with,hall condemn it: and fn the judgment with thi6 generation, nud ohall condemn it, for they repeutcd a t

of [tho] south shall rise up


iysp9josmi iv'rp' rpiuri prrd r i v dv6pQv rcc

in the jndgmant with the nien



yaveii~.ra6rq~, rai rarakplvei atroljs+ ijri $Xeev brc

'$z$o E

[. ~ 6 7 then L. 7 k r p a s v c v ' p a ~ a o y p 6 s c p a Cav~oG ~ 1 r irrrci TTrA. g 4wvjlv yvvj) LTL pevo6v m ; p i v o8v A. a67d.v (read [ltJ ULTTrA. yeved a gcnoration LTTrA. 4 Cqr!; it seeks m A . 703 rpo+$rou QLTTrA. f 70;s N L V W C ~ T NtvevSrats TTA) (~LP qpetov T ~ A . 1 ~oAop&wo~ 3 QLTTrAW* h N L V WA ; Nrvcuira~cr( ~ NinCvitca L p W ; Hww&ac E


the preMhing

he hat11 lighted a cnndle, putteth it in s secret plnce, neither under a bushel, but on a that thsy which come in m@ the light. 34 $he light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single thy whole body also i; full ?f light; but when t h m ~ 3 0 eye evil, thy bod also W ~ 1 1of Jarkness. 35 Take heed therofore that the light n i c h is in theebenot dwkness. 36 If thy whole body therefore be full of light,hadng no part dark, thewhole

i~~\,3~$,""J"8::~ her$. 33Nomnn,when



AO1"KAX. 6rl ji~rev6qanv eic rb r$pvypn 'Iwvii. rni iboir,

bccsure thcp rcpcutcrt

T ~ ~ O U

at the procl:rmation of Jonas : a n d .behold,

But no one a lamp having lit 'in


'1wilii &?E.
Jonns here'

33 O b i ~ i ~ . ~ G ~ '"J X Y O V il$ae d
ccrn-meaqure, the

eig krpvxrbY'

rit)rlurv, ot6h linder TAY h )the i l u ~'it, ~ nor. t %a

of the
thbt they who body A t e r in is

p 6 6 ~ ~ v '&XX1'' upon rr)v XvXviav, , but i d the ln~upstrmd,

light. may see. The lump.

oi ria?roo~v6pevoi m $ k y y ~ E " rb FAB~waiv. 4 b h 6 X ~ o c 3

the eye : when thorefora light thine cyo

706 udpnrdc ba~ivb b $ 6 d p d p a $m; Oofiv" 6.6$QaXpdS.aov h.rrXocc 6,Prai" CXov rb.a~~h.uov '$oreivdv iarrv' iirirv.81
'singh 'be,

also 'whole

'thy body


but when

T O V ~ I P ~ ~~

( lrb.a~p(i.aov i iv


i t be, a l ~ o thy body

~ ~ " O T E L Y 35 .O K ~ T E L o h ~Y [is] dark. See therefore

f7j TA

P ~ TA c

U O ~urdrog

i a ~ i v .3G ri d v rb uGp(i

est the light that [fslin thee 'darkness

If thereforo


~ a ' ~ , ~ ~ $wreivBv~ ~ A o Y ,Ljc 8ruv o f U f

'thy "hole


$wr~tvdv, p?)

qri p6poS1'U K O T ~ ~ Y ~ ~ u r a i Y, not httvlng nny p;vt dnrk, i t sl~all be


Xbxvo!: r?j.ciarpa.rr$ $wri&l ae.

sk,iuine of a candle 'light l , when the latup with iits]brightuesa may l i p i r chea uoch.gire thee light. 37 'Ev.o*i.r$.XaXtjam SljpcL.ra"abrbv @npiaaidg ' n ~ " 37 And as he spnka, Now as 'was 3speaking ['he] asked him ' "Pharisee ' r ~ r t a i n a a certniu Phirrinee behim to dine 6 1 1 ~ p i u & p ~ ~ d~ rap' abid. eiorh0hv.di civ8?reucv. wit him : andhewent t h a t ha would dine with him : and having entered he reclined h;inself. i;l and sat down to & a t , a And yheu 38 b.61: @npiaaioci 8 i v HO:zl;pnuev $rc 06 irpJrov tpaxria6q the Phnriuk saw r t , he But the Pharisee seeiug [it] wondered thnt not Erst he washed mnrvelled that he had not firstwashed befolw ~ p b 70; ~ ~ ~ U T O U ~ l ~ ~ v b 8 ; f 0 ~ p 3 5 39 . .dp ~ atrdv, N h 8pri(: dinncr. 39 And the before the dinner. But said the Lord to him, Now ye Lord anid uuto him, N~~ do ye Ptrnrisecs oi @apruaioirb xw6ev roi, xorqpiov rai TOO .rrivnroc~aOa~i<erc, make clean the outside Pharisees the outside of the cnp and of the dish ye cleanse,

$22;; ;,"tr but the iuw9rv LpJv yipri g : $ rb-82 inside of you is full ward pmt.isful1 of ra-

dpnayij~rai aovqpiac. 40 d p o v e g
of plunder and wickedness. 0018,

nc;s. vnning40and fools, did wickedO ~ X b T O L ~ Q U ri) ZSwe~v CC(; rd ~ U W ~ Eb?roblaev; ~ V t,, he that made that [did] not he who made the outside also the inside make ? which is without mnke 41 TX,)v rci.dvdvra 6rjrr ~ X E ~ ~ O U ~ V ~i806, rai V , that which is within But [of: the t h i n ~ which are within give s allns, and 10, give alms of such nhvra rnQnpirGtciv barrv. 42 v&hX"l oitai Gpiv roic @apruaioic, things ns ye have. and, behold, all are all things clean to YOU are. B ~ i t woe to you Pharisees, d.rro8eraroCre rh r)86oupov rai rb ~ y a v o v~ a nL?v i clean untoyou. 42But woe untoye tithePhsri- for ye pay tithes of the for you, mint mint and the rue and every and m e and all man- XhXavov, rai napQpX~u6e rpiurv ~ ar4v &y6?rr)vT O ; t)eoira r$v i ner of and pnss herb, and pass by the judgmont and the love of God over judgment and the rairra W' nor~bal,~CiK~iva p7j x&$~!~jni.l' love of God : these to do, and those not t o be leaving aside. ought Y to haye done, These thing8 it behovod bou] e und not to leave the @apiuaioic,$71 dya~L?r ~pwro~rrOe8piav r?jv other nndone. 43 Woe 43 odai Bpiv,roi~ unto you, Pharisees 1 Woe to you Pharisees, for yelove :he h t seat for ye love the uppermont8eatslnthesynaraig U ~ ~ a y k l y arai TO&' dU.7raUpoili: i v 7~74' i i y 0 p f f i C ~ . ic gogues, and greetinks in the synagogued and the snlutotions in the mruket-plades. in themarketa 44 W e o unto you, scribes ?nd 44 otai ipiv, Zypappareicrai @apiuaidi,iirorpirai,ll iiri larl Pharisees, hypocnteal Woe toyon, scribea and Pharisees, hypocrites, for yenre

+ uw (read thine eye) L'ITrA. - o3v LTTrA. LTrA. r + a h b v he L. gpor$ asks LTA ; +?a a lrapeivor tu pass by L n r A . + 82 now [LlTr.

- 8) hut


k ~pvs*v

secret place


P Tr.

Ieisvocrl and the upbrai CI[L]TT;A.

flrst plscee at the suppers L.

u - b -drrr -+

m 4; I.TrA. s pipor TL (rrc] A) TTrA. vhAhT . r ~ a rds ? r p w ~ o ~ h e u i i v mit i ar ypappa~rir~ a@apiuaioc 6 ~ 0 i


l~ai L.

XI,X I I ,
aa the =tombs
1una8en, and the

men who

,#opt~ ~ i C ~ R P ~ , w n o ~ a tho men that walk over are not aware

&c rdr p l q p ~ i a cisqka, xal o aivepwaoc 'oi" aeptraroiims rd Z indvw


of roi8nacv.

45 'Aao~pieeic.8h r i i v ric
And answering them thing. u y i n g 'also

over [them] do not know [it]. my8 to him,

one of the doctorsof the 'us thou


and =id l m t o y i m ~ ~ , " ' ; e p ~ ~ ~ h ~ y i also. 46 40 '0.66 ~Tnev, Kai 6piv roic uoprroic oirai, iirt $opriZ~~e unto And he said, also And he said, A h to you the doctors of the law woe, foa ye burden lawyers I &r ye h e

r i v h( yna6rG. A ~ ~ ~ c I E ~ E ,ywv rai { p l c 6&d<rq. ra3ra U

ivi =withburdensmeand yourael~ea withone yeO u to he borne, and V yomelves touchnot rGv.8arrt;Xwv.iPGv oh.lrpoa\F/a6era roic qoprioic. 47 oitni the burdens with one of your fingem do not touch the burdens. woe of your angers. 47 W e o nnto you1 for ye build itpiv, ijrr oixo8opeire t d pqpeict r3v apo#~~rGb,~84'' r a - the ~ ~ ~ U I C ~ Uthe. b i of W to you, for ye build the tomb8 of the prophets, and -amen [with] urden8 heavy to bear,

rode dv~pujaoop

$opT;a riave~~iarnxra, afroi rai

r6p~c6pcjv LrSrrrtvav* a1;roirc.

them =your killed to the works them, them. consent killed

48 bpa cpaprvpeir~"rai
Hence ye bear witness

r2,":ts~l?2? t" :, " , 42 ye W

W ~ G

avvev8o~air~ roic Jpyoic rGv.?raripc~v.irp*iy. iin

of Tour fathern ; bud of God and ye

and ness thnt e aUow the deeds o?your faaljroi p4v thers : for they indeed for they indeed killed them, and ye

cirr6rrecvav aGroCc, 6p~ic.88 oiro8o rezrs daljr3v r d p


4!) 61d

ro4ro rcai
prophets and

Because of this

also the wisdom apostlen,


the wisdom of God, I

to ,-of

ao$a 703 8 ~ 0 3 ~ T E U ,'AaobreXi E;E E

I will send
and [some] of

them they

aBro3c apo$nirag rai cixoar6Xovc, rai

~ ~ h ~ ~ ~ h e ~ ~ the which afpa ~ d v r w v Was from the voiracv rai ei~8idEovatvau i'va i r h q O $ 50 of all foundation Of the kiU and drive out, that may bbrequired the blood world may be required TGUnpo$qriv ' r i Bqvv6p~vov~~ &xi) xa~a/30Xij~ 6 u ~ ov of th)i generation the prophet6 purednu$ h o m [the] foundation of [therworld, them they will of this generation, from the good of Abet to the perished be$aeen the: altar and the temple I t shall be required of thfsgeneration. 52 Woe

i g abrGv ciaome-

4nd,ve6s.~airq~, (irdgroGU arocU~/3eX BTOG~~ Zrchruias, which 51 ai' :we of dlparoc Zaxapiov TUG (iaoXopBvou peraE3
blood of Znchluias, who perished


Bvaururqpiov r s r i l ~ say unto you 1

altu 'generation

between *the of

and the house ; yea, I any to you, i t shall be requlred

rai 703 O)IKOU* vai, X y irpiv, S~cqrt~thjaerai i ~ njc yeveiig nnto you, lawyers! for Ew C b 7~6Tr]c. Otffi 52
~ 0 i c Y O ~ ~ I E O ~ ~ ,

have taken away the ey of knowledge : ye entered not in your'thin. Woe to you the doctors of the law, for ye took away the selves, and t h e e that were entering in ~Xeiriaa~ i j yv4aewcm air~oiO C K . ~ C ~ ~ ; ~ X B E T E , ~ 0 . i ~ ela~p- hinder*. s xai r ha key of knowledge J yourselves did not enter, aud those who were said these things unto tbem the scribea and ~opivovg, hrwXCaare. 63 'Ahyo~ros.8C airroir T U ~ T ~ the phruieees began to entering ye hindered. And as 'ww 'saying 'be these thinto urge h m vehemently, i and to provoke him to afro6ci1ijptavro oi ypapparaic xai oi @apianiol6~iv3c BYof many thinat them began the ffiribea and the Pharisees urgently topress M layi wait for




watch- his mouth, that they ~ ( J E $ OkaGri)vll'rainm<qmirvr~~ll W~ eqpeiruai T C BX 703 &ght him. bg him and meeking to catch something out of arbparoc.aljro3 "i'va raqyopi~uwatvairro3.u XII. In the nwtn hi8 mouth that they might accuse him. , time, when there wen, gathered together an hrtuvva~deiuGv T ~ V v p i h 8 ~ ~ innumerable multip [things] being gathered together the myriad8 of the tude of people, insomuch that they trode 6xXov, 4are raranuraiv ciXX$~ovc,.rjpEaro Xiyerv apdc T O ~ Eone upu another, he crowd, ro ar to Warnple upon one mother, he began to say to began to say unto h b

upon p m ,m d i]

rai &nooropori&tv abriv arpi ahri6vwv. 54 ( v - catch something out of seeking to

to make *6pe& 'him wbout many things ;






K K ~ V ~ ~ V O Vhas which

o i (mad &ra. walking) d - ai)~hv p q p e r a rh

~A]W. b ~ a 'oi T. c c paj?.rvpir &TT~witnesses ye are [LI'IT~A. [ ~ K ] ~ ~ ~ ) ~'RA. u ~ v 7 b ~ K X V W ~ ~ C V O V ; ov LTA been poured out Tr. g m ($.cad [the]) LTTrA. h eio?j~$are K&eiOev i&~AOdvmg ai)~oG and 88 he went out thence TT~A. h &v T .

~ a i ~AW. O L


iva ~0qYOPlj-CV


$;$$ryz;f" p2 I.iaerlr&c.a&roG p ~ r o vflpoahx~re iavroYc i r b rijc c 6 p q ~ 4 : r , t;:re;sz;;;i ijrq bariv 6rr6~piuic.2 obsiv-Gl uuy~rroXvp;~ecp;~;~m&w,
ren of the ~hsriseea, covered, that shall not be revealed. neither hid, that s h a l not be known. 3 Therefora whatroever ye have
a[Rll be heard in the s okeu in darkness light ; and that which

his disciple8


Take heed t o youmlrea of hypocrisy ; but nothing nor

tho lcnvca 'coverod

cp yvw&ju~rai.3 civel.Sv





O ~ ~ . & r ~ ~ a X v $ & rai~rpvrrbv 5 ju rai,

shall not be uncovered,

hiddcn 'which 'not


i;ua i v rp' okoriq eixara, f v rcy'

ye said, in the

be known;

wherefore whatever i the dwknc= n

Y have ~poken the light e in s h l l be heard ; and what i n the ear ye spoko in ear in closcts shall be p l a i m e d n p n the rapeioig, ~~~pv~t?<aerai frri rGv 8wp6rwv. 4 ~ i ~ w . 8&piu 2 oosetops. 4 And1 say chambers, &all be proclaimed upon the housetops. But I say t o you, unto you m friends TGV p & ~ O ~ ~ ~ l l J .p~v, Be not atraiiof t h e d r o i ~ . $ i ~ ~ i ~~tj.q0pt+3:~& that kill the body and my frionds, Ye should notfeur because of those who kill after thnt havd no do. i ra3ra p j - i ~ d ~ ~ e p ~ ~ u d r ~ ~ d v ~ I qr ~ more that the cai rb aGpa, ~ a perd L But I will forewarn the body, and after these things are not able anything mom ou whom ye ahnll $ear :Fear him, whi* ?~oiGbai. 6 6noSeiFw-6i 6pTv riva +0,8~eijr~. o $ $ ~ ~ r a $ after he hath killed to do. But I will shew you b h o m ye should fear : Fear hath power to caet into rlv perd rb drrorr~ivairf(ovaiavrxovial1ippaXelv ?,)v :zt,;&ar him. 6 b e him who after having killed, authority h* to onst into tho not flve spnrrowa sold and y k ~ ~ vai, ~ ~ * 6piv, roiirov $oprjeqre. 6 Obxi rivre ~ ( Xtyw for two not one of themis for- gchenna ; Yea, I say t o You, 'him 'few. 'Not 'five gotteu even the GO^? urpoveia %oAeTrad' ciuanpiwv Giro; ~ a 2v bE abr3v oir~ before verp i hairs of your hean *~pnrrows lare cold for 'usnrin =two? and one of them 'not ~ ~ ~ , " ~ ~ ~ e F ~ b~iXeXqup6vov lariv " , n ~ 4 dv3rriov roii Beoir* 7 ciXX&.~ai i rpi'xe~ a forgotten before God But even the hairs more value than many lis l . P " O you, 8Whosoever r i j E - ~ ~ $ a h i j E ~zUa1 $pi$LIJvral. @ t ~ e l ')o@E?u~E' .6p~~ nnto W L A180 I UY 'all 'have beennumbered. ' ot =therefore , 'fear, shallconfe~s before me your head

$wri &~ova8iaerar'

6 r p b c rb 08s iXaX+Tare i v TOTS

ea, I



% y,",",.Jz: :: $ ~vvaywydc~ a rdg : i

ouglvt t o say. synagogue8 and the

fore theangels of than mnny nparrowa ye are better. But I wy to you, Every one whoever 9 but he that denieth i)poXofiup bv bpoi gjlrpou~~rv rGv &v6phrrwv,~ a 6 vibc so3 i me before men shall be n 1 confess denied before an~ me before men, r b o the Son gels of ~ o d . 10 And C ~ Y ~ ~ & T OdpoXofiaec dv at+ iprpoa0av r3v &ryiXwv 703 U whosoever a h l l spank of man will confess him before the angels a word against the Son of m m , i t shall be for- &0i)' 9 6-81 (ipvq~(ipE~dc v f ~ h ~ TGY~( i~~ " ? p h ~ ~ PE l t has denied , me before men given him : but unto of God ; but he that im that b l ~ p h e m e t h ngainsttheRolyGhost &rrapwlOrjueral bvh~iov &yylXwvroii eeoir. 10 ~ a ir i i g rGv it shail not be forwill be denied before the angels of God ; and every one given l 1 And when t h e r biing yen unto fpeT X6y0v rbv vlbv 70; &vephaov, & $ E @ $ u E ~ L the ~ y n n e o p ~ e sand who shall say rr word against the Son , of man, it will bo forgiven Unto mamstratea and rG.6; r l t'yiov rrveiipa P X a ~ ~ ~ p t j a a v r i powers, take yk no a++' thought how or what hlm ; but t o him who agn~nstthe Holy Apirit has blwphemed thing ye shall anawer, or what ye say. O ~ K - ( ~ $ E ~ $11 E T ~ L . w ? r p o a ( b i p w u ~ v ~ ~ i E ~ U i; dri 12 for the Holy Ghost: i t will not be forgiven But U-hen they bring you before the

~ ~ ~ ~ $ ; ~ ' , 4 ~roXX&v urpovt?iwv bta$Bper~.8 A6yw.8; irpiv, niic 6c.d~ ~~;;!


dpxcic ~ a rdc dfovaiag xttrj.pcpipvZra" i

rulers end the authorities, be not careful

~ 3 yci rill f

will t u c h

ri a3rG.rt


12 rh.ydp
for the

or v h a t ye shall reply in defence, or what ye should say ;

t LOV rrveir a GrdL(ec +iic '


in t h a t same hour what it brhovea[iou3


13 And one of the compauy mid unto him, Sleskr, speak to

t o my,

13 Elr~v.8QTtc ' d l & ~ $

And 'said

'one to him &om the crowd,

9 rrepcuu6v L. Zprrpou8cv L.


TO^ ~ o vAr86urcaXe, lr ry' , ~ L' a

Teachcr, mpeak
r Zxovra i t o v u i a v LTT~A. ei~&~oa&v TTrA. i~ WC oxhov T .

'~ w h o i v r a ~ TTrA.

P d n o ~ z e v 6 v r o v ; & O K T ~ V V ~ V LTTrk G T~V o h [~mrA. 9cpcpViqre ye should not be 0arcf~l TTr,

[ij t i ] Trb.




thnt h* ciJeX$@.povpepiuau0ai p i ipoii n;v Aqpovopiav. 14 '0.62 my the inhericnnce divide to my brother to divide me the inheritanca. But he with me. 14 And he ei?rav a&rt$,"~w6~w?re, p i c a ~ ~ u r aBi~aurrjv" p~piu- said unto ric a ~u~v ; j said to him, Man, who 'me 'appointed a judge or a di- Whodivider overjudge me a y o ?7 or a ~ aLroirc, 'OpZire rai qh~A&u- And he said unto 15 n j y fq' 3p1c ; 15 EI~ev.82 vider over you ? Bnd he mid to them, See and keep y o u - them bcwab of heed* an' covetousness: QEUOE (irb brijS" ~XeoveEiac* iirr o6u Iv ry' ? T E ~ L U U E G E L ~ f o r a mnn2s life selves from covetousness ; for not i n the abundance the nbundnnce ofin the

which he possesseth. 16 And he s nke a parable unto l6 EImw.6I lrapaPoXt)v ?rp6c airrozie, X f ~ w v ,'AvBp6~0v tRem, saying, he And he spoke a parable to them, qymg, =Of *a'man ground of a certnin richmnnbrou~ht forth T L V ~ ~ ?TXOVU~OV d~6$d qUEvl' 1) $+a' 17 ~ a plentifully : l7 and, he i scertain 5ich 'brought SfortB 'Oabundantly 'the ground And thought within h ~ m self, saying, What shall diehoYi{~ro ;V, ~ W T $ , X ~ Y W V , Ti ?TOL$UW, oh-ixw 1do, bccnuse I hnve no &L saying, What shall I do, for I have not room where to bestow he was reasoning within himself, my fruit. ? 18 And he aoG uvv&Ew roirc.raproirc-you; 18 rai clnew, Tofiro W O ~ $ ~ G ' This will I do: I &aid, where Ishalllay up my f r u i t ? and he said, This will I do: will pull down my , barns, and build grencrca6eXir pov rdrc ai?roQtj~a~, pei<owac oiro~op~uw, er; nnd there will I beuai rat I will take away my granaries, and greater will build, and stow nll my fruits nnd ?rci.vra erdr.y~wrj~arri~i~pov~~ rai rdr.LyaO&.pov, E:lg,","!io avwL4.E~ willlny up there all my produce and my good things, Soul, thou hnst muci 19 rni Qp3 qj.\ClvXp'.pou, Pvxj, Z X E ~ ?roXXd ciya6ci ~ up for mnny and I will say t o my soul, Soul, thou hnst many good things eat drink and be mer; uaipeva eiS irq ?ToXX&* (i,*a?rairov, $&ye, lrie, ~6qpaivov.v.' 2O mid lnid by for lyears 'many ; tske thy rest, eat, drink, Iy merry. this night !7"'0u soui him' thy 20 ' E I ~ E V atr@ b 8~65, .~~ gUA~pwv," iairry r@ wuri njv J/vxfiv$ : l ; But 'said 'to 'him 'God, Fool, t i h s night tltose things be, which uov h&rairoiru~~fl uo3. 12.8i &?rb $roipauac riw~ thou h n ~ t provided? 'thy they require of thee ; and $what 'thou 'didst 'prepan, 'to 'whom S ~ ~ t o 'anyone


tj.lwt).airroG duriv fu
%is ' T i e 'is



'of 'that 'which


self, and-in not rich Thus [is] he who trensures up for himself, and not toward t??lrdGod. 22 And he 'shall B e ? snzd unto his disciples 8~i)v ?TXOVT&W. 22 Elrew.Gi ?rphc r0C~.~rc6~rci~.laLroir," Therefore I hnp unt: At6 B~~~~~ of you, Take no thought God is rich. And hc said to his disciples, for your life, what ye roijro 'itpiu hiyw," p~j.peplpviir r~.$VX~.m6p&~'"ri $&YVTE, eat; neither for shall this t o you I say, Be not c ~ r e f u l as to y o u lif6 what yeshouldeat, ,put on. 23 The life ir thebody, whnt ye shall p$; r(Ij bDparin ri i ~ 8 h ~ r l ~ 8 ~ . rC/vxd nX~i6w U T L Vmore than meat nnd 23 ~ nor ss to the body what ye should put on. The life more is the body ip nto1.e 'tbnn raiment 21 Consider rijs rpo$ijs.rai rb uirpa 703 iw8l;paroc. 24 Karavojaara the m v k a : for the, than the food, and the body than the raiment. Consider ncithcr sow nor rcap ; which ncither have ro6~ rbpamc, Sri Pot" ux~ipovuivqotBlll Oepi<ovuiv, o7~ s+,orehou,e bn, the ravens, for Snot 'they 'sow not rey, t o which. and Gpdfeedeth them:

iurai.; 21 oi:rwc

b Bquavpi~wvi~nvnt),llrai p4

: :

oirrEuriv rap~iovoh84 &ro6rjq, uai b 8~bcT ~ ' P Eatroirc' $EL

there is not storehouse nor


fowh? 25 h d which of you with tnking miay p&4ov 6 thought to Bow uluch more hir.atature one cubit I 6p(;)v rp~pipvirvl' 8irvarai 'npoa6~i,~ac rr)v-~~kxiav.atroG~~ l ~ f t ~ d ~ ~ ~ you ;by3 being careful is able to add to his stature which is lenst, why

granary, and God feeds them. 8in i ETE TOY - ? T E ~ E L U & W ;25 ric.84 'ar A l k r than the birds ? And who of

h i

m j p v 'k'vu'l; 26 ei o h T o 5 ~ d L bX&~iurov J6vauOe,

%cubit 'one ? why abdut the If therefore not even [the] rest nre ye careful? lenat Consider the

ye areable [todo], lilies how they gtow : lilicp,

of g,"

7i reoi riru . X O L X ~ ~ pepipv~5ra;27 Karawo{uara rd upiva, U

rcpcTil~ LTTrA. r 6 q s a11 L T T ~ A W . C a B ~ 4 I T ~ A . d q;1$6ft)uev L. * T& yevMjELa7a E ; L zbv trikov the wllent Tr. pou,T~.[~]. IT oigpov DW. at.rovarv TrA. i atrcj T. [at1 Aiyw GPiv TrA. ' f [ i r p ~ v (read your j TO; L. m vpwv (rend :m to the life) LTTrA. bo<y) 0 [ ~ i p (lrud for the) mr*. l Po ee rA. o h TA [ycpv+Gv] A . HI. ?qv <hbKiuv aGroi) r p o ~ ~ d i v u c h. Eua ().cud o cubit) ~ w r ] ~ . v ot6a LZTrA.






the? toil n o t . t h q ~ p i n wcti,&ivt~. 03.~oxt+, of& .,vtjeetbn Xiyo.8i i,piv,* not; nnd yct I sny unto how in they grow ; thcy labour not, nor do they spin ; but I say t o you, you, a11 his glory wlr~not ~ i 1 6 LIoXop&v b rhop rp".661; afroir ?rcpiePhX~ro B i v &c v arrayed like one of these. 28 If then God xOt,eren in rll his $ry was clothed as one ao clothe the grass, TOVTWY. 28 ei.61 rrbv ~ d p r o v r $ & p$ 6;)pfpov b r a , " rai iv which i* $0 in the of these. But if the g r w 'in 'the 'Lld 'to-day 'which 98, and field, and to morrow IS anst into theoven. how U ~ P ~ O / g ~XiPavoY Y PUXXdpe~ov, eebc osrwc Zdrp$ihvvv~rv,u d much more will he to-morrow into a n oven is csst, God thus arrays, &the you 0 ye of litO Y p tlefnith? 'B a n d sedk &act, ~ L ? ~ &pzc, bXiydxcaror ; 29 rai &peiC t j - c q r ~ i r ~ not ye whnt ye shall how much rather you, O[ye] of little fnith? And ye neek ye not eat or what Fe shall ri rriqre, cai p7j.p~r~t)pic~oB~. 30 r&ra neither be ye of r i doubtful mind. 90 For what ye may eat or what ye may drink, and be not i n anxlety ; %heseathings nil these things do the roir ~dCpo?I bkxl<qr~?u 6pGv.BB b ~ a r $ p nations of the world yap ?r6vra ~ ( i seek after : and your for all tho nations of the world seek after; and your Father E'nther knoweth that T O ~ T W U . 31 ?rX+ cqr&re n)v paaiXeinv have need of these 0i8ev Srr X ~ # E T E f ~ n g a . 31 But rather known that ye hare need of these things. But seek ye the kingdgzu wek ye the kingdom of cro5 gco5 U ~ o d anti all these rai 7aikd d7rhvraIt? r p o o r e ~ j u ~ r ~ r 32 p+ &piu. thin* Rhall addad of God, and %h- 'things 'all shall be added to you. 'Sot little Rock; for not, unto you. 32 Fewit is $ o ~ o ; ,~6 p c ~ p h~oipvwv' gri ~ f 6 6 r q ~ c d.war+ . 2y ~ v & ,p little fiock, for Stook .delight lyour Fathur your Father'# g ~ d Ifem* giy;3zm.@v& 80irvar fpiv n)v /3aaAeiav. 33 ?rwXjaarerci.irxiip~ovra.dpt;rv, tbst ye have, md give in giving YOU the kingdom. Sell your posuesniona, alms; proride your- ra; ,adre dX~r~pooL~*qv*~ roijIoare i a v r o i ~ r/3aXhvria11 prj wives bags ~ h ~ wax c h alms ; make t o youreelves purses , not not old, n treasure in and






the heaven. that failthief npprolK:lleth,nei0th not, where no t h e moth corrupteth. 34 ~or*weyonrtrenmre is there will your h a t also. ,F Let l o w loins be gtrded about, mud you,' lights bnrning a6 sod ye yourselv!& like anto men t h a t w d t for their lord, when he will retarn from the weddingm thnt when he com&h knock&h they may open nn~ohimimmediately. Blessed a r e those mrvants whom the " , " a n a i l 1 -7 unto you, thaI ,hall gird himself and mnke them to kOm to meat, . i e them. forth and m Fl 38 And if he shall come in the semndwat&or come in the third wateh, nnd blused

?raXaiohtiva, Bqaavpdv &vQ~X~txrov role o f p a v o ~ ,Sirov iv

gywing old, thief a treasure unfailing in the heavens, For where will be.

where is

KXsnrrJc 0fr.i yizel, of& a 4 ~ 8ia$Oip&' $ ? ~ o v . ~ c i ~ 34 iortv

does not &aw n@r, nor moth there also .girded about destroy.

d.Oqoavpdg.itp~v, ice; cai ,j.cap8ia.6pGv Jarat. 35'~urwaav

your trensure, yonr yo loins your heart and Let be and

' 6 p S ~ ba$&y%~ple~wa~Qvai Xhxvoi ~ a i d ~ e ~ o icai ai rai oi 36 '


V ~ E T E 8p0101 & ~ e ~ ?& ~~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ri)v.rt~p~ov.iavr~v, ~ O b E O Q Y O ~ E

like tomen waiting for their lord, whenever he &hallreturn from the wed%ngfmtl, that having come nnd hnvina

ardr~ g&vaX6aei'l* ic rGv r

&@v, h a hX06vroCrai rpo6-

oavroc, E C O ~ W ~Eiuoi~wo~v air+$.

knwked, immediately they may open to him.
~ ~ ~ ~O PB&v 6 b~eivoi o g 'those ,whom coming the

37 pa~6pioi oi 8oSXot
Bl~qed watshing. Ybonben &ily and


riptoc dpjoer yprJyopo5vra(. a rjv

.ball find

XQYO hp;,,,


xapehB&v 8iarov;)aer afroig. 38 h~aiddv &$p BY 6 6 ~ v r 6 ~ p *ruing up serv? them. And if he come in the second $vXa~$, rain by 7y" rpi $vXac$ WOp, cai e8p 08rw~,

I my t o you, that he w i gird himself and will make 'recline .them,

?re iZ$aml


&varXrvd afroi~c, cai

watch, in the t h z wateb he come, and finH[tbm, thus, are tbme servants. pac(ipcoi E~ULY 8oSXot Q r ~ i v o i39 T O ~ T O . ~ $ L Y ~ U K E I - E&L 'oi .~ Y , 39 And this know, that B?t this know, that if the goodrnnn of the h o w hnd knownwhnt e i y'kc o~co8eaxdrq!: * xoip &Q d AQnnlr ipxerai, the thief if 'hsd known 'the "mnster 5of *theshowe in what hour the thief in coming,

o h Yljeeb O&C 64aiveb they neither spin nor w w e TA. [&L] that L. 7 iv &ypGrbv.xc5prov civra 6 p e p o v TA ; rbv xc5prov cnjpepov Iv Ay& 6vza L T ~ . a &~+td{ec L; &$rk{e~ TT8.A. l xa'c and m . b in~'r&urv mrA. c a h o i (read h s kingdom) i LTTrA. d udvra [L]TTI& * fia&ivtia LTT~AW. f a i buc#deo 6pGv L r & v d $ o n be may return L ~ A . h K&V i v r$ 8curipe, K& and if in the second and if m r r . iloi boihoc] &rivoc TrA; oi 8 0 i r b ~ &C?ML ( r e d BW they) T.


XII. LUKE. kl ypqy6pqa~v ;v, xa?l o t r > d v I I . i j ~ e m b i ~ p ~ y j / ~ a t "

be would have watched, his houso. and would not have nuffered to be dug through ye therefore
be p



brokenthrough. 40% for ye :for the Son of man dao Bp(r o&.doxriir,I uidc roi hvBpOlrou ipyerar. 41 f i r : ; $ ;g;thyt;h;s of man comed. in the hour ye think not, the Son 41 Then Peter snid anOai.r$I1 b IIirpoC, I ( i p l E , l r p 6 ~f)pZic r~v.lrapa~o~ljv.ra6rf1v Lord, apeakest to him, =to 'him 'Peter, Lord, to us this parable thou this pnrabie all ? ua or even to unto 2 &pcoc, Tic 4 2 ' ~ n dtheLord s#id, XQyci~, rai npbc nhvrar.; 42 ~ E l ~ e v . 6 d ~ spc~kost thou, or also m su? &d said the Lord, Who Who then l a that falthh 1 and wise stewnrd &pu ~ G T ~dV lriarhc oirovdpoc qrail' $pdvipoc, 6v Karaanjael whom his lord shall than in thefaithful steward and prudent, whom 'wil14set make ruler over his household, togive Ilmn ~Cpiocilri rijc.8eprrlreiac.atroir, r ~ di6d1~ai raigq '&" their portion of meet ~ i U dv Ithe YLord, over his household, to give in sewon the in due senson? U Bleast X ~ ; v ed W that servant, U L T O ~ ~ T43 ~parciproc b.60irXo~.ireivo~S I P ~ OV; whom his lord whon he uc.uarc of coru ? Blessed that bondnian whom 3having *come oorneth shall find ao Of truth I b.rirpio~.atroi e3pljae~ lroioivra oi;rwc. 44 hXr]83c Xiyw zjpzv, doing. 44you,athat he ,ay . t o Ihis "Lord will find doing thus. Of a truth I say to you, will make him ruler And ready;

ri)v.o~xo~.atro3. 40 rai 3 p e i ~ nofiv" yiveaB~ 3roipo~' Sri

$ %


STL alri
that over

~ ~ U r a a r ~ a ~ airrdv. OverBut and if that serL V ra c 45 that he all his possa~siona he will set him. vant sa in his heart

45 'EIv.I

But if Sshould*say Ithat 'bondman


hin heart, t.~l;pid~.~iou X E U % C T L * rai 6pEqra1 &?TTELY ~P 'my lLord to come, and should begiu $0 beat

eirrp 1.6oGho~-ix~ivo~r~.rapdip.a6ro~,X iv

o- ~ $ G* gin to La t :he men, $ ~ d



Tantsaudmaihns*and to eat and drink, and to be drunken ; 46 the

men-aervanta and the maid-aervurits, and to eat

lraidac rai rdc naidiatmc, iaeietv-re rai ni'v~itJ pexai

awil17come'the &rd

.6'6a~ra%a~. 46

mdatan when he hlminsun! aware and willcut O ~ . T ~ O U ~ O K $ , rai ;v iipp ~S.~rvDare~, h'm aqd portion with rai d?r, h'a will appoint and in which he doe8 not expect, and iu au hvtv which he knows not, tho ~nbelleverd. 47And 61x0~0' U E L ntrdu, m i rd.p6poc.atroir p;& r3v hriarwv that servant which n i l l cut *o :t ( w 'him, and his portion with the unbelievers knew his and prepared not himB t j ~ e i . 47 6reivoc.EZ: b 60iiX0~ h yv06c rd 6iXqpa r03 self, neithar$idrrccorGwill &ppoint. But that bondmnn who knew the will 1 1 1 ~ hie wlll, shall be to benten w ~ t h many ~v~iov.~dawoir,~p$.droip~an~vpq6b" noiGaai. rai str&es. 48 But he that and prepared not nor did according to knewnot, and did comof his Lord, mit things worthy of 705, dnprjaerai , T o X X ~ ~ ' 48 3-88 / l $ stripes, s ~ a 1 1 beatbe b u t he who 'not en with few slrzpes. shall be beaten with many [~tripes] ; his w!ll, For unto w honwoevcr ~ U O ~ lroitjaac-8; S , TA~YOV, GapGaera~ bXiyac. much is given, of him knew, and did [things] worthy of stripes, shall lw b a t a n with few. ahnll be ~ u c h required: and to whom men navri.o'i 166Bq &oh& ~ o X 3 q r q e t j ~ ~nap' ai1r0ib h $rvecommitted much ~ tal And everyone to whom was given much, much will be required from him ; of him they will as$ wai lrapk8evro rohh, r ~ p i b u d r ~ p o r ~ a o ~ u atrdv. tlla more. 49 I am coma ai~ iv o rend fire on the and to whom was committed much, the more will they ask d him. earth and what nill I, if i i bc already kin4 3 IIilp. +XBou ,OaXeiv WE;^! r,jw yiju, rai ri ' ljdq dled? so nllt I tlnve Fire I came to cast i n t o the earth, and what will I if a l r e a y baptism to be b a p t i a


and t o drink and to be when he looketh in

a day

$ :



b d

r o i . d o ~ ~ o v . ~ ~ ~iuv o v 6 p ~for i 4p
=of *that sbondman



BiXw ai

i t be kmdled?

&vGpBq; 50 /3&xriapa.68 iyw ,Oa.lrriaB~vni, m i 7 c j g U U U But 8 b ~ p t i s m I have. to be baptized [with], and

ho* i t be accomplinhed l in the esrlh? Think ye that

str~iteued till it be I am I accomplished! 51 sup-

stra~tened until came


SXoPat H w ~ . ~ o 6 " r~Xea9i. 51 doreira Grt eipljvqv rapepeace

I I tell you, Nay. but rnthe? division: 53 for


yevlpr]v doirvar dv ry' yg;

to give

otxi, XEyw i p i v ,

I sny

but rather

to you,

- iypqydpqaev o3v ~ a(read he wo~ill.1not hare i x&jvac - Iv, LTTrA. TA.


suffered) T.

rai h

atid the W.


705 L[TTA].


ji Or T.

ini Upllll

-- rb (read a rnetteul.8 o f corn) TrA.

* iirov LTTrAW.


1 Bv TrA. m GtopvP Kai etnev w r A . 1 ii the I.l"crA




fionl there shall be five in one i for there w ~ lbe from hen~wforth five l in 'houne house divicle,d, three *gninst t w ~ t and two ivill 6iap~p~piupfvot, 1 ~ .ini Guuiv rai GC0 bri V p i ~ i v . r against three. 53 The divided, t & against two and two against three. & father shall be divided lone rgainst the sonl and 53 61a ~ p l a e ~ ~ ~nardp l ai?'li vie;, rui vihc i r i rarpiq ~atl the the '&l 'be +divided 'father agamst son, and aon against frthcr father the mother against'the daughter, b?i b e ~ y a ~ p d Bu~hrqp bri cpqrpi'" ~ e v Q ~ p d and the daughter the mother sgalnst daughter, i , U daughter against mother ;mother-in-law gaind the ; aand mother in law against ini njv dp@v dafrijc,u ~ a i bri her in law* against adaugl~ter-m-law 'her, and daughter-in-law against nud the daugilter in I ~ I V against her mother &v Ca&rijc.u in law. %other-fn-law ]her.

AOYK.4E SIT,XITI. 8iaptpiupciv. 52 auovrai-yilp ( i r b roii.Yiiv nfvra bv yoircr


A n d i e said alao to the crowds, When ye see the cloud m a cgud r i e oat of dvarfXXovuav %ini)" ~ u u ~ G v , ebt)Qwc Xiyere, h "Op,klpoC the west, straightway rising up from (the] west, immediately ye say, A shower ye say There cometh II sho,,.e; ; so it is. Zp~arai.~ a yivarai oBrwc. 55 lcai Srav vdrov i ~Qovra, And when a squth wind [is] blowing, 53 And when ye see is coming ; and i t happens so. the south wind blow, X Q say, There will be yare, "Ort lcaGuuv israi* -rai yivaral. 56 6ro~prrai,T A Hesb there will be ; and i t happens. Hypocrites, the heat .and it cometh to ye

M And he mid ale0 to the ople When ye

64'Ebe ev.6i xai roic dxXoy, "Orav i8qre *rtjvnve$QXrlu

of the and of the apparance of the earth and of the heaven ye know bow] t o discern, ~ ~ h ; rbv-6i-~aipbv.roirovn G g ioi.80ripdc~r~"; ri.6i e ~ k ~ ~ ~ ~ 57. ~ a riq' i tbis tTme? 57 Yea, and but this how do ye not discern? And why even o f why even of yourselves iavrdv of .rcpivere rb Gi~aiov 58 hC-y&p4rdyeis perd ; judge ye not what is right M) when thou YOW+?~Vjudge YO not what C W right l Bor as thou goeat with gocqtwiththineadver- roG.~v,rtdi~oy~uov' b u dpxovra, i v r@ d8$ 6bc bpyauinv thine adverse pnrty before a magistrate, in the way give, diligence five diligence thad dqM6XBar AT' aCroG* Clljnore ~ a r a d p p UE x p b ~ thou mayest be delifrom him, lea& he should drag away thee to vcredh.omhim.leRt he to be set f ~ e hale thee to thl'udge rbv K injv, ~ a d i ae k r a a6d" r(ii n p ~ & ~ orai , ~i m d the judge dolive; the &dge, and the p d g e thee lhoulfdeliver to the oflicer, and thoe to the oflicer, and the officercnst theein- d ?rp$rrwp ae 'PhMP1' $v~amjv.55 X f y ~ 001, 06.pfl' to prison. 591tell thee, the ottlwr thee should c u t into prison. I say to thee. I n no WIW thou shalt not depnrt itkhep~ dieei&~,Er;.mo6" m; ib' ~axarov h r r h v thence, till thou has$ paidthe verylut mita shalt' thou come out thenuntil even tbe last lepton

~ ~ ~ ~ $ ~ , " , 9 r ~ b "nfo~v r i j ~yijc m i raj o&pavoi oisar~ 601ciph~eiv. , p,




thou shalt have paid


There were ~

c ilapjaav.l 3
him about the

r i v ~ yi v alr$.r$
at the aame ~

m i p $ drayyihhovzec

h d %ere Spresent lsome ~ Qalileam,

~ telling
Pilate mingled

the Qalilmans whose blood Pilate h;d sscriled their minSees. a and J e w answering naid unto them SU pose ye thnt those' Qi&l,anns we* sinners above all the Qalilmans became they sneered such th~nga 3 I tell you, 7 h'ay: bnt er repent, y; likewise parish. 4 Or

a t r y r ~ p rGv raXAaiwv, 6 v rb arpa "IIA670L." ~pi&u i

of whom the blood

to them, Think ye that

fie Qalileuns

per& ~ijv.&tucGv.afrGv. 2 ~ a Ano~ptBeicO b 'Iqaofi~" i almv with their aacriaw. And answering Jesus said atroic, A O K E ijm oi.raX~aio~0~10t ~~E hpaprwhoi nap& n i v these Qaliloans sinnore beyond were,


shzt8 ofxi, Xfyo irpiv. M A ' ictv ptj.qp~ravoijr~," i v r q rIjaaG2 r

ho ',

7035 raXiXaiovc iyfvovro, iiri P~oiairct~~ n b v ~ a a i v ; r~

because mch things they have suffered? ye m&t

1 yl t o you ; but




% 'W

7pwILv 8 i a p e p ~ ~ u o Y(read~ j o ~ three will e divided : LTA. ! ) L ~ A . b & y a ~ i p a ~ A . C p q ~ @ T %v p v i p a L*& L a ovnjs T . aver nrA. f *v ( r e d a cloud) LPT~[A]. 8 e n r at T. h iizr that [L~ITIA. O ~ 03am K 8orr~gi<erv know ye not to dlscern? ~ r . L ~apa86ueb shall deliver L ~ A . 1 oW; B d e i shall cast Lmm. m 05 Tw. A . O 'Iquoik (d =ad) he W~TT~A. D ~aCra the88 thing8 Tw. Q p a ~ 4 m / . r L c b ~ o i oL ~ L r

r i v i oirry i A .


( i r 0 X ~ i a e ~4 .
the tower thcae dwelt ye repent not,
And he spoke

LUKE. ;f ikeivot oi s 8 i ~ a . ~ b i . t ~ ~ & l l08g E$'

Or those and eighteen killed all No, them,


%aner 'ye shall parinh.

eigh",tet,";r$~~", Siloam fell, and slow

yve were men : all ye i think
5 I tell you, Nay: but, exce t ye repent, ye all Uewiw pe'a

fell that who

hpyos CV

BiXwcili rai &afrreivev airro6~;8or~ire

Siloam were in all think ro beyond


i i r ~ totrot11 d$etXirar dyivovro rap& advrag

debtors Jerunnlcm ?

&vf3phaov~dwelt in Jem~nlem?

rod* raroiroilvrac wdvli' I E ~ o v I T ~ ; 6 ~ ~ XQYw@v' &AA' sha!f X ? ofixi,

I say to you ; but

idv pr).xperavoijre,~ rdvrer


pnrable : plp,nted ;

&~oXeioee. rig
6 He

YnSlike*manner lye shall perish.

6"EXE~E~.~B ra6rqv
['msn] in
his vineyard

?.tjvrapapoX$v* ' Zlvrcijv elxiv

and he came

'A %g-tree 'had Laacertain

inhisvineyard; and he came and sought fnut thoreon, and found {t/rdy1l a&+ K U ~O ~ X - E S W. 7 e1a~v.d; ~ p b g ~ V T none. 7 Thensaid he waking on it and didnot $d[nny]. And he said to the v i m unto the droeser of his vineyard, Behold, reXovpy6v, '1606, r ia I Xopar {qrdv raprbv b~ t h ese three years I dre~ser, Behold, thPee y e w come soeking fruit on come seeking fruit on and c"rro+ov C aLr$ve divarill rai none: out it down this fig avrp".ral;ry rai oLX.e8piaro* this fig-tree and do not find [any] : out 'down lit, why even why cumbereth i t t h i

'BY r$.&pa~Xdv~ai)r~S re$vrevpivqv~fl i ~ X B E V m 'rapairv

3tree planted certain nln,a

&o d s o this



nju yijv Kzipie,

Sir, it but if

the ground d o , i t nnber w l e ~ rs let 'alone and not,

Kara yei;

8 b.66
BU~ he

tiaorpleeic Xiyei aLrG,

answering until

t m. Lord, let it alone this o


a&nfv rai roSro rb grog, lwg.6rov ard$w

thil pm?,

atrrjv rai PdXw eronpiav*ll 9



1shall dig about it: g and if it bear rdv pdv roitjap frapndv' fruitlwen: and if not and if indeed it ehou1d bear fruit-;


$rraEzitti:,'d:: :, " $zt

xi-64 CLljye, eic-rb piXXovll

hereafter And he wm teaching


'it. on the Bynaguguer

thou shalt cut *down in one of the

i n ~ i ~ " , ~ goguas on the sabbath. f a a t v s 11 rai iaol;, yvvr) gijull ~veGpa c"xovaa & u e ~ v e i a ~8 h ~ w ~ & f ~ ~ $ & nths. And behold, a woman there wsn 'a *spirit lhauing of infirmity had a spirit of inflrmi8l-q B8ircr~ai.d~rh," $v hotryrfirrovua~' ptj.6vvapivq ","Gigt,":,"a rai rai ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ , 'years Ieiqhteen, and she was k n t together and lunable and could in no wisA And seeing her

10 'Hv-GB Gr8Larwv i v pi$ rdv avva'ywydv Qvroig udp-

God * glorified 14 And the ruler of the aynsgogue answered with But eaaswering 'the of 'the synagogue, indignant beonare indignation because that Josus had healed r @ aaPPciry de~f(i7ret)u~v'IqaoSs, W E ~ Ery' 6xX ,l on the s a b b ~ t h day, 5 V on the sabbath healed a J , said tothe mow? and shid unto the eople, There are sir gays "l35 $ p i p a ~eiaiv, 4 arc v 8ei ~~Y&<EuO~L* m which meo ought to Six day# there are, in which'it behovea [men) to work ; in these work : in them therefore come and be raicil obv ipxdpevoc 8 nreficaee, rai p4 rp" $pip9 roir healed, and not on the e $herefo?e oomlng %ehealed, and not on the day lurbbath day. 15 The
and immediately #he wes made straight, and glorified

reai rapaxp9pa


uai 5665aSev rbv 8ebu made strai ht, and


14 'Aaorpi0eig.Gi d

(ip cuvvd~wyog, &yavaridv


LTrA ; 8 c x a o x ~ h . T t a h o i they LTTrA. 7 r d the LTTrA. W -;v ~ peravo+rqra LTTrA. r ouari~ws =A. 5 r r e 4 v r e v p i y v i v IQ G~lreAGuil a i 1 ~ 0 3 L T T r d . L {qrfiv x y r b v OClTrAW. b i+'06 since (three yearad Tl'rA. 0 o h therefore (cut) L. t v a rc L T r L wdrrpta EoL'XTrAW. rrcrprrbv e ~ r b pe'Mov' s 8i)c'ya (read bear fruit hereafter; but if not) TWA. e - q v L m r A . h w v x r i r . r o v r a m.

+ fi + SA fmm LZ

1 bop6'66'q


that TA.

m &ais

them W~A.

Lord then anfiwered him, and said, Thou hypocrite, doth not each one of you on the sabbath loose his ox or his ass from the stall, z,"tc;;;Fm ought not thir woman, being a daughtcr .of Abraham, whom Satan hnth bound, 10, thcse eishteen years, bc lo'osed from this bond on the sabbath day? 17 And when he had said these things, all his adverswlcs Were aehamed : the people rcjo~ccdfor a l l tho glorious things that by h,m,

AO'r'KAC. XIII. aaPP&rou. 15 'ArerpiBq OoiSvn aalir$ 6 r6pioc, Kai ~Irev,

P ' Y ~ O K O LEraaros 6p3v T~,"

his Ox each one



'therefore .him 'the








; ; Poiiv.ahroii 4 rdv GVOV y: ass

give [it] drink whom 'has 3bound to be loosed from 'Satan,

ot you on the from the

does he not loose

&TA rile qcirvq~) reai



and having led [it] awng

7rori~t.i; 16 ra6rqv.82
And this [woman], 10,

Buyuripa 'Apoadp oiiaav,

"dsnghter 'of 'dbraham 'being, eighteen years! ought [shelnot

Z ~ ~ U E V ~araviig, b i8oG, 6Qra.rai.6~~& $77, obk.i&c

~ i )T O ~ ~ . ~ E U ~ O ~ . T O Z ! J T O V
this bond

XU@~V&L &

73 <pi~$ZTO^ ua/3/3Lirou; on the 'day 'sabbath 7

"were 'ashamed who

17 Kai ' ra5ru

were opyoacd rarpa~vovro ?rLivr~coi rai riig b 8xXoc i'xaipev

and a l l t h e crowd wero rejoicing a t

And 'these *things 'on 'his 'saying

& V T L K E ~ ~ E Vabr@. OL

t o him;

dri ~ 6 a r v

roic iv66Eoic roic ytvopQwot~


the glorious things which were Wing done by him. lsThensnidhe~untO 18 *EXEYFV 48i,11 Tivt buri; $aaiXeia roii Bcoz; what is the kingdom 'He 'said 'and, To what 'like 'is the kingdom of Qod P of God like 7 and whereunto 19 I t is like rai rivt dp~ihbw C T ~ P 19 ~ Y ; b u r i v ' ~ 6 r ~U ~ Y ~ T E W ~ , semble i t ? I re~ bpoia y Like it is t o a grain of mustard, a grain of mustard end t o what shnll I liken it 7 seed, which a Xaphv 8vBewroc ZPaXev eic Grow iavroiro rui took, and castit grew, which into his ; 'taken 'a man cast into 'gardcn 'his; and rrndwaxedagreattree; qehaev.rai by6vero 66v8pov nriya,ll rai .rd T E T E L V ~70; and thefowlsof the air i t grew and came into a "tree lodged the branchel great, s n d the birds of the 20 And again he 06pav06 I C ~ ~ E U K ~ V W U v V t E roi~-~XdBoi~.airroii~ 20 tKaiu rdhiv r a ~ d Whcrcu~~to , shall roosted in' i t s branches. And again I llken the k i n ~ d o m of GO^? 21 ~t is like lea- ~ I r e v , Tivt dpoc(huw rrjv PaaiXeiav r.05 eeo5 : 21 bpoiq ~ , " ~ he said, To what shnll I ~ c ~ ~ $ ~ liken~ t h e kingdom of God? Like XUPOGULX T b ~ 6 ~ p ~ $ ~ & XI E'~ P O U ~ measures of meal, tit1 buriv Z;irpp, V the whole was lea- it is t o learen, whtch ahaving'taken'a woman hid i n 'of k e a l vened.




acira rpia, Ewe06 iZv 4eq 8Xov.

%enhs 'three, until 'raa acavened 'all.

pillages, teaching, and And he went through b y , cities nnd villages teaching, and rusalem. PS Then O ~ 23.eTrav.6i r i adry, ~ journeying toward J e - ropeiax X O ~ O ~ ~ ~ E U w'I~p~uu~X7jp." one unto him, ~~~d 'progress 'making towardn Jerusalem. b d said one to him, are tjlere few that bl ~ L p l e ,eI 6Xiyo~ oi awrd EYOL ; 'O.& ~Zaev 7rp3c ahroirc, saved? And he said unto them, 21 Strive to Lord, [are] 'few 'those 'being saved? But he said to them, enter i n a t the strait 24 ' A y ~ v i ~ e o e a eia~X8civ 6td r f j ~ ~ E Z '?rirhqc"' &L U ~ ~ ~ S ~ ~ ~ ' y f o O ~ ~ Strive~with~ $ y ; < eirnestness t o enter in through the narrow gate ; for euter in, and shall not aoXXoi, Xiyw ~ q r ~ a o u ~ t ~ . Kai odria~iraouatv. eiaah~eiv, be able. 25of the once many, the master When I say t o you, will seek t o enter in, and will not be able. is risen up, and hath 25 &$'-oS-d~ by~pB$ b oi~o8eardrqc, rai &TOshut to and From the time 'shall 'have 'risen9np 'the 'master aof 'the 'house, and .ahnll ye begin to stnnd without, and to knock a t K X E ~ U P17jv B6pav, rai bpfqaee $ f w iarcivac rent ~p;ireiv n ) w the door, saying, Lord! have shut the door, ,and ye begin without t o stnnd and t o knock a t the Lord open unto us K E, and he shall answe; Ohpav, XQyovre~, ~ P IT~irpi,II ~ Y O I ( O Y fjpiv* rai &rorpieei~ and say YOU, I door, saying, Lord, Lord, open t o us ; and he answering know you not whence : 26 then ~h,,ll irei 6piv, 061 01& 6piic &&V ;U&. 26 T ~ E begin to say, We wi l sny to you, 1do not know you . whence ye are. Then will ye begin are enten and drunk nai in thy presence, and XQYELW, 'E$&yopev ~ V ~ X L ~ ~ . U O V baiopev, rai CV raic thou hast taught in t o say, We ate i n thy prenence and drank, and i n

22 Kai B L E T O ~ ~ ~ Erard ?r6hetc rcai. rhpac BrB&arwv,rni TO t~",u$'~he~ietie~~~~


, , ,


r 6 b u t LT*~A. ; P ' Y n o ~ ~ r r hypocrites LTTrAW. ai pdya [L]T[T~A]. K a b W. ~KDV+CY aLmrA. I &p&# [ L ] ~ I A ,


o8v therefore mrn.


'Iepou6Avpa T.,

1 8 E. gipas door

our strects thou dldst teach.
X ~ ~ E Y lario

fpe'i, Ajyw irpiv; otr
you, all from me, And he w ~ lsay, I tell l dcpnrt

OnrstrCets. 27Buthe shall slry, 1 teLl vou I =Not hotyou not

nXarciaig..t)pGv dsiirafa~ 27 rai

'I 'do know

ye are i depart f r ~ m Cye] fncl 'l1 ye workers Of Iniquity. 28Thcrcshall 'oi" ipyhrac brrjc" d8iriac. 28 ire; {arat d ~ X a v e p bgai be weeping and gnash~ tho workera of unrightcousness. Thcre shall be the weeping and shallOf teeth* whenand ing see Abrahnm, ye 6 /3pvyp6g &v d8dvrwv, gray c&,brlu8c" 'Appacip rai 'Iaadr Inaac, and Jacob, and tho gna.,h~ng of the teeth, when ye sce Abraham and Isanc the prophcts, in kingdolu of God, and rai ' I a ~ & p ?rcivrac r o 6 ~~pof#~<rac tcai iv PaaiXEiq 705 you ~ o ~ r r s e l ~thrust ea ~ n d Jncob and all the prophets i n the kingdom out. 29 And they shsll come from the east, ~ E O ; , irpZg..88 br/3aXXopQvovci f w . 29 rai (ifovoiv dab and from the west, And they shall come from and f r o ~ nthe north, of God, but yourselves being cnat out. and fiorn the south, civaroXGv rai GvapGv, rai d & Po@ii nai Y ~ T O V rai &a- and shall sit down ~i" , east and west, and from north i n d south, and shall the kingdom of God b ~ h o l d thcrd , r~ithjuovraiQv paoixei$z r05 6~0;. 30 /80i*, Eiaiv 30 And, wh~chshall be are last recline In the kingdonr, of God. And 10, there are first, and there are Arst which shall bo labt. you whence ye are ;



c i ~ d a r ~ r ~ 4p0G ?r(ivr~c &X'


Eaxaroi o'i iuovrat

laat who ahall be

Groi, rai ~ i a i v ?1.p3roi o'i Zuovrai


and there are


who shall be


31 'Ev.&irri r@etipipq'l f?rpouijX66vll

On the same saying desires 'thee to him, day Go out and came to proceed And he said

v i m ] certain hence,

31 r i v ~ c@apinaioi, there The same day came certain of

Pharisees, Herod the Phariaecs, saying for and depart hence : for Herod will kill thee.

XiYovr~c~ ~ T ( ~ ~ , ' * EraiE aopeiov ~ XOE &XEL CE & ~ o ~ r ~ i v 32 . Kai ai

'to 'kill.

~ Y T E ~ ~ ijr~, E V 'HpLjJqc unto him, Getthcc out,

E ~ X E V ahroic,

thrrt ~ O Y Buhbld I cast ' out devils, ~ u d I do cures to da and to to that fox, Lo, I cast out demona and cures morrow, a d t h e third raX~io5pat. day I ahall be F~~TLTEXG" ufip~pov a6piov, rni T$ rpir rai I complete to-day and to-morrow, and the thir! [ b y ] I am perfected ; fccted. 33Neverthelcsr I must walk to day 33 nXljv 6ei PE u7jp~povrai abpiov rai ry" txopQvp and t o korrow and and to-morrow and the [day] following the day followin;: for but i t behoves me -to-day i t cannot bo that a :topeGea6ai* gri O ~ K . ~ Y ~ ~ X E Tnpo$firqv t?taoXfaeai Z w rophet perish out of Q ~ E t o proceed ; for i t is not possible [for] a prophet toperish out of ]Perubale~n. 31 0 J e rusalem, Jerusalem I E ovaaXfip. 34 ' I E ovuaX$p, ' I E ovaaXrjp, jl &?rocrrivovua which killest the pro! ' feruaalem. Rrusalem, S)srusnlem, r h o killest phets, andntonest them' soire .rrpo$ijrac, rai Ai80/3oXoCaa roic cisaaraXpQvovc~ p b cthat aresent unto thee. how often would1 h a d the prophets, and stonest thoso who have been sent to gathered thy childreal together a hcn aitnjv, noaci~ic dQiXr]oah.rrtavvciEai rci.rQrvauov,00v-rpdaov ga.her ;eras brood cloth nnher, how often would I have gathered thy children, in the way dcr her wings and e would not1 SdBehoG, jiiputCH krljvM iavrijg lvoaai&v" I j ~ b rdc ?rrQpvyac,your house is left nnto a hen [gathers] her brood under p e r ] wings, on desolate: audveriI rai oir~.iltlcXfiaart. 35 /soli, ciqirrai irp~v d.oTroC.3pGv mipr]- s%allsay unto you, Ye not sec me, until and ye would not. Behold, M left to you your house de- the lime come when e shall say, Blessed pocoU n & ~ + ~ bi Xiywn irpiv, Oijrtll oir.yfi PPE i8r]re" Zwc-qiiv" that cometh in the solate ; "verily 'and I8nJ t o you, that not a t all me shall ye see until name of the Lord.

to them,

Hopev6ivr~g32 And he said unto them Go ye aud tell

Having gone

~ Z ~ a rj.&XLj~~ri.~airrp, L K , & X X ~ ra '1806,

Gatp6via rai ihueic

14 come when ye say,

- -

r i j f ~ 'iire" ~ i n q rEirXoyri~ivo~ ' ipx6p~vogi v ,U ~, 6

Blassed [is] he who comes

in [the] name


e Kai 4

of [th'o] Lord. And it came t o pass on

[L]T~L [I,]T[T~A~

i Y i v ~ r o i ! r@.ih&>.a6rbv ~
his having gone
m4 - .

it came to 0 1 ~ 6 ~ T ~ U XIV. And wentinto TWO^ ,,ass, he into a house of one of the the house of one of the

- oi - $p& b d -i n b e ijpq honr TA. npouijh8dv &noTe& day L - 6pvrt 9 . . 78 vouuia - { p q p o ~ - &v TTrA. A+ T. - [L]TI[h1 P i61)~i LTTr4 pe come LT[T~AJ. [ b e ] TSA.
6 0L ~ A .




0 ; J / E u ~ ~ yeshall see TTr. B LTT1A. h [tjp+q] GLTWAW. Aiyw 82 GLTrAIY;


ijter it shall

chief Pharisees to eat bread on the sabbath day that the watched h i d 2 An$ behold, there was a certnln man before him which had the dropsy. 3 And Jwus answering fipake unto the b ~ y r r s and Pharisecs, saying, I s i t lawfulto heal on the uabbnth da 7 4 h n d they held tEeir pence. And he took him,and healed him, and let him go ; 5 and answered them, saying Which of you shad have an ass or an ox fallen into a pit, and will not straightway pull him out on the sabbath dav 7 6 And they could hot answer him again to these things.

dpX6vrwv'rGvl'@a ianiwv uapp6ry qayt7v riprov, mi nirroi

rulers were thcre was spoke to of the watching dropsical PfarLees on s snbbath to etrt And behold, breed, a 'man that they 'certain Jehua

4uav 1raparrlpo6pevor airrdv. 2 ~ a l iJo6, hv6)pwrd~

him. before



irJpwrc~bc iprpou6)~v airroij. 3 ~ acirorp~e~ig i d 'Il)aoGc

hnd am-ntering saying,

E I ~ V ?rpdg so65


~ a @apiuaiovr, yXiywv,llwEi" l
to heal?
him, But they were rilent. and let him] go. And

the doctors of the law and to[the]Pharisees, aabbath


r(tS ua/3/3&ryx 6 ~ p a ~ ~ y; ~4 ~ ' l +dXaanv, 6 i Oi-82 Iciaaro airrbv, rrai cisiXvu~v. $ ~ a i

them he d d , Of which of you 'an 'ass *or an60x
LpP him] he healed

I s i t lawful on the taking hold

~ a irihap6pavoc i
answering .into d to

z & r o ~ p i e ~ i ~ " airroirg ~ l i r a v Tivog d$Gv b6vog" 8 PoOc akpoy ,~

pkap c i p ~ ~ u ~ i icai ~ Ih ebJiwc &vaurhaet airrdv ra o 1

'ahall 'fall, day to him and 'not 'immediately 'he 'will pull UD And they were not able

a lopit the

bull erp"L $.&pp roil uy/3pcirov ; 6 Kai obr.iuxvuav civra~oon

nabbath? as to these things.
K E K ~ ~ ~ ~ V O , V ~ ~apaPoXljv,brQXwv

him t o re-

~pteijvatfa~r(tS1t rpbc raijra.


7 And h e g t forth a

parable to which And ho spoke to those who were ~nvited a parable, remarking were bidden when he rnarkcdhow~heychose r G g r(ig rpwror~~uiag ~ S E ~ ~ ~ O V T O , kiywv ?rpbgziro6g, ont the chief z ;; r : how the first places they were choosing out, sajing to them, sa ing unto 8 +&hen thou art bid: 8 "Orav KX?&~S d r 6 rivog yhpovg, p?j-~ara~ii6fc den of any nran to a When thou art invited by anyone to wedding feasts, do not recline sit not down U v $.EEKA?O Z"t?,"lf;ighest room ; eiq T ~ ? ~ ~ w r o ~ ~ i a i a v , ivripdr~pcig V lest a more honourable in the firat place, let a more honourable than thou may haw man than thou be bidden of him. 9 and he E V O ~ ;TT' atroij, 9 rai dhe&v 6 U ; rai abrbv rcaXiuac and havingcome he who thee and him invited that bade tdee and him k e n invitad by him, come and say to thee, ~i~~ this rmrn b p ~ i aoi, Abc ~ 0 6 r yT ~ T O V ' ~ a T ~ T E &pEp gp~r"' i and then thou begin with and thou begin wit; shall say to thee, Give To 'this 'one lplace,

7 'EX~~ev.82 p b g rodg r



6 dJ/(;Iv )avrbv soever exalteth him- u v v a v a ~ ~ i p ~ v w v 11 STC aoi. for everyone that e r ~ l t s himself , $ $ a ~ h ~ ~ ~ $ recline [at table] with thee ; himeelf shall be ex- erjaerat' kai b rareiv~v iavrbv dl~/hljaErat. alted. humbled, and he that humble8 himself shall be exalted.

he may say unto thee 38p 6 K E K X ~ I U E~, ~ i~iqll uoi, @(he, C rpouFriend, go U higher I OraV have when he may come who has invited thee, he may say to thee, Friend, come ~orshipinthqpreeenceav&/31let&vDrepov. rdre iurat uot 6 6 6 bvhr~ov rGv of them that s ~att meat higher. Then shall be to thee glory before those who' with thee. 11 For whothen shalt Jou

" , z : ~ E aiax6iqg rdv iaxarov &rov K ~ T ~ X E L U . MXI ijrav ~ h q ~ t 10 thouartbidden, o and Shame the last ~ l m e t o take. But wheq thou art ~ vC O ~ 227k2t","3zr: having gone hcivcir~uovII eic rdv ~ ulast a r oT place, U . tzvat e@, TO~EVWIE that dadethee cometh, tpv'ted, recline in the ha

,, " :

shall be

When thou makest dinner or a supper, ( ? ~ L U T O V BETTVOV, call not thy friends, a dinner or a supper, nor thy brethren ncither thy kinsm~d, nor $ 0 6 ~ UOV pqi?; T O thy rich neighbours; ren 'thy nor lest they also bid thee r &gain, and a recorn- TOTE rai airroi pence be made thee. lest also they

to him that bade him

12 Then said he also

12 ' E X E ~ E Kai ~ ~ Y-

h n d he said also to hun who had invited

K E K X ~ K ~ T ~ - C ~"OTCZV ) T ' o c $ ~ ~;T~Y

him, thy friends nor nor

When thou makeat T O ~ &&hS 'breth-

/.L?~.$~vEL roitg.$ihovg.uov pv8l

d not
thy kinsfolk 2nelghbours

~ ~ . ~ U ~ ~ E Y E ~p7JbiOYV E ~ T O Y ~ ~ ~ . U



thee ahould invite in return, and %e 4rnade &thee


fvqrai muor

+OCODLP~)~S~ ;

but when thou mnkest a feast, blind; and call poor,


bvrand80pa.~13 AXX' Srav rroqjg 6 o ~ l j vrhXet rrrwxoCc, , O&~~artjpov~,~l xwXo6g, rvqXo6c. 14 cai parcip~o~ iup'
crippled, lnme, blea*d

~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ , " h the, mnimed, the

thou shalt be ; for cannot recorn. ijrt 06r.E~ouurv civraro6o.irvai uot. ivrano606~aerai ~ c n s ethee : for thou 6recompensed "'ltt thebe for they have not [whorewith] to recompense thee ; lit Sbhal14be a resurrection of the just. Qyip! uot i v r$ civaurhaet rcjv 6ircniwv. 'for thee in the resurrection of the just.

Y ,';;Dd,e~,"~,"l~1~$1~f~

15 'Aro6uaC.8i ric r3v


1henrd 'ono lof %hose .reclining ['nt 'tnble] 'with Cahim] thcae

shall eat



alrev airry", Marhpioc

said to him, Bleused

q g " $dyerat Jprov hv


PnaiXei$c roir Oeoir. 16 '0.62

with him heard thew E ~ T E Yairry", 'Av~fwrrdc ric things, he said kingdom of God. But he said to him, A mnn lcertnin him, Blessed W he that q~kiquu"d~i~vov rriya,l ~ai.ix(lXru~v roXho6c* 17 K&; cirri- ~ ~ ~ ~ a ' , " br%d made e 'supper great, and invited many. And he 16 Then maid he unto

b e ] who

15 And when one of i the them that sat a t meat n


i\",t ~
& ?

arrrXev rbv.BoirXov.atroir ry" Qpq roir 6 ~ i r v o v aireiv roig

urnt his bondman a t the hour of the supper hnd been invited, 'began snid

$0 say 10 Lh0e.o who audbaden~any:



~ ~ ~ X q p i v o i ~ , &L 46q $ T O L ~ & "EpXeu6e, siurt~ll't?rhvra.18 Kai Come, for now 'ready 'in isall. And Gptav~0c i ~ iptac , v r ~ ~ p a l ~ ~ T ~ 6 T E ~ . ~ 6 rrp(;ii&Val
'with 'oue ['consent] 6to 'excuse 8~hemselves 'all. t o him, . 'field 'I lhnve 3bought, and A

exc"8e. The laid unto h h , I have a piece oi to out and to see it; !pray thee hold me exouscii, ~:;d~;::~~~~r;;: 19 rai b;epos elrev, Z ~ 6 ~PoGv q 4ydpaua rivre, rai I pray thoe h8va me And anocher mid, bPairs 6of 'oxen ' 'have 'bought 'five, 1 and excused. 19 h d an* thsr raid I hare rope.opr(opat doxiphuat airid. $wrO nr 2x1 ye. rrappmpivov. bought fiA Ig0 t o prove them; pray thee hold me excused. oxen and : to prove go them(: l pray thee have 20 rai Brepoc ~ Z T E Y , I'vvai~a iyqpa, rai 61d roirro me excu,d 20 h d And another aaid, A wife I have married, and becaune of this another mid, I have 11 married oL.66va a1 iXBeiv. 21 rai rra a evdpavbc b.60irXo~.~breiuo~ orefore a Iwife, and th callnot I am u n a g e t o come. h d L a h g come that bondman come. 21 So that aer& ~ G ~ ~ E L P~".~cviy.fffroz rairra. T ~ T6pyiuO~icd O ~ K O - hib lord these thin n XEY E vRntcamelandshewed reported to !is lord these things. Then beingangry the m u t o r Then themasterof

roe elrev atryj, *Aypbv $ydpaua, JlEaXOciv rni" i 6 ~ i vairrdv*

rai xixo i v h y ~ v
I havo

t h ~ that were bidden u Coma; for all thing; are now ready. l8 a n d thuy all with one consent bcsnn to make ~i

:;"p"pe,"$m~~P,',",~~y g

t wrij ue

~ X E m p 9 r ~ , u 6 v ~ bought pe v.

8euadrqc elnev ry".606Xy.a6roir, uEE~X6~a ~ i w ceiS rdc ~ h q b ~ & ! ~ p ' o Y , " , " ~ ~ r
of the house


to his bondman, city, blind

L?TEY b said the

Go out and the bring i n


quickly poor



qui,gly into t h c s t r e e ~

n X a r ~ i a ~ ,bli/.tag rijc rrdXewc, rai roir~ rai rrrwxo6~ rai

streets PI0

and lanes of the

and lame Sir, and

rrj ov~$rai bXwXo3crai rv+Xo6g" eiudyaye &?E.

the bondman,

6 606h0g, KGpie,


aCiynand crip- p,or, and the luoimea, the and the Kai tI?rev said

?ant aid,And " Lord, i t tie done as thou hastcom-



it has bcen done


thou didot command, and ktill


cai irl

lord saidunto the sorroom there is. And lord to the boudmnn, v"nt Out the highbays and hedges d806c kni $paypot*, rai i v h y ~ a a o v ~ u E X ~ E and J OOLU 1 them E ~~ , ' E ~ c X ~ Eic E Go out into the ways and hedges, md compel t o oome in, come in, t c t m Y house may be filled 24 For yva y~ptuef d6.~1~dc.po~.II Xbyw-yap Gpiv, art ohdeic 7 t h I say unto you, h hat 24 that may be 5lled my home ; for I say to you, that not one none of those men which wore biddeu civ6 cjv-tr~ivwv rijv K E K x ~ ~ ~ .yeGuerai ~ O ~ $ seirvoq. shrill ' t ~ t eof my V W ~ V 5 ofthow men who have been invited ahnll taste of my supper, aupper.

rdnoc luriv. 23 Kai

d p i o c rpbc rbv 8oirXov,



bvarrelpovr LTrA. 0 Sd but T. P BUILC whosoever m ~ . P lroiet m r k p i y a v L. fi eiutv are T. t ndwa (read [all])[I,]T[TTA]. v rrdvrer rrapa~reiu0a( LTTTA. [K&] and L. ivdyrcqv i x w L. Y dpAO&v havi~ry gone out m r r . S i ~ e i v o (read the bolidmnn) I.!R'rA. r b N+AOCC nai xwAoQs ivarreipous LTTA. L ~ A . A 8 whioh WrA. d pov b OEKOS ~ T A .

im: and he turned, IF- t multitudes with

36 M there m*

25' Xvvanope9ovro.Gi aCr@ $Xoi noXXoi' ~ a i orpagei~

And 'were 'going'with *him 'crowd# 'great ; and h a ~ i n g turned l i and mid unto them, elnev' npbc atroirc, 26 E rrc tpxmat npbc P E , ~ a oG.pruei 26 I f an man come If any one corner to me, m d hatea nob to me a n i hate not hi8 ha frrthe; and mother, rdv-~aripa.~davroijll a 4 v pqrfpa rai rljv yvvni~am i rd ~ i and d f e , andchildren, father and mother snd wife and and brethren, and a i r tern, yea, end his own .riwa 'rcai ro6c iSeX$oric rcai rdg d6~X$dc, iri.gGi" ~ a r6u i life also he cannot be and brothen and sisters, and beaidea also my disdiple. 27 And whosoeror doth .not i a v ~ o ~ . + v ~ I j v , ot.66varai hp~~.pa8qT?jc a r27 i ~ a i u8 o . r ~ ~ er~ '~ bear his crow, and hi5 own life, he cannot my disciple be; and whosoever come after me cannot be m <iaip~e: 28 or o&.Paur&Le~ rbu.m~~vpbv.Latro~ tpxerat bniaw pov, qzi whicz of you, intendcarries not hia cross, md comes after me,

and was not able to oi 8ewpo3vre~ 6pSwvra~ Oip~aiCetv atry'," 30 h8yovrec,"Otc finish. 31 Or what king who me [it] ~hould bogin to mock a t him, saying, going to p h l t another king, o5rol; b dv8pwnos tar0 oi~o6oeiv, rcai o&r-iqvaev&~reXiaac. mtteth not down &a, 't man tegan to bui?, and waa not able to finish. .nd coneulteth whethe? he be able with 31 ' ric /3aurXet'~snop~vdpevo~ H Puup/3aX~7v dripy pact&m thousand to meet POr what king proceeding to engage with a ~ o t h e r king hfm that gaimt him with twen- XeiQ tik zbXepov ohxi na8iaac npGrou qPovXe6e~a~~ thousand? 32 Or in War 'not 'harfng *sat 'down 'Brit 'take8 "counsel %e, while the other 1 Gwardc iarrv i v . 6 i m xrXrdaiv '&naurfaar1lr@~ e r d ia yet a great WRY OB, he wndeth an amboa- whether able he fa with ten thounand to m& him with m e , and dcsireth conanromofps,, 8390 EEKOUL ~LXrdBov lpxopivy in' a t r i v ; 32 ei.G.4 pljye, iri likewise, whosoever he twentg thoarand who comma against him? . But if not, 'still

$ < ~ o f ~ ~ ~ ~ , " *a&roiinb$oU bvrop, zpao/3eiav &noarriXac ipwr$ rd ~~,"~th,

he oannot be my disci'e h 9.r 'OS 'being, sn e m b a g having ssnt he asks 'the [ t m ] le. M Salt C good: if the rslt hve 33 oiirwe, ojv niic bF +p&v 0 t h &noThus thereforeererpone of you who h o t 'doe8 take h t hk narour where h i r r a v T O iavro0 6rdpxovu~v,oir.G6varai fit for the land nor lesw of ell that he himelf poareatma, cannot ? a h b v rb ~ h ~ w u rh ut for the d u n i i ~d~y ( ~ pu&)njs; 34 ~ Good v [is] the wsalt, a &iv-64 the 'l i U a e men opst lt out. but if salt He that hrth to Ibn -,let him h w . pwpav@# tu rLvi rvB~aerui 33 oGra ; Gv oOre beoome tutsleuwith ahnt .h% be -nedP it Neither for z n d nor





eig rconpiav t58~76vbur~v' (I&

manurr fit

i it: s


/3&XXovurv airrd. ' i o v 0

Ithey .mt


Ee tbt

to hear let h t n hear. XV. ~ h 4 m near B(Vs n anto him nil tb pab'Huau:':dl2 siyyiC~vre~ abr@' V ~ U T E Soi reX&va~rcai Il-8 md #infor And were drawing n . to him u all the tu-gatheren m? fbhearbh 2Andthe p h m d b e r 01 hpaproXoi hreoGerv atroir* 2 rai BreydyyvLou oi @a raaiot mumanred, W , the d n n w tohu h ; .41 m u m u d the P g a r h ~

cSra lLrco8eiu1tdcovirw.

16 L


1 a;mO -A. r 7e LTTA. 1 etvai prov mr*.

eounrrel T . r 3na+at LTTrAW. d+ therefore T[T~]A. * &a t L rd also L W .+ n both ( bLTTr& t) JIlhAW.

a&+ ipnaGrv LZTrA.

P b p i PacrAei wppdciv LnFa. dc ,

h elvai



TA (&

&he me~m])O T h a
a6703 W . J

~ovkduwab take will


sal \ . T Jam9 eis to OI.*~AW.

efvai +W LTTT. k06ebv T . 6







receiveth sinners and eatoth and the scribes, rajring, Thin [mnn] sinners with th)om. 3 A ~ , J he nPpoa8iXarairai U V U E U ~ ~ E ~ atroic. 3 E1nev.Ji npbc atroirg B ~ a k a thi(l Parnblo receives and eatn with them. And he apoke to them 4 What man of you ~tjv.~apn/3oXr)u.~aitrqv, Xiy,wv, 4 Tic divepwnoc 25 Cp3v having an hundred this parable, snying, What man of you them, if he laso One "p "1 doth hot leave ~ X W Y iKar6v apdpard, Kai h ~ ~ '?v~ i t atr;v,l1 ot~ the ninety and nine in X ~ ~ ~ H having a hundred sheep, and haring lost one of them, 'not after that which is lost the wilderncss~ go #araXei.rrsi r&d h v v ~ v ~ ~ o v r a ~ v 7 ja 8pljpy ~ anope6erar until he find i t ? 5 a q d hv v1 ~ ~ l i 'leaves the ninety nine i n the wilderness and goes when he hathfound at, be layeth it on his bni rb &noXwXd.q, Iwg G p p air6 ; 5 rai E;P&U shouldcra, rejoicing, nftor that which has been lost, until he find i t ? And having found [it] 6 And when he c o ~ u o t l ~ home he cnlieth togeinrr'i6qatu hni r 0 ~ ~ . ~ ~ o v g . ~ ~ xaipwv, 3 "rai ; X ~ & V thor 'his friends an(( c?~r0 6 he lays [it] on his shoulders rejoiciqg, nnd having come neighbours, ssyiugunto ~ l ~ e m , Rejoice with eig rhv OIKOU fuvyraXeill 7031;9iXovg ~ a roic ycirol~nc, U i ; fol, 1 have found t o the house he cells together friends and neighbours, 6nT- my sheep which was ywv niroic, gXvyXciptrrBHpor, 6rr ~ 6 p o v r3.np6~ar6v.pov 'that likewise joy shad o"' lng to them, Rejoice with me, for I hare fonnd my sheep be in heaven over one ri, ci.lroXwXdg. 7 X6yw GP$, Sri 08rwc .xccpd hlarai in ~ ( i imore then over ninety hv the that that was lost. I say t o you, that thua joy snd nine just persons, which 8 either reycntneed no what otpavqY hni dui cipaprwX@paravooirvrl, henvcn over one sinner repenting, [more] than over ninety haring ten r o v r a r v ~ i a ~m i o g , oYrivec 05 XPEPY ~ X O V U I Vparavoiag. obe one piece, d oi~ no& t~ ieces oi silver, t h she righteous ones, who 'no need 'hale of repentance. light a and nine

~ a oi ypnppareic, Xiyovrec, "0rc o6roc i




8'H rig yv~njdpaxpirc ixovaa &a, bdv &nohiup 6paxpr)v sweep the
Or whxt woman ' d r a c h r u ~ 'having

if she should lose drachma

houd. .nd
n ~ ~ ~ ~

P a v , oixi.iirrrrr h6xvov m i uapoi r4v oixiav rai k r e i

~l~;~&;;;",;~$ one, lights not a lamp and sweepa the hohse apd seek8 her neighbours togep6XLic ~ ~ ~ . ~ $ r o v; 9 rcai eirpo3aa " favyrcahairaiu ther, saying, Re'oim and having fonnd [it] she calls together with me for I hsve ehe fiud [it]? fully until found th; piece which rcic 9CXnc rai krcic," ytirovac, Xlyovua, rXvyxcipqriu pot, Sri ~ h a d l o s t .lOLikewiss, friends and noighbours, snying, Rejoice with me, for I say unto you, there in joy i n the presence of ~Srpov rt)u Epaxp,ju 6~Cjhaaa.10 O ~ T W X~~, Y W 6pilJ, the angelsot God,over I hnvo found the drachlna which I lost. Thus, I say to you, one sinner that repenteth.

5 ; -

lXppd yivernin ivDarov r3v ciyyEXwv roir Baoir Bni bvi ripa
joy ner there is repenting. before the

of God over one


rwhcji pernvooCuri.

11 Elnev.8Q, "AvBpdn6c rrc e l x ~ v vio6c. 12 rcai ~ I n e v 640

And he said, the. younger

A ' msn

'certain had


sons ;

and a i d 'fall-

=rtnln mm had two

11 .hd ,aid, he

S veCjrepog atr3v r(ii-narpi, IIcir~p,6d.c pot ri, bnipdXof them to [his] father, Father, give to me that


father, ~~~h~~ tpoS rijg ohaiac. mrai" B i a i h ~ a6r"ic rbv Piov. e r e me the portion ingcSto %ne] 'portion of tbc propirty. And he divided t o them the living. ~ d s ~ ~ $ t $ ~ ~ ~ "ii.rravra" unto them iris living. 13 rai per' 06 ?roXhdc ?)pbpac ovvaya &U And after not many days having gatherer together all l3 aftw the youngerday' son Y E ~ T E vibc ~& T E ~ ~ ~ F L ~ U ~ 6 p a vparp&r, rai ire; gathercd all together, ~ O ic U the younger son went away into a'country 'distant, and there his Journey into a f a r country, and 8iea~d.pntuavn)~.ot~id~.a6roi?, dahrwc. 14 8anati)- there wasted his sub&hJ wasted his proyerty, living dissolutely. q a v i n g atance with riotous living, l 4 And when UavroS 62 a 6 ~ 0 5?rbvra byl~aro Xipbc Oiuxvpbc' card he had spent all, them %pent 'hut Ihe all thero arose n "f~rmine lviolent throughout arose a mighty famine in that land ; and he rrjv-~hpav.d~~iuqv, a6rbc rai Faro iJarepeiaeai. 15 cni began to'be in want. that country, and he fegan to be in want. And 15 And he want and

tq his

ff g",




&rohiq should h0 1050 Tr.


wv~ahei T.

wvxtipr)~d T.


X+ O

m 6 6i


;v =TA. ,,divcnj~ov~a LTTr. iwia 2v T$ oGpavp omai TA. i 05 Tr. k


i q u p i LTT~AW






of that country, to feed rwine.

;tEpg$;$d$,"i", raI ha~e Alled his belly and



having~ p gone~he joined~himself to one of the citizens ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ $

T O ~ E V ~ E ~ E b~oXXlj9q

~ ( ; r l JT O ~ C T ~ U ' T ~ ~ -

irepJ/ev airrbv

ro6~.(iypo6~-a6ro~ Pdar~tvxoi'pov~.
his fields

And he was longing to fill his belly from the huels' I7 when ha came 6 v oi xo?poiw rai o68eic b8i8ov alir@. 17 Eic to himself, he said, which swere*eating 'the %wine ; and no one gave to him. *TO How many hircd servanta of my father's b c ( ~ ~ 8;) ~ iXe&v i PE~TEU,'~ I I ~ U Op i a ~ i o i TOG rrarpdp L havebread enough an l 'himself 'but =haringscome he said, How many hired servants 'father to apare and I perish with hu~d r I l8 I wi:l p V ~ T E ~ L C T U E ~ U V U L U ~ ~ hy&-82 O (iprwv, Xtp@ qir?rdXXvpai ; arise a n r g o to my 'of my hfiveabundance of bread, a n d 1 with famine amperishingl father and will sa 18 tvaurdc T O e6aopa~~ p b crbv.~aripa.pov, ~ a iEp3 unto him Father have Rinded against Hiving riaen =p f w i l l go to my father, and I will nay heaven and before thee and am no aCr@, IIhrep, ijpaprov ei'c rbv ofpavbv rai ivD~icivaov. mord worthy to be to him, Father, I have sinned ngainst heaven and before thee ; '"led one of thy make l 9 'ra? O ~ K ~ T eipi 6510~ thy 'On: h i e d L ~X?,d$valvidc-aov' roiqadv p me aa servants. 20 bnd he and no longer am I worthy to be called thy son: make me M came to he 20 ~ d ~ father But when big Eva ~3~.pto9io1Laov. rai &vaardc ~ X ~ E Y p rbv mnRa it a way on? of thy hired serranta. And havingriaenup he went to Yfaoff Jfatherniwhim. rip, 'iavroi.fl * E I L - ~ ~ airroi parpdv ~ T ~ X O U T O ~ rl6ev ahrbv mh hadand fe\ assion tber corn on hi; and 'his. But y e t 'he Var sbeing distant 'saw &him neck, a i d kissed him. d.nzrn)p.airro3 rrai b ~ l r X a ~ x v i a e ~rai 8pap&v brrireaev , 21 him, to Andthe non saidunI have 'his Vather and ww moved with compassion, and running fell minnedagainstheaeen bri rbv.rpciX~Xov.a6~o~ ~ a r ~ $ h ~ a e v rai airrdv. 2 dlrev-dd 1 m d in t h r sight, and Upon h i b neck and ardently kissed him. And %aid em no more worthy to be called thy son. waG~(>' vi6c,Ii IThr~p,Gpc@rov d rbv otpavbv rai bv652 But the father said %o .him 'the lean, Father, I have sinned againat heaqen and beto his servants, Brin 23 forth thrbest robe, an$ ridv aov, 'reai" oirriri eipi &&OS dqeijvai vidg-UOV. EZaev put it on him. m d put fore thee, and no longer am I worthy to be called thy 80% 'Said e ring on dis hand, rpbc r06~:606Xovc.airroG, 'E5eviyrare "rrjvll y 2 d ~cir4p m d shoes on hit feet: 6 23 and bring bither 'but the father to his bondmen, Bring out the the fatted calf and ~ 1 it; ~a let ds eat, UTOX+U rtjv ~ r p P n p a bv66uare airrdv, rai 6 d r ~ 1 ~ i GnnritXiov m d be merry: 24 for robe the best and clothe him, and give a ring this my non wns dead h; eic njv.xe~pa.a8roii m 6ro6ljpara ei'c ro6c sd8aca 23 cai i is alive a waa lost and found. for hia hand and sandels for the feet ; and ~ ~ b $ ~ ~ W a i v i Y ~~a L r ~rbv pduxov rbv O ~ T E V T ~ Y6 ~ a ~ , $ay6vreE t o h cll 8 rai elder ron was in the h v i q g brought the "calf Yattened kill [it], and eating : and as he came '24 E 06roc 6-vidc-po~ E K ~ ~ G rqi dvitqV $V, field drew nigh to the E & $ P ~ u ~ ~ ~Sri Y '


$,"eea:&rEiz~ I U ~ L O Y

16 rai heeirpei y~piaai nj%roiXiav-airioir &TJ rc;n) repariwv


bonsc he heard musick let be merry : for this my son ,dead 'waa, a n t \in alive and dancing. 26 And UN. b ~ a d.lroXwX&c 4v," real e6pi9q. Kai $ptavro 6i he called and of one nrked again ; and 'lost 'waa, and , is found. And they began to what these t h i n p $paiveuOa~.25 THv.82 b.vib~a8roG d rrpau/36repo~v &ye@. b meant. 27 And he snld be merry. And .wa8 ' i 'non hs 'the *elder in a field; nnto him, Thy brother ircome.andth~father reai bpx6p~voc yiuev r t O ~ K ~ ~Q O V U E Ya.up$wviac K hath kdled the fatted and an he coming [] he &ew near to the house he heard p . muio

rai ~ o p i j v * rai 26
and dancing.
he inquired And

oa~aXeacip~vo~ rLiv.?raid~v-~airroG,~ Eva

one of his wrvsnts,

b~vv9civaro r i
Thy brother

* eZq raGra. what might be these things.

k come, and

L r i n g called near

9 6.6; 7
'thy 'father

ellrev a8t$, "Orr

to h i ,
'calf the

And he said

b.L6~X$b~.uov ijeei. rai i9vaev d.~amjp.aov rba* pdaxov rbv

; T h.



t i d . av W.

- -h

P uep~uueliov~c~i. ~rl r &&a here -A. 56e here LT. t xai a L vibr a&+ A. x 5 i nu. r 'T a Quickly rjlv (read a robe LTTTA. r$ipere bring nra. +v &?rohu&s LT&A ;

i Qard

semte) EOLTT~AW.

* + i [L]T~AJ b

'fattenad, because safe and well 3him

'he *received.


~ i ~ him safe and e d zHe5wm'angry Sound' and And he not angry, " would 61 rai 06~.~6e)lcv eiueX6~iv. 6 eofiv'i rardp ah-03 [is in : therefore came 0 father out, into go in. 'The 'therefore father of him troatod him. andbnd 29 'but apd was not willing EITEY r$.ra- he answerin said t o i5eX8Av rrnper&Xreaitrdv. 29 6-82 Arrorpi6~i~ hnving gone besought him. But he auswering raid t o "fa- many year's do I[ serve father these neither trammessed I a t any time thy commapdment : aov aaprjXBov, rai bpoi ot8l.rrore i8w~ag ipr$ov 'iva ltcrd aua yet thou nevcr ' t h y 'transgressed %I, and to me never didst thou five a kid that with g a v ~ sme a kid, that I t might make merry r3v.$ihwv.pov E6$pavl)a' 30 iir~.Bb 6.vidg.aov 0 f i 7 0 g with my friends : my Mends I might make marry; but when 'thy 'son 'this 30 but an noon as thirr thy son wm come d ~ara$ayhvaov rbv Piov perk g nopvcjv ~ X ~ E U. i0vaa~ which hsth devoured , hnrlots came, thou didat kill thy living with harwho devoured thy living with ther['his], Lo, so many yews I serve thee nud never 'commandment for him the thou

ucrevrdv, Sri 6ytaivovra a h d v &?r6Xa/3ev. 28 'QpyiqQtl e



C O Lcai

ob6frror~b~iroh~jv thee,

with me, and all that I have is thine. 32 It 32 ~ir$pnv0Fjvat.6irai xnpijvat i6~1, Bre b.&BeX$dg.aov , " h ~ U 1 d m ~ ~ l ; , " h ~ e r ~ But' to make merry and rejoice was becoming, because 'thy sbrother and be ~ l : fop tdh t ~ ojroc vcrpbc qv,. m i idvfcrla~v.i' ~ a i l& ? r o X ~ h'4v," xai thy brother k ' &~ 'this 'dead *waq and is d i r e again ; nnd 'lost 'was, and was is alive again ;and and lost, and M found. always with me

*aitr$ rdv hpbaXovrdv utr~vrdv.~~ 81 eInrv air@, T f ~ v o v~, ~ A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 31 h. :calf 'fattened. But he said t o him, Child, 31 And he anid unto ipd uci burtv. him~Son~thonartaver 03 ~ A v r o r ~ ipoii ET, rai nctvra rci pei
art, and
all that [is] mlne 'thine


a; i e ~ .

XVT. And he #aid alsountohisdisciplus, was Them a certain rich man, which had a 2 @h?@qair@ Braa~opnicwv r~i.iraLi~~ovra.ahro~. hi stcwnrd; undthesame accused to hiln as wasting his goods. And W" accused unto him that he had wasted hi8 $wvljaac a6rhv ellrev al;r(lj, Ti ~03~0 2~060 Tepi goods. P ~ n d h called e having called him he said to him, What [is] this I h e y concerning him, and said unto h ~ mHow ia i t that I , 005 ; &rdBog rbv X6yov rij$.oirovopiag.aov' ~ f . y ~ p . ~ ~ v ear ~ o of the07 give h v this ~ " thee? render the account of thy stewardship; for thou csnst not nu nccount of rhy ; for thou Ee oirovop~iv. 3 Elaev.61 iv Cavr(lj b okov6poC, stewardship no long, r t be any longer be steward. And =said +within lirnself 'the 'stowlrd, steward. 3 Then thg said within Ti ?rotjaw, iiri ~ . K ~ P L ~ S . ~ O V &$atp~irai i v o i ~ o v o ~ i a v 8 steward w h a t s h d l I r &?r h im-elf, What shall I do, for my b r d is taking away the stewardship from do? for my lord t&cth 4.403; orctnr~tv~ oilr.laxCw, brra~reiv aiaxi,vopat. 4 iyvwv btcwardship : Ime tha from cannut me? To dig I am unable; to beg I am ashamed I know dig to be I am ri ? ~ O L ~ U O'iva, iirav , peraura03 o c~Kovo-solved what4to do, thdt nshimed, 4 am rewhat I will do, that, when I shall hare been removed [from] the stewardI am put out ,$ piac, 665wvmi ye eir ro6~.oirov~:Pn.i/r3vYi1 5 Kai apoa- the stewardship, thoy o call- may receive mc i u ~ &p, they may receive me into their houses. their hoqsca. 6 So he rcaXeudpevor I-'va fruarov 7 3 qxpew$~~Xer(;IvII KU iov called evcry ono uf h18 ~ r03 ing t o [him] 'one 'each of the debtors lord'sdebtorsuntohiln, and said unto th8 first iauroir ' ~ E Y E Y ~ p L r y , n d u w b$eiXetg r@f.wpiy.p021j How much owo*t t h o i T$ 'of 'his he snid to the fust, How much owest thou t o my lord? unto my lurd? 6 And he said, An hundred 6 '0.88, EITEV, 'Erarbv $&rovg bhaiov. rKai" E I ~ E Yaitrq7, measyen of oil. luld And ho tiaid; A hundred baths of oil. And he said t o him, he unto him, TRke Airat aov 'rb yp6p a" rai raeisag raXQoS yph$ov ?rEv+- thy 0111, and sit doun uickly, and write Take thy bilf and sitting down quickly write fifty. %ty. 7 Then said he
'cartam %here

16 E C % I E Xsaid +also~ a~pt o) p And


ro3~.pa0qrhg-~a&roI," *Av8pw?r6~
his disciples,

A Jman



~X06uto~; 8~

E ~ X E Yoi~ovdpov~ rai who had a steward, and

oBroc BEhe



L icquev

m TTIA. a & t , P X ~ C O # J E C LTTIA. ) V ~CT~

-~ a i - aiwo6 (retrd the disciples)

IS alive TTIA.

6? but L m A .

+ at706 his LTrA.


+ rijv the LTrA.


1 $v 8619 TRA.

i) 6; LTTrA.

(read InoAwAbt had been lost)L ~ A . + ;K from LL~TTTA. P iavmiv ~h yp&p@arabills L ~ V &

h U L T C V ~ pduxov TTrA. ~V

to another, And how much oweatthou? bud ha said, A hundred n
measurar of wheat. Trlre raid bin, And hethy ant0 him, writefourscore. R A D the lord commcnded the unjust stewlud, +USE be had dpne wlaely: for the children of thin world min their generation wiser thnu the children of light 9 And I my unto y& Mnte to ourrelvea 'eiends of the hammon of unrfpht-

AOYKAZ coma. 7 'Eretra dYiPY B

Thon And he raid,


~ ~ C Y , x6.83 R ~ V O Y d$~tXere; to anothar ha laid, And thou how much awust thou 9

' 0 - 8 elsev, 'Erariv cdpovc oirov. 'Kai" XQyei abry', AiSar

A hunhd bill the and oora write of wheat. And hn says to him, And Take thy

' ~ ypcipp~~" Q ~ Y ~ ( ~ + o i ) y b ~ ; l ~ 8 ~ a . ~ X $ Y E U E U b K Y ~ KaI

eighty. .'praised Y1ol-d Srtewnrd 'unrighteour bocauae prudentiy Ornow 'prudent he h~rd 'the

6 nirptoCrbv oi~ovdpov i j ~ r &8icia(: Sri $poZJipwci?roi?p



&L0i Vi0i roiLaiGa;o~.ro6rov$ p o ~ t p h ~ ~ 67dp ~ 0 6 ~ pol

Bor the rom of t h i age %hnn

roil V ~ O ~ E

$orbe E ~ C yev~dv~ v . ~ a v r aiaiv. 9 .K& rtjv &~

"genezation Jthe,ir +own 'are. Make toyourreIves fiieuds by the mnurnon


'"sons I'of I%e L.L1ight Yn


6pTv Afyo, "lIoi~acvr iavro?cH$iXovc I K roC papov; rrjc

ye fail, they may re- to you

in thnt which is baxt aluviove aK,,v&Ey, i r faithful r h o in 10 '0 d h b g iv bXa~iarycai much: and he thrt ia eternal dwellingsHe that [s faithful in [the] I] least ato W u s t in the least is iv roXXy3 rriardc iariv. Ea d tv ci bXaximy ri8irco~ curju~talso in much. 11 therefore ye have in much faithful h; and he that in [the] lesat [is'] unrig!~teour ~ a i v zoXXy' dbircd~ iariv. 11 et' o3v 3v ry' (i64cy man, who du coma,it a180 in much anrighteow is. If therefore in the m i g l ~ t e o u r to our trtut the true papwvpZ maroi obx.bybl~eatk, rb &XqBivbvric irpT*iv m a r e ~ a ~ f ; true who to you will eu~ruacl r$u~bt mammon faithful ye have not b a n , the in that which is ano- 12 caI ~i bv T@ ciXXorpiy riaroi obr.iyfvea9r, rb therman's And if in that which [Is] another's f,rithful Se have not bech, give you th;t which is your own? 13 NO ser- 6pLrepov ric '6piv Bhact ;" 13 OtBeic oirirqc GCvurai Bvai vant @an swve two your own who to zoa will give? No rervaut h able two mssten : for either he bovXeSetv* q.ydp rbv b n pi&Yei, cai rbv &E OY will hate the one, J U I ~m p i o i ~ love the other. or elm lord. to serve, for either the one he will hate, and the otter he will hold to'the one and despise the other: d Y a ~ b l$ b b c ~ W ~ ~ ~ E T C Y L 706 iri OV rcara$povtjatr, 8 , Ye cmnot serve God he will love ; or one he will hold to, m d the o t L he wl dmpba il a d mnmmon.

~ He that ~ fh f t$ h iEof ,nnrighteousnesll,-iva Gray x Iye X i . r rthey ~ ~ ~ 6SouB into rctc ~ n is n h cib~l~inc, , ~ ~ ~ that when ~ fail ~ r66twvrai p ~ 7 ~the 10 mar raccive


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i l ~ $

06.6Cvaa9~ 8ey' bovheSeiv cai papwv#.

'to 'wrve end munmon.

Ye we unable 'Qod
2 .

14 'Hcovov.Gd

rairra rcivra %ailf oi @aptaa?oi, $A+'U &

abo the Pharisoea, scovet-

An4 ?laard .them 'things

yttpoi irrcip ovrcc, t cal ~i&pvknjpitov atrdv. 1 xai eIrev ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ 6 v

tous heard P 1 theme our 'e, b& and they derided him. And ,he mid ~ & h ; ~ n d , ~ h aitrot, 'T EYE iare ~ ~ ~ ; oi ~l~aioilvrec iavroirc ivhrlov r ~ said nto them, yem to t h m , ge are they who ju~tify themelves before & d w lvesbefore men b O p O ~ u vd.dl.9~bc ~ W ~ U K r~ic.~np6i(tc-6pijv~ rb h i c & jWtiq , E L 87, h) o gut Qod knoweth nwnl but God knows your h w t a ; for that 'among hearts: forthat which civ9pcjro~c qrj'hbv P8QXvypnIvhriov roil Beoil blariv.u ~ ~ ~ ~ *men ~ L h l g$ l ~ t ~ h thonght 'of~ an nbomination b ~ f o ~ n ~ ~ e God ~ :b . tion in the sight of 16 ' 0 vdpoc cai oi rpo$ijrai cEwcU d ' I ~ & ~ dnb ' ~ ~ Ood l6 The law ~ t m law and thc prophetr [were] until ~ o h: n from theprophetr wereuntil rdre ?) Paaikia roil 6 ~ 0 6atayyeXiZerai, cai ei~ John: si?ce thnt time the God thnt t h e the kingdom of Qod is announced, and everyone 'iata p r a e d and every m4n reiseth into it. at+ picitarai. 17 Ebro.rrh7~pov.Wisrtv rbv oitpavbv cai 17 d d it is easier for .ft :fomea But e w e r i t ia [for] the heaven and baveu and earth to Psn,thauopetittleof ycv ~apAOeiv, 706 v6pov piav cepaiav TEUQY. &olawtofn~l.l8Who- the euth to p m away, than of the law one tittle to fnil. waver putteth nwa njv.yvvai~aatroil cai yapijv Cripav wife, nnd married 18 I T Z ~ d ci~o~irwv mother, comlnitteth Everyone who pntr awny hi8 wife &rid mnrriea another


a 6p;v 3Tr.

&Airy it shall fail ~ a LTTrA. i


TA ypdppa~a bills LTT8.A.

L ~ A .

ltai TT~[A].

+ [ a i i ~ G v(rcadcLrrraw. )ri)lpt mrL I.. d 'Iodvov m ] their eternal dwellings) 64ua b - iorrv (I.& [is])

~ a+& !iTrA. i

iavrois uertjuare TA.

poiX~C~i* ~ a e?rtiSn i
Mmmlrs adult; and everyone who

6 ~ ~ ~ X E X V ~ Bd?rb Y civZpbc V ~
'her 3put 'away 'from I 'husband
i ,

adu'tev:.ana whor* erer m n r r ~ e thcr t11nt t~
a,vay from


~ O I X E ~ E L .

marr~es commits adultery.


1 'Avepw?ro~.8i: TLC 9
Xow 'a 'man purple and fine linen, %ng

$v T X O ~ U ~ O E~ a i~v~6t66are~ro ,
srich, and he was clothcd i n daily

'certain 'there 'was

ro~92;pav /36uaov, 6 prrivdpevo~ ~ae'.ilpfpav Xap?rpGc. real

good cheer

in splendour.

20 ?rrwxbc.Si


fijv" dv6part Aci&poc,

Lazarus, and being full of sores,

m m laid
to be tain rich
,g There

And a $oar ' m a n 'certam thore was, by name his porch


npbc rbv.?rvXG?~a.aliroG h ~ X ~ w p i : z ~21 icai i ? r i e u p ~xopo~," h~


a eerwhich

clothed in purple satisfied from the crumbs which fell from thc table and linen$ and fnred fine sumptuously TO^ ?rAovoiov' real oi K ~ U E C~px6pevoi kd?rth~~Xov"e r e r ~ d a ~ : 2 O a n d t l i e r e ~d of the rich man ; but even the dogs coming licked U-ss a certain bcggar nnmcd L.nzarus which EXreq.atroS. 22 ly6vero.6i d?roenveTv r3v - ?rrwx6v, ~ a w.s laid a t his gate, i *died 'the %oar %an, and k " !f mddehis sores. And i t came to pass slrlng to be fed with d ~ ~ v ~ ~ a6rblJ &&I l T ~ d y y i X ~ v rbv r;X?rov ' ~ 0 the " d ~ v a V ~ crumbs which fell 'wab 'earried'awa~ 'he by the angels into the bosom from the rich man's table: moreover the 'Appacip. cinieavev.88 ~ a b do6atoc, ~ a br&$q. 23 ~ a iv dogs came and licked i i i A d died also the rich man, and was buricd. And in his sores. 22 And i t of Abrnham. t came to pass t h ~ the h6pac 706~ 6$6aXpo<~~-a6roG, &T&PXWY ill pa- beggar died,'and w r a, r @ $(?p the hades having lifted up his eyes, being i n tor- carried by the angels into Abraham'a bosom: ahvoic, ;p$ -"rbv!l'A@padp d ~ b - p a ~ p d e e Kai Acibapov ;V therichmanalsodied v, ments, he sees Abraham' a f w off, and Lazarus i n and was buried; 23 and llhrep in hell he lift up hie ~oic.redX?rocc.ali~o~ ~ a atrbc $wv<uac e?nev, 24 i eyes, beingintormrsta, his bosom. And he crying out said, Father aud seeth Abradam

-acreijilat ciwb 'rGv +IXiwv r(;)vl'n ~ ? r r d v r ~ v 744- .rpaaf<llcwas (in-6


'A@pa+, rb
the tip

of his finger

pe, ~ a?rQp+ov i Acilapov, 'iva

send Lnzarus, cool

Abmhnm, dave compassion on me, and

thnt he may dip cried and said, B.ther

~ f ~ ~
~ ~ r , " m " f ~ ~

U K ~ O VT O S - J ~ K T ~ X O V . ~ ~ T O S GSaroc, ~

a xam+6[p i

d ~XGU- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v

uhv you. ijrt 6EvvG at i v ri.$Xoyi.rairp.



'tongue rug, that he mr,y dip Of his fiLgorin the water, and cot l my for I a m s u k r i n g i n this ilnne. But "mid tongue ; for 1 rr.n torThrvov, pvrjrreqrt iiri d.&Xa@ec "U&" rd mented in this Child, recollect thltt =didst 3fullg i e c e i ~ e'thou B: ti &

in water, and

25 El?rev.Gi

i n thy lifetime likewis evil things. things, and likewlse VGU-82Oij8~"?rapp~aXeirat, uir.Sk 66vviiunt. 26 ~ a besides but z aw he lthings: pi?ri1l L s i ~ sevir hd m comfortBut now he is comforted, and thoQ a r t suffering. r ed, and thon a t torriiutv .r06rotc, perat6 4pGv ~ a &pGv ~ & u p rdya b i ~ + ~ [ rmented. 26 Aud beside i a all these things, between us and you a 'shasm great has been "'l this, between you there is agreat gulf Tat, 0; ~ ~ X O Y T6~aPGvai' ~ ~ v T E G ~ E ?rphc E~ v'~ fixed: no that they 5xed, so that they who desire t o peas hence to you which would pass from hence to you cnnuot; tt$.G&vwvrat, ~ $ 2 'oil1 ~ K E ~ W b rr 8ia?repGoiv. neither can tliz pass *uscan Jpa9s to Us, that w o l ~ ~ c o m e are unable, nor Ithey Yhence from thence. 27 Then 27 EITEV.GQ, ' E ~ w T 0~8 ~U," ?r&rp,'lYn ' ? r { p # ~ ) ~ he said, I pray thee And be said, I beseech Ithen ltiiee, father, t h a t t h o u wouldeet send therefore, fa~hcg, thnt thou wouldcst send a 6 ~ b v TAU oireov ~04.?rarpdc.pov,.28 Zxw-yhp T ~ L T E d6Eh- him t o my father's five bro- house : 28 for I have him t o the house of my father, for I have fire $06~* 8tapaphpqrai airrok, p4 a h o i maybrethren ; that he testify unto them, thers, so that he may earnestly testify to them, that *not 'also 'they lest they also come h+V


r$.~w#.uov, ~ a A&<apoc bpoiwc .r&.rarc&. i the;

thy lifetime, and Lazarus

thy good things in




that which) [L]TA ; [T&Y$ ~ 4 i w v ]T&VTr. k in6A~cxov LTT~A. - Qir ( r e d anrAaPes thou didst fully receive) 1 - TO$ GLlTrAW. m TOY LTTrA. 0 &be here (reutl naparc. he is comforted) LTTrAW. P :v before T. 3 ivOev UI~lTrAW. 1 oi (read Gcan. wn they pass) U . 6 uc o8v LTrAW. ]

* - nir LTl'rA. - ~ J ~ t x i w v (read T&Y

- qv [L]TT~A.

e - br


h fihK~piwor LTl'rAW.




of torment.

twA<az; &Owatv
raith unto him They have l4osee a i d she fyphets ; lot them ew them. 3O he aaid,Nar,father Abraham . but if ono went nnto'them from the dend, they will repent. 31 lLudthcymid unto him If he hear not M & and the pro& het.,neithcr will t h persu:tded t h o n g orerose fromihe dewl.
maymme IAbraham,

eIs ~bv.ri)?rov.roikou paudCvou* 29 Xiye~' 'airryY1 fjic

this piace Jto'bim They have Moses No, and the

' ~ ~ ~ a ~ p , ' ~ ~ o v rcai t v ~?rpo$ljracs~K " V U & ~ W U ~ V u rocc ~ w ~ 6 ~ O

prophets : Abraham, them, a d the

l e them hecv ~
but if on#

from [the]

30 '0.6; ezrev, Ohxi,

Buthe said, dcad .houlrt go If
Y E I C ~ ~ ?Y O ~ E U % T

'AppahPa dM' ihv rtp prravoljuovntv,

they will repent. prophets ohould rise will .not

father to

?rpk alirobc,

31 E:?rev.di a&rc$, E xMwuiwcl' rai' rtsv ?rpo$t)r&v o6r~ i

And he mid to him, 'they zhear, not even

&IC060u~llr, Io68in./&V


~ r ~ ~ ci~aU+ ?rla8hd p i i ~

one from (4heJ dead


XVl'I. Then said he is unto the dhc~ples,It illlposaible but that offenccs will come : hut woe unto him, through whom they comel 2 It were bettcr for him that a millstono wcre hanged about hisneck, and hc cast into the sea. than that hoahould offend one of theac little ones. 3 Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass aninst thee rubuko &m. and if kc rcpeut for&ve him. 4 And i i be tresp:~wag~inst thee seven tlmes ih a U s j , and sepen times in a day turn agnin to thee, tubying, I repent ;thou ahalt f orgire him. be per4uaded.

ETrlrv.84 npbc ro6c paBq~.'~:'Aviv8err6v larw aroitn

And he said 'should 'not 'come to the 'offenccq disciples, Impossible

it k


bp3-iXB~iv TA 0&v8aXa'~ C~irai.81U

6r' 05
is nut sea,


but woe [to him] by whom they coma

2 XValr>i a&r$ ei ap6X~E

I t is ~rofitablefor him if hl^Y neck,

dvi~hc" ~ ~ p i ~ e r r?repi ar
into the

a millbtone tnrned br an ass

rhv.rpri~qXov.a6roZ,m i
he should cause 'to offcnd lone

tic. r4v B&Xaauau, 4 'Iva

than that
*little 'ones. .thee Take heed

a~av8a)lia p

eZva rGv.prrp~v~ro~rwv."?rpouhx~re 3

.i&v.f6it1 Bpci :qam 'anrriast geic to sourselves and if ashoul%


a;" b.&8eA$b~.uou,a r t 'thy 'brother, And


ript)aov abry" ~ a idv p~ravoja@, i

buke him; and if

airr$. 4 rai idv

he should repeut, forgive him.

inrct~tc rijc Ij,uipac

seven times in the day

hi&prpIl ciS a6, rqj i i a r 4 ~ l c krijc

he s c u l d bin against thee, and raven times in the


Gp6pasni ? r i ~ r ~ 6 j# ~ l ni
lihould return
to. thee,

hiywv, M~ravoG,


I repent, thou shalt forgive

a And the (1pod1ea htm: raid unto the Lord, In6 gal m~l?rouboi irr6aro)lor T@ mply, Ep6~6ec $piv arease our faith. 6 And bnd said the apoatlea t o the Lord, Give more *to .'ua the lordsaid, If ye had faith as a grain of mua- riariv. 6 Elrrev.bB b K ~ ~ O S , a ~ * i ~?riur~v, Ei ~ r ~ "3s rdrrov tard seed,yemight say & I sgrnin U ye had faith, But 'said 'the unto thb aycarnine lfaith. m.Be thou plucked arv&?rewc, iX6ycr~.iiv rg'.auraCtivy.rdrp, 'E~pt/hOqr~, rai up by the root aud be of mwtard, ye might say t o this Bycarnine tree, Be t h o s rootod up, and thou plnnted i< the sea. andit shouidobo you: $vrc60qrr iv r$ ed4rstq* icai ir?njrouu~u.t3~ irpTv. 7 Tic.84 7 But which be thon planted h the ws, ufd i t would obey p% But which ?uviug servant p owa or feeding cnttle, OiT' irpijv 803r\ov EXWY ~ r p ~ i i v r a ?rotpaivowra, 6~ 1 say unto him by d you *a dbon~hrcn lhuving ploughing or shepherding, who , and b ~ when he ia eiueXBQvrt i r roii 6 p05 i ei P %liBBw~,IIaprXOE;v" come from the field, Go and sit own to meat ? [tohirn] mme in oat of the &ld d m y immediately, HL)FU come 8 And will not rather ; 8 &U' otxilpe5 a$$, 'Eroipaaov ri .sy unto him, Make r&v&r~uain tea* wherewithIma recline [at table] ? but will he not say to him, Prrpnre wh:tt -p, and gird t h y a d 8iardv~t pot, gwg $hyw jai and serve me trll l Gemvljaw, mzi ?rcpi~wuhpevo~ ! have eaten and a - I mny sup on, and girding thyself about * nerve me, while I eat and


t 61 (read but Abraham) LTT~AW. a T A . Mwijuia L'lTrAW. Mwiil 706 E. 8 + a6703 (read hls disciples) L r r m w . uios LTTrAW. 7 066' LTr& Aieos pvhbrbs B mlll~ton0 b T& trridaha @ i A B e i v l ~ r a . a ?TA+ 0% yet woe LTr.

h tapapniq LTTrAW. 'i [&I if L. 7ijs +*;pas LTTrA. L'IT~AW. elntrv LTT~A. D i ~ c r ye have TTrA. e Tr. P 9 EiBCs rrapeA8irv (r.catl Hnvily come imuredluteiy recliue) L ~ A


TWY ~ L K P W V O ~ T W V i v a T


84 and LTTYA.


+ aiwe tO him [Ll'J!TrA. .


6 - rip cr.3 LTT~A. - iric 06 ;lrpljs ub



shalt eat and ';md*bmmdthOudrink? drink; and after thesething6 shalt 'eat ' a d 'drink 'thou? 9 Doth he thank that r(j-ao6~y.'i~~ivy'l ~ T O ~ ~ U E rd bard811 V because he did I s \e to that bondman beorruse he did the things com- the things that were commanded him 7 I X6bYra va6rc;?'1; o i r . ~ O ~ c j . ~ ~ o$rwc ~ a i;pic, grav trownot. losolikewiae w 10 when re when ye &hallhave manded him D I judge not. Thus ye, done all thole thzngs

LUKE piy~uai rai ri&ac a(; 9, Mtj


irpzv, hiyrrt, sXOri'~&~; roc$um~ abvrard diara~6ivra

all thing8 oommanded you, say,

ye may haw done

;;; geyt$! ::; :;


men 'nnp~ofitable are we,

cixo~ioi Bupev. Y B T I ~ 8

for that which we were bound

h g ~ i h o p ~ v0 1 i i ~Ta we have -gaveOur d uthat which ~ Ei T O U ~ ? dcne W= t $0 ~

to do

rofitable servants: we

11 Kai ly~vcro i v r~.~op~6cuOai.'ahri)y~ ' ~ ~ p o v r a i ( I p ~ig
And i t came to pass in his going up to Jerusalem and

*li alric 81$px~roM

he passed

apiuov' h2apap~iac' rai

of Samaria

through [the] midst


ruaalam that he passed

theremet him ten roen that werelepera, which stood a a r OE: 13 ~ n d hfted their they liftedup[their] voice saying, Jesus. Jbaster, have compM- voices, and sni$ eru us aov 4 ~ 2 ~ . Kai i8hv 14 E ~ ~ E V airroi~, ~ O ~ E V ~ Idaster, have~mercy o i ~ U T E donon us. And seeing [them] he said t o them, Raving gone as. 14And when he raw them, he said nnto ~?ric?eiEara iavroirs TOTS ~ E P E ~ U ~ V . iyf~Er0 iv r y in&-them, GO .hew yourKai shew yourselves t o the priest& And i t came to paas in 'go- selvesunto the priesta And it came to pans, EIV airrodp Bra0apiaOquav. 15 ~lc.82 aLrGv, i8hv 8rr that, as they went z g 'their they were clcaneed. And dne of them, seeing that they were cleansed 15 And one of them, 4xEur E+EY, p ~ r d qwvij~pc bXql; doSi<wv rbv when he saw that he I ' he was healed, turnetback, with a r o i c e 'Lud glorifying was henled turned

Xaiac. 12 rai ~ ~ a c p ~ o p b v o v . a ~ rrwa ~ 6 p Q c c i ~ 7 ~ r $: a ~ " ~ d m Eic o ~ v q:~ $ : ~ lea. And on his entering into acertain village 4met l2 And he entered %6r(ja Gira XErpoi bvGptg, o'i Eurqoav ?r6$bufI~v' 13 l~aiinto.% certainvillrrge,
'him 'tan 'leprous 'men, who stood afar ofE,

airroi 5pav

qwvdv Xbyovr~~,~ U O S , 'I iniarhra,

i E

6 ~ 6 16 . i?rtuevini ~ rai
God, and fell on @is] he

rp6uwaov rapd rod~.d6.g-ah05,

face a D his feet, waa a Samaritan 'Answering


eGxapiurijv airrG* ~ a atrbc i

giving thanks to him: and
'and Jesus said,

4~ eZapap~irqp."17 $ h g ~ ~ ~ ~ :
he was a Samaritan. %n 'were cleansed7

a ~ ~ ao ~ 16 and fell down on


17 aaid, Were there ingAnd Jesus but 'the not ten cleansedl but ivvQa ~ r o ;; 18 otX.eirpiOquav 3nourpE+avre~ 8oGvar ;"8'ge2'mt; , k i n e 'where rare]? Were there not found [any] returning to give returned to d.p(I b . c ~ ~ ~ e v r ) ~ . ;$ r o ~ E T ~ aZ;r(lj, glory to God, save this o 19 Kni E ~ G6C;av T$ to him, stranger. 19 And he gFry to God except this stranger7 And he said unto him, Arise go t ~ way : tpy faitd ~ y Avaurcic T O ~ E ~ O U~.?riuri~aov * olawnchv UE. &~ng risen up go forth; thy faith has cured thee. hath made thee whole. 20 And when hewer 3rd. 20 'En~pwr~Bei~.GB rijv @apiuaiwv,T&E zpx~rai demanded of the P h r And having been aaked by the Phariis, when is coming the risees when the kin dom bf God shoufi pauti~ia70; ~ E O ; , L~e~pie7.l atro'ic kai elnav,, Ohr.~p~erai come, he answered kingdom of God, he answered them and mid, .Comes "not 'the them and sdd, kingdom of God coma ~ u c X e i a706 0 ~ 0 3 per6 ?rapaqp$aewc. 21 ot& ipoi;uiv, eth not with observa'of 'God with observation ; plor & a ray, tion : 21 neither shaU , they kingdom they say Lo herel or, '1806&GE, hi80ir" br~i. i806. bp, Ij pauci~ia BFO; ivrbc 10 there i for, behold, 7.0; L0 bere, or Lo there; for of Godinthemict-t the hnpdom of God ir the kingdom 22 Elntv.& 1rp6g ro'irg paeqrhc,i 'EXe6uovrae within you. 22 And he said nnto the disciples, And he said to the disciples, *Will Scome The days will come, %Not 'the

62 b 'IqiToic rlnev, fOLXi" oi 8bra i~aOapiuOquav;oi.g6iu

4 4


&&v LTl'rA. 06 &KG [~lm*. NT~A]. a p i u o v LTTrA.


dwiuleu) L

E t u r a p i ~ s. T

irceivrp (read the bondman) LTT~A. a674 GLTT~AW &L LTTKAW. S a&bv (read in the going up) b Zwapias T . 0 6mjvqvav T . d a$+ (reud [himj ) LCT~A]. o;x &Tr. 8 6 i but LT[Tr]. h i6o& TA. i f ~ T O (read hir V

-- r r CL


shsll not see it. 23 And O p d ~ o v i&iv, rai oir~.d+~o8~.23 Kai hpocoiv .;piv, ' l606 ther shallor See-herc, sny to you m m there; t o see, and shall not sea [it]. And they will say t o you, L o o not iftcr' thew uor k ; 6 ~ , ' 4 l606 h ~ e i ' l l prj.Cin6XQqr~pq6.i GidEqre. 24 6oaep.yde follow ticln. 2L For as here, or Lo there ; go not forth nor follo~. For W tlie lightniug, thnt lightencth out of the durpar4 '<'l &orp&irrov~aK T ~ S $ mirn'il oirpavbv one under t h e lightning which lightens from the [one end] undei heaven r e n shlncth unto tho oth6r part under hea- eig T?)V $A' o&pavi)u X & ~ A E ~ oi;rwg iorar "kai" , ven;'so shall also the t o the [other end] under heaven shines, thus will be also t h e Fan of man be in his t roit (ivQpLjnouOlv ri-rjpip 25 T G T O V . ~6ei ~ day. 25 ~ u first must t ' i b ~ he :ufer many things, Son of man in his ay. c u t first it behovor and be rejected of this i : gencrntion. 26 And as airrdv T O X X & naeaiv, ~ a dno8orripnaeijvai ciab ~ i / l y ~ v e i i ~ i t was in the days of him mnny things to suffer, and t o be rejected of 'goneration Noe, so shrill it be nlsq in the days of the Son raBrqs. 26 ~ a ~i a e d iy6v~ro hv raft ipipa.16 Pr03" N ~ E , ~ of man. 27 They did 'this. Aud as it came t o pass i t h e n days of i ? ~ , eat, they drnnk, thcy they oi?rwg iorai ~ a hv rais Ijphpai~qroir'l vloir roii ciuQp3~0v. i married w~regiveuinmnrriage, thus shall i t be also i n the days of the Son of rune uutil tho day thnt Noe entered into the R*, 27 Ijoeiov9 ~BCVOV, h~cip~tl~, -' lr;&ypand thegoodcame,and They were eating, they were drinking, they were marrying, they were being destroyed them all ei'c also as t ~t ~ i ~ o y r o , cixai $c-ljp;pac eiofiXQevN3c into rdv ~iP(r)r6v, ~~ 28 was in the daysof ~ ~glven in marringe, until : the d : ~ y 'entered 'Noe the ark, \ ~ ~ ~ k , kai ~ ~X ~~ E e ~ ~ o d b icara~Xvopb~n&?rdX~aev V ~ i s&raurag.'l28 &poiw~ they they nnd came the flood and destroyed alL 'Inslike+manner ed, they buildell; % b u t tKai 3cll raic <pQpalS ADr* $aQlov, &?.l'and as i t came t o pass i n the days of Lot ; they wereeating, they were rained fire and brim- vov, I j ~ d p a ~ o v , hndXouv, ~$~TEVOU, (t;~oBddrinking, thcy wore buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were 30 Even thus *ha11 it povv' 29 6-62 4pFL6pq EFijXQev A&r &nb ~ o b d p o ~ be in the building; bnt on the day 'wont 3out 'Lot from Sodom i t rained Sou of man isrerealed. 31 l u t h : ~ t day, he xcp rni OETOV &r' oirpnvoi Kai &rwXorvsiinavra~'u ka30 v/hich lipon fire and sulphur from lwaven and destroyed , all. In housetop and his stuff i n the hbuse, let him ~dI.~rairra~l torat $.iP6pp b vibc roil civepdnov c i n o ~ n X h not come dovvntotnke this way shn!l i t be in the day the Son of mrrn is revertled. i t away: and he t h a t is 6 ~ iurnl i r i ro5 Bdparoc, kai , in the field, let him rerai. 31 b~ Erebp rq'$p6pp likcwiae not return I n that dny me] who shall be on the honsetop, a n d brick. 32 Reinombcr Loroswife. 33 ~ 1 1 0 ~ 0 - ~ . u K F . $ ~ . ~ ~ O / K ~~ , pd-~araphrw T ;V To P aT at atr& over shall ncck to save his goods i n the house, let him not come down t o a e t ! away them ; his life shnll lose i t . ,t 3 and whosoever sllali Kai 0 E W ~ ( l j l ' &yp@ v bpoiwg p~.hirtorp~~cirw r(t briow. lose his life sh:~ll'pre- and he i n the field likewise let him not return t o the things behind. s c r ~ e i t 34 I tell you, id . '

wllrnye~hnllde..lreto see One 'lf the Son of m ~ 'lays ye nand of ,

Ijrionl, &E int&~pfi(r~re r 3 v piau

'diys, when ye will desire

f i r p 3 U roi, via; one of the days of the Son

XVII. roi &vof


$:ns","s ","fy&:,"k~k







loft. 35 Two worne~a his life t o save , shall lose shall bo gri~idingto- nn~T+,,l~ ~ ' W O ~ O U ~ a,irnjv. ~ U E ~ gcrhcr ; the one &hail bc tuhen,and theother it, shall preserve it.

",~<P~,"f:$,","~$';"~; $wxGv.a6roG x~Goai,ll cinoXloec cctnjua ~

it ;

bc two n ~ e n one bed; in

~ V ~ ~ O V Er ~ lE y uE u i ~ dA&. j ~T v ~

33 Sc-iciv ~ q n j a +v
Whoever may see% and whoever




of Lot.

a i3crdcivll Z&aoX6apll i
mny love nig>t shall beta-

34 XQyw hp&, ra6rp r t v ~ ! s r i

I say to you, I n that
t h e one oue ;

iaovmi 660
kcn, and tne other

there shall be twoCmenli~pon 'hod

hni K X L I V ~ S briZiS.II cbll ~k d l 7apaXq$8rjoeshall bc left. Two [women] shell be

rar," rai S PrepoS dp~0,iuerai. 35 9 6 0

Euovrat~~ &?$-


k ~ K E ; ,fi (- fi T T ~ l803 &8c TTr.4. ) 4 T[T~A]. m irnb 7bv under the L - ~ A . rai G[L]TT~AW. 0 i v q j < p + ? a h o 3 L. p 703OLTTrAW. 703 E. 1 iyapi<owo K ~ O according as TTrA. ~ S rivras 1 . ~ 1 . ~ . A , v 7air~h the same way OLW ; in 74 (Tead a field) TTrA. 7h air& in the same way TT1.A. n c p c n o r ~ u a u ~ to gain ar ~ ~ p . 4 . Y &v TTA. I ~ R O A C U sllnll lose T. EL a aGnjv (.read [it]) [r.].rrra: b c ' & J O V T O ~ ITTrA. 8G0 D 6 GI,TTiAW, d n a p a A n p ~ O ~ u s 7 nLTTrA.




eouuac iwi rb.airrda ' pia

together ; one


LUKE. ~xapaXq@8$aerai,""xai
shall be taken,

shnll be taken, nnd *he e8iptrai. 37 Kai ciwocpi8ivr~c Xkyovniv air$, HOG, other left. 37 bndthoy And answering they aay t o him, Where, to him, Where, Lord? answered ,&pie; '0.64 E ~ T E I ! ahrois, "OTOVr6 u3pa drat favvnx$$- And hesnidunto them Lord? And he said $0 them, Where the body [is] there will b gathered .




irL a

;G; ;;: ,;; ';


aovrai oi

UETO~." together t h e eagle9

eagles be gathered togcther. a parable t o them tothepurport thnt itbchovea


"Ehryr~.& Ernill wapnpohjv airroi~ xpbc.r&

And he spoke plao 'alwaya Jto 'pray


~ ~ K K ~ K E ~ v , " ~YWV, 2 X t o faint, saying, ought ~ [ N ~CO Pray, Y Y a u d n o t t o f n i n t 2 say716' $3 :V TlVl T ~ X E C , O E ~ Vp4 $OPO@IEVOS~ h e r c w f l n n c i t y ing, A A 'judge 'certain there was i n 'certdn 'a city, God not fenring a ]ud e, which fenred not J o d , neither rc~ a cEjtOpwwov~pjivrperzrd~evo~. ~ i p a . 8 1 i 3 U qv !V ~p gxrded man: 8 aud and man not respectlog. And a widow there was in there was a widow i n t h a t city; and she came ndAei.ike;vp, xui rjpxero wpd~ airrdv, Xiyovaa, ' E K ~ ~ K unto u ~ vsaying, A. ~ I him, thnt city, and she was coming t o him, saying, Avenge venga me of mine 4 And adversary. p cixb ~oG.&vrr6irov.~rov. Kai oi~r.~lj8kX7/aev~~~pdvo,v* would a 4 bxi he for a me of mine adverse party. And he would not for a time ; while : but afterwnrd

acivror~ wpoa~6X~nOai, I

~ a p4 i

XVII*. And he 0 sire s parable unto t\cm to this end, that mcn

('them] and not

perb.Pdi.raSral' aiwev bv &vry', *El r l v Oadv oir.$o~o~pai ~ , $ " $ , i : , " , l ~ ~ , $ ' ~ ~ ~ rai ~h
but nfterwarda nnd
K~TOV 'trouble

he aaid within himself, I f even 'not 'rbspect, yet because


I fear not

qrai* dv8pwwov oir~"ivrpixopni' 5 8tCi.y~ rb wapixelv' pot


i,",",":~~","~ +me venge her, lest by her


nor regard m m ; 5 yct

Tjv.~$pav-ra6rrly Sr6i~tj~w j v , iva.p$ aic-rihoc continual coming she air wepry me. 6 And the
this "widow

I will nvenge



perpetually ~~~d said,

;h;!; h;j:% jd zy uhe harass me. And anid the Lord, w e n e his owu elcct, 0 ~ptr?jg ; d6lriac XAyti' 7 S.61.8~6~ k p j Tnoi$oerll 7 4 ~ 7 ~ o cry day and thd 'judge lunriyhteous say*. And "God %not '#hall execute the night untohim them? hp bear longwiih ir8ir1~aiv~ ~ v . ~ r h e r r 3 v . a i r r73v podvrwv 'wpbc airrbv1I 8 I tell you thnt hcwill o avenging of his cloct who cry to him Nevurtheless when the avenge thorn speedily. Xiyw Son of mall cometh, 4 p i p a ~ vvmdS, rai ~t~ar~n$vpOv" airroic ; rai L, dny and night, and [ia] being ptrtieut over them ? I sap ahall he find faith on the e a r t h ? +TV, 8rr woiia~i T I ) ~lr6inla~va l r 3 v bv.rcixei, wX$v J to you, t h a t he will oxtcute the avenging of them speedily. Ncverthelosa coming

(pxopivq 6xu*ib<p pc. 6 Elrrv.d2 b ~ 6 ~ i ' A ~ o ,h ~ a$ata o ~ r


b vibs roir civ8p4xov bX83v

the Son of man

having come 'indeed 'will 'he find


airpiluei rijv wiariv


twi rijc yijc ;

vn the enrth? A.nd he poke also to some who trusted in t l ~ e m s e l v e ~ And he #pake par~rble unto certain which trustcd in themdespised the rcst Up:\ra- selves t h a t they were that they nre righteous and righteous, nnd despised xo rb iepbv others: 10 T W O man OXGV T ~ ~ T Q V 10 " A v ~ ~ w 660 ~ . Ithis: *Men 'two went u p into the temple went up iuto the tomle to pray. the one a .rrpouabEaoea~* E?$Q n taaios m 6 erepoc r t ~ t j v ~ l cI l 6 thnrisee, nnh the other wbfl i the one a i n r i s e e and the other a tnx-gatherer. The npublicnn. 11ThcPhnto pray ; rinee stood nnd prnycd @apiahiocarn8eic x.lrpbc iavrbv rairm" w p ~ a ? ~ i t ~'0o , d ~ ,thus with hirnsaif r rO e Pharisee standing, with himself thua wns praying, God, God,I thnnk thee, thsb

9 Elnev-6i 'nai" wpdc rrvac 7031: w~xoi8draci$' 2nvroic

871 & k ; v diraioi rai ~ ~ O V S E V O ~ V T ~ S 7 0 6 holnoirc r$v wapa-



SnapaA~p~O~uetai LTTrA. h 62 T T ~ A . ve1'8e 36, Ad0 i) the EOCT[T~]A. r , [men] shall be in the c r o w a t I v TG &yp(i;. i) eis v a p a A q + O i u ~ ~ a ~ a i ~ , Zrepos & $ e O ~ u e ~ aTWO ficld : the oue etitill be taken, and the other left E. j w v a ~ O r j u o v ~ [ c aalso] oi Beroi L ; a~ i ,a; LT[T~A]. 1 avso6s chen~ LTT~AW. ~ aoi h e ~ o ii n r c ~ v a ~ h j r o y r'ITrA. i ar cyrtawerv LTrAW ; I V K ~ K C L V T. TLS certain E, ;jOcAev LTTrAW. P ~ a c r a i TrA. 6 ovS2 ByOpwnov nor mnn L ? T ~ . r nor4o-n LTTrA. a;+ TTI.A. p a ~ p o O u p e ispatient i LUX& 0 6 LTIL 4a61ia upb~ iwrbv Tr : upbs i a v ~ b v 2 v [xag G !


+ '

1 nm not
e X ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ :



all that I PoiSeSs. U T E ~ W i t TO! aaPP&rov,*&?~08~1car&ll r a . ijaa rrzpat. S ~hv 13 And the Publicnns fast twice in the week, .I tithe all things as many as I gain. standing afar off would not lift up sd 13 .aKal . All r~Xhvqc a ~ p 6 8 ~darGC O&K j l 8 ~ X ~ v p v 0&8b r o 6 ~ much as h * And the tax-gatherer afnr off strn~ding would not even the henven but ttmotc up~ U T T E Y cei~I1 r& on his 'breast, raying, d$8aXpo6c beiC ri)V 0hpavi)v 67r2ipatl1' &h' God be mercihl to me eyes to the heuven lift up, b u t was striking upon a sinner. 14 I cell you this man wentdowntd ~ ~ 8 o c . d a & r o ~ , ' ' '0 8 ~ d e , hlywv, iXCiu6r)ri p01 T$ 6paprwX@. his house justified rahis breast, aping, God, be propitious t o me the sinner. t h e r than the obher : 0 is for erery one t h a t 14 AEfW ;@V, ' ~ a r i f l r ] h 0 c 6~6i~diwpiuor 7bv 0 1 ~ 0 eralteth himself shall I say t o you, Went down this one justified to 2houm be abased. and he that humbieth him- a&roC f+j breivos." 671 *lie S 6+Gv iavrbv rareivwelf shall be axalted. .'his rather than that. For everyone that exalts himself shall be

; l : { , I thank thee that I am not as the rest of men, even as this publican. iip7Tayc, aidicoi. poi~oi, 3 rat we 0 6 7 0 ~ r ~ h i b q ~ . m)b 12 ~ e ~ k , f ~ t g ~rapacious,t unrighteous, adulterers, or even this tax-gathexer. ~i~ ~k",~ I

e C ~ a p t m 3 iirt b t r - ~ i p i 6 u r g p ~Xoi~o1 i j (vi v e p ~ j ~ w v , uot ~ 01 ~


g6.6b" ra7reivGv iaurLv &+wthja~rar.

humbles himself shnll be exalted.

humbled ; and hc thnt

$ thnt

he would touch And they brought t o him also the baby, t h a t them he might them: but whnnthey rat' disciples if, h5 i6d.vr~c.GZ oi paeqrai h i ~ e r i p q a a v " ~ a 8 r o16 .S 82 i~ rebuked them. 1G Rut touch; but hnvingaeen [it) the diiciplm rebuked them. But
him, and said, W e r little children to

15 IIpoaQ$epov.Gi a&$ cai rci .ppi$q, h a aitr&v L17~rq-

Jesus called themunto

'Irluo3S'?rpoaraX~adp~voc ahrd e l ? ~ $ ~ , ~ ~ " A $ ~ r s rd 7ratdia

Jesus having called 'to [3him] 'them to me, and


Suffer the littlechildren for of such

unto me, end forbid t l ~ c m : for of such not is the kingdom of God. 17 ~ e r i l yI say unto not you, Whosoever shall

to come

~ . p , rai p4.cwXir~re a & r k iGv.yhp.~oi~l;rw~ ~ 6 ~

do not forbid &ly


4 paaiXeia the kingdom


ro3 B~oii. 17 &

of (tod.


them ;

Xiyw 6piv, 25'-kidv11 p+

I say t o you, Whoever lnot

dom of God as a little -GSlr)rar r4v in no wise Ashallreceive the enter therein.

paath~iavT O ; 8 ~ 0 6

~ a i 8 i o v ob.p4 ~ i a i X 8 ~

of God as a little child i n no wise shallenter

eig airrilv.


18 Kai ~ ~ p c j n l a i v

ahri)v cipxwu, Xiywv, Ai86arcaXe


16 And a certain ruler And *asked 'a 'certain 'him 'ruler, saying, 'Teacher 7 ~ 0 1 l j a a ~W ~ V C aihvtov K ~ ~ ) ~ o I J o Eixev~ ; 19 ~ ~ nrhat Good ' him, n ~ ' ~ c r hIaster saying* (iynei, ri I do tot inherit l6oo1d, bwhat l h n ~ i n g ldone life eternal shall I inherit 7 ?Said (iyaehv; oCGeic dya8bs eternal life? 19 And 8 2 S ' I ~ G O ~ ~ PE XQy~tc Ti , Jews said unto him, why tallest thou rile lbut *to $him 'Jesus, Why me cnllert thou good 7 No one [is] good


save one that IS God. 20 Thou1know&t the commandments. ~ ~ ~ ~

good? noue iq good,

~i-prj ~ SlS"BeciS.20 rdc ivrohdc E ,

e x c y t one, God.



The commandments thou knowest :Thou shouldest not

~ ? ~ - $ o Y E & Q ~ ~ ' p$.~Xd#~~' Do X E U ~ ~ . ' ~ commit a $ ~ ;~ ~ shouldest not cornmit murder ; thou shouldest not steal ; l , adultery thou i

ctea1,Donot bcarfalse p$.#~u6~pap~p~6pf rtv-~ar6pa.aov ~ a rrju i thy father and witness, l b n o u r thy thou shouldcst not bear fnlse witness ; honour fzithcr and thy mother. 21 And he said, All '0.8; ~Irv,*TaGra 21 ?rdvra U i $ V ~ a ~ ~ 86r l r these have I kept from thy And he snid, 'These 'afl have l kept from my youth up 22 Now wileu~esushkardthese v~drr)-r6~ ~ o u 22 'Aro6aag.81 pra~rn" 6 '1r)aoii~ einev * .~ things, he said unto nyouth my. And h n ~ i n g hcnrd these things Jesus said him. Yet lackest thou olle thiug: sell all that airri,G, 'Er' kv aot X E ~ T E L * ~ C i v r a 2jua l p t - ~ ?~hXqthou hnst, and distri- t o him, Yet one thing to thee is lacking; all an much na thou hast sell, bute unto the poor, i'Seic BqaaupLu i v 'oirand thou *halt have C O Y , ~ a qSicE8oc" T T W oic, rai i and distribute t o ,th$ poor, and thou shalt have tremure in heatreasure in heaven:



&rroSe~ureCw T. L 6 62'~. b is6pac c ; ~ rbv oirpav6v 'I"l'r.4. C 6 s LTT~[A]. ; ' m a d ; ~ t v o vLTrA ; ij ~ i ~ i r t i v o GTW. p r g ~ ai, iL. e [ijrr] that L . i a h i Aiywv cnlled then) to [bim] snyillg i w ~ r & . h ;rer;pwv LTTTA. k & 1 TA. m GOVt h y LTYAW. i+vAa(a LTTrA. O -pOV T[T$]& 1 oipavois r ;s o i r oGpavois the heavens LTrA. - 9 86s give L . Q .raG~aL T

is CTr. iavT06TrA.


XV 111.
m d come follow ma



pavyi*R Geirpo broXoCBet pot. 23 '0.64 &rco9unc, rai

very morrowful

and come follow 29 And when he heard But he ha~ingherrd these things this, he sor'very. said, How

mpAvrop 'iyiveroa' Ip-ydp lrA06atoc a$66pa. 241;i%hi!i

for he w u Orich

;;;f1vr,"d';g22 sus saw tlrnt he w u


b 'IQUO;~ 'T~pihvsov pvdp~vov"e~lrev, i j c J u ~ Kvery-sorrowful hesai4 n ~

%cry 7aorroWiU1 %wing 'become
lflaving shall enter it b


oi r& xf$para i ovrEc reia~~~6aovrai 1 ' ~r4v @aatXaiav into the king?om of
riohea into the I;ingdolu an eye

diW- that hnve riches enter sh;lll

m l t w those of God

roij6~oii.',% ECrorPrepov.yhp Barrv rfrpqXov dtd w r p v p ~ hthrou~h ancodleaseye, t~ $a9i8oCn ~aiaeX8eivn ~ ~ o i t a r o v .njv paatx~iav705~ E O G GO^. 26 And the 4 eis ofa needle to enter than a rich man into the kingdom of God thnt beard it n a i l Who then can be oi eiad8~7v.26 ~ E h 0 ~ l ? 8 ~ ciroQaavr~c, Kai rig 86varat snvcd? 27 r n a he aaik
to enter.
And d d those who heard, =Then lwho is able

God! f i r lt to go for a25camel a cader

For euier

a camel through

than for athe kingdom enterinto rich man

.paaible we mid

oweiivat ; 27 '0.6.4 ~ilrev, Td ci8;vata ~ a p d civOpDrotc are ~ 8 i b fwith GO^ o to be u r e d ? But he mid, The things impossible with men 28 Then Peter said,Lo we hare left all and 8vvarh zharcv ?rap&~ $ 8 6 28 EI.lrev.82 "6" I I i r p ~ c '1806, followedthee. ~~a ,

The thing8 which are impossible with men

dpz~b b $ ~ ~ a rph r~a v

left to them, Yerill all





And 'anid




tjtcOXovQjuapiv QOI.

29 'O.8.i


he anid unto them, There I no Verily is say man you* that he bath left house, or pr. the kingdom of

rlnau airroic, 'Apdv Xiyw irpiv, oiriav


o68~iglurtv 6~ ci$ijrev

3 ~ O Y E Z4 &&X$O+C ~
or parent. or brethren

I say tu you, That no one there k who hus left

~ i a f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " , "
Q ~ ~ I ,


yvvai~a" r6wa
wife who

~ 5 p a a t k i a ~3-03 8~05, 30 8c c

f 6 1 pt).gcin~A@~B r o X - and in the world o1

shall not m e i v e age that is * c

or childran for the solre of in this pruaent time, m a d - Oome lifeeverlast@'

e k ! ~ ~8nke*~ manifold more receive ~ U shdl not ~


of God,

Xadaaiova b r$.ratp@.roitry, rai b 3-qj aiGut r @ . I p ~ o p i u ~ v v


thL tFmr

m d h the

Cwdv aihvtov.
e t d . And haring taken to mm] the

31 lTaporxap&.8d

roSs GD8era ellrav lrpbc atsoCg,

twelve he said to them, 98r-lem,

ngLbn~,$'$z anid unto them, tb-

hold we go up to J e w r~X~aOlja~rat and all tbw m d 4ball *be 8aoomp11shed that . bx n r h v r a rd yaypappba Gtd rGv ~po$qrdv r$ vi@rov the prophets conrorning the Son of man 'all 'thing# wbl0h have been written by the prophets about the Son be accom Iiqhe&

1806, ivapaivopev tic " ' I e 0u6hvpa,~ xai

we KO up


dv8phlro~. 32 rapado@a~rat.~hproie i Q v ~ ~ txai ipra,- 32 For he ehaly be v,

of man; for he w i l l be delivered up to the Qentiles, m d wig be insulted and will be lpit up6n. and will be livered and tiles,
lthe Oenhall be

hrrving entreat&, nnd spitted on : 33 and they ~ h d acourgc him, and put him to death: nnd tko mUTged they will kill him ; and on the day thlrd day he shall rim dvaar;/aerar. 54 Kai atroi ot8iv rohrwu avvijrav, gni agnin. 34Andthey UP be r i l l rim &g& And thef nothing of these things understood, and $ ~ ~ ~ ~ wou &T' aitrGv, rai oit~-i~iuwo~ov hid from thorn, wns $11 rb.firipa.ro5ro rfrpv %u athis%eying, from bhom, and they knew not nl'ithur knelv things which were epo-

d ~8joerar $3 iae$aerat xai ipnrvafbja~~at. ~ n ipn- ~ ~ k ~ed ~ p i t e f u l l ~ rai 33



ortytaawec cilrorrevo~arvaGr6v. rai

rq' $ . ~ i p q i rpirV r





thvt which was u i ad

And i t cameto pua rmanl'certah

83 'Eyi~~r0.8dbv.r(r".iyltZe~v.a5ri,v EIS PItptXh,uT V $ Xpus, thnt ~~

he clrew near
way Jmicho, begging. a 'bliud

acptAvrov yetopevov rp]& pc?rorrac '1TrA. rp$pr+op ficAbqr LlTrA. SteABe'iv t8 ~ S L. Y I cifav T. zap& B f l ~ J w b i+&rcs 7h &a havlllg left clur own W (=- T$ LLTr]) @c@ emiv LTIVA. h. c 8rt T. d yuvai~cr,$j i8cA+&q yovc;r TA. ' c'ivfrrrv T. Z\L @ L L'Jcpout~abj~ i JepcrXJ p . irarriv Lnr& cyrvih WrA.

r1g i~Cietlro rap& njv 16bv kvpwarrZlu

ant bcside


W he w u . come nigh unto Js rit ho, a ccrtnin blind 36 ciro6aas .,nu ,t by the *HavingLheard side bcggiug: 36 and .----v cir *v @aotAeiavr o i Beoi c h b -

S5 And

it enme to



hoarlng mliltltude 84 a-ked r)tiirrs by, he S, Andwhat meunt, they
S8 And he cried suying Jesus .tlroudon of

AOYKAZ', 8xXov
a crowd
~ L ~ X V ~ E V O ~ nvv8civero ~ V O V

rl l

XVIII, XIX. " ~03~0.


~~$e~it~;~~;p;.;~ abry', " O ~'Iquoirc b Nacwoaiog aapLpXarai. 37 cin6yyerXnv.GB L

And they told him, Jesus the Son him ~ a z a i a a n is pawing by.

Passing along

he asked

what xmiil?'be

38 Kai dpdt)uev XLywv, 'Itluoir, via mAapi8," dXitladv pe.

And b culled out ' saying, Jesus. rebitked of Yuvid, have pity on me. t h r t he should be silent,

went before rebuked


39 Kai . oi ~ p o ~ ~ o ineripwv abrg h a vr~c

And those going before


cried~omuuhthemofe, attbi.db ?roXX$ pdXXov c"rpa{ev, YiB n'Anpi8,11 iXivadr, pt. Thou Son of Davld, but he much more cried out, Son of David, hnre pity on m , e have mcrcy on mo 4 0 ~ n J ~ S U S S ~ a nO ~ , Zlra8eia.db d O i 40 "b"'Iquoirc frihevuev atrbv cix6~l~ai npAC zommuuded him to be And Y h a ~"stopped g 'Jesus commanded him t o bc brought to brought unto him: and d abr05. ~ T V ~ ~ T Q Uairrdv, 41 p;\&EV when he ,WHR come abrdv* near he asked him him. h d x a v i n g dralvu near h e asked him, say41 sipfug, What s i l t i'va thou that1 shnll do U". ~ w u , " T i , U01 OHXEIC ? ~ O L ~ U;U '0.64 EIaev, Kbpi~, to thoa? And he said, ing, What 'to 'thce 'desircst 'thou a14Balisdo?And he #aid, Lord, thnt Lord that I muy receiv,,'my sight. 42And civaaXL$~~. 42 Kai d 'IquoDc ~ l r a vatry', 'Avci/3XaJ/ov* Jesus said unto him I mop receive sight. And Jesur said t o him, h i r e sight: Receive thy s i ~ h t t h i 1 . sored thee, t].aiurrc.uov U ~ U W K ~ VUE. 43 Kai aapaxpijpa hvfpX~$cv, 43 And immediately thy faith hath healed thee. And immediately he received sight, , he received his sight, lCCli j K O ~ O ~ ~ e l 60Ecif'wv' T ~ V 8ed.v. tini n2ic b X a b ~ and followed him, glorifying ~ o d : und all and f0llOWe.i him, gloribing ood. And a11 the p e o ~ l e @ople, when they r$ saw having seen [it] gnvo praise to God to it


iJwKEv a~vOY

a d

ed through Jericho. a man by hame called Zac%su8, and he HM a ctief I 2 And, behold, these was a man zac- reXLjvqc, rai ro6roc fivf' nXo6uioc' 3 mi h{<rer l8eiv r3v charus which war the tax-gatherer, and he was rich And he was seeking tosee ohief imoug thepubli- * ~ ~ ~ ;arlv, iicair obrlj6duaro &a6 705 ~ X X O V , Sri T$ ~ ~ cans, und ho wns r i c h S Aud hc sought to see Jesuswho he is : and he wan not able for the crowd, because Jesus who he wara and ,jl1dg plKpbc qv, could U O for the &a ~ 4 And having run forward ipapoa8evheciv6/.3q icai apo8papLv he littleojin stature small he was. before, s e n t up i6y nbrivg ' h i .6iIl' ireivqc stature. 4 And hc ran iai tuvropwpaiav," 'iva before, nnd clirnbedup into a sycomoru into a sycamore, a n t he might see him, ,for by that Cwayl to see him: for he $ p ~ X X ~&fPX~uOar. rai &c ~ X ~ Ein2 rbv rdaov, hvav 5 V topaa.i that wall, 5 And And na he came t o the place, lookP" * when Jems came to ha the placo he looked up phi$aal d 'Iquoic " l d ~ sal abrhv, rail' E ~ T V npdc abrdv, Jesus saw him, and laid to him, unto hlm, Zncchmus, UP makb haxte, and come Zur~ait, aae6uac rarcipq6ia U$ pov-ydp f v ~ ~ - 0 ' i ~ y . u o u down ; for t o day I '&ccllreus, making haate come d ~ w n , f!f to-day h thy house must ubido ut thy JET PE pcivni. 6 Kai . u'lre6uac icaripq rai ir3TEi?i[nro house. B And he mnde And lunkinghaste he came down m d roceivud haste, and came down, i t behorcth me to remuin. an11rucuived him joyfully. 7 And when they abrbv xaipwv. rai isdvrec xiiaavr~s.ll dieydyyv{ov, IaW it, t k n y all mar- him rcjolcing. And having soen [it] all murmured, murcd,raying, T l ~ nhe t , aiu gonu to bo guest X&ynvr~s, "Ori aapri ipaprloXq3 civGpi eiaiX8ev icardiruar. wiLh a mnn that is a saying, Wlth a siuful man ho h& entered t o lodge. sinuer. B AndZncchmW stood,nnd said un- 8 Bra8e; Zarxnioc EIAEV ?rpdc dpcov, '1806, rd t o the Lord. Behold n u t stnnding Zaccltmus mid to the Lord, Lo, the of Lord, goons the half to my) ~ l iuljll',~~'Giswp~roic a i w ~ o i ~ ' u I ,he j &pie, poor; and if I have falf of niy yo~scurious, Lord, I give t o the poor,

enz:i2; : civ$p bvdpari raXo6pevo~Zarc nioc, icai abrb~.t)v cip And having ontered he pnase8hrough Jericho.

' Q9 Kai ~iui8&v Grfip ero. . j v q ' I ~ p i ~ &9 ~rai idoi,

And behold,


[;v] LTr. A 8 QW U L Y I QLTTrA. airrbs (_ [L]T~A) 'IcpccXi, T. - hiywv(read iprrf. front,!a v~[zi]. ; Aavei8 LTTrA. IjvEGTTrAWLTrA ;~-~o f r o ~ ; wlc0poptav & to tlic


m 9


[b] Tr.

OLTTIAW. W - rr8ev abrdv, ~ aTT~[A]. i rrdvrsc 1.TTrAW. S pcrv TWV i ) r r a p ~ 6 v r u v TT1.A. a rois I T W X O ~ GiGwp~ TT&

t W K O ~ O ~ ~ ~ V

r ?jpiucaL ; &iuec6

T. L.

+ eis - 84'

rni ei rivi;~

Eavro$CEvrqua, (ir08iGwpi rerpufour-


t a h iunn by false y o u . any n any thillg m d if of anyone anything I took by f n l ~ accusation, I return e s;~tion,I restorc him ~Xoirv.9 Elrev.Gh arpbc atrhv b'Iquoir~,"0r~ Qjlpepov awrqpia fourfol" 9 And Jesus fold. And 'anid *to *him 'Jesus, ~ ~ salvationd said is salvation come ~ ~ day unto him, mis r1$.0?ry.r06ry bylvero, ra86ri ~ a a6rhc vibc i to this house, forsomuch as he also to this house i n come, inasmuch as also he a son of Abraham son of Abrallam. i8 S

biariv'" 10 3h8ev.ycip b v i 6 ~ civep&.rroutqriaai rcoi aGaai ro;

for Scame 'tbe 'Son aof aman

t h l Souof man iscome


these things,

to seek and to lurve to seek was lost. that and to save which
theyheard ~',a~~f,","a~,"$~~o: ~ ~ and b ~ ~ ~

that which has boen lost.

11 'Arov6vrwv.68 atir3v raCra, rpoaeeic elacv rapaBut as =were3hearins 'they &e, 'they became that %cur 'he was about the adding

he spoke a parr- there things, he added and 'thought J

ohyjv, did ri) iyyhc Cadr6v elvai atroQy 6r1 rrapaxpipa pihhe

'[E o ~ a !ernsalem,

d $ p rai 80reiv ,~

~~~~tl~h;<n$;~g~ God ahduld irnolc12 He $aiveaQai. 12 EITEY &v, " ~ v e ~ w ~ etyevdc b ~ o ~ e 6difiw1 6 ~ tl~ He mid therefore, A ' man 'certain high born proceeded 'nuid t6''rri0re8 manifested tnin nobleman went xdpav parpciv, XnPeiv iavry PaaiAciav rai v?roarpf+a~! E;i;ef;;rc~:zyf t ; to a 'country 'distant, to receive for himself a kingdom and to return. kiugdom, and to re13 raAQaac.Gh 61ra GoCXovs.2avroir 8wrev aliroic Gira pviig, turn. 18 And hc callod And hnvhg called ten of his bondmen he gave t o them ten m i n a , his ten scrvnuts, and delivered them ten ~ a i l?rv ?r?b~ a t r o 6 ~ ,IIpaYtLar6~aq6dlwS'i rp~opal.pounds,and said.unto ' and said to thcm, Trade until I come. them, OCCUPY till I come. 14 Brtt his citi14 Oi.8i.nohiral.nilroir hpiaovv adrdv, rai ci?rbarelhav ??pea- aens hated him, and But his citfzens hated him and sent an em- sent a messnga after him, saying, We will ~ E ~ U r b w ahroij, GYOVTEE, 6V Oh-6fhop~v T O ~ O V not have this ,nan to asry after him, saying, We are unwilling [for] this [man} reign over ua. 15 And

PauAeia roir$:;



paarXeiraa1 1qiI $piic. 16 Kai

to reign over us.

byfvaro bv rtji hrav~X6eiv

"coming 3back'again

And it came to pass on kingdom, to whom

tz,"h"e k?zd,",","d:
having received the

aGrbv XaPdvru
them bondmen

T ~ Paalh~iav, U ~ V K

having received the

mandcd these servitnta that he directed t o be,cailod to him to be cnlle'd unto him the money,

ellrev $ U V ~ $ ~ V U airrr;

r o d ~ G o f i o u ~ r 0 6 r o v ~ e B w x ~ v " dpy6piov, 04 rb.

he gave

iva ~ ~ ~ h ~ ~ & , l l ; ~ t i in order that might know hovmuch

the came the first, saying, upikoc, hiywv, K6pie, < . ~ V ~ U O Uhrpoueipyciaaro d f ~ apv.Zc. Lord, thy pound hnth " gnincd tcn pound+ &at, snying, Lord, t y mina h- produced ten minas. 17 ~~d he said unb 17 Kai e l ~ e v a6r+, iEZi,ll ciya6b KoirXe* ijr~ hv i h a ~ i u r yhim, Well, thou good And he said t o him, Well l good bondman ;because in a very little ~ p t " ~ , " e e h " f ~ ~ { f " ~ [ f . , " ~ ?rdXewv. very little,have thou rtarbc byfvov, ia6i icouaiav ixwv brcivo 6 Q ~ a over ten citics. faithful thou wnst, be thou 'authority 'having citics. 18 Ore.' And ten the cam0 saying gainedthy poLnd five pounds. r f v r pvc?~. 19 Elirev.Gk rai 706ry, Kai air 'yi~fiov ~ ir&iwl' 19Andhesaidlikewise five miuns. And he said also to this one, And'thou 'be orer to hi* ovcr 6;ecities. 20 And lrhvre V ~ ~ E W V20 Kai m SrepoS jjX6ew, Xfywv, KLpte, is04 mother came, sayine;, . five cities. And another came, saying, Lord, behold Lord, behold, here ta thy pound, which I /Lw;.uov, $1) 1 ~ (0 ~~ ~ o K hv ~ ~ ~ v ~21 b$0@06p~v kept lpid up in a E ~0~8Clpiv' v hirve thy mina, which I kept laid up in a handkerchief. '1 'feared napkiu : 21 for I f e u .I , ed thee, because thou ae, 6ri civepwlroc airarqpbc 1' a'ipeic 0 a r t an austere man: for thee, because a man harsh thou art ; thou takest up what thou takert up that And came the second, saying, Lord, thy mina has made

he might know what each had gained by trading.


We-ri BieirpaYpare6uaro.II 16 r a p e Y f v ~ ~ o .b i ~ s
And came

~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ h n ~ 6

18 Kai i)XBtv b 6~6repoc, Xfywv, LK&pta, rj.pv2i.aov'l b ~ o i ~ a ~ v second


C ervac airrbv '1opovoahi)p L ; efvac '1epovoaAi)p a6rb:~ TTrA. b ~UTLV [is]) T. ;v LTTrA. 8 ~ 8 h x e c had g i v e n LTTrA. he Y V O ~LTTrA, g 7i 8 r c I T p a y p a l ~ ~ ~ a V 7 0 ;ye w h a e they had gained by t r n d i u g TcA. h 8e'rta rrpooqpydoaro (rrpooerp. Tr) LTTrA. well done L'I*PIA. k QOV, ~Cp'e, TTrL 1 incivw $vow TA. m 4- 6 the (Z~epor


other) LITIA.


0 i ) r - i 0 q ~ a ~ rai @ p ~ i c S

o t r - t . ( r r ~ i p a ~ Aiyer 22

didat not bow. 23 ~~a tn0u didnt not lay down. and thou renpest what thou didat not sow. "He % p n he aaithnnto himlout "8iU airre, 'Er roG-ardparbq-aov rcprvG UE, lrovopl 803of thine own mouth -rill I .udge tirou Ibut t o him, Out of thy mouth I wiU judge thee, wicked bond. $ 6 ~ 1 ~ by& dvOp~?ros i;rt airaqpdc ~ i p t , a i p v 8 wicked servant. i'hou ~ g .


man :thou knewest that


'a *mm

% d u


taking ap what
md why

UP that I laid


oitr.iell~a ~ a 6~pizwv 8 i
I did not b y down and
didst thou not give my money


23 cai "6iarin

reaping what I did not a o a l

estnot thou bank that a t into t ~ l c my coming k might hare rcqlcired mine o a w ~ t h usury l 24 And he said unto them that stood by Take from him thd y d . and give i t to im that hnth ten p o - t n d ~ 25 (And the unb him, he hath ton pounda.) 26 For I say unto you ~h~~ every on; whlch hsth shall be g i v e n and from him t h t Lath not, even t h ~ he hath shall be t taken those mine ene2i Butaway from him. mica, which would not

23 wherefore thcngav-

o ~ E - ~ ~ w K ~ ~ Prb-(ipy6p~dv.povH bri

qr#j~'"~pjD(i?r&~~, lyh8

bXO&v 63v r d ~ ( t ) dv.'i?rpa&a

coming w ~ t h intcrost might have required ing by the he snid, Take from him

a6~6"; 24
the mina,


roic %Uprrlj

h d t o t h o n rtrmdand give [ltltohim who

dr~uiv lrEv,*Apar AT' aCro3 T?)Y pvzv, Kai 6dre ~ d 6im pvrie SXOVTL. c
ten minirs h a For I say (And t h y ard to him, ci

95 Kai t ~ l ~ o v u ahrt?, K h p i ~ ,ixet

to you, that t o everyone who

Lorlpviic. 8Sra ten minna.)


Lord, he h u
hrr 'hall be

26 Aiyo.vydp"6pZvy 8rr ?ravri r$ S?yovrr 80-

Otia~rai. (irb.82 706 plj.ixovro~,rai il Z EL .(i Oljuera~ given ; but from him who has not, eventhrt which h&us$11 betakm W&,,.* al;roc.~ 97 .I L ~ ~ 0 i r c i ~ 8 ~ 0 6 c '.* h ~ e i v o v roirs ~ v p0~ ~~

were nnwilling

PE /3aaiX~5ua~ ~ atrobc, & l '

t o reign ova


Ymine: enemiea



[for] me


before me. before, And having said these things he went on 28 And when he had going up thus spokcn, ho went before, ' I EoadAvra 29 Kai dyf.vaso &g ljyyia~v eic B@And it came t o paw as he drew nerr t o Bothcrurnleln. t o Jerusalem. ZI hnB t o it came to pass whcn $ay4 rai zBq6avinv," r p b ~ iiKh to rb 6poe r t ~aXo6pevov bXaiGv, he Bethphage and Beth- p h q e aud Dethnny, towfirils the mount caUed of Olivea,

t dI,",::and : l" hither,

rai r n r a a $ 6 ~ a r ~ ip?rpoaeiv pov. J and slay [them] before me. 28 Kni ~ i n & v raGra b r o p ~ h ~ ;pn;poae~,dvnPaivwv ro

~ K ; . ~860 ~ : ~ ~ b ~~~ 6 ~, u ~ ~ 30 i ~

r ~ v . & z ~ ~ r ~ v . a a ~ r o ~'~rrciytre Eic

of his disciples,

Olives, he sent two of

:2 ~ ~ i $ ~ i , " ~ orrjv g~; ~ l r l i r a v r i q+pqvs n~ ,itaiage the sopposite [3gou] vtllage, aga,nst you; in the
at youra colt L., ye shall eutcrlng where:d a colt ticd,

h0 "nt






E ~ I S ? ~ O ~ E V ~ ~ E Y O L; j a ~ r c ~6p

?rGXov GE~?E/IEVOV, l$' E 068eig T ~ X O T E v Ci~Opljrwv r ( i 9 i u ~ v ' ~

on which no one 'ever *yet lot 'men

in whreh


ye will flnd oat :

CC 6 5~ on yethim m d bring C X j ~ n v r qabrhv iyriy~re. 31 rai l& looae never man ant: having loo'ed And if it brlng [it]. And if myone 4 o u look, him any man ask you.Why d&arill X ~ E ;~ E o i j r w ~ i eire *arir,rlj,"'Or~ d rcirpcoc do loose 'lrnf thus Why do yo loose [it]? thus s h l~ say t o hun, Because the .Lord ye shsfi ye 8ny uuto hiin, Because the Lord hath abro3 ~ p ~ i a v {p. 32 'A?reXO6vr~~.Gl 01 &?r~araXpivor need of him. 32 And sot *it ~~~~d 'has. And having dcpurtod thow who hacl been lent thoy that were sent went t h c i ~ way, m d E ~ U O Yra@& LIxev' nirroic. 33;rGv rhv ?rGXov found even ns he hrtd fdund - hc had anid to the& d u d on thoir looring the wlt saiduntothcm. 33 And rs they were loosing f ~ l r ~ ~&piot a 6 ~ 0 5 p b a t r o 6 ~ ,T i X6cn V ~ aGXov; oi ' ' ~ c V the colt, thc owners ",aid 'thc 'masters =of 'it -to them, Why 10- ye the colt P thereof said nnto them why I O O ~ C 'ho ye j 34 Oi-6i f~T?rov,ll rGpio_cairroc X ~ F ~ N Y Q5 Kai )jynyov g'O SXEL. 34 And they srrid. The And they said, The Lord lof 'it 'ncod 'luu. had they lad Lord hath neori of him rbv 'IqaoGv' rai hbm$i\Clavr~~H iiavrGvn rd iphaGriv 35 hnd they him LO Jesus: and thcy it to Jesus ; and hrvinp cast thoir #U-


P pov rb 6pp'piov LTTrA. P 7i)v (mad a bank) airrb &rpafa LWrA. E ~ H W LlTrA. y$ for [ L ] ~ T ~ L - &H' ai.roi ~j1.a. 1 r o ~ r o u ~ TTrA. Y ai~r03s theLe them rPrA. Bqbavcd A. a+70; (rrud the iIseildea) 4r.j~.0 Ai'ywv L T r ' rai and T l r A . 811 ri LT& * a&$ [L)PT~[AL f eiaav LTTrA. S iir~ bec~use LTT~A. h ~ O L P ~ + ~ V TLIT~A. CC 1 aG&v L ~ T ~ A ,

m 6; LTRAW.

-- -


but TTrA.

6rh ri



+ +


aUX LUKE. rra i r i rbv *GXov, fiePiPnbd rdv 'IquoGv. 36

menta on the
And u he went

' I T O ~ E V O -upon the colt, and they set Jesus thereon.
36 And cls he went, clothes ~n way. way: they 'preadthe their

their garments


they put 'on ["it]


pivov.6bat~03 i r ~ a ~ ~ c j ' v v u o v r&.ip6rta?a6rc;i~~' r e b@ b v

they were atrewing

Bp4uc 37 And when he was of the mount nt thenigh* even the descent'of iXaiiiv tjpEawo &rav rb r?rXf&c 7Gv ra6qrGv ~aipov-mount of Olives, the began d l the multitude of the. disciplea, rejoic- wholemultitlideof the of Olives disciples began t o rel ~ a o u i v ~ ~ joim and praise God ;v TEc aivtjv r@ &AV ~U,IJ# p~ydhp 14% t o p m h Qod w i t a f oioe 'loud for all with a loua voice for all the mighty works 38 X 6 y ~ l ! ~ gEhXoyrlpd~oc b that they bad seen; , E ~ ~ O V ' &!U& EWU, Yhey 'had 'seen r t h e j 'worb of %wer, saying, ~ l ~ the 38 SR ing, Blessed be ~ ~ ~ d the ging that cometh mlp~dpevoc~aarX~irs bv6parr mpiov. " ~ ; p i w in the name of tha fv coming 'bhp in [the] mama of [the] Lord. Peace In Lord : peace in heaven and glory in the 06pav$" rai Bdra b v $$iaroiS. 39 Kai TLUEC TGV @ C I ~ L U ~ W Y hig&&., 33 A U some ~ hearan and glory i n [the] highest. And some of the Pharisees of the Pharisees from among the multitude drb T O ~ / ~ X ~O~l?rov" O V rpbg airrdv, AtGharcaXe, 'iniripq~ov unto him,Mnster, snid from the crowd said to him, Teacher, ,mbuke rebuke thy disciples. 40 And he answered ??is-paeqraig.aov. 40 Kal cisorpt6eir clntv Pnirroig," Aiyh and unto them, I thy disciples. And ' answering he h i d t o them, I say tell ou thnt if these 6pTv, qirr!l bdv 06~01 u i w ~ ~ u ~oi ihiQor a ~ ~ ~ P d . & ~ ~ a ~ I~i $ ~ e s ~ ~ $ r u ~u v$ h e to you, t h a t if these should be.ailent the stones will C V Out. immediately cry out.
p n d m he drew new a h d y at the descent

37 'Eni~ovroC.Gi.airroG


their garments



i n the

rcarafi&a~r roii

41 Kai


an he k . w m. aai,

t j ycaev, $&v rrjv ?rdXtv r'rcXavaev br' 'dlirt>" ~

uty h e we* Over


the city, anflwept over

waovn ra679,


the things for

b$8aXpGv-UOV. 43
thine e y b ; 'about

Brp6pq bnb day* t h e - things b u t now they am hid from ~ ~ ~ I ~ , " , " rai y.lreptpa- - . h i d from thine 8rr ij.E,~uarv.$~lpar bni for *sh& "come days upon thee that 'shall *cant ~~~1

t r p t g eipljqv xuou*ll Yijv.62


X O ~ U I ~oi.b~8poi.uov ~ h p a c hcol, rai repikvr~cjaouaiv ae "

.'thine enemies erampart 'thee, and

:, :" " ;, F"

thine enetniea thee about cnst a trench thee, and comm uvviEovaiv ae rhvroeev, 44 rai i bJa@ioiiaiv m thee round, nnd a E?e* thee in On md keep i n thee on every side, and &all level .with $the side 44 and shall lap uoi 6% rai rd.rikva.~ov b aoi, rai ofi~.&~~aovarv Xieov thed even with the v 'thee and thy children in thee, and shall not leave in thee a atone ground, and thy children within thee ; and h i Ai8pmu &O'.~W ~ b r ~ y v rbv~reaipbv. w ~ T ~ U J C O they ~ ~ not leave i n T ~ shall of 'visitation thee one stone upon ~ w n mtond, becsnae thou b e w e s t not the season another; because thou I~V. knewest not the time 'thy. of thy visitation.


shall close around

45 he went into the temple, and began out them thnt selling in it and Lying, to them, sold therein, and them that bought; 46 saying rtypar~alf ' O . ~ ~ ~ d g . ~ o s rpoa~vxijs & 7 ~ i;p~7~.62 them, It is writot v C ~.u unto It ha# been written, My h o w a house of ia ; but ye ten, My house is the house of prayer: but@ a6rbv dr0l~~ilrE arrrjXaiov X ~ U T ~ Y .47 Kai +V dr8cia~wvhere made i t a den of it have made a den of robbenr. And he waa teaching thievea 47 And he taught daily *in the rd.raO'.r)pipav dv r@ oi-82 cioxtrp~igrcai ai ypapyarsis temple. B U ~ chief the acribea priests and the ahibes in the temple ; a n d the chief priests and the day by day

46 Kai ' rimMi;v E ~ C . rb iepbv GgEaro t ~ ~ i h X e i v ro6c

And hav!ng entered into the temple he began t o cant out

ardoiivray L 6 ~ a&r@ ~ a Aye ci~ovrac,~ Xiywv a&roig,to cast ' i 46


iav~ijv . %

* K&[ovutv
srzra. 9 imw

- aimo;sirj a mA.

[ m v ] STrA.

= . A .

1 W ~ V T W VL T ~ . m Zpx6pwo~ T. ;v 0 G p a 4 e i h q m A . O efmv lf~r]~. P [orb] Tr. r uulrmjoovvrv shall be silent LTl'rA. Vov LT~[A]. t v LlTrAW. roiye O . T; rtai ye [L]T~[A]. I rrape~flaAo6ucu shall place Rearm AiOov iri AiBov (hi0 L) i v uoi b a679 rci iyop&<oy70y TTIA. b k L; rai imac and @h& c he



X I X, XX,

end the chief of the atrbv cinoXbuar, rai ol r Grog roir Xaoij. 48 people sought. t o de- Q&;ITOVV could 7 w c r e e ~ l n"him *to ''destroy, 'and 'the g g 'of %he . p n p ~ e , t and ,,tray him,4s find w'nnt they o ~ ? e i ; p t u ~ orb ~ i no~rjbwutv, v' r 6.Xaby.yhp b?mc eiC~lcpipnro" might do: for all the found whnt they might do, for 'the 'people 'all .were *hanging70n people were very attentive to hear him. aGjoG &O$LII)v. 'him 'listening. XX. And it came t o Kai iyfvero 1v pip rBv.if eoi)v!~kE&wv,l 6t8burovpnss, that on one of ~ n id came to pass on one t ottdoae dry*, as 'wus 'teachthose days an he taught the peopi;in the tem- TOE a t r o i rbv XnAv i v r J irp$ rai ehayyeL~o~6~ov~ PIe* and preached the ing 'he t h e people i n the temple and announcing the g ad tidings, pospel tllechiefprie~ts nnd tAe scribes came ~nburtluav g2pxtepei~l' oi rai oi ypappareic dlv roic ?rp~upvWon him with the elcame up the chief priest8 and the ncribea ~ i t h the elder8 ders, 2 nnd rpnke unto atrdv, hhyovreC," kElrb'l $/rSv h v him. saying, TCII US, ripotc, 2 rni heIrovll' n p b ~ by whnt nnthority doand spoke to him, saying, Tell us by est thou these things 7 noleic, T;C d d r l ~d 8 0 6 ~ U01 T?)V or who is he that anve T O ~ Q itovuiq raijra thee this authority ? whnt authoritr these things thou docst, 9r who it is who gnvc t o thee 3And hu nn9wered and r t. thclll, 1 will t b o v u i a ~ - r a 6 r; 3 v ~ ~ 'Anorp~e~ic.62 elnev npAc atro6c, 'Epwalso nsk you one thing; thias authority 7 And answering he said to them, Will r and answer mo. 4 The hnptisln of Jol;nWan q u w i)p?iSr(iYA li'vall Xdyov, rai ainari par* 4 Td /3inrcupa it from heaven br af 'auk 'you 'I 'also one thing, and tell me, The bnptism And 'l1& roar l p I ~ G I ~ ~ t~ ~ ~ I I i ~Lpavoij $v (ivepi~nwv 5 Oi.66 ; soncd with thcmsclves, of John from heaven was it or from men? And thug saying, If weshnll sny rp iavro6g. XiyovreS,"Orr iciv ~ i r w p e v sny, Why then; he wili O u v v e X ~ y i ~ a vn ~ l;l ) ~ bellev8.1 c him not? 6 But resnOnod among themselves, saying, If we should say all t i people ~ . %c ' a " ~ h lf ~ ~ s " wilf o f m ~ olpa~~oG, p r i p qAiariY ro8v' obr.imurr6uar~ a h i ? ; i stone us: for they be From heaven, he will nay Why then did ye not believe him 7 persuaded that John G idv.62 eZnwpev 'EF civephnwv, ' r i i g 6 habcl1 rnra)lr~busc iz%kd,' But if we should say From men, a11 the people will atone

b t

they could not tell whence it was. 8 And Josur unto them, Weithcr tell 1 YOU by what I these things.
9 ~h,,,,

).jp?ic. n e r ~ ~ u ~ i v o ~ . ~ ~ p ~' I ~ C ii ~ v r l rpo$tjrrIv elvat. t iur v v"

nu ;
And for thpy are pershnclcd they answerud Ncither [that] John 'a "prophet And Jesus

7 Kni c ' t ~ e x p i ~ ~ uei.ri&vai av

atroic, Oitsi

n d h . 8 m i 6 'lqooGr rlnev

t cy knew not whence.

'toll you

d L; Xhyu

began he to to thcm,


itpiu h noiq i[ovuiq v

rnGra ~ 0 1 3 .

by what authority those things I do.

~mnllk pplantell , ~a ~ C ~ ; f ~ , " ~ n~;b

$)*Hp&~ro vnpbc rbv Xahv XQyetv" 62 r$v-napa~oX~v.ra6rqvv

And lie began t o the people t o s p r k this parable : ynrd. nnd let i t forth wu&vepwr6S X r t & ~ $ ~ T E V2pn~X3va,n y b & & 6 0 ~ 0 " atrbv UEV rai A 'mnn 'certain planted a vineynrd, and let out it try f.11 a l o n ~ time. Y ~ ~ p y rai C i r,~ G t j p ~ u ~P 6 ~ ~ ~ S . 10 rai v ~ ~ ~ . ~ Y ~ X v i ~ n ziv'l And i n [the] t o hushandmen, and left the country for n long time.

~ e 2 " ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 ~ 6 d ~ ~
tliey should give him of tho frnit ot the vine nrd: but the husbnnkmcn beat him, and aont him away emptv. 11 And agnin he ~ e n t nuother serm n t : and they beet him ,,lso, and cutrented him shnmcfully, nnd sent him nwny empty. 12 And again he sent n third : and

$ ,$iijo "V:; t kt h~lshnndmen,thatsrmp@&riaretXev np6c soire the

fruit bh ,

yewpyocc ~ o G X O V , ?va &nb 703

husbandmen a bondman, thnt from the

he sent
of the

to vineyard


K ~ ~ X Or06 hI*r~X&0c G
h:rving bent to nend him


they might give t o him ; but the huabnnLen


YEWp 0; ?r O U ~ & T O

C E ~ ~ C X V T E ~( ~ T ~~ariur~tXnv" V~V. C iV KE


sent [him] away



Re added dis-

c n i / &-eyov'l~ o ~X O Y ' 0i.62 K ~ K E T V O V d~ipavrfcrai in~ ~ ~ G



bondman ; but thoy 4 ~ l s 'him 'hnving 'bent and o

EFarQnre~XavE ~ ' ( ; v . K

12 rai

n ouieero drip3/nc
ge added to m d

[him] sent [him] a s a y

8 icpetr f - i ~ e i v (read one of the days) LTTrA. ~v v G P ~ u I.Tr. v ~~ e L[CK~~~CTO T. h E l ~ b v A. TT1 h cyrrav TTrA. i hiyovrcc rrpbp a h b v LT ; hiyov~cs TrA. m 7b T. ' ~ W ~ V O Tr. V 0 OVVCAO~~<OVTO I.. ' I w a y v Tr. 1 A r i ri ELTrA. ' 06v ~ L ~ T T ~ A*. i) Aabp a n a s YrrA.. P ?jp;v to U& I.. r i p Ol.TTrAW. 'A,~reA;va i46rcvuev &epoaop L Ae'y~rv ~ p b p Aabv L. rbv 8iuo~utv they ~ 1 1 ~ give 11 1 d i v (rerrrl ~ a r at + ~ [tllc] aeastrll LTT:A. S iEIGero TA. LW~L b i t a r r 6 ~ A a v a&lv 8er0avrcs TA. 0 ircpov u&$at LTT~A. d ~ p i r o v rrig$at LITrA.

rie~Ld TA.

rpirov*n 0;.6i
a third; nnd they %lso



6 13 alrev.68 d ~ 6 p i o g703 &paAGvog, Ti roi$uw; a $w

And ,aid the

my non mpc. qet

rbv ciynrrlrdv. ,law' roijrov fic?dvr~c"Cvrpathe

beloved ;
perhaps him This

of the


What shall1 a0

1 Wif*a


having seen thcy will

mjaovrar. 14 'I6dvreg.68 atrbv oi yewp oi rc?ieXoyi:ovroll husbandmen saw him,

But having seen

. : 2

the h~ubau!meu


among themselves,

the inheritance may be let us kill him, that ia SO they cant let u i l kl him, that 'ours 'may 4become'the ynheritunca. him out of the ard and killed him. 16 Kai ' i~paX6vrec atrbv icw 703 cipaaXGivoc ciri~relva,~.h$ therefore shall And having cast forth him outside the vineyard they killed the lord of the vinenrd do unto them? T O ~ Y QOL$UEL i a6roig d K ~ P I O S 70; & p ~ e X G v o ~ ; shall come md 6 H6 [him]. What therefore will do to them the lord of the vineyard 7 destroy these huabmdmen, and shall give 10 iX~6ueral~ a &aoXia~io i ~ g . y e w p y o J c . r o ~ r oKai~ ,6huer thecineyardtootherx. i r t~ IIe will come and will destroy thesc husbnndmm, and will give And when thcy hoard God forrbv &paeXGiva &XXoic. k'A~06auvrec.68" ETT TOY,^ M4 it, the said,he beheld bid. And the vineyard to otbem. And having heard [it] they aaid, =Not them, and said, Whet

apbg h~aq~06E," Xiyovreg, Ogrdg hurtv d ~Xq~ov6pog' i6~ir~e11 b the heir: come, This

&aurraivwpev airr6v, iva ;ipOv yivrlra~ 6 ~Xtlpovapia.onro.

rivotro. 17 '0.8 i ,6hi$ag adro2g elmv, Ti o h iurrv rb

may 'it be I B I I he coking at ~

th?h~h~:o~~ which tho bnildem rejectcd, thehead of the snme is be* yeqaptivov roZro, Aieov 6v da~Eoxipauav oi come 'has een written 'this, [The] stone which *rejected 'they 'that corller? 18 Whosoever oi~o6opoiivrag, ~ T O ! :hy~v$eq K E aX4v O eig 18 ngS shall shall upon that stone fall be broken; FDuild, this is b e e fead of the] corner 7 Everyone but on whomaocvor b reuirv ha' i ~ ~ i v rbv XiOov a.vOXaaO$uerarg i$'-&~-8'-~3v s h him to it will ov it l l fall* grind owdcr. that f a h on that atone will be broken, but on whomsoey 1 9 ~ n d t h chi$prients e


What then



. rwYia"

It may &l it will grind 'to lpowder



d r d v . 19 Kai n'X$rquav"



L ; ,

' d p x i ~ p e i~ a oi ypapparakli iri/3aXeZv ha' atrbv r(ig 7 a ~ i Scribes to lay )i i v ahf-ry'.spg, aai a$op$8r]uavrbv Xadvo i vwuav.ycip 8rc
'cuef Opriesta 'and 'the
that hour,

, ,



they feared

the people;

Lr they knew thst

against them this parable he speak% 90 And they wntched U) Kai ?rapan#quavrec d~furetXav piyrca08rou~,~ ;WO",ii;~t8;z;;$ hnd having watched (him] they sent aecret agents, feign- feign themelves ~ p t v o ~ 6 v o Jaurodp bi~aiouc elvar, iva irrXh/3wvrat men t h t the u~ 143 the-lve8 'righteous 'to that they might take hold rapcrc?oSvar atrdv rg" ~ a liver him unto the i Q ~ T O ~q?X 6 y ~ ~ / 'EI'S rdl ll of him in discom\e, t o the [end] to deliver up him to the power and t of the governor. Power rind r i h ~ u u i g703 rjY~p6vog. 2lkai inqpOnluav airrdv, hbyod- And they asked to tbtl authority of the governor. And they questioned him, 8ay. him, saying Mnster we know that the; re', Atc?ha~de, oi8apEv Sri 6peGc Xkyeic ~ a 6i6hu~ei~, sayent and tenchest i rai l n Teacher, we know that rlghtly thou 8ayest and tenchest, and rightly, neither mceptest thou the pero&.xapp&ve is rpduwaov, (iXX' h' &qeeiag 4 v d63v son qfanu,but tencha c c e p t c k t nct [any man's] person, but with truth the way est the Way of Qod 22 ia it Inwful FOG 8 ~ 0 6166u~~ic. Eteuriv ' $ ~ v l l 3 22 Kaiuapr fbpov GoZvar truly :to give tributo for us of God teachest : is it lawful for us' ' Y o .Cesar tribute 'to'give unto C, or no? 23 But he porceiced 08 ; 23 Karavo$ua~.B~ ~ T G v ravoupyiuv EbEv ~ p their ~cmlness, ~ njv b or not ? But perceiving their craftinose he said to nnid unto them, Why

rpbc airro6~ Or$v.aapa~oX~v.ratrt/~ e v . ~ el~

$ ,I !


* -ukreivov E c h e LTTTA. lrdr


L Ib6vres LTT~[A]. B brcAqiuavro L h kAArjAovs one another 'T .. I ?! k 0' $2 irte6uavses t. 1 czirav LTTrA. m CJT~TOVV L. 0 ypappa,ras, 0 ~,-)(LE~c;F : LTTrA. o ~ i a e v $ rapa$oGiv T G $ ? ~ VLT2rA. ~ 7 P iv~aeirovs T. 9. A O ~ C V Lreatl cf L& discourse)a . so ~s 1.TTrA. + p i s TP~A.


'Kai roiirov~ r

C(U~~T~UC(YTEC .&viq 'wountied

~ h n l1 do? I willm&* l scnd my blov& it m , , , be they will rererence

tk:&riyd nzgf



lay hands on him*and they feared the pek h :

forhad spoken thisl& they prmivod pahe rable ~ ~ a i lthem. ut

E:":" ',:,;




r2Zcd2ykp& 5 ~~~~;~ ; % Kaiaapoc. ;

~ m pre me? ~m~~ rotc, 'Ti pe nelpcitereflj 24 Tlm6~it.a~in G 1 ~ d p i o ~ * t pot me a penny. inage euperlcrip them, Why me do Ye tempt Show me adenuil~: tioil hnth i t ? They rivoc ~ X E L eirdva KO; d ? n ~ p d $ b f j x'A~~~p~6bvrtcu.8i o ~ , ~ ~; Je1n w h w .has &it 'image 'and sinscription? And answering add, And he said t o them, Bender therefore the things Cesw the things which be cmsar's,. and unto Kaiaapoc 'Kaioapi, kai rd T O 8eoir ry" 6eG. 26 Kai ~ God the 26 And which be kd,g th~nga they of C a a a r t o Cmaar, and the thing0 of God h God And could not take hold of obk.iu~~uav bnAa@Qa6u~ cahro3n-~$par~p ivavriov r03 his words befor0 the they were not able h t c r l e hold of hia spoech before tb people: and they marvelled at hi? answer, Xaoir' Kai 8avpdaavrec tni ?+.oinorpiaecairroir baiyVaav. and held then p e a people ; and wonderin# at hia w w e r they were ailenk

25 '0.82 ~lrrev 'aGroic(D 6'Arr660rsroir~vvn rrd

27 ~poaeX86vrecBi

r t v q riiv Ea88ovrcaiwv, oi d i w ~ #l a.

cens, whch deny that =a 4esurrection 'there 4a, they quertioned him, there is any resurrection. and they asked T E E , A L ~ ~ UCMwaij~n K ~ E ,$ypa$ev ?@v, bciv rrvoc him' 28 saying, &-ing, tar, hoses wrote unto Tewhrr, Moar mote t l ~ , U myone'r a

21 Then came to him &d having oome to [him] wmcl of the Sadduoem, who denJ [:*&in ?f the w d u - X~yourec~~ ~ a r a u ~ elvnc, brip&qaav ahrdv, 28 Xiyou~v p4 v


g $3 htiy$itc die : shonld

out bh~dren, h t his t brother should take his wife nnd raise up seed unio his brother. 29 There were therefore seven brethren: snd the first took n wife, and died without children. 30 And the second took her to wife and he died childlee;. 31 And the th,rd tookheri andin like manner the seven t ~ ~ 33 L ~ of ~ ~ the ' f o t l aurrection whose wife ~ ~ 84 J~~~~ msweringsaiduntothemlThe children of m.ury, and thin world given

spy rnnn;s bro- cinoeciup


ZX'XWY yvvai~a,~i
a wife, h

.m d

03~0~ (irekvos fino8(iyp,' 'iyq

childlea rhould dte,


XciPg b.ci6~Xpbc.airroirnjv yvvai~a btavaortjq ontp rai "sbouid'take 'his 'brother


and 8hould raise up

r@.cicTeX$ij.airroir. 29 dnrd ov'v icTe)l$oi 4aav. cat

t o his brother. havinlj taken awcond n wife died childleas ; a d

'Seven %hen 'brethren 'there* ere; andthe

2 np3roc

XaP&v yvvailca cin68avev cirervoc. 30 nai gfiapevP b

the woman, and he



yvlJai~a, 0 6 ~ 0cin6Oavev dirE~vo~'~ c d kai ~. 81

childlean ;

E g" g,

the third took 6X~nov ~ lcai l erlcva, ~ leave children, and

i) rpiro~ fia+

aCrijd0 haazirwc$l rai oi d

her; died;
'pt Is

and likewise also the &van 'and

d air-rardid not died

cin66avov* 32 iiarepov '82 nivrwvN N c i n i of a l l

6avev rai rj yv4." 33 nBv.r#-odvll tvaarciaei rivoc ahrijv

also the womap. Thdefore in the rwurraction of which of them yvvrj; oi.idp Bmd Zaxov airnjv yvvai~a.34 Kai e ~ d ~ does she become wife3 for the m e n had her 86 wife. &d


0&7f0~p(16~ic'1 aLroi~. elnev b'Iqaoir~., vioi roCr.aiijvo~.rozirov Oi

answering 'mid %o *them


The sons

of this age

in m m i a p s : 35 but they which shallh obbeaccounted

yap~Gu~v a P i ~ ~ a p i a ~ o u r35~oi.68 ~ a r a ~ w 6 i v r e ~ ~ i a ~" 703

marry end ara given in marriage ; 'to 'obtain'and the but those accounted worthy

tain that wqrld, and the dead, the resurrection from neither

a~Gvo~-hr~iwo~ iai r t c civaar&a~wc rvxeiv

YhDt 'age resurrection

which [is] from among


marry, nor are given Y E K ~ ~ V oirr8 y a ~ o O~ ~~qhrryapiu~ovrar.~~ %neither E ~ i 36 'oirreu in marriage: 36 neither [the] dead neither 'nor are given in marriage ; can they die any more: 107 they areequal unto r ( i p dn08aveZv C Y t v a u r a L * i~ciy~rhot.~d ebtu, ~ a i the angels; and n v t h e for .die 'any 'more W e y "can ; for equal t o a n g e t they are, and childrcn of God being the children A the Vioi ialv ?0oir1' 80ir, rijc ci~aarci~ew~ dvrec. 37 "Ort.8t f Viol reslurectioa 37 Now aons are of God, 'of %he 'resnrrection 'sons 'being. But that that the dead ant rniasd, even Moses shewod dyeipovrai 0i verpoi, kai eMwo~g" bpfjwaev bni rfp *-the bush, w h n ~ h o are rnised the dead, even Moses shewed [in the pcrrt] on the t T i pe ?re~pqere ITrA. 6 e i l a ~ GLTTrAW. i OL i6cctav. ~ ae iACV and they shewed i ~ t ] . And he mid L oi (read and they aid); Y e h v mr*! :A& a6roGr TTrA. T o i w v &7r6807e ThA. 74 m. c 703 (read [his3 A. d A&yovwr (read who say there is not ( p i ) a reaul~ection) Tr. a Mwiirijr LTTTAW. f f f should be g iAapev TTCA. h tmr. 6 v y u v a i ~ a , a0870s aai6avev hrervos TTrA. ~ i i [&cadrut] likewise L. ~ a even E. i 1 62 n a v r o v Lmra. m ~ arj iyuvi) drri60.vcv TTrA. r j yv,+ oitv i v +j the wornall thereforein the TA. 0 throrcpr8eir 1,nra. P Y ~ ~ ~ U K O M Q L L~TIA. P vaui<ovra~ LT= ;ya,uiurcoma& & r 66; LTr& 70s TTrA.

+ 9


calleth the Lord the ~ ~ N 7811 O E ~ Y' W d p I 'ldvg0.56~ o v d @&70~, X ~ Y E L God of Ahrnham i n d bruh, whenbcJled[tlw] Lord the adl o Abndum and the f God the God of I-' and '1uadrc'~ai v 6ehv ' I d p . 38 8~dc.8C o6riurrv M K ~ ~ VtheFor he of jamb.a %U , God 38 ia not a b W and the God of Jacob; but W .he L not of[the] d a d , God of the dead. but of MXdr <&wov. ?rrimi..ydp airrtj gGuc5. 89 'Anorrpr~~v- the living : fir all lire untohim. 39 Then but of[tha] lirinp ; for all for him live. a&swering certain of the ecribes answering re^ 8h ~ L V E ~ ypP@rSwv Td?r~v,n L & ~ K ~ X E , reaXGc ter thou said MnsrGv A hnst well 'urd nome o the f dbed mid. Twhar, well sai$ 4O.And after they durst qot ~1rac. 40 O t d r ~ *8in brdApwv irspw~$vairrhv that him any pusskm uik taoahaatrpoken, C N o t s ~ . m O r e l e n d d i d t B e y d u e t o w k hLm at crU . -.




(Kt. n o ~ g . )

41 ~zr~v.82 rpbc airrotc, n 3 ~ XQYOVU~V

And he sbid to 'L P them, and Wmnelt 'the aLord 'David

~ptordv U I ~ Y Y

ROW do they slrY the sap Sit

aAapi8l rlvmU 42 ;
*of *David of PIP^, ,%id

afirbpfizAapi8Y ) i i p
to my Lord,

41 he ChTtst *Son them Hew sa they (V pifihy mn P 42 And gnvid's David in [the] book him& saith in Ule

vaAp3v, EITW ' &pcoc r@.mpiy.pov, Kdeov hrc 8eErtv. 6 "

on my right and, Lord, Sit thou on my %$ ie 43 hc.i2v 9G roir~.bflpo6c-uov irrond8tov rGv.no8Gv.uov. until 'Iplace thine enemiea Cw] a footstool for thy feet. th footstool. 44 therefore calleth 44 zApi&' 0% d"r6ptou a&rhvn 1 KaAXd, iid ntc evidy.oirroG" David thedore .Lord 'him and how his son he then hia son?






&mu ;

46 45 'Aro6ovroc.G~ ~ a v r d c TO; Xao; E I ~ E V froic paQr/~a7~ Then in the audi-

he said unto his disciples 46 Beware of the 'i, hs w e of the. scribes who like scribes which desire to w a d in long robes, V E P C T ~ ~V ? V i E UToha?c, Kffi $ L ~ o ~ v T ~ J v d~?mUpofic raic and love greetings in bv t o walk i u robes, and love salutations in the the markets,. and the highest seats in the dryopaic ~ n npwrorcaee8piac bv m7t avvaywyais ~ a rpo- s nagogues, rrnd the i i muket-pland first seats in the synngogues and Arst ctief rooms at fensts ; rocAtcriac bv TO+ 8Ei7rvo~c' 47 g07 K ~ ~ E U O ~ O U U L r& oirciac 47 which devour wiVII a0wst houses, and for W in the suppers; who dovour the houses a shew make long r& pjpr;i,~, C U ~nj00$(io~c parcph h?rpoa~6xovrat.n 08rot shaf receive greater : the same of widowa, nnd an a pretext 'atagrerrt *length 'pray. These damnation. iA$40vraiH. weptaadr~pov K i a. *d receive mare abundant j u f g e n t . ' A v ~ r n iac.82 E ~ ~ E V pdhhovrac krh83pa.atr3v E And be lmh rod$ &d having oohed up he daw thn 'casting .their ed .p, and saw the l!: & ~ ~ ~ o $ u X & ~K ~ O ~VJ ~ O 2 ~ ' X O V ~ U d8~v.81 l ~ a i revan rich men w t i n g their .into %he 7treasmy 'rldh, and he saw also a certain 'pav ~ ~ t x p ~ ~v( ~ X A O V U Q '860 X~rr(i*fl ~ a ETTEV, also a certain poor wid b~e?Y Q i gdow 'poor onnting therein two lepta ~~d he *id, dow sting in thither two mites. 3 And 'AAtjecjc Xiyw Gp'iv, ~ETL v)jtjpa nrwx~j aiiyn ~nAeiov"he mid, of a truth O f a truth I say to you, that widow 'poor Ithis I say unto you, that this poor widow hnth W&VTWV ?&.AEv. P2.r; avrec".ydp 08r0t t r 4 TO; nepcu- cast In wore than they cast in ; for all these out of that which wan all: 4 for all these h ~ v e than all of their nhundnnce ~E60v7 U ~ T O ?Z~ ~ ~ O V 7d 8J a q~03 ic eE05," aZn).da cast in anto the ~fifer.boundin\ tothem cnst into the @& of God ; but she ings of God : but she

And ss were listening


the people he snid

toadisciples ence of all the people

ahoG,n 46 11 oui~arednd rr;iv yp~ppariwvr t v Behdvrwv



sbv L ~ A . v ttflav LTTCA Y etvac Aava'r8 vidv TA. h i 8 o a ; Aave3 ~ m & ai~rbs forx'%%%f?? b rGv the L . c-) <re&' [the]) L ~ A . a6&v r i & np TrA. a h o i v& m& f a h o i (read the disciples) g oi r a r c d l o r r c s tho3e devouring't m ;~ p b 5 r ah-06~ them A, tO hnpo~q6~svor praying L hrjp$olrzcrr L m A . cl$ sb yaSo+vA&rov sd 8Gpa d r & v m ~ . l r ~ ~ a r l zcva L ;+wa [ ]; K& TW. dA m h r i 860 R. i r q a7ox;l LT~. 0 nhriu) LT& r n & w ~L t Q


- -


of her penury hath cnst in all the living thnt she hsd.

AOI'KAZ. Z&rXev.
did cast.


h l ~ T O ~ . ; G T E ~ ; ] ~ F C ~ T TIlravran~rbv Piov O S - ~ ~ T ~ bv'~ X E V E of all t8e livelihood which she had her poverty

5 And sssome spakc of the temple, how i t W* : adorued with Boodry stones gifts he said, 6 AS fw the. e thiugs which dnys ye behold willcome, b tho which there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not h thrown down. ,And they asked hi,u, saying, blaster, bnt whensha11th6'scthings be? and what sign will there be when thesethingsshallcome , $ ) ~ ~ ~ e ~

5 Kai

TiVWV h ~ y 6 v ~ y repi 703 ~ ~ ~8rr 3 , lJ 0 Xieor~ And as some were speaking about th? temple, t h a t with'stones
[A8 to]


rai Sdvn~<ynut~II re~6upqrar, l r e v , ~

and consecrated gifts i t was adorned, he said,

6 TnGm

those things which ye trre

stone whlch shall not be thrown down.

Y O Y T E ~ , AtdCiu~aX~, d r ,r

boh~lding, ~ ; 05'willot.raraXv~$aerai.r.h7i c'Erqp~rqaccu.8iatrdv, upon e ~'come lld& in h shall not be left stonc XiAnd they asked him,

QXe6uovrai I j b ai b arc$ed;lueraiXiOoc i r i v


o6u raGra


iurnl ; mi
And he



lug* sign


when then %hese 'things 'will be? and what the

uqpeiov 6rav piXXg

yiu~uBac; 8 '0.82 e l r ~ ~ j ,
faid, in will come

when 'arc 'about 'these 'things t o take place ? for many

B X L ~ E T E p?).rXavqe~re. ?roXXor'.ydp ~ X E ~ U O V i?ri ~ r$ T~

Take heed ye be not , led astray ; ~ ~ , " ~ 9 "

rni, '0 raipds q y be not deceived: fpr bvdpari.pov, Xfyovrec, ~ " 0 r Qy; eipt. ~" many shall come I am [he]; and, The time is name^ m name saying, I am ~ K r i s t ;And the time yireu. p$ W~6vll O ~ E U ~ brium ahrc;)~. 9 i;r~cv.E& ~ $ E drnwcth : go ye drawn near. 'Not 'therefore 'go =ye after them. Angi when not therefore after them 9 But whe yo cil~06uqr~ roXkpovc ~ a cirarauraaiug, p?j-rroq&jre 8.5; i ahnllhear of wars%d ye shall hear of wars and oommotiona, be not terrified ; 'must commotions bc not y ~ ~ i ~ 6 )?a plt "O U , r k o i f ~E ~ O Q W ~ 'rb terrified: $or thcse ~ ( i p 'raGTa things must first come for 'these =things take place first, but not immediately [is] the s t o pnss: but the end i notbyandby. l0Then 7iX0g. 10 T d r ~ ~ ~ E ~ E V 'EyepO<n~ra~v 0 ~ Yt?ri1' airr07~, ie said he unto them, end. Then he was saying t o them, 'Shall "rise 'up 'nation against Nation shall rise agninst nation, and Z ~ V O S , rai Pau~Xeia Q r i paa~Xeiav* 11 u ~ t u p o i .peyciX01 ~~ kingdom against king- nation, and kingdom against kingdom ; also =earthquakes 'great dom : 11 and great wthquakes shall be ' V T ~ T ~ T O V SK C C ~ ' ~ aX~poi~ a iXol oil1 ruovrar, bf6/3qand famines and pestikces shall there be, Tearful i n divers places, and i n d~Eerent places lences ; and pestifamines, and fearful rpCj1l T E m; c ~ r ) p ~ah 06~auoii~' ii r ' pey(iXa icrral. 12 n p b and great signs 3sights'and and 'signs 'from * h e a v ~ n 'great shall there be. 'Before Ohere be before di from robrwv dCi~ciur~ull Q?rtPaXoGut~ G P Z g rdg xeipac i$' heaven. 12 But all these, shall 'but 'these things JaU they will lay upon you 'hands lnythcuhandsonyou* airrGv, rai 6~6(01ruiv, rrapa8i6dvreg eig u v v a y w y A ~ rai and persecute yoU delivering up t' the Itheir, and will persecute [you], delivering up you , to synagogues and synngogues, and into $ ~ u X a ~ c i ~ , fciYopEvougII Q r i@autXe7g ~ aGyep6va~.i'verev i risons, being brought kinm andrulers prisons, bringing Cyoul before kings and governors, on nccpunt oi for my. name's sake. roG.6~6par6~.p0v, . 13 L;r0/.3~u~~ai.g8bll ;piu eig pnpr6ptov' 13 And it shall turn t o but it shall turn out t o you for n tutiruony. my name ; you for a testimony. 14 Settle it thcrrfore 14 hekue~il 0631 i ~ / S ~ a ~ 8 i a ~ " . p4 G ~ O ~ E X E ~ @ U rdg ;~ T v &TOi n Your h e a r k not t o Settle therefore in your hearts not t o premeditate to make meditate before what yshai!answcr: l ~ f o rXoyqeijva~. 15 iY&ydp 8ium ip'iv ur6pa xai uo(iav, w11l glveyouarno~lth a defence ; for I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which and U-isdom,which nll your adversaries shall o ~ . ~ u Y ~ uk~ & T ~~~ ~ ~ t ( ~U T ~U T i Y ~ ~' I Y 7 '0&8&' ~ ~ ~ L m ? r C i ~ ~ ~ 4 0; "I not be able to gainsay 'shrill 'not 'be 'able "to 'Oreply l1to '"nor '"to I4resist Iall 'those nor resist. 16 And yc rai rai shall be betrayed both ~ Y T L K E ~ ~ E Vp b 16 ?rapa80~~Ube.8& 6x6 ~ O U ~ W V G OL by parents, and breth'oppos~ug 'you. But ye will be delivered up even by parents and



&vaOipaurv LT. t iUe here L. v ~ ; T[L]T[T~A]. L 03v LTTrA. y a v b 0 a r ~ a l r A. a I i n ' LTT~A. ~ a~ ia 7 rdnovs TTrA. h L Aorpoi ~ a Arpoi LTrA. i b 96pqOpci LTrA. ndv~wv QLTTrAW. 0 dr' o;pavoi q p c ; a L. e 7hs the g - 62 but l f ~ r ~ ] . h O h e LTTrd. f inayopivovs lending [you]away T T ~ A . 1 sv 7abr rapsiars LTTrA. ~ v ~ b u j v 066; bvrebseiv L ; b v ~ b u ~ ~ $ a b r s b s ~ i v bvrers.] T . TTrl, ar v &v ([i 1 ) 1 ij oc G. m arravrep TTIA.




&GeX$3vmi a~lyyevc;jfl $Awv, rai envar~aovaiv rai
bretlircu and relntions


ren. anakinsfolks, nnd fri, udu. and some of and friends, nud thcy will put to death Csomel you s h k ~ lthop cause hatcd by all becau-e of hated of all


6pPv- 17 rai ~ U E U O E praoirpevoi h , i ?r6vrwv

and ye willbc

fromamong you, my name. perish


ri,.ibo~ici.pov. 18 rni 8piE

r,$nXiic.irpGv oir.pG &xhyour hcCld


~ Y ~ L N C ' S S ~ ~ C - ~ " U ~

And a hair of

your p1~tit:llce posscss ye yonr souls. 20 And when ye shall 20"0rav.8i i s ~ r h ~vrhovpiirlv6nA arparo?r16wvO r ? )'Iepov ~ passed with ~ com~" sce Jerusalem 1 ~ ~ armies, 6armies Rut when ye we 'being Sncircled ' ~ i t h th.!~ knowthat the deaaXtjh rdre yv3re iiri ljyyirev <.EpipwuiS-airrgS. '21 rhre solntion thcrt!of is salelu then h o w that has drawn ncar her desolation ~h~~ nigh. 21 Than let them which nre in Jndsea oi i v r$ 'IovEaig $evyfirwaav eic r& bpq' rai ot i v ace to the mouutiriua ; those i n Judoa let them floe t o the mouutains ; and those i n and let t11r.mwhirhare i n the luidst of it irxwpei~wanv' rai oi i v rctig ~Lparc i ~ i c r e 0 ~ 6 part out$ and let not p lct them dcpm-t out, and those in the countries %ot 'lct ;them th.:m that are in the hcr uddst conntri:.~ mtt-r therea ~ w a a v aG6v. 22 ijri vjpbpai ~ K G L K T ~ U C W ~ E ~ U ~ TOV iilto. 22 =or thcse aSrrai V, enter into her ; for days of t\venging these are, the days of vmgcance, that all things.which P?rXq;owB~vail' rr&m r& yeypappit~a.23 otniPc&!'raic ,,itt,, be But woe t o tl~ose fulfilled. 23 Hut woe that may be rtccomplished all things that have becn written. By your patient endurance

hgml. 19 i v qj-i~?ro~ov@:hpGv linjuctutleu ric.Jiuxdc.BjiPv. l?

your souls.

in no dse may thcl.0our hcad perish. of

shall not an hair

l ~ . ~ a u ~ i . i ~ 0 6 rai arnig Bqhaco6uaig i v ixrivnig raic cr i~

with child and t o those giving suck in those

pate. 5aral. ap drvciyrr]pyciXr] h i

for there sL11 he 2di6tress 'great this people.

ays,. thcm thnt give suck, iuthOsednys"Orth"re shall be great distress upon the i m d m d wr.itt amodg in the land, and wrath
7 : ~ yGq

GP-4;; :E$,

, ,

rai dpyrj 'bv"

r$.Xay?.roziry. 24 rai ?reaoihrar arhpan

rhall be led captive into a11

'pa~aipag,~' rai
Jerusalem nations :

ai~paXwriadrjuov7ac/c t?rcivra rd 5Bvq"l rai 'lepovaaX?)p led away captive and

the nations ; and ulitll

Aud they shall fall by [the] mouth o f [the] sword, and by the cage of the into be


iarai mrovpivq ivrb

ehall be troddcn down by

~BuGv v d ~ p i l l rrXypoBGaiv'
[the] nations be fulfilled

[the] until the times of th; raipoi 6 6 ~ 3 ~ 26 Kai XEarai" aqpeia bv ; ~ a aeX621~ i Gentiles be fulfilled. times of [the] nations. And thcre shall be signs i n sun a n d moon rai 8arpolc7 rai i?ri r<g yGg . u v v o ~ r )i8vGv ;v &nopig, i n the moon, and ifi nnd stars, and upon the earth distr-as af uations with perplc:xity, ~ " , ~ h ; d ~ $ ~ e ~ r~j~ohuqg" eaX&oaqSrai ac%ov, 26 &?ro$JvXdvrwv v 6 ~ 6 -nation* with pcrd rowing of [the] sea and rolling surge, 'fainting Jat 'heart lmen plexity the sea pnd the waves roarlng; TUV h b $dpov rai npoaEoria~ r 3 v i?repxop6vwv rQ 26 men's hcartsfeiiias from fear and expectation of that which is coming on the tllcm for fear, and for looking after those oi~ovpivp. ai.y&p Bvv6p~ig oirpav&v ad,ev6rjaovrai. things which arc comhabitable earth ; for the powers of the heavcns shall be shaken. ing On the earth: for the pox\- er^ of heaven 27 rai rdra B+ovrai rbv viiiv roG &v9pcGxov i p ~ d p ~ v o v shellbeshaken. 27Aud i And then shall they see the Son of man coming i n than shall they sco the in lJ$iXp per& 8VvcipEw4' rai 66<21c ~0XXijc. 28 % p ~ o p i ~ w ~Son of man c o ~ i n g acloudwithpowcirnnd -8? a cloud with power a?d 'glory 'great. But "beginning greist glory. 23 And wl~cu these things berohiwv yiveaOai drvarh$Jare m in6pare n ? ~ i repnkic gin to cone .o l,:ss, 'those 'things t o come t o pass look up and lift up "heads then look up, and



irpGva 616~1 iyyici Kai eTnev 29

lyonr, because draws near your redemption.

UP your r e d ~ ~ l > t .;o n i And he spoke dmnveth nig11. 29 And

~rapupqXtjvaCroic, 'IGere r$v avrijv rui n-civra rd ChvJpa.

a parable t o thcm : Behold the fig-troe and all the trees :

30 iirav

tree. and all the trms; now (iql ; a v r ~ v30 when theyseoand rpopciXwaiv ?jGq, /3Xi?rovrec uhoot forth, ye 'they ssprout 'alreau, looking [on them] of yourseives

but 1.TTrA.


ye shall gain LTrA. 0 7jlv LTTrA. -";v (yead to this people) GLTTrAW.

uivra LTTrA.

auLs L.

+ 05 LTTrA.

P nAr)uOrjvac GLTTIAW. P di paxaipqs TTr. t T A-7 qb a a iuowa~ L'LT~A. Y i x o u c at [thu

sought opportunity



drtjre~e~rcarp~av mpaBoirvat adrdv 705

to deliver up


c%p nity sought opportu. ana t o betray him tothem away from [the] unto them in the m w o f themrzltituda Pv d "
nsl needful

7 Then eome the da Of unleavened brenk when the IIirpov rai qllo&~~vqv, be k i l l e % T z i muat 66eaear rb n h o ~ a .8 rai ciaEur~rXev And he sent Peter and John, he mnt Peter andJohn b be killed the paslover. ~aying,Go and eirGv, 11opev8lvre~ irorpciaare 4pTv rb r c i q a , 'iva ~ciyw- m ns the possorer p saying, Haring gone prepare for ar the p-ver, that we may that wemay eat. ~ d n d they said unto him p. 9 Oi6.i 'l?rOvl'atry", I10il 8LX~tc i~01pciawp~~' ; Where wilt thou the& eat [it> But they said to him, Where willest thou we ahonld prepare? we prepare 7 10 And he said unto them; B e 10 '0.61 &re+a&70?c,'1806, eia~X8dvrwv-irpvi~ T ~ ~rdXw h old, when ye are eneic I J d n d he add t o them, Lo, on your huvingentered into the city tared into the city shall &man m e d owavnjaer ;@v civO wnoc repciprov ii8aror paor&Zovg&KO- therebewingm pitcher you, .Hill 4me0t Lgau 'a &an, a pitcher of water carrying ; fol- of watar follow him into the house w h e n Xov8tjaarc air$ eic njv. oiriav '06'' eioropaljam). 11 ~ a he entereth in. 11 aria i low him into the house where he enters; and ye shall sn unto th. i ~ 7 r e r q oim6rordq rijc oiriap, Aiyei oot 6 8idh~-FdmanO'thehoumsunto e Master saith yo a 11say to the master of $he house, SSsys 'to 'thee 'the -hthee Where ir the
And 0 the day of unleovcned Dread] In whch

3 'HX8ev.84


tjpipa r&~.&r6pwv

eaXoo IIoB imrv rb ~ a r l h v p aSrov rb r l u x a prrd rviv f " : $ , " l ~ f ~ k e w ~ ~




the guest-chamber whew the passorer And he prepare.


p9qrGv.pov $ 6 7 ~ 12 Kci~eivop6pTv 8ri(rr vcivCy~o~n ; P1a?

my dieciplas .a ?arge

I may eat, ?

foa 'will 'shew .upper !room

b d br& a ! n i

gone they t u n & found he bad ~ae&c "~ipgrev~~ nCroic* ~ a <roipauav rb rdruxa. i unto them: and they made ready the p ~ s r u he had said to them; and they prepared the paasover. OVaL rai oi xBt8e~an 14 Kni iiie dyivero tj Spa civir6oev. And when was come the h o w he recliied [at table], and the twelve dudaroXor &v ah$. 15 rai drev r p b g ahroir~,'Eri9vpig 14 And when tha apoatler with him. And he said t o them, With desire hour was oome, he down and the twelve ire9Opqua roCro rb '~lciu~a qayriv pee' r p d roiZpe-r;L- aposties with him. I desired thls passovor to eat with you before' 1 suf- l5 And he said unto them With desirc I &iv' 16 XQyw-yBp bri J O ~ K ~ T L " 0h.p4 @YO ' i t hnve'desirad t o cat Bor I say t o you, that 4any 5more 'not 'at =alI WIU I eat of this phssover with you fw. before I ruffer : I6 f o r (lit. no more) you*I atroil" iiwc.iirdv ;r~qpwQ$ q /.3aarXeiq toil 9~05.17 Kai I Say bv j it until it be fulfilled i n the kingdom of God. And 'lot anyuntil i t eat thereof more k GrE~ipevo~ a ?ronjProv, edxapraninac alrev, Aciprre roGro fulfilled in the kinghaving reeoived a cup having given thanks he aaid, Take dOm Of l and ' this, he took the cup, And furnished :

piya iorpwpivov* ire; Irorpciuare. 13 'AreX9dvrec-Gi 5 ov

gWrg,": E afAy$h: :';"gd

over with m disci12 b d k shall

$ , " ~ W W . ~ ~ ~ i


rai 6m




Lit] among youraelve~.


biavroic.ll 18 Xiyw.yrtp dpTv, "8r~" ob.ptj

of the vine


I o r I say to you. that not a t all it


wl11 I drink


&rb roil eyeumjparop~~;rovll )j rijc

of God be came. And having taken a loaf,

pnarXtia roir 6605 -&Bp.


having given took and gave anr. irtAaaav, rai l6wcev atrois, XQyov,Toirrd darrv 7i, aviph thanks, an& brake it, tL%nka he broke, and gave t o them, saying, This is 'body and gave unto them, saying This is my fov, riL 6n8p JpGv BrBdpevov*.roilro aoreira gaici' njv dplju body dvhich is given my, which for you is given : this do in the 'of =me for YOU: thm do m r* membrance of me. civripv~ru,20 h ' S h ~ 6 r ~ ~ ror?jpiovl'per& rb.berrvii- 20 Likewise also the kai rb 'remembrncs I n like manner also the cup after having supped, cup after #upper, Say-

19 Kai Xap&v izprov, eL1/aprar$-

yourselm l le for I sa unto 011, the I will not griuk oyth. fruit of the vine until



c h a ~ 6zcp 6xAw a6sois LTT~A, ? i v (read i which) TA. n 4 'Iwivqv R. LlTrA. [uot] for thee 5. t cis $v m wiilch LTTrA. * &vciya'ov QLTTrAW. ciprjxa6 L1"R.A. 1 6J6exa LTTrA. J ob~drb [LT~]A. S a6zb it LmrA.. a l b the (cup) yevljparos e iaurds LTTrA. k 8 k TrA. r d &=b ;03 viiv helice forth T[T~A]. -W. fpf %A,, S A. h r d rb aonip~ov Ijua6rws mr&



ins, This cup * t h e aai, I ToGro ri) rorrjpiov r a i q 8ca@ljmliv 71,3 new testnment i n m y cup. [is] the new covenant in saying, This blood, which is shed for you. r l But h- a'Ipa~l-pov, 76 h i p GrGv ' ~ K x v v ~ ~ E v ~ v . ' I 21 I T X d i ) iso6, hdrl, betragcth of 'hi,? the hnnd me my blood, which for you is poured out. Moreover, bchold, with mc ou the table. jl X E ; P 705 rapadi8lvror; PE p!?' ipo; rig rparrfks. 2'2 b u d tnuly theas it the hand of him of gocth, Son dellrering up me [is] with me on tht tabb ; was determined: but 22 kra'i 6-piv.~i6~" TO; & v @ p h ~ o v ~ ~ p K U 6 ~ ~rb~ 1 ~ ? woe unto that mnu by ancl indeed the Son of man goes according as whom he is betrayed ! 23 And they began to & v o v rX?(Iv oirai r y . & v 6 p h ~ y . i ~ ~SL' y03 rapsiv inquire among them- it has bccn dotermined, but woe t o t h a t man by whom he is de.selves, which of them i t wns thnt should do GiSorai. 23 Kal a b o i iipcavro m u u ~ ~ ~ r ~rpbrl iauro6~, iv' this thing. livered up. And thcy began tc~question togethcr among themselves,


76, rig 6pa

24 And there was also a strife among them, which of them should be accounted

this, who then i t might be of And there wns also

iF a6iGv b roGro piXXwv ~pciaa~iv.

them who this

was about

t o do.

24 'Ey6v~ro.Gi>rai$tXoveiria
a strife

among thcm,

airrolg, 76, rig airrGv

this, which of them

the 25 ~ O K .E ~~ V ~ L E ; & o v . E ~ 25 ESKCY alirois, Oi pautX~ic h0 said .unto thcm, is thought to be [the] greater. And he said t o them, The kings The kings of the Gcntiles enercis T ~ i6v6v K U ~ L E ~ O U U La&r(;Jv, V V rai oi i~ovuici,Yovreg them; and they of the naticns rule over them, and those exercising authority over that escrciscnuthority a673v ~ p Y K U~ O ~iU T C I2G irp~ic-6i ~ O ~ W G ' upoll,thcm are ~ ~a L. O X &U'

benefactors. 26 ~~t ye



are called.

llyt ye


thus ' [shall be] ; but

shall is grentestnmong that not be so: but he

you, let him be

~E~CWV dt'

6 p i ~n Y ~ ~ 6 ~ 6 ~ ' v ~ h r ~ p o grai &c i) l "

let him be

the the

grcnter among you

as the


and he t h a t

yomgcr' and he thntt ) ( I Y o ~ ~ E v o ~ W C b B~arovGv. 27 7ig.yhp is chief: as he t h a pEi<wv, b doth re. 27 For leads as he that serves. For whlch [is] greater, be that whether is greater, he &vaKE~l(LEuOs d GiarovGv; oirxi 6 d u a r ~ i p f ~ ~ h e ~ s ~ i r~ ~reclines~ [at table] or he that serves 7 ~ ~ ~ t ; ms] not he t h a t recliner U not he thnt sitteth ~ 0 ; c iyAb8 O ~ i p idv piay 6pGv" &c b 6iarovGv. am in [the] midst of ybu as he t h a t servcs. ' & ~ ~ " , ~ u ~ h[at table17 But I ~ serveth. 28 Ye nre 28 'Yp~ig.6d ;or& . oi 8iap~~vqkd7g dp05 bv 7075 p; they which have conBut ye ore they who have continued with me in tinued with me i n my temptations. 29 And ~lpaUpOic-p0~' r d y 3 SiariOepac GpTv, ~ a 6 d c6rie~r6 39 I appoint uuto You a my temptations. And I appoint t o you, as 3ayyoiuted kingdom, as my Father hnth appointed poi b-?mrrjp~pov, @noc)lc~av, i'va Piu6iqr~"rai zivqra 30 uuto me ; 30 thnt ye *to 'me 'my Zfather, a kingdom, thnt ye may eat and may drink may eat snd drink nt i Kai my table in my king- i & rijc-rpa~b,Yqc-pov v ~~./3aaiX~ip-pov, q ~ a ~ i u q a e ~ ~ dom, andsit on thrones a t my tnble in my kingdom, and may sit on judgiug the twelve d p b ~~~ i ~ o,v r ~ c J h S ~ r a p v r&g $vX&g ros 'Iupa?jX. t r i h s of Israel. thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.



31 And the Lordsnid, h d k i d 'the 'Lord, Simou, Simon, 10, Satan Simon, Simon, behold, Sntan hath desired to , Q f p a a r o GpZg, TO; ~iviciuai j &g rbv cirov. 32 have you, that he may' demnnded to have you, for the sifting [you] as wheat ; *I sift you as wheat : 32 but I have prayed 6i ib~rj@?~v ~ T E P do;, i'vu t ~ ? j . ~ ~ l i X i Ij-riurig-UOV' ~? rai a6 for thec, that thy fnith 'but besought for thee, t h a t may not f a i t thy fnith ; and t h o u fail not : and hen thou nrt converted, V O T E i.rriarp6+qg ' a j p i ~ o v "~ 0 ~ ~ . & ~ ~33'%.61 ~ . ~ 0 6 strenethen thy breth- 'when hast turned back confirm t h y brerhcn. And he reu. 33 And he baid unto him, Lord, I nm 171'~~ airr$, K6pi~, ~ r doo; i'roirdS ;pi rai rig $vXamjv rai p ready to go with thec, said t o him, Lord, with thee ready I am both t o prison and both into prison and T O ~ E ~ E O ~ ~ I'0.62 E I ~ E V niyw ~ 0 1 ,I I E T ~ E , 34 . , he. to death. 34 ~ n ' d EIS said, I tell thee, Peter. t o death t o go. And he said, I tell thee. Petcr.

31 r E I ~ ~ v . 86i ~6pioc,I~ Xipwv, Xipwv, iSo6,' 6 aaraviig


~ 0


i ~ ~ v v v ~ , ~LTT~A. cvor

(for) i) vibc p . 2 ~ TTrA..


K ~ T A iP;rpjvov 76

Y L V & ~ W TTrA.

ra@~uao@cshall ye

U@t0$ T [ T ~ ] A .

sit GLW ; K U icrhiq LTTrA.

~ ~ U

~njptoov LTTrk

piu!, +.;V TTrA. ~ @ shall sit T ! ; a a 0 q u e ~ ye E T L


T O ~ E V I O T ~L n r L L P ~ U ~ LTTrA. T E


6 6 ;




r+,lc r4nap- the cock oC-vP?j1l $wwj7jb~tctrjrjF~+ov &XQcrwp ~ ? r ~ i v . $ ' in no wise shrrU crow to-day [the) cock before that thrice thouwilt ~~~t~~~~~~ deny that thou knowl~$ap ypdl ~ i 8 i v a ~ p." est me. knowina me.. denv

p: z z

withoiit * P u g s ; without ptlrse, end rai 6r06qp&rwv, plj rivog 3 u r ~ ~ T j u; scr~p, u r ~ andshoes, lacked T ~ O V ' ! a i n$pag ~ sandals, nnything did ye lack? ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ i ~ h i n ? J ~ and provlslon bag and 01-82 ' E ~ T ~ v , " bo/J~vJg.lI 36 c E l ? r ~ ~ 08vli ab~oig, ' A X X L ~ 36 Then s;%id he unto A'nd they said, Nothing. He said therefore to them, YHowever them hath a pursk let But he that V ~ V ~ X ' X W V~ a ~ c i ~ ~ l O ~ U 6 oiwg i) d &P&TW, rai ?rjpav' him take it, and ilkebag; wise h& scrip: and he let him tdte [it], in life m~nneralsoprovialon Inow he.wll; has a purse that hath no sword, cai S prj-ixwv ?rwXq~Cirw rl.ipciri~v-czir~o~ciyopaocirw let him bell his p.wrai andhewho hns not [one] let him sell his garment and buy ment, and buy one. 37 For I say unto you, pdxaipav' 37 hiy~~.ydp 1 7 ~ ,6n 'TTL" T O ~ O i y~~papp6vov this that is writ: 6/ ~ ) that a sword ; for I say t o you, that yet this that has been writtcn ten must yet be ac?omplishedi n me, And 6 6 T E X E U ~ ~ V ~ v &0i, f ~ b K d @ET& C ~ V ~ ~ W XVO Y ~ U ~ T Ihe- was reckoned adL " ~ ' n And with [the] lawless hewasreckoned: mong the transgresmust bcnccomplished i mo, 11 sors : for the things m i g tip" hrd" mpi IpoG T ~ X O S X E L . 38 Oi-62 WTOV, conc,ing ~ mc have for a i o the things concerning me an end hnve. And they said, a n end. 38 And the 'id* hhO1z K$ir, i806,, pciXaipar i 6 ~ $60. '0.61 E ~ T E V a(ro< 9 here are two sworb. Lord, behold, S mords ' 'here ['are] 'two. h n d he said t o them, And he said unto them, It is enough. 'lruv6v iarrv. And he sirid to them, When



EITN a/roig, "OTELiliibr~iXa SPBg

I sent



'it 'is.


he went and followed at the


76- ttloc

rd tiyos
3 And he came out, 9 Oliven and his disci-

And going forth of Olives,

according t o

custom t o the mount his disciples. Pray

rwv bXaidv. 4~~XoC9~onv.Gb aCr@ rai

oi-pae,/~ai-'airroG.~' f",",t~,"$,,"m,","n~~~

.a0 yev6p~voc.6i i d roS r6xoa

And having arrived plnce

E ~ T E Vahroig,

I I ~ O U E ~ X~ ~ C ~ E h $ $ ~~&~ E',","~~

p ) i - ~ i u ~ i e ~ i ~~ ~ i p a u p 6 v . Kai airrbc L i i ~ a ? r & a eh Eig ' ~ 41 ~'

a t the place, he said them* enter not Pray not to enter' into tomptat~on. And he was withdrawn from tation. 41 And he woa a$.rGv hoe; Xieov rai 8~ig.r&.~bvtrm p o a q 6 ~ e r 0 , ~ withdmwn from them thcm about a stone's throw, and falling on [his] knees he prayed, k ~ e $ ~ ~ ' s a

he baid t o them,



42 hiywv, I I h r ~ p ai ,
sapng, Father,


k ? r a p ~ v ~ y r e lri) bu
to take away


w i l l m ~ , remove thir CUP from me : neverroi.ko" cir' it.103. ~ A j u ~ i ) . e i X ~ ~ & . dXXd ,rh.ulv p$ ~ov my will, but thine be theless not be done. 'this from me-; but not my will, but thine, viaew.ll 43 n"Q$8q-6i aitrc; ZyyEXog 06?r'l ohpavo: bvtcrx6wv 43 And there appeared done. And appeared to him a n angel from heaven strengthening an him from heaven, strengthah6v. 44 rai yev6pevo~ v ciywvig I K ~ E V ~ U ~ E p 0 o q 6 ~ ~ rening him. 44 And i k~ O V o. hi. And being in conflict moreintently he prayed. belng in a n agony he prayed more eenmcstly: PiyHv~ro-8J b'.i6pAg.airroG cjaei Bp6p/3oi a'ipuroc qcara- and his sweat wirs a And became his sweat PB great drops of blood falling i t were great drop3 of blood falling down t o paivovr~I;' .niv yijv." 45 Kai avaardg c i r b r i g the ground. 45 And to the earth. And heving riaen n p from when he rose up from down Irpoaevxijc, bXBGv ~ p ~ b 6 6 0 pttQq1~circ~ EV 'al;rodc K O L ~ W - prayer and wns come ~ 5 to hi; disciples, he prayer, coming W the d i i p l e l h e L n d them sleep- found them 11eeping

if thou art willing


;",:E~Y$ "E , F ; :

h i

* (red shall not crow) TRA. until L ~ A . X P: + p Y l j q eisjvar LTr. Y] A. @aMa~iou TATT~AW'. a ctaav LTT~A. Ou0cvos TTI-4. d Ba~Ativrtov LTTIAW. - 271 LTTIA. f 571 t c b 6 i rTrcv but he ~ a l T ;ew v 8 i TT. d f c i - airroi, (read the dish ~b that (concerning me has an elld) ~ I A . r [y&p] LW. I roi,m rb aoniplov TTrA. clples) m ~ . k rapave'yxac T ; myiveyxe tnke away LTr. i a b 70; from the LTI. Y xai i y i v c ~ ~ m ycvi& TTrAW. verses 4;{, 44 a [ j L. n 1 4aGroi,(reud his d~sciples) E. 9 mraf9aivowor TA. 6 aocpwj~ivovc b ( [ h ] A) TA.
ail7ws n r A .

for sOITow~ andsnid ,u6vouc11 h i ) r f c XGnqc, 46 rai elnev a4roic, Ti cnQe6Jera 46 ; uuro them, Why sleep ~e ? rise and pray, lest ing from grief, and? ho said to them, Why sleep ye? yo ,enter into temp- & v a g r & v r n p o u ~ t ~ e a Q e , plj.eiciXtfqre eis zrerpnupdv. ~~ 'c'va tatlon. Haviugriseuup pray, thht ye may not enter into temptation.

47 And while he yet spake, behold a multitude, and he that was called Judas* One Of the twelve, went before them, and drew near Jesus to kis~ him. 48 But Jesus mid ~ u t him, Judas, o betmyat thon the Son of mau with a kiss? 4s When thsp which wore about h ~ m saw what would follow they mid unto him: n o d , hall we smite w i ~ the sword? 50hnd h one of them smote the servant of the high priest, and cut off his ri'.ht ear. 61 ~~d J ~ answered and said,

47 "E~1.~88~l a6roit.XaXo~vrog,
And 'yet.
~ E Y O ~ 'IohJag,

BxXog, rai 8 X~y6war

'ss 'h? 'was speaking, behold a crowd, and hewho



' t j y y l ~ & ~' r(lj

drew near t o him, Jutlas,

one of the twelve, was going before thcm, and I ~ ~ Y o ~ $1h?jbat ~ 6 7 6 ~ . 'd.b8.'Itlao~g" ?new 48 But Jesus mid to Jesua to kiss him.

erg r 3 v GhSe~a, ~poljpxero wa6r3v,n rai

'Io&?a, 9ihtjpart'rbv l~itv~roir civl9pDaov vapa8isw~;

with a kiss the Son of man deliverest thou up? mid

49 '18dvreg.82 oi
to h ~ m , Lord,

A n d *seeing 'those %around =him what was about to happen

ghnll we smite with [the] sword?

npi airrdv r3

b ~ ~ p ~ v oJel~ovll v
And 'smow

Zah~$,li Khpie, EL ~ariitopev bv ~ ~ T T ~ ~ E V Tic *one 'a acertain40f %hem


a p u ~ a i p p l60 Kai b ~ 6 . l;
and Jesus


G u GoiXov 705'c i p ~ t e ~ i ~ ,rui %rtv g,"

the bondman of the high priest, 'right. And answering

&$E?XEV 'a6roir rb o$g" rb GeFidv. 51 & A O K ~ L ~ E I \ ~ . i) ~' I t / u o i ~ ~

took ofP his 'em


healed him, Jesus said unto the chief priests and captnina o f th; v,,ich and the elders, teu~plo, come to


~lnev,,E ~ Tk' ' E Kai ci$~&p~vog hriou da6roir" roir aaid, Suffer thus far. And having touched the e? of him i,&aClrO C16r6v. 52 ET~ev.6i 'IquoG~ pi)^ T O ~ S nap* he healed hiin. And =said 'Jesus t o those who were ~ E Y O ~ ~ J O V ~ *h't1 cipxi~peicrai arparqyoi~roit icpoc atrbv

him Bo ye bone out 'Ome againat him, chief priests and captains of the temple a d a h i n s t &thiefl wit$ red n p ~ u ~ v r Q p o ~ ~ ~i , Xyarljv gh(eXqX66ar~~~ 'Qg h per& rrwords and staves? e,nd have ye oome out with elders, As against o robber 63 When I was daily with you in the tern- ~ a ~ a l p L rai FhXwv ; 53 1caQ'.~jp6pav iv 6vroc.pov ~ E B ' Y stretched e swords and staves Daily when I was with yon no hnnds sgninst me: but this is your hour, ;v T$ ip$ ot~.6~ereivare rdg x g p a ~ h' Epi. h&Xh'u and the power dark- in the te~uple stretched not aut Cgour] ye hands against me ; but

a$rq ib$v
this ?our

iurtv'l 4 Wpa, lcai Ij bFovaia io4 urdrouc.

'is hour, and the power

af darkness.

,And having seimd him they led p i m away], and led him, Then took ~ , n d and led him, brought him h t . 0 the * a h r i t l / g 'rdv olrov" ro5 & p ~ i p 6 w c '8.d8.nlI6rpoS $roXo68~8 $ f ~ , " ~ t ' : o ~ ~ ~ ~ him into the houfio of the high priest. i And Pater was folloFng

54 2vXXa/3dvrec.S1 al;ri)v qyayov,

rai eicnjyayov


afar off. 55 And when they had kindleda 5re in the midet of the hall, and were set

parp68ev,. , 55 mci+C/civrwv1'.62 n.4p bv afar

And having kindled a fire in [the] m l d ~ t of the court,


cai navylcaeia6vrcl~v~~ QaQrGv" dxhesro 6 nirpos Pbv.pQayR

'Poter among Peter ?sat tat down among them. and *having 3aat4downstogether Ithey 66 But a ~*ertnin maid a6r;v. 56 i8oijua.& atrdv~n.albiarq rlc ra67jpevov n. b~ beheld him as he sat $ h. And 4 h a ~ i 5seen u~ 'a 'maid 'certain i n by the fire and earn; l ; , cai &raviaaua h6~1;, aznev, Kai o 6 r o ~ udw estly looked upon him, rb $ nndsa/d, Thisman was the light, and having looked intently on him, said, And this one with


g:"azi"d"dz aCltr(ij 57 '0.68 ,tjpvijoaro %trdv,' ,"&$l

Woman I kdow him him W* not. 60' ~ n after a d uttie w u l e a n o t h ~ 0 1 6 ~ MW h, and raid, ' %do 1 know
+ . W

But he



hiyou, rfivac, 064


Woman, .not#

atrdv." ,58 Kui $rd Ppax6 Prepo~i6dv a&rbv{ $ l ] ,

h d after a little another seeiug

him. raid,

8; and LTTTAW. &mv'p GLTTrAW. ' I q u o ; ~ 8L TT~A. 7 efnav L ~ A . a i w q ~li.n. pa,yaipg TT*& b 70; drp~blsp619~7bv bochov TTrA 7b 05s a6703 LTTPA' d aCro0 TTrA. D o L ~ A . f npbs T. g d&jhOar~cante ye out L T ~ . U h~ r & ~ U T Clli)v LTTrA. ~ Y k a h b v (read [him]) LTTrA. 1 OLK~~VTTIA. m uep~a+dw~+ n ~ c ~ r x a B ~ v 6 vhaving sat argmnd L ; ouv~cBrvciv7ov r~v, T. mrr. 0 4+ ~ L iL yc ,j r r N'UCJS m& 9 wtbv LT~[A]. r o i t i o'i&aairr6v, (yr TTTA.


Kai air

art. But Peter said,

I am uot~ ~ ~ ~ I am not. 59 And a'

aurwv 1. l Q . S I . l T ~ ~ p o S E ~ T E V , ~ ' ~ A o&r.eipi. X E ~ ' V~~W ~ ,


6iiuxvpi<~ro bout the Space Of One And haringelapsed about Zhour lone, sother 3a*certain strongly affirmei ~ ~ , " ~ d c ~ { , ~ ~ aCro5 4 u . gai.~ci~ i t - 8%(ow a160a was with h e ing, of truthtllie Xiyhv, ET' dXqO:iac ral o5roc for h, a (ialialso this one with him was; for also a 0aliuy~n. ' I n truth

BY Kai Gcaarciarlc hoei $pas p t ; ~ ,&m rcs

And thou of

,g"% ",;

{: ! ,

iai6e iartv. 60 El?rev.GJ


he is.

thou sapest. 'the 'cdck.

and looked upon Peter. AndPet2r remembered tho word &rr~pvi]ae~ d ITirpoc TO; X6yov TO; K U ~ ~ O V , ETTEV abry?, of the Lord. how he hs and 'remembered IPeter the word o f t h e Lord, how hesnid tohim, hnd snid uuto him, Before the cock 'crow, "Or1 &X;~ropa $ov,?aal V 6TapVfi~pp rpic. 62 Kai thou shalt deny me Before [the] cock crow thou wilt deuy me thrice. And thrice. 62 And Peter went out, and wept d:~Xt?&v i t w "6 nbrpocl1i~knvohv t ~ p & s . ~ bitterly. having gone forth outside Pctcr ' wept bitterly. And having turned, the Lord looked a t poter

'h" ciXirrwp. 61 rai arpa$eic i, r6pio~ j.viph~+evr$ Hirpya turned,

lean. 60 And Peter I know not what said, Man, I knowAnd what thousayest. not Kai zapn~pijpa, in XaXofir-~roc.ahroii, i$&vyaev immedintely, while he And immediately, 'yet 'as he was speaking, krew yet spakct the Lord crew. 61 And the And 'said 'Peter, hlau,

nirpog, "AvOpw.lre,o ~ K . u @ii~

63 Kai oi 6vcTp~coi auvEXovre~"TAP'17/aohnbvi~ai<ov

And the men who "were holding Jesus mocked

aifr$, Gipovreg.
him, hia phesy, bcaticg [him]; face, who


And themen thcf hcldJesuspotked hiln,I and smote h i m 64 dud rcai ~~pica~zi+nvrec atrbv y r ~ r r o v ,ben ~ I , C J litid blinrland 11aving.covered up' him they wkre striking foldedhim,thcy s t r w k were asking thee? him, saying, ~ ~ ' , d o " ~ ~ ~ , f a Prophesy, wlio iv i t smote thee P

airro5 rb ~ 6 a r j n d vrail1inqpDrwv ZabrJv,ll , Xiyovrec, TT oand

$ljr~vaov,ric bartv d naiuag ae; 65 Kal

is it that struck
~ E Y O U





And 'other 'things 'many


they said t o day

e c ) atrdv. ~

things blasphemously spake they against him. was day, the elders of the people and the chief priests and the scribes came together,
~ ~ ~ ~

66 Kai


C T V V $ ~ ~rb~ r r p ~ ~ p ~ r ss ~ t o v as i t ) ; ~ alla as soon

gdhererl together the

elderhood TO; Xaoc, cip~t~p~ic-raypappareic, ~ aa&v$yayov" ~ai i atrbv Of the people, both chief priests and scribes, and they led him

And when i t became

4 rb bvviS

cov biavrGv," XEyovrrC, 67 Ei a3 1 d x p t m 6 ~ ,~

ltheir, m~ing, If If thou a r t the



ei?rin ) ~ c L ~ Y . $ EInev-6; ahro?g, 'X6v 6pTv


u. s

And he said t o them, and if let [me] go.

.rrrar~6aqre. 68 bhv.Gi
would ye believe;
n n a m me, nor

8ijr6 =pot, 4 (inoX6ul]r~."69 ~ T ~ . T O ~ . V h r a ~ vihc T O ; ~ V b

Henceforth shall he the Son

If I tell not believe: 60 and 1 also ask you, ye . d~ai" iowrljaw, also 1 ihould ask boa], not a t all would ye ~ ~ l l ~ $ e ~ ~ ~ s ~ ~ S

you I should tell, not nt a11

0u.p~ hTOkpt-if

thou the chririt 7 tell us. And he snid unto

e: :


d v 0 p L r 0 ~ U ~ $ ~ E ~VI O S ~ E & & v K C rtjc G V V ~ ~ E W ~ ot man sitting a t [the] r i ~ h hand of the t power

he said unto them, Ye that I *Iu. 'l And they said, What need ~ r p a&roGgi$q, 'TpdSXEy~re, i y D e i P t . 71 Oi.6; h ~ ? ~ o v , "an further witd ~ 8rr we to them said, Ye say, t h a t I am. And they said, ness? { r O ourseivea have heard of his own Ti Erc f X p ~ i a v O ~ E Vpaprvpiac"; abro,'-yhp 4rohanpev mouth. ZX What any more need have we of-witness? for ourselves have hewd And they 'asid 'all, Thou then a r t the Son of God? And he

70 gEl?f0vn.8> ?r&vrEc,

06v 1 b uibg ro; 8 ~ 0 6 ; ' Q J i

TO^$;^; F;$~~;;~~;~C;C t11c"~ou'ofGod? And



drb ~ o ~ ~ m b p a ~ o ~ ~ a h r o ~ .

E 3

his [own] mouth.


dvaardv 6 s a v rd nhijOob afiruiv k$yn

all the multitude

EV" whole mult~tude of



And having risen np

of them


them arose, and led

(reaa he wept) omqa 1.-

tnjpepov to-day TTrA. i) IIirpos a h b v t11mLTTrA. i m n r o v aGroi, r b npciaotrov, uai [LITT~A. I TTrA, dq'yayov they led PWay l"l!rA. a6r;v TTrAW. c ehrbv TTrA, 84 however LrPra. pot i) inohiiqcnltc l f ~ r ~ ] . f 8 rtnw T T r L d uai LTTr.4. h draw L ~ A . 1 ixopav w w p * ~ p e Tb ~ A I T 47apu BLTTtAW.

i$q VrA.


tread lthojj QLlTrAW.





airrciv l E?ri rbv 'II~)\arov." 2 ~rjpEavro-S-! ~carqyop~h*atroi~ $ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

him, saving, We found him Pilate. And they began to acy:use him. this fdow perverting A YOVTES, TOGTOV m~ijpop~v" d 6taarpiyiovra rd i8vosD, rai the nation, and forbiddingto give tribute gaping, This [man] we found perverting the nation, and t o Cmsar, safing that rwXBovra OKuioapi f6povg1'Gc66vai, PXdyovra E'avrAv X p r a & ~ he himselfAnd Pilate forbidding 'to *Csesar trlbute "to 'give, is Christ a saying himself Christ askedhim,saying,Art PaacXha ~l.var. '0.6i-qIItX6~0~~~ 3 'E~r]pDrqc~~v" XLywv, airr6v, thou the King of the #nd Pilate questioned him, su7ing. 'is' Jews P And be answered him and said, ~ h o u X6 1 d PaaiXedg TGY 'IovSniwv ; '0-82 c i ~ o r ~ t eaCrG ei~ sayest it. 4 Then said 'Thou 'art the. king of the Jews? And he answering him Pilate to the chief pricsts and to the peo- i$q, E6 XQy~cg. ' O - ~ ~ . ~ ~ I L X ~ T O ~ s o 6 ~&pxcp~?~ 4 ETTEV ~ 6 " ' r plc, I find no fault in said, Thou sayeat. And Pilate said to th3 chicf priesta tllia man 5 And they i e3pic~reoair~ovf v r@-ctv8pij?rcP-roCry. were tho' morn fierce, ~ aTOGS ~ ) X X O V ~ , saying, He stirreth np and the crowds, Nothir J 683 I blamable in this man. the people teachtng throughout) rill Jewry 6 0;-66 ~ T ~ U X V O V , y o v r t"Ort dvaaeiet TAY Xahv, 6186~~ ~, beginning from GaBut they were insistingI saying, He stirs up the people, lilee to this lace. 6Aqs rijs 'Iov6aing, '(iPE6p~vog &?rhrijc raXtwhen pilate KWY ~a6' cf Galilee, he asked ing t h r o ~ g h o u t ~ ~ w h 'the o l e of Judiea, beginning from & . U whether the man were a Galilmhn. ss Xaiag k'wg GEE. 6 qIIiX6rog"-64 oi~o6uag.traXcXaiavll moon as he knew that lee even to here. But Pilate having heard adlee [named] be belonged unto He- i ~ ~ p h r ~ u ~ v ~ V ~ ~ W raXeXaZ6~ U T L V *7 rai jurisdiction, he ~i d C T O ~ ~ 6 ~ 1 -




writ him to ~

~ asked ~

;whether ,the d


'a lGalileau

'in ;

m d having

~ time.

h B b d

~ yvodg iirc Qr rijg bEovuin~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'HpDJov Eariv,n b v i ~~~ p ~ when known that from the jurisdiction of Herod he is, he sent =up

$atrtu m~ $
'him those

Herod saw Jausl he was exceeding glad: for he was desirous to see h i 9 of a long season, because he had henrd many things of him; and he hoped to

~ p b g 'HpD6gvt 8vra rcai airrbv E 'I~pocroXGpo~~ v v E rahrat~ v

Herod, days. 'being 'also And Herod 'he at seeicg Jerusalem Jesus in

rayg $pQpacc.8 ' 6 - 6 i . ' ~ p & 8 g ~ i6&v rdv'Ir]ao~v bx6,oq Xinv

rejoiced grently,

have seen some for he was wishing for long to see him, because of henring racle done by him. 9 Then he questioned x ? r ~ X X & l l repi u&rol' ~ a i CX?rt~iv rt ugp~ov i'6eiv h ' with him in xmny things concwniughim ; and he was hoping some sign to see 'by

4v-yhp ~OfXwvQEi~avoii~ L)JETv airrbv,



~ K O ~ E ~

words. but he answeredhim'nothing. l0And a h o ; ytvbpevov. 9 Q~r] t r i v QV Xhyoig iravo'is' a the. chief priests and And he questioned him i n 'words 'many, ldone. scribes s t o d and ve- . Shim hementlyaccusedhim. o86av &?r~repivaro a&@. 10 ~ianj~e1oav.6b @Xoi 11 Herodwith his but he nothing answered him. And 'had 'stood 'the 'chief men of war set him nt nought, and mocked LEPETS ~ a oi ypa~pare'ig, ~irrdvwg K U T ~ ~ O ~ O G V a6ro6, i TE~ him, and arrayed him *priests 'and 'the Scribes; violently accusing him. i n 6 gorgeous robe, U&Y TOZS u r p a ~ ~ & p a u ~ airrbv y d 'H and sent him again to 11 Pilate. 12 And the And 'ha~ing %set satenought 'him lierod with 'troops same day Pilate and ~~~~d were made airroii, rai EpraiEng, ~eprflaX;v zairrdv'l Qa8ijm Xapfriends together :' for lhis, and having mocked mim],having put on him 'apparel 'splenbefore th-y were a t en-


mits ba~ V


zpdv dvQ~epIC/~v airrbv ~ q i ~ ~ e X 6 r y12 ' Ey~vovro-6iyii10~ .l

did he sent 'back and 'him Herod to Pilate. on that same day And became frienda with one another ;

~ . T E . ~ I I L X & T O ~ 6 'HpD6gcI1 airr@.r$ +pipp PET'ciXX$Xwv' rai Qv

both Pilate

.rrpoijrijpXov.ycip i'x8pp BYTES wpbs cdavro~~." Qv

for before they were a t . eumity ' between the-elves. 13 And Pilate, when 13 ~ I I c X ~ T O a " . ~ ~ ~ ~ 703s ~~ P X L~ P E ?~U ~TOflC 6 ~ ~ ~ [ F K~ ~ l.ehakcalled together the chief priests and And Pilnte having cnlled together the chief priests and the the rulers and the peole, 14 said nntothem, ~ ~ X O U T U C TAY Xabv, 14 lTv Kai Tpbg airro6g, ~~poar]vi~KClr$ %e have brought this rulers and the people, said to them, Ye brought

m ~ G ~ a p TTrA. ev + ; v (read our nation) LTR[A]W. ~#I~POVS' P ~ aand [L]w~[A]. i n IIeiA&ros T . $p&nlurv TTrA. 8 f ~ a even TT~[A]. t I'aAiAaiav T[A]. v rbv L. it i x a v i v xp6vwv 06A0v mRny times rrohhd TTrA. a h b v (1*t?ad [him]) [r.]'l'[~r]h wishing LTT~A. X J K a i also n. IIe'h6,~o r. 'lIpd6qs x a i b I I L A ~ T O(IIebr\. T) TTrA. Ca6~06s A d . w u ~ & u ( i C C ~ u ~ s S m. Tt

T .

Kalqapt L ~ A .

+ +


t o he

L U K E.
XaOIv' cni


pot ri)ir.BvOpw~~.roijrov, (E.rroarp~$ovra &C TAY

this man, as turning away the people ; and people: and behold I jJofi, iy& al,ljTLOv 3pGV (EvalCpiyaS eO&Jiyl' ~ I ~ O V T~ii E ;V having exaLined h'i4 behold, I before you having examined [him] %otkiing 'found i n

E ;

1 1 ~ ~ v ~ ~ 6 $


ctvBpD~y.~ol;ry arrt0v
thislman agninst him ; nor even Herod,,


KarqYO~~ir~ touchiug those things

blamable [as to the things] of which ye bring accusation for I scut %up you to


and of ldeath is worthy 10 nothing dong 16 I will him, and 10, nothing worthy of death is done theref ore.chnstise him, release him. and a i r @ .16 irar6e6aag ov'v atrbv d.rroh6aw. 17 ~ ' A v & ~ K ~ ] v of hecessity he 17 (For by him. Having 'chastised 'therefore him I will release [him> *Necessity must relcase one unto them a t the feast.) 62 e l x ~ v~ T O X ~ E~~6V 0 7 4 ~ Kard io rziv gva.' 18 ie~nd they crjcdout 'now2he'had t o release t o them a t [the] l a s t one. athey all a t oncg, snylng, Away with this man, repacav" 6i kanr~AqB~i,"Xiyovreg,Alp T O ~ O V , h d h v - and release unto u s 'cried .out 'hut J in a mass, saying, Away with this [man], Ye- Barnbbas: 19 (who for acertain seditionmade urhfJ[v in the city, and for uov Gd tjpiv TAY BapaPPSv. 19 Sarrc $v 6td Barahhas ; who was onaccount O 'insurrectiou murder, wns cast inf lease 'and t o us t o prison.) 20 Pilate rrv~i Y ~ v ~ r Q v q v iv T(;XEL rai $ ~ ~ V O U '$e$Xqrivog E ~ Ctherefore, willing t o 'a 'certain made in the city and murder cast into release Jesus, spnke a-

~ a ;a6roir. 15 ciXX'-0662'HpD6qcSfdv6.rr~r$a.ydp6pZig ~ p h c I sent you to him; for $06, otdiv i ~ c o veavcirov iuriv . r r ~ . r r p a ~ ~ i v o v him. unto



~vXamjv.11 20 IIciXiv mo2ii*11 6 nIIiXhrog'I .rrpoae$6v~uevo,

prison. Agnin therefore Pilate called $0

[them], cify him, crucify him. 22 And he said unto &Xwv d.rro&fiaai rbv 'IqOOGv. 21 0i.G i?~e$Dvovv, Q Y ~ l , ~ ~ Sthe third time, X th cm , wishing to release Jesus. But they wcrc crying out, saying, tyh what evil hnth
P ~ T U ~ ~ W U Wma6pwuov1~ , airrdv. Crucify, crucify him.

f ~ ~ ~ ~ , " $ ~ $

2% 'O.Ei rpirov
'this Pman]?

And he a third [time] said No

a t r 0 6 ~ ,Ti y&p
to cause them, What %hen

K U K ~ V \daoirla~v

rlnrv no cause Ihavofound of death in him : I will thcrelore OljJ;v chastise him, and let
h m instant with the i were go. 23 And lou$
voices, reqniriug t h a t


did 'commit

airrov eav&rov
of death

found I in

E ~ ~ O bY v


.rraiE~6ua~ o6v
Having 'chastised 'therefore



ci.rroX6uw. 23 Oi.66 ~ + Q K E I V T O $wvarc p ~ ~ & X aairo6r~, I will =elesse @ h ] . But they were urgent withavoices 'loud, asking ~ V O airrbv uravpwotjvar. ~ a rariu;ll.vov ai $wvai atrijv L l

andof the chlrf priestr revailed. 21 And Piate gave sentence that i t should be as they him t o be crucified. &Id prevailed the voices of them requued. 25 And he tor released unto them q ~ a ?;V cipxrepiwv.ll 24 r'0.8d,".nnr?dfroSII~ T ~ K ~ L V E Y ~ i u him that for sedition i ~~1 6ai And Pilate adjudged 'to 'he Sdone and murder was cast and of the chief priests. into prison, whom they rb.a)lqpa-a6rGv. 25 ci.rr6Xva~v.Gi~ 8atroTg" TAY 6td had desired : hut he And he released to them him who onaccount of delivered Jesustotheir 'their 'request. will,

urciurv rai $ 6 ~ 0 E P A ~ ~ Q V O V n j ~ l l $vXalCrjv, ~ ~ t

had been cant into the prison, t o their will.


insurrection and murder they asked for ; And 'a "certain him the but Jesus

whom 26 And as they led

Zjroirvroo ~bv.6;.'IquoGv T
as they led 'away

~ ~ ~ ~ W K $.6eX$pa~l-~~trijy. r E I J

he delivered up 'him, coming

26 Kai &C d?njyayov a6rdv,

a Cyrenian

b.rrrAa@cip~voiVZipwvdg him away, t h ~ ylaid

having laid hold on from


rlvOC Kvpqvaiov Wro31 ip~optvov" .'ci.rr'"CiypoG, b ~ i e q ~ a out of the country, and v

hold upon one Sirnon, a Cyrenian, coming

&h$ uravpdv $SPELV B T L U ~ E V703' I ~ Q O ~'HKOXO~OEL TAU 27 . h ear

t o bear [it] behind and. him

a field, they put upon on him they laid the cross, that he might it after J ~ S U S . Jesus. 'Were 3folloniug 27 And there followed

61 airr@ TOM TX~@OS. XaoG ~ a yvvac~&v, a; Yrai" him" roir i ' of people, and of woc"mpany
a great multitnde of the people and
of women, who also men, which also be-

ivimcp$ev y i p ahrbv lrpbs +p& for he sent .him back to us T . h Lvi~payov TTrA. uavlrAr)Oei T. 1 /3AqOris ([BAqfkis] A) TTIA. m 82 however LTTrA. I I E L A ~ T T. P O 0 a h o ; s t h e y 4. 0 avrocr p Braripov' uraGpov LTTrA. 9 ~ aTGv cipxtcpiov [L]T[T~A]. * K& LTPrA. i C[L]TT~AW. t f i v LTTrA. v P i p o v a rbva Kvpqvaiov ipx6pevov IfITrd. 706 GW. 7 rai LmrL ..h~r.nbL .

oirO1.v W. -jverseA17~ [<L ] ~ [ A ] . b q +v a






wnilcfl and lnmentcd tr6rrrovro m l i8pivovv atrdv. 28 arpa$ei~.61 ~ p b s atriis hlnr. unto Jwus turn- wcrebcwniling and lamenting 22 Rut ing him. And trimins to thorn Drn~ght~~rnJornsn- zi)lg ' I I ] ~E o ~ ~ BuynrdpeE*Ipavaai+p, of ~ H ~V , p$.dai'ere :i ipQ Je+us said, Daughters of Jcrunnlem, weep not for me, solves, and for your rrXljv iq' iavri(c ~ X r t i ~ ra iri r6.rQ~va.6p3v. 20 ;re i606, ~i but -for ~ o t ~ r s e l r eLwecp and for s your children : for 10, doming, in the which fp~ovrae4pipae bv arc bpoiacv, Ma~ci~iar ai oreipar they the my, Blosaod a n coming shnll and daya i n which t h q will say, Blessed [are] the barren tho wombs thnt nevur ~ aa i ~oiXiac di otr.iyivvqaav ~ apaaroi 02 bot~.t&jXaaav.' i bnre and the Pa .nil wombs which did not bear and brerrsta which gave not suck. whidhneoer nve s u c c 6 (ovTC~~ kkY1V TOTS ~ P E G L V ,c I I d ~ ~I@' ~) l @ ~ ~ il SO Then ahalf thcy b e 30 &E gin toanytothernounThen s h n l f t h e j begin to say t o the moubtaina, Ball upon nr ; b i n s Fall on us and to th6 hills, ~ o v d r U% ~ a roic povvoic, KaA6Gare <pc?s. 31 6rt ei bv %$'l i dypg 31 For if they do those and to the hilh, Corer us: for if in the grcen

zz n;,"rf0;2,"1
29d,"2 ,"g

mn,efnctors, one on thiycrucified him, and the malefnctors, tho one on [the] right the right hand, and 6v.66 d( ciprarep3v. 34 fi).6i.'IqaoGs Zheyev, IIcirep, b$oc the other on the left. ~h~~ anid J ~ and~ on [the] one ~ ~ ,loft. And Jesus snid, Father, forglva Father, for ive them; a&rois* ot.ycip.oibaaiv ri T O ~ O ~ ~ U ~ V Amp~prccipevoi-6ird ." for they %now. And them, not they do. for they k u o a not what they do. And dividiug they parted him miment thePOc ~ a t nnd lestocd lots. Pnd the rulcr8 also with them dcrided him, laying, Ife savcd oblurs; let him @arehimscU, if he be Christ the choscn of ~ o d . ' 36 And thc mldiera nlao mocked him coming to him, oflering him vinegar, 37 and saying If thou bo the king of the jaw,, save thyself. 38 And a superscrip tion also wrrs writtcn him in lcttoru of Greek and Latin and ~ c b r e ) a THIS' IS Or Tas


~ ~ f E6Xy : rnGra ~ ~oroCaiv,v T$ Sqp@ ri yivqrac ; 32'Hyovro l i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ the dry? 32 And there trae these thing8 thoy do, in the dry what may take ploco 7 OWoro aled werc also two other. malefsctors, with 61 ~ a ;repot 660 ~axofipyot i a6v aCr@ civaipe6ijvar. 33 Kai him to beputto death. 'and alao 'other 'two malefactors with him to be put t o death. And whenthey irri ri)v rdlrov rbv ~ a X 0 6 p ~ v o v rpaviov come t o the place, ;re e & ~ i j ~ 6 ~ v l ' which 1 crlled , when thoy came t o the place culled a Skull there


hara6pwua1~ atrdv, ~ a roirg caxo6pyovg, B v . ~ ? I J hrc i


ip(iria.atroG $3aXov grXijpou.ll 33 cai

hi, garmonts they c a t
R lot.


And rulen

'stood with this

'the "people behold. thcm, is the


3 Xadg 6 ~ w -

Gv. J ~ ~ ~ v ~ l l j ~ h ~ ao u . ~~ ~l c ~ id v
and *were doriding aalso 'the

O V T iE S u6

~ atr0i2," UyovChrist

T E ~ AXXOV~ , fowacv, U W U ~ T W havr6v ing, Other6 he aaved, let him sare himself if

0 6 ~ 6tortv b xptarb~ s
him also the .him, mare rol-

a;r@ kb 706 6.503"~ K X E K T ~ S .3 6 l'E~irra~~ov".G1 rcai oi orpathe *of 'Qod 'choscn And mocked diera, saying, coming near If thou a r t Wle and 'vinegar king of the 'otPering Jews,

r r ~ r a t1rpoa~p~6pevor""~ai" Irpoa$fpovres atrtji, 37 rcai , 6Foc


X ~ Y O Y T E S"El" bd 1 d PantX~6c ~ T

~ 'Iov6aiwv, U&OV V


&V. 38 'Hv.61 ~ a ii~rypaqrf Oyeypappivtll~ IT' atryj lelL And thcre Was also m inscr~ptlon wrltten over him PIpcippaav 'EMqvtrois i d 'Pw akois cal 'EP4akois, qO6r6~ iariv b paarXe6s rijv 'Iov8aiwv."
This is the king of the Jew& in lottcra Greok and :i tn and ebrew :


one 09 the malefactors which were hnn cd rniled on him snyfhg, ~f thoq be dhrist, save thyself buked him,

ss And

39 Et.61
him, ur.

7th ~pepaoOivrwv r c a ~ o l ; p ~ iPhaa@Gp~ w~~ Now one of the 'who 'had 'been 'hnnged 'malefactors railed a t

atrdv, 'k'Xly~V," 'Ei 06 1 d ~prarcic," a&oov aeavrbu

saying, If thou art the Christ, the other




<pti~. 40 'Arro~pe6~ic.6Id STEPOS 'f?rsripa.a+,

But answering rebukod



bim said TTrA.

b O ~ :epe+av nourished not LTTrA. K l a the p r A . i e njuare m . [h S/ ~ O L O G U ~ VL. ] Jl~Oou LRA. E KA~POVS b TA. lo h rai L. T k TO; eeo3i, TA. 1i u i r a t ~ a u TA. 1 w v aiwoi~ [L]TT~A. m a+ LIT^. @ [Ei] L. O i r c y e y p a p p i y L[T~]; y r / g a p p i q TA. P y p k p p a ~ v . . EBpaLn& q b BavrAeGs 7i)v 'Iovbaiwv OVTOS ([O~TOS] LTTrA. L) h+v T[RJL [LI=~[A~ OiSyi W er b ~ p r d s Art not thou the Christ P mm. ; i n r r t p i v ' a 6 r t j it$?rebukiPg
d [T+]. ' T

- b mm.



-.. -



LUKE. qop? ud rdv O E ~ V , art bv airtq ~pipariF?*

Ood;[Lhoul that under the eame judgment

Dmt not

41 ~ a i pJv 8imiwc* &&a-y&p 5v i r p h t a p ~ vnationjustly; for indeed 7 41 and we we And we indeed justly ; for 'a 'due 6recompenna*of 'what %e 'did leceive the duo reward &roXa~/3hvop~v. oIro(.d otdiv Brorov i n a&. 42 ,"~;I(~;;~._;~~&i~ 'we receive ; but this [man] %othing 'amiaa Pdld. amiss. 42 And ho s a d b unto Jesus Lord, rev ~ ~ E Y E V 'Iq~oii, 'r$l' Mlvljutlqri pov, " K ~ ~ L E , I I iirav when thoncomest in member into thy kingcomest mat.when thou Lord, to Jesus, Remember me, he said ~,'~ $-$./3aathip.uov. 43 Kai E ~ ~ a t V@ ' I ~ U O ?'Apr)v rAiyw dom. 43 And Jesus E r thy kingdom. *sat& =to *him 'JWUB, Verily I IY said a t 0 him, V e r i l ~ I say unto thee, To utj E ov per' ipo3 iap b rcji rapa8~iuy. v dry shalt thou be with me in paradhe. Paradise. t thee, &c%y with me thou shalt be in o

Fn 8"",edee f 0 , Ze s zfenr


bhqv u And i t W= about over 'whole the sixth how, and there was a darlmep1s Gpdc aivvcirqc"l45 b ~ a bu~oribeq d ijXioc,' ,V, ,nthe i d v Yjjv 'E'WC 'the land until [the] =hour 'ninth ; and 'was*darkened 'the %an ; the ninth hour. 45 And 6pa k r q , ~ a Ui K
~ ~ O yiv~ro iC i$'

44 flH~-8Cll &UEi

And i t wasabout [the] 'hourleFah, and darknass


the sun veil of the and the d n d temple was h n t in the midst, 46 And when )wI*juac p~ycihv6'1q00G~ ~ T E VIShr~p, ~ P E , E xeipcic eaus had cried with having cried wit aZvoice 'loud Jam said, Father, into 'hands a loud voiw, be mid,

buxioe$ ~b I

L U T ~ ? ~ ~ T ~ va0ij r& U ~


a d %m "rent 'the


'of %he Yemple in[theJ midst.

46 rai


aov drapcr~iiaofiatn ~ . T ~ ~pov. ~CKai +ai;ra!l T E? u


~ i r & v I commend my spirit : thy hands And these things having a i d and having said thus, ~ F ~ W E V U E V .47 '18&v.64 6 firarbvrapXo~~ TA ywdpevov $g;;ie:h;gEk he expired Wow 'hsvinp%emlthe 'mtnrion that which took place twion saw what gibdtau~v%r6~ e~dv, Akywv,'Ovrwc b & v e p ~ r o ~ . o 6bimioc g ~ ~ p & z $ ; G a ro~ glorified God, raying, Indeed thirr man wan a righteous man. j5v. 48 Kai ? r t i ~ r oi bsvp7rapayevd~~voin c dxxoc twi njv 4 8 h d all the geople 'was. And all the 'who +Were *come together 'wow& to ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ o ewpiav.ra6~v, 6 ~ ~ p 0 3 v r ~ ~ ' l i r(t y~vd@vt~,~ T O V T thethingsbhihichwm T E ~ thin sight, seeing the thfirgs which took plaim, done smote thew beating bredta and returned. hiatfr3vu rd i)&urp~$ov. 49 ionj~eiuav.6~ v r t . c 49 ~ n h his M?d all thelr breast8 returned And estood qunintance and the women t h i t followed oi yuwuroi 'aCro3" m pa~pdeav,~ a yvvaircey ai Owv- him irom Galilae, i .th~ao%ho *knew *him afar off, also women who fol- etbbd afar off beholding theae t& u. a~o~o?)~tjaauab~ airrcy' &?rd rijc FaXiXaias d Quac raiira. lowed with him from Gtalilee, doldiig these things. M) Kai iboti, &vtjp bvdpari 'Iwo7j$, @ovh~v& drci xwv, w ~ A $ 4 ~ ~ l $ a And behold, a man by name Joaeph, a coanaellor be ng, h, a couubrner ;
I w l commit il
my spirit.



&m)p &yaObcrai 8lraioc, 51 06roc O & K . ; F ~ P ~ V ~ K ~ T ~ ~ E ~ E ~ ~ V O ~ ' ~


and jmt, and the

(he of them,) from

had not awnted hixna-

eame had not consen


p.6~ 'Iov8aiwv, $s.qnaiP rpoUe&~~ro 'rai airrdcu 4~ pactof the Jews,

% couml

pod# Kai $ *ph&&


ahrsv, ( i d ' A p q ~ t l a i d ~ r6XEwS ed to the COU~SCL

a city

X~iav ro3 Be05 62 o5roc rpou~At)&v @sIItXhryH r p'rtjaaro rb

dom b &
of God, he having gone to Pilate the

and who 'was 'waiting *for 'alao Dhimselt


06 U ro5'IquoG. 53 rai
ei J e s u


'a.irrr6"iver6XiBv a&rb
he wrapped

And having taken 'down


deed of them ; ) of Anmathaa, a cityl of the Jews :who also himself waited for the kingdom of God. 52 hi^ man W M ~ unto Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus b3 And he *: i t h md wrapped f i linen, n

~ a3 v 48q ([i)8r)] TrA) and i t was now LTTrA. i b T& ljAiov iKAlt~6lrlO$ (darkness came).from the sun failing T . tv&n)i L l T r k d napari0c a1 I comu~it ~ A W . 0 ~ a~ i 3 r an4 this u ; roGm 81. m L c i q i u 8 r ) 82 T. o o : t ~ a r o w i p m sm. r isi[aCcv LTTrA. h ~ ~ v n a p ( ~ ~ e r . + eTA. va i @CWP$UC~MPS having Been LTTrA. iavr&v (read the breasts) TTrA. a;r+ LTTrA. m i n b from LT. ovva~oAov8o~Uac TTrA. P o v v ~ a ~ a ~ c 8 i f ~ ~r vv vi~ a r a n 8 c y r ~ v O i I; r o A. O ~ aand T i . ~ aand LlTrA. i 1Iecha:ry T . * &sb ( ~ e u d [itu r K& i r b s L ~ A .

T$ (read he said, Jesus, remember) @cad he said) !lf~r& 9 UOL X ~ TTrA. O



[ L T .





and laid it in 8-1g~y86v1 cai EBqrev vafrbn !v p v r j p r ~ XaCvr$, ~ ~ ~ ~ in ahlinenr 'cloth $ and placed ~ it ~ in ~ a tomb hewn in a rock, in whiok ~ r ~ nun b i o m w u laid. of r ijv wofGinw.ofGei~~~ EVOS. 54 m ipipa ijv rai i eid. And d&y lit M And that day WE# the prewUion, +as .no 'one ever yet the sabbath drew on. arv?j,ll kai aciP/3arov hrQ+ux~u. paration, and Sabbath was coming o a


55 KararoXovJ$aaaat.d ?rail yvvairec, ai'nvee 4aav

66 And the * m e n And =having 'followed "also 'women, who were 8100 which Came d t h OVvEXqXvQVial him'from Oalilea, foi"afr$" H rijc PaXlXaiaSb, beecicavro rb r lowed nfter and beoome with him out of Golilee, saw the hold the body was laid. pvqp~iov, his sepuichre and rai Crieq rb.adpa.aCroS. 56 I;nocrpi~aaai.6e 58 bnd they returned, tomb, and how Was laid his body. And having returned and prepared:",:! p tjroipacav hp3para rai pdpa. rai rb.piv.a&&3arov $aCxa~ ~ e ~ i n ~ ~ n they prepared t aromatics and ointments, and ~ ~ b b a h on tho snbbath rsmsiucd accordins to bay rard rdv bvroX$v. p$ r3u capquiet, according t o the oommn!idment. But on the Rnt [dsy] of the week &at day of the reek, pcirwv bptlpov.ct3aei~cll dl)Xeo~ rb pvil*a,I1$Qoovaa( d bri reryenrlyln the morna t early dawn they onme t o the tomb, &ging Iwhich ing they came unto th: sepulchre, bring$roipaaav Aphpara, 'rai rlves airv afraic." 9 E6YTheg ing the spices which %hey 4had 8propnred laromatics, and sonie [othera] with them; they hadprepared, and certain other8 with pov 8 rbv X ~ ~ OA Y T O K E ~ V X L ~ ~ I Y O703 pvqpeiov, 3 * ~ a l 4 ? (irt Y them. 2 And they aIoandland the stone rollod a m g from the tomb; and found thedtone rolled away from the sepul- ~ia~Xtl03uat~' .ofx.~jpov t b aGparoi, mrpiov 'Iqcoir. 4 rni ohre. S And the en- hsving entered the1 found not the body of the Lord Jesus. And bred in and Aund not the body the Byivero B v . T ~ . ~ ~ ~ u s T o P E ~ u ~ ~aCr&crepi rodrov, rai i806, ~" Lord Jesus. 4 h n d it it came to pass es were Sparplexed Ithey about this, that behold, came to pass, RS they h ware much perplexed 8th 6 ~ 8 p briarquav afrai'g HY i 6 u e l j c ~ ~ t ~ ~~" d~~parroljaat~.' thereabout, behold, two men stood by them i 'garments n Ishiuing. two men stood by .m e in Bbiningl a r - 5 I p f & ~ 8 2 Y E Y O P ~ V O Y ~ T G V I L V O V U G V rpicw$ U rai krb menb : 5 pad as thoy And a lled %ith 'fear 'becoming 'they and bowing the face down Uieir facw to the werenfrnfd+rmdbOwed rovli eic mjv yfv, l ~ r ~ i r~ b cl afrcic, T &raire rbv c ~ v r d p~ ' i earth they aaid unto t o the earth, they said t o them, Why' seek ye the living them' why seek ye the perd TGY V E K ~ G; 6 o i r ~ . h t v S e , mdn"l lianiamongthedeadl V t $yQpeq.p ~ l j c 8 ~


6 Re is not hcre, but in with

risen: r e m e m h h o w he spnke unto you when he W* yet in Q~lilee 7 laying, The Son of' man mast be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be cmcifled, and the third dny rim again. 8 And they remembercd h16 words g and returned from' the sepulchre, and told all these t h i n ~ n unto the eleven, and to crll the rest. 10 ~t W= Mary Mngdalene, and Jonnna aud Nary Lire m o + h ' o f James, and other women that were wlth them, which told tbae thi,,pn untothe apontles. 11 iludtheir

Cjc tXhXqaev



8piv, irt bv bv rp' h t ~ a i 7 XQywv,n"Orr ~ ,


Ho ia not



is risen:


how he g ~ a k e to yea, yet b i n g in


~ b albv 703 (tvep6rovIi aapaGoQfvar eiS xeipa~ v

of man


to be delivered up into
and the t i! hr

0 i v e p h irPPrw~&v, aravpw~~vat, r t rpir <pip9 ~~~ cai rai

l~infal, and to be orucified, day

dvaar$val. 8 Kai ipvrjeeqaav rGv.~qphr~v.a6roir~ ~ a i 9 I;roarpQ$a~~ltd ,703pvqpiov d~$yy<iXavorairra rrhvrcru (i

having returned from the tomb they related Dthese.things Now it was 'all tethe eleven a d t o a l l


And they remembered

his worda 6


roi~ #v&ra rai ?rirarv roie Xotroi~,10 Pdaav.Gill 4 May8aXiylj

the rest.

Mapia rai q'Iwhvval1 cai Mapia

.eLMary and
them, Joanna t o and Mary

' Iatc'hBov, and the hotrai with rai a; A y of James, rest

apohh these thinpr And


afrais, 'a;"

Ov, ?Tpd~'?'o6~ droarbhooc rairra. 11 Kai


&be'cs 068irro T; oC8eir ocnw LTrA, airrbv him LTTTA. rapao~evijs LTT~A. ai the L T ~ . #a\r IdTrAW. airs4 T[Tr]A, 4 a&+ him TA, . * ~ asrves w'v atwar's LTTTA. f eiuer\. i 0 @aelwq L ~ T A W . r d h i r b p6pa qA80v T f o i u a r 82 LTT~A. B drropeiu8ar LTT~A. h div8pcs bdo QLTTrAW. i icr~ijsr &mpar7ocq shilling raiment LTTTA. k rd n p 6 u ~ r r a the faces TTr. 1 s:nav LTTrA. m &AA&y r r ~ , O *dv.ra ra3.r~~ T. D rbv vibv so; d v ~ p 6 ~ 0 v 8ei TTrA. &L P [~vav 821 T r L P ' I w ~Tv ~ T. C- Qi L'IT~[A]. r the [. LTT~[A]W.




%hem 'like 'idlo %nlk 'words

C3 L7

b$~&v~udv iv&siov alSrGv huri Xfpoc rci.$$para '&v




tothem as idle tales, and they believed them not

chre aud stooping dowis he beheld the linen laid thcmselrcs, and by

~ a i Ijriurovv a6mTg. 12 Tt.61.n[6rpoc Bvaarric ?6papw

and they disbelieved them. Dut Pctcr having risen up r m i?ri T A p ~ ) 7 p i 0rai ?raparGrF/nc ~, rci ~t)dvur t o the tomb, and haring stooped down he secs Ne linen clothcs



W~eipeva p6va.I rai cinijX0eu ?rpAs.xiaur3v' 0aupcicwv

lying alone, and went away home

hnd come to pass. And dny 10, two of them were 'furlongs and

rb arteh, wonderin wondering a t thnt which gimSelf at that was come to pays,

13 Kai iboir, 61'10 a6r3v y;]aav ropeu6pevoi hv a6rf r7j l5

goiug 'aixty on 2sau~e 'the from
13 behold Jcru- of t b e d wcnt ' t h a t

IjrHpgll eig rhp~lv 'Ci?r6~0uuav 6raSiovc iGrcovra cirri, 'Iepovto a village being distant whose nnme [is] Emmaus ;


they were conversing with was from jernsalem ~ a i threescore furone another about all 3which *had 5talcen "place 't11ci.e 'things. And lougs' togethcr of all talked l4 they i , nhrbc i byivero bv.r(i.Sp~XeTv-aLroircrai Z o v ~ q r ~ ~un ~ ~ "S" thcscthingswhichhaa it came to pass as they conversed and reasoned, that 'himself


'Eppa06~. h-ai ai,roi cjpiXovv 'rrpbc callcdEmmaus, which 14 day a

~ u ~ / ~ E / ~ ~ K ~ T w 15 ro6rwv. v

ciXXljXovc m p i 'rrcivrwv TOY

~ ~ d2~nfl:t~ , " ~ ~


'"Oe!ha' rcnsoncdp Jcsus himsclf drew went with of them were holden [so as] not to know him. d n d he said them. 16 But their eyes tvure holden that they vpbc dro6g, ?'itq- oi Xdyoi osroi o8c dv~lp&hXr&6 g ~ h o k l d h o w him. rp not to theru, What words [are] these which ye cxchnngc with 17 And he Said unto them, What mnnn?r h h h ~ ~ o v ?rapiraroGvrec, b ~ a i;are c U K V ~ ~ ;li ~ O ~ W ofcommunic~tionsnre one auother as ye walk, and are downcest i u countcnanco 7 these that ye have oue to 18 'Arorp~tkig-8i ?gd,e$ tvopa" KXelrag, d?rvr p b ~ another as ye walkd and are 18 a n And answering tho one, whose nnme [was] Cleop.~, snid to the onoof them, whose nnme wna Cleopas, anairrdv, ~ ' 6 pdvog ~apoirci!: 'IepouuaXip, rai O ~ K - ~ Y V W C8wcringsaiduntohim, 'bv" him, 'Thou anlone 'sojouruest i n Jerusalem, and hast not known Art thou only a stranJcrusalem, rd y e v d p ~ ~ av a&rp' bv raic.4p6pars.ra6raiS; er innot k n o ~ mand i the ast the things which are come to pass in it in these dnys 7 things which are come

lJesus havingdrawnncar


avverop~6aro ahroig. 16 oi.df bq@aApoi while tllcy comluuued

went wi'th then, ; buc th? eyes

.~ ~ 6 . r ~; K ~ U T O ~ V T O 703 p?) i r i y v ~ v u a t r i ) ~ .17 E ~ x E v near,~ and ~ i

19 Kai alnev alroic,

repi , 'IqcoG r o i concerning Jesus the
mighty in deed and and how

And he said t o them, What things 7 And they

noia ;

Oi.61 g~lrov" a6r&

snid who

Td to Pas 19 Andin these days 7 there he snid to him, Thc Chings unto them f hat

.Nnzarzenn, worf, "delivered

byiv~ro man ~rp o $ $ r q ~ , ~ of dv4p propket, : was a J~~~~


~Nas;ueth, & ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ , "

Gvvarbg bv {pyy ~ a i Ady dvavriov roi 8 ~ 0 3 .rravrAg ro? ' rai




g:$~yWf: word before God and

and ~ $ f s dFFovrtiC-7jPijv K ipa Bavrirov, rai bt~ra6~waayhim. ered himtoto be coneIS a6rdv. demned death, and our 'rulers t o jufglneut of death, and crucified hare crucified him. 2 Gric.61 IjXaicop~vh i a6rbc bc~rivd pihhwv hvrpoGuQai 21 But we trustcd thnt 1 u t we were hoping he i t is who is about t o redeem it Itad been which should have redwmed TAY 'IUpa7jA. aihX6.y~ U ~ V 7riJarv ro6ror~ T P ~ T ~ra6rqv Israel: and Lcsido all Y Israel. ,But then with aU these things 'third 'this t h i s r t o d a ~ the third is day since thcse tbinga rjfipav zyi m a ~ p ~ p o&?'.06 racra iyivero. 22 ciXXd.rai were done. 22 Yea, v" dny 'brings 'to-day ~slnce these things came topass. And withal and certain women nlso of our compnn ~ V V U ~ i ~ qS r v i6arquav Ijpi?;, y d p r v a t made US astouis~ie{ 'women 'certain from amongst a s astonished un, nring been which ware early a t - verse 1%[l.]'J'[~r]. W [ ~ ~ i p c v a * d v a ]A ; ~elpcva Tr. r a i r r a these LTTrA. a 6 'M'rA.. a v v < q ~ s i vLTTrA. a6rbv Tr. Y <v a 6 6 nj {p.ipa q a a v ~ o p a v d ~ s v T . oi b ;~ a ' iord8-/)crav ([ ;~ a :V-L.] 1;) crxvOporroi. (questionends at walk) And they stooddownr i by cast in countenance. Tl'rA. 6 T T d [h[ a i ) n j v ] of thorn L. 0 b v d p a ~ ~ n a m e T:A. i v (read [ill]) aTq:rhw. g e t r a v TTF. 4 F;n{apqboir 1'PrA. i [dv] in t h c r ~ ~ b f l 1 ~ a n i 6 ~ . ) ~ a v W\- ,:a; ;L~SCJ L. 1 L'flra. m,- g-il;&ep~v (read it b r i n p j T[T:.A].
people ;


20 ii? knaph6w~av atrbv" oi (ipxC~ic oi rai

shim 'the 'chief 'priests %ntl

tiT ,"g~

the people:




B 8
~ ~ e ~ ~ ' , "
his body they come m*ing,tiat they had also seen a vision of whichuid that he was 24Aud certainwith us which were of them went to the nepulchre, and
~ ~ ~

AOTKAZ. XXIV. n5pOpiain, i rb pvqpeio~23 tai plf avpoiiaai rb.aGPa.airroii y ~ o ; h~ ~

jjXOov, XQyovua~ abrraaiav ciyyQXwvw arivai, i'i Xi.yovaiv ~ i i
came. h0 declaring a l a
S viaion


to the


and not having found

his body say

of angels to f a r e . ,r h o m
T L V E ~ rGv

aBrhv Tgv. 24 ~ a ciirijX8dv i

b living.
And 'went tomb ~ but h m i and found[it] ~ ~ they saw not. and

aLv GPiv liri rb

the d women ~ to in
E~TOV, said, ~

'some 'of 3 t h o s e 4 ~ i t h 5 ~ ~ to the s


pvqpe70v lcai e6pov oi;rws ~a8;e Orrai" ai yvvairec

eo ~
And also ~ said to believe

him they saw not. !5 Then he said unto 2 Ofools andslow of hiart to delievo a n that the prophets have s keu : 26 ought not &ist to have suffered these thing and to enter into J?Lglory? n And beginning a t Hoses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the sariptures the thinga concerning himself. they drew nigh 28 nnto the vlllage, whither tbeywent :and he made aa though he would have gone fur-

airrhu.& o ~ ~ K - E ~ 25 v . atrhc ~ o Kai



alrobc, 'Q
them, nll

dvdqro~~ a ppasel~r# K 6iq 709 niare6eiv bni njutv ore i a


iXciXqua~ 7rpo$ijrms 26 o t ~ i r a ~ r a oi
spoke the prophets. 'to 'suffer 'the And

=Not "'these "things to enter into

rse1 'was 'it &needfulsfor

his glory P the


*a8% TAY


i ~ r d v , lcai aiuX8e?v is ~ v . 6 d ~ a v - a t r o 9 ;
and from Moses and from pro-

27 Kai dlpF&p~~oc PMwabws%ai & ~rkvrwv r& ~ p o hrb b


$qrSv qdiqppljv~v~v~ aGr07s E r h a a ~ a 7 ~ v r ~ ypaq~n7~ rri phets he interpreted to them in all the sclriptures the thingr rinvro;,~~ ~ ( ~ i 28 eic Trjv rhpqv 06

Abide with ns : g f i they were going, and he appeared 'farther 'to =be 'going. i a t o w a r d e v e * i ~ ~ a n29 ~ a ri p ~ ~ c & a a v r o d a airrbv, Xdyovrec, MeZvov pee' IjpGv, STL And the* constrained him, saying, Abide with us, for tlurs with them. r p h c iarfpav iuriv, ~ a ~ E k X t ~ e v < p i p . Kni ~1uijXe~v i ~ 30 And i t at meat pa+n tow_~rds_evening as he sat came to i t ia, and has declined the day. And heenteredin them, he took. bread. rov p&ivai d v atroi$. 30 Kai byivero bV.T@~i.r~rU~~t8f to abide with them And i t cnmo to pnss as feclined them. 31 hnd their a h r b PE; aitrGv, XapJv rhv $prov w~lXdyqu~v,fl e es were opened, P a t 'table] 'he with thep, having taken the breaa he blessed, tEey knew him ; and oi rehbaac Ere8isov a&rorc. $1 atrGv.82 6tqvoi~e~uav he vanished out of ~ a i their sight. 32 h d and having broken he gare [it] to them. And their 'were &opened they said one to another, Did not our b$?aXpoi cai iiriyvwoav atrbv. rcai airrhc (ilpnvroc.iydvero heart burn within us eye8 and they knew him. And he disappeared whxle he talked w i d by the way and &T' aGrGv. 82 Kai x e l ~ o v " 7 r p b ~ ciXXtiXovc, Oitxi 1.j rapsia while he opened 'to ns from them. And they caid to one another, 'NOG *heart the scriptures ? 33 And t thGy rose the same ~ G ~ v ~ o p i v q J1v rj@vn a 4v ~ X & X E L <piv E r$ v hour and retnrned to our 6burning 'was in ns M he WIU speaking tous i the way, n ~ ~ ~ ~ ' , " ~ "Eai" n " G~ljvoiyev$p7v rds ypa$a'c; 33 Kai &vaos6vreC A a 3s , ~ ~ ~ ~ together, an% them and a6 he wns opening to na the scripturea 7 And rising up


h d t h ! y ~ n ~ e a r to the village where conmnini3 hhself. ~ Con- i ~ T ~ ~ E ~ O V B Oa atrbc @npoaenoi~lro~~ O ~ P , ~i ~ ~ ~ 'ro&wrkpwll T O ~ E ~ E U & Z L .



&:Gig $ihd; atr$-r@hour irrriurpe$av ri's * IPovudrjp, nai t hespov d gathered Lpq E 'ovvqrisen indeed, and bath the same they returned to emsalem, and eyfo
airr9i (5qyoGvro
they related

appeared to Sirnon. ~ ~ ~ O L U ~ ~r V O ~ C ~ 0 6 U2~8etarcai T O G ~ aicv a t r o ? ~ 34 ALyovmc, , 35 And they told what the eleven and thorn wit& them, baying, things were done in together the way. and how he "QTL b l j y B eq 6 reirptoc ~ V T W E ,w ~i 6$eq rlipwvl. 35 Kai was knowu of them in *Is + r k n Ithe =Laid indeed, and appeared to Simon. And breaking o b r e d f


b y q j 66@, ~ a i

byvhueq a8rois

the things in the way, E2, @ dive^ TOO c~prov. in the b r e r r h g of the bread. a &pOptvai LTI~AW. 0 r a i LTTA. (r$rvoev T n a . r & m 6 EQ ; a 6 m 6 LTr. + already [ L ] ~ ~ I A . qi1A6yquev L. -A. S$ O ~ O ~ U F ~ U O I I S gathered

and how he waa h o r n t b t l e m

P Ilboiiudor L?T~AW. &rcpp$ve~w &repL @ ~rpoucno~?juaro LlTrA. nofij6rcpov LTrA. rlrrav TTrA. [:v GpZvJ TrA. a rai b &W iyipI?q b .lipITRA.


XXIV. S6 TaGra6l a&rirv.hd

L r 'their dt


And theae thirga aa they were%lling, says

LUKE. atrbc "'6 'Iqaozg" {arq bv


And the^ Jesus hmaelP stood in stood i n the midst of


tothem, Peace t o you. 37 IIr;qkjk:;c y o u '37 But they were y~vdp~uor h8drouv r v ~ + a 6wpEiv. terrified and &right'bat *and '5lled 6arth 7 f e u Ybalnp they thought a spirrt they beheld. ~ & &a- 38 And he snid unto 38 rai eI?rev abroic, Ti r~rapayp6voi ; rai fdia~i" iar6

lay aabrGu d ~ aUyer atroig, Eipjuq 6piv." i &$opor

8; recri

Xoyrupoi civa/&aivovatv i v graic rapSiai&'

and wherefore area- ~ ~ d l e d ~ ~ n d ~ thoughts arise in your ; Q9 i&ra hearta 7 39 Behold my wmgs :do w m e a p in 'hearta your? hands and my feet, roi)~.rd6a~-pov, b u ~ r d sby; ~ipi.%t it is I myself: Srr my feet, that 'he I .am. handle me and aec ; for a apirik hath not Jl$a$$aarh PE rai ~ ~ E T Eijri mtirpa iodpccrn xai darfa o h &esh and bones, W ye ' Handle me and 'see, for s spirit fleah and bone6 lnot see me have. 40 And when he had thus apo; p i , Ka8&~ ipi ~ E W ~ E ~XOYTCL 40 kKai 7 0 G ~ 0 E i r h ken, he shewed them ~ T E 'has, as 'me 'ye 'W having. And this having said hw hnnds and his feet. 41 And whrle they r e t 'i.rriJe~E~v' airrois sirs X E ~ ~ U S T O ~ C xai nd8ac." 41 h-81: believed not for joy he shewed to them l3is] hands and feet. But yet and wondered, he aald th i~caro6vrwv.aCrirvmrird rijs xapZig xai Ba~paTdwwv,"EITEY unto any e u Have ye here m;atl 42 while they wemdirbeliering for joy and were woudering, he they gave him a prece ~ l ~ abroip, ' E X ~ r i zi pphacpou iv8ti8e ; 42 Oi.61 ir88wrcav a ~ to them, Hnve j e anything eatable hew ? And t h e r gave 43 h n d he took it, and d u d he said to them, Why troubled

u e ye l

aLr+ iXB;oc drroir pfpog "rai i r b peXis~iovrrlPiov.n43 rai

to him =of "a 'broiled &part m d of a honeyaomb.

44 Elrrev-Gd Oatroig
And he said t o them: you,


in the law of Moses, the Pthat must bo ful5lled all things t h a t have been written 'in the lnw phetsl E R ~ in the psnlms concerniug qMwahwS1' aC rpo$$rars xai #aXpoic repi dpos. 46 To'rc me. 45khenopncd he ~ i of Yoses and , prophet8 and p l m r ooncarning me. ~h~~ their undcr.tanding, that they m ~ g hundcrt Gcilvoc~cv ai!rGv TAY Y O ~ ~ Y roir avvdvar rdc ypa$cic' stand the Bcrlpturer, he opened their ~ d e r r t r n d i n g to underatand the wriptures, 46 and said nuto them ~ h u is is writtcn and t 46 rai elsav aliroi~, "Orr o h w ~ yiypanrai, 'xai oi;rwc thus i t bchovt.d ~ h r i a t and snid to them, Thur it ho. been written, and thus to s i r e r , and to rise from the dead t h s Z"6eiUr d t i v rbv ~pcurbv civaariival br rai U E K ~ G third dav : 47andthat Y itbehoved'to4aaffer 'the 'Christ and t o rise iaPm among [the] dead repmtirice snd relilirslou of urns should k r f r v 6pipp, 47 xai xqpvx8 ijvat. l i r$.6vdpari.aabroi &rcachca in hi8 the t ird day ; and rhould be pmclaimed in hia name among all nations, be-

Theae [m]the words which

oi h i y ~ c p08g L4dh~ixn.a p h &pie $v d v &pip, r ~ irt

I 8poke
to $-on yct being with

Egf; ?;ihb2 1 ;

them, These are the 1 Ip a h n put yet with you that a I I

: z Efzdttn't" lA d

Sri 6 ~ ;?rXqpweijva~rdvra rd yeypappCt6va &v r@ v6py

p~rcivotavt~aib ,d$~aevctpapriGv air. rbvra zd ieuq, ncip&irepent*niug at and remis-ion Qwuaalem. of aim




begin- ncases of theso t h i u g ~

f"a:$ ai,JeEt:
>yz,fe,2 :{$B,: endued with pme?

p~vovncird ' I E o u a d j 48 i J p ~ i g ~
49 "icai 306, C
And 10,

ye 'and m e

bar^" p(iprvp~c rot5rwv. ~ ~ , " $ ~ , " , " ~ ~

witne-ea of thew things. ther upon you


pou- i$' ;piis' Ews.05


thU xci?rourfMo"n)v b?ran~Xiuv rarpcic r(1G




m p upon you ;

t u t fe 'remain in the oity iv8liaqaQa aGir~apiv14 ij+ov~.~ power from on high.

3 ~Tg.84 raeiaara


r$ r b h ~ i ' I ~ ~ o fromaon~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 v high.

of Jernrslem

ye be clothed with

-rai Eiplj - b 'ITuoOs . btd 71 A&cc aGzoir,r@ia y d p i v ' + [iyi,c;yL1 p v mor B e i d ~ ] i? q j heart I am [he], fear n o t L ryd a erpc -versen40pehrouiov L p i o v ; [irr]e%ccftv + rai + pov d n b cciprtac -rai d Moiruior , q i&ec[ev + [zoic] the aumv'r- rai d 8avpa<6vrwv(read b rrpoc 77,s x a p i c my wurds) [L]TT~A. c dP~+evoc - b iI icupzoeu([ima]j ~ ( r e d [are )Slyovr d 6~v aouidrc I T, ecr to i&amorRh.wnd uut TTIA. ruah v



T. L.




m TT~A.




Tr. ~ r ) @ L ~ L a







MAnd he led them b~iSll BqOaviav, rai out NI fnr as to BcthAnd he led them out as far as t o Uethany, and any, and he lifted up his lkandn, :lnd ble~sed i~ctpac rdc-~~?~ac.atroG ~CX6yqa~v ahoirc. 61 ~ n i thcm. 51 And it cnme to having lifted UP his hands he blessed them. And i y i v ~ r o iv.r(&~bXoy&iv atrbv a t r o 8 ~ 6tbanl 6 ~ ~' 6 r i j ed thcm, hc wan parted ~ ~ $ ~ ~ ; o a ~ , " ai t came to pass na 'wns 'blelsing ~ , " , ~ 'he them hewssseynratedfrom them 52 And they worship- c ~ a i ~YE$EPETO rbv otpavdv." 52 Kai atroi d7rpoa~vvtj~ e hlm* d returned and was curried u p into the heaven. And they having wort b 'Jcrus lem with great joj-:?~3 and went aavrES abrbvli 6Xiarpe#av eic * I 0vuaX4p PE& xaptic ~ E Y & continunll~ in the shipped him returned to S)erusalem with 'joy 'peat, temple, raising nnd b ~ r n g & o d e n . A ~ C . 53 ~ n 4aav e6ra~av~bsll r+ iepG, faivoGvrec ~ a i b i iv and were eontinuallp in thetemple, praiaing and

IQAhNHZ. 50 'E&jyayev.Gb utro8c "i5wq &g



~ i r ~ o y o i r vrbv~ "~ 6 ~ . r~ 0 g'Ap6v.l'

blessing ~od. &en.



AovrZv ~6ayylXtov.n
"Luke 'glad 'tidings..

The 3accordiug4to

c ?
f i t h e beginning



I n [the] beg~nuing was the Word, nnd the Word war wlth God, andthe~ordwae~od: a i ~ ?jv d Xdyoq. 2 oSroc ?jv ;V dpXG X p d S 7 d t S The same w*s in the and .God Iwa, lthe Z W ~ ~ , , . He was in [the] beg~nulugwit11 b e ~ t n n i n gwith God. S ~ l l t h ~ u g s w e r o m s d0 ~ 6 y ,3 IIcivra e 6 i atro3 iyhvero, m x w p ; ~a6ros i by him ; &d. All things through him came into being, and without him him WHS not any thlhp mnde that was made. byiv70 068i kev 5 yiyovev. 4 iv" uCr$ <W$ 4 I n himIvaslife ' and came into being not evenone [thing] which has come into beiug. I n him *life the lire was the fight <W$ ?jV $ 2 ~ & J ~ ~ C ~ T W U ' 5 K U ~76 by of men. 5And tholight '$V," Kai ahlneth in darkness ; l ~ n s , and the life was the light of men. And the llght in and the dnrhless comw e n d e d i t not. rc akori(~ $aivi, r;ai uroria atrb 06.rarEXap~v. t h e darkness appears, and the darkness 'it 'appreh~ndednot.





4v d Xdyoc, rai d hdyoS qv r p 6 g rbv &dv,

6 'Eyivero aivepwro!: &?rearahpivoSaapd 6~06,Bvopa

Therewas amau sent from God, 'name rent from John.,whose ai)r@ ' I ~ c i ~ v ~ h . oirroc ~ X ~ E V paprup;av, yva paprvname ~ o d , The m 7 ." ' John. He came for a witness, that he might same came for a wit- a nese, to benr witness * T E P ~ 705 9wrdS;'lva ncivrsc ~nar~6awatv E< ntroii, $e : h concerning the 8 light, that all might heliere through him.
6 ThEre wan a man


might believe. 8 He but not was was thatto bear Light,

8 W n *not ir~ivogrb light, &Xh' thnt he might witness concerningro9 oirr$v 'he the @g, but yva paprllpljap a the

witness of that ~ i g h t . 9 0 ~ 6 ~ . 4v rb 9 25 rb &XqOivdv 8 $wricet rcivra 9 That was the W light. qvss athe a t g h t 'true that which lightens everr Light which l i ~ h t e t h every;nnnth?tcorneth d i ~ 0 p ~ 7 i !0 ~ 6 p l J 0 ~ r p~ l5 TAY K ~ U ~ O V 10 bv 7$ ~6bp(i) . 4v, into the world. l0 He man coming into the world. I n the world he was, was in the world and t h e world was tjnade Kai d rdupog 31' a?ho~ iyEver~, rai 6 rdapog a6r;v by him, and the world a( the world through him oame into being, and the world n him h e w him not. l 1 He , - , -me unto his 0, O U L E Y Y W . 11 ig rdl.i8ia ~ ~ X O E U , oi.iEioi a & r bo&.~apQXaand his own received knew not. , To his own he came, nnd his own him received nbt ; him not. 12 But as atroig i~ovaiav mnlly ss received him, 12 na/3ovi1 a6rAv ~ W K E V to them gave hepower but as many an received him he gave t o them authority


a #c -F

c ~ a &ve+d c70 eis rbv ~ b p a v 6 v ; T. d- npoomnj[aiv03mcs K a i $ e b A o y o h e ~ ~ A ; ~ a&Aoyoi)vres T T l . h K a r h A o v ~ TrA ; b T o rarh h v ~ &~,uyiAcovFALTW. b ' AL A . h ( T V fv. 8 i & y o v E ; E b a U t o v ~ a r 'Iobwr)~ ' I o i y v 2;) GLTrAW ; ~ a T 4 ~ ~ W I JT. ;V (read onzthing]. That which n r iu him was l&) LXC. n I i m ~ is L% v 46mt Tr a ihcrSw-~.

- &I[L]IT~[A]. br a~m$b pp LA. &B ai~rov T.



r;rva 8 ~ 0 3ye~~fak)ar, TOTS rrur~6auarv


t o become the oons of ; v o ~ C ~ God.evm to tlicm that cli~i~lren God of to be, t o those thnt believe on 'name bclirve on him name: 13 born ailroir. 13 oi' oirr i t nij.tcirwv oiro"8 6'eXljparoc a a p r t ~ 0682 notwhich were nor of of blood, 'his; who not of blood8 nor of w~ll of flesh nor the will of the flesh nor of thewill of hi: BeXTjparoc civSpbg ciXX' br Beoii iyc~~vtjQtlaav. b u t of Qod. of will of man but of God were born.


14 Kai b Xdyog adpc lyivero, rai iataj~~waev ;ipiv, Iv

A n d t h e Word innd we discerned afather, flesh his glorr, became, and tnbcrnaeled nmsng us,

mi b0eau6pe8a rjv.6dtav.airroir, Gdtnv &c po~~oy~voirc rap&

a glory as of nu only-begotten with

I4 Andthe Word KM mndc fleah and d!7clt w i t n e ~ nlnoug. 11s [anti we ber ~ p i abroc, rai rirpayev,Xlywv, OFros $v 6v ~ I s o v ,held his' glory, the concoruing him, nnd cr~ed, sn) ing, This wns he of whom I mid, glory as of the on1y lJc#otten of thc Fn'0 briaw pov ipxdpevoc, ~ ~ L X ~ U U B Q V ~ Q Y O Y E Y *Sri t h e r' ) r ufull of grncer r pov th. Ra who after me eomcs, prcccdence =of *me has, for a n d t witnes8 15 ~ o l i barn of him ayi in^, hi; 7rpcjrd.g you $v. 16 PKai" roG.rXqphparo~.airr03 j p ~ i em d cricd,of whom I WM he before me ho was. And of h ~ fsulnese we spake, R e t h a t corneth ncivr~ciXci/3opey, rai xriprv civri ~cipiroc. 17 arc d z~dpocafter mn L preferred k f o r e me : for 11eWM all received, and grace upon gr.tce. For the law bcfore mo. 16 And of Jib qMwuhwc'I 18607, rj xhprc rai 6-ciXljBeia 6 ~ 6'Iqa~irhia fulncsl hnve nU w e through Mosea was given ; the grace and the t r u t h through Jeaw rcceivdd, and g m for grnce. 17 For the bw ~piaro3hyivero. 18 8 ~ b v oir8ei~ihparev srhxora* 'in povo- WM given by U, Christ came. 'God >no'one 'has 'seen a t any time ; the only- but grace and t l u t h cnme by I w n s Chr1.t. yezvjg 'uidc," 6 c*rrv is r i v ~ ~ X X O roC ?rarp6~, Y iraivoc 18 No man h ~ t h awn begotten Son, who L i n the bosom of the Father, he de- God a t any time ; the only begotten Son, yjaaro. 19 Kai aGrq iariv pnprvpia ro3 "1w6vvov," which i~ i n the boaom clwed ihim]. And this is t h e witness of John, of the Father he hnth him.' 19 ;re cix6ar'~iXav' oi 'Iov8aTor dI; 'I~poaoX6pwv rai declaredthc recordAnd thin is of whcn =bent 'Jews from Jerusalem priests and John, when the Jew8 scut prieab and L . e wAavCrac,u 'Iva c'pwrTjaoacv atrdv, Bd rig 1; 20 Kai rirca from Jerusalem Lcvires, that they might oak him, Thou ~ h a r t thou? o And t o ask him Who a r t 20 n d he & oX6yt;oev rai otr.ljpvTj&uro,rai &po)lbyqaev,"Ori xotr;eipi thou? an4kdenicd con. fcsred, uot; f e con:es.ed and d d e d not, and confwrcd, 'Not 'am b t ~ tconfeanod I u u tho ~h?i#r.' i G' i, xp~ordc. 21 Kai 7fpDrqaav atrdv, y T i o h ; 'HXius not,y asked him 21 And th What Y the Chnst. I And they asked him, What t h c n ? Eliics thcn? Axt t h o < ~ ~ r u ? he nnith, a m uot. 1 a t : ; zKai"hyei, Otr-et'pi. '0 ,?rpo$ljr~~g 06 ; Kai Andthou thntIprophet? ei a r t thou ? And he soya, I nm not. Tho prophet a r t t h o u ? And Art he anxwercd, 50. And uuto &rerpiQq, 5 . 22 nElrov" ~ ~ o 6 v ~ l 0 aCr$, Tic 1; 'iva & X L - 22 Thcnaaidutheythou? Who he nn>wcred, Xo. They snid therefore t o him, Who a r t thou? t h a t an him, we may tgive nn th~t Kpratv 8Gpev roic r6prF/aucv 6p;ir ri X l y ~ 'xepi n ~ l s n c rto them that ~s t answer we rnny ~ i v e those who to +ut us : what saye3t thou about s ~ nus. What snvcnt thou of thyrclf 2 L He : snid, I ctm the roiec of aenuroir ; 13 "E$q, ~ O G V T O ~ dp$py, ono cryiu in the a l l thyrelf? R e mid, m ao crjing in the wildornea:, dcrnerr, d u k u l t r n i y h t EirOLvare rdv d8i)v wgioug ~ a k ) &I ~ E Y E ~ 'Haaia!: d rpo- tlle w a y of the Lord. 3lnke atraight the way of [tho] Lord, ur said Esaias the yro- RS maid the prophet Edlriaq. 24 And rbcy $ i ] r q ~24 Kai ' ~ i "&rearaXP6voi4aav . r rGv Qlapi- vhich were mt nore t h e Phnri-W. phct. b u d thore who had been rcnt were from among the Phnri- of 2 5 h d thg asked him, oaiwv. 25 rai dpcjrqaav airrbv rai % l r o v ~ t r q , , Ti ojv nnd m i d unto him a secs. And they asked him and said t o him, Why then Why bnptizert thod tlrc~l if thou bo not ParriZ~is, ei ad oirr.eZ d xpcard~,eoirre'l PHXing,U Coirr~u h r i r t , llor EliM thnt bsptircst thou, 'if thou a r t not the ~ h r i s t , nor Eli~, nor neither thnt propl~ct

srarpci~, rXtjoqg xcipiro~ ciXqB~iac.15 O'Iwcivaqc'l rai papnrpei


of grace







' E


' I w b y s Tr.

God Tr.
cigi LFA.



' I ~ Y O V Tr. 7 o3v;

r a i T.


+ lrpbs a h b v to llinl LTrA. ~i *HAeiar et ; T : ~io3v ;o+ 'H?iac a c f s n v LTTrA. - 03u L. -et &( ' l

6sr for GLTTrA.

'1 h l o i i u i w s LTTrAW.


et ; Tr : W 03u ~i ; H h i a c cl ; A.

-6 (tatad[the])Tr. b&eebs Aeveirar ovx



'HAcias T .




M John

1O A N N H E .


nnswersd ? r p O f J t ! p l ~ ; 26 'An~kpi84 afir07~ ~ I W ~ V V ~ ) ~ ' h' them, r n s t n ~ ,I blip the prophot? Yhnrwowd 'them 'John snyiug, tir~ with water: but thvm staudeth one I\- panrirw Iv i;barc* pQaoc?Jin 6p;v ik'art/~~vn t3v 6 p e i ~ mon: you. tvhom ye baptize with wntor; b u t in [the] midst of you atnnds ' [one] whom ye know not 27 ho i t 14, W)IO r~truing nfter me obr.oi8arc. 27 kabrdf i,uriv1''6" Bniaw pov Ipxdpevoc, n l i i ~ i- 11rcfcrr~ binfor0 tun. know not ; I 'he it i a who after me comes, who who* rho 'r lnkrhct 1 am not ivnrthy to un- tpnpoa9iv pov ovev." 05 nly3" o i t ~~ i p Oi a'Scor 'Iva loose. 28 Tlrcre thlnes Dpreccdonce 'of %no W , of whom I 'not 'am w o r t l ~ yt h a t WCM (lone in BethXitaw atroir rbv ipciwa r03 6noEjparoc. 28 Ta4ra Iv abnra beyond Jordnn, where John nao b a p I should loose of him t h e thong of t h e nnndaL Tho*o rhingn in

~XE'WV, 31



PBqenp~pall lyivcro ?ripnu roir 'Iopbivov, iilrov $v q r'lwtivBethnbnra took place acrona





v q ~ panritwv. "

baptising. 29 ?he nest day 29 ' ' inaOprov l$ '3 'IwhvvqcR ~ d 'IquoIUv Epx4~icvov v John m t h Jcnus comOn tlre morrow *leer IJohn Jeau coruiug ing nnto him, and mith.Hrhold theLntub npbs abrdv, rai XQyer, "16a b dpvbc roir Oeoij, b aipuv of Goti, wl~irhtnksth to him, m d my!, Behold the Lamb of God, who takesawny nwir the sin of tho w o r k 30 This 14 ho rt)v cipapriav roir rdapov. 30 08rdc iariv ' n ~ p i " o 6 iyA of ~ v h o ~ u 1 anid, Aftor sin of the world. He It L coneorning whom I nlc mmcth n mnn t h e wht1.h in profcrnd be- E ~ T T O V , 'Oniuw pov Zpxerac 6~ Zp?rpoutIhv pov yiyovev, f ~ l r ~ ~ c : - f o r wns mid, t be After mo coruer a a a n , who -prcccdquco "of '111e 'ha*, bcl'or. me, 31 And I h t ~ whim not: but BTL rpijrhs you ijv. 31 rri IL oirr.y"beiv airrtivmAXX' i'11rc th1111 0 r h o U l d b ~ ~ n dbocauno buloro 1 o mo ho w a r AuYI kuew not h i ; but tlrnt m?11::,-4t t o Isrrnc4, ~avepwet' r(>'Ia a<X, didr.ro4ro $XtIov dv 'ry' tlit,rnfore am I cotae b ~ pizih with SvqIrr. ho might be msnifated l t o ~ R I - w ~therefore , cuwe I nith 34 Arid f u h a h:~rcm38 cnrll. * ~ p u y .L hrtN Lho &?arc @nrri<w~. Kcti Ipnpr6p,laev " I w r i ~ ~ v , l ~ ~ ~ y w v , " O Spvit dcsn u ~ l i n p from wntor baptizing. b u d *bore 'witnesd 'Jolln 6y.inp, her~rcnliku~r dovc, and It abode ulw11 him. re8Zairai r3 rv~ilpawarapnivov wLjacill.zreplar~priv;C: oh83 A n ~ iI ~ I I C Whim I have bcheld tbo Spirit da.cuudlnp aa a dove ont of hale hot: but ho thnt rcnt i airrhv* , me t o bnptizc with pavo;, m Bpecvev b?r' abrciv. 33 r6 ;1 oil~.$Eciv and it lrbodo upon him. b n Y I knew not him; I,ut kntor, tho unnlo said ven, nuto me. Upon w h o u B ?rEpJ/acp panrizeiv ;v ii8arr, Ircaiv6~poi elnev, ' d a E' thon xhnit ?Ice tho Spime t o bnptize with water, he t o me lurid, ~ ~ h n rit d c s c c u d i ~unrl. re- hcwho beut ~~ mniniua on him. the ;v Liv idyg rb nveirpa rnra/3nivow rai /1611ov id u t m ~ hc nhirh'bn in' whom thou shalt see t h e Spirit dedcandiug and abiding ou tiaath M t h the Ghost. 34 And I *nw a;rdv, oSrdc lartv b /3anri<wv Iv ?rvcGparr 6yiq. and bnre rotlord t h a t he is is who baptizes with [the] 'Sy~rit lII~iy. t h b L tho son of QQd him,




34 r i y h iwpn~a, pepnpritpqra grr o6rdc iariv d rivc xai

And I have won, and h n v e b r n e witness t h s t thb

L the Son

703 9~05.
of God.
85 ApnIn the n o d b aftcr John rtoo:!, y

35 Tj hnnCorov ?rciXiv ciarfjrei

On cho morrow again

=Sn r"Iwh~vt]c,n a ir ~ i
'John, and


pl&; rhissil+ eei! p l 'two. And t o k i n g a t J O ~ I I S NR:~. a n Jcsns lla he wnlkB cipvbc v04 8eoDT. 37 X n i l , ijxot~nnv e r he anith. Rrhuld roirvr~,Xiyai; ' I d e he srryr, Bellold tho Lamb of God I A 'hcnrtl the Lamb of Gndl ing, 87 And tho two dim+ T$ plap hcnrd him nponk ~ubroir oi 6 t h yafhlraii1 XaXoQvroc, rai ~ ~ o X o B B ~ ~ a a v .him Ithe 'two 'dircipled #peaking, and followed and they followcd J$
~'Iwbys r . h ~ sa b t ~ T T r A . 1 Qnjreb *r\ t aGr6c i m r v Q [ L ] ~ ~ A . 1 [b] TrA. e b [~Efir~. : m- S! & ~ r p o d i v l(ov yhyovev c+[~]rrra. I T[T-],\: , Y B p e ; BqBaaip Bcthiilly OLTTrAIV. 4 ' b LTT~LA]. ' I w d y s Tr. 8 o Iwiv1~9 e seas) o ~ 7 r r r w . t & r i p LlTrA. v 7(i LTT.[A~. & GLTTvAW 3 - h I [ b a'lpwv ri)v h ~ ~ a p ~ i C L v rdupov] WLVtaLeu &why the ~ I L of Lke world 706 I ETr& oc &io *a$rai a v ~ o i 2 ,. a -S.\

and two of his dinni38 nnd looking

rGv. at? rGv.otroir 660. 36 rm 1 /3~Q$ac 'Iqaoir zeplnnry'

- + -

+ hi,


'Kai k~~80v11 piver* ~ a ?ra ' aliry" Zp~tvavr?)v k i p a v dwelt, and nbo;Ie with ?roS i him thnt dny. for i t aday and aaw where he abides; and witf him they abode WM about the tenth 8 ~ r & n ] .40 ' H v m 'Av8p6aC hour. 40 Ouo of the irc~ivqv' +a l8il1 *v 6~ 'that. rThe'] 'hour 'now WIN about [ t h a tenth. 7wns lhbwtwo which heard John speak, and foilowed xipWv0~ n[krpoV ?c b l ~ TGY 860 TGU& K O U Q ~ Y ~ W Y Andrvw. Sihim, wps
mon Peter's brotller. 41 He l i r 4 findeth his own brothur Siruon, [this] from John, and followed him. 'Finds and saith unto him T e hnve found t h i Y o5roc O r ~ G r o sTAU . S E X bv rtv-iarov Zipwva, ~ n xi ye^ armha,whlCh is, beU i 'he first %rot& 'his *OM Simon, and . n ~ s ing interpreted the Christ. 42 ~ n ) dhe afrryi, E3 rjrapv rbv peaaiav, ii iurrv p ~ ~ e p p t ~ v e v o ~ i ~ v o v broughthim 1.him, We $70 found the YessY., which h i n g iuterprctod And when Jesus b e held him, hosaid, Thou PdH X torcis. 42 qlcai" Ijyayev a t r t v wpdc rbv 'IqaoSv. art Sirnon son of fhe thrist. And he led him to Jesus. J o n ~ :thou shnlt be 'of 'Simon .Peter one of the two who heard

~ A e d ~ a u . ~ Jemk 'HnvingYPmed 'but, 'Jesus, and beheld them following, nnd baith droXovOoirvra~,A da a3ro7c, Xyc Ti ZqreZre ; Oi.81 * ~ l r o v " e them ' Inat unto The said following, ray8 t o them, What seek ye? And they said &sb&, (which i . being inwraliry', "Papfii,' 8 ,Xiyerat ' i p p q v e v b ~ e ~ ~ o v ~A u K ~ X E , t o .JL~ ~ woii where to him, Babbi, which% to say. h i n g interproied Tencher, whcre d ~ e i l thou ? 39 He ~ t abroZc, Ep eaee ~ a gi6~re.U h T ~ X 6 ~ y Uunto them,Come i inith p 6 v ~ 1 ~ ; A;Y& abidwt thou? Ho q y s to them, m e and rea They went and saw T1ley and where he



JOHR ~bln d'Iqaolc, icai B~aa&~evos airroitc




r q d D ' I ~ 6 w o v ,rai & K O X O V ~ ~ ~ & U T W atrqj. " U

41 e6piaKer

bpflC~nS?8i" atry'
And looking a t


6 'Iqao5c F T ~ E Y , Z EIXipwv b d
Jeaus snid,

Thou a r t Simon the

v i b ~ by inter~mtntionA is Ceph.2.;
non atme. 43 *lle day folfindeth Philip, and
~ Y~ i t h u n t o ~ * P o l l o w ~

" I w ~ i i .qir ~ nXq6;lup Kq$i?~;, 3. i p i p ~ 6 ~ r a e ~ IIirpoc. of Jonsa ; thou ahqlt be'calied C'ephw, which interpreted Stow, 4 3 T* Irdirptov IjOXdh~la~v 'IquoSc*' 6EeXOeTv eic T '6


On the Qalilee,


'desired Philip from

'Jesus and snys

t o go forth into t o him, of the Follow city

J'aXtXniav. ~ a~Apiu~ec l QiXcrrov ~ aXii y e t aLr$, 'AroXoliOer

nnd h e flnds *Philir,


44 '1.6 6 @iXirroc' i i r b H16

Nowzbvns Peter.

Bqeuai'6&, i n r i j ~ r6Xew~
Bethsaida. 'Philip
44 @ i ~ t r & rbv ~ a e a v i r Brthnnidn, the city of j ~ Now Philip wnsof

'Av$piov m; IIirpov.
of Anclraw and

4'5 Eboiuret '~;ndr


thnnnel, bnd nnjs to hint, [Him] whom 'wroto 'of 'Moses i n the l~rw and unto him,and anith We have oi rpo$,?rur, tirpijrapev, '1quoSv xr3v1' vibv 703'1waij9 rbv found him, of nhom Bloses in the Inn, and the prophets, we hnvoiound, Josus tho son of Joaeph who the proyhcm, did write, h i , ~NaZa~ir.11 ZKai* ~Zrevatrc> NaenvcrilX, 'EK Jo*us of Snznreth, the [is] from Naaare~h. And "snid 'o 'him 'Xrthnnuel, t Out of son of Joseph. 46 b n d Hnthunat4 snid unto JNaZup2r"66vurai rr 6yaeAv b a t; Aiyer a&+ U @iXlrroc, him, Cnn there my good thinp como out Xaanroth can any good thing be? =Snys5 0 *him 'Philip, of Xnznreth? Philip anith ' E ~ X O U i6e. 47 E18ev b S l l ' f ~ a ~ S s Nctt)ava)jX i ~ ~ d p e v o v unto him, Come rui rbv and see. 47 Je-u, snw dome and see. YSaw 'Jesus X'nthanael coming h'nthnnnel cowing t~ wpi~ at;rdv, ~ aXiyet i r e p i ahroii, " 1 8 ~ 6XqBGs ca'Jupat$I- him nnd snith of him h to him, and snys concerning him, Behold truly nuIsrael- ~ e h an Imbalite in: decd, i n nhom is no tr)lc.l1 ;v dbXoi otrc.;urrv. Airer a i r $ NaOavaGX, guile l 48 Sath~rnnel ite, in whom guile is not. 'Says Sto ' h ~ m 'Nathnnnel, saithuntohim.\Vhcnce knorvest thou me? JeI I ~ O E VPE Y L Y O U K E'-4rerpi6q dabll'IqaoZc ~ ( t e l r ~ v I~; i atrqj, sus snrwcrcd nnd mid Whence me kno~vest tbou ? 'Answered 'Jesus und said t o him, unto him, Before that

~ t rXiycr abrcji, i

"Ov iypn$tv "Mwajjcli i v ry' vdpy rai

45 Philip fiudeth


and Peter.




c &iT d e?vav LTT~A. 0 'Pa#ei~. f p t e t p p q v ~ d p e v oLT~A.. ~ 6@eu0aye shall see TTrA. h 4AOav m ~ . f o4v t h e r e f o r e [L]T~M. ei&avLTRA. 1 S1 GLTTrA W. m [&Uand L. 'Iwdvov Tr. np&rov LTrk, P b QLTPr4UV. q a [ A . r SL and QlTrAW. 'Iodvov of John LTr ; I w ~ v v o u TA. c b b ' I q u o i r J e s u a (finds) L1"frAW. 'IquoGs ( ~ e u the d e s i r e d ) o ~ ~ ~ r a w . v l W Mwvuijc LTT~Aw. -- ~ b LT[TIJ. v J ~a{a~e'O EQW. aai 2. b LT& C 6


a 'Iopaqkiqc





1, 1 . 1

bvo. 8 Kni Xiyei ahroic, 'AVo u t n o ~ , a n d b ~ n n tKai h ipraav ahrdg o governor of the And t i e y filled thctu. unto [the] brim. And he snys to them, Draw fenst. And they bare 'Kail' <veymv. it. 'J When the ruler rX$unre vcv rai $ Q ~ E T Ecipx~~pirXivy. r$ o f t h e *crrst h i e d out now and carry to the mnster of the feast. And they curried [it]. the wnter that wss $rde wine,and h e w 9 &c-& hyeiluaro d .Cip~trpi)ih~voc FSwp olvov yeye)v,~rL ot whcnw it W : But whenehud'pted lthe'mnrrerSof +theSfenst M the water .wine 'thst 'hnd (but the servauts w h i a ~ V the water fi.vov, ~ n 06~.$8ei.Xdev a r i v . oi.82 Stciro~~or W i y'becuav oi kl~ew the governor become, and knew not whence it is, @ut the servants ; ) knew who of the feast called the briaenooIu, 10 and ~ V T A ~ K76 T E S qwvei ~ .68wp' vvp$iov 6 &p~cr~ircXivo~ mich unto him, E v e ~ y hnd drawn the water,) 'calls 'the sbridegroom 'the 2mns~or *the &feast of mnu at the beginning forth good 1O'~ai Xiyet aitr@, IILis Civepwros ~ p c j ~ o v K ~ A U TAY OIVOY doth wine ; and when men and saya to him, Every man firat the good wine

Philip cblled th-9 IIpb thnt aQ diXirnov +wvijaai, ro0 5vra vsrb 7tju uymjv, when tliou want under 'Philip Callod, [tuon] being and= the be-tree, the fig tree, I saw thee. zF;,"r;~w;;;d elSdv UE. ~ ~ ' A T ENaeal~aj7Xf ~IC iIX6yerEgntr4,' b'PaP/3i.D K ~ ~ ~ i ~ Rabbi tllou rut th; I saw thee. 'ilnstvemd 'h'athanael and say8 to him, Rabbi, Son 04 God; thouart ad 1 .b v t d ~70; 0 ~ 0 0 ,a6 '61 d PaatXeI~;n705 ' I Q [L$. the King of IsraeL of God, thou art the King of Pdrnel b0 Jasu~nnsnerednnd thou the midunto him, Becau4e 'ArerpEpieq ' I q a 0 0 ~ a ei l ~ air@, "Or1 elrdv aoh 'ElGdv ~ v aAndwered 'Jesus and said to him, Because I uaid to thee, I aaw ?lievest thou? the; QE ~ X O K & T ( O T F ~ C m r i j ~ , T L & E $ E ~ ~ peitw ; rohw~ ahaltseegronterthings thee undex the fig-tree, believast thou2 Greater things than these than these. 51 And he saithuntohim,Verily, 16$~~.ll Kal Xiyet. airc?, ' A p l j ~ci/.t?)~ Xhyw ~ P T v , verily, I say unto You, thoa shalt see. And he s a p t o him, Verily verily I sny to you, Eercnfter ye hall aee $ heaven o en, and the m d ~ ' . 6 p ~ l~H E Q ~ E 76%' oipavdv civeyydra, rai 703s 67angels of%od ancend- SIenceforth ye shal1.m the hea~en opned, and' the aning aud dewending the son aurn. yiXov~ r05 0 ~ 0 3 of civa~aiuouraplcai ~ara$nivovrag hri rdv gel8 of ood ancending and descending on the 1 .Andthethirdaar t~idv 1 700 dv0ph~T0V. there wae a murringe of man. in Cana of &+lilee. 'On m d the mother of ~ e : Kai "rg' <pipprq' r irp' y k g i ? y k v ~ r ~ OKalt$t i?v (U I R waa there : 2 and Cnna And on tho day 'tfird n marringe took plrce in both Jesus wan called m d his diaciplm, IhX~Xaiag. fiv yjrqp 700'I~/ooir mi bre;. 2 ErX+2tl.F;i the marriage. 3 And of Galiiw, antl'w~s lthe'mochcr 'of*Jesus thcre. hud'war'i~~vited when they wanted wne, the mother o i ~ a d 'IIIQOCS ~ a oi pa@i/rni.atroG e ; ~ i i rdv Y ~ ~ O V3. rai Jesua 4 t h unto him, salno 'JWM and his disciples t o the marriage. And They have no wine. 4 J~~~~ nuithuntoher P~ur~pijuuuro~ oivovn Xiyet ~.c$rqp 'IquoG npdc atrdv, roG Womnn, what have i being do5dent of wine '~nys 'the 'mother Sof 4Josus t o him, & ' $ ' ~ ~ i ~ ~ ! ~ ~0 ~ ! ~ K 0 ~ ~ V ~L V . '4 rA'hQyei ~ c 1O~ .~ O U ~ air# d 'ItlaoGS, Ti Epoi rai b Eis motharanithunWine thoy have not. 'Snys 'to *her 'Jemk, What to me and coil y6vai; 06nw i j ~ tj-%&rbv. 5 Aiya rj-pjrqp-a&roi) ~ i 'Sap. h =mother i you, doit. 6 Andthere t o th-3, Woman? not Yet is come miue hour. were set there sir 61ar61,01c, waterpots of etone 0.r~ dv hoXlygsay &piu, ~ocljaare. G 'Haal, riftsr the oj to the servants, Whatever may to you, do. 'ThercJ~rera the purifying of the Ji bre'i 'bbpiar Xietvali1 2E t ~ ~ i p ~ v a rarci r3v raear'i puri'and there anater-vclureh 'of *stone 'six standing according to the 7 Jeans mith unto ptutilv rcjv 'IovSaiwvt, ~wpoGaar&v&yerpqrds 6ilo ij rpei~. themkith water,water- Ecacion of the Fill the And potil Jewn, hoiding 'each metretm two or three. they 68aroc. to d ~ , the brim. them UP he 7 X i y 1 n t r o i ~ ' I ~ Q o ~ iaare r c i ~4Spiac 8 And $ill the water-vessels with \vatcr. mith unto them, Draw 'Says *to *them 'Jeausl



2 td 6 s





1 b ,3aurhc$r

+ airs4 shim [L]TT~A.

& p ~LTTrA. t ?ij s p i ~ n <pip? TrA. U KavG ELTTI. P OTVOV OVK C:~OV, S)TL wvereAiuBI) b olvoc 70; yd$ov. a l r a wine they had not, for the wine of the m n r r i r ~ g e fenst was fi~lislled. I K& and (Jesu*) LL;T-A. Tlier~ T. 9 oivos O ~ e'usrv wille there i* not T. K AiOrvm ~ t i ~ t vplaced Mter 'Iov6alov l T r L ar 7 oi 6 i aud they (culried) m ~ . 66piac LTTrA,

(.lL ; fiaorhtirc ei 'MkA.


hjyec [ L ] ~ A . B iizr that LTTrA.



h 'Pa@PciT . m &d


1. 1
ri&ltyiv, ~ a i
sets on, thou and hast kept the good .signs
hi glory ;

J 0H N .
wine until now. Jesus in and Caua 'believed *on

& ~ ~ Q w * which is worse r that dmnkv inferior ; but thou hut kept pttle

XrdreR rdv

when they may have drunk freely

a r e ~ ~ j p r r lr u ~ d ~ v raXbv obov ?WC Cipr~.11 TaCq-Y baoique~f,$h;inbe,;',ttn;~i

'ditl miracles did Jesus in

ynjvn cipxrjv rGv vqpriwv 6 'Iqaoijc iv zKav$ rijs I; e :$; ' ~ )

'beginning 'of 'the and manifested 'his adisciples.

ncrl &$avipwa~v njv-6dfav.airroii. ~ a iiriarevaav .

'p h

~ ~ , ? , f ; f t : ;a~ ~ ~ ~ h e i glory ; and h s discipies believed on him,.

oi.pa6qrai.atroii. l 2 Mrrd i-03ro

&t,r this and he went down to "brethren many

ICUTQP~ 8Ka~~pvao6p,n ei'~ abr6c

Capernaum, he 'his and And his disciples, dnys.

U ~

pljrq~-at~oiia oi &6eX@oi ~ ? baliroiillrai ~i.~aOqmi.airrob, K

his mother


h i ;peimv 06 aohhdc $&ay.

there they abode not

13 .Kai iyy4c 4v rb a6axa

near wan the passorer do-


he, and brethren nnd and his his mothar' Of the Jews, and "went "up *to 'Jerusalem 'Jesus. And hia disciples: and'the j ESPEY r@'ip@7 0 4 ~ nwXoiivrag @bay~ a apdpara ~ a continued there not i i he found in the temple those who sold and ,,heey and many passover was a t . Jews' d a ~ l3Andthe

r i b 'Iov6aiov, Kai civipq $y 'Irpoadh~pa 6'1qaoii~. 14 rai


and Jesus ment and fiaving upto jeruaalem,temple found in thd l4nnd nag $payiX?iov drc axotviov a6vrac icl/'3aX~v i r roii woee that sold oxen made a scourge of cords 'he "drove "out from the and sheep and doves and the changers 04 iEpo3, r6.r~ apci/3ara rai r06c pbas. rcai T& I C O M U / ~ L ~ T sittin : 16 and money G ~ oxen ;' and of the money-changers when he had mnde s temple, both the sheep' and the scourge of small cords, 'rb r~ppa1l a ri d ~ ~ rpaablas &V&JT #V. 1 ~ a he drove them out 6 i hepouredout the coin and the tables overt(lrew. And of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; roic T&C. a ~ i a r ~ p d W X O ~ ~ U L Y E ~ W E Y . Ts ' T U ~ T ~ and poured out tire to those who 'the doves 'sold he laid, &ke thene things chaugers' money, and overthrew the tables. ~ Y T E ~ ~ E V '? j . a ~ i 7bY~0 1 ~ 0 O ~ ? - ' K C X T ~ ~ C . ~ O U1 ~ 0 ~ dp ~i ~ T~ 0 bp- 16 and said unto make not the house of my father n house of mer- that sold dove*, Take hence ; things hence. aopiov. 17 'Epvrja61~aav.~6bfl oi.pa6qrai.airrob iiri ye- these not make chandise. And +emembered 'his Visciplcs that writ- house an houseof merdoves, and the money-changers sitting ;

h ~ ~ l a r ~ 6 ~ , Keppariarcig naeqrivovs' 15 rai ?rot$- hand rai rodg



yppppbov bariv, ' tihoc 0

it is,
The zeal I.hwwered *therefore 'the

T O ~ - O ~ K O V - U O V f~ariqkcyk~ll chand'e. remembered PE. disciplea l' And

of thine house and

has eaten 'up

'me. that i t was written,

'ne~alOfthinehOUse me t o him, What 18 Then answered up' the uqpe'iov ~ E L K ~ E L ~ iiri raiira a o i e i ~ ; 19 ' ~ r e ~ p i e ) ] and anid unto Ijpiv Jews sign shewest thou to us that these things thou doest ? 'Answered hi"*thou unto m, a e b est What sign 'h'' 'Iqaoiis rai elaev ahroig, ACaare rlv.vabv-rolirov,' rcai iiyU ing that thou docst l9 'Jesus and said tothem, Destroy this temple, and in answered and said unthese ?praiv?+paiy byrpG atrdv.20gElrov11 o6v oi'1ov6nToc, to them,Destroy t h i ~ three days I will raise up it. 'Snid %herefore 'the Vews, ~ ~ ~ ~ W kT~aaap6rovraN rai ireaiv 1~~080p$eq" t.vabGo4ro~,rai 20 Then said tlie Jews, Forty and six yearn was building. this temple, and P & ~and was this t e m p r T bv r ~ a i v <pipal!: iyepe% atrciv; 21 ' E K E ~ v o ~ EY bnilding,mdwiltthon .~~ rear it n in threa days wilt raise up i t ? ~ uhe t Bou in t L e e d y s S 21 J u t he spnke aepi TO; ~aoGroii.ahlrarog.airroir. 22 $re odv Ijyip- of the tern e 1,b toncerning the temple of his body. When therefore he wss body. 22 herefore he wss risen from tk Y E K ~ & V ipvrja6qaav 0i.pa6~rai-~troii Sri the his diseipler raised up from among [the] dead Jrexuembered 'hiu 'disciples that' rememb& thet h .

18 'Aa~~piQqaav 06v oi 'fov6aioc ~ a ~ e l a o ~airr$, Ti i l'

'Jewe said



~ a t a & % ~ e y t s a l eat will Tcvuepoi~ovra mr~,

- 767e [L]T[T~A]. - aGroi, [L]T~[A].

J 7jlv LTTrA. K ~ V ~ ' E L ~ C . Ka#rqv~w'pLTTmW. 7a r r i p p a ~ a the coins T ~ A . [ ~ a iand L. J dii and [ L I ~ A up a L n AW. P ufrav LTTrA. h i) LTTrAW. i[~vJ 212


oiko8op~Oq . T



11, 111.

hna 'aid fhi4 tl11stn. nnd they b roirro C X E ~ E V matroi'C,II ~ a ~ ~ tllo ~rcriptilro, ~ this, hodhnd alrid to them, and ~ and thc word which i d y y "$11 ElxEv 'Iquoi)s, J o r m hnd mid word w h ~ c h'hnd " r ~ o k o n lJcsna.

hxiurez~aavr3 yonrpe kai i


Try' tho schptlue and the

23 Now when ho was i n Jcru*nlo.m a t tho "hen he in Jcrurulurn nt the pnssover, a t the p?+-ovcr, in the fcnnt iopre, 7roXXoi iriorevuav eic rb.bvo~in.nitroB, 0~oonJ,,re~t h 3 n dlc!/# nl;lny Lc11c90d fewt, mnny bolieved on his nnme, his nnmc. rvl~cn thc beiloldiug his rnnr.hcnlirnclosrvliic~ rd uqpeia faoiei. 24 nhrcic-fi q6" *Itlfrofic oirr.i7;iareveV hc; (lid. n'lc J c n u sign, which he wus doing. But 'himsclf lJcsus did not trust dill not E O I I I ~ I ~MmG reif a n t o thorn. bo- rintrrdvn ctirroi's, 61d ~ h . a ~ r d ~ . ~ l ~ ~ ~ v ~ e c v 23wai rdnkng cllnqohc knew nll mob, himsclf t o thorn, bccnu~o of his knotring all [mon], and 25 nnd n c ~ ~ ~ not thnt lod any s1~011ld testify of Sri oil xpeictr r l EV 71,a r i rlapr~)!)ljupr e p i aroi)llCivOph~ m:ln : for he knew thnt 'no h o o d 'ho hnd thnt any ahould tostify concerning U , " s h u t WM in men.

23 'Qc.64 $v i v

' I ~ p o ~ o X l i p o v~rc; xciuxa, Pbvn rrg" ii

nov* ccirrdg-ydp iyi~~warav $ v ' b ry' LvtlpDry. ri

3 'Hv.66

for he

kuew n man

whnt wan in

mnl~ Nicodc~tlus =name to Jonus,

Bnt thero wan

ffv6pw7;ocbr rirv Qnptaniwv, Nlr6fqpoy ;vopa

of the I'llnrisocs, ho came Jown ;

a 'hi',

ntry',.rioxwv r3v'IovEniwv. 2 oT;rocGX6cv spds ' r t v 'Igaoi.v?

i r u l c r of the

1X4man of tllo PIlnrisee~, V V I C T ~lcni al7rev a i ~ r qy'Pn:9/3i.! oibapel~ ~, , 6r1 d7:4 nnolod h'icodomfirr. by night, and snid t o him, l wc know t h a t t r o ~ a God thou ruier of tho Jews: rd uqpsicc E61~nrni" 2 the k q i e came to iv6c(c GtGduraXoce oD8tic yiip wrc~ira Jexlrs by night, anti h& couie n tenchor, for no ono tl~cao signs is able said unto him, Rnbhi WC know th:'t tl'onnrt: roieiv ud ~ 0 l ~ihr).pt) 3 i c per' ahrofi. 3 ' A x e ~ ~ r 6 ~ a teacher coule frorn t o do aliich thou docat unlcss =b+ IGod with him. Y.An*~vercd God for no mnn c m do mirnclcs tint '111uoi)s~ a elmv nirrr?, 'Apdv rip))v XByw suoi, bri7j.plj %l1 i thon doo*.t,cxcoptGod 'Jesus and snid t o him, Vorily rcrily I say t o thce, Unlcae be with him. 3 Jcnus u,,4wcrcd r t ~ EVIJ)~~$ Y BVIOQEV,oi~.On61vrraii S ~ i vrljv /3nutX~invroi) t o him. \'rrrily, v ~ r i l y , anyone ho born ILI~CIV, hc crr~i~lot soe the kingdom I s ~ p t t u t thco,Esrcpt o a horn agein 6~05.4 Aiyer xpbs nBrbv Bdvnrat bvhe nannot see tho king: of God. 'SRYS 'to 'him 'Nicode~unn, How can a doiu of Gad. 4 Nico- 6pwroc yei'1~7)~ijl~n~ V $ 1 1 ; p4 6i~vnrnt / g n j v rorhinv dclul,sr:,ithuntohim Y~PW IIgw m n a man bd mnn be boru 'being? cun he into the womb heentcl.tho acc.ond Eei'reoov eiueX6eii~ yavi~q6;~ai; 'Axelcni 3 born when he in oh1 ? rijF-~rqrpdc.atro5 time into his motllertn of his mother s seronh time entcr and be born? s ~ rPi6,, 26" 'Illuolc, 'Ati~,jr &p,)vXfyw col, irirr.pi T ~ S E Y Y ~ I ~ $ Y Vct0ily verily I R.LY t o thee, Unless nnyonc ! born r rilT TeTilv I any Unto ~ ~ ~ e r o d IJesun, tl:Ed, E X E ~ P ~n mnn i;Jarocmi a ~ ~ e i t / t noir.bhvnritr ~iusX6tiv i rtjl! pnatxaiav ro~ ~ c be rho Spirit,llc cnnnot of ?tor -' and qf born of wnter and of Spirit ho Ennnot outer into tho ki~igdom e~iccrIntothokin~dom h ) ~ n t , . ~6 rb h y ~ y ~ v ~ ~;K~ 7;s unprbgv uhnt iurtv' lpf~~ n of God. 6 Tlrnt which of GO& That which hns h c u bonl of the flcsh f i & i ~ i&; is horn of the flcsh is' I K 70 ~k t flesh. nud t h ~ r which cn; rb ~by~yevvq,ul~~ov"5 7rveilparoc x V ~ iurtv., i q i>o;n of tl'c Spirit is and thnt wllich has b c n born of th6 Spirit spirit in. spirit 7 itnrvor not A y~snl6ij1mt g i l t i snii unto t h p , 7 pr)9nvplqt)( iirl l x 6 v 001, r. lilnstbc born ngam. n o not wonder thnt I mid t o thee, It ia nocdful for you t o bo born 8 T i ~ o wind b l o w t h wllere i t listeth, and dvw6ev. 8 rh xvE4pCt 5 x 0 ~ ~ X E lLl E i ,rn; T$v.$wl~qr~.cctroC ~ ~ thon henrest therouud anew. The wind Ywllcm 'it 'willn 'blow*, and itanoui~d tl~crcof but cnnst not cCiM'I1 tell wl,:,uca i t comcrh, ( ~ K o ~ E ~ s , oirr.nldac xdCe1, ipxernr *rail' nov zinriyer aud whither it poeth: thou henreat, but knoncst not whcnco i t comcs nud where i t goear no is every one t h ~ is t p ~~~g 9 0i;rfis igriv rdg: 6 y ~ y ~ i ~ v ~ lroiri av~Cftaro~.'rixeof QNicodemuranswered thur in evorrone t h a t h r s boa1 born of the Spirit. YAn.


JS1' ~ K ~ P ~ I I Ill3c, N O~



bv L T T ~ A . 0 70;~ G1,TPrA. P rivJ LTr. OLflrAW. L. d 7 b v him ot:r.rmw. * ' ~ a p ~T.s i a qCccioL l T r h X 6 '1TrAW. Y b Tr. b OLaTld~W. tLc. heavens, T. b ycycy~iv~v E. 0 Tr. d or L .


- Q670is


7bv O ~ D ~ Y & V of

6v't~a~ac raCso

- b Lll'fA.

rwered 'Nicodcmus and mid

to him, How
and mid

thew things

q i 6 g Ncrcb8gpos rac' e l n ~ v a&@, TIGc biruarac raSra yeviueai; 10 'AaercpiOg


bo? b f 10 J~~~~ allriwrmd


'ItluoSs ~ a r l m v abry', i
'Jesus andthem things h o w a t n o t ? wa spouk,


1 d andmid untohim

818&U~doc 'IUpa*, r03

tencher of h n e l ,

rasra ~ b . ~ i v l j u ; e i ~ +v them things?ray Veri~ 11 &ly 11 1 verily I unto

and thnt which ye -im we

to him. Thou a t the rael, and knowcst not r a mhstcr O I* '

&&v Xfyo col, 8rr 6 oi6aprv ~ ~ X O ~ rcalE Y 6, ~

torily I sny td thee, That which we know
(CQ~EV paprvpoirpev.

;up&- do h o w , aud teatlrp

t Le, WC s k n k thnt we

rrni njv.paprvpiav-<p3v obAnp@&ver~. w i t n e . ~ u I I our

our witnoas not.

2 c~ :

~ T e s ~

have told ou cnrthly things n n i ye bulieve not, An11 ye beIf enrthly things I snid t o you, and n beliove not, how if 1 . ~ 8 ~ if I tell you lieve, of heavenly things? $@v rd-b?rovp&vca ? ~ ~ U ~ E ~ 13E T E ob8eis &uap;pi]~ev &a no man hnth U real ; 1s t o you heavenly things will ye believe ? And no one 'h up ~ ~ c e n d b dto hcuvun, gonc ug but he rhnr cnlae clown tic rbv 06paui)v ei-plj 6 ire TO; 0bpa~06 O T ~ ~ ~ S , K 5 vidc rom heaven, evn,the lnto the heaven except he who out of the huuren came down, tho Sou Son of ruan which L in 11eu~en14 Aud M ro3 &vep&?rov 5 Pv t v r t j otpav@* 14 ~ a rca0As fMwoijcu M~,, lifted up the i of man who is in the heawn. And oven M Mow r r p c n t in tho rildetoven i$wmv 731, iqev i v +j b i p y , oiirws ir\l/w0,ivar ZEZ n w ,of so must the lgon Illtod up the ~ c r p e n tin the wifdernew, thus t o l* lifted up i t behova up: 15 tha&

bare seen WC benr w i t m of ;and

12 c i rd.b?riyaa efrov @v, rai ob.?nure6er~, aijg taiv eilrw

r i v vi6u 703 ~ ~ Y O P ~ ~ T O V *L a r i i s 15
tho Son mny not periah, 'loved 'God of

h. ~iureCwv
on etsrnsl

hp~-~?r6X~lra~ drXhSD

that everyone that believes

abrbvn ~ ~ : l ' ; c " ei h ~ ~ h &$ ~

but hare eternal lifa

may haye life

K ~ V ~ O~Vu

t&Gv a i l j ~ ~ i o v . . oiirwg-ydp the~worlclthat he' gnve 4 16 l6 0~

yor ".o

tjyciinjueu 6 0 ~ 6 s rhv

r rdv-vibv~a~?o~n e

the world


his Son

$ ~~z~zA ; g
ferinh, but have mer~;t~o~;~7$'0;~2 wOIld -demn h ~

hi.on1 degottcn Son,

ye* h

KEY, i'va udc .d u i d w v sic abrdir plj.cir6Xgrar,

bellayem on por s him ~Snot t may not perish,

Wtmn he gnve, that eyeryone who

' X
but mny.hve

ZuQ ai'ljviov. 17 ob.ydp.~riureiXrv 1&)c r4v t


plkht sa~ed.l8 He M vihv!abroG~' eig rdv r6upov &a ~ p judgeTthe Yworld, (but I that belieroth an him i q ~ ri;u)iov, i his s'om into the world thnt hemight is condumnd: bat he that beliereth not iva @we# d dupes b i abr06. 18 d ALQTE~WV ir conclcmned alrandy* t h t 'might *be "~aved .'the *world through him. Ho that helievw on he hath noC belicvcd i the name n atri)v ob.~piv~rat' d.m6/n p$-mureirwv 46g rcircpkptrac, of the only bepxten Mm is not judged ; but he that believos not a h n d y has h e n judged, Son of God 1 ' And 1 thim is the condemnsSri p,i.?rh?riur~vrcavsic iiY0pa roii ~ O U O ~ E Vvio3 TOV tiop thatlight ireome O ~ ~ into' tho world. and b u s e he hai not believed on the ~altlno of the only lwgottcn Son men loved d n h e u Om3. 19 aSrq.6; turcv ~piuig, 6r1 rb 93s iXljXveev eic ,th, rhnn light, beof God And this is tha judgment, that the light ~ I U come into cause their deed* were eviL 20 For every oru r3v K ~ U ~ O Y , tjy&?rquav oi 6v8pwrrol pZtXov rd urcdrog t ha t dooth evil hnteth rai the world, and 'loved 'men *rather .the ' d a r h e u the light, ncither comthe i j ri) $ijgS Gu-ydp " ~ o ~ aitr3un r d Zpya. 20 riig-ydp c t h to .d~ Slight,U lest p d his da I~O I~ bo t h m the light ; for 'were 'evil their work For everyone rcpovod. 21 But ha


d 9nirXa ap6usuv p u r i rb l i j c , ' m i o+~cipxerarr p 5 c rb

that evil does hatea the 'ght, and comes not to the


mny not be exposed comes to

his rorka j

21 6-82

noiijv r$v

that to ~ t tlight ChO ~ eth d the h ~ t that deeds made manif*t* that
. "

but h t b t prnotU. the


ciX-rjeeiav ipxerai q b s rb @GC, v a i

works thnt in God they have h e n wrought. After theso things came

ZPya 671 tv Octj Buriv.~i'pyaup~~a. '



qav~pw6e abro3 id

the light, that m y be manifwted

22 MET& rpika jjX0ev i, 'IquoSg ~ a oi.paer]rai-a6ro3 ;g i

and his ai8ciplss

22 after those thin

into disciples into the .land



6 GLTTIAW. Bn6kr)sac W [L-A.

son) ~ T ~ A J .

M o i i ~ LTT~AW. r D ib air~bv ; iv a&$ ill him TTrA L i.- a i r ~ o(read the S O I ~ ) j T . i M i Tr. 1 ort~oc aGr& a o , q p i LmrA. 6i but [ L J ~ ~ JA.I T

( 1 0 0 a d




and them. njv Iov8ainv.yijv. ~ a li~ ebiirpip~vp i airrijy m I@&the* i i 'of Judm*f with23 ~~d the ua bn andlarried land of Judma ; and there he stayed with them and was b a p Jot. $80 rt&v. 23 fiv-82 mi O'IwdvycMpnnri<wv i v Ai'viv i y y f c anon toSr$im,i nbeenuhe new tiaing. And 'wns 'also 'John baptizing in Z n o n , nenr

G nu e : "F",: ~ o h m not yet cast

wasmuchwaterthcre: 1.0;

into pri801~25 l'hen being b n p t b k For dot yet war %ast ' i i t o 'the 'pr~ron thcre nrosq n q~icstion betweenso,neof Johu'r pdllo'lwci~~vqc.n' ~ ~ i v eo8vcjrt/oig 25 ro ir r3v paeqr3v dinciplea and the 'John. Arow t h e n r quebtionCon thgpartloi the diac~ples Jews nbout purifying. S hind they cape U-q'1whvv0v~~ perd "Iav6&iwv# ~aenpiapoir* ~ a 8+XeovU wepi 26 i $0 John, a u d l n l d ~ ~ t oof John with [aome] J e w about purification. And they ay him Rnbbi he thnt wnnkith t i c e k y o u d ~ p b ~ , tlIwdvvt]v" rb~ nai v ~ lair@,w'Pa@/3i,ll Sc fiv p~rd ~ ~ ~ " Jordan, to whom thou to John nnd #aid to him, Rabbi, hewho was with bnmtwitnens behold the -me b i p t ~ t h :a05 nipav rot '10 ~ ~ Y O V , ad p.iap&pq~aa i6e oBro~ and all men come t o thee beyond the Sbrdun, t o whom thou cut borne witners, beholcl he 7 him 2 John answered a n d + k i d ,h mnn can Parnitet, ~ a wdvths rp~ovrat wpic airdv. 27 ' ~ x c ~ ~ i receivsnothing,except baptiPsr, and all conm to him. 'Anbwercd it be given him from

Zaheip, 'ir8ara.noXXh 4v i~ei' Kai ey'ti,","d""il Zri. oBnw.ycip /3~/3Xt/pivoge~apeyivavrarai bPanricovro. 24 i ~ $uXardv rtjv
Satilu, becnw.e a ~ a t e r s'many wcre there ; a d they were coming and



s e l v e s h r me witness, 'John and maid, aIa *able 'a &an t o receive nothing that I mid, I am not * the but av.p?j bedopivo~a6r@ ;K rot oitpvoi. 28 atroi.&pis am betom hirn. unla.8 i t ginn to him from the henten. Ye youradver 29 He thnt hnth the bride is the p01 paprvpeir~ 6ri elnov, xOtr.ripi d ~piurbs,LAX' 6r4 :but thefriend to me bear wltness t h a t I maid, =Am =not I the Chriat, b u t that


Ye your-

O'I~hvvq? ~ aetaev. Oh G6vnrar bve wnoc Xarpciverv o&&v i

' &


3 ' $ i hc bonreth him, rejoicrth cntly because of the

&neumXpi~,bc i g n oaeev i~eivov. 29 d h w v n ) v v6pei

TO; $qv, vvp$ioc barivl 6.8; $AOE vu}($iov, d ~


'I [m

$tgy$thzEiFd. 1 ~ 1 6 ~ .

sbridepooua him,

the bride o T ~ ~ & ~l K ~ but the friend of the bridogroom,who *mnds and



He that has

must dwrensa but I mwt increase, that comcth from Rbove that b nbore earth he the 611. is ~ r t h i and apenkcth ~ , of the earth : he thnt wmethfrom henven is above . U And 32 . w h t he h ~ t h e n s and heard, thnt he tortifieth; and no mnn recoiveth his testimony. 33 R e that hnth received hia testimonJ hath set t o h b seal tllnt oon ia t r u e M For he whom Q O hnth writ apenketh the words of God: for God lveth not the irit measure unto !&m. 3 The Fnther loveth . 5 the Son, nnd hath @veu all thinrs into hir

IKO~WY airoi,

with joy rejqlces because of the 'my to d e c r w .


61d njv $wviv roG vvp$iov*

voice of the bridegroolh, 'Him comes, 'it Ybehovcr above

ni;i-q 08v
tPi8 then

6 ~ a p d)i ip4
' 0

~ E T X J ~ ~ W ~ Q30. d~eivov be? L

is fulfilled.
He who from above

avEdv~iv, lph.84 bharr~ir~ea~. 3 '6 1

t o increase, but me all

( i v ~ e e v ~ X ~ ~ E2 V. 7 ~ 6 ~ ~ C O ~ tc n j c yijc tariv, ~ a i

?rcivrwv iariv.
i. s

He who is from the

d b &v. in rijc

earth from the enrth

TOQ oirpavoir ip~dpevo'c ~ U ~ V W Y from the earth spaks. Hewho from t4e h ~ ~ v e n comes above

I K ~ i j c i j ~XaXeia d y


T(~VTUY all

iariv,U 32 "iaiU 5 idpal~ev ~ n T~KOVUEU .roCro' i

and what he ha# wen bud no one hard thir

~ U P ei* m ~ N i he testiges ; and

w)v.pnptvpiav.aliro5 0 6 8 ~XapPcivsi. 33 d ;~
his testimouy

He t h a t


Xnpiv airroi njy paprvpiav b~+pLytatvGri d e e t g ciAtletjc

has ~ w e i v e d his
a ;

iarty. 34 8v.ydp
for he whom

testimony ha# let t o his real that 'mnt

riniartrh~vb O E ~ Crdr ,&para IGod the w o r b

God ltrue TO; )to$

bath everlasting life : spcnh ; for not by measure 'gives 'Qod the Spirit. The and he that believeth not theson shall not xnnjp Lynx$ rbv viciv, rai nLvm J ~ ~ W K Ebv r ~ . x ~ ~ p i . n t V Fnther loves thB Son, and all things has given into his hnud. 70s. 36 d ntare6wv eic.rbv viiv ~ X E I coljv,aiDvlov. 6.'6i1' He that believes on the Son has life eternal ; and he thnt

9 , $'?tt$iX a X e i g 6 p

of Gd l

oC.ycio ix pirpov bi8~dtv 0ebgUrb n v ~ t p a . 35 3 "6

'Iw&qg n. P 6T A ] . 9 'Ioiivt?~ Tr. 'Iov8aiov R Jew QLTPrAW. ?jhf)av "Iwdyv n. lclrrav TrA. Pa@ei T. 'E t o i r ~ L. , cipi r cravw b o &bp ( r e d ha gire~) [L]'J;T.j*. r o v m l', ru,' [ ~ f i ~ r l . sdwwv h i v T . a- S i and T

111, IV.
la not subject to the Son s h d l not lee


of God seelife*bntthe-th

c i ~ e t e 3T~ V ; @ * O ~ K . ; $ZJW ~TV~&M) 4 fpy4 @ E ,L

life, him

but the wrath


p6vec lad aitrdv.

abides on

4 'QC

03v Zyvw d dr6piocn i;r~ 7jcovaav

'Lord that =heard more disc~yles mnkcs and Jesuu himself

When therefore 'knew 'the Jesus

01 'the


'drr 'Iqaosc .rrXeiova~ paeqrdg xoiei rni $nnri{ei

that baptizes

tban but




2 rairocye
(although indeed

'Iquoirc a h r ; ~06c.ipcixritev, i X X D o c
was not baptiztug and went away to p m he left Judarn, again

Er\rw i s c i p l e r Edp;z ~apt~mored

2 (chounh not, but hls diw~ples,)

the l o r d hnewhow


paetlrai.afroG. 3 iiqijrev rtjv 'IovSpiav, rai cixijhee~~ & hthan~J o b l

his d~scipleal, into

4? j v rahlhniav.
Galilee. kmnria.

4 ibtc.8k

And it was necessary for him a city

abrbv bdpXeuOai 816 r$c

through of Snmnriu

:p&ef;rand $;P,"I

needs go through Sncall- mfLri& 6 Then colneth be t o a city of pbqv ~xux&p,ll ~ h q u i o vro5 xwpiov Ibwrev 'Iar;.&pLmnria, whichiscaUed Sychar, nenr the land which 'gave 'Jacob Sychar, near to the nrcel of p o u n d that 'Iwulj$ .r$.vir,LatroG. 6 41).8$ btiei x r03 *IachP. acob gnTe t o hii to Joseph his son. Now *wry &there .fountain 'JA~ob*d; son Joneph. 6 Now Jacob'~ well was there. b-ofv.'[~ao9~ coxrar&~ ~e 6r d8ocsopiac hcae~rero 0;rwc Jesus thewfore, being journcy, 811t thua wenried with his jourJesus thwefore, being wenried from the ney, sat thus on tba ;xi re xvy$. 6pn 4v i & ~ ~ i n :cq. 7 ' E p x ~ ~ aY V V ~ mlland i t war about e : rt the fountn~n. [The] hour was about [the] sixth. Coluea a woman the sixth hour. 7 Them E e comer therefore to

apeiag.!' 5 ?pxerai otv eic xc;hiv rqc f~apapciach heyo-

Out of

I K r i ] 'Znyapeiag" civrhijuac G8wp. Xiyet ~

Samaria to draw water. 'Snya to drink ;

A;c pot krc~iv'fl. 8

Give me the city,

dmw waof ter: Jesus raith unto her, Give me to drink. ~ i . ~ h ~ . ~ a e q r a i . a & n o ~ ~ X C 0 ~ r ei'c v8 (For h h disciple8 l i r ~h aa for his disciples " had gone away into were gone away unto ' t o *her 'J~sur,
~ h ~ 'Say8 'therefore 'to 'him man of Snmmia unto

6 ' I q ~ ~ 3hrnaria a 9 'Ometh c to

n j v x6Xiv, i'va rpo$ds ciyopciawaev. 9 Aiyei lo6v" abrq

that prwisions they might buy. YSnmnritan, being How 'th6u 'the arroioan 'to %ins

Ij yuvtj

4 mXapapeircc,fin g 3

a6 'lov8niog &v rap' i OG

'a 'Jew 'belug 'from "e m 'Samaritan? p$iyff

gz; H;$nis Lt jt:t



'dost 'hk,

airrie; OoCaqr yvvatdc Papyri'ri80~" ;

a 'woman 'Jews with Samaritans.

&[ ::' ?

ave no denlings with

avyxpijvrai 'Iov8nioi Xnpapeirai~.' 10 ' d ~ e r p i e q 'Iqaoiic


said that
it; is

to her, Bays


rrjv 8opeiiv


If thouhadst known the

t o thee, Give

f;$ ~;f,";~,";n,";I~OS~;~ unto her If thou knewroli 0 ~ 0 6~ a ric ; ; , i% , f)i,0:,9.~~",


Bariv d XQyov aoi, Adc pot kxieiv,'l ad airrdv, rai


God* and who thee Give me to drink. taou' wouldeat have) to drink, thou wouldesc have asked ~ ~ ~ $ f & i ~ v , " , " ~ $


11 The anto him, Sir,thou hast noyvi4," K6pie, obre 6vrhqra rai r6 $p&p iariv thins t o draw with, 'woman, Sir, nothing to drnw with thou h ~ s t and the well , is and the well is d-p: from whence then Pae6' 7rde~v 0 6 ~ {" X E L ~rb G8wp rb 5 3 ; 12 p4 U ~ . ~ E ~ ~ W Ihast Ethou t h a t liv1 ' ~ J . ~ deep ; whence then hast thou the 'water 'living ? Art thou greater ing water ? 12 M thou greater than our ro~.xarphpjp&v'Iarhp, 8c ddwk~v @v rb $piup, cai ahrbc father Jacob, which thlrn our fnther Jacob, who gave ua the well, aud himaolf ave us the well and L a n k thereof hiuiself a6roG iarev, cui oi.vioi.ahroG rai ~d-0p6par~-&05 ; and his children, and of it drank, and his sons and g s cattle 1 his cnttle ? 13 Jesus answered nud snid 13 'Ane~pieq ' 1 q u o ~ ~ EITEV a&$, llFic 6 m'vwv H E unto her, ~h~~~~~~ r6i1 rai 'Anawered 'Jesus and said t o her, Everyone that drinks of drinketh of this water


aoi 6bwp r3v. 11 Aiyec aitrcij

living watc

and he wonld have given to thee'wntcr 'living.

'Snya 'to 'hunlthc



'Iwdvqs ~ r . f Zapapias T . B 2 ~ x E. ~ 6 h 03 OL. i +p nerv TPA. 1 o3v T. m Xapap+s T . n i v L ; neiv TTIA. 0 yvvarrtop Eapapcir~Sos (Papapirr809 T) 0 4 0 s LTrra. P ov 7% w y ~ p i L t a 6 'Iov8aio~X a p a p c i r a ~. T~
a 'Itp~oGsJesu? T .
A .


r [+yvvi]

-b u~rrraw.




&hall t h b t *: roij-38aroc.ro6rov. dt3/tiuec W&XLV. 14 Sc.$'.dv rip. he ~ 0 0 I I . but whomtor drideth oi the water thir water will t h h t .nuin ; but whwrer may h k o f the that I shall gire-him $daroc 05 f & dPnw airr(r' WSrG~ap!eiS rdv-aiGva. shall never thirmt, bat water which that ,W will g i n him in no .* ohall thirst for l ever, the him shall be in rb 66wp 8 dljnw aQr? yevjaarrti f u aLr$ but the water which I will give to him sball become in him a fountdn ]wring life. 15 he 6Saros irXXopivov sic ~ A I ~ V aicjvcou. 15 ~ i y e ir airrbv of water spyinging up into life eternal =%yo 40 .him t ~ ~ tIt t i s not,hei- tj. ,yvvh, KGpia, 61ic pot rosro rb Gawp, i'ua th r t p7i.6143thirrrt ther come hither t o 'the woman, Sir, give me this ipater, that I may not draw. 16 Jerar d t h unto her, Go, call thy pw84 Y ~ p x ~ piUo(i6~ ~ v T ~ E16 u .~ Y E L k @ Zd" a ' I 1 ] ~ ~ ~ ~~l' ( ~ A ClZ hurbnnd, and come nor come hola to draw. PSayo 'her lJeaus, hither. l7 The womnn U -wered and raid, I Tray,$&V~UOV b ~ . ( i ~ d preal. b ~ ~ n b~ ~ iX84 bJeh8~.17 'ATEhave no husband. 5 6 Qo, call tby husband and come hcra =h-





no ho1band : 18 for rwered 'the 'woman and maid, I have not a hosbpnd *&p 'ha? 'to thou had five h1 baa;he whom ~qcrbij~, KaX3c eel?ru~,u *Or1 6uSpa oiw.ixclr\ 18 d u r e thou now but h q & 'Jaw di&t thou rsJ, A h1u)band 1ham Pot; 'five thy h ~ b ' u d in that ydp &v8pq mm , a tral, otriurh, aov ~ U X E ~ . reai v3v. iiu 19 W utti for, huabnndr thob hruc bed, and non hewhom t h o u h u t k n o t rhp

~tl.z~z@j!c< rai e i r ~ ~ " , repieq )j yi~vrj

2% 8 P dimjp' h$i &uut er-a

~(J~IK.~XW 6vSpa.n

A.4yet +c


hwband : thir

roirro (iXqSic

truly. thou h t


19 A6yet airr+.

= kp .him 'the '~ornnn, r \ 'to

Our L h e r s


*am I n ~ t h k moaotdn; and ye KSir, tl,,t in J-,,,~

h the p w w b m m n u r m oqrht t o norship. SJ e ,

wqhhippctd, m d ye sly that in Je767rOc 6 ~ o v ~ S e i ?rpoa~vveiv.~~ 21 hiyet L, the y h wherait h neebuary to worship. Skys p a h a l l neither thh moanurin, nor yet a t a&-$ d 'IquoSc, ihrirvnc, riurevodv pot in 6rr ioxerat Gpa Sre Jeraulem,womhip the , o 4 y aJ~~ Womnn, beliere me, that i; ooming m hour whep Fnthor. h Ye wordtip not what: re q6T JV ~ $ . ~ E L T O ~ T ~ ~ ' I E ~ o u o X ~ -~ O 0 b~ ~ W ) J ~ f l 0 6 r JY rp L k o n what we worin t h b m m MS i n Jerumalem p a l l ye' worship .hip :for d r a t i o n k of the J~WS. ~ n r+ ~ a r ' ~ i 6 p e i ~ t 22 npoarvueSre 8 o'ircoibre. Gpeic q o a the hour cometh and the Pather., Ye w d p what ye know not: we wow now is when tho'tme aunbishnuw~r- rvt10Sp~v 8 oidaptv* brr . awrqpia ie TOY 'Iov8aiwu Euriv. r rhip the Bather i n h i # what we know ; for ralvation of the Jews is. irit and in tmth:'for Father ~ ~ 8 2~ &U'# t 'h Z~XETQL. Kai VGV iurtv, Bre o~i (iXqC)ia!oiT ~ O U mch to worshi him. But k wmhg an G d now is, when the true wor31 God fs a ~ ~ i r fat . d th.,yth,,two~i$bfb ~ v q r a Z~OUNYI)UOWLV T+? waroi f u m d p a r i 1 i .1 Mp8&i(r0 mnat worship ham i n .hipper8 will wordhip the Path& in spirit and truth ; rpirit and in t r u t h Mith rai-yctp Q wanjp roioirrovr; Cqrei roirc rpoarcvud.iwra~ airrdv. me unto him, I know that for rlro the Bathe kch 1 k who m 8 w&&p him.



~ L&bp3 iir~rpo$,jnlc ei 6.20 oi-rari e~.ljpGv bv E,

I penaim that
a prophet

'r 'thou. at

f r ~ 6 r w 6pein r p ~ e I ( ; ~ u cat ~ r$ a v 6p&iC yere iiri by '16X6 pouoXiiptg b d v Q




ILassiM i u cnlled Chrnt: whioh when he h come 6 1 1-1 1

k ,, =,,tothhc I uputhia came And

24 nueirpa b & b ~ ' ral


. spirit A

Qoct [L],and. they that

roirc rpourrvuoDvra~ka&dv" f v




r p o u u . 25 Aiya airrq3 tj
Christ ;

yvvtj, O16a brc praoic~Zpx~rai,3 Xeybp~yoc ~piarbc~ Srau

swoman, J know that AIe~esriu k coming, who k called soomen 'he when




' a ' t o .him 'tha Bn

CKE~VOC (iua~eXai ;jpi3 m?r(iur~.n Aiyet air6 6 'Iq26

a o ; ~ , G rip; 'E
[oi~ 8uJojuer p$

LTT~A. i 41 I T . ;popab Tr ; ?qooi+ (read .he mya) [I,~T~]A: b c011 TOV 8 l i p ~ o p a TA. r L T ~ . l A. a6rQ tO hfn~ [ILIA. d iv8pa o;r T. ermc 2. TV oper rolinfl QIaTrA W. r upourcvveiv Sei LTrrAW. h rlivac. .rri&rvi For L; Ilimwi por, p v a r TT~A. i& i Lmaw. k 37bv.r. 1 npovrrvvciv bci T. m iuavra nu

....6 * -i

he w i l l tell us a11 things. .%ys 'to 'her 'Je* d XnXGu aoc. 27 Kai i r i ro6ry me], lwho *am %peaking 'to *thee+ And upon this




cume his dirckplw, and


a woman

n j j ~ ~o~ . pn ~ q r u ; ~ + r t ~ i ' , ~v ~ OiOnirpauavIIijrr per& pvutrctc

thnt with


heswsa .peaking ; no one however mid, thou with


06d~ic pivroi tlilrv, Ti

X ic per' airrijc ;

k r r ? ; 6 Ti ha- no oddl seekeat thou ? or, Why What m h t Aou? or Why spepkost t8lPae.t thou with her t


28 The woman then 28 'A ijmv obv r?jv.6dfiav.airrijc 4 y v d rcai &~jjX&v *, $ - .then ' *her waterpot athea w o ~ and went away into ~ & ~ ~ $ ~ , " ~n r4v rdXiv, rcai Xiya roSg tvephaocg, 29 Aeirre, Qere dv8pw- city and saith to the
the city, who and saya to the told men, come,
8 8 man


e1riv pot ?rdvra Piiua" blroiqaaa

he) went forth therefore out of the rpbg aCrdv.
unto him. city,

0 6 ~ borrv 6 ~

me all things whatsoever I did : %erchuuce 'this and

c b ~prurdc SO Q'E&jA8ov '08vn b rijc: lrbXewg, rcai $p;

the Chriit l

me;, which told me all man 29 Coma, we a thinks that ever l did: not this the Cbrbt ? 30 Then they went out of thd city, ma came -to him.

81 'Ev.'619ry' perat& tjpljrwv aCri,v oi pa$rgi,

But in, the meantime ?were *ankipg *him lthe 'disciples,


yovreg tePa/.3Pl,u$&(r 32 '0.82


r l n v airroi~, 'E

But he
~ O

to the?,

li /3piuw mat

?EP1",-whne say- him, aaymg,

dl Ee age<"i;kzi to U th.t
Odd disci 1 0to mother, IPnth an

$aydv ijv
have to eat which
p h to

~~EZ~O~LO%XTE. 33'EXe

ov vb3v" oi ~ a 8 q -not d. ila .fherefore

therefore 'the 'did-


not. W

rai *pdc 6MljAovg M*

one mother,

84 Aiydi airroic d 'Iquoiic, 'E ' v ppiph burrv iva xror3" rb

him Canyth'prr to a t ? .to eat? 8 4 ~ U s ~ anto them M meat ir to do the kid ot him s8aya %*them 'Jaw, meat L thnt I ahould do the that lent me and M iiniahhtswori. 8iXq a roG aip#awcic: PE, m i reXethuw abro8 rb ipyov. not Ye m eet w i f of him who rent me, and rhould finhir work four mbntha, and &I oometh harvest ? -be56 oirx i r f t i ~ XdYere,.bri :TL f r e ~ f ~ d p ~ ] v d v * rai b Bcpcu~dchold I my unto y",, lurrv .NOG ye lsay, that yet four month it ia and the hanest ~fft'up yolu e a,and

KEW s h y o n e laid ring




p y d v ; -bmugt~thimord

h e r a i ; i804, Akyw spiv, 'Brdpmr rots.d(8aApodg.6pGv rai

comas ? Behold, I nay to you,

and to hnrvat. 86 &d he reoeiveth &duau8e r(ig X L ac, $71 Aevrai Eiurv r p d c 8epwpdv ZljJq .U that ~ d pthereth see the fieL, for white they are t o -est 8y -. an t unto life eternal: 0th both he that e a 36 %sin d Bepicwv pl~ebvXap$oivei, rai uvvdyr r a rbv thatand he that rWW-p Andhethat r e a p anward recaivn, a d ~8them &h m y mjoiether.myingtrue one 87 And hereih Z G ailjviov. 'ivu bcai1I b ueeipwv ;p08 w v xaipp onto life eternal, that both he that aows 'together % a y 'rejoice soweth and an&,her ~i b ee icwv. 37 fv-yap 1-06ry d Adyoc luriv cd" ciAq- to reap that1whereon u ; mnt~o . land 'he %hat & & p Bor in this the naying is true* yebestowedno kbourr Brvdc, aWos h i v b aa~ipwv, rai dMoc b &pi~wv. other men b m d , That .one 'it % whp sows, and another who g & y t c g m d into

Lift up

your eyes





88 by; *irr6arerXaa
sent hanhboured, you othm
87 4%


8 06%6 p ~ i K ~ K O T L ~ K U ~ E . c
'ye shave labbured ;

reap obWch5not

aiXXoc ~rconid~autv, upair rat


rdv.~d?tov.atrCiv &!uoXqXb; into theirlabmu have anag bnd


89 'EK.& r i j ~ . r d h r w ~ b n e i ~ roAAoi f ?riureuuav e;s abrdv

But ont of that city



rGv ehapapar~v,n 8ca

d the

rdv Xdyov rijc yuvaucdc


because of the

of the


BMaritPnr d that city believed on him pap- f or the u ot the tm- WOW & ai t-


8Mav m. 0 iOa(il(a(ov were wo~iderlng oLlTrAW. P i which T. i [rail and L . *-&v ULTRAW. 8 62 h t [LjlTrA. 'PpBBei T . v 04v W. 1W O I ~ ~ V W ~ A . L I rupipqv69 OLTT~AW. a. $ 1 (wad already hu that reaps) T . QLL~TRL a [ A iTTI[A& d t i u i m a k a have eeut T . Z a p w r G v T.


when the Ltrnnritnas tu;'in21 a e told mo all thiugn whntsocvcr I d i d IYhn weru come anto him 0 8 ~Ij;\Oov npbT airrlv oi gXctpaprirnt,@tjpDrwv airrlv they behought h i d therefore cnme to him the Sull~i~ri~ana,they Mkod hllu thnt he wuuld i U with them: and he p ~ ? v ar a ' ahroic' ~ a ipetvev diei 660 4\rhpac. 41 K i ~ abudo there two dn s to abide w i g Andmany more thorn, and he a h d a tharo two d~ya. AuP

fied. Re told me fill n1006uq~, "Orr t l ~ ouvcr I did 40 So t

IOANNHZ I. V eT?rfv por ativra QaaVinoi~laa. 40 'S$$


believed bscanre of his word ; and to the mauy luore unto tlro &nnn Non wu believe, no; be- ~ U V C L C K ~ Y O W , h'rOr~U~ K ~ T L 8th vjv a4v Xa?iciv arc~E O cnum of t h mying: they 'aid, No longer because of thr saying we for we havutaard htm ouraelvua and know T E ~ O ~ E W aitroi-ydp cim]~&apev, oidnp~v6rt 0 6 ~ 6 s * rcai bartv thnt thin indeed the believe, for ourselves have heiud, and we know that this ir Christ, the ffavbur of the lvorld. dXtlOdc ti owr4p roil ~dapov, ~piards.1~ % truly the Snvlour of the world, the Wriat.

t ; ' ~ $ o ~ y ~ ~ n , " a fnoXXcy'.nXciovs triarevuav 6th ~3v.Xb~ov.airroir. rp'.re s$ 42

43 Merd.8i rdc 860 $pipas iEijX8av bkeieev, k ~ a&*$Xi 43 NO- crfter two daya he departed But after the two ditys ha wunt forth thence, and went thcuce and wout into ~ . ~ i 4~~~ 9evn eis rtju Fa&iXaiaw. 44 airrtc-ydp lt'l'Iqaoir~ ~ ~ J~~~~ ; ipaprcpqhimnelf' tentifiod thnt away into Galilce ; tor % w e l t 'Jasur w.itiud, a prophet h ~ t hno houour in hi. own UEV, 6rt spo$rjnls tv rj.i6iq aarpidr rtptjv O ~ K . ~ X ~ L . cowtry. 43Thun whm thnt apruylrut In lus own counrry honour has not. he WIN come into Gnlilee the 45 m"Ore'' o6v ijX6~vEI'S rtjv I'ci\tAainv i6i5nvro abr3v{yed hayinp I \ h n therefore ho came into Qaiilea areceived . h h wen all the rh\nga thnt ot FaXtXnior, aiivrn i w o a ~ d r e ~ he did at J-iem at 'aU inoiqocv i v ' I the h a t : for they 'the 'Qnlileuns, d l things h n h g ~ 6 % which he did in Jew~ pnto POUOX~~OLS r$ dopri. ~ai.aBroi.ycip kgXOov nju feML rumlem during the f w t , for they also went to the




46 'HXOev otv
'Came athorufore

'It]uoirpn ~?rMiv ei~:T P

'Joaus agniu to

~ KavB V



a ~ ~ u & i n ~ I'alrXaiac, ~ , ~ u n ~ i;*ov irroiipsev 76 ijdwp oIvov. qrai $v8 rtc (iali~ee, wl~croho u ~ e of Gnlilcc, r nl~ore he luodo the water wine, And them n s acertain n ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ $ 06 ~6 vi3c ~;cgiver iv rKn?r~pvau6p.U ; i 47 obros blemu, wllcNe \\.M sou counlcr, W ~ W run w u sick in Caycrnaum. He


( i ~ 0 6 u niirr 'Iqaoirr: ijrar ~.



njs 'Iov8aiac eic njv FaXt-

out of having huurd tlmt Joauv hnd come out of J u d s a into GaUJ u h * into Q.!lil*l h0 Xniuv, cir$dev apSc aitrdv, m i rjpdra fiatrbvu 'lvn raraw c u ~ a u t oh ~ mand buov~ghthim tint 11s Le, went CO him, and mked him that ha would would come down, tai iciurlrar airroir rbv viciv. dpeXXev. cip ciao8vjaretv. and henl his aon : fur at the pint of cumedown a d hen1 his on ; fur he WM a L u t to diu dench. re Thou d d 48 EZTEV 06w d 'Iquoirc ~ p b salrdv, 'Eh~.~rr) uqpeia rai ~~~y~~~ aSaid"therofore LJwua to U, U n l e ~ uigna und wolldurs, ye will uot ripara i8qr~ ohyr) atare6uqr~. 49 Aiysr ?rpbc aitrbv 6 boliuv~ 49 The no- wonden yeace I no wire will ye believe. n *Snya to 'him 'the blorn~mmithnntolriu~ s rC ~ ~ U O I V U U i, ~ O m Ki~pi~, ras6/31lOi rpiv cinoOaveiv rt.mi8iov. ov. child die, W J u ~ u * *courtiar, Sir, COUM ~ U I V U bcfore .diw 'my 'little 'ufilh 6~1thunto lrilu 0 0 thy way ; thy I ~ V - 50 AiYet abr@ i) 'ItlauGc, c60va b.vidc.aov liven. 'Kai' 8th. Aud t)lu UnU beYYiys lhiu 'Jesuu, to, thy non And lievcd &e word rth~it jWuaspokau Unto Iriurevaev 6 aivepw~ol: hnd rqi Xdyy vy;" ~Trevair@ 'lqaoirc, him, and hu wuut k i *believud 'the "man tho word which 5nid *to 'hirn 'Jerua, wuy 51Andorhew.r now'goinK down, h~ ~ a inopa6ero. 51 ijdp1. 2 a~rol.~ara/3aivovro i 6 oi.boirX~i.~nciw v i n w u e t him, aud aud wont arvny. Eut alrendy M he n u going down n his hut!luen


%g; Ei


n o


- rku bvudmo~~) + (read T .

r ZaCrapira~ h [&L] L T. i i, XPLCT~I LTTrA. k ~ adrrijhee~ l OLrrrAw. ds T. o u a whatsoever LTIA. O b ' I q u o ~ ~ he (IZUL cnmo OL'ITrAW. P b 'IquoGs Jeaue W. q'Hv 66 T. r ICa+apvaoljp X : IW ; \ I ahbv [ L ~ I . A . KQ' LbilI~rJ4. 6~LTTrA. LTTrAW. aumu

[~y:. A.

i which mn. i

- -


IV, V. JOHN. r o ~ ~ r t i s , j ~ r q a a v ~ '~rcni oixljyyerXnvn aX;yovr~c,""Ori nGrc;,


told aim, snying, Thy non liveth 54 Then inme t him, nnd repwtcd, myin~, qiiircd hc of tlicm the he b.mi~.baovP 52 : E T C ~ ~ E0611 csrcno' a i r 3 v rdv $pavl' hour wlicn Andbeynn TO t o nmend. they Th1 child lires. He iuquircd therefore froA them the hour snid unto him Yesterday a t the 'seventh Iv cu~itcrLdrrpov Errx~v. d ~ r t iEZTOVII ailrf>, "Ori e ~ Q i c n the i n wUch 'Icttcr 'ho 'got. And thcy said t o him, Ycsterdny hour 53 So fcver left tho father him. at know that' it Joa,v i/3bfiptlv (i9;liev nDrtv 3 ~i1pcr6g.53 *Ey~)w same hour,wadthe in [at tho] 'hb:ir 'sovcnth left him the fcrer. 'hncw the which Jesdn mid unto Thy ran livcth: oi.11 S m r ~ j p6ri 4v"dr~ivp ry' $pp i v .p' E ~ T E Vhim himself belicved, and' 9hcrcforo'the *father that [it wnn] nt thnt hour in which 'snid and his nVholehouse. atjrd 3 'IilaoG~, " ~ r i " ~ d.vi6c-anv Kai i.rriar~vn~v a8rbc M This W ngnin the ' t o *him 'Jesus, l'hy son liver. And he ablievcd 'himbelf recond niirncle that Jonna did whca h e xai Ij.o;ria.abroii 8Xq. 51 r05ro h ~ h X c vF~1;rqovQ I ] ~ E ~ O V come 'out JUwas daso into (tnlilee. and his *house 'whole. This ngnin a second sign-



taoiqa~v b 'IgaoGc, lXO4v


' Jesus,

Ir rijc 'IouGaiaE ~ i r,iv I'ac


ha~ing come out of




6 hr~rrt raiira . qviioprd rijv 'IovBaiwv, ~ a &iPq k3u i

V. A f t a this them n fo:rst of the Jcwn: nud Josu4 went np to Jcrusnlcm. 2 Sow iiriX~yo i6t1r11' 'E30ai'ari thcro i8 nt Jerusnlem h i .rrpn/3aritc4~oXvp/3$pa, 1 4 a t tlio rheepgnte a pool, which [id c.&lled in f I ~ b r e w bv the sheep market a mBtlOeabk,n &vre arodc ixovea. 3 i v rubrats rcarir~iropbol'which ia called i n the Hebrew tongue Berllcsdn, five' yorchw hnt ing. In tho e were ljing Bethesda, having fire porcher S In these In7 ~AijBoc u~r~ ~X G i \ iaf3~voirvrwv, I W ~ X G YXWXOV,a great rpultitude of , a 'multitude 'great of those who wore sick, b!ind, inme, impotent folk.of blinrl, wlthcrcc\ waitEqpGv, 0 1 ~ 8 ~ ~ o p 6 v ~ v 'TO; j vi!Garos ~ivqaiv. 4 6yyAog haltior the moving of rl ing kithered, awniriug the 'of 'the *wntor 'moving. 'An "nngel the water. 1 For an nngol \vent down a t r B p P rarB.raipbv xari/3aiv~v i v r t roXvpp;lOpq, rai ird- a ccrtnin scaaon into for from time to time descended i n the pool, and agi- the pool, and tronblod pnuatv 73 ii$wp. S o h .?rpijroc ippric perd rljv rapaxrjv the wntcr: whonoorer then Arat after the tntod the wrcter. He who thcnfom f i s t entered nftor the agitntion troubling of the stepped in wntcr roij C8aroc. 6yi{c 1 ivero, q$.brjnorel xar~ixero voailpan. was made whole of of tho wntcr, 'well 'Lcame, whntovcr ' h e 'was *hold 'by 'di~oase. whatmvcr disease h e 5 cop 5 'Hv-86 rig civepwnoc irei rrpia~ovrao~r&u k w v i v hnd. mnnAnd athere, iq But 'wns 'aaccrtniu %an there 'thirty 'eight fears ' k i n g i n tniu hn11nn infirmity which i$j U ~ E I ~ E ~ $ Z ~ . (~ 6 roijrov i b ; ~ b 'Iqaoitg K C ~ T ~ K E ~ ~ E V OKUU, ~thirty and cightyeara. infirmity. Wim 'seeing 'Jc~us lying, and 6 \Vhcn Jc!qua .:&\v him lie, and kncw thnt he ~ I J O ~ J C roX6v 77611xodvov Sri ;X[, Xlyi abr$, 8iXiC hnd been now n long k~owing that nlong'nlrcady 'time he has bocn, say, to him, Dcsirwt thou time in lhut care he mith unto him ivilt 6yrtjc y~vbaBar; 7 dm~piOq a8rG d ( ~ O O F V G I ~ , K ~ o ~ E , thou be mndo Gholot Civwell to hcomo? *Anrwcrcd l i m 'the Yindrm Pmnu], sir, r 7 The impotont mien annwcred him, Bir, I Bpwsov O ~ K . ~ X W'iva 6 m v raon?FI$ , rb GJwp '/3ciXXg" hnvo nomnn, when the unn I have not, thnt when 'haa'bin agitatad 'the 'wntm hc mny put wator is troubled, t o u t me into tllo pool: ye eic rjjv r o X u I ~ ~ ~ bv.$.b~* ipxopat i y J ciXAo~ pi, ut while I nm com~av me into the Pool ; but while 'am -coming 'I another bcforo ing nnotllcr stappclh before rue. L) ~ e ipoG ~ a r ( l ~ a i v8 A. ~ ~aLr$ d 'IilaoGc, v'Ey~ip&,'l boov sus snlth unto him ~i E I me descenda 'Says 'to 'him 'Joins, Ariae, tndu up Rise, tnke up thy bed:
After these things was a fenat of the to Jerurnlem. Jews, and 'went 'up

'IqaoGc eic 'I~poadXvpa. 2 l v roic 'I~?oaoXljpoicwqs

'Jesus And thcro is i s Jcr~snlcm


r 9n~jviqoav ~ aijyyctAav T ; [IC&cimjyyethav~ ~ A . i T Aiyovres T. a i ) ~ o i(read tllnt his child livca) LTrrA. j c *v j p a v nap' ai)rwv LnrA. d etnov o h they said n r a . 0 ~ x B Z F LTTrAW. ;v t -.Or& LTTrA. h 62 l l O W (this) T~[A]. i 4 the (feast., T. 6 LTprAW. 1.b Aey6pevov T. m B,B&&i Beth0 n o h i [ L ] ~ T ~ A .O ~ ~ 8 c ~ o p ~ v w vof vw8e 4 [Oll'Tr~. P to end nrthn T. [uvpiov] of [the] Lord L 9 0 i ~ 6 ~ n o r o ~ v 'r p t i ~ o w ~ d (- ~ a[L]T~) bxr& OLTTrAW. L. a c i a;rui, hls (hlirmitr) [ L ~ I A . QLTTrA\V. ~ ' E y e t p eLlTrAW, [xai] aud L .


- -






.ndwa. ~bv.?~pbPPardv'l.~~~)~ L X L ~ T E9 .Kni 7e;81wCniyivero xai A I L metlintel urd walk. And immedintely 'became thy bed, WM made whole, and took 1 1 ~ bed, and t'Jyltfc hi* on the b ~ V ~ P W T O E~ a i~ P E Vr b ~ . ~ ~ ~ c i ~ ~ a r o v ~ ' . a f r o , walked. and *well 'the 'man, and took up hia bed, and day bath. 10 The J e w nepieadrer' +v.& ati&?arov i v B K E ~ V r$<pt~$. 10 IEXE bv ~ walked ; and i t w u . rabbnth on that day. 'SaL I t in the sabhath day: 08v oi 'Iovbaior ry" T E ~ nxevpivy, EciPPrcrdv Barrv* E hbbath i h w to omrry r11y bed. *therefore lthe sJow? to h i q wno d b m healed. for it h, t t il not *.ful 11 He nulrwarud them, L ~ h ~ . ~ ~ ~ u r i dpar r6v 'repciPPnrovN 11 'AnexpiOrl uor v He that urndo me i t is not lnwtal for thee to take up the bed. H ruuwored a whole tho anme suid unto&, ~ r r k U~ thy ahroic, ' 0 -not?jaac pe t'Jyiq, drdvie poc el?rv, t 'Apov rbv bed, and wnlk l?khen them, He who made me well, he to me soid, )l'ake up u b d they him Whnt is that whichsaid x~pciPP~r6v11.u~~ nai n~pindrei.12 H cjrqanv co8v'1 afriv, anto thee T n k u thy bed and walk. Tfey asked 'therefore Ihim1 thy bed L that WM T : ~ U T V dvepwrio( b d d v UOL, :nd walk% ~ d drdv'xp&P ar6vl henled wlst not who Who, h the man who @aid to thee, T e up it wna for Jesus had himself qov'l ~ a n~ptn(ir~r '0.64 i ; 13 fia9eic11 of EC.#~EL ric Borrv* way, I) mu titudo b e &thy and walk P Bnt he who had been healed knew not who it L,

2 : ;




~ ,do

After xbole: lest a t h h ' come unto thee. lD T$o dep,lrted, and fold theJewsthnt ~ a ~ , " a l6 And therefore did the Jewnpermcute JeB M and sought to e h ' him, bacnnne he hJdone tbene thing8 on the aabbath day. 17 ~ u Jesw mnswert ed them My Tather and th X work. la Therefore the Jewr sought the more to kill him behenot on1 'hod broken the ubgSth. but said a h that h d hi8 Bather, m&inghimrelf equalwith &d. 19 T h e n a m e r ed Jesus and soidunto them Verily m i l I ray i n t o y o r ; t ~ &n e osndonothing of him#elf, but what hesoeth doeth, these also do&Ul

~ ra3ra 6 d n no thaw t h i v

iaicer abrbv 3 'Iqaoirc B r(i iepy', ~ e l s ~ v v ari cifry', ~ l 'hh 'Jesus in the teb~ple, d a i d to him. a w ~ b i)Yt$( . 'yiyovaC* pqxin &p&prava,'iva pl) @pdv : ~ r i uorl1 yhvqrat. 1 h'Anijh4~v ~ V O ~ W T O~ a i 6 b E
Went away the Jesm "more i n that *not .nd wor~ told

Behold, well thou hwt become:.'no

:tJff .!omethfng ~ 'to 'theo Ahnppem. ~ ~

the Jews

YEAEV" roic 'Iov6aioic 8rt 'Iqaoir&? tariv b nol~uacahrbv

that i t is wbo made him 'Jews, And became of this %.eouted


eyrii: 1 Kal 6
well. and sought


roirro hbiwrov Irri)v' I q ~ o 01 v ~ 'Iovbaior,u

4 J e s u 'the

lxai Ic+rovv airrbv irnomtivai,~ 6 n

to kill,

rdirra inoier hv uap;

~ g .

becauae theae things he did on a nab-weed

p r y . 17, 6.b?)Iqao8rpU dne~pivaro afroTc, '0.aanj .fiw


But Jemr

Bwc.&pri BpybCera~~ w hpycicopar. 18 Ard. roGro Dojvh n&

untilnow o r ,


Because of thla


p&hXov HCljrovv ahrbv oi 'I0~8aTor ? ~ o K ~ E ~ U U L 06 pd~tov ~ 6rr ,

the more sought
~ ~ V E ~b V

did he ?re& the 'God, 'Jesus' equd md

U ( ~ P / ~ d uVd, xai narbpa O


'i 'thb hm


.to 'kill,


a180 .Father God

because not only EY rbv %ls *own l c ~ ~ l x d


O E ~ V ,iaov Bavrbv aorijv r@ &G. l ds~rpivaro o h b 9


ImaMng t o



'Iqaoirc xal OelnevlI f r o k , 'Ap;iv dp7jv Xiyw t'Jpiv, oh Girvnrau a

$hi!: "tf:eug,$T; b


t o them, Verily verily I eay to you, nothing,

' *abb L

v i b ~ OLE~V T d$' iavroir oh%v, PCdvH.p$ t r

to do from himeelf Bather doing: for whatever he


'the 'Son the

anless anyFhing he mny does, theae things aIro lore8 the Sonl bnd

rbv aaripcr noroirvra* &.ydp.qdvll i~eivoc no[$, r a h a gal

the Son 'in l k manner d m ie

d vibc rbpoiwc ?ror~i."20 6.yd

Eor tlt Bather

aartjp $tXei rbv vidv, nal

'hf~~etEmmnllthfnp. all thing6 shwa t o him which Yhimselt 'he does ; and greater Dthan that he will clhen Mm and himself 21 &i&l abr$ {pya, i'va 6jtcis 68rivptictlre,'1 6arep e n t e r work8 thnn WV' .Lhaa 4he %ill %hew ?him 'works, that ye m87 wonder. P E ~ e n marvel,that For as the 21 ye ml'l &hp d r a r d p hipet vrrpodc m ~wonor~i, i orrwr m d A t h u rabeth up the i or the Father raisos up tho dead and quickens, thua also the dead* evenquickeneth them; so the Son v i b ~ 8fXec ~wororei.22 ohSA 08s 6 'xurdp cpivai otbiva, quickonerh whom he kill. 22 For the 3.8for the Fnther jadgoo no one, &n whom he will quickens; ther udpcth no mnn, &Ad .rrjvqcpiarv r2aav Bidur~v ry" V;(&. 23 'ha n d m s but hnth committed bat 'judgment 'all hns given to the Son, that 811 nu jadgmeut nuto the Son.: 13 thnt all m m rrpGaw rbv vibv x a e A ~rrpGurv rhv raripa. b r).rrpOv ~hoaldhononrtheSon, m y hononr the 80n even ss they honour the Father; E that onoun not even 80 they h o n o ~ ~ r e the Father He thnb, rdv vibv o$.rip$ r6v ?rarhpn rbv nQp+avraaitrdv. 24 ' A p d ~ honouretll~ot theson the Son honournnot the Father whu ant him. Verily honournth not the Fnther whrch hnth sent dCctjv Xiyw irp'iv, STL 6 rbv.Xdyov.pov cixo6wv, rcai nrre6wv im. ar vorilp, P W ~ I I say to you, thnt he that my worn hem, and believca I m auto you, that%enrothmy word r$ rtp+avri 'PE, Exer f)wtjv aihvrov, rai ;E cpiarv o i l ~ believath on hin; and hlm who sent me, hns life eternnl,, and into judgmcnt 'not that snrit me, hlrth Spx~rat, &hi prapipqrev b~ 8avtiroV is T ~ CW$Y.everksti~ig life, into Y I n U not come and oomea, but hns parsed out of death into life. oondemnntion but L

JOHN. P . rhvra 8 ~ i w a t v abr$ 3 abbe rare? xai peito:o,!a 706-

! m




96 ' ~ p ? v hpdv ~ y irpi.5 C L@xml jpa xai viiv tofrv, w

Vertly verily

~ I~ Iln~.o~yoa ~ ~ ~ rily, Bre oi vexpoi 1 c i ~ ~ 6 ~ ~ ~ ~ a t I I106 vioij TO( 8 ~ 0 1 ~ rije )wvij~ :. 1 t:~~<~ei:fi when the dead rhall hear the voioo of the Son of God, and dead shrill. he,,* the
I sny



you, that is coming an hour nnd now


thone having heard


oi dro6uavre~T~i)ao:o,~rat.u iar~p.ydp d' narrjp 26

shall Ure. so and For even N the Father

invrc?, 08rwc '"rbwrcev cai ry" vrf$ll. Cwtjy

in hi-elf, he gave authority also to the Son
~ W K E abrq Y


life in

life t o have

bv invrf?. 27 cai t f i ~ a i a v~


to him

x ~ a ? l kpidlv
also thin,


b execpte, because Son of man he i. s wtnder not at U bv rdvr'es oi $v rois pqpeiors far .LI,com1ng1ana~our which all those in the in tomb*

noreiv, iirt v i 6 ~ &vJphrov iariv. 2.8 ptj.Bnvpcif)ere ro6ro. tcixo6rhall

art ipxeiar 6

aowarl1 rijs.$wvijc.a6ro$, 29 tea; BrrropeBaovrar,

his voice, prrotimd and



shall come forth, those that

dyaOd notljaavres eic ivdaraa~vcwijc,

rpcttagnc e i ~ ~

~ Y ~ ~ kpibewc. I30 06 86uapar i mreiv u ~ ~ u Y did to a,resurrection of judgment. 'Am %ble & to do &i ipavroit 066Cv. caOAc oiroliw cpivw, rai tj cpiarr 4
mywlf nothing; efan M

@ o d.

to a resurreotion of life, and thone that

oi.ydA1' rd )aGXa

I hem

J judge, .and

'judgment but

!p6 b ~ a i a iariv. iirb ~06.&yG7b OBh:o,lpa bpdv, ciXhd rb rb


because I weknot .who Zent 4me lpather,



BiXq a roir rly+avrdc p %arpd;.ll e

31 'EAv iY& papwp3


of t h i

I boar witness
bother ia

conosrning myself,

mepi dpavroir, 4.paprvpia.pov o&c.iarrv ciXqJ5s.32 ciXXoc

my witness true- .

imiv b pnprvpl2v
the &new

i t in who boara 'Ritnesa concerning me,

nepi bpoii, xai 'oTJacr"n Mq8ljg S

and I know that true

Cf:,",": darrv ~ ~ f , , b ; Tt,",""; en~~~

that the witnelR,vhich he witne.*tE of me '8 true. 33 Ye 8cr1t nnte John nnd he bnm wit. n u hnto the t r u t r

hen? shnll lire. 26 For M the Father hrthlife in to h e 'lth he Son to ve life in hiruaolf 27 bath given h i d authority to oxwute' judgment a h . because l l in the Son of ~ man. 28 3Inrvel not at thi! : for the hour is comtng, in the which all that nre in the graves shall hear his coice 20 and sh:rU como)forth ; they thgrt have donc good, unto the resurrection of life. nnd the that hav; doue e v i l ulito tha rennrrectlon of dsmnntion 30 I ielf a0 ,in, nothing : ns I henr, I judge is nnd my judpmunt : just ; bqoruse I seek not niine own will, but the wilt of th e Father which hrth mnt me. 31 Lf I b o u o ~ ' m ~ ' ~ l & 8%There is another


pa nlpia qv papwpei
unto. OavF6<crr John

~ r ~ pipoir. 83 'Y i

care np4~ b'Iocivqv" cai p ~ p a p r 6 ~ ~ r ~&Av&ipe34 ilL, v

m d he hna bornewi~ncss to% truth. I

whichhe witne.s.a ooncerhiug me.


wcmder r. &~~o~vovutv TT?. ' < $ U ~ V V L VLVr.4. * g a l 7 " v i d g8wrrr n A. -- rai I.TTTL J - 82 end [L]T['P~]A. rarp6s (YE& of him w l u scut mu! OLsrcAw. &are ye know a. . b ' G y v Tr.


IOANNHE. 61 of nn$ cidp&nov njv paprvpiav Xatiphvw. riXXci rnii-

' h ~ a have ye uwh. And . his word ye have not nl~iding t ~ awl~the i are they oinv ;You,~ ,arc whom ciniur~iX~v'he, ro6ry ipeic 06.7riUr:bEr~. r t p r f i f ~ for ay ' ~ n t Iriivo~, him ye belien. not. life: which t u t d - of 39 ~ ' E ~ E , G T $ .a, ipn+i~, +tic ~ O K E ~ + E a&raic Jwiv 40 And ye tbat e come to me, Y ~ a e a r c h the scriptures, for ye think in them life
39 Sear .h the norip

but things 1 no. 'bat .not 'fr01.u 'mau 'witneaa Jrc~eire, bnt thcw thatremightbo*aveg Aiyw &a 6 p e i ~ uwOij+a. 35 i.rivoE ijv hdyvoc b. 35 a I nay t h a t y e inny be saved and a ohining 1i Ilt: He Was the 'lamp , and ye were wifiing xat6pevo~ kai $aivwv, i)pei~.& ?jQeX?>anra i y d X ~ a a ~ ~ v a r ! 'c 'burning 'and %hiuing, and ye ~vcm willing to rojoico hrrve #renter witneru 7rpbg Gpav dv r+.$wri.a6roi). 36 i &. & [ x w r$v paprvpid c thnn tlaf of for an honr in his light. g n t I have the witness tho work* which the Father hath given me dp~ibw" 706 e ' I ~ ( t ~ v rb-ycip ipya (1 fi8wsiv11 ~~'M rot d to 5ni+h the same than John's for the worka which pave me 'the works thdt I do be witmeas or me t h X 7rarr)p 7va rA~icjuw a b d , a&rd.rd.ipya 2 gL3hu the Father hnth gent .Pather that I should complete them, tbe works themselvsa which mc. 37 Agd the Fnther n e p i dpoi 8rr d sanjp pe cirkuraXic~v, hlmsalf, which h t h ~ 0 1 3 ,paprvpei wut me, hath borne do, bear witness oonwrning me t h a t the Father me h= rsont. witnesa of me. Ye rave 1~ith.r h e ~ hi. 37 xni 6 ' sipJlac p ilartip, hai5rbs'l ~rpaprdpqrev T E P ~ d a voice at nny time, nor And the 'who 'sent 'me 'Futher, himself na borne witness concerning aeau hia ~hnpe.. 38 And ye hnve not hi. word ipoii. oirre $wvtj>.aLroC ici~t)rdare n&nore,ho.:la cldoc abiding in you: for me. Neither his voice have ye heard a t any time, nor aform whom ticbelieve gent n&roir iwpdxara. 38 rai rbv.Xdyov.aSroC o i ~ ~ . . ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ k p h ye hnth not;



~ t"?j$: &

reCive not honorlr ? might hove l i t a ,I from men. 4Z I bowyou,thntYehave not the love of God in you. 43? am oome in myFather'annme,fnd ye me not if another &hallcome in h a own name, him ye will receive 44 How can ye be~iive, which receive honqm one of another, and seek not the honour that comfrom GO^ only? 4b DO not think t h a t I will acouae the Father : K tA : on4 that mcureth ou, even Moses in wEom ye truer. is FOT had ye believed Maaes, ye would have believed of me: for he me. 47 But if e belicre not hi'ye r i i n g s how w klieT; rnl wordl P

ai'~viovEXELY, xai &ccivai eiarv

eternal t o have, and they

ai paprvpoikar
to me, that


are they which

b witk~ess oonccrning life ye may hare. but I have known

ipoii. 40 rai o&.Qihtra ~XOE* apds P E , i'va &$v

me i
and ye are unwilling tocome from the men love Glory

41 Adtau nap&rivephswv o&.Xap@&vw. mdM'" iyvwka 42

I recelve not ;
that of God ye have not of my Father, .name t o beliere,

i p P E 6rr "r$v c i y i ~ roir Weir oi5rixeren ;v iavroic. 43 ird v

yonrsaivea. ye receive not have come i n the

iXrjXvea hu,rq? dudparr roii:sarpd~.pov,sai of.Xa/i/%verb PE'

nnme and

me ;


2 44

another nhould come i n are ye able

f i e ~

bv r$ budparr rq.ibiy, dxeivov bXj$~uee.n

'hia *odn, aglory him 'from the ye will receive. 'one %tnother God


n3~ G6vaoee.irpeic stureilaar, G1&tv PaapciqciXrjXwv

m d the

Xap@civovr~~,a rljv GdFav 77jv ~ i

&who "receive, ye seek not l blorj Think not t h a t

.sapci roir /rdvov qeeoir"

only you to

which Cia] from

oh.tqreirc ; 45 p$.bo~~ire byd rarqyopfiaw 6p;v 8rr

w i l l accus,


?aripaq Eurtu
ye me, have hopcd for concerning

d xarqyqpijv 3p3vj 'Mwu~~c,' ^ h EL'

accuses Mosea, For

iCLeic .$Xnixare. 46 ei.?(i i7rturedere 'Mwap',' inrurevcrt.dv

Father : there in [one] who

in whom

Bpoib napiycip Qpoir ireivo~iypa$ev. 47 tiJC rois Ix~ivov

me he wrote. But if hb


ye believed

M o w , ye would hare believqd

ypcip~aoiv oi5.rrarebera,
writmggn believe ?


ye believe not,


rois-8poi~.b.i1pau~v rrurairmy word8

~ h dye l

aere ;

7a jva LTrA. has given -&ryi,Mv~7a aeTTrA.cOLTTrAW. v .*apei&v ireivoc TTrA. 'Iwdvour hTr. s a b q&8wrtc'vLTTrAW. lTr+ (read not& I dp) LW'A ro ~dasc 6 ~ i piv~ v u r dhAh LTI'rAJV. i x c i e 7i)v dyd-v
a ; Mwiiolj W.

@to; T .

Ajp$cvlr LlTrA..

P sap' A.

9 1 ~ ~L6 ~ 0

* Mwijoijs LTTIAW.




VI. 6

of Qblllw


~ ~ l i r ~ a
(of T k r i u ) ,

After tbar4&hg#*wentC w y

~ * I ~ u o ~ Cc .v n j r O ~ X ~ U i = 1 C r) p t n~ h 9
'Jaw o m the w B 'wai tj~oXo68ara ahr@ &loc
and Yollowed

W"& fr of &him 8 . Lorowd TiCiu' a And t multitude folrob*, 5rr ~iljpwvN wafirotl rd oyjprra d brroiai dri owed him beoruw of him th. s i p whioh he wrought upon *patl.~ u they a w m that were dileneed TQV ciu8avodvrwv. 3 ci,~iiXB~v.G.itic rb dpos %Y'Iqao~c, thaw who wem r i c t And Yuent %p *into 'the 'rnourrtnin 'Suns, a And Jem' went into a mountain nnB t h r he ut with hin ~ rai ire: ~i~68qro"p~rdrGv.pa6qrljv.ahroir. 4 f)u 6 b 4 and there ut with h h diroiples ; m d %U ~ p l w .4 And the Per, f e a t of rb acio;ycr i o p 4 rQv 'Iovbaiwv. 6 b c QC ai 0 t h ' 'bp e J e w , WM nigh. 6 'th 'pauover, the f w t of the J e m .Harfng*&kd%p*tHea 'Je- b n o n Jprw then 1 W up hu eye# bnd oo3c 704s 6+8aXpoCc,"Kai 8taocipavop 8rr rroAdp 6xXos W .I great c o r n b y #U @is] QC4 and havlng wen that agrebt crowd ooma unto him, he u i t h unto Philip, ipxrrar r p 6 c ahrdv, X t y c r apbc ardvU QiXcrrov, l'T68rv we buy in coming to him, he up to Philip, Wheoo b r e 4 that t h w may eat? '6 And thfr he bi o cioopev~d rovg 'Iva $hywarv 05rors; 6 To3ro.Gi Aeyav ,,id to him: fur k e n that *may 'at 'them? we buy But t b he anid he himself knew what he wbuld do. 7 Phillp rttpci{wv a t r ~ vatrbc-ydp idtr r i i p o f i ~ v rorciv. 7 ' ~ W E,,,-.. a d him, rwo t r ~ i n ~ himl , for he h e w what he WM nbont to do. hhundred penllyworth of bread i# not mf5oirpit)qn ahr$ @ i X t ? r a o ~ , Atarooiwv Gqvapiwv dproc o w h for them, that #awed him Philip, 'For %WO 'hundred ' d m ' h'not~oveg ons of them may tbkedisciplar Andrew, a littla 8 One of ciproirurv ahro:c 'Ii'va f r ~ a u r o ~ eahrirvnppaXir!rru Xci& %re aumoient for them thbt each ofthem roam little W f T a 8imon p e & . t brother, 8 Afyrr ahrc? tTc i r rirv-pa8~rGv.atroir'Av6pfac b d8aX$bc ~ i ~ ~ t o h ~ O Says to him one of hia dboiploa, the hbth five barlej ioavw Piewvoc nirpov, 9 "Eorrv aat6ciptov 4vn 4 6 ~ ) . Ixe' rim and " m b l l f i d 0 of hen Peter, *IB *little boy 'a ham, who h u five

rijs I'crXtXaiac rijs T ~ P rciboco E

p , oali. th ,
$t~,fiz $:

kl !"t g ~ \$! ,h B $

b rovr r p t C v o a

G o 61/4ra.

raGIa r i
&. L


tic Jefar m m Ift much g r n r Now there WM in the i m . 60 the


and two #mall f l h r ; 'Jwns.

'whbt 'm a



; 10 E1rrev!8is d ' I ~ U O ~ S , joara rode h0p&ovc not

And Said Now %M g r ~ a 'much

to recline.

11 a n d ~ e r w the leaven. m d when he had 'given ofiv oi dv8pcc rbv cipi8pbv '&ariarewawrqiXl0;. 11 a a p t v thanks ha distributed therefore the men, the number about five thounuid. q o o k to the' disciplea, and the dladplea to them m64" TO&$ dprovc b 'IqooCc, wai "ab~apttn+ons 6d6wwevbrois mt ware let down of thd Y J e m , m d hevinggiventhbnbdirtributed to the and like* 'and .the 9wrer finha M much M they p@qrai~, 0i.61 paeqrain rois civarc~ipivocc* b oiwc.wai would. IS When they dwipls., m d the di8oiplen to thole nclining ; .ud like m-er were 5lled he arid

r3v.64 3dpros ~ 0 x 6u ~rq? rday. krivix~oovfl b a-a

in the pLAO I

i r rQv dt+!qiwv
of the he roya


small fishes nr much M they wished

tj8rhov. l 2

the 'ova? 'and *above

And when

XLyrr Xvvayciym

to hh disciplw,
Qbther togethe?

r d ?rrpr.~c~~taaura

they were filled that remain that no13Tbere-

~ ~ ~ ~ $

driapara, Iva )c/l.rr drrdXqrac. 13 CvMjya ev


~ u nothing w y b 11 t . 0% filled

ed twolve butet8 with h the fragxuentr of t They g a t h e d t o p t h e r therefore f. i r WISY ~O.VW,


: t$"t%ergz?2 g

wai iyiptoav GD8rra ko$ivouc ~Xaopirwv tw r3v ?rivrr

md alorver

twelve 'barley

hand-basketa of frbgmentr from



~ ~ ~ b o 1 4 ,~ h~gd , " " l utmaten.

d)rwv rljv ~ p r 8 i v w B




which were over m d above to thcm who

jiroA068e~Si L T ~ L v 8ehpovv LT~A. a6mJ OLTT~AW. a b~,m~. 703s t@+oi)r b 'IquoCs L ~ A W . l rbv b iyopavw~ev should we buy L ~ A W . i a o ~ p i v e ~answers r. ac d b T. l aQ+Gv LTT~A. D v (read wad. a little boy) a br L T R A ~ f +G (read a'little) [L]R[A]. L m ovv thegfore {took) L ~ L 1 82 and [ ~ f r r r ~ . k ~ v d u e u a v ~ A . 1 5 0 m r & m d ~ a p i u q u e v ii tr r e v gave thanks and distributed T ~ u . 0 ooic p d q r a r r , ei 84 + p h mi L ~ I A . P i s c p i u u e u u c ~ l T r L L
t i~08i{e+0t

- +



Lrd ~ o e n mirncle the The men therefore having seen what =had *&one sign thnt Jesus did, said, a truth qi) 'IquoGL.," &you, "Or4 06rdc iurcv (iXqO@cd ?rpo$tjrqc 6 prophet that should gJcSUS, said, coille into the world Thin is truly the prophet whd l5 When X ~ ~ E V O E r t v ~ b u p o v .15 'IquoGc . ov'v yvo'd~Srr ei'c ~ fore pcrccivcd thnt bllel would come and coming into the world. Jesus therefore knowing that they bake Xovuev ipxeugnc ral ~ p n 6 ~ atrdv, 'lva noc~awucvsal;~bvu ~tv mnke llim a king he are about ngnin indo a to come nnd seixe him, t h a t they mny make him
This is



IQANNBL 14 oi.06v-ZvOpw~oe i86uep

V. I
inoiqurv q p i o *

' ;

mountufn h e l f a* @auAQa,t&ve~cjpqu~vn ?rkAtv ei'c r d 6 p 0 ~afi7dC pdvoc. lone king, withmew again t o the mountain himelf alone.

~ ~ ; L d ; ~ " , ~ ' ;?rXoiov ~ytvdp~vov.K Q ~ b$o/3;lerfaav. :~;~ ~


I6 And when even whs nuw come his disciples went do& unto the sea l 7 and entered into a'ship nnd went orcr the &R toward Caparnaum And it was now dark, and Jemx W= not come t o them. l 8 And the see arose b reason of a r t wrnd t h blew. ~ 9 So when they hnd rowed about five and twenty or thirty furlony,, they see Jesus wnl lug on the se8, mdbawingaighnnto the ship: nnd they wcre

16 'Oc-6L dJlia byiv~ror a ~ 6 P ~ u a u oi.paeqmi.a&roii i n ;

And when evening i t becnme Jwent *down

'his adisciples


rGv 6(;Xauuav, 17 rai ippdvreS


;c 'rbll

and having entered into the the sea

?rAoiov ,jpxovro
ship And

they were going

nQpav r f c 9aA6uuqs

wKanepvao6p.U X&
Caycrnaum. .them

u r o i i a . $6t)
dark akendy
?cl the

il; had become, nnd *not . h a d * c ~ m e 'to sen by a w ~ n d strong Cfurlongs' walking

iy~ydvec;~ aYofi~" ~ i iXqXiteec '?rp3c airro6c d 'IqaoGs,q8 $.rs

'Jesus, blowing wna ngitnted. 'or sea,

6dXauUa dviP?v p,EYdAoV ?rvQovroE n691Eip~~o.n (hqha19

rowed then about Jesus 'twenty-five on .the =thirty and they me near


~ d r 03u bljS"' u T ~ S ~ O Vd t"i ~ o u ~ x f v r e~ p t d r o v r a q ~ i) ' l B~wp05ucv

TAY ' I I ] u o ~ ~ ~eptaaroitvrai n i

9aAduuqc, rai. byyds roir



6-82 Xly~ratroig,

21 ~h~~ ship cohing, nnd they were frightened. But he snyr t o thcn~, they willinglyreocived Qy& E;pl. him into the ship: and pr).$opEiu~E. 21 *H6Xov ,odv Xa/3iv abT4V lm~uediately the ship I am fie]i f e w not. They were willing thcn t o rebive him a t the lnlid whi- eic r b TAOZOV, rcai ~irOQwc ~Aoiov byiveronh i ' r { c jcn ther they went. into the ship, &d immedintely the ship was a t the G d

ric $v


t o which they wcro going.

22 The day following, ! 22On the hna6piov the iixxoqwhich.iunlr&s thad p a v of the 8aT$ morrow b crowd d stood when the oplmhich . other side ~ ~ ~ d o n t ~ o t h hduw, e gi'J&vn 811 nAocdpcov h U o 06k. av ~ K E Z ./-pi b ~ s i d of the sea saw thnt thare was none other sea: having man that 'small 'ship =other "no wrs there except olre boat there, save that h s r ~ c veiS ~ 8 dv6pquav ~i.~aeqrd.afiroG,~ U ~ ~ T L oil K ~ l , " " , " ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ $ into ~ thnt , ~ which entered his discipleb, md that 'llot t h a t Jesus went ,not m v ~ c u i j A ~ ~ v koic.pa9qrars-a6roi, b 'Iqu03s ai'c T A ' n ~ o t ~ p i ~ v , m t h his disciples lilt0 Iwent*with *his 'disciples 'Jesva into the small spip, the boat, hut that his disciples were gone ! &AAA pdvor 0i.pa9~~ai.a2jro5 b?n?hOov, 23 ciMak62' l4X9rvU way alone; 23 mowbelt but alone his dkciplea went away, (hut other 'came there came other boats fromTiberiasnighun- "'~h~cdpca" Tc ePc&60chyyd~ dr 70s 7 6 ~ 8 ~ ' i 0 0 ~ ~ tothe~lncowherethe~ 'unnllS&ips from a b e r i a s near the place where did eat bread, after that the Lord bed a"prov, eG~nptur;luavro~ TOG wvpiov. 24 BTE 0 v ' ~ E T ~ E V i) given thanka:) 24 when bread, =harink4given 'thanks 'the 'Lord ; ) when thercforeJsaw 'tip the people therefore , that ~ e s u swas oXXoc ijrt 'Irluo3~ ~ K O eurcv ~ K E Zoil62 oi.paOqrai.a6roG, i v i not there, neither his 'crowd that Josus 'not 'is thcre nor his disciplea, they disciples,rhey also took shipping, and to P ~ ~ u a va i n aairroi 15 rci OnAoTa" rcai $AOov "r PKhnepCapernaum, seeking 3cntercd 'also 'themselves into the ships and came to

. .

-'aC.rbu (read eis rbv ~ 6 u p o v ip,y6krws T. P & '1quoCF (read he had done) T T ~ A . pim]) LTT~A. + d y e r escapes T. 7 ~ i(read a ship) TT~A. , Ka4crpvaolip L ~ A W . 7 oGrw not yet L*A. rardAuflel, 6 i a i w o i ) ~ u x o r i a and darkness o v f r t y k them T.

*'Iqvois r p b s airrois T . Grqeipaso Trb. b wueb L. C urai8ra T . d tixoub r i m e LTTr. ZreCvo is S QYi,9~uav oi f 7;)v ~V T. B cf6ov saw LTT~A. h a h i v r r o r b ~ ~ o i LTT~A. o v pahrai w r o i ) OLTTrA. 1 r$o?ov ship OLTTrA. - 66 but TP~[A]. qheou T. m rrhoiu ghips L. xai aLrrraw. 9 rhotnpca 8 m d shlps LTTrA. P 1<a$qvao$p LTTrAW.

V. I
h a y reeking & E g X d e of the



~ a o i r p , & ~ - o C W E ~ rdv 'Itp~oijv. 25 ~

cj8e the a n , they mid unto when cam. when hare eat ihou hilther? 26 Jey w ; 26 ' A n ~ ~ahoic 6 '~quoijp E ~ ~ E ' V , ?)v u n u n r o d thanaud ~ i e ~ rai A said, Venly, rerily, 1 haat ou oomel aAnswcred 'thcm lJuu m d said, XriIy _to you, Ye uk me &p?)vhiy@ 3@, Zqreirk p 06% &L ~i6trauq eia, &X' thetnotbecause yesaw i but mirscles* but beverily I nay to you, Ye leek me, not bocoulcpe raw onum ye did eat of the 27 . loaves, and were finea. arc i $ c i y ~ r1~ r0v Ciprwv xai Q X O P ~ ~ U ~ ~ T Eip ciZI~u6~ ~ 27 Labour not for the Gork beoauae ye ate of the lonvea and were 8ntlfiud. meat which r i ) @pij*tv but for ~ njv p p & ~ tT$VI ciroXXvpf~v,( i X X I ~ d c f o r ] the food w ~ o h pcrbhw, but [for] the food which endureth unto ererlrating life, which T$v pivovtsav ECG <W$V ai'hviov, jfv b vidp 705(ivOp&~~tbe on OP man ahau Which abidea unto life eternnl, whioh the Son of man reunto you: for him '+?v 8riu~i*" ro3rov.ydp d r a d p lu$pLytu~v d 8~ds.&h dGod the Bather d ~h~~ t o you will give ; for him the Bather realod, [even] God. they nnto him What


8aX6uuqc9 E


~ O V'at*,


the1 raid to him,

28 Elnov
the works

rd tpya roii 8 ~ 0; 29 'Are~pieq 'Iquoiic ~ a e l r ~ v 3 td'l i ai)roZ~, kegd&'irgf,",gg

of God ? sAnswered 'Jcsm and raid to of God, that ye believe

They said therefore

o h rpbg ahdv, T i sro~oiip~v,' ipya?$pEea h

to him, What do we,

that we mappork

$it","O$t&kO P
of God
29 Jesus an-

Toirr6 iurtv rb ipyov 703 0~05, T r ~ u r ~ 6 ~ r e n 'iva eig 8v

tho work 'ha of God, that ye &odd believe on him whom

What 2,";

GhO&g F 4 unto hirn,

sign sheweat

&niureiXsv i~tivos.30 Eirov

'sent 'thou lsign,

o h airrrji, T i o6v aoreTg


They mid therefore to him, What 'then

d unp~iov, i8wpev rai 7 r t ~ ~ ~ 6 ~ ; r p i v Zg ; 'iva uot ~ i (p? that wemayaee and may believe thee? what dort t ouwork?
Our fathem the m o ~ . ate

L ~ P7. what dost thou

31 oi.raripes.<pOv- rb phvva i$ayov i v r j Qprjpy,

in the wilder-,
it b writton,


duriv y~ypappivov,.A rov bx 705 o6payo~~ ~ O I C E V a670ip

" Lead

out of the


he gave


+zyeiv. 82 E l r ~ v o h airroi~' 6 :
to eat. t o you, 'Sot tcn ; ven but

&p;v, 06 *MwuijcU'

Verilr verily. I say *Said .therefore 4to *them ~ ~ ~ w K 6piv TAY &TOY E v " 705 0 6 ~ lYoser .has 'gimn you the bread out of the he&


uoaa '&?)V

+$V hiyw

v 0 3 &MD d.ranjp.pov 6i8wutv ;p!

my Father 'true. gives

rbv Aprov Qx 703 06the %read aout .of .the Ohea-


pavoG rbv &qihv6v.

comcr down Out of the

33 d.ydf

iproc l m5 B ~ o ih
of God
Uld Lord,

For t e bread

b he who

~ ~ ~ f desert; aait ir written He gave themt o eat. from heaveu brerd IThen Jesur said na"UUmrVeri6t V ~ ~ J Y V I nay unto you, M o w gave you not thnk b r e d from henven ; but m Father giveth you- t i e true brend ~ from heaven. 33 For the bread of God is he comoth down frorrt henvcn and giveth life untoihe world. a Tbo,, saiathoy him Lord erarmore

~arapaivwv i r roii olpavoi, m Zw?)v 8t604g r$ rdupy. i


the world.

them I am the bread
$ ~ ~ & ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~

84 Elrov

They said therefore

o6v r b o6rdv, KLpte, rhvrore 6bc <@v r i v e

v o r o v . 95 Elrev z64n ahro7c d11quotc, 'E ri ripe 6 .,W bread. 'Said 'and .to 'them 'Jesu, .am the p r o W 6 ipxdp~voc rp6g a ~ .ot.p)) bretvhup'll ~ U




give t o m


hunger. nnd ha tbah

you, TJ,,,~ye


and he thnt believed


d niureirwv

of life :he that

me in no wire may hunger, that piveth eic bpi oh+$ e8iJ/jupU rrirrore. 36 (EXXI me shall como to xue; on me in no wbe may thirst a t any tima But that 'Orueth cornea to and beliere not.

e 79 y: ~ ~

Jrov 3piv Srt xai iwph~ariidpeD i ob.rior~6er~. r 5 v w 37

l said to you that also ye have seen me

Al l

6 6i6wuiv pot 6 ?rar$p rpbc CC p

that *giver 'PdBei

i j g ~ r * ral ~ d v 4~x6-

*me 'theXFather


me shall came, m d him that oomer

T . - 6therefore ;-'6i Ohall thirst-&


1bmav'1)~t TTrk


8i8wutv +@v gives to you T . aorii~fiv should we do EaLTTraw. MwiiQiis LmrAW. i b ' b ~ ~ gave LTrA. ev Y bT . [L]T~A. l ipi m& uecvbeb shall hunger L. 0 b* rm -rre [& L.

came down from heaven, not to do mine Own but the of him that sent me. 39 hnd this is the Father's will which hath pent me, that ,of a11 which he hsth given me I should lose thing but should raise i t up k a i n at the last ~ R Y . 40 And this is t h e will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son and believeth on h& ma haye everl a s t k g fife : and I will rlise him up a t the laitday. 41 ~h~ Jews then mnrmured a t him because he I the whichcame down from heaven. 42 And they mid, IS not this Jesus, the son of Joneph, whoae father and mother we l how is it then that he snith, I came JcsusthereneaTenlu down from fore and said unto them, Murmur notNo among yourselves. a come to me, except the Fawill rnine him U a t last day. 45 written in the prohnn they shall all taught of God. Every man therefore ty.rt hnth heud, and hnth lenrned of the Father cometh unto me. 4fr NO^ that any man bath Been the Fnther, save he which is of God, he bath seen the Father. 47 Verily, verily, I my unto you, He beliqveth on me hath everlasting life. 48 I am that of life. 49 Your Fathers did eat manna in the wildernesn, and are dead. 50 ~ h i n is the bread which cornTen, that eth down afrom may hea-

to me I will in no wise p ~ m v For I ?rfodc 'p'' oh+$ m out.

me not a t all will I cnst out.

IQANNH): VI. i~/%XwiEw. 38 Sri ~ara/3QPq~a

out of the wig wit


ri, 96Xq a


For I have come down o f i X 'lya %0i3"rb e i X q p ~ i dv, &Ad rb not that I should do 'will y but sent


?rip$avrd~ p. 39 $ariv rb

'Father, but And thin

of him who



8iXrl a 705 ?r6p#avrdg p h r a r p d ~ , ~ ~ ? r i b 6 8i6wre:v 'IYa

of the lwho lsent


1 should not lose [any] of

Est day.


it, And thia


that [of] all that he has given should raise up the will


dvaartjow airrb


ia &rp Gpipv. 40 roilr0.~8Q~ iariv rb 66Xq a

mnt me,

of him who believes


Tiptj!Nf~rd~, " p ~ 'Iva airrdv, i x p

on at t e him, lrst day.

?rat b 8eop3v TAY that everyone who sees the

eternal; and

vidv tiai acara6wu

Son and %im Jews

&$v aiihviov, ~ a Civaartjuw a3rbv "1. i

%ise 'up Were murmuring therefore the

him, should have life

H ;(

" r f iaxairp $pipe. 41 'Eydyyu~ov o h oi 'lou8aioi rrpi

CL&rOij, 871 E ~ T E U , ' E
beca118e he said, about

oicpavoil. 42 tiai n ~ y o v ,00irxH-06~6c-iartv 'ItlaoGC J vibs

And werc naying, I s not this J e ~ u s the Son and the mother 1

ih ~ i p ii) Liproe b rraraphc


am the bread which came down out of the



jpETc oi8ap~vrbv raripa ~ a r?jv pqrbpa ; i

we he, know

of Joseph, of whom how therefore says



a6c PoBv1l h i Y ~ ~ q o S r o ~ , I ~ " 0 r ~ ire roijhtpavo3 ~ a r a p Q / 3 ~ ~ d

~ ~ ~ , "JAnswered 'therefore 'Jesus ~ , " \ ~ ~ and


43 y A ~ ~ k p i e t l 'tll'Ir/u0ijcKui l?rEvairro;~, r~irv'l M$-yoyy6&Te


Outof the


I have come down?

Murmur not me

to them,

&Xh~iXwv. o6deig bilvaraiciX9aiv ngobc 'p' ;&v-pr) 44

one another. No one me

in able

t o come


the Father who him at t e

b ?rar$p b ?riti$ac p~ dXrr6ap airrdv, "rai

bent draw him, and h t

ay$ I


will raise np the


airrbv r i iaxtrp 4 p I ~ 45 iariv pypappivov &v . roic apoI t ia writt~n phets,

g$rnic, Kai

And they shall be


? r & ~ r f6i6amoi ~



Jroill1 0~03. TIGg


of God Everyone

' 0 6 ~ b ~ KO~U(IE ~ &

therefore that hns heard

d 703 Tar be
'Father Fatfer and has learnt,


46 olix 8ri rbv ?raripa b r ~ cihpa~~v,u

me: not that .the

'anpne 'has 5seen, except he who

wv aapd roil ~ E o G ,o5roc ihparar rdv e?ra~ipa.ll &p$u 47 is from God, he has seen the Father. Yerily +,jv ),Qyw b ntare6cov 'aiS ipP1 i x ~ ~ W $aihviozi. t V verily I say td you, He that believes on me has lie eternal, 48 i ih ~ i p li) Liproe r f j r w ? ~ . 49 0i.?rarip~.iy42~ ~ Z$ayov

a m the bread in the desert, heaven

.g nor<uu T.

of Me. and died.

Your Fathers This



p6wa i v r1j ip$py,l1 ~ a ci?riOavov. 50 06rd.c iariv 13 i




the it

riproe b
ipi T .

ire roil obpavo5 ~arapaivwv,'iva

comas down,

i airro; E

bread which out of i ~ b - i v from at the) (9.ead [l*]


that anyone of

L ~ I A .

L. <v in ( t h e ) LT. 0 OirXi T . r P yirv now n r A . t p e r k T. r 08%' G[L]TT~AW. i, TTr. n otroS (read A+er S a y s he) [L]T~A. ;pi TrA. W LTTrA. ;V in (the) OL'XTIAW. 7 706 GLTTrAW. 0 3 ~ OLTTrA. 8 ipi n r w . b ;i)paiciv 7 b s LTRAW. C 6 t h God E '. eis ;p6 T[l'r.\].

m y father L

~ A .

yG far (this) GLITrAW.

- narP6s (read of himr p 6 s pov of who sent) 706 s a



G i p y zb p&va L ~ A .



may eat and not die. am the "bread 'living, which ;K 706 06pav06 ~arapdg' bhv rig I#Jciyy roirrov out of the heaven came down : if anyone shall have eaten of this 70; Ciprov zljaeratll eig-rbv-aiGva. ~ a 6 &proc 8; iiv dy& i and the bread alao which I bread he shall live for ever ;

VI. JOHN. b TGv, 6 $ciyp rai p4 ctao0&vp. 51 b h eipt b c i p ~ o ~

t",~$~a&t ing baud w ~ c h down from heaven: if b p aman eat Of this d he shall live forevdr: and the

~AUOJ, g$.bhp~p~v iuriv,

will eve, my flesh is,

the 52 The Jews therefore s t r o n themselves *world 'life. Were contending therefore with one another the Jews ~ a ~ i l3ow can thi; ~ g , man give us his flcnh Jai'oi," htyovr~g, T 2 3 g 8t;varac ko6rog tjpivn 806va~ v to eat? 53 Then Jesue G sayfng, How is 'able 'he Ins. =to'give d d u n t o t h e m Yerily, verily I say u i t o ou chprta $aye&; 53 ETaev 03v. a6toig d 'iqao6~., A ~ EXW$ ye eat t h e i e d ' Y 'flesh Cehia] to eat 7 'Said 'therefore Yo 'them 'Jesus, Verily of the Son of man, and drink his blood &piu Xiyw &piu, b&v-p?j ~ # ~ & ~ q r?jv u6p.a roi viov y e h a v e n o ~ e i , ,yo< rr verily I say to you, Unlcsa ye shnll ave eaten the flesh of the Son M Whoso eateth my roi &v~phaov a i Iri77~ airroi ri) azpa, ot;rZxere I W ~ Y ~ ~ & a n ~ $ ~ * ~ ~ ~ of man and shall have drunk his blood, ye have not life life ; Lnd I will raise b iavroig. 54 d rphywv pov r i v u k n a , rai aivwv poy him up a t the lust day. v a Formyflahiament In yourselves. He that eats my ftah, and drinks m Y indeed and my blood


h f i ~b


g ( 6haw1 &rip e 705 will give fAr the life ;

will give for the Cf *the

~dapov Zwijg." 5 'Epcixovro 2

o h ' ~ r p b g& M ~ X O V S'IOU- among oi

rb dpa,


Z W ~ Vai4viov, n l ~ aby&" i
lie eternal, and

will raise up him

i the 8 ~ d d r i n k ~ t . h n mybloocf



55 ~.ydp-a&pc-povX q Q J s ' l iartv @pGaic,rai O&

for my flesh truly

a?d ing Father hath sent and 1 live by the Father: so he that eattruly is drink. He that e a d my 9th me, even he shall me. 58 aApca ~ a rivwv pov rb alp&, bv bpoi p6vat, K& & bv airry'. live i Besh and drinks my blood, in me abides, a n 1 1 In him. is that bread which oame down from henven: not as your fa67 ~af3&c &?rPareA6vPE b ZGv aanjp, K& & @ Bid *sent bme 'the %ving 5Father, s n l I lire became of them did eat manna ds and are dead: he thni rdv rardpa. icai b rphyuv PE, r(ir6Svo~P{6ueratn 8; eateth of thin bread the Father, also h? that eats me, he rlao shall live beonme of ohall live for ever. 69 Them things said it&. 58 06765 iurcv d bprog b qfr ro3' oirpavoit rarapci~'he i n the syn m. e This is the bread which out of the heaven came down. as he taught in%F: naum. GO Many thsruraB&g tqayov oi aartpe~r3~Gvll*rb p&vva,I1 dr?rLBa- fore of his disciple rai l o t as 'the afathers 'of Cyon the m , rind died: when they had hear% thie, said, Thh is an d T h wv r 0 6 ~ 0 v BPTOV tZia~;a~" UOV' rbv tic-rbv-nl~v~. saying; who cm hard he that e : r ' this bread shall live for ever. hear i t ? 61 When Jesna knew in himself t h a t 69 Taira ETTEV 221 uvvaywyj dt6hu~wv VKa~~pvao6p.ndisciplaa murmurhis The>ethings he said in [the] synagogue toaching in Capornaum. ed a t it, he said unto 60 UokXoi 0 t h &rot;aavregb~ r G ~ - ~ f 3 t / ~ ~ ~ l-aa h ,r 0 Doth this and o v them 62 what offend Many therefore 'having 6heard 'of his 'disciples said, ye shall see the Son


OciXqf3GgI1~ U T L Ya6aig. 56 b rphywv pov



X ~ X q p d g durtv wo6roc d Xdyo~.Il rig '80vnrai airro3 ( I K o ~ E L ~ ;





is able.


t o hear?

zh2ye spkit that It is the

, " ~ , " ~ f O ~ ~

61 Ei8&
fend ? ing np
.'-;K U+[

8? b 'Ivuoirc bv iavrq5 Sri yo yli~ovuiv aepi

aJesus in himself said that Lurmur 'concerning

%nowing 'but

r04rov oi.pa0qrai.a6roi ebrev airroig, To6ro

'his 'disciples to them,

u~av8aCyou of man 'does 'ofweendwhioh

'hs Ti

Xicei; 62 ddrv o8v 0ewpijre TAY vibv 706 ~ v ~ p h ? r oh a v

then ye should see the fefore?


paivovra Saov $v rb 7
where he was

~ T E ~ O Y63 ;

rh rveGph iariv rb
Spirit i t is

g 6 d p 6 s 705 ~ d u p o v w j s , j < 705 gp70u, <<re& of my brbad, he shall live T . i oi 'Iov8aiob rrpbr &A<Aovs 1 , . h - +v 8i)uw LTT~A. wov i m l v T. V ~ L 0670s T. 1 ait?oG his L. m K&J LTP~A. [ i v ] L. 0 (is) true L17'rA. P Sjjus' L m A . P i[ out of LTTrA. itp& LTPrA. 7 6 p i v v a aTTrA. mrA. ~4apvaolip LTl'rAW. W b h+os 0 h o s LTTrA.




qnickeneth ; tM flesh &~o?rotoiiv, udpl o h L$cXei of %v* rd prjpra B b: & protlteth nothing: the profib nothing; the wordn which words that I speak quichnsp the ~,ac ~ ~h e g;U~ t" ; l xhaXG" 6tiiv. nvaGp6 iurrv ~ a Ciw i buriv. 64 rriM'11 eiuiv a But there are speak t o you, spirit u e and life are ; but there n r i of you that believe iL +Gv rnvec o? o&.rnrarlouaiv. ft;t.ydp i f hqx* not. Por Jeans knew 'kww 4rom ['the] =begm~mn@ from the beginning you some who believe not. who they were that b ' I q a rivrc ~eidv oi plj.mur~bovrec, ~ a ric barlv b ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ d 'Jesus * who they ate who believc not, and who 3s he who ss a n d be said Thcrb ?ra ~Bljuwvafrblt. 65 ~ a aeycv, Ard.roGro eipq~a i fora odd 1 u i t o YOU, s h a l delivor up him. And he said, Thezefore have I said to you, that no m m c m come antome,ercept it WC= brr ofseic 86vnrac 1XBeiv ?rpbc Zp~"4dxptj ~ESO~BYOY ivenunto him of my that noone is able to come to me unless it be given sather. 66 From that 66 'Ec . T O ~ ~ O V ?rohXoiC b tinre many of h ~ s i - afrctj i~ TOG.TCYT dc:poir.u d ciples went back and t o him from, my i t h e r . From that [time] many walked no more k i t h , j ~ tic-rd.tniao, Kai ofrirr pc; Q Then said je- 4?riiX60~ 6 j v . p a ~ q T 3 v . a f ~ 0 ~ ~ sus unto the twelve %ent paway 'of %in 'diaciplea back, and nomore with Will ye &h0 .WRY # g0 68 Then Sirnon peter a6703 ~rp~r?rcirovv. rI?rev oiiv h ' I ~ ~ T O TOTE & S E F C 67 G ~ answered him, Lord him walked 'Said atherefore '.Jesue t o the twelve, t0 whom R h d W g0 f M ) e , rai E I ~ thou the words of BiXtre italyerv : 68 'A?rc~@ltIq a h $ 'Also 4 0 'm %hing to go away? %wered %herefore .him ekrnal life. 60 And




~ 3 ~ t ~ ~ , " , Zlipuv r ! ~ ~ ~ " n ~ TIirpoc, K6pte ?r b riva d?rrX~uu6pe~; pfipara cw4c O M S ~t b &n of the 'Simon ' U P . Lord, whom shallwe go l word. of We living M 70 J e r u aiw+iov l ~ a c *69 ~ a Ijpcic -?re?rtareir~apv dyvcj~apev nuwered them, i )cai not 1 chosen Bternal thou haat; and we have believed and have known


riot the m of simon: rpiBq ahoic 6 a I l u ~ G ~ , ir& 08rc 6pCc roiri 648r~a bScXeECipqv, *Or he it that Jeaua, ?Not I Cyou 'the 'twelve 'did4choose, should betray him, swered them bingoneofthetwelve. ~ a i f 6pGv l 8iLpoXbc i m v ; 71 'EXeyev-82 rbv 'Io68av and of p m one a deril is? But he spoke of Jadns

Fpg;fylqf~. thou hthe XL the vidcn70; Beoi)%oG Ziivrog.ll 7OPAm8rr at J '6 rordc d spake of ~ u d m lam- that Son of Wod Ithe Siving.

Simon's [sonJ,

h'Iu~ap~Pn]v*n o5roc.ydp i 4 p ~ M ~katrbv rrrapav"

Iscariote, forhe wwabout him. to&

After t h e t i y Jesns wakedin ali ee: for he would not walk in Jewry, becanae the Jews sought to kill him. 2 ?Sow the Jews' feast of tabernacles wru a t hand. S His brethren therefore mid unto him, Depart hence, 0 into Ju*% g t t t t Y disciplea also m*y see the n o r h that thou doost. 4 For there U no man h a t doeth thing in 6%eret, ang he himself reeketh to be known nly. thou do t L e t, shew thy-


&Gd~ar,~ lDv" CK rGv 8t5ljscra. tic Uver up, .one 'belng of the twelve. 7 mKai'l n?r~pienhretd 'IquoGl: pcrcf raiirau bv rq' I'aXr And .was *walking 'Jew after these thin@ in QaU. Xaiqw o& ydp ~ ~ ? E X E V tp' 'Iov8aiq ?rpr?rare'iv, 8rc CV lea, .not for .hesad in Judmn t o walk, because i&jrovv a&rbu oi 'Iov8aio~ riromeivnr. 2' iy$c tj
swere4me~ng .hirn feast of the



ioprr)rGv 'Iov8aiUv 4 oqvonr)yia. 8 cl?rov oiiv

Jews, the tabernaclw. Remove 'hii'brethron, hence, and go

t o U






'Sdd 4tharefore

oi:ri8~Xgoi.airroG, MerciPqfIr ~ V T E G ~ E ~ , a Ixaye rls njvJIovV i

hto Jy l


b afrbr

aaiav, 'iva rcaL oi.paBqrai.uov O B ~ ~ p i j a ~ ~ ~ v ~ ii Pr&.Zpya-UOV"

that rko thy diaeipler in msy ree thyworlrs does, thou doeat;

which soeh

TOLE?~*0&8~ic-~dp 4 %V
for no one % I %blio 'to %. e



nu WOLE;, ~ a &,WE; i

ra4rbs'1i v ?ra#quiq ervat. ri ra5ra


If thew things thou doest,



1 AcA&ra



I &M& RW. i T a - pm (read the Father) have spoken LTTSAW. +[ong] QLTRA. d 7dv paBqrijv 06706 imjAOov Lh 'I@ ir [LITr[a]. ~ A 6 TOG <&TOP QLMA. f d Zyto~ the holy O L ~ A . k rrapaSrMvar a6& 8 CpeMev LTTSA. (read eon d Wi~lon Iscariote)LlTrA.

+ 03v therefore T.

1 &v LTrA. ~ U U P ~ O V &h& 8eB ~cv

m -rai T . D uov

TA ipya &


acprcnd~er (F63 ~ r 'Ipuoirc LlT&AW. b ) Prb ( v ~cpunry^ L'l'TrA, a h b it L .

VII. JOHN. aeavrbv rctj rdupy. 5 0irBC.ydrp oi.cibeX oi.at703 iaiarevov

~~o,""nei~~~r bntken believe L . him untoThen J eMy 6 au said them time not yet Aome: but your timeia nlway ready. hate you; but cannot 7 The world me it hatcth because

g atrdv. k


to the world

i o r wither



6 Af y 'odvI1 ah70ic d ' I Q u o ~ ~renipbe b ifdc a '0 ,

'Saye 'therefore %osthem 'Time in my but 'time


not yet

oiraw ndpemiv. S +8repos rhvrori huriv i'roipos,

L come,

7 oir.biivarai b udupoc piaeiv $pi?s. hp6.62: iuei, 8r1 i y 3

to hate you,


up unto this f e a t : I go not up yet unto this feast. for my 8 6 eis &vripqre eie r r j ~ . i o p n ) v . ~ r a 6 q ~ ~ ' 0 6 ? r ~dva- time ie not $et full h " gel go ye up to thb feast. not yet am come. S When he had aaid these words unto paivo eic rrjv.C~ ~ Y . T Q ~ T Q V 6 r ~d wraipd's 6 Qjrhc" oOnw them he abode stiu in , tfia ferrst, for .tip 'my not yet Qalilea 10 But when going up to his bretbron were gone up, then went he 8 1 ~ rrenAljpwrai. 9 Tairra.xb411 eirrAv YatroieiI Zpelveir hv hrs been f u ? U e d dnq there thing8 having d d to them he abode i n up unto the feast llot rahAaip 10 .'Oc.bJ rivlpquav oici6eh$oi.airroG ' r d n xai ~ ~ ~ QaMea But when were gone up he brethren i then also Jews sought him a t airrbc dv6pll eic 74v 10 4v," 03 $avepG~,a.(iAh'nb h ~ l h~ the feast andl a Mid l Where is'ie? bad he Wentllp t o , tb0 not o w l but U l h there was m c h hmw j h & : upvnrG. 11 0 odv 'Iov6aioi hl$rotv abrbv hv m ioprt, i aecret. The 'therefore 'Jews wdre neeking him a t the feast, gome saih ia a rai Weyov, lT03 iuriv h ~ ~ i vjo c KaL oyyvapbs . c r ~ X 6 ood man:he deceiveth 12 &~ but othoru said, ! ay; and add, Where L he? And Llum'much the pople. 18 Eowrspi ahoi, Jlvll bv drois ?)~Aoic\'I oLp4v We ov, "itWake ooncerning him there W= among the crowds. &me dd, orthe ~ e w r "Or1ci a06 hcrivo cZM0i.~8i" W E OY, OB* (iXXd rXa@ rbv &oodE 'he 'is; but othsn No; but 'he deceiyea the ar witness Wnccrning it, that the w o r h of i t evil. are.

rrepi airroii, 6n rd Zpya airro; rovnpri it~riv.E G O ye

but me l h a t e B , because 1

~~~~\~~~~~~ i:z :i



m g

~ ~ B , ,



bxXov. l3 0ir6eis pvroi ra#qd(r

No one feu owover publicly


&Me& m p L

#poke ooncerning


becauw of the


rbv $d,8ov iGv 'Iov6aiwv.

of the

14 'Hbq-68.n j s ioprijc

But now 'of %he 7feut [Iit]

into t temple, and wan teaching: L

eis rb iepdv, rai bbi8aukev. 15 g ~ a ihea6paro~~~'Iov8aioi oi

and %ere%ondering 'the 'Jewa ~aying, How 'this 'one 'A.rrerpi0qh a t r o i ~ 'b" 'hnsxend .them mine,

eaoiruqc %&%he 'middle dvhPq On'Iquoirg went up Jesus

XIyovrsc, IIGs

05ror ypdppara olbev, p) pepa8qri~ ;

.letten '~csua a d

'IquoirSuai elrrev, 'H.ipljz8iGaxlj :$K : w&! g " !


'known, not havlng learned? veiled, safillg,

itYi2 tttje:p,B,"t


14 NOWabout tha of fesst J* wcnt U into the

MY hotcacn~

not len<ned16 fcSua an1 swered them, g{ne,$$&,!:t and said, f,":



bat hL who

roil rQp\Clavrdc 17 hdv ~ L S 8hAg d pea


If anyone dcsire

me. 17 ~f any man ~ o ~ rine, whether it be of hr 'roi" Beoi huriv, cir' hj~avroqh A G . 18 b IwLthb from Qod it L, or myaelf He that from of myeeu. f.EHethat iavroir XdGv, n)v.Gd~av.n)v.Diav Sqni' d.& rqrcjv r4v spaketh. of himself hlmself epeaka, hi# own glory reah ; but he that m k s the seeketh hls own glow: but he that eeek&h 6dtav 705 aCp+avros atrrdv, 05ras MqOljs iariv, rai hjs giorg that sent glory of h w l n lent him, he true ia, and the is and' cibrreia iv atry" ofirEarrv. 19 06 1Mwuijs~bQ6wrcevH ~no anrighteoarn e s is in him. 19 =id unrighteoaana in hko boot. .o N t *M&w 'has givch not Moses give you the 6 -'03v E r a h v ( r d t h e feast) LTT~AW. wc not QTT~A. r i p h xaqk LTT~A. &a a d a . ahbs he (abode)z eis *v iopnlv, 767e ~ aabbC i iv@q Y f i r L &A& L ~ L b OS E a e p i d r o i , ? wo~i)s p LTIA ; jjv sepi ai1~0G roA6s T . 6.6 the C& T. * 8; and aTW. f d &TT?&., B i6a6pa&v o h were wondering &erefore LTTTAW. h d thereforeL T ~ A W . i 6 TD. k roC v I &iicnjs Ll'ZrAW. &lKW LT?& his will

BbXqpaaCroir ~oieiv,y-vLjusrni

to practle, he shall know concerning the teaching whether

repi fis bibaxjlc n6repov

4 iii

64 kdr0




Ghy go ye to you the law, and no one kill answered Tho soid, tie cqreir~&ro~reivat 20 ; le me? 20 null ghou hnst me do ye seek to kill?

IPAN'NHZ. VII. $ ~ ~ , " , ~ f ~ t t ~ , " ~ ~ $ TAU vdpov, rai ofi8eic it 5p3v roici rbv vdpov; ri itpiu 264
of you practises the law?


who oethabouttoklll

t h ~ mI hnve done one , work, 22 lloscrr therennd ye all mar-

Aarp6viou ixecS'
A demon 'Jeans and

'An~wored 'the 'crowd and said, U E tqrei &ro~reivai; 21 'Are~pieq thou hast; who thoe ~eeka to MU? 'Answered

'Are~pieqd ~5xXoc 'rai ~ Z r e v , ~


06'1 'Iquov'c ~ a elrev abroic, "Eu fpyov broiqua, rtri r d v r e ~ i

said to them, One work

I did,



&piu njv m p i fore gave unto you PeavpciZer~. 22 8id.roGroU qhfwuijc'I 868w~ev circumc~sion;(not be- lye wonder. Therefore Moses has given you circumcause i t ia of ?Jokes but of the fathers ;j ro,uiv, 06% iiri ;K roi r M ~ ~ 6 buriv, &XX' hr rGv raripwvo ~ p " and ye on the gabbath cis~on, not thnt of Moses it is, but of the fathers, day circubcise n m n n 23 ~f a m m on the ~ a'bull uappdry repiripvere br8pwrov. 23 ei repiropljv i snbbath diry reccivo and on nabbath ye circumcise a man. If 4oircumcision circumcision, thnt the I ~ W of Moses should hapP6vei (iv8fwrocbu uaPPary 'Ivu d vd.$os' p$xv@ not be broken ; are ye =recei~ea 'a man on maqbath, that may not be broken the law angry a t me, becaue I havemndeamanevery r;MwuIwc,I1 Qpoi X O X E ~ E Srr GXov civQpwrov3ytij lroiqua whit who10 on the of Mosca, withme areyeangry because entirely 'a 'man laound I made rar' 6+w, &hid njv 8i~aiau & $ b $ ~ $ bu uaPPdrrf) 24 pl;.rpivere ~ ~ ~ ~; ~ ~ apprrance, but judge on sabbnth? Judge not' according t o sight, but righteoua r~ghteons judgment. 25 Then said some of rpiuiv T~pivar~.'I 'EXeyov ov'v rivet brc rirv w ' I ~ 25 OUOjudge. 'Said #therefore 'some #of 'those +ofSJeruthem of Jerusalem, I s judgment ll ;v ~qroiruivijko~reiva~ ~ a i ; 26 leekthis kill? 26 But ~ v p i r ~ v ,~t~.otrdc.iurtv to helvhOmthey 10, he speaketh boldly: 'Is not this he whom they seek to kill? nnd gt; :h o: y g t h k z i8e, ra)jtluip XaXei, rai ot8lv atr$ Xlyovurv. pirora know indeed 10, publicly he speaks, and nothing to him they any.
ijXqeGc i'yvwuav , ijrr ~ ~ ~ ~ o $ 7 t l f i ~ WIthoseoiawho ( i p ~ o v r e t~h,a t &Truly 'have orecognized 2 , " +rule,
that this in the very whenceheis:butwhen Christ comcth, no man knoweth rhenco he is. 28 Thou cried Jesus in

o6rdc Burrv
thin is he is,

x&XqeGcll b x p r m d g ; 27 ciXXd ro3rov oZ8atte~?rlerv Burivw

But this one we know whence

~o~wasnotyetcome ICciIC~ivdcp 31 b n d mnny of the and he me

Bnt the Christ, whenever he may come, no one knows whence he is. b t % k n o w me, sha ye 28 'E~pn&v otv B r$ iepq 8r8durwv 6 'Iquoirc xal Xiywu, v h o w whence I am: Tried 'therefore Yn 'the 'temple 7teaching 'Jesus and snying, and I am not come of 7rd.e~~ rai cirl bpnvro3 otrc [pi' myself, b u t he thht Kcipd oi8are, rai o u a r ~ mnt me 1s true whom Both me yo know, and ye know whence I am ; and of myself %ot know not. '29 ~ u t ?mow him: for I am bX7jXv8a, c i X l l ~ U T L Y ciX~~1vhpd ~ i p $ a p BY &pi6 from him, m d he hath l1 'have come, but &ia %rue 'he 'who 'sent me, whom ye lent me 30 Theu they 'to take hirn: otr.oi8arr 29 ty&.Qin 0i8u afrdv, Srt ?rap1 atr05 ~ i p l , but no man laid hnnds know not. But I know him, beaause from him I am, on him, because his


$ :

b.8B.xpiurb~ iirav y!p~qrai,~~ o68eis ycvDa~er rdOev buriv.


acirQur~~Xev.~ E ~ ~ r ~ vov'v' ailrbu rrh30 l v

sent. laid They were aeeking therefore him

peo lebeliered on him cat xa; ohdrip when cometh will he do take, but no one



4ri/3ah~v d r h v in1
upon him But m m y laid,

ri,v v p a , iirt



and, because not yet

TO; the


BXqX68er vj.Gpa.atroir, 31 bIIoXXoi.8&BIC 8 ~ ~

had come on h his hour. i nnd of The

6xXOv Iriurevcrowd when he comcn, t h b [man]

aav" eic ai~rdv,K U ~ (IXeyov, c"Orrl' b X iurdp 8rav EXOp


dp$r~" rXeiova qpeia erovr~uU?roti]uet L;v otroc

*more 'sign8 %ban 'these ' i l #he =do which wl
0 b T T ~ A . P Bavnd<erc 8td ~0370.(read ye wonder therefore.) rlncv LTIVA. 8tb 70370, 6T . MuiiQijs LITTAW. Muiiu&~sLTP~AW. [;v] L. t b T. v rpive~e LTrA. 'IrpouoAvprt~civT. a q 8 c i s QLTTrAW. I $pxerab 82 but GLmrAW. b n j v r d x e v ha6 8enb 9. b 'E#103 6xAov 81 he cornea E. s o M o i i n i f l w u a v LTrA ; n o M o i 82 t d f l w v a v ;K 703 6xAov 9. D -.hL m A . dh 0 r o l i w v (re& &v thau Itheeel which) LTT~AW.


- ~d -

JOHN. I fdro~qu~v\ 32'H~ovaavoi @apiaaioi ro; 6xXov y o y y h ~ o l l o~~

did ? 'Hew3 'the 'Pharisees and of the crowd 'the murmuring the

i luuruurcd



a6roG raCra.
'thase'things, ofdoer&

'concerning .him %he %hief 'pricsta

rai &?riarecXavgoi @apiaaioi rai F ~ h h . ?: ~ c l ;n $

"sent 'Phnrisecs

take him. 93 Thcu said Jesus unto them ~pd.vovll p~6' 6 p Yet n littlo while nw i ~ ~ otu ha6rois" 6 'Ivaoiic, "Err i p i ~ p 6 v w ~ t h ,,im Lhst sent you, aud the11 I %herefore .to 'them 'Jesur, Yet a little time with you go unto i ~ i p irai 6rhyw 1 r p 6 ~ rbv ?rip$avrci ye. 34 t { i c r ~ r pe rat me. 3.r Ye shall seek , I nu, and I go to him who sent me. Ye will sock me and me*and shall not find me: and where I O&~.$I~'~~~UETE~' rai $xov ;pi 6P E S 06.86vau6~ iX6eiv. nm, thitlra. ye cannot L are to come. come. 35 Then snid shun not find [me], and where %m the Jews among themk c selves, Whither will 35 EIrov o h oi 'Iov8a'ioi ~ p bye taztro6g, l'I03 ' 0 6 r o ~ 'he he go, that we shnll *&id 'therefore'the "Jews among themsolves, Where , not fiud him? will he ?rop6~46ai '"tjtL~ic" ~ X - E ~ ~ ~ ~ airrdv ; V ( E go unto the dispersed Sri O Q O ~ E s about to go that we shall not find him? to among the Gontilcn, and Genn)v 8iaa?ro~&v 7 t h 'EXX~VWV ydXX~i ?rop6~eal, tiles?tench( ithe man~ What the diiprsion among the Greeks is he about to go, and na. o snyin is this f that they might take him.

oi 6 p ~ i ~ p e&srIoirac,"'iva Z~

ni&awarv - a6rd.v. 33

4 n d risces and chief E T T E ~ priestssel~t officers to


TV ~ which find i come EIXEY, ~ q r $ a ~ rPE, rai oirx.~6pGaer~~.~ a "Oxov eipi iyA am. ? b besaid, Ye will seeL me, and shull uot find [me] ; and Where 'm 'I a
the Greeks ? What is this word

8i8ciar~iv roic "EXXqvac; 30 ric imiv no5roc 6 Xdyog'

s ~ ,,re: and where I~


3ptTc 06.86vaa8e &&;v;

are unable to come?

37 'Ev.82 r$ iaxcirp $pipp r$ p~~CiXg= ioprijc eia+~ei rijc

37 In the I& day, great dny of t h e Jesus, and cried, saying, If anyone thirst, let him come feast, Jesus stood and cricd, saying, If any P?rpds pet rai rivirw* 38 b . ? r i a r ~ ~ w vi ipi, ra6& :?rEv man thirst, let him ~ c to me and drink. He that believes on me, as anid come unto me, and 38 beypn$fi, rrorapoi ar ~ ~ ~ 0 1 X i a g - a~h E 0 ~ O ij8aroc~ 1. r ~ U U ~ L drink. on Ho that the ieveth me, as the scripture, rivers out of his belly shall flow of 'water scripturehathsaid,out belly ~ G v r o 39 Toirro.Gi elrev wepi 705 rrve6paro~05 qijlel- of his of shall flow ~. rivers 'living. But thi he said concerning the Spirit which 'were 39 ( ~ u this spakc he t Xov" Xap/3riviv 0i ' r l a ~ ~ 6 o ~ ra6rd.v. o&?rw.yrip 4v Of the Spirit. which ~~" they that believe on *about to "recevtve 'thone %lieving 'on 'him ; for notyet was him sllould receive-: Tv~ijpa'LylOyllt; ijrt 'I?luOijc WOj8~XWII dJo~CiuQll. for tho Holy Ghost [the] *Spirit, 'Holy, becai~se Jesus not yet wns glorified. was that Jesus was cause yet yet glorified.) 40 '?roXXoi otv arc . roii $xXov" &ro6aaur~~ X6yov11 Prhu of people Mavy therefore out of the crowd having heard the word th,:rdoro, whrn the .&-yot') L 0 5 ~ dariv &Xq&c d ?rpo$'pljrq$.41 "AXXoiaa ~ y o v hcard truth thia is the 6 ~ , thissnyiug.sai$ others sirid, Of a anid, This iB truly the prophet. pro het. 41 Othera 8 0irrd.c iariv d Xpiardc. b"AXXoi" C 6 i " aeyov, M 4 ydp br SHigt ~ h i isthe ~ h r i s t , This is the Christ. "Others land said, 4 ~ sout aof ~ But nome ssid, Shall h ~ Christ come out of r a h i k i n s d xpiarbc ?pxerai; 42 %6x?' ypa$i ETTEV, Gnlilee 7 42 Hath not "Galilee 'the %hriBt comes? s ~ lothe -scripture usaid, the scripture said ~ t That Christ cometh 04 8rr ;K 705 ~ ~ i p p eAa/3iH,'1wai i n h Bq6X~ip ~ r o ~ rijc K ( I ~ , ] S tho seed of David, and that out of the seed of pavld, and from Bethlehem the vlllage ollt of the town of Bethlelrem where Daij?rov $v eAaPi8," "d xpturbc i p ~ ~ r a l ; " Zxiapa O ~ U 43 gatv via W ? , i3 s o there the Christ comes? A divi-ion therefore in was a division among where 'wns 'David,
h d i a the last aday 'the 'great

af tho feast


d'Igaoiic, rai OZK~E~~&Y~ U E h X~~W ',


811C/& ipx6~6w that


1 notci does T. g oi tipXtepair r a i p i cPaptuaior Grrqphar LTrAW ; 6 q p i r a r o i &pxtcpeis r d oi @apruaiorT. h a6ro;r GLlTrAW. ~OVOV t~pbv p LTTrA. + p e m0 LA. L p i M e b m 4 p e i ~ r e d +p$. w e shall?ind) l . 6 Aiyor o6ror LTTrA. ( ' O &cpa<av T. Olfrw T. V crpk p e T. ijpchr\ov T. r n ~ u r e J u a w c having-believed LTIA. r S - Zyrov L T ] . t Sc80pivovgiven L. v 6 LTTrAW. ovnw LTrA. ;K TOG 6xAov 08v [aume] out of t h e crowd therefore LTT~A. Y &v AdYwv roJ7wv these words (- mjTUV W) LTTIAW. S [&L] A. [8ij and L. 0; they LTrA. C 62 T. ohx L T r l A a v s G w ; Aavelb L ~ I L h ipxe7ab o XPLOT~F LTrA. B. iyivcro iv ry^6 x h y LlTrA.


the people boonam of r$ Jx1 jybvero~ 6 him. would hm u- the co ! then 44 And aome of rw ocour~wd becaua of

IOANNHZ. ~ 1 1 a\T!l , airrbv. '44 rtv4sJ'C ijeeXov lE alr3v

him. But some sdcblrod lof 'thcu

h n hnnds no m laid him; buton h ~ n tmciaar alirdv, &h1 oh6cic hink&.A~vll a673v m in' ~ ? p f l ~ . 4b Then mme the obl. to ttke him, but no one laid .on =him huud:c. wrs to the$ef priestr 45 qAeov o6v oi irrqpirac ?rpds rode cipxiepeic rai @aptm d Phulsecis ; and Came therefoke khe o5ccr8 to the ch~efpriests and Phnri. they mid unto them m y have ye noi aa.iovgS m i drrov aliroic irrivot, 'Abari' oBr-$y6pre airdr ; brought him ? 46 The sees, Neand %said 'to *them 'they, Why did ye not ring him? oaticem vor man a akelikkthia 46 'drrerpi@qaav oi hqpfrcu, OfS f n 0 r ~ ~ i k w giX6Xqaavu k urnn. 47 'fhen anaweraA~uwered lthe u o 5 ~ , Never thu #poke ed them the Pharisoea h e abo deceived{ ( I v ~ ~ w T lljc O ~ T m 6 (ivep~o~;.II ' A ~ E K ~ : ~ ~ U ~ 8 ~ U o ~ O ~ 47 nUV 48 dave any of the man rs this man. 4Answored atherafole ruler8 or of the Phar b believedonhim? Oairro?c1l ol 9aptaaiot, Mj cal d a i nelrAdv~aee; 48 p$ t 49 But this peo le who %hem 'thb 'Pbariseer, %h #have bgen deoeived? knoweth not &e law are a ~ i ~ ~ rig ~ ic r3v d p x d m v iniaravaav. ai~: d alirdv, ij BK r3v m u mtth unto thom, 'one b f 'the W m r lhaa believed on him, pr of tho (he that came to J e w a by ht one of y a a i w v ; 48 PMX" d.b~Xoi:.oOro~ d pp-yivtLa~wv r l v themf b i ~ o t our law P mimes h But this orowd, which knows not tho what he doekh?b2 ~ h c law, fficursod are. 'Says lh'icoQemu to them, auaw-a . ~ d ig u O j?,eiv 8 ~ ~ b p b 1 l ~ d v ,eIc $v if aPrGv, 51 ~ s c a ~ who came by nlght to h Cue lbr11ng of the-lrw,) and look: for out 04 oc.Gpiiv rpivai rbv ~ V ~ P W T Ob d ~ . ~ 1 ) V, (iro6ay ariseth'no pro'does judge the mm, unless i t hare hoard from 63 And eve went unto I% a6703 np6npo~l,11 yv$ ri norai; 62 'Areitpi8~aavmi rai own horua hlmaelf 5mt, and known what he does? They answerod and

i , n evBpov Gnt~ardparoillaiutv. 60 Aiya~Nicd6q~rosrp3s 4 h ~ 0 6 ~ ,

~P,"o~~l~p"L~$ p
M) ?,

~clrova afr$, M 4 cai ad ie r f c FaXiXaiac 1; 'BpaCvqaovn r

raid to him, %hou *of out of 'Q8Ulw


rai Da, 8rr Jnpo$ljqc ie rijc I'aXAaiacB *&Kiytjyc rar.l r

a d look, that



65 aKai bnopa80~ Prauroc ~ i rbv.otov.afro5. c

'weat lesch

G not arLL



$ 'Itjaoijs.6i inopa60g tic rb dpoc rGv Madv* S dpepov.84 Olirer. 2 And early But Jesus went to the mount of Olivar. And atdawn km",h&g%kg & rciXw 7tap~yivero air rb irpdv, gcd war b Xabc ijpxaro 7i bc ternle, and ~ h . be cuu h t o the e p l e , the maple & seo % a u n e ~ t o h i = - a f ~ d v m : i raebac ldi8aa~evahrodc. 3 6 ovarv 61 01
JINW went mount of


&g :


h l ; ~ and h a UI down he WY t w a them, *%ring land 5b( the wibw and Phi-, ypapprelc sal ol @apiuaior kpbc a f rbv yvvaira i v pot kdbu *and% *Phadmw to him a woinrd in a d d w

z ~ d

g;Wdmy;-z;g gz?",p.Zr, ~ n dh* u amt~ ~ her v iin [the] piup, 4 XIyovatv f , e3 e n j v a c 4 v . midst, they an? ' m & Y t h q U unto i him, haster thE WO- QGr@ At8dacdq a8t-q. 4 yttvtj kcrretXlj$eq bEnavro$3pyn man tb in a to him: Tea&?, thin mman waa taken i n the very cot
in the W &:terYk~w MOW. in potpvo$y. 6 iv.8 r$ vdpy cMuaijc" tjpiv lvareAaro the law oommanded oommitbing odulteq. Now in the law Moaes us commanded n that luoh ohould o be1stoned: bat what ~Ctc romCrac. 63 d5u i Xi y ~ i c e; ~ ~ y e thou P e ~ h i r ut moh thou therefore what B U ~ Q S ~ r thou thoy laid temptin hirn, thst i h e j 6 Toirro.6d ZXryov nacpdlovrec afrbv 'Iva :xwatv rarqhave to MCUKO hLlL But thL they mid tempting him that they might have to m

ih&h~@tv ~ LmrA. O F &C 08700 6 iv8purQvTA. 0 [aiImi$l Tr. P &b LlTrAW. Q iacipamcLTTrA. h eMbv WKT& up& aitniv Z . a WKT~S LTrA. wpd~~pov formerly LT~A. 7 V ~ ~ T O V a:wo3 LTTTA. rap' W etrav LTTI-A. 1 ipahqvov n r L t i x lrjr rahA&o r p @ q q s LwA. 8 &Kiyeipe~ab does not alise LTTrA. ~ airoi &Br) &.;Wave (viii. 11) [al~mb.. b in' 'dr+pg W. 8 Moimjr W. d ~ d q 8 w t0
h q a h 8 LIT&-A. ~


Abd limrAW. m +'k&? speak6 T.

.... + ntp aiIrijs con~erni~~gW. her rtow, W,


yopriv ntros.

6 But J a s u having stooped dot~n,with mb]d a ~ d l y 82.'1qaoiig xcirw.&rF/nc, 7.4 ,,,, finger
But Jcsua a,,d

atoopc on


iypa rv rig d v yijv.

the ground.

wmt civad+ac

7 6 . 6 in&evov
But as they continued to them,

dpwrGvr~c a(r6v,

wg, they continued

4him, be lifted ~inevr p b c airro6g, ' 0 d ~ n p & ~ r q r o ~ ~ k i n l r

he sinlcs. one among

bvhg lltted up himelf he said

you %he %lone

aiu nruon you) btahi* dnt An a atone t her. H rciru.rcirJ/ay Jypaqav eic rr)v y4v. 9 ai.62 ctikoCaavreg, a g s i n h c s t o o ~ d d o q brinprtooped down he wrob on the ground. But t h q having hard, On the gl~ound. Aud they rai 8nb rijc a v v ~ i d ~ u cQXey~bpcvoi, w~ i[$p~ovro r a g e t , which h a r d it, loiu u d h ta. comcienoe being oonvicted, went out one by one, oourl?r*d by r h e w o d , oolmclence went oup cipE(ipvot Dinb r6iJ ~ t u ~ v r i p w v TGV ~ U X ( ~ T W Y ' ouo by on:, bugipniua #WC gal begnnlng from the elder onuntil the h t; m d at the eldest even unto I~ the llut : h d Jerw careX~i$Oq pdvo~ ' I ~ u o G ~Kai Ij yvvlj QV b , piay . * i a r ~ ~ a . left alone andthe wllp ww lcft alone Jeau, nnd the woman in [the] midat standing. wornanstaudihgintha midst 10 When Jestu 10 civad+ac.GC b 'Iqaoirs, cai pq66v'r Buaci evos had *edup And 'lifted *up shhwIf 'hue, and Yno 'one '8eecg anit saw none but the woman ha said unto nhjv yuvair6g ilrev a i r $ , g'H SJU~.' r o C rioiv ixrivoi ha,w&,nn,wheream bat the woman, mid to her, 1 ornu, where W those those tbino accusela? , anc oi.~anj~opoi.aov, otdei~ at ' xar8rpivtv ; 11 'H.82 E ~ A E Vh"huu 'cr n11 She O u ~ ed the0 sal thine accusers, Lno .one W e 'did *condo- l e And she raid, NO nlan, ~~d Unto Otdeic, ~ G p i r . Elntv.62 a6rG b 'Iqa03~, Oh84 d h ai xara- Jam do I condemn Kcither No one, Si i. And 40 .'her 'Jesus, Xeicher1 ' 'thee 'do tboe: go,

~ S ?rpSro~ W TAY hieov h at$ '


8 ~ a ~(iXtv i without
h d


* h "L t h 'c&, . 'i





ropa6ov ~ apqriri dpci rava.' i

go, nnd no more




12 IIciXiv odv hb 'IqaoGc abroic iXLXqaev,' Xiywv,

Again therefore


to them

' 6 R



tip1 7 b $GC r.0; K ~ U ~ O V * b cic0Xov63v 'ipoi" em the light of the world ; be thnt followr me innowise ItTben8pnkeJam .gain pnt0 t h ~MJ, k ? r e p i ~ a r $ ~ ~ ql vroriq, ciAX' #Eat r b Qv l i l rijc Cwijg. ing, I the llpht 0~
ehnll walk
in the darhese,

the world: he that fob loweth me shnll no$ in dorknem 'Said Werefore *him'the YPhsrisees, Thou concerning thysou .hull hare the light C& life paprvpeic9 4-papmpia.aov 'oirrc-Earrv ciXq&ic. 14 ' A n ~ r p i e ~ 13 The P h u b thckfore arid bervest witnelle ; thy witnellr ia not true. ' "Amwered him, Thou benrollt mcora of thysou. thy 'IqaoCc rai rlnev airro?~, Kdv Q L; paprvp3 rcpi bpavroir, ,cord is not ltm0. and mid to them, Even LL bear witness concerning m y d f , l jam 'Jwu and MqOilc Qariv $.paprvpia.pov, Irc olda rd0w 6XOov ra2 8uirl unto tlia true in m w e b u m l h o w whence 1came and : r o i r dnciyw* dpeip.'6L1 oProi8arr r68ev ip~opai 'xai. n o s cord is true 'lonm I wheuce whither I go : but ye h o w not whence l come and whither and whithcr I go; b a but ahall have the of thtr life.

13 Elnov


atr@ oi Qaproaioi,





I go.



r~jv adp~a ivtre' x

flesh $del

i y i o t rpivo
judge true

according t o the

~ ~ ~ ; ; ~

udge no man. 1 a ' ~ n d et it I my L Isriv* I r i pivog 06c.tipi, dhX' i i K ~ b r i p p c p Ona- truo: for $ am not Wa- alone but I and tb. and the Y w n lent %e ~ ia, bacnurie atono I nm not, bnt ~ a t h d that sent me. r Rjp." 17 ~ a QV T$ vdpy Bi T@ 6p~~Lp(t)6 panrai,U ITL ~t is also writtenin i P 7 17 ther. And in *law %L0 'your It h a s L n written, thnt our k w , that the Ltimony of two men 6Co avOphrwv paprvpia ciXqO<~ QUT~V. 18 t 4 6 is true. 1 8 1 am one of two men the witnos true b . am [onelwho thet bu nitnov d e no one. h d


l6 rai

(dv rpivw 62 (16

.judge 'aho





~ M q 0 1 th;~ delb. j ~


rpoc '.Tr.


o b a being W. !%--'H mjw. h a6roZs iA& uev ([b] ~ r 'Tquois LTTrA. ) k wEPtraZljq shouz walk t?TrilV. 1 7 8i%utT. m F) or ~ I - I ~ A W . a iAq8tvrj Lmr& 0 lra4p ( ~ e a d who sent me) m he . R yfyptypdvov i u r i v it ir)

&T~,"~",",""~;,"~~ bpavroii, lca1 ~a~f:mvOv trEpi

mtnera of me. l9 Then Where is unto him snid theythy alU1wmd, ye neither b o w me nor my Father if ye'had known me,' ye have known m Father words spake Jesus in the tressury, M he taught in the temple: and no man laid h a & on m ; for hi^ how WW not yet O O m a tnear ooncerlng myself,

18 28


papwpei. ~Epi if05.6

'who %nt e


19 'EX~yov o h air+,

and .beam Twitnersscon~rning, me fi

I I o i iarrv

They a i d therefore to him, Where

nati)p.aov; 'AnElcpieq q6"'Iqcroirc, 0 0 6 ~ ~ oisare 06re rbv bph thl Bather P ' h w e r e d 'Jesas, Neither me ye know nor war6 a.pov9 di bph $6~rrE, lcai rbv.?rarlpapov 'p'6~tre.dii.~
my father. ~h~
If me yehdkuown, also

my Father

yevould hnreknoay. treasury,

20 Tairra rd &ara

SXciXqaev ' 6 ' I q a o 3 ~v r $ ya<o$vXariy, Q~

~pok~ Jesus took

in the

8~6cialcwvb r @ i ~ p $ lcai of8eic hniaa~vairriv, 8rr oirnw v

in the temple; and no one h u honr.

for not yet

bXqX6B~r .+.4pa.abroi.

21 Elmv

o6v trdXrv ahoic ~6'Iqaoirc,'

'Jesus, your in

' E

%Said %herefore %gain &to'them


go away, where

rai <qnjark pr, ~ abi $.dpaPrje.6pQv &nogav~iuO~* u 8n0v

and ye will reek me, and in
$1 Then odd J-

ye will die;

hciyw 6pcic 06.66vaaO~AOE~V. 'EXE ov o6u oi 22 again unto them, I go my way, *a ye I B0 Y e areunable to Oome. *&rd 'therefore 'the leek me, and shall die '~ovBaiot, MGrt & n o m ~ viawbv, ~i XLy~r,"Onov.i h $ n h p
I y o u s h : whither n I go, ye cannot come.
* J ~ ~ ~ , Will he kill - , U that he say^, m e r e



a m u u b l a tocome? hcaw kill himself+ ye Will he h mC And h&ail tothem, e! from ~ ~ ~ E ther 1 o, ye cannot bark, b h bk ~ i j v . 6aipi* 6 E ~ Cf r w ~ rdapov corqe. And he said kneath m, from above am; e! of *world antothem Ye are from beneath ; 'I am from ro6rouUark, 8 & obreipi br roirrbapov.rotrov. 24 ~ i n o v above- e are of this 'this am, am not of this world I naid world.' ?amnot of this 24 I asidthere06v dPTv Bri CLn~Oav~ide~ Q rai~.dlpapriar~.6pijv* v idv-ydp fore unto you, thdt ye therefore toyou that ye will die iu your 8 h ; for if shall die in your sins&n09av~iaO~. rais dpa riacc v for it ye believe no; pfj.niar~6uqr~ 871 i 4 ~ i p r , that I am he, ye shall ye believe not thnt am pe], ye w i l l die in die in your sins. 25 ThensR,d they unto 6pijv. 25 'EX~yov o6v airrq7, Z I ric ET ; xKaill E Z ~ F Y Z They said thorefore to him, T h o u 'who 'art ? And 'mid him, Who art thou? ' Y O ~ . unto Aud Jesua raith sam a t r o i ~~6~ 'Iqcroic, Tljv.dlp~fjv 5.r~ them Even lcai XaXij 6piv. thnt k said unto ou 'them lJesus, Altogether that which also I nay t o you from the begbn&. 26 nand i X o n ~ p i 6pGv Aahciv ~ a lcpiv~rv* i &Up d Many things I have concerning you' t o say and t o judge ; b a t he who YOU: but he t i n t *nt nip+basPEA v , K& B $rovaa nappa(ro8, raOra me the world to ia true; and I s ak nent me tm in, a d 1 what I heard h o m him, these things thin 8 which I have zXkyoH~ i g ~dapov. 06r.iyvwaav 8 r ~ rbv 27 rbv aarlpa atroic heart of him. 27 They anderstood not that he I my the They knew not that the Father to them B ake to them of the ~ y , 28 EZnrv 06v aa6roic" 6 ' I ~ a o ~ ~ , " O r a y &her. 28 Then said he spoL of. 'Said Otheretore ' t o &them 'Jesus, When ye ,hall a m Jarusunto them,When have lifted up the uqra rbv vibv r o i CLvBp&nou, T ~ T E Y ~ O E ~i j~j ~ E ~ i p t . Y ~ iyL;) g n of man, then shill ufted up the $on of man, then yeshall know that I am p6J, ye h o w that I am he and that I do nothin; rai &A' bpavro5 trot3 oirJlv, &XXd ~ a 0 A siJiJaEkv of myself; but an my f r o d mywlf I d o nothing, bgt u taught Father hath tnught , me, I @peak th-0 nan?g.brv,Y r a r a a . 29 a i nip+ag pe, p r l things. 29 And he that 'my at er, these things I speak. And he who sent me, with sent me h with me me Farher bra noi bpoi ~ C T L Y 'o6rd n ~ 6 v p 6 ' ~ a ~ j p ,6rt p 6 ~ n ~ rd 'left %it 'me *alone 'the 'Father, because* the t h i n e left me done; for 1 do me is ;

atroic, "r is i r m Then said the J e w 6 p i c of .JCuaa9a bX&iv ; 23 Kai ' ~ l n e b ~




g f$:;pz<$:$



Fathor) I:ITIA.

s -- b o~rnrw. he [9]i d ) a -b
'IquoJs (read

b 'IgvoJs.(read he spoke) o r . . m r a w . Bv $erre L ~ A . h y e v LTIrA. TOV'TOV 70; c6opov L T ~ A . LTTrAW. I ~ r . M L ~ A . a a h o i c LTTIA. b pov ( m the ~ d a o a a q p (read he left not) L ~ A .

~ l d n gM him
many do on dwam him. lJesur to

q'hese Ithlry

cipcorci a8rG no13 nhvrora. 30 Tatra utroir.XaXolivro;

'he ' n ~ o b

he npnke these wordr, m ~ n ballo~ed him, y ou


?roMoi E~iaevuav airrdv. eic

believed 'Said

3lUEXey~voBv 13 'lquots r p b s roirc remurcvr6rac a8rG


the .who *had 4belie~ed 'on%im

%orf my, t d y

'Iov8aiovc, 'Edv &pispiU?y tv r(r'X6y





ry' !p$, &ht@c

ye the boucle for ever:m e 00~. 37 o16a 8rc urip a 'Appahp tors* &Xhd zqrair8 p the 80n abideth ever. ohall ba. I know that %eef 'Abraham'# ye ue ; but ye seek me shAll the make you free, d?ro~ri~ai, b Xdyoc b oir.~wpei i!v CPiv. 38 & yeshall be free indeed to kill, b e c a m 'word 'my h r no entrance in you. . 37 I know that ye are Abraham's seed; but 8" ihparca napri rarpi.gpov" XaXG* ~ a irpeis o h i ye seek to M U me bea h r t I have seen with my Father speak ; and ye therefore what CaW my word bath no place in you. 38 I i w p i ~ a r trap& irqYnarpi.6pljv" roreirt. 39 'Arerpi9quav ~~ that which I ye have seen with your father do.. They answered have seen with my Fnuai k~lrov'l atr$ 'O.anr$p.tjpctdv 'Appacip iarrv. Aby~rairroTs ther: and ye do thaf which ye ilsve seen and said to him, 'Our *Father 'Abraham 's i. dRays 'to 'them with your father. '6" 'ItluoGc,Ei r6ma 703'Aopadp mqre,ll rdr ipya rot..'Appadp 39 Tiley allswered and said unto him, Abra'Jesus, If children of Abrdlum ye were, the works of Abrhhnm hum is our father.

36 Bdv otv d

If f erefore the Sou

vile $@c Bhev0cphup, bvrws br60yor {avou 'shell %et free, really free



lroi~irc."civ~~ vtv-84 Sqreir6 p &sorreiva~ 40 dv0pwrov 8s

ye would do ; the truth but now to you ye seek me t o kill, a man

rljv dXi0e~av 6piv XeXciXqra, ijv $rovaa

has spoken, which I heard

God: kill me a utan that roi::;: ,h eiChyy ti hn Abrahan~ did not. henrd of God: this did rarpbc.6pGv. OE1novIl Poih'' airry', ' H eis dr aopveias no& not the deeds of 41 Ye do Abr8hr.m. your of your father. They said therefore to hip, 90 o fornication "not f Thcnuidthey reyevmjpatla." Eva rarQpaixopev, rbv 6 ~ 6 42 EIrev rou'~ll him,Webe not born ~. to atherefore of fornication; wr, God. have been born ; one Bather we hove, have one Father men cr6rois @bn "Iquotc, Ei d 8stc r a d p 6j.~Gv'~v, Ijyari?re.&v God. 42 Jeaus' said *toathem lJesus, If God Father of you were, ye would hnvelored unto them* If God , were your Father, ye tyA.ydp 6~ roil 0eot tEijXBou rai ijrw' ot8l.yoip &n would lore me : for I me, for I from W came forth and am come ; for netther of proceeded forth and cume from God; netipavroir iAfihZl0a, &h' ikaivds p &rriurarXev. 43 'btari" e ther came I of myself, myaolf have I come, but he 'me 'wnt. why but he sent me. 43 Why

i :F g::&?; y !: nap& roil Beot0 jp~","[,";i~,",":,","<'t",

who chifdren, ye would do from

rotro 'Appadp oiriroiqurv. 41 6q:c no;Yn

;:+ ;




4 C&$ a476v t him o the lather) tmn.

B - ~ o (*.cad v f &, ; & I LTTr; iyb h 4 b t[~r]. h $KO$U~TC what ye have heard L ~ I A . i mv warp& the father urn!A. k clnav L ~ A . 1 [b] Tr. m i m e ye are O L ~ T ~ L bv CiThA. O e?rrav T. q O~JK iyevvvjhjp~u were not boru L T ~ A . X - d v OLTEIA. 8 o P V L . v b r i 7 i LTrL 1 + 6 the L .




V Ill.

~ y ~ ~ , " ~ h " ; " a XaXr(iv n j v ip+v oi).yiv&ar~r~ 8 n . oir.36vaa6e ciroitetv rdv ~t~," ; my do ye not know? Bccnuse ye :we unable to hear cause ye cannot hem "peech my word- 44 Ye meof Xbyov TAY d bv. 44 6 p ~ i e dr narpbc TOZ Gtat3dXov bar:, yav father the devil, Ye of [the] father the devil are, y. and the lusts of your Iword fnther ye wm do. He rai r(ic irteupiac ro6.rarpbg.6pGv 8QXare roieiv. ireivoc WM n muid~rer from of your father yo desire to do. He lusts the beginning, and n- and the T &T' (iPXec,rai Qv &qOeig x o i ! ~ H bode not in the truth, ( ~ Y ~ ~ W T O K $ v~ V O E a murderer was from [the] begmning, and in the truth 'not XaXp' he spcnketh n He, he ~ - ~ K E u ' Sri oirrc.e"arcv &ljeeta dv airr$. crab S P a k ~ t h his own: lhna stood, became there is not of truth in him. Whenever he may speak for heiv alinr nnd tho fnther of it. '45 And r b +;60g, &K rGv.i6iwv XaXei' 6n $ 6 a ~ q c~ T ; Y b because I tell Ipu thg fakehood, from his own he speaks ; for n liar he is and the truth, e believe me not. 4ZWh1ch or you r a n ) p airroZ. 45 6i 8r1 r j v dh4O~tav X i y u T , 06 convinceth me of sin? father of it. I 'and 'because the truth speak, 'not Aud if I sny the truth, why do ye not believe T I U T E ~ E T ~ pot. 46 rig 1E 6pGv bXHyxec PE repi c i p q p ~ i ; ~ a me ? 47 He that is of 'ye 'do beliece me. Which of you convincw me concerning sin ?


?:i ;fn




(tX48~tavXiYw, a6tarill 6 ET^ oi).riareLerH pot ; 47 d


hew then1 not, because But if

:i~z:edy;b~ 703 0 ~ 0 ;r(i itjttara 6v

I speak,



'do 'not bo1ieve me?

IIe that

r o OEOG (ik06et* 6i(i.~oZro6peie ~

Jews, and said unto of God the words of God hear8 : therefore ye roii 8eoG O~K-bari.48 'Arrerpi6qaav thnt) Say art n &mn- O ~ K . & K O ~ E T , ~ T L him thou we not Answered ritan, and hnst a devil? hear becnuse of God ye arenot. '9 Jesuq answered, I boz~vll oi 'Iou6aioc CETTOV'I airrd, Oir raXGc X i l Y ~ p ~ v rjyeic hnve not a devilher, therefore the I honour m F,,'t but Jew8 snd said to him, 'Not 4well say we

64 oG.&,vG rtj~-6dEnu.p0~' If a m m kecp my say- ~ a 6peic drtpCi<~riPE. 50 h i ing, he shaU ncvor see Xut I seek not my glory : denth. 52 Thon said ye dibhonour me' the Jews unto him, ;arty 6 t3rGlJ K ~ ~ V W V51 6pGv 6 p 4 v hIy6-J6ttTv, . Now we know that thereis hewho seeks and ~ u d g e a Verily verily I sny to you, If thou hnst n dmil. A~~Y &.Y~TOV 0ir./lj 6Wp?jbv brnh~rnis dead nnd T i c TAU e X d y T ~ b bVU theprophets; and thou anyone 'word Ikeap, denth in a o wise shall he son snyest If n man kee my &ing, he shn8 eiS.rbv.aiGva. 52 *ETTOV~g06v'l a t r $ oi 'Iov6a?oi, N i v never twte of death for ever. 4Said %herefore 'to 'him 'the ?Jews, Now 63 A r t thou greater r t h n our fnther *bra- E ~ Y & J C h ~ E Y ~ i Gaipdvrov %etc. 'Appa(ip ciniQavcv rai oi ham, which is dead ? we know that a demon thou h a t Abraham died and tha and the prophets me whom makeat ?rpo$jjral, rai a-ir XQyeig, 'E& ric 7dvXd OY ou r q <av, lfeep, thou thyself ? M Jesus prophets, and thou sayest, If myone 'my word

49 ' A r ~ ~ p and ye do gishonollr 271 dxa apeirqrll 1 a6, rai 6oipbv~ov eir tit?' 'Answered me. mine50 And I neck not that a &uitan glen: there . t lBou. and u ademon is one that seeketh rind ' I ~ I J O ~ E , d a ~ ~ ~ b vot ~ K - < ~ w , rtpG rdv.rarhpa.pov, ov juclgcth. verilyl IJeaus, a demon have not; but I honour my Father, verily I say unto you,


' E

cY mp?jby,

d E ~ ~ ! j ~it$ $ ~ , ,in0ir.p~) "shnll~ taste 6avcirov ei~.rbv-aiGva. 53 p4 *Thou ~'greater ~ ~ , hY~6a~raiIIof death ~ he for ever. nothink: ia my plcno wise
ther that hOnoureth 1 roZ.?rarpbg.ljpGv 'Appacip, 8 a . n ~c i ~ i 6 a v e v ; rtai oi ~ p o thai he is our say' me Of whom pe God: 'art than our father Abraham, who died? and the pro55 yet ye not M 0 a v o v * r i r a aravrbv 'al' rroieig; 54 ' A r e x p i h known him. but I know him: &d if I pheb died1 w%om .thyself %hou 'makest? *Answered


'Iqaoirg, ' E d v d & ~ J o S & ~bt~aurbv,$.66Sa.pov ot8iv hm~v* W~



iartv 6-narip.pou b GoEkrov pe,

it is
my Father lxour who glorifies



my glory ye

nothing #ay, lutI


SY 6 p e i ~ Xiyere, 8r(

me, [oiJ whom


Bebc l i p G ~ 'bariv, 55 rai oi~r.byvljuare atrbv, b G.62 018a ~


he is.

And yehnve not known



+ LWA. OLTT~A. a L m m . the ri b - 0% 1 J n a v T. t - 03v L=~A.



makeet thou) GLW

8 b i but o ~ r r ~ r . Ea.papiqs T . ipbv Myov L T ~ A . h ~ ' q r a should he taste o ~ n r h w . c i IA(W &$aqu) shall glorify L . = I +$v TarW.

T .

a etnav LTT~A.

+ [ S ~ i v jto thee G.


linr liko huto you: but

should I airrdv. mrai idvl dnw Sri oirroTda airrbv, c'aopai 8poioc him notsapshnll know be r him; m d if I say that I know not him, I uhall be like
6 his ~ y i n g . G Your you, slim. But I know him, and hia word father Abrahnm wjoiced to see my day: rqp3. 56 ' ~ p ~ a c hp r 4 -6 3v fiyaXht6aaro %a A a P 2 , I keep. Abrnhnm your c a t k r exulted in that he shouyd le. and he 8aw i8 and WM flnd. 57 ~ h e said the d ewe unto him, Thou rrjv fittipnu nju ipfiv' ~ a ~i 1 rai &pq. 57 qEl?rovnOBU 8 ~ , art uot et 6ft.y years aday my, and he saw and rejoiced. h i d therefore old nnd%8stthou seen ? oi 'Iov6aioc a ~ r d v ,rZevnjrovra O ~ T W : x e r ~ , ~ b & ~ h a m 58 Jesus the Jews to him, Fifty yeum Cold] not yet a r t thou, laid unto them Verily, rerily, I sayuito you rai 'A&x-tcip Cthparq; 68 Ellrev a t r o ? ~ ' I ~ u o ~ c ,Before Abrnham war' rb" 'Apljv and Abrnham hast thou seen l '&id 'to *them 'Jesus, Verily I am. 69 Then too2 they up stones to 'enst cip,jv XQyw;piu, npiv 'Appa&p y~vfa6ai 6 ei'pl. 69 'Hpav a t him: but Jesus hid verily l sny to you, Before Abrahnm was a . T h q tookap himrelf and went out m of the 'temple, going uBv hit)ovc 'ivn p&hwatv ir' aCrdv. 'Iquoirg.62 Irphpr), through the midst of thcrefom stones thnt they might c& a t him ; but J e m hid himself, them, and no paraed rai iF,~jXGeu IK ro3 iepoC, sGr~XBLv 8th iaov airr3v. by. and went forth out of the temple, going through t t e midat of thsm,

% p 3 v , ~ e G a n l ~ 0irXX"' 016n aitrdv, ~ a rdvAdyov.nirro3 I know him, and keep . i

rai nnpijyev oiirwgU

m d 'pnswdJon 'thus. a mnn

Kni anpciywv ~ 7 8 w div6p~nov

And p s i n g on hesaw *him this [man] or 'Jesus,

fiphrquav airrdv oi-paeqrai-air03 Xfyovrec, "Pa/3&I1


ijpaprev, oi5ro~
YAnnwered 'hir ; but

T passed by he snw a & mm 'his 'disciplea saying, Rabbi, who fromwhici was Iblind h* birth. &d oi., 'lva m$Xds yeuuqO$ ; his disciples u k e d
xi8 parents, Neither that bliud he lhouldbe born7 nor, of Qod in lent


And oa J m u

S ' A T E KuSll'Iqu~i;g, t h oi5roc ~ I ~ ~ 0

airroi ahh' 'lva ppw6p'
to work come,

ijpapr~v oirre ~ i ~ ~ or his parents, that h i o v @ ~


this [man] sinned

r d ipya roir 6roS i u airr@. hath this ma; sinned, aipJ/awoc w p ~should be made manin
b able

wru born blind 7 3 $4 m s answered Neither

that ahou d be menifeated the works

4 h 2' '
whilo dny

'it %ohoven i t is ;

dpyai~ea6ai d i p y ~ r o i r
the works of him who lnight, when no one

i nor h parentn: but that the works of God

2wc Gpipa buriv. i xerirt u66, ;re o Oeg Giruarai bpy&<eaOai. him that sent me, G Ii
to work.

fent in him. 4 I must work the works of

6 iirnv tv r$ rdupy

While in the world I mny be, [the] light I am of the


cometh, when no $SS eipt 703 rdupov. 6 Tag- night can work 6 d . mm light world I am roi inoiqaeu nqXdr Ir of the( world.theWhen 6 made clay of he had thus spoken,he s ittle, and he anointto the eyes in Sent. world

while it is day: the

Thaw long as I am in the

einthv, r'nrvarv
spittle, and applied


thing8 hnving snid, he spat on [the] ground, nnd clny

spat on roir n&cpnrog, rai dnixp~oev rbv nqXbv bni r o 6 ~ 6$0dpo3c and madethe ground clay of th;

yroi ru$Xoi?ll
of the blind [man]. pool

7 ~ a elnev atr@, "Ywnye, *vi$aiu i

And he said to him,
of Siloam, which



eyes the n)v e s thewith ofthe blind clay, man the

interpretatSon, Sent.) IIa went his wnytheraHo went thercfore and washed, and came , seeing. The %hemfore fore, and washed, and came seeing. 8 The ~irovesrai oi ~ E W ~ O ~ Z airrbv~rb ?~pbr~pov ant$Xbcnneighbours therefore, E T E 6r1 and they which before teighboura nnd those who saw him before that blind had seen him thnt ho $l), &E OV, OCX 0 5 ~ 6 CUTLV s b ~aOfiE V O rai npouair~v;wrs blind said Ia not ~ this he that ;at and he m, M&, ?Not %his 'L he who wru scting and begging? begged 7 9 Somo mid '-4hX01 ~ E ~ O 0 0 ~ 0 & d ~ b b ~ t ~~ 'X X O L ~ S E c ~ O ~ ~ "010 his is he: othenr said V , 1 ," 6 He in like him : but h i Some sad, =H0 lit 'is, but others, 4 n e

Go wash ~ o X v ~ p $ 9 ~ o iuZ L X W & ~ , C pt]v~Gerai, &reuraXpivog of kiloam, in the ra 8 which interpreted,

7 and #Rid unto Mm

dj m

cinijX9tv 03v rai bvi$aro, rai ;5X6ev pkinwv. 8 Ot


cm ..+.a6~05 . himGFiv . OGTWCon




a.qov I%xi, AAA']

0 dAAd LTIVAW. P ei8n T. ' Efrav T. r I b m m 8~eAB&v . 'Pap/3ei T. - 6 GLTTrAW. '+U& U9 TTr. US T. LTT~A. Y 105 w+Aoi, [LITT~A. a [vi$ar] L 6 n p o u a i q r a beggar . b - 6i but [L@A. C Sheyou, Oitxl, & U(&A& T) said, No, but TTIA ;



said, l a m he. l o r n ~ e - a t r @ dariv. fore How dthey thiue 'him him, s n ~ were unto 'he 'is.

' E ~ r i v o ~ ~ E Y"Ori dy6 ~ F Y ,

1 'EX~yov 0
Tl~cy mnld
'duam me]. eycs ?

He sn~ri, I eyes opencd 7 11 HQ otv airrcy",lT3ce f&vb~XBqu&v8 guov" oi answarcd is said, A therefore t o him, How mnn thnt nnd Jewere opencd thine

d$t)aXpoi; 11 'An-

sus mndcclny,and an- ~kpiefl~ K E ~ V O h ~ a EZTEV,' S i i "AvBpwnos X E Y ~ ~ E Y O' Eq u 0 5 ~ I ointed mine cyea nnd awered unto me, do to 'he and said, A man cnllcd Josw thc pool of Siloam, nqXi)v bnoiquev ~ a blr6xptuiv pov roic d$OaXpo6s, rui einbv i and wnsh: and I went clny made and applied t o mine eyes, and %rid a a d washed nnd I roceived bight: 12 Then " r l r a Y ~ lRjv ~oXvp@?jQpav Z~Xwcip~ a vit,bar. EOS roir'l i snid they unto him, t o me, Go to the Pool of Silonm nnd wnsh: Where is he? He mid, I know nob. &ncXB&v m6i"xai vit,b&prvog &viPX~Jla.12 ~ E l n o v I ~ Potvl' 'hnving'gone 'and and washed I received sight. They said therefore


a&@, 1105 iuriv dreivo~ Aiyer, 00~016a. ;

t o him, Where


He snys, I know not.


13 'Ayovuiv airrbv rpbc rod< @aptaaiov~, 76u nore

They bring
13 They brought

'i h




once [war]

Now i t was snbbnth when *the .clay 'mnde the Pharisees him t h a t atorctimo WRB blind. I q u o u ~ a &v6yE~v i r 0 3 706s b$8aXpoirE. 15 nhXiv o h ~ i a 14 And i t was the 'Jesus and opened his eyes Agnin tbcrsfore mbbnth dnv whcn Jesus mnde the c k y , V)pi)rwv a h ~ K U ~01 @apluaioL?rijc &~ipX#Ev. 6-64 rlnrv b ~ and opened his eyes. asked him also the Phariseaa how he rccci\ed sight. And he said 15Then apriu the Pharisees also asked him a t r o i ~ , ITqXbv in6t)1lrev ~ o i ~ . 6 ~ O a X p o 6 ~a i ~ o v , ~ r ~ bvihow he hnd rece~ved t o them, Clay he put on mine eycs, no1 .I his right He said unt o them: He put cla a qv, ~ aPX6nw. lSD~Xeyovo h br r 3 v @apiaaiwv rivic, i upon mine e a, and was ed, nnd I see. Said therefore 'of %he 'l'hnriseer 'sorue, washed a n g d r see. 16 refor fore so id some ' 0 6 ~ i) ( ~ U ~ P W O~~K.?UTLY 0 S T O S ?rapCi 706 QOfi,li Bri 76 Ucipfiarov of the Pharireee, This This man is not from God, for the sabbath man is not of God, beheyou, IT3s dlivarai civBpwnos drpaprwXbc cause he kee eth not oC.vp~T. 'AXXOL the sabbatf day. he does not keep. Others said, How can a m~ul a sinner Other8 said How can man thnt is a sinne roia6ra uqpeia noreiv; Kai oxiupa Ijv bv a t r o i ~ .17 Air do such miracles ? And suah aignr do? And a divi~ionwas among them. the^ there was a division Y O V U ~ Y ~ TU@X$ them. I, T@ ~(iXiv, rill X l Y ~ i s n ~ p i atroir,



14 tjv.64

adpparov q i i r ~ 'rbu nqXdv inoi~)uevb

% 4~ 'f

received his sight, un- him, tfl they cnlledthe perents of hL si ht. received him that had 19 And they -led them, Is thin your son who ye say We8 bor; blind 7 how then doth he now lec? "0 Hi8 parcnts answer;d them nnd snid, We know that this is our ron and that he was borublind: 21 but by what means he now
7 -

. tfzd,",";: rz+i,p,

And he thine for he opened thine eyes? E m i d He is $ ? j q s iuriv. 18 Oirrbniurrvoav o h ui prophet. 1 8 4 u t the Jew~ did not believe phet 'Dld 'n~t.~believe 'therefore 'the that parents *blind 'he "wns and received sight, of him who had received tight.

;;;20fF;r hath o ned

my unto the blind man


t o the bli,nd [man] agnin, 'Thol~ 'what 'sayest concernlng him,



rods d$QaApo6s; '0.6) rlnrv, "Ori tiposaid, A pro-

'Jews until And


abr05, Bri x ~ $ X b c$vii r a i civiphet,brv,.Es.Brou d$hvqoav

they called thcy nnked say SAnswered

706~ yoveis airroij 705 (ivaPXf$avros'

the them that btnd

19 rai 7jphrrjaav
;v 6p~ic A6yara
of whom ye

aCr06s XQYOVTEE, 06rd.s lartv b.vils.irp3v

saying, .This

how then

your son,

Brl ru Xb~.lyevt+3q ;
he was born l

r a 03v ydpr~pXQnei"; ' A n ~ ~ p i 0 ~ ~ 20

now does he uee l said, and We know that this but how


' a i r r 0 i ~0;. 0~i~.ai170ir a b ~ l ~ ~ ~ ,6ri otrds ~ ~ i Oi6apv "

'them 'pnrenta our son,

~ U ~ d.vibs.+pijv, L V

~ a gri rv$Aoc hy~vv;78~' lr34d2 &v i 21

and t h a t blind he was born ;


* + however F]TT~A. + oam)


L. o6v thon [ L ] T [ A ] . f j ~ e $ ~ 8 q u d vm h . S uoc E. h -rat ezncv L i i, (yead the man that is called) ~ I J A ] . k &L v r . 1 7bv (read Go to SiGL'ITrA. m o6v therefore LTTrA. n [rac] and Tr. e r r a ~rrr;. P ~ O ~ LTR.& V Q &v jpipc. in which day LTTrA. ' y o u irri so6r + e d r o r i r OLTTrhW g Oirr i o t c v ofroc rwh 8eoi dvepwaor LlTrA. t ovv therefore LTTrlW. Ti Pi, TrA. jvjw64v T~A. q v w$Us m r & I PAinec * h ~rrrr. of v therefore LT. l i . r o i c [I,]-




PXdn~c O & K . O ~ ~ U ~ E 9 , V
hesces we we know not,

or who he

JOHN. ~ ~ V O L S Ea6roG V
opened his

rodg b$OaXpoirc ~ ~ ~ h ~ h n ~ ; ; ;


hi8 eye., we know uot: scU.

22 These m &


o~)K.o~~Q~EY' Jatrbc

know n o t ;

him: t))tr~iav.ix~i, atrbv ipwr$on~&,~ shall rpenkRsk himheisof he for lnsk, is of age, 'him

he concerning himself ~pcak. Thew things r i d 4arents cause for fcnrcd had Jews: they Je,v,, the atroi, b ito/3oGvro ro6y 'Iov8ai'ovg. $)q.y? i ovvr- agreed nlrend .that it 'his, because they feared the Jews ; for alrea y had agreed an* i mm aicYconfea t h ~ t waa Chriut, he he rE0elvro oi 'Iov8aior, 'iva iciv rlc av';v b oXoyiop should be put out that it anyone him sbould wnfwa [to be the] together the Jews,


eairroili Xahtjoec,

22 Tniira

E ~ T Ooi ~

o r l ~ spnke his parents, hei~

xpiar6~, dnaarvdywyo~ ylvqrai. 23 6th ~ 0 6 oi 0O ~

aak him. N Then aChrist, put out of the rflugogue he ahould be. Because of this gnin called the the a6roG fe:xov,ll "Ori tjXlIiialj.~~Ei, d ghpwnjoar~.~ ' 4- mnn that w u glind, a h ~ 24 E Ibis anid, He is of age, %iru lank, and mid unto him, Qive God the prnims ~ V ~ TV X6c1 ~ L i we how aa that tat, vqoav oiiv h t ~ . B ~ v TAYi p~ ~ Q ~ W T O Y I I mm who w u bfud, and man is asinner. U He uilod therefore a necond time the felnov" airrqi, Abc bdtav Be@. CpeTc oZ6npev iiri ' bvQ w- answered heand said. 6 %-buther be laid to him, Give glory to God; we know that & m ner or no, I know not: &rents

V E ~ ~ pnrsnta, He ia of age;

&eforf 82 9

GC 4~



?roe o6roc" 6paprwXdc iorcv. 26 'AnercpiQq o h

'this a n d n d did he 'wered i d a clinner is. 'Answered 'therefore

~ K E ~ Y O ~ &yt,

krni clntv,"Ei 6paproXo'g iartv oC~.olba* S v

a sinner

Ale DV bpri phlnu.

'being now

I sse.

o18a, g,, 26 d e n a d d they t o ain Whnt did him he ia I know not. One [thing] I know, that he to%H j how o n26 Elndv!(l" aiir,? m~rihiv,n Ti answered them ' T h a n edhetwneeya I ~ e h d they said to him again, What told ou alreahy, and



tttfreim now 1

Ixoisoiv cot ;

to thea ? how opened he thipe

~voitiv oov rodr 1~BnhpoBc 27 'ATE- yedidnot hear:whn: U ; fore would ye hear eyes P He

r p i 8 ~ahroic, EIrov 6piv $bq, xai o&r.i)ro6oar~* ri

I told
pq'also you already, cmd

again 7 wl e alao be il h18 d i s w e s f s ~ h e n

ye did not hear : why again

6iXcre dr06er~
do ye wish to h . u l i

' ~ a6i

g$khia g,"we are

28 ''EXot86pqoav Oov'v" atrdv, ~ a PeZaov," 26 i

They 'railed 'at 'therefore him, of Moses and said,


E ~ C . ~ ~ ~ E T E paetlrai y~v60eai* l e a but atroij ci 'ye his dkciplea to become;

paeqgcll untoMosea: a a j o r t h u


Thou a r t

g'zwznE~e nif

30 The man answered know aud said unto them, Why henein is a marp v 8ri 'Mwop"" X E X ~ X ~ K E VO~ric. rocrov 62 E o&ro?6apev vellour thing, that ye that to Mohar 'has ' o k e n 'Qod ; but this [mm] we know not knownotfromwhence he is, and y he bnth U rdQev loriv. 30 'Aserpieq d civepwnog rai s l x ~ v aitroic, 'Ev opened mine eyes. whence he is. 'Answered 'the *mm and laid to them, 'In 31 Now we know thnt God hearrth not sin'ydp ro8ry" 'Bavpaordv turiv, i i ~ irpeiC otrc.oi8nr~ T ~ Q E V ners: but if any man i 'indced t h b r wonderful thing ia, that ye know not whence be a worshipper of God and doeth hi8 iariv, rai w d ~ ~ h p E ~ ~V0 6 ~ ~ O ri ' b$OaXp06~. oiEapev-'6i" Sri 31 him he heare* he h, and he opened mine eyes. But we know t h ~ t Since the worM be32

ro6 'Mwoiwc" Cupb paeqrai. 29 <peic oi6aare



rdyaprwX3v b 0e6cl1 oCr.ciroli~i~&XL' iciv rlc

sinners God does not henr ; but do, him and the

rcai rb 8QXq a aCro3 noit, rolirov

of him

~ E O U E$9 ? ~ !any man opened ~ that : if anyone God-fenring be, the eyes of one that was born blind 33 If drco6rr. 32 br.roC.ai3voc this man wer;not of hehears. *Ever ~ o d could do nohe d$QaXpodp TV$XOS
eye8 of [one] 'blind him, ~ h o u waat altoGod

wM it

oi.r.~ro6oQq,6ri ~ v o i F i v n rrrc
*It 'wan 'not heard that 'haring 'been 'born. 'opened

yay~vvqp6vov. 33 t i

If not 'were 'this ['man] from


'anyone [the]

:;kd zdz:i,%:

5v oSroc

?rap& eroc 06s



dbvaro xoieiv o$sEv. $4 'Axercpieqaav rai a ~ l ~ o v U 'EY 'atrG,

could do nothing. They annwercd and aid to him, In a h b v i p w n j u a ~ eabbe (- a i d s mm) jhtaiov gxet LTTrA. j a v ~ oTer. f e h a v LlTrA. j r incpwmjua~eT. ~ b bv8 wnor irr 6 e v ~ i p o v v LTTTA. i 0 3 ~ 0 6 6v~9~wroc s L. r a i etnev 1 olfv therefore (tgey mid) LTTrl. m adAtv LTT~A. LmrAW. oi 8; (read But they railed) ~ r . 0 o6v Oq'M'rAW. P e r r a v T. q pa&l*r eI L l T r A . Movuiwc LITrAW. t rol;ry yhf n r ~ . 7i,the (wonderful thinp) m, a Muuuei L ~ A M@ ; ivo*i. L*. L 3 6 0 e k ap(1p7o)huivm . 8 iivewtkv m *e1nav SDI. m

- 635



IS, S.

$ether born i n dns, &ttapTiatc b y ~ v y $ e q ~ ~ o rni U+ b i Z u ~ ,ilriic; Ktri ii ~, ~1~ and dosc thou teitcl~ th,,y cnrt sins tl109 wnst born wholly, m d 'thou 'tmchcrt an7 Allrl out. 35 Jesllr heard 146paXov airrbv i l w . 35 "Hrovaev b6" ' I ~ u o ~h i iE;$nhov E thnt they ht~cl cnst him 'Hcnrd 'Jesus that thvy ctrrt ont; nnd n.hcu ho 11r11l thTcat him Out' foilnrl him, he mid nn- a&rAy{(W. rai ~ i r ~ &atrhv EITEV v cnlir@,u ?rtnrfivt~ hi" out, and having found hirP anid to him, 'Thou 'bcl~cvr.t GO^? 3 ~ He nn~yercd eic rbv uiAv roij deeoir ;H 36 ' A ~ e ~ p i ireivoc =rni EITEV," ''I'iE , eq an11 mid. Who 1s ho, on the son of God ? 'Answered 'hu aud snid, Who Lord that I might belicVcton him? 37 And burtv, &LE, yva ?rcare6aw t / ai~rdv;37 Elnetl.gS2'l aim; ~ Jeans said unto him i he, s Lgrd, t h a t I mny believe on him? And =said "to 'him TILOU hnst both sced him. and it is he that d 'Iqrroirc, Kcti i h p f f ~ a ca t ~ 6 rai, d XaXcjv peril b ~ i j ~ tnlketh with thee. 'Jesus, ?Both %hou 'hnst seen him; and h e who spank with tltce 38 And he snid, Lord, I believe. And ~ R W O T - ~ K E ~ buriv. 88 'O.8b i $ q , IItareirw, rdpce* cai rpoueri~vllU ~ E nhippcd him. 39 And 'he 'in. And he said, I belleve, Lord : and be norshipped Jrrl~s snid, For ju~lgi d Eic K ipn 6yL eic r i v n~plltI am come into UCY aZIrd. 39 ~ a E ~ A E V ' I q ~ ~ i r c , this world, thnt they him. And 'said 'Jesus, For judPgment I into which see uot might


whihh ~ e c mjpht be

came, that they that llee not might lee, and Y ~ hKaill4~ovrrav r c v dr oi /3X6?rouresNp 10; ~ ~ v ~ v r40 i . o ~ ' ~ ~ ~ b k d might become. And Ohcard 'of ?he see which werc with him they thnt, hean! these words, and Q~~~~~~~~ iraiira" oi kGvr~r er' aliroir,'l m i 'Isaid unto him, Are we m d they blind a,so? 41 J~~~~ *PhCZineu 'Othue'l'thinga 'those 'who .were h t h .him,

~ d u ~ i o v . ~ o ~ r o vO Y , ~ X ~ Yua
thin w o r l d


pi)./3XC~ovre~ /3Xi~waiv, rni

2 2

;i&~bq:i$y;;if~;anid ZOVW haVC sin : but now no

to him.

4 is rvqXoi iapev;
'*blind 'are?

41 Elmv atroic b
&id .in ; t o them but n o r y.

say, We flee; tbcrerenmiueth. To" s ' ~

" '

'I~luoirc, rvqXoi *re, drr-&v-eixerairPapriava virv.81 XiEi




ye were, ye would iwr have the 'therefore 'sin

yre, "Ori PXhopav.

We m, Verily varily

4 mo8v" &papriair 3 v p6vei.

ofyou remaina enters not in but by the

say anto you, He that

X. Terily, ~ e r l l y ,I

10 'Ap+ &piu Xiyw irpiv.

the ge fold of the

i) ptj-eiuep~I;p~vo~ f j j ~ 81 11
sheep, mountn up. bnt he that elre-

entereth not by the door into the sheep

g 6pas eic rljt athtjv r 3 v ?rpo/3irwv, &M11 Lva/3aivwv dXIl K E ~ Y Od t ~$ r q fg : rai Xpurtjc* 2 d.&! ~ ~~ barb
a thie!

I aay t o you. He that

door to ~ ~ b ~ ~ Xaxdeev, ~ ~ =me in a thief i n d s where, is the shepherd of t b *eep. him the in

eiaepen'ko him hear,

~ ~ ~ , " f t h l " , ~ ~dpevoc,111 rjjc Birpac ?rot +v dartv rGv ~pophrwv. 3 r ~ L r y t ~ ~ " , "8 "
by the door 8hepkd

and arobber; of the

i .


$zh:rd,"d yi the door-keeper

6 9vpwpds d v o i p ~ rai rd npdPara rijs.qwviis.airroir droC~r, ,

'aheep and the rheep by his voice

voi-: and he all*th rai his own shecp b and nnme, and lcade&

rd.i8ia ?rpd/3ara n ~ a X ~car! Bvopa, rai i(&yei ai~rri. ~ll

t!lemout 4 h a w h e ? 4 OzaiA orav rd.ibia P?rp6/3araU ir/3&X?j ip.rrpoueev atrGv he 's l And when his o w n sheep he puts forth before them ' own sheep he gozth oi8natv before the&, and the ?rop~d~rai' a rd ap6para at?@ droXoveei, 'drr ~ i sheep him : for be goes ; and the sheep him follow, because they know thcy know his voice, 5 And a atrangcl. will njv-$wv?) 5 dXXori)iY.8l ot.p?) q & ~ o X o v ~ ~ ~ a w a ~ v the not follow but hb voice. But o stranger in no wise they should follow, wilTflee from hi&: for ci$ ~ they know nM the d u d ~ E ~ ~ O U T Ua6~0;' h i oC~.oidnaivr3v ciXXorpiwv 'otca of RtrangerS. but will flee from him, becnnse they know not of s t r a n g ~ w 6 This parable spnke Jesus unto them : but $WW;V.6 Ta6771~ TO olpi'av E ~ A E Y t r o i ~d 'Iquoij~, T?)Y a they tindcrstood not the voice. This aItgogor2 aspoke 'to 'them 'Jeaun, what thiugu thcy woze' nh'ch he spat0 unto iceivoi.8~ ~irr.~~'yr~wcrav '+vv" riva tX&Xai n6roi~. them. but they knew not what it waa which he spoke t o them.


he calls


and leads lout 'them.


i) q r &v8p&nov man ' ;f -ovres~ L ]~. I . A . - aim$T, m12 - o h rL]lTrA. Kar.ofTTrA. T.he wllsraS7a~T.ae1ncv-p(< a and : ! - &e - - i avrov cinav 40ve;
~ T T A


d L ~ A .



it n&ht be m .

m P rdwa all (his own) L m r ~


Q &~AOV&~UOVULY they will

foll~w L

~ A W .

'Said 'therefore 'again

.to %hem
'Jesq Verily verily

n ~ t o ~ ~ m ~ ' ~ I say ?ily v&ly, l rng;nto

7 EZTEV o3v srciXiv a&roic11 ' l r ~ o o i t 'Aplfv dpqv Xiy*, d ~,

+47v,tsrrll 4 L eipr 4 B6pa r3v rpoplrwv. 8 r c i r p I t ~ to you, thot am the door of the hhwp. ever came before me -?rpb ipoir fiijXBo~11 rcX6nrai Zuiv rai XparaimI X X ' o6r.fkovaav 81.e thieves and robsye and robbers ; but 'did 'not 'hem be" not hew them. did : but the sheep before me came thieves a 6 r h rd .rrpd@ara. 9 by6 eipt 4 0Gpa. 61' bp05 aciv r t ~9 I am the door: by .them 'the 'sheep. I am the door: by me if aAyone in?he shallman enter if any be.aave doa8p au&iurrat, rai riaehe6u~rar m i ~ e h r 6 a ~ r axai and shall go m ant i i, enter in he shall be saved, and shall go in and shall go out, a d Out and find pasture.


10 bhe thief cometh rXL\Clp not,butfortosteal,and except that he may steal to kill and to destroy: I am 'come that they Kai 8 6 ~ 9uai iroX6apg by& fiX80v 'Iva <u?)v might have lifc, and and may lall and may datroy t I came that life they might have, that they might have more abundantly. rai reptaabv &jlwatv. 11 ' E eipr d r o i p ? )b raXd~. b it I am the goodshep ~ 11 and abundantly might have [its un the 'shepherd 'good. The herd. the ood s h e p herd iveth%s life for rotprjv i) raX6c ~rjv.rC/v~tjv.aliroirrieqaiv Grip TGV ~ p o S 4 -the s%eep. i a ~ u he t h s life lay8 down for the sheep: that is rm hirelin 'shepherd 'good and not the shephert rwv. 12 b.ptaBw~bg.~6i,"rai o t r . 3 ~ no[ <v, 05 oirrc whose ovn the sheep but the hi& m , t and r h o h not [the] shepferd, whow .not are not seeth the wolf

voptjv ~6pjaei.10 b K X ~ ~ T o i]r k . ~ p x ~ ~iapi ) i'va I ~ 6 .

The thief coma not

pasture shall find.


Seiaivo rd rphpara idto,

'are 'the the 'sheep sheep,


B rdv ~ 6 x ipxdpevov, rai ~~~~~e~~~~ 0 ~

the wolf coming, 8eiu and and the wolf catchet6 because he hirellng andcarbecause 14 I not the the ahep am for ood

'own, and sheep.

rai a~opri<ei Jrd rpbpara. 13 d.6k

and scatten


iqaiv rd rp@ara rai $e6yace rai b X ~ K cip.rrhtr a t r d them and13 The hueO ~ theshleep.
flew ; and the wolf them ling

p[aewrbg $e6yei"

Now the hired servant fleeg

piuewrds bariv, rai

a hired servant he is,

'good ; and

r ~ p rGv rpophrwv. i

Father knoweth me, rd t h e that [m] mine, even so know I the Paand I m Xytvd:n~opa~ i 6.rrb r 3 v i p G ~ .15 ~ a e ( Y~ i ~ &my life for the slleep. ~ ; ~ ~ ~ i and am known of those that [are] mine. 16 h have, d other sheepof which are not I )l b ~ a n j p , yivha~w ri)v 7raripawrai ~ v . $ . w X G v . pthis fold,: them albo I ~~ *me 'the 'Father, I a l ~ o know the Father; and my life must bnng, and they shall hear my voice16 , rieqpi 6 a i p r6v P ~ O ~ ~ T W Y . rai dhha rpdpara l ~ w and there shall be on: I lay down for the sheep. And other sheep I have, ancl one s h e p 17 Therefore d oh~.E"arrv bk rijg-ahhijg-ra6rq~' K & K E ~ Y ( ~ 66?' doth my Father love of this fold ; thou also lit 'behoves me. beoaune I lay down which cre not m life that l might ciyay~'iv, rf~g.$wvij~.pov K O ~ U O V ~ L Vrai byei~aernlll ta%e i t 'again. 18 xo rai & . pia to bring, and my voice ther will hear; and there shall be one mnn tnketh i t from me hut I lay i t down aroipvr], eSc rotfi?jv. 17 6cd.roGro .rrarGp pelt tt arqi, of 'myself. I have a&, one shepherd. On this account the Father me ~ovea, power to 1ny i t down, and have power to ay& ri0qpt njv.rC/vX;)~.pov, 'Iva .rr&Xiv Xbpw a6njv. td e Ii t again. his becnuse I lay down my life, that again I may take it. commandment hare 1 am the 'shepherd I know

14 d 4 6ipr b rotp?)v-b ~aXdc' rai.ytv6uro

and is not himself concerned about the


:S,;5 0 ~ ~ : the : of mine.


18 olj6eic ai er a6rr)v cir' bpoir, &AA' b

o n e e





lay d , o

rieqpt a&m)v L$ ~ ~ $ ~ , " , " , $ a ~ f ~ $ ~ ~

it of therhagainamong *Or theda authority I have

ipnvruD. i<ovaiav fxw


eeivai a6njv, xai i~ovaiav ?xw the

it, and

Authority I have to lay down to take it. This

wuXiv XaPeiv aCnjva r a 6 q v r ~ j vbvroXfv

my Fnther.

[Xnpov r a p i

commandment I received

roir.rarpd~/~ov. Xxiapa do8vU rciXtv lyivero b r o i ~ 19 v

A division therelore again

thore was among the

3 r o i r r h t v L ; r d t v d ~ o i T ; aitroir A. r iirr [L]Tr[A]. GLTrA ; r p b ;p03 T. 6 i but TLT~]. ;W&V LTTIA. ( [ ~ rp$a~a] A) 6 8; p i d u r b s + ~ Y c L [~.]TT~A. h ~ ~ V ~ U K O V Fe~ .rh Q Y miue kuow mo I . ~ A . pc L r r r r . b ytnjoov~ac ~ A . T


.' -


those that LH~..:] C f i g b rar+p LTTI&

v JjhOov +rpb



eaylngs. 10 ~n~nd of Heman


IQANNHL. 8td T O ~ C X ~ ~ O V C 20~. ~ E~ O V ed211 . - O Y~OV~

e devil and is mad. on account of these w ~ r d s ; 'said 'but Wh hhblw Ye h i m i roMoi bC: airrGv, Aatpdviov ~ X E L ral paive,rat0 ri arjroir 21 &hersthe worda of said, Theae m 8 w not of them, A demon he ha# and L maa ; why him him thathath a devil. & K O ~ E ~ E 21 * A X X O L AEYOY, ; Tairru T & pipara oirr.;arrv Can a 'pen Others said, Theae sayings are not [thole] qea of the blind ? the do ye hear 7
of one possesued by a demon. eres to open ?


p?) 8at~dvtov 8l;varar m$XGv

. demon A

's able of [the] blind [the] i

b$8aXpoirc *&voiyeiv";
And took place the feast of dedication a t Jerusalem, ?call1X E ~ ~ & Y 23 rai repiercirer kb"'Iqaoir!:i v rq? iep i +v' and winter i t was. And 'was aw~lking 'Jesus in the temple

22 'Ey6vero.68 rtS

ghyraiviaVv broicll 'I~pouoXdpoi~,

of &Emon. *Encircled Stherefore .him a n d it wan a t oi 'Iov8aiot, rai Aeyov a f t $ , "Ewe rdra njv.#vX~v.4p5v the 'Jews, and mid to him, Until when our soul the dedication, and Oft 'the i was winter. 23 ~ n d aipeic ; ci air a b ~piardc,melri" Gpiv rab1 ~ ~ \ e w ~ lfoldest thou iasorpense? If thou art the CMst, k e m tell us plainpro%. 24 Then came qaiq. 25 'A?rerpieq na6roic11 kd"'Iqao3g, Elnov 6piv, rai the Jews r o m d about PAnswered 'them lJosus, I told you, and him and said unto him: HOW long dost 06.nia~~6~re.rpya & iy; notij,bv T @ bv6pan roir rarpdc rd thou make as to ye believe not. The works which I do in the name of 'Bether doubt 7 If thou be the repi bpoGw 26 O m I n 6)ck 06 Christ, tall ns plain- pOV, ~ a i k a paprvpei 1 25 J e w answered 'my, these bear witness concerning me : but ye "not tKem I told you, and ye dlieved no!: the ~ r u ~ ~ b c r a ' Poit-ydpll-;are ~ I Cr3v rp0/36rwv rdv h CV, q ~ a e h ~ works that I do in my 'believe, for ye are not of %eep , as Father's name they beRr witness & me. E ~ T O V6piv." 27 T& rpdpara rd d.pd rijc.$wv$c.pov 'd~06~1,' 26 But ye believe not I said to you. 'Sheep 'my my voice heor, beonuse ye are not 04 yrvDaro a6r& rai &roXov~oiiaiv pot, 28 K& 2 'rw?jv my sheep, a I said n6 a you. 2, Myshee a n 1 1 n o them,, and they follow , me; anr1 life drdAwvrat eic rdv vO1w~ the rai o6.ptj know tgem, andand' aihviov P L p i arjroi~~n follow me : 28 and eternal give them ; and in no wise shall they p r i s h for

in the wrch

bv rlj or04 lro3 ZoXo 5vrog.U 24 ir6~Xwaav o3v n6rdv


$2never perish, neiit^^

my hand. ever, and 'shnll 'not 'seim 'anyone them out of ther sh811 any man ra+p.'povI1 ' 8 ~ 8iawriv " p01 w p ~ i tr&vrwv"buriv. rai ~v !luck them out of my who hsa given [them] to me greater than all My Bather in, end and. 29 My Father, which gave them me, oCJeii Gbvnrac 6pr&cv br r?jc ~ E i p br~ii.rarpbc-~pov." ~ is greater than all no one no man is able td is able to seize out of the hand of my Father. luckthemout of m 30 b G rai d ranjp gu iapev. .31 'Ep6araarrv Jo3v" rciXiv 'Took %p 'therefore 'again gather's hand. 30 and the Father one we. and my Father are one. 81 Then the Jews took hieovg oi 'Iov8aior 'Iva ~ L ~ & u w ~ Y ~ Y aitrdv. 32 drarpieq a 'stones 'the 'Jews that they might atone him. 'Answered 'tone him. g2 Jeaus answered them.Manf n(lroic bJIqaoic, IIoMd 'raXd ipyaI1 ibciEa 6piv ir rot good works have %hem 'Jesus, Many good prorks I ahewed you from rhewed you from my Pether ; for which of rarpdg.apov'il 61d T O ~ O V aGr5v rpyov bXt8hl~rh,p'' ; those works do ye my Father ; because of which 'of athem 'work do ye stone me? atoneme 7 33 The Jews a6r@ npi taX03 answered him, sa Lng, 33 ' 4 i ~ ~ ~ p i e q b a l J oi 'Iov8aiot cXiy~vrec," l o r a good wor% we 'Answered *him 'the 'Jews, saying, For a good

aiGva, rai oCx.dprdaet rtc arjr& in: +ijc.x~cpd~-pov. B 29


of~v then T. bvoi[at t o have opened ' ~ R A . K ivrtaivra T. h roic T . i ~ a i k [h] TT. 1 ZohopGvoc GLTAW ; r o e Zohop&voc Tr. m einbv T . atroic T. 0 MA& Lrmnw. P 676 O ~ n r . K P ua0ibc efrov.6piv [L]TT~[A]. r JKOJOVUL [are] hearing nra. * 8Qwpc atroic {w))v aihvtov TTTA. pov ( The Father) T. f,Swhat (he hoe given) nra. W n6vrwv paicdv TTrA. pov (read the Father) T[T~JA< 8 jpya rtahd LT. pov (read the Father) [L]<T~]A. o h T[TT]. b ;pi k0d<erc


A ~ ~ v W S &lT*AW.



X, XI.
work we do not atone thee, but

for blmphemy,


*neth~notlbutf~ and because b'&Rphcmy; caum thnt thou bdn mnkest ihwb d dive wroc &v roteic oeavrtv &dv. 34 'A*~rpi&Ia h o k thou Ibeing makeat thpllelf God. *A.nswered t h e m ed them, Is m8wsE JaeuR i t not U~'Iqaoi,p, i r ~ l m i v ~ ~ a ~ pt v v o v 6pGv, e'EIG ~ O ~ i r$.v&t ~ ~ 'Jesus, Is i t not wntten in your W, he h l e d them g o b f~lra,"Beoi bare; 35 E dceivovp elrw O E O ~ Crpbc oijc b auto whom the word i , uid, f ods 're %re? If &m he oslled gods, to whom the Of and scri tnre cannot the be ~ y rroir OEOZ ty4varo,u ~ aoir.86varat xv~ijvac tj ypa$lj. b&en ; 36 say e of o ~ i kord of Qod came, (and soannot 4besbroken 'the sscriptm~ him, whom the &her hath smcti5ed and 36 BY d ranjp t)yiaaev kai & ? T ~ Q T ~ ~ eic 'rbv K ~ D ~ V , into the Corld, EY -t [oihlnj whom the Father sanctified and rent Into the world, Thou blsapheluest ;became I &aid I am the Be03 SOU of ~ o d 37 5 j irpis-X6yere, "Orr pXaa$qpTs, arc clrov, ribs br~C" of God do not the work8 of doyeruy, !hou blwphemest, becaaae I rsld, Son my gather bellepe me tipt; 37 ri ot.lo& rd tpya ro5-rar dp-pov) p?).mare6ere not. 98 B& if I do I vnl If I do not the w o r h of my i t h e r , believe not though ye believe not pot. 38 ei84 ?rotG, KBY tpoi p~)?rtore6r)re,n105c Zpyorc me tbelieve the workn: ~* yemay~ow me ; but if I dol even it me ye believe not, the workn believe that the' Far ~ a a r yv~rr K t r e q r e r v p believe, that ye may p m i v e and may believe that in me [is] they sought again to i v mat~$.U 'Ecirovv no8v" os&Xtvil him: but he 39 caped take out of their 6 narhp, KC% the Father, a n i I in him. They sought therefore again hand, 40 and went atrbv rtbaar' m i tC$Brv ir rijg-x~tpbc-airrGv. Kai ;f ain, a l the PI40 :a ~ n bcyond ' hiq to take, and he went forth oat of t oir hand ; and where John at .fir&

ipyov oirXcOci{opBv at, &AA& repi pXaa+qpiac, ~ a iSrt



ctn$AO~v?rciXtv lripav roi, '10 8&vov,eip rbv rd?rov ijrov i)v

&parted John again beyond first the &rb, to the place


P ' I w & u q ~ l l ri, rpGrov


where was raeo*duntOhim,Ond pa?rri~wv. ~ a qZp~tvav" i hi. 41 cai a i d *Johnd'd no mib : but '1 l baptizing ; and he abode t k m . b n d thnt John spnkeof thig and said,

woXXoi @Oov rpbc aBrdv, ~ a iXeyov, "OIL P ' I w c i ~ & q ~ U i


2 ) :n;cdt*ZAZ ~~

p~iov Xgn trroiqoev ot8iv. 'did .no;

but ell


rliifv ~IwciwqCU

whatsoever k i P 'believed

r e p l ioCrov,



&XqO$ *v. 42 Kai r i ~ i u r ~ v u a v roXXoi

tbur on

1 'Hv.66 1

Now there WM a certain [man] of $ary and


&oOevGv Aci<apoc tirb BqBaviac,

dck, Llroarus of Bethauy,

of t e village h

ir rijr ~irpqc Ma iac ~ a MipBac rijg.ci8~Xfijc.airri~. 2 *v a i

& 'Mapia" 6 &Xeit,baaatbv

who anointed the

K ~ ~ I O V

her s~ster,

~ ~ ~ ~ $ $ ~
the to* of Nary and

XI, N~~ a rrrtoin


rai tgp&faga heraiuter~artha.2(It

wiped Lmnrus




withointment and whose brother

and wiped hi8 feat with ~ u a r d hair whose brother tfa86vet. 3 &~iaretXav o8v ai ZGeX$ai ?rpbc aC?bv Xfyov- wss sick.) 3 Therefore WM nick. *Sent therefore'the "sisters to him, his sisters sent unto him, saying, Lord. bea~u,,KCpu, 6v $tXeis ira6evai. 4 'A~o6uac.8i b 'Iqaofip hold, he whom thou i8e ing; Lord, 10, hewhom thoulovest is sick. But 'having =heard 'Jesus love& is sick. 4 When Jesus heard tlta', rle tznev, Aijrq & ~ e 8 v ~0~K-c"al;l~ e & ~ a ~ o&Xi' 6Tjp ~ n i d ,This sickners is ta ?rpbc v, ufd, This sickness is not unto death, but for not unto death but r for the glory o f ' ~ o d 6drqc roi, ~ E O G ,'Iva 605aaQ$ b vibs r06 Q E O&~ ,, that the Son of ood L the glory of God, that may be glorified the Son of God by might be glorified

A&capoc ointment, ro3y.n68ag.airroir ra7s.6 r(iv.a&rijc, $c d oi8e)l$b~

hia feet
wit[ her hair,


l , ,


~ A .


that L

T L ~ & T ~

~ A . LTW.

Father L

[ o h ] TrA. i r i a c v u a v eis a h b v k e i L'ITiA.

v ~e i -+r i6hytsivT.T6 u ~ qMmay Lknowr.LTTIA. i ~ e v c vL.i narpl the . P 'I~&M)c T n&oj Q P ~ Tr. P

e?rov L.

6 ~ Y ~ V C Z 70; O

Be03 T.


T .


thereb 5 x 0 J8 ~ 2 a l l o r d %[artha nnd her airrijc. 6 'Hy&?ia 8 .d 'IquoGc rrjv Mhpeav ~ d rrjv &&A$jv 'Loved 'now sJer~ Martha m saieter sinrer, and kasnrull. it. 6 When h v had heard ahrijc nai rbv Ahtapow, 6 6 c oiiv ~ r o v u ~ v &uBevei, $re therefore t h ~the wes Lssnrnk When therefore he heard that he is sick, sick he nbode tW0 days 'her s t i ~ i i n same lam 7 6 7 8 piv ~ ~ E L V E V the bv $v r 6 ~ Giro $pipac. 7'~ireira y ~ ~ ~ & then indeedt remained in which 'he +van 'place two dnys. ~ ; he ~ Then hie aidplea, ~ e t go perd roiko heyer TOTS p a e q r a i ~ ' A y w ~ e v m ,~ pjv 'IovSaiav into Judfea &gnin. after this he says t o the disciplea, Let ns go into Judm 8 His disciples a y unto xi, the wciXiv. 8 A~yovuivabry" oi pneqrai, x'Pa/3/3i," YGV Jews of lnte sought @ g a b Qny %o 'him 'the *dieoiplea, Rabbi, just now 'were t o stone thee; and UOestthoutllither ain? T O V ~ U X L ~ ~ U ~' ILo v ~ ~ ~ oI L C ~ & L V 6?rh.y~'E i ; 0i , ~ h B Jcsns a n s w e r 3 h %eking Yosstone 'the 'Jaws, nnd again goest thou thither? ere not twelve honra the day? any 9 'A?rt~pieq 76'' 'Iqaoiic, 0 i GcjJer& zelu~v Gpacbiic k man walk i n the day, 'Answered 'Jesus, ' 'Not .twelve 'ue %hem hours in the he stumbleth not becnueaheneeththeljuht qpipac j h& ?rpl?rae (V $/&Q, o & . ? ~ ~ o u K ~ ? ~ T E of tllis world. l 0 But day 7 If any079 walk in the day, he stumbles not, if a man walk in the he stumbleth .6~1 r03.n6up0v.r0irrov 10 bdv.66 T L ~ there is n; -1160 t h e &ht o f t b wmld h e ~ e e; s but if nnyone ?rep~?rargjv rp' vvnri, ~ ~ o u I c ~ ? $71 E ~ ,$G* o 6 r . i ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ T 76 bv rfk.r that he saith walk in the night, he stnmbles, becnuw the light is not in untothem* Our friend atr+. 11 Ta3ra elmv, wc perd roGro Xhyei aliroi~, ci AciLazsrus slee eth ; but I o, may him. Theae things he mid; 8nd after this he ~ a y r to thcm, Laehimo t?f s!eep. tapoc b-$ihoc-$pGv ~eroipqrar. d u d wopciropai 'iva iEThen 'M he our friend has fallen &p ; but gles, bord,' if hu slee sarus Igo that Imay e shall do we% vnriuu airr6v. l2 Elrov o6va b~i-paBqrai"-~abroi,. K+, 13HowbeitJesushpnke %Said 'therefom his disciples, Lord, of his death: but they thought that he had ei ~ e r o i ~ q r a i aw&juerai. 13 Eipi~ee.6i b ' I q u 0 3 ~W E Q ~ But Bnd "qoken Woken of bking of if he hes fallen asleep he will get well. 'Jesus of k s t in sleep. 14 Then







, -

wia J ~ u unto them r o ~ . ~ a v & r o v . a ~ r o ~ . a ireivoi.61 ;8o&zv h i ?repi no~p~uaw~ ~ l a i n l y Lazarus is but they thought that of the rest ad. And I am his death' ~ l n d.or your ~ a k e a7 0 G ~ ~ V O V Xiyet. 14 T ~ T E *0iivtl E ~ ? ~ EairroZc d 'IqooGc V that I wns not there, of sleep he speaks. Then therefore 'said Yo 'them 'Jesus to the intent ye may bell&e 3 nevertheless ~ a $ ~ a i q lAXapoc d?riBavev. 15 m xnipw , i Ji-6piic, let ns go unto him. plainly, L 8 u w l a dled. h d I rejoice on yopr account, l6 Then said Thomas, t, L a ' K C U T E ~ ~ U ~SriE6tr-$pqv irei* e(iXh"I & Y W ~ E V? r p i ) ~ V /T , which )s called Didymus, ontd his iellow- in order that ye may believe, that I ww not there. But let us go to k l t h him.

gzya&d v . l6 Elrev ah~


03v Owpiig, b hey6

'therefore Tho-B,

E U O ~Aisvpoy,




fuvppaOrl~aTc,U "AywPev rai rjpeic. Tva


Let go ' h


Didymus, to the ciro0civw EV per' wemay & L with


came he found that he h;rd lain in the grave four days alrpndp. 18 NOW Bethany wns nigh unto Jerunnlcm, about fift e n furlongs off: 19 nnd mnuy of the Juwa came to Mnrtha and a r y , to comfort thcm concerning their



I7 T l e n when Jews

=Having 'come %herefore days

' I ~ ~ O G ~ e6pev 'Jmur fonnk

-airriv rluuapac
him four

%p6pac 46r)" rxovra bv r$ pvqpeiy. 18 $v-66

already havlng been in the t o Jerunalem, the tomb.

Now +as 'fifteen,

'Bethnny and

dyyirc r3v 'Ipo~oX6pwu,

near many of Jews

about 'off

drrb ara6iwv 6~rardvre 19

Yurlonga hadcome unto

ToXXOL'~. b~ TGV 'Iovbaiwv dXqXirO~tuav

Martha and Mnry, that

mrdc wepi"
those around

MripBav rcai "Mapic~," wapapv~~uwvrut 'lva a6rdc

they might console


+ [ai)roG] (read his disciples) L a 'Pa@ei T . J b OLTTrAW. a &pal ciutv a + a&?@ to him LT. LTTrAW. pi p a e q ~ a i ]A. a k o i (read the disciples) LT; to him TrA. * Cob] L. aMi LTTrA. ~ v p a 6 ~ r a T.s ; s'HA6av calne L . h + ~ a and L. i i $9 $fiepas TrA ; - $ 8 7. ~ - T. 1r r o M o i 61 L r r r a a Gv



(~rwcl d colne to Martku) h


Maptafi LTTrA.

tlreir brothor.

20 $.ov'v.M&pBa

Murtha therefore when she heard that met but Mnry in the ho11sc Jesus,

JOHN. &c $aovuev 6ri

pb' brother. 10ThonXnr-

i : > r d:4 h

'Iqaoirc $pxcrai, irrtjvrqaev airrc?. Mapia:Gh hv r$ oixy Qra- coming., went and him: buk Mnry
is coming, w ~ s

8itsso. 21 ~l?rev.o8v4$" M&pBa r p d c rrbzlli '17!aoGv, KCpte, r i

litting. Theil nuid Mnrtha to
O ~ K & . +c ; 8 ~ ,1b.cid~X$6S.p~~hnd. not ~died~ ;T thou hodst been here, my brother

iq the houle.


21 Then maid Mnrthn

that evcn now whnteocver thou wilt ark of God God will give i t thee.' 23 Jopus saith aoi S Bedc. 23 ~ Q y eair* h 'IquoGc, 'Avnqnjuerai b AGeX$tic unto hcr T I I ~ t bro'tiles 'God Says t o her Jesus, 'Will (rise 'agaiu 'brocher ther shnll' rire again. 24 Mnrtha sriilh uuto aov. 24 Aiyer air$ v McipBa, OZ8a iir~civaur?joerai hv q him, I liuon thnt ha j lrh~. Snye t o him hiartha, I know thnt he will riso agnin in the shall rise agniu in the rcsurrectiou a the daraarhasc hv q Iuxdrp 4pQpp 25 E l n ~ va;$ b8Iqaoirc, last any. z, tJ~~~ j ( resurrection in the last dny. 'Snid 'to 'her 'Jesus, snid ulr'o her, I a m 'El6 /p1 d ~ d ~ r a u m ; $ ic 6 ? L ~ T E ~ W (is ill/ the renurr'ctiOul beV 9 life: hc that am the rosurrectiou and the hfe: he that beliovca on nlQ, Lieveth in me, though rav dnoedvg t ? j u ~ r n i26 rat ?rc?c d c3v rni Z L U ~ E ~ Whe live: 26 on: ctshnu ~ U weredead* whoaotliough he die he shall lire ; m d everyone who lives and belioves ever liveth and blieveven now I know thnt whatsoevar thou mnyest nsk of

E ~ ~ ~ tdXXdll~my brother had no{ K E ~ . ~ but died. Z!! But I know,


L O ~ ~if unto hrrdst been here , thou J e s w Lord, if

rut VGU olda 8ri


&v.airi/up rdv eedv, 6huet

God, 'will ' i e gv

tic lpb, oir.pj

on me, in no wise

cinoBdvv eic.rbv.aiGva.
ahell die Lord ; for ever.

Belicvest thou

niarr6eic roitro ; g : ,


ing,"li","v",i\ ",h'!;

27 she saith un-

27 &yei abvjl, Nai, r6pie' d.

She nays t o him, Yea, Christ, the Son

xptorlc, b vibc roil 0 ~ 0 5 , 6 E I ~rbv rlupov h ~C0111e9. i p ~OjO~ Iointo. the ~c God, which ~ U ~
of God, who into the world

ne~iurevrnS ad n

1 b

have believed thnt thou art the

28 And when ,he hnd


ehou~d world

uev 28 Kai "rai,rau ~iaocaa &mjX6ev, rai 6 $ 6 ~ ~ ~ 'MnpiavIl

And these things having erid she went away, and called

80 said, she went her WHJ, and onlled Y q .herrriater secretly myrrjv.AdcX$))v.a~njs 7X&pa,' ' a i ~ o ~ a a , ~ ~ '0 8t86u~aXo~ adp- ing,, The M a d r L her sister recretly, euying, The tenchor come, m d crlloth for thee. B Aa soon W ! . Eartv rai qbwvei a. 99 'Ereiq he &OVUEV biycip~ratU she hear6 that, Ihe mxd colue and calk thee. She when she henrd rison up quickly arose quickly, and ctrme unto him. 30 Now rai c i p ~ ~ r arpbc airrdv. 30 o5nw-8; bXgXi!6et d'17)ao~cJesus wus not yet ill rud coruea to him. Nbw not yet had 'col~le 'Jesus come into the town, but was iu thnt plnoe tic n ) v mj qv, LXX' +I! i~ T$ r d ~ ( tSTOV h n ; t ~ ~ ? p ~ ~ ) nCr$ whore Martha mct luto the rilcge, but was in the piace where 'met 'him him. 31 The Jews which wore Blhp9a. 31 oi.o8v.'Iov8aioi oi 8vrec p i aicrijc i v rf 0;ki(l thcnin the house,with h or and 'Murtha. The Jcws therefore vho were with hor in tho honse eomforted her, when rai aapapv'BoBpevorairnjv, i'8dureC r$u eMapiav' Sri r a ~ i w cshe rose UP hnxcily nnd and consoliug her, h n ~ i u g seen Mnry that qaick:y went out, followedher,



l e rose up and

i v 6 a r ~ rai hS{XBev, IjroXo68qoav airrp", fXQyovrec,8 "Ori

went out, tomb followed her, snying, that she may weep there. 'Jesus, eeeing Lord, Mary therefore

to the grare to =(MP snyi"g* She unthere. 32 Then when

6ndyet ei'c rb pvqpeiov Yva xXa6uv ixei. 32 'H.ov'v.glTapi'a' Yf;; ,,

She is going to the when ehe came where 'wnn his feet,


h~ 4XBev iiaov +v hbl''Iquoirc, i805ua

aaying t o him,

roi~.r6tc.a4rot,l Xiyovoa air$, K6pir,

'hod 4not 'died

hirn, fell down a t airrbv Z T E ~ E Z , i ~ i c ~ f e o ~ o : ~ y i f f ~ him, fell et hi,dsb bcoll llr:re m ei i ) ~ 68r brother had ~ o h ti e d if thou hulst been hcre

Y, : t"

otr.liv.kciabBavbv ov" B 68sX 6s. 33 ' ~ ~ u o i roliv c

k y

J e s u thrrefore when he naw

9 - 4 QL. * - ~ b T[T-1. v + 4 LTTrA. - dhhb [L]w~A. eirraua Tr. + 81 and (she T?[A&


:::E r




~ i v &niOavtv (&c8virtcr A ) K

7oik0 this

- i) - ai)r&v (read [their]b'rother)m ~ . LTl'rA. 6 i6eh+dr pov



b iydp&,

m ~ .1 Maprhp. LlTrA. Y Ad6'pq rose up LTrA. c ljpxrro cnme TrA.


tbdtawas t h i n k i n g 'ITrA. C Mqrprdp TTrA. 1040 u68as QTT~AW. uov &nk8avev TPCA.

+ &L

y e t LT~[A].

TO^ r k (wpbr

Maprhp LTTIA. Tl'rA)


roirc u v v ~ l 8 d v r aair* ~
in spirit, him; 'Jesus. and

X. I

the 'who 'came % h t Dher 'Jews ~o",~;~i$tl,"n"~s~; ~Xaiovrac,bve/3pipljaaro rcy" rrve6/~art, rai brdpa&u davrbv, Wherc dave ye laid him? The said unto

and the Jew# a.irrdv rXaiovuav, rai weeping which came her with her, he llroaned weeping, and weepinKt he groaned

b Ym,

34 ~ a drev, no; re8eicare alirdv; Aiyovuiv at+, i

and mid, Where have ye Laid "Wept They lay


Behold how he loved him1 37 And some of them said, could not this m m ,which opened the eyes of the blind, have caused that even this man should not have died? 88 Jesus therefore again groaning in himself cometh to the grave. ~t wnsa cnve, land a stone lay upon It. 39 Jesus said, Take W ., the tom. ~ r t h n the sister of , saith that him, Lord: him unto was dead

86 Then ~ a l d Jews the

rpXou sai 'Iov6aioi,


is. 35 'EGb~pvwv ' I q a o ; ~ . 36 ~ 6

TGC ~ $ ~ X nrirdv. EL
him l 'this ['man] who Bchold how he loved




an'd see'

*Said 'therefore 'the

37 Trvic.6$
But some opened the bf

them eyes


O ~ K ? ~ ~ ~0~6V~ U T O6~& ~ 0 i & l c 7035 b$QnXpoJ~ 0 ~ ~

Wns not =able

of the blind Jesus


[man], t o have onused that also this one should not have %et
O ~ ~ ~ u o V TC~XIY

38 ' I ~ /
to the

P mbp,!3piphp~v~c" Cavr$i ipxerar W

gronmng n cave, in himsclf comes and a stone waa lyiug upon atone. *Says 'to Yhim



0 5 ~ 0 p?j.&7so8&~; ~

therefore again

rb ~ v ~ / ~ E ~ o u . ~ l i ~ h ~ t oXi8oc bsb~cro b; 4~-62 ICai ~ , a&r@.'3C) XQyec


"h1' ' I q u o i ~ , u & n r ~ rbv Xi8ov. Atyet a6rd

Khpte, $ 8 ~ 6&t'

Now it was

by this tlme he stink- it. 'Says 'Jesus,, Take away the dead four eth: for he h ~ t40 Jeh been (ic?~X$?j706 O T E ~ V T ~ K ~ T O ~ " MCipBa, sus aaithuntoher, said #the 'sister 'of 'him awho 'Ohas "died, 'Martha, if thou woulde;t be! I not unto thee that T E T U ~ T U ~ O & burlv. 40 Aiyel arirg 6 ~ ~ p

Lord, already he s t i n k ,

'Iqaoic, O ~ K - E I ~ T

lieye, thou shouldest YOU' ' d a ~ s for 'it '. i s 'Says 'to 'her 'Jesus, Said I not Bee the glory of Qod? g o ( , idv T(aTE&r C P&,b~rll n j v 66Sav roir &o;; ~ a ~ ~ sto thee, that if ~ ~ ~ thou ~ shoulde8t &&re, & $ ~ thou shalt see the glory of God. place where the dead 41 T ~ p a obv rbv Xieov '406 i/v '6 r8v~,&~ K E ~ ~ E V O ~ : . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h i ~ d e , " They , " ~ nwny therefore the stone where 'was 'the 'dead " , " took *11i:d. raid, Pather t h n k '0.8~.'Iquoig ? ; ~ E v TOCC d$$aXpoir~ (Evw. ~ a errev, i hesrd thee that dhou hnat 42 And I And Jesus lifted (his] eyes upwards, and said, Fa-


knew thaO s&kh$t%: TCivr0ri poV ~ ~ K o ~ E L ~ bl(i &XX& ' TAY ~ X X O V7bv CEpli t , that they may bealways me thou hearest ; but on account of the crowd who stand lieve that thou hant sent me. 43 And when earGra ?TOY T v ~X ~ U T E ~ U W U '[ V 87% 06 p &7riareiXaC. he thus had spoken, nround I snid [it], that they might boliere that thou me didst send. he cried with a loud %h ? forth: 44 And he t h a t And these things haring raid, wit a 'voice 'lond he cried, Lawas dead came forth 6 T E ~ V ~ K 6e8ellivoC ~ C , bound hand and foe{ r a p , Geirpo 1fu. 44 rKai" h(?iX8eu withgravec1othes:nnd 'zarus, come forth. And came forth he who had been dead, bound

knew that thou hear- TEP a t me always: but be- the;

ebxapiurcj aoi 8rt. $rovu&c you. 42 iy3.62

I thank
thee that thou heardest me ; and I

$ 6 ~ 1 ~ 6rr

rmarus ~ ~

43 Kni r a j r a



p ~ ~ H~pa6~aatv, d h ~ Ad-

~Jesus saith untoR them,t 7~ 0 ~6 ZrddaC ~ u t f $ ~ ~ n feet

Loose him go.
let him and

lcai rctc ~ ~ i p Kerpialc, a ~

and hands bound about. [him] go.

rai $.6$cc.a6ro~
his face

with grave clothes, and 'Says *to 'them 'Jesus,

with a handkerchief

rrepieGi6ero. Xhyec airroic icCiyeiv.

d 'IqaoCc, Ailaare

airrbv sai d ere


45Thenrn8nyof tne 45 IToXXoi 04v H TGV 'Io~daiwuoi hXB6vrg r p b ~ v r d Jews which came ro Many therefore of the Jews who came to Mary, and hnd seen the thingawhich Jesus ' M a ~ i a v lKai e ~ a ~ 6 p'8" ~ilioiqa~v 'Ir/ao;~," ' ~ 0 l wd Hriar~vunv did, believed on him. Mnry and saw what 'did 'Jesus, believed 46 But some of them * , r 46 rivi~.d2 U ~ T G & T { ~ ~ 7 T Ub ~ 0 @aptw e ~ t t h e i r w a y ~ t o t h EIS aUTOU. e U O p ~ 1 ~ Phnrisees, and told on him ; but some of them went to the Phari1 G66varo LTl'rA.

P 61,fq thou should~st LlTrAW. see


(h &e

did) QL'ITIAW.

+ a3rbv him T[Trj&.

m ~pj3plp0~pevI 0s 9 of a u

'- b L[l'I].


6 76%q~hs~ e l p e v o GLTTrA. s L~TIA. 6 TrA. "


~ - b ' I-R oaGi~ ~



" ,

~ ~ a ~ ~ ns o and told them what 'did JJesun.h pathered the chief yov 03v oi C ~ ~ X I cai oi ~ ~ E ~ E @apraaTorwv.i8prov, wal WEYOU, psestsand.thePha+ therefore the chief priests and the Pharieew a council, and said, s ~ a c o u n c l '7p for this What do we T ;roioGp~v; &L ojrog 6 dvOpv~pwnos7a ' U ~ C Zng:" i r v o What do we? for this man him thus alone, all men a6dv O ~ T W ?rdrurEi; ?r~are~uovatv airrdv. will believe on him: ~ , EIS him thus, all will believe on him, the pomans come and take away i eai dX~6aovrar 'Pwpa'ioc wai ipoiiutv 4p3v ~ aTAY rdnov both our place and naoi and will come the Romans and will takeaway fromualloth the place of ~ari ~ V O C . 49 Elg-86.7~~ 15 a b d v , KaY&(ag, cif3xlEpE6~ rb being the high pri% and the nation. But a certain one of them, Caiaphas, h g h priest that m e Year, said unto them Ye know &V T O ~ ~ ~ Y ~ ~ U T O ~ . ~ KE~?TEYQ ~ T o ; ~'y ic o6c 0i6a~Enothing a t 'all, 54 nor E~VOU, , being of that year, said tothem, $0 know consider that i t is expedient for ns that one o G ~ ~ Y 60 0682 b 8 t d ~ y i & ~ % ~ l lavp(4 E l C<~TV" :C msn shoulddie for the , &L nothing, nor consider that i t is progable for ua that one people and that the whole' nation perish iivepwnog inoecivp h i p TO$Xao3, ~ u p$ iihov 76 @vos not. 51Andthisspake i man ahould die for the people, and not 'whole 'the nation he not of himself : but

aaiovs eaI xrI?rovfla 6 ~ 0 7 ~ 8noiqasvZi"'Iqaoirg. 47 avvtjya- ~ JB"


g&, $n2$&r$h

dnihqrat. 61 ToGrol
Ibould perish. But thin of that year,

i(' iavroi
from himself

O ~ K ~ E ~ T EdXhh V,

he said not,


&p- high priest that being ~rophesied yenr,he ~gh Jesus should die for


t ~ p ~ i t"w,. n i o ~ ~ $ $6r1 e i~ ~ X X ~ v s d r ~ v p ~ l l or

being prophesied nation ; aJeaus

f d " I g ~ ~ 6 c ? r o e 2 ~ a h ~ p v TO^ P ~ ~ v o u ~52 & ~i r ,

to die
only, but for ' the the nation that also the children

11 that nation; 52 nndnot that nation on1 that 'was 'abovt hut that also he .hou% ~ a 0irX, &?rip gather together inGod i the children of one and not for that wcre scattered a-

roii ievovs pdvov, &hX' i'va wai rd r ? ~ v a 8 ~ 0 9 8rca~oproir rri

of God who havebeen took together nrap~va m~vaciyp is h. 53 i?r' d ~ ~ i v g g 03v f m t o uthimtodeaththerefore From that Sherefore ncattered abroad h6 rnightgatKer together into one. oly among the ~ e w ;but s GpQpaS ~ u v v e ~ o ~ h ~ t ; u ai)vao ~O ~ T E ~ V W Q L Y air&. vr & ~ Ir day thq took counuel together that they might kill him. went thence to the country near 54 h'Iq~o$g06v" i ~ ZTL" ~? T C ~ ~ $ ~? UE~LQT & T E L 6 T ~ E TO~E into a city Ephrnim nnd Jarus therefore no lonxer, publicly walked among tha called continuedt with 'Iov8aioiS, ihXd LirijX%~v K E ~ % EEIS rljv ~L;)pav Y y i ' ~ rijc hisdiscipla ~ Y d Jews, but went away thence into the couutry near the

B ft:~ ~

? -


dptjpov, sic
desert, 'with to

'( E

aip X ~ ~ o p i v q v n6Xtv,




leacity, and there

he stayed

w r r i r3v.~aOtlrGv?a6roii.~
65 And the Jews c s o v e r was nigh a t nd I and many went Now *was "near 'the %assover 'of .the 'Jews, and went up out of the country up noAXoi ;S. 'I~poa6Xupa i r 6 s xhpag n p b 709 n&uXa, i'vn to Jerusalem hefore the passorer, many to Jerusalem out of the country before the paadover, that themselves. to puriw, 56 Then iryviawarv iavroirg. 66 lti/rovv OBV . r t v 'IqaoGv, ~ a sought they for Jeans, i and spake among they might purifg themselves. They were seekingtherefore Jesus, and themselves, as they atood in the temgle, m a ~ y o v lpeg bXl$hwv i v T$ l ~ U T ~ K ~ TiS ~ BOKET T , were saying among one another in the temple standing, What doesitaeem What think ye thathe will not comet to the hop^&^ ; 57 Ae8hretaav.8k feast? 57 Now both &piu, &L 06.p) a % p EL)E T ~ Y Now had given the chief priest& and to you, that in no wise he will come t o the feast 7 the PhariaJes had ' r a i l oi L p x r ~ p eai~oi @apioaTor OivroXrjv," %a idrv rcg given n command~i both the ohief priests and the Pharisees a command, that if anyone ment that if any man knew' wh&e. he were yv$ ?roG iorrv pqvirap, if?rw~ nt&awaiv ai1rdv. he ehould shew it, tha; they might take him. Ihould h o w where he is he should shew [it], that they might take him.

' hie disciples.

55 'Hv.8b i n 6 5 T A nciuxa r i j v 'Iov8aiwv, eal ivEPqaav

Y S L. - 6 LTT~A. a lrotei vqpaia Ln'rAW. b Aoyi<e~OeLTT:AW for you n r A . i n p o ~ ~ ~ c v LTTrAW. uev 0 ipehhcv LTTrAW. - i, QI.TTt.AW. O;L&L QLTTa h.6 03v ' I q u o ~ sTrA. IS iBouAc6uavro they took counsel LTT~. - rai LTTrAW, l - a i ~ r 0 (read the disciples) TTrA. 3 = Acyav T . k gpe~vev~ r & 0 i ~ ~ d commands TTIA. hs etnav T.
c i~$v

Then Jems

f dnya before the passJesus themfore 'before Iaix Ydayr the p ~ ~ o v e oame to r over uame to Bethany, where L-arus was Btleaviav, Srov ?')v Ah&tpoc PS reevq~&c,'~ 8v ljyerpev which he becn dead, Bethauy, had whom where was Lwarus who had died; whom he r a i d the dead. a There they jK verpirvq. 2 dnoiqaav o h atry" belrvov h i , j from among [the] dead. They made therefore h h a supper them, but Luarus was one ~ a i Mbpea 6 i v ~ ~ ~ v ~ r ~ 6.61.A4~npoc ~ i $v rcjv 'uvvavac Of them at the and Yartha served, but Laannra one wee of those M. table with him. S Then took Mary a pollnd of K E C ~ U W Y a6rG. 3 'H.08v.'Mapiai1 hapoi?aa hirpav $pov ~ ~ ointment of rpikc cliuing with him. Mary therefore having taken a pound of ointment nnrd very costly and .noil;tedthefeet.& ~ e ~ d SOU rrlarikijc ?rohvripov, $h~irC/v i 706ssr66as 'ToG" 'IqaoG, sus, nod wiped h18 fert of $ard Ipure of great price, anginted the feet of Jcsue, with her hair :and the house W- filled with Kai bllpabev ra7c.8pitiv.airrijs roirc.nb6ag.a6roi? 4-62 o i ~ i a the odour of the oint- and wiped with her hair his feet ; and the houm ment. 4 Then saith one of his disciplea, ~ud., b'lrXq heq h~ haptj~roir p6p0~. 4 XQyer ' o ~ v " ire was t l e d with the odorr of the ointment. bclrriot i o n Ssys therefore one of which should betray hira, 5 why was not aat)qrirv.a6ro0, 'I066ac, Zipwvoc 'Iarapicjrqc,U 6 this ointment aold for {is disciples, Judw, S~mon'a [son] Isoiuiote, who

IOANWHE, XI1 O.a8v.'Iqaolc ?rpb 'ii tjpepGv roij ?rciqa ?jX&v is



6 This he said, not that

piXXwv ahbv ~ a p a ~ i d d v a5, YAcari" roijro rb p6pov i

about him to deliver up, denaril, why 'this lwas sold for threb hundred and given to [the> poor 1

O ~ C

'ointnlent %not "he *said

~~~~a~~ ~~w~~ tllief had the bag

b?rpp8eq rpra~oaiwvSqvnpiwv, rrai d6deq ?rrw;yoic Cf Elnev ;

~ ~~t ~her alone ~ lbut this, not that for the poor ~ : , f e wan caring, but becaum whinst the of my ~ X l n r ~ c ~ a i yXwaa6reopov zel;yev, a i " fiv, rd ~ rd PaXX6peva burying hath ahe kept this. 8 For the poor he the bag had, a d what W- put into alwayr ye have with @ & Q ~ ~ & U . ~1rev 08v d ' I q a o ~ ~ , 7 *Afec airrrjv' tic you i but me p have [it] carried, 'Said 'therefore 'Jesus, Let 'alone 'her: for not alwnys.
wjv GpQpav roQbvra$ina~ol.pov breripqrevll a6rd. 8 rods
the day

:;A~;~&,","S: o l x l r i 84 roGro,

r e p i rirv rrwxGv i Aev-aiw@,&hX8 6 r ~

'poor ~XE~L.
J~~~ therefore


of my burlsl

hh she kept


Ythe always


e n p P iavr&~, ipi.8i 06 r l v r o r e
y&ve jou, but me not

a z , ~ >~ ~i s ~ a
10 httheohisf Mat. rko '

ye have. 9 Much people ofths h r 9 "Eyvw 089 C 8 ~ x 0 ~ ?roX&c dK '~OU~CI~WV LKE~ art &at be w.r them: m d 'Knew .therefore 'a ckowd .grast *of 'the .Jews that t h e n the a m e not for Jea n t t b t burrv, ~ a i~ X ~ O V 06 , 6td rbv 'Iqaoirv pdvov, M b a t h q m i g h t & l u u a s hu L; and they came, pot becawe of Jesuu only, but that


rbv A(it;apov


oi Ap~r~peic a rai r6v AdCapov &TOb fo death. 1 bocnune 1 .took 'counsel 'the lchief Jpriests that sLso Laow they that by damon ofJews ~eivwarv, 11 ijri the him ?roXXoi 6i abrbv 3?rijyov

$egtE2g l 0 l,66ouhe6aavro.l
and might kill,

Laurrus they might 8ee whom he raised from among [the]

B l j ~ ~ r p e v b~ v

V E K ~ ~ V .


& ~ ? k &c j v'IovSniwv ~ a dniareuov S ~ i

because many .by %enson 'of

Shim 'were 'going '*away

eic rbv 'Iqaoirv.

'of 'the 'Jews and were believing on Jesua. 12.T$.h7ra6piov 8~Aoc.rrohirc 6 iM&v rrjv iopnjv, 12 on the next day much people that were On the morrow 8 crbwd Igreat who came to the feast, oome to tho feast when tbcy heard thnt'~eaua (Ir06aavr~~ i p x ~ r ~ r 'Iqaoiic eiG'IE 571 db" 3a6hvpa, 13 {AnW- coming to Jerwahaving heard Wnt ~ i a l ~ w u s into Rusalem, took lem 13took brnnchea


o, f& ,

adwent Pov

rd pata rGv qjoivirwv rai d(<XBov eic irnhvrquiv eairr@,u

bran~hea the of palms and went out t o meet him,

forth to meei him, and

P b T C O ~ K & I S[L]T[T~A]. P + b (- b ~)'It)uoCsJesus (raised) LTT~AW. ' ;K of (those) TA. * &vaxctp6vwv &v QLTTI~AAW. M a p ~ i p TT. * [TO;] Tr. 82 but (my!) T . 'Ioli8as b 'Iuxap& q c etr <K (- i x ~ r 73v Ctaeq.riv ) a370J TTrA, exwv 7 Ard 7i LTrA. having mk a + 'ivathat LTTrAW. b q p < q she may keep LTnrw, 0 6 tk. (crowd) T; 4 b GLTTIAW. r air& them W

XTI. JORN. rai C~paCov,~ g 'Quawci, eitXoyqpCvos d bp~6pevos v

and were orping, Borsnna, blesred king rat upon

[ill he who comes

FtLh",E;",:f :",F in [the] that eomdh in the


budparr mpiov,

b paarXezlc roi 'Id at& 14 EirpGv

of &eel. it,

of [the3 lord, the

Bd 14 And of the Lord. Jesus, when he ' E a r i n g ~ o u n dland had found a

i t ir

rA%Lthyse;;;lj daughter )of Sion : be*U, 16 Mi.)opoG, i66ya~~p11 i606, d.~aath&Gc-vov thy Kingcometh, Zrhv. hold. Bear not, daughter of Sion : behold, thy Ling sitting On anass's 16 These things underlpxarat, rae?@evoc b?ri kijXov dvou 16 razra k8ii' o h stood not his disci lea comes, ~itting on a colt of an ms. %Them %hings ' n o r k o t a t the fist: but wRen Jesus was glorified 8ywaav 1d.pa8qmi.a&roirr rb.?rpSrov, 8 r ~iSoEhaOq then remembered the; knew a& 'diaciplea a t the fist, but when was glorified that these t h n 6 s were written of him and 'Iqaoic r 6 r ~ ipZrlja0qaav Sri raira $v h ' a6rg' that they had 'done Jesru then they remembered that these thing8 were of him t h e ~ thingsunto him. e 17 The people therefore yrypapphva,iui raira 8.lroiqaav airrG. 17 ipapdper 06u t b t was with him Bore witness therefore when he called L written, and these things they did to him.

6 'IqaoGp 6vhptov ixh6ia~vin' aC6, ~ a B h s m w pyp;g: i

*Jerru r young anr


d 6xXos d &v per' airroi, 118rei1 AC;lapov i $ ~ h v q c ~ v rbv PK

the crowd that was with him, when Lazarus

he called out of the dead bare record. 18 For tkis cauu the roir p u q p ~ i ~~ ,aqyetpev airrbv brc v i vEkp;v. 18 ople also met him thq tomb, and raised him from among [the] dead. Onaccount of E r that they heard
T O ~ O KU~" O thin also

zd4,:; 2

~.lrljv~t/bv b ~ x X O ~ iirr P.rjicoua~v" a&r$ , T

met &done him the crowd, because uign i t heard The 'therefore lPburisees

O ~ ~ O he had The Phamiracle. 19 that this

'this aid

riseee therefore aaid athem8e1vea7Per-

a6rtv.?re?ror~vairb aqpeTov. 19 oi o6v Qup~aaior qel~ou"mong

'of =his

lrpb~davrolis, B~wpeire our L? r 8ri )& $i &

among themselves, Do ye see that ye gain

veil nothing? ye ye how behold, 068h~; d ~duposthe is gonenothing? 10' the world


bniaw abroi &?rijXOev.

rfter him


is gone.
Greeks feast ; among those coming up that c m
20 And them wen,

40 'Haav.6Q r r ~ v "EXXqve~.nQK TGV &va~arvd~rwu ~c Yva

And there were oertain they might worship in the

~rpoahuvijaoatv"bv T$ iopr$
to Philip, +vho was from
saying, Bethsaida we desire

21 o6ror o6u ?rpoa$XBov

d a s e therefore of Galllee,

QtXiray, r$ &?rb BqBaai'GI njc I'aXAaias, rai Ijphrwv ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ , $ ~ & , 8 ~ $

and they asked worahip a t the feast:

airrbv Xiyovrec, Klipta, BiXopev rtv 'IqaoCv i8eTv. 22 ' E X&Sir,

SJesus lto 'see. &Philip and telln

rat ' @iXt.ltnoc rcai XQyec rg' 'Av8pLp 'gal ?r&X~vll A Y ~him, saying, Sir, we ' of ~ Q and desired GaIilee, ~ ~ rai Xiyovarv r@'Iqaoi. 23 d.8i.'1qaoi~ W
md Philip tell Jesus. But Jesus

t:et,"&re"t"," whioh ofBetbui&





=&?re- 2 Philip cometh and 2


lip tell Jesu~. 23 h d rpivaro1Iahroic Xhywv, 'EXljXveev $ &pa 'iva BoEaoep' rwered them staying, 'Has 'come 'the *hour that should he glorified ~ , " ~ g ~ ~ , ' " ' ~ 24 6p?)v&piu Xbyo ;piu, bdv.ptj d come that the Son of d vibe 70; (Eve s~ o man. thek Varily verily I say to you, ~ n i e the mhn 'should be glorifled. 24 Vdrily, verily, IC~KOS roir nirov .lrea&v els r i v yijv ( i ? ~ ~ O h v ~ , pdvo$ I say unto ou Except airr3c grain of wheat falling into the ground 8hould die, it alone a corn O wgeaifall inf to the ground and die pivct' 8dlt.a. ci.lroec+vp,?roXitv ~ a p r b v &er. 25 6 $tXiji i t abidath alone: but abides ; but if i t should die, much fruit i t beam He that loves if it' die, it bringeth n j u . ~ v ~ ~ v - a b r~ci?roXiae~~~ oi ah&iV, rcai d pra3v &V forthmuch fruit. 25He that loveth h s fife i his life shDU lose' it, and he that hatea shall lose it and he that hateth h\a life in $VX$V airrd~dv ry'.~dapy-r06ry &is&i)v aihvlov $bVX&&tthi8worldshallkecpif 'Ilfe 'hie i n this world to life eternal shall keep unto lifeeternal. 26U

, Andrew and Phi-Andrew: and telleth gain





[L]TT~A. lai1706 oi pahrai T. m b TTrAW. 5 7 6 because EGLTW. Tr. P < ~ o v u a v h y hei~rd L m r ~ w . t G 9 einav n r . r'EAAqve's n v e s L ~ A . upavxv~.rjuovurv they shall worahip L T ~ A . t i, TIA. v ipxcrac (Andrew)comes ~m& rai alrd LIT~L cinowgivt~ac answer8 nr. i u o M v c c lwcs r b .

-62 - rrai

fiwpa6y&ov L ~ I A .

+ [Aiyower] saying L.

+ ~ aand n r a . * h y b q p LTRAW. i

aim follow where I am, there shall it. elsomymvantbe: if hrov an ban serve me, him where W& my rather honour.
m y man meme meind let atnjv.

TQANNHZ XIT. 26 4civ hpoi EGtarovy r i ~ , V p o ihroXovQeirw. rai


eipi b

CL E ~ e irai b Gtci~ovocd h ~ b ciarai* 'raiJi 269

there also 'servnnt !y m shallbe. h d





Iet him follow ; and


anyone me

r i ~ Bpoi Stcucovi, riptjaei airrbv d war;lp.


'il 5hononr 'him 'the .Father. wl

27 Nirv t).$vxtj.pov
Now my son1

has been troublud, and what ohall I soy 7 Father, But on account of this glorify thy

r~rtiparrat, rai ri

e'lxw ; IThrep,

nfiadv pe
27 ROWin my eoal troubled; and shall I say 7 Father, to
~ ~ . ~ f O ~ &


me from

rijc.G ac r ( 1 6 r q ~dXXd .~
tfis hour. Father,


*roGro 4XBov
I came narue.

thia hour.

28 IIdr~p, ddtaaJv aov rb bvora.


came' I unto this hour. Therefore came a voice out of heaven, 'Both 'X glorified nod again za Father, glor* thy 8 6 & & ~ ~29 ' 0 . ~ ~ ~ ~ l t6- J ~ X ~ ~ exail! . diarGs" dKol;accC name. Then came there voice from heaven Kill glorify [it]. Therefore the crowd which stood [there] and heard glorified have will saying, Iit, and boti ~ X E Y E Y/30ovrrjl~.yeovival. dXX01 &IEYOU, 'AyyeXo~ said, Tdunder t h e r e l been : others ~ said, An angel b him ~ ~ ~ ~ ; X~Xcihq~ev. ,'Are~pif?q 'Iqaoirc rai E ~ T E V ,0 6 h ~ ~ ;30 " ~ ~ f6ii ~ ~ b i .hp2 said that) it thundered: h"R 'Answered 'Jesus and said, Not because of lue others said, h angel gaGrt] $wv$" y.iyovev, dxhd 6 i Gpitc. 31 U% . rpiutc maketo him. 30 Jesus this voice has come, but becnuse of you. Now judgment anawered and aaid, Thiavoicecnmenotbe- hariv T O ~ . K ~ ~ ~ O I ~ . T O ~ ~ O Ud' ~ P X G Y7 0 3 . ~ 6OV robrov ~ cause of me, but for i , ot.thia world ; now the prince of t E a world your srrkes. 31 Now in the judgment of this ~ K / ~ ~ ~ ~ ? ~ uc"SW' ( 32 ~d E T I L hdv 6I,bw83 QK rijc yrfc, ?hworld : now shall the shall be cast out : a n l E it I be lifted up from the earth, .all prince of this world be anstout. 3211nd1,if1 rat iXr6aw r p b c bpavrdv. 33 To4ro.61 Oeyev, aq/iaivdv be lifted up from the 'will 'draw to myself. But this he raid, signifyiug exrth, will draw all men unto me. 33 hi^ ?r0iy f ? a v & ~GreXXev daoe~arelv. 34 d?rerpieq h airy" y he said signifping by what death he wasabout to die. 'Amwered *him whnt d d t h he should die. 34 ~h~~~~ lean- b ~ x X O ~ 'H ~ ' i c , 4~06aapev h~ 703 vdpov zrc b xpiurb~ ewered him, have 'the crowd, e heard out of the law that the Christ heard out of the law thst CQist abidethfor pivet ic.rbv.ai6va, rai 7rGc 'air Xlyetc," "Ort 6ei bI,b~ejjvn~ evor: and how sayeat abidea for erer, and how Ythou 'sayeat, that muat be liftad up

THXf?~v.04vW V b~ , " ~ ~ , $ ~

ofpavoir, Kai h86faaa rai .rrciX~v

,, ,


~ , 0 ~ & S rbv~ ~709 ~ V" ~,( ~ K ;'rig dartv 03roc d vibc roG &v0 ~ T O V ; o vibv f 7 ~ ; I O V
is this Son of man? the Jenullaidnn- 36

is. Walk while the light ye have, that with you 3on:forhethatwa~a~oria ~ a r a k d p' rrai d rp.tlrarijv hv r$ darhesa lmow- c o t 'dsrkneu 'you %may *overt&. h d he who walb in the , eth not whither he g 9th. 36 p i l e ye have U K O T ~ Q oirn.ol6~v ~ 0 6nciyal. 86 'f6$ 3 7b aarknw know8 not where he gothe children of d h t . ~ E ~ E 4ic 7b $;c; iva oioi $orbc yhvqaet T E Tairra Thene things !JWkeJe- lieve in the light, that aonq of light ye may become. These thing8 sus and departed m d did'hide himself krom iXciXquy 'Iqaoirc, ~ a i t?rXe&v Qrp6Pq cir* hirr6v. them. 37 But though spoke Jesus, and going nway wan hid from them. he had done ao many miracles before them, 37 Toaairra.GB acroir aqpe7a ? r ~ n o i r ) ~ 6 ~ 0 g gp?rpo~Oev ahr3v yet they believed not But [though] ao mnny ehe, 'signs had done More them on him 38 thnt the -ping Esaias the oirihnisrevov ~ i airrbv, 38 'iva d Xdyos .'Hoaiov 705 rpochim, prophet might be fal- they believed not on that the word of Elraiea the p

w I . the comeUupon tiuc aye " light, elest ght darkness

~ h i ~ ~ t ~ ~ $.Said"'thereforeQo .them t ,\~~


El?r~v o h airro'ic 'd *Iqaoirc, *ET( prrpdv ~pdvov rb 6pOvfl h t v . ?repi?rat~Tr~ rb '20ci'
'Je~us, Yet a little while the

& m

of man?






ixere, iva

tc 2 Ex

rcr dtcuovlj LlTrAW. I hour) OLTr. a [OfpY] LT*.


h ovv thereforeTA.m - b m r ~ .

icrqtk~ C.


b ravqr ; (contihw thc question to 2hc taord

- rrai T.

aiinj '- 6 anlong 4 h vGj )L T T ~ I i v itpitiv you



which he ~ o r d : who hnth bephet might be flild u!e, f which he said, Lord, who believed lieved our report? and ci~o$.$~liv rai d Ppaxiwv mrpiov ; rivr (irEIEaX6$Bq; t o ~ h o m h a t h ' t h e ~ m our report 1 and the arm of [the] Lord to whom was i t revealed 7 Z L ~ d $ ~ f ~ 39 Atir.roiro oirr.i/dirvavro .rrtare6eiv, iirr ' rhXtv elrav t h e ~ c o u l d believ% not On this account they could not believe, because again said. said again, 40 He hath Esai"s a 'Haatas, 40 T~r&@Xwreevh 3 v rodg b$BaXpo$g rai "?re- blinded their eyes, and Esnina, He has blinded their eyes and has hardened their heart that they should no; ~h WKEY" &T?T(;)Y kap8iab' %a p~.?bwutv TOTS b$- seoffith theireyes nor hnrtned their hcart, that they should not see with the ~ , " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d z ~ , Ka; eaXp0fp 'Kai yoljawaiv 7-G Knp8ig Kai Oirtarpu~Lia~v," e d , a i d I should heal W~S and understand with the heart and be converted, and them.Esaias, when said 41 lxese thin Pih~w'~ar" airroirp. 41 Ta3ra elrev 'Haahxc, ~ $ T E ' I 1 8 saw hie glory and ~~ I should heal them. These things said Esaias, when he saw 8 ake of him. 42 &evertgeless nmbng thechief irjv.66Eav.aCro3, icai QXciXqaev ~ ~ p i 42 8 p w ~~ Q Y T O rulers also many bca&oii. L his glory, and spoke concerning him. Although indeed lieved O him. but ben cause of the $hariaeoa tr rcai 7 t h cip~dvrwvrrohhoi Qriur~vaav rig airrdv* they did not c o n f ~ eren from among the nilers many believed on hi, him,lest they should the p a drhXd 8th rods @aptaaiovc oir;y.cjpoXd ovv, h a p4 be pnt ont of for s the,ague: 43 but on account of the Pharisees they confessexnot, that not foved thepreiseof men than the praise of c i a ~ ~ v ~ h y w y ~ ~ w ~ r 43t . y & ~ q ~ n ~ . y +v p 8d&v more 44 Jesus cried and y~l a $ dr God. put out of the synagogue they might be ; for they loved the glory said, He thatbeliereth rliv civ6pLmwv plihhov + r ~ p ) v 66Eav 703 Beoii. 44 'Iqao3c on mc, believethnot on n ,, but him that of men more than the glory of God. 'Jesus sent me. 45And he thnt 6; c"repaEev~ a ~il r e v , '0 atare6wv eic hp;, 06-rcureiret ~ ~ $ 8 e ~ m 'but cried and said, He that believes on me, believes not on come a light into the ipi, rdXYY rdv rQp#avrl PE- 45 he me, but on him who sent me; not abide in d n r * ~ ~ ~ ~ E W EZ TAY rip$avr(i PE' 46 i h $GC eic rdv rdupov 47 And if any behofds him who sent me. alight into th8 world lieve not, I judge him hemmymords~sndbe-

XII, XIII. ~G~TOV rhqpwB-,

6v elrev, KGpie, 715 Eriurrvuev r+




f2 t ~ p 2: , ,o $ B '
in the

; ~ ~ ~ &

not: for 1 came not to darkness lnot judge the save the world. butHe 48 to p~iv?. 47 ~ a thv rtc pov ciroirup rGv bqphrwv ~ a p?j that rejedethme, and i i 'may ablile. And if anyone *of "me lhear 'the Swords and 'not Ieceiveth my words, hath one that 'riar~irap," & 06.rpivw atrdv. 06- d p fihBov %a ~pivd, judgeth him: the word b f o r 1 came not that I might judge that I haves~oken.the 'believe, do not judge him, same shall judge him r6v ndupov, &X' &a ahuw rdv ~6upov. 48 d de~rlivin thelsst day. 49For the world, but that I might save the world. R e that rejects I have not spoken of m self but the Father tpt rai plj.happcivwv ~(t-fhj~ar(i-fL~V, 7 d ~lCpilJ0lJ~LZ gent me, he gave ~XEL wlich me and does not receive my words, has him who judges me a commnndment. what I should nay and airrdv. d Xdyog iiv iXhXqaa, t ~ ~ i v o K [YE; , d i ) r b ~ ?.p' w h t I should sl;eak. g BY him : the word which I poke, that shaK judge him i n the 50 And I know that his commandment ill cir 1.j hpg. 49 i;rr Q dpav?03 oir~CXciXqaa' ciM lifeevsrlasting: whatkst ; for from myself spoke not, but soever I speak therehave come, that everyone that believes

tXrjXvea, b a rlic

d ~ture6wvEIS bp: h rp" urorig pi v

. on


* pr
eternal so

1CL it

ranip, air&- pot ivrohjv ti8wav" ri

'Father, me commnndment gave and I know that hIs co~nmandment


the "who sent .m8

what spsalr;

I should say and what I should speak ;

e i r w rcai ri

Xahjaw. 50 rai o16a Grt 1.j,fvroX~.aGroii

r w l j ai9vcbg 'ioriv'
life is. tbe Father,

What therefore %peak

o5v ' X a X G i B



raBLg tipqr6v pot


has said t o me

6 ranjp, oiirwc XaXGi.

I speak.
feast of the passover. knowi in^ 'Jesus

13 lTpb-6t

r i j ~cloprijc rov. rciuxa; eiS& d 'Iqaoii~ n b

Now before the

feast of the pnsscver, that when Jesns knew that


P i 6 u o p a ~ shall heal L ~ A . I 0 orpa+Gcrrv LTTIA. i r r i ~ ~ w c r hardened TT~A. rv 6 7 because aLrrm. ~ r &AA& L'ITrA. @A6[n keep [them] LTrrAW. Gihrrrv h a given LTT~AW. 7 iri) hahi, L %


of this world the Father, h a ~ i n g loved his own whch were in the world, he loved them unto the end. And being ended, the devil hnring now put into the henit of Judas Iscariot, mon'a son, to betray him; 3 Jesus knowin that the Father h a t given IIU things into his handa, and that he was come from God, gnd went to God; 4 he risethfiomsupper,n,,d laid aside his gmm e n t a and took a towel Lndgirded himmlf. '5 After that he ,oureth water into a j.ason, , d began to wah(he disci ler' feet, and to wi e tiem with the towef wherewith he was g ~ e d . ~h~~ 6

IOANNHE. h i s h o n r w * s ~ m e t b a t ~bX4XuJevn atroG 4 5pa %a p~rapp' he should depart out

h wm:

i~ roif.~dapov.r06thia world which [werelin the aupper the


hour that he ahould depart out of having loved his own

?rpher6v rarkpa, ciyan-$uac roirc.i8iouc r o 6 ~

the Father,

bv r$

world place,

to [the] end the

rbio!: i)yci?rqaev airro6i. 2 cai 8eirirov xycvohe lhved them. And devil already having put that into

pivov!' TO^
of Judas,

~ ~ ( I P ~ X$O8U~~ E P X ~ K isT O ~ capsiav ~

h& e
[son] Iscariote, hi= he should deliver up,


~'1068aZ ~ ~ W V O 'I~KapthroU, S i'va airrbv



3 ~ i 8 & ~'IqU0ijcu Brt T&VTU a B h J ~ ~ ~U&T$ 6 ?raT$?p '3 vlI .knowing 'Jesns 'that 'all ''things 'has 'given #him 'tho 'Pather , i EIS .rig xeipac, ~ a i cirri, 8eoG BEijXBev ~ a rpbc ~ b v
into b i g ] God hands, and that from God he came out and supper to

BE~V ir?rCiyet, 4 iyeipera~.BK TOG 8eilr:vw ~ a ri9qacv i

goes, he risea from the and lays aside [his] Rfterwards the garments and having taken a towel he girded himself:

he feet

ipkrta, ncti Xap&v Abvrtov Git~waeviavrdv. 5, elra ' @Xp o m water into, the washing-basin, and

XEL %8wp e i ' ~ rbv vrrrijpn,

K U ~Gptaro V ~ T ~ E ~ VadJnc TOGS

~ ~ ~ " . ~h a paOt]r@v,~ a~ t ~ ~ r@ X E V T ~ ~ rGv $ ~ t e Bcp&aa~rv i unto &, ~ ~ dost of d , dieciples,, and to wipe [them] with the towel with which he the


t o wash

thou wwh my feet? B~e~wupivoc. ipxerat 06v ?rpbc Zipova IIkrpov' 6 7 Jesus answered and Sion Peter, and He comes therefore to girded* said unLo him, What I KGpie, 06 ~ O V virretc ~ 0 ~3 8~ c ; 6 a do thou knoweat not Xiyet air?$ cbc~?voc,~ now but thou shalt 'nays 'to 'him \ 'he, PeLord, "thou 'of %e 'dost wash the feet 7 ter aalth unto him, 7 'A?recpi@q 'IqaoGc cai rl?rev airr+, " 0 1: & ?rot3 td o6r Thouahaltneverwash 'Answered 'Jesus and said to him, What do thou 'not my feet. Jesua answeryvhap.8b perd.rairra. 8 Alyec a&r$ IIbed him, If I wash thee ol8ac- Zprr, not, 'thou hart no Part 'knowest now, but thou shalt know hersafter. 'Says 'to 'him 'Pewithme. 9Simon Peter with unto him, Lord, rpog, O&-pq droec-?rd8a~.p~~II nat my feet only, but ter, I n no m e mnyest thou wash my feet for ever. also my hands and nty hend. 10 Jesua saith to 'Arecpiet) eahr$ d ' I q c ~ o G ~ , ~ 'Edv-plj viqw UE, O ~ K - C X X E I ~ him, He that is washed 'Ansvered 'him 'Jesus, Unless I wash thee, thou has&not needeth not save t o wash his feet, but ia p b P ~ ~ ip0G. 9 AByet airrc? Zipwv IItrpoc, KGpc, plj PET' clean every whit : and part with me. 'Snya ' t o "him 'Simon 'Peter, Lord, not ye are clesn, but not he hew roic-?rdSa~-pov pdvov, dXM cai rhc x~ipac rrjv ~ ~ g a X $ v . 11 ( R ~ D should betray my feet only, but also the hands and the head. are not all clend c X~Xovpivo~ O G x p ~ i a v B him; therefore said he 10 Aiyet U&T$ f6" ' I q ~ ~ ~ '0 , l 2 So after he had ' s a p 'to 'him 'Jesus, He that has been lnved 'not 'need washed their feet, and iro$c ad8acU vi+aaeat, c i ~ ~ u r t v~aeapbc ' had taken hie gm- i ~ E t " merits, and was set 'has [other] thad the feet to wssh, but clean

t ~ ~ ~ & o ijXoca ~ ; ~ ~

a i p d c raeapoi bare, &AA' otxi i

T ~ V T E S . 11


what I have done to whollr; and ye W , but not all. You? 13 Ye me rdv ?rapa8t8dvra dhr6v' 8td ro6ro rlmv, him who was delivering tzp .him : on account of this he said,

For he knew

OLXi ?&v-

'Not *all TES caeapoi Bare. ~.%!"OTE 06v {vi$ev .~06~.?rdba~-a&r3~ 'clean 'ye =are. When therefore he had washed. their feet, lnaill AaPev r&ci.i$&rta-aGro3, ~civnr~a&v" m ?r&Xtai, elrev and taken h garments, 8 having reclined again, he said

a&ro?c, rcvhuc~re ri ?re?roiqca 6piv; 13 6pdc $wveiri po

to them,

. Do ye h o w what I have done


to you ?




Y 'iva w a ~ a & o ii t ~ b u a 'Ioi&ac Pluwvoc 'IuY~VOILCVOV TTr. - b '11)006o (read [ ~ e s u s[] L m r ~ . ragrkn)o lTrA ; 'Ioli8a Zip. ?or. I n irrapc$o; a i r ~ 6 v k L e & o ~ cgave TTr. v b ma. a i~civos (veud A h e ~ says) LT[Tr]+ he * uov f - 6 T[R]. 8. O ~ i x e c Xpcbav LTTrAW. K ' I T J Oa h~ ~ O @LTTrA. io& s66aq LTTrA. 1- rai L. 1 - TOGS ad8as T . k &c LI'P~L h ai pfi except L ~ ; A 9T . i v m e u e v reclined n r ~ . r 3 LTIYA.

4AOev was come LTT~A.

Meeter and Lord : and yhp. ye say for so I the Teacher and the Lorb, nnd well ye say, ' 'm [] 'for. am. 14 I then, v1 ' m otv ; Gvit,ba 3p;v 106s rdsac, 6 rbproc rai d Lord and Master, have 14 If therefore washed your feet, the and the ~ a n ought to wash i ye also h e dYOU^ feet one

XIII. JOHN. b Gt8ciuraXoc rai d r6pioy, ~ a rraXcjc Xdyere, /pi i



& ~ ~ J K rniX;peiS ~ $ E & E&XXfiXwv virreiv roic ?rdJag. another's feet. 15 For ~ O ~ , TE Teacher, alao ye ought of one another t o waxh the feet ; I uiyen you example,that ye should 15 6abSe~ypa.yrip OZ8w~a" dpiv, 2va ~ a 6 &&~iroiqua 6p7v, do as 1 have done t o
for an example also .ye greater him. them. Not, than his lord,


I gave




rai ; p i e ro~ijre. 6 1 & p l&p?jv 1 j ~ XiYw 6pSv, 06~.?urw JOGXOS

Yerily verily I say to you, nor a messenger 31s *not 'a *bondman


t o you,

p~iewvro6~~upiou.a~ro6, dadaroXoc ~ E ~ < Wroii.rdp+avoC6i U

greater than he who sent
~UTE ddv ~ ~ O I

ros airrig. 17 EL airrci. 18 06 repi


T ~ G T O~~ & T E , ratthpLoi


If these things ye know, 'all 'you

are ye


ye do whom eats

irpirv Xiyw'
I speak.

by&P I

o18a qoDc"
'0 rpDywv
his heel. whcn

i(eX~Ecipqv' &X'
I chose,
'with me




but thnt the scripture might be fulfilled, He that lifted up against me

'per' bp06ll rby Ciprov 8iaijp~v" ir' ipb rqv.rr6pvav.airro6. 19 t & i . & p r ~hiyw dpTv rpb r0G.~nriu6ni, ll %a-gmv yivqFrom this time I tell you, bcfore it comes to pnss, thnt
L ,

OU- 16Veri1y,verily* 8ny unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent grestcr than he that sent him. 17 If ye know the-e things, happy am ye if yedothem; 18Ispenk ~ T E not of you all: I know whom I have c h w n : but that the scri turn m l y be fulfillel R e thht eateth bread with bath lifted up hia heel against me. 19 Now I tell you beit come, that, when it is come to pnas


"~~y,"o"~~~~:!$ i t come 1 I say unto pou, He

tt a soever I send rcceivcth ' rmeiveth

niur~6uqr~" i 6 ripr. Sri

lo-pass, ye mny balieva that Re that receives

'0 hap@vwv wihvli.r~va i p S w , i p i Aap/3civer a

whomsoever I shtbll send, nie receives;

am [lie].

20 dpjv &p+ h i y o 6piv,

Verily v e r i b

I say t o YOU, me; and

and&fthatt t ; ~ n

Jesus hnd thus said, he was troubled in spirit me receives, receives him who sent me. These things and testified, Verily, verily, I ay eia&v '6" 'Itlboi)c i r a p & ~ er(r, ? r v ~ 6 ~ a rai ipapr6pr]u~v 9 n, unto ou, that one of s~ying Jesus w u troubled , i spirit, n and testified you or22 Then the disciples irai E ~ T E ~'Ap$; &piv , dp7v, Srr h 6pGv rapaJDg~t ( looked one on another, bud said, Ycrily verily I sny to you, thnt one of you will deliver up doubtlug of he spnke. 43 Now there PE. 22'F,/3Xeaou rotv" eig aiXXrjXovc oi paer/rai,ciaopo6- was leaning on ~ e ~ u s * me. 'Looked 'therefore 'upon 'one 'another 'the "disciples, doubt- bosom one of his disciples, whom Jesus lovEvol aepi rivdy Xiyet.' 23 15~.~6i" civakeipevo~?ga r3u ed. 24 Simon Peter of whom he spcnlrs. But there was reclining one therefore beckoned t o him that he should ask pat??rGv-ahoG bv rc; rlXny roi.'IqaoG, 6v Ijycira 'IqaoGc- whd it should be of of his disciples in the boaom of Jesus, whom 'loved 'Jesus. whom he ~pake.25 He

ipi Xappcivwv, XapPhve~ rbv ?rQp+aur& PE. 21 TaGra



24 ~ 6 ~ 1

reastlying unto him, smith On Jesus* who Lord, who is i t 7 26 Jesus answered, He i t is, A v - E ~ ~ " p i06 hhyei. 25 c i ~ ~ ~ ~dJi'l ~ K Eu ~ I i fOi ~rb o whom I shall give s a~ u & v J ~ it might be of whom he spenks. 3Hnving *lenned 'and 'he on the flop, when 1 have d i p it And he arijeos TO; ' I T / u o ~ ,Xiyet a6r$.i, K ~ ~ Lriq ,~ U T L Y ; 26 'Alio- d a&,pd when he E sop, breast of Jesus, says t o him, Lord, who is it 7 'An- gave ~t to Judas IsO ~ V

706~6) p w v ndrpog b?rv66a9a~rig S

3Simon 'Peter t o ask

*Makes 'a 'sign 'therefore 'to 'Ohim


rpiverpif g;" 'Iquoirc, ' E K E ~ u r~ v (rf i v ~~


'Jcsus, shnll give [it]. Simon's [soul . -


it is t o whom I, having dipped the

morsel after he givcs [it] iuorsel.

iY; h/3h#ac" ri,

e*iot~thesonOf Sirnon 27 And after t h e sop

'$wpiov idaibiaw."

kKai ip/3ci$as11r i +wpiov Gi8wuiv

And hnving dipped the Iscnriote.

to Judns.

10689 Zipwvoq

m'Ia~api3rp.'1 rai per& T A +WYiov, 27

And the

9 ~ i v a TTrA. s pov m y TrA. n i m c 6 u n r c isrcrsn;nre ~ r Crav vCvnrar T T ~ A . , - ) 81 but T T ~ L a K of (dis) ~ L T T ~ A W . : bK ;, AGci a&$ E i r L 7 6 lcrriv and says to him, Say who it ie LTT~A. C hvancu&v having leaned back LTrA. 6L TrA o6v therefore T. oirwp thus T[TT]AW. f oih therefore [I.]A. g [h] ~ r . h i p , & + a ~ ; ,&#W shall dil) T T ~ A . L 1 ~ 0 . S d w a 4 r 4 a.t~d i ah . I 1 give to him TTrg. p i $ a s o h haviug dipped therefore TTrA. I LauSLv*r m 'Iurclp&mu ( r e d B n 01' ~ ~ U O~wriote.) o U TTrA. rai he takes aud TTrA.

8 6 6 w ~ a have give11 T. 1 irriioxcw has lifted UP T.




- ~ : v T[T~:A.

L r a o r r T.

+ [y+]

for (I) I..


him. him, ~h~~ *,hou then doe% do quickly. 29 llow tRble no man awhat for t the intent he spake this

T ~ T E eiajjX~eveir

entered into

IQANNHE. br~TvovS aaral~i?~. Xiyet

him Satan.

.Says 'therefore 'to &him But this

XIII. ov'v atr$ ndU

no m e

'I1?a~ZS, '$0


~ ( ~ X I O Y . 28

ToGro.82 06&ic

What thou doest,


knew of those reclining wfereiore he spoke to him ; for some qf item thought, because Judas had the ~ ~ ~ K O V Y , 72) ~ X W U U ~ K OE ~ X E ~ 0bll'Io68~S, ;.RE; ~ O U 8r1 XEyer bag, that Jesus had thought, since athe *bag 'had 'Judas, t h a t 'is Ssaying said unto him Buy Uwae thi:rgs tdat we a6rq pb'l 'Iqaoir~,'Aydpaaov ;v xpeiav i'xopev eig have need of against 'to shim 'Jesus, Buy what things need [ofl we have for the feast; or, that he rhould give something r j v i0pr?jIJo r0iC ~ ~ T W X O ~ S 7j 'lva ri B($. 30 hat o the poor. 30 He then the feast ; or t o the poor that something he should give. Having , having received the sop went im~uediatelyout: rb 4wpiov Creiuo~'4~666~5 ;EGhee~"' 6v.& and it urw night. received therefore the morsel he immediately. wcnt out ; and it wru

iyuw rGu ~ ~ ( I K E L ~ B V W Y i)g ri EI?TEY abr@. 29 ~~yig.y(ip ?r


31 "Ora
the Son 31 Themfore, when
~ i

iSjjX6ev Xiyet
of man, and

'Iq~03c, Nirv
IJesus, God has been gloritied i n also ~

him. hiiu ~ If in

When he was gone out 'nays

Now has been glorified

b vibs 706 dv~pLjrov, d O E ~ S. i8oECiaeq i v a&-$. 3% rui


i80ELiaeq bv a6r($,11 rai b 6 ~ 6 ~ ~oC;&UEL. iu a6r;v

God has been glorified in ~ him, ~ ~ God shall glorify ~ ~ him.

man( lorifiod,andGod in'him, God shall a180 glorify him inhimself, m d allall stralghtway glorify him. 33 Little Children, yet a little while I am w ~ t h you. yenhall seekme: and M I saidunto thc Jews, Whither I go, ye cannutcome; uo no,v fsay to you. 34 A new commnnd~uent give unto I you, ~h~~ ye love one mother an I have loved jou, that ye aIso love one another. 35 By this shall $ , l n ~ ~ ~ $ ~ ~ P ye have loveone to other- 36Simou Peter kgd{ Jesus answered him,

viavr$," ~ a i e66ir~ pt~p6v pe' 6pGU dpr.

a llttle while with Jews, you

8oEhaei a6r6u.

33 T E K V ~ ~ , rri
Little children, yet

and immediately 8hnll glorify

I am.

~ ~ T ~ U E KO; ~ p, T raf3;g E ~ ? T O Uroig Ye will seek me ; and, as I said to the

'Iov8aiolg, "Or1 'LTOV W 6 ? r 6 y ~6," 6 p ~ i g07?.86vafYeiXeiv,

That where now. "go

I ',


are not able

to come,


also to you I sny

X ~ Y W $PT&.34 ;YTOX~)%J


Bi8wpt 6 p b , ' i ~ a
I give to you, that
that "also 'all 'ye you,

A acommandment 'new

& Y U K ~ ~ T C;XhtjXov~*raf3;~ E

rjy(i?~qaa GpZg, 'iva rai 6ptiS

I loved
shall 'know that to rue

ye shoulil lore one another ; according as should love one another. ' By this

dyn~iir~ ciXXtjXovy. 35 i v ro6ry ~vLjaovrai7rcivreg iiri ipoi paeqrai dare, iciv ciy6?rqv txqre bv dMfiXoi~. 36 A i y ~ i

disciples ye are, if love ye have among one another. 3Says 1a6r@ Zipwv ITQrpoS, & ~ ! Kirpie, 7ro3 brhyeiS ; d?re~pieq *abr$ 'to 6him 'Sirnon 'Peter, Lord, where goest thou ? =Answered =him


b" ' I ~ U O G"OKOVY 67r(iYw ot.biruauai pot vGv droXol~f3jjan~' ~,

'Jesus, Where

I go

thou art not able me now

t o follow,

~Earepov.84 d~oXove<aeigPOL.'

"Snys. =to .him 'Peter, ~ ~ h ~ o but afterwards thou ahalt follow me. t l f ~ ~ ; ~ ~ L E , oA.86vapai aoi e&~oXoveijaa~ll T ~ $ U X ~ V 6pri; V now; but thou shalt K ~ ~ b8iari11 follow me afterwards. ~ ~ why d a m I not able thee ~ , t o follow now? 'life 37 Peter said unto him erjaw. 38 d'A?r~~p~f3q 6" 'I?/uoGs, a6rG Lord, why cannot ]L ov ;?rip a03 follow thee now? I for thee I will lay down. =Answered 'him 'Jesus, will lay down my life ( i P i V 6 ~ 7 X )~ ~ O Y forthysake. 38 Jesus T$Y.IC/V~GV.UOVd p 6p0s 6 t))(]aic j answered him Wilt ~ h life y for me thou wilt lay down l Verily verily I nay, thou lay down ;hy life $01 my sake? Verily, U01, 06.p?) ( ~ ~ Q K e $ ~ ~ ' ? EWS.O~ ~ fd.Rap~fi~pll T w ~ j~~ 'I p verily, I say unto thee, to thee, in no wise [the] cock will crow until thou wilt deny me , The cock shall not mow, till thou hest de- T p l c nied me thrice. thrice.

37 Aiyer a6rG '3" nirpoc,


b TTrA. XLmrA. 6riy.yw QLTTrAW. l b QLTTIAW. &lV&W LTTrA.

-b A


- 6 LTRA. P - b T[T~]A. 9 i&AOev sirev's LTTrA. of v therefpr: . t [ c l b Oebr iso&iuerl aim+] LTrA. Zv v aimw TTr. sya ~ K O ~ O V ~ + U C 82 3urepov LTTrk LS - a&@ 6 LTTrA. J + iy&I (go) T.

B r i 7i LTrA.

i~ohouOeiv rr.

* i r o ~ ~ i v e qnswers L ~ ~ A W . ~ac

& p ~ U ? LTTrA. )

Lcr. not be trot~bled your
R L U T ~ ~ , E P E2 .

J 0 IT N.
heart ; ye believe on Go!'*

bclicrc in (;;,d. bclieve

14 n 1 ~ . ~ u p a o a f ;p& I j rapsia. ? r i a r ~ b ~ r ~ O E ~ V h,fi~ll~;~$~~,;;"y; oBw ~i'rrbv ,

~ai ~ S E ip1.

dv r$ o i ~ i q o G . ~ a r p ( ~ ~ - p o v ;!;to,l~~,~eilo,~,8" r po~!ai
I n the house

of my Fi:rhcr 'irbot'.cs u,:llly alc,ll : if it C.TVL- we1.e not so. ~ o X X a i~iciiv-~i.B;.pi, ~Z?rov.Liv 6piv. g ?rot.'~6olla~pre- hirve told you.1 Iwould go t o 'mnny t>:cre ;&re otherwise I would have told you ; ; I go Iwcpare a pi.tcc for you. 3 Andif I go nud yreb i pAiar rdrov ilpiv. 3 rai ~ h v , r r o p ~ v &~ n i liro~phuw'bpiv pare a place for you; and if I go and prcgare for pou pl'"ic for you* willacome :rg:rin,irud






receive you ucto mymy- self ; where I tirere e uiny l c nlso. 4 wliitll~r I go rdv. 'Iva i;aov /pi I cj, rai i p ~ i g+re. 4 h-ai iirou self, t h a t where k l s o .'ye may be. And where I Fe knolv, nud the way ge know Q 'l'hom;tn irTLiyw 0i'd~r "Kai" TljV i,&W "O?~C(TE." 5 AiY1 a b r y e w p t i ~ ,saith uuio him, Lord, go ye know and the wny Fe know. 'Snyn :'to 'him 'Thomns, we know not whither thou g w s t ; and how h'ilpca, oi~~.oiOIup~v ~ K C ~ Y E ~ S O~ni ~ 6 1sJ 3 ~ ~ d T /l ~~Vc:ru~lvo know the TOG , l f 8 7 Lord, we kuow not where thou goest, and how cntl we the G Jeaussaithunto him I a m the xvny, t h i iC'iv ~iE6r'a~ 6 Aiyt a t r y qJ1' I ~ j a o f i'EyL ;pi tj ;'l ~, truth, and the lile: no wny know? 'Says :to 4him 'Jcsus, I am the nray nian c o ~ ~ i c lU U L O the lt
r place,

T J T O V , ~ ~T ~ ; \ L Y ;pXopat ~ a k?rapahlj$orai': 6 i
ngain I nru coluiug and will receive

~ ~ r p ipnv3 ;~ ~




rlli rj ciXr@eia ~ a 6 <W$. o&siSFp@ai i

and the but truth and the life. Xo one conies

?rp;s 7i)v rrar6pa

to the Fnther also him, Lord, my Father and shew

~e hnd known me.'If je ~houl~lh;rrekl~owni~~y

;-p4 6r' ip06.


7 E E ' d y v i ) ~ ~ i rpelil ~ a irt~.?rar6~a.pov i hcnceCorth 'lso:

I f ye h i d known me, hencefonh

K ~ T E 'wabrJv m n him.

tpa;ll ~ & ~ ' - & ~ ~ ~ ; i ytv&aKErEf r d Y , a

ye know

Kai iwp&us

ye would have known ; and

ye know end hiul, and llare seen 8 Philip s~rith him. him, Lord, shew unto have us the rnLher, it hecn so loUg time with not kno~vn me Philip? he thirt hath keen me

8 AB, 1 abr@ @iXis?rog, K ~ o ~EETSOV Gpiv E,

=Says ?to *him .'Philip, and i t suffices

r i v ?rarQpa, rai
the Father,

cipr~i ?jpiv. 9 A6yei aLr@ 1 'Ir1aoijS,YOU. rind s e t hnst thou

. us.



F~ xToaoGrov ~ p d v o v ' ~ 86pGv ;p&, ' rai O ~ J K . ~ ~ Y W K & E , hat11 heen the Bather ; So long with rout ,a m I, and thou hast not known me, ~ , " , , $ ~ w s ~ " , " ~ ~ , " ~ ~ a time .rr3~ thcr? 10Believest thou @iXi?r?re 6 iwparAS bp;, twpar6v rhv ?rar6paS r~aill ;
not taat I in Fnther, and the Father i u m e ? thewords t h a t thou 'snyest, Shew us the Father? Believest thoh not t h a t I Weak unto You I apnak not of m y a ~ l f : dv r+ rarpi, rai aardp Sv b oi iariv; r(i b;lpara but the Father that l&? The ,or& dwelleth i n me, he d c ' ~ t f b m ] in the Father, and the Father .in L e eth the works. 11 Bc& 'XaX3: 6piV, C ~ T ' i p ~ l ~ ~ 0 . 5 06.XaX;. 6.6; ?rar$p lieve me t h a t I urn i n speak t o you, f r o n ~ myself I speak not ; but the Batlirr thc F ~ t h e rund lhe Fu, wltich I tlicr in me: or else be18" i v ipoi p 6 v w ~b a l j r t ~?rareS r(i {pyall 11 rrcare6~rip01 lieve me for the very who in me . xbidcs he does the works. Bolicve me wo1.k~' srtko. 12 Varily, verily I say unto you, p)/. 1x0 ijri dyA hv 71;. ~ a r p i ,~ a i ..?ranjp dv droid. bclieveth on thnt I [nm] in the Father, and the Fnther i n me ; but if not, m c , t h s works t h a t I doshall hc do :ilso; and Philip Y He t h a t has seen me, hns seen the Father ; and how

06 X ~ ~ E A~iEovGpiv rbv r a r i p a ; 10 06-?rrure6~cg gri L ~ ,




r(i Ipya alirh ~ i u r r 6 e r epo~." 12 'Ap$v cip~ju i XByw

believe me. Verily verily I say do,

bt:cnrtse of the works themselves

thcae shnll he do; bo-

shall do,


rrtar~i,wv &B, eic


to you, He thnt believes

on me, t h e works which I

rd tp;oya irE i y A rot;,

K~KE~YOS f~A~~t~.h$? also h0 socvei r e shall auk i n

aoiljn~i,m i peilova ~ o C r w v ?roi$u~i, ijri iy& rp61..rtv

greater t h a n these he shall do, because I


my Father

?rop~iropar. 13 ~ a iij.ri.d~

~ ~ T $ U V T Edv And whatsoever ye may ask i n



+ &L

for LTTrAW.

know C e the way LTI'TA. 9 - i) T. TrA; yvhcreu8e ye will k110wT.

xpdvy LT. Y & does 116 vi h.,rlt~T ~ A ! h ; T



h i L.' 76nov - ~ a[LITTTA. - K a - oidare [ L ] ~ T I 6p;v TTrA.~ aLTT. ~rapaA<p+opartLWrA. i A. i P oisapev r v adov ;v l j S t ~ r ~ r i y v r j ~ a r e p d ye have kllowh m e r. i - [L]T~A. &riprc T. [aGr6v] 1;rrA.


W aTJ.



b ~ o r e 7d.tpya i

pqaCrearl the f n t h e r l ~ ~ ~ r k ~

is E


roiiro roitjuw, 'iva bo$nefJ4

XIV. & nnnjp t v r@

ih* w ~ U do, that m q be glOrl& t h lash# h 1 may be ; :a . ! ,h!; 14 ;&v ri air$uor~ 2v ri,Z~6vdpari-pov9 A ~otijbw. g 2 If anything ye ask in my name, r i l l do'it]. name. I will tia it. 15 lf ye lore me,kcep 15 idv hyaricri pe, rdc JvroXdc rdc a my comrunndments. If ye love me, 'commanclmenta my 16 And I will r l v t l-e f .,: Father, nnd ~c 16 'kai by&'' ipcl,rijuw rbv raripn, &%XOV ?rap&dqrqv the ~ Fnthcr, and mother PaZaclete $ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; And ~I ~ will nsk ~ t l ~ abide ' with you for 8lllb~i &p?v, pe7 6p;v ~ i ~ . ~ b u . n i O v17, rb a ~ Spirit he will give you, that he may rcm-ia ~ i t h you for erer, the of t r u t h . whom the world cn;not recrirc, 7rl~Eijpa rijg CiXqe~iac,'ij I ) ~ 6 u p o e 06.8!j~a?al f l @ ; ~ , iirr X because it seeth him spirit of truth, whomthe world cannot receive, because not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; 06-OEWPE? nirrd, 068C Y L V ~ Q K E L la6~d.l~ 6pei~-m8iH ~ & U I C E T ~L for he dwelleth with i t does not see him, por; know him ; but yo know you, and shnll be in 18 I will U O ~n b ~ a Bri rap' i p i v II;ivei, ~ a hv &piunZnrac." 18 06r.d~$uo , i fz%c you eomfortles~:him, for with you he abides, and in you shsll be. I will not Ienve I will come to you 19 Yet a little while: 6~1Iic 6pq~nvoic. + X O ~ U L 'KQic&pc?c. 10 &l ( I L K ~ ~ U U ~ 6 K snd the morld reeth ~ o u orphans, I am coming to you. Yet a ~ t t l while and tho e me no more; I w t ye see me: bacnnse I live, yo K ( ; V ~ O ~ O 0 6 k i ~ l "~ E W P E ? , !l &piS.8d ~ E W P E ~ T ~ STL iy& p' shnil live nlso. 20 At World me no longer sees, but ye m me: bccnuse I thnt day yeshall know Kni 6 (?SP Z $ ~ ~ ~ O ~ . " ~ K E ; Y ~T$ 20 qy7!hb~F) thnt I a m in my F ~ - G r r thrr,nnd ye in me, and Ilrc. Y n l s ~ b e shall livc. In thnt dny shnll 'know 1 in you. 21 Ha thnt jr,,.ys~~ i;rc iy& t v r$-xnrpi.pov, rai i v ipoi, wcirc; h ~ t h my commnndmcnts, and krepeth " ~ 0 th:rt 1 [*m] in my Father, nnd ye in me, and I i ~ ~ !v 6pTv. 21 ~ ci t ~ ~ lxwv ~r ~ ~;. i u r o X & ~ . p~ v wpGv aljrdc, oa i loveth me be lor- 1x1 you. He that has my commnndments and keeps them, en of rind I dl:~iv6~ &iv b -ciYaaGvPE' 6.8; 6yaaGv P E , (iYam1#;1u~ueiil love him, and will to he i t is thnt loves me; but he thai; loves mo, shall he IOT& h i m n Judni ~ . i tLh, 6x6 roi.rarpic-pou' 'rni ir&l & p ~ u nhrbv, rai o unto him,not Ircnrlot, my Father ; and wrll love him, nnd by Lord how i8 it that thou' wilt manifest it~6aviuw a6ry" lpnvrdv. 2 2 ' h i y ~ i a%r@ 'Io66as O;X thyse1f 'into and wili mnnifcst t o lrrm myself. 'Snys %to*him 'Jndno, (not, not unto the world 7 23 Jesus nnswercd bud I) 'Iu~aorhrqc,K6pc~, ri y f y o v ~ v Sri GpTv ~ A X E L S slriduntOhlmp If l r m n n the ~scaiiote,) Lord, what has occurred t h t t o us thou art nhout lore me, he will keep 'I? my words: and my Fn- i p $ a u i ~ ~u~avrbv,rai 06xi T$ ~ 6 u p ; 23 'A.rrfcniG1 [v y therwill love him, *nd to manifest thyseli, and not t o the world ? " we will conle unto , him. and mnte our a- Iqu06c ETTEY airr,;, 'E& T i c C ~ T # PE, rhJ-X6yo~.}t~fl bode with him. 21 He 'Jesus and said t o him, If 'anyone love me, my word that loveth me not ~ a i pirtv beepeth not my any- T ~ P $ U E L , I).rarijp.pov ciynnju~catrdv,'rni ings : nnd the word he will keep, and my Father will love him, and to him which e hear is not v mine, thq FA- E X E V U ~ ~ E O ~ , povrjv r a ' abry" v ~ ~ i $ ~ 24 p ~ ~ . " rni ~ 6 He that 'not will mnke. ther's which sent me. we will come, and an nbode wikf him 25 These things hnve I spoken unto you,being Ci aaijv roilg-Xd~ov~.~ov 0&-?qpi' rai b Xdyog i':a gel resent with you. 'loves U, my words does not keep ; and the word which 2 ; &t the Comforter, 1 ~ K O ~ E T06~.Zuriv t p c : ~ , E &hXd roii ?rBp#avrdc t i e aarpds.. is the QhoJ. whom the Fn- ye hear is uot mine, but of t h t 'who "aent 'me =Father. ther will send in m v t teaC[ 25 Ta6ra X~XciXqica ilpyv r a vtt?v pivwv' 2G 6.6s rap;name he but the I'~i~r:t'l'hes~ things l have raid to joa, Wit[ you abiding ; ou ;l1 things, Lbg things J r , ~ a p ,r i r v i i p a r t B tov, 1 r i p $ ~ i 15 rar$p i v ryi your remembrance, elcte, the Spirit the &ly, whom 1wil14scnd 'the lFather in

2: ;;y&h,"tF2te:lLn1Q 6&pnri.pov, the m Y

E ;










dvd,uari.pov, ir~Tzloc&p?ic 6t64E~i ?rrivra, ~ a i

my name, he


y o u 'will -tench all things, and will bring tezre-

B + pc me [LIT. h ye will keep n r . K L A . p e g 6p&v cir 7bv a l i v a 4 he n ~ a y wit11 you for ever L ; pc" 6pGv jj cis ~ b aiDva T ; ?J peB' 6 p & v cir rbv be v ai&va TrA. l [air61 L . m - 61 hut [L]T[T~]A. i u ~ i is LTrA. v O O~KCTL U1.T: P (ijue~c TTrA. n i P c i s ([;pcis] L ) yv&ueoOr I.TrA. r ~iyh LW~AW. crab then (:T[A]w. 6 QLTTrAW. uo~~qudpeBa LTTrA.

XIV, XV fiv$ueg v ~ l i c r i v r a
thembrawe 'your

leave with you, my a c e I ~ ~ e ~ n t o ~ 'my I give to you ; hot as the world not give I unto you. eth, the with you ; 4eace , p+.rapauoid3w 6pGv inpnpb tirllWLet not YOU? be hea" dibwclv, FBwet %V-, ]give to you. Let not be troubled your heart, nor trOubledl be afraid neither let 28 Ye have &~tXc&~w. tfro6uare h i & crrov hpiv, 'Trhyw Kai henrd how I said unto 28 Y h a r d that e said you, 1em going away and let it fear. i s n a x ip~opai ?rpbs irpiic. ci ljyaniiri PE, bx&pqre.dv ~t e lored me ye be^^ I p m corntug. to It ye looed me, ye would have rejoiced that WOUG mjoi" Anto the you. I said I go w~lrov,n o p ~ c orpbs rbv aaripa. iirt d.rar$p.xpovll Fathe:: for my Pathn ~ I kid, I amgo ng to the Father, for. my Father is greater .than 29 And now I have rpiv feicwv ov iuriv. 29 iai v h ~'IpqKa6 p i ~ yevi- told youbeforeitcome And now I have told you before i t comes to to pms, t h t , when i t ia @enter %Em*= 'is. come to ass ye might ~ e a li'va ~ T & U , .yBvqrai ~ ~ U T E ~ 30~ 9'06~ C ~ E .h" believe. =ere-I p t u , that when it shall have come t p m ye may 'believe. o No longer will not talk much with you. for the rohxdr XaX$uw '6pG~'~ gpx~~al-ydp -705 K ~ U ~ Oprince of 'this world 6 V much I w i l l speak with you, for comes the =of .world cometh, and hath noaro6rov"p wv, ~ a bv bpoi 0 t h Cxei 0666~.81 ciXX' 'lva thinB''iu me' 31 may i that the world But %hlr 'Aer, and in me .he hns nothing; but that know that. I love ths Father; yvy' d rdupoc 6r1 a r 3 rbv raripa, b ~ a i " ~atlwgther and as the Fome %ay *know 'the sw.orld that r l o n the Father, and u nmdment, . W 80 l

all things which I said to you.

JOHN. 8 ~ l r o v&;v. 27 eipi)vqv Xfiqpr ~


291 ~


ljlrt/v njv ipljv diswpi ;piu. ob ~ae;!: d rdupo~~





Cbwr~iXa~6>oi d rnrijp, oG7.w~rot;'

'commanded 9ne 'the 'lbther, thns

I do.

~ Y E ~ ~ E U ~W , ~ ~ E Rise up, let us go


15 'Eyit rip1 t j &p?reXoc rj MhtItYrj,

am the

y~wphs burrv., '2



Yvine "true, and my Fat& the W &U* K X * ~ 8~ bpoi ,p$ ( b h p 0 ~rapx6v, ~ n e , ' aIn.m the' traa dmy Pether Every brnnoh in me ..inot bdaring fruit, is the husbandman. fruit b bears, t ' ye he cleanses it he taketh away : and

d.rar;lp. ou b

he firken %way i t i *at more


aCr6' &a;. ?rZv rb ~ a p x b v $ipov, ra6ajper a676 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $ ~ f r

and ereryoke that

i'vn J r ~ ~ i o v a rnp?rhv"


-tt Z$%;ar.

3 7j8q 6p~ic 'raeapoi bare


bj reason of the


rbv Xdyov B u XekiXqKa .6p7v. 4

word whic4.I have spoken to you.

clean ~ E ~ V bv T E ~ bpoi, Abide ill me, through

~ ~ ~ are eth it,



h ~ i t my

rd & bv 6p;v. ra6cLc rb ~Xijpa'o%.B6varai a p r b ~ EIY r (bi I in you. %a the branch b not able fruit to&= of invroi?'bciv-plj efieivp" bv rp" dprikp, OGZWG 0682 6peZc
i-lf IInlel unlesq i t abide ye abide. in the vine,



bdv.pd hv ipoi '

in me

~ E ~ U ~ T E .h 6 ~


d pQvwv'bv .bpoi, rd i) bv airry", ogroc (bkpei

me, anlI me he is cast

~ i p 4 ,n"px~Xo~ ei i 6
am the



$6 *[are3 the he

b ~ c h e s . He th& abide8



rapnciv aoX6v. 8rt

'much ;

~ w p ibpoz ob G ~ U U U ~?rbieiv o$E6v. ~ E

ye are able out to do nothing.

for apart from abide

6 idv.p+
ir diied up,


Unlesn anyone and

in me,

bpoi, bPhj6~

&c the ~ h d p arai rb , sa branch, and

cast, and in you

bErlpiiv8q,rai uvviiyovalv haGrd" rai 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o v o &p ral

they gather ye abide and into a fire and

it is burned.

raierat. 7 bdv peivqre bv Bpoi, ~ a rd-~$parh.p~V 6piv i dv

in me, my words

unto you.haveAbide in which I 4 spoken mc, I in yo,,. As thebrnnchcannotbenr fruit of i t ~ e l fexcept it , abidc in the vine ; no more cnn yc?,except ye "bide in me. I the vine, ye are the branches: he that nbldeth in me, and 1 in him the snme briugeth forth much fruit: for without me C Can do nothing. '6 f f a man abide not in me, he is cast forth an a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and t v, cast them into the fire, and they are burned 1' I*ye abide in me, a u i my wordsabidein youi

aLmrAw. -- (wad of * ~.aworld)pov (vea8 the Father)q 70670~ the b[~ai] rnn~~dmelit p n b rrheiova r pi

[L]TT~A. Y oir~h' OLT. L. c dwoA+v Cbw~jv gave


LTr. .i

+ Ib the (fire) TT~AW.

L ~ A .


m ~ . pe'q o







ye shnll azk what ye p ~ ! q , n k. 3 be 0. ~avll ~ ~ X , ) T E 'ai'iaeoOe," rai y ~ y j l a ~ r a r 6yiiv. will, it ablde, whatever ye will ye shall ask, and it shnll come to a s s to you. donounto you. in is my Father glori- 8 ;v ro6rY bSoS&aOil6.rarilp.pov, 'lva r a p r i v X O X ~ V 9ipqre. f $ ; ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ f ~ n " this ~ is glorified my Father, that Yruit 'much ye should bear. I , ' disci les. 9AatheFib- rai m y ~ ~ a e o 8 eipol pa8srai. 9 MO&" ~ y h r q ~ 66 p ~ and ye shnll become 'to .me Idisnples. I also loved you : As lovcd Father,

me tlis

tinue ye in my love. l0 If Ye keep my mandments ye shall abide in my)love; even as I hare kept my Father's commandments and nbide in his love: 11 Them things have1 spoken un>o you that my JOY might rdmain in you, and that your jay might be full. 2 hi^ is m conmnndment, ~ K a tye love one another, as I have loved you. 13 Qroater love hnth no man than this, that down his man life for Kis friends. 14 Ye are my friends, if ye do whatgoever I command you. 15 not servants call youHenceforth I ; for the servant knoweth not whit his lord doeth. but I have called friends for all thin th?t 1 h a w h e a r r o f my Father I havamacleLnowuunto

ran+, rctyl; "Gyhrqaa irpiir." pelvare i l ~ d y h r p ry"

abide in 'love

7 3 ipp'. 1

10 idlv ~ & ~ . ~ V T O X ~ S . ~ q p $ ~ q r , peveire bv ~.&YhTp.rov' rO U

my commandments ye keep, ye shall abide i n my love,

as nbide

O i

&l1 Prcic 2vroXcic roG..lrarp6c".qpov" renjpqra, rcri

the commandments of my Father hnve kept, and

~ C V W ~ 6 ~ iv 5T+ ciy&rp. 11 raijra 0


,j xapd
'joy This

6 ipi
'my ia lloved

love. ' 'These things I hare sp'okeu t o you, that bv 6p7v 'peiq," cai rj.xnpci.irp3v xXqpwe'. in you mny abide, and that your joy ye love may be furL
, one

X E X ~ X ~ K C $/.liv, Y


12 a i j ~ qioriv I j


4 iP$, 'lva

&yarZre ciXXljXouc,
another, no one love

Ycommandment 'my,


4 hrqaa 6pi;c.

13 p~ieova raCn]c ciyhrgv oil6~ic

than this should lny down for

ZXEl, 'Iva

7 1 j Y ~ ~ v X 7 j v ~ a ~ T 8e 0~
his life griends my are


T ~ 91'Xwv Y 'frienb

airroi. 14 6pe7s 9iXor pov barl bdv aorijra QvrbXXoparhp%. 15 O C K Q T ~ 6 p i i ~ v Xiywll G O ~ X O V S ,Sri d 80;Xoc O ~ K - O ~ S Er i V
man knows not what friends, command you.



it ye practise whatsoever


TOLET a6r06 6 K(tpio~' 6piic-Eb eypqrca


No longer you

I call

for the bond-

'mnstcr. o i

But you my Father

I hitre cnlled I nlndo

you. 16 Ye have not chosen me, but 1 haye chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and forth fruit, and that your fruit should remnin: t h n t w h t s o s v e ye ahall of the Father in my name, he give it you. F L e s e things I commnndyou that yelove one nnothk. l8 If the world hat* you ye knowthntithatedme before it hated you.
~ o ~ ~ d :

$tXovc, Sri a h v r a

for all things which I heard

B $rovaa ~a

roCrarp6c.pov iytli;-

iaa 6piv. 16 O ~ X F E CSEXQF~UBE, & & fnown t o jou. Wet ye *me achose, but ' chose , vpi?~,rai ieqra i ~ p i yva ;pig 6 s & ~ T rai rapr6v ?~ E 96-


you, and appointed fear,

~ T E K, U ~~

you that


shouL go and


ye shoo:d


) - K o I ~ x ~ ~ . ~ ' G' v ~ a& T I . ~ V r ; , ~ t& ~ l

your fruit should %de ; that wh~atswverye m y ask the he mny give you. one mother. my name

lrartpa b~ ~ + . 6 ~ 6 p a r i . p 0 ~ 8


6piv. 17 raiira ivrbhIf the world


These things I com-


Xo\iai 6piv, Yva CiyaTii?~(iXX$Xovc. 18 E 6 rdapoc &pcC i

you, that ye love

love i i * own: but be- fates,

iae7, ~yivhacere Zrr O ~ ~ ~ 3 r o v e . ~ ~ ~ ipb p w;pOvN pepiaq~ev. 19 ei I K

p know
t h a t me before you it has hated.

Jf of

that I said unto you


TOGTO plai 6pZc d

'hntes y o u 'tbe

T ~ t $ ~ ~ h on account of this / ~ Cth.7 ~ r u e c u t - h6yoa 06 iy& ed me, they will also if they word which 1 wecute
t h i n his master.

~ l r o v6piv, Obc-Zmtv L5Xoc prieov m m

t o you,

E ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ 'v 20 . 'world.

~ ~ o 7 05 E v

*In .not

'a 'bondman

rvoiozt.abro3. ei bp;

QGiwEav, ~ a i



me they persecuted, sleo

you they will persecute ; if

.~'Z,'L& 1 ainjuautle ask ye L m W . m yiyvtlc ye should beconle LTrA. ~ciyi) also T I . GyoirnluaLT~A. P 70; n a ~ p b s pov T) 7 2 s iv+oXhp TA. ( ( ~ r u d Fatller) LTA. the 5 nlny be LTTrA. 6 7 L S T. d what L m r k ~ W G TV f U& 4TTrA.

+ -




hizuunto Yen, And a6rbv nphg itp2ice 8 lcai iXt);v ~ K E T V Q G {XbY@t rbv r6apov wheu he is come, he the world him to you, And having come he will confid the world 6papriac ~ n i mpi Gtratoa6vqc ~ n i nepi rpiaew~. of sin and of r ~ h t e ousnebs, and of judg- concerning sin and concerning righteousness and concerning judgment, ment: of sin, they believe not on me; g ..rrepi &papriacptv, ijrc oir..rr~ar~oz~blv is $pi' 10 repi l of righteousncss, he- ~~~~~~i~~ 0 sin, because they believe not on me ; concerninr cause I $0 t o my Father, and ye.see me no B L K ~ L O U 86,Y 6r4 .rrpbc r6~..rrari~a.~pov" ~ ~~ 6&yw, rai kohr more; 1 1the judgment, righteousness because of prince of bocause to my Fnther I g o n w a y , and no p' 11 ?rp;.bh rpiabw~, 8 ~ 1 6 & ~ X W U r03 thia world is judged. E 7 1 1 1 6wPirQ 12 I h n vet mnpr longer ye behold me ; and concerning judgment, becnurw the ruler things t o . . nuto you, but ge cannot bear K ~ U ~ O U . T O & T O V K ~ K P L T C I L ' N E ;~ o~ X & ~ X W 'Xiyslv 12 . z ~ them~iow.13 Rowbeit of this world has been judged. Yet many things I have t o say when he the S irit of oir.d&vaa6~ Ptra&zetv & p i ' 13 Ijrav.62 a09 truth, ix'comc,\e will 6p:v,l1 guide you into all to you, but ye are not able ro bear them now. But when%ay~hnve4comb truth. for he shall not .rriiuav ,lx.ak'of himself; but ~ K E ~ V Ori) n v ~ i r p h 1 ) dXq6~iac, 6dqyjIa~i ;p&E S, 7 ~ Whstsoo~er he shall 'he, t h e Spirit of truth, he will guide you . into all her~r that shall he rpcak:nnd he willshew r4l' ~ X G ~ E ~ ~ V ' I ' ' 06 XaXfio~t d$' iavroij, hXX' 8aa.n&v11 'not rE!ahr .will speak from himull, but whataoever truth; yO,l thin S to come. the 1 ~e shal? glorify me * d ~ 0 1 ; a ~ lX ~ X ~ U E L , 4 he shall receive ' rni r 6 B p ~ d p ~ v dvayyeXeT 6pTv. a mine, and shall shew he may hem he will rpeak ; and the things coming he will aunounca t o you.


hath are mine: thereHe me will glorify, for of mine he will receive, and will anfore said I, thnt ha ah,Llltakeo~mine,and YEAET 6pYv. 15 nbirti Sua b nanjp ipci lurrv. All things whatsoever 'has 'the 'Father 'mine *are ; shall Rhewot unto you. nounce t o ydu. 16A little while, and L roiko ETTOY, 8ri h~ 705 bp05 qXj7#~rai,U rai dvayye shall not. a little' because of this and again, see me. I ssia, that of mine he will receive, and will anwhile, and ye shall see y ~ X ~ i 6pTv. 16 M i ~ p b v rai r ~ 6 1 1 . 0 ~ ~ p ~ k Q?rhXlv pE, rai me, becazse 1 go to the A little [while] and ye do not behold me ; and again Filther. 17 Then said some of his disciples plltpbv , rai &,ba6k PE, 'fjrl dy& itnciyw T Q ~ Crbv T a :%$gis a llttle [while] and ye shall hee me, because I go awny to the Fasnitb unto us, A little ~ f . ~ a . I l Elnov 17 otv b~ rGiv.paO~]rSv.ahroi ?rpbc while and ye shall not $her. Said therefore [some] of hia disciples to see & e and again a S {pTv, Mllcpdv rai little while, and 'ye ~ X X ~ ~ X O U T,i . buriv T O ~ T O 8 X i Y ~ t shall see me: and, Be- one another, What is this which he says t o us, A little [while] and cause 1 go t o the Fnther? 18 They mid oi1.8ewpeiri p, rai nbhiv p t ~ p b v rai B+eaQi ; rai therefore, What is this ye do not behold me ; and agirin a little [while] and ye shall see me 7 and that he saith, A little rr while? w e c a n n o t t e l l Or1 '6 &" 6~ci.g.w p ~ b ~ a r i p a ; 18 'EXayov o h , ~ b v n what he saith. 19 New Because go awny to the Father ? Tkcy said tberefore, Jesus knew that the were desirous VTo3m ri iariv" S Xiye&, wrb" pix d v ; ohr.oiJa EY *is which he srys, the littfe [while] .l) We do not L o w him, pnd mid unto .Thk .what them, Do ye inquire 19 ybl1'IilaoC~8ri ij6'rXov ahrbu yol,rselvea of ri XUXF~. 'Eyvw xoi7v11 t h a t 1 said A little what he speaks. 'Knew *therefore 'Jesus t h a t they desired Shim while and yA shall not de:and again, a ~ P W T @ V , rai L ~ P E Va h r o i ~ , rZepi to6rov ~qrtZre l!ttle while and ye .to 'ask, , and said t o them, Conwning this do ye inquire among whnll seeme?'20~erily, . ElPOv, mrily, I say unto you Mt~pbv rai oh.Qewp~YriPE, rai A little [while] and ye do not behold me ; and ~ h ~ t weep and one another, t h a t I said, !lrment, but the ?~&XLV p t ~ p d v uai CJ/ea0Qpe ; 20 dprjv c i p l j ~ Xiyw i p i v , and ye again a little [while] and ye shall see me 7 Verily verily I say t o you,

f l h i ~ ~ ~ ~ h ~ i 14 e

~ K E ~ iph ~ O & ~ U E L&L V O ,

ilf ro5 ipo5 "jI+~ra~,lIrai &ay-




~ x x G x ~art , ~

8rt rXa6oere rai BpqvGu~re i~ ;c, 6-82

t h a t 'will 'weep &and 'willolament

K ~ Q ~ Op E


but the


w i rejoice;

i - pov (read the Father) TR[A]. k oirrht OLT. 1 6 p i v A+LV TTTA. Mtjeerav l r i q a v LTKA ; ;v ?jAq8eip r r 8 q T. " (~VZT~A. hear TrA ; &~oliec hews T. he P ATjll;+erai LTTrL P Ayy3ivef receives QLTTTA,~. r O;K& no loriger (do ye behold) LTA ; OVK Tr. &L cyw vrrayw lrpoc rbv narepa TT1.A ; iirb irniyy(r, rrpb! 7bv l r a r i p a G[L]W. dyb (read 6n&yo1 go owi~y) LWrAW,. *Ti rb (wad a littlo [while11TCA. iurtv TOGTO LTL a O ~ QTT~AW. V Y =A.



hvr;nO$o~nl, nrihS1 i).hbri1itcGv ri'c ynpdv
mill bc gricvod,

but r e

0C;ol. 21


your gricf



i~;;t; k_::~:$i~$ 2:;

G \ ~ E u \ v O I U R n ~ h l'hO"sin 'n
rul.ucd into joy. 21 A






The wom;,n w h n she gives birth, grief

I I , . hour; ~


rb au~biov,'0;:

but whcn she brings forth the

h a , bocnusc iscolue bmnuse hcr hour is trnv'Lil collie: but as soon as is delivered or the child, child shercmembereth no more the a n g u i a , that hnsbeenburn born lnto the world. j07 that a is grief

she n~mcmbcrs t11c tribulntiou, on nccount of the

trv?lpov~i,~t ~ ) X ~ $ E W ~ , B & rjj* e & 1 , 8 ~ w - / r ~r~v t

n nlan iuto the
K ~ U ~ O Y22 .

7Gv kapriv iirc iytvyil&l

ye therefore

a n d yenow thyeindeed I will see you again, hnve 'lit i&lsd ; X ~ r ~ ' h & X ~ v .Vnpac &tlfis, Kai ~ a ~ ; ~ u t r~ J ~ G uyour honrt ahnU BI: n c and llow h ~ ~;r c but ngoin I will see you, and lbl~nll'rejoice ' J O U ~ xej~ice* and Y O U J Y O no lunn tnketh from mpcia, ~ n ri~ ~ . ~ a ~ d v . 3oirSti~ p i j v earpet' 69' 6pGv. 23 mi you. 23 ~ n in thut d 'tt~.nrt, nud your joy no ono tnkes from you. , And day ye shall me no, thing. Vcrily, veriiy, i l Ictivg r t ljpipg ip8' 06r ipwnjarrc. 066bv. 'Atnjv atop I a a y u u t o y o ~ , ~ h : i t l ill that day of me ye shall ask notlaing. VerilJ vrrilp soerer ye shnll ask the Father i n my name, X i y w irpiv, Bri" Giaa.~va ainjagre, TAU aarfpa ~ c t , will give it you. he l ~ r y to you, That whatsoever ye mny =k the Pather in 24 Hitherto have ye !, asked nothing in my or,c;puri.pov B&UEL 6pZv.11 24 i'wc.a"prr oirr fjrljaare oir6;v n a m e : a s ~ , a n ~ y e ~ n ~ uiy name ho will give you. Hitl~erto yo asked nothing reccite, that your joy xnay be fulL W Thcne ,It.,r+.dt,c;tctcri.pov' airtire, ~ a i X t j # ~ ~ e ~'Iva ,i.~ap&.irpGvthingn have I spoken ,il ln my unue: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy unto ou in proverbs: world. And

m ; +rig

o6v 'X6nllv pi7, r z

a~-/rX?]p~p6vq.rncra ;v na oipiatc XtXbXqrca 6piv' 25

niay be Lur t o you, full: These things in no aflcgorir is cowing nn hour when but thnt piamly day longer in Father.

I have spoken t0)ou ; s ~ e a k unto you in ro-

K . ~e,"~s~$'f~,"
61lnll ;;,= k i n $ :,d %, : ,;

krihkl" ~ p x t m i iipa STE l06r i r t n iv aapoipincc ~ X $ O W ~


e r h ~ * b ~ t l

I will rpcnk ther.p'ain1y that day ye 26 At Of the Fa-

itliiv, 6XXd ~ n f i f i ~ a i q c p i 705 a a r p i ) ~ l c i ~ t y ~ ~ X G . ~ n itpiv.

coqcerning the in

I will announce to'gpu.

26 it* ;h'~ilyr i tjpipg ;v r$.dvlpari.pov airrju~aet..rai 06

my name

the'pather for you: ye shall ark ; and "not "for him* self bveth you,becauw Xiyw.+iv ZTL ly& l p ~ r ; ~ a rdv rardpa r t p i 6pGv' 27 dir- r h a v e l o v e d me,and w 'I'sny t o you that I will bcscech the Father for you, 'himthat I came out from Qod. 7 i ) 'ydp 6 Tarljp i X t i GPL?~,5 r ~ +sic ~ lp8 ae$cX?jrart,trai 28 I came forth from u l l 'for 'h0 3 F a i l u e v e s you, becnur ye n . have lorod, and the F:ltlur n d come into \he world: xc-/rlarCbrarh 1 Py& Tapd TO^ 8 ~ 0 6 I ~ ~ X ~28 ~ ~ ~ X t ngnin, I leave the " OY, )ov hnrc bolicvcd that I from God came outr I cnmc out ~ ~ o r land a0 to the d ~nthe;. 29 His disci'Tapd" r05 sarpbc rai h7jXvgn tic 7i)v ~dupov* 6 h d$17/pi plessaid.uutohim,lo, r ~ from the Father and havc come into the world ; again , l lunre now spenkcst thou plainly, nnd spenkest 7dv ~dapovK U ~aoptbopac r p b ~ r3v ~ a r f p a . 29 AQyovarv m proverb. AO POW the world. and go to the Father. nre w,c sure that thou things I1atry'" oi.y~8)~rai.airoi. BE, yitv qna ',.irlaig XnX~ic, rtai knowest allnot thn{ .,,deSt *to %im 'his "disciples, h, n o r pfninly thou bpcakut, and any mnn sbould u k by thou naporpiav olid~piavXiytic. 30 v6v 03apcv Sri 01Sac thee: that this we h'n: leg017 'no speakest. Now we know that thou knoivest forth from God. 31 J e


,a;vra, ~ a i yptiav l re* 'iva r i C oh

all things, and 'not %ecd


ipwr@. iv
this atllem sAnswcrcd

thut anyone t l e should a k By s

T ~ U T E ~ O ~$71 Y ~ E &Ti)


Lo, ench

1e now believe? 32 Beold the hour cometh.

tohis own, shall leave me a-


we buliuve
' i l l

that from God thou camest forth. 'Now 'do 'ye 'believe ? that ye will be scattered

31 ' A ~ ~a$roic ~ "0"be colne, t h a,t ~ ~ l"a :hallQ ~ ~ JO scattered,

*v;v' u d
nnd me

' I ~ / U O ~~turt6ers 32 206, l p X ~ r a $pa "Aprr ~ , ; r

'Jesus, to his own,

fd co~uing hour nnd now m

iXljXv0~~; 'iva a r o p n ~ ~ e i j r Eraaros eic rri.iSia, tKai t

. hos come,

61 but LTTr.%. '&Mae A. T O ~ K C Z LGLT. v& A V B ~L'l"l'rA. Y d EtCT6 sllall have L 20s; shall take LTIA. f b r ~ ~ m r GY TL ~f allytlllug LmrA. h 6haec [ o ~ i v 7+ b v 6 j ~ a r pov ~ 1 . r ~ . i L hrjpqeo CC &.I I.,A. '.- aM L[LJ.LT AW. 1 oGFdT~? : QT m &~ayythG L'~~r-iw. 70; L ; 706 rrarpbs theFtrt11er jr L ~ T ~ L p [L]WKA. U -l- LTTrA. iv 6 TTrA. 1 vvv LWrA. x&fii T & =,


!M ?3



lone. ,haw Ithe not povov d$ftjrrg K alod y& am and ' o ~ L E / @;v o ~ ,~ T h ~ L pf ther with me. alvne ye.wlll l a v p ; and bet] I amhot alone, for the Father with P Thew thinsat h e bpoii 2mv. 33 ra3ra XeXciXqra dpiv 'Iva k lpoi eipljvqu lrpokofi mightlhRve in me unto you that mo ir Thew thing8 I h s w p o k e n to you that ih me pewa E t h e worldye ixt/re. BY rq? rdupy Ohi tv 'd ETE'II ciXhd Bapueire, shaUhyetrlbulntiOn: yemay h n I n the world b l b d t l o n y e L ; . but be of good courng0, ut be of good cheer. h a w overcome t h i lyb v @ ? J ~ ~ v K C ~TdV rdapov. world., I hare overcome the world.

17 TuCra
XVIL These word8 ~ & ~ and nai Patl~er,the hour is t t , uly an come. a ~ t m$ gloritp thee: him power over all Pas thou haat given mt he should give'etsmal life to

bAhXqaev "d': 'Iqaoirc, raP xinijpevllrode b $ B d -

Thew thinm W b Je.iu8; and lifted up 'O S podc~d m i r d ek'rdv ~ofipavdv Yrai"~eIsev, ~ a IIkrep, ih3jhV8~V$ 'hi8 t o the h a v e n and a i d , Father, Yhna*come'thb f&paw~ ~ ~ 86Eaudv uov rdv uidv, i'va ' K ~ P d.vib~..~ov~~ 8oFtiap .horn i ' glorifp thy son, that else thy &n 1~8y glori* thea ;

aee 2 ragbc r 8 w r a ~a h @ BS.ouaiav s(iaqg u a p ~ d ~ , i'vn


thou gayat him

authority oyez all

flwh, life



Imow the only true W and Jchrilt whom thou hnat sent: 4onhave glorified thee I the &h: I ~ V ftnbhed B the work which thou gavedtnieto do. b And now 0 IFrther,glorify thod me with thine own#elf with the glory which I hadwith thee befolo the world wu.

C ua *might

tpAdizall which thou hnat given


?fZv 8




airroi~ CW$J aihatov.


he 8hould give to them


3 a i j r q - l iariv $ aihvtoc twfi, 'iva cyivharwaiv~~ r l r oe

&d t h i a
only trae

the eternal

that they should know thee the Christ.

pdvov Mqetvbv Be6v, rtzi B v

&s&rqrXag 'Iqao,iv x~rar6t-i


God, cn'd %horn %hou 'didtit Onend 'Jmus

46 h

thee glorified

BBdSaaa i s i rijc yfg* r b Zpyov di~eXeiwaa" ?

on the earth ; the

I completed which
nre thou, . Fnworld

thou h & ther, with

'iva 7r01fi~kl'5 rai Uijv BdEaudl, P E

and now glorify


given me that I 8hould do ;

rep, napd aeavr$,

!hiFse"d:t",=g ?rap& thee. eivat aoi. m a r w ~ c h t b n g r u t was *.

$hyaelf, with the glory which I had betre thsi




elxov s b roir r t v rdapov

6 'E$hvi wad nou rb.avopa roic dvBpCjso~~

Imadated name t o thr m? me out of the world: thine thT ware OBE C8Q8w~cigfl & ' ioil ri)t~pou.uoi ?juav, f ~ alpoill pot i me. w h ~ m thou ha& givens me oat of the world. !Chine they ware, and to me thou gay&, have grcrq thy w o r z Z Now the afiroir~ e8C8wwac-n rai r ~ ~ ~ ~ 6 y o v . a o v fimrutv." 7 virv b w n them thou hut and thy word they e r e kept. Nor


for the wor& which thou hrst given mo I have given. them, aqd they U ; B ~ n~ ,a a h o i &a@ov, i ipwaavl ~ X ~ B GI r t sapd cni, C and h* I crrme oat and they . Imown aureat reoeited [them], and knew. truly that from t h &m thee, a d they IEfjXBov, aai i s i u r ~ a a v arc a6 p drlarc1Xac. 9 6 mpi I came oat, and they beliend t t a t ,thou me didtit wnd. concerni~~g 9 I pray for them: I afitav lpwr;' 04 scpi 709 rdapov ipwr5, d u d gmYnot torthe them w k e r e g a d ; not conoerning the world make I request, but a t for them which t h o ~ h r r t venme;for s ~ p i cjv 868u~hc ~ O L , uoi eiutv. 10 rai ~d ITL I ~ . Y. J 10 And oonoerning whom thou hrt given me, for thine they : (and %hlqa all mineare t h b e and thine me mine -.'and bpd shura U& ~uAv, rd.ud rai Bpci. rai 8 ~ 8 d ~ a a at I ulrglori5ed inihem. 41y %him 'me, m d thine [are] rmne., and I have been gcrified 1 Andaow I am a o 1 a6 r0ic. 11 lcai m ~ ZrlU ~ 6 eipi b r $ r6apy, rai n o 6 r o ~ ~ ~ v CV morein theworId but theae u a in the wArld, in them. Bad no longer I am in the, world, and there tn


$Fhart%;rz i am
. I

VWK~V 8 par ,I t h e y x a n known

that all t h i n e w h t w r thou haat given me,

art ~ d w a h a

bS18w~cicn pot, sapd a03


. ~~

i i a ~ t ~ l art r d (&par6 8l

k8C8~~(icll SC6wra atrois* pot

k: z

itme r e will have EL. sai L m A W . l m u r w u r v they know m .


Qsvcst Lvr. , eio.iv Tl'rA.

8& b

they 2.

irkpar having lifted up LTT~A. ? rai L ~ A . m[~]. b 8buec he shall give A, C ybvh. reAec&uac hav~ng completed L ~ A . i 8 o u i c thou f rdyoi ~ r . g ~ e m j ~ r a T~A., Lv h Wwuls thou guvest L. C ~ U K I ;thou g.1,vest LTT~A. ~ I [nqr cyvwoav] L. m o 6 n 6 ~ LTW. r


-the Son)


arc, in and

l y p

rdupy EI'u;~, c wfl xp6c Orat

thu world them



Spxopar. x h r ~ p ciyie, rtjpocorue. aFt~thrrlUuly,

to thee thy name

aov aijroits i v barv

~~.(,~~opari.uov po3cU

8 6 6 ~ ~ pot. cvn 6 ~

that thou thnt T$ one a %-C mm.. I with thcy mny bo onc, ns we. Whcn I was with them in the them in the world, I l2 r ~ ; ' ~ } ityf& Errjpov~~ ~ aGro6~;v r$.&v6pari.uov Yosc'l b6- lielittheminthyname: n-orid I w.1. h, &tying them in thy nome: =hum thou those thnt thou PVmt mo I have kcpt and Gu,leric ;cot ;ql:Xnzn, rni oilB~i6 CC;JT&V CixLjX~ro,ri.pq S uonc of them ~ ' l o ~ t , hnzt givco nle I gunrd-d, nud n? ono of them perished, cxceyt the but the Son of & ~ r d i tion ; thnt the w r i p v i j c rtjc & ~ w X i f l j . ,l ~ a ypn$?j ?rXqpwep'. 13 ~ 6 v - B tru.cmightbcfulfilled. ' i son of perdition, that tho scripture might be fulllled. And now 13 And now come I to t h w ;nnd those things' ?rpdc U Epxopar, T O ~ T U X d G b T$ K ~ U ~ Y v 'lva I speak in the world to theo I como ; nnd t b thingo Iapeak in the world that they u n y that they n l i ~ l huv; ~t my joy fulfilled in ucv r ~ j xap&v ~ r j v v Qpljv ?~exXqp~p6a*qv ua&roic.U 14 i b v thcmrclves. 11 I have hnvs 'joy mY fulfilled in them.

whom thou hilet sivcn me,

Sv, ~ n e q t j~ ~ i c . 13 $re $pqv per' a ; t r ~ i v i v & p '

thin: thorn whom thoy given me mny

rdupov. 15 obripwr3 'iva 6pgc a&ro,)e i r rOU shonldmt take them out of the world but I do not mako request that thou shouldeat take them o u t of the t b t world. shou\dcst rbupov, 6XX' 'iva qptjupc airrode br . 705 rovq 06.

but the

that than ~ho~lldest W P them ~ they m not, by


18 i r m5 r i q o u oirr.riuiv, r a Q 4 Iy&

of world even ' i r r05 dupov 06r : j m & & J I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ of the world %ot t h g h t h tmth: 'word

Out of t b




17 dyiouovhirrod~v + - & X ~ O E ~ ~ - ~ ~ O V .i~uic ~ i 6C y o

~ a n c t i f y them thy truth ;

me int4 the world,even have I *W sent truth in. A n me thou didut e n d into the world, them into the morld. 19 A n d for thair sakes rciyw &lr;urcrXa a F r 0 6 ~ 'I ' ~r i ) rdupov* 19 rni h i p atrCiv 1 snnctify myself,that E ~ I nlso sent them into the world; and for them thV might be sauctided through the xi 6yccitw ipavrdv, 'lva Prai a&roi &ULY" tjycaupdvot d truth. MNeitherpray v xnuctify mpelf, that also they may be sanctified in I for thcse alone, but for them also which ciXqOeig. 20 Oir xrpi ~ o 6 r w v 6; ipwrG pdvov, CiXXai shrill believe on me truth -Not Yor *these 'and 'make .I *request 'only, but through their word 21 that they mnrd KCC; ?repi 7 t h z s r u r ~ v u d v r ~ vbtd TOG-X~YOV-Q~TGV ns d o n , Father, " one. +'so for tho-e who &hall believe through their word on art 'in me, and I in thee, that they aim i t t i s 21 ' h a ? r & v r r ~ 2v &utv, raO&c d,' ~ h r e p , " b ipoi, mny bc one in US :that v me; thnt a11 one mn). be, 81 thou, Pather, [art] in me, the world mny believe rhy& i v col, 'ivn rai airroi ;V <piu b?vli&btu' 'lva 3 rcciupoc that 22 And the glory me. thou sent and I in thee, that alao they in Us one. may bc, that th-3 World which thou gnvest me ~ x r u r r 6 u ~ " 5air r p & T ~ u T E ~ X ~ S .22 %U; by&" n j v c"i<av thpt theygiven be one, ~ I have may them; nltly believe that thou me didsk send. And I the glory even we we one: $v e666wr&gu pot 6i6wra' aGroic, 'lva Lutv Ev, raO&g I in them*and which thou hnst given me hnre given them, that they,may be one, as $prig E fiu,urv*" 23 ir& i v a&ro?c, ~ a d i v ipoi, 'lva and that the world v i Imow thou ye one arc : in them, and thou in me, that


dA~'j0s.i lurcv.

18 KUO&~p i dxknrriXnc EI'C r t v rdul*ov, i


* g~ ~ d ~ h


rer~Xetwplvor E ~ C?v, graill 'iva ycvDurcp

perfectad into one, and


thcp may be

that 'may*know 'the 'world

q rai Tr. i v 7 6 ~6uplro LTTrA. Z aU iI I (read I was keeping them m thy Fame which tdou hiet g i v d ~ iathois l T r i * our cipi ir TO< r6upov L T ~ W. A nw. nlld I pumrded jtl~em])LLJ'ITIA. .* &utv K& i y i (rcad i y . 1 smlctltj"3.) [LIT. uov (read the truth) ~ n . a . a&oi LTTrAWt rrro~m6wov beliere a~rrmw. nn7ilp m ~ . . b - v [ l . ] l A. ~ f iufiev (red [awl) ' u n . * i6caras thou gaveat L nrorelin m . d rAy& Lmra.

* ray& LTT~A.

wh~ch TT~A.



- nab LT'lYA.

h u t sent me, and hnst

Ieredloved me. 24Fn- that thou me didst sand, them, ss thou and lorc~lrt thcm ns ulc thou rqaac. 24 bncirep," thcr, I will thnt t l l ~ j868w~ci~'l pot 6);Xw Yva ~ ; A O Z ~ also, whom thou hnst Bather, whom thou h a 4 gircu mc I dcaire that n-hcrc ' a u given me, be with mc whereIam; t h a t t h l . ~l y f ; K C ~ K E ~ V O &atv par' ip06, 'lva 6twpGarv rrjv BJEav rtjv L mnY my glory$ l 1 thcy also may be with me, that they may behold 'glory which thou hast gircn ~nrnpoxrje me: for t h m lovedst ipGv jjv k i 8 ~ ~ 6 S I ' zri Gy6Tr]aacp T p d pot, me betore the found*my which thou gavent me, for thou lovedst me bcfore [tlle] fouudnlion tion of the wbrld 25 orightcous Father, K& ov 25 1 f l h r ~ p 8iKal~, ~ a d riiapo~ua oirr lyvw, ~ i the world llnth not of [theyworld. 'Bather 'righteous, and tho world thco bmrw not, knownthee: but 1have kuownthce, andthcse ly3.8i ae iyvwv, ~ a o3ror iyvwaa$ iirr CC p ~ninratAaSi have known that thou but I thee knew, and these knew t h a t thou me didst send. hnst sent me. 26 And yvw law' 1 I I M ~ decllved unto 26 cai iyvh rnn abroi!: rt.dvopci.aov, rai thy name, a n d nnill make kmwu ; them th name, and And I mnde L o r n to t h e n will decifare it: thnt I, t h e , love whorewith tva r j .c+ riaq +v Ijycixqahc pe b v alirois xiy& thou h ~ t ,loved me that the rove with which thou lovedst me kr them may be; and I may be in them, and I a+ro;s.

IQANNHZ: XVII, XVIII. &riare,Xa~, a ?jy67rllaa~ ~ i 'al',r06~ a e ifrh GYh~ ; ~




in them.




'Jedun wcnt o u t with 'disciylcs spoken these a h o 4 gdpav roG X ~ r p h b ~ o v "r@vK i 8 p ~ v ~ ~ ~ Vqv ~finog, , TO he went *Orth 'his beyond the wintor stream ,of Kedron, whcre wrs a gnrden. with his disciples over airrbc rai oi.paer]rai.ahrok 2 p'8ai.SB cai the brook Cedxou, E ~ G "O edibijX6~v whcrewn?agqrden,iu- into which *entered 'he md his disciples. And 'knew *also to the whch he entered, and his disci 1s ' 1 0 6 8 ~b 0. ~ rapa81603~ airrbv T ~ V ~ T O V ' T 7roXACi~tc 2And ~ u d oako,wkch s Judas %ho dolivering lup *him the place, .because 'of ten betrayed him knew U V V ~ X ~ 'IquoG~K i PET& r~v.pa6~rijv.ditro~. 06v ~ d 3d the place: fdr Je.u ofttimes resorted thi- +RE *gathered 'Jesus there with his disciplea 'Therefore ther with his disc!pler 1 XaPhv aa~ipav, rai ;K 73v & p ~ i ~ ~ i a pi ~ ov 3~udas then h ving I068as r&ived a b d d & 'Judas hRving received thc band, and Yrom 'the *chief 'priests %and m d officers fxom the Lrac, 2pxtrat prCi ~ ~ ~ v i jXaprri80v ~ a iv chief priwts m d p h - @a tuaiwv rise- c o d thither 'fPhnriraa lokers, come8 there with torchea and lamps with ' Inntam . n d Kai tarcheu .and W ~ R ~ O M 4 'IguoG,~qo6v" ~ i 8 3 e 7rcivra rd ipxdpava S ~atu therefore and, weapqna Jesus therefore cowing all things that were coming had


18 Tdirra

~ i x & vm311'Itf~0irc &Xt)tv 86v roigpa0~lrai~

4These 'things .having



B K ~

& Upon him, having gone forth- a i d t o them. Whom seek ye? They *aid'un@thcm,hOm m- ~pi6qaav airr(lS, 'Iqa03v rbv Natwpaiov. Aiyar aCroiS 8 6 ~ l yet K T~I~J. r him J of answered him, Jaw. the Xaoarman. 'Says %o *them Haearetb. f e s u ' I ~ U O G ~ , I'E d~eipt. I mi '1oCGa~6 rupaunto them I un h. ? am @a3. And %as Ystmding'also 'Jndns .who *was ldeh d Judas'also which 1Je'u4 betrayed him,' stood 8 ~ 8 0 6 ~airrbv p$ ahr3v. 6 'Qc ' odv ~ T E V h o i ~'"Orcn a , with them. livering lup *him with them. When therefore he said to them, then M he had said unto them, I am he, Cy& e/pi, v a i ~ i j A t l ~ ~ n eig.rci.bniaw ~ a winecrov" xa~tcui. i the wentthe ground I bnckwnrd am C d th?y went h, ' baakward and fell t o [the] ground.

um went for*


EITEYII ~ G T I E , (qrair~ 5 'ATETiua ;

7 Then asked he them

again, Whom seek Y 1 e And they said Jesus of Namareth. 6 Jesus answered I have told t h r r t ' ~ h: if am herefore ye seek me, U them go their way:

7 7rdXiV ' 06v 'ah0i)c ' & ~ ~ ~ , J u ~ T ~ TivaY tqreire ; Oi.62 ]uE ,"
Again therefore %hem Jeeu the 'he ~&estioned, Whom seek ye? said, Naearaeoe

And they

eTnov, 'Ir]a6vrbv NaCwpaiov. 8 'Axecpier]Ybli 'Ir]ao.irc, Eirov 6piv ijri 2 h eipl.

you that

a [he. m

'Amwerod 'Jesus, I told h i * O ~ V6p6 tqrcire, $$ET rovrouc,6g& If therala me y e suder thae t o g~

given LTTIAW.

r a i Aiycc Lmr.

- b ma. forth and + went -6


h rranjp LTTrk

b what m ~ .
says LmrA.

1 ra*p LTTIA. s J v LTI.[A] ;

i r i h e a v LTTTA. I QLlTrbW.

. - b the + & from 6 i and (Jesus) m -W T ; - ~m)phquev he b b (reaf irrruav L ;

J Z8ukir thou gaVest L.

k 8 d 8 o ~ hthou hast r

G v


a 703 Kc8PC;)v GL; 70; ~ i 8 p o v T. q i($AfIrv

says) ~ r A i

av~oris LTrA

av~bc iqnlpo-

- 6yr

y~rv* g
naiby ;


d ~Aqpwt)~
l iort n sword, of

thnt mi;ltl bcl f111fii;cd the word

p01 O ~ cinc;X~na C

JOHN* X I ~ ~ OZv E ~ ~ E"or1Whom thou E Y . 00s Bbwhich hc nid,

gt'latthcafi*ll~m'aIlf b:~ iu~lillcd;which h6 spa~ku, 1 tllum wldeb 0 t y to ~ ~ v e mehnvef h none. d10 Thcn t l Slrnon Petvr hnving a sword d1c.w it, and s n ~ o t e high pricsr'a the scrvnut ~rull cut ofl The his ri&t car. S U ~ Y R I I C ' S name wns 31nlchus. 11 Tircn said


hurc giren nle hnving

n i i r G v olt6dva. 10 E i p w v Siluon
thcui not oue.


n i r p 0 e i X w v picxnc,prcl~, c ; ' X ~ v u ~n b it,j v , v rt



i x n c u ~ v 73v the


h p x ~ e p i w c 6 o i k o v , ~ a hniro$ev a6roir r 3 X h r i o v i ' r 6 i

cut olE his

'of 'the 'high 'priest 'bondmiin, and

G~Eidv. $11.6i
'Jesus the cup

iivopn r @ 6 o 6 X 1 ~ filriXXoc.

And %vcs :'name 'tho'Londm:~u's N:rlclrua. to l'ckr,

d ' I ~ I J O h r P 4 ) , B& rc> n ~ ~

r6 x o n j p i o v ii 666wriv
12 'H

wlrich 'hns 4given me 'the "Fatllcr bhould I not. drink i t ?

Ior d

~t:susunto Petor, p u t >said q,llcrcfore up thy Sword into the bhcs:rLh : tlro cl111which T ~ ~ v ~ ~ ~ x ~ I ~ (~~ j v , . ' u o nry~ ~ ' r hnth givt n l l ~ Ynth t h y sword into the ul~enth; me, ahbll 1 not drhk it l

11 F??TFV 06v




o h - t ~ ~ ) - ~a w i ; i h
ollicurs hrm ;



~ x e i p a a bi x t X i n p x o ~~ c i oi i ? r ~ l ? ; m r TGV ~ i
and the cllicf c:il~t:un nnd the Jesu.~, nhd bound of the nnd tllc cnpt.rin

Tho ?therefore 'band

took hold of him

l o v J a i w v uu;liXa/3ov ~ t v ' l q u o i r v ,r : t i i i i / ( r a v ~ 6 r c i v ,13 ~ a i 12Thcnthebsndnnd brixrjyayov a i ~ r 3 v "~ p l t c *AIJVUV x ; ~ G r o v \ < ~ . ~ c iTpE

thcy led away to Annns of Cninylins, %-l10 wns Cninyhnd for one '!h0 man liigl~ priest


I ~ ~ E PC~.r"f ~ thu Jew* took ~ )

706 Kni'h$o, 5 s $V L i p ~ c ~ p ~ i l c roir.ivravroG.I~tivov. 14 4v.J.i K c i ' j $ u c h a1r,epovxr6uac

gave counsel t o perish t o the for Jews, the pcopla disciple.

first ; fwr he ~ v n fa~hcr-in-lnw JcSU" ~ nand boundaway s 13 : d led him $ 0 Anuns first. for h6 And it was was father iu'lnw ta t11:lt year. Cnit~phns,which w.w thnt i t is profirable year- l4 C:ii:rplinu was he,wbich

' I o ~ B a i o r&c ~ crvp$ipc the high priest t h a t ~

Nowthcrofollo~ved 'J\\:s, thnt it was exlxdieat thnt one man And zdiseiyle Jesq at $1~. 15 And S~nlon cter followed Jesua ci11lu: that dSciplt-nne knowu urire the high

Zvb! &v8pi.~xovc d r o k i u e a t n h i p r o 4 X P : O ~ . 15 'HroXobBec.61 y o counsel t o the

~ c i ' jI l l ~ o G Xi/i(r)v ~ d r p o ~ n ; &XXOEp a B l l ~ j L ~ ; . E1 p a B t l ~ ) ) c6110uld die for thepeoc b

J ~ s n s Siu~on Peter nnd the other
C~~XIEOE~, lini

i h . e i v 0 ~;v
'rhnt into the wns

y1~wari)g r$

U V ~ ~ ~ U < Xrf?V G E'lt,lU05 and so didanothar d d

ei~tcrcd with stood

t o the high priest, nnd

r l j v a i r h i v 705 d p x l ~ p i w c ' 16 h.Si.n6rpo!:

court of thc high priest. but Peter

r i u r $ r ~ r~ r p pri.Rt, ; ~


$@ 96pp
the known in


lSjlXt)~v 06v d p ~ t c q t i ,r~ i a


d aikXoc

door without. Went out thmcfore the "disciple

E ~ T E Vrp"

wit h Jemsinto thcpnT 11 Incl of tho high yriurt. e% q v ltiHut stood at who was tht. door without. brought

f l ~ w o r h'rl? ~

t o rho high priest,

and spoke t o the door-licepcr and

8tqpwp!j mi iahya- o t i l ~ rdisciple, which went Out thnt

yev r i ) v n i ; p o v .

17 Xiytr



Zmnid 'art


known nnto the

'Sayr; 'therefore 'the

3the 'door-lidclrcr

hi-h lrie t and sprrke C'lrpwoi)~ T+ ugto her.iiat kept the door, and brought i n the door unto Petcr, of 'mnn

to l'cter,

1\14 rcai

air I r TGV p a 0 q r G v

*also 'thou sof

Pctcr. 17 1 roir i(v@pGxov the damselThen saith thnt kept

plcs i He snith, I a m not IHA~idtherara nud officvrs stood 'nnd ?he 6officers, n flrc of conls baring mnde, for cold i t wns, v h t, s~ who had mnde t , rai Igeppaivovro. 4v.8; aiJrGv i u r & e a firc of coals; for it and were wnrming themselres ; and 'was "with *them 'I'c;cr stnnding wnn cold : nnd they wnrmcd thcmnelvcs : KO; ? ~ p f l a l V h ~ [ ? J ~ '~ . - 0 6 ~ . h p ~ l p6 p & T t l U ~ Ti)V 'Iq- nnd Petcr stood with 19 0 t~ them nnd w n m e d nnd warming himself. The high priesL thcrcfore qnectiol~ud J ehirnshf. 19 The high uoirv x r p i ~Gv.paet)rGv.atro4, ~ n i x t p i r , j c 81ZaXijS priest then asked Jeand coucbrying 'tenching sus of his disciplen, nnd sus concerning his disciples, of his doolrine. 20 Jeahro;. 20 &xerpi8q 'airy"! 'Itluo3S, 'Ey& ? r c r ~ j r l a i gsus s~lswerea him, I 'his. 'Answered =him 'Jesus, I opcnly sprke opunly t o t h e

not 7 0 6 r o v ; AdY[ I K E ~ V O ~~ ; p i .l8 E i o r ~ r t r u a v . E ~oi doirXot -4rt this thou also ona Oiw- , man's disoi'rhis 7 'Says -'he. 1nm not. But 'xvcre 'btnndiux 'tho'bondmen of

r a i o i 6srirphmc LivOparcdv x ~ x o i l l r 6 r e g , iirr $LXoS $v,

d TOO^^^

S; i y a ov m r


8 uov (read tl~osword) 0t.l-rrrw. b ilyayov [airbv] they led hin: & 7 & p o ~n r A . C irro0ave;v to die L'l"1.r~ : [&n],jyayov avrbv A. 6 (rectd a l ~ o t h o r i 706 i P X t e p ( O ~ tho lligll p r i e s t ITKA of 6 ==K&. g I I i ~ p y r~ilt6io~7, . I I l i r p o s per' i r w v L ~ I ' ~ A . i[a;rGl L e v p w p k ~m.h rrai J&lso) b wt.



; tanght i n the ~gnngogue,and in the temple, the Jews always re~ , " ~ I a , " ~ 21 Why =kcnt thou me? axk them I henrd me, what whwh mid unto them: bespoke

t o the uorld ;

always always taught tli? in Jews the spaCOUIC

l iX&Xtlaan ry' ~6upip' i y & r6v'iore ;o"i6nEa jv "'r@" uv)jnI

ycdyy' rai d r(; v rat, ~ ai v i

~fcther:and i n

;p$, i i ~ o vn r 6 v r o r ~oi 'Ioi16n7oia ~ ~ ~ d p x o v "


d i ~ o ~ in ~ ~ temple, where gogue and ~ the ~ ~

KPVTT(~~ iX6Xqua


21 r i

p~ ";iTpw;$6.;


I spoke

Why me dos: thou que.tlon?

those who have henrd what I spoke to them ; 10, they ~ ~ l ~ . h e & k ~ question ~ ~ he had thus spoken, oi8auiv 3 E ~ T O V i h. 22 Ta6ra.Bi atroij.~irdvrog PrGv one of the offleers know what %aid ? hMd by stmck L But4these W i n g s 'on 'his 2nying one of the

h", :

~ B E ~ W ~ U O V I I

0 t6t r q r 0 6 ~ ar~ iXhXqua atro7~'ib 04~01 ~ i

, fki7riu L a Jesus with the palm of i)Tqpr@v? ~ ~ E U i8wKE~ " ~ K ; ~ his hand, saying, Anofficers standing by gave a blow ~ i t the pn/m of the hand r h swercst thou the high ElThv, O ~ r o g6Torpia)q priest so? 23 Jesusan- I~,Ibofi, &pxl~pt7; 'Arerpi'eq 23 ~Wcred him, I f I have to Jesus, a p i n g , ' h u e anmerest thou the high priest ? "Answered spoken evil bear wltnew of the h : batif c~;T@ qi)" 'Iqb0GC,Ei K ~ K G S IXzXqba, p a p ~ 6 p ~ b Tpi rofi 0~ well, why smitest thou m= i' h 'Jesus, I f evil I spoke, benr witness conceruing the me? 24 Now Annns h 4 pent him bound K ~ K O G ' ei.6; KahGc, r i p 8iptc ; 24 ' A ~ ~ U T E Lafrbu ~ XEV onto Cninphns thehigh evil; but if well, why me strike& thoul 'Sent "him


25 And Simon Peter mtood nnd warned h i s e l f . They thereforethou unto him of his di-ciples? He denied it, nnd said, I nm not. 26 One of the 8yvnnt.s of th? high Priest* kilrflunn whose far Pttor cut off, snith, Did uot I sce thee In the garden with him 2 2 i Peter then drilled agiliu: nnd imnledih k l tho w c k crew. ~

4 "Avvac 6 ~ 6 r ~ d v o p i c rv
'Annaq bound to

Kni'ciqav rbv &pxlepla.

C&iaplas the high priest.

25 'H1l.61 X;pidl~ ndrpoc i a r & ~ rai

xow a n d 'bimon
"Pe:er 'aGo and stnncling "thou sof said,

e ~ p ~ t a rI~ ~ W S ' E vi
Hiuming biln+cjf.


oiiv ~ C T @ , Mlj ~ a i air

He denied,

I r rGl~.pne~~~Gv.~irrc;
'i 'tliscip:cs hs
Says one

They naid therefore t o him, 'Xot

1; ' ~ p ~ ~ f i u n r o . f t i ~~ ia l~ v , Ohr.E[pi. 26 AIY& 7 ~ ? ~o f , i

I . m not. n

of the

TGV B06Xwv r06 &pxt~p6wc,u v y y ~ i * ? &V j~

bondmen of the high priest, 'Peter the enr, klllsman

in the

being [of him] of whom


=cut =off

n 1 r p 0 ~ cjriov, O t r - l y h rd
"I %ot
Again therefore %denied


e16ov ;v

;$ Grct' ' grudtn




airrofi ;27 HdXtv


O ~ V ? ~ P V ~ ( ~ U C ( T OnirpoS,rai '



and immediately

6XL~rwo l6Dvnbev. n cock ' ' crew. .28 * A Y o v u ~ o h . rdv'Iqt~o6v 6ab 706 Kai'69a ~ 28 Then led they Je-


musfrom Caiapharunto They lend therefore Jesua from Caisphns into UIR ! e hall of judgment : ?rpncrdptov. ;jv-Jb trpwhz"l rai acroi o&r.~iufiXeovis ri, h and i t wnr early ; m d ' pr,torium, and it was early. And they entered not into the they thcmselrea went not into t h e j u d ~ m e n t r ~ n t r h p t o v'iva', .a , v u v h ' a qdYwulv & ~ l \ $ ~ h u prsetorium, thnt they might not be dcfiled. but that they might eat the h they might eat the x6uxa. 29 deijXC;)~v O ~ V i) wnih6roc" ~ p h c i ~ - o 6 ~ , n rai Passorer. JWent *forth "therefore 'Piiate then went out unto p+smver. to them, and V , ~ ~ Zrard(i" O ~ . C ~ V Q ~ ~ ~ T O V . ~ them, nnd said, What J E ~ ~ ETivn rarqyopiav @6p&r nec"sntion bring Ye said, Whnt nccusation bring ye against this man ? agninst this mnn P 30 They .nsn.rzed nnd 30 ' A T E K ~ ~ ~ ~ UEU T O V 'a&r$, E; p6.5)~ 06r0g b ~ a ~ o kai ' ~ V ~ snid lllito him, If he They nuswercd and said to him, If 'were %ot 'he a n evil were nota mnlcfnctor , WO would not hnrede: ?rot06.," 06k &V . UOL rape6Dmp~v nh:dv. 31 Efnev lirwed ililu U Ul'ttO doer, P 'not *to Vhee 'we "would have delirered up him. =Said thee. 31 Tlren said Pilnt.untothem,Tnke C ~ h J ' l abr07c di)" wHiXCi~o~," ~ @ E T E ~ I T ~6 t i ~ i c , Kni A C ~ V ye him, and judke hint ?therefore +to 9 h e m 'Pilate, Take him re, and nccording to your Iirw. ~l~~ therefore K~T& rLv.~~~pov.i~~Gjv a r ~ ea6rrj~l.11 rpiv ETBOY fo8vll mid unto him, I t isnot @wordingt o your law judge him. 'Said Jtherefore


1A t h i X q ~ a have spoken LTTrAW. m - q (read a) CLTTrAW. j W I ~ V T O ~ O E ; rrIivr~q V Qll GL1"JVAWr 0 ipwr& ; Zphrquov (Jrrcp. W) LTTIAW. P napcurq~cLc irrnlpcrwv LTTrA. r&v s 6 LTTrA, + 06v thcl.eti11.eYLT[T~JA. - i, LTTrAW. ' rrpwi GLTTrAW. v &Ad L m r ~ . JTa~Airoc T. + itto OUL I ~ T T ~ A . J +TJV~V TTrA. a s a r i T. eirav LTT~A b ~ a ~ ngr&v TTrA. b v c loaivj L, d - 6 TGA, L. a T. obv LTrA.

- -

XVIII, X I X . 3B HR. a&@ oi 'IovBaioi, 'Hpiv oir~ iEeeriv ci?rorreivat oir8Qva. lawful

for to pllt



To us

it ia permitted t o put "to *death 'no'one ;

~ ~ ~ ~ i $ , "

32 'iva b Xdyo~ '171u~G ?~Xqpwe$ rd"V

that thc word


E~?TEY uqpaivwv Jesus might be fnl-

of Jcaus might be fulfilled which he spoke ~ignifying

by what death he NU about to die: aEnterd atherefore g i ; s ~ i ?r air& iov ?r&Xivi' b hniX&ros,n ) l$&vila~v b r 'f Ynto &the prletorlum "ngnin 'Pllate, nnd called

he should die. 33Then yilate entered into the judgment hallo again, and called Jesus, and ~ said unto h ~ m ,Art thon the 'Kiilg of the 'Iqaoijv, rai e l r ~ vair@, 23 1 b pCfUiX6~ 'IovJaiwv ; ~ c w s ? 34 Jesus anTGY Jesus, and said t o him, 'Thou 'art the king of the Jews? fiwercd him Sayest thou this thin'pof thy34 'Arrerpierl 'CfCrf> d" 'Ir]Uofi~, k'A$' bfZVr0~" U 7 0 i J ~ self, or did othera tell 6 0 'Answered =him 'Jesus, From thyself %thou %his i t thee of me? 35 Pilntc answered, Am I ( hiyerc, cihhoi ' U O L d ~ o v " ?rep; 1p04 ; 35 'Arerpieq Jew? Thine o m nu-, 'snyest, 4or 'to 'thee 6did any [it] conceruing me? 'Ansacred tion nnd the chief priests have delivered i) hIIiXhros,l' Mirt h h 'Iov6aidc eipi ; ri) ? & J o rb ui)v ~ a thee unto me: whnt ~ i 'Pilate, .asJew anm ? 'Xi~tion ?thy and hast thou done? 3 6 5 ~ -

rol y tfavhry fipeXXev &?roev$ur~tv.33 EiuijXeev osv

oi & p x ~ e ~ i rao&?c~~&v ipoi' ri hroi'tpsag : 36 'A.rrtrpieq ~ ei~ UE

the chief prie-ts dclivcrcd up thee to me: what didst thou ?


' ~ q ~ o 'Hi PnaiXtia f ~,

'Jesus, E; 'kingdom this world would fight

world: if my ki~lgdom bp4 oir~.?urtvi~o ~ . ~ d u p o v . r 0 6 r ~ ~ , $ ~ i \ , ~ o : ~ ~ r 'my is not of this world; vnnts fight, thnt I


" , : g

it of

tr rofi.~dapov.r06rov $v

6 pau~Xeia 4i l l $ ,
zMngdom 'my,

oi ;rq?irai "&v ~~~;~~';$,?

'attendants Jcws ; i, my kingdom not 37Pi1nte

oi lpoi fiywvi~ol~ru" 'Iva


4pnatxeia 6 hp4 ob~.c"urivfromTlicnce. ~ 37EEl.rrevatherefore ~ V E ~ ~ V . o h but now =kingdom 'my is not asaid
Gv.68 airr@ b hrhXdr~c,l' O&Koirv pauiXde 1 a;;
'A?~EK~~ 06"

thnt I might nor be delivered up tb the


rois ' I o v ? u ~ ' o I ~ * hence. from

~ ~ ~ ~ f ~ t ~ : f d

then Jesusnnbwered, a king. e ~ t this nm Thou s a y Tothnt 1 end Q ~ ] born, and for Wan I

'to I 'Pilate, Thcn a king a r t thou ? DAn.wcred ~ ~ ' I l l ~ 0 f i ~ , X h y t ~ ~ , 6ri P a u i h ~ 6 ~ P1 &,l1 ;I' E I ) ~ rofiro benr witness unto the 23 /pi q; 'Jesus, Thou snyest [it], for a king %m for this truth onethat is of the t m z heareth y ~ ~ h v v q ~~ i . E;$ rofiro ihhhven an i rbv ~hatfov,'Iva my voice. 38 Pilate have been born. nnJ for this I hare come into the worlA, that saith unto him, What is t m t h ? And when paprvphao r$ trXq8eig. ?r@ i.3v ; K T ~ S CiXqOeiac he hod said this, be I m a y benr witnexs to the truth. Everyone thnt is of the truth went out apain unto the Jewn and saith &~061 pV O $wllfic. 38 Ahy$l a6r@ b b n l X & r ~ s , Tli aUrlv lint0 the&, I find jn l hears my voicc. 'S;~ys Sto 'him 'Pilnte, \\'lint is him no fnult a t (112. oiX68~ia Kai roiiio ~i?r&v, ?rhXiv i&jXeev ; roilf 39 But ye hare a custom, that I Rhould re. truth? And this having said, agnin he went out to the lcase unto you 'one a t




'lov8aiovg. m XEyei aitroi~, i 'EY&oii6epiav 'riiriav e&(,iarw;v

Jewa, him. and snys to them,

not any



in lease unto you the

~ ~ ~ r ~ , " ,

atr@." 39 c'urrv.8i mlvti8~cnirpiv 'iva &fa 8 i l p i ~ T O X ~ U U " 40 Then cried they ~ Of

all But i t is n custom with you that one to you I should release ngain,snying,N~t this man but Barabbns. hv r$ ?~(iaxu. /30jl);eue~ofiv ti,l*iv ci.rroX&awII rbv paatXia Nowt Bnrabbas wns a at the passovcr ; will ye therefore t o you I should release the king robber. 1IX. Then TGV ' I O U ~ C ( ~ W 40 'E~pn6yauav O ~ Y ?~hXtvX & ~ T E ~ , I I V; U Pilate and scourged Jesus of the Jews ? They =cried40ut"therefore 'ngnin l sny- h,, ' 2 ~~d the sol. i,. y o v r ~ ~ , roi'rov, &XXd rbv Bnpn/3/%v. 4v.82 d Ba ap- diers piattea a M4 iug, Not this one, but Barabbas. Now xx*as 'f~~rab-


bas and

a robber.

18 T ~ T E a 'took ~ b hIIiX(ir~SII 'I~jaoGv 06v a p v rdv Thcn therefore 'Pilnte ' Jcaua
[him]. And the aoldiers having platted

rai h p a ~ r i ~ w u ~ v 2 gai oi urpariGrai rXl&wres u~b$avov .

a crown
g r b h r v elc 7b rrpar~hprov LTrAW. h ~ILACTOF T. b r b crcrvzoi LTrA. I e7w6v COL TrA. b GLTTrAW. - b [A]w. P (yi, (lead cipc I am) T ~ [ A ] . 9 [iy;] LlTra.. drohliuo 6piv L W ~ . t b a o h i u w 6 p i v LTTIW.

- a6.r; L $yyvi{qvr?ai)7+ \V, m A ;oi'{poi cvpturw n - r & m ( .rv awry acrtav ~.

U; ,


p u t on him a purple O f thorn# Pllttit3 0x1 his hc:rd, n ~ i d a 'cloak 'pnw robe 3 rind .*mid Hllil p~poijvrepi;$aXov airrdv, 3 rcai Aayov, Xaipe, 3 $ualXaAy ~ i uofi the ~ c w h end I him, and suid, Hnil, king cast itround they kinote him 'with their hnncls. 4 Pi1;rto rGy ' I ~ ~ rrni W i 8 i ~ n l ~ v n~ . J ~ &-tiri~~ara. thcreforo wcnt forth of tho Enith u l l t o Jcwr I a n d thcp gate him blovs with tllu palm of the hand. them. B:,hold, I l~rini? 4 'E&jX6v ?olfvn xfihiv *?{W3 ncXtiros,%cii XYEL a6r0ic9 him forth to you, tll:it 'Wuut zthcrcfore "ngnin 'out 'Pilntu, rud nays t o them, ye luny know I find no fnrllt iu him. ' [ & , cyw i)\lTv abrtv ;SW, 'ivn y?~Gre &L ' 6 ~ t h i a 5 Then cnrup Jcslts Behold, I brin;r "to 'you 'him =out, t h a t ye mny know t h a t i n him forth wcar1ug t!rc o r o d of thorns, nnd 068a,c;nv airiav i'pI'fJlcW." 5 'EEjlXOev 06v "6" 'ItlnoGc i l w , the purplc robe. Ancl not nny fault I fin& Wont thercforo Jcsus out, Pilule sailh nuto them, nrhold the $ 0 ~ 6 l v ri~hvOtvovurf$avov ~ a T A rropqripoijv ipcirrov. r ~ i mnn ! 6 7Vhc.n tho clricf wc:~ring tho thorny crown and t h e purple cloak; priests tl~ercforenurl omccrs a n w h i m , they lcni Xbyei ahroic? c*18~" 6 ci~~Hpw.xoc. 6"Or; ov'v de180v11 cried out, sayiuy, Cru- a114 ho says t o thcm, Behold t h e man I When therofore saw cify him, crucify tiim Pilate a i ~ r t voi ~ ~ I X I F P E m~i oi imilpirnr irpailynrrtrv eX6yovr~c," ? them, Tnkc ye him. him the chief pricats and the officcra they cricd out unying, and crirc,fy him ' for I x ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w T ~o w U U O V : . Ai.ye1 rtt'troi~ giTtXcirog," BE;& find no t:rlllt U u ~~ , 3 7Thc Jews ausn.ercd Crucify, crncify [him]. ''d.lyd 'to4thcm 'Pilnte, Tnkc e J~ll,$'~; ; aa3rAv i,yai* rni artcupt~uara~ iycL.ycip oil)(:eilpia~w6v ai+ [him], for I find not in him nud crncify O U ~ I I ~ , t~ic, to hnc.ruhc him ye he I of ~God. R,vhcu 9airiav. ,7 ' A i r ~ ~ ~ i @hair+i1 oi 'Iotr8nioi, 'IIpeig V ~ / L ~ V 6on U P hiu~rclit l ~ ~aav ' a , Pilnte tlrvrr:for.: l ~ e ~ r r d fault* "Anrwcrcd 'him Ithe Y J e ~ ~ , We a law

z: ~


~r a v 9 3 v in66qrav atro3 rp' lre$nX$, ~ n ~i i ; a ~ ~ $ ~ lrihrtov nopm ~ ~

thc more i~l'rnidp nod iisve, ;D wont i n t t,ho and nccordiug t o onr lim he ought t o die, jlld~nlont hall, and &L kinvrbv u;hv &oijl' 6n0i?~aev.8 " o r o h $I:OZ~UEV s:~itl~ wh,dnce unto Jcs~rs, bccai~so himself tllol, ? But Son of God he ruade. Xhcn thcrcforc fhenrd J.:sus g u y < ,Itiiu no an- 3 gnlXh;OSII r O i j r O y Adyo1, piiXXov $oprjBq, 9 rai m\.cr. l 0 Tlleu snith 'Pilnte this word [the] n ~ o m h I i d nnil Pilato nnto Ilim, Sp~.r.<est l ~ o u nu- aiqjlX%v t uot 73 npncr~ptov xciXcv, xui Adyet r y ' ~ ? ~ a o i j , IT1Hapr , wcnt into tho prstoriuln again, and siips t o JCIIIS, TBhrilce t o crncify thee, aurl 7 u6; ' O . ~ ~ . ' I ~ U O ~ ~ O ~ K . ~ ~ U K E Y r $ . 10 Xiy~c &xd~piuiv ai h:~vc,potvert o relenso nrt thou ? But Jesus a n answer did not pire him. 3Sirys tiiuo l: Jcsus nnnwrrcd, ~ h o conldcst u '06vli n6rG 3 UIrXciroc,II 'Eroi o6.hnX~ic , ; oix.ol?n~ hare no Power fit fill 'therefore *to 'him 'Pilnte, To me spcnkcst thou not 7 Knomesi not thou n p i n s t mr exwpt i t w&e giveu 'thee from art iEovaiav ~ X W Nuraup3aai da, m i i~ottuinv lxer) &TOnboro : thcrufore he t h a t nuth0rit.y I h a r e t o ctncify thee, and authority I h a r e t o r e 111.1 clvliuercrl me unt to'tllcL. liiirh thcprmt- XCaai sell ; 11 'Axerpi6qU'O i l 1 'IqooSg, OCr P E ~ x E ~ "1~ouainv er nin. 12 And from lei~so the07 'Anrwercd 'Jesus, Thou ha& 'authority rlir:~ccforth Piltbto D~~~~~~ toreleRRR h i m : lo6Jryiav ~ n r ' ipoij' p t j . 4 ~ 'COL 8~80,uivovII ( ~ V W ~ E V . brit the J F N S rricd ont, 'not 'any sgiliust me if i t Were got to thee gircu ,from above. thin s;~,vins ~i thcu ~ c t Rtd.rot;ro go, rllou 6 8nnpaEiGo6c1ipi aoi p ~ i i c * v acipapriav


~xo/IEIJ, ~

n i mrd

r 6 ~ . v 6 ~ t o v . ~ ~d$eiX~i & r o $ a v e i ~ ~ , p~v'~



Ou rhls ncrount he who


clclirers up nought

me t o thee


sin him ;

12 'EK rohrov '~Z,$TEL IItXcirog" ciroAijaar aGrdzv. 6

From this t o rclense


oi-bh ' I o t & r i o iv"c"con<nv," X6yovres, 'Eciv roi;rov &TOb u t the Jcws cried out, saying, If this [man] thoure-


i j P X o v s 6 ~ P a;rbv and came to him t W r A . b~ i8ibouav LTTrA. $~ a . - o h GLTT~A. ' Y b nerAirros i&o T. oGdepiav a i r i a v e 9 p i u ~ ov i ail+ LTr ; a l r l a v ;v air+ oi16afiiav e6piuKo A ; a i r i a v o 6 x e c p i u ~ w T. b [bj T. r '160; A . d idov T. 4 - Aiyovses T. f f. a i r 6 v hirn GLW. G l l e r h i s o c T. h ~ v , T $T. 1 + f i b (read the law) LmrA. i a v s b v vibv TO; 8eo4 E ; vibv 8603 aavibz, LTT~A. o6v TEA]. m d n o h i u a i r e , ~ a ' ZEovuiav ixo u r a v p A u a i uc LTRA. r air74 hinl [L~;[A]. O 6 GLTTrAW. P tll0~ hrca.t T. K ~ T 'ipo; oir8epiav LTP~AIv. r dofievov uor LTTrA. a n a p a 8 o J s dz!iversd up LT. t 6 II&i~or T iiGsrr ) LW=*. m i q c u i y a < o v LT ;i c c p ~ y a u o v . ~ .

aild LTrA.

+ K&


lease thou a r t not a friend

O ~ K - E T $Aoc roii Knianpoc.
of Cs+iir. Ercryone %he


friend : himself a king spcak"a8rbv" .rrpc3v civrtX6yei ry' Knianpc. 13 '0 o t ~ * . ~ T [ t X c i r o ~ " aga'nst Cresar. eth Qimself 'making epcaks against Czsnr. 13 When kilatc therefore heard that saying, &06Gac ~ r o f r o vrdv Xdyov," 7jynyv c'zw r t v ' ~ ? j a o f v~ a he brought Jesus , i lcd out jenus,and forth, nnd sat down in having heard this word, the judgment seat in a K & 8 l ~ i ~ Z r ~ S "13;rraroa is r d r o v X~y6pfvov Aied- n place thnt is called xi lot down upon the juilgmcnt-seat, at n pl~ice called pave- the Pavement but in thc ~ebre-x,G;bba$ha, urpwrov, 'Eppai'ari.6 fi$Pn%?i' 14 rflpaurcev?) 14 And i t was theprement, but IU Hcbrcn Gubbntha: (and i t was fthe] prcpariltion ~ a r a t i o ncf thc puss over, i n d about the r06 r h u x n , Jpa 'c"? ~ J u E ftTt)' I C d Xiyl TO^!: ' I t i V - sixth hour: nnd he ~" ) of the passover, Pthe] "hour 'and about the sixth ; nnd hesnys to the Jews, snith unto the Jewa Behold your Ping i d./3aacX~dc.&p'ijv. 15 bOi.61 irpal;yaaav," 'Apov 1s But they cried Gaiocc, Behold your king ! But thcy cricd out, Awny, Away with him, awa; Zpov, arabpwaov ai1.r;~. AEyec acroir b 'lli)t&roc," T6v Pilatesaithuntothem, with himm,mcifyhim. away, crucify him. z S ~ y s 'todthom 'Pilate, Shall I pn~cify your King? /3aoiX~a.ilp3v uravo6ow ; ' A r ~ r ~ i B ~ ~ u a v oi cipxc~pci'g, O t r priests The chief Your king shall ~ ' c r n c i f y 1 'Ansmcrcd 'the 'chief .'priests, 'Not have no king but C=Iking.

paaiXia not C=sa*s


mpi8wrev hc him thercfore nnto lGThendeliverkd Then thcreforehedclireredap the,,, to be crucified, i:apipbXa/3ov cE2H rdv 'Iq- And they took Jesus, atrdv airroic 'iva u~avpwe$. Je- and led him akac. him t o them that he might be cn~cificd. 'Tllry .'took 'and 17 And he benril~ghis
'we have

E * X ~ / t paarXhz &'.p$ ~v
a Ling



T i r e obv


ooirv " r a i cimjyayov'u 17 rai paarhewv Crirv.uravp~v.airroil~

ms ' and lea [him] away. the 'calgd And bearing his cross


h l e X 6 ~ 1eic rbv ~
he went out t o

X E Y ~ Evov

'of *a 'skull him

ronov, !dS"
'plnce, they crucificd,

and with

w h ~ c h ?s cnlled

'E/3pdari roXy066.

in Hebrew

18 $xov a i l r t v iarai*pwanv, r a i p;
and the

Golgotha : 'two

~ 6 ~ dXXovc 660 0 5
Jcnp~ put on the the 'many

~ I J T E ~ rai V~ v T E ~ ? ~ v , ~ E

on this hide and on thnt aide [one], an11in the middle And ,'wrote

r t v 'Iquofv.

19 "Eypa~ev-Gb~ a rirhov S x I l t X r i r o ~ l irai i

'also .a =title IPilnte Jesus

Z%qcE'v i r i TOS arnvpoire

cross. king


And it wrcs of the

ycypnpp6vov. 'Itluoirg
written, This Jews, for

of R skull which is called i n ;he Hebrew Golgotha : l8 they crucified him and two other witd him,oneither sideone, nnd Jesus i n themidrt. 19 And Yilate wrote a title, and ut itontlle mobs, dn4)the writing ,,, JESUS OF XA. ZARETH,THE KTSQ O F THE JE\VS. BO This title thcu re:,d many of tho Jews: for

Nmnra?nn, 'title

b paathtir~ rGv. 'Iovaniwv. 20 ~ o i i r o b olrv

Jews. of the %end near

'therefore to the city: and i t nns

~ ~ ~ , "


rbv rirXov xoXXoi civiyvwaav rGv 'lovEaiwv, Src l y y i y $v

g r i j c adh~wc6 r6ro(." 8rw imavp6&l Ithe 'city the place, '- whero was crucified

d 'IqaofE. :cd;
Jmus ;

?U-as 21 ~b~~ the i:~,,s priests write not, The f,late, of the Jewn ro Kingof the Jexvs ; but

y ~ y p a p r 6 ~ o'Eppai'ari, b'EXXq~iaii, v 'Pwpai'ari.# 21,Cbyov heof ; a : yritten in Hcbrew, in Greek, in Lntin. 'S*id p? Pilate s answered, y F~C ~ I . V , What O ~ U 7$ i l T ~ X & ~ 0in ( ~ P X I E PTGV ' I O V ~ UM (WY ~ ~ $ E , I.hnve written
Yhcrefore Oto 'OPilnte 'the 'chiof 2priesta *ofathe of the Jewa, but t h a t he *Jews, aid, Write not, King the soldicr8,when lBa~eUvritten. they 23mcn crucified Jesus, took his gprmenta, mdmadefourpsrb,to

'0 / ~ U L T L X ETOY'Iov8aiwv' &XX) Sri breivo~ I r ~ v R n a i X ~ 6had ~~ t , ~


%iPi TGV ' I o u b a i w v . ~ 2'AxerpiBq bxITcXiroc,U "0

I am of the Jows. 'Answered 'Pilate, What I have ypa$a .yhypnpa. 23 Oi ov'v arpartGrac, 6rs iaraCpwaav written I h a r e wr~tten. The 'th~refora 'soldiers, whcn they crucified rbv ' I q a o i i ~IXapov rhipiria.a8roii, ~ a i i~ o i q a a vlr6aaapaa



his garments,




(read s jndgment seat) LTP~AW. a $v &S WILS about LlTrAW. , b r ' r p d y a u a v o3v drsivoc d r a t qyayov a; cai&irrjyayov they therefore cried out FIA. c &v therefore Ll'l'rA. LTPrd. a 6 ~ G ( i a v ~ G~ b v u r a v p b v T) LTPrA. f 6 I,T.ltA. K i) 7080s sr6Atws GI.1T AW. h 'Pupa,vri, 'EM~)Y'Q~; m& * i IIe(h6.~y T. ~i)v'Iovbaiwv TrA. l r;uupaTTr&

jav~bv QLlTrAW.

I I c I A ~ T o ~ T . 7 7i)v A h u v T

O ~ T ~these V

words LTTrAW.

' - 705


and the tunic ;

rai rbv pr3va. fiv.61

f ~ ~ l ~ ,vithout ~parts,F, irciury prparrhrg $pipoc, ~ ~ plpq, t Oeach ~ t aoldier ~ a part, ~ o : P~ the


but swas 'tlu They

seam, ~yor(!u from Xi~L;v '"6P{a$os,ll i r rLiv'Civ~&v&$avrAc 8c'.iiXov. thc top rhroughouc. u c ~ n i c seamless, from the thurufore top woven throughout,

*m~ng thcnlwive*,l:,t X O V J o6v s p i g ciXX~lXovc, Mlj.uxiuwp~v aitrdv, 6XXci ua uot rcnd it,but c ~ r tsaid therefore for ,,,hose it to one another, Let us not reud it, but mh;\Il be: thnt the X & X W ~ E U .rrepi aziroi, rivoc iumr' %)U yqn$ti .rr+ might be let ua cast lots for it whose it shall be ; that the scripture 'might br fulAlled which aaith, Thcy pirtod my ini- ptt@ olj XBYov~a,"Aiep~piuavro rd.iphrih.pov iavroic. ment nlllongthem,nfl fulfii~rdwhich snys, They divided my garments amoug them, for my vesture they did cnst lots. Those rai ~dv,ipariapd~~.pov EPaXov ~Xtpov. Oi odv things therefore the and for m y vesture they cast a lot. The 'therefora wldiorr g id.

h i



raGm L.rroiqaav.

thede things

And stood by the cross of Jesus his mother, his mother, and his 705, ~ a i ddeX$lj rijc.pqrpdc-atroir, PMapia" )j 705 n~othcr'snister, Mary and the sister of his mother, Ynry t l ~ [wife] e the cove of Clw has, Muy6aXqmj. 26 'iqaoir!: o8v i6&v nnd Mnry ~agdaTene. K;\w?rZ, rai PMnpia" 26 Jesus there- of Clops, and Mary the Magdnlene. Jesus therefore seeing fora rnw his mother, mjv prlrba, rai 7671 p n 6 q ~ ?.rrap~r5rKl dyhlra. Xiyer )~ 8v and thediscipleatand ing by whom he lov- p i s ] mothk, and the di~ciple stnnding by whom he lored,. B y RS ed, hu'saith unto his mcrbar W O ~ Mb e r~.pqrpi.qa6ro~,'rrbvar, 'i6o6I16.vidc.uov. 27 EIra Xiyet r$ hold CL; Rou 1 27khen t o his mother, Womnn, behold thy son. Then he sap4 tm the anith heto the dhciple %tlold thy mother pne?];p^, r'1E06" )j.p?jrqp.uov. Kai h braivq~ rijc 6 p a ~ ' And from that hour diicip!e, Bchold t6y mother. And from that hour that dinciple took her his om home. WaPev naarirrGv b paOqr?jcI1eic rd-idia. 28 Merd roi,ro ?A After thin, Jwua 'took *her 'the 'disciple to his own Chome]. After this, knowing thnt nll thlnKa now ac- ,ei8ACb 'Iquoirc &L '?rhvra 46q" reriXeurai, 'Iva reXeiwO ' be hl1fif!ed Jesus that all things now hare been finished, thnt that, the 'knoring m c r i ~ t r t r e I thirst. u l filled anich m ' i h t f ypa$d hiye(, A(+;. 29 Z K E G Ov~~ 8 ~ 1 ILC E L ~ OtCovS ~ A vesseL therefore waa set 'of 'rinegnr ?c, S& thc;ewas set a the scripture he.say,s, I thirst. vcstrel u l vine a l l tfh y of fillof ar P:~$J. woi.6i lihjuavre~U ~ ~ ~ ~ Y Y O V ~ h a ii l ~ ~ i l . r 6f0 ~

25 Now thew rtood bv the cross o ,Jesus f

25 Eiunjreiuav.6d rapd r(ti ara.vpy' roi, 'lqboir t).pjrqp.air-


11.11nge with rinegnr and they hnving filled a sponge with rinegnr, and 'hyssop i u d put it rrpou h P put it to !. air04 ry'.ur6par~. 30 ;re ?repr6'ivrec .rrpoui]v~y~av m,,uth. 30 when Je- Iharing 'put CSit] *on they brought it to jhis] mouth. Whcn Rus themfore had rec"XaP~v bEoc rb 'IqaoGc" e:.rrev, T~riXmrat. rai wired the vinegar he 'the *riuegnr 'Jesus he said, I t has been finihhed ; and raid, It ia ,,niahed:)and t h e r e f ~ r e 'took ht~bowedhiahead,and rhivac r$v r $ a ~ ? j v 7rCfp~6w~~v 76 .rrvGpa. 31 Oi g:lve the gholt. having bowed the head he yielded up h i s ] spirit. The 3 The .&W# therafgre, b ~ rule i t wes thepre,< ogv 'Iov6aiol, 7 .'lva p i i.rri rog uravpoir r(i i;?mtion* that the bo- 'therefore 'Jews, that might not remain o& the cross the ]ex should not remntn almi the crosa on the u&para bv r(ti uaPP&ry,Jbmi ?rapaurevr) fiu.I1 $v.ydp R hbath (for that bodies on t h e snbbnth, because [the] preparation i t wab, (for 'U ar rnbbath day WM a n hieh day,) besougl~t p~Y&Aq <&a z t ~ ~ i 70s uaPP&rov, < ~ h ~ / l u ri)valIrIj v ~ ~ " av Pilrte t h s t their legs 'day Ithat "Sabbnth,) reqiiested Pi. might be broken, nud ~ a r e a y ~ i a i v 6 r ~ vrci uriXq, rai . & p ~ ~ a i a ,Ant they might be tn- ~cirovll 'Iw kuu away. 32 Theu lnte that =might 'bc bbroken 'their 'legs, nqd taken nway.. c m the xoldier~and brnke the legr oj. ihe 32 $XOov oh! oi arparrGrai, rai 709 piu .rrp&rovrarfafav b r 4 , and of the other Came therefore the soldiers, and of the first broke r h i n h was crncified ~d ur6Xq rai 703 ciXXov roir buvornvpwOivro~" ~~t aCrqiS33 h.rrr'.de hirn; when they came to Jo- the legs and of the other who was c ~ c i f i e d with him ; but t o




[his]) [L]TT~[A].

therefore full nf the urni JJvpluced &er

- 04"

m ~ ~ C LTTrA. S ~ O

r i6e OLTT~A.

A+vva LT. p'MapriP T, q a3703 (read paOq7jls aG+v GTIAW. rrdvsa LTTrAW. u r r 6 ~ 0 v h / A C U T ~ Y (- 70; T) ~ ~ O V 0 0 6 ~ y o 3P (3v6r;y L) :I s p ~ ~ l p ; ~ X [ b ] TV; --i '1t)uoGs T. Y inei r a p a vii!e@tr. 'hyssop LTT-A. 'Iov6aioc n r & 'E i~riaq. g l DCL&TOV b W Y U T ~ V Q W ~ ~ V T O ~ T . L cirrav T.

-{* 6



rbv 'Itlaoijv bXedvrec,

haring come, when they MW legs, side


el8ov Cairrdv @qH rre6vr]~b~a, dead alrendy thcp wns and thnt he he already was dead, brake not icgs: ol;.ruriaSav airroC ra urlXqa 34 &M' eTc.rGv urpariwrGv a b u t one of the ~ 1
they did not break his w~tha spew blood but pierced, one of the soldiers


Xdyxp atroi njv zXevpdv E~v&v,rai deh%3g b & j h % ~ v ~ forthwith

h i
and immediately came out an borne witness,

$z;ieawfi zde:%
g n , ? tt:t g kb g

cnmc thcre

a+a rai 86wp. 3 rai . 5

and water.

record. and his and 'OCordis and he knoweth that he saith &Xqetvrjatroij dariv ,j paprvpia, erdrreivoc" oi6ev ijr~dA7]e?j thnt ye m~ght.betruc, true 'his 'is mtness, and he knows that trne lieve. 3 For the6 ,, things wcre done, that Xhyei, 'lva ;peic ~aiu76atjr~.~byivero-yhp r a k a iva thcscri ture shoald be 36 For Stook 4place 'theseathings that f i ~ l f i i l e ~bouo of him A, mny believe. he says, that ye ypn$tj nXqpw%g, ' O ~ ~ T O C Y .uvvrpt~lju~rat O~ airroi. shall not be brokens c 37 And again ~ n o t h the scripture might be fulfilled, Not a bone shall be broken of h i wri tare saith, They sha8 look on h i 37 rai nhXiv c'rhpa ypa$?j 'O$ovra~ 8v pieoce& h d ngnin another scripture says, They &all look on him whom And he who has seen

i w p a ~ & ~ p a p ~ q ~ xai bare ee ~v,


they pierced. 38 And after thin 38 M~rd.82 ~airra ?jpLjrqa~vrbv hlTiX&rovU 'Iwa?j$ whof dr!mothra,,, Jo'6'' beAnd after these thiuga Arimathraa, fear ask& Pilnte JosolJh (from through

dad 'Apipaeaiag &v pahrtjc roi 'Iqaoi, x~rpvppivoc.62

being a disciple Jews,) of Jesus, but concealed

tlate 2hnthePlight~ & l ~ ~ ~ ~ ttnh


ing a disclple of Jesus

away the body of J r and Pi1Fd.a gave him leave. roC 'I~aoit. rai 6airpe$ev d 'lTrXcir~~.~ X B e v ~ 6 v rai therefore andtookthe m$ of Jesus : and 'gave "eave lPilate. He came therefore and t ~ & z k t ~ , " ~ t , "fipev" Orb a3pau Pro3 'Iqu03.1~39 +XOev.64 rni Ncrd6qpog nemus which a t the fook away the body of Jeaos. And came also h'icodemm,' night and brought a to Jesur 6 M%&v zpdc qrbv 'I$aotv" uvrrbc r b . ~ Lirov, qipwv piypa mtx& of m m h and who came to Jesus by night a t Rat, bearing a mixture 'loes about bundred' pound W+& vp6pvqg rai ciX6qS '&aeiU iirpag Crasdv. 40 {XaPov 06v 40 Then took they the of myrrh and aloes about *pound$ 'a Ihundred. They took therefore P,"&of ri) aGpa 70; 'Iqao3, xai 26qaav atrb deoviot~ per& r3v clotheswiththes icea the body of Jesus, and bound it fn linen cloth. with the as the manner 0%td Jenais to bury. 41 Now dpophrwv, ~ a e & cc'e0g bdriv roig 'Iov6aio[g bvra- in the plnm wbere he aromatics, as a custom is among the Jews to prepare for was crucified thcre was a garden; and in $ici~ecv. 41 4v.61 bv T$ r6ny 6nov baravpddq the arden S new m burial. Now there was Ln the pInce where he was crucified a garden, pulc%re, wherein wan nover m m et rai dv ry" d r y p~cl~qpeiov raivdv, dv o & ~ ~ T w - o ird.6~. sThelme laiBtheybid ~~E~ 42 Jeand in the garden a 'tomb 'new, in which no one ever w~ laid. sui therefore becauw

6th rbv qdpov r3v 'Iov6aiwv, i'va

of the

that he might ta e away the body



42 6rd ov'v
near was the

There therefore on aceount of the, tomb,


7tjv ?rapnaret~+~ 'IovEaiwv, Sri r3v

preporatlon of the Jews,


iyydg 3v rb pqpeiov, t%qxavr3v 'Iquoiv.

they laid

ulchre L& $as

$o",h:$."& nigh


he drsf da But on the first [day] of the week Xary the Xagd~lene Of week Comet[ Xnry Mngdalene earl ipxerar z p w t aroriac h i oGaq~ rdi)\ v ~ ) ( Em ioPXizet when i t wan et dnr ~ ~ v, and u untothewpu~hn,a$ mmn early 'dark S t i l l lit %dug t the o m , seeth the atone taken 7bv Xi00v 4pphv0~ br 70; pvqp~oov. 2 T ~ C X E L 0 8 ~ 'Kc a w ~ y f r o mthe sepal. a the done taken away from the tomb. She rcna therefore and chre. 2 Then sherunneth, and wmeth to ip~eraizpbc 2ipwva lTQrpovrai rdv dXXov paeqrtjv S. .mon Peter m d to cornerr to Simon Peter and to the other dihciple the other 'diuoipL4,
~ a 'ir~ e i v w LTr. f ~ aalso a L m r a w . i $7 a&bv W ~ A . d i&jAeev e66r Tl!rA. 6 r r c n & q ~ cT . h TICLA&TOV T. i) LTTrAW. i) LTrA. 1 IICLA&TOQ C qpav T. 0 r b uGpa T. f qAeov they came T. p a6mir of him L T ~ A a d # ; :*iwT. 4 a h b v hilu c.crrr~w. &S f f L ' ~ ~ r A w . a . i v W. t Mapkip T.

20 Tg.63 PI$

~ 3 ua/3~hrwv v 'MapiaA t j May6aXqat) xx


whom J - l ~ a them hey

lJems, and myn to them, They took away the M bare tokcn nwiy the whom $ved Lord out of the sepulJK 708 p ~ q p i ~ V , 06c.oi8apev a05 ;6ilrrav uhdv. cni ohro andwe know not out of the tomb, and we know not where they luid him. they have b b . 3 Pe*r t h e Q ' E ( ~ X ~ E Y d IIirpoc OBV d a h o pa@~ri/c, dpxovro ~ cai .Went Yorth athcrdore 'Peter .and the other diociplo, and cnme ~,$&$e,~,"~ cnmc to the noyulchre. rd pvqpeiov. 4 irpexov,8L oi 860 bpoz. .cai dn 4 So thry r n both to- to the tomb. And +m 'the 'two tcgcthez, and the other .r : nnd the other %~&ledidoutrnn*c pa6qm)c ~poi8papevr d ~ t o v 706 n(:r OV, cai i'jX6ev ?rpGroc tcr came f i s t to disciple run f o r w h d faster than Bter, and came Int thd myi~lehro. b And rb pvqpeiov, 6 ~ amr~am?$ag X i ~ e 'mipeva r h 66dvin,ll i P e he stoopiug down, and w i n o in, * a n the li- t o the tomb, and stooping down he ress lying the linenclothn ; nen clotheg Iyin yot went he not in. % h e n O& ~ ~ V T OeidjX8rv. 6 gpxerac O ~ V xipuv IIhpoc & K O ~ O ? ) L comcth Simon Peter 'not however lhe Yentered Comer then Simon Peter followfollowing him, and wLnt into the scpui- 6 6 ~ a6r@, m i ebijX8ev eic rb pvqpeiov, ~ a OEO~EZrct i chrc, nud ~ e c t h U- ing the him, and entered into the tomb, and sees the nen clotbcs lie, 7 and the nnpkin that ww b6dvia ceipeva, 7 cai rb aov86plov 8 ifv Jei rfjc n ~ $ d < g about his hdnd, not ly- liiencloths lying, and thehandkerchief which wan upon "head ing with tho linen airroii, 06 pard r3v bOoviov reipevov, hXXh %@pie ivclorhea, but tog, ther in a place by 'his, not with the linen clothr lying, but .by 'itself


IUANNBZ. 8~ i X t c b 'IqaoGc, cai Xiyet aGroic,

r d Aptov ~

~ d f ; h , " t ~ f h " , p " ~ v ~ i ~ p 6 v o u2va r~r ~ eic

rdrov. 8 r6re

or'iv eiaijX9~vcal b

ple,whiehcnmefirstto 'folded U P 'n 'a i 'place. Then therefore entered also the ~ w b ~ , " ~ h r (EhXoc pa6qn)c 6 bhe;v ?rpGroc elb ri) pvl)p~iov, C L ~ ~ ? E V % $ ~ ~ ~ K E 0 Fr ; getthey knew other disciple who came fist t o the torub, and snw not the aeri~tu=.that ~ a ii ~ i u ~ e v9 ohGi~u.ydp L8eiuav +v YPU($Y, ~ ~ v ~ $71 be must rino n ~ n i n from the dond. l0Then and ; for not yet ew they the scripture, thnt a&Tbv Jk VEKP~~V &vaurijvai. 10 (i~ijX00v the ~lihcipleswent aWent away to rise. af : . ns i$eU t it hehoven him from among [the] dend stood without a t oBv R ~ X L V rpbc Jiavroircn oi paOVrai. 11 "MapiaH.8i the therefore again to their borne] the disciples. But Mnry and a+ she t e p t , she rtooped down, and eiuTl]K~i Rpbc ' r b pvqptiovu b~Xniovaa{&w.' o8v looked into the sepul- stood at the tomb 'weeping loutaide. As therefore chre 12 nnd ficeth two .ngilslnwhitesittin , I K ~ ~ I E V , ?T(IP~ICU+EV e i ~ : rb pvqpeiov, 12 cni ~ E W P E ;860 (iythe one a t the h e a t she wept, she stooped down ipto the and beholds two antomb, and the other a t the IV rr~$aX$ Fvn rrai feet, N ~ Wthe body ~ ~ X O V S > E V K O ? ~ rca0etophvovc, Zva Rpic of Jcms had l a i n gel8 in white Wbg, one at the head and one

z z




werpcst thou? whom 16 Xiyet adrv *hn 'IqaoGc, f i v a r , r i K X ~ ~ E ; S rt'lx~ rt/rsiC; I 'by8 YO*her 'Jesus, Woman, why weepost thou? Whomseekcstthou? rupwing him She, w k e s t thou? to be the i~rrtcucr snithun- 'Ekeivq GorcoGaa Eri h q ~ o v p d c barcv, Xiyet air$, Kirpir, ei t o fin\, ~i;, if thon She thinkiig that the gardener it is, sayr to him, Sir, it hiru tell m N ~ P W thou a3 b@tiurauac airrdv, eiml pot 9roG fa&rbv i9qrnCe1lrrciy& : h - t lnld h!m* I thou didst oarry off him, tall me where him thou didst lay, m I d will t*ke hlm rwny. 16Jeaurmithuntohrr adrbv &p& 16 AhYet ahri g61"~quo~g, hnfupin.l' Brpn%my. L h turned her! 3o him will take away. 'Says .o .her t 'Jesus, Nary. l'urn.

know not where they him. And "OTL 4pav ri)v.~Lpcdv.pov,cai oir~.olJn 7ro3 ; 6 ~ ~ ~ r r v ihen thus BQCfLuse they took away she had my Lord, snd I know not where they lnid laid her- atrdv. 14 dKai" raiira ~inoiilra iarp@q ti~-rd.b~iuw, cni bnrk, and LDW JQAnd these things having said she turned backwd1 and #us atnnding,8md knew not that i t Jwu~. Q u e rbv l ~ q u ~ G v iurCjra* ~ a oCr48ei &L i 'IquoGSburiv. 16 Jmus snith stnnding, and knew not that Jesus i t ir. Jesus her, Woman,



b 62 L.

74 C


( I ~ ~ OLITAW I E ~ ~

TA i)Odvta ~ e i ~ ( e L a v . ~ adis o RA. b /&I ~ A a i O V u a TTTA ; itwL .


+ -


@qr(r( a h 6 v QLTRAW,

TT. Mnprcig -- b L T T r L* -Maprafi T I h



K Q OL~*CI.\IV. ~


'Sags she

i~rivq Xhytt a6rGt, 'PizPPovvi & h i y ~ r n t , 8tddaraXa
says to him, 'Jesus, Babboni, that is to say, Teacher. *her lNot *me .tooth, for not yet but go to

i8 tdsw Y ~ ~ , & . 17Jeunto her, SUS TOUchmenot;forl hare I not et ascended to unto them, I ascend

17 Xiy~taCqj kb'l'Iqaoic, M$ pov iimov, ~Gnw.~dp &vapd&a npbc r&v.wari a?pov.' nopr6ov.U r p b p rod;
my Batfer ;
say and wmuded tc

&$E?;O~! 2


rai a i d aCzoic, ' ~ v a p a i v wwpbs rbv.uarhpn.pov ~ a unto my Father, and i

to them,

I ascend

to your &d.

my pather

rardpa.i~~cjv, a i ~ Bebv.pov
your Father, my God

tcai 0~bv.6 Gv.

bringing word

l 8 * E p ~ ~ r a t Muy 18


4 May8ahqvG
SMagdalene Lord, on that day,

n&rayykXXovaallrole paeqrais
to the

and 90" Father ' myBod,&ndyour God. Magdalene c czme and told the ~ ~ ~ ~ disciples that she had seen the Lord and


OiDpa~cv~~ ~bpiov, rbv rai

#he has seen the evening


E ~ ~ ahrgj. E Y

and these t h i n e he said to her, the f i s t [day]

19 O~aqc.08~ Then the s a n e day 19 i t being therefore a t evening, beillg the

first day of the week,

these he had &ken that things unto her.

b+iac r@-&~dpq-6reivp, pig @

PrGv''.aa@/3drwv, m i rcjv when the

of the w&k, and the

8rpGv redetupdvwv iinov ijaav oi paOqrai

doors having been shut where *were 'the 'disciples

shut where the disciles were assembled qovwy ivbt," 8id or fear of the Jews assem led, through came Jesus and stood

rbv 9dpov TGY ' I o v ~ ~ ~ wb 'Iquoiic ~ a i[arq eic TA 6hOev Y ,

of the Jews, to them, the Peame Peace to you. side 'Jesus and stood



in the unto

2nz%',t'~", you.' 20 And

piuov, ~ aifyet airroic, Eipivq i

midst, and says

6th. 20 Kai



having said hmds and his aide. Then were when thdy lad the 21 ~h~~ 21 elnev 08v said Jesus to them a.said =therefore gou: aa mubeFathcr gain, nnto


he ahewed to them

~JUEEVrabrois rdc xeipag rai d v rh~vpcivahroij." bxeptlhands a d the

ofhhwelf. sBe~oiced



oi paeqrai i 8 b v r ~TAY rirptov. ~


*therefore 'the 'disciples having seen the 'to 'them


uhroiS % ' I q ~ o i r pw&Xtv, Eipivq 6@* ~~

again, send Peaat you. k e 'theZFather,

~ a e & s dndarah~6v athwntmet even

dnd thh

to you:

and 8aith a t 0 them, Beceive ye the Holy Ghost:Ptwhosesgerer sins ye remit, they u e hebreathedintorthem], and says to them, Receive [the] 'Sphit 'ioly. remittat the? ; 23 tbvll.~ivwv &${ra r c i ~irpapriac, v&$ievracll atroic* and whose saever crvu ais, they are remitted to them ; Y retdn* e are of whomaoever ye may remit the taincd. 24But J%omas, '&v".rivwv rparijre, r e ~ ~ h r q v r a r . 24 8wpiic.66, ;K one of the twulvo,callBut Thornas, one of ed Didymus was not of whomsoever ye may retain, they havebeenretained. with them when Jesus GhJera b X~yd Evoc Aidvpoc, 0th-$V )LET' U ~ T ~ Y came. 25 The other h& the twelve caltd Didymua, wan not with them when drsciplestharefore said unto him, We have wbII '1quo9~. ZXeyov o8v atry' oi riXXoi paeqrai, ,,the 25 bra. But he 'anme 'Jesus. 'Said 'therefore % lhim'the 'other 'disciples, skid untothem,Except I h a l l see in hi8 hands 'Ewp6sapev rbv ~bptov. '0.84 elnev airro'ic, 'Eciv-p?j i8w b the print of the v We have seen the Lord. But he said t o them, Unlesr I sea in snd put myfingerinto raig.~~vci1~.abro5 d r o v rcjv ijXwv, ~ a/3hhw 'rbv ~ C ~ K T V -the print of the nails rbv i thrust my hur i a ~ l d s the mark of the nails, and put 'finger into his aide,I will not

6 ?ranjo,


Id o

rhpnw %GC. .'22 Kai roirro

'u %ent 'forth when I had said And h *nd he 22 this e i d y he breathed on then$:


rai X i y e t ahroic, AciparE



in to

isr$v-rh~vp&v-a~roir, 06.p~) wtur~irow. 26 Kai PE@,jpdpag them: ~Urn m ~ s Jeand h o came

hrs side, not a t all will f believe. 'his 'disciples, the doors And after 'days

out' c F$Fia,","$'in% k intoi rbv Jr67rovllofrcjv ijXwv, ~ apdlw z n ) v .m~ ~ i p c i . p ~ ~ I 1 were within, y ~ the mark the nails, and iput Y hand disciples with

, ,

d ~ t h & X t v4aav iaw oi.paf3q~ai.ntroii, ~ a Bwpiig ~ i

'eight them. agnin Coues were 'withiu Jesus, and Thomaa with

the do* beklg 8hd'l m d s t o o d i n the

airrcjv. { ~ X E 'I~laoip, S ~ L 7cjv BvpGv K E I C X E L U ~ ~ Y W Yrai iurq ,

having been shut, and atood
1 pav (read the Father) [ L ~ A . 6 LTWA. P T&V LTTrAW. 0 ((;)~a~a have aeell TTrA. 1 &yye'Movua LTF~A. 6 ~ a(- xai T) 7 t i ~ i xe;pa~aai ~v t ~ e v p h v a6mis LTT~A. w y y p i v o c LTTrA. v i+e'wvra' they have bee11 remitted t - r 'Iquoik (r,ectd he said) TT~[A]. f ;&v L . W 6 LI~~LL a ~ o q v xezpa =A. v pov 7bv ~&N,\oY T . ). r 6 t o v place LT. 1 'EPpai'mi m Map~ap TTrA.

in Hebrew [ ~ ] n r ~ k


*2 z i d ~ 2 ~ ~ kP-%n1 L IU


IDANNHZ XX,XXI. rai elacv, Eipfiw)4 9 . 27 Elra Xiyet z$ @up$',

and said,
Peaon L you.
here, and m

Tbs heuyn to ThoI~~V.'RXEV civ

Beach hithe and behol


and be not faithlew w t b d e t l n g . asand 'Ehomas~weredand rrta onto him,


AY b d and it prtomiside:

m d reach

thg fin* @dpe m


&1. t+v.xaipi.uov,
thy hmdl be not unbelieving, 'Jesus,


~bY.8cil~~tA6v.uov G&, ~ a EBE r7d.x~i(ic-pov' ral i rai PLXE

and but put [it] into



my age ;

ova rai


pt).ylvov airnuroe, ddrXhiz aiurdp. 28 \*KuiU dr~upieq bbfl

bellpang. and An& 'answered


d h p 4 rai said abtji, $h$ id^^ lThomaa and elrm. to him, '0.~6 16p
t Am me
M am they that and M
believed l . t o i i m

ov rai b-e~6c.@ou. AEye, 29

my God

'P %

a f r 4 cb"'Iqu~ii~, "On

Becaass moo hnst seen me, Thomas, thouhast believod :

3Dparcis PE, dewpl,"m i a r ~ v u a ~ .

blessed they who are not men snd have believed. m 0 t h ~ SO lTodrXhi @V 03v uai aihXa ,uqpeia baoiqu~v b 'Iqrignr truly d i l JMany %herefore 4olso 'other 'signs did Jein the pmsance of hir dt.ciples are 005c ivhrtov,fl otr.LIurtv yqpapnot wi a in this ms r n k i prerence n of his disciples, ' which are not written book1 S1but these we ' mtgh t J a r n i b p v a h. v@-Pi&Xiy.roby. 31 raGra.8i ~iypar+a&rva b e h e that Jis in t book ; but thew have been wrltten that f?riar~6uqren ' gbfl "Ifluo57~b m v 6 . ~pturbc b vihg roii 811 ht hare Me J8 a Y believe Jeaua . ia $be CMst the Son &oii, rai rtm~4ovrecCu*v h J ~ R / v r@6Y6part ofQod,andthat belhhg. life y e m e y h a v e i n %lame

h.- w e r e d



~t).iddvnsrai ?riun6uav~~(.

m And

Ezdt,tEt Ee,S'



M ~ r d raii~a h avipouev iavrbv acikv 'd 'IquoCra


mnerjeans Aewed roic pa$rai~ Bri


t b e f t h i n g 8 &anfsUd




W e l t again to the tothe discipler at the sea of T i W . And he manifented W p l e d r t the sea of oijrq* 2 5uav dpoii Zipuv ITirpog, uai t3wpii~b l n ~ a h - a n d osrthis wIae &e w :d he hpimself] thus; There were together Simon Pew, and . T h o m ~

eaX&uuqcfie Ttp~prciSoc.' d$avipwv~v.84

=:gaAthanar; Xaias, the & lee,

. dThe- cafledMn

s A~y6 ~ v o cAi8vpog, r e ~

kai Naeavaljh b dwb KavZ fig Fahand Nathand and from C TGV


of Oalk

~ a oi i

roii Z~p~Baiov, i ~ h o tr rcai ic

of Zebedee, *others aof


zig T e peter

and the [mns]

, d o n t othem, *~ %WO. .Says ' lothem %man "Peter: t o I go to fish. 'EtfXeov I .o a abr$, v uai miv uoi. ..~untOhim, wealalso ~ i y o c to him, 'E@prQa 'also $pic with thee They w ~ nforth rith mey Theymy omg we t

at705 840. 3 hiyu ahroic P i p v Hirpop, 'Tlrhyu &hsXetv. l&viPquavH rb. ahoiov " E O O ~ ~ ~ ~a ii v dr~ivq4 eic , ~

however 'hew 'the discipleq that it m J6 Then '17)008~ b47tv. 6 6 6 ~ ~03v atro'ic qd'inuoiign IIai&a, 1 3 arith untothem J it is: a%ys 9he~efore to'them IJesun, Littlechildren, children, have ye anj meat? m v a m ~ ~ e d rt apou$(iy&ov[ X E T & ; lAa~u$i~quav p$ atrq, 03. 6 p0.8i him No. 6 And he any food have ye? They annwered him, No. And ha asid' Unto them Cnst the net on the >ight elr~v" atrois, B(ih~m rd &Etd p i p f roG ahoiov s ,Birrvov, oig i dde of the #hip, and said to them, Cast to the right nide of the ship the net.
9 ucri GLl'TrAW. b i BLTTrAW. c [h] R. * @up&QLTTrAW. a aiI70; (read the disciplee) L ~ A . f m e i QLTTrAW. h [aicjvrov] eternal L. 1 b 'Il)uoi?~( r e d he rnanifeated) A ; - i, m. 1 ivipquav entered [ ~ a iand L ] OLlTrAW. LmA. ytv0piyr)p brebking TTrW. 0 6 LTTrd. P *L L% J [b 'IquoCr] L; [h] 'Illuois a ; b TA. r Aiycc he says z .

=YnuN.Z thaf 'Isaoiic PricW T ~ V aly~lA6v* Oi, the dore :but the dls- l J m not
on the shorn; %ot

medktely; and thsd and went u p 'Pm the &hip immediately, and duriqr that n ht the m u ht no- mrri iaiauav 0t8Qv. 4 apytac-Bi 58q n y ~ v ~ p i v ~ 064' Zvrq ~ &I. 4 the Light they took nothing. And morning a h d y being come 'stood

c ;

g: L rai

~ivrot id~tuavoi peqrai

-+ -

XXI. JOHN. xai 6pljUr. 'EpaXov o h , ~ a Po6rc {ri" aCrb iXrcirua6 i

Lnd ye shall And. They cast therefore, and multitude of the no longer 5ahea



t o draw

were they able from the that disciple

t ~ u ~ v u aAT) ~703 nh$OovC rYiv ixB6wv. 7 XLYr; v~

whom "loved

t ~ ~ ~ o r e


~ , " s ~ , " ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ they were not to

fore that disciple whom Jesua loved peter heard

b-paQqnjc-Qrceivo~ Ijycinu b 'lquo4~ Ilirpy, '0 h p t b c Sv r@ kr~tv. XLpwv o8v

It is.
Simon "txerefore 'Peter, having heard that the Lord T ~ V h?rev8trqv ~ L E ~ ~ U C ( 4v.yup p p v 6 ~ . lcai T O ~ upper garment he girded on, for he waa naked, and into the sea, for not were they And the far other *pm



to Peter, The Lord

.8rt b r c C p i 6 ~ burtv,

m 3
11 -1

~ P ~ E Y

it is, that it was the Lord, he g r his flsher'a it coat unto him, (forhe cast W " naked ) .and did

iavrdv is' d v , BciXauuav. 8 oi.82

rhip ome,

c2Moc' paeqrai
disciples the Lnd,


IrAolapiy SjXQov*oi).ycip ijuav purcpdv hnb r i j ~ ijs, '&AJu he-cirb

of fishes.

lomewhere about 'cubits

?rqXkv Gtaroaiwv, d p o v r ~ srb 8ikrvov 7Gv '

Ltwo 'hundred, dragon the net

I~96wv. 9 'QC
!be o f ~ a l a

When therefore they went up lring and 'Jesus, flat

otiv ci~i/3quaveis njv yijv PXLnovutv

the land they aee

csst himleif into the sea. 8 ~ n the other d dieoipl- c-8 in a fitt l e &p. (for they were ndt t m m l a d , but as It were two hundred mbitn draggng the n d W e e . 9Aa soon then as they ware eome to


dv0partdv reipQvt)vrui d$Jh iov

"Says =to 'them

lring on of the

[it], and

rai dprov.

h & a are o corls there, m d 8sh f k f d thereon, and b& l. Jesns unto tbol Bring d

10 hiyet d r o i ~ '1quol;g 'Eviyrare 1 x ruiv 6Jiapiuv &v wbll 16

dniciuar~ virv. 11 . ' A v ~ P ~Eipbv IIirpoc, icai E'&cvmv rb

ye took net just now. $0 Went up Simon Peter,



which Peter went up, ond

$: 2

~ ~ o ~ h ~ ~ t & e s l a


the bun- and fifty *d

th"*:andforal1thm s hundredCand1 were ylemany 'broken. not net yet wM 8~~vrqrovrarpt3v~f1 rouoirrwv 6vrwv ot~.bu~ia&] 12 Jw.1- mith rcai ,fiftythrce ; and [thmgh] eo many there were was not rent the ~ , " ~ h ~ n lea dnmi ask him, '6irrvov. 12 Aiyec airrok bbf' o art thou ? knownet. z&ys . t o y h e m the rand, , f l ul of %hea 'large

dirrvdv Jbai r f i ~ ijg" p~urbv"i~06wv peyciXwv" irurbv

in life mauner.

l 5 So when they had dined, Jesus snith to Simon Peter, roi~.pa6qraig.'atrol;" b y e ~ e e i ~ BK V E K ~ Sirnon, son of Jonas, ~ . to h18 disciples 9 v i n g been ratsod ,from among [the] dead. lovest thou me Inore thanthese? Re saith I6"Ore O ~ V ?jpiurqoav, Xiyet T$ Xpwvr I 1 8 ~ p ~I r l a o ~unto him, Yen, Lord 4 3' ~, When therefore they had dined, *says 'to Simon 'Peter 'Jesus, thou knowcst t b ~ t lore thce. He saith Eipwv ~'Iuv;," 6yaT ' g PE haX~T~vI!~ T U U; Afy1 TO atr@, unto him Feed m$ more than thesa ? He says t o him, lembs. l$ E saith td ; Biruon [son] of Jonaa, Iovest t f o u me a i ) r ~ hlm ngain the secon Nai, k;pt~' 03 0 l 8 q ijrr $&G UE. 9 t ~ m e Sirnon, son Yea, Lord ; thou knowest that I have a c t i o n for thee. He 8aya t o him, ~ o n k nlovest thoume? Bdalee rd.cipvia:pov. 16 Aiycs aCr@ ncihiv G E ~ T E ~ O YZ1!pwv He snithuutohun,Yea , Lord ; knoweqi, Boed my lambs. He says , t o him agaiu a second time, Sirnon thnt I 'lore thee. He g'Iwv6," & ~ C ( T P E ; @ a h $ , Nai ~ 6 p t c ' od o18ac my sheep. 17 He soitb hlml Feed [son] of Jonas, loveet thou me? He anys t o him, Yea, Lord; thou knonest

d 0i6Ac. 14 r o ~ r o 4 8 ~ t p i 7 0 ~ t$avpd&TJ

Thia [in] now the third tfme%vamSmanifeated

' I ~ U O ~dend, the ~ E





that I have d e c t i o n for thee.

ae. Adye& afire, TIoipatve 78 *.rrpdpn~cE~~

3 0

says to him,



b eis f i v f i v

0 6 but [ T r h . ; &froiples) L r n ~ little sheep v.

oi~irc QLTW. LTTrA.

e .


mn-tj~ovra .rprlv ETTr. [6]Tr. * )reydAwv 15e6wv L. - b L7TrA.' * - o h 0 3 (read the d.o h G ; - ovv 6 L'PTrA. S e'lwdrov John L T ~ ;' L ~ ~ V VT.O V h O ~ O ~ O L T T ~ & L 7rpfi47d A

~ m r ~ . &M& TTrA.

[h] Tr.

+ &v




k'1wv6,n hkzAheAyf l v. He him the third time, simon [son] of Jonu, htut & t Peter W$ grieved befaum he said unto him aeqtion for me ?; W a s '@ieved d ~ % T ~because he T E U at+$ tbr ,he third time Loyerrt P E 'EXvrtiBq IPeter O n ~ said to him rd bS


IQANNHL. pov. 17 Ahysr atry' rb rpirov, Xipov


thou mo? And hesaid

thou knoweat that

J 7 ' ~ z ; things knolvest ; thou ail

i 1hv7a'' o18aca ad yivDaraiq 8rr

T irov, @iXcie pr ; lrai" m~:rav" a6r& KGpre, i d to him, Lord, thou t h l d time, Ea,t thou aeection for me ? and




rheap. 18 Yerib, reril I say unto thee d i n thou was{ ~ O U U thou gkdcdst thy?$ a n d wakcdst wltrther thou wouldu t : but x h m thou nhnlt be old, thou rhnlt stretchforththy hands, and another shall gird thee and onny thee whither thou wouldeat not. W Thin spnke he gig-

knoweat that I have aftectionfor thce. 'Sap a67(tj O b 'Iqb~i)~,' Bdura T ~ . P I ~ ~ P u T ~ " . ) ~ ~18 & $U dpdv v. *to .hirn 1jeSur, ~~~d my sheep. 8rily vdiy XQYW UOL, STE VEL~TE~O~ B/&WVES uravrdv, 1say to thee, Whon thou w u t younger thou giniedst thyrelf, and
I I E ~ ~ E C ~ T SIOV EIS $BEXE~* brav-A yqg6"gc Brwalkedst where thou didst denire ; but when thou s alt o old thou nhnlt

TEYE~C T stretch forth

~ ~ . x E ~ ~ C ~ ~ . U O VK Q ~ ,


thy haub,

and another thee r h ~ r lgird, and bring [thae] l

6M0c ~

U E /dat,"

lCai 0!f71

where thou dost not desire.


19 To9ro.GC. elnev aqpaivwv woiy

But thb he mid signifying by what

8v dna BC ~:;k=~:k; , whioh*bo pa8qrrjvwhom 49Lve4i 6 'Iqc03c iuoXov8oi)vra,who xai rivirrnru allowing .disciple lJesus fouowing, nho reclined
leanedonhinbreutat iv T$ Gairvy b?ri rb.urijQoc.airro3 rtai elncv, K 6 p ~ r i ~ , Borcv nupper and said Lord at the supper on whloh he thAt his breoat and said, Lord, who is it trayeth thee? 41 P* b 1apaStGo6~ a ; 21 To3rov Qdv 6 nkrpoc Xtyer T@ 'Iq6 K k g who is delivering up thee P OHim %eing &Peter says to Jewhnt/rhdll this' man 003, KGpie, 08roc.d6 ri ; 22 Aiytr air$ d 'Iqaoirc, 'Edv <lof 23 Jesu8 laith am, Lord, but of this one nhaf ; say^ Yo 4hiru 'Jesus, Il unto him, If I will 1 p 6 ~ ua; a d thnt he tnrry till I htrhv 86Xw pQvarv zws ipxopai, ri Come what that to *him ' .desire to Abide till 1 I come, whet [in/it] to thce? %Thou thee ! follow thou me. P3 Then went this #a '(ixoX068~~ p01." 23 'ESrjXBev O ~ U w b . X 6 y ~trog" ~.~ fng abroad anlong lfollow me. Went out therefore this word among brethren that that "Or1 d.paeqnjg.brQvos oirrd~oQMjdre~* 'raj disciple 'should not rodg (idX$06s, die: yet J e ~ n a not the said brethren, That that disciple dmssot die. However unto him He shall not die. but jlt I willthat O ~ ~ l r a v 'atr$ d 'IquoCg, Srr otc (iro8mjurai. &AA', 'E& K ~ he 5 4 tidl I oome, %ot Yo lhim 'Jesus, Thot he does not die ; but, U 7rp6~aa ;m C *at thw P (ttrbv Bihw P L v ~hp p opai,\ rri t~ i J%ome, what [in it! to thee? *him '1 adanire o abide till

he shollld glorifydeath 0 a ~ d i y ~ O & ~ O E L T ~ V ~ E xaiVT . O ~ ~ O "ing God ~ Uyei adr$, And when he had gpo- death he ehould glorify God. And thfr having said he says to him, ken this laithUnpoi. 20 ' E n r u r p a $ ~ i ~ I16rpoS b.~~~~ rbv to him ' Follow me. 'AroX068~r henh het er turning Follow m& But having turned Peter sees the



2 %




24 This b the ahoiThin 4 the disciple who !earn d n a r concerning these things, which testifieth of these things, and'xai ypCi+a~ rairra* rai oEGapav Sri dhqerjc '8ariv Mote these thin 6 : and [who] wrote those things :and we know that b true sndwe know that %h teotimon ie tm. paprvpia.atro3.lI 25biariv.86 xai &MU ?roXXdt cBnal IAnd tiere are aho And there are obo "otherathiugs 'many whatsoevw h b witn* mnn other thin 8 WhicK Jesus did, t k i~oiqoov '~qaoirg, 6 .iinva iciv ypci$qra! xug.Sv, doli~il which if they should 'did lJeaur, whicn 3 they should% wr~tten oneby ono, =not'even be written every one I luppow that eve: a6rbv olpar .rbv rdapov e ~ w ijoad rdt ypa(b6prva PlPXia. 'book& the world iturlf muld 'it& ' 'ruppw 'the "world r o u l ~ a o n t d nthe 'writ1 not contain the books 11 that ~houldbe writ- ApGv*' ten. Amen Amen.

24 0 5 ~ 6 Buriv d pa8qr4c16 aprv cjv s



k ' I ~ ~ V O ;o h n ;'~oivlav ~ ~ LTr TA. 1 K&] S. m says T. ndwa ~m. P r p o g b n 6 little sheep mr. r {Gueb a *A. L ~ A ; 1qu.b~ (read he uys) ~ T T ] . r thee L 8 8 i but LTT~AW. t O ~ therefore LWrA. 7 poc b ~ o h o ~ 8 LTTrAW. . V eb i) who LTT[A]. 7 7i np6s UI T . ai1t03 S 0 6 efnev 8 i T. ~ r obsor b X+ LmrL I*apNPia m. b V W ~ C 4. 25 S which LTrA. d 068' L T ~ A . X U ~ ~ U C p. LV I nard 'Xo6vpv ('Iodvvqv A) according t0 Johh T r L ?-*&v aLm&






TON piv ~ p i i r o v Xiyou i?rotqaripr)v mpi

laa 3ndeed





~ 0 n c d g thing: all both to do and

BEi$tXE,i v
Theophilus, which


2 (iXPL ,jS-<pkPaS

that 'lc throngh the Holy Ghost 1i::d given ~cmmau~lnrenro unto he the apost'rs had choscu: 3 to\vliom also hcshcwccl h i a c l f also heprescnred himself living after hehndsuffered, with alive after llis Passion by man? infnllir o X X o i g re~pqpiotg, JL' tjptpGv l ~ ~ a u a p c i ~ o v r ~ " a v 6 ~ e v o ~ bar ble roofs being seen many proofs, , during *days 'forty being of t h r u )forty days and speaking of th; ai~roTy, icai X6ywv rd repi /?aa&eia~TO; &oi. things prtainin to by them, and speaking the things concerning the kingdom of God : the kingdom of : 4 and being aarm4 rai avvaXcC6p~voc m?rapTjyy~cX~~ o i ~ "&*c) 'I0- bled 'togethcr with a6r a d beirg nsbembled with [him; he chnrged them from m them, !commanded them that tllcy ahould ooX6pov p+ xwpiCeuea~, d u d ?rcptpQvetv i r a y y ~ X i a vnot depdrt from Jeru~lcm not to depart, but t o await the promise 8alem bnt wnit f o r ~ : ~ ~ ~ c rF 0 f ~ * ,jKo,5uari pov. 6 t i ~ ~ ~ ( i , p&, , ~ er, which, sctiih he, ,, ~ 705 ?rarp6~,ijv of the Father, which [said he] ye heard of me. For John ' indeed ye have hcard of m . e 5 Por John bap i/.3cixrcaev GJarr, C aig.61 0J3a?r.itoetjo~u9~ iv nvr6 a- thd with trulJ ; but bnptised with water, ye shall be baptized with [the] &it ye shall be h t i x d until thc day in which, having given command 'to *the 5apoatles 'by

JtJciuntv, dz~>g;l both t o 2 until to teach, in he ~ U ~ E L X ~ ~ E Y O d ? r o a r b X ~ ~ ~ was taken up, after roig ~ 8th

' J l 1 ~ o i l y ~ o t ~ i v - rrai e

tr %de*agm t h

k&~Xtj$grl."3 orc [%he] 'Spirit *Holy whom he chose, he wns taken up : to whom rai ?rap6art1uev iaur6v zi)vra PET& ri).~aO~iv.aC~dv, iy r n ~ 6 ~ a r ociyiov 08g ;&hk&tr0, g





d y i y 06 r r r d nohhdc m i r a p 6pipag. 6 0 piv i

'Holy 'not after r~llrny asked him, dnys. saying, Lord,

o b

They indced therefore 6 when they therofom anying

Ed: k 2 z tp y
Lord wili

avv~X86vr~cPi?rqp&rwvn a6rc)v
hnving ccmc togethcr

Xb yourer, K L ~ ~ rE :i v i

r@--~p61*y-roiry drroicn~turcivet~ v Paaiheiar r@'Iupafih; d 'thin 'timo 're8torest 'thou the kingdom to Isrne1? dom to lsrncl l 7 And 7 E I T E V - ~ Bp b"g a6r06g, 06% irp&v borcv pGvat ~pdvouy said unto them, It r~ know And lie said to thcm, Wot 'yours 'it 'is to know times "not the times or the sctr 6 ~alpotiy d g d ?rar?jp8ero iv rp'.iJig lFouuiq. 8 & A d sons,wl~ichthcFathw his Own or seasons which the Father placed in hrs own autlrorrty ; but put power. 8 n u t yc shall rXtjJ.a9~'1 Jll~aptv, i ~ ~ h 8 l v r orp i d iov mr+aroy o
j e will receive power,


*having 'come




tzi ;r;gedh;;g g;;

;p;$, ~ a ZoeaOi i

of the earth.

'pot1' pdprvpey i v . 7 ~'l.$ovaahtjp rai 'bvUye shall be witnesner t o me witnesses both i n ferwalem and i n unto me born in Jerusnlcm &lid in all Jnraap v7$" 'IovSniq ~ a WZapapeipN ~ a Sos i i ioXcirov daa, i n d in Snmaria, all Judaea and Samaria and t o [the] ut&most part and unto the nttermoat pnrt of the 1 . 6 ~ y$g 9 Kai ~ a i l r a Ei?rhY, /?XEsdvrwv a6rGy earth. 9 h i d w h e n h e

come upon you: and

q. and ye shall be

And these things havtng mid,

'beholding from


'they 'eyes

ir?riX~~PlJ a6rtY d?rb r 3 v bqOaXpGv




hnd spokcn these things, whilo they beheld, he w.1~ taken up. and n cloucl reccived him out of theirsight.
10 And while they

10 Kai &y hrevizovrey


And .s looking4intdntly 'they 'were into the

ric rbvoCpavbv a 0 EVO




~ Y O Vlooked rtcdfnstly to-

w ~ r dh e a ~ e n rr

h hyhv 0 ; ?&v i Y h v (red of [the]) LlTrAW. i ilrov~6Aov. T k Aveh4p+BI)L T T ~ A . T ~ U U E P & O W ~L T T ~ A . ai)roisuapiy-yeih~v AW.

iv rrvcuparc ~a~~crr0~creu~e P $ ~ & T W V LTTJA. I.TTr.4. LTTrA. a pov of me LIT~AW. ( i v UT~A].


- d i and 'rrr.



Pwapiq T .


went up, behold, two ~ltroii, lcai iGoir civGpes 6Co T ~ ~ E ~ U ~ K E W W l v xba&rr a&rois men stood by tham in 'he, 'aho~'beho1d 'men 'two atood by them in %ppard whiteup srel. llwhich also salX Y men of Xewcf,n 11 OF rai ~elnov,~"AvYspes : I'aXAaior, ri ianjrare Y p Qalilee, dhy stand ye 'white, who also mid, Men Qnlileanr, why do ye stand look. wing up into hcnvcn? fhL snme Jc~us,whichj3Xixovrecn eig rbv oCpavdv; o 5 r o d 'IqaoGg d advaXq$Oeis~ is tnkcn up from you into the heaven 7 This Jema who ww taken up into hoarcn, ahnll RO ing come in liko Iuanncr hp' +$v eis rdv ~Cpavbv 0i;rw.s bXeCuerai 8v.rpdnov J ye have secn him go from you Into the heaven thus willcome in the mrrnner into heaven. 12 Then returncd thcynnto Je- BOedaaaOa airrbv ?rop~vd.p~vo~ rbv oirpavdv. 12 Tdrs ei'g m l a ~ from the ye beheld him going into the' heaven. Then mouvt called Olivet, which is from Jernaa- irniarpc#av eic 'I~povoaXtjpCrrb 6povg roii raAovptvov lem a abbath day's they returned t o J d e m from Cthd mount called . journey. 13 And when yk they were come in, MaiGvoc, 8 imiv 1y 'IE ovoahjp, ua~/3drov ixov they went up into an d l i v e s , which ir new !ernsalem, % mbbathla 'being 'dbt.nt Journey. And when they had entered they went np to the upper chamber, Andre;, philip,' and m 3 a 'IwhvThomos &rtholo- 05 4aav rarapivowec ii.r~.IIirpo~; i c ' X h ~ ~ / ~ ~ g i ataying both Peter and James and John mew, a'nd a t t h e w , where were Jamss tiro son of blvqsn rai 'Ay6 bag, QiXlxxog rai Bwpiic, Ba 8oAopaios Lai ua and Simon '2%and Andfew, Philip and Thomnr. iartholomew and :ad J u d u thb h i h e r of Jnmes. dMnr8alos,u 'Id~wPog 'AA aiov rai Zipwv d ZqXwnjc, M Those all continued Jamea r.1 of & s . u and Sinon the Zealot, with one nccord in Matthew, prayer nnd supplier ral 'IoCGas 'Iarh/3ov. 14 oirrot xhvres 4aav xpoarcaption, with the women, Thsae all were 'steadfastly and Mary tho mother m d Judo [brother] of James. of Jepas, and with hia repoOvr~sdpoOi~pa13bv r oaevxj Ee+uer," uLv brethrm '~ontinuing 'with 'one saccord prnyer and supplicntion~wibh[the]

3 b,'and::te:'E:h nand % t~'t ~ o ' Jnmes

dddv. 13 Kai 8re eiuijXOov bdvb/3qaav ei'c r b . 6nep@ov,U



yuvaiEiv ~ a fMapigUr$ pqrpi roi7 'IqaoS, rai gairv+ois i

womeli and


the mother

of J e s q and


hia brethren. And

15 Kai Jv raic.,jpipatg.rairrais
l 5 And in t h m ds


IIQrpog bv

in Peter stoo~.a p in 6uy rGv hpaOqrGvll e l x ~ v *$v re 6xXoc 6vop&rwv midmt of the disciples, laid, Cwaa 'and pthe] %umber M 'names and add, (the unmber [thetmibst of the disciplw o namf tonether B~$.rb.aCrb ~ ~ a r b v . ~ ~ ~l6"Av8pes ci&X$oi, i8ec xouiv~~ were about an hunYogether about a hundred and twenty,) Men W e n , it wnr necer dred and twenty,) l 6 Men and brethren, ~XqpwOilvar r r ) ~ . ~ ~ a ~ t j v ! r a C ~ v , P xpoeinev rb ijV this 8ortptare muab aary %o+have'been 'fulfilled this scripture, which'rrpoks *befom,'the need6 have been fulfilled which the Hol m t 6 p a rb & tov 8id urdparos mAnpi8u r e p i '106Ga roii ~ h w b the moutE ISpFrit 'the 'Joly by C t b l mouth t a David aonoerning Judar who f of ~ n v i J s p a k e before aoncerning J a d ~ ,yevopivo~ bSqyoii r o ? ~ avMa~oOoiv nrdvU 'Ir]aoGv' 17 876 which waa wide to became guide to those who took Jesus; for them that took Jeeor l7 For he w u n u m b b ~ranlptO~qpivos qv Odvll {piu, ~ a ,Xaxev rbv ~Xijpovrijs i @dwith ua and hkd numbered he waa with U, and obtained a part obtnined of thfs plv o h lrnjuaro xwpiov ministry. 18 Now thin 6iarcovias.rabrq~. 18 0 5 ~ 0 s man p u r c h d a deld in thia mrvlca This [man] indeed then got a Beld with the mwnrd of CD pta00f njs dJiriag, rai rpqvfig yevdpevoc iquity ant1 falling IIC Pro kndloni, he burst a- oat of the reward of 0nrighteou811ess, and *headlong 'having af.lllen muder in the midst &vra rd.unh6 yxva.aCr09. U d q a e v t i c o r , rai i b ~ 6 8 q and a11 his bowed in the] midst, and 4 ~ u h e 'ant d ''his 'boweh p h e d out. 19 And it b w t



thore days

'having 'rtood %p 'Peter


8 iv&jueu~(vA) Aeu~aic m A . L T ctrrav L m A . @A~UOYTCS Th. l bvaA&Beis 'lwcujvvgp ('lobqc TS) rat 'Idxw,9oc LTTTAW. b eip r i inrcpGov &vi&vw, LTTTA. LTTTA. d MnOQaioc LTTrA. ~ a i 8 qeL OLTPrAW. f h l ~ & ~ TTr, C &V LT[T~]AW. h i8eA+iv brethran L T T ~ A ~ . U T. C~KOV' LTA. I rav'qv (read the wript~iro) ~ r r [ r ] w . ~ m Aauei8 LTTrA ; Aavi8 GW. 7bv LTRA 0 CV among O141TrAW. P 103 (nad a rewr\trl) Q L ~ A W


I, 1 , 1
bnd known was cidled thnt is,


i n Jerusalem,' anlem insomuch ol the dwcllola at Jcru-

19 rai yvwuriv Byiv~ro nZuiv roic raroiroiraiv *lepovaaXfip


iz bccarue to a l l thoao



DO that


that field field

~fi.~i6i~".~iaX6rr~~a6~Gv thllt fiPl"8

in their own language

Let his habitation be mnn deuO1ntcl dwell nudtbcrcin: let and his bishoprick

led in

b'AneX8apci,u trovrQuriv'lxwpiov aGaroe. 20 yl ypanrat.ydp #as, Thetfield of blood. 20 For i is writtcn i n

Aceldnmn ; of blood.

For it has been written th, book of PRalma,


ilJ Piphip #(iXIh(;)v, rvfl8;]rw 7),~nnvhic.ahroG ;pv

h [the]
book of Y8alms, Let Jbocome 'his aho~nestead it; and,


m p i


d rarorr3v B a t e . rai, Ttjv bniuron,iv v


m d let there not be [one] 'let tnke



21 Aei


hi^ letWherefore of thcw another tnke. PI r 3 v avv~hedvrwv man w h ~ have COW h


pnniefl n i l h uq fill the timo that cho Lord Jet weut in and out ~ 'hvlth 'us 'men d ~ u i n g aU [the] tune and nluong U 8 23 bcglnning from ihe bnptlsrn 15ijXtlev iq' dpag 6 riproe 'Iquoirc, 22 dr [cipcvoq hnd roir J O ~ U , allto t h a t weut out among us the Lord Jesus, %eginniog from the nnme day that he was tnkcu up from ns /3anriapuroc x ' I w ~ v v ~ ~ I I rijc 7jp6pa~ liilwcll zcivcX$$Bqli ,,I,+, be ,,dnin,d bnptivm of ~ o h h until the day inwhich he wan taken up to be R wltnew with us of his rc.urrection rjrGv, kctiprvpa ~c.civaarciaewc.a.troG~Byevlaear a6v 23 And they nppointei from us, a "witness 'Oat "his "resurrection 'to 'hecome 'with two Joseph called

It bchoves therefore of thoae

$p?v (ivBp3v bv ?ravri

~p,6vy yivl1

4 ciuijheev i n which c a y e i n

~ r c is

ip l'

$ ivll Iva roirwv. 23 Kai i u ~ q u a v 860, 'Iuu?)$ rbv raAo6- ~~~~~~A

a! '

'one 'of 'chese. Barsabas, And praying shew

, b n d they eel i o r f b two,

who wns aurnamed they said, Thou of these Justua, Lord,



~EVOV bBapan/3Zv,ll

Be inerX$3q 'Ioiraroc,


call- 3fatthins. 2 4 h d they &ndsnid,ThoU rai cMarBiav." rayod,which knoTcs; and Matthias. the of all ,nen


24 m i ~ p o o t v ~ ~ p ~ lv~oo~ ,E& d~ v "

of 511,
& U C ~ ~ E L ~ O roirrwv V

K ~ ~ I E ~np8ioyvljura ,

knower of the heart6 25 t h n t he

~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~

nnd apostloship, from ~by tmnsd ~ two lone 'which thou didst choose which ~ thnt 25 Xapeiv rdv f ~ A j j p ~ rijc.btaxoviag.ru6rq~ rai c i n o a r o h ~ ~ , . vli Psion he to receive the part of thia service snd apostleship, :h",; Giu rig '1068~~ nop~i18tjvai rbv rdnov ;\"; tic k~ ;,f : $ from 'which 'transgressing 'Judnq, to his %loce Mnttl~ins nnd he was ; T ~ V ! ~ L O V K a i idwrav rh$pov~ 26 . hahr3v,u r a i c"xeacv numbered with t h e 107yn. And they - a ~ e llots 'their, and "fall 'the apostlead - g

rGv B60 h a Su

~ F E X ~ F I U I I part Of this mlnietry


irXijpog I n i cMarOiav,li rai juvymre$q$iaein per& r 3 v Ivdaia

*lot on Yatthise, and he was numbered with the eleren




r @ kuup~Aqpo8uOai11 v @pav d
8ccomplishing of the day

dn of Pentecost WM rag* fiaav l i i ~ a v r a gdpo0vpaBbv~ bni.rd.atrd. 2 rai f u s y comc, thcy were cost they were all with one accord in the same place: And with One one plnae. 2 And audvq~ fvr0 d$vw .br 70; oipnvoG 8x06 (;jbnp $ ~ J ~ p i dculy there came e inme 'suddenly out of the heaven a sound as rushing souud from heaven as of a rushing might nvotc $iaiag, kai bnhjpwuev 6Xov rdv O ~ K O V 0 3 817alJ wind, nnd i t filled a$ 'whole 'the house where they were th0 honso where they 'of 'a 'brepth %iolent, and filied were nitting. 3 And m ~ a e h p ~ v o ~ ' " ;$8qaav ahroic GicrpeptCd Evar yX~aua1thcre nppenred unto 3 K& aittlcg. And there appeared t o them dividecf tongues them cloven tollpea llke n of fire, nud i t q irai nvpdg, nircit)laQv.r~" Iva &aarov aCr3vn 4 ral snt upou each of them. as of fire, and sat upon 'one 'each of them. And 4 And they were all

And during the


n. hd



8 'A~ah8apa'~ Aceldamilch LA ; 'Axth8apdx Acheldamach r [iSiq] TrA, P + ~ T . CTr. 7 0 i ) ~ 'i u r l v OTTr. AaFCrw LTTrAW. W ;v (vead ln which) LTTrA. 'Iwa'vov Tr. Y hXpl T. * Bveh4p~#&~ LTTrA. Oirv +;v y r v i v O a ~LTTrAW, b Bapoaj3Piv LTTrA. C MaOOiav TT;A. d a h a v LTTrAW. 0 $v ilshi(o ;K 706rov ~ w 8rio v 2va OLTTrAW. f s d r o v place LTTrA. g &$I LTTrAW. ' habo;~ 011 hem L T ' I ~ A . v T w v - TA. 1 navrep 6poO aU togetlwr LTT~A. m Ka8e~op~vob L. D ~ a iddboev LTTr.





'lea with the l?rXtjuOquav Od?ravrr~" ?rvet$aroC 2 iov, wai IjplnvroXaXeiv Ghost, and begm to ape.1k with other t h . W~ 'filled ' d with [the] 'spirit 'Holy, and begap to lperk tonsues*u $pirit Criparc yXPauars, rca6&s fb i,veii a b8i8ov Pairrois i?ro$Oiygave them utterance. 5 acm withatbar tonguw, u the S p i r t gave to them L utter dwalfin17 nt J-lem ~u6ar.n 5 ' ~ u n v d %vN'Iepovua~ip i ~aroiroivr~p 'Iov8aioi, Jaws clerout men out dwelling Jews, of ev'wy nntian u h e r Orth* Nowswem 'in 'Jeruanlom

t;;;",AgcF;,";; etXa/3~isi?rb ?rawAsZOvov~ rGv divboe~

the nlultitude towthcr. and were
' & m

3rd rbv oirpcrv6v.





nation of those under the

~ V V ~ ~ X O rbV E

6 y ~ v ~ ~ v q E i. jd~~ r gwvjjs rairqe,

~;g~&..~t~",$ ra@av, ?0~8fliCL)*SE Kanrnt?oxiav,n6vrov wa; r$v *Auiav, m; bit& ot tibyn

: ~ ~ \ e r f : J ~ ~ " n10 ~ ~ o @pVyiaV.~ wai
n the tamir, and Jndms and Cappadwin, Pontna and Asia,

them rwakin his own #a; uuve~6~q' 811 $KOVOV 1 ~rnuros rf;J;q ~ 81ahiXrY Irnfldue. IAndthcy and were confounded, becrruw 'heard 'one 'each in is own langunge wem all amlued and mnrvolled. m inp one XaX06vrwv ahr3v. 7 dEiuravro.61 r?r6v~~c" dl?a6p~l<ov, cai toanother ~ e t o l d are 'aperking Ithem. And %ere 'amwod 'nll and wondered, not all these which Galilmansr Xiyovre~..~?r~b~ ciXXijXo~~," 'Obr" is04 v?rri~r~c" eiuiv oi osroi X t d how honr we saying to one nnother, =Not '10 *all *those 'are who avcry n u n h our own to1~~0, wherein we Xdoi;ure~ rdciaior; 8 rai ? r 3 g d~e7s6~06opavhauroC were born? 9 Por- am speaking Qalileans? and how 'we %ear each tltians, nndMeden, and Elamiand the Tf-it?i~.b&n~iwry.~p~v d y ~ v ~ O ~ ~ p eIT2peo; wfli dv 9 v, dnulicrs ' in Mcsopoin our o n n lnngunge i n which we were born, Pnrthinna and tnmia, and in Judren, M and ~trypndocin,in '7801m i w'EXapirac,nwfli oi warorroivrrs rljv ~ ( . I E u o ? ~ o Poatns and h i a Mcder aud Elamitar, and those who inhnbit Hercpo-

But 'hnvlng.uriwn1the $ ~ ~ ~ ~ L a , " ~ ~Drumour ~

.of .this, 'came "together 'the #multitude


IIap$vhiav, A: vlrrov ~ a rci piprl r i j ~ i

pmclFta both lDhrygi. and Pamphylia, lgypt and the p u t s 11 Creter aud Arabl: d,pbqC rjjC rarh K v ~ $ v ~ v , oi izt8qpoiivr~c rag ala: we do hanr thom k in our tonms. of L t b p which [b] a b u t Cyreno, and the 'bojourning [=here! g r w o n d c r f ~ lw o r h 'Popaioc, 'Iov8aioi-rr wai ~pootj~vroi, K p i j n ~ * A p a @ ~ ~ , 11 rai of God. l 2 And they &,,,~~d, 'Bomana, both Jewn and P~o=W% Cretnus and brabians, were in doubt, w i n g &~oirop~v XaXoirvrwv a6rGv r a i c - t j p ~ r i ~ a i ~ yX&uuaic rd ono to another, \\'hat this D 13 0- we hanr *waMng 'them in our own tonguw the roir 8~06 12 'Etiuravro.8i ?r&vreg ; x&q?r6p~vv,~ ; M them mocung mid ~eyaXeia ~ h s men e newe wine am full thinga of God? And .were ' a m d 'all ahd were in perplexity,


t w d i n g up with w

thd eleven lif cad U his voice, and s,i# unto them Ye men of Judmn an4 .l1 that dwell it ~erat&m be thirkno~n unto and houl;bn t o m ; words 1s for thae me&drunkelq ye auppors, m i n i t ir

JXXo~.?rpJs.d;Mov XfYow~s, Ti JBv-OQXotU roiro elvar ;

one to




?m? %l1

l 3 "ETE~OLW~ ~ ~ ~ ( i W E O~ , ~ "~ t& X ~ 6 ~ 0 6 1 E Z b ~ V ' ~ y' U pEpEUTwBU~ 0th-



Of new wine

pfvoi riuiv.
'hy te

14 ZraOeis-8i aIIirpos &v rois ~ P E irijp~v K ~

But S t m d i n g ' n p 'Pater md apo eforth with the eleven lifcednp Jews,

~ u . $ u W ~ U . U ~IT iO ~ 6iyCaro ahoic, "Av8pq 'Iov8aioi, C d7rE a

mi o

rarorxo6vry Y E ovuaXtjp Oinavr~s,n roGro 3pi'v

%habit &ru.nlem 1 'this '*to

to them,



ln that which w u

and 'ye 'who

yvwmhv im,, #a; ivwriuau6~ rdiijparri ov. 15 06.ycip

t p- in the 'known #let #be, and give heearn . my w o r 4 for not U I 67roXapP&~re,O ~ O L p~eilovu~v'briv-ydp Spa P take it, %hu e drunken, for it i [the] 'hour .

s p i v rijs $pipago I6 i M d roiir6 burtv


of the day;

but Joel,


is tht which hlu been spoken




3rd roii ?rpo$ijrov b'~wtjX,n 17 'Kai" iurar bv rais iu (irais



And it rhollbe in
' ais T . .


anaiy~~ ~rn. P &o@iyyeuOac a6rois LTT~AW. were amaaed) GTrN. m p k &<hov~ L . =


'EAal.'e;rab 2 . a.+ b CA.

dr~uopo~wo lTrk

'Iw$A &

m; 06 i -A.


(read they i h a w e r LTA.

7 @&L
i & d

lkaXhrv~oWcp GLTTrAW.

$pipnic, Xiyet 6 8 ~ 6 c ,
dibys, says God,

?rZanv acipra, rni n p ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ; aoi.vioi.i*pGv rai ai Bvynouoiv


"pon and your son- n ~ i d your prod~l~phte'~ all flesh ; nud shall prophcry yo,u s,,nd and 'dnugh- phesy*rind your men shall see visions, ripe$ 8pGv. rai oi.v~avia~oi.i~pGv c ; n ~ i ~ 6p G#ovrai, rai oi andy*uroldmgnahnll tn e 'your; and your young men -&ions sh:~ll see, and ~ ~ , " , 18 f ~ a iy ~ mv hn~tdmnideus I ?rp~a~irrr~oi.8~~v ei~6.rrvian bv~.rr~~inoO;~novrai-end even " pour out in those wiii your elders drenms shnll dre:um ; days of my Spirit. and t h y shrill prophe! sy : 19 and I will %hew wondcrs in hearcn 6XflVal!: ~ K X E ~ 6 r0ir..rrve6~inrd~.~ov, .rrp~$~relih rai above, and signs in 'those will I pour out of my Spirit, they =hnllpro- the earth benoath blood and firc and va! aouaiv. 19 mi GDaw rfpara i v rc? oirpnvtij &vw rai.Vgp~iapour bf smok;: 20the phesy i and I will give wonders i n the henvcn above and signs sun darkness, and the into shall bo turned lai rijc y t g rci~w,alpa rui &p rni cirtiiSa raxvoir. 20 b moon into blood, beon the earth below, blood aud fire and vapour of smoke. The fore that great and notable day of the ijhioc p~rnnrpa$;~aerai ardroc rni eic a~X?jvq afpa, Lord come: 21 and i t eun st.ill be turned into darkness and the moon into blood, shnll come t o pass

I will pour out of

ACTS. 315 &.nb r o i l . x t ~ ~ 6 ~ ~ n ~ d ~ - p o v Q7r.i $~i~,"p'o,oll~,,"~,$~

I U Spirit ~



l i rori~.G~CXov~.pov Qnircis.Goi,Accs.;tov i v rais <pC16paic a rai

my bondmen and upon my b o ~ i l ~ 0 m e n i n "days

on the name of l 'i =and the Lord shall be snved. 22 Ye men of i?n9nvi].l1 21 rai &srai, TEC Z S - ~ ~ V " ixi~aX6aqrai 76 l,racl hear these 'mnuifest. And i t shall be, evcryone whoever shnll cnll upon the word; Jesus of Nabvopa xvpiov aw8Ga~rai.22 *AvJP~c l'IapavXiroI," droliaarr ~ ~ ~ name of [the] Lord shall be saved. Xen Ismelites, hear by mincles nnd wonbefore come day 'of ['the] 'Lord 'the



i h $ ~ i vhr)jvll p k p a ~ ~ p i o v r,jv pryhiqv 'm; $ call

'"' 'Iqaocv
these words : Jesus to

T ~ V Narwpaiov, the Nnznraan,

civ6pa mcinb
a man by wonders your,

roir 6 ~ 0 5? T O ~ E ~ E L Y ~ ~ V O Y ' I &

God md

set forrh


~ U Y C ~ ~ E U L xai rEpaaiv V~
by works of power and 'God in mldst

God and ders did by him i n the of you, as ye yourselves also know: 23 him being delivered by deternipate

rai uqp~ioic, 07c 6xoiquev 8 i a670; d 6 ~ i 3 ytay { p 3 v , v ~

signs, which *wrought 'by 'him him,


ra0L;~ ~ a i U h o i n a
' a d Yorcknowledge

O~&TE, also yourselves know :

23 roirrov rp'

have taken, and by wicked hnnds have 'by 'the 'determinate Gcounsel 24 whom God 'lain~ :h crucified h; t

cjptapivp @OVA#

rat ~poyv&uei roG 8 ~ 0 sirdorov OXa@6vrec" 6th Px~ip3vilraised

eof I0God 'given "up, having taken by

up, haring 100."a becauro i t waa death: the pains c not ivd wv apoa.rr$tavrec ~ ~ ~ V E ~ X E T 24 I;v ~ e b civiar~~aev, po~hible that pe EJ 'kwtsg, haviug crucified ye put t o death. Whom God raised up, be hoiden It. 25 For Dnvid npeakXiraac rdg Lj,?iivac roi) ~ ~ Z Y & ~ O Vra66ri o & K . ~ ~ v , G,~vctrbveth concernin him, I foresaw the ford &lof death, inasmuch as i t was not posaible having looaed the throes ways before my face xpareia6ai a6r6v 8n' a6roG. 25 rAn/3i6!'.ycip XQyei tic for he is on my righi [for] 9oabe4held 'him by it; for David says as to hand, thnt I shouldnot bemoved. 26 therefore ~fi,rdv, owp&pr]vl' b rliprov ~ v L T ~ ~ v 8 i d . ~ ~ ~ ~ d my , hesre rejoice, ~ v /.iOV V did ~ l ' him, !foresaw the Lord before me continually, and my tongue was glnd moreovor a160 lirr I K 6 e t 3 ~ .ov iariv, 'iva /.i+.iaXrvBG. 26 ~ L ~ . T O ~myTfl&h shall rest i n ~ O b8Caase at my right r a n d he is, t h a t I may not be shalien. Therefore ho : 27 bocnnse thou


Wrfi(p~iv0~11 ~i).ra$ia./.iou~~ i)ynhLciaaro ~.yhiuaudod.pou.. rai

'rejoiced 'my 'heart

p m o r e , also

k1.8& $.udpE. ov sal

my flesf

'exulted raraaqvhocr ybx'" shall rest in



my 'tongue ;

cFg~ zi
- * vOcoG m. LTRA.

iXwi6co 27 iiri oiw

hope, for %ot

%yxaraXei\Cler!:" j v - ~ v ~ ; l v . p o v '"Sov n ric 'thou'wilt lenve my soul in fades:

0681 8Laec!: rdv

nor wilt thou give

xcrpbo hand (veud b y [the] hand of lawless [onell]) LTRA. 9 hvciAa7e QLTTrAW. Aavei6 LlTrA ; Aad6 QW. IIpoop6pqv L ~ A . pov (read my Lord) T . 7 6taraw6s QT. qir4p6vO~ Lmnw. a MU 7j ~ap6icr m*.

-rmnviors with dreamsAafi6vrco a ihv rai a



lralyc GT. I'IupaqAci~ar T.


- q LTTr.

hno6c6ctypivov &.nb



t #' LT.

iv~arclhei$ecs. f




t -known to me p a t h 'holy .one t a r corrnptE Thou hewn tome themp of life. thou .hJt cwijc' nXqphaall; p eb$~o&vqc p r d roG.rpoa3xov.aov. make & toll , joy of Lf iq thou wilt bll mr wlth joy with thy oountenrnoe ; i ~ ; , " $ 9 .Av8pes ~ dJd$oi, ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ iLbv aireiv pard nafifiqaiac men brethren, i t b permitted [me] to peak with keedom let me frael speak onto a of t t e PM- w p b ~ nap1 rot ~rarprcipxov bAapi8,HSrr ~ a1rAaGn)i h t b t he '1 t o you ooacerninp the David, that both he died both cland and buried,

mu M

lIPAXGIE. 8ar6v aov i8aiv 8ut$Bo 'V. ~ & ~ ~

98 i r h p t a l c

f I.
por i k d c

ow ~ i ; t _ t d Jawruburied, xai & : y $ . fir&$q. m d md Thdore

rb.p~ijpa~aGro6 iariv i v ;piu


amongst ua

illiYxp8 m , u

~t)h$~=&noa t h b day. prophet therefore be, and knoalng with . oath to him, n tbt of t t m t o f hia IJrt ~ 8pcy Zyoatv abr@ ix xapno3 rijc dapiloc :$S, arw2dtod& tb.t with UL 06th swore .Lo*him Ood, of [the] fruit of *loinr np Chri~t sit on his a4ro3 crb.~a~d to udpra duasr,jaaiv rbv xprard.v,\a8iaai Ci r throne: S1 he smin 'b U concoming flerh t o r a b a p thb ChrLt, tosit upon this k f o n the oi dro3.8p6vov~.airro3, npdi8;v iX6Aqaev repi 31 haChrist that hir soul h t throne, forewing he spoke ooncernlng the u nbt loft In hell ndther h b fimh did d & a a w703 X tsroi), iir~ ~ e~br.tkard~i$e411 g(t-\Clvxt).ahroGU ail; m oomptiun. l Thb d o n otthe l h r t t , that w u not iatt his 8oul in

j & d p a c - r a 6 n ) ~ .80 C o$hrqc o h 6ndpxqv, rcai d8Gc

t Pl;,

i $ , f , loiralas - $ " b{80v,~L ,j.acip(.atroii al6cv 61a$80 tiv. 32 roirrov rbv "Te
w?tne~er. 53~here- hnd~r,
mim of the ot the rather the m-

edbe$t%",';Ct W?hereof ntiuec (tpaic bapev pciprvpec. 'Iqaoi)~ (iv~anIaev 8~i)c 08 d and b r i n g -i% Jesu .raised %p ' all we w witngO1,83 4


bb flerb




ov'v ro3 8aoG


&S inaypro-


Oh&, he bath abed

par Da,r b not of the &hit h.Thg received h the P a t h ~ , a n d * into the h* dtix#v roirro 8 Lvirvll6paZ~ @Xirerexai ciro6ara. 34 04 remr but he arith him- he poured out t h t which now ,, me man ,dd ,U ye behold m d hear. *Not my h r d , sit bAa/3i8u 4vbpq ei'c ro4l; oirpavol;~, X ~r.64 abrb~, i thou On m mnke himcl 85antil1 *ht a D a ~ i d .uc.nded into the havean, butL r y ~ himrlf, ~ f& f o let o m Elieu 'tPI & P ~ O ~ t hh e r ethy tn ~all the L r&cupi(t).pov, Kdr80~ 8ettLj~.OV' 35 $we IWd the l o r d to my Lord, Sit U my r i g h t L until of Wrl asmcld~y th& sod 83 r ~ d e . l x ~ p ~ ~ r r. o ~ i~8 1 ~ ~ . i ~ 8 ~ v . 86~'A- . ie a r ~ u ~ t made thbt ume h Iphce thine mebier ,bfootrtool of thy feet. AaJaUs whom aociied, bot%~&rd a$aXiry o3v yivwa~irw ndc O olroc 'Ia atjX, i;rr Pxaia m d ChrLt. & therefon let know .l[ae] I hoaw t& both

zt,a,"'iz roir ,%$I.b nvairparocn yekiav iov *

& ! f

4 the right hand therefore

of Ood bang been exalted, and the

Xa@&v napd ro3 aarpdc,



rdOebc bnoiq~av,~ roGrov rbv




Jau. whom ' P cmifi8d. I *en heua in" t ~ W-~ r 37 'Aro6oafmc.8d carav6yqaav. ' Y p X p . ' il*6vtr npbc pricked iitheir bnrt, And k i n g h e u d they were pricked heart, mdd d to and &d nato Patar to thr tert oi the tbv IJlrpo~xai rode Xoiro4~ciroarcihovs, Ti 'nortjaopor,l c p t l e r , You and Pet& and the other aptler, Whst shall we do, brethrcn what shnll h8~X$oi 38 nt~pOc.b& ; '&bq" ~ p b cairrolic, M~ruvoia do? Then Peter ( ~ Y ~ P E $ s mid unto them, Re- men brethrent And Peter said to them, Bepent, p n t and be baptbod ever; ono of YOU the U ~ T E * ,kai paxriaeilrw ~kaaroc Ljv xiri% ir dvdparr '~qooii nune of J a w Chrtt m d be b a p t b d wh o&op in t$ ZWM of^-

'Iqaoiiv Bv


b Aaveib Lnm; Aavi8 ow. = 7b ra7d ukpra i v q ' u e t v ?&v ~ ~ ~ QL~TsA. 9 & sbv 7 6 0pdvor LlTrA. oGrc LTl'rAW. f iy~a~eAei+Bq LtrA ; ivr- 2 . IZ @*rX3) d 7 0 3 Q L ~ & h &V T . i 0;~. LITrAW. AV&/A~TOC & Y ~ V 703 LlTrL 1 V& OLTWA. 6 (9uad [the]) TTr& + S& also T~A]. 0 6 the L. P rai 1 . ahbv ~ 4 bv o ~ r ~ w r iiaoiqvev b @c&T. . 7i)v rap8iav L ~ A , t i a o c ~ u b p v lea WO K C * . V i+q #quiv nay8 T. 1 l~ LR.



IT, 111,

~X+3/~atre" j vGwpeciv r~


~piuroir,EI'S &$euiv ~hpnprl3v,"mi

the -ission of dns, m d ye s h d l ~ h r i s t , for r c ~ n l ~ s i o n of sins, and yl? will receive the gift r,ceiye gift of the 706 dlYiou ~v~irparog. Ij@v.ycip Barrv 30 lrayyehia rai Ghobt. 39 For of the Holy Syirlt. For to you is the proiuire and the Is Itnt0 you,nud to yourchlldroi~..rdrvol~.;p3v,rai naatv r o i ~ paiip&v, " & ~ o v ~ " ren and to all that w e &v to your children, and t o &l1 those a t a dlsr.inco, as mnny na ~ f ~ h ~ f f i ~ ~ Irpoura)lfat~rat Khp10~B.Beb~.i~~3v. ' hdyois ~ h n l l c r l l .40 Andwith 40 'may bcnll ['the] 'Lord Sour 'God. Aud wlth 'othcr swords


:"$ ,g


lrX~ioulvb81epporirpero'i rai nap~rrihei Xlywv, ZcjBqre dnb


urying ~ n r o y o u r s e ~ v e ~ Be saved from from 'this untow-d geueration. 41 Then r i j ~ycveiic; rtjc.a~oXt~g.ral;r~ Oi.piv.oirv dciapQvws" that g ~ re- ~ p 41 they Sgen~rutlon 'this 'crooked. Those therefore who gladly ceived his word Were b a p t m d . and 4he drro6e~hpevor rbv.X6yov.aliroir bpnxrio8iluav* rai spoatrS8q- lame aaf there wme had welcolned hia word were bngtized ; and were added added unto t h ~ a b o ~ b three tliousand souls. oav rV.?jphpq.6reivy +uxai huei rpruxiX:nr. 42 THaavJB rz Andthcr oontinrzed thirc day *eouin labout 'three J~Ilousund And they were rtedfnstly ~n the npostles' doctrlne and fellrpoaraprepo~vr~$~ r$ '8tEaXf9 ~ ciroardXwv 3 ~ T$K O ' V U V ~ Olowship, and in breakstendfastly c6ntinuiug iu the tenchlug of the apostles and In fellowship, ing of bread and In Igail r$ xhduct roi Zprou rai raic ~poaruyais.43 h i y i ~ ~ t r~ u , " ' , " ' w ~ ~ ~ oy and the breaking of bread nnd prayera. *There 'came and mnny wontlerr Lmahy he enrnedtl~ testified and exhorted, nnying, 'and uponovorp soul

61 rciap

$ d p o ~s~XXh.~rc" , rripara rai uqpaia 6td


and mnny

woudcrd and who

s11ua through rill

rijy ~ P O U Z L X W V~ Y i $ . apostles h took place.

~ ~ nrivrc~..6ioi ~ r i a r ~ l i, j w~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 44 ~ ~ . l o v
And all bel~cv%d

Ini.rrbeairrt ~ a clxov i i ~ a v r a O L V ~ , 45 ~ a i rci i K together and had all things common, apd [their] wr rds,irncipfct~tni~paurov,~ a 6t~pSp1~0v u i i ahci niioiv,
a d according aa continuing Ibread, goods they sold, and davided them t o all,

were mon ;4Jaud sold t h c k posseaaionn and gooda, mjpara and- pnrted evev man to posresslonr ,

~ ~ ~ B ' a zz! ~ t I~
:$ ,
~ i n , i ~ ~ d $ ; ~ one accord in the

t h . ~ t bellcvd

ra8drr &v rig xpciav d cv. 46 rae'.ljpipav.ra spoarapanyone -need

'd &

And every day

f;,","b"t*gd ateadfatly house, meat n t h

eat their

Fk ;i z

repoirvreg dpoBvpa8bv dv rq7 h p $ , ~X3vrb~.rc rar'.olrov

they partook of food with glndnoss and slmpllcity

with oue nccord i n the temple, and breaklngAin[atl~ir]*houser

g:,, ~~::$:y~$

dprov, pereXcip@avov rpo(bijc 1 ciya)l)lrcioei rai &$eXdrqrr and 9

of heart,

rapSiac, 47 aivo~vrts t v r

+AV Xadv, 6.61: rae'.?jpipav


K ~ ~ I O npoa~rieci ~ 0 3 U~W ~ O ~ ~ V O U ~ S Ithe people ; and the Lord added 'those =who 'were 'bolng 'raved

having &our with the people* And the Lord added 6'e&u,raj ixovrr$ X & P L I J npbc GXov t o the church daily God, and having fevour with *whole such W a o l l l d b saved.


1 NOWPeter md . John went up together the into the temple a t the hour of prayer, the ninth; ho11r of prayer, M n g the ninth hour, 2 And 2 Kai 7LC d ~ ? )xwXb~ b K K0lXia~w r p b ~ h 0 3 6?rcipxwlJa certain man lame p a 'hia 'boing from hin mother's and a certain man 'lame 'from 'womb 'mother's womb WM carried i/3aarrigero* Cv tri6ouv ~a8'.;ipbpav.rrpis nju Olipav 705 whom they laid b i l i nubeing cnrried, whom they placed dally at the door of the a t the ate of the tem~e w%mh i~ C ~ U B ~ itpj r r j v ~ ~ y o ivqv 'Qpaiav, roir aireiv ' ~ X E ~ ~ O ~ ~ U ~ U t o ~ k a l m r sapd -h c$ed Beautiful, to ~ l k from of them that eaterad
bTogether 'and upeter 'and *;Tohn went up

3 U'E~i.rb.a6rbU 06i

t o the assembly.

i~rXqoiq.~ IIbrpo~Gai p'Iw&.vvqsR( i v ~ ~ a t v o v

' / g rrb icpbv dni ??)v 6pav r i ) ? ~ ~ O U E V X rtjv ~ivv6n)v."intothe ternpleat ~ ~C

r~rjvapr~5v b Qpiuvo f your sins L T ~ . Y ~ J l c d eLmr& o t c whom L b 6tepapa6ro$c them LlTrAW. & f f ~ d v wLTRA. s GP~ro LTT~AW. i v in LTI~[A]. f f [iv] L; , K ~ a LTTIA. i iyivero LTTrA. 8i T, 1 iv'~epovuaA~p, 40 7e n' n6nas. in Jerusalem, and great fear was upon 8K T. 1 6 . (reaf And qv all also) T. 1 ucureliuavrrc T . m iil~Aqui0 LTTA iri ~b 4676 joimd t~ &apter f t L ~ A . 0 IIirpos S i L n r & C 'Ioinq~ n. 8 & V ~ WL ~ A w . V

- +



+ +



11 1.

lwing Peter and John intothetamp1e:8*ho those who eialropeuop~vov ~b iepdv. 3 8r 18th IIhrpov s d $V eic about to go into the were going into the temple; who wing Peter and -PIe Mked alma. r J l ~ ~ v ~piMovrac eiaiivar fie rb i~pdv, qv'l dphra iXeqpodJohn being about t o enter into the temple, asked ' a b a t h fohn, mid, h k vqv Xnfl~iv. 4 &r~viaa~.6t?I f r p o ~ hirrbv aiv r@"Iw6vf eic Ito Dreceire, AndYiookIng'intently &Peterppon hIm with John pecthn to rocuive vp1l EZAEY, B A Q ~ O Y~jpiic.6 '0.6) ~ I ~ E ~ dro5c, 7rpoaborGv X E V somotlring of them. Thun nnid, Xilanid, Look on us. And he gave heed to them, expecting r e r and gold have I rt m p ' a&rOv hnp~iv.6 lnEv.84 IIBrpoc, 'ApyCpror ~ a i nono but such I aomethfng from them to receive, But said Peter, Silver and have I thcw : I n the nnmo of JONS ~ p u d o v oirx-67rcipxa porw 6 8&q, roirrd v01 6i8wp. ChrLt of Xnaareth gold there L not to me, but what I ve, thia fo thee I give: rirc up and walk. 7 And he took him by b r @ bvdparr ' I I ] Q o ~ v x~iaroirTO$Nagwpaiov ' t y e ~ h rnaiB the ri ht hallcl and I n the name of J a u a Christ the Nsenrman rLs up and uttoa &m up :d a h.meainteip h~ feet and aepcw(irer. 7 Kai ur(iaac atrbv r i j ~ BeSriij; ecpbc fiyecpev'* able bones recuivcd walk. And having taken him by the right %and he r a b d np otrength. 8 And he aa axpjl a.62 barcpeheqaav wa'airro3 d pcioercU rai r d lea In UP B ~ O O ~ and a n f i e f and eniered [him], a ! immelntely we* strengthened' n hi8 feet and with them into the =U$U (i*" 8 nai iSaXXbpevoc Barq nai reprencirer, nai eiaijXMm 1% I r and p d i a h g ankle Atid ionpinpi..up he atood and walked, and entered p,le 8ev d v a t r o i ~ rh i~pbv,k~ptnarGvrai ~ A ~ $ E V)ray /c O~ g miqing m d : with them into the temple, walking and leaping and



:$: t$zzt:$ rbv 8 ~ 6 ~ rni ! aivGv 9.

for ,,lml the B ~ tiful gate gf the tern lea and thcy were kled with tvouder and ammmont a t that whichhim, ha poued unto hnd
praising . ~ ~ ing God And praising

L;, I",,"\tniafi2

r l 6 ~ vaairrbv aaic
4aaw God. 'him 'all

d Xa6cH ntptna%he apeople walkhtm

roirvra ' r a i aivbirvra rhv 8 ~ 6 ~ ' 10

~ ? ~ E Y ~ Y W ~ K airrbv~ E ~ ~ Y ?


i j t r bofiro~ll ;5v b np&c n)v lXerlpoaCvqv ra6fipavoc bnl that he it was v h o for alms [wan] sitting at

And they rocoguiwd

the lame mnn which 7$ 'Qpuiq nbXp roir iepoir* #a: t?rXljaer]uav Bip@ovp sad was John, all thePO- the qelrutiful note of the temple, and they were Alled with wondor m d and hellled held Pcter ple ran together unto brarnaewc bni tq7 atrq?. 11 them in the orch thnt amazement a t that whioh had happened t o him. called Anbu 'haid



y t ~ y wondering. ( t o ; iaeivroc xwhoir" rbv Ilhpov rnr e'Iwdvvqv,l 2 +d ' whon Peter I t h e %h0 l a d 'been Thenled 'lame [%an] Peter and John, raw rt he amwered unto t)he paople, YE uuvi8pa EV 'apbe aliro2rc adc 6 Xabcll dai sp' aro' r$ msn of Iuael Why r a n t u g e d r to them all the people in the porcf marvel e at P orloo< ye e m - tcaXovpQvp~ E o A o ~ G w okOap@ot. l2 i8hv.62 ~," b IIbrpoc ert& on ar, M though d e d Solomon'a, greatly amrsed. And seeing ljt] Peter by our owp power or holinea we h d made ~ R E K ~ ~ V C ~ TbOtbv Xadv, " A v b p ~ ~ aqhirar,Ii r i 8av~p c "h thin man to w a k , anawered to the people, e traeutes, why won13 The Qod of Abreand of Iaaac pciere bni toCr " Opiv r7j airevit~re &c i8i ~ W & ~ E I this? on us why look intently u if by[ou$own pa at of J a a b t h e a d der ye OUT fath&n h Jw ij etae@eiq s e ? r o r ~ ~ d ~ ~ v hb A,, t h roir acprnareiv airr6'v; 18 &;C 8U8; whom e de- or piety [we1 had made 'to 'walk ] M ~ P The Q O ~ Uvnaupl presenae o ' * @ p p raik ' l a a d ~ him in the an{denied f rajk ' I a d 8bcttv.nar& UY nhb, he of A reham and i a u a and ~ a c o b , the GO^ of our fathim, deta*dto bthm JddEaaev rdv.nai6aarliroir 'Iqaoirv' 8v 6peic l aa ~ d h r a r t , gloribd hia servant m whom ye , deereredup,



gai tjp4aa08e mairrbvu rarh.)rpbawaov nlIiXIro~,Urpivavroc ond denied him in the prtvlence o Pilate, . h A v i ~ a a d j u d g d f

t iyccpe ~ aun ; ir ] Eyccpa~ rai T[A]. ~ r . v aidv him L ~ A . W f fldisecc a6703 L T P ~ A ~ . a ufndpf T . 7 [ ~ a i L. ] U& b Aaos a h b u LTTrAW. 6 8i rirrr& b a h b r PT. a a v ~ o v (held) Q L ~ A W . he d ~ b~ m . v 'Ioi y v T . r f 6 Aaik ep,br a6703s LTPrh. 2bAo~i)vocOTrW. h 6 ~mr. 8 e h Q o d . ~ ; b Orbs T . 1 pdv indeed ~ L T R A ~ . m a h b v l'Igpaqhei.iab T. ~~[TIA]. n IIechdimu T .

r ? o b y v m,


111, trEivov &roXCeiv.

'he denied, and

14 4peir.6i rbv iiy~ov r a i
But ye the holy
a men a murderer

go. H O I ~ and rhs the "But ouo dcui6d and rightcoua one ju.t, dc*irrd


to release mim].

erantt o be granted t o you, ~ ~ l ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ {wijc cinererfivare' "o 6 Sebe Gyaipev life, whom God hnth 15 rdv.63 6pxqyhv yc killcd, whom F o d rnlscd up rai8cd from the n i t but the Author of life whereof we are irr verpdv, 06 pciprupi~ iapev. 16 m i i n ; nesscs. l 6 And his from amang [the] dead, whcrcof we wltucsses are : and by mme hith d hin nnmo hnth ~ nin e n i a r ~ rroir.6vd,unroc.aliroG roGrov $v O E W ~ E r~~~l E thismnn rtroup,wI~om i fa~th in his nnue this [mnn] whom r e Lchold and Zc .we and know: yea , the fnith which ia b ; 0i6ar~ rai sianc ? ) 61 him hnth glvcn h i ~ n h o w amade *strong Ihiu 'nnuc ; and the faith which [is] by thin ~ r t c c soundness t in tho presruco of abroir ZEwrev ahrg' r$v.iXorXqpiav.rai,rqv a i ~ i t ~ a vncivrwv ou rill. 17 rr non hun gnve to him this complctc soundness bcfore all grethren I wot thal through 'iwornnco ye 8 dv. 1 7 rni v h , &BeX$oi, oTda 8 ~ ~ a r d 1 hy~loravbnphrare, did it, as did also onr ou y. ! o And non, brethren, I know thnt i n ipornuce yo acted, rulers. l8 But t i m e thii~pa, which God 6unep r a i oi.cEpxovr~c-lJp3v' 18 d.81.O~bc nportrrijyyerXev bcr(,r,. hnd sIluwccl by as also your rolers ; bkt 'God 'whnt before nunouuccd tho ~ n o u l hof nll his 61d ardparoc ~ h v r w v d v - n o$tjr31~.~abroir'~ raeeiv pr"1'h"ts9 thnChe hnth r shotlld ruff4 I. Chr'rt by [the] mouth of aU &S prophets [thatl Jshould4sufTcr so fulRI11~~1. l~cpeut 19 mrJvP, i~XfipwaevoUrws. l 0 peravo(uars 061, r n i y0 ""' conrertrd thnt your Bcpcut therefore and bins may' b\ottcd h r s t he fuibllod t11us.

~ p v ~ o n u O a i, $r<aaaOe cEv8pa $ovha r~

xaptaO(var &piu, murderer t o

be conrartcd,


ri) ISaXei$OjIvat 6pdv rdc ripapriac, 6xwc

blotting out

z : t l

60 $hat oomo from tho preecnre of the Lord. dv.~h8worv xarpoi &va&h&wc h b ?rpoadwrov ro3 wpiov, ,,rind h. shrill may comy times of refreshing from [the] presence of thc Lord, J~~~~~ christ, which 20 ~ a i &noareiXp rbv ' ? ~ ~ O K F K , / ~ U ~ ~ ~ V O V ~'Illaoirv ~ f o m ;piu, " b prcnched : whom anrl [thnt] hc may s e u him who wns before proclniucd t o you, Jesue the ~ C H V C U 21 U t r0X b U ~ p d v w ~ until the times ceive X~~UTJV,"~ av 6ei olioavtv p6v d'i~naOai Christ, whom 'must 16eaven indeed rcceire till times Of r"titution 'l' things which Of God dnoramarciarwc rrcivrwv, t v ihdhiiukv b Brhc 61d h :k% &a t h of restorntion of all things, of which ' s p k e 'God b j [tho] prophctr since the ar6paroc 'rcivrwvfl &yiwv .abroir apo$llrdv air' ai3voS.fl world bcgnn. 22 F O ~ mouth of a l l "holy 'hir prophcts from of old. lUOscstruly ~ n i d the fnthcrlr h prophet 22 wMwaijck pav ').cipfi ynphl; roirg? naripncil eTaav, "Orb rhnll tho ' ~ o n ljour 'Mosea %deed 'for to the fathers said, God rniro u p unto ou of your brrthrcn. Eke rpo$irr]v ;piu aivnarijae~ rljproc b OEAS Zirpdul' brr unto Inn ; h i ~ ueh1111 A prophet t o you will 'raise Oup ['tho] =Lord 'God J~our from among SO hcrir in nll t h i n w ~ ~ I I ~ S O F T Cho uhnll I. T ~ d8&h$3~.6pdv, V &c i p i * atroir ci~o6ueaQekard ncivra nny unto rott. 23 And your brctb~uru, liko me : hlln shnll ye hcnr i n all thingm it "hall coloe to p.!ra, thrrt crcry R O I I ~hi141 n , Boa.civ XaX6ap ~ p b c*Zc. 23 rrcua IC/vXt)~ , i nor llrnr thne yrct whatsoever ho may bng to you. And i t shnll bo [that] evcry soul phct, ahnll be d c 11 ~troyed from among qrr~ adv".p$.airoirog r o ~ . r p o $ ~ r b v . ~ r & i vb~~oXo8peu8~uarar pcoplc. a4 Tea ov th o which may uot hew that prophot shnll bc (lcatroyed nnd all the prolrhet;

for the

of your


Gzh$:$ t:c
d! ? ;;


Samuel nounced

ro3 XaoG.

24 K a i 7rdvr~c.Bi oi npoQ4rar cinb

And indced nll the prophet8

Lrom among the

rapov,)h ~ a r i v k 6 ? , d ae&
and those subsequent, these days.

Yrom tcr, ns many as h a r e Suor &l&Xqaav rai C n p ~ r a r c yspoken* 'lavothcnodnys. foretold of many aa spoke also bcfore an- 25 y c t1,' ,.hlldren Ye are sons of the to proyhctu


y ~ t X a vrdc.r)pSpac.rairrac. 25 6peie tarsdvioi 73v rrpo$~]rdv ~~ rai rijc 6int)rjrqc


rnd of the ooveuant which 'appointed

1 rpo~e~crpcupl.rhvov was



b 8ebcn rapbc

o o d mado o,w rods rrnripae fa*em* myin# Unto atnthcrs

, h , :3 , ; { ' CP, P"z h

a6703 (?end his Christ) L m m w . L ~ A . P 9 r r p k r. g xpcu~bv 'Iquoiv LTTrA. 7Gv (omit d ) l ar.mrAw. OLTTIAW. V AT' aihvor a6703 rrpo+q.rtv LTT~A. W Blwiiuijr OLTTrAW. yhp GLTl'rAW. spbr 7065 n a ~ i p a LTTrA. r 4 p h v OUT T. * jbv TA. i&oheepwBljut~ab &TT& 6 Bebs GrdOero L . oi the OLTTrAW. u a n j y y e h v aunouuced G L ~ A W . d

- a6703 (tsead the prophets) foreordained



m, IV,

*nt him to blow yoll in t w oyou~ ere;l one of l n nwny from h~ inipuitiw.


Abrahnm And thy f$pPGy,l hfywv r p d p 'Appncip, Kai g ry'.a~ipari.aov med shnli aU the kind r e d ~ t e earth of Our, M ~ i n g to Abrahnm, And i n leed blosad 22unto you Y ~ ~ U O V T*&~cttai ~arbca& p yap ~ L 4 26 &piu

shall b

2: ; :


"6 Otbp hvaarilaapbrbv.rai8crairroir i'Iqaoirv,n. cir4artAev

Qod, hnHng rnisod up
bleuing 'wiokedneu 'your. hia servant Jeru, aont



familler of the enrth.


airrdv eirhoyoirvra dpdp Iv r(ii irroarpl$ecr kaarov drb

hlm, 'you

i n



ZGV 9rovqptGv "6pGv."

ke unto the people prients, nod th: cnptaiuot thetoolp~e, oi iepeip rai 6 orpartlydp 703 iepoir rai oi LlaFGov~aioi, and tho Ldduceer, the priests and cnytnin of the temple and the &dduoeer, a n l e upon them a being grieved 2 6cakovoGpevor 61d rb bibharetv ahrb&p TAU Xadv, ~ a i they wught the pcobeing distreraed bocanae 'torch 'they the pcople, and and preached rarayyiXXeiv BV r+ ' ~ q a .+v irvciaraocv +v o~ arc !20ugh Jeant the mrreotiou from the announce in Jerua the resurrection which [h] from among

R. And v they

4 Ad;?POvrwv-Ji a/rGv ~Pbp people, briarquavnpon them rbv ha6v, adroip And M were 'apenking 'thoy to tho cnme

verpcjv* 3 rai bn$3nhov atroip rdp ~ + a p ~ a lt'~w0 i 1 put them in h016 un. [the] dead;. and they laid .on %hem hands and to "It : 'Or eip njoqaiv eip rtjv ctitptov* ? i ~ . ~ d p iuripa put 48q. i t wan now evcntlde 4 ~owh.boit [them] ln hold tlU the morrow; for it WM wsuing already. which hefirithe 4 ~ o ~ h 0 i . i r ~ v ~ ~ o ~ ~ o ~ v rhw p v irionuow, ~ ~ rdv b v word believed* and thenumber of the man But many of thhre r h o had heard the word belfo~ad, wM about five thou- rai 1 t.vtj8q hp[Bptp r3v iv8pGv "&aai" r X c r i 8 ~ ~ ~ nivre. Mad and &came 'the snutnlw aof 4tbe .men about thousand 'fire.

k, 3 0 ~ ~ h " YJ ; ,~

6 And it cnme t o &d it csme to p a on the morrow were gnthored together thelr ~ pers on the morrow rods dpxovrap rai O Tpea~vripov~ ypappartip'peipQ 'Ierai their ,,,len, md roribed at Jc cldcra nnd acribes rulera and elder# l 6 nod Anon8 the higi ha, povaaXtjp, 6 rai qwAvvav r i v h xrepla ral Ka'ih av rai priest Rnd m d Cahp a and the $hprlut Annar nnd John, and 8101- maalem, md

6 'Ey6vero.GA

bwi r i v aCpiov

avva~8ijvac atriiv


Ml~av8poc LTTIII.

out nil. a e r + ~ o i the L ~ A ) ~



+ i~a L m ~ w . + 06703s them W.

P dv LTrAW.


@, l

- &pxccpti)r #a1 K a i ' u a-r a ~ ~ *- d v y s rvAwas b c io


h i v a d o a s 6 Bck TA. 1 IrlwoCv G c n r A . m 6 ~ l ' f ~ r ] ~ . a [&C]LTrA ' hod T

i u o ~ ~ u a T. e 7

706 'IvpujA &m14

Ulis [man) rtandr before you

rapftmlrrv l v t n w 6pGv ByifiC. 1 1 . 0 6 ~ Jurrv 6~
aoud the





manwho, here befaro you danU I1 This Ir the atone which *ram


rtone which has been m t a t nouzht by e

C?+uO~vq&ic 69' BpOv r i j v wo~ro~opoirvr~v,'

y: o K nr %e ': . for neither %mo builders,

Y ~ V ~ ~ E V O ~ ahjv eis KE


which fs hccome

k d snlmtion,



;P:i,$2$$tho:.E the come th; h6nd of

given whereby we m u t . b roved.

corner. I2 Noither ia other: for them in any thcre salvation bnone

iv a"hXy oirsevi
f n other ander tho
t? ?

'no ono heaven

4 awrrlpiao xoirr~".ycipbvor&
which har been giran among

iariv i i ' r ~ ~ o v nameunderlronother

'h %here 'mothor by which

i r r 6 r t v ~Apavbv-rd
awOijvai $piis.
But seeing the
'muat 'e iaved 'we. b

8~bopivov i v &vOp&roic, i v

13 B~wpo~vreg.6> rrjv roir n[irpov ?m@qaiav kai f h i v 'of 'Pctor 'men 'bolducru md

o John. f


rcaraXa/3bp~~oi civOpo~oi brr Bypcirparoi

hnring pcrc~ivcd that

~ i a t v retor and John, and


13 n o w When # a n tho boldncsa oi


'they 'are p ~ c e i v e d thnt they

rai ibrGrai, JQal;pnZov, 'Iquoi 5uav.

Jetna they were. Standlug who But 'the hafbceu henled.

~ T E ivwartdr~.r~ atroirp

iiri adv
thnt with 'with

aud nn:nrtructcd, they wondered, and txcy remogplzcd


14 rAv.zdi' rivOpwrov pXirovrrp uhv a t r o ? ~



boenhth JclurJ4hnd

$,$ztf 2;
~ ~

~ .r andn tg they

iarGraq rhv TEOE ar~upQvov, oir62v ~ 1 x Civr~ireiv. KEXT;0 ~ 15

nothing they had t o gnlnsaj.


q n r i n g standing r l t h t h n q aavrEc bl aAr06~ iEw roii uuve8 iou cir~XO~iv aavvipaXov" ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ acommanded'but them outsida the s a n h d i m to go they conferred they h,,.l

~ ~ ~ A o v c h i y o v r ~ ~ i b r o ~ u o p ~rvo i ~ 16 , T , n &;8p,hen
rocc i o 6 r o i ~ brc. i v yhp yvwartv qpeiov ;
for t k indeed a known sign with one mother, saying, Vhnt

shall we do

hsa come to p-

they conforred a o g mn thommlvm 16uaying* these men? we t h a t for


c10 hnth been dons by them L rai O G . ~ V V & ~ c c i~ P n j b a a ~ a ~M' '/va p?j .hi.rA~iov a u them that dwon in E~ .~7 bud we are unable to deny [it]. But that not further cannot den; Jermnlem it. 17But we Aadv, * C i ? r ~ i X t ? &r~tXquhp~Oa uAro?p that it syrcad no furbravp@p' ei'p T ~ V i t MY spend among the people, with a thrcat let u threaten them ther nmong the peap10 lot lu strritly p q r h Xcdfiv ~@-bvd~ar~roi)ry, pr/c?~v; (IvepL;)rwv. t d ~ t c nthem, t h ~ t no longer to speak in this name to any man. they m p k henceforth to no m m in t h b (fit. t o no) %*all those 9nhabiCing 8eru.salcm


aGrijv, rEotv 7 0 7 ~ rearot~oitoiv ovua&r)ly 'IE

~ ~ w ~ indecd anotablemirsd v ,


18 Kai rdiaavrec airroit~ mpljyy~tAav eaAroicfi*TA' ~aOdXovc : E

And b r i n g crlled them thcy charged them 'at 'all


manded them not to tench $Obyy~uOar p762 6tbdare~vbri r $ bvdparr 703 'Iquoii. spenk a t all norJaaus. in the nnme of not to spmk nor to haoh in the name Jemu. 19 But peter and John I9 ,6-82-Hbrpop rai g ' I w C i ~ ~ v C ~ T~ K ~ ~ O Q V T E ~ airrots andwerodWhether it be q~ O h?rphc and mid to thcm But Peter and John urs\vering to them right in) tho dght of ~Irov,' E biraidt t m v i,~cjr~ov OEO; l 705 Ci~o$(v to henrkcn unto GO^ uid, Whether right it,L before God ayon lto slbten YOU m0r-a than20 For unto God, judgw c. p 6 .$ ~ OEOG ~ f ~a r s .2& ~ & . J v v & ~ O a TO; ~ i WO cannot t u t speak rather than W judge ye; for tho thing8 which we hale seen and hasrd. L~i801.t~vn tj~o6uap~v Kai pj.XnX~Tv. 21 W ouarfihq- 21 when they had 'we anw *and ' O h d *bat *apeat But they &ring further fu* tbfmtened them, they let thcm afi)cEvoc &?tihvaav droi)p, pqdlr ~ 6 p i u r o w ~ ~ rh.?rG~ roX&- go, finding nothin thkeatened let 'go 'them, nothing dnding to h m they might how they might pnni.f them, the awvracrt ~ 4 ~ 0 btat ~ 3 X U ~ V , 571 T&VTES 'i6iiShc0~ people: becruw of.nten for a11 p W l tham on soo0-t of the people, beeaw all W glorifying glorlflod God for that


ppL 4

0trd6~mv LTT~& o68i ~.n'rw. ~.'Iwtivov T . T a r* and m A l o w i g a M o ~ . b uet~uwpw should we do m ~ . 8 i p v c i d a L ~ A . ireth? LIT [A). ai)roic (read [them]) LTPr,A. 7 m, S 'IO)&qs r T. efieOv (efrav Tr) aq $ h d s L ~ ~ A W . iezcyrev L m A .


which wadone. =For bri 7 yqovdrl. iriiv-ydrp r o l d ~ ~$y~BU~",l(bo~," Q O ~ for that w h i d IUN tolen plaoe: for 'years , %U w h ~ m miracle of rXeidv~uk r ~ u u a p ( i ~ ~du r a ~ thin 6vOpo?r0~ w8~ n ' ~ &p- ~ e ~ " bt)* b r YE d h d n g wasshewed. ,,,,,a * 6forty 'tb on


rb.q eiov.roirr6 nic kiueoc,

a3 And being let go, $hey wentto their company and rcportcd all thad the chief primts nnd elders had midanto them. 2 4 h d t t b sign

of healing.



A bc T O ~ J S - ~ ~ ~ Q V ~ ~ a i , And h a n been let gothey % ~ their own [company], dmjyyEc~av aGrodc oi dpxipkrai oi U ~ E P iiua ?rpb~

23 ' A T O ~ V ~ Q Y T C ~ . ~ 4XOov I

he^^$^^ P6repo1 m~l?rou.~ oi.84 24



the ohtef primtr and the


citioiruawec, dpo8vpadbu 4pav

: g

mioe to God with one said. And they hrving heard, with one w o r d l f e up itd .acord uidsaid Lord r6u "6 thoa irt lwhi& $omjv lrpb~ Oeiv, rai meIrov," Afarora, air hr.t made heaven, Cth*] to God, and yid, 0 master, thou C&] the az?ua;h",ttt; 9dinw'f rou oGprmbu m l 4 u yev rai CI)u Odhauuav thokria: W who by the th4 heawn andethe urth and #e ma mouth of tby m m n t ~ a rhura rd i bu aGroic, 23 O h 8id uriparoc" PAaj3iB1 vid ' 'aid Why all that [are] in them, did the hoatheirage and who by [the] mouth of Dbvid ma the ~eopleima! ~roir" eirdu, f~uarIfi d p6aShu 88m, ral gine vain thingr ? me lrings of the thy aenant didat uy, Why did age Jhsughtiiy l n b t i o ~ ,. d n enrth stood up, and Xaoi dCl~Xfrquau r v b ; 26 uapfuquav oi PaucXe~c ~ the rulers Were g* apooples 'did moditnte vain things 9 Stoodup the khga of t b thered to ether aoainrt thekord, and y ? ~ , icai oi . d p ~ o v r a ovvlj~8qaau bri.rt.a&rd rard ro3 ~ r i b hi8 Christ. cnrth, and the n ln ae were gathered together .gain& tL. For of b truth npin& a y chna ~vpiov ~ a i mrd TO;. piao5-aC704. 27 Xvuijx&)oav.yd erur a omthouhast Lord and against Christ. For were gathered togo& snoi&% both Herod m d ~o;ltiua pilate) dr'-&XqO~ia~' r i rbv &FOU uai8L ~ J O V ,'Iq~oir~,8v i with the ~entiler, and of a truth sgnimt 'holy 'renant 'thy Jenu, tbe people of Israel, togei x p ~ u a ~ 'Hpdbqc-re mi ITQwiostl'ItXd~o~,n v Z6utuw , d fber, 28for to dowhnt- thou didst anoint, both Herod end Pontim Pilab, with PL roever thy hand and determin- PI Xaoic '1s aGX, 28 uoiijua~ iiua lip-aou rai to do whtever %y hand and d before to be done. and yeoples of &wl, and now UuovU rpohpiu~u yevfuOar. 29 rai rd $U,. &pap vrju'baa bohold their threatenfngr : w n t 'thy predetermined to come t o pasn And now, Lord, look ~ ~ w ~ ~ {R;rds.&reiXd$-a&ri)v, ; 8 6 ~ a ~ ~ ~ $ rcai roi~.8o~~oic.uov perd they my rpevk th;r upon their threatening#, and give to thy bondmen with W d -





4 &3

&"i,ortz $g,"Tf,"a

Pquias rhaqEXaXeiu r~vAdyov.uov, SO

to h a m d that nms lPU thy word, rippr A d wondm ~KTE~VELY XUBN iautv, icai-uqpeia ~ a rfipara tveaearc i ~ ! & b e O ~ sstretcheatsout 5hou h healing, and . u a d wondem ~ h ~ ~ i . p;& did JS~UL 31 a n 8 aid roj duiparo~roi) dyiov rac8ie uov 'IquoJ. 81 KaS when they had pra ed the piroe was rhu$ed thrmgh the %V %emant lot W ~ e m r ad where they a w e ne 8 ~ ) t O f v r a&r(;)u ~u laaXt6&) b rinoc i v y' 4uav ovvqy*mbled and #having p a y o d 'they %U 7~h&en .the Lplsoe in which they were the were all filled wit% the Holy ohwt. e t rai brhju8t)uav &EI.ME$ YuuE6paro~ d iov,I m m, d a d the S the led, and thoy were'fllled l.11 with [tb.l 'spirit 'r[Oly, . d word o P O O ~ with boldnesl bXdXovv rbv Xiyou TO$ Beoii p~id'?ia&u;a& rpoke the word of Ctod with boldnslr 83 And tlre mnltitnae of thorn that 32 T06.82 sXjBovc rdv ~ i ~ r e v a i v 4u v cirpdia r~ lieved were of one And of the multitude o thorn that f believed %re 'the %a&



numpdtcowa m ~ . tyqdwt LTRA. m eluw LTRL a 0th (wad he who) b TOG uaT b~ r)cC;v btd m ' p a m b iw & p a w who by [the] Holy 8pirft LlwAl. $ [ V & ] of our fatter LTM. mouth l P ~ a v e JA = * ;Llavib OW. U TOO OLTRAW. &a ?i LTrAW. ;v q a6Aet ~ a 6 in this city e ~ ~ r m w . 8 IIeA270s T j q . uov UTr5. &$tag L. W uov (wad [thy]) LR. [m] L roi i y b v avni(raroc
m A W .

-4 LTTrA. -

IT, V. cai



neither m i d any I$ heart rrud of one soul : .and *the one, and not one s ~ y t h i n g %haFLwhich .of ,km that Of t b P-xdvrwv airry^A ev i8iov ~Ivar, e (EXX' 4v abrois cii~avra"bin~a which own. m l ethvhnd his thin$ d wn. a,l .his l0own *was, "but 14wereIsto Ythem 'salllYhing~ but waud *he


pia* cai b~68Peec

npostlca witncar of the of ?he 'the 'npo*tler of the rswrrection of the Lord Jems, md'grsce and great grace wax upon them 4cyciXq +v dni rcivrac a3r04~. 34 oitsi. Bp dvLiE r t ~ all. ~ ( ~ o i t h ewlu r great w u upon all them. For nexher in want %nyone there w o n them thnt lnc%ed : for as *6nijpxrvl b a6roic' S U O L Y ~ ~ ~ ~ 3wpiwv ~oict3v many a w e n p a n e ~ o p p . 'wlra among them ; for M many lu ownen o ertaka or h o u ~ a ors ot lnnda or h o u w rold them, nnd brought ~ T ~ ~ X ? ~ W X ,O ~ Y T E C O Y ~ $ E ~ ~ dU c O ?rL?rpa-thepriceaofthuthinpr were, relling [thcm] brought the values of those sold, that were aold 36 nud laid them dowd a t the ecophvwv, 35 ~ a iriOovv i ~ a p d~ 0 6 slrddas 73v &TO- npostlas feat: m d d i p ' and laid [them] a t the foet of the apoa- tribution wan made q urdXwv* %81e8i8oro".bi Ccciury caedrt.6~ rts ypeiav unto e vu man haocordinp he d tlee ; and dltributfon war made t o each according u u r ~ o n e need need.


cotvci. 33 rai dp~yhXp 8vv6pe~'' dne8i80vv rb

with v e n t power 'gave


oi i~duroXoc 'riic dvaurciaew~rnir kvpiou 'Itps03,~x&p[s.reresurrection



36 b11wuij~~f.8i 6
And Joaen which
U ,

b t r t K X r ) ~ ; c BapvcjPa~i6sdfi r3v who waa ourunmed Bnrnabau by the

being interprotod. Son



mdXwv, 8 , darrv p~b~ppqveudp~vov, vidc na a~XjIuewc,


bAevtt-qc,Il Khptoc ~$.~6vac,37 6rcip;yovros abry'-iypoir,

r Levite,

consolatibn,) a Ledte of the couutry Cmmr, S7 havin ?&v dnourdkwv brought@old it* lnnd* the money, of the a,postlea. and lnid it at the &v nxan eipp" r$yvvat~i.atroir, indXqaev mijpa, 2 rai apO"'e~'feet* V-But with Snppt irq hi8 wife, rold a poaaeseion, and a cc*"in with Sa b hiriunnim, man a bvou$iaaro d r f c r r p f , Owvrt8viapU cai njs 7uvatxds " his wife. nud kept d ~naion,2 .wife kept back from the value, bciug aware of [it] also nokpart of tho rice, a1.0 eciue kdio8," xai ivlyxac pipof-ri napd r o f r6ks rcjy hi* 'hi#, and hnviug brought a certain part 'at *the Ycet *of 'the piv'oitpart, nud a certlrin)rudbrollF1it #sourdXwv iOqcav. 3 ~lnev.81q I16rpoc, ' ~ v a v i a ,rbmrifl laid it nt the lrpontles' 8sportle~ 'laid [lit]. But airid Peter, Annnilu, why foot. AnaninsBut hrrth SII! why a rb t m fill& thine b e n s a sr~i,pwaevb oaravZic rtj9.iap8iav.oov, +eiaaaeai did 'fill 'Satan thy he&, .to 'lie Ito ['for] 'thee the nve3 a rb zzov, uai voa$bna&& And fis np$p ro; bnckdnrtof the rice 0 S p i r i the oly, and t o keep back f r o m the yaluo of the of the lnnd P 4 \Vtiler it rcmrrinrd, wnait not plwpiov ; 4 oirxi pivov aoi ifevW; cai rpaeiv thine owu? nnd aftcr .,estate P 'Not 'wmnhing Lto'thea *did i t remain? and having beon sold, it ~ 8 ~ 8 0 l d it nob war in thino o h power ? ev rf.ut QSovoiq6rjjoxev; ri Sri iOov bv why h ~ thou cont thine own authority wnb it [dot]? why di&t thou purpo~e in ocired thir thing m thiue hunrt P thou @a Giq.aou r6.lrpi?ypa.r0i?r0 ; 06k.~$daw 6~6pdTots, halt not lied unto t f y heart this thing P Thon didrt not lie t o men, but men, but unto Gorl. 6 And Ananins bear. zij 0 ~ 4 5 'A~oirwv.81'Avavia~ . roir~IXdyov~.ro4ro~~ ?TEU;Y tug words fvll to God. And 'he~uing 'Ananinn these word#, falling down down, nnd gave up tbe b v i n g eold [it] brought the money and

a Cypriot

by birth,



$$$ri terpreted he ron of

s e ~ l l dJOKI, W ~ the apostlu n u

aw)c?juac f~veycevrb xpiipa rai l0qitev

lrid [it] a t the feat 'Avdp.86 T mlAvavin( dvlpnrr9 But 'man 'alcertain, Ananiw by name,

inclpdn rode ad8ac


i:dthteo p $ '.:


i) LTTrA. b 06rE . W~W?L . a 8 V v d p ~ b A ~ d h n ThA / L 706 U l l p i ~I ? u o ~ ' rmoS Christ] li)r I v a m k u c o c L ;q c k i r a u ~ d u e w s I ~ u o v p ~ u roQ KVPWV T. f ?V UIT~. ' ~ ~ 0 3 % d i d n o Lmr*. h 'Iwc+$ Joseph L ~ A W . &ab LlTrAW. k Acvrr~qq 1 T: I rpbs T, m bv6,ua.r~ ' A v a v i a c L. h b e i p LT?. ~ 0 w v e r 8 v i q s LTTrA. P av7011 b ~ m r ~ . r 6 ri LT~A, l [ua] thee (to keep back) A . d p d [his])%nr. b OLTTrAw.

~ ;tidy!vtev*i WWM. f
d heard ~

W i 4' kvero l~a 0 -

96/3oc ~ 4- ~

@yac nut

h i mivraC rl i

6 b d t h e Young men ~ ; ~ ~

(i~060vraC: vraiira.n
, these things, " ~

6 Bvaarcivn~.61 oi vehr~por
~ And haring riaen tho

rwho dC ovvi-

him, and harins carried out buried W]. And it arm0 to parr of three hours after when hl. wife, no& &c hprjv rpcrjv b i C q p a rai tj-yvvt).airroii p4 d6vk rb knowing what W about %own 'three aftaward. ? h e M his wife, not h o a i n g what done, in. peter amwered unto yeyovbc ei'aijh6ev. 8 ( i r ~ q i e q - d l *air$' 'h' IIdrpoc, her, Toll me whether hnd &me to p m , c a n ~ e in. Andanrwered her Peter, ye sold the land for so muchr d n d ,he &a, E i r i p01 1 rou06r0v ri) ~wpiovd?riboug~; 'H.61 eln~v, Yes, for w much. Tell me if for so much the estate ye sold ? And she 0 Tben Peter snld unto her, HOW in i t th.t Nai, rouo6rov, 9 '0-6i.lTitpog Jelr~v'r p b g airnjv, Ti have agreed m- Ya, for so much. And Peter mid to her, Why [is it] to tem the Spirit of the pmd t iiri UVVE+WV$~~.G~ZV ri) s v ~ i i p a mpiov ; isoh, oi retphuai hold the fcet of thmn that ye wa together od to tempt the Spirit bf [the] Lord? Lo, the whi& have buricd th y amband ,,t the nd6ec r3v Oa$ciwwv rcivdv8pa.uov ' i r i sp' 9 6 ~ 9rai , door, nnd ahdl carry feet of t h w who buried .thy huaband [are] a t tho door, and


youngcr [men] swathed

ur~iXav a6r6v, ~ m f h v ( y r a v r ~ r:ga$av. a i

7 'Elivrro.B


zrn","& A":, ;f:,"z &,g: $zt

a t hinfeet,andfielded they shall carry out thee.



10 wE?r~u~v.di rapa~pijpa zmi@" ~031;

And she fell doan Irnmedbtely. at

rddag-ah~oir rai
hiq feet

~ S ~ $ V ~ E VE*I ' U E X O ~ U ~ ~oi ..v~ctviu~ot C ~~


Ah. :

and found ha. dead,


h$ r i n g come in the b

~ o m g [men]

~ $ $ $ %povn airnjv vercpiv, rai i6eviyraur~~ ,Q~ i~a3/av ?pbc her huabnnd. 11 foimd her dead; and having carried out thejburied @er] by m a t f=came upon rdv.divB~a.airrij~ 11 ' ~ adrivaro $iipoc piyaC l$' ZXqv rljv i .I1 the chureh, and
upon aqmnny as heard
her huRband.




upon .whole 'the

theso thingr. 18 And by tho hnndr of the tlu were mny

% S

i~tih~criav, f r i r & r a ~ rai rode ci~obovra~ racra. 12 Ard-84

mmbly, and upon of the hll heard these thinp. 'signs And by
& ~ O U T ~ ~ W Y b~

(cmd they w m ail with one mm* fn &10mon'* porch. 13 And of the rest d n n t do man join himself to them: but the poople mamified them. 11And bellevem were the moreaddd to the Lord mulutnaes both men and women.) 15 Iniomuch that t h broneht~rththesix into the atreeta and

=a wonden rrjv ' ~ ~ i p r r3v jv brought nmong the




came to pasa

Y 6 v ~ r ~ u m i rlpara uqp~7a.
*and 4wonden 'all durlrt

r @ ha$ r o l k i ; UK U ~ 3aav, bpo&paBbv dt'?ravr~sY

'among .the 'people

d v

4 ur04 e Z oSolomon,j ~ r ~13'but of the h~pr c U +;U-& the porch of

join them,

'many ; (and they were Ynithsone*pccord rent noone

Xoirrjv ohads irdhba

Ko);h~&al(16707~~ bpyMvv~v &M' dtk0dg



6 ha62 14





'the 'people;




m p i ~ ,rXG9tf & v ~ ~ ~ v . T
multitydes both of men to bring out the couches, the ntreetr md

'md 'were 10added


t o the Lord,

ovwsha,+ow of P I O ~ E V O V nkrpov rzv U K L ~ i i ~ ~ u ~ t &LV~ T .of Vcter %atleast itbe '&ador might o v e r a s o w wme ona ,pem, 16 merecm coming .lso m'11tmae Oilt atrrj;. 16 uvmjp~ero.dd rai ~ i )?rXijOoc rGv ?ripit of the citiea round about ~~~~l~~ of them. And came together .LM the dultitude of the 'round about bringing sick folk< r6X~wvIr~;cU 'IepovuaXjp, IPC~OVTES & U ~ E Y F ~ ~ a d ~ X o t * C i md tha which =cities to Jerusalem, bringing sioll ones and those dth m,.,ean

~~C~~,"t~~tbc,"~ leant th:shndoaof Petar pnrsing by might

ttt duQveic and rai sick,


~ V V ~ I K G V * - &ure women ; ) so M


f ~ r d rdc d a r ~ i a c U br&@iv rode



4% rrrXtr~QvA b ~ p a ~ & r w v , u rai 'iva


[them] on


cimreriprwv, o?rrvrE itIepa?re6ovro




6 L ~ A . r.- errev (read W up% a6r;lv t o her L ~ L , , + raha L ~ A . [W] LTT~A. 8 u p b LTT~A. ~ cfpa*. ~ r . b rvmo E ~ L I T ~ A W . 9 uoAAh I v 7 A a a 4 Lmar. d uo'wes LTI. ZohopOws WAW. r d ek even into L . = rdrvapiv L rpa@oirrovLTT~AW. iirtvr~drnr h d ovemhtbdo~ 8 h. 8s L1Tr.b :


'Ataa~drc.Gi otiqa

t h a v with

d ir

xtepcvc rai ?rdrvr~ oi


they that with : m & w ~ which b [the] seot of the Sadduceen, were filled Mth W, filled in18 &a( ZnipaXov rds &eTpas 'ahGv" i n i rods (I~ourbXov~a di f g n ~ i o nl 8 and laid ~ On the hand0 'their on the agostlea and apostlss, and put them their and kid

And having r i c n up the hfgh priost and

AV ahqi, him,

pziw rom up, m a ~ 1 1

17 Then the high

a'ipcurc rGv Xa66ovmiwv, h.rrXtju8t)uav ~$Aov, ~

mprjuer 6t)pouie. 19 &yy~hopR rupiov lpublio. But m rsgel ot [the] Lnrd or^ by night opened 8riz "$cn v v k r b ~D ~ v ~ r t e rds 8 6 p a ~ vn gvXaki]~,the p r h n doorr and during the night opened the dof tbe p%c.orr, brought them and urid 10 GO, rtnnfa airrodc elnev, 20 IIope6~otk, m a 6 i v r e ~and ,p& in tho tanrai 2 6 ~ alSrodc h ~ 0 v
put them, in [the] *hold and having brought Pout "them


P U ~ ~ P 21 h d *hen they qeak in the temp% to the people the word# af %fa henrd that they e Wed into ihe tern* raliqc. 21 ' h b T ~ V 6pep0~ 61s rb early in the mornings %h@. And having heard they entered a t the ,darn i t the and hught. But thr no high priest came and iepdv, rai 86t6aurov. r a a evdpcvoc.G4 b &p LE tdc ~ a ioi they that temple,, w m teaching. L i n g come the and t h w M. and &led UU co&d together and u3v abr$, uvve~ciXeanv ri) w , v i rov rai ataav njv yepovthe with him, they called together the u r n h e ~ i m and all the elder- children of 11 -, .nd e a t to the rLon t o

Xahdre (v r $ iep


r $ ha$

'TY p n p r a ME




, ,

uiav ~ i j viGv 'IQ v a$,

hood oi the so-

of L a e l , and

ciX8ijva~a6r06~. 22 to hnve them brought. 8 W a6rodc (v T$ $vXa~$ baurpill.vnc.di & m i n e A:: l d i i h d them (n tha prim; nnd having returned l . *epo?td, h1 23 Xiyovres, "On rb pp4vu &upri)ptov eiipopev r u X e t &th$zzt"& =*g, The 'indeed prLon we found the d o : but when on opened, we pbvov'hu ~ 6 da$aXeiq, rai r o k #bhacas qigw"urGrac we ~ 9

B Brit when the amoi.64 Oirnqptrcrt a a a evdp~vor~ 06x ~ m ~ But the 0 5 %&g coma returned, and

rai ciniiarechav eis rb 8eupwnjprov hare them


to the




man withwithout rtanding found Now when the in. 24 r r p b n 7Gv BupGv' dvoi[avrec.6i, oC6iva eGpopev. high priest and the Wore the doon 3 but having opened, W I ML no one we found. =phin chief temp1* and the the i)xouuav ~ o ~ ~% ~ y o v ~ - k~ o , 8irp~dc e bud thorn t ' ~ ).re i + o v , rai ~ Q And when .they beard thetheao w o r 9 both the priaet and they doubted ofwould whereunto thin thed bn urpavybg mir i~poirrat 01 dp cepeic 6rq.rrdpovv repi wow. 25 Then came the wptain taf f i e W p l e and the chiufXpriosta wen perplexed concerning one and told them ~ayipg; ~ e h o l d , id 25 nu ayev6pevoc.6i r men h o r n ye p* l u t hnving come a oerta~n h Prison are 0tandl one in the temple, Orr 8 0 3 oi dv6p8~ 08s ieeuee taaching the people. Lo, the men whom j e put 26 Then went the c a p tain with the o5can Iv QVXBL* eiuiv (v rq? iep$ iurGrec rcai Gr8Lorovres rbv brought them) in the prison ore in the temple standing and teaching the without violence: fur they feared the oplc, Xabv. 26 Tdre cineXO&v b urparqybc &v rois drqpE.rarc they shoul~have people. Than 'hoving 'gone 'the 'capkin with the ~ 8 o e r s been atoned. 27 And




9jyayevn a h r o 6 ~ ,06 p ~ r dPiac, l$o/3oirvro.ydp arbv Xadv, ~ ~ , " " ~ e ~ " , ~

&ha, s o t

with violence,

fur they feared


people, beto& the oounoil: and



.27 iyaydvrec.64 a4rodp ,iurquav

And having b * o ~ h tthem

they Tt not we strait1 conyon h T@ uuvEapiy' ~mi v ,I~pi)7;t~u.ev .a8roirs d dpxupevc, mand not t L t lhould [them] in the urnhedrim. And ?~ked %hem 'the Phigh %rieat,

that they m i g h t n o t b e A W .


28 Xbywv, X 6 1 aapayyeXiq wa t) yeiXapev +iv p4 Gr6cia01


?Not .by &a o h 4

L ~ A W . P

L ~ A .

yoo not


wapcrym+oc - - 4; -ivoitar having opened r.lwt they sho~l8 its, i - - Oh ( r e d We did oharge you by oharge,(read L ~ A . - be *aycv - iva C.) #toned)'J,

irln),ai~ac LmrA.

@)V L m A W .


L A .




T .


and 10, ye have filled

1 .
po6Xeaea 9?rayareiv

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C " o,v" a~h j$ ~ f i d ~ p a p rijc-6c6a~ijc-6pGv, tai

~ ~ ~ P ~ rtcv ~ e r r ry".6vcjpart.ro6ry ~ ~ d k l & Jarn~alemwith your in this nnme?

'j" r a i i8od ? r ~ a X q p & r a rqCv'I& ~



upon us. 29 Then Pewith your teaching, and pnrpose to bring upon ter the &her r b a I p a roii.(ivOphno~.roCrov. 29 ' A a o t p i O ~ i ~ - 8 4 ydl tia.amrwered and snid of this man. But 'answering w e on h t t o obej blood G& rnifer thnn m e n n 6 r p o E r a i o i cia6araXoc 4laov," l T ~ t 9 a E> 6 ~ i Of Our fa- 'Poter 'and 'the 'apostles mid, q o ?X obey 'it 'is I n e c e s s q them rviaed up Jesus whom ye slew and Oey' ~ ~ X X O tY (iv9ph?roec. 30 j 8 ~ b gr3v.aaripwv.;lP3v hirnged On a tree. God rather than men The God of our fathers 31 Him hnth God exnlted with his right f!ycpv ' ~ ~ ) u o ; Y , i v 6t&ic 8 l ~ ~ ~ t ~ i b~ p~ e E i u a v irrE ~ ~ i a ~r i hand to 6e a Prince raised n p Jesus, whom ye killed, hnvmg hnnged on and a Snnour for to ' ~ ~ give repentnu& to IS- ~ ~ X O V31 TOGTOY b 8 ~ ( 3i p ~ ~ y b a w r i j p n ii$~co EV @ mel, nnd forgirencss trea Him God a chief and Btlviour exalcd by the of d n a 32 And we nre his w i t n ~ s c ,of t h ~8 ~ 6 6 ahroG, a 6oGvat ptrrivocav r$ 'Iupa4X rcai ciqieacv thinps and to is nlso right hnnd of him, to give rcpontnnce * t o Israel and remiasion y n-horn .hc ~ o i Qho~t, a d h t h b r e n . to & / . L ~ / ? T L ~2 .K U ~{pdc b f ~ f L E ~ 3Y . i76~0G ( i p ~ p c ~ I i f l P ( i ~ ~ v p them that obey hlm. of smns. And we are of him witn-sas of 'things 33 Whcn they hcnrd ,hnt, they cut TOCTLIY, tai r b ?rvcGpa c61U r b B tov, 8 t'dwrcv d tke hmrt, and took 'them. and 'the 'Spirit 'abo the J l y , which *gave 'God counsel to slny thorn. .phen thereup r o i s ? ~ ~ t O n p ~ o ?ahrt?: 33 Oi.6; uiv ( i ~ o i r u c l v 6~~ . r r p i o l ~ r o , rt~ one in the ronncil, t o those that obey him. But they hitring heard wcre cnt Phnriaee, nnnled Qamrliel adortor of the m4 " ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ E ~ & v Y~TEO aaitroirc. 34 ct?mar&g J O ~~ v took counsel t o put to dcath them. sHnring'riscn 'up ,,,l .,, hbd in l.l.yntntion [to the henrt], and anlonp nll tho r o p l e , 6; ' f v ry' avv~8picp@npraa7o~, bvciparc ra7 1c a d comanmdcc to put the forth n 'but 'a 'certnin ['man] in the bnnhcdrim n Yhnrisee, by nnme ffnlittle rpncc; nnn ~ a X t i ~ X , votco8rdciuruXo~, ri'tirog ?ravri ry' ha$, irciX~vaev said unto them,tnke maliul, Yo n,eu of a tc.lcher of thc law, lro~~ourcd byall the people, commnnded hwd t o your~clves ppnxir-eril' f r o i r ~a?roard.Xov~"aorijunc, 35 eT?rfv.r~ w14irt iute'ld tout Yor *short 'while %he *npostlcs lto ?pnt, a* to~~c%ingthclle NPII. and snid ~ c Yor befor0 those ?rpte a 6 r o 6 ~ ,I ' A v ~ ~ E ~ p n q X i r a r a p o a k X ~ r a C f f v r o ~ s ; ~'I ~ ,~ dnys rose up Thcndu, Israelites, take heed t o yourselveo boo-ting himsclf to bo to them' son~cbodv to whom n ri 'piXXr?rpriaacv. 36 a p d iai r o i ~ . & v ~ p h a o i ~ . ~ 0 ~ o l ~ number bt(mon, about thcsc men whnt ye arc about t o do ; 'before fonr hnndrcd joined thrmnclres : Gho ww ~ 6 7p0 6 7 7 % $ p p & ~ ~ Y ~ u ~ L~ J C ? S , ~ ~ 4 ( T V~ XhywY 1 ~ a i TlVd slain; and all, ns mnny for them clays rose up Theudn., rf8rmlng %o 3 e 'somebody an obeyed him, were , watterad, nndbroupht ~ a v r h ~ ,(I; h 7 r p ~ r l ~ ~ ~ X Xc@ 8@ p 6 ~ ipt q (i$8phJ, &Uil' TETpat o nought. 37 After 'himnelf, t o whom W L I . ~joincd n number of men, about foqr this mnn roae up JudM of Qalilee in the tnui.wv' 8c civppkOq, ra; a d r r l . ~ ~ baor faeieovro a;r$ dnys of the taxing, hundrcd ; who WM put to death, nnd all mmnny m were persuaded by him and drew away much people after him : ,. h 8reXCOquav rai i y f v o v r o ~ i c ot6i1). 37 p ~ r droGrov ( i v f u r q a1.o poriahed ;and all wore dispersed and came to nothing. After this one rose u p ccenm many mobeyed him weN diawned. 'IoC8ac d raXtXalog f v rais Gpipatc 7 i j c ciaoypa$ijc, tai W d u d now I my unto Judar the Q ~ l i l c a n in the days of the regicltration, and

" , ~ a n ~ l ~ ci?rianlaev

thorn ,,looe for if dww away Ppoople : 'mnuch after him; snd he perished, iatieovro ~ I E U K O ~ ~ ~ 38 rai ~ U ~ U ~ ~ o m w ~ thL rai ? ~ & Y T Eijuoc or ~ and all rs mnny M were prmnded by him were scnttered abrond. And

habv ' i ~ c t v b v l lb a i a o atiroii. ~ ( i r c ~ i v o(si a d X ~ r o ,


rci ~v Xhyw irpiv, i a 6 a q r e r i n b ~ B v . c i v e ~ D a c l w . r 0 6 r w vrai , now I my to you, Withdraw from these men, and v 4 i a a r e a airro6co arc iciv ' it t i v e h ~ w {./30uX7j.aijq
bVaplone athem, for



thin sconnml .or

&&pcjwws 1 i s d v LTTrL

- ;zmr~. - aho5 m. men- 6bi the


7 c

A 1 efnav L T ~ A . ~mr[~]. ifl06Aowo C ' I u p a q A e i ~ 0T. ~ LT+~A. L LTTrA. L

m5 T. resolved Lrr.

7~ L ~ W . 7~ h rpo4rrh8q i d p c j v b ~ e p b &S LTTIAW s

b ;v

aCr4 p6pmpds iuprv4;

;~~ ~; ;~ $ 9 work i t w i l l be overthrow? ; but lf from h d i t b6, it of ~4 can8 v a a ~ a a a r d o r e a B~opcixor not ov~thro; i t ; l& .h fight- againat God to fight be fOundev'n bp]Y ye againat God. ye e not ahle to on?rthrow m it, lwt

p, F?. ACTS. t b El yov.roiiro, ~~arnXvOfiu~rar~ ei.82 hrc O~oir Barrv, 39


eSpe8ijre. 40 'EmiuBqaav.8i
ye be found

a&@. real npoarcaXeacipevot

hsving called to


had the apostles, 703s &nourdXov~, deipavre~?rap?jyyeiXdv p4 haheiv, and beaten them they haring beaten they en~oined [them] not to speak ~~~~~n~~~ postl led, [them] the bvdparr roir 'Iqao3, rcai &?riXvaauna&~ohc.u41 Oi the name o? ~esua, i?ri in the name of Jesur, and released them. They and let them go 41 And they depnrtcd. p2v 08v hnopebovro ~ a i p o v r e bnb ~ npou&nov ' 70; from the reaepoe of departed rejoicing from [the] presence of the the councit rejoicing therefore that they were countuvve8 iov Srr O3nip roir bvdparoc a&roir rcarqSrDf3qaav11 e~ worthy t o eufler u%nhe&im th&t for the uune of him they were accounted wort!y s h m for hi6 name. 42 And daily i n . thq irrpacr$rjvat' 42 ,jpQpav r$ hp$ rcai xarD-O~OU and in every temple, in the temple and in the houses house they oeaoed not t be di@onoured. o And erery day to te$h and p r d oirrc.h?rairovro GrBfrarcovre~ rcai &ayyXl{6p~~0t P'Iquoirv JWU ~hrirt. t h y ceased not teaching and announcing the glsd tiding8Jaw

Aad they were persuaded by him ; and


TAY ~prardu.ll

VL And ie there day'#, when the numof the disci lea there wow a murmuring of the Hellmists rgainst the Hebrews, multiplicrd, tRere arose a murmuring of 816 ?rap~Be~oiivro hv 8iarcoMq r$ reaBqp~pivi ai the Qreciau ngainsb h a r u e were over ooked in the Dministrntion 'daily the Elebrew, because their widowr were ~ $ p a ~ a & r G v . 0ura)leaci euot.8d 2n oi 638arca rb nX$Oos negleoted in the daily An! 'having 4cated 'to [athem] 'the 'twelve the multitude mi-atio~~ 4 Then their widowr the twelve called the rGu paBrJrGv,qalnov," O&Ucipaardv barrv tjpiis, rcaraXai+av- multitude of the die of the disciples, aid, Not seemly i t k [for] UI, lasring ci lw unlo them, cmd rac rdv Myov TO; 8ra1~oveiu rpaai&zr(. 3 hararci~aa8r the word of Qod, to a t h i d tabler. Look Out the word of Qod. and
But in thore days 'multiplying 'the Pdisciples

6 'Ev.8i rai~.$pQpar~.ra4ratc ~rXqevvdvrwvrQv paeqrijv


dyhve~o yoyyvupbs rirv 'EhXr~vrarirvnpdc rods 'EBpaiovs, bet


:z"1i'1z: :


' o v ' ~ s&b~X$~i,ll ,~ (i~8pas


Yrom '~mong ~ourselves,'borne 'witneu 'to


dpi)~ ~

U ~ T V ~ O V ~ ~~ O V E V

out among you

will give ourselver co"in-11 to prayer, and the ministry of the word w i t steadfastg continua llnd andthe wordnunistry of to b And b Xdyoc hvhmov aavrbs roir nXljeovc* ~ a i 68 ing pl-wd ijpaa6v wtole multik a s 'pleasing Ithe "sayiug before the and tude : onJ. they chose BlaXtSavro Brd$avov, du8pa wnX?j ?riarewc reai rveh- Stephen, a man full ql' they chore Stephen, a man of faith andcthe] ?%pi- Of faith and Of the Holy Qhort nnd Phipuros iov, rcai @iXi?raov, Ilpdxopov, rcai Nrrcivopa, rcai lip and krochorue, rcni and Yrwharur, and Nicwor, and n o n Nianor, ~ m e n e s , anh and P nnd Tirit g o b , nnd Phillp, Tipwva, kai nappeviiv, rcai NrrcdXaov ?rpou?jXvrov'Avrroka, m d ' ~ i c o l a ra T~uon, u d Parmenas, and Nicolar bf Antloch, 6 wbom of ~ net f b g ; elyb they n t bea pro8elyt.e 6 09s E ~ u ~ ] u ~ v dvbilrtov r i b &nourdXwv' %a;?rpoaev~&psvor the nlmntlos: find fore whom b y set before the apostler; and having prayed when thcy Irndyraycd, thcy laid the+ hauda ini0qrav a l r o i ~rds reipas. 7 rcai b Xdyoc roil B~oir on them. 7 the thcy b i d 'on 'them hank And the word of Qod word of God inorewd;


~inrcoviq roi, Xdyov a oqrca re ?juopeu. 6 Kai





a6ro6s (read m aiworis'them OLlTrA. l.06 b t j u e d a ye will not be a b l e Lmr. o a6706 OIXTrAW ; ~(mrq~.del)uav i TO; b v 6 ~ a r o s h LTTrL P rbv x p ' d v ' I q u o h L*r& P einav LTIGL r 84 indeecf E; 84 but T. 8 L . W gA<nnc L .- & y h OLW. w o r a a n j u u ~ v may, anuoh.t rw. we

[them]) mrA.


g,",,!~,""m;~~~~ qiiSavev, rrai

r@ riarei.
to the fnith

TIPAXEIX. VI, VII. ~TX~~~Vd TO E dptepby 73v )laOqrGv iv 'Ie-

Jerualelu (Ireutly ; incre*ed, m d 'WIN 'multiplied 'the 'number %f 'the 'disciples in Jb and great cOmpr.ny p o ~ a a X f a$68pa, 6xXoc rGi~ )~ iepiwv 6 ~ u o v b v of the prLesta exceedingly, and a great multitude of the priesk wcue obedient obedient to the fsith. mdc:m
8 And stephen, fnu 8 2ri$avog.b2 nh4pqg x7riar~w~D bvv&peop boier of fnith and power, And Stcyhen, fl ul of faith and power, wrough* did great wondersand miracles among the ripara rtri aqpeia r~yciXa i v r$ Xac?. 9 iviaqaav-bl ' people. 9 Then there wonclcrs and 'a~gns 'great among. the people. And arose uoae certain of the synngogue which r t v ~ c rdu b~ rijc auvaywyijg JrGcXeyo Qvqc'I A~Peprivwv, called the' synngogrte certain of those of the synagogue ' cahled Libertines, of the Libertines nnd Cyreninns, rind Ajar- uai Kupqvaiwv, ~ a 'AXeSavbpiwv, ~ a rGv (irb KiXirias i i andrians, nnd of them and of Cy~nians, and of Alexnndrinns, and of those from Cilicia

$~t~~h~afi$~ 'aAi ~ i a ~ , ~ ~ " b u ~ qr~o~i )r~~r$~c~il 10~rrai %$! % ~ v ' l



~ , " $ ~ ~ , ' B ~ d ~ ~I-$~ aoqiq rrai dvriarijvai

spirit by which he -id,

10 And they m d



with Staphen.

And they were not able

ry" nveipart

" me s ~ ;.rrf/3aXov~ ~ Xfyovrag,"OTL& q~d n ~air705 XaXoiiv, n e cEv+ar, ~ w ~ ~ p e v ~

have( heard they suborned men,
saying, WChave heard him

to resist

the wisdom and tho

by which he spoke.


iXciXet. 11 r6re


s g i 8 b$ i; and aOaiml

~a N 12 ros Prjpara ph&u$tlr(aagainstb M o w i v K& rev 6 ~ 6 ~ . &v'word4 blssphemow M and God 'They

rrai r Qoh 12 And they ~uivquciv T E 'TAY X a b ~ ~ a rods n p ~ a ~ v r b ~ o v ~ 0 5 ~ i aud the elders &lrred up the people and the elders, and "stirred 'up 'and the people and the auv$praaav ahrdv, ~ a iyayov i the scribes, and came ypappareig, reai b ~ i a r & v r e ~ upon and brought fiIn him and cau h t bcribes, and coming upon they seized him, and brought
to the council, 13 and
U falw witnesses whicg said l%le mad ccnseth noi to speak blnqphcmous worda this holy ?:n ,\ d the I R W : f4 for we hnve heard him an ,that this Jesus of Knznreth destroy thisplaes, and shall chnnge the ous&Iosesdet~,,,~ livered W. l5 And all that sat in thecouncil lookiug stedfmtiy ol; him, saw his Paw M

eis rb avvb8piov, 13 garqohv-r~ pciprvpas

rhim] to tho saying, sanhedrim, &is luan And they set docs not cease 'w~tnessas

$EU~E~S, 'false,

Xtyovrac, '0-cive w~og.o.Srro~ 06-a~ir~rat cjrjpara PXciagqpa

'speaking agninet SpLce 'holy 'thin and the

XaXdvll rard 704 r6aov ro5 ciyiov droirovn nai 706 v6pov. 14 &rq~6apev.~cip atroii Xfyovro~, "OTL'Iqaoijc d N a t w for we hnve heard rmnn 'this him saying, this placo, 'Moses. That 'Jesus =the 4Nazp.

pnio~ 0 6 7 0 ~~araX6aet rbv.r6rov.r05rov, ~ a ciXX&tet rd i

will destroy Sto 'us and will change th*. And looking intently on cuatoms which 'delirered


~2 ~api8cocev$piu Mwiiaijc. 15 Kai

all who

re via am^ e i ~

it had bn an angel.


ahrbv eiiravre~" oi
him his fsce

K ~ ~ E ~ ~ ~ E r@ aL v ~ $ f y f~lbovn Iv U O v rb sat in the ranhe im saw

1rp6awrov.aifroii cjaei
high priest Are these so ?) And he

face of an angel. gdipaa ra6ra .Then 'theme 'things

m. Then said the

7 El~ev.8C d

a [the] a

&pxfepeic, Ei

ohws hix~i';

And %aid 'the 'high jpriest,

said, Men, brethren, 2 '0.84 i$q, MAv8()~E (i8eX$oi rai rarhpec, iroiaare. OEUE and fathers hcarken ' And he said, Men brethren and f a t h m , hearken. The God The God o glory ap! i ! y d untoour father rig 86tqg &$Or) r$.rarpi.dpGv 'Appa6p Iv Mmobraham, when he of glory appeared to our father Abraham being in Yesowns in Mesopotamia rpiv K C ~ T O ~ K ~ Uaifrbv bv X46&v, 3 uai ellrev CU before he dwelt id ? ~ o T u ~ ~ Q , Chnrrnn, 3 and said potnmla, before 'dwelt 'he in Chnrran, and said anto him, Get thee out of thy countr;p, and ~ p aC.rbv,'EleXBe ir 7ijC.yijg.aov rrai 'bru rijy avryeveia~ b ~ r from thy kindred, and to him, ' Go out from thy land and from 'kindred


xcipr~or grace ~ L T I V A ~ .r &v Ayopivwv of ? ~ a'Auiac L. i Lmra. b MwiiOljv OLmrAW. 0 fiAiv#qpa 6 L T h A W ; A d G v i r j t ~ a Wr. ~a (wad the holy place) GLTTrAW. francis LTTr. e26av Tr. g h i x e r (3-eud [ere8 W. i CK ~L]T~[A].

- g$pd



aov, rai 8eiipo
'thy and come into land which



Then 'going out thee. 4 ~h~~ came he )K yrjc XaXGaiwv, ~ a r $ ~ a ebv' Xaibhv, rdr~eYOev out offhe lmdoq the v from [the] land of Chaldeann, he dwelt i n chnrran, and thence Chn'dseans' and dwclt in Charrnn: and from p r d rb droeaveiv rdv.mripa.a6roi, Y$K[UEU aQr6v ~ i ' p thencc,when his fathor was dead he removed &er 'died 'hki 'father, removed him him intd this land, njv- !U-rabrqv ale tjv 6peic AV ~aroilterra* 6 b d 06% +heroinho nowdwelL cai anot S And ye IIRTO him tKi8 land in which p now dwell. lone inhcrihnco i n Zdw~av atrr? dqpovopiav ' tv a6ri, 0684 Pijpa.ro8dc- i t no, not so much a* *did glre to him an inheritnnae in it, not even a foot's tread ; t d w t his foot on: Yet he romised that he ral t r q ~ e b a r o lath$ 805va~Ud p ~ a r i a ~ ~ matrijv," ~ a WO& give i t to him arv i and promised to him to give 4 b r *a %osseaaion i t and for a po~semion and to his seed aft& him 7(3.~rtpan.airroC p i ahrbv, 06k.r)vro~ atr(3 ~ ~ W O Vwhen a8 et he httd n . : t o &s wed after him, thare not being to him a child. ohlld. 6 And God spnke on this wiw, That h;r 6 dXhAqaev.8i o3rwc d eebc, "Ori Zmar rb.a?ri pa a6ro3 reed a h ~ sojourndi n ~ ~ Andrnke 'thur 'God: That arhall l $ %id ' s strnnge laud- and S that they shouidbriu Z ~ ~ O ~ K O U 4~ dMorpip, m i ~OUXCUOVULU b rat thcmintobonda e,J dr r sojourner in r land 'strange, and they will enslave it m d entreat them ovd four

;ck y f h

qv 8v (rot

8iEw. 4 Tdra it~XO&v

to thee I will shew.




Ut]'SyeM 'four 'hundred;


rtrpa~dura. 7 ~ arb i6voc i


and the nation t o whioh

Db&vU nation t o whom the yerur' And

they Bhnll be i n bondage will I judge, said perd od: and after that af* RhaU they come forth,


they may be in bondage will =judge

0 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ 6 ~ ~ ~ tt76, m UPLUG v , Pelrev


d eebc"

God ;




thew tlringa they shnll come forth and

i~~Xe6aovrat a harpr6uovaiv pot f v r+ r i r y ~ i


706ry. 8 Kai r8witv airry' 8taOfi~qv neprropiic*

And he gnve to him a covenant of circumcision l b m ~ , and

6 8

L begat a

lvuqaav rbv ' I u a i r , rcai neptfr~pav ahrbv r+




%law gim the covenant of circumci~ion anda : sal ogrwc A braham bcgnt W so , and thus d , circumcised him +rip9 ~a~~~~~ Jt;z,j. d n ~ J~~~~t t h e t d e l v e ha

~ , d , ~ m 2,"" ~ $ ~A , : $



butl$;;d;z livered a m out of all e i ~ vrrov* rai $v b Bebc p# h h aflictions, and A'i ' 1 ~ 4 9n l k v r o i Joraph, sold w m 3 into Idnpt. a.a 'God with gave him favour and whdom In the sight a&r05, 10 lea; r i c ~ i X ~ r ~ " in raa3v r3v.eXi&~wv-a6roii,of Pharaoh king of aitrbv him, and dcltvered him out a f all his tribulatio~, him t governor made E m ; and he ovet ml ldu~rv a6rq p p t v rai oo(iav 'ivavriovn Oapalj paui- ~ r m t and a11 hie and gave him avow and wisdom before Pharaoh king house. 11 NOWthorn came a dcarth over all t Xkwc Aiydrrov, ~ aKi ~ T ~ U ~ U E U $ Y O & ~ E V O Y b Ai n- the land of ~ g y p and ahrdv d of Egypt, and he appointad him ruler over g y p t Chanaan, and great nffliction : and our far o ~ a i&ov rbv.otov.aciroii. 11 ijXOev.84 Xtpbs 19' a?qv t hers found no snste~ and *whole 'hia houae. But scame 'a 'famine npon 'whole nance. 12 But when t Jacob heard thnt thore rt)v ' y t v Ai 6rrou" rai Xavahv, Kai BhiqfJLc p ~ y 6 4 . m & wucorni,, ~ ~ he 'the land ord~gypt and Ca-n, and 'tribulation 'great, m d sent out our athem twelve patriarchs. And the patriarchs, envying

rbv ? a ~ C p , ~ a (dnlI;-t@ i Luc m a t ] Joeob, and envy, sold Jaseph into 868b?u rarprhpXac. 9 rai oi uarpthpxar CqXcjuawey rdv

6'' a



oL~.~eGpcarov" ~oprhapara oi-rari g.<pdv. 12 ci~o6aag.84

*did %ot 'find

sslurtenanee in

'our athers.

But 'having =heard

,",","nd13tgp :"p,$ made known t o

'Iarct'@Guru xa;ra iv Ai 6 r r
'Jacob our

l&ariareAev rotre raripag $ ; ~ t ~ $ ~ e ~

sent forth Joaeph madeknownuntoPha-

k m


C d v rpdrov* 13 ~ a h r 3 devripy rdrv~yvwpio$~I w m j ) i q '

first; and a t the llecond time waa made known and

roic-d8~X(o~.afro6, a$avepbv iyivero ry' @apa& r b yivoc ~ i

to h& brethren,



to Pharaoh the f&ly

him W.

; 8oSvac a$+ tO give it W. m a$& to 8wArjuovutv they will be in bondape 'fir& p 6 er& efrreu LTTrAW. b LmA. r iteiAaro O L - ~ A W . * &a& T. t iQi' over T. Alyunrov (read over all Egypt) L ~ A . ~GPLUKOUm. utrik rb Aiyurrov LlTrAW. r 2yvopio$ Tr. the L
~ A W . n Bv L T ~ .

+ *v

I 8oSvcu a$r$ L -





mob. 14 Thensent Jo- zr0-Oijll a'~wmj$.~ oirour~iXac.82 'IuQlj$ p e r ~ m ~ h ~ a a ~ o 14 brbv rcl>11, cnllcrl his fannd And having nent Joreph he died fof. of Joaepl~ ther Jacob to him, and all hi. kindred, three- ?rar8paa$r~q a ~ & p , ~ ?rc%av ~ ~ . a v ~ y ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ a v . ~ 'I rai ;v score and fifteen sonb. Jacob, and all hi. kindrod, in hi. 10 SO ~ a e o went down b ?rivre. 1 *~ari/3~.Gi~ 6 'IarLp into E m t , nnd died, $mxaic $38oplj~0vra Ai v?rhe and our fathers U luventy %bin. And went down Jamb into ? * &t were over into Sychem and TOV, rai br~Xe6rqueu atrbc rai 0i.?rari~ee-<~3v- rai 16 h i d in the se uichre and died, he and our fathere, nab ~brahaq%ou~ht and for a sum of money of p~r~rietluau eiS X q i p , .nai brdeg~avbv r@ pvljpart C6n the som of Emmor the were carried over to Sychem, and were placed in tho tomb ,whi& futha of Sychem viGu pEpipu v B U when the time &vtjbaro 'Appadp ripfc &pppioV wapd r(;1ls ~ of the romise drew .bought 'Abrnham for a snm of money f r ~ m the sons of muor nigh wgiah God had t o ~ b r h - , the groiU Xvxip. 17 Kae4c.Si 4yyiC~u d ~pdvocrijc Braypeople grew and mnlof Sychem. But u drew near the time of the pro. tipl~ed Egypt l8 till in yelias i 6 p ~ u 6 0ei)c r@'Appacip, qbSquev d Xabc rai ~~n king which knew not Jo- mise which 'swore 'M to Abrahnm, *increased 'the Ppoople and 19 The u m e snbtilly *th b~Xq86veq BY Ai h r y , l 8 kiEXpicn 06 dvfurq @aucXedg i n until mow wg n our kindred and multiplied T 19 6c oir~-p'Bi ~ 'YI u ~ $ I . 06r0c ~arauo$tucip~vos fathers, t e d our evil e nsorthat they %E~os,' cast out their youn 'mother, who h e w not J-P~. He haring dealt subtilly with children to the ~ d ~ ~ i v o ~ - ~ G N ~ Er o d s - ~ a r i p a ~ ~ roi ~ c 3 ~ , ~ ~ X ~ u . Y ~ ~ ?rot~Zv the m&ht not live. ill-treated our tatharaj Our l 20 f n which time Moses was born and rT(/3pbptlt1-a6r~v 20 'EY eic-rh excocdin fair, and n{~eera nourishef in his *exposed 'them Ybabar that they might not live. In wMoh father's. house three matp$ By~vvtjeqOMuuijc,I1 rai ciureioc T @ ~ E @ ' 6s huemonths. 21 and when he was cnst out, Pha- time wss born Mosw, and r s beautiful s to God ; who n u raohss daughter took rpoi$q pfvac T eic bu r@ O(.KY roi.?rarplc.Pairroii.l him UP, and nourished brought np nlontha '&ee in the housa of his father. him for her own son. 22 AD& M O ~ S was 21 qb~raeivra-62 atrbv,n rciveA~~on rj Bvy&n]p @apaB, atrbv learned in all the winb d %ing lhe, took np him the daughter of Pharaoh, dom of the Egyptians, and was might in rai &v~Op6$aro & r b iavrp' eic vi6v. 22 mai bmi8~l;&l a words and i dad& and bronghz np n him for herself for r son. And kasSinstmoted 23 And when he w u m~ fortr ears old, i t u M ~ u i ja~ n ?rho. uo$ip Aiyv?~~iuv' qv.82 Gvvarbc CV came i n t o t . h& t a 'M h al? [the] wisdom of [the] Egyptians, and he was might? h visit his brothren the children of -. 1 Xdyorc lea; %vn {pyoi~'. 23 ' 8 ~ 6 1b ~ h ~ p o i r o a&r@wru24 And seeing one qf wor& and in deeds. And hen wufnlfillod tohim W l n v&r wrong he h n defended lrim and r uapa~ouraenjc~pivoc, &viPq b ~ ~u.rap6iav.atro hi venged him th.t WM Vorty .gears 'a 'period, it anme into hia heart to




u~i+auear r03~.&6~X$od~.a~roi

his brethren he supposed hi. breth- look upon ren would have understoodhow i8hv riva & ~ L K O ~ ~ E Y O Y , dp6~aro rai b r o i ~ u e v . b ~ ~ 8 i ~ his h ~ n would deliver seeing a certain one being wronged, hedcfended Mm] and d avenged them but they understood the bun K ~ T ~ Toppressed, L ~ V ~ U , m i~t e n T ~ AiY;rrtov. 25Per he thought r q being O Y O V ~ having ? t ~ C YEgyptian. T J the ~vbpi&v.&


*wonld .understand lhts

O V V L ~ V ~ L rodc-d8rh)od~-'a6roi' &L

'his *brethren.


d B~hc 616 ~ l p i s
God by hand

airrol Gi6wuiu yaaGro7c ~wrqpiav.~ oi-63

is giving


understood not.


But they,

b 'IarrAP rhv waripa airroc LIT~AW. - L ~ A . a airroi, (read hie family) T. - air03(read [his]) Q L ~ A . d ~ aKAT~& LTRAW. G QLTRAW fSEpp&pI . ~ T ~ A W . i I TT~. h + i v in LT-. i L J ~ O A ~ Y I )promised LTTrAW. UCV k LIW m - rjpov (wad the fathers) L ~ L 1 +'in' Aiyvwov over Egypt L% rh P p i g &&ra LTTIA. ' M w v c ~ i ) ~ QLTTrAW. P - avroi, (read [h,*]) QLTTrlW. s ; ~ r e 8 c v rd ~ + i v ill (read r a q 811) TrrAW. air03 r iveiharo GLTTrAW. ' - LlTrA.
a 7; 0


"T + a i r 0 6 (read his ueeds) OLTTrAW. 3 uurqpia~ ai)rois LTRAW. [his3lTr[~].


C U U ~ ~ ~ ~ O V hA. C ~ F TT ~

- airoi?(read

26 *.'re".

.triobap tjphpq &Bv
day to

next day he shewed unto M they strove, would have sgt tllem Nf one are brcthren ; again' "ayingl why ye do ye wrong one to nnB ~

ahroi~ pa~opivoc~, * rat


And on the following

henppcnrcd to thaw who \wro ountcnding, and pace, 'brethren 'me

BavvrjXaa~vll aliro6c ~ i ~ i p ' l j ~ ilx h v , * ~ ~ , B p q c ~ ', (i&X$~i bare

b6feis'n ~ivari" ci8ixeirs ciXXiXovc; 27 '0.61

why wrong ye m e another


~ u he who wna wroqging t

wrong thrast him aneighbour t n r u t awnp him, saying, Who *the0 lappointed way~saying*Whomade thee a ~ l e r and a iipxovra rai dirctarljv d4piir1i; 28 ,&veX<v p j u ~ e o v e r u s ?28Wilt a ruier a ~ ~ d judge over us? To put to death me thou kill me, as thou diddeat the Eg tinn ri)v Y; O d X ~ i c ,~ Y . T ~ ~ T O Y ( ~ V E ~ A E C e~61E" A; ~ ? T T ~ O jcaterdny ? 2 9 3 h c n fled YOWS t thin a % ~ O' U h h ~ t , 1 the r ~ thou puttest to dwth ycscertlny the w . ~ y ing, and wan a stranger 29 uE$vy~v.Bi by ~$.Xdy(1).r06ry, <ai &YETO i the landcf Mndian, n A n d =0ud IMouoa at thin saying, and where he begat two w n a S And when O ~hgoi~oc yg" MaBiip, 05 iyQvvtiuev rtrcdc 660. tort, y a m were eraaolourner in [the] land of Madiam, where he bcgnt " r o ~ a It&. p b d , there a p p m d to him in the wilder30 Kai kXrlpw6i~.rwv br3u graonapoiroura' 6967 a6rG i v n o of mo~mt nn Sinn .And 'being Yul0lla? 'years 'forty appeared to him in angel of the Lord ill % 0nme of 5re in a bush b@py 700 6povc XtvZ dyyeXoc h~vpiovl lu $Xoyi 31 when M.. ,aw,t -( the esert of the Mount Sina a n angel of [the] Lord in a dame ho wondered a t th; sight : and M ho drew T$ J phrov. 31 hdl.'Mwaijcll i8dv i i 8 a i p a ~ ~rb l ~ to behold + the of a bnsh. And Morer reeing [it] wondorcd a t the voiceof the Lord came 8 apao rpoaep;~opQvov.BB airroir ra.ravo{aac, bylvero $wYtj tmto him, 33 ratting I am the of &on ; .nd seeming 'near 'ha to c o ~ i d e r W, there Was r l d o e fathers the God of

rdv lrhqaiov cirDuaro ahriv, eixhv, Tic ae xarianlaev



a) ;



o [the] Lord to f

xvpiov knpbc ahr6v,n 32 ' E h


the W d of Abrahnm and the God

d Oebc 'Appadp rai Id 0ebcU'Iaacir xai Id 6 e b ~ ~ ~ 'lanjp.

of h a o and the Qod he durst not of Jwob.
~ ~ E Y O ~ fMwaijcu 06x-bdhpa

d Beb~ r0v.naripw.aov,
of thy fathem

Cam1 the God

of ~ w o dThen Ywas

not behoid. 83 durst Then mid the ~~~d to him

' E v r ~ o p o ~ d iY P

And trembling 'having b m e 'Mow And =said *6o 'him 'the 'Lord,


[it1 whc*

gisth$$g:% thca nhndcst


83 e1mv.U :abr@ i riplop, AGaov rb 6xd8qpa r3v ;'d$

Looee the

anva 6 . ~ 6 ~ mbv" rdroc

'thy, for the place 1.1nw tbe ill-treatment

on which thou sbndast, 'ground %holy 'is. of my people


yij Ayia bariv. 34 iB&v ~

loen the aiRiction ot & ~ ~ l ~ Swing, their


m d nm come down delivcr them. And now come, I will wud gr~va~pdir.~ahr~v" fjrovaa* xai rarlpqv dttXbaBai ahroils* thee into X m t their groaning henrd, .nd came down to take *out Ithexxi ; thoy refused w y h g Toirrou rbv Who made tb'ee .rule; rai G v 6~6p0, t r o a r ~ ale ~ ~ vxrov. O X Ai ~ and now come, I will send thee to Jgypt This anda judge? theaome did God nend to & a Mwuaijv 8v )ip~aavroeixdvrec, Tic radurqaev &p- rulun and a deliveret Atoses, whom they refnacd, saying, Who 'thee 'appointed m- by the hnnd of the W-cl which nppenred p v r a xai duarniv ; roikov i O r h p bpxoi~ra hvrpon)v tonhim in the bush. xai er md jndga? him Qod PM] Jrulcr 'and 'delivurer 36 He brought them out, nfter that he had qinfar~tXevU b v xelpi ciyylhov TO; b$Olvroc ahrf? hv rp' wonders and ]lent by [the] hand of [the] angel who sppnred to him in the signs in the land of Egypt, and in the Bed @dry.. 36 o5roe i k a y ~ ahr06c, noirjaac rbpara rai u d , the M . bnsh. Thk one lad out them, having wrought wondem and

160~ ) ~ ~ ' C ~ U ' ~ Y n K roirXaoir.pov roz bu Ai 61rry, rai roil in and



aqpeia tv
dn pr

i [the] land n

ry$' 'Ai irrov" rai dv

of i g y p t and U t h e ]

ip~6~qi BuXa'uup,
See, LTTI[A]W. Eva ri 1 ~ e o o e ~ + w aTT~L

b ovv~jMauuev n r W . L 0 ix6ic LTTrA. h mpieu LmA. i iecr6Era<~v OTAW. m g+' a a h o i ) tread [their]) LT?.

88 EGW.

d +p.ijy LIT~W-.

- irPc;( (wadL7Ll"rrAW.are) i m e ye MwiiQi)~


L~TIIA. P laicrrahnay &v has h&fiur~O L l T r L

0 ecb~ LTTrA. isor~eihw LlTrAW. P ra'r both scut with LTT~AW. r r$(red h Egypt) LTT.

- rrp'o('aG~6vLTTrA.




irai bv r$ e $py irq vreuuapd~owa~n 08rdc buriv d ? 37 t b and i n tb.& a V O ~ ~ . Thh h thp a d z e n of Israel Mwvuijs b w ~ i ~ & v f l vioic 'Iu &X, A ' roic IIpoqGjqv 6)civ propheb #hall th; lmd &,a YD" wh0 a d btb. SOOf pophot' t 0 )!RI UP unto gpu of your d v a ~ u e i 'kir 7 cosU b ~6ebc firfli;vn / K rGv d8&9Gv *GO* p VOW from D ~ ~ a ~~ ] [ u ~ 88 Thir h he, that a 6pGv ip6. zairroii J% dull hear. $8 OGro's buriv b 7evb~KO~;UEU@E.' l the church U the Iyour like me, " ' him Thir is hewho n u wilderneas with the mge~ which npke to ~ E Y O S r$ irrkquiq i v r# tprjpy perd 703 ciyytXoa roa' iu the a ~ e m b l y in the nilderneu with the angel nhp him in the mount in Sina, and with our fathen: who reeeioed XaXoijvro~a6r$ tu r@ 6pei Ecvii, rai rGv..rradpwa-$p6iv, the lively oraelas to .'spoke to him in the mount and with orvhtban g glve nnto u: 39 to whom our fithm 8s b8kCaro X&ra LGvra &GWL 39 f-of~tj8iAquep would not obey, but who received soraclea 'livbg to give to us: t W o LIcmldM

& a d~ which uto

~ ~ h ~ , l ; k ~ t ~ ~ i .&.d

,ymh d?njxooi yevdu6ac oirari e~.dpGv, 'U8 &?T&u-o, .e b %our t h e r e , e r,"*pZtoaEt imp&quaub rais-xapdlat~-airrGuEIC AiI 'ATW,40 e4. xakausgod to d b c i their heart@ CA
hear& tnrned baok Snbjoot
wlpim]a ,


. d

ErnPzOT ~+'AapLv,IIoiquov m u &of t to

C i v & d p 01 r p o m &OOYTQ(P + &


Lndof E

we r o t

, b J:!

-, U


c W w i s n 05ros BE bought .out M .that it6yayev

4pic h U


Ai '

to m i d$paivovro iv roic ipyot~ G v . x E ~ ~ ~ ) u . ~ ~ T ~ u . T 42'Eurpe~v w m ip the hoot of and rejoiced in the w o r b ottheirhrnda vurned henre,,ir ten in the book of the Gi 6 ~ rai raplborev atro3c harpd~tv j ar arcpi 709 6 ~ r P bh,o P bourn abut Wod and delirereclup them to mrve the &t ottb ut E a e ~ have , i e r e d t o m e e l a i n z i +vqii0 raOhs yiyparrac iv Pimy. r ~ ~rpogqriw, v and uerrfiw bv Ilb h w m ; M i t h~ been written in [the] book of the prophetr, @forty earm in .r~uua 6=1dwnJ43~~ MI) u$&lta rai huiac rrpouqviyrarf pot ~ t o o k p t h e d % ~ ~ t 8 b a n d ql dW d ~ s o ~ w o w i ~ t o xorooh ~ovrau bv ipljpy, olrcoc 'Iu a6X; 43 rai dueXL erg * v the ~tu And ye t ou ofp the in the wildernem, 0 houme of m d Bemphan figonu which ye h to m- uctptjv roii MoXbx, r d rb oiuipov roii.B~o4-~dpGvR ' PP~pg&v,'

.aa y t h m UP e

g m


:and I



of X o l ~ h ,and the

~ X O *


into tae

tbr, Osntila,


whom "hioh he had s e y ; which Iotu L t h m

av iwpcirei* 4 . rrai eimjyayov 6 qv


thrt~~otoluhtbesl, oirqrk

~ ~ 4 p G v 'Iquoii bv p~rd


Jcdh1~ h the tllinppwaeuion of the natioly

6 raraqiue~TGV bhiiv,
of onr l t h e n ,

%~&d o n

GiakEi evoc

whom ~ d r o ~ e * o u t 'Qod from [a] face


'iEwuevn d BEAS c i ~ b ~ p o u h m v r&v-?raripov.13Ccgv,pGv,

eirw L
~ L

' P *


ncroepduoy~a -A.


heppelled L

Lm*. ~ A . T . g iv

+ iv the - -r d to (d*& OOd) YoW ( our) L

&A& L T R L

rriprw L ~ A .

Y 6pGv a L m A . LTpA. M & ~ SOLTRAW. LTrrA. * P # Rephan LT~AW; 'm&



mtil the

of David;
who found firvour before

V ~ T ~ TO^V anto tho d n fwandDa O yid ;46 who p of f . *

t o r r i j v $p~p$vlAaPi8'a .46 6c cgpev ~ & p r v ~ BeoS, rai 'p'r$uaro eirpeiv

but Solomon built hand-made

your before God. and

urcljvwpa ry? mBe@p '1archp. desiredto fins .taberOod, and asked to find a tabernacle for the God of Jncob ; nacle for the God of 47 47 1oXopGvnyl_6i 0yi~086pqu~vn abr@ O ~ K O Y . 48 o&~ $ ~ o L: ~ ~ ;
him temples a house. dwells ; aa the

J ,ie

~ ~ ~ ~

*Most 'High in phct stool [the] Lord, *hand nuciraunicisad tho Holy

~ ~ t p 0 7 r o t ~Pvaoicl' ~ a r o i r d , rol~ [tot Bphvoc 4.8i

6 Tpo-

lnost High dwelleth not in tcmples made the proyllet 49 Hmren

$GTI]S XQYei, 49 'O otpnvdc

says, of my feet r what

The heaven [is] to mo a throno nnd the earth a footO ~ K O V oiro8oP~aeri pot;


&no- wu~thron;,nndenrth X6y~tuiththulord:orwhat

my8 'not
W J footstool :whrrt house will ye build me?

rdbiov r&v.ao8Gv.pov. roiov hp10c'

or what [the] place 'made


will ye build

me P


7 6 ~ rijc-~araxa6uecjc-pov 50 0 6 ~ mndoall these t h i n p ? 0 ~ ; ;

of my r a t 7

isthcplwe of my rWt? M) H ~ t not my hand h

51 Ye stiffncrkcd and

<.xip.pOV iroitlaev

mijra ?mllm ; 51 U K ~ ~ ~ O T K c ~ and ml3, ~ do nlwayr ~ a ~ ~ I X O ~

.all 7

, nncircumcisedin henrt

.these 'thinga and as

0 stiflueeked
ye a l ~ n the y~ also ye. and coming

Ln~pfrttqror cap8ig1' qr+ rai

in h d t resist ; prophets thoso who


hciv, 6tiBc

4 ~ r$ ;

rve6pari do ye.

and resist the Holy Ghont : as your fnthcrs did so 52 Which Spirit pro bets havenot your

r ( i hyiy 'rivrtrrinr~re, '4" i . r a r ~ p ~ ~ . ~ p S v+ETC. o rai ,

your fnthers, of the killed did not 'persecute before aunounced e the law 'your 4 ~ t h o r a 7 concerning the

52 riva


r p o $ q ~ ~ 06r.@iw~av o i . ~ a f i o f ~ . i r p 6 ~ ; v rai

%'hieh th-wlrich aho'ivrdbad r i - t h . Joatt'10 c'unin" of Ouc; of m-horn they f,,,, ben the

* '

rrEivav. rode .rporarayyeiXavr~ repi dimiov,


bXefaewc so3

05 viiv i p r i ~ rpo86rar
betrayern receired

l u l One, ,nl whom now

of the ceired the law by t b mi )olp~ic " r y i ~ u O ~ dim *ition of "' u d murderers aye become l M

L~ ~ m , " b " , d ~ ~ l e

63 dirivec iXhPere r i v vdpov fie


Gcaraycic LyyiXwv, wai

of ongel, and

by [the] d i i s i t i o n

kept fit] not.

54 ' A K o ~ o v ~ E c . ~ ~ 8i~rpiovro raiira raT~.xap8iat~a&rGv,

And benring nud gunshed the these thingr they were cut teeth at him. t o their henrts, But being

m Z/3'ppvX~v t66vrac in' atrdv. 55 'Y~cipxwv.6iWAG i 706s


~VEG~C(TO~ hyiov,
of [thc] 'Spirit 'Holy, [the] glory of God, nnd


having looked intently into

~ i ' c rbv oirpav6v, eI8ev


M Whon they heard these thing., +,hcy cut to thc lieart and the ppnshed on) him wit{ rl,eirteeth. 55 Hue he, b i n ~ of t14e fill1

6 6 t v Beoii, rai ' I ~ ~ o o iurijra i r tv

standing a t the r ~ g h hand t

roii 0~05, stcdfnstly into heaven Ghwt,looked up

of God, d ,

the glory oj

56 mi r l n v , '1606, BeupG rohc oirpnvods 'd1q~ypivovc,~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h : t j nnd mid, Lo, I behold the heavens opcncd, of God W and mid
ri)v vibv
tho Son ~ehold: I aee t h i of God. heavens of man atnndthe Son oPCnedl 57 K ~ ~ E c ~ v ~ E c - ~ . ?peydhp, uvviuxov rci.Sra-abr&v "g Qod.the right hand on of 67 Then they they held And crying m wit a voice lloud their cried out with n loud voice,andatoppedtheir ~ a&ppqaav opo0vpa6hv i7r' aCr6v, 58 ~ a irc/3ah6vrec i i and rushed with one accord upon him, and having caat Pim] rai oi poiprvpec cin)eevro W and cast him out 04 ;$W rijc T ~ X E W ~ iXte0PdXwv. ouc of the oity they stoned him]. And the nitnesma laid aside the rind =toned him: nnrl the witule~cs rci.ipcirla-airrGv nap& 7 0 6 ~r68ac vecrviov ~ a ~ o v p f v o v lniddown thcir cloththeir garment. at the feet of a young man called a t Young man's feet, whose name WM ~ a 6 ~ d v . Kqi iht00/3ciXo~v 59 Zrk$avov, i?rt~ah06pE~OV And the "toned B &nL And they stoned Stephen, invoklng Bte hen, callfng ullon and saying, Lord rcai Xiyowa, Ki,pl~ 'Iqu05, 6iEat ri.~v~Gp6.p0v. Beic.84 60 jesus, receive my iand saying, Lord Josuq receive my spirit. And haring bowed rit. 60 And he k u e o h of man
bk BeEi v G iarcjTa =at %be .right [.hand] 'atnnding

70s (iveph7rov


E2wEd o:Fa&y'




- vaoic read eVCOh

l Aavci&LTTrA ; A a v 8 CtW.

m oz~y home LT. U %.hp&~ T . [places]) GLIT~AW. rapaiarr hearts L=; cais K ~ & . L ~

o~KIJ&~~~)uv Tr.


db~V0b~phO~t LTlVAW,




down and oried with T(i , dUara &a Y . p& . f w u i p ~ 7 2 x pKHGpq , a6rbTc r loud voice, ~ o r dlay , not thb sin to their the k n w he cried wit a %voice 'lord, Lord, b y not to tbsm ~y;~~%%,w:,";,S"1 T17jv~~papriav-ra6rrlu.P roGro ei's&v Kai blcoip~eq. And ,this having a d d he fell uleep. 4eup VlIL And this sin. ;;;eg;sentin6 ZaCXoc.Gi 4v avvev80~3vrp' ciuatpiu~calroii. And Snul was consentina to the killing of hi& And a t that time 'Eybvero.6i ;v JKEIIV rfi 6iwYp6c pdYac h i njv &re wes a great perday n 'peraecntion 'great against the And took 'lrn On that secution against the church which was a t brc&qciau r<u dv ' I E ~ O ~ O X ?r(ivr~c.~r~ ~ ~ O L ~ ' dlb?rdlpt/baY Juruanlem ; and they msembly which[wasj in Jerusalem, and all were scattered wcre all senttcred anarci rdc 'rijnj~'1ov8aid~ x ~ a ) M ~ i a c u . - ?rGv~ U rcai r~ broad throughout the r e g i o ~ Judfm of throughout the conntriea of Judaea and %marin except the Shmaria except the apostied a a n d devout ci?rourbXwv. 2 ovyerbPtaav.8i rhv Zri$auou L V ~ ~iXapic, EC men cnrried Stephen to , apor tles. And 'buried 'Stephen 'e mn 'piou; hid burial and made , lome'nt.tionova IL '~TO~$UUVTO' K O T E T ~ U YUIJ a&@. 3 EairXo~.dl ]m. 3 Aa for Snul he and made 'lamentation 'great oveq him. But &ul made havock of the r church, entering into XvtLaiV~o ~ V T brrXqaiau, KC~T~.TO~~.O%OV:~~~v ~ ~ u o ~J~o~E every house, a ~ ha-d wss ravaging the ~ assembly, Yhouse =byh ''entering, ling men and women aommitted U1mtopri- dvJpac. rai yvvahnc aape6i6ov ric $vXare7ju. 80% and dragging mcn and women delivered [them] up to priron.




4 Oi
w&Th.",~~,",~h~~,","~~ who They the went f eachingPhilip word. Then went everg

piu o h

therefore hnd bcbn scattered

8iau.rrapivre~ ~ L ~ ~ X Q O U ,E

through, announcing the

& ~ ~ ~ E ~ L

where ~ E V O L rhv Xciyov. 6, @iXimroc.6i ~arXt)&v ?rhXlv glad tiding- the word. And Philip, going down to a city down to the city of rijc xZapapciacll Qmjpvuuevairroic TAU xpiar6u. 6 rpoaeixdv hmaria, and preached of Samaria, proclaimed to them the Christ ; f a r e 'heed Christ unto them. 6 And the people with oi 8 ~ x 0 1 TOT$' X E ~ O ~ ~ Vh O6L TOG @&HTOV ~ 6p0one accord gnve heed 'and "the Scrowda to the things 6~ken by Philip with unto those things which Ph~lip spake, Q V / L ~ ~ ~ V ., T ~ . ( ~ K o ~ ' E ~ v . c ~ X ~ ToE~L ~~d cqpeia ~v ~~~ V hearing and sccing the one accord, when they heard and saw the signr which miracles which he did. 7 For unclmn spirits, b.rroiL. 7 b ? r ~ h ~ U l l - y ( i p U ~X~YTWY 7rU~6para &K&crying with loud voicc, he d i d For of many of those who had spirits OTLcame out of many that were possessed with Oapra, /303vra brying %th a 'loud t y i ? them: and many tnken clean,



v i ~ ~ ~ f , " ~ ~ ; R ~ ?rapaXeXvpivoi nai xwXoi t O ~ p a m 6 O ~ ~ a8 .d ~ a byivero ~~,","l". ed. 8 ~~d there W= having been pnralysed and lnme were healed. And ' W


Sirnon, was formerly in the city. -d sorcerg and bepaYe6wv rai ebStarGu" r6 { ~ V O E r i j 'Zafia~eiac," ~ Xiyou witched the 'people of using magic arts and amusing tJie* nation of Samaria, saying iving that him.& wassome eruai riva lavr6v piyav' 10 ~ p o m i x o v rdvrec pent : l0 whom '60 'be *some 'himself great one. One To whom 'ee agiving 'heed wr 'all thoy all gave heed, from the least to the h& p i ~ p c pey&Xov, X ~ Y O U T E ~ ,0 4 ~ dorlu 8LvaplS 6 ~ Vt'abat, sn~ingtThis from mall to great, asying, This one is the power man in the great power of O O ~ 11 h d tohim 705 OeoG tj . pey(iX~,~. 11 IIpobei~ov-62 alr@, 61d they had regard, Mof God which[is] great. And they were giving heed to him, becac a m that of long time Rpayialcl' ailro6s. he hadbewitched them rh.i~av@ xp6uy raic with borccries. 12 But that for a long time with the magic arts b e ] had amwed them. when they believed Philip prewhing the 12 " O T E - ~ ~T ~ U T E V ( t @lXi~?rfp elllaYY~Xi~o~Quy ~ ~ U j~ V t h i n g 0 concdlning the But when they believed Philip announcing r.he glad t i e But a certain mm, by nnme

9 'Av<p.dkric

budpari Zi'pwu ?rpoii?rjjpxevbu r$ T ~ X E ~


* ~ a v ' q 7iJv & p a p ~ i a L R 4 W . v v + 7jlw the (city) LT.


ifipxovro (i& G) aLmrA\ll. ~davp'q called GL'ITIAW.

Zapapias T. I bo$vav noMoi LTT~A. +qj pe-y?n ~ ~ ~ U T Q Y Ll'lrl. WV iyCvero 6 i KOM* xapa L T ~ & G payiacs T.

a L R A ; - TC T.
L ~ A W .

VIIIh ~ d f i wpl Tijg paarxeiac

the thingm o o n d n g the
of J e r u And Simon Christ, kingdom



8605 cai 705 bv6par0s kingdom of of the name


1ro~'Irluo6 ~pium3, dpami&vro &v6ps-r cai yvvaices.

they were b a p t h d believed, both men and women.

God and


and hsns Christ, they were bnp" , ~ ~ e h ~yh",,~ 3 t a:t a l w : m a when h e w u he continued with Philip and wondered, behdlding the wd $

13 dbi.Zivwv cai airrbg driureua~v, rai

nlm himself
steadfastly aontinuhg with Pbilip ;'behof&ng *and ing done, waa unwed.

s i p

dv 6vvi-

and having been baptized w u and % r .of ob

?rpoacaprep3v ry'@cXirry' 8ew 3 v re k~llpfkZ cai

And 'hnving .heard 'the ltler which were a t Jerurnlem heard thnt tj 'Ea cipeiau.rbv &i -n had -ired .n 4Jerusalem i aapoltlea that Bad Sreeeived ' m k . the the word of God, thay k l i , lent M ~ Othem P e t a X6701, 706 8~05, &lrfa~&av ?rpbs a h 0 6 ~ ~ b ~ ~uT ~ Kat V and John: 15 who m ~Z O word of Ood, they rent to them peter &d when they were come' ayed tor them, ~ ~ w h v a q15~o'irives cara@zvrr~ rpoq6tavro mpi v ~ might mJohn ; who having come down prged for mire the cly @ h a t : airrGv, bawg XL,Bwnrv mespa iiyiov. 16 Ooirrw!ydp hll(for upon noneWM 16 en M yet he of them, that they m g h t receive [the] 'Spirit 'Holy ; for not yet them : o n b they ware

@y&as popkvaa" itiuraro. 14 ' A ~ o h a v n ~ . 6 ~ a NOW when the oi


'I~poaoX6pors cirduroXoi br1 6k6ekrac


~ ~ ~ d $ r ~ h e J , " & 17 Then lald they their hnndr on them, and T L U ~ Q Y O;r,ipxov eis r6 Bvopa ros mpiov Tquoii. 17 r 6 r ~ L the~received Eol the tised 'they were t o the name of the Lord Jeaa ~h~~ Ghost. l s h d w h e n ~ b mon raw that through pdreri8ouv" r d -&pas br' aitro6s, cai dXLpfiavov mespa la ing on of the apo~ and they rcceirsd [the, 'Spirit Btfe8' h a n h the Holy hand. upon them, they laid Ghost was given, he ii 18 q8~auip~vos~.d& d Cipwv brr 616 rijs dncekaews offered them mone But 'having 3eeh 'Simon that by thc laying on 19 safing, Give me a! T so this power, that on rGv xeipGv rGv &mur6Xwv di6orai rd *YE( a .rb ii LOV," whom~oever 1 of the hand. of the rpostlw was given the Spu& the bands he ma ceive <he Holy 8hoe.t rpoa$veyr~v airroZc ~ p r jara, I9 Xlywv, A ~ T E , &poi rtjv m But petoranid hc'oifered to them tictea, wjing, Give also to me him Thy money peri-h thee bEouaiav.ra6rqv, 'Iva y'-sBvn ir18G r(ic ~ e l p a ~ Xap- w i d the;becrlue thou , bt ht the thin authority, thnt on whomaoever I may lap hands, he mny re- gift of &d may b
washe upon nny of them (lit. no one) tdlen, but only 'bap-



oirkvi . airr3v drc?rerrwc6c,



t~6 , ~ ~ ~ d PLyp [the] rve3pa i; iov. 20 TIBrpog.G1 elrev rpbs a W, v ~ ~ nor lot in this ~ wire .Spirit lzoiy. But Peter mid to part Tb.4 y6ptbv.oov odv aoi eiq eis circjXe~nv. bri rGv m anot. right inhenrt is t e for thy the
the c.ight of God. I pent wickednes% tbi* thy therefore 0' and of God thou didst think by riches to be obtained. Wot sod, ~ U T L V 001 p~pis 066l KXCPOS t v r@.X6yy.roziry. i-ycip tho thought of thine henrtmn boforlriven 'there ' to thee pnrt L nor lot in this runtter ; for the 23 I prrceive money with thee m y it be to d*~ction,


'wrbo8at. 21 edv ro5 8~05 dviptuas *Gtd~ p ~ ~ d r w v


capbia uou 06r.~uriv ~h8eia tC~Drcov~~8~03. peravdrl703 22


that thou art in the heart of thee i- not right before God. p lthe bondof ini4uity. l of bitterness and c n i aov o8v &rbrij~rariag.oou ra6rtls, ~ a GefiOqrc vro8 6~06,"24 Then answered Sitherefore of %hy 3wicAednesa 'this, and #upplicate God, man andmid to the Lord 'for me 6 a* ci$sfI+aerni aoc irivoia rijg.~apdia~.aov. EIS that none of the$ 23 *in things whioh ye hnre if inLd may be forgiven to thce the thought of thy heart ; spoken como npon m , e

j d p X O X ~ ~ Yricpias rai u6~6~npov oi6iciag

for agail of bitternem and a bonJ

of nnrightcournew I see thee

dpd oe

Bma. 24 *Arorpi8ei~.6i Zipwv ~1?rev, ~ i ~ 8 6peTs ir?rip d A ~ra to be. And aanswer~ng ISimon said, Supplicate ye on behall

ap05 ?rpbsT
of me


~ V kitplov, brws



so thnt nothing may come upon me of which

p f l ~ i ~ ? ~ E X in'~ ipt v O


h 7d LTTrAW. 1 706 O L ~ A W . k ~ V V & ~~ F i L a p r y a a ytv6peva ow. 1 EaELapia T . m 7iivtTTr~w. ' I w & y v fr. O oGdirrw LTTrAW. P ~a~riOccra# tTTr.4 P isitv OLTP~AW. r rb Gy~ov T[TI]A. ihv EOLTT~AX. ivavr~ OLITCAW.

v i o i rrvpiov the Lord L ~ A W .



~ ~ E ; ~ ; l e a r25.~ 0 ~ ~ 1 of ye hnvc spoken. Thcy


~~eyl~,41 ~
prcavl,ed the

ptv k 0211)

e lapapn1p6~~vot 8 ~ ~ lcni

therefore having earnestly testified and

the ~ o r d , rctlrned acclorec rll*Adyov roi, ~ v p i o vw ~ x i a r p ~ ~ a v ' ~ E ~ O V U ~ X , " l t o Jcrusalcru, prcncX,!d spokcn the wurd of the Lord, returucd to Jerusnlcm, i n m n ~ \ ~ ~ i l l n f i e s o f t T e X X ~ ~ . T E rc1jpnc rGt' YXapnp~ir&v"Z ~ 6 r f y y ~ X i u a v r ~ . " hO Samrltans. end [to] mnup villnka of the Snmarrrans announced the-glad tidings.

2G "AyyeXog.Gi ' rvpiov % X & X ~ ~ U Enp3c Q ~ X L T ~ XCy,wv, U ~OV, 26 And t h e n n ~ e l But an angel of [the] Lord- spoke to Philip, snxlng, of the Lord spnke unto Philip, snyiiig, ' A ? ' & T ~ )rcli a ~ ~ p rarcih ~ poqpPpinv, i n i ;+V ;EAU ~L ~ ~ " Arise, and go toW8rd Eisc up and go to\rards [the] south, on the way t h e south unto the , U.ay that gOe~h (lown r ) / v ~nm/3nivovuau&BA ' I E oucaX,jp r L l a v e a:rq from Jt.rus:~leru unto which down, from fcrusalem to Gaza : the same G:izn, which id clescrt. 27 Aud nn,l iuriv &t/pog. 27 rni dvaar&g i n o p ~ 6 8 ~ ' m; /so$, 'cilj$p n.cnt : n ~ ~ behold, a d, is dcscrt. And having risen up he went. And 10, a miin man of Ethiopia, an eunuchof :iuthoAiQioq E ~ V O ~ X 8t'vciarqs Knz~%~rirt~~ /3catXioaqc O ~ hrijS" rity ulldcr C:i~idnec an Ethiopian, a eunuch, one in power under Cnudnco the queen quecn of the ICthiowho the AiBtdnwv, $U ;xi xbaqc r~jc.yd&lc-ahik,



chnrgc of

her trc;l- of [tlic] Xthiopinns, nrlio was



hcr trennure,

Jcrns:ilcm for to norsl,ip, wnsretnming, had come 3 t 'worship ~ 'to 'Jerusnlcm, avid was r e t i i r n o ~ g ulld - i r t i ] ~ ill clln- rai rcnt)iltl~vog;xi roC.liprnro~alroi,, d ~ c c i " d~~eYivwo,:~v riot rtnd Ei.*~:isthe his chnriot, cud hc ?:a. rcn<ilng prop!~c~.29 Tlicn the and "ttiug in Spirit said unto ~ l l i l l ~ , r p o ~ i I 'H~ailav. 29 ~ T T E v - ~ ~ 73 irv~i;pn @iXi:ixy, ~~u . rctj Go ncar, this join thy- the aud chuiot. rdlf prbghct Esnins. And said the Sl~irrc to Pi.;liy, 30 ~ n d Plli!i~ r a n IJpdpeXBe rni rcoXXfiOtlri r+.llppari.r06ry. 30 ITpocr8onpr~v.d.4 thither t o k l l 4 and GO near and join tllysalf ' to this chariot. ~ n rduuiuz n p d hcnrd him read the prophet JZswns, and i) @ i X l i T . i r ~ g i j ~ o v a a h o v c i ~ a y l ~ ~ ~ '~ to v7rpo$hr?]y v r v r0~ mid Undcrst:~ndcst philip heard hiin reading the prophet thod what ~ I I OrcndU YL c s t ? 31 And he said, Hania~+ll rai E ~ T E V , g ' A p ~ i . ~ ~ V D U K E L ~ ci1~ayci~~rrh.c~ How cnu I, except Esnias, and said, sThen 'dost =thou know what thodreadest?. somemnu should guide DIP? A U hc dCrired 31 '0-6; l ~ v , n3c.ydp tiv.6vuaip~v idv.}ch ~ T I C ht81i Yhilip t h a t he would But 11e said, [No,] for how should I Le able uuless some one should r couie u p nud sit with l-he pl:lce of y?upl' p ; I I c f p ~ ~ b k e u i rbv @iXinnov dvaphvra Ka9ianr v.~~ hiill, tlie scripture whlch he guide me ? And hc.bcsought Philip having come up t o hit tcnd wna this, Hc w:is sheep to the U ~ V 6 ~ $ . 3% a T E ~ I O X ~ I f s ypfl$Gc $V ( ~ ~ ' E Y ~ V W U K E Y ) shunhter ; and like a with him. And the passage of f i e scripture which he was reading Bhaarer, lam; dumb before his q v aij/q, ' Q C ? T ~ J / ~ ~ T O V aqay$v &QV, he 7 ~ a &g Cl t ~ 3 i n o i ~ i s m o u i ~ ~ ~ ~ l n thu, lliS was As a shcep t o slriughter he a-as led, nnd as a j a m b humiliation hia judg- ivauriou mcnt i ~ ~ i p O U ~ ~ O ~s @ ~ v oO~ ,T W S ~ ~ T ~ U~ w ~ 06ii.Civoiy~i and shall declare before him who shears him [is] dumb, thud he opens not


iXijXid?~i ~ ~

U K U V ~ ~ ticW V U 'lepovaaXip,

28 5v.r~ Ijnoarpf$wv





$ FGf $ ; : ;F =

In hir htunilintion l l i jlidgment ~ earth. S4 And the eunuch allswered Philip, ?pet/, d~!6$'~ y~vedu G 7 0 6 ric blqy$a~rfft ijri ; and of 1 ~ i 8 ,1 pray thee, was taken away, and the generation of him who shall dcclnro 9 the for prophet this? of him- aipralClnb r$g yijs 34 'A.rrorpreeig.6i 6 ~6voirxoc h d .znsn,eising the eunuch i taken from the enrth . his life. owned his mouth. r q @~XiniTy. ~ X E Y A6opai dov, ?Tpi rivog 6 r o E , began at t h e name ltd T h i l i p 'asid, I pra? rbue, concerning whom 'the prophet


33 iv rf.raxecvd~aei.kairroi~tj.rpi'ats.airroi

I$ c

xi ye^ roGro ;

oomcrning lPhilip

envroZ, t j
himself, or

r ~ p i ir6pov.riv6g ;
concerning some other? and hdving begun


35 'AvoiFas.82
And 'having 'opned

15 iPiXinroc rb.arhpa.a&roir, rni ClpSAp~vog

b i s mouth,

ir6'urp6+0v were returning LTTrAW. X 'Icpoa6Avpa LTTrA. 7 Lapaptrijv a trope60qrt L. a ~ ; ~ ~ e A i < o vwere ctnnouxci~ig ro the glad tidings LTTrAW. b 715 LTTrAW. C &S LT[I)]. x a i LTLT~IW. re, and L. ' d u a i a v ~ b rvr p 4 j n y


[read the liumllia~ion)LTTI.

B Zpciyc GT.

h bsqyiuet

- 66 and b m r [ ~ ] .

shall guide TTr.


reipa~os TA.


~ 7 0 V

VIII, IX. ACTS. M~ c ~ p a ~ ~ F - m t ~ O niqyyrXitraro.abn~


T)v'I~~ sd*nm*na~reachcd
JeM thcy went on him Jcnus'

la acnyture,

u u ~ q ~ n o e d him the glad tiding* to

waY. they unto N L And ru they were going along the nay, they came upon the eunuch mid, Sea, a 71 ijJwP* I;ai $ q ~ r y eirvoirxos, 'I603 Gdwp* r i rwX6er here b. water what a cartan .RUr, m d *says 'the Cunuch, Behold watery nbt kindera p @a?rr[aeijvar 37 nEl?r~v2 b QEXcnroc, Ei ? r i f l ~ E 6 t ~ ; 6 br lipaqid,If thoubelievme t o be baptized? And 'said lPhilip, If thou believast from eat mn est. And he thine thou E?TEY, ~ L U ~ E ~ W and mid I nnswereg SXqg . q j c rap8iac, $Eanv. 'A?rorpre~i~.& awhole 'the heart, it ir lawful. And answering he ssid, I believe belieye is that Son e of w Christ the ~ d rariv." 38 Kai I r i X ~ v -God. a8 And he comrbv vibv 705 8eoir bar rbv'lqooirv 'the *Son 'of 'God 'to% 'Jerua %hrist. he con- manded the chariot to stnnd still : and they UEY u+vac rb i;ppa*. rai raripqaav &p O ~ E P O L~ i c went down both into t o the watcr. both Phllip c t h mnnded t o '6tand 'etill 'the achuiot. And they went down and theeunuch. and he rb Gaup, b rirv0i;~o~' dPLnrlaev abriv. b n p t h n him. h And cai rai t b water, both Philip and the eunuch, sad he bsptized him. when they were come up out of the water 39 8r~.82 (iviPquav ~ I C 703 ~ ~ ~ U T O ?rv~;pa mpiov S the spirit of the ~ o r d But when they came up out of the wnter [the]. Spirit of [the] Lord cnught away Philip, thnt the eunuch saw ijpkaarv rbv QiXla?rov* cai 06C E ~ ~ E Y abrbv oirrbqr o him np more : he anught away Philip, and 'snw 'him %o 'longer 'the wcnt on his wa m~ ) v o b ~(o ~ , p ~ 6 r r o njv.blva+rob xaipwv. 40 @ ) ~ n r o c found a t ~ z o t u: ~o .~d~ iOi&n" 40~ut'hi11~s waa 'eunuch, for he went h& way rejoicing. 'Philip nnd parsing through

u~irv. 36

d?rop~lovrocard njv

h6dv, IjX80v

h i


:$:if ~ ~ , &

iht wru found a t


~ i r p l 8 ~ . 'Aburov*
Azotua, 'citier




cities, till he came to he preached in all the

and pn~siug through he announced the


rdc ~ 6 A ~ rwjlbac, c

glad tidingr [to] 'the


roir.M0~iv-aGrbv aic he cam8 to


8 'O.62.CairXo~
But Sad,

Pip?rvQwv" d?r~iXic rcai X a6 o p(vv


IX. And 8nnl

astill breathing out t h r e a t a m p and elaughbr towardr

ro$c paeqrcic r $ svpipv, npou~hO&v' r+ dppr

the ,diuipla
him of the Lord, lettera any to having come to tb. high& Damas.cus, to 'being the

2 injaaro
asked synagogues,

discip$es of ~ t ~ , desired ~;n~O~",~;h$i~~

rap' abroii b?rrmXdc E I Adpaa~bv 9 6 s rcic uvvaywy&, ~ b?ros qihvfl rrvac

ro that

&pp ' r i j ~ 680; Bvrac'l rai

he found 'of 'the 'way both men Jerusalem.

::,$gd* : ogim'let
t o Jerusalem.

and found

the& bound un3 And proceeding it came to pssl he , drew near to Dammcus, and as henear Damsscua : came jO-e~ed* he &ai$vqcll t x ~ p r ~ a ~ p aa 6 ~ u v ~ 3 ~ J / ~ b $ ~ vriab' roir oirpavoir. and sudden1 there mddenly shone rounQ about him a light from the heaven, nhined roung about him a light from hea4 cai reotv Zai njv yiiv rjrovaev qwvrjv Xiyouaav a&r@ ven: 4 and he fell to to him), the earth, and heard a and having fallen on t h e earth he h w d a voice saying voice saying nnto him h o t % , EaoCX, r i FE 8 t i ) ~ ~ l g 6 E~EV-6b, ; Tic lw, saul, San1,why perad Sanl, why me dost thou persecute ? And he said, Who art tbpn, Cutest thou me ? 5 And h l ul he snld Who art thou d p r e ; '0.62 x~6procdaev,ll ,'E cj ~ i p t'Iqaoirs J SY 03 Lord l ' ~ the ~~~d ~ d h d l h 4 the lord Wd, u Jru whom thou r i d , l am Jeeua whom, thou mecutest it U bujlcerc* " d q d r uor ?rpbc d v r U harri~acv.h a r d E t h ~ t o k j c l r a - ~ PWImIteSt. pt h] hug for thea against [the] go$ to kick. gninstthepricb. 6And
having bound he mlght bnng [them] to

yvva?cac, B E B E ~ Q Y O V ~ 4yciyp.

ric 'I~povaohfip. 2v.P zh",",&e~L"gs S

But in

r+ lopE6EU8aL dybvero~ abrbv iyyic~rvT$ dapaa~y",%ai

6 TpBpwv-TE ~ a i8app3v
And tremblingkan& rstoniahed


~ ~ L r i , p 8iX~tc nishedsaid %ord what E . he tremblin and.stohe raid, Lord, What me desireat thou wilt thou hare L e to

verge S7 G L 0 Kcudapiav T . P ivrrvhv T . q bv T . &(IS 6 s do;, T . ikab$;r)r TC LT'ErAW. t aeprivrpa$ev a h b v E ; a h b v rep&& ; airrov rrepc+ ~ I A W . L . i ~ of LTTIW. out - dpiptor cbrev (read he [said]) LlTrAW. Y + ) [m'] A. ~ ~ u p a i the Narwene [L]w. o r S mAqp6v.. rrpbr l r 6 v (verge 6) aLmAw.


,aid And the Lord d o ? Ento him, hrise, ~ o i j j u a i ; Kai

illto the

6 rGp~oC r p b g a3r6v,fl "Av6arq6r

Lord and [said] to him, Iliseup


t o do 7 enter

And the

aud it sh;~11be told thee what thou must do. .And the men

which l o u m e ~ c d w i t h TOLEIW. 7 Oi.$i. him stood speechless, t o do. henl.inn a but But the

E L T E X ~ I E rev ?rdXcv, rai XaXqOija~rai a01 EIS

into the
'city, men

a e

stood seeing.

it shnll be told thce what thee it behoves

( i u 6 p ~ ~ UUVOC?E~QYTE.ES oi

a6Ty Eianjrlaaa

who were trarelling with him but no one

And c ~ v v ~ o i~ E O ~ ~ O V T.@v r i g ,u EE Snul arose from the y h ! e m , and his hcaring . indeed the

s~. n b ' ~ n o ~ &an.

$wuijc pqSiva.61. th.~poihrg.

ercs were opcned, he a n ~ v man : but they no led him by tho hand and bronght ?aim intd D ~ m ~ s c u s9 And he . was threc days without sight, and neither did eat nor drink. 10 And tbere was a ccrtnin disciple at nlaacus, named Annnials ; and to him said tllr Lord in a vision, A11ania.q. A n d he said, Behold, I a m here, Lord. 11 And the unto him, xNrd into the srrret is called scr,,iXht, inquire

8 qY~Peh-8? ZaGXog &;rb ~ t y : ~ ' e ~ u ~ ( t ) y p i u ~ v u . 6 i *bi' g TGY

~~d rose up his Saul from the earth, and having been opened he saw. Bnt leading "by =the'hnnd

d$OaX~Gv.a6roi) fo66Eva" V ~ E T E~ f P a y ~ Y o ~ v r ~ Sb Y ~ X V. ~6r . 6 EfUT,?YUyOU



no one


f i e Aapua~dv.9 rui
Damascus. nor
L E U .10

they brought him] t o ing,


And he waa 'days

1 5 ~4 p t . p ~T~'ETc .

p?) Phiseedisciple

ltRee not.

rai otr~$aycv 0681 ~

and did not eat by name bnaniaa.

T L ~ pa0qris


And there wae a certain

E Y ' A ~ ~ G bvdparr'Avavia~. UK@


~Ixev '~rphc a6rhv

And k i d Behold mere am]

d KG

cg o



.him 'the $ 'd

EV 6pripnrr,I1 'Auavia.

And he

~ l x e v ,'1806

i n . a vi~ion,

i h, r6p1~.


11 '0.61 d p r o c .
And the Lord


Lord. into


h ' ~ v a a r d ST' i O

~ E ~ ~ ~ I T L i?ri

[said], Having risen np

oi~iq ~ r f ~ ; e ~ ~ ~ ~PGl*ilv $ , d X o v ~ i v q v J % i a ~ , &jrqnov ;v ~ ~ rijv ~ ~ Ei rai for, behold, he the street which is called S t r ~ i g h t , and seek in [the] house p r a ~ ~ t 12, pnd bath '~ofiEa h XaGXov dvbpmrr, Tapaha. i806.~rip ~poucli;yerar, seen in Ananins pamcd a rislon R UTU of Judrs [one] Snul by name, of Tarsus : for 10 he prays,
lng iu, and putcillg



12 liai E I ~ E Uhpcirarr 6u8pal1kdvd.par~ 'Aunviav" eiaeX862/ia

i n a vision on him
a man

~ . $ t O ~ ~ ~ , ~ e t ~ ~ and hc %LW

by name



dght. 13 Then An;mias liai answerd. Lord,of have and bv l mm, hdw muche+he bath done $0 thy *nlnts a t Jcruaalcm : 11 and here he hnt5 authority from the chieX priescs to bind all that call on thy name. 15 But the Lord said unto him, Go thy wny : for he is a chosen vessel unto me to hear my name beiore the Gentiles, and kings, md the cliildrcn of Israel : 16 for I will shew him hov great thingn he must sutfer for my niLme's sake. his way, Annnias went l hnd ' ad entcrrd into the

ixcef v r a a6rd l~~ipa,??rwS


a hand,

so that he should receive aignt.


13 'Axe'&.

rpigq 6i
swered 'and

"'6" 'Avaviac, Kz;piG "drr$roau 6x6 xoXXGv . .?repi

Ananias, Lord,

I have heard from

he did

T O ~ . ~ ~ V ~ ~ ~ ~ . T O ~ T OK ~ ijda V ,

K& Oi?roiT,?~~v ~ . c i ~ i o l ~;V ~ o U ~ ~0i .

t o thy saints

,I E ~ o u u ~ Z X $ ~14 '
Jerusalem ;
t o bind

this man,

how many evils


& E {XEL 6 ~
call on

~ O V U ~ ~ T&U. ?rap& U



and here he hns authority who



cfief priests And 'said

8Tjbal ?~drUTai 0 6 ~ 7 i~irOrXovpBwo~~~ ~


thy name.

~ W O ~ . U 15 EZx~v.6b O U .

~ p b g~


4 ldploc, ~

dffriVl~ ~ T O e , o

'i hm

]liOpE60U,' Go,

$?L U K E ~ O E blCX0y:~.

a vessel of election
before for I my name

to me

705j3aurriuat ~ b ~ i ) Y ~ p r i dZlljxtov qit)vQv .p~v


this [man],

my name

Oentiler will shew t o suffer.

rai paachfwv,

V&-TE 'Iua& and [the] smnn of &ul :

16 byiky&p 6xo6eifw

house; and putting his a6rG 6aa 6 ~ ; a6rbv h:tnds on him mid, Brother ~ ~ to ~ him d how , much it'bchovee him And "went 'away b r i n g laid upon 'Ananias

6xlp roG.6vdpar6g.po~ ~ a e e i v .
for entered into the %aul house ; 'brothm, and

17 'A~ijXtl~v.81 'Avnviac uai ~iaijX6ev~ i g j v oiriav, rai n


i r l e ~ i g t r ' airrhv


~cig XE+~C

elxw, ZaoirX
he said,


L i ~ but Q L ~ A W . b B TL d c Zvaoi LTTrAW. i, LTP~AW. 4 v e ~ f o682v nothing LTTrW. B ;v & p i p a r r 6 &pros L T ~ A W . p<vi.wv LA ; <vocypivwv T . k 'Awaviav i)v6pa~a 1 ;v 6 p a p a ~ 'f;PA; ciw8pa [;v b p ~ i p a r ~ . T] r h ' A v i w a Rlse np L. m 6 GLlTrAW. ~xovu1 a 1 T&S (- T ~ lTr) X ~ ; p a s C the hands LTT~. LTTrA. he'rrd LTTrA. 0 70;s & y i ~ 'TOV iuoiquev LST~A. t~ P imiv L ~ ~ A W . P TGYthe L. Te both (Gentiles) LTTrAW.





faroe Ciyiov. 18 Ka1 ~ 6 8 6 & r k r ~ udri) 7 t h b$8aXpcjv s ~ ~ ~v s~~~~

Spirit 'Holy. And immediately fell from

with the Roly Ghost. I8 And immediate1;y there fell from hts airroir" 'cjuiN Xeri6eg (ivFJ3X~$iv.r~ ' l r a p a ~ p + p a ,real eyes as i t had been ~ 'hi8 ra i t were m l e s , and he reccired night instantly, and ceived : sight he reacalea and forth&vnarcic i/3arricreq, l 9 rai XaP3v rpo$?jv bviu~vaev. wtth, and arose, and bavingrisen up was baptized ; and having takan food he was strengthened. baptized. 19 And when he hnd received 'Ey6~~ro.6b Xairhocn I L E r 3~v i v Aapaary"pa8qrGv +tQpasmeat, hewnr stmnpth~ And 'wan 'Saul with the *in 'Damauous 'disciples daya ened. Then WM Seul certain days with the rtvhc. 20 rai ~ i t 0 l . w iv rais avvaywyaTs bmjpvauev ~ disciples which ware 'certain And immediately in the aynagowed he was proclaiming a t Dnmnscus. 20 And straightway he preach( P v ' X P L U T ~ V&l 0 f i ~ ~ U~ L V v i b 705 8~0;. ,~ 6 T i) ~ 21 b~iuravr0.8l ed Christ in ayusChrist, that he is the Son of God. And 'WC-e'amazed ogues, that he is the &n of God. 21 Bnt all T ( ~ V T E ~ & K O ~ O V T E cai WEYOU, 0; ~, Obx 0firds ~ U T ~dV 7ropQiaac th at heard him were 'all who heard, and said, ?Not %is 'in hewho destroyed amazcd and said. Is


fIv' ' I E ovoaXt)p robe irrtcahovpivou~rd.bvopa.rotro, rui

in &walem thone who called on this me,

and mlled on this name i n Jerusalem lrnd came ~ic roQru IXfiiQer 'lva ~ E ~ E ~ ~ Y atroirc O V I ; ciyhyy for bhRt intent here for this hnd wme t h a t 'bound 'them 'he 'might bring that he might h i r06s ( i p x t ~ p ~22 BnirXo~.61pZXXov bv~6vvccpoirr0,~ a ~i $ ~ $ ~ , " , u ~ ~ ~ i~; t o the chief prieats ? But Saul more increased i ~ , power, and sRulincreasedthe mom 'avvE~uvev~ A70dcn 'Ioudaiov~ r06s karorkoirvra~bv Aapaury' in the Jews oonfounded the Jcwr who, dwelt i n ~amaacus,' whichdwclt at Damnsi?rXqpoivro C U a l proving that thin ~ppl/3ci&wi i r ~ 6 ~ 6 s 0 Iorcv b xptard~.23 dc.68 proving that this ir the Quiat. Now -hen were fulfilled ? i ar iravai, avv~povX~6aavro '1ov8aior ) oi &veX~iv air- wfrefnlfilled,the Jews 'many, % n i u o t h e r 'the *Jew8 to put t o death him. him : 'M but their layto kin rdv. 24 iyv&8t].dJ r$ Zla6Xy, tj.i?rr~ovh?j.azir~v,brap- ing awnit was known to Saul their plot. a ~ "ereh of Snul. And they ~ ~ But becamekaown watched the gnteu d y rds n6Xac i p ~ ~ . rrai vvrrds, '87rq a6r;v a n d n i g h t t o killhim. ?ljp0VVU !watching 'and the 'gatss k t h day and night, %ha* him 25 Then the diaciplcs took him by night, and &viXwarv. 25 h a p 6 v r ~ ~ 6 8 daitr;v oi paQqrain~ v r r i ) c him down by the let they might put to death ; but taking him the disciple8 by night wall &basket.




~ f ~ ~ ;\ $~ , t'R

4; 8

*raQijrav 6rL TO?r~ixovs"

Ict down 'through 'the
.wall ['him],

lowering at

Dim] i n a bnsket.

Iv u r v p i 6 ~

26 IIopay~vdpevos.6i
And 'having " a r r i ~ e d

EnGhocn h ~ i c'g E ovanhrjp, I


pdron coXhiia8ar

tempted to join himself t o the disciples, and all nlirJv, p4 ? ~ ~ U T E ~ O V T871 iuriv p a e q ~ $ ~27 ES . ' him, not bcliehg that he i s a diiciple.

to the dtaciwere afrnid of plcsI but LhcyNeronu afrntd of hlm, and beBnpvLpac.8i liered not thnt ho wnr BU~ B,~,,B,,,, R disciple. 27 But h r nnbaa took lrim, aud Ir~Xa/3dp~vos ahrdv, tjyayev 7rpbs 706s drobr6XovS, cai brought him to thc nhnvillg tnkcn him, brouaht [him] t o the apo~tlee, and P~Stles and dcclnrd unto t i e m how he had Gr~~tjaaro ahrois 1 3 ~ T$ 66$ E ~ ~ r V K ~ ~ L O V , 6rr seen the Lord in the bv E b ~ rai rglnted to them how in tho way he saw the Lord, and that Way, and that hc had spoken to him, sndhow &ihqatv ahry', 7 6 5 : i v Aapaary' i l r a ~ ~ ~ ] ~ l d ~ a r ~ p~~eachedboldlr 7Vj he hnd he apoke to him, and how i n Dnmaocus ho spoke boldly in the a t D.tmnscus in the name of Jesus. 28 Aud dvhparr kro3" 'Iqboit. 28 rai *v pei airrGv ~iuiropevd~evo~ with them c o w h o wna MUO of Jcsur And he waa with them coming in ing i n a d going out i n i n c v a v a 6 r o t i n b 7 5 v &#1BaAp5v LTTIA. &F LTTr. n a p a x p h a GLTTrA. a 'I1)voh Jesu. OI.TI!IAW. Y er$ a t r. ovvb w c v TA. 8 ro& T. b rrapcrqpo~rro 1,TTrAW. c 84 rrai and also L m r A . dd ~a9r)rA ai.roQ his disciples LlTrA. TO~'TCIXOUF ua&jtcav L ~ T A . airrbv him L S i, 2acrChor a ~ r r r r w . i v in L iaeipa<ev LTT~. 703 LTErA.

TO^ pa8t]raisg rai rcivres b$o/3ocvro himself

2 ~,""J"~~:Z . ' ;; lem, he nssayod to join

- b ;F,ai?hor (read ko was) OLlTrAW.


IIPAEEIZ. I. x ~ rai irnopevipevoc 'lv:' 'I~povaaXip,m ~ a i "~ a b b , ~ a i a < 6 p e v o ~ ~ ~ ~ l

the ~~~d je. and going out in Jerusnlem, and speaking boldly ausl uurl uirputcd 6pa roil v p i "'Iqaoir." 29 i X c i X ~ t . r c ~ a avve~$rei i g a i ~ ~ the Grecians : i n the I vnnme r t of the ~Lord o v Jesus. s went about to iv rlfj t but And he spoke and diecussed alny him. 30 IVliich .rrphc ro&c 'EXXqv~arci~' oi.8i ~ A E X OVV O a b r i ) ~ E~ bvtwhen the brethren with the they brought e l l n i t; b u t they took iu !nod 'him 'to .put b him down to Caswrra, and him to Tnraus. 31 Then had t h e churches rest t h r o " ~ h o a t all J1ld=a and G:llilee and Yuruan u , and were edified; and walking in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghobt, weremulXeiv.ll dcitth.

30 . i n t Y u 6 v ~ ~ ~ . 8 8oi d8~Xqoirar6yayov atrbv cig

But hnving known [it] the brethren brougl~t down him to

P K a l a d p e i a v , ~rni i E a n i a r e l X a v q a h r d v " eic ~ Carnrru, nnd scnt nwny him to

T~rnus. The 0 f i v ' ~ K K ~ ~ ~ K a e~ ~ 5 X I )' ~rile 'I0V8cliaS K N ~rahlQ ' ~ 1 'indeed %hen 'nssan~bl~es throughout 'wholu ftlie of Jutlwn and Qali-

Tnpa6v. 31 rAia


Xainc rni tPa/rnp~iaclLe l ~ o v eip;)vqv, V l'

lea null Srunria had pcnco,


w ~ i r ~ S ~ p ~mp ~ ~ a 6i being built up nncl

?ropavb~ce)~ar11 r4j $dpy 705 mpiov, rai r$ ~ a p n r A / ~ a ero3 r going on in tlle fenr of the Lord, nnd in the comfort of the d iov n u e i , p c i r o c x 6 x X ) ~ H 6 v o v r o . " o Syirlb were inc~~cn$ed.

ON i t carno to pass [that1 Pctt.r, p;ishing through all t ~ l r o u p ~ ~alli ~qutrro t m r e A t ) t i v rcti npbc ro3c dryiovs 7 0 3 s ~ a r o i r o i ~ v r c r ~ [qn~rtcrs],wenrdown also to the saints that inll;lbitotl d~vcltntL~ddn.SA~d YA68o"av." 33 ebpev.88 i ~ dvOp0~6v.r1vaZAivQav ~ 6 p a r t , ~ ~ i L t l ~ c r ehe found a cer~ ~ d d ~ And he found there r certain man, , B n e a s by nnme, tniu m a n a m e d B n e y $V nu, which had kept @ ~ T G V K T & ~ T < I K E ~ ~ V O S ~ p n / 3 ~ 6 ~8s, 1 i Tapn~ K Y hid bcd eight yenra, for z ~ c a r sJelght l~iog on a couch, who wna y.vw n l ~ d v u s airk of the T I L r p o c , Aiuia, icirai UE CI&T@ ~ , I L I \ Y . 31 b u d Peter X~XvpJuoc. 34 rai CIXEU anid unto him, Auean lysed. Ancl %anid 'to 'him 'Peter, Xnens, 'hcnl+ 'thce Jesus Chrirt runkutl: S UE~~~ITI;. I ~ u o Z ~ X P I U T L ~ . CIv(iurq9~rai UTPOIIOU bd'l tbre nllolu : arise, wnke tby bed. d u d 'Jwus 'the % h l s t ; risc up, and spve:td [ncoilch] for IIu.sPL~. ho uro%e~rurue(li:i!tly. 35 Bud ,llat dlvalt Kni ci14arq. 35 m C ~ ? 8 0 v 1ailrbv T L ~ I ~ F C i 1 vi a t Ljdtln and Snrun Alrd immcdlntcly he rose up. And ' sirw him all tll~~so snbv him, iiud turned to the Lord. r u r o t r c o i r v r e g YAio"6~v'~ TAU d ~ n p w v ( i ~ ,O'/TIVES iiriarp~$nv rni ii inhirbiting Lydda aud the Saron, who turl~rd Ini rbv r 6 p r o v . 36 Now there was a t t o the &bra. J o l ~ p aa ccrti~iu dlaci36 ' E ~ j . ' I d n . l r ~ . 6 ~ r t g qv paeirpra b v c i p a r t Tnpieh, plo unlllrd Tnbilha, And in Joppa 'a -'certain 'was dlhclple, by name Tnbithn, rsbirh by intrrprctatlon i< rnllrd Uorcas : i j ~ I E ~ ~ ~ Y X i y?t r I t O / ~ ~ J i~ r ~ fiv ~ X i l eciyn8Gv ~ a Aoprcic0 a j l p ~ ~ ~ tlris wonlilll wea full which balng intcrllrcted in called norcas, Shc wns full of good of good works aud a l ~ ~ l h d t . t ~ i l ~ uhe i p y o v " ~ a i X t l p o a v v G v &v Inoiec' 37 iybvtro.84 which i iv rniq did. 27 A n d i t cnlue works and of alms which bl~e did. And i t came t o pass i n to pas* in thoso days t l ~ i aho was sick, and $pipars.lreiva~c ~t da~cvi/aaanv aCr{v cinoOnveiv. Xobunvdlctl: wllom wllenthey those days [thnt] hnving bickencd uhe died ; 'llnviug hnil waal~cd,they laid hey in 811upper chnm- T E ~ CFC *nCr$v i e l / r a v " lv g irnepc,&~. 38 lyyirg.62 bcr. 3UAuil iUrtIbmuch awushed land her they put b e r ] i n a n uyl~cr room. And .'nc;u na Lyddir was nigh to r$'I6nnp, oi paeqmi ciiioCaajlrec i;ri I I l r p o g Joppn, irurl t h o d~hci- o$ar)g h A 6 8 J t 7 ~ " 11.n hnd henrd that 'being lLydtio t o Joppn, the disciples hnring henrd t h a t Peter vier was thvrc, r l ~v l Lcrriv Iv ahrlj c i n i a r e i X a v 6 6 0 BvSpas npbc ahrdv, napahim, bescucliit lent two men to i n in
pnss, us Pt.ter parsed

32 And i t came to

32 'Eyiu~ro.8i

n i ~ p o v61fpxbp~vov8th




0 ivcheiv a9rdv LTTrAW. ix~hquia :ls9'3lXlbly LTTrAW. Z a p a p t a s T, oixo8opovpc'y x a i n o p e v o p d y LTTrAW. X inhqouvero waa ill~rcabed l.TTrAW, r Av'88a LTTrA. X 0 v 6 p a r ~ AivCav LTTrAW. a xpafl&rrov L'!'PrhW. b LTTaW. C efsav LTTrA. Zdpwva LULlTrAW. ipywv & Y ~ ~ WLTrW. V t iOqrav a t G v TTr. h Ari88as TTrA. Y 7 rile L 4 .

is at LTTrAW.

P I<uruapiav T.

- x a i LTTrA. - aljrbv L. elxev Ll'frAW.



- 'Iquo;





them. r ' h n eter arose and weut 6 nirpoc avvrjX8ev atroic* 6u ?rapay~vdp~vov 2 civrjyayov withthem. lVhcn he 'and Peter went with them, whom, haring arrived they brought Wascome~theybrought him into the upper 76 d?rEp@ov,uai ?rapfurr]uav ahy" ?riiuai ai ~ G p a i chamber: and all the into the upper room, fmd stood by him all the widows widows by him weeping and shewing dai0VUCfi K U ~iai6Etuvilp~vai xircjl~acuai iphna Sus tbecoatdmdgarments weeping and shewing tunics and garments which %as Dorca* mad% while she was v i t h ivoi~i i a6rGv ~ 4 u a Aoprchc. 40 1rcpaXihv.6b <[Wa h v r a ~ them. 40 ~ u Peter t -W g t h @them *being iDorur But 'having Jpuk sout *a11 put them all forth and kuealed down,and IIirpoc, 1 8 ~ r d yivara r ouqf taro. uai i m u r p i $ a ~grnyed. and turning 'Peter, hrrrlng bowed the kneea e! And k i n g turned in3 to 'the body said Tabitha, ui*. ~ n i ~ p ~d ~ b ulipa C ~ E Y Td/%6AP ivcinfil6t. 'H-62 ) ~ v o ~ E E Y she opned her eyes: , to the body he said, Tabitha, Arise. And she opened and when she saw Pea ter, sho totrc.b$OaXpoir~~airi-ij~~ iEo3ua rbv nhrpov ~ ~ U E K ~ ~ L U Egkre sat u 41 Aud uai hc W . her hand her % , P and seeing Peter she sat up. aud liftcd her up, and had 41 606s-64 air* x~ipa civiurqmv airnjv, $ovtjuac-db when heand cnlled the ,,ints widows And hsvinggiven her [hb] hand he raised up her, and having called presented her a ~ i v d

i4 ;

Zwijuai~ ~

no$ to delay

t o come

L E X ~ $weV E ~ kairrliv.1 39 civaurlis to t h e n xHavingf u n % p

c r k


rofic ciyiove uai rdc Xilpn~ ?raphdrquivatrtjv &ihav. 42

W- & ~ , " ~ ~ , " u ~ ~ ~ , " ~




hc p r w n b d 'the


ilvbg. a d many
O ~ P ~

d ,

many bP e.d iv. l


6 byivero 2
on 'he the


8Xq~ mrrj~"'167rqr, rai n~oXXoi =Ord. the to came

of Joppa,

land *it abecame throughout *whole

b?n'ur~vuav~ b?rl rbv dptov.

blliered %any =abode Lord.

43 i bv~ro.64
And$cametopas.a [that] with .certain

43 lLnd it tnrried p w that he days in P h~ p a C at-. ~ with one Sirnos p


rrnv&s p ~ i v aaGr6vqIv ' I d a q ?rap; rivi Zi wvt /3vpu~Z. i

10 'An)p-Gi.ric


Joppa in


a tanner. Cornelius, piona

P$v" b ~ K a i u a p ~ i a " v bv6pari KopvjlXtoc,


But a certain m m

by name Italic,

~ ~ a r o v r h l ~a?r~ipqgrijc rrrXovpivqc 'IraXtkijc, 2 6b ~ ~ q ~

a centorion a band which God 'mnch is called

u~/3ljcuai $o@06pevor: rbv Oebv

both d o h g God fearing


TCIVT~ .ry'.oZry.atroir,


his h o r n ,

::;e~:2i,",f::: turion of the band

X. There was r c r a-

~ r o t i i v - ~ r ~ ~ odGvnc roXXic



to &he people, a vision

lay", uai 8~6p~voc a 2

lair OEOG aBia?ravr6c.N. 3 1 6 ~ ~ Bphpari bv

continuslly. He saw in day, t o Mm,

dcvout nutn, and st~pplicntingone * t fep~ad~~d his houne $al,pS$, ljmi which gavemuch alm; with plniuly, about to the people

i i p v vivvhrqvu rijc +p+aC, ZyyaXov roii eE0fi EidFX6dvra

'the Ynintb of the him, md saying '&aid a n angel Cornelins. said,



~gtj; ~~s6~;;~1;

~rpbc airrbv, uai eirbvra a h $ , Kopv$Xt~.4 '0-6;

But he h a ~ i n g looked

evidently about tlu, ninth hour of the day

y,: z" :


lntently on him snd

Lord? liuS. And 'hen he looked on him, he war ~ ~ m v . 6 bair?@, Ai.?r oa~vxaiuov uai a ~ d ~ ~ q p o ~ a a i .rtrnia, and mid, w h a t uov &nd he 8aid to him: prayer* and thine alms in it Lord? And he said'unto him Thy ridPquav Eir ~ ~ ~ ~ U VwY bO~ V6 ~ t ~ ~ " 5 ~ n G v prayeraand thin'eahu r03 &o;. i ve gone up for a memorid before GO& And now are come for S memorial b&re ~ o d . L)ipidlla 6~ 5 And now wnd men Sirnon who to Joppa, and cnll for mlc Simon wh0.e mm IlrixaXiirac IIirpoc* 6 0 5 ~ t ~~v i t r a rap4 TLVL P ~ ~ W V Lis $eter: B ho 0 i name L mrnamed Petar. He lodger with ' a certain Simon lodgetbwithonesimon a tanncr who* house @vpu$, furiv okia ~ a p d &Aauuav. 'oi5roc X a h j ~ t COL t b thd r a i he rt+nner, whom Fi 'home by [the] sea ; he shall tall thee s h 8 ten thee becoming What
I ~ a and LTTrAW. ; ~ A W l . L j u i v US LTTTAW. [+l 0 d r b v j p i p a r iKav&$ pc;vac LTr ; ai~rbv S. irrimcvuav n o M d LTTrAW. P qp OL'ITmAW. P Kacoaeiq T. r r e LlTrAW. 6 ~ raw& LTrA. d t ncpi LTTrAW. ivoin)v LTT~AW. c p n odw L T ~ A . iv6par sic 'ldnnqv LTTIAW. t 7bva a certain r o&os h c r h i v e ~ ri m QIeiwobeiv B~TTCAW. QQL @~IUOXA)&%~U

a h y ' uai !p$opo~ yvdprvpc EZTEV,

T i

i m w , idp@; 1 unto hi; r .

in it,



g &4d

delay not L

- -




thou oaphtert to do. ,,d which spake unto cop- what

ri m

IXPABEIZ. L dei roielvin 7 '0c.A &rVOor 21 dryeXnc d

'it . b e h o w t o do.
to Corneliur,
And when 'depwtod 'the having called two angel


~ ~ servants, and "a ;XaXGv $ ~ :~;~;, ~~~ jx!d

KopvqXiy,fl $wvfjati~860 ~Gv.oircerGv.~aliroir,!J

of hia servants,

Beyout soldier of them rcai arparthrqv e&uept rGv npoo~aprEpo6vrwv abr$, 8 rai that wa~ted B and oontinually , on him and a Psoldier lpiow of thow continually waiting on him, and ji7raurdn & n Q u r ~ Aabroirc' e i ~ ~v njv when he 1ia)ddeclared t(vyquh EYOE eu6roi~ a11 th-e thing8 unto having rected to them all thlngs he gent them to them, he sent them to , Joppa. 9 On the mor- Idnnqv. 9 TG.84 Bnairptov b8otnopo6vrwv d i ~ e i v w v h a i row as they went on Joppa. And on the morrow, as 'are "journeying 'these and thcir jonrney, and drew nigh unto the T ~ X E L 6yyl~dv~WY, H;~p0c rb 63pa T p O U city, Peter went up t o the city drawing near, 'went %p 'Peter on the housetop to ayon the housetop to grny about the ~ i x l hE ~ ( U U & Z L , Gpav nepi 10 ~ Y ~ U E T O rpdsravoc, . ~ ~ our : 10 and he be- pray, about =hour 'the 'sixth And he became very hungry,




~ ~ ~ ~ rcni ~ lj6~Xevye6aaa9ai0 rapaarevaCdvrwv.84 eb~eivwvll v ~ ~ f ~ , " ~ ~ 'id~ wliile they made ready, and wished to eat. Bat M 'were "making 'ready 'they 'fcU he fell into a trance, ~ E Q E Y48' a h i t ~ saw heaven " ircaraaic, 11 rai ~ E W r t v olipavitv c i v ~ q ~ ~ ET 11 opened and a certain supon -him .trance, and he d o l b the heman opened, him, descendingunto ~ ~ Y O rcai rcaraPaivov gin' abrbvl' a ~ ~ i r d c L &g i)edv~)v ressclas it a Y , T
hee et knit a our to let Fcat corners andt the earth:

peYCiXqv, r6aaapuiv cip~aich 8 ~ 8 ~ p f . v ~ v , raetipevov Irri iai"





a %essel 'certain,


a =sheet

l2 wherein were all 'great, by four cornerr bound, and let down upon manner of the earth rijg yijcD 12 i v (r' ifnijpxev ?r&vra beasts of fourfooted rci rhrpcino8a ' r i j ~yrjc and wild beasts and the earth ; i n which were all the quadrupeds of tlrs earth creepin things' and r& O i rcai rd ip?r~r&~ krd" ?rertvd ro5 06q a rai ~ ~ ~ ~ a m lha 'wild feast8 aand the creepingthinga a d the birds o f t h e hew " ~ ~ $ ~ ~ ~ him, Rise, Peter; kill, ~avo5.13 lea; tYEvero $wv$ abrdv, 'Avaurcic, ITirpe, and eat. 14 But Peter And came a voice to him, Having risen up, Peter,, mid, Not so, Lord ;for Ihavenevereateunny eiruov ~ a $&ye. 14 '0.6kII6rpoc eInev, MqJapGc, rirpte. 8rc i thing that is common But Peter said, I n no wise, Lord; for and or unclean. l5 And the rotcc s p k e uuto him O V O E X O ~:$CL OY E T ~ YK O L Y ~ V & ~ ( i e a p r ~ v .Kai $ w W j 15 again tho second time, never did YeHt anything common or unclean. And a voice What God hath cleausad, that call not thou 7idhtv ~ K . ~ E V T ~ ~ p b Iai~r6v,"A 6 8 ~ mb~a6ciptaev,u ~ O ~ g 6 ~ common. 16 This was [came] again the second time to him, What God cleansed, done thrice : and the vessel was received up 63 p?) K O ~ V O V . 16 Toir~0.8Jiyfvero Bni.rpic' rai "ncihrv~ again into heaven. Sthou 'not 'makd common. And this took place thrice, and again 17 Now while Peter doubted in himself ~hveXij$eq" a~eiroc rd CIE rbv ofpavo'v, 17 'Q.6i i v iavrcj what this visiou which wns taken up the vessel into the hepven. h d *in 'himbelt he had seen ~ h o u l d mean beholel the men Btljxdpei b ITbrpoc ri r2v.eiq rb iipapa 6 e16ev, Prai" whicd were ient from 'was 3perplexed 'Peter what niilight be the vision which he MW, 'also



& :"$f , a ,,, O,f ?oh&"" '

i8o6, oi 6 ~ 8 p ~ c&n~uraXpQvoi 705 KopvqXio~, &E~i %inbi)#

men the who house were sent of Sirnon, they asked 'lodgea. from stood

huuse, and stood be- 'behold, the

$gedthQ Xd, te simon which

wan surnnm~d'petert wcre lodged thought 10 While Peter there.

pwr$aavres rdv oiriav Xipwvoc, ixiarqaav h T i

inquired for

Cornelius, having ~ avXGva. Y at the porch ;

18 rai $wv$aavrec b?rvv6&vovro ei Xipwv d

and having called out %ere


Simon who [is]

wss think-

the vision, the Bpi- ~ E V O IIirpoc E rit said unto him, BePeter

bvQh8~ Eevi2;~rat.19 ToG-8i.Hhrpov ~Bv9v~tovBut au Peter



TO) the

dpriparo~,E ~ T E U ' a f r i rd r v ~ i p a '1806, ,~

vision, *said .to




a5703 (read of the seWsnb) s r r r ~ w . 4676 to him OLTTrAW. 0 8naya,a6,7$i LnrL d al.r&v they T. a6.r;~ LTTrAW. Zydve~o came LTTrAW. g e r avrov OLTT~AW. Ge6splvov ~ a i )rai rd (- r i L T ~ ~IA ) C Z ~ PB L~T~A*. t. 7b LTT~.~. 1 g a l and LTTrA. m iKa8dpt~v Tr. immediately LTTrAW. 0 drwh$p+Qq LnrA. P ~ aLTTI[A]. i Snb T . so; LlTrAW. 8 t r ~ p o v ~ J v 'rb a v c c p a a h $ ~ m & . was poudering OLTTrAw.




&6p~Trp~Ysn w<qroiiuivflm* 20 dXXd &vaardc rar&@qer, ftz

fom and get t, h . Mi W O P E ~ O V~ Z I YaCrois, p~d6v ~ I ~ I C ~ I Y ~ xbtdrc ~c * (; thom doubting with ~ W O do& go noand proceed with them, nothing doubting, '% thin;: for l have .nt chbr&a airroits. 21 Karapdrc-6b IIQrpos ~ p b c 706c $ e ~ d ~ & &TO mnt them And 'having agone.down IPeter to the which were from Corndiw & + a c T ~ o ddr~arahpivov~ r05 KopvtlXiov ?r@suirrbv,~him said, Behold, I s and mm who were sent from to him, hewhom yeseek: what h V , '1806, b 3 eipi 6v ~qreire' r i ~ aids 6 i 3v W the cause wherefore Behold, am whom ye seek ; w h t is, tKe cm. for which$ ?, & ,: ,





having r i m

go down,


39 4


s d

p ue

r6pmd; 22 oi.84 zclaov,UKopwljhios Crarovrdp~q~, &wdp

And they mid, Corneliua
s centurion,
S 'man

8 i m r q rai $opoirprvos ri)v 8edv, papn~po&p~vd~.r~ 6nb &ov

w h t u ~ ~ 8 . n d fearing God, and borne witness to

etb bod and of good report akon all the

the csntu;iori, m*n and one t h a t 1 2

by Owhole nation of &e Jewn was warned from ~ o d m holy angel to %be d o n of the Jewa, was dminelg inatnoted by send for thee into hla houne and to hear tiyiov, 'prarip$aaeai ae EIS ~bv.oI~ov.a~ro~, tiroiraar words(of thca B Then rai '.%oly, torendfor theeto his hoase, and to hem called he them in and lodged them. An& on ~ p r uupd aoir. 23 Eiaraheacipevo~ otv aCro3c iEivlaev, the morrow petermnt a rorQ,&omtbas Having cnlled 'n 'therefore Ithem i he lodged away with them and

m0 i b o r5v 'IovJaiwv, ~

i~pqparia8q itrb ct ~ X O V

Eg ml e

[m on the And

T$-W inairptov

Iiirpocn iEijX&w d w ,atrois, ~ a i

Peter went forth with them,

cpt.fnoftho brathen thorn from

~ G d&AgGv TGV v

him. Comelina waited far 84 %ai e"&andpcov daiaijXB~va n)v CKaiacipeurva~ er hi8 kinsmen them and had tau* And o , aW marrow they entered into c 3 t k n w hMdl Peter h8i.Kopv;)koc ? lrpogSoirGv airroirp, fav deacipewos" r o 3 ~ p B coming Come'far I P h~ l i 0 1 e wm apeoting am, together methim, m d fell down W eveSs-a&roii n d r d s &vaymiovc $iXovg. 25 'Qk62 a Ms feat and w w 'T3bU-821 intimrte friends. shippedtook him But Peter h i A 28

b ~ s " ' ~ dWrV ~ Xs~ O Uair^@. ~


and h 24 h d the mar-


$ w n i c & "


Went with

, ,

ba8rbv y~lp~v,m XQywv, ' A v c i ~ e c *


atrbs aivepw?rbc 28 a n d he raid =to m p u am them y e it is an how &p& 27 Kai avvop&Gv a&r@ d&jXer~, Eitpiarcec avvcXq- that thing for -W- m m Kai f ~ i
wn , i g

Rim *p:

L;' Ya

F -

And tailing with many.


he went in, and to

XvBd~acroMoCc. 28 i$ rpbc

Andhe said for a man how unlawful

&S dOipr6v b m ~ udv8pi 'Iov8aiy ~ ~ M i i b e ajj wpwipt

it k

Gnda gntheaed to- that is a Jew to keep uCroit~,'Y eic b~iuraa8~ oim'sn~~h~ them, e W nation; but God bp shewed me that

&: ,

s Jew

to unite himself or

not c+U come m m common or nu-


out gainsaying, asaoon "IwMpent : I* for therefore for whnt inb t have sent for And Cornelinn r~+tjrwp @eov p~ramp)eei~. d & v o p a c oBv, rivc byg gainsaying I aamq having been sent for. I inquire therefore, for what iMting untilm m e ~ ~ ~ ~pu; 230 i " b Kopv;lXios B Kai ' A d hour i and a t t h e n l n a Pdidvwaior met ins corneliu anid, h 1 ~ x W4

to one of mother ram And to me Qod ahewed 'no rcai &war K O ~ W ~ V (IXCieaprovA&ptv&w8pw?roir 29 61b jj saommon 'or 'unclean 'to call 'man. Wherefore also without


bpoiMld 8ebs EGettevU pq8iva






hrcipqs Gpbpas
'four day8


pi^ c rairrqc rijg 6pac tjpqw 'vqsreliwv, rai"

this hour

I wan




Kopy~r~v w&
O L ~ A W .

~ 9.

&&v Q L ~ A W .


mr & r e v ~ a A p ~ v o&wb i)G iC vs &vausds having arisen (he went forth) eioijA6ev he entered LTr ; eiuqA9av T . Tiis QLTTrAW. 0 r j 82 LTTrAW. ~ v - T ~t TOVi OLTTrAW. m w ;jyccpev aimov LTPrAW. i cai iyi, n r L 1 &&v 6 &k T, m p c t a u i p l r g a d i L y o r t l i w v rai LTT~LA].

Jr)~oiwis TA.

1 &C


elrcrv L ~ A .


nnd drink with him nf tcr he rose from the dend. 42 And he comand did drink with him after he hnd risen from among [the] mnndcd us to preach people, LtrpGv* 42 tai t?mp$yyeiXtv +TV qp6&~1 rtj An$, rai unto the thnt i t isand he dend. And he chnrgcd us t o proclnim to thc peoplc, and t o testify ordninedof which was God to bc the Judge of dmapapr6$au8ac Sri gairrti~"iarrv S cjpiupii*o~iirb 70; quick and dead. 43 To t o test* - fully tbnt he it ix who hns h e n u>uornted by -him give all the p r o Btoii ~ p i n ~Dvrwv Y E K ~ ~ Z Y43 ro6ry r(ivres oi rpo$ijrat phets witneas, t h a t j ~ rrti . God judge of living and dc:rd. To him a11 the prophetn through his name whomoever believcth in ti$eurv &rtnpri3v Xap~iv 8th 7066v6paroc him shnll reoeive Mmission of ain$. E ' ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~ t ~ t 1 a r e r n .of s luainsn 7recci~es i sio llthrough

X, X . I ACTS 346 c ~ C n before r o ~ c . ~ e t ~ o r o yit&~ v o c ~ @v, o'irri~tc V I ~ E P ) ~ ~ O h mto us, whoof God, ~ 703 OEO;, U Y even dicl a t
Bad deun chosen &fore by God, t o us, who did eat with

~ a avvariop~vair$ pwd rb.6vaar~i~ar.afr~v it i

afroii rcivra rbv rrurt60vra tic af r6v.

''hi@ 'every 'one %hat

*bclicvca 'Peter


*him. them words, 'fcll apake them words, the

44 'Eri XaXoiivroc 704 IIirpov rci+5,jparu.rabra, hiri?r~utvfl 4 while peter yet

*Yet 'asJin'rpeaking 'the 'Holy

rb ~ v t i i p a rb



h i ?r(i~rac (it060vracrbv X ~ Y O Y . r0irc

all thorn hearing the word.

thcru which foil on a l l Holy Ghost hcnrd the word. 45 And they

45 tai itiurquav oi d t

?r~prropij~ rr&oi iiiuor' kovvijXrj

And wereamazed the 'of 'the 4circumcision 'believers as many an

8 ~ 76 IIbipct', Src tai i r i rdr g8y "



that 81'0 upon the ( f c n t i l ~ the for they heard

uvr6par0~~ I K K ~ X V T ~ L * 46 )j~nvov-'y(ip afr3v. XaXo6vhad Lwcn poured out ;

~ U V ~Xdt~uatp rai b g with tongoer and

Of which believcd were the came natoniShed ns mnn, rbii 1 iov as Camethnt on the 6 because ;Pith of the a b l y (tentiles also W-

sped- thC heard them speak

E ~ ~ ~ ~ $
tonpeq mn6llif~Peter, 47 Can anawered ' mm

p~ynAvvdvrov rdv 8 ~ 6 ~ . drrrpi&1 r6rt

'The 'wnter




'"6' Ifirpofi 47 Mtjrt rd Gawp ntwXiiuar dharaill r0ii

be baptized, w h i a toy hnrereceired the Holy who the 'pirit the OY '1 . 48 l n dnn wcll as we? Ghost henmulanded thrt be baptized W , a 4 0 v O~cr8c;~" gpeic ;48 ~ouhrn~iv.Pr~ll Kai qafroircl1 =par- them to be bsytizcd in moeired M also r e ? And Ile ordered, t e hy to be the name the Lord* Then prnyed the him rrfivar bv 7,;. hv6part roii ~cvpiov.II &E Ijpdtnluav airrbv t o t a r r y c c r t a i n L p . bnptLed i n the name of the Lord. Then they begged him
7. )





anYrat?ijvai roirrovc, o~rcvtcrd mciipa rb ii

drrpeivat tjplpae rrvcic.

to remain '~orne.

XI. And the rpostlcsnnd brctl~ren thnt were in Judren heard "Hrovuav.Gi oi,b.rr6aroXor rai oi 68tX$oi oi ~ Y T ~ a~r dt h t ~ tthe Gentilcllr hnd E And "heard 'the 'apostles and the brethren who were i n &L &&irid :e ward h of God. 2 And when rrjv 'IovGaiav, Srr tai rd 3 8 v ~i8ifnvro rtv X6yov roil B~oii. Peter was come up t o J~tdsea, thnt alno the Gentiles received the word of God ; Jemsnlem, thry thnt fl ' ~ n Sre" ' bv@q IIirpos i t'I~poudXvtca,ll Et~tq~ivoi~o were of the circumciwith and when 'wcnt %p 'Peter to Jerusnlem, 'contcndcd ~\;ith sion contended Thou him, 3 snyinp, afrbv oi mprropijg, S Xbym~ec, O ~ C rpAc cZv8pac wcntest in to men " ' and nncircumciscd "him 'thorn 'of [%he]hircumoision, snying, To men didst eat witd them. drrpo~vuriav.~~ovra~ v~iuijXO~c,fl wuvvi$aye~n rai airro7c. 4 But Peter rehearsed the m o t t a from the andrenmciaecl thou wentcnt in, and didst ent with them. boginning and tls 4 'Apldptvoc-G& IIirpoc iteri8tro airroic ta8ettjs Xb- pounded it by order But 'hnriryp :begun 'Peter he set [it] forth t o them i n oriler ray- unto them, anying, 5 I wns in the city of J o p wv, 5 ' E w lipqv i v &XEL ' I 6 r r p rpooevxdptvoc, tai pa prn ing :nnd in S n nu intthe] city of J o p p praying, and trance nr a vision vessel d d e160$. iv hrurluer Spapa, carapaivov ar~4dc rr Le 686vqv A certaint hnd beens sccnd as i 1 1 8 W i n 8 tr-w S vision, *descending' 'a 3vessel =certain like r *sheet grent'ahcet, let down







r &P

L. *

&yiou L. 3 a67ots T. roi, rvpiou

)n h)placed I.-fors npbr LTRAW.


k WM~AB~V : m 1r v d p a ~ ~ TO$ b LlTrA. 6 G v a ~ a r w h d u a i LTT~A. t o &S LTT~A. P 8 i mr. ; @ & A p a r t'Iquoi? XPLUTO~, U (Jesus Chnst) B a m i d f i v a i LTTT; b T@ b v 6 p n r ~ L v rivqA@cs(tioqA8c1~ he w e d 8 674 b i L ~ A , 'Iepovuah~jPLTTIA. h ;mur

~i who L .

owvi+aycv did

eat with n .




~ J E izqv

X. I

haand L i r ~ v i u a ~ lcal~6&, w ~ h w h m 1 ~ X O E G X ~ Li p o ~ .6 eiC +v I ~ ~ ~ fvtcnsdmtneeyel,I i t came M far an me: coluidered, and on which having looked intently I conmidored. tourtooted b a a b of lcai 018ov ~d rerpcirrosa rijr yijc ~ ard h p i a rai rdr i ipand mw the quadrupeds of the esrth and the wild bearts )ndtheoreaping thingq and fowh of xerd cai rd neraivci 703 oirpavo3. 7 ij~ouaa-& qwwijc XEair. 7AndIhefUd things and the birds ' d the heaven. And I heard avofce myvoice ra 'ng unto me m, &er s h j yohqg POL. * A v a u ~ L i ~ I k r p ~ , I, &UOV icai 8 and a . 8 But i t , ing to me, Having riaen up, Peter, kill and eat. But I raid, Not W, Lord : for no(E'TL awlid KOWW jj 6~LiOaprou o68iror~ thing common or un- MqBapijc, ~6kirp clcnu hath at any In no wine, L r , for Pnythi common or od unclean never time entered into my mouth. B Bnt the E ~ U ? ~ ~ E V ;c 76-~76p~(01. (irrrpieq.8i bplR $wS*) ~ K - ~ E V OV. 9 voice answered me entercd into my moutc But 'anawered %e &a )voice the wcohd in from heaven, $&,Goabthc~e,, rd.pov IK roii oirpavoii, "A d &b Cd~aOip~u~v,R ai, cleanned, , % h a 4, IXU call not thou time out of the heavah, What Q 2 oommon. 10 And this done tima : lcoivov. 10 roirro.81 CyEv~roQ d - ~ p i crai d ~ i \ r v &E, and all were drawnnp 'make common. h d thb took pbce thrice, and again w q

bamn four ~V aornar ;and (t*came peYdkqv, T ~ U U Q ~ U6pXaTC C it

' a, m t

by four


E -

t r roi) 06pavoii. sai

out . the I




~ * ! n d , i n ~ h $ , a v ~ u?r(iaOq8 iiravFa eic rhv mediatoly there were drawn up all fnto the

oirpavciv. 11 ~ a i806, Ct&-tvrijcflrpeic i

heaven. And 10, at 0 1 1 ~

$"thte,"! & Y & E b?Tiurqua~ wjv oiiciav'iv ~ llri

t stood a t the hot168


fijply,l blrruraXpiva

I wpll ~ n * m c ~ ~ unto s me. 12 And. the spirit bade me go with nothing doubtIag. rix ' Moreover these

'6116 gKotuaptiachg3c PE. 1 t l x ~ v . 8 b p rb *v~Gpa.' 2 ~ ~ Cresorea me. And .mid .to 'me2the 'Spirit, , from avv~XO~iv nirroig, 'pri8Zv ~rarpiv6pevov~~jSXO0~.6L Qpoi mr 'y

in which I WM.

togo with them, nothing doubting. Andwent with me, p n i e d me, and 7% a oi '2t: &&h$oi 06roc, eai Eiu?iht?oprv eic rbv O ~ K O V 703 ~ i entered13 intothe man s aho he .six 'brethren 'these, and we entered into the house of thg

ad rul how he had scan civJ'pdc, 1 & ~ $ - y ~ ~ i X k +piu d113s . E : ~ E V r6v ( i y y ~ i o vv 3 v.~ i . angel in his h o w , n and he related to ua how hesaw the angel in which etood and said -' tmto him, Send-mento T @ . o ~ K ~ ~ J . ~ u T o ~ Uraewra ~ a fi-rrbvra *a6ry',U ' A r d u r ~ ~ o v i Joppa, and call for $1houw rtanding and saying to him, Bend 40 m m , whose mrname , , i s Peter 14 who shall I01111qv m6~8pac,ll U ~ K pErci?r~~+ar xipwva rhv Qm~aXo6prz~ov telltheekords, where'Joppa lmen, and send for Gimon who in wnomed by thou and all t h h o d ghsll be save2 IIirpov, 14 6~ XnX+uri i+para ?rpdg UE iv.oTy' aw&jap l b And M f began to Peter, who shall speak words to thee whereby sbalt be saved the Holy Ghost firll & them, on Qir cai x l c d.olr6~-oov. 1 Qv-& r~-;ipEauOai-pa XaXriv 5 um at the beginning. thou and .all thy h o w And in my beginning to speak 16 Then nmemhered x t a e w o d O f t h e h r d Q?ri.~r@v 7 E a rb a i LOY rb W + ? atro6r, i i a ~ r pKai d$' how that hesaid; ~ o h i 'fell 'the 'Spirit .the 4Joly upon them, even rs alno upon Indeea baptized with Q , W*. but ye shsu drpxq 1 iplrlju0qv.82 roG fi+parocn mpiov. 6 be b a & with the ar, fn [the] beginnmng. And I remembered the ~ word of [the] Lord, Holy Qhost. 17 For- bje fiEYEv,* I ~ & ~ ~ ~ ~ o rrmnch then M GO^ piv &3ci?rriurv a 6 ~ i 61 c pve the how he eaid, John indeed baptized with water. L i e h&$,"edm,"," ~ a m i u 8 ~ uv~ a ~ ~ i n-vr6part d y i y . 17 Ei o5v wjv iaqv &e ~~~d jeans chri*. 8halI be baptined with [the] .Spirit 'Holy. If then . the like



t k "ld

zdz;~nih&frdv 8 w
18 When they heard

G W ~ a&roic 6 8~bg EY
=gave .to.them Jeam God ?

lcai Gp'iv,

T L U T E ~ C r iU ~ U i~



~bv mi
to forbid



also to us, having beHeved who was I, [to be]



'IquoSv xpiurdv, iy&.P8bU rig 4pqu

Christ, and I,



rwXiiuab rdv Oabv ; 1 . A K o ~ u ~ v T raGra ~ ~ 8' E~. $u6xaanv,


And having heard these things they were silent,




+ rai s * ;veuu&tJq +rv

l L~~ A .


u(Y)&~$ T . k 8) LTT~.

h ~b mcGp& ~ O LTTrA. L 1 a + ~m.


- adpas

b pot L ~ I A . C i ~ a 8 i p r qpev we were ~ m . K K ~ L i y 8 i . v Gtarcpivavra L m ;-pq8iv 8rcu rvtifievov A.

- wiv QLTTrAW.
a571j~ A.


+ m3 of d e QLTl'rAW.

X I. ACTS. nmi qbbE?&~ov~bv Xiyovrec, r"Apay~flrai roie ieveaiv eehv,


alOT"ted God*O ~ P ~ W Then h:bth I ) saying* to the ~ ~gmnt- ~ ed repentance unto

b 8eAc 4~ p~rdvoiavsZ6w~~v t ~ 6 v . l eic

God Yrcpentunce 'gnve unto life.




Then indeed also to the Gentiles


19 NOW they which the tribulation that were scattered abroad upon the persecution yevopivqc bri t8r~$[ivy,l' BlijXe~~ @otvi~qc K67rpov t h at srow about SWrai took plnce upon Stephen, passed through to Phcenicia and Cyprun phen travelled as far rai 'Avrto~~iac, pqkvi XaXoirvwc rbv Xdyov /.p+ p6v0v as Phmice,nnd Cyprus, and Antioch, pronchand Antioch, to no one s ~ a k i n g the word exoept 'only ing the word to none They indeed therefore who were sc~tttered by

19 Oi plv


btau~apivr~cr b fie OXi$euc rjic i

'Iov6aioc~. 20 fiuav-li nvac bE airrGv riv6pec Khpiot ~ a ~ ~ ~ y . u ~ & , ~ h ~ o , , $ i



But were certain 'of who having come

%hem into

'men Antioch,

-riots ~ k

and them were men of Q .

e come to Antioch, spake Grecinns, r p b ~ 0 3 ~x'EXXq~iard~n dayyeXtt6p~vor rbv r6ptov unto the the Lord 7 to the Hellenists, asnonucing the glad tidings- the Lord Q,, 21 ~~d the 'Iqaoirv. 21 rai +v %rip v;; $ p i a6rrjv roX6c.r~ of the Lord 'Lordwith them, Andewas ['the] %hando Jesus. and a great great number believthem : a rlare6uac briurpe$ev bri rbv K ~ ~ L O Y 22 ' ~ ~ 0 i r o 9 and turned nnto . ed ~ n a m c r having believed turned to the Lord. th; Lord. these thinra tidings of 22 Then land The 5eport nnhm

Kvpq~aioi, o'l~tva~ i a ~ X e 6 v ~ ~ c'Avridx~iav,dXMovv v~ eic 1 1



6i 6 Xdyoc is 7d
in the


e m of the assembly

B~rAquia~ fig

which [wan] in Barnaban

i v a'Iepo- came unto the ears of

Jeru- i n

ooX6poic" repi a6rGv. Kai b ~ n r i a r e ~ a v Bapvdpav b6te~-they sent forthBarn*

ooncerning them ; crild they sent forth

the Jenlsalem : which

wm and

t o go bas9 fthat he Antioch. go as a r as 23 Who, whenhe cams through M far as Antioch: who having come and having sean and had seen the of God Was glad, and njv X & p c~roir eeoir i ~ d p qrai ?raperciXai?rciwacrq'.?rp06i~t ~ , ei110rt;la them aU the grace of God rejoiced, and exhorted all with purpose that with m h& they would ra 6iac ?rpoapQverv kvpiy* 24 $71 $Y &&p h~a8bccleave unto the Lord. r$ of faart to abide with the Lord; for he war a %man good 24 For he was a ood e reai ?rX+pqc rue6 aroc iov ~ a ?riur~wc. rai 7rpoaeri$ man, and full o f t hd i HOI G ~ O S ~ and full of [theFSpirit 'Jbly and of faith. And wM added fait$ :and much pec. le wan added unto t q h 6xXoc iravbc r$ ~ v p i y .25 'E!$jX8~~.61 Tapobv dd Bap- rd. 25 Then departa %crowd'large to the Lord. And 'went Jforth % 'Tarsns 'Bar- ed Barnabas to TX Isus, for t o seek v6/3nc0 &vakrijaar EaCXov, 26 rai e6p&v eaCr6vo ( y a y ~ v26 and when heSaul? hnd nnbns to neck Saul ; and having fouua him he brought found him he brougllt iyhv~ro.dJ faGroircn iviavrdv Mm idt cameAntiochs ~ n to p u eaBrbvn rie 'Avri6xetav. him b Antioch. bnd it came pas8 they a' Y that a whole


'Avrio~~iac. 8~ ?rapayv6pEY0$ 23 Kai




8 x 0 ~ avvax~$vac dv
'whole were gathered togetherin


~ K K X ~ U ~~aai 8lbciEai 6$Xov F,

assembly, and taught

assembled themnelvw a crowd with the church an4 much Gople. And the disciple8 were

i~nvdv, xpqfariaa1.r~ g
'large : and were

i)rOvn iv 'Avrio~eiqrode pa9qrdc

' i n


*dluipIea called Christlana flrst lotiocb

hristianr. 5 9 inthew day? came prophet8 from .Jerusalem unto ~ n t i prophots to Antioch ; snd ' : ~ a v i n Viwn *up 'one 'from .among och. 28 And there ~ stood up one of ?hem atrrjv dvcipnrc *AYa/3oc, hb6pavev'1 61d ro3 nve6paro$, named A ~ U ~ U S *nd *them, bp name Agabus, he signified by the Spirit, signified by the'spirit that there should be Ai bv 'piyava ~ & X E L V ~aeuOaci$' 8hjV O ; K O U ~ ~ V ~ Y 'p ~ a dsarth throught 'LmiIIe 'great i about s to be over a ~ h o l e'the habitable world ; out all the world 8 And in these

27 'Ev-ra6raic.B2 r a 2 $pipnic rearijX8ov dnb 'I~pouoXCpwv

came down from Jernsalem

?rpo$Grai ric 'Avrt~i~etav. &vaardrc-82 28 : c



9 i8dtauav LTTr. ''Apa then L1Tr; . t p a [ye] A. m eic < I ; &KEV & + LTTrAW. t Pm~ P V OL. V * iA0dwes G L ~ A w . K a l also L ~ A . '*EAAVvag Greeks 0LlTfA. 7 6 LlTrA. o i r q s W M TTr. 'IepovuaA+j/f~ LTTrAIV. b 8&ehOtivLTTr. C + ) v which [WIS~ LmrA. d b Bapvifias (read he went forth) Lmrd. & ~ b v(read [him]) LTTrL Q ~ L ~ atO them even L T n a . S i 8 r;pGros TTrA. h e'cnjfiacvev L. i fieyiAqv LIT~AW.

- -


which e~~ P- in KXavdlov m & z ; ~ ~ p20 rGv.8& ~~.n the dtrys of Clnucliur kgwtcfl Icuir iYiar~ro Cnrrar. 29 .Then the which also came to prrclr under ' Clnndiu. Cfesnr. And t b diffiipler, e r e v man p a & I ~ & t a e & ~ ~ ~qt?ropeir6~ rtc, &pimu ~tiaarosa6according to his ty, determiued tonbili- disciples according ns =wns4prorcpercd'any 'one, determined, ench of relief unto the breth- ?&v Gta~oviav ?ripJ/nt roic mrrol~ok~rv r$"rov8aipr av ~ d 9 8 ~ ~ $ w ~ for ~ niinistrmtion to send to the them, ~ t a Pdwelling .n i *Judcea




they did, and sent i t t o theofelders by the

rtSeX$oiga 30 6 cai Qnoiqaav, cinoardXavr~g n p d g so* 'brethren ; which also they did,
sending [it]





~eipbsBapviPa cai ZlnCXov.

of Barnaban and .put 'forth Snul. time 'Herod lthe *king the assembly; with a sword add&

12 Kai.itiei'vov.8i rbv.~aqbvini@aXev O'HpLbqc d paa~XIT. Now a b u t that time Rerod the king

by [the] hand

And a t 'that bin]

of the church. a And he killed John the brother of James with the sword. 3And be-


Xe3c1' rdc xei'pag rca~ijaairivac TOY tnd rijc C~tiXqala~.

to ill-treat Jamer the some of thwe brother of

2 6vriX~v.Gi 'I&copovrbv tJeX$bv P'Iw&~vov~~ qpa~aipp.~

and he put to death

of John

~ ~ ~ e ~ s And having~ $ ~planning tit is~ to~ ~ ~ seen that , " the

3 %a; i'S&vIl brr tpeardv iqrtv TOTE 'IovdaioiS n. oaieero


further to take Peter mXXnpeiv cai n[irpov. fiaav.84 IjyiQpar rQv.t~6pwv' also. flhen were the to take also Peter : (nnd thcy were dnys o unleavened brend : f ) days of unlcaveued ;S bread.) 4 And when 4 6v tin; ?Tthaac ~ ~ E T O $vXnk;lv, wapa8odg riuanphe had apprehended whom nlso hnving seized he put i n prison, having delivered to four him he put him in r d n , and delivered atv rerpa8iolc arpariwr3v $VXhat7etv alirbv, povXdpe?~oc per& k m to four quatornisets of four soldiera to gnnrd him, pnrposing nf ter on6 of ~oldiers keep to aim ; htgnding rb nhaxa aivaynyriv a i d v ha? 5 6-piv.oGv-1~irpo~ Emtor to bring him the passover to bring out him to the peop a, Peter therefore indeod forth to the people. &peter therefore wRe Irqpei'ro iv r e $vXarc$ ~poarvx4.6i ?jv 'Im~vrjc'I ytvopivq kept in prison: but wss kept in the prison; but 'prttyer 'WM 'fervent mad0 prayer wnsmade without of the 3rd riic i~tiXqaia~ npbc rbv Oebv 'irnlp" aliroit. 6 "0re.Ji church unto God for by the asembly to God concerning him. But when And when w2p~XX~v'l i ~ ~ i ) v oh E L V ~ d'HpLSqc, r@.vv~ri.irceivy$v xa ?r ~ 3erod would have bought him fors 3about %U #him ?M Phin; 'forth 'Berod, in thnt night wu

c:2 x~iers ~ ,: : two sol

dwr kept prison. %hains 'two, guards also begm the d w r kept the prison. b?rQarq,~ a $ 3 ~cXapJ/ev Iv i . ?And, behold, the an- 7 ~ a iGo6, iiyyrXoc mpiov i in And behold, a n angol of [the] Lord atood by, and a light shone rhined in'the rfson : oi~tjpari. .rra~htac.& +v ?rXwpdvroii Hbrpov .rjyetpev of Peter he rouse&up eide the building. And having smitten the himup, anying, Arise atrbv XQywv, 'Avhara dv. r&xei. Kai rltirrasvll aliro3 ai up qulckl And his him, chains from hb laying, Itbe up in 4 hwte. And fell off of him the hands. the ! U &Afaeic Ir r3v rtp3v. 8 elni~.~rrM6 d 10 And 'said 'the 'hgolS hlm, chains from bin] %andS. Gird thyself, and bind on thy snndnls. d u d SO atrdv, a r Z ~ p i ~ ~ a a i , nitnd8qbai rd.aav8hXl&.aou. 'Eaoiqkai he did. And he saith him, Gird thyself about, and bind on thy mndsls. , 'He 'did unto him, C u t thy rb.ip&tidv-UOV, i garment about thee, QEY d i oijrwc. ~ aXQyei airrcji, TIeptpahoii and follow me. Q And land m. And he snys to him, Cast about [thee] thy garment, he went out nnd followed birn;'and wist Kni dKdX06e~lpot. 9 Kai i&Xe(;v 1jrroXoG0ei batr$'" rrai not thnt i t was true and follow' me. And going forth hefollowed him, and which wns done by the auel. but thought O ~ L . $ ~ E L brt ciXqeic it7rtv rb tvdpcvov 6id 703 t y a: n he &W ( I viaion. did not know that real i t Is which happening by meana of the

c,"\~,",~&:;~%: amw Yvuiv, $6Xatiis

bound Peter sleeplug

~ , 6 nirpog" xoipL~rvogperat3 860 mpailuruiv, 8r6epQvoc&X& ' w ~ ~

between two soldien, bound


n n b rijc 96p. c

imjpovv +v $vXamjv.

rAlfgg,","a", y z ? ti: ~ ~ ~ k : ~ z ~ ~




L ] . m Kaluapoc OLTTrAW. &rope?r6 LTTrA. P 'Iwdvov Tr. fia)(aipn lTrA. r iS&v 8; LTl'rA. . d the Q I ~ A ] ~ . t i ~ r & r fervently L ~ A . v rapc LTTr. j p e M e v TPrA. rpoayayciv ahrbv LTA ; rrpodyetv a h b v Tr. 7 i~ircuav LTTCA. 6a LTr. Zhucu gird thyself


'Hp6Sqc T .


XII. ACTS. yhXov, 16drcet.68 iipapa PXilrecv. 10 6i~X0dvr~~.81 lrp6~qv10


When they wcre the and tile gel, but thought a vision he saw. And having pa~sed through a first ward, they (vhax$v xai +vripav, c&V30vn iici rtjv ?rihqv ri)u ~ ~ t h ~ ~ guard and a second, they came ,to the 'gate the city. which opened $t ovaav 0 d v ?~dXtv, a6~ophrq ~ $rtg dljvoiX6rln atroico to t h e d of his o m that Ends into the city, o h of i t opened t o them ; and and passed on icai iceX0dvrtc ?~pojjX60v b6,uqv piav, cai e&efwc through one streetand immodiatelp and forthwith the an' and having gone out they wenl on through '&reet 'one, el departed from h i m I &niurq ciyyeXos cilr: aCro3. 11 ~ a i TIirpoc ey~vdp~vocAnd when Peter clepnrted the angel from him. was come to himself And Petex having come he said, Now I h o d f v i a v r ~ ~ 6 l m v ,t v oI6a ciXq0Gg i;rr ila?r8urerXev N of a surety, that the to himself said, Now I know of a truth that 'sent Yorth 'the Lordhath sent his an[ gel andhathdelivered ~6ptogrbv.6yyeXov.a6~oS, xai *f&hetd"p Qc xecpdc rne'out of the h n d of =Lord his angel, and delivered me out of [the] hand Herod, and fiwn all the expectation of the 'Hphbov icai lrciat)~ lrpoudoxia~ rGc 703 ha03 732; 'Iov6aiwv. ople of the Jews. all the expectation of the people of the Jews. And w b n he had of Herod and 12 avvt6Dv-TE GBev flri nju oixiav g Mapiac rijc ~ I J T conaidered the thang, be h e came to the h o w And considering [it] he came to the house of Mary the m o t L of Mary the mother 1 whose surb'~wcivvov"703 f m x a X o v p i ~ oMcip~ov, 06 jSuav iicavot of John,wan & k ; ~ name of John who is surnamed Mr, ak where were many where many were gatn,vq0pot~pbvoc a ? r p o ~ ~ v ~ d p ~ 13 tKpo6aavroc-64 ~ i vo . the'ea is And as %eter ing. together raygathered together and praying. And 'having %necked knocked a t the door of






[at] the

rrjv Qjpav 703 nvXGvo~, ?rpoaijXQav lratbiaq h a door of the porch, 'came
' 8 'damsel

tk,BBbi014 And named Rhoda.

' ' gL

ro4aui, budparr 'PdGq* 14 xai ilrtyvoSua . 71jv gwvfjv 703 ~ ~ , ~ ~ , " , " ~ ~ d ~ o t listen, by name Rhods ; and having recognized the voice the gate for gladness nirpov, dlrb. rijc xapiis 'OCK.~YOL&U rvXGva, eioSpa- W Peter iltoodbefore riv in and told
of Peter, from joy

Phaving the gab. 15 ~~d they roiiaa 6 CimiyY~iX~v iarCivat 4 rbv nirpov lrpb 703 said unto her Thou run 'iu 'but she reported Dto 'be .standing bofow the a r t mad. he constantly a5lrmed T V X ~ ~ V O ~ 15 0i.61 rpbc a 6 4 u k~Inov,u Maivp. 'H.& that it was even so. . porch. But they to said, Thos art mad. But she her ~ \ ~ u $ . ~ '0 ciyyeXoc mu&- tm continned h o c k biiuxvpi{ero o$rog'ixav. 'oi.'6' atrongly abed thun it w a r And they said, The angel of ing: and when they had opened the door. 703 ~ f f J r t ~ . ~ 0 . 6 ~ - ~ i r plo ~p ~ ~ e v O ~ W U &voi~aurac.64and saw him, they 16 ' f ri K~ ' him i t b . But Peter continued knocking : and having opened ~ e ~ ~ k n~16~v" atr6u, icai dE~orqaav. 17 icaraueiua~.di airroZc thbm with thehandto they saw him, and were amszbd. b n d having made a sign to them hold their m c e , declared unto them h o v r$ ~ ~ t p i Utyf,?v 6tt)yljuaro Oatroi~ll 6 rcirpiog atrbv the Lord had broughil with the hand to be silent he related r ta them how the Lord him him out of the prison. And he said Go shew f yay~v frc rij~ $vXat$c. ~Znev.Pbh,~ 'A?rayy~iXar~ 'IarDpy these thin) unto brought out of the prison. And he said, Report t o Jam= James, a n p to the de~ aro;c ci6eXqmTs ra3ra. Kai ft;eX6&u brope66q gr~povbrethren And heinto i p&d, went and to the brethren these things. And having gone out he went to another another place. 18 Now M Boon as it wan da sdlrov. 18 yevopiLq~-diIjClhpag $ 1 ~ rcipa~ocO ~ K bXiyoc there was no place. And 'having 'come day there w.sSdisturbance 'no 'small stir among the sol-

she opened not the




among the

i~ role urparchratc, si 6pa d IIQrpocfyhvero. 19 'Hph6qc diers,ofwhat WM And come Peter. 19 besoldiers, what t h e n r o a *Peter 'wasabecorue. Herod when Herod

'found him not heand Ought for him* ex'and having sought aft& ' i h m 'and *not I a v i n g 'found, having examined the dried the 9CXacac ic8X~vu~v CinaXBijvac. icai KarEXg;v and commanded t h a i -C he commanded [them] to be led away [to death]. And having gone donn they rhOnld be

6 4

i~tzqrtjuacairrbv ~ a p4 i

~hpbjv, &valEPivac sods



iJhOav L& &

i)voiyr) L m A .


s LTTrAW. h'I~~vov m. L ; 6 iAeyov OTT~AW. ; m im'v

;v Gavs; yrv6pevor ISRAW. f & t e A a r 6QLTrrAW. 06~0: he Q L m A W . k d w a v LTTrA. Si aCroii LTT~A. a C&V L ~ A . 0- h i s NT~J.

P r e LTrrA.




Cieearen, and t h e n aJudaes to Cesnrea he stayed [there]. a\V~ wAnd 'h 'Hpd6ilcU Ovpopa~Gv Tvpiotc ~ a L'tGwviorp* i wns highly displcnsed themof Tyre and lnnd *Herod in bitter hostility with [the] Txrinns and Sidouinnd ; BiCou: but they came ~po~vpa~hv.64 f u n v rphc ailrdv, rai reiunvrec BXhorov mp ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ e h , but with ono$ n ~ they came " , ~ ~ nccord to hiur, sud haviug gained Blustur Rkstlls the kiu,n'a rbv i d r06 ~ o t r i ) v o705 panrXipc, 9robvr0 E ; ~ $ V I ] V , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ' who [was] orer the bedchnmlxr of the ~ ~ ~ e d king, sought pence, becanse their coun8th rb T ~ E $ E n6ri)v ~ xcjpav u ~ ~ T ~ C ~~~A[KGS P try was by because nos nourished their country by the king's. the king's cottntru. 21 And upou n qet 21 Tarrt.6k $pipp i)'H h8qc h~~bvu&pevoc huetjra /3uurhir$v, dny Herod, arrayed i n grid on a set day gerod having put on *nppnrel 'royal, roynl apparel sat u p on hi. tbrdne, and 'l(aiu raeiuag' b r i 703 pilparoc, b6q}cqydpi .rrphc aitmade nn orntioa uu- and having sat on the tribunal, was making an orntion to them; t o them. 2 And a roirs. 22 8.6i 6ijpos bae$Dvri, 8~05 $wvd ~ n oCr i the people shout, saging,% the O And the people were crying out, 'f 'a 'god ['the] -voice nnd not voice of a god and not rvo f man. 23'bndim- &vQpArov. 23 a a axpijpn.62 Ircirntrv airrbv byyehoe mediate1 thcangel of of a man1 Angimlllediately 'sluote 7hirn lan "nugel 'of C4che] the ~ o r smote him, g becanse he gave not piov, &vB).&v ohr r6w~ev n j v " 6JFnv r $ ' rai yevciptvo~ God the glory : and he Lord, becnnse he gnvo not the glory to God, a d hnring beon was gnve uptheghost. enten of worms, ~S'~+V:E?J. 24 6-64 . X6y0c so5 6 ~ 0 6qilEavtv

fiEdJp:aeFd 'Iovbaias ric qrtjvll rKaiarip~ravP 76s Grhrpi/3rv.


eatep of w o r m multiplied. he expired.

24But the word of God

5~&?&2f2:,", ~

But the word nnd Saul

of God returned


a 6rhq66vEro. ! 6 &pvri/3ng.Ei i 2
And Barnnbns

rsai ZaGhoc 8niurpc$av


Saul returned from and

$' I e ovu~Xljp,rhqp&unwec ~ v ~ ~ ; r$

istv, and took -alem, having fulfiiled the ministrution, k h n g tnken with them John. w h o s e ~ r - TEE' x ~ a i ~ ' I w h v v t lr3v inlrXq0ivm hic;prov. v'l name wan Nark. [them] also John who W ~ surnamed R iUol.k.

Biarovihv,~ m ~ ~ ~ w rapuhaP6~$


13 'Hoav.GE
IL T :, ;
that was

Z ~ r v ~hc l'AVTIOXE~Q r)jv v i rclrd

Antioch in


IYow there were certain i n

the 'which 'was rthere]

hprophets and teachers, both Bnrnnbas and Simeon ~ ~ h $ , ~ r o $ e ! & ~ ~ d raAo6pevoc Niyep, rai Aoirr1oc 6 Kvptlunios, has and'Simeon who \van called. Eiger, and Lucius the C'yreninn, cmd Mnnncn,

N&T ~

brrAqniav rpo$ijrar rai BrBiiuraXor, 8.r~.Bnpvhpa~ Zvtrad~v mi

~ t 'assembly i ~ ~

~ ~ ~f '/ p h~v r05 a tetrarch~ ;p &6V T ~~ $ Od ,Y SauL 'As4n.ere 0 ~ p- which ' : had H Berod the of L $ ~~ a fosterlbrother, i~~ Za6h0~. 2 h t f k m ~ p O ~ nnd
been brought up with yo6vrwv d i aLrGv T@ irvpiy r n i ~ q u r ~ v d v r ~ ~ X E V Ev, rb %said 'the Elerod the As the land .they to the Lorcl and fasting, and Saul. 2 tetrarchl lstering ministeredtothehrd: rveiipa rb iiylov, A opiuar~ 66 por r6v.%eU.Bapvh~avrcii and the *Spirit %he *Holy, ' $,parate indeed to me b d h Bnrnnbu and Ghost said, Scpnrnte me Barnnbas andsaul crbvu2aEXov ai'c r b ipyov 6 rpourE~Aqpara&ro&c.3 T6re for the work whereSaul for the work t o which l have called them. Thhn unto I have called them, 3 And when v q u r ~ b u n v r tK U ~T ~ O U E U ~ & ~ E V Okai ~ A I ~ ~ VrdcExeipac ~ L, T ~ they had fasted and having fasted and prayed, and having laid hnnds y y e d , and laid their ands on them, they ahro'ic, &;lrbXvUaV. 4 d O h O ~ H plv 0th ~KTE/.I$~~ sent ihem away. 4 So ?n them, they let [them] go. They i n d e d therefore having been sent forth they being sent forth by the HOIJG ~ O S de- 8ab ro6 e m ~ 6 p a r o c ~ , 705 h i o v , ' i ~ a r i j h ~ orig *rGvtigr~Xe6v p r t e d unto Seleucia i by thy Spirit the wont d o n t o Selcua d from thence they -iledto Cyprus. o b n d rriav,U ~ L E ~ ~ ~ V .~T~ ~ A E v 15'( v & E u c fwjv'' KCrpov. 5 rai when they were a t E - cia, h and thence sailed away to lamis they preached the gordof cod in ~ E V O L bv BaXnpivr rarijyyeXXov rbv Xdyov.ro3 eeoil i v mis Lhe synngogues of the come into Salamis they announced the word of God in the



P * v LTTrAW. Xaruapiav T. 6 'Hp68?r (rend he GLTT~AIV, t rtai [L]T[TI]. v 7il~ QL. ' UVV- T . K R ~ ~ T I [ A ] . S ' I U J ~ VT . L ~V 8 r ~ r 1 , e rLTl'rA. r t r p a i p X o v T. ' r e ULTTrAW. C rbv LlTrAW. d ahoi LTTr& ciy&ov~ v l 6 . pa~os LZT~A. f 6 v U~RL I ~ C A ~ V K ~T. V U


mvaywyaic r4v 'Iovkiou.
s p ~ 3 o g u w of the Jewn.

eTxov.& ~ ah'~06~qvn i ~
And they had also John [as] 6 B L E X O ~ V ~ E S . B ~i rtjv U ~ ~ U O V IT690u And having passed through the island as tar as Payhos a falee prophet a Jcw, whose name

~ f o ~ $ o

an attendant.

they found a certain magician,

~8pdv rlva phyov #~v8o~po$~r~v'louJctiov, j 6 Gvopa kRa~iquoij~,U 7

4v uirv r$ dv6v?r&ry Zepyiy ITaiXy,
proconsul Serg~ua Paulus, hav~ng a l l ~ d c to
him] Barnabas

iSbr. , j ~ ~ d they Pad gone Paphos' they through the 'found a certain sorle cerer a falseprophet,



J&* was Bar-jesus:7 which




who war with the He

wns with the deputy Paulus,aprude~tt Of the country* man;


who called for h a r m and has and Saul, and deaired to hear the word ZaijXov bre<$rqav 6roijuat rbu X6yov roG Oeoij* 8 &v~iuraro.@ GO& 8 B U ~ l $ m y of E Saul dedked to hear the word of God. Buttherewithstood the sorcerer (for no Is his name by intera6roic 'EX6pac b pciyoc' oiirwg..ydrp pe6eppqveierai rb Bvopa pretation) withstood %ame them, seeking to turn them Elymaa the magician, (for so is interpreted away the deputy from a6roij' zqrijv braarp3at T ~ V v & ~ r o v ~ rijc riurewg. thefaith. SThenSnul t i b 'his), adding to pervert the proconsul from the faith $who also L c a d aul,) filled with the 9 XaCXog-GB, b rai ITaGXog, rXquOeic meSparoc hyiov, G ~ O S ~ , his set But Saul, who also [is] Paul, being filled with [the] 'Spirit 'Holy, eyes on him, 10 and
'mh ' n aintelligent. a

o&oe rpou~aX~ucipevo~~apv6/3avrai



and having looked steadfastly upon him g u ~ l e and craf G,

~ig a6rbv 10 elrev, 'P rX7jpqc ,ravsaid,


of thou c h ~ l d the deof

$$ ,"$&Ok-$,"f;
~ $ rnot~cease to ,per-, " , 9 : i ~O~ " thou

r6c 61X8u ~ nrhuqg Pq8tovpyiag, vi8 Gca/36Xov, :

son of [the] duvil, enemy perverting the

of all

Gtraiouivq~, oi~.xu6ug GiaurpQ$wvr(ig B or G ig

dghteourncss, wilt thoil not cease

r(ic ~ t t l ~ i a g ; 11
's~ra~ght P

"Rays 'of rthc] *Lo,rd behold, the hand oi and thou upn be shalt m; vib i806, X E ~ P "r0ij1Ilcv~iou h i U S , the lord" thee, And now 10, [the3 hand of the Lord [is] upon thee, blind, not seeing the





rv$X6c, p$ j3Xhrwv rbv 3 t o v

blmd, not seeing the sun for

a season.

on him a mist and naoa~p<pa."6h~~ ? r i r ~ u ~ va6rdv tiXXirE ~ a Ui K ~ T O reai darkness andhe went O~ br' U ~ , fell h$ mmecimtcly upon him a mist and darkness, and about seeking hand. lead him b the repihywv i<rjrei XEfpayw 0 6 ~ . 12 rdre i 6 b 12 Then t i e deputy, Then 3hrving 'wen when he saw what W* done, believed, being going about he sought some to load [himyby the hmd. 4i~rXquu6p~vocII i astonished at the d o e ir b (ivO6raroc rb yeyoud~ briur~vuev, 'the %roconsul what had happened believed, being astoninhed at b'ine of the Lmd.
and thou shalt be


the teachlug of the

6t6ccxi 706 mpiov.


13 'Aua~06vreg-bhi r d rijc c

ed from Papho8, they came to Pergain Pamhoping dcpwted from them returned to aThey phyliar and departing from them re~ L E X ~ ~ V T&rb TZIpYqErapeyFvovro 1 'AV- turned to Jerusalem. E ~ roi 81 ~ 'but, having passed through from Pergn, came to h-14 But when they deparLed from Ycrga, r l 6 ~ ~ l a u ITtotGiag,H ' E ~ U E ~ ~ ~ U T r$v b ~ u ( r ~ w ~ came to Antioch .Kai ~ " the? $ ~ ~ tioch of Pis~dia, and having gone into the agnagogue in Pisidia, and w ~ n t the synn r@ rav U a ~ ~ h r w v ixli8tuau. 15 M~rd.31i v &h- into sabbnth ogue on the md on tho 'day 'snbbath they sat down. And after the read- sat down. 15Andkfter yvwurv roij udpov ~ arijv ?rpa(qrGv ci?rfurecXavoi cipXisvvci- the reading of the Inw i and the prophets the ing ofthe law and ofthe prophets *sent 'the 'rulers 'of mlers of the synar p b ahroi.~, ~ Xdyovrec, " A V ~ Q E ~ e i ~ ci&X(oi, iunv gogue sent unto them ye rllcn ad the ~ Y n W o P eto them, saying, Xen brethren, if there is brethren, if ye have

IIathov 4XOov ri'c IIipyqv n j g IIap(vXiac. r~oivvqEn-6213 Now when Paul md company
'Paul came to Yerga P a m ~ h ~ l i; a

oi r e p i
'those .about ['him]


And having sailed from

and John

ciroxwp~uag&r'airr2v zirdurpe~ev

14 a$-





q u o i T.

* &wu

(the) who10 LmrAW. Bq. - rai + 6hqv- ~ b- 706 (read of [thel) 1 + .&dPa manT. II*urbiav L~TTA. re &ccep imAqrTdpc LTT~Aw. v 'hcurgs Tr.
b ' I w h y v T. r
GLTTrAW. LTT~AW. m VOF R. P , TW any (word) L ~ A W ,


' : LTR.




ally word of exhorta- a1 tion for tllR oyoc iv &@v1' T ~ ~ U K X ; ~ U E W Sb c rbv Xaiiv, Xiyere. q on. 16 ~h~~ R word among you of exhortation to the people, speak. 8t00d and beck- 16 'Avaurdg.8Z TIafiXog, rai rcaraueiaac ?.p' X E L ~ ; E ~ T E Y , , oiling with hir hand And =haring ,up 'Paul, mid, MCU of Isritcl and making R sign with the hand, said, audyc that fear ~ o d " ~ 1 r 8x ' ~ a p a ~ l X i ~ a i , l i : p~~ ~ a oi $opol;l*~voi O E ~ YCi~oGaar~. I rbu , give audience. 17 The God of this poople of Israelites, and those fcaring God, hearken Isfircl chose our fa- 17 6 8ebe roG.Xaoii-ro6rov J'Ispafih" ic~XiEaror o 6 ~ raripac thera, and exalted the chose Yathers uople when they The God of this people Israel b c l t as strengers in i p d v . rai rbv XaAv ~ ~ / I W U E Yiv r t aapot~iq yf the land Of Egypt,aud 'our, and 'the Speople 'exalted i n the sojourning in [the] lmd with an hixh arm brought he them out Z A i y 6 ~ ~ yrai per& ,6paxiovog c#qXoz dtijyayev a6ro6g ,ll of It. 18 And *bout of Egppt, and with =arm 'a lhigh brought them out of the tilneot forty years suffered he thcir man- ClCTijc' 18 rai &c B r ~ ~ ~ a p n ~ O v r a x p dfV 0 ~ birpo.rro~~ j" ners ill the wilderness. ~ t , and about Yorty *years ['the] "time he bore 19 And when he had dr:xtroytd scvcn na- ~ ~ P ~ ~ U E U ;l/ rf a6roljS11 $yy. 19 rai raOeX&v r"Evq h r d tious itl the land of manners 'their i n the b)ebert. And having destroyed'nat ions 'seven Chnnnnn, he divided 9 their lnnd to them by &lJ ?.p' XUYC~&Y,~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ q p ~d ~ 6 ~ ~ ivc' " c d d q u ~ 71jz'.yij~.air~ lot. 20 And aftrr that in [the] land of Canaan, he gave by lot t o them their land. hc gave unto them judges abovtthe spnce ~ G v . 20 = ~ a p ~ r d raGra, i &g ~"TEULY ~ r ~ a r o u i o l ~ i r ~ a of four hundred and And after these things about p e a r s 'four ahundreti 'and fiftyyctirs.until Samuel theprophet. ?revnj~ouralli8wrev rcplrdc ?we Zapov>)X f ~ ~ GT"~ O $ ~ ~ T O V aitcrw~rd they desired 'fifty he gave judges until Samuel the prol~l~et. ~ ~ t , " " ~ h ~ ~ 21 ~KC~KE~OEYr i~ a v r o paatXCa, rai idwrev airro7c 3 Oehg ~ ~ l g 8 ; i u ~ son of cis, a man of And then they asked for a king, and =gave 'to t h e m 'God the tribeof Benjamin, $v?fjc hB~vtapiv,'l r"rq Z&&X vibv BKic," &spa bre by t!le rpace of forty Saul son of Cis, 8 man of [the] t r ~ b e of Benjamin, 'years %:!And when he
T:#i-cd up unto them

L d removed him, he ir~gcyapdgoyra." 22 rai peraunjuac a6rbv { Y E L ~ E U ka6roic lforty. And having rcmored him be raised up to them ]).I\ id to bc their king. ~ a p i 8 " pauiXia, eig 'cai ETAEU papn~pljuac, to tvilom also he gap; re*r:mo~iy, and s a ~ d David for king, t o whom also 'he 5si~id'having 'borne *witne~s, tlnve found theson of Jcsse,aman EgPov 'Aapi8I1rbv re; ' I ~ u b a i(Ev8pa ~ a r & rfiv sapsiav , af OWIJ heart, I found David the [son] of Jcsse, a man according t o 'heart which shall fulfil all


rhO~Xljpar~.pov. 23 ToCrov

my will. .f 'this ['man,] O nrcording to his proi?rayyeXinv"$yElp~v" ry' mise raised unto is- b 8~bg &?rb roG asripparog ras' racl a S:lsiour, Jesus : 'God =of 'Lhe Ssccd according to promise raised up 24 whc,n John hnd first , prc:tahcd before his Iapaljh awrijpa ' I ~ u o ~ Y .,1 r p O r n ] p 6 ~ f l ~ T o c U ' ~ ~ h ~ ~ 24 coming the baplism t o Israel a Saviour Jesus, having 3before *proclaimed 'John of rcpentnuce to all tile pople of ~ ~ ~ p 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ U l T rij~.~iud~ov.a6roG ~ O ~ O U . prirrcupa peravoiar 25 And aa John ful- before [the] face of his eutrance a baptism of repentance fillc,d hia couree said, ,vhom r a v r i T$ Xa@ '~apa$X. 25 frXGpov OS" P ' I w r i v ~ q ~ ' ' that I am ? I am not to all the people of larael. And ns 'was 31ulfilling 'John

; :

~ & , ~ ~ t b ~ whose &hocs h k fee{ of I am not worthy to loose. Men d , brethrvn, cltildrcn of thr: of Abr;\ilam, and u~hwoever among to you fellreth

Y , h $r3v 6pdPov, ~ E ~ EqTiva pen 6rovoe7re ~Zvai; o h e/pi ~ ; ~ ~ mis] course, he said, Whom me do ye suppose to be? %ot 'am

3 0 6 , ipxemi p r i ( p i , whomobx-riyi worthy the 05 &&oc rb he comes nfter me, of I nmnot



6qpa rdv ro8Gv Xfiua~. 26 " A V J ~&JEX$O~, E~ vioi

pal of the feet to loose. Men brethren,

to you the

sons of [thul mce God,

Appacip, tiai oi

d v

6uiv $opoip~voirbv O E ~ V ri~p7vn , 6


of Abmham, and those amoug $ou

i v Gpiv A ~ O LWrw. S 1 'IupaqAe;~ac T . Y 'IupaiA G. 'A i y j n ~ o v LTr. a .reuuepax o w a i q Tnrt b &-po4046pquev a&ofip he nourished them GI.TAw. C ~ a r e ~ h ~ p o v 6 p q u ~ v QLTTIAW. d ai)rots TT~[A]. e &S ~ T E U L V e r p a ~ o ( r i o~s ar e v n j ~ o v ~ ~ . a i 7 a . j ~(reud ~ t i a ~. thew Eai~dabout four hundred :rud fitty yeihrs. A n d :~ltcr these tll~ncshe gave, &C.) Ll'TrW. c 705 TT~[A]. B Keis Uels LlTrA. h B E I ' L ~LTTrA. V ~ u l r e p c i ~ o vTPrA. ~ ~ ~ ra rbv Aavcis airro; LTTIA ; A a v Z 0%'. 1 Aaveib L T T ~ A ;~ a u l Gw. b m i)yay~v brougllt QLlYrAW. 8 ' I ~ ~ vr v 0 T. o 6 LTTIA. P 'Iwavqs Tr 4 T i ifii LlTrA. &v to U T . A

. -






XhyoC rijy.awrqPiac-ra6-m 8 6 x ~ o r & X q27 ~ ' ~ oi.yd? raro~roijv-you

the wordof this snlvntion sent. 27 For word of this anlvation wss sent : for those they that dwell at. J e T Ehv'r~()ovaaX))p ; oi.bp~ovre~.airrSv,O ~ T O V y v ~ i / a n i ~ ~ e and their m~ ra T ~ rus:glem+~ not having kuown Iers, because they knew in Jcruslrlem and their rulers, him him not. nor yet the

rai rhe (wvdy rSv xpo.po(qrGvrdy r a r d TGV o&/3/3arov

aud the ?cad, cnuse voices of the prophets who on every sabbnth And

yivwa~op6va~, ~pivavreg


28 r a i

pqbepiav fulfilled them in conno one

;;: k$ they have l; ;r ; :: ~ snbbnth any,

'having 'judged ['him] Ithey 'fulfilled. of death having found they begged Pibte

airiav ~ a v & r o v ~6pdvreg ' t ; r ~ a a v r , ' ~ i ~ & r o vri.vatpe8ijvat cause of d e a h in him. o '' atrdv.

demning him. 2R *lid thmgli they found no

t o put Ito Sdenth Yet desired they Pilate that he should bc slain. aCroI E- 2I) And when they hnd Ihim. And when they finished a l l things t h a t concerning him l a d fulfilled all t h a t wns written of him they ypappha, ra8eXdvr~c dxb TO; 56Xov, c"8qrav eic took him down'from been written, having taken mim] down from the tree, they put mim] i n the tree, and lnid him i n a nepulchre 30 Rut p?~l.Jpiov' d.&.ei)~ f i y ~ l p ~a6ri)v 30 u br ' Y E K P GGod raised him from ~, a tomb ; but God raised him from nmong [the] dcad, the dead: 31 and he wns seen many days of 31 64- 6 9 8 ~ ,jfipny hX~iovy TOTS mvavapzia~v hxi aOr@ them which came up who nppenred for days 'many t o thosa who came up with him with him from Galilw t o Jerasnlem, who nrc ci~brj~ r raXtXaiay 'I~povaaXGp,01Iriviy W ~ i a i v piiprvpey his unto from Gnlilee to Jerusalem, who are 'witnesses people. 33 And we de-

29 hg.81

brQX~uav ~ x a v r ar"d V


a t h ~ xpbc rbv Xndv. ;

'hi. the. to the people. 4the

32 rai

i,peiyX itpzic


t o you announce the gla6idings'made,

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , promise which uns the same unto us their children+ i n that he

rljv x t~ rode xaripag ixayyt)liau y a v a p i v l . ~ ~ , raCrqv 33 God hnth fulfiilcd ijrt

I 8edc ircxexXtjpw~evroic
Qod Jesus ; hn* fulfilled




rirvotc YaCrGv Ijpi'v," civaur;laay

&children %heir 'to 'us, having raised u p


' I ~ u o 33~ Y~ a dv ~ ' i

a to-dny

s o in e


~ O V 1


Smy 'thou *art,

i v i a r q a ~ vatrdv
he raiaed


have bcgotten thee, dead,

r $ dcvrlpY ybypan~ai,ll writtin in the second 'second it hss been written. y ~ y 6 v v q ~ UE. 34 "oT~.& & begotten thee. 34And
And t h a t raiscd him u p from as 'Oncernlng that he to no more t o be about

corrup tion, he said on this

VEKPGY, pqrkrt rhXXol~ra6x0- the dead, now no more

him from among [the]

nrpi(erv E / $ d ~ a ~ 8 0 p do'irrwc E I P ~ K"OTL 8 4 0 ~CrTu r & wise, I will give vou v, EV, return to corruption, thus he spoke: I give to yoc the the sure mercies * of David. 35 Wherefore bata LAnPi811 r d xtar&. 35 b8~bll r a i bv i r i p y X i y ~ t ,he saith also in ani n another he says, other psalm, Thee shalt not sudcr thine 36 'AaPi8I1 ~ o l y t o see corOne Thou wilt not suffer thy Holy Ono t o see corruption. aDavid ruption, 36 For Dnvid, after he had served hi8 ~ h vycip i8ip YZ'E.+ 6Tl.Jp~~jIbC24- 70; 8 ~ 0 ; @ovX$ own generatiou by the 'ludced f o r t o his own generat~on hnving ministered by the 'of 'God 'counsel will of God, fell on ~leep and w n s l ~ i d11 8kolp?j8?l, rai npoaer68q xpbc ? 0 d g + . x a ~ ~ p ~ ~ . a 6 r 0 ; ETBEY to hi; fathers, and s n a , fell arlecp, and was added to his fathers, and saw c o n u p ~ i o n 37 but he, : who111 God r a i d nGin.po(Bopdv. 37 6v.6b I 8~ty EY oC~.eldev 8ia@eop&u.pain saw no corrup corruption. But he whom God rnisefup did not see corruption, tion.' 38 Be it known .mercies 'of *David .'faithful. Wherefore also

Oh- DUE^!:

rbv.ijut6v.aop i'B~iv bra98opdv.

38 r ~ ~ w a r b v O

~ V~ U T W ;piu,

dvdp~~ ci8~X@oi, &l

i n announced,

*Known 'therefore 'be 'it to you,

8td TO$- Unto and th"'fOre men brethren brethren, that through this t h a t t!~rouph thisman
and from sins: 39 and by him are all be things, from which po


b$eais bpaprtGv ~ a r a y ~ h X X ~ r a t . ~ r a i "c i ~ b 39 the forgiveneas yoll i"reac'lcd unto oi

of sins


to you remisriion



all things from which ye could not i n the law of ?doses xatweijvat, l v ro6ry rriic 6 ~rore6wv2ir~aroGrar.40 PXQ- by thenot beof Moses. could law justified justified, in him everyono that believes ia justified

o~K.<Buv$O~TEd ~ @ I I ydrO e~wbhwglI BY 61- justified that from

a i t a r e o 7 6 A q was sent forth L ~ W . t I T s c h i w v T . wcivra QLTXVAW. W vGu Y i r G v to our L W r ; &u+;v GC(& W . DOw LmrAw. 1 viiv now W. P~~)TQ (first) +aA@ y l y p a r r a c QWr; 70: y i y . ry^ np&r(1? ( 8 c v r i p y AW) LAW. a Aavei8 LT'V A; Aavis GW, b 6r6rt L2TrA. f aai LT[T~A]. d 7$ LTTrL Mwiiviw~ OLTTrAW.



II P A 2 F I X. :

X1 11

hold, yedcayisers, nud Behold, ye despisers, and wonder wonder, nut1 perirh : for I work a work iu ~ a i d$avia8qra' 6 r ~ ipyov g( ( ipycizopail' ;v rais $pipars ; pour work and w l l i h dnvs a in prid; for U work wort in ='drt~ h$'' visa belicve, though n &pGv, .!PYOV 06.pS A ~ ~ T E ~ Ui ~ iT ~ i c br8iqy~rar ( T E man it 'yonr, a w o ~ kwhich in no h e ye would believe if one should declare it on 42 And when the $e& w r e gone out of irPiY. 42 'EtrJvrtuv.Gi T i j c ~ V l J a y w y TOY 'ioVdc%J~," ij~ the smaloW1e, the to you. But Jhnviug*depnrted sfrom .the "synagoguc 'the VJews, Gentilk &ought that these words might be .rrape~dXovv r & ~ I J I ] " r b ptraE6 acipparov XaXqefivar ' preached t o them the lobesought Ofhe 'Gentiles on the next subbath 'to 'be Ispoken next snbbnth. 4 3 x 0 ~ I I whcnthccongrcgntion t i t T 0 i c rci.fJ7)ppTCl.raiira. 43 XvQeiar]c.G2 ~ijc UVvaywyljc, wa8 broken up, many *to7thcm 'these swords. And =hnving'broken 'np 'the Psyurtgogue, of the Jews nud rollprotelytcs fol- I ) K o X O ~ Q ~ U ~ L ~ o M o iTOY 'Iovbaiwv tcai TOY a~/30pivwv Y owed Pnul and Bar"followed ~ r n n n j 70f 'the *Jews 'Oand "of Isthe lJworrhipping nabas : who, spenking w to them porsuadod ~ p 0 u ~ ~ X 1 ; rr ( iv IIa6Xy lcai r+ BapvciPq' o'irive$ .rrpooXathem to 'continue i n "proselytes Paul and Bnrnabas, who ' spenkthef13cc0f Xoi)vrac airroic, &TE~QOY a6,roirs ltniphvaiv" xcipln roir ing t o them persuaded them t o continue i q the grace

60 3ows:o thei-ofc?~, ~ C T EO $ Y ;:;j.iniXHp &tlzSI1 rb E;pqlltEY(iV $ ~ ~ heed therefore that ir may not come upon you t h a t which ~ h ~ ~ ~ ~ k ~ ~ has been aaid In ~ m the prophets ; 41 GC- roic apo$$rarg, 41 " I ~ E Tic ,a r a $ p o v q r a i , a eavp6uar~ ~ .~ ~ i




44 And the next sabbathd~~cnme almobt the whole city togethcr to hear the word oi GO^. 45 B U ~when the Jewssaw the mulcitnde~ theywerc filled with C&, and spake against those thinga Which were spoken contrndictby Ing and hnsphcming. 46 Then P%ul and BnrnabPs bold and raid, I t waa n e ~ e t h t the word of God should have bcrn lpoken t o you : but

44 T(jirn8;ll n d p X o ~ i u y~ a p p d r yU X E ~ L V n nzaa
And on the comlng sabbath word al~ost of God. all

the city

? )


was g ~ t h e r e d together t o henr 'the #Jews the


rirtoGuai rbv Xdyov Or05 0~05.11 ~Slvrec.8i 45

the crowds, 'Paul wcrc filled 'spoken,

But J h a v i n g * ~ e n

oi 'Iovdaio~ ro6c 8xXov~, b.rrXljub'qaav rl'lXov, kai rivrdXeyov

with envy, and contradicted coutrndlcting nnd the things 'bp


3 ~ P ~ ~ ~ a" 6 k 0 Vq?~yop6voi~," d v r i X i y o ? ~ ~~ ~i " b C r r a

*~~pe&kiog bboldly necessary ye thrust sway 'Paal

& ~blnspheming. nabrrs Word said,

PXaa$~poi)vre~. n n pqaiaacir~voi.'d6ai' d lTai)Xoc ~ n 6i Bnp46

To you but slnce first it, t o bc spoken tho nnd not


vCiPac t ~ l n ~ ~ , n "Ypiv 4v dvayraiov R~OOTOV XuX7jC;jvai rbv

of God; worthy


f , " ~ ~ Xd~ov ~ ecoi). hn~idlj.~BA'lL T W ~ E ~ U O E , " ~ 705 ~ ajrdv, ~ a oi t tifiovg ~

unworthy of

$ lcpiv~rat!avr06~ f i ~ ~ ~ ~ C ~ ~ i ~ aiwviov r

c w r j ~ ,is03 p r p ~ $ 6 t ~ ~is riL ea

f i sohath t ~ e ~ ycd ~ ~ ~ ~ r judge yourseiver of eternal life, 10, we t u r n t o the m n d c d m ~ a a v i n g f Z 8 q a 47 o8rwg..yap dvriraXrai 4piv K ~ P L O ~ , T;t?allcci, a e IbVef thco to be fur thus haa enjoined UP the Lprd, I have let thee Light o the Gentile8a Gentilcs ; h t thcn shonldestd eic $GC ievGv. r05.a~vai.u~ ) ~~ w r q p i ~ ~ v 1 :WC 6axhfor r light of [the] Gentiles, thut thou be for salvation t o [the] nttermort

l8 And when the Qenheard this ay "ere g m , and tg1tnpidthe word of the :a n d s s were ordained to eterlife believed. W 4 And theword of the 9 h r d WM nbliahed throughout U% the redon MBut thc Jews nirred up the devout honottr&le WODen, and the chief

pnrt of the cnrth.

~ O Y rbv

rov rijc yfic. 48 'A~o6ovra.8i r & c'8vv zxatpov, rai

And hearing [it] the Gentilcs rejoiced, Lord, and believed fied the



Xdyov roi) kvpiov, kai dniortuaav

word to of the life

aa mnny M ware



r~raypQvoi tic

~ ~ i ' h ~ i o v . G~~$ipero.GB Xdyoc roir 49 '6

eternal. And was curried tho word of tho

mpiov w6~'11 ZXqc

Lord th8 worshipping

through %whole 'the country. %omen. 'and

T ~ xhpac: C

50 oi.62 'Iovbaioi nap&rpvvav

But the Jews excited 'honouroblo and the principal

rlic ac/3opivas yvvairuc x ~ a ircii eha~rjpovac n roiq nph" ~ i

f p L ] . g ipyk{ol+ac i y b LTTrAW. h 6 LTTrAW. i a&&v they (haviqg - 7 b i e q (veud they besought) QLTTrAW. I .rrpocrpe'vctv Q&,lTrAW. deprted) QLTTrAW. m an. ixopdvcp followir~gLAW. 706 kvpiou of ~ h Lord LTTr. o P 703 L T ~ [ A )
I ,

h r r ~ o v ~ i v oLlTr. tc bi but Lmr.


T .

- 6vrrAiyovvec kai LTI[A].


re LTTrA.

- etnow



man of the city, nud

stirred np a ycnecation ~ g n i u r t P;iul

men of the city* a d

mvs r;iS wdXewc, m bxilyecpav Giwyybv h i rbv ITnirXoi, i

g i ~ i ~ yersecurlOn Pnul nud E*rrt expclld U~LW md Barnabr, aud cnst out them from rhcir borders. consta. Out Bat they 51 Of r4v. 51 01-61 i~riva~6ti~vorrovioprbv ~Gv.n0?3v.~nhr3v" rdv shook off the diast of dust of their feet their nud cnue IIUCO But they hnriug shnkcu off tho them, feet agniurt b ' f f h 0 6 p @t)ov eic 'Ie6vlov. 52 oi."Si" /.la&]miinAq- Iconium. 52 And the w rgafunt them, cnme to Iconium. And the disciples vere 'iisl'i~'es wele filled wit11joy, m d withthe poirvro xnpds xai avo6paros 4 iov. ~oly host. ililed with joy and [the] %Spirit 'dbly. 'Eyivar0.81 ir~"lcoviy card.ib.afirb eia~Xeeiv aliroilc XIV. And it Came And i t came to pars in Iconiuln 'together 'entered 'they thatp"os they went both lcOnillw 'Iov8niwv, eqi XaXijaai oi;rwc &ore together~ntothesnn8;s 4 v wvnywytjv into the nynngogue yfthe Jews. and #poke so thnt go aniflso Of the that 9 spnkc, 'r' ., nureBuat ' cai 'EXXljvwv ~roX6 " wXijeo~.2 oi.82 ~ t 2 ' 9 , " " , , y p g n ~ ; y 'believed lboth vof *Jew8.and bEellenistr 'a 'great 'number. But the of the believed. brinere~irvre~~'Iovbuio~ iwljy~ipnv cai Ic&cwuav r c i ~ lC/vx?tS2 B U the unbelieving ~ disobeying Jem rtirredup snd made evil-affeated the souls Jews stirred the Gentiles and made rtiv i611Gvxard rGv dSe)l$ijv. 3 ixavbv piv O ~ Y xpdl~ovtheir minds evil atof the QentIler a g a h t the brethren. A long 'therefore 'time fected against the brethren. 3 Long time Gcirpr+av aa~~quraTdpwoi T@ cvpiy, r@ tnprv- therefore abode t h n they stayed, npenking boldly, [confiding] in the Lord, who ore wit- speakin boldly i the n Lord, wfich Rave tespo3vrr ry' X67 T ~ ~ s . x &l~o~-abroir, e8i8dv~l" drai" oqyoia cai t i m o q unto the word neu to the w o r f of [is g r ~ c e , and giving signs and of hls grace, and rEpara yi?,eaeai 61b r ~ v . ~ E r p ~ v . n t r ~ v . ~ x i ~ e v . d rb wonders tosignc and 4 i i granted be done wondem to be done through their hands, And was divided the their handa. 4 But

rai rrbv" Bapvcipuv, ~ n bSE/3nXov airroirc cinb rGv.i)pii~v i at-


h i


multitade of the md

~ X i l e o ~ ~ d X e w ~gal oi./i8v 8aav d v roic 'IovSniocc ~ : & " , " , ~ ~ ~ rijc *

city, md some were with the Jews art held with the

oi.84 d v TOTE dmur6lorc. 5 'Qgdi I r i m o d p h rOv

with the npostle#. I E rai 'IovSaiwv utrv Wentlla 'both m d Jew8 with


raj Xl00/3oXijuab aliroirs,

md t o #tO:e them,

thep andfl~duncitler of Lycsonia, Lystra, and Derbe, and the country to Ly8tra and cities of Lycaonia,e% ~wpov,7 rircei gficrav eCayytXi~6yrevol." uuto the region that lieth round about: m d there they were announcing the glnd tiding& uound, 7 and them they rivljp '&vACorpoic ci86varoc11roil: ?rquiy &h- preuched the gospL 8 Kai And a certdn m m in ?ystrn, impotent in the feet, at, g thew l rcoiXiaf )rqrpbg.adroii Iirncipxwv,n certain man ht Lystra, bra, ~ w X b g IK lame from [the] womb of his mother being, who impotent in bciug a cripple from 17j~ovev'~ n a 6 X 0 ~ mother 8 wonlb, TO; his oii8inore ~wep~wewarijxer.~~ 9 oSroc ne'~er hnd rralked. This [man] heard phul whonercrhnd walked: 9 the snme hcard Paul Xaho3vros' 8c spenk: who stedfaetly irr~viaag ahr@, cai i8&v h i mniar~v rpcnking, who, hnring looked intently on him, and seeing that fnith beholding him nud rceiving thnt he hnd ~ X E L " roir uw8ijvni, 10 elxav p~y6Xp nr$l $hv$, O'Avhorqel &h to be henled hu hnr to bo henled, snid with a loud volce, Stand up l 0 said with a loud t~ h i r03c.wbtac.uov dpedg. Kai PiiXXero" cai nepiexirrei. voicei y Sf;,t, u dupright t And he on thy feet upright. And he sprnng up and wnlked. leaped aad walkedt

$"~:iz,d",zh 6 uvvi8dvre1: eari$vyov' tic rdc z:$$ $ ~ ~ , " $ ~ g

~oi~.bp~ov.uiv.atrcjv, irPpiuai
their rulers, t o insult to they fled the the Jew8 with their being aware

!h"eWSlaEii a", And when there w w a rush 'of 'the when them wns nn n r

rdXers fiis Avxaoviac, A6a~pav,ncai Aippqv, cai +v r ~ p i -wamlOf


b brrcrO<uar~~eo I a67ijv cad o f the feet) LTTrA. 7bv ~mrb. 7c L ~ A . 0 i n i to (the) T. ~ aGLTTrAW. i 0 b~b6vros T. cic to L . 6ncipxwv GI.TTrAW. r eirayychr@pevo~ 4vav LTTrA. h idGvaso%i v h l j v r p o ~ s T. i x c r rriurrv LTT-A. 1j~ovuev LTTr. k wcpr~ntnanjrterl ; r r e p ~ e r h ~ u c v l l b e d 3 ~l LTTrA. the 8 Lmr. Zoi hiyw i v T$ b v 6 p a r ~ 70; ~ v p i o v 'Iquoi, Xpur703 TO thee 1say MWB the Lard Jesus Christ L of P iiAa70 GL'rrraw.




356 IIPAEEIX. XIV. llanawhnt Pan1pea- 11 0i?8Al1 6xXoi I J I v T E ~ S d7~0iqcr~v IIcI~XIOS, the #hn irjlpau ple saw had
dol,e, lifted up And the crowds having seen what



lifted u p

men, are come down to us. And they called Jupiter; and Pnul, ~ a ~ v & P Aia' riv.62.IIaGXov 'Epl~ijv, av tsre16tj atrbS 4u 6 Xercurius, because he B~~~~~~~ zeus ; anil Paul Hcrmes, because he was the was the chief speaker. l3Then the priest of 7 j y ~ ~ p ~ TO$ X ~ Y O U . 13 vi).8h11 iep~6g TO^ Atbg r05 dvroc voc Jupiter, which was bei n spenking. And the priest of Zeus who was lender fore their city, brought oxen and garlands rpb r+g.~'6ic;Xew~.~airrcjv," i p o v g rcai artppara air; r06g ~a hnto the cnccs, and before their city, oxen and gnrlands to the would hnve done sacria~ mjth the people. ?rvX&i~ag i v t y ~ a g , U ~ roic 8 ~ X 0 c g E ~ u% ~ i v . .l4'AKo&V $ 14 IYh~ch when the gates having brought, with the crowds wished to sacrifice. 'Hnving apostles Bnrnabns and Paul, hkard of, they uavreg 8; oi Cir6droXoi Bapvhpag rai f L a ~ ~ o g~ a $ i ~ E a v r ~ ~ E , rent their clothes, and 8heard 'but 'the 3npostles *Barnabas %and OPnu1, having rent rnn in nmong the peo,, J plp,cryingout, 15 and ra-~uarta.a6rGv x~iae.rnj8quav~1 TAU BxXov, ~ p h l b v r e ~ lc s:jying Sirs why do ye their garments, rushed in to the crowd, crying these t'hing;? We also men of like pas- 15 ~ a X L Y O 1 ~ ~ ~ X ,A ~ 8 p ~ ri, mGra roieira; ~ a j l p ~ i ~ i g c i sions with you, and and snying, Men, , why those things do y e t also we preach unto you from 6po~ora0eig H U ~ E V ye should turn that ;piu BvQpwroi, ~tayyeX~Z(5~~v01 these vanities unto 'of l i k e *feelings 'are ewith 'you 'men, announcing the glad tidings t o

tllekvoices~ snying!~ the hpecch of I,ycaonin, The gods are come down to usin the likeness of mcn, l2 And they cnued

~ ~ v . ~ w I ~ ~ Au~aoviuriXiyovreS, Oi 0 ~ 0 iS p o ~ w 6 6 v ~ ~ g v.~~TGv
in Lycnouinn saying, Tho gods, having bcconlclike

dvQp(;iroig~ariP11uavr p G g IjpLig' 12 d~&Xovv.reri)v tpivll

, , d h e and " p gg " $ er\rth, and the sea,

6 p 6 ~Cirb roZ;rwv rGv paraiwv hriarpi~ecv bri Yrbv" Bebv





to turn



i ~ , l ~ r ~ $ ~ g s l yrbvll IGvra, S g iroiqaav rbv 06pavbv ~ a rlju yijv rcai rtjv ~ ~ ~ o times p&t s e e r e d all the living, who made the heaven and the earth and t h e furtions t o walk in BciXaaaav ~ u rih v r a r(i bv a6roige 16 S g ;v raig raptheir own ways. 17Neand all tho things i n them; who i n the sea vertheless he left not himself without wit- y~qpLvt(ig y e v ~ a i ~ .+)iaaevk&vra rLi rop~Z;~uOata i ~ r ness, in that he did generations suffered all t h e ngtions t o go good, and gave us rain p*t from henren, and l8oi~.atrGv* 17 * ohk &p&prvpov aiavrbv" rid;ing our hearts fillfruitful sensons, with i n their [own] ways, though indeed not without wituess h h s c l f he food and gladness. KEV bdyaBoroiGv,ll ohpav68ev '$pivI1irrroirg GiSoi*s~ a rcaipod~ i 18 And with these left, doing good, from heaven to us lrains 'giving and 'scnsons ings scarce restrained V ~ , they the people, that K C ( P K O ~ ~ ~ ObpmrXGv. rpo$ijg Kai t$pouCvqg rcig ~flp8iac they had not done fruitful, filling w~th food and glndness the hanrta racrifice unto them. 19 And there came a~pGv,'l 18 Kai racra XfyovrEg pdhg ~ a r i r a v a a v thither certain Jews us. And these things saying hardly they stopped the from Antioch and Iconium, who persuaded ~ X X O U Sr o ~ . p ? j . ~ ~ a i v o i ~ 19 e ' E ~ j l X 8 ~ ~ 1 1 . 8 'i A ~ r i o x ~ i a e6r . dri) the people, and,havipg crowds from sacrificing to them. But thithar came irom Antioch stoned Paul, drew htm out of the city sup- ~ a ' I K O V ~ 'IovJaioi, rai reiaavreg roi~g i OV dxXovg, ~ a XrB6i posing he hnd' been and Iconium Jews, and having prsuaded the crowds, and having dend. 20 Howbeit, as the disciples stood aaureg rbv IIaGXov, iaupov E"5w r?g r'lrdX~wg, fvopirravr~cl' round about him, ho stoned Paul, drew [him] outside the city, supposing rose up, and came ints the : and the a t r b v grcQvcivai.'l 20 mr~Xwu&vrwv.o"Bha6rbv ~ 3 v p a B q r G u , ~ next day Ee departed him t o have died. But %aving +surrounded 'him 'the 2dlsciples,



Y , " : " p " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , "OEV" ,airv T$ h, d

turned again to awa y with

~ t h ~ ~ ~ rivaur(iS eioijXQ~u i g j v ~ " , " ~ ~ ~ n ~ preached the gas- having rise: up he entered into the


7rdXiv. ~ a r e draiplov i
city. And on the morrow

he went


BapuhP9 EIS AQppqv. 21 * ~ i r a ~ y ~ X i a & p ~ v o i ~ ~ . r



Derbe. And having announced the glad tidings t o many they returned to

.Mjv.r6Xc~.hraivqv, rai p a Q q r ~ C a a u i ~ a v o d g r~~ 6r6arpe$av ~ i c

that city, and having discipled
t c(& LTTrA. b r e LWA. a ; ~ G v (read the i~~m$quav rushed out GLTTrAW. J - ~ b LTTrAW. v xairor LT; narrotye OAW ; yc LTTr. a&bv L T T ~ . C 6c(iv t o YOU b iya8ovpyGv LTTrAW. GLT[T~]A. 6pwv of YOU GLTTrA. e irnjheav LTTrA. f vopi{ovres LlTrA. B ra8vquIv~( LTTrA, h 7Lv p a 8 q r L v LTT~A. i c ~ u y y t A r ~ 6 p c v amo~ncilig 0i &c. LT,

city) GLTRAW.

i) LTT~AW.


? ~ u ~ ~ ~ : s o Y ~ E ~ Arming the souls of ~dg $vxdC r5v paOr]rijv, nmpa~uXoirvr~c bppia~et~~ horting them andconrc the disciplcr, to esthe souls of the disciples, exhorting [them] to continue in the tinue in faith, and aiaret, rai STL btd noXX5v ~ X ~ $ E . ! J Y 6ei <piis eiaeXeeiv eic that we muat faith, and that through mnny tribulntions nlust we enter into ter into the kingdom tribulntion o ) v /3aoihriav roir Beoir. 23 ~rrgorov tjaa,~r~c.H abrok 'npecr; Q ;: ; h the kingdom of God. And hnving chosen for them them elders in every p~r6~ov~ rear'.ir~)tqaiav,~~ o a ~ u ~ ~ p eper4 vqur~15v a - church, nnd had prayrp voi r ders in evrzy nssembly, having prayed with fastings they ed with fmting~they commcndcd them to p&~vro airrod~ r@ mp;y Eic iiv neaiarefi~eiaav. 24 rcai the Lord on whom d n d they lwlidved. 24 And committed them t o the Lord, on whom they had believed. after they had pasned dreXe6vreg r1jv IT~utdiav1)Xt)ov eig ITayi$vXiavs 85 rai throughout Pisidin, hnving pdssed through Pisidia they came to P~rmphylia, and they t o Pomll phylin 25 And whcn XnXiraatJrec"Iv nkpypl1 Adyou rar6/3qaav eig c'ArrhXeiav' they had rcnchcd the rdv baying spoken in Perga the word thcy came down to dttnlis; word in %ergal they wont down into Atta28 rbrei0ev cinQnheuunveic 'Bvrid~riav,%E?J Banv Tapa- lia: 26and thence and thcnoe they sailed to Antioch, whcneo they had k c n sailed t o Antioch from whence they h:rd d~EopQvot ~cipiri?00 8eoZ IS ~d E"py0v 6 hnXljpwuav, beon recommondcd to rp" committcd t o the grace of God for the work which thcy fulfillcd. the grnce of God for 27 napnyevd~evoi.6B rai avvayayd?~r~cr?)v hrhqaiav nlfillad. 27A11dwhcn \"Ork they And having arrived and having gathcrcd togpthcr the assembly the were come, and hnY gathered the Pdu~yye~Xnv~~ixoiqa~v Saa 3 per' aGrGv, rai Sri .iivoiFev thcy daclmod all that 'did 'God with thcm, nnd that he owned rehearsed nll that God roic Eeveaiv 86 av niarecc. 28 GiErpr/3ov.bC qlkei" xprjvov ~ ~ ~ ~ , " ~ h ~ ~ ~ $ to the nntionl a dbor of faith. And they stayed there 'time thcdoor of faith unto the Gentiles. 28 And o4rc dXiyov &v ro5c paeqrai~ thcre the abodc long Inot 'a :Uittle with the disciples. time wit% the d h i nnd Iconium nnd Antioch,

ACTS njv A6orpav rai k'I~dviov 'Avrirjxetav.22 ~ rai





15 Kai And

certain having come dowu from Unless

yrvec rareX86vrec drb ~ i ] ~ ' I o v b a iB6i8aurov a~


of MO- men whichcame down aiw~ oir.66vaa9e aw9ijvai. 2 revopivr]c to3vll ur&uewc from Judma taught thebrethen,a,dsnid, scn ye cnnnot be savcd. Having takun place therefore a commotion Except ye be circumrnl ' u v ~ ~ ~ oO&K w ~ " E dXiyqc nfl6Xq.~ T @ Bnpl~ciPq p b c cised after the manner Kai r of Moaes c cnnnot be and discuh~ion not a little by Paul and Barnabas with savad therw the brethrcn,

rode cideX$oirc, "On 6d~.p,$

yee! circumcised aftcr the custom

L T Q ~ U T ~ J O E T$ I~

were tenchina -


n, gna eertalq


a Ghen


they appointed

civa/3aiveiv IIairXov rai Bapv&/3av rai ~ ~ f , " . ~ , " ~

'to &go 'up 'Pnu.1 'and =Barnabas

and sen4icn and disputetion with t Cnl the lu L' ' ocrtam othcrs to the apostle8 and dctermin'd and D~trnnbos and s p e u ~ v r i p 0 u ~ 'IpotiaaX$p, Tpi ro, cthcr cf'the111 eic ccrtni11 ddcrs to Jttrusalem, about this question. should unto to ripe~nlnnigo up thc~oru! 3 oi p O ~ U ~ ~ O T E ~ $ ~ ~ Z J T E ~ 6iGp- s t l ~ s irrAqaiac nlld elders aboat They indeed thercfore having been sent forward by the nselubly pn~sed this q'lerttlon. huilig brought 011111f4r &ptiav,li brdi~yoiip~voi wny by t l ~ eC I I I V C ~ r1jv XOYTO rljvw @ ~ i w " ~ ~ v rai through Phanicia and kmaria, rolnting the ihcy piuwtl tl~rwugli l'henicu und Sn~ui~ria, Irtarpo~+~ i9virv. rai dnoiouv ~apctvpeyciAqv riiutv dcclnring the couv. rrijv convcraicll of the nations. And they cnused 'JOY 'yrcat t o all rion of thu UBIILIICW : and they c:~usedgro~rt roic & ~ E X $ O4 ~ a p ~ y ~ v d p ~ v 0 ~ - 6 ~ ~E. eic Y'IE Z & ~ ~ j07 unto ail thu brcrh. the brethren. And having come to they were ron. 4 And when th. y JerunoGQ~Bqaav" 'v7rh1'rijc irrhqoias ral r5v droa~6Xwvrcai rijv were come t o received 1em,thcy were w~lcomed by the aesembly and the apostlee and the of the church, and qf

. n v q bXXovc

It atrGv from amongst thcm

apbc rode dnoardXovS rai


a eir 1 K ~ T 'i x ~ ~ q o i ?rpeo,3vripcvs LTTrAW. av m *v m r . k cis to LTT~A. li)v Uipyqv T . O 'Arrahiav TA. P &MjyyeMov L1"l'rA. P $KC; QLFTrAW. RepLt 6 but (having taken ; a T@LTIVA. ~ ~ye have been circumcised LTT~A. 6 7 ~ pla~w) TTr. v ~ q n j o e o OLTTrAW. s TC b0t11 LTTrA. Ea+~crpkv. T 1' I e p q&vba Tr. nape8ix&luav t h q were recreived LTTrAW. l drab Tr.

- +

tlliugs t h n ~God had do3ewithtllcln. 5 U u t thtre rose up certain the sect of risccs which believed, snging, T b r t i t was nt.edtnl to circumcise them,nnd to conlmnud them to keep A n d law the the of apostles and eidvrs c2'me t o ~ r t h r r lorto cousiderot thismattor. 7 .\nd nbeu there h11d been ru~ichdisputing, Peter rose up, nud snld unto them, Mt.u nsd brethren, ge know how t h a t a good while aFo God mndo choice among us, thnt t h e Gcntilcs by my mouth should hear thc word of the go@, and believc. 8 And God which knonreth th; henrts, bnrq them witness, piviug them t h e 'Iders, Ancl rose up

and they dec1:~rc.dall thnt certniu of thorc of God sect did

6 ~ E ?t7r0;~6l1 ~ U ~ T G V . Ps ) t l i
n i ~ h them. Pharinees

nlv nl~o=tles elders, T ~ E U ~ V T ; ~ W & U $ ~ ~ E I ~ ~ ~~ YT .C T E clcclnred all nnd V , ( L

5 ~~auiurilunu.BiL V F C TGU d ~ i rijs aipkuc(rpgrGv @aptuaiic)v T )

~~ETTT(UTFVKJTE~, XiYovr~S, O T ~ BE; "

who believed, nnd chllrge saying,


of the

~ ~ p t r ~ ~atroCg, vciv

I t is uecessnry t o circumcise

0116av bd>''
this =ri,cu 'up know 'Peter

rhv uJpov
tho law

ni ~ i j ~ i w s .6 ZVV;/Xof llosea. 'Were 3gathered


[them] t o keep apostles And much to

&rr6uroXoi ~ a oi i
nnd the
e ~

T ~ E U ~ ~ T/&TV O ~ E ~

rr()i 706

'togcthcr land the

l ~

tosce about

~ ~ ~ ~ O V ~ T O & T O U .

7 ToXXGS.fii

discuhnion them,

hnvlug t n k m plnce, 'hnving llcn brethren, ye

dva- ~ Y ~ ~ l~ p ] ~ ~~ l l ~ ,

U r 6 ~ IIirpog EITEU ~ p i cabroLi~,M ~ l ' ? p cidX$oi, iJpic g

thntfrom my mouth md

~ ~ ~ U T C I&l ~ ? $ U E l '

i/pc'pL;)v Cipxaiwv d6 Q E ~ Si v I j p ? ~ iS'X&70''

'dajs 'early God cmong us the chose [for] 3 t 'hear ~ 'tho %ations


T O ~ - U T ~ ~ C I T ~ ) C . ~ Od~oiiuarr h U

EOvq r i ) ~ X;YOV
God as

word of t h e born


~ 6 a y ~ ~ X i~ v : ; o a rrrurriioai. 8 rai 6 rapJroyv3urqg B ~ t g Ipapglad iidings, t o believe. And t h e the heart-knowing the Holp,

u n t o h s ; $land witness p u t n o difference bet x c e n u s and them, wlfyinE their hearts 1 U, 0 ~ ~ to d ,a put

Hol he


even as T ~ ~ ~ niiroTg, U E V

806~ ea6~oTg" rru~Gtia ~ ri) ri)

Spirit put n o difference ktween thcir hearts.

~ L O ru6'chs V ,

m i

to thcm, g i r i n g t o them and

eraf6 GpGv %E"~ a ahrGv, i 9 ~ a 'oirS~u".Gli~~tvev i

lhoth and them,

r e nioi-ELxaeapioag rdC.xno6ing.n6riv. 10 vQv o8v

by the faith having purified


Now therefore why

diidples, which the upou the neck Of nci- T E I ~ ~ ~ E ~ ) EO E ~ V ~ T L O E ?~,'IIY~)Yirri TAY rp6xqXov T&V T T Y , Z'~~ Qod t o put a joke upon t h e neck of the thcr our fnthers nor tempt Je we were ablc t o b e n r ? paQ9rGy, $ v o6r.E oi..rrarip~IjpGvoCr~ j l p ~ i I~) B X ~ ( T ~ ~ 11 But we tllronnh br1icl.e t h of disciples, which neither grace a t our fathers nor we nere able the
W C -hall

~ V

But by t h e grace of [the] Lord Jesus Christ l2 Then a l l to bear the ~ u u l t i t u d e kept si- T ~ U T E ~ O ~ E aw8Gva1, rae' 8v-rp6.rrov K ~ K ~ U O L12 'Eaiyqocv Y . knee, @lve mdi* we believe t o be saved, i n the snnie manner as they nlso. %ept 3silcnce enco to Bnruabns a n d Paul dcclnring what T ~ ri) rrX$?og, m ; ?jrovov Bapv6pa rcai IIa6Xou V ~ i r k c l e :md wonders land a l l the multitude, and s hcnrd Bnrnnbas aud Paul reGod hncl wrought among theGeutiies by y ~ ~ p 6 u ~ v~ ~ o i q u e v t h ~ y p ~ i a~ a ripara ;V roic h a 8 o i them. l 3 And after lating what 'did 'God 'algns 4 n d 'wonders among the they hnd held their pace, nnsmer8 ' a6rGv. 1 13 i\'r~~ci-ii ri).ucy,jrrac airrozig &ac~pieq ed, saying, Men and nutions by thcm. dud nf!cr '~vvrc.'ailcut 'the). 'nuswercd brethren,henrkenunto r me: l1 sirneon hnth I C ~ K W PXkYw~~, O ~ *AI'?PEC d(r:h$oi, 6 ~ 0 6 u a r pou. 14 Zuti~(;v t decl;~rcd how God nt *Jnmos, saying, Xcn brethren, hear me. Sirneon t h e first did visit the r out ttq77jaaro rue& rp3rov 6 O E ~ Sineu~i+aro XnPcTv G,ntilcs, to of thcnl a people for related how firat God visited t o take out of
as they.

'~ ~"ord snvcd,even $a~r&oczi 11 dhXd 61~1 i g ~ 6 p l r 0 ~vpiou '11/~0fi p c ~ r 0 6 " Jesus Ci~riat ; r ~ be





l e v i v Xniu kiniN.rcj.6vdpnrc.a6roG. 15 ~ a i ro&rk, avpqwhis nirmc.


of the prophets ; ns i t nations 0 people for ~ i , " ~ ~ ~ ~ ; e V~ ~ U, L~oi XJyol TGV O" V ~ , " ~ will build ngniu tho the vords of the

And with this as i t hns bccu written, the of i t

agree After

rrpo~)/rGv, raQAS y ; y p n ~ r a c , 16 ~ \ ! E T c ~
will build ngniu ruins tabernnclo bf Dnvid


:':idI l wlllbnild

these things which

tiz~aurpi$o~ a dvot~odepi~aw or)~i,~jv n p i a " i rljv '~

I will retnrn and
nnd the is fnllcu ;


71jv ? T E T T W K V ~ ~ V~ a rci m~ar~cr~apr6ua" civotrcoJop,juw, ' i atrijs

I will build agnin,

c r v v ~ ~ r ) . r r jL A w ~ ~ c ; {qjl~ijff~u)~ TTr. ;v 6 p i v YOU (ill*;v W ) i $ c A i f a ~ o orbg 6 T O A . 0 ~ 6 Tl.r.4. ; ~ R Te W. h 705 0 1 ' t h ~ GLTTrAW. i tni (rectd 7+ AV. a h i for his name) J.ITrAW. 1 &t'ci& Xp~u~oir GTTrAW. ,I,T'I~A ; GW. m a a ~ e u r p a p ~ d T a r t a r e u ~ p r ~ ~ eT . a v ; Iv '
b 7e TrA. LTTrAW.


end will set up ic,

so thnt
h a y .seek ?out lthe

m i &vopt?Dawatrtjv, 17 8rws c"oj.d~<~r+awatv ~ar&Xntnor wi11"titup:17th"t oi TGz~ ~ ~ ~ h T o ~Apiov,rai ~ d v r a h it)vq i$'osc ; rhv v r

%c%idue h i - Lor" and a" the Qcn30f 'nlcn the Lord, hnd a11 the nations ayon whom has n n n eulJO1l my is cnlled, snith rziptoc "6" rotGv t h e Lord who do~ElcA~rni rb.i!ho@.pov i ~ airro6c. ' biqu cnlled my uame upon rtlem, says [the] Lord who doe8 cth things. 18 Known unto Qod ~ u i j r a ox&yra.n 18 lJrvwarci" (;T' ~ 1 i G v 6 ~ 'Iiar(v @E$ nre all his work. from 'theae 'things 'all. known from eternity are t o Qod the of the world. 19 \\'hcrefore rp;vo pT) Z ~ ~ E V O X ~ E T Vm y sentence is, t h a t r & v r a rci-ipya.nhro6." 10 Eib all his works. Wbercfore I judge not t o trouble we trouble not them, which from among the TOTS bTh T(;)v~ ~ Y G TvL U T ~ F ~ O V ~ ~TAY ~ E I ; V 20 Q V * Gentiles are turned t o those who frolu thc nations tnrn to God ; but QoJ : 20 but that we write unto thcm, t h n t ~ ? T L U T E ~ X Cn I6 ~ 0 Ti ~ d ~ i ~ ~ r ~ ~ 6 a t a X t a Y ~ ~ ~ i CTGV v ~ V; d 6 TOY " i ~ w they nbatainfrom polto write to them t o abstain from the pollntions of t h e l u t i o n ~of idols, a i d front fornication, a n d eicPhXov rai rqg ~opveiccgK C ( ; b~oi7" U I K T O G ~ a 706 ~Gparoc. ~ i fio,nthings ;.trtlcgl?d, idols and fornicatiou nud what isstrangled nnd blood. an<l~?ol,l blood. 21 For Moses of old time 11:tth 21 'Mwcr,?cl'-ydp yereGv cipxaiwv ~carci-7rdXiv r06g K V - i,crerycitS-tl,cmth;lt For Aloses from generations of old i u every city 'thohe 'pro- preach him, being

* zi",z";:.% a:fery$





piloaovrnc airrAv
clninling 'him beiug rcad.

E X ~ :v t

raig auvaywy~cic ~nrci.xiivaci/3$arov

synngogucs, ercry s~bhath

' h a i n the

~ ~ ~ , ' d ~

21 Ttira
with 3wholc 'the


70Tg drour6XoiS ~ a roiq r p ~ a p v r 6 p o i ~ ?

al~ostlcs choscu nud t o t h e men from among them

Then i t seclzed good t o the

2-2 Then pleffisd it the nPo>tlesand elclcrs, with the wholechurch r6p+ai ~ i 'Avrrdx~tav1 rcfS rIa6hy, ~ a BapvbPq, 'Io6Gav to scnd chosen men of c 0% i t o send t o Antioch with Paul aud Barnnbas, Judas their own ComPaUS to Antioch with Paul T ~ V ~ ~ ~ ~ K ~ ~ WBapaa/3iiv,'iO Y ~ l ~ a v , X O ~ ~ E V Kai ~ h dv6pnS O U - anclBarnnbar;nan~ely, surnamed Barsabss, and Silas, Ymen lead- Jodnn surnnmcd Bnrsnbi~s, nnd Silas, chiof p i v o u ~ i v roic d(?~X$oTg,23 ypd.+avr~c 6td x~lpbc.atrGv m en arurmp thc brethlug among the brcthrcn, having written by their hand ren: 23 and they wrote letters by them after xrd6~,'1 ar6aroXoi ~ a oi rp~u/3-L;rr~:: Oi i Jrai oi" dJ~X$oi,this manner; The thua: The 'npostles and the elders aud the brethren, npostles nnd elders

aiqv 8Xg r c ~ K K X ~ U ~ P ,A ~ E a p i v o&v8pag d~ v~

E t



roig m r h rljvJAvrt6x~tav %Ipiav Kai KiXi~iavci&i$oig Kai

to those
iu Antioch and greeting. having gone dut Syria and Cilicia, brethwn

;?.::etiZ"'2ifoof brethren which sro

~ o i c ;.F

' from nmopgcthe] nations,


;@v(;)v, xtripeta~. 24 ' E T E L Ijro6aap~v ~~ &L

troubled you

theGenti'esinAntioch nnd S ~ r i n nud Cilici:~: Inasmuch as we have heard t h a t 24 forasnluch me


~ t y l . ~

oertain from amongst

haye w h i d ~thnt ovt taiu hen'lll went from UR have troubled words, civao~c~,ci<ovr~g rciS-+~~cic.ipGv,h i y ~ v ~ ~ n ~ ~ i r S p v ~ u O a i you ~ \ - i t h z S upsetti~~g your souls, saying [pc must] be circumtiscd S"bvcrtinpyour bonls* snyinp, 1% ntust be

7jpijv ~ ~ $ E X @ ~ Y T E ~ ir(ipaEav &pGg by word,' Xdyotq

~ v ~ ~ o v0 1 ~ 0 6 . 8 ~ ~ 0 r t X ~ i ~ ~25 a ' V ," t ? ;doE~v circumcise~l,nnd keep tho law ; t o whom we gave no [such] com~nnnd i t seemed good Ih" lnN: to ; we gnvc no such col~lrrv~pir,otc~ p 0 0 ~ ~ n G n iv ,r ~ a p i v o u c dv6pag n i p at ~ u : ~ n c l n ~2:)e ~tt seemdd " i : to us rnvluy comc withone accord, chosen to ed good unto UG, being n>scu~blcd with one r p b s Gpcc, aGv ~ o i ~ . c i ~ a T ~ r o i ~ ~ , i p i j v Kai IIfl;Xy, accord, to scnd chosen Bnpvripq you, with our belovcd B:~rnnbna and Paul, men unto You with to our bclovrd I3nrnnb;is 2G & v ~ p ~ x o n S p f l ~ 6 b ~ d a t v ia 7cig.+uXriS.a6rijv & n i p rev n,,E Paul, %men t h ; ~ t mqn who 1l:~vcgiven u p t h ~ i lives r for the hnve hnzardod their lives for the nalnr of

rai r v p ~ i v T


.U, bv6pnroc roii.~v~iov.)ipGv 'Iqcrob xpl~ro;. 27 d7T~arhXKflp~~


of our Lord



lye h n ~ ~ C I I L c

27 We have sent tllere-

P yvwu7bv LW. 0 -.7rcivm GLTTrAW. 9 T+ ~ v p i y +yov air7oi to the 7b 6 LTTr. v Lord his work L; d u ~ r v et$ 7b gpyov a i r ~ oy ; i u ~ i c+ Oe; r a v r a T& i p y a air06 Q'YTra. T$ i - i r b (,.end T&Vfrom the) I.TT~[A]. * - 70" LTr. ~ m " c r $ c (iLTTrAW. v ~uhotpcvov l 7a6c LTTrA. B a p u a P P a v l.'lTrA. ) - ~ ao; 0 ead eldcl. bret.l~;.e,~~) i callcd LTTrA\V. LTTrA. - A ~ Y O V T ~ S p i ~ ~ l v cKvO~ qa pl e i v 7bv vopov LTTrA. ~e ~ a ~ L A F ~ U ~ havingL ~ ~ Y O

~ h u b e a W. LTr



therefore Judas and Silna, 'also 'themselves by word


ti: $: t$Si$i $
b7mouth. 28 For i t seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to un, $0 lay upon YOU no greater burden than these,,8cessimthinps; 29 that yo abstain from lneRtS to idol and from blood, rnd~rom thingsstrnnglcd, from fOrni$ation: from which rf ye keep yourmlves, Ye shall do we!l. Faro r e nelL 30 SO when they were dismissed. they cnme t Autioch- nud when o the hird Gthcrcd the muftitudc together they delivered t h l epistle: Blwhichwhen they had rcnd, thoy rejoiced for the consod lation. S. ~ n Judas and Silna, being prophets also themselves

08v ' I o ~ % c v ZiXav, rtai atr06c aid X6yov &ayy&rd


hovrac rai
and t o us,


28 ?c"o<ev.ydo br$ dr i'y .rrv~6panI~

For i t secmed)good t o the d l y
T L T ~ ~ E 6piv ~ L U ~ pcipoc

[you] tho mure things.



prliGv ~ X f o ~ v

rXljv er3v

'to "lay
&o nbstnin

%you "you 'burden

b.rr&~a~lc~~-ro$rwv,~I 29 &rrfxeaear %vtlcro3" lcai

~i'EwXoe6rwv ~opveias'

rtai &v

these necuusiwy tthingri :

from thing8 sacrificed to idols, and

ayparoc ~ a i


from blood and from whnt is siranglcd, nnd from fornication; from which

Brarr)poGv~eciavrozk, 4 7lj0ciEere'
yourselves, wcll ye will do. to thcrcfore, being let ko went the Anticeh,

30 O piu i
and hnviug gnthcrad

03v C i ~ o h v e ~e$Aeov'leig ' A ~ T L ~ X E L ~ U ~ vr~~ rai avvoryaydvr~g

delivered epistle. And having rczrd they

the multitude

76 ?rXfBoc i.lridwlcav 4 v I ~ i a ~ o X f i v31 &vayv6vreg.dC.:X&.

consolation. And Judns and Silas, 'also 'themexhorted the

pqaav i r i rzj .rrapa~Xjaei.32 '10CGn~.'re'~ ZiXng, lcni alirai

rejoiced a t the sclvcs brophets

roi .rrpo$jjrat G V T E ~ , Gid X ~ Y O V TOXXOZ rrap~~ciX~aav6 ~ ro

%being, by Ydiscourse Imuch

with mnny words, a d brctliren, and estnblishcd [thenl]. And having continued a time they confirmed them. %And X 69quav per' eipj q g &TA rGv &Geh$Gv groirc Ci~ourdafter they &.re a spllce,they were were let g0 i n peace from the brethren to the apostles; f ~ e t ~ c ~ " , " , Aovg." ~34 h ~ ~ o ~ ~ rq?6 b "t~~ v . EiXq iripeivai ahi-OZ." 35 ]IIaPXog.Gi apostles. 34 Notwithbut it seemed good t o Silas t o remain there. And Paul

&~EX$O~S, lcai in~a~$pi<tcv. 33 ]IIoi~aavr&c8b xphvov &m-


ggGPtagd,PIEgi m
s5 paul *lso and and
B m a h a s continned i n

Bapv6/3ac 8tirp@ov dv 'AvnoXEiq,8 i 8 & a l c o v lcni ~ ~ ~ elinyBarnabas stayed in Antioeh, tenching 'rmnythe and 'an-

the Lord, with many others also.

EY~,"$~~,B,$",; Kvpiov.
Lord. But after certain dars


p ~ r d~ a irE wv rroXXGv, TAU X ~ Y O Y TO$ i

word of the

nouucing .the 'glad .tiding8 'with 'also 'at&

brethren in every city wherewehavepreached the word of they the Lord, do. 37 And Barnnhm determined t o take withthcm John, whose surname was &lark. 88 But Pall1 thought not good to take him with them, who degrted from them om Pamph lin, and went not w i t i t h e m t o the work. 39 And the contention waa so sharp between them, that they departed .snndcr one from tha other : and so Barnabu took Mark, and

z;;bzdL;!sz'Eaiarp~#avr~c bxtalceIF/cjPeear o 6 g - & 8 ~ ~ $ 0 6 g . ~rcard v ~ ~ 0z 84 ~pG

snid Paul to gnrnxbns, in Having turned backYndced 'let 'us look after every city

36 And after Paul mid unto

36 Merh-8Q rivac $plpac elnw iIIaZXoc qi)~ v c i p a ~ , ~ Ba

our brcthrcn word

'.rriiaav rrbXiv" dv ntc ~a.nlyyeiXapevrbv Xdyov

in which we hnve anucunccd tho And Barnnbas


t o take

of the Lord,


37 BnpvciPac-Gb mlpovXe6uaro11nuupaapapurposed cnlled Mark ; John lPnul Pamto tnke

Xape?vl' Aog 8 6
phylia, 'with



Prbv" q'Iw&vvqvl1 K U X O ~ ~ E V O M&PKOY' n a s TAY Y 38 4<iov

from them from

r b ~ cirroarcivra & ' atrijv &nb n a p T

them Arose t o the work, not

=but thought i t wcll him who withdrew and xvcnt not with

$ ~ h i n ~ (,r~iY ) - U V ~ J F X ~ ) ~ Z ~ TUO T ~ rb E*pyov,plj ruvprrapa~ c ~T Xal(ji~"

[%them] 'him. 'thcy

39 i y i v ~ r o 'Odvl' ? m p o ~ a p b ~ . $or
therefore a'sharp contvntion so thnt and Bnrnnbm from one another, having

C ~ ~ O X W ~ L U t~r o i~*c~i ~~ L X X ~ ~ X W Ur76v.~~.Bt(pvcipau a ~ U '& , napn'departed

C r067wv &v i ~ & v a y ~ t ~ LTT~; T O ~ A. V d mrmi)v ~anjABov LTTIA. 8; E. g 70;s 6 . r o u ~ e ~ A a v ~ a s a6ro6s,thlise who sent thcm QLTlVAW. h V 8 4 LTTAW i wpbs B a p v i p a v IIairAos LTTrA. k (read the brethreuj G ~ m a w . 1 rr6hrv n z v a v LTTrA. C ~ O ? A ~ T OLTTIAW. n ovv- TA. rrai also a ~ r r m . P - rbv QLA. P'IWBYIJVTT. ~ ~ ( Q v ~v ) s a p a h a p j g & v c & v ~-

lrvc6pa~~ iyiy TT~W. 7: 0

L ~ A .

6 i and (arose)L -

taken hnving choscu of God and Ci:iuin, by 11irk sniled

M&OKOV trrX~3uatE[< K ~ J T P O I ) ' T I u C X O ~ . 40 ~ 40 ~ and
to C!'l~rns ;
but P;,ul

r6 xdpiri

~irtX~En~~~vo~ 2iXav &X8ev,

Silas the

And he pnsnc!il tlirongh

went forth, hnving been coru~uittedt o the

<ro68 ~ 0 i / " ;n-b r 3 v ciBfX$3v. 41 Jt~pxero.EB r$v ~ v ~ i m i " I ( t h ~ i a vintarqpi{wl~ c ? brrXqffinc. 16 Ktrrilvrqnev.6bx , r ~
estnblishing thc assemblies. ~~d he nrri\sd


C V SiI'nul chhsc ~ r ~ l ~ ; Ins, nnd dcprrtcd, bcing ~ ~ ~ ~ by ~ l tile brct'lrcn untoAnd grncc of God. 41 the 2fe v a went through SvH& I L U ~Cilicia. cobfirmin.9 the churches.

X v I . Theu cnmc he t o Derbc anda Lvstrar nnd, bchold, celstnin Al$),6,1~ n YAirarpav' K U ~i'bori, p a 0 q ~ ? ! 715 $v h i , disciple was there ~ i )~ at Dcrbc uud Lyatra : and bchold, a 'disciple 'certain was there, u m eof Timothens, WO-i son d a certain t b bvdpuri 'I'1p6Qe0c9vibc yvvair6~ Z r i v ~ ~I'o v 6 a i a ~~ t a r t j yman, which was s ' I by name Timotheua, son of a 'woman 'certain 'Jewish 3believing Jewess, nnd believed but his fnther was v rarpbc.68 " E X X Y ~ W O ~2 8~ ipap~vpciro 6 r b T ~ iU A ~ u -Greek: 2 which was but [the] fnther n Greek, who wrrs borne witness t o by the 'in sLys- well reported of by the brethren that were a t rpoic rai ' I ~ o v i y i 6 d ~ G v .3 rofirov ?jBBX~aev TIaGXoc at;^ L y ~ t r aand Iconium. c d tra 'and 6 1 ~ n n i t ~ 'brethren. n~ This one 'wishod 'Paul with 3 Hinl would Paul have to go forth with Cf&ry'~ ( E X O E~ V , iXcrPhv T E ~ L ~ T & r dE JY 8th ~a ~E ~ l ~ 0 h6m ;~ and took and i him t o go forth, and having taken hecircumcised him on account of the circuruciaed him because of the Jews 'lovfiaiov~rode Bvrac hv roic.rrjroiL~.ireivoi~$8~laav.ycip ,l1i,l were in those Jews who were in those places, for they %new quarters : for they knew %ravrec " E X X ~ U~ .' X { P X E 4 .&'-c%ther nll thnt his fa-~ ~ V a ~ 'all his father t h a t a Greek he tins. And as 4 And as they went atroic thrOu" they the 6iewapehovro rhc n 6 X ~ i cb ~ ~ p ~ 8 i 6 0 ~ v 1 ' $ U X ~ U U E L U dalivered t h o d thcy pnsscd through the cities thcy deli~ered t o them to keep the decrees f o r t o keep rd 61ypnra rd K E K F L ~ ~ Y &dnb. r 3 v dxoar6Xw~ ~ a Cr3v" thntapostles and elder6 i the were Ordained oi the decrees dccided on by thc apostles and the which were at J ~ npea/3vr6pwv l r 3 v i v d'I~povaaXljp.'l 5 The p8v o h h- churches estnblished ai ]em. 5 Andso were the elders in Jerusrlem. in the faith, and in~Xqaiai iar~peoGvro r e ~ i a r e crai ire iaaevov r$ dptep$ ~ r e a ~ c dn number , i semblies were strengthened i n the fnith, and *founded i n numbcr



rcae'.ljp hpav.
every day.

6 e A r e X B d v r e s V 6 h rp)v Qpvyiav rai frljvli FnXarl~ilv

%Rnving "passed 'through 'and country, hnving born forbidden by the word in Asia, Phrygin the Holy and the Spirit "psia Galntinn to spcak

~tjpcrv, r w X v 0 i v r ~ ~ d r b roir ciyiou .rrvei,~tnrogXaXijant rbv Xdyov ;v ri'Auiq, 7 lXQdvrecg rard rrjv Mvaiav Hreipahaving come down t o

~ " of , oalatia, and ~ ~ ~ ~ a gion

8 Now when they

~ ; ~ ; ~ d ; ~ ; ~ C they at- the word in Asia, 7 af~ O V hmrci"'r$v" Bi0vviav knop~&~u8uc.11 o & ~ . ~ a c T ~ ~ wcrc come t o rai ter they tempted t o aithynia t o go; and "did anot 'suiFer M Y S ~Uithynin : but ~, go into they assayed to a&roic ri, ~ v ~ 5 l.p a rapeXOdvrec.Gb rt)v Mz~aiavrcnripq- the spirit suffered 8 %hem 'the "Spirit ; nud haviug passed by ~~~i~ they cnnle pahsing by MAnd came them not. 9 Y P ~ I ~ they V'S'On UPPcared to Paul in the night. a runn of to Pnul : , A "mnn Icertnin swas "of ~ ~ a c c d o n standing, ia bcsceching Mnce(ioniii, and pmyed him, sa iug, Come abrbv ~ a Xiywv, i Alapdc sic Marc~6oviav, PoilQquo~ into fUnccdonia, over him nnR s:rying, IInriug passed over into hlaoedonia help and help us. 10 And after he had scen the ijpiv. 10 'b25.6~ rb ijpapn E ~ J E Y ,~LOlwc i{q7";Iuap~v tEf.X~eivvlslon, immedintcly us. And when tho vision hc saw, immediately we sought to go forth we endeavoured t o go


anv eic Tpcoti6a. 9 rni spapa aid mrfcNv v r r b ~ $ 1 8~~y doyn,to T r o a ~ 9 And " ' .
to Trons. And vision during the night appeared

lIaz;Xq." 'Av$p Oric fiv MarceG&vll iarDc, P ~ a p a r a X 2 vThere stood


o 3 ~ ~ t ' oof the Lord v -rriv07vGLTl'rAW.v T.TTl.hW. -r j


LlTrA W.

n s+ 1lavAy


~ W. V

a T ~ V T ~ & T ~ V T S TT)b ~ i ~ E A A g vnar;lp air703 LTr. ( F b b xapedi6ouav C ' I c p ~ u o A ~ LTTrAW. ~oi~ e 6iijAeov they passed through f 7;)v LTPrA. B 6 i and (having come) LTTrAW. h GLTTrAW. L nopeveljva~L T T ~ A . I 'Iguoir 0f Je.;11s QLTTrAW. m LTTI{A]~V O M ~ K E ~ &$ v (- +v A) LrTrAW. Trs V P ~ a i LTTr. i $ B q TTrA.

" + 6p L.

+ ~ aalso L[T~]. i

+ riS at L T T ~ .


-e s

into Mncedonfn~ I* e;c.qyi]vn Ma~edoviav, avppt/%&wry &I ? r p o u ~ h c h ~ ~ ~ i r ~ surcdly hntl~cr~ng that Alncedonia, coucluding that 'had *called the Lord h:rd ctrlled to ns for to preach the ki,ptocN ei)ayy&iaaab)ai aCr06~. 11 'AvaX8iymEc gon i unto loobin; lthe 'Lord thcm 11 to announce thc glad tidings to thcin. Hltv~ng sailed

from Trolrs, we came sofivll cinh Tpwhdoc ~h0vdpop~aaytev 2apowit11 a strnirht course Troas we came with a a t r ~ ~ i gcourse to ht sirmo. from to Samothracia, and thc next day to Nca- 8p$hTv, ~ ~ ' T E d?~ioi~u " w N ~ 6 n ~ X ~ v12l ' ~ K E ~ ~ ~ V ~ ,l P1ir ' l2 and thrreia, and on the following to Neapliq and thence then& to Yhilillpi, which is the chief clly eic @rXinrrovc, i j r i ~Iariv pepido~ yrljcU npLjrq n)c of that part of to Philippi, which is [the] Brst 'of [?hat] 'part donia c c n d a C O I O ~ V: &e were in t h i t Mnkcdovia~ ?r6Xtct koXdvia. 'Hp~v.8; dv ra6rg rd rrdXei &ad t y ubicling wrtnin .of sYacodonia 'city, a colony. And we were in this city staydnys. 13 And on tlie 13 ' ~ b b n t h went p u t rpiPovre~tjpipac ~ [ ~ c i c , $ 7 ~ t j p i p ~TGV uaP@6rwv we of the city by a rlver ing 'days lcertain. And on the day of the ~bbt~th side where pra er was r y 1 and *,qXBopev Z E S w V caa6X~wc" napd norapdv, 06 bivoCligero won*tto be wenstdown,nudspnke we went forth outside the city by a river, where w~scub~omnry anto the womm which wfi~dthitLer.lrAnd npoa~vx+'I E ~ V C I I ,~ a i rca9iaavrec iXaXoirp~~ ruic auveA*certain w0m.m namp to be, m d having sat down we s p k e to the %ho 3came ed rpL(lia, the ciL7 of 8otjaars yvvnlSiv. 14 Xai rrc yvmj dv6pari Avdiu, nopL of r'lcr G y r t ~ a which wor- 4to~etber 'wonlen, h a d acertrriu worunn, by nnme Lpiis, a seller ~ ~ ~ d h ~ ~ l $vpdxwXty on6X~wc t)varsipwv, u ~ p o p i v tr i v Qedv,~ ~ K O U E I ~ . & n r ~ ~ ~ ~ openecl, thab be of purple of [the] city of Thyatira, whowornh~pped God, washenring; which weru apoken of ~uncduntOthethillga d &ploy ~ L ? ~ V O Ld~ ~ Vkapdiuv ?rp006x~tv rois v Pad. when of whom the Lord' opened the to ntte~ld to thc things rhe was baptised, and XaXovpEv~i~ 6nh croirl' TIa6Xov. 15 hc.8 ipnariaQq nai her honschold, she be'Paul. And when she was balcized and uru h t W, saying, lt 'poken by judged me to d.ol~oc-ainijcnapr~hXrmv Xiyovaa, E; ~ e ~ p i ' r a rpr rrmdv i faiwtOtheLord~ her house she besought saying, If yc have judged me faithful come into my house urdabide there. had r $ W O ~ Q ~ f v a i ,eiuh66~rc eic ~3v.oSrdv.pov, dp~ivare'# she constrained us. to tl;e ~ i r d to be, having cntered into my liouae, abide. M And it cnmc to pass u we Went to prayer: K ~ I ( xap~Pt6unrojlplis. 16 'EYivero.Ji , TOP~VO~C~JWV s certain damsel PO.*- And 8heconstraiut.d ua. Bnd it cnmc to pass as we nrrc goiug scsced with a spirit of , iraidiaqv ~tvcilxovaav ? ~ v ~ i p c c 6vination mct us, EIS' ~poaevx$v, which bronght hcr to prayer, r ' d n w d 'certain, having n spirit of Python,




C 6.

f n 6 B ~ ~

mpioic-uCrfic p a v r ~ v o p Q q . agrq h~ain~oXovH~janaaU 17 T$ Tl;cw men servants o f the moat to her mustern by diriuiug. She hnviug followed ~ ~ ~ ~ XJndXy ; d cai jlpiv c"xpa~cv ~ ~ ~ ~ Xhyovua, O6ro1 oi~hvepwrror 609Xor h e mlratiou. l8 ~ n z t h i s Paul and .us cried say~ng, Thew ulcn bondmcn

urme &llowed ~ x u l nnd us and cried an

p$<metv r i j a a t~j p ~ v ,jjrtc gtin~ ~ who


ipyuaiav i r o ~ ~ , jm p r i ~ e v7 0 7 ~ v
%in 'much broi!ght


roG 8eo5 703 i+iarov eiaiv, o'irlvec ~ara~y.:XXovut~ 'Gpivu

ed, turlled nud said to of thc 'God 'Mobt Wigh me, who nnno~ince to as (the1 dranespirit* I ~ m m n n d3JAv a w q p i n ~ . Toijr0.81. i ~ o i e dni noXXdc tjpipag' 18 i thee m the nnme of ~~~mchrist to come ""Y Of 'alvntion And this she did for many day% out of h=. And he ~ 0 ~ q t ) E ikhWnCXoc, rcai L?~icrrpi#ac rc? ~ v e 6 p a rE ~ T E V , ~ i came out the mme 'dbtrexsed 'but hour. 'Paul, nnd having rurncd to the upuit raid, her mastem s q a !hat n a ayyiXXw aot b v the fidins fchnrge thee in W M gone, the3 a u g h t from lher her.

1~y7'6v6parr 'I~jaoCxpiaroZ i@Xb)eiv

the name of J e r w Christ t o come out And >aeciug

dn' airrijc. Kai L$jXBev aCrq'.rg' Sp$ 10 'lo"d1.rcg.6i r6proi oi

And i t came out the same hour. of their gain, that wos gone the hope

ahrac Sri b&iA&v

q r

-Orbs and (having -+I~ m .N L vQndhrvGod L ~ A ~. & ~ c ibiLlTrAW. sailed) TA. - i-s L n s ~ . t LTTrA. Oav -rqc LTTr. - roi, . e r . lvolri&ev w ~ u e v ~ i we s u p p o s e d p r a y e r )v A A q s gate
having tnkc11 hold of

4 iXnic flc-~pyaaiuc.a6rirv,~?riXn,66p~3~ot
<( [U



L ~ A W . b I) pivere LTT~W. +v t h e

~aro1(oAovOoiiua following mr.

[place for] LlTrAw. f IhjOwva LITrA. 6piv tO you ~ m . k b mr.


S h a v n j o a c '11'rL

-~ y ^


Pibul ~trnd

A C T 8.
Silnd they dri~ggod [them] into the

ei'~ rijr d ~ v ~ d drew ir

rbv na3Xov rai mrbvnXAav c'iX~cvaav

iltem iuto tha mnrkctylwrr unto the bni r o & ~ iipxovrag* 20 rni ~poarr~aycivrcc aCro6c r o i ~ rUlWa1 "llndbrOnbht the h f o r e tlm mvgidtrntca; and h a ~ i n g broilght up thorn to the t r ~ t ~ saying Thoae r, hiug ~~~l~~~ u r p a ~ y on~lrrov,"0 6 r o ~ rivf3pwror irrap6aoovuiv ( GV i~ oi ~cdIUg'y cupta~l~e said, These men acxcae&ngly 'trouble <W city '21 nucl teach cuarrjv ndXiv, 'Iov&zToc irncipxovrec. 21 ~ aramyy6XXovaiv ZOrl torn;, ""eh i ~.'e not to 'city, 'J'JUWB 'king, and announce customs lawful ceive, ncither to obRomnua. & 06r-~Eaarrv@v rrapabixaaeac ot6i ~oceiv,'Pwpaioic s c n e dbeingmultitude nor tc*do, 4nornaU F2 A tho to receive which it is not lawful for w rose u t o g e t h ~ raoiracv. 22 Kai avvtnkaq d 6~Xogr a g atrGv, rai oi,arpa- gninst tgem: nnd the 'king. dlld rose up together the crowd pgrrinst theu, and the ma@~trntcs re116 oif thclr clothen and com. ~ q y oO n ~ p c $ ~ ~ ~ ~ v r T g i ' Yp h ~ t abrkXvov i a ~ ~ r& i G fiapdl- mnndcd to &:~t then& .of them the garments commnndcd to beat [them] TJ And when they hn4 having torn off tniu laid mnuy stripes u . p ~ E L Y ' 23 noMrig.ra lni06vr~c ahroig nht)yGc ipa)lov on thou, they cast with r& b d .mnny 'having "laid 'on 'thcrn 'strip-% they cast [them] lhcnr into prison charging the jnilor t6 E ~ E u X ~ ~mpayytihavr~g ~ E U ~ O $ ~ X ~ X ~rt)ptiv ke,p thorn sdely: $ Y , rc);, &a$aXGc K L into priticn, chiuging the jailor safely to keep 21 who, having raceivcd nucha chnrgc,thrust a6ro6~. 6~ napayyaXiav rora6qv p~ihq$&~I' P ~ EaYr 0 ; ~t hem into the iuner 24 { t them ; who 2a 'chnrge 'auch huving receiced t h r u t thuui prison, and made t l l ~ i r

eig r ~ j v iawr6pav $uXaliljv, rai r o ~ g ~ n 6 6 a G ~ a t rIja$aXi73v

iuto the inncc prison, and their L e t midnight
T~)V 9

~ ~ " : ~ ~ t " ~ ~
heard them. 2ij ~ u d

secured Paul and Yilrra pryod, Paul ~d

aaro" aig rd. $.SI:Xov. 25 Kar&.62 rb peaov~miov1TaLXog ~ a ~i

to the 8tocks. pnying &d towards

~ " ~ ~ ~ , "

XiXas npoa~v~6pevor


were slnging prahea to

6 a t r i j v oi 66aproi. 16 1
'thcm "the 3prhners.

~ 6 ~ '~ ~ K P O & Y ? eurthqunke so great O 8U'lden1y there 41iatened .to that the folmda(ioI1ll of the and were Y W ~ J aarupb~ b VETO ~ r i y a c ,shnken prinon inrmeGod,
'earthquake't prison,

liar aaXezteijwai rd, ~ E $ X U L

no that acre sh&n 'and immediately 'thesdoora

TO^ 6eupwTqpiov' r&~~$Xf3qa&yII opncd, andevery were


ere'was n4great, di,ttely aopcned

the doors

the foundations of the

~apaxpijpa ehpai si?aac, rcai rr6vrov r d 6 ~ a ~ d ai &vietl. of the priaon awnkm

0Xl0'8 bands W e 10W e d 27 And the k w p r

27 iEvirvoS.61
And 'nwokc soat .of p the

and %f *all 'the Ybonds werelooaed out of his sleep, nnfi 'all, neeinp the prisondoors Y E Y ~ ~ E Y O ~ o$z;Xa(, ~ a i6;v dvayy- o p u , he h w out hie 6ta i

%ing prison,


pivac rdq 8dpng f i $vXaKijg, unaaciprvog phxacpav v:p~X- ing thltrt the risoncrs
doors of the a sword

XEY" inurtv civnipeiv, vopiCwv ~KTE$EIIYQY~L Banpious. TO&S

was had been f l e l 28 But Paul cricd with a loud voice, saying, DO thyabout himself to put to death, supposing hnd escuped thg prisoners. sclf no h a m : for we are 1 1 here. BY Then 11 28 i$(;wtlut~~.61 WY ~y6Xv 6 naGXoc1' Xkywv, M$?V he culled for n liph But 'cnllcd 'out *W$ 5. t o i c e '*loud 'Paul saying, and sprang in, an2 cume trumbling, and sp6Evg aeauri> ra~civ.L'navre~.y6p taper iv8ciJa. 29 Ai- fell down before 'do 9 0 .'thyself injury ; for 'all 'we 'r ae here. 'Having Pnul nnd Silru, 30 nlld brought them out, and rrjaag 6 $3ra E ~ U E ~ ~ ~ )raiE~vrpopoc.yev6p~vo C U Y , Tpoa- ,,id, what 'anked 'for 'and lights Lc r u s h 4 in, and trembling 011 I do to bo saved?

' having drawn


and w i n g

opened swol'd,*nd wouldhave killud himself, suypos-

Qnaatv rcy" IIaciXy m xrcy"21 i ZiXq' 30 real ~ r p o a y a y ~ v atroirs

downbefore Paul Sirs, mid, und SiLbs. And having brought them

vWs, ~~c~~:~~~,","~
christ, and thou

itw Z$rl,
out ho said, And tbcy

Khptot, r i

on tho

~oitiv Yya
Lord And

what is neccsrary for me to do

31 Oi-di Y~lrrov,d Iliar~uaov r t v Kirptov ' I q a o 3 ~ Cni z~piar6~,1L

Jesus Christ,

" nnhlly they thnt I may be aa)ved? spnku unto him the





sir rai 6.otdg.aov. 32 Kai IhhXqaav 'airrqj

thy houue. they 8poke to him .

and thou shalt bo uuved, thou and

~ b A. v CIUOV A . 0 uep~p$~am~s L ~ LTTIA. .P h 4 i ) v LTP~AW. ).)u+a~iuam r+?av L1TrA. * jvc&~~uavLTrA ; qvoi~(trluav '. 6 L m . l ; f i v tile (sword) L ~ A . + . u ~ ~ LTTrA. Iv * 0 LTtr; pcyo'hp L L ~ A . J ci~QY LTF~& m Y O ~ LV T r l . T

nach $ e w

- 74




to all thnt wore in his home, 33 the word of the ~ ) o r d , and to aU those in his house. he took them t h e a w e 33 rai anpaha/3&v afro3c i v ltieiv~ @ r Lipp r i j ~ firs3c {Xovhour of the ni ht washed And hnving tnkcn them i that n h o p of the n ~ g h t he wnah. stripes. and w a s b a p UEU Ci~b rGv aXqyGv, ~ a tpaaiia0q aitr6e ~ a oia6ro3 i i thed, 2e and all his bmjghtway. 34 And ed [them] from the stripes; and 'was 'baptized 'he and *his when he had brought ba(ivr~cll rapaxptpa. 34 & a&roGc Eic rbv okov he set meat house them into his befor; laU immediately. And hllving brought thcm into 9ou.e
them, and rejoiced, believing God with 11 11 his house. 35 And when it wrs day, the

r05 tcuoiou, " m i a2iuiv" TOTS iv rp'.olriq.n~roG.

c a & ~ ~ ?j~la p b t ) qrp(ia~cav, i ' ~~u

lhh he laid

e table [for them],

' %

'-aXXl(iaarol! 'aavexulted with

in God. And day having comc those men go. 3ti bnd ur~rXavoi urparqyoi r06c $apGo6xouc Xbyovr~c,'AabXvaov of the pri- ssent 'the Pcaptaina the aerjennta, =ring, Let Igo sa i q to P a d , The magctratea r o ~ ~ d v ~ ~ h r o u ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ v o v ~ . d 6euPo ;ha( 36 'A~fiyy~iX~v.62, have sent to let you lthose % n a. And Jreportcd 'the -jni or go: now therefore der06g-h6~0b~~r06r0vp' g ~ p b rbv lTa3Xov, "Ori ~ & a r m d h m u ~ u " u t d go in 7 ~ u paul snicE% t these words to Paul, ' H ~ v c'scnt them, They have beaten W openly oi urparqyoi ilva (irroXvOljr~* vGu 06v , EFeX06vrac aodemned, being Bo- 'the "captains that ye mny be let go. Now tbercfore having gone out dcc

~ $ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ; ibis] house, having believed Zt " & " ,


? T E ~ ~ U ~ r $U K & C 'HflQpac-Gi ~ ~ ~ p ~ v q c E 35 Y &ab-

E :"Ki : ,fbs

do they thrust ns out part in peace. But Pnul said to thcm, Hnviug beaten GfllL: ~~~~~Q Gpac 8qpouip (ika~atcpirouc, (ivephaou~ 'Pwpaiovg jir(ipXovthemselves and fetch n s publicly uncondemned, men Romnns bciug,
Outthe aXovl' fie $uXa~rjv, v3v Xh0pa rrai h~/3(iXXovwrjeanb told them rat, words unto the m@t ey oast [us] into prison, and now secretly us do they thrust tratea:andthey thai when tl,,,y bnrafeared U ~ Y 06 yhp. &Ad bXBbvr~r) aitroi <pGg IEayayirwua~. ; they R ~ out? ~ no indeed, ~ but .having come themselres us let them bring out. ~

~ ~ ~ ~ pehed3e~ ~ipGvp. 'O.82.ITn3Xo~iqq ~ bv ~ , " , " , 37

rpb~ alirohc, A ~ i p n v r ~ ~

and they Cameand ht them and brongtt them on;, and W i r e d ticem to depart out theyof the city. of And out 40 the @son nnd entered.inwonthebrethren the wmforted them; depsrted

38 i ' A 4 ptXavl'!Shllrois urpnrqyoTc oi ,r5a/3GoiiXoir h pbitara

A : *reported n 'these. 'to 'the 'cnptnins 'the 'serjennts that Romans *\vords

raijra. l ~ a ii$opjerluav" ci~oiraavr~c 'Pwpaioi Srr

And they were afraid having come hnving heard

thoy are.

gihekg y dAnd $&


39 ~ u i~

X ~ ~ Y F T PE K ( ~ ~ E U airrol;~,~ I ~ E ~ QU

n i itayaycivrtc

they bcso~~ght them, of the to them, city.

and hnring rough: out And hnving gone forth out of and b v i n g seen the

an8 they asked [them]

rijc $vXa+

'u.&X6~ivn rijc a6X~wc. 40 tt~XBdvr~g.61 "h2:'

to go out
they came

eioijX0ov O ~ i g j~u~AuSiav* ~ a iiS6vreg Pro3~ n

Lydia ; and went nwny.

&kX$ohc raper(iXeuav aGrol;~,"~ a'GCijXBov." i

Tho~alonica, where +XOov EIS 8~uuaXovi~qv, Saov jjv uv~~aywyd r&v 'Iovwan a S Y n a g y of they came to Thessalonica, where was the synagogue of the Jews. the Jews : 2 an Paul, his manner WR. 8a;wv. 2 ~ard.8i rh ~ i w e b ~ r$Ha6Xy ~iaGXt)~v b g a$r06$, ap r e n t inuntothem and And accordingto the custom with Paul he wcnt in to them, threa sabbath haye maned nit! them cai t a i atippara rpia '6reXfy~ro"aljroic ciab rGv ypa+v, out of the scriptures, and for '~abbaths 'three rensoned with them from the scriptures, 8 opening and alloginp t b t *ist muat 3 Gravoiywv ~ a?raparreE E V O ~ i Brr rbv ~ p ~ u r d v 8 ~ ~TUi have sdered, opening and setting &&h that %he 4Christ 'it =Lehoved to have

@izL' ~:L",PO~ having jo-eyed And

Now th brethren they exhorted h d P W ? ~ throux 17 AroSetjqavrec.El

T ~ I 'Ap$inoXli J

tiai 'AaoXXwviav
and Apollonia




&v nZutv anb

w t all QLTTAW. ih

4 3 Y a M ~ i A. o ~ h eflcrhav LTTrA.

to depart from (the)

I . .

f ~ 0 I I ~ V O L KTA. ~~ 1 hn-tjyyethav LTTrAW.


b Prravres T. 0 a6703 (read the h0u.e)LT[TT]A. 6 ~ (read sthe words, LT=. 0 ~ g hrre'urd~av LTTIA. 7c T. i + o ~ $ 8 q u a v6 i LTTrA. m &reAOeiv dnb from T. 0 rrpbs GLTTIAW. P rraperdAcuav 706s

t &L&'QTO

9 ik,jAt'av mrr.


+ Gv Lnr.

-rj (read a synagopc)



roij &oC, ?jXeov

aaXetovr~s'1 O G ~ T

the brcrrll'ango n itaway GxXovc. 14 etreiws.db T ~ T Erhv fJafiXov j&zviure[Xav oi Paul to u wp.~rc the : but silns crowds. And immediately then 'Poul "aent 'awaf 'the and atill. IBAnd rhty thereTinlotheus nbolle AGeX$oi ?ropeireo0ar mhSn iini rdv BriXaucrav. n&*QPevol,.Ji" to go as t o the mn; hut remnined thnt c6uductcd PRIII bruught hint nnto ij.r~.2'tXn~ i 6 T c j t i 0 ~ 0 ~ m &E;. 15 Oi.62 0 ~ n ~ c 6 r ~ v r ~ c rhv mccivi'l~ h t h Silas and Tiutothcud tlare. But those conductifig a co~unin~iduieut unto 6ilns I U I ~Timotheus ~ ~ I ~ X~ O n y ~ t ~ P a 6 r & ~ * yV gwwC 'AQqlGir KO; Xap6vra~ IvroXrjv tocome tohim with Paul brouylrt him unto Athens; ancl havingreceivcd acon~mand all upcad, they deported. ~ p h c t v XiXav ~ aq iT I ~ ~ ~ %va V , r&xcura r E Oi)s ~XQWto Silns m d Timothw, that sr quickly vs possible they ahould

Eyh^,lzo;;a the ~ Paul X O6 VXdyos Eiy2 Q ~ the word then imnlediately

of God, they cnsle nlm thew rtirring up



come to

-3s airr6v, bt$~uav.

him, But in Athens

they departed,
~ K ~ ( E X O ~ ~ nhoCc VOV

l6 'Ev-di raic 'Aefiumc


iOE naGXov,
'Paul, weing *full

'wnitiug Yfor in


?rapw$irv~ro rt.?rvr+a.airroii
'p3lnfully p ~ r c i t e d %in8 'the %ic 'spirit 'city.

i v aGr$ r ~ ~ w p o C ~ ~ r " carhm i

Is Now waited for them dthcna, his

eiswhou 06aav ?$v ?rbXiv. 17 6tdfykro piu

.of Ydol.

06v 8v


Hc r w o n r d indccd thcrcfore in the

-red in him. w h n uuvay+ 7 0 7 ~ 'IovSaiog KR; roig aepop6vorC, rcni Iv r t he rawthecitj wliolIy mogue with the to idolntry. Jcwa rnd t h m who worhil~ycd, and in the 7 Therefore diepate1 ciyop$ card-lr2iuav.4pbpav wphc roirc ?rccpaiuy;ycivovbe in the mynagwe with the Jews, nnd mmht-plnce -er). d . ~ with thow who met with r f t h th devout pcr- TUC. 18 nvic-6i r h c ' E r i ~ ~ v p ~ U~ 'r3v.l 'Crwi'c3uU K i ~v " [him> But some of the Epicurenns aud the Stoics, thnt met with hjm. $1Xou6$wvQ V Y ~ ~ adry' Y ~ O cai rrvec {Xeyov, Ti av .flfXoi 18 'Jhn Certain hll* philosophers, eucountered him. And some nnid, What may 'desire sophers tfle &n p'c i renns, and of the 8to- 6.0lr~ppoX6y0~.05~0~ Xfyetv; Oidi, Edvwv Gacpoviwv ~ O K E ~ icks, encountered him. 'thin 'chatterer to lay? And -me, Of foroign And some said, What (*it. d. , : s f""n) he will t h i babbler any 1 Other He ~ n r a yeXe6s elvac. U orc rbv '1~ao3vrrai rrjv dvCiurauiv eth tobes =tter forth a prociimer to be, becausa Cofl Jand the rp'urrection of s e he reached un- xairro5y gods: beeGq~eX~ero.11 19 IncXapdpevoi.rra" airroij, cm tothorn and t o them he announced the glad tidings, And having taken hold of him, resMcction. 19 a n d llri rdv =*A eiovH ?rdyov ljynyov Xiyovrec, AuvcipeQa they took him and bmught him &to A- to the &us' hill thoy brought Dim], anying, Are we able m w g u s , saying, P a y Y V G V ~ L i ~ + l ~ Y j d%jnir?ri, a&. XaXovjti y 6c6axlj ; r .c i l. q we know what ~hrauew ille, whereof to know what [h] this new nwhich 'by % , a 'in 'spoken 'teaching? r a k e a t , W ? m For 20 Eevi~ot)ra-y&p rcva eingb6peiC ric T ~ C - ~ I S -4piiv. pouO~C s ~ ~ u For "atrange fthinga 'certain ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ thou bring& to s OUT C I ~ ~ L We enrr we would know Xdpe0a o t v y v ~ v a rbri iiv.8fXor~ raiira aival, 21 'AOqtbrefore allat these wish t h c r e f h to know wh& 'may *man 'these 'thing.. 'Athet h i u p moan 21 (For all the ~thcninns d vaiot bi ? ~ & P T E ~ KQ; oi ;?P(&/IC(&WE~ O Leic oildiv &E OU a & ~ stnmgcrs which were ninns %ow nnd the rojourniw rtrnugclr in nothing e k there spent their time h nothing cl*, but C ~ t ~ n i p ~Xfy~ty ~ u d~aiL drcoi~~iv rratvdr~pov. either to tell, or to Ppent their leisure than to tell *ltomething 'and % %cnr newer. bear aome new thing.) 'piay roii ~ ' ~ ~ I ) E?r(iyOV " ~ou b D Thep P R U ~~ t o n d 22 Zra9ei~.Gi '6' n a 6 X o ~ v in the nkidst of Illezs' And 'haring 'stood 'Paul in [the] midst of Xarr' hill hill. ant[ mid. 1%lucn of AtllcnS,I perceive l'$% *AvGpe~ 'Aeqvaior, card n h v m 6~ior~ncpov~ur~ that in call thlnps ye said, Men Atheninn+ in *U thingn rrq- r~ligious (P.very rcrurent to demons)



ios as far ar LTT~, &r&~ctve'v(-v& Tl'r) 1 rai rapdooowcs and troubling L ~ A . r e LTTrA. 0 K ~ ~ ~ ~ & o w c ~P LTT~A. a&rilY (?-cad [hfml) L ~ A . rbv mr. Btwpoirros LTTSAW. a ~ aalso ~ m m w . i 'Ent,~ovpiwvT. r i i v LTTrA. **@OV L r ~7oii&v LT& 1 ~i(~yyeAi{e~o a6r0?5 ( [ a i ~ ~ o i s ] LA ; a V T 0 ~ 5 A) TR. 7 62 T . L[T~]. b siva ei)rcc what meall ~n c r)iruripwvUT~A. d $ OT =SA. T . f i ~ r s r . C '&h TG wmet2jng LTL~J.


matt* 33soPaulaeparted from among them. 34 Howbeit certnin men clnve unto him, and beliovedwus mong the which : aDionysius the Are-othnrs with them.

nFnzEIx. 83 .Kaio @?wg 6 Bairhoc d&h6~v

thus Paul But aome men

of them.

$K piaov went out f r o m (the1 midst

34 r(vig-&6v6pec roXXqBivre$.'air$ bniarevuau~ bv

~ a i Arov$acoc

f ~ e ~ ~ a & also [was] Dionynius n ~ ~ ~ $


joining themselves t o him believed ; among whom bbN c'Apeonayirqc,l'rai yvvd dudparr A& the Areopagite, s n d a woman by name Dar

paprc, cai Repot aiv a&roic.

and others with them. And after

18 Merd.d6lti rairra

xwpia6ei~ ed TlaSXocn. k TGY

'Paul from

theae t h i n p %having 'departed

XVIII. After theae Athens, came t o Corinth ; and havingfound a certain Jew thing6 Pan1 departed from Athens alldcame budparr 'AcCXav, ~ O V ~ I Kr@.yiver, rrpoaqidrwc d.XqXvBdra ~ V tocorinth; 2;ndfound bp nnme Aquila, of Poutus by race, btely come a certain Jew namcd P Aquila, born in Pan- a n t rrjc 'Itahiac, cai Ilpia~rhhav yvvaira.a&rot, 61d rb tua latcly come from from Italy, and Priacilla his wife, because &i11~~$Cf:~8e~~ 9rarerax11~adl a b J w ~ w p i & ~ B o r W rhvray ro6c '1ov8aiduS Ciaudius had 'hada30rdered 'Clnudiw to depurt all the Jews manded from Jews t~ out of +C 'pi)pqg, qrpobijxd~v a6ro'is' 3 cai depart lrll Rome . g;ttti ) 6rd rb bpdBome, he came t o them, and because of 'the 'samcr and came unto them.
3 And because he was r ~ x v o v duar, ipevev nap' a&roic rai neipydz~ro'l'80av.~&p of the same craft he abode with them, .trade 'being, he abode with them and worked ; for th. y wcre trought : for by their U K ~ V O ? T O L Oi~$v.riXvqv.u 4 61~Xiyero.6f bv rp" avllaywyp' ~ occupntiOu they were tent makers by trade. And he reasoned in the synagogue bntruakers. 4 And he r d in the n p r ~arbnZv.d/3/3arov, inni6iv.r~ ?ou&iovp xai " E u q v a ~ . every sabbath, every sabbath, 'and persuaded Jews and O~eeka. r n F persuaded the Jewa and the Qrceks. 5 'Qc.62 rarijXeov cinb +S Mare8oviac rai d Tr6 And when S:ias and h a d when came down from Mncedouia both Silas and Tih o t h e u s were come from Macedonin, Paul pdeeoc k a v v ~ i ~ e r o nvebparr" . 6 IlairXoc Grcrpaprvpdpcvos r(ti b u pressed iu the spi- mothens Owas 3pressed 'in fspirit IPaul earnestly testifying rlt end testified t o the 1 ~ v dv 6 civriraa,JWS that &sus W- T O ~ C I O V ~ U ~ O L ~b 4 f i ~ ~ 'Iquoih. ' Chrirt.6And whenthey to the Jews ['to 'be] *the Christ 'Jasue. "hs'set lothemselves"iD opoa;$ them~elves aspbemed h; U O ~ ~ V W V (I~T&.J rai phaa$qpobvrwv, brrivaEhp~voc 6; Pook hia raimen;, and lzoppoaition Obut 'they nnd were blaspheming, having shaken (Pis]

'ABqv3v ljhBev ei'~,KdplvBove tiai eipDv 2

rrvu. 'Iov6aiov


hni nju u i d unto them YOU^ rdl ip(trca, ~ i m vrpds aLro9c, Td.a?pa.Bp3v be yonr own head, 1 am garments, ho snid to them, Your blood me] upon olena:from&enceforth Ke$aX,jv-&pcjv. KaQapbe &xb T O ~ . Y ~ e i rd iBuq V ~ I will gounto the Qen'pure [:'from4it] YI &on, henceforth t o the nations tiles. 7 And he derow head: G$dg;;? nop~iaopat. 7 Kai perapdc dr~ieevmfiXBevli eic oiricrv And having departed thence he came to [the] honse mm's house named go. Justus one t'hd warr~vdc dvdpa7e 'IOGQTOV, 0~/30,uivov ~ d Bedv, 05 v ehippd Qod Ihrudwhose of a certain one by name houre joined to Jnstus, who worshipped Qod, of whom

the spogopue..a And oiria $v uvvopogotaa rp" uvvaywy~. 8 Kpiarroc.6b d Crupus* the chief the house warn adjoilung the synagogue. ler of the synagogue But Crispns the believed on the ~ o r d cipXcauvdywyoc~ T ~ U T E V U E r 3 mpiy adv a&cy r$.ok .a&V ~ ' ruler of the synagogue h ~ ~ ~ believed in the Lord ~ with 'whole l h u ~ o u s; e rinthi~II.8 hearing be- 705' ~ a noXXoi r3v KopcvBiwv &ro6ovrec dniarevov cai i liered, and were bapand many of the Corinthians hearing believed and tized. 9 Then spake the l vvttriU Lord to ~ s u in the S/3arrri~ovro.9 Elnev.61 d dptoc O61 bpdparoc bv night by a vision Ba were baptized And said the Lord by a vision in [the] night not afraid but spkak a n d h o l d n ~ t t h y p e a c er(ij IlaCXy, M?j.$o/3oir, ~ XhXet rai p?).atwn$upc' 10 6rdrc 10 for. I am with thee, to Paul, Fear not, but speak and be not silent ; because


~ aLl"hiL i L ~ A ] . ffom LTTrAW.

'Apeonayeiqc - b IIairAorb (read he having departed)T ; 'Aperonayinlr~ e rW.x i v ae. - C3e and f a r Lab



wvcix&o 7 4 A6yy riutiA9rv LZ.

<py(i<a~o LTrA : <pya{ov~o they worked T. awa.a .'e~lgroased.With 'the .ward GI.WI.AW. Tcriou Tirius TLT~J. 0 i u wrsl8i 6p+a~oc ~

+ e f v u to be L T ~ . 1 - m ~

qj 7ixvn LlTrAW.

with thee, and no one

shall set on thee this city. ~ d to ill-treat t h ; ~ I haye much for


ly; eip' p ~ r dao5, rai 068.d~ inlerjaerai aoL 706 rarGani a&'
0ecau8e people thoro is to me much in 'and

6rdrc haQc briv pot rohdg Iv rt$rdhet.ra6rp. 11 'ExdOcaiv

a year
of God and month# '#h, teaching unong them the. word

'Ee emained yew and sir month

the word

Et zif::!~&E
OOd -Ong

#renivtaurbv xai pcvnr '2g k6ciaxwv ( v airroic rdv hdyov roC 8~0O. 12 I'aAliwvoc.8i q 4 ~ 8 v ~ a n 6 o v r o ~ ~ n j A x a rarfnta1:,
But Qallio being prooonaul 'Jewr of Achria,


row chair t h e y e m made


imrloav SpoOupadbv
*against him

'with 'one 'accord 'the

oi 'Ioudaior r y IIalhy, 'rai i)yayov

led laying, That contrary to the

a6rbv ini rb C6roc


to the judgment seat,

13 Uyovnc,"Orc rapd

rbv v2;v

this [man] persuades But 'being 'about to

2vanei8~1~od~ 4v8p6rovc oipru8ac rdv

to worahip

14 MiXAovro~.Gi 1.06 IIa6Xov 4voiyew

'GCalHo the Jews,

to open @ i ~ ]

rd asdpa, elrev d
mouth, "laid

I'aMiov rpbc rode 'Tov6aiovs, Ei piu %oltvn 4v

q p ( i rr fi P~bc06pyqpa rovq dv, t 'Iovdaiot, rard hdyov n m 'some or criminality 'wic ed, 0 J e m , wording to reason , &v ttjvea~dprpu ipGv, 15 ei.68 TLrjrqpciuburrtt r e p c
I should have borne aloh you,
a word and
names and but it a question i t be about

If hdeed therefore i t wan 'unrighteow


Xdyow rai 6vopiirwv rai vdpov ro6

[to it] yoanelvea ; for r judge
hnd he drove

a law which [is] among of these thingo

rag' ipci~:,vea8a
do not wbh

you, ye will we

aQroi* ~pm)c.~ydp' i h i

robrwv 06-po6Xop elval.

t o ba

16 Kai & ~ ' X a o r atirodc d?rd ro6 p6paroc' v


hold 'on 'and

81 AaVTEC x ~ ; U E M qZ W c ~ ~ ~ V V PV L U V V C ~ Y W Y O YEt'$geoPF ~~ U T ~ ~ X ~ E
%he *Greek8 hthenes the ruler of the synagogue, thingr

from the judgment wat.

17 tsAapd-

'Haring laid

and brought him to themyin. mis mat, judgment perauadeth men to z w h " , p , Q ~c";a ~ when Paul WM now about to open h* to the kewa, Ifraidonit were a matter of wrong or, wicked lewdneaa* O Jews -on woufrh4 that f a o u l d a e ~ 1 . w i ~ YOU : 15 but if it be queation of worda and names and your hw,look ye to t t ; for I will be no judge of mchmatias. l e a he drave them from $h~da~~,"Qr~If; took Wthensa the ohief ruler of th; Ungogue,md h f o r e thc judgment


they beat him]


r v r o
,m %

iprpoa8ev 706 /3fiparoc" rai o66iv


the judgment seat. And 'nothing 'about 'there


r$ raXhiwvr irehev.
Cto sQallio Lit mstterea.

18 '0.28.11a6ho~ irr .rrpoupeivac ,jrlpaCiravdc, roTc d6ABut Panl yet haoingremained





~ ~ b ~ & ~ ~ $ $ ; a ; ~ ed thence into S y r i q lTpiurtXXa rai 'ArCXag, K E ~ ~ & / ~ E V OJ7ljvre$ahljv Key- mdwithhimprfscina ~ Priscilla and Aquila, having shorn head in rhorn Agui1.i infCcnand Aw head b l n g xpeai~' E?XEU- d 6 t h ~ 19 '~ar$u~aevll.d8 *E$EUOY, chrea : for he had r . eiS K&chrea, for he i a % r vow c end he came to Epheaur, and l9 llnd he came to Ephesur, and left reivovc rariXtnev aadro6*fi eiaeA8dv air 4 v them there : but he %hem llek there. But he himself having entered into the i? & ovvaywy~v b8ieXE~Bqnroic 'Iovdaiorc. 30 bpwr4vr~v.Gi reawned w i t i the rynagogue remued with the Jewr .=king phim] Jewa. 20 When they desired him to hrry airrGv Iri rhaiova xpdvov pivat '?rap1 d ~ 0 i 06~.br6veva~v* a ~" longertimewiththem, he did not accede, he consented not 'they for a longer time to remain with them 'f 21 ddrXh' oirarcicaro a t r 0 2 , ~ eindv, eAei p( ncivro~:4 v 21 butubade them mnet well y i ~ g , I ba,t took leave of them, ~aying,It behoves me by all meam the by a h mean6 keepthir 'Bating % k e n 'leave 'of nailed away to


4tirAec eic rtjv Z;$?

m :

2 a$$ ;

t' & 'breth- a




P 84 Lmr& q d & ~ d r o v 8w,w L T ~ A . r &vdr~eiee~ oi5roc L ~ A W . 1 &v ~ m [ r j w . i v e ~ f 6 ~ r LWT. )v v {r)+ard questions L ~ A . W y&p LTTSAW. X oi.EM7ve0 LlTrAW. 7-iv K l y ~ p e a r c (Revxpeaic T *v xe4ahGv L ~ A . ) x a n j y u a v the came A . . l L b i u u t a r o 'm. 0 a T O d U ~rorajcifiww *oi but taking leave and L ~ T I A . Ad pr , Icpoa6hvpa - , A


~ ~ m ~ 80 $v ~
$ t w
mtnm ngnin nut o on U God from E hcsus. mniled will. a n d when fe had lnndodnt Caeanrea. and ~ ~ ~ ( r ~ $ down to h t i o c h . 23 And he hnd spent some timc :here, he depnrtacl, and went nutbe CountrJ. of Qrlntin nnd Phr gin in ord~r.a t r e n s k all the dLciyl*

~PAZEIE. X V I I ~x1x. , rqv ipxopf**qv ?roitjaar efS!' ouo'hvpa-a wti&v!GP , ~ ~ ~ h b ~

'laming to

*"d d

Q O ~


fmsnlem, And

but ar&

dvaLvadp$w rpdg 4pBs, r o i Bioi Blhowos. gKaiR

I win return
, " Epheaua ~ ~ &
nnd willing.

he sailea from h a d n g gone np Antioch.

rijs 'EQ~JOV' rrai rrnreXl-%v 22

haring snluted the

eig hKaia6pecnv,"
Cscsnrea, he went down t o

And having landed a t assembly


~ n ~ i & ? r a u d ~ n jv oir~Xqainv ~ a r Q P qei'c 'Avrtdxetav. i ~v ~

23 rrai 7roofiocc~xpiivov rilrct ilijX&v, G t ~ p x l p ~ l ~ o c lca6kCiiF

And having stnyed 3imo aGalatinn disciples. ~ u a 'Jew t 'certain, Apollos by nnmc, lthe the country 'and *Phrygirn, establihing

'some he went forth, pasing through *in 7order

n)u I ' c i h ~ ~ r ~v 6 p a vrai @~vyiav, j l iiniumoiZwv' nhvrap


TOGS paeqrf c.
24 ' ric 'A?roXXAp 6vdpar1, 'AXstcrv6 3 r,! ~
b o t n nt Alexandria,

rriptnl.m, to by birth, 'man 'an 'eloquent, cnme to Epheaus, 'mighty 'being Evhcxna. 25 rnnn b raig ypa$aic. 25 ohog q v . ~arqxqplvos77jv 68dv roir v wns inatmcted in the saripturck He WM instructed in the wny of the a n y of the l o r d : nnd in the b r i m fervent i the mpiov, rrai n ciwv rcy' rr~eirparr, iX6Xer rrai d8i8aar~u 'pirit* dilipntlv the and being fervent in spirit, he spoke sud taught tnnpht he spnkc rind Lord, thinnr of the h r d , & ~ p l p S ~ r& ~ 0 ; ~ ~K iV ~ ~ O V , ' 'i ? r i b ~ ( i ~ l ~ v ~ ~ k r pdvov rb accurntel y the things conccrhng the Lord, knowing only the ~ o ' r( rj iv be burrnn to rpenk /3A?rrovrtal ' I ~ h ~ v 26 ~ ~ U i ~ . r e tar0 ?ra~~qath~eaeat boldly in the mynabnptiBm j b o And he gegan t o ppenl boldly in y n e : whom whcn qr~iln and Priscilln r $ m t f n y w ~ .C ~ K O ~ U ~ ~ T E ~ ( 6 J m'Ay;Xac rai S - ~ ~05 iarrt\XaU had hcnrd, thry took the Rynngogue. And *having .heard 'him 'Aquilr .and Grischln him unto them nnd erpounacd nntd him ?rpoa~Xh@ovro abrciv, rrai c i ~ p ~ p i a r ~ p o v iSi9rvro r;)v a&r@ the way of God Inore thoy took 'to ['them] lllirn, nnd more nccnrntely to him expounded the rfectl .27 And when

gut",'Tdr inmiz dv$p yyQei,

an ~1cxnnRinn

X6y~oc, nanjvrqaev eig *E$EUOV, 8vvnr3~ &v

&'~RJ:;': tiiy

E wArl~nin,thobreth-o fro3c.ofeeoc~ 68dv." ~27~And *being 'minded ahroito pnss through into rljv ~ ~ ~ ~ s . ~ o pov? oyrh~ov-8J ~ ~ GiehBeiv into 'God 'wny. 'he
r r n wrote, exhcrting the disciplea to m him : who, whcu he wnn come, helped them hn4 balieved through paca 3

Axahv, ? r ~ ~ ~ p # b t l ) W CiifX+oi 0; l ;YPC(#C(U r o rni?qmis ~ ~

Achnia, 'cxhortiug ['them] 'thc 'brethren him, who hnrirp arrived grace. publicly, wrote hclyed *to %hc *dircipIes much those w110

d~08i~na6ai a6rdv. 6~ .~rapny~vripevos avllipciXero ~ o X 6 roics

b welconle

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' $ ~ ~ " , " 28 ~6r(ivw~.yilp ?r~?riarev~dutv rijg xdpirop. ~ i 8th rois

lliht publickly, mhont h g h


For poncrfully
rhewing by tho


$ ~ t " J e s ~ w ~ $ Gaioig ~iarramlXCyxro ? ~ ~ Gqpoaiq, i?rt8ermds 8th r3v ypn$Gv,

hc confuted scripturea 'be *the 'Christ 'Jcrua. lloo wna nt Corinth ' ~ ~ i v ~ r odvq@ri)v 'AToXXAE T V ~ L4~ KopivOy, ]IIn3.6~ having pmrJ h d i t came to ynss, while Apolloa was i n Corinth. Paul, throngh the uppor marts cnme to ~ p h e -Xov ciSuEgeaov. BieX86)~m rdr dvwrepcrci pfpq, " C X ~ E ~ V ~ ens.: nnd finding mhaving p m e d through the upper prtd, c-e to Eyhesn., b i n disciples, 2 he snid t o h , v K P~ilphv' T I ~ R Epa& 2 E I ~ V ' obr06fi Ei mpds wceivd the JIo Y and hnving touud ccrt.nin dircipln he a d d to thm, [Tho] Qhost since ye belicvl ~ n they snidnn- mjeGpa H Y ~ O V iX(i/3crc ?rtare6aavre~ Oi.62 r ~ lT ~ ~ S n ; A to him, WOhnve not ao "Spirit 'Holy did ye receive, hnring believwi 7 And they snid to much M hcnrd whctherthere nny ~~l~ atr6v, 'AXX'.'0681U ei ?rveGpa ii idv lunv, ~roianpav. Ghost. S And he said him, Not o ~ e n if [the] 'Spirit l&lJ is, did wc hear.

S I Xihnt, cnmo AAnd it to while

r:vni rdv ~ p i a r i'IqaoGv. )~


8; but L m a . 'Ir)& Jeslls 1,lTrAW.

L m;


Beoi - - (read [said])


rai LTRA. 1 'IwLvov T. r

r a ~ e A 0 e i vT .



o G LTA ~

h K a r u a p i a v T. i vmpi{wv LTTrA. 70; m n p i u r c A h a rai ' A r d A a r LTTrA. bsbv m5 or03 P cGpeiv found LTltA. 9 TC a d (he said) Lmt&

3 ' .'wphy a t r o t s , ~
And he a d d laid, to thm,

ri o6v i ~ a m i u f l q ;~Oi.88 r
"nt~them* Un" To what thon wore ye baptized? And they


: g

v~lrov,uEis r6 x ' I ~ 6 ~ v P6rrtupa. 4 ZIacXoc, ~vt1

I '

Unto John's baptism: ,ThensaidPnul, John


To the 'of 'John 'baptism. &Id verity batptizcd wlth ~ w s p ~ ~ I~ % r ~ i a ~ v P 6 ~ r i a p ~ ~ .I " $ peravoia~, ri? tho baptism of r e l ~ u t baptized [wlth] a baptism of " p n t a n ~ e , to the Jobn indced XaG Xiywv, eir rk-ipXdPeyOvpei atrhv Yva nrare6awarv, shou d bcli~seon hlln pople snying, 'On 'hum 'coming L ~ f t e r *hi- 'that they should beliove,



nay the

Christ Jesur. 5 When they they heard t hin t11~y were baptised ~ ,the ria$uav is 76 Bvopa roii rupiov 'IrlaoJ. 6 ~ a b?rt8Qvroc i name ,or the Lord ware baptised to the name of the Lord ?aur And 'laid 6 And when Paulhad b i d h u h n u h aGroic roJ IIa6Xov crdrc!l yipac 4hBev rb rveirpa r6 ii tov U n them, the HOIJ .on %am IPaul handa came the Splrit the goly ~goo8t came' on them. witd and they s ~ k o id airro;~, yXPountE reai d.lrpoe$irevov.Ytongues, and)prophesiupon them, and they were rpenking with tongues and prophesying. ed 7 And nll the men were about twelve. 7 $aav.i% oi n b v r ~ c aiv8pec Guei CG~~aGiro.U EineXBdv.G1 8 And hewent into the 8 And6were 'the 'a11 'men about twelve. And having entered synngogue, and s p k e boldly for the s bjv avvaywyrjv i ~ a ~ ~ q u t c i ~ r ir pivac rpeic 6iah~y6-th, month. i e o, b ~ t othe ngnagogne he spoke boldly, for mouths 'throe reason- ing and pc;auading OS rcai reiewv 'rdn mpi paaA~iac 9 ~ 0 s the thingn concerlling the kingdom of Q&, . and persuading the thinga oonccrning the kingdom of God. 9 But when diver* that is, on 'the Christ lJesys. And haring heard

+ovrhurrv" eic rbv "ptarbvl1 'Iquoirv. 5 'Aro6uavreg..di ipun-



Q 'Qc.66 rcves lureXqpbvovro rai tjreiQovv,raruXoyoGvrec njv

But when some before were hrrdoned and (lirobeyed, aqcaking eril of

;&v bvhrtov

m62 paeqrrie, ~a(r.4 ipav Gtdty$evoc i v q'j

daic reoning And thir wan

~ d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , n ~ " ; , 8 the evil of thal way before TO$rh@ouc, (i~ourdrc &A' a t r ; ~ &$(6ptuv the he d'the multitude, having departed from them be separated ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $ ~

in the h%ooI of 'Tyrnna11


T V ~ ~ V ;g;ia g10 l n d (his con: ~ , " y ~


nun 'a zcertnin.

vov griv6c." '10 ToGro.GB iyhvero bni Zrq Giro, Gure r6vras
for 'yean 'two, ao that

tinued by the space of

ql ~ ~ l n

70s mpiov ~ s i heard the word a thorn who inhnbited Anin heard the word of the Lord ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ w ~ $ Q h ' I r l ~ ~ 'i~rOJU ~ C ( ~ O U ~Itai"EXXtIvac' 11 A V V ~ ~ C C ~06~rdrc 11 And God ~vrought .TE . E Jesus, both Jews and Greeks. And works of power not

7035 It(lr0i~o~vra~'Auiuv d~oik~ac X ~ Y O V T$V rbv


that from his buds brought unto the sick handkerehicffi or ilri rode dnOevoiivra~kbrtgipeu8ni~~ &rb roir.~pwrhg..a&ro~ aprons, and the didto those being nick were brought from hia akin e m s do arted from them, a n t t h e cvil syiaovGri.p~n atpiriveta, rai cisahX6uuelrOac t r atrcjv -rhc rits went out of them. l' handkcrchiefa or aprons, and departed from them the IS Thon ccrtnin of the vwnboud J e w V ~ U O ~ Sr6.r~.~veCpara aovqplr l i ~ ~ p ~ e u fca' a l ~ c j v exorcistx tuok upo; , rdr li r r .~ dine-, and the 'spirits 'wicked went out from them. them th cnll ov*.r them which had evil 13 ' E r e i qaav-bi rivet "'&TA rib" ? ~ E P L E ~ X O ; U ~ V W V U ~ ~ ~ W V nnme of 'IO S irite the But "in ehend 'certain %from %he wandering .Jews, tEe Lord Jcsus anying We ndju& you ifoprturcjv lvopri<eiv bri rode Zxovrac ~ (rveirpnra rdr by lJenus i paul 'exorcists, to name over those who had tho 'apiritn prcaoheth. 11 And rovqod rb Gvopa 7.05 rcupiou 'lquo5, Xi~ovrec,"'0 ri~opevfl thwe we* levensona 'wickeh the nnmo of the Lord Jo~us, snyiag, &e adjure common 'wrought IGod by the hands of Paul, so that eren

n 1 ~ 0 6 u'iroiet d 8ebS"6cd &v xetpcjv IIa6Xov, 12 Gore rai a~



you b y ]

r6v 'Iqooirv Zv
Jesus. whom


lkirXos 1cqp6uaer. 14 'Huav-G6

Paul proclaims. And there were

I *Iwiys

a6sov'r J.TTrAW. p j v OLITrA. a TO;$ iuscv OT. LTTrA. d irrpo+jsevov L 6 & 8 c ~ LTTIAW. a 'Iquo3 OLlTrAW. i Q Oebr iroiec LTT~AW.

6 8;

elnev T.

'- (rop&au@u
-W &.

d n a v LTTrA.

in' a&&) O L ~ A W . b LTTrL

rrai &v also of the L

I.Tr. r ~ u dL n r r . r k iro+ipm8at L ~ A . L ;KTa

'h&ou T. r


T ~ S

~ A .


I adjrue


h o w , and Pan1 I were

lTPAXEI8 roirro V~ Irrd andciti, a me f of the Lriestd. Prilt~c~ qvioiDZ I C E 'Iov8aiov ( i P X i ~ P 6 ~ C Jaw ahi& did m, fs Ann O r t a b [men] 'SOM 'of * ~ C ~ Y S 'a .Jew, 'high priest 'aeven who this t h e d l Q i r i t a n s m r - roioirvrec. 15 hrorpi@lv.8Z t b rveifpa rb rovqpbv eZsevS, sd and aaid, Jesus I
But apswering the 'spirit 'ricked said,


TAY 'Iqaoirv yivDarw, rai rilv Y ; ~ briurapai* $ ~ Q ~ ~ JIaifXov

Jcsus Iknow, and Paul I am acquainted with ; g e whom the evil fipirit was leaped on them, 8 d bar6 ; 16 Kai td$aXXdp~vos~~ aziroirg 6 &vepwand Overcnme 'bat, who are ye? And leaping on them." the man and prerailed agafnsi them, so thnt they fled rocll bv *v the rveifpa rb rowpdv, wand irararevpre6aag rb 'spirit ~a " out of that house nain whom was 'wicked, having mastered ked and wounded. 17 Andthiswasknown xatrGv" iaxvaev rcar' azirGv, Gore yvpvoirg K Q ~ rerpavpariato all the Jews and them pre~i\iledagainst them, so thnt naked and wounded Oreeta also dn-elling fit ~ p h e s w and few pevov~ b~@vyeiv 6r roir.o?rov.hreivov. 17 roifro.8& { y ~ v e ~ o fell on them all, they escaped out of that house. And this bacnme and the name of the Lord Jesunwas magni- Y V W U T ~ Y~ i i ~ i v 'I0~8aiolg.r~ "EMqaiv roig raroiroifaiv niv rcai fied. l8dnd many that known to all both Jews m3 Greeks, those inhabiting believed came, and a and shewed E$EUOV, ybxlreaev" $dpos bni rcivtas ahro6c, Kai iueyarcai their deeds. 19 Man Ephesw, and Ofell 'fear upon b l l 'them, and was mag-


broopht their booh nified and they counted the

pieces of silver. 20 So


X6vero rd Copa 705 mpiov *IquoZ. 18 noXXoi-n

the name of the
Lord Jesw. beliered their deeds. came confessing and


~~$~h30~d,$ur$4 e x i a r ~ v ~ d r ~ v bEopoX0~06p~vot r rjpxouro rai

ff;'d,&$~~us","~rii~.rp(i~ei~.a&r&vY 19 imvoi.82

And many of those who

decking pm-

rd r e iepya npaQvDriov
before burnt of them, might [them]

~ $ i ~ ' b; Fcivruv U V ~ E Y Q fgz~ raures

tiaed having Lough6 . U *of Lord

many of thase who the c u r t u s arts

rdrc PiPXovc ~ar6kaiou



?rcivrwv' aai uvveJ/h$ruav riic ripdc a&rGu, rai e3pov

And they reckoned up the
'i fn



and found [it] the word of the

dpyjiov pvprlbs rivre. 10 oGrws xard rcpriroc *I X6yoc roi



rvpiov" ?$&IYEY rai taxvrv.

)l m r t h m t w
paed in the when he h 4 p&
Jar-lem, hiwe
were ended, Paul ur-

increased and prerailed.

21 'QC-62 b r X q p D e l


83~~0 6 IIaGXog bv rci m e G 'Paul in the ~pirit, to and Achaia,

And when' were fulfilled these things 'purposed



Mare80viav rai 'Axaiav ropeheMacedonia

:$yEt,i.zO% uOai eis C'Iep~vaaX7jp,a "Ori per& rb yev6aeat ei'rhv,

B f - B0

haVfn~ passed through Jerusalem, also

p brcti

& m $ ~ f " , ~ i~t behover me ~


pe cat 'Pdpqv i8~iv. 2% 'AroureiXag.82 eic dr4v"




%wing b e n 'my there

$%iuFgAtand ~Macedonia 850 of those who 8ia~ov06vrwvto him, Ttpd0~0vcai g Marce80viav rGu aCr(ii, him, Timothetll two ministered Timothew and
E . v t u i but he Mm- * J ~ ~ I U T O V ,~ 6 r b brhXav ~ p h o v n)v 'Auiav. I3 'EYiv~r& s ei's -lf in Asia for rastu, he remained a time in Anis. 'Came =to*pan a3 And the e time there arose 86 card rbv.raiptv.brrivov rhpaxog o&r 6Xiyo~repi no 8maU stir about lnnd at that time 'disturbance 'no "small about the that way. 24 For a certain man named &Soit. 24 A ~ p ~ ~ p t o ~ . y h 1 ~ 7 p ~ bvdpnn, cipy~lporcdroc, Demetrius, a silver- way, Por *Demetriw a certain [aman] by name, a ailvrrsmith, nmith which made silver sh(riner for Diama, T O ~ G V L I O ~ i~p~ ~ p ~ i r S V L y 'AprhpiGoc, erapei'~~r~'l r~xvirrtrg TOT^ brought no small gnin mnking Otemplea 'siher of Artemis, brought to the nrtificcrs rrnto the craftsmen a~vaepoian~,rcai roils whom hecalledto! 9pyauiav ot* dXiyqv-U 25 ooc 'no little ; whom having brought together, and the gether with the work.gain
-. . U

to m.

And having sent into

P viol placed @er irri L'ITrA. P stvop (read seven sons o f a certain one) LTr. p oi L~~I[A]. 8 a;so;$ to them LTTrAW. t i+aAdpevor LTTrA. ' b 6v9pwros brr' ~ 6 7 0 6 s L'lTra, W rai LTTrAW. a ip+oripwv both LTTrA. ~ T ~ U CLTr. V 705 KWptbv 6 hdyoc L ~ * A . SreA9siv to have passed through L. b *v L. 'Irpoudhvgr rzirr~\V. d Ti)v T . 0 L f oir~ bhiyrlv ipyaoiav LTTrA.

- -

*in '.such .things 'workmen,


Y how e that from

repi rii.toiat?ra 2py;ra~, errev, * A Y ~ ~ E E , bnlaraa0~8rt bx ra6qE r i c + y a a i a ~ ejropia gkiuv'

this gain the wealth of

~ M ~ ~ v henr, that not alone a t rrti ciroirer~ Srr ot pivov ~UOU cilXdh U X E B ~ VT ~ U njc ~ o ~ ~ A u ~ ~ , ~ C and hear that not only but almost of all thin P ~ u l hnth * ~ 6.11airXoc-08ro~ ~aeiuac p~rfarquevi~av3v.BxXov, ~ u n d e d turnor:: ~ i ~ nnd much P ~ P ~ Asia this Paul hming persuaded turned away a grent multitude, ing thnt they be no ~ ~ ~ Xkywv iiri 06c.eiaiv 6eoi oi Grci xecp;v yivdpevo~. 27 oh gods, which arc mnde rsying that they are not gods which by hands are made. vat, with hnnds : 27 socraft not onlv t h b our that pdvov 62 roirro riv6uveie~Gpiv 76 p6poc ~ i d ? ~ ~ X ~ in in b c y p dingcr to beset 3only 'now %his 'is dangerous to us pest] the buslneslt =into 'dixrepute a t nought but nlho thnt the to&ple of the &8eiv, dXXd rai rb /.iyh)v]c " A TQ 1 0 6 b ~ " grent goddess Diana lcome, but also the .of .the 'great 6goddess !4rt!d t! pe em l ' for should b de*pised. . and her mngnificence kotG.?vn "Xoyraeijvac, pCXX~iv".~62" raearpeiaear ' n j v p y a rai be dehtrovad nothing be reckoned, and be about also t o be destroyed the m- whom all Awia k n d the worldworshippeth. i ~ i 6 q r a 6 n j ~ , .tjv ijXq '$l1 'Aaia ~ a i O ~ K O V ~aiP~7al.28 b d when they ~ ~ V ~ ofher, whom all Asia and the habitable world worships. heard time sayin~a, the werefullof wrnth, 28 'Aro6aavrec.o"i rai yevdpevot l r X l j p e i ~ 6vpo3, &paout, saying, h d having h e a d , and having become full of indignation, they crled Great is Diana of the Ephosians. 29 And the 'E$~ai@v. 29 Kai whole city was fiUcd X d y ~ ~ ~M~yciXq $ * A p ~ ~ / . i l c ~ g , out saying, Great the drtemis of [the] Ephesians. And with confusion : and i~Xljueg r d X t c PijXqll P avyXiruewc. 2poOvcaught Osiua nos 'filled 'the %ity Owhole with confusion, and they rushed with one ~ ~ d ~ , " ~ ~ , " , u $ , " ~ f < pao"dv rb BQarpov, avvaplr&aavrec F&ov real 'Api- compnnion* iu Ari- they rushed tho thcaaccord into with l ' ' 1 having seised with [them] Gaius and word t o the theatre, arapxov Mnre6dvac, auver81jpoug 'r01" IIairXov. 30 rroir'' 862 tree And when IJnu' would have en tered in rtnruhua, Macedonians, fellow-travellcre of PauL But unto the people the I'InirXovnPovXopkvo~ ~iaeX6eiv rdv 6{pov, 06r.e'lwv a 6 r b disciples auffered him idc certnin Pa11l intending t o go in t o the people, 3did4not &suffer 6hirn "Ot. 31 the chief of A%ia,which oi paeqrai' 31 riv.?c.66 rai rcjv ' ~ a i a ~ ~ V T v S a6r@ were his frieuds, sent ~ 3 E 'the Pdisciplcs, and some also of tho chiefs of Asia being Ito 3him thnt he would not auf i X o ~?rkp\Clavre~p b acrdv, rraper6hovv p$ Goijvar Znvrbv venture himself into , ~ c fkienda, hnving sent to him, urged Dim] not to venture himself the theatre. 32 S0lne therefore cried oue 76 edarpov. 32 hhXoi.p2v.odv.ciXXo.ri {rpffcov. thing, and some UUi ~ t the theatre. &me therefore one thing and some another were cryingout ; other : for the Mo sembly wne confued ; fiv-ydp .irrXqaio t ~ y ~ ~ ~ rai poif lrXtiovc " ~ ~ q , ohic.p'deioav and the more for awaaJthe sassembly contused, and the most did not know knew not wherefore they were come tor i v o ~r i u r r ~ v ~ ~ ovvrXqX8etraav. 33 Er62 r o i Gxhov prhcr. 33 A U they ~ for what cause they had conle together. But from among the crowd rew Alcxandor out of the multitude, the wlrpo~/3i/3aaav"'AXlEatdpov, x~po,(3aX6~rwv'1 a6rbv rcjv J ~putting. hi,,, ~ ~ they put forwurd Aluunder, 'thrusting 5orwad 'him 'the ward. And A l e ~ ~ n d . ~ beckoned with the *Iov6aiwvm h62.'AXQFn~6oo~ ramueiuac r1jv x~ipa,bend, rind hnve 'Jewal And ~lexnnde;, having made a sign with the hand, xuacie his defence unto
is ; and

he Said,


E ~t h t by thislcrate~ ,: d know

~ U T L Y .26

rai L)E;!~;E

* i



,:b:' ".$ ," e n y k But hirving recognized that he was R Jew, all with about the >ov6a'iic iarrv wmj Eyivero p i a E ~ c i v r o v , r Lj~.llri ijpac one voice two holor of a Jew he is,' %ry 'there 'was one from all, for about 'houn out, i . Giro Z~pa~dvrwv," MsyciXq 'AprepiS 'E eai'wv. 35 Kaia- DiOn635 And when the the Epllesians. 'two c+g out, Great the Artemis of [thefEphesian& 'Raving townclerk h.d areiXac 6 6 ypappareirg rdv Bxhov $quiv, *Av6pec ' E $ ~ ~ ~ QO S ~the ~ e o p l *he 8 P R L , ~ ~ 6oslmed land 'the %ecorder the crowd says, Men Ephcsiaps, "id* Ye men Of 'phetished t o make a defence to the people.

tjeeXev tflroXoyeia8at


Gljpy. 34 .'hlrtyvdvrwv!.G.?


t &iv



T. r

w v - T.

P - iu\r) L m A .

h ~ aalso L i . be counted), * M e & L.

& t ~ LTRA., a

irpbv ' A ~ T ~ ~ TA. o s L~ 0ir0Lv LTTI A . m r e EGL~?I.A. 6 speydc~dqroq LTTFA. P 711s GTTrAW. V. 70v QLTTrAW. IIaliAov 6 i L ~ A W . m v r , % P ~ r ~ they instruoted LTR. v upo,9&vrwv EQL

S h~yVivrer QLTT~AW.

I IL~~<OV+~P .T.

~ t ~ ~

who knows not groat

the .of p; frtemis,

" ric vhp darrv~adv8pw?rocn ooir.yw~u~~t U E cuiwv , " , ~ ~ ~ 56 ~ ~ T ~

thnt th0 * 'what 'for % %here e 'man E p h e 4 n ~ is a wor- ?rdX,v v E w r ~ p o v odnav the inlaw which fell

? E:: ,,Td !g n

rijg pyciXqs be~2ic")A 7 i p l b 0 kbi ~

~ Y bvrwv


Ttemple-kcep M b

se &8;-::7&:
oernin othwmntbrr ye inquire,

fallen from B u s ? Undeniable therefore boing thoao thing# thew things cannot be 6iov hariv 6ptic rar~araXpQvovg ( i P X ~ i u , pqFlv rpoia rni rpoks n againnt ought to be quiet, necOYnry it " *Or calm to be, and nothing *heedto do nothing rash1 ?rer?ce?rphrr~t~.' qyhy~r.ydp 37 For ye brought roirg..bv8pac.r06rou~, S7 For ye hnve brougKi long to Ydo. these men, [who are] hither these men which nre neither r o d 0 6 r ~ i~pou6~0vs ~ T E O phaa$qpoiivrag d8~dv" '6pGv." of ~ ~ h u c h enor neither temple plunderera nor s are defaming Y g ~ d f i e 'your. ~ yrtblluphcmera~d~onr 0 b A?)p$rpocKai oi U ~ a614 r ~ ~ l ~ if7rp6e U lai foddldu~.M wherefore 38 d piv f hmetrins, and the If indeed themfore Denietrius and the Ywith Jhim 'artificers againnt crnftsmen which are i with him, have a mar- riva X ~ Y O Y(I OVU~Y,"ciyopaioi byourat, ~ aciv96nnroi eiacv' ter against any man anyone a mntbr cour* ue held, and proconsuls there are : the law ia open, and there are deputies : let yraXeirwuau ciXXtjXors. 39 eibi rr kepi JripwvY them implead one ano- let them nccune one another. But if anything concerning other mutt-

g 6 0 ' v & , ~ ~ m t h ~ , " ~ ~of~ that ~

AIOXETO~S Livavrt~btjr~u ; Q6 O

e of the






h t & ) ~ i ~ iv,

rq' hwdpy lrrXquip baiXu9ljuerat. 40 rrai.y&p

assembly i t shall be solved. For also

this day, 40 par we are in arm- we are in danger to be sccuaed of barreorion i n regard to ~ e $ O n ~ m ~ ~ p q b,w k ; ~ ~ , ~ aairiov 6r6p;yovrol: aepi o i h 6uvvadpeOa &TOthsre being no not one came existing concerning which we shall bo nble to

e*$&tdz$'$ rrv&ve60prv
$,","~",~&Y~,"~~;E Xiyov 80Gvai

i the lawful n





g,ive, a reawn for thisconcourw. conmuraa II when ho thus aabXvuev 4 v irrXquiav. spotan, he he dismissed the rssembly. the nssembly. Bub after .ceased 'the

'rq~-ovcrrpoq5ij~.m6rqs. Kai 41



And these things having mid,

20 Merd-62 rb ra6auuOar rbv Odpvpov, krpoa~nXeadpcvo~

'having 'adled 'to

, J " A , , f ~ "IYaIXoc rode paOqrhc, rai Liurauhpevog. , , & " " " i w6, ~


pnul called anto h& m m ] *Paul the disciples, md mluted [them], wont away the dfaci " and em- m ~ ~ p ~ e i ~ ~ j Masc8oviav. braced 9&m and de' ~ nrGv'L ~ a t U 2 bieX9&v.6? ?d pnrted for ko go inbBO to Macdonis. And having paasod through r o X X $ , $Xt o Macedonia a And ~ m . i ~ ~ >~ a raparaXQaaS a, i aitror'lc Xdyy those parts, and h a ~ i n g exhorted them with 'duoo'maich. he

Gh," hpeR$Y,"t ?,":

kto;;zb;:;mz; iiv(iyeuOat l i e rrjv Xupiav ' 2T-ivrro 'aPyv6pqn TO( '~urpose

to nrurnihro,l).b

f~,"t;~f~%~m&"f:~s; OEY ~ i TT)Y c 'EXX6ba* 8 aor~ua(l~-re i j v a c eic, ~ r yevoGreece. And hnvhg continued r n o n h Itgren, havlng b o a Greece. S A I I ~there came to abode three monthn. Oa6r4 hm/3ovXijg." i ! r b TGY '10v8ai~upQXXovrr And whcn the Jewr made against them a plot by the Jewm being about Laid for him,


to NUurn mdonia. 4 And there 6tb Mare8ovias. 4 uvveirero.b? a&r@ C-&pi rijg 'Auiagn And accompanied him M far as mompanied him in? through l&cedonio Asia Asia 80 ter of Berea m d o p t h e %'hand E h r a r p o ~ Be oia'ioc* ~taaaXoviriwv.6~ A p i a r a p ~ orai ? ' ~. loniam Ariatnrchun &pater a Lrrasnn, and of Thesnslonians Aristnrchus and m d &ndas and aaius of D=&, and E E K O ~ ~rai~ O ~ , Aeppaioc rai TtpdOeogq 'Autavoi.64 Y r&os Timntheun ; nnd of Ab-cundns, and Gains of Derbe and Timotheus, and of Asia dn, TJ-chicu~ and Trohiman. 5 These TVXLK~)S kai lp0e. 6 08rot ' r p 0 ~ X ~ d v r~ptvovr j p 6 ~ ~~" b o r e tarried f o r m a t Tychicns and These h a v h g gone before waited for U


to " 1


b e e i s OLTTrAW. b8p&mv (read r r s who) of men L n r k c updu~erv LT*& +p&v our LTT~A. i~ovutv ?rp& rrva h6yov OLTIYAW, d oebv OLTT~AW. h 06 TT~[A]. w p l colicerning (this concourse)L T ~ . 6;reparripw further LT~. peramep+&pevos having sent for TTr. 1 uapa~ahiuas having exhorted [and] LTT~A, a uopeI;eu0a~L n r . 7i)v LTT~[A]. o ~ ~ r ~ o au ~ tLTTr. 6h ~ s j p yYC;)pq~ YP~A. n t i i i o v of Py1~hu9 GLlTrAW. gwt 6 s 'Arias T[T~]. l bi md (tlleae) LTTC[A& umhBdms having gone W.

X X .
but we uriled away a d 'five,

6,j,ueicbi i ~ n h ~ 6 a a ~ e v per&

the to

$pipay TGV T~OIU. we mailed away 6 And Philippi from

days of the & h r the by,of unat them


dnb (PtXinnwv, rai IjXBopev np6c atroirc eic ~ ~ ~ n t , " $ e ' m a $

Philippi, by. came where

anleavened bread from


in fire byni


. T

wci8unXiixptcn tjrepGv rim, 706' 6ttrpiGapw



we atayed

;&y ~ of "the ~ ~ p o ~ f A , first dcrg week.



rGv aapphrwv, uuwypivwv wlien the dilcipl%even, And on the dnt [Wof the weak, 'having *been sawmbled to break b $nu1 prenchcd 'rGv paeqrGv TO? rXciaai bprov, d IIa3ioc GiAiyero aliroic, unto 'them, r e a 4 to
'disoiples t o break bread, Paul

7 'Ev.6.3 rg" p$

p6XXwv aSiivat rq' ira6pfov,

dincoursed t o them, ~ $ ~ t ~ ~ t speecbuntilmidnight. aboub to d e p r t on the morrow ; d h e continued the diScoune 8 Andfherereremy lights in tho upper peaovv~riou-8 iaav.8i Xayxh6es iravai b r$ 6nepctJfp 03 chamber, where they v midnight. And 'were lamps 'many i n the upper loom w h wem gathered to?m

i r ~ t v i v rdv ~ . ~ Xdyov p&X

roir U r ~ o vineaev cinb roii rpiariyov rcirw, rai

the dead. leep he fell %om %he Lthird '8t017 'doan, 'Pnul fell upon


and W taken Up paul went down, and M him,

~ $ ! , $ ~ ; ~ f o

vrrpb~..10 rarabcic.82

~ aeaup- ~ ~ c ~ ~ g h i ~ ; $ i and having .houble not yourr e iXap&vn elmv, Mtj.80pv~~i~Be-. ~ 4 ~ ahro5 b S ~ ~ V Nfor hWhen he 4 v ' b lLfek l1 emtraced him] mid, Do not make a tumult, for the hfe of him in in therefore WM come up at?@h t v . 11 'Avapdr~62 rai rrX6uac ciprov lcai yevuci- amin and had broken bread' a -tan and him ia And having gone up m d having broken bread m d having talked andlocg ;bile
But %nringadeawnded

5 nai7Xoc inintaev air+,


prvoc, iigD.iravbv:re hp&$aag Ca'~pts.H ub


even till b r e d of d.; he d r 80 he dewtnd. thay brought the v . 12 ,jyayov.6i rbv nai6a &vra, rai ~apekX$&laav06 young man alive, and boy alive, and were comfortad not Were not P little mmparted. And they brought the forted. 13And we went perpiwc. 13 'H eic.82 fnpoeXQbvr~~n rb nXoiov cimjxeq EV beforetorhip,nndslrili?ri a little. &t we having gone W o r e to the ship u\il.b( ed unto Auol, there intending to take in gigU tljv*Aaaov, brjie~v~ ~ X X O V T E civaXap~civetvrbv na3- Paul: for M had he E to hor, %here being tabout t o take in Paul; appointed, minding h~rnself to go afoot. XOV' O ~ T W C bijv.6tcire~ay~ivos,U - ~ ~ ~ piMwv ne&Getv. 14 And when he met for so he had appr~inted, 'being 'about 'himaelf to goon fopt. with U# nt Awor, we m d for long having couvarsed until o

GC, ogrwr #laY-Lak,;C*-

14 tc.62 iavvipaX~vll jpiv ric n?)vSAlaaov, civaXa/36vrec atrbv

And when hemct with
we cnme


Assos, having taken 'in 'him

I C ~ K E ~ ~ OtY o r ~ e i r a a v r ~ c ( r


we sailed thence, and

$XOopev eic. MtmX$vqv* 15

to Mitylene 8 arrived at

and thence having railed sway, on the next day we rrrivod n t


following [day] we n r r i v e t

~arquniaaprvkcivnipirw Xiov.
opposite Chi-8 Samoa ; u d havingremained a t

6 - 8 2 ir6pq
and the next [day] the

rapephXo ev ~ i ZLpovw'rcai peivavs~c i v c ixo,uivP

next [day] weaame

wyvXXiy,fl 6 m

~~",\e-..~,"$," & ~ ~ i l :%id& ~ , " ~ next d a we clrme to ~

~ d ~ r ~ by ~~h~~~ b.oa-be ~


qXBopw eic MiXqrov. 16 nZ~ptv~vn..ydp LP,,nl time in b & : forth. b n&Xoc a&ecided . wnd he to Yiletus: for hruted, if it were po8aCr$ ~povo-eibk f o r m to be at 'rapanXeijqni rrjv 'Egeaov, 8rwc p4.yiqrar
to sail by

rptpijaai is,
time in

6 'AU$


M that

it might not happen to him to spend

for he hastenet!


'Tpp& LT. W TpY& LT. Zxpr ~ ~ l m . B w T J s . +&v we (having been &%ombled)O L ~ A W . l JIptv we were QLTTT~W. b ~aOt<6pevo~ LTC~AW. C mr T . rbv the LTTIAW. a p TTrA. f upourMdvrrr having gone m. t isi LTTrA. h atastsaypivor +v L ~ A . 1 ouvifiaMev LTT~A. 61.7wpv~ LTTr& Tpoyvhiq, h ; rd P ~ W W ~ iS Tpo. L T T ~ v sill it might k L 8i aC(the) m r . m p h t OLTPAW. 1i ~ 26

p -

~i Gvvarbv 04vn a6r3

if possible it WM tor him

k a ~ l e m d r of penma 17And the



rij( r e v r q r o ~ ~ yevis8ar /c p ' f p o ~ o i ( ~ v p . ~

bllletua he W ~ G to day of Pentecost tobe I n Jerusalem. E ~ h w wthen ohuroh. ~17 ~ e slden of * n d a ~ d t 'Arb.61 Mihtjrov n i $ac eic 'E$eaov pererdtaaro Miletcu ha& rent to ICpheacu he d e d for And *Om 18 Aud when thoy were pome to him he mid roirc.npea@vr&pove rijc0lrxXqaiac. 18 hc-bi uapeykvovro lrpbr anto them 9 e know the eldm of the aawmbly. And w h a t h e y were came , to horn the d ~ t thal day I onme into Asia, after ahrbv ETTTN ahroic, ' eig BaioraaOe, d r b u 6rqc +ipac 2 ' manner have him he maid to them, $0 how, from t f e fmt ,day been with you at a11 -an, 19 s e ~ r i n the &g' ?jc g eic ;r)v 'Aaiav, nirc peg +p$v rdv=rrcivra Lord with nll huml- op I in &is, how with you &the lity of miud,rnd with xpdv0v iye~dpC(4~, ~ O V X C ~ ~71jjY~ p i f p 16 W prd 1a'KelVQmgny tears and tern tstlone, whch befe% I m-, m h g the Lord with all humime by thelying in writ of the Jews: 20 and podvqc xai ' r 0 M d v U baqdwv xai rupaa &v, 7i)v-bVphow 1 kept baok'no- e t y and many tern and temptat~rra, whloh hupthing that wss profit&leunl"l,ot' but have Pciurwv pot BY laic brrpouAais rcjv 'Iovdaiwva 20 &c shewed you, bnd have pened to me through the plotr of the Jews ; bow taught you publiokly, house to ohdlv 6reurerhcipqv TOY o y p ~ p d ~ roG.pd dvayyeiXar f~v and house 21 twtifyin nothing I b p b back of what profikbb ro M not to announce [it]




irpiv, xai 8rbriEar 6pdc 4poaie xai m d a i r o v ~ , 21 8rapapyou p u b ~ c l y and from h o w to h o w , and earnestly

,~~d " G rvpdpevos " now, behold, htifpinl ,P: a

toward to YOU, m d to t e d

'Iovbdiorc,re ~ a "E%h~(4aivrrju i
both to Jews

elc Irbvu 9ebv


notknowhgthethingr and faith toward ourhrd J 9 that BWI me xai 4 bedgivocY ryj rve6parb there: 23 arm that rxparoi(v.~ 22 bnd viiv id04 now, 10, <, bound in the spirit, the Hol Ohoat witrd nueth e v e a p t 3 rope60pt ' I r ovadtjp, B d r + mnrawtjaourci v rs ing that bon m adictions abide me. go to 1, e m ! the thiugn whoh in it W hippen a4 But none of thew ptf eidthc, 23 rX4v 8rt rb rue3 rb li iov ~arh.7rdXtv th1.m move me* nei- t o me not knowing ; exoept that the B p k r the Joly in every ci@ ther wunt I my Ilfe d w unto m self H) btapapr4peralt 'Xtyo# 8rt deapci 'p lcai 8Xi+eic'l pivovarv. that I m i @ h t A n l ~ m y fully testifier, loying that bondn 'me land 'tribulrtiow .await. courw m t h joy and the ministry, wdioh I 24 MX' ohde~hc b h 6 y ~ CroioG at, oh6l ~ X W " ~ t j v ~n $vX;~V have rewived of the ~ u 4of &nothing saccount t ' smafe, I nor hold 1 Dlire Lord Jmus, to teatltp tb gospel of the pm rrphv ipavr(ii, &c reXer3oat rbv.dp6pov.pov !pen& of God. 20 And now my dsu to myself, so or to Anish my course with behold I know thnl al~l'fimowwhom I xap56,' wi mjv dmmviav ijv aa@ov napd roG rvpiov 'IQave gone preachin joy, and the ministry whioh I recsived from the Lord Jethe ldagdom of m faoe no UOC, b~apapTirpac9a~ eira y6Xrov rijc ~ L p t r o croil 8eo3. 76 ,hall more. I r doe I m, t Wlfy fully a the glatidinga of th? gme of God.

fir ; ~ d ~ , " percivoiav~ ~ ~ l " , *mntance



xai riarrv 'rr)vU ~ i c rbvx6piov.tjpijv


e k


I .


pire from the blood of all ,llmar 17 For I hnw not rhunned t o deolare all the wtm.


26 xai &v 4603

dnd nbw,
70 'all, of G d


ol6a 8 n ohrlrr S$ea9a 14 know that no -m 'wil14u rb.a o 6iqXOov

Ynw kinb-dom


unong whom I have gone about proalaiming the mereion


xqp9aawv rtjv paaiXeiav

thir day o f , all the for %ot counsel

fro5 9eoil.'

26 gdrbY pa n;popar irpiv ir ~-atjpepov.,jpb&,

brr xaeapbc % hU drub r o i a aroc n6vrovb 27 ~ h . ~ i z p y


6reareAci)crlv roit p3 drvayyaiXar '6piv4 a5aav rt)v PouXtjv

'I 'kept b ~ k
from .nnoruroing to you

f tat*

to you in



bp03 6wuv a h & v they being together L . P 'Iepovucrhrjp T . r roAA&v~~m~~w &v TTrA. *V L ~ A . XPQ~~V4-1~ I ~ P ~ C C ( ~ Vbi)O L ~ ~ A W . OS a Jpoi I por to me OLTT:AW. hjywu A. 6 rai'eAi+ccs +c L ~ A . b A&pv 0 i ~ o0682 uowirpcu L; , o6di i o d pov &TT*& &A. per& ~ ~ p t s #.ATrA. f BIOC LTT~AW. tS h ] r b h eipr am L ~ A . 1 v~tr t n r l


- -

d ~ ~ ~ T a k e h tllor~for*UULO uurmlros to the $;ki;rigt~,h2k flock, wherein 7you Ithe "SpiA 'the ' 2 0 1 ~ .did #eat ov , ou owrsoen, to rot aiv~tv b~~hqaialJ e~bi),' $Y repifr0i+anr~ feed thochurchof Clod njv '705 && to lepherd the assembly of God, which he p u r c h a d with which hth chard with his pllrl own I' 6ra roi Yibiov aYparog." 29 iy&.nppolda O~O~rO,"~iuehed-blood. 29 For I kuow the 'of Shis 'own 'blood. F~~ know this, that M this, that aftor depnrting llhnll pierour aovrai ~ C T U mjv.(i+t~iv.pov X6k01 pnpeis eic Gpiic, prj wolvesenter iu among come in after my depnrture swolvsa 'grievou amongst you, on not s nrlng the SO of $etJdpvoi 705 r01pvi0~' Kai 30 ~/.LGY.QZ~TGY &?U- own wlver shall mon br spnrlng the flock ; and from amongst your own seher wlU d ~ p, i n g Pere k rerae t h m p to draw urtjaovrai bvbpec XaXoiivrt,~ Gteorpapp6va, TO; ciroan* ~ 0 3 ~di~clp'les after riw np men spaking perverted things, to draw away the them. 31 Thercfore wakrh, and rernembr paeqrdc driaw PabrGv." 31 8th ypqyopeire, ~ Y ~ ~ ~ O Y ~ J that by Ethe SPWO o j O Y T C dfaoiples after themselves. Wherefore watch, remembering three yews I ce~sed not to wnrn every one 6r1 T ierIav Yirma rai 4plpav oirrcbaavacipqv perd ba~p6wvnlght nud dny with that t 8 e e years night and day I o w e d uot with terns teara. 98 And now . V O V ~ E T G V 0 ~ K ~ U T O V 32 K U ~qraYhl' h a~i8~pal And now admon4hlug 'oue 'each. fcommit Y W word of gro.

ACTS. ro3. 88031. 28 rpoaIxer~ k u t v V a v r o i E ~ n iaavri T$ of a d Take huod thurafore to ~ o a r d v e m d to all the ~ aoipviy. 4v.y' lpdc rb r v r ) a rd (i iov t8ero iriur6aovg,




Back AL

rcibrhpoi,u r$ &Q rai ryi h6y rijp.~6piro~bro9, Lva- ~ ' ~ $ , f ~ : $ $ $ rq?

brethren, able to God and to the ror! of hie p a w , potl which

~ ~ ~h: ~ ~ ~ &
, b,herihnce

i .

plvy 'broi~o8opijoa~A doirvai '6pTv'l v ~Xqpovopiav bv rai

to build up
and to give

all them which nre an inherlrance among ~ ~ ~

or ola, or .P'the lranotifled 'aU Wrer or gold or olothing wlvet know, thut those w~6b~vbc11 breeipqaa. 34 a t r ~ i . ~ b dyiv6arer~ art r a k handshavenecensitiea ~ mir~istered unto m of no one I desired. Bnt yonrselvea how that and to tEem thnt wer; o3aiv p i bpo,ir 6r~p6rquavai with me. 35 1 hare roic to my neede and to those who were with me did Jmlnister hewed You all things, huw that so lnbouring ~ i p ~ . a ~ r36i rcivra irrtbetra 6piv Sri oiirw~ a . rortdvrag ye ought to support these 'hPnd8. All things I shewed you that thuu labouZing the w a k and to remember the words of 6ei tvrLhnp~oivea8ai C ~ O ~ E Y O ~ Y Tp~po~eirlv.r Lord J m u , how rijv WY, the it behoves [uaJ to aid those being weak, m t t o rememLw he mid, I t id more blessed to give than to TGY hdywv roi) rmpiov 'Iqaoi, Sri atrdc alrev, Ma~hpidv a ~ i v ~ ~ T S86 h d when i M the wordn of the Lord Jcsna .that himself laid, 'Blessed Yt *id he hrrd t h u n p k o n , he down, y8ib6vai piWovn ij Xappcivet~. 36 Kai raata rircjv, kneeledwith them and ~ a l 'to Ggive 'more than to reoeive. And these things having said Aud the all we t wre m d fofi on ~ a i t l a 8 rd.yd~arn.a9r03 O&V T;ULY abr0r~ ?rpouqGFaro. necL, ki-ed him having bowed his knees with 'all 'them he prayed. 38 #orrowing m o ~ t oi tho 37 'Iravdc.8i adybvero rhav8pbgn rcivrwvo rrai f r i r ~ a b nllfor~ wordn which r ~ ,,ko they And smuch 'there 'was weeping of all: and f8lliW ehou& a& hiR face no bri rdv rpci~qXov ITairXov learegiXovv atrdv' 38 tbvvcj- ~ d R 1 l i $ ~ d ~ y roir upon tho neck of Paul thoy ardently k i w d him, as-the &p.

roic dr~aup6voisnzaiv. 33 iryvpiou

6 xpuaiov rj i p a r ~ a p over, ~


pevoi p(ihiaru bri ryi Xdy

treasad most of all for the

to sea

eipilrei, 6ri oiflclri p6XAnd they accompanied him

w o r r which he bad mid, that no mpre they

Xovaiv rd.?rpdawrov.airroi Bewpeiv.

ue about

hb fsce

XXL And it anmeta b t We

eic .rb ?TXoiov.

to the

21 'Qc.68 hyhvaro civaxQrjvai tjpiig ciroaraaObvra~ cia'

And when

r?3 idiov a x . n r A w .
w v LTTrA.

+ Gptv to you L n r r .

(read the inheritu~ice) TA.

0 ~ - yki p- odv [L]TT~. tol 7build y i o of the LordPICIVTGVTT~A.a +~ a?& o c for -3 ~ v - 9pivL W . ' i ~ - dbeA4oi LTRL LTTrA.
p -




having d r a m avay from wore


q ,qP





- d i but


K. ~

WOV 6c80voc

~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ " , " , " atrGv, ~ $ h ; .hkht unto them.



Eir0v8popGuavrEs IjX00p~v n j ~ ~ k r i j v , ~ i l j l c E;S 6-82

having run direct we came to Cos, and on the next and t b & u f o l Eis njv'Pddov, K ~ C E ~ ~Eic V rhhqxz. 2 ~ a i f i p d v r ~ ~ E 1oni;lg unto Rhodes, Rho~les, and thence to fntnn. Aud haring foncd and from thence unto rd"yl ro Patnra : Z and find- ?TXoiov brar~pGv. ~ O L Y ~ K ? ) V , ~rt@hvrC ~ ~ I ~ ~ X eic a Phenicia we a ship w i n g over into Phcenicin, h a ~ i n g gone on board we m i l d ; unto *ip uillng Over njv i ~n went aboard, anh net 3 bciva~civavr~~"-5C K;spov, ~ a ~ a r a X i m ; v ra t ~ j v forth. 3 Now when we Cyprus, and haring left it and having had dincovered C p r u s trX60p~v xvpiav, ~ a ~ ~ ~ a is T6po~: is ~ ~ e q we left it on the l e d EC&IW~OV hand, and into on the left we sailed to Sjria, and brought to at Tyre, Syria and lnnded nt for thcre the tKEifl.y&pd $ rb r X 0 ~ c i ~ 0 ~ 0 p r ~ ~ 6 p E v 0 v OU. 4 'Cai ~ 0 ~ ~ 76 ship was t o unlnde forthere wasthe ship dischaiug the lnfiag. And her burden. 4 And dndin disciplea, we ( ~ V E V ~ ~ V T pae?]rcic,i~E~1EivapEv 6 r ~ 6<}ilpflc i r r t i ' 7 0 3 ~ ~" E fa " tnrriet tllcrs seven having found out the A disciples, WO remained there 'dnjs 'sereu ; days: who mid to p n U l t ~ m u the sPi- o'iriv~s n a 6 X ~ g~ rcji iXeyov 816 709 rvehparog, ptj gciva/3aiveiv' rit, thnt he should not who to Paul said by the Spirit, not t o g o up KO U to Jerusalem. o ~ u a X ~6 . i~ ~ . d & pi r iyhv~ro lrjpdS i~apriuaru d ?)pir ~ we had E I ~ acmmpllahed thaa to J!~~salem. But when ~twaa we completed tho d ~ ~ y s , days, we depruted and and pag, iF~X86vrec Qropev6pcQa, o r rdvrwv rj Cc rcivrwv a our they all b r o u g i ~ on us having set out we journejed, eaoco~panjing Iall snd children, wiva3 &V yvvaiEiv cai T ~ K Y O L C;WC our way, withtill I ~ T$C ~ ~ X E W S * a i~ ; V T E ~ w ~ w n a out of the city : With wives and children 08 far aa outside the city. Andhnving bowed




t t d t z rh d ydvara bri
ed. 6 And when we had taken our leaye one of another we .hip ; and )they returned home again. when we had couras from W, we came to Ptolemah and saluted the brethren, and the knees on

rbv aiyiaXAv krpoutlv~ipeOa.6 ~ a&urauili

we prayed. And hnvlnn

pwor" ciXXtjXov~l mbrCPqp~v"is rb rXoiov, i ~ ~ i v o ~ .6 r i bL

saluted one'auother we went up into the ship, and they mbr pEI ay E i g r(i.i&a. , ! J 7 'Hp~is.dirbv r X o ~ v8~aviruavr~c turned to theirown bomos> Audwe, the voyage haring con~pletad

~ & p o v a r q v r t j o a ~ t v IIroXEpaiba, Kai du.rmucipevoc ~ is

arrived TJre9 7021~ (id~Xg021~ +rivapav



Ptolemais, 'one with


having salutcd And on the

;;;i; :;~ : duy we

Gpipav piav rap1airrois. 8 6 - 8 2


were of ~ ' n u l ~compnny des



te hm


iF~X06vr~s noi.r~pi.ri)v.IIaGXOvU OljXB~vJ i c ~

.baring 7gone*forth 'Pm1 .and .'those %ith *him they came to

f.~~,"lp,","~","'~' morrow

tcred into the houae PKarucip~iav'~ a E ~ U E X ~ ~ Y T E C rbv OTKOU @iXirrov 709 ~ i of Phi11 the evmgelCm-; and h a v i n ~ into the house of Phllip the irt, whici wan m of ~ p ~ atrcji. the seven; and abode &ayy~Xiuroij,qroijU6 v r 0 br rGv irrci, b p i ~ a nap' ~ with him. 9 And the e~aqeli.t, being of the seven, we abode with him. same mm had four drnghy ~ i r ~ i - ,9 r06rp-6i Jjuav B ~ ~ a r i p B l ~ t r i u u a p ~ ~o(q~ n r ~ which di prophemy. Now to thL.c-3 there were lhughtera &ilu Ifour wfo p r e 10 And u r e tarried dnys,nm, nirovuar. 1 b ~ ~ p ~ v d v r w v . i 0 ';lpGvn $&pas d ~ i o v s ~arijXt)iv canle down from Ju- p h i d . And 'ramaining 'we days ' u n y *came *down dma a certain

z E 11 ~ aluring oonu r u U&deand itX0Av and bound his o d

1 And when he waa *a *'one from



d r b rijg '

npo$$rqp bv+nrt , . ~ ~ a p o g ' ~ ~ ~ ~

.prophet, by nnme Agabub: girdle the feet


bs <p2ic, ~ a i dipac
hands The

rrjv Chvqv 705


m d having taken the


hands and feet and ,aitb the ~ ~ Ghost ' 80 1

of Paul,

d+bac>r~~ T a t r ~ ~ ~Eipas~ n r06c r d 8 a ~ l rds i

and havlng bound of h W U the


U y ~rd m ~ i + a rb i

iov, Tbv tivdpn




Thua n a p the

the Joly,

man of whom

a K& a ~ 1 - m ~ ~ . b iva.#avimes EOLTrAW. C ~a.niAf?opev landed ~ m k ~ i ) *Ao?ov $v LTTrAW. dvwpdvrec B i LTTrAW. a;m?s with tllem L. ir~paiverv LTrrA. h 'Iepoo6Avpa o L m r A W . ilapriocu j p i r LTrAW. k rrpourvlcipev L &mplrauape@a having pnyed wa took our leave LTTrAW. 1 x a i and LTTrAW. 'm ~ v C , ~ ~ ~I,Tr( ; Y E C ivipqpcv TAW. oi *@pirbv IIaGAov o ~ r r r ~ w . 0 $A9oPtv we cnme EGLTAW Japev Tr. P Karuapiav T. 706 GLTTrAW. r ~iuuapec nap8ivoc I.TTrA. q@& 706s udas rtai 7 i s xeipas LITIA ' W. L ~ A W . t 78 uud LLTT~AW. v i a u ~ o c


i? ).

this girdle deliver up thum shall Sbind 'in

6Jerwalem 'the 'Joas,

and into the hlli,nr of the
both we, and they;rq oikwc S$aovatv b ' I ~ ~ o v u a X l )'Ioabnioc, ~ a ~ ~ ; ~ ~ a , l t ~ ~ ; v oi ~ i lrapa6&aovatv eic ratlrra,

these things,

~ETpac bOv3v.

into [the] hlrnds of [the] nations.

12 'QC-61tj~o6aapcvwe heard these things Oentihs- 12 when

And when
WO heard

rap~raXo3p~v ; rai

*besought *him to !emsalem.


[%he] 7plrrce ~ u -wered t

705 t b t plnce, besought

him to 13 Jerusnlem. go $hen

'both *we land %hwe

p i & v a W i v airrbv sic 'IE ovuaXfip. 13

%ot "to 'go "up

& r ~ ~ i 9 ~ . d 6 4 "nnswered, ~ Paul

mean Y to weep and e t o break mine hcnrt? CIaiiXoc, 7 T i r o i d r ~~Aniovrecrai avvep6rrovric pov rtjv fur 1 am ready not to 'Paul, What do ye weeping a d breaking my be bound on1 , but 81so to die a t ccrpbiav; by&. dp 06 pdvov 6~9ijvcrc&Ad rni &roeavsiv /g for the pnme of the henrt 7 for< not only to be bound but also t o die a t Lord Jesus. 11 And when he would not be 'IsoovaaX+p iroipwc-ixw 3r1p 701dvdparoc TOG rvpiov ' I ~ ~ u o G . persunned, we ce61wa ~)erusnlem am ready for the name of the Lord Jesus. saying, ~ h e ofd L r be dona od

rurale em

t d

14 Mtj.rer9ophov.62 atroG tjav~haapev eilrdvr~g *Ti, BfXqpa

And 'not =being%rsuadecl


we ware silent,




ro5 ~vpiov yev6u8w."

of the Lord
be done. thew days, having packed the baggage
16 And after thaw we d * W took UP our ~ e carriagen and went up pnivop~v eic ~ ' I E ovua)l7jp.~~ avvijAOov.Gi rai 16 TGY t o ~eruafhm. l6There went up to Qernaalem. And went 480 borne] of the went with n a also certain of tEe discipa9t)rGv & ~ cKaraapeia~Wv v , ciyovr~c rap' b V 1 ot c,~ , ,, aria disciples from Clesnrea with us, bringing [one1 with whom &ought with them one ?dnm of C t ~ j ~ t a e 3 Mvhawvi.rtvt Kv?rpirp, dpxaiy pagl1rp'. 17 I'EYOEY, p,s, old discip&we might cage, a certain Idnasou, P Cypriot, an old disoiple. aHaving with whom WO should

1 Merd-61 rds.<ptpac ra6ras '&roar~vaa&pevot~ 6 &YEArm aft=

plvwv 64

o r r i d hnd. we

4 GY ~ t i 'IEoaiXvpa ciapivwc dibitavron;pm 'the P a c Perusalem 'gladb 4received i lie oi

And on the following [dayl'went 'in and all them 'sasemblcd 'Pad with

rusalrm the brethren

ri6rhtoi. 18 a e 6 i n b~to6ap

~ l a i d IIa3Aos d v tjpzv ~t
'the 'elder#.

~~$th,"d$~bf'.: in lowing Paul went

pi,^ 'Ih~u*wpov, rhvrrc-re rapryiyovro oi rpraj36rrpot. 1 9 ~ ~ 1

baraaciprvoc at;o;c
hnving saluted
'God nmong the

~ a ~ resent. 19 And when e decland plutlcub<qy~Zro ra9'~iv.Srkaurov &v broiqa~vhe had saluted them, he related one by one what thing8 'wrought lrub what tb,ngs ~~d

6 Bed( bv roic i9vraiv l d

nations the having heard brother, glorified

E rij~~6taroviac-a6~01. 2OAfiYhey ;t : hia ministry.

of Jews who

$z;f" ;"; J$ "

b~oiraavre~ i66<ucov 'rbv c6 iov.!


ministry. 20And when g ~ T r 6 v - r a6r@,e ~ w p ~ i g , heard it, the ~~~ they And they a i d to him, Thou meat.
r ~ r t soert, -

brother, how have be- Jewa there nre which mnny of U ~ E V K ~ T W Yrai r h v r ~ c ctlXwrai , 703 vdpov 6rhpxovatv. believe; and the are liered, and all ~eulous ones of the Inw 811zealous of the Taw : 21 .and they nre in21 raq~lj9qaav.bC w p i ao3, i;rt ciroataaiav Bt6iarotc formed of thee that And thep were informed concerning tbau, that sapostnsp 'thou %richest thou t c x h e ~ t the Jews which amamong d r b 'MwaiwS" ro6c card r d ievq k r h v r a ~ ~ ' I o v 6 n ~ the ~ , o v Cfentilm to for'"from "Moses *the .among 'the 'nations 'all SJem, sake hf09eo saying that the ouiht not to Xiywv 127) +~ptrQpvttv. alroirg r d r l w a , pq62 roic c"8aatv circnmcL acit CMtelling "not 'to 'circumcise 'theb the children, nor i n the customs clren, neither to walk after the onstomr. repirrar~iP. 22 r i o h larrv ; ?rcivrwc ' 6 ~ i rhijeoc 2 w h a t b i t th-fo~? to wnlk. What then is i t ? certniuly k u s t 'a 'multitude the multitude m u t how many myriads there are

ci6rX$Q, rdaac


~ i a i v h'Iov6aiwvu r&u


+ &VC then L W r A w . rb Bdhqpa y r v b B o LTP~AW.


Karmpiar T : d hrrel6~c~vto welcomed f ~ b Bedv Q ( x ~ L F * W . v Q s tin6r.rer saying L ; e f n i v TC T T ~ . h ;v 70;s ' I o v S a ~ o ~ ~ nmong the Jews L T I A W ; Iovk

+~ a i - 82 but irrtcr~evaudpevor


and mid T .

LnmW. L ~ ~ A W . re T .

a TO; K V P ~ b 'IePOud~vpaLlYrAW.

daiov T . 1 Mwiiuiw~ QLTPrAW. rAiBor cTuvrABeiv Tr.

- abwcrc

1 be; cTuvc~8eiv A ~ ~ ~ O S; u LTA

lIPA!#BIZ. XXL ama QI*tberr ~ w A O i y * l~ o i r u o ~ a Srr ~ d p ~ d ~ ~~ 23 roiiro 03v for they will hur that am ut IS aome ; for t h v will bar that thou hvt coma This therefore aor~f~rethh uoiquw 6 001 Aiyop~w~ i u l v $piu 6uJpec rjuuapec etxtju ~

them, and k a t axpam for them, that they may s b v e the : & h&: h. and all t b o w that thn . 7 r~$aX+v,rai O y u ~ wr" m c a d n 6v rcartjxqvrac thm~h *W head ; m d %ay b o w 'all that of wbfah t h q b v e been Informed nero informed muawningth am ao- =pi eoii otaiv berev, drMd uror~eic rcai afrbe thing. but& thn. h u t tbr ~ i n g1h bui thoP * a t *ordw17 'apli rto walkeat and h t Prbv v 6 p v $VA&OUUY.I 96 ~epi.iYl p rljv nmurrv~6rwu the lnw. U &teuoh- .t& %W fik(~)pbn(l. But concsrnlnp t h a e who have believed in the O o t i 1 1 ~ whioh befieve we have writbev6i~ 4peic ~ / & U T & Z ~ E V . ~ rcpivawec ' p q d ~ u - ~ ~ t o i ) r ~ v ten adconcluded that of the autiom m -% 0 judging %o 'moh 'thing they o b m w no n c h onlf th.t Tqpfiv atroirc, tip+ $ v X & U U ~ U Q ~ ~ rci re ei8wXbalirotlc they kecp themwlru %oaob*u+. m exwpt , to keep "from lthem~lver t b ofLerad o B d to

a-aanA, * t they -y

~ l l l " , ~ ~ ~ i ~ h ado,thm wbt%.Lhw 'we h, : T b " ~ vowonthem ; a t th.m p o y r q l#' iavrr;iv* rohrouc om th-18

'four having purihd

a row riu

uapaXaP&v 6piuOqrt ui~v


mi ~ a r r i ~ u o 'i vi miroic, !V" n~vpliuwvra~u rrjv

man and the ncut b . Paul harihg tahu men, on the next & ymn g h i m m u w i t ~ atroic i m into iLyuideei~ t i q h eic rb i~pdv, BLCL a f l e t,,m fi , th. them having h n puribod entered into tho temple,

~ d & m p ~ ; P & ~ iIIaGXoc uq&XaP&v i ~

rode (iuJpa~,r$ ,i~opCvg +Bp9




&p ot paritlcntlon, ~,,til that m fulillment of the dnya of the pwIficrtiou, un~il WM offered d be for h i p ivbc ircrisrou airrGv upou$opci. 27 &g.&. rp~XXov every one of t h r a for *one %a& of them the oiking. But when 'were %boat a whm~esercm &~wwe*lm&end- ai $m& d at uvw~X~iaOat dub rijp 'Auiac '10J n b tj oi ed, the J e l n whioh h n to be oompleU .horn .Asia 'Jem wha MW him in the &au&pevoe atrhv CV i$ hp$, tu~ufi aovfl u6ura rbv ~ X X O V , temple 8ttrred up all au the wowd. laid b v i n g m him i n t* temple., a t i r r 5 up bulb on &m ?%CVrai TLui@QX~vn gipas id a l i r c i ~28 rcp6Covr~c, ,~ *AvJpe( i ou ~ e n o ' f1.r-& 1dd %ad# upon himI cr~ing, uen hYp :h i s i the m m s a t w h o a & .'I& q X i r ~ BoqQeir~. o w e lbrtv d 6vQpwuoc i ~,~ every wham help l thk L the man who agninst g1i+m,

.OOOmilisbentofhTGY rjprpGv lrcuXijpw~~v

70s (iyu~cpoi;, #WE

05 rp~uqvBiQq


, hie

Oruhdmintoth poit~ 1 lad holy I w aB (Boathe M O Tr~ d him in i the oi imoam

m aC ptes: roi) X o E,ttvtbBm :the pmpb rcai rair vcipou rai and -ht m d the law and

roJ.r6uov.roGrov lrciura~ rravthtplaca all


and tu

tht. buP#m where h a h a , and further Oreaka he brought into the temple, rai mrcoivwmv &v fiycov .rd.rrov roCrov. 2 0 ' H ~ a v . ~ i r ~ . l r ~ o md dew 'holy 'thh For they had befora W ewparhc ~ ptin, U rthe 'Eqiutov li n the- r city e &U a&r@, 8v 6 tpw b v < d~ t !%rlh 3 2oy t into the Trop Ephian with him, whom

raxoJnGiiY&u~wv*i r ~ r e d "eXXquac eiat)yapv ~ i rb iepbv, r c


i f thabmPle: m d %ad .the 'aity

2 g! ;

lvdp~Zov 8rc eic r b kpbv timjyrryev

d ITaZXoc. 30 hvrj&)

~IIW mppoand that into the temple %rought lpau~ *wM 6 m o ~ ~ ' av~dpopv roil XaoCgxai Irtn r/ ? r d X i ~ :8Xqc rcai iybv~ro

'whole, and them WM a ~OUCOUW of the people; a d having

they nent about to kill laid

~ ~ t y e

I T ~ ~ X OEV ,K O Y airrbv ~
of Paul, t h v drew him 1 ut h the

et0iwc IrXeiu0t)uav ai 8irpat. 31 Cqroivrwv.'JCn

outside the temple, and


roG itp03 xni

OmAW. p~ u A TbV YOpW m A w . ~ v ~ p z . a h k , cc p$ L m . dA 0vrov T& OL~AW. 'I~pa



But M t h y were k k h g him

ydp for v.

tvprlpovrac they eh.ll shave T ~ A .



o +uowat will know & ~ ~ 7 ~ i h&W. l t p( pqbav 70bO6709 (nruipw L. i n / p d a v mr. h* w T . r rawaxn' ~ nama~jl ; TAW.

to klll


e ~ ~ f
mralcm wna in . a p n roar 39took roldrcn dbdlT Who immeand centurions, m d



~ i X l 6 p ~ y umipqc, ~
who a t on-

there came a repremntatibn to the chlef crpf*in of *he ifemaalem ; md

8x1 au~~ysbXvrar* ovudrjp. 32 6~ b!favqcu %raps"Ir

h *

t h t a11 *W*

Xa@&vll ahroirc.

tnken with Blm] roldien

urpart&rac rai dd~arovr&pXovcP 1car66 a p v



i86vrec erbvnxtXiapxov


the chief cnptalnoanu near and took him, ilraiuavro ~ ~ R ' T O V T rbu DaGhov. 33 r6rr E~ iyriuac w e ud beating PauL mn*ha,iq bwn to be'commanded two and bound with him 8r@$var chai~.andd-.mded 6 ~ A i a p x o rh t h h / 3 ~alroQ rui idhrvuev 0 'the 'c rf 'capuin lald hold of him, and commanded l 3 h 3 to b~ bound ;milt:
And they hnrinp m m the e h i d m p w h and the

rode urpnrtcjrac


chlcf captain and the


6X6utatv Gvaiv* ~ a hrwe6vrro ric i

with 'clit~inr
'two, and inquired



wme cried one thing,

who he might be, and what


he had been doing.

*and %me Tanothsr %vere 'crying know the O W U ~ B ~fa Y the tumult he mGrir manded him to be in the co ! , r wJ And not being able to know the csruinty on m u n t c4 -bd into the adk XI And whenhe cun, ri)v 96pv/30v, ~ ~ ~ X E V O E Yciyrueac atrbv cic njv *ape upon the rtain, ro ib the tumult, he commanded ' t o 'ba .brought Ihim b t o the ~ I w u that he v u b o r u C of tko soldien for the PoXljv. 35 Bre.8 iyCvero Jni ro6c civa/3a@poirsatvdptl V I O I P ~ ~t t h0~10. ~ ~ treai~ But when he oame on the rtah it happened 30 For the m 8 i t u d s ,.+v of the people followed /3auidrZeuOai a h i v 6nb rijv urpartwritv aid after, crying Away 'was %erne 'he by the wldien because of the v olenoe with him. $ And as y Pnnl w u t o be led inro0 BxXov. tjroXoljOer.yBp rb rXijOoc roil ha00 irpdZo~ to the ourtle, he anid of the crowd. P w fnllowed the multitude of the people, Q*, untq t e chief mptnin h Alpe d r d v . 37 MihXw-re eiuhy6at ric 4 v rapepy0oh4v ~ ~ ~ ~ C Away with him. Bnt W n g nbout to be rought into the fortreu GraeL133Artnot

But some 'n %thing oe

34 oiXXo~GhciXXo.rc

gl@dwvU when he could nos


b v



hptj.6vv&p~voc.GiY yvitvar rb ciu$aXj~



5 IIaihoc hiyet r
Paul to my.

to %chief capta%,

- ~ i X i & p,BiI#iti&uriv ~
Gek re

p01 r i n i v n tEhqffiJPs pcamittedtometo.~ lomethtq h, ,

.Not %an

leddwt a t four the wildermu thousand men ol 1 6 Aiyinrros 6 k b roirwv rGv +p~cZy &v::;;; ~ ! ~ %on 'art the Egyptian w h o b d r e these a man Which a m Jew of Tuaw a city in r&uas rai b&zyay&v eic nfv ipqpov ro6y r e r p a r c o ~ ~ i o u ~ onfnuion m d led out into the dew* the four thousand a no mean lity;itben Of be:and I &v6pas rGv uirapiwv; 39 Ellrrv.GI 6 IIairhos, 'E t& &vepw?roc ~ m ? h thee, muff h e men of the assnrslns l But 'Paul, a man t o a ~ u n tthew o le. 40 And when he veu him licence p6v ript 'Iov6aio~ a ucirc, r i j s KrXiriac o h c i ~ p o v rdXaws T indeed a m n Jew of f m u r , ?of Filicia &no 'In8igniflcant .city pan? stood O th; n ataim and beckoned n~Xirqg' 6iopar.Gi uou, Brir a+dv por XaXijuai ? r p d ~TAY with'the hand m t o 'a 'citizen, and I beseech thee, me to tpslL to the the peoplb And when \ there wrsmadeagreat airroc, d Daihoc iurhs Xa6v. 40 'ElrtrpiJ/avroS.G1 ailenoe, he s p a b anpeople. And *having 'allowed rdhim] lhe, Paul atpnding on to them ixl the H e brew tongue sa ing, ruiv Ca/3aOpGv rariu~tuev xetpi Xaf ~ 0 n i j ~ J i u e n the ntnh made a aign with the hand t o t e p o p e ; and p a t and fnthed, hear ~ t y i j s X ~ ~ ~ p i~m oc~ r $ i v q a r v q j 'EPri8r d i a X 6 ~ rmake now unto you. p my defame whiz6 I ~ silence ha ng taken place he spoke to [them] in the He rew laagasge 2 (And when they h a r d that he spake h hiywv, 'Av6peS hGrX$oi ~ a rariprs, ciroiruard pov i wtongueto - W Y ; Men, brethren and fathers, hsnr my thee P And he said, doat chou know

n;pdc ae ; '0.64 !$v, eEMqv~urlyiv&arrts ; 38 o t r &a

e$ , ,





x be 6pzc k ~ v N drlroXoyiac. 2 'A~o6unweg-62 Bri r$ 'E pat&'




And h a heard that h t h e b e i a . w

qvy(wv- ~ ) ~ l i v v t r aLc ~ :QvyXlivera~ A W. b d i~arorzcip~as rr~w. LT rbv W. f v f i ,;Ivvcylevovbi airs05 he not being able L ~ A W . ~ OLR * . W

aiec L
A .


&@&v haPing taken L. g irecpovovv I . X T ~ A ~ .

k WVY;

tllem, f h e ~ kept the more silence : nnd he a M 131 , mV"ichamaJew, born in TprsnR* a i Cilicia, yet brought n UP in this dtf f,t the feet o t Onmn ie and tnught according to f;fzttz;?;g~t toward ad .a ye 811 are this And I pernutad this way nnto the death.bindin anddeliveringinto prfnons both men and women. a as also the high priest doth bear me witness and all theestateo&eelders: IVom whom alm I received letbra unto the h t b , -awent Dnmaaous to bring them whioh were there bonndunto ~~~~~l~~ for to be punished.


'they .kept i t; and in

gr~uiv, 3 'E 3 lPivn r i p rivllp 'Iov8aiog ytyrvvqpivo~i v

e says, indeed am a man a Jew, in born this city

*& WOk'to

wvei aliro'if, iihaov lrapluxov javxiav. ~ a i


at the

k 'more

KtXicius, civor~O~a~~ivos.6i . r d X ~ i . r u i r ~ ~
of Cilicia, feet but brought up

F e

lrapd roip rddap raraXirjh,

exlrctnes~ of the ancestral law,

*a 9aealons 'one 'being this

for God, WY a

of Qamnliel, having been instrnoted according to [the]

ci~piperav 70; lrarp$ov vdpv, TtlXwnjs 6r6pxwv r o l 0 ~ 0 5 , caO&p lrcivr~p6p~zplure

, rill



4 s EpOY' thf' day;


4 8c ra6rrJv T?)Y h66lJ

who delivering up

ptuaecuted unto
both men

i8iwEa 6xpt Oavcirov,

deiath, md women ;

~ E U ~ E ~ W Yi ~ a lrapa8i8oirs


eic $vXarcci~
to prisons

civ6pa~-re ayvva'irta~., 3s cai ~ i 6


ss also the high priest benre witness to me,

from whom also letters

d dpxirpeirc paprvpci pot,

having receired

cai r i i v rb ?rptupvripiov- rap' 6v cai driurohdc 6a~cipevos

all the the elderhood ; bmthren, to

lrpds rods &b~X$06p, Aapau~bv rig hro evdpr~v, 6Eov cai roic i~eibeSvrac, Se8epivovp ris ~ P ~

t~&,ztz : s d

jOuinn wucome them Who W bound nigh &to Dam- d e 9V u d ~ hyyi~ovri 6 d i ~ ~ r 0 . 8 6 pot T O ~ E V O ~caiU ~ near and d r ~ w ~ n g there &one'from hea- be punished. And t cnme to p m to mo journeying

Dmn~cus fwent, to bring also thma ' I E ;ovuaXrjp, %a ripwpqto e m hi order that they d:ht

mid-day , suddenly out sl the heaven to Iknmoscui~, about and hear&*voice nurpci$at f 3 s kavbv repi ipi. 7 mE~eu'dvl'-re rb E6a$oc, eis ing And1 fell to the ground, a ~ g h t'great about me. Snuf wh secuteet shone t h o ~ ' m e ~ ~ d 1m i - iirovun $W+ hyo6rqp pot, Xao&X, ZaoB, r i pr 6113m swered Who art thou, urd heud a voioo Saul, why me perm saying to'me, Saul, b r a P tdnd he said unto me, I am J-ud ot KELS ; 8 'Ey&.8i cine~piOrJv, Tic 1, chpt~ EIrht-re ; Nazareth, whom thou cuteat thou P BAndthey And Is answered, Who art thou, Lord P And he said thnt'werewithme~W lr 6p d p ~ , n c6 eipt 'IlluoiC d Naccopaios 8v ud 6tiraic. Indeed the 1 ht and me, am Jesus the Naan+arau, whom thou persecute& wers *rid.%ut'thg heud not voi- of 9 Oi.84 d v l oi Svre r d piv $ C dBrriuavro, Oxai ipG him that spPke to me But those 'with 'being the 'indeed ~ g h t ,beheld, and r 10 And I anid WhaI BWI d o , ~ o r &d n d ? tyf~owo'n 4 ~ . 8 i $ 4 O ~ ~ . ~ ~ K O V U o iV XaXoirvrbs K f~ i the Lorduldmtome, were, but the voiee did not hear of h i m speaking brim snd go i t Dano

venamtli Aa a u ~ @ htraand mepi pUrJpPpia~ hEai$vrJc-die 703 dpavoi wept-


' E

m -

t r it a. rhall b;l told thee of

pr. l 0 r l mIS 6 ,


k e

And a i d , What shall I do, Lord?


~otguw d p n ;

'0-8; ~6ploprlrev
Lord satd

And the

aonld not see for the ~ ~ & j ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 0 r ~ thst light of ~ ~ rciwov ;v p i c l r a ~ r a i uoi roiijuat. L i n Icd by the hand ohallbe told concerning all things which it ha8 been appointad thee to do. Of em that 11 'as-64 O & K - ~ V ~ ~ E r~ i Od V 7jjc 8dEqp roCl.$wrbc.i~eivov, with me, I crme i t no Danlaecns. 12 And one And M I did not see from the glory of that light,

' l

'D-*adwmt~ a y w y o 6 p r v o p ) r b rGv UVY~YTOY 4X0ov E ~ S i poi, Aa auto the law' g led by the hand by those being with me, I cnme to Xmas. having a ood
fma &U. dwelt me and stood, e there, 13 c ~ l on&

12 'Avaviac8k.ric, &+p P~&ueprjs~'card

And a certain bnanirur, a *man. 'pions

rdv Gdpov,

acoording to the

urd mid Brother Wul receive thy sight. the


p a p w p o 6 ~ 6rT ~r~ i v r ~ v ~v l c 7b Z rLjv cn~otc06wwv 'Iov6ai~v, borne witness to by all the 'dwelhg [%here] 'Jem,

1 Q

A93v lrpds npn. ~ a ihmurds rlnhv pot, ZaoiX d8X




and m t a n a g b y

to me,



pdb LTRAW. ~ L

m &er& LTT~A.
S ;pi L ~ C .

i p i m.

- r&ii&por

iyivovlo r.rn[~E

XXII. hv(iPX~$Ov.

a&rfj.+GPq civEPX~+a i atrdv. 14 6-64 e ~


anme h o w 1 lookca Upon l4 look up. And I i n the snme hour looked up on him. And he he mid, The God ofAnd our E ~ T E V ' 0 &be r3v..rmrkpwv.$p3v ~poexeipi'aar6thee yv3i~ai thee, thathnth chosen , ae to know father* thuushouldappoinrcd mid, The God of our fathers est know his will rb.OiXqpa.airroS, rai i8eiv rbv Girniov' rai hxoiraac 9wriv and see that ~ u s i hi~ willl and t o see the Just One, an# to henr e voice hew and shouldest One, the voice of roC.ardparos.atroC~ 15 6rr E'ap p & p r v ~ atry' his mouth. 15 For for thou shalt be a witness for him ~ l h oat of his mouth ; i d p a r a ~~ a$xovaac. 16 rai what thou haat m n i advrac IrvOpDnovc ;v heard. 16 And to SU men of what thou hnst seen and heud. And now why tarriextthou? V ~ V ri p6Mr1~ &vaur(ic p&xtiaac rai t.rrdhovaai rdr~arise, and be i,aptiecd ; now why delrr~est thou? Having nrisen be b a p t k d and wash away and wash away th; sins, calling on the &pap~iac.aov, ineraXeact~evgrb dvopa r r ~ 5 kupi0V." 17 'E- name of the Lnrd. thy dns, calling on the name of the Lord. *It %&me 17 Andit came to prrss that, when I was com; rai npoaev- ,,in t, JerumIc, on 'pray- even while I rrryed id and 11 the temple, ?was i c s



k","," i;" t,

ppivov pov i v r$ irpyi, p v i ~ O n i . ~ie i~corcia~~, sid~iv v 18 rai

B 'my in the tcmple,

nnd snw TL~XEL 'IE- thw ( ~ , , i ~ kollt of l~ him aaying to me, Mske h ~ s t eand go awny with s p d out of Je- Jemsalem : for they not povauXtjp, 6c6rr ot.ra a86fovrai aoir tnjv" raprvpiav tcrtimony receive conceruing msalam, because they v& not receive thy testimony ' me. 19 And I snid, Lord, they b and beat o w thut nepi ipoir. 19 Kdy& elnov; Kbpie, n h o i iniornvrac, I

I became

atri)~ ~6YOvrCipot, Llr~iioovrai ?<EXOEBY

. in

a trance,



ii, every synngogue them thnt and when 20 On that ' xu Lmprinoning and beding h ever1 spagogue those ~ ~ ~ { l O O d of thy ~ i a r d o v r i n~ a6. 20 rai 8ra ' h ~ e ~ ~ i rrb " a i o n5pa Xre$&vov 'VStephen shed* and when was poured out the, blood of Stephen hlieving on thee ; ~ o ~ - ~ ~ ~ T v ~ ~a&ri)c$pqv , i $ ~ a r h ~ ovv~v6ox3v ~ . Q o v gai his death, rind of thy witncsa, also myself' waa standing by and consenting kept that them the slew him. "T$ (ivaip6aec airro<,I1 $vX&aawv rci ipdrea rai 21 ~ n d h e s a i d u n t o m e , to tYe putting to death of him, and keeping the gnrments of those who &varpobvr~~~v 21 Kai elncv npdc P E , nopeCov, $ 7 1 1 h the Gentiles. 22 And airrdv. killed him d n d , h e said to me, , for gave him "ldience unto this word, E8vq parpdv icanoareX3 as. 22 "Hrovov.68 airroil 6 ~ p 1 and then lifted U to nation$ afar off *will eend forth thee. And they heard him until theirvoices and way with such s


&d I


Lord, themselves



; & $pqv $vXari{wv rai ,66pwv rard.rd~.avvaywyd~ r06c

iy l s ~ n ~ C , " , " , " P , ~ ~ a


roirrov , roS Xdyov, ~ a iin f p n v rrjv-$wvrjv.alr3v Xlyovr~c,

this word, and lifted up their voice, for not

Away with 'from 'the Oearth 'such =a =one,

shoold live. 23 And out. nnd cast off t l ~ clothes, t and threwdust intothe 23 Kpauya~dvrwv.98ihoGrJv, K U ~~ L T T O ~ U T U Y air, 24 the chief c a p shon d llve. &cl ns 'wore 'crying 'out 'thcy, and casting off [their] tain connnanti~dhim t o ho brought into the tci ipbrra, rcni K O U ~ O ~ /3aXXdvrwv r t v A p a , 24 f r f X v a cantle, and bade that T ~ U ~ =dust 'throwing into the air, ficommmdcd he should be examined garments, and by scourging ; thirt he 'airrbv b ~ r ~ i a p ~ o c ! ByeaOaru eic n j v rapeppoXfjv, ,'c;n&vi' mightknow wherefore 'him 'the'chiet5captain to be brought into the fortress, bidding they crled .no sgnfnst


Alp& d r t rcg y i j ~rbv.roio<rov' o6.rdp x ~ a ~ ~ ca/rbv 1 they cried 6 v 1 as


'it lis fit


4dureStv .&verciZsat?atatrdv, 'iva' 'examined

'scourged *to% Ihim,

bniyv@ 6 i ijv niriav


t h a t he mlght know for xb.t But


t h o n p , Pan1 laid un-


oiirw~ ine$dvovv atry'.

thur rith the k o n m *~dd

25 hs.61

b n p o f r ~ t v ~ va t r h to the "
he stretohed forward .centurion him

centuriOn th*

they cried out y a i n a t him.

r o i ~ i Zaiv elnev npbc r t v



Crar6vrap~ovC 6

%he 'who 'stood ' y b

-~qj. y t(readahis nsme) dv y u~ b


a6703 GLlTrA'A'. dvorpiuer a 6 r o 3 G1,TTrAW. a67bv OLTPrAW.

D UwhosJ


t 7jlv L?Tr[A]. itc>yjwmL l T r L ra8$rtev OLTTrAW. Y 7r LTrAW. b A'apxos LI'RAW. b r p h t w v they stretchecfforward

is011 T.

d br II f t h f u l t o r j o u lo -urge r a

k a i d k a r & k p r r o v EgE~nv A mun a Romm a d uncondemned in i t lawfa& 'Pn'l* man that i6 s Rornnn, .nd uscondunmod P ;pi): pauri~eiv 28 'Akoiraa~..da ; 6 dirardvrapXos,'?rpoa'ccutuiton, fur you t o lcourge ? And 'having ' h w d ['it] 'the h a h i m d toldthe chief clip- (XO&v e&7njyy~&tl rqj rXr(ipxyrlhiYov, ' ' 0 a' ri pbXb i n Y Y ~ W Take g000 he r e p r t e d fit] to the %ief cdptnh saying. 8 0 @ heed what tbdu docut: for this man ia a no- X r i ~ ?rorciv ; b.ycip.dvB w ? r o ~ . 0 6 r o c ' P w p a i d C icrrrv. mm. 27 Then thechief thou For t f i r man a Romn i k to do captnin camc, rlrdsnid uuto him Tell me nrt 27 IIPou~X~&v.d4 ~ ~ X i a p x o ~ airry', Ai E poi, gall1 d b clrev thou a 8 o ~ n ? ' n Zhoa And having come u p the chief cllpraln a i d t o him, T e l me, mid Yeo S Aud the , Nai. 28 ' A ? r e ~ p i e q ? r e ' ~b x ~ h i n p x u ~ , o h i d cilptain auhwer- P w p a i o s 1 ; 'O.6i And 'nn.wered 'theYchiet *cnptain, eci, With R c e n t s11m 'a 'Roman 'art ? And he laid, Yea. obt;~ined1 thin frecdam. ma P ~ U Ia i d , r o l o i r i t ) d a i o v r r j v . ? r o h r n i n 1 ~ - r a 6 r q v i~rqudpqv. But I wnr free born. wlth n great mm thid citizenship bought. ! Then s t r n i p l ~ ~ a nty B they dc ;,r,ed frllnt 0 . 8 i . n a i j X o c igq, 4-81 k a i yeytvvqpnr. 29 EGeiw~ o8v h c I And Paul said, l a k o wan [free] born. I m m e d t r l y thercfo~e hnve exrluined 11i1u the clliet c i ? r i u r ~ ~ u a Ci?i a6roG oi piXXovre~ airrbv ~ v ~ r c l ~ e ~i v v ~ a alro \vn8 nfrnid, after depnrted from him thole being about =him 'to hrnmiue, and hu knew that he wns Roman b xiXiapxoc di i$op$3q, d ~ i y v o i r ~Srr 'Popaids iarrv, he had Ibound hila, the chief captain r b o W l u afraid, hrving arcertained that s Roman he ir, ~ a ; iir' ~v.a6rbv\6ede~Ds. 30 T$.84 i m h p t o v povXt;,uevoc kbown thu certainty and becarw he had bound him. And on the morrow, deriving , " , ~ ; ~ ~ h ~ J ~ " y v C j v a i r d ia$aXis rd.ri l c a ~ y o p e i r a k?rapci%r5v 'IovEaiwv, : , t loosrd hi,,, from h,j toknow the cartainty wherefore he ia accused by the Jufrs, 0'0mmnn4 ( X v u e v ahrdv l d r b r 3 v 6 e a p 3 v , " rai ~ ~ ~ X e v a e v "1XBeivI1 rove ed th; chief priests ,,,d all their cu,ludl he loolcd him from the bouda, and commanded t o coma the

XIPAZEIZ. IIaGXoc,P Ei h v e p w ? r o v 'Pwpaiov


r-yk!; TttvJff


' E



to ~ P P O Wand bro~lrcht + X L E P E ~ ~ anSXovl' I ~ i 6et chief priests and *whole

earnestly ky;$:;,",",I$ lived in

r b . u v v 6 d p 1 0 ~ ~ . ~ a ~ ra i ~ ~ n r a ~ a ~ & v ~ 3v ~ ~
Itheir urnhedrim, and having brought d o n

rbv ITairXov ; Q ~ U C V

he set M]unong them.

~i'c a i r r o l j s .


aria pan,,


E ;

avv~8piy~ e??rav, A n d shaving 'Iwksd ' i n b n t l ~ . 'Paul on the ~ n h e d r i m dd, ' A V ~ ~ E ~ $ ~ di 4 rciup n v v r i b ~ a ~ i dya8t ~enoXirsvpai L n i n all ycon=crence 'good h m conducted mymlf
' A ~ E v ~ Q ~ c - B ~ P 3 IIairXoc r$




acience before A nc nn- T@ t,l t,tisdnp. 2 ~ d t h e d Dixpt rairq5 njc ,jpEpa~. 2 '0.61 & p ~ t p 'h~a~ high priest Ananins towmds God unto this day. But thc high priest Anw ; ; , " , ~ ; ; ~ & t ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ; 3vias Inira&v r o i ~ r a p ~ u r G u i vail76 T ~ ? T T E ~ Y ? aliroir r d ordpa him on the mouth, nins ordercd t h o w ntrnding by him t o smite hia month. &let 6 )Then s a i d p n a l u q t o Q rdre 6 IIirirXo~ ?rpbc a t r b v E ~ T E V , T&XTELV U him Qud shall nmrtr ~ wnll Then Paul to him Wd. 'To %mite %he. $ % h u t


, ;

for dttest thou to Be6c, roixe ~~icoviapive~ air kni rdeg rpivwv pe rrard j n d g c m a a f t e r t h e l a ~ 'God, 'wall 'whited. And thou do& thou rft judging me according t o and commnndeat me tohe srnittencontrary rbv vdpov, tcai ? r a p c r v o p D v r ~ X t b e [ g PE n j r r e u 0 ~ r 4 Oi.62 to the law 4 And the and contrary t o law commnndest me tobeemitten t &d those who hw, thnt a t d b r Revilest thou ?rapEurSrec ~ E ~ x oTbv~ ~ p ~ i ~ p f a 6coir v, d ro; Xorsopti~; God's high said, 'The 'high 'priest 'of 'God, 'railent Pthou 'at? by O Thcu snid wilt not.he!hren,fhrt 5 "E$J~].TE 6 TInirXo~, Ot~.iEeiv, d8X$0i7 Sri iariv ti' Xhe wnn the h~ahprieat: And %aid 'Paul, I was not conacious, brcthrcn, t h a t he ia a f i p h t o r it is written, Thou i~ v r a Ch a l t not q e r ) t evil of L E P E L ~ ' ~ 6 ~ p a . r r r a ~ y c" p , ~ ~ o roi.XaoO.oov olir the rnlcr of thy $0. priest ; for it hns been writtcn, A mler of thy people 'not 'thou'shalt ple. 6 llut when aul gcrceived tbnt *he one pet$ 6 I'voiy.62 6 TIai,hoc Srr r b 'iv plpoc lariv part wure hdducees, ~pcakof 'evil. ' But 'haring 'known 'Paul thnt the one part colwhta

$,"zt :


QLnrdW. h 8; LTTr bcop&v ~ L T T ~ A W .

; ~ a ~ o , b ~ ~ ~ LT. ~ i ~ i i I p j~ y i ~ e vOLTTrA. m We r - ' ~ p a G L ~ A W . r -2; ;- r e A. aG.rbv q v LTTrAW. ljnb LlTrAW. 1 inb swv D a& d GI.TP~AW. 1 m ovveAOc~v come together oLTTrAW. to al;.riv (rseaJthe ~nhedtiru) ernurw, ? ouvdpiy b D a C h Lmr. Q r t w w Th.



n~ [A$

fic"6ovxoiwv rir.82
of 8 n d d l , ~ ~ 8 and the

ov cba raniw* ~ixpa[evnv ry' ovvb
o fbuilr f
cried out otter i n the i a u h r

muncil, rind a PI1 driu, Men bmthren, a Yharkoe nm, aon of. Pharisee: rim'the ion Of' and risee : of the hope neoi iXxi8oc ~ a i U U ~ T ~ U E W ~ & verpGv / L; ~pivopai.rwnnwtion of the wncclhing a hope and resurrection of [tlio] dond am judged quertiou. 7 And when docld I am on'1ea 7 ToCro.dd abroir lha)iiiaauroc"y~v~ro arcitsic rdv Oapi- he hnd so asiil, them And t h h he b r i n g epokcn thcro woa a dissellaion of the Phari- ~ ~ n a & ~ P f , " ~ rb ?rA#oe* and the Snddu-r eaiwv rai wr3vn Caddovraiwv, rai i q i a e q and the Sadduoew, m d waa dirided the multitude. 8 Caddovraioi ypivU ydp Xiyovarv p?).elvar &v&araaiv fpqdiY ~odauceer my that '8adduceer %deed for any there L no murroctiou nor t h m 11 no I T ~ ~ O tion, ueithor angcl 6yy~Xov . 6 ~ ~ p ?rveiipaeQaplaaioi.8i tpoXo oiraiv rti tip drepa. n w rpirit : but th; angel nor spirit; but Phnriwer co&~ fotb Phuluvr conf0118both B And there orwe n lyinro-di rpnvyt) paycihq* rai rivasriivrrc .oin b y p a r pat c?: and the And there war R *clamour 'great, and having risen up the rcri I rcrlber t a t of the Phnriroer' put aparaic 703 pipov~"rGv Qa raaiwv E I E ~ ~ X O W O Xfyovrec, rom nnd atrore myof the p t u of the P~ariaoer they were wntending, myhg, inr,'\!'e find nodril m 0 ~ 6 i vK U K eirpia~ocv i v rcij.&veph~y.ror;~'t'.e i d i rvtirpa opiritmnn : angolhath ~ or an if Xothhg evil we f! i n in thin man ; m d if a spirit apoken to him, let w

g,F $g :


tc"piq~, "A'~,jGpey cibtXqoi, d L; Qapraaidc eipt, vidc '@apraaiav*"t m t b n v


iXaX~aev utrc? Ij dyycXdce, p~.Beopn~cjpev.~ lloXX6c.db 10

6poh %rking to him or an angel, lct un not fight agamrt God 1Phen8ion, 'fearing


d y t ~ ~ arciaewc, E ~ X ~ @ , I B ~ ~ ~ ; A i a p ~ pi~C b J ~
%he 'chief 'captain

And a F e l t r w a great dirscnw r) Gia- tnin: forring lest ~ n u l the 'ah*~Id %E should hare W n ulltroop

*toin 'in 'pba?a

6 IIaiXoc W a h r i v , iriArvotv rh mpiircvpa

&Paul by thcm, commnndcd the


go down,md


bring go- down to tnke by force hfm from midst Itheir,

to k smonF by force cipnciuac d r l v arc elaov ahrdv, ciystv-ra from k e himthem, and

and to bring to into the cantle. 11 And the &im]hto the fortrca But the following night % t a n d i ~ 'by g $sw;;g ahry" b r6pioc clrev, Bhpacr enairXa.P&c.ydp &a- and d d , Be of pood 'the aLord mid, Be of good cowage, P a d ; for u thou didat a dpo rb ? r ~ p i dpoir tic'Ie ovaahljp, ocrwc ae.8ei me in Jerusalem, ro k i t t a t t t y the t h i n p conceruinp me a t LrPanlem, so thoa =rut m u d thou nsla aLo a t rai is 'Y6pt)v paprupijaac. 12 ~ E V O dvr]~.di $ p i p a ~ ,?rot$- 12And when i t W dno a t Bow bear witnau, Andit king. day, ohbring day m d u of the ~edsbnnded together, aavric 'r~vec TGV 'Iovdaiwv mar ogrjuU & Y E ~ E briaau and bcrurd thurulcivcr %uade Iwme 'of Lths *J.vI a com hation put .YY& *a 4 c under a e w e , unyllig ~ t h ~ i they would noit ~ u V T O ~ ~ , X~YOV~E&' p47-5 $ay;V p67.5 ?rLEiv h e - 0 5 &TOKTE~- eat nor drink till ther 'themrelrcw, declaring neither to eat nor to drbk till t h y should the hnd killed Paul. 13dnd they nerc more vwaiv r l v IlailXov* 13 Boav-di nXeiovc greauapaicovrafl oi thnn fony which tnd kill Pml. And they were more than forty who mado this conrpiracy. 14 And they c r v ~ e to r a i l q v +v m v o p o a i a ~btre?roi~rtdr~e~~ 14 dlrivcc rpoaeX- t k chief rierb thL w n s ~ w hadmrds; who hnring elders ang mid, We Bdvrec roic dp~lgeiracv rai r o 4 rrpea~vrpvriporg ~ l r o v , u i %v.~ ~ U ~ & come to the cliuf pricwta and the elden -id, With L that we wil! eat no-

tic ?$v trap~pPoh6v. 11 Tt.82 bxio6ug ~ v w dncwdc i

Oiynrc cit'oCr~rarianpaviavroCc, kpq6evbca p6aacrBar kc.06


haye curred



to t u t e


therefore ye with thu

g; ::

daorcrcivwyev rbv IlaSXov. 15 virv o3v irpeic

we 8hould kill ixpa<tv mm. PnuL


Now therefore ye make a representation

pdze LTT~AW. TLV& some LTTrA. ,706 &6pous L C ; yj) e c o p a ~ ~ p (iruvi)lg tv t e Jtlrtni(Ti w c ~ ~ t i y l e t G)L ~ T ~ A W . h e YP%"u76cewr yrvopivqs + O ~ ~ B I ( C ; YIVOC(/YI (YLV- T) a Tfa3Ac Q L ~ ~ A W . ovcnpo+jv oi 'Iov6aior O L l T r A K m a o t o ( r#x~@qeeis TTrA. S noocpaxowa 2Trk h notr)wi~rvo~ LTl'rAW, 1 efup~ hr. pq8evbr A.
I.TT~AIV. L. Y b T&Y ypappa~&uv 705 p@ous TTrA;

+ $V


@apruaiwv of

Phaiisees -




p & aTr].

T ~ V




bring him doto the chicf caytaln with the ronhedrinq so that to-morrow him Ou to morrow ~ a r a y i y ?rpdsll 6 s piXXovras dtaytv4macv cilcpithough ye would' inql1in ~ o ~ ~ t h i ~ bring he may ~ to you, u k i n g about to examine m m ~ f e c t l y concerning +h aepi ahroc', T p i roi iyyiuai tm : and we, or evcr he conle are accurately the things concerning him, and we, before * & a * ~ n

~ ~ ~ $ ~ ~ ~ * t & ~ ~ "l hj j" ~, i X i c i ~ xudv y

r@ , u v v ~ S ~ S r w, c lairpiov" mair~dv i~

lhis 'ready


t o kill him. 16 h d when Paul's their son of sister's ing in wait ho went
17 ~ h b nPaul called
One of the centurions unto him, nnd snid Bring this y o u n g m d anto the chicf c a p tain for he hath a ccrt& thing to tell him. 18 SO he took him, and broughl him to the chief ca t d n and said, th; prtkoner called me untol,i,,,, andprayedme to bring this young mt n unto thee, who h. th lomcthing to salunto thra 19 Then thechieftheftpnd, and h i u by tnintook went with ham aside t i n \V atand asked is that $holl b t to tell me? So And he said, The Jews have agreed to deske thee that thou wouldeat bring down Paul to morrow into the couucll, though they nrould

a6ri)v iIrotpoi iupev roi dveXaiv atrbv. 16 '~ico6~ac.di


to p11t to denth him.

But *hrving ' b a u d '*of

b v i d ~r i j ~dSeXqijc IIa4Xov
'tho %on 'of *the Laister *of 'Paul

~ a ciueX6;v i
and entered

into the

" ;c rljv aapcppoXljv &?rGyyeiXev ~ y na6X

fortress he reported [it] 'Paul one of the centurion8,

the b l n g hwrit, having oorne nem. to Pauy'

~ Y E ~ O O ~ rapayevdpvo~ ,''

17 r ouicaXeu(ip~vo~.S~ b nairXoc h a r3v ~ K U T O U ~ ~ ~ X U V

'haviug Scnlled *to Cshim]

;$v, mid,

Tbv.~eaviav.roirrov"&nci aye" rpbs rbv ~Aiapxov' i er

.Thh a y ~ ~ *man ng

d e


the chicf cnptain, ' b e L


for something


(irayyeihatn airrljj. 18 *O piv

to report to him.

E iudeea therefore having taken e


otjv ?rapaXa@&v
~ U ~ L O

atrdv ljyayev
Paul Young man

brought pim] to

r p b c TAY xiXiapxov, ~ a ~ I ] u ~ Y ,~ i '0

the chicf captain, and

The ~ thb

IIairXoc rf)ou~aXea& ~vdg qveaviayU &yayeiv

t o lend

ye $pPrllatv

roijrov r3v ~ a ~ $ u a~i0 1 .

t o say

hnviug onllef2to Clhim1 Inle

vd.~ @E,





having romething

to thee. 8nd

19 'ErtXa/3iip~og.6*i rijg-xr~pds.atroii b ~tkiapxor.,p i

And *having 'Iaken Ohold ViUg wfthtlrawn
t _f~ ~ ~ ~ r t me? ; tp _

'of .his "hand


'the 'chief.'mptdn,

hvaxcupfiuac xar'.lJiav l?rvvecivero, Ti burtv 8

apnrt a n d hc maid, The Jowr


What ir it which thou h+

(i~(ryy~iXai 20 ETrev.Ji, "Orc oi 'IovJaior o v v f ~ ~ v r o pot; rov ~pwrtlua~ E , 8 r w g aGptov 'tic rb uvvfJpiov U pihX0vr6g'~

s s being about 8somcthing 'more 'ncrumtely there lio in wait for al 1 ahroip* him of them more ~ v v e r i ~ ~ a e wepi a6roij. 2 a6 otjv p7j.?r~ra6'$~ than forty lncn which 'to *inquire concerning him. Thou therefore be not p e m ~ d c d them, by hnve bound tht8;lselves with a? oath, that b ~ ~ B ~ ~ i , o v u i v . ~ ( i pifatr& 6vdpe~ ?rXeiovc 'reaua i a3rdv i they will neirhw cnt for lie h wait for him of them *meu 'more 'than nor drink till they have killed h ~ m : and xovra,ll oi'rrvec dveee ciriunv iavro6c pijre $ayciv pGre now are they rendy, who put 'ungr %a *curse lthernsel~~s neither to cst uor lookiu for a promise from TL SO the ?rteiu ~ W C . O ~ (ivQX~aiv ahrdv. icai v i v t&otp~i eiaivll chief captaiu tlm let to drink till they put to death him ; and now ready they M the young man deand cllmged hin. * P O U ~ E X ~ ~ E V rljv d ~ d OI uoi bnayyeXiav. 22 '0 o6y ee thov tell no man waitlug the 'from 3hee 'promise. 'fie %herefore Utnt thou hast shewed these things to me. ~~Xiapxoc cin-iXvaev TAY q~cavinv," lrapayyeiXa~ pl~Eevi 23 And he called unto 'chief 'cnptain d~smiswd thc young man, having charged w m ] to no one Aim two centurions, d K ~ a ~ j l u a l raging, Mnkc r e r d ~ raikq hve$civcuag ?rpdc ')l." 23. Kai twobun, sol~~icra to utter that there thingn thou & d ~represent t o t me. bn4 to' go to Casaral aJld lrpooraX~aoipero~ w640 r i v d ~TGY i~arovrcip~wv ~~ clrev, having onllad to pim] 'two lcel*t~inof the centuriolu h dd, u

to fP~~o~m~~~,"''tl~~ yciypS request thee, thnt 21 ~ u do not thou t r3v IIaCXov, yield unto them : for brillp down Paul,


to-morrow into the sanhedrh thou may&



'Ero~pciaare arpnrrhrac ~tarouiov~ Grwc aopaveGutv EWC

Prepare solJicrs two hundrcd, that they may go

u far u

m ~asayiyn a6sbv eis LTTrAW. 1 acptov QLTTTAW. &aye 1Tr. P &rayyeiAai 1 LTrAW. 6 q veaviu~ov LTTrA. eis sb u v v d p ~ o v p i h h w v LTTrAW. &S r c u u e p k o w a T'U W r i v u r buo Tit. d iya ~ t r .

r 7bv

hvC8pav FXiLlTrA. naiihov K a s a y a y y cioiv i ~ o r p 0 c L11'r~W

XXII1. ACTS. tKaraap~iag,nrcai imr~is$3Jortjrovrcc, rai J~FcoX6@0vc &aCsesarea, hundred, vided, that to and horsemen seventy, and


rcoaiovc, cirb rpirlc dpaq nq vr,rrd$ i

for the third hour of the night. havilig set 'on IPnul

oat, ;'va irt16c@riaavr~~ITaGXov ri)v

~ ~ ~ ~ 9 n ~ two two hundred, a t the 24 r j v q - r ~ rapnarij- third ; hour proride n i ~ h t 34 and hd .beasts them bei~ste, that they m ~ sct Paul ou, aud y GcaaJawatv

~ p t c@hXtra TAU $ytP6va- 25 yp(i+aC i?rcmoX~jvY

~ X ~
iug governor,

they may cnrry [him] snie through S~~,,","~~ ~ E ~ 25And he wrote a ICG L ter after this manner: Felii the governor, having w r ~ t t e n nletter 26 Claudius Lvains un~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ r 26 KXa6Gtos~A v u i~a ~ ~ rpariary G t or tha lliorit ~ b ~ ~ . ~ T$ ~ . r ~ ~ v kxcellrnt this form : Claudiua Lyaiss t o the most erccllent

ic;g $.E


prirwv roG.w6pov.a6rijv, pqBIv.82 &&OYBav(irov jl Gtapt;Iu T,"$:.J

tions of their lam-, b u t 'no .worthy 'of 'death 'or 'of 'bonrls it of n plot against

was taken of the having been seized Jews, and hhould have been killed of them : 6rb r3v 'IovJaiwv, rai riXXowra civacp~ia8a~it^' atrGv, then ctrme I with a n arol~,nndrescuedhim by the Jews, and being about t o be p a t t o death by them, haring under.rood ircardc airv rq? orpa~c6parca i S ~ ~ X d l ~ q ~1l,& " , b ap a O & ~ t h a t he was a Romnu. 6r harlng come up with the troop I rescued him, having lcarnt 2Y And whcu I would hare known the cause %L 'Pwpaidc iarcv. 28 $ovXdprvoc.'dZ yvcjvat" 7 4 2 8 airiav ,here:,, they act h a t a Roman he i a And desiring t o know the chivgo cused him, I brougl~t him forth into their 6i 76 council: 29 ushorn I *v bv~rt6hovv a6ry' ~ar<yayovda6rbvll on account of which they accused him I brought d o m him to perccivcd to beaccubed of uvvQEpcov.a6rGv. 29 211 tirpov ~yraXo6tc~vovatpi Cqrq- of questions harethvu law, b u t t o their ~;mhedrim : whom I found t o be accused c o n m r n i n ~ ques- thiup laid to hisclmrge Felir, greeting. This man,

Gy~pdv~ $$>[KC

x a i p ~ t v . Tbv.civ8pu.ro3rov ZavXXq$Bhvra"m:m 27


,".L,": ~

tcld me how

e;yrXqpa ixovra." 30 pqmBeiuqc-GQ

'accnsntion the man

pot Ircpo~Xijc /c
by the * also Jews the

'having. And i t hnviug boenintimated to me about I s e u t [him] t o be to [carried out] thce,.

rLv i;~lcYpa frfXXrrv" ra~uBat hifavre~" iirer$n

a t once

11 thee, ghai) r&, J ~ o U ~ a r w v

wait that for the man, 1 laia str.,ight,vay t o and gavc com-

ap6c ac, aapayyriAag icni TOTS icahaving charged him

z,",","; E zi

T ~ Y ~ ~ X 6 S ~ i ~ & l~l O I Y ~ k~pCr CIISC~S t o say the things agniust


before thec.

Paul, nu# brought by nip*t to AntiThe orders given patris. 32 the ~ w r row they left the vvrrbc horsemen *o go with niiro'ic, ciwaXa@dvrc naGhov ijyayov 6th "'rrjg1I rbv to thcm, having taken Paul brought [him] by night him, and rtturnEd t o thu cnrtlc 33 who tiq T ? ~ Y'Avrtrarpi8a. 32 rlj.6; Ertr6ptov d ( i a a v r ~ TOPS when thrp came td ~ to Antipatris, and on t h e morrow having left the Ca..ssrca, nod ~lelivered the epistle -o the goi r r f i c n"?rpti~Ut)al" abrcj, l i r i a r p t ~ a v r$v rapEp- vtmmor,prcscntodPnul Uirv Eit horscmsn to go with him, , they returned t o the for- alsobeforc hill,. 34And

lg~(ji~aO.ll took soldiers, a s * t wascomEarawelL t''am,

fore t h e chat t ' ~ ac- ' d aga'qRt FarewelL rl Then the !

31 01 piv

UT arrGrai, car& rb "therefore (oldiers, accarding t o the


dtar~ra~pfvov /tin'


33 o?rtvec cioeXBdvrac EIS r j v OKatucipatav," rai ~ ~ ~ ' l , e ; , ~ h

W tho to him. of what having entered into letter t o the governor, Csesarea,

avtcdJvr~c j v irturoXljv rq? ;jy~trdvt,aapdorqoav icai rbv n

given up Paul 'aFlzcd

IIafiXov a6rG. 34 ci1~ayvoic.E2


p; And .'hnving 'read ["it] 'the hc i. s nnd

jyEr&,,~~ Ka; govcrnor, and

and asked of 1vh:ra province ho jrlts. And he llu~ie..sLood also that hc zoas of C.tici3;: haviug from said will hc.u thre. 35 I ho, when chide ac.

rhnac bx xoias 'Irapxiuc" bariv, rai av06pcvo~ iirt riri,

having learnt t h a t

K r A t ~ i a ~ , , 35 Ataro6uopai uov, :$Q, iirav ~ aoi rnrljyopoi i

CI~ICIP jhe is],

I will'hear 'fully thee, he said, when also


crvAhqp~OCvraLTTrA. d a; rbv 1 1 ~ n tLh~nl]) 1 T[T~]. & o n a ZyrtAqpa LTTrAW. pihherv L ~ T I . A . I - vnb s d v 'Iov8aiwv LTTI A. a&& by t l ~ c ~ u r ; it a i + A. Ln 1 -- 7 i LTTr. k aGroir 9.r tile-I (t114pc:~J.:) LT. 1 --E$woo L1TrA. LTTrAW. & ~ i ~ x t ~ rtvu r 6 go L'YrrA. o ICaruupiav T. Y b iycprjv QLTrrAW 9 irapxeias T .

I ~ E L ~ LTRAW. ~ V L~F(

K a i u a p i a r T.

I ~ x o w u a vLTR.

- ~ V T O YLTT~[A]\V.

; [ S T E ~ ~ ] ~ X O V UA.Y ~
c TC

(62 W) ~a1yv;vai LTl'aAW.





~ , " ~ h ~ ~ ' , " m ~aov " ?rapnyQvwvracr. ' E r d X c v a ~ v . ~ ~ ~ A v ~ ~ ~ , i air i v r$ him to kept in a,+ 'thine may have arrived. And he commanded him in the rOd'sjudgment TO; 'Hph8ov $vXdudeo~ar of Herod to be kept.


M~rci-82T ~ T Ijpipac ~ a r 6 p q d E 'Avavinc xx~v.h a otter five dnys Ananinn the And after five days came down the high priest Ananins high priest descend~d with the elders, and PET& 'rGv ?rpeaj3vrQpwvII a fiilropoc T E n;XXov rcvbc, o ' i r ~ v c ~ ~ i with a curtain orator with the cldens and a n orator Jlfertullua 'a scarbin, f ho named Tertullns, who informed the goveri v ~ $ ~ v t u a v r(Ij tjy~p6vc icardl r o l na6Xov. 2 K X ~ O ~ I # nor against P a u ~made a representation to the governor against PauL 'Hating ' e n ba BAnd whenTertallua cauedfororth, he waa TOC 68 atro; ljpthro ran1yopeiv b TLprvXXoc Xiywv,
begm to
~ M I W hi,n,





'he 3ye~e

'began &obtaining

'to "accuse



3 IIoXXijc eip<vr)~v y ~ & v o v ~6thg UOG, a vi ~ a r ~ p Q ~ p d ~ r ~ ~

that very worthy d e e b we done thir nation by thy providcncc, 'Qreat being done through thee, m d thy forethought, excellent measur6s

yivopivwv ryXi0v~t.ro2;ry 6ld rijc-aiic-~povoiac,?rdvrp-re

for this nation through bothinever1 way

3 we.accept it a l w a ~ s r K& aavraxol & T o C ? E X ~ ~ E ~ ~ , ~pcirrare @ i j X t c , perd ?r&)lg and m FeIFr, all places most and everywhere we gladly accept [it], most hxcellent Fclix, with all all

Wiy~6rrw" tbnnkfolnese. 4 Xot- et~aptariag.4 h a 6 8 p$ iai ? r h i d ~ oe withdznding, that I be not furrher tedious thunkfu1ae.s. But that 'not 'to alonger "thee 'I 'may 'be 'a .hindrance unto thee, I pray thee r a p u ~ a i i & K O ~ ) U U ~ E )jp(;rv~ v v r d p w c i b ?-#.a$-d?rie~~~iq. 65 that thou wouldert I beseech ' t o 3 h e u 'thee ns briefly in thy clemency. %Having hear us of thy cle~ holpd.~, rcvoGvra -xarciaevll wui mency a few words. ~ V T EB p s6~ai14pa-roGrov l For we h a w found gound Yfor this man a pest, and moving insurrection this man a pestilent f i h w , and n movor of riiatv roig 'Iou8aiocc TOTE ~ a r n j v O ~ O V ~ L Y ~ T ~ W T O U T ~ T ~ I ~ d Y, acdltion among all the among all the Jews i n the habitable world, *a *leader Jews' throughout the TGV NaZwpniwv a ; kaawc' 6 2s icai rb iepbv world, and P ring- 7 8 who alb0 the teluyle leader of the sect of 'and of the 'of 'the *Naearseann &ct ; the Naznrenes : 6 who ~ a ilcparriaaptv Yrai ~ a r d i .leo hnth gone about haeipaaev /3e@qXijaac, :v t o profnne the temple: a t t w p b d t o profane, whom pleo we ueiscd, and nccordiug to

according to our lam-.

yn$;Lgi r i v 3 ~ p ~ r e p ovv6 ~ i e vIjer)l~aa,lcv ' ~ p i v ~ r v . 7 l

our law wished


to judge ; but 'iurving 'come '11p Avuiac d ~iXinpxocper& aoXXijc @iag Iic ~c;l~~.~etpOv-I)pGv us, grelttvio- 'Lyains 'the %hief 'captain with grdat 'force out of our hanlh took nway &AilYay~3J, 8 iceXe6aaS roirg~~a~~~y~povg-atro~ ipxeaear out of our hands, commanding his took away hi^], having comnumded h s accusars i to come Cuners t o unto. airit al." nap' 05 8vvilap airrbg i i v a ~ p i v a ~ repi $ ~ ~ , ~ y t h t o~ thee, ~ from whom thou wilt be able thyself, having.exnminod concerning f ~ ant take knowledge of ?r&yrwv T O ~ T W Y i ~ i ~ v ~ l m;v c 7 j f E i ~ ~arr)yOp03pU a'1the-ethings9where all these things .to 'know 'of lwhich we 'BCCUSC of we accuse him. asqcnted, saying that these things were so. 10 Then Paul, after that the governor had beckoned unto him to sprrk, anawered, Fornsluuch a8 I know that thou hast been of man7 geat.9 r jndge !unto this nation. I do 'the more cheelfolly for myPclf: l 1 because that thou mnyc.t understand, that there are yet but twelve days since I
Q h d the Jews also

crtrol. 9 ~ P V V ~ Q E V T O I ~ . ~ ; shim.
~ t
abo >be. t ~

And %greed ~

tiai oi 'Iov8aior, $ciaicovre~ rncra

a 'the ~ ~ .'Jews, declaring 'Paul,

these things

oiirwc Zxaiv. 1 ' A r e ~ p i 0 ~ . ~h8IIaiXoc, 0 ~"

But Zallswered *to 1hlm "the *governor .judge

'having Cmade'a 'sigq "years

veliaavroc r)~ra


f i y ~ p 6 ~ ~0Y ~ I V , 'EK TOXXGY X E

t o apenk, T o r 'knowing, 'many


*being Ythce

K P I T ~ ~TV@ . ~ ~ v E L . ~ ~ % L U T & ~ E Vd ~ , o~T~ O ~

"to '"this ''nation myself

more cheerfullg [as tolthethings .Being 'ahle 'thou #twelve

t 8 ~ p 6 ~ ~ ~ ~ i~ n p (

ij~~vr03 (iaoXo oirpa~. 11 ~ v v a p J v o voov

I make akfwce.


or1 oh

? ~ X E ~ O V eiaiv ~

pot G ~ l p a c'ij" ~8erad2;oud$'.4~



+ -, having comma~~dcd m . m oertA111elders BLOPOW~L~TWV reforms


that 'not 'more 'than Ithere 'are 'to *me days

a&6v him L ~ A . t upeu,9vripov rrvGv LTT~A. v L ~ I A . i v ~ 6 n . T. ~ s urausis Kpivat A . .'upb9 a. insurrectiolla LTTIW. I - Xai ~ a r d iki u i (BC?% 8) LTT~[A]. C r e and LTTrA. b o v ~ r e O c ~ joiued in atracl: ar.T.rlrw. 70 d &ire$pi~(~s cheerfully L ~ A , r in'yvirvm f ij GL'LTKAW. I6 c j 6 c ~ a LTTrA.



I went up

ACTS. dvi/3r)v I ~ ~ O C T K V I J T ~hlvll 'I~pouuaX;]p 12 K U ~o h hv ~WV

to worship at Jcrusnlern, reasoning, the


T @ for toworship. 12 Arid Up to Jer'Ls"lcm and neither in the they neither fooud me

iep+ 6 ~ 6F E x p 6 g rtvn 8tnXEy6pEvov $ ~

templedid they flnd me with anyone

nor in

or a tumul~uousgathering

the temp'e disput3thTC","ni$,"i

koiofivra 6,yXov
making city ; 'which now ncither

O ~ T E

i v r k g ovvayoyaTg oCre rarci rdv


of a crowd ncither i n *to 6prove

7r6A1v. 13 ko5re"xapaarijnai ' p

they accuse me.

people, neither in rile the s?n"goRuea*uor in can crty : 13 ncitller the they prove the things ~ G6vavrni m " 'are 'they 'able [the things] conccrning t h But I Confess this

6~ "vijvl1 K ~ T ~ ~ O , O O ~ ~ O VU . 14 i)poXoYG.8i roGr6 CO:, U;


1 confoss unto tllee, t o then, that they ralll~crssy which the w:ly

K U T ~17jv 6 8 6 ~jjv Xhy0u~lv I ; ) ~ F U ~ V , ~ T W S Xarp6w T @ so worship I the GP; C O in the way which they call' sect, so I serve t h e of my fathers, believing all things x i a r ~ i w vx & a i v ro7g K ~ T & rbv vdpov rai which are written i n ?rarpcJcf, ancestral God, .Lrw and t h 8 hlaw :and i nhave r e t s 15 and t h e believing a11 things which throughout the .ro;c ?rpo$rjmq y~ypappivolg,15 iAxiGa P E I ~ TAY ~ I ~ 6 toward God, ~ ~ the grophets hnve been written, n hope hnving i n . God, which they thexnselvcs also allow t h a t there ijzl rai a6roi o5roi .rrpoa6~Xovmt, civ6araaiv pfXX~tv shall be which also they themselres receive, [that] a resurrection is about tion of t l ~ dend, both e $ 1 1 of the just and un~ u E u QV~ K ~ G V 8iicaiwv.t~ rai &Cli~wv. 16 ~ V . T O ~ T ~ J jllst. E And ~ E~ ," . ~ ~ to be of [the] dead, both of just and of unjust. And i n this do I excrcise myself,




myself I, =without 'offence "a 'conscience 'to 'hnve towards

avv~i6qaivZXELV a t r i ~da,kG, c i i r p 6 ~ ~ 0 x o ~
men continually. "alms 'bringing

~ p 6 gT

~ t)~i)v V science void of offence a God toward God, and to-

rai roic civQp&rov~ sJiaxavrdg." 17 8Ll-irGv.8i

nnd And after 'years to

~ T ~ F L ~ V W V


F: :, :"

caurc t o bring alms t o



t x u p ~ y e v 6 p r livX ~ ~ ~ o d vrro,jawv ~~ ac
I arrived
offerings. Amidst which they found me

m y nation purified

* p o a $ ~ p &18~i v voTg" ~i'pdv pe ~ y ~ t a ~ i tvvoTv~ G irpq, ~ 06

PET& BXXoz~oir8.i with ~ r o w d nor

. and


found me purified i n the temple, neither multitude, nor witht,umult. ~ J v h o

prci Oopi/30v,
with tumult.

~ i v i ~ . ~ 8 icin.6 rrjc "

and t o nccuse

i n tho teinple,

But [it was] certain lfrom

'Aoiac 'Iovc?aioi, 19 o'irc "8~i"isrt. aofi n n p ~ i v a ~ rarllyopfiv jece, if thsy hndought m;

'Asia 'Jews,

who ought before thee t o npyanr

evil dOiL'g in while I stood before the council, flexcept if any %hey 3found *in dlnie 'unrightcousness, when Istood before the i t , be for this one voice, thnt I cried U U V E ~ ~ ~ O U , 21 $ ~ 0 ; /llii~.Ta6~1)~ $hJvij~, ll;KpC&K" ijg standing arnongthrm, snnhcdrirn, [othcr] than concs;ning this one voice, whiclr l cried out Touching the rcsurrection of tho dead I C i ~ r & c ahroi~," QV "or1 ?rEpi &vnarriowc U E K ~ ~ ~ V arn called in quesstauding among the= : concerning a r r m m c t i o u of [the] dcnd tion by you t l ~ Y , day. 23 h d when rpivoptrr ailpepov d6$'" ;p&. 22 e'A~oGan~.8,? raGra o ~ , . 1hc:lrd thew ~ ~ am judged this d i ~ y by you. And 'having Jhesrd *theso :things t h ~ n p s , h n ~ i n gmore rrEPi prirc.r knorvleilpe of @ i j X i t : Liv~fliiX~ro a6r06glN r p i ~ ~ a r eei8wg rci ~ pov llitct w:ry> hc drfrrred 'Fslix he put 'off 'them, morenccurately knowiug thething~col~ceruing thcm, :rud hilid, \Vlien Lyaiufi tlrc chief raprtg ;)JOG, f ~ i ~ ( h"Orav AvaiaS.b xiXlapxog ,ll ~nra$$, tn11 shall come down, the way, snyiug, When Lysias the chief caprain may have come down, I will kuow rile uirurif anything they may hare against me ; or theso theu~sclveslet tlieni say,



rp.6~ ype.11 20 ij ahroi.ocroc ~ i ~ t i r w ~ a vif tirey llavefouna ay, ,


against me. Poorelse let those same here



"iv d oil1 cCGiqpa, arhvrog.~tov i.;ri

v -

rag ;pi?$. 23 8inrn~tipev~g rcr iragre"

you ; Pnnl, haring ordcrud

I will cxniuine the things as t o

to kccp

~ V F U L I rai J,


ccnturiou to klvp

rovrripxg r~p~iaOui ITafiXov,ll harAv

h ;S LTTrAW.

and to llot him] hnve



'O let h'"b havu liberty, aud tli:~t


p -

~ ~ ~ ~ C IXTrA. L V L T ~ U

thee LTTr-AW.

P . uuvi L'CTrA. O <v ill ELW ; 70;s ;v ~ i l - r ~ [ ~ ] .rpbs to\sards T VcKpwV LTTrA. ~ a LTTrAW. i 6rh navsds L T ~ A . rapeyev6pqv placed alter pov LTTrA. v a k LTTrA. " 8i but E. 1 bder EGl.lTrAW. J &E' LTTrA.- c l (wud T L what) GLTTrAW. a -;v ipoi L?'[T~A]. C i v a & ~ o i i&&s $ I.TPlA\V. b d ~ i ~$ pTTIA. .L J$ LTTrAW. a 'Ave,3Jhe~o @&robs Irjjhlt CLT.&\Y. 61 b feincrp L1TrAW. Y 7, ' ~ K A ~ V . ha a h b v hlm GLWLAW.


oirdi LT.

- p EG1,TTrAW. '






he frrbidnone ~ T ~ V of his acquniutance M pq8dva K W X ~ E I V r~v.i8i~v.airroii A ~ ~ E I$ E?rpouEpXeadatU minister or come unto *none 'to Yorbid of his own t o minister or tu come him. 24 And after uGr@. 24 M~r6-8ik<fbpac rrvdr" ~ a p a ~ e v 6 ~ e v o ~ @$tf; certain daya. when Fe- to him. lix came with his Kife And after days 'certuin 'haviug 6arrived JFelix Drusilla, which was a 0 3 ~ ~ o v a i X Xr~l.yvvar~i.mafiro~'i 4 'Iov8aiq, )LETg 02 Jewess he eent for Drusilla his wife, who wss a Jewess, he Pnul, :ad heard him With concerning the faith rr~p$aro t i v IIai%ov, rrai ?!juovaEva i ~ ~ 0 3 ?repi rijg is in Christ. 25 And as Paul, and heard him concerning the for he reasoned of righteonsness, temperance, xpcarAvn ~ i r r t ~ 25 8caX~ybpQvov.Gi c. atro3 repi Gtrratoand judgmcut tocome, 3christ 'faith And M 'reasoned 'he concerning rightFelix tmublecl nud auswered. GO tdy WRJ- .#&vqS aiyrcparriac cai ro; ~piparoc ~ i TO; p;Xhovros * i ~ e a ~ n t , ~ for thid time ; wllen eousness and self-control nnd the judgment about t o be, I have a snvenlent senson. I will call for rp$oPc Y E V ~ P E Y O S iPijXt6 (imkpieq, T~.v;u.?xov T O ~ E ~ O V ' t h e c 26IIe hoped also a f r n ~ d 'becuming Felix answered, For the present go, that money should KCilp6~.8? pTdap&V p ~ a ~ d b O ~ a i26 :+a P 6 i r ' have been given him of Pnal, that hemight and nu opportunity having found I will call for thee ; withal too loose him : wherefore he sellt for him the rai bX~icwviirc xpfipara 809fia~rata&r@ ro; IIn6Xou, ofteuer, and corn- also hoping that richwill be given him by Pilul, muned with him. 21 But nitertwoyears q S r w C X6ap atr6v"' 8th mi ?rvrvdrepov aBrbv pmPorcius Fentus can19 that he might loose h i : wherefore also oftencr him mendinto Felix' room: and AEpA;CLEYoe Felix. willing to shew CLPAE~ a&@. 27 Arcriac.81 .~rhqpwOeicr?]c the Jew8 n PIBRRU~B, ing for he convemd with him. But two years being conlyleted Paul bound n n P ~ v 81hifoxov @ijXcE .ITdprrov cPl)arov' h c a i v e d C5as] Csuccessor 'Felix Porcius Bestus ; nnd wibhing

r~(ip~rag" rcaraebaeac

t d s q u i r e for himself with the bound.


TOTS 'Iov8aio1c6 iPijX16 ~ a r i X ~ a e v Jewr Xek left

r i v IIaChov 8~8~pivov.
Pnul when @ { U T OO ~ V ~ bddc rp' " b r n p ~ i q , ~ r d T P E ? ~ p~ Fe-tus urns come into Pestus therefore being come into the province, after thrce tlic province nftcr r three d:,F.he t;scxrded qriPaE civfpq eic * I E ouciXvpa ( i d 'Kac~npeicc~.~2 2 6 1 1 ~ from Crewre, to Jerud.%ys went u p t o !eruralem from Cosrnrcn %ade 'a 'resnlvm. 2 Then the hiph pried nnd the $h'taav '66" U&@ wh & p ~ l p ~ U ~0i ?rp3~01 K d ~ ~ TGU ,.hic of the jcwa presentation 'before 'and iuhim the high priest and the chief of the $ " ~ ~ d n ~ ~ m '10~8aiwv & ~ ~ ~ : cord ITairXov, Kai ~ape~ciXovv atrdv, 3 airohhim. 3 and desizvd fnJews against Paul, and besought hiq, ~skhe would vourhgainst him. that ~ for ~ - x 6 p 0 CUT'1 a 6 ~ 0 6 , ~ ~ ~ / . L F T ~ T ~ ~ ~ 6 r i~ v $ ~ T ) ~ is $AWE him to Jerusnlem, "g a favow against him, that he would aend for him to




laying wait in the way ' ~ ~ ~ o t ) a a X i v p , r j fJpav ?rocok~rc civeXeiv a&rtv warh r i v t o killanswered, But him. 4 Jerusalem, a n ambush forming to put to death him on the ~ v Pan! should be kept 6 8 6 ~ . b~plv.~b~.@ijar~g 4 (ijTe~pieq, ~qp~lueac i IINGXOY a t Creanren, and thnt Eestua therefore answered, *should 'be 'kept 'Pnul he himself would depart shortly thither. ';v K a w a p ~ i q , ~ ~ hX iavrAl*.bl p X E v $V rhxer b1erope6rcrept. 5 Let them therefore at Casarea, and himself was abott shortly t o set out. said he, which nmoni you ant able, go dokn 5 01' 06v YGvvaroi dv +iv, $ q ~ i v ,z~ ~ y ~ a r a @ i ~ r ~ s ~ with me, and accuse having gone down too, T h o y therefore in-power among you, . says he, t h ~ mao, if there be s T L turiv i v r+ (iv8pi ! T O ~ T ~ , raqyopeirwuciv atroii. " nny wickednoss i n him. 6 And when he if anything ia in amnn Ithis, let them accuse him. hnd tnrried among i v atroic ipac b?rX~iovr. Gira, rcaratllem more than ten 6 Atarpi$nc.di d a p , be weat down And having spent among them 4ays 'more 'ten, having




s e LTTrA. u a p b T.

- rrpoa<p~eu8acLlTrAW. rrvac jlripac L I + ibi? LTTr. m - a6roG OLTTrA. - iueu0ar (read pihhovror cornlug) O L ~ A W . P - 6 i GLlTrAW. 9 - b;rrwr A u q a h 6 v - . W r p a favour LlTrAW. * irrapxeicp T. Karua+as l.
+ 'IqcroGv Jesus LT.

oi tipxiepei~ the c ~ e pneats L ~ A . 1 eis liawcipeurv LTIA W ; ns Kacf J :v &$v, + g o b , 8vvazoi QLTTrAW. a wv- T . h u o v ~ I K I ~ S S the mi~ll) (in rob 0. b oi) uAeiQVT &&I f not more thaa dght or Glllarw.

gone down to Cmsnren,

CKaieCip~iav,n r j ilraljp~ov xnBiaac dlri roii


pljparo~ i ~ i X ~ ' v arbv ev

judgment scat hccommnuded

6a aGroC, .rrplian]aav
'nud 'he, stood round 'Jews, many do~n

PrlrdreS 'Iovi?aioi, .rroXX& xai PnpQa ealrrcipara" f$bpovrts

and weighty charges bringing

unto Czrffrea; rind the next ~ I I J aitting on the morrow haring sat on the on the judgment scat llaCXov 'ci~Bijval.7 anpay~vopivovc o m ~ n n d e dPaul t o Paul t o be brought. .lBe~ng 'come be brought' when ho wr.8 corue, rarape- tile Jcwa which cume ol & r b ' l e oaoX6pwv the 'from 'Jerusalem 'who %hnd 'come stood round JerusaieLn from about, and


lnid many and grievOUScOm~'aintsagainst Paul, whichthe could rard roir IIa$Xov,n 6 06x.~axvov &.rroseiSnr, 8 g h ~ o -not prove. 8 d h i l c h e against Paul, which they were not nblo to prove : asaid sin answered for himself Neither agniuat thd X O ~ O V ~ ~ V C ZU~ T O ~"Or1 ofire iC TAU vdpov rG1~ O ~," 'Iov6aiwv law of the Jew8 nai'deicnce 'he, Neither against the law of the Jews ther against the'tomple, nor yet against o6re rb i ~ p b v ic Kuiaapdr ri 4 p ~ p r 0 ~ . hnvo I offendcaosnr, nor ngninst the temple nor against Cesnr [in] anything s ~ n n a d I. ed any thing a t all. 9 But Festus, willing 9 'O.@ijaroC.6i %oiC- 'IovJaioic 86Xwv" ~Ciptv r a m - t,do the J ~ W Sa lcnBoL Festus, %vit11 %he .Jews Lwishing tavotu. Ito Sacquire 'for rure, answered $81~1 and sai11, t ~ Bhoeni &lrorcpie~ic IIahXy E ~ T E Y , ~ B X E L eiS'Ipoa6Xvpa go up to ~ i l the; r$ Jerusalem 'himself answcriug Paul said, Art thou wiiling to Jerusaleru nnd there be judgl ed of these thinga civa/3.&g. ixei m p i T O ~ T W V i~piu~aBal'lin-' bpoii ; before me? lO Then nn~ing gone up thcre concart~ing these things to be judged beforo me? mid Pnul, I etand


10 E ~ T E v - G ~ b IIairho~, ' E n i , r03 pficlaros Knianpog

But k i d 'Pntll,

seat, at where udpent to ought Before the judgment seat of C ~ S Ustand- be judged: to the ~
I C ~ ~ Z ~ E C ~ U ~ . 'Io~i?aiouc 066iv.


'43;hnvo 1 done no .nothing 'I 'did well knowest. l1 For thou ' I I if I be nn offender, or xqaa," Lc xai a6 r r l h ~ o vl.rriyivcj~x~i~' ~i p v 11 hhnve any wrong, as nlso thou very well knowest. 'If ~ndecd thin- worthy of death, 6 6 1 ~ 3xni BFLOY .rri.rrpax(i rr, oL..rrapatroirpai I r e h s e not t o die: I do wroug and worthy of death have done anything, I do not depreente
arhgl ei'pr, 03 pe.8~;
I am, where it behoves me to bc judged.
To Jewa


t o them

TA ci~oenveiv. ei.61 oirsiv darrv &v o5roi ~ar~yopoijgiv tllese nccuso me, me of no mnn may deliver to die ; but if nothing there is of which they unto thcm. I n 1 ; y l en POV, o66ei'~ p Givarai a b r o i ~xapiaaaeal. Kaiaapa bxr- unto cressr. 12 hnd TO I Bestus, when he

~ ~ t t h ~ , ~ ~
conferred with the answered, council, E a s t thou appealed nnto Ceanr l unto cmsar ~ t ~ nthou go. lt

no one



give up.

&=al. cil,

12 Tdre
Then answered,

6 @Game navXhaXjaacll per& ro; avpFestuu, To Cmsar having conferred with the

/3ovXiov, ci.rre~pi6r],Kaiaapa 7ropo6up.

thou shalt go.


dlri Kaiaapa

thou hast appe~bled, t o

13 'Hp~pGv.62Giayevo 6vwv rivGv, 'Aypi?r.rra~ PaaAeLs d

And 'days bud U~rnice "having passed to

'certain, Cmsarea,




13And after certain days king Agrippa nnd Bumice cnme unto O ~ ~ U ~14 U . O L4-.62 .rrXriovc <pipas dr6rPiPov h i @rjaro~ day8 they stayed there Fcatas C~sarca 6aiUteFeaFest us. And .when many t u a 14 And when ry' /harXE'i (iv60tr0 rci ~ a r d 7dv & ~ X O V Xbywv, they hnd bean there 'the 'king 'Isid 'before the things relating t o pnul, onying, many dn$HUI'S clared 8 , Feat- cause de'AvGp r i ~ iariv ~ a r d a X ~ t p p k v o6lrb @$Xiros 66apioc, unto the king, saying, c A *mm Icertnin there L left bp Belix a prisoner, Tlicro 1s ac~.rtnin man lef L in bond. by Felix: 15 repi 03, yevophvov pov e i 'I ~ oadXvpa, ;v- 15 about whom, when concerning whom, 'being 'on 'my i n Lrmalem, 'mnde 'a %c- I w ~ aJerusalem, the t chief priests nnd the $civianv oi c i p x r c p a i ~ xai oi .rrpeap;repoi TGY 'Iov8aiwv, elders o i the Jews in. presentation 'the 'chief 'priests and the eiders of the Jews, formed mc, desiring lo came down salutiug

~ a Bcpvkt] ~arljvrqaavtic OKaia&p~iav,~ i P&araa6pevor" rbv

0 K a t g a p i a v T. d + w t b v him LlTrAW. * (;tr&/.~a7a OI.TTrAW. aata+ipow~ B 706 IIaJAov hnoAoyovpivov Paul said in defenca LTTrA. (- a a t i t o 6 lIa6Aov) LTTrb. ;m& p l w d bCfora'Eni 3. ~pc8jvar L'lTrAW. h 8ih0v t o i s 'Iov8aio~sLTTrAW. * o v v W ~ o aT r . m 03v tkBCefore 'BAW. 1 +8iqra I have done wrong n r .

Yatoaciav T.


P iurraui~cvob tA. n


hncejuament &gafnst him. 16 To whom I Q L ' T O I ? ~ E V O L KUT' ~t is not asking 'against

TIPAXEIE. a h 0 Q q8i~qv.I' 16 rpbc

'judgment: to



I nuswcred,

thcmauncr of the oir~.Ear(v ZOOS 'Pwpaioic ~apiCeaOnl riva ( ~ V ~ ~ W T O Y mnns to delircr any It is not a custom with Romans to give up any man mnn t o die, before that he which is RC- 'lS d7T(~hla~," rpiv jj b I C ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ a ~ ~ -~r ~ 6Ya w x~o u ~ O d E O cused have the accusers face to face, and t o - destruction, before he being accused face to face hnve licence to anZXOL 7 0 6 ~ rarqyc;pouc, r6n-OY-TE ci.rroXoyiac swer for himself conthe accusers, and opportunity of defence he may get cerning tho crime laid may ag:linstllim. 17Therer e p i 70; dytihil*nroc. 17 avv~X8dvrwv o6v snitrGvll fore, when t,hey were concerning the come hither without accusation. zRaving =come'together 'therefore 'they


raeiua~. &vapoX$vpilb~piav ?roiqa&pevo~, r7j any delay odthe.mor- dvf3&8~, row 1 sat or^ the luclghere, dehy none having made, the uex: [day] having s s t ment seat and com~r&~vaa cixeijvai rbv bvbpa. 18 manded t h i man to be dxi 70; ' phparo!: brought forth. 18 A- on the judgment seat I commanded to be brought the m a n ; concernins gainst whom when the ra71jYopo~ t b ~ p i a v o airiav'dxf~epov~~ $v accusers stood up, 08 U T U ~ ! V T E ~ they brought none whom standing u p the accusers =no =charge 'brought of which accus;ltiou of such things as I supposed : ' ~ T E V ~ O U Ud h'' 1 &, r w a r e p i rijc-idia!: 9 19 but had certain asupposed ; but "questions 'ocrtain concwning their own questions against him +f their own superai- 8~taibaipovlac E ~ X O Y ?T& U ~ F ~ kai r ~ p i ~ L V OI Q O O ~ ~ Y , ' ~ tion and of one Jesus avntcm of religion they had agninsb him, and concerning a certain Jevua nhidh was dead, who4 (tit. demon-worship) Paul affirmed to be i c O v ~ ~ ~ d 8v I q a a r ~ v ITaQXoc Ziv. 20 cirop06~iavoc.6i ro~, b alive. 20 And because who is d a d , whom '&rmcd I of such man'Paul t o be alive. And "being Sperplered ner of questions, 1 dy& xeicUr?jv mpi ~ro6rou1l j r q a i u ~ E ~ O V , ~ C ~i.Po6Xoir.o asked him he '1 as to the "concerning %his 'inquiry said, Would he be willing would go to Jerusa~ rhrei rpiveneai ~9; lem and there be rop~6eueac i Z'I~p~~aoX?jp,ll judied of these matto go .to Jerusalem, and there t o be judged concerning ters. 21 But when Paul had appealed to be T O ~ T W V , 21 roQ.G~.ITnliXov iai~aX~aap6vov rr)pqeGvnc airreserved unto the theso thinga. But Paul having appealed for 'to >he'kept 'himhearing of Augustus 1 comnurnded him t d rbv r?jv roQ Ze,l3naroQ Giciyvwalv, br6X~vaa rqp~iueai be kept till I might self for the 'of JAugustus 'cognizance, I commanded 'to 'kept uend him to Creuar. a ~ k p # ~airrbv rpbg Kaiaapa. 22 'Aypiplrac " 22 Then Agrippa anid a h ~ b v HwC.o6 uuto Festus, I would 'him till I might send him* to Csesar. 'Agrippa also how the man my8 rpbe rbv Qijarov bi?q,ll E,l3ouXdp~p~ 6 rai airrbCeroir TO morrow, said he, thou shalt hesr 'and to Festus said, I was desiring also myaelf the civepdxov &~oiraai. c'0.66," .43piov, $qaiv, circo6ap n6roQ. him.





t o hear.

And he 'To-morrow 'says, thou shalt hear him.

M And on the morrow when A~~~~~~ On the 'therefore 'morrow 'havilig %ome SAgrippe and was' come, and Bar- BEpvi~qc prci roXX+c $avraaiac, ~ a ~iaeXBdvrwv sic rb i nice, withgreat omp was entere$ Bernice, with great pomp, .and having cutered into the tlle place of hewing, &~~oar$prov, a6v 7 *roiS1l X ~ X L ~ ~ X O L~ ~ V ~ P ~ TO;^ W . 5 Kai Q with the chief "p- hall of audience, with both the. chief captains and men tains, and principal men of the city, a t ~ar'-i{oxljv e~6uiv11 ~ d X ~ wand, 'having 'commanded ro; @rjarov rjjg rai ~~Xeiiaavroc 'Fescus c Paul Festus' commandment of emil~ence being of the city, brought
forth. 24And Festus 4 x 0 ~ b IIairXoc. 24 rai $r)aiv b @{aroc,'Aypirra Pasisaid, King Agrippa, 'was s b r ~ u g h t * ~ a u l . And 'says 'Festus, 'Agrippa 'king and all men which are liere present with XEQ, rai x ( i i * ~oi ~f ~ ~ p ~ a p 6 TV dvbp~c, ~ w p ~ i roce ~ ~ ~ c " e re us ye sec this mnn hnd all the %ing 3prcnent 'with 4 8 'men, ye see this abbut whom all th; ml~ltitude of the T O Y X E P ~ 06 g ~ c h ' 'rb .zrhi@oc T ~ V '10~6aiwlJ .bvfrvXdv Jcws have denlt with one concerning whom all the multitude of the Jewa pleaded me both a t Jeruwled, and a?ao hem p L !U f E ' I E P O U O X ~ ~ ral ChvO&be, hE~i/303vrecR p?) O . O~ crying that he oughi with me i n both Jerusalem and here, crying out [that] ,P ~ a s a 8 i LTTrAW. ~ ~ v r C;( dmhhcrav OLTTrAW. a [ ~ ~ T G A, ] V &pep~~ LTTrAW. n o q p d v (?.cad evil charge) LT[A]W ; rroq$v of evils Tr. v ;yi, irnsv6ovv LTTrAW. ris l T r [ ~ ] . Y TOVI+OV these things LTTrAW. 'Iepoo6Avpa LTTrAW. dvarrip+w I might send 11p VmrAw. b iQq (read [said]) LlTrA. C 0 86 (read 4 q o i v says he) LTTrA. rois L?TrA. 0 o5ubv'LTTrAW. f mv- T. g &av LTTrAWt h @eAvrescrying LTTr ; [ i r r t ~ o G ~ ~A. e s r

23 T$' o6v ina6piov dXedvro~ roQJAypixra rni rijc



sovght 'to +iivc 'he worthy of dcrth

XSV, XXVI. nirrdv" 8itl i l $ ~ ~

uo lonpcr. Dnt I having ycrcoived

nothing $hRthe llad rommibted

not t o live any longer. ptfkkrl 25 iy&.82 kmmXn/36prr~o~n pt]?Lv $nut W I I O ~ I t fottnd Irnd done, Augu.tue, 'also 4 h i m ~ l 'and Ithis f to ~ c n d

ci&oy 'Onvhrov aLrdvI17renpaxEt,ai, m ~ a i aliroir 82 roirov nothing worthy of "


;f7,h21f ,"p""tnl$
fl $

ixtmXeaaphvov 78v 2opnardv,

Nnvihg apprnlcd t o

i ~ p t v a 7rlp7reiv nahrlv.ll t o A U K N ~ ~ U S
I determined

20 T , E ~ E F ~

05 6a$nX6~ rr
r ~ o ~


concerning whom 'ccrt~iin 'nnything t o write Wllerefore I Lrouphi2forth Ihim before Dhe

t o Lmy] lord I llnve not. $ ~ : ~ ~ ~ t O I m y Yuu- nlld beforo thco,


otr.Ixw' hnrc uo ocrtnin-tlring

dctcr~uined 'whom I hial. 26 O t o rend f

atrbv oi$'t irpijv, rni p&hlara an; aoir, brougl~t forth hn~ ~ ~ him
and .apocinlly befole thce,

PnarX~ir 'Aypinna, 8nwc

king Agrippa, t o that

74s dvarpidfw$

y~~oFcil~qc Aprilqa, that nftor

h a n n g tnken pllice e x ? ~ r n r t i o n had, I might bavc ronrtwhnt ~ O K Er i p - t o write. 27 For i t ~ for irr:rtionnf t o me i t ems send- werurth to mc nllrcaI mny have aonacthing t o write ; ronnbie t o scnd n pri7rovra Skapto.~, p4 rni rdc r a g nbro4 airinc aqpiil~ai. rouer, nnd not v i l h n l ing a pri.ioncr, not also the 'against =him 'clmrges t o signify. t o sicnify the crimes Irtid ng~rinqt trim.



0 y ~ 6 $ n ~ .27 &XOYOV.YC! " pot


'Aypixmc.64 npAc rdv rIaBXov c"$)], E n ~ r ~ i n e r a i ' ' aor

b u d Agrilipn to -Pnul P&ul snid,

It is allowcd


XX,,f. ,,,,id

T,,cu Am.rlp ~ ~ ~
~ ~

Phnip" orntrrnG Xiptv. T i r e 6 l l n $ h o ~ ~nrXoyeiro,'i x r ~ i v a h~ 1 1llrt ~ ~ r m i t tto~ a 0

for tlr~riclf t o bpcnk. .Then Concerning mndcr defenw, stretching out by



xripn, q 2 nrpi
hnnd :



iyra)loCrac 6srb '1ov- the httud, aud nn-


of which I am accused

Jaws, swerrd for hlmeelf: l thlnkmy,clf

Gaiwv, PnacX~fi' A y p i m n , ijyqpai 2 f ~ v . ~ d $ parhplov ri.'EXXwv king Ayrippn, k c n t ~ s e king Apripl~n, J ertcem cystlf happy being about I *ha11 nnasver for myself this day bofore ct7roXoytia~flidni 004 ~;]tlp?v'" p6Xla~a~ v l j b r q v'8vsa thce touching all the 3 to-dny, e~ycc!~tlly *acquniutod 'boing thin?? whereof I &m t o make dcfcnce L f o r c thee ncrii-ed of the J e w s : a" nAvrcuv r i j v rarci ' ~ o v ? r r i o v it)&J re mi &]rtlrClh7~v.3 e.lwcially becnctsc 1 ~
'thoa of nll thc 'nmong 'Jews ' 'cabtoms 'nnd 'nlso me. 4qucationa ; whcreforo I bescoch thce


Giopni 'oov" ltn~prjeifpws drofiani pov. 4 rtjv piv

p~cticntly t o hen? The
~JE~T~TOC, r?;v

& P X ~ 'manner "of'life *my from youth, which from [its] commeu~cn~ent ticutly. ' y o ~ o p i v t pi t * rc;i.iO~te(.~lov 'I~ponoXitpot,, i,anatv xciz~rec iv f

U K P ~ W U ~~Y O V r $ ~! "


kcroul thee to be expert ill 1\11 CU*tONR and qltestiou* which are %ltlwn nruour. the Jews : thee to hear beseech n 11crc.fore I ma pn0311


my unt1oli





",',,'::; ,

4 Alymmuez

amoug n1i11u own na-

~ ~ ~ \

=oil' 'Iorrihiot, 5 npoy~vDarovriyp~ civweav, id? Bkhwalv tion



Jcwa, nltneas, that

who bcfurc knew

me from thc first, if brrictest

they would sect

P which'l1 O W kncw me from Jevrd ;

ppr;,fpriv, Srt


n j v dkpi/3rardrqv a'ipeutv

nfter thc most'straib i,)l~rkpnr Yepqurtinf' Rqaa @nplaniog B f t ~ ; ; f ~ ~ : ~ ~ ! ~ , of our religion I lived a l'hnyibeo. 6 And oow I s t : ~ u d a n d 1XniGr 74s "pbc" rods 7rarfpncn~7rayyeXiac ~ r o ~ c ~ 6x6 nm jotlgrd for t h e y vgc h o p of tho %o &the. 'fathers 'prwiae by hope of the promise made of Qorl o n t o roir 6EoG f a n l r a rpcv6pcvo~,7 Eic r]v ' r b . 6 w ~ ~ r d $ v ~ a v .our~ fathcra : 7 unto ~ 3v God, I stand being judged, t o which our twcfvo tribe8 promise our twelve trlbos in tmti v . b ~ r ~ t ~ c i ~ rai $pipnu XarpetJov dhzicar Icam?Jrijaaro serving v6rra 1~ dar intently night and day .arviug hope t o nrrive; and night hope t o coma FO'T which 7rrpi MnicSor: d rcrXolipar, b/.%-ratX~4 'Aypinra," 37rb h o p ' s rake, king Aconrcrning which hope m nccnned, m 0 king i r by !TIPPn, I am a o r n e d of the Jew& 8Wh7 cr;vll 'IovcSaicuvd. 8 r i cintarov r~)iveraimp' 6piv ~i 6 etbc i t be th01~~11t. the Jows. Why incrediblo is it judged by you if Qod thing incredible with you t h a t God nhonld verpoir~ 8 y ~ ; p ~ i9 i y A 'phv O ~ V3 0 F a 2pnvrG n p b ~ ; the dead? B I [GC] dend rni~cn? I inilccd therefore thought in nly~elf 'to rorily thought with airrbv c$v LmrAw. rareAaP6pqv LTTIAW. 1 a1jrbv 6avarov L ~ ~ A W m . rai LWAW. 0 yp&+w 1 dial1 write L1TrA.W. airrbv (read [him]) L n r A . P ncpi I,1TrA. P Lac. ini u o i p i M o v a?jpcpov b n o h q c i a O a c Q L ~ T ~ A S ar . hoyeiro placed after xe$a m n w . 6vza T. uov LTT~A. 7iJv TI;[A]. * $ r e alld (in) L m r r w . * o i LTPA. Bpqoaiar T. e i r LTTrAW. 8 q p h v (vead our fnthcrs) Lnmw. b Baarh6 A y p i n n a LmrA ; 'Aypinna W. ? TGV QLTRAW. d ) Q r O 0 king LmrEc B Qh

according t o the



6 vould tcstify if theyt s be~inlting. t h a



of Jwua of N:iz:rrcth. lOWhich thing I did i n Jerllsa,cln: also many of t h q ~ q i n t ? did I shut up I n pr'sOnl having rcceivcd nuthority from the chief Priests they w&e put to death, I pave m y voice aaiust them. 11 And punirhcd them oft in every synngome, and eompflled them t o blaspheme. and beingexcccdingf mad against them persocutad the4 even unto strange cities. 19 Whereupon as I went to Damascns with and commis~ion from t h e midday, king,\3s$ chief priests, i n the way a light : ~ ~ r i $ ; ~ ~ ~ ; shiuiul( round a b o h me and them which And when we me. journeyed with were all fallen t o the earth* I a speaking unto me, and snyina In the Bebrew t o n p e p Snu'y Saul, why persecutent thou me7 It is hard for thee to kick npainst the pricks. 15 ~ n I safd, w h o d a r t thou, Lord 7 And he said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest. 16 But rise, and ~tnnd upon thy fcet : for, I have appcnred unto thee for thls purpone, to make thee a minister and a witness both of these things,f sn eh e: :o " things in the w h i c h 1 will nppenr unto thec I,delivering thee the people, and from $ ~ o m ~ ~ thee, 18to open their

~ P A Z E I Z ' .

Jerus:\lern~ the

myself, t h a t 1 ollxht r b I(710tia 'lqcr06 roG t o do mnny things 'the nunrue sof 'OJcsus lithe contrary to

./rohXh i v t r l ~ r i n
many .'cliief 'thoy and

a ~ ~ i3nii~ny ~ h t 4tl~inga 5contrary

.rrpfiEai. 10
to do.
6 7 )

5 rai d r o i ~ ~ ai v 'IpoaoX6potg,K U ; a
I did

Which nlao

& y i ( ~ iy(; $vXal(uig s a r h ~ X ~ i u a , v rtj?' r a p 6 r 3 1 ~ dpxI

in prisous shut up, " f r o ~ n 'tho

of the sitintu


having received; ailriiv
a n d 'being Sput 'to 'death


s a T ; ] v ~ y ~ a . l l / j f $ o ~ . 11 ~ a ~ a r d i wdaac rcis ,avvaywyci~. I gave [my] vote 3 g ~ i n [them]. ~t And in a11 the spagoguen T O M ~ K ~ P W P G iV r o l ; ~? ~ v & ~ K ~ ~ o v TLE a r , ,6Xaa$qpaiv* T E ~ L U -




I compclled [them] t blarrpheme. 'Exceeda

~ ( J K O V

b~paiv(;pavoc a & ~ o i ~ ~ ~ ~hhetc. 12 d v




ingly 'and

'bciug "furious against thom I persecuted [them] even ns f a r as t o



grai" ~ o p ~ v d p a v o ~ eic r47) Aajourneying from vny Dathe chlef

foreign citiee

During which also

mascus, Priests,

ET' with

iSovaia~rai bacrporr~g hrijc aapcilI r 3 v dpxauthority a t mid-dny and a comn~ission in the

L E ~ ~ W V ,

13 ; l p h p n ~ . t i f a ~ ~ ~ rljv 6 6 ; ~ E ~ ~ O V,6au[h3, sara ,

1 saw,
0 king,

22;; from hoavcn aboveP rrjv Xnpapcirllra of705 (Xiou 'shining 'round 'about olipavieev h i acpcXcipJ/av the brightness the sun

$GC sai r o i ~ a6v ipoi aooevopivov~. 14 ~civrwv.'bd"

Ia 'light and those with me journeying.
~ ~ K O V U UW $

And a l l a voire .Saul, speaking Saul, t o kick.

Qaving 'fallen 'down lpf %usto

K ~ ~ N ~ ~ E U ~ $pOv E;C V T W V
'KU~ Xiyovuav"

n j v yev

the ground I hcard

V~V ~X~G~av kX

xpdg pe

'Eppai"8r GtdErry, Zao6X, Zaohh,

iu the Hebrew

me and


r i pe
And I

~ [ ~ S E L S ;

arXqpdv qoi

~ p d g 6 v r Xarrizrcv. ~ a
And he
E ~ A E V'Ey& ,

why me persecutest thou ? [it is] hard

for thec ngninst g o a i

15 'EY&.8i m ~ l a ~ Tig, l l c! l~

Who art thou, Lord? but

r6pie ; '0.8;


am ou

IquoGc. SV


whom thou persecutest :

J L & K E L16 CiXXd Civriurfle[,~ a arijee i a i ~. i

rise up, and stnnd

T O ~ ~ ~ - T ~ ~ C ~ ~ .. rU O V o$$eflvp ~i ~ o~r ' .~~

t h y feet ;

for, for this purpose I appeared to thee,

to appoint

6 m p i r t l v sai pdprvpa
taking out





thee a n attendant and

a witness both of what thou d i d 4 see and in v h a t

d$ejoopai cot, 17 i ~ a c p o 6 p ~ v a ~ a6
1 shallnppenr t o thee,

so6 XaoG r a i

thee from among the pcopk and

r 3 v iQviiv, a i oijg PvGv ue daour6XXw,II ~


t h e nations, t o whom now thee I send, t o opcn 'eyes airrGv, IroG.ia[arphJ/ai Grab ardrov5 a/< $35 sal rGg l t o v r r i n ~ ~ ~ 'thei;, t h a t [they] may t u r n from d a r k n ~ s s t o light and the authority

l 8 civoifar L$6'aXpoirc

es and eeiv, roC.Xapeiv Lro tied from to turn roG oaravi? 6ai rbv God, t h a t 'may "receive aIthey 6 ~bq~acv&papdarkness remission of sins t o light, and from t h e Of Satan to power of Satan unto ~ L G V sal ~ X f p o v bv roig -rjylaatlivocs .rriar~cr< God, that they may and inheritance amoug those t h a t hnve been sanctified by Faith thn't [is; rzceivc forgiveness of sills, and inhrritnnre a/c { p i . 19 "O@EV, PUULXEG 'Aypiaan, o&s.iy~v6pqv i ~ ~ c e ( nmong them which i n _me. are snnctificd Whereupon, 0 king Agrippa, I was not disobedient thntiain me. 10Whrre- r p ohpaviy daraaip, 20 dXXd TOTS I ? , Aapnar$i .zrpGro.uq UPon, 0 king AgriPPa, t o the heavenly vision ; but to those in Damascus first


+ ;v in (prisons) GLTTrAW. S - ~ aLTTrA. h - n j s r a p d i (read r i v from the) L ; - 6 s [ T ~ ; w; - rap; TTT. i 7 e LTTrAW. 1 Xfyovcav LTTrA. I - ~ a hc'yevuav LTTrA. i ~ i r LTTrA. a $ ~1'ptor (rtud the Lord %lid) LTTrAW. + i~ from among LTTrA. P jyh i s o m i M w s (emit :low) LTTIA; i y h va a s o o ~UW. e .

+ r e also LTTrA.

(re& alld &OJ,


rai r'I~poaoA6potc, Cifn n z ~ l i v TE r$v y4pav rijs ' t x ~ ~ ; $ g
md Jerusulem, 'to 'all 'and the region


don : 20 but shewed rai roig ZOveuiv, tinayyBXXwv'1 ~ravoeiv fnrarp6~eiv~ ~ ~ t o a rai and to the nations declaring [to then$to repent and to turn Ulem &dthroughmt h i rbv e t d ~ &Eta rijs p~ravoias{pya npciaaovrac. 21 i've~a all thte coanta of JU, the to God, 'worthy 4of 'repentance aworks 'doing. On nccount of Gentiles that tothey ~ O ~ T ~/ D V & I. roili 'Iov8aT0~ V X X ~ / ~ ~ ~ E Y O i L ~ ~ Yb r ~ t - should 'repent and Q ~ ( iIEP@, these things me the Jews having seized i n the temple, at- turn to God, and works meet for rep(;rvro 8la~etpiaaoeac. 22 Qnirov iag otv mX&v rjjc pentance. 2lForthese tempted to kill. M8 therefore having obtained. cansea the Jews caught me in the temple and 'rapd" roir 6603 dxpt rijg.r)pQpag.raGrqg %arqrca?rpnpmpo6- went &boutto kilt tnc. from God unto this day I have atwd, b a r i n g w i b 22 Hevin therefore obtalned felp of God, ICKvogn pirp(&r~ nal ~ E ~ ~ 06b?v b~rbg X Y , hiywv $V T& I wntinue unto thir ness both to small and t o great, nothing else saying than what both day, witnming both t~ snlall and great, ol ~po$ijrai iX6hqaav p~XXdvrwv 7iveaOa~ rai ' M w n i j ~ , ~ none other the prophet8 'said fwas 'about *to 'happen 'and Woses, things than those which the prophets 23 ri raeqrhc b y p g , ri npOros iE dvamri- and did whether 'shoe1d3suffer hrist ; whcthcr he] 6rst through resurrcc- should come : 13 that urwg vrxpuiv t B g @ha rarayylhh~iv ry'. had rai roig and that he should be shOu'd Nsrs tion of [the] dead ight 'is 'about ' t o 4annonnce to the people and to the the firat t b t &oald


with nnt, the peoplq and $uv$ Maivp lTaiiAen rd rohX1 UE y &ptheG"tilea. SdArid oud rnice aaid, Thou artmnd, Paul ; much 'thee M he thus spake for hinlaelf Fctstua said aia r i p paviav r r i r inet. 25 @ & v , u $ & ; Cg 'to 'madnnsa thysell ; much learuI C ~ ~ ~ T ~@;UTE, dbXX"' cihqecia~ rai aw$po&vrl~ pljpara k k d o t h But he mid, UTE 25 make thes mmt noble restus, but of truth and discreetnesr worda I am md, 26 hniararai.ydp repi roirruv b Paul- noble Festus but words for 'is 'informed 6concerning.these %hinga Ithe %ing 'peak forth of truth and soberkirp, ~rpbg av rai a a ~ ~ v a i a ~ b ~ v o g XnvOiv~lv.~cip XaXG* noss. 26Por the king to whom also using boldness I apeat Bor hidden from h o w e t h of these things, before whom atrdv TL ~06rwv o G rdeopar aoirJ6v*n o p i p ale0 I G freely : hlm any of .these things [are] not I am persuaded ; .not for for l[ am persuaded that none of them iariv ywIJi$t T W ~ ~ ~ ~ T ~ ~ ~ O27 ~ O V O .V l ~ / % x u ~ X E ~ things i ~ ~ ~ g hidden 'in *a ecorner h a 's 'been 'done 'thin. Believest thou, king from him ; for this in 'Aypirna roig npo$rjraig ; olba Sri rtare6erg. 28 '0 6 i a corner. notKing Athing 27 Agrippa, tho prophets ? I know that thou believest. And grippa believest thou *Aypirr?ra~ xpbg rbv DairXov f[$l),"'Ev bXiyy pe g~ieig" ~ ~ ~ & ' ~ Agrip~a $0 Paul said, I n a little 'me 'thou 5persuadwt 28 ~ h o n A ppa said

r"0veuiv. 24 Ta3ra.62

atro3.cinoXoyoapivov, b Qijarog PEFestm


And ethese Sthings Inttering In his defence,

" ,h","$d ,a :

E, % ,&


'0Ze:,$ & c & ; P ~

&Lg, ; ; : :c :

Xpiuriwbv hyrvi~Bai.ll '0.6i.ITaPog Cln~v,' kE;Lcaipavn 29 iiv

a Christian to become. And Paul much

aid, not

I would wish

r t j BE$, nai b dhiyy rai b 'roXXq?I 06 pdvov a LXXd rai v v e

to God, both in a little and In only thou but such

gkf: nleo not

t o be

:zz fictim2
a Christian.



rhvrag rod5 dlrc~ljovr~g pvv



y ~ ~ i u O aroi06rovg i

a l ~ Oa n


~ ~ ~ except ~ b a r o i o rrci D ~ i p i ,r a p ~ m h ~ ~ r&v~~~ap&v.?06ruv. ~ K U anch as I 30 ; .a I J o am, except th'ese bonds. A~~ thew he had thus 8powhen bonds. SOAnd , via raiira eindvrog a L ~ o i jd~ ~ ~ q b PaalXa6g rai d $Yep(;v ken the king rose up $he thing8 l a v i n g .said 'he, 'rose ?up .the 'king and the governor and'the governor 'that h n i o o and the and ahoig' 31 nai &a- sat witd them : m d f j rt B E ~ v~~aKi ol Oavyrafhjp~vocll ~ slao Bemice and those who sst wlth thorn, hnvinR when t h ~ were gone y is I. T TILAJ. t &n+y-yehhovI was declsrlr~g EGLlTrAW. v oi T T ~ . r + $v in L W 6vra being T. &rrb LTTrAW. paprvp6p~vos LTTrAW. Mw30jjs QLTTrAW. r e (?.C& both to the) LTTrA. b C$qviv S : L ~ LTl'rA. C nairAos (read Paul says) LTTrW. LAAd LTTrA. S EC$~ (reuci [mid])LT+~AW. g migg tl1011 persuwiest thyself A. c66iv L ;0ire4~ T[T~]A. h rrocrjvac to make (me a Christian) LTrrA. 1- &rev (wad [mid]) LTTrA. c&&iPqv T. l p p




+ -



- rai ra37a cinow~sair706


+ 7e both GLTTrAW.

mu-T .



wide, they talked be- ~ w p t j a a v r e iXciXovv i i p i ) ~&XX;IXovc XLYovrec, "Ori 06bCv ~ tween themselves mythey spoke to one another saying, Nothing ing, his man doeth withdrawn nothing worthy of Bavcirov PBFiov rj 8~upijv" iipCtuu~i 6.&~8pwnog.oirroc. denth or of bonds. 'of Venth this man. 'worthy or of bonds does 32 Then mid Agrippa unto Festus, Thia mnn 32 'Aypiiixac.Eb r+i arjary i$q, 'AiioXeXba8a~ri86va~o" b might have been set And Agrippa to Festus said, *Have $been .let 'go %ight a t liberty, if he hnd not appealed w t o C &v0 wxog.06roc ~i ~ i f j . s ~ i i ~ ~ 6 Kaiaapa. " ~Xq~o sar. t h i s aman if he had not n~nealed to Cmsar. *

27 'Qg-6i

hrpiQq ro5.dnoiiXeiv.
both Fnul and certain other

eic n j v 'IraXiav
to prisoners Italy fo q .

we sail into Pnll~nndcertnin other Ital they delivered unto one nnmed Julius, a centnrion of Angnstua, band. llnd enkriug into a s h i p ~ fAdmmyttium,to sail by the meaning welauyhed,
coasts of Asia. one histarchnu, Thcssalodoninn of n kncenica, helng with us. 3 And the next day me touched a t Sidon. And Julius courtoouslyentrerrted Paul, and gave him liberty to go unto his friends to refresh himself. 4 And when we hnd lannchcdfrom thence, we sailed under Chprus, because the w h d s were contrary. 5 And when we had sailed over the sea of Cilicia and palnphylin we to Ifyra n&ty of Ly-


Eut when i t was decided that sshould Saail 'we

.iini)~8i8ovv rai rlvac 2rCpov~ G~upDrag ixathey delircred up. centurion,
T E ~
T O V T ~ P Xtvd/~n.ri ~, 'Iov?iy,

aneipq~ 2~ aarijg.
about being

by nnme

Jnllus, of the band of

8; ~ X o i y A ~ P C I ~ UtphXX~vre~UX E ~ U 'ro3c xard * T~~I+~ ~

of Adramyttiilm
WC set

2 imphv-

ugustus. ' H a ~ i n g'gone40n t o navigate t h e P~loxig

'board 'and a ship

rfjv A + ' CV




( ~ . v ; I x ~ ~ ~ E~YU b v r c,


~ V )jpTv


Aristarcl~us at

Mn~~86uoc B~aaaXovtrfwc. 3 rp'.r~.irkog

a Macedonian sidon. of Thcssrrlonicrr. And 'klndly

we lnnded =tre:\tod

And the nbxt [day] 'Julius *Paul

2~6&~a'$iXa~8p&iiwc.r~ ' 1 0 ~ X 1 0 ~ ITa.irXy ~ p q a & ~ 7 ~ d T$

Ito Sreceive.


CO LShis] friends
winds and were


~ ~ X O U "TO ~ v ~ k v r a ~ S hmpeXriny
fgoing pthew .care

T V ~ E ~ ~ ;~ . K 4 K 8id
because along to Myra

E ~ ~ E V Civax86we~~ T E T ~ E ~ U C $?V V I


And thence

aetting s i l

we miled unk



civipovc eTvar ivavriovc. 6

oontrnry. And tho sen we_cgma 9centurion Pamphylin h a d n g sailed over

~ a ~~ j KtXi~iav flap$aXiav 8 t a r ~ ~ r j o a w ~ g l ld ) kai xxanjXQopcv@


YM6pa1l rijg A?~riag. 6

~6p&v 6 Z d ~ a r 6 ~ d p ~

of L ~ c i a . Audthere%avingYound'the

~ t u ~ ~ , " f " o l ~ , " ~ , " s ~ ~ 'AhrLnu8pi1~ovX i o v r i ~ iihoiov ~ r rt)v'Irahiav iv~/3iPnmv. e Alexnndria sailing a ship f of Alexandria sailing t o Italy he cauaed,'to *enter

into Itnly ; and heput <p;S ahrd. 7 i v . ~ ~ a v a ?tjpkpaic ~ p a ~ v ~ ~ 'xai o ua thercin. 7 And ~~8~ o when we had snilcd 'us illto it. And for many dnys sailing slowly and rrpou~ivro~ mcarce were come over " 0 w 1 ~ m " ~ d a ~ 8 ~ * a t6hic i i ~ ~ l p *~ r d ~ i ) KviBov, ~~ n ~ yainst cniduh the nrdly hnving come over against Cnid1is, 'not 'suflerlng

card BnXpDt~qv* wind we sniled weering under Crete 706 ( ~ I $ ~ o$iiEiiXhfJftp~ ~ K firqv u, T V Rete over againat S u b o n e ; over ainst salmonej 'the 'wind, we sailed under
and hnrdly coneting along it we cnme t o a e p l a ~ lcertain e .fair havens ; n i ~ hxaX06p~vov KaXoitc Aipivng, $.byy6c '<v n6Xic1Ib~aania.h wherennto was the Fair Havens, nenr which was a city of Lwma. city o L w a , S NOW f w h ~ a c h time waa 9 ' I ~ n v o i62 ~pdvov8iay~voyt~vov ~ V T O ~ biita$&Xoi'~ m , rai 4873 spent, and when nailAnd much time hnving pnssed and being nlrcady dangeroaSI ing wns now danper0113, becnnse the fast 705 i i X o d ~ , 8td ri) rai r4v vqar~iav 48q aapeX~Xv?ivni, wnq now a l r e n d ~ past, the voynge, becnuse also the fast already had past, ' Paul admonished them 10 rind said onto thcm: 7rapdvEi i) nachoc 10 X ~ ~ W V aGroig, " A v ~ ~8~wpG671 prrd E ~ , Rirs I perceive that =exhorted lPnlll 'saying =them, Men, I perceive that with' t h i i voyage will be with hurt and much iioXhijg zqpiag 06 p 6 ~ 0 v 706 c~dprov" cai ro6 damage, not only of dinaster and much loss not only of the cargo and of the and,%n?dly passing %t&mtP"21$ & p ':

' 8 ~ ~ X L ~ . iiapaX~ydp~voi TE a&7.',v $ X ~ O ~ E V ..~ d ? r o , ~rtvd



+ t3eul*&v g[ LTTr[A]. Ti T. + eis


b ' & a ~ ~ q adlaesa L ; Aauia

rarrjA0uprv TTr.

M6bi)a LTTrA.

+ 706s the OLTTTAW.


i b 6 v a r o LW.

O L.

L&seaT r L

~ ~ a r o v r d L ~ r. p m $bopziov OLTTrAW '

t piAAow& ropevOivri Lmr*. d h r o $V ZI

bat rlao

gal rGtl.$vXirv.tjpGv pQXXetviacaBaL rov ~rXoOv.the I a d * ~a*
of our iivgl ia about tobe and the t h voyage. centurion by ths steersman ship-owner

11 Ncverthelevl live& 'ls0 Of the centuriOn believeathe of the h i p more thrn the Owner those t h k m which. were spoken by Paul. l2 And because tho lurvan was not commodious to winter in, tho more part adviscd t o id % d thence"also if ep ~ ~ , might attain to Phemeans n c ,and there to winic ter which W an heron of drete, and lioth toward the south v e s t m d north west. 13And when thc south wind blew softly, suppoain that bhey bad obt sine% their purpose, looaing thence tficy sailed clone <y Crete. 14 But

11 '0.82 d i ~ a r 6 w a p ~ o ry' rcvp~pv$rgmi rG vavrkljpy su

But the

"ineieEzo p6XXov"
was pgrsunded rnthcr

thcn by the thiugs 'by port


67iJ f r o ~ u 11a6~ovX E



pivole. 12 dvev%irov.di roir XipQvos~ ~ ( ~ P X O V T O S npbs napa.winter

A n d ill-rrdnpted the

~erpaaiav, glrAei6ug" EBevro./3ovXljv civaxB+ar b ~ d ~ ~ oi

in, the counselled having arrived of Crcte looking

d set satl


if by any moans they might be able



~aravriaavre~ ooivi~a cig nupaPhcanice



Xtptva rrjc Kpljms pXQnovra rard ~Gpov. 13 61ro.rrv~6aavroS.6a vdrov,

purpose to have gained, Crate.


[there], a port

towards swth-W&

rai rat&

and towards norrn-west, ing the

And 4blowing 'gently 'a 4outh Swind,

~rpoC)ha~w~~ p a r r ) l ~ 6'v a i , ~~ hpavnc

having weighed [anchor] blow 'by

y 'they coastcd aslong

down it

m EXQ ovro njv Kp$n)v. 14 per'

06 7toX6 6i


*After %ot l o n g 'but there came temycstuous

" , " ~ wind, a ! ~ & p

B$f~~cl~~ ship was caught, and

r a i a l i r 4 ~civapog rv$wvc~6g S ra>o6p~vog kt OKXZ~SOY.~'

'wind 'bcmpe~tuous,

13 avvap~rao%~vro~.d~ TO; nXoiov, m p$ bvvapC1Cvov i

And "having4boen 'caught 'the


and nob


&VT- the wind "OF let her we t o bring drive. is And run-

o$%a+oiv r
[her] head

to t t e wuid, giving [ e up we were Civen along. *Smell"bland ha

hvhpy, BnrSdvr~s


16 waiov

6 6


6xo6pnpdvres ~aXo6pvov 1KXa66qv'l


they had taken U#, &nu- they u m l htlw, mi a ~ t h a p a v ~ ~ l r p a r ey~vh&ac T ~ u ~ h $ q 17 qv n~p i~ S ~* 'we were able uters to become of the boat; which hadng taken and, feariu the the,dergirding lest TEP po~eciatc X ~ G V TA O , I J Y Y & Y ~ E C nXoiovB $0 ohpovoi .should falk into the ~ ~ O& rb ap help they ubed, undergirding the ship ; quichi~n<is,strnke sail, olld no were driven, n njv d p r i v i~aiawaiv, ~ d d a a v r rrb ure50~ ~ n we being F ~ l8 d 'and eet into the quicksand they should fall, having lowered the gear ~eedinglytossed with a tempest, tho next O ~ W S i $ k p 0 ~ ~ 0 . 18 L'$ ~Eipa~0pClhV~~ 4fl3v day they lightened the W they were driven But J ~ o l e n t l y %bemg* t c m ~ t - t o ~ ,we ahip ; l9 nnd the third day we cast out with r$ f~PoX?)v i ~ r o t o i l ~ r o ~ ~ a i?p' OLW own hands the 19 and on tho tackling of the ahip on the nest [day] 'casting 'out ["of "cargo] "they 'made, 20 And when ncithur rpiiv atrdxe~p~ QKEV?)Y roir nXoiou n i ~ $ i l C / a p ~ ~ 'nor ~t-s in man, sun i i taird [day] with [our] own hands the equipment of the ship we csst away. days nppcnred, and no

'but *a %crtain 'rununly k ~ r l e r

NydXg work:to come bp ben the boat 17 which


island ning which iswhin erllad we had




should be saved WM awa tjpfpas, X E L Gvdc-TE ~ J ithiyou i l r i ~ ~ ~ p h v oXot.rrbv r~pcq-then taken long O C v, 21 But afhr day#, ant3tcmpEst 'no 'riunll ljiny on [us], honcoforth wan taken etinenar Paul stood

20 pljre-bb ljXiov prjre horpwv knc$atvdvrwv i?ri nXeiovcrc

hnd neither snu nor appearing for many


p~iro O

A ~ U ~

(Xaie'' r o i r . a 6 ~ ~ 0 ~ a ~21 noXXijg.pSdl' d(ririac .~p5~.


And Ja 'long 'abatin*nce ye e&uld haye heark. 6rapx06uqg, rdre aruOeic 6 IIairXoc i v piuy.airrCiy E ~ T E Y ened unto me1and not 'Ware 'being, then Pstanding'np 'Paul in then m i b t mid, havelOObedfromcret nnd to have gaine2 thin hnru and low 'Eder @V, 5 hv8p~, ~ i t ) a p ~ ~ a u p01 plj n vr&~ b behoved [you] indeed, 0 non, having burn obedient to me not to have


of our being soveil.

: id$$ 2


yca6ub dnb
sot a i l from

r<c K p l j n f ~

and to have gaincd

rep8ijaai.r~ r$v.~Pp~v.ra6rqv rai this disaster and

.p -


h ;KC~~V thence LTTrA. ei n& LTrA. dpourrihov LTTrAW ; airpu. ~Au&uv Eur\.clydoa (3. 1 Kairda Caurla LTr ; ICAaisa T ; K[A]aCda A m c q J a a p r v r ch riy -kW. D ;ih\Lav they W t away aLTrAw ; ipr+av T. 0 ihnic rioa LTT~L U re LP .rh7N.

*i~arovrdp~qs DLTTrA.


inrieero LTTrA. V

-- l 0 3EIU~LC~~OI!

B ~hehvt(


you to be I a And now of cheer : for there loss : and now I exhort you to be of good cheer, bellolossofafll~nlun'* &n0/3oX~.~cip ig e j o&Eeria h r a t X it 8pGu, nXrjv roii life RNOUg you, but of for 'loss of 'life 'not 'any shall be from among you, only of the the ship, 23 Forthere W me thisnight ~Xoiov. 23 .rrap6a~q.~cip 'r~.vvrri.raifrg" '6yyeXos1l roir pot the angel of God, For stood by rue this night m ungel whoscf am and whom ship' I serve, 24 i u g , g ~ a r Beoij, 05 eipct y'.rai Xarp~6w,s24 Xiywv, iIIlj.1,,0/3oir IIaijXe, snyiug, Fear not, Panl ; &',"r,"c"if of God, whom I am and whom I serve, m: and, 10, Godhath Kaiaapi ae 6.5; napaorcvai. rai iEoi ra~hpiarni aoi 6 8 e b ~ given thee a'1 them Cssar thou must stand before ; and 10 "has 3granted %o sthec 'God that mil with thee. W Wherefore, sin, be ahurac ro6g aXQovragpera ao8. 16 A d eh8vpeirt 2vSpe~' of good cheer : for I all those sailing with thee. Wherefore be of g o d chccr, mm, believe God, that i t 8 1 ~ 1 even aa i t was ~ i a r ~ ~ ; w . T$ d Q$ ijri oi;rwg Zarai 1 ~ ~ p rcit)' Gu.rp6nov told me. 26 Howbeit for I believe God that thus it shall be according to the way we must be cnat upon acertainialand. 27But X E X & X ~ T O I ~ pot. g6 ~ig.uijuou.Bi rtva 6 ~ i . ? ) ~ z g I T E U E ~ V . ~K when the fourtoenth i t has been aaid to me. But on Jisluud la acertain we must fall. night wan come as we wen, driven dp and 27 !QS.61 reaoapeurn~6~~cirq Byd.uere v;[ 8crrg~popivwv down in Adria about And when the fourteenth night was comc zbeiny 'hiven *about midnight the shiymen dwmedthattheydrew ?)@)V iv 'Abpiq, ~ a r d /ld.aoU Y U K T ~~ ~ E Y ~ O V Y X near to some country. 'we in the Adriatic,. towards [the] middle of the night 'suypomd 18 and sounded and


TIPAZEIZ. rqpiau. 22 rai qravijvN rcipatv3 irpiic

XXVP1, ~irBvp~i~*





thoma : and when they had gone a little further they Rounded again, andfounll it Afteen f nthoms 29 Then should havofallenuponrocks they cast four nnchod but of the end for the day.

'the 'sailors

oi vaGrai apoaciyeiv rivd a6roic~Dpav' 28 rai /3oXiuavre~

%earad *some "them country, and having soundtd agda


they found fathoms Ltweaty,and Ja V t t l e lhaviug 'gone 6farther and

~ 6 p o vdjYvicig eZrouie ppaxzi.6i


6iaarilaa~lr~g ~CiXiu mi
'fifteen ; and fearing


d p o v bpyvihc 6~ra.rrivre~ ~opo6tcevoi.ra 29 ~~ifpvt]

stern to come. ship, and rooky places thcy should fall, out of [the]

haring sounded they found Yathoms lest on

ptj?rw~'' w~ic;l p a ~ ~rLinovg x ~ ~ n S a c u ~ l !K , I ' r ic ~

m A n about e s lflee m e n @ $ C ( Y T E ~ ciyr6pa~ rQuuapag ~q6xovro" 4pQpav were d a s t h to l i ~ out of the when they having cast 'anchora 'four they wished day had let dodn the boat under colourthe though they as would have cast anchom out of the forcIhip, 81 Paul said to


30 r ~ y - b lvavrGv C ~ T O ~ V T W $ U Y E ~ ;K Y Y
But the sailors aeeking

r06 nkotov, Kai


to flee out of the

p A a u h v r o v rGv orh(qv $g rrjv B ~ ~ a o s anpopiori v,

w i n g let down the boat into the sen, with pretext an from the centurion and t o z.lrp6pag" ap~XXdvrwv ciyr6pas1'~ K T E ~ Z I E ~31, ti7i~v V 6 the soldiers, Except [the] prow being about *enchors 'to "cast aout, %aid 'Paul these abide m the s h ~ p i ~ a r o v r h p ~ ~r o i ~C T ~ U T ~ W '&iv-pi) oh04 KU~ T ~ ~ ~ , M saved: h 0 ~ 2 Then the soldier8 to the centurion and t o the soldiers, Unless theao cut off the roped of the boat, and let her p i v ~ u i v r$ nxoiy, 6pc;c u w 8 ~ v a i ;v oiJ.6i1vaaQa.32 T ~ T b ~ E fall off. 33And while abide in the ship ye ' 3 'saved b 'cnnnot. Then t h l the day was coming on paul besought urpartGrai hnh~o+av" rd uxotvia rijg a~ci$?lgrai ~iccoav t& all t o take meat soldiers cut away the ropes of the boat and Ict urying Thia day is t ; h 33 c Z p ~ X X rjpQpaU ~~ yiveo8ai, foUrteinthdny that ye aCr?jv hrneueiu. have tnrried and conher f alL And until 'was %bout 'day 'to 'come, tinued fasting hnv- n a p ~ ~ & h e inachoc Gnavrac prnXapETv rpo$<g, Xiywv, taken ndthing. %%herefore I pray




all 'to-'day

to partnke ['is]

of food, watchilig \\'herefore Por


- -

Y ~

~ E U I J ~ ~ E U K a ~~ i~~ E o v?)phpau npoa8orljvre~ ~ } pK ~ T ~

'Or 'Our

duil ex-

4The 'fourteenth




&ar&?re, dpq8?ull e ~ p ~ ~ X f l / 3 6 p ~34 ~ 1 . 1 1 ~ 6td napanothing having talicn. for thls


taking food ye continue, you

xahG 6 t i i i ~ ' ~ p o u h a / 3 ~ i vrp$?c* "

to take
TOW i r p d g

A. W ~ a r against LTTrAW. a 1 eKu i u o p c v we s h o d d f d l G L n r A w . J C~)XOVTO TTrA. 5 rP4p1s LT. ky~L:pas C A A ~ V T W V ~ LWrA. d n i ~ o $ I a v ' o icrrpa~r&ac LTTrA. C +p,ipa GpeAAev li&chAcv T) 1,l.l'rA. fiqo;~ f p r a A 4 e i v to partnke of oLITIAW'. &'ITCA. ~ p o u A a p f l a v d ~ c v toking L or


K ra67q prjaw L

; p j s o v m ; p? r

dyyehos placed njter Aarpe6o LTTrAW

your Mfety
fs i

for of no one of you a hair of


iryz~rfpac.awnlpiac;a$p~ei* got6~i)c".yAp6 p G ~ Opig " d ~ ' not an :for there from hrrir fall riic ree$nXGc *n~ueirar.~l kEia;v1'.61 35 r a i i m ~ a iXaflAv

theheadof myof yoe ~ l ~ ~ the hend ahall fall. And having said these things and having f a h bread, and give n b tha (iprov ~ C ~ a p i u r q n@v dvPnrov acivrwv, rai ~ X c i u a ~ to God r ~ Oe$ p r e ~ n - of n leaf he gnve thanks to God before all, andhnvingbroken [it] ~ h " , ~ , ~ k e ~ $ ,

& %


eptaro bdierv. 36

selves 'all took souls

y~~dpevoi a&v7ec ~ a a6- #an t o eat. 36 Thon i hgan to eat. And *of ofgood *cheer 'having Sbecome 'all also h- they nuthey gmd were and of also cheer roi apou~Xdr~ovro rpo$<c' Q? l$pevIlBd r @ ?rXoiy ai t o o k k m e a t . 37And
two hundred [and]

aZaai IC/vxail' 6ra~.du~ai nt'~60pqrcovraf '' 38 KO edOivr~c.64 threeamre and aixlrtean E.

m m t y air.

bncl we wen,



shipe *the we were in all in the ship two hundred

rpo$ijc br06$t~ovrb d o i b v , ~upaXh6pevoi rdv uirov 4~they li htened the the whwt into 'the hhfp,U I ~ &O U t h e ~ with food they lightened the ship, orsting out wheat into the na BciXaouav. 39"0re.6? rjpfpa b ivero wjv ijv ot~.iirayivwaKov' m ~~d when i t W"

Anfbeingsatir5ed souk 98 And when they had eaten enough,

And when ;day

% a

r6Xmov-6i rrva rarev6ovv ixovra aiyiaXdv, ~ i c v "ipov- a-vmd B

but a 'bay 'certain they perceived having a shore, on Which

the k d they did not recognise; day the knew no* the'lan8: k t they


they creek with a 8ho.m they Xefiuavron e i 66varvro bEGuai rb ?rXoTov. 40 ~ a rdc into the whicht wen, i ifi purposed if they should be able to drive the ehip ; m d .ths p o ~ i b l e to ' t b t in the ship: 40 And when Lty~hpac a~pieXdvr~c eiwv ~ i rt)v BManuav, c iipa the had taken the sanchom 'having "cut 'away they left in the 8% h e Mc~ora they oommit i drvhvry rdc &VKTr]piac 73v ml6crXiwv ~ a iacipawrc rdv ted th;nwelvee having loosened the bands of the mddem, and havin* hoirted the the leaand loo* and rudder' ban&

phprfpovo~r f nvro6q mreixov sic rbv aiyiaA6v. 41 r e p i foresail .f.Uen. to the wind they made for the rhom 'Having

a"?,: f rho;e.

?reacivr~~ EISr610v 62 mi

GtOiXauaov fpeiuaua

n i a c j x e d a v ~ vuaiiv. falling into a P ~ W

verse1; ~ , r , " " t ~ e ~ h i m e ~ m m d ; andthe&+ and the prow having stuck fna remained immovable, but the Put rtuok and m i n e d onmoreable ~p6~va dX6ero h i ) rijc Pias r r G ~ rcvrdrwv.U 42 rGv.61 but the hinder parj stern WM broken by the violence of the wave$. b d of the wu broken with the violence uf the w a w r arpanwrGv pouXtj byivero %a rods 8~upC1;rac a o m ~ i v ~ ~ u i v , a the aoldiems & mh soldiem [the] counsel was that the prisonera thej rhould kill, 00UlU81 W U t o k m onem, leat any .@jrrc tr~oXvppjuac B6ia$Byoi.fl 43 6-84 '4Ka~dYTa Xocn m should swim lest anyone haring swum out should escape. But the -don out andwcaps. * B U ~ the'mtnrion, willing. povXcipevos 6rauGua~rbv TIaCXov t~cjXvaev a 6 i 0 3 ~ 705 to paul, kept deair~ng to nave Paul hinder.& them of [their] them from tAm pur-

'and into a place where two seaurnet they M aground thm

@v 1rp3pa

$peiv~vdu&X~vroc, 4-84


/30vhjparor, d~hXevuEv.rc roic 6vvapivovc noAvClp$v, ~Ltaojpurposa, and commanded those being able

cast [themselves] off met,

~p&rovs,i a i
first, on


to swim, and

having could swim should the


d to go out ;

btiivai, 44 mai roic into the uea, and ht mt

from the


XOLTO~;~, piu bai uaviuiv o1)1;.62 h i rivwv-rGv dab roii 60s

some indeed on

boards and others on some t e g s


E tt b= 2 piecu ofthe ship. b


44 and the

?rAoiov..~ aoiirwc iyivero ahvrac 6rauwOijvni dai n j v +v. i

Ihlp ; and t h w i t came to p r

to were brought Y h l y to the Lnd. ~ ~ ~ h s d " " p B ad


t j xxvm. anawhcm the they were e s c n p h e n they knew t a t the raXeirat. 2 Oi.x6111PLpPapoi J?rapeixovn 06 rrjv island WM c a u d bland i called s And the barbarioss ehewed no lita. a And the barbarpeople shewed W 7vxoGuav $iXav~pwniav $pivo 'ivciJ/aweC1l- ?rvp&vq o u - ouslittle kindneu :for dp no comluon philanthropy to us; for having kin& a 5-e they they kindled r flre. ,
Kai 6iaawOfvrec r6re wiaiyvwacvu bri MeXirq
they knew And having been saved then



GUO~ .


c oie&s
1 +cOa


h & r b LTTTA.
. I


iflovhaJovro ~ ~ T T A w . P & p ~ i ~ i uI.TT.Aw. va q ir&e&Aav 8ra4Jyn GLTTrAW. i ~ a r o ~LTRA. ~ ~ &ropi+aWa5 T. i p v ~ U ~ Y V W ~ W0 kuew LTTrAW. re L T 4 . TiW I uapecxav L ~ I L1 ~ ~ $ ~ M ~ s _ L T T ~ A w .

ai r i u a c JNxai i v 74 r>oiy

l iroheirac

shall perish QLTRAW.


~ @ ~ o ~ W ~ K O V T ~ ~ ~ OLTTIW. LTTTA. TWV ffl&a.FQ)Y

c i r a r LTITA.

rent rnin, aud becnua reccired

tho rain

rdv Ctrbv rdu ~ $ E C T T Ga i~ ~ T
that was yrwcnt and 'Paul =of sticks

~ ~ ~ ~ , " ~ ~ E~X $~~ O V ,~ O all p "1.jkr n ,! because of d rhurac o lie, 6th ~ ~

when a bundle gn- L C C ~ U B ~ cold Of theP ~ u l haa and thered of of the sticks, and laid them On the there came o viper out of the heat, and fnstaned On hlr h*d And when the bnrbarinnn rpw the omonwus beast hang on hie hand, they mid among themselves, No doubt this m m is a murderer whom though he hkth escAped the m n yet vengenuae e, rcuffereth not to live. b b d h e &bookoff benst into the fuc,and felt no harm. 6 Howthe looked ,,,hen b o u f d have awol-

6th 76 #CXOE.

3 ZvurpL4avrog.62 roil ~ n 6 X o v $pvyhvwv8

And 'having 'gathered
tho' fire
~ X t 8 ~ ~ - b ~ ~ ' r;jC

4a'qumtity, and having lnid [them] on hat having come wound about 'bmging *the

A X ~ ~ Q O G , rai I ~ r Q f u r o ~ i r i r$v rvpdv

his hand.

a riper olut of tLo And whcn ssa\r

okppqc c;<~xeofi~all ra@fi+vT ~ ~ . x F I ~ ~ G . c (4~hc-6i~ . ~ T o d~160v'

'the =bnrbnrinns

oi PhpPapot ~ p ~ p h p ~ vrbv &piov o



7 i j c . x ~i)g.airroi) ~
his Rand 'uan

e r X ~ fy p i )~ f~ ~ CiXXtiXovc," TIhvrwc $ovclif iorru b ciuepwroc

the^ said


one auother,

By all means a murdeser is


O ~ O S , ;V

btqa~0J~ra BK

@uXciauqc 6im
sea beaat

whom having been snved from the

4justice =to l i ~ O ~ ~ L C *not o

iu.0 tho ilre him But for

~ i a a t v . 5 ' 0 piv 08v f c i ~ ~ r l ~ ~Th ~Qqpiov E:!; rd ~ i r p A acH


He indeed. then having shnken off the

E ~ U ~ E Y 0L8av


6 oi-64

wpoae8drwv nlirbv pQXXtrv

to b? nbout
A 1o::g

~ & d f d a ~ $ . ~ ~ ~ f griprpaaQar" rj



But they were expecting mddcnly dead

r a r a r i r r t l v ci$vw vt~piiu' i r i . r 0 > i ~ b 2

t o full down time

i y g e d a6rGv rpoa6o~hvrwv 6twpo6vrwv pqdh~ Kai 6rorov tic nhrhv

lrfter they had jookcd t o become inflamed O r


they changed their they a~cting and reeing nothing a m i ~ t o him he wdand miuds a god.mid that Y ~ V ~ ~ E U Ob p ~ ~ ~ & X X d p & E ~ O Y ~ 'U6 ~ 6 ~ In the V, ~ ~ ahrdu ~Zuai." quarters were happening, changing their ouinion stud s god he was. p o w a i o ~ s ~ ~ t ~ ~' v 8 ~ roic 7 * ~ e1 E. wepi riv.rdxov.i~~ivov Crj7pX~vxwpia mnn of the island, whose was p u b NOWin the C~nrtsl about that placo were lauds lins ; who received us, T ~ p w 75s y bi~dpnrr ITonXiy, dun:$ belonging t o the chief of the Irlrmd, by name Publiaa, who hnrinp



8 And i t came to P%*, that the father of Publius lnp. sick of afever andof a hloodr 0u1:Jo Whom Pan1 enter* In, and prhyed nnd laid his hands ol; him, and healed him. B 80 when this was done &hors also, which h& dimsea in the island, came, and wese healed: lonho d, hone,, us with mnny honours; and when we dewtea the ladad with tLgaw

J E F ~ ~ E V O C k r p ~ i c$pipa~I' $iXoqo6uwS dC;~u~utv. )jpiic

fathes 'lay,

in a friendly wny

lodged 'imd


8 d hu~ro.6C rhv Tarfpa

An1 i t happened the

floakiou ~ v p t r o ~~n 1 6 v a ~ ~ ~ i i
of Publius

.dpscuharing eucured had


r~piqn( N I J E X ~ ~ E Y Orara~tTa0czr- 7rpAc iiv S rZnirXoc cia~XI~

'oppressed 'with



tered and

@&v ~ ar i o a ~ v ~ ~ p ~ v o ~ , p lrt&ic
having psayed, This

having laid on [zhfs]

rdc xtipag airry' idaaro

'h.wda 'him who rost

hm i.

9 roitrov mo8vU ytvopwov mci oi Xoinoi oi "ixovtherefore hurlng taken place also the


T E E (iu6tv~iCI~ iv mjutpu q ? o f f ? j p ~ o ~ o a i n h i t i e s i n the i s h d came and

i6tpnr~60vro i
were hcnled : on actturg sail

>O o? rai aoXXai~ rtpaic iripqaav Qpiig Kai ci~n~opbvorc

who also with many* honoun honowed us, md




Ortjv xpciav.n

need %fttter three they l d d on [as3 the things for tow3 ll monthswodepastedin 11 MET&-birptic pi'jvac hvrj~8qptvb r k o i y wapareextiu a ship of blrxnndria, And after three m o n t h we d e d i n a ship which had which had win tercd in the ide, w h w sign p a ~ 6 r ;v r @)4ay, 'AhtC;avG ivy, rapau?jprp i Aroa~o6porc' WM a i d P01- wintered in t h e ialmd, an hlexknlf)rian, with a n ensign [the] Dioscnri. lux. l2 And lnnding ZvpacoLaa~ Istpthwpev P r j i a a t Syrx\cuse we tar- 12 ~ a i r n r a x 8 i 1 ~ t c ~i'c r i d mere three days. And having been h r o ~ ~ gtot a t h Syracnne we mmaincd %&a c 13 And from thence we gekhea oompnsri,nnd rptZCgR13 68tv repceXBdvrc~. rarqvnjan EY a i 'Ptjytov, rni ~ w e to Rhegium: and 'three. Whence having gone round we tqrive% at Bhsgiom ; and
C Grc~eA6oioa AW. b i n b from LTl'rAw. ?L (read a certain qliantity) LTCrAW. d eI8av Tr. e npbc &4Aovr i A 7 o v LlTrA. ~ ~ n o r b v a ~ ~W. c v o g i p n c ~ p i u 6 a T ~ s r . h p c z a ~ a A 6 p c v oTrA. ~ 1 aGrbv ervab 6ed.v L n r A W . k Ijpipac ?pe;r A. I 6vrevrepip LTTrAW. m 82 ~ l l d (this) L'ITrA. i v qj Mj4y ~ X O W C S u @ ~ v e i aLTT~A. i s 07k~ ~ p e i a noeds t n ' t AW. s P & ~ i p a c sr p i r i v L*


day, &having

perd piav 4pfpav t r i y ~ v o p h v ~ V ~ T O V


a ~ t = h a . on the -nd h


tjXBoptv rtc ITorcdXo~tc' 14 05

we ama

ei~pbzrac cikX$oZtc rapt-



day t b

we were brethren, and weredesired to trrrg with entmtad %lth .them 'o cemain Odap 'seven. And thus t to them went toward and M) we E~ T ~ 'P&pqv $ X ~ O ~ E V . ' K ~ K E ~ ~ 0; U&6X$oi & K O ~ U ~ V TRome. 15 And from V 15 E Borne wecama And tbence the brcthren having heard thenoel heard of thethey thren when na brerd wtpi tjpijv 'l(ijXBovU aic cir(ivrquiv tjprv t & p i c " m m e to meet us bs tar fhethlngsconeerning un came out to meet us M fpr an Appii forum, and The three taverns: Tpiijv Tapepvijv' 08c i 8 & ~ nac- whom whenPaul law b 'Arriov.cPdpov K U ~ [the] market-place of Appins and Three Tav; whom 'seeing 'Paul, he thanked W, and tuok coarapa



where haring found brethren

& j & l p v qbr"

a&roic b t ~ i v a ?)pipas irr(i; ~ a o&rwc u t i

Xoc, R;xap~anjaac.y Oatj thaPev Bhpaoc. r

hnving given thanlrs to Qod he took murage. the And when wecame

16 "Ore-6> V~XOopevlltic 'Pdpqv '6 irar6vrap;yoy raphto

Rome centurion but Paul de-

when we came to the bmr h q " pivttv rue'. iavrdv, r $ $vX~aaovr~ abrbv centurion delivered was a lowed to remain by himself, with the 'who 'kept *him the prisonera gunrd : the captaiu of the Zavy~aXiaaa- Paul WILE R U E C ~ but asparthrp. 17 'Eybvero.62 p a d <pipas T P E ? ~ laoldier. And i t csme to pass after days ]three ato- to dwell b himself with a aolgier that 8ar" Vbv ~aGxov"ottc 6vrag r 6 v 'Iov8aiwv kphrovc' kept him. 17 And i t gether "Paul those who were 'of *the 'Jews %chief'onea. camet0 p . tbnt after ~ three days Paul called U V V E ~ ~ ~ V T W V - 6a&rijv &YEV rpbc a6~06c,b u A ~ 8 pthe chief of the Jew. 3 ~c And 'having =come*together %hey he mid to them, Men together: and when they were come togeii8~X$oi, by&U o t 8 k tvavriov rorljaac r t j Xatj roic ther,hesnidantothcm, brethren, I %tothing .againat 'having 'done the people or the Men and brethren, though I have comr"tkacv roig uarp$occ bia~to!: l6 'IepoaoX6pwv rape66Bqv mittednothingogainst 'cuatoms 'ancestral r prisoner from Jerusalem was delivered the people or customs
U7-d the prisonera t o the commander of the camp,

bwrav r o i r ~Geapiovr:

r@ arparone8hp~p." Yr@.GJ.ITaCXy


eic rctc ~eipacr ~ ' ~ w p a i w v *18 dirrvcc civnrpivavric pa v

into the wished hpnds of the Romann, Who ha-g

IPoirAovro ciroXGaae,


rb pq8apiav
not one

t o let [me] go, because

examined me soner from airiav Oavirov Romans hands Of the the 18 Who when cause of death they had examinid me,

:m0ydj{5~f2: 3 s er us ay em

i)?thpxatv $v l p ~ i . l0 dvrAey6vrwv-84 r i j v 'Iov8aiwv because there waa go have let me n6 was there in me. But .speaking .against [&it] 'the sJews ,use of desth in me. jvayxdo&lv fmucAhaaaBac Kaiaapa, o6x cjc TOJ.~OVOVS.~OV ~~~~;';;$~~;;
I was compelled

conatralned to ',,ppeal C r e w ; not that For this %harefore 'canse my nation of. 20 For had Ought to accuse 'hrving =anything 'to *lay against. raperhXeaa ttpfic i 8 ~ i v~ a upoaXaXijaar. i dir've~~v~yCip cause therefore this , called for I you to see and to speak to bou] ; for on account of have I You, to sce you, and to iX?ii60s 703 'iapa?)X njv.u"hvatv.raCrqv rep;r~tpat. speak with ou: bethe hope of larael this chain I bve around C~USO that fotthe hope of Israel I am bouud 2 OL62 upbc airrbv eJrov," ' tic obrt ypcippara 'repi with thischain. 21 And 1 H Andthey to him paid, neither letters concerning they said unto him We neither receivd a03 i8aSipa8a" h r b njc 'Iov8aiac obrt uapay~vbp~vdc rcc letters out 04 J U ~ = thee received from Judsa, nor having arr~ved any one ooncerning thee, neitber any of the brerGv B8EX$ijv &mjyyerX~v iXc-iXqaHv T L i) repi QOU thren that enmo shewof the brethren reported or said anything 'concerning 'thee ed or spake any harm

to appeal to



%y 'nation


' x a ~ ~ o p i i a n20~ r a 6 q v o h +v airiav unto t . 6td





%a 22

&(to3 av.81

m p d 003



But we t f i n k well from

to bear what thou tb u & k,

$ p o v e ~ ~ Of thee' hear nut t h w * desire to of

what thou h t,

Ou d L m A . GAOcyrev eir 'Pepqv L ; eir +v 'PLjpqv t h ~ c y r e v T ~ A . 1 jJAOav came T T ~ A: T 4Mov L. +c m . ecmj-rjheoprvwe came 111 LTA ; eimjMapev 1 % +V T . i Lradhapqor mpamrre8cipx1) LTT~A. Y irerpdm) 79 IIdhy (omit b u L ~ A . : ) wv- f . a v r r b he Q L T ~ A W . 'Eyi), oivdpes &8eWoi, c ~aqyopcrv LIT~L f i8aC~iprtJa rrepi uoir L d ewaev T . e f u w L'IT~L



for scct



*noeming t'1i6 p rf7c-a;pba~wc-ra6~~ yvwardv IlaTrv $piv@ we know that for indeed na collcwning this sect known i t is to ~ l s it k m asa:nst. 23 b d Err mvraxoG i ~ r i k d ~ e r a c 23 T a ~ 6 p ~ ~ ~ oairr$ $p8pav . r.8i thnt everywhere i t i spoken agninst. And haring appointed him s a day


thereinto hu Y to v a t ~ ~ rljv E~viav X ~ i o y ~o * ~ c blm came -lidping h i j ~ ~q"i ) ~ b v t ' e to wh,,ln undcd =me to him to the lodging mnny, to whom heaupunded, ancl teatifled t c king- d i a p a p ~ p 6 1 1 ~ v ~ sVa a i X ~ i a v 0 ~ 0 3 ,K E ~ ~ W Y - T E T ~ 703 abr06s dom of God, peruundfull1 tatifping the kingdom of God, and perausding thorn them conowning Jcrur, both out of the KEP? 70s 'IquoG, 6 r d . r ~ TOG vdpov L~ WU&,JS" law of MM, and out the thingm concerning aosus, both from t h e , lnw of Xorer cf cbe prophets from morning t111 ev)ening. rai ~ L i v ?rpo$~rijv, &?id ?rpwE Curbpas. 24 rai oi 24 And some believed and the prophets, ' from morning to evening. And some the thinpm which wore , spoken. and same b e ptv b?r~ieol~ro roic * X E Y O ~ ~ V O L ~ , 0i.8 Ij~iuro~tv. lioved not. 25 And indeed were pcrnunded of the thlngs spken, but Borne disbclicved. they a g n d not thcmrelve., 25 & u ~ ~ ~ $ ~ I ~ o L .~ pE ~&hXiXov~. ~ ~ L c " - ~ v T Ei.rraX6ot~r0, cincivantoup t11 y departed, nfter And dirngrecing with one another they depnrted ; ' =hnving thnt Pnul hnd npoken o,lL. well s ~ k e 705 706ITafiXov @a :v, "Orr raXcjc rb m l ~ i ; p a t; LOV 73 thc) Eoly Ghost by Spoken 'Pan1 word 'one, WeU the Spirlt the g0ly Eu i $ the prophet un: an to ollr fl,thara, M ,ay- dXDiXtlu~v diA 'Huaiov ro3 ?rpoq$rov ?rpbc rolic ?raripag jug. GO lmto this &Wspoke by Esai~. the prophet to *fnthers PIs* and *ay* m$ Gv," 26 nXtyov,R n 0 ~ ~ 6 f 3 m p r ~ ~ r b r~v.Xai)v.r06rov rai yo nl~nll hcnr, nud shnli this ~mople, and n o u n d e n d ; and swing, Go to ~ i n * y e r h a l l m . n n d " ~ i ? r i'AKo+ ( ~ K O ~ U rai E , ,~ E T oir.$+ avvijra. ~ a PX6roi~rec i uot ferceive: 27 for swing say. In hearing ye shall hear, and in no wise understand, and' the of t+is ule waxed moss, rai oi~.p+ i S q r ~ * 27 i r a ~ 6 u ~ ~ l . y L i p rapdia and. thelr earn are ye 'hall sec, and in uo wise peraeive. For hna grown fat the h w t dld, of t h ir eye# have they ~o~.Xa06.r06rov, ~ rai ~ o i c haiv , p a p i w ~ $~ovaaw, rai o'oasd'leat ahOuld of tllis people; and with the e m heavily they hnnt heard, and ree 41th thew e ea, r a d hear with Ja+ roiC.tqOnXpois.aG7(jy I~(ippvaav* l j r o r ~ i s w ~ i v ~ o i c p their eyes they have clomd, lest they should aea wish the

&K -


ovv~atv, rai I.rriarpi#wurv', rai Piciowtin.r"atro6~. therefore unto you that the ~ l ~ n t l o n they nhcnld nnderntnnd, and should be converted, nad I should hen1 thorn. 04 God is rent unto the h,,tilm nna l),sl the 28 rvwUTtv O ~ Y ~ & T W ; p ' i ~ , ~ ~ 701~' EOYEOLY & ~ ~ 6 T l h ' / K n o w i therefore be it to you, that to the nations is sent will b & i t 29 A U ~ ~ ~ w h & h r~ a w ~ p i o 706 0 ~ 0 3 , d ~ ~r ptroi.rai &ro6aovrat. 29 'Kai ra6ra depnrte%, *nd hrrd the ~ l v a t i o n of Gocl; and they will hear. And theae thingo


them ad re^. ~=trennoninonmong airroir ~iadvroc (i~6XOovoi 'Iov6a'ior, ha hnving said %ent *away Ithe .Jarw#,

T O X X ~ Y ? OWE^ i v
'much L v b p snmong

lavroic; av&jrqaiv."
.themsclvea 'disc\u~ion.

SO ' * I % / i ~ t t.8i v ZLaCXogn 8ieriav 8Xqv h i6iv *~ 6 ' v

30 And Pnr11 dwelt two whole yenrr in his own hired house, rind received all that came inuntohim 31 reaohing the kingtom of Qod,and teachingthona which concern $Ea :r Jesus Christ, with a11 oonfldenco, forbidding him.

And 'abode


two ?BM 'whole i n hia own hired


ohpart, rai t ? r e d i ~ r T c i v r a ~ 0 ~iu?rop~vopia~ov~ ~ o ~ 6 ~ Tpb md welcomed all who came 4n to airrdv, 8 mlp6aawv d v pautkeiav 705 8o& ~ a 8tdhurwv 1 i
prochiming the kingdom of God, and teaching. a11



706 rvpiov 'Iqao3 w~piaro3,1t ~ r drciaqc p

the things concerning the

r ~ # ) ~ a i aarwXlirwc. s






C ipZv i o y r v . ~ ~ ~ A .h qheov LTCrA. m 9 p 3 v your LW& Ae'yuv m n .

+*;v h w n . r v 6 t' mr. IIp%crr ' A n o d h c u v T ~ A .

+ -

7d LTZrA. Moiiuwo OLWrrw. 76 T . tir76v ~ L T W A K P iciuopac I shall lieal 29 L'IT~A. (read this salvation)L ~ A . W ~p~moii T, IIaGAos (rScudhe abode) OLTT~AW.












IIA'YAOZ' doirXoc b'Iqaoir xpturoir1hKXqr6c iinciaroXoc, &$U- ! : h t - ~ i:k,d\

bondman of Jeans Christ, adled apostle, aepa- h , awtle, edunto the


ptap6voc c i ~ eira ylkov 0 ~ 0 3 ,2 8 ?rpoe?rqyy~iXaro6th



g1J t i d i n g s

of ~ o d , which he before p r o m i a through

rGv.?rpo$qrGv-adio bv ypaqaic 6 iatc, 3 repi 1.03 vio6

his prophctd

o r p l of ~o,"d"~&\~,"g6,'~ : ;1 Prophets in the % o l ~ .cr.turS concerning hia ' SOU ~ e a n s Christ our ~ o r dwhich ,

airroit, 705
'his, flenh, who

Y came ~ [the]a~ipparocCAn/3i6U according to zMDT$:&%n~: ~ .ir ~ reed f of Darid ~ r ~ ~ read af


h *writinn




adpca, 4 703 bpta0ivroc vio6 Be03 bv 6vvtipt, ikarci

n h a wos marked out Son of God in

the flesh 4 nnd dc aacordilig to [the] clared to& the Son of God with war, rc?rve3pa6ytwdvt]c, civaurirueos verpGv: ' I ~ ] u ,Xp~Urovoordingto npirit of o~ Spirit of holincsa, by resurrection of [the] dend- Jesus Christ holiliess, by therwarrectiou from the dead ro~.mpiov.,jpG~~, i 06 iXdrpopev pirpcv rai ci?rouroXtjv 5 b~ whom we 56 our Lord ; by whom we reoeived grace and apostleship reatlved grnce and iLmroljv ?riureog iv riiurv roic CBvearv, ;alp 703 apo~tleahip,for o W ato the faith unto obe~licnce of faith among a l l the nations, in behalf of mong all nations, for dvi,puroc.atroir, 6 bv ore xai ~Xqroi 'Iqaoir whom are yeO also the aNOUg among whom w e also ye, called of Jesus d l e d of J e ~ a s Christ: Liu nnme,


t g




xpiuro3. 7 riiatv r o i ~o3acv iv 'Phpp &ya?rr/roic, 8~03, O " , e , ~ , o ~ ~ O & , $ ~


h 611 those who am




of God, oRlled to & anints: , d the ch?ist.

KXijroig Ctyiot~.tipi is ;piu rai eipljyrl &?rb8eo3 rarpbg.4pGv ~ ~ $ $ ~ g ~ : " p " ~ ; ~

enlltlrl snlnls: grace to you and paca Christ.

from Qod

our Father


m; rvpiov 'Iqao4 ~piaroit.

and. t o r 4 Jeans

8 nftZrov PCrBXapturG r$.W$-pov b d 'Iqaoi X ~ m o e B First, I thank emy id ws Irst, I thank my t h o u g h Jeans lwt cCM.tor roilghallJ that, you ' t r i p l rdvruu 6 Gv, 6rr t).riurtpi Ov xarqyiMtrar ( v { ~ , " , " J ~ , $ for s n ~ ~ , thab your f a i l in announced h U O T ~ 9 ror ~ $Ay r$ rcdupy* 9 ) ~ c i ~ r v ~ . ~ovi p c bariv d Bcd.c, (1; Xarpdw my Witnan*my spirit serve with whonl 1


'whole ' t h ~ world ;

for * w i t n u

i v ri~.m~6pari-pov rq3 iu
my spirit

in the
of you




I serve

glad tldingr

of his Son, ulwnys at

ci8tnXti?rrws pveiav 6pOv ?roioC at, 10 ?r(ivrore i?ri rirv

uncc*ingly viy prayers mention

I m e,

hnve a pro*beaoecbing, if by nny rnesnn now a t iangthI &all be pmspered ~ ~ , " ~ o ~ & b iv ry? CI~X$part rot Qe03 lX0eiv ?rpbc ipcic* 11 Inr~otlG.~dp you. 11 PO+ I unto by the will of God to come to OR For I long long to lee YOU, that I : mny impart unto you xhpiupa 6piv ?rvn)partrdv, some s iritunl gift to i$eiv 6piic, i'va rt p~~a6G to ree you, that rome *I *may Vmpwt ' g i f t *to 'you '~piritpal, tho Ye m , * tnblishcd 13 that ir, eig rb 'art]prXeijvar6 ? i 12, f U v p ~ ~ p a - I m k j be comthnt t o be comforted fortod together with that ie, to the [end] .be.Lmtabl&hed Ge, "

?rpoav;yGv.)cov 6~6ptvoc, eei?rwcn $ 6 ~ ?rod ~ho6w&juopar might I

in +h gospl of his ,e ~ ~ i n ~ ~ m n < ~ tion of you nlwnys i n my prayem. 10 m&ing request,'if by nn means now nt lengtE

l IIaciAou 'Enc~?i) & 'Pwpaiovs a ; IIp'os'Po. TA? U ' E J ~ L Q T Xa6Aov. XY bs 'PO. OA~ 0 AaVeilL'ITrA : b X ~ U ~ O Iquo3 m r . V Epistles dPauL 10 [delRumuus ~ h . &IS &W. d mpi LTl'rAW. 8 i %as LTrA. W V - TA.

40 .4




faith: ~ i written, for of (fad i t n it is revealed by faith to fniLh ; The j u t -live by rcaOhc EY amai, 0.8; 8ircaioc ie aiureus Zfiuerac. r faith. by faith shall live. according M i t i writtent the just l8 For the wrath of 18 ' A n o ~ a ~ i ~ r ~ r n tbpy4 p~ E O G .yd &m' o6potvoG blri .rrifuav God ia revealed from For there is revealed wrath of God from heaven upon all heaven against all un oalinoss and W- DiuQPetav l ~ a i ciJrriav civ0 6mwv r 6 v 77jv (iXjl0~tavlv rig%teousness of men, llngodline~ and unrighteonsnem ofmen who the truth in who hold the truth ; d8rriq ~arex6vrwv. 19 8rdrr ~b-~vwcrrbv 703 8 ~ 0 5 in anrighteo-M 19 becnuae that which nnrighteousnesa hold. Beconw that which is known of God may be known of Qod manifeat in the,, avepdv iuriv b airro;~,dPydp.OebcU aCroic l$avipwuev' v ! r God hath ahewei t a n i f a t o li. among them, for Ood to them manifested [it]; at unto them SO For the invisible of 20 rrE-yap i d ara aCroG cixb rriuewq ~c5oov TOTS him from the creation for the invisibt things of him from creation of [theyworld by the

zzia&g i .

by the matual r)cqo$vatl' b v 6Pv 8th rijc b dXXfiXorr x i u r ~ w ~ v faith both of on and m a 13 NOW wodd together among you, throqgh the lin Jone 4ano~her 'faith, both yonrs nothaveyouign~ranh ~ a bpoG* 13 oC.06Xw.8i i 6piig iyvoeiv, i8~X$oi,i;ri ohbrethren, that oftentimes I pnrpwed to and mine. But I do not wish you to be ignorant, brethten, that many unto You @nt X ~ K I Sx o~hPrlv bX0~iv xpbc GpSc, rcni hrcwXLBrlv &pi 701 was 1etJlitherto:) that timea I fproposed to come t o you, and was hindered until the h i t a m o n g you also, GeGpo, 'lva 6capxdv rtval' 0x6 rai h @v, v raOhs wen as among Iother pfesent, that Oentiles. am %it lwme I might h a ~ e also among you, according as debtor both to the ~ a i v roic i E o l m i c ~ ~ Y E U L V . " ~ X X ~ a i v - rcai papp6potc, b 14 re Qreeks and both to to Bsrba;lnns the also among the other nations. Both to Qreeke and barbarians, ttle wise, i u d to the uo o i T E ~ a ii u o ~ r o i b$etXlrqCeipi. 15 oijr(c)c72) rar' iph ~ ~, Ifi 8 8 much hotf to& and unintellipant, a debtor I am : so -to me m i n m e i s Iamready to preach the gos I to ~p60vpov ~ a i 6piv roTc b 'P6pp v ;ayyou that are a t [there is] readinem Salso % ayon %ho r r ]I n ' *Rome 'to Cnnouuce ae alao 16 For I am not m&ea of gwpl y~XiuauBai. 1 0 6 - y d p - i n a t u P p a t rb Gay 6 yiXtov "r05 of Christ : for i t is the the glad tidings. For I am not med of the gLd tidings of the power of Qod unto -&iontoeyew one ~ptu~oG"' 6 ~ a ~ t ~~ -E ~ d l ~ eig uwqpiav xavri b OG burtv ry' that believeth ; to the Chnst : for power of God i t is unto salvation to every one thnt Jew first and a k o to m u r E ~ o v r tD, the Q& 17 For Iov8aiy.r~ilrp6rov" rrai "EXhqvt. 17 8t~alou6vq therein is the rightbelieves, both to Jew first and to Qreek : zrighteowness

ydlp 0 ~ 0 3 v ahr@ &?roraX6merar b~ niurewc ic ~ i u r t v , E


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " , " ; : ~ , " ! s ~ ~ . vooCpeva ?ror~paurv$

by the thin

~aOopSrat,$.re citd*toc ahrdG 66va'his


dirinity ; for %o 'e Ithem b without exowe. Because out excnw :21 ~eoa-e 'eirxapiuyy6 ~ ~ b86Saaav that, when the knew having y r ~ q rAy &6v, 0 6 iaa) 0e8v they glorified [him] or were thankGod, not God Q O ~ , they gforified lrim not as ~ o d nei- rquav,N mhX~'" , bpa~1h6?pYa~ roig.d*taX~yiup~i~.airrC;,~, d u rai ther were thankful but became vain in their rewonings, and but became vain their im nations ~ U K O T ~tjU ~ ~ Liu6veros a6ri)v rcap6iaa 22 1p6arcovre~ and theirfm%h profehsing was darkixed the 'without .Undcmtmding 'of 'them 'he& : was darkened. 22 Profensing themeelves t o dvai uo$oi bpwp6v0quav, 23 ~ a 4XXaEav T ~ Y i 86Eav roG be *, the became t o be wire they become fools, and changed the glory of the fools B andchanged c the (;iOTP the un- &$0ciprov 0 ~ 0 5iv dpot6pari ~ i ~ b l r o $0aproG oiv0pPaov of corruptible God into incorruptible God into a likeness of an image of corruptible man an image made like to l r ~ r ~ t v 6 v r~rpalr66wvKai Cpxer6~. 24 61b " ~ a i ' corruptible man, nnd t o birda and fourfoot- and of birds and quadrupeds and areeping things. Wherefore also ed beash and creep ing 24 where- ?~aph6wreu a6rois i) &he b raTs iIrr8vpiay r6v.rcap8rdv.airv fore Qod also gave 'gore h p 'them 'Clod in the desires of their hearts them up to nncleanness through the lust. rGv eic Dirra0apaiav, TOG irrp6Z~a0aira-u6para.atrdv Iv of their own heuts, te to uncleanness, 'to . e *dishonoured 'their %bodies b betwean

~ :that ~ ~ g $with!" $ rai ~ they are : , ptc and so



things made being understood aro perceived, both 'eternal

eet6rqg. eic T A rlvat a6rode i v a ~ o h o y j r o v ~ . d t 6 n 21

S rrvi rcrp~bv GLTTrAW. 9~Xapiq0wQLTPrA.



~plU70~ GL'ITrAW. [WP&OV] aai LTT~A].


BC& 7%


I, 1 . 1
themwlvw : who changed

the truth

~ $ ~ ~ n ~

Olavrois'fl 26 o'irtvec penjXXatav mjv MjOecav roir Beoir f v

B ~ ~ E I nai ,

into relvea: Wwhochnnged the truthof Qod into a teh.ood, u d merenmd and neryed the created thing lie' served the ~ h i w d and and w O r mnapd ~ d vK T ~ U ~ V T ~8s iartv ei;Xoyqrbclcro6c aiGva~.ture more than the , Creator, who ia blewd beyond pim who created [it?, who ir blemed to the agea for 26 For dp4v. 26 8td-roirro ?raPi8wr~v a6ro6~b ?rhoq thip cuuw God gave ben. For thir reason %gave %p 'them 'God to pawionr them unto .ffectiom: for even their airtpia~' a? 7e ydp etjXeta1 air?& prtjXXa&~rrjr $valmjv women did changethe of dishonour, 'both for Yem.plea 'their changed the nataral natural into that which ia again& n&.~ i xpijatv is njv napd $6atv0 27 b ~iwc.Pre~~ aoi q@$EvfSI1ture : 17 and likewisg use into that contrary to nature ; and likim-et a h the malea alw the men, having the nntural use of the b$tvreS njv $vatmjv xpjjutv Mjs OqX~ias, h~~ra6Oqanv r$ woman b-ed BV in haring left the natural nw of the female, were ie -d h their l&t one toward another. men with bpf {et-abrGv ('I: ~ X X ~ X O U' ~ ,~ u E v ~ "% p f Y ~ t ~ "~ V ~ v T men wArkfng their luat towar& one another, mdea with males which ia-ml J and

i a ~ P h a ~ t ~ arai Acirpevaav av


miTLwreC0mpenoe selvesthat m which was fit of their error which rijc.?rX&vqc.airrC& iv .invroic ti~oXap~civovres.28 ~ a wasmeet. not l'ke to i es they did of their error in themselrea receiving. , And retoin Ood in their knowledge., Qod gnve naehc o&r.t8o~ipaaav rbv Oebv $xetv tv dntyvtjaet, th emovar to a r 'God 'to 'have in (their] knowledge, bate mind w r d i n g as they did not approve napiLxev ohrods d Be(& d86rgov voGv, nocriv r d p?) ~ ~ ~ ~ ; $ $ m ~ b 'gan 'up 'them 'Qod to an unapproving mind, to do things,not glledwitl, &lunrigh* naOhrovra, 29 ?ranXq~oplvovsnhag CiStriq, II eou.ness, t~micatioa, fitting ; being filled with all ulrrighteousness,t?ropvet99nw4 fornication, ,wickedneae wreto~u%fame lwor&ng t u t , sud the recompense

duxn oa6vqv narrp at6 evot, rai n)v &vrtptaOiav +)v i8rt

vnovqpiq, nXaove(iq, rorig." pear03~ $Odvov, $dvov, rpt8oc,

Wickedness, coretonsnew, malice; full of envy, murder, strife,

Hgnity; MAO", mroqeciur $ i O ~ ~ t r n & ~ naraXcihouc, eeonrvyeir, b.rkbizz%% 30 , guile, d l dispositiour ; whisperers, slnnderers, hateful to Qod, & u ~ d i o ~ ~ ~ rjppiardc, dn~pq$civov~, &Xa/dvac, d evperh~ CUKGY, rentoh of evil tiings, iuwlent, , prond, vaunting, e d l thl.ll, yo~~iratv d7rteiC, 31 davvirovg, ciavv6irovs, d- atnnding, covenanb to pnwntr &obedient, without understanding, perfidious, without b r d m without natural hection imatdpyovc, w&ap5v80vc,u iiveX~~jpova~* dlrtvec r, l ~ a b l e nnmeAifu~: 32 i , natural affection, implacable, unmeroiful ; who the who knowing the judgment of God, that 8iraiwpa 703 er05 d ~ ~ ~ v d v t871~ ,oi ~d.rota5tathe which commit e uh righteoua judgment of God having known, t b t thorn m c things m c i thingamworthy of denih, not on1 do npciaaovrac ciEtoi Oavcirov ~ i a i v ,06 p6vov airrd I T O ~ O ~ U ~ V , anme but the doing worthy of death m, not only 'them 'praotfas, $ l s ~ r e them that h o them. rai avv~vSonoirarv roic ~ ~ O i u a ~ u a i v . n. Therefore t h m but .Lo M consenting to those that do [them1 art inexcnsnble, 0 Ad dvanoXd ros ET, i5 divepwm, ~ i i c 6 npivwv* whw~ve thou e m thou art, o man, every one who j u d p b , $t e: $ 4v.y'. dp rpiveic rbv 8re ov, aeavrbv narar ivatc0 another thou conthyrelf thou confernnest : for t that which thou judge& the . ottor, rd-ydp d t d v h a a e q b n ivwv. 2 oi8apev x62" 8rc rb the same things. t B a t W e ' b o w 'but that the we for the aune things thou doert who gdgedt. judgment of God is aorpipa roir eeoir bmrv rard dhjeetav h i ro6c rd rotairra cofding to truth njudgment of Qod L .co?rding to truth upon those that mah thiugs tit,; @ " ~ptiaaowac. 3 Xo i{p.8& roirro, iivQpw?re, b rpivwv s a n d t m e s t than do. And reclonert thou thir, 0 man, who judge& this 0 man that j u d b them which do rode ~ a - r o m i r a zpciaaoura~rai a o i ~ vairrci, 871 mch things, and doeat those that mch thing8 do* m d prmtisast them [thyselfl, that the -me, that thou








tg~$ti,"~s &z



atmis L ~ A P&L . ipveves E L ~ A W . 6 T uopvriq o ~ m a w . v raxip noypiqirhervc)~q, rowpia ~ w i p h C L; r . r srd&ew L ~ A W . & fer T. B

i&estv T ,

6 .





3zs f,"f~$,"'; ff 'tg arrjrqros atroi! rai s&- c i ~ o ~ rca,; ~njc ~tarpoJvpia~ :Fan: i ] mm*-

the fudp6ir i k $ ~ h t yrb ~ p i p a ro; eao;; 4 fi roc xXo6rov r i i ~ p q ~ G ~ ~ thou u8hnlt agrnpe the iudgment ~ of God or the rich08 ot the kind-

of hinr nnd the forbearanca and the long-sufferiug decyibwt and longhuiering ;not k n o a n g thrt the $POVE~C,YOGV d Gr1 rb ~pqarbv roil OeoG ~ i per6votciv a . c c g o o d n e ~ God lend- thou, tonpntancep of not h o w i n g that the kindof O d t o mpntanw thee 6 ~ u after thy hard- dyat t 6 ~ard.dB njv.a~X~pdrt)r( cai iperavdqrov and Impnitsnt leads t but according t o thy hnrdmd impenitent hart t r e ~ U l WU mt to t h ~ l e l iwrntR tapdiav Oqaavpitaic aaavr@ 6 ~ 7 7 iv~,jpEpg dpyijc rai &no) gdnst the d~ d he& tren8urent up to.thyseU wrath in a day of wrath nnd rewrath m d mveTatiou roir eeoir. 6 6~ cinodhaat irriary ot the r i c h k o u ~ judg- ~aXir+aw~ diraio~piuia~ a n t of God. 6 who relation of righteous judgment of God, who r i l l rander to each eve will render man -rdiug h% rcard ~d.ipya.airrof. 7 rois piv ~ a e 'irnopovljv if you do& : 7 to them who mmrdingto has w o r k : fo thare thnt with endurnnce ia work by patient continuan- in we11 doin aeoir, 665av ~ a rtptjv rai d$Qapaiav f.qroiraiv,' ~ W < V i R M for ~ glory and honour and incorruptibilit, are -kinglife honour and F ipleaia~, rai L~ateoGotvypCtlvl' r $ it^, ebnal life :a but aihviov. 8 roic-di i nnto them that ue 0tezPrrL But to t h w of wntenrion, and who disobey the ~ ~ ~ ~ ; t $ ~ , &r~leopivor~.di g ddt~iq, dXqeaiq, r z&rpb~ rai d p ~ t j , ~ obe unrightoo~lrnelr, truth, bat obey unrighteoumesr indignabon and wrath,


d f112or%-

:~~$~gr~zF.~! xai mtvo~upia,i n i r6aax J y p j v riYeph~ovrof 9 ehit,btc q u i ~ h n every uoul w b ~ l a t i o n d u m 8tdt1 on evq soul of mnn that ~ y ~ $ e:~i~~ r a p y~ t ~.p ~ rb ~ ~ d v'10vhiov.r~~ p P r o vrai "Ehhqvoc' ~ a y c vov a ,

eril, both of Jew first .nd of Greek; also the ~ e h t i ; e ~ Workaout 10 but glory, hunourl 10 ddla.Ji Kai rip4 rai t i h v q r a w i T$ ipyatopivy rb pe$,"i but glory and honour and pew@t o sreryone that workn good, to the Jew first, (i~aedv, 'Iovdai~ .re ~ p G r b v~ a "EhXqvi* 11 ~it.~dp.iartv i and ll for the no Ule, also totha Qen- g004 both40 few 5mt, and to G& for t h m ie not r e s o f ~ r with anpoawnoX~l$ias u napd r$i BE@. 12 aao~ydp dvdpwc ijpaprov, God. For an many an without law uinned, respeot of prnona with Q have 8inned mmny 12 or u without law nhnll also dudpug ~ a &no~o3vrai*~ a i Gaor Iv vdpy ijpaprov, did i pertnh without law 8 without law also 'ahall perish ; and Umnny an in law sinned, by ~ n M many as hare d binned in thelrd whnll v d p 0 ~ Kpt87)Yovral, 13of~.ydpo'i dkpoarai broi'lvdpov Gira~oc be judged by the law; law shall be judged, (for not the hearera of the law [am] juat 18 (for not the henrcn of t b I ~ W r e jolt ~ a p d a OaG, dXX' oi woyrai broir." vd,uou drrcatu&icrovrar, before God but the with God, but the doen of the law h a l l be justified d w s a of the'law eh611 be jutifled. 14 Bar 14 OO~av.ydp rd vd ov ixovra $Coat rd when the Gentilw, For who9 nations &hi& &t I h a n by nature t b e t h i u g ~ which hare not the b w , qoby nature the m3 vdpov oar01 vdpov ptj ixowes, iavrois aiaiv t h i n p contained in of thu law pract~w, these, law not having, t o themselres are

g n :

Owo#:; t



h w onto thexhualver : law i who ahew the work of the, law written l* which the f v rais.~ap8iat~.aitrGv, w p P a p r v P o 6 a q ~ ~rti j~ G v ~ g atrtle(work of tho lnw writton in t h d r henrts, in thair hcpztr, 'bearing *witness 'with 'their s ~ ~ i theiru corn?tence &lr0 ~ ~ ~ U E W Ea, parat3 dMvjXwv TGV XoytapGv rcarqy0~06vrw~ h r i g wltnetu and m l n g t h i r thoughbl the soicnc8, and between one another the rearoainga me*A While nmlwing ~ a ciroXoyovpdvwv, 16 i v $pbpg f6reI1 K ivai b eebs i or elre uxcuaing ouo in a day when s & $ ~ u d g . 'God anotlrcr ; 16 in the Or ) dsfending 0 dn when God *hall r d ~pvnrcf rGv ( i & p 6 ~ 1 ) ~ , ~ a r d rb.eira ybX~dv.p~V, 6id juice the 8ecret" of alon by Jceum ChrLt of men, wordinpto m A d tidiup, , by w u r d i n g to my gor- g'lqaoc ~ p i m o c . ~ pll. Jesnr Chriit. 17 Behold thop a r t LUIIO~ ~ C W nnd 17 b*Ib6n 63 'Iov6aioc b?rovopdcg, iravara6p 'T" nrtest in the lab, aud L+, thorn a Jew art named, and r r u t in
L ~ A W .

:, :r;tt:$ 2::

vdpos' 15 o'lrives Iv8timwwai rb lpyov roir vdpov ypanrbv


#';~~~cm3 'Iq&

--r ybpyi) L~]T? T .



hpdr O L T ~ ~ A W .

W abut


l wPouonoAqpJlia L ~ A . mwutv L ~ A . * ovv- T. f

r$ the L1TkAW.

in which u




vdpy, cqi cnvx'iiaat iv 8 ~ 18 ~ n yi t v P a ~ ~ i c OfXqpa, rai ri

~ $ e s ~ 8 t ~ ~ d ~ hi. and . p p ~ l ~ doctp(itatc rd ka$ipovra, rcar&oCpevoc ic sou w t t h e t h i n g s t b t n m Approrwt the things that are more (uc~llent, being mstructed out of the ~ ~ hdqybv rIvac rv$Xijv, "W ' 19 a d ;U" mmY ~ ~ O V ' ? r i ~ o t 8 6 ~ . r ~ .o~avrbv 19 thou law ; .nd art persuaded [thnt] thyself a guide u t of [the] blind, flder;t thatguide ofth : t { $&c ~ G v ucdr~t,20 naikvrrjv dr$pdvwv. GtGciarcaXov bund. a light of them iv a light of those in dnrlrpess, m instrimtor of [the] foolish, ' n teacher whtch in d*knoo.* PO an instructor of the v?priuv, i ovra +v pdp(watv r i r ivljmwc m rijc &AqOria~ o o l i i a teachar of i f of infanta, L v i n g the form o knowledge and of the truth babe8 Which haat the form ' of kndwledp i~ ~ ( i j~dpfp'?l b - O ~ V ~ L ~ L ~ U K W E P O V ,E. ~ U T ~06 8L- andof the truthin the ~V U U in the k w t thou then that tenchest mother, thyself 'not I d a t 21 Thou t h o ~ 8 fore which teached 6(ib~l~ b ; kflpljb~(l)V ~ ~ T T E K AY T T E; ~22 p4 ~ ~ , L mother, tenrhest thou 'thou teach? thou thnt proclaheat not to ateal, dost thou8teal? thou that not thyself? thou thnt 6 preacheat amnnnhould hdywv p7) p ~ ~ x E 6 ~ t ~ , ~OL~ECEL~; not steal dout tltou sayeat not to commit adultery, dost thou commit adultery 7 thou thnt steal? 25 thou thnt ayeat A man should @GEXvaa6pevos r d aiSwXa, iepoauX~Z~ ; 23 6c not wmmit adultery, abhomt idols, doet thou commit sacrilege? thou who in dost thou commit a-




dJ +

t n o ~ s t the




3dpy cavxtiaai, 6th rijc ?mpa/3ciaeoc roir vbpov r t v 8 ~ b v



through the

4dbhonoureat'thon? phemed

24 Tb-ydp
For the

transgression of the -law h o p a 703 8 ~ 0 381' ;piic name of W through Y U O

'Qod thoucommltasorilegel piaa- thythou that the law boast of makat

h Tircumbat if

c ",:

;, "t

$ V ~ E ~ T v LTO?^ Z~YEULV, ~aechc aU

among the %deed for


law - Z Por the thou 25 I I E ~ L dishonourestname od ? 4

ood is bias hemod

through brerking


nntions, according u i t hna baen written.

dsion tmu8g-or

pib. l d p &$aA~i idv


vdpov rpriropc.
[the] thou doest ;

idv-8i among the AntilIrs it

napaPriqc v6pov


rj.neptrop?j-aov oirpo/3saria y ovav. h

thmugh For circumwritten.%

of law thou art, thy circumcision uncMumcision Lu .&mm% but thou b br+.L. 20 idv 03v ,i icfoPvaria r d SiraiDpara ro; vcipbv ypvXoiu- er of tbc law th airkoep, cumcisiOn d e u n . If therefore the nncircumcinion the requireruenm of the l w . circumcision.26Th~ op, 'oirxiU$.oicpopvaria.aCro e i ~reptropjv X O ta8rjaerar ; fore i t the unoimnm'not =his 'uncimumchion 'for %ircuxucision 1shaTl be recconed, ciaion keep the r hteoosneas of the %H rpivai 27 t j i r g6a~wc &ryoo/3varia, rivv6pov reXo3aaJ shall not h anfir: m d 'ahrll Vudge 'the ?by %ture %ndrcumcision, 'the 'law 'fulfilling, onmeision b oount. ed for circumcLion t ~2 rbv 8th ypoi paros rai r~ptropijc rapapa'rqv v6 ov; 27 a n d shnu not urnthee *h0 with and ciraumclsion [&]n trnnsgrusaor of c w t ~ c u m c i s i o nwhich L &ttmr b nnturc if i t fulfil 26 oir.);cip d iv.ry'-$avepc$ 'Iov8aidc icrrtv, 0662 tB, hw,j udgu thw Ror not he that [is one] outwardly an '.Jew, 'L, neither who by the let*; m d circumcision do& iv.rcji-$avapy' i v aapki ~eptroplj' 29 L&AX'n b tmxmgmu the lnw t that outwardly in desh [h] circnmcinion ; but he that [(rl 28 For he (r not n Jew

~ ; ~ ~ f ~


rai ~aptroplj cap8ia~ ?rvaGiv

Cls) not

n Jew [h one] l m d aironmainion [is] of henre, in

prt, 06.y

wbiah L one inwud1s nnd clrcumciaion lir 703 8~0ii. i hat d the heart, in r but of Qod the spirit and not L o h r b nptubi)u703 'hv8aiov, T ~ J : &$UELQ the htdr ; whaw Whrt thsn the mperiority of the Jew t or what the proflt Of men, Wprropijy; 2 ?roAir rarci ?rcivra rpb~ov. wp(;lrov pjv nL What admuoCtheaLolrtnaLiont Y[u& h er er^ way.: '5nt tnge then hnth the Jew? or whnt profit f?rtcrre;8rlaav rdr X6ym ro3 BE&. 3 ri.-/cip, ai ir thas oi eircumcithy wereer~trmted with the o r r ~ l e ~ of l o r w h t , if sion? I Much e r c n way : chiefly, bemuse Jlaiarquciv. r t v ~ ; p7) ,;lv 7tjv' 7riuriv roii 8 ~ 0 3 t b t unto them wore s %ot .%d&md *some? 'their %nbclief "the 'Wth l'uf '*Qod committed the ornokm

& Etter 8

c i pun*


of whom the prnise

6 i?7atvop otr i i iiv@i?rwv, ,gtrsdh,

nettO " u that npi- S & ~ ~ ~ c b i o n , L which


3T i




v,"' k







of God. B For whtiC Karap j a ~ ; i 4 p~-ylvocroo ycvda~w.8i 6ebCciXq6rjh some did not believe ? th,,k unalief 4 h 1 %rUnoIOedeet may it not, be I but let .God true,

tme, but ever) man a 6v.8c~arw6y'~ 2v ~ ~ , " & ~ s ~ shouldeat be justified in thou $ 'ustitled in thy sayand mightest overwme when thou artjudged. SButitour nnrighteousncss Conmend the righteousnessof ~ o whatrhall d W @a7 18 God une ? righteotls who taketh wngeance? O[ speak u a man) 6 God forbid. for then how' the world l 7 dor if the truth of Qodhathmore nbonndedthroughmy 1 . unto hiq p r y ; 1 why et am also

r 0 i ~ . X 6 ~ o r ~ . c~ ~ ,P~rktjcp~' ry' oa i fv
thy words, and overcome



rpivea0ai.a~. 6 Ei.8 rj.ci8rria.tjpdv

thy being judged

6~06 Bt~arouGvqv mvi'm-

But if ournnrighteouaness aGod's arighteoasnesr

cidt~oc b 6Ei)~ hrl$hp~v b njY tpoirp~v p?j ; mend, what #hall we say P [is] 'unrighteoull ]God who intlict. bpyiv ; ~ a r d d v e p ~ T 0 ~ hlyw. 6 ?j ivorro' i r e ; 7r3c UqalU, r i
wrath l Accordlug to
K L V E ~b


I 'peak.

nhalf'judge in



T ~ IC~U~OV V ;



b r$-bpy'-J/ebcpar~ r e ianevaav eic njv.BdCav.a6roS, r i rt v C

my lie .&ounded to

'$ k
4 '

c & l t not be t rince how


M j 6 ~ r a &o; 705
truth of God why yet


his glory,

aalsosI * .

K&Y& &c dpn rwXbc rcpivopar; 8 ' ~ a ipr)


p o p a ,

~ a i xaehp rdl.~a~d yva


naQdJC m a c ray,


and not, according u we . n

paiv rrve~

rjpaic Aiyerv, " O n

we~d',~~$s~~$~X rottjuwpev

And not rather, (as inj~iouslyeharged m~aooordlng

d r m 'rome [that] we


rd.& a06 ; 5 v rd upipa

say,) Let Let us practise evil thingm that %ay 'oome 'good things? whose judgment

( X V ~ L K ~ V bbrlv.

h n a t i o u is jwt. 'jut 'b. 9 What then? nra 9 T 06v ; ?rpoaxbpe6a; ot.?rcivrws' r opr~acdpe~a.~dp i we better th'V? What then? are we better? not a t all r for we before charged No in no wise. for wehnve before *Iov8aiovc.r&~ a "EMqvnc r6vraC ; * c!tpapriav l $ elvar, both Jews and Genboth Jew8 and Greelra all %rider b i n ['~ith]~belng: tiles that they are all nnddr sin. 10 8s it is 10 Kae& yi?'pa~ral, "Or1 oit~.!&rcv' Gicacoc 0688 written, ~ i r e r e none is according ra i t haa been written, There is not a righteous one, not even righteous no notone: 11 there d donethat ?c' 11 0 h K . z ~ T l ~ '" Utl~lGlJ, 6 O~K..!UTLV 'hU i K z t l f ( ; l ~ nnderstnndeth, there one: there is not [one] that undcratanda, there is not [one] that sosks after b none that seeketh at&rao,j. 12 The are rhv 6 ~ 6 I2.~ C ~ V T E dti~Arvav, ~ ~ iipa 'tjxp~lh&lAll God. all gone out 0% the did go out of the way, together they became unprofltwny they are together bec;me unprofitable. U ~ V .oir~.?arrv v TOLGVxpqarbrqra, oCr.Zartv ~ i[wc kindness, there is not so much an there is not [one] praotising there is none that do! able; 0th ood, no, not one. open sepulchre with one ;

an iv6c.

13 rciqoc c i v ~ ~ y p i v ~ -~ c i p v y E - ~ r ( ; l v ~ o h raic yhhcuai~

'sepulchre 'an opened [is] their throat, with 'tonguee

u ~ , " ~ ~ ' airrGv 28oX~oirunv~ ibc dla~i8wv i ~ dzir* poison of asp inder they wed deceit : poison of asps [in] under Itheir their lip : 76 ardpa ~ a r r ~ p i a c yipec' 15 6 5 ~ 1 ~ i mouthlips: 14 whose 14 t v W full of curs8wift ing and bitterness : of whom the mouth of cursing and of bitterness is full ; 16 their feet are swift rb8ec.airrGv d~ iar alpa* 16 a6vrprppa ~ a r i a r r w p i a d to nhed blood 19 destction a n m i s e theh feet tosed ; ruin and misery [m a] are in their ways: b raic.bboTc.airrGv. 17 rai b86v eipljvqc oir~.! vwaav. v I' and the way in their way*; and a way of peathey d i r not + o r ( ace have they not E o w n : 18 there is no 18 o L ~ - ~ c r r$ d p o ~&oi) v (irivavrr rGv.d$eaXpGv.a6rGv. feu Of God before there is no fear of God before their eyea their e ea. 19 Now n-e k n o w d ~ awhat thing8 19 OiSapev.Bi Sri t Saa b vdpoc kbyer, rois i v vdpyr poever the law snith, NOW we know that whatsoever the law nap, to those in the k w dt mith to them who W under thehw:that hnhei. yva rrzv ar6plru ~ a iGr6Br~oc yiy r a ~ every mopth may be i t speaks, that every mouth may stopped, a d ugder judgment be

P 82 but T .


:"" d; , , S :' '



g: : : God.

r i i c d reciupoc r $
all the world

OEG. 20 8i6rt- it (Xpyuv vdpov 06

to God. Wherefore by w o r h


of law 'not

* i~al;9quw m.

raerinep mr.

PVL~~QELF shalt overcome T . i) (wad that pracths) T .

+ [ahGv] (red their mouth) r,,



111, IV.

azaa adpt ivharov a6roG. Gici-yrip vdpou
any flesh (lit. %l!) before him ; for through law

20 Therefore by t h e know- deeds no fleshlaw jnstishall Of the be there


fied in his si ht : f o r by the lnw ist%elmoaedge of sin. ledge of sin. 21 But now the right21 Nvvi.82 x w p i ~ V(J/.LOV P~rarou6vqOEOG ae$avQpwrat, eousness of GO^ withrighteousness of God has besn manifested, out the law is olaniBut now apart from law fested, being witness~aprvpovpivq Bab TOG vdp0V Kai T&J T ~ o $ ~ ] T 22v61- edby the l a w a n d t h e ~ ' belng borne witness to by the law and the prophets : 'right- prophets ; 22 even the ri hteounness of God mtoa6vq 62 OEDG Gtd T ~ U T E W'IqaoG ~piaroG, EIS T & V T U ~ W ~ r c his by fnith of ~ of Jesus Christ, towards all Jesus Christ unto all eouaness 'even of God throngh faith and upon all them that 'rai dai r&vrasll TOGS mur~60vrag' 06-~6p.Qbrtv~ u u T o X G ' beilrve : for there is ~ . and upon all those that believe : for thcre is no difference : no differenort: 23 for



23 ?r&vrac.ycip ijpaprov ~ aBarepoGvrac njg 66.57~ OeoG, i roG

for all sinned and come short by hi8 grace, Jesus; of the' glory through the


of God ; of God ; 24 being~ustlthrough the redem fied gram re- tion that is in ~ h r i s t

24 Gtraro6~evoc Gwpedv .r$.atroG.~&prrr, 6 ~ d rfjc &TOXUbeing iuatified gratuitously demption which [is] i n Christ

~ 6 Z5 ~ Oodhath 'God set forth throukh faith le a pitiation ikanjptov Gtd Yrijc'! a i u r ~ w gi v r(ii.a6roG.~art9for a shewe ln h19 blood*to declare :v- his righteousness for a mercy seat through faith in his blood, the remission of sjns Gettrv ~ ~ ~ 8 l k f f i o a 6 v q ~ . a 6 ~ 0 ~ ,??jv T&PEQIV 8th that are st through ing forth of his righteousness, i n respect of the passing by the the 26 t o declare Of God; I ipapqpcirwv 26 b r $ &vox$ TOG sag, a t this time his v ?rpO E O V ~ T W Y Ithat .had X e L k 'taken %lam 'sins in the forbearance righteousness : thnthe mlght be just, and the rv8etFtv ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 t r a c o a ~ v;v ~ ~ a 6 r o justifier of him which q rcfi vsv ~ 8~09,apbs * of God ; for [the] shewing forth of his righteousne? i n the. present believeth ill Jesus. 27 Where is boastin chip@, rb elvac.atrbv Giracov rai GrratoGvra rbv cig then? ~t ia exclodet time, for his being just and justifying him that [is] of [theJ BY what law 7 of works? Nay : but by aiarewy 'Iqaoir. 27' no3 oliv I j r a l i ~ q a c ~QEecXeiaOq. the law of f a i t h ; faith of Jesus. Where then [k] the boasting 7 It r a s excluded. 28 Therefore we conclude that a man is 6rd aoiov ~ d p o v rib E ywv; 06xi, 6Xhd 8th ~6 OV j u ~ t i f i e d b y f ~ i twith; h ofworks? No, but through a t w out the deeds of the Through what law? law. 29 Is Ite the God aiarcwg. 28 ho t5bp~Oaaotv" briarer 81~acoiraear" r e w- of the & 0 ~ 1L7 ~ of faith. %ckon 'therefore ' b y ''faith 'to ?be 'justified 'a man he not also of the of the nov, xwpis ?pywv v6 011. 29 l j lIouSaiwv d 8e6y pdvov; &ntiles ? Yea,30 seealso : apnrt from works of t w . Of J e m [is he] the God only ? ing it is one G&, which 06xi.~Gb" rai dOv3v; vai r a i bOv3ve 30 diaeir~pli I,umcision bythe FirE shall justify faith, ~ m d not also of Qentiles 7 Yea, also of Gentiles : since indeed one and unckcumcision
whom 'set 'forth

rpdaeuc r i j ~ i v xpcar@ 'IqaoG, 25 ijv rpo69ero






will justify [the] faith. [ay

r ~ p t r ~ p it k ~T ~ U T E W S , rai we thenfaith. 31 j 111ake void

circumcision .Law by faith, and the law through faith? of no
the law.

God [it is] who

i r p o ~ v a r i a v6th
uncircumcision throuih

rijg aiarewq. 31 vdpov oliv

i t not be I but 3law

rarupyoG- God forbid: sea*we

'we 'establish. hRs found Our father, as pertaining to the flesh, hath

riL through
4What Ti


IV. What shall we r ) ?T~ U T E W ~ lj.y6~~cro' u d vbpov eiar3p~v.11 ~ ; d saythenthat Abraham


athen Ido zwe

O ~ V bpo4pev

'Appadp rbv.rarBpa.$pOv ~ 6 p q ~ ~ found?~ ~ O ~if Abrav a t 2F

Abraham our father Abraham by worlrs

then shall we say For if

ahpra ; 2 ei-ycip 'Appadp

{pywv h8e~ar&flq, Zxet to glory ; but not be-

ham were justified by works, he hath whered

was justified, he has fore God. 3 For what saiththescripture I Abrah?m believed God ground of boasting, but not towards God. For what %he 3scripture and i t was counted unto him for rightAirer ; ' ~ n i a r e u a e v . ~ ~ 'Appadp T@&$, ~ a iiXoyioeq a t r $ eousness.4 N ~ W tohim 'mya 7 And fbelieved lAbraham God, and i t was reckoned to him that worketh ia the

according to flesh?


M ' 06 ~ p gb b~~ l~ 6 3 ~i.y(ip $ ypa$?) X ~ 8 ' ~.

- rai i n i n d v ~ a s - 6-s6; and + ~ $ vthe cc nep a y&p 'for i c r ~ 6 v o ~ e v GrraroicrOac rriorrc e 6 p q ~ i v a b( [ e 6 p q ~ i v a ~ ] 'Aflpaip rbv n p o a b ~ o p a (torefather) $p&v 8 - rbv LTTrAW.








or m<% mward not of d c ~ but 6 to him that +orketh W but believet11 on him that n d f i e t h acnnloclly, iiafdth c u u k d f w riglrtwnsncw 6 Even Jlo d6 wribeth the b l e w new of the im whom Oonmnn, unto





tei'c Jt~ntoubvt~v. T$.B2 4 QPYa~oPivY b ptu03~ ot?Xoyi~erar iba rorvnrd is not rcckoned works for rigl~k.ou*uerr h'ow to him thnt

~ a r h xdptv, dXXd
. ~ c o r d i n g o gnrce, t doeanot work, godly, 'is 'reckoned but

lrbn d$ciXqpaa 6 ?$.bi rbv d ~ K ~ l o h ~rbv '1rt2

juatiPol the undebt : b u t to hilrr thnt on hkn that for

pi)ipyaFpivv, r f U r ~ 6 0 l m & id
but bolievw 'his 'fnith

gefltlwXoyi<6rat $.riurtc.c16ro~

d~lialodvqv. 6'~aficinrp
~ghteousncas. Even . M

rightminneu W kout K 4 i Ihnpid.sXi yet rbv pn~nptupbvroG ~ v 6 p i ) r o v ,! 30 ~ 7 rayi,l 8 Bicu- nlso David declwea thc bicluednesa of the mu t o X o m God ad urn tluy w f l w iniqultirr are furc.ircn, Xoyi(trac 8 t ~ a t o u b l qx w p i ~ {pywv, 7 Ma~botor ~ ~ I J acct w h w sins nre NCLOUS righteollsne~ a p u t from works t DIW'C~ [they] of \ V I I O ~ c o r m d . 8 R b w d ft the man to whom the h$ietlUc(v a ( i ~ ~ p i l l rai ;v i l, bre~ahi$6quav h/fa!)rlnt. ni b r d will not imwte rue forgiven t h e l r w l e r ~ n w ~ oand of whom s, axe covemd. thu sins : rim o a n r t h tab blw- 8 parri?roS ( i d p "f;" o&p$ Xoyiaq~at ~ 6 p r &pnprinv. o~ odnscu thcn upon the blua-erl [the] innn to whom i no wiae 'will 4reokon ['the] 'Lord n dn. clmmcision o n l ~o r nuclrcurlpoi9 ' O . ~ ( a ~ n p t u ~ t ~ ~ . 0 6rvi ~ n)v r o ~ ~ ~ ~ O Pi j~ ~Y n iia i i o~ X E / , & nnlso? for we uf n [h] this bloxaednevl then ou the circumc~nion, or nbo u u thut to Abrhnm for rtjv d~poPuuri'nv X6 optv.ydp Uiirt"I)toyiu6q sd tllith W.Y pckon; r$'Al.3pncilr

8 ~

, ,

righlan.uesr l0 Bow

curnci.{on, or i n un$ ~ ~ ~ f : ~ unci,,,unrE~r~n.l l ~ be -ivedthc sign of oircumcision, a real of fie rightconn-Krs of a e h i t h ~ h i c ; hnd yct bein uncin arnidrhth,lle father of rill t l m r that b s l h ~ e though t h q k no; circumciwi that rightaouxncd nlilhtbb unto tbem abo: S and the ! father of circiimai.ioa to them who m not of the oircritucirion but .lso in t h step. of thnt fnith of our fntkr Abmiham, "hkh AeAad balng yst nnoiroumclsd.

4 riarcs r
TO ? ~


uncirouciaion ?

i G i r a t o ~ i r ~ v10 r 3 s 06v 1Xayiutlq ; 1v rcpt~ .


we my

that rn m k o u e d a

to Y m l ~ . t r u

Et tf,"

for A g h t c o u m ~ s ~ .

How theu was i t reckonedt 'in J c i r c ~ ~ ~ ~ i In iiacirw ~ ~ t

e b E n 'tming, or in uncircurnciaion ? Not i oimumciaion, d n

$ Svrr, $ dv Ci~poPvuriq o i r ~v rcprropf, CiXX' l v Ci~po; l 11 rni

uqpciov rXa/3~v reptroyig,
sign he receivod of cucumciaion, fnltk



And [the]

edrthntbmiof tbc rigbteou~ncm of the

him t o b e uncircunrciaion, for and

r i i c Bikar~u6vtlr:n j g riurrwc rcs

firther of all

Iv r @ (i~p'~"fivtmq, 73v
thwe thnt

wliich me had] i n t l u uncvcriurei~it~u,

r i ~ r~.e~var.airritvm r i p a acivrwv
.to ' e *reckoned 'nlso L fnthcr

rtartvdvrwv U J L ' ~
bc~liove iu

&rpopvffriae, dc rb Xoytu0Dvar P r c ~ i ~ nbrois qrt)v1' k~ncnro'to *tlrcu Itha '1.ig11tcutar-


u t v t I v ~ 12 ~ n ri a r i p a rrptropilg
onlr, but

of circuruci*ion to t h o a not of walk i u the

roic oGr I K




pdvov, dXXd rni


to thotw that
'faith Inn


oror~oSalvroic i ~ ~ ~ c u c v rtjc
of our father Abrnhiur.

step of t b S d u r i u g

ctrpopvurip riarrwc roir.rrnrpbs 4yGv 'A/3pclrip.


rodnq that be rhorr& be the

b , ~ ~ hil throuih the I.w bui throu h the rig~teousncss I, For if they obfaith. u a o f the lnw k h e t n hithh nrnde the promise mnde ot none effect: 15 beeritre the in^ worketh wrnth : for where no kwis,iAereftnotrmsr u i o u . 16 Therefore U of frith, thnt it mighl k b p n c a ; to end d e p r o d = might be sum to all med. not t o that w l y which is of the


13 06-yd
For n o t t o his - 3 , but by

8th vdpou tl lrnyyrhia

by that the heir of faith. yro~uise [wna] he

r@' A P ~ n d pi j r $
to Atr.tlum or
world, lnw should be of the

anip+rr.aliroir, ~ f ~

r b~ ~Aqpovdpov abrbv elvar ~'roi, r6upov, ~ d ~ ~


(iXXd bid Br~niou6vq~ n r ~ w g . 14 t;.ydp ri



For if those of




?jriurrc, rni
'fuirh, 'wrath

~ a r t j p ~ t ~ )j~ n r l*here 'for %ok


Yhnrabeenamnde'roid J r the Li Ir

w d %nde*of 'no'ciect 'tlre vpro 'rvurl;a 'out;

nayyrXia. 15 d. dp.vdpoc d p g v r a r ~ p ~ h f ~ r u r . 'ycip' oCr 06 iurrv v6poC, oil&


neither [h] transgression.

r a p h P a u t ~ . 10 dti1.roGro IKB ~ U ~ C W E ,
Whcmfore of faith

fit h), t h a t according to g r w [it might b] f o i e, Jrayy~Xiav f a ~ T+ ~ r i ( p a r 1 ,06 ry" f i






aiav rtiv

'. b


roG vbpov pbvor~,

to all the


not t o t h a t of the

IT, V.
& X A ~ ra;

r i u r ~ w'A?padp, ~


law* is of that aL-o which but the but also to that of [the] faith of bbrahrrm, who is fnther faith of ~ b; r&vrwv.;~pGv, 17 ~ i ~ p a n r n r"Orr naripa r o t f who is the father wdC . (m it is of us A father (acconling M i t h u been written, of W all. ten, I have made thee X3v ievcjv rde~tr& UE, llarivavrr 06 ~ ~ ~ U T E V U0E V 5 , fnther of many na~0 a wo h: before eue,~ him 'whom 'he *bulirved IGod, tions )he bel~eved, many nationa I have made thee,) before



r God who quickeueth tho things not the deed nud cnlleth tbjng. which 8vra. 18."OS ?rapDsXri6a Tb?r" Wri8c lniarevuev, not ss dough thc~y bvra being M being; who aglrimt hope in hop beliered, were. l8 hope believed ~nhope sic rb y~viueac atrbv .rarfpa?rouGv lev&v, rrrrd r3 that he might kcom; fot 'to 'become &him fatbar of many nations, according to thnt which the fnther of 1llnuJ untions, azcordmg to E ; qti8vov, 00rws iarar ri.arippcruov* 19 rai p7j ci -Oev u junc that which W- spoken hnfbeen anid, SO be thy reed : and net being weak shrill thy seed be: 19 And bring not wenk r @ niarct, " 0 6 ~rar~vdqaev rb.iaaroii a3pa x ~ 6 q % ~ ~ ~ in faith, w ~ ~ p ho considered in the frith, =not 'he 'comidered his own body already become not his o\vn body now &ad, when he Wpivov, i r r a ~ o v r a i r q ~ r o v ~ T ~ ~ X Wrai , n j v Y ~ K V ZQ~V nbout m hundred dead, ' 'a *hundred .yenrs .old 'about 'being, nnd the desfauing years old, neither yet the deadnew of Snrah's rljs p$rpas X& '{as' 20 eis.6; n j v drayy~Xiav705 6 ~ 0 6 06 20 he at.?gof the won% oi %r&, and a t the promise of God 'not gered not a t the yromise of Qod through 6t~~piOq d?riariq, r&MDW r+ ive8vvapheq r$ riurer, bllt ,,+ ,, 'doubted through unhelief ; but wnn strengthened in faith, strong in faith, givin
who qui~kem

roij ~ w o ? r o c o ~ v r o ~ V E I Y ) O ~ S , 706s




606~ 6irav rqi


to Qod,

Q,$, 21

m i ?rhgo$opq8ric Srt 8

and being fulb assured that what he h=

i7njy- t ~ ~ ~ ~ u ~ ; $ r ~
that, what he had pro-

yeXrat, 6vvarbc burtv rai rotijaac. 22 6rb 'waifl lAoyiueq mised, he s~promised, nble he L r c h to do ; rharsfore Plo i t wrs reckoned ~ ~ , " c f ~ , " \ ~ w ~ airr$ et's Gtratou6qv. 23 OCr-lyp&$q 6 6 atrbv putedtohim for rightto him for righteodness.
J w *not 'written 'but on account of him ~

pivov, iirr
0 : ~

lX~yiueq a6r($


&Md r a i


tjpi?~, sake alone, thnt i t his


that i t WM reckoned to him,

piXX~r Xoyi~ru6at,


also on mcount of us, rwre6ovucv a r i rbv

to whom i t is about to ba reckoned, to thow that belien i y ~ i p a ~ t a . ' I ~~ v . r i p i o v . t j p ~ v h r~06~ V E K ~ G25, V raised Jeau our ~ o r d from among [the] dead, who zapesdeq 6td rd.raparrhpara.$pGv, r a i fiydpeq 8rd n j v
wan delivered for

him 21 but for us also, to wllorn it shall be imon him who puuld' if

our offency

and was raised for

our J~tifjcntion.

on him that r~risedlip Jesus orw Lord from the d.?.Rd ; W who delivered for our offeuces. nod wus raised agnln for our justi5cation

GO^ through



?r;ar~wc, ~iPljvqv ' T X O ~ E V ~


Having been jnsti5ed t*mfore townrd whom also


we have

L V. mmfore
our hrd


zpig rhv 0ebv 6td roG.mpiov.tjpG,v 'Iquoir X turoir, 2

oux LOT^
we have and-

L. ,

yij 8, ,f$ " t ~ through th,,,ugh 'grace



06 r a i 5 v rpoaaywyilv iuXrjrraprv b7g'?riu~Er\{~n j v X & ~ L V sus Christ: 2 by whom $

by faith in

ra6qv iv

whoreln we stand* mjOice in hope of the glory of r05 8 ~ 0 5 . 3 ~b.~dvov.di, & M & rcai c r a v ~ h f r ~ i~ a ?ais God. 3 And not only v u of Gob And not only [W], but also we bowt in 80 but we glory i d tribulations also ~X~+E(SLV, E ~ ~ ~ T&LE E )i 8Xi$t~ itroyolqv ~ a r a p ~ c i ~ ~ r a r , that tribnla: knowing tribulations, knowing that the tribulntion 'endurnnoe 'works *out ; tion workethprrtience; 4 nnd putience ex4 4.61 irnopo)ulj ~ o K [ / . L ~ v4-62 bortpj LXaisa, 5 ?) 8; 1 X r i c perience; nnd e ' sri, m d the endurance proof; aud the proof hope; and the h o p enm, h o p :5 a n x o p e mnketh not anhnmed 06.raratax6vcc. iirr ciyhxq ro6 fko5 drriXvrac sv ~ , , , u , ~the love 04 of Q d hna been poured out in God in shed abrond in iloer not mako ashnmod, becau-e tho lova

in which we stnnd,


iuGrapev. rai r a v ~ h p r 6 a in'

we boast



GdFqc grace

hope of the g!ory

~ ra%.~apSiaig \ ~ ~ , " d ~ so5 B o O ~ {piu.~ f ~ ~ jpGv Bid meirI"aroc iou ~ Y ~

Our hemb by the Spirit we 'Joly which was given to b: in duo time

~ a ~ ~ e ~ f , " for & ~ \ Christ p still ~

nnto as. 6 For when we were yet

6 dvEri.ydpn ypari)g 6vrwv GrGv


(~UOEVGV ~ar(i.~alpirv
'without .ltrength

$aW righteous man d r l p or a 7 Forscsrcel~ will one die : yet per- for [the] angodly died Eorhardly for a j u t [mnn] adventure for 8 a d ric dnoi9ave7~ai*61rip.~cip ro3 ciyaeoir thxa 71C m* to die. BBut even 'any 'one 'will die ; for on behalf of the good [man] p e r m aomo one dare 'Ome God commendeth a i l love ~ a roXp$ &noOaveiYB 8 avviarqo~v.Bl. i rt)v.Cauroi (i 61r V towffd us* in tbt* even mikht dare to die ; but acornmends 'his 'own Ylovorefl while we were et sinners, m a t Jed for eic t j iic 9 Oe6c,H iirr iii dpqroXGv Bvruv tjfiijv xprarhs 9 Much theu, %o 'God, that %ill %inner# %in([ 'we Christ being now justified b blood, we ~ h a 8 d p tjpijv (iniOavev. 9 roXXy' 03v piihXov, G t ~ a t w O b ~ ~ c ~ d be saved from wrath y o r .Pr 'died. Much therefore more, havingboen ju~~tified through him. 10 For i whenwe were en- VGV Q r~&a'ipar~atrot, v aw0r)abpeOa B i atroii ( dr i j ~ h i e s we were recon- now by &blood, we W be by him from. dled ' o God by the 9 t deathof hisSon,much O P Y ~ ~ C . 10 ei-ydp dxOpoi Swes rrarrlAAciyqpev r@Oeqi J r c i more being reconciled wrath. For if, 'enemied 'being we m e reoonciled to Qod throngb

&aepGv &rdOavav. 7 ~ r i k c - y d pd r i p o"ccniov


rt K ET,,$ r o i k v & r o v roii-vioit.abroii, rmXXyi p i i n o v hw been xarMay6v~ec Son, much a


but we also the


of his



& & ~ ~ ~ m uw&lu6peOa ~v r$&o#-ct&roQ* 11 o~.p~vov.di, 6 M d ~czi t h ~ ~ b by whom wehave now we shall be by life. And not only [so]. but also
K ~ U ~ ~ ~ EvYrQ O i O C



God through

E ~ Brti roii.mrpiou.~j~3v 'IqaoG xpiaroir,

our Lord Jesua
WO received.


05 virv rdv ~araXXayt)v QXrifiopav.


throush whom now the reconciliation On this account, by one

12 Aid.roiir0 ija~repB i J v b ~ (ivOp6nou )j h p p r i a eig rbv

sin into the

xdapov ebijXOev, rai 61d rijs dpapriaS 6 Ohvaros, ~ a oi;rwg i

l 2 Wherefore M b world entered, nnd by sin death, nnd thru one man sin htereB hb the world, and eic r(ivrac LtvOp61rouc I d OAvar~gil~ L ~ A O E U , .$ ncivrcf b$' denth by nln. and so t o all men death passcd, for that all death passed h on all n6atttp* dpapria qv QV men, for that af1 have fipaprov. IQ 6~pl.ydp V ~ ~ O V sinned : 13 (for until ainned : (foruutil law sin WM i n [the] world;

$~~~~~~~~~~~ dpapria.82
but sin %eigned

o&~.iMoyQrar, pd.Bvrog
is not put to mount, there not being 'death from Adam

v6pouq 14 b6XX'@
law ; Bfoaes but evenupon

imputed when there from Adam to Moses

~ h $ p 8 ~ ~ bpaaiXeuaev~ d aOcivaro~hxh t ~ ~ ?

'AScip pixpi il\IwaQw~I Qni rrai


r o 4 ~pt)-&iiapnjuavrar Q r irq? 6poihpart +g rapnploew~

the dmilitude of those who had not sinned in the l i b u e u of the transgraaaion Adam's trana saion ' ~ 6 4 4 ,gC ba~iv&roe roil piXXovrog. 15 *AXXs O ~ X But [ not O ! in war to O ' a figure of the coming [ o a him thatthe gre come. of Adam, who in IS ~ n not an the of- AS t rap6rrwpa, oi;rwg ~ a i rb Xhpiapdr.k ei.ydp ry' f a ~ c e 80 8180 b the tree B gift, par if M the offence, so also m l t h e free giftP For if by the through the offenceof ro3 lvbc naparrcjparr ol ?roXXoi ciIr&lavov, ?roXX$ piiXXov 0 1 mmY be dead* aof*the40ne x0 'offence the many died, much more mnch more the @we of God, and>he. gift x 6 p i ~70; t)eoii ~ a i bwped b xhptrr v 70; C V ~ C Wee, whtch by the p a c e in grace, w%h [is] of the one of God, and the gi?t one man JesusChri~t aath ndo~mdedu n d (ivOpljrou 'Iqaoii xptaroir eic 7 0 3 ~noXXo4~ irepiaaeuaev. many. l6 And not rr man Jesus Christ, ' to the many didabound. it w m 'by one that ohx &g 8 i dvbg ir)capnjaalWos rb d6ptlpnsk dnaed, m, tr the gift : 16 Kai for the judgment war And [&all] not M by one having sinned the gift ?


c? ye if indeed A . a k r etil! OLTT~AW. 1- 6 Be& (read o v v i q u r v he cornmends) A. g [b Bivamr] A. h A M & TrrAW. M o i i u C c at" FrAW. Thd warbtu fititor8 do not mark t?bk as a puestion :to read i4 ad pointed zn the &tek omit [eh111 a sultdilute [is] for [be]. &

V, V I .
[is] of many



For thex&deed 'judgment [was'] of one offences 'offence more those the


ivbc eic rarri~pipa,r6.S; xhpitrpa

to condemnation, but the free gift to justification. death abundance receiving, reigned

~ of ~ < u f i h ~ ; ~ is odences
bnndance of grace and life by one Jesus l8 ~kerefore 8s b7 the o f f ~ ~ of e c onejudgment came upo n a l l men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the f e gift i came upon all men unto 'ustification of life. 19 or as by one man'e disobedience many were made sinners so by theobedience of &,, shall many be made righteous. 20 Morethe law entered, that thc offonce might

i r c roXX3v rapa?rrwpcirwv eic Gtraiwpa. 17 ei-ydp r i j

=of %he .one much gift by fonce the one by the

unto justification. For if by the offenceifdeath reigned ! For by One man'a ' one,

705 ivbc rapanrhpart 6 Brivaroc l~auiheuo~v roir ivdc, 6rd noXX$ pC?XXov oi
~ T ) Yr ~ p i u b ~ i arvi


j ~ h p l r orrai mrijc of the gift ofreign in ~ grace, and of the emsness shall right~
in life ahall reign of-

8wpeZc" 7fc 8 l ~ a l o d ~ q c ~ p ~ d ~ v~&J:op' r ~ ~ U~ X E ~ U O U U ~ Y X b v / ~ ~ , Christ.)

of righteousness Jesus Christ : )

&& roir IvOc 'Iquoir xpraroir. 18*Apa 08v

then men

t c 6 i ivbc rapaas by one to all the condemnation, men di.sobedience 'many,

nrhp~roc oiirwc rai b i ivbc



rcivrac trv9pDnovc eic rarcirpipa, 6r~aiDparo~

For as

[it Was] towards

/c ~ r i v r a c civephby

also by one accompliehed righteonsness towards

roue elc Giraiwarv IwGc. 19 ijaxep,y&p 612 rijc naparoijc

justification of life. man of the one so 'the also by 'many. offence ; grace, ssmners $were 'constituted 'the

roir ivbc '(ivepLjrou 6paprwXoi rarearri8qaav oi .rroXXoi, ,, , o$rwg lea; 6id r t c ;naleoijs 705 i v 6 ~ 6ikal0l rarnarnetjaovrar
the obedience of the one 9ightcous 3ehall .be 'constituted But law but where that


oi ~ o h h o i . 20 N6poc.61 xoprruijXf3rv7 Yvn sXrov&ug rb

came in by the bye, that might abound the sin,

zi$$ ynpd:~z


naprirrwpa. o5.6i brXeivaaev

abounded 'reigned

4 cipapria, b n p ; ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ; u~e v u
'sin in death,

might vnce

rj ~Cipig' 21 &a

Gorep i/3aaiX~va~v 6papTiaiv rclj eavriry, G

life by Jesus Christ our Lord.

6~raiotr6v?~~ C W ~ Y EIS so also grace might reign through righteousness to lie aiDviov, 6th 'Iquo3 X P r ~ r ~ i ? roir.m~piov4pGv. oikwi m I j ~ h p r cPablX~6up 8rdl i
eternal, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

6T i
?rGc irr

06v dpoGtiev ; " n evoijpev" i

May if not be I

What then shall we lay l Shalfwe continue

6 ;paprig
1 1 sin x

'iva Ij XCipi~ VL
that to sin,

~Xeovhap 2 plj.yivoiro. ;
mny abound ?

o~rtve~.cireerivopev75 cipaprig,
We who died

mat a h a ~ grace sny then 7 Sball WC

$:: ;
2 God forbid.


~",'i',~~i,4,h,"~y~$ how otill shall we live in it ? Or are ye ignorant that 'as Smnny "as therein 3 ye ipa~riaeqpcv eic ~piurbv 'Iquoirv, eic ~6v.8hvarov.aitroG ~~t~~~~~~ t :" E: ,$
&iaop~v iv a i r r i ; 3 sj

ciyvoeir~ 6rr


'we were baptized nnto


his death

into J e ~ u Christ were s


atirq7 6th roir p a r - baptked Therefore his iuto we death 7 4 we were baptized? We were buried therefore with him by bapare buried with him ~prarbcby baptism into death: riaparoc 1 ~ i v 13(ivarov~ Yva Burep ljybe9q r
nnto death, by that

ipaariaeqp~v 4 wverci$qpev ;



'was ra~sftd 'up


from among [the]

the nhould walk.


rarpds7o$rwc rai dead by the glory of


that 'lke up Christ was raised as from the


glory of the Bnther,

i v ~ n r v d ~ rrw j j ~repirar$uwpev. 5 EimyrEpairpyh~rorin newness of life. r

in newness of life

also the Father* even so we also should walk

5 For if we hnve been planted together in

par if





ro~.8av&rov.a6roir7 ciXXd.rcri the likeness of his

of his death, this knowing, that

we have become in the

so also
sold body

of pis] re8mrcction we stall be ;

rijr-civaa~ciaewcfa6 e8a' 6 rocro ~ I Y ~ U K O Y T 6ri i) r d a i b c resurrection : GknowE~, oivepwroc U V V E U ~ ~ V ~ D ~ ~rarapyqe'iva ,


in the 1ihmte.w of hu
ing this, that our cld man is crucified with

denth, we shall be also


was' crucified with

Wl,that might be annuled the

rb atjpa him, thnt the body 0,

sinmight be destroyed

[erbp&]. L

ircpbwpev should we continue o~rrraw.

that we * C (ipapriaE, r03 pqdrr ~ O ~ I X E ~ E ?)pc?e LV beaPr~~. should not acrve sin. 7 Bor ho that ie dead of nin, ' that 50 'longer 'o 'rubserrisnt 'we b to x i e fit* fi.otu R ~ . 6. (ip &woOav&v 6~8trcaiwrac cirb yjjc drpapriag. 8 E. l& has been justifled from sin Now i f with if we be dord a Christ, we believe 'For13 :hat ' died thnt wenhall also live C ~ ? T E ~ C ~ V O ~ V W + V ~oicrry', .~rareiropev iirr ' rai OOV~i)aop~v'l thatChristbe,ngrais~ w i t h him : 9.knowin WC diod with hrist. we believe that a b we thau live with


(ram tho deaddlcth no shy', 9 ei8dreC &c ~piurbc iyepeeic more ; him, knowing that Christ having beeu rainadup from among [tbe] more dominieu over otrfrr &noOv;la~er* Ohvaros atroir o i r ~ i n ~ L ~ ~ I E ~ E L . him. 10 For. ~n that YEK~GV, he died, he d ~ e d unto d a d , no more dim : death 'him 'no 'more %lea 'orcr. rin once: but in that he ltvet he Uveth 10 P?~".ydp &nhOavcv, rp' &paprip cirieavcv b$hraF. P?I".& unto Qc% 11 UkeFor i n t h a t be died, to rln ho died once for all ;but inlhat wine reakin p alno rumelves to Ory'. l l ' o i k w c rai 6peit Aoyi'r~o& i a ~ r o i ~ ~ ead indeed unto sin he kves, he m to God. & .Iso ye wkon yourselves but alive unto Clod through Jesus Christ 1 1 ~ ~ plv~ t~Zvncn &paprig, &hrac.Si r $ Bat;, iv xpiat@ p 6 ~ rp' our Lord. l2 Let not 'dead 'indeed 'to 'be to sin, but alive to God, i n Christ ain therefore reign in I your mortalbdy,thnt Iquo3 s r ~ . ~ v p i y . ~ p G v . nM4 03v ~ ~ U L X E I ~ ~ &paprim 12 TW our Lord. Wot 4thersfom 'let %eigu %iu ye rhould obe it i n Jerw

'i ;

your members as in- i n Your mortal body, for to obey it in 8tNmenis Of i ~ ~ ~ v p i a ~ ~ . u1h ? 0 ~ ~1 1 i u r d v e r ~ 3 ~ ? 8 i ap ' rdr.pEXq.3pOv &ha eousnesr nnto sin: but yield yourselves unto its helthar be yielding your me.mlefa instrunrcritr that are &Biriac 'drtlaqrie. MXd napaa&~are dauruilc ry' ~ i v ;from the dend unrighteOnsnera tonn, but yield yonrsclvw and your mcmben instruments of t i ~ h b ()E$ whS,n tK eousneen unto Q O ~ . V ~ K ~ G'alive, T uand, r(i.pLXq.6pGv ~ V v real your me~uhcra G ~ For dn lhnu not to Clod M %m 'among ['the] ' d a d here dominion ovm 8rXa 8ucarodvtlc ryl 14 &papria.ydp 6 ~ 3 voh ~ w , \ ~ tinatrnmenta of rigbteousnes ~ f to God. For sin you 'not der gmce. mpre&uer' 06.ydp dore 6nb vdpov, x&XX'"6 r b ~ r i p i v . I5 Whnk then? shall rshRll ?rule ' m for %ot 'me 'ye under law, , but' undcr grnco. we sin because we rue Cnd zd/rov, 15 T O ~ ; ~ c i p a p r ~ j a o ~ a v ~ oh~.hai~v i V 8rt not nnher the lpw, but under grace? W Nhnt then 7 shall we uq because we nre not under Inw forbid 16 Know ye not, &at to whom ye xdXX" xhplv ; p)). ~ O L T O . 16 otr.oi8are 6rr yield younelves nerbut under yrnoa ? Elay not h l Know ye not thnt to whom vants to obey hia swvnntsyeare whom nupiur(iv~r~ dia~706~ 8o~'~Xouc eis 6nnro$v, GoGXoi lata ye obey. whether of yo yiold yourselves hndruon for obedicnco, boi~dn~en nra go sin nnto'death, a of obedience right~ T ~ K O ~ ~Gror ; cipnpriag ~ i Bdrvarov, fi 6srrcrorjc T E c eousness? 17 But Qod to him whom ye o b y , Whether of nin to death, or of obcdicnce be thanken that ye r J BE$, Srr 8oGXor were the s;llantn & ~ a ~ o u i ~ v ~ v ; of eis 17 gbpic.82 sin but ye have o- to * ~ ~ k o ut thnnkm ~ ~ ~ God, that ye were bondmen to ~ ~ ~ ; $ f , " ~ m o f t ~ cipapriits, br~~roGuare.8ir ~~~ l mp8inc eic 6v mpe8dQqre was dclivemd of sin, but ye o b o r d ,from [the] h& ~to~whhh'ye~were*dclivcmd YOU laBeing then r h o v 8~8cixJjc. 18 iheuer wBLvre&bl cinb rijc cipaprias, free sin, . And h a r L g b e n lurt free from ye became the scr- 1 =form Oaf 'tonching. vants of righteousi80uXhBqre r i b ~ ~ a r o a & 19 'AvQphrrvov XiY@ v~. 8rd ness 19 I speak after ye,beca;e b y a m e n to righteouane~. Humanly I s p e d on m o u n t of the of bccnum of theinflrmi w v aaes~~~iav rij$.bapki)c.6p(;)Y. &ur~p.yAp ~ m p b r i ) u a r ~ t y of your flesh : for ~e wealnew of your fleah. For u ye yicl*led aa ye hnve ~ieIded your members ser- rhPbXq.6p3v 603Xa rp' ciraOapaip rai ry' civopiq is vnnts to nncle~nnena your members in bondage to unc1eanne-w and to l a w l o r m e ~ unto and to iniquity unto , iniquity ; even so now avopiav, oihwc viiv rapaonjaarc rci.piXq.61iGv GoilXn yield your members kwlersnesa, so now yield your molnbor~ in bondege scmaub to rightenuti new nnto holinea. ~ I C R ~ O U ~ ~ T dryraup6v. 20 i i r ~ . ~ d p 806h0t $ 1 ~ c ~ r For whcn bondmen ye wore 20For whcn ye were to righteounan unto sanctiflmrtioe

gNe:g2 % lv Gegeo;;

~ @ - 9 ~ ~ @ . 6 u G~ N ~ei'c , rb 6raro6etv 'ahrjj id 'raic pL v. L





4 .

w v c - LlTrA. P 6E . t mpiy 4pGv OLTTrAW.


L ~ A .

-r i ~ ~ c r p n j u w f i eshould we ain ya-rri~eru~p i.a ~ sa320il0. - ~ rd etvai i M h ~rrmw. v w


4- etvar t be T[T~]. O aGqj i v C L l T r l W . v



tfik'w oocdon

IIPOX P Q M A I O Y X , VIl. tvroXjjr: *rar~ipytiaaro" Epoi riiacllv b?rr8uyiav. xWpic.dp E v

$ , " o 1 1 6 ~ m ~ m ~ ~ m m a n d m e n t worked out ~a ~ in me e n r y 1.n ; for a p ~ t manner For wncupis- V law ~ Obl~apria cenaa. O* without ~ U v~xpd*9 *B4 #rwv xw&c sin [wul] dead. t I was alive apart from law the lnw aln was dead. v For I alive T O T / iXeofruq~.Bi 7jjc c bvroXfc, t ,t j dpapria ciYlcqaev 1.Jut 81 A.I once ; but haring come the o m m m r dn revived, rmmdment came, sin iri8avov. l 0 rai e3piQq p01 tj ' pj revived, and I died. died, b n d WM found to me [that] the commandment which [W@ 10 And the commnndmeut, which was or- air: rwfiv, *aGnll1 eir: BLvarov. 11 tj.ydp.dpapria dgopptjv daincdto found thin [to be] to death : , for 8in 'an *occasion to be unto dwth. t o life, 11 Forain, taking ocXaPoiiaa Bid fijc bvroXfr E[tjrcirrlaizrPE, rai '62 aCrijc casion by the corn- rhavingataken by the commandment, deceived me, and by it mandment, deceived me and by itdew W . ~ T ~ N T E ~ Y E 12 V. d.piv.vd oc dytoc, m i dvrohj 19 kherefore the law 8leW Emex So that the law i n k d [is] holy, and the oo~nmandment t holy and the commanddent holy, m d l ~ Gueaia rai iya&j. 13 Tb o3v ciyaQbv hpoi ~ i jtut andgood. l3 Wan h o b and just m d good. That which then [is] good, t o me the; that which L p o d made a a t h *to ~ Y ~ Y O U E U BLvaro~ ~ + - ~ i ~ o 't r o * ' ; "&A@' dpaprh, i'wx me? God forbid But h.%#i t become death? ay i t not be l But min. that &, that i t might I apperv 8in, working p a d (ipa ria, Giir 703 dyaeoii pot rcarep atqpivq by that which good tome w o L n g W$ death in me by that 6 m ~ g h8 t sk, whichby go'd3 mm- 8dvarov,'iua yivqrai r a ~ . 6 r ~ ~ ~ o X l j v rrin is the that &paprwXb~ + C L P T ~ Q mnndmellt might be- death ; that Pm~ght Jbecome 'exc8ssively ssinfnl '.in cOmecweedingsmiul. Bid rfr: bvroXis. 14 0iBayev.ydp iiri d ~6por: 14 For we know that rvevpcc~irdg the law is spiritual: by the commandment. For we h o w that the law spiritual but1 am mrual* aold iurtv* d A. 4 iaapri~6c11 i p i rerpap6vor: 3rd n)v irpapriav. 6 ~ , uuder s Indo I allow L ; which l 15 Forthat I qeshly lam, baring been sold under sin not: for what Iwould, 16 6-yd xarepyLCopai, od.ycvcjarwg 04-ydp S BiXw, roirro Por w&t I work out, 1 do not own : for not what 1 m, thia what do hate, thatbut I I not ; do I. J6 I t then I do &gaw*&h' 8 iuLj, roiiro ~ 0 1 3 .16 ~i.62 8 od.BiXw, that which I would fdo ; but w b t fhate, thic 1practise. But it a t I do not will, not, I consent unto raXdc. 17 vuvi.tid the law that it is rofiro ?roiij, kdp$qpl" r$ udpy 8rr this I practire, I conrent to the law that [it 14 right. Now then i t but sin that dwell- 03riri B rurepyci~o~at $ 7 6 , ~ lciXX'll moiroirua~lv dpoi E 0th in me. l8For1know 90 longer I lam working oat 'it ; but the .dwelling Ltn 'me that in me (that ia in dv my flesh,) dwe~letdnodpnpria. 18 OIGa.ydp iiri orjrc.oixei Iv Bioi, nro~rQurrv~~ ood thing :for to will asin $or I h o w that there dwells not i n me, that L in Kyreseut with me-but how to perform lhat @-UQ ~Lpou,iya8dv* rb.ydp.8&Aetv mpcireirai pot, rd 61 which Is good I and my good : for to will ia prwent with me, bu4 not. 19 For the good I do not: ~ a ~ e p ~ a t e a rb. irqX6v Ooi .E& iarw." 19 ~ t . ~ d S' BiXw ea l p that I but the evll which I to work out the r ~ g h t Ffinfnot. For not what 'I a ~ i l l would not, that I do. 20Non i t I do that ~ 0 1 3 iyaQdv.P & M ' " 6 0$.8hhw K ~ K ~ roJro ?rphaV , I would not, it is V o 'I * p p t i s e good; but what 'I "do .not 'l'evil, d thin I do. oicrlri mOm that dwell- aw, 20 I that o&.BQXW qd 4 ' ~oirro roi3, , i t h~t sin But if what Ido nt 'will ?I, -o ' this I prastire, [it is] no longer 0th in me. 21 I and tj B v dy& rarep rcicopai ailrd, P&AX"the oIroiioa 'in Jpoi (ip.ria. is ,,,it , I [who] o out lit, but 'dweUg me '8i 22 #or I aeiig)lt in the 21 E; iucw bp. r)v vdpov r$ e i h v ~ t hpoi roiriv rb mhdv, Inw Of man: 93 but I the {find then the law 'who .will 'to 'me toprnotise the right, inward me anotller law i my n lpoi rb rarbv rapdwirai. 22 UVV$O ac-ydp r$ v d p ~ that me eril ia prwent with. For h",Ught iu the *m








roii Be03
r a q i y b o a m TTTT~A. i uoip~tv&fleshy G L m A W . .

of God wording C the inward



rbv Ea (ivf?p(c)~ov* pXBrw.64 lrqov lw 23

man :
bat I lree


4m~v OT.

03 [s i]



a 6 6 QW. C jYive70 did it become L m A W . M LA. m'v- T . 1 &M& L=r& m'iwuro6aa T. t03f L ~ A . P I%& m iycj (rcad06 OiAw I do tlnt w u )


VII, VIII, ROMANS. vdpov bv roi~.pQXaalv.pov civrtarparevdp~vovry" v6py roi




of my mind, and
&hi& is in

into captivitr to cai aiXpaXwri~ov&PE r$ vdpy rijc dpapria~me Inw of sln which the leading scaptive me to the law of bin is in my members. my members.

my membcrs

warring againat



mind, and brin&ng.

z z T?: E T~; :


r@ Gurr bv r~i~-piXeaiv.~ov. r;X$;~t:c 24


il;i)Z v 6 ' ' ~ ' ~~n~I;~Pt$o

of this death?

ric p e v a m n r

who .me 'afnll 'deliver out of the

B roir a4 aros roij.Bavcirov.roCrov; x

&y Jesus Chriat

23 '6 ' a iar3" ry' er$

bprr.06~ ahbc
& then
m jw)U '


Qod through

61d 'Ittooir ~ p i a r ro9.mrpiou.~u3v~our ~i

o ,

:&hgh 2:: iJh,","

deliver m6 from the body of this death?

*law 'sin'n.


V O ~


I with the 'indeed 'mind


aapni vdpy Apapriac.

c o n d ~ l r t i o n thase in to Christ

but with the flesh

'not the flesh but after the For ciMd xard meGpffiU b.ydp S irit. Spirit the law card adpca nepi~aroiraiv, 2 o$' the of life 'ooo~nting 'flesh 'to 'who 'walk, but according to Spirit. For the in christ jesua bath V ~ ~ O O ~ ' ? W E ~ / K ~ T O ~ i~ X l ~ i $ T C ~Y$E 'IgUO; ~h~~~ law of the Spuit of life in &mist Jestu death. 9 For what the d p law C O J ~ not do. cinb 703 v6pov rijc ipapriac rcai roir 6avirov. 3 in that i t was wenk me from the law of sin and of death. O 'r through the flesh, Qod

m e r e in] then now no

8 0tGiu.iipa.viru rarhxpipa roZc iu x p i ~ r @ 05, ' p 4 E 'Iqt o :


Lord SO then L ~ ~ & , with the mind I myself serve the law of U 6py ~ esoi' God. but with the *law lQodla ; flesh'the lnw of sin. VIIL There W therefore now no condemncttion to them which

%! J$:,"; :" p ,



in the kkeness of ninsendin his own &U for sin, d &bg r6vlavroir uibv 7riP#ag iv hpoidyarc uaprcb~ ipapriac condemned sin in the dSon 'having %ent, in likeness of flash of sin, flesh : that theri Clod, 'his 'own eonsness of the %W rai repi.ipapriag uarfxpivev nju ctpapriav iv anpri, 4 'Iva might be fulfilled h m d for dn, condemned sin in the flesh, that 08 who walk not after thk flesh but after the t o dixaiwpa 703 vdpou r h ~ p u 0 - iv tjpiv, roic plj ~ a r d spirit. dForthey t h t the requirement of the law should be ful&ed in us, who lota according to are after the = h do mind the thmgs of ahp~a T~pi.lm~oir~tv, d xard me; a. 5 Oi-ydp the flesh but they ah fei ial wall, but according to Spirg For they that that are' sfter the irit the things nard ahpxa bvrec, rd rijc uapxi)~ $povoiraiv~ oi.64 t e S hit. BFor to 4 II b mind ; and they c a r n a b minded b emof ing to f e h ls are, the things of the flesh death ; but. to be spixard rveipa, rd roir ~ve6paroc. 6 rb-ydp )pcivqta ntuany minded W m m r d i n g to Spirit, the thin(la of the Spirit. For the min and peace. 7 Becaum GCuaprdf Bhvaroc* rb.64 $p6ypa roi nv~lparoc, ~ ~ ~ $ i n ' $ ' ~ 4 u of the flesh [ ] death ; h but the mind of the Spirit, for it lsnot oubject t o rai eip<y. I Atdrc rb $p6vq a rijg uaprcbc ix'X8pa ecc *e law Of neim d peace, B T a u e the m i n t of the fle~h [is] enmity towards : : $ ~ ~ ~ ~ d t h ~ b ~ r$.ydp v6py ro; &03 06~.8aorhaa~rui, 6 ~ oli68.ydp 66va- we in the flesh Ood: for to the law of God it in not subject ; for neither can e are not in the g But Clod' flcsh, rai 8 oi.88 iv uapri 6vre~,Be$ .dplnai oli.66vavrai. b ; a ; h ; z ~ ~ % ~ , $ it and they thst ' i .flesh n 'are, bplease *cannot. God dwell m NOW a W m m rig-66 olic im4 i v uapxi, UN1 v m ~ 6 p a r i , i imp the Spirit of &Ye C o t 'are L fie&, . but in Spirit, if indeed [the] he none of meirpa xpraroir his. i 0 And if Chrin! ?rv& a 6E0ir oikei ;v 6piv. e2. . 64 rrc 8 p d of God dwella in you ; but if anyone Cthe] Spirit of Christ be in ou the dead k u s e of nln ; oirx-Ex~i, otroc 06x.iariu airroir. 10 ei-62 X iarbc iv 8piv, rb but the Spirit W life not, he not of him: bat if L i s t be) in you, the bocaune of righteollencsa. 11 But if the uexpbv 43iu cipapriau, rAJ4 meirpa s p i t of him that 'body [is] dead on account of sin, but the Spirit life raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in 61d 6ixaioa6vgv. 11 ei.64 rb mezpa roir iyeipauro~~ he that rnisyou, W Pccount of righteounnesr. But if the Spirit of him who rained np ed up Christ from m i n g l lthe alaw, iu that i t w u weak through the


roi) vbpou, iv.[f; tjaeiv~i

Bid 7 j l aa xde, ~






z i:


M 41 vrlrc QLTT~AW.

+ (V ill (the) m[~].


m thee T .

thanks (to God) LTTrA. t -,V T & . clMa T r r r . lbd LTRA. r

-p i ) ' ~ a ~ & to + &v TT~[A],





thc dend shall aluo ' I ~ jv, ~ , il( quicken your mortal v t q 3 v oiikri i v Jpiv, d iyeipac ' r t v " bodies b h b spirit JWW from nmong [the] d e d dwelb in you, he who ralsed up the that dwe?leth L. you. ~xPtOrbv 1 . vtrpijv" cwoaorjatc rai rB &qrd ahpara 12'l'hdore, brethren, am debtorE. not to Christ f o among [the] desd rm will quicken .Iso 'mortd 'bodier the flemh to live r f b r 6pGu dtci br6 ivntirobv atroii rrvr+"v 6piv. 12 "A a the after the r if ye 'YOU? on w n t h lire 13'Oflesh, *drellr 'hi. w r i t in you.

6;tX$oi, b$edirac i r p i v 06

+ uapd, mb

~ a r dr 4 r a

mortify the dceda oi tlre bod ye shall lime 14 M as are led by the Spirit of ~ o d they am the , of God, ye have not received the spirit of bondnge again to f a r ; but ve hnva receivedtheSpiiit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abbn, Fathm. 16 The Spirit ibelf bellreth witness with our a irit. that we nre thc cPhilaren o f t ~ d 17 And it children then heirs heir" 04

u ~ G V rethren, clcbtorr we uqh not taithe ,flerh, %ccurding %o 'Lderh ' 13 ti-yd . rrard a p ~ t r e plMerc daot)u$ureerva 'to 'live ;



$.oGordiag to ye live, ye us about t o die ; a n rdp W atticro3 a6 nroc 6nvarobre. TijaaaOe.

butif by [thej(qpi?It Yr

14 " 0 ~ 0 i - ~ d p -5

of 1 b

y e p t to death, r e will live : thou1


ttrc 6 ~ 0 byovrac, o8roi ce;urv vioi 0toA l' 6

16 06. cip ix(i@~e '~m(iip7 dEov;\tincW l&Xlv ic ~

For x o c l y e 'received a q u i t

for na numy M b t [ t h ] fpirit o t ~ o d ure 10%

WO hain : heus be pLv OEO; ~ i iriarp gavpaia~opev," xolar ~ i~ldoed of and joint-hein d ~ h h tIf indeed we r d a r together, 18 For I reckon that w mBoEaa0cjCrtv. the sufferings of this lva prescut time am not that alao we m&ybe glwi5ed together,

:;P, ~ ~ ) . " ~ are childron a ~ 0 517Anddit ohlldren, .o harAqpovdpoc. ~ o v 6 p o c iuplv $ i n ~ 9 b r ~ . ri ) r i ~ v a ~ i that we su'ffer with of .God.
we -7

Ye received a Spirit of adoption, whereby 18 ~ h rb : d t



~ P o'CiXX"' v, of bonduge again unto fear, bnt iv$ ~ph<optv, 'APPu, S rartjp.
we cry, Abba, Bather. our rpirit, that

~ o n r f Ond. o


'Ikolf 'the


avppaprupiRrqi.?rvtirttarc.,j1.(3~, 6rc
witnasl with



For I &n that not worthy [we] the c d o r i n p of the pnicnt aholl be revealed in as. l9 For theearnest ren,pob ?rpbc+v piXXovuav dlcav d?roika~v$eijvai expectntion of the mestare wnibth for time [to be eompe,red] with the 'about 'glbry to bo revcnled

~ P $ $ , ~ ~ $ 18 " o y i~o~ ~~ d p oGr J A~ t p y h


rci ?raOj)urm rob vZv

t2: ",",tfel:tiogGf tip $piis. 19 'H-ydp ciro~apajoriarijp m i a r w ~rrjv c i r o ~ h 20 For the creature to For the mrncst expectationof the craation 'the 'rcv~k ; ~ ; i t ~ ~ t ~ ~ j 2~r ~ o g; ~ ~ 20 rPydp.parn16rrlrc ~ ~ G
but by reason of him who hnth subjected


ture itself also &all ~ & a v r a , blrrpll tXridr 21 iiireH rai aGn) rriurp iXtu0rpwbe delivered from the c of [it], L . hop that d o 3. t U 'tho 'creation &all into t a lorioua li- 0jacrac t r b rijc JdovXtiapR rijc q0opiis tic n j v Atvecpinv bert of tfe freed from the bondage of corruption into the kaedum o f &d.92For we know that the whole r i j ~ BbIqc rGv rhwwv roii etob. 22 oidaprv.ytip ijri rriiua i) mation moaneth and of the glory of the children of God. Fur we know thnt all th. trnvaileth in pain together until now. m i u q ~ ~ v u r t i ~ i lcai i n ~ r ovvwdivei roit SV:33 ol; 23 And not only &U, creation g r d w togethar and h v d k togother until now. Wot but ournelves also, which have the f l ~ pdvov &, t &\X& ikai ~ 6 7 0 i &~?QPX~)V 705 T V E ~ ~ C L ~ O L : fruits of the Spirit, ronly 'and [m], but even onnelvor the ilrt-fruit of the Spirit evon we onrselvee groan within our- j~ovres, lrai dptic%aioi iv davroic u r ~ v ~ ~ o p vio&ainv ev, selves, wnitmng for the haring, also we oarselves 'in aourlel~es 'grocur, Dadop~iou adoption, to wit the O~TO , 24 rp' redemption of ' o w ( ~ A E K J E ~ ~ ~ E Y O L X ~ P W U L Y~ ~ i i . ~ i ) ) l a ~ ~ c . l j l L i j y . body. 24Por we are .awnitmgthe redemption of our body. raved by hope: but hop is is y(ip.iXriJe iaGi9qprv0 iXaic.81 PXrropivq oitr.c'ariv dXaic* not hope :for what a For i h o p we were uved ; but h o p n m n L not hope;

61d 4 ~riu zahg,"~ y z thecreationl pi)a~rCiyq,06x i~obua,MMby r-nof ke mbjeoted, not Wlngly, but

for to vanity

r i v 6x0him who rub-



xptsrbv Cltjoo6v] (Jesus) ;K verpcjv L ; ir verp&v ~ p t a b v ' I t j v o 6 vT . &Uviol ciucv @c04L'ITrAH'. ~vorxoivrw h o 3 wclip0.7os (red ad A. V.) ICT. a A&r r. * &M& LTTrA. v . # uuv- TA. it$' T . 16 t h b s j dovhior $p& rai TC ;[rjl"riSj K& LT~.

-T ~ V LTTrA.


fer what



E/-& 8 06 m m mth: B U ~ what 'o "pt h'pfor) for thal it nt U we h o p p h i r o p o v iAriropev, 8; itnoPoviic & ? r e d ~ ~ h ~26 e a . ~ 'Qaa6rws w e e not, then do we 'we we hope for, in endurance we await. ~In'llkearnannor "Ith 26 Likowh thr it. pntienoe wnlt for 82 m r b u v 6 p a avvavrrXn Scir~rrci i nrai~.cia8rvciarcN.~pGv~ alu, belpeth o w Spirit 'ind nlro the 8piplrit jointb feipa our wenknexses ; indrmitlsa: for re know not what W* ri).y(ip 6 rpoueu<&peea rag6 8 6 , o6r.oi8apcv, '& U" mhouuld pray tor or we Ought : but the spirit for that which we ahould pray for rccordingor i t Lwhovea, we know not, but itself maketh 1nt.ra t r b ri, m ~ i i p z t r ~ ~ t v r v ~ ~ c i iv lrp t j p i j v W arrvaypoic -ion i P r i for iu with 'itself .the 'Spirit maker interccuiou for lu with groaningo rrwningr whloh annot ba nttarwt 27 And ciXnX~rocr. 27 6-61 ~ i p r v v G v nd s wap8ias o l k v r i r rb' he that rearcheth th. inexpressible Bnt he who marchem the henrts known what [ s the hcarb knoweth what I] U the mind of cb. $pdlq)ca 703 ?rv~C K U T ~ 8 ~ ~ V T ~ ~ X ~ h i p Spirit, beca6 V V E L he mind of the S p ~ , r O s p : # e a ~ ~ o r d i to God he intercedes for mnketh inta-iom Z ng for the eaint. .ocordr i y i w v . 28 Oi8apev.81 5rr r o i c ciyarGcriv rdv 0 t h ~ c i v r a ing to the will @(W. raintu But we know that to t h o d who love God all thinps 28 And we know that all r o v ~ p y ~ i tic ciya86v, r o i c A ~ a r d u p 6 8 ~ a r vd q r o i s therthlng. work tgfor good to them work together for good, tothoae who uwording to purpose 'aalled t h j love (to& to oilatv. 29 Srr 001: r p o i vw, r a i ? T ~ O & ~ L U E Y mppdp- them who am the roordin to jars h u a e whom he f o r h n w ; alao L i p t l u W [to be] aonformed h& whom he dld foreknow, qovy r i j c ~ i r d v o croG.vioG.aitroG, ~i'cr b elvat abri)v r p w - he did to the image of hi. W, tor 'to 'e b him [the] h t

3 . ~ 2 ~~~ X ~ T E It ~ why ma$ o idoen he h< p ;o r t ! 5 r ~i h a V X ~ i o efi & 'anyone


rdrorov hv ?yoXXoi~ ci8rX+oicq 30 00s.83

among mnny


upoDprarv. r06rovp
also he jruti5ed ; 'whom

Bnt whom he predestiuuted, thsre

~ ~ f : amongm & P i ~ ~ ~ mm, them , btborn


mi ircileuev* r a i o8c ~rdrXeutv,r 0 6 m v c lcai b8iraiwa~v* o 8 ~whom he brethren.

. he crlled ; and whom ba called, h

did them called : and whom he called, them he a l o 'but he justified, them .. he glorified. Io natified : and whom MP e justified, them b 31 T i o h i p o 3 p v r p d c r a j r a ; r i 6&dc glorified What then shall we say to these thinga? If God @m] for W, 1 t ric raw tjpGv; 3% 5s YE roG.i8iov.rtcoG oirri$eiunro, a(iXX" than - nay tu thrw who ngainat M ? Who indeed hi. own &n ap~ued not, hut things ? If God &

82 l8c~aiwucv,P O ~ T O V Slcai 186Eaam.



G r i p GpGv rcivrwv rapb8wav ahrdv, r G c o i x i ~ a &v a6rG i




gave up




*also 'with 'him

gal&!; 7; 5 : 2
thnt spared not hlr

rdl.uhvra +$v

x n iaerar ;

33 ri1:


bring fin a=uution U -

lrcXrmcjv &oG ; 8tdc b Girarirv. [W el& of Ood t Dt h] God who jrutlfies: ~pivwv; xprm6c 6 d~oOav.iv,piiAAov.8i .xain i l r p 8 r i s ,
mt i ] C M r t ' r h o .

U# nU, how .Itall he not 34 sic i r a r a - himthiap?XJ:,\~horhnll pire all who he that oon- hy any tlrin to the

r a r d Ownhim up for ed hut

alno is raised up; etb m. U he that 8s '"calU Zartv h r roG 0 ~ 0 3 81: rai l v r v y ~ r i v ~ r i p condeolnotb t i L , h t who a k o h a t [the: right hand of @d ;who &0 ~ ~ ~ , w o o &for Christ that i r b n s mthcr, . @Gv. 35 ric $ p l c xwpiaet h r b r i j s ciy6m-q~so5 xpcaro5 ; *pain, who ir oven et the right handof God, W: who W shallrapsrate from the lore of chr*t who ~ l u , maketh intor a . BXirl/rfi j) urevoxwpia, i j 8iwyp6y, i j Xcpdc, i j yupvdrqs, -ion tribuletion, or strait, or penecution, or famina, or nakednem, ar 35 Who *ha'l ~ p o m t . ru from the love o f riv8vvoy, i j pcixarpa; 36 K ~ O G y i y p a r r a l , " 0 ~ i X ~ ~ ~ ~ ( th !h .t ? nhall t r i b u l r ~ C 40~ &U, or !word? dooordingrr i t h u besn e t t e n , For thy ub tjon, or dbtr-,


bat ruther


d.;: ;::

Bavaroirpcea bXqv n)v r)pbpava iA0yiath)pEv be

we w put to death +hole 'the day ; we were reckoned u

of slaughter.

37 ' M A ' C ro6roic r i i a q v




'thing8 ' we more than overcome throngh the b y long ;m m d

- G r i p jpGv LTT~AW.
8 A

r a i LT~(A].

qj ~ U B C V (read our weakness) LTTrAW. C~~ 6 &AA& m w . U ipavvGv m. ovvcpyc; i Brbr God works togetber I. 'Iq&s Jesw [LIT. kai LTTr[n]. rai [LP. a i v r r r l







aooounted M 8 the slaughter. -for ay, 37 703 (iyarri/uauroc 4plic. 38 ?r6neiupa~.yd &L o5ra who In all these t h i i we loved IU Bor I am persuald that neither m mom &an con- B&varoc, 05re t w ~ j ,05ro ~ ~ X O 05ro (ipxai, JOOTB hL , querom through him loved For death, nor life, nor angeb, nor principelttiw, nor 1 am pemuaded, fhst v&pois,ll o5re iveatijra, O ~ p6Movra,~ oirre'i&~ E S9 neither d e a a * n prin-( *pwem, nor t a r n p m n t , nor t i to be, hw nor h a c * nor angels, nor o r ~ cipalitierr, nor powers, o h r i ~ wiuic iripa 8vmjue~arGpdc xwpiuac nor thin- come 39 nor depth, nor m y 'created .thing 'other wl il able ru to reparak thin to Presentsnor het&, nor del;th, nor (in6 rile 'riyh~n,yroir BooC, hu ~ p r a $'IquoC ~ c j mrpi i any 0 I * from the love of Qod, whioh [ir] h Ck%t Jolu 'Lorf #hall be able to rate ru from the love Ijpij~. of GCod which is i n lour. Ohrfrt item8 our Lard. 'AX+OEL~V iu X iurqj, 06. Xbyw Ix-I Is the troth h -t, {lienot, my ~ m t h I say i n L i n t , oonwienoo abo bearin me rrIawin the poi ~ ~ ~ ~ . u v v E L ~ ~ ~ me6 ~arc'dr oyv 2 list X 3 q hu uE ~.~i , my aonaoienca in [the] %p& '$bly, that 'pld ~ 5 Ghost, S that I me y p a t *M . u hmiv p y B q , rai :MiQemroc 6d6vq r$xap8igip.lroug a d continual #orrow hqhm 8 I hU Y 'p.Lt, and UIIO~LB~~~ WITOW h y h& 1 ~ i that V- 3 q3xdpqv- dp a a t r b ~ h hy3 aivciB~pa~Ivaraid roii ~pioroir I a m t o k *om + m , ~brtt irom C M & .oonraed for my for I n u w i L n g brethreq W ldnsmen ;nap ~ ~ Y . L ~ ~ E X $ ~ V . ~ O I ) , rdv.uv yfvijv.pov rard udpw* wording to the flesh: my LnuPlunen nccoKUngto flesh; ~ W ~ O U ' ~ I B I ( B U ~*Or S ' ~ O my brethren, & ,j vio0euia rai 7) Gd&z, whom p e r t a w h e 4 oi'riv81: eiuiv b'Iu ~q)cirai,~ &v ado~tionand the gl* who are Laeuter, whore Cirj the adoption a the g l q , ry and the COTellalltd, of the rai CUC( 6ia&jraiU rai vopo@euia, rai Xarpaia r d ai Athe LW an?the and the wvenanb ' a d the lawgiving, and the w r v b and the 3&odI and the prom-; a w~- are inayyakiac, 6 cju oi naripq, rai i 6 v E d ca21crb the fathem, and of promba ; whweI:are] the fathem ; a( of whom [h] t h e X ~ t




p c

efp!&=d d a-ta who ir over *U


ucipra, b Qv h& nciurwv Baby etrho-yr)rbceic r o 6 ~

who is over Not

,,,, ,,,

~~~~~&not aciureg oi [Bare]%L 'JuparjX,o5roc rare]'Iuf ka4X' Beoii. o&.y+ h4 a~ %hioh thd lthole ' el : of ~ o ;dh "fl& of -1: 'Appacip, nciurec rirva, L?dtbtbrkkcaoi~~aUu they anbp(a of Abrahmn [F] all Wdren : AAA' 7 066' &r eiuiv n a but,
I . .

bhmd for mr'. As~otMthoogh fhe word of God hath


~ o d bleued



aiijvay. iprjv. 6 OQX olov.64 grr irninrwrev b Xdyo~705



however that

haa failed

the worh

dran r but
drenofthefl not,

g 8 td ~h~ In Um h OU. Q
GO^: but oi the t h e m *
E o r u 5, the word of P , At thb time w i l l I oome, m d &.a W m e a wn. 10 A S ~not o n b W#' but when Re.ko hsd conoeived by 0% a m by our father I w 11. (for the ehildml belw not yet born, neither having done any gooa or evil, that $he purpore of Ood w r d i n g to election mbht w o r l , but chmthat

Iv 'Iuadr rAqBi)uerai uor unippa. 8 d'Povriu~~v,u rd oQ

d w a rijc ua
r h r l l b e ~ t U t h e e *seed.
K ~ C raijra ,

ch$&$,2 sohjldrenaof+be %
thh word

%he08 r mchildren a ]

rirva roG 0 ~ 0 5MM rd rirva . 9 hnay/PXiq.ycip For of promiae


That is,

'not 'the

of C M ; but the ohildren

rijy inayyehiay are reckoned for unippa. XoyiCarar oic seed. of the promise
[is], According t o
fo SW

Kardc . rbv-~abv.roi1rov iXe6uop1, rai




rp' 2 6 # ~vi6c. 10 Oi1+dvor.8,

'wnoeption having,


Piera bE fvbc ~ o i q v I'otrua, 'Iuadr roir.narpbc.ljprjv*


M d sai 'PEalw


Andnot only fthat], but


'by 'one

P w

our father,

11 ep+lrw'l

%ot 'yet r t h e a~hil&en]

ydp y ~ w t ) B i ~ ~ ~ n a(&vrov pq8d ,


king born,


L d n g done

aything good

(iyaBbv t j f~car6v,~ La

4 rar' t)CXoytjv'Pro5f8eo3 (that the 4Mcording8to6election 'o Wad


m v pT . i v u r p a chat d ~ pdMovra O L ~ A W . Q 6taOG~q the covenant L. d 708f i m t v o~nl. LThl S ap60eutr 706 0eo8 QLmrAW.

r o h kv&ers plaecd @er

L ~ A W . Co LTr.

b 'IvpaqAei~ab T.


IX. ROMANS. 12 "ib$ij&lhafrp', "Orr d peitwv 8ovXEiaar ry' i~ctaaovrd g

i t was u i d to hor, The grater rhaU m m the lesaer :


elder lhnll %he Y ounger. 1s ~a it ia m t t e n J ~ o hare I b wording ss it been written, Jwob lmdI Emu l o r d , hut E ~ h r e U I iuqaa. I hated. f a d . 14 What Ball we my then? B there 14 Ti dtv . lpoirpev; pp) &8r~ia lrupdr ry" eey'; hteoulness with God to forbid What then 1811 we my? Uzuightoouanes# with Clod [in there] 7 g?j.yivo~ro. r@!ydp.M~~#' l5 hlyrs ' E ~ E ~ u u 8 ~ - a v r, wiu haw mercy I he up, Iwill lhew meroy to whommere? on whom I will hnre ay i t not be 1 Bor to Mown meray, and I will hnre ~XEG, rcai oimerpljaw 8 ~ - B Y oimipw. com =ion on whom 1 thew m e w , m d I will feel oom@on on whommever I feel compmion. I &l compruc hare then 16'~a otv 04 703 ~ ~ X O W O C ,0684 70; r p i ~ o v ~ o #ion. 16 So that ~~t b 1 not him c, ~1 then [it b] not of him that , nor of him that m, 0th nor of him that

[ ~ ~ u ~ b

13 m6&c

iyparrar, Tbv 'Iar&p T) cirqua, rbv.Gi.%uair

9 E:or

drMd roi? kLtboTuropl BEOT. 17 Uyrt-ydp 4 ~ p a $ d @apa&, ry'

but 'who 'ahev#

'of ' & h

For lay8 the scripture

to Phonoh, 17 For the mriptnm

Y t h w pu-

k~,"hh:~?t g&$

'Or1 EISabrb.ro3ro i t 6 y ~ p b UE, 8awc tv6Ei&Jat I v uoi ~v.66vapiv.pov,kai hot

my po~er, For thh u m e thing I r a i d out thw, so that I might &W
m that should be

pi",", ~mI M g:t&hoT~,".


I might 'hew and &t thee my my in @ yp'. 18 I'Apa otv 8v ~ Q X E L ~XEE? 8v-61 6QXE1 n& might be det h e m to whom he d he &ew# mercy, nnd whom he will ~ & ~ , " So URX~~CV~L. fore hath he mer%U# on whom he will he hude* m m , and whom he l9 ' E p ~ i c 'otv O L , ~TiN 171 $p$erar ; r -"ydpn ~ O I I - will he hardapeth. MY 19 Thou wilt Thou wilt may than the, Why yet doea he find fault 7 %he then mto me, my ~ p r abroir ris &veCaqrc~u 20 0Mavo3vya, D , E i v e p ~ ~ ~ , ~yet find fault? r ; doth he pore *of Qim 'who %M Wrrted ? Yea, rcrther, 0 man, For who hrth resisted his will ? 20 Nay but a3 ric c l d dvralrorcprvd EVOC T$ Be@: p4 ipQ' rb olnrrn, ~ O thod W hout % h a 'yho 5rt that mnwexest n g k t W? Shall'rny 'the thnt re lieat againnt God? HhPll the thiqg ~Xciapa r$ W ~ ~ Q ~ V ~i p ilroiqfla~0 8 7 j~ form& TL , ~ to hlm 'thing Yormed to him who form* [it], Why me mrAegt thou thus? that farmed ft Why me 91 obrr.igei itovaiax d ~ ~ p n p ~703 rqXo3, dc rag hwt thou made the %hul?21 not Or hsll not authority the potter over the clay, out of the potter power o w tho

GrayycXf. rd.bvopi.pau O a h q thee "p, v



(tir~03 v P d P a r owotfiuat 8.piv EISripdv ~ E

uma' lump to make one

U I C E ~ O ~ 8-6i ,

Dto ?lononr 'reaael, and mother

t dirbonow? o


22 EL& Bihwv d Bed( ~ v ~ E ~n j~ u u ~ ~ L v

And if 'willing

roi ~vwpivca rb.8vvardv_abroi?,CVEYKEVIY ~ o X h $ paupobore and to make known h b power, In long- dared with mach ar~6q dpyijc ralprrup6va eic &r&Xerav* 23 rcai 'Iva l o n p r d d n g the


to *hew


$ ;: ?

$ 2:keuoz ,unto honour, .

25 and

God willing to shew

3 %

vwmh of =nth

fittd richer

for destruction ; of his glory


y p i q

rbv wioirov rijs-6dkc.droi, i r i a d q thnt he might nuke

upon r m l

m 4 that " Of mth dertmctiou: *

m b of memy, which *whom aaLo *he &called he prepnred tjpds 03 pdvov it 'Iov6aiwv, ~ a i BE h ': 'r n o t only fr6m among [the] Jem, o but also from among [the] did, not of the Jew& only, but nlro of the 06 -tiles? I ~a he i8v8v0 25 hs rai iv rqi'Qtrq1 Xiyet, KaXfaw rbv Horeo he nap, I will 4 that which [is] not s d t h call them mmfI will nlm in O , mtionrt Ae .Lo in Xabv.pov, Xaiv.povs rrai njv obrc tjya7q,uivr)v, rjyarqpluqv. people, which were my'pople, Xy People 1 m d that not beloved, Beloved. not my Pea le i her beloved: which 26 Kai #mac, OV ry' r b r y 06 h i & j 6 q " Pabroic," Ob Xadc W, not be~ored, And i t @hall in the plea, where i t WPI mid t o them, Not Ppeople 26 &d it nhdl come be, of m e w which he before prepared for glory,

; i t X h c , B rpoqroipaaav eic 8 d . b ~ 24 oOc m brciXeaev

hh glory on hiown the the v*Of

dc ut

i %

1 y+ M o i i q j n ; Muqj yhp LA; Movoci ydp T T ;' M o i i q y* ' ~ W* h lbjd0g L ~ A . a y q for 5 ~ CQ 0% the11 ~ A ] w . 1 1por o h LTTrA W. k ~he&vroc Ll'TrA. * 6 idparr, ficvo3vyc (prvoOv ya ~ n ) &m& R ahrocs [LB~.

+ -

t a pnw* thnt in thc plkva,,orb it J,I y o u 6pc7stthere they ahsll be cnllmd uini of 'Qod ['theJ'Uring. s . 27 'Hirri rXq@rjuov~rrt Of06 ~&ro Ions 'E $hrn, not my [nre] ye, yo my pdople ;there*hnll uaias 81 rcpirel i i d p 70; 'IupatjX, 'Eciv. " d cipteCtic the bo crrllecl tho living 'bat crie. concerning fnml, If *rhouldPbe 'the = n a m h God. ' ' -11 I alsowi- rijv viiju *lu p a ~ ) X &C tj c i p p o ~ rijc Oahhuqs, 71 r ~ a f h c i X ~ t p &~~h~~,"',"$f&"p~i *of 'farnel M the nand of the wa, *of *the ssons the remnant ~ crvvrekiv the children of Israel pan ( J W ~ U E T C ( L '28 Xdyov ydp av~rb~vwv shall be mved : for [th;] matter [he is] conolurling mud cutting ehort ~ ~ M a t ~ , " , " ~ ~ t O ~ ~ $ be &red: za for he will 'iv 8utatouirvpo 8rr Xdyov a v v r ~ r p ~ ~ v o v h o i ~ r n r i , righteoumuur: b a e w a matter cut rhort will *do ['tho] nit it rbort in righteonpnws: k . n w a Y ~ ~ L O C rjfg /Xi 29 Kai rca&bC npotipqrcv .'Huains, rhart work will the q,ord npn the And accordmg na said before B, & Lord make a n the rLproC Za@a&Oi y ~ a r E X i r r v 4piu urrbppa, X d s o p a t n earth. B AU?M E- Ei-ptj r n i said before Ex- Unle&ths] Lord of Hosts ~ had left U a seed, M &dom ecpt the Lord 04 9sbnoth hnd l e e m a 6v.i tr~tjeqptu, rai &s'Fdpofi'a dv.&poih~~pev. r r d . we had b a n M we have b m e , and u GomorrL we shouldhave b made Uk&




faith. 31

2n e l h

1 c a i o u 6 ~ qod~.c"gOausv. ~~ righteouauara did not atbin.

~ wbcari;'~ iirt [it ~.otu 32 Why ? Because not


by frith.

ic l

~~ u i

~ rcoc, dhh' $ it Zpywv xv6pov." n ooEro$av.Jy&$ ~ ~ r@XiOy ~ n w hnth not attninbut M by work of law. they attunbled at tha .hue od t the l a w of right; a i y p a m t , '1806 riOq@t iv W,,ero- TO; rrpour6ppwoc, 3S of stumbling, according M it M begn written, Behold I p b in fore? Becauw Chcy


, = ,


~ P ~of ~ ; P ; For, 2c&u ahieov ~ pof u~ct6upmpb hogy rai nir dav urav8hXov. " ~ Y ~stone x o ;~ ar Sion and r . ofKmce : L the

rai nr o m 'xG~' and ay th1.y *tumble4 at thnt d n t u r e 6 w v Irr8 adr$ ~ i t . r a r a i u ~ ~ u ~ t j u e r a h atuu~blingstono.33 M that Behold, I bliever on him dull not be ashamed. k~ in 81on a ~ t u m 'AbeX$oi, )j pdv f d 8 o r i a riic-ipijc rap8iac, rai bllngstone and rock Brethren, the goad pleuare of my own hwt, and of uffencs: and whorw*r believoth on 8 i q b l ~ %jU upbc rbu 6 ~ 6 d~p hroir 'IQ atjh /UTLY' 6 ic him shall not a- mppliortion to G onbehalf of ,f 1 h for ahamud: my u w q p i a v . 2 apwpij.ydp atro7c &L ZijXov 8eo3 Zxovutv, X Brethren . f o r I bear wltueu to them that seal for God they have, brart'r hire' find lalvrtion. Irayer to God for &h* yd rear' i ? r i p w u c v . 3 d y 1 / 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ .r7jv pr 0 3 &0; rrwl ir, that they mi ht ba ..v&, )For bat not .ccordlng to knowledge. For being ignorant of the 'of JGod G t r n t o dy v , rai r7ju.idinv c G i ~ m n o u k q v nZ q r o i v r e c orijuau, ood, but nob nccord- 'righteousn-8, and their own righteoaeueu b i n g to atablirh,

b$ge:t2 pior$ho i)odtr to6 kEgledc- the norant of


8~rai06ilq r03 8 ~ 0 3 G ~ . 6 ~ e r ( i y q u a u . 4 riXo~.ydp o rbhtewnw of Qod they suhmItted not. Bor cathe] *end eourncu, and goin gy to p ~ i u r b c eic G ~ r e a i o ~ v navri r$ ntureirovrr. ~v fhuir rightmu- *dslrw C k L t [afaJ for righboonnsss to wary OM that beliemn. P-I, hare not rub5 d~wujfc!ydp yphqer 4 v 8 t r a c o d v q u mjv b '~05' r mittad thumaelva auwritea [ofl the righteonsnw whiah [is] of the For Yoru to the righteouneu of ooa. 4 F O ~ christ ir vdpov, s"Orrn d ~ o r t j u a ~ *aGrtin & ~ v O p w r oCtjuerac ~ the end of the lawfor law, That the %ring apr.ctired *thole sthinga Inun ohall l b o rightcoumnens to evsq ono that beliereth. bv iad~~Ts.fl6 *H.& ir T~UTEWC btraioPlrv~) oijrws Xiyer, b For X-M d d b - by them. But the 'of Yaith lrighteouaneu fhas apeaka :

* [is]

QrdArcppa LTerA. l i v burarocnivg 6rr A6yov avvrc~pqpivov r r r [ ~ ] . ~ r i r T. d r r a r o d y c (rscrd b [that] haw) L ~ ~ A W . btd ri LTrA. 6 Apov LITI{A]W. y+ for 1 W& (read A he that) L ~ A W . $ L ~ T ~ A W . b &riv them abmrw. d y a c a d v q v OLT~[A]W. d MMuGbijp o 1 . m ~ ~ . &b thrrr T . roG mr. # 6 r L 8 % LLB. 1 k



~ h o may& not nay in a

Mtj.ehgc bv Lr$'.~ap8i9.00u, Tic dvaptjuerar c&
thy herut,

T ~ V the ~at the lnw which k 0th h ~ to tbr ~ b the t

Who l b l l m n d

from the doad) what a i t h i t ? The word ts nfgh th with thy mouth [the! Lord Jeaus, and believe in, eoatinth~ luoutb.83 in thy h a r t I that in, rap8ip.aov STL d 9 ~ adrbv Gy~lpev i~ b ~ V E I E P ~ the word of fnlth, V, Oyhenrt that Qod him rnirad from among [the] d d , which We 8 That ii thou #ha16 awOtjog* 10 rap& .ydp ?rturcCerac eic G~aroacivqv.c o n f a with thy to r i g h t m w e s ; mouth the Lord Juthou shalt bo .sped. Por with h e l hewt ia belief us and bit believe d O X O Y E ~ T U ~ / E awqpiav. 11 Aby~t-ydp in 'thine h r t %at ardParr.G4 For 8878 .tbs God hath r a i d him to ulntion. and with [the] m o t h Coodmion the dead, 6 rrareirwv in' a3r4 oG.rcara&qvv9tjaara~, from be ave& 10thou bit For yf)aqi, wrlpture, Everyoar, that believe8 on hm i shall not be rehawed. with the heart man 13 0L.ycip.ddrrv GraaroXIJ 'Iov8aiov re ~ a "EMqvoc' d.ydp ~ ~ ~ , " ~ h . " ~ ~ d i Bor there is not a dlfterence of Jew ~d Greek; for the the ruouh confernion rrtirb~ triplog ~ h u r w v rXovri)v eic r h v r w rode f r r u a h - ~ O , " $ ' P ~ ~ e ~ $ ~ mule Lord ofall [is] rfch towwd all thAt 0811 ture mith Whoaocver word of ftiith

larrv, f v ~+.acipari.aov ~ a' fiv 7Jj.~ap8iq.~ov. TOCT'Zarw T A is, ' in thy mouth and in t heapt: b that k the to thedeapp (that b$pa rljg riarew~ 8 K ~ ~ C U U O 9 U ~ bdv dpoXbrtj~pcbring up Christ ~
which we proclaim,




2 %

iv ~(r'.ardpariaov

chprov 'Iqaoirv, rai riorri~agci v r t

pi~ovg abrdv. 13 IIiC-ydp

hm i.

8c.6~ imxaXialyar rd 6 v o p , " , ~ ~ , ~ m ~ p

may call on
the name t *


ra8AC they call on him in they be lent? wording u belierod? nncl how yiypamar, 'Pc cjpaior oi nd8ac 7 t h pthayycXc~o- shlrll they bclitrve in It has been written, How beautiful the f&t of thosa announcing the g@ him of whom *VY have not kcnrd t and p v v v ehyy&~~opiuwv U a 6 how shall they hew o those annonncing tbe glad tldinpI of ';dChlnIIs 1 without a prunaher? f Inls of , 15 how uhnu they 16 06 rhvrec 6nt)koVaa~ eda y&iye 'H~aiag.~irp h a exocpt they be T$ prerch, But not all. obeyed the glaJtidinka For F a r i ~ sent? U it is written How benntif'ul & hiyet, KiIpre, ric fniarevatv r#-dro$-~piuv; 7 rioric h m them a t 1. v @ye, Lord, who believed our report? f d t h {is] preach tha gmpel of d~oijg, , h o d 6rb Ptjparoc r8eair.' 18 &Ad XByw, by report, bat the report by [the] word of God. But I my, 16 But thoy have not
an4 how d t h e y preach, unlerr

k:wEwih: zh e of [the] Lord, shall be saved. How then shall they aall on Chfiri) L,,A ;v odr~niurevoav a3g.82 mmaiehaovarvn ; oa rich ullto all ~r that whom they believed not? and how shall they believe on [him] of whom ~ ~ i : oir~.ij~ovaav n3g.81 nd~ol;aovarvP W P ; ~ ; X ~ ~ ~ C u u o vwon ~ n-0 of the r o the they heard not? and h o e 1ha9 they hear apart from [one] preaching P ' yi z
~vpiov, aw9rjarrac. l 4 n3c oiv linucaXlaovrac~eig

For everyone, whoever

is no diffwance

15 ~3g.61 O K ~ ] C ~ O U U ~ W , "idv.pd dnoorah3orv;




M rj 06x-?jxovuav a ~ i v y r eic rcaav d v yijv ; n

Did they not hear?
y rather, Into


the earth

6.t$Oiyyog.drOv, rai rig rd nipam r i r oirovpi y~ t d

their voice, and to the But ends ot the habitable world

a h 3 v . 19 ' a d Xiy@, Mrj.'odriyvw

I ray,
Did not 'know


1 ~ A U C ~ ' O W Y ~ ~ L they call L ~ A W . ahould m amduwuw should they T$ R. believe LTTrAW. & L ~ U O W T L &O~Q~)QLV ~ ; should they hear LTrAW. osy?p$t~gy sht~uld they reaoh ~ r r r ~ w . p i a y y e k { o f i b v eiprjqv TGV[hl -v= LT~AW. ' wmt of 8hriet L ~ A . 8 r n C v ye MM. * 'bpa* OCX iyvw G ~ A W .


went ink all the er*h, mdtheirworda &fosw


Have t h q n o t h uMwaijg" df Per varily their round

Xiyet, 'E

{eve(, rirri'l


PQMArOYZ napacqAAaof Jpiic in'



will provoke to jealotu~ you through NW] not

ofe ?rapopyrG 6pcig. 20'H-

a e ~ ~ t .. B ~ ~ d ~ h ~ D nation, through a nation withou: nnder&onding I will anger you. Did not k a e l h o w gatug 8 droroAp nni Xiyet, EhpiOqv 2 fpd Bimt Moms u i t h I saim 'but is wry W f and my* IWM u d fo by thwe not *b . provoke mu jodousy by them that roriarv, ip$dvtjc evdpqv roig i p b p$ iaepwrGarv.. 21 V bg are r P l 0 ~ ing ; manifeeted rbeoame t o %me 'not .enquiring ter. *to by a fool h nation I will anger you. ao ~ u t82 rbv 'IuparjX Xiyet, "OAtjv njv tjpipav iterhraaa rdt Esniaa is ~ e r y bol %t h a e l he uys, sWhole 'the day I rtretched out and salth, I svu form$ of them that sought xeTphc.pov npbc Xaby dxei6oirvrp'nai ciwrhh ovra, me i 1 W- made my hand# t o r people dlsobeylng and w n t n k t i n g . manifent unto them t h t caked hot aft= Abyo o h , Mq cirrcjaaro b Oebc tbv.Xadv.afr0~; ma ' 21 But to Israel I SW then, Did 'thrust '&why 'God his peo~jle? he snith A l1 da lon I have siretche8fortf ?)-yt~Olr~' ~ai-ydp i " I ~ p a p X i q ~ b i ptk, U7rSppaTOc i my hands unto a d i r t a y it not be l =or a1.o an I u u l i ~ am, of (the] *1 . obedient and gainany- , h#people. A&a&p, fvhtje aBeviapiv.~ , o&rdn&aaro b @eh$ 2 ?Did 'not %rush 'away 'God XI. I say then a a t h of Abraham, of the] tribe of Benjnmin. ~ ; ; ~ y k ~ a w " f i ~ , , rbv.Xabv.a&roii, 6v rrpoiyvw. g ofn.oi8are i v I am an Lhis people, whom he foreknew. Know ye not in [the history ofl raelibg of the seed of b'HXip" ri XQyer ypa$$ ; ivrvY~(ivei ry' nard Ellaa what uya the scrippm.? how he plead8 with God againrt bath not cast away roir 'IapaGX, ~Xi~wv,ll Kdp~e, 3 roir~.rrpo$~ra~.aov irr~rcrervav, his ople which he foregew, wet ye Is'lt ~~PI~RI Lord, thy ~ r o ~ h e t a they killed, not what the wrip- dyaill rd.buraunjpih.aov ~ariuna$av' nd L 6reXei$Ot]v pd. tare saith of Eliaa? how he rnaketh in- and they dug down ; a n 1 1 wea lefB all-

p4 ,h-

1 1


Er $bg,"\%z



4 'AXXdl ri Xiye&a6ry" b
But what u y r wven thousand men

to hFm the

~rrrakraxiXiovg dv6pfls
6 08rwg
mswm O ~ Ynai QV,T$

then Pso in the

him7 I haye reserved pment tinie a remnant acoordieg to 'election of grace there hm been. to myself seven thounand men who haw 6 ei.62 xiipcn, odciri it' {p@vh brrei xhplc ohrirc ivarar not boweh the ] m But if by grace, no longer of w o r k ; else m grace nolonger Loolues to Ulc imaqs QJBnaL r xapr? eei.6i it ipyov, oPdri *bmivl x d p i ~inei rb Bpyov E.en then at present time nlso grace but if of works, no longer h i t gra; e h work there is a remnant ohrirr {pyov,ll moording to the clection of graca 6 And no lolrg= h work.

GO^ anto

v i v narpy' XeTppa


ilEXoytj~~(iprroc yiyovev.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ h "7 , Ti o $ ; B irritqrei 'IapaGX, gro6rovH otre.bxfrvx~v, " odv ~ otherwise grace no What then ? What ' ~ 0 4 Lf0r ' 1 thh i t did not obtain ; fm r. i a But if it 4-62 inXoYf) irrirvxbv' 0i.82 Xarroi brrwpcjOqaav, 8 h~aOhE'l be of workn, then is i t no more : other- but the election obtained Citb and the rest were havdened, according U 1 worria no ' . ,y amat, EGwxev ahroig b nveipa ~ a r a v ( & w ~ , work it &n written.. Wave 'them 'God a spirit 6f slumber, 7 What then 7 I s a e l &?a TO?.~(I dr~o<er'v, foe hath not obtained b$OaXp03c r0ir.ptj PXd?riv, that which he aeehth eyes rro M not tosee, nnd earn ro M not to h6w, unm for. but the election h a t i obtnined it, sad q~.u~ppov.r)pipag. nai hapi6fi X6yei, revqO$ro rphrre(a 9 the r a t were blinded thir day. And Darid nays, Let be Yable 8 (nooording aa it is nai e i ~ anhv8aXov, nai air m t b n Q O ~ bath adrGv eic m y i s a , rai eic &tjpav, glven tiem the spirit 'their for. a snare, ;Uld for atrap, anh for oaase of offence, and for



Moij&j$ OLTTrAW. l id TT?. [ivj by (tilose) LTrA. [c'v by (those) LT?. npoiyvo] whom he f ~ r e k ~ i eL w 'IupaqAaiqc T. l avta~civ m r ~ . ~ T. 0 hiyou OLTTrAW. u L~AW. d - r i d l i t to end o j v e r ~ OLTTr[A.. I- imiv L r roirso G L m I W . h ~tdin(p even m. i Arrvaia

,+ [, b Hkr



X. I ROMANS. dvrard8opa a6roYcS l 0 u~ortuO~rwaav oi-6)BaXpoi.a6riv

a recompense



*Ouldnothear.)untO S bndbavid bow thou thin % t their table aaith e be mbde a anare, and a mp,bov." trap and a stumbliugdown block, and a m o m 11 Aiyw O ~ Y pt) (Xrraraav %a ?r;awaiv; pt).Yiv~iro' pence unto them: , Did they stumble that they might fall P May i t not be I ~ " , ~ ~ n , " ~ ~ h $ , , t h ~ I say then, eic &Xhd r$.afrGv ?rcpa~r&parr awrqpia ro2c ?6v~utv, may not F ,nnd bow but by their o f ence salvation [in] the nationa, for down the= back 'Way. rb naparqXGuar atro6~.12 EL& rb-?rap6?rrw a.a6rGv 11 I say then E a ~ e to provoke to jealousy t h e m But if their the] they #tumbled that

PXIAEIV, cai rbv.viurov-a6riuv k b ~ ~ a ~ r b lubyc"

t see, o
and their back continually

to them :

let be darkened

their eyes

gi":h'ide%ytthey e m that


zA03roc rba ov, ~ arb.qrrqpa.afrijv i

wealth of (the~world, and their default

rXo5roc . bOviuv,


rday piiXXov
how much the more

[the] wealth of [the] nation#, the t h r o u ~ h their fall rb.~X~pwprr.afrijv;13 'Tpiv mydp" XEyw salvation U come unto e Gentiles, for to their f ulness ? 'To 'for I speak, ovoke them t o jearu,


roic i6vratv. i$.$uov piv n ;pt b ; i6viuv

nations, inpmuch %m

of laNoW the them be of the T?~V-~~~KOV~UV.~OV 605cirw, 14 E ~ H W ~ A a p a ~ q ~ & a w of them the riches of and the diminishin; I glorify, if by any means I shall provoke to jealousy the aentues. how my service pov r i v a6pru, m i aDaw r i v d ~ afrGv. 15 ~i-y&p much filFor it nesss? la For I speab; m~ flesh, and shall save some from among them. to you Gentile8 m ~ , raraXXaylj cAapo?r, ric rj O?rpba- much of the Gentiles, SS 1 Sle their casting away p e the] reconciliation of [the] world, what the mine o5ce : *of [athe] %ation# aapostle,


&~iurohocfall 9


Xt/$rc,l1 ei-prj Twrj


except life from among [the] dead ?

ie r

ve~piuv ;
aIso the

my flesh, and might save some of them* 13 For if the casting dyia, cai oi &L%OL. ei.8; rivec TGY cha8ov bSecXha6q- awny of them & the 17 @a] holy, a l o the branches. But if some of the branches were broken re~onciling of the world, what shaU the uav, ~6.6; & rQXaros 6 v iv~K~vrpib6qc abroic, ~ a meivin qt t h m k bv i oft, and thou, a w l f o l i v e tree being, west gmfted in amongsb them, and but life ttom the dead i 16 the ' m cotvwvbc" 7jjc ,6ilqc Pcai" mbqroc iXaiac hit For ifhol firsth the a fellow-partaker Ot the root and of the fatness of the olive U- 1 m . & also and Now if the first-fruit

16 ~1.63


m] holy,

dyia, rai rb @papa' rcai ri


p d i f the root

4 iila



iyivov, 18 pi).mararcivxi, riuv d d & v b ri62. rarnxauxi?aar,

beeame, boast not against the

brnnches ; but if thou boastest agninet 17 bnd if of the of air rrjv /3aarci~etc,%iXX'I11.j ,6iTn ai. 19 'E- branches be broken but the root thee. Thou Of* wild thous being a and olive tree [them], %ot 'thou *the .root abearest, 'c'va w .t peTc o h , 'ES~~hcia6qaav ~XciGoc, 1 & m i y ~ e ~ r p t ~ e ;wup d e d in a m o d wilt say thcn, Were broken out the branches, that might DI grafted in. ~ ~ k ~ ~ the not Well c by unbelief they were broken out, and thou against the branches. Barqras. p~~;$qXo$pbver," &XXd $o/?oG. 21 ei.~h h 6ebc But if thou boast, thou ntandest. Be not high-mmded, but fear : for sod benrest not the root, but the root thee. rdv Kardr $fiatv ehci6wv o&e.i$eiaaro,w p $ ~ w ?of6Qaou 19 Thou wilt say then, the ".ccording sto h a t 'branches spared n o b lest neither thee The branches were broken off, that I x$~iatlrat.ll22 "I& o h xpqarbrqra rai L ~ o r o ~ i a v might he ffed in. 6~oG. he should spare. Behold then [the] kndness and severity of God : 20 Well ; f%use of nnbelief they were 2ai p b TOGS rreadvrag, Jdroropiav'" ixi.6h ae, 'xpqar6- broken off, and thou upon those that fell, sevezity ; and upon thee, kind- stande~t fnith. Be by but r4ra,I1 idrv @irip~ivpcU r$ xpqarbqrr' h i cai u-6 ic- not highminded, God fear: 21 for if nw, if thou continue in big] kindnew, else also thon wilt sp,uednot the natural

$ e


20 K ~ X G S ' ru d~rarip ti~c~Xhae~aav,l~ r~ by faith 01ivetree.18boast ~3.62. Aiar~land fatneas of


k 8td r a v s b s LTIA. 1 QVV- T. m 62 and L ~ A . o h then LT[T~]AW. np6crhr)p+is LTTrA. P (rai T[TI]A. AM& TTrA. r 0i OLITTAW. ;V- T . t Z~Aio&)cra~ broken off LTr. v Odqh&4p6vec m. p $ n o s LTT~[A]. $ciue~a& S ~ ~ q u r #c06 kiuduetis of God LTTr4 6 m he will apnrc OI.lTrAw. 1 i n w o p i a LTTIA. irrbdqs llr ''0

leat he aho rpnre not LIIEe. &hold there be cut



:''GE go3p"z:yt them whieh fell, mve-

r i t ; but t o w d t h c e , ~ gaodnesa if thou wnthem. For if thou out of the *according "0 'nntuye 7 ~ t u t tinue in i i s goodn-S : in otherwise thou d s o ~ 6 r q s6 P L E ~ ~ ~ O m; raph U , $iturv .!verevrpiueq~ riC hhnltbe cut off. 'cut *ox? 'wid 'olive 'tree, and, contrary to nature, wast grafted in to they nlm, if c h q abile not nd in an- ~ahhcbXacov, r6ay piihhov oSror oi t ~ a r h $6stv, &'lief*slrsll be M e d a good olive tree, how much more these who rrcco+ing to nature [m], in : for God ia able to pnff them in agnin. d i y l p f ~ ~ i ~ t h j @.i'Biq~ ihaipl; fL3 O i - ~ d p 6bXw $ 4 ; ~ b~~ a~' W For if thou wert shall b)e grafted into them own olive tree ? For not 'do ' 1 wlsh you cut out of the ollw trnt which is wild b ciyvoeiv, rio"d$oi,rij+varrjpiov.roi,ro, &a p?j.;lre e r ~ p ' n nntarr?,nndwertS-I.adl to be ignorant, brethren, of this mystery, that ye may not be i n ed contr to nature ' into a gxolire tree : lauroic $pdvtpot, 8 t t rhpwucs r i d pipuvS r+ 'Iapa4X how much more shall yourwlver wia, t h t hardness in part to Israel thew which be the &tc.oB rh lFXipwpa rGu t0vGu ri0iA0~. 26 lrai nutuinl ~ L be Q into thelr i w n appened, until the fulneas of the nations be come IU ; trnd olive tw*? 25 For I would btethren. oln'rws riis 'Iupa~jXow0rja~rac, ca0Ac yiypanrarrc, h t should he so all k r d shnll be saved, according as i t bus hwn written, nornut Of my* "HEEL Xi&! b tjvdp~vo~, ri~oorph~~r ciuep~in~ t e r ~leat ye rhould be wi,,;in your own con- Sly11come out of Sion the deliverer, and he shall turn awny uugotllincss celt*. that b l i n d n e ~ 'IascDp. 27 ~ a aijrq atroic tj rap' ipos GraOiml, i in pt is h ~ p p e u d ; to larnol nntll the tulJacOb. And thin [is] &toethem 'the ' f r o *me 'covenunt, n-04 the Qentfleabe oruv dr$fhwpac rri~.&paprias.atrGu. 28 Karh piu CONO in. 26 And so all lsrnel shall he lwcd: I mny taken away their aina A8 regards iudecd as it is written, Thew rh ~ t a ~ ~ d h t o v , p earci.8i r i v shrrl'cOnle Out Of the glnd tidings, [they m] enemies on your nccount ; but na regards the the Deliverer, shrill tcun nwa an- drhoyilv, ciynrqroi 616 roiq r a r i p a ~ .29 cip~rn~iAi~ra ~ 0 a i e from a : election, beloved onncwant of the fathers. 'Not Jto 'be 'repeated *of 27 for this t my covennnt unto them. ~ E i p rti xapiupara rai iAFjarc roi, 6~05. SO i i r r r ~ p - ~ c i p when I 1 *errway *1 for [nre] the gifts and the calling of Clod. For un thcir sins. ! As conB m r n ~ goapei. gcai 6peig ~ O T E tjr&tO;luar~ ry VGV-E~ ~~XE~~O~T ihcy am enemies for a k a ye once were disobedient to God, but now have been shewn mercy sour ~ k m : but aa t ~ ~ l c h h g election, T ~ . T O ~ T W V(i7rEl0~ig' 31 O ~ ~ W E 06r01 $V the rai 'Ij~Eietpnv the# att beloved for through their disobediellce ; so also these now were dhobedienb the fat m' aakas. For t t e piftR and 7@-b6p~~iplp1'.ihf.~c, GJQ lcai atroii i~rq~~utv. calling of God am to your mercy, that also they mny hare mercy shewn [them1 wi~hoa repcntnllw. t so ye llrt~rues 32 U U U ~ K ~ E ~ U 6 0 ~ ~ 7035 rcivrac E V - tc ~ ~ ~ cir~ieerav, roirs 'lva nst have not believed For %hut %p *together 'Qod all i disobedience, that n I have now ob~~$$'nlemy shroala rhvras ihriup. S3 'Q P l e o ~ rXo4rov rai uopias their unLalief: 31 even all he might shew m w y to. 0 depth of riches both of ansdom BO lurve these also ,bi , d ,eo , ,a, rai ~ D U E W 0~05. C k d v ~ & p ~ 6 v q7&in ipnra_u(Iroi,lrui ~a through 9- mercy and nowledge of God ! How unaearchable jndgmente, au&

d i y ~ ~ grafted tin ; ~ u ofor~ a ~ ' " tu~cv 6ts priX1v d i y ~ ~ ~ ~ p s O 6uvar6~-y&p ia 4 Qod agrrin tograft v able *1 l ' rpiuaruairo6~. 24 i.ydp sr ;K rijc lrnrci i $ 6 ~ it1~


. 23

PQMAIOYX. ~ r . b~rivor~ tdv p~j.Cirtp~ivwurvn ciriariqc, at, rg

Y ~ h c land, if j they continue not in unbeliei,





' 2




~ ! $ . ' ~ ~ & P b(iv~E[~viaurot ~$ ai.68oi.aitro5.

hath concluded them

34 ric-ycip




~ ~ $ C,~the~ $ tofmpiov; , or"who i ~ ~ ~ [the] Lord, 3 ris



his ways3

For who did h o w [the] mind

wcounsellor ~ ~ Tiyb1~r0 36 Or ris 7rp0iXO~became? ; O~ fi who S?& 36 ijrr iE crfroii For d atr$ 4 him b 66
to him [be] the glory

of the both of the wisdom and know- Gwrrv air$, rai ivraao600jutrar airrcji ; ledge of ! how gave to him, und i t &all be recompensed to him? unso~vehnbleam his gai 8 ; air03 nai fig a6+tv rh.n6iwt' judgments. nnd hia and throogh him and unto him [are] all things : pnst =%or whollnth known TOGS ai6vas. &piu. the mindof the lord? to the be&

~ b r i v oQLlTrAW. & k t p b l v Th. ;v- T. *,;v T L r f rai t m A V 8- X& OLTTJW, ljCIerCpy (do our mercy) E. 1 + &v now L L k t c & p a v q m m t ~

ROXABB. 497 dBeX$oi, 61d rGv oI)crtPP;vTO? Gvho hnth b e n his I k h o r t therefore you, brethren, by the con~pahsioncl ~ h ' ) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : v Bcnir, lrapaariioa~rhaDpara.CpGv Bvaiav tGaav, hyiav, itshi~llbo ruconldQod, penmd of him 'gniuP 30 For him, m d him. and t o well-plesdng to God, . *intelligent 'ramice 'your. And %ot whom be glory :to a,r thinga for mava~qpari~~oBell *.ai3vr.ioirry, &Md np~rapop$oir~9~U mar. h e n . 7'fahion yoanelver to thla am, but be tramformed by t%e HI. I beseech you

XI I. 12 naonxaX3 05v
to p r m n t

your bodiea

a "sadficcr



'rikpearov r$ Qetjj," nfv Xoyix)jv Xarpciav 6p3vs 2 ~ a )L$ t h o n g h i

by you what [is] thnt ye present your r i 8iXq a roil Beoii r t oi aBdv xai ahipearov mi rQXetov,~ h $ ~ ~ ~ $ $ *l.ll-plwaing .and *p3rfwL unio God, whid ( . W #of *God Ithe &wA 8 Xiyw.ydp dtd' njc ~ h ~ t r i o ~ r ) ~ 608eiuqc pot, ?ravri your a b n d be not vice Bor I u y through t h e , gram which k given t o me, to everyone ooniormed t o th& z$.6vrt v 6@v, p$ 6r~p$povciv wap' 8 6ei world: butbe yehn.9that k among you, not t o be high-minded above what i t behoves [you] prove . $povaiv, &XXd $povdv cig-rb uo+poveiv, Lchary d that good a n d what (. agceptto be mindea ; but to be minded 80 ss t o be sober-minded to ench hs andlperfect Hill 8~bc lr6proev pirpov riarewg. 4 KaBhx~p.~dp bvi otparl of dod. 8 Bor Iv God divided a mcusuro of faith. For even rrs in one body $ ~ g h n n ~ ~ pp6Xq noMdl' c'>lopev, rd.8.i )IIXV rhvra oh rijv atrdl) every man that h ammcmbera 'many we have, but the membem nll "not 'the 4same mOnKyOn lothink o liit,urelfrnoru highly f i x c t ?rpZittv' b oiirwg oi rohhoi $v ~ 3 p 6 iapev iv xoiary", thnnheoughttothink. 'hove function; , thus "the 'mrfir 6one abody lwe4are in Chribt, according as abd hnt h but to think soberly: ~3'.81rca0'.cls &XXGXwv piXq. 6 ? x o Y ~ E~apiuparad e h l ~ errry manthe ~.~~ to and eaoh on$ Dof 'each .other 'members. But having agifb monsure of faith. 4 For as wehave mnn mem. card njv 8ipiv rijv 80Beiaav dpiv ith$opa. ire h in one b d y , . %rcI&ng %o 'the grnce 'which 'is *given "us ldifferent, xhcther all membors hnve not ?rpo$qreiav, rard njv civixhoyiav rijg ~iarawg* cire btu-. ~hsameOWce:bAOwel 7 e i n ~ a n 8 are one m propheaymwrding to the proportion of faith; or ser body in hrid, and every onemembern one roviav, v .jstarovig* E ~ T E J Gt 8Lo~wv, r+ 818a?~~aXip* bv 01another, 6 Hnvincr rfooin oarvice ; or he thnt teachesin teaching ; differing nog ~ca 8 cira b napnraXGv, Iv rg' r a ax)ltjaeis b peraJi806~,i v cordmg to the to rIu, that is given or that e1h0rt~h &tation ; he that knpal'tsi n whether prophecy, I d dr?rhdrqrco d npoi'arcip~vo~, u?rov8$* 6 iv iXeijv, us prq3heq~according the proportion of rbplicity, he that takes the leadwith diligence ; he that shews mercy- faith. 7 or minlatv, iv Bapdrqrc. Q ' H dyhrq dwrdxptrop* rirourvyoGvng d ~ $ e ~ ~ ~ t with cheerfulness. p e t ] love me] unfeigned ; abhorring that teacheth, on lrovqpdv, roXX4pevor ry" ciyaBy"*10 @ $~Xa6eX$iq eic &X- teQch"g; ear hethat evil, clenving t o good ; in brotherly love townrds one ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; t h ~<hovy ti~riarop~or. rg rip d ~ ~ i ~ rpoqu g ~ o yoilprvor him it w i g aimh ~ ~ o t h o r ndly nlleotloned ; in [giviug] onour 'one *another Jgoing %fore ; $ ~ ~ ~ t $ f $ , . ' r p , ~ k 11 ry' arovsd p4 drypoi, ry' nv&parc riovrec, !taip(t311 sheweth mercy, with m in spirit, fervent ; 'sonson Chee*41nmw in diligenca, not rlothhl ; lovo be without dineiaovX~6ovrc~' 12 ;h.ni8~xaipovrcc, r e 6Xi$ft 6?ropQvovmalntion. Abhor that 'serving. I n hope, rejoioing ; tribulation, . ebdur- lvhich-is ; olonve t o thnt which is good. 18 rsc, 7$ ?rpoaevx~?rpoukapr~p~irvrc~~raic xpeiacg rGv l0 Be k i u d l ~ affoolng ; in prayer, rtedfaatl y continuing; to the of the t~onedone t o nnother with brotherly love &yiwv xoivwvo~vr~c, njv,$iXotaviav GtD~ovrec*14 e~oyeirein honour preforrini minh co~lmllni~mting ; hospitality pursuin~. Bless ono another; 11 not alothful in business 7 0 3 ~ t 4 x o v ~ 6piico eliXoytire, rai p~.rarapdaee. 13xai: fcrvent inspirit ; sew: Q a~ these that persecute you ; blass, and curse not. Re. inq the Lord 19 rejoicing in h o b ; pax a t p d ~ w v ,%sin k)taietv. p ~ & datdvrwv. 16 rt tient in tribulo~ionI oice with rejoicing oner, m d weep with weeping oner ; the continuing instant in

CLvccx~tv3usc roir.~ob~.oirp~~~,~ e i ~ boxipi~eivirpiic ri rb

renewing of your mind, for

to prore















rayer; 13 dlstribntto the neoea*ity of atr6 e i ~ dlXXtjXovg $povoGvreg* p4 tppornint8 ;given to boapi- -me thing toward one nnother minding, not high things mindtall$ 14 them voivreg, ciXXiz TOTS rar~ivoiguvva?ray6p~vo~. @j.yiveaOe r ~ cpenecnte you r t but with the low1y 0 going along : be not blesl, m d curse not. W* l 6 bjnice with them $ P ~ V L ~ L O Liavro?~.. 17 pq8evi rakbv (ivri Ka~oir(iz-oatrap' that do rejoice, and rire in yourselves: t o n o one evil for evil runrith them WWP. 16 & of the Bbvres* ~ o v o 0 6 p ~ v o i raXd [thing111 before vrrrdrvrov"&v~p6.rrwv* t h6xrov mme dering : providing right all men : raotber. Mind not hi& things but oon- 18 ai 8vvar6v, rb.QE.3pcjv, pcrd rrrdrvrwv LvOpPnwv eipqd-nd to of low it w i b l e , rs to yourselves, with all meq being eatate Benotrirein 'own ~ ~ n c e i tve60vres. 19 p) iavro6g irdtro~vres,dyaqroi, Mhd dire ~. 7 Becompnm to no at p-; not yourselves avenging, beloved, but give m a n d foreviL Rotide things honwt in r6rov rg' bpyp" y6y armc.yrrdrp, 'Epoi ar8ircqats, & dvrathe 8 h t of . m e a pkc. 1 U to wrath; for i! t= been written, To me vengeance l will 18 If be pomible, u much licth in ou ~08huw, Xiyet &pros. 20 w'Edv oZivU recvpi b b ~ 6 ' p d g live p m a b l y wit< reaompenle, rsya [the] Lord. If therefore should hunger bnomy avenge not yourselver UOV; +Pptte aLr6vS Idv men'9DU1y'0v*1 r6rtL 8 d thirst, give .drink aLr6vo roiro but r a t b give pl& 'thine, feed him 8 if he shou 4im ; 'this rdiGv, & dv9pa~uc ?ntpbg awpeiaerg ~ njv KE aXljv bri ~ t ~ ~ *mine. I wi!.lredoing, c of h thou wilt henp upon Bhead


L ?

k z

p.y f u l trh e if lord. o the t h e alemy hunger f e d

6rb roi r a ~ o i ,M d
evll, but


tv r$

overcome 'with

doing thou 'hrlt he. 'gmd levil. OOab of h on n l ~ a ibuuioip 6repr~o6uai~ l~oraaaia9w. herd. 21 B not overe g E ~ r y soul % 'anthodtier 'above 'let .e 'subjcct, b oome of evil but over=me evil with good otr.y(ip.turrv iEovcia ei-lljl xdrrbU 6'eoi" ai.61 oiianc Let eYW d For there is no authority exmpt f o rm God; and t h w that are be subjeot pnto the higher p o w m For ~dEouaia~U 6rd *rOiU,~~oij ~ ~ Y U L . E ~ U ~2V .$are b re74 there ir no wer but authorities, by ,God h a v e L n appointed 80 thnt he that

tiyagy' rb K U K ~ V .




: ~ E o $ ~ ~ ~ dvnraut~6pevor rj.&iuuip,

e r o i Oeoi diarayi dv8~urq1~ev~

'of 'God 'wdinnnce resi~tb ;

of God 2 Whosoever mtr himselfagainst the authority, the


ordinance of (306: and md they that reaist, t o thornselves judgment @hall receive. 'The they that m i a t nhaU to themselvw rdp &p~ovrey oirrc.~iuiv$6pog brGv dya9Sv ipywv," LM i d domnntioa 3 For m- for rtllws are not a terror to good works, but *eranre 'p+ #ofleibeai rrjv t~ovuiav T A ; to but to the erGurakGv." to evil [onas]. Dost thou desire not to be afraid of the authority ? .the evil. ~ i ~ t ' t h otben u n04,ez &~(lebv roiet, ~ a i E t e i ~ iraivov it aCr1jge 4 8eoi.yctp and thou good 'practise, and thou shalt have prneo from i t ; for bf aod h.vee :h s e he L the b l ( i ~ ~I U Ts V 0 0 1 tic T A (iyae6v. tdv 8i ri) ~ a c b v xoty'c, um 4 for of the a o r m ib id~ t o thea for ev t t good, But if e r n thou prnctinest, mininter of to forgood. ~ u t i f t h o u$o@oZ.ot.ydp eicij rrjv prrdrxai av qopei' Oeoir. d 8idkovd~ do that which id evil, for not in n i n %he sworf it wen?# ; for of a servant fear ; be for he eth not the sword in k~rrv, ir6tikoC e;g bpy4v ry' rb kaxdv rpciuaovrr. 5 8ib : for he ls the i t fa, an avclrger for wrath to him that 'evil Idoer. Whorefore minhter of Qod, a raveuger to execute civciyaq irrorciaaeaOat, 06 pdvov 8rd rrjv cipyiv,' wrath upon him that n-ssnry [it is] to be subjcct, not only on amount of wntth. doeth evil. 5 Wheretore H must n e h be dXXd Kai aid rtjv avvei8qun,. 6 biLi.roir~o.~d~ ( a i ~ mbject not only for but also on m o u n t of conscience. For on this account R ~ O wrath, 'but auo tor oonwience lake. 6 F O ~ $dpovg reXcira' X~ao~pyoi-$p8qo0 eiacv, eig.atrb.rolro for thla cnum pay ye tribute pny ye ; for minktern of God they are, on this ssme thing tribute nlso: for they m God's ministem, ? ~ ~ O ~ K ~ ~ T E ~ O 7 U T E S . ~ LadSore *o6v1l nzatv rdc GqeAcig* attendiug continually attending mntinnslly. Bender tb~.refore to all their daes :

:& 0i.82

dvOeaq~dras, iavroT~ rpipa Rtj+ourai." 3 oi




+ [ivljs'ov &S eeoi rail before God and L. & M &idv But if ~ n r r 7 ~ t L. v firb LlTr. I i~ouuiab OLTTrAW. ' 703 OT,TI'rAW. l Avjp$ovrat LTPrr. b ry' & y d $ imo to a nood work LTI~AW. o h LTTrAW. 0 T@ 8altpi t o an evil [one] m n W . / L




l ~ ~

$hpOv,rbv #dpov* ry' r l rhXos, ri) T ~ X O C *

tribute, tribute ; to whom f e u ; to whom owe ye, n n L

~ d

b whom


cuatom ;to whom ~ honour.

t i )qhpov, ~ fou,
(!it. nothing)


njv r i p j v , rqv n p j v . 8 Mqb~vito whom tribute

honour, to love

To no one custom ; fear to whom custom

pVJiY d$eaErE, e i

4 r3 %iycr~(iv

ciXXjXov~'' 6-ydrp fear ; honour to whom 'w one another: for he th.t any thing,ebut to love


a y ~ T t hrhv

one another : for he loveth another loves the other, Inw hu fulfilled For, 'Not both fulfilled the law. 9 For this, Thou shalt p01~6oel~., o~.$ovE~uE~~, o~-KXIIJ/EL~, not commit adult 'thou "shalt commit adultery, T h o u h l t not commit murder, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not
~TE~OV, ~hp0V

T E H X ~ ~ W K E V . 9 ri) 7 6 ~ 8 ~ 0 that

f o b . ~ e v 8 0 p a p r v ~ ~0 & i ~ , ~i ~ V p ~ ~rai c i, ric a~~iT 8 t e

mandment, in h a l t love thh wof


Thou shalt not boar false witness, Thou shalt not lust ; and ii any other comi t il summed ug, thplt in t k , love

bvroX$, bv ero6ry r ~ ~ l! ~ y ~ ~ e $ d a t o 6 r a i , ' A a- if there be'Oret; other d ~ biv r$," not any
it is to the neigh- Thou shalt iove th nei hbour 8s tb self! ci worket{ no does not work : . f u L *theretomof e ' a ' L ~ e P b l . 111 to h neighborn. . Lour, n i l themdore love is th; 11 Kai roiro, ridhrec rbv ~alpdv, 8ri iipa lulfillinyof Also this, knowing the time, that [the] hoar I1 And that, knowij8q11 it: i j ~ v o v 8ljvai' ~ i v - ~ Iyybr~pov ~ G t j v ingthetime that now dp nenrer 'alrendy out of sleep shoullbe roused ; for now [is] of ur the it wake high of sleep : for ant a$re C~areCaap~v. ,j h$?rpohrroJlev, 4-61 now ir our salvation 12 awrypia, salvnt~on, than when we believed The night is advanced, rnd the ~ ~ ~ e f +hpa ~ y y i ~ ~ v . &?ro6&ps8a o6v r d ipya 703 a ~ d r o vs~ i f,w t, the day is un therea t hen=& day hlu drawn near ; we ahould cast off therefore the works Of fore cast oft the w o r h ~~pepq, hrkneas, and let ur of ' ~ a iv8uo&p~8a~~ axha ro3 $wr6c. 13 &c (v l ~ ( t m d should put on the armour of light. in [the] day, f!n t on the armour o f ~ g h t .13 Let us walk E ~ ~ U X Y / ?repi?ra~aopcv, ~ 6 p 0 i KU; pf8aic, p$ ~ ~ U U ~ C($ c col- honestly asintheday. becomingly we ahould walk ; not in revels and drinking, not in chaw- not in ' rioting and drunkenness, not in rat$ rai &oeXyeiaic, p$ iptdi ~ a c$Xrj~y. 14 maiXX"1 Cv8Coaa& Ohambering and wani bering and wantonness, not in rtriie and emulation. But put on tonness not in striQ and enbing. 14 But ri)v K ~ P L O V ' I q ~ o ~ v xp~urdv, Kai aaprrbs lrpdvoiav p4 put ye onthe Lord J e the Lord Jesua Christ, and 'of *the 'ls feh *forethought =not sus Ohriqt, aud ruake not pronsion f ~ the r T O ~ E ~ U sic C~i8vpiac. ~ E flesh, tofu(@ the 1 'do 'take 'for 'desire. thf=Qf

,&on commandment,

Ew i t n en:&s ~ , Thou false

~ ~ ~ $ l ~


mjaelc rbv.?rXqaiov.aov cjc 'iavrdv." 10 ' H ci h r q r @ xAqthy neighbour

oiov r a d v oz;rc.tpyhl;erai. TA$ wpa otv


4 im.


k ~ ~ ~ c ~ l i t


14 Tbv.&
But him declrionr

&o&voi%ra r $ niarri npouAap@hvroO~,

being weak in the faith
One receive believes

8iarrpioeis 8 r d ~ y i a p G v .2 "0c.p;~ riure6er $ayeiv ~ h v r a ~ F " , " ~ $ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ; ~ ; ,

teeat all thin@ ; thrt he ent rbv p4 t h i w : another. who another being wenk 'herbs 'eats. He that eats, 'him *that *not is 3 Let nor him thnt 6a8iovra prj.~~ov8tveirw*' ~ a i dU ptjia6iwv, rbv 6- eateth despise him 'ents 'let 'him =not *despise ; a d he that eats not, ' %at U that ; and let not him which eato6iovra p ~ . ~ p i v t r w . d.8ebc.ydp alrbv ?rpoaeXhpero. 4 a4 0th not judge him t h a t 'ents ]let 'him %ot *judge: for God him received. YThoa e'teth : for God bath received him. 4 Who 1 d rrpiv~v&XXdrplo~ 0iICirtlv ; r(i.i6iY rupiy b n j K i jrt thou that judge& 'who =nrt judging another's Bervant 7 to hi. own master he stands another man S Wvant 7 to his own $ ~inrti. ara8jaerat.3i. OG v v a r b ~ . ~ i Coriv d 8~8c" p master he standeth or for able il God falleth. Yea, he ahall or falls. And he shall be made to rtand ; ur,jaai alrdv. 5 "OS..piv K ~ ~ V tjpipav p E L =p' Gpfpav, be holden up : for hlm h to mtke God to nlrko 'elnnd 'him. One judges v dny [to be] nhove r Qy ; s t a n d 5 One n u n esof rensoniugs.

;$ weyL g:fGki2 eeive ye, but not


3-68 cia8evijv X h ~ a v a iaOiri.

3 d


ihhrjhous i y a n i v GLTTrAW.

y c T~ . A I i v vo&p&a 61 LTTIAW. m h h i TTrAW. &MS for able is the Lord LITIA ;8vvarei y+ 6 Oebs W .



o $evBopapwpiv~~s ! QLTRAW. g A6yq1 so+ QeaVTOV LTTrA. $61) ~ ~ L G s LTIW ; 581) 6 ~ already 2 ~ o 6; L ~ A . 0 6uvarei y+ o p y+ for (ow) LLB.





P ~ M A I O Y ~ .

Yn 'h* 'own %ind

teemeth one da abow ruothcr : nllot~er es- %-6a rpivec ~ z a a v ipipav. every day a-other jadgea every dny [to be alike1

i'raaroc t v rr~.i'diy

~ o etv e n m?n n ~ q p o ~ o p ~ i v O ~ (povOv r + ~ 6d . Qipav, w p i ~ qpovri. ~ ~ ~ 'let be fully f f d assured. Re that relprdr the ~ d:ly, t o [the] ord r e g a r b [it] ; thatrc~nrdethl l e d a ~ ,' ~ r a i 6 p?j.$p~7&; r?jv ?)pfpav, hvpiy t d.$po~ti.~ 3 rugardetlt 22 unto the and he that regnrds not the Lord ; and thnt dny, to [the] Lord~rgards not. E e w [it] gnrdcth not theday, to da$iwv, mrpi ~ 0 6 i l ,ei~~apiori.ycip 8~47 Kai d ry' the he doth eats, to [the]Krd eats, for he givw thi~nlis t o God ;and he that%ot regard it. Ha thnt a k t h enteth t o the iueiwv, mlp; ob~.ia0iec, ~ a rtixapcorei ry'6ef;. 7 0 6 8 ~ i ~ i Lord, for ho giveth leau, to [the) %d he eats not, and given than? t o God, I(o *one God thanks. and he that enteth' not, to yap Ijpiiv iaury' Kni o t 8 ~ iia~r y ' c i I r 0 6 ~ a ~ e c . 6civ.r~ l 8 the Lord he eatoth for of us ta himself livcn, and no one to himself dies. 'Both q not and giveth God thinkq. 7 For none of yap ZSpcv, r * mpiy < i i p ~ v * bCiv.r~ ~ L ~ R O ~ I J F ev,P K W ~~ ns liveth to himself. for we should live, to X e Lord we ahould live ; and it xe rhould d t , and no mnn dieth to ~ (~ . O ~ himself. 8For whether T(; ~ u o i y ~ T O ~ U ~ ~ Q K O C I E YY . T E U ~ L ~ P E V , d 6 v - r ~ 8 8 ~ 0 we live, we live unto tothe ~ ; r d we die : both if then we should live, and if we should the Lord. m d whether we die, he die unto ~ u $ ~ K w / ~TO;v ,~"C U P ~ O V E 4bpblJ. g ~i~-roGro.ydp p l b r b ~ a i n ~ t~ the Lord :whether we die, the Lord'e we are. For, for this Christ both



we live are the Lord's. Cir60avev Kai T & 7 ~ b ~~ q C ~ ~ J ~ ~ ~ i'va V , " Or die' r a i U E rat ue~pGv~ a i 9 For t o this end died and rose and lived ngain, that both [the] dcad and Christ ri I C ~ ~ I J E ~rbv Ci6~Xq6v E rose nnd revived thnt W Y ~ W Y KW ~ 6 ~ 9 . 10 %.& ' But thou why Judg?st thou abrothu he Aight b ~ ~ ~ , $ living ~ ha migft rule over. . b ~ h of the dead and living. QOU; rai a3 r i why dostthou iSou0eveic rbv.ci8cX$dv.aou; ~ d v r e ~ . ~ ladga thy brothor? or 'thy? or also thou why dofit thou despise t h y brother? Pot #all why doat thou net a t napaurqahp~Qa ri; p$unri w r ~ iXP~a~~VJ.." r 11 Yh&wxrac 'we shall staud before the judg&ent seat of the Christ. PItJhas4becn bofor6 the judgment G d 4 , Xiye1 ~ h p i o ~ .$.to; K& #EL T ~ Y 6r1 Y(;VU, seat Of l1 O r L i e I snys [the] Lord, that Y me s h a i bow every k n r , it i.r written, A8 I live, snith the Lord, every ~ a xIr2iaa yh2aun ~~opohoy$aeracU 0a3. 12 "Apa rofivn i r@ knceevery tonme uheli d and ahall bow to me y every tongue shall confess t o God 80 Lhcn contcoa to GO& 12 SO E K ~ U T O S 4p2v I r ~ i iavroG Xdyov ~ 8 L a e i*~ @ ~ E ~ ' .MQT 13 I I then every one of us ench of us concerning himself account s h d l give to God. No shnll give account 04 himself t o ~ o d .13 et r Q r i 08v dXXi/Xouc roi~~wpev. .ciXXd roSro rpivare ~tiiMorr, not therefore judge longer therefore one another shohd we judge ; but thfs judge ye rntllrr, one anothcr nny more: but judge this rather, 7i) /.~$.TL~~~JUL ./rpda~oppa TY c!~EX$@ ~KciV6ctXov. thnt no man put a not to put a n occ~sion atambling to the brother or a cause of offcnca of stumbling block or an m u i o n to fall in his 14 0 1 8 ~ rai n i n ~ i a p n iI v w p i y ' I ~ l ~ o G , oii&i~ Src brothcr'a way. 14 I I know and am pemnaded in [the] Lord Jesus, thnt nothing [is] know, and am by the uocvbv 6 biawroij.' eipd 1 ' r$i Xoy~Copivy r KOLJ~Y Jesus th:,t there ip no- unclenn of itself : except to him who reckon8 auything unole:~s thin; unclcnn of itself: but to him thab E ~ V ~ I~, K E ~ V Y O I V ~ ~ ' K 16 r i cBIU 6cd ppGPa S w k m e t h any thing to be, to that one u ~ c ~ ~fit I RE u I 'f 'but 'on nocount of mcnt I

;,",":Fs:,"$ ,bfot,","ii

E a ;

i : if

~~~~~~ E
tb brother

tiB~X$d~.aov Xvneirac, o l j ~ i r r ,card


dycinqv nep~nnreic,
love thou tvalbrest.

chsritably. -ot with *c y %eat 'hiai 'dbtroy for whom Chrlat died. not him with thy Bav~v. ~ ~ . / 3 X a a $ q f t i a 6 o o j v dp3v rb 16 a0bv. 17 oh mcnt for whom Christ Let not 'be beril spokun 'of -fore Y~our Ygood ; *not died.' 16 Lot not then ycur good be e v i l rcip tariv paacXeia ~ 0 6 9 ~ 0 3 PpOuc~ rcai r d a c ~ , , ciXXd ; p e n of: 17 for the fw is the ]ringdo= of Ood anting mid Mnking ; bpt ngdom of God Fs not meat nnd clrink. Bc~ucou6v~ eipjvq Kai ~ u p d rai bv m ~ ~ 6 t t ~ l riy' 18 3 (i c b a t rirhteousness, righteonsneas and mid joy in [the] 'Spirit 'ably. *He 'thnt

yr L; i


thy brother

ia grieved,

no longer m o r d i n g to


i~l~ivov dz6Mvc d r i p 06 xpcarb~dni-



-~raij ub~ p$ ewe die L.+v +pov& o w op v

l [TQ

i))lfpav, rvphp

a G$o+oA+mak

- rai LTPrAW.

-' rai and a r . n r r w . LTP~[A]. icqucv b e d a r m a w . mi et03 zZua yAGmua L T ~ . 7 o h LTI~A). 8 h U c r a V I ' C ~

06 +povei

[auul8Juer L


airto3 OL.Rw.

& for LTTrAW.

&dp &J drobrorc' dodrbwv
or in thew t h i n p serves the

~ p r r r $ ddpenroc r<et$,
Christ [is] well-pleosing

ncq nnd joy in the

Ioly Ql~mt.18 For he to God, that in therre !hingl serveth Chrlst L( nrrai dduiyo~7 0 ; ~ Y ~ ~ &l 9 cipa otu~ . d ~ X O ~ God, and and sppmved by men. P then the thinm njE ~i'p$vqrceplnble to of men. of pwce approved * 8 r h ~ w p v ,real ~ rd oiro8opijc rljc.~ic.&XX$Xovc. 19 Let a s therefore we should w m e , and the things for building up one another. FYEKEU @pt$paroc carciXve rb ipyol~TO; BEOZ. m d things wherewith 20 M4 of God. edifyanother. work. destroy the Not for tho sake of meat 20 For Ineat dastro r d v r a piv raeapd, dhXd xarbv &vep&*y r $ not tho w o ~ k Gok of U things indeed [are] pare ; but [it d] evil to the man who thinfllndeed pure; but it W evil for irpia, that man who eateth 6td 7rpoa~dpparociaeiovri. 21 raXhv rb p?) $ a y ~ i v through stumbling eats. [It is] right not to eat fie&, with offence. 21 It is ~ o o dneither to eat d.6b~X$dc-@0~ spourdsr~i flesh, nor to dri?k ptl84 ? n E y ~ O ~ U O U , / . l ~ &;V nor drink wine, nor in what thy brother etumbles, or wine, nor an ihcng whereby thy bother arcav8aXi~crar ~ u ~ E u2E23 ..rriariv h E ~ ~ ~ rc ;iuavrhvn stumhlcth, or is of. 22 ~ ~ ~a dll fs offended, or is weak "Thou 'faith 'haat? To t h p e l i fended or is made ~a d p l j . ~ p i v w iavidv wrak.l 'B H it totthou PvLi~rov 703 Beoir. pardpioi faith hHve thyW [it] before e O-od Bleared [W hp that judges not himself ~ U b e f o r e God. IIap y iP he that couv O K ~ E 6 8iarpiv6p~vog idv rara- emncth not himself in what he 9pproves. But he t b ~ t doubts, if e eat, has h e n iu that thing whicl~ he r i irai, Er1 , oCr Iic .rrior~wc. .rrciv.GB 6 oirr i s "loWeth. 23 iadrrmothatdoubteth And he frith ; and sverything whloh [i83 not af ,d if he eat becauao eoxmned, b w [it k] not of he euleth not 'of faith : wio7(wc, dpapria ioriv. for whatsoever u not faith, 'sin '. b 4 faith l Pin. f 8



15 'O$eAopv.Gi
But we ought, t o bear,

tjpaic ot

Bwaroi r d LoBevij~nra7cjv
the inhtties of the Forse~rp

m who[are] strong,

ri8vvdrwv paarciC~rv, p4 iavroTc ciptaxa~v~ Emusor? ' H rai 2

and not ourselves to plenre.


.&h. ?he 7nelghbour

~ ( ~Aquiov ciptocirw ~k rb d y c t e b ~ be oiroboprjv. 3 .~


3 rcai-ydp 6 xpiorbc
Por also the

XV. We then that are atrong ought to bea~ the iofimitiea .let .please unto g r building up. of +he rut. and not to plcaae ourgoy oir~ iavrqj EUEV, aXXd, ye- selves. 2 ~ every t 'not shimself Iptased ; but, according as it has of us plesse h& neigh-



L n written, The reproache8 of thorn

Oi 6va8'apoi &v

b 1 ~ ~ l 8 i / d v r ~ v m ~ . r r ~ ~ e ufor ~ 3s even OE edification. For hour ~

repronching thee

b?i bp;.
on ma instruction


For U many things nr wCro written before for

dv r~oe~~ci$~,
2~"erv. $piu 76

)jpEr4,av ten ;but, a8 it is writself The repronches of



Christpleamd not him-

the& thnt repronched

theefe"on whntroever thine were wr~tten aforetime were mitten for comfort Lg B of the aerip y be l~keminded toone

GibaakaXiav "?rpo~yph$q,' 'Iva 812

encouragement of the mipturer

GCendurance and U riic itnopovijc rcai were written More, that through
5 6.8;
hope r e mlg t hava \ rJow the
o ~r o v a i

*uparAioewp r 3 v ypa)Gv n j v 'iAsida 8tbc

~ T


of endurance and

'~ ~ saparAja~wc ~ ~ nard

encouragement give yoa %he4aamesthing

t p o ~ d ~ ' dXXfjAr.rc

to 'mind with one another according to

Pxprarbv ' ~ ~ o o i v ' H 'iva of patience andyeu to 6 cansolation grant Jesus ; Christ rbv Brbv rai ?rarQpaward another accordGod and Father
i~ to Christ Jean*:
6 that ye mny with

f v Ivi ardparr
With one l o o r d with l one mouth
TO~.W~~OV.&~V 'Iqao3


Te may glorify the

of our Lord

X ruroir.

7 Aib

.rrpooAapPLiv~oO~ mind and oue one

receive ye


I] *

rai b X p r ~ ~ brpoa~XdParo qt)pacu ~ t d fi$Xovc, K U ~ ~ J C e mother, namding u .L& Chrbt m the received M to Gdbv 6 ~ 0 i i ~
l *
Of ( 3 d

c r d Jesus christ. h
glory of God.

month lorify 00% even thesather of our

7 Wherefore recerve ye one another os CWlrt also received ru to the

T f 8 d x o C r kWB p m e C. o C) u x a y 8 d i ~ e r a r 4 4 v ( [ $ v ] A) ixcrc x a r a (reud faith which thou baat, t &C.) LlTrA. i o r a y b p o 1 ykp for GLTTrAW. m rse. k Place here versa 25-27 of chapter xvi.'o. CibmrAw. u a ~ , l . A iypi+q were writtan LlTrAWt 0 a d through LlTrAW. D 1qn& xpw~ov r . ~ P +pis you Q L ~ A W . r 709 L m L


this OLTT~AW.

&6evei T.


I "p


8 AQYw '6Q,11t ' I q ~ ~ xprurbv 81&rovov ~ y ~ y ~ v atpl..~ a ir~" ~ a

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' t'say h 'but,~ 1 " Jana, i C k~ d i a servant ha9 h o m e of cir-cislonforthetruth r o p i j ~ 6aip ciXqBeiac 6 ~ 0 6 , rb P ~ P a ~ i rcie~ixnyeic ju ~ of God, to oonfirrn the oumoision for [the] truth made unto of God, for toconfirm tho prw that glorify Gnntiles the mighi God for the fstherg:
9 and

y~XiaGr i j v xaripwv' 9 rd.6.4 Eevq & r i p iX60ug Gof&uar rig,

mises of the fathers ; and the nations fpr mercy toglorify

among the Gentiles, sing unto thy name. 10 And agaln he ~ ~ i t Rejoice, ye h, Gentiles, with his peaI1 And again h:! e ; , Lord, ally; e Gentiles ' and laud him a d ye 12 A d again, saith, Thero shall be a root of Jesse and he that Rhallrisd over the Gentiles ; in him bhall the Gentilea trust. l3 Now the God of hope fill you with

his merc as i t is &6v, K~Q& ybypaarai, Ard ro5ro i<opoXoyfiuopai %dr cause God ; acdording as i t has been written, Became of thia I will coufess I will donfess to thee



i8veuiv, uai r@.bvdpari.oov

and thy name nations, with all

1,baX3. l0 Kai

to thee among [the] notions, again it says, again, Praise Rejoice ye, the

wiil I praise.
his people. praise

And And

?r(iXlVXfyei, EGfJpcivBqr~, .?Our],


roir.Xaoir.nliroir. 11 Kni
the nntions, und

?rhXivW, Aiveire 'rbv rhptov ?rcivra r d r"(3vtl,'l rai ~ i n n c v i u a r e ~

~ t i ) ?T(~YTEEoi Xaoi. ~ b ~
him, all the peoples. of Jes<e,

12 Kni arihiv, 'Hlrai'ac hiyet, ' E And again,

K U ~

Esuiirs ariscs

r ays, There t o rulo [the]


)(I tt)ila 705 'Ieuuni,


S ( i v i u r c i p ~ v o(~ P x ~ ~ v Z
6 ~ ~0 t~ j
in Now Ithe ='Go.L and peiioa

shall be the root

and he thnt shall hope. joy

EOVGV, i ~ at^@ '

nations : 'may fill for

iQvq ~ X T L O ~ U ~ V . 13 '0.82
you with all

him [the] nations

may abound in hope, 'of 'hope


dXai8og aXqpDuai 6ptig .rr(iorlc ~ a p l i crai ~ i ' p r j ~i ~ ~rg v 3

believing, 'to sabound 4011 in hope, in power

~ a i u r~ h ~ t~06 rb .rr~ptuuelj~~vZg i v~ r e iXxiGr,r i v dttvdpet ~ v,' ~ ~ o 6 ~ e ~ f

14 And I myself al- of [the] 'Spirit 'Holy. so am persuaded of you, my brethren, that 14 ITka~iupac.8~,(ideX$oi.pov, I(& a6rbc d & r e p i ye also are full of But *am bpersuaded, 'my 'brethren, 'also 'myself conoerninp goodness, fillcd with all knowledge, able ;@v, Bri ~ a atjroi peuroi lure c i y a e w ~ i r v t ] ~ , i ?renXqpw iivor also to admonish one you, that also yourselves full are of godnew, being filled another 15 Neverthelcss br;thren I have aciuqc a yv&oecoc, Gvvcip~voi uai ciMrjXov~ vovBar~tv. 'roX15 wriiten the mbre bold- with all knowledge, being able, also one another to admoniuh. Wore ly unto you in some ~qpdrepov'l putting you iypa$a hpiv, b&8~XfJoi," .&ad p i p o ~ ~ , 6~ In mind, because of boldly 'but I did write to you, brethren, in part, ns the grace thatGod, E X ~ Y ' U ~ L ~ V ~ ~ U K W Y 8ld iven to me of i 9 s ;@g, T ~ ~ ( i p i v $ V 608~ia(ivp01 V ' 96 that I should be reminding you, because of the grace which was given to me Christ to the Gentiles Cv?rb'' the Of Jeeua 705 ~)Eo;, 16 E ~ C E I V ~X ~ i r o ~ p y b v' I ~ u ~ p~l u r o ~ " 76 * o ministering thegospei by God, for 'to ='be me a minister ok Jesus Christ of G O ~that the offer, Td goVq iepovpyo5vra rb ~ 6 a ydXiov roir 8 ~ 0 5 , f t o the nation:, administering in sacred sermce the g h l t i d i n g n of God, b:,ing ~nnotified the 'iva y6vrlrac ~ a p o u ~ n p 3 v iev&v ~6xp6a6erroc, y l a u ~ b v q by rd ~ that might be the offcring up of the nations acmptable, sanct15ed mny l o v through Je- hv avehpari h i y . 17 c"xw o h ~ a 6 x q u t vi v xpior$ rue t h r i s t in those by [the] %pirit I have therefore boasting in Chrisb things which pertaln &6v' 18 o&-yd@roX fiuo gAato God. 18 For I will 'Iquos 7; not dare to speak of Jesus [as to] the things pertalnlng to God. t d For not w i l l r d a r e any of those things which Christ hsth not XETV ~ 1 " ;V 06 ka7~1pyCiU~~0 L U T ~ S ip05, e i ~ X ~ 8; wrought by me, to speak anything of what =not 'worked *out Christ bp me, f o [the] ~ make the Gentiles obedient, hy word and ~ A ( X I E O < V i h & ~ , Xdy(t) Kai rpyyl 19 ;U 8~vcipe1 ur]dord, l9 t h r o u ~ h i g h obedience of [the] nations, by word and work, m i n [the] power of ty nigns nun wonders dvv&p~i .rrvel;pnrog hljeoir.Y GU,-E.~E power of th; p ~ i w v rai repcirwv, i z t b , Spirit of God ; so that signs and wonders, in [the] power of [the] Spirit of God ; so for me


6 i



t 'Il)uoirv LTTrA. Bays L * . [] 7 :OM) 7bv K ~ P ' O Y LTTrA. ; ~ o h ~ q p o TT.~ p ~ b ~ s ibeA4oi L T T ~ [ A ~ . + q v LTTrAW. 7bv GLTTIAW. I

* y&p for LTTrAW.

v ycviu8ac became L T ~ . A+tr it j ~ 7 r a f ~ ~ u ( LlTrA. u a ~ i ~ ~ (TT(ST[A~ C i n b TTr. y;u703 'Iquolj L'ITrAW. r b A d e i v LTTrAW. hybv Hohr (bpirit)

+ +


from Jsradom,

and in a cimuit unto

dlrb '1epounaX;p ~ a i& K X ~ pixpi 703 'IMuprroir ?renXqpor6vat

IQricurn, ham fuuy lyricum, I have fully to

rza ~ l ~ m n p j J
rtrivsd to prench goape1 not where I rhould build upon cbri~wahamd+lw.lf anothcrman'sfoundatiOn : a1 but as it in written To whom he wslnot;pokenof, they


rb oira yiXtov 703 xpruroir. 20 olirwc.64 i$Aorcpod- r h e YOthe @~p01 d of being am- Ibrist. Yea, so have proached the glaltidings of the Christ ; and so 'Iva ptj 8.n' riXXdrprov OyfXiov oiro6opG. 21 m d
thrrt not upon mother's foundation I might b d l d ;

? ;'' t;


06% Srou hvop&aer) qpcardc,


to announce the glad tidings, nos



but according ls they .hall

Tar' ~ a i 02


yi panmr,



lrepi airroir, 8+ov-

WritM, To whom i t w u no* announced concerning him,

otrcirr)~{aaiv, UV~UoVarv.22 Atb

from coming in yo?

ree ; nnd those thnt hgye not heud,

shall understand Wheretore abo I W=

rai due- nnderstand

But now,


k o m d r p ~krd.lroXhdH T O ~ ~ ~ Olrpbc V6pZg. E ~

many times 'haring to

23 vuvi.64
and *a 'longing



pqdrt .rdrov ixwv dv ~oic.~Xipaurv.rodrorc, blrrlro6iav.Gi

no longm %lace 'having thene regions, for many yerur,

22 For which cause also I hare been druch kludered from 9 ~ u no%.4"iny% t more p h e in tfeae p t a , and hving a great desuethwmany

FXWY 'roir" iXOeiv rpbc irpiic

to come

take'm journoy into Spain, will come to vropdwpai eic n j v Zraviab, OBX~iruopa~ lrpbc 4pds.B bXlricw you : for I trust to I may go t o &sin, I d u ~~ to You ; 1 'hope you in my journey, '

&TB "lroXXcjy" drGv, 24 &c."icivl'


2pwE,"&:$F f

ydp Gcalropeubycovoc BecioauOac Gpiig, rni p;$'" 6pOv ?rporop'for going through

see of you flrat


and in

bp put


$0 be

g y d


Ire;, idv 6pGv r p i i r o v &*h

n o


I should be m e d .

by you, if first I be "eWhat filled with

m a r d thither,

25 NuviG1 sopedopai eic 'IE ouaaXtjp, GraKovGv roic hyioq.

I go
m ,

26 Qirbdmuav".ydp Maadovia rai 'Axottf rotvwyiny +tvd

for %ere %leased


minktsr lem doing remice to the m i n a ; ~ ~ h m


2 ~


~ ~ e ~ o n i o ~ cnhd i a a a

a ~ o e d o n h .and *Achaia .a *contribution 7certain

r o i i ~ o a d a eic rodi i
to make the

which are at Jenura- Jmaleq It bath pleosed them verily 97 qeir66tiq~av~.~d~b erXQrarr d ~ G veiuiv." d y d and their debtors the; rcai leh. I o r they were p l u u d and Cebtors &their they ; for if For if the Bentilea hare been made roi~.nveupariro~.a6rGvi ~ o w ~ a q u arir Z e q , b eihovuiv plvtakera of thir W!v i their rpiriturl thioga n %asticipated 'the 'nations, t ey ought ritual things their duty is t;, miniuli dv roic uaprncoie Xccr.oupyrjuac ahoic. 28 re3ro o h -to them in Calm in the tteahly t h i n p to m n s e iitr to them. This therefoie thin2 When '8 therefore I have parircre'hiuac, ~ a U$~pa U ~ p w 0~ ~ ~ T O ~ rbv.ra nbv.r03rov, formed this, m d have i r Z C hovirrghbhed, . d n ha&larlsd tothem t f i s fruit, d e d to. thsm tbir drdedioPcv d i +GY snjvl' Praviav. 29 olba-62 8ri ~ ~ k ~ ~ i Iwillset off by yoa into Spain. And I know t b t am sure that, when

~GY hyiwv ~ G v

1v tI~povua-saints


of the

who t a r 4 i n

&pXbpios vrpbc Gpiic, dv IrXqpPparr e6Xoyias 'ro6 e6a yehiou






of bleastng of the glnxtidings

you, by the brethren,

n a u of the blwiny of

~ k ~ r n & m


iuroir Ueduopat. 30 lIapa~uX3.61Cpiic, TibeX$oi," Grdr ~

oPCbr@t Ishnllcome. our Lord Jednr But I exhort Christ, and by

toi.~upiov.~p0v'IqooS ~piuroir, mi Grd r i j c

N ~ ~ ~ ~ brethren for the L r d i y l i r q E 703 chst's Mke and for the lore of rhi love of the spirft, a t rerive

rve6paroa mn~aywviuoo$ai, pot b raic lrpou~vxaic 6 d p Spirit, t o a i v e together with me in praym 2p05 lrpbc rbr Ocdv. 91 2va f i v d ~ i i r b rcjv &reime to Q4 that I may be delivered from those' being BQ~VTWY h. 'Ioudaiq, mi W'ivau 4 i ) ' 6 r ~ o v i a(rou 4 "
dhbedimt in

tsg$$tFG:; for me. that I may

;(l be deiivered not bcthem thbt do from lieye in Judma. tiut m i whith,





any which M

~TT~AW. 0 eiviv airriuv LTTrAW.

i+~&o~cpoCpacam I

- Eva L ~ A .

Gwpo+opi(L deriug of gifts t

- i A w u o p a r . upbs 6 p 6 s QL'TT AW. P d+' LA. * -v A . - 705 e 6 a y y d i o v ro6 GLTTrAW.


ambitibua L T ~ .



1 [roil L

m i ~ a d TIA. v g 6 b d q u a v TW. - ri6cA$oi] &

the saints ; 33 that I may fame you with 'oy by the will of may with be refreshed.


acceptable may be

c i y i ~ i e . ~ Ivn 32

~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ cJ~i's"'16 ~ vr~aXdp~6~pdubercros ~ , " P" ~ ~ l e , " l zybvqra~ roic

to the sointr ;


$, & :

:: :

L e a

' i v xa@ (XOwn .rrpb~ 6pZc bid &X$paroS bOeoii,P in JOY I may come t o you by [the1 will of God, and .uvvava~a6u~pai p i ~ . 33 6-83 0 ~ rfjs~ ~ i ~ t j a per3 6 ~ 6 ' ~ ~ I may be refreshed with you. And the (tod of peace b] with ~ c i v r w v GV. ddptjv.n 3
'all Amen.


z'uviurqpr.61 +TV
But I commend of the -bly t o you

@o;Pqv Rjv.&B~Xg+v.tjp3v, 03unv


our sister,


Grcirovov rijr 2rsXqaiag rrjc h e K e y ~ p ~ a i s . 9 'n6njv ~ p o u v 'iva

servant Cenchrea;



ye mny

v o n t o youI Phebe our bhFqaOel' 3

~ v p i yriEiwc r3v ciyiwv, rai Irapaurijra a 6 6

sistcr, which is a ser- receive in Ctbel Lord worthily of saints, and ye may ansiat hor r a n t of the church hv ;p~v ~ p d y p a r l .~ai.yhp ga$r$ ~ p 0 which is a t Cenchrea. she a sue'she 'may need matter ; for a h o 2 that ye receive her i n whatever 'of YOU in the saints, and ur(itig TOXXGV hyav@q, rai ha6roii Qpoir." 3 ' becometh assist her in courer ye of many has been, and 'myself 'of 'me. Salute



business iIIpiu~cXXavllrai 'AkirXav ro3g.uvvepyo9~.pou C ~piur(tj v '10she hnth bath of you: need been a Priscilla and Aquila my fellow-workcrs in Christ Jaauccourer of many, ooi. 4 o'inve~6 n l p rrjg-+bv~c-pou rbv.iavr3v r p d ~ q 1 0 v and of myself also. (who for my ife their own neck 8 Qreet Priscilla and sus* o eir~apcur3, &XXd rai lriiuar ai Aquila my helpers in 6 ~ 6 0 ~ r a v ,k OGK by& edvo~. Christ Jesus: laid down: whom not I only thank, but nlso all the have for my life l a ~ d down their own necks: ik~hqaial TGV QevGv' 5 rai rdv r a i okov a6r3v irrc)lquiav. nuto whom not on1 I assemblies of the nations,) and the 'at 'house %heir lrasembly. give thanks, but ayso a l l the churches of &b?r6bau0 'Eraiverov r ~ ~ . ~ ~ a ~ t ) r 6 v . burrv , rilrap~rj p0~ the Gentiles. 5 LikeSalute Epmnet~ my beloved, who i a fist-fruit . wise greet the church that is in their house. 7:s k ' A ~ n t ais xpiurdv. 6 cioxciaaa~a ~n lMapicip,Q$ ~ L S lroXXd Salute my wellbeof Achaia for Christ. Salute Mary, who 'much

Achaia unto Christ. 'laboured for u. a Salute Andronicus and Juhiaa 8 Greet Mary who be- T O & ~ . U V Y Y E V E ~ S . ~ O~ a uuvai~paXQrovc ~ O U ' o'iriv6~E ~ U I Y atowed muci labour V i on us. 7 ~ a l u t e AUmy kinsmen and Yellow-prisoners 'my, who are dronicus andand my i ~ i u f l p o l ay 70;s &~ourdXoic, K U ~lr b ip0C n y ~ y d ~ a ~ i v " m kinsmen, Junia 0; fe~owprisoner~,rho of note among the apostles ; who also b e t r e me were of note among the ;v xpcar(i. 8 dulrciuau0a O'A lrXiav"rrb~.&~alr~&v.~ou iv apostles, who also were in Christ before in Christ. %lute fmpUns my belored in [the] me. 8 Qreet Amplias mpiY. 9 &anciaaa@e Pavbv rbv.avv~p~bv.~pSv 06 lv Pxpiarcfi,' my beloved in t i e Salute gbanua our fellow-worker in Christ, Lord. 9 Salute Uri 'a bane, our helper i n ~ a CrhXvv r~u.hyaIrqrdv.pou. 10 ~ u r c i u a u ~A l r d h j v rdv Christ, and Stachys Salute Apelles the Stachya my "loTed. my beloved. 10Salute 'qd Apelles approved i n bdripov h xpiur(tj. &alr61JaUe ~ 0 h~ ~~G Y v 6 Wute those of the bonsehold] Christ. wlute them approved i n Christ. which are of Ariatobuius* howcnold. 11 ciolr6aau0o q'H 08iwva1' rbv.ruvyyerij\~ov. l1 Salute. Herodion stobulua Salute k'erodion my kinaman. my kinsman. Greet Napriauou, 706s 6vras b v them thnt be of the C i U l r c i rode~ $ ~ 7 3 ~ ~ ~ K ~ Iroiseholdof Narcis~us, Salute those of the ~ o u m h o l d ]of Yarcissua, who are in [the which are in the Lord. gaivav rrai T vgiruav rds roxicjaac 12 salute ~~~~h~~~ ~ p i y l 2 ciusciuau0a . and Tryphosn, who L o r d Salute &hmm and k y p h o w , who labour W o n r in the Lord. rvpiy. ~ciulrciuau0~ ncpuiba rrjv (iyarqrriv, ijrrc lroXXd %lute the beloTed i v Persia, which laboured in [the] Lord. Salute Persia the belorcd, who much m p i o v 'Iquoi; . TO;$ kyiors y i y s a t LTTrA. l I A 8 t v (having come) i v xa p^ T 7 ivat L , of [the] lord Jesus L. a xai r ; xaL o v v a r r n J c u p a t k i v ql1. ~ [ w.v ] K ~ v 2 L " f rrpou8i[vu8c LRA. g a&+ OLTAW. h i p o i a i t ~ o I.rrm. i 1n p i u ~ a v Prisca GLTTrlW. t ' h o i a p Ania O L m A w . L Mapiav LnA. m +pis you L ~ A . a 7cyov.v Lmra. 0 'AprAiamv Ampliatue ThL P w p i y [the] Lord & . o'w6iuw OLTTtAW.


brolriaaev is mIjpiis.M 7 &unciuan0e 'Avbp~vircov 'iovviav rai






icto?riamv t v iv uupi


in [the] L o r t

in [the] L o r r

, uai rrjv-pqr4paa6roir rai bpoir. 14 & ~ ~ h u a omoth" and mina ee I4 Salute bfynoritns,
his mother pnd mine. Phlegon, &as, Pntrobaa, Salute his sister, &m=, Philologus and and Phlegon, Hermas, PaHermm and the bdthren 15 Salute with them. Phiblogus, and Julia, Nareu8*and and a d and Olympas lister the sainta which are with them. 16 Salututs one another with an h01 HsrThechurches o t &rbt adute YOU-

." B LaciarrhaaaOe 'Poirqov rbv irXembv ~in& u $ R ~ ~ , " ~ , " I ; lhfu chosen



the Lord and his

t ' A ~ 6 7 ~ p t r @Xdyovra,$E piiv,' IIarpdpav, eE p;lv," ~ a $robas ~~,n i rode u6v a&rorc &8eX$o6p 15 du.rrhuaoO~@cX6Xoyov mri
'with %hem Nereus 'brethren, and

'IovXiav, Ntlpia ~ a rtjv.&8~X$tj~.a&roir, a 'OXup?r2v,ral i ~ i olympas, and and


rode u6v atroie ?rcivrac Ayiouc:. 16 du?rhuauO~ciXXtjXovc

'the *with %hem with loll 'saints 'Salute 'you &late one another

bv $rh$part Ayiy.

4ia~ci~ovrai 6piic a brriquiai i

%he 4aaassembliea


evroa 'Christ.



%zh&n,hmzk 'diki- the& which cause diuraaiac:rai rd ur&vBaXa, ?rayd 7tjv &6axtjv ijv 6 k ~ i c contrary to ofienw visions and the docsiona *and 'causes 'of 'ozence 'contrary 'to 'the 'Oteecking "which ye g i n e which E , o t o v a ra; Ybrrhivar~~ d& a&rGv. 18 01 6p eamt, m e , and turn away from them. %Or are d c h nerve not our But I exhor? you, brethrer to consider thorn who

17 IIapa~alP.8i Gpiic, c?d~X$r:,UKOTETY

roirc r c i ~ 61x0-



~oioirrot rq?-rupi
*our theirown

~-lavrPv xorhip rai 6 d r f c y quroho ias xal e&~o&c:

belly, and by LndspeakLg

PY L'It/u~S" (ihXCi ",E 6%.J- xpiurq? 0~.80uX&ouu~v,but by good *Christ lmme %ot,

~ ~ i s ~ ; h ~ ple. 19 For your obei(a?rarPutvrag uap8iaS rGv ~ K ~ K W V19 ).jmycip 6pGv itra~or) . dim~omeabrond deceive the hearts of the innocent. For the %of ayon 'obedience t ~ ~ ~ ~ lc: ?rhvrac &$~KETO' 'xaipw o6v r v . BQXw.82 beha1f:butpt Iwould a al dl %cached. I rejoice therefore Concern9g you J but I wish that wbich is good, have you rb and simpleconoernin 6pCc uo$od~b p . ? ~ ' ebai cic rb cEyn0bv, &repaious.dl you rrtSe to be [as1 to good, and simple to eviL Z0 And the (30% of peace nhall bruise ~ a ~ d 20 6.62 BE& rijc ei v. mvrpi$ei rbv uamvliv 6 ~ Satan under your feet b evil But the God o f p a c e will bruiea &hn shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus C M 8 t roirc.?rd6as.8yGv bv ~ L X E L . ~ h p t c ro~.~upiou.d~ 'Iquoir be with you. h e n . Jv yonr feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesw

z 2

Cxplur~irll P E ~+GV. *

W] with
Fnlute 'and


21 e'Aurh~ovrai'l 6

l 4 0 u lTimotheus %ny hllor-worker*nnd 6Luciw

T1p6&0cd.~uv~py6~-povAo6rtoq uai

cius, and Jason, and up;^. Sosipnter, mp kinab *'you I men, salute you.wrote I Tartius who 23 cia?rciterai 6psc r&ioc b Edvoc pou uai br~Aquiacthis epiitle salute you ~ o 23 G s&lutes 'you 'Gains, the host of me a d of the 'assembly in thehost, r d O f d w mine and the 8Xqc."'ciU?rh~Erai iryci?~ 'Epaaroc b oirovdpoc ?rdX~w~, wholechurch,salateth 'whole. l'%luter 'f ou 'Eraatus 'the 'ateward 'of 'the 'city, Erastns the :h","mberlain of the Kai Koiraproc d &6~h$dc. 24 C H xciplc r0ir-mpiou-lj 5 v city saluteth you, and *end l0Quartw lathe "brother. The gram of our Lordl Quartua P brother. M The grace of our 'Iquoii ypiuroii per& ?rcivrov 6 Pv. &ptjv.b Lord Jasua Christ be Jesns w e t me, with con. ben. with y o u d . Amen.

*.nd 'Jason

21 Tirnotheus ' I ~ U L Yrai Ewui~arpoc oi.avyrevE~c.pov. 22 h.rrh<opai worMellon, and

1my x kinan~en. Tdprtoc: b yf&#ac +V bT~uroXr)vbv 'Tertius '.who wrote lathe l'epistle in [the]




P)V L Z ~ A . 0 X P t ~ i ? an]. ~ A W . f &qs 77js i i d q u i a s L ~ A .



r &c~Aivere m.



- 'IquoG Q L ~ A W .


all (the assemblies) i$CPiv 03v q a i p LTTrAW. &$v Amen . E 'Aoa.I:c~at Saluroa g -L verIc 24 L-AL
L ~ A W .

+ r&ac


z5xonrt0 him that is of power to stabltsh accO,ding to my

nPOX 25 h TG.6;

K O P 1 N B l O I " Z A. bvvups~*y6 p i i ~ mq,oi&i

is nble you

card r6 e&ay-

=glnd gos~cl,mdthe~reach* rQX~dv O V rh ICljpvypn 'Tqm06 xpiat&, card &TO~ cai ing of J c s u ~Christ, tidings my and the proclnmntion of Jesua Christ, accordlng to a reveaccording to the revelation of the mystery, K L ~ x v $ J L ~ p v a q p i o ~ xpdvotc aiwvioic aaaryqpivov, 6ecrct of [the] mystery in times of thc ages having bcen kept sscwt, $incc t h e m r l d Wgnn, htion

Now to him who

to eetaldish nccording t o


and by lscripturea prophetic, according t o phcts according tothe driraytjv roii aiwviov 0 ~ 0 5 , irra~o?jv i a r s w c i r ~ v r a ~ e romdandment of the commandment of the eternn! God, for obedience of faith to all rverlnsting God, made Y v ~ P t a O i w o ~ . 27 p b v ~ CO$$ 8ld '1'1known to all nations 7d wise God, through Jefoy the obedience of the nations having been made known- [the] ouly f n ~ t h 27 to God on1 GdCa 1 ' ~r 0 6 ~ aiGva$ &phvwine, h glory througg a05 X LUTO$, Jesus Chrkt for ev'er. u t o w h b ~ glory to the . ages. Amen. Amen.

26 v%, $'$:is %dt:~$2 $avspw0ivroc-62: now, but made manifest

25 hnt non is mndc ypa$Gv k f l ~ $ l ) ~ l ~ c ahi , ~





'Pwpaiovc iypi$q cirb TCopidhv, B L @oiPqgs i j ~ ~

Bomans written from Corinth.

To [the]



dia~dvov rijc i v Key~ptaSc I~cXqaias.~

nervant of the 'in
innchrea 'rsaembly.




%3 l




P A u L ~ c a ~ e an tIIAYAOZ ~ o~ ap6stle of Jesua Christ throngh the sill of Pnul

b ~ X r l ~ hdrdat'oXo!: c'Iqa~5xptaro5,ll dcd c"

R oalled


of Jesus


by [the]



God, and Bostheues paroc B~oii, rai EwaOivrlc 6 &6~X$6c,2 T+ iccXqaiq ro2 orw brother 2nnto the and. Sosthenes the brother, to the assembly of W, church of 60d which is a t Corinth, to them 8.~03 dr$ 06ap bv KopivOy,ll $ymupCvoi~. bv x~tbr(i; 'Iqthnt are sanctified in of God which is in h i n t h , called hnving been sanctified in Christ Jebe snintn, with allthat 0 0 5 , ~ q r o i c &yiorc,uw Ttiulv 707s imcaXovpQvoi~ 8vopa d rb in the placa of on everyn7me cnll n p sus, called saints, W i t h dl those *calling 'on ' t h e 7name

ens christ ow Lotd, roii.~vpiov.t&~v 'Iquo3 X ~ L U T O ~ r a v r i r d r y , ~ & T O V . ~ T E ;v both theirs and OWS: .of sour IOI..ord ''Jesus Christ 'in 'every $lace, both chairs 3 Orace be unto you cod cai $pGv' 3 X ~ P L ~ m; b$vq & r b 8 ~ 0 srrarphg.$pdv and our ather andfrom and oars : grace to yon aad peace from Qod our Father the Lord ~ & m ~ h r i a t .



rupiov 'Irlao5xpraro5.
Jesus Christ

and [the] Lord

T E ~ ; +p&, i r i @ 4 I thank my God I thank my Qod alwnya concerning you, for the rlwags on your behalf, for.the em ot Qod ~ ( t ~ ~ &oi, r$ t?oeiap 6piv i v X [W$ 'IqUoii, 5 &L 705 f i which is given you by of Docl thnt wns given to you in &st J, that in Jesua Christ 6 that in every thi& pe nre r a v r i i k 4 0 v ~ i a e q v ~ i ~ aliryi, ;v r a v r i Xdyy rcai r h o p by h m in everything ye were enriched in him, i n all discourne and all a11 utterance, and in all knowledge; Beven Y V ~ U E C ,6 I E ~ % J ~ rb paprfipr~v T& xpcaro5 sp~parh&li v the testimony of knowledge, aocordingrce the testimony of the Christ was c o n h e d in Chrlst was confirmed m you : 7 so that ye &@V*7 %VTE 6jllii~ 6urapala0ai B pqGevi xapiapar~, p4 v cirtxcome behind in no you, BO thnt ye are behind in not one gift, gift. waiting for tho uomfng of our ~ o r d E ~ ~ ~ T ? ~ V~ * u K ( X V $ J [ V r o ~ . ~ c v ~ i o v . $ ~I qv ~ $ ~ ~ v o o ~: ' G a xp~aroii* Jesus Christ: 8 who awaiting the revelation of oar Lord Jemr Chrht;

4 E&pprai-3 r@.~ayi.pov T ~ ~ W O T E


h Versed 25- 27 placed at end of chapter xi~. G. f T&* & ~ v ages LT. of k thd rubscription GLTW ; I l p k 'Prpaiovs T ~ A . IIatiAov 706 'A~ocn6Aov of Paul the Apostle E ; IIaliAov G ; ~ 0 6 E G ~npbr r Kopbdiow i L'ITrAW. b [ ~ h q ~ b sLA. ] c ~ p l u ~ o'Iquo6 LTTFAW. ir d o i r ;v ~ K o p i d y plaecd @er 'Iquoi LTrA. both L ~ I A I

I .
$ SE, lcal PePatLjaet
who fbo willconbrm day of o a r l o r d you

Es w


rtXovc, civey~hcXljrovcv r d shall a

end, Christ.

to [the]

ro5.1cvpiov.tjEL&v'Iqdoii xptaroit. 9
whom ye were called into fellowship

~ - ~ y unimpeachable in the muy be blmelcss in the of our Lord , ?rrurbs d O E ~ C 8~' the Faithful [is] Qod, by

egt$yby",$ :h


id$&lro'~~noiri u r o ~ were calledofunto p Jesus ~ Christ ye fellowship the hie

of his Son

our lord.

Son Jesw Chrbt our Lord. 10 Now I beseech the 10 +Cc, cideX$oi, did 705 bv6paroc v05 you ebrethren by J ~ n a d o f onrhrd Now I exhort you, bretwen, by the name SW Christ thnt ye &U the ;ame mpiou.<pBv 'IllaOir xptmoZ, b a r6 a Xinr~ nciyr~c,.peakht there thinq, a . of our Lord Jesw Christ, that %he 'same 'thing 'ye 'say all, divi~ionramong y a

b v $re.84 p4 Ithere .b.samong v o u ai u na s ;, but ye be mrqpriupivo' ~,","t1y~h~8 no Z o knit together in the same .~.d judgment. bv r @ atry" vat. lcai bv I+ airrp' yvLjpp. 11 t6qXLjOv.ycCp in the mamehsth becn For i t
u d




For it was shewn neclaM me of you my brethren by U me concerning you, my brethren, by those of [the house ofl CWW, 8 :pi85 bv 6piv eiuiv' 12 hiyo.6d ro4r01 871 Zraaros there are contentions , thst ~ t r i f e samong you there ara But I say this, that each ~ ~

b the same mind and in the

same judgment.

CpGv, dd~X$oi.pov,6xb

' T ~ V


~ ! & ~ ~
~p~,$. (,S",2

Gv Xty~i,'E


oi Cephrrs, and I of Christ

; d d 1of Christ. 3 I s Christ divided? wrrs Paul cruciflod for Xos iaravp3Oq *6ripo 6pBv; $ eic rb dvopa na6Xov ;pan- YOU l or wore ye b a p ' 'was crucified for you? or to the name of Paul were ye tized in the name o t Paul? 14 I thank Qcd riueqre; 14 6 apiar3 pry" BE -" iirt ohdiva C Gu d.@cinriaa,* I b a p t ~ t none Goy t h a t no one y o u ! Ibapthed, of you, but Crispua bnpthd? F'thsnlr and Gain$. 15 lest any Kpiaxov ~ a i rcii'ov. 15 'Iva p$ rtc eilrp iirc oi rb shonld thst l had that' not anyone should say that u n t baptized in mine own except M p n r and Gaius,

Kq$g, iyA.82 xpiaroir. 13 M ~ p ~ p r a r a id X i a r 6 ~ p4 n a c !; h

Ban 'been *divided 'the g h r i s t ?

16 piv eipi IIa6hov, am of Paul,

by&.& 'A?rohhdt, byo.Gl oneof yousnith, I s m

and I of Apollos, and I

ipbv bvopa hbP&srraa.fl 16 lcai ~ d vBrepdvC ~

my name

~ a l ~ ~ the 'of 'Stephat188 h?ld of Stcphanns olrov* Xotxdv 06rolJa B riva Wkov b@xrtoa. 06-ydp ~ ~ ~ r : b ~ $ ~ 'hoase ; a8 to the rwt I know not if any 0 t h ~ 1 babtized. For i 0 t other. 17 For Ohrist


I baptised.

And I bnptbed ale?


ci?rQarecXI;v X iarbg pamiletv, k&XX'P pe

c %e


to b

but to ~nnounce thegI-ltid\n@ ; cross of the Chrfut.


tit~ ~not$ rwith, Owir, P ~ ~ $ ,t , osie~:

gmndeof none
o ~ ~ ' f ~ ! , A

oirr d ao$iq X6yov, 'lva p4 v

For the word

K E Y W O ~ b oravpbc 706 piaroir.


not in wisdom of word, that 'not lbemadevoidthe

of the crosr is to' them that perish fooliahnenfi but unto UI it " 'is, hut 'who *are 'being %aved ]to Yus spower " o "God ?it *is. '*It hrrs which 'f the power of God. anrat , (hp, 'AxoXLi +$v ao$iav r 2 v ao90v, lccd ?$v 19 For it is w i t t e ~ 1 x!en Iewrltten l for, I wllill destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the dom of the wise, and destroy U ~ V E ~ L r;v V mv~r'ijv ci6einw. U) no.$ ao$6c ; w l bring t o nothing il understanding of the understanding ones I will net wide. Where [is the] w h ? the understandil'~ of the rudent. 20 Wlicre ?r05 ypapparebc; .rro6 lavkrrpjcn roG.aiGvoc.ro6rov j is tge wise? whero Q where [the] scribe? where [the] disputer of +,his the scribe ? whcro is the disputer of t1ri.l ot~i.ipLjpavav d 8~bc rtjv ao$iav r 0 ~ . l c ~ a p o v . ~ r o ;r o ~ P hath not God 6 world did not =make'foolish 'God the wisdom of this world 1 made foolish the wixdom of this world 7 21 'E?r~t6d.~&p b v ao$ig TO; OEO; 04r.Eyvw d K ~ U ~ O Ci 21 Bor after that in 6t For since, in the wisdom of God, 'knew 'not 'the 'world the wisdom of God the world by wisdom ao$iac riw 8e6v, ' E ~ ~ ~ K ~ U ~ bY did b8E e pwpias 704 knew not ad, i t %adorn God, 'was 'pleaaed 'God by the foolishnebs of the plmeod God by the

18 d.Xdyoc.ydp d 705 a;avpoit roic ply ci.rroMv~6voccpwpia %lishnw

o the c r o ~ to t h m f

18 Fop the proaching

iariv, ~oie.68 aw~opivoic Gpiv d6vapi~ 8~0irbartv. 19





r e p i L.

hptieed LlTrAW.

70: 0.G

tbe world) LTT~AW.

b iPau~iuB1)~e were ye ( r e d dG~apcu7i, give thanks)T. I + [b] L. 6TT~A. 1 u u v h r q i s LITCA. m ~ 0 6 7 (I.& 0~

4 58


'awlishnesSOf preach- . K ~ P ~ Y U i r ~ g to save them believe. 22 proclamation to save those thnt believe. Since both J e w the Jews require a Gaioc "ayyriov" airoGuiv, m i ' ' E X X q ~ ~uo$iav t:qrofiacv. c sign, and the Greek8 neek after wisdom : 'a sign 'wk 'for, and Greeks swisdom 'seek; 23 but we preach 23 ?c62 m l ~ ~ u u o p~piurbv J Q ~ ~ V ~ W ~ ~ V O V'Iov6aiorS ~v OY, Christ cruci5ed, unto proclaim Christ crucified, to Jews the Jews a sturnblingblock and unto the piy U K ~ Y B O I X O Y , ~ ' ' ~ X l ] u i v2l pwpiav' 24 airroic.82 roic 8' indeed a cause of offence, 'to %reeks land fooli~hneas ; but to those the which are called,both ~Xqrolc, ' rai I'EXXqaiv, xprurdv eeoi 86vapcv ~ a Jews and Greeks both Jews and Greeks, Chrint Qod'a power and Christ the power 04 Q O ~ a t h e wisdom 0 ~ 0 5 m uo$iav. 25 8r1 rb pwpbv roG 8 ~ 0 4oo$Drepov r 3 v of bod. 25 Becauw God's wisdom Because the foolishnoes of God wiser the foolishness of God baIserthlmmcn;nnd (iu6p6~wlr buriv' lcai rb daeev?~ 8roG iu~vp6repov ro; r6w the weakness of God than men is, and the weakhess of God stronger than men. is ~tronger 26 For ye see your ~ ~ ~ ( G A Plari~.R BXfatr~.~drp w w 26 ~v.eX~arv.6p&v, d&A$oi, cnllinp, brethren, how than men ia For ye see your calling, brethren, that not many wise n after the flesh, or1 01. ?rohXoi oo$oi rard aripea, 01. ?roXXoi Gvvanot many mighty, not that not many wise according to fleah [there me], no* many powcrmnny noble are call& roi, 01. ?roXhoi etyrvric. 27 dhhd rd ~ w p d roi rlupov chosen the foolish ful, not many high-born But the foo I thing6 of the world &

K O P I N 8 1 0 Y Z A. I, 1 . 1 ~ T O ~ i rOilc ?rcar~i!ol~rag. birei6i rai 'IOU~36a 22

tut we

F$ i22h:z6 ,$

gi,"gf&2ke~;:! iltXllaro

6 0 ~ 6 c qFua ro6c ao 06s ,

and God hath chose: sohose G that the he might put to S me; and the the weak thin@ Of da0evij 70; ~ 6 u p o v tlrAfSaro b e ~ d L~a , ~ nnrrtrqtiv the world to confound the things m weak t h i n e of the world 'chose 'God, that bo might put to mighty; 38 and base rd laxup&' 28 xai rd ciyrvij TO? ~ 6 u p o v kai rd bSovOevqthings of the world and the low-born of the world, and the deand things which m; the strong things ; denpised bath God pfva bF~XfSaro &6c, Hxaiu rci p<-bra, 'r'va rd chosenl ; u and things spised which e ar; not, to 'chose 'God, and the things that are not, that the things that


K U ~ U L ~ X ~ V ~ ; ~ ~

r~ai l r

bring tonought thin@ that are: 29 that no flesh should glory in hi? resenco. 30 But of ue in Christ Jesus, W o of ~ o is made ullto us d wisdom, and righteousneas and snncti5cation, ;ud redemption : 31 tltnb, according os it is written He that glorieth, let htm glory i n the Lord. XI. And I brethren, when I caAe to you, came not with excellenc of declaringunwis&m, speech or of to'you the testimony of God. 2 For I determined not to know any thing amongyou eave Jenus Christ, and him crucified. 3 And I was ~ i t h you i n weakness, and mfem, snd in much tremy bling. 4 ~ n d m speech and my preaching was not with enticing worb man's wigof dom, but in demon-

h are , xarapyrjop. ; 29 h w c a be may annul

~ Y ~ T L O V rai)r~i.l' 30

so that

p< ' m v ~ ~ a y r a c~" Z u aadpf

not =might %oast are in lall ye Christ Jesus,





iS.atro1.62 irpeig bare bv ~prar@I y u o ~ , '

But of him

8~ byeYrj6q "4piv uo$ian. ;?rb 0 ~ 0 3 61~aroaitvq.r~ a iyiau~ i who was mode to us wisdom from God and righteousness and soncti, ~ O E m i & T O X ~ T ~ W U ~ C 31 Fva, . xaO&g * frpa?rrai,
fication and
K~VX~PEVOS, mpi9 K ~ ~ X ~ Q ~ W . He that boasts, in [the] Lord let him boast.

redemption ;

that, according sl, i t a been written,


Kciy& JXB&v rpbg &piis, dJcX$oi, @JOY 06

And I having come
E ~ O


X ~~Y O~U 4 uoq5iac lcarayyfXhwv i P i v rb papr6ptov V





not according t o


aunounciug of word or wisdom, to you the testimony ~ E O ; . 2 oh. &p :K ~ v a xroGU y~i6k~al r1I1 EY &piy, to know anything among you, of God. F o r L o t ' YLided 1 Jeans Christ,

eLPtj ' I q a o ~ v xpiar6v, rai r o ~ r o v baravpwpivov. 3 = ~ a i hy&I1





And was


bv L ~ c ~ E nai bv ~$6/3y xai i v rpdprj ?roXX@ YE~ Hyev6pqv ?rphc

weakness and i n and fear and in 'trembling 'much

6 p Z ~4 cai bAdyoc.pov ~ a ~b.rc;lpvypir+~v 01.c bv ?r&80iq . i

you ; my word and my preaching but [was] not in pernuwire
~ Y o?rivqsfl vo$iac X ~ Y O Q ofuman sof 4\\visdom'words,

L~, bdXX'U &?ro8ai(ri? r v ~ 6 ~ a r o b~

in demon8tration of [the] Spirit


signs o L n m A w .

P ~ ~ C U L V

to nations OLTTrAW.

X rcr7aru~Jq 706s u40Js [~]rrrA, uerac a. v 705 &oii God GLTT~AW.

ib<var GLT~AW.

m ~ .l

-i v e p w n i q c

....b Oa6s] L. uo+ia i)piv


P - h ~ l TT~. v '- L1TrA. - GI.TTrAW,


P ;p v



&ha Tr.


I CORINTEIANS. ' rai Gvvcipewc. 5 2va q.riurrg.6 G V iv uO$iQ(i.vOp;and &power ; that your faid'


rwv, b(ixxDu iv G
but in But whdom

migtt'kft be h wia&m

power we ape& nor

v 0~03. ~ ~ ~ of God.
among the

perfect ;

6 Co$iav.BC XaXoiipev b roic reXeiorga aogiav.8i 06 roii v

but wtdom, not

and of r w e the B thn* &ration of r : Spirit of men, your fa t h should , d , atand i n the WMOU of men, but in the power of Qod.
6 Howbeit we rponk whdom among them

aitivoCro6rov, 0682 riju (ipx6wwv;ivog.r06rov. TGV that

of thin age,
of the

who not the w% d i %; tK(;: world nor of the ~arap~ovphvwu' m d XaXozpev cuo$iav 8 ~ 0 b ~ 7 3 pvurqpiy, *rinc& of thfs wor14 v arecoming to nought. But we #peak wiadom of God in a mystery, that come to nougllt : 7 bnt we s p n k the n j cirore~puppitqv ~ i)v rpo&pcu~~8ebc ?rpb r3v wisdom of ~ o in a 6 d the hidden [wi~~dom] whidh 'predeteamined 'Qod before the mystery, even the hid. of t h h age,


aihvwv eic ddEav.$pliv,


8 ijv oir6eic rGu (iPX6vrwv

which no one of the



our glory, h u known, (for

o% ? a the world unto our

ailjv0~.r06ro~ iyvwrev. eiyd

of this age

8- iyvwuav, had

oirr av r h rir tov



$,"Etfn$:{ LW bnd :for

E i rrccp6iav iv6pcjnov n


of mu,

/30rev, MM rb ?rye3 a r b
ceived, but the

ei8;pcv t b t we might th.tasmight.know th. thinpe t b t m us of 3 ra rd i r r b 705 0 ~ 0 ~ ~ r u e b vdpiv. IS "A rai XaXoCpev, freely iven to thingr Which thg thingu by Qod panted t4 IU : which a b we speak, also we weak, not fn 61- thewOrbwhichmm's 0 t h iv dr8arr07~ (ivepw?rivt]cuogia~ Xdyorc, U i v '
B p d r i which[hlfrom


not h



.wlndom 'words,

but in [thole]

Gamoic rmir aroc

14 natural manreceiveth *communicating. But [the] natural mm recaiva not the things not theof God:Of the Spirit things for ro3 ?rv6paro~ roii 0~03' W i. dp airy' b r i v , ~ a they are f o o l i l n e n a i of the Spirit of Qod, to him they are; and he know them, beaaum lmtO him: (~.V~K~ L. oir.86varac Y V ~ ~ V U ~ , 671 ?TYEUC(CLTUC&~~ V E Mthey ue spiritualb 10 But he know [them], becaaso lpiritually they are dl~-d ; he otmnot that is spiritual ]ud 16 d.@ wevparr~bgdva~piv~c lpivU d v r a , ai)rbg.& 6 ' &h all things l e t % but the sparitual diacema U things, . but he h, himself is judged ob no man. 16 For who ~GB~lrbc dvc~cpivera~. ric-ydp i y ~ w 16 VOGU mpiou, aath known the mind For who did know [the] mind of [the] Lord? of the Lord, that ha noone ir d k d may instruct bimt VO~V mpraro3u ixopev. ~ uwe haye tha mind 6~ U V ~ @ ~ ~ ~airrhv; sjytdc.83 U E L t who nhallinstruot him? But we [the] mind of Chrint hare. of Christ.

of [theyaSpirIt 'goly,

iir iov,fl mauparrroic


~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~

nvtvparrrrd r&

*br 'spiritual p m e m ] Zpirituil .thlap


kuvyrepivovr~c.U 14

&vepwroc oir.8ixtrar



-'Adon -a&&
b &AA& R.
A W . f


d 6ua whatsoever LWA. &RCK~AVIJICV i) Be& m& h +KCV has kuowu L T ~ ~ A W , ( e the 8pirit) L ~ A ] . g +v< r& GLIT~AW. mn 2. L. l ; P m ~ i o v [the] Lord t of

Be06 uot$iavO L ~ A W .


-2; $agz",~;Q

I I P O E K O P T N B I O Y E A.
iyD," dJ~X$oi,otr.~ibvvtj9qv XaXijbnr $piu

11 1. .ht


Ein#,eneither;he h U: 'AuoXX&c hndriaev, BdXX'n b 6ebc gave growth. s t Apollos watered but God qG(.avev"

ou as unto spiritual And I, brethren, was not able to peak to you d gut oarnai nvevparircoic, dXX' &c oaaprci~oic,li c,m ra unto babes &c wnioic i v xpiatij. chriat. 2 I have fed to 'piritud, but as to flcshly ; as to bnbes in Christ. you milk, 2 yriXa 3pZc lndnaa, P~ai" ppGpae oirxw-ydpqr)86vaa6~,~ oh Milk y o u 'I drink ; and not meat, for not yet wore ye able, a ~ t o ~ ~ t n e i t h e r r ~ 3 ~ e ~ r i uVYG Y ~ V ~ ~ Q Q * ~ t - ~ d p Iu E i napm~oi iare. are ye for yet fleshly ye are. For ye are yet carnal: but neither yet now are ye able ; for w h e r c ~w e ir 8rov.ydrp iv 3piv ZijXoe rni ;pie 'rai bi~oarccuiar," diviniolrs [there are& ~~~f~~ For where among you ernulntion and strife and sions are ye not Car- oilxi uapctroi lure. ~ a i rnrdr dvQpwaov nepinnreirr ; nal, Lnd walk asmen ? %ot %cahly 'are %ye, and 'according *to *man 'wnlk? 4 For while one saith r a m o f Paul. andan: 4 6rav.yicp hCyy n ~ , 'Ey& @v eipr TIa$Xou, i'r~pog.di, & 'E other I am o ~ ~ p o l l - ; or when . m ~ y+ay I am, of Paul, and another, un $B not C P S M ~ ? Y a who then h PRUI, AnoMh, l06xi ua ktrcoin JUTE ; 6 wTipiiodv dariv xITa5Xoe,r and who 1 Apollos, of Apollo#, *not 2 & * !l y 'are .ye? Whb then h Paul, but ministersby whom believed, even w ~ i c6 * ' A ~ O X X P C , ~ 4 %dXX' bidkovor 61' &v inrareitE e Lord gave tower +ho 'and Apollos ? but lervantr through whom ye beman ? B I have plante8 Apollm watered ; bui Uare, kai irhary &c a b dpiog EGWKEV; 6 f$6revaa, Dod gave theincrease. liered, and to each M thc Lord gave? I planted,

Ert ~ b t h y ~ ~ ~ iz





7 drre ofire
80 that neither


In; he that

$ure6uv l m i v

anything. nor he that

n, 0371

norilwv, dM'
wrUn ;


but "who agivea

Delve his according to hbour. Q labourers

we m %ut hie own reward shall receive according to his own labout foget& 0 6eoO.yhp bupev b~vepyoi* 9~05 ~Ppyiov,6 ~ 0 5 oil~odop$ For G O ~ ~ I I *m~bllow-workem;Ood18 ~ w b a n d r y , Gd. building .we o' ~ o d bui s ing. 10 Ao- iare. 10 Kard n j v xdpiv 700 6eoC 17jv boOei4hv pot, &J; ~ aordin t the grace of ye are. o is given of God which wrm given to me, ar Accordfng to the grnoe udto me M a wire uo$bc dlpx1r6mwy 0epCXiov c~66et~a,U &4;XXoc.b4 inotro8opei' architect [the] foundation I have laid, m d another build8 up. mnrberbuhder d nhave , wiso the f o ~ I t i o n ixoi~obopei*11 9aptXiov.ydp dXX0V m d another buildeth E K U U T O C . ~ ~ @esErw f h e t e o ~ ~ let every But 'each 'let take heed how he br~flds But up. Eor 'foundation 'other b a n hke heed how hrbulldeththareupon. 06Beic Gitvarai B~ivai xapd rbv ripvov, 8~ bariv d'Iq11 For other foun- no one is able to lny benides that whioh Is laid, which is Jedation can no man h u03g d ~piardc.' 12 e/.bf ' r i c ~ ~ o i ~ o b o dni rbv 6epihtov p, i than which is Jesar m# the Christ. Now if anyone build up on 'foundation

v 6edp. 8 d.( rai d n o r i ~ w vP eiaivs lxnarap v r* 4growth 'God. But he that plants and he that waters 'one 'are ; .each reward 8 rbv.ibiov piuQbv bXtj+eraiU 4 rard rbv.EGiov rdnov. his own

, :

foundation gold, vil-

*G ki$z<g:tiz f'~udv,
'this ~traw, day gold,

bpy~pov,~ AiOovc ripiovc, I6ha, xlprov,

~ilver, 'atonell work fur 'precious, wood,


r d d p q v , 13 Crciarov sb @you $ave bv yemjaeraca ,,.ydrp

13 every ro6n's work sball for the day : be made manidealua it, becam i t berny$tdZ Ihal{ -man,, work%*hnt mrt i t l4 If " 9 man's

o eaoh the f


will become ; for the and of each

tjptpa 8qXd~acr'

will declare [it], bearuse in

$ 7 ~iv nupi ' ~ n o r a ~ i r n r e r a r ~ikhasov rai

i t h revealed ;

73 tpyov bnoidv 667iv, ~b sOp l 8o~ipciaei. 14 eZ rivoc rh

the work what lolt i t h,, the 51-0 will prove. If of anyone the jpYov hp4~etfl 8 PC I C O ~ ~ ~ ~ J p~aBbvk X j S e ~ a ~ .16 1 U E V , ~ l work abides which built up, a reward he shall receive, Ii

r d y h OLlTrAW. 0 uaprivo~g to deehy OLTTrAW. P r a i QLrAW. Pi8Jvde QLlTrA. r 0682 QLTTrAW. [&L] L. t rai 8c ocrraulac LTl'rA. l 06s (oCxi W ) 'AroMhc and IlaShog ri whst L m r ; 743 A. dyeporoi not men LTl'rAW. t~anapoaedLlTrAW. Y i s r r v ie LlTrA. 6 & f') Q L ~ A w . U &AA LTTIA. mitro~ b A$p$e~crc L ~ A . 0 i6r)rta I laid L ~ A . d xpcwbs '1r)uofc L ; 6 QmAW. f xpvuiov, ipy6ptov TT~. S airrb itself L ~ A W . W the foltndation)LT~'I[A]. r k shall abide QLTAW. 1 irroutosdpvpv rO bj&erac LTl'r&


h n t l ~ nh',.npn, built Which he lorq, 11t1t Kim~elthe shn)l recc,ive of anyono tho work xhlili be rol~runled, he shnll h ~ ~ f f c r '5If nnrmM'* ow(i,ja~rnr, oi;rwc.83 &g dici x v p 6 ~ 16 O;rr.oi8ctra i;rr ?wLc rhnU ba saved, but so as through Spirrt

T COIIISTIII.4SS. rb tPYnv ~nr~rm,jaerni. {tlitrwOtja~rni. n;



non ye not that %mple ~ , " ~ $ ~ ' ~ , " " f ~


& o i iare, ~ n rb nveijpn TO$ ~ 0 3oirci i v 6piv; 17 i 8

'God's yc are, and the
T ~ V lmdv 705 &0G

but he himself shall

of God dwelh i n you?


If anyone


lrOirrOYq 6

*corrnption 'him of God corrupt, =shrill *bring 701 Oeoi ilyidc iartv, d i r t v i ~Care 6peTg. *God; for the tcmple of God %holy 'is, which 'me 'ye. the of God, him shall Qod 18 ~iqbeic iavrbv ~ [ n m r h r w * ric ~ O K E ~ uo$bc destro ; for the tom*No *one ThiuvclU .let *deceive : if u y o a ;think# [4himwlfl 'wise c:i2ft2pdILi E v b iv 6piv i v r$.a/irta.r06ry, pwpbc yevhuOw, &a 18 Let no man deceive 1n 'to 'e 'among y o u i n b. this age, foolish let him bccomc, that h i m ~ l f . If an7 man amoug you acoureth t o yiv~jrn~ aop6~. 19 d.ydp anpia roG.rbapov.roCrov p ~ p i a be wise in this world, ho may bo wisc. For the wisdom of ti world hs foolinhnecia let him become nfool, that he may be wise. rap& Be$ i ~ r l v ' yiypa?rmt.y~ip, '0 dpaaadpvoc ~ 0 19 For~the wirdom of 6 with God is ; for i t has been written, He taken the this world ia foolishnew with Qod. For uo$oi)c iv r~-?~avovpyiq-ai~rcjv, 20 ~CiXiv, K6pi0c itirwritten,~e,bketh nise in their craftirrcnk And again, [The] Lord the wise in thew own the temple

8e(;g. 6.ydp vabg

; ~ , " ~ ~ y that ye are the temple ~","~11~ in you? 17 nuy



yivtjarei roirc GiaXoytapodg rGv uo$Gv, bri aiaiv piraioc.

knows the rea*oninys of the wine, that they We vain.

eth the thoughtsof the

21 "Qare ptl&iC: ruv~ciaewi v &vOp&iroccw ?rcivra.ydp 6p3v

vain. 31 Therefore let wise, that they nre So that 'no =one 'lot b o w in men ; for nll t h ~ n g s 'yours no glorf in men. an thin@ iartv, 2% &re lTaGXog, elre 'AroXXtjc, e k e Ktppiic, ~ f r r 'nre. Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephnr. or [the] a111 or A 110s or rlinpoc, ire Bivaroc, eire iveurGra, eirr pihhovra* or g g . h d l world, or Iifo, or death, or prcment things, or coming thingu, ~hm-t p 3 n i a r ~ ~ ' n6p~T~-d3 6 ~ 23 xpiuro3' ~ ~ i ~ ~ r8~00. d ithinsa t o come ; all b~. all 'youn 'are: and ye Christ'a, and Clkrist God's. yyl;iit?,ianda::




: 2E c

OGrws 4piic Xoyi{QuOwdvepwxoc &c irnqpirac

5vf 'us
'let *reckon 'a man as


1Y. Let a man

Eat o ~ ~ o v d p o v ~ pvarqpiwv Beoii. 2 O;

stenmrb Jmysteriw 'of Gd . ' o%


~ q r e i r a i thumiuistursofChri~t,

t o the rentt,i t i~required and stewards of the m steries of .God. ~ i c iX6- 2 oreover it in reiu stcwnrdv that fnithtul one bo found. But t o me the small- quired i n mtewards thnt a m m ba fonnd x~ardv hartv 'ivn 69' 6pGv &varpiOa, Gab dvOpwiTiv?~fnithful. J But with s t matter it L thnt by you I be emmiucd, or by man's mo i t is a very sn~aU thing that I rhould be +pipac* &Xi' 0684 ipavrbv civacpivw. 4 oirJ3v.ydp IpavrG j,d,,d of or of day. But neither myself do I examine. For of nothing i u myself man'# judgment: yea, a6voiba~ O ~ ;v ro6rY K bb8icai~pnb' 6.63 &a- l U" 4 For I know self. ' I am consciour ; but not by this have I been justified :but he who ex- nothing by myself ; But

iv roic oi~ovdpoi~ ?riarcic ric tirptOp'. 3 ipoi-bi i'va

rpivwv PE

r(cipoG r i Iet am I bnot he thnt ~ustified: u t h'rcbY So that not &fore [the] time anything udgeth me is the rpivrre, Ewe dv 6 r C p i o ~ rai 6c qwriutt rd ThcmfOn judge, until mny have come the Lord, who both will bring to light the $ ~ g e t i ~ ~ h i L~ d come. V T T ~ r o i ur6rovp, rai pvrpbuei rdr PovAdc rGy will rbring t owho both light the hi%n thing6 of darkuass, and wil mnke manihnt the counsels hidden thing* of darkKffpbiG~' Kai r 6 r ~ Emivoc yevjaernc i&ary && rofi &&. ness, and will make 6 the eounnt.b of hcarto ; and then prniae shall be t o each from God. of tllo hearts : nnd is i 6 Tairra-bi, &8oX$oi,p~rea~qp&riua ipavrbv m P'A- then rho11 every man Now theso things, brethren, I transferred to mybell and A- havepraise Of God. 6 And these things, ~oXX&" dr' .6pzs, 'lva i v Gpiv pcieqre ri, p j ;?rip brethren, I hnre in s ? pollos on aeoount of you, t h a t in m ye may learn not *abm figure transferred t o myself and to A p l l o s for your snkw ; that
me [the] Lord

~ b p r d cbartv. 6 GUTF p4 .rrp;



I ai~rbvL . P 'broMbv 1Tr.

r i L[A].

- ivsrv (read [are])


a llcre LTTr& s j e






ye might learn in ab q yfypaxrat '$pov~iv." i'va 7~ GxZp r o i i14c not to thnt which is *what *has 'ben 'written 'to =think, thnt not oue for f ab,,re thiuk o ntrn OII~ written, that no one $ I U Q ~ O C U ~ Ea r h r o l iripov. 7 ric-y6p aa r G~nrcpi~~tt ; of you ba puffed an- ye be puffed up against the for agniust up other. For who thee mnkea to differ? other. 7 For who ri.8i { X E I ~ij ot~.iXa/3~c d.82 KCI; ; {XffpE~, and what hart thou which thou didrt not rcc-eive? but if also thou t1idt.t receive, what hnst thou that r i rav~Baac&c p$ XapAv; 8 $811 ~ e r o p e a ~ i vinr6, o~ thou didat notreceire? why boastest thou u not having received? klrendy s~~ti.rted ye nre; n o n if thou didnt receive it, ~ h y d o sthou tj8q ixXovr7juare, ywpie ,jpGv i/3aatXeimare* rai ;$Xth t glory if thou had& already ye were euriched ; Rpnrt froln us ;.e reigned ; nnd l would not Gceived ill SNOW 'iva K C I ~ rjpei~:6piv % V r ~ l r ~ l X ~ ~ ~ b ye are frill, now ye YE i/3na1Xeiruar~, are rich, ye have aurely ye did reign, that nlso we *jou 'might 'reign lwltl~. reigned an king6 m t h rjpiic roirc droardhovc iaxcirovg cixiout ua: and 1 would 9 6o~G.ydp'iirc"6 t o God ye did reign, For I think t h a t God us the npostlea last ~t thnt we also mi h t reign with you. 9 jar B E L ~ E&S br~Qavariovc*iirt Qiarpov iyevljQ,lp~vT$ ~ d a t i y , V I think that God hnth forth u appointed to denth For a spectncle we becnme t o the world, set forth us the apos&d tles last, fi rai dyYihocE rai dvQpinoq. 1 0 pwpoi appointed t o denth : both to angels nnd to men e [are] foolp on account of for we are made a the xptardv, irpeic.6i gpbvtpot i v xptar+ i l p ~ i c iafteveic, irI* spectRcle world, and to angel8, Christ, but ye prudent i n Christ ; we weak, but po

;i"'Et:zze:; difti




i: :

iuXvpoia irC(eiC iv6oSot, tjpeic-8i

strong ; ye glonoua,


11 dxpt rijc 6prt

To thc pre-ent

sake, but ye are wise

but we without houou~.

teay:t;; ye ,,re h+

Gpac ~ a ~e1v3pev i rai Gc#c;iprv, rai vyvpvqr~Gopev,~' t r i ~

atroug ; hour both we hunger and thirst and are unked, nnd nournblel but we are roXn$I[<hpeea, rai iararolpev, 12 ~ a roxt(Zpev, ipyai despised.present hour 11 Even unto are buffctcd, and wander without a home, nnd Inbonr, workwe both h u ~ g e r and ~ d p ~ v o t , ruir.i6iatc xepaiv' ~ O L ~ O ~ O ~ ~~ E XYOO O +,E V . 6cw~ Y~ thirst, and are naked. . with our own h a u b Rniled at. we biers ; peraud nra buffeted, and lug have no certain dwell- K ~ ~ E Y O l J, ~ ~ d p ~ 6 a ' w ~ X a u $ q p ~ ~ p ~ v ~ t , ~ ' d~ 19 ?r~~paKaX~ijp~v i n ~ p l m e 12 and 18- wcuted, ; evilly spoken to, we hnr ; we beseech : bour working with our dwn hands : being &C ~ ~ p t ~ a e 6 p p a r a ~dupouiyev)jQqpev, T&YTWY 706 reviled. we b!cm;beiug [the] refuse of the world we w e become, of all [the] rmuted, we suffer k l s ~ i n g d e f n m e d . w e r e p i $ q ~ aBwc 6pr1.14 O6r I v ~ i r w v ~ & $ wr a l r a , i n t r e a : we are made off-lrcounng until now. h'ot shaming you do I write these things, u the Alth of the world.andarctheoff- xdXxU &c T ~ K Y U p V ci U7r r d Y Y o V ~ E ~ ~ . " 15 idv-ydp O acornring of all thlngs but M 'children 'my Ybelozd I admonish [yonb For if unto this dny. 14 I write not these things pvpiovc r a t Jaywyoirc ixqre i v xpcar+, &X%' oh noXt o shame you b u t u ten t h o u ~ n d tuton ye should hnve in Christ, yet not 'many my beloved ' sons I worn gou. 15 For Xoirs raripac* ZV-ydp xptary' 'IqaoC Gtci roG eLayysXiov though e have ten fathers ; for in Christ Jesus through thc glad tidings

not many z t h c r a . for in Christ Jcsun I hare begotten ou through the gospeE 16 WhereI . be'eech you* be ye fouowers Of 17 For this cauw have I sent unto you TimOth@us is mY beloved sod and faithf u l in the 'lord, ~ h shall bn .g you infa remembrnnce of my ways which be i n Chriqt, a. I teach every where in evcry church. 18 XOW some u s putten up, M

i ~ ~ t 6 ~1" , CBE did beget. iy& F ~ ~ Iyivvqaa.


16 ~ a p a ~ l i h G oiv CpBLiE, rtpqrai pov

I exhort therofore you,
imitators *of 'me

Ybocoma ~
17 At&

I sent

iartv " r i w o v

r o 6 r o Z ~ r e pCpiv T~pdeeov, ~a
to you Timotheua, who

On account of thia %y rbeloved my ways

a r ~ ] r i ) rai ~ t u r d vCV v
and faithful that [we]

mpiy, 6c


i n [the] Lord,

who 'you 'will'remindui

riZ~-68oi~c-pov o rdc

{v X

LUG,crue& u g ?ravraxoG tv rhop thrist, ~ o r d i ns everywhere i n every

to you, if

IKKX~U~Q btddlurw. 18 &c p c . % P ~ ~66 ipoU~ lrpbc 6pzs p ~ ~ aswnbly I tench. 'ba 'to =not 'coming =now .my to sou , E $ U U I ~ ~ rIVfc'( ~ V 1X~6aopat.82 raxiwS ?rpbc CpGc, ~ O 10


yvpvr~cCoptv T T ~ A W . L Pdrnoniahing T . i t

- $povciv (read ei) nothing) 8vu$qpolipevo~defamed

b very [tk~ng] z.

'were "puffcd 'up 'some ;

but I shall come shortly


m v - T. t 1 &AA& Tr. p o v r i ~ v o v ~ A ,b L 'Iqvo;

-6 ~ '

LTTrAW. Y vovOcrcjv

Jerru LT,

u epaednp,



ra$varwpfvwv, M X d njv GCvapcv. 20

but the power.

nlrocn ;
ns t es

&"OXwc ciroCerai ijrlc rrva 0668

whlch not e m among' the


i v wopveia, rai roiairrq aopvria


Commonly C k p r t a d 4 a m o n g {ou lforni~tiom, and nstionn is named,



V. ~t iu reported

i v TOTS ievearv dbvopciterar,' GUT yvvaiith you,md moh tomica-

tion u is not so much u named among the t h ~ t one 'one phis] Yather's ' t o have. And ye $ d e d % ~ ~ lam, should have hi^ father's wife. 2 And yq rai obxi p2hXov irev%tjoarF, Eva ei(ap6in lit pbbov.~ CV W pnbedup,andhr,* u d uX nthc did mourn, that might b taken out of your &t not rather mourned, hath b rd.8pyov.roGro rroitjaas;" 3 6 p& ydp gGSN &r&v r$ that he thatmightdone thb deed I who n this deed did1 'for M heingabsent taken away from aS or ad art, m hv.62 ry" wveir a n , tjGq r Q r tita 3c rapcjv, mong you. ~wtI veriiy, in in& but b e t g pr-nt i & i t . already h n fudged 81bingp.*nt, body, but m n t in n a spirit haw judged alrbv O G T W ~ roiko rarep aa6pevov, 4 i v r ( i bbparr 705 though I *who o W , lworxed 'out, in the name cmcwm-

roii narpbc 33erv. 2 r a i 6peis r e voropbvor 6 ~ ~ &ntilsl, 8 ,

xvpi0v.~,ip3vfl "Iqaoit 4Cpiur03,~I u v v a ~ ~ b v r w v6pOv m oqe this deed, 1 m thai

of our Lord
my hrtt-

rime oi



being gathered together of Our


.nd the h

to; ipoii p ~ e i r p a r o ~ , v r+ Gvvdpe~ d r~ij.mpiov.~tj Ova'IqaoG

spirit, witb the power

%iu~oG,~ rapaGo&ai rbv.roroirov r J aarav+ eic G-Xr$ov 6

to deliver
such a one

to %tan for destruction &liver * one iov untoSatan for thedesttyction of the flesh. of the * , . h that the .pint may he saved in the day of the the BpLllt 1'1~aoil.U 0 06 ~aXbv rb.itaCXtl a.6p3v" 06c.oibare Sri prrpd be saved in the b y ~ o ,good M your bo ting. t I Z ~ O W ye not that a ~ t t l e JWW. tfipq 8Xov rb $Cpapa CvpoT; 7 drrrea9hpara mo3v!Jn j v na- not ood. now ye not t f s t a little lealeaven 'whole 'the .lamp 'leaven8 ? Purge out therefore the ven leaTeneth the Xarciv Sirpqv, 'iva VBOV $~Cpapa,K U ~ & iure (i<vpoi* whole lump? 7 ~ l u old Iwveu, that ye may br anew lump, according M ye* rmleorend. out therefore the leaven that ye may mi.ydp rb.nhaxa.ljp3v "itnap ljp3vN Obrlreq' isro's. be a n'er lamp u e ~ror abo 'our 'pusover .ior ssacrific+d Xf~hrh+ are nnleaveneh even Christ our ~ O P T ~ ~ W ~ C L B p4 6~ SCpv aaXnr6 pvG4 6~ V , 8 $art over is srcriflceB?t"ar ! &that we l o u l d celebrate the f e d , not with 'leaven 'old, nor with RI : 8 thercforo let ne kae the fenat, not t6pp rarias rai aoypiac, MA' dv cigirpoi~ PriXr- wit1 old leaven, netb e n of malice and wickedness, but with a v e n e d ] of ther with the leaven of malice and wickedrpiveiasN r a t trXq9rias. ness- but with the anainoarlty m d of truth. 1ear:ncd bread of sin-

iryand:nty w ;; F& h:' , 'Pw"' ~~~~~~E~~ tz

oar Lord

4 m


~aprbc,.'iva rb nveirpa.



rp' $pipq 703 m

:fk '$zgn~k ;
d r

9 'Eypa$a 6piv 6v rp' briaroAp^,. p4 avvavapiyvvu8ar

I wrote
t o you in the *pistle, not
to ruociate with

in an epistle not to

fomicaon ;

rdpvoic* 10 qrraiU06 whvrwc r o i ~ ro'pvois'apov.ro9and not altogether with the furnicntorr wvetous,



of this world, togethw n&h the f o e since or ertortfonen,

row, i) roic x X ~ o v k ~ r a y , lip.rra&v, rj eiGwXoXhrpars" l r e i

or with the

r p a h r o c Ll'TrA. d dvofid<e~at (read [is])GLTl'rAW. GLTTrAW. f *flag; L 8A h juiiv (read the Lord) [LIT. i XPLOTOU LTT~A. 1 L I [ip&v 'Iqcroi ~ p t ~ 7 0 G ] (read our Lord Jesus Christ) L ; 'Iqvoi A ; $@v ' qoov W. &v O L ~ A W . G r i p ipib LLTT~AW. 0 ieuh E D eihllp;vicrC T. WAW. r K& and LTTr&W.


or rapncioua, or




with fdoh-8 L h ~



for c18$~ir(~r~nIr ro; K ~ U ~ O U dpn i&hOeiv. ~ ~ ye ohght ~ thah out of the world z w ~ to go.

V, V . 1 11 tvuvin-.61 ,a3/a i
But now, ?wrote

lBut M pI uham hyounot mvavapi~vwBac, icivanyoneddtX$dc 6vopn~+cvo~ 6piv prj rig written onfo Lwp comwy not if to.aociate with Chim], if 'brother 'dosignntcd

an idolntm, m a n i t @Ovaoc, jj & r a t e ryXroio6ry pqW uvv~u8ietv.19 r i 1 ' Or l or *what an nxtortiorrrr ; with or a drunkard, or npffiiour; with much a one not awn to eat. m& .none no not to ycip p01 wraiHrod^ :(W ~ p i v ~ c vobxi r 0 6 ~~ U W iy:iS ; :l for [h it] to nre also thoae oukide to judge, 'not .those 'within lye .~ro are witl~ontp that 13 r04c.6d ~"Fw b eebc *~pivec.~~ a i ffapeirefl J 40 not Y e them m d O q a ) Bpt t h outside God judge#. ~ And ye shall put 0 . 4 t h t u e within?UBut fhem that are without thv ~ovqpbv bE i))Cijv.aLrOv. jgteayTrn the wioked p a w n &om unong youseln*. amon y-lwthnt ToX~Q TK Gpliv, ~ p Z y ~ ( a JXWV ~ p b c &E~OV, wick3 n . D u e anyone of ycm, a matter luvillg agrinst the other, VLDarem~of a p b r i n g l mattat $ rcpiv~o0arf ri rGv tibirwv, rai oirxi iui rliv dyiwv ; 2 0 t h d n mother, go to go to lrw Worn the anrighteour, and not before the cuintr ? et 'Not W bd0N #S Unnot bei0l.e oidaa 8rc oi iiywc rbv ~dupov rpep~voiiuiv;~ a e i Iv 6 j ~ i v i jmt the ' d n t r t 3 Do lknow'ypthat the somb 'the 'world IwiU Pjudge? bud if by you not know thnt the K iverai 5 rdupoc, Civcitioi JUTE ~ptrqpiwvfXa~iurwv 3 o i ~ r i ; -i,,tr r b l l world t the ejadged th world, 'unworthy 'are *ye ai Judgment. thesmallost? ss~t

f$r9t","z,"z% if
lnantht i d l e d

B ]d t h ~h m i ~ b ror . ,


?r6pmc, $ rh~ovi~crqc,ei6wXohdrpl]c, 3 X O ~ ~ O P O ~ , 6






yk p,zgtE2

F "h;Lbzdgoidare that civiXouc we &alljudge? mug$nren things of this life ? : , 6rt xpcvoi+ev ; &curirci ; anworth to judge 'know 'ye aageh more then
the -1Twt ye nutterat 9now thnt we rh.ll j ~ d

rwd S


4 P t ~ r i ~ 2 r PLY


05v rpcTljpta

iciv ixqrr, r p d ~
lif Yys %ye, who For

'Thingo *of 'Othir "life


%hen Yudgment [*an 'to] 'thoee

&tou6wq$vovc iv rd i d q u i p , ro6rovc b~a8iter~.ur p 6 ~ 6

a t esteomd in the 'set ' ~ %p. e


&vrpom)v6 f i CXiyw.u oijrtcrc oGx!~urivn i v 6piv eao$hg 2 to them bame to you f spenk. Thun in there not among you 8 wise [mm] to ' fudw who 066d E I ~ , dv4arrar 8ia~pivaedvd.$uov 708 &&X 05 6c ~ mBcm* not even one, r h o r h d l be able to dsdde between %rot er oharch. b I In Tour anme. .hro~ ; cib&$bs prdl h,&X$08 r p i v ~ ~ r n , teal 6


Ihia [audbrother]? But brother with brother goes to law, and ' no, not one that ahnll r08ro bri- driurwv ; 7 $ 8 ~ p b f ~ 6 ~ 8Xwc 4mqpa t h b before unbeliever# l Already indeed therefore altogether 8 default s ~ u brother @oath sip0 Gpiv iuriv, 8rr npipara E ere pce' iavrGv. V i a r i " otxi t to w a brother, among you h, that hw-suib ye76.m among yonrse1ves. Why not m d that Won the ~rnblievsn. I NOW pCAXov ddirc~ia9e hdurriU ; 06xi p a o v droorepeiu8~ 8 MM ; tharafcwr there b Ut- nth.r su8er wrong ? why not atber be defrauded 7 But tarly a fault m M ye g0 (0 6)c~is &6creire rai &rourep~in, mi 'ra8ra" &8eh$06s. W one wfth another. do wrong bnd defraud, and thew things [to your] bruthrcn. Why do ye not rather 4 why a0 9 if 06roidare Jrc ci8ucoc k$aa~Xeiav deo3" oh K X ovo~ ye not n t h ybg Or know ye not that unfurt owe fthe] kingdom of God %ot la$l La

a n t them ia wi,,,maurmonl not


~ U O V Q L Y ;Md.rXavZuOe* oirrr ndpvor, oirre eUwXoXhrpqt, frrudedi 8 Na do wrong, [erit? Be not mlaleb; neither fornicatorr, nor idolatem, fraud, and that v brethren. P K - y OS* ~ 0 1 ~ 00 6 6 ~ ~ pdaroi, . oirre hPuevow t that tho W g h t - nm adnltawe, nor a b n w of themselves as womenI nor abusers of t.lcma01.wkipgdom ~nharltroirar, rhnu not 10 obn ~ X i n a c 0 6 n rXtovirrai, lobrr" pi8vuoc, , not d d r d 2 ~ l v with men, a nor thieved, nor covetous, nor runkards,

mdl c


, ,, ,

zdF:F.dn$ XoiJopot, nor 06 mm, *- rdlen, nor nor

L F T ~ ~ L - &v LT~A. t


paaAeiav 8 ~ 0 5 motll dqpovo-

rapffiiour, [the]. kingdom

judge QLT.

* jj b E X ~ L T ~ A W . ~ aLTTrA. i r p r v c i (; L T ~ ) will i&pan put ye out a L r r r A w . * or O L ~ ~ A W *. p j r r y e OT. b ~ a O i < e r c ; (reud do ye ret up t h w , h.) OTW. c A& L . 0 orissir u o 4 6 ~ m A . L d i v c GLTTrAW. f 08" T[T~]. I i v (read i)lLiv with you) OLTTrAW. h &h ri LTrh. i wiro this LTTrAW. k Beoi &uche&v QLTTrAW. 06 TA. m 06 LTTriL

of God



rai rairrci riveg.Qra. nLXXL4 drneXo6- "'4
but And t m thiogs some of you ware ; h


*bQ~m ye w e n the'maelrcs with mmkind, 10 nor thera, oauea, ciMd ~yiciueqre, O&MJU b&raujeqse, I v ry' 6vbpart n g n g r ; ; r warhrd, but yenere unctifled, but ye were jwtided, in the name rilsrr nor =tortion70; ~ p i o v JlqOoG, acai (v p r v c i y a r i r ~ ~ _ ~ c ~ ~ . i ) l l ~ v . ?hisG:? d the LoA Seaus, and by the Bplrit o our God. f l1 And m h wen 12 I I h w a pot I<aorcv, &XXJ 06 r h w a mpy51 era rcivra wme of you: but ye *U t+ga to me me but not things do pro& ; w s w~hed~1 but % ~ o c t i f i e d but ye ua i)r6 rivog. jasriSed h the name pot &~?4v, &Wo a b & hc i~~vuiau&ju~pai b~ m1awIul. but %ot 'will be brought an@ lhe of any. dydtt; && % W ;: IS Td ppbjpara rq' ~ o A i q ,cdi rorXia rois. /3phparv0 onr G& Meats forthe belly, and the belly for mecrtdr 12 A l things W l d.61.6ebc rcai raCqv ~ ara3ra rarapyi]cer. r h 8 l 03 a i all things u r not but . ( p bui God both thU and i . will bring t nought: but the b& : h p d ~ n :t br a [] thim W lawful for mc. 06 rp" nvpvaig, LXXd r @ mpiy, ~ a d ~ l p e o ~ ahpan* bat I will not be i r+ not for fornication, buk for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. broaght under th.



z ;: gk

' I

14 d.61.8~3~ acai rbv ~6ptov $yet ev, ~ a'r)pbs11 i & y ~ p ~ i 'Grdr i n i"
And God

both tb.


rniaefup, and


ar a i u out by

r~g.duv&pwg-:.dro5.16 o&ac.oihrr h r h o S p m a . b S y
his powor, %Mat Know ye not that your bodiea


$ t ,l 4

f",,*zfgc,",$ mat,,

aroir ioriir ; Zpac 03v r d pCXq roir XPLUTOB,?roe$aw me UII Having taken then the members of the Ehrlst. ohall l the h r d for Y;


~ ~ n the body not

~ ~ G pbariv. 18 ac6yere &p ropvciav. lriiv dpcipqpa B ci S@& 'ia E'lee fornication. Eoeq dn wbiah &V tvoltjap & ~ LTO f m i ~ 04 Q T ~ C e 706 ~IWLV. d. & %y 'lpaotirs without t l ~ dludy k but he tt , b


and m than tbr meof h * lot? Gcd forbid l6 what t b o w p not that he Which


7t yvvaiai d TO the wife 'the


n)v ~bgaAnptwp h o w '

d d a ,

ry" &6,d(rue boiog.Qill rai . dU n d o the wife fo the huaband The wife her own oat to toooh 8 m b mrs. S N m e r t h e 1 q oirg-igwarcif'cr, 'dWr d drnjp' 6poios.W xai b forniortjolr, body l not authority me, W.t the hawband ; U u w b rlro ahr let w and hnt. UL 0 &Ad mk P [+p&w] (& our Urd)L + X ~ ~ Q TChrist rm. Q ~ v ucli i v to end ol.lrmr t [+~uLv] c. i&yciprr raLs08 Out L, r you n . -AW. W ~ o TL~L i+eAip [her] due QL~T~AW. r [8i] L c U L=&


?Fmy3'-l, ing thethinga where. unto mer 6hbpg 4 4 y v y ~ov.t6iov %g for .mm good





~ ~ $ ~

husband hir own 'defraud



own husband. 3
the the render unto husband due benePoleumwife : mc wise alm the W* nnto the husband. power not 4 The of her own body but

dvip ~ O roit.ibiov acjparoc $ ~ h ~ oCr.fSovrrta'tec, ~ z ~ ~

one another, unlem

h u not authority over, but

YII. ~ M 'yvv<. 5 I ) tj ~
the wife.


& ? T O U T C ~ E ~ hXtjXov~, TE el.ptj

rt BY



tva a~x~X&f.qrell
that ye m y be J l e L m

b t h not ower of hir bid njv.dr aoiav.6pGv. 6 ro3ro.60 Xbyw rard davyownbodygntthewifa b e c a w of your &continence. But this I m y by way of perS ~ e f r a u d not one ye 0th- except P y ~ i p q ~ 04! mr' tnirayfjv. 7 BiXw erdpli ?r&vrac dyBpJ,l with confiat for mbrion, not by way of command 'I but all men time that ye may g i n pou&lves to fanting TOVS ~ZvattLc.~ai ipavrdv* Hraaroc ibiov f~&ptapa and rayer; and come tobe even ra myself: but each kL own gift toge&q again that hmpt not i ~ a i ' l BK 0 ~ 0 3 g B c U plv otirwc, g8~11.62 oiirwc. 8 Afyw.b& , foryour incontinency. hra from God; one 86, and another no. But I as7 6 But I 8 p k this by permbion, a d n o t o f r o i ~ &y&poi~ rai raic arc, raXbv atrroi~ hc'srivli thy' comman&ncnL 1 For to the unmarried and to the wlfows, good for them it h if ~ ~ , " ~ , " e ~ ~ I ~ y ~ &c rciy3. Q d.60 oCr..iyrparetov7at, yapqadp~ivwarv But if they have not self-control, But every man hsth they ~hould remain as even I. let them hi@ proper f t of God, TWaaY, one after t g a manner k~peiaaovn.y&p18a7tv~lmyapijaa~"-$ ?rv o3aOar. and another after that.' marry ; for bette.~ it L to marry than burn. 'ciXX'n b - s ~ ~ h $ ~ ~ m a 10 Toic-82 yayapqrcdaiv ?rapayyQXXo,OCK $ widow8 I t ia good for But to the m~ried I charge, not I, but the hem Lt theyBut pen abide ~Z;pioc, yvvaika dnb dvbpb!: p4 n ~ w p i a e ~ ~ a i ' n 11 tdv.6i rai her earnot Lord, d e from husband not to be separated; @utif bh0 let them m u r y : for YWPla@, p~vbrw dyapo~,$ r @ dv8pi raraMa ' r u g h e b wpuated, let her r e t n unmarried, or to the husband be r e c o n c i g 9 unto the marrid I gal &papa yvvaira ciqtivat. 12 Tois-bl Xoiroic O t h Xbyw,l con~mand yet notno; mad huband .wife I L;rd, not .to aleare. But to the r u t myl the wife de art from OCX b d i o ~ , rig LGeX$bp yvvairea ~ X E L dntarov, ~ a i ei h husbanl: 11 but If any brother *wife 'haa 'an %nbelieving, and the &d, and if she depart, let her remain onmar- Pahn)ll ~ U Y E V ~ O Koireiv peg atrroir, pt).d$ihr E~ ahjv* Or be he oonsentn t dwell with o him, let him not 3ave her. t o her husband : m d let not the husb+nd 13 rai y v 4 qijricil ixei dv8pa driarov, xai raCrbcl ut awe hb wde f r d woman who hu *husband 'an YunbeUeving, and he Pa~tlttotLreatsper~; I not t$e b r a : U avvevdo~ei ~ K E ~peg atnjc, pt).d$ibrw 'aCrdv.u 14 $yiaarar O Y Ln brother hath n oolwrnk to dwell with her, let her not leave him. ?Iaranctiflod wife that believeth not andshebepleased ydrp b dmjp b Bnturo~ rq' yvva~ri, a $yiaarai tv ~ i ytwd to dwell wfth him, let for the 'husbgnd 'unbelieving in the wife, and L snnctifled the %if* him not put her away. 13 And the woman 2) '(i?Tibro(: Qv T@ 'dv8pi" trei dpa rdr.rfnva.6p8v drci6apr& which hath an h u e lunbebving in the husband; else then your chiidren uncleband that believeth not fi he be b b r i ~ ,S ~ . b 0dyih bariv. 15 ai.80 d dniaroc ~ w p i t e r n i , E~e&wd dws~l.witm u e , to but now 'holy 'm. ~ uif t the unbeliever separatecl himself, er let her not leave h i d 14 For the ~wpttia0w. ot.be806Xw~ai b (i6~X$bs jj ci6eXq$ tv beliean husband ir let him aepuate himself; ia not under bondage the brother or the rister 10 mnctifiea bythede* roic roto(roics and the unbeliedng iv.80 ripfvp xbxXqxe~ T2)pcicn 0e6g 16 ri d wife is sanctified by ruch [osre~],but in peace %an 'called h r 'God *mt were the hnnband: o l B r , y4var, r i rhv dvspa ahaeic; $ r i olbas, else 1 or howeat thou, 0 wlfe, if the husband thou shalt nave ? or what knowat thoai onclean. bat now they holy. lbBut if the unbelieving dea &,AA& L n r A . l q o h d q r e QLTTrAW. b q y s r e i q r ~ aQLTTTAW. j i iri vb m ~ i p ~ e E ; eini r b avrir Jjre together may be QLTTIAW. ~ c d OVV- T. but LmrAW. 6 LmrAw. f ixer-xdprupa QLTT~AW. h i m r v (read [it is]) OLTPIA~? 1 [oiiws] L . KpeLWOU LTTr. 1 i s r r v W. m yape;v T. xwpi<cuOar L. D hiyw I.mrAw. P a G q LTAW. P ei 7rr if any T. odsos LTRAW. a ~ b div8pa the husbvud LTT~AW, v d6ehM brother LTTrAW. * 6po"cyou P.

ct~i.~b.aCrb i'va p$ reiphfp ~ ~ $ $ ' $ Hinto one phca ,uvvbp~qa~e,~ 'not smay *hmpt 6pac d aarav2ic wme to get he^, that 'you 'Satan


for fasting and

vqareip rail'

4 npoaevx$, for prayer,



r aenson,




*M' &'




p p

0 hurbmd, i f

e i rr)v .yvvnira
the wife thou shalt nave ?
'I ;



aDaerc ;



~ K ~ U T &c A rt, l& him a sister Y p brother or depnrt.

t o euch

' 6 ioevY *h O E ~ C k'ravrov &c ricXqrev i ,~


c*11ed &&ded 'Qod, each aa 'has *called Ithe lLord, so 'Od 16 For what ~ p l ? r a ~ m ii ~ourwp (v rais irrhqaiair r6aars J r a r d ~ -K 2 m t thou.0 wife. ~' thou let him walk; and thus i n 'the 'ar~ombliex 'a11 I order. anre thy humbaud ? or sopar, 018 ITepiterpqpdvos ric CltXfiOq; p+.inl- how k n o n n t thou, o Having been circumcised 'any J ~ n e' w u cnllod? let him not bearcia8w. iv cirpopva?i$4 yrrs ;~h?j6~ ;"+.?repi17 But as God hnth uncircumcisad: in uncircumciaion 'any Jone 'waa callcd? let him not be repvbaOw. l0 ~eorroprj0 6 8 6 ~ darrv, rai cirpopuoria oir8iv called ererv one ro oircumcired. ~ire;mcision 'nothing 'ia, nnd nncircumcidon 'nothing let him whlk. i n d so ordain I in a11 durtv, ciXXd njpQals bvroX6v 8 ~ 0 320 P K C ~ ~ T &vr $ ~Xfial . O ~ churcher 18 I s any 'is, but keeping =commandments 'God's. Each in the calling man called being cirmmciaed P let him IKXGOQ, i v ~ a 6 r p ~ E Y ~ T W .21 B o C X O ~ not becorue ancircumthis let him abida Bondmm Cbeing] wast oirwd. I s m y cnlled in whioh be WM called, in In uncircumcision ? @c; p$ UOL peX6rwa dXXD e;.rai G6vaaar dX~68~poc him not bo cir1et Yrw cnmcised. 19 Circurnthou d e d , not t o thee let i t be a care ; but and if thou art nble

rhpio~,~ oi;rws in

case: but



Bcytfh"; 2%;




yrviuOat, ~ ~ X X O p i j ~ a i . "IZ 6.ydp i v xV

to 'boome,
'rather h u e ['it].

Boi,Xos, &tXeC&ooS
w g b bondmnn, n] free


xvpiy r X q L i ~ :inion ncircamcision is noFor he 'in [.the] &Lord 'being 'called thing, but the keeping of the commnudmrpiov iariv. d~oiwc ' r a i n b of 2O Let of [thej l o r d is ; 11kewire a180 he ever^ man abide in
of Chrirt.

iAa60epoc ~XqOtic, GoGXdc iarrv ~piaro3.23 ripijc 7jyopcibeing called, a bondman

With a price ye were 21 thou chjled be. oOqre* pr).yiveaOe GoirXor civ8pD?rov. 24 ;raaros Iv.4 ,drX6- not for it: but if thou ing a Onre bought ; become not bondmen of men. Each he wan mayeat bc madc frtre, dJeX$oi, i v I-o6ry pevdrw ?rap&a ~ $ "OaG. urethat rather. tin the he S: is called a or mlled, brethren, in that let him nbide with Qod. Lord being a servant, % ncpi.62 r3v ?rapB61~wvd?rrrny,jv ~l,piotJ o&r.Zxc,,* ia th; Lord's freeman: virgins, comrnrmchent of [tkc] Lord I hare not ; ~ ~ , " a ~ & f ~ O h But coucerning r h p q v - a Gidwpr, &c /hcqplvoc Glib mrpiov ?rinrbc Christ's m l n t . 23Ye a o t judgment I giro, m having rccvived mercy from [tho] Lord 'faithful price bought with the ; be not ye t l v ~ i 26 vopicw olTv roirro mXdv irntipxerv 6th . n i v (v- sennnts of men. let ever? to 'be. I think then thin 'good 's i bocnuse of the p r c mm, wberoin he 1s raXbv civ8phny rb oUrws dvar. called, thorcin abide rur;aav dvciyrqv, 8rcm mt necwsity, that [it is] good for a man so t o be. with God. 26 Now concerning 27 GQGeaai ymjarri ;/ili.ctjrer X6arv. X~XVUQL rirgius I hnvc no Hiut thou beanbound to a wife P seek not tobcloosed Host thou beenloogedfrom commandment of the Lord: yet I give my yvvatrds; p$.rfircr yvvciira. 28 idv.& rai ud mcut, aa ono that byhp 5," wife 1 mek not r wife. ~ uif t also thou maycrt ! v married, hntf obtained mercy oa of the Lord to be 06 fipaprcc. rai bdv napO~vos,O ~ X faithful. 26 I suppose Uou%dst DOL .in ; and if 4b$!~arrlcd 'the 'virgin, S o t therefore that thla ia ood for the prcsrno OM$rv-di r e a q x i ~ ~ O V U oi V ~ roioiror* dyi.6i atreds, I ray, thnt Sb ' d rin I but tribulation io the flcsh 'shall 'such ; but I i t B good for a mnn ro be 27 thou 20 Toirrn.86 opt, drdeh~oi,~ ruipbc avv- b uto d hnto Art *ifol d n a But this nay, brethren, tho seruou strait- ~k not to be loomd.

$!ere:~T: "f,:It


f: ~



mrdptvoc* erb.Xocndv l a r ~ v'lva ~ a 'oiVxovrcE yvvairas, ,~ i

rncd [is]. For the rest is, n t o that even t h w hnving
W ,


4s 4 Z

wife. 20 But and if


ovres 6arv'

30 xai

oi ~Xaiovr~s, pj) ~ X a i o v r ~rai ~ hs c*

not w p i a d vir*


tiri she ~

oi xaipovrcs, 3s ptl xaipovrec* rai oi iryopdZovrcs, hc p4 h,;%,3",",lf;$ thow rejoicing, u not rejoicing ; m d thorcr buying, u not hare trouble in ,:the
fleuh: but I epnrs you. 29 But this I mny,

~egQtrev haq divided rrr.


has any one been d e d LTTIAW.


L ~ A . the

- rdc rb kbndv, (rb- re imbv' * [L]L iT ~ + E. imiv Aorrbv - o i E. to etnritslled) ; imiv' h n b v LT.

6 Btbc and 6 rlipror tramposed QLTT~AW.




b ycrpqqs
E ) (read i for s



rll,,rt: it r,.mwincth, brpthren. the time u K ~ T X O ~ ' T E E31 cni oi xpDptvot ~ r + - ~ h u t t ~ ~ . ~ o i l r y y , A cbC ptj tirat b ~ t hthcy that PO**"*~~~; and those using this vrorid, na no; h:rvr wir'* ~ffmxpihp~tt~t. mpriy~r-yhp u ~ t j p n rd roir.K~crltov.roi,rov. a t this world. u r i ~ [it] ;r# tlmir own ; for p ~ a c awny the fnallion p s

thotrrh' the? wcllt

32 diXw.61 iipiic h t t ~ ~ i p v n v ~ d riynjtoc /tcpt,rv+ elunr,

But l tvinlh


witlrok11 anre

to b The u n w r r i c d c;lt.c* for the thin^( .

mjoicad llot : and Lhe TO; KVOI'OU, AGC hdpi(rec" r(ij cvpirpo 33 4-81 mttfiqnc that buy, as rhough how he shnll y l e w thc Lord ; b a t he thnt IS ruarr~cd they not ; of the L r d , 31 and they that W* pepilrv(i rd ro3 ~ i a p o v , n2y hcipi.ael" ry" y v ~ v z t ~ i , ~ ~ ~ i n ~ r cnrw for the things of the world, ~ ~ l how he 8h~I1 plena0 the wife. fiurl~ionof this world 34 ipepipiurat" k y v t l ~kffi nffpeiljoc. 'l n'yfrpoy~Epyil@(i p ~ m awnY. 3 Hut ~ h 1 Divhlcd nre the wife nnd the rirg4n. Tho nnmrrrried cams for woirld h~brc you sd 70; I C V ~ ~ O V , Y L I ~ (iYia mcaill a6pnrt ~ n i without carctul~reus. He thltt fr ulrnlnrricd the thing# of the Lord, that she mny be holy both in btdy nrtd cnmth for the things that baioug to the r ~ * 6 p a r l ' 4.61 yap,junua p~ptpl'(i r d 706 rtiapor~, Lord, Iroa hc rnny ~ p i r i; t but sho that is married caron for the things of the world, lcnne theLord: 33 buc 7 n rp?c thnt is lu~rried ?rGc O ~ p i ~ ~~ ( ili hv8pi. 35 T O ~ , T O . ~ ~ ~ 0 . b p ; ~ . a 6 ~ t h J orrreth for thc things how she rhnll p l c w thu hwbnnd. But thin for ronr own thnt nre of the world, iai/3*iXtul hhhd how he ma plense h i , P u v ~ ~ ~ ~ X ~YY " * O ~ X a o W h 6piv wife. 34 ~ K o r e difie profit 1 In, ; not thnt a noone & y w '1 lmny h a t 4bafor~-. but fercnce nbo brtwwn 6 wife ,d ,iryin. =he rpi)c rd E G U X I I ~ O V rai qairrprpriaeJpvvl' rc,; ~ v ~ ~repii y urlmilrricd wolntrncnr- for what [is] wa:aly, rind wnitilrg on tho Lord s ~thont 0th for thc things of arharwE, the Lord, thnt Ilcmay 30 But if anyone m e ] Sbeharea *un.cemfyi a it ~ nay %l~ov ~1.64 n y citqqpoviv rtjv 5 'vir :inity be holy b o ~ h b d y dirtrnctioe in nnd in mnmled cereth afiroir vopiCei, itiv spirit: but she ybaQ r i p a r OS., rui oi;rwc Qq~iXci for the t h i of the 'his ithiuk~, if he Dl beyond ( h i e ~ r i m c , nnd ~ so i t ouglt to

~ ~ ' , ~ ;




Fdp\teb:tla6at. 8 BiXer nosirw,rap6i9," p4 Exwv aivciya~v,Iror)olav.di : ; ~~&','~~ i'arqlcevr16 nioc rp' oitx.dpapr6v~r oprirwonv. 37 2c.di


what h. rills W him do,

hc dom not in :

them many. Out he who


l,pn you, buL


~ m e , + ~ a ~ n d w ~ & ~ X E L aepi roit.1'6iov BaXjparoy, rai roiko # ~ K P L K F V i v r f j , mny nitend upon t c h" Over Own will, and thir hrs judged i n zord without dirtrnO- ~ap6iq.'abroir"r06~ rqpeiv njv.itrvroij ~ a p e i v o v , r n h i i ~ tion. 36 But if m y to Leap his own virginity, woll man thlnk thet he behar.-thhim%lf un- w a ~ t ~ i . n 38 JWErai b x . h y a p i c ~ vkaXi)c rote? fi.6iU So that 6180 he that giverlnmarringe %ell 'does ; and he that




not having ncccuity,

but authority

zbryapicwva ~ppaiaoov' r o r ~ i . 39 h v r j 868erar Ciipyn ~

'giver in ulminge

he sinneth not: i d them mmrrl. 37 rerthelers he thnt ~tnndcth etcdhst in hi8 heart, h r nects,ity, power over hir own will, an4 hath M flocrecd iu his hmrt thnt he will La11hiarkgin, d a t h wall. 38 So thcn he thnt gircth her iu mnrrinpe dooth well ; but hu that gireth k r



M long ' s l

8aov ~ p d v o v

c$ d.hvrj husband : .afirijy' %ay 'lire 'her P




A wife is bound

By law


b buxn:g

&v$p babrijc,l ~ X E V O ~ Bariv ~U

of hor, only in [the] Lord. But hnpptcr

rsloep the hwband

l e i* to whom ahc n.ills she is

but if maphnrc fnllon


@fXar yapqto bd
no f

Bijvn~,pdvov CV
~ E ~ Y P ,

~ v p i y 40pannprwrioa.Jk iartv ddv oI;roe .


she should mmdn, amording to

~ V E ~ C ( C I FXFLY. @E03





j.~dp~v* 8oKG.b& .dy&

udgmeut ; and I think I alsoj


'Qod'r 'hum.

zbv ~ d v p o v tlle world LTT~A. h d p i q he should pkwe LTTrA. 1 ~ ap e p & i ptorac. r a i and h a become divided. Also LTr; K a i (- rai W) pcp@torat bltd divided aro also TAW. h 4 dyapos unmarried woman ~ n . l ciyapos (I-cadtile vlryln cares for) a. 1 [rail LTr. . T$ th0 LlTrA. 0 & p i q she nhou~d please t m r a . P wp.+opov LlTrA. q eri~bpebpw 0tm1 *W. r i v rlj ~ a p 8 i q$ isiq (read hi8 own) ITrA. (in his heart) a p a b s L n r h . ariroir L w r ~ . IIOL+YC~ 110shall do L ~ A . 703 LTTrA. 8 yaplcwv ri)v mtp8e'vov iarrros (tav704 rap8ivov T) marries hie owu v~rgin~ty ; [ i ~ l y a p i b v e v i a r r o i rrap@ivav] A, ~m [ <at8 OLTTIAW. 8 ycyu'cwv marriea GLITr ; [ir-i{'v A. 6 vdpy GLrrmw. b Ya v q r LaTrA.




~Gv.ei8oXoOcirwv,oibapev, ijrt xhvtec vvLutv

'all 'k;luwldge is But wmcerning things ucrjficed to idols, we know, (for by ths I av. ;i yvi;rat~ $v&oi, tj 62 dyhq oirco8opci. 2 ~ i . ~ 8M ~ 6 Ion her ha* : k l l ~ ~ h d g e upl pufb but low build6 u p But h n dhusband be dord her lfvetbt but if rcc Borci %i8Cvaru rt, eoirbirw.ot8iv I vurcavn #h? L at liberty to b : w o r n t h i n h to have known W h i n g , nothing y6t knoa y v ~ v a t . 3 ci.66 rtg ciyux$ rbv Otdv, ~ o r k40 g u t h e reaOdg 6ti happier if she no abide, But if anyone love wording u it L mceaauy to know, nfkv m judgment r ~pljuawc ogv rwv m d I thLk alro t h n t ~ 0 6 ~ 0 s v ~ u r a titn' airroir. 4 rapl I utbg then h.=tbspirit& sod. he know him3 mcerning the

8 IIepl.84






urd that [there L] no


for him ; u d m e

tic uirrdv* rai a l d P t o r 'IquoirSxpmr6s, b i 05 ~ rd.dvra, Lord Jw Chriat, by whom [m]hll thinm rai dpais 8 i airroii. 7 M ' o l B aZiatv . t ) y v i j a r sevlc A Gc v

fora the d *m t h i n 0 th.t W ottemd h nacrifioe mto i d o t WO h o w md we by him. But not in hll [L] tlw knowledge: 'some t b t an idot Srnothin d8wX6- th.t the ir non; other in thaa world m $ C $ 1avve~81jaac" B d8h10v h ~ hprcn &g g :but with aonacienco qf the idol, until now 'M =of'a ' t h i n g ' ~ ~ ? i f i d Got but ona b For Bvrou it~Oiovatv, real $.uvv~i8qat~.atrGvh d ~ Y l j c 0 h a ~ ~ $ 1 6 d ~ h ~ 'to 'M. 'idol bat, md their wnrabnwl W ' & ' h b g ~ thee h heaven or in pohCvarat. 8 QGpaEl& o h ? n a p i ~ a t v n B@ 0 6 rS'~.god8 m u r ~therelordr T$ ". 8 d l~ defiled. ut meat m does not oommend to Qod i 'neither many, 6 'but to

k ~ ~ c


mr&pip" ydyupev 4dv

we eat


m d v m t w ; neither U

o k r idv p+.(ri wprv

we e a L

pit$ &mw td

do we wme 6hort.

to thoro being weak
7th I

d h
yivqrac ~ r o da$avoiracv.~ 10 itiv.ycip i ~

in him m E n e M J~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ me all thi ~ n we d

m m t b t lmowledga r

W .


aa oocasfon of r t u m beoome
myone we tbn, who %t

rit i s p

v r a ~ G U L B ,qeiSwXtiynrca~alc~iprvov, V v
knowlew, in m idol-temple nolining 'will ba
8 ~ 7 0 ~ oircobo-

~ m ~ , EL"",; t ~ ~ O
rt a

[st hhle], 'not

& u p ,

o d ~ it j avvai8qay d r o i i ciuOevoirs
4oonroience 'of 9 %



=t%;;,, , $ gW(Hk s " yL

8 Jut W will commendefh us not to God : for neither, if W a r n6 daiaeevav ~LdcXgbc r '.o$.yv&aai,u 6 i 8v xp~arbcwe eat, rue we the* hxi puhh t b weak brother on knowledge, for w h m Christ ; neither, if W -8 e not, am we the worse. drh8av~v. 12 ohwc.82 8paprhvovrec ric rode d6rX$06~, =t t a b h-& IM D dled. Now t h u #inning ag.iart the brethren, by W mean8 this 11berty of ourr beoonu ~ afi6xrovrcs airrGv njv auvei6qotv daOavoiruav, rig ~ parbv dnmbyiingblock t o t a d ~onndind their swxucienrn 'weak,, rg.ind ChrLt them that are wak. 10 For if m y m m MO ~ bow. dtr"prhvarc. 13 v61drapU ci PpGpa urav8OXitat rbv &8EX(dv t h ~hibiohhrrt Y eh. e Wherefore l meat cause %o 'Mend i 'brother ledge sit at -C hr 06nu * W not yet did he know M ~ A . & 6i but L ~ A W . d i y v r ~ i v aLTTrAW. impas LTT~A. s GLTTrAW, h [&M'] L 1w v q e e i ~ from ourtom (with 1 rapawmjuer rhall not Z +L 705 ei8hAov L T ~ A W . w mpect to the idol) m. h +kyrgcv 3u~;pov'~eBaa p p r v d o p e v L ( ) ' y i p for L ~ A . ammend LTM. 70%&Oeb/uw & i i v ~ y c o p r rnepw~e6o(revficrrepo&pe6a L nrproueu6geBa sr) LTrA. v indMvrac y+ for perieher ~ mltai ; to the weak L ~ A W . P [m&]L. q ei8dicp T. 1 L indMvrar AW. iv Qij +#L, i) i&eA@c L ~ A W . R. ;i(1.64J WPM 1 cu a queth)) 6 nrp R 6 .

rlJ$a~rac eic.rB


iueietv; 11 'rcai c i r o - d e n d .

to ru .thinp 'roari&ed *to 'idoh 'to 'ent P




n P O Z



VIII, a .

ihe iciol'n templc, shal1 $4yw pi o v oG.prj not the con.rience of rmy, , not a t all should I ant K i a ci~.rdv.n1'3va, i'vnt 'uot rlv 6dtX;bdv: Abih for erer, th 'br~iher him witich & weak be errrboldunutl to ent arav8aXiaw. tho*e thiiiga which ~ are oflarud to iduL ; Ct'l9II 'may 4 c n to oscnct. 11 nnd rhrorrgh thy Ob~.e;pixdsduroXocn; o f i ~ . ~ ;*iXeiref 0cU; 05x1 '!qaoirv pi knowiJpe shnii the Am I not nn apoltle? am I not .free .not 'Jwlu watrk brother prinh for wtlour ~ h r i sdied I J ~ p t a r b v " t rbv.r6ptov.ilpdv *l&pnrca'J oG rb.ipyov.~rovirpaig ; 12 Ilnt when Chribt 'our 'Lord 'hare I*seen !'@not "my "work 'lye nu nyninLt the reu, lrud wound thew dare i v rupi ; 2 ei diXXoic oilr-eipi dnciuroXoc,. ciXX4 wuak c~nzcionca, ye %re in [the] If t o o t h m I am not an apostle, yot sin ngninet Christ. IS Wherefore, if meat GPiv ' ~ I ~ Z ijginou ij~n yerate to you E Itun' ; 7j-ycip ir$payi~a r i j of .mypnportlarhip~ o X irpei(: niskc* my brother to at any I for the real 70 offend I will eat no rupicp. 3 +.dlrtj.6soXoyia role Bp4 i v a ~ p i v o ~ ~ o t v l Uuhh i*hlle the world dare Q v rt~~uduth. I mrrke are in [the] Lord. lent Xy defence t o thorre "me 'who 'cxnnrlno m brotlior to offend. u Am I not nn bai;rtt Bariv,ll 4 M$ otti.Exopev QEovuiuv9ayeiv rcai c ~ i ~ i ; H arhtutle? am I not 'this *L: Hare we not nuthority to eat m d to drink t ti.,e? hnve I not wen ) dEovaiav d8eX$rjv yvvnirca neptciyerv, mi Jwu* ChrMour Lord? 6 ~ 7 o;~s.~%optv have we not authority. a 6ister: a wife, t o tnke about, I mlro U aro not ye my work i n tho Lord? 2 If I b e ~ i i not an a p t l e unto oi Xois ' Asda~oXoi, a oi d8eh$oi 7017 mpiov, ~ a K ~ $ B c ; otl~orr, doubtlean I the o t h p ~postles, nnd the brethron of the Lord, and Cuphul yet am to you: for the i oLrc.~xoyev iEovaiav dro5"Coj seal of mine apostle- 6 Ij p6voC iy& ~ n Bapvci@n~ Or only I nnd Bnrnntar have WC not rathority nob rhiu are r e in the Lord. 8 ~[inoc,innwer tothim ; i8ioic d$oviocc n o d ; that do exnmine me I dpycileaea~ 7 Tic arpare6ercri r to work ? Who server aa a soldier a t hie own charger at any timo? this. 4 hnre we not W& to ent m d to ~ , 706 ~apwoir'' nirroi, oGila8icr ; riuk? 5 hnre we not r i $vre6ei d p ~ e X G u a ~ c r i n vineynrd, and of the fruit of i t dow not estL power to lend about n who plants rhter, a wife, na we11 fij+;c soipaivac noi vqv, ~ a ire roc ycihnrroc rijc noi tuqc i u other apactles, nnd nnd of the milk of the iock r the bmthren of the or who shopherds a L c k , u Lord and C h w ? 6 or oir~.iaOiei 8 ptj ~ a r 6 r i v e p w ~ o v ra3ra k ; XaX3; golixi I oniy nnd Eiunabna, does not cat? recording to n man these things do I spenk, or 'not hnve not we to forbcnr worK;l; teni d vdpoc rairra" Xiyet; 9 i ~ . ~ d p b ~ w a S w c ' vcipq rq7 7 Whogocth a wnrfnre For in the 'of 'Sbom Ilaw any time nt liin own 'nlso 'the 'low 'thew 'th1ng.s 'my8 ? chargc*? whoylnnteth yiypunrai, Oir!$rp&acic" Poirv tXo3vra. )c$ r 3 v . a vincynrd, and enteth i t hw bcen written, Thou .shalt not m ~ l an ox trending out corn. 'For 'the e not of the! fruit thereof? or who fce4eth a poGv pihet r 9 ; 1 81' ;ijriic scivrwc Xiycr ; flock, nnd enteth not 'oxen 'is Ythcra 'care with God ? or because of us alto~ethor y r hc [it] ? u of the milk of the flmk ? 8 Saf I these 8i-ljpiicydp tvpi?tl, iirc fir' i X n i 8 ~ 6qeiXer" d dporpc3v things M a man? or For becnusc of ur i t W- wr~tten, that in hope ought he that pionyhr snith not the Inw the -me abo? 9 for it ie Lporpr$v, ~ a i b ciXodv krij~.dXsi80C.nliroii p e r 6 ~ f r v written in thr I n s of to plough, and he that treads out wrn, 'of 'his 'hop *to *yarkrke MO-. Thou 'halt not muarle the mouth of in' iXni8i.' 11 Ei ljpeic 6piv r d nvertpartrd iamipnpev, the ox thnt trendeth 'in, hope, If we to you spiritual thing# did sow, [h it] out the corn. Doth ucr ei God tnke cam for piya ei rjpcic 3pGv r d fleahgrird 8e iaopev; 12 If tihXor oxen? 10 or mith he a g n a t thing U we yonr things stall reap otbem U altogether for our r i ) ~'iEovoinc 6 p 3 v D per6~ovurv, oG pZiXXov r)peic; rakes? For ourmlrer [Qoul4 not rathor we? no doubt Lhb & writ! 'of 'the *authority ' O T U ~ 9011 'pnrtnke, ten: t A t he thnt iXXd ncivra loweth should plow &M' 0 6 K . l ~tlaipe8a rp'.~~ovaig.rairrp* we di%not art, thfr authority ; but all thingr we ho 6 ancl thnt he But thnt tpmrheth iu hope rrval 8 d p w r 'i a b a y y A i y 703 rhould be pnrtnker of yopav, 'lva p7) " i y ~ o n r j v that not 'hindrano. 'any we l o u l d gira to t\e g l d tiding8 of the hin hopo. 11 If WO hnre bear, rowu unto you mpi- xpturo3. 13 oG~.oi8are B ~ L oi rri.iepd n~dpevor, 4 ritunl thing8 b it a ait Know r e not that t h o r [.U] Zwed *thin~p&boPring, [the p n u t t b ' lt m C r r . k g




i d m o A o r and ihnieepoc tramponed oLnt.nw. * I6paxa 9. t xprmbv LTT~A. pov 6 s irousoAj/g LTTen. b ~ U T L V i ) q LTTrA. a 3 w e b TA. 4.703 tl"rr[~]. sbv r a p n b v the fnlit 1.TTrAW. T A . C i) v6pos sa%a 06 L'ITrAW. Mwiiwiols Ol.'rI'rAW. rcqp6u~cs TTrA. a e t h e c tn cArri8c LlTrA. k in' i A n i 8 t t o t p t r i ~ e t v O~TI'IAW. 1 i~otroias um.rrAw. m r t u a iyron+u (icu- T) LTT~AW. a + the thiugu XT,(AJ.

I X.
thlngs]ot the templ. with the Lord

eat ; altnr

~uOLau~qP~y J J

2r roZ iZpo9 bu6iovurv* oi p$vre~il r$

~ ~ shall reap your ~ n m a ~ ~ ~ & lattend-things? 12 I of thir be partakersf otherr

those * a x h e partnke 7

Bvucamqpiy uupppiLovrab ; 14 oO~ws ~ C K

glnd tidings %one thus announcing, of


theloea we h a w not


whptoc 6tdraSev rois rb e3ayyihtov ~aray~bhXovutv, so3 used this power. but ir
did order t o those the toliva the

eba yehiou cp'v.


15 8 h.61 Po66evi b x p q a d f ~ q v ~ 0 6 r w v ' gospel of Christ. 13Do

%ut I

'l1 we should hinder lest the


of .there thin-.
U ;"L

obrc.Zy a4a.68

ra5ra 'iva oiirw~:yQvqrat ;v Bpoi*

it ahould be with
to die,

ye not know that they which minister about holy thing. live 4 t h

How I difnot write t h o u t h i n e that

for for me rather

~ ; i ~ W pr .with the atta?? 14 Even lo hath the rtc'l r ~ e v ~ u p .I6 idv- dp l ~tay~eXiLwpar, oirmlurtv Lord ordain* tbt rch tlw 'anjone should make void. For f I urnounce tho glad tidings, b e r e b not they which goopel shoupllelirr o f p~ mbxqpa* M y ~ . ~ h p initsetrat. 06ai.~di' pot the p p l . l* Bat I 'in *kid 'upon ; .woe 'but to me haveusadnoneof thaaa for neceulty 'to 'me lboutiug ; thingn neither hare I duriv idv p t j . t ~ t a r ~ ~ X i ~ w p a ~17 ei-ydp ~ K & V n roGro ,fitten th- thinsr For if rvillinglp this ,it is if I should not announce the glnd ttb~npl. that it should ,be ad done nuto me : for it ?rp&uuw,pruBbv Zxw* ai.62 (irwv oi~ovopiav r e d - U)CM better for me to I do, a reward I have ; but if unwillingly administration 1am en- die, than that any man nhould make my

wahb Y&p pot piiXhov &?roeaveZv, i j rb.ra6~t~pci.pov ui'va a t t h r dtm

'm? *bonrthg




oreupat. 18 ric o h vforfi Ibrly b ptuB6~;i'va

trusted with. What then my reward?

T a in anno\~ncRIgthough I pmmh the ht yeXtL6pevo~ &G&?ravov $,jaw rh h ~ w r o i j ~ ~ O S~P 1bof:e n o t m g ~ Z v~ .nothe glad tidings *without *expense *I%hould 'make *the 1glnd b t i d i n b 'of 'the to lory laid for me. ,fW is

euny- glorlingvoid

'Christ, glad tidiugs.

so as

)nl mralg~tjuauBru @.i~ouui(rpov i v r $



w i n g u my own

my authority .Ue to aU And



fm;~2 ",zg,"$

if I do thin

ebnyyeXiy . 19 'Eh~bBe~oc.~cip Qv
For free


n&vrwv, ?riiuw dpnvriv ~ h ~ f w " , ~ ; $ ~ I ~

m08eE gainst my will a din~

b e h from more that

t o the under Jews

i v a rodc n ~ ~ i o v a ~ xrp8jsw
I might gain,

20 ~ aiy~v6pqv~ i
I became

I becnme bondman, that the

a Jew,

~ t is mv rswwa

roic 'Iov6aiot~ ' I O U ~ ~?va 'Iov8aiovs rep6Guo. &c ~OS, 67rb v6pov &c d7rb

roTc then? ~ c r i t u thnt, I mlght gain :t o those ~ ~ I 1 g t~ g


V ~ ~ O V , i'va

r04s ;v




t h a t those under,

21 roig

&vd~otc &c civopos,

all men, yet have I $VVO/AOC ' x p t ~ r @ , ~ s ~ ~ p 6 ~ &v6 OVC. u ~ n 22 dyev6pqv made myseieit scrrnnt within law to Christ,) that I might gain thone W thout law. I become nnto all, thnt I might gnin the Illore 20 And rois dlu~evbu~v b&s" (iuOev,j~,'iva roils iueevei~ rc~p&juw. unto the jeis hI to the weak ru weak, that the weak I might gain. came as n Jew that I might gain thd Jewa rdic.?riiurv yQyova Crdn-.?rdvra, a nL~?;wc r v d ~ ~ Q u w . to the, that ,,ae; h r To rrll them I have become all things, that hy a 0 luerms some I might save. the law, ss under the law, thnt I might gnln 23"roSrd 62 9rod 6rd rb ~ b a ykhcov, i'va ~orvwvbg\~ em that .rct U I ~ ~ C O 'I%b 'and I do oo~ooonnt the gLh)tidingsI that r h;(on-partaker of the law ; 21 tc them that are without law ~ ; J T o hvwpat. ~ ' ru without law (bein; with it Tmight be. not withoat iaw to

to those withont law u without law, not being without k w to God,

Ivopor r0~yi.l in' the

. I ul~ghtgain : buse not my power i n Y ~ ID L but thong I be free from


K F ~ ~ ~ ~ Ugospel O .

oi ~ h r i switht thnt I *

24 OLroiGare art


Know ye not t h a t thole who fn r.r-ourae

i v uraaiy rpQxovr~c ~hvresp2v~


might pnin them that


spE~ovutv,~rs-8;XapPdvit fb PpaPeiov; oi:rwc r p i x e r ~'lva ,

th.t weak, that I milrht ~arah&/3qre. 25 niic-61 b &ywvcCdpevoc, d v r a iyrcpa- gain the : I nlu ye m a y obtnin. But everyone that ,strives, i n a11 things controla madethat I might by nm, to
the prh?
m .

, but One


X ! ' ~ u ~ ~

morpa8pniovrcsLTTrAW. P 06 r&pr)gar o68& have not used any OLmrA W. q oitseis Cwr. r xev6ot~ shtrll make vain LTTrL ycip for GLTTrAW. ebayyrhiuogar L13rA\V. 703 X P L U T O ~LTWAW. * g o v TPrA. i & v a 6 ~ ik) ~ v6gov not being'm)-sclf b utlder law OLTTrAW. Y Bcoi, of God L ~ A W . a ~ p r m o i of Christ I.TTrAW. r rep6ira, foirs LTXrAW. &C [L~IT~AW. -I& LlTrAW. . d aawa & thiug8 LTTrAW. 0 ovr 'E,

'"' -


i'stli,z~dz,";~ i v o ~ odv 'iva $8aprbv ari$avov rei)erat* i r p1v

the go8pel'r d, himeelf : that they indeed then that n corruptible





CC, X.

crown they m n rawiw, ~

~ )jpeis.BC d$Oaprov. ~ ; ~

26 by; roim~v oi;rwc rpixw, &c 'ohs . ~ e

24 Know ye not that but we m i-m~tible. I therefore W m, aa not ~ & J ~ ~ ~ l ~ u t i n m " , iGjXws. o5roc mrre;w, &g oljs iQ GEpw* 97 gLXX'11 a rewlveh p an-inly ; so I c o a t , aa not [the] beating. But run, t b t irnw?rrri<w pov rb a w a , ~ a i GovXnywyO, p j r o dXXoic ~ obtnin. 26 And every for IM e t my body, and bring [it3 into servitude, l& t o othem the m a t e in tm rr q p h t a ~ a h b c d66~tpoc I(vwrar. big t *tm. in PI^ #W vq they do 11 to obtnin b i preached %yneM *rejected a corruptible crown; Oi).ehXw bpgc dyu07v, Ci6eX$oi, h 1 oi raripcC but we nu incorrupti1 %fish.not 'now 7011 to be ignorant, h t h r e n , that ' 'lathern ble. 20 I therefore so run, not pr rurcertirn- 7)pOv rcivreg brb n j v V E iXqv rluav, xai r d v r ~ c dtd l y i 10 fight I, not U lour all under the &ud rere, and all through the oue that benteth the .tr I I h O d h a q g GlijXBov, 2 ~ arcivres &isrdv iM~u$vII d f i a ~ r i u a v ~ ~ I but i k -er my body an1 rea ppsred, and all to Yorer w u e baptised twing it into shjsction: rest that by nny &U r$ ve$QXp ~ a bi 7p' BaXiaag, 3 xai r c i u r ~ ~aljrb '/3pGpa v rb means, when I have in the cloud m d in the m, and all the same %at preached to other8 I my~lf be' a ? r ~ ~ ) l a r i&k-fyov,' 4 xai 7rLivr~srb a h b m ~ 6 ~ E V kb~ a oastawny. lrpiriturl atate, . d n . U the mm@ s&Ek '.piX. Moreover, brethren, l not that p a r i ~ b v 3mov." Zrtvov-ydp ire m ~ v p a r i c $ ~ d~oXoveoiruq~ should be ignorant, ritual drank ) for they drank of a spiritual *f ollowillg ow t h a t a l l ouf fna8rpa" t'iv d X rai-6s. 5 &M1 pirc E rois v and the rock w u the $rilt : aloud, and under the J1 pwred yet not with the through b,,ptiaed 2 and ?TAE~OU~Y the aes; anto airrijv 0 ~ ~ 6 6d 8 ~~6 ~ a~ e u ~ t h e q o a v . ~ d ~ ~ .r ~ p l iv h the cloud urd moat of them was .well * p 1 4 'God ; for they were etrewed in in the 3andd:f bpljpy. 6 rairradb rGrot Ov byeYljequav, eic rb p$ all eat the =me ritual mat ; 4 rndXd the d e u t i t t h u thlnga t y p & W became, for a l l d d a the =menpi- EIVUL df(iie X~KOW, k d r K k O l ixeetiyq: for they ddwirera of evil things, mordfng an t h e b o duired, &a& of that spirttun1 ito4be W that followed gay. 7 eiGwXoXcirpar yiveaee, xaeljc rapesaljrOvev3stI tbem : and that Rook dither idoletera be ye, aooording 8s some o them ; an f wan Christ. b But with many of them God yiypanrai, 'E~dlOia~v Xabs $ayaiv rai qnr~iv,llxai dv6 plwed : ft h a been writtan, 'Bat *down lthe w l to eat and nd driuk, and w w p e o for they were overthtown in the wilder- d q u a v ?raYerv. 8 $4 ropve6w Ev, ~ a e h s TIIAEE m m . 6 Now these &the? rbouldwecommit Lnication, wording .a aome to play. r were oor exb?rdpv~vuav, rai rinauov" lbv" pi+ ljlripq airoutrpei&mpt8,to the intent aljrGv we ahould not lust ofthemcommit~dfomt~atlon~~~d fell i n one day twenty-t&e & e r evil thi thewolo.tea'k$ ~Aicidec. 9 q C i i m ,hCu)cev rbv, txprordv," r a e c j ~v ~ a i l l b . ther be ye idol*br(l. thousand. &ither shonl!we bmpt the Chrht, wording pr alao W C ) ~some e t them. rive~ abrOv w / ~ ~ isai i r ~b r 3 v~ d$ewv * h r h X o ~ r o . ~ ~ ~ r b ~ ~ n i t is mltw, peo le lrt down to w t romd of them te?xpted, and by the aerpenta perfahed. and'dru and rose up ' "xai" TLVEC airrOv iydyyvuav, to plry. $ ~ let 10 $2 ~ yoyydCera,h J~aO&sll ~ ~ ~ oloommit fornioation, $either murmur ye, aaamding an ako sw of them o murmured,



d."GC 7:~yE*


~ t $ ~ , " ~ ~ ~ ~ i n I ~ ~ X O brb 706 bXo9p~vroii. 11 raiira.84 ZrLvra" rai ( " , ~ ~ W O dpy thrse and $wen@ and m h e d by the dertropsr. Now these thing# all [an] Neither a?L?rod' b ~ ~ i f i bxaivotc* ~ typh$q,bi n bc vov9ouiav a i ~ ~ ~ ~ let ur tempt Ohrirt, arr some of thnn duo t y p u G P P ~ t o t h m , and were writfor s h o n t t i o n

2p4*" Pd2-,g :t , 4 iIpijv rlc 08s r d r6Xq rGv ailjvwv c ~ a n j v ~ a 6ure ~ 2 ~ . 10&thez marmm e, 'OW on ~ h O m of the m urired 80 that r nome of them * t o murmrrred, and m e o & M P m. h y&p for e L m A w . 1Moii6v Q L ~ A W . + i ~ a r n i o e q u a v ~ ~ . l p~iKbv Z+ayov fip5pa (j9pGpa G+ayov T T ~ LTTr. ) m s r v t v p a ~ ~ ~ b v wbpa LTT~AW. &LOV wd~pa L m A . 8; 0 r)ir8d~qucv LTrAW. P Oomp LlTrA. Q W ~ ~ V T A . r irreuau L m h w . W ~Tl'r[Ar t rnipiov Lord LITCA. xar L ~ ~ A W . * i ~ e n e i p a u u v T. &rrJk A v m m. V ~dLirep mr. rrcivra [ ~ w r [ ~ j . a ~vuixiis typically LlTrAW, 8 r a n j q r t v have come LTIraw. 4 ovvi~arvev mr.

Le that thhka you

he f a g Temptation

~ ~ ~ d l ; f ~ them & , an" for a-

d 6 0 ~ ~3U T & Y C I I , PXelrirw ~ 6 ~ oCr.eiXq ev ei.p$ 5 ~

h u not ta an except what belongs & man; and faithful [is] God, who

monition UP whom the will not mEer you to tempted above what ye am able, but will make the wme. 11 Whereue d v ry' Terpaa y" rai njv irpaaiv, roir.66vaa8ai eirpiic'' forelethimthatthinkwith the temptatcn ' ale the Lme, for 'to Sk %bl4 'you ltmdeth take heedhe lent he fall. dnaveyr&v. 14 Aibrep, dyaq.roi.pov, $eiryere drb rijc a hem hath no to boor [it> Wherefore, my beloved, fise from temptation taken you but such u L mmddwhoAarpeia~. 5 l gwipoic ILyw* rpivare ;pie 8 m s toman : , ; s u t ~ d idolatry. dr t o touigent oner I #peak: judge ye what faithful who not r d e r ' y o a t a 16 ri) ~onjpiovr f c ehhoyiac 8 e+hoyoi)pev, ofxi temptad h e t h a t ye .m ' The cup, of blsscling w s c h we blast %ot are able but will with the d p t a t i o n a k rorr~wvia a; aroc eoii ~ptaroil dartv in rbv dprov 8v make a to -cap, .the Whrid &is t The bread which that p mn .be able to .it %llowship 'of %he 'bood 705 L U T O ~~~ T L j Ybear rt. 11L f o r e K X G ~ ~ ofxi ~otvwvia 705 03 ~ 7 0 1 : Y, my-ybe!ovd,fld we broak, %et *fellowship 'of #the ' k d y .of -the%hrint I b 'it l from idolatr 10 I owL 17 6 r ~ 1 bproc, ?v ( a oi noUoi fapev* 01 ydp T ~ W speak M twhat m e n ; ~ I ; E ~ye I h n r u r ' o a e aloaf, 'ool.b& 'the *many Iwe *we ; for 'all k % e on of blwiny i br 705 t v b (i TOV peri~opev.l 8 p i r ~ rbv 'Iapa+X wurd which we %less,boft not ~ r ~ w,mnnion the *the 'one &at Iwe partab. see M-l ~ c o r a n to blood of ~ h r i sP The g t acipra* goirxill oi inQiol~recrdc Ovalac, ~oivwvoi iaitnottheeommunion which we b , fleah : 'not 'ththox, 'eating 'the *seorifio~, ' f e l l o ~ - p n r t ~ k ~ the ~ *tt )

ohr.i6aer 6pdc rtr aoOfvai h i p 6 Gzivaoee, dXXd roiljaar

to stand, let him tlke hwd

?ria d rtarbgbi13 JTerpaapbc , civ9p3rivoc* b 8 ~ d 6~ ~



k!ftf,z: % gd' :




an idol anything body: for Ge briv; iirr hei6whdOvrov11 ri 'iarrv; 20 hXXJ 8rr read. l8 Behold Imel rtakan of that one or that what b raorifloed to an idol mything is? 'i ~ , but thnt a t t , the fluh : us ' 6 6 ~ ~ ' iOvq," Garpovioc~ '86e~,-ai krd oh 8eyjm not thap W u a t of Wfut. %acrifice 'the %ationr, to demonr they ~eoritice, apd not to God. itpdg wotvwvoirp r&ri 8atp0,viwv yiveoeac. that the l1011is an 19 What then) B d I do not wish you fellow-ptutakgn demoM to thing or that whlch6 21 'oC.b6vaaOe ? r o ~ p i o vicvpiov ?riverv,. wai ronjprov offerid in Meriflm t o Ye cnnnot' [the) cup of [the] Lord drink, m d [the] cup ~ ~ ~ u ~ ~vpiov perixeiv rai things wbic! the ~ s n ducpoviwvo oCb6vaaOe rparicqr ofpemons: yo cannot of Ctbe] table of [the] Lord partake and tiles swifl0e* thW arcriics to devils, nnd 0 to 7rapa~t)Xoirpev r t v ~ 6 ~ 1 not ~ ; God: urd I .rpan+z{i Garpoviwv.. 22 of i t b ] table of ~ o m o n ~ . Or, do we provoke to j e a l o q the Lord ? would not that Ye should hnve fellowp4 ia~vpdrepoi' dhrdc .kpev ; rhip with devils. 11Ye stronger thpir he , rue we? cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and tha 23 lT6vra Ztearrv, dXX' of rdvra my$~pers a,lp devib : ye canAil thinpl forsme are lawfu!, but *not 'oil Ythbgr 'ore profitable ; not be artakurs of tho aivra npoi'l i&ariv, &AA' 03 rcivra oiro6o si. 24 p b ~ i l : Lord! table, nnd oithe tribla of devil& 'do builctup No 'one 22 Do we provoke the all thing& for m are h w w but ?ot 11 Lord to .iealousp ~ i , Cavroir ,{ ~ T E ~ T W , ~b 706 ~ T ~ P O ~haaroc. we stronger than ? nre dhXd V h. % b .of 'himelf I b t *LIBCL,' bqt Yliat 4 ~ 'the *other ht ' f leach 'one. !xi All t h i u g ~ IVB 245JIiiv dv pariUy rwho6pevov iaOiere, pqbiv hva- things are notbut x'l1p c Evargthing t in a market ,is sold eat, nohing in- dient : all things we


~ V U ~ U U T ~ ) Peiaiv; ~OV

IO ri o h $qpi ; iiri hei6wXovll ri

What then say I ? that




'are 7

t,FGceod ";fszz






on account of

rtjv avvei6qaiv~ 26 r03.Pydp. ~ v p i o v ~ ~ ~ ~ , f d q " , " ; ~ ~ j

wnscienae of it. For 'the 'Lord's ~ uif t w o n e *invim 4 0 u no man aaek his own, but enry n180ther'n wcaEth. 15 Whatin t b

Ithe 'h and the

yf rai ri) ~Xljpwpaahri'jc. 27 ei.q6in rtc ~aXeiit 6s


- 3 ~cord [SOU]) & (W i y B -i &kv

ci&uA68vrov trdwpo8ed LTTIAW.

LTA. 1 A k a u ~ o OLlTrAW. s

iwb 703 aipcvrw TOG ~ p r u r 0 3 r . ~ 8 o6x LTAW. 1 Oiovutv they ecrcrifice L ~ A W . ~i m + ~ ~ ~ O V U L V atrcnfice LTTrA. they D p o r GLmr&W, 8i but L m W . P mpiov ybp L ~ A W . P

rhnnlblml E;gthe,;y;;:;g


T O ~ E ~ E U ~ ~ rb xtiv I ,

X, x . i
k qet hefore

inat eat* rGv &?~icrrwv, OiXara rai

'of 'the 'unbelieving, and ye wish

to go,

all that on account of



&piu Cueiere. pq8lv ( i v a ~ p i m v r ~ c 6id

you eat, nothing

rr}u uvv~i8qcriv.

If my

inquiring my,

z yt t:

of thorn that belieye

28 Idv.8h

&piu eiap, Toiiro rei4wXd0vrdv" barrv.

This soffe,red 'to *an 'idol 'L,


But if anyone to you

o ; whatsoeror is w t baOiere, 61' ireivov rbv pqv6uaura reai rdv ~ ~ Y E ~ ~ ? ] Q L %oforeyou, eat, nakfw eat, on account of him that shewed [it], and the conscience ; no qnation for conroienae s n b . 28 But 'roii.yd0 mpiov real r b nX+pwpa a l i r i j ~ . " uvuei29 if an man say unto 'Confor *the) 'Lord's ['L] 'the 'earth and the f u l n e ~ of it. you '!his is offared in to;, & ~ O O V . m$ificeuntoidolr,eat b q ~ t81 XByw. ohxi r i v iaV703, cihXd T ~ V ~ not for him sake that science 'but, I say, not that of thyself, but that of the other ; rhewed i t and for conscioncc 'aaro : for ~ v a . ~ i . ~$.bXeveapia.pov rpii~arai ~ ciXXq~# V Y E ~ ~ ( I U E W C dp 6 b ; thu enrth is the Lord's, for why 'my "freedom 'ia judged by anothar'a conscience ? and the fulnem thereof: 29 conscience I 30 ~ i . ~ 8dh 3 xkpirr perdxw, r i p?acr@tlroCrai h i p 05 ~ But if with thanks partake, why am I evil spoken of for whnt uty,not thinoown,&ut of the other. for why fa liber& judged dydl ? ~ a p l b ~ G j 81 Eire 0bv b t ) i r , E ~ T Eniltare, ire of another man's conI gtve thanka 1 Whether thereforo ye eat, or ye driuk nt gram 'cicnce?be a For if by ~ o i e i r e nkura ~ i Gd[av Qsoii noieire. 32 ~ i n p d o r o ~ o c , c rt why am I evK:k~ anything ye do, all things t o Iglory lQod'r do. IYithout offence Of for that which T Y i ~ ~ c r e ~ reai 'Iov6aioic1' ~ a "EXXqniv .reai r f irrhqcriq 703 i lgive thanks131 JVhether therefore ye ent, be ye both t o Jews and Greeks and t o the nswmbly or drink or whatso- eeoir. 33 ra0;c red ~rcivra niioiv ciphurw, p i &rGu evcr do Gob the ye do of a11 to of God According u I all h all rhtnp. p l c m ; not .akin8 32 Give none offen-, 5.6 hpavroir wavp$6pov,U dXXd r b r i j v T o X X ~ V , 'lva crwe3neither to the Jews the 'of )myself nor to the Gentilen* 'pro8t, but that of the many, that thoy may nor to the church o i ULV. pipqrai pov yiveuOe, ~ a e ; reciy; ~ xptaroij. : I be u v e d I d t a t o n ot me be, according ns I also [am] of Christ. plcnse a11 men in a11 thhrqr, not seeking 2 'E~arvG.81 3p1ic, xci8eX$oi,u 5rr ? i i v r a pov pimine own profit, but Now I praise you, brathren, that i n all things lue ye hnve t11rptqPtof ulnny that tlley nLny be d r e d pvqu8~, Kai reaO& nnpi8wra ;)piu, rdc napn8c;oe~Creartrr~ditiona X 1. Be Ye followerr remembered ; mnd according as I delivered to you, the ye of me orcn u I r h o , sxere. S eiXw.61 6p1is ei8ivai, Crc nawrbc ciu8piS ,j re@ah4 " V , oi~11ri.t. 2 Now I rniw you, keep, But I wish you t o know, thnt of every man 'the 'hotrd 6 dvhp' qbabj.8i bralhren tRnt c re- lcie7SLP1:mr$ icrriv" ~agahi.6i yvvairebr me all tl~i~lgn, nud k a the ', i s but head of [the] wolnnn [ia] the man, aud head ~ ~ ~ s z m y o f d* rxpioroi, edc. 4 n r i ~ dvtjp n p o u ~ u x r i p ~ vijo ~ npo(qreiwv, 8 B U ~ I would of Chrut, God Every m m pr?ylng or proyhes) ing, on h o w , thirt the rcr@aXi]c w v , ~araiuxirvetT I ~ V - K E aX~jw k ahro3. renrd ercry man ir [anything] ou Die.] liond end of and the Chri,,t h.tving, put8 to ahnrne $is h e a i of the'womru~ 6 the 6 nlua.di y v v ~ npouevxophvq npo$qrel;ovoa &tiararcaXt.lrrrtr olnn and the hand of ir God, Ever). But cvcry woman praying or prophesying 'uncovcrod mnn raying or proK E ~ Q X ~ ,a r a i o ~$aX j v . * ~ a v r i j s ~ ~V~- ~ C ~ ~ ~ v~i Z w g g l h a M ~ h* ' w i 3 i b e . M , her bead ; for one putato .hame covered, d i e hononret~~ b bead. iuriv real rb a6rb h ~ E v p q p 6 u p . 6 d.yd 06xarareah6aFort! k n o t covcmd b But ever WOi t L and tha u m e with ring been +roP t k t prayeth or prophslielhwitblta h s d rerat y v 4 , Kai re~ipCicr0w' aicr~pdvy v v a i ~ i73 nnwvered dtrionourn woman, also let her be shorn. But if [it be] rhpmcful to a woman ~ t her head : for that h ~ hmjp.plv. &p O ~ I C if re~ipau0at Svpticrea, ~ a r a ~ a X v 7 r r i c r e7 . b oven U one . For man inleed %ot h e were shaven. 6Yor to be rhorn or to ba shavcn, let her be covered if the womnn be not coTemd, let her al.0 ~ $ A E L xara~aXCnr~o0atj v K$IaXljv, ~ K ; U ~ a 6df.a O a o i n i be "horn : but if i t be 'ought t o have =covered 'the 'haad, image and glory of God a shame for a womnn < to be shorn or nh,,yen, v n [ i p ~ w v y1~~7j.62 l~ Jdta dv6pd~ iuriv' 8 o6.ydp icrrrv d v ~ j p let her be covered .being ; but woman glory of man in For dot is mnn




I .


r ;+8v&~

but Q L m A w .

offered in wcrifice L n r r .
x a i 'Iovbaio~s Y

+ 70;

(i*cuJ 01the C'lirist) [LJTTIA.

~ Y C Q LTTr+.~ E

t 5i ykp to end ofverrc G L P r r w . 06g#~opovL l T r A . ibeA+o; l?lTrAW. l the (womrur) L~"SIAW. avrqr L T T ~ L


br yvvawbs, ErXXd yuvrj
of woman,




riv8pbs* 9 rai.y&p oirr lrtlu0q

man. For also

but womsn of of the


man on -at


njv yuvaira, drXXd yvvrj


10 6t.d

roiko 6$rihs

man but the wornnn of t hthe mU1 Neither i man 9 -ted S Bd ro6r &yyIXouc. 11 nX$v oGn onecaonnt of the pngek. Howeve+r -ithat a for the Woman. but mpi ' the woman for( the Xwpic' ~ u v a r ~ do , h yvv?) X W ~ E &v8pbs,l i v s in [the] Lorg man. l0Forthisoawe .put from womanl nor woman apart from man, ought the womnu to 12 d ~ T p . ~ d yuvd br .ro8 hvspds, o8rws rai d &v$p have power o-rrhend ~ For as the woman of the msn [is], so, lrlso the man be0n-e of the nnfiel~ 11 Nevertheless notyvva~rdc, rd.82.rrivra & 706 0~0;.13 irpiu.airrois ther is the man withb r the woman ri]; but all thin0 of God. In yourselves out the womnn neither the woman 'withrpivar8' npQnov dqriv yvvaika drwarracci)lvrrrov r $ 0 ~ y ' out the mnn in the judge : becoming L i t for a woman uncovered to God Lord. 12 ~ d as the r woman is of the mnn, lrpou&x~u0ai ; 14 0684 dairrtj +baicn b t 8 d r U ~ ~ l p ; ~ ,even 60 tr the m:s al$ to pray 9 Or %ot 'srsn 'itself %atare 'does tench you, 80 by the woman; hnt all things of G d o 871 drYj)p k d ~ KO~& drlpiid U&T$ dUr1~' 15 UV$ l~Jufndgeinyo~elva: that '8%a*taomm i i t comely t h t a wos 'it h e long h* a dishonour to him i t i P . t God 62 bdv rob+, 8 d b air* dmrv ; 6rc .d p q drvri m m pm unto Doth ,,re$p 'but 'if h long hairj glory t o her jt is ; the long h k i?he.d not even nature itrelf r

Becnum of thin

ought tha woman authority to have on

yumj i[ouuiav ixeiv bzi r i j s


not w v arented head, forMmuch rbv civ8pa. he the image and but woman on occonnt of the mu^ b&'%

$ ~o~~nOo~~h :L



$l,"zGf$$ee: gkyz;t.$$:





mp~poAaiov8ikra' e3@." 16 E[.&

of r ooverlng

But if anyone t b h b 00ntellti0~ is a shame him dvai, 4peis rora6qrp uvv@rrav 0br.f opw, 0682 a1 irkAquiat l5 But if a 'to'bo, we %U& % m nor the u s e m b l h glorylong to her :(fcr her It a air is give her for a 703 &08. covsrinl(. 16gut if an, of God. men seem to be con17 Toirro.8d f ~ y a y y f M w v oBrb+aiv3,n b oirs tentio-1 we haye no n ~ u[*an t . t h ~ ohuging ~ . y o u I do no" prniae ~you],thnt not ~ " , ~ " r " , ~ ~ l ds rb g~pairrov,~ hMX'nr i ri, ijjrrovu uuvipxaa~e.18 T ~ G T O Y 17 NOW in this that ~ for the b%ttert but for the w o w ye come together. First praise you not, that e I I piu ydp WVE x o ~ i v w v ~ ~ pb kr+u, Gv v iuXquip, dcobw oxiu- come together not& 'Indwd for &o&g together ye in the sssembiy, I hew di- the better, the worse. 18 For firat of para BY dpiv 67rh ~Erv, p f p o ~ r r real m'mdw; 19 sei-~cip all, when ye come tovhiona among you te and pwtly I belleve [it]. For there mu& d aipiuers f v ;piu abar, l oi Bdripo~$avr oi yivwurar diviaiona w o n you 8 b h m o n g ,ou be, that the approvsd manifk may bemme and I partly befiewit. 19 For there must be dv 6piv. 20 u u v ~ p ~ o @ ~ w ~ 6pEv. bzi.rd.a&r6, O&Kh h-ia 06v amo WW 7 O corn- together therefore ye into one place, %ot you, that they WM% w e apprqved may be iurcv W radv G d ~ o v $ayeiv*', 21 ii'rauroc-ydp r6.i~iov e manifeat among Sit ' [the, L kd's *upper to e a t For esch one his own you. 20 When together there$$E 8airvov .rrpoXap@aivardv q? $aye%, rai Bs-plv z u v 4 iic.84 , one place, t myper flrst in eating, a d one Lhnngry ssd another not to eat the Lord1#

in q n w

r q 8orei frXdwiroy

h her.

~ ~ h ~ ~ ~ i



L drunken,

p 8 l a . 22 p? ?p

oirias o L r i y m

eabbg and drinking? before other his own mpper: end one is riji BrrXqufas TO@ Be05 rara$povcirt, raE raraiap?y r e hungry and another or the u8e~nbly of do ye d e ~ h and put to shame is drunken. B m a t r 0 l ) ~~ ~ ~ . ~ X O Y; 7iEmbp'i~PAW" TQ O " b a l v ~ ~ w n ~ h p ~ye notdrink in 1 ~ d v and to houses ta eat have ~ fbrm that hare not P What to YOU should I MY ? shall I prrise YOU in despiseye the church

or h -

hare ye not f a

alc rb iuQi.~iu i rivetv ; x

ro6rq~;o~n".t~arvG, 'EyG.ycip ?rapQXa@ov roi, m) iov, 33 cizi,


V X~O ~ b 8 p b s ~ S

For I


fro= the


ti2%atagV;%f fit I
mn .


03~8&p X W P ~ ~ ~ GLlT?AW.. &$ ' y b r


[a+$] A.

. 30

irui, praise I S.

i $craov L n r k


0 $ LlTrAW. idurp n a p y y d h h o W K i i a r G v LT~AW. C r p c b u o v LTPrA. aLnmw. 1 rai also [L]T~~A]. m


( r a t in tius I do L o p ot


5 :"F L ,; zg\$wgt&%y
94 ~ n d when he had

n o ~ ~ p ~ & p ' $that which a180 I delivered to you, that e ~ brd J in t nigh6 oeivaiOf theLord P?rape8i8oro,"lAaPev bprov, 24 rcai eir~uptanjan~ bred, a ~ ~ in lwhich& was delivered up took he ~ ~ ~ ~ and having @yen t11aL. h d the Zchamv, cai eZrev, qAd&re, $(pre*flroijr4 pov imiv r4 he broke [it], and nald, Tab, ecLt, thir of me b the

IIPOX KOPTN810YB A . X , XII. I 8 m;~api8wmzSfiiv, S ~ 6L cfipioC *Iqu0Jcb

rb Ten thanks, he br&e: aGpa which iralp' 6pGbD"] rrcXdpevovq" ro5ro ?rotdrc clC n ) v Tab, sot W 'for you being broken : thlr do in t hbroken for ydawhich remembnnoe of b is maaody :thin ip~v.&vdpwurv. 25 'Qaairrw~ rai ?h nonjpio$, pcrd rb 18 do in remembrulce of Tn like manner also the oup, after ae w the a m 0 Getmtjoai, X ycjv, Tobro rb konjprov i rarvlf Gra&jcr) darlv

& ;

harfnp Whg, Thh .cap the new o o m m t h . u p p a t soping, m 4v r@.ip+-a'ipcfn*robro noceTre, Sohrcc 8Bvvuiyre, h the new in my blood : this do, M o h n u ya uuy &Ink [it1 ment h m blood.thi8 aaof?~ ye 4v.Wv.dvhlryurv. 26 '0uduc.pip ~ ' d vioBiq9 rbv ~ remembrance Of h a remembrnnde of me. For M o t t y u fr rmg me. 26 Bor M often M eatthhbmad,md cai rb.?ronj tov.Lrobron uisqre, rbv QBvarov this mp ye do thin b ~ a d , and t$ mp may drint,tho Jath mhew the Lord s death tillheaome. 37Where- rob kvpiov rccrrayy&tXcre, '&pr$ 06 "dvn $7 " f h r 8 fore whonoerer dull of the Lord ye announce, rntll hemryoom~ BothJ

W , w



8c.d~ Cdip rbv.iipr~v.~robrov'j)



W ~ O R ~ ~honld ~ W eat

t h h bread


%',%&?p" "

W, .nd

z&h\ys 703 kvplov. 28 borrpCh~w.6l'h& w a o ~lawk,l rcorl oIrug g'

m For
M L of Ofthe n But Wa~a$LD -, M m d thm he 3%703 hprov iaeibrw, cnl B rob norqpiov nrvirw* 29 b.ydp e ot the bred let him eat, m d of the cup let him &ink ~ r n ~that ie

iarrr rob d arog ,$ 705 kvpiov &vaIIwc,Zvo ocshall be of the udparoc uid 7 a'iflood But W man of the Lord rnworthily, body

Cion to hirme tr=# W.

l d i w rcbri kivov a&vatiw~,fl ipa law$ idhi ral river,

m d Wnb ~z~iwortbtly, ju&wnt t hinuelf a . u d driak~, o t o d t
~ L ~ I ( I I I PrhVu3pa ~ UY

~ d d n


b r ~ ru bv.l SO did rolm i v b


b w o i t b i l .mowyou

~ c I ~ o o l ~ TIcpi.84 hrm a &nor& But-nhg

1 %

riW mm n d v , d6A$oi, 04.@hXw 6pGc

Su hl r ,

away a , t , d.nb $0 b i ~ 0 - & a-. . qd0b idoh ercm M p were M fwm I b~ B V . ~ ~ ~ E ~ O E , 4nay6p~vob*S 8th foutonabkad,that *M'ye *might%a loled, lied 'away. Therefore I @m

dyvoiv. 2 oi8an 8rt'

h,r *)c y e h 0 W thbt Q d & 8p m,4 0

brethnn, I d o n o t w l h you

~ld*lha d+v= rd


AMrrr, - m oh~ m wthe cup) -of the 46pc Ta. ~ m w-. &v bread) . + + the -&re whan [&]IT~A. . bi but m5 ~mr~ *+

yvw~fi b l ~ vthat , 'you,

P aopr&iscn,I , ~ A 9 (O.CQd LFT~AW. v a,yp& a &&v 1 706 QLTTrAW. d 706 b mpiov LTTrAW.

r -~hcjpevov
QLlTrA. bI3pouor W. 0 TI~A]W.


- bi but

I O ~ (read V

dbv tWr& the


b a l k LmA.


in h body t m - m a e O f Uhi t hatb

where -the

hearing, where the mmefkg ?

I I P O E K O P I N B I O Y E A. XTI, &KO$, 0 4 8 3 tlacc; 18 ~vuvi~~.BC ~ 5 S 8ebc ieero rci p6Xq,

But now God met

tho mombun,

?v iraarov a t d $ B v r@ahparc, rcaehc (diXqaev. 19 ei.6i

O M h of them in the body, ~ w r d i n M he would. g But U hel-o;llonemem4 x *r$U ~ ( i v r a pihoe, TO; rb ad a ; 20 yiiv-bi noXXd 2v bar where wcw the 'all one mornber, where the bi& l But now many bodj ? 20 Bnt now are 'were Lhay many memben, *pav'l pbX~, 2v.64 aGpa. 21 or5.6irva~ai.~6l~ 69yet buth one body. [are the] membera, but one body. And m not able i [the] p %erpi, X eiav aov ofr.ixjlo* ~ciXivtj not u . unto the OaXpbs eineiv hand I have no need of the8 I lun not ; W y a D the to u y t% o hand, of thee: nor tha head to h? te: rce$OLXtj roic ~ o a i v , eiav 6 d v oSr.&cq. 22 m c i m X X@ I no of head to the fwt, %eed $you I have n t o. But much you. 22 Nay muoh m o n t h 4-1- $ZiXXov r(t 60roirvm p6Xq roir a4 a r o ~ ~ daeeviarepa 67ripof the body, which rather theswhiohaleem'membemaof+tha.Body *weaker to aaemtobemorefwbb .re neo-. ~8 nn ELY, dvayraii Bariv* 23 kai B 60rcoirp~v *dripdre a ' tbom . ~* ; l r n are 1 and th.r whioh nt m m void oi & o n w


to%,Lhi$Eurt#f roir e~vat

m u
haw and the

td k,

ahpa~oc, O ~ T O rtptjv 1repiaaor6pav ~ e p t ~ i e e T L ~ eve


npm *em we beak; t be ot the o body, our ; morr abundant hen- lcal rd &GXljpova oru

%onoor %m *abundant 'we %t s a L t j oomelinem more abuutmt haye g


1 -

r j p h eirqt/pa4vqv ~epiaaoria~ Txec*

of u

snudmt o O m e l i n ~ @Ov 06 X eiav ixec. %iAXIU Eeedc %For oruoomelypartd 24 rribi er5u~pova haye nod, d but the b u t ~ o o 1 of u 5 0 %wd 'ham But God b m p the avv~rctpaa~v rd a& a, %arepo3vrr" ~epiaaor6pav t a p e r e d together the to% b*.g w o i e n t more abundant tonto that pun 804~ v , a gaxiapal BI T@ whioh l ~ k e d25 th,bt fhdn, ,hodd. nu wren 'honour, *'W hhere might not be diririon in tb


d6 .

w e one for another. ZQXq* 26 rcai heZreH~ ( i q ~ 'dv $ X O ~ , i a u p ~ i b X ~ ~i U r e c ~ v b d whether one ' m a ~ b s n . &d U & M ane member, mfTera with [it] aU member suffer all the memben with r(t &XI]' bojiterac 'b"@Xoc, l a ~ y ~ a i p~~ ~ n rh dvra it I or one member be Che mesben ; if baglorlfled one member, rejoice with [it] 'all fhr honoured, all the memben mjoioe with it. p&q. 27 4 is.64 Bare adpa X iaroir, rcal pQhq O r 27 Nor ye m the body members. e g w ye y [the] body ofOhri~t, and manben i n

whbm in the W ;udparc, but t ahsre the some body, h t the membsn

a d rb atrd 6 d p ciXX6Xwv
but 'the.%ame

Yor *one 'OanotEer 'might %aye 'conoern atha

pp~pvdaiv ~d a

net pmtionl~?. & *did ?wt 'God i the ursmbly : h t , n ~ ~ a ~ TOY (tnoardXovc, d~4reov ?rpo$ijras, rpirov bi6aarciXouc, f ~ , =&k pk thlrdl~ a ; prophets; thirdly, twohers1 Iwecra dvvi fie, m41raY xapia ra ia ITWV,n & v r i ~ healinga h e l p h 0 ; of ~w~~ 3 help ; rernmen'ta, a in d W @ E P ~ " ~ SW of d&itE &~ YXW@~~V* 29 7) T ~ U &rbaroXoc; pl) ~ S ? ra 0 p~ povernmentr; da [ h al l apoath? kndingxth

mdigEy pipou~. 98 Kai

o8~ piu. ieero b &be O v

~ Brdqaig lrpd-



2': :;

. g

~ ~

ir8, "auflw,""g- ?rdrvrec ?rpo$Graz;p7) aivrcc Gi6ciarcaXoc; L,


4 acivres Guvi-

o t mkaolm t 80 ham prOPhetrr aU +mohenl Ch.reJ( all m r h of all the IM ~f heal- pets ; SOp(i ~riwec ~ajdepara {TV hpirw i ~ivrec ing? doallrpulwith 'all W ve ofhePlings? %ll tongoer9 do allinta. Row*r pret r 81 mt oomt ~XCjaaaq XaAoCaw ; ptj sdrvrec 6u pqve6ouaiv ; 31 ZqXoirre U o l p . L with-) W1 Dtarpret? * B e S ~ n l o uM a unto you r more ex- dh ~d %a ia ara sd O~peiwovao~l Tri rcae'.irneppoXtjv rcai odlent w q . %at the 'bet*, and yet 'more smarpuruing

wlth t b

' l

m.m o w ~ r p e r l r b6bv .6piv deirvvp.

Of ia%ytoyou



r v& L T ~ L [ ~ dLTIA. ] l [C(&] LT?. b 82 and GEL]. a 6 the o ~ n w . i 4 ? e p a E. & A d LTPIA. 3 m p o v p d v y LTrrA. Iq y i u p a ~ a i v i 8 i 0 ~. d V r i +b ifanything LTr. 1 w v . TA. 1 QWI C #v (red a member) ~ I [ A & a L ' ivrrA&i+ecp LTTIA. 0 pai{ova grater

x n xrv. ~


'E&v raic yXPaaag rGv riv+$zwv

with the

become ar sounding & t b i& & ~ v b d - i x w , riyova , & y t h d c Gxcjv o a rinkli~~ . r u t lovo have not, I have become bm Isounding or CYmial' t And thOugg r I have k M Qfproangels, phecy, and understand I$L/%ZXOV &d&tov. 2 Prai b&vn zxw rpo$ireiav, ~ a i mysteries, and a cymbal 'clanging. And if I have prophecy, and know howledge. and i d p v h p w r h v r a ~ a raaav rrjv yvcjoiv, qrai b&vN ixw though 1 d e all i 'mysteries Inll and all knowledge, and if I hare f.ith* retnove that I coald mountains. riiuav 4 v riartv, 6are 8pq Tpe6iarhv~i~,U (iY&n'qv.6& m d have not c h r &l : faith, so M mountains to remo~e, but lore tie 1 though I beam nothing. 3 Akd ?j.ixw, '060bvU ei'pi. 3 'rai Bdvn 't,bwpiaon r ( i v r a r d stow an my g~ t o t v e not, nothfng I am. And if I pireawayiu food all feed the poor and thou h I give m ' body 6%hp;yovr&pov, w ~ a i idvl' r a a8d rb.adp6-pov 'iva x K a ~ & j - be%urned, to hnve and if I decver up m y body thnt I may be not charity i t me my-, 0uyca1,' aryampnrlv6& ptj-ixw, Tot61.vU Ij$eXoZpat. 4 'H & ( i r q &affmth l o n s ; ~ ~ burned, but lme ' have not, nothing I an? profitd. L v e kind. chnrity euvieth p q w ~ v p X ~,~ U T ~ G E T ~ l . &m) O ~ . ~ T J X O P 2 4 c i Y ( i q n06 ";6mtyvaunteth p&~ U not itself ia not hu patiencq, ia kind ; L endow ; love % o ~ both not be-

$ ;;






not hi^. Fntet

atprroe6erar, ot.$vatoiirac, 5 o i r ~ . L a ~ q p o vob-cqr~i r d ~i,

' glorious, ia not pnfled up, l .


acts not unseemly, necks not the thing. is not easily provoked: i n 4 ~ ,ozi.?rapo~6vcrai,of?.hoyicerac rb ~arrdv,' 6 06.xaipet joiceth not in iniquity, thi*ethnOevn; of it. own, ir not quickly provoked, reckons not evil, rejoices llot but rejoioeth in the

~ ~ $ ~ ~ t " "

iri sp'


s a v ~ n i p ~ t u .r$i cihqeeip, 7 rcivra ar8yer, 6

truth ;

all thing8 ooverq thinD, h o e .rrhvra mare6~1,h v r a Hhrri&i, $t-rivra6 r o {vet. 8 ' & (irq~~;g8;;d~;$cn$ r H sll things belieres, nU thing8 hopea, all thing. entfaileth: but whether 04W~orr bB~rirrrc.ll ~ire.~6&" .rrpo+qrriat, ~ a r a ~ ~ & j m u r * u * tm p r o p i = , c e fah; but whet he^ prophecies, they ahnll be done away ; rimer eire yA3uaai, ra6aovrac' e h yvday, rara yqfiaarac. they a a n ceaw =harhether tongues, they shallceaae ;whether know1edge it shalfbe done away. 9 ~povy.yde ytvha~oprv, rai Qr pdpovs rpo+~r6opv' away. 9 For we nor in part weknow, and i n pt . we prop-; in p t . we phesyidput, 10 10 hav.68 a 6 p rb riXewv, %6reU rb be pipovc m r - when that which ia but when mny come that W L & , ,then that i n part dull be pe*ct is come then that which fs & port apm&jaerar. 11 i i r ~ 4pqv w q r t 3 ~ , "h6 V$TLOC M ~ X O V V , shall~be ~ awpy. " . ~ done done away. When I wan an infmt, ru an infant I spoke, M 11 When I W M acluld I B ake M a child, i vrjwcop 4 pdvovv, &c sV$rtogA~ytZdpqv.~ Sr~-yBi'lyiyova un!mstood ss a child, U inhPt I thought, u an hhnt , I reasoned; but when I became I thought as a child :

anrighteonsnesa, but rejoice8 with th

: :

~~~~l$toh& i:~e,vh2 $:E


d 4 p , rartjpyqca

now through

& roi; q r i o v , 12 PXiropev.ycip For we see I did away w i t h theeof the infant. ish things. 12 %or n o n dprc 8 i ia6mpov b aiviypar~, ~ 6 ~ rpdawnov W& ~ 6 1 ~~!~ti$,"t$~,"~d
,* O -

wp6uwrov* dprr ytvPurcc, i r p~povc, &E-64

fa .;
now Iknow



t o

t o face: now I know am known. 13 h d I knowevea as 'lso1

dm vhaopar inwt; butthanrha*


uaehp cai breyvcjatlqv. 13 mvi-82 pfver r i a r i ~ ,bXrip, ;p aEkzt~y, .. I hara beon known. Io And now abides faith, hope, thrd. the but dry6uq, r&rpkrairra* pei&w.Gi ro6rwv '4l of1the" ohadtl.
lon ;



but then

allk know

dellh but rather that ye m y rpenke For he U , $ U O V~ V Q~p0#)1re6q4.2 b-ydp XdGv yhhaap, oGr p r O p h z ain an th.t ' .~~ l lrthm tb.t ye may prophesy. Pbr he that speak with a tongue, not & tonm M0th not unto man. h$

14 Aukan

them t b m things ; but the greater of these M





and be emuloua of


r d rvevyarirc(i,


md spiritnh

m. Bollow aftor

T r prOra,ivcu LIT^. f d m p o b 1shall berbu~ned T. a r i m ~ m i* m. a LTT~AW.

P K&









- 8i

o68b Z ~ W . K& LTrA. *p* & r 0682~ T. [i) &$q] LTrA. l m' I . l .LiAwv nju- L m A W . iWr0~8 but LTTCA.



X n d d p r j a o i ~ d e i , drMd hrq'


nuden untow:mdeth ~ u *nohorw\ in the rpirfi t o men rpeak, but to 04: tor no one h 1 Yn arpirit * m t h m~e* 84 XaXei pvonjputm 3 6.84 apo$qreirwu, dvOp6sbrc A d d J ~ W h e ~ 'but hhe apesb mysteries. But he tbt propheries, t ~ to men epnah
P I. I


otbeic,ydp &xofiei,lrveCpan


Bt k t 8 wrbti- an building up and enooursgement end oo-ttiaa comfort, 4 Re that in an un- J X ~ U U V , iavrbv oiro8opeP M 4 apo$qre6wv,irxXqoiav hmm t o m edifkth th &tongue, hirmelf bnildn up ; but he that p r o p h ~ i & ~ [the] assembly hinuelf i but he thnt ~wth edifteth o~ro~opei. 8&w.* 6 uhvmc & p l c xahe~vyk6oua1~, r n o v p ~ h m k I Would build# up. b Xow I deairs all you to rpeak with tongues, 'rather tht prallrprle with but B Zva ?rpo+qretqr~pizwv ydpl 1 b rpo+qr~6wv a t ye prophesied r 'but tlut ye r h d d propbay : praster for Cfrj he tlut prophesier thu tex9heth.t b XaXiiiv yX6aua~,imdc ri. 4 Brep q d p , Zva tj Bxhe ahou% interpret, that the u with b fh.t rperh with tangum, . taht

m 3

oimdop+v h aap&rXqaiv rai rapa vOiav. 4 6 i




:Wrnf m

Aqaia oirro8opr)v X&.

6 kNvviU.BB, (i8~X$oi~ ~ O W bdv

~ n now, d brethren,
if - m a I o



building up may - i n

'For * *% m% m '

la rounds, how aitaehro-whrt cdpmov; ir pi@ or huped? hupedt

8 leai.y&p bdv cibqkov '$wv+v aaiX+iy[' By", ric

Bor nbo
if an umwthfn wand

a trumpet ' gfre, who

Vho h 1 1 pm- &all prepue himself for '-LmeIf to the

& , W

?rapbl~ev&berai a&epov ; 9 O $ T O ~ eic xa16p1c

war P



p, byplernr of the

.yXPoat]cidv-ptj e6bqpov Xdyov d3re, a i i ~ yvou&jaerar rb


M o l p e w v ; #mu& dp eic dips XaXoGvrec. 10 Toaaira, & a i i i t b e ~ n o w ~beingqokeu? f o ~ y e p ; Y l b e ~ i n h ( ' t h e 1 ~ d r t ~spwMng. 80 w y , L spoken? for ye bl l &Xoll k h t o the a r i. OQorivn b v xhupy, rai o&biv pa6i t m r ~ it may be, there are in [the] world, and noys at 'O mm of ri)vn. hgwGov* 11 bdv odv pClr).~iairrt)v 86vapiz,

p's= r 'im

exeapt ye attax by

nnlear an intelligible 8peeoh ye give, how &all be known t b t

, ;


Lam them without [dlstinot] lound. world, *

If hemfore I h o w not the


XnXolvrr PLppa oc'

I -

a barb& ye,

; and he that
' I &


12 O ~ ~ T Wxai Gpeic, fad' CqXor4 S




oiro8op+v rijc dxdqaiac cqreire

building up of the -bly that rperh with a to-

6 X d i i v iX60ap, wpoantlet him

r p o ~ r 6 x o p i yX6uq.
Ipray withatongry let him t b t rper~eth i -o t rd.m.6 &.pov ~ ~ O U E ~ X E ~ C L6.8I.v&c.p0~ bicapadc Boriv. L, ay thnt he n u y y pap, but my u n d e n h d i n g mfmitful. l a myq t &mt. 14 For if I h 16 ri 05v IULY;rpom6Eopat T$ meCpam, r oueltopu -,myrpwtprayf i t then L it F 1Mp a y rttb wl t sth, but Dly ander,t.nabghmw bi K Q ~ T@ v& $(JAG T$ uvefi~iari, + d G l What k i t then t I 'but 8 . with the g 6 lo B Iwill praiee wlththe Spirit, ' 'will I


4 '

the wnnd L




i d j and L ~ A u&~yt +ovi)v T .


dub LTT~AW.

&v L ~ ~ A W . 1 P

L ~

m r S 4(#yyou o



. P bcb ~;lh*.


16 drei idv 'eirXoyrjapc"r@''

TJUI pray with the a rit~,dIwillp,,yw~~

lcai t ~ q P voi. lbut also with the undentnnding.

with the the nndcntanding nlSo: 1 with spirit, he that fills the place of the uninstructed how tnti8+ r i Xiyrrc standing S ~ O . 16Elen i p e i T A c i p t ) ~t r i r@.up'.~6xrtprurip, ,hall he say the Amen a t thy @ring of thnnka, since whnt thou snyest 06rol8ev; 17 udgb-ylip raX3g bXapiar~iC, x&XX'n d Erc oc shnllhe tbtcccupicth he knows not ) For thou indeed well givcst thanks, but the OtfCr the lurlearned say h e n a t otrc.oi~080p~irat. eirxnptar3 r$8e(ti ypov," lr&vrwv ;p&v thy giving of thanks, 18 I thnuk = ~ amy, d %hnn *d 1oYou seclnu be understand~ is not built up. 6th not what thousn eat i ~ l d q a i BQXcl, ?r~Ur l l7 or thouvariG 6hhov zyh&oaarcXrtXGv" I9 'oiXX'" but in [the] nssembfy I desire BYU ~ i 7 - t th-h we11 but 'smora .with %nguea aspe~kiny; the other is not edified. vok" you XaXijuat, 'iva rcai ciXXov~1s I thank my 004, I Xdyovc bald roG words Tlrith %nderstanding my tospenk, that alqo other# w n k with t c n g u a more than ye ell. pvpiovg Xdyovg y i & ~ ~ 20.'AGfX$oi, p) le et in the ch-h p lcarq~fiaw, Brethren, 'not h d rather speak f i n I may .instruct, than ten thousand worda i n a tongue. W& with my underraiaia yivedt rair-$ eaiv. &XXd rralci vrl~rtt+F.rr,,,tPnaing, that by m zchildren 'be in [your! minds, but in -fee be babea ; wits I might othera also, than ten raic.81 qpaaiv T ~ X E ~ yiveaee. 21 iv T@ O ~ thonsana =or& i n but in [your] minda 'fall 3grown 'e b. nu unknown tongue. thou bless

rv~&parr, b

&~arXqpuivrbv rdrov r03

i8cDrov rGc


L %

y z

f ~ ~

r r a r , "Orr 4 irrpoyX&auotc, rai v ~eiXeurv v ciripoic,"

written, By other tonmes, m d by 'lips lother

I will ,tnnding :howbeit in

me, be men. 21 lnthe inn and other lips wdl


XCaw ry7.Xa~.ro1;r~, rai

to this people, Lord. believe,


oi:roc eiua~o6aovrai pov, ~ ~ ~ i ~ " , " n ~ , " & $ ~

thus for

and not even

So that the

w i l l they hear
a ~tgn are,

hi a

rL[the] r

dpioc. 22"Qme ai ykOuaar riS aqpri6u riaiu,


t2 ~ ~ p r ~ ~ ~ ~I t o ,
~ ~

t o thme thnt


MXd r o i ~ &riaroic' t).64.~pogqrria, ~y~;t;;hk~p),;

but t o the rmbelievsrs ; hut prophecy,

the not hw ~ d ~ o O not to the unbelievers, but to thow thet believe. am for L ~ g unot tO , iri.~b.arirci,m r 6 v r t c eyXha- them that believe but i *at1v6X8~~ Bs~Xquia tj d t h to them tbet b e f h .come 'together 'the Spmmbly %hold in one p b e q end all not :but pro haacc XaXGarvt riaMBwurv.82 i8rGrar briaror, scrvctr not Por tongnm 8hould qmak, and come i n aninrtructed oner or unbelievers, that beliere not but for them which) beo ~ r - i p o ~ m v ~aivea@24 Cdv.84 ?rcivnc ?rpo$qr6oatv, lieve. 23 therefore 871 ; rill they not m y that j e b mnd? a But if J1 propheay, the whoh church be came togother i n t one ~ tiuiXBp.6i t i c Bmuroc t j D r h n l ~ , U l y ~ e r a r T ~ V -p l a q and U r p a p ~ Crb . end rhonld come i some unbeliever or rrnf~tFacted, is convicted by n he all, with tong~on, and there come in UaM rwv, &dtalcpivera~6 r d rhurwu, 26 I ~ a iO&WE' rd ~ p v m i b arsunleuned,or he is examined by all; and thus the secrets unbslieren MU they not my tbtit ye ere rijc-lca Giac ariroii 9avc ivtrarg lcai o i i r w ~rea&v lrc But ofhis he& un$& etcome; and tblu,r falling upon p p h q U. -

of, roic d r i m o q ,




bat tgtbzom

indeed amongit you

lrp6uurou, rposnwjcxr r q BE$, d r a y i M u u &L Sd &dp IhW f.ce, h e r i l l do homage to God, decTvfnp that Ocd I-& he bmnvinced of ad, he is jud ed 6vrwcU &v irpiv larrv. cb. a11 : 15 and &us


the recretr d hi8


3.8 T i
otym lat~on

o3v iurrv, ci8rXQoi; 8rav

fr it,
brethnn t a UUMW

What then

when ye may come togetherl

wvQpxrluee, Flcauroc h-ma 9 and

bbpOvn $aApdu i EL, 8r8a~t)vZxrr, 'yXGooav 1uJ.l~


i ~ r l v ~ i a i EL' v
a n interpretation



b .


on drocri- s ~ u . l nrr





~ c i u r arpdc oilco~opt)~p h
*U t h i i for

building up b be ~ t

* e

U.1. ~ e



- 6t L[T~ n-r+rthe FW a Le6Aoyljc L &h : - mnw.


Tq; uot LWAW.


yALuoacc LTTIA.

- K&


i d p v 'ot..eral L ~ A Q L T ~ A W . g 6 v r w b (T) Bcbr t'l.rrnw. ixu, yhSuuav txer LTT~AW. k y t v i h OLTRAW.



~rcc~d.uueu.: with [the] Spirit) 1bpeak wth o tongue L ~ A . . come L .





by two, or nt the most ~ r i ~ a i h r t j Or$. % rai npo$ijrar.di .two *or *t&rr i Xdelr e ~ 'let th, and by bt him s M and to God. h ld pmphrtr 660 amm. and let one .mni $t m ~ u g rouav, rai oi dXXor Giarpivfrwaav- 30 ldu.84 t nOinteWtar, and 'the 'othm )let discern. let Mm keep silenca in the church ; and let &AOK(ZXV$~-I C U ~ Q ~ C ~ ~ Y ~ , b' ?rp3~0cut (irw. 31 86him speak to himself, sahould 4be 9ereLtion 'sitting 'by, 'the *5rst ?let silent. 'Ye and to God. Zg Let VCTU%& &p KU~'.~UC(V T E ~ T ~ ?rpopqr~6elu,U 4 XCIVTES pau! the ophetss or g e e let the bne by one all prophssy, that all may other jnage. 30 If any be =-lea to O ~ ~ U W U ~ V~, f f 1 ? T ( ~ V ~ C S ~aparaAGura~*32 rai ?rycirpa~a another that sitteth learn, and all may be arhertad. And spirik


~ ~ , " ~ ~ \ ~ & $ ! ~

may all prophesy one

comf&ted. aa &d the order %he 'God, but of pence, b u the uremblier rpirits of the prophets "'Y~wv* are ~ubjeot the roto phets. 93 For ir olthe wiUk not author of con34 yvvair~sOirp3vU'iv raic irrXt]oiarc arydiwoav* iarion but of peace M i d w h s af nhce 'woplsn *yew in the uwmblIea bt thembe dlent, uinta 06. cipP{?rtrBrpa?rrar" a6raic XaXcTv, mMX'u qirnoriaaeaBac,fl i t f not nllowed . to them to #peaki but to h i snbjeotion, n chnrihea : for it b n o t ra6AC ~ a d v6poc l f y ~ 85 .ei-8h i ~ TL paeeiv BiXovutv, according nr also the law myr. But if anything to l e a n they wish, annmaded to be un- iv.oi~yr0iE.i6iovc (ivbpac b~epwrdrwuav* aia~pbv-ydp iarrv der obedienw M ale0 nt home their own husbands let them a 5 & for a rhame it h 8aiththe law. ' 85 h i d unJiv iv i ~ ~ X q a XaX~iv.~ i9 it the, wu l a m nn t h k , let them women i n -be to ape& their hwbands nt home:foritf.ashame 36 h$' 6 b Xdyoc TO^ 80ir ~ ( G X B E U ; is 6/lzs for women to speak Or Yrom t o n %he .word 'of #God 'went *out, or t o you in tne chnroh. M m t l the pdvov~ ~ a f l j ~ u Q7ui rtc 8 0 ~ d ~ ; ?rpo$tjrq~ cZvar word of God out from only did i t m i v e P If nnyone thinkr aprophet to be or you ? or wme i t unto B only P PI U any ? T U E V ~ I I ~ K ~ S i ~ i ~ ~ u w u d l ~ p36)w ;@v, STL @roirm , m n think himself to spiritual, let him recog* the t h f w write to you, t h t of the be a prophet, or apirftnnl let him kvpiov teiairhivroXai.' 38But U m y be ignorant, let him be ignorant. ei.8i rcc ciyvoei, wciyvo~irw." bomiedge t b t tl,e Lord they nre wmmanda I write Cqkoirr~ rrai XaXeiv to you am the corn- 39 "Qure, cikX$oix, be emuloar rb ?rpo$qrc6erv, .nP rb to ~pe& of the So thnt, brethren, to Prophed, M 88 But lf any I XIjaaarc p(1xwX6cre." 40 rdiura duxqpdvoc ~ a rardc i *e n,;t b&cd " tongues do ~t'forbid, buwzws b=mia& and with $0 Whsrefo=, breth- r,i.(iFv yrviueu. ma ooret ta forbidno%'&% Order let done with tongaes. 40 L & drbcX$oi, rb 3 a ykXrov 8 cdqythings b e d o n e h Brit I h o r n t o yoq h t k , thb g J t i a n p l whid I m. mntl a d i n order. x z a r o m n a , bre- y&ro&pqv irpiv, 8 mi napQli/3crc, iv yi .rcli iamj~arc, fhrsn, I *o noun& t to you, ~ h i o b .Ire r d , ww i whloh . n b v stmd, YOU the Pomdl w i h ha

?rpo$qr3v ~po$ljratc ) ~ o r ( i a a e r 83 i ~ ~ 06. hp iurw l i ~ a r a of prophets to prophet8 am nubjeot. F o r g o t 'he *h #of ? d b araaiac b Betic, mlXX'QiPrjvqc, he. Z nduarc rais irdquiarc v

k2pyilg," i zm! c~LFG:%$~,","


h e





16 rvopi&d& a@,


P horumid(uuav1et them be in subjection LTTT. T 6 ( Lther) GLlTrAW. O 4 of rw i (a W O ~ M ) U e i v i v CrrAquig L n t L iuriv it Lyvorcrac he k ignolwl I T , .. jYIOlLf a c o m u n d LT~(A]W ; hrdPi T . in LTT~AW. my (brethren)[ L ~ ~ [ A J , 3 p i i(dm (+ i v [ L b ) yhcjuucur LTRL 8 Sd But (4t u g s ) QUlTIAW.


v w ~

r inrphera LlTrAWa


L ~ A w .

& W d (wud vcrae 33 joined to verae 84) GLT. $ ,



03 ~ n i o6~tuOe.

' 'mnnounecd 1

Olou #tnnd 3 by which al.

b l which nluo ye nru k i n g snved, 'wl~nt 'word


rivi X6yy b ~ b ~ ~ ~ r X t u c i ~whichal10 m briv ceivcd,~ ~ whcreinre~ v and ye

toyou in ths krst pinec, what also

r n r i ~ e r e ,( r r h ~i . r i r/x; iarure6u~re. 3 lTripibw*l.ytip kecp in memory whnt r yc :re raved* ye Fur I 'if 'ye .'h0111 'fnst, uu csr in rnin ye bcliar~d. I preachcd unto you bpiu i t , aoDrots, S rai ?rapiXn@ov,$71 cinfBavrv unicrr ychnvebvlievcd
I recuired,
that Christ died

h i p rGv.6paprdv-;ljpGv,
for our rinr,

and that Chri8t died for rdc rlna nccording to the t h l r f day, according to the 'cri~turer ha was buried ; and t11nt hc trnr rnlscd the i u r i m ~ , and 848exa. 6 rnerra that hu rose ngain the yptr$hg0 5 xni $ 7 ~6$eq &,$I$, *1mur o i ~ ecr:ytu~cn; and that he nppcared to Ckphnr, thcn t o the twclte. Then third lrccorllingto the s c r i y t w s : b and cibeX$oir. i$cina(, it &v oi that he war men o t $$Qq i r h v w ne~~rccrouiors brethrrn a t on*, of whom the Cephor, then of t h hc nylmnrcd to nbovr Brc hundred twelve : 6 attcr that ot abor; *nXeiovc' pivovarv Pwc ciprr, rtvis.84 ' r a i n i x o y r ~ B ~ a n v . war he grcrrcr part remain until npw, but nome nlso aro fallen unleep. five hundred brethren a t onve of whom 7 i n t r r a ;$Gq ' I a ~ 6 $ *rZral' roic cinoardXors T Z U ~ Vthe grrPlir rt re. ~, . Thcn he uppenred to Jnmea ; then to %he 'apoltleu a ; main unto t%s pre. nant, but romc n n 8 ia~~rov.GI ndVrwv, cjanepsi ry'.irrythparc, 6$8q Idpoi. frlien asleep. 7 After and last of all, M t o m abortion, he appeared also to me. thltt, hc war wen of rll 9 iyh.ytip ripe b iXbxtaros rGv inoarciXwv, 6s 06rc.cipi Jnmar thcn of lastthe ,,I&, B A U ~ For I a m th6 lenst of the rportler, who am not .!?he rrae wen of m . accordiug t o the rcrlpturoa;


in ynin'unto youIfilrt livered For dr


r(ig ypa$cis* 4 ~ a 6rr ; ~ 6 0 ~ ~ ; ~ ; ~ , ; ~ ~ J i T)php~," r n r d


~ n Sri 6y;yeprnr r c ' r p i r i


ixavbs ;xnhtioear tin6uroXos, Grdrc isiwla +v

fit t o be called of G o d aportlo,

k c r u s e I penecutcd the

his grace

M s C N ~ ~ Y I am the lanat of rhe

705 &03.


B~oir cipt
hrs been,

8 eipr, xai <.xciprc.a6roir

bub more nbundmtl, than

But by grnce of God I am wfiat I am, and


apostle, bccauw I F r .
of sod

ois i p l 4 whlch [nu]torrnrdr mo

oL xev)(Iiyrv$8q, aXXB nepcaadrepuv ab- ~ ~ ~ t " ~ h ~ ,

not void

them all I lnbourcd, but uot I, bttt the gruco otGod ;towed upon war w u pe " me t j U t o 1 E 06v i rirr ixtivor, 08rws r q p 6 g with mc. Wltotl~crtherefore or they, so dnutly than they all I wopev, l ~ c id r w s ~mure6uare. 12 Ei.8; xptorbs r q p ~ ~ u a r ayotnot I . b u t t h e g r ~ r w r, prcnch, rind ro ye believed. xow c&j,t if j prurched, , of God Thcrefote wbeme. 11 which wua with i 1~ vc~oGv" iyjyrpr?t, T ~ S Aiyovoiv k r r v g thcr it were I or they ro we preach, and 8: po has beeu raued, how thnt from among [the] d&d my e belicrod. I2 Now i t i v Gpiv" 8sr civ&oraorc vrkpGv oirx.iurlv; 13 ei.84 dvd- 8hriat be preached t h ~ t But i t aresur- he rose from rho dead, among you thnt a resllrrectlon of [the] deid thcru in not? h o y my romo among uraoq V E K ~ ~oU K . ~ u ~ ~ v , x p l u r i ) ~ & 0681 iytjyeprai' 14 ri.6b you thnt there IE IIO tection of [the] dend thcru is not, neithcr ChrirS hnr bern rniled: but if rcaurrectlon of the dead? 13 But if there ~ p t a r b soiK.iytjy~prar, k ~ ~ h ~ . d p r4d ~ . ~ p ~ y p a . < p KEY$ no rcsurrectiun ot l G ~ , be Christ hns not becu nured, rheu r o ~ d [h] our proclamation, 'void the dead, then i s Christ not rimn:l4 and n16i0 ~ a ,j.niurr~.bpGv. h r6piurdpeBa.8i icai 4ev80,udprvpss if c b it be not riaon, i 5 . 'nnd also your faith. And we are found also falw w i t n e w than ir our prenchink w i n , and your frith u roir Beoir, Srr ipnprvp jun av r u r d 705 BeoG ijrt ijyeipev ab,Tain. lb Ya, of God; for we witnesset concerning God that he raised up WC am found f a h wltnersea of God; be-

rGv ndvrlvv ironiclua., gtiXX'n T) xcipis roir BeoS What 1 a m :

;;~o~~d~~:g E : ,

rbv xpiurSv,
Christ, lrePr aimd.


otx.qyerprv cinep cipa

he raised nob

vtrpoi olir
'not Tirt




then [the] dead wither


Q O ~ t

h t he raircd rlre n p ~

1 ri ovrrcio 16 ri-ydp

For if [the] dead

vexpoi of~.tyeipovrai, 068.4 ~ p t a r i s ~

y e not rained,

~ s ~ ~ ~ l , "

that the

iytjycprarm 17 ei.84 X tmds otx.lytjyrprar, paraia tj nearis f , " , : ; ; ~ , ' ~ n , " ~ ~ ~ ~ hu not been r&d, r a i n hu bean r.fred : but if !hrLt raided: I7 mdifChri8t
wayyek@&q+ 16. 6 Bpipg 6 l p i q LTTrAW. d &ewa T . l rhriovrq -gal LIT~[A]. Zaerza TA C &A& t.TTrAW. h 4 LTTrA. v6 A i v irw;v T L V ~ L ~ Z C A W . 1 + ~ ( a8180 [L~IW. m E i 6; ~ m ~ w .



be not Joar h : t in your yerins. r h i c l ~ fnllen d e c are they abO in Christ are p r i a h d l9 If in this life only


6 G@

Gour [is]; rtill ye u in .

K O P I N B I O Y E A. iri iqr4 CL rais.cip~pria~s.irp&*16 ripn.uai

your #in&



~ o t ~ ~ i b rX P ~~ T $ tinihovro. 19 l. l v ~&<w$.rabr~ u e U PtjX~rrdr~~.ia~lv ;v %piary"Ypdvov, dX~~ivdr~por rdurwv &vthan all

And thcn thoserhnt thin life

feu asleep






~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ "hope ~ ,ChrLt& L o~ l ~ , & mirsrnble "we ~ 'in n more ~


8phrwv t~phv.

mm we a n um fi t 20 Nuvi.6i X iurbc iyjyeprac Zr v~kpGv, h?mp;yt) risen h 9 m the dead Bat now 8hrisL beep m m k m &mow[the] dead, Lnt-fiult become the f ~ t a t l ~ ~ 21 6 b i b of them t b t r i b K E K O I C ( ~ ~q~i y fVv~ r o . ~ i~ec8tj.ydp i iiv6pProv rlspt. 21 For rinm by of those fnllen asLP he h . Borrinoe by man [id man cams death, by mm ,l o , rthe 8Civaroc, K U ~ dv8phnov dvciaaui~ veupepJv. 22 6anep 8C nvreotion of tb dead. death, rLo by man renvrection &[the] dead. *. d

so ~

r h b all be made a- for in B~~~~~~ )tpiur@ ~ ChrLt the firstfruih hrLt rtteraard they thai am a r # 8 8 at aoming. i34tThen cwn-

2 kdzz p p

( v r$ ' ~ i d p wdvres dro8v~u~ouurv, r w ~uai i v r$ oi d u r e ~ O ~ O L ~ ~ ~ ~ U O kamoc.64 i v r+.idiy LW 23 W ~ L . made But each i n hl8own i ~ r 6 c ,rrerra oi xpiuruir ;v r$
Tgkbt, tbn + h , of O M . 1 nt







in the

Psf :h e $ up the kingdom to ad, the Father even

~ e - 2aapouai~aCr03* 24 e&a 71 T ~ X Q S ,brav

h* wlDing.

r$ty' I.w



2:;ti'~;b,"~yf 6uthorit~ and mwer. 1r6uav cif +v rai riwav itovaiav uai iilivaplv* 25 86-ydp tS #or he mart reign all taheaur pd " ~ r 8 e and ~&~u ~ 1 t h r n l t y and 6pawor. u dBvmrl tqhhorea ~ e n e m h ~ ~ dL m * 0 4 t h ~ a ~ i X e i r 'g v , 05 "&vn t r06
~ ~ p d him ~ foreign, ~ ~M ~ U d hrlhru avbpmt ~ ~ asath. n For he hsth bfipo31; 67rh r04r..adbas.&oir. 26 iuxaroc dx8pbc mrapa t all things under hir fwt. [The] lut e m y anm feet. But when he 4 t h all t h ~ n g ~ m p yeirar t~t d 8a'varop 27 IIcivra.ydp 6rbraEev 6 r b 7 0 6 ~ made; him, h mad- nalled [ill it death. For d l he put in rtlbjeotion under fmat thlit he b ex08pted which did p t rri6cq.aGro5. 6rav.61 eiav J8rru lrdvra 6aorframat, $h!dga ander him. hir feet, But when i t be u i d that all thingnha~6becn in mbjrotion, put S Aadwhen ellthln #hall be B$XOV811 i l ~ 7 b703 6rordEnvro~ ~ aLr$ d.ndvra* hlm then rh.ll tJm [it L]manifest that [tt b] exoept him who put in aubjeetlon to him all tbinpr

Then tb a d , when be shall have given lip the paarxtiav r$ @E@ m aarpi, Srav 2 rarapy'lnp he ~1 have n ~ U I M u g t i o m to who M Q O u d p a t h ; W+ ~


~ t ~ k & Srav.6i z 28 ~ y
thiT Ern$ -ra
~ 1 in a 1

Bnt when rhll have beon put in eubjeation to him


aCrqi rd.ndvra, rdse

a l think, l


areaiu aitrh~ h v i d ~ laora 'oerac

to him allthingm,

rko .hirmat atha .8on will be put ~ @ n b j e c t i o n him who put in~%jwtioo to
that %ay*


6ror ' ~ a v r t
al l.

atry' rh?rcivra, iva

b 8ebc .7drurdvra i v nZarv.

]God &l1 in EVOL 6 ~

they do whioh am 8inoe what &all they do who arsbaptk for the dd$ bnpttzed for the daul H the dard rllle no{ &i~ X W C ve~poi iyeipowar; ri rai fianri<ovrac itnip otre a t all why f h e ~ *at W ['the] it 'not ur h e d ? why a k 0 are they baptized for then buptked for the asad? so and why briju vorpGvu; 80 ~i r d ,+is K ~ U ~ U V E riiaav 6pav ; ~ O ~ E ~ atand we in eo dy the dad Why r h o we L a r e i n d n n w ererp, how? every hour t 21 fUroh t bp our rejoicing 81 k(le).$pip~~ d~&v?jtjo~(rt, njv C $ p ~ r i p a ~ n raVXt]b&v, which I iuve in Christ Ddly I die, by on? bputing, JOSUII Lcnl I die our dsiiy. 82 ~f the $U ~ X WQV ~ L U T $ I q ~ ~ i r ' r$.mpi ;U. 82 d rard manner of men I have which I hare in Chrkt Jerm our Ko-rtt If ~ o ~ o r d i n g ( 0

mu, w b f


20 'Enei ri aoujaovatv oi PaartS6

rGv vcx Gv 4 ~



-6 +

+ [ i u ~ i v ]ie I. ,

v i x p TA. ~ rai [LP~[A]. 6 a e k $ o i brethren L m r L

9 4 ivero QLITCAW. P ;v xpd ' A ~ L K ~ TJU$Y LTRAW. CC t rcrpd'8oi i e may give up 705 ( r e d of &e Chriab) &v LTTIAW. [ a h 5 ] hi8 (enemies) L J [&L] L , ~d L T ~ A . 1, ah&v them Q L ~ A ~ . 61r.uripwy o u W L ~ ~ A W .



yij~. 6


d 6eistpnr riv-

~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ $ h ~ ~ e ~ w , " ; rd rvauytnrtrdv, iXXd r & J l u ~ c d v , inctra rd uvettpnrtmiv. ,,.bichiSqiritunl. the spirit~ml, but the natural, thcn tho ayirituml r :~,'c~tfff:~,~;; the man o r ~o t earth, m e of d w t ; the ~ u n d t m n d esnn ri theLord frolu heaven. 48 As tjpwnos, td ~ + t o ~ I l i F ~Gpavoii. TOE d XOYK~C, rotoivoc 48 the enrtlty rach arc mm, nro the Lorn out of h e n w e Such sr he w d r of dust, such thrf al,,,,s enr:hy: and as i~ the oi X O ~ K O ~ ' ~ a O:OE b dX01~p(ivl0~, i r0toi;rot kai oi a100 [m]thommude of dlUt ;and such an the hmvenb [we], ntch alro the beavrnly. 49 And-hrovp(iviotn 49 m i ~ a e &lgopEuaptv rtjv ei~dva1-0; ~ haw k ~ r u otha image heareoly [oner). And according u we bore the image of the [one] of the cnrthy, we ahall ahobccrr theirnr of ~ o i ' r ~ i jT $ ~ ~raii n~ i r 6 ~ ~ ~ ~i7rovpnaliov. , jv ~ p ~ 0 0 Image of the pone] 'berwnly. th? hvcni,. 50 T O W made of dnst, we shall bow abo the t h ~ rI v ~ ~brethren y qpi, d6~Xgoi,871 udpE rrni alpa t b t tic& had blood 50 Toirro.86 /3aaAtinv mnnot Inherit the Brit t h h ?my, brethren, that S an& blood[U.l Ilngnom h l klnpdom ot W ;neithtr 40th corm tion O o rCXt)~ovopijaaroir.~Clirva~at,~ aC 0684 +eop8 *iv di-it. i n c o r r u p t L of inherit l ~ ~ ~ nor , %ormption t .n i -

47 d rpGroc civepwros JK



98apaiav xrXqpovopa~.'

'dew % M t .

you a mgst'ery : we L o r mystery to you I tell : AI1 .not 'we 'ohall rhn'lllot rii be WO ~h:til nlislec but ad ~ 0 a - I ~ xcivras.64 ciXXnyqad tea, 52 Iv cirhprp, dv 53 in r mon~ent, faJ'hPs but all \ *hall . L D d , m innant, h twinkling of f i t r q b$OnXpoii, iv ry' & ~ x h uciXntyyc. r~ uaX*iaet. hp, rp. at rho Imt tnlmp : of an e F . a t the last tnmpet ; h a trumpet s h l i sonnd, fir l b trNm t shall twi;k!ng man& and 11: rend rat ot vc~ooi i l ~ p e ~ u o w a t ~ a &$flaprot, m i & kq A y d s b l i bo r n h d innu- and the d d d we rhall a h l i be r ~ it~comptible, and we d shall bo mpriMc, bceil.lnM S Forthh pcea. 53 8~i.ydp rb. 6apriv.roirro ia~6laaaOacci$Oapaiav, wm1fiiblu must put changed. For i t hehorer t S corruption to put on incorruptibility, w 3 lncnrrngtiou and ) lr mortut mwi put m i ri.8vqrbv.ruirt.o )l it~6buaoOaeciOavcraiav. 34 Srav.64 r b on tm~~~ortnllty. 54 SO thh m w a l to put on immortnltty. But when whru thia wmpttbla &U are put on in- 9eaprdv.roirro bv66uqrar d$ea(li)uiav, cai comely ion, rind t h h thb corruptible r b l i hare put on inwrruptibilit~,and t b h mortal mortal rhnll hare ~ t t immortniity, Jell Cvdiaqrar denvcruruv, &re yavjacrac Xdyoc d o w l be brought to hare put on immortulity, ths. oPme to p.l the word t b t . the u r i c ~ g I that d B h ~ l a r o~~ :U ~ K O S .65 no6 aav, E J ~~~~h 1, ypartpi.v~~, Karcnd6q r n r l l o r d up in d o - been written : Wu %wallowed % p 'death in r f c t o ~ . W h m uf thee, tor W O dench. wherr ,an p 0 mre, eh8~ttrt. b b ~ ~; where ot thee,~o&j,' ~ , rb bvictory o ~5n NO\T the r WOG p O U ,'$ ~ ~ N v i ~ ; 6 Tb.64 6 where t f y victory ) o death, the rttnq P h h th. 9

51 Behold I ,hm

51 'I603 ~

Xfyw* ~ & V + E C r F ~ J ~ Q ~ O U

pl~"~6 ~01pqeq-


CE a i



rb L

? dvrpov

roir Bavcirov
of death [&]

4 Bpapria*

4-64 8birupcs rijc &papand t h power

of ain

the Iaa.

in* the

XVI. Now cwcemC O I I C P ~for ~ ~ the uiutn, a I h w m a


in [the) Lord. Now oonaming the wllcetion which [is] tor






hyiot,s, GUT@


~leeli, ~not 1411b.) k t t 0 @&*are 0 dwth L ~ T ~ A .

- 6p* inherit L. : , shall

L ~ A .

+ p / ~ * ) p a should bear L T ~ . we ~~MI(U TTT. 8 itAqp0~ (read d r f i b [LW~A. l r o y l o y l r ) ~ 06d a , we shall i1 b vcrot ccnd rivlpov trampwed LW, l ivavnjvwrnr L .

I directed
tho wotublier

dua@Pdrwv~ haaroc 8pGr
of the week


dlhracn T ~ l S~ l q a i n r c r rmri)crarr.
do. 'him Ilct 'put,

Fcthariac, o h w ~nai i l p ~ ;Sri"" ~ O * the churchen of Qnhtin, of Onlnth, so also


Every tirst [dny]

'of *you

GP* %:g

eren no do ?a. 2 U p n

by him in

hurt$ rt8irc4, er;ffflvpi&~v 8rav

And when

i'va p?) store,

I shall have

t m r u r i u g up whatever

he may be proswred in, tlint not

$~~~~ ,"d'";,~~~


God hnth

I corn% And when I whomsoever ye nhra letokC.'idv" 80ktP6fJqr61' b7riaroXGv rb6rovr 7dp#w npprove by ~ o t v pi, arrived, whomsoerer yemay npprore by epistln these I will send tcr", them willIibernlto bring poiir I rend ci?reileyxeiv njv.~ciprv.6p3v sic 'IepovoaX$p0 4 bdv.62 cy' ity unro Jerusalem. and if i t be 4 And tf i t be meet to carry yollr bounty to Jerusalem: thnt I go also, they ciEtov" roit.r&pi nop~6eoOai? h ) lpoi nopcitaovrar. 5 ' E X E ~a a l l KO ~ t mo. o h mitnblo for me also. to go, with me they shall go. 'I 5 Now I will come unt o you, when I shall dtBh8wg ao,uar 6 4 6piic Srnv hInre8oviav pnur through Mace'co111e 'but t o you when Mncedonia I s h a l t have gone through; donia: for I do

,when I mnp conle then collectioncl them shonld be.

Aw O

&re Xoyini

yivwvrai. 3 napnyivw- ingn w h m


Mnr~Goviar*.y&pGiEpXopai. 6 mxbv n n npevG,

for 11nccdonia
1do go through.

And with you it mny be 1afnU sn. t), ye

be t h i t 1 will abide


~ a mpa~eiphaw, iva 6 p ~ i cF E ?rpoxiP$qre i

I ahail winter,

or even I miby g a

rope6wpa~. 06.8tXw.~cipitpcir 7

or I will not


06.Zdv you, that ye may bring winter wit'; me may ret forward whercsnemr me ou my jonmey ciprc dv rapd6y i8eiv. iXnicw wbitherlu)ever I go. &now 'in Lpas~iug 'to 'e, *I .hope se on now by the wny I not



t i ~ t d e i l ~ p l ir & p l c , id. ~ ~ na
with Eyhenus you,

'but mit.

a 'time

'certnin t o remnin But I shall remnin i n

if the Lord

K I ' I ~ O ~ i m - gut I trust you, if the i while with t o tnmy

per- Lord permit.

But I.

rqk~g." 8 b7rt/

i v 'E$lay


aevrq~ou~i& will tarry a t Eyheaus

Pentecostnntil Pentwoat. 9 For a great door nnd ef-

9 86pa.yhp pot

i dviq~yfv yeyciXq nai bt*epyljc, ~ a (ivre- fectual isopened unto nnd tltere am Fur n door to me hns bean opencd p o t and a c i r m t , md o p k~il(E~01 T O X X O ~ @MPS [are] mnny. 10 Now if Tlmo10 'Edv.Gi W p Tt!iJO~oc,pXQsere?tea 6 dPoc y b v q ~ athou# come, see tllnt ~


f u r he may be ]le be with Yola without fear: for he by&." workcth t h e work o t nirli you; for tlio work of [the] Lorn he works, M creu L the Lord m I alro do. 11 Let ab man then.. 11 ,I$ r i c o6v a 6 r b t<ov80a)irrp' npnn6p$nr~.GJairrbv fo, dmpir, him: b l l t Y.iot 'ar jone 'therefore him should dcq~iw:; bnt ,et forwi~rd him couduct him forth In I t mn iv ~ipt'l~p, ilva EX80 .rrpde i t t ~ i n B J ~ o p n ~ ~ 6 p pera price, t h a:, he for airrov In puree, t l a t he niny come to yel for I :iwnlt him with lonk for him with the Y o n if ncouo lTituothcus,

t h a t wi&ur

r p h c 6/trig rb-yrip ipyov kvpiov tpyci<rnt, 3~



d?~Xgcjv. 12 nepi.82
@ethren. him And eoucerning that

AToXX; fofi ciGeX$oii, 7roXXd brhthrcn. 12Astouching our brothrr Apd.

Ayollos the brother, Ion with much the


lm, I prcntlg drsit,.d

saperciXeaa ailrbv Yua

I exhorted

he should g0

o come iinto lrpdc 6piic per& r 3 v him tthe broth,.cn:{lltI,U

d.8~X$3v' ~ a ncivrwc.06rc $v i

atand fslrt faith, quit you like mcnlbe strong. l4Lt.t 4thinga a11 pour tliingn be In tho faith, quit y o u l a a l v ~ like men, be strong. done with charity. 6 ;V ;V h y ~ i n g ~ L V ~ U ~ W . 15 I beseech yon, t o u r 'in *fove lies be done. brethren, Cpe know the house of Stephaan*, 15 6piic, ri?eX$oI' oibare rqv olrinv Zre+-wii, thnt i t 18 the fir.!B ~ i 1 exhort t you, bruthreu, (go know the h o w of Stcyhniins, frurts of Achuia, and lhat they have 8ri iariv d n f l p ~ ~ ) 'Axainr, ~ a eis 6ia~oviavroir ciyeocs cllcted thcm8elvsr adi tknt i t in Yfirnt-h.utt 'Auhaia'~, m d 'for * m i c e Yo 'the kt..~inta the rnhlatly of tllr

but 1 . will colne when he rhnll have oyyortnnity. 1

&;\qpa Yva vitv iMp, ~P,FOh~w~~~! brerhr.en; a n d not ut a l l was B&] will t h a t now he ahould come ; h, lhall have oonrc,,,. iXat;crerai 6.4 6rnv e6~atp)iap. 13 rpqyoptir~, r j ~ e r e o time. 13 Wntih in
Watch pe;


hir will wna not nt a11


r$ ~L'arei,

d v b f l l ~ ~ a 6 ) ~ m ~ ~ p n r ~ r o 14 ~rcivra . ~ tf~.

: : :&

ou, for that which was lnckin on your Pmt SUP B For they refreehed my :{bit find Sours: erofore aoknowled ~ m that we S U Q n 9 The churohm of Aaia snlnte on. Aquiln and $riaci~la m l u b you Imoh i n the Lord with the oharch thbt is in their house. 20.U the brethren greet you. Greet r e one another 6 t h . holy l n &


~ ~ t ~ J l e t h * t ~ e m ~ trafav Cavro4c* 16 'Iva ~ a 6prIE 8norhauqaBe roic i mit 'they sappointed 'themselves,) that also ye b mbject d tuch end to ev ~ b n t ' h o l ~ h x O g r~to&otp, i rauri T J ~ v ~ p y ~ y o j v aron~0vri. Xaipw w m ~ ~ ti 17 m d bbonreth 17 t to moh, and toeveryone of the working with Cus]and labouring. 'rejoice

dB bni rq' napovaig Xre$avii dui '@0v rovvcirov" m 'AxaYroir, i

Ibnt at the boause coming your my

of Stephanas end deficiency


871 r t 0i.l(iju1' 6arQpqpa O ~ T O L " dvrnA?jpouav* 18 dvinavP

Wed up, yonra \ recagnise

ortunatar 9

and Achnicua ; 'They =rethcrofore .of

uav y d p
freshed for

.dpd ipbv

m ~ i r p arai rb 6pGv, ircytvhaxrr o5v

and eSalute
{U O

ro6~ roio6rovc. 19 'Aar;d.Dvrac4 i i ai irrAqaiac ~


'the s ~ m b l i e n


'roSalute "you ''in [lathe] 'sLord '%U& 7Aquila 'and &isK L X X ~&V ~ rq' KQT' 01~0v.atrijv txxXqaIga 20 dunCi~ovra~ ~ ailla, with the gin %heir i o u a e 'membly. .Salute
c ~ p oi & ~ E X $ OY~ B S . cioaciana8c dAXtjXov~t v z ~ B~ T

~danci~ovratll@ ~ ir

wpiy noAAd 'Adha(: lrai 'I iaI

a &m

'you %he 9rethren


M u t e ye

one another w i h

h iy.

2 ' &unau d(: +.fir$ i 0 lTa6hova22 ri rtc 06.$iAri I1 The ulutdion of The Ialutattn 'by 'my r o m , hand 'of spad. If anyone love not P a d with mine own hand 29 If an rbv dptov "Iquoirv xptar6v," tjrw (EvciOrpa' papdv &@d. mnn lore not the Jaaar Christ, let him be accursed: & r a n nthh JesulChrtt, let -him the Lord br haththsma Maran- 23 ~ c i p i p706 kvpiov 'Iqaoir t~ptoro3" pro' 6pijv. 24 r) The graca of the Lord Jeatu Christ p] with you. our Lord J~ Chriat be with Toa 94 My d cinq.pov per& ncivrov 6 &v,iv X car$ 'Iquoit. 'dp?jv.l1 l o w (M w1th You aU in Lyylove with !l a ' 4 o u i n Phrist Jealla h a




Btephrnsl 4

id "?,~bs rthe] KoptuOiov~rpuirq iypd$q rn @ihinnuv,did o 4Corinthians 'first written from Philippi, by Zr~$avii @ovprovv&rov a ' A ai'roir ~ a Tcpo6Bov.Q xai ~ i i
Bortunatufi and A k i m and Timothella

' ~ H



PAOL an apostle of lTA'YAOI: &?rduroXo~. b'Iqaoir ~piuroirU dcd Ot~X?jpmos Oaoii, ~ a u na r i a t b y the ' apostle of J w Christ by will of God, mill of God, and T - Paul, i m o t b our brother ral T ~ p 6 8 m ~ d d6rX(6g rf Ixdquig roir &oir r# o b q iv nnto the ohuroh oi and Timotheru the brother, t o t e ~sllembly of God wh~oh irr in God whiab L nt Corinth. with all the Kopivey, &v roic &yioi(: 'Anliacv TOTS ofiaiv B 8Xp v kinto which are in Corinth with 'the 'saints 'all who are in Pwhole 'the [oa AaU Aohaia : 2 Graoe bs to you md wrcefrom atga $2 & p l c $p?v lcai eipfivt] d n i c8~~ir11 .rrarpt~.ljpGvrai QoiI our fither and %.fa, %rme to you and peace from God our Fnther nnd M m the iestu wpiov 'IqaoG X iaroir. Christ. [the] Lord Jeaus &risL 8 Blcsmd ba God, b 8 r b ~ral m n j p roir.mrpiov.rjpirv 'IquoB 3 EirXoyqrbc wen the Father of our Blesaed Del the God and Bather of our Lord Jmu Lord Jevllr Christ,the

0,6pCmpov LTTTAW. P a t r o i they LAW. ioni{erar TA. Iqvo3v x p ~ u r 6 v I.mrA. t XPLUTO~ m~. ipljv W thC b ~ b b c r i p t OLmrW ; IIpbc KoprvOiouc i A. i~~~ [L]TT~[A]. ITav'hw 70i) 'A~rov&Aou of Paul.the Apostle E ; IIaVIhov of Paul 0 ; ?&'W; 8 BeoC W. b ~ptcno6 'Iqvoi, TlrL apbc K o p t d b v c 8' LTT~AW, @oprwv6rov LTT~AW. TIpiu~a Priwa TTT. a-

Chrht, the Bath?




XP[eroii, lranjp r i j v oi~rtpp3v r a i b

of compassions, nnd

encourage- fort. who i n all triaawc, 4 6 ~crparaXijv$@c b?ri skop e.@h.Xi#~i.$p(;)Y, eth E;* mat; who encourages us in all our tribulation, for bulationl that comfort be able t o we may f b GitvatrOat $riic ?rrcparaX~Tv TOGS 'b ?rkap ' 8 k i # ~ i , at& them whichaw in any us t o encourage those in every tribulation, through ~ ~ b l ~ h ~ ~ e ~ ? $ of a l l

?rciaqc aapnrX6-


rijc ?raparcXrja~wc
the God. towsrd


?rapa~aXol;p~On atroi
abound Christ the snfferings slao

enr~uragement with which we are encouraged Because according as

ourselves by of the Christ

703 o a r d v e a are comfvrt

ed of God. 5For as the sufferinga of Christ
consolation ale0 abouudeth b Christ.

gsoir* 5 i i t c

rae&p ?r~pcnael;~t ?raOtjpara roii xpiaro3 abound i n us, 60 oar r(i ~piaro~ ~eptaa~6ec uai

r j p ; ~ ,oiirwc & c i
so thrbugh


~apcir~qacc s And whetter we be

aencouragement amicted, it W for your consolation and salfectuai in the enduring of the same snffer-

'oul: urd

6 rire.&

being wrought 'we

;nip rij~.4pijv-?raparXiu~ws vation which is efyour encouragement same i n [the] endurance of the

But whether we are troubled, [it is] for salvation, which .also

nai uwvpiac, errjc i v ~ p y o v p i ~ t i v lc

#nfPerings suffer,

;~opovy' 7 3 atrGv inga which we also ~

suffer : or whether we

~ a e q p c i ~ w v wrti f i p ~ i g T ~ U X O ~ F - ~ ~ " Sv ?

salvntion. 7 And our hope of you s sted;?rip rijc.irp+v-?rapa~XiQ~w~t a aw~qp;ag-~*~l I j iXnic f,t, knowing, i that as g ~ r rai [it is] for your encouragement and nalvation; (and " ~ O P Q ye are parrakers of sufferiugs, so ,j Gv P ~ P a i ai a i p 6pijvf. 7 E;B~TES i i r ~h%u?r~p" roivwvoi whether ' we are encouraged, ru! ' [is] sure for you

~aparaXoirp~Oa, ~

~ ~ ~ , " ,

knowing that

. a

partners Bor %ot tribulation

wnsolation. our

,, ,,

ror we

i a . r~ v ~ t xaOqp&rwv,
yeare of the subcrings,

O ~ T W ~ rai

rijc 7raparXtja~wc.8 06-ydp

as t o

not. brethren
trouble w h ~' c a O


also of the encouragement.

.do 'we wish you to be ignorant brethren,

< ~ to OIXopev 6pzs &yvo~Tv, &Geh@oi,i&ntp'! ~ i j ~ . 6 X i J / ~ w ~ .camei c hUS in Asia,

t o us in Abia, that
m as

~ $ c y v o p d vk$p?v"i v q~
which happkned

L 'Aaiq, $rr rae'.6?r~ppoXljvli@nplj- out of measure, above strength, insomuch

we were that we deRpairedeven of life : 9 but we had

that we were pressed


Girvapiv," ;are i~u?ropqe~va\.~pzcr o ~ . c j v ' !he sentence of death ~ a i

for us to despair even of liv~ng..
ln Ourselvea~ we should not trust i n

bwdened beyond [our] power,

atroi i v c'hvroic rb &?rd~pipa roi78avcirov i u ~ r j -ourselves but in son But ourselves i n ourselves the sentenca of death we hare whichraiveth the dead: ,10 who delivered ua P. v, %a J ~ $ . T E T O L ~ ~ ~ E ~ - ~ ~ E V &tvroig, i?ri r y from so p r a t a death

9 "'ciXXd"
Qoy who


we should not have trust the dead;


&m' i n but

8 'T@ ~ E

~ E ~ ~ O0V T Y. E K ~ O ~ ~ 6~ f 6~ L 10 '

T$l!C06~0~~ ~
m great

U & T Ohe will yet deliver V

and doth deliver : in) whom we trust that


l #ye also helping together by prayer for DB'dCaaron fipZic Ocal 6v 7jX?riraprv Piirt" ~ u us, that for the i llivered us and doer deliver ; i n whom we have hope that also bestowed upon os by persons thanks may lcai W 3v ;?rip $p;v the llleads of many &L $ ~ U E T C I L , 11 U V Y L ~ T O U ~ Y O ~ V T 6 Y still he will deliver ; lrbmingtogetller 'also us be given b many on $f $e


who from

a death


6supplication, that byr ?roXhGv ?rpoa~5novb 8~tjari. 'iva i r CBE~ciftyoa ; 2 testimony g tEc by many persons the'towsrds 'us gift the of our
btb ~ o X X 3 v ~irxaptaqef

6,,.ip .!p , ,, &0

us. testimony

12 'H

'thrmrb 'Ornany k r

.might 'e 'subject 'of b

thpnbagiving for the

C O ~ C R W , that, i n simplicity ~and godly sineerie, not with

cip uav~qai~.$p3v aijrq iariv, ri) paprilptov r i j a v v ~ d t j a ~ w ~ : ~ ~$h~;~$md!';t~;



of 'wnscience

hnve had our conrer-

tjp3v, iirr

q&?rXdrr/rr" rai ' ~ i X t ~ p t u i p " &OS, o t r i v aoqiq nation in n b world, the more 'our, that in- simplicity and sincerity of God, (not i n Pwisdovl andyou-ward. u n d n ~ ~ t l y onprtc$, &AA' iL ~ ( i p r r ~ OEOG, civtarpci$qpev i v r @ u6ap
but in grace of God,) we had our conduct i n the worlf

, gyw&it,"n~;;u,;$;

~rpruuoripw~.8i .rrpbc 6pifc. 13 06-ydp

m d more abundantly towards you.



For not 0 t h things do we wr~te

+ TO~) aLmraw. a 6 s i v e p y o v p i y r ....n i u x o p e v pluced after r a p a ~ h r j c c--o ~ the GT. a ~ IrapaKaAov'pe8a ....uurr)pias placed after i t r i p itpCliv e o - u a r u w q p i a s GT. h AS i r e p i LTR. - i p i v LTTIAW. d r 2 p B6vaptv $ap~8;lpsv


m &AA' L

ip6uaro T . I

~ aI;Goa~ar i and will deliver

\ iyrciqr~ holi~~ees T ~ A LT

r e i h ~ ~ p ~T. i q v

+ roii LTTrAW.


[%L] LTI.

I T P O E K O P I N B I O T 2 B. I, X. I ~ ~ , " ~ l ~ w ~ ~ , " d ' 'f X X bf i j a civayrv6acere, I j m imyi~lLacere, 6piv i : ~ P i iX?ricw.GJ

also yc haw ncknonl , . , i ~ in pnrt. eron to Ctbl end ye w1l1 recognise, aceorcling M niso Jr did we are yomrr Oi~in?l yvwrt 4pGc cini pipovs, 6n c a b ~ ~ ~ a ;ape,), 3mBcin~p . 6 ~ ~ s?cu in the day of aan recognise IU n* ye aim the o,lr* in part, that v o u r 'bormting 'we *are, ercn M Lord Jesus. 15 And rai dPeis i p d v i v r@ 4piPg r03 kvpiov 'Iqboij. 15 KRI in thin mnfldenm I ~ I R O to [a?a] ours itl the day of t e Lord h Jeans. And unto Ton betors, that raEv r# n~not8tjacr ipovXdpqv ' r p b 6 iic iXeeiv rpo'rcpo~,' ~ yt' lnl?ht wtth this confidence I pnrpored 'to t 0 u lto *come prerioualy, mud beaadt ; 16 m d to par* by you into iva Gevr6pav xciprv Tixqr~"' 16 rai 6 i +ijv Z6t~XBeiv" and to thnt P mecond favour ye might have; and by yon to pnsr througb C O I I I ~ agnin out of Mncedonb unto foa, eir Mareboviav, rai ?rhXiv h r b M a r d o v i a ~ iX6eiv r p i ) dfiiiG ~ and of YOU t o be to Hncedonin, and again from Yncedonia to come to you, brought on my wa t o nnrd J I I ~ 17D ~n I dhe 6$"6p3~ 1rpom\rq8rj1jai 4 v 'Iov6aiav. 17 r o k o . 0 8 ~ I theretom WM thua m d by you to be set forward to Judsea Thin therefore luiuded, did I uee lightnduf o the a P ~ ~ X ~ ~ pd p ~Spa~ ~ i?a$piq CX .q@pVv ; ij r i TL ~ , " thmgr that I parpose, puFing, .indeed *hghtneru I b k l I %et ur what do 1 parpose accordinnto the h h , that PovXevopat, r a ~ d vtipra PovXeiropai, iua rap' accordmug to fle& do I purpose, that there sfould be with wtth me there abould I purpole, be rea yen and nsy

g<. shall nckllo\vltdae to ).On b a t wbt t'lo &L *rai"wC

ye rend,

or eren

recognh ;

and 1hope


riXavc irc~v6aea8e, 14 K N ~ ~ n~i &

trne, our word to-



lpoi ri) vai vai, cai rb 03 o ; 18 rcarbc.64 G

me yea yea, and M My ? Y

d &hr.


NOW faithful

God [is], thnt

Xdyo~-;ipijvd ~ r p h c 6pGc otr biyiv~ro%aicai 05. 10 S:yiip ward you " , ~ $ ~ ~ : ~ to you h o t 'wan yea imd nay. $or the ~ o d jern, our word Chriate ronched among you 70; t)~oG\Vii)c whA daIqaos~p i a r b ~b" i v , dpiv 6 i tjpijv rq~ -by me rind .of 'W l ~ n , JWUS w , who among you by t us WM siiran~ and T i m e p v ~ 8 e i ~ , dpo; ra; XihovavoG rai Tcpoeiov, oGr.Iyivero vai 6i ~ ~ ; U prwlairucd, @y meU and ~ Silrsnnr ~ ~ ~ and Timotheq) ~ war not ye@ WIU p 1 F o r all the rai 06, MXd vai i v ailry cyovEV' 20 S ~ a i . ~ ( iirrcyyehiac rombea of God in am in Y ~ P . Y ~ but i n him For whatever pro& him Amen, unto the ~ E O V , Iv airry' rb vai, e ~ a b airryn rd & G iv v plory of God by as. .L in . him the L e ; him Mthe yea, Ii Nor he which , - of God [there ureJ, in U airv b ~ i r h . t hU with you ry' rpbc Gdtav 61' Gpdv. 21 6-61 PcParijv i n Chrht, aud .o *God lfor *gbq by t u. s Sow he who conflrma ua with anointed na m God. m who hatd also -1: 6piv ei'g .xptardv, cai xpiaac $pZc, &he* 22 d uai a@payied U, m d iren the you unto chriat, and u~ointcd us, [h] God, who also sealed earnest of spirit inoruheuts. uhpvoc 4piic, rcai boirc r6v fi#apGva" TOO rveirproc b v U, and g m t l w eunwt of the Spirit in






oar hearts.

dod for a record upon But I %e4witneea 'Qod 'ull upon my my roul, that to spare you I -me not M et $71 +~t66pe1,0cV ~ G Y t ~ i r 1# ~ X ~ O Yeic Kdprveovw 0 unto Corinth. 24 d o t 811 01, that ,paring I o n not yet did I come to Corinth for that WO hnve do24 o t x $TI wvprr6opv 6pGv riarews, &Ad wvepyoi minion over Lnith, but are h e ? s l o t that we rule ovw your faith, but fellow-workem of vour joy t for b iapev rijc.~npiir..+ijv, 6.ycip.riarar ianjrare. 8rrpiva.61 faith ye "tand. IL I determined this with M of sour joy : for by faith ye stand. But I judged mpelf, that I would irptic.' not come ngdn to you ipavr@ roirro, rb )c+ rdrXlx giX8eiv i v X6ir9 ~ r p b ~ in heavineu. 3 For if with myself thin, not again to come in grid to you. I mnke you rorry,who I pr, i he then t b t makcth 2 aimydrp & Xvrij ic)cc?s,rai r i s hiarcv"6 ~t$paivwv ei-pd . l w b ia i t t b t gbddeas me, excrrpt For if grieve you, me glad, but tho u m e

a ~ a m o n nI eau

23 ' ~ ~ & . 6pLpwpa rbv Be6v irircaXoGpm iai njv 4r)v 4

6 s


t ] L; W a L up& 3 G c I a i v L ' I T ~ ; rrp& iA0. r r p k iwic W. A

(read our Lord) [L~TA. 1 rrpbrepor mm. i r c ~ e t i v pass on to /30uA6fien~ LTTrAW. b ~ O T L V LTRAW. is C TO; BeoJ y i p LTT~AW. d ~p!ptaw 8tb uai 8,' aiwoi, wherefore also thnwgh him LSTIAW. ipafiuva LT. I 7 ~ o C (r. iww ~ A W . r er W q upic C& iMeiv OLTT~*W.
I ofire

+ +v



11 C O R I N T E I I A N S . d Xvnoirp~voci t ipoG ; 3 rai iypn4a iiltiiv" roiiro afrd,

is grieved





I wrote

to you


'iva.pd LXB&v X6nt)v

having cane grief +flat9011

I might l=-

k l ~ w n dq'
' 4

from [thm] of whom it behorw me that my ~





E &
I eame,

p last when

~aipeiv' naTor8cjc i n ; rdvras $p&, 6ri li.lp+.~apd

tqmjoi- i


nrivrwv 6t.G~ iuriv. 4 Ir.ydp rohoMijc B h i J l l r ~rai ouvoxic

'ob 'all

Yw ht

disc 2


For out of m

much q

tribuktion and tern;


pa+a 6piv 6td ?roXXBv Gaupitwv, o t i'va Xvnq~

not that p mieht

ought to rcjoiw; ha* ing confidence i you n all thHt my op ,h h ' o f you all 4 P* out of mucb;fBlction and anguish of hen* I wrote YOU with

l w r o a to you through

k u d T?)vd y i n ) v
bogriwed, but

I have more &bun antaori o y Fie 6p)ciic. 6 Ei.84, TLS X E X ~ ~ K ~&C , bpd iprmtoym. ti $ut it Y But it myone ha# grieved, .not %m. n y h a r e o a ~ &un$bly t m u b you. bath not grCA XoXil~qrer, 'MXUdnb-pipovc, i'va pr).inrpapG, r i v r a c ,,bt part : t h t 'he lrrr .grieved, bat inpnrt (that I may not overcharge) *all I not overch


Ithat ye might know whioh I


i U mpl@- i t 2 t h


miah4 e ore rhioh

b ii

40:' 6 iravbv rq7.rotoCry v).iriripia.aiirq4 p l4c to nheidvwv~ 7 $m ro6vavriov nbplMovfl

8nfBoient mch a one [is] this rebuke


m] by

3rd rGv

the punbhment

E$,8utBcie*T b th whioh
( I

pub ;

80 that

on the contrary Iat


%odd forgim


ral ?rapaxaXluar, ptjrwc r ~ . ~ ~ p i u u 9 r X 6 q o l


" uara- %R,and camfort fh,l,t , haplmch,

would wnfirm

g xtg&~" rather to t o r

3 b.roio5ro~ 8 L) .
up mch h on%


with more abundP.nt prisf &odd k SW&


raparaXB GPiic rvp5uai

I exhort

to CO-

4 ~$~w~h %ward# a tbt

atrbv dycirrr)~.0

lore. For, for tbi.


pa+a, i'va
1 write, that 1 might

did I write thrt 1 proof ofym, ,U to . m t h i n g o w n t ye are. B u b to whom d gyou ~ o w pa~ 4 e of h t whether k r i ~apiteu&," c Q ~ .6." rai.yicp i 3 OsZ r i rs~ripcu-obedidt in ailth i m y t h i n g y f o r g i ~ ~ , e h <; fo*.L* i f a n y t h i y I L . ~ e ~ ~ ~ $ rexipwpar,' bi 6p)ciic,i v ?rpoutjnyxpturoit, : for h I orgave oi ~ b r; ~ t think to wnom I W of wtom I hare ford-, p]for lnlsof you, in m e ] torgare h, for OIU

n)v 8onpl)v

6' Gv, E( eic ncivra 4mj~oo1Bare. 10 4-84

zz't:~dp" k

, ,

E, : 11 'iYa


6rd roir uizravii. ot-ydp a4ro3


that we h u l d not be ommaohed by

thonghtr . we ignorant. n

for not

rh vorjpara djwooCpev.
Nowbringcome to
a 1 0 .

m I ft in u a d hi^ the pm011 of Christ li lert 8atnn nhould get an &vantage of

rrr:forwenranotip UBhrth-m,wh

12 'EXBAu.bL r i ~ PT wd6an e i ~ t f a yiXiov zoir rqb rb

r a 4 ual ag 1 m ,Lp08 d v v p i ~ )i~v rvpty, W, KL~,M r@.*v&pari.povr y$~eiv.~e 18 rdv ZE"dEFJ Tirov Ep2a"$zF

#h :idly*




to me hmin, been openad in ~ l e ]

in my rpirit

a t my not nnding

~ i t w

~pirit b0oau.e I i o 3 not 'htur mybrothan

d8& ~ v - ~ o&Ad d?rora~dpevoC v' atroic, ijr$&w etc Maxe.V t t h a r but having taken lm ob them, I ~ n out to t

boviav. 14 T@-6t.8~ '

don!& But to G$

m] ~

i p ~ c rrivrore Bpiappebovrr thence into Mqaed* r$

who alway~

to butthem fwent lem of takin my from


~leada triumph nk l4 God w h h in be. unto


owledpa of him t r a m k i cnfi-tt , m d m i l c h m ~ . th. n bi $pGv i v r a v r i r6ny. 16 $rr g t u r o i -OUT of knowW a n d f a t through m in w e q ploaa For CMat ledge b pl*w To 5: Y z : dw8ia i u i v ty' @E$ LY roic U W ~ O ~ ~ uai BY ~r o i ~ Y O L dnoX- U U ~ O ' Q O ~ 8-t a w r #weetperfumewe u e tc God in thorn being nved and in t h m perirh- You3 of Chrbt, i n them that we XvpIvo~' l 6 o:c.phu, d ~ p t ) q B ~ v c i r ~ ~ eic Bivarov. 01~.6C, in them that pb hut to the OM. an odour of death to death. but to the other& rish : 16 to the one Ir*

u in the )anpo)wt

rq? X



~ a d v 64 t ) r~ c g6uewc aIfoJ a I w a p c a u r t h i f

LW the of

t o

~ P O ZK O P I N B I O Y E B. ~;~,th\~~7",6ddeR~f: dcprj 9 ric t+v. rai ~ p b g ,raiira sic 472

the nnvour an oilour

1, 11 1 1.
iravd~; ~ b Xdyov v

of life





thcse thing8 who[&]con~petent?

unto life. And

17 ~ i t . ~ C rbupev p
~ 0 iO E O ~ ) , )

&g oi aoXXoi,


For "not 'we 'are ns the m n y , w6 w e not

of God, but a8 sincerity, but u of of linoerit but aa of EIJ&?~IOV" BEO;, Qvxpiurrji XnXoirp~v. uroi)" God in tge sight of fore Qod, in Christ we speak. ~ d speak we in '



r & ~ ~ ') ~ I n ~ ~ I i ~ p i ~ ~ e i a c , I I Qr Btoii, "*asi ~ ciXX1


bc of

making gain by corruptingtbr



Q 'Apx6peBa arihiv iauro4r vavvisniveiv~;"eikpd

Do we begin again oursclred t o cotn~ncnd? n n em we

Do we begin topev, L;$ rtvec, Yavarartr3v!' QntaroXOv irpiic, it. t ) commeud oarselrcso or need we, need, us some, commendatory epistles to you, or %m u nome other#, epis- 6 GV zgvgrart~Ov";2 i).inturoXtji).il)rGv ~ T E* i y y p a p , tles of to you,commendntion or Ltter8 of lom~rcndptory Pones; p h r epistle ' commendntion from ;V ~ & c . K ~ p b i ( l l ~ . ) (YLV0UKOp6Yfl ~ n ' r ~ V ~ Y ~ V W lp~~, IOU 2 r e are our our hearts, being known and being epistle written i n our in hen&, known and U K O ~ ~ V ;ad ~ ( i v r w v IJ (iv~p&awv' 3 ~ ~ V E ~ O ~ ~gri V lard E O L read of all men: 3forby all men, being mahiferted that ye are asntuch a s ~ a r e man- read e ifeatly declared t o be ~ X L U T O X x~tflroi' Gtarovr)8eiuu ir$' i)pdv, ' b y y e pappbu$ ~~ the epistle of Christ 'epi~tle 'Chrlpt's, ministered bj na ; b r i n g L n inscribed, minfstcred by us 0 ~ 0 5 ZOvroc, o6r Iv ?rXagiv written not with ink: 06 piXavi, ihXd aveirpnrt but with the Spirit of not with ink, but with [the] Spirit of *God ['the] 'living ; not on tablet8 the living God. not tables of aton:, but Xi6ivatc, bhXX'll Qv ?rXaFiv Giacll aap~ivatc.4 I T ~ n o b In fle8hy tables of the of atone, hut on 'tablet# 'of C.t%o] 'heart 'fleshy. 'Contihenrt. 4 And such t r u t have we through @ ~ U L V rotakrqv &o/.~Ev I i d TO^) xpiuroir ~ p d csbv 8bvg 8; Christ to God-ward : deuce 'and much hare we through the Christ towards God: b not that we are suacient of our- 5 o 6 5rt d i ~ a v obup~v ci*' CavrOv XoyiuauBai ~ i selves t o think any not thnt competent 5.0 are from ourselves t o reckon anything as of thing as of ourselvcv brit oar 8umciency eiavrOv,l' ciXX $.iravdrqs.i)pGv br 705 B~oir* 6 rmi of God. 6 who also ourcclves, but our competency [is] of God ; who alho

m. again




hnth &*de the minbters of ua able ~ K ( ~ V O U E ?C ~ ~ U K ~ V O KQLV$E l ~ e i l k t f ~ , ypbpY V C d 06 Wtament ; not of t i n mndc ' c o ~ ~ p c t e n t [m] ~ e r n n t . of a new m ~ e u n; not of lett letter the letter spirit: f;r but of the kill- paroc, dMd ~ v r i p a r o g ' rd-ycip ypciyipa fcinomeiv~r,~ rb.64


eth, but the spirit ter, but of Spirit ; for the letter kills, but the givoth life 7 But if W V E ~ ) ~ Q O X O L E ~ 7 Ei.8 ij dia~ovia the mini&ration ~W . 705 0a~drov I gyp(@~ J denth, writteu and cnSpirit quickens. But if the service o( d w t h in letgraven in stones, was ~ ( a ~ i ~ V T E T V R W ~ hbvU y,~ ~ Y ~XiBolc, bye1oj6q b~ 6dEy, &are glorious, so thnt thc t e n " , chilnrcn of baying been engravcn i n stones, was produced with glory, so nr could not stedfnstly rl.c.vvaf18ar &re% iuac r o i ~ i o 6 ~ v 'Iapn?jX rb npduwk o t a t o 'he*able .to ' l m k "intently 'the 'children .of * I s ~ a einto the l fna countenauoe ; which rov iMwai~C,'I did rr)v 665av roii.~pou&nov.aCro~, rtjv g l o r ~wae toshrill not B how be done of Moses, on ncconnt of the glory of his fnce, which

~~~~~~~~' 2,",";:?$;

the ministrntion of ~ a r a ~ ~ o v ~ i v r? v 5o t ~pfihhov 8 )r3* i dca~ovin ro3 ?r~$pnthe spirit be rather is beiug annulled ; how not rather the mrvice of the Spirit glorious? 9 For if J 8in~nvia' rarnrpiuewr the mini-tration of rog Enrai ~ I 6dEp; 9 /.yap condemnntiou be 610sh~& in glory 7 bo For if the aerricw of condemnation rho] much more doth minintration of Gdtn, aoXXrji ~ E X X O V ?r~p~aueirtiGtnrovin Ij btcaioa6vqc righteonsncas exceed glory, much rather ahuacla tbo service of rightcousneau in glory. l0 For even 1, that which mHde &vn GBtp. 10 cni-ydp m~t811' GtSbtaurar sb glorious had no glory in glory. For even neither 'h113 'l~ceu 'made 'Oglorious 'that 'which



~arivavrr LIT~A. QLTTrA. f [nip1 L. 1 w v v - T*. rtap6iaic henrtn L'lTrA. ixavoi ivb&cv Aoyi<coOai (AoyiuauOai AW) ; &$' eavriiv iaavoi c'vpcv AoyiuaoOai rr n r . crirrcjv them LTr. f & O K T ~ ~ V C LL : & B O K T ~ V V C ~ TT~A. C y p i p p a r t writing 1.TrA. h i v (wail AiOocs on stones) r'!"r~rw. Moiiaiwc OLTTt AW. 6twoviq with t h service LTT~. I jv ( r e d 6 0 6 ~ glory) LTX~A. m Q; not GLTT~AW. in

- I.TT.[A] - w m a r i a & v LTTrAW.


+ i a (recto!

from 11fc). W ~ A . I


r~AA& Tr. (reud O r


eiArapivi'as T .

need We)

iv- T.

k h h h EGW. TL & I iavsiiv LAW #'

111, IT.
glory. ntuch sucll

11 C O R I N T H I A X S .


bv r 0 6 r y r+ p1pe1. n % v ~ ~ r)ic ' $?rep- non of reqpect~ t h n t ~v I this byre&tho RIO *hns*ben "Umttrlo "plorioul i n this respect, on ncconnt o t the rur- excolleth. 11 it p n X X o r j ~ r6156qc. 11 ei'.yrip ~~ ri, ~ o r n p ~ o 6 ~ e v o v did thntwhich is done apt-siug glory, thorcforo For if that which is being n n n ~ ~ l l e[was] through d
t h

GtiEq~, o X X @ /LC?XXOV ri, T



rather tknt which remnins [iu] i n glory. murh boldncqs

i v 66Ep. 12 " E ~ ~ I Jremnincth is gloriods. TE~

we use :

, i t ofiv rotni)rtlv i X ~ i b * a soXXe safijj1uip xp6p~tIa. 13 ~ n U-e ~ r e up ~ n i n n A soi

and RP ech : 13 nnd not a s Moses, tcJtic11pnt 11 vnil his face, t l ~ a t not nccordlny ns Ji[oxas put a veil on the face of him- the cblldren of 1-rncl could not stedfrr-tly ciroviani roS," spbg ri, p+ r06c v;odc 'IapntiX eig r b TCXO!:look to thg end o f t h a t .elf, for 'not .to 'look *intently 'the asous 'of 41srael t o the end which is nbolislled : 14 b u t their mindr c05 ~ a ~ n p y o v p t ~ ~ o v i.X X ' " i ~ w p h e qr c i - Y O $ ~ ~ TGV.U ~ blinded :for nnI4 q T ~ . were nf thnt belllg annulled. But were hnrdenod thelr thoughts, tilt hi^ dny remirineth the same vail nnthken Jypi.ydp rijc aijpopovrri, a t r 3 ~ i X v p p a 6s; rp' civay1~6ue~ in the for unto tluc pre-ent tho snrue veil a t the rending of t t e old tcstnment ; which vnil is done ar i j ~na)tniiic 8 i a 6 ; I ~ ~ l ~ pivet, p$ ~ v n ~ a X v ~ r d p c v o v ,rt" s$ t,, Christ. 1b of the old covcnnnt remniue, not uncovered, which even urlto this dny

E [ : ~ , 13 Socing then t h a t we ~ ~ have quch hopc we

o ~-aOrinep , l l w a i j ~ " C U i.rieet rciXvppa I s i ~ i ?rpo'awnov Piav- orer ,


i v xpi~rq7 rampyrirnt.
in rc:d But \\.hcu CLribt ix being nnnuiled. Xoscs,

15 6hX' Fwc dlprpov, dvira lavaBut unto this day, their he.ut when lies.

is hcnrt. 16 Neverthelem be tnkcn nwny. 17 Now

$2:,,iF~.","s; : $

yt~~6a~era~II Ol\l(c)cij~,I rcihvppa b?ri njv.rap6iav.aCrcSv t e i r a ~ .~ ~ f : ~ ~ d ~ f $ , ~ ~

n veil

16 ,j~pirn.~d' ;vU
rc;Xvppa. 17

i ~ i a r p ; $ ~ ?rpbc
i t dlnil have torntd the Spirit

m'tpto~,~ p t n t p ? m l the where the Spirit of rd aud thntspirit:

is; Eut i e is taken awny the the ~~~d 6.there G liberty. l*Bntwenl1* and where the Spirit ing IIR in face beholdwith Open a gla*s the all inlngo from glory t a

t o [the] Lord,

'0.8rchpioc 7 3 ~veZpci iarcv. 06-61 r6 s v e i p a

h'ow the Lord

covcrcd tllc even snme

fnco inlage

iXeu8epia. l 8

eic 61 n 6 v r e ~6~:;::~;

$;P,'''; ~~~$~~~

of[tl~e] Lord [is], thcro [is] freedom.

Xvtitti,~y .rrponDsy r i v 66Eav rvpiou

are being transforlned [the] Spirit.

et-nr as tha glory of (the] Lord beholdinl an i n ; mirror, [to] s~ir"Of the lark l

~ n r o s r p i ~ d p ~ v o i , glor Gdtv,
to glory, glory

r i v abr)jv e;rehvn pcrapop~oCtit8n ciri, 6dE~q


~atlhsep r 6 i


thin service, But in according

from [tbo] Lord

Atd.ro5ro ~ x o v r e ~ njv.6~aroviav.rairrt)v, rcae;~ $X$Therefore, we faint not. wnlkiug

W. ing weTherefore m tllis min. r"- istry, as we have received n~rrcy,we i n t h

C)qp~v, o i r ~ ~ ~ i ~ k n ~ 2 T&Xxu' ~ ~ ~fipev Ci?rEtshp~~a rd!

ct'ivcd mercy, of s l ~ n n ~ c ,not crnftiness, nor


we renounced the hiclden things


things of dishonmt~, fnlnify- X& neau nor handling t h e in Xiyou roii 8 ~ 0 5 ,&Ad r " qnvr h a ~ i rijq hXq&iaC word of God dcccitTEE of God, but runni&stntion of tho truth I I I ~ tho word fully ' but by mnnife\ttriion of thc t r u t h L ~ t ~ v t u r inllro6p ~ ~ ~ .rr&nv ~ v r ~ avl~eibqarv &vephxwv corntnendingour~?Ivos eotllrnc~ldi~lg oi~rsc:ves t o erery conscience ofmen toCvC"ynlnn'sconscience In the sight of 6v6rtuv TO; B~oii. 3 Ei.62 ~ a Zartv K C K ~ X V ~ ~ ~ V b &ay- God. an11t it our gosi rOV lafolw God. But if nlvo is covered aglnd p 1 be hid. i t is hid t o then1 that nreloet: 4 i n riXlov 13v, i v rois ciaoXXvpivoi~ a r i v c a ~ d v p p i v o v . i v whom the god of ti~ifi i 4 tidings 'our, i n those perishing it is covered ; jn worldkath blinile~lthe minds of them which O:C 3 0ei)r roS.a~cSvo~.roCrovtr6@Xwacv T& v o i j ~ r n mr 3 v h l i e v o not, 1r.t the whorn tho god of this nge bliudcd t h e thoughts of tile light of tho glorious ~ o s p e of Chrlnt, who l ri?riarw~, eis..rb airyicanr ' n i r r o i ~ f lTAY $wrtr~pAv 705 the jnllrgo of anLclic.viug, so M not t o bonm forth to tlleua the radinncy of the God, rhould shine

nil. a i q y 6 v ~ p$ ?repisaroirvrc~ v lrnvovpyip pv6i 6oXoiiv~, i


d:ly L1TrAW. L i &v R ; 6 i i d v T.

L A .

+ $p&por

clr,crev r.m-A.

&fwiiuljr GLTTrAW. P air706 (~.encl his face) LTrAIV. Q & A M Tr. Ztr tlltkt lit] GLTTrAW. ;v &vayrv&uqtat may be re-ld I.TTr.4. /re; LTTrAW. a &pc- LTTrAW. I iMa LTTrk (rvvrur&ru ai)70;s GLITZdW.

4 74
unto t 8 Tor re prslrch Wour. 4 but not J* h atheLodiand0n l r a your WrTaUta tor Jerrm, For oomm-ded the h t t o d i n e out ~nowladga L glory o of W in the free oi Jror Christ. 7 But rr bare th& trenmm ~n e u t h VC *h.* the the power may be of ad. and not ut a 8 W ure troubled on e mwy aide, yet nnot dlc bwd. m plexed, bnt not h dc
Mr our h w s then bt of the



rho is but [tha] iulngo Christ

air&v roq

e a yeXiov cr$pP C
d Qod.


of .the glory of the

Oeoii. 6 oir.ycip iavr6bp qp6uuopEv, AXXd d ~ p i u r i u 'Ip

Bor not oruaslret, do we proclaim,
and o~raslrer your bondmen
Qod who apoke but of d a r h e u


uoijvl +i,piov. GoAov~-0pGv



for the uke of Jesur


Becaare iit is]

hone in

6 M p 6 rirrhv i r ur6rovp


[ ] h radiancy of the our hesrta, TPOU&'A(~q u o G ~~ ~ 1 6 ~ 0 ~I ~ U E W ~rijc 36kq~ fro3 OeoijH b v of the glory of God in [the] face of JWM Chriat.

lAap+~vJP raiGrap8iatg.t)pGv,


$ O T L U ~ ~ ~ +p


7 8~X~p&.Gi b ~ ~ & l u a v p b v . ri~ ~burparcivotp- U K E G E ~ ~ V , ~ v rw

But we h m t h b treasure in errthen

s&&Tz i)J1?*
t2 body the 4Jlng of E.lao-db";2
mr might be m&

that tb rnrp~~in#neaa the of

iva )j 6mpfioX4 Ttjc 8vvhpeoc



bat not d e


0 b rravri

703 6~03, rai p4 If of M, and not from OXt/36p~voi, &U8 ureyoxwpo$ e ~ ~ o i * 06

mar be but oppremd, not atraiteuot but utterly at a 1080;

every [way]

Q W O ~ O ~ ~ E Y O L , oCr &AD

ifakopo6p~crvoi. 9 Giorbpevoi, AAA' oLr



~ ~ K ~ ~ ~ ~ E L T ~ J L narat3aMbpvor, ( E V O L '


06s AlroXX6pavoi*


sort down,


10 XO~VTO~E r$v vIrpou~v703 hmpi~vllI ~ U O G v r$ uijpan '

always the dying of the Low J ~ M the body in m* d a d lit. .Is0 ~e~i$ipovreg, rai 'iva m3 'CquoG iv u6paril 4pGv that the Jam* dm " r s , *g m it h be abo* th8t alsoUe of JesIlS in 'body 'our . & manifat h our p $avqwO$. 11 Oiei-ydp tjpe?p oi &jvres fie ~ ~ V U T O V may be manifested; for always we who live to death db m but w e in YOU GtGdpeOa 8id 'I~UO~V, 'iva rai got) roir 'Iquo3 $amla livered on amount of Jesus, that alro the life of J a u r may k epirit of fait aacordr u it is Atten, I pwO u q r i rjpliv. 12 "Oare 6 kpCvn Odvarop Iv rg' % o r 3 %h 9vq ad m d in W that death far ham I rpokea;rs . ~ l m ~ r e , r n a t b e r e -b 4piv Ivepyairar, tj.di.tw4 iv 6pTv0 13 Z ~ o v r e ~ i 3 i atrd v rh ;14honln in or worlrs, and life in yi,u And haring the u m a ZFwhicth r a d PP uw L O Q ~JWU ~ 6 C p a r i m w p , rard rb e appbvov, 'E~iurevuu, y &all ?den up or alu, spirit oi init& wmmding to w b t f:aa mitten, I beueved, by Jsnu, and dull t with you l&hXqua, rcai 4pdc ~cur~Copev,1 rai XaXoGprv* 66 K r sll thinpr am therefore I rpob 8 *.lao 'we believe, therefore alao we 'peak ; for four ulra that a b h tl 14 ci86rec brr 6 iyeipap rhv m ~ p i o v' a ~ u o nniY , I ~ migh* through the knowing that ha whorsised up the Lord Jaw, .Iso many n8idn "Iquoti iyepei, na; ~apatmjuci&v 6piv. 15 r h dood. to 'r7 through Jln r h up, and nl p-t il with you.

* or&^

4 g01



3p ~ d v r a d




or all things [M] for the salre of you, through the most,

that the grace,

~ L p i pIrXrovLuaua

6id rdv 1rhei6vwv njv ~irxapiarinv arprua~6ag eip n)v

%hthsnkkgiving 'may *taw to d -

to the

16 For d 9 h ows m t not, brit

roZ &OS.



16 Aid

fholyh our ontwud Wherehe we f e t not; B the Opw~oc GiagOei xru, dCyh(V. l Y F m W

o C ~ ~ b r r a r o i i p v * W A i' e

m 6 i



&Xa d P~uwOevP AvacaivoGrat

p the inwmd t

if indeed 'outward


p glory) a



m r; m

a -lq-vui also . 1 . $

~ p h Lv .

- q*+er v w m [&~I.ov]

shall shine LTTrA.


GLmW. orln~.

(Wour 1~-

[man]) L T T ~ imo[Bev] +&v ;

uitv-~irh rm~u.

t ahdi, (read i TO% udpau~v bodies T.



W, V.

rij~ BXiJlewr Pipoc bdEqc


o .tribultion mment,worketh for f

oo not at the thlnm

_n, but at whloh m
~ ; ~ t

. e t d d wejghs of g l o q M

mnpy&rae =orb out pcva, aiXXd

tor lv 1

@v', 18 4 u ~ o r o ~ w v ,ifin, d s m = i d ~ n thin.. d p4 PXtrdpara* r(t.yd /3Xtrdpava

sg $ ~ $ $ ~ $ ~ F Bbr6- kid
U ,


but the upciarcarpa* rd.64 p4 PXardpva aihta. oibap~.~(tPh i n ~ h i ~ no* t w M tamponrl, but t l t h i n p not men ekund Or ' we know $%r a m know that ?o we eternal. Brt bdv'd ~ A ~ Y Etjrdv oircia so; o ~ v o v C W ~ rarahvep', oiro- U our e u t h l h o w that U .urthly our houm od the tabmmole , b t r o j d , l build. ot W t . L m o l e h were diuolved, m ctopjv br OEO; ixopav, oirciav di~~poroil)+ov, ai4vtov bv roic have 8 buuding ot n M from Qod we h a w . a houw not made with handr, e t e n d in tbm Ood, . horw r Not made with b n d , eor5pcrvoic, 2 rcai-ydp iv roljry oravcifopcv, rb.oi'iqnjprov.rjCc3v t+- h the ~ ~ T O I W , hurw, For indeed in t h k we p a n , our dwelllng I For ia t h b we groaa, rb iE obpavoir imvJiraau9ac &ro@oiwrac* S Q i y e afunoluj dmlrlng tQ h 010thed upon ntth whioh [id from haven .to *be *olothed ' d t h 'longing 1 U indeed our houee which ia from herTen I a If a0 rai bv6uoci~avoc,oh yvpvoi airpe6qadpc6a. 4 rai-ydp oi be t b t m n clothed J m being olothed, not naked we dull be found. For indeed .who r e n o t L fouud iivrec i r rqi o ~ v t r orav~fopav~apol;pauoc*rinarJ+ o M in '-'OTWetht G tab~~1101e %re Yn Yhe Lt.bema01e 'we groan being burdened 1 rinoe k t do gropn, beh b p

but the t i - M hn

for the U&.

* r

BiXopar id6aauBt, *MX"irav66aaut?nr, iva

'we %do wbh to be unolothed, but
h a mortal

but ol~thed n, that U

rb ~ r q r h v


rtjc fwijg. L 6 . c ~ nrrapyaocipv~ gic eic

Now he who wrought out for who .~rop r e

b be olothed upon, that m r j b. a*allowedup

thir u m e 0htng M


&dg, 6 t r a i q o d ~ dpiv rbv Th#a@ijva' rob

to ru

he bath for the mllght ot the M who abo ha# Qod, e thing

~$25 2 $2

rueit aroc. 6 OaPPoCvrcc


Bdng 'confident .thuafore '.lwaj&,


~(ivrort, rai u'66rsg iirc


we am

iV8qpo3vfl~bv r@a6parb irsq o5ptv

(ior by faith

in the body w e w e b h o m e .way-the

we W& not

drb 702 mpiou* w a ~ oorilident knowa

and knowing that a Thdore

w&y;~;~p$ byt.l b tr not ai h t 9 8 we M oon.ud M plwd ratbar to be f r o h 0 of h 7 and fiLt, Zaau,.nd willi g r a t h e r to be abwnt ivifqfiiiaar rpbc rdv rirpcov. 9 At2 rai gcXotrpo6 aOa, e o m the body, olld to to be *t home with the Lotd. W h w o r e a b ~ we- mnbI:oru, n t with th Z r E W h d o r e we tire iv6qpo~vracaira ir6qpoitwacl rbipaaroc atr+ alvac. ~ r b t~ ~ whether o whether being at home or being from home, well-pl(u~ingto him to ba pweni or absmt we may be accepted o i 10 roi)~. dp.rivrac $avapuOijvac 6ai Zprpadav roir hi, 10 a, we mart iorwl we *be bnr.nifested %ust kiom the a l l nppeu before the udgment a a t of p$paroc soit ~prmoir,ira ropiuqrar Iscauro~. rd bhr~st that r eTeV jndlment mat ot thr ~hrirt, that hj thr things [done] one m : -he the in h b board TO; acjparoc, rpk irpaErv, tire dyaOdr ire thing8 dy ,dlng to that in the bodj, to what he did, wh.tber good or hehlrth done whether e h t i ~we u a - L t .

l 8r&riorru~~dp raprrarobptv, 04 W ai&uc. 8 Oabioi v 61

rai tt6oroirpav piiAhov lrc6qp$aou i r ro3 at4

roe rat



ko$g &22 uei@opev, 6~4.6i r~$avap&paOa*Rrifw.64 m i v raic i 'we 'per8uhdel but to we hsre bwn cmifeukd, and I bow rko in ,","~$$,ri uuvar6~at~rv.irpdv ne$avcpdaOac. l 2 ob:ycipU rciXrv Cavroitg are m d e
wmxdr.~ ~ i b d i a oEv rbv $dPov rob m iov, du9 cjrovc 11 ~
evil. Knowing therefore tiw Unor d the
C ) o d

the t-r of the Lo we 2"uadem"; b %

row mlvolma

to have been manifested


Por not

again oanelver z n 2 , of boasting

T. T

uuvr~r~vo)uv Mhd ((oppfiv 6r66wdc ipiv r a v ~ p a r o c 6p?v,

do we oommend to you, but
M giving

to you

{;Toroo:; ; K

P ri r e p LW. rM u aT .

r i+' (3 for that E Q L ~ T ~ A W . +airhov T; T. 8 ye) for L - A ~ .


rtai b l - r r ~ W .

in xenduriance lmneh.

IT C O R I N T R I A N S .

blnmed:'hntin a11 thi11g8 s proving straitn, ov s -e

i v ;?ropovg' ?roXA$, iv ehi$JfJlv,tv civay~arc, i v

i n tribulations, in necedities, in


God, in much in strip, i imprisonments, in n commotionn, in PtienCB' d i d in aiiCtiO"s in neoe~itieq in ri?roy, b ~ y o v n v i a ii~ ,uqsreiacc, 6 i v dryvdqri, iv yuhu~l,t'tlases, 6 in stripes, in v v laboura, in &tchinga, in fnatings, in purenexcl, in knowledge, in multn, in labours i n iv parpoevpiq, ivxPqar6rqrt, b v m ~ arc dr i y , b ciyci?rv watchin=, i n f h 6 v i n longauftering, i n kinbess, in [tho] *Split 1 in 1 inm ; by knowledge, by long&VU?FOK~~TY, 167 Mq6eiac, i v 7 iv dvvhp~c Oeoij, snffnrinp, by kindness, unfeigned, in [the] nor? of troth, in [the] power ot God ; the ~ 0 ~ h1o a ~ h W lore unfeigned, 7 W 61d rGv ~ ? T X W Y rijc deraiobitvqc TGV BetGv rai &piar~pOv,theword o t truth, by tKrongh the nrma of righteoasness on the right h m d and left, the power of God, by the nrmoar of r i ht8 Gidr 66Iqc cai i r y i a c , 6th 6vagqpiac rai rir$qpiace &C a s n e w on the &ht through glory and dishonour, through evil report and good hport : ru hand nnd on the left, 8 by honour and d i m ?rhdvo~, hhqe~ic' 9 &c &'U006 EYOl, K U ~ ? r c y l ~ w ~ ~ d p ~ o t 'by evil X wni i honour % dcarirers, and trne; M beiugunkown, and well-known; and report : u r deceivers and y d &c cino6mjawovrec, m i D03 c3 rv. mtE~vdpavoc,rat ;9 ,,known, M dying, and ,lo wetve ; M dirdplined, and anduel well known ;

xwpiaic, 5 iv ?rhqyaic, b (pvhnwaic, i v ci~araaraaini~, -of v b v


p$ BavaroCpevor- 10 &c X V ? ~ O ~ ~ P Y O I(iei.61 ~ a OWEC* Le , i

not put to death ; but


but a l r a ~&Lcing; ~ nothing

live. RS christened and no; killed; 10 a :


rrwxoi, ?roXXoZIc.6i I r X o v r i < o ~ ~ ~ c * pt~8dv : X O Y T E ~ , rai """ro"f"l* ; aa poor, yet rejoiciu~ Jet nl"nJ
and making many rich ;na having nothing and P Pomeasing' all ell things poesessirg. thingn 11 3v iviyyev ?rpbc GpZc, K iveioc, l 1 ova corlnthinm Our mouthf hna been opene8 to you, Co%Mitn~, ourluonthis open 11ntd. ou, our h e m in en~ap6;a.tjpCv ?r~?rhcinturar.12 o ~ ; . ~ T E ~ o x w i vE +CV,~ E d. la Ye are not ~ ~~ hsa bee? expanded. Ye are not straitcued in na, straitened in us, but our henrt ye u e strnitened in ar~~oxwpe~u~a.Gb b ro7c.u?rXh poig.6pOv. 13 r+jv-bl ai)n)v f ~ n r own bowels. v but the 3 Now for n remmbqt ye are straitened in yourloaela ; ponce in the same, ( I bvripta6iav, i r ~ riwotg Xiyw, ?rXa&vf3qre rai +ETC. as untomy ~ h t l . [an] recomponw, (M to children I spenlr,) be expnnded J s o ye. dren,) be ye also enlarged.


enriching ;

acivra ~ n r i ~ o v r e c .


14 Mrj-yiveuee ~ T E ~ o ~ v : ~ ~ ci?riaroic*~ ric-ydp pco?UTE

Be not diversely yoked *withnnbeliwers ; for whnt

ye not

par- eqnnlly yoked togother 6iwalodvp rai ivopiq ; 'ric.fiY K O L Y " ? ' ~ fwri for withunbeliercrr ; TOM whnt fellowship ticipution &%S] righteousnoss nnd krrlclcaness? and what fellowship lght bath r i hteonwcrs h ?rph~ cx6roc ; " rig-81 avp~hvqa~c p ~ 15 , i ~ with dnrknesa? andwhat aodcord Christ or whnt nent part to a believer with nn unbeliever ? idols?

~ prb$ k B ~ h ~ a p n ; rh c l z
allar, hath light with dark?

$ ric p~pic rear@ perd &?riurov; 16 ric.61 'mywar&nnd what 'for

nasP l5 and Christ concord hnth what agree- with ~ ~ lor ~ ~ l "het

I)~aic"va$ 6 o p ~ r dei6hhwv; m eG ;
a temple of God with 'are ['the] Iiving, according . *anid r md wnlk among 'God,

eis" ydp vabc 8eoG


p bath he thsttnfiieveth with an W a temple of %God


Udar~ll CGvroc, KUO&C~Zmv Bebe, "Ore Cvoim>aw d ai~roic, wai Odpmpt?rar~ao."


rai iuo a a l r h ' O&, e


I will dwell among


.rai temple of the livin


~~ r e w $ $



~ ~


; God hntE mid I will dwell i n the&, nnd walk i n they shnll be t o me a people. Wherefore aome out from e midst Ulem; I be their God, and they airrGv wai &+piaOqre, Xiyet i~aeciprovshall be my people. d p c o ~ ,wai of them and be sepnrated, up [the] Lord, and [the] unclean 17 Wherefore come out from among them and p$-il?rrtaOa' K& ria6iEopac 6piic, 18 rai E o at 6piv eic be ye -fie, a touch not. I a n ! w i l l ~ v o you; and I w&be to you for the Lord, and touch not the unclean thin02 raripa, wai 6peic EUEUO~ )col eic vioic rai Bvyaripac, hiyet and I wiu receive a fathor, and ye &all be to me for monn and dnnghtera, say8 you, 18 m d will k

[them] ; and I wiE be

alroi iuovrai Ppo~" Xadc.

17 6 J


i r fuov

fi 7;s or what LSTrAW. R. x p ~ g y ~ 6 Christ LTTrA. of Behid Belinl E L ovv- Z b e i s we L1"l'r. iupiv LIT^. ;v- T. P )rev of me L % ' j~iAdrre 1 LTTrL





J',"t",;l:rg:t h cthelr h p i o ~ aavrorpoiswp. 7 T a i r w %herefors * hmt neg r t t ~ ;" F , otv and dan h b n u i Almighty. r the hrt ~lmighty. irayythia(, Iyarqroi, rra6npiuwpev J ~ v T o W * U W ~ C ~ ~ VII. Hnring therefore
these p r o m h , dearly mm'-* boloved, we sbonid c l a n w o u m l v a irom e v e q belov41 let us cl-nm pohvapoir anprtg mi m~eCparcc, inirAoiivrts dyiwaivqv iv ourselm from a11 fli- d e f l i o ~ ~ n tof d0Sh m& thineM of the fl-h ~ptfk perhctiw bllnllnur and spirit, pcrfeceing 96/39 8eoG. holinw in the foar of h of

2 Xwpjoaretjpiir ot8ha tj61rc;laapev, o4blva 3 a m i m; m ~ hnre wrongod nomnn, Rmin W: no OM did we wrong, noone we have c o r n tcd no man, wohnve,faUdot8iva i u X t o v t & a a ~ ~ ~ .3 '06 r he rrarcirpiaivR ~ f y w * 4 nomnn, 8 J w k n o t no one did we we-h 1Pq oondexnnntion I QC&,
that y~ m in our for I ham klon.rnid that in


~ I t & ~ , " , " t ~ w y a c ~ rpoeipltrcc.ydp

Sri i v raic.mrp6inr~.$p3v dare ei'c

our hear^ ye are, for

t b mt o die

my b i b e t l of h together and to llre togother. Q m t [ill to me boldneu toward# toward you, great ia irpzi.~, I noAA4 pot ml;;yrlai~ ; r i p irpGv* rtrX$pwpar glomg you, grent t o me W r i n g i m p c t of you ; I LW n been filled . filled m fort I meediug ' rnpnrrX~net, i r r ~ p u ~ p i a u ~ 6 oqa ~ pj xapQi bri nhav r# in 'I1 Our ?ith enoonngeuant ; 1 ownhntnd with joy a t a11 nlntioa LFor, whrn ) . we were eomeintoJIn- ~ i ~ ~ i . j I p ( ; 5v Kai-ydp iX%tivrwv 4pGv tic Marce6or~iav, caJonin, our flesh h.111 our tribulntion. For indwl, .baring "ome &we into. Xacedonlr, no rwt but we trou?~eh on emrp o3Ftpinv tc'a~qrccr~ tiveaiv Ij.acip~.tjpcjv,I X X ' b r a v r i v 'not 'any &hrd #ewe 'our Yfioxh, but in every [way) nghtiugm witltin roere fears. ~ ' ~ c r e r t h e l - s O A I ~ ~ ~ U E ~ I * ?IW@EV phxnt, iaw8ev f~dpor. 6 &AA' b ood, that conlforteth beiug o h r o d ; Athoat contonibncl, within faun. But he who thou, thnt are cart down, coulforted IU nap~knhcjvr 0 3 ~ U ' Q * E ~ ~ ~ O G ~ E C ~ X E)jpt?~; 6~dg1~ T ~~~E UEV b by the conling of Timeoarages thou, brought low euwnrnged UQod- by tile ,U8 ; 7 and not by his m ~ u i u gon?, but by rapoump Tirov* '7 ob.plvov.dl i v rapovai~almij, hhhd the cousolxr~ou aonilng of Titur 8 and not only by hls wrtl ng, bu t with ha WM comfort ed in you, when he rrai i v r$ ~apa~Xtjeet ~ a ~ ~ ~ h t j i~pzv, e ~ told ua yonr earneat nlm by tbe enoowngeurent wlth which he wrr encouraged u to 1011;

:.Aa: anc0nveiv rrai ":Si;


sov<g'~.~4 roXXij

por ra)Jqaia r p b c


4' 9

townrcl me so that I

f z ! y & n :oivayy6Mwv ;relrrtlug

letfour 1

dpiv njv.irp3v.lrrnd Olpnv, r(rv.GpGv.6 Pupphv,

to W for your longing, yoar mouruiu~.

I you aorry wlth


rhv.G,~Jv.&jhov 6r i p lpoi, p(iUov xap$var. 8"Un

me; for ure the n~om t o be rejoiced.

for I perwire that thd if 1grieved you in the epiatle, I do not ffgret [it], U evvn ~ ~ e , " , ~ $ ~ $ ~ ~ O rt n e ~ t~ ~ X d p qb n ~ - ~ y L t p ~ ~.irtaroXrj p rp~ @ ~. iirt Irriivq ei rrai nptc w e e but ior r mewon. I did w m t ; for I wu thnt that ephtle, if even for V ,*iow 1 rejoioef not Gpnv iX5qncv irpii~.9 virv xaipw, otx iirt Avmjeqre, I X X ' thnt ye were yenorb au hour, grieved made you. h'ow I rejolce, not that pa were grieved, but *orqv bat rowed to repencan-: Srt Avrfiltlatre eic p~rrivoiav* iXvn$j0qrc.ydp war& Betiv, for ye were rnl~do rorry ntter podly that ye were p r i e d h repentanoc ; for ye were piavtd oocordlng to God, ner, thnt ye ,night re- h a &v ptlCIevi cypiwdct~? ) j p G ~ . 10 );.y&p rcarci For the 'nccorfling *to uu " , ~ { i ~ ~ ~ ~ F that ~ $ nothing ye might suffor losa by ~ { in \ ~ sorrow worketh reX ~ A ~ p~roivofavd i ~ I uwrqpI'av dp~rupdX~rov "h'nrepPntnnce =lvntion +God 'grlof n.pontnnca to ~ l r a r i o n not to be regretted worh not to be repented ot I but the xonow of r l ~ eyri<eral" 6.6; ro; rdallov h6rq Ooivarnv rarep hfcrub. world workcth dmth but the %he %orld Lgrlet death worL otlh ; 11 Por behold rhir meltmine thing, that 11 isob-ydp rb rnrd 0ebrr hvntleilvar x i r 8 ~ : ye normwed 14ter a For to, this urtne thing, according to God .to% a v e * ~ n s g r l o m d you, odly nort whnt care~UQ O ~ V , &?70htIriCt~, k1nes.a lt'wmuyhr in 7fdbt)v y ~ ~ ( l l p T O ' 6 t I i ~ A O ~ ~ &Xhd on, 1% what o h - how nluch .it anorled*out Yn v r 'diligenoe, but [nh.t] defor


~i wai iX6mloa iruics i v q inrarohg', 03.prrapiXoyai, t i rrni j



wpbs wai&protv 06 LTTrL ipya<c~cuwork8 L T ~ A ~ V .

* ov+tv



T (ranpyku~o T .


y+ for [ & L Liv] L

but <tpov, -, 1

WI, VIII. 11 C O R I N T H I A N S . 470 In d U d v C ~ p r v MXd $& , 6, &Ad i r r ~ r r l O q l l m v , d l h l Wf oft~~tlignntion, .yonmlvcs, yen, ttrl jrn,

.Wn8 i r p i r ; tv iir
but 'to rcngcnn,s







awesr;laare imerodc
yc p r o v d




& voifs elvni blv" rff;npti~pnn. 12

o f ~c G v t ~ t v b m i ; aidrr~uavroc,
mob for tho mke of blm r h o ntffcred wrong, bnt dill wrotr.


your.clvcu mvrnpe I I n all lktirm ehnve approved your-

~ 1 - t fenr, ollc,g vehement dealre pc* rcnl* ye$ ;u~tni




u for tbe u k * of hlm r h o


ai&n)iiivroc~ '&X''

done the wroup,

C t ' i r * ~ r ~ u bi,al~tfweijvai n j v a a n t i d $ v oij

for thc mke of 'being manifcrtad

fcrcd wrong, but thtlt e6jtirvn mjv 3aip ftjyt3v' rpIs 6plic l v c j m o v roir etnir. ourcare for you in the 'your 'which ['fa] Yor .us to you &fore sod. sight of God might a p nr unto y o a 13 A[& roi,io ' x a p a r n ~ h $ p t ~ a ini g rc r a p a ~ A 4 n ~ r eretore ~0 wrre 13Fh On ncconnt of this r e hnra been enconregcd in senconmgemcnt comforted comfort t yen, n n E b h r ~ v o a rcptoanr;pcur.'El")lirXXov lxhpqptv iri r$ p p $ ~ d i a a l y t ~ t e mote 'your, N I the more n b a l ~ ~ l n u t l y ~ rather WC r e j o ~ o ~ d a t the joy oyed we for the joy of %itus, beonrtre his 6 iTirov, bri civaxiaavrar rb.nvtirpn.airroS cirri, s h v r w v t i t wns mfro,i,l!n of l'il;s, hrcnnm hna been mfresl~od his spirit by dl all. 14 For I % nve boarted nnythiug i i ;v. 14 o r 1 ti ri ahr@ imip ipGv ~ r r n C x ~ ~ p n r . to hinl Of 06 I o&oa. BCW~IM nnpthing t o hlm about if you I llnve bwsted, h o t not nahnma:d hut na we .rnrynX;1~~F)rl~r. dXX' &C rrrivra iv ciXtlOcip 1XuXtjnaptv yousptrkc nll ihing* t o so '1 " w n ~ tmshume; b u t put M a l l tlringn i U trulh We spoke our boartiup. which I hpb, 0 i k w S wni r a b ~ q a t c" 4 p 3 ~ ~ iAi T ; found r tnith.Titiin n c l mode beforo ~ 5 i is ~ ~ l t o you, so also tho b o ~ t i u g of ua which [WIV] t o T i t ~hi8 inwnrd nffcction ia

for his



&X,jBera i y e ~ ~ r j e v15 ~ n rci.a~Xci Xvn at;oir aepcaaor6pw~ i

knmc; eic ir)t;c iorru, towards you nw, truth



and hiakwoi a n abundnntly w obtl,euce c i v a p t p v q b ~ o ~ b ? ~r,iv r r i r r w v .6t~3v of you all, how with ov r nnd trernbliirg ye re~ncmbcri~y the 'QC of 'yon him, 16 I oice tbervforc that I perd $d$ov ~ a i r o v i8iEaaOe al;rciv. nve co~~fidenco j o u rph In how with few and t r n h i y ye n a i n d him. in thiw.




thnt i n everything I am u)nddent i n

Oa(5fiir iv 6piv.
you. Moreover we do you t; ,it of the pr,lce the God be"towed churches Of thnt in a nin; 2 how 3fnwdo-

n u t r e mnke known t o you, brethren, the gmce of Qod rhrch 8 ~ B o f r i 1 ~ 11u raic I ~ ~ X q a i n rijc Mnce8ovias* 2 h i Iv roXXi lv tg h a ba.u g i r r n i n rho nuolublies of J I n d o n i n ; thnt in much E o c i p q 6XiiG.t~~ m o t a a t i n proof of trib~rlntion the nbbdnuce 'dwp "povcrty 'their

Vm. rrwpiZorer~.d4 ilriv, hJeXgoi, r ~ j vX ~ P I Vroi' &o% r + ~brethren,

rij~. n

.a 3 t f ciiirCjoyh r i i v to the




joy m d their deep po-


fi&?ovr: r;(~xtia a;lrGv ~rtpiaatvacvt



vc,rty abounded rlnto richer the richen brrality. of3 their 11For to drrh6rqros.airrGv~ 3 $71 rarri dir~*apcv,p a p n y c j , iheir p w e r , I b a r reof their lilwrality. For according to [thelr] power, I becv wttnean, yea* rind berOnd ilceir power they lceta rrti O d a J p n dGr:~.nprv ahenip~roc, 4 per& 3 r d - willing of theru~elvc-; and boJond [their] imwcr [they were] willing of then~selrw, with much 4 p r n ~ i n g u q with much intrenty that we would X'Gg l r a p n ~ X ~6a~ t6 ~ ~ 1 ~ i p 3 T ~ V h p u xai rljv K O ~ V W V ~ U recelve the gift and p~ f01 ~ x U W tee ffelentrunw beseeching of us, %he *gr'and *the sfelloarhip lowship of tho minirnjc d t n r o r ~ i n s ric 70% dryinus P d i i n a 6 a ~ , j ~ t ? c . % r i n ~ t o tha saint& 'for ' %a. U +meira 5 And this they clid, "of lLtho '%err)ce "whrch [l b a d 'Dior '.the "uinta not . h o p but meAs firrianptu, q&lX"' inurodp ~ 8 w r a 1 ~ p & W awe theird , own r drst g t e rai oh And not [only] accordlug a s we hnpod, b r ~ t therumlvw they gave tlnt ae1rt.r to the l o r d , and by ~ o r@ rvpicp, rni -,jpiv 8td OtXjparoS et09 6 tic.ri, napa- unto 11-.Q tho will hoft v ~ 4 J n O ~ N tC ~ Q to the Lord, m d to nr by [the] will of God. Lio that 'ex- we derircd Titus, tMLt

; ~ "rdv r h o C r o v n



aA LAW. b jv (read r ^ the) [ L ] ~ ~ A W . y in C &rev LTRA. d d h b R. wv our E . a firpisv you E0 t &iand (in)commalcing a s d e n c e at I& LTTFAW. k v I.Y"~'VAW. 1 bi and ~ n t r w . h itii)lv of you U 1 G T!T 1. o h ibcret'ore r. rb n h o k o r L ~ A . ~mrr*, S aqaoear 4pGf Ornrrw. t AAA nr.




B .


h0 hdbegnn? m he rcahiaar iitLiic Tirov, 'i'vn m9As rpoev,jpbro, o$rwS ~ a 2 would alao finlnh in the same grace horted 'we Tltas, that nccording as he before begna, so a h also. 7 Therefore, b ~ i ~ e X b q lcni r&~.xfpcv-ra6rqv. 7 'AAA' 6crr~p' ~ i ~ $ , " ~ ~ imight~oomplete ~ ~ you aIss he t n ~ with ~ this grace. But even M ternuc. and know- b9) r a v r i ?repiuue6erq niur~c,rcai Xby Kai yv6uec, K U ~ ledge, ahd in all , ~ v e r p ~ n y ] ye abound, [ in faith, and w o r t and knowledge, and gence, m d in your love i to na see that ye a- r f u p UTOVJ~', rcai rp' bE: 6 3v b v i v ci h r 'iva rcui i v bound in thin grace all diligence, u r d in the .from 4 o u .to I;oveP9 that 0 - in 1 also 8 I ~penknot by comknudmcnt,but by r a 6 q xhprrc ? ~ ~ ~ L U 8 ob ~ rca? UE TC brrrnyrjv Xiyw, -ion of the for- this grnce ye should abound. Not according to acommnnd do I spenk, wardneas of othera rnd to prove the "in! ciXhd 816 riic Jripwv U T O V ~ ~ ~ Cri, rrjc t6pripac" & y a i ~ c rcni 'off our 'love '

hath, and not accordfug to that he hnth not. 13 For I not thnt othermen be eased, and ye be burdcned 14 but by an equauty, that now a t this time your abnndance maU be a for thcir wnnt% their abundance also mny be n stcpply for your that then, mny be equnlit l5 as it ia written, that

~eirat, ~ a e b 'idvn


06 K rcaOb E T O

according u

'may ah.n,'anyone B e efs3 accepted,

~ O L E

not accordingw but for you abun. sbun-


13 oh. &p ilva

of equality,

(iv~utc,$ p i ~ . ~ J i "

he hna not.

For M1] not that to othen [there may b 0888, e ] bnt

in the preaeut time


it i~bnlros, ry" vib wrp$ r6 6 ~ d repiabv v

that a b o their

OFVpQEi6' ~ ~ K E ~ V W V - 3 0 14p ~ a m i rb i ~ ~ h r w v fi , ?repindm for a


their deficiency,

oevpa ybqrat
m y be

is ~b.6@v.6blipqpa* grwc
~ o u dofioiency, r

&,a toorqr' 16 rmO&c ~ o a r r n c , '0 73 ~ o A 6 otx hadnothing over and equality. According w it z w b1 written, He that Cgathered] 81 muoh 'not he that had g a b jr~EcivauEv. Kai 6 ri) dAiyov oir~-~Xnr~d~~qcrev. little had no lsct 'hnd over, and he t h J bathered] little did not lack. 16 B U thank8 be to ~ I6 X&pcC.B1 r @~ E I ?r,@wbt6dvni1 v ahnjv urov8,jv Grip 4 God, which put the But tllanka to God, who givea the snme dlligenco for same earneat owe iuto the heartof Titns for 6pdv b r # rapdig Tirov. 17 6r1 v piv rapa'dqurv b17 For indeed in the honrt of Tituk For the 'indeed 'exhortation he piccepted the exhor- 'OU tntion but bein$ GiE:aro, arov8ac6r~po~.8i iirdpxwv, ai18aip~ros dtjlAk)~v more iorwnrd, of h18 received, of hia own accord he went out but more diligent being, own accord he went untoyou. i e a ~ we npdc 6piic. 18 u v v ~ r i ~ ~ a ~ a v=per' . niroii rbv ciJ~hqciv' d .61 have sent with Mm the to you. But we nunt with him the brother brother, whome praise c in the gospel 05 b kraevo~ dv r @ ~GciyyeXiy 616 mucjv r3v i r thmughout nll the of whom the prnfse [ia] in the glad tidings through a11 the 88chnrches ; 19 and not reai ~eiporovqe~igr b rcjv 6 19 e a t onl bat who KX~JULOV* o+.pdvov-6H, and not only [m], but nlao having been chosen by the n e a alsoaKbsen of the sembllel;

80' much

that there 6h011ld be



but LTT~[A].

ipckpas of our

6 d n t gnve m.

&v T .

- t


&v &&A&

bb1? he may have) LITRAW. e0 p n h a6roG T .

* .-64


I1 C O R I N T H I A N S .
a v v l ~ 8 ~ p 0 ~ . f i p~airv'lr@-X&piri-ra6rp e Gv r
with this grace, by


nssemblles [Is] onr fellow-traveller

GiarcovovpEvp &$' dpSu r p b



churches to trarel which [is] grnce, us with this with which is adw ) ~ , ~ a h r o f ro3 kupiov 6dtav ministered by us to ~ i" the loryof the snme the 'himself 'of %he *Lord ]glory, Lorf, and declrtrario,r


oOv iav a6p3v.ll 20 areXXd/iavoi roGro,

and [a rrltnem of] ceaditess Iyonr ; avoiding this. no man binme ~ L ~ K O V O VU- in this abnndnnca T i c ?)paspwp6uqrar ;v r~.ci8pdr~rr.mirrp rtj anyone ns ahould blame i n th~a abundance which [ i d served by us:is 21 providing J ~ah < p & J21 b7rp~~006pv~c'~ d O& pdvov . b i ) ~ [ o lfor houest things, not ' as; providing things right uot only before only i n the sight of by the Lord but elso i n mtpiov, cihhd Kai bv&?riovciv$pdJlrwv.22 ~ U ~ ~ l r ~ p ~the p sigdt .of8 men. a ~v [the] Lord, but also before men. we sent with 22 And we have sent with them our broairroi~ rb~.aiG~h$bv.tjpGv8v iborcipa'unpev hv 7roXXoig TOX- ther, whom we have them our brother whom we proved i n many things often o!tentimes proved dil ~ g c nin many things, t Xd~ig~ 7 r o v ~ a i ; ~ r a ,vvvi.8; T O X ~ a.rrov8ardraoov 7 r e i T O l - butnowmnchmorediov diligent to be, and now much more diligent by the 'oon- Iigent, upon the h'ront O ~ U E LnoAA@ r$ t ; g Y %bp. 23 erire 6 d p rrirou9 have in you. 23 Whefldence 'great w h ~ c h towards you. CM] Whether as regards Titus, ther any do inquire of is my pnrtrcorvwvbs b ~ n eic 6p2c auvepydc' eira d8~X$oiTitus, he fellowhelper i a . d b e b] v a r t n e r and for you a fellow-worker ; ,or .brethren concerning you : . or



r &69' ~ ~

. !

Our wired of, they a r e the The measeilgers of the churches a n d the glooib I v G ~ i t rijg.ciyci.rrqg.6pirY, ~ n IjpDv ravxtjaewg irxip ry o f a r j s t . 2lWherei~ i 'theretow 'proof of your love, and of our bossting about fore shew ye t o them, and before the church$/r;v, ~ L ) g a ~ r o ~ ~ ~ b ~ d ~ a (i a u ~ " 8 i n 7rpdaw7rov r3V, the proof of your you, %o #them Ishew 'ye and 1 face of the assemblies. love, andof our boastrod$ ci.yiov~ingOnyOurbehalf. ITepiplv.ycip rfig 81aroviag rijc For ooncerning the service which [is] for the saints IX. For as touching the ministering t o the ?repiaudv pot iariv rb ypci$erv hpiv. 2 018~-ycip npoev- saints, i t issupereuoue njv rrlper,Euouu for me i t is writing t o yon. For I know =readi- for me t o write t o you. 2 for I know the piav 6p3v 'qv 6 d p 6pGv rcavx3par Ma~e8duiv, 6ri for~ardn,,, of your nea 'your which concerning you I boaat of t o ?dacedonian~; thnt mind, for whlch I

CrndaroXoc IrrXqacGv, GdEa. xpruroir. 24 Tljv

of nssemblies, 'glory 'Christ's.



[they are] messengers



'AXata napau~~iracrrai ciad.7ripvut. ~ a eb' fi(i' 6 3 v ZtjXog i

Aclmin has been prepared a ygo, and the 'of


of Macedonia, t h a t Achaia was ready a

r j p f e ~ ~ro31; ~Xeiovac. 3 i.rrep+a.8i rods ci8~Xrpo6g,ha-plj ev

provoke the greater number. But I sent the brethren, lest

very many. 3 Yet rb.rali~~pa.$~Dv rb h i p 6pGv ~evw' e i v rcy" hare I sent the breth* our boasting whioh [ i s about you e h d d be mad). void i n ~~~u~~~~~~ )c&p~r.roliry.'iva aeyov, rapearattau Evol r e , vain i n this behdf ; that I ye this respect, that according as I said, P~~PM! YE may be ; be rudy : 4 lest 4 piprwg idv iX$wacv a3v bpoi Mare8dves, ~ a ei;pwucv ir@g hnply if they of Mni lest perhaps if should come with me Macedonians, a d find you Cedonia with me, and find ou U I I ciaapao~evciurovg, r a r a t u ~ v v 8 ~ ~ e v E: yva , ~ ~ . h d ~ wprepared, we $hat we p~v unprepnred, lshould 3be *put 'to 'shame (that we may not say s a J . n O t ~ ye) ha ashamed i n this name + p i g , bv r~.iJ7r0Urci~~l.~~irrp grijg KUVX?~UEWC.'~5 (ivaYKaiov confidant b o n s t i ~ , ~ . xecessary5 Therofore I thonght ye,) i n this confidence of boasting. i t necessary t o exhort 03v $Y4tJdpqv napa~aXEuat~ 0 (i8X$o6~ 6 ~ 'IVa ~ p 0 d X - the brethren, t h a t therefore I esteemed [it] t o exhort the brethren t h a t they should they would R0 before unto you, and make Bwacv heigil irplig, ~ a i npo~arapriuwuiv rljv '~porarqy-b p beforehnnd our go before to you, and should complete beforehand 3fore- bounty, wherco? ye had notice befnre,thnt y~X+vqv'I eirXoyiav irp3v ral;rqv iroipqv elvat ocrwg &g t he snme mighr he announced 'blessing ?our 'this 'ready Ito thu as ready, s s a matter of



J i v in J.TrAW. 7 a6703 LTrAW. we provide LlTrA ; npovoo6peqoi y i p G. OLTTrAW.


h r p & LRW,

<pGy ollr GLTTrAW. ~ p o v o o ~ p e v for y&p iv8ri~vv'pcvoi h e w i ~ ~ g s LTTrA. -~ a i ~b ~ r . f ct,(t.ead J p S v of j'ou) I.TT~[A]. g r i j i K ~ V X T ~ QG1,TTrbX. EW~ npotn-qyyeAp~yv before promised ~ r n r w .







fs, X.

L"'n** not qf ~CXoyiav, krai-4 ' 3 ~ n t ~ ~ a X c o v ~ E iToirro.Gi, 6 av. 6 krom~unen. 6 But b)ltN I nay, H whion e b b d ~ , and nos n [ofJ wvetownu. But thlr I J k that ~ ~ t " , ~ r l i ~ l $ L ieu' m i d e r ~ i p u v un?ipou (+r60plvus$c6op6vockd ~ ~ he "hiC m BpU'ingl,, e g b .I= -p ; and h* th.( . n n ~ t lbountifullyl ~7 ~ h *a u ~ nt~'" A ,b E iaec ral Or ieu. 7 ktzuroc . a 0 4 atso E ! ban.Ire &reap: rroh . o o o r d i ~ u very man ncoordhg M On bl-~ On


p4 ~~~~( Q d M y q c8 * ~A@V not fievlngl, 3 of mculity 'a 'okahrl l dp 6dmp & ar$d 100a 8 n 5 ~ r d ~ . 8 i di' (ethcrZuav ~6p11 Oedc. n a ahecftgl 7 m p= Ab, It1 Ood WerJ m glver. 8 And Qad a for ' 8 able to mrrke'dl p r . a , ' ~ R L U U E ~ U ~ ( sic fipzc* Iva dv C ~ Y T ~ *&horn w&rau abound h w u d You ; to m r l . abound t o a d roq that i n every alwnyw . U &t ye. alwayaharin U lmoieno in . drdapmov (XOYTEB wrpLoee6qn eic riiv V p v dyrOn86Y
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M , " " UO ~f E v ~s in ' baut 8 T L purpowl U ~ ~ ~ %"p&$.

% loreth


dound to -i&oy haring, ye m y abound to erwork good* every goo8work: B (M yiypamar, 'Earedprnu~v~b w ~ r o ivr i q e i ~~ ~ it is written He bath 9 me& adrond ; he mrding M i t hu been written, He w t t m d abroad, ha p m to U* poor, his rightsobbida for mar. Now ha t h a t mpplir

m i n e t h for ever. 10 Now he thit minirtereth ued to sowe both minister

c -

4-6crarod~r).a~roii pbnr tis.rbv.aiGva. 10 '0.6) b r r ~ o p q y b


O u a l p ~ " r t j m e i p o w ~ i tipmv'~ic m @pGuev P~bopq~ljuac~

to him that
and bred for eating may he mupply

i z J s t g is and mayr he q u v a tr~b vroarrW v~- Wr ,p ~ m d. may hf ei i+ oma~n"rd lyem+-t # m q ~ 1 a ~ i w ra m d clown nnd inmultiply n r the hi

the' fruits of

Ol,,80th U .LL Ii-ty; whi& wrLo* thrcugh ~l tsanb thmk to@* riav tr+fl 8e4j9 l 2 871 fi 8urovia. riicXacsovpL iac.raCqC U For%e dminlstrato of thk ~ b t r r t i o n tionof thL amice not onV m plieth the ot pdvov buriv rpouavanAq oirua rd irur~ptjpra r5v byiwv, mnt tge salnts but not o a & by Y oompletely !l&np tb. defidenoh o f t * mbh, m-Y tbr-dna MXd sal ~epium6ovua 6th ?roXAdv t6xa curriir W-&$ o n t o W . 13wbiler b bat awnm w tbuRrinw t o m ; of minintration the~glo- 13 6id rijc Bortpijc nj~.Bcarovinc.ra boStiCovrcs rdv r w w f m otUm tbroug4 the proof ieaad mb eo&on anto ~ f t IWI ~ l a ~ ii n p ~ ~ t the g d oi W, eebv dai dnorayp' njc.dpoXoyia~&pin, k rd Eta r L.& f i r wr ilbe- m a t the mbjeotion, ~yourwntowion. to U* s !: d!: m1 disMbation p t o them, and unto roii ~peuroir,reai dr?rXdrqn njs rorvwviac ric ntro3c rai men ;I4 run by their of thr CMd, and liberdlty of the wmmnniortion towt h and r B &: f, g g T J?"h eic rbvrac, 14 m atb~v.6Etjbec h i p +;v, drcm806vi ucreding grace of tow& all; and in thek mppllontion for you, a longing God Ln 79% l5 Thanlu n ) ~~ E ~ & A A O V U~ciptv Or05 A ~ V TO; h unto ~ o for h~ TWY 6 ~ Z c &d d Mlpersrbb & f o r ~ o n . c o o p n t o f ~ .mrpuinO ofupon r ROW I pan1 irpiv. 15 (ipw.'6iu 7$8c+ qj (iv~rbcq r y atroil bwpa ' mlmlf h YOU you. ~ O t& W h to Qod for .Indemdg1e lbia free

cnyt,&&%Ieic rEuov ir?rXbn]sa,qrry wfip h&rac thmkgh

I being enriched in

p paran n j ~ d u a t o o l y c . ~ G v 11 i v ravri . o roar righteomew 1 f tn W

W~ b.lnrAed



8 i fipijv cfxaapre-

4 '

ptaslroe am Nor'myult Paul exhort you by the m&bnm among you bat being . b m ~.='bold rtjroc' rai brrcrmla~roir ~pruroij.8c rash rpdawrov pIv t ~ w u you: l hut I m d and gqntbpou ot the Chrlet, who . to sppeusam I [am] beleech ya, that I mynot be when r a ~ e r h e bv irpiv, ci~b.64 8$$3 6pti~'9 80 ac.62 I em m n t mth that m u m% but at am bold Joo i but I L oonaImoB w h ~ f i t h I t h l e to'ae bold 7b rapov 0a~ijuae r$ reroe&ju~t yf g h a t wme, W W t o t 'being -t l .rhouid be bold with tha d d wttb whioh

& who in

10 A(rbc.84 I


IlnBLc kapamXO dpdc Ld rijc %pqd-



1&Q L ~ A W . he h purpored LTRAW. b a n i# 0 4 p v LW. I xo&uw will rufply o r . n r r w . 3 ~ A ~ f h n i will multiply QLTAW ; +A@nr multiplie6 m. r'a6&!<orc will 1 1 1 c m 0 L T T I A ~ . ay#+ O OLTlkAW. S [G]L & Wr& C r&toc L17rlW.

For is able LmrA.


I reckon

I1 C O R I N T I I I A N S .
to bo daring townrQ Rome 'walking.. who reckon of

Xoyitopac roXp+sat i n i rivac rotre Xoyit+opEvovc ljpiic &c


~ $ j d o ' , ~: r ~ o
the fimh. 3 For though the fiesh r 4 (for the but mighty t h r o u d t o the ?l)$


rard 06

%ccordingsto 'fle9h

scipra ryinaroivrac. 8 lvaapri-pp n ~ p i i r r r ~ 0 G vwet walknot war after ~ do we ~ . in the flesh,

For in flea


a6pra tsarparevcip~Qa* rhydp SnXa njc =arpa- ~ ' ~ " ~ ; o r f ~ ~ f $ ~ 4

not fmording to flash

overthrow hlgh &g aptive

.of suprid, &but d6vvard rqi &pi Godrrpbs [the] $":W M M [m] not ficshly, powerful through to %, :, P '
sreaaoninga 'overthrowing

do we wnr.

For the




ra8aiptaiv b vpwp6rwv- 6 Xoyiapods rca8arpoGvrts rai .rrEv nption~ and mew

o~strong-holds ;


aud every 0th itself agninat tho high thing

6$w a inaipdptvov Kard

every t h o u ~ h tinto the hadng

vDaawc r o i ecoir, rrai a i ~ p a -howledeeofQod,md

of God, and ' lending ~ ~ , " $ ~ g t $ & ~ ~ ' $ Christ; and 8 nnd hming h b readhmr to revenge obedience of the disotedieocs,

lifting itnelf up against the Howledge

Xw&~oovrtc nbv vdqpa eic rdv irrarolju roii ~piaro3,6 rni obedienca of ~ s t ; iv irolpy t~ovrec hr8irijaai nbaav nr arorjv, 8rav c 7rkq- sU diaobed[mca, whoa


'in are&bu


n f u m e d your

t o avenge



7 Td

CUT& rrpdawnov on thin@ after tho

when mry have pour obedience L# fulfilled. 7 Do ye look outward appearmm ? If any man trust to

The things according t o appearnnce

@ i r ~ r t ; a; rtc 7rhnoiet~ iavr$ ~ p i u r o j elval, roirro himself that he h do p look bt? If anyone h persuaded in himsell of Christ to be, thin Christ'e, let him of 1Cdae~ actXiv ~i$'li.iavroG,Srr ra8AC nljrbr ~piaroii, $ reckon &gain of himself, that according u he [is] of Christ, c h r i k , e k n ro on WO Christ's. 8 For oFwg rai CZ a.y iaroii." 8 i h ~ - ~ r e " .b~m i n rtpia- thongh I .hould but ec p ro obo [are] we ofChrist. For f even more a- nomewhat more of our abrtpdv rr cravpjawpail' mpi r~~.h&'ovuia~+pGv,



bnndnntly mmewhat I ahould b o a t concerning

our authority,

t 8 w ~ v kiip~o~ b dipZvII
'the 'Lord

oir08op~u rai ofk


for buildinp. up and not for overthrowing ed :g that I

~",~~~&$+~ 6is ra8aipta~v{d ",:k~&, :S :

whicb efi&ation*,,dnot for


6pGv, of miqu,lO$oo ni 9 i'va pt).Gd&'w c v hc$opeiv 2 ,on. Iah.11 M be put to afame 8 that l may not meem u if highhlq GPCcdc '6rd sJv BniuroXdv. 10 6rr ai epIv BniuroXui, you by mum ot spirtlea : becanae the d j t p i ~ , ~ ~ u p t i a rrai iqvpaio 4.64 napovaia r o G , ~ ~aros 4.he, [am] ",eighty and mtrong, but the p ~ c of the e da&& mai 1 hdyoy f i ~ o v 8 ~ v ~ p i v o s .rofiro hoyi<h80 11 ~ ~

terrify ou by l would Seem if 1 e t t e n l0 F , let-, m , they, mwe!gbteand $Ow"fUl. i but hu b ily preaenca ra we&, . m d hir #peach cmtemptkla 11let cmch anone tMnk this tha n c h u we am d w o r 2 n hi^ let.reokon by letten when we are we& and the npeech mnght. absent such will iod b roroirroc, 8rc oloi iapev r@Xdyy 6 ~ 'bniaroicjv d n d v r t ~ , bc aid in deed when in word by epistlw being absent, We are P M n t . l a p o r h c k 'a 'one, that much M we m we dnre not makeourrai irapdvrec ry' tp 'p. 12 Oh-rdp roXpijtctv melvea of the number, rowirror =oh [W'' ueJ b o b a n g present a in Led For not 'dnre l n e Or compare o ~ r n e l ~ a r with aome thnt cornriyxpivcu' bavyrpivarH ~ U V T O ~7 1 ~ 1 ~ iavroire UVV- mend fiemselven: but ~C TGV m k among or compare 'with 'oarselves nome who thonu~~lvcr corn- they measuring themselver by then~mlvea, wrnvdvrwv, &Md atroi t v ~ ~ V T Oiaurodc p~rpoiivrts, kai m d comparing them~ C a n d; but these by themselves themaelvea mennuring, and selvea among themselves, are not wine. ~ ~ ~ w p i v Cavrotrc ~ iavroir, ob!avvioiraiv." 13 rj eic 13 B U ~ d 1 1 o v r ~ ~ t h e m w l w with themhe., do not nnder~tnnd oarnpnrlng b o u t of thine8 with82 koiXiu rct dperpa rav~rladpttla, iXXd tard ~ ~ m ~ ~ o ~ ${ 4 0 w not t o the thingn beyond mewurn will boat,' but according to arlre of tge n ~ l whioh o


plrpou roc rar~dvoc 05 l p t p t ~ t vdpiv b 8eb~ pdrpov

meauure of the



divided 'to 'us 'the 'God 'of 'measure reach evon unto yo~t.

&~rr&dac &pi
t o rench

kai GpGv. 14 '06 ldp

' a h you. *Xot for

d~c"p?) ~$i~v06p~2loioursel~eabe ond chbr tic 14 For we atretch not

as not
rcnohing to


UTp47bG~ . T 4' ~ ) 1 6 2 0 ; QLTT~AW. ?C and [L]T~[A]. b K& tlTrA. a ~ a v f i o o p a & 8hF~ll 1 boast T. d +@;v LTl'rA. i n t a o A a 1 p i u $r)ocv (+avcv they X,)I.TTP. f itov8cyphvop C. Iiv- T. h uwv- T . lw v t i o t v L ~ A , 1 &S y&p (veading tlbe rentme a a gwstion) L 8 o i r ~LTPIAW.






X,X I .

rachednOtnntOyou: $ p i s it~epe~reivopcv davroCs0 ciXpr.ydp cai Gv i 6tiaapev for we u e come M f u m y) .b0 you do O V W ~ ~ ourrlvu, C ~ @or to .abo 'weeame rd in p r d ~ i n the go#- h r $ e6ayyaXiy 7 0 1 X raro1.16 o 6 ais g v ~ in the glad tidings of the L i n t ; ) not 'to 'the *thing# %eyoad.J.uur witbqut out mewrup, c a l ~ ~ d p ~ vv dXXorpiors rdnors, hXniGa.di i ~ o v r ~aGEavoho c s, that other men r of but having =boasting in others' laborus, but hope having, v p q a X v v e ~ v a ~card hope, when onrfalth piytls r<~.niaraw~.6pGv, h +TV ir inore~lledthat we 'your 'faith, among you to be enlarged wording to rhr.U be enlarged by you according to our rbvxavdva.~pGveis aapraaaiav, 16 ais r d 6repirecva 6pGv m1 abundantly 16 to 19 to nbuudance, to thnt beyond you prerch the goeh1 in Our ebayyeXiaaaear, o h h MXorpiy cavdvc v rci the r onr beyond '.rule E~~~Oz,s"IfL to announca the glad tidings, not Yn 4another's 'o thing^ t ot thfnp made reoay grorpa ~clvxjlaaaeai. 17 '0.84 ~ a v ~ l j p e v ov , rcvpiy h~ to our hand. l7 But *ready &to 'bowt. But he that boants, in [the] Lord ha tbat glbrieth, let him glory in the ~avxdlu6w' 18 o&.y&p b davrtv navvca~Gv,U lrreivbs darrv Lord. 18 For not he let him boast, For not he that h m e f conrmenda, isl thir [onQ ir that commendeth him-U approved but G ~ K L ~ O O ,X U SV 6 kirpto~ Cd X' avviuqa~v. whom the &rdloom- approved, but whom the Lord commenda mendeth. a O q ~ X ~ v Pdvei~eaOF paw pr~phv 'r* Ci$~powvy'~ 9 XL Would to Qod I would ye were wlth me a Uttle i folly ; n p ooald bear with me 4 l t t t ~ ein mu folly: dXXd cai CivfXeuei bov. 2 CqAtXd-ydp itpie OaoZ Ctja d indeed b - with but indead bear with me. For I nm jaaloun u to you b 'Qwi 'with c'he] f me. S For I . leam IOU rner you p i t h Ay* rjppoahpgv-ydp itpiis ivi CivQi rrapOivov dryvjv Ydouny, for I have mpo~l(ld you to one man *L .*gin @C~PB~O

5 0 .





that L you IJJ chrbt. 8 ~ 3 f lest by any mean8 M the mrpent b e d l e d Eve through hia subtilts so your minde o:?h",%nal my p t
a &ate

rapaanjuar r $ xptary'. 3 $t~ofi?; ~ 6 4 p?jrwc Ls d a *sent I ou] to the r,hrlt. f But f b a r lest by any meam m the i i z r ~ 'Eirav hfqnarqaev" i v rp'.ravovpyip.aGroG, toi;rwcY $
rarpent 'Eve Ideceived

' n

his craftinem,


th.t is i n h t 4 r o r rs to the

g$th, F P: eis wri)vY S ,; xptar6l..

ehoul be cormptad



your thoughtr from simplicity which [I#] 4 ti+iv.ybp 6 hpX6p~voS 6AAov'iquoih Chrisr. For i t indeed he t h t comes mother Jmun



& , " ~ e t ~ ~ " , t & m ~ qp6aaee S ~ v

06~iqpLjEapev, t j ~ v Q p agrepov ha@hvarg

whom we have proclafme whom we did not proclaim, or a 'spirit 'different ye receive not reached or V e 8 ~Cc-iXCiPara, e6ayyiXrov Zrepov 6 06~.iJftaee, which ye hve re- which ye did not receive, or 'glad tidings 'difberent which ye did not accept, not -iredl or anothergol- waAGc x r j ~ a i ~ ~ a e e . V Aoyiropar Jycipll pq61v irurepq'I teckon for in nothing to have been w ~ P well ~were ye~bearing with [it]. might well be& with $va( 73v zitnip.Xiavil CinoardXwv. 6 ai.84 cai i s t l j r q ~ ~ ~ ~ a behind those in a surpassing degree apoatlek l w ~ & ~ But if even nnpoliheb hind t r m o m T$ h6yy, MX' o r $ ~ h a (M' hv ~ a v d Y a v k G ~ t ~ in spee~h am], yet not [I in owledge ;but i n e v q [way] made ~ t lE t ~ i r not in know t poOivre~'~ niarv iv dpZs. 7 ipapriav.iroitpa 1 avrbu at we been manifest in all thing8 to you. 05 did I commit sin, kymeU throaghly made mudf a t amon you in d rarecvdv ilva 6peis 6$wOijre, lfwpedv rb roil Oeoii thing& 7 ~ ~ 1 ~ m rhumbUng that ye might be exalted, beoauw gratuitously the *of *God mitted m offence in 8s-i~. m mu uur d a ~ t A r o v e6qyyeX1a6pqv itpiv; 8 &Mac icrXqaiaS ldAqaa, night ealted, 'plr idinI announcad to you 0 Other rusemblies I despoiled, L u l e Ihnvepreached to YOU thegoepeloi iaphv b$dvrov n bs rt?v 6pGv Graroviav* 9 rcai God freely? 8Irobbed h y i n g received wagm .torub 'you 'menice. And other churches, taking W, to do raphv npds 6pZc xai iraaepqeaic, o rarevhpqaa G you service. O And being present with you and having been deficient, I did lazily burden

-Le matt spirTt,





F ;



6 s &y.yvdqrwmd

6i E ; ht#po&yr ; c

m o-uvtacivwv LlTrAW.


benr w t LA. ih

o LT~. P rjveixedi E. P 7f some (little) ELITTAW. 8 ~ ~ q r k q o EGav LTTrAW. cv E~lnAw. O&@C LlTrA. v -t uai -.?;v T. 1 &veix@o@e O1TrW ;iviXeo@e the urity LT~AW. r a vL l 4avepimaweg h ~ i u made pt] g


+ '-


h0 one, (for the




when f wen present deficiency of me 'completely %led 'up 'the 5 r e t h - ~ ~ " , y $ ~ , " . " , ~ ~ $0; iX9bvrec &?rb Mn~~6ovias' a dv ?ravri ~ i &pap$ man: for that which ren who came from Macedonia,) and i n everything not burdensome ~ $ ~ ~ ~ l " , " ~ i " , ~ ciXi9era from Macedonia supeir~b bpavrbvll b.r;lprlaa 'rai rqprjao. 10 iartv %ruth plied: and in all things t o you myaelt I kept and will keep. have kept mysclf lpi ~(piaro3 bpoi iirt;rq d ~ l . a $ ~ a ~ i a ~ r a c ~ from being burden;v of 'Christ in me that this boasting shall not be sealed up aa to me bv TOTS ~Xipaaiv rtjg 'AXataE. 11 e6iari"; art o 6 dyaa3 10 As the t w t h of ~ in the regiona of Achaia Why? became I do a o t love Chrkt Is In me, no mau shall ntop me of %c?g; 6 gbs oldv' 12 ;.G> ~013, rai ?rorjaw, 'lva ;K- this boosting in the you? God kuows. But what 1do, also I will do, that 1 may regions of bchafa. 11 Wherefore?because r i 4 3 rljv d$oppljv T&WO E X ~ U T W Y (i$~pt~ljv, 'lva Etav- I love on not t GO^ an occlrsion, thnt wl~crein they knowetg. 12 But whnt cut off the occnaion .of those wishing I do, that I will do, rirps93ati rta9hC rai tjpeig. 13 oi.ycip.roro3roi that Imny cut O E O C C ~ ~ F F i h e y may be found according na also we. YOI such [are] sion fram them which J/~vGardaroXot, ipy&raiGdhioi, p ~ r a a ~ q p a r i ~ d p ~/u o t C &TO- desire occnsion that whcRin they fnlae apoatlea, %orkern 'deceitful, tranrforming the-1vea into apo- they m y be found M For ar6Xovs xpiaro3. 14 rai fo.6 Oavpaard~.~~ ~ ~ ~ A s - Y 3 even are we. 13q o s A mch P false &lea of Christ. And not wonderful [is it], for 'himself tlea, deceitful workers, aaravlis pEraaxqpari<erar e ; ~diyy~Xou q w r d ~ . 15 ot transforming them~elve,intotheapostles 'Satan transforlns himself into a n angel of light. Ct is] not of Christ. 14 And no I

bol;G~vdylri)-ycip Jardpflpcipov ? r p o a a ~ ~ ~ ~ X l j poi a ( ~ v w C46eX-


? y:g*z$ :



a great thing therefore if also


ov'v ei K& 0 i . 6 t ~ ~ 0 1 ~ 0 t . a 6 ~ 0 ~ peraa~qparilov- ~

his servants

~ ~ T e ~ ~ f O f r ~ ~ transform themselves iuto an angel of light.

rat &CGccirovot 8 t ~ a t o & v q ~ , ;v a.airrGv.

rb r i h o ~ iarai


ar servant6 of righteousness ;of whom the end shall be according to iSters also be tmns-

16 IIcihiv hiyo, #( ric


I any,

ot anyone mo 'shorcld thlnk a fool receive me, that *litrle




formed M the miuisterm of r i hteouhuesa whose enfshall be ac! elvac* ridi c o r ~ n g t o t l u i r w o r t r t o be ; but if 16 1 my *sin, et 'some I also

otherwise, even as

~ l ~ o & ~ ~ s ; ; $ a fool receive me, rav~fiawpai. 8 XaX3, 06 "XaX3 17 ~arci K& 1 0 v , ~ ~ I may boast mythat mny boaat. What I rpeak. 'not 'do 'I . n according to [the] lord. a l Lord hXX' &S bv &$p;&vp, bv rahrp TV h~oarciaeirig ~av~ljoewc. not i0.ft"the foolish! but na t were but M ' in folly, In this con Adence of borrsting. ly, in thisconfldenceof 18 isei ?roXXoi ~ a v x 3 w n i rard *rrjvIl acip~a,K& Lj Eau- b o ~ t i n g . 18 Seeing Siuco many boaat according t o Besh, I aLo will that flesh, I g1 tho wiffg1ol-y @nopat. l9 $diw~.ydp dr~ipoOe r 3 v &$pdvwv, )plvtpot also. 19 Y O ~ntlfl-Y ~ ~ nst. Bor .gladly 'ye .beer .with 7foola iutelligent yao?-aelrw rue wine. fool^ gladly, seeing ye 6vrer. 20 ~ V H X E U ~ E . ~ei~ ~ rig 6 2 s rrrraSovXoi, EZ r t ~ 20 For e auttcr, if m brHg you into For ye bear [it] If anyone c o u 'bring i t bondage, if anyone no 'being. bopdnge, if a mnn demrea9iec, ' E ; r r ~XntLphvat, 74hraip~rac,vour you if a rnan devour [you], if anyone take [from ycm], if anyone exalt himaelf, take qf U& if a man exalt hi~ll.*if, if a man d rtg kh 2 tic ?r ~ U W T O U ~ Ghpec. 21 rard &ripinv Xiyw, smite youon thefnca As to dishonour I rpe~rk, 21 1 sycak ss conccrnif anjone 'on %e 'fnce 'bat. lug reproach n thou h n 6ri Gpeir: ' ~ ~ U ~ E EY'" O b. * 6' &V TLC' . roXp& ~ O I we b ~ ~ n wen%. U that we were w e n ; ! but w k r e i n anyone may bc daring, (in Howbeit whereinhoever any is bold ( I oi9 oairvg Xiyw, 7oXpG rcdyh. 22 'F,ppaToi eiaiv; rd h' apcakfooltahly,) iam Hebrews are they ? -1aLo: bold also. 22 Are they folly I ape&,) 'm 'daring 'I also. a "Iu aqXTraifl eiarv ; K& h' anip a 'Appacip E ; U ; ~ h y h 'tHebrews? ao am ILAre ~ h t ~arnelitea ~ P nm S e a t of Abrnham nre they? I a h . I Are ther the reedof . fuaelittur are they t I &o.

pljye, r&v &S ci$pova GQEaa9iye, i'va gt~r~pcpdv rciyAn f ri




d 06 + p a y r j r ~ h ~ hall not be atogped 8 bav~bv driv 'LTT~A. 0$Bev6r 1.m~. e B L ri LRA. ~ t o $ Bailpa W wonder L'rTrAW. 6 rkyh pr~p6v r d ~ n . r ~ w . r h a r i ~ J p t o v d c i LTTCAW. h i -U I . cir z p o o o r o v 6plir LlTrAW. I r w v have beeu.wea!i Lmr. m 'IupaqAei~ai. T




ck1.t t lpak U h n n t s ojchiat they, (m b i n g belid. m y ~ a 1 ame a fool) I unc luore i y h o U ;v rci?roic ~opraaoripuc,Otv r1t)yctic 6nepin l n b o w more nt)nll-) L U ~ in rrriw ,,hve , tme.~"nral I [too] ;'ih laboum more tcbuudt~~ltly, in s W I p nbon mulraure. iu priaonn /3aXI\6vrwc, i v $vXaraic r ~ ~ i u u o r 6 fv w ~ , ~ ~ Bavcirorc so& Inore frcquel~t in dentha ott. 21 df the meuum* in imprirwnmentr more nbundnntly, in dentha ohan. Jews five tiln- ] - Xdrrc. 24 4 r b 'Iov6aiwv ~cvicirric PrcuuapCi~o~a~ a wired I forty rh'ipu mare one. 25 Thrice From Jewa five times forty C8trlpnsl ww I benten with ?rap& iclav E"Xn@ov, rpic qi!ba/38iaOqv,V1at iXc96a9iv. 25 rods Once wnsl stoned, except one I rewired. Thrice I was benten with rods, once I wlu atoued, thriAe I sufforad uhipwreck, a n i ~ h tnnd rpic bvav(iytlua, ~ v ; y & j p e p ov r $ @v@($ i ~ ntlroiq~a. (197 I h l ! ~ ~ three t i m a I waa shipwrecked, a uight and a dicy in the dacp I hare p w e d : in the clcap journeying* b t h , +a 26 d8ocnopiare roXXiric* wo,GLvorc rorapcjv, r i i 8 i v o 1 ~ Wrlb of Waters, in journoyhga often, in peril8 of riven, in perlla p r i L of robbun, in pwik by mine X UTGV, L V ~ C U Otr K ~ ~ Q V O Z I nv6I;uorp I& ~, bt)v3v, oouutr~ruen,in peril* o k b k n , in perih from [my o n ] race, in perih horn [the] nntiona, b the heutheu u, peipqpiq, rrv8i,voi~Iv r i r in the city) t,, ps- C L Y ~ ~ ~ OvL C r d h r , rcr86voic iv b r i b in the wildernoso in p l s h in [the] city, in perils in [the] h a r t , in peril, on Lc peril8 in the W, OaXCuq, rrv8Lvorc fv #av8n6QX$oyo *iva rdny ~ a i 27 r i b .nron fnlw in labour aud in perih among false brethren ; K~hran 8 37 wenri- [the] W, neu and plrinfulnens p6 Oy, lv dypvmiarc T O M ~ K/L S , l,; v hip$ rai 8i$Jer, v?fv innnuin hunuer anc$tht.t in to l, in watchinga often, in h u g e r nnd thint, in f a s t

$ " ~ ~ * ~ & ~ ~ ( ~ K O YXO )turoir 23 L

K O P I S B I O Y ' Z B. XI. XII, eiurv ; ~apapoovcjv XaX3, U h l p


~~~~~~~~$ 1v $6 W E ~ U noXX&rrc, L ~
aidelhoro thin-


$iohw~~g$, the ,"E; r% namdc, b s the , u t ,

that i n ~ l




am not wenk ? who is wnmning all the


brrn6uraui~ povR I j rae'

opwding oslsmblicw. ou me Who is weak,



rai yvpvdrqrr* 28
and nnkodu-

L ic

r ~ v
the thing, Sottre

Qpav, 4 pbpyim

&e La

d y ,


rGv ILKX~ULGY.ric duOev~i, i o&rda~evO ris 29 m ;

and I am not weak? who

a~[arriaondeclirou to wAapdbmpcj~. T ~ X L V , ~?r~&ba& x g 6 X ~ ~ '88 .rai 61d Y a prehenbme: l and s ~ %he 4Damaswaea 'city, f Yo 'take 6wi*hlng. And through ttrough a windowin a bnket wns 1 let do,,,, Bvpi6oc iv ua ydvp f ~ d d u 8 q v 6td- 703 rci~ovc, rai b tile wall and-p a window in aL t 1 waa 1 down through tb. * wau, and

eg hinhonda

to me ;

pot* &t600pp.ydpN a
for I


&rd. 2 I knew nman dmauiac rai / i r o ~ d 6 + l c n t p i 0 V 0 2 0tba dv9porov dv in Christ above four- yinionr .nd , revelations of [the] Lord. I know a in teen yenn ago whculjprc o t ~ o ~ & , thatin thebodi m- pour$ r p b . i r ~ v Garrrraaocipwv, a i i e i v not teU ; or whether %wb$ . :fourteen, , (rhetbr in [the] body I h o w not, 5outof thebod ,I--w - ire imbc 903" oPparoc- o&roI8a* d'9abc oIGtv* &pnayivra bo sot rth i) auoh m one or out of the body I kno& not, God h o r n , ) %aught %ray


i v 4vAmair oepruuoidpr, i v uAr)yair 6 a e p @ ~ v z o c ~ A i v uAq. rrptu. LT ; &TTrA. P ipaP8iu v LlTrA. r iv L m W . 6 r j iaL 4 ~ (reed the v ld) tTTrAW. XP~QIO~ r&. Lp BdAwv ~ r n r r ~ ] ~ .Y bei, 06 ovp4tpov pdv, iAcrioo~ar 84 =&v ~ g , u c r o ~ v G Lvm r L i r06 L. i . it behover [meL not yrofkable [is itL but I w i l l come L'ITr. 8 ~ aelm L

i v 4uh. 6rrpk T. P ?evvep&ovra rnooi$ p= my anxiety LTTrAW.

irrrepyi, L.


", 1

- -


dv.roioirrov I w c
'such ss'one amon,

to [the] thIrd

And I know

rpirou oirpavoir. 9 rai olSa rdv roioirrov ~ $ , ~ u f & ~ f

body or out tof

auch a man (whether.



dvepwnov, e i r ~ b v
(whether in [the,
God h o r n : )

.ajparr e i t c bimdcn ro5 34 aroc %hinthe body:ofont oe I o.nnottelta

L y

'I ' h o w ,


Bads 0 1 6 ~ 4 .Brr ~

~ ) p n & ~ q oic r6v ua &Jet~~ov, thnthewu orugh\;g

wUoh it in not parmittad

%ot God kndwethi) 4 how

that he w u a u g h t &W&, W myingr,

mi firouuev &4$pp,ra.i$pwa,




to ~

Ewh%%?%d l a for i w


r *at L g h t not b exalted, w u given to me a tbmn bundono. of tb r. . e ~elntionr, there wlu uopd, dyyehoc guariv" h a p roXa(iJp, " b a r ) n to me thorn tn for he rf of &tm, t b ~ r,b might b d e t , W %ot tbmrcla -yc

d u o r e ~ 6 ~ ~ w v t).i)nepaipwpa~, fJh&l pot ul~dXo$mn through the ~~va


of the


i)*epai upat." 8 ibnip roirou rpic rdv dpiov ~raprrciXaaa, ~

We the o
I( r


,. $ ~ ~ b

then powerful I am. CMat'a m~ke: who8 for I a d wwk, then . T m 11 I'iyova c$ wv Olurux4 tvo~.' &pei~rcjn tjvayr&aarc r t r o ~ . ! Ibvebooolse a & bo*rt&j 70 me compelled : 11 I becam* by&. dp G$etAov G$' $pGu uwisrtraOuc* otbdv. dp fool fir d o ingi JI o ' for ought h you t have been aommandud 8 for n o t L *or I M W hbm itari ~ U I Z r3v PirripAiavn droufiuv, ri rai otbiv eipc. W. oommeuded at I bm. you for In I w u &bind in a rrup.uinl dogma apwtlw, if 3*0 M I behind tbI

rdre. 6vvardc tipc.

tione, in dintreraar for

u ,

$2 Td pdv uv

mO i u W

ro3 droordXov qmrup cioOqn b 6piv rw ohiefmt u o o r t ~ s v

apoaue r&nr and

l &

of th.

Yv rciav irropovp', rivnuqpioq Ird%ipaarv sai buvdpurv. oi

e~durhnce, in wonQn

.cm w o r L a among yw. the h I the 6 m-8 13

apostle w a

13 ri.y&
Por in

Aquiac, ei. Ij BTL ahbc ly& od.l~ar~vcip~~r/ua xapi- w h ~ i n9 w m l f 2rp3v; me

WLit that ye were inferior beyond the ia

udm that %paU I

darrv 8

%)rd6qren i)rdp rdc Xorndc

rest did not l u i l y burden

bud w o r b of p o m . y & h t br- dgnu, m d won%o~,

[of the]

U -

aud mightp d a s k 18 For what ia H

pov m , L T ~ * > ) 0 o h bum ~ ( p l apart from L ~ A . s ro therefore LW[*> C u a ~ a v LTTIA. i h ivcr p i.uepaipwpar [ L ] ~ . [ A > d x,, v m . 1n * r i r u m r k m [povfm. K OLlTrAW. P Brrphiav OLTAW. O T. i~ LTPrAW.

- -


nor- rior to o&wohnrebq

(LPd d 0 T L 8

d W q LTRL c @n



rm,+ nu i


densome to you 1 for- give me this injustice. Lo, a third time ready I am me this n p b ~ p i i ~ , 06 ~ & rai ~ ~ & p & ~ -Ol~ . Y & P . ~ q r~( ; l ~ 14 Behold the t h u d tims 1 ah readp to to $0 You, and I will not lazily burden you ; for 'l d~ not seek come to Y O ~and I ; r a $/&V, wciXX"I Gpiig. 06- 6 6 7(i TiKva rOiS will not be burdent o you : for 1 the thiD.8 of YOU, but U ; for ghl lthe Schiidren for the not r v s 9 but y0i~ei;uiv t ~ u a v p i ~ e t v , ~ fciXXD" yoveig roig T k K V ~ ~ S .15 ay&.Ji ,oi you : not e ought for t to children Parents to treasure up, but thc p u e n t s for the childreu, Xow I for the prrrcuts but jjstura Galravrjuw rrci i~6anav~O+,uopar i p TGV $ J U . ~ G V h the parenGD fO; the most gladly will spend and will be utterly spent for 'SOL~B children. l5 And I will very gladlyspend and 3/.l(;)V' y ~ a i " ei n~piuuoripw~ z&yalrGv,"a$rrOvll b&yarr(;)be spent for gou; 'your, if even more abundantly xyou 'lovifig, less I urn lovcd. though themorea uadantl 1love you, the pat." 16 ' E u T w . ~ ~ , o6.~are/3h~qaa iy& $piiS0wciM'"6xhpXwv less 1%eloved. 16 ~ u t But be i t so, I did not burden you ; but being be i t no, I did not bur&@ov. 17 p$ rtva ;V cE~iaraXra den you: neverthe- ?ravocpyo~86Xy less, being crafty, I crafty with guile' you I took. Any of whom I have sent caught ou with guile. lPDid{make a sin ~ p b ~ G' atroit bsX~ovbrr~ua L bpiig ; 18 rapscihua of you by any of t%em to you, by him did 1 0 v e r r e ~ h you? I besought whom I sent unto you? T irov, kai m u a ~ 6 u r ~ i X a T ~ ci6~X$dv' p$ rr b n ~ ~ o v f ~ ~ ~ V 181 deniFedTitua, and with him I sent a Titus, and sent with b i m ] the brother : Did 'overreach brother. gain of Titus 6 gC ~i~~~ Did you 7 make a 06 r $ a&rf$ T V E ~ ~ U T L p l ~ i r a r i ) ~ a p ~ ~ ~ oh spirit walked we 1 Not walked we uot in the 4 o u 'Titus? Not by the same same spirit? Walked a6rOic.lXveaLv ; we not in the same the same stepa ? rtap 7 19 Again, think ye l 9 c ~ d h t v "boreire h i ;piu ci.;roXoyo6peea;c drarevBt h a t we excuse ourAgain do ye think that t o you we nre making a defence? bet aelres unto you ? we ak before GO^ in ?rtovU eroij"O E O b xptur@ XaXoiipev. rd.61.a&vra, riyanqroi, ~v &ist : but & all fore God i n Christ we speak ; nnd all things, beloved, t h i n p , dearly beloved 20 p, RBiv for your edifying: (&p rig.6p6~-oi~obopi(. ( o p o ~ ~ i - y 6prjrwg 20For I few lest When for your building up. For fear, lest perhaps having come I come I sh:l ndt find ss I would, 06% o)Iovg OiXw eiipw irpiig, ic&yh eirpe0d itpiv oibv and that I shall be not such as I wish I should find you, . and I %e found by you such as found unto you such sa ye would not : lest oh-e6Xer~' ' E p ~ i g , " & ~ X O L ,Ovpoi, iptOeiat, ~ " there be debates, en- yedonot wish: lest perhnp [therebe] strifes, jealousirs. indignations, contentions, w i n wraths, ntrifes, raraXdtai, GtOvptupoi, ( l l u l ~ ~ ~ t ~ , backQtingP, draraurauiar. 21 I j

zhik>n,"piuurf pot r~v.ci8lriav.?n6rt1v. 14 is03 z uaoei



~ O P I N B I O Y ZB.

c'ro;pwc iXco



;: ;

ings, swdingn tn- evil sperrkinp, whisperings, pu5ngs up, cornmotions ; mult, : 21 a d ' lest ?rci?tv hlXBdvra I come iran~ivhup" d O ~ d cpov nplc lipic, my ood will humble again having come me Jshould *humble 'God 'my as to you, me among you and ~ a i TEVB$UW t,,at I shall mXXo6g rcjv ?r oqpapqrdswv, rai many which bVe- and 1 ~ b 0 u l d in mourn OVW many of those who &re before sinnod, and



tJ,"~;n,"~h% p~.p~ravoqucivr~v bni d~aOapuig~ a nopveiq rai i and forhave not repented upon the uucleanneaa and fornication and nicution and InsciviEirpatav. onsuess which they yEig committed tiousneas which they prnctbcd.



XIII. This ir the Tpirov.roCro Ep~opnt ?rpbc +piis. ur6paro~ third time I am cornThis third time I aln coming to you. I n [the] month ing to I n the mouth o $ ~ ~ o o r 860 paptilpwv rai rpGv uraeia~rar ?rGv Pips. 2 kooeior of three rhall be estab1,ished every matter. I ha)ve bewitdesnes shall every of two witnesses word be atabliahcd. I told ou before pqra rai .rrpoXQyw, 7rapiv rb ~ E ~ ~ E P Orhi, V and foreterl you, as d fore declared and I say bcforshand, ss being present the second time, and I were cond present, the sebeing &T&V ' YCV lyp&$wi) roig xpoq~.~aprqrdutv, a iroic ~ absent now 1 being nbsent now I write to thoae who have before ainned, and to 'the



; (lead Long ago ye are thinking, &C.) LTTrA. ~arivavrc LTTrAW. 703 LT~AW, f strife LT. R {ijhos jealousy LTTVAW. h iA06v70s pov I having come LTT~AW. i 7ar(tv6Q(( shall bumble L'.C'l'rA. pc 'me LTTrAW. ypi+w 0L'l.rrAW.

+ 70c70this (third time) GLTT~[A]W. v 6p5v LTTrA. &l& LTTrAW. & TTr. l ; - L ~ T ~ A . r ayaT5I. love T. ?,UUOV LPTrA. b h y a ~ & p;a am I 10vBdt T. C IIciAab ~


'all, that i t

I come


t o all other, that 1 Oome .gain, I not

XoiroTc rdurv, iiri ;&W c'Mw is rh rrhiiv ot.$~iaopai.3 Q T E ~ to then1 whlcl~ and heretofore have sinned, 80wrkrjv 5qre7re 703 iw ipoi XaXoirvroc ~piaroS.,h
a proof you ye leek *in 5pdng spa% 'of . ~ h r ~ (who towar& t,


mqwhiah o t r c i u ~ ~ v e ?;h& 8vvarJ CV dpiv. 4 naiiydp meiU a~ealdngin i;

= : "? &" ,

t not weak,

but wenhess,

L powerful in





be WSJ omaided i n

'Qod's ; waakneas yet he liveth b the pdwer of Q O ~ . we o we m war( m hb, but we -live n t h in hb, ah* .re we* re shall "6 lire abr+ in Gvvcip~wc &OS Peic 3pi?con iavrods. raipc(~&re with him by the him by 'power 'God's towarda you,) y o ~ ~ l ~ try ye e r poWW of Qod t o m you. L Examine yourei duri bv r# wiunt, invroitc 8oripciFre. $ obrhri tvhuwere mlv* whethp ye be C do ye n O ~ m o o g n l r h tb. M h ; m if ye . i the faith ; ~ o u r r l v e n prove; n n ,ourom m l v a L o w Jmrr04c, 871 Q ' I q ~ ~ Xr c ~ r i , ~ " 3 p r ~ b ~ ; n i tj 7 4 ci86- enotyourown PIi t by r e ,lq v fiat J in L , th.t J chhi


ciuecv~iac, &hi

he liver by


in 8 ~ w + ~ & w~ 0 3 in you. 4For thou&he 8~ .

ou-ward L not hut L mi hty

~ai-ydp tjpezc &dO~voiEV bv abrq?,

oiXXd OCvu6peOag &v

d r



nipoi hu?~. 6 iXrico-& Sri yvb;)uu0~ 1 t)& h

jetted ye u e ?

Now I hops that ye will h o w that

we %ay but

obc-iupiv ",~O%?dt"~B,t?
lve not

Ct86eipoi. 7 ' ~ i i ~ o atY-Gr p i ~ c rbv O~bw


But pray we

pr) roiijuai 3 d


GodCthat] approved may appear,

uaww p q l v , otx iva rjp~ic86npoi (avGpev, &M'

'nothing ; not that


m right

raXbv rroiijre, ~jp~Tc.6b

may do, and we

ci86r~por &
rejected but

8vvci/reOci r i ward r i j ~ MqOeiac, UXA8'' d r i p

harewe Ypomr ' m y .grirut the


trust that re shall that am I reprobates. Now .do t e e pray to Q& that ye do iva $;c ~ ~ that p ed, but t at ye a onld 8 06.ydp nestthat whioh is h"though we be nr For not 8 Tor we truth.


m yhW


9 ~ ' p 0 p ~ dp-S T ~ V v
C we r e j o L

~ U ~ E Y ~ dp~iEE6i ~ E Y , dvvaroi


truth. S IFor we are glad. when we m



and ye

powerful may be. o n this m o u n t

roirr0.~8i~ et$peOa, ~v.6pGv.warcipriuiv. 10 81d.roQro wai

Bat thin
alw we pray for,

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $ ,g tG

y e w perfecting.

rbrirra uwpar,


a o, 'lva

~ a p h ciror6pws pf)
*gave .me Ithe '~ord

t*r thingn being a b h t ~Qte.,


t h t W= pment not with rmrerity f m . y


we wish, wm ~ o n r ection. 10 Thereore I write these things beitlg ablent

rrjv h~ovuiavi)v '<6wwkv pot

b ic6pror.n eic

trert bou], according to the authority whiob

oiwo8optjv nai otw ~ i g c+Oaipaoiv.

building up and not for o~erhhrowiug.

accordingtothepower for which the Lord hath iven me to edifioa8op, rnd not to de@traction.

11 Aoirbv, ciJX$oi,xaipere, rcarapti2IEuOe, aaparcaX~?aee,


For the re&, .brethren, rejoice ; be perfected ; . enoouraged ; h 1 ll'inall bretbea 1 fawwell. perteat: ow~ire,~i'pqv04~re' uai b &he rjic (i Lrqc nai a , rd-atrb god aomfort


eiptjvqc iurai pre' 6pGv. 12 'AurhuauOe ciXX$Xov~b ci i y of v

shall b with you. Salute.

in aoo and the Qod eh.ll one another with a 101y be with you. 12 Greet o m another with m $iX$parr. ciu?rdlovrai 6pdc oi liyioc rcivrq. 13 ' H xhpig kh, lJ the kh. *Salute. 'you 4he Writs 'all. The grace sainta t~aluts you. roir rupiov 'Iquoir. ~pcuroii, m i c i i n ) ro3 OEOV, wai ~ r ~ 0s the Lord Jem CMat, .nd the L e Of and the the love of God, and woivwvia roir'ci iov w e b arog p ~ r d rhvrwv 6 $v. X & p $ v 4 " h~ ~ m m ~ i 0 n o f t h e e o l yhost, bs with fellowship of the J o l y Spkt ib.1 with . U Amen. a

be at p e w ;

and the


0 one mina, l i d 1

b o mhe] .Corinthiam 'aeaond written Ma~e8oviac, brd Tirov nai Aov~i?."

~ h a h o l q by

KoptvOiov~ 8 ~ v r i p a y p i h dnd @ A i r r w v b




and L u m
E. [~]rrr[~].

82~ but LTTrAW. p O L LTPrA. drcriptwn a L T w ; npbr E o ~ r v ~ i o v s T~A.

-ri . m


-ra'r P[ -J Q ~+(readalsoo s{ a o ~ i v{iuopeveitxdpeea we pray e ] LV [is]) 6~6pt - &pvv



L ~ ~ A W H. . OLTTIAW.

h-. A




. 1lYOZ H

r.4AATAI: E I ~ I ~ ' I ' O L nAYAOY,' ~H



PAurd* an . w l e * (not of men, neither b man, but by JWUS chriut, and Q d th. Father who raised him f&m the deed 9 a and 911 the brethren which are with !DO unto the ohurchw 04 Qnlntiw : a Grace be a 7 and " am from Qod the E t h e r , and from our Lord J a u a Christ, 4 who gpve h~mwlf for our alns that he might delive; ua from t h b present evil world nucordin to the will'of ~ o an2 d our Wther: L to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

IlAYAOZ irndaroXoc, oirr cins civOp3nwv 0684

npoatle, not from Chrlrt, men nor



ephnoy, h X d

but through Jesus

6 d 'Iqaoir ~ p r m o ; ,rai O E O ~ .rrarpbc ro;

and God [the] Father,


from among [the] assemblies

V E K ~ ~ ~ 2 ,~ Y

a oi d v i

i a;

ncivrec CiJeX$oi, raic i ~ ~ X q a i a?)?c I'aXariac* ic

'a11 S r e t I d n , to the of Ctalatia.

' * "



and '%he 'with

3 (ipic 3piv
Jesus Christ,

L a c * to you

~ aeiptjvq cinb O~o3 i


pwoa front God [the] Father


rrarpbr. cai mrpiou 4p3v 'Iqaoir Xprhand 'Lord lour for our sins,

703, 4


bbro~ iavrbv bblrap" rih.hpnprr&v.?)p~v, znwc


he might d e l i r r racordhg to the


l;i, OiXqpa ro3 OEOG cai narpbc ;ijr3v, 5

will of 'Qod 'and *Father



so thnt


' ~ Y E ~ T ~ T aicjvocU O S


out of the


our ; to wfom


the glory to the ages of the ages. Amen. 13 I mane1 that ye 6 Bavphtw art osrwc r a x i q ! p~rarieeaee &nb ros rre K ) moon removed I wondar that tblu quickly ye are being changed from him who from him thnt ~ a l l e d of ~ahiuawop S p 4 iv )~cipir~ )(pluroi, &E ov &aYi . the u hrist unto rqothw called pon in grace Chrtrt'a, to a digrent glad gospel 7 which i a not mot&; but there he y i X ~ ~ ~ .' O ~ K . ~ U T ~$MO, Lpq ilvhc Eiulv 7 8 V oi r a ~ d u wine that trouble YOU, tidinm, which i8 not another ; but 'wme Ithere 'are who trou-

4 6dEa cik roCc ai&ras rijv aihvwv.



batom, 8 0 MY I man If my now iarw. 9 hf r p o ~ t p i j ~ a p ~ v , dprt rdXrv XQYw, EZ nc cai let him ba. hr we hare saidbefore, '.Lo 'now agafu I say, If anyone h any othw pel you ePayy~hiZ~rar rapD 6 napEXd re,6vdBipo [ t o ~ y o a L I ~ ~ Wglad t B d j 0 ~ n t t0 what ye reoei ed, ~ O i ~ ~ 0 ~ aoounea l For do I now per0 iarw. 10 d rc-ydp &&p&rovc wiOo rbv 6fdv ; made mm, or Qod ? or f o r now men do I persuade or Qod? or do I leek to 1 men for if yet Zqrw a&phrr.rc ipivrerv ;ri.'y&p" i r t &vOpOnotc tjpea~ov, p l e a d men I ahould men ~ to P l w ? it yet men I were plopsing, not he the ~ ; of do I reek u ~ ~

~ h ~rt .

E &ae

F y

~ O ~ A Oo&E.~v.+~. S g&''

11 Butlcartity yen,

bondmrn I nhould not be.

brethren, that thegos*I'make *known 'but to you, brethren, the glaJtidlngr ahioh RI p 1 which wna pwsohed oi me not y~XtaOiv n ' ipo3, art oirr.iariv i ~ a r d CivOpwnov*12 068l m 11 For I nei- rnnounmd by me, that it L not according to mm. 'Neither

11 fiwpitw

G @ ,

,ci6~X$oJ, ~b

yhtov rb 6 ~ 7 -

+ n i a d A w the apostle E ; n b l'&zas o r 5 pc m3 iwvrairw ~ m r ~ . d ei)ayyeAiQ1)~a& T.

c y+ for T
~ L

L ~ A w .

6 ~ i T, v

ucpi QLTWAW, 0 t - y+ for L T ~ A W .

f, fr.

OALATIANS. 491 lrapiXaPov airrd, hoiir~w idtdCixOqv, received it, nor I taught [it], tang(ht it, but by the of d a d 8 i drocaXC$~wc'Iquo3 xpturoii. 13 'Rc~iruare.yctp rGv revelation For yeJesur Chrirt. 13 have
by a revelation of Jeaua



my conduot


iv r+ ' I o ~ " ~ d ~ g y "ra9'2:$5,M' ,

of God and was ravaging beyond zenlour mnny being it ;



Por ye heard of

heard of my conrer-

: ~ ~ j ~ , ~
that beyond mennure


njv IcrXtlaiav ro8 9 ~ 0 3 rai dnbpOovv a t d p . I p e ~ c u t ~ ~ I t l l ~ c h u r c h

wmbly Judaiam

I nas perseonting the

nud wrs a d r m c h g in,

; ,","$p"$~~~~~d~ j

14car' rpo6comov b v r y ' I o u 6 a i u ~ d p roXXobs avwXtrthrac 6

'T@- ~ V E L ~ I O V?, T E ~ L U U O T ~ PCrlXwnjc6r&pxwv W~

Jewa' relibeon above contomporariea mine own nntion, be'quda

r&v rarpt- ing more exceeding1


my Gwn] race,

16 ~ uwhen i t p l e d t who llepnrnted Ifor pbhe] straditions. But when .wan ' p l u d "id, who my luatller,s &opiuac !LE i c cothiac ~ v T ~ ~ c -rai o K ~ ~ U U C ~ v , 8td rijc womb, and oalled r me, 16to remlucted me from 'womb 'my n o t er's, nnd called [me] by 2 a Y E Son in me, ~hptro~.abroi, ~ w o K ~ X ~ 16 i~ bpoi, 'lva that I might pramh his grace, in me, that him among the hew then immediately I I!Y ~ 0 i c ~ V E U ~ E i 'r ~ i l d E confirred ~ U not with ~bayy~Xicw atrbv at I mhould announce h i p w the glad tidings among thu nations, immediately Beah and blood: l7 nek ob.npoaava9ipqv uapri cai art, 17 0682 k&vijX9~v" nlaalem tothem to Jetic ther weut I up which I eouferred not with flesh and b k , nor went I up to were apostles before oi, &noa&ozis, 1 , i ~ ~ ' ume; but I went into 'IE ouJXvpa rpbs iobc i, Ambia, and returned fwusaleu to t h w [rho 1 *bek a t 1 but *in uto D ~


more abundant1y

*of .fathers zealous ofmy fathcru. tionr of the

td m

rapa8bu~wv. 15 br~.8k

&;cn 5


I went &+ay into


drrtX8ov ~ i 'dpa/3iav, cai r&Xtv &riurpa#a c

h b h , and again returned

1 8 ' E r ~ t r apercl m&-q 7 ropijoat

acquaintance with Peter,

. l u 'yea?d ' t c

Aapaurbv. ~ a to see petW e ~ ~ w Damnnow rusalem ia- and abode with hid ta &vijXOov eic *IE oudhvpa fifteen days. 1 But 9


I went up to I remained

!emulem him

to make other of the aptlr


UIIirpov,Urai iripetva rpbc atrbv tjtripac saw Inone,rave Jsmand with

20 Lord'a the NOW the brother' things

Gacanivro. 19 ~r~pov.8Jr & r drour6Xwv o h - E ~ ~ O Y.,~ which I write unto ~i tj

Ififteen ; but other Of the spostlas Iarw axoept Ibehold, before lie not. 21 M'~~Kw/T ou ~ ~ dd~X$i)v 0 W P ~ O V . 20 3-82 V ~ 8 Gpzv, tanvnrds I came into Now what [things 1write to you, the regions of Syria Inluea the brother of the ,Lord.


i806 ivljrtov r03 9~08, 0f.'J/680pUl.21 'Eratra ~ O O Eic was unknow)n b face ijrb Y 10, before God, I lie not. Them I into unto the chUrCte;eRO f Judssa which were in rdr chipara 6 s Zv iac cai 4 s KtXtciac* 22 $pqv-& d- Christ: 23 but thgl
but I WM un- h 4 heard only, That he which persecuted US iu times of Judssa which prducheth t c t z $ by face to the lese.mbliea own which once he deb ~pturrij* 23 p6vov-84 d ~ o 6 o v r e ~ v duav, "Orr d stroyed. And they [ u e l in Christ, only 'they 'wsre, That he who glor~aed Qod in me,

and Cilioh

23 and



of fyria and

Cilioia ;

r o 6 t ~ v o y rpouhry raic icrXquiatp rile 'IovLiac raic ry'

fiv .roTE trdp9~r. 24 rat

w h i b once he rsvaped:

and they WY. g14rIfying . i .


b c oi rhv9~d.v. with Barnabas, and v

drvipqv rig 'IE-up by revelation, and Then after fourteen years again I went up to ~ e communicated unto t h a n that goapel poudXvpa ptrdr Bupvhj3a, OavprapaXaPthn rai Tirou. whioh I preachamong 8rd
~ K ~ ~ E U U ~ ~ rhhtv br3v W U

2 'Emira


took tit^ with me also. 2 And I weut


Titus ; the Gentiles, but privntely to them whiah W ot mputation but I went np m r d i n g to revelation, and laid before tbsm the lest b my mean, i shoul1 run, or ha& &a lhtov. 6 ~ ~ C U U iW roic Z~VEULU, cai:i8iav-82 roic v in vain. s But SL631dina whioh I poolrim among tbs natioru, but prirrtab to those neither n t ~ ,who



talung with

[aml also


&xoc&iv$cv, cat &va8iprlv atrois sb


h &i LT~.

6 B c h (read he waa pleased) [L~TA. m ?pia irllT. Kq+w Cephae L'nrAW.

1 -

k &uijh&v

went I away LA.



who c m in privily to rp~erjuai. 4 61d.6i 706c ?rapeia(i~roz~~ ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ c ~ t $ circumcised ~ and [thil] ~ acconnt of tha 'brought *in 'atenlthilY lfalse u h ;) ~ ~ on Christ Jesus, that they a6kX$ovc, oilrrvec rapeiarjX6ov icaraaromjaai r i v iheu6epinv might bring into .brethren, whq came in by stealth t o apy out =freedom bo~drrge: 0 to whom we gave plaeeb sub- 4;iGr~ $U Z X O ~ E V 1~ xptar@ 'Iquoir, ilva riPdc~P-6ovXCjp t i o n , no, not& a n 'our which we have in Christ J that u thbl might bring our that the truth of tde gospel might U W U T ~ ~ " ' 6 0 1 ~ 0662 ?r 6~ &paw eitapev sp' $?rorayy', continue with into bondage; t o whom not even an hour did we yield L mbjection, . a B U ~of these who W be some- LYa ( ~ X ~ ~ E L U6ayy~iou roii 8rarpeivp ?rpbc 6 'Anb what (whatroever thnt the truth of the glad tidings might contlnue with you. *From they 'wtrg, it maketh no matter to me : 62 rGv 6oeo6vrwv elvai ri, 6?roioi.?rdre qaav obdiv .coepteth no mnn'cl 'but thoee reputed 'to be something, whatsoever they were Yno person : for they who ) -ed to be somewhat pot 6ta$i~e1* T~~UWTOV qeebc c i ~ 0 p D x oo~ Xapi confereum added ' 'me 'makes 'differencs :[the] person t o 'God 'of 'man 'not *dws contrafiwirce, 7 but nothing to me :when @&vet' dp~i-ydp oi 60~0irvr~c 6 2 ~ ~ ~ O U ~ V ~ ~ E V T O , 06 ? 7 (LXXu

3 I X E: with melbeing a of repute, lest somehow in vain I shonld be running or ~JpnpOv. ( nut ~ * w,$.,","23$i4 , had run ; 4 and that h a m e of 0682 Tiroc "6 aLv ipgi, "EXXrlv. ;v, IjvayK(iuQq r e p 1 2 - b~,!zzt not even Titus whoCwas] with me, 'a 'Greek 'being, 'war compelled to be 2

~ P O Z~ A A A T A Z Bo~oiiolv, pinwe eic r e v t ) ~ r p b ~ ~ d


they saw that the gm- MYXpt ; for to me thoae of ropute nothing conferred ; but of the uncirCumci- roitvavriov, i6dvr~c ijrt remar~vpai rt) eitayyiXtov o: :$ , " ~ , ~ $ contrary, having seen that I have been entrusted with the glad t i d i ~ ~ y s on the ~ ~

of the ~ircnmcision ~ i j '&rpopuuriaS, ra6& c lTdrpoc sijc ? ~ ~ i r o p i j c ~d 8 of the uncircumcision, according as Peter [that] of the clrcumc~sion,pbc S ~ v l ~ o f e c t u a l t in feu. $0 rdrp iveppyi<.oac n i r p y ric (i~rourohjv rijc ?reptropic, 1vi)py)rthe. npostleshi circnmcision, of the for wrought in Peter for apostleship of the circumcision, wrought p 3 mi hty,in me tc- UEU r ~ a ipoi'l a i rdr lbt). 9 rai yu6vr~c njv xcipw r ~ j v a h h me towards the nntionr) and having l n o m the grace rhi.h 7 U ~ d ~ ~ h ~ J " ~ & ~ Cephru, nnd John,who 606eiu(iu pot, ' I ( i ~ w P o ~ K q $ i i ~ rcai s'Iw6vvqc," oi 60wai awlnod tp be plllnrs, was given to me, James and , Cephas and Johu, tho* reperceived the grace thnt wru .given auto rcoirvr~p T C X O ~E Z P ~ ~ , U 6e~idc iJwrav ipoi ~ a~hpvci& i mu, they W e to me puted %illan Ito "be, [thel~ight hands %hey *gave *to 'mo 'and 'Burnnbnh and Bnrnnbas the e i rd Z6vqI aitroi.84 isrtjv ~ right hands of fellow- ~ ~ t v w v i a ~ ,$pic ilva ahip ; thnt we 8hould 'of 'fellowship, that we [should go] to the nations, and they to the go unto the heathen they unto $he cir- ? r ~ p l ~ o p t10 'p d v 0 ~'%V T T w x ~ ~ ' j~ ~ . ~ v ~ ~ o u E ~5 / ~ E w curncinion. 10 Only circumcision : only the poor that we ahould remember, which

f $ :: , $: "

i (2 :




poor; the aame which I *also *I'war 'diligent Irery 'thing to do. alsow*forwnrdtodo' 11 "Ore.6i $XOcv vI16rpocU r i 'AvrtdXcrav,rarci..rrpdawnov ~ l 1 But when Peter come to But when 'cnme IPeter to Autiwh, to [the] fnce I withstood him to abr@ dvrba~qv, zri ~ a r e ~ v w a p h v qv. 12 ?rpt).~ofi.~(ip o~ the hecrum he him I witkatood, becnuse . t o becondemned he was: for bofore t h n ~ WM to be blnmed. l a For beforethat oer- iX6eiv riuac &?rb 'Ia~D@ov, r d p ~ rijv i6vGv u v u ~ a 6 i ~ u * tain came from Jan~es, 'some from Jamea, with the nations he was eating ; but when ho did ent with the iraiure)l;\ev rai ci$Dpi~ev iavrd.v, oPob L E V O ~ Gentiles: but when 'l)X00v," the were mme. he they came, he u r drawing hack snd was separatiug h i w i f , cing nbuid of wit%drew nnd aepae t,., a himself, fear- ~ 0 ;K ~ ~ ~ p t r ~ 13 iK j ~ v ~ 1 1 r ~ r p i ~ ~a ta u rai oi 6 ~ Q ~u . u rc ing them which were those of [the] circumcision ; and conjointly dissehbled with him also the of the cironmcieioa 13Anct the otherJews X0in0i '10~6ai01,&WE Bnpvciaac avvantjx6q aitr3v dissembled likewise reat of [the] Jews, ao that even Barnaban was carried away 'their with him inromnch tbt ~ ~ + ~ b also , ~ , $ T O K ~ ~ U14' 'AXA' iire E T ~ O V - Srt oit~.bp60?ro~o~uiv EL. was onrrred awny 'by di.slmdation' But when I saw that thsy walk not uprightly with their disaimnlarpbc n j v (iX~6eiavroir &a yeXiov, E ~ T O V r y xII6rpcpll tiou. But when I MW that they walked w r d i n g t the . truth of lb. g d t i d i n g s , I said t o Peter.-.

$",lrffeA"b",", aitrb.roiiro sotijaat. z: ~ a iiuxo~baua

P r a ~ a b v A & o v u t v they shall bring into bondage LTTrAW. 'Iuiyc Tr. t &v G[L]. Cephae LTTrAW. KnQG C e p h LTTrAW.

+ 6 T.



he came LTa

before all, If thou, "a JJew 'being, nation-lLko govpel the a ~ d Of 't t~ I s Fth PQunro ' y<@c rcai o h 'lov8ni'~cSg,~ i Hr & ciBvll &vay'Nireic ' ~ o v - hion them all, It 'r livent and not Jewishly, why the nations dost thou compel to ju-

Epwpod~v ~ ( i v r w v ,E l


imripxwv, iOvtre3c

n @ g h t l ~ -a-

8 a g ~ i V ;15 ' H p ~ i e$Guet

dnim ?
We, %y anature

'Iov6aioi, mri oirr ir

llewn, u d

22,gt{L ! W

i6vGv ner of Gentile* and

not %of rthe]%atiou

%\ ", " ,"

dlpPrwXoi, 16 eld6req a &L

the Q e n t i g to lire u 'dnnera, knowing that .s.not 'justified i 'a by w o r k do the Jews? 15 We who are Jewo by na~ 6 p 0 vidv-pl) 8td A ~ U T E W S b ' I q ~ ~ 6 , ~piur06,' real $p~Tctic ture, and not oinnm ofluw, but through faith of Jeans Christ, also we on of the Qentiler, 16 knowing that S xptur6u ' I q u o h f?r?rture6uap~v, 'Iva 8iratwOdpev brc niurews is not ~ n r t i f i d b y Christ Jesus believed, thnt we miglit be justified by faith the work. of the Irr but b tbe faith ot ~piuroii,rai oi)k i t ipywv vb oU' c6t6rtll Joir.8t~aiw~iju~raih r i s t , even ~eof Christ, and not by works of t w ; b e ~ ~ u 8 es h l l not be justified hirve blieved in Jemm Christ that m might 15 Zpywv v6pou" TZua @bp& 17 Cqroi;vrc 6trctiwOijvai j&,fied by the by w o r k of law any flesh. Now if necking t o h justified f u t h of C W t m d (lit. all) not by thp W & of iv xpiur@ a3pkBrl EV rrai airroi cipdprwXoi, eLipall xpiurhg the law: for tb in Christ we awere ' u n d 'also 'onraelves sinners, [is] then Cllrist' no fieeh 'be justified. Of"" law

O ~ . B ~ M L O ~ ~iZvI e p w ~ o ~;pywu L it


cipaprias Bcci~ovoc;~ p~-Yivoiro. l8 ei-~cip

.*of *sin
lminister? Iday i t not be I


I threw do,.,

rariXvua 17 But if while we

seek Christ, be'ju~tifiedbl. we ourseloa nl.uumfoundsinncm,

ra6ra ~ & X c v I ' K O ~ O ~mpapbnlv i p u r d v guvviuvpt.' O ~ ,

these things again

I build,

r transgreaxor to

I constitute.

19 ' E

&p 6th vdpov v6

through law


o t ~ i r i 6 {+81 m& -U , a tram20 'I 'have 'crucified 'with, ye$ I lire, no ionw but A l i v r . a 19 For 1 " . through the law rm iv ipoi qpiur6c' "O& vzu & i v uaprei, tu niurei dead to the h w , tht i .n 'me I Christ ; but that which now I live in flenh, in faith I might liveunto God. m I crucified d t h rp' '703 vio6 703 6~06," 703 ( i y a ~ $ u a v ~ 6 ~ aTapa- Christ r nerertheler1 p i I live, thnt of the Son of W, who loved me and gave live ; yet not I, bPt Christ liveth in me8 b v r 0 ~ L I V T ~;?rip po;. 21 o i r r e - i ~ e4%~p 706 6~05'and the life which i ~ V ~~ ~ d i ~


'&?riOavov,'Iua &@
die that

{ ua r. forbid. 18 For if I G j cl

the minimtar of sin? Qod

God l may l l v r

pE$,ythe thing.I destroyed,








I do not set aside the grace

for i t 'died. 0


vbpou Gi~atoairvq,


righteousnew [is], then

sonselesa Qalntians, who you


of Qod ; now live in the flerh I lire by the h i t b o f the Son of Qod, who Vor k u g t loved me. and gave himself for me. 21 I do not fnutrate the grace of God : for if


Q ' Q 6 ~ 6 ~ r I'aXirat, ric $ p i e l P L u ~ a v ~j$ ciXq6eiq oi v

bewitched, ~esus 'the 'truth

%,"km'= iniain.

urj ?rei6eoOac;l1
not 'to *obey ?

o c rear' b$Bdpodc '1quo6~ T xpturiq

'whose .before eyes crucified ?

~ p o & - In. 0 foolish QalaC M S ~ was openly tiansl witched you, that bee

I wiah to learn ~ ~ ~ e m 4 85 ( ~ K o been evidently .et ?~ **m you, by work. tbe spirit m*ve re, or by- report moified-ontr 3 Thid ally wiurewc ; 3 oGrwj; (ivbqroi lure ; ivapcci voi weGpari, G v would I learn ot you of faith 7 80 are ye ? h i n g i n Spirit, now h i v e d ye the s ~ i d i by the works of the ua ~i ~?rl7Ehi~64 rouaiira 1rciO~raeircij ; iyE h w , or by the hawing ; in &uh are j e being perfected? 80 many thing. did ye a d e r in vain? if Indeed of faith 1 3 Ye
set forth among you-

ypi$r) jiv

dpXvl1buravpwplvog; 2 roijro pbvov O ~ X Wpaeeiv should not obep tba


&$' b p ~ v , 14



rd wespa ~X&TE,


. rlro in vain.

foolish? havin LM-in uo He who therefore supph, to you the @kit, md e now ma e perfect the f e h I Ham ls. ~VEWL~V 8VVh E L c i U irp?~, tbywv VdpoV t j i t CiIC0ijc ye s d e r e d ro works works &wer among you, [is it] by w o r b of law or by report things i n vain??%

0311 irtxopr)yin, i p i v r d *vt%pa, rai


?d i,


R. but (knowing) ~ ao6x (WK i TTA) ' I d a i ~ i K (6s L=. 1 U& how OLlTrAW. b ~ptmoi, 'Iquoi, TTr. C &L L ~ A . 1it ipywv Pdpou .oi, i u t a ~ m ar~rrmw. m &a L f ; irmd Chht [+l then h.) L. ~uvvroriw L T T ~ A ~ 4 ~ h. 5 Beoil ~ a~ip t s r o of God and Christ LT*. i 2 q ciAq8cLq Iri) reiOeo8ab -. j W


6 6 v LIT~A.

workethmirathe law, a by the henring of dbrnhnm faith P 6 God, and it accounted him for 7 Know ye therefore that they wh~chare of faith the same are the chilhren of Abror h-. 8 And the s c r i p W e foreseeing thnt ~od'wouldjusrifythe heathen tbroughfaith preached before th; w a p i unto Abraham *U#IW, In thee shad all nations be blessed. hen hey h i c be of faith are blessed with faithful A b r h ,, a. 10 as ae arc of the works of the lnw are under the for it is writtan Cursed is evm


yd in Re ; therefore that minh- ~aitmewc 6 raeAc 'Appa* tereth to you the spi- of faith? Even ar Abraham to him for righteouaneru

rAAATAL 11 1. iaiur~vaev OE@, reai bXoyiuOtl ry'

God, and i t W M mkoned

air$ eic btraiodvqv. 7 yi~&u~ere a n . oi &pa

Know [nral these

then that they that of

br witmewc,

05roi keiaiv vioi" 'Apparip. 8 ?rpo?GoCua.Gi rj ypagl)



sons of Abraham ;

and Yorweing 'the 'mriptnrr

'the k a t i o u W rirrbkoumegW t h 7ustifiea livevXoyqOrjaovrarni vore announ% rd that by car0 ry' 'Appadp, "Ori aoi nivra



riurewc dtratoi rd 8 v q b 8e6e,

So that those of

?rpomq ' hiall


Shall be blessed

in thee



8vq. 9 6ara oi f r riurewc cCXoyo3vrac u6v r$ ?rior@

are beiug bl-d
with the believing

'Appahp. 10 6uot.yAp i f {pywv vdpov eiuiv, t n b rrarhpav


For as muny M of


of law


a anne

eiuiu' yfYPaTral.~(ip,'Encrarci m
For i t has bee2 written, Cursg(lToe[is] E ntinne in all things which have been wrltten 'in the

everyone wh? *not ldow

?rat 8~ oCr fpbook of the


nivl ~ B a i vr o i ~ y~ypappivoich r+ @iy . iv

them. But thnt in virtue of l a w just faith ; by

TOO v6 ov,

TOG roijjaa~ a&&. 11 "Ori.66

to do

udpcy oh8ei~ 8tratofirai.

no one is b e i i justified faith but,

mpd r$

6ijXov. art b Biraioc brc ziurewc

God ri] manifest; beorrune the

e er at*

nhall live ;

u s t ~ f by the law f h ~ .things i~ e 'mnn ~ h a U in N t n e of them. live &mint nn ;%d:sh; i&,+paaevi r rig rarripac ro3 v k o v , pv6prvoc trip +Ov live by f a i t h ransomed from the curse of the law, having become for M And the bw h not . r p i a a6ap. qyiy~anra~-ydp,H "&rrirarhparop naic 6 rp~phof faith: them sh1~11 a cnrse, (for it M k e n mitten, mnn Cmed [is] everyone who banw thnt doeth live in them. l3Christ pvog iai &3iXov. 14 Tua eic rd Zeyl] r eirhoyia 'pppacip hnthredeemed us from on a tree,) that to the nationa the blessing of Abraham the curse of the law, being made acursefor ~ivqrac r~ptury' av 'Iqa03,~ r ~ j v Tva BlrayyeXiav 703 weipa: for it is wtkn, might come in Christ SW, that the promk of the Byirlt O u r d ir every one X ~ / ~ O ~ E V8d riure~c. that hangath on a tree : 14 that the we might receive through faith. ble~lingof Abraham might on the 16 'AbAqoI, rard 6vOpwnov Xlyw, 8pwc &vephnov Oentilea through JeBrethren, ( ~ o o r d i n g to mu, I am speaking,) even of mnn sus Christ that we .imbtarhu&erat. might receim the pro- K E K U P W ~ B V ~ ] ~ 8taOj q v 0C8eic ( i e ~ t mine of the Spirit a confirmed covenant no oue mta wide, or db thereto, thr~ugh falLh. 13 Brethren, I spea 16 r 'JL'Appadrp sij~rje~]aavY ai b?rayyEXiai,rai ry' unippdrr after the manner of g u t to AbrRham were -*ken the promiaer, and to 'seed men. Though it h otX6yei. Kai roic ua6ppaa~v. i r i ?roMOv,'MA'# but i manpmcovenant yet i it b confirmed: 'his : he does not f s And t o d , M of many; but no man JisoanuUeth, or sddeth thereto. &c b$' dvdc, Kai ry'.u~hppariuov, b~ burev l 7 roGro 16 Now to Abraham W of One, And to t h r seed ; ' which ir Chrirt. ' % l & and his mad were the 8 2 ~romiRer made He braejrqv xporarcvpwpivqv h 6 roG 8 ~ 0 3to 'List, iariot, seeds, 'POW 1B4Jt [the] covenant Confirmed beforehand by Ood as of many but thy rbvl b prd as one, Ind r~rpaduldrai rpihrovran ~ O V A C seed wh~ch C h a t . in the after 'years Vow 'hundred 'and 'thirty 'whic %oak 'plncs 17 d ; d thin I say, that ,vdpos OGIC.~KV~OS, eicrb rarap- ijaai rtjv irayyexiav. l 8 EL the covenant, that of 'law conbed &fOm doe6 not annul no M to make J n o & e ~ ttb. prair God in Chriit the hw, which was fAur hun-

i","tkzt",,""i&mi airrd ;zpd:

written in thebook

12 8

but tho



o C ~ i m t v ir ?rimewe,
ia not of

the 'who 'did

h ?roitjuac

Pdv@pwno~~+a~rat bv

aCrois. 13 X iuri)~







x & ~ ~ ,

'sic 8

k viol eiurv ~ m r . 1 & A m & i w v r a r E. m h that O L ~ A W . ;v (read u&urv in all things) m. 0 TTr. P ~ v 8 p o r o c r e d b norrjuac he who did) ( GLTTIAW. q &L y+parrrar LlTrAW. X 'Iqvoi, ~ p i u + n. i @ i # q u w LITTL a &AA %X. er5 ~ p ~ m LTRA, b v rwpaclouba I& ~ ~ L & O Y I Q i q QLThAW. 7


7dp brc vdpov
h &

that 'it e promina of none +.81.'Appadyc 6 i IrayyAin~. rexciprarar b Btb4-. 19 but to Abrrham fbrough p m h *grauted ['it] 'God Whr inheritanceFor of the the Xnp'oaeriBq,fi law, it U no more of oiv b vdpop ; r J v +apaphmwv ~cipiv then the law? %mnlgrouionr 'for rhoa& it WM added, promise: but Ood gave it to Abmham by



i n h d t ~ ~ , h] no long- by [it

GALATIANS. oQrc6rr i C ixayyrXiap*

promi~ ;

~ r ~



promhe. &Wherefors l9 mad* t h m the law t It 8raraytip 6 i dlyylXwv b rrpl pruirou. 20 3.61 of trmsgresnio~r,till v Brit the the *wd should 00br)tnp been ordained t b u g l ~ angeb in &and 'a%odhtos'a. t o whom the promin (rcuiflp d~bpoirrc.imrv, d.81.8ebp d p barrv. waamrde.andIwu Ydktcn b f .one ' h o t , h but aod 'n oe 'L. ordained dy angst fn the hand of a medk91 '0.oiv.vdpop m r d rirv i7rayyeXcGv ?roii eeoiim tor. ao NOW a m e d b ; Thelaw then C* it] against the pomlra of God P tor h not a muliatq of one but God l one. ~i-ydrp b8dQq v6 op b Gv,+cvop Cwonatijaar, n the law fbn For if wan given a k wbioh ww able t qi.q o &nrt the r o m i r o God? Go%forbidr ! h p 'dv brc vdpov Bvrjwdroa6vq' 22 MXd avvl- f, u there had h # dd by law would h n v e h rlgkteoPrnem ; but .rhat a law given whioh driosv ypagrj rct-rhwa L i r ~ i , ndpa riav, %!a i7rayyeXia ~ ~ f h r ~ %p Ithe Scriptun . thinga under U thnt the p m i ~ ehouid have h . n by ~hould bn ooma the r J

d ~ p 05~ t


rb g r i p a

t d . -ir o o


i?nj y~Xrar,

l*.niar~wp'~qooir~ p t m o i i
by fdth





of Jeuna Chrht might be givcn tothore that

'aan~e 'faith,

, ,, t h e law. ~

uJ I

T p 8 1 dXBriv .$v ~ i u r i v ,67rb vdpw t(poupo6prBa,

t before

we ware guarded, might he given to b a v arcXcru ivor' rip v ) v plMouaav riarrv ci7roxcihu$Qijvac*them that b e l i e n But faith ha ng been !S ut up t o the 'being 'about 'faith to be re-led.


n Butoonem h o ~ ~ gall under @in d

ye u through e 'fkrbt Jew all the children of Qod by faith in Christ Je@us. 37 For w many of you I I have besn U baptised into ChrtC have put on c r t hh. male and fern& y fora1 ye one' m h !Let Jeelu: 28 There ir neither Jow nor Greek t h e n 90 ti.81 6krTp ~ r a r o i r ,dpa .roG ' ~ p p a d ? a?rf.ppa iurf, il neither bol;d nor but if ye Cue] Chrirt'r, then 8 md te W free, there h neithw male nor female : for *rain ercar'' b ~ a y y ~ X i a v o v d p o h ~p e ure nll ono in Chrirt .nd rooordhgto promin hi. en esna, WAnd if'ye were baptirod,

tabv ipauridqre, q d v ivrlaaa&.

'ye .did


98 OGIC-EVL 'IOU- t e r .r uor ye . m~ n

There ia not

baios oCa "EXXqv' o t r i v r 6oirXop oh61 'iXrirBepop obrc-bt nor Greek; t h e n l net bondmm nor frw 8 &ere in not @mu gai BijXv* caciurr~n. 6prip rSp bars lv .X car$ 'Iqao3.

Aiyw.84, l+'

Now I my, for u long

iiaov X dvov b r c h t ] p o v d p o ~ ~ siariv, td~

time tbr heir

an infant


dGiv biaghpar

O o C b h he d i d m from a bondmm, [though] 'lord


ktrptop X ~ V T W V $U- 2

.f *all 'being ; but o

h i , brrspd7rovp l a i v rcai oiuovdpou~. dxpr rijc

g u d i a ~ he l and
r m


th%epz:o,"p"u ie chil$,diffareth nor

d h e h ocoordingt,, , the p r o m ~

g iys,""Kz

until the time before appointed thing from bew n m4 though he a lord t roii ~arp8p.8 oCrwp rai liptic, 8rr 4ptv &fincot, 6ab r r d i ; o but ir nutier G o the frther. f & aim we, when weinfants, under the tutors and governon until the time ~ppointsror~eiaroe rdupou f l j p ~ 8t80uXwpiv0r* 4 8e.di $ X ~ O Y ed of the sri~ar. ~R element# of the world WON held in bondage ; but whm oame the 8 Even so m, whrn
a it wrra appointed Q. h uqfwv- ~)1Ae~6pev06

r [G ] L 8eo8 . S u U p LTTrL ht

& d.pov &vqv ( q v &v r ) ~

a airavre~ TPrA

u .r. r

l r r r ~

6' 4 - (taiLT??&G

fi]pe@aT .

oauam~ w a in bondageunder wbipwpa ro5 .;ypbvoa, thm elentenb of the f ~ h n 0 the time, f

we wen

d~nwiu~e&v 8ebc rdv.vidu.afroZ, d

4ent Yonh

~~:',"A'P;,";~E b l ~yvvat~dc, y~v6pevov d?rb vipou, yev6p~vw


6 %a rotrc

w.s come, God sent come of WOmn* come under law, that t h a e forth his *n* made of h h v i p w 1Fa opciap, 7 1 mju vioeraiau hroXL@wpev. ~ ~ 8 womm, made under adoption we might rec%ive. to under LW he mig& ransom, that them th;t were under 6 iirr.84 tare viol, CEarkarerXev b 8rhc TA %v83 a 703 the bw,that we might Bat because y e u e sons, the ad,,ption 'sent 'forth 'God tbe Spir! of so= 6hdbeeavioij-airroil rdc ~ap8iacg i r p G ~ ,rpci<ov, ' m 2 b m r i p . ~ Je Mm God b t h of h b Son into 'heprta 'your, arying, Abba, Father. n n t forth'the Spirit o his Son into pour 7 $are ohiir( f 1 8oirXoc, h&M" vidc* ei-82 vidc, rai in Abbb So no long.? thou art bondman, but w n ; and if non; a h \&erefora


$S. Inore 7 tllm art no

heir of Q O through ~ Chrbt. S Howbeit then when ye knew notboa, ye did servim unto them which by nature ue no But now, dter that ye hava h o w n Oud or rnther are

r m but a son a % rnd if a son then an)

a c~qpov6poe
heir knowing

of God through



8 'AAA&


then indeed not


ai8dre~ 8e6v,

God, ye were in bondage t o t h m who not

i8ovX~6aar~ ' roic


by nntnre

$9aGi1' odacv

Y v i w ~ E ~ U ,piiXXov.81 yvwat)kmc O~ 80:c* 9 v3v.86, gods ; but now, h a m g known God, but rather having been known * vsd 0~03, 3 bmu~ph$er~ s ~ r&Xlu bri r d &aeeuij mri r r w ~ d
by how do yeturn ngain

kuom tlun ye

to the


nnd L g g u l y

moc~eia 0 1 ~ wciXiv 6vwO~v 1 8 ~ v X ~ G 8 ii~ a r e l0 +/iipac ~ v~ ; &in'to the element. to which again anew t o be in bondage ye desire? Uayr z ~ e , , U ~ w ~ ; 2 z ~ z rapaqp~iuee, apijvac, rni raqo$, K bv~avr06c.~ ~ i 11
dwire to be yeobserve,

monthand times and afraid of you, lest somehow in vain I have laboured aa to you. p11 1Y adraid 12 ~ V & bE h, Sri-r&? &c dpexc, & ~ E A $ o ~ , &oof you, lest I hare beBe M Cam], for I a so Cam] M ye, brethren, I b atowed upon you Lboar in rain. p a ~d@v* ot8iu PE tj8rrrrjuare. l 3 o?6ar~.82 iirr 6c' Brethren I leech you : in nothing me ye wronged. But ye know that in

h bondage? l" and POGF ye okerve days,

i y ~drwc ~ ,

and months, and



K E K O T ~ ~ K ~

e/c 6 p ~ c .



ree~h yen, b e L ~ a - ; tar I am as e are: p have not fn wed me a t a l l 13Ye L o w

of the Besh I preached the gospol unto you t h e i ~ s t .l r + d m ~ Mmptatlon which w u in my Buh ye despised not, nor rejected ; but m i v e d me u an anof God. m n M e irt Jesas. 16 Where then the bl-dye #pke for Of I bear ,it b rcaord t ~ if you d & lble ye out ou would eyes, and pirev them me. 18 h I therefore beyour enemy, beoause I tell you the truth? 17 They zeulyou, but ouvly not we^; yea, they wouldyeexcllide that mipht m . IS ~ u it a m t

d~eivetav rije craprebe eBqy eXiaapqu LpCv rb.7rpdrepov. W&Y of the ieah I announce~the tidiigr to you a t the Bmt ; glad h ~ ~ t h n , ~ ~ h i n t i r m i t r i rdu r~ipaupdun~~~ rdv" CV *.uap~i.pov o i r ~C ~ O V 14 w
and %mycation



my tlesh

.nOt 'reado-


@Ev$aarc 3 6 1

nor rejected with contempt ; but Christ Jerm



hiAA'" &c dyyfiov 8 ~ 0 3lu

What then w u pouible,

an angel of God ye

8iFa~ei &c ~piurbv FE, 'IquoGv. 15 OricnoZiv p$u~ parapiapbc b

received me, your?



; raprvpG.ydp $piu
or Ib a 'wltneu ~

r i 6vvar6u, rode 6$0ahp03~

6pGu iEopCEavres qdvl1 18d11cari

!u or ' havin$plucked out

that, if


E , ,

~Y ~ ; dhqeebwu ~ 17 Z;/Aoiuiu %Pc y i yirr ~ r 6piv; ~ ~ s Lve your have come speaking truth to you? They are ~ o u dt%r you
o i x d i i c , dXXd i ~ ~ A e i a a r r6pPcu
to exclude not righcly, you [from m] they desire, that them

ye would have given [thcm] to me.


BhXovaev, 'iva ar.irro3c


18 rcihbu.82
But right [it b]

'rd'l cq'llXo3u8ai b raX@ v

to be zealous in a right [thing]

ye m y be zealous after.

agz; at all times, nnd not only in my being present with you- 'slittla viau pov, ODE r&Xtu (Yiiuw '&xptcn06 gp+w@ ,b"wa$lozli 'my, of whom again I travail until rhnll ve been formed .children

wcivror~,~ api i phvov C ry.rape2vai.p~ npbc 6p2ic, 19 trcrv

good thing, m d not

o r >he% I am pre& c j@v our QLTT~AW. h a d LTTrA. i 8td BcoC through Qod LTTrA. k 9v'vec 1 GovA&uab n r . ;(read DOye observe BC.) a1.T. p )(read are nut L@.) L ~ A W . i Q Op&v your LTTrA ; 6@v 7bv W. D r o i where u r r r ~ w . P +v LTT~Aw. 9 &v (reid ye

had b

q ~ e n ) ~ ~ ~ r ~S w . W



' rirrva chlldren L=.


IV, V. r p d c CV

GpZv' 20 tjO~Aov.61 uapsiva~ p d ~ u 4piie &L,
*f.mpe~dutoyou. yuo myvoiae, nowl end

rai ~ t n l dnnl@ t ~ h
I 11, birth again m t u cM.tmbs dwire to be you. I formed in m t dthyand t o ohrnga tny for I .tmd in hbtof~oa l Tell me, that d a i r e t o be anQrtbe law do ye not h e u thalwr~lroiiti. wrlttsn that A b w hm . tm thc oneby abaadmdd, th. a ~ o n u u w h caud the bondwN born atk8 the &h$ bat he of the -. , , mnn cwr

in you:

d W X l i t r + . $ ~ v . p o v , 5rc ciropoc ar bv 4pZv.

21 Adprf p c , oi
do ye rot heir?

3rd vdrov BiXovrec ~lvac,rdv vdpov


me, yewho m d e r

to be,

the two


o G r l C & d ~ r22; yiypawat.yfp, ~

Bor it h u been wrltten, that

'Appadp bit0 viodc



&a i r

~ a i d i u q g i 8va br m
and one of of

of the nuid-anb.

I &iAevOips.[womrnr + free
woording to



6 =piv-irr

rijc racbiuqc,
the mdd-t,
h e (WO-3, t h



y E-


&I &riv(i
rmich * h

w r ) ~ a r 6-62 f r rijc bX~v&pac, .~

a d L. P the

'6ui rijcl irayycXicic.




tMqyopirC(cva- aarac-y(iP eiuiv .ail

allogorimd ; forth


t n g s am

the two

bmiv 'Ayap. 25 r6
i s

hp, Eir

civellrr ureipa Ij oir.rirrovua*


ztim-y oirr-06ivovua. h ?roMci r d r i w a rijc f ijpov @Xov fj not; m forth .nd e that trarrilest not ; beamme nunJ the ahfldren of the &late more than -9 thou th.t -Mesknot. for the more rijc bxoitqc rbCiv8pa. 28 @H &!.W, db~X+oi, ca~d'hacir,lr6e h r i h od her that h~ the hnabsnd. we,, brathrcm, like h.0, children th.n e b whiah hath an haw irayyehinc rdcva hbupiv.u 29 &M' 6 a r ~ r h . d p ra& b.nd. m NOWW 'promire 'ahcdren 'e u. But M then he who m r d i n g t o thren, u Iuao W w e the ahildren

that e

t not ; break forth and

fiijEov cai gdrluov


of as d W .

or i t k



e+ra .yewqOeig i J i w r ~ * rdv


pamemted bim

viiv. 30 dAXd ri h6ycz


m 3w r a i n g t o m .o abo t h h e that wuypa96; 'E~paXemjv racbiaqv &er the flesh parleht

Cant out


mcii a, oirrwc cai


tp B U ~

But what luya the wriptara?

rai rdv.vibv.airnjs,
her son,

W it & now. 06-ydp-pi) i r X q p o v o p + q ~ v i d ~rijc e meredhe~en~ what

the maid-ant

&m &er

the Spirit,
mriptnre f

far in no wise

may %hdt [womul~

'the %on 'of %he &th

1rai6iu1cq~ p&

to; v i o l

Lmaidssnant with the a of the m

riic tXav0ipac.

31 k*Apa,l &&X-

:d2Ld*her2,", $he & then, Wthe of

f ,

$o~oGlc.bapiv ~ a t d i u q c rdwa, Mid rijc iXcvt3ipac.

m, we W not s ~ s a . n u i l~ildren, but of the ~ t

bondwoman the not 'On free r w 0 m . n ~ be M freewonwl. ot the T$ BX~zrO~plq 'oZva curbC )jCliiT* t j X ~ ~ $ & m ~ 81 bretIn the -0m th0rBforo w h m W i t , " X L t as &h,we ua not ahildmn d hndwom, bt ucv, O u ~ c ~ rai ,ptj r 4 h v tvyy' qdovkiar%ixea8e. 2 ibe of *h P ~ " ~ t r n fart. d and not .grin in a, yoke of bondage be held, Lq V. Stand faat therefore in the li

iytJ nachoc X y Gpiv, M bdv m p p y c r & , xpmbc Cw

Pad luy toyon, that if ye

Zc ~ b u s c w t 3 made as m,a d be 0664~tW+uei* 3 papr6oopa61 ?rciX~v?ravri C 0 p h r y not entangled again nith the yoke of ban*sum-,



~ ' r h . U % 0 5 t .

Y yeydvqrar W.

& toL



F] L
wvu- T .


-5 (ammcnPing o mtcnn a s a d fmt) tn

-'?yap m L

y&p fur O L T ~ A W . n i m v B [ L ~ ~ T ~I . A 1 ~Lhqpomp<ue~ shall inherit ~ m . k at6 wherefore smr. (real With freedom &c. ) L ~ A . m $p& 6QLTTI LW.

- ai


b &ovAhvT .


you LWL

+ oiiv thacl'%re r m A w .

. - &v


we 're vophr

'who10 Y .




&eAin)s b r i v nov' rdv vdpov woi5ua1.

ht,,,th.t&thya tb.t m - l h m h o ~ a f m d &h mbym W b n r th( o A little ~sr,vtm L V lerveneth the whole "-JP.. lump. l0 I hrre conanen- inyouthro h l 1 ' E ~ j . 4 drGrX)ol, ri nrptro ?v Zrt wp6uru, r i &c. n t ~ , bmthmm, . v m L o p )rt ~plwhun, w w y d *l none oZminded : but th* icopac ; &a L C ~ ~ ~rd ~ ur&vbaXw roii mavpoC. ~ C U ~ ~ b ~ - ~ ~ = ~ t e d t T h e n h u W d - . ~ f b . oftho eoar. wlunoambe bs. 1% 69~Xovrai &woikbJ/owac ol ~ v a o r a r o I would C m 'would opt thenueIva & who throw % o %onfwh t l 1 And I brethren, , U1 p .~r bptis. 13 T p 4 y d p iw' i X ~ ~ 8 r p i g utjf3qre, bbd$o% p6mw a m ion, why do I ' o , yu Porp for hwdum wmar31.d, hrathmn; an]j

z; 4

& ~ b n O ~ ~~&iu-dXXo-$povrji~,

68 rapaiuuw 3pds paardrue~ .4 d



p4 nlv f i ~ & p b k &$oppir r c a p 4 MM did n i the a the cror auaed 13 I C not the froedam 1 for an wadon to fbrh, but by would they were m 14 *b.yd.p-+6~ v6poc i v ' i v i oft whioh trouble ( I Y ~ ~ 0 v k k ~ e 8C love rerw ye ono d . Bor the whob h* in olrr

mftm perlecotion)


m Xi. Co ~

n3, 'Aya&uns rdv.~~uiov.uov&g

!mouwt I o n


Mrvere ikai wrauehre, mC?rera


law i ialfilled in .

Thou Wt h th m h0.r devour one bite and mothcl

~ " , & ~ t p "in$ ~i m rhould ye fulbl no w ~ ~

then,W& i h n dt and ye M not &l the lut d the dclh. 17 par the W
wri$tthe nwh : .na th- are conmw

16 ~ i y u . J i , IIvri, n wpcrareire, ml t~cBvpiavuqpichg But Isay, By rthe&ir. -*a u tw P a 04-pt) ~ ~ X i q m17 4-72, * T I . ICUT~ roii ~ 6

! t d

01 10

m bite z G = ~ # & & j A o y hvAw&jre.

% y


n h.%~ ~* & U

d pros, and the ~rveiipamrd r6-84 Spirit

, ~
but if by


W th. spirit,
h 'and map ~ ~

t.le &Id


uapds* sairra .bin bdvriflerh l '


ike~rac ciXXtjXorc," ?v&tct) &'B#




18 ri-84 . mi6 arc cEpuOe. ddridri 6?rb v6 ov. 19 ave

one ~ tos another, that not wh.taower ye my v 4 thow thhga prhould do8 p ~

one to the other : so

mfwt ye aM

*U'a "no 'MW

tlut ye oannot do the 6 ~ U T L U Zpya r& uaprds, &v& 5 rd *that ye would b w the work. of the Berh, which M 18B~tif yebe led of ~ p i r iye not +ika@apuia,&CXy~ca, 20 ri8tuXoXarpeia, -the%w. 19 Now unol-ear, Uccmtiouidolatryl

dpo~X~ia,8 nopv~ia,
a d ,


has been fulfilled LTTrAW.




-6m~]. + [&a] but * [i-A.. ueovs6v o l m r w .



9d ~ m . 7% fol
~ c ~ eQL-W. i a


V, VI.

(3 A L A T I A X S .
jenlons~ca, indignntionn, contentions, divirionr, rue thdae;


eip~ic, 4*?Xni?9poi,

Ipifleior, 6iXoaraaiar, a;pir~rtc,the worh of the are manifest, whiob

and things like


21 $Odvoi, f$6voi,"
Y t which 1tell o

p!F)nr, r3pot, cai r h Cpota roi,rot~'

these ;
P" '

envyiugs, murders, drunkennemrr, revcl*,


'beforehnnd Iyon,

i y i v , K ~ Q & ~ p o ~ i ~ i;rtv , grai" r ~

even u 'kingdom Spirit goodness, 'Qod'r

albo I mid before, that they who rhnll not inherit. love, faith, joy,

2u idolotty,witchcmft, 1MCi60116u("s1 hatred vrrinnce,emu-

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L c h
Y U before, M Ihave O also told you in time that they which not ~ n c hthing1 kingo inherit the ahrll

&-mraka srpciacrovrec @clatXeinv 6 ~ 0 3 $ . ~ X ~ ~ o v o ~ i ~ a oenvyinp, mardrrn, ~ 21 u a i v .

rach thing6

22 4.8;
But the

capntc roc rve6pard.c dar~vdrhxq, xup6, eip;jq, of the which I tell

fruit of the kindnew,

yrpo8vlrin, x p q a r r i ~ ~ c , ciyn8w.6vq,
ong-mffering, mlf-control : againat

r i m i s , 23 hqpdrqc,u
meehea, law.


dam o i Q O ~ .ta BU: E11t they that [m] the fruit of the Spirit is love oy, pence, roir xpicroir njv acipra iura4pwnnv adv roic na8rjpaail~ cai longsuficrLg, get~t!+ of the Christ ' t h e %enh 'cmcified with the phuions and neon, goodnew fnith, roic irri8vplaq. 25 ei EV rve6 art, n,~e6parr. ca; " 'cehegl' an-: ngnin-t'prnch uthe deairer I f we t v e by [ t h e h p i r i t , by [the] Spirit alno thereir no lnw. 24 And they thnt nn, ('hriqt'r ~ o t ~ G p ~ v p(-~vLpe8a r ~ v r i h c o ~ , jhovc npora- h,ve c,.,lcifipd the 26 . &U we uhould walk. Weshou d not become vain-glorious, ono another provok- withthe affections nnd

iyrpcir~tn.ttarli rGv.roio6rwv otn.iariv v6poc. 24 oi.64


suoh things

there is no

X O ~ ~ E V O &~ X, X l j X ~ l ~ $l ~ ) o v o ~ ' u T E ~ . k '

h p


one nnother Brcthron, ye, if the even


luats. 85 Iflet U@ trl*o the Spirit, we livn in walk in the Spirit.


'Ad~X$oi,iirv rai ~ n p o X ~ l $ B ~ ~ v i~ pTCVL rapav wno~

be tnken

of- provokin~ nnother, one


3; 2 , :

m t ~ p a r r ,irjteic oi nvevp~lriroi rarapri&r~rbv.roi~irrov

apuitual [ones], restore considering thyself b e u ye, much R one

nv~lilrarr m n p p b ~ m c , u arosGv aravdv

aupirit ofmcekneas,

euvying ono another. PI. Brutltran if a ovcrinkcn rai m; RI- man beye w l ~ ~ cin a fnnlt, ure h eat alw thou be spiritual,rcsr<,re srlch meeknew.the *piriL Of One in con.islrring nucl so fulfll the Inw 04


2 &XX$wv rd Ph q paarhttre, ~ a otrwc ncivcri

One a u o ~ h e r b b 4 w the

rXqpdoarrU r l v vipov 706 xpiaroir. 3

law of the Christ.




M-l h J * ~ , I&t lllnn ,,lm

of himeelf

pqE>v (;v, "iat~rbv $pe~~anarqi.~ 4 rb.66 {pyov

himmlt he deceiver : but the work 'each,

to ba ~ m e t h i n g , ~ n o t h i n g 'being,
let 'prove

h ;iilfi;;lif ,. tt ; so,,,thillp


iavroir doripatirw Praaror, cni r6re eic iavrlv pd.vov ri) n o l h i l l ~ ho dccoivuth ,
nnd then as to himself another.

rhull he have rojoiciu i n himself nlone. nnfi not in another. o FOT his own load shnll bear. every runn shn:l k u r hir own burden 6 Kotvwwirw.Gk d ~arq;yo6pel~o~ v ~ b Xiyou ry' 6 Let in him that ia Let '.hare 'him Ybeing *taught 9n 'the *word with him t h a t worrl mn)yotvri iv nriaiv dyaBoTp. 7 p).nhavdaOe, B e b ~ofi p u g g;ya:q~Chcy,u;: kuiohu in all good t h i n p . Be not misled 8 Qod 'not all Be h v ~ s ~ i n g will have, and not as to he For each


oljrf rig rtv.Srcpov. 5 &caaror.y&p rb own work. and thtu

the hituself. lot every mnn prove his

i&ov $opriov Paarciaec

q p i r ~ r a ~8.y&p.p)dv11 ' aneipg &v6pwnof, roirro rai

Bepi- not dcccived; God is ruwksd ; for whatsoever h n y *now '8 .man, that also he shall not mocked:for whnb rocver r man soweth, @El' 8 d U T E ~ ~ W V0 ~ ? ) ~ . ~ & p k ~ . ~ a v r o aa(tprb~ ahnll hcnllo renp. ~ ~C ~ , thnt wp ; l o r h e thnt rowr to his own flesh, from the Sesh 8 For he that wwuth to hi. flmh rhnll of the OE i a ~ r $80pc+~* 6-dd UTELIPWV eic ri) ~rveirpa, t r TOV flerh reap corrupcion ; f i n the but h* t h a t r a w r ~ h ahn!reap corruption ; but he that w r r t o the Spirit, tothc Spiric nhnll of the rvrhparoc 6epiaer lo6v aiDvrov. 9 rd 66 raXbv noioiivr~cspirit reap life evcrSpirit s h d reup life etrrttlrl I bnt [in] well doing lasting. 9 And lec a r

L'fl'r AW.

{~Aoc &rife, jed0I.U~ LTTTAW. f + 'Iguo3 Jesus [ r . ] m r ~ .

m upa$n]?oc lTrAW. tTTrA. P &V L T ~ .

4 6 ~ 0 '[ L ~ T ; A ~ S dAhrjAovr L ivarrhr]pJve~e 1 I ; u ye r 1 r fulfil LT.

K *


h npabvc vpoAga$e$ !:r-r A. * @pcr,c..ra?y cavrov

we -t 1~ m b m thfjreforf~ Munit, Wmto,":oq,"; WY wb of th6 hold of faith,

, H W should not 10- 6 m ; i U e tor n .

POP ~ A A A T A X pr).Grcrcrcardyc~u~ltatp$.yd.p i8iy Bepia0

k& p %


t) ~ A V ~ ~ E Y O ~ .


10 qa

.au he ~~~d~ ~ { x o ~ ~ L 0. rd ipyal* then aa ommiin w e b n m * d w m L ;

u d ~peoi.11~ ~ u d . b t


cfyaobv rpt,e

8 l t e I have written etr d b

n r e see hwluse 12.many M BiXovu~vto ham S fair n&ance Suoc eCrpouwrnjuar d * h

o w n i m 13Aemm ( i u a y ~ c i ~ v u ~ u reptripu~u%ai, ~ $YOU %a 'pdu r@ aedwhtom.leafrZ; con,^ you t o be cimumCi.ed, only that not for t b ahewh t h e m they constrain be uravpd roir ~piuroir' '8tljrric)vra~.~ 13 03Ji.~dp oi olrmmcis$~nlyht mw. of the CMst they may be peraemted. For neither they who they should mdarper- t i ~ tor the P ~ ~ p t r ~ p v aitroi~ ~ ~udpov ~~Xciuuovuiv&AA& 86~p iU of M a t . 18 For d- b e i q o i r c u m themaelvea [the] law us ~ keep ; but they Ular they themdvB. , h XOVULU i ) p k T E 1~6pv~~ea1, E rp'.irPerip .uapri rcav'iva u kbepthelaw;butdcnlrh you t o ~ ~ c i 6 e d , that h your ash thoY h t haye on airo ei-pd. $v r@ -,,ha, tb.t thw xiuwura~ 14 Epoi-dl p7).yiuoiro c a v ~ Z o ~ a i ma in p might b. t Bat for mb may it not be to bout axoept in tba


rciurag, pcihiura-64 q d c r04c

l 1 'I&re ~ X i r c o c ~
Sea i n how large % ' o a yu

oirreiovc rijc rior~wc.

oi faitb.
?%mote with my

h cd ~ h ~ U ~ h o l d the

ypcippauiv I7paGa rt.6



h phe] h h ,

uaprri, ot;ror



d ~ ~d$v p,+ roir rvpiov.tjp6u~ X m o i . m " ~ l 'Iquoir


06 tpo;
q n &or

in the

~ m g


of our Lord



d d m b woru ) For i Christ Sssru 'ItlOo$ b unto the n

~ w ~ burairpwrac, rcdupos d



h n aruoified, u 1

b U* mX l

. 16 4 v

through whom to me [the]


xg rmrJ ist


&don Jenw neither

o ~ r e ~ ~ p i r o p iufiet,' ~
And u many

ciraumofsion ' m y 'h %f fora?,

oGr &cpopvuria,
uncircnmcision ; by thls rule

&Ad mim) qiutg. l0 rcai

~ ~ a v 6 v t ~ r o L ;U ~ O )L r(t rbu 'Iopaljh


% -

new orcut16 ~ n d but a new -tion. MY .o- Xrjuo~oiv, eipfjl*) aord to this rule peam on them, and mi upon the 705 OEOG.


br' a8rdc ~ a aeoc, rcai i


and memy, m d upon the


17 Fram henoeforth lbt no mm trouble my for I beu

17 ToGAomo5, rcdrovc p p8eic wap~xiro' by&.ydp rd c

For the m t ,
J u

o 'n ob

'let *give,

for I


~ t b l u b o f t k b& -

uriypra 705

tovl 'Iquoij

rofi.mpiov.lj 3 u '1qo~G p i u ~ o fpcrd ~ i ~ t h e g n a , o t o u r18 'H Lad Jsflu Chrirt be The grace O our Lard^ f JB.W Christ CbeI with dth man ;Iom A- paros i)pGv, (ideh$~oi.hprjv. rit "your, brethren hmen.


&U h

rtjki)pari-pov Paur(i&s.
my body




aITgt,c I'd(iras bypci)q &*h 'Pljpqs.'

0 O r k t k written

em o



IIAYAOZ ~ W ~ L T ~ O XbDrrl~oir OS xpturofin aid OeMjparor 0~05,

fl of God, to the

' * W

i x w p w we may have T. p+ placed qltsr LTT~A. mapwmpl(n' hare been cimmciwyL. v T$ 8 i u r n t am b i u g pe1'86~uted T a 7 6 4miv is anything QRTrAW. W oGrr ycip For neither rna. (d [the]) L . to = t U subscldptiolo QLTW ; nb r d c i r a t TrA. ?2 pC p KtIpi0V LITrAW. LlTr& l 703 'AIWTI~AOU tha A w t l e E; I I p h 'weohvs L T ~ A W .b yprcrrov'"~rlmir of

* iy- L ~ A ;&v- T. W

@pat& of Jeam by will 'Eqiayn cai rioroic. i v at 7 0 7 ~ dyiors roic o6aiv to the b the uinta who ur a t Bpbaa. m d fnlthful in

m t

o Qod. f

C W t




M 1
gal ~ ! t ~ ~ and and m, from Ood our ather and Awn the Lasd ~ d r l ChrLt, u

Jerar Grace to you and p e w W ~ ~ O' U q ~ X ~ I 0 t~r0;. @he] Lord Jesua ghr1.t.

'Iqaoir* 2 X ( i P ~ C ipiv wai ciprjvq dnb 8 ~ 0 5 rarp6c.jpBv

our Bather

3 ElAoyqrAc
Bl-d Chriet, who

b 8ebc wni ?ra+p roii.rvpiou.rj itv 'Iqaoit

nnd rather

Cbsj the God


of our L o r t .ble~yng '#piritual


~ptar05,d eirXofiuac $piis t v

b l d

in bath blerrd IU with aU mpiritunl hlennin~ in h e o v c n l ~ p l ain ~ the henvenlle8 with CIuLt ; .coardbg ru he a h a e or in him Chrbt : 4rcording ar ho hnth ohown ur in rpb wnrapoxtr 'cda ou, clvat.tjpiic dryiovs cai &p&-himboforsthe foundaholy before ithe] foundntion of [thefworld, for u to b. and blame- t@ of the world, that we should be h01 and povg mravtLniov ahoir ' ( v d 4n-p." 6 upoopiaac eic him in ,love ;8 having n t h & blame ea s bsfore him in harfng prodeatinatad lu for vioeeaiav 6th 'Jqaoir X tar05 eic abr6v, read njv rirao- prebtiuated of chil'lnto ndoption through Jesus to himeelf, ~000rdi.g 1 the . y d the adoption &~ h by J~~~~ rinv roS.BeXrjparoc.airroS, O eic c'.rraivov 6dEqc njc 3api- to hlmaeif, accord1 tothe aoodpleuam~ plensure of hi8 will, to [the] pmiee of [the] g l o q of hi, -4 6 to $he of the 10 roe ahroir, ' / v . $ V x a P i r ~ u ~ v)llpiic/ v rq? t)~a?n)pEv~)* n be b t h 'hi#, whorein he made %bjootr 4grwa in the Beloved : bad In 7 iv i)(opev njv rir ohlirpwuiv 6td roS.aqiparoc.a6r05, the below? n whnm h whom we h a m rederuption through his blood, we have redem ion through hL b l d t h e njv ci$tatv rijv aaparrwpciru~~,card rrbv ?rXoirrovbrijc iorgiveneuoi sinn, aotL ~ m i u i o n of offences, according t the o riohes oordlng to the r i c h 8 whereX& iro~.a&roi)* 8 ~ r t p i b ~ ~ v ulie v ~ dv ~ d q %'abounded oPhlr-e; which he cxluod to abound toward lu in all towud ur in all w i r dom and pmdenw; aopq K Q ~$po~ojaei, 9 yvwpiaac GCi rb pvaipiov roir s w o g made k n o m p cv rindom m d intelligence, having u r d o known to UJ the mystav unto or the mjstery QcXqpnroc.afiro5,. card nj~~.eliboriav.nl5roir,qv spob8cro of hi8 will according to hi, Fpda of h b Will, sccording to his good plensare, which he purposod which he hnt11p~rpos-

with emry

e6X0 iq rvovpariqj t v L,rd ~ a r t ~brtrt, , u who

8 l-edba tha Ood m d Father of our

roic iroupavioi~ ~piur$, 4 #a8hS t&~XiFaro tjpzc tv airy'





tn h i m m 4

I? a67 ' 10 a;$

to head up

oiwovo~iinvroii rXqp4paroc TGV watpGv,

fulngl all thbga

for m e ] *drulnistration of the

dvace$kXaihaaaOac rd.u(ivrc role ofipavois cai


m d the thing# upon the earth; h Lfis, in whom in him: 11 @at kl~Xt]ph8qp~~,U ~ O O ~ L U ~ .~knrd E ~ ?rp6- whom alao we h a l e ~ ~ Y T also m obtrincd an lnherittance, being predestinated crccording to [the] puretuiv. 706 rd.r&vra tve oirvroc rard rrjv povX,jv n * t e d ~ ~ ~ o r d i w t O the m of him who .all 8thinga f?orb wording to We oounsel p U y of him who n o r 0th a11 thinga eonnml of toir.8eXtjparoc.a6~05, 12 aic rb elvni zjpii~ e i ~ inaivov after of hir will, for %o to praim we own will : 12othat h h should be t the rijcn..ddEqc-airroii,rotic wpoq'hr~redsa~ ry' X imy" 13 iv rnim of his g1 Iv who ~ v e t o m t I T M t h thu f b i a t : ~ oipir glory ; in 18 I n whom ye RISO ani rbv d t r that y' o m h Jpeis, hwoGaavre~the Xdyov of the dXqeaias, rb etlay- trwtCa,the e word ye wh ye, having heard word truth, the g b d hmrd of truth thc panpel d y & i ~ viij~.~wr~pirc~.~pitv, ~ a ntureitaat~r~~: i v y' i lu#pa- your ' mlvation : i n tidings of your salvationi n whom also, h a d u g beliovd, p were whom a180 after that ye believed, e wore yia01)rr r(lj w d p n r i rijc trayyeXlnc ry'd iy, 14 mbcn duriv waled with t&,t how BUM the Bpirit with of prombo $he Joly, who Spirit of promise 14 d$np;v ~c.w'hqpoatopiffc.)llpijv, eic ~ w o X ~ ~ ~ W U ~ of which is the earned Y our inheritmm un. [thc] cnrnost of our inhwltance, to [the] redemption of the til the rcdem tion of


ini rijc y)?ce11 t v atry", i v $

of timw ; the fulnean of timm i v rq? xpimf~, T & ? T ~ ~ ibnethor&oneall thin he ht h the Christ, both the thinga in fn Chciat, both w h i g







~repi.rroijaeo~, ??mwov rk.Bd&qc.afiroii. EIS

~opuired porreuion, t o


of h L g l q .

don, unto the prdn the P-&of llir glory.

+ i v in (Christ) EOLIT~AW. K. .,<v & y d q (rcad in love having predestinated W) *h ~ . w 6 which (read ixcr he freely bestowed on) L ~ A , r b uhofroc r . a r A w . h ( iirri upou L ~ Li & $ ~ c v we were udled L 1 C~,CLTTCAW. m S W hioh LA. .

a & ~ ~ " ,
filth in tb. b r ~ j e

I I P O X E@E!i!lOY'Z. I, If. ~ 15 At& roaro rri & tc~oiuac rrjv wa0' 8 ?is m'uriv i v * ~ i
d *h
I a L having heard of the %mong 4 0 u


y n v v

Josurr, and the love which [h] toward all the w i n g mention dyiovc, 16 06-railopr ~ir~apruriivi p 4p3v, pv~iaw h 08p3~' ou in my prayerr do not oense giving rhanlrr ior you, mention of YOU thst the W o on; wints* f Lord ~enuchrist, the R O L O G ~ ~ V Oini r ~ v . r p o u ~ v ~ ~ v ~ p o v . d etde p05 rvpiov C 17 i'va Father of glow, ma -bg in that the Qod of Lord my prase*, give unto ou the rpb rit of wisdom *d reGv'Iguo3 ~ptnro3,b nanjp rijc &$g 6piw r v ~ z p a mlaaon h the know- tf Jesoa u Chriqt, the Father of glory, may give to you [the] spirit ledge of him : 18 the YVW under- .uo$iac rai rirorcaXC$ew~ CV i?rrp.cjaecaDro3, 18 neqwrt.tnding bein8 a-of wiadom and revelatiolf in [the? kuowledge of him, 'being lightened; thst r~uptwovc roirc b$OaXpo&crijc PGiavoiac" +p&, aic rh ei&var I ~ O W wbot L of hie calling, 'enlightenad 'the %ya %dud 'of 'your, for Dto *now m what the rich- of $he glow of hi. in- 6piic r i dartv ~ iX?ris rijc.rXtjaewc-airro3, qrcai" ric S nXol?hcr~trllcen thewinta, 'you w h t L the hope i of hir calling, and what the rich-

4 i;Civruc r03c


to givet h b for you

1 ,



4 ~ $ ~ & w es ddtqc ri'jcdq~ i roe ~ ~ & ~ ovopiay.airro3

his power to ub-ward of cbe glory of

2 w ~ t L w ~ 8 1theu rode rrur~60wra~mrd to njv 1 g~~ who, believe according the

dead snd

~;F~~;$y;~;gti Ps EuP r~ ~d X X ptpi30~djc.Bvu(ip~wc.airl'UBtowards oa ~i ~b ~ OU .GPiic his mighty power, what the grwtna of his power

& inberltance

i v roic dyiotc, 19 rcai

raintr, and

r o r L of the might at iu 60c.atr03, 20 fiv ~ i v t j p y q u t v ~ v ~prury iyeipaq ry" M heaveuly hand in , o?hh strength, ' which he wrought in the Lhrirt, havlng raised pla~ the 21 far above all princi- a&rby ir B VEK~GV, lcai Y K ~ ~ ~ u Ei v ~ 6e51pi v Y pality and power and mirht; donr&ion, h? from among [the1 dePd, be, set mm1 at %ht 'hand aud every name that atroii i v 7 0 2 . ~ i n o v p a v i o t ~ , ~ i r ~ p b v ~ ~ 21 ~(4.ut)c i p ~ i j ~ ( je named. not o n b i n I ~ L in the brenlies, abow wcry principality thh world but also in that which ir to wai iEovuiac rcai Gvvhpews rcai tcupibrqro~, rai ravrbc ,dudL",yai, % ~ d ~ ~ " ; and~ ~ i " authority and powez and lordship, and every nam6 gi*iret.nut~g~re him paroc bvopato tvov 06 pdvaw Iv r+i.aiGvt.ro6rY, mri to be the hend over all namet not only in this rsgc, but alao ihitdgr to the church m which ia hia body: bv r$ piMoyrig 22 rai ndwra 6n6ra(ew Grb ro6c rdsac the fuluen of him that in the comhg [one] ; and all thingr he put nndor Steet tilleth all in ail. 1I.Add rou / a t / hs a6r05* wai airrbv i h r ~ w r~$aXdv6nlp ncivra 7p' ireed, who wore dead 'hi#, and B i n 'gave [to be] head over all things to the W iu trespassesand sin8 ; K X ~ U ~ Q23 i j r t ~itY7iv r b . ~ G p a . ~ & ~ o ~rhI(Jpwpa 706 , 7i) , 2 wherein b time ye walked a o c o r r d rembly, which L hlbodj, the fulness of him who

i w i p Ecav 703 ~poirovc r ; ~


the priuoe of the all things in all fillaand YOU being dead power of the air. the ryuit that non roic ? i a p ~ ~ ~ h p a u t w raic jLC(apriatc', 2 i w aZc role tcai 9th in the children of in offence8 and aim, in which once whom also we nmon r ~ p l b ~ a r ~ a card rbv ai3wa ro~x6upov~roirrov, dirrokdieuce :3a,l ar~ ward our convemtion in Ye walked W r d i n g to &$ of this world, socord~ng to 703 ro3 Etfi& rbw dpxovra of the itovains of the aepop, ro3 nv~6paroc v3v fillin the deeim of the rulor authority air, the rpvit that now ff:hRnydw:&t;; ~ W E ~ ~ O i v~roip vioic rijc drr~t0~iac' Iv 0% mi 4peic ~ Y T O ~ 3 h of worh in the som of disobedience : among whom a l o we ncivrsc ciwaurpi$q)ci.w TOTE dv ra7c imevpial~rijc aaprebp all had our conduct onin the aesfr~ of %enh

FO:e 'Ed&LtY:

Jrhvra Iw niiuiw ?rXqpovptvov

cai 6piic dwac vercpotrs




dpijv, ~ o t o ~ w rd~ p r 8EXtjpara fie ua dc rai +;v 8ravotch,



the thin@ willed of the

feah and of the thollghtq

(recrd your offences and siua) LTTI{A].

P aap8ias heart OLTl'rAW. ' I aai ~ R r h . *V &y&mp LA. [] 0 6pi)v LTT~A. ra0iuas having set LTT~A. 1 &v the W. i n j p v x c v he him wrought LTA. avrbv him T. ovpavois hmvene i. a +.T& W. 3 T& OLTT~AW. O.

I I.
snd were 'rich wherewith

children, by nnture, of wrach, a even the .


rai a;IILevn b r i ~ i r a96aetU tpyijc, &c ~ a oi Xorroi. 4 i

rat :

rAo6oiog 3 v iv Riri, )v dyd~qa~v *:c,

he loved



'beinp in mercy, bccnnse of

rogp &~zy
but God. dend


5 #a; Gvrap @;p

MK~OLE mip
j c i p ~ i iure

'also %eir\g we mpaTr&pa~lv, av~a~wonoiqufv r @ xpluri? c in offeuce*, qnichncd [an] w i t h the Chrmt,


a~uwa~ivoc.rai 6
saved,) honrenlica in

i av~~;,yatpa~, a i
Christ coming Jesu, the

Y W pe me , avv~r&8cocr iv'roic

and raised Cur] up 'together, and rented [ns] togethe In the

~ , " > Q ~ w ~ ~ ~ b , in mercy, for hir great ~ ~ ~ ~ d u ~ h 5 ~ ~e were dend in mina c$ hathquickend gether w i t h c h r l t , (by gmce ye are raved ; ) 6 and hath n i w d w up together, and mnde sit to ether heE. venly p%,@ in ~ h r i s ~ ~ o ~


kovpaviotc i v xprur$ 'Itlaoii' aiGurv 7076


7 i'va lv8eiCqrar
that he might shew in snrp~sring


r0Tp shew the exceeding

the nchea of his ~toward e A t kindness n c in
ans. 8 For by grlrra ore ye snrod t h r o n ~ h richer

ir~p~opivoip drhu* ~ ~ E ~ ~ ~ ~ X ?TXO~TOV" us t h r o u t t ~ X O U T U chhriet Je-

th.rt [me]

njc.~6ptrog.airroGIv ~ p q c r t 6 q r i l$' 4pzc ;v X ~ U T $' I ~ Uf O ~nnd that not aith; ' of his grace in kindness townrd us i n thriet J e r a r of younclres: i t b t h e r gift of God : 9 not of EUTE ueawapboc 8rd erijcnr l u r ~ w ~car work,, '
grace ye are snved through gift : faith; not of work,

and should bout. 10 For that ~


O ~ K

not of yourselves ;[it is] God's


8 ~ 0 3 8i)pov* 9 rb

OLK 14. {pywv, %a


, , ~p~re",t",~P$!f~~
~good worg. ~ walk in thsm.

p i rig xau~i,vq?ai. 1 a i r ~ o i . ~ $ a p ~ v roiqpa, 0 i

not anyone might boast.
TEE i v

~ r t u B i v -which "Od fore ordained that ar

For h ~ s 'we "are lworkmao.hip, for '&orks


x p t ~ r y'IqaoG QAIioyotc tiya805c, ols 7rpoqroipaaev '

Christ Jeaw which =before


1 Wharefore re1 { e ~ t ) BY member, that e being the satiom in [the] in time past 6 e n t i l a in the flesh who ur uaori, oi X E Y ~ ~ F Y Otikpo~varia h i ) 7 4 X E ~ Oivqp XEpLrO- o a ~ o d ~ n c i ~ c u m c i r i o n I ? ~ circam- b that whichiq called &h, who are called uncircrmcision by thnt erfed t i e Circnmciaiou i n giv" the flesh mttde by plj~ IV aapri xeipolrotirov, 12 iiri i l r ~ r+-~rarp@.Cqivy &ion in [the] 5esh made by hnndthat ye were a t that time hand8 1 that a t that 8 time $0 were without xwpig X iaroZ, cirqXXorprwpdvoirijc r o X i r ~ i n croG'Io ahh, christ, being a ~ i e m apart from lhrist, alienated from the commonwealth of &rnel, from the commonWherefore remember that

O b i'va b atroic r ~ ~ t r a m a w u ~ v . ec v '(32 that in them ahoula w a k 11 A 3 pvqpove6~raiirr 1 ~ 0 ~ 6r'd



rai Eivoi

7311 9'aQq~Gv rijp i r a y y ~ h i a c iX?iii?a ptj ixov,

of promise, hope not

and staangers from the covenants

re^, m i iieeor i v r $ krjopyo bag, and without God in tho. world r

13 vvlli.82
but now are &me

~~~~~,"&~"," i v xptarctj 'Iqaol, $:z~,~~g$'% $ : in Christ Jeses, : 13 but how in

hnv- venants of promiae

ti)leic; oi m r i bvrec parcpdv biyy3c iyevi+3qr~~ r+ a+art iv

ye who onof the Christ. were afar off near

roii xpioroir. 14 rd

broke down, ~ ~ ~ ; ; bttDem ~ of pnnition ~ e ~ us ;15 having'kbcrllsh%he 7enmity . i n 4his 'flesh, .the .law 'Oaf lxcommandmcntr ed in flesh mmity, elrn the law of B Gdypauiv rarapyilaag* i'vn roLc 860 v miag i v Vav- commnndments am"n i ''decrees 'haring annulled, that the two he might aeate i n him- tnined in ordinances for to make in himseld r $ ' eic i v a rnrvbv civ6pwrov, lrotLiv ~ ijvqv' 16 rai tiro- of twain onenew man, p mlf into one new man, making peace; and might somaking peace. 16nnd that he might 'recon. raraXX4Ep ro3c &p$ori.ppv~ Cvi a&parr ry' 8 ~ y ' 8td. rov tile both unto (fad i, Iv reconcile both in .one body to Qod through the one body by the cross having slain the en! uravpoC, &xorereivuc njv fx8pav i v u ~ T $ .17 m i IXQAL mity thereby: 17 and cross, having elain the eunrity by it; m d having come came and Drenched toth one, and the middle mll o f t h e fence


o3are made nigh by airrb~yripiurcv tj.eipjvq.dpdv, B roirjaap ~ ~ F , " ~ ~ i ; ~ Bor he i s Onrm* who hath made both

by the

:,"z&Jrwz;e 7 :

6repa %v,~ a rb prudrot~ov 7.0: gpaypo3 XCaas. i

15 njv E"xBpav;v rp'.uapri.abroG, rbv vdpov rGv ivroX3v

;jpc8a TTrA. I#J;UCL r / ~ v a L. a - - v ] L. i[ i 6 j c I.TTI[A]. nozi 6 ~ e i LTTrA. s g iv h iycvrjOqro iyy+s LTTIA. iaCzG L ~ A .

* r b 6ncpfi&Aov

(read ry K. i x . at that time) L

rrAoGror LTT~Aw. ~ A W .



11; n~

m ta v

G For = 18



he w m n d the glad tidin*

aipljuqv 6piu toi$

pew him we have

to you whb [W]a p OS

thrmgh him

~ e ~ & ~ , " to~ ~ n&r., those F

roic byyljc, 18 8rr.8~' adroir Exopu n f n p ~ a a y w y $04 ~ ~

For through

foundation d the

&p~Xiy TGU drom6Awu rai npo)qriru, Lwoc

rpcetler and
in whom all

~ r o p h e t a ~ 'being [%he] #cornarc the building


21 B q~ niiga P$ oiro8opCcr) u

ii ipu du
B v nv~iparr.

zoly In [the] Lart

rU;Oi , 2 2 &v
aw f

i n [the]

of Jmus Chr~rt you ran for for you nation#, if indeed ye heard of the adminirtration Gentiles -2 if ye'have h e ~ odthe&pensa- T G .~x ( ~ ~ L T70;~ 1) 03 fit 801)~iaqc d o p01 6pEc, 3 tion of the grace of o t the graca d % o d which wwgiven to me towarb you, thrO Ood which is given me to you.wnrd: 8 how ~carci &norciXvJlru alyuPpiaiuR por 71 pvar~prou, ra1)thc that b revelation he by revelation L made known to me the myrtery, (according M made Enown unto me the mysterg. 1 npo6yoaJla bu.dXiyy, 4 npbc 8 G6vaa1)e ciuayrvcj,rovrac wrote afore 'in few I motebefore Mefly, by which ye we able, reading [it],
m d e n t a ~ d know. t prwive my undarrtan&g my o " l t $~d$ otha

d Gfapioc roir ~praroirq1ItlFor h b caule Paul prisoner of the Je m. u l ,th? prisoner uoirn 6nhp tir)cGv rGv b1)~Liv' 2 ~ i y a tjro6aare rr)uCM& POP this I ~a oiruuolliav

3 To6rov.~cip~v d lTnilXoc B


voijaai r~u.a6u~aiu bv r$ pvarqpiy roil xpiaro5* 6 8 ov

in tbe mptery

d the Christ,)


holy agostles~nd W npo@jra4 BY me6 prr* 6 ervat r d 3 1 ) ~ ~ y ~ ~ ~ ~ v T hets y the Spirit 8 that Gmtill. prophob in [the] &$ 'to 'e *the ' u t i o n ~ b joint-hekr ahould be fellowheirr, ~ a wu6aa~pan a vi ~ p , u & r o ~ ~ljc.hnayyeXiQc-~a6roC~ i ~ aU iv and the lurme body* and r jolnbbody and joint-parhkm of him prombe in and r k k e n of hb 7.01) *6 E V ~ 8rdtouo~ ~ ~ ~ Y promre in c i u i ~ by Jl(iU p i a r , ~ , &d 705 E ~ O~Xiov, t x the go.pel: 7 whereof the amant c ~ a t throogh the g L 8 d i n g a ; of rbioh Ybecarqe I wnnmsde eminkter w r d i n g to the rard rtju b tciu r i j p ~ciptrocroil 0 ~ 0 5 w bnfv 801)~ieciu~ Of the P m of usoading to the of the graca of God given given unto me bythe efrwtuai working of pot rard 79)v Juip Eiau rij~.8vudpewE.atro6~8 bpol power. B m t o me, to me, = W i n g to the lrcrthg of hia powpa. To me, who am Lcss than the I W ~ ail mints ia T@ l X a ~ i a r o r t p ~ of T&WWU r i j ~ '(iyiwv B861)q 4.~(ipi~.aij;)l, e this grace gvbn, that the lea than the lesrt d d l the lainta, given thir graoe, I l o u l d preach among the Qentila the an- dh H roic ~OVEUCV e6ayydiaaaOar 6 ~ bd ~ ~ , E r i ~ u i Q ~ r w n reuchable r i b d among the natioru C mnormoe tbs g l & t i d i n p h UUJeMh.ble

wed wpr not in Other geneation8 WM not made known to the mna af m% madeof men u itthe nwv, &g d u dln~raX6$eq roic tiyioy cinoarb'horp a6roc rai lmoanUnto ir mns now revenlcbunto hfi u now it wan rerealad to %V *aportla lhir and

t t v ~ r 6 p a l c e ~ a i c otr.iyvwpi&q y

rois vioic rGv civ1)pd-


+ in* -4 (read [the]) i v L. ;tipastoye -1 otter) was msde known * - (read - (WC&of the promise) r - 7y iylvjhv bO&iQIJs - -v


+ cb+yv p LTTrAW.
Q *








b +C



to the) LTTrA.




+ ZIJvod Jesw L

eyvwp~drj mv- T. d v

p~ p r o l o j
~ A .

4v ( & lOii P

a11 nacn andtolnnke ChAat ; ncc wt~irt in [tts to] whnt [is] thO fello,v\.rllip of t!,e from tj h~oevwvia'l roG pvartlpiov roG tinore~puppHvovdab rGv m y s t e v , the --fellodahip of the mgst,ery which has been hidden from the a-orld hnth l m n Of the the bcginni'lg hid i n riches of the Christ, and t o enlighten all

111, I . V 'doirrov0



~pcaroi,, 9 val gwriaac ga&vragn


aiGvov 8v r@$E@, rd-ariwa miuavrc ideh 'Itluoii xpenroi," r$

a y in God, who nll things crented by

10 to iutcnt that now unto tl10 ~ r i n c i that might be known now to the princip~litiesand the authorities i n palities rrnd~ I C C S in henrenly J I night iaovpavioe~ 6ed r i j ~i r ~ ? q a i a ~ aoXvaoi~cXoguo$i'a be k n o r n by the the heavenlies through the assembly the multifarious wisdom church the wisdom of God, 11 ncapdeeaev rijv aihvwv, baoiqu~vcording t o the e t e r ~ l a l TO; e~oii,11 vara of God, according t~ [the] purpose of the ages, w h ~ c h he lnirde Purpose which ha PUTposed in Chlist Je2~ X LUT@ 'I~uoG r@.~vpi(t).ljpGv, ;V ((; ~ X OEY T?)V 12 sus our Lord : l? n i in thrist Jesus our Lord, i n whom we rave bold- whom we have boldness and ncce~swith bqaiav va; lrtjv'~npooaywy~v n ~ n o t e ~ a e e r i i ~ iv 6th niarecdc confidenccb thcfnith n e ~ nnd access i n confidence by the faith of him. 13 ~ ~ h r r e i o r e I desire that 1% itlint aitroii. 13 616 alroipat pi/ m i ~ ~ a ~;v i v ' BXiiC/~aiv ~ raig m y tribulntions of him Wherefore I beseech [you] not t o faint at 'tribulations for you, which in y o u lory. l4 For this cnuse fav ha+ ;@v, . $ril: inriv dd$~.irpGu. 14 ro6rov.~6prv bow my knees unto is your glory. For tliia cause themFather our Lord of my for you, which whom Christ, l of udparo T ~ . ~ ~ V U T & . ~ apis rbv waripa nroG.wpiov.,jp3v Jeaus the wholo5faOV to the Father I bow my h o e 8 of our Lord milp in herven m u d * earth is named, 16 thnt 'Iquoil XPLUTOG," 15 it 06 aiiua aarptci ;v oicpavoic rat he would grnnt SOU Jesus Chriet, of whom every family i n [the] heavens and accordingto the rich$ EIai yijg bvopcicerac, 16 ' i ~ a 06y'qfi 3 F v vard Prov of hie g10va to a n earth is named, that he may give yoa according to the




10 eva yvwoeaO+ YGV rail:

cipxai~ ~ a ria 4 t'Fovuinc~ Iv



wXof rovfl rij~.6dFq~.airroii,~

riches his Spirit of his glory, i n the

V Y ~ ~ P K ~ Q T ~ ~ W ~ Btd V roii the inner man ;17 t h a t E L ) ? ~ L with power t o be strengthened by $t ;$ : i



wvniparog.ahro6 sic ri)v

~ U W (ivepwaov,


K U ~ O . O ( I C ~ ( I C I L t h a t ye, beinz .rooted

a, t





and grounded an love,

unto him t h a t s ~ r p ~ s i o g is able to do exceedin abundantly ahove n i tiyci7t'tl~7.05 X ~ ~ U T O G' ,~ v uA X q p ~ e i j;S ~ i i v we ask or think, . ~ ~ thnt ni,f,' V ~ U E W S of the Christ ; thnt ye may h filled unto all according t o the poser Lowledge love t h a t n-orkcth in us, rb ~Xilpwpa 70; O.505. 20 rG.8; 6 v m p i z ~ yh i p ~ d v m untohinl be Rlorp 21 the fulness 6f God. But t o birn who is able above all things in the church by Christ Jesus throughout a l l aoe,iane r;.rrip.~~.acptaaoii~' airo6peea ~fooijpev, rard 6v without to do exceedingly above what we ask or think, according t o end.' Amen. IY. I the ttjv S6vabtv rtjv d v ~ ~ ~ o v p ilvv ,jl*iv, 21 atrcij ~v rj 66ta of the Lord, beseech the power which works in us, t o hiln [be] glory gouthat ye walk wor~$05,"

rai q/3&80~ rai


19 ~ v 6 t r a i . r ~ . 6~~p/3hXXovuav NOW r$v PO

and t o know the


and height;


bv r j E K K ~ I ~S G v~ xpcunfj 'I'luoii, i ~
i n the assembly age of the

.in Christ


aiGvcg rijv aIhvwv. Cip;/v.


sic. T to

~ U U (~i r


the generation# of the therefore you, of the

~y v ( i ~ roir

thy wherewith ye are callthe

ITapavnXG oSrv
I exhort
lito awalk


6 6iapios b;,
the prisoner


ci(iwc repcrarijaac r i j ~ ~ X j l u ~ w ~

in [the] L&


rXoiiroc LTTrAW. B aiwas [LIT. h o~rovopia administration GLTTrAW. 'Iqvo; X P ~ v ~ o i , ' ~ ~ k~-4- + ~ ~ . ~ r i LTI'TA. 1 f i v I.TT~[A]. i y - LTrAW; O 6q LTTrA. P 7b ~lrhoirro( ;v- T. " - 706 xvpiov rjr;v 'Iqvoi ~ p r v r o tTTrAW. i tTTrAW. P v405 pieor L ~ A . ~ r r c p c ~ n r ~ c uQLTT~AW. m ooi rcai and Lnr[nJ.

(.lcXrjeqre, F li i 2%a n & g f ~ , " ~ ~ 4~g~ yo wcrc crrlled,2 ~withT ?Brallq g raaervo+poa;vqc ~ atnpgciwherewith humility and nieekforbhming One an- r?)rog," per& pa~po~vpiac, dve~dpevoiaXX<hwv ;v (iYhrp, other in love ; 3 en- neps, daavouring t o keep with longauffering, bearing with one another in love ; the unity of the Spirit 3 Q ~ O U ~ ~ ~ ~rqp~ivr4v avdrqra 703 '~vfi6paroc T$ O V T E ~ dv bcing diligent t o kcop the uuity of the Spirit in the

3 with *l1 'Owli-

F;kr,"gd:fe ?,"a;'

b one Lord, one faith, one baptism. 6 one God and Father of all, who e ai>oveall. R U throtrghnll, nud in you all. 7 Bnt unto every oneof usisgiveupace uccording !CO the mcanure of the gi& of 8 merofors he ~ n i t h\Vhan he as, ce~tded on high, he ap led orcptivity captive, and gave gifts unto
but fh.t he a180 d r enrth? 10

ge nro callcd in one opo of your calling ;

and one Spirit, eveu as

uvv&upy rGc eipljv~~c. 4

bond of peace. hope ye werc cailed in one

uGpa rai :v ~ l ~ e f p~a a g rai~ , &

One body 'and one Spirit, one even acl also Lord, one of your calling;

ixX;/eqr dv pi$ iXri6i rijg.rcXtjdewr.irp9y. 5 2r6,oioc, pin.

one all, baptlsm ; one God and all, Father in of all, who [iti] 'goa

rrianc, ?v Pci~riupa' 6 EIS 9~6g rar+ rhvrwv, b rai

, ,

C T ~ (~VTOV, T



and through of Us


rhvrcc~, rai by riiuiv ~;~iv.U



7 ?)ttGv i869q " i / " ' ~ c i p r ~ rnrd

But to cach One:

ri, p6rpov


grace accordiug t o the mcllsure

rjjg bwpeiic 705 xpruroir. 8 drb

of the high of the Christ. he led 'nptive %&ptivity,

and but

gave plfrs


Wherefore he says, Bnving nsccuded up on

~ ~ n d g e , j ~ ! , "p'xpnXhrevuev a; pnhwuiav, xrai" {6ct,rev Gdpara roic G+oc ~ ~ s ~


iv0ph7rois. 9 Tb.82 civdpq,

t o men.

ri iuriv ei-prj iirc ~ a irarhpq

thnt also he dcsoeu~led

that de-

But that hewended, what is i t

mused is the sRme JrpGrov" eic T& ~arhrepu Zpipq"rijc yjjg; 10 b rcaraptig 'lso that ascended up Grst into the lower pnrts of the earth? He that descended f a r nbove a11 heavens, thnt he m i ~ h t fill airr6~dartv rai d civapdg hrephvw mcivrwv rirv o6pav3v, thiuga.) 11 And he mthe5ame lis some, ; also who ~scendod above all the heavens, and mme, prophets; 'lva ?rXrlphap r&.~&vra. cai ahrhg ~ ~ W K E U 11 r0dc.p;~670that he might EU all things; and he gave sorue apo-


teachers; l2for t h e p r - urdXov~,r03g.66 apo$$rnc, r03g.82 etayye~lurcic, r06g.8~ fecting of the sn~nts,~ t h , and some proyheta, and somo evangelists, and some for the work of the ministry, for theedi- aoipbvac xai GtGaarciXoug 12 rp6c ri)v ~arnprrupi)~ rGv fyiug of the body of shepherds and teachers, with a view to the perfectiug of the Christ: 13 till we all oirodopdv 705 uhparo~oG .r come in the nuity ot dyiwv, eic ipyov 6ta~oviag, the faith, and of the ~ a i n t ; for work of [the] wrvice, for building up of the body of the s knowledge of t h e s o n of GO^, unto A perfect X ~ ~ U T O13' p i ~ p t~amvrrjuwpevoi r h v r ~ c ~ eig rrjv ivdrqra mnn, ulito the mm- Chriat: until we 'may J a r r i ~ e 'all a t the uuity sure of the statwo of the fulnessof christ: rijg T ~ U T E Wkai rijc ~ r i y v h u ~ w g vio6 rof BeoG, E&- 6v6pa ~ TO; 14 thnt we hencuorth of the faith and of the knowledgo of the Sun of God, a t a Ymnn be uo more chiidrou, to and and ~ ~ X E I O Y , pirpov fiXireiac T O $ ~Xqphtiaro~ roii carried abot~t with 'full-grown, a t [the] mensure of [the] stature of the fulncss of the ever wiud of doctrine, of men, X ~ L U T O J .14 iva pq~iri &pev V ~ A L O L , IEX~~dwvi<dpevor a i ~ by a~uicunniug crafti- Christ i thnt no longer we mny be infante, being tossed and wind of the teaching in the slelght ~,"~;i$~ii,"~~ TGV dvOptLnwv, i v navovpyip r p e ~ njv bpe90dsiav"rijc of men, i n craftine~s with a n e w to the systelnntizing aU thinga, which is tbo head, even Christ : rXcivqg* 15 ciXq0e60vrec.d~ CV ci ( i r g att~uwpav aig airrbv l b from whom the but holding the t r ~ t h in of ormr ; we may grow up into him body fitb joip r@aXrj, ~pfqrdg,16 i( 0 6 s t i ~ ed together aud cqm- r&.?rhvra, iig iurrv partcd by that which in all thinga, who is the head, the Chrlst : from whom all every joint sup Ileth, R C C O ~ ~ ~ to R tKc rf- rb a ~ p auva po~oyoljpevo~ 4 U a rai ~ ~ p ~ iaid a(iuqg ~ a ~ fectuni wolkiui3h t h e the body, g t e d together and compacted by every mensure of every pnrt,

ft,e8s;K32"'~J'~,","J~~~r a W ; repi$epdp~vot lJ but spenltiug tha cmrr~ed about by every

civQtl rjlg dc6aarcaXin~ r e a ~ t ~ P ~ i g y dv


rijc irnppqyiap
of hupp y
L T T ~ A; $*;v



- b LTTrAW.

- n p t s o v OLTTIAW.

t npa6n)roq


* W V - T.

- irp;v -

according to [the]


ivfpyetav bv
L T ] .


p e ( ~r

US aw. ~ @~%a]) d W .

-rvpiq T.

i n [its] measure
b pc8odiav


T .

of each one part, the

~ $ " ,


t ~ ~ ~ . i ~ phpov~, v v n;Egolv rai; a6pnrog rroiei~nr elc A a ~ o4

increnae of the love.


makes for itsell t o

of itaelf h love,

oiro8oP.rjv Clavra3"i v c i y h ~ g .
[the] building up of itself in

17 T o k o ov'v Xdyw mi ttap~;porai v i

This therefore I my, arid
'that lye walk tthe] vanity even us Jso the of t,hcir mind, testify

rvpiy, pqrlrr lQvrl xeptrnrei i v in O T L U ~ ~ I ~ OBinr$ L ~

in [the] Lord, 'no 'longer [the] n:ationn, arc wnlking

8piig-~rprrareTv- u Q ~ ; rai - rd! X o i ~ d " K ~


I7 This I say therebeing darkeucd in the uuder- fore, and testify in thu Lord, thnt yc hencevo;oia, 6vreg cirqXXorprwpQvoi rijs < w , i ~ 80G, .6td TO^ forth w n l k u o t n s o t h ~ r ~tiruding, being alidnnred from the lifo of Cod, on nccount of Gcutilus walk, ill t h e vrlnity of their mind, stjv a'yvoiav rdv hiJuav dv ai~rorg, BcdC ~ ~ p ( 18~hnviug l the ~ ~ l the ignorance ~ v h ~ c h is in them, ' on account of tile hardness starnding darkened, bciug nlienntcd frolu njg.rap8iac.a trGvS 19 07rcveg cimlXyllr6rec inurodg the lifcof God throllKh of their henrt, who having cant off all feeling, them.relves the ignor:tnce t l i ~ t ia
~ ~ U K

paraidrqri roi7.~06~.nirrGv,18

1rap66wravrg ciuehycip rig

gave up with craving. But ye ye henrd 'not and in Jesus ;

to licentiousness, for [the] working =thus him

Bpyaaiav &ra%apaing?r&uqg
O 'unc~eirnness f the 'all 'lenrned

he;~rt 19 :

2, ' $ ~ , " d n ~being~ h , ? ,"~


i v rrhro~frlip.20 6pric.l olix olrwc ipciOrrr rbv

if indeed him

x~m-2 ~ ~ ; " , ' , " , " I ~ , " ~ " ,

lascivio~~sncss,to work

21 eiyr alirtv Ijro6uare ral i v ailrtfi i8t6ii~Or)re, waO6~

the [the]

were taught, according n3 hRve not so learned

C~~;$~;;~,",","$ tnught bl


ciX$3eia i u r(; 'Iquoij' 22 ciro85aOat.6pii~ ~ a r 6

tru~h i n for you to have put off according t o former conduct


t i v rpo&pav &vaorpo$jv rdv rahardu iu$w?rou, ; h h

old man,


off coucernlng the former convernation is corrupt nccording t o the deaires of deceit ; sto she are- the old m u , which is corrupt nccording t o vaoCoea~ r(ij 7~vrZjpar~ roij-voi)~ GpGv- 24 wai dvB6uaaOai the deceitful lusts; sewed 'and in the spirit of your mind; and to hare put on 23 and be renewed in the spirit of your TAU rraivdv 638pw?rov, rdv rard 8e6v rrio8dvra Qv 81- mind ;24 and that yr the new man, which according to God was created in right- Put on t h e new man, , which after God is K U I O ~ ~ V ~ ~ rrai batJrqrr 7 : cihqtkiac. 25 Aid ~ A O ~ ~ ~ E O ~ O L in righteous. ~ T I created ooosnens and holiness of truth. Whorefore having put off nens nnd tnle holinesa 25 Wherefore puttin f~Gdo~, hahrire aihj0riav ~ r a s r oprrA roi.rXqaiov.a&ro~. ~ lying, ahnood, speak truth each with his neighbour, every man truth wlth h ~ neighbour : for we s iirt Lupb ciX~ljXwv pfhq. 26 '0 yiTraO~ K U ~ pd &pap- am memhcm of h a u s e we are of one another members. l e angry, and %ot 'sin ; another. 2 Be ye an6 gry nnd sin not: let raivere. d ijXcog p+driBuirw ini i r ~ l ~ ~ ~ a p o p y r a p y " ~ G p G v , go do,t*the %he ..sun 'let *not set upon your prorocntion, upon pour wrath:

$~Ocipdpcvov ~ a r 6 r d ~ ~ t O u p i & ~ &r&rlc' J 7t?c

23 civa-



k @ ~ ~ 6i8ore ~6rrov n rtfi 8tapdhy. nelther g i ~ e place t o the devil. but rather ' let him labour,

28 b rhinrwv pr)rfri
H0 that 'no what [is]


27 the devif.ive pplrce to 28 Let

~ h m h r w p & 4 0 ~ . 6 &~ o r i b r w , p y a ~ d P ~ U 0 ~ , 6 Irb

'let .him 'steal, with[his h working



him that stole steal no im labour,rathar let : but working with hip hands thing ia gmd.

r a i r . ~ ~ p a ih ,a v ~


2 Fhzfh:;:G ;: Let no oomupt eth. wmmnnioation (Et. every) mouth but that cur teed lch roptvbuO~, mirXX'" ri ric ciya86S npbg oiro801ujv rijg.xoria~, i n good t o the nsa o i
a that he a m



xpriav i ovrr

t him that *need o

T ~ C X6y0c a a r p b ~
'word .corrupt

layour lamouth


'Oout "of good

& ,,


'go *forth,


for building up inrespect)of need, edif iug, that it may rninfster graoe unto the hearera 30 And that it mpy giva grace t them that o hear. And grieve not the rieve not the holy Epirit of ~ o c when* roi 8 ~ 0 3 ,bv cy' ia$payiaOqra rig Gpipav b ye -,,led i unto of God, by which ye were sealed for CtheJ day t i e day of redcunptian,



x h p i ~ rorg

'S~oirouaiv.30 rhi plj.Xvnrirs rd

8 o r h & T. hocnd L'ITrA. g tvrto~~@<wvor LTTrA. h ic L ~ C A W . 1 rais aa s with his own (- c6iacs A) xepuiw rb



iyPe6v LTTrAW.



aMa L l n .



~ ~ $ ; ~ , droXvrpDuewc.~ ~ \ b ~ 31 m d clamour, and evii af redcmWion.

E@EEIOYE. IVYV. ndocz rtrpia m Bvpbc ~ a d p y 4 ~ n i i i

lice: 32 Ad kind o amour, and evil mpoaking b t be removed from you, with all one t o mother, ten- ~ ~ a k i $ yiv~aOe.n62~ 32 eic ciMtjXovc xpqaroi, abanXnyxvor, der-henrted forpiv~ng one anothh even s , m d be to one another kind, tendcr-herured, aod for c$iat's sake x a p ~ < d p ~ ~ ~ r iavroic, .raOhc cai b ebc bv ~piury'+pihath forgiven. y o a V, Be folforgiving each other, aeaording M rlso God in Christ fortowem of Q O a~ dear uaro Oirpiv,e ~ riv~uee otv pipqrai roir Baoir, 3s rirva children ; 2 a i d walk Be ye therefore imitatom of God, M bhildren 'Oa in love M Christ rho h ~ t h l o ~ ~ d u s , a n d h a(tyaRqr6' 2 W I ?rpimr~ri (t. d r p , ~ ~ e raic d. xptarb~. th bv h given him-U for beloved, and walk In rove, even W alsodhe Christ I anoffering nnd a w ~ 1 f to ~ o for S t)y(irt)aevPfipdc,u rai xapibwrcv iavrbv h i p qrjlrGvn ~ p o a i ~ d rweeamelling savour. loved U#, md gaTe up himself for m, anof-


bitterness, and indignat~on,and n r ~ r ~ h ,I I ~ U


d# Lpuiv, d v r d u g

ehwdiac. I But fom~cation, fopdv m Bvuiw rt$ BE$ ~i's60p4v i .nd all nncleannm erlap and r racri5w to God for ad oilour of a sweet smelL o covetousne~, enot be once named id r let Q lTopvcia.Bi rai 'rdaa drcaBapaia" rXsovafia


even nr is becoming to maiuts ; and 5ithlwhich are not conye- rqc 'rain pwpohoyia Fj atr areXia, -rd olrrcivtj~ovm,~ dudr niant : but rather iv- I m d fool W talking or thulr Lting, wl~ichare not beaoming ; imt thf.~ know, that no l l B M ~ ~ ~itxaptoria.6 roiiro.y4p wiurrp~ljuxovrec" rtic 6r' whoremonger,nor Mole- prrson, nor cove- rather thankagi%r. For thin ye know that any (lit. erery) tous man who ia JI\ idoinhr, bath anyin- r Y O ~ , drrcci9aproc, 6 rXaovfrcrq~, %cR dorrv oi6wXo~aberitance in the l i n e f o r n f k r , or onclun p n o n , or cove tow^, rho b m idolnter, dom of Christ and of GO& B Let no man rpqc, O~L.;XEL ovopiav bv T$ paorheiq 7.06 xptaroir rai deceive YOU with vain har uot ink'eritance in the kingdom of the Christ add w o r b ?or because of thare csmcth 9~05. 6yqbaic 6pBc cinardrro reevoic Xdyotce 61d the wrath of Qodu n of Qod. $0 'one 'you &let 'deceive with empty words ; 'on 'account 'of

~ ~ ~ ~ , " letbit be~named among you, n ~ ~


mong ou, M becomcth mLt8; 4 neither

~ ~ Y o ~ ~ * u B w +TV, 1v

But fornicntion and

rnt?ic rpinat dyiot~. s~ail 4 aiqpd-


oncleunneea or coretousneu not even

therefore r t n k w 'the80 'thinp for wmer t h e wrath bf God upon the #on4 with rometim,,, ~ o r were them. r e drlieaiac. 7 p4 08v yivaaea ~~vpphro;yot~ ahuiv. 8 *re n a but now are of disobedience. 'Not %herefore 'be joint-pubken with them ; awere light in childRn oofr rdrp wore orbroe, vBv.82 the ~ g mpi ' 3s rirva $ w r b ~ for once d u h ~ ,but no* [the] Lorr; BE children of light 1 1 9 (for the { & m ~ ~ d ~ ~ gr~plrareirr* 9 d.yd ; ~ ~ a o z r v ~ p a r o u ( v r6ug walk, (for fruit o r t h e Bpirit E14 in all eooanw m d truth 10 P N ~ * what dyaewd, m & ~ a i o o 6 q i hqeaiq* 10 h p c i & v n C ri i m clcc table onto the l*~~d hare no goodnm . ~ l dr k h t w u n m m d tmthr) proving whnd fellowshi with the iuriv ~bdrp~orov r uvpiy. 11 re41 $ l r ~oivwveire~ ~ ~ roic unfruitfi? work* of h m u - p l ~ i n gto Lord ; and fave no ~ l l o w r M p with the dnrkuesn but rather R rove them: 12 For ipyoic roic ci~ciprotc708 uc6rovc) pdXXov.3b rai lXQyxeree i t % a shame even t o u,,k Cnfrnitful of dorknen, but rather a100 reprove; rpeak of those .thing. which m done of 12 rhydp bkp~$pv(i' ~ d p ~ v ai ahruiv aioxpiv imlv rai G 6 them in 8ecret. 1s But for the things in lecret ing done by them ahameful i t is even ell things that .re regrovedaremademani- Xiyev. l 3 rhdi-rhvra Iheyxdprva Lnd r03 9wrbc $avepoirart by the light: for to ray. But a l of them beiqg reproved by the light aremndernanb l whatsoever doth m a h m ~ n i f m t is light. Tarw 1~Zv.ydp rb $ U Y E Q O ~ ~ E Y O~V T L Y *14 6th U 14 Wbcrefore he with, f a t ;for .everytking 'that 'which 'makea ammifert light *h. Wherefore Awnke thou that d e e p and 8 t h fmmtho XkyEr, C'Ey~ipa~i b raeeb6wv, reai civctara bc rdv h w , [ t h o ~ that a l e e p t , l m d rile up from among the d&, and Chrbt Ihdl he asgn,


~ d dppxerar )i dpyd ro3 &oB dri rodr vio6p rgg p



61 nnd L 0 +piu us & P 6pks you TTrA. 9 bp~& yob I duaeapuia riioor L m A . m fi O r L fi 01 LT. v 0 t h ivijufv LTTrA. W iu7e y i v ~ u u ~ v ~ e ( ye are awsre of, knowing OLTTrl W. 6 that LTTrA. t mu-TA. 8 $a1764 light @J;T~AW. l mu- . T b ~ v b f ji 8*Eyew aLmrAw.

vrxpjv, rai
dead, how

nnd shnll shineupon thce the ye walk, the bc not time,

in~$ni.uct sol

6 xplsrB(
Christ. as not

but as 'evil

wi-e, 'nre.

~ ~ ouni~pectly ,lot

dnGr rixptt3Gcll nrpiaarrirr, pi) &c Bao$ot,

rccurntely ranhoming unwise, days because the but

dXX' Ss oo(oi,

$ls;e&iz "13
becnllse the days

~ ns

novtlpai e i a l ~ .are evil. 16 6~ayopa~6pcvor ~ncpdv, Sri ni </~dpar rbv

17 wherefore u n i c rnot ~uuwiser h n t ~ t n d i n g but n

17 Ecd.roGro

pj.yivra6e &$pol*e~, dXXd e o v v r ~ l ~ rr~ ~ ri, the will of the ~ o r d i '~

foolish, anderstnndillg what the

On this nccount

i o;rjcr, 86Xqpa roG ~ v p i o v . 18 ~ a r i ) - r i ~ 0 6 a ~ ~ a O e ,

n l ~ r r e i n C X C ~ - U ; but is with wine, in mi~ich Ihe $pi. And bo not drunk will of the Lord [is]. r i t ; 19 epenking t o iariv ciuwrin. c i X X t l &Ailpoilatl~ i v ~ v r 6 p a r i , 10 Xa- your~elvesiu phnlma is dissolutonoss ; But be filled with [the] Spirit, nnd hymns nnd rpiritun1 songs, siilging~ind XOCVTEE iavroig $nXpoTc ~ a Gpvotc ~ n y'Eaic grytvpnrt- rn.tki.~n melody i n i i ing to each other in paalms and hymua and 'sougs 'hyiritunl, auiirlly lrt to t ho h r ( 1 ; ?O y i v ~ u g thnnks nl~ a i c , " E o v r ~ ~n $hXXovrg ha^" 6 ~ i ~npFiq'lp 3 v r(ti ~ v p i y , i ways fol. nil t h i l , ~ ~ singing nqd prnisiug with 'I~eart 'your to the Lord ; unto God nnd the 17ntlier in the nnliie of 20 lixnpraroirvrc T ~ V T O T E irnlp T ~ V T ( O UZV dvdpari TOV our Lord Jccila Christ; giriup thnnks a t nll times for a l l things i n [the] nnnie 31 r u b u i r t i l ~ g yourselves onc to nnother rvpio~.$~Gv 'Iqaoc xplaroO r $ 8 ~ a r ia r p i . 21 &TO- in the fonr of God. 6 o nnd Father, ! submitof our Lord Jesus Christ to him who [is] G






ciAXljXoc~ bv
to your own

qdpy kO~oii.ll
of God rubnur yourselves, ss t o the husbands hend

ting yourselves t o one another i n [the] fenr Wives,

22 A>yvunTrec, roic.i6iotc &v8p&atv ~ ~ ~ O T A T U E U O E , " ryj

~itpitp' 23 Zrr

"'6" civip i a r i v U E $ ~ rqc yvvnt~ds, X~

is of the and he wife,


22 Wires

for tho husband


a h o yourselvefi

bnto yolv




rce$nXtj rijc irrXqain~., ~ a i l l i r d c O ~ a r i u ~ l n a aor))p

of the nssembly,

he t h e n ~ v i o u r o fthe b*
~ ~ l l ~ ~

roC aDqarosa 24 PciXX'" qOanepl' 4 Zlr~Xqai'airnorhaaerai r(ti

of the But even n# the nrseiubly t o their ONn

Christ [is] head

Saviour husband in the head

is aubjected t o the the e~ltlrch:

~prur@, oiirwc ~ aai yvvaicec r o i ~ . ~ i S i ocivSp&arv b r a v r i . i i~" v

Christ, so also wives husbands i n everything.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; v ; e Iiusbnntls, love your own wives, huabnudi in every ~ p i b r b s ) Y ~ B ~ Jn j v V ? U ~KKX?p7inV, iavrd3 napidwrev &nipthing. 25 Hur,banBs, kai Cllrist loved the assembly, and himsclf gave up for lore your nlno lovedthe eycn nsCbrixt cctrrjg' 2G 'lva a l i n j v dryr6uy, ra6npi'uas. 7,; Aovrp$ church, and pare himthat it he might sanctify, having cleanbed [it] by rho washing might r&ctify s u d self for it ' L* that ha it,

25 O d v 6 p r ~dynnlirr ~ d ~ y v v a i r a ~ . ~ i n v r G v , ~t i ; ! i

b;]pnrr, TO; Gdaroc hv of water by [!l101 word,

clennse i t with the t o himself WMhinB of water bY the word, 27 thnt he ivi?otov rtjv h ~ ~ X q u i ap?) ~ ~ o u u a u v onihov !vri8a $ rr might present it t o *glorious Ithe 'as~elubly, not having spot, or wrinkle, o r a n y himself gloriou* chi~rch not hnring rGv.roto6rwv, u X ~ ' 'lva hyia rcai &}cwpoc. B8 oi;rwc spot, dr wrirlklc, o r of such things ; but thnt it' might be holy and hlnrueless. So any such thing- but thnt i t should bet holy vd$~iXovurv oi 6v8p~c" &yanpiu rdc.c'avrG~~.yvvaira~ and without blemish. ought husbands t o love their own v i v a L. 28 SO o~lgllt men t o lovo their wives a s rci.iavrGv aLrtarao h i y a n 3 u n j v iavroir y v v a i ~ a invrdu thei, bodies. H e their own bodies : he t h a t lovar, hie own wife shimself that loveth his nib loveth himself. 29 For dryan$* 29 oli6~ic.ycip T O T E ri)v.invroir ahpra Ipiutlaov, no man eve, yethnted 'lovea. For no oue a t any time his own flesh hated, hia own flesh ; but t h a t he mightpresent it

27 i'va sapaaniag 'a6r?jv1'inurtij


(isead with your heart) TLTrA!. ~ a i~ a p b i a t s s hearts L. k ~ p t u r o of Christ i 1 ~ T O T ~ U Q C U; v n , w a u a ~ u ~ o u a v TA ~ C (l.ead to their own husbands let them OLnrAw. submit themselves) LTr. l " o (read a husband) QLTTrAW. rtai OLTTrAW. P bMd LTT~A. P h 5 as LTT~A. 0 ~USLV LITIAW. i8iots.(i'ead to the husbands) 8 iav7Gv (read the wives) L'ITrA. LIT,& ( a i d s (read he might himself yreseub) v rai (also), oi iudpec b+eihovotv &W. W x also a& d atmrw.

d & K ~ L ~ n & s T. &

ovvir~c undersbnd LTTrA.

+ [;v]


[n~cv~a~crrnis] LA.

nouri-i~cth and cheri*hitlr it, even m the Lord tho chnrch: 30 for we nre mcnlber9 of hi* h d y of his flesh, .lid of ' his bones. 31 For this cnuse crha11 o rnau leave his fnttrcr and n~oihcr, I I ~ R shall be joiued unto his wife aud they two rhnli bo one flesh. 32 This is nurent mystery :but I speak ooncerning Christ nnd the church. 33 Nevertheless let every one of oo in particular M, ove his wife even as himself ; and the wife ree that she reverence her huband#

x&hh'"drrpi$~irai 6cihlrct a6+v, ua6;g rai b

but nourishes nnd chcrirhes it, etcn us albo the

Y ~ ~ o rlj"~ ~ " L l:or!i thp

~ K K ~ I ] U ~ U 30 271 p6Xq V. ~ O ~ L ~ V ro~.uDj}la~~~.afiroir, <;h. r assemblr : for members we nre of hi8 body, of

; ~

aaptcbg..a6rofi, rai dr rGv.6arQwv.ali~o3.~~ 'Avri rolirnv 31

his tiosh, and of his hones. .father Bccnunc of thin

m m X e i ~ e icivOpwno~ 'rdvll nuripu balirofil~ a crljv!lp,/ripa, i

%hall 'lctrve and
'n 'mnn

'his =wife

and 'his, nnd

mother, 'tihall 'in,

rai npou~oXXq6jaerai dnpds rljv y~vairca~~ ealiroit,ll.xai iaovnh~rll joincd be 'flesh

'one. and as t o

rat oi o*Oo~i'cadpra piav. 32 Tb-pvanjpiov.roirro pQyadariv*

'be 'the 'two for but I This mystery the wmbly. W e great

ty&.61 Xiyw et's xpiatdv rai f~ic" T

s p e d an t o Chrbt abo ye everyone, *each

~ trrX~aiau. 33 Y



~ a irpeis oi.~a6'.i'va, Craaros rljv-davroii yvvaira oFrws dlyn,i

'his 'own


'love as himself : and the wife that she may fear the husband. chaaren obey Td rQrva,iraa~oirereroi~.yov~iraiv.irpGv gdv m iy** p u r a parenu In the Children, obey your pnrenb in [the] %rd, ord. for this M right. z Honour thy roitro-ydp dariv Giratov. 2 Tipa ?dv.rnripa.aov rrni father m d mother, for this is just. Honour thy fnther md which fa the firat commnndment with pqripa* $ T ~ iariv E ivroX4 nphrq BY hTCIYY~Xi~''il'a 8 promise 3 that it mother, which L *commandment 'the '&at with a promise, that ma be &ell with thee, a z t h o u maywt live 8 U O L yfvt)rai, rai rap parpo pdvios dni rijc lijs. long%vcd long on the earth. well with thee it may be, and thon mnyeat be on the earth. 4 And, ye fatherr, rorake not your 4 Kai oi nariper;, ptj.mpopyi<ere, " irXciXX' drea to wrath : b a t And fathers, do not provoke your childrcn, b a t bring bring them up in the raibeiq rai vov9eaip rvpiov. nurture and aamoni-rpQ$ere airrd tv tion of the Lord, UP them in [the] diaoipline and adruonttioll of [the] Lorn


&c Cnvrdv.

4.61 yvvd 'iva $o/3tjrac rdv bvbpa.



5 Oi do6hci, irlraro6ere
b Servants, be obediBondmen, obey bollrl

rois h~vpiois~ n r d adprat

mastcn nccording to fiosh

&C e l to the~fle.h, ~ t ~ with t $6 " , rai~rpd ov, dv cinXdrqri irijs".~ap6iaC.cip~v, $ & l t o d h ~ , ~ ov and tremr;"ling, in simplicity of your heart,

fear and T$ xpiar($ 6 rar' kL$tlaXp~b~vX~iavll ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ in aingleners of 'Our heart, as unto Christ; to the Christ ; not with eye-service ru, meu-pleosen; 6 not with e~eser;:~ &XI'&C bojrXoi lrofi" X iaroir, ~oioirvres t 6QXtlpaoG t)eoir r r. aa menplensers ; of bat Y bondmen of the ghri-t, the urvan. doing the will of God Christ, doin the will irr 7 per' edvoias Govhet~ovres r$ mpiy rni * of Qd $on the e heut ; 7 With g& fro= cthe1 soul, with good will doing acrvice t o the Lord nnd will doing service, M OC'K &vQphno(s0 eisdr~s8ri n8.Qdv.ri &aaroEn 7roi&~~ 8 t o the Lord and not knowing that whatsoever .each 'may 'have done t o mcn : B' knowing "Ot to men ; that whatsoever good h aQdv, roirro c ~ ~ p t ~ S r a i U Profill r~piov, ~ F T E 8ofiXos napd thing m y mad dwth, Ygood, this he shall receive from the Lord, whether bondmnn the same shall he reW ~ V Oof the Lord,whe- 1 ~ 8 tX~&O~poc. Kai oi ~ L p i o i , ?d.aC'rd noreire 7rpbc 9 ther k bs bond or free, And mssters, the same things do towrub free. V Aud, ye mmtern, do the name atrobc, ~viivres v d n ~ i X ~ vei8drec grt rai qhpLiv.nhr3v d ' thin anto them,for- them, giving up threatening, knowing t h a t alao your own ben& threateniup : knowing that your 6 nlipids Lariv iv ' ohpavoic,'rcai rnpoownoXl)+iall o6r.E'artv Xwter also is in heamaster M in [the] hcavona, and reapeet of persona thaw ia not ren ; neither is there respect of persona with nap' ahr$. him. with him. &M& LlTrAW. Y ~ p t u r Ohrlst OLTTrAW. b~ $0 e?&d vel'se ~ T r r l . 4 1 a of rhv LTrh. b aG~of LlTrA. C 7i)v L T ~ A . qj y v v a t ~to the wife LTTr. i * abroC T. f L& I i v KV iy L[T~A]. h ~ a r u 6 p ~ ~ v p i o t s h a LlTr. i -. 6 s T. b@ahg0. iKau70s 8 (- 8 ( T E ( ( i1'tLtIif~ m h% 8 OLTTrAW. 8 1 705 tgf3 LTtrAW. BovAiav T. P 70; (l'eud [tllej) O ~ o p i u e ~ LTTrA. ac thing) TA) f b (&v TT)T&(-76 L T ~LTtrAW. ) rrpouoroAqp$ia L'r*rrA. GLITIAW. P air& ~ d 6 ~ ) L ; v of them and of you the LTRAW, i 6

a fr



- -

For the rest,

K V ~y, I

10 Finally, my brethren be iq

10 ' T i . X o r ~ b v ,T&~~X$ol.pov," ~ Iv8vwar~oi;aBei v

my brethren, be empowered

the dord, in the Power of hxn 11 Put on the whole and in the m l ~ h t of his strength. Put On the pn-armonr of ~ o d that , urijvai r p i r o i ~ may he abld t o ~ ye orXiav 703 0 ~ 0 4rpbg 76 86vaa0a~ , 'to .be %ble Iyou to stand against the wiles ofagainst devil. the of God, for OPb *&Xrl 12 against wrestle ~pc9oBa~ia~' 8ia/36hov. 12 6r1 oCriariv x<pTv',~e-ty,g roi not For we fleh and artiticed of the devil : because .not -0% blood, but agninst

in [the] Lord,

rai b r(t7 v

K ~ & T E L rfg.lay;o~-aljro4.

11 i ~ d & a a u Bn j v r a v ~

prinoipalities, agninst POweR) against tk rulers of the darki t o v u i a ~ ,~ p b roic ~ouporcphropac r ro4 ar6rbvs Jro; ai&apoc%e.a of this ycrld, Sauthorities, against the world-ralers of the darknew &sage gainst spiritual wickedness in high l a w . x r o ~ ~ ervp ~ g rvrvparc~ci , ~ r(i rijc r o ~ q p i a ~TOTS ~ B O V - 13 Wherefore ;v un%h&, against the splritunl [powers] of wickedna~s in the hen- to You the whole Um o w of God, that a ~aviorc. 13 614 T O ~ civaXci#3rrr r j v ravor$iav 703 8 ~ 0 4 , O may be able to wit{of 004 stand in the evil da venues. Because of this take up the panoply and hnving done a?? 'iva GvvqBijr~civriariva~ r @< p p 9 rf ?ovqp@.rai iiaavra to ,tand. 14 s h d ;v and all thiags therefore, having your 'evil, thnt ye mny,be nble to wi~hstand in the day lplns girt about with mrrpynacipcvoi arij7lai. 14 arijrr o h repcCwacip~vor truth, having on haviuq worked out to stand. Stand-ththercfore, having girt abont tbe breastplate of againat blood and flesh, but against principalities, agdnst

~ p b c aTpa ~ a ucipra, ciXhri ?rpAc rdrS &pxcis, i



ba~i~v.6pSv v dX,10eig, ~ a dvJvahpevor rbv Bchpam i i

ponr loins with truth, and and having put on having shod of peace : the the breastplate feet with [the] 811

of righteomnoas,

15 m i 6a08qacipevor r 0 6 ~ ' ~ 6 8va ~ b


~ , preparation, of the ~ ~ ~,"~ "~ the ospel of peace - 16 nL,, a,1, frrith, wheret,kil;g th* of
~ ~
of the Spirit which is the word 04

paoip ro4 6 ytXiov rijc EipipqS' ~

pwntion ,of the glaJtidinga taken up the shield

16 b r i l l riiatv ivaka-

PIVTE~ rbv Bvpebv r i j ~ riarewc, iv

rd PkXq 704
the oithe helmet Spirit, which

of faith, with which ye'will be able 'burning of snlvntion receive, to quench. and the



rci~a(1. sword ~

to quench with ye all the fler he "e l having darts of the wicked

rovqpoi; br(ill 7 T ~ ~ v p w ~ i v a a/3iaa~'


the 'dnrtm 'of .the 'wicked

Also OOd: witR a 8ing a'wa S pmyr ing thoreunto with the Spirit* and watchsaints ; 19 "pP%ation and for me, for

j v ?rrpire$nXniuv roir awrqpiov 6&za0e9~ a .i r l j ~ . ~ r i ~ a lan$a a ~ ~ ~upplication in 705 ~ V E I ; ~ C L T O 5 , ddriv 'Gpn 0 ~ 0 6 '18 8td & a q ~ ~rpoaet~~,?c geverance and S all
eword 'God's; in every



prayer Spirit,

rai Geiaew~~ o a ~ u ~ d ~a v r iv ~o i~ @ 6 r ~ v a p iv
and aupplicrrtion praying

- r v ~ 6 ~ a that utterance may n,

be given unto me, that I mny open my

mason i n [the]

i a i eic aCrb cro9roHciypuavo6vrrs i v r i a rpoarcapr~prjarrmouthboldly,tomrke ~ and nuto thia very thing wgtching with a y mvernnm known the m-ry of the gospel. 20 for i rai hrija~r ~ E prrivrwv r d v ciyiov, 19 Kai 6 r i p dp06 h a which I am an r m b w
and mpplication for all saints; and for me


dt?oBeiq" X6yoc h v

civoiE~~ roij-urbparb~-pou dv boldly,

of my mouth

to me may he given utternnce in [the] opening

that a d o r i n bonds : thnt therein I Rp8k J 0 ~ g h to t with ae. p&


~af&uiq, yvwpiuat rd pva?-$plov eroG ~ 6 y~hinu,a ( r ? p a 20 bo esr to make known the mystery of the ghltidings. for 05 rpru~cirw d ciXCatt, L a b air+$ ~afifiqurciawpar v v which I am ra ambassndor in a o & h, that in it I may be bold (G E ; A X jaah a

it b e h o w me to

21 "Iva-Gi

f ~ l G i j r ~ a 6 p ~ T ~ ' t& ~ i



t l But that je al8O mn know my amlrs.

But that 'may 'know 'also

the thinga concerning me, what

rpauaw, rcivra g6piv yvwpiaec" TV i r i g b ciyarrrlrhs' how I do, T J - c ~ ~ ' I am doing, *U thing# to you will make known T.y%iolu the beloved cue,a beloved hruthee

,d ,


m i Aornoi Lmr&
705 ai&vw ( r e d of

in L T ~ .

y A h 1I

this darkness) OLTTCAW. 1 ~ 0 6 7 0 r~e d of darkness) W. ( ;W TA L[RA~ 701770 very thing L ~ A . d 60% G L I ~ A W . TO^ &pry r rdc G ~ t c s & ~ a ~ m ; r y v ~ p i w e r e L. =

- UeA+oi p w L=

pc806iac P.

GFiv to you L

f know ~

~ ,1 l

Q I A I ~ ~ H E I O ~ ~ . I. 68eX$i)c rai ?rtnrb~Btcixovos ~i v h ~ ~ ~ h rrvpiy. 22 Su c~ ~ ~ p +~ " a

brothcr to nnd faithful servant in [the] Lord ; whom


I sent

~ " , ' ~ C ~ S ~ l , ~ ~ ~ ~ , " m y O ~

for the thnt

61's airrb-roGro, 'iva yvGr~ r6 TEP~ for thisvery thing, thnt yemight know the things conoernlng
your hearts. and love




~ a i?raparahhap rris.cap8ia~.irpGu.
and he might encournge Pcace to the brethren,

y ~ u hcnrts. r

23 Eipjvt) roiq ci8eXqoi~. ~raic c i r r ~ per& ?riar~q- i ~ b i c

faith %race from via

B Pence be to the brethreu, nu11 wirll tnith, from



rai Lord 'Iqao4 Christ. Qod [the] rraspi~ Father and ~vpiov Jesus xptur03. 24 'H dpcc perd h~r~~ rbU-~ptov.,jpdv'Il]@oiv xpc@rdv
oar l o r d

the F~th18r and the xcivrwv rGv & y a ? r Lord Jc-as Christ. all those that love U Grace 6e with all them thnt love our ltr ciq8apuig. h&rqv.U Lord Jcaiis Chriut in in incorruptice A ~ ~ lincerity. Amen.




'E$taiov!:IYp6q0 & X & 'Pcjpqc, 8th Tvxlvoii.'


To [the] Eyhesinns written from





p A ~ ~ . ~ d T IIAYAOI: rai~ Ttpb8coc 8oirXoc 1'Illao4 xplaroir," rtiacv roic i m ~ t ~ ~ ~ the sc.r\.uutrthe xniuts of Josus Christ, Paul and Tirnotheus, bondmen of JedUS Christ, to all the ln~hriut Jesus which (tYiolc xptur$ 'Iqao; roic Qare L V ;V @tXi?rrotc,with [the] ~U o h nre bi.,,opa at P11ilil)yi with &lints in denChrist Jesus who in Philippi, conn : 2 Grace be unto y o i ~ our eace, from nud and


b.rrrard?rotsrai Gia~dvol~. xdptg Gpiv cai- eipljvrl hrrb Bo 2 eG

overnw~ our Bather and those wf oerve. and [the] Lord

' Grace

to you and Christ.

pence from God


the Lord iesw

rrarpbc.$@v ~ a i mpiov m'IlluoG ~ptaroir.~


3 Euxaprard ry.eec~.pov i x i rrhap.r$

I thvpk
I evcry rememnpou thnak mJ Ood braurn of you, 4 alwsys in for of mine every prayer a,
my God

a 'you


the whole remen~brntlce of - . son. for

4 ?r&vrore ;v nciag



in severy 'aupplierrtion 'my

o"ohae~ you h i p xtivrwu GPGv perd


I W O ~ ~ E V O ~6 ,

id ~~otuwvlq~~Gv ;lc

making reqiinst with 'supplication' 'mnlring, for your fellowship in jp, infor your fellow- ri) ~&aYY6X~ou, 5 dT3 q ( ; r q S Gr6pac &pc ro; V ~ U *6 *Erh p thc gospel Until the glad tidings, from [the] h t day from day until now; being now; 6 beingconfidcnt T O L ~ & C atrb.roi+o, Grt b ivaptcipevoS.Jv Gpiv' jpyov of he thing, that this veryhnth be- pemunded of thin very thing, that he who h.g.m in yen a Awofk gun a R W work in d aedu trrtreXIaet ~ Obxpi~~ ~ j p i p ~ i'Itla~G~ Y P ( O T O ~ ~ . * c you will perform it will complete [it] until [the] W of Jesus Chrirt : anti1 the day of J a u a Christ : 7 eren aa it is 5 rCLO(;s iartv 8iratov ipoi roiko $pov~iu $?rip rrhvr(~v du, 6 meet for me to think i t ia righteous for me this to t h i i W to 'all Cou, this of you all because l have you inmy Bid rb { X E ~ Va ;V rq' ~ap8i$t f irpc?~, &re roic.8eapols.yov henrt ; iu~smuch as becnuse % h v e me 'in 'the .heart 'ye, both i n my bond. both in m bonds and h the Jefeuce' and rai P ' b~oXoyi$trai @@atha' n 705 dJayytXio~, q@vp contkmation of the m in d e defenco u d and c o n f i r m l i ~ nof she g l d tiding!+ iellurgonpel, ye all an, pnrL O ~ V W V O L ~ ~ ~ O V . T ~ ahvrag ~ ~ L Tb v ~ a 8 /.~dpiprvc.~dp ~ ~ . X C 6pZc O S ~ . b k e m of my 8 Por Qod M my re- partaker# of my graof al l ye are. For4wiws


I tnd m ~ C T i p t h QLTW ; npby 'Eqieuiovs T r L OL'PTrA. ~ I ~ ~ A703 U A m m d b ~ v O ' of nu1 tllc Apost!e E ; iIcriAov o ; --TO& O & ~ o i o v r LlTrAW. 1 ~ p t r r o i 'I~QoC ) LTIYAW. m ~ p t v r o i 'Iqmi) W. ) P i v iu (red 7p^ the) [LJTT~AW. 4 wv- T . the LTTIA. 0 ixpb LTA.


m I ' +6 s



L ,

ov riar;vt


i~tn00c;i a&vrac i, Zic i v aalbyI h d , how 1 long a f k r 50. i n [the] bowcl, the b w e I a Of J ~ ' ~ q ~ o t u r o i r . ~~ a roirro npoa~ir~opac, ~ ~p i r 9 i i'va ci a'x ~ o : ~ ~ ; v ~

6 B e o ' ~ , &C

of J r u s

~ n dthis

I pray,



n n b more in know'your yet more and more may abound i n kno~vlcdge and 'm ; 10 that ycjudg* n may ment and i ?rdug aia@aer, 10 eic r b 8ori~a'~ecv rd 6ta- approve things t h a t all intelligence, for %to"approve you the things that rue $kpovra, 'iva Q ~ E riXi~ptveic n ci~p6aroxoc ~ i tjpfpav w i ~ h o u t 0ffcnc.e till excellent, that ye may be pure and without offence for [the] day the ~ R Y Christ of 11 being Allrd wit& ~ p a r o i r ,11 aeaXqpc~ptvoiVrapxSv" Grraloa&vqc w r 3 ~ R the fruits oi riglltof Christ, being fillcd with fruits of righteousneu [mJ mumesa, which are hJ Jeru8 Christ, unto t h r 61d 'Iqaoir xptaroZ, ;c GLEnv ~ a rancvov etoir. i ~ l o r ~ praise of and by Jesus Christ, to 'glory $rind 'prnim aQod's. Qod

6pSv i r i p B h o v xai paiXXov t i r ~ p c r o ~ b pv inliyv&ari i l

m i

E :


yr% 2


abonnd yrr


18 I't~~c~ur~tv.JBi Po&Xopai, (i6eX$oi,Srt ;I~( c

Bnc *to




'I 'wish,

brethren, that the thingsconcemirig

,Lt2t &

brethren thnt th; me rnthcr t o [the] admnccmeut of the gl:id tidingr have turnad out, thinga * u j l i d k c r ~ n r d unto me hnve tullen 13 6 a r r roit~.d~upot'~~.pov $nvepoh~i v xptar@ y ~ v ~ a e a i out rather unto the WIYI my bonds *manifest Oin .Christ 'to have 'become furtheranceof tile g* 13 so that my i v 6Xy rr? ~ p n i r w p i yr n i r o i ~ Xoraok ?rZurv* 14 ~ a ro6c i nds in Chr~st m fn zn-hole lthe prsetorium and to 'the Jrost IaU; .nd the mnnifert in nll thc palnce m d in all o t l m ?rhriovng rSv &&X$&V ;v m p i y T E T O ~ ~ ~roic 6ea oic p l a ~ ; r ; 14 and many T ~ S most of the brethxun 'in Cathe] 'Lord 'trusting by &n& of the brethren in the Lord wnsing conflov xepiauorEpc~~ ro)lp$v d@;pwy r6vXdyovXXaXriv.15 h v ; c fiWt'by n,y bOna,, t(n~y *more5nbund~utly 3d.ue 10fearlcsrly .the %ord %07ape& Some much more bold t o ?peak the word withon$ pdv K U ~ 8th $8&~ov ~ a iprv, rivic-6J ~ a 6r' rfidociav rbv tear. lSsome i i indwn Indeed even from enry nnd strife, but some also from gcod-will the prcnch C h r i ~ t even of
X D ~ U T ~~ t ~ p 6 u u o ~ ~ 16 v . Y u c oi

pc?XXov E ~ S

?T~OSO~)~V so$




JlF dpteeiac zrbvt xpturbv

the Christ t o add


are yroclaimrng. not

Those indced out of eoutcntion purely,


rurayyir\hovatv o6x GyvGg, oidpe~~oi~ X ~ # L V .i?rigSPer2'1

are announcing, suplmaing tribalation

to ruy bonds, but tbcse out of love, knowing that for de- that I mt for the Xoyiav 705 eirayy~Xiov reipat."TB ri-ydr ; aXljv xawi 18 What then? notof the go-pet. fence of the glad tidings I am let. Whnt &n? n c m r t h e h in every withstanding, every X whether in prerpdiry, TT apo$6uct eirr riXq8ei(t, xpturbc ~ ~ ( r n ~ ~ iWay1~ ~ ~ a l * way, whether in pretc* or in truth, Clvibt is announced;

roi~.tapoT~.pov.' 17 oi.6;

d y d q c , eiddrrc Srr

4lino- F J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v e l ,

16 the one prcnch Christ of not sin-l conteuriono ~ supp ing to add to


tence, in prcnched in Christ do re! and in this I re)oice, yes, a b o I will rejoice : for I know that yea* N'" re]olce. 19 For I lutow ro3r6 pot cino/3ilaerai eic awqpiav 6th ~ ~ ~ C ~ ~ ~ V . ~ E that this nhrrll turn to + J E W ~ , tbL for me shall turn out to ~ d v a t i o nthrough your rupplication, salvatiOn t h r o l l ~ h your prayer and 1118 scti intxdpqyia~ ro5 rn~r&pnroc 'IquoG xpiuroir, 20 ~ a r d ! supply of th; Spirit of d [the] aupply of the Spirit of Jesus 'C%rist: according to Je~ua Christ, 20 nceording to my c m s r r n j v cirro~apa&~inv a i dXxiGa pov, Srr E oirGevi aia vv&j- expectation and ny r v $shall be hope, that in nothiug 'eunest expectation4and Ohope 'my, that in nothing I shall be ruhnmed aopflt, dXX' b a h q ?ra&qaip, v ?rcivrora, rai &v p a- but thatwith ail bohi! E erhrmed, but i n all boldness, am alwqya, rlso n6w sha$be ness sr alwajs so now' a h Christ bhn 1 1 j a ~ r a xpiarbc bv r$.aDpari.pov rira 6th cwijc aira 6th a mngnified in my i , magnified Christ in my body whether by life or by bod whether it be Tke,*or by dcoth. Oovdrov. 21 'Epoi-$p r b x-rur6c, cai .rb ~ T O ~ ~ W E ~ Vto me live death For to me to lire [h] hrist, and to die Christ, and t die ir o

~ n 2~ 70hrc1, xaipo, i

~ n ~ a ~ $ a o p a 19 ~ l a a . ~ c i p l r. Src and I thereiu



tuitv (read [is]) [L]TT~A. x p t d ' q i OLlTrAW. X m, 7bY ( n a d which [is]) O[L]!IT~AW. wbr (with) fruit GLTTrAW. r verses 16 cord I7 transposed, erne@ o i ~ i v i c n d 62 Q L m r A w . oi b +&C that (read r A h v except) L a m to arouse Inraw.


rrepruatv'q L.

+ 70;


@c& of O o d , ~ r r r r . [ T ~ v ]LT~A. rycipc,"

1;:-of my labour: ,&t:thif fmlt

~2pJos. ii-1.62 ?i) ir -v i v aapd; roOrd pot 22

gain; but tf to!!ire

y nhnt I shallchww



r a p x d ~i p p v *
fruit for

this forme [SE] 'I 'nxn *pressed to depart,

of kbourg

gai r i aip4uopnt .o&.yvwpi<o'

what I shall choose

I h o w not.

uuvfXOpai 'ydpn
and with


two huring a d-ire to de r i i which ia with h zrt t ;and to be tar better : 24 neverthelem* to abide in the fleqh b more needful toryou. %And having thin confidence, I know that I ahnU abide m d contiuue with you all for your fi~rthornnce and joy of fnith; 26 rejoicing may be more nbundant in Jeanr cllrint for me by my coming to you ngnin.

860, rrjv iat8upiav gxwv

two, .the Ihaving for

rb dvaXGuat, rai &v x p m 3



to be,' [for it is] flesh

T O ~ X @ ~ . ~ ~ ~ X~p~;aaov' r6.dif n-tpiv~tv XOU 24 &W

very much better ; but to remain and in thh 'all

r e aaplci

[is] more necessary


3 p ~ ? ~ '25 rai rocro rfai 'uvpanpap~3U aZrutv

continue with of faith ; joy

for the sake of you ;

being persuaded of, I know that I s all abide and

oTBa grt

and h

'you ; for

r ~ ~ . j t ~ l j v . n - ~ o ~~ a ?ij v o a xaphv rijk n-iur~oc, ;va 26

your ndrancement may nboun!


t b ~b.KCt6~4pa.6pG~ E P ~ U U E ~ 'K



pour boasting


i~ i p ~ i &h

me through

~ ~ ~ , " ~ 9~ j, j ~ . ~ ~y .ia ( r p aciXtvi a ~ d g ~ b ~ o v a ~ p 6piif. 27

M6vov citiwc


comoth the gospel of Prcwnce again with y o e Only worthily of the Christ : that whether y e ~ i o v Xplaro; I come nnd see you TOXLTEZ:EU~E,'iva E ~ T E iXQ&v ~ a i or el.w, be f g l J t i d i n g s of the Christ conduct your.elves, that whether having come and nlayhenr of your 'atiJ;v G p i i ~EYTE &r&v gciroi~uw" rci , a ~ p i GpGv, fnird. that ye stnlrd fmt i,, one lpirit,with having seen you, or being absent I might hear the things concerning you, onemind striving $0- iirt U T ~ K E ~ iv ivi ~ve6ytnrt, p+ $vx@ uvva8XoGvrep E gether for the fnith of thnt ye stnnd fnst in one the ; 28 spirit, wlth one soul striving together in notlling tcrritied 28 ';v r $ ?riare~ro; ~&nyy~Xiov, rca; p?j 7rrl~pcip~voc ptlwith the fnith of the glad tic:~nga ; and being frightened in noovidcnt tokon of per- b ~ v i r b TGV ~ v ~ L K E ~ ~ L ;;?(c ~ ) ~ ' 6 ~ v c hnilroicp 6 ~ iartva ;vdition. but to You of thing by thoso who oppo* ; whlch to them ia a demonanlrntion, nnd thnt of God. 2DFor unto B E ~ ~ L E chrwXinc, iill*ii9'1be awrilpiac, ~ a roiiro &ab ~ E O + i i t is siven in the strntiou of de.-truction, 'to Y@.I 'but of salration, gild this from God ; half of Christ, not only to k ~ i o v eon 29 $71 , &piu ixaoioeil rb Gsirlp ~pturoc,06 pdv'ov rd him, b11t alao to n~tffer becnuse to yon it ivc. grautccl conccrnlng Cllrist, not oqly t6r his snko 30 hnv~ n g name( conflict ~i'c ailrtv .~rttTri'~tV, the IXXd . ~ a rb 6xl.p atroi7 T ~ U X E L V ' i Which p0 mw in me, =on 'Lim a 'to Ybeliove, b u t also concerlling him to subor, and now hear to & in

k\icfi"'i', $zziz


30 rbv airrhv ciy&va i x o v r e ~orov k i ~ e r ~ " iipoi, ~ a viiv v i

the same confiict hring such as ye saw



and now

ctroher~b ipoi. v
hcnr of

I. It there be thereT If 'any Ithen encourngcnlent [them be] in & h t , if sny COfore ally consolntion i n Christ if any com- P L o v ciyrirqc, I rolvwvia ~ v r i p a r o g , lriva" u ~ X d y d tort of 'love i t nn tion of love, If nlly fellowship of [the] Spirit, if any hweh fellowship of' tho 8/11 rit, if nny.bowclg 11ud Xvn rai o i ~ h p ~ ~ o i , n-XqPi)uar6 pov Rjv ~ a p 6 ~ , 2 i)v4 mcrcien 2 fulAl yc nly rind comp~a~ona, fulfil m Y joy, that j o p thkt yo bo$poviir~, rljv abnjv m ndcd hnvinp the iyovr~c, mu$pfuxo~' ramc 1o;e. &big of one ye n ~ n y of the enme mind, the same be love having, jolus h mu4 accord. of OIIC d u d . 2v $ p o ~ ~ o ~ v rpqJiv n ~ a r h " ipc8~invO r j h ~ v o 3 t~~ 8 Let uothing & dose ri) through atrifc or rnin- the one thing minding7 nothing accordingto coq,tenrion or vainp o r y . but in lowt n w l ot mind let Gotinv, ciXXd rq' ~a7rttvo$poa6upciM,jXovs <yoCp~vot onch erteem othcr b t - gloq-, but in hulllllity one another esteeming ater t l ~ n uthrru*elvcr. ~ 4 ptj rd iavrPv Pikauros~ 4 Look not ~rc.1.r annu i x o v ~ a iavrGv. themselves, 'not 'the 'things 'of 'themselver 'eaoh on hisown things, but bove



Ei rtc o6v ~ n p c i ~ h q a t ~

bv X tar@, E: r t raps-


C 82 but GLTT~AW. L/+ EGLTTrAW. for ;V (??ad in the) T. f map* ~ e v c wntinue (read n&nv with all) L1TrA. j t ~r(0t;o LTTr. juriv a i v o ; ~ OLll'r~w. i;@v (read but of your s;rlrtitioll) LITIA\V. ciSere L'ITIAW. 176s CL^. m WY. T .



fiq6i xard llur ucc~ldlug LlVrrr. to

R uamob L r r r r .

1. 1

&AA& cai
but in

T O ~ TeVeqothers.On5 Let O of the thingaman dso


iripov ~8rauroc."
'each. Christ


$ooveia8oll tv i r i v " o a i B xprurtlj ' ~ ~ u o S , 6 BC v

eiet mind be you which aleo in

'also 'the *things sof 'other8


pop$+ 8~oS6x6pxwv, o6x cipmyptv

of God subsisting, %ot +rapine

this mind be in you, Which was aluo in being Jesus form of Jesus [was] ; who, Christ in the : who' Ijy$aaro rb ervac GO^, thought it not to be

in [the] form

with God: but 'Obbery to 7 be made himeelf of no reputntion and took U n equal with God ; but 'him~elf 'cluptied, 'form ' 3 'bondman'a himr the form bporcLpari ch8pwxwv yav6pa1~oc'8 r;ai q$nervant, and waemnde Aap&, bv 'having 4taken, in [the] likeness of men having become ; nnd in inand likeness Of men: 8 the being found in ira~eivuutv invr6v, fashion nq a man, he ripr8ei~ tbc dvOpwno~, parr r mnn, he humbled b'mself, nving humbled himself,nnto f i y r e having b e n found as becnme obedient and e v o ~6r$rooCpd~pr6av&rov,Bav&rotl.di W T ~ V ~ O G9 816 death, even the death . k o m e obedient unto death, even dpath of [thej ctoss. Wherefore of the cross. 9 Wherefore God a180 hnth ~ a i, i a6ri)v 3 ~ ~ p Z ; + w & ~ vixapiuaro a i r ~ y8vopa highly exalted him, KU~ ^~ alao God him highly exalted and granted t o him a n a m e and iven him a name n h i c t is above every ri) ixip ?rZv G?opag 10 'Elja i v T@ bvhttarc 'Ir1~0i.j name : 10 t h a t a t t ~ o which [is] abovG every name, that a t the name of Jesus every name of Jems every


'Iaa' 8 ~ $ , 7

V&M)" iavrbv

Crivwuev, popqtjv





y d ~ v.ncip+p


rai bmyeiwv rai rara~Ooviwv*

on enrth and

under the earth, thihgs i n errrth, and 11 nai ~ Z u a yX&uaa si~opoXoytja~rai~~ K;pio!: 'Iqaoirc thin@nndertheesrth; Srr 11 . a d inat every and every tongue should confesd that [%S] *Lord 'Jemu tongue s h o ~ ~confea. ld that Jeens Chriat L iurtc.eic. GdEav Be03 ~arphc. f Lord to the glory o to [the] glory of God [the] father. %hrist Qod the Father.

knee should bow of [beingn] in hearen and


12 Whersfore, beloved sa e hnva always 6beyeg, not a , u in my presence only, but now much rather in in my presence only but now much more id rp".cinovaiq.pov, per& $@ou rai rpdpou wjv-iavrijrr uwrqpinv my absence, work my absence, with f e u and trembling your own arrlvation your own salvation tremwith rarepy&~euOe. Pt1'-Qeb~-ycip b iv~pyijv 3piv K U ~rb bling. fear and in Q O ~ 13 tarcv Qv 13For i t work out, for God i t is who works i n you both which worketh in you BiXecv rai rb tz~apyeiv 6xip rijc at8oriag 14 Tcivra both good and to of his plenaure. to will nnd t o work according'to Pis] good ylelraura *All *things 14 Do all things with-

12 "Qure, ciyaxqroi.flov, naQ&c n c i h o e S?qroCuar~,pr)

So that, Ay beloved, even ns alwaye ye obeyed, not

&c h

r$.aapoubi$t.pov phov,


nouire xwpic yoyyvup5v rai GiaXoyia~~3v, i'va Zyiv,luO~~~ 16 ~ ,

'do apart from murmurings and and simple, reasoniugs, aubkmable 'that Fe may be


]nay be bla~~lclem and in the midst of

bpepnroc rai ciripaioi, rirva 8eo3 '&pdpqra1I

frrultless children of Qod

in [the] midst

piuytl $'~$8,~,",";


of a generation crooked nnd


anoXiiic rai 8ieurpappivqg, Iv

perverted ;

o t $ a i l ~ e &c ~ ~ ~ crooked

16 h o l n i n ~ Iuminnrio in [ihe] world, [the] word of life holding l o n h , for a bonsb ~ ~ the dny of Christ, that Ip0i 0 ? j p d pX~~~L U ~ 8rl ,0 6 k ics E I ~ apov ,0684 ~ O ~ K ( nor in I havenot NalnVaU. to me in day iCll*tla, that not in vain neither laboured i n revbv i~oxiuua.17 c&XX"l gi K Q ~uir6v80pai h i evui? ~ a vain. 17 Yea, sud i f 1 i vain laboured. But if also I a m poured out on the eacrifice and be offared upon the sacrifice aud servica ,of ~ ~ l r o v p y irij~.niarewS:6piw,xuipw rai dUVyXCfipO1' g ?riiurv your faith, I joy, and ministration of ;pour faith, I rejoice, and rejoice with *U. rejoioe with you n1L 11 For the =me canM ;piu. 18 ~b-~s"'.airrdnai irpeiC ~aipera J u u y X a i p e r 6 ~ ~ .do joy,nnd rai $on. And i? the bame also *ye 'rejoice and ~joice with me. oice with me. 19 But trust in tha Lord 19 'Elffit;w.& b~ f ~ v p i y'1vaoi.j Tip6t)eov raxiwc ?riCc#atJesus t o aend Timon But I hope in [the] Lord Jeans Timotheus ..oon 'to -sand t h e w shortly unto

$wur;p~~ 6v

~ 6 u p y10 A6y0v C W G ~~ K ~ X O V T eic~raZ;~qpa world , E , tho

among whom ye appear

and perverse



cl oruon'o~vrct conaidering OLTTrAW. OLmnw. +povakc (ontit for) I.T13ra. LTAW. i M h ~ll'rAW. + irrba u r o r(name) LTT~[A]W. the i~opohapjarrac 6bibll c0llfe88 TAW. 7 b LTTrAW. $re L. dCropa m A . L ' b pCoov [in the] midst ~ A W . 0 kMA ~ r r r ~ w . d ovv- T . 0 B m. i f xpt4 C h l t a ~. L

ue of

r o ~ , t h ~ t T ~ ~ ~ ~ ) m n ~ ~ p ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ y~odr ; ~d ~ ( i ( ?repi ood comfort +..hen f know od to jou, that I a H) may be of good courage, having known tho things conwrulnp ante. 20 F O ~I {five t p 20 ~ohfivctydp l ~ wa ~ + v ~ o iirnlc y v ) ~ a i w ~ ~ i v, rd no mnn likcminded, For no oue hare I like-mindod, who geuuiuoly the thing# who will nat~vally you'

care for yonr btnte. repi CpQvp~plpuilaar' 21 21 Fornot the thln(n relatir: to you will care for. a11 beck their

oi.nci~rec.~cip rh
For all


the things ot thcm~cIrer

alllch nre Jesl1s r ? l ~ ~ ~ a ~ v , hroi?' '~piaroi) oh rh 'I?)aoi)"l22 r~)v.& 8oryt?jv Chrwt'r. proof of ye are mking, not the t b i n v know the 29 But of Christ Jequr. But the proof thni, nu a ron withthe ahrofi yiv&arra, Sri rarpi T ~ I C Y O Y , dpoi ~ ? O ~ X E V ~ E u3u fntlicr*he hnth lerved of him ye know, t h t , as 9 0 'a Yttther 'a 'chlld, with me he served xv~th in the -pet me 93 Elm thcrcfore I tic rb ~hnyyihiov. 23 roirrov jiiv otrv iXxizw ?rip$flt hp h o p t o e u d pr-ntly, for the glad tiding& Him therefore I hopo t o send 5nhtn K, noon as I &ha11 aen how it wiu p0 nrith BY k(iniC"~ll 7d i d ifavrijc. 24 ~ 1 me. 1* But I t r u t in *I %hall *haw 7wen 'the 'thiaga lDcoucerning lac aouce : I 3 I '*am the Lord that I also my~lf come r0t6ct 81 i v 8 K V P ~ O , Sri kai n h b c ra~6wc ihc6aopnr. rhortly. 15 Yet I nup- ' L p e n ~ s d e d ~ ~ ~ b u t in [the] Lord that also 'myself 'I %hnll come: 'soon p a c d it uecetsary t o to Epnpllro- 25 'dvnyraiov.di ilyqacipr)v 'Exn$pdhrov rbv hfaX$dv xni ditu*, m j brother, and but neosssnry I erteemed [it] 'Eynyhralitua, 'brother 'and compnulou in labour adfellowwldior, but U V V E ~ Y ~ ) U , l b ~ ~ ~ p n ~ l~& rV?, ) ~ d xni O 4/1Gv.B1 ( ~ T ~ Q T O X O V xni our messenger, and 'fellow-worker 'Onnd l'fellow-loldier 'my, "bat Layour L'mesrenger '*and


$;2:nP:~;taall, hairovpyi)~+g.yptinc.pov, 2 "minister 170f IUruylJneed, longed nfter

Et 2 :


since and was Of henvim Intr00G~~ i)v rcivra~ 6piiEm, xal d8i1povGiv bidrt ness bo~%use that ye 'all nnd [was] deeply depressed because had 'henrd thnt he hnd "onglug 'after 'ho 'was 'you, b-U sick. 27 For in- ~ K O ~ iiri ~ ~ T E ~ )jaOivqaav. 27 rni-ydp ~ ~ ~ Q ~ P~apcrnXfiatov ) ~ U E P &,"h": ye llenrcl that he was sick ; for lnileed he wn'l sick like bnd luercy on him ; eaucity. llciXX'U 3 Oebc Oatrdv ~jXi~aev," ol;c.nhrJv.Ed pcivou, and on me slao onlyi t o dcnth, br,r not on him but God hp had mercy on, and not him alouz, ~houl(lhnrerodowopci;\;\& lph, 7vc-t pi) X$?rqv cai uh6lrt)" a@. 28 axouou sorrow. f $ I mol.e t but hlmthereforerlle k ~ u 0180 me, thnt not sorrow upou sorrow I might hnre. The uro1.e c ~ ~ r a f u l ithnt. nlleu Enlordpwc o6v lnep\F.a ahrdv, i'va id6urac ahrbv ?rti,\lv mnrrejoice, ngniu. ye ye we {!U audthat I d iligeutly therefore I sent hlm, that secing hlm np.1iu

r b 4 o i ?robe
'to "send dto


26 f r e ~ d $

run~bethelesssorrowxnp,jre, r6 (; Mon6reoo~ b. 207rpoa8h~aaee o h e Recelre therefore ful. 9 Receive him ye might rejoice, m Y the lerr rorrdwful mlght be. dI therefore in the Lord m t h allglndnea~;nud aifrbv ;v kvoiy prd rciaqc ~ a p d c ,rni ro6s T O I O ~ T O V ~ hold auch m reputa- him in[the] ~ & d m t h all joy, and ruch tiou 30 because for bld 7 b ;py0v qro3" r ~ p l a r o ~ ~ ~X ~ the mark of CMst he f Y T ~ / ~ O V E T E *80 876 wns nigh unto denth, in houour hold ; because for the urlte of the work of the ihrist not l*g.~rtlrughis life to ,lipply Your lack oj pQxp1 Bavcirov $ y y i ~ t v , 'rnpn/.?ovX~vaci~cvo~~~+*X$, wplce toftard me, unto &nth he want near, having disregarded pis] l~fu, 1 1 Finnlly, my h a (ivanXgpPag rb-'iipGv.itarip)]pa 1. ?rpdg f a Xeirotlpyi'ns brethren, Wolce in that he might 511 np your de5cLncy *ofthe 'towards me lm~nisr.r~~clon. the Lord. To write the mme thiner to yoa, to Tb.Xoi?rdv, dEd$oi.pov, xizipare iv rtlpiyD rci ai~rd me indeed ia not WevFor the rest, my bretltren, rejoice in [the] Lord : the snmc tlirngs ous, but for you it is mfr. 2 Beware of Y O ( ~ $ E ~ t i ~ ip0i 6}Y , 0hK b ~ v t l p d ~ , 6pi~.da cio$nXic. clop, bemre of evil 40 n.rlto to you, t o me [is] not irksome, nncl for you mfe. worken ben'nre ot the mucisiob. 3 F O ~ wcnre 2 pXfarrods K ~ Y ~ E I DintrE 70i1crc7k0itc ipyrirnc, Phinere therirc~untislon,~~.hich See to dogs, see to evil xvorkers, see to xvnr.ttlp Go l 111 the spirit, and rejolca iu T?)V K ~ ~ c ( T o ~ 3 ,jpic.ycip fapv ?j ?rptr~/i?j, rvi,}rnrr ~/v' 0; Chnst Jearr. an11h a s tho concirion. For we sre the circuluca~on,who $ 1 'splrlt ~ no confldenca in the t flcth. 4 ~ h ~ ~ ~ ~ O1 I,; ~X Q T ~ E ~ ~ O W reni , ravxPp~vot xp~arq' I ~ u o C , Y ( T ~06% ~~~~~h~ E E~ iv &ohavecon5dencainDaod 'wrre, and bow in C h L t Jesus, s n d n o t


- ocrrr~w. ~pcmoc h see - m3 tile h 0 3 ( r e d serve m [the]Splrlt of God)


+ [ibrivJ


1 'I~UO;





+&W LTRA. 1 W W - LTTrA. $ h q a c v a6rov LnrAW. P hvaqv G I l T r A \ V . u a p a , ~ ~ h ~ ~ hurialg s u ~ u o hazurded QLrTrAW. LTTrAW.

~,"l~$;l~ft~{h",~h~ in flesh trust. Though I hn~e trust even in hnth ,,.hereof he luight aapri. v ei sic ~ O K 6XXoc ~enoiOivatbv anpci, d yh p2XXov' trLLst :in the flesllf 1 F ~ circumcised fierh ; if any lthinka 'other t o trust in flesh, I rather : the eighth day, of the 5 wneprroptj bcrail~repo~,ir yivovc '1o~nrj4,Q V ~ ~mtock of 1erae1, of the C [a8 to] circuurcirion, on [the] eighth day ; of [the] race of Irraei, of [the] tribe vhpoll @aoianios, Drew ; ae tollching 'H~vlapiv," 'E/3paio~t 'E$paiwv, rard i of Benjamin, Hebrew of H e b r e ~; according to [the] lnw a ~ b i u i r e e ~ s ; h ~ o ~ ~ 6 ~ a r &YCfiXov" EiOiiwv r$v I K K L ' X ~ I Q ~ ~ V KC(?& 6ieaiou6- eecuting the charch; , according to real, persecutiug the assembly ; according to rightroun- toucl1ing the riallteouaness which is in the wqv rrjv bv v6py yeljdpevoc bpepnroc. 7 'dXX'"dinva lnw, ~lnmrless. 7 n u t ne8s which [in] Intthe] law, hnving become blameless ; but r h n t thing1 what thiupr were gtrin to mc, those I counted .$v pot" rQpSq, T & T ~ fiyqpal Et& 7bv xp1UiblJ loos for Clirist. 8 Tea were t o me gain, these I have esteemed, on account of Chrirt, doubtless, and I couut nll thiags brit loss for 8 bpev~irvyellrai rjyoirpai nciljm t l l p i a ~ excelleucg 04 tpe the But yes rather, also I am esteeming all things loss knowlodge of Chrlst I m ~Ivat 616 rb 6nep6xov yvOuewc C ~ p ~ u r o Iquou Jesus I Lord:~ cfor d t ,,.llom su re to be on account of the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jeaur the loss of sll things, rot.hipiov.pov, 6v rd.xd~lra iCqprdOqv, sa; 4y0;- * F , dung,count I them and do that may 1 1 on account of whom 11 things I suffered loss of, and eftcem vim Chr1.t. g and be my Lord, 'iva e ing mine own rightpat[them]o i p a h a delvai,ll that xpiarbv IsepE+~w, 9 rai bei p a O 3 fOuudin him*n0thnvrefuae t o be, Cllriat mny gain; nnd found eouanesl, which is of ciXXd iv crhry", p4 ixwv bprjv.E~tacou6vqv ??)v b~'vdpov, but theia"*butfhatwhich is through thofnith of in him, not having my rfghteousneaa which [is] of law, Christ, the rig.hteouanjv 616 niarswc xpiaroir, rijv Ir Oeot brraioa6vqv ini nesm is of God that which by faith of Christ [is], the 'of Wod 'righteourness on r i niufet, 10 roC yvdvat abrlv rai r?)v 66vapiv rcc dun- thepowerandhis rcsnrof felfdth, to know him and the power u lreaur- lovahi; of hia suf. f tWriaocatroir, rai er?jv'i soivwviav fr~vl'.nat)llpcirwz~.airroir, ferinps, being made rectlon 'his, and the fellowship of hi8 ~ufferiugs, conforrnabie unto any ; 11 if by hi8 ~~vppop$o6pvo~'~ ry'.6avciry.airroir, 11 i..rrws Karavrrjaw meaus I might nttain being conformed to his denth, it by any means I m a arrive ~ the resurrection of the dead. 12 S o t ei'r rljv itavciarautv hr;vll veep(;lv. 12 oirx iirt jlEq tXXn/30vJ lu though I nlat thc resurrection of the Pend. Kor that lalready 'Ireceired, ready attnined, either were alrently $ 48q rereXeiwpar. Ei&~w.62 ei i~nill earaXht3w feet: but I f o K G or already hove been perfected ; but I am yurauing, if also I m n j lay hoid, after, if that I ning apprehend that for i$'.$ eai krtarX$ h b 'rot"xplrYr0~ ' I l l ~ ~ 6 .13 tiaX- n.ilich a160 I am np. m " for that also I was laid by the Lhrist Jesus. B m rehended of Christ Qbsur. 13 Brethren, I oi, d & ipavrbv lloirl' Xoyi~opaieareiXtl$~6vai* 2v.Ed, ,,se;f to r e mruU h o t ]do reckon to hrve laid hold; but oue thing- l i n n apprrhruded: but rd piv brLw bn~XavOav6pevoc, roi~..6d c"yrpoa6ev oryettiug'"t11o.a t h i"Ol~ a One 'g l the thing8 behind forgatting, and to the things betore which nra behind, "ud dnatr~ivdpavo~, rar6 . aronbv ~ L ~ Oi~i'] ppa/3eiov the.. t h l u forth i ~ r e 14 K W rb re'L'ilin? g ~ whic11 rtrrtching out, towards[the] goal I piirbtle for the Prb before, 14 I press to-

II I. lv aapri neroiOdrec,.'

4 ~aixep by& ixwv wenoiOqatv ral iv

hi 7

E:ke,,o,f : ~ ' E Y

8' t




;;;$\yty;t;tf;o;,;fi"in ~h 08v d X e i o ~ roirro.$povGpev' rai ~i ri irlows 1sLet u * t h ~ therafore [are] perfect should be of this mind ; and if [in] amrthiug diffe;e~ltiy ~ ~ w t " , " b , $2~ "~~
of the 'on 'high =calling

iivw ~Xtjaewcrot Beoir iv X tar@ '1,laot. 15"Oao~

of God in lhrist Ji..ur

As nuny as iug of

~,,,j J~ul~g.


$povir,rai roirro d Oebc 6piv a ~ o r n X i ~ 16 n;\ijv dC.5 $~~.

Ithis God to rou will reveal.

r e are minded,'also

d : a ~ d in a n r if whereto thing ye be otherwire

To wad a8 pointed i n tlce Greek j o i n though I have BC.t o vhat f3recede.9, commencing a M l C t eat ei zrc. ltt~ neprtopf OLTTI.A\V. Bev~apeiv LTTr. Y 47hor LTTrAW. dMd b p i v o h then illdeed CLTrAW, por $v L. 0 $. 703 (rSead of the [I,]~'$A] ; &M' . T C'hriut) L. d etvar L n t . 0 - f i v LTTI.[A]. 7 t h TTr. E uvppop+r~opavo~ h 6 v t from ?nloilg [the] 1.TTrAW. 1 rta; T. k ~asehrjpf$6~v (mv. T) LTTrAW.

- 1


- Iquoli GLTIAW.

- 0irru not J C t

'' l,

c i L'ITrA. ~

minded, God shall rerd eren thk unto


~ ~ n ~ n r r r ~ x r o r z . III. TV.

d$8(iuaEI~v, $ .airr$. uroi~aivPravbac, rb-atd.~pov6iv.n r

16 ~ ~ ~ we attained, by ~ ~ ~ the same ~'to 'walk ~ 'rule, h l ~ ~ be of the ~ a m mind. to , e whereto we have 81- 17 qXvppipqraiL1 pov y i v ~ d ~ , driseXqoi, mri urco?r~ir~ p & ~ ~ $ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'ImitatorsA%ogether 4of 'me 'be, , " & ~ brethren, nnd consider those 1 : US 17 Brethren be 0 thing. mind the nume followers together' of me and mark them "' ye m enhave uslk for so snmyle. 18 (For many of whom I hnve told you often and now tell you ' evcn Werping, that they a m tho enemienof thecroas of c h r ~ t 19 W ~ G Wend : U destru+ion, w h w God is thetr belly, and wit,vc ~ I W Y in their is shnme, who mind eactl~ly thiugs.)PO For our couversation h in huirven from whence also we) look for the &rioIw, the Lora J* sus chriat : 21 who

o$rwc ~ ~ p i ~ a r o ~~v a a c%ET r e & ~


~ E ~

ye have rfor] 'a .pattern often

ii(lzr. 18 robas ;
O pl~, GV vCv.Eh

Xoi ydp ?repi?rarolurv

are wslldng

[of3 whom

08c ?rohXciric

I told


and now

rai &iwv
even weeping


I tell &ou,they


r06~ ixopobc ro; uravpo~706

the enemies of the


m d the glory in for of na

ci?rDX~ia, 6 v i) 8 . ~ 4 ~).j roihia, of Chri~t: w h o ~ e end [h] ddestruction, whose Qod [in] the belly, rai 4 6 6 t i v r$.aiux6vp.a+riiv, oi rci.b?ri Ela $povo3vr~p ~piurofi* ;v 19 rb r&og
their nhame,
who earthly t1ing-a

mind :

20 IjpBv-$p ri) aoXirevpa b

uwrijpa t i n e u 6 ~ ~r8a 6
also [M] Saviour will transform

otpavoic it?rci@~er, i t
Jenua Christ, for


the commonwealth in [the] heavens

exists, from which

ore awn ting [thq] Lord


p~rauxqpariuet rb ~ G p afit ra?reivhuaw~4 ~ i i v ', e i ~rd YE,

'of Of'humiliation our,


r6piov ' I ~ u o xprur6v, 21 ~v


ttfj,~ ~like unto his O'viaear a6rd1IWppop$ovfl ~ g ~ t , " a ~ ~ ~ fkslrioned home 'it conformed
whereby he fa able even the to anbdue all things rd-?r(ivra, unto hiluself. all things.

ohparr rij~.6dEq:r)~..a6~03, rarci

to 'body =of 'his *glory, according CO

rdv ivEpy~iav r03.66vadar.a6rbv

Oi hfs power

uai d r o r f Far stavry'il


to subdue t o himself

Iv. Therefore, my brethlen dauly belored nnd longed for, l,ltd crown, so my ~ u fast in the h d d

4"Qbte, ti8eX$oi.pov
So that,

ti a ~ q r o irai Fma68qroi, ~ a p d rai

Lloved und longed for, Lloved. 'joy 'and

my brethren

urt$avd~ pov, O
Crow* m ,

~ { $ ~ l ~ ~ ~ , " d - , " n ! waparuA$, m i 6iavtl

wpiy, ~ ~ W E uTi)r~ra2v thu stand b.t in [the] L : , od

(i awqroi 2 ( E h EIIO-

EvvrG~qv raparaXG, raPrb.$povaiv

be-h Syntych~, h d b z I dol't, m d 8yUtyche I exhort, to be of tha nome mind they be Of the same dv r;vply' 3 ' r a i Ud wrii rtai @.E, w d ~ a y y t j ~ i e , ~'uvXv I mind in the Lad. I enrmat in [the] Lord. And !u ak a b thq 'yoke-fedw Itrue, U . 81-P true yokefellow* XapPhvovI1d r a i c , 'a ' i r r v ~ v r @c6a ~ X i y i~ avvljeXquciv he1 thoso women thew [wom~n], who in the glndYYd-t strove togetha. whbh laboured with aiat me in the gospel with ~ O L , p~rd rai K h $ l l a ~ ~I s U ~TGVX O L ? T ~ Y oVVE Y ~ ~ v - ~ C, Clement 81-I m h a h M t h me ; with .bo Qement, and the nat of my fePlow-wotkother my fellowlabourem whose names 6v rci L v d p a ~ i v PiPXy .t&jr. in the book of lifs. whose naurer Cue] in [the] book of life. 4BjoiceintheLord 4 Xqip~ref v ~ t l ~ p i~ciyrore. ~ C i x i v bpG, xaipgre. y alway : and a ~ a i n I Rejoice in [the] L r od alwayn : again I t i l l auy, rejoice. my, Bejoica 0 Let moderation be 6 rd.inuwds.6p.iv r w u & j r ~ wiiuiv drvOp&~orc. 13 KGQLOE *Your 'gentlet be known t o all men. The Lord [is]


rTgwLzz w


6 ~e careful f m no-

suppficntion with W k s p i r i n 6 let FJur request. be made known unto GO& 7 And the pence of God whicb passetlfall un,&6mding shd keep your he& v d m i n b throu h Christ JeSlIr 8Finalfy,brethren, whatsoever things

thiu 'by prayer and

- but in cvery


6 Mqblv pep, v i i r ~ ,
Nothing be

&h u t ,

Iv lravri r#-?rpoutv~p'
but in everything by prayer ~ o u r ' r e p u e ~ ~ t' ae t L m& l

rai r$.&tjuei

p r d a6xnpcuriac ~ h a i n j p a r a . 6 ~ 3vwpr~
thankgiTing and the p8sw
God J

and by supplication with


r d 8 ~ 6 7 rai I j alp$~ ~ .

TOG 8eoG Ij itrr~pi~ovua

of God which and
snrpssses athoughts





~ dv 6 ~ 'It/b06. 8 TbXo~rdv, xf167$ (i6X$oi,


' L

ovpIju~i rds~rap6ia~.6pGv rdr vo$para rai


your hesr*l


Bor the mt, brethrdll, whatsoem [things]

l a t i v ri.Xq84,
8 % 1

iiaa aepvri, 6aa dirnm.



' w tsoem ayva, are tme,are h ahouost,



whnt.-ocvcr veuernble, whntnoever

U-hntsoerer pure,

eC$~~pn, i rrc dperlj r a i ei r r ~ j"st~ wh*tamv~r e Ore whntsoevcr l o ~ c l y , whatsocrcr of goud rcport ; if any virtue and i t any ~ ~ i?ratvoc, r a c r a Xoyic~a8e'9 a r a i c'p68ere r n i ?rap~XhP~re V C ~ Y , whnts0evc.r ~O ;an r p o a $ t X ~ , Znn
praiso, the*o thiugs and considcr. What also ye lenrncd nnd do; mceived

$"? ,$ g $ ,t g, c ~

rai ))ro6aars rni ~ i 8 E t . E ;v ipoi, r a b r a ?rp(iuaer~- a i 6 8edc rirtue, and if them ba r

and and the God any prai"* think O n these things. 9-Tbors ~vpitp things, which p h t ~ r e But I rejoiced i n [the] Lord both learned ofpence shnll be with *on. ceired, and h&, nnd r6 1n2p l e e tpovpvriv. ra iu me. do: u ~ d ? p~ycihwc, 6rr 4hl.nori dve86herr thinking ; the God of pcnec sh11l1 grcatly, that now nt lcugth ye revivcd Lyour] "of be with you. 10 But l$'.$ mi i$poveir, dmipeTa8e.di. 11 O ~ Sri I rejoiced in tho Lord X Not that greatly t h a t now a t n l t i ~ o ~ ~ p h ye wcrc thinking, but yo were 1;wkiug opportunity. nlso the losi your citro of rr(B1i1nr8p1)nrv XLYw' by(;-y(ipE * p ~ 8 0 ~ j0:s bv clpi, me hath flobriahcd a, to deatitation I speak ; for I lenrucd in what [circumstnno~g]I am, ngain; whergiu ye were n so careful, b11t ye c t i ~ r c i eivnr. ~ 12 o76n.Y6i" ~~t ~ rnaeo~oGaQcii, o l l a - ~ a i lsckod op~mrtunity. colitcut t o be. And I kuow Chow] tobu brougllt low, and I h o w mow] 11 Nut that I rp. nk i n respect of waut : for I ?rt!)r&eCeiv. i v m v r i rrai ;v ?rciatv p y 6 1 ~ ~ c a r a xio p r i - h ave l w n d in what~ to nhouud. I n everythiug nnd i n all thiugs I am iuitinted both to be coever atate I am,
7 f i ~/ E



in me, thcse thinga

Gvqc rnrni

6pi)v. 10 ' ~ ~ d ~ q v - b a dv

ieaQni ~ a ?racvqiv, r a i ?rcptaae6~lv 6arepeia8nr. 13 &vra i rai

full and to hunger, both t o nbound and t o bo deficient. 'All'things

iaXCw bv T$ ~ v ~ v v a p o G v r i zXPiir+." 'I 'am 3stronp .for i n the 'who Jerupowers me 'Christ.
n cl1





~ ~ t - ~ f ~ how t o be nbn*od, l l ~ l d I kuow how toabound: where and ill things I alu instructed
~ h h &

~nhuic droi$uare, acmyrroivwv~navr~~' r i BhiCr. 15 oi2: pou

ye did, hnving fellowship i n my tribulntion.

abound aud to ~ u f f e r E i m i ; p i e , iPtXr~ri~ntor, B Sri v Cipxij 703 f a yeXiov, need- 13 l (lo 811 'and ahq ye, 0 Philipyinlu, t h a t in [the] b p i n u i n g o the g l a l cidinge., f t : ~ ~ f ~ t , 8 7 ~i?$jXeov &ad Mare8oviaG, o&?epia por b ~ r X ~ ab ~ o i -me. 14 Notwitl~attiudia wthcu I came out from h[ncedouiq not any .with 'me lmsembly %ad t h a tyc hnve rullnulllllorlb~ ye did Y ~ I ~ ~ ~ U sic E V Xrjyov Gdnewc rai bXlj\Cletrrc,ll e i . ~ l ji.jieTs qicnto with m r nmic'fellowship withregnrd to nu nccount of giving and rcceiviug, except ye tlon. P'1i1ippiaua kuow ,nlr;o,t h ; ~ r ptlvoi' 16 Srr ~ a di t3eannXovirrp m l i r a 6 rai 6ic ceicll rijv in the w i u u i u of v i the gospel, n lien senlone ; becruso also i n Fhcss;rlonica both once and twice for nrted fro111 Jlarc~p~inv-pot br~p\Clnr~. O ~ X6ri i?rrcqr3 r h Gdpa, d&M'Ua.~ ano ch11rc11 17 o , conlnly need yo sent. Not t h a t I gift, but municared !\.it11 lna ns couccrni~~p r r n y g~ no14 isrtctlrui rbv r a p ~ b v rhv ?rXeovciCovra eig Xdyov.;pdv' rcceiviug. but yc , , U I ~ . f seck nftcr fruit that abounds to your account. I6 For evun in Thwsalonicn ye scut OIICO 18 cinfxw.63 ?rcivra rai ?repianeio. ?re?rXljpw at, J~tCipevo~ wd nin unto IIIJ I am f u l t h a r ~ u g abound; But I hare a11 thiuga and rcce~ved necessltv. 17 Not IHrap& 'E?ra$po8irou r d ?rapp 6p3v, bap4lliv c&wSiac, but I desire fruitgift: a that from EpalJhroditus the things from you, nu odour of a aweet smell, may abound to our



Bvaiav Gerniv, rhhpmrov r $ 8eG 19 d 8 8 . ~ 6 ~ . d v p h a e i ou

mncrlfim acccptabh, well-pleasing
W God.

But my

bd l

fill Up

full having r w i v d


rZaay xpeiav.&piUv
all your need

w o r d i n g to

e~dv.trhobrovl~.abroi (v
his richea

66l3 bv

$ i $ $ ~ ~ $ ~ ~ ~ ~

d o r y i fromyou,nn odourofr n ~p~ar~? 'Irluoi. U) rc;.di &+ r a i ?rarpi GpGv tj GdEa sweets~ell+~~crifi~ acceptable lv out nl Chriit Jesus. Bnt t~the God and Father of us glory to ing to Gob. wallylonaGod shall supply a i ro6c aiijvac r i j v U ~ ~ V W Vi p l j v . . our need according to the ages of the agea. Amen. is rlches in glor by 21 'Aariaaaee ~ ( i v r a' y c ~ vi v xpcarG # ~ ~ u o iiurcizov- Chriat Jesuk zo S o w i i. Salute every saint i n Christ Jesus. unto God and our Fnther glory for ever rat 6 01 airv d oi &GeXqoi. 22 daricovrar 6 ii r i v - mdever. h e n . lute JOU lthe Swith k e abrethren. 'O~ute I &lute every aaint l



*[ a ] L



a xprory^ (read ~ y him) O L ~ A W . ^ ~ T ' i ' r ~ w . * 76 ~ A o i r o r m A W . L

mm T .





'of sCcsar 'household. [be] with

I .

~ & ~$:lF2: T E E oi iiyrot, piXlara.82 oi 6r r 4 Kaieapo~oicing 23 ' H :,; ~ ~ , ~

~ , u A , ' ~ ~ : I ; %/plc~roi.xvpiov.'i) ;I;~ $~

arc of ~ ~ m r xousc ' s hold. 23 The grnco of our Lord J c a s Christ k with you all. Amen.

@the*sntntn, nnd espcctnlly thoda of the of onr L o r f

Gun 'itloo) xpluroB


perd grivrov

6 GU,l hbptjv.l~



ill@ [the] @Ain7rqaiov( lypriqq Phllippia~ written


' P & w ~ ,d i 'RnaBorne,




k~ THB

'TO ['TEE]




PAUL, m n ~ o s t l eof I I A u O ) : ( t ~ d a ~ ol hI~ fc ~ xpluroirU. 6hfi)4a~0c ' l ~ ir dtd &o?, kai Jerus Christ by the will ot ~ o d and TI, apostle of Jesua Christ bl %will 'God's, and motheun out. brother Ttpd0eos d &JeX$6p,2 roic ;U mKohaauai~n 6dyiorg ntarai :nfi,f$' TiTi.heu.ul the brotior, t o the .in Y!~lou l u i n t s $an4 nfnt&. C h h t which are a t t o i ~ &8eX$oiC bv ~ p l b r $ ' ~~ ( i p 6piu kni eip+vq dni, 6 ~ 0 3 t ~ Ornco le ful *brcthron &in 6Christ. Grwe t o yoa and peace from Qod t o you nnd pence, irolu ~ b oor bathcr narprjc.jipGu Orai d cvpiov 'Itpoi X turoi.U aud the Lord J r e u our Fnther and [the] Lord Jesru 8hrist.

< 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ d


3 Etixnptaroirp~vry'
N e give t h n n h t o the God Vor

Prai" m r p i roir.rcvpiov.4 Gv 'Iqnud Frther

of our L r o!

~ o i XPIUTOB, ,
ru8 Christ,

T~YTOTE qnapi"

6 cju npouav~cip~vot~nroC4


8Weglveth8nkRt0 Qd nnd the Bntlior of aaurec rr)u.niarrv.6 ;v' ;v xpraryi 'Iqaoir, rai rtjv bycinqv of gour f n i t f In ChrlnS Jesus, and the love cur Lord Jerur Lhrist, heard prnjiug tiln.nys for r r ) i y ~ eic ~ d v r a p r03p ciyiovg, 5 Brd r~jv tX.rriba ) d ~ ~ whicho Cpe have] townrda ~ all ~ the aninu, on account of the hope ~ ~

:, $ l" :
ahioh [h]

Jeans, and of tire love tc.Irrc/r r/e hove t o nll the m,lnr4 for the hope whrch is In111up for you whmeof ye heard bnfore in the word of the trlrtl~of the goaye1 ; 6 which is come a u t o SOU,as it isiu all the world ; and bringeth forth fruit, aa it dg(h nlrio in you, since the +layye heard o it, f and knew thc grnce of ~~d in truth : 7 aa ye a1no lenrued of Epnplirna our drnr fellowservant, whoisforyou a fnitlrful rniuiutor of Christ ; 8 v110 nlro dwlnrcd your lore in the Spirit.
f -

(ino~~ipEnvt/u iu roip olipavoi~, n o~~oiracir~ 6piu iju

laic1 up for you i n the h u v e l u ; which ye e a r d of befon which are coma truth all of the glaltidings, the world,

hu ry' Xdyy r<c cihqe~iac eba yeXiov, 6 roir napdvro~ roi ais ipiic, kae&(: rcai i v ?ravri ryi rciupy, 'sal' iartu ~apao$opo6even ns also in

in the word of the


. and


pevovt, rcnedc rcai bu +piu, &$' ife-rjplpng Ijrobaar~ rui

fruit, even as also nmong you, the grbce f m m the dny i n which truth: y e heard even RI nnd

dnhyuwra rtju xciorv 706 B E O ~


of God in

ciXq0eiq. 7 ea0&c "raiu


bpa'oer~cinb 'Enaqpli TO^ & a n Ye!d bl e o ye lonrned from Epaphras , CUTLU T I U T S ~h i p '6 Gv" ~ ~ ~


dvv806hov <pGu, 8~
Lfellow-bondmnn lour, who *of sChr&t, who d a o





K O Y O C XPLUTO~,8 709

BtlXi6u(t~ jlpiv ~~u.i~pcjv.ciydnrl,v bv

sig111Aed t o us your love


in [the]

706 wvedpamr 6p;v your aw $p (reud of the Lord) - the szibsc?*iption n p b r @tArrmJniovsTrA. - &p+i v 'Aaoo~dAou of theLTTrAW. OLTW; KoAouuacic ET; lIa5Acv apirit~~onArwpbs . k 70; Apostle IIpbr &rto ~ I XPLQTO; 'I7w00 LTTTAW. KoAooua~r Kohouoaeir ; Upbc KoAaooaeic I.TIAW. - crai ~ u p i o v'Iqo06 xwhichoye have pru~ i) - *+ 'IVooi) Jesus *v ixc7a 6vJp to G I L [the] Father) LA, ~


[I.]TT~[A]. 0


LWrA\V. U8 LTr&

LTT. a Q ~ a v d p e v o v U growing OLTTrAW. R ~





bringing forth

d cai

~ a (yea? i

i ~ w v

9 ~ t d roiro rni
On nccoliut of thiq do not ccnw 'for also 'you we

CO1,OSSIANS. d$' GS-jlpipn~ tjroziaapev,

'praying a d asking

9 PO? thfa We

from tho day in which No hoard [of it],

oli.navdltaOa h i p 6113~~rpoacu~cipavor airohpevor rai nXqpw0jre +v iriyvwatv roi.0eXrjparop.aitroi

~~4~i~d,"h, i'va : $;;;e:gtrA$: ;

that b filled witll ,

~ ~ ~ ; d ~ ye wny bo filled with the knorvledge of hir will npiritunl untler~tnndaoqiq rai auvhaer rvcv/tan+, 10 re~trarijaal "hpiicn ; 10 thnt might wisdom and ' u n d e n t a ~ ~ d i n g'apiritunl, worthy the Lord unto all of Iona( & w e TO^ rvpiov ei's riaav x d p ~ a( v r a v i jpytp ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ iya8@ *ins fruit&l in wunhily ofthe Lord to a11 plensing, h ,every work 'good ~ ~ ~ f B M ~ ~ d ~npao$opoirvresrai abfavdpevor reic r?jv iriyvwaivnroi howlcc~ge of Q O:~ bringing forth fruit nnd growing fnto the knowledge Q E O ~ , . 11 EY rciaq dvv6pei duvap06p~vot ~ a r d rb ~pcirocto his lorious power power beiug rtreugthcned according to the might nuto nfl patience nltd of G& ; with all lonpuffering with r ~ ~ - d d ~ t ~ s - a 6 r raaav 6roPov3v m pa~poevpiavperd joyfulness; 12 giving ric o i i of his glory to all endurance and longsuffcring with theuks unto the Tnther, which hathmnde .\("pZcn eir~apturoirvres rarpi, rcy" iravcjaavri '<ttiisn m, to be pnrIS r@ fo~; giving thanks to the Father, who made 'coruptcnt 'us tnken of tho inheritanco of the sninb in tic r ? j ~ pepida 70s K i ? j p ~ l l T;Y Ciyiw~ T$ $ ~ r i ,13 S E light :13 who hath d e tor the rhare of the inheritance of the saints in the light, who livered us from the power of dnrknona bd)$haaron i r r j s itovaiac 701 urdrovc, rai periarq- d hnth trauslnted . , delivered IU from the authority of darkness, and traua- us into the kingdom of







rtjv PaatXeiav sol uioii rij~.ciyirq~.aitroii,14 i v

of the Son of his love :

lated [m] into the ' kiugdom

in demptlon though hir ixopev njv droX6rp~arv Cdtd roii.a'iparos.a6roir)I rrjv givenow of sins: 15who even the forredemption through his blood, who18 wehave the is the imageof the inb$eatv rGv &pa r&va 16 8~ Eariv E ~ K & Y 70; 6~03roi) visible the muhion of f n l ; who k [the] imnge of God the born : Of for gy him ture I6 dopcirov, ?rpwrdroros ?rc?tuqsmiaewc* l6 brt i v a&r@ all things creinrlsible, iirrtborn of all motion ; bocby him were vun thnt ated* and rhnt u e in rrriaeq rd-whvra, d r d V v roic oitpavois rai erdn ini rGs in Aarth, visrble and mated rll things, the things in the heavens and the t h i n p upon the yijs, rd bpard rai rd cidpara, eire 8 6 ~ 0 1eire rrvptdqres do million^ or princiautb, the Tialble and the invldble, whether &ones, or lordships, palitbs, POW= : all things were meire cipxai eire lFovaiais .rd.rcivra 6 i aitroi ~ n tic atrbv cited by him, and for i or principnlitiw, or anthoritier : all things by him and for him him : l7 and he in before all things nnd by t"uriurar* 17 rai atrds iariv ?r b ncivrwv, rai.rd.n(ivra him a11 thinks conAnd he ia be& all, and all t h i n p sist. 18 And he is have beencreatad. bv ~ 3 r d avvfarl]rev' 18 ~ a atrds iariv r$aX?j o6pa- the head of the bod i roij t,,, church: who in him rubsist. And he b the head of the body, the beginning the



7 ;

rop rijs lrrAqdac* S p h t v

the asseinbly ; who the dead,

ia [the] begining,

rirv verpGv, i'va yivqrai iv

because in

that Ymight=be 'in 'all .things

c+~xfi, rpwrdroro~ tr hc might havea11thin@ dead; thnt in the firstborn from among thcpre~ i i a t vafric npwreziwv. $
'he holdiug the first place; thnt in him should 1 l , to dwell, Yulnees

39 8rc h ahr$ Eit8drq~av r z v rb dfipwpa rarotmjaat,

hm i
'wu 6pleared 'all %he

20 rai d i aitroii droraraXXciFac rd.rcivra

and by him to rsconclle all things Y O T O ~ ~dtd ~70; ai'paroc U ~ made peace by the blood of his c r q by whether the things on the earth, or thething8 in the you

22:; dthe~ 'blood2 of~ , " ; ~ d;e 0 through E~C aitrdv, eipq- ~~;; ;~;~b;~;n; to itself, having himself ; by hiln I

the; k



y i j ~ Eire ,

rd E r o i ~ v o&pavoic.9 ra; 1
heavena u l d enemiar

things in earth, or thiugs in heaven. 21 And you, th?t ware

nore 6 v r a ~ b7rqXXorprw irovc rai i ~ e p o i . ~ dravoiq

once being alicnsteh(

and enernier in your mtndb~wickedworka,

cdiaawc rrai aizofi aLmAw.


itpis QLTT~A.

called and L.

&peuxlav T .

- 7d

l itpb


T . - r i [LMT~].

i j irrc+ur~ by the knowledge o L m r r w . b ep6uam m. 0 6 t i 706 a i p , r o r 1 85 h 3 LW.

~ ~ i v roic ipyorc ~roic T O V ~ ~ O ~vuvi.di g(iro~ar;)XXaEev~ bv b ~E . h 22 of hi8 Re-h throueh by 'trorka 'wickod, yet now he rccoucilarl in t~th;:; r$i ohpart tije.nap~b~.nliroir 6rd roir Bavciroirh, rapambunreprovenble in the body of hi6 6erh through dcc~th, to p m h b right :23 if ye mn- arj/na( 6pzg (i iovc dui ciphpouc rai civayrhrjrou~rarevhtlnue k ud rttled, mat the frith JOU and unbhm*ble and uuimpenchable lalon

and be not moved .- rrov ahroi' 23 dye i r ~ y i v e r ery' riurar T E ~ E ~ E X ~ W way from the ho of him, if indeed ye continue in the faith founded the eorpel whicp ye h.vehcard,andwhich rai dspaior, rai p?j p ~ r a ~ ~ v o ~ r b ~ v o ihribo!: rds d~ t W prrached t o every and M 6rm, and not being moved nwny from the hope of the creature whlch ir under heaven. whereof hay eXiou 05 $ K O ~ U U T E , roJ r~pvxBhvroc i v nciap ' r e # I .m) d o r g l d &inm, wuch ye heard, which were proclnimed in all the l rriocr 6 r b idv ohpavlv, 05 byevdpqv By& llaijXoc creation [b]under burr, of which abecuw &I 'Paul


mvant. who no,, rrfoiw 24 N3v ~ai'gw i v ~ o i c . r a e $ p a a i v . ~ ~ o v ~ ' 6rgp rai in my aufferlnga for Xow, I am rejoicing in my sufferiugr for you, aud rd &are ilparn TGV 8XI E W roir xptaroir ~ you and 611 np that aivravarXqpG whl(ch irbehindof thr filling Up that rhioh in $iud of the tribu ations of tho Ehri$t .l ion. of Christ in I . *

, ,

EifiWgf~:$,':a a p r i . ~ o v( r i p iv r~.
the mystery which bath been hid from age'l aud from generations, but now ir lunde mnnlfeat to his mints: 27 to whom God would mnke known what ir the riches of the glory of thim m p c tary among the Gen. t i l e ; which is Chriat in you, the h o p of : 28 whom we yreuch, warning every man, and teachin m.n wis&m ; that we

whloh Ls the PIchurch : 25 whereof I W 6frh for hir body, made miniater, gXtlaia' 26 illevblltfv brd~ovoc t a r & r)jv oikovor6cordlng toof God rembly ; the d l c of which became I rervant, sccordiupto the adminiawhich given to me piav 703 6 ~ 0 3r?jv 806eiadv por CpZic ahqpGaai rbv for on to fulfll the trttion of Qod which [h] given me tow-& you t o cou~plete the

- .

roi.a~paroc.ahro3, 8





0803, 26 rb
of Qod,

~ V ~ T $ ~ L ObW r

( ~ B O K E pivov ( i d K~V
has been ridden from




rirv aiCjvwv uai &ab rGv yev~Gv, lvv~ii'.Bl Q$nvapl;Bq

ager and from generattom,

but now war mad8 manifest


roi~.(iyiorc.ahro~'27 ore r)eiXqaev 6 8abc yvwpiunr to his d n t a ; t whom 'dld 'will o 'God to make known what c T X O ~ T O7~ 6 bdSt]c ~03.pvarqpiov.roirrov ~ i~ roic io

6 veurv,


ot the glory

of thia mystwy

[are] nmong the ns-



larcv ~prarbc v 6piv t j i X r i c i

C W t


you the hope


JdEtlc' 28 Bv
ot glory: =an, whom and we mny

,jpaic rarayyiXXopv, vovBero3vr~c acivra bvOpwroy, rai

announce, 6vJ
m ~ n

every all

ptgpi", Jeru': 9 wbereunto

bibcia~ovrac ~ d w a hvepwrov bv wdap oo$iq, 'iva rapah~ching in wisdom, thnt

: n ; ~ c c ~ ~ f h " B r , ~ t r ; ar;)awpev

~ d v r a6vOpwrov ~BXaiov i u

X ~ L U T @ O'Irp~oir."

working, which work- prwat evwl mm perfect in Christ Jesus. 0th in memiehtll~. 21) ~ic.6 rai xortG, ciywvr/dyevoc uard rtjv ivQpyeini~ Whwuunto ako I lnboiir, striving according t o 'working

aliroi, rrjv ivepyou~tivqvi v bpoi i v G~vdpet.

oonflict I havcfor ou, andfor them at dicen, andfor as mnny uai QV ~ ~ a o b r r u have llot wen my aud thole in Laodicen, face in thefleuh. 2thnt t , their,heartr rnbht bs WOW OV uap~i, 2 comforted, belug knit in W ;
y knew what great m

IL For I would that






2 BiXw-ydp irp(ic eibivar Bor I wirh you t o know

me in

power. for you,

how great conflict I hare huve not seen

tjXi~ov (iyGva Zjlw PrepiU6pGv


~ i ~ ,8" ~ 0 t o t ~ . ~ i w ~ d l ( a arb l lp 6 ~ w kai (vr

an&as many M

'iva raparXt)6irarv ai.uapdiar.ahrGi~,

that may bo encouraged their h e m ,

r irorraqAAtimrc
L ~ A W .

m LTrA. ibpcutav T.

were ye I'econciled L . a [aGso3] (read hik death) L. 1 q j the sufferinp) oLnrAw. I w v LTTrL m ri r b LTTrAPI. 'I~)vo$ QLlTrAW. P UUQ LTRA. &06blk T. r ~ ~ ~ ( u RAWi L( o v
pov (read

@avpPr~aoBivrwv~ dr iv
being knit together


?rXqpo$opiac rijc avvlaowc,

full urrurancs


rai aic L r h v r a rAoirmv' rijc
and to 811

of the

i:rrssuranoe fof un-c rq ~f ~ full

of underahnding to [the) LnowleQe of the


iniyvuarv r o i pvarqpiov derstmdiu~s t o


and of the Ather, and of Christ. 3 in whom we hid ill the t m uogiar p i xnjc' yhorwg h d r v- awes of wisdom md wdvrec oi &lavpoi all the h u m # of N d o m and o bonhOga e k knowledge. 4 Andm u I sa thL rqaXoyi<qrar tv shoub bepile you $01. 4 r o i r o . ~ 6 P A i p , 'iva 'p$ risU &d thL I my, that not anyone you mny bbguite by S Por enticing words, with though I be ri6avoXoyiqs 5 Ly& rcai rp' aapri aineipr, ry' absent in the flesh, ynt am I with you in the Bor indeed in the &h 1 an a b w yet pr~uuive apeeck 8pirif ,eying and bc m~rirparcadv Jpiv ;pi, xai wv rcai /3Xinwv:6pGv T))V r h ~ t v , holding your order, in spirit with you I am, rejo cing m d wing potv order, and the rtedfastneu of your faith inchrlrt. m rb mcpiwpa i eic $prarbv nisrrw~irp3v. 6 O ~ V 6 AJ ye hare there. and t b firmuem *in Chrlet 'of 'your Sfsith. As therefore fore received ChrLt Seem theLord, W walk rbv ~ p i u r Q'Iqaoiv rbv K ~ ~ ( oi v ,atry' TEptnU- ye in him: 7 rooted v ye received the Christ, Jmos the Lord, in him walk, and built np in him, * and atublirhed in the rrire, 7 tPbitwpivor rai ~ ? T O L K O I $ ~ O ~ ~ E V O v shy', rar faith, ye have bee,, bL having been rooted and being built up in him, and taught nbounding &~ar06~crvor r $ T ~ U T E & , %vn rn6hc i8d&x&rr, nrp~aa~bovrry .6YLC k i u g con5rmed in the faith, wen er ye w r taught, ee abounding of God and of [the] Bather ond of thn

r o i sroi ?rai


rai roCU,l 8 ;v

4 rhv m




biv airrgl tv tt~apcuriq.

with *giTiUg.

8 BX;TE&
b d W


C6 ii
'40O!'thW9 and empty

'8hall% deoeit,


L M h S 8

J 'of!

through dition

rGc $rXoao@iacrai
of men,

revfiy drdm)c,


+v rap&r&apov, xai

8 B~W(L= lest,.,,

eooording to the

tra- m m epoilpou throu

~ourvr3v bdphnwv,


r d molxea

and ditio; of men, .i of oh rard xprardv. 9 6rr b atry' raroircri wiiv rd rhjpwpa ter the rudiulentanot v e world and not ~ c o r d l n p t o Christ. For in him dwelL all the fulness attar chrir;. B For in acoording t o the elements of the world,

! ~ E

rijc ~rdrqroc a r r r ~ c , ~ 1 0 tare i v a t 4 res~qpwpivor~ uw rai ~~'P,,",W$$~~~?& o the Godhead f cdily ; and ye m '4 'him 'complete, h d bodily. 10 &d dii? iunv ~j c $ a ~ trhuqc cipxijg rai ~tovaicq*11 iv r j ge m complete i n im whlch is the herd who ir the hesd of all principality and authority, fq whom of a h principniity ond icai nepierptjflqre reprropp' dxrrponoc$ry, i v r+ dn- power : in whom 81-

.Ire ye were cimumsisad with circumcbion not made by hand, in the

put ~ i $ t ~ ~ f , " , ~ ~ made without h o b , t h g 0% of th. cdy of the rim of the flarh, in the cklull- in potting off the hod of the ains of the flesh ~op$ roir X iuroi, 12 avwa 6vrec atry' b ry' '@qnriupar~~n the circumcision of v b : 12 buried with ohion of the t b i a t ; having been urkd with him in bapthl brptiam, whiv cj, rai avvqy6 OQTE 6rd riarewc rijc Ivep- in also ye are riwn tu which .to ye were r & d with Chim] through the faith of the work- with hfna through the faith of the operntiou g~iacroil 8roG roQ iyripavroc atrbv ir gr3vn vercp~v.of ood W ~ bOr t h r n h 8 of God who rrfred him from among the ded. ed h i d from the dcnd. 13And you, being dend 13 rai 6pZic vrrcpoirc bvrac 'iv%oic r a p a ~ r h p a u i v kai rp' i n your sins and Ydead 'being in offenoer nnd in the the uucircnniclrion o t And you, your flenh, hath he drpo$variq rGc.aaptdc.6 Gv, ~ a w e t w r a i q u ~ ~ ~ atry', paickened togsther k &v aucircutnolnion of your f l d he quickened together r i t h him, r i t h him, hnringfor-

tr66uei r o i @harog

hpaprri)vll rijg uaprde, b rp' v



n i v (+ :b the 1.f~rlw) rrhoiros ~ n r . W. 4 rai n a ~ p b c bvpbifladdurcr QLTTrAW. r a i r o i (I*& [even] Chrintl Q L ~ A W . iurov QA. 6 s LTTrA. Y 62 sl~d H?*) a fi$cir L ~ A W . ;v ireayqj in the) LTTI~A]. b (v n.(tl amat +p29 L. d6L 75v &apr&v GLTT~AW. f,$amrup$ TrA. c ww h <v (wad aapatr. in offeuoes)fir. 1 w v t ~ ~ o a o i q l raLmrw, rv (mtl\the\) 8 s you L I T ~ A ~ . G


' - -



dyes '4,
=hie handwriting wainnt W which mra ofordirinnmth*tw* ,trw & , and took it oat of the way, It hi# h s y i y spoil4 princi r u t er and pwO% made l h e w of them openly, triumphing over them I it. n

B forgiven


11. 111.
having blotted oat

~atpevoc l;ipivUn(ivra r d n a p a ~ r h p a r a * l&aXei$ac 14 rb caB

the 'r*st

% riov +piu, gal

to W,


3v tipbypa$ov roic 66 paoiv, 8 a&rb

it 'handwriting

#jv irnevavW


%he 41wresaI whioh



piaov, npoaqX16aac
midst, having nailed the
principalities ;nd


a d


h0 h- taken Out of the


abrb .ry" uravpy", 16 it t o the crow; iKovolac i8eiypcinaev

he mlde

dpxZIC ualrdr 6piapptl;aac

6how [of them]

$ub cly,

a b r o 4 ~ airrq?. fv them in it.

new moon, or mbbatha, whioh are bath days: 17 w h i ~ uei& ~3v.p&Xdvrwv, @Qa ProG" X 1 ~ ~ 0 18 pq3. a ~ h a d o vof (bin. to come j bat the b& ob:[] of the thrist. *No 6BXwv f~ raneivo podvg cai is of Christ. 18 Let no &lc $,r,iiic earappapev8rw 'ON .you 11d4defraudoftheprise, doing his] will in and u n t a q humility and qep)larititH dyyhlwv, &v x@m'ihpa~tvIIfppara6wv, worship of the angelr, %hings4which not 'he Ohas 'seen ]intruding 'into, thing8 which he hath eh$ ~ v u i 0 6 p ~ irnb~roG vobc, K Q ~ 06 vo 19 Dot won vain1 Puffed vainly puffed up 8 by the mind of flesh, and not np by N; mind l9 rnd not h o d n t d l~parirv4 v ueqdrjv, i t 08 rb a3 ha 6id rijv dqdv Head, from which all holding fa.& the head, from whom all the d y , by the join* the body b joints and wn hsvfw n ~ i r h -gal Q U V ~ Q I S ~ W V a hm~opqy06evov uai 'avppt/3aCdpevov," airSri ment minltered, and a d bnnds being ~pl upd ! rnd knit together, inch i t togother, inoreor0th with the iaor??)V ~ ~ & u L v @OZ. ( d Go& [with] the inorem of God.

4 pipe1 k;zttf &", nrrb- ce ;V respeot moon, or of the in

161etn0mantfore ja e y8a in meat, o% r d r w or

16 Mt)

leading in trihmpb

O ~ Y


I*ot athemfore *anyone 40.


of f w t , or


epivfrw l v fiphaei m$n fv rdeec, IW.judge in meat or h nvovpqviacw qapp&rwvg 17 Oiill BQTLV fi

~ ~ d o ~ & ~ h ~ ~ ~

F E ~~$~',"'~E~;

irt; :


20 E Vo5vYci?reO(ivere odv w ~ q ? X iur$ cinb 7-32,u r o i ~ t i ~ v t n wheretom if k dead with If then ye died with the L i s t from the element. from the rudiment8 of the world wqy M roii ~dopov, i i)c ZQvrec f v r ndopy 6oyparithotr h the of the world, why M if alive in [the] world do ye subject yourmlvor worlf, v e p s u b g t to pq8k6iygcw


to perish with oomthe ; ) mmdmenb m d 400trinerofhave indeed a men7 23whioh .hew of wbdom in will worship, and humiiity, md neglecting

z ~ iwhiOh' z r ~22& ~ Euriv r i v r a eic a~ .d

Dot i




not tOu&,

$60pdv r1j C i ? ~ o ~ p ~card~ ~ oe (which thing8 we J1 unto corruption in the uaing,) mording to r d fvrcihpara ~ a 8daarcaXia~r 3 v civ8pdnwv- 23 i i r i v i i the injunction8 and twbinga of me?, whid furiv X~YOV ptv Exovra t70$ia6 iv yh~eX06p)lb~~iq are ' 'appearance Yndmd 'having of wisdom iu roluutar J worehip a n

aci~~i6igi1a3 aroc, o & i~ ot the body; not in lcni raneivo podvq 'uai" v ring honow to the a d bami ty and unsparing trwtment of Ctte3 body, not in mtkfying of the a& e ~ i p 'a 1 1 If ye then 1# %onour g ~ L V L W bc nXqa ovdv riic u a p r d ~ . ~ 1.

on t& iPor ye w e doad, and

1 bpiv

~ u l t d t i o nof the flesh. en with Chrirt, leek O things whioh are W Q EI OBV U U W Y E P O ~ T E piu~$, T& ~ V Iqreire, W above where Chrbt If therefore ye were raled with %hri#t, 'thesthlnga 4@boy " d t t e t i on the ri h t roQ OEOC ~caOtjpevo~* hnad of 006 9 %et 05 8 x p i ~ ~ ~ ~ L 6 . V 6et aiwtlon on where tha Chrtt L .at ['the] 'right .of ?God Idttinp 8 above not on



*h 10thingnI 1 a h &d,
~ aind A. i

2 rd

bvw $ oveire, pt)

not the thing8 on the earth ;.



fni r i j ~ yijc. 8 dne6~iver.s


Bpqorig T.
O ~ V

you B.

- 22LT; to end of weroe

- pt ( ~ ~ e c tipS. 'standing 'on) [L-A. d idparrev TA. ' uvv- TA. Ctnv2nu.n q w t h to nwl ofaer8e 21 QW ; to and - 7f OLTIVAW. 1 j or..rrr~w.

vropr)v& LTT.

6 LA.

- m3 ( r e d of

Chriet) QW,

ver8c M3 A.




8 &$rdtiq

11 1. COLOSSIARS. hp, rai $.twlj';p&v r i ~ p v r m id v r$ xprary' bv




your life

ha8 been hid with the

C -


OE$* G *
then Um

oar We fr hid with ~ s in ~ o 4 when t d christ who our lifs. +m, 2 &a ;the: 3%

4 k a v 5 xpiorbc
mn the e
with him

5nay *be 'manifested

$av~pwO$ $.bwr)?$pGv,fl r6re rcai

'our 'life,

6p~ig aLrf ~auepu8rju~uk 6dtp &v Iv

shall be manifested

in glory.

T ~ fit, E theratm the ~ t h , which are upon the cnrth; fornicntion, uncleaness, inordinate affeation, evil concupisr ~ e o v s ~ a jirrC Cmiv ~ i ? w ~ o ~ n r p e i6 , v, a dall covetournesr;, whieh ia idolutry. On account of whIoh t h i n p oenoe. and covetonsncse, 'which ia idoln6 for Which Zpxeratetjwdpyrj ro3 8roG 9 r i 7 0 3 ~ i o i ~r t j g drnsiOeiag"' try: eake the wrath v cornea the m t h of God upon the sops of disobedience. things' of Ood cometh on the 7 Iv olc reai 6 p e i ~ ~ p t e rja q r i TOT^ STE dZ;l?r~ i v children of dhbedir u Among whom also ye walked once when ye were lioing i enca: 7 in the which n ye also walked some ratrois." 8 mu164 cirriOeo8~' a i ~ rd.rdura, bpyrjv, time when ye lived in the88 things. But now, put off alao p, all [tbae] things, wrath, then;. 8 But now ye Jeo put off all them ; r Bvpdv, ~ a r i a v , pXau$qpiau, aiu~poXoyiau E 703 urdpa- anger, wrnth, ~unlice, Indignation, malice, blasphemy, foul bmgwge out of =mouth blnspheluy, filth1 wrurog 6pGv. 9 M ~ ~ . + E ~ J E u Oeir ciXXrjXovg d r ~ ~ 6 v o ~ p u o r mullicntion 9out not E rbv vour lnouth Lie of lyour. Do not h e to one mother, having put off the b e to another, feoing thnt have pnt off rakarbv 6vOpwirov o3v ra?g.npd~eucu.aitro3, 10 rai bv8voci- the oYde man with his old man with his deeds, and having dceds. 10 aud have ; put o the new mrcn, pvoi rbb viou rdv tvarraivo6p~vov iriyvwaiv car' rig which Is renewed in puton the new that [is] being renewed into knowledge according t o knowledge after the of him t h a t eirdva 703 miuaurog *6rdv* 1 8rov ol;rr.iur image him. 11 where 1 created rthel imsae of him who created him : where there is not there is neither Creek 'EXXqv rrai 'IovJa?o~, r~piropt) &~po/3varin, rai prippapoc, nor Jew circumcision nor dcimuolcision, G m k and Jew, ciroumcision m d uneircumcision, barbarian, Barborinn %dJl)qc, o ~ X O C h, ~ X E ~ ~ E ~m Ed' i ~ d . d l ' - ~ d ~ 7 ~ ~ O KU~ ?r&JlV b m d nor' ChristirJ1,andinalL Boythian, bondman, free; but *all %hings *rind .in 'l al

6 Ne~phoarc O$Y rd p6Xq chpGv'l rd

Put to b t h therefore amemben 'your


which [are] on


- -


ro Christ. -l l -

P u t on
O ~ Y , therefore, an


E Put on therefore, 2 M the elect of God, holy and beloved, boc, o?rXiyxva foimrppGv," xpqardrqra, rarrttvo- bowela of mercias, boweh of compaasions, kindueas, humi- kindness hunlblcners poalivqv,, m ~ q 6 ~ q r apa~poOvpiav* 13 irw~;y.4pevoc ,n &h- of mind, rueetnus, longsdcring ; 13 formcekhess, bngauftering ; bearing wt i! one bearing one another, and forgiving ohe XrjXwv, ~ aXi ~ I < ~ ~ E Ydavroig iciv rrg r p b ~ O L riva another, if any mtln bother, and forgiving each other, if any againat any have a qunrrel upintit popqnjv. rraO&s rai "~pcurbg~ Ixapiuaro hpia, oiirwg rai any: evcn sa Chri-t 1 . a complaint ;even as a l w the Christ forgave you, so also [do] forgave you, so m0 do ye. 14 Aud nbove 6t~aig' 14 iri.?r2iaiv.68 ro6roiy rtjv Liy&rqv,O i j r l ' ( ~ ' 1duriv all thew thinua pat c m Ya And to all them [add] love, which ia [tbe] chnrity, which is the bond of prfoctn-. u6u6~opo~ reX~rdrqroc~ rai eipQuq Pro3 8eoir"pafig 15 16 And lot the p e w bond of perfectness And the pence of God let of God rule in your hearts, to the nrhich Pevdrw bv raic.~a~6iai~.hpGu; ijw rai ;rA$Oqrt: dy dui U&- also ye are called in one body. aud be e pmide in your henrta, to Which also ye wore called in one 16 Let tge art. mri aLX~piuror yiueuOe. 16 d Xdyo~ xpiurot duouc~irwthankful.'Chrrst dwell 703 word of thy, m d d t h u l ba The word of the Christ let dwell in you richly in all
elect of God, holy and

12 '~j84aaoOs

idemoi kr0311 Oeoii, iiyloi rai


b &@V


rors LTICIW.

h ~ atuld L. i a ~ n r n w . m upabn)ra L m W . the Christ G L l l U W .


J ,

- 6pGv (rend thd members) nra. - ilri TOGSu i d s 6 s incc0cias (mad i v ofs In which things) [L-A.
your life)m.

P -

8 which A.

7 T. ; C705 L. 1O ~ K n . ~ ~ Lord ~ p b Ln& 0 ii Lnraw.

of compassion L ~ ~ ~


R mii ~pcorof




1x1. IV.

by him. aarpi


subject youraelven

[the] Father by yourselvba unto your

Own husbnudp~ HueAt in the Lord 19 it is as


l 8 Ai YVIG'KES,a u e a O r~o Z c ? i 8 i o t ~.~drv6pLiatv, &E 6ror~


to your own

husbands, the wives, obej

( ~ V ~ ~ Kb V E v


19 O d v 6 p ~ c ,c i y n r i i r e i

r ( i i , yvvairaf


; " ag&tbethtz benot bitter against a6rcic. L; ~ a pj.?ri~paivea0e i nnd them.


love your in b w m i n g in Cthel lord.

20 Td rbwa, 6 a a ~ o 6 e r e

~ ~ g a ~ t " ; ~ $ s ia well-pleasing t o t e plmsingnntotheLord~ the pnrents in all thing6 ; for thin 21 Fnthera provoke 21 O a a r i p e c , p t j . d i p ~ O i ~ ~rhrdwa-+;V, i'va pI) i r~H not your children to anger, lest they he Lord' Fathers, do not provoke your children, that %ot discouraged. 22 Ser&evl*Ljuiv. 22 Oi 6oGX01, ~ T ~ K O ~ E rcar8.aoiwa r o i c T E . vants, obey in all lthey % disheartened. Bondmy, obey in ell th!ngs the thiuga yacr mastera nccordiu to the flesh; card a c i p ~ amrpiotc, p+ iv e b $ O a X p o 6 0 v A ~ i a i ~ ~ ~ &vnot wit1 e~eserdce, xaccordiug % *flash xmmterd, not with eye-serrioes, Lb as menplerrsers. but insingleness of'heart 0 p w a ( i p r u ~ o i , 4~ c i a X 6 r ~ p~ a p B i a c , J P O P O ~ ~ E ~ ~ O L fuitriug God: 23 and men-plenaera, but in simplicity of hem%, fewins

TOTE y o ~ ~ r t oxar&.nlivra. iv

r o i j r o - y h p b i a h v ~ 8 6 p m o vcr ~



of the ~~~d ye .hall receive the rcwnrd of the inharitnncc :for ye ,erre the ~~~dchriSt. 25 But he thnt doeth wrong shnll receire which for tlu, he harh done : nnd )hero is no res w t of

r $ . m p i y ~ a 06%( i l ~ 6 f l h ~ 0 i c ' % 4 . e i S ( i r r ~ a d i brc

to the Lord i
nnd not



t o men ; recompense

knowing that from [the] of the inheritance,


~ A o X ? ~ J / E ~ ~ T ' ~ V i~~r~1a680aiv E I C

7 5 .~A?]povopiac' rtFky(ipR ~
for the

ye shall receive Lord Christ


~ v p i xpiarq5 B O V X E ~ E T E . 25 -d!6b1' y
ye serve.

( i b t ~ 3 vm ~ o p i ~ ~ r a i .
ahall recsive [for]

But he that doea wrong

parsons. IV.

Mantem, give unto #our servauta thnt which is just, nnd equal ;know6 i ~ n i o v ~ a i n)v i a 6 r q r a TOTE B o l j X ~ i ~ in thnt ye abohave thnt which [in] just and that which [is] eqnal to bondnlcn n k ~ t e in h o a ~ a q { ~ & e , ei8cinp irc xai Gteic l x r r e r f b v iv Oo6 n ~ o i ~ . kuowing that nlno ye have a $oater i [the] k v e m n give, tContinuefat~rayer, 2 apoaevxp' ? r p o a r n p r f p t i r r , y p ~ ) y o p o i j v r ~v a 6 4 iv hc and watch in the anme In yrapr stedfas~ly continue, watching in it .with with thnnkzgtving ; r withal praying also r i r x a p i a r i g . 9 1rpoafvx6pcvo~6 U . r a i a p i $@v, 'iva 6 W C tor us, tbat God would th~llksgiving ; praying w k d for M thLt open unto M a door of ntteran,nce, to #p-k h v o i t g 4piv 06pav 706 X ~ Y O V XaXijaac r d p v a n j p r o v r o 3 the myntery of Christ, may open to M a door of the word to & the mystery qf tb for which I am also iu bonds: I that I X P L ~ ~ O ~ , PG" ~ a' i b i S r p i , 4 Sva $QVCthat I may make may mnko it manifest, Christ, on w u g t of which nbo I have beon bound, s ~ C r LTTrAW. i r mi LTTrAW. LTTrAW. 7 d s ~ a p 6 i a b hearts s OLTTrAW. v 6eG tO Cfod a t w r a w . i i v LTr. 'Ir)uoi, x p ~ m i of J ~ B U S , C'i~ri~t LW. S ldwir (read to the husb&l~ds) CIL~ITIAW. Y - ~ aLTTSAW. i k u i v (read xour wives) L. b &ipam6v iurrv LTTrA. C i v in [the] G ~ . W ~ A W . u.apopyi<arc L c &$OaApdovAei? eye-service LW ; 6+OaApo8ovhiarr T. iAAh h . $70~ rriptov the Lord G L W ~ W . h 6 (read whatevclr) I.TTrAW i daoAip+cuOe LITI.A. 1 yQ for LTl'rhW. 1 yhp (read for he t h t ) L'l"rl.*W. m 1~o&ivr7cu L . a u p o ~ r o X ~ p gLTT~A, ia 0 oGpavy hoave~i L ~ W . P bv whom L

6 ? j 6 i ~ q a e v ,~ a oCtc-E.rar~vnapoawaoX~l$ia." i what he did wrong, a n d there ia no mepot of persona

O i m',ptoc, O








walk wnrd them



It behoves me

p kdfjuac. 6 'Ev uo$ip ~ e p t x n r e i rssWalk ill wiacloni to~ I onght to rpcak b

to speak
In wisdom

r p k TOGS bpGv

{(W, r6v ~atphv b(ayopa~dpevoi. 6

'time 'rnnsoming. sensoned, with grace, 'euch *one 'with 'salt 'to 'answer. lull 'will 'mnke 'known lannnt you

toward# those withod, 'the 'your [bo] alwnya


Xdyos wi'hollt~ redeeming Let

the spcech k alwa

rcivrora i v Xdpirt, ZAari tjervpivoc, ei'fivai *GC grace u o n J with

to know


It behoves sou 7 Td
the &lorsd


bpBs i v i . J ~ i u rcirorcpiveuear. ~ ~ a r ' dpl % i v r a

,brother whom

ye mayknow how how ye onght to anrwcr every man.


*The 'things boncerning 'me

IOto "you

6piv T V X L K ~7 All my s t u b ehall C

h.d arqrbg ci6eX$bs ~ a riarbc 6tcirot~osm i ~uh~GovXos rotber, nnd a faithi 5

and faithful to

*Tychicus Tychicun deolnre unto on, who W a beloved

b v

in [the] Lord ;
9 y11$"

~ v p i y ,8 iiv irepJ/a ?rpbs 6pZs eic aljrb.ro3~0,i'va h , d

I sont

and fellow-bondman ful mininter nnd fellowservant in the : whom lhave for this very thing, that rent unto you for the



r i p i j v h a i r a n ~ r r h i u r(is ~
and migAt encournge faithful

be might know the things conccmin~ you,

,"girknT,",;t,$ 2 tate and comfo*

your hcnrts ;

9 d v 'Ovqaipy, ry3 ntnry3 xai dyarqry3

Onosimur, the and

with naimus, a fdthhal b~loved and beloved broth=,




Ss luriv i t 6pGu. wrivrn -GPiv

L .


brothc, who


All thing8 'hf On % h V - a i ~ *B '*

TA $ 6 ~ .
lhora ylntm

' k n o n h o r n unto ,on .(I thing8 which are dond

;kty ,El1 S",



10 ' ~ u n d & r a i.h 2s 'Apiurapxo~ b.ovvatx &Xwrdc.pov, real

lhistarchu y W - p i o e


hfcipros b cive#cbs BupvApa,

York, the couain



bXcipere ivrohhs. 0th YOU,and M ~ T C U ~ ,

10 A.d-h*8 l Y fello~vprisoner ~ l n +

sister's son t o B a m r b u , (touching whom ye received oommnnd(it nnd J e r u &ed ments : if he come anto you receive him . ) pavos 'IoCuroc, oi dvras d~ r ~ p t r o p ~ ts '06roi 11 andl~esurwhich /a Jikdus, who are of [the] cinnncimon. h [mh?: r te? culled ~ustu;,who a n oircamcision uuv~pyoi eic rdv paatheiav roC 8 ~ 0 3 , o'irtvac iyav#r)uciv ot the only fellow-workers for the kingdom of God, who were fellowworkers unto i t iipdiv the kin gave Of 'Ode a which bmn pot rapr] opia. 12 druncil~rar lie 'Ena$pZs b 6 to me n con$oLt.ion. 'Sdutes r o u ' I p l y h r u who [*a] of You, comfo,t untome. l?& boCXus ,y?tarofin, s & v r o r ~ dywt~cCdpavo~ 6pGv CV rais paphrns, awhoa is ton6 &nip of o:~, w n of cl Gondnli~n of Christ, nlwnys ~triving for you in ~ h r l b t ,saluteth you, r ~ o u e v X a i Yva v u r f i r ~ " r i h ~ i o i~ a iwrerXqpwpfvoin b vently labouring far~, v in always for you In prayon, thnt ye mny stand perfect and complete prayers, thnt ye mny


nop ' r p b c 6piis, Gitaoee nirrdv. he come to you, mive him,)

of Bnrnnbas, coficerping whom $ received orders, 0

11 ~ a 'Iquoirc 6 XE 6i

r a v r i BEX$ arr 705 8 ~ 0 % 13

every wit? 'much for of God. you SSaluta

ixer 4dnf7'"~t &aprvpij-ydpw ahr$ art he bus 8giwih,:: l ben. n i t n to him that tod. I
Laodlcea and them In Laodicen, and them


?r0X6va 6k2p 6t~GvKai r i j v b JAaodtk~i~ll a ri i b him record, that he v ~

and them in .you

$ ~ ~ ~ ~ $

14 ciurd~erai6phs AOVKL?~ ia?pAs b ciyab

'Luke 'the 4phy.ician

the beloved phyaicinn, rqsbc, ~ a A q p a ~ . 15 ciurrciuaatk rode CV T A ( l 0 6 l ~ d ~ ~ nndDemaa m e t on. i ci6eXloved, and ~ o m u . the q,dicea lbreth- 15 &lute the bret&e;en which are in Lnodicoa, $OL;S, i 'Nvp iivu ~ a in j v ras'.ol~ov.~atroiY brrrXquiav. and xym han,.an&'the m mn, and. W y r n p L and the In'his*houae 1acl.embly. church wRich 1s in hfr house. 16 And when 16 ~ n Srav ivnyvw~ep" r a d 6piv rj imuroXtj, ?rorjaara thia epistle ia i a . And when may be rend among you , the epistle, cnm mobg yon, canw that i t be read r1.o in the iva xai i v @ Aao6trlwv ~ K K X I ) Q ~ P ( i ~ a y ~ ~ u e @ church of the I,,,,,di. Kai , that also in the 'of [the] *Laodlomm '.slcmlly i t may b read, and oeana; and that ya a

fbc- in Hiem~o'ia 14 T~uk%

Punctuute 80 a.9 ta y~pivouv~v L r Thew only wlio are of the Mrcurncision [are the] &c. LTA. P 'Iquoir Jewuo I.lTrA. uraSijte ~ r r . C ~ e k ~ ~ ~ o ~ o ~ q assured LTTI.AW. hlly ~ i v o r rro CV rrdvov m1lc11labour r i r o v nohi~v n. Aaohriq.~. g Nip)av N y m p h l &fir (wad b u abrriv (read their house) mr* h e )
US Lmr.

ze ye might know

~ m .r +@v



likewise read e~ t from Laodicea. k

B E X Z A A O N I K E I E A. I. njv i c b ~ a ~ 8 i ~ ~ ~cai s " 'tva a 6pQc civayvik~' 17 rcai ~ i ~ a

~ ~ t ~ e i ~ ~ ~ n t ~
Lord, that thou fulfil

say to drchip that from Loodicea that also ye may read. And any pus, Take heed to the * A ~ ~ ~ ? TBXHTE ~ , rrjv d~akowiav $v ? T l r a p f X a @ ~b ~ v service which thou didst receive in [the] to Archippus, Take heed to the

it. l8 The

by the hand of me Paul Remember m bonds. Grnce be wit5 you. Amen.


'tva airrtjv d g p o i ~ .18 ' 0 & ~ 7 r a ~ p 6 ~b p t - x ~ l p i eit thou fulfil. The mlutrtion bonda. 'my ['own]

IIafiXoir. 6pGv.
you. To


p v r l p o v e ~ ~ r ~ r 3 v 6eapGv. pov
=&.member mf

6 x&psS (be] p$' Grrrce wlth

by Tychicua and



KoXauua~lg Cyph$q i x h 'Phpgg, 6rd T71~iroG a i ~



written from Rome,




7 T ~ O X I A N S

'O T




P,"dqiz&EFE3 TTAYAOX fhe of the Paul

reai L'iXovavbc rcai T L ~ ~ O P O C~ K re ,

and Silvanun and

ofTheeThesaloninns whichis ~ d o v i ~ i u v Q$ 2v warpi ~ a i mpiy 'Igaoir xprury" i n @odthe Father and in Qod [the] Father and [the] Lord Jesus Christ. in the Lord Jesus KV iov i ~ ''i.lr6 8 ~ 0 5 ~arpbc-+~Gv rcai Christ : Grace be unto ~ h p 6plv cai ~iphvq gc;r,fr&2 Grace to you and peace from God nu Father and Etbe] &Lord Jesus Chrbt. 'IguoG ~ p i a r o ~ . ~ Jesus C%riat.

Timotheua, t o the assembly


2 EG apruroiip~v~ $ 0 ~ h4 k o r ~ wepi 7rhvr0v $pGvl r a

&give thanks to God alnays concerning odr prayers, all you, an-

% ilzg proyen ; XE~TTWS pvq~ov&ovr~g TOG ipYov rijg r i0;afaith gand 703 gi,,AZ 6pGv r ~ w rcai of in our ceasing4 remembering work
Y O ~

a we gwth.nls



mrohp~vor&drin-,.npou~v~ljv.$~Gv, 3 &La'making

ention 'of 'you


love and patience of hop: Chb out Lord Jew in in fie

~ n ~ ~ ~ K& T O ~ ~ V d Wth, anglabonr of labour


~ A,y h " ~ 1 ~ ~ f i g &?ropov$c* g 7 ! rai

of love and endurance
J e s ~ Christ,

iX?riSoc roz mpiou

of how of 'Lord our ;

+pijv 1guoG ~piuroG i



ou&v r o i 8 ~ 0 6 a 7rarpi)~ ~ i *;v'

'God =and 'Farher by


of GO^ i n d o w Bathre; ther 4 beloved breknowing

4 ~ i 8 6 r ~ 'i8~Xgoi+yarqpivor c, bowing, brethren beloved


j v . i ~ ~ o ~ ~ v
your election.

election of GO^: 5 or 5 6rr rb.~ita~~6Xcov.~p3v~ . t ~ m i ~ i s R ol j8q +Gs ;v Adyy our K W P ~ ~ not Bacawe came our glad tidings came not to you in word unto you in word only but LISOin power, and pbvov, &Id rai h ~ V I ' ~ ~ E b v nai Lv ?rt.i!parrciyiy, rai hi%#" in thd HolyGhort, and only, but also in power and in [the] 'Spirit 'Holy, and in Sn mtxch assurance ; as rein ow what manner ~Xqfogopiq roXX@, ~ a e t i c oisare oror livfl of men we were a- afull assurance 'much, even as ye know what we were among more ou for your ~k,. ye be- 6pTv SL' 6piic. 6 cai &PETS pipqrai ljpljv Cy~Y7jOqrh rune followers of us, rou for the sake of you : and ye imitators of ua became



O f

o@re [ L ~ A . [h] TT.

Aao8rrias T. - &&v OLTTrAW. n p b s KoAwuaets &C. E; ; n p b s KoAauoae?s rrA. 706 'A*ouT~Aw the apostle E ; n p b s @ ~ U U ~ O V a' K ~ L S ~ LTTrAW. f

- the ~ ~ b s c r i p t i o n
- &b h - to end BcoG T[TI)



+ TOG r

i upk

L .

I 1. ,1

-f and o the
with joy tor11

Lard, having accepted the word
bn %ribulation

rai roir rvpiov, GeEhpevor rbv Xd7ov b v

of [the] lSpirit 'Holy, believing In so thnt 'became Macedonia



the Lord hariBg received the rwmd


= , h


)herd ~ a p z c rvc6paroc iyiov, 7 &re yeviaear it r6urv rois rcure6ovurv iu



mdnovcN with joy of the Hol;



Ghostenuampler to all were : so that ya

rp" M a ~ ~ 8 0 u irai q


rp" ' ~ ~ a i +,q . ;& "if $b e

not only

i Az n z

8 a ~ ' . 6 p G ~ - ~ c&xqrar ip
for from you

b Xdyog roil rcupiou oh pdvov i v

8 For from you wund-

edoat the wordof tha

in ~ ~ , " ~ ry' Mare8oviq ra; O'A atq, p&XXd' qcai" dv r a v r i r d r y but alsoinevery laa Macedonia and A& &, but a k o in every place Y O U faith to g o d ward in spread abroad; i u r G v )i ?rphc rbv eebv iteXiXveev, GUT&yj so that we need not God hea gone abroad, W se no to SN any thing. your faith which [is] towarda V For they themselves ~peiav rIjpiig.i~~ivn XaXeiv rc* 9 afroi-yAp ?rehi shew of U what -U8 need 'for 'us =to *have to say anything ; for themselvw concerning ner of entering in we hadunto ou. and how &rrayykXXovuiv i ~ o i a vE ~ O O ~ O V i ~ o p ~ ~ " ' ? r3pzc, S pbc to GO^ from us ielate what entrance in we have to you, idols to serve the liv-

haa sounded out the word of the


rai ? r ~ B~earpiJ/ars g
and how j e turned to

rbu eehv r i r d rGv eiJhXwv, 60v- F,YdtotYai%oi

God from idole,

X E ~ E L V Bet; {Gvrr rear ciXqecv@, 10 r a i civapivecv rbv v9dv ~

'hie from the
sus, who heavens, whom he raised from among [the] deadIU

to his Son from heaven, ~ ~ serve a *God 'living =and %rue, and t o await .80n which delivered t d airro6 ic TGUoZjpavGv, Ev qyerpv ..;K v~xpijv, 'Iqthe to


uoirv rhv fivdpevov <piis Tcinb" riic bpyiic




n7c ip>op!vqc.
com~ng. which[wehad]


the 'wrath oor entrancq i n but

Atroi-ycip oZGar~,LGeXgoi, ~v.~iuo8ov.qpGr 71jl,

For 'yonrselves 'ye know, brethren, you, that not void it haa been ;

r p b c +Zg, ijrr of rev4 yi70v~v. 2 d u d "rai'

~ E C rai


1 . For 1

it/3pru6Qure~, rat%c
in much our God

also having before d~nhn08'h llnt0 you that i t was not & o^i8are, iv @Ai*rorc, osin: f b n t e v e n a h

ourselm, Low

Philippi, *e that aa had suffered psutaaaipeea i v r@.&$.l.jpGv XtrXfiuac irpic 6piic rb efa yArov ~ , " & $ " ~ n t r e ~ ~ fered and h a ~ n been insulted, even as ye know, a t g were bold of God in to ape& For to you the ~ l a I t i d i n g x

706 0 ~ 0 6v TOM@ i ciyGvc. 3 ' H ycip ?rapai~Xqaic @Gv


our [was] not you the of ao,j b~ nXBvqc, oirsi draeapuiag, xoGr~"v 66Xy, 4 ciXXd cae&c ~~",",~h~g$;,"~p,"; i of error, nor of uncleanness, nor in guile ; but even as not of deceit, nor ?riurevt)tjvar rb e f a ~ i X t b v , u n c l - ~ , of nor in ~ E ~ o K ~ ~ ( I u ~ E & 705 OE& 6x6 Y God to be entrusted with the glad tidings, we have been approved by o'irrwg XahoCpev, ofx &c L i v e p l j r ~ r(ipdurovrq, MXa yit+n kebePu;ip,"g,"t,"t; ~ so we speak ; not se =men 'pleasing. but s p e d ; not as leasing f rrfi Bor~pcil;ov?r rdc rap8iac '$pGv.' 5 06re.ycip Tore men, but ~ o t fwhich God, who proves the hearts of uk For neither a t any time

i we W& of* w ftod to

ye b o w a t phibold in



e," ;$$itoFGz



5ttering 88 Y e know, nor a aloke of coveth ?rpo$ciu~inAeovetiac, 8 ~ 6pcipntg, 6 o 6 r ~Z;qroiivr~g v ~ ous-; ~ o is witd with a pretext of covetohsness, God [in] witnens ; nor s ~ h g nens: 6 nor of men sought we glory, neidE civephaov ddcav, o h L$'. +Gv o6re &n' diuwv, ther of YOU, nor yet of from mcn glory, neither from you nor from others, [thoagb] others, whenwe might bCiuj,, have been burden8vv~$evcn iv-phper ~ l v a r&c xpruro6 cin6u~oXoc; some, aa the apostles having power 'burdensome 'to abe as W i t ' s apostle8 ; but of Christ. 7 But we were gentle among iyev$3rlp~v c<~ror?v piuy-itpGv, I j c ddvll rpo$dg BhX.lrp you, as a we were gentle in your midst, as a nurse would cherish c h e r h t h har chilwith word

iv X6yy a~uha~eiag'l ~ v i p 9 ~ ~ ( ~ v rae&g oicare, 03rg nsed we i~ ,

of flattery Were we [with you], even aa ye know, nor


m nirrov a pattern L ~ A W . i v in L n r a w . iv (i4 LT. P &A' m. aL m r a W . i ixecv i p Z s L ~ ~ A W . i q o ~ e we had G L ~ A W . v t &v the GL'X'l'l A. h o u t of Tl'r. rai GLTTrAW. 066; LTTrAW. Y T$ [* L& &&v of you W. a rohaxiac T. ba m. C vrjntor simple L. d i i u Lmrr.


dren : 8 M) dealroad ! iectionntely belng -a of you, we dll-

her own

~ E E E A A O N I K E I EA . rh.h~rij!: rf~vcr.8 otrwC eip~tpdp~voe' ;p&,

children. Thad


n ,

yearning over jm, r e w.ra p l d Ina to have impart~d p~ra6oGvac ;piu oL pdvov rb E h yiXt~vroG &oG, &XXd ~ o ~ ~ $ ~ $ ~ have imparted to you not only the g l d t i d i ~ b, % of Qod, but alao our own souls, ~ a rdc CavrGv +vxcic, Srdrt iiyarqroi 4piv i because ye were dear aLo our reown lives, beoatwe beloved to oa ye have becoma us. For member brcthren,our 9 ~ ~ ~ o v E ~ EcibeX$oi,~r6v.~dn0~.7)p~v rbv Crd~Oav' T E . ~ ~ , ~a1 labour 'and travail : For ye remember, brethren, our labour and the toil, for labouring night and day, because we vvmbc-gy(ipU nai +pipas Ipyaldpevot, ?r be 76 p$ brtpapijuai would not be charlle for night and day working, not to burden able duto any of you, ;V, ircqpbFapev /C wepreachedunto you TlYa rb &X y f i 1 0 ~r0G 6~06. the gospe1 of Oad anyone odlJou, we proclaimed to you the gldtidinga of God. 10 Ye are mtncsaea



holily and l n * t b and g e Cam] witnesses, and Qod, how holily and righteously and blameably we beirp~vr ~ i ntarebovutv iyevljeqp~v,11 rcaOci?r~p r Eve* onraelree n- ,apip?rrwc mong you that be- blamelessly with you t h a t beliere we were : even PS



l 6 E Z ~ p(iprvpec rcai d 0

Ibc duiwc nai Gcnaiwq rai



ofbare, &c ~ua.i'~aurov tjv, &c ?rattip r l w a harvroG3 rapai,

each one
P y o u , u a father W l d r e n 'hie 'own,

wmforfedandcharged p know, how


~ ~ ~ C:yir orcaXoCvr~cCpii~rcai ?rapapvOoZ;p~voi ~ a bi p a p r ~ ~ o h ~ ~ v ~! c ,' j ~ t ~ f 12 dreu, l2 that ye would h o f i f n ~ You c.Jns'Jling md testifying, Walk Of rb tnariiua~" 6p;is ciEiwc roii Beoii 70s raXoiivroc
who hath culleq you Y. dOmmd for 'k~am *alked '{ 'you worthily of God, who nlh a o o . also thank thin +Gc 13 $0. rig njv-iavroii /3nurXriav m i SiEov. 13 Atd roRo cnuae we God without ceasing, you to h own i kingdom and glory. Becauae of this beanurn, when ye m- xai $pEic efi~aptur03pev r$ @E$ &8taXei?rrwc,brr rapaXaceived the word of to God unceasingly, that, having reGod which ye he@ we give thanlrs ot as, ye received st povrec Xdyov droijc ?rap' GpGv 700 Be05 d8iEauOe 06 not a* the word of caived [the] word of [the] report =by %a 'of =(Sod,ye accepted not



~ ~ \ ~ , " i yGvDiwv uvpqbvXerdv raO&s mi airroi C?rb rtjv 'IovCn6 t ~ ~ w ~

10 who both killed tbe from

?$\ ~ ~ ~aaiwv, " ~ ~ rdv Kirpiov d?ro~r~tvcilr7wv tz%i , 15 who fboth %he *Lord 'killed 'Iquoijv mi r3v xai hsve permuted us; Jesus and ty&:;pall hen r 0their own 8 i owpo$tjrac, Kai 'ipiicn B~S~oFlivrwv, a 'God k ~~~~ vcje~ ~ i trarjr to prophets, and $on 'drove out, and




from the


s ak to Wntiles tgt theythemight be ~2d;;;peb; gr?: ;

16 forbidaim us to

plj.dp~u~6vrwv, a ?riiuy civOp3~otc ~ i

'do %ot spleane, and

. l al

'to 'men

Xvdvrwv jjpiis roic iOveutv XaXrjuac iva

wrath is come l,pon bidding oa to the natiena to speak them to the utter- ri) civanhqptjuai aLr3v rdrs drpapriac rdvrore' ms. ot to5llup their aim always :

foEI'~ that t b v may be naved, for

['m] 'contrary,

ivawiwv, 16 uwt)Gurv,


id adroirc
l7 But we, brethren, wrg fo, taken r,,
for a ahort time in upon them

tj dpyij ~ic.riXoc. the wrath to the utt81m&

brethren, having beenhereared of you for

17 'Hp~ic-6, &&X$oi, O i ? r o p ~ a v l ~ ~Lt*'v r ~ ~ i dpBv ?rpb,c

But we,
P - y&p for acrrmw. + rai a , ~ d LITIA. . L 11


f iycvrj$~e ye became MWAW. m bpttpdpawor O L T ~ A W . h pap7vp6.r~vocWrAW. 1 rrcpraareiv 40 "walk LTT~AW. acra ULTTI AW. m isrovr (reud the QLTTSAW


has come L.


ue EOLlTrAw.

X, 111. I
caipbv iipag
of nn how in f a,

1rpou3ry oh rapsiq, r ~ p i u u o r i p w ~ burovnot in heart, mow abundsntly desire ; Were


I ~ st ~ y; u~ ~ abundantly o m o
hindered o r l9 For what ir our hope, or o d nor ?crown ofeven g Are not reye in the resence of our Lord at his cornin Chri.t ZO for pe ue oru a o r y .nd JY O.

Gciuapv rb.?rp6uorov.irpGv i6cTv bv ?roXAv brr0vpip. 18 q6rb"

wewwkad and twice,

your fpoe

to see with much


pent dais face wherefore have come unto you, 18Whereforewe

9&;(iuapev iX8~Zvn)ob~ irpiic, i h plv lTa9Xos rcai d r a t ; ~ n a ~ i n ~ ; ~ s ~

to Come

rai air, rai bvfrro@v

joy or

hope or
before g -

xapd tj urE$avoc rcavhueos;

of boasting 'i Jemr ue our Lord


6 uarav6c. 19 ric-ydp




for w b t 881 our

ohxi ~ a irpeic i

or [m] not at

IprpouOw roCI.~vpiov=;jpGv'IquoC rxp~uroCllby I +




J, ),

u+ovuiq ; 20 irpeic-ycip b s r ~ d.66ta.<piiv car t j xdpci.

3 Arb

for ye

our glory

joy. t o be eft

P ~ K ~ T uri OYTE~,i L


m.'iVhemfow when we could no longer forbear we thought at i t good to be m t ~ i ( i ~ o 705 QEOCI 'gai svv~pybv +p3vn bv r @Athens alone ;leftand i ~~va 2 of God and Yellow-worker our in the sent Timotheua, our brother and minister MayyeXiy roir xpiuro3, eig rb uqpiSat &piic icai rapa~aXCua~ of God knd g l d tidings of the Chriirt, for to establish yon and to encourage labourer inour fellowthe gospel of wtip6s" x r ~ p i Y rijc-?riureoc-&p(;Iy3 yr~sll * p T 6 f ~ a caiv~uOac~ Christ to e8tnbl;sh you and' to colrdort you wncerning your faith that no one bemo~ed you' ~oncerningyour fir raig-BXiJl~uiv rairraig. atroi-ydp oi8a.r~ bri E I roijro faith : 3 thnt no man ~ should be moved by b~ thede tribulatians. CPorvourselves Lnow that for thia . these PBBicLions : for rripa8a- 4 icai tip i i r e r p b ~ i j p ~ v , T ~ O E X C ~ O ~ E Y LY vourselves know that i, for when with you we wae, we told zbeforehnnd you f e are nppointed therem are set ; 4 &r p&Xopev OXi~edat, rca0cbg w i iyivero rrai oi- unto. we For verily, when were with we nre about to SatPez tribulation, even ss also it came to pan8 and ye you we told you beford that we should 5 L d roFro p~rcirt u r i y w , inepJla clis rb mffw tribulation ; kw~w.) Becsnseof thin no l o n m enduring. aent for even ns it came to p n q -. and ye know. b For a v i & r l v p , p r o E ' a 6 d this erme, when I tolmor your faith, lest prhaps *did tempt Cyou 'he 'who could no longer fotknow mrpC;r:wv, ~ a e i ~ i KEYAY yIvq~ar ~ . K ~ ? T o ~ - T @ ~ Y . 6pr1.62 berr, I sent to d by 6 your faith, l e %n%pb, and void should become our labour. But now mme mcuns the temnyob, & B ~ Y ~ TO ~~O O ~ O V L rpbg +iig ciq' icai E ~ ~ Y Y E X L C T C X -&r hare temptedbe in and oar lnbour h . * 'ooma 'Timothew to lu from - . and having announced vain. 6 But now when you. plivov n j v riartv kai n j v &ycirqv r3/lGv, ~ a iirr Timothene came from i W, ghd tidingr to ur %ith 'and *love 'your, and that on unto good and rought us tidings of your faith and ~ X E T E p ~ ~ Gpcj, ci a8'v ?rcimore, drir00oGwi5~ j iic i a ~ t charity, and that ye p b a n 'remembrance *of C . 'dwnyr, longing C 8 have aood rememi&iv, rca0ctrcp icai ,ju~Zcirpiig, 7 6th ro9ro rapeKXij- brance-of us always, ' t o h, even as also we you : because of this we were encou- desiring greatly to rsa us, R. *e albo to see h p ~ v LGeX$oi, i$' irpiv, bri ?r&p , a8'hi+~L rcai &vhyrpfl you 7 therefore, brathren, we were comwed, brethren, M to you, in all %ribulntion 'and .necessity forted over vou in nu. *o;iv, 61(i rijc-6p3v.riureoc. 8 art v3v z(;lpev ihv 6p~Tconr atllictioh and distrew by your faith : W, t h r a ~ g h your faith, because now we lire if ye 8 for now we live, if '~7ilnyr@ BY rvpiy. 9 riva-ydp e t ~ a p i u ~ i a v 6vvcipeOa e stand f m t in the M d attnd fast in [the] Lord For what thanksgiving are we able Eord. 9 For what can we render et$ civraro8oijvar repi irpGv, hri ?rciup rp' ~ n p $thankn again for yc.11, to God 'to h d e + concerning you, for all the joy for all the joy wherefn

Wherefm no longer Athm done,

en uring,


~ 6 8 ~ ~ j u a~ pC~ ~ U~%~YQ:L ~T ~ E L
we thought good

d 'A&jvar~p6io~, 2 v

4 -b?rfpJlnpev-TL&OEOV


rbv ci6eX$6v




h . .

% :




L2 0

&&L because LTTrAW. r X P L U T O ~ LTPTA. f e - w o r k e r (read 706 Otoii under God) a ~ a w .



G r i p OLTT~AW.


civayq K&


J 76 LTTIAW. b 4nj~ere f a ~ TTr& t

rl~bokrjcrapcv TT?. ovvrpybv ga; crvvcpybv i p ; v o~rrrnw. p~61v (nothing [ye]) &oaimv-


ns "';p": ie ,; ,, f ;

with we joy our our; for pf xaipopev irpiiy and claypray- wherewith we rejoice on account of you



Epz.poa0ev roG.0~oE$pGv,f
before our God,

10 vucrb~ Ijpipay dirnip.B~xcpiaaoGu rai 8~6pevoi

~ g h t and day exceedingly and beseeching for face, 'your 7 10j-n~ But shimself

ri) i8s7v
t o aeg in 'faith *oar sLord to you.

fsoe, and might perfeet. that which is lacklng m your f a ~ t 7 h 11 Now God himself and our Father, and onrLord direct our way unto you. 12 And the Lord make ou to incrense and agound in love one toward another, and toward all f l e n even W we do toward you : 13 to the end he may atablish your hearta anblameable in holiness before GO^, even oar Father, a t the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with sll hie sainte.

6p3v rb npdownov, cai rarapriaai rdl.6arepljparcr ri)c niarewc

to perfect
the things lacking sour Father our way land

irp3v; 11 Airrbc-Ji d eebc cai nar~)~.;ip3v i ) . d p i o ~ - ~ p 3 u rai

.God %nd direct

'I?laoGc e~piar6c,1' rareve6vat njv-d8bvjpdv ?rpbc 6t~c?c.


12 6piic.62
in love
toward in

But *you 'the

h dpioy

'may *make to exceed and all,


cai repiaae6aai r f
to abound
also even as hearts we

is &XXljXovc cai eic ncivray, ca0cinep ~ a Ijpeis i

toward one another and toward you, for before to eatablish your 'and

eic 6pZcr 13

rb.arqpiFai 3p3v rdy ra;o8iay &pfpnrovc

K U ~ narphy

iv ci ewuCq ipnpouOev 705 OeoG

'God coming of our L o r f Jesus

+3v, bv rg'
our, all nt the

'Father with

lrapovaiq roG.rcvpiov.rj 3 v 'Irlooir fXpcaroG"per& lrcivrwv TGV


&yiw.atroG. g
For the reat then, brethren, we beseech you and we ~rupiy' I ~ U O G , ~ ~ ?rapehEipere~ 0 6 ?rap1 4p3v we beseech you, bre- caXoGpev hv thren and exhort Uou exhort in [ths] Lord Jesus, even es ye received from u a by t h l ~ o r d Jesus, that W ye hare received of rb 8~7 irplig T E P L T I T C T T E ~ U &pia~lV Kai Q$,'lva T p l U a s how ye ought to how i t behoves you to walk and pleaee God, that yeshould walk and to please ~ o d 80 ye would a- ue6vre ~ZAXOT. oI8are.ycip rivac rapayye)lin5 hGDicaprv. , 2 bound more and more. abound more. For ye know what injuuctiona we gave 2 For ye know what ! commaudmen+,s we 6p;v aid TO: K U P ~ O V 'IqaoG. 3 roGro.ycip ioriv l OQAqpa roz For this is 'will ave you b the Lord you through the Lord Jesus.

his saints.

h'l'bl~.Xoinbvov'v, &JaX$oi, ipwrGpev 6 p i i ~~ a Irapai

IT. Furthermore then


!g%g: of3
%, P :

BeoC, b.ciyeagbc.6pGv, dni~rneat

6 p Z ~ rijy r o p ~ i a c , 6nb

sanctificatl~n, 'God's, y0.U sanctification, =to'abstain G'for] 'you from fornication, TLyye"Ould rh.iuuroG arrGoy cr6oOai ( v from fornication : 4 eilvai i ~ a a r o virpviv 4 thateverp one of you %o ' h o w 'each 0 =you [how] 'his *own ': 'vessel 'td Zposscss in (iyiaop$ cai rip$, 5 p$ bv ?r&e~i lnieupiag ~ae&nep c4i eanctification and ho- sanctification and honour, (not in passion of lust even as alaa nour; 5nocinthelust rdl ievq rd pd.eiJ6ra rbv e e h . G rb p4 irnep/3aivecv cai of the conctlpiacence, even the nationa who know not which God,) not to go beyoud and


: ;

defraud his brother in to overreach in the , matter anu matter: became hroy m)' K ~ L O n~ ~ $ that the Lord id the venger' [is] the avengerof all ord concerning

~ ~ ~ g " o ~ ~ ; , " ~T,X "E O Y E K T E ~ J hv ;~

rqi npciypari rb+A6~X$bv.uirroG, 81671

his brott'er ;


because [the] a-

ncivrov ro6rwv,

raehc cai

Ynese things, even as

we also have fore- nnp~irapevII 6piv kai GiepaprvpcipeBa. 7 06.ydp ircci)laaev warned You and testi- we told 'before 'you and fully testified. For 'not 'called fied. 7 For God hath i Oebc dri drca0apuip, O&XX'" bv &yiaap$. 8 roi apoiv not called us unto un- ~ ) p l 6 ~ cleanness, but unto %B 'God to nncleanners, hut i d sanctification. then holiness. 8 He thereb & O E T ~ V ,O ~ K (ivepwiTov deerei, &AA& rbv &dv, r3v fore that despiseth, despiseth not man, but he that sets eside, 'not Oman 'sets aside, but God, who God, who hath also hiaholy P~Cli" q86~~a'l rrb.nveGpa.aZjroO" ~ i d) tov e i '</.&i?~.~ ~ iven unto birit. also gave his 'Spirit 'Joly t o as. ir pcmep u -;~(ending ithei question at+IjpJv) also ye[LIT.n cwalking~Tou o ~ xptu~o Amen + a & r ~ a tepbta76?re as are



OP Gocl) L.
Q 6t6ovra

m b (read [the]) I.mra. give8 LTTr. aitroi, 7b nvcipa L

&mjv even

GLTPrAW. x p ~ m b rLTTrA. OLTTrAW. f 'iva that L ~ A . LrmrAW.. 1 [~b] (read the will n p c c i r o p v G. 0 &h TTr. P xai LT~[A].

$pis you LTTrAWeR.'

IV, V. 9 rZepi.ti

rijc $rXaGeX$iac :f xpeiav t t ~ ~ r ~ H
brotherly love no need lye Yhave [for me] to love lye *taught 'of 'God 'are for

brotherly love ye need not that I write anto
9 But ss touohing

Now concerning

wrip to you, for 'yourselves

to love one another. 10 And indeed ye do i t toward all the breone another. For also ye do this toward8 all the bre- thren which are i nll n but we 903~ 'r03c1 CV 8XP.r Mare8oviq. mpamXo3pev.Gb @tic, Xamdonia: brethren, beweoh you, (hren who [m] in the wh% of Hacgdonia ; but we exhort you, that ye increase more i&X$oi, w~piaoaCaiv ptiMov, 11 rcai $iXoripeiaOar Ijmxci~arvaud more 11and that Brethren, to abound more, and endeavour earneatly to be qniet yestudytdbequiet,and t o 40 your own burirai npciaaarv r i a rcai lpYciSeaOac ~ a i c - ~ i G i a r ~ " . ~neua,a i v to work with ~ p and your own hnnds, pa md todo your own thingo, m d t o work with sown 'hands we commanded you ; dp3v, rraOAg 6 Ci ~apqyyeIXapev, 12 'Iva irepi?rarijre 6- l2 that ye may walk p lv we enjoined, that ye may wnlk be- honestly townrd theta 'your, even as on you that are without, and qqphvwc ~ p b g 0 6 ~ 7 t&, rcai pq8evbc X eiav Ixqre. that ye may have lock of nothing. commal~ towards thoae without, and of no one %eed 'may Yhrrve. 13xOiXw" 63 6pdc &yvoeiv, &seX$oi, - repi a B U ~ would n d *Not YI'do Owiah 'but you ' to be ignorant, brethren, oonccrning have you to be ignot rant brethren wn,rGv J C E K O ~qpivwv," 'Iva p4.Xv~ijaOa, rcaO&g rcai oi X o i ~ o t them 'which tbcse whd have k l e n asleep, that ye be not qrieved, even u a1.o the rwt are saleep, that ye aor-

for e $ELY dpiv, a6roi.ydp 6peic 8Eodi6arroi dare Eg 71 hya?r$u yon :tsugttyoumelved i ere of God

MXtjXovc* 10 rai-ydp ~oieirea5rb eic ~ 6 v r a c 7035 &&X-


oi ~ ~ . I X O V T E ~ i . ~ d p lX?riGa. 14 ~ ~care6opev 'Iqaoirc dr?r88rc

rho have no hope. For if we believe that Jew

p.18 dare naparcdin &hXrjXovg iv r o i ~ ~ X d y ~ i ~ ~ r o 6 r o r p .


died 14 For if we believe Baver rrai civiuv, o&rwc uai d 8 ~ 6 ~ ro3s rorpqeivras. that again died and rose even so and rose again, M) also &~d those who U0 fallen ~ l e e ptheln a1.o obhich sleep Grd 706 'Iqaoir BEei &v a&?$. 15 ro3ro.ydp 6piv X i - inJesuawilloodbrtng with him. l5 For this through Jeaua will bring with hlm. For to you we we say unto you b yopev fv hby mpiov, 8 7 6 t j p ~ i cpi & ~ T E C , oi r e p c $ E d ; i i i ~ ~ $ my a in [the] w o r f of [the] lard, that we the rh? uve .i r Xa~~(ilLevot i d~v ?rapovuiav roir rcvpiov, of-p?) $8ha~pevthe coming of t h e L ~ r d nuin to the o o ~ i n g of the ~ o r d , i no wise may anticipate which prevent them n not nre .sleep. r d g rcorpqf3bvrac' 16 8rr a6rbc d dprog iv. rAaCa- 16 For the Lord himthcM who are fallen asleep; because Jhirnself 'the YLord w t a shout of comih p r r , fv $wvp' cipnyykXov ~ a iv &Xnryyi &oir mm- with thc voice of thd i mand, with 'voice archangel'8 and with trumpet of Qod shall mMngel and with the trudp of God: p+serai LT' o6pavo6, xai oi M K P O ~ b xpiar+ oi~aar+aoura~ the dead in ~ h r i s t v and dencand from heaven, and the dead in Christ shall rise shall rise 5mt: l7 then we which are alive and ~ p i j r 17~ . ~ tireira oi CGvrec oi ~ e p r h ~ r ~ d p v o i , iipa remainshallbecaught bnt ; then we the living who mytn, &ether up together withthem in the clouds to meet d v ahoic cipirayqa6peOa iv ve 6Xdrc eig ciwhvvaev the Lord in 'the air : with them slinll be caught away in [the] c ouds for [the1 meeting and ao nhall we ever with the Lord. roir ~vpiov eig oiipa, rai o5rwc ~ L v r o r e a6v rcvpiy lab- he wherefore mmfo* 18 o the Lord in [the] air ; and thas f alwayn with [the] Lord we shall one adother w t these ih




But concerning the timer and the waaons, brethren, %o 'need ~ X E ~ dpiv ypci$eaOae. E 2 droi-ydp &prpac o' Bre 'ye 'have for you to be written [to], for 'yonraelvea 4accurate{y 'yesknow that

6 IIepi.84 4
For when



one another with

these worda

rijv ~pSvwv rGv racpGv, ci8eX$oi, oir xptiav rcai

of [the] Lord ea


Jc rXinvc iv
a thief
by Pewe and

WICT~ oGrwc


wmer sudT# to her

3 lrav.'ydpu Xlyomv, EipGvt) rcai &a$&Xeur, r6re ai$vithey m y any, then


'upon 'them

bbgiararaell BXeSpog, %a?r~p rj-O6iv

scomes 'destruction, as

1 o cv we have L W iSiarr own LITTAW. - 706s LT[R]. 1 BEAopv Y~~ 40F" OL~TTAW. J K O L ~ A W ~ ~are falling aaleep L wish V ~ V i(read [the3 LTT~[A]W. 8 y&p for e r n A ;[Si] but L b i.niaarac m .


V. ~ u oft the times and the seanon8 br* thren, ye have nd need that I write unto you. 2 For youmlvw know ptkfoctl that the day the 80 W 0th as n thief in the night. 3 For when the ~ b a u , Peace angsafety ; tKen sudden destruction com,th upon them, travail upon a womsrn


&pt,h shouldlivr : e: :; o r r k we

with cbild; nna &fdywciv. 4 1 dc.81, &&Xb a l l notescape. 4 But iv.yaarpiixo&op, m i o6.d that. n t h child i m d in n ~ w i m aha they escape. g u t ye, bre brerben, am not dnrkncsr that that $oi, oL~.iurJ BY exdrei, 'Iva rjphpa irpCcil h i d&rlcfl day should overtake as a 3 ye thren, are not in dmkners, that the day you as thief 1 a11 thechildrenof raraidp ' 5 rcivroc ipeic vioi $wrdg iare xai vioi tj,lf nc* light, and the childall sons of ligbt are and son. of + ye nn of the day we we should OVertafe : not of theni ht, norof oilx.6npIv V U K T ~ 0484 ardrovc. 6 d a 08v pd.raOc68wpev )~ we are not of night nor of dnrknesa then we should not s l r p otherr but 'let us 'rai" oi Xoiroi, ciud ypqyo Spev xai vrj$wpav. whtch &ey that sober. as For 'and be also rest. but we 8houfd watch and we .bould be sober 8 sleep in the night; 7 oi.ydp K ~ ~ E ~ ~ O Vvv~rbgK ~ O ~ ~ C Y O U Orai, T E E L Y oi pet)vand they that be for they that ulaep 'by 'night 'sleep, and they that .re drunken are drunken in the nlght. 8 But U K ~ ~ E V O U I C T ~ C YL p~e&ovbtv~$pie-82 8 ~VTEQ ~QWV let us, who are of the drunken 'by h i g h t 'get 'drunk; but we =of day 'being should be day be sober, puttin on h e breabtplate O$ pev, . ~ Y ~ V U ~ ~ E V O 0i)P~lrariurewc rai &y&r?s,rai L hitn and love, and for sober, having put on [the] breastplate of, fnlth and lore, and [M] m helmet the hope ot rnlvatdn. s ?rep~~~$ahaiau bXri8a uwqpiac' 9 8r1 OGK 38ero 6 W hathnot ap in+ helmet Dhope Lulvation'a; became 'not . - b8t e s h M u to wrath E to 6 eEbe r n t a b t o ~m~vation by gMX'U eic repi.lroiquiv uwqpiac dtd ro3 JP,+, our Lord Jesua Christ, 'God for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through






kvpiou.<pirv 'IqaoG xpiuroir, 10 roir tlroOav6vro~ blnlp"

Our Lord Jesun




with ypqyopuipev iirs xa8~68wpev, G p a uirv ahry' 11 Wherefore oomfort %a <ire punelver together, thfrt whether we may watch or we may sleep, together with h i d mdedi*oneanotherl ~t]awpcv.11 8th ?rapacaXeire ciXXhXovc, xai ohodopcife 7 ye m may live, Wherefore encourage one anothor, and b a l d u p one

rbv Pva, xa8C;s xai


the other; even u alao ye ue doing.

1 h a we beaeech , 12 'Epwr3pev.GJ 6pi?c, ci8eX$oi, d8hval 7 0 4 ~xoriijvrac you, brethren, toknow But we besaeah you, brethren, to know those who labour them which labour amongyou, iv irpiv, ~ a npoi'arapivovc 1pSv BY i mpiy, xai vov6)e,ou in the Lord, nnd among you, 'snd take the lead of you in [the] Lord, and admoadmonish to esteem you ; 13 and roGurac irpzc, 13 xai ,jyeia@ar them very atrodc iirrip.B~r~p~uoir" bv highly in lore for d s h YOU, and toesteem them exceedingiy in their work'. sake. 8cd rb.ipyov.ah~3v. ti qve6ere i v kiavroic.H among In(be yourselves. at pace account of at p e w among y o ~ l v e s . %heirwork.

kL$Fpr y:Bk:d

14 rapaxaXo~p~v.8i 6pCLiiF,d8A$oi, vov6areire rody &rdmovc,



that are unruly cornBut we exhort you, brethren, admonish the &orderly, gbl;$$2 IKT~,~U$WE 6ht O + ~ X O V S , &vrI~erOe &ot)eviuv,paroir~ ruiv riaatornrdallcon8010 'the faLt-L-hd, sustain the wak, b 5s- th~tnonerender rpohpeire rp6c rcivrac. 15 ptj rig xaxov tvri raxoii e ~ ifor evil unto any l See that not anyone evil fer evil mm; but ever follow ptient t h r t which is good, rtvi . l & . l r 0 8 (ihhd r k v r o r ~ cipe6v bllj~iws ~ a I u ~~~ rb m eic both t o anyone render, but always the go04 pursue both towar& wlves, and to all m m 16 Rejoice evercrom. (iMrjXoug rai E I ) ~ rcivrac. 16 ncivror~xaioere. 17 &h17 without cew- one another and towardr all ; always rejdice ; unceaaing. 18 I n ere* thing 18 iv r a w ; eh~aptureire~ roirro-ydp r e t h m b : for this Xeiwrwc rpoae6~eoeo. the will of God in& Pray ; in everything give thanks, for thin in Chrbt Jesus con@iXq 4 && iV +,~tUr+ 'IqU0it die irpiig. 19 tb ?r~Eitpc w i n g ou. l9Quench not the gpirit. 20 De- [L the] wilf of God in Christ the 6pir1t Jwun towards you ; npise not ropheayinga 21 Aove all ptj-ou/3ivvvre.n 20 ?rpo$qrda~ plj.BFov0eveire. 21 rciwa l. thing6 ; hold faat that do not quench ; propheaka do not net at uaught: a 1 thlnga 1


t &a

a d ~ o i (I*& s

nnc U

r r 61 but (&l1 things) eLmrw,

d ~ I t h t r m thievea L s (all) 0LTTrA;RT. f rcai h sepi m. i inrepeuseptuuws LTTrA ; drrcpcrt.rrepcuuoCcw. wit11 thcm) V r . i A d o i T. K m imw ie L . 0 @CV-



- .


1 . I1 T H E S S A L O N I A N S . docipilarr. rd r d d v ~ l r i ~ a22 ~ i lraurhg r L d .


~ ~ ~ ~ h & $ ~ ~ , , prom, the right hold faat; from every ance of eviL 23 And the pr (iriX~u9e.23 Airrb~.G1 6 8 . ~ 6rjjs aip;lvq~ 6yt&uar very God of Peni ~ rtaa abstain. Now shimaeU 'the 'Clod *of of'peaoe'may ranctify and I pray God yow you wholly 6pZ"ipUrrAtic9 rai dhidqpov lpGv rd lrveGpa ~ a i ~,";~O;;i~tPy&~~ you wholly; and 'entire 'your 4qnt sand blnrnelesn unto tb. lrapouaip roG~upiou.?jpijll ~omin rai rd uijpa L i ~ L p ~ r Qv w~ Jeans *and 'body l blamekm lZat J4wming Isof ,@our 7 h d hl i be thvl 1 . 'Iquoir xpturoir rqpq9aiq. 24 s i u r b ~6.K A G Y Cpiic, who also will do rt. '$m * e u ' Christ 'may .be 'Opreaerved m e is] faithful who call. you, for 25 Brethren;the 26Craet by cai ~oijuer. 25 'AGeX$oi, l r p o u ~ ~ ~ anepie u~ brethren with an h 0 4 who dso will perform DtI Brethren, Pray fm W . kiss. 27 I chnrge you by the Lord that thi. 26 dru~ciuau9e robe dGeA$od~ u(ivrac Qv $cXfipar~dryly. IatlebereaduntoaU Salrite 'the h t h r e n Iall with r g k i 'ho4. tt% holy brethren. 28 27 rdpriZwn 4psc &v pi^^ Ciuayv~cr0ljvai ~ALOTO-The grace of oar rdv Lord Jeaw Christ k I adjure you [by] the Lord [that] be read the epirtle w i t h p x ~ Amen, X ~ ~ i i u r v ~ r' i ioyn&GeX$oic. 29 X@LQ V 6 ~ o r6.cvpiov i j " toall the lob brethren. %gram of our

4 Jnl 4


Iquoir X m 8

Lt L
'l *

~b.j with

pC 6pGv. 'ri 4v.n eY



Il be
4 0

BrsuaAovirai~ rphrq lyp(i$r i 'A8mJv.@ d




fmm A -




[B %]


' W ) 8 M.

rp'ccXgur'(z ~ E U and Bilynnw Silvanw and Timotheua, to the awnably of Thcl. a d o v d w v v @E m r p i fjpirv rai rcvpiyr 'Iquoii X rurt$ ~ & ~ p " l $ ~ ~ in slather low and Lord Jrv. m b i i Tad Jrw cMU, &oG lrmpbg brjp~vM mpov 2 i?ramant. ou and mi 2 @ptc spiv rai ripivq ace from the Lord ram to you and peace f o God 'Bather rm 'our and Lord and Bode o w nAYAOX real XiXovavdg. rai Tt+6Beoc,
Paul rad




'Iqu05 X WOG.
Jn a.
90 bduen,


L 8 EirxapmSv
wen U

Jemr Cbrirt.


T@ &


repl +$v,
concerning 70%

G f

we to ant alway8 m fw

&Jd$oi, ra9cjc ZEdv tcrrtu, b q


&p&, rai A&EOY;;ZEL 4 dycinr, ivbc ixdrarov rhvrwu v wv

% ,

it is, beco1l.o inoretmu exceedingly

love of *one

4lr~puvEriv~r,j w h y .


g~p"%en~u k :
faith growet,,

& h



of .all

dc MXijhovc. 4 &re crjpic drofi? h 4pZv d ~ v ~ Z u O a i n . g~r;b~zd;th;;g C ona another ; lo . for s ourselved ' %U i n 'o boaat t inyou in the rak tkxXr]uiar~ &03 h i p rijc.irnopouijc-lp0~cai lrierecuc of Q O ~ our roe for
h -bliar
of God f i r yvenI?ranw fai*

z z

pat * . ~ ~ f a in at ~ h utions and t v .nZurv r0i~.8iu~~oi~.C@v raig BAi auiv ale &l- I;i"d'UEm +at ~ l l rai lm all your permutlona . d the tdbu tionr which ye .re endure : b ~ h t c h n *J mnnifest token of the .#, E& 6 ivdoiypa T ~ C 8ucaiq rpiuewc so5 B E O ~ E ~ Cf d righteous judgmentof , h r g ; a manifcut token of the dghtmua judgment ah of God, for God, that ye may M


% ~ A w . (;V- t) -A.


(d [the],[LTCJA

Apobtle Pa\ll E ;

airrob +WT ~ C L

+ IIav'Ay Q ; apbs @euffdwueic



counted worthy o f t h e



l 2 & .
of God, for which



Gpiic rijc PaaLXeiac roil &o;,


%to =be*accounted s w ~ r t h y 'you of the kingdom

6 leeins it h a rightmoan thing with Qod to reeompolue tribulaidon to them that you ; r and to you who nre trona i d lglt wch us, when the Lord Jem shall be , from h v u with hm i mighty an&, 8 i n W i n g fire taking r e n m n c e on them that know not God, and thnt obey not the -lo* 0uh r d J* ms CMst: B who shall bepunished with everdeatmction from the presence of the Lord, hiapower; the glory of and from JO when he shall come be glorified in his nainta, and to be ndmlred in allthem that

rcai r&axere. 6 eimp di~aiov

p sufter ;

rap& 8ey' drvraro8ohcu

to recompense

if a t leant righteoMit kJwith


hJ thwe who

6Xiflovaiv irpiic OhiJIiv,

opprsu with tribulation, a t the repe as,

7 ~i 6piv roic @A@oand hJ you

sre o p

pivoic hveaiv' peg' $p&,


b rjj &~orcaXC#~r roii

melution of h power, i in

wpiov 'Iqaoii

of the Lord

6 o&oavoii ;

& P X w v flvv&pewc.a6roil,8 b 'nupi $ J ~ Q6c I v

from heaven withcthe angela

bib6v~o~ b~6il~qaiv roic


vengeanoe on thoae thst not 'know the glad tidings [the] pendty dull of the Lord,
, S *

fi+ ei66aiv

Bedv, lrai

God, and t h a e that *not

Jera 'eternrl,




6ra~oCovaiv e5ayyeXiy roii.rcvpiov-+ Liv 'Iqaoii fx@iaroir.~ rqj

of oar L o r f adestmction glory in

9 dirivec

d i ~ q v riaovaiv, g3Xe0povII ailjviov, & r h

from [the]
and from the

rpoahrov roii mpiov, ~ a ci i r b r i j c 66Eqc rijc.iaX;o~.aCroii,

10 Srav


his atlength,


bv8oEaa0ijvai bv roi~-dryio~~nr6roir sal

to be glorified

to be wondered a t in all them that believe, @ecaaw +M .believed d.7. 11 pray always aP rj'P. - ' iov; ;v 11 eie 8 m we Whereforeal- 76. ow Sestlmonyp (;)v b$' Gpz~, r$-+pQpgi~eiv~. For whioh 90 .YOU,) in that day. that &t~lja~ ctoa W O U ~ ~ you rai ?rpoa~v~d.peea qount r6vrore m p i ;p&, L a Gpiie Of tnurdlmg also we pray alwtays for you, that 'you %ay 'oount 'worthy m d f i l m all the good pl-ure of his good- rijc Alja~wc~.eei)c.~p3v, rai rxqphap riiaaa, e6cTorciav mR and the work of 'of 'the 'calling 'our Yaod, and may fnl5l every goodpleuure fniti with power: a that the name of (iya0wa6vqs lcai Zpyov ?riarrc*c b 6vvipetV 12 S m y ivv Our Lord Jesus Christ of goodness Pild work of faith with power, so that may may be glorified in YOU, and in him, r7;, bvopa roir.~vpiov.?jp3v'Iqaoii '-@imoirU v Gpiv, i recording to the aoe be glorified the name of onr Lord Jeaua Chrirt fn you, ot oar God nndrrhe

$ ~ ~ ~ $ t ~ ~

muse Onr

Bavpacrfl~vai v ~ G u i v roic briar~60vaiv,Y h Sri

when he shall have wme

hk &ta



M j e s a s c ~ t . ~ a Gpeic bv a+, i
and ye


according to the

~ a r d rtjv xipiv roii.&oii.,jp&v


of oar God



of [the] l o r d

'Iqaoii xpiaroir.

Not a q o n e y o u '8honld 'deceive) 0ini ' & dclceife you by any 'menus: for that &g rAaU not m , erapt ictv-p+ h0p drroaraaia theremm a f a l x d l ibecaase [it will not be] lurlesl have wmr Cbe aportur .my nmt, and that manof .in be reveal- rcai h?rocaAv$6# 6 d ~ O p ~ ?rijc c r~ rd, the son of perdi- and rbnll hsrs been rev-led the nun

Ei$oi\t. 1X4~aro3.Y M6 3 L. t

ris GpZic C E a ~ a n j a ~ pqGiva rp6rov0 tear&



a flame of fire LTIW. - ~ p b m i [? L ~ I A . 16AiOpbo*t, (read fa believed r u l r ~ p d[L-AV. , k p+ L ~ I 1 rrvpiov Lord Q L ~ A W , = ~ ~ I of l a w l e ~ a n e ~ S S m,

% t i that 1s ra11~d rijc of perdition, he 6 (ivrirceip~vo~ a;rapat fimneli abom rcivra A Z h 0 (irwXeinc, 4 who op~ i ~pevoci r i a l and exalts all
+Ao'yi rvpbr
h ~LU&CW~V

&u.ul) .I


A ~ .

11. Ae76


Gare-afrbv eic rbv vadv
in himself thnt you, he is

or that in

EVOV Ocbw dt",d God or object of raneration : so M for him

of God


the temple dlipwd ditteth in the aa ~ o 'd " he

roir Oeeir

Bebvtl raBiaar, &7ro6etn~&wa iavrbv 6rt fariv

God t o nit down, setting forth Do ye not remember thnt, yet being with

f ~ ~ Remembar " , ' l ~ GU1

6 and now ye know

8 ~ 6 6 .of .p~~qpove&eraSri irt 6 v 7rpb~i r p 2 i ~ , ra3ra ~ &E~OY cpiv; 6 ~ a vcv i

I mid
to you?

not that when 1 you thesg thinga? these thing8 yetlwith' you* I

whatwithholdeth he might be relcaled m hiu time. 7 For the 'revealed 'him in his own time. For the mystery of iniquity doth alreadg work: b K U T ~ X W V only he who now let46q ivetyeirat 745 civopiac, ~ & O V wiU let Until h e ; ss 'nkendp 'is w 0 r k i ~ g 'of a l n ~ l o ~ ~ n eonly [there is] he who restrulns t ~ t h be taken odt of the 6prt ewe 6~ @QOV yQvqrat0 8 lcai dxo~a)ttl-way. e AUCIthenahnll rt prcrrant until out of [the] midnt he be [gono], and then will be re- that Wicked be revealed whom the Lord ge$a~ratb dvo@oc, BY b K ~ ~ L O S ~ qci~aXhblll r 8h;il consume with veoled the Inwlezs [onc], whom the Lord wiU coruume with the thespirit of hismouth, rrvairpar~ ~oir.ardparo~.afroir, a ~arapyilaat rp' Bai$aveiq and shnll dentmy with ~ i the brightness of bil breath of his mouth, and ahnul by the appearing coming : 9 even him, whose coming is after rij~.sdpovai'a~.airroiP 9 08 iarrv mpovaia rrar' the working of Satan of hia coming ; whom 'is 'coming according t o [the] with all wer and

And now that which teptrains ye know, for


rarixov oisar~,

rh 6ro'to 'e b

rahv$B~jvalnfrbv ;Y r(lj.o~a~roG1'( p $ . 7 rb.ydp pvaI+prov ~fl

and wondera dsceivableness of unrighmuEpew in fdbovc, 10 ~ a )v rciap 6n6rp 'rijg" ciduiag %vll ro? i o fahehood, and in every deceit of unrightebusness in them that ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cinoMv~QvotS, -6v n j ciyciqv rijc dXqQ"a~of~.b6hcavro 1070 of the truth that Avf3' ~ perish, becnuae the love of the truth they received not -S *& worLg of Satan i n every power rig-

(hp etav roi aaravii i v 7rdap Bvvciprr rai uqpiotc.xai ripaatv


teZ: :Dda,&drs

;c.rb 'to *be %ved awt)i/Yar for

%o %hem 'God what [is] false,


afroirc' 11 rai
'them. a working

I n d on account of thi8 for



God shall send them atrong delusion, that a w ~ l ~ 1 8 e nthey should d 'them

atroic b Beb~ ivipyeiav ?rX&ipqg,eic rb 7rrarefiaat afrol',~ lie

of error,
'to 'belikve



ti MqQeiq, "(iXX'"
truth, but

: 12 that they a l l be damned whn beliered not the truth, 12 bta ~pi0Garv vadvreclloi ptj.7r~arel;aavres but had pleasrue in that may bo judged all who believed not uhghteounw

~660mjaavrec b ~ ' lrq' 66rriq. x

delighted oulhl beloved in unrighteousneas.

13 ' H eic 6b b$eiXop~v ~ X U ~ L O ~ ErylY QE$ 7rdvrora repi E T

hpGv, &SeX$oi 4yn7rvpQvocGab

kt 6Loe

to give t h a n k

to God a l w a p


~vpiov,6rr ~Ei'X~roll .i,


6 8 t h ~ '7r' '
'God and



by [the] Lord, salvation

Spirit m d bellef of the truth: 14 wherennto fayyEhXiov.?$ijv, 7r~p~roiqutv d6Eqc 70; I(Z, ioV he cnlled you by our ?W glad tidings, t o [the] obtaining O [the) glory of q o r d ~ m ~ lthe obtrinto , m g of the glory of oar j l p ~ v 'Iqaoir xptatoir. 16 ci a o$v, d & ~ q o i ,anjrtere, rai Lord J~hrirt 'oar Jesus Christ. then, brethren, atand fum, and 15Therefore, brethr stand fast and h% rparei? rdc sapaddaerc i816ixBqre, tire 6tb hdyov the tradit!om which hold f ~ tthe h d i t i o ~ which ye were taught, whether by word ye have been taught, whether by word or tire 61' iaurroXiie.$ptiv. 16 atrbc.b& 6 kirproc $pGv"Iqaoirc our epistle. 18 goW or by our epfntle. But 'himself =Lord 'our 'Jesua our Lord Jesus Christ m i U [Bdc ' ~ a i " a d p t j P ~ v b ciya,+aC x , our Father which hatb himpelt, and God, even hrist, nnd %Qod 'and 'Father our, who loved us, l o r d us,' and hatb

nai ~iarer ciXqBeiar, 14 eis.5

belief of [the] truth;

&[the] beginning to

6p;y<c1' aorqpiav L ciyiaaP$ 7rve&paroc hath'from ;g v


~~~~\~~~ 2: 7 ac to God for you, bratOu d thren


i~&)teaev b6plicu
he wlled you

i n sanctificar~onof [the] Spirit by

~ 0 tificationyf the 3

:zfih~g$, ::@

because Qod the Ixeiu-



r drvehei will slay L ~ A . 8 T T ~ ~ T CB ~ I I ~ S L LTTrAW. T i thteoumness)[L]TTT[A]. ~ S U L o+Bthe~

- irr Bebv Q L ~ A W .

dr his m. + -ovir,c(read w . time) - Zv (read rots'Iquoiri vJesus i 8 r ~ in ~ 6% m m L to them tbat) ha p TTrA. &; l TTT. - (?.cad i


ciAaro OLmAW. &norpXi)v L. d-o[~]Tr. e i , ~ m ~ .



ad ,T w. i







l i ~ ~ ne w a n t b K rai 8 0 6 ~ rapd~Xqurv aiwviav rni.iXri6a i a64v tv ~ciprc, aoanolntion rud rood and gave [us, znconrageruent l m r n a I and Q o p 1good by 17mmfort oarhearts, 17 rapa~ahiaar 6p3v rci~rap8ias,rai urqpifai %parJ . n d stnblih youand word in may he e n w ~ l ~ your e henrts, and may he utabllrh yoo mr rorC b r a v r i gXtiyy rai Zpyyn ciya0cfi. v in every 'word 'and .work 'good. n~ ~ i n n ~ ~ e- Q Tb.Xorrbv, ~ ~ o ~ E ~ x ~ d8eX$oi, ?rep: tjpOv, 2va b br , u O E , *ran, pray fora*, that For the :eat, P a yI brethren, for W, th.t tln the word of the Lord m. have M course, Xbybs 705 wpiov rp6xp rai GoEtilqmr, rca9&~ rai r p h ~ a n d b e gloridod, even word of the ~ o r d may run and may be glorified, e v e n u a b o with U it &with you :land ivqe3 v d ~ rb v cirbrwv rai rovqpin, 3 t i i t we mar a d c irpiic, 2 rai ilva livordfrom uunnmon- you and thnt we may be g v e r e d frym q.em and wickad rrble and ricked men : h mn, btenot dvBpPrwvw 06. d p rcivrwv tj r i a r r ~ 3 rrarb~ faith 3 But the Lord men, for *of lall 'faith ptbe 'portion1 sEaitbtd erqpift~ 6pZs rai $vXd&, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ dfi iurrv 4 bd y d p r o ~ ,~" 8c U ~ t w p you from evil 'but k the Lord, who trill establish you and will keop.lyou] 4 And we hate m i d in the Lord airb 1-05rovqpoir. 4 ?re? i v rupiy i$ +tic, touching you, that ye from e.riL Bnt we tnut in [the] Lord as to you. both do m d wlll do B ~apayyiXXopev '4ttiv," Irain roteire rai the thin I whiah we W charge e both ye w doing and commnnf o a 6 And t h t the thin- which you, t h Lord iirect year rolfjb~re. 5 6-82 ' & g l 0 ~ rareu66var 6pOv rdc rap6iac tic ~ hto the love G&, and, int4 the l do. But .the 'Lord 'may direct yoy heart. into 6ropovrlv TO; X iaroii. w ~ t i n g for njv ciyd.ntlv 705 6 ~ 0 5~ a eic , i L. of God, snd into [the] endnranae of the & t the love 6 NOW WE oommrnd 6 llapayyfXXop~v.62 ;$v, &6eX$oi, bv bvbpan rob fen, brethren in the Now we chmge you, brethren, in [the] name -me of our L r d JeChrist, thrt p ~ v p i o v . ~ t j p 3 v ~ 'Iqaoir X raroi?, arfXX~aOar6 ii cixb ravwithdraw yourlelve. of out Lord J e r u ~ L i s t , [that] saithdrar ?yee from every from every brother thnt aalkethdiwrder rbc &beX$05 ( ~ T ~ K T E ~ J L B C Z T O ~ W T O rai p?) rardr TW~ ~, njv m d not after the brother 'disorder4 'walking, and not according to the $;ditiou which he reof 7 pot rapLi80urv #)v O?~ap6Xa/3ev~ rap' 7 aliroi-ydp oi8art yonrselre~ know how tradition which he received from W. For ~ o u r n e l t e s know 'ye ye ought to follow us 2 for we behaved not ? r 3 ~ plp~liaeal $piicw Srl O ~ K . ~ ~ T U K ~ U ~ ~ ourselves dimrderly how it behoW~ O U ]t o imitate ~ ucl, beeruse we behaved not disorderlr among you 8 neither b +iv, 8 0682 dwp~drv@TOY v b$(iyop~v rap& rcvoc, PciXX" aid we eat ;ny man,, bread for nought ; but song you ; nor for nought bread did we eat from anyone ; but with kbour iv r d ~ y rai p b ~ B y q v 6 ~ r a a rjpil*ipav"pyaZbpevo~, r be rb , ~ i and travail night and that we might h kbour m d toil, night and day working, not'be oh-rble D not pl) bmprcpijaai to rrva 6pGve9 o 6 Srr ohrZxopev bfnvuiav, ~ Inaanas we hare not not tb b burdensome t o myone of you. . Nor that we havo not authority, power, but to ciMl $va Cavrodc r6xov 63pev 6piv tic rb plp~iugat j p 6 ~ . I " , ~ but that ~ ~ ourselvsr~ pattern we might give to you for a to i~nitate ua. 10POT even when we 10 rai-ycip &E 4ptv r p b c 6 p 6 ~ O ~ T OrapqyylhXop~v6pT~. T were you* thb For also when we were with yoa this we charpod Y 0% we oomrunnded y t b t it any wm%i 8 r r E; TIC 0ir.eW~r ipydZa8ar, pq62 ba8rtrw. 11 cikoiropeu not work, neirhof that ii anyone doee not aiah to work, naither let him a t . 'We %ear l o u l d he eat. 11 Bor reprraro~vras Q Gpiv circircrw~, v pqd6v ipyntowe h e u thnt there yhp r r v a ~ ua aome which walk for =me w walking among you disorderly, not at all workamong you diaorderl working not at C(~YOVS, 12 roi~82.roroirro~~ mpaybut are burybodiea. ing, Now anoh we 12 Now them that are mahweoommandand yQXXopev cai rapa~aX06pev roii.iitlpiov.~pG~ 'Iqao3 exhort by our Lord Je- charge md exhort oar Lord Jmar


% !


E 2



f Bp& (mad [ ou]) LFAW. r iwcp ~ aA i * L'rrrAW. h b fftdr God L . Bpiv &ai erroqcr.rc] ye did L 1 roi [LMTT]. m * v the aLmrAw. ~p-p,~. +&v (read the Lord) [L]*. 0 aapr?@ouav they received, ~ A T W uapeAi@err yo ; m i v e d L . P k M h Tr. a P w # r k 4 ?pepas LTTr. * i v mpiy 'IlooO in [the]

Lord J e w Chript

5' 1


Chd* that with 'Lint, that with quictuess working, their own b r a d quietness lthey m d a t their own daeiwaiv. 13 6 7 8 4 C8rXqoi, p $ . ' b t ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ h a X ~ ~ obe not ~ ye. b*i n ~ bwad. 13o t Butweary v they may out. !t & brethren. do not lose heart [in] wll-doing. thren#joing. bd 14 e i 8 i ric oh~.&Karobeiry'.XGy y.~)p;v 8th rijs brtr m y man obey not our obey not 0t.u word by the %pi@word b this epistle man, rind But it rnjone qpeioibee 'rainvp).ovvavapiyvva6$ ahryi, huve no compsny with ~ ~ o h roirrov fj~, %bat [%an] 'mnrk and usoeiute not with him, him, that he may be tle, oshiamed. 15 Yet count 'iva $vrpa7r& 15 rni p) &c bx6pbv Ijyria6c, hint not na nu memy. that be may be rshnmed ; nztd not u an enemy esteem bim], but but admoniuhkim nn n brother 16 Now the &c d8eX 6 ~ 16 ahrbc.84 d ~I'Jpios E; $vsr Lord of pelrce himself . Lov6ereire .nit admonish i 3 m ] na n brot er. But 'himself 'the =Lord give ou pence alwa a by a71 menus. d$q $piu njv eip$ q v bid.ravrbs b r a v t i "rpdry. 6 Lord be with YOU v 'may give you pesce contlnnally in every way. The

t s r o 3 , ~ v ap ~ r h ;]uvXiuc i p yatri/~tvoi,riv.E'avr3v dptov





perd 7rcivrwv 6 p h .
is [thd

Lord [be] with

17 ' rianaapbc 6 $.xtipi nafiotr, 8 Eariv qpeiov 0 . b

The salutation .by 'my fiosm) .h.nd I aPunl, which d aign

pan1The salutation o i 17 with mine own bnnd, whicb is thr tograce of our l o r d

iv n i a p brrtaroXp". oiirws p& w.

in every
Juna epistle; m

18 ,j x6piC roir.mrpiov.tjp3v
T* of 0Amen.
writton from


'I~uo; xploroa

Christ b]with

p~rd lr&vrwv

Sv. x&p?j~.'


Christ be with you U. b e n .


8 ~ a a a h o v t ~d~vripa ~is iyp&$q d r b ' A 6 q ~ i i v . ~

~eawbaknr 'mooad

T o ['the]



~ I U T O ~ ~



IIAYAOX LrdaroXoc b'IqaoC X

Panl, apostle of Jeans


accwding to [the] commrnd


PAULkhri-t d r i r a ~ ; J conlmandment by t)la Jesus nn apostle of v of

&oir qwri)poc.Gpdv, rai cxvpiovn d'IqaoG ~piaroG" rijc % mC ;: & lh of God our Saviour, urd of [the] Lord Jmnr Chriat whicA is our hope. iXri80C.~p3v, Ttp06&# 2 yvqaiy r&vy b riarei' X ~ ~ L 2 Unto Timothy, m v S , ;
oar hope,


to Timothew, [my] true




faith ;

, gruce,


~ i ~ + v q BroQ narpb~-%jpGvfl drd rai y tmoC Iqaov


memy, puce,
our lord. .

our Father

u d


own son in the faith : m c d g z g o d our

& ~ ~ ~ o u , " ~ ~ r a
to abide still UG ~ p h s ;~w;~$I$~t$~
S As1 besought t h w


8 KaO& r a E~&EU& ~rpoopeivatb 'E@iay, UE v

Zven u going

I &sought


U remain

ipherm, [when 1 W&

mp~viprq E%

Mar~doviav,ivfl ' r a p a r a p c
Macedonis, nor

rtaiv p ) mighteat citurge 80mo

keneslogier m d endleas geneulgies, whbh minister

irep08idaaraXaiv, 4 pq82 rpoatxerv pG80ic xai yavenXoyiais thergiveheedtofuble

fa tesch other doctrincu,

that thou mig teat charge nome not other they tench neithat doctrine, 4 no

fo giro heed

to fable8 and

&rep&vrotc,a~rrves ~ q n j a ~ lrapQxovatv pCMov f c"

Linteminable, whicb Yquestionlnga 'brjng

uiav" &OS rr;v

1v riaret.

5 rb.84 TQXOE rijc rapayy~Xiacir 5

But tbe end of tbe charge

rather thun 'adminis-

goirovo- questions, rather than

k t i o n 'God's which [is] in

godly edifying which in faith: M du. endof the commundment in cba-

with LTrA.

W ~6wcp place L uuhvuc~~ B' TrA: , I I a d o v TOV Anvm6Aov ofthe Apostle Paul E ; I I a d A w o ; I I p k Tip60cov XPIUTO~ 'IYJUO~ Tl'rAW. C KVphU OLTTrAW. ~plOT06 'IYJUOG QLTTrAW. V o i r 3 0 p i a v building up r. f (rrCqnjuecr m(wad Lthel) t m r w .

* +W

- ~ aLIRA. i -

pi) ovvavcyriywuOai not to associate yourselves ciwjv n r . I # subscription OLTW ; u p b 8 s ~ U ~


;tt&,O:",dOtdt courelenae, and qf 7m.a out of 'pure 'a heart and a 'conscicnce Y o! Ko c faithunfeigned:6from aai ~ i a r ~ w ~ ' ( i v u n o ~ p6r 6 v ' T L Y E ~ d l ~ r ~ ~ r j a a v r e ~ , i o~ which aome havin and have turnJ faith i~nfeigned; from which some, having missed the mnrk, slide unto vain j a w - i~rrp&nqaav eiC pararoXoyiav, 6CXowy ervac vopo8c~~uIlng ; dwiring to vain talking, toachem of the law ; turned raide wishing to be law-teacher*, uuderstandingneitbr rahor, p$ V O O ~ ~ W E C pGr.5 ~ ~ Yp G~~ nepi a'rivwv ~ r ~ ~ what the say nor undemtanding neither what they say, nor concerning what whereof t l e y &m. 8 BUG we know that Bra/3t/3aroGvrar. 8 oiJapeu-8i arc raXtc d vbpoc, iciv rcc Now we know that good [is] the law, if anyone ~ & " , " , ~ t g ~ ~ U they ~ ~ y strongly nfrm. 9 knowing thb, thnd ahr@ vopipwc hXpijrat,u 9 ei6;c roirro, &L Bi~aiy the law is not made =it ahwf,,lly lure, knowing thin, that for a righteous [one] for a righteous man but for the l a ~ i & ~ 6 p 0 c 06.~eirai, dlv6poi~-B1 a i &vvnor&rrorp, r &ae/3iucu and disobedient, for law is not enacted, but for lawleaa and insubordinate [ones], for [tho'junpdly the ungodly nnd for sinnera, for unholy ~ a ciyrnorwAoT~, civoaior~ ~ a pe@$Aors, fnarpaA$aicU i i and profane, for mur- and ;;uful, for [thr] unholy and profane, .tor unitem of fathem d e m of fathen and mud-s of mothers ~ a h,iiqrpaX+a~~,I! i ci~~6po$dvor~, nITdpvoic, 10 cipuevofor manslaps, 10 fo; and all~iten motherr; for slayern of man, of fornicators, abusers of themrrhore~nongern for them defiie them- koirars, that (iv8pC(no6iarai~,+ E ~ U T C I ~ ~ ,n i 6 p ~ o r ~ , E i ~ rrai selvea with mnnkind, selves with men, men-ateslera, liars, perjurwa, and ft for menstealern, for Iinrs, for rr Fr~oov dyincvoitap 6r6ua~aXiq TQ &vri~arrai, rcasd 11 C O ~ ~ ~ toR Ern% any 'thing 'other to sound teaching is opposed. PC U t h a ~ y i ~ t h ~ ri)$eSayy6Xcov r4)"1~ o ~ ~ 6bCqs parmpiov &05, 6 inrurehGod, which 'wrasentruawd to .sauna dwtrine ; the glnd tidings of the glory of the blesaed 11 nccordiug to the 'gqv iYdj. 12 lKaill X&pcv-;Xw lorious gospel of the r @ iv6vvap6aavri PE ~prurltj tlessed God, which 'I. And I thank him who strengthened me, Christ Wcommitted to m J ~ ~ o ~ . m ~ i ~ . l j l * iiiri , mur6v pe rjy;luaro, Olpevor eic r G iv trust. 12 And 1 thnnE our Lord, that faithful me he esteemed, appointing [me] to Christ Jesus our Lord, J-Us

buriv Ci ( q i c rraOapZc rrap6ias rrai a v v r ~ 6 ~ a e Ci ~ i w no"



o;: % :

r",',"inYd M K O Y ~ ~ 13, mri)ullnp6rEpov 8vra " P X & ~ $ ~rrniOG c J ~ q v ~ V ~ Y


me faithful, putbing 'emice* %revionsly 'being a blasphemer and persecutor me into the ministry ; rai dPpranjv' O & N U IjX~tjOqv, (iyvoGv hnoiqaa wan a and insolent ; but I was shewn mercy, because being ignorant I dig bluphemer, and a perb cut or, ancl injurious: l v ciarariq. 14 dnepenAs6vaa~v.62 xciptc roir.~vpiov.tjpiiv but I obtdned mercy, [it] in nubelief. But superabounded tlie grace of our Lord becauae I did it ignob ~pcor@ v 'Iqaoir. 15 marbg r m t ~ y in unbeiiet perci n i a r ~ w ~ L y c i r q ~ rrai rijc I4 And the grace of with faith and love which [is].in Christ Jesus. Faithful our Lord was exceedb X6yoc K U ~rciuqs i * 0 6 0 ~b~ r~ ~ iirr x p t a r b ~' I q a 0 3 ~ r o , ing abundant d t h faith and love which [h] the word, and of all acceptation worthy, that Christ Jesus is in Christ Jesea 13 This l fnithful 4 O X w e i rbv rrdupov &paprwAo6c uGuas 6 v ~ npcjrby s s ing andworthy of came into the world sinners to save, of whom [the] &at a l l ndeptation, tjL$Qqv, Tua (v ipoi chrlst Jscm:: e, a e +L h7:. 1 6Xkd Xdiciroiro 6 the world to save sin- 'am But for this rearon I wes shewn mercy, that in me, [the] ners of whom I for npdjry 16 am rtjv qnZiuav>a~pod.v6eiE~rni P ' I ~ u o ~ EX c~shc"


c ~ F \{zt ~ ,eic Zlife ~ UeternnL ~ a6rG to" W a;Ljviov. ~ should be- him

% : Ovpiav, forth all long- aufferinp,

I obhin.d


%night *hew ?orth for






r p b c dnorirnwutv rGv peAX6vrwv mur~Ceivin'

a delinention

1 r@.62 7

of those being about tc believe pao~Xeir 3 v aihrwv,


NOW the King of the ages, to [the] Ueve on him to life d$Ocipry, ciop?y, pdvy 'ao?@' Oe@, rcpr) rai 66Fa eic ro6c ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ i ~ incorruptible. ~invinble, " only ~ n g ~ , " , ~ mse God, honour ahd glory t o the immortal, invhible, aiGvac rGv ai&vwv. citrGu. l rairrqv 1.tiv ?rapayyeXiav 8 the only wile God, be This chargi, honour and glory for Of the Irges. Amen' ever and ever. Amen ~rapariOepari aor, ~ ~ W O TcpciQee, V rear& 7 6 ~~ O T 18 T h i ~ I ~ ~ ~ I commit e to thee, [my] child Timotheus, aowrding to the *going
h ~ p f q L. a i rarpoh@a&s ~ ~ LTT~A. LTTrA. pc me (boiug) L. 0 &d LnrAW. r 1744~ L T T ~ A W .

L ~ ~ A W . p ~pr*

~ aLTTrA. i m rb 'IquoGc LTrk P bwauav

I, 1 . 1
ayo6uac bni
'bufore good

'to *thee 'prophecies,


them the the prophGcies which

ue ?rpo$qreiac,'lva 'arpare6p"
faith and 'good

i v airraic rfiv m't mothy, according !c'. t o

that thou mightert war by

aaXrjv urpareiav, 19 5xwv nioriv ~ a cirn8r)v avveidqaiv, i


'a conscience; mighwt war a good $v rivEc ( i ~ ~ b ( i p . ! ~ repi r+v ?riuriv ivavayqaav' warfare 19 holding oe, ~hich[conscience]~ome, having cast away, u ro faith made *hipwreck ; ~ ~ ~ ~ & ~ 20 6 v dorrv 'Tpivatoe rcai 'AXfFav8poc, 08s lrupi8wrca ry' hsvingbut away conHynmnreua and Alexnndcr, whom I delivered up ~ $ ~ ~ i p ~ , " , " k : of whom are UUTUU$, 'iva ?rat6~v6'3urv p4 P X U U ~ ~ ~ E T V . whom is Hymenmue to Satan, that they mny be dhciplined not to blaspheme. and Alexander ; whom I have delivered unto Ilapnxahij o h np3rov rdvrwv r o ~ ~ i a e a 8<Uic, Iatan, that they may r I exhort therefore, h t of all, to be made supplioations, learn not t o b h pheme. ~ r p o u a v ~ a ~vreiffee~, ~., ei)~apeuria~, n ~ pndvrwv av8iD- II. I 6 there prayern, intercesaiom, thunksgivings, for PL1 men i fore, that, Arat of all, rwv, S &sip /3uorXbwv rai ndvrwv r 3 v i v ;?repoXp' bvrwv, ~ , " ~ & ~ , " i i , " , " , " ; ~ ~ ~ ' for x n p and that in dignity m, h g o f thmka,


; ; ;

iva i)p~povxai Yjuliyrov Piov &dyupeu i v ndap rbuePsrp$p

that a tranquil and grrvity ; oar Saviour quiet for thi. Qod, life we may lead in md all
' piety

ospvdrrjrr. 3 rofiro.ty(ip"

raXAv rai ixo6embv ivPncov ro3

[is1 good 'all weeptnble
5 e n


U W T ~ ~ ~ O 8 ~-0$ i~ G V?rdvr(fc ( I Y & J ~ J ? 86Xec ~ ~ f 4 5s , ~ O V uo8rjvar

'wiahea to be =v&

rai sic iriyvwurv ciXqeeiac

[.the] medbter of God and men,

slc.rcai 8aviour. iX8eiv. 5 e z ~ . ~ d8 ~ 6 5 . ~ p

Por [the] mnn &id

and %o %wwkdge ..of [*the] 7truth 'to 'coma,

peoirqs 61~0fi r a i & ~ 8 p & ~ w ~civ8pwnos X lUr6c 'It)- unto the knowledg. , oo6s7 6 b 606s i a v ~ b ~ civriXvrpov 6 d p T ~ V T WT b , pap' V m, who grve himwlt a ransom for all, the tea\ rhpco~" K ~ ~ O T i8iolc, 7 is 8 S irietl~
&ony [to be rendsred] i n 'time0 'ita

th"..(~a:F8z who will one ~ & d~'ia], i n d one :i;:d,a&rt" to:'


~ n ~ l ~ ~ sre in authority ;that ~d;~c~~ealip,"i~ and ho. neht 3 For thin ir

Je- of the truth. 5 For them is one God mnd


to which 'wan 'appointed 'I


r a i ci*d~roXo~'
apostle, ([the]

a herald and

ciX$e~mv Xiyw w i v xpiury"," 06


I speak




$ ~ 6 6 0 r & P d d u ~ o X o ~i6'vGv, * i v nimer xai MqBrip. 1 9.30 E,) ' a teacher of [the] nationa, in faith and truth. 8 Bo6Xo rcr ov'v ?rpoaei~eu8ar rode cTv8pac i v r a v r i rd?ry,
I W$
therefore holy it0 'pray 'the 'men in every



onemediator betbeen Qod and men, t h e m m Christ Jesus ; 6 who gave himself aranaom for nll, to be testified in due time. 7 Where,to I ordained preacher, and an apostle (I speak the t m t h in fienot r teacher of the Gen. in faith and a I will therefore


inaipavras buiouc xeipac x w p i ~ dpyec r a i GcaXoytapoir*

lifting up hands apart from wrath women in slld wusoning.

9 &aahrwc x ~ a i " r d c l l yvvaircac i v raraaroXp' KoUpitp perdr

I n like manner also the Pguise 'aeoruly with

~ & without 'rnntl~ $ ~~i ft~ hands


and 60ubthg. In like that women adorn themaiJois rai u w ~ p o 0 6 v rrcoapeiv iavrcic, p4 I v ?rXfypaotv, nelves in modest W)~ modwcy and discreetness to adorn themselv'es, not with plnitings, psrB19 and sobrietJ e d n w with shamefna* ~ p v U @ , " papyapirars, ij kartup@ ?roXvreh~i,10 b(iXX1a not with broided hai; or gold, or pearls, or clothing 'costly, but or l y array. 10 o ; w t ~ O M , or pearls,but

what is becoming to women

?rpf?r~r yvvaifiv


8~ou6$~rav, i (which becollheth W? 6


[the] f e u of God,

by men profeasingwork.. l l good ~ o d leall subjeotion. 12 But

ipyvv dynQJ,,e. 11
s60rkn n~tbjecbion;

{v $ o v ~ i p pav8av6rw i v ~ h u p lee' the woman 11

in silence with to teach

4A sworuan 7in 8quietnesa Olet elearn but a woman

6norayp'. 13 cyvvac~i.6i i 8 c i u ~ e i v ~ ~ ~ ~ i s i r ~ i aair-~ I suffer not a noman 6 oir6i w

I do not allow,
in quietneus ;

du6p6c7 d ~ i k eZvar~ i~ iavxip. ~ l v

man, but

authoricy orer

to be

13 '~Gdp-ycip man, but to


?rp;rog 2?rX6u6'q7 clra E6a. 14 rai .'A8dp oirr.~)lmr<Qq.4-64

q -u~~ paa ir e6iQ yvvatri --h y+ r p d&srrtrv LTRA.

nor toexercise to teach, nor to usurp authority over the be in 6ifor Adun lence. 13 For Adorn war 5rnt formed then not deoelved, but

was formod, then Eve : I

m d Adnm wan not deceived ; but the



for Lmr. v LTTIAW. ~ d &AA LW.


. - rb p a p d p t o v E.
a aud L m A . i

~ p v o y. L

- i v ~ptor4QLTTrAW.

& & UW .

111, IV.



0&veXtj$9qn i v


w u m t v d up i glory. n

b e b r e d on in the world, r e g a i t ~ u p i y mt tho s p d ~ 8 0 1 ~ ~ hthat, 1 . w 1 tn ti @#W to glory. anjaovrai ~ L V E rijc ~iorewc, p o u 6 ~ 0 vm~ljC(aoiv h v o ~ IV. E r r~~ d ~ the spfrit IdspAl.t qmrn 'some the faith, giving heed to 'rpirita 'deceiring


w e i r a $qrijc Xly~r, i v darfpotCratpoic t r o arc

mmesh*ldeP**fr~m the faith, giving heed to seducing a irita and

mi 6iJaondiay 6acpovi~v 2 i v ironpioe~ ~vdoXdywv,

a d

of demom

~ Y P ~ W 0~ s ~ k e r of Y s

P ~ m v r p i a o p t v w v ~ v - i 6 i auvveidqoiv, 8 ? v ;; c : being aauteriwd CM to] their own conscienae, pocrisy ; faving their gap~iv, i r 6 ~ ~ u O a rp w p & r ~ v , ii 6 geb~inriu~vis eonscienaenearedwith P hot "On; marry, p i d d h r ] to abstain from meeta, Which God created ' for bidding to marry forand qp~r&Xq$iv~ per& ~ f ~ a p i a r roic~ rtsroic nai i r ~ ~ v w r d u c v m m o d i w t o a & t ~ i n ia io
reception the truth. with thanksgiving for the faithful and who know


d v aiXfieetav. 4 Srr r i i v ~ r i o p ~ 0 4 ncrhdv, nai oGJ8v received with thanks8

Beaauae every areature of God [is] good,

from which Q Ohsth created to be ~

of them which believe m d know the 4 For ev to be rejected, wtth thanhgiving being received ; Yt .r %ancti5ed matureof G o d ~ g s i m d nothing to be rerdp Gd Xdyov 8 ~ 0 3rai I v r ~ i r l ~ w g . 6 "fairra Srori- b e d , u it be rooeived e for by 'word 'God'r m d intercounc-[with him]. Thcm thingr laying with thanksgiving : S a l t J ,u ~ K H Y I ) L for it ia sanctified by 8 EVOc 70if (~&X$O?E, a X o ~ E@ 6 l~ GtCi~ovo~. "1qb0D the word of sod m d beta I ! b the brethren, t %good *thou % . . 'a *servant of Jesu prayer. 6 If thou pub the brethren in rerur05,~ tvrpe~dpevo~r o i ~Xdyorc 'Mjp riarewp, nai r i j ~ membrance d tbse 'fkrht, baing uourished * h the words of the iiith, and of the thing%,thou bhalt be. ood r a qnoXoir8qrac. 7 Todc.88 P ~ j 3 i X o v ~ mlniater of Jwnr caXijc GibeonaXias hrist, nourished U Unching w h i h thou &.t alaae~followed. Bat the profane in the word. of f a &

md nothing

tir6/3Xqrov, p r d c 6 x a p i ~ i a ~ Xap/3av6y~vov* 6 dyiti~orai truth.

mi .y acjdeq p6Oovc rapacro9. ~irpvu<e:di oeav~bv

Lnd o f i w i ~ e . ~ fable.

piety; prodtable,

7 But r e I) anrtj yvpvaaia rpdc dXiyov ioriv $ ~ e s ? ; ~ { ~

but exercise thyelf



for but piesy



n little

h$iXipocqtj.6i.etuifie~a r p b c a&vra i)$fXij~dc iortv, bnay7~for arerything Ipro5table

'n i,


g little: but go%;8l ~ ~ ~ ~ eth



2 : thpif rab

Xinv ixovaa cwijc

faithful on iug and 'raihon~Gpevnai tdv~tG Jdpt~Oa,~6ri 4 h ~ i n a p i r i 8e+ m r t b d d l & = tr l both we labour m d ure reproached, because a e have hops i a l a o d t i o abothFor t ~ ~ e 4 0 n we labour and &hrt., 8s dorcv aw+p nhvrwv BvOpPrwv, pcihcusa ncar3v. sader r e p r o d , beIlfving, who h P r w r v e r of all apeaislly of believers ~ + g w ~ r l $ ~ o ~ men, 11 &yyeMt rairra rai GiJczore. 12 p6eic oov njc h ~ i o a rof all men, &Up these thing' and teach. specially of,those that belleva l1 Them thin pe~rqrocnfira9 ovairw, Mid &roe yit;ov r 3 v rtarGv i v ~ m m m a and t d youth Ilot bus a pattarn be o i the b e b v w s in 12 h t no man dedpiw thy youth. but be thou Adyy, b &vadrpo$$, i v & t r y , 'dv v me6 i v rimer, an exmlpfe of the word, in conduct, in love, in [thsj & f i t , in faith, lievera, in word, m

@c vGv ~ a i is profitable unto a11 miaa haring of life, of that which [h] now u d of that rhlch [ls~?;$" 9 T W ~ E d Xd.yoc rai & U ~ E Bno8o~iic b&or. 10 dc.roirro.ydp 18 and of that which Baithtul [is] the word and d sll rceeptation worthy ; for, for this 't lo


2 ' s kFtf E z%




L ~ A . r xpcvroi, 'Iquoir v W c y l 6 ~ OLXTrAW. b

who Q

L ~ A W .


P re~avuqpccrcrfidvrv TTr. 9 fic~cihqp+tr rai LTTr[bE iywvtJ6pcBa we 00111hb LlTt,

h:",;: t

o o n v m t i o n , in e h - bv ciyveiq. 1 3 i Xopat. np6uexe rq' & v a y v 6 u ~r+, rapa~ s t y in spirit infaith l c give heed to reading, to exhorin iurity. Till in purity' come, pjve attendance ~Aljuei, 8iSau~aXip.14 p+.cipiXar roii [U 00; x a p i ~ p a ~ o ~ r?j to reading, to exhor- tation, to teachling. Be not negligent of the 'in 'thee 'gift, tation, to d o c t r ~ n a l 4 Neglect notthegift 5 i866q uoi 8id ?rpo$qreiac p ~ r ai7rl6iU6wc r(;)vX ( is in Ulee* which which was given t o thee through prophccy with laying on of the hmdr was given thee by pro15 705 ?~p~uPvrepiov. rafira pAEra, bv ro6r0iS iu&' phecy, withthe laying p ( ; ) ~ on of the hands of the of the elderhood. Thene thinga meditate on, i n them be, reabytery 15 Medi%tau nthesethings; i)va UOV Tj.Tp0~07Tlj $ ( I v F ~pf~ w b ~ l l ?r&Ylv. 1 ~ Y ~ E X E 6 give t g e l f wholly to that thy advancement manifest may be crmong all. Give heed them ;that thy profitt 0 a u ueavrq3 cai r i Lkurahiq* (?ripeve a6roic roQro.yhp ing may ap 16 Take eed Unto to thyself and to che tcsching; continue in them ; for this thyself and unto the . doctriie. continue in TOLGY,~ a ueavrbv i aPoeic cai rode L ~ o 6 o v r i ~ uov. tbcm : 40r in doing doing, both thyself thou shalt save and those that hear the& this thou s h d t both save thyself, and them Ilpu/.3V~i~~ E , (EXXd ?rapar6Xet that hear thee. An elder do not ~hnrply e f u l q hut r exhort as V- %buke not raripa. vcwripovc dGeX$o6c. 2 ?rpeupvrbpac cjc elderlfBtherintreat him a father; but ; and the R younger [menj as brethren; elder [women] as younger men as bre- pr).ripac'vewrlpac cjc ci$eh$ci.c, bv riop ciyveig. 3r~(plac thren younger RS sisters, with a11 purity. Wldowa vrome; as the mothers; mothers; the younger as is- ripa rdc Bvrwc ac. 4 ei-Si rlc x<pa r i ~ v a i ~ y o v a tern, with all purity. rhononrthat [are] l w i t t i s ; but if any w i d o ~ ~ a h i l d T e n ~ o r ~ d ~ ~ ~ c e n d a 3 Honour widows that ?rp(;)rov ri)v.iEiov O ~ K O Y ehu~Ptiv, a i ~ are widows indeed. ZXEL, p ~ v t ? a v ~ r w ~ a v 4 But if widow zhave, let themlearn firat Cos to] their own house to be piu-, and have children or ne,ti?r08186vac O Z ~ . T P O ~ ~ Y O ~ ~ ' O ~ T O iurcv~ 'KaXdv T T - ~ ~ phews, let them learn first to shew piety a t 'recompense 'to %ender t o [their] parents ; for this is good home and to requite theiriarents :for that KCl;" & ? T O S E K ~ ~ V ? r 1 0 ~ 10s 6~05.5 hlr& ~ Y T Wxqpa ~ r d nnd accnptnble and accaptable before God. XOW she who [is] 31ndeed 'aawidow. ore God. 5 Now she that is a widow cai p~povwp6~q ijX?ri~ev bhi Yrbv"6dv,K U ~.~rpoU)rivec ra'is tndeed, and d w l a t e and left alone, has [her] Lope i n Qod, and cont~nues trubteth in Ocd, and 8 ~ ~ u e u i v raZc ~rpouevxaic cai uvh-bi. ~ arjphpaS. 6 i eontinueth in mpplieatione and prayers in supplications md prayers night and day. But she that night a n d day. 6 But ,he that ljveth in u~araXGaa, S4ua ri9vqrcev. 7 ~ a i raGra ?rapiyyeXXE, pleasure is dead while liven in self-gratification, lw is dead. i And these things charge, ahe livetb. 7 h n d them tr things give in charge iva Zd~~?riX71?r~~i1 8 e k % ric r(;rv.~8iwv pdX~~r01 &uiv. that they may bet that irreproachable they may be. Butif anyone his own and ~ p d a l l y blameless. 8 But it provide not for arGvll oitieiwv ~t.~?rpouo~i," riuriv tqrat, ~ a i faith he denied, and household does not provide for, the his own, .nd s w i a l b (hi81 foi those of his own &?riurOv x ~ i p ~ d . Xipa house, he hath denied 9A 'widow 'let~araheyia6w '%ot p4 ' be put on the lint the faith, and is worse is 'than 'an *.unbeliever *Worse. thxn an infidel 9 Let &(;)v ittjcovra ye~ovvia,ivbc civSpdc yvvlj, l 0 i v not a widow b, taken aarrov ; into the under aless &than* y w s 'sixty being, of one man wife, in ~ " , ' , " ~ P ~ ~ P { ~Q ~~ O ~ ~ h o ipaprvp~vpk~qt hr~worp6$qu~v, L a ~ ei E; well ' W O ~ lgood being borne witness to, if ahe brought up children, if aheenterof one mm Wported of'for good G6Xquev, E; Ayiwv ?r6bac gviJ/~v, C)XiPopboic b h p ei feet she washed, if t o the oppressed she imparttained strangers, if saints' rm. if she have KEUEV, ei' ?r@vri rpyy &ya6$ bq~oXo66quev. 11 Newripas.-64 ed relief, if every 'work' 'good she followed sfter. But younger aaiuts' feet. if rho hnre xlj~ackapairo~' $rav.y&p c~araarpqviciuwuiv" roi; relieved the affiicted, d & w s refuse ; for when they may have grown wanton wainst If she have diligently , 77j~ followed every good X ~ L U ~ O Gyapeiv BQXovutv, 12 ~xovuacK ipa Sri work. 11 But the Chriat, t o marry they wish, havisg jufgment because [their] younger widows refuse : for when they 'Kp6~qv ?rib~lv Ijtjirqbav. 13 +a-di K M ; &pyai pa96oihave begun to wnr first faith they cast off. And withal alaq [to be] idle thW


&c m]






g ;


cg k


W l i (vead aiutv to all) LlTrAW. &veaihqparoc LTTrA. a T ~ L~T~[A]. V

they shall grow wallton agaiust A.

- ~npovori~cu ahbv a i ~


r - T&U [LIT.



V, VI.



vovurv, rept~px6p~vac k oi~iac' o&p6vov.& &p ai, &XXd $"f"bnF$hrn= r h$ going about to the b o w ; and not O ~ Y 0 , but 12 damn*tim, ~ a$X6apui rai ?repiep or, XaAoZuat r d i p+lovra. 14po6; ~ ~ h
13 And withal they idle, wantherefore youpger Cone81 to marry, to bear children, to rule the house: z,"&gtoak",e pqdgpiav &$opptjv Gr86vac r(ii &vrirerpEvy Xor8op;ac ~ a i ~ i vnot oulf idleb but . '%o 4 0 ~ a s i o u 'tosgive to the a d v e r a q 'of *reproaah 'onYpc0ount. tattJqrd a so and king things 15 C8q.yhp r'vrc iferp6rnpav 6riuw roG uaravz. 16 Ei rig % "h s hh, 0 " t not. t r For already some are turned aside after Satan. 14 I w i 6 tfarefore that the younger WOd+turbc 4btarrj ZXEL pipas, e Q ? r a p ~ ~ i r w H men marry benr obua&h believing [man] or believing [woman3 have widow^, let him ~mpart relid to dren, g n i d i t ~ e o w , pire none occdon to rctic. ieai ptj pnp~iuecc, jl irr)lr]uia, 'iva raic 8 V r ~ c arc the advenarytospenk them. and not let be burdened the assembly, that to the 'inaeed widow* reprorchfully. I5 Foz some are dreads turnb?rap~iap. ed aside after Satan I6 If any man or woit ma? impart relief. man that bnlieveth 17 Oi KaXijs ?rpoeurGr~c T ~ E U ~ ~ T LE X GO ?tpijg have widowa,.let them ~ T~ S ~ The .well ' 'who t a k e *the 'lead 'elders of double honour rulieve them and let


tattlers and busy-boL,

apaldng thing# [they] ought not.

oiKodu?roriy *M 10 0 6 . U E W T ~ ~ S yapTv, r ~ v o y o v ~ i v ,

* ;*':

&~to6uewuav, paihtura oi KoT~GUTE( v X6yy ~ a Grdaui i

let ba counted worthy, specially thorn labouring

teaah- relieve them that are taXiq. l 8 Xiyet-ydp ,j ypa$$, 'BoZv LXoOvra 06 widows indeed for nym the scripture, An ox treading out corn k o t ; 17 h t ttb. b Ipyhrqc roZ9pia80it.a&ro9. 19 Kurd ~ ~ t e ~ p6uetsgn mi, "A&oc *halt muzzle, and, Worthy [in] the workman of his hire. * g a t double honour espe cially they whohbour lrptn/3vripov rcaqyopiav ptj.?rapnJlxov, Qmbc r j Bri EL in the word and do* an an elder ' m accunation receive not, On Cthe tarti- trine. 18For the acri

word and

: t$zhmg G .


860 $ r &v pa &pwv. $20To6c g dpaprcivovms iv&rtov

rnonjabJ two o t

treadeth out theoorn. n6vrov ~ E Y X E'Iva rai oi Xocsoi fhpov txwuiv. 21 Arapap- worthy of his reward.) , And, The labourer i 'all 'convict, that ako the rprt fear 'may %va I earneatly Against m

tk k


Thaw that



rloopar i v h ~ i o vTO; &oi xai

testify before

"N im 'IqaoC xpturoC!' mri God md [the] g r d Jeaun Christ or threa witnesfm. rdv i ~ X r m 3 v &yy.&wv, &a raZra $vXaifps ~ w p i c a0 Them that sin rethe elect angels, that thew t h i n e thou shouldat keep, apart from 21 ! ahargo thcs before I wporcpi aros, pqdav ?rotGv t a r d '?rpci~rcXturv." prqu&ce, nothing doing by partiality. God and the Lord Je. sun ' ~ h r i a t , and the 22 XeTpas raxiwc p t ~ d B?rttieel,pqbi K O L V ~ Y E ~ ~i dpapriars elect angels, that thou Hand# quickly on no one , nor ahnre in dns observe there thixlgs without preferringone drhXorpiars. ueaurbv ciyvbv njper. 23 ~ K ~ 66poa6rec. '(iAX'" before another, doing T L of athem. Thyself pure k e . ep l o n e r drink water, but nothing by partiality. oivy bXiyy ~ p d G& rbv~ur6paX6v.'oou" a rds r v ~ v 6 c s ~ , " ~ n ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ i d 'wine %.little nm on amount of thy stomach and 'frequent th, be of aov ciaeaveia~. 24 T~vOvhveph?r~vai ir)tapriat .?rpddrlXoiothez men s sins. kee 'thy &itiw. Of some men the sins ,,ifee+, thyself pure. 23 but no Ion rr water, eiarv, rpociyovuar eis K iow. ridv.8i ~ a i?ra~oXov~oiracv. a f i t t ~ c i nae wills for to j u f w e n t ; and m m also they follow &tar. going betore m, t ~ ~ 25 & 2 6 r w cm r b %aXd $pyal1 rp68qXh Oiurrv.U rcai r d mitien. M some menle In like manner al.& good works manifeat are, and thorn that sinn are open beforehaqd, going before to a h o s ixovra, ~puP {vat o&.PGG~arai.~ jndgment and some otbenrh are' %.hid 'annot. mm thoy fAllow after. a3 Likewire a?no the i r tfvyhv GoiAot, roirc.l8iovs ~ E U T good rSo r b ~ ~ "OOO~ E ~ U ~ Y ~ b -a *an *us hnder .yoke 'bondmen, the&own m;rstem are maniteat before-

;gf'"b;;tptozz ~~h",,",~,","~> 2::



-w~Qlbig(raad &tap. let her im art relief) LTTI~A].


I but ( n 1 e mrrriner) LW. i % ? 8Jlmcu LmrAw.

r p o u d urv advocacy L.

+ 62 & (thae that) q*].


ipya r& K&&

& a p ~ e i d c l ,LTT~. 106 hiptm~C 'IquoC LTTFAW. -03 (rcad [t y ) LTTrA. ] m bi 0 ;mtv WPrA ; ewtv W . Lrrt~w.

h a d : and thep that am be hid. VI. Lot SE many servants am under the yoke count their own mastan worthy of all hbnonr that the name of ctod and his doctrine be not blauphemed. 2 And they that hove believing masters let them not d m i s e ;hem, because the rue brsthron but rat{tV do incm Iser. vice because they nn, faitlifal and the of beloved,

rciaqs ripijc citiovg tjyeio&uav, iva p4 r i bvo/ln 700 gtoii

of all


and the

honour wovthy let tham esteem, that uot the


of God 'have

8daaraXia @Xao$qpijrar. 2 oi.62

teaching be blrcaphenled

And they that 'bclicviug

ntaroirs i)(ovrec

b ~ ~ r d rp~.~ara$poveirwaa~, Brt d6X$0iE;ULV' b u d a~,

masten, rather let Ohem not despim [them), bemuse brethren tbey are ; but let them m e [them& beaure believing [ones] they are m h

~ ~ ~ X X~ O VYX E V ~ T W U Q Y ,

Sr& ?riuroi

aiuuf. rai ciya-


loved who 'the #good rervioe lore %eing ahelped 'by.

rqroi oi f i s ahcpycoias dvrrXappavdpavoc. racrn 8i8aorc

Thew thingn teach

snouud lto word'. %how of our U U Chriet, and 3 otherwiss, r$ Car eliaifletav GtdaaraXip, 4 rerir$wrac, ptIblv and consent not to the 'according'to, blew 'tesohing, he ia puffed up, nothing wholesOnlewords~ntu' diriorci~evoc,W r voaGv rapi Zqrjaeic cai Xoyotiaxias, the words of our ~ o r d Jesus Christ, and t o knOwmgl but rick about queaciona and dinputeg of words, the doctrine which 6 v yivcrm $9dvo~,p t g , PXau$qpiai, 3.rrdvoiai rovg ai, i according to godlincsci* out of which come bowin; enn. m&. . e d . p d n g s , y~uspicious 'rlolod,

E~ d thiugSIf@=h n exhnrt. any


rai rapnrcihr.3 E rts ircpo6i8aaraXei, rai qp~.rpoaipxerccc~ i ~d exhort. myone tsachor other doctrine, m d drawn not near ~ Y t ~ i ~ ~ T O ~ . K U P ~ O V .i)v 'Iqboi? ~piur03, XdYoi~roic ~ ~ t ~ ~ rai

nothing, b i t doting 5 TrapaSinrptpaic Gce$enppivwv civ9pDrwv rbv ~ o i h ,reai qo& "io : $:; t vain argunrentationr *corrupted 'of 'men in mind, m d whereof cometh envy, drearepqpivwv dXt)eeia~, vopcldvrwv noptupbv ebai AV strife, railings, evil destitute of the truth, holding .gain 'to 'be ~urmisings,5 perrerue disputings of men eitat~eiau* 'dl$iaraao drb rGvroio6rwv." O"Earcv.6i roptapbc of corrupt minds, 'piety; withdraw from such. But 'is egain and destitute of the truth sup osing that rlyar aljaiflera er& ahrnpreias. 7 0&8iv.~dp eiaqviyraCcev gain$ goJine=: from grmt l p i e t ~ e i t a *oontentzuent. For nothing we brought much withdmw thyelf. 6 n u t godliness T ~ U ~ U ~ O Y , 'BijXov' Brc 0irG2 i~eveyreiv n K Cvvciwith aontentment ir into the world, [it is] manifeat that neither t o cnrry out nfiything ue we great gain 7 Fbr we brought nothin jutp pa8a' 8 Z ovrec.8C Grarpo$dg rai ararciapara, ro6rocc dpi y t having mstenana and ooverings, with these r e ehdl *lia world, a n b Y 1 able. . 9


E$t,"gzt-82 be n t i s f i 2tea. 9ub(utthor Pov~dk dovreiv, dprirrovatv intoi ~ 5 reae?pd Oi.84 cvoc a having food .nd raidesir to bl rich. fnll z$t$i$tpeihgs retpnupov rai rayi8u rai tnr9vpiac ?roXXdc dvorj.rovs rni
the that will be rich



a lnur






/3L/.3ep6p, alrivey /3diZovav ro6c civ9pv8prj.rrovp eic QeBpov

many fooliah m d hurt- *h"rtfu1* which sink men into datruction filluststwhichdrown rai drv8prjXetav. 10 ' i t - y d p rcivrwv rGv mrGv lariv $LAmen inrleatruction and dition. 10 For the and perdition. {or a root of all erih in the lore E e of mane is the apyvoiaB river dpay6pevor drcrXal?i~qaavd+i rijs root of Borne coveted while all evil: which of mo&y ; which some mttetching after were seduced from the

after they have erred pierocd from' the frith, and through with nlany aorrows. 11 But thou, 0 man of God, fiee these thinge and follow after &'hteonsnees, godliness faith love, patiourn,' meek! n w . l2 Fight the good fight of fnit11,lay hold on eternal ]if", whereunto thou art alsocnlled and hast professed R p&d profes~~ou before many witnessea. 13 1

rrarEwC, rai themselves rcpcireipav with P e ~ r o w 'mmy. invrob~ pierced d86var~ aoXXaip. 11 E6 faith, and ~ .Thou 66, (5 abut, 0

6vepwn~ U

r ~ rairra. $ J~E ~ ~ E~biwre.84 ~ ~ * of God, there things flee, and pursue

faith, love, endurance, faith

~ dtrato-,

a6t1gv, abaEt3erav, ~ i ~ i -hycirnv, iropovrjv, vap(rdrqra*l i~,




uvirov rbv raXbv ciycjva *Q

the good

~ o m b r o the f

?riatcwywIrrXapoJ rijg
Lny hold didnt confess

T ~ KU V

of eternal the good

C~ijc,is i j ~+rain
We, t o which confgaion before

a b o thou wart called, and many

i lrX1jOqS, ~ a cjpoOXyqon~

X ~ Y 4poXoyiav IVOT~OV~OXXGD, papdpwv. . l 3 napay-


8tanapasprflai constant qunrrellings CILTTTAW. rrpoviqeiar cleavesnot T . i + i g 7 a o o anb r t v r o ~ o h w v L'ITrAW. djhov (read 6sr ao that) L ~ A . so6 upaiindicu, I: - r o b otrrrrw. 4 ~ 17 rpaunaOe~avmeeklees of spirit LT-; .





y i h X ~ t d l w i ~ t o v T O G ~ ~ - ~ E O Gz & o o n o ~ o i ~ ~rdi$iz: x ~ TO; rocn oharge t e h a before God who quickens quickeneth all thin r a i y p t m o ~i t t a o ~ o i papn~ptjaavros ini ~ o w i o va n r - sus who before tPanr an& wme a r i g f ; and Chrfrt Jewr who witnessed before Pohtius Pi- tid Pilnta witn=,,,Xirovl n j v ~ d j 6poXoyiflv, 14 rqp;aai.a~ 4 v dvroXjv ed a good confosrion; v
late the good wnfassion, thnt thou keep the oommand~nent



dia~tiov, o i v ~ r i X s ? r r o v , ~ i ~ p r fnc$avdac 70s rv iov b e t rpotleu, irreproachable, nntil the appearing of GP& 'IttaOs ~ p l a r o i , 15 $v Kaipoig.i8iorC 8eiEer 6 lour Jaanr Christ ; which in it, own times *shall 7shew 'the parc6ptoS rcar p d v o ~8vvban)c, d paathcis rGv paatXevdv-

k ;y


out w , t nnrehukoablebf our the ap nrinn until Lord Christ: 15 which i n


ed and only Potentata s b l d .lad *only .Ruler, the King of those being kings the King of king., and Lord of lords ;16 who ~ w v Kai dptoc T ~ YC V ~ ~ E V ~ V T W l(j 6 ,U~VOI; W V &(?a- onlyhnthimmortality, I Y, ~X m d Lord of those being lords ; who alone has im- dwelling in tha light which no m m cnn a p vaaiav, O~KGU ~ T ~ ~ U L T O Y 8v C , 1 8 ~ 0 6 8 ~ proach untn. whom ~ i~ mortality, ' h llght Vwelling %napyroachable, whom adid .see 'no lone no m m hath k n , uor cnn see : to whom be LYepi,~wv ot8f i&iv G;varar, y' rip$ ~ a ~ p c i r o honour and POi ~: W .men nor to ree ia able; to whom honour, and might everlasting. Amen,



17 Toic ~ ~ o v a i o t ~ @ 6 v aiirvt x a p d y y ~ M r , (v r
To the

rc ih in the preset13 ago eharge, that they be not highe6~q~o$pov~iv,"v6& 4hmrcivou ?rh06rov &8qXdrqrr, minded, nor tnut in bqt to L high-minded, nor to have hope in 'of *riches ['the] .uncertainty ; uncertain riches, who w in the living 'r$" @E$ ' r @ c & r ~ , ~ ~ ?rapixovr~ T@ Gpiv g h d o v - giveth nr rich1 ali MX'

2 7 r ~ ~ ~ ~ W , " 2 $


'God 'the living,


gives t o do good,

i n W o r b mad^ t o tribnte,willingtocommnnicote; l9 layingnp % o r b 'good, Warn1 in distribgting to be, reedy to communicate, tree in store for themselves a p o d f o u n d r Bqaavpilovras eauroig eepiXiov raXdv EIS p i X h ~%a tion ngnlnst the t i ~, h = UP for themselven a 'foundation 'good for the future, that to come that thcy ma ~ n hoid on e t e r n J life.y
all thing8 for

uiwg ?r&vra%iE ci?rdXavarv. 18 hyaeoepy~?~,~ T

enjoyment ;

O V ~ E i ~ Vt b y be rich in good v

r i a y things toenjoy; 1gth.t they do good, that

to be rich

Z ~ Y rcaXo?~; 6pra8drov~Elvflt, O ~

~ O L ~ W V ~ K O ~ ~ , &TO-



i?ri~ripovrar 'ai'wvidvncwrjc. njg

of eternnl the Ilfe.

they may lay hold

20 0 Timothy, keep that which is comE I C T ~ E T ~ ~ E V c i ~ E P ; I X O ~ ~~vo$wviag. rO~P rai civrt6Laecc rijc f ~ ~ avoiding profnne empty babblinga, m d oppositions vaiu b&&in S, and

20 'Cl?

TipdQac, n)v k n a p a ~ a r a & j ~ r l v n

dsrposit committed



[to thee]

,toinEE2 ~
o :, ~ '

~ ~ v 8 w u 6 p o u . y u ~ a21 rjv - rrvrc inayyrAAdprvor, ~w~

of falsely-named knowledge, which some profesaing,


ln referenceto 21 which

njv riariv I j a r d ~ ~ a a v' hpic lP~rci 0 . mctphv.fl .H a GR the faith missed the m a r t %race h]with thee, Amen. 6s T i p 6 9 ~ 0 ~ h r q iyd.yp&$q & n b Aao8rrceiac, rp


ing have erred concerningb# thc f ther Grnce with a i t h







furrv pqrp6noXc~@ p v y i a ~ rij!: IIarcariauijgU

the ehiwf city

of Phrygia


qoc (wail [thee]) T. J 700 T. a {WO~OVO~Y~~S preserves alive ~ m r & IXed Airov T . &ve*AqPrrov L ~ I A . c 6 h A d 4poveiv to mind high things T . a =m . : r 74 {ijvrc LTTrA. B T A L. h &vra ?r)rOVuiwsOLTTrAW. OWW (1wutof that whi0h [is]truly life) GLTTrAW. r a p a o j q v QLTTrAW. pee' S p t v witb y w Lmr. m & j v OLTl'rAW. th4 #U&&pth OLTW; npbp Tcpd@eovd Tr&





~ ~ $ ~ lTATA0I: ~ i ~ ci?rduroXoc b'Iquo3 xpiuroG" Gici ~ t ; ~ O~Xjparoc ~ 0 3 6 will of God, according apostle of Jenus Christ by [the] wilt of God K ~ T ' iaayy~Aiav rwijc rijc h xpiur@ 'IquoG, 2 Ttv to the promine of life which toin Christ Je- wording to promiae - P is Timothy, my , of life which [is] in Christ Jesus, to Tidearly beloved son: poeiy iyaxqrG ~ k ~ x2piE, ~ X E O eipljvq &?TA E O ~ y . ~, Q motheus [my] beloved child : Brace, mercy, pace from God [the] d" , rf o"F $ nth& and ~ h r ~~s e t ?rarpi)crai xpiuro~ 'Iquo6 ro?.mpiov.rjpGv. sus our Lord. Bather and Christ Jesus our Lord. 3 I thnnk W, whom I serve from my fo* S Xhpiv.ixw ~ ( 1 3&(I;, Xarpe6w i s 6 rpoydvwv i v fathers with pure conI am thankfnl t o God, whom I serve from [my] forefathers with sdence, that without ceasing Ihaveremem- ikaeap$ ~ U Y E ~ ~ ~ &gE L , U ~~~~~~~~TOY { X W 7 7 )XEP; U03 ~ V E ~ U V ~ b r a of thee in my pure conscience, how unceasingly I have the 'of 'thee 'remembrance rnyers night and day. !veatly desiring i~ rais.diu~uiv.pov c ~ v ~ raib rjPipag,u 4 dx~r00GvUE ~ c see thee, being mind- in my supplications night and day, longing 'thee ful of thy tears that I m a r be filled'with idiv, ~ E ~ V I ~ ~ UOV O I : darp6wv, 'Iva xfcp!~ ?rXqpwOG* ~ V TGU joy ; 3 when I call to 'to 'see, remembering thy tears, that with joy I may be filled ; remembrance the unfoiglled faith that is 5 ~ ) T ~ ~ Yd X~ p /L C i ~ rijc" .QVuoi & v v r o ~ p i ~ o v ~ U T E W ~ , ~ a u 3 Y ~~ ?T in thee, which dwelt 'remembrance 'taking of the 'in %hw 'unfeigned 'faith,


ther Eunice ; and 1 which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois and in =mother a m persuaded thnt in uou e E L v ~ i ~ g , n ~6r~iupai-db' rai dv uoi. G AL' $v airiav 871 thee also. Eunice, snd I nm persuaded that .ako i n thes. For which cause fore I put thee in re- 'thy ;,bp"hh d "; " ; "; ; $ h, & v a p ~ p ~ ~ u r w Y ~ ~ W ? T V ~ A ~Cipiupa OEOC, 8 - ~ U T ~ V UE & TE ~ V roii dod, which is in thee I remind thee to kindle up the gift of God which in by thepllttin~onof my d uoi 6id njc drriedu~wcrGv.~elpGv.pov' 7 o&ydp i6wrev v band*. 7 For God hnth in thee by the lnying on of my hands. For *not agave nut given us of fear but of power, <piu i) ?rv~iipa deiXiac, c i X X i d v C i a c rai &y&rqc v F Cp w and of love, and of a %B Be not 'God a spirit of cowardice, ,but of power, and of love, m,1nd tbou therefore asham- rai uw~poviupo~. p?) 8 06v drac~>lvve@~ rb ~ u r O f ~ , " , " d ~ ~ ~and ~of " f discretion. ~ ~ , wise *Not 'therefore 'thou sshouldest be h m e d of the his prisoner: b u t be paprCpcov roG-rcvpiov.~pGv, 1 6 i p l rbv.6~upiov-aliroG.~MXdr p11 thou partaker of the testimony of our Lord, nor me his prisoner; but .ffiictions of the 60sp i aocord~ngt . ~ the f u ~ ~ y ~ c t ~ o ~ C T$ feliayydiy ie lu~vu ~ a r d dirvapi~ &oG, 9 703 ~ B of God ;S who 8Mer evils along with the glad tidings according to Ppower T 'God's; who t h s a r d us, and c,,iled w B-ith an holy ~Ljuavrog rjpiic ~ a~ia X i u a v r o ~ K X ~ ~ U E L iryiq, 06 rrarci calling, not according saved us and called [us] with a 'calling 'holy, not mcording to to our works but aai6iav .rrpdeeuiv rai xdpisr r,iv mrding to hs own rci-Bpya-$pGu, dXXd grar'" purpose and grace, Our works, but according to his own purpoae and grace, which whtch was given us in CMst Jesusbeforethe 60Q~iuav ;jP7v d X ~ L U T $ ' I ~ u?rpb ~ v o xpdvwv-aiwdwv, korld began, 10 but [was] given us in Christ Jeslu before the nges of time, is now mnde manifest 10 by the nprrarinq of a v ~ p ~ t J ~ i u a v . 6 i 6cci rijc iai$avriag rokuwrijpog.rjpGv v3v our Saviour Jesus but made manifcst now by the appearing of oUr Saviour X , u ~ ,~ Christ, who hnth nho- h ' ~ , ~ P l~ 7 0 ~rarapyjuavroc plv 7i)v ~ ( ~ u ~ T o Y , lished death, and bath brought life and Jesus Christ, who annulled i~llmortality to light TOS di l ~ l j v i$eapuiav 6th 703 ~ l i a y ~ e ~ i 11 eic ii rai ov, through 11 whemunto I am *light 'and life and incorruptibility by the glad tidings ; to which a f TLajhov


~ i ji ~ i~g v ~ ~ ~ ] un~ v ~G T' O V i + r T~ ~

~ ~ ~+.pFCCipp~.uov~ w t s irai



&c. LTr.
~ I : A .

of the Apostle Paul E; IIaGAov a ; IIpbc T~p6Beov, ' 3 b x p ~ m o i 'Iquoi, Tl'rAW. , C W K T ~ F ~ a*pipas (read night and day longing i d ha fib^, h.~vlng titken LTTrA. a EGviq EQ1:lTrAF. f muT. S~ara h ~pcurou'Iqoo6 LTTr.
T O ~ 'Anou~6Aov


I, 11.

iritlqv : ;
' u 'appointed m

11 T I M O T H Y . 4l y t r mjpvi rhi 6rdaroXoct rai$ 6t6daraXo~ t 2 , " = 3 :

a hcrnld and apostle and teacher

of the

tilt.*. 12 For thewhicb of [the] nntbns. For which cause also these things I suifer ; but 'not thane things: neverI ?re?riarevxa, rai ?ri?reiapar iiri thole- I am not ab?rncnxGvopar, olda-ydp 'I 'nm ashamed ; for I know whom I have believed, and nm persuaded that $ ~ , " , " ~ h e ~ ' b ~ l ~ , pov $vX&i eic ireivqv and penllPddthai 8vvardCiartv n ) v ?rapaO jrqv able he is the depoait comrnittcd [tohim] of me to keep for thnt tod nnto him against rt)t Gp6pav. 13 ;?ro&~warv:X 6ytatv6vrwv Xdywv, $V day. *A 'delineation 'have of sound words, which [words] that &S. 13 Hold fast the form of souud ?rag ipvir ?irovaac, bv ? r i ~ ~ tciyci?rp ?'p' rai bv xprar@ words,nhichthouhn8t from me thou didst hear, in fnith and love which [are] in ~ h r i hcsrd of me, in fnith and love which ir in 'lquo5. 14 n j v ~ d l j ~ ? r a p a ~ a r a O j l ~ v ~$irXaEov 6tb v c ~JWS.~ 14t ~ h ~ Jonor The good deposit committed [to thee] keep by [the] good thing which Wcommitted unto thee ?rvei,paroc 6yi'ov 705 i v o i ~ o f i v r bv~Gpiv. 15 OIGU~roiiro, k ~ b the H O ~ o p *Spirit 'Holy which dwells in us. Thou knowebt this, Ghost wKich dnelleth. in u a 16 This thou in cimarpci$qahv ~ E T ~ V T E E i 01 bv r t 'Auig, Gv iuriv knowest, that a l l t h ~ that turned away from me all who [are] in h i s , of whom is whiich u e i n &h be k@;y~XXoc" l'Eppoyivq~.D A(dq ~ E O d r6pcos r@ turned away from me ; rai 16 E of ,hom phygelPh)gellus and Hermogenek May 'grunt 'mercy 'the 'Lord to the lur m d Hermogenen 16 The Lord give 'Ovqat$dpov Src ?roXXcirtc pe dvE+vEev, rai n j v m&y the house 'of yOneniphorna 'house, because oft me he refreshed, and o Oneniphorns for f

12 6 i .$v airiav rai ra5ra ?rhaxwg &X'



c?Xvoiv.pov o t ~ . ~ i l r p a ~ i r v O q , V I I &AA& evdpevoc bv ' ~ h p p ~ ,

my chain l wns not ashamed of ; but l u r i n g been in &me.

maxovJatdre ovn iQrrjrllaiv pe rai ~iipev.

more diligentg be sought out me and found [mo*

18 Gyiq

Ithe *Lord

6 rilptoc ehpeiv aeoc ?rap& kvpiov i v breivp ~

to find mercy from [the] l o r d

of my chsin : 17 but, when he U-min Rome he me out may *grunt %*him dihge,,dy, loud


~ ~ ~ a f

$ Qpg.~ a ~ i ~ ~ i ' , " B , ~ 4 i

y and

in that : and Y. he Sbetterrthnn "%eed7.ay] lthou,sknoaeat. how how much in Ephesns he served miniatere1 unto me X+ o h , rirvov. ov, bv6vvapoir bv r t xhpiri r q atEphe~~thou~owThou therefore, my c&, be atrong in the grace wh~ch as] d.t very 11. Thou thorefom, l v y tar@ 'Iqauii' 2 rai B ~ K O V ~ ?rap' ;p03 my son, be strong in ~ C in Ariat Jean& And the things which thou didat hear of me the grace that b in

Saa iv'E$Qay6tq~dvqaev /3dXriov

aUd lnrc


h$ !


6th TVMGVpapdirpwv, ra5ra ?rap&Oov?riaroTl: civ0p&?roic, tgi$i,$;ll~ f

sany witneaow, these oommit to faithful men,

hast heard of mu a-


o ' i r t v ~ ira'voi t"aovrqr rai iripovs 61665at. 3 ~

snch as competent shall be duo others soldier of to teach.
~ ~



~ , " , " $ ' ~ ~

Thou therefore to fsithful mcn, who NOOne thcreforecndure hard-

~aro?r6eqaov'~ ~ a x b c arthrqs PSI~ao3 p t a r o 5 . ~068eic &g UT ~ 4

mRer hardship
l u


S Christ. W



~ ; c ~ ~ ~ ~ { ' ~ ~ mnn that \S arreth en'IVU ry' ~ ~ ~ a r o ~ ~ y r j cipiap.r i 5 h&v.& rai &eh6 tuns'ethhimc1f ~av the nffnirs of thislife ; that him who enrolled him as a soldier he may please. And if also =contend that he him rtc, O ~ . U T E $ ~ Vbdv-p4~ vopipwg O~T L dr- who bath chosen him t'in %he 'games] 'anyone, he is not crowned unless lawfully he shall to a man nlso strive if be a "ldier' 6 rdv ro?riGvra ' yewpyAv 6ei ?rpGrov rGv for mnsterl-, !let is BXjag. have contended. The 'labour 'husbandman 'must before of the cept hestrive lawfully. he not crowned* exS UGV p e ~ ~ a p P h v ~ i ~ . 6 The husbandmnn %it8 partaking. thnt laboureth muat be 5rst partaker of the 7 N6ei hhw. ab+qA ydp -no& d ~Gptos a6veaiv h i t s 7 Consider what 1 Considerthethings I ssf, 'may *give 'for 'thee %he *Lord understnnding

nerving as a soidier entangles himself with the

arpar~v6pcvoc ip~X6rerai raic 705 Piov q?rpaypareiat~,~ , "

.of 'life 'affairs,


&Tungenes T . m ;raiux6v&q I.TTr.4. uaov&aiwcdillge~~tly r . ~m (OVVK- sufTer hardel~ip T) with [me] LTTTAW. P x ~ ~ v ' c o ~ ) LTTIAW. 'Iqmii 1 S what LPTCAW. 8G V ~ C will give L'KTIAW.

'- i 8 6 v T.

) uapa8tjm)v QLTTrAW.

k C6yehoc

Phygelus LTC~AW.

l 'Epkoyeyt


upay~a~iact T.




B .

X. I

f i r ; n n d t h e = ~ r d $ ~ ebv x5uiu. 8 M v l l p d ~ w ~ ~ 'Iquo5v xpturhv iytly~pphvov i r thb~! all underntnllding in in all things. Remember Jepus Christ ralaed from among bar thac Jesus Christ V E K ~ Gdr , urripparoc 'AaPiJ," V ~ a r d 1-6 ~ 6 a ~ ~ & of the nccd from of 1)avid [the] dead, of [the] seed of David, according to 'glnd 'tidings dend nccording to my K U K O K U ~ ~ Q x E UL~ &c V ~ K o ~ T&XX'" ~ ' ~ J ~ ~ K ~ ~ o gomlwl ; 9 whereln I :!vfiCh l suner hardship unto bonds Y an evil doer: but aullcr trouble as nn evildoer cveh nuto S Xdyo~roir 0 ~ 0 5 06.6i8~rac. 10 61d rofiro rrcivra $TObonds ; hat the word the word of God is not bound. Because u this all thinga I enf of God is not barind. , 10 T11~1.eforef endure piyw 6rd roils ~ K X E K T O ~ S , r a i a h o i 'lwa uwrtlpiaS r i all things for the dore for snke of the elect, that nlso they [the] mlvation .may ell ct's ~ L ~ C Ithat the y . mn!. also obtilin the X6lfflV T?!: dv X P L R T @ ' ~ T ~ ~PET& O G 6dEqc a i w ~ i o v .11 rlurh5. sn!rniiou which is in obtain which [is] in Christ Jesus with 'glory 'eternal. Faithful Ch.,ist Jesus with eternal glory. 11 It is a b X h Y O $ ' Ei-Yhp U V V ~ T E ~ & Y O , J . ~ Ea ,i' " U ~ ~ $ U O ~ E V ' ' ' ~ V faiti~flilsaying : For [is] the word ; for if we died together with [him], also we shnll live together; if we be dend with him, we shallalso live 12 ~ ~ ~ p f w o w i v , ~ ~ p P a ~ ~ X ~ h~udo ~ ~ lo i p ~ O a p~ x u t ti p~l with him: 12 if we if we endure, also we shall reign together; if we deny suffer, we shnll also reign hin,: if we K ( ~ K E ' ~ YlO? ! ? f f 4 p 6 ~ ' 13 ti ( ~ T ~ U T O ~ ~ E V , dp ~ ~ ~al b~eivos deny Aim, he also will mim], he also will deny us ; if we are unfaithful, he ~ : ~ ~ v , " " a ~ t T ~ U T~ ~pei u ~ r * , l ~ AC ~ cipu$uauOarZiavrdu 08.c"Cvarar. billcih fnithful : he faithfnl abides ; t o deny himself he is not able. annnot deny himself. 14 T ~ ; ~ ? ~ o ~ ~ ~ v ~ c ~ p ~, ( p ~ ~ ~pI ~ ~pT ~ O V0 ~ b l K E d L ~ 'These %hings 4put 'remembrance 'of, testifying earnestly before

' : :?



~ h n r - ~ i n g before them the Zord that they strive not nbout words to no profit, but to the subverting of the henrer8. btudy to shewtbyself npprorcd unto God, a workman tbnt needeth not to be srhn~ued,rightly dividing the word of truth 16 Butshunprofnne '*nd vain bnbblings ; for they will lncrense unto moreunIrodliuosa.lrbndtheir word will eat as doth a canker : uf whom ia nymcnreusandphiletus ; 18 who concern~ $ ~ P f ~ ' $ relurrection is gdykazd 19 ~~~~~~h~~~~~



h o y o p a ~ ~ i v "c ~ i c 0h8i.v ~ ~ $ u l p oiv ,i " r

'proRtnble, to


not to dispute nbout w o r b 'for 'nothing




15 u~oC8aoov ocavrhv
Be diligent
not rrshnmgd, but profane 'thyself straight-

of those who Ito 'present the


66~1pov f l p a f f r ~ u a t %E$, ~ r@ dpYhrrlv & V A ~ ~ U X V V T O V , 6pOoto God, a workman of t r u t h ; 'more

ly cutting

r 0 p 0 i r Y ~ ~ X ~ Y O V7fi5 c i X q 6 ~ i ~ S ' r(ic.62.P~P~Xovg ri)V 16 KEYOword


$ w v i a ~ aepituraao. h i ~ X ~ i o v T ~ O K ~ + O ~ U L V u ~ f l ~ i a s , ?&p d
babblings stend aloof from, 'to and

for they will advance of ungodliness,

17 ~ a S.hdyoc.a6rGv &c ~ & ~ ~ p avop.Liv ~ S E L . i v i iva

their word as


a gangrene pasture will have; of ~ h o mM

T p i v a i o ~r a i tPcXqrdc,

18 o'lrrvec

a ~ p i rtjv ciXlj8~rav

O :,: iiai &uarpi?rovcrcvr$v 'orivwv rriurrv. 19 Nevertheless u %firm~ b ~ F: and are orerthrowing the f =some 'faith. " 6 epfvrot:' r e p fg;;,";;;ur~\a~;;705 OEOG & ~ T ~ K E V , r~v.u$payi8a.~ahnlv, OapiXto~. ?XWV 'Evvw
this Tde Lord L a o w ~ t them that are h Let every one thnt nameth the name of Christ dc nrt from iniwity. 2 5 0, i a great house there n are not only veaselsof gold andof silver, but also of wood and of mr'h; and some to honour, and some t o dishonour. 21 If U man therefore pllrge himrelt from t h e e , he

Hyme~seus and Philetua ; who concerning the truth , ~ U T ~~ X ~ U ~ V , dr?)vn&vhuraurv a ~ ~ XQYOVTES YEYOV~V~L. missed the rnnrk, nsserting the resurrection already to have taken place ;

'foundation ['the]


stands, are

having his,

this neal,


ri*pcoc ro6c
'Lord those that

Burac aGroG, rai 'Arrourjrw h r b

and Let depart


from unrighb

eousness evcry:ne

a~ 2 i ~

b b dv c who bvop45wv r* Bvopa *xptaroG." 20 ? peyciXg n * m e of Christ. h *, g

only vessels and some golden and to

lbut C house there are not also wooden and


O ~ K ~ Q0 i J K - i ~ r l v pdvov U K ; ~ x p ~ U Z kai i

& p p @ , &hXh
ailvsr, but

~ a S6Xtva Kai burp&rctva, rai i

~ V TlE

iZ pav is r r p j v , a.62


honour, bthcra t o these,


2 d d ~O 1


ia~rdv i ~ d c ro6rwv,

I f therefore one shall have purged himself from


LTT~A; Aavi3 GW.

we shdl deny LTT~A.

hoyopixtc Dispute thou not about words L Q cif piv r o b T. r ~lcvPiov [ ] of h Lord G L l T r W .

+ y&pfor (hdeny) LTTrAW.

'* h


W W V -LTTrlL l 10;

. - ri)v (read [the]) m [ ~

1 cyv- I . Y iipvqu6peA Be06 God Trr. b lrS)

he shall be a ressel

11. 111. {arai arcrGoy ;g rrpjlv,

to mutar, But youthful faith, love, pence for every

honour, having been sanctified, and work 'good flee,

I1 TIMOTHY. 1~ytatsp6vot, gkaiN e~xpqarovshnll



honour'snnctified' rind meet for the mnster's


to the

r@ Geux6rp, EI'S rGv V y o v (iya6i)v 7 j ~ o ~ p a r ~ ~ i v o v . ~

hnving k e n prcpnred. 22 glco lusts and pursuc righteousness,

22 rdg.8i-vewrepirdg i.sriOvpiac $ E C ~ FBiwrc~.dl.8lkCl(o~&vq~,l t i s t ~ :but ' ful

rioriv, ( i y ( i ~ q v &iptjvr)v par6 ,
h r3v d x i ~ d o v ~ i v w v the with those t h a t cnll on


riphtcousncssp fnirhl charity. pence, with

them thnt cnll on t h e Lord ant of n pure hcnrt. 23 But foolish rhprov ;K kaenpiig ~ap8iag. 23 ~ & g . b i . ~ w o & ~ &rat- nnd unlenrncd qneskai Lord o u t of 'pure In heart. ~~t foolish and undib tions nvoid, knowing thnt thcy do gender 8~6rovc rqr?jari TaptItr06, ijrc ~ V Y ~ U p(i7~17~' ~ V strifes. 24 And t h e clplined questionings refuse, knowing thnt they beget content~ona. mrvnnt of the Lord Inust not strive; b u t 24 80CXo11.8i ~vpiou 06-be? PcixtaQnt, 'ciXX'" rjrtov be grntlcunto allnten, A n d % *bondman "of ['the] 'Lord 'it abehovesnot t o contend, but grutlc npt t o tench, pntient. 25 in meekness in~ I v a i.rrphc ~ b v r a g , dtbarrtk6v, u v ~ i ~ C l ~ o vv kapq6rtlr~" 'L3 i , strnctinp those t h a t t o be townrds all ; apt t o tench ; forbearing ; in merknc-;~ oppose thrmsrlres ; if God per;rdventurc mill ~atbeitovra r06c (EvridiariPep6~ovS7 I t j ~ l81;"~ ~atroic giro them repentance ) ~ disciplining those t h a t OPPSC, if pcrhnps 'may =gire .them t o the a c k n o ~ l e d g i n 6 Qtbg p~r(ii)o[au lriyvwatv ItXqe~ia~, ~ a i dva- of the t r u t h : 26 n n s 26 that they n,a~rccover 'God repentnnce t o acknowledgment of [the] t m t h , nnd they may t h c m s e l v ~ l out of the r snare of the dcvil, who v~+waiv i r rijg roC dra,6LXov rayi8og, iZwypqpfvor ~ J T tnken captive by nwnke np out c;f the 'of =the 'devil 'mare, having been tnken by him a t hia w l . il

ailroii eig rB ~ K E ~ V O0iXvpa. U

him for But this his will.

3 ToCro.82
*present 'times

myivware," ijri bv
know thou, t h a t in [the] 3diflicult ;

bu~ciratc4pSpntT bvar?jlast days Swill *be 'men

aovrar rcntpoi nXtroi. 2 iaovrar-ycip oi bv6pynoc $t%uvroe,

for 'will 'be

111. This know also, that i n the last lovers of self, days pwilow time8 coma $iX&pyupoc, ciXa<6vtg, irneprj$avoc, /3Xia$qpoi, yovtitaiv shall ,h,n be 3 For lorerr lovers of money, vaunting, proud, evil speakers to p m u b of their own selves, covetous, boasters, &xri8eiS, &~ciptaroi, civ6aio~, 3 ciaropyoi, cianovcFo~,proud, disobedient, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, implacable, disobediellt t o parents

Jt(i@oXoi, cirpareTq, &vtjp~pot, (i rX&ya6oe, 4 ~p08Lrai lmthnnkful* 3 without nntural a&

slanderers, headlong, having incontinent, savage, n o t OTerS of good,

.rrpoaereT~ .r~rv$wpivoi, ~tXtj8ovoc pGXXov I j

puffed up, a form lorers of plcmure of piety, but the power


fcction, trucebrenkers,

~LX~~EOL, fnlSO

rather t h m lovers of God ; of i t

nccuaers, inmu-

5 ~ X O V T E E 6 p $ ~ a t vE ~ U E / ~ E ~ Cr6v.b; 8irvapiv nlirijg 7jpvq- 4m8itors8he*d~~high: p CS,

dcny- snres moro than lovers loTCra of Qod ; 5 hnvin a I r e thow who form Of For of these ing : and these t u r n away from. denying the powcr iv861~ovr~~r&coiriac rai "a/XpaXwr~bovr~gyvvai~(ipia EI) ~ 6 " thereof : from such [are] entering into housea and leading captive silly women t u r n away. areFor of this sort 6 they aeaop~vptva &papriarc,tybpcva i~itlvpiaec ~ottiiXarg, ~ c i v -which creep into 7 lad& with sins, led away by 'lusta 'various, houaes, and lend c n p tivc sill women laden iriyvwaiv &Xq6tiac with ~9na, led away TOTE p c ~ v 6 b v o ~icai pqdirrore eig a wnys learning and never t o [the] knowledge of [the] truth d t h d i v w s l u ~ % f ever lenrning and never ihe~iv dvvh VC. 8 ~ V - T Q ~ T O 'Iavvijg K& 'IapPPijEdvri- able t o 'come t o the V . ~ ~ "to 'come 'abk Non in the way Jannee and Jambres with- knowled e of t h e tmth. 8 g o w an Jan. aqaav MwiiaeT, oiirwc rcai otroc 'drv6ioravsac rg' ciXqe~ip,n w a n d Jambree*ith. stood Moses, thus also thew withstand the truth, mtood M w s , no do the cEv0ppwnoi icar~$6appbvorrbv. Y O ~ V , cibdrrpoc repi tthene halso rwiatr m p t ~ l t men of m : men uttarly corrnpted i n mind, found wortblesl rs r e d minds, reprobnto conm i n g t h e f a i t h . ?But ?+V T ~ Q T I V . 9 O ~ . T ~ O K ~ ~ O U b~i.~XeZov. ydrp (Evota ey shall proceed no U ~ V faith. But they W not advsnoe farthur, f o r 'folly further: for their folly the

eiurv pivot. rai roitrov~ (inorpinov. G i~.rol;rwv.~&p



LTTrA. h 4- aciwwv all L . LTTrA. t p a h ~ LlTrAW. ~ t y~vrjurerckuow yc L . Q ~ ~ ~ o ~ OLTTIAW.c P ~ v T


L m W .








shall be manifart unto all mm, theirs al,,o a$rGv luBqXoc LIurat rtiutv, cjc r a i ; ~ K E ~ U U EyQv~ro. I U was. 10 ~ u t t h o u h ~ 'their f u U manifest shall be to all, ~t ~ aa also that of thdse h m a tully 'nomm mydoc- 10 ~tj.64 O r a p t l ~ ~ X ~ b O qpov E fe 8r8auraXip, r e i y w ~ , triue, manner of life, ~& r l purpow, faith, longBut thou hnat clo8ely followed my teaching, conduct, chruityl pHrpoeduet, q ~ i a r ~ i ,ha~poev~ip, 6 cirp, j rp' , I + ticnca. 11perdocutions iropo@, dictlons, wliichcami p"'Pse* faith, patience, love, endurana, antomeat a t Lystra 11 r o i ~ 8twypoiS, TOSS raetjpaatv, or6 pot bybvero 6 'Avv loonium, Antiwh~nt what neclttiona peraecutions, mfferingr : such a8 to me happened in bp. e n d u e g bur out of r i o g i p , i v 'Ixoviy, i v AGurpoic* o'iovp 6twypobC i r them the Lord de- tioch, in Iconium, in Lystrn ; what mauncr of persecucions I enlivered me. 12 Yea, d " and all that wiU live tjv& K a , cai i r rhvrwv p P ~ ~ b ~ adr ~ p.i o c . 12 ual god1 in Christ J e duredj; ~ ~ and out of all e delivered 'the 'Lord. 4 h d h a Y suffer peraeontion. 13Buterilmen 1 7 6 ~ ~ oi ebXovrec qhuE@i)~ 84 ~ <@vn;U X tUr$ 'It/uoii ~ d ~ d u ~ r s s h a l l a l l ~ indeed who w wish piously tolive i n &rlst Jerm worse and worse deceiving, nnd beink de- 8twx9$aovrai. 13 rouqpoi.8 cEvepwroi r a i ydqrae rpoceived 14 But con- will be persecuted. But wicked men and impostor6 shall tinue thou in the thingswhichthouhast K ~ + ~ O U Ub rY 76 X E ~ ~ O ~ A C ~ V ~ K iT~E ~ ~ Y & ~ E v o ~ . ~ i U, V Q ~ 14 u6.8d leurned and hast been adfance to worse, mislmding nnd being mialed. But thou .ssnred of knowing of r whomtho&hastlenmn- EYE &v o I ~ LIpa9~c r a i i r i a r i ) e q ~ , &it?& rapd ed them; 16 and that abide m the things thou d i b t learq, and wast assured of, haring known from from U child thou hast h ~ w the holy scri ' r i v 0 ~ ' ' 3 aee~, n 15 ~ a zrr i r b ppb$ovc i iepd tures, which are ab% whom thou {dat learn [them]; and that from a babe the r h r d t o make thee wise uu* to sdvation through ypappara oISac, r d 8vv6pev~ UE uo$ioar eic faith whichis i n c h r u t letters thou hast h o w n , which [are] able %bee 'to 'make wise to J e s k 16 A l s c r i p l given by h,i- awqpiav, 8ici T ~ U T E W ~ i v ~pcur$ 'Iquo6. 16 rZua ration of God, and i salvation, through faith . which [is] in Christ Jesus. eve^ oatable for doctrine, 8~6rvavuroc a h$kXtpoc rpbc GrSauraXiav, r bs ~ i


uon, for idurctionh t u r e [h] Qod-impired axid profitable uip for teaching, righteou'nes~: 17 t $ ~ ~ y x o vr,p blc trav6p9wutv, ~ rr~iS~iavt ri)v iv the man of Qod may be perfect, throughly conviction, for correction, di~cipline which [h] in =to . l~i~aiouirvp~ 1 17 Yva aiprtok 6 roil 8 ~ 0 3 dvepwro~., p k r go W W ~ od righteousneaa ; thst complete mry be the 'of 'God ' , to m

grreproof forcorreo-






Z ov 6 a0bv bEqpriu kvoc.

Y d

fully &tea.



i &l1 Ev3riov 703 8eoii rai 'ro3

before Qod and the

*Earnwtly "teetify .therefore 1 '

the word ; be instnnt i n season, out o t s e a s ~ n . reprove, rebnke, h o r t with all longsuffering and do* trine. 3 ort the ttme will come when theJ will not endure round dwtrine but after their O& lurt8 &all they heap to themaelreskBChm,hadn itehin m; 4 tbey %all turn away ears the trutn, and M be

7'lquoii ~piar03,' ro6 pBMovro!: upivetv <Gvrac rai Jesus Christ. who t about t o judge living and Chrlst, whoshall judge u ~ ~ p ~ t Z~ardU r~)u.bri$ r06 rai n j v pauixsiav jc the nick and the dead hi appearing and .kingdom dead -Ording to a t A s appearing hia kingdom: 8 preuoh a$roii, 2 IC$PUCOY r6v Adyou, bribqeb efraipwc ( i ~ a i ~ w ~ ,

m.l o h w e Qod mpiov' W therefore before J;w;Lord and the


word ;

be nrgent

in season, out of season,

&4eyEov, a i r r r i p q u ~ v ,rapa~(aeuou,II b ?rhop pakpoOvpiq v

mnviot, mbuke, encouryle, With




m d teaching.

rai 6 t S a ~ t .3 iurat.ydrp rcaipbc rcs iyiaivo6uqc 81For there will be a time when sound tacb 8aarCiXiac ~ ~ ~ ( t v l l o v r a tU & & ,
they will not bear ; but rccorQing t o


rdc blrr9vpias

at n


to themselves

iriawpeiraovucv 8i6aurcMovc, ~ ~ 8 6 will henpup teachers,

E v ~ 8 . ~ v . i ~ ~ t j ivr ~ piu rijc iXq9aiac stjv i r o $ v ire4 rai b * itehlng W; and from the truth the e r they will a

o PwKo~olihu&

-, , .ndM e.raAw.
T,w ; v


didet cloeely follow LWA.

~ Lmrb. ~

P ipGuan, L * . & u e f l G ~ m. 'ihcylrk L ~ A . ~ a v. X mpiov GLW~AW. r PLOTO~) 'Iq40G LTTrAW. I& a n p . h ~i ~ o v E. itw pqo ~ . &&pias G L m A w .





orpC$ovaiv, irri.82



563 ~6.62

turned unto fahlac 5 But watch thou in turn away, aud to fables will be turned aside. But thou, nll thiugs, endure afwigle b niiccv, rnro.lm'Byaov, v ipyov ~ o i q a o v &ay- flictioua, do the work of an evangelist, be sober in ail things, suEer hnrdships, [tho] work do of an full proof of t h make miam nistry. 8 For ye)tioroir, r?jv.Sia~owiav.aov rAqpo$dpqaov. 6 'Ey&.ydp $ 6 ~ evangelist, thy service fully cnrry out. For I a l r e ~ d ynow ready to be offared, and the time of u~iwdopac, rai 6 raip3g ~ijg.~i~ijg.civaXbaut@ my departure is a t ip.- hnnd. 7 I h ~ v fought e am being ponrcd out, and the time of my release 1s n good fight, I hnve danlrev. 7 ri)v ddyGva rdv ~aXi)vll ?jy&vtapai, rbv .GpBpov finished my courw, I coma. The 'combat 'good I have combnted, the course have kept the faith : 8 henceforth there is rerih~~a, rfiv nfuitv r ~ r h p ~ ~ a * 8 Xoirrbv &rr6~eiraip01 Inid up for me a crown I have finished, the faith I hnve kept. Henceforth ia laid up for me of righteousness,which the Lord, the righteous 6 rijg bi~~coabvyg arh$avog, S &106&ae~ p01 v ~ljptogjudge, shnll give me t118 *'of Jrightcousness 'crown, which .wil17rendcr .to Ome 'the %ord a t thnt day : and not to me on1 but nnto IV dKiVO r i ljphpp, Giraiog kpirilg' ot.p6vov.G4 bpoi, a11 them a 8 0 that love 'oh'Ithat "dny 'tho 'righteous 6~udge ; and not only t o me, his appearing.

roCg p6eovg i ~ r p a ~ u o v r a c5 .

drMd rai ~ i i c r i v roig ?jya?tqr6arvr~v.Enip4veiav.airro3.

but also to aU Ce diligent who t o come love to his appearing. me quickly; for Demns

9 Do thy diligence tn me mecome shortly unto :l0 for Demas hath iyrcariXirrev, &ya?r<aag rbv virv aiGwa, lcai i?ropaCBq eig forsnken me having lovcd this ' present Vorsook, hnving loved the present age, and is.gone to world, and is depar'.. BEoaaXovirqv' Kptjatqg eI'ahariav," Tiro$ eig * ~ & ~ a r i a v 'ed unto Thessalonicn ; ~' Cresoens to Gnlntia, ~alonica; Creacena t o Qalatia, Titus to Dalmatia Titus nnto Dalmatia. 11 Aov~iigdariv p6wog per' hpoG. Mhprov &i~aXap&vciy~ 11 Only Luke is with Luke 'is 'alone with m. e Mnrk having taken b r ~ n gme. Take Jdnrk, nnd bring him with thee : pcrd aeavroir. i a ~ t v - ~ c ipot e5xpqaro~ i Gtaroviav. 12 Tv- for he is rofitnbh to p e ~ with thysclf, for he is "to :'me 'useful for service. 'Ty- mz for &e ministry. 12 And Tychicus hnve i ~ b v 61 cirrfurarXa eig 'E$~aov. 13 TOv g $ a i ~ d q v l lS v I b ~ n t t o Ephesus. &ions 'but I senb to Ipheaur The cloak which 13The eloke thnt I hft a t Troas with Carpus. ciriXirrov b h~po66i11 v ?rap&Kciprry, ipXdpevog when thou comest I left in Troas with Carpus, [when] coming bring with iltee, and the books, blit especiPcPXia, pciAiara rCig ~ E ~ @ P & v ~ 'AX&v6poc b xaXre6~ally the nrchmcnta 14 s . books, especinlly the parchments Alexander the smith 14 ~ e x n n B e the c o p r persmith roXXci pot ~ a r d ive6eitaro* iL?roS+qn a6rG d evil : the did me much Lord reward #many sagmust 'me =evil 'things 'did. May %ender %o &him'the him according t o hfs : 15 whom he r6pcoc rard rci.ipya.atroi? 15 6v m; U& $vX6aao1t, workswareofalso ; for thou 'Lord according to h i works. Whom also thou be ware of, he hath greatly withntood our words. Ib; At roig " Xiav-ydp ' & v ~ ~ ~ T $ K E utjper6poic Xdyoig. 16 'Ev rp' my first answe numan for exceedingly he has withstood our word& In atwd with me but all rphrp.pou &roAoyiq oirseig p o ~ lavrrrapeyiv~ro,~~ ?rcivreg men forsook ' me : 1 hXXa prag God thnt it may my firat defence no one 'me stood 'with, but all not be k i d t o theis Notwirhp lyrari~mov airroig XoyraBe$. 17 & 1 ~6pidgcharge. 17the Lord G stand me forsook ot t o them may it be reckoned. But the Lord stood in^ with me, and o rapdarq, xai ivaGvvcipwaiv .p, 'iva 6 i bp06 rb mj- strengthened me; that r strengthened me, that through me the paw- by me the reachinp L e letood 'by, and mi h t be f u l b known, ?rXqpo$opqBp', rai m&~oCap" r i v r a rd ievq* rai a n f that all the Gen? t 'the 3nations ;and tiles m ~ g hhear : a n a $o % f :n might be fully made, and *should 'hear 'all I WM delivered out of ~ d @ 6 a e q ~dr '~ ar6paroy Xiovrog.. 18 Olcai" 66aerai PE the month of the lion. 1 was delivered out of [the] =mouth llion'a And swill*deliver *me 18 And thtulord shall deliver me from eve b rcGpioc c i r b ravrbc $you novqpoir, rai acjaer eic n)v evil work, and preserve me unto h18 'the 'Lord from every work 'wicked, and will preserve[me] for

9 Xrrot;Gaaov iXBeiv zp6g pe raXCwS. 10 Aqpiic;yhp ,p



ivahv'uccjc pou & m . h


r +chd.yv EULTTrAW.

he withstood


ipGuOqv Lmr&

- a d LTTrl.

d ~ d o iv G v a Lmr. y I'ahhiav Gallia T. f AeApcyiav 1 . , T yd8~ LT. cim8Juer shall render LTTTAW. avsbq fuuv- A ;mapeyive~o stood by LTTr. m &O~'QWO&V LITIAW.


P ,W. bm4e pautXalav.airroG G" : k7zF~k and




e k
XXa Ut

T ~ 'V imupnC~tov~


b&~d,i Amen.

h 30lllcb]

aiGvac rGv aicjvwv. cipfiv.

g t h

4t %" , i+ t2 Y d ho

of Oumiphonu xrutpr. .bode ,h

I imav xni I

'AriArrv, m rhv 'Ovqut dpov i



a d the


Corinth : but TT6 hi- l h o ~ &ar remained in Corinth, but ophimw Il& mar s r . h I left *t %la iv McXrjry ciuetvo5wta. 21 EroLGaaov *pi, xup3vos 1Xe~iv. , b t u m rict 21 diligsna, t come b- in AflIetru o riot Bediligent before e t u t o m

VEV 20"E n o s I ~ E Liv Kopiv9yoTp6 tpov.6J &?rkXtnov


~~'f,"~~- 'Aazci<~rai UE


E .pd&!& &;'"
J ~ a &W r


a -

EitpouXoc, icai IIoiriJqs, rcai 4Aivoc,'

1Enb~1n8, a d Pndenr, and

Linru and



1[Xaudh, cai oi cib~X)ol rdvnp.

& with

C b d k

a d . h 'brt~tt .



(rwd r o G . ~ ~ a r ~ ~ . u ) u . o

' a

22 '0 $top
T h e Lard

rai and pIquo8?



p&' Ck3nfi

. * L


.& n br

TLde~ov Wwipa, rfic




Lreeond, .of *the *'of [lathe] ' s E p h e s ~ ' a n Ow -

uiag APOTOV~ K ~ U K O A O V x t ~ ~ ~ r m q e i w a , i~pcigq & r h b l ~ Pb] '&U 9~~eawr *&ona, written from 'P&pqc, STE ix.d~urkpou wapkurq IIaGAoc r @Kaiuap Born* when awoond tima 'W&S 'pkd4b&n3 ' a Pd kur





Juru Chrfrt ins to the ' h t h oi



* I ~ U O ~

:%ydz,=~$ mrar bondmmCof E O ~~,Smdaportle O ~ .of Jeau ~ptmoG ~ a r to ~OGXO O LGTTOX ~ d P d Ood, Q& ~cordiug
Weat g [ l * ] faith (toip~tav,%f bz' .ft.r 9

oftrrith which t"Od >w -

w i m v ~AEKTGV QEOG rai i ~ i y v w u ~ v ciAq@~iac rijc


howledge of [the] truth which [L]

roalb-. 3 b . .acordingto piety; p h [the] hop. of life e t a a d , which 'prooi e b m d 9 l* Whkh ad, th.t cu~not~b, y~iXuro b ' &he rrp6 ~pbvwv.aiwviwv, 3 dp1-0-d fhr mind *the 'who .oannot 'lie Wad before the ngpr of time, w r d began 8 but ol in an; m ~ p w u w - d J ratpoic.idioy rAvAdyov-alroG, iv ~qp6ypan manifeat& hi# word t d e r b d in it8 own louolu hL word in C&] proclamation UVOwh 8 i~tnCetp irtraytjv 70; uwnjpoc which ir wmmit onto me *coordiug to whit91 a ~ ~ s e n ~ t e d .oc~rding [ t b ] commandment ~ t b to o 'Saviour f the wmmmdmsnt of adour sariotv 4 to $pPv OeoG, 4 T i r y ylquiy T ~ K V rarh ~ rolvljv nu , afnr own ron 'ow t r Qod; to Tit- [W] true child rooordinp to [m] wmmon

&rid& <wjjs aiwviou, qv i q 7 -




*iarlv, X I P ~ ~ b a ~ ~ ~ KE O G Tar bs3 , d?ri) ~ od aod h t h t Q-J moo. from GO^ C*] X& L, and [W W L0rdJclarQi.t our c ~ p I i~ o G ~ ' ~ xpuwdaro+uurijpoc-$p~v &rim. Jeau CMWk our &*m. 5 m S Toirrou-xtipcv d~ar&tr6va tv K UE ?vd r & k i z o w a

p , =





k i n





rai ~ a r a o ~ o v ~ rasi.xdXtv IrQtVthou mlghtest go on to net right, and mighteat appoint in every city /%~6povc,&C iycj a01 G~~raFoipqv* ei rtc Boriv dvfy6

" , ~ ~ r ~ ~ \ $ ~ are wnnting and ordnin elden 'in ovev elders, as I 'thee 'ordered: anyone iB unim- city, ss I had a p p o iba ~ thee : 6 if any n iCbp-0~~ pi& y~VLIl~i)~&Vijp+ cxwv atorcl, p?) bv blameless,thehusbaPIr rirva peachable, 'of 'one 'wife 'husband, Tchildren'having *believing, not under ~ ~ f ~ A ~ ~ v i rar~yopiq &nwriac fi dvv~draara. 7 8~i.ydp rbv iai- accueed of riot or unrccnsntion of diesolutenesl or inaubordinnta For i t behwen the over~ ~ ~ m " aroaov dtf6y~hqr~v ~Zvat, 0 ~ 0 5 o~ao~dpov~ aCBciGq, the rteward of God; ptj unimpeachable fo be, an (fod's steward ; nc. selfwilbd, not mlfdlled, not soon angrr, not given ~? t pfi bpyaov, ptj T & ~ o ~ v o v , ? ~ X ? ~ K T ~ ? V , ~ ; O X ~ O K EoPwine, , no striker, ptj p') not peadonate, not given t o wine, not r striker, not greedy of base gain, not given to filthy lucre 8 but a lover 8 m d $iXdSevov, $th&yaeov, ah$pova, Gixarov, Borov, by- of hoipitality, a lover but hospitable, a lover of good, discreet, just, holy, temgood men, sober, rpnrij, 9 civre~6pevovro6 mrct rdv 8 t G a ~ ~aioro3 just. oholy i temperate. u e h l d h f ~ t& e Perate, holding to the 'according% *teaching 'faithful faithful word ss he hath been taught, that hdyov, Zva Gvvari)~ rai rapaxaXeiv bv rp' 6~8autcaXiqbe able by 'word, thnt nble he may be both to encourage with 'teaching sound ioctrineboth to * $ ~ U ~ U K U ~ U ~ dvrtAiyovraciUy~nv.10 eioiv-ydp vince the gainsayem. O ~ , ad O 0 ' 0 ' lound, and thorn who gainsay to convict. For there are 10 For there am



g$i L




llroMoi *rail'dvvabraaror paracoXdyoc vai $p~varr&rac, p&- $~,Pr~,"~$&di~,"$

many md innubordinate vain talkem and mind-deceivers,

ape- ~ ~ c i a l l y of the they

X~UTU g oi EK
buy mouths of,who

h rep~ropijc, those of [the] circumcuion, whole h o w

11 oiic


iarorOcircumcision :11 whom

, $ ? o ~ ~
for filthy gem's sake.
adsaid 12 o n e of themselves. own, , a Qe"aprOi l hethe thct. Of retinns are alway l h ,

whom it is necessw t o stop the ~

inp pi&tv* o'lrive(: Bhovc oircovc dvarpirrovurv, 6i6ciuaovrtc gouses teaohing t h not,

r i ~iE
.One 'of

prj-Gri, aiuxp03 r f 6ovc

k i n 'themselves "of '%heir "own *a 'Oprophet,

~ciprv* 12 ellrfv
'for 'sake 'of. Cretans d w a y ~ [we]

%hp which [they) ought not,


i8coc.alrGv rpo$Grqc, K p k e c d ~ ;

lies. 13 m& witness ir true. Wherefore relirn, evil wild beastcl, 'gluttons kzy. This testimony buke them sharply thnt the may be souud doriv (;xtl8Gcac%' $V airiav & ~ X E airrods dsordpws, i'va in the L i t h . 11 not b true ; for whi& caruur conriot them with =verity, that f i ~ n g heed io Jewish able8 end commandiyiaivwuiv ~ p 'T ~ U T E ~14 p$ Z ~ ~ O U ~ X O V T E ~ , 'iov6CLi'koi~ ments' of men that not giying heed to J e w turn from the 'truth. they may be sound in the faith, 15 Unto the pure all )rireoic rai hvroXaic dvOphnwv & T O U T ~ E $ O ~ ~~ W U rtj W &hi- things a n ure: but frblcl and commandmentn of men, turning away p m the truth. unto them t l a t are d. filed and 6luav. 16 rcivra 'plvU raOapA roic ra8apory' rofC.6i: j nothing nnbelie~ing , pure. but, All things [me] pure t o the pure ; but to those who even their mind and kptpau rai &aiaioic ol66v raBapdv, &U& pepiav- Comoien" profess that 16 They defiled' m-e dezed and -believing nothing pure ; but .re de- they k m w c+od but r r drGv m b voGc ~ a i . a u v t i 8 ~ u i16 Bebv dpohoyoiuiv ~ a i ~ ~. m 'their 'both mind a d [their] conncianca God they profeM snd disobedient, and


$t3arat, rard &]pia, yaarfpe~ dpyai. 13 d.paprvpia.aOv


d8kv~~, roi~.dl.ipyo~s dpvoirvrai,

to h o w ,
bat in w o r k

Ihiml abominabu

PBtXvrroi bvrec rcai


unto every good work reprobate. U, But and speak thou thd t b ~ p
;~;&~2m;h~$~ be

ctaete~ic, lcai



rEv Z you
e v kork ~



~ w od t h l u r

2 C16 Z.4



But +thou

the thingn that become [men] rober

rpimr rg' irytarvo60g GcGaasound

~ ~ n ~ ~ ; i $ m ~ ~ rity, in patience. 3-

wed round

vqfaXiov( rlvar, cepoQ

'o 'be, t
i n lore,




eoutq, iryuiivovra~

in faith,

to' dyciq, r i irropot@


*hr&copeI , , a-& LTRIW.

- r~ L ~wALIT./T ~ ~+ [&l butA(especially) L d { ; ~ ~

p ~ 4 ~ b c


c the TR

w e d woman 1UEewi10, tllnr in b . h a r i m u becometh holin-8, not false .Cculen, not given to much de, of good thin@ ;(that ~&gm[~~,",""~o mber to love their [the]


TITON. taaCrwc

11,111. ~araar$part


[women] in like manner in slanderem, that

aa becomes


r p ~ r e i ~ , BtaPdhov~,iprjll oivy ptj

mcred on=,

r o h j b~80vXwp~va~,
'en8lared, t>e young [women]


raXodtdna~hXov~, 4 $ihhvdpovg


not Dto *wine 'much they may school

N a ~ $ p ~ v i ' ~ w a t d ~~ r v vias C ~iXorQsvou~, 5 aGqpovns,

teacher4 of whrrt L right ;


lovers o [their] husband. to be, law of [their] chiidren, f disoreet, -t, chorte, keepem (i vhc, "oi~ovpoljs,~ Liyaeh~,~ r o r a u u o p ~ v a ~ roic.i'bioi~ &vat home. good, c k t e , keepers ot home, good, subject t o their own hasdient to their own hasP~aa$qpijral. 6 To&$ bnnd., that the word 8phbiv, (iva p4 6 X6yo~ roit ~ E O ? of not b h - ban&, that not the word of God may be evil spoken of. The homed. 6 Young men EkewiM erhort to be vewrEpovc i r a a t r w ~ napa~axec aw$poveiv, 7 repi sober minded. 7 I n all younger [men] in like manner exhort to be dimeet ; in thing8 mhewing thypattern of good r h v r a a ~ a v r l v r a ~xdpavoc d r o v KaXGv ipywv, i v r$ hofding forth a pattern of good works ; in works : in doctrine all t h i n p thyself hawing uncorrupta t p , since- dt8auraXie Pd8ia$~opiav," uepvdrqra, 'Ici$Oap~iav,~ 8 Xdyov neu, tit,, f?01md speech, tanching uncorruptnesn, gravity, incorruption, %peech that cannot be con- Gytij, ~ K ~ T ~ Y Y O U T O V , a 6.lF.ivavria~ ivrpaqi, demned ; that he h pqbiv 1 of h c o n t r a r y art 'wand, not to be oondemned ; that ho who is opposad may be ashamed, 'nothing , maybe anhamcd, &+v' r r p i dpGv XlyetvU $a5Xov. 9 AoCXovc miSiatc ing no evil thin to C.XWY of go= 9 'havingaconcerning 'yoa 'to say .eril. Bondmen to their own


beaxdracc'I irrorhaaeueac, i v

rtiaiv ~Capiaruv~ &at,


plasters nnd to l e w t o be subjeat, i n everything well-pleoaing to be, not in all l i n g ; dvrthi ovrac, 10 p) v o a $ i ~ o p i v ~ v ~ , triurtv rduavH LiMd not amwering again ; ; 10 not purloinin , b u t not purloining, but .fidelity 'all & n y , a l l ~ J f i a c~ v d ~ i r w ~ i v o v ( Liyaetjvv iva njv **urahiavv 705 awrijpod t at t ey may litj teaching 'Srrvionr 'good, that the d o & the doctrine of ~ ) o dour kviour in w6pGvu &oi) ~oupGatv JV nduiv. 11 'Ere 6vr,1.~dp 1 thins l1 For 'of four God they may adorn in all thinga. For P appeared Ithe the race of God h t %ringeth viva- ~ i p t c 9~06 ~ $ 1 awnjpro~ r2urv &v0 cjnoic, tion hnth appeared t o 'of *W 'which % i n p 7aalvation Yor *all Len, 1 men ia teaching grMe . ru that: den ing an- 12 ra~8aitovaa (iva hpvqah EVOL +Y LiaiP~tav rdc f"lhW mdworldlr inatncting u that, having L e d ungodliness and Rat,, we lhoald h ~berb righteou~l, ~ouptrd~.brc&lpiac, aw$pdvwc ~ a biraiws rai eta~PGs i m d god1 in t b t worldly ass-, discreetly and rigkteoualy and piously M rent wwH is100tlng for orat bl;g.ed hop, awpw i v r $ Yiiv ailjut, 13 r p o u b ~ ~ d p ~ v o i parapia~* mjv and the gloriou a p ahould live i n the pnwnt age, awaiting the bles~ed ng of the great our sariour iXri8a rcai irt~civaravrfic 8dEqc so3 ~ E Y I X O V ~ 0 3 aawrij8 ~ i Jmtu Christ. l 4 who hope and appeufng of the glory 'great 'God 'and 'Sr nve himsed for ru po~ 4pOu ~'IqaoD XOIGIOB,~ 14 8s Z ~ W K E V iaurdv d r i p he mi ht un from aft in1 uity riom 'of .oar J e a u ; who gave himself for us,





gi,Pz,gtki iva hvrpiaqrar

of good

+tic drrb rhaqc dvopiar, cai xaeapiu


davr$ Xabv repio6aiov, IqXwrGv icaXGv ipyov. 15 TaDrn 15 These t h i n p erhort, buke with a m t h e to hinwlf a people peculiu, aealona of good worb. These thinpr ritr. Let nonun de- XhXec, ~ a rapa~hXai, ~ a h y x e prrd rciaqs irrrayijc. i i rph ape&, and exhort, and convict with all oomm~~~& q k i c aov


that he might red-


lawlessnew, and might

t$poveirw. a&rol( 6pxa;c *rai" ~ ~ o v a i ad?orriats

to ru1e.m and to authoritier to be

m. Pnt them i n mind to be mqbjeat

h o 'one ' h tn Put ' h

'Pet .derpisa membmnw 'them

3 'Y*o,$pvqar~

t o principalitier and

v&< i8iocr

I pq8i uor m& 0 &ud L.TT~L


Aiyetv aepi rjpiv (Us) LTTrA ; ncpi jpirv *ctv GW. k+80pubv EGLlTrAW. 8ruo6. L. r b a v r i s z t v Lmm. f i v which [is] Lnrrw. rjp8vof our E O L T T . ~ ~ . (re& UUJ*. bringiug salvation) L ~ A . r ~ p c m o J'Iv~uoCm. a rcri &m&

m uo+povi~ouvtv the school mr& otrou~yo~c worken at to bi discreet in all tiings, 1 . P +Bopiav incorruption L ~ A W

111. TITUS. aaa%at, rr~%n?xeTv, p d g riiv gpyov dya%6vdroipovc r

mxbject, to be obedient, *to .every lwork 'good %eady

eb~i71,mwm* O b e ~ m g r s 'to "be, every good work, 2 t o trates' to
no mnn,

2 pqdlva
no one

t o speak evil of,

( ~ ~ ~ X O V S lv&i,

;rtElkCiS,evil of speak

not "contentious 'to 'be, [to be]

:" E' : ,


~ 2 a a v Y B F ~ K I ~ V ~ a r p cVL~~ ~ l ~ p dl c xhvrac civ8pDrovc. Q ~VO ra l

mceknessuntoallmen. 3 For we ourselves almen. 'all 'shewing meekness towards ell so were sornetimos 3 $ p ~ w . ~ hTp T E rai { r i C ~ Y ~ ~ T O L , O fixt%ic, rXav(;)- foolish, disobedient, For =were "once *also we without intelligence, disobedient, led rera lusts serving dideceived, and pleauevoi, GovXei~ovreS r i t J v p i arai rj80vais rotrciXarc, dv rariq mures, living in malice Q t~ e <tray, serving 'lusts land *pleasures 'various, in malice and e n V , hateful, and hating one another. rai $861)y f,thyovrri, aruyqroi, plaofivrec dXXGXovg' 4 brt.62 4,But after that the and enry living, hnteful, hating one another. But when kindness and love of God our Snviour to~pqardrqgrai (btXa1~8pwxia irr$civq r o i . u w ~ i ~ p o ~ . ~ p c S ~mnn appeared, ward the #indnesa and the love to man 'appeared 'of *our 'Saviour 5 not by works of righteonsncss which 8 ~ 0 35 O ~ iK { ~ Y L I J W ?;V , F i v Giraioai,vp b 6 ~ d~orGaapevwe hnve done,but nc" *Go& not by works whichcwere] in righteousness which aprnctised cording to his mercy he saved us, by the Fig, c ~ X X K ~ T U C r ~ v . a i J ~ o i . ~ ~ e o v " W ~ ~ U W U E $p2c, 8th washing of regenerate, but according to his mercy he saved us, through [the] tion, and renewing of the Holy Ghost Xovrpoi draX~yyeveaiacll civaraia~Daewgrveiparoc ciyiov, 6 which hc rai ,l , wnshing of regenerntion and renewing of [the] 'Spirit 'Holy, abundantly throngh Jesus Christ our Sn6 06 iFiXeev +p2ic rXovaiwg 612 'Iqaoir xptaroi roi our; that being which he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ jumtified by his grace,



uws~pog.?ip~v' 7"lva 8irai08~vreg, ~hqpo-~

our Saviour ; t h a t having been justified by his grace, hope of life heirs eternal.

, " i r ~ ~ ~ ~ d i $ ho;pe ?f eternnl life.



we should become

~ a i
according t o [the]

iXri8a <w,?c aioviov.

T O ~ T W VPoirXopai Q E

8 ITtar6~ 6 Xbyog, rai ?repi

Faithful [is] the word,
nf6rol strongly,


~n~a,"~~~~","$;;; I will that thou ,,aflrm constantly that they

and concerning thesethings

1 desire


to mniutnin p o d Tl"se thin '3good '&orks *b '% "forward lain are good and profltabc oi r e r t a r e v r 6 ~ ~ ~ &G. raGr(i dariv BrLi'I raXd ~ a vio ~ d m?. questions frq7' unto 9 Bqt agood and fool~sh 'they 'who 'have *believed 'God. These things are and gencalogies, and cj$iXipa rois &dp&roig*9 pwpdg.Gi rqnjaeic rai YEVEUXO- contentions, nndstrivprofitnblo t o men ; but foolish questions and genealothe law for the? nre unyiac p i hipttc" rai p6X&S v o p & ~ d c reptibr~(~0' ~ U ~ Yprofitable and vain. E and strifes and contentions about [the] law stand aloof from;'they =are 10 A man that is nn gies heretick nfter the flrst ydp ~ Y W ( ~ E XKEU ~~pd~Cl101. 10 Aiperir6v dv8pWrov ~ andsecondadmonition A sectarian man after reject ; 11 knowing 'for unprofitnble and vain. thnt he that is such is piav rai dcuripav vou%eaiav rapairoir, 11 eiBA4- 27.1 subverted, and sinone alld a second admonition reject, knowing that is neth. betngcondemned of himself. that %ny 'take .care

firflaioic~8at, &a (bpovrirwaiv raXLiv



2 : zi& % zli,","t


arparrat d rotofi~oc, dpaprcivet, Gv airrorarh~ptrog. rai

perverted such s one, and sins, to being self-condemned.

12WhenIshallsend be dili- lLrtemas Or Tychicus, be diligent Uov iX%Tv~ p { g p [ g N L K ~ T O X L Y ' ire;.y&p tiirptra to come unto me to gent to come to me to Nicopolis ; for there I have decided NicOpo'is : I have determined there t o mpa~etphaat. 18 ZqvGv rdv vopir6v rai "A?roXX&"axov- winter. 13 Bring Zeto winter. Zenaa the lawyer and Apollos dili- "as the lan7er and Apollor on their jourGaiwg rp6~e~rC/ov, pq6bv airr07c kXcirp." 14 paw- nay diligently, that 'lva gently set forward, that nothing to them may be lacking; =let nothing be wanting unto them. 14 And Oavirwoav 61: rai oi <pSrepot ~ a X 3 vrpywv rpotaraa8ai let ours 81.0 learn to 'lenm 'and 'also 'oum 'Ogood "worka 'to 'be 'forward *in maintain good works for necessnry uses.thnt aig rcig ciaayltaiag xp~lag, 'iva p+Laiv rirapnoi. 15 'An- they benotunfruitful. for neccsanry wnnts, that they may not he unfruitfnl. %a- 15 All that Are with When I shall sellp Artemas thee, or Tychicus,
wpad6n)z~a LTTrA.

12 "Orav riprC/w 'Aprey2iv xp6e a&

T U X ~ K(~r068a~Y,

yraqfJSprv LTTrAW. &v T. Aiiq T .



7b aG70i) chew LThAW.


T+ LTl'rAW.

- ra


h hpbv

strife T.

i 'AlroA-

m faith.
~ Y O

them W ulnbtlrea Oreat love ur in &w-e h

B J ~




XoSvraC +EC l* i+iju.w


uA in[the]hltk



d OS

U ~ W E ~ . &U'RQUU~

T ~ $1C
thorn who

Gth L e



riur~i. ;J &PLC



6 6. %


=ITpbp Tirov, rijc


IIlftns ' f 'the 'of o

K qrijv

'Cretans kswmbly





Mnrcrurerov ~ ~ i p o r o v ~ 6 ~fyph$q hciab N L I C O ' A ~ ~ E W ~ vra,







4 E+ apta& +.@E ".pou, ?r;Limr~ ~ i a ~uov wrotpwoc p r r I -t cod m~kiug meatzon of ?&nk m od, y d y m q ment3011 ofthee mrrki~g thee nlways in q mycnr 5 h d n g of r i r i j Y - r p o u ~ q G u . ~ ( ~~ K,O ~ W V 6( ~ uw r r ) ~ (iycimp m nju i thy 104% a d faith, at W PrZY-8 bearing of* h an6 rrud thou hrot towhich the Lord J A i u m jjv b rbv rrGptov 'Iquoiiv r(Li Cc rkvW, xpd b w w d Wh which thm hut tows&# the Lord t J m .nd towuda all

cxee 'r$cn

~ ~ : ~ l & t ~r o ,rode dlyiovc, 6 8rwc t j rcotY(dYia nj~-riur~&~:uov a ~ ~ Lvqyic &h & the uintr, th.6 Lb. fello+rhip Of*edicisnt fe~tunt By tbe .oof yiaqra~f~ & ? r ~ y y c j , ~ cravrbc dyaeoii toSE [s dn v lood Wing] which i) i p,j ~ h b h fn -X beam%fn [ l -w-nt * of U ? f ~ tJ f31iiyB w~)~m&v For we have great ,m joy and consolatioa i n thy lore becam t b rai rap&t~uiv bowek & the uinta h i r-$.dyi?rp.~oV, &L '76 a?r'hciy;yw wfre*ed b, thee, md -t W WW&OU of Wb ~ % t b k,waL brother. rGv dlyiou Oivauiravra~btd UOG, dbCX$i. ofthe &tr brrs baenrsfrekd by thee, kother.

Cyiwrjaa i v roic 8~4poig lpov,u ' O ~ a r p o v , r6v worf uor 11 I bgot in %on& &my, Ononimur, once to thee ci~oqarov. a01 rai ipoi ~irxpqarov,8v h v i r e p u~~mrvicwbie, now to thee and t o me lervieaable : whom but I wnt 12 Oo3.6iU airrbv, Provriarivw rdc ipd unXi $an*
rlmne. whom l barr : able, but now k o d b able to thee nnd tome: l 2 whom I have lent agnin: back [to thee]: but thou him, (that is, my boweliy"iy' receive thou therefore him that b , qrpoaXa/30ir.~ iiv I d~ I/3ovXbpqv npbc ipnvrbv r a r i ~ e r v ,mine own1 bowel8 : 13 13 whom I would have d v e : whom was der~riug with myself t o keep, retained with me. iva h i p aoir r6ea~ov$ p o r v v roic 6eapoZ~roit eC.a yeXiova that in thy rGnd h6 bouds the g J t i d i n p ; might hnvo ministered itat for thee he n~ight serve me in the unto me in the bou& 0ir6.b SBiXt)oa notijaai, i'va pr) of the gorpel : l 4 but 14 xwpigG4 rij~.a,js.~a"Lipqc but apart from thy mind nothing I wished to do, thnt not without thy mind would I do nothiug : thy benefit ahonld rard.hvtiyqv 7d.k a86v.aov ' riXXir rard.icoCarov. thnt be U it wen, of u of n e c e ~ i t y &y good m ;! g i b., but of willingness : not necwdt ,but willing18 r6;ya.ydp 6td r o i r o Ixwpiaer) n be Opav, 1 16 d r perhnpa ha for perhnpa becnnro of t h h he WM ~ e p u r t e d [from thea] or u t h e , tfmefore de a ,n o iva ai4vcov airriv cis6xpc. 16 oirrcErc &c 609Xov, ahouldeat'receive him thnt eternally him thou mightat pouau ; no longw UJ a bondman, for ever: 16 not now u r m'vant, but asdM'U &nip EoOXov, ci6eXg4v Lynnqrbv, piXlara ipoi, bovo r @errant, brcr a but above n bondmnn. r brother bslorod, rpeahlly to me, ther beloved. swcialb to me but bow mach p i i ~ X b v auc rai i v aapri ~ a iiv ; more lunt0 thee, both -11 how much rather t o thm both in [the] fledk and in ? in the flesh andin the Lord? 17 thou couut 17 si oZiv %pin I X E L O L V W V ~ Y ,wpoahapo3 atrdv &c metherdoreawner, IC~ If therefore me thou holder@ r partner1 Adve hfm UJ receive him ra myself. h$hOt:rte 18 ei.6.i r rjdir~iaivat t$abec, roirro ip~i.'iXXdyer.~ e me ; but if mything ho wronged thee, or . . o w ~ , thfi put to mY a~uount, put that




naphoe i y p a C



.ill rep*, ; that with m i m o m hand aoi Srr rai aeavrdv pot rpoao$eiXeic. 20 Nai, I willnot ray io ~ b e i i I do repay it a thm pr)Aiyw t o me thou owart also. I m y not u y to thm that even thy& how thou owert unto ctJA$i, I Y D UOU' bvaipqv Iv rvpiy' bciravabv pov ~y~~;,hig broth, I 'of 'oh00 'may have proflt in [the] Lord : rehh my let me wrvpitp.l 21 ~e.noc8A~ rp'.dnnrop'.aov PT 04 thee in the rd a r X L y ~ v ai v bowelr in [the] Lord. Boiug prsunded of thy obedience pa$i ao.1, ei&&g bri rai d r i p hbyw notijaecc. ing confidence in thy Iwrow to thee, knowing that man r b o n what I may my thou wilt d o S " ~ p a . 6 i rai iroipaci pot &viava iXri&o.ydp Src 61d thou wilt alw do more withal Bay. ma . l me S lddging ; for I hope that through than Iprepare22 ButBut withal nbo prcpnre rGv.upomv~3v.bp3v xapen@ilaopar @v. 23 rBAaxci{ovrai\~ a lodging : for I your praycur I shall be grantad toyou. &*&lute trust t l ~ a t t h r o u ~ h our prayers I ahnll UE 'Enn$piic b avvmxpiXorbg ptarq? 'Iqaoir, given unto you. '%m 'Epnphrr afellor-phoner %Mt * J u u ; 23 There 8nluU thee m tellow24 ~ I ~ ~ K'Apiampxoc, Avpiic, Aov~irg, ,ooi.uwepyoi.pov. r F o E , i " , : " , " , r J~. 'Yuk, 'ArLtarchus, 'Daman, '%h, "my "fellow-workers. sun 24 Maroue, A& t a r b u s De~unrLucnr 35 ,j xcipr~ro3xvpiov.'rjpGvu 'Iqaoir xprarob perd TOV my f:llowk~ourer; The grace of our Lord Jsrur Chrbt @M] with 25 Fhe grace of our with Jesus Chrbt k Lord your spirit. Amsirparor..dpJv. 'hpiv." your ~pirit. Amon. men,

wrote Ot] w t h my [own] h a d ;

i & cinorisog Xva

',.rat;: $ ,

+L= e$ttfeF:td%{
~ ; ~

c ;

! :


blTpbg @rXtjpova lyp'h$q drnb 'Phpvg, bid 'Ovquipou

To Philomon wrltton from Borne,






pov LTTrL v G .


C h r i ~or.n'r~w. t S the things whicli LTTPA. r daa&<rzai( r d Eynphr", my fellouy-prisoner d u t o s thee) oLmrAw. i P & v (read of the Lord) T. l &piuG L ~ W . b Uu wbtcriptwn OLRI ;I p @&jwva ~ L Ik T
( O U

* i M b y a LIT) A.

+ i - ~ aalso T.

tpooAa~oG LTTrA.

+ oorr to thee LTP~AW.~ A W . - o+ 84 LTZ~A. poc btcuoqj, G L m


X P ~ U T ~





' F 'PAUL. O

who ?t IIOAYMEPQP m i noXvrpd?rwc nhXat d XaXljanc times and in in time r r I n many parts mnnuera spRke d ~ v e and in many w:rys of old God having spokcn a t unto the fnthera roic Tar haiu iv roic npo$iraic, b ~ b i a ~ h r w rOv $ p ~ @ v vl' gr the prophets*Zhath tU the fatfera in the prophets, in 'last 'dnys i n these last days spoken unto b his r o h r ~ u , ieqreu ~Xqp.0~6ihdhqa~u Gpiv bv-vi$, 2 8u t o us in Son, whom he appointed spoke heir Son. whom he of all appinted heir gath 'these thlllg~, whom also pou ~Ciurwu, by 05 ~ a C r o iaiOvae i?roiqaev," 3 i ~ AY he made the nrorlds of all things, by whom nlso the worlds he made : who being ~whohingrhebright! ness of his glory, nlld &i?.a6yaapa rijc-B6(qg rai xaparrtjp rijc Gynrha~wp thoexpresaimnga ofhis [the] effulgence of [his] glory and [the] eruct expression of -.ubstance person and ayholdiug all thihss by the word a 6 ~ 0 5 ,$PWY 7 6 T ~ ~ . ? ~ & Y T~L ( {$part rijs.6vuhp~i~~~.a6roir, c i of his po~ver, when he 'his, and bphofding all things by the word of his power, hnd by himself plirged d olir ins, sat down on BA' iavroii" raenp[api~ enotqacip~vocTOY (ipapricjun the right hnud of by himself [the] purification having made .of 'dine the Majesty on high


b.$ter thm the angels,

ggZ",::i; : E 4 by so much better having begome than the CiyyIXwu, an much as roaobr+~ rOv i;q name than mgels, ~ nuy{time,e~h~~~art~ 'more~ *excallent 'beyond 4a.themi c ~~rhqpov6pqrev *name. 5For t o which ~ i 5 8ifi$op(;)r~pou ~ i r o 'he 'has *inherited 'a8vopa. 't!i~~t.ycip ~ t",~~ rap' at
KPE~TTWU Y E U ~ ~ E Y O ~

mndesomueh*7jp3uli1.Udown on [the] right hand iofthepeyaXwuitvqc on i,*/:b.I Xoic, d~h6toev u b 6~5iqi c b v low, greatness

my Son.thisdil?h*nore rOu &yyiXou, pov 1 06, iY& aipc~pou I begot,ten thee? And *elaiu~ h e agnin, I will be to him ~ a i d , *ever 'of %the angels, 'Son 'my a r t thou : I to-day a Farther, and he shall ~ E ~ E I W ~ ; ~ ( a nkXtu, 'E i Zaopai a i r @ eic rarbpa, UE K ~ i have begotten thee l and again, will be t o him for Pnther, ethiu'the~ratbegotten kai alirbc ~ u r a t pot {c vio'v; 6 Zrau-6; ?rhhiu ~iaaykyp urith, into the world, the and let all he he shall be to me fbr Son? sud'when 'agoin he bring. in nugelsof god worn hi^ rbu T ~ W T ~ ~ O K O U Er ~ ) u ~ K O V ~ ~ Y ~ y ~ i ,I(ai rpoqrvvqE ~ O Xi U , him. 7 And of the the &at-born into the habitable world, he says, And lot wornngals 11e snith, Who ~ Y Y E X O L E O ~ ~ 7 Kai rpby piv B . makethhisnngelsspi- adrwuav a i r $ T ~ U T E C rits, nnd his minis- ship him all [the] angels of God And as t o ters a tlaule of Rre 8 B U ~ , uuto the son rods &yyiXovc XiyEt, ' ? r o i i h ~06~.ciyy6Xov~.a6roir 0 PUEChe sntfh Thy throne, the angels he says, Who makes hie angels spio GO^, L for ever and para, rcai rod~.Xetrovpyoi~.a&roir~ v p h c$X6ya. 8 7rpAs.6i ever: a sceptre of rigltteousuess is the rits, and his lnilliatcre 'of *tire 'a 'flame ; but as to sceptre of thy kiugd,, ,. g Thou hnst lop- TAY vidu, '0.0 ~ I ~ O S . U O U , 0 ~ 6 ~ ~ i g b . TAU aiGua roir a i G ~ i o ~ * ed ri hteousneas, and the Son, Tfy throne, M o d , [is] t b the age of the nga hatetfini uity ; there- g fo, thy {d/360ch ~606rqroc ilj" &$~Boc rij~./3aaiXeiaS.aov. 9 God, hnth nminted a soeptre of uprightness [is] the sceptre of thy kingdom. Thou ~ ~ v ~n q uL t bt~aioab~rqv a ii iaqaag k&uopiav.~ 6tb i q ~ ~ ~ roiro didst love rigbtcouanes, and l d s t hate lawlessness ; bccause of this gllop*g. 1) And non 1 Lord, in the bcg'innini Zxpiu6v UE b 0ebc b.0ad~.aov iXniou &yahXi&ff~wE ?rap&roic bt laid the 'God 'thy =God with [the] oil of exultation above tiou of the e,,rthi and 'anoipted 'thee the heavens are the pET0XOVS.bOV. 10 Kai, Z i rar'.Cip~d~, ~hpte, r1ju yiju leeworks of thine houds. 11 they shall periah thy h d , Thou in the beginning, Lord, the earth didab

~ ~ ~ ~ . & , ~ ~l~ ~ & ~

, , ty$nyith


peXiwuac, rai ipyn r G v . ~ ~ t p ~ v .~iuivoi o i ~ ~ a v o11 airrOi ~ov i'

found, and works of thy hands are the heavens. They


lla6Aov EQ ; ITp;$ 'E/3paiovr LTTrAUZ; C i.noir)bev 706s aiGvas LTT~AW. ~ U ~ ~ ~ r.mra. V O S LlTrAW. B

7 qsI.:T~.

- i (13eud[the],



; + ~ ai ia.:d the (sceptre) TTCL ~ i 8 b unrighteousness T ~ i ~ .


b I C X & ~ O V(read a t the d -. 66' Cnvrov L*I,XVA.

end of the?c days)

7-v a p a p r b ~ ) ~

I, 11. HEBREWS. cino'ho~vmr, . & biapfvei~' d xai lrhvrec &c ip&riovnaXatw.r

shall perbh, but thou continnest ; and [they] ~tll and


M 8 vwture 12 nnd up, nnd they nhnll be thou them chanwd: bttt thou nrt ciMa 'uovrai. air.82 b a4rAc 1, xai r&.irq.aou otx I&;thy years 'not 'hall shull no/.andthy yearn they s h a b e chonged; but thou the mme art, nnd fail. 13 But \Clouaiv. 13 IIpbc-riva.8 rcjv ciyyiXov ~ i ~ ~arore,vKcieou h to which of the an.geb r6 e fniL But nu to which of the nn& anid he ever, Sit at he time Sit on my right ltnud: ~atrtj~.pou,liwc.dv.83 rodc.i~8po6c-uou ~ro?r66iov r$u until I nmke thine my right hand nntil I plirce thine enemier [Bsj a foobtool Ifor enemia thy footltwl? 14 Am t h q not nll lro8cjv uou; 14 otxi nhvrec siuiv X~iroupyixdrtrvaGpara, eic ministering rpirib Yeet .thj7 *Xot lall 'ure'they miniuteting spirits, tor sent forth to mluhte; for them who nhall be 8iaroviav cinoareMdpeva aid ro ,ic p6XXavmc rhqpovo- h& af r ~ 1 ~ ~ t t o ~ ? -toe being sent forth on account of those being about to inherit

Biiaovrat, 12 rai cjuei ~~pit3ciXaiov1iXiEei~"a6ro.3f', xni

a covering thou shalt roll up them,

they ar a gannent b l l grow old ns doth a gnrtueut;


peTv aorqoiav ;

2 At& roi;ro 8Ei

to the thingr

sa~vdtion t

On acconnt of this i t behovea more nbundnutly

1 1 l r e ~ t u a o r ~ p n$p2ic ' ?rpoaQ~eiv~. to ivethemoro ~c ought Therefors we

m to pive heed For if

tecd to


d~ova&iatv, pGaore
heard, *spoken lword

lest at any time we should slip away. wsr conftnaed,

0 n a p a ~ ~ v 3 p2 e i.. ~ t i thinas which W have ~v ~

and every how

the .y b

d 81' dyyi'hwv XaXq8dc X6yoc Lyiveso P6t3aioS, xai lrGaa

4mgeL just recompense.

trnwgmsion and dirobedienca received


~ a p c i p a axai aclparo$ aapev !u8irov p iaea~~odouiav,lrijc i~ 3

'shall scnpa 'so ['if 'm] %aye 'neglected n ~lnhntion which l

?j isbqb~uE6peea rqXira6rq~ dpeXljaavrec awnlpiac ; fjric

C bornmencement Ihaytng %wiped
9hthoae Yhat

~ ~ P X $ Y Xa/3oSqa



~ K O U U ~ Y ~ ~ V


'with p%hem]
hb will. For not

hP~pm6eq, 4 auvani aP W s h ~ d Lto LIla lwaa'conbrmsd; *.)earfng 'witnem roit eeoi; aqpeioic re xai r6pnuiu, xai rotriXnic
W "by l*signs I4both a d wonden, and


t o be spoken

8th roir ~upiou, dab

by the Lord,

.y b

bwci eatv, cai me6paroc (iyiov peplapoi~, ~ a r d rev

aatsofpwer, m d sof .(Phcl88pMt *kSoIy ldh~ibutions,according to

aho8 t3iXquiv.
5 Ot.ydrp ciyyQXoic iniratev rrjv oirou Cvqu n)v piXto mgek
did he mbject the

he"dsahollldatlet them l ' nnytime we slip. 2Foriftho word 'poken by stedfnnc, nud every tmnsgreaslon auddisobedicuce received 8 jmt recompeuco of rewiud ; 3 how shall a e w a y s , if ne l& so great snlvadon which at the firat& Ban to be s ken by the Lord, nnEusconf i r m 4 unto a s them that heard him. 4 God alao W am d t n m with signs nnk wonders, nnd with dtvers and glttr oi the Eoly G h a t , mcording to hir own will ?

SForuntotheangelr habitabc wwld which i to hsth he not put In s subjection the world Xouaav, wepi XaXo3pevS 6 bpapr6pnro-a& TOU ric to come, whereof we come, of which we speak; but 'fully .tostifled *8omewhere 'one spank 6 But one in 6 a6T0;. jj certain lmo testifled, Xfywv, T Iar111 r5vBpw?roc, Brr pipv$ur i snyin ,b h a t 1 mnn . thot thou art m i n k of him, or son thnt t%ou art mindfni U, * What is mm,



7 ~Xhrrwuac ;'Thw didst mnke *lower a6rlv mitnhim? 7 Thou viaichim' that thou " 'him eat mnlle.t him a littlo lower dyyihouc. S d t p rai rip$ iarr hvwaac than the angels thou ri no$ lttle %me thanCthe] angels; withglory and honour thou tdatcrown crownodst him with (or for s little) glory and honour, and
ddJ4mv, 8ri i n t a r i n p Pa6r6v
mm, that thon risitest





of t4 : in wttbjeotion .I1 thhga thou didst subjeot nnder hb feet. xor in that hehis feet. in nubunder Foz in put nll s@ horciEac sdr$Urkncivra, 068b d$ijk~v alir@(tYU?rd~a~- uuder him, he ection U-bjoot. ieft nothing UU .fr I~ mbjto h m all thhga, nothing he left to him i not put under him. rorr wib.64 oC*w +3pev a6r@ d - ~ c i w a 6noraray~ibva' B U ~ now w e not Bat, now not .vet do we ree to hun nll thinrn 8nhjectt.d ; yet all thing- I ~ t unt ~pov~xetv m &S iltarrov as a gqrment I ~ T . ) . 1&getr thou s h l t change T . LITPAW. o ncrpapvGpev LTTrA. P aGr& W. U ~ a~ia r i u r q u a to tntld UGIW r NLMRJA, r 4 y&p LTT'Aw. l [ab@] L.
and didst set him over the h of thy hands ;

atriv, qrai rarbamaac alirbv In; 7d zPya rijv.xerpijv~ao~"' i d ~ tsot himover the d

8 roivra irnirfftiac d?roxcirw r~v.ro8iiv.atiro~. ' E ~ . ' ~ d p thiugs

8 thou hast put all



11, 1 1 1.

d ~ hime @ r WO 0 riiv.dt ax6 rt rap' dyr!Xovc tfXarr~plvov PXtnopv Jwus who wcu made b t a [ m t uy.1. Cbwul- 0 'a s l o r u 'm 'w l ,ltt(e (or for a little) an L for thamLlerfn o ~ % t h , o r o m d ~ d'Iqa06v ibtd 76 ~ ( i O ~ TO$ ~ Y ~ ~ OG6C.p rcai rrpp' p aO V glory m d honour I 'Jerua o n m o u n t of the rudering of denth with glorp and with honow that he b the grme of a o a n6onla ta.tQ Jare(avwp1~0~, Bnwe V p r r r In+ n a v r b ~ye6aqrar death for every plan orowned 1 m that by the] grroe qi Qod for every one he might W e (mevery thing) 10 For it h n m e him for whom rd-ncivm reaj 6 i bli Oav(irov. 10 'Enp~nev.~dp r@, 62 8v af t h i n p and b whom death. Bor it wsr beooming to Mm, for whom [are] all t h i n p a d by ; thq6sa, U bringin many none 05 ~d.nITcivra,iroXXodc viode eic GdEav &ya dvrct, rhv nuto gkorp, t o make whom C 1 all thing% m,m maw m m to glbrp b wing, the oaptain of vntlouprfectthrou~h dpxqybv ~fi~.a~qpiac.atrGSv drd ?raOqp&rwv reXar3aar. &berings. 11Forboth of thetr malvation through rufleringr to make porfeot. ho that sanotlfleth and ledor the who we mneti- 1 8.r~ydp dyr(iZwv reai 01 'dyra~6p~v00 1vbc r(ivrec. 1 fE t b l a r e all ot one :for ]For both he who w o t i ~ e r and thaw, m n o t i ~ ~ ot one cue] a11 1 whiuh canle he L not w h ~ m e dto W I ~ them br' qv airiav otr bnar varar BbeX ode afrodc kaXeiv, I 2 X 1 Ray. h e h u(%d 'bretfran +h'to '08.4 bmthren, 12 I Y ~ ~ * V 1 for whioh canwill flealare thy name o t . my brethren, in 'AnayyAG rh--(rYop&.~o~ roi~.ddA)oi~_pov,. b tho midnt of the oharch ag, I will declare thy na?nn to my brethren ; in [thepmidrt ay will I d praile unto wain, I bl~rchqaiac & p V l j ~ ~ . a t . 13 Kai n&Xcv, 'E h l 0 0 ur wilt put my trust in of[ti~el~ssemblJ ~ i l l d n g p r r r i r r t o t I And .goin, wiltbe ~ ~ ~ nerorOAc in'> ahryi. Kal n&Xrv, '16od d ~ o ~ ~ rai r d narGia d dren which God hath trusting in him And again, Behold I a d the children whioh

, , ,





ohildren are artaken 0fflhma g . sIro hlmaelf like* took put of (he nmol he t through death t b might destroy Mm tbt had $he of death that is the devil! who deliver them' 16 andthrough fear of death wem fill thoir lifetlme sub eot to bondwe. lc) v e r i l ~ took not on ho Aink the nature qf an18a but ho took on ;h" aeed of hbraham. 17 Wherefore in i t buhovcd made like unto hir brethren, that he mipht be a meroiiul and faithful high giest in thing8 psrinw -nciliition to to sod ,k g for the dns d the peol a 18 For b that he Kimlelf bath t h e r e d being tempted, he tr able to sncoour them that are tempted.


p& for me

~ ~ W I C E V0 ~ 6 'Gob

~ . 'Enei 08v r h natbia r e r o r v h r ) ~ 14

Shoe therefore the ohildmn hore partaken
in like m u n

v a a ~ ~ b ( a 01 aroc,I rd afrbc Taparxqaiwc e o p v ~ i e


qha bar p

r+r.alrCiv, 'iva 3rd v08 8av&rov mrnpyjap rbv rb r &TO( the mm6 UYI t b w h doath be might muul h h w h o *the L i g h t i! OVTO r05 O ~ V & ~ O V , "rovr6ur(Y" rbv Br(i@oXov,16 rai dlrdh d l t p ' r ~ l k v8 m ~
4ubju0t awe
E V O X ~ Ljleav
Of d a t h ,


. h

k put h

that b,


devils through nll

and might mt their Ufetkne

those whasoaver y fear

f6py Oa~airov Gui navrhc roC-Z$v

of d&h For n o r indeed of angel

xbo~X~ias.d 04.yd l6
to bondw

B$*OV d y Y I X ~ vr A a p I


t a b hs

:m!?% '

~ ( i v ~ ~ a r , o~ipparocAP adp inAappiverar. 17 8&v dud hold, buL of [the] seed of Acraham L takw hold. Whgsiore ~ ( E L X E V card scivra soig.ciGeX oic bporo$ijvat, 'ivo t h e p ~ v 6 v q m t r d nrardc cipxieped~ ~ e eic rb

it h h o n d IJiim] in . thlq. to [his] b r e t c to be made like, that. IMU


u p b ~ rav Otbv,

ful 'he 'might 'e 'and 'faithful 'high 'priest [in] t h i n e mlatinp t b o


r d dpapriac r05 Xaoir. ~

siw of the people)

18 iv.

to make propitiation for the

nelpaa~cfc, Ghvaiar roic ~ . ? m o t o ~ h v o r ~ he 'ha8 "sulked 'hirmelf hav,rifrgh n tumpbd, he tr able t h q a poqgijaar,
to hola

T ~ T O V ~ Ealrbc V


t& k

brethren partakcm of W'tmretore, 'brethren 'holy, of [the] 'cnlling 'hesvenb pprtakers, the hea;only calliu wnsiiier the Ap*tE raravofiacrre rbv cir6aroXov real dpxrcpia rijt.6 oXoyiac.$pGv and High Priedt of our oonrider the apmtle and high priest o g u r wnfgmiop, profewion, Christ Jb ms; 2 WM faith- JX LUT~Y' ' I ~ Q o2 T Y * ~ V r a ~ LUT b ry' ?ror$aavri afirdv, Iui L him that a p &M U , 'faithful 'being to him r h o r p p ~ i n u d inted him, an also war fa;^,,^ m rai 'Mwaijcn b 8X r@.oiry.afrb5. 9 nheiovoc.ydp a G 6 t q ~ a11 hi8 house, 8 Bor r k o M in a# h b house.. Bor 'of 'NON *glorp

m. a r e n . h o v

3 "~'bav, rideX+oi


rX4eeop tsovpaviou piroXot,


v dparoy
1 Moiidt

r d aquk LTTrAW.


l o8tos

ddhs Q m r A w .


iwbv QT.


~ h it~ . Z .

& v



ob~og'rap& bMuuijva
'he than
t)f iwrar,


i EL 703

houour than MOW inakrnug I he who i a t h buildM 'than *the 7hoare 'he .who .built h For every house ed the house hath more honour than the housa 4 urraa~avci<~rar r r v o ~ . 6.61 letcin..rctvrar a r a u ~ m c i u a ~ For every holm ir 6x6 b mme m m k built by some one :but he who all thingm built [is] builded &at built !. ' but he l things is Qod. Aud 8~de.5 ~ adMwofc" pjv i rcarbs b 8X rqi.oi~y.airro3 v 3~ Yosesverily warbfaithOod And Y indeed [was] f d t h t a l in a? hishouse u f u l in a11 his houe, u 6~p&?rwv, Elg papr6prov r i j v Xahqequopivwv' r w v a n t , for a teati~~g servant, for a testimony o the things going to be spoken ; mony of those things f which were to be s ken 6 ~pcurbc.61 &S vi6c bni rbv.ol~ov.ahro~, 0 5 oirci~~ U ~ E V after ; 6 but Int Chriet M &n over his house. whom h o w are ~ Y r i s tm a son over his own house ; whose fjp~iE, elivmp" n j v ra${qaiav ~ a rb ~ a i 7 x ~ pmjc iX?r;60~b o w nre we, if we ; a W if indeod tho boldness and the bouatiug of the hope hold f u t the conflden- and the mjoic r~XovS pePaiavll ~ a r c i ow p v . ing of the h o p 5rm untu the end. end * m we s h o Z hold.

Moaea hss beencounted worthy, by how much more

raO'-8uov ?rX~i'ova rcp4v this man W aounted worthy of more g10



b ~ a r a u ~ ~ ~ tatrbv* 4 ? r i i ~ y ~ i p iuas btoc


7 Aib, r a e ; ~ X i y ~ c.r6 ?rv$pa rb L' cov, Bipc ov bctv

Wherefore, even u

- wys.







#wvijeatroi, ( ~ c o C ~ 8 ~E ,) ~ ~
hi. voice

. Q K ~ J ~ ~r(is.~apdia~.6pGv, v ~ I T E

ye will henr, provocation, in 'me

hnrden not the day 'your 'fathers,

our k t s ,

rjymiv ?rapa?rr~paup~, njv tjpdpav 705~ ~ i p a u p o i i r+ rarci b u

in the
of temptation, in

rp" Ipijpy, 9 05 i r ~ i p a u i v oL?raripe~.6pGv,hi40~ipaahv gpe"

thr lrilderney wbem 'tempted
m, and

rai /GOY rd.;pyapov i ~ ~ i u a p c i ~ o v r a ' 10 6tb ?rpoU&q'




my w o r h

f0fortJ and aid,

yeur wherefore
A l w q ~ l they a m


-p^ev~qi i ~ ~ i v g ' , ~ f KO;k~l?rov," rXavdwat 'AfI

did not know they shallenter i n t o my ways i my rest.
T~VL 6p;v

with agenerntion 'that,

6 ~u~~~$,","~,","p"~

7 Wherefore (M the Holy Ghwt with, To win he, hi, rofce 8 hnrden not yonr hearts, M in the rovmtion, in the Buy of temptation in
me, proved me, and

mp6ip. atroi-6i otr~yvwaav rcis.b8oirc-pov* 11 3~ Gpoua IV

in he& ; and they I swore

:,O x,",z,"{ "T in wns grieved with thnt

~h~ ahll

my wrath,

E ~ i a ~ X ~ h a c vrrjb.~arci~avuiv-pov. BX6- ~ h " , ' ~ \ ~ i W ~ d z i o i ~a~ ~ 12

If ' h k e their heart ; and they

ci&X$oi, pilrror~ iurai {V


rag6ia rovqpd have -not Sknownu e i n ways 1 1 o I a w my



brethren, lest perhaps shall be in anyone o you a heart f from SQoQ ['the] 'living.

aixcuriac v r y drrrourij~~ar L?rb 8 ~ 0 3 . t G v r o ~ *13 MA& nOtente'intomyresk)

12Tnke heed, brethren lest there bc in any of hcart of wapa~aXeir~ lavrods ra8'.lrciui)v.tjpfpav, &pcc05 TA U $ ~ E ~ O ou an evil depnrting V unbliet, in encourage youruelves every day long 'ro-das from the living QOCL rGs 13 Rut exhort one md h c , h a pr) urhqpvvejj. '71s 6 t ~ i j v ~ cirrirp t] it hacelled, that not may be hardened any of you by [ bdeceitihlners

o unbelief in f



drycnprias* 14 i t o x o ~ . ~ d p my~y6vap~v xprur06,~ 703 n;ub?r~pn you bc karden of

of llln.
&r companions we have become of the Chrht, if indeed

the nees of sin. I4 For e

the end 15 *ileit i . mid, ~ o ' d a if e wiu henr his r o L , L d e n 70 will h, harden not your heuta, U in the prornot hearts nn in i ~o r nap@. 16 O ~ l ~ J c ydrxo6oavr~cs a p e ~ i ~ p a v a v , ~ 06 ths provocation. ~ 6had r dp &X' m e when U I J For aome having h m d provoked, b a t not heard, did prproke: howbeit not all that u d v r ~ ~ E E X B ~ ~ E E.4i firrrov 6cd PMw~iwp.~* ria~v.6i~ 01 I . 17 of ~~t bv a who c u r e out from ggypt by 2 o e e a . Aua withwhom Y . D = I7 But b M w i i u i v OLTTrAW. 0 r d LlTraW. ?dcuiiuijs OLTTrAW. &v[uep] L ;i d v if TTrA. r p c LTTrAW. fpixpc T A W $ ficfiaiav A. h av b o ~ ta v i p by proving [me] WTrlw. I r . u c e p & o w a mra. 1r a 6 q t h k c ~ I ' R . 1 &a L 1 it irpb OWW. m ~ o Xi r m o l yey6vapcv OLTTIAW. i a v m p Lni l i v e s y&p &K&. rrapcnG rhould hold; in
its being a i d ,

riXovc PePaiav rarQl- uem=~eplutakers fiv cipxdv rijc 6?rourQlu~wc L beginning of the wurance unto [the] end firm Christ, if we hold t e beginning of our oo o ~ w p ~ v ~r@.XbyeuOac, Ztjpepov Idv rijs-$wvij~.atro3 ildenoe. s t e d f ~ t 16 b ~



ctro6ot/re, ptj-ure~qjirqr~ ici(;.mpJiac.+iCv,

&c iv r+





K ~ ~ F ;For QV

ho, &aviIIK heard, provoked t OLnrAw. P MwGpQr G L ~ ~ A W . puution but [was it4 uot all, &c. 9) ~ L I T I A W . r -l [*ail d , L w .

3 ;(read

~ ~ ~ & ~ '

yenm 7 WINit] not with thae who with them that had sinned, whom curcrwea r d rGXa Zr~aev1v r# i p i p y ; 18 riaiv-84 feu in the wildernesal vaaaiv, ;v 18 ~~d to whom sware sinned, of whom the carcases fell in the wildernm? And to whom he that they Gpoaev prj.eiaeXcirmcr8ai e i ' ~ r$v-rcardrauorv.aGro3, ri-pd 6wore he [that they] shall not enter into hie rest, except n*ved notP l9 we roic ciret8tjaaatv; l 9 lcai PXlropev brr od~-tjSvvljbqaav to those who disobeyed P And we sea that they werenot able unbelief. IV. Lot U eiaeX8eiv 6r' dmoriav. @o/?qQGpev O ~ V ptjrore t o enter h 011 aocount of nnbelief. We ahould fear therefore lest perham ~~~f~~~~ of entering into hie raraXei~opivqs n a y y ~ X i a ~ i eiacX8eiv eis wjv.~ara'xavarv.airrent, any of you ahould 'a 'promiue to enter into his rest, 'being 'left reem to come ahort of It. 2 For unto us was TO$, B O K ~ Ttc it iIf&v 6 ~ ~ ~ p ~ K i mi-ycip bapv-Efqy2 ~ai. the gospel prenchea, as 'might *beern 'any 'of you to come short. Por indeed we have had well as unto them: but K~ &X' O ~ LKI ~ E X P ~ U E i) V the word preached did Y E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v o I ~aeh7Y~p K E ~ V O L ' , not profit them not glad tidings nnmnnced [to us] even .s also they ; but not did proflt 'Ule being mixed withtaith in tllem that henrd it. h b y 0 ~ & K O J ~ ~ ireivovc, p?) 'UtJy~e~papiv~c" riarec ru 8 For we wh~ch have 'word b f 'the Oreport 'them, not haring been mixed with faith

EBPAIOTE. rpoaLj~8taevlreaaapa'~owallm ; ~ he a ~ , ! f"*y . ~ Z


1 1 IT. 1,







g,"ro2',"$",E eiaeheiraovracinto rrjv-rarciravaiv.ycov~ rairor r3v ipywv i ei'c world. 4 Por he spalie If they enter my r a t ; though verily the w o r k
" , n ~ ~ , " ~from [thq]$foundation of [thefworld ~ ~ ~ $ ~
In a CertRiu place




ov y~vq8~vrwv. bEZpq~ev.~& rov

were done. Ror he b u rifsomewhere the scve~~th from day his works. And m c w n i n gT ~ CP66pqc If wepi the E mvcnth [day]Othus, S , Kai rarfravaev b 8ebc ;v rp" ~TW And 'rested 'God on the thisphee they shrill enter into GCpq rp' i/?Gbppc i r b rcivrwv rGv.Zpywv.airroir* 6 rai b~ roirhry ralt. 6 Seeiu therefore i t remainet% a*y Iseventh hie works : and in thL that some muat enter r nCiXiv, Ei &iaeXe6~0~rairtjv.~arciravoiv.)cov. 6 'Erei eig

L beaausc of he ItUnblid: 7 again,

1 -

~ ! enteredenot i y2 z ~ nnched

O ~ V c i r o ~ e i r ~ rrivac ~ ai

again, If (hey &all enter into

therefore i t remains [for] aome

mitath a certnin dn MMB Dayid. a in day after so long ti& u it is said, TO d e will hear hfr mm garden not oar h ~ t ; . 8 For if had given them mt, then would he not d m w u d haye spoken of another day. B There remnineth *e~orea to the le of God. l0 For e t at ie entered into hi* reat he also 118th cenzed h o m 8d own his dLI

'& formerly hear2(glad tidingn

Xiv n v d
ro long

repov Gay eXca86vrec ot~.siaijX80v

a oertain %eadeterminea


rocoirrov ~pdvov, rae&

'hia %hem ye will how, 'Jesus

a time, ( m r d i n g M i t has been aaid,) To-day, hnrden not .rsrt, not your hearth

a6r05 & K O ~ U I / ~ E , p)j.u~X~pirvqr~ rdS.kap6ias-6~3~. ELyd 8

For i f

airro3~ 'Itlaoiis rarlmvaev, o t j ~ repi dv



sspohn *rillrwnr&

perd.rairra tj[tipaso9 T ea &roXei?rerac a sabbathm ~ r ' ~ ii n a a ~ n r t r to&8 p Iday. xmains

of God.

(fe. Jo~hua)

from hi*. 11 h t m l.im11r therefore to en*r iuto tlut rnt angmnn fall aft& the urme example of un-

h .

Xay roG8~0ir. 1 b. dp eiaeh8tLv eig r,iv.rarhrat~a~v.airroir, 0

cai utr6c r a r 6 ~ a v a ~(izb r ~ ~ - ~ p y w v . a b r oi ~ , ~ p( i d v (; ur

he rested from his worb, as 'from

.his 'own

d 8e6g.

'God pad).

~ K E ~ V 4 wV~ a r & r a v a i v , 7~ i'va-p?)iv


that lest .after 'the %me 'anyone 'mmpla ~ c u u c p d r o v TTrA. r~ o v y ~ e r c p a o ~ ~ v r,TfA, 6vs rsrpapivovs W, (read them not unitad iu tnith wit!^ those. &C.); ( N ~ K E K P ~ ~ O T. ~ ~ O C ~ T~. S& A . 1& e wd 7 npoaipqrar it has beell mid before LWrAW. L l ' r r ~ ;A a v 3 aw.



~ineX8eiv atjrjv, rai eiS

to enter into it,

my rest.




uld those who

did not enter in onwountof disobedience, again ay, To- ay,

6reil?eucv, 7 rci-

r i p , i ~X$ , ov, iv 'Aa/3i811hlywv, perd ~~



aaying, aftw 'voice

Jeipqrai," Ejpepov iciv



concerning another 'wonld *he *have



& that

entered into

hin rent,

11 BrovMawpev


aia~X8eiv ric
to enter into

We should be diligent therefore

r d aGrq? r i ~6 ~ 0 8 ~ i y -


6 Xdyos roG 6 ~ 0 3 a ~i ~


p r r ntav rijc bnecOeins. 12 c9v.ydp

~ eI2f*the word . %ay Yall of disobedienaa For living [is] the word of Ood m d Of qrrick* powerful and 111mper Qcpyic, lcai rophrepoc h i p ~ i i a a v p& aipav Biaropov cai than a& twoodead etsoient, and ohuper than eveq Lord 'two-edgd even the dividing aaunder mOrd'piomingeven of mnl and &it. and j e ~iicv06prvo~ p c p ~ p i q o i t ~ i c . ~ r cai' nvr6 arog h d~ of the penetrating to [ t h l di* on t h of soul and spiit, row jointa and mar*


re cai pvak3v, rai

rcpirechc iv& i]aewv cai rwolijv of the thonghb and


, ,

intehts of is t h m any the h 18 Neithor that is not t And there is not a m a t e d thing onapparent before him ; m m i f ~in his s t e t : [ t t ] heart. but all things arc n k rcivm.dl pvh cai rerpa~Xtapiva roic bgOdpoic airroir, ~ e d d o nett unto m bat all things [ n r g a k e d m d laid bare t the eyw a of him, the ey- o r h i m with whom we have to do.

(oints lboth and murowm, m d [is] a discerner of l t h e ~ t h o ~ ~ h t a and

m disc. 13 rai oCrr.farcv rriacc

ci$avtjc ivhntova6roGw creature

r p i ~v S

rjpiv i) Xdyoc.

rlth whom [is] our

14 'Exswec-oZiv cipxeepilr pCyav

Raving therefore a 'high 'priest Jams the

obpavoirs, 'Iqaoirv rbv vibv



kioe pnthise

I5 oC.ydp Zxopev
For not hsve we with our inflrmitiw,

*t, that &to the heavens JcTO; BeoZ, rpar3pev rijc hpo- msthe Son of let of W, 6h0uld hold fast the COP na hold f a t our we h xiepla p$ Gvv6 evov auvpra- fession.not16 For high have a &h priest not at10 to which ounnot

'great [who] h passed through the

GcEXqXvOdra ro3c we have , mat high ,

14 Seetug then that


&inai%ai~.hoOeveiacc.,iC10y, b r e a ~ capCvov".& ~ a r dudvra

bat [who]


&l been tempted

rooording to[our] liken-,


per& aa#~~oiac r
dth and "ace

b0142&~13 to t r e throne Inlay find for opportune

apnrt from s i n

xopi~ hpapriac. 16 npoaapxthpeOa .o$v

but ww L. ,U , poinh tempted like we should come therefore ~ m l ~ d ~

in 11 t h i w 31


Bpbvy r i j g x&prroc,'iva XiPwprv rc"Xeov,nfore wme bold17 unto

of grml th8t we may receive mercy,


cai ~a'pev ei!pwpav eic aitcalpov Po;lOerav.

6 11Zc.ydp cip


and flnd g r w r h y p ' i n time of used. W g t h for



AvOpPnuv Xappavdptrevo~, irnlp


For every h i 5 priest from among

V. For every htgb

dvOpLv~pj,v ~aOimarac rd
Ll constituted in thin.
b t h gifts, m d srwiticae for

n bp
relagng to

rbv Btdv, 'iva npoo)ip

God. that he may o er for menin t h i n p m

GQpd.dr~lla Bvaia~ d p hpapr&v, ~ i 6

aim ;

2 prpconaeeiv Gvvd- ~

.to 4 e x e r h Yorbenrance 'being m d s ~ i f i cfor~sins : e dlyuoo~aev khi ~ ~ a v w p i v o e ~ , cai atrhc P who can have ignohe; p.sion on the cornrrvoc roic able with thow being ignorut and &g, mince also himself -t on them ~epieeezai cio8ivatav. 3 lea; ra6rqvP d+ciXsc, but of the i and on aooount of this [ i n h i t p ] he ought, u r ~ & ~ ~ $ ~ la enwmp-dwith infirmity;

won u

rhOdc n ~ p i703 Xaoii, oi!rwc cai repi fCavroiin npoa+lpeiv in hit^.

for the people, so also for himself
t &

to offer

G T ipapre9v.~4 Kai ~ ~
for dnr



&d not to h i m e by




njv rcp;lv,
the honour,

a d

~ d o i r p ~ v o c 703 8~03, irnb i~aednepm d

beingcalled also the ghrist even M did glorify not himself to

damn. a gigh

6 ofirwc ~ a b X torbc 06% iavrbv 166Chaev. yevq6ijvat ci Xi

to beoome

upia, ~ X X '
b y palert

laX$uar nphc alrdy, ~ i d c ~ r o v.d, P

srid him,

pieat ; but he who

iylir 4' my art thou, h tori,

uepov yeyivvq~d@E. 6~aOLc h rcai v

have begotten thee. Even for ever

iapcirc eic.rd'v.ai3va

mording to the

blu]h@ map, Thou [W rard r$v ra'EeL MeXxlaedfr. 7 "Oc iv

also in ano& ordar at ~


o Who in .

8 And by mmonhereofheou&td sr for the p le, also for himsel(t0 offer for m'ns. tbia homnn tnketh And no nouruntohim~elf.bnt he that is called of God 0s tutu AAron 6 dalso~hrist glorified not hi~useltto be mmde an high priest but he that w d him, Thou rut my SOU to day hare I begotto; h6 A, he ~ i t nlh u in another pkttx, Thou art a prieat for the order of ILIelohhJea 7 Who fn




both L ~ A botp L[T~],

W .

b r m r p a u p b o v LOcmrrW. p. a d d L. wa#& L; raecjanep TA; rep Tr.

8i a v on a@QOunt it LnrAW. w of

vuv- TA.


U rrpi LTT~AW.




V, VI.

" , " ~ $ ~ h $ ~ ~ a $ ? T )iripatc rftc.~ao~bs.a&r03 aC I ~ a ixrrqpbp i both ~upylicationsaud entreaties of'his 5esh prayera and suppiice- the ticma~ith strong CVrbv 8vvCfpevov aLjf;etv abrdv bk 8avcir0~ e7Ci K aviug and tows unto save *him y h o tl,at able to hlm .able * u v e ' a i m "f~*om 'adeaih, Itwith P'cJsyhim from death, and ~ f tappiic rai ~ U K O ~ W V o u e t rac, xai ~ i u a r o v a e ~ i ~ t ~ ~~ 'h W I I ~ hertrd in that he thou h he ing '*strong '*and '7tM 'haling d e r e d , and having been heard in fwr,,d , were a'son, yetfearn- rijtje.~irXa/3eiac, 8 rcalirep d v vidr, tpa8ev h$' ed he obedicnoe by the thnt [he] feared ; though b a n g e non, he learned, from the things which thin r which he anfferef; 9 and being ira9ev mjv ;~arojIv,9 ~ a i reX~eweei~ iyivero kroig made parfect, he be- he suffered, and having been perfected became to 'those 'thnt obed~ence came the author of eternal clalvation unto 6ra~o6ovatv adry' niiotvil awrqpias aiwviov' 10 T ~ O U all them that obe *obey 'him , author of 2aslvation 'eter~lal; having him 10 called of QO% an h priest after ayopev8eic 6rb TO$ 6~oG O i p ~ c ~ p e i ~ c rard rrjv rcica~ MEXGod [as] high priest according to the order of Mblthe or&r of Melohise- been aalutsd b, dec. 11 Of whom we ham m m things to iue8il~.11 IIepi 05 nohirc t&v.b-Adyoc rai Gvq~ppGa y , and %. d to be b . a fbnoerning r h o m e ] %U& lour adisoour8e and diEioultulinterattored, swing ye an, dullof hearing 12 For U E V ~ O CXIYELV, dnei vw8 oi yeycivare raig-ciroaic. 12 xai-ydp when for the kme ye pretation to l , slnm slugg ah yehavebecome in he&ng. * For truly Ought k, be teachern, V , .b$eiXovrac elvar GtbcioraXo~ brd rhv X ~ ~ V O nciht~ e have need t h a t one time, again teachem because Of .the to be you wain which [when ye] pnght


air to^

and are becoma an have need of milk, ~ Q X I ) C r3v Xoyiwv roG 8eoGs rai yeydvara xpeiav i OVTEC strongmeat 13 For every one ~ i m i n g the oraclem o M, and hiwe l o m i 'need f L i n g useth milk 6 annkil- yciX.dl~~c, a b& mepak rpo$$c. 18 ~ Z s - y d pb perhxwv l~ j~ for everyone that partin the : for he e t mill, and not of solid food; righteousness Word 'of b n babe. l 4 Butstrong ~6harroc bnetpos i d ot, ~ i ~ a t o aV6j T~O~- y'& p iarcu' t t c meat belongethtothem of milk [h] unskilled in [the{ word of rjghteo-esa, for nn infant he is ; that rue of full age even thoaewho byreal 14 reXeiwv.8k &oriv arepecj ?f~o$h$, rGv bld njv son of have their but y o r ['the] W J "g~own is 'aolid food, who on scccunt of senrea erorcired u d i e , rd aiu6q6pta y e y v ~ v a u ~ i ui~dvrwvr p b ~Gccinpcutv a cera both good and evil. habit .the 'zanm9 exercised 'have for distinguishing

thCh njc 2 ~ ~ , " ~ ~ , " l P ~ yd d~ _~ $ye$hnve of O[one]~to teachO K 6pZc riva [m]rd urot~eiaof the xp~iav&ER T ~ . ~ ~ & E~Y you what the elements

~aXoir T E K ~ ra1c03. L
.good 'bothur&


the doctrine of C(?) n(IXiv O E ~ ~ X L O V 11ara/3aMdpevo~ fection ; On layiug aletus go notunto per- d y reXe~dn~ra $E pin the founduion the full h we o o o ;o t again a foundation W s of mvntsnce *om perav~iasc i ~ b verpdu {pywv, rai ~iurcwc Bedv, 2 pqndni dead works, and of faith of of repentanm from dead w o r k , and faith i n God, *of5wRsh. the doctrine of ' b a p 7tut~GvmbiSaXijtje,"InrBhaecjs.ra xer Gv, civa~rcirnJ~.~sebyctirms, and of laying on ds, and of resurrection of [the] 'of~e]'doctrine, and of laying on of of hnnds, and of renurection of the dead, ~pGv, K&xpiparoc aici*viov. 3 rai rocro not,jaopev, Oddvpepll end of .eternal judr- dead, and of Yudgmelrt 'eternal ; and this will we do, if indeed ment. 8 And this wjll dna.6 @ortaOiviac, we do, u GO^ permtt. trtrphrp .b eedc. 4 ciSCvarov.ycip r o 3 ~ 4 For it b impos~ible 9mit For [it i] impossible, those onoe s enlightened, for those who were on- enlightened, and y 6 ~ u a ~ i v ~ ~ ~ Supeiic .r~ ~ T o V Q ~ V ~ OKi , ~ E T ~ X O V C V d have truted of the her. ~ l [who] t u t e d of the 'gift a sheavenly, and partaken ronly gift and w m made pnrt&kersof the y ~ v q 6 ~ v rme6paroc i[ iov, 5 Kai a~ ~ a b ycvoapbvov~ v Holy ~ h o s t , 5 a n d have became of [the] 'Spirit 'goly, and rthe] 5500d 'trstod tasted t l ~ e good word of ,r,n thepowera $ t p ~ ~VVC~PELE-TE yihxovroe aifvor, 6 m i 0 [the1 ' 'come b a@, and of the korld to come, b #God Cword and [the] w o r k of f

l n ~ t h ~ $ Wherefore, h v i n g left rdv uof =the*beginning 'of703 .vturoG 'discourse, L toZ n6 ~ ~ &$~VITC 6 c d p x k %he Christ idyov, r Atb i the



naparrtodvras, {is ii;,th:$~~~~$~~[who] fell away, .rra?tv civarcatvi~ervto prrcivoiav, civaarav.gain untorepentance; Win to renew rePehtam, CrucifY*
k *htv ir+arojovatv rnir 0 iw rep LTrR. [7a] T. r
L ~ A

aai ~


&taa.& [thej d ~ t r l n e t

p ?


For ground which 'rain, and


rdv vibv r o l &a5 ~ n rapn&iyi

of God, and exposing drank the *upon *it .herbage 'fit Mten

for t h u n ~ w l v [nr they no] the Son ~r

$urnj publicly.

oOdofrcsh, and I,llt 7 yij.yrip ,j rtofiun rdv i atzjir P ~ ( J X A & K [to nn o ~ n r l r n ~ ~ ~ r . d hint ~
rimovua $or&vqv eii9~rov breiv0tE thnt cotncth oft rllwn

7, f :2C d 2 :9c: t d ; '

I p ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ v o v "KT(; irtrd.~,

the driukcth in the r . 1 1 ~

for lake of whom nlro i t in tillcd, partaker of blwing from c e ~ r e t hblcsaing f r ( m God : 8 but that whiPti LrdvOnc rai rptPd.Xovs, ( i b d ~ t p rai bnrcth thorns and o~ 6~0i)' 8 ir~ipo~~aa.El
[h]rejected and briers is rcjcctcd, nnd is nigh unto curaing end is. to ;L But we srepersun~led burned. 9 But, bclov'a 'cum 'ncar 'to, of wbich tho end [is] for burning. ed, we nre persuaded uspi irpGv, ciyaaqsoi, rir.qrprpdrr0va3 m k i aQ Ixdp~va better thiuga of you, concerning you, beloved, bcttar things, and [things] connectod with and thin@ thnt accompnny snlvation awrqpiac, e i rai o'irrwg XaXoirp~v.1 06.ydp ribtros 0 d 8edc though we thus xponil ulratiou, %if'CVCU thus we speak For not unrightmnr [is) God l0 For God is not unrlghtcous to forget lrtXa6iu9ai roG.~pyov.irpGv rai 'ro3 rcinov"T+r7 dyhaqc work rind labour to forget your work and the labour of love which of love, which ye hnve 3 shewed toward his iv~dcieao6e rb.Bvo a-airrol, 6 i a ~ o ~ u a v r e s byioic mc nante that ye have eic roic a yedid8hew to h&name, hnvingrcrred tothe mints m d minisiered to the but [thntjbriuping forth t h o r n and thistlea


08s rai y ~ w p y ~ i r o i , p~rahappdvsie&XoyiaE cinb roii wl?um i t isdrcsaetl.rd-

for thole herbs meet for them by it' and bringeth fc*r'h

God ;

rarcipnc iyyilc,


ri, r i X 0 ~

i ~ n i k t v . 9 ~ ~ r c i u p e 6 a .whose ~ 6~


bla~ovoirvty. 11 bcaurov @;v njv a 6 4 v

[utilu serving. 3diligence Bat we d ~ r i r e w h of you the hope same unto

Ivdri~wu9ai urov8t)v rpdc njv rAqpo)opiav

Yto'~hew [the] end ; faith and


riic bXridos rixpi

t the o

full auuranoe of the

i::2ztk:%$kmto of hop

m thnt oveq one of

& ou

T ~ X O U C *12'ivapt) vwepoi yivqu9c, ptpqra-ai-64 r 3 v

that uot *rluggiah long patienca

btd not end: 1% that yebe the slotl~iulbut f01'ye Ybe, but imitatan of thwe who through lowem of them who

r i u n w ~ a paxp09vpias rAqpovo.&vrwv.$~ mi

ir;a.z;c. ~

~ ~ ' ;

For *to 5Abr&~m 'having ~ r o m i r a d 'W, sinoe by no one lxrv ptt<ovo~ 6p6ua1, 6pousv rag' iauroij, 14 hiywv, .'~n-pfyv

13 Td.ydp.'Ap adp irayyrAdpevo~SBtdc, inai rar' oir6avde

greater to #wear, swore by himself, Mying*

misas. IS For when Qod made promise to Abraham because no could r&e by ;;; y : h br Surely blessing I nYi

ho had

and plyinfl I thee. 15 And so nf ter he had pnticntiy endured, he obtnined the thub hav~ng long patience he obtaiued the had promina promire. 16 For men r o t 'piv" ycip rard 703 6pv60vutv, ~ a r c i ~ t ) ~ verily swenr by the i atsoic : and an oath 'ind~vd 'for bby *the 'greater %wear, and of all 9 0 'them or confirmation is to civrtXoycag rQpac @e/3aiwutv S ~ K O ~17 b.$ r ~ p t ~ ~ b - m end of nu ' them 'gainsa) lng an end for confirmation [h] the oath. Wherein %ore *W strife. 17Wherein Qod, willing more abunt~pov 6deb~ brtkiEai roic ~Aqpovbpoic bray- aautly to 8hew unto bundnntly Pdesuing 'God to rhew to the heirs of pro- the hcira of romise the immutabf;ity of y~Xiac ciparh9asov rij~.j3ovXijg.airroii,bpeuirrvaav S p ~ y , his co11n8el, confirmed o\te the unchvngeablcnera of hm connml, i interpowd by moath, it by . oath : 18 thnt n bluing

s&loy3v ~6Xoy~uw rrai rhq96vwv rXq6vv& us' 15 xai bles8 thee, and multiUE,
I will bleu thee, and multiplying I vill multiply thee ;
/ T ~ T V X E Vrijs



l 6vOpw6





18 'iva 6td 660 rpayp6rwv cipsra9irwv, i v 04

that by two 'thiugs 'uchan~*ble,

fled who have fled for rd lnY hO1cl lipon hope lret bnfore us : which or refuge to lay hold on the 4 r t *&ore [%E] 'hopo, which hope we hnve m anchor of tb* riy~~puv Zxopev r i j ~ v x t j ~ $ w&agaXij\r~rai Ij~paiav, a tiumi an anchor we have of the aoul both certain and h , and en- 'ntedfnst,and which euOU1* both spxopiqv sip rb /uhs~pov r03 rasa?r~rciuparo~, Snov in theinto that with20 wherr veil; 20 n hiW into that ~ i t J h the V&; Yo *lie ['for] 'God, strong encouragement we might have who


d6Cvarov by thingo in which it fn which [it WM] impossible douiblefor sod 9ed.v, iuxvpdv rapLirAqutv Zxwpev oi rara- to strong consolation a liev might have

p y d . v r ~ pxparijuai rijr rpan1


IAribocg 19 fiv &c fu@

; p

W h e 1O

P ip~dpevov UOM&LC LTTrAW. ~ ~ A W . E LWA. i

' ~peiuuova 1 LlTrAW. IL~Y I T ~ A ~ L


* + 7bv T .


16nov (wad 74s Ay.

w A &rr. a l v





ther the formnner ~ ~ r i i 3 ~ o p oicp $pijv eiaijX8ev 'XqnoZg, card r ~ j v h rCi<tv for U # entered even Jmus, ,,l; hiuh [as] forerunner for us 'entered 'Jesun, according to the o r d e rimt for ever aftor M ~ X X I I Y E ~ ~ K d xirpeir~ y~vdp~vog eiC.ri)l*.aitijva. Order of Melchir8doo s ftgh priest having become for evor. dee. VII. For this Mel0 6 r o ~ - ~ h MeXxiae8i~, dp paarXe6!: PaXGp, iep~ifg 8eo; TO; chisedec kin? of SRFor thi~ Melohwdeo, king of Srlem, priest of God lem prt&t of themost h t g i GO^, mho met xroirn6$iorov, 76" wvavr?jaay APpadp 6rroarp8$owr cinb Abraham rcturning the most high, who met llbraham returning from the from the a l a ~ r ~ h tofr e a6rdvS 2 K& 8 e ~ & r ~ v tho kings, and blenned ronjlc rGv PabiXkwv, rai E6Xoy j a a ~ him ; 2 to whom also nmiting of the kinp, and having blessed him; to whom also Sa %nth Ahrahnm gave a tenth r of nil ; first being 6 ~ Id ~ Y T W Y b t I ( U ~ V' A p p d p ' TPGTOV piv i p r ~ v ~ v d p r v o p p intmpretation Kin #of &i!ided 'Abrahnm ; flnt being interpreted of rightoouaneas, an% after that also King PuuiXedc 8ira~oairvt)~, Inerra.Gi rai paaiXe6~ZaXCp, 5 hartv of Sn1t.m which is Ling of riyhteousntrar, and then also king of Salem, which k ~ i u of Ace 3 with! g out f&r, h i t b u t paarXedc ~ i p t j w c ' 3 c i ~ c i ~ ~ bptjrljp, byrvraXdyqro~* mother, without deking of peace ; wi*out f u t k r , without mother, w~thout genealogy ; roent having neither r k d d n i n g of dnys,nor pFcr)rE 6 p ~ d v 4ppGv,~ T <w$g r i i o c &WV' ci(pwpo~w1~6voc.8i E end of hfe but made neither bepnning of days nor 'of %fe lend having, but assimilrted

r e ui$ r o i Qeoi, pivrc irprf


eic-~i)iiqvrrip. 4 8ewpeirr.dl
in perpetuity. Now consider

to whom 'wen *a 'tenth 'Ahraham 'gave aont Ooi whom even +e patri. h , g:e$F$htfEss;' rirv cirpoetviwv d r a ~ p t d p ~ q c . rai oi p2v 6 be rijv 6 verily that lothe llspoiL 'the 'patriuoh. And they indeed from among the areof the nbus of Led, aviGv" ~ A E V ~n j v iepareiav '' X a p p v r e c , dvroXljv i ~ o v a r v s o n d OiLevi, 'the w w t h w d ['who] receive, commandment have m commmdment to OLnode~aroirvbdv Xadv narh tbv vdpov, *rovr~crrrv," to tnke tithes from the people lccoordiug to the law, that ir, [from] E w , chat is, of the* ~o$~.dBeA$o6c.aGri)Y) raixrp iZeXqXu8drcrc hr rijc ba$lioc brethren, thongh they their brethren though having come out of the loins come out of the lbins ot Abrnhnm: 6 but 'AP adp* 6 6-82 ~.yveaXoy06~evo~a6rGv 8e6rnCirwb[ has tithed he whose dosoent is of hfrnhem ; but he [who? reckons no genealogy from t h a n not counted from them reoeived tithes of A- I C E V ' ~'Appacip, w ~~V" i rbv i Ovra rhc inayye)tiac CbXdbraham and blessed Abrahrm, and 'him 'who had *the 'promisw, 'bar him thsl had the pron dvriXoyias. T A Warrov 4nb TO; mires. 7 And without p r v ' " 7 ~wpic-d; d a t ] ~ s11 contrndietton the blessed. But apart from all gainsaying the inferior by the lens is blessed of the bettar, e ~ heremen ~cpeirroyoc ~ d e6Xoy~irat. 8 rai 6 d ~ derecirac kno8v?jarovrec $U that die receive titheas ~uperior ir blessed d n d hem 'tithes m ] 'die t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' o $Mp@dvovaiv.dxri.Bi, ~ dv8pwnot ~ ~ ~ paprvpo6pevac l r r t*. f witnessed that he liv'men *receive ; bat there [one] witnessed of that he &W 0th. 9 Levi also, may Q rai, cjc.Enoc.eineivi gBrd" 'Appadp. nai bAev5'1 d 8erdrac And M I who I . rcceiveth tithecl, payed md, W to S@, through Abraham, aho Led, who 'tither


4 Now t o the Son

of Qod, abides a pript

T ~ X ~ O ~ T~O ~ , K O how great this COW WU],

Z ~ a 8' ~ ~ 6 r 'Appadp i8wnev i t qv

~ h & ~ d ~ t ~ , t $ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ { d p , ' g t ~ ~ ~

For y! e in the lom. of [hi.) father 'rdven, b e n tithed. the l o l of his father ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ l $ i a t " ~ g e f " ,fiv, are uvvfivn)~eva&++ W' MeX~taedin. 11 Ei p3v PLY $ lim 'Melchbedeo. If indeed then rfeotionwere b the ha WUwhen Gvitical ~ r i d o o d t~ L i w a Pd rGc kA~v'irrG~n o d y c ~ J V , i ~ iq dXa6pydp (for under the ple meiveditthe peo- perfection by the Levitioal priesthood were, for thepeople['bared] what furtherneed was la&r$" n1v~vopo8inlro,n r i c Erc x p ~ i a xarci there chat another a priest shouldrlao after %pan ?it 'had 9ece1vod ['the]*law, what still need [won there] according t the order of Melbhise- rtjy rd&v M L X ~ L U E ~ ~ K Srepov tEviaraa8ar iepia, rai 04 deo*and be the order of Melchbedeo [for] onother ' t o 'arise 'priest ; and n b

2 Rfi:z

XapPdvwv 8ed~~drwrac' Err-yd 10

bv rg' bap6 r o f i . ~ n r p d ~

fmnaj) L,



Aauci TTsA.

8s (wad who, hpving mot) LTrA.


qtAoyqrtev L.

&is on the ground of it) LIT~AW. (vead

cino6crta~oiv TTrA. a a&'L ~ A . h Acvts I,; Aeveis n r A . .


vrvo)ro@in/rar receivedlthe]latv m ~ w . has

* - KQI( LLTT. . GT. -6

70% &T'ILY

- v { t v (read
k A w r c ~ ~ x iTA. js




HEBREWS. mrd n)v r d k v ' ~ n p & v XiyeaOai ; 12 pararr&pi~ac.yhp

For Jbeing bhnupcd

hmd there ohangc4 made ot ncc

W r d i n g t o the order of A H ~ tO bo nnmed t o ~ 71jc i ~ p w d v q c ,i . (ivciyr~lcgai vd ou S a p r i ~ a t h d ,from n m i n a b o of


L v

pcrcieeacc yivarur.
te p aa


ho of whom there FFor he of whom an mid these fhingr, nstriba l d l & e n t h p n r t in, of which this taineth t o another oitdeic npoaha~qrev r$ evaiacr~qpiy. 14 rpd6qXov. dp brr tribe, of which no man no one hsrgiven tittendnnae a t the altar. Em [it is] manxart that attendmm n t h altar 14 For it ir evi'Jo68a aivarirdrav d.~Cpio~.,jpOv, tic qv $vAtjv no5GC~dent' that ow ~ o r d d t of Judm m has sprung our Lord, arr to which tribe %othing rPrang out of Judm , of which t l l o t l e r rb r p ie wdvt)$ OMwaijc" dXBXqatv. 15 Kai nepiaadtepov apake nothing conai 'concerning prbsthood 'Mosca Yrpoke. And more nbundantly camin Pfiathood 16 ~ n itb h yet fnr rarci8trXdv ianv, ei kard ?$v dpoihrqra MeXxlne84r momcadeut :for +hat yet quite mnnifest it is, dnce acmrding to the similitude of Melchinodoci after !h0 nirailitade of Bfelcl~~scdeo thew n~ V ~ U T U T <~~ T E ~ O E , 8~ 06 i p~ ~ 10 ~ t W d y 6 p 0 ~ TO- riseth anothm ari* a 'priwt 'dlffcrent, who not nccordiug t o law ofDcommand- I6 who In made, no4 XtjcPaap~irc{c~ yiyovev, MXd ~ a r d 8C1~apiv t w i j c nnfter thelnn of a cnrn l commfln,~ment mrnt 'Aenhly hru h e n constituted, but according to power of 'lifo but nftor the power 04 ciraraXCrov. 17 qpaprvpei".yhp, "Orr a3 iep~dscic rbv m eudleu life. 17 For tslct18et,h, no,, '~ud~hsdublo. For he tc.rtlfias, Thou [mtl a prioyt for avt a p r i e ~ tfor ever of aiGva rard rljv rdEtv MeX~iaebll~.18 'Ae1rqais piv ydp nfter the order For Irlelchiradc, 18 ever nfhr the order of blclchisedec. *A 'putting 'away 'for there ir oeril a yiv~mr rpoayoCaqc ivrolijc, 6td rd.ah~$~.da8rvi~ ann~""goft{e cornrltere 1s of the 'polng 'belore lcouin~nndment, bocnuse of ita wenkncu rai civw~eXic, 19 058il~.ydp lreh~iwaev3 vdpoc, inetv- and a n r o f i t f i b l c n ~ and unyroflnbhucrs, f o r o t i g 3prfcctcd Ithe 'lnv,) [%he] ' i n h mule nothing perfect

13 i$'bv.ydp XQycrar ruirra, $vXijc ir: ac p ~ r i ~ q g e d$'.pfc v,


ayuy'j di ~ y t i n o r ~ o ~ ihiriGop, 8 i ( c iyyit0pev r$ BE@. 20 Kai

duction "nd of a better hope by which we drr.w new t o Qod.


~&tk:&d;~';"$ we

nigh untoGod, m And lunot with. out an onth fie conr X W P ~ Sprwpoainc eiaiv iepeir ye ovdre~,21 5.61 mncb priest: 21 (for wrthout [the] svonnng of an oath are 'pricats lt'come, but h thoso yrierta n ~ l a : madenitllout an onth; r p ~ r d n Spxwl~ooin~, 81d roS Xdyovroc rpbc ailrdv, but thin with an onth with [the] swenrlng of an onth, by him who strg.8, as to him, b him that mid nuto, hfm The Lord aware 'Qllou~v ~ 6 ~eai oir.p~rapeXq8rjarar, i 0 ~ 23 iepe6~ rbv nna' will not repent, eic %wore ['the] *Lord, and will not rcpent, Tl~ou [rut] a priest for Thou art a rlent fog ever attcr t%e aiGva *rarci rljv rciEtv R ~ ~ X X ~ U 22 rarci.(roaoirrovuU Melchilr~aeo:) ordor E~~C*~ of 2?bp ever according to the order of bIelcliiscdec,) by so much aa much was Jenur made n miret rpeirrovoc diaeilrqc yiyovev iyyvop 'Iqaoirs. 23 Kal oi tcr teatamen{ of a het2s oi n bottcr covennnt %ns 'bcome *surety 'Jeaul. d u d thry they trul were rnnuy ecause they piv nh~~orlici u i v . ~ y e ~ o v ~ r c c ~ bp4I1 did rb Bnvciry r w - wt4rc dot ruffered to Dunup lam priest) on atcount of by dentll l>clng coutinne by rasun of XCtaOai rapapiveiv~ 24 5.84, 8id rd.pQv~i~~.aLr3vg : , " ~ ~ & ~ ,,","! ~ ~ i ~ b ~ bmderwl from continuing ; bat he, bcoauae of his sliding for tln~leth ever, hnth m rdv aidva, drmpci/3arov &er rIjv i~ wu6vqv' 25 iitlev mi unchRn~enbla bwd. W ~heraf,"%; nu, U t r a n ~ m k i b l e ' h a 'the & i e s t l ~ d \Vhenc-e also l, h ,o to B.v, oh{etv aip.rb.navreMp 8Ci*arnr r o 6 ~ ?rpooep~opir~ovc that to the unto God h' them come nttermwt to mve completely he is able thole who by by him, ~eeing ever he OF$, r i v r o n @v d~.rd.lvrvyxivar~ );:p up:. & ;;i, h g;k;h& a6r0; to interwde him to God, alwaya living L6 For ruch an hiuh ~, , W, who 26 roioirror;.ydp i v ?irpenev ( ~ J I X I E ~ E Lbatof, ( ~ K ~ K O Cpriest For mch high Apriwt, holr, humleu,


05 xwpic


0 i

pdv ydp,

bp how much [it was] not apart from [the] swearingof month, (stlley


P o a p x i y c fleshyLlTrAW. 0 MaiiQljs OLlTrAW. we$ icp&ov (priests) oh8iv LTTTAW. pe0' L x a r a 7i)v ra&v P pcrp.rvpci~ac (read for he i~ testified of) LTTSAW. XLUCSCKWrA. ( T W O ~ O LTTIAW. a u 8180 TA, 1 iepeis yeyov6res LAW. d &SO LL]l'T.rAW.



harmleu, nndclilcd) sepnrato from , sil~aeri i n d made highcr 'than the heavens. 37 who needeth not d;ily, an thosehigh priets, to offvr np ancriKce, 6rdtfor his own sins, and then for the : for this he ~d once, whcn he offercd U himself. 28 For the Paw makvth ulen high pricats which havo ~nfirmity but the word of the'onth, which wnr aince the lnw. m n k t h the Son. who b conwcratad for evermore.

undefiled, 'than 'the 6heavens

from sinners, who has not nna

'higl~er neces-

is h01

ipiavroc, re~wptapivo~ rdv.drpaprwXGv, rai C$qAdrtpoc 6nb


rGu oitpnvdv y~vdpevos*27

'become :

oitrrxer ~a%'.$pdpav &vhyday Ly day


q v , Gaaep oi dpxup~Z~, rpdrepov 6nip rdv-ibiwv i p a p r d v sity. 5m r t for hi own sins -. as the high - pries@, . Bvaiac & v a $ i p ~ ~ v ,r ~ i r a TOY roG Xaoi)' roiiro.rdp r
eacrifices he did
'to =offer Jup,


for those of the people ;

for t h u

b~oiqaev *d$ci?raE,"iavrhv ~ c i ~ e v i ~ r c a28 ~ c . t.vd.pog-ydrp&vonce for all, 'himself 'haviug 'offered Sup For the law

~aQiarqoiv dpxcepeZc, .Zxovrac ciaOEv~rav. 6.Xdyoc.dl

'constitutes high priests, [who] have
in6rrnit.y ; but the word


had perfected.

of the swearing of the oath, wh'ch

C i l after

per& rbv vd
. W

vihv eis rhv

a Son for

aidva rereX~twpivov.
of the Ke$ciXaro~.& i n $ role Xeyopfvors, TOLO~~W things which we have Now a summarJ of the thin@ being spoken of [is], 3such spoken this is the sum: r BtEl$ roil Qpdvov r i g We hare such high E X O ~ E Y cipx~~pQa, hrdQia~vv BC b prient, who is set on 'we have a high priest, who sat down on [the] right hand of the throne of tho the right hand of the Majesty t(~yaXwu6vqsv TOTS O~PUYO?C, b 2 rGv hyiwv ~ E L T O V P tcai ~ , ~ ~ throneof i n the heave2 gwatnesn in the h e a ~ e n s ; 'of %he 'holies 'min~scer, and miuistcr of the dnctnOf the true rijs arqvijs rijsMqOtvijs, $v ZrqCev d KL LOS, *rail' oljx tnbernycle, which the of the a h h d 'true which apitched 'the &ord and not Lord pitched, m d not

m. Now

,, ,,

S For every high priest ia ordnlned to offer gifts a d

r \ mn

3 IIBc-ydp dpxtepeirc ei: ri, npoa$lpeiv 6Gpci.r~rai Bvaiac

h*h iUiest


t o offer

both gifts and sacrifices -

raOiararai' iiOev dvayraiov 3xew ri rai roilL constituted ;whence [it~ necebanry ~ is] *to %onething ?also ['for] ~ 'thir ~ ~ n ~ man have somewhat rev 5 rpoaeviyrp. 4 6 i - p ; ~ 'ydp1' +v b?ri yes, 0bb
nhould not be a priest

sow^^^^&^^ aone which he d a y otfer. 'If Yndeed 'for he were on earth, not even i i v - 4 ~ iepe6c, h w v brGv iepiwvll rdv .rrpoappdvrw~j i z g :t:j:izBik he be pries., there being the priestm who ~ would offer
according to the law : 8 serve nuto the example and ahndow of heavenly things an MOLW Wdrud niehed of God wheu he was about t o make tile tabernacle : for See saith he t h i thdu make all ;bings according to the puttern ahewed to thee i n tb mount. B ~ unow t hath ho o b t ~ ~ n c a d mcre excellent ministry, by how much alM) he is the mediator

~ a r d c ~ h vvbpov rd 63pa, 6 dtrcves ll

law the giits, who serve lYoaer of the

6ao6eiypari ~ a i

according to the

[the] reprcsencatlon

~arpeirovorvrGv inoupaviwz~, ~ a % k ~ t x p q ~ d r t a hea~enlies, accordmg aa



Jdl~lnelp *mfor, see,


d M w u j l ~ n t M ~ v bnrreheZv p
being about t o conrwuct

the tabernacle ;

al(rlv?!p, "Opa,-ydp 6ei~06vra

$qUtV, ~?rolljupc" r a ' ~ t a ?


T ~ V 6 ~ ?by 7 0 ~

says he, thou make all things according t o the

pattern which woa ahewn


b v


thee in

the mountain.

6 f ~ -64 ~ i ' ~ 6la$opwripas

But nopp a more excellent *he ' i s

'heheJhas 'obtained med~ator,


by 80 much an also of a bettar better prourns


rai ) ~ ~ ~ i r r d v d . s dta8i/rltc peairqc, hariv


upon better promises. which upon 7 For if thnt first m. t


has beon eatnblished.


Lsa, then shol,ld no that f i n t [one] were faultless, not for B second would 'be 3sought 111cehuve Imen sought dp c' rdkoc. 8 p~p$d.p~voc- h a h ~ ~ iU y E l , '1606, <pipCYi $he wcond. 8 finding fault with 'place. Bor finding faurt, .o*them 'he %aye., Lo, l days


$v (ipep~roc, A 6evripac oirr v


* i$ n a t Tr. g if then indeed) L

h a 6 ~ 0 i ) (read t

Y wpourv6y~ac having offered T . rai LlTrAW. a o h (read ~ A W . b riuv iepCwv (read &V those who) 1 . m ~ ~ . T ~ V a LTTrA. Mwiioip OLlTrAW. uocjvecs thou ahrrlt .nake X X ~ ~ W . f w v L Sri7v~ev LTAW.

finding hult wlth tbsm) r?

~ m t

djotoc, rai OVV~EX;UW
iord, md

~ 6 vOTKOY '
how not

hiter ,
Hitn [the!

i n


I will rutify

aa rcgurilr the

thein the day* com he mfth* ho111,'




flu n6X rai

of fwwl and

id ri)v
dr regtwds the

hou* which

*Ivi8a 8 r ~ O ; ) ~a ~ v ; I v9 oh n m t with the houw of r v ~ willm*keanuwcov*

of Iudn a b u n n n l ~ t i n o r ;

rari iv


droiqaa rvis.mrpdatv.a6rGv,
I mnde
with tlieir fathers,

the h o w of Judnh: g no*

recording to the

h =," :!

k, ,; "~: ::

tjpipq ~irrXu,L~o}ibvov!pov~ rtj~.x~ipb~.ahrGv i&xyayeiv their fathcn in the in ;the] dHJ of my tnking holl of thoir Band to lead day when I took them hy the hand to lwd airioir'c i k yqc A;yhmov' 6rr a h o i o i r ~ . ~ v ~ ~ e ri v athcmout of thelnnd of v
in E ~ YiPh~ w e they n continued not In my and I romy coveuant, and I dimgnrded them, raith [the] Lord. Becnlue gnrded them not, mlth the Lord. 10 For rbir t j GraBj~qkfiv 8mBjaopat ry' oiky 'IapatjX perd i~ the covenant thrrt I W8 [h] the corennlit whioh I will oovenunt with the h o w of 1-rael after will make with the house of Isno1 after rdr~$pbpac-ireiva~, Xbyat c6 roe, br8oZIc vipovs..pov eic th, day@, -1th the thoae days, nays [the] A d , giving my law, iuto Lord 1 will put k w r into their m i x n)v.6rcivorav.airrGv rai i n i 1~ap8iask6rJv inrypci$w airro6cSand d ,thorn t their mind, abo upon aherrrt~ 'their I will inscribe them ; their hearts : and I them out of [the] lnnd of Egypt; becwise they did not continue

6.6tnbj~p.pbv,*hY& ?jpbXl)anatrijv, hiyet

10 B ~ coveimnt, L


bnd I will be to them for

rai Zoopat aCroi(: eic Bedv, rai airroi iaovrai pot

God and they And not at all ohall they tanoh each


,:* I 1 ~ a ioir.pq 8dc8ciSwarv sicaaroc rbv mnhqaiovhair~oir, rai

'neighbour the lhi*, his brother. ~ ~ i n g Know ,

shall be to me for people. a people r 11 and they and and every m m h k



~ ~ ~ t ~ , " ,

2 ; :

t Gz E {g

Ircaaroc rbv.ci8eA$bv.atro3, Xbywv, I'vGOt rdy r6prov~ 6rr


~ t ~ know me from the

d v n l ; eisQnovaiv ps,
&l1 rhnll know

c l d


naairrvu S'wc
[one] of them


me, from [the] little

to [the] ful to their unri ht-


and Because meroiful I wifb t o thcir u n r i g h t a o u s n ~ rcri r ~ ~ . d p ~ p r r 3 ~ . a i r r c j v rirv.~vnptijv.airr~v~ Orai oir.pi) no mora l 8 I n that he md their 8inr urd thek lawlessnin no wire uiLh A made the fird he h;th new i t r . 13 'Ev r $ Aiyerv catvjv, rennhaiwnv old. Now that xhich paBG ri 11remember mora. I n the saying New, he hsl made old dcca~ethrind ddLruadytOranl& njv ?rpPrqv' rb.88 nahato6pevov xai yqp&arov iyyb~ rsvar. tb 6mt; bat that which growsold a d aged [L] near grwt [one] of them

airrGv. 12 1rr newc iao at rai(:-hidarc.aairrGv, eo~.n*.



Then the ordinnnoas of divine firat covenant had also of mrvice, and h e uactuary, a worldly [one) IFor a tabernncle wu and a urc~vciaeg ,j n cjrq, iv 4.s~ XvXvia rai rpk- nanctu&y. 2 For them in wh~ch [were) both the W p t M and the prepared, the tar { a Kai ,j npdeeary t i j v ciprwv, i j r r ~ Xbye~ab '&yia.' 3 rd the candlestiak and the table, an$ the ble and the presentntion of the loaves, which t called holy ; ahewbrend. which L $b rb 6eirrcpov karaxiraqpa U K ~ V ? ~,j hayopivq 'Zylar a l l c d the ' e a ~ t u a r y . 'hut the reoond veil tabernaole which [is] aalled holy 8 And af ter the aecond veil the tsbernnole dyiwv, 4#~pva05v ixovan Bvprari)prov, cai stjv ri@wrbv whioh iscaiiedth~ MOof holies, C agolden 'haring censer, and the ark of the lient of all 4 which hnd the golden censer knt)$qe ~ E ~ ~ K E K ~ V ~ ~ ~ V I J Y ~ p v ~ i ~ p , T~VTOOEV 4~ au~lthearkofthccovd 'wlth %gold, in wldch nnnt overlnid roi~ud awrenant, having bean oorered round .in *evsry bout with gold, whereard vos ovaij c'xovaa ri) pdvva, rai 1.j Pa'PGoc 'Aapiv in,, the golden pot the] 5oloMen having the maand the rod of Aaron thnt had mama, and 'Had 'iudeed 'therefore 'also Ithe

9 PE1xsvnpiv

odv qraiH r'j nghrq racqu?jfl dtkathpnra


Aatpeiac, 76.r~ ~ y r o v ~0upr~d.v.

2 a~qvtj.~d~ rare-




m L k [fiov] (read my covenant) L ahGv L hi8 [fel?k~] citizen) omrmw.


holy of holies b .

Etxe T.



' r i Zyta &v

- um)e

- a aholyo vplaw v; r . of hO\eS) rTr. i v o r u av v r o B (rmd the holy

~ L

1~ap8iav he?rt-T.






the oovensnt. 5 and t h y sprout& and tha tabletr rt ,he coreasno ; and ubura Orer the ch(Orubiu~ auric txapovj3ipn 6 d t ~ craruaaid:ovra rb iXnari,piov* ",'$,"J"~~$~i~f,~$ [the] it ohernbim ofglory erer~h~~dowing the Rorcyaelrt; we r w k repi cjv 06k.iartv viiv Xiytrv rardr.plpoc. now [the time] to spnk thew oonoerninp whioh I t i not . in detail thinthu or6 Tol;rwv.GC oijrwp raraareuaapivwv, tic piu njv rphrqv & ~ ~ d i l w ~ ~ Now thew things thur having been prepared, into the flrat mbermle, .c- u ~ p u j v rdiaraurbs'l aioiaaiv oi iapcir. rhc Xarpeiac b.rrtreXofivOocupli'l'&th; t a b e r w l e a t all tienter the prieara, the aervices accomplish-

$ , f , O f ~ d 4~ @Xaar;laaaa,rccri ~~~~i

ai lrXciKoc t j i ~ bra8;lwc* 5 6s~p(r'141.31

y%,","':ien izLiy$

into t u m o u d W tees 7 is-dCrIjv Gavrlpav l r a t roir-ivtavroir pdvoc b hpxlathe high prbt .lone ing $ but into the noond once in tho year aloue the high once evwy y w not ~ w p i a'i CLTOE, ~ A P O ~ $ ~rO E iauroir rai ; ip ~ without blood h i c h pal;^, o t good, which he offA for a he offured for h nof, p r F t , not .part from , the m sf l himwlt and the g o p l o t 8 the twv TUG XaoG d l Y u o ? ~ ~ h r ~ w o 8 rofiro dqXoiruroCroir rvahhoot t h h sipni- tb *of 'che .peopio 'aim Yof iguoruuce: l l t h k lL*ignifying 'the 'Spirit , C nt cho wn inbiieat 0Z.a parop roJ h iov, pi)nw m$avrplju8nr rrjv riuv dyiwv w u not et made *the LQ&oly, [thnU not pot hlu been made mauifeat the uof %he l o U m mnnifs.t w&le u the i r t tadcrnacle b6bv irr rijc 1rp3rqc arr)vCc lxohaqc arhatva 9 fjric Yet 8tandiUg : 9 which 'way, *still 'the '5rrt 7tabern.wle 'hnring r, standing; which [iq] W a r a fisurt, for the tiiue then p r w u t , iu ~apnj30Xtj aip T ~ ICCILPLV Y rbv ivaorqcdra, rae' 83oh.r~ which were ottered aslmile for the 'time 'pralent, in which bothgifu both md ~ w r i B-,, thnc could uot 8uaiai npotr$6pourai, p4 dvv(ip~~*al lcard avuei8~)aiv E T make hiru that did the and 8ncri5& ue offured, uot being able M to conscience to rerrice perfect, M pertainiup to the con. Xat3aai r b ~ a ~ p t l ; o v ~ ~ ~ , 10 pdvov hsi pphpaaiv ~ a i X ~cie~loe wludrtood perfect ; 10 him who uuvm, [conei8ting] only in mtatr aud



lrdpaatu ~ ~ ~ d i rai bca+dpoic parriupoic,

' m ; l y6ilcat&patv1laaprcdc,
and ordinances of fleqh,

wcuhinga, m d m n a i ordinances imporsdm luti,vtlre of





dmp8&~w~ irtnipaua. 11 Xpim464


raform.tioe 11 nc I ['the] *time 'ot 'retting 7chingr 'right limposed. But Christ Chriat belug aome an hi,h primt of good ?rapayl~cip~uo~ (i xiapEi~srirv zp~XXdzlrwvn ciya8&~, 6id rijg thtWa -me, by l to being pneec of the coming good thing(, by the

f ~ ~ ~ yz~ pciZovop rai r~X"ior6par. , " n ~ ~ urqvijc, 06 xeiporoi~rov, 'rouriarivJ ,, , A bonds, that greater a d more periuct tabwucle, not mnde by lmnd, (that L, to not of thir o t raCrrlp rljp rriotwp, 12 0684 6r' a'iparos tpriywv rai
build1 12 neither by thu?ibod of goatr -lv-, but by hi6 own in blood hethe holy into ontered p b bvlnOobtained tiOn* W. 13 For it blood ofb* a d of gortr and the n h m 04 bu beifer rprfnklln the uaclern MC~/! bth to the iurifying of the flah: 14 how much !non t~ blood of Chrlat, who through the eternal Bplrit oftered himaalf wlrllout #pot to Qcd, g your conscience ded to wrvs the living Qod ? 1b ~ n for th* mum L tbodlurbtor of


of rhir





of goatr'


pdoxwv, bid.&
1 but by eternal

toG.i6io~.a'iparo~ ~iurjX8av bh$hnaEll

hie own blood:
mdemption and entered ouce for all having iound. when of a heifer


rd (iym dwviav hirrpwatv csirpcipevo~.u13 eiydp rb alpa

t holig b
Fur It the blood sprinkling the


drabpwv eai rpdlywv", ~ a oro6bc 8apciXewp $avrcCovaa rolip i

of bulls and of gontr,


(i~rrirli npbp rtjv tijp oaprtbc kaeapbrqra,

ronotlAen for the b f *&he Yeah 'purity,

14 rdo p&lAov rb a b a ros ~ptoroir,8~ bid

how m u 2 rather the blood of the ChrLt
U ~ O ~ ~ U dpwpov #V E


who through [the] 'Spirit

Lecrrnsl * h b l f




t$ 8$, raeapi~i r)jv t w 8hall purify o ,

avv~i8qutve6pGv'l Dirb vecpdv tpywv, sic rbXarpot;arv Get' 'wrscienoe 'your from dead works for to eerre *Qd[lthe] cirwrf; 16 Kai &h-roiiro GiaOrjq~miuijc peaimp iuriv,
sllring t And for thL renmn of a soovenant 'new mediator *he *h,

[aim~le]) LTT~AW.
r a g i u n v OT.

xepa@eiv ~ m r xcpov/3iv A, ;



81A -i ~n aQLT[T~]AW. uolwk LTrA. a t 4 ~ r*qav (mad according to which i Gu ytvopivwv L. i+' i a t ~ r . eirpdp~vos E. rp4ywv rai ravpwv LTTrAW.

L ~ ~ A W .

+ wi & @ L v ~ ~ t l d

L .

IX. 6-E


y ~ ~ ~ E$ b ~ ~ . p cinoM~~wuev !Gu
hnsing taken plaoe for 'trmaugrerniolu, the redahption provlae o the 'under

6 the

~lotlut, death

'"mig~~t"receive tcbtnmcnt, they which the 16 are xdt)pfvoc rGc aiwviov chrlpovopia~. ;.zro~.~dp onlled might re 0i (zor where cerve the promise of s b b y ' w h 'havu*bBOnUwlled 'the J e t ~ u l *iuher~tnuce. ~ 'of eternal inheritance. GcaBrjq, Btivarov civhyrcrl roG 16 I or where a testn[Eb~mh]atertnmeut,r f o r 'the] .death ['it 'is] 'necra&y l0to come "in 'ofuthe m-nt W , there must nlso of neceqsity be the 4urBryivov- 1 8mehq.ydp 7 @EdaiC(, bnEi death of the testatoy. For a t e d t a a ~ u cin the oase of [the) d a d [h] atfirmed, rinoe 17 Por a testament u 'testator. of force after r m w e u gjmn iox6a &E d &aOkptvoc.g l8 6 d ~ v hoh8'u dad. otherwir it is no war it k of foroo when 9 'living 'the 'taacacor.) Whence na~therof no strength a t a11 whlle the testator 9) ry&rq xwpic a rnros iiy~~caivrorac,l! 7 19 XaAqBtitqc liveth. 18 1yhereupon the i n t apurt from (Ilood hnu been inaugurated. 4Having stipoken neither the firat tutanml wan dedicated ~ r i o t j s ivrohijc ~ a r d vdpov M MwVbiws r a v r i wItI,out bloodOd. &everyao~mmandment according t o law by Aw Cr t o all when Moses had spok-

'v biadtjkfi

aapa/3cio~wv,rrjv i.zrayyehiav


tutament 'ymennsot delrth: for the redemption of tl~eun~~ionsthat




peaer er cc

e p

gPzPt With c o r d i y to the law oi the G8aro~ n iuiov rocrrivou rar vooPaov, airrd-re rb Pe/3Xiov he ~ i r a w : and Jwool 'scarlet and hyuop, both slrwlf ltha Ybook CalvBI "ld m d scnrwith nnter Of rb let wOO1l alnd hy*aOpl rai ncivra rbv Xabv mi' i t i v r c a ~ v ,20 Xtywv, To3ro ~ aud sprinkled boththe the people spriuued, T* the book and all the yeoptoyte, hnvhg taken the blcud of d v e a and of gartl,



rb a7pa rirv pJaxwv xai rpciywv, pcra


:rJ 2

Hwd of che oovwanb rhioh

a+a njc draBljqc $S ivsrseAuro ~ p b s ir

Cujoiued .to


enjoined unto ruinistrarion with ~ ~ ~ n M " , ~ " , " ~ ~ ~ $ a7parl d o i w ~ m i ~ ~ ~ v r l a t v ' "~ a uxe86v iv a7pnr~both the tabernnote 22 i m d all the ve~aela 04 and durosC +ith L ! d in life mtrnner h* sprurklcd ; the ministrj. 2 And ' ravra ~a0api<arac card rdv vdpov, cai xlupic a; ar- almost all things u e b thelawparged m t h Ilr. and n p v t from 'allthingu arr ponfied accordi~g the to rind rithc2t yyvolcis 06.yivErac ~ ~ $ E U L C . 'Av(iY~7) 29 081' 7d pjv mheddingof blood isno W i n g there is no remissrun. [It v s necebrury then [for] the p ] rembsion. 33 It W W therefore necessary droGetypara r l i a dv roic oirpavoic roirroi~rra0apicto0ar, that the patterns of rapwreututions of the t h i n p i n the heavens with these to bo purified, thin in &e hearena b shou% be purified with rci inovpa'vra h-p~irroarvhatalS aapd ra6rac. t h ~ but the hen; ai1rd.G butJthcmsolves 'the 'henvenlicr wrrhbbtte, saerrftcea than thew. w n l y things them&elves with better u o 34 oir.ycip is xrrponoiqra ncyia ~ i a ~ X B t'v" xpi~rdc, 3" civ7i- ri5cea t h n theae. For not into 'made 'y 'hands 'holies b entarod the Chriit, 5- 24 For Christ b not entered into the h01 virv w n i i rliv Mqervliv, &XX' eis airrbv rbv otpavd.~, ip$am ~ i e witl; paw of the true [oner], but into Ytrelf Iheaven, now to which ore the

orcqv~jv dl xai d v r a ~ d oxe6q z i j ~X~rrovpyias ry" b t h r

the v d oi the


dBt6c. 21 rai
'td (c.

And bment


the takrnncle too and



&L airrbv r r y for him

26 for then must he often have anffered8in0ethef0UnOf the U V V T E ~ ~ ~ ai&vwv, E ~ J : ri)v pv3v -66 L ' m g h i : Bus now once in [the] oonsummation of the agw, for [the] putting but now once in the a& drpa riac, 6ed rijs.Bvoiac.airr03 rc$avipwrac. 27 rai end of the world bath away ofsin by hfr aacriflce he haa been manifested And ha sin by the putr i way w ra8.8~0~ &rc;x~irae rois (iv6pdro~s 6naE (iroBavtiv, ETU 5- of himself. 27 And M it k appointed unto tor M much M it iu mpportioned


tohare suffersd from [the] foundation of [thefworlld.

aaB~iv cinb

xurn/3ohijc r6o ovq yU othen




Read tlre rentmce cls a qucstion L .





ipawwev L T ~ L s LTR.

t+h&r iyiyccr m~

iv- T .

+ rbv the L T ~ A W .






die but xprurbg finac apoaevex8~i~ ~fter this the ?udg- 8; r03ra rpiaic' 28 oi:rwc merit: 28 so land this, judgment ; thus the Christ, once having been offered war Once Offered t o T A noXX3v dveveyr~iv htiaoriac, ir.6eur6pov x w t i g bear the sins of many. and them thnifor 'many Ito 'hear ['the] *dinr, a second time snl,urt ,from


without ration

t;p"o,f";h~~~~,";~t$; &papday unto

10*in salvntion.



abriu c i a ~ r 6 e ~ o ~ 6 veis ~ oc
'him .awa~t

' h l l 'appear 'tO .those 'that



10 Ertbv-ydrp ixwv 6
For *a shadow "hnving 'the

vdpo~ TOY peXXdvrwv dyaOGu, 06s

'lnw of the coming goud thin@, not i n > a ~ a ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ , " r1jv ~ir6var&v ~ p a ~ p b r w K,C C T ' - ~ V ~ U V ~ ~ , Y a;+ , v rai~.airmic things to come, and 'itself 'the "image of the things, Sear by year with the same the verycan never 6vaiaic ?rpoo~6povucv~ ~ . T A . ~ L ~ V E K $ S 0686nore 'Girvaracu E the things, with those sacrificer, sacrifices which the7 offer i n perpetuity never is able whichtheyOffered~o.u roiq ~ ~ O U E ~ X O ~ V O U ~ 2 r~Xec&uai. 'oh~'.~v.bnairua)ir~ by year continually make the there- Shose4who 'al~gronch 'to 'perfect. Since would they not have c w e d p 00$6 p ht lE U U ~ , 8td t i ) pl/G\~piav~ X E L Y.&L a v v ~ i ~ q u i v unto ceuRedto be not then would they ofhave perfect. 2 or t o be offered, on nccount of 'no vnny 'hnving *longer 'oconscience fered 7 because that hpapri3v TOGS Xarpeho~ra~, iinaF w ~ ~ ~ a ~ n p p 6 v o v s i ~ ; 8 the worshippers oncw uof urina ~~h~~~ zNho %brve *once 'purged 7 But urged ahould h:rve ~ n d n o m 0 r e c o ~ ~ c 1 ~iv e n o airrnis riv&pvqocc&paprcGv rar'.dvravrdv. 4 d86i n thew a remembrance of sin* year by year [there i s 1 *Impor remo~ubrance ngtrin 11arou y(ip aTyca rairpwv m rpbywv ciqacpeiv cipapi made ot alna c v w sible ['it =is] 'for [for the] blood of bulls and of goats t o take away sins. 58". 4 For i t ia not EI' o v xBvuiav rai poasible th.,c the blood riag. 5 Ali, ~ia~pxcipevoc~ r i ) ~ d ~ p Xty~c, of bulls and of goute \Vhercfore coming into the world he sap, Sncrifice and blrould take a w u j sins b W I \ wllen he ? ~T P ~ ~ $ ~ P & " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 06r.?j9dAqaa~, ~ a3pa.61 rarqpziaw pot' (3 bXocomerh intothe world, offcriug thou willedat uot, but a hody thou didst prepnre me. Burnt be baith, damrifice and offer in^ thou thouwouldest ~ a v r ~ Kai ~ r a ~ repi hpapria~ o6~.~el;cidno~~ua~. not, but a body hnst offerlnga a d [sacrifices] for sin thou delighteast not i n thou prepnred me. 6 in 7 rdre ETBOY, burnt oEerings.and '1806 ~ K W h repaXi8c PiPxiov yiypamar , r a o $ c e tor sin thou Then I snid, Lo, I come, (in [the] roll of [the] book i t is written


~ & $ ~ d a ~ ~ repi 6po3, roir roiijuac, i) Bedc, ri)-06Xqph.aov. 8 'AvDrepov t o do, 0 God, thywill. Above me,) come (in the volume Of of me,) t writ- X'E ~ U "Or& Z 6 ~ ~ i ' d~ ' I i ~ p ~ ~ $ ~rai( i ~ , ' of the book i toisdo , ~a a p dXoravrDpara will, 0 God. 8 Above aaY1ng~ Sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings when he said, Sacrifice aeoi hpaprias 06~.$6tXqaa~, 0681 b~6G6rtlaaC," and offeringand burnt and oferinp and [sacrifices] fog sin thou willedst not, nor delightedst in, for sin thou wouldent qi'rclree rard Crbv" vdpov ~p0~$6pourac, T ~ T E ? P ~ I C E V , 9 E not, neither hndatplea- ,(which according t o the which law ~1.c offered) ; then he mid,

are offered by the law. 1806 jjuw r?ir A O L ~ ~ U d6 Ofdg,I1 ~ i ) . O f h ~ ~ ~ i bdvaipei ~L, . ~ ~ v . rb wn,e to do thy 0 theu said ha, LO f h I come, : t o do, 0 God, thy will. R e takos away the O Q O ~ .a e taketh r- rpwrov, i'va ri, 6eLr~pov artjap' 10 i v eeXip4~8 way the first, that he first, that the sowud he mny ehtobliah ; by which wtll may estahlisl~the sebapiv cond. l0 By the which ~ y ~ a u p E ~ o c 'oi' 61d T<C ?rpo~$,opzc r0c a6paros 'ro/U will we are sanctified Sanctified Iwe 'are through -the offer~llg of the hody through the offering of , the boay of Jesu* Iqaoir xpcuro~Rt$b?rai.'l 11 Ka; T G ~ piv hi~peifcl' S'arqlcev Christ once fl all. of Jesus Chrirrt o' onw for all. 4nd crcry priest sinuda 11 And- evrry prieat stnndr*th daily mini- ra0'.rjPHpav XELTOZ'~Y&V, 6 a6rdc ?roXX&ri~ ~ a~ l s ?rf30~$8pWU ~ t e r i n g and offering day by dny ministering., and the s.lme aofruu 3offering oftelu inles the same Y Bvaiac, d;rcveg oir86;ror~GCvavrar ? T E P I E ~ E ~dlpaprtac* ancrificc., which never nre nlile t o tnke away slna. which ner:.~ take nwny sine : 'sacrifi~oa, . t 6 I j v a ~ a they are able LTr. i o h not atF, TA. K a i also OLTTrAW. ~ c ~ a O e p i u p d v o u r; ~ e u a 6 ' a p i u p ~ v o ~ c L TTrAW. the sentence not ac a question) B . 1 Ouaiac eacr~ficea LTTI AW. qil86qua~ LTT~A. rrpocr4op~v a Ovcriav W. ~ i rrpou40p&p offe~ings LlTrAW. b $ti8dKl)~(r~ LTPT. C rbr L T T ~ ~ A ~ d 6 BeQr OLTTIA \V. oi EQLlTrAW. f TO< OLTTCAW. B i+' &a& Tr. tipxeep~~~

p -


high priest


12 1abr6s".U piav i d p &paprrGv npoaaviyrac Quaiav, tic
Buc he, 'one Yor 'sins 'having 'offered .ancrifice, of God,

~~~~~~;r~~;:~ft rlflce for for ever

s Grqverir ixci0raev iv d
porpecuity antriting

at dovn

~ E { L I ,r? i e ~ ~ i 13 76.h0~7ri)~ tlown on the righi o j , eat i1~07r68rov rGv till hia enemiea be
[as] a footstool heucaforth hnnb of God ; 13 from henceforth expectimg his enemies

a t [the] right lmnd


re6Garv oi.ix6poi.afiroZ
be placed

made his footstool. 11 For by one off~rirrg he hath perfected f a for 'feet 'his. For by one offering he has perfected in porpe- ever them that snnctifled. 15 Whe~aeof VEKLS so6c dryratopivovs. 15 Maorupei.86 4piv xai rb 7rv~Spathe Holy G ~ O HIUO IS S ~ h i t y the sanctified. And bklus witness to ad also the Spirit a witnew to us : for after that he had a:~id rd dyrov' perd.y&o rb k n p ~ ~ c ~ q ~16 ~Asrq c , U 6ta- before, 16 ~ h i a the ~ ~a u the Holy ; for after' the having (se~d before, Thia [is] the cove covennnt thnt I make with them after 8jrq $v 6iaQ;laopat npb!: ahr06~ ~ r d p rci~.?jpipac.tkaiva~, thole any" ~ n i t hthe nanC which I will covcnnnt towrrrds them after thone dnyq Lord I w'ill put my lewa )into their hearts, hbyec riroioc, 8i806g v d p ~ ~ c - hni;rdv, rai bni and in their miada ~OV mys [the] Lkrd : g i ~ ~ n g my lnws into their hearts, also into wlll I write thorn 'ruiv k a ~ o r d vabrGv in~ypii$uabroits* 17 xai rGv clpapnuiv f : i $ ~ ~ ~ ~ I '~ 'minds 'their I will inscribe them ; and 'sins mcrnber no more.

no8Gv atroii,

14 p&@-ydp npoa$opqi rereXaicdrev ' eic.rd.8rt)-

atrdv ~ a rdv~ivopr~v.abrLjv i 06-ptj

'their an4 their lawle~snesser

sion of them (8. there 18 Now where reo~inin no wise w Iremeraber any more. is no more offeringfor i


l 8 67rov.66 ci$ears roirwv,



npoaqopci napi sin.

But where re~uiaaion of these [is], no longer [is there] an odering

19Havingtherefore, entrance into brethren bldnern *a enter i n L the ho~i-t rGv dyicuv T@ aypar4 ' I ~ u o G , 20 jjv i v ~ r a i v r u ~ v $pi: b the b 1 ~ of Jerr~r, 1 7whicb 'he Bdcdlcatod "'for U by a new nnd lirthe holied by the blood of Jesus, tug way, which he b66v n04a$arov ~ aCdaav 6rd roir ~ara7rarciuparoc, i 'rovr- b t h conlecrated for 'a "wny ';ewly *made 'rind Oliring through the that us, through the veil, veil, Htbving therefore, brethren, boldness for

1s 'Exovrec o h , ci8eX$oi, nabbqaiav cis n)v.eiao6ov


iarcv' rij~..crapr6g.atroir,21 kai iapia piyav i n i rbv




his dcsh ;
of God bnving],

and a spricat Lgruat Over the a true hearts heart,

house priest ovcr tha 11on.e in in tail msurnnoe of

23 npoaep~hpeeaperd (;Xqervic rap8ias iv ~

we should approach with

?rhqpoqopipniarew~, Oh~~avrcapCvoi'Lrcic rap6ias d n i avvfull arriwauce of faith, hrvlngbeensprinkled[ns to] the

ar8tjbawg novqpiE~,rai
ecience 'pure. lwicked,

from sacon- nuevil oomience, nlld our bodies wanhe11 with pure water. and havlng been washed [M to] the body with 'water 23 ~~t hold faat

~ Jpohoyiav Y



xadapq?.q 23 m r i x w p ~ b T
for [ib] flithfi~l who he

lYa ehould hold f a t the

confcasion of the

r f i dhni80~ i ~ X r t ~ i 4i ~ ~ ~ C
hope unwavering, in

. (for

~ t f ~ ~ ~ ;
is f,rith-

and we should consider one :& n,: "il h t , : " r o l e unto rlove nntlnot nod w o h : 25 to hjhovc cis napotvapbv dycinqs ~ a mXGv Zpywv, 25 i another for provoking to lava and t o good works ; not forsaking the iyraraXeirovre~rrjv incauvay~ytjv CavrGv, ra6Ac bling of our8elve~ $0torlekiug the u m b h g together of o ~ ~ l v oven a [the] u , 860r; T L U ~ V , c i u d ~rapamrXoirvr~. rai roaobry hortlng m another. B I ~ C O U T P , ~ ~ BC O U another], and by so much and 80 mucbtho rn0-e ~ ~ -U,= [i~] with 80me ; but ar yo me the dny a ZhXov 6ay Phirare iyyi~ovaavrtiv $pfpnv. 26 irou- prolrchiug. 26 For [thef more u pe H I drawing new the (11,y. ['Where] 'will- W .in wi14n11~ e after thst we hare received oiwc c?t & a ravdvrov 4pi)v pcrd rb.Xadeiv rtjv b7riyvwa~vthe knowledge of the p ,, ingly for p p ,S *we &er recaiving the hotvledge truth, there rdmniueth w more mcriAce for rfis at)Oeiac, ofirQri nepi icpaprrGv koheinerac Buain. S ~ U R , but n cerwin 27 of the uutb, no longer 'for *1im 'remainn In 'aacrl5ce, fearful looking for of promised ;


irayYarhdpavoc' U m i

ruravoGpev =h- fuf 'that pronlkJ




eiPv~(vathawingmid L T T ~ A ~ . *V 8 t ~ v o ~ 1 &or ( ~ t a d But this one LTTTAW. t~llld L?T~AW. =-pyoerjoolrat LTTTA. r o G i jurtv W. p~pavrcv~C~~~ LWrA. o Yu,rctuute so M to O we should hold fwt with what p ~ c c c h jh GLnr* A&u~&wT.

jnapment .nd tl untion der,,,& the rd-



% a

27 $oDr0&8i


l r s o ~ t j xpiarws, rai m p i c ZijXop la-

22 ;

but a +etearinl lcsltPin sIpectatlon of judkment, and 'of 35re lf-ur

piXXovroc roils 3 r ~ v a v r i o v ~28 .

the hnndaof the living Lord will fudge h b paople. [It h] a hurful thing to fall G& xripas Oeoii CGvroc. 32 But call to re- into :the] handa of *God ['the] 'liriug. merubrnucethe former 32 ' A J ~ u ~ ~ ~ Y 'rcieJr I b rE p o~$pipas, i~v a t +*JTLU~ p( ~~ vE ~ ~ days, ,,,hlch. after r e were illuminated, But call to remembrnucc the former dars in which, h v i n p r e endured a grant e r fight of a ~ i c t , o n r . EWES' T O X X ~ Uci~Xqacv irrepeivare ?raOtlpcirwv. 33 roiiro 83 pnrtly, while$ yd been enlightened, 'much %onAict 'ye 'endured of sufferings; partly,

E":iiJ$ raifiziC p r ~ Ecprvriw ri)vXabv.atroit. tK


mercy .devour *about the drersarieta 'Having *mt 'aside 'any 'one under two or thrv6pov r I \ I w u F w s ~ w o oi'~~riop(;)v i i~ tr bvaiv witnews: 29 of how of X, lwitl;out acom&sions *on Csthe ateatimony 'ofl *two much .orer puni,h- [the] law r n e u c . ~ ~ ~ p ~ s e y i ~ . a h n lrpruiv P ~ P N U I V & r o t ) v ~ a x r ~29 r d a y boreire x~i'povog ij l * h0 bc tllollght worthy, sor 1utkee 1lWitnessa ldia : how much 'think lJe 'worn who hath trodden underfuot C ~ ~ S ~ U O ~ O O ~ , iftwO$utrar rtpwpiac d ri)v v i t v roG eeOS and h ~ counted the 'shallahe 'be *counted*worthy loot 'punishment who the &n h of ~ o d blocnl of che covenant wh teuith he w d rcarnrarjuac, xai r b a f p n r i j ~ 8 i a O t j ~ q ~ o t v i v tjyqaci~ ~ a u c ttic-l. an unholy trampled upon, and %he *blood *of *the 'corennnt l %ommon Leateemthu~g, and hat11 done dcsptte unto the Splrit pevoc CV.$ ,jyriaOq, xni r b rvei+a rij: xciprros of grnre? 30 For we ed wherewith he W M ssnctifled, and tho Spirit of gmca know him that hnch mid. Vcu~ennce&- i w p o i n a r ; 30 oi8apev-ydp rbv i~dUTa, 'Epoi ~ E ~ ~ K ~ I J bngeth unto me, I will inndeed l For we know him who said, To me 'reng~.nw recompense. aaith the dyw civrarobhaw, 'Xiyet ~ h p i o ~ ' ~ ?rciXtv, K&; Lord. And w i n The Lord shall jud& his ['belorgs] ; I will recompense, my. [the] Lord: and agaiu, [The]



r i , Bpk~t~eSv


promha and amictions ; and partly, whilst ye becnme cornpanions of them t b t were 31 For r e had compassion of in my hub,, d, . took jo fully the epIi~ingoJyour goods, knowing in youraelrea thlbt ye ham in h * l better and enduring rubntaoe. 8~ c u t not a w x therefore your con denoe, which hath w a t t recompnca of rswnrd. 36 For ye hare need of patience that after ye b v e adue t C of God, ye misbt rmeive the prom37 For yet a littie while, and he that #hull come will come, and will nor tarry. 30 NOW just shall the live bp fatth. but if ang nirrn aira& b a d , my soul shall hnre uo pleosure in him. 39But not o( them who drnw bnrk uuto perditiou httt ot them tbt &liov. to the wring of tha d

,.fFiz @v,

6 v ~ t 8 t a p o i ~ ~ r r 6 1 i ~ e u r v O~arpt~6pcvor.roGro.Bi, xai
both in repromher aud tribulations being luade a speotacle ; and partly,

Ko~vwvO~ ~ i 0j 8 ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ p $ o ~ i v w v YCY~O~UTEE' ~ & s 'parmen . ' t h o a %hul o f 'pnuing Ochrough rthem] 'hn~ing"become.

34 cai-ydp r ~ i ~ - ~ G t v f . i o Z ~ . p o v '~ ~ a C ) j / a a rxai rrjv cipra t)v uvv e,

Bor both

with my bond.

ye aympathhd, joy

and the

plunk knowing

r i j u ~ 6 r a p ~ 6 w w pcrd xapiic arpoae6iFauO~~ v.~ ytvcjarcovres

i rrv w i v i ' i a v r o i s rprirrovaa iilrapbv yiv

toLn in youdvecr a better -ion p4vovaav. 55 pt).oinopAqrt 06v



ye received, Yn r t h e l

06 a ~ o xai ~ ~ i

P havenr


your boldnerr

qtts ixec which

need, promila


Cant not m a y

therefore Wt.

Zprdaro8oaiav p ~ y c i X q v . 36 vropovijr..ydg ~
of God a having dono


For of endurance ye have

ye may reccive

~ p e i a v i'va ~d OCXqp ~ 0 . 0 3 eeoi, rotqaavrcc ropluqaOe r i v ,

fiat fie


37 in.ydpapr~oi,v.5aov.8aov,
Bor yet

;cry little whilo,

But the just

he. who

cornea shdl

willcome, and w l not delay. il live ; and if

~ a 06.~p0vcd.l 38 S.6i b 8 i ~ r r t ~ rci q r e w ~ ~ U E i a~ Z


rrrr' r a i i h v 6rourriAqrart 0irk-~ir80k~i . # u x ~ . ~ o v a i ~ r @ . )~ CV

he draw back,
adelights 'not ' m 'soul ~



39 I j ric.6; o i r r i a p i v
g u t we
ue not


eic &rcjAeiav, ciMd

ot [those] drawing b o 4 L to destruction,

b w

riarewc eic r r p i m i t l v t v
of h i t h



[ 'wuL a


pQrr (mad with prieoneral QLWAW. ~ m ;iavroic (fur youmelvce) rrpriuoova A. r


Miliuiuc OLTl'rAW.

A&t rrjpb0$ T L C


*~poviuaar Tn;

b &h& pou

- {v O L T r~AW. iavm3r ~pcivvova 7 - i v ocpavoi$ I.'YTr.iW. rq*~

(rwd my jut [one]) L T ~ L

~ p t v e ~6ptOS i LTl'rAW.


'"7.the] *couvlction 'not

~~EYXOC oh

XI. J o n h l t h i n the of thinm
of t h i n p hnlall for the evC dsllcr of i h i l l a not awere * h r n e alders8 For b n good obtai~ledit the

U 'Eosw.82 riartc ofiXrcto EUWV for [the]6rdarauic,, r p y p k Sow U lfnith [thin~j(hoped u ~ n c e

by t h b

PAE~O~~YWY. 2 iv.rahr9 Y&P dpaprvBy faith we apprehend to haro been framed

f+hJaav oi rpca~irrepoi.3 n i n r ~ ivooiip~v raqoria$crc

wktneuato Ithe %elders.

rcwrt. 3 Throogh t ~ ~ncvopBvwvframed by t h word ot ~ mire aiGvac ,6tjparc Beoii, eic-rb f$ ic the worlds by[the] word of God, so that not ?from [*things] *.ppcuiq cr(t /3X~rdp~va" yeyovfvac. 4 niarei rXriova Bvaiav not m e or t h i u ~ s %he*tbinga 'seen %are .being. BJ &ith aa'more4arcellent'ucrifice which do apwar. IBy faith Abel offered unCpapru- t o GO^ r more cxuel'APEArap& KLi'v r~oarjv~yr;rv ry'beq, 6 i +C 'Abel than offered to God, by which he w u borne wit- lent urcridae than Cain, by which he obp j6q elvnc 8ikaroc, paprvpoGvro~ini rois-6cjpocc.airroG d ~ kined w i t n e ~ he ~ Z that nsss to Mbeing righteou~,abonring *witness . , 'hh *gltt. U war righteous. God k s t i b i n ~ hie gifts: of BeoG*~ rcai* 6 i airrijc ciro8av;v irc eAaA~Trat.D n i a r ~ r 6 'BA%and by it he beiw dend &God, m d through it, hnving died, yet ~paakh By h i t h Enoch jet y k c t h . 5 By nlth uoeh was t r a n r pererheq 703 p$ i8eiv Bivarov, m i ob~.'~6piarcero,~ 6r6rc bbL thnt he clllotl~d WM translated not to me death, w u not found, becaun na, n e death a ~ l d and


prieq~~v a6rbv 6 8c6c0 rpb.y&p r ~ ~ . p n a B i a e u ~ . ~ a lp- P . gL r o z:n


lated him : for before hk n bornewitned8 to to hare well pleased But a p u t from faith he leued O O6 that thii temtimon But ~ God. tr6Cvarov ~6apeurijuac' mare3aai.ydrp 6eS 7i)v witlout faith it b imible Ifth] i m p d b l e to well p l e w Chirnl. For 'to 'belleve 'it %hove8 .him .lmo or he t to tplead ltim: b cometh to ~ p o a ~ p X 6 p ~ v o vBE$. " 8rc i ~ i v , a i iry ~ 00d must believe thnt Ct0 7 G ~ d , that he h, and [that] for those who m& 'wt 'approaches , " w ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ p ~ abrbv praBa~ro8diq~ yiverac. 7 IIiare~ x~q-parra-d i l i ~ n t l yseek him. 'him a rewarder he bwomca By faith ' h a d n g 'been 'divinely 'infaith being warned of God of NGE lepi r 2 v pq6&w flE~op&ov, c&hnpq- thing-. not seen m yet, Itructed 'Noah concerning the thinot pet m, bring been moved with v -f pared an ark to tba 6eic ~ a r ~ u r ~ 6 a a eL / ~ w ~ ~ ) Y K v 0 ~ 7 1 ) p i a705 oirov snving of hk hou~ withfesr, prepred m u k for [the] lalratian of *hoby the which he aondemued the world, snd airroG. 61' rrtrlrpivev r6v rdapov, ral rijc rash riarcv becnme hsfr ai the ; by which he condemned the world, and of the righteonsneam which is by faith. 8 By faith 8i~aiodvqc~ ~ ~ U E T ~ ~ P O Y ~ 8 Oniarei K ( Z X O ~ ~ E U 'A- ~b rnham,wheu he was KXO ~ ~. O~ 'righteousnesr became heir. By faith being called A- called to o out into a n w h i 5 he should ppadp ~ T T ~ K O ~ I U E Y i&SEX8~7v is-'TAU' r6nov m6peiA~v after for an inbrahnm obeyed to go ont into the plnw which he w.o about herltmoe, nbcyed. nnd 'God; for before hk t ~ ~ l a t i o n


b ~ i ~ q p ~ u r m l r i vB t ~ 6 ~ w p i c d l riarev r@ a .






to receive
he 1 gohg. 8

4~Aqpovqiav,rai iE<hJ~v, ircrncipwo~so5 ~ ! , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; n ~ $ ptj

for an inheritmoe, and went out, not the knowing w h 9 ~ faith he sojournBy

~ ~ X E T U L9 .

nimet rap+rcVuev eic n ~ $ ~ i j v i j ~ ~ n r irayyeAiny,

By faith he sojourned tonta in nd of the promha,

6i: MAorpinv,

dv arcqvaic rcarorrr~aa~ 'Iaadr kai per6

having dwelt with 'promire joint-heh of the

' I a r w r 3 v O ~ ~ X q p ~ v drijc~ irnyyEXias rijs a t r i j ~ . p vU gti~ :fdo

for he w u wait in^ for the
artificer and

[in] a atrange Ccountr~l,n i

I w and with hirn s


:t"J",t:oi {:,"g 72:

the same

mid, M land ot proed in the in a Itran e oounhy, dwelling


10 i b 6 i ~ e r o - ~ (n j v ?od~ ~ p h i o v ~ ip O Z ovaav rdAcv,




which bath foundat i o ~ ,whom builder

P : C;


Id*, of rhioh [the]

rpiTqcKai bqpcovpybc d ode. 11 niarer uri airn) xcififia

mnstmctor [h]

S u n herself received strength to eoncoire reed,md w ~ d e l i v e r e d dbvapv eic rarapoXljv a?rippros cXapev, rai rap6 ~acpbvof a child when rhs power jDr [the] m n ~ p t i o n o smd f recolved, md beyond 'age

fat,, .ho ahermu


rb pAen6pcvov that Been (read yy. *has*being) LlTrA. d 6 Bey^ (read bearing wit. bp h i s @hW)L T ~ . to A d e c QLlTrAW. ~ ~ + ~ L U K C LO T A W . I ~ airtoi, (read the hWNdiati0n) LTT~A. h & Q P C O S I ) K ~ V P & i - TG T[R]. L& + b the [one] q T r L 1 rbv (mad a place) mLuMIv 1 1 m ri); [the]) LTTIA. 0 our T .

ful who la ThcrcfOre spran



X. I

m pslt age, becrascr rjXi~inc P l r ~ ~ ~ v , G a e i tjyijaaro T ~ V judged him faithatar6v Brayy~LXtip~vov.

'seasonable gave birth ; since faithful eha cstocmod him who


rfis! Wherefore also from

r man& as the atam " 8 4 r d hurpa r o i o6pavoi r $ ahtjf3~t, m r & u ~ F i ~ ~ & ~ a , me"dead, even nu the strua ~ the heaven ~ y ~ ~ of ~ ~ in multitude, and p which io by the sea htpoc ?mp&rd ~ i X o crrjc O$&aoqc civaoiOpqroc. innnmerable. nand %hich] Oby 'the shore .of "the "we 'the 'duntlew. 13 These all died in 13 Kar& aiurcv &niOavov o8roi nivrec, p$ having receivedr the ~ 8Xapdvr~cnd faith, not having reIn faith =died 'thess a not atived the promisc~, , bnt hnving seen them h?rayyeXia~, T~)POOEV a6r&(i~ iJbvr~c, ~ a i T E L U ~ ~ ~ Y - . ' a f ~ o f f , wsre pernnd promircs, but from afar them having m u , and having been gprrundcd of them and embraced t h 4 m d T.ES," kai ~ u ~ ~ C ~ U & ~ E V O L , d L O ~ O ~ ~ ~ U Eivor ~ m ~ 6rr ~ V E i BonfeSscd that the, snaded, and hnving embrnced [thcm],and karingeonf-d that strangers nnd were atrangerr mh ilmims on the &h. rap~ni8qpoi ~i'urv I n i rijs yijg. 14 oi-ydp roraira X;sojournerr they are on the earth. f i r they who such things f 4 For they that say such things declare aarpiJa hnr<qroOurv. 16 cai-ei %hrrt they seek yovres, ip~avi<ovurv ijrc a country. 15 And My, make ruaniiest that [their] own countrp they rue seeking. And if truly. if of that been piu dr~ivqc v b p ~ ~ p d 69' ~ ~ w&jAf30~,11 1they had ~ ?jc ~ ~ U from whence they indaed 'that 'they 'were 'remembering from whence they came out, they might cnnlc hnd opportunit xov-dv ~acpbv &va~(ip$ai' 16 xvuvi1'.8ir p ~ i r r o v o ~ dpimight hara Out. to hare r o t m u c ~ hnve had opportuuity to linve returned ; but now a bottcr they stretch 16 gut now they desire that ~ T O U T ~ U T ~ V , O V ~ ~ V ~ O hi) ~ T ~ V . oi~.iriaia~(lveru~


12 8th

K U ~h$'

ivi)~ qby~vv~f3quav,"~ai.ra3ra
one were born,

and that too of [one] h m n g

is,1 henrcnly: whara- Orward to* m thnt is* a hcavenly ; wherefore 'is 'not 4nshumed 'of i;on;il,ti a6roic d O E ~ CO E ~ bmraA~iuf3ai , S a6r2v' ,jroipauav.ycip aliroTs their C)od:for he bath .thorn 'Gad. "God 'to 'be scaUed "their; for he prepnred for them p w for them a r6X1v. w d fiWa city.


17 I I i a r ~q oa~vljvaev 'Appndp TAU 'Iaadrr aacpa!b evo i

ham oaeredupI,,are: ~ a i T ~ V - V O ~ E * tried when he was O npoui$~p~v d and he that had r+ andlohisl 'oonc-bcgotteu gwar 'offaring 'up 'he 'who *the

17 By faith Abrv

BJ fnith

' L



Ptried.S 7dg bmyyehiac &va*

'Isaao 'being 'promi-a 'nw

t was That in fmno nald, thy med UOL urippae 10 X o y ~ u i p ~ v o ~ ~ a i 571 br vercpclv becnlled : 19 account- thy ; rcckoning that even from among &he] dead 6 Oeds, 58ev a6rbv ~ a bv aapapoXp' i : ~ ~ a i a ~ ziyeiperv ~Gvvnrb~' & m ~ even irom the *to 'raise *able mwnu] 'God, whence him also i n a dmile from whence alw, he d~opiuaro. 20 nibre[ a A E P ~ ~ E X X ~ V Tb~liXbytlu~v" ~V 'Iua(il~ received him in a h , By faith concerning things coming 'blessed 'Isaw m r r s 20 B faith h o blessed Jamb rbv *larc&p ~ a rbv' 'HaaO. 21 n i u r ~ t'Iare* i &no6vtjur;cv and Esnu concerning Esaa By faith Jamb dying JaCOb thin@ to come. Z1 By faith Jncob when he B~aurov rGv vicjv 'Iwu?)$ be6Xdyqu~~'I apour~vqav mri was a drink blared *each 'of 4the 'sons .of 'Joseph 'blcased and worshipped both the sona of Joreph ;nnd worshipped, dai ~d dirrpov 71jc~&PBov.a6roii, 22 lTiurEi 'IoJu?)$ TEXEV:GU ?enaing upon the top on the b p of hi# staff. By faith Joseyh, dying, of his ntnff. 21 By h i t h Jweph. when he aepi rijc i.Edbov 7 t h vlirv 'IupatjX Ipvqpivtvnev, lcni died, made mention of concerning the going forth of the solw of Israel mndo moutioa, nnd tho departing of the childrcn Israel ;-4 repi rclv.6uriwv.a6roG iuereiXaro. gave comnlandmcnt ooncerning his boner gave command. wncoiniufi his bone% By xoser, 23 I I i u r ~ icMwarj~" ycvvq8eig BlcpirPq ~pf~iqvov r b 3 when he ww born, WM By faith 3Ioree, having been born, was hid throe m o n t h by

18 n p i ) ~ ~~2d,4$&"~,"~~5:Bv bXaArjeq, "Orc ;v 'Iaadrr ~AqOiju~rni as to whom i t was said, In LMao W 1 be called p t n m.Illof whom CePteP



irerev ( C C and [that] beyond a seasonable age) GLTTIA. r C1 C 1 iyavrj&)uav LA. aai n e r o e i ~ e G L ~ ~ A W . r 8 n p o u 6 e ~ ~ p t v o c ~ou~ucipevoc ~ . L; TT h&3vuav they went out L T ~ I A W . 1 VG. fiypovcliov~tv they are nl~ndf~il . TTI * iye;pa~ Grir~crra' is able b 1'&6 L. QW~AW. 1 r o i k iurcv GT. l r d atso LIRIAw. r)irA6vr)uev&A. a Ywiiuqs QL'lTrAW.

& rj GLTTrAW.

X. I
his parenta did not fear the

dtdri eldov i u r d o v r6 ratdiov. rai
of the king.
hid threOmOnthaOf

24 By faith TTiaret

because they saw 4beautiful 'the l i t t l e 'child ; and injunction

ot~.b$opfi6quav ri) * J e i i ~ a ~ p a ~ ~ roir paucXEwc.

child ; and they were not afraid of the kinp's commnndment. 24 By faith Moaes, when he CMwafcllpiyaq T ~ v 6 p ? ) p v~ a a r hSycu8at vidc 6v a r ~ ~ c o Noses, great having become, refused t o be called son of s~augfter'fused to to be called come yePrs* re~ ~?ue t iPapaD, 25 p6Xhov ~ X ~ ~ E V Of C ~ Y ~ a ~ ~ v ~ ~ ( 1 3ha$ a theHson of Pharaoh's daughter 'rather Shaving 4chosen t o suffer afaiction with the people rather to ;25 chOOring 'Phmaoh's; ruffer atRic1.06 eeoc, np6aratpov ixciv ipapriac cin6Xavacv. tion with the people of of God, than n h e ] %mporary 'to %m #of 'sin $njoymeut ; God, t h a ~ t o e n j o ~ the p l e ~ l r e r sin for n of 26 r ~ i ~ o v~hoirrov,jyqacipevog rijv givll hAi' it7rryN Oq- reason. 26 esteemiag a greater riches having egteemed *than 'the *in 1Jgypt .tree- the re&oach of Chrirt grentrr riches than the oaupcjv rbv bvetdcupi)v 701 xfcU~06' &~iPk?yEV.ydp T?)V treasuresin Eggpt:for sure8 'the 'repronch 'of %he Chrht ; for he had respect to the he hnd respect unto the recompeuce O the f pta6a?ro8oaiav. 27 niarel ~ a ~ d . h e n E ~ Aiyvnrov, p$ $0pqeEic reward. 27 By faith recoxupens& By faith he left Egypt, not hnring feared hc forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of ri)v 6vpi)v 70; rdv-ydp ddparov the king: for he enthe indignntion of the king ; for 'the *invisible ['one] 'as 'see~ng dured, as seeing iraprEpqaev. 28 ~ i u r e r E T O ~ ~ K E Vrb r h u x a rai n j v q 6 a - him who is invisible. ~ T 28 ~ h fnibh he ~ he persevered. By faith he has kept the passover and the affu- kopt the passover, and XVULV ro6 a'lparoc, i'va.p$ h.'tho8p~6wvll rd n p o r 6 r o ~ a 61- the sprinklingof b'wav lest he that destroyed sion of the blood, lest the destroyer of the ttrstborn Cones] might the firstborn should yp a6rGv. 29 IIiuret Gc6~rlaav rdv ip118pciv~ ~ ~ U U Utouch them. through theyV passed Byfaith U touch them. By faith they passed through the Bed the Red sea a~ b dry Gcdr tqpZck. rripavXa/36vrrc oi Alyi*not "lch the E g y p as through dry pand] ;of which Shaving.4made 'trial 'the 'Egyptians tians drowned. 30 By were do ~ tX&" m i ~ ~ u ~ m- faith the walla of Jev'l, ~arelr6B11aav. 30 rIiarec rri T E ~ ~X' I E richo fell down, sfter were swnllowed up. By faith the walls of %oh0 fell, having they were compasre~ ?EXwed.~ra i r r d $pipas. 31 IIiurei 'PaciP irri rdpvq 06 about seven da a. been encircled for seven dnya. By faith Rahab the h u l o t .not Rahnb faith By perishrd Otnot hnr'




4 ~ 3 ~


'did 'perish 4with those who

Uth9a7rhX~r0 roic i7r~1o$uautv,84ap;vrl roilc ~ a r a a ~ 6 - not, when she hnd with them that believspies ed
disobeyed, having received the received tho spios with

rovg per' tiprjvql;.

with peace.

P -

32 Kai ri grt h i
"time of Gedeon,

; bnehi$b~t-~~c+o8 ~ q Y o 6 r ~ vd v ~
Par 'will .fail
&me erelating and 'the

And what more do ruby l Barak

6~0c ?repi FEJEDv,OBaph~ P

31 ~~d whnt ,,hall I

~ E a i ' lZp ! ~ a+ & also and Snmpson

q~ai" 'IE$O&~, say ?for thc time more would nil me to tell
Jephthae, uedeon,
o B* f

'Aapi'8" re

and Qf Snmson, David also nnd Samuel and of the prophets : who by faith and Qf Jephthro ' David also, and &mrarqywvc'aavro paucXeiac, 8 a ~ y h u a v r o8 t1c a c o ~ ~i a ivr ,v ~ o vuel and qf the pro1 ~ righteoumess, obtained phdts :33 who through overcame kingdoms, wrought faith subdued kingi?rayy~tGv, i$patav ar6para X E ~ V T W V , 34 bo/3euav GLvapcv doms, wrought rightpromises, stopped mouths of liona, quenched [the] power eousnesn, obtained promises, stopped the * ~ l p b ;$vyov ~, ar6para 'paxnipa~," Viv~Gvvap40qaavl~ mouths of liona, i?rb of fire, escaped [the] mouths of [the] sword, acquired strength out of 3 quenched the vio4 lence of fire, escaped tcr8El1Eiac, bye~~j6quav v p o i i v roXipy, iq 7rappP0hdEthe edge of the aword, weakness, became mighty i n war, Pthe] 'armies out of weakness were made stroup wnxed lrhtvnv ChXorpiwv. 35 'ORcceived W *women i ~it &a- valiant ill figAt, arnlles ikapov ~ v a by resur- ed to flight tho turn~ s n 'made ' t o 'give 'way 'of 'strangers. of the aliens. 35 WOarciuewc ~ob~vecpoOg-aCrGv. &Xot.Gi irupnaviaOquav, 06 men r,i,ed rectiou their dead ; and others were tortured, not dead raised to life a6 6 y ~ decree I,. a s Moii&js Q L n r a w . f m v - T. . B i v GnrAW. h of Egypt QLnraW. i iAeOp&ov LA. yjlt land LTTTAW. I 'IepcrX& T. m ;ncaar LTTrA. PC ykp LTTrA. 0 ~ aand W. i P 7e Kai LTTrW. Q Kar L.rTr. ' Aavei8 LTTrA ; AauL8 OW. $py&rawo m. t paxaipr)~ LTTrl. ; 8 u ~ a ~ i & werev )~~

Xapov$h rai rGv q~o$qr(;)v' 01 &(i n i g r ~ w g 33 rak

~ ;

their dead L



yvvar~ar (read they

received by resurrection women [that is]

~ ~



a better


lrpoabet.tiptvo~ ~ (iroX6rp~uivil a qtirrovoc (ivauriui?wp d njv ~ ~ &t

rmurrection ;

h g d e ~ ~ th& o . ~ m k t 011th ~6 wuiv. m g ! h t


a & ~ ~ $ ~ if eb, o ~ g m r d yea,.moreover,

otzEiz tw *d LXaPov,

S6 kpool.& I ~ r a i y p G va i paariYwv ntipav i

and oUun

d ' m ~ k i n *md 'of e8courginga 'trial n

~TLBI BtapGv'rcai gXarij(*

of bonC and of

37 iLQduOqaav,

Th*y were stoned, and 10~riwnment : q*piuBquav, j7i~~ptiOBquav,~$hy Iv yyxaipacu IIrieaS7 .toned, were ~wnaaunder, were tempted, hy t h y by ughtor o [the] @word they der, rsn temptad, vov' ? r t p l l f i B o ~ iv pqhuraic, i v aiysioic Gfppaocv, 6ortp06died; they wandered i n &eep-skim, in goats' akina, being deradabout in a i ~ e q m ~Y ~O C , ~ BXt/3dpevoil rarov~oirp~vot,38 6 v 06rc.4~ (iEtoc and o-tanm being tituts, being oppwed, being evil me , td (of whom a ~ r a b o'worthy lthr t dwtitute .dllo&d torme&d (of whom rdapoc* z6v~tpqpiaig ~Xavhpavorrai Sptarv rcai anqXaiotc the world w u not *worldl) in i n wandering nnd in mountains and in oaPw worthy.) they wmder-

a in

mountainn and in & d in t holm of the earth. n b And thew rill, haring been borno &m and &mof the did rijc n i a r t w ~ oir~.ircopiaavrosr,jv bnayyEi\ia~,~ , urth. 99 b d thw Bivrcc all hrrlng obtained a witnan to through tsfth, did not reoeire the proomise, report tbron h d y e d not tb. 40 ni,8t0G ~ t p+Jv ipeirrC i r i npo/3he+apivov, lva pr) : 40 God harGod for us 'bet* 'somethi& having foreawn, t h 3 a 6 g proaomn betthin for thrrt xwpic v ~ ~ G v rtX~iwBGjutv. t h w w i t ~ o u t ~ & o ~ d trom ru they should be made perfclbt. apart notb-*rct. , Totyapoirv rai $pals roaoirro~ i ovrtg ~ ~ ~ ~ x t ~ p r v Therefore aho we sso'prcat L i n g wenc~mp~ln~

rai raic brais njc ytjc. 39 Kai otroc nivrec



* L -


p.led rlw with ing we aboutue oomm a aloud of witt

m -me-

$piv v+op

. %Loud a

p p ~ 6 p w u , lyrov

f witnessen, Idweight 1haring l'laid'lswide


ndvra rai

laevery and

let 1.7 wide the emily-surrounding dn, with endurance we ahould run the every weight and the i sinwhichdot~weanilynpo~tiptvov iv ( Gva, 2 d$opGvrt~tic r6v rijp Iriarewp b t w and let U run 'lying 'before r looking away to *the *of 'faith vith p'tienoe the raoe that ir mt before us, (ipqybv i a i rtXttwn)v ' I ~ u o G v , Sc dvri r i j ~ Irporerlooking unto Jonua leader .rind 'completer I J ~ : who i view of the M n '1y. the author and ilnhhW ot W faith ; who & q ~ aCrG xap& irulpcivtv uravpciv, ai~xLvgg for the joy that waa 'before .him 'joy mdnred [the] arm, [the] rhnme mt before him 705 Bpdvov roi, et07 bbrciecd the crosl, d- iara$ ov$aag, q n the h m e , and b r i n g eapiwd, up and at [the] right hand of the throne of God sat L IPt down oi the UEV,' S (ivaXoyiuauBt. at the T ~ V roia6rqv d ? ~ o p t ~ ~ q r d r a throne of God S IFor For consider W& him who 'ro *great ')ran endured .raidorsuch contrsdic- d r h rGji dpaprwXGu r i p Ca6rbvn d u d Mm that dvrr\oyiav, Iva rhtion oi ainnara again& 'from lainnm 'against ahlrnmlf. wgainsaylng, that not lye "be W r ~ ~ and faint be p r c , rrrt.b a1-t ye in i ~ a i ~ - r l / ~ ~ a ifrXv6ptvoi. 4 OCnw pBxptp aiparoc ~~dpdv ,ye hare wearied, .n7 y ~wr ~ l o Y h t i n g . I Not yet anto blood

r j v tirrtpiurarov drpapriav,

6c' irropovijp rpiXwptv rbv



~ ~ & ~ v i f i . t e Q o B ~m dm ~

&I.b ~ n a d t i oforyefare -the n

r i m ~ erpbg r j v drja riav civrclywvt~dpsvoi, mi 5


=hick wn, derptle no{ thou the h t m h g o f the Lord, nor faint rhenthon~ rebukd of Mm : 6 for rhom the Lord l m t h be ohuteneth, npd cloonrgeth ev'w'f wn whom he receireth p drue ,h,,: -p, God d d e t h

%",$g: ye haw quite forgotta the


rijg rapaArjmwr., ijric 6piv

exhortation, dapim not [the] being reprorod ; dMpl!na

tn i


vioi~ GraX1;K-


whid to you, aa to aona, he rdof [the] Lord, nor love8

M wn, ;

YiC poo, pr).bXtyPpai


'?rat8tiacY ivpiov, pq6b

for rhom


X60u dn' aCroi, I ~ E Y X ~ ~ 6 V O E &ranpi E 8v.ydp

he dW.cipllnr, and wourger h 7 v wo i ~ WC i
M .

['W &rd

a rog 6

~aiBt6~c' paar~yoi-dd' h v r a vibu 8v r a adi;ytrai; r


7 'Eio

@?racdtiavfl dnbpivert,

p endure,

'with wwna

irrpLdtpav, iupidqvav T . 7 pa~aipv L ~ L kfi LTTrA. ehia~ the n ~ d w h e t down m m w . v a pmmisee r. * iw+v rm*. l :dr%e . f a t (d endure for diwiyhue) LTRA. W t qvutim c. * aadiar T a ye C w(UbiPW z ,

.with 'you


If lrpoo Qperar

fd i n g

XII. HEBREWS. 6$edci rir.yc!tp h E a r t v b v i t s 6v oh.na16ebet

'God ; 'for who is

581 ' for wbnt as with son-; withgo11 nnrqp;



whom the cl,nHtcueth not? 8 B I I ~ tc But if awithcut zyeaare discipline, of w h r b pr~rtnkcra 'have Jbecome 'all, ~ C ~ , W ~ ~ ~ " TE~, 6cip vYdeot jiar2 rrri o6x vioi.' 9 d r a r o i l ~ rile arrprbc nrtnkcrs, t h c ~ 50 piu nre astnrda, and not sons. thou bastards yeare and not aona ILIoreover the 9 Furthor.nrorewe have p p E'IXO~EV ?ratdevrhs, cai, kdverpe- had fnthcrs of our 'of 'fathers we have hnd [as] those who disciplino [ua], nnd we renpctcd flesh which correc~ed W, nnd we gnve tilt-m rYdp~0a.l~ oh ' T O X X + ~ ~tiiihXov irrorayqubpaea T$ m r p i reverence: a b n ~\V% 'rather~ 'shall 'we be in aubje'ction t o the Fnthcr not uuoh r a t t ~ c be :n r [them] ; 'not 4 ~ ~ h subjection unto the T;?J ~ f ~ ~ u p ( i r rai , Ci]bopv 10 oi-pbv-ydp ~.pi)c wv j bXiync Bnlhcrof syirrtm, nud of spirits, and shall h e ? For they i~tdced for a few live? 10 For tbisy veI* t ril~ for a tow days tjpspag mrci rb 80~03~ aziroir bnai8evov' 6-82 chustoned W after days according to thut which aeerncd good to them disciplined ; but he for their own plensurc ~d uvp$Qpov, i ~ rApesaXapeiv n7c-i ~~T~TOC-ahroir. but ho fur ourbe pare 11 niiaa that might profit: protit, for [us] t to partake o r his holiness. ' b y takers of his holiness (lit. every) 11 Now no chastcui~~g for the present aeem"'8J rraldtia" R. dg pbv rh.nnpdv o6.80~~5 XaPiiS joyous, but 'but di~ciplille the present scema not [3matter] *of 'joy 'to 'be, eth to be nevertllclc~, : &Ad X6nqs' ijarepov.b2 rnpnbv ~ / ~ ~ v t r TOTS . b i a6rjlc afterward i t ~ i e l d e t h i)v but of grief ; but aftcrwarda 3fruit epenccable .to 'thoee "by '*it bhe fruit righrousness unto thorn which nre ay~yv~vaapivotc dn08iSwutv b i ~ ~ ( t 0 ~ 6 v q c . Lhoving been ''exereised 'renders 'of fighteoumcss. erciaed thereby.

[the] sen whom 'disciplines 'not ['the] 'Father?

8 ai8i

xwpic ;are Inntdeinc,"

iJq r6roxor yeydvaa[v n&v-

l2 At6 7cic aapetPQvnc re'ipac ~ arci napaXeXvphvn ydvara i

Wherefore the Yhnngii~g 3down hands and the lift up ; and aputlur 'straight enfeebled knees

down, and the feeble

dvopehaare 13 m rpox~cis i dpp8dg n ~ o ~ ~ o i ~ ~ ; "; $ ~ ~ ~~~~~t r a r ,&~,



feet lest that which is 'iva-ptj rb xwXbv dmpa*, iaO#.Sl lamb be turnad out lost that which [is] Inme be turned wide ; but that 'it %nay 4be 81iealed ",!h~,"~&~ , " n l ~ p ~ X ~ o v . E; jvqv 8threre per& rhvrwv, Kai ri)v tiytaapdv 14 Follow ponce with 14 'rather. Beace puraue with d, and sanctificatiok, 'l1 'len and holiness without which n o m ' d 06 x w p i ~ 0686;~ 61,berat rbv ic6pt0v' 15 ~ T ~ U K O T O ~ Y T E ~shall see the Lord : 'whfch'apart zfrom no one mhall see the Lord ; looking diligently 15 looking diligently lest any man fail of rtc darrp&v &nA rGc xdptror rag geoi' n r j i t a rtxpiar. thegrace of GO^ ; lest my lack the grate of God; est auy root of bitterness any root of bitterness sprlugrng up trouble divw qCovaa ivo;yX$, rai ~Btd ~ a 6 q c " ptav03atv p VOU, and thereby mnuy 'up 'springing, should trouble [you], and by thio be defiled be defiled ;l6 Irat there be any fonliwtor, or roXXoiS 16 r t sdpvoc i j pipqXor, ~ 'Hun;, 6c proi~,e persou, an EE s t [tbere be] anp fornicator or profane person, an Esnu, who nnu who for one mormnny ; st.1 'of meat sold his civri pphaewy ptzc ~ & ? T ~ ~ o 7d R. W T O T ~ K ~ ~ To" 'a+~oi." 17 birthright. 17 B9r ye Pbirthright 'his ; .ye 'know know how that aftelfor 'meal 'one sold ward \thou he would ydp STL ra; pwiaerra BEXwv ~Xqpovopijaat r<v e6Xoyiav &R.- hare' iuherited the for that also afterwdds, wishing to inherit the blessmg, he wan ble.sing, he was rejected: for ho found Bo~ipdup8~~ peravoias-ydp rbnov O ~ X . E ~ P E V ,~ainee ~ r d p &Kn o place of reyeutnnce rejected, for 'of Jrspentance lplace he found not, although with though he ,sought it crrrefully w ~ t h tears. phv irtqnjuag atnjv.

: :



18 For ye are not come unto the ~ u o u n t that might be touched, For 'not 've 'have come to 3bein~ 4ouched C'thel- 'mount and and that buruerl with reravpQv rvpi, ral yvb$y, rai brdry,ll ~ a OvihXp, h-e, nor unto blncki having been kinxed with fire, and to obscurity, and to darknew, and totempest, ners and dnrkncas andltampest, 19 and 19 rai uLXntyyo~ < x ~ J ,rai $wvjj ~~)pcirwv, 6s oi the souudof rtrumpct, ] aud 'trumpet's lto sound, and to voice of words ; which [ ~ o i wthey that and the voice of wordn;

tenrs having ervnestly sought


l O6.ydp ?rpoa~XqX60are 8 #qXa$op~vy


h $,'v LIT~[A]. i aat8iar T . rrai 06 viol &re L~TTA. ivvpcn6pe8a W e respect L 1 =OAP 1 . m A . m GV a d i a aisclJlllt: iu';&d T a . IIOLF~T~ TTr. O 8; iavroi, hi8 0 ~ 1 L'1'Trr. 1 &njr through it L . P + oi tho LTTI.AW. P AnWe~o I.A. 6pcc b a [that] being touched) LITIA. ed t {&$pLIT~AW,

which voice the thnt

QikO$uaYTEep ra

EBPAIOTX r;luavro p$ .

I ~ ~ o u T E l i r o Y~~ L a~ ~ i

n c u ~ ~ t h e m [uking]r *not *to abeaaddre8ud'to 'them ['the] ~ ~ v

E;:kc;p("f","rm~; Adyou. 20 obr-i$epov.ydp rd G~aareMd~evo~7, 0qp;ov KBv could not endure %hnt 'WO~: ; (for they could not bear that [which] was commanded :And if a b e u t W ~ I was commnndC ~ Otyp roii Gpovs XrOopoX~~Brjaerar,j poXi8r rararo[ev't $6~,",~fe~t~,""~,","~ should touch the mountam, it s h d be stoned, or with a dart shot tnin, it shall bestoned, Orjaerar'"1 K&, oi?rwg $opephv 4v rb $avra~dpevov, or thrust throughwith and, so fearful wa8 the spectsclo (tht] a dart : 21 and so ter- through ; r ~ b l e was the sight, 'Mwuljsfl 17rv, ' E K $ o P I ; ~ rai Evrpopo~' 22 &Ad npogMowsnid*I exMoaes said, agreatly +afraid 'I'amand trembling:) but ye have a ~ d h g l y fear and qunke:) 22 but ye are eXtlXLOar~Z i i u ;per, ~ a i r d X e r Of05 &hro~, ' I ~ o u alon come md unto mount come t o 'Sion 'mount; and [the] city of =God['the] 'living, Jw. the city )of the livin God, %hu AuRalam and to cur innu&crnble compnny of angels, 23 to the general aalrembly and church of the h t born, which are writteu in heaven and to ~ o cthe judge( of l 4nd to the spirits of just men made perfect 21 and t~ Jerus the 'medintor of the new covenant and to the blood otlsprinklin that spenketh not him that c8cnped.not apnketh. For if they refuwd him that spnke on earth, much more rlictll iwt we wcape, if we av,ny from

uaX$p brovpaviy, wai pvpiba~v~LyyiXwv 23 ravqy6pec!

sslem *heavenly ; and to myriads of angels, [the] univcrsal gatherlug;

rai irrXquiq
tMd ;


d all;

o6pavoic droyeypapregirrm d to[thcKplitaof [the] jusf

curd to [the] wembly of [the] firstborn [onas] in [the] heavens

p i ~ w v , "rai

m d t o r t h e , judge 'God

~~pr;# Oe$ rrivrwv, rai rue6 aurv Grmiwv

T E ~ E X E L W ~ ~ V ~ Vrai GtaQrjcqc v6ac ~ e u i r p 24 , 'IquoC, r a i

[wholhrve been perfectad; m d *of 'aTcovenant *fresh mediator 'to V~asus; and


fiavrcupoi, T ~ p ~ i r r o v a ~ XaXoi,vrr ~ a p c iTAU '

'apenkiug speaks.

they diviue-

to [the] blood of sprinkling, 'bettek 'things Take heed escaped not, ye refuse not %im4that 'on 'the

For if %fused

25 BXirtre p~.mpatnjaquOe rbv XaXoCvra. ai.ydp bcaivor

him who

$ ~ i p , " ~ h P h " ~ / $ oLrii$vYov,"rAv'

htru~kd [them], 'turn 'away Vrom l

i r i brjldl yijc
much more whose we 'the

06 avrjv who 4him Vrom ['the] heavezu
I ~ V

'earth ['who]

c~oXXXhJU+aiM~~ oi


t i r o u r p ~ ~ 6 p ~ v 0 1 , 05 26

4 $wvS

r))v yijv i u r i X ~ v u ~rdre, v

'earth 'shook theu;

himthrts~enketheom .CV-62 bxtjyyEhrar, Xiywv, 'Err Crag by& d ~ ~ i w l l pdvov oh henvan :26 the then shookwhose voice but now he has promised, saying, Yet once : I shake not only b11t now he hnth pro- T ~ V yjlv, m d rai ibv oirpavdv. 27 Td.64 'Err $?rat, 8qXoi But the Yet oncc, aigriifia miaeda ing Yet the earth, but also the heaven. more I stake) not the enrth only, but also erLju u ~ ~ v o p ~ vnjv" perhOsurv, &c r ~ r o t q l c ~ v w v , wv heaven. 27 And this 'of Yhe ['things] * dn &e 'the .removing, an having been made, word, Yet once more, signlfleth the remor- rva p ~ i v ~ r(i ptj.uaXev6psva. 28 6th paarXriar ing of those things thPt %ay %main 'thepthinp] h o t *shaken. Wherefore s kingdom that rue rhaken an of things that (iu(iXevrov ? ~ a p a X a ~ P b v o v r ~Zxwpev ~ ( i p t v ,8 i $c c, made that those not t o be shaken receiving, may we have grace, by dhich thin& whichcannot be .hnken mny remain. Xarpeliwprv &a furwe ry' Bey' ~ 7 ;faisoi,~ rai s.irXa@eias.fl 'God with reverenca and fear. 58 Wherefore we re- we may rerve 'well %leuin#ly oeiving a kingdom whichcannot be 29 rai-ydp b.O~bc.$prjv ?rGp raravaXiurov. ad, let us have grnoe, For a h our God [h] t '5re 'consuming. wherebycwepmay serve a c e b y with 'HdAa6eXfa pvirw. 2 $Ao(rviac bslhavof hospitality c o t 'be forrotherly ' ve let abide ; reverence and godly

, ,




ehveu6e* Grd.ra&n]c.ycip ~ cXaOdv r~r v e *~eviuavres ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ &y$Xovc.



~~fo;;;~;;g; 3 p t p u $ u ~ e u ~ ~ Grupiwv, &c avv8~6ep~voi' ,It: rLjv

btrangera : for

XIII. Let brotherly

for by thin

orur~arw some



~ 3 rarovv
Honourable net]

thereby sorue hnve en-

tercaiued angels una- evil-trented,

Be mindful of priaonen, aa bound with [them]; those being X ~ ~ p i v &c vrai airroi bvrac bv ~ , ahparc. 4 ripcos
u r h o y o ~ r m h e a being in [the] body.

U i) poAi8r ~ a ~ a ~ o ~ e v & i ~ c ~ a r v M u i i u i s G L ~ A W . Separate m y r i a d s p m QLTP~AW. iroycypapPivwv (v oirpavoTc or.nraw. J KPC~TTOV a of angels by a comnla QLTIA. bctter thing GLTTrAW. 1iti~#~yov LTTrA. a ~ b vlaced r a p a c q a i f i t v o i LTTrA. 6 rum*n. . c woht m r r r . d miar will s&ke m r r A j r r t v o.*.ue aGAaj9eks rai Bious fear and awe L ~ A . p t w v LTT~A.


XIII. 6 ycipog

iv r2iorv,

a Remcmbcr


marriage De held] in

every [w~yj, d the m

r o i r ~ j (ipiavrog. r 6 p -

vovc g8b" Kai poixo6c

and a d u l m l w i i 'judge

rvei h Oeds.


bed Cbe] undefiled ; Yor- aa bouud with them thntarein 5 ci$thcipyvpoc a d t h e m which~uffcf Without love of U O ~ ~ Y net

~Eo ,

d rpd?ro~.
your] manner of life

m], satisfied

& ~ K O ~ ; ~roic.?rapoCur~' EYOL &VG, 06d'.oh.p$ K6pioc


a&ri)E with prcrent [circumsta~~~xs] ; 'he

!,"$yfiP$w z:!


4 ~;irringe

?&p_ eipqrf~,O6.pG ue
So that

BE hiy~araXirw.fl whoromongers and n-

for hlu and, I n no wise thec will I leave, nor in any wise thee will I fomnke.

6 Gare Oa~~oirvras.tjpiis.XiYerv,
we may boldly say,

ipoi poqek, rersation be withous

a helper,

ilcai" 06. opqetjaopa~.~i noi?jaei pot hv6pw~oc r ;

o o r e ORd~ ~ ~ k oontent &h rrrch t h i n p ru ye hare :for and I wi l not be afraid : what shall 'do 'to 'me lmnn 1 he bath raid, I will nover leave thee nor 7 Mvq$ovat;ere ~ 3 v . ~ ~ o v p ~ v w v . 01()riv~ 6 ~ 3 ~ , JXdXquav f o d e t h e e . s d w kmember your leaders, who we may bold1 say, spoke TheLordismy 1 Lpiv rhv Xdyov roC Broi. J v dvaOeupoCurey rtjv ilcpauiv md 1 d u to you the word of God; of whom, conaidering the issue what man 8h.U do UQLord [is] to me


of [their] conduct, ztnitatc [their] faith. Jew lXeiS1lxai ctjpepov d ahrdc, rai eic ro6c aiijvac.. yexterday and to-by [is] the same, and to the ages. %tci~chings 'various

m)v.?riariv. 8 'Iqaoiis ~ptarhcwrmaIlememb


which b y e the rnle


with word of God : whom ~ n i c roiriXnic rai ELvars prj~m?r~pr~~peaee." ~oihdv.~dp ~ ~ t h ~ U " , ~ d " , ~ ~
'and Jatrmge be not carried about ; for [it is] good [for] conrmion.

9 GrSa-

Fke,'",";rz~u2 py'

~ L p r r r pepatoiruea~ rrjv ~apsiav, @phpauiv, iv o c ohre CM"themme~-tar06 T *with lgrace Yo be'con5rmed Ithe z ~ e u t . not meats ; in which 'not or ever. to9 and and not &$eXG6quav oi ' r ~ p i r a ~ u a v r e ~ .l~ " ~ ~ o p Bvura- carried about with di0 ev
'were aprofited thoae who walked [therein]. We ham


Xarpeirovrec. 11 Jv-ydp

authority who the tabernuale ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ i whlch have not proat,lrbfmd [am ucrb ed themthat serve ; for of those *whose ' brought 'animals a i ocoupied therein. 10lVe Orepi &papriar." ric r d Bytap Std 705 &p iepiwy, ro6rwv have an nltnr, whereBcas] for sin into the holies by the hi% priest, o thew Of thoY f no rlgbt t o eat which serve the rB crhpara caracaierar 9 w @y 7rapeppoX;~' 12 8th reai tabq;rnale. 11 For the are burned outside the camp. Wherefore abo bodlcs of those beasts the bodies whose bldod in broughk ' I Q u o ~ ~ ~ , r&q qva $y 6th roir-lbio~ aroc Xadv, into the sanctuary bp Jesus, that he m ~ g h c by hia own Eood the people, the high priest for sin rue blirned 850 rijc ?rbXqsEnaeev. 13 roivvv i c e xhpeBa ?rpdcutrdv the camp, 14withoul mere. ontaide the g a b suffered: therefore we sfould go forth to him fore Jesusnlso that he E@r i j ~ t raptppoXijc, r d ~ . b v ~ ~ b t U p h ~ . $l~O YiT E ~ ' 14 oh might with h own & ~i ple aancti'% tb outside the camp, his reproach tearing ; %lot mfferod nithixoprv &Se pivovuav 7r6XIV, & M & piXXovuav iri- = t $ & ! ! ~ h ~ e ~ for 'we 'ba~ehere an abiding city, but the coming one W are e him without the f'r/roirpev. 15 Ac' a6roB ~ o 6 v ~ v a $ i p w P e vBvaiav aiviaewc C . m & ~ ~ ~ o ~ i \ weking for. we no continuing By him therefore' we should offer [the] sacrifice of praiy rbcaravrby" r @@E+, tovriurrv,n r a ~ d v xerXQwv dpuXoyoCv- city*but we continua~y to CM, that ia, L i t of ~thol i p l confeuc therefore let By offer l5 us him ruv r @ . 6 ~ 6 y a 6 r o i ? .1 rijg-&.e6+0itac rai rorvwviar 6 the nnwifice of praise iW to isname. But of doing good and of communicating ~ ~ a t ~ $ h , " ~ CLrj.irAav6civeu0eo .r61a6rarc.~dpOvuiarc ~haprarairacd 0 ~ 6 li . g~ . thnuks to namekdto l6 But t o a not torgetfui, for n nuoh t h -ifi~r ia a ~ e % u a lea u

~it ~ '05 o v 06r.~~ovutv l 9ayeiv icovuiav oi

of which to eat they have not


an al- triner. Por it ir a good and straui3e

ortlvp' thing that the he&

eiu Qperai/3wv rd at a



rd &


17 Ireiee~B~ ~

K U~ ~

ineirere'~ air~oi.~dp ~ ~ o ~ municnte L forgetQ not: ~

for ~ i t h ~ u ~

your leaders,

m d be subminaire : for they

s yQ for L ~ A . h &y~azaAeilrodo I forsake TA. 1 rai [LMTTA) Tzu ctd Receptud ia p~nctualedas i n Autho,-kd version. 1 ix8ir L T ~ A W . m napa+ipeuOa w r i e d away OLTTrAW. ueptaa~o3vzes walk L T ~ . uepi &pa@crr LA. P uepi && p for sin L. P [otv] Tr. g 6th uavrbf L R L a ro% rmbv O . T






~ ~ b e ~ t , $ l t ~ $ ~ ,dypvsvo~aivh i p rGv.~vXGv.~pGv, ) ~ ","; i X;yov dln08&uovaa *account Labout'to 'renfor your wuls, the rule over you, and submit yourarlves: 'lva yard xapiic roih-o .rrotdatv, Kai p i arvcicovrE~* for souls, for your they watch they der; that wish joy thh they may do, and not groauing; i~ T O ~ ~ O18 ~ O U E ~ X ~ 0 ~ ~ . E U ; that must give MI. & v u t r ~ X i ~ . ~ L 6CZifL count* that may for unprofitable for you [wou>d[ho], this. bay for Jo it with joy, a i ~ d not with grief : for that is dpdv' t?r~n~iOap~vn.y&p, 1caX4v uvvai8quiv ~ X O ~ E Viv 8ri , unprofitable for Y U O U: for we are periuaded, that, a good aonscieuce we ham, i n 18 Pray for us: for K C 19 ~ a p r a a o r ~ p w ~ - 8 we trnat we have a ?r~?atv ~ G8hXovr~c dvaarp6$~~0ar* good conscirn=, in all all things %e v! lwirhing 'toscouduct 'ourselves, But more abundantly things willing to live honestly. 19 B U ~ be- ?rapa~aXG roGro ~rpt$aai, 'iva rcixtov I ci?roraraaraeii seech uou the rather to I exhort [you] this to do, that more quickly I may he restored do tbi*, thns I mny be e restored to yolt the v ~ T Y . 20 '0.64 0 ~ b c rijc ~ i p j v q ~ , civayay3v 6 i~ And the God looner. 2ONowthe God t o y o u of peace, who brought again from among [the]


n ~ n Id hscech you, aidvac r d v aihvwv. brethren, auffer the word of exhortation : Of the ages' for I have m i t t e n a $oi, Y & V ; X E U ~ E " ro3 letter unto you infew m, the words.

our Lord Jesun, that dead the Shepherd of the sheep the p e a t [one] i n [the powerof the meatsheep, Shepherd Of a'ipari Gca0tjqi. aiwviov, rbv.re6prov.rjpdv 'Iqaoiiv, the blood the] blood of [the] 'covenant 'eternd, our Lord Jesus, 21 make you everlasting perfect in 21 karapriuai 6pZc hv I ~ I J T ~ '8pyyIi LyaO &g 76 ~ o t i j a a f every good work t o do perfect you i n every .work go$' for to do hi. working i n rj.0QXqpa.airroir, waotGv iv xirpTv" rb you that which is welldoing i n you that which [is] ebipaurov bvhwell pleasing beh will, i plensing in h ~ s sight, through Josus Christ; T ~ O V aho-3, 6td 'Iquoij xpturoii' t j G6Sa eic 7 0 6 ~ be glory him, through Jeaua Christ ; to whom fie] glory t o the ever and evvr. Aolcn. fore

$ ~ ~ e e f r ,v a ~ ~ d~v ~ .rroiP6va r d v 7rp0/3LZrwv rbv piyav " p rbv ~ ~ ~


ciprjv. 22 ITaparaXij.6b 6pi?c, ci6eXBut I exhort yoq, of exhortation, for also


Xhyov r$c ?rapa~X+uw~* i - y & p ~a 6th


i n

23 Know ye thntour few words 1 wrote t o y o u brother Timothy is set 23 ~tv&aIC$r 7bv ci6eX$bv Ttpd0eov cinoXaXvpEvov, peg &$liberty;with whom, ! hc come nhortly, I f Know ye the brother Timorheus has been released ; with will sec you. 24 Salute .llthsm that h v e t h e 03, bdv r ( i ~ t o v E Xqrat, ;$opal 6pzc. 24 'Aunhaaa9e noner he sfould come, I will r e you. Salute nlle over you, and a l l whom, if italy s e~v~ ~ a i hyiovc. the aaintaa i u t ~ h ~ ( i ~ r a c r 0 6 ~ . j l y 0 ~ p 6 v o ~ ~ . i ~ G v ,ncivrac

PpaXtwv H.nBareAa 6piv.


25 ~ m c be with you e .U. n h e

*%lute a pou


your leaders,

oi cinb rijc'lraXiac.




4 xcipic yard
Grace b e ]
W I C ~



Ithey Vrom

lrivrwv 6 Liv. aciprj~.~*




o [the] Hebrew8

Eflpaiovc iyp6$q dnh rijs'IrtAhe, 616 Ttpoebv.11

written from



JAMES n aan.nt of


'IAKQBOB eao; cai

Christ Ibondmu, t o the twelve tribe8 which 6 6 8 ~ $vXaTc raTc ~a ;v GtausopQZ xaipbtv. are scattered abroad* twelve tribes which [are] i n the dispersion, greeting. greeting. t nare61*eea we persuade ourselves LTTrAW. ' g p y T. ~ to himself I. , S us T. J ivixccrOcrc to bcar L. * +&v (read our brother) LTTIAW. ipljv v. b the subsmption GLTW ; IIpbs 'Eppa;Covs TrA. c TOG ~ A O O ' T ~ ~ Othe Apostlq E ; ~ n ~ c r r o h a f r - ' E n t a . L) uaOoAtuai. 'Ia~cj,ot~ V ' in&uroA4 General Epistles. Eplstle o f Junres GLW; 'XmGfiov irtosoA4 n r r .

James 4and .of pthel Xord *Jesus ~ ~ ~ u ~ n $ ~ f & .of %Clod ~ ~ ~

kupiov "Iqao; xttaroii 608XoC, raic

joy estwm

2 niiaav xapdv tjy<aau6a, & ~ X $ O ~ . ~ O V , brav neipcrupoic
[it], my brethren, knowing ?ndu~ance, when '~em~tations into dive*


fi",$$,"~~ph',"~$~~ tempttiOn@ 3 k n O w i n ~ t h ~ ' f&h tience. 4 But let pa-

nepcrf aqre rotxiXoac, 3 ytv3orovrec 6ri ri, dodptov hp3v

'ye 'may 'fall *into frith bvarioi~s, w o r L out that the p r o v i ~ of l o w work

njc r i m e w ~ rartp citerar hsopovilvw 4 Ij.8i.i.rropovtj

But C d u r a n c e ['its]


g !


rQXeroviXQrw, 'c'vn $re

rhX~tot i L X d d t l p o i , b pv3~ui m v XEL- perfect and entire

i n nothing h k - wantingyou lack winany of nothing'

'porfcct 'let 'have, that ye may Le perfccs nnd

rdp~voc.5 ~i.84 TIC 6pGv Xei?rerat uo$iac, airsirw naph roir dom let him ask Oi wisdom, let him w k from *who ~ ~ d ' t h a t and Ua l l men1libera%y to iveth lack But if n n ~ o n of you e h % Jt66vroE6 ~ 0 5 ?r;u~vdrhGc, rai yuj.bvei6ilovroc, rai 808tja~-brddeth not'; and %
'gives 'God t o all freely, and repronched not,

a c ~ Y E ~ ~ ~ o K L of the) lea driven with ~ ~ v v of [the] sea being driven by the wind and the wind and tollsed. 7 For let not that m btnrtopivy. 7 p$.rhp oiiu6w b.rivQpwxos-ireivos, 971 dXlj- think that heshall rebeing tossed ; for not 'let %uppose .that 'man that he oeive any thing of,the Lord. 8 A doublemmd\Clerain r i rapir 705 mpiovg 8 &v$p Bi+vxoc, ed man urntable in shall receive anything from the Lord ; [he is] a "mu 'double-minded, all his wa s. 9 Let the rejoice in brOtb*OP1Ow that degrae he in I ~ a r d u r a r oiv rdmq raip.d80ic-ctbroi. 0 Kav~d.uBw.8L ~ in all mstnble his rvnys. But let exalted : 10 but t h e 10 because M the L (iii~X$b~ b raxetvhc ;v r~~+el.aliroiro 6-82 nXo6~coclow linthatheLm"de 'the 'brother =of *low 6degrce in his elevation, and the rich flower of the grasr he mpeXeC- the m n ie no awner away- l1 For Iv r~.ranecz~Duec.airr05~ ijri &c (i1~6oc ~dprov in h hnmilhtiou, i became ae Vower ['the] 'grass's he will pans risen with a bunin h a t . but i t witheret! U E ~ C Z ~ . dvireiArv.ydp d iihtoc 06v r+.ra6uwvt, xai 11 the grans and the away. For =rose 'the 'U & with [its] burning hwt, and dried flower the;eof falleth, pnvev rbv ~ i p r o v rai rb &v&c aliroii i~ireuev,rai , eh- and the race pf the up the gru, and the flower of it f and the 8iarptvcipevos rolktv ~ h 6 6 w ~ L 6aXhUUQc
doubts is like a wave

6 aireirw.82 b niurrc, pq8h 8tarptvd~evoc*b-ydp faith, nothing waverv given to him : but let him ask in faith, nothing doubtlug. Forhe that ing. For he that W* , vereth is .like a ware
raL a6rG.

and it ahall be 6 But be %m ark in shall let lven


vpsneta roir.xpouljnov.airro5 cinPXwoeoiirwc rai b 7rX0&TloS m fade away in h b m

comeliness in who the love of itu appearance his goings enkCures crown him. perished : thua a h the rich

b raic.?ropiatc.a6ro3 papav6~acrai.12 Mar6pcos v

&all wither.

&vdp tem tation : for when

Bles~ed [Is t h d man

irno ivei retpaupdv. brr ddripos y~vdp~vocX t j ~ ~ r a i life. which the ~ o r d e fl r i v uri$avov rijctwijs, S ImyyeiXaro d ~6 v
of life, which %rodead 'the temptntion ; because Sproved 'haviag Ybeen he eh811 reoaive bath promised tothem that love him.






'ford to those that

13 Let no man rs when he is tempted am tern ted of Goh: 13 Mq6eic recpatdpevoc Xayirw, UOrt(in6 grOirl' 6 ~ 0 5 6- for net oannot be 'No oe 'n *being 'tempted 'let any, From God !m a tempted with evil, neitopar* 8. &p Bebc ct?rtipaurdc iariv rcarGv, n e c i t ~61 ahrbC ther tempteth he any t tempted. J o r 6od 'not .to4be'tempted 'is by evils, an8ltemitr 'himself man: 14 but every man ia tempted, when oh8iva. 14 i-'rauro~.8irarpcitarac, hirabnnjc-lbiae iac6vpiac he is drawn away of his own luat and enno one. But each one is tempted, by hir own lust ticed 1b A n when BF~Xrdpevograi 8eX~a&i EVOC' 15 elra hri6vpk uvMapo5ua lust hath acnceived i t being drawnawrcy m d being a t w e d ; then lust haring conceived bringeth forth d n r and sin when it is fi. rirret cipapriav. 4.6l.irpnpria &~oreXaueeiaa cinokitct niahed, bringeth forth glvea birthto sin ; but sin having been completed brings forth death. 16 Do not err, my beloved brethren. &ivarov. 16 M7j.nXavtiuOej hB~X$oi pov an roi. 17 lriioa 17Every good gift and death. Be not mislcd, =brethren lmy Ibefbtloed. B v e ~ % n$ fa E :! : 6 6 ~ 1 ~ciya6)j rai ?r;v 6hpqpa r6X~tov civweiv tarry eth down from the Fa*wt 'of 'giving 'good end every 'gift 'perfect 'from 'above * b a . of lights, with e r

ciyan3utv alirdv.

%! E

d Gp$tmi ~ A . L p- 706 QLTTrAW.

AripJlarar LTTrA.


( 1 . d an?y.

he promised) L


IAKOBOE. rulabl* uaraPaivoi1 d ~ 703 r a r p i ) ~ $i)ru)v1n4 b ri)v

I, I . I

yf oGc.ivi

of of lights, w i g whom them is not turning. 18 Of hi8 own 'coming 'down from the Father Will b ~ he t with aapnXXayrj, rporijc &?roariaapa. 18 @ovXqOeic aimvariation, or *of 'turning 'shadow. Having willed [it] he befistfruitrat hL ar &l1aev Xdyy ciXqOeiac, for rbYto 'be 4rtis &napXtjv d~ alvai us '&rbfruitr fiuer gst nu by [the] word of truth,

L4 ~


rrva r3v.aCroir.rrcaphrwv.
of his c r e a t u ~ a

loved brethrdn let 80 that, *brethren 'm, lbelc?nd, let 'be levery 'man evcry man be n& to hear, slow t o ~pcak, saxire oic rb (ixoiraac,ppaSirs isrb Xaxiiaar, ppaMc eic dpyGv. rlow to wrath : 20 for swift to hear, .low t o speak, slow t o wrath; the wrath of man worketh not the 20 ipyrj-ydp civSpbs ~i~aioa6uqv Beoir loi.~arepyci~arac.U righteousncuu of Qod. for 'wrath 'man'r 'fighteousnesn *God18 'rorks k o t 'out. 21 Wherefore lay ap r t &U filthinem and 21 Aib ci?roQbpevorriiuav ivrapiav rai ~repraaeiav uar u p d u i t y of naughtiWherefore, having laid aside all f l l t h i n a and abouuding ofwiok. n a and reccive with mwjmesstheeqgmft. xiac, i v apefrqri 6iSauOc rbv ip$vrov Xdyov, rbv GvvLad word, which 18 able edneas, in rueebeu accept the implanted word, which [is]

19whe&ore mybe-

19 i"Qure,W&SsX$oi pov dr a a


adc hv8pwnoc

g B ~ & ~ , " '~d V O~ i~~iaacic.t,h~dc.irph 22 yiveu8e.Si E ~ a j V i

the word, and not able

rorqrai ~ c i ov,
doors of [th.j)word, younelvea
a door,

to nave

your nouln hewers,

But be ye beguiling is

hmediutely forgot what 'like ' e 'wa& h But he that looked into 8th tkuern, he being ~slawo v F X E L O Vrbv njc Mtve~pias, xai aapa ~ i v a c , p T not a forgetful hearer, [the] tbt but n d o u of the work of freedom, and oontruued in [it1 this~~n8hallbebless!uo8rnyUoix dxfoanjs briX~~~povijs I(N6p~voc, Mhd r o r q r i ~ ed h deed. 26 If thin one not a hearer i 'forgetful aving been, but a do& any man among you 06r0s pa~iprochv r#.norrjuai.aGroir c'orar. 36 Ei sacm to be religious PPYOV, m d bridleth not h d of Ltke] work, this oue bleured in bis d o i q ahall be. If tonguq but deoeiveth h k own heart, this Orrs doefi OpGaxoc 1 ~ ~ 1 Piu d iv,' p?j xaXcva wyijv rnan'8 religion t vain. rngDn6 % e m *religious .to 'e 'among r e * , not i b hridlng 21 Pure religion and unde81ed before 04 y ~ ~ u u a v . a i ~ ~ i r , Ci~arijv~apSiav.~airoir,11 roirov qCiXX'Ii and the Father is thin hls tongne, but deceiving h& heart, of this our To virit the father: lwand ,,idowr ~(ciraios sOpqati~ia.n 27 quxsiaPraOapd ~ a dPinvros i their d i c t i o n and to rain [is] the religion $lipion pure nnd undefiled 2ir,himmgwk~tl i m r p i a ~ n iuriv, i ~ t a ~ i ~ r ~ ~ ) Go? and Cthd Father YthL Iir : t o vinit or- -


of the and not a doer, ho i; like unto a luan beholding h~ ~ t ; ; : l ~ ~ ~ himself, goeth his E$c;;t<",;$hz ner of man he wan, U But whoso looketh

fi any be a h-

xai~ prj mpdvov ci~poarai,~~ $ P ~ ~ napahoyrtdpavoi iavrobs. 23 iirc ~ f

and not only hana,

U any man a hearor of [the] word & O~~ K E~V .; ~ ~ (IvSpi ~aravooirvrird is like to a man oonsidering

i ric (irpoanjc hdyov huriv xai 04 aoiqnig, 06ros

and not

thir OM

rprpdaw~ovn j s ~ E U Q Q E W ~ aGr05



bv hubrrpy0 24 xaravdqoav.ydp davrbv rrai ci?r~GXve~v, uai



gtOiuc h?raXheero daoios

for he considered


hkrueli and haa gone away,

26 6.64 napari$a!: e;c


p -

gavoirc rrai X;I as bv rq'.Ohi$ei.atr3v, daniXov lavrbv rqP TV

and wid!wrln world



aoneself 'to keep

&?rbroir xbupov.
TL Mybrethren have our mob the f,,ith Lord Jeauv Christ Ihs
respectOf of 'OrY1 peraons. 3 For if there come unfrom tha

2 'A8EX$oi.pov1 /L4 CV ' ~ o a ~ ? r o ~ q ~ i a irrjv riariv CjC~rd ~ ~ ' My brethren, not 'with respot *of 'ponons 'do 'have the faith ro~.rrvpiov~~Bv 'Iqaoi ~praroi njC d6kr 2 idv.y-ip
of our Lord Jaw Christ, [Lora

of glory;

for U

8) but (let) ~ m n . 1 o h Zpyd<erar works not ~ r ( ' 1 ~ 7Y know [it] L ~ A . k ~ e P i v 6pru 0 8 i but (if) L . 0870~ LTT~A. m hcpoarai pivov LTrAW. OLmrAW. cr iMd LTTrAW. 1 javro3 (red his own heart) L . 8 6pluaia T . ~ p ~ u L n~ L ~ r ~ A ~ p ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 r+ zw,

+ -

ment ; 3 and ye have respect to him that appnrel, and ye luny have looked upon him who wetvs the 'apparel ing, nnd say unto him. thegay n j v hapappciv, rai ainqra yaBr$," P6 rcieov t6e rtaXG~, s i t thou here iu agood Lspleudid, a d may have said to hlm, Thou sit thou here well, and phce ' and the poor, Stand thou there, r$ arwx@ aflt'qra, 2 3 urljel &E;, k&eov ZG6~U or sit here uuder my Gab $ t b poor may havo said, Thou stand thou there, or sit thou here under f ~ t l l t 0 0 1 :4 me ye not ? then partial in yourrd.6no~rd616v. ova4'kai' 06 8te~pi8qre BV iauroic, reIves and ere be*mko "uot 'did2yemcke adifference among yoursclvsa, come 'judge3 of evil u y footrtoot thoughts ? 6 Hearken K U ~ veuea rptrai BtaXoytapGv novqpGv ; 5 'Aro6aare, nly beloved brethren' m d became gudges mnvlng] Preaaonings 'evil? Honr, Hath not God chose: the of thir Lifi)c$oipov ciyantlroi, oirx jeebg bCaXiSaro ro6c ?rrw~06c poor in faith world rich Lbrerhrcn my 'beloved : 'not 'God *did c h o w tho poor and heirs of the king! dom which hc hnth broir r60povHC ~ ~ 6 ?~Xovuiov~ ~ i u r ~ i , rXqpov6pov~ romised to them that ~ ~ v , " bv rai 3world 'of'this, rich in faith, m d heirs fovehimP6Butye have despised the poor.

in 'npy.lral

J A B2 E S. 587 ai'uiXfly E I ~ wr~jvl.avvaywyr) civrip Xpvoo8amirXtoc & D q z l l ' ~ ~ h ~ ~ , b ~ mny hare come into our dyn:rgo,nue a man with 601d rings in goodly apparel, nnd iv lat)irr XaprpG, aio6XOp.o"B m arwx3c i bv bvnap@ there man inin also a come
'bplcndid, a ~ I d mny have come in also a poor [man] in vile


iat)ijrc,3 'm; bri,.3hi$qr'

iiri rhv $o,ooirvra rrjv beijra


press you and draw 6 G c i ~ c " h7jrrppciaare rbv ?rrwx6v. d ~ B X ' I oi T X O ~ U ~ O you t seats 1theDO not nea L 7 judge e p t dishononrod the poor [man,. Wot .the they blaSphme a, rcara8vvaarelovutv e;p3v,n rai ahroi k!Acovatv worthy usme by the which ye are call'do oppresn You, and ["not] %hey 'do drag you ed? 8 1f ye fulfil the rcptipta; 7 ohr ahroi /3haa$tlpoiuiv 7i, xahbv ;;yl&;t;;ydi;lz before [the] tribnnnls P %ot .they 'do blaspheme the good love th ' ndghCopor rb larrXqelv &p' G p d ~ 8 Ei pivrot ; vdpov 7EXaira b o w as thy& ye do : g but if ye ham name which wsa called upon you P If indeed [the: 'law y e *lreep m a t to m m ,J e po @aaAtrdv, rash rrjv ~ b a $ f i v'AyaajaetC rbv.aXqaiov.uov commit sin and are , 'royal according t o the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour 00n~inOBd the law as t r n n s g r e ~ r sl0 For . &g uaavriv, raXGg ?rottire. 9 EL& f?rpoaoaoXqnreir~,lI Apap- whosoever shall keep thysolf, "weil 'ye 'do. But if ye have respect of persons, '*in the whole law, and yet offend in one riav i~yhCruer,iXayxipavot &TA roi i p o v he ~apa/3drat.i~guilty of ye'work, being convicted by the law aa transgressors. he that mid 1 0 not 1 commit adulhry, u i d l 0 6artc.yhp 6Xov rbv v6pov grqptjaec, ?rraiaeil~ 68 iv h i , also, DO kill. Por w h o ~ w ~ e r 'whole 'the k w shall keep, 'shall "stumble Ibnt i n one if thou commit no yet if thou yiyovev aciurwv ~ U O X O ~ . 6-yip ~ i a h v ,M 4 p- adnltery, art -me& kill, thou m i n t ] , he has beoome 'of =all 'guilty. Bor he who said, 'not 'Thou transgressorof thelaw. afrav rai, M~j.fJova6apc' e ~ 6 ;l2 YO speak ye and so do, a they thkt shall q ayeat commit adulterp, mid also, Thou mayest not commit murder. Now if be judged by the law

of the kingdom which he promised


paoiX~iac tjc baqyyeiXaro

t 3 t h w that


ciyan3atv alir6v ; Do not

love him

men op-





o ~ . ~ ~ ~ L x E ~ $ O V E~~ ,C E ~ 8 ,' u E ~ ~ shall have judgment of liburty. 13 For he thou shalt not cou~ruit adultery, 'shalt "commit 'muder 'but, thou hast become withont mercy, t hat
a transgressor of [thO] law.


?rapnpLrqc vbpov. 12 Oijrwc Xahaira rai oijrwc noreira, he

So speak ye and so by [the] law of freedom W i g about to be judged ; wrought not mercy. for judgment dod

~ ~ against ju&ment.


vdpov bXav@apiag pQXXovrasrpiveaear* 13 ~ . y d p . ~ p i a i ~ iciviXawSII r ptj.aoi~aavr~ CIEO~' rarakrai"


[will be] without mercy to him that

irauxdrai ( X E O q i u ~ w c . ~
*over 'mercy judgment.

14 T i

lrb" 6fJaXoc,ciGeX$oi.pov, Q i vaiarlv "%Eyp

profit, my brethren,

-*v L ~ A . X iatPAi&.re 6; A. 7 0674 GLTTrA. a &6e LTTrL rai LTT~A. b T$ rd.sPy (m regards the world) L'R'rAW. c .ro~.rov GLTTrAW. 06xi LW. e T . f LlTrA. B ~ p i o - q ,a . r a i q (read shall have kept, but 8hall have stumW


What [is] tnu




71~' 14 What &B q 'myone profit, my brethren,


bled) LTTrA9. h ~ L ~ ~ C $JOYIVCLS '(read if thou committest not adultery but committeat I C , murder) LTT~A. i v e h t pltilesa L ~ A W . ~ rai GLlTrAW. rb L m rw %I .

~ x ~ I ;" n lj-Txy , Eiruarar ~ ; ~ t h ~E , pCl~ ;tplj~ 'able 4 ?riarrg aLiuac a6rlv; fs Ifaith t o mve hiuD save him? !J If a 15 i d ~ - ~ b (iE~X$i)g (i&X@j y v p ~ j $?r(iP waiv, kai X~rn6ill 4 ~i gd 'tzt2: NOWif a brother or a bixter 'uaked , and dosti-

not workdj can fl,ith ['he] ' , works have not 7 h but

of dailyyou say unto one of food, 16 and them, Depart in puce, be yewarmed nud filled ; uotwithJanding ye giro them not thobe thing* whioh nre nccdful LU the body ; what doth it profit? 17 Even so fnith, if i t hath not works, is dend, being aloue. 18 Yea, a man may ~h~~ haat faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will nhew works. faith by bethee my 1s T ~ O U my lierest that them is


iu Cc $pGv, 'Y?r(iyrin Vrom "amongst *you, Go

ed ;
~ E U ~ prj-6tr~-64 t r o ? ~ E , a rd

may be

~ o l vrGg <$qpip~v ll rpo$<g,

of dnily food,

16 eiir~.Bi r[g a6roig

and say lanyone Oto 'thum and
be warmed

t/phl'g, 8~ppaivea8~ xopr6rai

puce ; be fillwhat [ s i) body,

i ? r l & ? ~ r a ro6 ahparog, r i ?riasrc d&v p$ qEp7a


but give not to them the needful things for the profit 7 by

Prb1l6$Xoc; 17 03rwg kai

C U ~ L V a 9 'iavmjv. ~


also But

ii %tot 'works 'it hare, .dead


18 & X i D i p ~ i rrg

Z d


' i s


*say 'someaone, Thou %th thy fnlth my works from

L ?

and I Yworks 'have. 'thy,

pot r~v.?riariu.aov riru r&vigywy



aaov," rciy& 'Eeifw aotME rGv.+ywv.po~ njvricrriv npov.1 r

and I will shew the0 from

G%lQg~ l9 air nrarsirsr~i;ri '6 8 gTkdz::


~ ET^ iarrv.I1 ~ a X 3 caoreZc* rai rh b ~


'y m.

believe, and tremble. Thou belicvent that God 'ono 'is. 'Well 'thou*doest; e m u the ' W B u t ~ i t t h n ~ k n darpdvra ? ~ ~ U T E ~ ~ O V O~ Ya ~piuuovutu. 20 OAELS-61 ~w~ L , i yvGvac, 0 vain mnn, Lhat faith without works isdend? believe, and shudder. But wilt thou know, KEY;, get ?riuric xwpis r&Zpyw~ wvE~pt@ iar1v; 21 Was not Abrahnm & &uOpw?r~ our father justlfiedhad 0 works, when he by aman 'empty, that faith apart from works dead iat offered his son 21 'Appadp S.?rarr)pGpG@oitr E gpywv i8traih8q, civei npon B(*nthou sAbrahru 'our father k o t 'by 'works ' w u .1Uitled, baring


wrought with hi8 vQy~ag'Iuncir rdv.uibu.a&ro~ b?ri rb &tutaarijpiov; 22 @ works, m d by works offered ~saao his son upon the altar ? Thoa WRS faith made perfeet? And the rct'g i;rr Ij aiarrc xavvfipyer" roZc.ipyorc.a&roG, ir r ~ v scripture waa fulfillad west that faith wrrs working with hi works, and by which s d t h , Abraham ?riarrg irEXlhOq;J 23 cni i?rXqphOq rj ypa$rj tj believed GO&,n ~ i di t il)ywv waa imputed untohint works fnith wlrs perfeotcd. And was fulfilled the scripcure which for ri*ht.oumesa: and he W= ~ l l d tile ? t / Y ~ ~ E ? T ~ u ~ E v u'Apparip T @ ~ E $ , '~a, Ev.~~ iXoyia9qe Friend of God. 24 Ye nays, Xow 'believed 'Abraham God, and it waa reckoned wro then how t h d by a man is jult,ntrfjj Eic 8i~aroatjvqv, llai giXoc 6E0ij ikhjeq. 24 'Op4.r~ fled, and not b faith to him for rigllteouaneaa, and friepd of Qod he wan oelled. Ye see only. Y. ~ i k e & . e a l s o



Zroit~vu" Srr

harlot jawtiAad by then that by works ts justified a man, and not by frith works when w c o i ~ Phe had ~ ~ V O V 25~ dpoiwc.6i ncai 'PaciP the . rdpuq OGK 1E; ?gywv gers, nndhndsentihnr only. But i n like manner aLso ' h h a b 'the 'harlot *not 'by w o r k out another way ? ibrrailjOq, 26 For m body 6~06e~apivq rodg &yyiXovc, rai br6pp d@ without the spirit is 'was .justified, having received tho mesaengera, and by a n o h e r way d e 4 faith without irPaXoGaa ; 26 &a?rep.ydrp rb a t a x w p i ~ ?rve6paroC wO'lrs baoina put Ctheml forth 1 For as the b k - a - ~ u from g t aniris -- -

iE 2pywv 8rrcaroijrai bvOpw?roc,rai oitr

i c ?riarrwc

vrrcpdu Zarrv, oi;rwc rai ,j ?riang xwpic br3vU Zpywv uerpd


's i.

n o


faith apart from



III. My brethren, be lb. not many mastrrs, M+ aoXXoi Gt8(iaraXoi yiveae~,&8~Xgoi.pov, Ei6drec knowing thatwe receive the grentcr 'Xot 3~11~my *teachers 'e b. my brethren, knowing that condomnation. 2 For in things we of- p~icou koipa CXt/\Cldp~Oa*n?roXXdl-y(ip r a i o i~r ~av r ~ ~ . 2 ~ i r v a l e ~t any man greater judgment we shall reoeim FoF30ften 'we 4&umb&


n 82 now m 0 &ULV VIA. P r b L. P g Qya OL'lTr-Uv. m r ~ ~ papart i s from QLVrAW. - uov L1TrAW. UOL 8eitw TTr. p011 Tl'rAW. * e k i& idle LVrA. wvepyei works with m . 6 Be& L V ~ 1s i Be& i a i v AW. ; : Y &ad verse 22 i~Ltcrrogativcl.~, pointed in the Greek. EQLT~W. as - roivvv OLTPIW.



vave 24 cu yuaiow o1.Tr. a

-rcjv NT~L

Avp+6@Oa L m r L

ri r r ~
to bridlo
11 anyone in word

Xdyy of~.araiet. oPro~
dno =whole 'the
body. stumble not, this One Lib] a BJrfect able

and able also tobridle

riA~to!: ClYljp, b v v a ~ b ~ $~~~~~~~~


.harms hold we put bits i n the 'horses8 moathe, r h m a ~ ~ W; Y x ~ X I V O ~ ! : 6 urcipara pciXXopav enpbcll ri, rei0aaeat f b t twew turnO about ,tosobey and 'the *bit. Jin *the 'mouths we put, for their wholebody. 4 ?eairrode ,ipivyu reai SXov rb.aijpa.ahrijv p ~ 6 ~ o ~ t e v'1606 hold also the the#= 4 . whioh though shl 'them W, and 'whole 'their body we tuin about. h, m greet and are drirai TEE rXoia rqXtra4ra Zvra, cai itrb ~ureAqp3vcivQpwv8 ~ . o n o f $ r c e w i n h , ~ e t they turned also the ehipa, % J 'being, and by violent wind, with a very small &lavv6pevn, p ~ r ' i y ~ r a r6 r b iXaxiurov mEnXiov, Srov helm, whitherroerer W i g driven, are turned aboub by a very clmcrll rudder, wherever the gweraor liststh 6 Even M) the tongru 'avn ;pp$ ro5 &e6vovro~~ 0 6 X t l r a i .5 ~ i ~ o$rwc cai is a littlemember, and the impulse of him who steen may will. Thus also b o ~ s k t h Brest thinBehold how t a rj yhcjaaa ptrepiv pBAoc bariv, cai kPayaXav~ai." 'I806, matter's l i t t r f i r a the tongue a little member is, and bomts great things. Lo, kindlath ! 6 h d ths tongue u a ftre a L6Aiyovqri;p tjXLqv iihqv b v c i ~ r ~ r6 %aid . yAijaaa wofia o i i n i p a ~ a little fire how large a wood i t kindlsa; and the tongue [ia] the tougne aluong our membera, that it ~ G P b rdapoc rijc ci6cciac. 'oi;rwc" , yhijuan raeiararar de5leth the whole fire, the world of unrighteousnesk Thus the tongue is #et b e and letteth on fire b e m r s e of luir roic+iX~atv=rjpijy,Or)" artXoGam SXov r b ucj a, cai ~ X O - t- ; and i t ia = t a n the defiler [of] zwhole 'the b o g , and letting flre of heU. l BoreIn our memben, kind of beruts and d $:ovua ri)u rpoydv nip yavkurwc, cmi ~XoyJopbn i r d rijc via, of-ntr, on fire the course of nature, and i n g w t on* by and of thingn in the is tamed and ycilwqc.. 7 r2uir.ydp rai r ~ r ~ r u i j v , iprcd gehenvr Bor every species both of beruts and of birds, 'of 'weeping mankind : 8 but th. r& TE cal bvdiwv, G a p d ~ r a i cai 6eMpaarai r# tongue our no man .thing8 'both and things of the sea, is nubdued and has been subdued by

xaXivnywy,7aar cai 5Xov rb aijpa. 3 '''ldo~Y rijv i'rrrov the wholebody.






( i v e p ~ r i ~ p - Tljv.8i yX3aaau 0C8~icP86varm we 8

*human ; but the tongue

'the 'of =mm

no one

.a k b l e i

&aOp&rww GapLionc*"
to nubdue ; [it

id an t

q&carciq~rovkac6v, pcanj

full of ' p o i i , i l i t u d a o f ~ l



even the


Bavarq$6pov. 9 tv-air*
and t h e r e n z ~k-

'rar6pa, s,"g~,","$hsm m , 'denth-bringing. Therewith we blwn God and [the] Fa-, rnrein' b thew t L g s OURM no6 cai BV-ait caraphpe0a roic ci~epcj~ovc robe rraB so to ba 11 Doth 4

eAoyo4pev 'rbv 6~bvu rai



who secording to

b oiourv 8eoG y~yovbra~' 10 i c ro5 aCro3 srdparo~. CEipof Qod are made. and turning. Out uf the same

fountain #end forth a t

goer 12 Cm the

brethren, bsu
OLmbuh? vine figs? H, can no i-tnin both y i e ~ d t W&* llrd frerb.


p a r a6Xoyia reai carhpa. 06 pp*, &6& oipov,


Zhu+thinga .opening %.brethren

Wet ought, lmy%rethren,

oiirwc yiwuOai. 11 pjrc

to ba
sweet and


ire rijc aCrijc d?rijc

h able,

T h e Yountaln 8out %%he .lame

*poam Yorth

Pp6~i rb yhvd rai ri) rrrep6v; 12 )(tj 86varai, &6~X$oi

pou, avrij bxaiac roiijuar,

my, a fig-tree olivea to produce, or

4 dp?r&oc &a;

Thu no


drXvrebv cai" yAud rorijuar $sop. my4 fountain [is able] srlt and meet 'to sprodnce iwatea.

l 3 Tic

ao$itc m i bmartjpwv i u 6pTu ; ~

E ~ & T O

k n7c

Who [is] wim

and understanding among you ; let himshewont oi

man and kno~ledgeamongy~~


,, ,*

d 2, Q ; et 82 but if (read ~ aalso) LTTrAW. i cis LTl'rA. d p i v ai,~ov'sA. h bv (read where) TT=. 8 i v i p w v u d q p i i v LTRAW. @niAerar wills m . k pyaa a$~cr ~ I A . L 1 jhiuov LiteraUy how great (some tmndlak how small) L ~ W . c4 uai (read the tongue kindles. A fire, &C.) T. O ~ T U FL ~ A W . 0 rai P 8a+buar blivarar ivOpJnov LTrL (read both defiliug) T. q & a r i m a ~ o v anuneettled L ~ A W . r rbv d p r o v the Lord L n r L 8 oiirw.L c o h h b deitket

ult [water ie able] BJATIAW.



111, IV

~&\i~,",","~8$8,"~$ ~aX;jc &vaurpo$ijcrct.Epya.nirrofi iv npq2jrqrl aog;ac. 14 d.61 works with meekness good his works in meekness of wiudom ; but it of wisdom. 14 But if ZijXov rc~pbv ixere ~ aipiOeiav bv ri-~ap8i'q.&pirv,r,j i earnye have bitterin your Yemul~tion envyiug and atrite 'bitter ye have and coutention in your henrt, not I! d honrta, g l o v not, and K ~ V X C ? U ~ E+ iE ~ ~ E Oear& Q a ~ E &hqOeiapn 15 Oir~ iarr9 lie not a ~ a n s t the lie against the truth. 'Xot 'ir truth. 16 Thiniwisdom boast against and deacendeth not from aiirq ao$ia hvw6ev xarepxopivq, v&hX'lliriyeioc, +V& but earth- 'this the wisdom from abovo coming down, nrbut earthly, ly s;naual devilinh. ixei d F o r ?he& e n v i n p ~ 1 ~ Batpovth8qc. 16 ii~ov.~dp 6 , CijXoc eai bpceeia, m d strife W, the1-0W tural, devilish. For where omuiation m d coutentipn[clre]; t h e n confusion m d every evil work. 17 But the (~C(LTOL@TUC~Q ?rZlJ $ ~ ~ X 7fpZyp. 17 4-82 dvw8W Kai OU wisdom that is from [M commotion and overy evil thing. But the 'from 'above above is first pure, thenpeaceable gentle ao$ia 7fp6rov piu iyvh iarlv, t!relra ;pqvtmj, ilrretmjc, and way to b e i n t r e d l ~ i ~ d o m 'fiat .pure 'ir, then peaceful, gentle, ed M of mercy and 1 m t n , without b?rl6hC,E U I i X f o v ~ a K C ~ ~ A ~ U ~ ~ ) bi 2 dyat)6V, (i81d~p170~~ a i " w pnrtiality, and with- yielding, full of mercy m d of 'fruits good, impurtial and outhypocriay 18 And the fruit of ri'ghteoua- ( i v ~ ~ d k p i ~18 eapri,~.BB oc. *rfic" 8i~atobhvq~ eipjlv~ ~ i bv m noun& sownin p c 0 of tmfoignod. But [the] fruit of righteousness in p a c e ir them that mrrkepence. m ~romwheucewmc~ E W L TOTS T O ~ O ~ ~ U~ipfivqv. I T ~ O E U ~ d h ~ p rai y LV oc w&n and 5~hting.s sown for thoae that make apence. Whosce [come] wars md mong you? come they C((iXaL not hence, even of your i v irpiv; O ~ K ivreiiOev, BK r3v.+?ovirv.ilpGv lnbtr that w u in our 5ghting1 antong you? it] not thence, from your pleruurer,

e c

and deaire to have, and which war in your member8 7 Ye desire, and oannot obtain: ye OGK.!XETE* $oveher~lcai <qXoZre, ~ a ot.bljvau8~ imrv~eiv. i 'lht not becaune ye ye kill and are emulous, and are not able t o obtain ; have and wu' yet ye hare not ; asknot. ask, a d paixeaOe xC noXepeire, Zoir~.!x~re a dlcd ri, t j aireiaOar reoeive not, because ye ye fight and ,amiss that war, h.h.n 'not .but because k o t 2.k consume it U n your ir ii 3 aireire, xai ot.XapBLvere, 8e6rr iraeirg aireiaea 'iva 1mtn. 4 y e aglterera y e nak, snd receire not, boause evilly ye mk, that and adnlteresses h o w ye not that the f;iend- iu raic.<80vai~.6p~v a r a ~ a q r e . 4 b M ~ e ~eai" porxa8 oi a h i ~ the world in in of your pleanures ye may lpsnd [it]. Adulterers and adultsa m i t y with God P w h o m therefore Xidec, oirr.oBare iirr trXia 706 rdapov, ixOpn croC will k friend of realer, know ye not that the f r endahip of the world enmity [with] the world b the h a . S DO ee05 iarrvjll S~!&vll 03v PovXqO@$hoe elvat 705 ~dapov, enemy ye t h h k that the God L I Whosoever therefore be minded a friend t o be of the world, mripture aaith in vain art melplrit that d a d ! b x O p h ~v06 Oeofi ca0iurnrar. 6 8 0 x e i ~ ~ K E U G ~ ypa0th in un lluteth to an enemy of God ir o o ~ t i t u k d . Or think ye that in vain the sorip envy? 6 But he giveth grMa~bnfom $4 XiyacjC r p d c $Odvov Brrro0ei rb mefipa 8 f ~ a r ~ ~ q a e v J he 8 4 t h God rslisteth ture spe& ? with envy doed 'long 'the 'Spirit which tookup [his] rbo& We pro'd* the humble. i v ~ p i v 6 l i ~ o v a - 8 ~ ace unto but rivet' ;g 8i8uatv xdpvW 8th ~ l y e r ,'0 OEAC g u t agrenter Ihe 'give8 graoe. Wherefore he says, God $U v h U?



r ~ mparevopivwv i v roip.pfieorv.~p~v B irt~vpeire, i v ; m


will 5- from 8 Draw nigh to

ilrepqt$(ivoty rararvoic.82 g:$,"dy$,O&dt] 'proud 'setacivrcrriaaerar, but to [the] lowly Gi8warv xcipiv. 'himsoLf 'agninst, he giver gm-. p Pht


devil, and hands ~eninnern-nnd h$' iyylei 6piv. h raw new to ~ o dand hewill draw near to you, , qj: he will flee from y o e dieted, and mourn, ~a0apiaare ePac, ipaprwhoi, xai ciyviaara ~apsiac, : let row Have oleanud ~ o u r ~ h o 4 d 8 , dunan, and have purlfled born] hearts, r e double minded.

w y:z $eh(erar 3p3v0o t8vbyyiaare rf$ OE$, Kai Aez7 Yrorciyqre - OE$. &vriarqre $ :

8ubject yourselves therefor; 'to



h T+ UIe

btapdXy, eai


9 ~aXac?rwpfjaare xai
Be wretched,

&hAb TTr. r a l LTTrA. X 6 5 OLTTrAW. aand T i . l 6 i QLTTrA. b Morxoi xai LTTPAW ; join adulteresses to what placeden T . c i a i v 7 Bey" is with Clod T. 4 i a v LT. ke ; Text. Rec. and U . f ~arqktuev made to dwou L ~ A . h 6i but ;E. 1 I& T . (mist)LTT~A.

+ rd9ev whence LTTrAW.

tiAv@eicrs 1jteJ8cuBc T . K&




T E Y ~ ~ ~ U C ~ T EK X U ~ O Q T E . icaill





* +

IV, v.


S91 si'c riveoc peraarpa$ljrcd, rai , j . ~ ~ p d laughter be and your sic mourping, turned t o qour % smourning 'let *turned. and b 0 ~ JOY 1 joy hvrinsr rar,j$s~av. 10 ~ a ~ s c v l j e V ~ ~ L~ U kroir'l rvpiov, rai G$&- 10 H u m b t ht of the Bq X O tourselves heavheae. Humble yourselves before Lard, and h e d u a l t you.

uti Gpiic.
11 Md.raraXaX&rs

1 Spaknot eril one 1


oi M brother, and j u d ~ s t h hi8 brother, rpeoketh eril of the law, and ndgeth th* law :but thou Judge art not the law SI r o l ? p j c Vd OV, ciXXd ~ p l j c . 12 i a ~ l v V0 0- a doer dfthou law, but d the One ir the {W- a judge. I2 There in lthousart a doer of [tfe] law, but a judge. who 8 6 q c m , d ~ V V & ~ E VuGaai rai &rohfaai* c% O ~ f ric 1 O 8 c one lawgiver and tL able to save) o giver, who is able to erre and to dertroy : %hou 'who ' & that destroy: who art thou that judgert ~ 1 ~ 0 t h ? r ivsipfl rrbv P%repovI1-; $gmt the other? 13 "Aye u6v oi Xkyovr~c, %p~pov qkdiP afipiov r r o p ~ v - 18Got.o n o w , p t h a t (30 to now, ye who a , To-day and to-morrow we may row wedayor go into wffl to uDpe0a" E ~ ET $ v ~ E . ~ v . ~ rai Lr u ,i f i u ~ p s v ~ bu~avrdv"oh a W ,and con~~s ~ Qrsi g0 into ruch s oity and may spend there 'pbuy tinue and sall and yew* rai vipr~p~vuhpcQa,nw ~ ~ p 8 + a o p ~ v * U rai 14 oi'riues o t r m t &in: 14 where'one and may t r a o , and may make gain, who o : L bn w not what & on l morthe r o i a - 7 dpll q.5wtj.3pGv ; row. or what u YOKW d?riaraaea xrbll rijc airpiov. 'how what on the morrow [will b, (for w L t [is, e, your llte life? 1t even 7hpic zy4pll a i o r i v ~ ~ r dhiyov (aivopiy, &rsira A vapcnr eren i t is, which J r a little [while] appear,, ' h n then rani heth awa te 16 F O ~t h t t e ougKi b8h'!& ~ a v t t o p Q v r ] . 15 &vri ?OSX 6 y ~ t ~ - 6 p a 'cE h b ~6 We to , ~f Lord 'and disappears,) instead of your aam,I the f will 4 Balllioe and do h, that. 16 ~ u t or B.Aljuy, rai e&jawpeu,ll icai d r ~ i ? j ~ w p TO&O vu i ) ~ K E ~ V Onow yerejoicein oar . rhould will and wo shodd live, also we may do thh or that. W i n g 8 : all ancc r. e iaevil. l7 16 virv.61 nav$aOe iv rai~.eiAa~u~iai~11.6@v. ra6m- oioing him that Them riiaa ore to knowBut now ye boaat in your vnuntinga : *atin&? eth to. do good, and &v r d b v r o i e i v , to him it uic roialin) rovqpci iariv. 17 eDdri 'such evil in To p m ] knowing therefan, good to do.

&XXfiXwv, &8eh(oi* d raraXaXGv Speak not againat one another, brethren. He that apeaka spainrt &6~%$oir, 'raii1 r p i v w v rbv.~8eX~i)v.airroi)) raraXaXeX M] brother, and judger hb brother, q m a h againat [the] vdpov, rai rpivei vdpov* ~1-6i udpov rrpiveic, oirr But if [the] law thou judgest, 'not LW, and jndgss [the] law.

~ B t ~ ~ ~ p r , \ ~

K; L E




rai plj roio6wi,

and not doing

dpapria atr@ bariv.

[it], ain to him i t is.. . -. V. Go now, p 6"Aya uiiv oi.?r)toliatoi, Aaliuars dXo?dtovpc bri raic rich men t oweep and Go to now, Cye] rioh, weep, howling over howl for vtourmiwrie8 that shali come apoa r a ~ a i ? r ( w ~ i c rGpOv rak i~ 4rsp~opivace. 2 6. rXoirroc m. 2 Your riches ue .miw5cr lyou? that [are] coming upon. [ion]. 'Biohes aormpted, and you? 4pGv aiuqrev, rai rd.ip4ria.6pGv aqrd@pwra ylyovev* garmenta am moth'your have rotted, and you? gannenta moth-eaten have become. eaten. 8 Your gold and silver faoankered ; 3b . ~ vabc G Gv rai d dp poc rariwrai, rai birbc.aCrGv and the rust of them $onrgolg and g r hns been entenaway, and their amker shall be a witness against you, and' shall sic p a p r i r p i o v 6 p b gorat, rai qciyerar rdr~.a&prac.GpGv eat your flesh sa i t for a testimony against you &all be, and shall eat your desh aa were 6re. Ye have heaped treraure to&p* dOqoavpiaare bv la~ciracc$piparc. 4 B o 6 , d piu8bc ther for the lsat h Ye treasuredup in [the] leat daya Lo, the hire %ys. 4 Behold, the


P F)

k - 705 (read [the]) L ~ + 6a but (who)Q L m A .

A .

make gain E L ~ A W . b ~ m ; r 83~ W.

or BLTl'r.

d pivwv LTTrk P t?A)uiov (read [thy] neighbour) LTTrA. I ~ O ~ W Q ~we will go E L T ~ ~ A W . E((~O~ S nor<uopev will spend ELTAW. Cva ( v e d a year) ~ m . v c ' p u o p ~ u 6 p ~ O a traffic ELTT~AW. uep8$uo~evwill will

1TorL ~ A, .

+ ~alc p t n j s judge, eLmrrr. ~ and


'& U { O V C C ~ ~ T .

L. Y Cy&p] T . T 8 7% L. {<uopv WB shall live L ~ A W ,

c ' a e ye a r e L ~ I . A W . uomjuopev we shall do




~E~~~~~~~~ r i jthe Jpyarijv rijv (ipquOiurwu ~dc.xcjpac.8$&v,which*cinesnpt).. v b your &1L, which h of your fle&, hf

ot you he by EvoC: &*' 6pGu ICPC%&EI, o d ral ai p rGu B~pruci~~rccrv ~ r i fraud, c i g and the ept back by you, or& out, and the oriea of thow who re : reaped, into of them have .mped us en- r d Ora mpiov Xa@a&B~~iuAqX66au~u.~ 6 irpv$rjuare the ear# of [the] Lord of Hoatr have entered. Ye lived in indnlgenor

yg: pteo$

&ep&rn rdc-rapdinc.6pGv 6 Ye h n n lived in I n i rijc yijc, rai Iurard$uare. plwUm On ah* earth, and ~ v e d i g m l f - g r a t ~ t i o ye n o u r i b d upon the n; your hearm and been wnnton ;ye rbv your h3cn u tjpipq a$ayijc. 6 rare8uOiuare, ~ + o d u a n t heart# M in a dny of in l &Y of a k u g w ; - =% QmU B Ye luTe condemned a d killed ICOILOU' O ~ K . ( ~ W L ~ & U U E ~ ~ L dp&. thej~t;adhedothjlut; hedomnotreabt m not m b t yom, 7 M m 06vpsi~afi o h , d8t&#oi, g& f l ~~ a r p ~ ~ TO^ a c r ~i 'I BE patient therefore, brethren, unto kpatjent therefore,lLm&mq tillthe . * , f O of* th.oomtngofthebrd. m iou. iSoC 6 y w b~ IrSCxtrac rbu r i p o v rizpabv rijs hb6ld the huebandU ' h1ubLLm , tbe await. tb t l i t of th. man ;aiteth for the preoi01~ i t of the f i e , p a ~ p ~ e ~ p i j u h l~r'at+ until 'dvl itXci@ppe [the]J6erdv' L=&&c ea and Ion earth, being p a t i a t ' for it W v +An %ap ~ t i e n c e U, nut4 for -in the e u ipouu rai 6 tpov* 8 )wcpoBvp~uasr rai G/&, ~ ~ sn)c)ibre and latter r e i r l nand Bepatient aIro ye: cw*r.~lkh e n h patient .*rKlia your head: tor rdc-rapSicq.ipGu, &L S* ~apovuicr 706 rupiov f j yrrtu. the 001ttinp of the your haub, h u m the coming Of the Lord h u k w u n w . Lord draweth nigh. o emage not one a- 9 Mtj.ur~vdC~re r a i ciMGXou, & S t & $ ~ 'Iua p4 =rararprl i,~ gninst another, breGroan not .0.inrt one another, brethren, th.t %ot 'ye %a oont h e n leat ye be con0 *hold, BijreSn0 I ~ n j c 6 rGu BVpGu b r q ~ e u . 1 'Yu& U udge standsth before demod. Lo, [W fudge b&m the dmr standr [h]nex. the door. 10 Take, my b-,theprophetr, b~~ypcz c i P ~ e0+ X who haw 8poken i unple n 'take the namo of the L r , od for an BUI1llple of rut- pa~oBvpiac, rode n-pogljrac O? dXMqaau P ry' budprr mfering diction, rad 'of 'potienw, th. pm who r o rpoh in Of[*]



&$'+$,,y;,,,,:'thE 11 i8oG, PI iropw ro3c qirropfuovrac.brju iuoiou. ha y which epdure. L 6 Lo, w e c % b b u d t h o n r b o a d Thr en~ e 9 a . e heard the Edy,"~erpthrpi"tle uok6urkamu6~ iuriu b dproc L tho Lord
Job, a p o d u 'I&@ tj106uare, rai rb r h o s mpiou rei8ere,fl 8re the end of d u r w of Job ye have heard of, and the end ot [thej L r ye u w ; that od

~ a oirs+pwv. i

12 npb

and oompuaionata aBsfom and of tender memy. mOf tender pity i l t ~ t a b o v e r l l t h i n a , ~ L u r w v 84, &SEX oipov, p4.6p&m, rbu 06pavov. & swear not, ne*bs[hl h r ~ . not, neither by hen- CU4thingg .but 4 r.n, neither the )(tjren j u yiju, p$re ciXXov-rrvd 8prov. fjrw.61 Qpiju rb vai, a w t h e r b Y a n y nor the wtb; nor anyother oath; b u t l e t k o f y o t a t h o ps, other oath: but let row yea be y w ; uai, uai rb 05, 05. p4 4ic 6rdrprurv~uiuqe. 13 rare. -%d. y l z U m J ~ E P , j yea. & the nay, nay, that not into hypowiey ye mry fa= demlution. 13 18 m y raeei L i v Zpiv ; U ouev~iuBo' Eir6vpi r i c ; ! a t Mm pray : hWmerful 'anyozmt among you aBictcdl &~hsrd&ipnlanyone h o n g you? let him ray. l nny W ? yet him #ahXiro. 14 ciu6evei rrc i u +piu; U p o a ~ d e ~ c i o ~ w 11'nick 'anyone nmonp you? let him c l to (l@m] al palm, 14 IS any let him praise ; unong you? let him - 1 for the elderr 1 r o 6 ~ r p a a ~ r f p o v ~ irrXquiac, rai ?rpou~uEiu~wuau ? id the church ; and let the e l m of the ursembly, and let them pray o m themprs~orerhh andtIng d aGrdv, (iXeiJlavrec 'airr3v11 him d t BXaiy i v rq? bvdparr vroGU rvpiov. oil in the nune of the him, hnving anointed him with oil in the of the Lord ;


an 2 6 1

f & $ v m ~ p q p ~m. v~ g eiue~~AvOav~ A W . L h &L ~ A W . b lTrA. t -26erbv (read [rain]) L ~ A . updipov m. L &h+o& rar' w h v LTrA. r p c8cA4oi pov, 6 s r c u o u d e ~ Ajm 'ye "be judged a ~ r r m w . m + 6 the al.rrraW. q h p e i v a w a r endured Lmrh (- pov my L ~ A W a m n w . ) P + iv in (the) L W r see ye A. G& rpiorrt under judgment ~ L T ~ A W . &W (& * [him]) T . roJ (red of [the]) I@X]A.

and the prayer of faith

shall nave the exhausted one, and 7sins 'will

15 ~ n 4 ~ 4 x 4 i j ~ ? r i u r ~ c~ U E 'rbv ~cipvovra,rcai Byei r U L p? alirbv d rc6pioc. K ~ Z V &papriac airry'. 16 iEopoXoyeiaee

him. and pray Confess for

g':&the sick and ,$fa;$dsc$

him Lord shali if he the u p . and rain6 have sins, they shall be for-


$.?r~oit)~hc, ciXXiiXoq
to one another [iour] one another, that yemaybe

~afre'up *him 'the *Lord; m d i f


It nhall be forgiven offences,


to another, and pray One for that e may be healed. T& T O X ~iux6ec SQqaic 8crcaiov ivepyovpivq. he effectual fen-ent Praye* of a righteoM hauled. 'Much 6p~wvails ['the] ssupplicatiqn *of 'a .righteous C7rnan] oprativa luen availeth nuch. 17 Z'HXia$ J~epwroc .$v dpolo~aeljc Ijpiv, rcai ?rpouetr~p" EI~MI a man 17 W= Elias 'a 'man 'was of like feelings to us, and with prayer subject to like pa* sions ss we are, and he a oaq6Fnro 70; p4 ~ a oGrc.EIPpeEev dri T ~ yijc prayed earnestly that i C tle prayed [for it] not to rain ; and i t did not rain upon the earth i t might not rain: and , i t ralned not on the Zvcavrotic T P E ~~ arijvac 15. 18 ~ a aciXcv ~ o u q 6 S a r 0Kar ,th bp the space of ~ i i , *years 'chrea and m o n t h 'six; and again he prayed, and three years and lllx V months. 18 And he i, oipavhc a6~rbvZBWKEV,'I nai yij I / ~ X L & S ~ ~ ~ Erdv pmyed agab, the and the hearen 'rain 'gave, m d the earth canned 'to 'sprout heaven gave min, and the earth brougM rraprhv airijc. forth hex fruit. *fruit lib. 19 Brethren if any 19 'A&X$oi,b biv rrc bv 4piv ~Xavt$3gja i d riic a q - of you do err jromthe Brethren, if anyone among you err from the truth, truth, and one convert

'r6 Iraparrrhpara,? ra; ~r;~anee'~i p ciM$Xwv, $rwc &r


e~iac, rai brcarpdlC/

~ ~ ~ i E 1 ' $ ~ ~ that he who verteththe einner froq b?rtarpBlC/a~ &paprwXbv be ?rX&vq~ dcYoiLafro3, ohuer the error ofsoul from shall save a his brings back a sinner from [the] error of his way, shall save death, and shall hider and 'bring Jbacf 'anyone him, let him know

ric airrdv, 20 c y i v w a ~ i ~5rt~ ~ w d

a soul

~ I C

eavcirov, ~ a raXirGec ?rXijBo~&paprrGv. i

death, m d shall cover a multitude of r i m

multitude of lina.


e'Ia~h/30v bmuroXtj."
*Of Vamea




IIETPOZ cir6aroXoc 'Iqaoii xpiaroii, brcXeuroic ?raperi86p01~

Peter, apostle of Jesus Christ, to [the] elect of Cappadocia, sojournem of[tireJdispersion of Pontns, of Galatia,

:,"EBdhr%ef stra,gem Bcatterea

2 elect r iy Q ~w& d~i nFg " to ' , " ,

Gtauropiic rldvrov, I'aXariac, Ka?rrac?o~iac,'Aaiac, ~ a tllroughout i Btevviac, 2 rarci

Bithynirr, according to [the] foreknowledge of God [the] Father, by sanctifi-

Pontus of Asia, and Galatias h i s , and iithynia, wdoci4

~pdyvwurv 0 ~ 0 3 ?rarpdc,bv&yiau-


?rveGparos, $ r a ~ o ? ) v D I ~fiavrt.apbv K cation of [the] Spirit, nnto [the] obediencs and sprinkling

dlParoc through sanctification of [the] blood bedience and sprinkOf the lipirit ling of the blood of 'Iqa03 xpiar03. ~cipic hp% ~ a ripljv~ i rXq6vvOeiq. of Jesus Christ : Grace to you and peace be multiplied. Jesus Christ: Grace unto you and peace, 3 EirXoyqrbc 6 rcai s a d p r03~1~~piov.{pGv ~ ~ be 3 '1 0 multiplied. Blessed b] God and Father the of our Lord Jesus 3 Blesacd be the Qod and Father ot ~pcUT03, b Karh O St v a y ~ v v t j a a ~ ~X OUT Lord Jesus Christ. Christ, who according to his gwat mercy begat *again 's a which w o r d i n g kl


+ . r 6pip you E

&v therefore LmrA. X h a p r i a s sine L m r . J mpove6xcde L * 'HAaias T, C y~vlju~c7a know ye & iscuxcv derbv ~ m r . b pov my (brethren) L ~ A . the subscription E G : ~ W; ' I a ~ i p o vT ~ A . adroi) (read hie soul) LT. T ; i n o m i h o v the apostle E; O cd h a ;I I k p o u iacmohi a R ; n i r p w a LTAW. rod '

g h d ~ ~ ~ t ELiX?riGa;CGuavthrough [the] resurrection 'Iqaoit ~pcaroit Irm o w e,"~ 6i civnoraiaco~ of J e y Chrint Prom r unto a uvdY tO .hope 'living verpJv, 4 is rhqpovopiav &$Onprov rai tipiavrov rai k the Jdead 4rto an ycthe]~ c3 ~ e to an inheritance incorruptible b d undetlled and from





h~itmce ~+4pavr0v, ~ i q ~ ~ p b lvvq v 06pavois hjjpii~,~rods i v r 5 tible, .and n d& ue & reserved in [the] hearena for nq who by and t b t tadeth not 'ULfading* inheabvvhp~l &oi) .$povpoup~vovc6id riarws, eic awrqpinv away, -ed for Out 5whonre [tbej power of God [m] being guarded through faith, for wlvation h p t bpthe of raiprj laxriry. 6 lv.4 LyaXooa thro?gh atthun iroipqv oinoraXv$Oi#ivat l v t o salvahon m d Y t o mady to be in [the] 'time 'I&. Wherein ye exbe revealed in the last tima e .wherein ye XcZ&, bXiyov ei 660v .ldariv,u A v ~ ~ 0 6 w e c g r c r t l rejoicqthough ult, ~ ior little while at present, if necaaaarp it ia, haring been put m i d non for a waaon i t neca be, pe W ' in Iv m i ~ & o q ~etpaupdc,7 'iva r6 Gorcipiov 6 Gv T ~ ?riaT~C S henvinwsthroughmatdb, , t h t Yu pmvin,g O t p m faith, nifold temptationl: Vl@dr~pov~p ~ 70; &?roXhJ O V 6th ?rv x ~ i ~ ~~ , b d 7 that the trial of your ? r ~ X d pert&,) 'y b $re 'tbongh faith being much (much momprsoious than gold thnt mcro'precionr than of eic i 60k~patop6~ou, ~ ~ 6 6 &ratvov ~ a Irip?)v cai 66&v,' ;v 6 go it^ that perish& and honour and glory, beingproved, be found to p& in though itbetridwith


e;o$~,h",",p<2 'Iquoii ~pcuroi,' 8whomotr having .wen ciyaxZrc, &mrnX6$ai BY m~i8ir~cH nonr and g10 at the [the] revelation of JWW Christ, not pe love ;
appearing ~enol Chrid: 8 whom hav&pri bg bye on whom now [thoughfi!t &edng,yem&with P, n - m h b l e and rlori& receiving tho end = w * b b l e and f i c ~ ? r i ~ ~ ~ ~ c uwrqpiav 9 _ 6 p ~ ~ $xGvg 10 repi , i ! ~ t . of your faith, [the] d v t i o n of our] soda ; concerning whioh s ~ t men the salm- uwrqpiac b&t$rqaav ,rai nitqpeGvqaavU?rpo$ijrar o* ?rep2 b tion of yotr* souls. ~ l v a t i o ; *sought 1out "and 1 0 which dvrtion 'Smrched lzout l p r o p b , d o 40f

3 at^^^\",^^

bfooting, nusrabovrecli, oiyaXXiiio6e &me, bat believing. ye exult xaptj dvercXaXrjry rai k8oEaa Bvp, 9 ropi~6/~evor r f X o ~ rb


the prophets have in- r t ) ~ ate V ~ i i x(i(D1roc +PO qf~duavrec, O l p e ~ v G ~ c n c 11 eic searched %he Ttowcudr you trace ligently who protrofi, ; wrohing to phesied 01 the gram riva i) roiov ~u:ulpbv i8tjhov rb dv a6roic rvaitpa that *hould e unto what or what manner of time 7 ~ u m .signifying 'the Yn .them %kit you: llwnrchingwhr or what m8nner inroit, lrpopaprvpipavov rd sic-xpimbv rahjpara, rai time the w i t of 5t4Chrbt, t.atifyingbefoAhndof t h e ~ 1 0 n g i n g ] ~ *Christ %uU!ering, and to Christ phioh w u in them aid s,ti w , rdc ra3ra 6 i ~ a c 12 oic & x E I c ~ A ~ o h ~ Cavroi~, C art Q ~ ~ when M teatlhd be- the 'them 'glorlr ; to whom i t wad revealed, that not to themsdva torehnnd the d g l c i p d c h r i ~ t , a n a t kPtjpiv'' 6 Giqrdvovv n ~ d a B $v civtlyy6hq irpiv bid p that ehould &l- 'to 'ar 'but were .er~inithcde r y things, whioh now were announaed to you by W. 12 Vuto whom i t rsrealed th.t not TGV ~ 6 a y ~ e X i u a p6piic GvU ~ve6pari i y &TO~~v & unto themaeiven but thorn who announced theglad tidingsto you in [the] 'Spirit LJoly



~now rcpormd~ ~ ~ from otpavoi, d whichr~u p~ a w rapac61(lai. 2 t unto rent fJ~dkvr& ~ , rip d ~ t 6 o ~ dy7aXoi i7r' $ heaven, into $ 'denim 'angels to look, ua h f ~ the 13~b civaZwacipevoi rdc ba$bac rii~.6tavoiac.6pGv, ~ ~ Wherefore having w et np the loim ~ d ~ h syour mind, ' bb ~ anto with of
foi","ty E%

down $ O ~ T E C , raheiwc iXricrare i7ri njv $epop6vqv &piu ~ 6 p t v v l from henven; which &inn the de. ine sober, perfectly hope in the W n g sbrought 'to 'you I g r w rt dre to look into. 14 &c r6~va67ra~o$c,p i 13 Wherefore gird [the] cirordli\ qfIJesus o ~ , the loins of revelation ' ~ u xptaroi). Chriat; M children of obedience, not mind, be lober, and r ~ ~ u x q p r t ~ 6 p ~ v ~7rpd.repov B qj.&yvoiq-hpGvirrovraic i H v "W fruhloning yonrnelver to the former Yn y u *ignorance or %aE r h t unto YOU at piaig 15 &Ad rarri rlv ~ d i o a v r a p i i ~ Hytov rai d the revelation of Je- , ; h ms Christ 14 M oh-. bat according M he who called you [ia] hob, *u l , dient childkn, not h- adroi a"yi0i ;v r c i q &vaarpo$g' yavrjOqra- l 6 t h ~ 6 rhioning y o u n e l m s y ~ l v e B o b 'in a *all fyowl .muduct ' e %e : b becnnm

- &rtiv

m .

r ~ p l j v T~IAW. L m is6wcs P itPiv to you O L ~ A W . Y

- iv +(readAyiy by [the]Rely)

k rroAv~rlr6~epov QLITCA. I K& i~qpauyuau r & n i p a v 6 y f TT~L ~

L ~ L

mvu- TCA.

I, XI.
it si been written, 'Holy
'be "ye,



Apot sy!v~u8e,' 'iiri" i y i 6716~ ~ i p ~ . 17 v n

=holy 'am. ye call on him who without regnrd of persons work, i n fe:u the

2: ~


if [ss: Fntl~er

m r i p a &rtraXdut)c rbv wdnpouwnoh<?rrwpkpivovra

judp 'your *sojourn

nnce : 15 but as I l t which hoth called 7011 is holy, no be ye holy in rill manner of con-

16 becallse it in wriiten, Be Ye holy. for I am holr. X ~ ~ V O Lvaarp&$qre. 18 ei86rec iirt oir V $8nproic, hp- 17 if ye call on &time pars ye, knowing that not by corruptible things, by the Father, who without respect cf perbons yvpicp ij xpvoiy, iXvrp68qre ;K ~ i j ~ - p ~ T U i ~ cdvnUrpo$ijc judgeth ~ c c o r d i r ~ g .;pb rilver or ay gold, ycveruredeen~ed from your vain mnnuer of life everyman's work pn-4 the timo of so?rarpo?rapa8tirov, 19 d a d rtpiy a;'part &C d p ~ 0 5jouruinr Itereyourfear: in h n d r d clown from Ipour] fnthers, but by precious blood as of n l n u b 18 fornsn~uch M j t h o w tlrat ye were hot p m danthov i X D ~ U T O ~ 20 npoey)'oo- redeemed with ' without blemish and without spot [the blood] 02 Christ : hnv~ng bwn f o r e rupLiblo thin a,


rb i~(iarov ~ y o vi,v $6Py ri)v rij~.?ra~oi~ia~.&p(;IY l versation.

w o r d i n g to the 'of "cach

~ V O Vpiv ,


own urdeed before [the] foundation of [the] worl4

ram/3ohij~~ U / L O V , $ a v ~ ~ ~ 0 8 i ~ LT' r o ~ - b i ~ your vnln

bltt mnnifmted who by nt for the sake 9f you, raised up

conver~ntion received bp trndi-

' ~ u ~ c i r wrSv ~ p 6 v ~ u BC) v"


irptic, 21 r o i ~ i a h o ; tionfromroluf"hc"' 8 19 but with the prel br

him fromamong[the] dead, and hopo


rmare6ovraCn 8 ~ 6 vrbv hyeipavra airrbv ,

believe and i n God, who glory to him gave, so na for your faith


as of a verpwv, #blemishlamb and

cious blood of Christ, without without spot : 20 who

mi 6dinv a6rq B6vm, Gun njv.?riurtv.irpSv rai i h n i t

the world, but wnr eig 8 ~ 6 ~ . T d ~ . + v ~ d ~ . i r p S v) ~ v t ~ 6;v ar$ irxnro$ ~ i manifest in there 22 ~ r ~ j ~ fn God. Your soulm having pnrifled by obcdlenca t o the times for Joul who by him do believe in eic aiAyf)eiac'.6cd ?rve6parocu $chadeX$iav &vun6rptrov, hr God, t h a t raised h i u truth through [the] Splrit to brotherly love rmfeigucd, outof gave him glory ; tandt the h..

&%& ?~! :: ;

'~~8apfiC" rnpsiac drhhtjhouc ciya?rtjqai; irrevijg' 23 aivaya'pure 'a hearc one another not of laeed love ye fervently. Havingbt*n

yollr faith nud hnpe

22 Seeing ye havc puri-

fled s o u r souls in O ~ Y ~the t r u t h W through the Spirit unX6yov <3vrog 8eoG rai pEvovro~b~l~.rbvni2va.H o"t6rr t o uufeigned love of 24 [the] word 'living Iof 'God and abiding for ever. Becxue thc brothreo, aee thnt ye love ono another ~ 6 u ~dpC a xiproc, rai xliua B d t d d ~ 8 p h ~ ~ v " wit11 a pure heart fctrWC all fle-h [is] M a r m , and a l l [the] glory of man M [the] vcntly : 23 bciag born apain, not of corrnptiiivt)o~ '~6prov. IEqpbvBq 3 x6proc, rai rb civ80~eaitrocUhie .,a, but of iomrflower uf g~w. sIYithcred 'the *grass, and t h e flower of i t ruptible, b r the word begotten zrgsin, 'corruptible, but of incorruptible, by

y ~ v v q p 6 ~O l K r u n o p ~ s$8aprijc, ~~ l

&@8hp~oV, 6tdr

iiilrcocv. 25 rb.6~$ipa rvpiov pivet eiS.rtv.aiGva. To~To-GQ %,la,"dt;l

fell away;

bat the word of [ t h c l l o r d ~rbides


for ever.

But thin

iurrv ri) ijlpa ri) eirnyyeXlu6'dv eic 6pZic.

the word whicl! wrs announced to Having laid aside therefore a11 all

24 For all f l ~ h a s W grass, and all the g!ory of mnn &a t h e flower of p s s . The


'An066p~vot 05v ?rfiuav rnriav rai ntivra BJXov rai

malice and evil spnkings, all


and fall&

l ~ ~ ~ away : 25 but

lnorpiorr rai p66vovc xai n b a g uarahnhthc, 2 &C d p n %~ ~ ~ ~ ~~

hypoeridea born

and envying6 and

the 'mentnl if indeed coming,

thin is the word which t h a t by d b u tnht a ~ o ~ ~ e l i s ~ r e w h o you. , Wherefore L in&? anide all malice, ~dr$:8*~~,

w r a PPEqq, rb Xoytri)v b6ohov yciha h~tno8tjuar~, I v " tva

babes, 'gru~llne milk long ye after,

a&~y'ai&~&ir,' gcinep? h7c60au8c grr 3

ye ma1 grow,
; V

xpqurbe h rCptoc.
'the 'Lord men by

ye did taste t h a t Cfia] 'good a '.tone 'living, cho.*n,

4 Tbbc

?rP0uePX6p~vo~, CSvra, i n 6 d ~ 8 ~ 6 ? r w V hieov

To whom rejected,

IroE~Bo~~~raupiuo~~, ?rapd.Ji
but with ~d

~KXEK~~V, ivripov, 5

and all evil rwalrin?~, indeed 2 nX bnhes* desire thesincere milk kni a$- of the word, that s e alspyoutt h e r u ' ' ~: ~

ioeo6'e ye shall be L m r a w . Gtdsc T. v e i ~ (rtad [am]) LTT~AW. c ~ ~ Y r r o ~ o [are! Ire. ~ r iuXd.tov ( p u d end of the times) LIT] A W . wrroA,jp.rrwr LTTrk rta8apis (read from [the] heart) LTTr?. &C& B V & E ( ~ T O F LTTrAW. Uevers LTTIA:~ b sbv ( L ~ W V ~L ~ A W . Q C.(jCL . d Q$+ (,,cad itu glorg) OLTT~AW. ' av. roi, LTTI[A]W. f e i t o u q p i a v unto salvation GLTTIAW. 6 i f ~ b






t,tfedyb2whom w l w , &c 'stones ge 701 xidoi

ing stone, d lrrllowed ~riasthood t o l y to offer indeed of men, but spiritual racrificed acceptable choaen of Q O ~ and IT@ QE@ dt(i 'Ir/aoij xp~aroij. 6 mAib ~ a i "? r ~ p t h ~ e"bv +p' , i recioue, S ye are built also, M to God by Jwua Christ. Wherefore a h i t i contained in the . np a mpiritunl house, ypa$i," 'IJoi rieqpt iv ZL&V &Oov i~poywv~a'iov, Qich~rrdv, an holy prie.thood, to scripture: Behold, I place in Sion a 'stone 'coruer, chosen, offor up spiritual saoriflces, acceptable to Ivrtpow~ icai d mttrel;wv h' atr+ 06-ptj ~araraxvvB@. God by J a u s Christ. precious : and he that believes on h i m in no wtre should be put to shame. 6 Wherefore also i t is co~ltained the reri 7 ' r p i v O ~ Y in p TOTE ~ ~ 0 r ~ 6 0 v a l vO~ i r E l ; ~ tnro, Behold, I lay To you therefore ['is] *the 'preciousness 'who 'believe ; 30rtholle]~dis, Sion a chief corner .tone, elect, pwcioas : ~ o ~ ~ 8L , v " PXiOowR ZY (i+e8okipabav oi o i ~ o ~ o p o i r v / and he that believeth obeying 'but, [the] atone which 'rejected 'those 'building, on him shall not be 8 kai xieoc v 0 ~ ~ 6 p i E ~ confounded. 1 Unto 0 ~ 7 0 y~ ~ e ' rl i kewX?jv ou therefore which this become a , and a atone of s t u r

f.i)wreC l o l ~ ~ B ~ p ~ i a OO ~ n C ?rv~vl(artb6~, e, O 'living, are being built up, a douse 'spuitual, coming. m unto lip- ig ( i r ~ v p a LOW, ( ~ V E V ~?rv~upar~ic(is ii YC~L Ouaiac ~dnpoa8lrrov~


b disobedient .

~ c i~ p ai
ling and

&rpa ~tcavdciXov. 0;g p o ~ ~ d r r fr+ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o v X67 ;

a rock of ofpence; who stumble a t t?e w0$

being disobedient, to which r h o they were appointed. But ye Carol a Y r ~ c e of the cornor 8 a d a Xeicrdv, PaaiXdtow idp(iretrprc, ZOv0c 11 LOW, XnbC E ~ JC?rep[a kingly stone of stbmbling h offence priesthood. a 'nation a people forb a p even to them which ?roiqatv, 6rwc rdrc aipercic itayyt&qre 70; iic u ~ d r o u ~ erumble at the word* learim, that the virtues yemight set forth of him who out of darknear being diiobedient : wherenuto also they 6 kaXiaavr0~eig rb.8avpaarbv-adro $ 3 ~ ' 10 oi r o r i were appointed. 9 But to his wonderful light ; who, once ye are R chosen gene06 Xadc, ww.Bi X a b ~6.~03' oi 06ic.~X~qpQvor; ration, r royal priesthood an h o b IlPtion [were] not a people, but now [arel .PBOple 'God'#; who h d not wceived mercy, a pe&liar people thal yo nhould ahea lforth v5v.b; IX~qOhvrec. the praise8 of him who but now received mercy hnth called you out of darkness intohismer. 11 'Ayn?rqroi, ?rapa.tcakG &c ?rapoirovc kai rrapcni8ivellous light: 10 which Beloved, I exhort &on] M straugers and sojournem, in time past w m not a but ate now p o v ~( i r i ~aJaiq aa KLKGY , rGw B?frOvptOw,a ~ r t v t s urpar~Covthe o 10 of Gocl: to L a i n from LshW desires, which war tailled w h i c r ad not now rat ~ a r drrfj +vxijc* 12 7 1 j v - ~ u ~ ~ r p o $ t GY . 3 i w but obj~ roi~

Erne ~

which thebuild-


cinerOotvr~~, 8 ~ a iCriOqarlv. cic

9 6peic.82

yivoc b ~ -



have obtained mer

band .i l ~ i m s , %ations~ i%aOVTE ~%ghtj w $a wherein they s p a againat 6@w ~ iOveaiv *: ~ ~h ,that (v.$ ~araX(IXOIaiv o n t a F w ~ p

against the


v o w 8mmner 'f o

*among .the

strlnfromfieshl~lus*~U ~ K O ? ~ O L ~ W , I BK riiw raXiiw lpywu rbno?rr~6anwc~U 80thwh~ch u against the w ;l , , , , ~ 19 having year evil doers, through b 3 god worh h* . w i ~ ~ ~ e d they convenation honest a- uweiu ri)w Oebu tu 4pQPg Zaiaron-ij~. mong whM hntilen ' may g l o w the that the; God i n [the] Qy of visitation. speak againat 13 " l k o r i y r l r ~'odv%?rciup civepwnivp r r i a ~ i , 6rdr nu edldmrs* Be h subjection therefore to every human h t i t u t i o n for therslre d W Y b U Y good works which they rdw ~6ptou*E ~ T E paatXd, &c 6ncpl~ovrr' 14 circ tjyep6aiu, shall 'behold, the Lord ; whether to [the] king I U supreme, or to governon G+ in the day of trtlon. &c 8i adto5 rcpnopivoi~a i ~ BrWqaiv tplrkn ~a~o?roiGv, 13 Submityoumelve~ him sent, for vengeance [on] evil d m , to every ordinance of by man for the L O ~ ~ i?rarvow.Bi ~ S ciyuOo?roiOv* 15 Srr oiirwr ioriv rb OiXqp~cn mke : whether i t be to m d praise [to] well doen; @ecruse so L the will tho king as supreme. 14 or &to goramorr: roii Oeoii, ~ya~o?roioirurac $ipoGu rtjw r i i u Bfpdvww M unto them that are of God, By] well dolng to put to milence the 'of mnselau


c for Lmm. ; 1 6 LTTrlL m &h& because OLTTrAW. I j y p 4 $ (read the scripture contains)L. 0 ku.nc47oOutv(read but to [those] uubeheringj TTr. P Ai0os LTrA. 9 &p&$(read that ye abstaiu) L , ti r o d -

- qj T T ~ A


u o t ~ d o ~ eT d r k . ~

ouras witnessing LTT~AW.

otrv L T ~ A .

fiiv O L ~ I A W .

dv0phnwv ciyvwaiav* 16



lent by him for the 8Xe60epoiI ~ a i 'men 'ignorance ; ) 811 free, and not *aa unishmrnt of the floers nnd for eril7jic ~ a ~ i a c qiv,iXeueepiav, &Xh' cj$ ~8oirho~ of them that do prais; l5 For so is the Oaf 'malioe 'freedom, but rr bondmen will of God, that with Bt06.~17 n c i v r a ~ rrp+aara, rdv (i8eX$drflra hyaniire, rbu well.doil~gye may put of Qod. .All shew 'honour $to, .the 'brotherhood 'love, to sllence the ignorance of foolish men : 18 aa free, and not Babv $ o ~ i a e erbv PaaiXda npiire. , *Q4 few, '*the Inking "'honour. using your liberty for a cloke of malic~oua18 Oi oinbrai, 6xoraaabpevo~ B navri $6& v r o i c . 6 ~ ~ness, but as the Rer. Lrvmts, being zubject with all far to [your] Vants of God. 17 Honour all tnen Love d r a i c , 06 pdvov +ois -dyaeoic nai Eniei~~aiv, ciXXh icai the brothcrho*. Bear mwtern, not only t o the good and gentle; but also Qod. Hox~our king. the 18 Serrrmts, be sabroic UKOX~OI~. 19 ~05ro.ydp xciptc, ei 8rd uvvei8qa~vject to our masterl to the crooked. For t h h [ h j acceptable if for sake of conscience with al]i fenr not

glory bat

X6naa nduxwv riXxwc. 20 roiov-ydp

'anyone grief#, lafIWing d h j u t l y . and being buffeted Bor what ye endure i t ? this sinning and

!rowaid. 19 For this wardQodendureplef,

be buffeted


F it], it



nai roXa$i~dp~voc 6xnp~vaire;~ ~ ~ , " , " , " , ~ ~

sufe~ing ye endure [it], [is] if, when

(IXX' ai ciyaOoxoioCvres ~ a nciaxovrac zixopa~eite,roGro i

doing good Qod. for


~ 6 p i c napd &y'.
w p t n b l e with x&mht, ,mod

21 eic.roGro.ydp

iarbc i n h e ~ v 6nlp
that ye nhould follow after, Sn ~ a *Or you i tfaults ye i shnll take patie&l ? ye were called ; because also but if when ye For to thin 6 n A i p a b b v 6aoypap- ~ ~ i ; ~ ~ s k f f



gy, this is acceptable f;tint:l colled : because ob~.iroiqaev,0682 ritpkdq 6dhog i v r@ardpori.atroi. 23 8~ B i n t also suffered for who, US, leaving us an ex'dld 'uo, neither wan 'found 'guile in his mouth ; ample that ye shquld Xord'opo~;E V O ~06~.dvrahoid'i)p~i, V ~ U X W Y o(, f01low)hissteps: 22 who railed not in return ; [when] suffering threvtenednot; did no sin, neither was being r a i t d at, guile found in hia napc8idov.8b r ~pivovrr Gcraiwc. 24 8c rdc mouth: 23 who when but tgave [himaolt] over to him vho judges righteously i who he wan reviled ieviled not again ;hen he dppriac.$pGv aGrbc &v$vey~ev r ~ . a D p a r ~ a t r o Cd rb ~uftered, ;V i hithreatened our mina hlmsel! bore in Ilia bodJ on the not. but committud h i d e l f to him that EliAov, 'iva raic-cipagriaq c i ~ o y e ~ d p " 8i~ato(T;vv r ~~~t judgeth righteously : being dead, %o righteousness we 24 who his own self trecl, that, to ~lnr [we] r p 6 - b"e Our sins In his ewpev. o ~ . r q 7 ~ p h A w n ~ ~ a ~ r o i r ~ 25 4re.ydp icieqre. own body on the tree, by whole brnine ye wan, healed. Bor ye were as that r e , belng dead to may live ; liVc anXavhp~va*~ iraarpci$t/r~vijv Bni rbv noipdva SiYS~ dAX' rheep golng antray, but u e returned now to the ~rhepherd toboae ~ t r es ye were w righteo'lsness : by i


piv, Yva Bna~oXou0+aqn roir.iXvearv.a(rroc 22 tio+f9Fav

i hi8 steps ; n

; ; :



healed. going astray ; as sheep25Sor ye were but are now ieturnrd Q 'Oroiwc, h i u y v v a i ~ ~Onoraoa6peva~ roTc.i8.idioic dv- ~ t ~ t h e s h e ~ h ~ ~ a L kewine, wives, being anbjeot to your own hus- Bishop Of 1 1 Llkewipe, ye 1. bpciaiv, Eva ~ aeii rrve~:Cinat00iruiv rq7 Ady 8id r i g rGv wives,be in aublection the 'of .the tOYOur O'vnbu"Lnds; that, even if m y . diaobMient M t h e w o r r by n bmds, that if any obey not hdyov c ~ p ~ ~ ? j ~ w v r6no- "the 'word, they alno 2 ai, yyairrGv hvaar o$<c dvev wiver IconLct without [the] word they m y be gained, hay- may without the word be won by the conver(tvaurpo$ljv 6?&vs nation of the wivesrsoiraavrec ??)V QV ydpy in? w i t w d [ ' d d 'oub] % 7fear a&wte I acondnct your 2 while they behold overreer o your

rai lnioroxov rGv.fa~xGv-6puiv.


Q 6,

whom 'let 'it ' n o t 'be .the 'outward [*one] *of 'Obruiding llof "hair,


&ti~o,tijc d r p i ~ ~ v , a *; You coupled with f e u . K L tion cha8te " ipariwv rcdapoc*

~~pieia~wc xpvaiwv,
"putting "around of "gold,

"or '*patting


laand S Whoae adorning let i t not be that outward adorning of plaiting "of *'gwrnmta 'adorning; the hair, and of weua

Btoi boirAnc m n . yAp for (thim)LA: I you EaLlTrA. Y 6 p i v you EQLTTrAW. a6roG X,Tr[r]. r;Aavhpcvoc (read e were going astray as shoep) ~ l r . r . 4 . b d LW,[*]. a ~ e p ~ r o n b u will be c l L ~ Ld IPIX&Y L j or L



I n ~ o f g o l f orofpntl~ tiug ou of agpnrul let h the hid-' deu nian of the henrt,
r ~ $ ~

I T E T P O Y ' A. 4 i X X ' 6 ~ p v x r b c riis rapStac ZvOpwnoc, Iv

but the

rcl; d $ O i p r y

hidden *of "the *huart meek ~ and quiet

'~unn, apirit,

in Ule iucorrugtible

2; [ornnment] of the i b ~ ~ i ~

f ~ p g C ~ c {avXiovnme6paros, ~a i

harrv i v h ~ r o v

which is

o17iunr:~at 0 f . a mqek ~ ~ $ q ~ ot great price. 5 or aftar thia manner in the old time the holy womenalao,whotruated in God, adorned tlremaelvcs being in subjection 'unto their own huabanda: 6 eTen . Snrn obeyed Abraa ham, oalling him lord: whose duughtern ye are, as long as ye do w*l and not afraid wit11 any m mmerit. Likewire, ye hubluds, dwell with f ~ ~ ~ . l e ~ nour untothe wife, ru the we;hkar K], nu11a8 being hcira together of tho grnoe of life. that your rayera 'be not MUL~ed.

roir Oaoc woXvre&-. 5 o ~ r w ~ . ~ wore rrai a i cyrar yvvccire~ ;p ~ , God of great price. ~ ~ Bor thus formerly aho the holy " ~ ~ $ ~ ~ ~ ~ women ai dXxi~ovaar ghni rbv' 0ebv i ~ i a p o v viavrciq, 6noraarzci; thclse hoping in God adorned themselves, being nub,tot

pev&r rotci8iorc &v8 ciacv.

to their own "lord and hus%auda;

6 &c zhfifia h 6 7 n j ~ o v a ~ v $ re
Snrah obeyed
~ K V ~ ' Ciya-


K ~ P ~ Oa i Y

rrb~ KaXoikY,
not fenriug [with)

iyV@l/7 T
any (lit: no)


'cnlling ; of whom ye became children,


~OXO~O~UCLI lcai


pq8eyiav wrdqarv.

ing good

7 Oi

(rvEpec dpoiwq, avvocroirwec

Husband8 likewise,

dwelling with [them] recording to knowledge, aa


yvGatv, &S &a&-

2 :

v ~ u r h ~I C~ ~ E L rcji O E

y v v a r ~ a i y x o v ~ p o v r e c rrp$v, ~

~ $ ~ .[eyen] %erne1'with 'the ' e a e weaker ~ \ fml, runderlng [them] honour, ar ~ d i iuuy~Xqpov~poru rroc Cwrjc, is r b p 4 k b ~ d n ~ e u XL alao Wrrg] joint-hek. of [&B] grace of life, M aa 'nob % 'be 6out J

eara r d ~ 0. a ~ ~ ~ d ~ . 6 f i 3 ~ .

B Finally, of one mind, having the brethren, tender heartad, friendly, not ~d~ compaarion one ot another,lovensbrethren ~ a ~ hvri Icako~, Xot~opiavcivri koc8opias. roirvavriov.di d v be pitiful, bc court! eril for eril, or railing for railing; but on the conzaly, w a : 9 not rendering u evil tor eri4 or railing E ~ X O Y O ~ Y m E i i ,? t r ~ r n US ~ 0 3 ~~ 0 X ~ ~ ~ I 'Iva ,e6Xoyiav ~ ~~ 8 ~ t K TE Ior railing : but conblessing. knowing that to thl. ye were oalled, that blwing trariwiae blessing ;

Th.Gi.riXoc, rrcivreg bpd$povec, avpwaOerc, 9thrlna7~ d l Cbeing] of ono mind, sympathising, lovin. ye a11 &SeX$oc, cirasrXay~vor, l$rXi$povec'n 9 ptj aia08cbdwe~


06Xwv Cwiv ciyanpiv, ~ a ideiv i


e rhonld inherit n {lessing. he tlP6pac that will love Iifo, and 'day.



and t o m

(i aecis,



to W

~v.yXG~aav.~aGroG~ b &x
hip tongue


roG ptj XaXijaac MXov. oat to ape& guila

11 irdcLet him turn

bdv roG aeoii rpqraiJ yk'uqaee; that w i l l harm you, uwv +GC, 3 l e l* follow^ of 1 if 'of 'that ChIch ['is] Cood tmitatom. ye ahoul4 be you, that which is good? 14 BUG and it ye mi- l 4 E; ~ a ~ ~ U X O ~ T E6rd i Grraroait~v, paroipro~ & for dghho-ed U But if also ye rhould d a r on amount of rightmusnwn, bl[ueye]; sake happy are yc ' not *lrid r b v - b l - i i p ~ ~ . a t ~ p+.$oPq6ijre, G pq61 r a axOiire. tbir tenor neither but their fear yeshould not be afraid of, neither rhoulcfyebe trouhled g a -bled 15 but 16 xirprov.6i rbv rO~bvNc i r i a a r e i v r a i s - w a p ~ i a i C ~ 6 p ~ v . ItayOUrh.uh x d k but 'lard *the *God Lnctifi in your hearts,



f j q i m , K& r+oc & ;wp&r (rpaior A) rai jovxiov I eis LITTAW. h Cq'rtovev L mvdqpvciporc T ; O V ~ K A ~ ~ O V ~ ~ O ~ S T ~ L to jolnthei1.s &r6rrsacrOar to be hindered 1 ~astrrv6+povrc humble minded OLTT~AW. aurrnw. iv- T . e166res ( r e d Lzr 8 L ~ T O r e d [his]) LTTrA. (~, O 6i and (let him turn aside) t,TrA, bearuaej L'lTrA, ? -oi ( r d [the] Lod~eyf%?.).~~~rl Q 5 q A w a i zedoue LTTrAW. * ~pcmbv Chriet -&W.

to everyone t h ~ asks t you

an ianswer to ready always t oe\ery 0:~'s


pI!~~~oi."dC~~ spbc dnohoyiav nnvri rqi airoitvri


and ready

a~ of $119 1 1 0 ~ 0 you with U-unt concerning the 'in ayou 'hope, with meukness and at Is mceknesa and fear: $ci$ov. 16 avvei8quiv Ixovr~c dyae)iv,%a bv.4 " ~ a m h a h i j -16 having n good conI fur! *a .'conscienoe 'having good, that wherens thcy mayrpeak : #W' "3pGv ~a~onoiGv," mmiu~vv8ijuivoi i n q p e & ~ o v r you as of e r i l d o ~ r e~ yrlmb you .a evil docm, they mzp be uhnmed who crlumninb thee; rnnY be ashatno> that falsely nccuse 6p3v rdv dyae?jv i v qptury" civaurpo jv. 17 ~ p ~ i r r o v . ~ d p good converdrryour par [it h] bettes, tion inChrist. 17 For Yw O good 'in CI1ris6 lmanmr Aofzlife. it is bctter, if the m111 t i y n e ~ ~ ~ ~ *&XEL~~ e, J X I I p ~roi Qeoit,nCiuxeiv, of GO^ be that ye ~ i ~ r a23 ~ rfoa*yon] godoing lLgood, 'if *wills ['it] 'the "will *of to suite, suffer for weil doing than for evil doing: rcaronoroSvrass 18 Sri uai xpiurbg HanS lEpi cipap- l8For Christ alsohrtth thr? doing evil; because 'indeed 'Christ once for sius once suffercd for dius, the jubt for thc unrr;v ~ i x a e ~ v ~ i r cClripo ~ hbircwv, 'lva t j p ? ;rrpouayciyg .uqt, thrrt he might ai .~ ' lutTered, [the] f a s t for [the] unjust, that us he might bring rmg us to God, k i n g

M ~ O Y ~ ~ rijci i v 6pTv ihnibog 'perd rrp(lOrqroc rai p

m] always


n dcfeuce


c,$ii ,"Yt~~, :" ;


szcjiY &G,

to God ; having been put to death


piv aaprci, 5wonotqB~i~.61

in flesh, "prison but rundo alive 'spirrts

sveirpari, , l 9 iv

having goue rits inprlson; 20 which 20 d~t~Qtjoauiv nore, iira bic'nat bF~66xerol~ tj irhpvEev, h preached, [who] disobeyed sometime. when once wna uvniting the longsu~ering of uarauKeva- waited in wlrilc d~rys of No&, the t l ~ u TO; O E O ~ pakpoevpia iv ~ p f p a iN ~ E , E 'of 'God 'longsufiring i n [the] days of Noe, [while was] a p,paring, boiug pre- ark top4vqC ui/3ct)roi, qv cbXiyai,'idr~vrCurivll~ r h+ v ~ a iwherein few, s a n d b , is pad [the] a into which few, that is eight soul,, eight souls 21 Thc like by water. wore ~ u ~ O ~ ~ U6 i Vi;daroc, 21 eii' rcai f$piisfl &vrirvnovvcv figure whercuuto even U doth were saved through water, which 'also 'us lfigurc 'now save us (not 'lso putthc &let p&sriupn, oh aapcic drrdOeuts fiinov, &AA&t~ aIvay of the filth *nrer [even] baptism, not of flcah a putting away of [tho] filth, but Of but answer of a good conmrv~i8~uew~ dyaeijc bnep3rqpa E &dv, 6r' dva- S C ~ C ~ M toward GO^,) 'of a&aoonscience good ['the] "dcmnnd 'towards * Q d , by [the] re- by the resurrection of Jcsus Chrbit: 22 who is UTri~ew~ 'Iquoi ~piuroii,28 iig lurrlt i v GeFi~j groir'l e0c, gono into hcavon, and uurootion of Jesua Christ, who fs a t [the] right hand of God, 1s on the right hand of God ; angel* nnd auuopev9aic ~ i otpavLv, 6roray;lvrwv airrq .ciyybXwv ~ a thorities c i powers gono into hcaven, ahnving %en asubjocted %Q I0him auyela land ba~ngmadesubjoct unto him. i n which also t o t p 'in

",:,uu:ti L e"h n i,? f" t, , by the tho S p ~ r l: 19 by which t

~ a roic i v $vXaictj n v ~ 6 p a u ~ v p ~ v e e i ~ i no

g,"BC& $ Uz2,"hc


i[ovaiGv rai G v v ~ p ~ w v .
*authorities .and Christ 'powwa.

4 XpiuroG oBv r a e 6 v r o ~ hhrr2p+Gv'

then hrrvingsuffered for us

in [the] flcah, n l o

aaprci, uai 6 p . i ~


IV.Fornamuch thcn chrisL for us in t i ~ o flush, :&r~n

dn~iuauee- iiri d nae&v 'ivn ULIOK~ ~oumelvcr likowlsc 'arm 'yourselves 'with; for he that s~tfferod in [the] dosh' ~ ~ ~ ~ h ~ h rit pqr6ri civephxwvinteuluintc, fered in the fiest~ hnth airuvrai cipaprin~. 2 hu done with sin ; no aOments sto 1 lusts, ceased fro& sin ;2 that ho no looger should &X& &X{pri eeoi rhv fniXoinov f v ucrpri ptGaai xpdvov. live the rt.-t of Iris Linle "but 'Oto I'will "God's =the *remaining *in rthc] 'flosh 'to 'livc 'time. of in men, t u t to thelusts will 8 dprtrbg-ydp k$pivn 6 ~ a p e h q k v e & ~ c i v olroir /3iov,"h ~p ~ OP ~ o d 3 For the tituc . For [is] sufacient for us the past time of life the pn-t of our lire lilrty snmce us to h . 1 ~ ~ mOiAt)p(r!l TGV iev;jy n~ar~pyCi~a~eat,'l ncnopevpivovc i v xronght the will o i will of the nations to have worked out, haring walked in thu G a t i l a , whon we abnjv Ivvorav


8 8 ) and LTT~[A]. LTrW ; r a ~ a A a k i o 0 c ye

74 (read 1111 t11ej) OLTTrAW. may will O ~ r r m w . r Lrrieavcv died LTTr. T W TOV? i u r l v QT. C ~ A ~ Y O L [persons] 1.1"l'raW. few b ~ ~ c ~ e f i (omit ~ o i ~ e once) GLTTr \W. b -6dp i)l*&v L1"CrA. K TO< TTILA]. f 6pGc you I,TT~A. y to which E . m PovAqpa LTl'rA\V. 1 70; piov L'lTrAW. k i)/.&;v LTrrA. ;v (9.ead [inn LlTrA.

t + &AAA but LTTIAW. are spoken aga~llst TA.

rtamcpvav0a~ LlTrAW.

* K a ~ d a A 0 i r ~thcy speak agxi~lst l9

l, -&c ~ a ~ o r o r wTA. *

' 0ih01


wine-drinking, revels,

drinkinga, and

wherein the; ,hink it strange that yerunnot with lkrn the mme exceas of riot, spenking evi! of you: 5 who Shall k3Ve w ~ o u n $0 t him that is rendy t o judge the r i c k and the dend. For for this cause was the gospel reachednlso to them &at nrc dead, that they might be judged according to men i n the flash, but live according to God i n the spint. 7 Bllt the end of a l l things is a t hand : be


walked In layIviofln- &aeXyeiaig, bnr6upiaic, noss, lusts 'Bxcess of wine, b:,n- licentiousness, lusts, unhnllosed idolatries.

oivo@hvyiai~, 6 p o i c , ,rrdroic, car ~ [evizovrat, avv'runWhorein they think i t strange not the who snue

cieepirotc eiSwXoharpeiai~.4 bv.4

ning *with ['them] 'your t o

rpe~dvr(311 6p;v eic 4 v a6rdv rijc ciawriac & v & ~ v ~ i v

'of 3 d i ~ s o l u k n e ~ s 'overfio~, account to him 'ready

speaking evil

[of you] ;

5 O?& T O ~ ~ U O V U L U ~ ~ O T V iroipwc X @
shnll render dcnd. and [the]

l ~ o v r ixoiuai

'who lis to3judge[the] liring

ZGurn~ l i *

v~xpoilc.6 dc.roiro.y(ip xai

Fopto this [end] also

V E K ~ O ~ ~eiqyyeXia6q, &U 1~0i0Jatv to [the] dend were the glibd tidings nunounced, thnt they d i g h t be judged indeed

card civ6pDnouc uctpri,

ro regards


mrci 8 ~ b v v ~ 6 p a ~ l . x ~w@povt!l~ffr& ~ 0 8


in[the] flesh; but might live ns regnrds God in [the! Spirit. end hns drawn near: be sober-minded therefore, prayers ; 'before %l1 'things love

7 ~dvrwv.84 rb riX0c
But of all things the

ye thereforesober, and cai vil+are eic Orac'I watch unto rayer, and be watchful unto
Bmong yourselves :for among yourselres

r p o u ~ v ~ d c ' xpb scivrwv P81" rljv 8

'having, becnuse will cover
E a V

eic iauro6c dydrqv irrrv; iyovrq-, 6r1 ciydnrlrcah6~ei'

S l ~ ~ sfervent e

C'lnrity shallof sins. hhe multitude g use hospitality one a y l c i t u d o of sins ; ho.jpitable 40 one nuother, without murmurto auothcr without ~ w u ' 10 ~ ~ Sranroc xn6Ac iXaPev ~dpcapa,eic iavroljc hrudging. 10 As erery ehch according as he received a gift, t o each other man hnth received the lugS ; gift, even so minister acrb ~ L ~ ~ O V O ~ V T xahoi O ~ K O V ~ xoixIX~~cxhpiroc E ~ , ~ O ~ the snme one to an'serving, as good stewnrds of [the] varioua grnce lit other as gooclstewnrds of th; mnnifoid grace 6eoit. 11 ei rtc XaXei, &c Xdyia Bsoir. rtc EtaxoLei, &S of God. l1 I f n u y man of God. If anyone spenks- as oracles of God ; if anyone serverns syenk, let him speak as the oracles of ~ o ;d6f iuX60c yopqyei d &dC' 'Iva ;V rciaiv 8oEdcqrai 6 If any mnn minister of streugth which supplies 'God ; thnt i u all thinya may be glorified let hint do i t as of thd ; ability whichGodgiv 6ebc 8ld ' I ~ ~ U OX ~ ~ U T O ~ , ~ U T ~ Y 66Ea xai rb xQfiroC eth : that God in all God through Jesus Christ, t o whom iu the glory and the might things mn be glorified Christ, is 7 0 6 ~ ai3vac r3,v aihvwv. cipriv. through t o whorn be prniseand to the age8 of the ages. Amen. dominion for ever and ever, Amen. 12 'A axqroi, p ~ . ~ e v i ~ e or+ a iv ;piu mphae~ Q 6 h l o v e d , take not na strange the 'amongst syou '&.e[Pof 'pmeantution] l2 Boloved, think i t not strange concerne bv ylvopivg, &c [.~VOVGPiv ing the flery trial T P ~xE l ~ a u ~$piv t o you [which is] taking place, an if a strnnge thing t o you trial which is to try you, as for

xXtj00c & ~ ~ P T L ;$ v L X ~ ~ E [c~ 9 J. U O ciXXrjX0~~V ~

y ~ y y ~





~ & $ h ~ ~ m ~ e ~uvp/3aivovroc. 13 &XXd txaebtl ~oruwvaireroig roil xpcat r ~ 13 rejoice, [W hawniw; but according as ye have share i n the lot ~ ~ ~ u ~ TO; ~ ~ ra6rjpauiv,~xaipere, iva K.;~ IVc r+ dnoxah6J.s rijc 6dLm Y ~ : ~ P taker8 ofthat, whenhi# 'Christ 'suftorings, feringsi Christ 8 safrejoice, t h a t a k o i n the revclntion of 'glory glor~shaflbererenled~ atroil xapijre ciyaXXiwpevoi. 14 ei bver8ileai3e iv re may glad joy. 'his ye lllayrejoice exultiug. s I f ye u repronched in [the] with exceeding 14 If r e b e reproached bvdparr ~piuroii, paxdpioi' 2ri sb rtjg Jd[tp$ r~ai for the name of for the hlrppy ye; Chr~st, namo of Chrint, blessed [are ye]; becnuse the [spirit] of glory and rpirit of glory and of rb roc &oit xveiipa l$' bpzc dvaxairerai' w~ard.piv.airro6~ God resteth Won Yen: the 'of Wad 'Spirit upon you rests ; on their psrt on their pnrt he is evil rpoken of but on your pxaa$qpsirnr,, xar(i.61.itpiic 8o&i~erai.ll15 pt).yaf rtc pitrt he 'is glorified. he is blnapheined, but on your part he is glorified. hssuredlr not 'anyone 15 But let none of you auffcr ns R murdarer, xauxkrw &c $ o v E ~ ~ ~Xintqc, caxonoid~, the , or fls n thief, or as a n 'of 'you 'let suffer ns a murderer, or thief, or evil doer, or ns evildoer, or RS n bnsybody iu orhrr men's ' ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ o E ~ ~ &c K o ~ o ~ . "aiaXv16 ei.86 u ~piuriavd~, n~ntters.16 Yet if any overlooker of other people's matters ; but if as a christinn, 'not 'let


-7ir LTTrAW. P 82 TTrA. $ EC). *K ~ ~ t xaO&s E. yvot~ou murmuring LTTrAW. v ~ a~ V V + C W S i piu to end of vevse LTTrA. 1 ~ h o r p r e n i u ~ o r r LTTr. os


p -

~ W T C L covers LTTIAW.

and of power L .



IV, V.
V ~ U ~ U ,

60?&1~iru-82 T
God in

YpQp~t'! 706rtt). 17
'respect 'this.

$ 7 4 t i m let him not be m"nmf' Chric

~ O E ~ Y T$ Y by

be uhamed, but let him glorify

d racpdc roG dip6aoOat 76 tcpipa &?rb


the time [for]'the %judgmentfrom the house beha ' the time of God is comc that judgment ~i.84rpi)rov &gD @Gv, r i T&rbXoc TOY cireteo6vrwv muet be& a t the [in come]; but if flrnt from as, what the end of those disobeying ~ & ~ t & ~ uD~cmt,shall the eud be of TO; 0~03 6ayyXiy;18 ~ aeii d G i ~ a i o ~ d ; ? ~ ~ p
'of 'God 'gladAtidings? And if therighteoua withdlfficulty is saved, ~ ~ ~

70s oirov 706 QBoG.


sshLmed. but let him



d &ae@<c ~ a 'cipaprwXd~ ro6 $avcirac; i


19 ;are

rai Utherighteouaswce-

'thehngodly 'and they who


'where '&hallappear 7

oi r&axovre~. rard



8 ~ 0 6 '&cn ?rtar@ the sinner appear? ,

Wherefore alao shall the ungodly and 1~ be baved, where

of Q O ~ a8 to 8 faithful 19 Wherefore let them that sufEcr accordin the will of GO$ Creator let thcm commit their souls in well doing. commit the kee in^ of their souls to in ~ p E U p t I ~ i p~ 0~r~ " " 0 i c b &@U ?ra aKdLi d v well doing, aa unto A Elders who [am]among you !exhort who [am] s faitbful Creator. V. The elders which O ~ n capi.v~pog" api h P ~TGY 705 ~ L U T ra0qphrwv, d ~ c among you I erfeeow elder and witness of the 'of 'the Christ 'ederinga, who hort who am also m elde; and a witness rai riic pXXoBaqs & n o r a ~ ~ ? r r e a ~ a t 8dcqc K O L V U U ~ ~ , rot- of the sufferinss of 2 .Ire of the a a b o ~ ~ 3to *be sreve.aled 'glory [am] partaker: s h e p Chriit and also a parf taker A the glory that
according to the

rriqrp rapartOiaOwaav r L i c . + v X o i ~ ? i a v r;v ~ ~ CciyaOo?roii~.Ii to


f u a n rd i v &p% roipvmv roG 0 ~ 0 6 ,g i r i u ~ o r o 6 v r p )~ l ~ ~ shall

erd the *among syou but not being 'flock willingly; not


'of 'God, exercising oversight not 4 Pegd the flock of for base gain, but

civayraasGc, b&XX" irovaiwCi. pq81 aiaXpo~~p8Gc, d rpoiM

by constraint,

86pwc. 3 pq6' &c

patterns Ithe

as exercising lordship over Cyour]

of the

K U T ~ K U ~ L E ~ O V T E ~ TGVK ~ ~ P W V ,


a& X r,"!gti;tdt ;lt: ii; rf


r e d - &is&, there4f, not by

lucre but of a ready

;, t " , ~ & ~ h ~ ~ ~ , " , ," "

ytvbprvot roG rot viov. 4 ~ a i $avepeiuroc

&. k
'chtef *shepherd, ye shall receive the nnfading

~ ~ $ o ~ d 8 $ ~ ~ ~ And 'having =been'manifested heritage, but bein en-

m i &pxtroiprvo~ ~opteiaer 7hv dpapcivrtuov njc GdCqc t


Ofglory Shepherd ahall appear. dga~0~. ye - shall receiio a 1030wn. crown of glory fadeth not away. that 6 'Opoiuc, vedr~pot, 6n0r&~r]re ?rpeapvripors*71-civ7ec SLikewise, ye youngLikewise, [ye] goungcr one^], be subjeet to [the] elder [ones], 'all being subject 'humility

61 &XX$hotSk&aorauo6~evo~" r a r ~ ~ o $ ~ o u by~opP6-all 4f rrjv 6u~v

'and one toanother

$ t ~ $ ~ i ~ & ' ~ you be subject

'bind one to another, aucl be clothed with humility: for Q O resisteth the ~ 'on ; because God [the] proud ~ $himself against, 't~[~the]'humblo proud, and giveth 8 grace to the humble. 8i8watv xhptv. 6 raretvhOqra o h G r d 7Zjv ~paratoiv6 Humble yoursalves ]but gives grace. Be humbled therefore under the mighty therefore under the mighty hand of God, raip@"- 7 rEaav that he may exult you ei'pau 70; 0~05, 6pCtiic 6 4 4 9 dv &a in due time : 7 casting all of God, that you he m ay exalt in [due] time ; alljour care njv-piprpvav.6pc;iv Dbrc$iJ/avr~cn h' airrbv, 871 aGr@ for hg carethupon him; for your care having cart upon him, h u m with him SBesober, bo vigilantbecause your adver! pihet r e & 6pijv. 8 &&are, ypr]yop$~ure, Oiiri" 6 ivriGiroc the devil, M therein core about you. Be sober, watch, because 'adversary roaring lion, walketh u about, seeking whom 6 p h blci/30Xo~, X ~ W V &c i)pvdpvo~, E ~ ~ ~ ~ T ~ , ~ hemay devour: 9wbom T ?riva ~ ~ ] T ~ v 'your [the] * devil, M a 'lion 'roaring, goes about, seeking whom resist s t e d f ~ s t the in qrarari 9 duriarqr~ ar~proi T$ r i u r ~ t ,ei8dr~c rti the some al3ictions are that be may ~ w a f o w Whom resiat, up. 8rm in faith. knowing the

U~UOE. iirc 6 Oehc

jr~pq$civoy tvrtrciua~rai, ra?rcivoTc



airrd rGu raOtlpci~wv qj


ram0 snfferinge "which pis] 'in Y b d p a ~ name LITTAW. r *+bthez &S L ~ A . b ai175v L ~ ~ A W . 0 &ya80~oriarg LW. o h then LTTrA. 706s LRA f mu- T . g ;H'uroroivrer T[A]. h *& T&A. K ~ T ; 8e6v according to Cfod L m . 6H~ao06pevor LT~AW. 1,x:ipav T. inccrro&js (red in time of visitation) L n irrpi$amer LTTrA. 0 OTL O~ITTAW. PT L V ~ some oue L. q xararrrciv to swall~w LTA ; up r a r m ~ t T. v I f 7 4 the m.


+ +


- -





wccom~lished in your bnlreXeiuOni. 10 6.EB OeAg nciaqc Xhpiroc, 6 raXkaaC ~ ~ $ ; " ~ d . t h $'are ~ ~ t ~ ~ Ibcing 3nccomylislled. But the God of all gmcc, who oolled GO^ of rill grace, who * f j r G c 1 ~ i r~jvai(;viov g airroi, EdEav ;v xpturij " I q a ~ i r , ~ i y ~ v 6X htrth cnllcd us unto h18 'etcrn:rl lhia glory in Christ Jehus, alittlewhile eternal glory by ~ h r i s t U* Jesus, after t h a t ye aaO6vrng, aBrAg vrara@rina't 6ti&," warqpiEai, aOevtb have a b e ] having suffered, Yhimsclf 'runy pcrfect you, may hcextnbliah, may he zllnke you pcrfect, stablish strengthen, set- aai,ll I L f 3 ~ ~ ~ X l h u n11 atrfj lm,~ bd..$a rain rb rpdroc ig tle U&. 11 To him be strengthen, may he found [you] : t o him [be] the glory and the might, tr glory and dominien aiijlfac TS1, aio'vwv. ciIL(rjv. for ever and ever. A- roir~ men. the ages of the ngcs. Amcn. 12 alvanus, a 12 id ZlrXovavoir irpiv zroirMniaroir ci6X$0G8 XoyiCofaithful brother unto By Silvtmua, 'to 'SOU 'the #fnithful =brothor, M I reckon, ou, as I sup se, I I s r e written %?fly, pat, Bi.dXiywv L' pa$a, naparnX3v xai BxlpnprupGv r a 6 q v exbortiup, nnd testifybriefly l?\\.rote, exhortiug rind testifging this ing that this is the true grtrce of God wherein erval &XilOG xiipii, 70; O E O ~eig , a ~ ~ ~ ~13 'Aoxd- . ~ a r ~ ye srnnd.13 'thechurch to be [the] true grace of God, in which ye stand. %athat h a t Bnbylon, elcctod togother with 6 ;' bv Ba$1~X3viQ V V E K X E K ~ $ , rai M h p r o ~ p 8 snluteth you ; and lutes h i n 'Unbylon 'with ['you], and Xu! ro dbth ~ n r c u r my son. , , , i 14 (;ruct ye one an- O - V ~ O C - ~ O V . 14 dbn(ianUbl ciXXljXoug hu 9tXrjparr ciycinqc, other with a kiss of my aon. Snluto one tinothcr with a kiss of love. ohnrity. Peace be with i p i v niiurv roig bv xoiuryi b'Iiluoi,." Ccipjlv." you all that are in eipjlvq Christ Jesus. Amen. Peace [be] with you nll who [nro] in i'hrist Jesus. h c a






d n k ~ p dxiurohlj raf30Xllttj 7 r p h ~ q . ~ o~
'Of $Peter
=Epistle %General


rnnt nnd an apostle of



HIMON Peter, a ser-

~ ~ Y M E B n 6~ p o ~doirXog ~ a cindaroXo~'IilaoZ xpiaroir, N r! i

Sirneon Pctcr, bondman nnd apoatie of Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ to them thnthnve obtbined like roic ia6ripov ljriv Xa~oiruiv7riuriv i v 8i~ar0prccious faith with us to thoae who 'like "recioun '\\'ith 6u 'obtained *faith through [the] rlghttlirou.nh tbc righteousncss of God nnd our 06vp roir.Qcoir.~~3v awrijpo~ 'Irlooir xpiaro3. 2 'Xcipic mi K Girvionr Jcxua Christ : of our God aud Snviour J e s u ~ Christ: G~HCO Z Grncc nnd pence be rpusness multiplied unLo you irpiv rai ip?jVl) sX~l0vvt?eiqb v inryvhae~roir Qeoir, rai tlirough the know- to you and peace be multiplied in [the] knowledge of Qod, and ledge of God, and of Jesua our Lord, 'Inaoir roir.~voiov.~uGv. of jejua o& ~ o r d : ' According as airine power hath gir3 'QCh nbvra $piu r t c O~iag,6vvhpewc ahro; r h en unto us all thinAs ssll %hiugs 6to 'US 'divine Jpower 'his '"which [l'pertniu] thnt perlain unto life rrrrdgoilliness,through a bc ~ W $ V ~ 6 a k P ~ i a v rai BrJwpqphvqg, 616 r?c d7rryvDaew~ the knowled. of hlm lriife 14md i t *has 'giren, through tba knoxledg? thnt hath called u s r06 K U X ~ U ~ V T O ~ ' E l & 865t1g feu; dpr{g," 4 6r' t o plot., nnd virtue: 4 whereby nre given of him who rallcd US by glory and virtuc, througbwhich unto ua cxceediug great nnd precioas r6 k p ! y l ~ ~ a ;/piu rai ripltZ1' inayyiXtlara (rdhoP]~ai, i)va promises: thntby those %he "greatest *to sus 'and sprecious 'Opromiscs 'hc'hak lgiven, t h a t go plight bo pnrtnkern of the divine nature Bid r06rwv y i v q u e ~ O~ia!: rorvw~~oi $Caewc, cixohaving escaped th; through these ye may bcfome 'of [Sthc] <divine 'pnrtakera nature, bav'

* 6p;s


- ' 1 7 ~ 0 7~ [ T r l .

' - 706 L.
Sitnon L. B j p l v our Saviour) E. h 7 i T. owu glory m d virtue L ~ ~ A W . piflura rai r i e C i r L

+ roi b n o w d h o u the apostle R ; - K ~ ~ O A LGK;$n h p o v 8: LTAW ;r f i s p w & r r u ~ o h qp'

T. T

i8iq ,&n*~ai &p(rlj by [his] ~ ; ryna qpiv r a t piycaa E A

ryvj.b1rrc ri)c i v
g em~pod the 'in

IU isthe] world 'throaqh

iniblupip qgopli~. 6 rai
' l u s ~ 'co~rIl~ti0n.

the worid t h ~ . o ~ l lust. cOmuptiOn is h in 5 And beside ti:3, giv'Our *ltith



Si, anoito"tjv nliaav LthnvingAar,EIREv~Ykav- a11 diligc?llce, add; ing null 1 47 ' o h t~"in "be- alld t virtue virtue , p~ b o known(.intyopqyrjuar~ v rc. riurei.+uiv rtjv dp~rilv, i iv.8; r i + r r # : : ;e~;$,","O~~:~ $ dda, supply ye in your faith rirLue* and in vutue t o temparauce pntl.
'Jrlli.+l"very "rcsson :but, L'dlligenLq

euce < and to patience odliness bro~herly reiq rdv i ~ o ~ o v r j iv.8; r i Lropo+ r j v rdaifieav, 7 andin therly k!ndne-Sto chxv, iv.82 ~ndness and brotrol. endurance, and i n endurnnce rlty. 8 For if these iFt'depei9 $iXr&ieX@iav, dv.db r i qiXa8cApiq rtiv (iyci7nlv. thiugs be theyyou, and ~n love: nboulld mirke piety brotl~erlylove, and in brothvrly love you t h t ye hall nei8 raih.ycip $p?v nincipxovra'lrai H ~ O V C ~ < O V T ~ , OCK Lhor be barrel1 nor unfor thcse thinfis 'in 'you being rrnd abounding CJto 'bo] 'neither fruitful in the ledge of our Lord Jcrtjv roij.~~pinv.~pOv Chriht. 9 B U ~he uua cipyoirc oh82 d ~ c i p n o v ~ ~aeiurqarv 'idle 'nor *unfruitful 'make [Zyou] as so the =of ;our "Lord th:'t l a c k ~ t h these thlngs is b l ~ n d ,and ' 1 1 1 ~ X P L U ~ O~~n i y ~ w u t v9 (;;-YdP p?).xcip~artv racra cnuuot W afar off, 0~ ' 'Jesus 'Christ 'knowledge ; for with whom me not, prosent these things rind hath forgotten that he was purged m X C iartv, ~ U W H & . < W V ,X7jgrl~.Xa@Jv raenpcapoi 7 t h from hi8 old sins. qd roir puri6fiation 10 iVherefore the rablind he k, short sighted, having forgotten the ther brethren, give a&.Xalahr0ir Otrpnprtuiv.' l@ A!b pliXiXXov, (i8X$04 U T O V - dilibnce to make your 'of 'old 'of 'his 'eina. Wherefore rather, brethren, be dili- calling and election suro. for if ye do these Gciaara P P ~ P a i a v6pdv rtjv K X ~ ~ Q L Vrai L K X O ~ T ~ V ? ~ o L E ~ u ~ uye shall' never ~ things, ~ ' ~ geut 'sure four .calling 'and eektction :to 'make, fall : l1 for so a n en-

n j v yvGaiv,


6 iv.8i rp' yvhaer r j u iyrpcirEl&, iv.82 r$ Iyrpaand in knowledge sclf-control, zbnd in self-con-




~ a i j r a - ~ d?roioGvrec o6.p?) p
for these thingn doing

r d p rXovaiwc
for nal 'richly kiugdom

trauc"hall you nbuustcred unto be minidnntly into the evcrbri~opqyqOrjaerarhPiv E L J O ~~ i~rdv aid- lasting kingaoom of our O c Lord and Saviour Je%shall'e supplied t o you the sntrnnce into the eter- sun Christ. b



11 oihwc

i n no wise shall ye stumble a t any time.

vtou /3auiX~iavT O ~ . K U P ~ O Z , . ? ) ~ & J ~ a i dwrtipoc ' I ~ Q O xpturoi'. S

of our Lord and Saviour Jcaw Christ.

12 merefore I will not be negligent to put 1.) A16 ' o ~ K . ( ~ ~ E X ~ ~ U6 / IL' 5 ~ (id" 'W ~ H O ~ ~ ~ V ~ U K B rnuce of thesereoie~nou nlways ~n thiugs, L V Wherefore I will not negleot =you *always 'to 'put i n remembrance though ye know them, aepi rol;rwv, ~ a i n e p aisdra~, rai iarqptypivovS i v and be eaahlihed in concerning these things, although knowing [them] and having been cstnbliahed i n 6 re napohup (iXg9eig. 13 8i~aioy.b; rjyoirpar, dql.iiaov eipi i v 1 0 ~ a s 1 a m in this the present truth. But right I esteem it, os long as I am i n roirfp r$ a q v d p a r r , 8rey~ipe~v h 6pZc v 6nopv7jaet. mcmbrance; 14 knowthis tabernacle, to stir up you by putting[you]iuremembrance, $ O ~ ~ ~ y m

i&e,q';tFtk &~5~~~~~k


Jesus shcwed me. Christ I5 Morewill endeavour [to be], a , also our Lord Jesus Chriet 8igniAed t o me ; that ye ma be aftor my geccasu to 15,urov8liaw.dl ~ a Ckciarota ~ X ~ i v . 6 p 2 i ~ i perd have t h e e thiugs alin remembrauce. but I will be diligent also a t every time for you tohave [it in yourpower] after "R I6 %or we hare not r,jv.iprjv ZEo8ov n j v rohrov /.4Vfjp?l~.~01ib6al. oh-ycip followed cuuuingly l0 my depatture 'these .things 'to z h a r e 5 i n ' r e m e m b ~ n c a For not deviac.d fables, when we made known unto acao$ra Q v o ~ c d~aK0~0&7j~~v~e!: iyvwpiaapev Cpiv n j v you. the power and *cleverly-kagined i a b l e s Ihaving afollowed lout we made known to yorr the CotlllnE of Our Lord J ~ u Christ, Lmt ware s roij.~piov.;jp~vI q ~ o xpturo6 6 6 ~ a p r v ' c rai raoovaiav, eyewitnesses of his 'of 'our %ord 7Jesus *CMat 'power %and $coming, but majesty. 17 For he rec e i v ~ dfrom God the ir6nrat Y W ~ ~ V T E rij~.ireivovpyaXtdrqro~. Xa/%v 17 Father honour and eye-witneaeae haring been of hie majesty. 'IXaving +ived glory when therecxme such a voice t o him ycip ?rap&6.~0; aarpbp rtpdv ~ a bdtav, jbwvjc i from the excollent for from God [the] Father honour nnd glory, a 'vo~ce *havmg .'been glory; Thi# ia my b*

14 ai8& iirt r a X i 4 durtv rj &ndOeatc soij.~rqvhpards.~ov,tnbrrnacln, even xs our

knowing that speedily


the putting oft

of my tabernacle

~ a e m ~~ A i

over ~ '~quoirs ~ . IB7jXwudv ~ ~O L I ~ oxptari)c ~ ~ v



a noreiv8r ye hake L .

& a p r q p d ~ w v OM.

+ 74 the LTT~.

P -

mai)~o'(r~~dbut ye

P i v a 6cd &v x d k v GpGv Zpywv r ~ ~ # A A ~ Q W take wre LTTrAW. 1 will

also) L

napdr~~u being

that by yuur good worka L .

i e i irfiis OWrAW.





very excellent glory :

1, 11.

loved Son in whom 1 bt]c am wellpl;nsed. lRAnd a6~1ij O L ~ ~ U G E rijg T 6x6 this voice which 'brought 'to 'him 'such by the him in the holy mount.

~~zh~~w~,"","{~t; Burtv b.vi6g.pov b &yanqr6c,11~ i Bv iq; c

my Son the beloved, until the day dawn, 6repov TAU and the day rise in your star a- sum the prophetic word, towhich =well

p ~ ~ a ~ b T p 6 6r10 ~ tOSr6c ? 7 ~~ eb861qua. 18 ~ a i

i n whom I have found delight. And

19Weh~vea1aoam0* T U ~ T ? ~r1jv $wvrjv +LETS Y $~06uapevit oirpavoir bv~xJeTuav, sure word of prophec this voice we heard =from lhcaven 'brought, whercunto ye do we?i that ye take heed, 8s adv atr+ ;VTES bv rq3 7rlpet r ~Ciyiy." 19 ~ a gxopev /.%$atj i unto a 11ght that .with 'him shinethlnadarkplace, *bcing on the "mount 'holy. and we have mcre

.rrp~$~rirbv Xdyov, y' r a h 3 ~ .rroieire ~poud;yovres,

'ye 'do taking heed,

20 knowing this first, X6xuy $aivovrt bv airxpqpc? r d ~ thatscripture the no prophec as to a lamp shining in an obscure plnce,


~ , . ~ ljpipa o ~ w ~ . Giavyciup,
until day should dawn, this

privateinterprctntion. 21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of m a n : but holy men of God spnke ar theu ruere by the Qhost. But were false prophets also aILLong shall be false the ss there people* teachers alllong YOU, Who privily chnll bring in dnmnnble heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift dcatruct i o e 2 And many shull follow thcirpernicious ways; by reason of Whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. 3 A U through eo~ vetousness shall the with feigned w o r z merchandise of you : whose judgment now of a long time linkereth not, and their damnation slumGod For if bereth not. 4not the


nnd [the] morning s t w should arise in

$wu$dpoc & V U T E ~ %~ai~.K~p8htc.6p3v' roijro bv ~ 20

your hearts ;
~ ~ V ~ U K O V zri .rr&ua7rpo9qreia T E ~ ,


k n o w i ~ ~ g , that ' =any Sprophccy (lit. every) 'not,

i8ia~ yp?$tc *of scripture 'of 'itsoown

of man wns2brought sHoly 'being


ini~iruawgo;.yiv~rar. 21 06-ycip e~h$pari V ~ ~ ; T O V I &

'Oiuterprctntion snt*~my 'time borne, for not bp [the] will 'by r t h e ]
I Q ~ ~


W n ~ r B .rrpo$qreia," x&Xh'" 37rb

'prophecy, ?the but,
~ E Y O I dX&Xqu&vyoiil

T V E ~ ~ C L iov $p;~ O ~



aholy xoof

eeOd iivepw~ot.


'EYSuo~ro-8~( ; ~ E U ~ O A ~ Ov$ T$ T h ( { , KC i ~ U~
But there were also false prophets amoxig the people,

as nlso

K U ~

i~ 6piU ~ U O V T+ E U~G O ~ ~ ~ & Q K ( I XO ~ , T O ~~E~~p ~ t U ( i ~ o v u t ~ O~ will be false teachers, who will bring in stealthily , ayimic &.rrwXeiac, a rbv &yop&uavra ~ i airrocg ~ E U T ~ Td ~ -V p
among you secta 'destructive, and 'the 'who 'bought saift 'them =Master


Y O ~ ~ E V O ~ ? T ( ~ Y O V iavroig L, TE~


bringing upon themselves their

ra~ivljw &.rrDX~iav. rai noXXoi 2

destruction ; and mnny destructive ways, through whom the way

~ ~ ~ I C O X O U ~ I ~airr31~U L b & n - ~ X ~ i a t ~ ,i' l o i j ~)j B8bc ~ U O ~raic ~ 8

will follow out

rij~ MqtIeiac PXau$qpqe~u~rat~ n i { v deoveEig nXac3 ~ of the truth will be evil spoken of. And through covetousness with r o i ~ Xdyo~~ GpCc bpnopelaovrat. o ? ~ T A rcpipa ~ r m X a i
is not,idle: and their destruction slumbers not. Yor if Qad

angels that binned well-turned words you they willmakegainof :for whom j ~ d g m e n t of old

~~~arpt"f~zn;~l",;~r,"~ oir~-&pyei, a Ij.&aDXetn.airr9v oil.vvurciki. 4 Ei-ydp b OELS ~ i

'Wek who sinned sp.ued not, but 'to .chain8 5 and spared not the old world but saved ~aprapdanc rap; ~ ~ : h ~ I0of 'Idarkness~'having a~ ~ i t & ~ ~ ['them] Zhe 7nbyss deli~ered [them]




a Y y e X ~ v Cipaprquiivrwv oi~.i$eiuaro, dXXd ea~ipaic'i



righteousness, bringing in the upon the world of the ung o d l ~ 6 and turning i the Of sodomand Gomorrha into ashes condemned then4 with an overthrow, making ?hen& enmnpleunto all those that after should live ungodly ; 7 and delivered just Lot vexed with the 51th; eonvaraution of the

for ju&ment 'spared, served, [thc] [the] cities

iniv d r ~ ~ ~ p t l l l5 ~ ~ ~ ~ S ~ ~ l icdap0V 0 6 ~ b a i dpxhiov

having been kept ; and [the] ancient %oe lof @righteousness
&UE/%U J

world .a *herald

%ot 'pre-

i$eiuaro, ehXX'" Xatev,

flood upon of Sodom

but ['the]:cighth

6y8oov N3e Giratou6vqc

r h p v ~ a i$6-

rcara~Xvuptv r6upy
and Qomorrha


6 rui

[the] world of [the] ungodly having brought h;.and having reduced t o ashes with un

T ~ A E Z066pwv ~caiI'opdPPac L ~

T E $ ~ ~ U C ~araI~

overthrow coudemned [them], s~~ 'example [*to ethose] 7beiug 'about 'to 'Olive

UT~O$~ KariKplV~~, 3 ~ 6 d ~ i ~ p a



(?cad men from God) TA. r o i L. b ivrhyeiacs licentiousnesses uI.mrrw. c vcpotr ?a dc.1~ ; u s ~ p o i s dens TrA. LT to ~ p o u p i v o u tc be kapt GTTrAw j ~ o A a ~ o p i v o v p e i w s qs k~ keep, to be puiiished L. & & U TTrL.

'0vids pov 6 h y a r q r d r pou oCrds icrstv my Son m y beloved this is A. TrA. rrpo6qreia r o d TrA. &M& TTI.AW. J o i GLTT~AW.

&yly ay0

i TT. 1 iwiv

and righteous Lot,


:e h

"ting~dlp'having 'set; *of

rt&truir 7 rai 8irnrov Ahr, ~araaovo6p~vov 6 rGc br

'conduct he delivered, dwelling Cthrv~igh

rGv &ekupwv b &uEXYE~'(I v &vaurpoylijc,fibblj~aro'~~h p - seein 8@

elawlens 'in slicentiousuess

ing among them, in and hearing,

::,: :;::

art ydp rai

day by

BA'' 6 * i ~ a i 0 ~ , hiyicaroi~Gylliv ndro2,

among them,

k i n g 'for and hearing, the righteous [man],

i)y6pav hE rjp60ac
diy Itormentcd,)

#vxtjv 8tkaiav

out of

.!pyorg liver the godly out of


with their unlawful deeds '1 how to dethe Lord know&

["his] 'soul

Srighteous 6mith~stheir]71awless'works

b/3au4v~cav.9 0 1 8 ~ ~ )CI'pt~c b6euOat.

Ito "keep;

E ~ U E ;K Ei ~ ~ i p a ~ p ~ tday of judgment P ~~ tothe I '

of judgment 5to 4be'punished i n [the] lust

$ ~ ~ @ ~ ~ ~ 4 n $
to be punished : 10 but chiefly them thnt wnlk

"knows [.the] 'OLord [how the2 pious


eic ilpkpav rpiaawc

a day

roXa~ophvovcafter the flesh in the h~tevpiqment, lPresunlptuoua

are they, selfwilled,
lust of uncleanness, and deq ise govern-

to deliver, and [the] unrighteous to

rr)peivSl 0 prtAtura.62
of pollution walk,

roirg bniuo
and lordship

aaorbc iv

they arc not nfraid t o speakevil of dignities. [They 11 Whereas angels, ToXpqrai, aireci6erc, 66Eac 04.7 ipovuiv ,6Xau$qpo~vreg' which are mnter and might in are] dnring, self-willed ; 'glories 'they tremble 'not 'speaking 'evil *of ; not railing ac-

nnd specially those who after [the] desh

piaupoir ~opavopivovc, ~vptdrqroc rai rasa$povoirwac.

11 6 ~ o v dyyaXoc iqxiti' rai 8vvdper yei<ovec 6vrag, 06 where angels Yn 'strength 'and .power 'greater 'being, 'not 'do thew, ouurv cur' a&rGv knnpd mrpiyll pXha$qpov cpiutv.
%ng .gain& them, before [the] Lord, a railing

+- ~

cz ~ 2 , " ~ c

t3ik:23 ~


~ f ,

charge. ed, epnk evil of dXoya cca l ~ v u r r dyeyevqp6va1' &%Wthings that they un12 oBror.6i, derstand n o t ; and But thesr, aa 'irrational 'animals natural cnpshall utterly perish i n their own corruption ; urv rai (Oopriv, i v olc d vootuiv @hau$qpoQvrrc, 13andshallr~ceivethe tare and corruption, Sin &whnt'they are7ignorant 'of 'speaking 'evil, reward of unrighG r~-$Bop$.adr3v m~ara$~@pljuovrai,~i K O ~ ~ O ~ ~ E V O L eousness, as they that 13 being about t o receive [the] ~ ~ c ~ ~ i t t , " , ' " ~ i , " their corruption shall utterly perish,


nre and Yephemeral'indulgence ; b1emishe8* themselves with their a n i ~ orai pijjlot, i v r p v $ ~ v r QvT U ; ~ & 7 f h ~ ~ uc "T ( ; ~UVY- own deccivings while l &~ n i~ Y, spots and blemishas, luxnrinting i n 'deceits 'their, fenst- they f e a t with You 14 haring eyes full 04 ~ V ~ ~ J X O & ~ E U O L 14 b$BaXpoCc ~ X O U T E ~ irpiv, pUrodg poi~aXi60c adultery, and thnt ing with YOU ; eyes having full of an ndulterezs, cannot cenne from sin b e e i l i o g unstarai OoinaraaaCorovc"cipapriac, ~ E X E ~ ~ +vxdc~ ciurvpir- ble 'souis : a n heart O U E ~ and that cease not from sin, alluring souls unestablish- they have cxemsed with covetous TOVE, rap8iav y~~vpvaupivqv P7fXeoveEiai~'I X O V Wcarrtpac { ~, cursed c h i ? ~ ed ; 'a 'heart 'ererciaed 'in 'oraving 'having, ' ~ f . ~ c u r s e 15;hich have forsaken

&6r~ia~, <8ov$v $yo6pevot rdv iv.?)p;pp rPv$$v, Spots they

reward of ~nrighteonsness;~pleasure %steeming


r i w a , 15 qraraXr~61~rec" rrtjv" e6Oeiav 66dv, hnXav$Oquav,

(children ; having followed having left in the way loved ; the straight way,


& a r o X o v ~ ~ u a vrrg ~ ~ d8$ roir ptuOhv

wickedness, speaking, These

they went astray, the wa o?balaam tlta sun of L s o r , who lovroir Boudp, 6c BaXadp ed the wages of nnof Balsam, [son] of Bosor, whoCthe1 righteousness 16 but but reproof of his own ,waking with man's b &v6phnov ' $ w v i 'Oice of the the mndv ness prophet; in man's voice 17 m e s e are wells had


i)yrtmp~ev, aayt;tv-62 i u ~ a v idiac 16 irno~6ytov d ovov,


wwnrd of unrighteousness



[the] 'beast *of *burden forbade

$Ocy~cip~vov, i~hXvuev rrjv 703 ~po$$ro,v ~npa$poviav.~

the .of =the *prophet by storm

17 oBroi eiuiv rqyai civvd'por, svc$kXa~" Xnbaaoc dXav&TB

are fountains withoutwater, clouds

~ ~ p v a orS '6 cd$oc 705 urdrovc '~ic-aiGvallTE+ r,

driven, to whom the gloom of dnrkucas jptiuaro TCA. s b (yead [the]) L. 1 Gvuc~b yeyeypCvd k ncrpim..rvpiy L[TC].

for ever h iv- T. i r c c p a u f i i v temptations P. EQ ;, y q r v y p . ( y e y r y p . T) + v o r r h (read i l n m Cae +eapjuowac shall even perish LTTIAw. tignal animals, born natun~lly) LTTrAW. 0 & ~ a r a ~ ~ u r o v s insatiable (for sin) L. p ~ A e o v c t i a rGLrrmw. s y L n a i s 'love 'feasts LTr. * ~ abpixhar 01ld mista i &p(yead [the]) OLTTrAW. 11 LaraAchrowcs leaving T. QCTTrAW. eis a&a LlTrA.


being l8 when they qrar. speak great swelling m&of vanity, .they

iyr,"Q$$f tyEz

a tempeat : t o whom


~ E T P O YB .

11. 111.

allure through the 18 ;&poy~a.ydp p"rai6qro~. $ ~ E ~ Y ~ )~ ~~ E IE ~~ O L ,V U X ~ ~ lustn of the flenh, arotcgh wantonFor great swollmg [words] of vanity speakiug, ther nllure nesn, those that were i v i r r e v p i a ~ ' ~aapxd~, cia~Xyeiai~,ro6g wivrwCr 'lann from with [the] desires of [:he] flesh, by licentiousncsscs, those who i n d e d t h ~ m live in error. who 19 While they promise x&r~$~y6vracII rodg i v r k & v p them libertY~ they eacnpcd from those who *in 'error 'frea themselves nre the &ervnnts of corruption: ~ E P ~ U V airrdiC ~ ? r a y y t ~ 6 ~ E airsoi, Go~XoiixcipXovrtc ~0i fgr of vhom H man ia dam sthem +promising, themselves zbondmcn being overoome, of the same is he brouaht in bon- r i j g @opZ~* $.ycip rcg ijrrrlrai, ro6ry y~ai" 6 ~ M e . 20 For if after of corruption ; for by whom anyone has hecn anbdned, by him also he ia they hnve escnped tho pollutionsoftheworld 606Xwrar. 20 d.ydp ciro$vy6vre~r& piciapara ro; ~dopov through the know- held in bondage. For if having escaped the pollutions of the world ledge of the Lord and ~ ~ L Y V & U 705 K V Q ~ O U ' Kai UbJrGpoc ' I ~ u Xo~ ~ U T O ~ , EL ~ 6nvio:u- Jesus m i n t , ;V they nre agnin eu- through [the] knowladge of the Lord and Saviour Jesua Christ, tangled thereiu and overcome, the iatter ~ O ~ T O ~ C - 6 2 nciiiv bpxXarivreg ?;rr5vrai, yiyov~v 'entanpled 'they 'are 7subdued, has hccome endis worse with thcm but .by .thew 'ragain % d u g 31>oeu than tbe beginning. 21 For it been bet- airrois rdr iuxnra x~ipova rcjv rpdrwv. 21 a~p'~irrov'l ter for them not t o to them the lsnt [state] worse than the first. 'Better

fg2,","sE,"Fx<",fi a3roig pi] ydp 6

bxeyvwrbuat rljv 66bv rijg 8imioai~vqS,

t o hnve 1cuon.n the way of riphteollbuccs, Sdelivered 'to

after they have known 'for i t were for them not it, to u r n from the holy tcommandment iriyvoGuivb delivered unto
22 But it is hnppeued

eiriurpi~ailI ddr"r 6 ~ .Irapn8oQciul]~ airto hnve turned

from thc

than having known [it]

unto them according sthem 'holy 'commandment. ~ But h n 11npyeneA t o t h u the[%-ord: of the t o the t n ~ e proverb, U6wv ixrbrpt$ns rb-iGiov dStpapa. The dog is turned t o &XqOoZSrapocpiac, his own volnit again ; true proverb : F e ] dog hnvinp r c ~ u r n e d o his own t rolllit ; and the ROW that washed to her wallow- ~ a i , v ~ Xovuarivq, ~ i g ' f~6Xia!ia" /3rlp/3dp0~. c ing in the miro. and,[The]'aow 'washed, to Der] rolling plnce in [the] mire. 111. This aeoond eTahrqv Gdq, & anqroi, 6 ~ v r 6 ~ a v y p h $ ~ ipiv b~curoX$v, pistle, beloved, I now write unto you. i n This now, Lloved, a ~ c c o n d'to "ou ' 'write 1 pircle, b&h which I st& u p r your minds by &v a l 8ieyeipw ipourv 'in %utt.;n~Pyou] 'in 'remembrance $ 1 ) ~ p 3 bv d.notivrjaei ~ E~'XLKPL'~nre way of remembrnuce: m b t h ] which I stir up 2 that ye may be mindful of thewordswhich vij ~ ~ C ~ V O L ~ q ~ e j l v TGV T ~ O E L P ~ ~ ~ ~Y ~ W C ; T W Y 76% 2p~ V , at , ~V were spoken before b 'mind, t o be minPful of the spoken 3before 'words by the the holy prophets, a n of the commmldmentg ci~iwv ?~po$qrijv, a irijc T ~ &roar6Xwvgi/p&v" hvroXijc, ~ V of us the Rl,ostles of holy prophete, and of the 'the '"apostles 'bp8ua 'conmnndment theL*rd.andSavionr: 3 knowing this ro3' mpiov l~aiu w f i j p ~ ~ ' T O ~ T O7rp;rov ~ L U ~ Q I C O ~ * T TE ~ , 3 ~ L fist that there shall of 'tbe 'Lord Oand 'Saviour ; this Brst knomng, that mr& i n the last dnys scof- ~ X E ~ C T O V h~'.biuXCi~ov1' )jp~pcjv ip.Irairrai, T~~ r3v fers, walking after will come a t the close of the days mockers, nccordug t o their own lusts, and snrin~, where is .the rdc.i6iac.kairrGv ;rievpiagl' nopevo'pevor, 4 rai X f y o v r ~n o 3 ~, romlse of h ~com~ng? s lusts walking, and saying, Where their Own !r bince the fathers o f e n asleep, all t G n m tarw irayytXia rijg.rapovuins.a~roi,; ~-$'.6~.-ydp oi narkcontinue as the^ were i the , promise of his coming ? for hince the fafrom the beginning of &rB (4pxGF the creation. S For peg iroip$Oquav, r&vra OGTWC BiapQ7j~i rrithis they willingly are t h e n fell asleep, all things thus continue from [the] beyilluing of [the] ignorant of, that by 5 Xaveci~el.yirp airroilc roi,ro e6XovraS. iirt the word of GO^ t i e U E W S . heavens were of old, creation. For 'is Shidden 'from 'them 'this, [they] willing [it], t h a t and theenrth standing ont at the water and 06pavoi $ U ~ i ~ n a k a r , Y 76 df bBaros rai 81' B8arog in the wnter :6 where- heavens wen, of. old, and an earth out of water and i n water by the world that then wsq. being overdowed Q ~ / Y u T ~ ~ oTO^~ 8 ~ 0 3hdyy, 7y" ~ 6 6c' ;V 6 T~TE with n-ater, perished : mnhiating, by the of 'God 'word, through which rwatPr~] tlie then W Miywc scarcely o ~ r r r ~ w . a i a o + r 6 y o v m s are escaping from r.nram. + ;y E. a $&v (read our Lord) LT. a r p e i u a o v T. b eir ?h 67rio-w rn the I rrat f l ~ r ] . [things] behlnd L. C 6 r w ~ ~ e ' $ a r have turned-back m r A . to L d i a b L. 0 &,'Jut LWA. f K V ~ L rollinq n r h ~ ~ V B ir)*iv (read by your apostles) h E'qyartuv

roi~ &y;ag bvroXijc. 22 crvP/3f/3q~ev?8i1' atro7g rb



(reaLLlnthe last days) L . : \ . ; 'W


irbhpias a&v

+ i v i ~ u a ~ y p o v(read mockers, with mocking) ii


11 1.
I C ~ U P O ij8ari ~

PETEh ~ararX~a8eis cilnjkero. 7 oi.64

word 'treasured %p 'are, of


viiv dpavoi
for 51%

world with water having bean deluged perished.

But the now heavens

now by
. ~ 8

:$tzh?;Eh same word


mnd the u t h to

ye 'a&roG1'X6yy
by hi. a

T E ~ ? J U ~ V P L U ~~ i u i v , m p i ~ t 06~UOL ]

6re ag g served unto store, mi n Lept i n ofjudsangodl men. 8 Bat. hlove$ be not igno-

L 8 '2v.6i.roGro

Evot 8ic ljpEpav l ~ p i u ~ w r a&rwheiac rGv dae@Gvkv@p&mwv. ment and perdition of ~ i

of judgment and d e s t c t i o n men, that one day &y 'dewillto

p$.XaveavQrw 3p2i~, ciya~qroi, pia Gphpa r a n t of thin one thinr, 8rr


But this one thing let not be hidden from you.



&,, r-


~ h r a

&c i y i p a years, and a thousand


that one day with the Lord as a t h o u ~ n ~ d

with [the] Lord [is] sa a thoasnnd year.,

and s thousand yean

@. 9 ot.~pn6~vei K mdi'
'Does =not 'delay 'the 'esteem,

~ ~ L O E rijg

baayy~Xiag, s r1vEc &a6

ar some



6vrijra i / y ~ 4 ~ ~ a l ' pairp08Vp~i n e i ~ PO;jp2i~,??j ciXXct

but is longsuffering towards t o periah, day but all to



[for] any

rtvag droXia8ai, dhhd rrawac

of [the] l o r d as

eic ~


E T ~ ? J O ~ ~ Y

oar. 10 $&'sr.bJ P<" Ijpipa .mpiov

come. But shall wme the

&c rcXdrrqg qiv

a thief


iv r ~ i otpavoi j o r ~ q b ~ vT ~ ~ E X E ~ ; U O V T ~ L , . . U ~ O L X E ~ ~ . ~ ~ n ~ l ~ , " " h wbch the heavens with rushing n o b &hall pass away, and [thel elements noise, and the elerravuo6pava s A ~ e $ ~ ~ v ~ a ~ ,yij m; rct fv a6rp' ipya ment' shdl the with rai " heat' 'works aleo and the works hnrning wlth heal shall be &solved, curd [the] earth and the 5 1 ?.it x
that me therein shall be burncd up. 11 Seeing theu that 11 T O ~ T W 0 8 T ~ ~ T O J U ~ V O ~ ~ U W U O T ~ T O ~ C ' V ~ U T , s11 thebe things shall These things then all being to be dissolved, what kind of Cpersans] be dissolved, what mnnner o persons f Bei &n6pxeiv H dryiatg &vuurpo$aSc mi ~irae~eiaic, v ought ye to he in nU hght 'to4be 'ye in holy conduct and piety, holy conversntion nnd godliness, 12 looking 12 mpou60~3vrn~ uxe6bovrac rrjv rrapovuiav r i j ~ rai 705 f or mid hasting unto expecting ancl hastening the coming of t h e the coming of the day of Qod wherein the Be05 ,ittfpnc 6i ,jv otpavoi m ~ 0 6 p ~ v o iAV%- heaven; on b SQod Iday by reason of which [the] heavens,. being on fire, ahall be dL- shall be dissolved, m d f theclementsshnll welt oovrar, rai uroixeia K ~ V U O ~ ~ E Y j~ ~ r a" wr r ; 3 ratvoCc with i heat?tP lolved, and [the] elements burning with heat shall melt ? 'xew 13 NevertheIess we,

in [the] night,

ears as one day. 9The Eord is not slack concerning his promise, ns some men oonnt slnckness but is long8affehn-g to urcward not allling that nn; should perish, but t h a t all should come t o rentnnce. 10 But the g y of tho Lord will in the night ; i n the which


, ,

#hall be burnt up.


vens and R new enrth, wherein dwelleth righ11 Wherewe expect, in which righteousness dwells. Wherefore, belov- fore, beloved, &p&- that ye look for such roi, raSra xpou6o~Gi~rs~, aaov66aare ciartXoi rat ye n , y found him without spot and nnblsm- t h i~ pn be "ligentof thnt ed, these things expecting be diligent

'but henvens

ohpnvodc rai ' y { v r a t ~ v U Yrarctll

and Cnrth 'a 'new according t o

=?h indyyeXpa11 a&roG acoording fto new prolpromiae mise. look or henciyarq- teousneqs.

rpout?or3pev,b olc 6r~ncou6y rtarorrd. 14 616, v

pqT0i a6rG ~~peeijvai eiprjvp, 15 wai r i v ro~.rvpiov.t)p~v pe~rcewithout spot. ;v in

rble by him t o be found i r ' perroe ;

~ and ~ bln&eless. 15 And d nccount that the lougs~~fferiug our Lord of is salvntion ; eren ns '1ongsufEering. 'salvation seateem V e ;according as alw our beloved brother 4p3v dJeX$b~ IIaGXos rarct n j v a a l r $ 608eiuavn oo$iav PHUX nlso nccprding to 'our brother Pan1 according t o the ' t o *him =given 'widom the windomglven unto himhath written unto 8ypa#~v~ p i v ,16 3 - rai ;v xoiuats brare' imaroXais, XaGv OII. l 6 also iu all i 4 wrote to SOU, as also in aU Wi] epistl% speaking %is Apistlm, r ~ e n k l n g in themof Lhese t h i n p ; iv a&m'ic repi ;06rwv. ;V iariv 6 ~ ~ ~ 6 r / r r i which are some in in them concerning these thingn, among which are 'hard%oSbe hnderstood things hard t o be

and the

sour *

pacpo8vpta?, awqpiav



~ a 6 & a a rb i


1 rU ( a374 :

(read by the same word) ELT ; T< a& ;


L ~ A W .

iv W K T ~GLTTrAW. r oi (i-ead [the]) TA. hjuescu sldl be detected ~ r . v o6roc thus A. t rai and L. 8 rh izrayydApa7a promises LT. MIAW. 0 ais LTTI AW.

8i because of


+pus you L ~ A .

~.Av&juerar m m. a L. *X K 8OBe;uav a ) L ~ A W . i+

m - 6 (read [the]) - 4 (read [the]) LTT.?W.

avpeO L ~ V yij;

- rarc


tmde&.ood whioh they that are unfenrned and unrtnble meat, ss theg do also the other s c r i p turca, uut,o their oGn destruction. 17 Ye therefore beloved, seeing ye kkow these things before, ben-nreleat ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness. 18 But grow in grace, nnd it& the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him beglory both now and for ever. Amen.

also the


oi CipctQeiq lcai ciartjperror urpcpXoiraev,'i;~

uuentablislled their own wrest, destruction. beware,

'some 'things, which the uutal~ghc and scripture<,

O ~ V ,

rai rcic Xocrcic ypa$cig, rphc rtjv.idiav.a6rGv cinCX~rav.


l7 'Y

ciya~ilroi, r p o y i v & a r o ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ U E U O E , ~uX~

bel?rcd, knowrng bcforehnnd,


'Iva.p$ r e aqre

r&v ci6&7pw7~ r)l&vp o u v u m ~ 8 i v r e ~ ,

lest with the 'of 3the'lawlcss Coones] 'crror hnving bcen led away, ye should

roij.i8iou orqpcypo3.
stendfnstness : of bar Lord

'18 aC54vrre.6b hv xcipen rai

but grow and Saviour dny in Jesus grace, and Christ. Amen.

fall from sour own in [the] knowledge

YUOUEL r03.~voiov.~jpGvrai awrijpoc 'I)laoi7 xpeuroir. a6rcij

46dFa ral ~ S I KC(; eig J

Ijpipav aiGvoc. ddp<u."

of eternity.

To him me] glory both now und to [the]





THAT whichwasfrom



&~qrdn EV,


we ~ ~ 1 ~ , " ~ we hnve seen with our c i ~ a p ~ v roi~.6$~aXpoi~.~pGv, reeua6pe8a rcai a;~ c i p eyes, which wc have looked upon, and our with our eyes, thnt which we gaaed upon and 'hands hnudsl~:rvehnudlcd,of tjr(;)vi$qXh$~]uav repi TO^ hdy.0~ rij'c <wig' 2 rni thelife m e Word of life; 2 (for lour mnnifesthandled concerning the Word of lifa; (and the life


!Chat ~ $ , ~ ~ which was from [the] bcginniug, thnt which we llnve Mnrd, that wllich


ed and we hnve seen b$av~~&eq, ;wpcimrv, rai paprvpo~pev, ra; real cirayyii~ ~ ~ $ e ~ n ~ % " ~ $ and we have seen, and wru manifested. bear wituess, and retl~oteternnllifc,wlich X O ~ E Y 6piv T ~ Y T ~ ai&viov, $ j r i ~ V qv r p d c rdv rarlpa, w l ~ swith the Father, port. t o you the 'life 'eternal, wh$h was wit! tly !ather, and was manifestcd 3 thatwhich tiai b$avep&@q Gpi'v* 3 8 iwpurapev rat arqroapEv, we have seen andheard and was manifested to us :) that which we have seen and hnve heard declare we unto ou ciraYyLhXop~v ripiv, 'lva rai 6piS~oe~wvi'av x q r ~ ~ 0 g i tllnt ye aso fellowship witE us : we report to ~ 0 1 4thnt also y; fellowship may have with



~ and with histson<p&v.~ ~ ror~~wvia i ~ Gpcr~pa pcrd roir ~ ~ ~ usl; and 4 'fellowship 'indeed 4 I lour [is] with the rai $ ~ l6 : ther,

rarpds rai

Father, and

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $ f $ , " mperh$ro3.vioir.aljtoir 'lqaoir xpearo5' 4 rai sa3ra. byp!$o4it ~~ uuto you that your with his Son Jesus Christ. And these thinge we joy may &full. p~v 6p;v," Yva ~ a p d l$pGvl' rerXqpwpivq. write to you that yoy 'our may be full.

5 Kai kai?rq iorivn

And this is

lbrayyeXial' $v

~ r q r d a p ~6?ra v


which we hnre heard from

5 This then is the atro;, ~ a dvayyiXXopv if pi?^, $71 d 8 ~ $ i ~ ~ i 6 ) iariv, rai message which we him, and announce t o you, that God 'light 'in, and have heard of him and declnreunto you: U K O T ~ mdv ajrcg 06~.c"uriv~'.o66 ia. 6 idv d r w v h r . thnt God is lipht, and darkness in him is not any a t al? If wo s h o u 4 say tl~nt, in him is no darkness ~ J repr~ari)pev, atnll. 6 wesay that ~oevwviav X O ~ E IPET' atro;, rai ;V T@ U K ~ T E ~ we hnre fellowship fellowship we hnve with him, and in darknes should walk, with him, and walkin darknesn, we lie, and $~8dpeir, a O ~ . T O L O ~ ~ ~T V V ~ i E ~ ciX$eecav' 7 i v rc? do not the truth :7but we lie, and do not prnctise the truth. But if i the n if wewnlk in thelight, wri aepirarGpev, c j a6rdc doriv iv r$ $wri, ~ocvwviav ~ as he is the light, we bare fellowship one f g h t we should walk, u he ia in the light, fellowship

nirpo Peter TrA. - Lui)v T[T~A~. a' LTAW ~~C '+ TO$irrom6hovi the+apostlev 6'; 2- K(L@OALK~r c;i ~ 'IW&YVOV ;.'IW~VOVU T O A * a? '. + ~ aalso ypi+oprv ; l l write 'your


C 5 T L V Cl;??



h GLTl'i.AW.

o h

WC TTrA. &TTLV;V a&(i)




E ) ~ T W ~ E Vfro111 all ill. 8 If we

with one unothcr, nnd the blood of Jesus clc:~uscn ns from cvcry sin.

hAX$Xwv, rai r6 cirpa 'Iqnot "xpluroi' roi $ n oi

l f we shoultl say truth

~ ~ ~ t ; ~
his Sol1 cleanseth 11s

ra0npiCet IipGs dirb aicaqs hpapriac. 8 iriv


tile t r u t h ~ o ~ ~ ~ s i ~ l ~ ~ i ~ s O I J K . ~ U ~;v~ {[tiv." 9 itiv 6poXo Gpev rdg.&papriaC.l)p& faithful nnd just t o [ If we shoul~coufess our sins, forgive us o ~ c rfrom bnot in us. and to clcni~sr sins, us rrards iortv ~ n 8i~ntos, i 'lva P{pivll r(iS&papriaS,"11 unrist~tcout.ness. fnlthfnl he is and righteous, thnt he ma). forgive us the sins, l0 If we snJ tllnt hxve not sin~icd,v o ~ n Ki U ~ U O ~ G ~ ciab i r d U r ] ~ Ci81Kiac. ?)piis 1 iriv iirwpEv make him n ll:u., nnd 0 ntld may cfcnnsc us from a l l unrigl~teousness. ~f we should day his word is uot 11r us.

i aud papriav oirr.ixopev, iav2oiic 1rXnv3p~v~ a 4 ciXilB~taW l ~ c s *

we have uot, ourscIves we deceive, nnd the



iiri 09,y.)jltnpr~anp~v, +e6arqv aoioitpev airrdv, rai


htlrc uot sinned,

a liar us.

we n r k e



t Xlyog

ai~roiroirr.iartv ;v GpTv.

i - uot


2 l'e~~ia you, rnirra ~ph$w ;piu, h a pr).cipciprr]r~o d' :, .

'Little 'cilildren my, these things
l wrlte

to you, that ye may not sin;


lrai mud


&phpry, a a p h ~ h ~ r o v O ~ ~ t c
a Parsclete and Yor Christ [the] righteous ; our sins ; also for Pwhole 'the this 'not world, he

q b Vc rbv aaripa, E
with the Father, is only,

if anyone should sin,

we have

'~~]aoijv xptartv
Jcsus for but

8iKat0~' 2 rai airrbc


qiXaap6~ ;o;lv"
[the] propitiation 'but

repi ~Gv.&paprcGv.~~Gv~ 06 nepi

dXXd rai ~ o p i 8hov rot rdapov. 3 Kai i v ro1;ry
And by his commandments and the

T&V.~~ET~~WV 8; pdvov,

~~~le&ttletl;;;; ullto tllat s e sin uot. And l f nuy 'lu, we ]':lve advocate with the Father, Jcs~mChriht t h e rightc0us : and is the propitiation for oursins: and not for ours only, but also for the she o the whole f world.

~ ~ V ~ U K O ~ E h y ~ i ) x a p ~ahr6v, Sri V v

3 And hereby we do know we know him, if we keep his ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; and keeyeth not his colnmauclments is r liar,, and the not inhilu. 5Butwhoso keepet11his word, in h lm reriiy is the love . of a 0 d perfected :

we know we kmp.

thnt we have known H e t h a t says,


rd~.3vroXaS.abrotrqpijpev. 4 b XQywv,r "Eyvw~a aLrdv,

I have known, him,
is, his and i n

rtai rdg.ctvroXdS.atroir plj-qpijv, $ ~ 6 a r q ~ iariv, rai dv r06ry

his commnndmcnts truth is not ; is not keeping,


a liar

him word,

,j dX$JetaoLr.c"artv. 5 8~.6'.dv rqpi airroi rbv Xd.yov,


dhqOGg Iv roilrY
In we know
that i n

bnt whoever may keep

c h?rq roi~ i 0eoG rereXeiwrai. i v ro1;ry

love we nre. of Qod has been perfected. Uy this

him the

yt~Durop~v i v airr$ dup~v. 6 Sri


Hr t h a t

X6ywv i v a&r$
bays in

pivaiv, bqieiXci, ~ f f 6 ; c E E ? u o a~pcendrqaev, ahrdc 6oGrwcl ~ ~ rai

to walk. ought,

replnareiv. 7


& v ~ o ~ $Av~

him a e ] that saith he aLidath ~ g ~ a l h k f cven as he walked, also himself so as h , td8~X$0i," oirx i~roX<v ~acvrjv ypdgw Griv ihrcn, I write no new Brethren, not a 'commandment Inew l write t o yo< cOm"nndmentold comunto SOU, but a n


~ U L ~ t v, U

eixere dn'


mandment is the word from [the] which Ye have h a r d from the beginning. dpxfig." 8 IrdXiv dvroXtjv ~aiv?)v yp&$w k i v , 8 iuriv 8 Agniu, a new combcgiuning. Again a *commandment 'new I write t o you, which is mandment I write unt o you, which thing is dXr$ic iv a6r$ rai iv GpZv, S n rj aroria aapciyerai, trueinhimand iuyoil: :rue i n him and in you, because t h e darkness is passing away, becnuse the darkness and rni rb $ 6 ~ & X 7 l e l V i ) ~6 8 ~ rb $aivEi.i 9 b Xdywv i v r y is past,now the truo light shineth. end the 'light 'true already shines. He that says i n the 9 He that ,saith h e is i n the llfil~t and gwri ~Ival, rbv-ci8tX$6v.aliroG piuGv, hv re arorip ioriv ~ ~ ~ t hi, t trother, ie ncai e h light [he] is, and 'his 'brother 'hates, i n the darkness is i u darkress even until 'old is the word ye hemd


4 aahaici

'an 'old,

which ye had

cipxijg' mandment which ye from [the] bcgiuning: the k f$e d& :.ry%" g

iurtv d hdyoc 8v ~ro6oareV&T'

8hayp,k L.


- ~ p l ~ r 0 i + irc IL]ZT~L$piu oirl: -OGTWS ;v iv~tv


LTrW. LT&].

P $lcihour

Lpxtj~ LTT~A.

(sins)W. jntu i y a q ~ o beloved GLTTrAW. i

now. In He that lw- tcvc ciprr. 10 b ciyaw3v rdv.di8~X$i)va b ~ o i l , T$ port h, e t h h h brother nbidrth until now. He that lovea his brat?, in the 1iyt.r in the light, and there is none occnsion of pLvrc, cai arhvJdov " i v ahry" o i r . i a r i ~ ! . ~ 11 6.8; atuvlbl~llg i n him. abides. and bnuse Lof eoffcnce 'in 'him 'there 'is "not. But he thnt 11 But hu that hntvth his brother is in dnrk- piaijv rbv.ci6rX$~v.airroir, bv rg' u ~ o r i q iuriv, rai hv ry' aroriq nes*, and ~vnlkothIn hates his brother, i n the darkuess in, and in the d ~ r b d dnrkness and know0th not' whither lit! w~prwarei,rai oirr.01drv X O ~T ~ ~ ~ Y E L , 5r1 aroria i d $ g m t h because thut walk, and knows not whare he goes, because the drukuear bliuddnrkicss hath blinded Awarv ro.ircd$BnXpoirc.airrofi. hi ogaa. ed hiseyer 12 I write unto you, I2 rpci9w ;piu, Tkl'iCC, BTL ilttle children, becn11.w I write to you, little children, becallse your sins nre forgiven , , you for hin nrune'r apapriar 6td rA.buopa.aitroir, rake. nins for the sake of his name. 13 I write onto you, 13 rpci$w CpFciv, rargpec, iirr iyvDrara rbv ciw' fathers becnuse ye I write t o you, fathcra, becnusc ye have known him who [is] from have kAonn him that is con\the beginning. ciqxfs. &piu, v~aviaroi, art vevimjrare r t v I write You, [the] beginulng. I write t o you, young men, because ye have overcome the oung men, brcause ye gnvc ovcrcome the wovqp6v. 'rpd$w1l & p h , rarSia, iirt iyvhtcnre rbv wickc4 one. I write wicked Lone]. I write t o you, little children, because ye have knowu t h e onto yon, little children, becnuse ye have 9TUrEpa. t n o n n the Firthcr. Father. l 4 I have written anto you, fathers, be14 *Eypa#a ;piu, aarbpec, 8n iyvhrare rbv 9awe ye hb?e known I wrote t o you, fathers, because ye have known him who [i$] I n that is from the , kgluning. I bare a; d p ~ i ~w.E ) ' p ~ # ~ &/.L;V, v~nviuroi, iirr icrxvpoi written unto you, from [the] bcglnnlng. I wrote to you, young men, because srrong ye nre young men because ye and the r a i 6 X6yoc roir Be06 hv 6piv ~ ~ Y E rai V E V L K T ~ K ~ Trdv L , E word of ~ o nbideth and the word d of God i n you abides, and ye have ovcrcome the in you, and ye hnve oTercome tbo wicked wovqpdv. 15 prj.ciyariir~rbv ~ d a j ~ opq6.i r d bv ryj v, ono. 15 Lore not the wicked [onex Love not the world, nor the things i n the world neither the thing; are in r6upy. idv anpone should iuve rdv K wbrld, O Yo h iurrv Itha J o v e ric ciyaxg the ~ Q ~ , (iirtf U ?not 9s world ~f any mnn world.



2 :

r06 warpbc 6vl ahry'. ~ ~ e

16 Srt a z v


bv r $ rbatcy,

not in him. 16 all =of 'the 'Father in him ; because all that which [is] in the world, that 6 in the wolld* Iwrtlvpia r i j ~ K&, ~ a i bnteupia rGv 6$8dpcSv, rczi oa the lust of the flesh, and the lust of t b the d ~ i r e of the k.h and the desire of the eyes, and eyes, and the pride of ~ciXa~ovria" Piou, ohr.iurrv h~ roir war LE, *uXh'" Ir TO: life is not of the Fathe;, but is of the o t fife, is not gi the Flier, but of world 17 And the roir K ~ U C ( O Vhuriv. 17 rai 6 r d u p o ~ wapdyrrat, rai 6s'world pnrrseth awny the and the world is pyising away, and the and the lust thereof l but he tbnt dooth the evpia airtoire A.62 ~ O L O V BiXqpa roG er06 p6uri rig r6v rb C;0d abideth lust of it, but he that does the will of God abides for for ever. 18 Little childreu, i t is the last aiGva. 18 ITnt8ia, io,y6rr] Gpa hariv. rai rae& time : and as ye have Little children, [the] last hour it in, and according an heard tbnt antichrist shall oome, even now ? j r o i b a ~ ~ '6''. 6 v r i ~ p l 0 ~ 0 c ipxeral, rai virv c i v ~ t ~ ~ t u r o are there many antiyeheard t h a t the ant~christ is coming, even now *ant~chr.iste christa. whereby we know i h s t i t is the woXXoi yry6vaorv. i i e ~ vytvhuropev h i iaxarq 6pa iariv lasttime. 19 Theywent 'many have arisen, whence we b o w t h a t [the] last hour i t is. out from ns buc thep 4p&~ b ~ f l j k e ~ v , n &X' ohli.jluav it. GpGv* ~ i . ~ d were not of ;is ; for if 19 they had been of us, From among UP they went out, but they ware not of n ; s for i f they would no doubt if t j p ; ~ , " p ~ p ~ v j I ~ ~ ~ u aP Ed~ ' v . +GY* &X\' i'va $ayev d have c o n t i ~ ~ u ewith a s : but theu went out, they were of us, they would hareremained with ua, but t h ~ t tkcy &hut they nught be made mnnifeat thnt ~ W ~ G Q L Y iirl O ~ K . E ~ U ? U c i ~ rh{ ~ ~r )jp&~. 20 K U ~ ;peic they were not all of might be made manifest t h a t 'are "not 'all . of us. And ye




6 L~T~AW-

1 Zypaqa I wrote LTTrAW. J &Aa<ovia T . itijtjheav LTl'rAW. 0. it i p S v jjuav & .



1 , IIL 1 I JOHN. xpiapa Z X E ~ Edrrd toii Ayiou, ~ a oldar~dn4ttra.n i

[the] anointing hnve from the holy [one], a n d y e know all things.


21 oCr.iypnJ/n iipiv 6ri obc.oi8are d v dX$3etav, &XX' Zrc

I wrote not to you because ye know not t h e
truth, 7trt~th that

oidara ahrjv, rni 6rt ?rZv $efi60s

y e know Who



rjjc ciXt18~iaS [artv. ohr;

lnot *is. Jcaus denies

rill things. 21 I tlnve not b u t bccauae written kuow you the Muse ye not
truth. but bccauxc ye

:t;?',";.",g$g;: One, and ye

is a linr but hr t h r t dcnieth thnt J~~~~ i* t h e Christ? He i s antichrist, thnt dcnlerl~ c'artv b xplarrj~;0 f i r 6 ~ iartv b civri~ptaroc b cipvo~p~voce Father and the th is the Chrisu? He is the antichrist who denies Son.23WhosooverdrTAU 1 4 6 ~ niethtlleSOn~thesnlne rbv rrarlpa rai rhv ui6v. 23 T Z S b Lipvo6p~voS hath not the Father: the F ~ t h e r nnd the Son. Everyone t h a t denics b. t ] he that ackr~ocothe Sou? the g o l i t/re Soli2rr;et t h ~ 6 of6i r t v rrnripn ixet. 24 tic 'ov'v" S Ijro6anre rir' m i

2 Tic iartv A #tirsr)lc ei-prj b cipv06~evo~ 'ItlaoGC0 t h ' 2 iirt

the linr but he t h a t

and thnt 4 n y We (lit, crcry)

'of 'the


' Y


neither 'the


'has 'he.


therefore what ye heard from

you* ye have [the] bcgiuuinp, i n you let i t abide : if in hcnrd fromt h a t beginIf the which 6pxtjc I ~ K o ~ u ~xniE Gpric i v ry' uiJ xai giv" rtj norpi &0 ~ , :v ; h. e " from [the] br-ginning ye heard, also ye i n the Sou aud i n the Fathcr remain i n you, ye the shnll pweire. 25 rai n$rq iariv irrayytXia, iju a6rbc 67rtly- ;ptheshEn,o:E; shnll abide. And this is the promise which he pro- the 25

cipxijc-, i v i p i v ~ E V L T W . idv i v hpiv p i u P

a cir' you should abide what from

therefore abide

YEIX~TO 6piv, ~ ~ v ? , ' w ? r$v aicjvtov. 26 )Y


m c r a iyonJ/ahpiv
These things 1'wrote t o you


26 Thcse tlrings have I anointing w r i t b ~ unto Ton concerning them t h a t seihcipere cir' airroij, ' i v i p i v ~ Q v E L , " 06 xpeiav ixrre duce YOU. 27 n u t the rai which ye received from him, i n you abides, and not need ye haye auointinp which ve hnve rcccived of h i h TtE 8~6h1TKp &pZg' T A iab~i)" ~pit7pCl 6 t 6 b ~ l ~ ~ t in you. nndye abideth that anyone a h o ~ l d tench you ; but ss the same nnointiug teaches need not that any man teach you : but ss the ~ i ~ p i ? T ~ V T W V , ~ a ciXqBfg b a ~ t rai, O ~ K . ~ U T [ ;$6- anointing te:rchanme is not B eth you of all things, is, and ~ o nooncerniitg all thiugs. and true and is truth, and is no boc' ra; rntI&c d6i6nEav GpZc, jpev~frellbv aitrqi. lie. and even s s i t hnth Ue ; and cven as it taught you, ye shall abide i n him. taught you, ye shall

repi 7th ~ ~ t a v aonaerning those who lend 'astrny

~ 6v zc.~ 27 . ra; G/teig rh xpiapa r v

~ O



this is the promise






28 Kai v h , rervia, pivere bv aLr(;. i'va kiiravl @avEpw- a b ~ ~ & ~ i ~ ; w ,

And now, little cluldren, nbide in him, t h a t when h e be mnni- children. abide in llirn.


*ixwrevU rrab;quiav, m i p$ aiaxuv86pev di.airro6,

boldness, and not be put toshame from before him coufidence,

T: i

fvsted we may have


nsh;1mod before h . a u t his comiug. bt his coming. 29 It ye know that 29 %&v E ~ S ~ crt GirntB~iartv, y i v & a r ~ r ~ m TE &c b h e is righteoll* Fe 14 yo know that righteous 'he is, ye know t h a t everyone who thnt doeth riphlsonaOne T O - naqs is born of him. WITOL&J v 8iratoa61~qv, atro5, llyeyEvvtlrat.~~ q 111. Behold,what manprnctisea righteousness of him hns been begotten. Sce ner of love the Father raatjv dly(i~qv 6i6wrev dpiv b rrnrilp, i'va r i ~ v a 0~oirhath bcstowed upon what love 'given 'to 'us lthe 'Fathcr, t h a t children of God called the sonsof God: that we be ~ 0 6 ~ 0 6 a p o c06.~cvcja~et 6 ~ rjrtic, therefore t h e world rXq83 EYO' 6th knows not us, 'kuoweth Us not, bewealtould called On nccount of this the world cause lt knew him not. ohr.iyvw aitrdv. 2 ciynnqroi, vcv r f r v a 8 ~ 0 f i lapev, 2 Beloved, now nre &L bucnuse i t knew not him. Beloved, now children of God are we, we the sous of God, and i t (10th not yet rcti oirrw igaveph8q ri bacit(~8ao i 8 a ) * ~ v - ~ 8 ~ ';&v RPS~ZT W I ~ R ~ S I I ~ U GTL we . n d not p t was i t manife.ted what we shall be; but wa know thnt if be: but we know that,.



& h m:,uifested, .

qavepwtI$, bpotot abry' ia6p~8a, 6+6peBa airrbv ~ a B c j ~ 8rr

like him we sball be. for we shall sce him

~ ~ for we nhsll see bun


+ b bpoAoyGv ~ b vibv ~ a~ ib rvr a ~ i p iax r r he t h i r t v ( r e d ye all know) T. oonfeswq the Bon h.% tile Father also GLTTraw, * oQv LTTr.4. I (v L. h r c i v e ~ V v A i 4i170; (read as hls anointing) mm. i.pCvcze a b i d e L T T ~ ~ V . ;;v if LWA. I uxGpcv LTF~A. ~ aalw mr& i ycyiwqrar in Steyh.en.8. 0 + K& P 6 i but LTlVAW. ispb ru;d WO W L S U C ~ ~L h r l . r

as he *S. a

mnn ithat hnth thin holbe n hinl pnrifieth

I Q A N N O Y A. 11 11 ewiariv. 3 xai ?rZc d t ~ w v ~$v.iXni8a.ra6rqv IT' atr&

he is. purifies And everyone t h a t has thin hope



hilll~clf, even as he is pure.

4 w\rhmoevor eom-

&yvi<eciavrdv, ~ a e i~eivos & ~ dyvrjc iarrv.

himself, even as he *pure 3 T O L L ~ V rljv cipapriav,


rrai rrjv hvopiav



rin is the tmurgres- ~ a qhilcipapria lariv I j duopia. 6 ~ a oldare iirc i ~ ~ i i i pion of the Inw. 5 And and sin is Inwlessness. And ye know that he ye know that he ww mnuifcsted to take a- b$avept33q, ;(va fipaoriac '$?p3v11 ;PO' ~ a wnr our sins. and in wns mnuifesbd, that '8:~s 'our he might take away ; aud h i h is 110 sin.'6 Whom . r e r nbitleth in him ir)lapria ;U atrlj o ~ K . ? u T L ~ ~ .r i i ~ b i v airrlj pivov o t 6 ? ~ i n ~ i c tnot : whosoh sin i n him is not. 'Anyone "that 'in 'him 'abides 'not ever sinnsth hnth not (lit. everyot~e) mn known him, neither 6paPr&~~er' him. ?ri?c 3 cipaprcivwv O ~ X etjparev atrdv, 0664 sins : 'nnyone 'that 'aim 'not has seen him, nor (lit. everyone)

~ ~ $ ~ $ h $ "Everyone~ , " ~ l : ~ that practises


lnwlessness prnctises,

v o i ~

iyvwrtv ntrdv.
has knowu

7 Littlechilaren*let no ~ n a u deceive you : hr thnt dmth


T ~ r v i n , p8:ic


~Xavhrw v d
even as he

l i t t l e children.

no one 'let 'lend %tray

: ~ l ~ C S ; ~ ~ ? ! ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~

~ ~ I c N ~ i~ a ' 6 ~ I ra%c, Ireivoc biratdc aarrv. 8 6 d ~~ " ~ ~ v iarrv,

rigl~teousncss, rightcous righteous


?rotGv 4 v
IIe that

he t h a t p t i s e s


sin isof the devil :for rot(2v 741, 6paPriav; ;K 705 drap6Xov boriv* 6rc h d the devilsinneth fro; pmctises sin, of the devil is ; because from [the] tlie kgiuning. this purpo* the Son ( i p ~ i j s t!,c &&poXogcipnprhvei. For rozro was mnnifested the viis 6 devil l$av~pDeq d Son of Goit was manifestsins. this ed,that he might dertroy the worksof the 70; ~ E O ; , b a X6ap rd ?pya roc Gia/3dXov. 9 ?riic b der11. 9 Whosoever is of ~ o d that hc might undo thc works of the , 'Anyone "that devil. born of God doth not (lit. everyone) commit sin ; for hi8 aeerlrenlaineth him: Y ~ ~ v ~ ~ t l ltx( roil &OS Cipnpriav o iv~c notei, 6rc aaQppa mild he cnnnot in, bebeen "bcgottcn 'of *God, ''sin 'not 'practises, became 'seed catlae he is born of God. atroii ;v air$ piu~t* Ill thisthechildren rraL ot.bit*arac cipapr&vecv, 6rc tx TOG


are manifest, Ihis i n aud tliechildrenof the devil : whosoever doet^ not riRh~onsnosa God he



abides, and 'he is not able In this

10 hv robry $avp& ECTLY 76 r k v a 705

manifest are We children

t o sin,

because of

*not 4pmcti~er hrothcr. (lit. everyone) is the message that ye heard from the begin- br~aeouirvr/v" ~ K O Zarcv I K 70; 0 ~ 0 5rai 3 p~j.hy~?rGv , ning. that we should .righteousness 'not is of God, and he that loves not love one another. 12 x o t rts Cnin, who hbeAqiv airroii. 11 i;ri ai;rq bariv I j ciyyeAin qv tjro6aara WRI of thnt wicked 'brother 4his. Because this is the zessnge Which ye heard , one and slew his brothe;. And wherefore c i p x c ~ , ' ~ V U C ? Y U T ~ ~ E Y& X ~ ~ X O V12. 0 t K U ~ & C ~ rlcw he him ? Decause from [the] beginning ; that we should love one another : not a8 his own works wero d.k ~ 0 5 T o v ~ ) P o ~ $V, K C ( ~ ( X U $ ~ ~ E U ~ TAY &6X AV eri), andhisbrotherTr KLiv righteous Cain [who] of the wicked [one] was, aria slew Obrot er

~ ; e ~ ~ ~ f i , " , " J hthis~ $&oi? ~ a r6 ohildren of the bca/3dXov. 'Anyone ~'that ~ of God and the rQrua 706 deviL r i i d i

plj n ~ o ~ S v

airro5. ~ a ~ & p r v rivos Za$aSev atr6v; iirc rci.?pya.airroii i

'his ; nnd on acwnnt of w h ~ t slew he him? becnuse his works

? I

?rovqpd 4v, r(i.62 ro3.[iS~X

'wicked 'were, and those of his

13 Mnrvel not, my Wonder not, .brethren 'my, if 'hntes *you 'the "world. brethreu if the world hate yoli: 14 Weknow 14 Ij eig 0 i d ~ r . %rt~ p ~ pera/3ePtj~ap~vK 70; O Q Y ~ ~ T O Veis I that we have passed Ge know that we have passed from death to from &nth unto life, br.crrure we love the < ( Y ~ uarc ciya?rSpev roir~ &SeX$ois. b plj.&ya~Gv , brcrhren. Re that llfe, because we love the brethren. H e t h n t lorcs not Chin] lorrth not hu brotllc.r ,,hi,+erh in death. wri)v &6eX$dv,ll ~ C Y E Li v r@ 0av&rY. 15 mic 3 pia3v r h 15 \Vhosoever hnteth hrother, abides i n death. Ereryone thnt Iintes 8 &v Gixaror (read .that is nat q - 4 L (misinformed as t o c o d u B). GgGv LTTrA. .-.. 2 5 : . 4 I.TTrAW. righteous) h . rai And T. u o u LlTrAW.

13 tMlj.Bm~ph<ere,ciseX$oi 'pov," ei ptaei 6

~ b5 ~ ~6apoc.




111, IV, 1 JOHN. ci8eX~lbv airroir, drvepwlro~rovog sariv, sai oilinre 6rc l r z g
'brother lhis a u~urdercr Inot has life is, eternal 'in love, and
& V ~ ~ W X O K T ~ V I C~ O~ O


EXEL ~ W ) ) V a/hviov dv 'airr$" pivovaav.

"him because 'abiding. he

Ye know thnt 'any that no murderer hl,th (lit' every) eternal life abiding i a



Jmurderer By this

perceive qf Gotl, because hu laid down his life for us : and $ t i ~ v ~ v . \ C / v ~ ~ j v . a b r3 1 1 ~ ~ ~ ' $ p i S $$~iXopev r 8 o ~ rai hr2p r(;Iv U-eought t o lily down us hls life laid down ; and we ought for the our lives for tho b ~ c thron. &$X@V rdc $vx&g Yri86vai." 17 8g.b'.dv ixp rhv h ~ r t h 17 Dflt who-o this world's good, brethren [our] lires t o lay dowa. But whoever may have nud seetll his brotl~cr roG r6apov, sai &wp?jrbv.&6~Xqhv.atroix p ~ i a vhnve n c ~ d aud s h ~ l r piov teth up hi(s bowel* 4 %cans 'of %fe Ithe 'world's, and may see his brother 'need co117prcssiuitfrom hi111 ixovra, rai ~Xeiag rL.axXCiyxva.airroi dlr' airroir, 7r3c ,j how d a e l l ~ t h lor; the 'having, m d may shut up his bowels from him, how 'the of God in him ? -. we have ktio~vn for

16 Hereby 16 'Ev r06ry b y ~ h ~ f f r )~ v d y C i ~ ~ 6r1 ise'iuog &nip we tho love p jv v,

& rix roi 8 ~ o phve~i v aim$; i

<oveg *of SGod 'abides i n him ? nor

18 Tervia

with tongue, in dOrd, neither in b&XX"l C ipyy m i cih~8eig. 19 "ai" i v ro6ry e y t v h o ~ o p e v ~ ~ if9 but i n work and in truth. And by $his we hereby we kuow t h a t the truth, 6ri ;K rtg &hq8~iag iuphv, ~ a ~p.rrpoo0ev i airroi xeiuopev we are Of assure oru and shall that of tho truth we are, and before him shall persuade hearts before

'Little %hildren 'my, we should not love i n word,

'pov," plj.ciyan3pev Adyy p1762 a yXDuup,

,A", 5 :t ;


rric.~ap8iac.$p&lp 20 8ri" bdv rarayrv&arp $p&

our hearts, that if =should 'condemn and lour


4~ n ~ r ? igreater thanourGod ir 20, For if a heart condemn us, 'heart, our

that greater

nli and knoweth knows all things, things. 21 if onr hcart condemn ua 21 6 nrqroi, f d v rap8ia g$p3v1I p$.rarayrvDarp ? ) t i 3 ~ , then have weconnot, Helored, if 'heart lour should not condemn us, fidcnce townrd God. 22 And whatsoever we sabbquiav ? ~ o p e v p b gT ~ Q E ~ V 22 rcai 6.idv ~ V , airijpcv, ask,wercceireof him boldness we have towards God, and whatsoever we may ask, because we keep hi; commandments, and Xapphvop~~ hlrap'i'~ 6 ~ 0 6 , rdc-ivr0Xci~-atroi 6r1 rqpoirpev) do those thiugs that wo receive from him, because his commaudments we keep, are pleasiug i n his 23 And this is uai rd (ipeurd i v h ~ i o vairroi 23 rai agrg sight. commanament, his and the things pleasing before him we pracLise. And this That we ahould bclieve on the name of duriv ~.dvroX$.atroi, 'iva inia~~6awpev'1 bv6pnri roi his Son Jesus Christ, r(G is his commaudmeut, t h a t we should believe on the name and love one another,

6r1 ~

E ~ C WBuriv d Bebs rFjc.~ap8ias.?)p3v V rai

God than our heart

yivhaker lrdvra.

vio3.airroi 'Iquoi ~ p i u r o i ,sal &ynnGptv &XX$Xot,g, scrOJg

of his Son Jesus Christ, and should love

one nnotl~er, cveil as that kccpcth his mau?ment3 drtiel!eth his commaudmcnts, this we know


~ J W K E V ivroXjIv ;/piv. 24 rai 6 rqpGv r&g.bvroXtic..a6roi,

he gave commandment t o us.
in him abides, and us, he by the

Aud he that keeps

in' him: Spirit .spirit and by


bv a6r,$ pivet, wai atr6c bv airr(ljosai bv r06ry yiv~Lurop~v 671 p~vei i v ij$v, h~ roi lrve6parog 06 <piu ?BWKEV.
thnt he abides i n which t o us he gave. 'believe, but

~~~,"l~s;PY~$i;h~d given us.

not every bpirit, but try the spirits nho-

'Ayaxqroi, p$ ravri lrva6parc riare6ere, dXXd 8o~1p&- IT. Bolovcd,believe

Beloved, the not *every

rere rci nvr6para, ci lrpo$Ijral ~

roir ~ E O Cdarlv'

ijrc nohXoi

+ E U ~ O - ther they arc of God :

spirits, if of God they are ; because many false because many f~rlse prophets are gon? out ~ E X Q X ~ ~ L Z U7bV ~ 6 6 p 0 2 .;V 706rffJY ~ V ~ l ~ intoh world. 2lIere- ~ the ~ ~ propt~ets have gone out into the world. By this ye know by know pe the Spirit h of ~ o :d e r y spirit rb nvecpa ros 8~0ir'T&J ?n&pa 6 dpohoyei ' I ? ~ J o xptorbv that confesseth thnt ~~v the Spirit of God : every spirit which confesses Jesus Christ Jesus Christ is come


P -


&wry'himself LT. J 8e;vac LTTrAW S p o v LTTrAW. q (read with the j tongue) GLTTIAW. b & M b Trr. c i v in (work)OI.TTrAW. d ~ a~i[ T r b ] . yvwvofb: T L (read whatever our heart) L. peen we shall know LTTKAW. B i p i v (~ecrd the heart) LT~[A]. h an' LTT~A. i a r u r e i w p e v we beliero LTl'r; ~ t m e J [ u ] w p ~ v A.




I. v

in the flesh i of ad : ;v aaplri iXqXv66ra, irt roii 6eoG iariv. 3 rai aiiv r1j~5ycr s 3 nud every spirit thnt God is; and 'any 'spirit :onfesscth not thnt *in 'Iflesh lcomc* Of (lit. every) Jesus Christ is comc in nO r G . ; t i ~ X ~ y ~ rSv 'II1aoijv i tXoturbv dv a a ~ iXqXvB6ra,Kiir ~i the is not of GO^: aud this is Lhat spirit *which 60onf~sses enot TJcsus k h r i s t loin "flesh 'come, "of of antichrist whereof ye hnve hknrd that 706 6 ~ 0 3 K ~ O T L V 'rai roGr6 iarcv rb 0 h TOG &vr1~piurou, i t shonld come ; and 'Qod 'not lZis: and this ta thnt [power] of the nntlchrist, even now nlrendy in i t dlcl/~dare +xrai, rai vcv iv r$ r6apy Curiv Zrt i n the world. 1Ye are of God, littlechildren, [ofl which ye henrd that it comes, and now i n the world is it already. and have overcome ~ i them: because grenter 4 'Y eig E K r03 6eoG tare, r ~ ~ v i a , a vevctcrj~are airoC~* in he that is i n you. $e of God ate, little children, nnd have overcome them,

~ ? ~ $ ~ e , ~ $fPrJ2 Sri p~icwviurivhe who [is]iv &piuthnu hedwho [is] dv r y ~worly . ~Q4 d ij 6up i n you i n the is therefore becaum greater roi'tro ;K ro3 r6apov ha"yk ~,"'<htLk$airroi dr 705 r6upov eiaiv, ,:, 5 hcnrctl, tllpm. we They of the world a r e ; because of t h t of the world they

arc of God: he ho~aiv,~ a i d knoweth God herareth talk, ; he thnt ia not of nnd the

~6opoga h r h
world 'them

~ K O & E ~ .

6 <pEic


ro3 eeoii



Qod hearcth not us. ~ U ~ E V d ' YLVOUKWYrbu O E ~ V ,dr06~i <p(;Iv. 8~ IIcrrby know we the God, hears us ; he t h a t ianot apirit of truth, and the " O he that spirit of error. &K 70; OeoG, oh~.dro6eiIjPLiv. drc roirozr yiv&aropev rb rvel? U of God, hearu not us. By this we know the r p d

rijs dXrlOeins ra; rb rrv~cpa aX&vqc. rijc

love one another: for 7 ' A y a ~ ~ l r&ya~Gpev ~i, &XX$Xovc' $n & hrtj Qrros Inve is of God ; and Beloved, we should love one another ; because rove 'of every one thet loveth d ciyaaijv, ;K roii &oG yeydvqrar, is born of God, nnd 6 ~ 0 QUTLV,rai 5 knon rth God. 8 He 3God 'is, and everyone t h a t lovea, of God has boen begotten, thnt !ovcth not knowd plj.dya~Ou,oh-lyvw TAY e e d v et~l not GO^; for GO^ icai yivOur~i ri)v %E&. 8 is lorr. 9 I n this was and lil~owa God. He t h a t loves not, knew not God; mnnifostod the love of toward be571 6 6 ~ 6 dyci?rqiariv. 9 bv rohry ;$a~~pOeq &yaim~ s enusc rhnt ~ o d " w n t because God 'love 'is. I n this wan m a n i h t e d the lam his only begotten Son illto world, tl,nt ,ve 7036 ~ 0 3 iv <piu, $71 rbv.vibv.airri 3 r3v uovoy~vij might live through of G Oas t o USt t b t ~ his Son t h e only-begotten . y h

7 Beloved, let


of truth

and the


of error.


a~aXrevS ~

e i i~ rbv

K ~ U ~~ V , O 'Iva

(i,awpev ~

6 i airrol ~

but that he lored us: 56ent 'God into the world, that we might live through him. his Son lo 10 iv 7 0 6 7 ~ iuriv Ijhyhaq, oirx ijre tjpeis Ijyantjaaptv rdv be the propitintion for our ins. 11 Drlovod, In this is love, not that we loved if Q o ~ s o l o v e dwe~ ,8~69, ~ dXX' iirc alirhg Ijyh~qaev rai &riareAev rbv vibv ought also to love one loved us, and sent 'Son another. l2 No man but that he hnth seen God nt airro; iXaapdv r f p ; r&u.cipapri~v.<p~v. 11 ciyarqroi, ei t l ~ ~ o t ~ ~ r w e lhie a propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if dnellethiuu8:andhis ogrwc 6 Bebc ?)yh?n)a~v <pgc, rai b$~iXopev&Xhijhovs love is perfected In us. 13 Hereby know we " O 'God loved us, also we ought one another E thnt WO dwell in him, (iya?r@v.12 QELY 0 6 8 ~ ;T~ ~ ~ O T r~oharac' iciv &yaa& &v and he in ns, because to lava 'God 'no 'one 'at ?any 'time 3hns heen ; if we r;houl~love he hnth giwn ua of ;U <piu ~ H I ' E c , lcai <.dydaq-ahro3 ' T E ~ E X E L W his Spirit. 11 ~ n we &XX$XOIIS, d d have r e n and do testi- one another, God in us abides, and his love 'perfectf that thn Fatheraont t i e son to be the sa- piull im;v QV <piv.ll 13 i v rohry y t v ~ a r o ~ i ~ v i v atr+ ijrt riour of the world. ed 'is in us. By this we know that i n him




~ ~ V O ~ icui at;rbc F Y ,

;v Ijpiv,
in us, we


ire roir.?rve6paroc.airroii
his Spirit and benr witness that

we abide,



becnuse of have seen

Gi8w~ev<@v. 14 icai < p i g re6ecipe6a rai papnlpo6pev Srr

he hns given t o us. the Fnther ha%sent And the

d .rrar$p ciniuraXrev rSv vibv

uwrijpa ro3 rdapov.


Son [as] h v i o u r of the world.

xptarb~W ; ; xprcrrbv'Zv u a p ~ iAqAv06ta (veud the Jesus) aLmr, i mteAewuCvn imlv L; TLTAp i v i a ~ i v iv i TTTA.

IV, V.
Vhosoever may confess that Qod in

I J 0 I1 N.
Jcaus in is the Son of God,


16 "0c.B~ d p o X ~ y l j a ~ 'Iquoir~: Srr burrv 3 v13~ BEOZ. roir

0 ~ b a t r $ ~ C I ~ E L rai ahrAc d r$ v ~ 6 , v
h i abides, and

c o ~ ~ , , the sou of GO^, GO^

dwollOthJn 16 And w e he iu God. hnvo known nlld bed 8 ~ b c ;piu. licve(l the love thllt iv K ~ / I E V n n~rrur~$reapv i v ~ i r ~ ciy&nqv $v " ' God known and have believed the love which lhau 'Qod as t o us. is love. niid he flint Ood (i (irp, dy ryi &yi dwe~~ethinlovedm-ell':dc 6 icn, iuriv, rcli b phvwy i y and bd zove 'is, and ha that abide, i n rove, in God in him. I7 Hercln is in piil~r, a 3iO ~ b g v airrG1". 17 b ro6rY T E T E X E ~ W T ~ L LiY&r)I ~ovemade ~ b v our perfect. abided, and God i n him. I n this h a s k c n perfected love we mny Fldntaa in the day of $pcj,~, na)ir]oiav {x.xopev dv r $ <pipp r r j ~ ~ ~ U E W S , ttdgtuunt : becnuse as 'c'va K of judgment, he is 00 "re "0 lY this with ur, that boldness we allny have in the dny worid. 18 ~ h re is no c brr reail&- i r a i v J ~durtv, rui <pdE dup~vb;ry. ienrinlove; but perv thnt evou ns he is, also we are in tllln world fect love casteth out fenre becnuaefenr hnth 18 $ 4 3 0 ~ ~ K . ? U T ~ Yv 7 1 i y & r V , O b 3 'ciXXtl' rEXEin Ay&rt] tornicnt. H c thntfenr*Fenr 'there 'n Snot i n i love, but perfect love Doat eth is uot mnde imrr fect in love. 19 We P,d;\Xei rbv $ ~ $ o Y ,$71 b $d.Poc rdXautv E l ' 6-82 love hnm, bocauso he c-ta fear ; because fear ator:~lent Gas, and he that fear8 fist loved us.


16 rai tjpsis byvhAnd









i v q 6 &sq.19 Gp~ic ( i y a ~ G p ~ v j
Lva loved We &st

has not been made perfeot in


Pairrbv.1 Srr qatrbs" ?rpGrocrjycinrlu~v t ~ 6 ~ . 3


20 'E6v rrc

~t anyone should say,

r i r g , "0rt 6 arrG r6v O E ~ V ,rai rdv


.nd loves not

&%E; 2g;,;;; ~1;~:

his brother, he is a not his brother whom he hath neen, how cnn

=his 'should



,#6U?t]c duriv.
a liar

he is. For he that


fi.dYarGv rbv liar: for he that loveth

'God #whom .he lohaq "not'Yswn, hath not see^? 21 And thir commandment we from him. 'how sis =he 'able &to .love? And this commandment we Yhat he who loveth God love his brother v, i n ' abm5, lva 3 Liyan3v rbv 0 ~ 4 v Ayaiyarp' rai r i v urn.y W ~ O S W V W . ve fro111 him, that he that loves God nhould love also Heveth thatJesus is the Christ is born of Qodr 3v atroir. TIZig b niureciwv Srr ' I t p ~ o i rdurcv b andeveryonothntlov. ~ Everyone thnt believe6 that Jesur is the 0th him thnt beg& his brother whom he has seen,



ihpaxev, rbv O~bv 6v

o&x.dhpa~~v,he love God whom he

' T ~ s " b6vargc dyas$v; 21 rai ra6rqv r i v bvroX?jv {XO- have

~ u r dx 70; &oir b ~
Lhrist, begat, of

y~yivvqrat. rai n l c

b iyandv rdv

Qod has been begotten; and everyone thnt hves

yevv~ioavra& a r $
this God we know we love the

lorea him that th& we b o w that we kai+7bv y ~ ~ ~ v v q p it o v ~ ahroij. 2 b v ~ ~ e ~ also him thnt h u b w u bcgotWn of him. BY God, m d keepYqmm-


,:: k

ro6ry. y t l ~ h ~ ~ O p ~ ~ Srr ciyalrGprv rd r i r v a roir BEoG, Srav rbv

that and we love the children of God, when his commandments of God, that

keep his

&dv 2yanG$rv xai rd~.ivroXS~.atroG trqpGp~v.n a z t 5 : f p ~,"iz,";g;~pd 3


: ; ;

is and

not griovoua 4 For

ci cinq roir 0 ~ 0 5 lva rds.dvroXdr.ahroir ,

are not.

his bommnndment8 we should keep ;


; ~ ~ ; ~ ~
: rind this is the victor that overcom&!&w~$''~ that avercomsth the but he that be1ic.vrth thnt Jesus L tliesonof Q&?

wai ai.ivroXai.airroir Pnpeiac oir~.eiaiv. 4 8rr

his commandments burdennome

that th~s

Because all world; and

g v v q p i n v d~
en begotten of





rbv u6upov. m i a$rq luriv

world. our fait[ belie-

Qod overcomes the the

vi~q lurrv

the victory which overcame

vimjuaoa r t v ~d.upov, 4i.? GY* 6 r i s l


Y L K ~ Y ri)v

~dupov, Ei-ptj

T ~ U ~ C ~ W 'IquoirC Srr Y

he that overcomes the the Son

of Qod?

but he that



burrv b vibs 7.05 Be05 ;

+ pivec abides [L

i M h TI.

+ o h therefore r .

-a h b v t n r r w .

+ L6il but (who) ~ r .

6Thisiahethntcnme by wnter and blood,
even Jesus Christ uot

This is he who came by water nlid blood, Jesus by water only, bdt by w i n ~ ~ O & K i v~T+ $sari ~ ~ Y ~OxCihX'" bv 7,; ~ ~ Y , 6 ijdarc rai 7 uratcr and blood. Aud the Christ ; i t is the Spirit th;rt not by water only, but bl water and beareth witness, be- r@ayparr. rai rvai,p&huriv rb paprvpofiv rb rveirEld blood. And the Spirit i t is that bears witness, because the Spirit t h r w that b1.w record iariv &x?jeara.7 h i rpeic eiuiv oi paprvpoirvre~ rc? i n ha;ircu tlie Father, ,80rd a,lll is the truth. Becausc three thcre are who bear witness in ~01y~hos~:nudtlie~e oirpav@, b rarijp, d h6yos, rai r i hyiov rveirtia' rai oFroc tllreu are One. 8 And heaven, the Firther, the Word, and the Holy Ghost ; aud theso thcre are three that E ~ U L V . 8 rai rpic iUiv 0i paorvpo~lJr~q bear nTitnessiu carth, 0i ~ p i c bv j the Spirit, auJ the three one are. And three there are who dear witness on water, aud the blood : end these three agree ~ i , rb ~ u " p a , rai rb ijswp, Kai r6 arpa, rai oi rpfic eic rb " In one. 9 If we receive earch, the Spirit, and the wnter, and the blood ; nnd the three to the t h e witness of men, the witlless of GO^ is :v ~laiv. 9 ei n j v p a p ~ p i a vrGv Civdpwrwv Xap/3civ0greater : for this is the one Cpoint] are. If the witness of men we rewitncss of God which he bath testified ofhis p ~ v , )j paprvpin roi, QEOG pEi&ov buriv. ijri ai;rg iuriv Son. 10 He that be. celve, the witness of,God 'greater 'is. Because this is

I Q A N N O Y A. v. 6 Oi5rdc hariv b LXOAv 8 i 3arog icai a'ipnroc, 'IvuoirE



',if"z:: gh
~ ~

ness in himself: he the



4 paprvpia roi, Oeoi,, aijv!lp~papr6pqr~v E P ; roi,.vioi,.ahroi, T

witness of God which he has witnessed conceruing his Son.

10 d ~ ~ L U T $ ~ W / U rbv vibv ~ 6eoi, ~ X E Lrrjv pnprupiav E EC ~ 703 ~ ~ t

6v l

because he be]ieveth He that believes on the Son of God hC\s the witnes~ in the r@Orll that c~avr$"l b p t j . r i a r ~ 6 ~ v 6a(fj1# E ~ U T ) ~XY E ~ ~ O ~ ailr6v, V dr+ ~ ~ C E ~ ~ $ ~ himself ; he that believes not ~ ~ i ~ ~ s God ~'a 'liar ~ ~ 'has Zmede 3him. : cord; that God hnth Sri O ~ . T ~ E T ~ ~ ~ E U is TV ~ V ICE paprvpiav, ;)v t[epnpr&p~]rev 6 because he has not believed i n the witness which 'has A~vicuessed is in his Son. 12 ~e Oebc T E P ~ roi,.vioi,.airroG. 11 rai ai;rrl iuriv paorvpin that bath the S o n h ~ t h'God concerning And this is the witness, his Son. life and hc that h l t h not 'the Son of God Sri Cwijv aiDviov PGwrw Spiv d 8 ~ 6 rai aSrq <W$ hv r$ ~. hath not life. that life eternal 'gave =to 'us 'God; and this life *in

$ Uhkt l4 $ p t i re; 1

vi$ air06 iuriv. 12 b PXWV rbv vidv, i x ~ i Cw'wljv' S rjjv

13 These things have I written un1 TaGra Zypa#a 6p;v e ~ ~ niare6ovuiv 3 i c rb Bvopa t o you that believe on the name of the These things l wrote t o you who believe on the name Sou of God. t h t t r e may know I t h i t roi, vioi, roi, QEOG," iva ei8ijre iiri Cw~)v 'Exere a i D ~ t o vgrni ,~~ have eternal life and of the Son of God, that yemay know that "life 'ye 'hnve "eternal, and t h a t ye mny bdlieve c, 14 rai asrq on the uame of the iva 7riUr~6r]rll rb Bvopa io; vioi, roi, 0 ~ 0 6 . Son of sod. 14 And that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God, And thia : ~ ~ t i ~ c t h ~ a ;l ra{fitluia ijv Z X O ~ E Y r p b ~ iariv ~ d airrdv, 'liiri bbv ri" that, if we ask any is tho bolduess which we hnve towards him, that if anything thing according tobis airhpe6a will, he us ~ a r u rb.86Avpa.airroi,, Ciro6ei $ p ~ v ' 16 rai
:5 Hnd if we kllow we may ask according t o

phas jnot: xrbv~vibw roi,ofQeolj, rtjv C life~ Uotr.~xei. ~ . the Son ~ W God, has not.



he t h a t h:w



h a

life : he t h a t

his will, us,

hc hears



:hathehearus,whntcoevcr wewe ask we knowthat ha;ethe

i6dvl' oi8apev iirt


& K O ~ E ~ ?IjpGv,

~ . k ~ airwpe8a, 0);8apeviiri v"

we kuow that he hears

whatsoever we may ask, N e knorv that

petitions that rte de- { X o p ~ v airilpara 3 r(i ~ T ~ ( ) K ( I l~ap'll ~ E V airr0G. sired of him. requests which we have asked froln him. we have the 16 If any man Bee his brotlicr sin a 16 'Ehv ric mi8p1i rbv.ci8eh$bv.aCro6 hpaprcivovra sin tohicli W uot unto If anyono should see his brother sinning death he ~ h n l lask and shall givd ipapriav prj r p b c Qcivarov, air'wlju~i, a i ~ 8daei atr$ Cwrjv, him life for them that a sin not to death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life

b mmw. L M i Tr Y i v by LTTIAW. ;v r i 06pavG. . verse S GLTrrAw. GTL that LTTrAW. b 70; ehO; of GO^ L. C a&+ him TTrA. vp e 70;s ALOTEUOVOLV is 7b 6vopa 705 vloi) 705 ~ C O I ? GLTTrAW. aihw~ov the Son L . 6 oi n ~ u r a i o v r e [ye] bel~evers r GLW ; 70;s ~ ~ o z e v o v u to [you] who believe TTrA, rv exere o. h 6 sr &W whatevcr L. 1 av L. iivT . in' LTTr. m ci&j L .


for those that sin not to that

"n death. There is a sin

617 hpwri,up'
a sin not to not anto death. dcath :is do sin unto I a not suy that he nhau pray for

+aprbvovuiv p$ ?rpAc Odvarov. &~rrvdr+ria rrpi


lrpb~B&varov* oh
death ;

l ~ e i v qXCyw 'Iva ~
5 s ; and there is

not couceruing

do I say that he should beseech.

17 n6aa

thew is n ain not uutO death. l8 We know that whonoever 0rivarov. 18 0 % 7 p J 6ri h y~yevvqp~voc ro; Oeog is born of God sinneth hr death. We know thnt lanyone %hat sbecnebegotten 7of .God not i but hethat in begotten of OoJ.keepeth (lit: everyone) himnelf, m d thrrtwicOLX bpaprhvec. "IXX'" o y~vvqOeic i r roir Oeoii rqpei Olav- ked one tnucl,eth hi, 'not sins, but he that wsa bcgotten of God keeps him- not. 19 And we know Every nnrighteousness


Apapria buriv, rai ?uriv hpapria 06 rpbc

zuikAt $zrf$


self, of

K U ~b


obx.ti?rr~rnraLro6. 19 oZ8apev 6rr

[ o ~ e ] docs not toueh him.

aud the wicked God

ir roii OEOGiupev, ~ n 5i rdupoc

we are, and the 'world And we kuow that the Son

Weknow that lieth in witedneas, that 5Xoc hv r$ novqp$ reirac. theAnd of Qod is come Son we and hnth given 'whole in the wicked Cone1 lies.

2 zo1,","2a :


20 PoiEay~ev.Si11 5 . r ~b vihg 709 Oeo3 i j ~ e c , rai B~BWKEU+piu

of God is come, and has given true ; us

~",~,"~&'',"~nam$~ is tme, and are in

in h a that [is]
is the

';ua qyivcjarwp~v" rbv (iXqO~v$,bv r$.ui$-airroii

true, in God. and his Son life

ur understanding that we might know him that [is]

iv r$

him that is and we are inh b is the true God, T 'Iqaoir ~ptur+. oBr6~and e t e r ~ alife. l Jesus Christ. He

riXqOivdv. rai hupev

i a i v b ciXqOtvb~ Oedc, rai '$" lwlj nicjvcor..

true eternal.

21 Tervia, $vX&&~r& <avroic1'&nb rGv eiJcjXwv. t&p$v.l

LStle children,


yourselves from 'epiatle ' %general'

v'Iwh~vov b?riuroX,i raeoXtri ? r ~ & r n . ~

.Of 'John


~,","&l;~ldf~d Amen.



'EPISTLE 'OF 'JOHN 'SECOND. elder unto the lady and her children, whom I love in tiya7r3 bv ciXqOeiq, rai oirr ly& pdvog, dXX& rai I the trubh and not oOc h on1 whom love in truth, and not I only, but also they t t a tbut'alro all have knowu the truth ; 2 for rllu ?rhvr~c oi lyvwrdreg rrjv GIXljO~iav,2 bidl r1jv t n ~ t h ' s sake, which all those who have known the trnth, for sake of the dwolleth in us, and Betay n j v p~vovoav <piv,~ apeg' <pGv ?ura~ bv i ~/g.rbv.a;Gva*~ h n l lbe with us for ever. 3 Grace be with truth which abides in us, and with ns shnll be for ever. vou mercy, avid pence, 3 iurai d<p3vllxhpcg, iX~og, ~i'pivq ?rap& ~ 0 3 nnrpbg %ro&God the Father. 0 !JShall%e wlth lgmca, mercy, pence, from Qod[thc] Filther, and from theLord Josus Christ the Son of roir vioz 705 Tar SS, bv the ath her, in truth rai ?rap& ervpiov'l'Iqaoir ~oturoir and from [the] Lord Jesus bhrist, the Son of the Fatter, in and love. The elder

'0 ?rpeu/39r~pocb h d ~ ~ r e " cnvpiql' rai roic.rlwotc.airnj~, THE elect

to [the] elect
lady and her children,


&XqOi(l d rai
truth and


bri cijpqra
4 I rejoiced greatly that I ~ O U I I of thy ~ walk- childreu walking in truth, as we h:ive reraO&c ijroXljv tXh/3op~vrap& roli ceived a commsnctss commandmcnt we received from the ment from theFuther.

4 'Ex&pqv Xiav
roGvrag hv riXt,deiq,

r3v.r6~vwv-aov repixathy children

I rejoiced exceedinglythat I have found of



P ~ a&8aCLev , i GL. 9 ~ L ~ U K O ~ C know m r A . we V ai)~6v him TTrA, t spiv G ~ h r A w . the subscription EGLTW ; i a v r i LTTr. 'Ioivov a Tr ;'Iodvvov a' A. ' 70; bnow6hov the apostle E ; ~affohrr$ generd E ; 'Iodvvov 8' LTAw; 'Iwdrwv b Stephens puts a capital ' E , reading the word as a pro11e1.Ibn))kc. i r w ~ o h fl m. t bfii~v yuu fQLW. m. c Kvpip Cyria (reading the word as a proper name) GLT. p& Ll'TrAW,

- 4 LTTrA.

&AA& m.


I U A N N U ' ~ ' B.

And I beseech .rrarydc. 5 rai virv Ipwr3 aa, f~vpia,n oAX ivroXljv thee, lady, not n~ tho~ighI wrote a new F'1ther And now I beseech thee, lady, not ns a "coumnnrtment cnmmuudnlrut unto g yfhyw a01 K ~ ~ J <ciXXci iju v," h ~ ~ X o p ~ ~~, . '' tcpd but that which 'I wllte 'to 'thee 'new, but thnt which we wcrc htwingfrom [the] beginwe h ~ t dfrom the boIf ginning. that W ; iua o C ~ Y R A ~ ~dXX;/Xovg. 6 rtai a&jl dariv E V dyiT, one nnotl~er. is iove, that we ,?g, thlrt we whould lovo ono another. And this is love,

L xqc, ;

walk aftcr his com- tva .rr~pt.rrar~pvC ~ T ( ~ & ~ . ~ v ~ o X ~ ~ . C Z ~ai;rt7 .iiariv I T TO~ is thnt we ahould walk nccordiug to his cornmsudmeuts. This is the the com~unndment, That, nxye have hcnrd ; ~ r o ) l h , ~ 'ICnOLc drobaare d.rr' dp,x@, ;'%,a;v a t e from the beginnillg, comru~mdment, even as ye heard from [the] beg~nnlng, t h a t i n it e should wnlk in it. For wnny cteceivcrs T E ~ I K ~ T ~ ~7 E iirt T * R O X X O ~ T X C ~ ~ J O~ ~E ~ c ~ X ~ O~ Vi I eTAV a r s entered into the yemight walk. Becaune many deceivers entered into the world, who confers ' xpior;v . i p ~ d p ~ v io v u ~ not that Jesus Christ K ~ C T ~ O I oi, rlj.ipoXoyoirl~re~I g a o i t ~ fa come in the flesh. world, thosewho do not confess Jescs Christ cou~ing in This in a doceiver and R n n n t i ~ ~ l 8 i ~ t k uapri. o6rric dariv 6 i~X&ltoc ~h . rai i) h v r i ~ p i n r o ~8 p;\ixere . to pournelves, thnt 0whthis is t h e decciver nud the antichrist. See t o we losa not those I things wllich wehnve aavroLg, 'Iva psi m ~ ~ o X i a w r e v ~ii ' n~ipyaaciti~~a,ll wrought, but thnt we yourselves, t h a t "not 'we 'may lose what things we wrought, but rawive n full reward p;06'6~ ~Xtjpq d ~ ~ X d ~ ~ p Z S ~ .i)I P~npu,6nrrfwv," H.hosoever trtlnsO 9 X~ I lcni gresseth, aud abideth s reward 'full we may receive. 'Anyone 'who 'transgresses, =aud (lit. evcr~one) not in the doctrinc of Cl~rirt. hnth not God. rr).lii~uov t v r 8tba~G r06 X I U T O ~ Q;?) OAK E X ~ 1 - i) , He thnt in the gab'dss lnot *inct ! * 'Oteachlng '!of lathe &Christ, 15Crod 'not '*Iins. He that doctrine of Christ he h/ o6roc ~ a r6v zarioa i hnth both the ~ n i h e r~ Q V W V r$ GtEnXi 9ro6 xp~aroir,~' nud the .Sou. 10 If cbidsn in t h e tenclring of the Christ, this [one] both the ~ntl;er there codle any unto you and briug not rrai rAv viLv EXEI. 10 ~i rtc Epxarai irptc fipiic, rtn; ra6rllv this'doctriue, rezeive the son htrs. If anyone comes to you, and this him not into flour house. neither bid him r l j ~ SiGnxt)v ot.$ioec, ~ l j . ~ ~ p ~ t i ~ ~7 6 E 6 ~ O ~ K I ~ ~ V , l r ~ God ~peed l l for he : teaching doe. not h u g , do not receive him into [thc] house, t h a t biddeth him God speed is partaker of vai xnipetv atr$ pr).Xiyeras 11 d.rycip XBywv" a6rG x a i p ~ t v , his evil deed& m d 'Httil l *to 'him 'say 'not ; for he who suys t o him Huil l

rotvwvai roic Efyoic atroir roic rovr]poic.

partakes in works 'his 'evil.

poll, I would wrqe MRny things having %to 'you to write, I would not wirh pawith "Lh0eiv"wpbc i,uZc, rni arripa but I paper and wme rov rai p6Xa1)oc' 'ciXhd! iX.rrc<w,' trust t o i'ak: unto you, and per hnd ink ; but hope t o come to you, and mouth xaph Gv" xp'.~e.rrXrlpwpivl).U face to face, t h a t our 7rpbC urdpa XaXijaat, 'lva joymny be laThe t o mouth t o speak, t h a t yoy cur may bo full. cl~ildrenof toy elect sirter met thee. A- 13 &g.rrd<erai CTE rd! rircva r!gd&X@{c UoV T ~ ~ ~ Y ~ K X E K men 7Salute *thee 'the achildren 'sister 3of 'thine 7rj$.[ zci~7jv.U hman.

12 IToXXd e ~ &piu I $B t ~ ~ s s H & v i W 4 t ixwv ~ ~ 7p<@elv,O ~ K . ~ , ~ / ~ O I61drXxkp-, ~ ~ "


a'Iw&vvcvimarohr) 6~vr~pa.l'
'Of 'John 'cpistle 'secoud.
B yp+ov (w~iting) ~ a r v ; ) v oor EGAW ; ~ a r v i ) v ypi+wv f Kvpia Cyris, (see verse 1) QLT. COL L n r . h eixwev WT. i &~oAlj u ~ r v i LTTIAW. k 'iva that T. 1 ;[<Am i n o h i q ~ ye lllily lose LTT~AW. c Oav (-Oov TAW) weut forth LTr. ~l~yduauOe 0 irroAi&re ye may receive LTTrAW. P rpo&ywv goen forward ye wrought L m w . LTTl AW. q 703 XPLUTO~) LTTrAW. h+wv y i p LTTrA. i,3ovAjOqv LTTrAW. t iAr;i<u yyhp for 1 hope G&. v y c v b O a r LTTI.AW. '6 & J v your LTrA. serrhqJ See note b verse 1 . k p j v OLTTrAW. the subscription EOLTW ; pwp,&q ,LT. Iwaa*ov Tr ;' b a v v o v 8' L

'0 .rrpca/36r~~o~ i y r$ ciyanqrqj, ra

The trutli. eldcr t o Ouius the beloved,


"o iy&ciynnG Iv in

: 'AyanqrQ. x~pi ?rhvrwv ~ G ~ o p a l ~iro8oDaOairni ! ae
Ilclovcd. conccruing all things

THE elder u n t o t h e wellblored Gnius, whol,, I lore in the truth.


aud bove all things that 3 i~'io,~v-~yci'p" mnycst prosper thou hylniveiv, ~ a B c ;~60805raiaov ~ $ 1 1 ~ ; ~ . and be i n hcnlth, even bc iu Irni~lth; even ;U prospers thy noul. irb tll~.s0~11 prospereth. Xitrv bpxo~cij~wv L-?EXI#IGV / ~ a ~ r t ~ p o i , ~ ~ r o v 3 Fur 1 rejoiccdsrcntrai ry' erccccliugly, 'coluiug ['the] 'brethren and burring wltnes* of r l ~ y

I wi-h


K O pro-per


the truth t l ~ : ~ t i n is t h e . even as thon w.,lkcst i n the truth. TWV O&K-;XW xnp&v,'lva rirobw rci.bPd.rQrvadv 4 I have no grentcr vthcx'things 'IZhavu $not 'joy, t h a t I should hear of my cliildren i n joy th8u my children wnlk i n &Xi)6)eiq n~pinaroirvra. 5 'AyanqrB, T L U T ~ V ~ o r e i 2.6riv truth. 5 Boloved, thou ~ wnlking. Beloved, fiiithfuily thou d w t Whatever dowt f f a i t h f n l lwhat~ truth soever thou docat t o e;py&~yl' is 7 0 6 ~ ciB~X$oirc K C ( ; f ~ i ' c 7 0 6 ~ " brethren, nu<\ t o thl: brethren and towards strnngers; 6 which thou mnyert have wrought townrds the hxvc borne wituess of (kVOVs, 6 0'; ipapr6pqaciv Cob ~iycilrgivh7TlOv lK- thy.chnrity before t l a stmugers, (who witned9ed of thy love before [the] rw- church : whom if thou bring forw.ird on their ~X~)atag' r a X 3 ~not$aeii. npor&tc+ac citiws ocg 6'eoZ. journey after U go<,rp avmbiy) whom e a e l l 'thou ' w i l t Isetring 'forward =worthily *of Wad; sort, thou shnlt do that 7 6nlp.ycip roi, bv6paroc g h65tjX00vl pqS1v Xay/3&vo,~rec or his7 becm~sesirke nnmc's for for the namo they went forth, h o t h i n g Itakiug they went forth, tak41 &a6 r ~ iievc;rv." 8 , j p ~ iofiv b$~iXop~u v ~ kci.rroXapBhv~cving nothingmeof t h e Gentiles. 8 from tlre natious. We therefore ought t o receive fore ought t o rccelve truth, truth wulkrst.

&ht)ei(t, Kd8c;c

U& ;v oreu ns thou i n

& X , ) ~ E ~ $ seprxarcic. 4 pec<oripavrobZ iGre:ltrr




rotoilrovg, 'iva

~ U V E ~ Y~ l~ O v

t h a t fellow-workers we may be withdhe but 'who

h p e ~ ae r




I the trnth.

be fellowhclpcrs to we might 9 1 *rote



i~~Xquiq' &M' i) $ ~ X O ~ O W T EatrGv ~WV

'loves 'lo 'be 'Arst

UArnrpeQ~jc" 3 ~ . i w i S f ~ ~$,UGC.10 0 rar

,th to have the preemiueuce lDiotrcplles, reoeirea not us. Onnccount of this, if I come, 10 JYhereforc, if I rrcrivcthus hxopt*i/ow abro; rd Zoya L? .rro~ei, Xdyoic Come. 1 "ill rclnembor I will bring to rcmonrbmnce of him tho Cork$ which ho doe$, with 'words ~ ~ , d e $ ~ t ~ ~ , ~

to che, assembly ;


. roGro, iciv iABw,

7among 'thorn


?olt))poi~$Xvap&v 4pzC' tcai p0

'evrl prating ngninst us ; ne~cller h~rusclf receives the

~ ~ I C O ~ ~ E V O ~ T O L S us T Q ~ ,

aud not brethren, asnentbly



these, would

oGra airrbg ixtSh~erarT O & C aSeX$o6~, rai

he.forbid8, and from t h e

r o 6 ~ povXopk-

and those who cwts [them] out.

L. vouc K W X ~ E L ,~ a " h ~ " ir~hquinc ~ K ~ ~ X X E 11 'Ayai rijc

p p o


rnr6v, cikici ri)

b u t what

loved, do not imitirb thnt which [in] evil,


ciyaO6v. 6

He thnt Ihau and

ciyatlonoiGv, ; K
does good, men of God,

(3~05 iuriv'
is ;

but he that

K ~ K O X O L G V 2;oirx
does evil by 'not all,

pacev r6v 0 ~ 6 ~ . Aqpqrpiy p ~ p p r b p q m li r r b ~ k v r w vrai 12 ,

To Uumetrirw witness is boruo

with mnlicioun : not teut therewith, nei* ther doth he himself receive brethren* and forbiddccl~them t h a t would, nnd cnateth them out of the church. l1 Beloved follow not thnt whici js evil, but th:rt which is good Ho thnt doeth goon i i of GO^ : b u t hc that docth evil hnth not reeu God. 12 Demetri~~a hnth good report of a l l mcn,

b roi, i ~ r o u r 6 h o v the al~oetleR ; r d d t u i general E ; 'Iwcivvov y' LTAW; ' I W ~ V O V & r m o A ~y ' Tr. c yhp l f ~ r ] . the LPPrAW. thou workest L. h i t i j h e a v L1Tr. 5 a6~0;(read his 11;ll~e)E. f roCro t l l a t LlTrAW. i Zevwjv k & n o h a p ~ 6 v e r to sustain L'ITrAW. v (nail tl~ose the nations) LlTrAW. of h + 7~ somewki\t LTrrAW. m A~otpd+qs U a (read LfromU T. 84 but QLlTrAW.

* +6

and of the truth it- p;n'I1 ahrijc rijs C i X ~ ~ O ~ iral .t j p ~ ? 8; paprvpoil~i~v, it~ ~ lcai self: yea, and wc also bear record ; and ye by 'itself 'thc 'truth; and we also bear witucss, and know t h a t our re-ord qoidare" $71 I j - ~ a p r v p i u . i l ~ ( j v &XtlO;lc iariv. is true. ve know that our witness *true 'is. 13Ihndmanythings 13 noXXh E T ~ O Ur Y P ( ; $ ~ ~ ~ , Ioh.e&w dih piXnvoc kai dX1' I to writc, but I will Xany thi~lgs I hard to write, but I will noc with iuk and not with ink and peu writeuntothre: 14 but raX&pov s ~ o iypc&$ar.I1 14 iXnilw.88 ebf?icd~ tio"~ivGE," I tru-t I shall shortly pen 3to l t o s,vrite ; but I hope imlueclintely to sce thee, see thce. rrnd we shall spezk face to face. ~ a ardpa r p b g a r 6 ~ aXaX;laopev. 15 Eipjvrl aoi. &air&i Peace be t o thee. Our and mouth to mouth we sllall speak. Peece to thce. %atriends salute thee Grect the friends by tovrai U E oi $iXoi. cianct~ov roirc $iXovg ~ a r 'Gvopa. uame lute *thee 'thc =friends. Salute the friends by name.

v'Iwcivvolr H~turoXljca8oAi~))I rpirq.ll

'Of 6John 3cpistle Zpenernl 't1:ird.



B the servant of '1OTA.42 'Iqcroir xpiaroir c?oGXo~, ci8eX$bs.dd 'IarLjpov, roic

Jude, of Jesus Christ boudmau, and brotber of Jnmes, to the that are sanctified by Q v ~ n r p b$yiaapivoi~fl i kai 'IrlaoG yoiar$ rerqpqGod the and *in sGod ['the] 'Fothur .'rianctified 'and loin "Jeans .)'~hrist Okopt reserved i n Jesus 2 iX8oc 6piv nai aiprjvq ~ a &y&xq i ghrist, and called: pIvoig nXqroi$' 2 Mercy unto ou and 'called ronesl. Xercy t o you and peace, and love gehce, and % v 4 be multi~lied nXn8vve~iq. , be multiplied 3 BeloveP, when I 3 'Aynnqroi, T ~ U ~ UY T O V ~T o Y o ~ ~p~ $ ~ i v6piv ~ ~ ~ L y hE ~ ~ o gavc a l l diligence t o p i t . unto you of the Beloved, 'all =diligence 'using t o write t o you common salvation, i t ~ C ~ i j ~ iaxov ypci+ai irpiv, repi r i j ~ o i ~ awrqpiag., c t ~ c i ~ ~ ~ v was needful for me to write unto you, and concerning the comlncn salvation, necessity I had t o rt rite t o you, t exhort ~ o u h a t ye bhouldearncst~y con- ~ a p n ~ n X G v i ~ c z y ~ v i ~ ~ urp'a ZnaE ~apn8oQeiaq 8 i roig tend for .the faith exhorting ~ O U to contendcntnestly for the 'once ] 'delivrred 'to 'the which was once deliv- &Yiolc TiurEL. ered unto the saints. 4 napeiaiJvanv.ycip rrvec hvOpwxoi, oi 4 For there arc cer- 'saints 'faith. For came in stenlthily certain men, they who tain Illencrept uila- ?~&Xai ~ p o y ~ y p n p p i v o i roijro ri) rpipa, ciacP~ig wares, who were before of old ordained of old have bcen before mnrked out t o this sentence, uugodly [persons] t o thi*condemnation, r$u roir.OeoC.G/~Gv d X ( i p t ~ lp ~ r a ~ i 6 eigr ha6Xye~av a TAY l b ~~ ~ i ungodly men,our God %he turning the grlrce of *of scurECod Jgrnce 'changing into liccntiouancss and 'the into lasciviousness, pdvoy c?~an6r?)v e8e6vll nai n6 iov.rj,uGv 'I,ra~irvxptarbv denying aonly *masterOGod 'and c u r 'Lord uJesus 'OChrist Lora Qcd, and our &P~~~6FI~v~i. Lord Jcsua Christ.

II will therefore "dcn'ing' u t you in remem5 'Ynopvijani.8B 6pZg /3o6XoPni, ti86rac firp2iS" ;rag trance, though ye p u t spuc 'in 6rernembmnce 'sou 'I 'would, %nowing 'you once once knew this, how t h ~ the Lord, having ~ T O ~ ~ T i ;,r"~ t O hh': 'rch(ltosl' Xatv hr Aiy6xrov U&s ~ v e dthc people out this, that the Lord a people out of [the] and of Egypt having of the land of Egypt "ftervard b t r o j e d uric, T ~ . ~ E ~ T E ~ r03c p~.niara6aavra~&nhXeaev. 6 &yO V them that believed saved, iu thc aecoud place those who beliavcd not he destroyed.


P 6nb T . s ot8ar thou knowest LTTrA. ypciqac UOL t write to thee LTTrAW. o m ~ ~ + + E L U O L VOL y p d . 4 ~ ~ ~ v ~ ! .ITPAW. t ue i8Gv LTTIAW. 7 -the s t b s c ~ i ~ ~ t EQLTW; ion 'Iwavov y' Tr ; I ~ ~ V y ' A. V VO irroor6Aov apostle B ' ' I o L ; incoroXtj GLTrW ; '1068a TA. ~~ b tjyanqyi'vocs beloved LTTIAW. C <@v (?.ect~oul. common) LTTrA. ~a'prra mAW. L 8cbv QLTTrAW. f &@C?, L ~ A W . P n a v r a all things L r r m W , h b TTrA. l 'Iqwoik JBSU LA.

TE 'and


not. s b d t h e a n ~ e l a Angels who kept not their own fint+tnte, but Which kept not their first estate, but left ti7roXi7r6vraS rb.iSiov oi~qrlj~iov, Kpiglv ~ E ~ C ~ X their own habitation, I ) ~ left their own dwelling, unto [the] judgment of [the] great ~ ~ e $ ~ ~ i der darkness unto the $pipar hapoyg &i;ioig 67rb Z6mov rrrljpqrrv. 7 XbSopa judgment of theneat day in 'bonds 'eternal under darkuess he keeps ; as Sodom Even Sodom V rai r;po@a, rcai ai r e p i a6rcig r r 6 X e i ~ , T ~ 8poiov '706- and Qomorrha and and Gomorrhn, and the 'around =them 'cities, in like zwith the cities about) them in like manner, giving role rp67rov11 ~ K T O ~ U E ~ U ~ rai~ &~eXOoGuai U L, themselves over t o 'them 'manner having given themselves to fornication a n d having gone fornication, and going nfter strangefleah, are bniaw uaprbg irHpac, npdreivrai d~Tytia, rrupbc aiwviou set forth for a n er6etemal ample, a d e r i n g t h e after 'flesh 'other, are set forth as an example, 'of %re vengeance of eternal 8iKilv 6 ~ ~ x 0 ~ 8 ~ ~ 1 . 0 dpoiw~-pBvroiKai o ~ r o iivvnvca- fire. 8 Likewise also m e ] Speualty 'undergoing. Yet in like manner nlso these dream- these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise Zdp~vol, u6pra piu piaivovuiv, rc~p~drqra-di &8eroGatv, dominion, and speak era ['the] *flesh ldefile, a d 'lordship 'set =aside, evil of dignitiee.9 Yet 665ag.6; pXaa qpoGaiv. 9 mb.Gill.M~Xar)X d &pxciyyeXog,Michael the archangel whenco?tendi?gwitl; mud 'glories lspeat 'evil .of. But Hichael the archangel, the devil he d~sputed ngTEll T$ diap6Xy Giarpivdpevoc d i ~ X f yero m p i ' TDG *My-about the body of MOses, durst not bring aof gainst hilu a railing when with the devil dispntiug he reasoned about the

r06c p$.rqpfiaavraq rrjv.c'avrGv t i p ~ f i v ,&AA&

=o Ms 's e

U ~ W C " h p m o go, ~

'body, but

~ K - ~ T ~ X ~ K PU U L V ~ ~E V
did not dare 'Rebuke

'a 'charge lto'bringJagaiust ['him] 'thee ['the] 'Lord.



The Lord RCCURntiOn rebuke thee: mid *rail- 10 these speakevil know na-

gqpiag, PLXX'I' EITEV, 'E7rt~1ptjaat O L U


~Lpiog. 10 06ro~.G1 Of those things which they know not : but

But these, what the,.

tmau~ brute; whatever things they-know not they speak evil of; hut whatever things they corm t themthose $vatr3g, hg rd ZXoya &a, iwiaravrai, Iv ro6roic nelvea. 11 %oe unto they hare naturally, as the irrational animals, they understand, i n these thing8 them l one i n the WHY of 98eipovrai. 11 o6ai ai1ro7c. 871 r j d&; TOG K& ain, and ran greedily they corrupt tl~emsel~es: Woe to them l because in the way of Cain *fter the error of Bnlaam for reward E n ~ ~ e C B ~ ~ a a v , ?rA&vp BuXacip piueoG i~ex687]aav, perished i n t h i rai ro5 and they went, , and t o the error of Balaam for reward rushed, . g a i n ~ a ~ iof g Core. ~ 12 These are spots i n kai ' r e (tvriXoyiq 70; Kopd &~hXovro.12 o6roi eiuiv 4 i v your fensts of charity, of Korah perished. These are i n when they fenbt with and in the gainsaying mir.&ydrra~g.6p~v aathdde~, uv?~~vwx06p~voi &$dpw~,' 'selves without them-: OU' fear your lore feasts sunken rocks, fenstingtogether [with you] fenrlaaaly, clouds ihey are without water, carried a;nuroitg rrotpaivovreg' v~$EXac &1v8p~t, 6x6 &vQpwvbout of winds ; trees 'themselves 'pasturiug; clouds without water, by winds w h o s e f ~ i withereth, t without fruit twice a ~ ~ p ~ $ ~ p 6 p ~ v a i . f l$8rvonwpivd 6rapwa dig & ~ o e a GQvdpa dead p~uch-ed'up by being carried about, 'trees lautumnal, without fruit, twice dead, the hoots ; 13 w i n g waves of the sea, foamuiwra I ~ p i ~ w 8 i v r a . r6para Zypia BaX4aa~ciirappi'2;ovra ing out 13 own rooted up ; 2waves 'wild of [the] se% foaming out &me ; wandering stars, to whom is reroic.iavr3v aiax6vac' &arLpec ~Xavijrai, O ~ C 6 rdpog TO; the blaclrness their own shames ; 'stars 'wadering, t o whom the gloom of dnrkness for ever.

h a

p;v 06r.oiSaatv fiXau$qpoGui~.


of darkness

arc&ov!: ~ig.'rbv".aiGva renjpqrar. 14 V.rrpo~$~r~vuevll.GB :l ~ ~ a

for ever

e ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ o ,

'also dnm, prophesied of roirrolg 'I&,$ these, ~ a y i n gBehold, , 'as *to l"these ['the] :seventh %ern OAdam, 'Euoch, saying, &hold the Lord ten thousands of h i e QXOev r6pioS i v wpvpi~aiv ciriai~"airroG, 15 noiijaat 8 a i n t ~ t l5 exeCUh scame ['the] 'Lord amidst 3mynnds holy 'his, to execute judgment upon all and t o convince ad


has been kept.

' ~ ~ c~ ~ , i ;

And 'propheaied

rpIaiv rnrci nhvrwv, rai xiF~XiyFai" ahvrag ro6g

judgment against all, and t o convict all the


I , ~ ~ A w .P

h M i LTT~AW. T place the comma after crvvevr


m 6 7 when L. ~ n 76, at that time L 0 Mwiiuios 9 01 (read the sunken rocks) L ~ I A . * T x . Rec. and et sapu4epdpevar being carried along GLTTrAW. t 7bv inpo++evcrev TTC. &y.'Yia~s p c a o ~ v pv QLTTIAW. e h i y t a LTT~A..



t h a t are ~ n g o ~ l y yafriJvn aepi nhvrwv r 3 v fpywv 'ciacp~ia~n aaal;~ijv mon- them of all thei; ungodly deeds of them concerning all 'works 'of *ungodliness 'their which which they have ljuBPqaau, ~ a irepi ?rhvrwv r 3 v a~Xr]pGjv a 6v they did ungodlily, and concerning all the hard [things] which speecltcs which uneod- &ihquav KUT' airro; dpaprwXoi &ae/%i~.16 o h o i eiatv 1~sinners have s ~ o k c n ~ ~ 4agninst~ Shim ~ l ; sBinners ~ lungodly. These are agninst him. I6 These p, ~or are murmnrers, corn- y ~ y y ~ u r n i ~ p ~ i ~ t o [rarci ,[8vpin~.alrijv~opevbplniners, wrrlliiug nf- murmurers, ter their own lu8ts =their 'lusts 'walkcomplniners, 'after andtheirmouthspenk! pevoi' lini rb.ar6pn.ntr3v Xahei hripoyra, Oavp&~ovrec 0th great s ~ c l l i t l ging ; nnd their mouth spesks great swelling [words], admiring tuorcls, hnving men's in admiration xp6uwna hpcXeia~ $dpiv. 17 irp~i~.6i, &ynxqroi, pviecnuse of advnuhye. persons 'profit 'for the 'sake .of. But ye, beloved, re17 But beloved remenlbe; ye tho Gords U ~ ~ ] T&V b $ t ) / l d ~ ~ ~U npoeipqpQ~~vn T E T ~ 6T6 TGV &TOwhich were spoken be- member the words which have been spoken before by the apofore of thc apostles 6~ of our Lord Jesus urdhwv roir.l~~piov.?j ' I ~ u o ; XPLUTOG' 18 8rr a q o u Gpiv, Christ. 18 how thnt stlee of our b r a ( Jcsus Christ, that they said to you, they &ld vou therc c8rc,, d i v should be' mockers buxciiy ~ p d v y " '& ~ O Y T U L hpmi~rac,~ a rdg d ~ in the last time, who that in [the] last time there will be mockers, 'after should walk after their own iavrGv 2nrOvpiac nopevdpevor TSY &QE@ELOI*.05roi eimv 19 lusts. 19These be they *their40wn 'de~ires 'wallring of ungodlinoses. These are who separate themselves, sensual, hav0; $vXitcoi, ~v~i7pn plj ing not the Spirit. they who set apart [themselves], naturnl [men], ['the] *Spirit lnot 20,upyo,lves ye, beloved, i ~ o u r ~ c ., cipnqroi, trf-ciyrwrdrp.+iv But bu, 20 riurer on your most holy haYing. But Ye, belovd, on your most holy faith ~ ' h " , ~ z l i n inoiroEopolvre~bavrot;~,"Iv k~~~ xvet;/rarr iy ~pouevxbyourselves in the love building up yonelve8, i n [the] .Spirit 'Zoly prayof Qod, looking forthe pevor, 21 iauroitc bv ciyrinp OEOS r q p i u a r ~ ,~poubexdmercy of our Lord Je~ o u r s a l v e a ['the] love *of 'God 3x1 'keep, awaitans Christ unto eternal img* life. 22 And of some ~ E V O L rb ~ A E O C o S . ~ v p i o v . ~ p ~ v r 'IQQO; xpiuroi), EIS havecompassion, making a dieEcrence:23 and ing the mercy of our Laid Jedus Christ unto life others save with fear, aihvrov. 22 kai 05s plv gbheir~ B ~ a ~ p i v d p c v23 hoiis.6~ o~~~~ pulling them out of but othem And 'some 'pity, making a djfference. the fire hating even t i e gnrLent spotted .hv Pdpy a&,Yere, i~ TO; T V P ~ P ~ X ~ ~ O V ~ piuoirvr~ ~ E ~ ~ I by the flesh. with fern save, out of the 5ra snntching them] ; hncing



~ ~ ~ ~ [ O P ~ Z O ~ ~ ~ C ~ ,



rai rbv (ixb rijc uaprbc bunrXw~vov ~ t r G v a .

even the anto him that L able tokeepyou from falling, and to rescut you faultless &fore the presence of his glory with oxceeding joy, 35 to the only w~se (fod oor Bnriour, be glory nnd majesty dominion and both now andever. Amen.

%y *the



garment. them without stumbliug, and exulnnd

24 T@Gi

Bat to hlm who

Gvva ' v y PvXritac iairroirc" cinraiarovr, ~ c t i

t keep o
h glory i m
. wine O G ! blamelean with Be] glory


~ar~vhn~ov GC-GdEqs-aGroir&phpovS bv ciyaAbefore

t &t [them] o

kao$y"n6~ * ~ w f j j p ~ ~ $ ~ 3 66ta "Iraifl +

our Saviour,

p~yaXwu6ut), ~ p d r o~~a dtovuia, rai vcv ~ a cis acivrac i i greatness, might m d nutbority, .both now, and to hLI roirc ni3vac. .cip$v.


O'EaruroXtj 'I06ba ~a9oXtmj.~

;ot .Jude



? &7&v z m r a . liue8eiasI TT. Adyouv speeches T. b srposcp~pCvov pci~wv words having been spoken before L. c wr LT[T~]. d ib irsxci.rov 706 (- 705 f 2~01. i a w o h s themselves EO T~[A]w) p 6 ~ 0 vthe end of the time LTTrAW. ~ at S iAiyXc~e r a ~ p r ~ ~ o u fJwho] ~ vovr K O ~ O ~ O ~ V T ~ ~ iavroas qj& y . ~ ' ~3~~h6arrimrcb LTRAW. v h 03s 6 &{ere ~ I mpbr &pnk{ovrss, 06s 62 iAe& ( i A ~ t m ; C W) dispute, convict LTTrAW. i v +j3y but others save, fkom [the] fire snatch~ng[them], and others pity ill fear



L ~ A W . i you (and read 1 S& 'Ir)voi xpbum6 706 ~ v p i o v $p& rrpb a a v r b r so6 a i i v o s LTTrAW.


;' h ~ bL ' @

set [you]before)EGLTTIW. k - CO% O L ~ A W : thlmugh Jesus Christ our Lord aul"I'rAW. m - c r a b d BDd) LTE~AW, 0 th# beforsthe wkde age






*him b &dc, -!~p1;f~;foJ~ lCtod, gaye untohim, toshew 8Ei&~iroic.Bo6Xotc.atr05 & Bei Y ~ ~ Q ~Bv.rCi~~i, unto his servants O a i rai to shew t o hin bondmen what thing8 mnat take place shortly : and things come t o pnas ; shortly which idj avev dnoureiXac ro5.d yQXov.atroir r$.Bo6Xy.aCro3 and it by hisand rignihe sent 5ed angel unto his bondmall t o his servant John : xis angel he s&U1*l [it], har)ng m by t b'Iwhvvp,U 2 8s hpaprirpquev rbv Adyou 70s8eo3 rai TT)Y 2 wtw hnre record of testified the word of sod and tb the the testimony and John, who of word of God, of pprvpiav 'Iqaoir xptaroir, h a Cr~ll %lBev.ll 3 par& Jesus Chxist, and of testimony of Jesus Christ, 'whaboerer %hlngu'and he MW. Bless- *l1 thinm that hc saw. 3 Blessed W he that 6 Qvaytvcjurov, rai oi & K O ~ O U ~ E S~ 0 X6yoIJc" readeth, and they that ' 6~ vs[isJ he that rend., and they that hear the words hear the words of this prophecy nnd keep rij~ apo@qreias,~ a vip 0 9 v r ~ c rci hv a t 4 yeypa pbva* thoae t h & s whichare of the prophecy, and keep the thing8 'in Yt Iwrtten ; written therein : for the time is at hand. Revelation of Jesus Christ, which 'gave

AnOKAAYYIE lquoir xpturoif, ijv Z~WICEU


&ydp raipls iyyirc.

f r the time [is] near. o

4 f ' I ~ h ~ raic d~rdlt r r X ~ u i a t~ ( Z i c ~ ~ s n ~

t o the
K U ~ eipfivq

mven from


which [m1 in




4 JOKN to the seven rches which are in Asia: baia : be unto

e p t s $p;liv

im which IS, and ou, and pence, from him who ir and who was and who[is'J was, and which ipxdpevos. mi cinb r3v darci nvevpcirwv hii" 'burtvH ~ ~ ( ; ) A Lh Y oome ;iritawhich o to and f130m to come ; and from the w e n Spirits which ue before the before gis throne are roir.8p6vov.atroirn 5 rai cinb 'Iquoir ~pturoir, b pcipr~c6 5 and from ~ e s u ; hia throne ; and from Jesus Chri~t, the lwitness f ~ i t h f n who is and lwitnera, the nlurd~,b npwr6ro~oc k 6 ~ " 73v v~rp3v. b cipxwv r3v the firstbegotten of rai 'ftdthful, the firetborn from among the dead. and the ruler of the @au&hiov y;s' rfls rq 'dyamjuavrrU<pCs, rai mho6- the cwth. Untohim kings of the earth. To h ~ m who loved end wcrsh. t h t loved na, and washed us from our U ~ V ~G " z ~ L p ",&7rb" ~ l J . i r ) m p ~ l i v ~r$.a?parr.airroi? sins in his own blood, ~ ~ .~<p~~~ d us from our lins in his blood, 6 and hath made as kin sand priests unto 6 ~ n taoiquev P $ ~ Z S " i qPa~iXeic~aillipiS TG m i narpi Go% and his Ffi~ther. m d made us kings and priests to %od Jand4Father t o him &glory and do-! and to you and peace

d ~ gr0ij1' d d v rai b *v kai 6 b




to him [be] the glory and the Amen.

GdEa rai rb rpciro~e i ~ o 6 ~aiGva~ r 'r3v

might to the age6 of the

aicjvov.I1 &pljv.

7 Behold, he c o m ~ t h every with c10ud8;andevery eye shall see him, and b$OcrXpb~,rai o'lrtvec atrbv bfarfvnlaav* rai rdJ/ovmt they also which pierclpier&, ad ~ ~ h , ,swan ed him : and all kinll eye, and they whioh 'him drcds of the earth shall in' atrbv 7 6 ~ ai $via; rtg j i j g . vai, (iP$v. wail because of him. ~ 1 '~&'~awoant~'of "him 'all 'the %ribes *of athe e&h. Yea, anlen. Even so, Amen. 8 1 the hcKinni,w 8 'Eyd elpt rb 'A" rai rb 'Q," Ilipxtj rai riAoc"' Xiyet Omega,am Alpha and I am the A and the 0 , beginning and ending, my8 and the ending, salth

7 '1806, i p x ~ ~/lard fli

Behold,. be comes with


eXGv, rai 84era~ atrbv

and shnll see him



'AVrolcav$cc G ; ' A v o ~ d A 4 c s 'Iociwov ('Iodv0V T ) LTTrAW. r b *Iocia T . r a re d iscv T. a 7bv A6yov the word T. f ' I o d y c Tr. B 70; (read [ h ~ m ] ) ~ Y , ~ A W , h ~ i j n. v i ior~v (read [are]) LTTrAW. ;K (read rijv of the) OL~AW. iyarcjv~c love8 OLTTrAW. m A6oavsr freed L T n ; ~[o]doavrc, A. i r c LTTI!. P +p& L ; +piu for ue Tr. q @aorhciav, a kingdoni, aLrrrAw. r 7wv 0 [+Gv] L e&wv A. WaAlpha LTI~AW. $ U ~ a 'rh C OLTPrAW. iO r





the Lord, which is W; d &v KC(; i) ;/v lcni 0 ~ P X ~ ~ ~ E IdJ O ~ , navroand which come, and the, Lord, who is and who was and who [b] to come, the which is to was, the klAlmightr. KplYTWp. m~glrty. g I John, who aho 9 'E~; x'Iwrivvr)c," 3 r ~ u i LrSeX$bc ipGv rai zavy~oivwvo~Y " km your brother, and I John, also 'brother 'your and fcllow-partaker comynnion in tribulntion, and in the king- by ry' eXi+ei rai 'bv ry' P a ~ i X irai hopov$ C ' I i ) a o ~ p xpradom ~ l l d WtlOnW of in the tribulation nnd in the kingdom and endurnnce of Jesus Christ, Jesua Christ Was in K ~ X O U ~n&rp(p, bid ~ V ~ the isle that 'is called TO^,,^' ~ Y E V ~ / . L h ) V t v i ~ ( t ) ~ r $ patmos, for the word wan in the island mhlch [ i ~ ] called Patmos, because of of God and for the mtimo(ny of Jesus rbv X ~ Y O V rof sai d8idll rjjv paprvpiav 'Iqaoir e ~ p t a Christ. l0 I wan in the the word of God and because a the testimony of Tesns Christ. spirit on the Lord'r day,anahearpbehind r05.~' 10 b ~v6pqv tv n v ~ h p a ril v r $ KV ~ U I ~jpipp' ~ a i E ~ me R great volce, an of :became in [the] Spirit on the drd's day, and a trumpet, I am Alpha11 sa ing, {rovua dniuw pov $wvrjv peycikqv &c uciX.rrryyoc, 11 XeyoCand the first and the I heard behind me a 'voice loud as of a trumpet, say-




$; send tt !, and

uqs, *'E 4 eipt r d A rai r l Q, d ~pGroc riri d ia)l.nrocqsai,Il am the A and the 0, the Srst and the last ; and, :" ,F , : $$ PXine~cyp(i+ov EL)E PiPXiov, rai wbp$ov raic g i ~ K ~ l ] t ? i a l c : P: ""~ ' "0
unto the ingt

isus, unto smyr.What thou weat aud

write i n a book, and send t o the assc~nblies and unto Pergabv 'Auiq," eic 'E$eaov, ~ a eic 'Xp6pvav,~~ u eic i ~ i mos and unto Th ain b i n : tira: and unto ~ a r i i 8 , to Ephcsus, cnd t a Smyrna, :tnd t o anduntoPhila&l?hial nipyapov, rai eis kBucirarpa,llrai eir: Z c i p b ~ i rai eic '@tXa~, and unto Labdloea y g a m o s , and t o turnedtoaee Thyatira, and t o Sardb, and t o Phila-


the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I rsw w e n golden candlepticks. 13 and in the mid4t 04 the Reven candlestickE m hire unto the Son of u r n clothed with a garmint down t o the foot, and girt about the papa with golden girdle. 14 H b hend and his hairs were white like wool as white as snow; and ,i eyes utm M ,s dame of 5re ; 15 and

delphia, the

8~X$elav,~~ eic mAaobi~~lav.ll rai inbarpe$a PX6netv rai 12

to Laodicea And me,

I turned

t o see

d v 9wv))v iiric "bXciXr)aev" per' bp02 nai i n r a r p b ~ n c eDov

voice which spoke with and having turned I l a w seven

Cnrd Xvxviac xpvulis, 13 rai bv

seven 'lampstmb 'golden, [the] Son

pfuy r 3 v Oinrd11 XvXlamp clothd in at =the E garment] a 7a *girdle as it

and in [the] midst of the of man,


' Bpoiov

P ~ i $ ' lC ~ V ~ ~ ~ &bvbeSv,ukvov TOV,

ftond.4 [one] like


r e ~ h i n t o the feet, and 'girt 'about 'with g golden : and his head

~ ~ b r j p q , rai

~ E ~ L E IZW ~ ~ Q V O V ~ O Croic qpauroi~" <L;)vqv

'breluts and hair white

r x p ~ ~ @ 14 r).Bi.r~$aX~).aZjroirrai ai rpixeg Xev,rai 83uei" '" $XbE nvpdca

as a flame of fire ; 'white,

~ f ~ " , ~ : iptov~ EtV K ~ V~&c xrL;)v' t a i oi.b$eaXpoi.ahroir " t X ~ ,

ed in a furnace; and 'wool
~ ~ ~ , " ~ C

snow; and

his eye8

15 tcai~ oi.?rb8e~.ahroi, oroc xaX~oX@civy ~ $ ~ $ ' ~ ~ 8

bv Ka ivy

he h a b 1 his right . and h b feet fh Ane brass, as if sin h6f? ['they] rai ,i.$wvtj.aZjroi, cjs $wvG +8&rwl, noXXGv* out ofRevenstars: and t?re?rvpopivo~~~~ his mouth went a sharp two-edged 'glowed ; and his voice as [the] voice of 'waters 'manp, sword: hiicoun- 16 ~ a !XWV b ry' G e t # 'aZjroir erpill Ciarkpac inrci. ~ a iK i v i and having L 'right 'his %and 'bars 'seven, and, out of r:g ;,f i ~": roir-urd aroc.ahroi, $of$aia 8iuropoc 6&ia ErnopevoPi rni y. feet an dead. h d he hfkoath ' a sword =two-edged 'sharp going forth, and

E:izg E t2 $;fZti",

,j.bJ/is.ahroii 35 b ~ X L O E $aivel i x r~.BuvciCC~i.aZjrO~.rai 17


hi8 countenanca when I saw



shiner at


its wwer.

.*And dead : and

are ~180v atrdv, ineaa

him, Ifell

rodg.? T
h feet i

cjg verpdc. rai


~ 9 6 8e6c [the] Lord & d , ~ y r T r ~ w . 1 ~ 'Iodys Tr. J ~ aQLTT~Aw. a o v v T i : b e v ln (Jesus) L ~ ~ A W . i v q OLTTrAW. j xpl,w(i) ' I ~ u o ~ W ; ) xplwoV LTTrA. d 6 t h LT~[A]. ~ ~ l u 7 LTTrA. 0 d E$ erpc.. iqam. U& OLTTrAW. D ir~h SeVen OLTTrAW. h laic Jv'Auia OLTmAW. i Z p 6 p v a v T. k @vhrccpav ~ n w . I @lha8cA+iav T . m hadrrriav T . h a e r waslspeaking LTTIAW. O i r r d LT[TPA]. P vibv T . q p a c o t s L ; padair T. X e v a a v Lwrr. 8 &



.. -


tempcupitqs (dqT) [it]glowed LIV.

XCQ~ avm3 L=.


REVELATION. 635 ~ i p n " in' ipi, XQYWV y p ~ r l,a~d h b r k h t h a n d ~ p i mi*ieqcEvl njv.JEb6v.a&roD

he laid his right 2 n d

: ; p



fil)j.$ofl(130i y &
lil+ug [ono]: and agcs of the

ap5roc m i o taxaroc, 18 and the rai 4 Paw not; A am the k t nnd the loah eic. roic rai ipvdpqv verpbg, rai i806 zcjv
I became
agp,a, dead, and bchold 'alive 'I am to keys the Amen ; and havo the

t mr. On Fear not I" o me urn " thc'5rat annthelnrt: 18 Zamhe thnt l ~ r e t h ,
and wor dend. rind &hold* 1am alive fni have the key8 of j n n d Amen hell

bliljVaS r&v Q I ) d V ~ v ' a(iptjv.u r n i EXw rag K X E roir a$ov ~ ~

ro6 dflr~hrov.' 19 yp&$ov

rai and ot doith. 19 ~ r i t a

of hades and the thing* which the hnrt wen, m d thing8 which am, m d thincm which Write the things which thou nawent and the things the hareaftor; 20xhnll of death. be the durv, ~ a i p6XXet cyiveaeatltperd raiira* 20 rb myate of tbe wren x i o h thotr mwwhich aro, and thethingawhich are about totake plaa) after these. Thc ert in my right hnnd, puur~piov r$v in76 daripwv d ; v b l d ~ "hni ~ d e f t ~ c the ~ ~ a ~ noven polcien mrstery of the m e n stars which thou sowest on 'right 'haud candlestickr Tha ae, ven stars w e the nnou, rai rdg Cara Xvxviag rci~$pt~a(ig. i n r d ciarspsc gck ot t h lerou oi golden. * The seven stam chnrcher 8 and the sej. and the seven Plamystanda n venc~ndlcsticbwhich ciyyeXor rcjv Crrd irtdqutGv eintv. cai 'ai" e l m & Xuy~)tac t b u ,we,t th, Orngek Cf *the soeven 'asscmblii 'are; and tho sevon lampmnds seven churchea.


1bg, rai

T G ~

p u


ei$egR i n r d dc~Aqaiat eiaiv.


whrch thou sawed 'seven 'sssembliea

2 T$

LyyiXy iri]if k'E$~aivqcU ik~kqbidlc yp6$0v, TLGe

of the Ephesion wmbly write:

IL Untothean elot

write. Thew things hiyet b rparGv roirg i n r d c i ~ r i p n ci v r6.6eft(i.aCroir, saith he that holdeth Mrs he who holC the seven sw\ra in hia right hmd, who the seven ntars in his xepcnarGv dv piay ' rcjv i a r d Xv~vrcjv rGv l~pvaGv*U n.alLs in [the] m i d s of the seven alnmyrtands 'golden. wven golden cm~adle 6 know thy CL OIJa rdr.ipya.uov, rai rbv ~ h o "vu o v , ~ rcai r4v irnopovljv &ticks;2 I thy lbboar ' works, and 1 kuow thy works, and 'labour 'thy, a d 'endurance and th potienn, and

To the angel

These things the church of ~ p % e a u s


aau, m ; $71 06.d&vp paurduat rar06fi.

'thy. n~id that thou c a u t not declare bear evil

m i "in~tp6nwubear them .which uOt nre [ones] ; and thou dtdst t r y evil : thou hnat
and or? not,

rai roi~g O ~ & o ~ o v ~ a ~ elvac ci~roar6Aov~" oCr.eiuivc

those nlto
GO be



nnghnst found

rai e6peg ni1ro6c +cv&ig, 3 r a i Pipciarauag rai 6xorovjv t h e m ~ and3 ah"w th n " ~" " and didst boar and Cndurance borne and for p* my nod didsb find tlwm linrs ; i,yeq, rai" dth T ~ ) . ~ v o u & . q ~ v ~ o n i a rlt la~~ & . ~ i ~ p q r a g . I I anko bunt la~o~ gi name':
'hnrt, and forthe sakeof but my name hast laboured and h a t nob wwied: thy 'lore rgrSt

kg,"$. atd2z:rg

4 '&AAJn ixw rurdr ao;, 6rt ~t)v.d~hn?)v.aou rtjv 7rphrrlv

I hare agalnst thee, that

lens I h a r e m e w h a t against thee bernum thouhaat lefi thy 6r.t aoi$ij~ag.R 5 pv,lpd.l~~veo h nddev t i ~ x i n r w m g , % a i love. a Remember whence &member therefore whence thou hnst fallen from, and therefor~from thou did$t leave. thou art fallen, and peravdquov, rai r a npcjra ipya aoiqoovg ti.6i pi), ipxopai r e p n t , and do the firs8 repent, and the first works do : but if not, I urn coming works ; O elae I will r come unto thee quicka04 T r l ~ a , rai KLV(UW ~~jv.Avpiav.aov i x roii rdnau h and rill remove to thee quickly, and I will remove thy Lampstand out of 'place y candlestick out of his place. except thou p i r G ~ ,4dv.p j ~ E ~ C Z V O ~ U ~ $ .ciiXh T O ~ O?XELS, 6 repent. 6 But thisthou its, except thou shouldeat repent. But t h u thou haet, that hmt that thou hntest


pmig r d ipya TGY NtroAaXrOv,

Ehou hatest the works of the IJiaoi.itnnes, which I .l80

ptuG. 7

He that hate. 7 He t b t ha*

& ~ ~ ~ f $

W i h ~ c QLTTrAW. v X xe;pa (read 8 e t r i v right band) Q L ~ I A W . r aLmAw. i p j v GLl'TrAW. l ~avarov K& roi, @W oLTTrAW b obv therefore QLITIAW. c y c v i d a c TA. 06s L m A . * i v (in) rp^ be& L. f ai W. s hvxviac cri imh OLTP~A~. h is eBes G L ~ A W . rf (rrad &A. of the assembly) L T ~ . iv 'WUQ Ephesue oLT?'rAw. in xpvudwv LTrL m UOV LmrA m inaipaoac *+vras i a v r o k &uomdhovc etvac declare themselves to be apostles (- eJvar LTT~A) OLTTrAW. P irrro@vi)v i x c ~ K& i@dmauas c OL'lTrAW. K& 06 t c t r o n i ~ ) ( e ~ B q d heet not weaned LTWA ;rtai o 6 i ~ o r i a u a c and didst not weary ow. r i h h h n r w . x l a$$K6t m . a &uar thou hrurt fallen GLT~AW S ~ ~ ~ W p # S r ~ ~ ) NW3 ; 7 & y 1 6 ~ ~ I . ; K , 6

* -





anya t o the treo assemblies. of life

h ; ~ h ~ ZXOY ~ olfc ci~owaiirw ri rb \ ~ ~ ths churcheR; T ~ has au ear, let him henr whnt the


7i~~3pa hfysi raigw i ~ ~ X q a i n i ~

Spirit to eat of the

hiln thnt ovcrcomcth

~ ~in' tthe, "midst iof~the ~ 6;~ : , is


Tohim thnt overcomes, I willgire to him which in

' v i k ~ l r r t l '6O010 ai)r({ $zyciv &c igriv i v

in [the] midst of tho

~ ( ; X Ofit t ; w j j ~ V

~TOG ixapn8~ioov"r o i O E O ~ ' . a ~

parndiso of God.

8 A n d unto the nn8 Kai r,,; ciyylXy 'rijg" b i ~ r X 9 a i a c X,uvpvaiwvn yp&$ov, ~ ( ' 1 the church 11 of 1 h d to the uugol of the rs~cmbly of S ~ y r u c . m a write: Slilyrnn writc i T h r . ~ things rnith the firat l ' r i 8 ~ Xiyet b ?rpGrog ~ a di Iaxnroc, i 3 ~iyivcro V C I C O ~ ~ eud thc last, which There t h i n ~ a snya the first aud the lest, who bocnmr dchd wall dend nnd is nlive. 9 I' know thy KCl i t ; ) ] ~ g * i ~ O16b aov ' r d ipya KNi" rljv BXi4iv kai rljv v o r i s , and tribi~ls- and lived. I know t h y works m d tribulntion and tion n ~ i d poverty (Lilt thoi; nrt rich) ~ r I l xrwx~iau' d ? T X ~ 6 ~ ~ ~ C .ET'i 1 'kni rtjv PXaa$qpiaw 6 r3v. AYWW the blndphcmyof poverty; but rich thou a r t ; n l ~ d the cnlumuy of those who t h ( m which bny they X E dwrwv 'Iovdniouc ~ l v a iim~rolis, r t 06r.siaiv, ciXXci avv~ i Jcner, nud nre bllt a p e the ryungopud leclare 'Jews 'to "ba Ithcme.elvcn, and are uot, bbt a synof Sntnu 10 Fcnr U O I I ~ of tho.c.thinps whic4h aywytj roir a a r a v i . 10 fpqdi.v"$ofioi il pkXX~rg 'Xot 'at 'all 'fear the thiugs which thouart nLout of Snton. thou s21nltsuffer : bc- ago6uo cnRt the ~ you ~ hold,so,ne of P V Isih ltro~ l?rLiax~iu. ic'oli,e j f ( l X X ~ hpaXei~:' u i ' i t Cpcjv I GrcipoXogll pri.on, thnt re ma be t buffer. o Lo, i s 'about 'o "cnst ['some] 'of t *you Ithe 'devil t r ~ c d .nnd ye a i l r ~ i kWI ~ E / C~ $vXa~;/v, a t ye C I P O U~~ ~ ~;T ~ * ar eis h t:~Elhave~ tribulntion4ptpiju ~ ilua ~ mny be tried and, B E E ~ C 0Xi4iv ~ ~ ~ th l 'drip dnyl: be $hou f n i t h f u l into prigon, upto death, m d I \rill d i ~ a . yivov ~ i a r 6 ~ p Bavhrov, rai Gtbaw ooi ' r b arkb ~ t thee crOn'n Of Iten. Ue thou faithful unro dcnth, and I will give t o thec tho to. 11 H that huth a an enr, 1ct hiln hear $C(VOV rfic c w i j ~ . 11 b ixwv o6l: &rovacirw r i 73 rrveipa whnc the Spirit aaith of life. He t h t h a a n ear, let him hew what the Spirit a u t o the churchrc ; "Own BC that orcrcomcth hiye( raig 6~h-Xqaiaig' d v i ~ j v oh-pd d&~qC)$ i r lhnll be hurtof my8 b the naaemblier He t h a t ovemomer in no wise shall be injured of the moond death.



r o i Bavrirov roir Gevripov.

the 'Cnth laccond.

And to the angel of the 'in 'Pergarnos 'rusambly write : Uith ldich d ~ h i l ~ t b T6 n j u i y $ a i a u n j v 6imopou njv bath the shnrp sword with two edges. 13 1 Thcse thing8 any6 he who h a the sword *two-edged know thy work;rand dteiav. 13 OlGn 'rci.~pyn.aov ~ a i "r o ; rraroirceic, Sxov b where thou dwellest, men where Sntan's lehnrp* I know t h y works and where thou dwellert, trhc~+ethe ~ a i rpareic rb.8wopci.pov, ~ a oitr i mat G: and thouhold- ep(ivoc roir aarav2, eat fast my nntue, and my nome, and 'uot of &tan [ia] ; and thou holdest frut h u t not denied my fnith, even in those fipvt)sw ~ u . ~ i a r t l r . p%sin bu rais r),uiparc "bv" Oa5cU o~ P'Avwherein bntip* Ldidatadeny my fnith even in the days in which hwad m faithful mar8~ ~ r e ~ r ( i v 6?rap' hpiv, q tyr, w t o wna slain a- rinacn bb.ptiprv~.pov wtbrdcq, You, where tipaa my 'witnecn lfaithful [wtu], who WM killed among you, tsn fw4l.eth. 11 But I have a few thinga a- 8 ~ ' K 0 T ~ L ~ E ~ r a ~ d 14 'dhh" ~ X Wkard a05 dXiyar, ~ O b~a c.~ gainst thee becnlise where ndwel& 'Satan But I haye against thee a few things; thou hnst there them Kparoibrag r?)v Gt6axlju RaXacip, 8~ thnt hold the docrriuo t6rrn {xtic i ~ e i of Balnam, whotaught bccnuse thou host there [thbe] holding the tanching of Baleam, whb Bnlnc to cast n stumblin block befon, the d6i6aokY v b ~ l ' BaXdl~PaXiY airhu6aXou duhniou TGV chilfren of I m e l , to taught Bolak t o cnnt o# w e before the eat things sacrificed ei6wXd6vra ~a\c wopvsiraat. unto idols, and tocom- viGv '10 OIT~X,g a y ~ i u mit fornicrt~on.15 So sons of fsraol, t o eat t h l n ~sacrificed t o idols and to commit fornication. .

o : : gnmoa write

h Them

12 Kai rq? dyylhy rijc IY Ecpycipy h ~ ~ h q a i c r ~ yp6$ov,



of the of the Nicolnitnuca, which thing I hnte. 16 R or I but if not, I am coming will e p e n t' u n t oelse o ~ R h h i t a n e s , which thing I hate. Repent I come th nnd ~h aot mx9, ~ a i .rroXePtjaw atr3v dv r,j pop$aip roil quickly,themwill f itile t ngninst with to thee quickly, nnd will make war with them with the sword sword of my mouth. 17 d p a r d ~ . p o v . 17 S IXWV 06s ci~ovacirw ri rb xveiipa letHe thnt hnth nn car, him hoirr what the ot my mouth. He t h a t has nn ear, let him hear what the Spirit Spirit saith unto Ll~e churches; To him thnt Xiyet raic d~chqainis. rcij a ~ ~ t ~ 3 v r i " airryi b$ayeiv 6chaw overcomcth will I gire ~ a y sto the nsscmblie~. To him t h a t overcomes, Iwillgive tohim to cat t o eat of the hiddcn dnh" roil pcivua 2 0 3 K E K ~ U ~ ~ E V Orai G4aw airryi J/iQov manna, and will give ~, of the 'mnnna 'hidden ; and I will give to him n Ypebble him a white atone, nud in the stone a new Xeumjv, ~ a in; rljv ~ l i o v i bvopa ratvbv ysypappivov, 6 name written, which 'white, and on the pcbble q'nnme Inew written, which n o man knoweth snvi n g he t h n t receiveth

l$ odros ;X'XELE ad


also thou [those]

thou also them ~ p a r o z v r a4 v 6zSaxrjv ' r h n but hold the doctril~o ~ thnt holdinp .the tenching


ptcrG." 16 pera~~dtlaovz~ p i , {pxopni ei.6;


o C G ~ i cciyvwli ei-p~j b Xappcivwv.

no one
knew except he who angel receives And to the of the 'in

[it]. 's~embly mite : 'eycs

18 Ka; ryi ciyylXq drfc"dv Bvaraipoi~b r r ~ t ] a i ypciJ/ov, a~


Tbare things says the Son

18 And unto the anel of the church in f!hyatira write ;These '$X6yaI1.rrvp6y, rai oi.a6Sec.alroir ijpoioi xaXicoXr- things saith the Son eauroijlI 'his as a flame of f i e , aud his feet like fine of God, who h a t h his eyes like uuto n flame 19 0164 aov rci rpya ~ a r$v gdycinqv, ~ a r4v 6ta- of fire ancl his feet o1.c i i f r wv y Q. I know thy works, nnd love, and ser- like dne brnss 19 I know thy wor?&, nnd roviav, ~ a rljv aiarivI1rai hr~jvl' ~ O , U O V iao~,'I a rd rpya chnrity, and service, i ~J $I~ ~ i rim, and fnith, and 'endurance $thy, nnd 'works and faith, and thy pnworks. oov, k ~ a i l t {uxara rci ~Xeiova r3v q h r w v . 20 ldXh'iltience eand thybe ruori and t i lnat to IWy, nnd the last [to be] more than the first. But than the first. 20 Notixw ~ a r d aoir "lXiya,ll iirt "d@ctl s ~ j v yvvai~aOP'IeCa- withatnnding I hnra a few things .against I h ~ ~ ngainst thee R few things that thou n~tfferestthe ve womnn Jeze- thee. becnuse thou suffcrost t h a t woman qrljv XLYov~avl' '2nvrtjv1lapo$ijr~v, "6ib~u~eiv TAU- Jezcbcl, which cnlleth ~ai her who calls herself a prophctgss, to tench and to herself a prophctsss, o to seduce viia0ailI Bpo6~GoirXovg, aopveiraai rui 'ei6wXd- tmyteach andtocommit servants mislcnd my bondmcn to c o n ~ m ifornication and *things 'sacrificed 'to fornicntion, and t o m t t saorificed Bvra $ayeiv." 21 ~ a iswra atrlj xp6vov 'iva pernvo$ap .6r t h i r p 21 And I unto i gave 'idols lto 'eat. And I gave her time t h a t she might repent of idols. her space to repcnt of rfic.nopv~ia~.a&riIS,, wiy&!i a X w . her fornidntion ; nnd ~ai 22 P she repented not. 2273bcr foruication ; nnd she repented not. Lo, I cast hold I will cast her atjr>jv E / ( : ~ X i v q xai, roirc poi~eCol~ra~ airrij~eic into's bed, nnd them ~ par' har into a bed, and those who commit adultcry with her into thnt commit adultcry with her into great QXi#tv peyCiXt]v, B(iv.prj x ~ p ~ ~ a v ~ ~ u w u i v t ~ Y ~ tribulntion, except r&v { p v 'tribulation 'great, except they should repent of works they repcnt of their deeds. 23 And I will ~'alriiv." ~ a rd.rdre~~a.airrijc 23 i ciaonrcv3 iv Bavciry' rai kill her ch~ldren 'their. And her childrcn I will k i l l with death ; and with death ; and all t h e churches shall y6aovrai rriiaai ai drrXqaiai ijri iycj ~ i p t h *aLip~vviivlt that I a m he know shall 'know 'all "the 'assemblies t h a t I am he who searches which saarcheth t h e


h6yei b vibc roir 8 ~ 0 5 , b

ro4~ b9QaXpoirc

of God, he who has


Y b p o i o s in like manner OLTTIAW. c3v therefore ?&v the L[T~]AW. OLW[A]W. a VLKO~)WL LWr. b r$aYeiv d n b OLTTrAW. C oOf8sv knows OLTTrAW. air~oi) L. f $hbt T . K &y.ybqv, ~ amjv i 74 (read ; I K K ~ . the assembly) L. of uimbv ~ a i \ r + vBLO~XOV~&V OLTA ; n i u ~ t v a7i/v &yin'l)v ~ a i B t a ~ o v i a v ~ i h ?v L. m ohiya k ~ a(read thy last works) GLTTrAW. i 1 & M A TrAW. L UOV T . OLTTrA W. &#~s;sthou le,ttest alone GLTT~AW. 0 + uov (read thy wife) G L [ A ] \ ~ ~ . P fiv'Ic(a;BeA L ; 'Ie<i,9ah QT ; Ic<a,9iA TrAW. q 4 h i y o v u a she who calls GLTTrAW. a6ti)v T. I K ~ I L B L B ~ V K C x a i nAavp^ 703s and she teacllea and misleads GLTTrAW. L $aye& siBwAdOv~a GLTTrAW. ~ a o i OCAcr p c r a v o ~ u $ tZK 6 s nopveias ab?i/s and she *ills not to repent o f her fornication GLlTrAW. W - q i r , (read ,6khho I cast) OLTTrAW. ~ c r a v o ~ o o vthey 5hd1 repent TTrA. ~tv Ya a6njc her QLTTrlW. ipavv&u LTl'r.



m8 AROKAATYIE:, f " ~ ~ " &, " veq%poircral rap8iac. rrai 8Paw 3p7Y ,: ~ ~ ~


one of you *-ding reiiu and hearts ; and I wl give to yoa il aooordfq to to roar a m d ipya i~pGv. 24 6piv.64 Xiyw *rain Xorroic roic But CV unto the rest sky, you I 'works 'your. But to you I say, and to [W] reat who Care] S a tira, M many aa have Buareipot~, 8aoi ozi~.i~ovaiu ~v.8rlFaXl)v-raGrqv, brain not thl. doctrine, and which h.lvenot known T b ~ a t i r q .a many M have not thfs teaching, and the depths of Sat?n, o'iriv~c obk.iyv~aav rd c/3Ci6qB aarav6, t c hkyararu, Oh M they speak ; I WILL who h e w not the depths of Satan, u they say ; 'not put upon you none pdpos' 25 TA?)v 8 ZxerE rpa&p other burdon. 25 Rut d/3akGqtg' hp@ *I*will +cast upon you any other burden ; W what ye have hold I come. 26 Andhe that Oar, eCillplc'i oQ.av.jjFw. 26 6 vl&v rai b ovcrcometh, andkeep fpst t~ll I shall come. And he that overcomes, and ho that eth my works nntothe eud, to him will I give ~ q p d v&XOL rikovc rci.+ya.pov, 6haw a$v- dSo$ciav p w e r m a r the na- keep MJI [the] end my works, I will give to him anthoritp trona : ! 7 and he shall 9 Z rnlethem~ithnr~dof &ni T ~ d6vGve 27 Kai rrorpavei a&roi)g l v $&/3&p atV iron ; a the veasela o over the nntiona, 8 f and he shall shepherd them with =rod 'an a potter shall they be 8 broken to ,,hivers : qp& rd U I C E ~ ~ 7d.IC~papt~d avvrpi/3erat, djc rZY& eren M I reeeired of 'iron, as V&WB~ of pottery are. broken in piece# ; M I also

wt c




:p!! :i,!


aapci ro9..rrarp6c.pov* 28 ~ a i6hco air?$ rbv

and I will give to him the

morning 'ator. 29 Be have received from m y Father ; that hear an h\m what 'the haripa rbv rpwi'v6v. 29 let b 8 trit u i t h unto ths lmoruing. He that



&rovu&rw r i


rv~ijva Xty~c a ? i ~ r k ~ a i a i c . v ~

an err, let him heu what the

Spirit sajs to the aaaemblii And anto the Kai ry' ciyyikq# iv ' 8aatv Crrckqaiae ypiJ/ov, -1 ofXhechnrchin 81rdb write m r ee and to the angel of the 'in %din *uatrmbly write: thin- soith 'he that h t h the seven spiritr T h 8 ~ Xtyec d ixwv r d f rve6para 6~05rai r 0 6 ~ of God, and the These things mayr he who has the Siis prt of God and the wtan stars. I know i a r d daripac* 016h uov r d ipya, iirt grbn bvopa ixe~c 8rr thy aor% )that hpst L name that seven atam I know thy works, that %he h o m e 'thou % a t that thou lirest and art

r k


fnl and strengthen thou livslt, and

ths) things which K that are



rai verphc 1.


P yivou ypqyopGv, rai h a n j p i ~ o v ~ 'U& watchful, and atmugthen a ' p k X X ~Be &irroe~v~iu'06. &p.ei!pqrb , rn
mi ijrovaac, rai

to dfe, for IxaVe net found to di; : for I ham not * . h thing3 that --h, hio oh U 0 abOat ~$~$;B~&b,~ uov jrdn ipya .rre.rrXqpwpiva iv6awv 703 0~oSh3 pvqpdvev~
member therefore how thou hdt reaeived and

thou ~h*t prravdqaov- tciv 06v ygyopjupc, $&U da watch, I wlll come on thw and repenb. If tLlbm t not watch I will come upon thee thou .halt not h o w ~itrrn)~, rai oh-pt) "yv$cY aoiav Gpav i/Ew what hour I come r thief, and in no wbe shalt thou know what hour I ohall coma upon thee. 4 Thou i w t a fewnam=eren iri al. 4 O P;XEL~ bXiyau b v d p r a qlcai' t u 24 ~ E U L V , B of r in -is which have upon thee. Thou b t a few mma b o in Ldir which%ot not defiled their armentn ; and they a%a11 EpdXuvav rd.ipLrta.aitrGvo rai mptnzrr;laouarv par' dpo6 d v me in 'defiled their garments, and they #hall walk with me in white : for they cue worthy. 6 H that buICoic, STY dlioi e biblv. 5 d utkdv, r ~ ~ r 0 U ic9 mrcomath, the same white, heowae worthy they are. He that overcomeat, he &all be clothed in white m i ~ n t m d I /3aX&irai i v iparioic A E V K O ~ ~ ' of.pS . rai itaXei$o rb Bvopa will not bl& bat h& be clothed in sparmenu lwhiU ; and in no m m will I blot out %mm

k2.E: hiiddz m t




+EL, K&

how thou host reaeived ond


keep [it] and


paeda O L T ~ A W . db b seven EGLITTAW. e-Ib(da name) O L n m w . vmjpurov OLTRAW. *. IpeMOv wero about OL'ITrAW. J T& UT~A]. ~ O (read my God) O L ~ A W . V 1 [&v] L m b i cr) LVTrA. y 4 q hr. &M& (&AA' 0) But L m w . Pa X L 2 . K Q . &m tLllll Ln%.
roir to the (rest) QZTWAW. b I cast (not)LlTrAW. Gxpr LTT~.

+ &&


a6roG d r
'hi$ lhip

rile PiPXov n j g ZwijS, rcai * i ~ o p o X o y j a o p a ~ b Svopa r"

hook of life, and my Father and will confesa before Spirit befom


airroii t v L r c o v roii.?rarpd~.pov r a i l v h r i o v rtiv ci a6roii.




oi7c &rova&rw . ri

r b wvsCpa

He that has

an ear, let him hear what the

namecm60f the book of life, but I will confepa hin name before iXwv m~P"er andbefore his angels.' 6 He that hath m ear let him hdY~i hear what 'the S ir i t saith MW .ay8 chUTcher

n r i c i r r l q a i a y.
fo the asnemblier

7 Kai


cinixy rijc ;v 'iPtXa&X$~iq" d ~ r X q u i a s yp&#ov,

&=gel of the 'in sPhiladelphia 'assembly

And to the

write :


True ; he who hns the key 7 And to the angel 4 0 6 " ~ A a p i & , f l d drvoiywv rai o 6 8 ~'rX~ier,nasaimb ~ ~ r a ii ~ ~ i~ " $ ~ , " i " , ~ i~ ~ ~ ~ These things says the. doly, the of David, who
O p s .



m d ' no one

k w v r $ v "rXi8an
and ahuts and things aaith he that is of Dnvid, teth, he that

shuts, Lo,


0 6 6 ~ Cdrvoiytc*" 8 OT&& aov rd! ipya. iboir, G i 8 w ~ uIv&rridv ;~

no one thee *door


I h o w thy
and power,

works. no one and

I have set
to shut

before it, word,

aov BCpav ddrv~~ypkvqv,H ~ a i06Sric b5varar K X E ~ U U Lalinjv' e h

'an 'opened,



~ t r p & v ixeic

birvapiv, r a i i77jptlu&S p&

didat keep

because a .little 'thou 'hast and didst pot deny

is able





T ~ Xdyov, openeth behold, I huve V works : ; BIknowthy

rai o~K.~)~v$uw rb.Svopai.pov.

my nnme.

9 3 0 6 , fJi&wpt" ire
I gire

avva- door andno man can

syna- shut'it : for thou hast

set before thee an open

a little strerlgth, and wor4 Bogue of Satan those that declare themselves lJews 'to 'be, my nnme. 9 Behold, I hast denied r r o c ~ a o a6rodc Yva will make themof the r a i o6rs.eiaiv, dXhh +~66ovrar' ;so;, and are not, but do lie ; 10, . I will cause them that syna o w e of Satan, whici say thcy are gijEwuiv~ WZi h ? r p ~ ~ ~ bv&?rtov l r~ v~ r o 8 ~ v~ uu v , ~ ~ i ~ . ~ i . o Jews and are not but they should come and should do bomage before thy feet, do li; ; behold. I 'will make them to eonie r a i yvcjaiv g r t Q L ?jy&rrt)aci UE. 10 iirr I r j p q a a c r b v and worship before m d should know thnt loved thee. Because thou didst keep the thy feet, and to know thnt I have loved thee. A6y0V n l c - & ? r ~ p ~ v i j ~ - ~ ~ I J , h w p $ a w ;K p d y U Jpac 10 Because thou hast word of my enduranoe, I also thee will keep out of the hour kept the word of m j

of the

ywyijc soG a a r a v i i


h r y d v r w v i a v ~ o i 'IovEaiovC ~ b ~ ahast kept r~ r,

nripaapot rijc
af t r h l
'whole, aome 'oroan .which [is]

~ X X o i r a q cpx~aeac a i r i j c oirovpdvq~ i i
~ T O U C O ~ VhT ~ ~ i 7ijc

t o come upon the 'habitable %world hour of temptation,

EptiLel :ti : :&

aem dwell that

liXqc, r t t p c i ~ a l 7 0 6 ~K
to try

y i j ~ . 11 i'~do6,UwhicllshallcOmeupon a11 the world, to try

Behold, take


upon the earth. no one

#popu& m&


IXELF, p q 8 ~ i c iva
a pillar

quickly : bold fsst what thou h u t , thnt

r 6 v the earth. 11 Behold. I come quickly : hold

7; ,

@ T ~ $ ~ Y V ~ V 12 UOV.

vrrGv, r o t j a w a.&r&vo&Xov 0 6 . ~ 4 icikep


thou that fast wh~ch hash that no man tne*

in the thy overcometh will that l2 I make a p ~ l l a r the in temple of my God, m d out not a t all shall he go more ; and I w ~ l w r ~ t e~ m , " ~ ~ ~ f l iivopa ro9.6~oG.polr, reai r b Bvopa ras ~ ~ X E Wout, and I will wrlte C d i alkb Upon him .the name of my God, and the name of the city him the Of my God, and the name T O ~ ~ - ~ E O ~ - @r iV ~ . O j , rates 'IE U U ~ X ~ ~ , r a r a ~ a i v o v u ~ %the city of mp God, O f of sod, the new ferualem, which comes doan ,which which Joruanlem, is new comrth
T O ~ - ~ E O ~ . a iV iEw r~ ,

He that orercomes, I will make him

~ a iypd$w

i# 0 06pCi~0? ~ 6

o f



7 0 ~ . & 0 ~ . p o v , m i r~.dvop&.pov r d down out of hcqreu

my God,


my 'name S~irit save



He th.t

ctcovoci~w ri T A avrGpa Xiyet my new name.

let him h what the
~ ~ c h e s .

from my God : pnd I taiN upon Rinr 13 He that hnth an ear, let him hear whnt the S irit uith unto the

aw. K A S ~ ~ C L shut L m A w . shdl L K ~ L I ~ . b L \ . L w shut& LID_ C i y 0 K c c shall open W ~ A W . A v c y y ~ k y v. T +Wo c m m . I will give LTA ;& i ~ a , . T C ijtarcrt; &ey shall come LW h r*.orp-~ &all da homage L=& I W Q IQT@&~~ 1 .


O ~ A W .


* cPtMcA+i r aunr;

T .

b &qBr&,

6 Zylyror A.

rA6tv OLnraw.

cl of the chnrch of he Laodiceans write; Those thingssnith
I and r

antothe an-

AIIOKAATqIZ. 111, IV. 14 Kai rt$ dyyiAy rijc ' i r ~ A ~ ~ c ~ i a c Aao&dwvN ypct+v,
And t o the angel

~ , ; u e t ~ i t ~ cTheie ~ ~ ~ ~ " , tllinga says

~ Aiyer h 4p+v, d p L i p 7 ~d~T L U T O E ~ a ciXq@cvJS, E i 4

thc Amen, the witness of God. faithful and true, the

of the

~sselnbly of [tllc] Lmdiwgns


:;: "; "L, ," '

beginning of the crea-

::: :k ,g

beginning 4the creation

(ifxi rjls

~ r i u ~ w c Oeoiis 15 OTJL uou rir ipya. ijri oirre TO?

I know thy

works, that neither

cold thou art, nor hot ; I would cold thou wert or hot. bccauae thonart Ink* 16 ocrwc grc xXcap6~ 1, rai O ~ T E"y!JvXp6~ oiira t~urriS.,O wilrmtandneilhcrcold Thus because Lukuwnrm thou art, and neither cold nor hot, nor hot, I ~villrpue theeout ofmgmouth. ~ ~ X X OE ltliuai W ro6-urdpard~.pov. 17 iirc Xiyeis, 17 Because thou say- I nmahout *thee 'to '=pneout of my mouth. Bocause thou *IQ eat, est, I am rich, nud kHh06~1/ka d Pio ~ ~ E v ~ c Xpeiav ~ X U , ~ '! increased with goods, "OTL' rXo6utdS ;p( nnd have need of noXich I am, ~rudhave grown rich and 3of 'nothing 'need 'have, thing; and knowat thou art M ; ohr~-olFu~ ijrr ad 1 J raXai.rrwpoc reai q rlX~~tvdc;" rai \%retched, and miser- and kuowest uot that thou art the wretched, and miser~hle, aud nble, and poor, ~ i n d 18 I A T W X ~~~ c irzlqX3c; ~ n yvpl,b~.. 18 uup~ovAcvw c i uor ciyopciuac bliud, and counsel thee to buy of pocr, and blind, und naked ; 1 couuael thee to buy Ee,::it rap' ipoii ~puuiov? ~ e ~ v ~ w p ii~o v p i ) ~ , vr i'va ~ A o v + o ~ ~ , ~JC rich. an,, white rui. fro" me gold purified by fire, that thou mayeat Le ridh; " ~ ~ ~ o $ , " $ m ~xai~ ipdna Xeuxri, 'iua ~ reptplhp xai p~j-mavepo+j that [he Of tb.j and "garments 'wllitc, thirt thoamnyest hclothed, nnd may not be mnde luuuifeat

k i t :

nrt neithe; cold nor



y ! J ~ ~ ET, i ~ 6 7 ~ E U T ~ S~ ' ~ E X Ot V ! w ~ p h ~ F 1 ~ ~ , ' < ~ o r r i ~ * p 0~ ~ , m~

ie r



~ ~with" eyosalve, 2 ~shame~ ~i;j ; rhyy;~ p ~ 6 ~ 1 ~~r aS~oXXoz;piovl~ -thou3with ; , ~ $ ~ the aiuX6u+~ ~~ nakeduesa ; andb ~ 4eye-alrlve 'moinc 6 i~ . i -uou~ tiy~pruov-~

that'thou mayeatlove, *ee. 19 As many aa I I rebuke and chasten: be ~ealous therefore,

~ O ~ ~ . ~ $ J Q ~ X ~ O Z ; ~(;va Uf i, X i r Y S . 19 iy& $uouE idv pXd, .QO

thine ejes,

that thou mayest aee.

I as mauy as

I love

I rebuke and discipline ; be thou z.ealous therefore, and repent. andknock:if any man 20 iJo6, inr,]rta i r i ?$v 86pav ~ a ~pobw.i h v ric d ~ d 6 u i hear voice, and Behold, I stand a t the door and knock ; if anjone hear open the door I will come in to h:nx, and t<~.$~wv<~.pov, &vo'Fp r$lr eirpav, m i c i u ~ ~ ~ 6 u o ~ a r~ rp6 will supwith him, and my voiw and open the door, I will come in to he with me. 21 TOhim that orercometh will abrbv, rcai 8er~yljuw per' airroii, rai ahrbc p i ipou. 2 h 1 .I grnnt to sit with rue him, and will sup with him, and he with me. He that in my throne, even as I a~so orercame, and VLKGV,J&UW atry" ~aeiuar per' ipoii i~ r$-Opdvy-po~, am aec down with my overcomes, I will give to him t o sit r U h me in my thronu, as Father in his throue. 2a Hethat hathlln eu, redy& i ~ i ~ ~ / ua ir40taa p ~ r droir.~arpdc.pou i v r$ 0pdvy ~ a i, let him hew what the I &O orerctame, and sat down with my Father in 'throne Sdri~ snith unto the


iXfyxw ~ a ratEe6w. i

v ~ ~ h ~ u o uo6v l'

~ a iparavbquov. ~




abroir. 23 that Zxwv a n ear, ci~ovq&rw ri the rvaiipa Xmy13 d has o 6 ~ let him hear what rb Spirit fyec lhia He

rai~ ire~Xquiarc.
After this I to the absembllea looked, and, &hold, a MET& racra x ~ i 8 ~Kai , l806 Birpa 7j ~ e ~ ~ ~i v r@ ~ n i u q aoor toas opcnud in A f k r these things I saw, and behold a door opellcd in heaven: nnd the Brst rcice which I heard otpa~cij, C U ~7j 9 ~ U t j T p c j r ~ I ijv J ~ K O V U ~ c j S uci\7rlyy0~ wcrs HS i t were of R heaven, and the %ice 6rst which I heard [was] as of a trumpet trumpet talking with me ; ,,.hieh said, X ~ O ~ U I PE; dpoii, %X6y0vua,~ IS "Avbfia" ; 6 ~ , ~ a i c"ei$w n p hither, and I speaking with me, sn~ing, Come up hither, and I y i l l shew will ahew thee things which must h hereb&" 8ci Y~vdut)ar e ~ d ~ a G r a .2 dAnd iimmediakly p ~ ~a " ~68iwc after. 2 And Imloe- t o thee what things must tnke place nftcr these thiuga


' ~

m 4s GLTTrAW. I iv Aaobt~eiq h b o b t ~ ; ~ ~ K K A ~ U ~ ~ F ( T) assembly Laodicea GLTTrAW. P b the P oid?v ' 1 '110 'wise LTTrA. ~ O ii7~ [A]w. <curbs 037e @ ~ p d sOTT~AW. t k p w a c GW ; i y ~ p ; u a rto anoiut with LA ; ihrtvop A. 8 rohhriptov m r a . ~L[A]. ~ a(read 1 will both come in) T[A~W. i <+hove LTTrAW. oyjpruab auoii~t with m. 1 L ~ O Y T. Y & v t y y ~ i GL)Y. y h i y o v OLTTrAW. ' A V ~ ~ L. O L ~ b oua

whatsoever thiugs L

- m; LTTrAW.

Punctuate 8o.w to read Immediatelj altar therd things L


In [the]

in thu

n , ~ 6 ~ a r m .d i806, Bpdvbc r
Syu.~c ; and behold,

iratro a throno wlu bet


/g:'2:r~ ::G ~ ~
4jie Int C.
G ~ to


rlri in;
hvan, u p n the @otoE


~ae;~pe~~oc. 6 3 rn;


tlrrone [one]

and hervho~woslsic- 'lBe throuo' that s.,t W

i b r t k cni ~ u ~ ~ J I :y,;r:;Fenjg~; ~ I ~ . ~ a g W= like i n apprrnnco t o a 'stone 'jasper and tr ourdiua ; there wus a riuui Iprc K U d d & v r03 C)p6vov h $ p ~ t ~ E n p h a ~ r a p n p ~ y -bow round nbont tile b ~arninbaw Cans] around the tbrone like i nppear*ncre to nn eme- throne* ain nigllt like n anto n cruernld. &vy. 4 rai r v d 6 8 ~ vr03 6p6vou ' 8 p d v o i X eiroar k ~ a 'rfn- 4 A n d r o u n ~nl~out t u d i l ~116 throne ucrc four ~ l And arouna the throne %hmnsl 'twenty 'nnd twenty s>rtt<: nud upaapcc,hai is; r o 6 ~8ptivovc 8 0 r~ 0 6 tnencyk L i riuuapagn on the sc.rt* cldirr:, four ~ E ~ ~ O U a ~ I .nw and four and tn-cutp hit. 'four, and on thn thrones Tlnw ting, c l o ~ l ~ ern whlce d x~pi/.3e~Xq~Bvov~~ ~ ~ i y a ralment:t nud t h e r hitd l t r ; ~ ~ ' a p ~ a $ v r i ~ o v ~~ ~ I / ~ ~ W O V ~ , K elLrr sitting, clothed in .mrmuu'r ou thew head4 r~:o\sur of *old. f, Bud out of lcvroir.. rai OEaxov' i r i rri~.ra$aXd~..alirGu ur~$civovcVxpuo- theD throne procced..d 'whlto; and they hnd o n their hend. *crowns 'goid- liphtillnga nud than. dorinpa and vuicon : airs.8 5 cai ir r05 8 p 6 ~ 0~ C~B O ~ E ~ O U T U L aurpasai ~ a and there were =Pe,, i 4a. And out of the throne go forth lighrningr and lamps of fire burnlug before the throno !$povrai ~ a $i w ~ a i *rai i r r d hpxko'ac nvp6c mardptvar which arc the ~ tbtinden and roicss ; a n d levev h p 3 of fire hnrning Spirits of God 6 And before the throne the* ~ ~ ~ n r05 8p6vour, 'a'in 4 i a c r ' 'raJ Isrd rvrlipara 706 t o v sen of like beton the throne, which u e t h e seven Sprritr unto crystal: and in of throne, -&oi?. 6 rai bvhmov t o 3 Bpdvov Bahaaua 6aXivrl, b p o t a the mrdat mundthe aof God; end before the throne a '-a 'gks, l i b bout the throne, were









xpvurLMy. ~ aiv i

piay rii, Bpdvov m i m6Ay roi, Bpdvov a

cnU, nnd the third had a face a8 a bhiud; '8rst a lion, mnnl was like nfourth bca-t "ld flring rai ri 8~6rrpov ZGov iipoiov piuxy, mi r b rpirov angle. 8 And t h e i o u r and the second living creature like a calf, and tho third Living beaSt' six wingn about them 'lnd each Of r b r p i a w r o v a&c"bdv8pwnos,%ai ri rfrnprov him; and they ruere . e t u r e having the face U a man, and the fourth fllll theyeres within : and of rest not day ZGov Spocov cicr@ c r ~ r wfvy.' 8 rai e * r l u a a p a b n d nreht. snyiug ~riw crenttue ~ i k e .eagie 'a '$iny. [the] four Holy hair holy ~ o r d God i l m & i t y . khich ~b!a~~zB.iavt6,U . l ~ l ~ &v(t~ a nrLpvyac it, wss, and is. nrld is t o g ~ Uving creatursr, each for itself had mpectivel$ 'wings come. 9 A ~ i d when tho-e beasts grvo ~ l o r y rvsX68ev rai ~ ~ W Q E V bayipovra"6(8aXpGv, mni c i v c i s a v u c v o i r nnd honoiirnnd thanks mund and within full of eyes ; and 4ceuation =not t o k m t h a t sat on t h e

and u o u n d t h e throne 4iaaapan C O ~ i p o v r ah(t).hpOv 7 i ; r ~ ; p d tour living creatnred, full of e y u

And i n [the] midst of the throne

$ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ; ~

r ~ ~ ~ ~ the first bea.%

6rra8ev. 7 rai

ri) ti)ov ri) and t h e 'living 'creature


iiC(otov [wnror] like

X~OML, beast



fxovatv Lthey 'have rtptoc

~jplpac~ avurrdc, iaXiy~vra,u i *A

day God and night, saying,

toe, iiytog, 2 i Y t o ~ Lly, holy, holy,

highty, who w u , a d who L, and who [is] IpX6pwo~ m i iirav 8 3 a o v a t v r h ' 9 a tGa 8dEav rai to coma h n d when *shall 'give 'the 'creaturcn glory and siptjv rai ~ i r x a p r u r i a v ry' ma&lpivy ini karoii Bpr;vov,A ryj honour and thanksgiving t o him who sits upon t h e throue, who

b Osbc b x a v r o r p c i r w p , d $v


b &v rai b


+wvai rai fipovrai OLTTrAW. [ r d ] A. "+&,m OLTTrAW. Teuuepa LTTr. 7 ~ P O U T. ~ V i x o v n r r . ~ &c o[n]w. b $r,OpP. r o v of a man Q L ~ A W . a r e r o p i OLTRAW. ~ d 7 h the OLTTrAW. ea t t u g r p a a ra0' v airr6v (&aorov a k v Tr) ( r d each of them) QLTA. 1 . . m F i y o y (;XWV &A) hrving OLW. yigouobv lull BLlTrAW. L. q o v r r $ OLTTrAW., ks

garrnonts) L .

p e o v LTTrAW. w. Apoia Opdvovp -ur ba vp a8rQLTTrAW. eiroub 'r~-uu+vupQLTTrAW,.aupuaasp auapbiy Q L n r AOp6vovs so6ri v(-(leeadispiGTTo)t rairoub i e p a ~ r ; s ro+ riu amrw; iu e m (riuu 1 Opdvovs ari with




+ [ a i r o i l (read hie throne) A.

- c ' q o v QLTTrAW.

A LA. P ~pvuiovc Tr.









tbrone, who llreth for ai3vac rrjw ai&vwv, 10 reuohrar oi E ~ C O U ~ lcaill ever and ever, 10 the IG\~ri of th# yr, rhall fall the twenty and four nntl twenty elders lives to the fall down boforo him riaanpec %pea LTEPOL bvCj'~lov 705 raQq CVOV 6%; roir that ant on the throue, four e dcrr before himwho 8 upon the aud worqhl him th*t Iiveth for ever Opdvov, rni mxpoa~vvoircrrvll rq? SGvrc eic robr ai3vac r&v and ever, and cost they worshlp him who liver to the rrges of the their crowna before throue, and the throne, maying, aidvwv, rai "~hXXovarv" r02rr:.ar6lphvovr:.afr3viv3niov to3 11 Thou art rvorthy cost them crowns befora the o Lord, to roceivd ages; and glory nna honour and Op6vov, Xiyovrac, 11 'Attor: 1, Orbpla,u XapeFv njv bdtav power: for thoe hnst throne, saying, Warthy a n thou, 0 Lord, to receive glory areaton all thiugs, nnd for thy pion-ure they cai rtjv rtptjv cni Prr)vU bivaprv* Srr air lrriaar: 71 u e and wore created. and honour and power : because thou didrt create nrivra, ~ a Jici rb.6iXqpL.a~ qeioivL' ~ n itrriu0qaav. i . sll thin^^, and for thy will they are. and were created. And I law in the KOi elBov bni r i v betidv roir .ra@ ivov ini rob righthsudof him that And I law on the right hand of him who S ~ S upon the sat on the throne s book written within ~VOV PiPXiov y ~ y p u ~ i p i i ~ o v rai ~ T L U ~ E Y , ZuwOev and on the backaide writtcu a book, within and on [the] bnck, KaTEu9!ahnviug een lealed with never; a e n l ~ 2 And I saw a ytupbvov b$pa~iuiv r d . 2 cdi ETJOY dyy~hoviuyvpbv h rtrongmgelproclnimAud I raw *angel 'a atrong pro. with seals lleveu. ing with Y loud voice Who is worthyto o p d piuuovra peyhXv, Tic 'iurrvll 66toc dvoiEar rb qjwrg the book, and to loone clninliug with a v?ioe 'loud, Who 1s worthy t o open the the aeals theroot 7 S A U ~ m m m h=- Pt/3Xiow, m i Xiraai rdc u$payibac afroir ; 8 ~ n of 6 c i ~ i ttjBirTen, nor In enrth, neibook, and to l o w the lea18 of i t ? And no one was thcr nndor the enrth wrs able f o open thi yaroil 6v r$ ofpnv@,'oi/6i1' in; rijc Y ~ S 'oi16ill Cno~drw t j ~ , r book, neither to look able F the heaven, nor upon the earth, nor nnder tho thereon 4 And 1 wept m ~ ~ h , d e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ nrbOPtPXiow, r ~ f d i l 'PXin~tva h d . 4 rni ~ ~ 6 ~ A (ivoi6ar ~ ~ ~ was found worthy to earth, to open the book, nor to look a t it. And I

Ic rode



k ' o n . b And one of wps weeping much beonuse no one worthywaa found to open and to the ciders urith unto mo,Weepnot:behold, yvGva&' rb )(j~$Xiov, oOre PXbnecv afrd. 8 rai eTc b r d v a the Lion of the tribe read the book, nor to look at it. And one of t h e

$yttrretR,dl,",": r o X X d ,Srr~ odrdeir: BEroc tirpkeq Avoitnr %ai dvaB~haiov~ ~

pot, Mlj-~hai~' $06, i l i ~ q a e vb X f W ~ a $ ~ $ ~ ~ p ~ $ rpeu~urIpww X f ~ l $ to me, Do not m p &hold, 8 o v ~ & mlthe Z i q e t o o n the book and eldem to k n ( aDvll i r rijc ( v h q ~ 'I066a, i) )iSa bAaPiB." dvoithi malr thereof 6l. And whit*h L of the, tribe I beheld in of Juda, the root of David, Do an] to open the m i h t i f 'the rb Xlov, sal CXiruarUrdc Crrd o$pa Wac nfro5. 6 rai and tok, and to loo@ the m n n of it. And four beutr, and In the the midat of the elder8 eldov dcaiU eidoir,n i v piay roij epdvou cai r&v reuddpwv etpod a ~ ? r n b f u had I ~ a w , and behold, In [the] d d a t of the throne and of the been it four wven horua'nndseven ZL;)wv, cal bv p6uy T ~ E O ~ V T ~ ~ W V , fi~rqcipviov are the liTing creatures, and fn [the] midrt of the elders, a Lnmb standmven Spirits of God ~ lent forth into all the $upaypivov, O ~ O Y ' ICE. ara h r d cai b~enXpoirc earth. I And he came ing W having been ~ l n l n , having Iseven and #eyes and took the book out ; U ~ Y rd ia~rdllT O ; 6 ~ 0 3 Y E ~ ~ C I T C T ' I ' T of the right hand of C A ~ C ~ , mn(i%elmven, which aro the mven 'of 'God 'Spirits which have araXpiva11 tic rfiaav r4v ytjv. 7 rai ;jXOcv, cai eZXq$ev narb been sent into a11 the earth: m d he came and took the






I QLmrAW. m upou~vvrjoovutvshall worship E Q L m m w . flaho3utv shull CA& 0 6 xriptor s a t 6 Oek $+&v 0 Lord and Our Chd L'ITrAW. P i y L. Q +qay XOLmrAW. i v in (n loud voice) QLTTrAW. i u r t v (read [IS])LTT~AW. t h e y were GLmrAW. i y b (read i ~ A a t o v was weeping)T[T~]. I 8 i&riva+oT. d r c T. W oQre ~ m . a u hvayvrjvar OLTR.Aw. i L &v Wead [is]) D L T T ~ A ~ . b AaveiS t uoA\i LTTIAW. LTTrA ; Aa~i.8QW. AOuat QLTTrAW. d z a i 0-W. &Sod(II.1TrAW. f mr. c i ~ o TTrA. v h W. inrd. L. k'uvr*a~a 703 OcoJ OLTPI-A. L (read &rtm, hnvil~g been 8wt) LTTrA i n e u r d p i v o b LTr ; & r m e h h d u e r a [m] ~b 8~9Aiov (rand [it3 z%zr& being writ W.



V, V I .

out of the right linnd of him who

throne. hebad taken the book


4~ 6e&ic


ua01,pivou ~rri Bp6vov. ~ & , ~ ~ . r t ~ ~ , " g roi,

arts on the tour and the four twenty elden fell dobefore the

8 uai 6ra EXap~vrb PtpXiov rd O r l a a n p a v i r a

four-and-twenty hrv~ng each elders harps and fell Ybowla before )golden

cai oi And when he took the book the four living c r e r t u m nnd the Paiuoatriaonpes" npeu~irrepor q2rcaov" ivhrrov roir ci viou,
the full iamb,


i x w r n i'uaaroc ruiOdpoc" rai picihac ' ~ o v a d y ~ p o d a a ~ r Buincenses, which nm the prayers of the saints.

of 0" I of which of winb. the p'ayer' 9 And they


h m b * having One and Of goldon

aung a new long, say. And they sing Inglake the book nud to art ydtjv kffivljv,XlYovrec,8AF~~~ X C ( @ E ~ Y rb Pi/3hiov, rai t o o n tkesedrthere1 .'song Inew, scrying, Worthy a r t thou to talcs t h e book, and O f : g thouvast and hnst redeemed ua drvoigai rdr.a$payi6ac.airroir. iiri laqa'yqc rai dpaanc t o ~ o by th;q blood d its se;\ln ; because thou wost alrin, and didYet purchase Oat of every klndrcd, to open and tongue and peo'?)pZc"i v ryia~pari.aou, i r ra'uq( $uXijc rai y h k - p , m d nation; lOnnd %"God 'ua by thy blood, oat of evory tribe and tongue ~ l made us untoour t God kinps and prieatst rai XaoO ~ niOvovc, 10 rai ilroitlaac vl.j~iicll i v~~.O~+.ljpir~fl we h i 1 relgn on md and people nnd nation, and didst make a8 t o our God the earth. 11 And I , beheld, and I henrd x/3aatx~is" icpe?cw uai JPaaiheiraop~v~ i rai ir Y+E. 11 Kai the voice of mnny nnkings and priests ; an4 we ahall reign over the w t h . And gels round about the ridov, rai iuovaa q a d v drrihuv noMGv ' r u ~ h ( Q ~ r05 ~~~~1~~~~~~~ v' I law, and I hetud rthe] voice o angela 'man7 around the the number of them

ptapdrwv, ai' eiaiv ai rpoaav~ai rirv ciyiwv0 9 rai {8ouotv

?G ~ E G


Bpdvov roi 73v

throne u n d s of thouannds ;


rai r3v ?rpe~pvrkpwv.~ X I X I rai

elden ; 'loud, and with n *voice

and of the living crestype and of the

thou- mdthousandaoi thou-


:, , z j"" l

LGas ~tXid6wv,12 XQyovra!: qwvp' p~ycCXg,~ ' A ( i d viarrv ~

%i',yi!#,P$ Worthy Ir the ~ ~ rd cipuiov rb ia$ayphvov Xapeiv rtjv Girvapcv reai d irXoirov ~ ~ ~ ~ the. Lamb that hns boen slnin t o reaeive power, richest dom and strength, rai so(inv rai is;iv rai rtpr)v uai JciEav rai ~&Ao~lctv. ~ ~ \ ~ . n d wiadom, nnd strength, and honour, and glory, md blessing. every areatun, 18 Kai riiv rrriapn 6 ebariv" i v r+ ol;pat@, rai ' b y rp' ~ p ' , ~='heaven* and On And every creature which is in the heaven and .tn the earth the earth and such M under the me uai irrrorarw r i j ~yef, uai blri rrjc 0aXdoaq~ gii'l hiarlv," thatin t h i seal and rod under the earth, nud .on %he %err lthoae l t h r t *are, I are in them henrd Bless&, m d %he %hinga 'in honour,nndaiory and To him who Power* be ulmn hthe l lm t l ~ n tsittcch SU6qpiVl$ *r06 6pdvovU reai T$ &oviy c&Xoyia uai throne nnd unto the sit# on the throne, and to the i a m b , Blesslug, and Lamb ' ever 14 And tbe four ftpt) rai tj 8dta rai rb updroc eic ro6c aicjvac rcjv aihvwv. be%& snid, Amen. honotlr,.nd glory, and might, to the ages of the ages. And the four and twenty elders tell 14 Kai rd "rEaaapai' tcja {Xayov,Oa'Ap4v0rai oi I'8~iuoai-donu and wor~hippad And the four liring creatures anid, Amen ; aud the four-and- h ~ mthat liveth for ever and evw. 'thcm 'all, hcard I sayil~g,

~ h ~



iv acrois irdvra,n Ljinovaa lXkyovrac,u T$

rhuapacu ?rpan/3Brapor Z?reauv, uai wpou~rl;ugaav

twenty eldert fell.down aud worshipped

mim who]

0.tGwr air


ai3vac TGV aiihvwv."




6 Kai, r a ~ i 8 ~ ~ 1 ' iire ljvoitev rb cipviov piav arc riiv a@a:

I saw when =opened 'the %Lamb one
of the

m, a n d I seals, the Lnmb opened one


0 riuucpa Lnr. P eirouc Tirruapes LTA. q Zlrsuav L n r h w . r rrc8dpav a ha1.p LTT AW. p v u ~ o Tr. s LTAw. ai1~06s them OLTTraw. 4p;v A. *$av&iav a k i n g d o m LTSIA. 1 pau~Aeuovotv they reign I.T*~AW. @ a u ~ A e i ~ oUley v u~~ ~ h % re@ QT. ll 8 cjr ae T'Tr[*]. r6rAy O L n ' r ~ w . b rai d dprOPbc a i r r i v ~ v pcPm pupr&v and t h e number of them wns myriads of,my$ad? EGLnrAW. C . A i ~ 6 ~ T. d+rbvw. dvrtv (read [IS]) VITI AW. S o n the earth OLTTrAW. C 6i LlTr*. h i u r r v TPI. (read I W. xai i k ~ T. o A d p r r a L. m ry" Bp6vlp LTA. riuuepa L W . On ~b W . . P etrout.

- 74



G L ~ A W . wven QL~TCAW.

-{ G m to

md of v a r a ~ m ~ w , m . 2 0 ~. ~ T

-+ &m&



n::~n;Ye~",h~ y i b w v . .&wv noise of thunder, oue nnd I lnwrd "oue 'of athe 'foi~r 'Oliriug l l c i . c ~ ~ t a r e r'*?ayOf the fOurbeiurtssay-roe ~ J : ) c w v t j c l p c t o ~ , r ; l r , 'EPXov v~cci X Q x r . " 2 Kai w ~ T b ~ v , n $ in^, Colue and see. ing, 'as J ~ o i c e tli sthuniltsr, Come and U And I unw, hold a wilite Iior*c: ~ a 1'806, .'lnnoc XEVK(;:)C, rrri 3 ~ a t ) ; ~ / r e r ~ o ~ xacir$" gXwv i IT' and a b o sat rind hnd he thntw ; on him and behold, n'horm lwl~ite, nnd he sitting on it hrrviug

A n O K A A Y Y I B rai t r t o ~ ~ a a ir'r3v reaa6pwv

VI. Xiyoll-

, ,,,,, ,


crown wn* given unto rd(ov' uai ddJt)q air@ari$nvos, uai dF(X86v ~jtrGv, ~ n i him : rind he wont k bow ; and wan giveu to h i u 4 crown, and he went forth o w o m i u g tvrd forth conquering, and ,, t o conquer. 11Ja vrr;]ap. tbnt he might orcrcoma 3 Andwhen ho had 3 Kui $re ijvo[Ecv T ~ Y Jtavrfpav a$payi8an qrovaa roit opvncd the second renl, And when he aplned t h e mood seal I henrd the I ltctcrd the second bcnst atty, Come and devripov <&OV X ~ Y O V ~ O E ,E ~ X O'VC I ~ ~ A ~ T E4. Rni " K ~ sl'c. Aud theVC wont second living creature saying, Come and ace. And out noorLcr borne that was rcti : nud, wr ~ E ~ ~ X Q (EhXoc e EIJ .rrv@6so rai raeqpivy lr' xaitr@U was given t o b ~ m a t went forth nnother h o n e th rod ; , nnd to him sitting on it sat thcrcon t o take pence from t,he earth, i8f;etf n~th@' h i v ' XaP ~ I ' p 4 v t ) v bdnbl' rijs. yGc, ra; 'lva end thlrt they should wns given to him to take pcnca from t h e e w t h , and t h a t kill onc ni~othcr and : unto dXhilXovc C ~ ~ d g ~cai Cbdep na6r@p h x a i p a t t e y t i h ~ ) . ~ t ~ ' there w;is ~ i r e n him n great sword. one nnothcr they should slny ; nnd wra given t o l ~ i m n Sword 'givirt, 5 And when he had 5 Kni BTE rjjv d r p i r t l v a$payidalltj~o)laa 0 5 r ~ i r o v 7 owned the third seal, And when he opeued the third aenl I heurd the third 3 heard the third beast say, Come and sea. /&OU ' X ~ Y O V T O ~ , "EPXOV 'KO; /.~X~?TE,II w ~ l d ~ ~ lcai ' , " And I beheld, nnd 10 living crcnture rnging, Corue and see. And I snw, and a black horse; and he EVOC ra6r$'1 i ~ w v<v hv thnt sat on l ~ i m ~ d 1'806, 'lnros piXac, xai S h r i r of b n l n u a i n bi. behold. n 'hone 'black, and he sitttg o n it haring a baranc-a nnd 6 And I hrnrd r nvoice in tho midKtof 51' r g . ~ ~ i ~ i . ( l i r T ~ G . KO; l j k 0 V d ~ l ~ W V T ~ Y 6 1v rliav ~ G v the four h n d t s sny. in his hand. And I henrd a voice iu [the] mi$lut of the A muitrurc of whent for a Wnuy, nlld three TEO~C$XJV Xiyovaav, X o i r l r l airov Gjlvapiov, mennure8 of barley for four living crtmtures, s a ~ i u g , A ohmnix of wheat for a dennriur, H peuny; end see thou Gqr*apbv. ~ a rib Z h a t o v ~ a rhv i hurt not the oil and ~ a r p ~ i cx o i l ~ t r e s f~piBtjcll i oil and the tho wine. and three cl~rnuixea of b u l e y for a d t n u i u r :and t h e



K; ,




oTvov p?j.d61~hayc.
wine thou uirycrt uot injure. opcucd the fourtlr sanl I heurd thc voice o i the fourth bcnst soy Come and see. 8 And i looked and brl~oldn pnle dorse: and his nnmo tli:~tant on him was Uc:~th,nud IItnll follotvcd with him, And power wns givru unto them ovcr thn of the fourth sltrth, to Kill with ~rvord, nnd with huuwith dentit, gcr *nd with the b a s t s of the earth.

7 And nhcn ho hnd

7 Kai Bra

< v o t f c v r1)v And when he opeucd the of t h e fourth

~ $ w v T ~ Y ~ ' TO^ r ~ ~ h p r o v
80s. And

'fourth, I heard [the] h X i Y o ~ ~ a v "E xov 'mi ," l h i n g creature aayiup, Llue and
l$ y,

a$pay?8a rt)v r~r&prqv, $roaan


phine.ll 8 Kcci wtT80v,%ai ido6, ; ' m r o ~ X w dc, ~ n 6iraO;/pez~ok x

I mw, and hehold, a'horae
nnd he oilling
QTC~VW ~ o G , Q~ i)l10/Jn C(I!JT$ on it, 'unme Ihis [wns]

id' ~ ~ v ~ C T O C ICal 6 ,

Denth, nnd l a t r o i ~ itovaia nliaorreivar ~ lows with hint ; and wnr given t o them nnthority t o kill i l r i r b rfrrrprov rijc y f i c " Iv b o t i $ n i q rai tv Alp$ rai Iv ovcr the f o i ~ r t h of the e i l ~ t h with bword and with fumine and with eavdry, ~ a Cnb rijv 6 t ) p i w v i y$c. denth, and by the benrtr of Uio e n r t h 6n s And when he had 9 Kai Bre tjvo~Eevn ) v nirxrqv u$payio"a w~78~vllo r t 6 r u opaned the fifth seal, And wlien he opened the 6fth seal I saw under

"81]C k d ~ O fndu fol-

X ~ v Q e per' alroir* uni iFr;ejl i~


rai ide rind k h o l d aw ; rai phiwe t 4wvi) (reud without the numel.als) QLTT~AW. LTT~A. i6ov T. 1 a h b v GLTTIAW. 7 u 4 p a y i S a f i v d r v s i p a v 0l.lTrAw. ral %r , ie d QLTTrlW. [aljrcij] L b i r GLTTmW. u ~ i { o v u t vthey shall slay LTT~A. d u 4 p a y i S a f i v ?pi-v OL~T~AW. &S as LTTIA. rpr8Gv LlTrAW. S 4wSv (~.radI hwrd the fourth) G[T~]w. h Adyouor (conncct Aiyovvav with $wvi)v; A j o v t o r wztA <&?v) aLTTrAW. 1 b T[A]. r)rtoAoriOer followed QLTTrAW. i t y t o him 0. an; rb s k a p r o u $S, ~ B O K T ~ ; V Q CQLTtrAW.



the aouls of them t111rt hlaiu for the the &~YOV ?OS C ) E O ~ , icai 06td" ' r ~ i [urorvpinv ijw elxov, 10 wai Of Qod* and forthey v teatlmony which word of God, and becrureof the c<stirnony which they held ; snd held : l,, ,,,d the, , P i ~ p a ~ p~yhXg,~ 6 y~ w ~ ~ c f ; J ~ adre, & &g- cried with n loud O ~ X o ~ "E rerq crfing with a 'voice 'loud, saying, Uutrl when, 0 bfaaiord, holy ingl ;~ d r q c 6 iiytoc ~ a qhl' drXqecwds, 06.rpivetc wnl / K & K Eand true, dost thou i trr, the holy and the true, doat thou not judge and avenge 'Ot fudge and aveDge our blood on them h i r6.nlp)tn.<pGv 'dnbI1 rGw ~arotwo&v~ww rjlc ytjg~11 Kai that dwoll on the our blood on those who dye11 on the enrtll? ~~d earth? 11 And whitu robes wefe given uuto ri8ci8v~a~n tvi~ciurocs.ll.waroXai v r a i , ~ ~~ wai ;@all abroig 'lva orery o n e of them ; WUO giveq to each Irobes 'white ; and i t was raid to them thnt aud it W said unto M them, that they rtiould rest yet a civarnliawvrar '(.rt ~pdvov" ?pt~p6v," '06'' a ~ A q ~ 6 a ~ ~ ~ ~for ta hlittle t h q nhonld rent yet m 'time 'little, ontiI &rl; bo fulfilled sclucn, until theirfelluasorvauta also and rai oi.ulivdov~ot.airrdv rai oi.MeXq~oi.aicrGv, oi piXX0vr~c their brethren, t h a t both their fellow-bondnlcn and t k e t brethren, thow being about ehould be killed M the were, rhould be ~dromeiveu8ar~ rni aljroi. iulilled. tobe killed M also they.

VI. REVELATION. n) 6v~lnurqpiov.rirc +uX6c riw (a(nn,il,wr zld

:a h
altar the souls

I mw under the altw

of those having baen slaln becauae of the


1: 2


i E


11 An& 1 beheld when he had opened the aixth - , and, 10, 1 w o l d , sennhquake a *great Ithere %WM, and the sun beclme black there WM a grdat earthqunke. and the 3 oirwo~rpixtvoc, wai ~ ~ X t j v q ~ Y C &SO azpa, 13 aai run txcnm; blnek M s ~ d 'anckcloth 'hair, and the moon Lcame aa blood, and rackcloth of hair, and the moon becanre u oi ciaripec roir 06pavoG (.aeuav rlju ycv, blood ; 13 m d the the Etam of the henven fell unto the earth, M a fig-troe caab rtnrn of heaven fell And

IS Kni C ~ l G ~ v n IjvotEcv rr)v u$pnyi6a rr)v i.'rrr]vaai $re

I raw when he opened the
'real 'sixth, .and

'iioi,' o~tupi)~. pIYac ~yhw~ro, 6 ijhtoc eiyhv~ro pkinc'


6 ~ AXE^^ ~ 4

todr.bAlivOovc.alir~,Gab bp~y&Xov dvhPovRu~topQvq* wai 14 lahpavbc dr~xopiuOq &c PPAiov kriXtuud vov," xai r i v
hearon departed

an a fig tree cmteth Ohe even

it8 untimely figs,


a great


baing rhnken.

a book

being ro ed up,

6poc wai vijuor &c r3v.rdawv.airrGv d~rvlj~qanv' rai 15

mouncnin and inluud out of their places great, were moved. and the

uptimely 4 s in of a mighty wind. and frferY 14 And the heaven de-

And her


oi @aoihticr i j ~yiic, wai oi peytardvec, wai oi

kinga of the earth, and the powerful,

IW* i t in rolled towhen l rCrO1l And gether; m d every ' were moved islaud 'ahoiraroc, roar mountain andout ot



and their placel, 13 every in the

oi ~tXiapxor,~ oi mo"vvaroi,uwsi ?riir doGhoc cal "r8cg theMngaof theearth, wai

thu drief wyraina, and the
and every bondman, and caves and

free [man]

iwpv$av 2avroirc e i ~ umjhara, ~ a tic roic rdr i

hid theuiselver in the and tlcy u y t o the mountaiu and to the

arirpac rGv bpiov, 16 wai X ovatv roic 6p~utvwai raic i

mh of the mountains ;

~ ~ ~ and ; ~ every tondman,

emry free man, hid

t ~ ~ r i c ~ , " ~ n

the mountninr 1s and roch, Ball on us, md hide a 8 from [%hi] face aaid rock6 Fall on us the md bpyfig and hide 'us 3rom th; 6uov roir .raOqpbvov bri pnroG 0pdvov," wai ciab of him who aita on the throne, and from the wrath face of him that Sitteth on the tbrone fi0Pv 7)pkpa )reydXq bpyfic nnd from t h e r r a t h 04 to; dr U ~ O U * 17 di Lmb; benu80 h come the 'great the Lamb: 17.for the day of h18 wrath Cat~oir,~ ric btjvarar uraOijva~ wai ; a c h e ; and who shall %:*h, who L able and to rtand? be able to stand ?

kirpatc, canloe~ell + i s , wai wpt;+are tjpds drb iq~'





Cach LTT~[A].
rpdv Q,
I pihr .

- wasqgiven. a m r r w . they+cried ~]


b hao~rivvwear QLTTrA. c i8ov T. ' d t60j QLTTrAW. S fldhhovoa castil~g T. 6Ar) whole (moon) L T T ~ w . ~ iyivero GT. b i p o v peyaAov oLTT~AW. 1 b the a L m AW. ~ k WLUU~~CLCVOV L1TrAW. 1~ ~ A i a p x o ~ , rai or rhoicrrot QLTTrAW. m i o ~ v p o B t r o l l g OLlTrAW. i a U&%LTTrAW. Oa uecrarr W. P 7 6 8p6vcp TA. . a 6 G v 'of 'their m .

fulfil [it] Q n m .

i~ fkom LTTrAW. s bQ L ~ A W . them O L ~ A W . v irtioroto ow ; i r t d m ~ 8 xpdvov ire L. Y pt. W m o A i Ahtvrnj cr whlte robe a ~ r r r r w . nAr)pw8&utvshould be f u l f i l l e d LW ;nAr)p$uwurv B h d d of QLTl'rAW.
R Lpatav

a 6 ~ o ; rto

m.Andatterthes0 t h i I M four anW fah ~ t a a d i n go n the



And after these t h i n 0 I saw four angel8 auntling Our Of the l n i d c rijc yfc, ~paroi;vrac ro6c rigaapaC aurth, Oorner' holding the four Upontthe r8aoapac ywvia~. wind8 of the earth four cornera of the earth, holding the four the on the earth, ~ v B ~ o njg' y i j ~ 'iva p i windrhould u ~ , a v i p aivcyo~I n i rijc yijs, not blow nor on the on Win& of the earth, thnt no 'might 'blow 'wind on the earth, nor * dI~ dXanothcr rngel nmwnd-w ini rljc BaXciaatlc, prjra h i rn2iv'1Ehv8pov. 2 Kai t~180v11 the ~es, nor upon any tree. And I a a w a. n log fromthe e u t , hav(lit. every) iug thc wal of the living God: and he XOIJ ~ Y Y E X O Y "&vafl&vral' &nb *civaroXijSn GXiov, [xovrcr cried with a loud voice other angel having ascended from [thel rising of [the] sun, having to the four angels, t o whomit was given to U$QUi8a 6 ~ 0 ; ~ G W O C : a tik p a t ~ v $(LW$ ~ C &X* h u r t the earth and the [the] s J of 'God [Ithe] l i v i u g 5 s n d he cried with a 'voice .';Lud rea 3 roying Hurt no; the emlh, Leither foie ~Cb~dlpbllJ &~$XOLS, : ~ i8dQv aziroic ai6rrijoai r i u 0 the son, nor the t r w t o the four angela to whom i t wan given to them t o injure the t ~ lwe have waled UI; i rerrantr of our ~ o d yjiv K Q ~rdv 6&Xabflavt 3 Xiywv, Mrj.ai8i~jb.qre rdu yGv, tn their forehead& earth m d the -0, saying, Injure not the earth,

r ~ a i p ~ r dmraljran' ~ l 8 o v ~ i o a a p a ~ n ciyyi~ovC?arirtac


~ u , $ ~ ; ~ t ~ , " prjra rrjv ~ , " ~ ~ ~ 6LiXadflav, p 4 r ~r d Giv8pa, Y c i x p r ~ "'05" aa$payitwwere sealed: a n d there nor the sea, bondmen nor the treas, on until their f o r e b d s . 114 tve

g ~$~o:~y $ four thouland of

the tribe



doitXovc roir.8~oir.4p3v lni rSv.parDsov.alirijv.

of our Ood

~ $ i , " i ~ ;h& ~ 4 Kai rjrovaa rbv Irpt8piv r 3 v ; ~ ~

~~d~ twelve h d I henrd the sealet m l e d twelve thoumud. Ot tho tribe of Odroucsesledtwelve tribe

ia#jpaytaplvwv. b p y ~ ytXt&Jec, fl
waled, thousand, out of tth-)

number of the

w m waled

i ~ ~ $ p a ~ ivot i r tcr
out of 13 of Judah,

nduqs $vXijc
every thouand


'IapnrjXs 6 i r
~ O L .

tribe of [the] ronl of Israel ;

$vXijc 'Ioitda, cip)d xiXth8~cia$payiu


t h o u a n d 6 o f the 'PovP$v, x t X t ( i 8 ~d i: a ~ p Y i a ~ 6 v ~ I i C ~ 1$vXtjc r k 8 , ~ ~ o sealep ; out of [the] tribe of Qnd, As$r were of Eeubsn, 12 thousand maled twelve thourand. Of thctribe of ' i P ) I 1 X & & ~ E C ada$paY[apB~~t"li k 6 $~Xjlg''Aujlp, co(rU h'epthnlimwveaealed 12 thousand sealed ; out of [the] tribe of Asor, 1% twelve thonsand. Of the tribe of MannXAt(i8~cd i a $ p a y t ~ t v o ~ h t *' ( P V X f c eNe$enX~ip,I1 m sealed twelve t h o u s a d s8aled ; out of [the] tribe of Nepthal~m, 12 thousand. 7 Of the tribe o t sirneon W W ~~~XtciSe!:l ~ $ p a y i a d ivoietl i r $vXijc Mnvaaaij," maled twelve thou- t h o u a n d sealet out of [the] tribe of Mannuos, 12 r r n d Of the tribe $ ~ X i j s v p e h vl.i/Yfl xtXr~ , ot ~ s v l e lealed xIXtd8~c w dba$pn [aplvo~"7 i t twelve thouarnd. Of t h o u u n d d e d; out of [the] tribe of Simeon, 12 thout h e tribe of Irsochar r serbd twelve a8ec dia$~aytapivoi'ni r $V?+$ gAevi,ll c~p'lt xiXtdO*ec thouand. 8 O t the u n d waled ; out of [the] t r ~ b e of Levi, 12 thousacd h'Ioa~cip," ~ t h d b dia(pa~c &" Of ZahlOn wem maled twelve thou- %y$payto$vot.H i r raud. Of the tribe of -led ; out of [the tribe of Isaachar, l2 thousnnd seal. twelve Joseph ere sealed ~lb@uob'~ a Of 8 k $VXGEZ ~ ~ O V X ~ V ,~ X I C ~ ~ E ~ C@''' X '%$pntbe tribe of Beujnmin ed i out of [the] tribe of Zabulon, 12 tliousnud scnlM+C m a k d twelve ytgpfvo~*fl I C $uXfc 'Iwatj$, ctP'l' xtXid8ec d l a ~ p a y ~ ~ p i ~ thousand d; out of [the] t n b e of Joseph, l'd thousand sealed ; @ ~ l X i j iR~~~cnliiv.N xtXia'itc ta~pnytapdvoi. r out of [the] t r ~ b e of Bcnjnmin, 12 tl~ousnnd sealed. 9 *iter this I be. 9 MET& raljra ' E ~ ~ O k ~, n i l1;bo6,1' V ~ ' n13~hoc o X ~ ~6i, ~ ~ T , held aud 10, r g~-6 After these things I RRN, and behold, a Ycrowd Igreat, whah muliltude) whiah no mnu couid nulnber apt8pijani alirbv oi~8tic",j8L1rnro,~'l r n n v r t ~ e v o v ~rcni i of all nations, and Ito anumber 7it 'no a ~ ~ 4 a b l c , of cvrry out untiou nod


out of @he] tribe





a T A * 70370 this I.TT:AW. i8ov T, r b ally LTI[A]W. qivafiai. h v r a w e n d i n g OLTTrAW. 1 &va~oA&v L. 1 L X ~ LTA. L 8 06 LTTI A. a u+pm yiuwprv we may have sealed ~ L T T ~ A W . i ~ a r b v e u u e p h ~ o v 7 a ~ u u a p - C(UU.~CI ~ (~ GW) 8686K.a twelvo LlTrAW. a hundred atid forty-four QLTTTAW, i~+p?~ro~e'vn Lnr~?. 0 Nc+Bdip A. f M a v v a o u i Tr. D Acvci TTr. h'Iuauxap .g E; 1uua.yap T ~ A IUU&X(Y) T. ; 1 BCV~(XJLUU LTT~. ~ aLi . I 806 L OXAOV ROAV'VL. iadvaro LTUAW.



'VII. ,+trXSv m Xn3v i

&fora the

~ n

frjtsl, and ~m$yler, nnd

REVRLATION. %37 yXwoaGv, Olarwrr~ i~jhlriov Bptivov ~ ~ , " " , t ; ~ ~ ~ , ; i roir

wnguos. rtaud~ug before tlm cLrone bcf'ore 'he olorhed with arober


the Lalubr ' ~ t u c c , m d robea, and pnlnls in 'loched with whits c ~ a c v ~ x a raig.~apoir.adrGv. 10 icai r~ph~ovrec" iv ~ qwyi t h e n hsnda; 10 and palm# in their hanth ; and cryrng with v,,ice cried with a loud voice, uyulg, Salsntlon t o i,pyaXg, hiyovrec, 'i awrqpia 'ri$ ica6qpivy ini roir our God which sittsth i 'Id, uying, Salrruion to h i ~ u who sicu on the unto the Lamb. 11 And upon the throne. and ; 8pbvov roir.8~03.~pcjv,~ ri$ & viy. 11 Kai sdvreg oi &y- a 1 the anpelr stood i &row of our Clod, and to the tarnb. And all the an- round about the throne and aloU the .yXot tlanj~euavn ~ X roir 9ehnov cai rGv d y ~ a elderr 'and the four i ~k rtood wound the throne and the elder. and b e u b and tell before throne r~aacipwv &@v, rai '~neaov" ivGlrt0v to5 Bp6v0~thec ~ , . n d on their f~ wonhipped th9 f o ~ u living c'ceatws, m d fell betore the throne God l2 uying. Amen: Lnnib,

ani i v J r ~ o v cip Aov, P I F E ~ ~ P E / ~ X ~ ~aroXd~ I roil ~ Y O L ' Xaurci~, wai h f o r e


Ini %p60wrovn adrGv, xai npoae~riuq~av BE@, 12 hiyovr+

W e IVC,

k#, Amen

'Api/vS6 edhoyia xai Ij 6dca rai 6

BLruing, and power, glow, m d






xai tj ed~apturia~
q d
toour God to

.*i*iva~r3v hiwntw. f iptjv."

A~d'~ubcwwedlone 'of %he rho
M clothed


w i t j rrpd rai


say- thnnkegiviug, and " , , k ~ ~ d b chmksgitlng, our God fd cvat m d

rai it iaxirc ry".eE@.+p&ivsic r o 6 ~

md strength,

wr of the &gm dme~ 13 Ka; dnucpieq ESC dr rSv arpaapvr6pwv, Xi7wv pot, 06701
*elder*, 'white, wying to me, Them wit11 the '?oh

M one ot the they, and etden an*wered, taying unto mg, What k6$av aA@ov; 14 Kai ai qra a h @ , K9prcJ, ozac. Kai am the? which are And L d t o him, my] lord, thou knowut. And arrnyed~nwbite robed rb..oa c they? and whence came chiv pot, O6roi ciurv oi 2p~6pavor 'l% 6Ai+cwc *g' they? 14 And I add bb u i d to me, Thase uo they who come oot of the 'uibulction unto him, Sir, thou , ~ C i X q c , rai irXvvav rdg.rnohrig.airr3v, rai U ~ C ~ a v a v ~ ~ w ~ ~ Igruh and they wuhed their r o k , d i d made white they which came out a t tribulation %rohctc~ badrcjvU T @ atl art roii ci viov. 15 8th roiird bv wn8hed *rok 'their in the brwd of the {amb. Bbo.u~e of thb m h ~and made them , riatv fv6nrov roir Bpdvov roG 8~05, XarpaCovarv airry' white a m b 15 Therexai the ~ in tb- blood oi m $hey before the throne of God, and mrre him tom rue' they be' fore the throne of God

'01 ? r ~ p i ~ e ~ X q ~ i v oaroAdc rdg XEVK&S, rdc t


aiuiv, rai




night in his temple : Croir Bp6vovn a ~ v P a e t airr06~. 16 O ~ . T E L V ~ U O V U ~ U and he that rittetb on tin throne rhnll tabarnrale ovcr t h e m They shall not hunger ~ " , " , " ~ ~ $ : \ ~ h " , ~ ad- shall tuntier no more in, 068; drJItjaouacv irr, eod8in p$ lriq a y more, neither .hall they thirrt an) more, nor a t all h a l l P upon 1 1 ro$c b $hog, 068; r z v xacpa' 17 Sri rh cipviov rb the runlight onthem, them the mn, nor h t; becarw the Lamb which I:hJ~ ~ ~ ~ & 0 1 : 7 fcivdrpaovl' 703 Bp6vov rot ava; atroCg, rai it8qytjact adroric the midst of thr i l*ej mi&t of the t b w w f i stepherd them, and will lead a them m e l u l f e e d t h e m m d shall h d t d gtJaagu myrig Wcirwv, rai iEaXri$ai b Bcb~~ d unto living tount.iar v to lii o u n t a i ~ of raterr, m d %ill %wry 'God awry of wnterr : and Gcd h a l l wipe awry all &rpvov hcirb"rdv.&$BaXpGv.airTcjv. hsm from their vu. kur from their 9%

jpipac rai vvrrdg iv ry'.vat+7.adroii. xai d xaetjpavoc


irt md





hir temple ;

m d he who




zy :

& $

~ O s i w a AW. s


on the throne EGLTTIAW.

r& a+wa BAigews from

4p6y~ a 8 (bp ( r e d to fourains of watsra of life]BGTT~AW.

Cucuav LZTIAW. t e~unjiceruav =TA ; e uj i c e t u a v W. faces Q L ~ ~ A W . &p+ L r pou my (lord) ~ [ L ~ I A W . 8 ir! L. l m d k OLITTAW. b a h h s them OLTT~(A]W. 0 79 4 ~ i (read ) at all) L. oirb'oirr. &v&p C o v XOLTAW.

* 10: 0

P sepr/3efiAqp&ovs OLTTrAW.

~ +&V 4




' cpOlvrxar T. Q rpi~ovutv they C r g ra,@qpivy j ~ T+ Bpdv4 (703 e p 6 EO) ~ our God who sits i ~ to

K. iu O L ~ A W .

VIII. Andwhen he Kai ii;re' IjuoiCev rtjv a$yayT6a rrjv i@drilrqv, iyCverq hadopencd theserenth And when he opcncd the xaeul 'seventh, %M' seal, there w u ailrnoe i n heaven about the ULYI; E ~ ( l oGpav(ii &C k~I*ihoi~v.I1 v j 2 Kai lel6ov" rodc iasd spacc Of hour' ssilence in the ~ C H V C about hnli-uh-hour. ~ And I saw the seven 2 And I saw the sercn rngcl*whidrntoo~~bcOiyyiXov~, o'i ivhrriov 70; 8 ~ 0 6i u r i ] ~ a a ~rai EddBquav v, fore Qod; rrnd to t h m who 2bufore :God 'stand, m d wore givcu *ere given sevatn trulupet*. 3 ~ n d a n o - aliroi~ ;TT& u6Xatyyec. 3 rai hXXoc iiyyeXo~ijXBev, rai ther came t~ L ~ C I U seven truu~p~u. And another atlgcl came and stood a t than altar, hav~ i ~ I ~ X ' ing a golden ccnwr; iUr(ieq i7ri "ri) ~ ~ a i t r u ~ p X W Ivh,i ~ a v w r t v P V U O ~ ~K U ~ and there wan given stuod a t the altar, having a 'censer 'goldcn ; and nuto him much ineenue, that he l66011 a&r(ii Bvyicipara aohX&, 'lva nd&up" raic offur it with the *W- 'giron 'to 'him incense 'much, thnt he might give Et] bo the prayern of all saints npou the golden R ~ t r r a p o ~ ~ u x a iTGY iiyiwv ~ c i v r w v i a i ri, &uiaanjpcov rb r g which was before the pr:tycrs of 'the .bnints 'all upon the "altar throne. 4 And the ~pvaofivri) ivhrriov TO; 6pbvou. 4 rni &v& b r a ~ v d s rmoke of the which came with thd Lgolduu which [was] before the throne. And wont up the smpke

Q O ~ outof

~ :$ " rGv ~Ovpiapdr~vr a r ~rpoa~vxa7g ciyiwv, dr , ~ ~ f rG1r

the of the incense with the prayers


of the saints, out of [the] holld

705 A ~ ~iv(~rriijv 8~06.5 Kai eihqqlev 6 Ciyyeho~ dyyihov, TO; ~ ~ $ o ~ and filled it with fir; of th0 nugel, more God. And %oak 'the 'angel .the of the n l t a r ~ a n d X$?a~~wrbv, iyipiaev PaLrhl' ;K 706 ~ v p h c Bvaiaurqrai 705 i t into the elurh: and there were roicrs, censer, and iillcd it from thc Bra of the altar, m d thunderin@, and piov, ra; { f i a k v &p yijv' rai iyQu0vro q$wvai rai lightnings, and m and cast [it] into the earth: and there were voices, and e~rthquake.
8 And the seven an;TT& uMsiyyas gsLs which hnd pretrulupets the And the seven angels h s v ~ n g the seven truuope~s pared the~uaelven to paaav s i u v ~ ~ 61 la1 c1 Lr aahriawu~v. round. wed themselves that they might sound [their] t n ~ m p e t s )

Ppovrai rai ciarpurrai ~ a iaetapdc. thunders, and lirrhtllinarr. and nu enrthauake. -. 6 Kai oi h r c i CiyyeXor ~ x o v r rdg e~


7 The first a n ~ e l 7 Kai 6 a p G r o ~ t(iyy~XogII ia(iX?~iuev, rai iyQvero rounded and thvre And the f i s t angel sounded bin] trumpet ; and there war followed hail and fire mingled with bloocl, xci~a<a kai V ~ ~ p i y p 6 v aciiPari. rai iPX@q " r~iv they were CaRGUP hail and lire mingled wlth blood, and it was cast upon the on the earth: and the rai 76 rpirov TGV & Y ~ P W V U T E K ~ ~ ) , C d azg ~ 6 p r o s third part of trees ytv' K wns burnt up, and all earth : and the third of the trees was burnt up, and a l l *gram p e e n grau wm burnt UP. Xwpi,~rarerciq. X'gmn was burnt np. 8 And the second &$ Kai d 6eirr~pos ciyyeXoc iacihrlaev, ~ a i angel sounded, and na And the second angel sounded &is] trumpet ; and M [it were) it were e weat mountaiu bl1RLing with fire p6ya avpi rai6pavov iPX$eq eig n j v B&Xauuav. rai CRst into the aamountainlgrent%th 'fire -'huruing wan c a t into the sea, and and the third part of thesea became blood; iYivero ri, T ~ ~ T OrY j ~BaXuuaqc a+a. 9 rai ciriBavev rb j 9 and the third part ~ c c p m e'the *third Jof 'the 'sea blood; and =*died 'the of the creatures which were in the sea, and 7 irov TGW K T L U ~ ~ T W TGV V T$ BaX&uup rd Zxovra had life,died; and the $ird ' f %he Bcreatures 'wl~ich[~were] 'the '%a o 'in "which %ave third art of tbe s h i p # V X & ~ ,rai rb rpirov FGV T X O ~ W Y ~Bie~Bdpq." were &stroYeed "life; and the third of the s h i p wan destroyed.




10 A n a t b e t a w a n gel sounded, and there

10 Kai d

T P ~ T O ~ byy~Xoc

And the third

baciXaiu~v, M ; :R$UEU i!ik angel sounded [his] trumpet; and Y c l 'out .oi

&av LITIA. j p h p o v LTTrA. z o v T. m m6 B v u r a v q p i o v ZTrA. a 86uec he shall give L&. O r b v EOLTT~AW, P ai17bv EQLTTIAW. PpowOi( rai & m p a r a i rai h v a i L ; &aowai rai 4orai ~ ab m p c m a i m ~ . i o i (read who have) BLTTrAW. a6roiJs LTTr. GyyeAor GLTTIAW. pep~ypdvov T. ;v mth (blood)Q L n r A w . X rai r b rpirov e r yijr K ~ T C K and, the third of the earth wpr ~ ~ burnt up eLrrrAw. ? bca&BL;Pquavwere destroyed L~TIL


1 .

REVELATION. VIII, IX. roir oitpavoii cianjp plyac mio'pevoc Lc Xaprci~, KZ heaev
'the 8hcaven 'a 'star 'great, buruii~g

felI a great star fmm heaven, burning a* i t wcre a lauip, and i t upon the third i ~ i . r brpirov rGv ?~orapGv, i r i rcir rrqycicL i~6cirwv.fell of the rivem. and rni upon the third of the rivers, nnd upon the fountains of wnten. part the fouutninm of upn 11 rcai ri, dvopa T O ; ciurhpog Xtyeraia'A\F.ivOoS~ byirtrar" waters; 11 and the rai name the stnr 18 And the name of the star is called Wormwood; and h o m e s called of Wormw~ml: and the third part o t r 6 T irov c EIS G+tvOov, K R ~ roXXoi civOphrrwv ciriOavov the waters brrnrne Ithe % i d into worinwood. and 'many 'of'mrn died wormwwd; nnd mnny men died of the w r ir TSV6Edrwv. 6ri lriroc~v~naav. of the waters, because they were made bitter. ten, bemuse they were made bitter. 12 Kni 6 rhraprog &yyEko~ ~ u ~ X ~ T ~ U E V , d r X ~ i ~ q l 2 And the fourth Kai And the fourth angel sounded [his] trumpet; and was'smitten anplsounded, and the third p-rt of the sun ri, rpirov roS {Xiov rai TO rpirov rijr U E X ~ I Y ~ S TO rpirov rai sAitteu, and the the third of the sun, and the third of the moon, and the third third part of the moon, and the third pnrt t 3 v ciuripwv, 'iva UKOTLUO~' 76 rpirov airrijv, rai. Ij of the ~ t n ;rso the ~ of the mtnrs ; that should be darkened the third of thcm, and the third part of them war a lamp, and i t fell

+lpa p i e$aivg"

rb rpirov airrijcl rai t j viE bpoiwc.

of it, a n 4 the night likemise. he.ud one angel 'loud,

d;ry 'not 'shonld appear [for] the third

13 Kni '~:bov,"rai .Ejrovua &;C .gciyybiov

I saw,
and saying dwell

p ~ u o v p a ~ ~ ~ pXiyovroc $wvp' ari,

mid-hcavcn, with a 'voico

peydXg, Oitai, oilai, oval,

uoc, woe, voices

pnrt of it, and the r ~ r w ~ 6 v o v " niKhtli"wisa 1v 13 And I beheld, and flying i n heard a n angel flying * through the d d r t of loud voice

~ ~ ~ k , " , " tnh;h?,;i$ ~$t~~


to those who

ra~oiroirarv" rijq yG*, irri

of the three angeb

on the enrth, from the remaining

rrjg aa'Xriyyos r3u rpicjv ciyyhXwv

ot the trumpet

[their] trumpets.

woe- toth; inhibitem of the other voices of Of the earth by trumpet of the peXX6vrwv aaXr3v who [are] about t o sound tbreemBels yet to sound I

TGV X O ~ T ~ V$wvGu

Kni b rr~prroSaiyyehoc
And the


rai '~~'[60v"
Z saw

fifth heaven of the



roij obpnvoir rrerrrwrdra EIS

fallen pit key

a star out of the given to it the the pit of tho

8q airrf; $ K A E ; 70; $piaroc ~ rd qp6ap rfis cip6a~ov. i m

abyss ;

I .And the fifth anX gelsoundcd,nnd Inar the earth, and therewan a star fall tronl he.& / ~ ~ u u o 2 . rai v and to himthe given was of the abyss. And i t opened the key of the bottomr

sounded [his] trumpet ; and


yijv, ~ a i 166-

p ~ t

and there went up smoke out of the 'grcat ; pit.

rarrvbc ie soS $piaroe r

~ ;~md $ baroM~ o n e pit

rai 6

m r v i , ~rapivov p ~ y d X q ~ , kiaroriuOq" 6 ijXtoc rai

of a .'furnace and Iwns 'darknod 'the

as [the] smoke





$pLaroq. 3

and tho air by the came forth

smoke of the


hrpi6eq eic rGv yijv, rrai 66dOq 'abraici1 i[ovoia,

bcasts unto the 7pomcr 'the earth, and was giren to them power,

a smoke out of the pit. %sun furnace ; and the snn aiTmt d ~ n i r 705 rarvo6 and the airweredark&d out of the smoke smoke of the pit. by the upon the enrth : and unto thcm was given

3 And thbre came out Of the locusts

O W ~ P ~ ~ ~


~ X O V U L V i~ovuiavoi

the earth have 4 And i t was t o them, that Inot 'they 'should injure the grass of the earth, nor ;my commanded them t h d they should not hurt x X ~ O ~ ~ 066; ? T ~ v6;~6polJ, V, ;-p$ rode &vephsotfcn / A d ~ ~ Vtbegrasaof theearth, ~'! m n thing, nor any tree, but the mcn only neither any green thing, neither a n y o!rivec O ~ K . ~ X O U Q ~ V a$payi&X TOS 8 ~ 0 5h i T ~ /AET&~WV tree; but only thU who have not the seal of God on Yoreheads men which have not Oa6ritv.R 5 rcai i8dOq Paitraiq" i'va p~.drro~i~ivwacv a6roljc, ~ ~ ~ i , 8 ~ , f e h " , ~ d s G ~ 'thou. And i t w a a ~ i v e n to thcm that they should not kill them. to them i t was given r&v of the ( w a t e r s ) OLTT~AW. a 6 QLTAW. b iyivero became LTTrAW. 0 ri)v i&&rwv the w:ters EGLTTIAW. of r&v of the (men)G L n r r w . e +~VJ LTW ; +a$ TrA. f dov T . t hmoi, r ~ r o p i v o v eagle flying OLTTrAW. h sovs M I O L K O ~ Y T ~TTrA. ~ Z o v T. i o x o r i $ LTA. a6rorr T. m &6r~+ovwtv 'thst 'shall injure LTL ~ ~ V O V C QLTTIAW. 0 a65i)v ( r e d on the foreheads)


uroprioi r i j ~ yijq' 4 rai ;&iOfl

'scorpions )of 'the &enrth;

and i t wan aid

'atraic" 'lva p+

mci8~lt;Ia~uiv" ~ 6 p r o r i j ~ i j ~060";~ t i u TOY v y , power.



+ +

+ *+

L. T

thnt nhorrld krll tbcrn but t h a t $lley hho,,'la bo tor. niet~tcd f i ~ r 1u0n~11.i I aud tlrcir t o r ~ t l noI ~ u rcaa tcrlll,.nl 8cor)lron, n.hhan 110 ~ t r i l v t h ~u~bu. Aud n U iu tho-s tl~bys bhnll luun WUL d ~ . t t h anti , rlrnll not fin11 it ; nud rtlnll dr.-lru to dir,nud donth bh:rll f i v ~ from tlre~ri. 7 And the sllnpe* of tho ltru*tr r c r r e lilio rtntn hor*rs prcpi~red ullto b;lttlu ; rud on tlrair 11rldi tcereas i t wereer"& like gold, and their fnccs were M the facer tlley of moo, 8 had hnir U tholmir of women, and their teeth the o i lions. B b u d they

(ihX' i'va

AIlOKAAT!PIX IX, q,3aunviu6Guiv'l pijvac nlvre* rai 6 panaviordr

'five; and 'rormont

thnt they al~ould ~ o r l u ~ n t e d bc 'months


/ h tt~rluent ~ lof~ap i ~ i;rau i t raiap i k c&vf f N ~ UKopriov, \vhcn may a r scorpion, n 6 p w ~ ~ v ' ~ a iiv rair..~pipai~.i~tivars r ~ a o v oi rB3~6pwG ~~ a v
l~l~:~r [was] &C [the] W

m " '

no1 rdv Ocivarov, ~ a rolJ~'l ; strirptjaovurv" a6rlva rai lrteupildeirth, ntld nnd of the 'noc 'ahbll Bnd it ; 'death [were] like and from to ltoraes rll;~ll tlrcm. pre-

Altd iu

th0.e days

'rhsll 4cck




d?roeavi~,m ' $ f i ~ e ~ a'6 ' 66vurog rix' u6riv.' i l

t o dio, likanurser 'shall %ce l&trsts

And the

K U ~r(i

; p ~ t & ~ t n rra v d~oidwv 2

wBpornn'irrotc Gror-,

pau VOLE EIE T ~ X E ~ O ~ , a i i i rci~.rt$aXci~.alJrGv urigtowr Y r &g p;bret ' for war, and upon thcir hcsrls ns crowns ,+ OpOiOl x ~ p ~ b $ , K l ( ; T d . ? ~ p d ~ ~ ~ ~ .&c h? T ~t; bw A c ( dvep&lC a l u

gold ;







"iron" , " , ~ : ~ $ ~round~ Labr3v &C X*of~*lions Vfiuav.; 9 cai they~hodvI\ra~&&platos&c %reas:plntsr w ~ & dlthcir b~ E UTW s l o 6"parag BC;,n~ag 'were nnd
; ,,lid

men ;

8 Kai ~ .

Y E ~ x o V H r ixag L(; r p i x a ~ v v n i ~ 3 vK~U ~ y oi and thcy had Rnlr ns 'hair 'womenpa; m d



of thcir win tile U I ~ I / ~ rui ~ ~$wl)rj T ~ u . A T E ~ ~ ~ w I ~ . &c ~ ~+W) O ~ ' E [ ~ v of tun. o n; and the round of their winas [was] as [the? sound ning they to bnttla l0 And dlpPdTwv (Innwv s o X h 6 ~rpsxdvrwv ~ i ' g x6Xepov. liks 1'3 rai kcorpion,, of c h ~ ~ r o t s lhorses of '111my running to wnr ; and tl*re rting* i n ~ X O V U L V oirp(i$zJp~iac" u~opriors, ~ H v r p a .b$vll Iv raig *a; ~ their ls their powerk twar m d hurt they h~bre tails like scorpions, aud stings; 'wns &in men 6ve montbf. ohpais alJr3v csai'' il.ifovaia.abr3v ddi~ijaat roir~ i ~ 8 ~ & r o v g c 11 And thcy had b over them, wJitltidi 'tails 'their 'and 'their 'powcr t o injure men U the a n ~ e l of the t)?vag 11 d ~ a i " E~ovuiv %$' a6r3v'I paaiXda, rdvU lmttomlesa pit, whose And they have over them a king, the nnwc in +.h,!Hebrew tonguninAbaddon.but &yyXov c i ~ ~ u uK~i)vopa ~ b r @ v' 'Eppui'uri 'APaJR&v, ~ a i in the Oroek tongus angel of the abyss: his name in Llobrew Aboddon, usd hath his name Apollyon. Iv r#'EXXqvt~p' bvopa EXEI 'AroXXhwv. in the Greek [for] name he has llpolljon 12 One woois past: 12 ' H otai it pia cixtjX6rv. iboit, L Z p ~ o v r a ~ V i660 oirni ri aarcl, bclrold, there 'Woe 'tba 'first ir p a s t Lo, 'come 'yet %WO 3wosr Colno two WVBb more herelfter. p r b TU~TU. .fkr there thing&



T G ~

13 Kai 4 i'mos 6yyeXo~ IahXriuev,

eard rvoice from the four horns of the golden altar which ia before (iod, 14 w i n g to the slxth angcl whlch b d the trumpat, Loore the four angels which are bound in the great river Enhrates. 15 And the fou, rngek were loored, prepared for an hour,

raeai $roaaa $wv.rjv

'voice 'golden angel who 'alr~rr

13 A n d the s W h mr munded, rod I l

And tba rixth


angel aoundod [his] crumpet ;and I heard horun of the

piav I K r;v iraou6pwv'i ~rpcirwv 6vuucarqpiov roir xpvaoi, roil

from the

which [id who

i v h r l 0 ~ 9 ~ 0 3 ,14 k h i y ~ ~ ~ a ~ " ciyyihcp TO: rg' i'rry

before the


t o the fonr

sixth nngela

liig ?X' n j v o t i h ~ r y ~Aiuov 7 0 3 ~ a, ~ibU(lpag i y ~ i h rode~ ~ ov

had trumpct,



~ E ~ E ~ ~ V O TV C $ rorap$ T($

are bound


a t the four


pry6hy Ebgpcirg. 15 Kai ;X$>great Puphrstcs. And hour

were and


6quav oi rit7uupt~CiyytXo~oi ifr~t,uaupilr~~ rev &pav kai tic

thb angels who had beeu prepared for the

* oli pi) in no wise G L ~ ~ A W q ~ a a a v r ~ ~ ~ j o o v r a r ~ t h e tprmeuted LTT~A. shall be ~ (V*~V)ULY should find L. $&ye& 'flee8 LTTrA. i ' a6z;v 6 8avazoc Q. s 1 iipotoc T. X XPuuoi golden Q. ? e t x a v LlTrA. 6poiobr T r , Put~ctuale ar 1o.resd and $0 b ~ aand LTTrAW. i ~ a mrtw. b stings w e r e in t h e i r h1 Text.Re? and Q. i8 d ~ aGLTTIAW. i is' a h r w v LTTrA. t TOV (read an a n g e l ) A. S? , )o

whom T,

h ipxe70.t LlTrA

Vh0 h W QtTTrAW, i


T ~ u Q ~ W 'T ~ A ~ k Adyowa LTT~Aw. L

o r~plp

IX,X .
@hpat' ral p$va ral &viavrdv, i'va cinorrtivwaiv rb rpirov a*
u i d month nnd of men ; yew, that they might ktll the thlrd *ad

r3v tivepCjrwv. 16.rai b cipiepbs

and the number

mparevpcirwv roir i m r - of men. 16 ~ n the d

of [the] armies of the ervsl-

F:",? ~~~$~ $,d

pvpt6d~s~ pvpcci8wv. PraP 4~ovoa rirv tipcOPbv two hundred thourg [ w 4 two myrinds of myriads, nnd I hervd the number I b a r d the number : and airrGv. 17 ~ a oi;rwc qtT8ov~o3s i 'lrlrovs Iv r $ i)pdlaei, m of them. 17 A U thu8 i ~ to$

O them. f
tm h

And aitting


I tsw

the Ebving


i the vision, and n

thnt snt 0; them, ~ R V . and h g b r ~ ~ t ~ l ~ t e ~ ~ and of 1acinth and $a~rdivou$ Bei68ers* r a i ai re$aXai r3v ! r ~ w v brimateno: end the &yacintlrinq and brimstone-like; and the heado of the horned [were] herd@ of the horses were an the heads of icnope9t- lions; andout of their &c kE$n)lai XE&VTW,rai 1K t3v.arop~-irwv.airr3~ M heads of lions, rnd out of t h d r mouths goes! mouths issned 5 e and rrnoke and brirurtol~a. 7ar G p ~ a r ia r v i g rai Bdov. 18 'Grbu r 3 v r iijv ~ 0 6 r w via BY these thrae out fire and smoke and brimstone. BY three 'theae tbe third part of men kllled by the Bre and dxerrdvQ~uau rpirov r h h~0p&rwv,IIC rb to6 lrvpbc rai b th; smoke .id were killed the third of the men, by the tlre .nd t e brimrton;, n h l c t breastplbta

sois ~aer$.uovsl r ' cihrth, i 0v7ac 86parac f

nv ivovs rai



~hr"roGraxvoir rai
by the smoke and by them mouths. 'mouth tiling of the 'their 'are;


For the


the brimstone, which

~ ~ O ~ ~ V O ~ iLl Y O V ~
goss forth




z$r.ou& itr
L in t h e k

19 r G v . u r o ~ r ~ v . a i r r 3 ~ . vai.7&p ltovaiac airfGv i v r y

P O W ~

of them

were like nnto ser-

~ P , ~ : i",",fi ~ ~ ~

ariparc a6rirv eiarv"' ai-y&p.o.tpai.atr&

for their tails tbey hjum. [are)

iipotar ~ ~ a e pents~ themheads v m d, with the;

And the

l ~ k e ' serpentd, do hurt. 20 ~~d ohe

i ovuar're aXds, real i u a6raTg &bicoGarv. 20 rrai oi Xorlroi


and with them

were not killed

c$ch , ",",", w

by there pl.gnm jet

riru civ0phnwv o'i o&~.ciatrrciu@quav ?aZg.xX~yais.rabai iv

men who

that they should n d "oGreU yw~v6tlaavie r2v {pywv r3v.~ip3v,a6r3~, p$ Worshi devilr and r 'lva 'uot 'even 'repented of the work. , of theh h r n b th.t 'not ver OPsO1dv ldoL ri1and braun and ' l r QumuijaworvR rd 6arp6via, ~ a i ' albw&a r d xpvah cai stoAe, oqd ot Good: %hey should do homage to the &mow, end 'idoh 'the golden and' which neither c* nor h-. qor walk: rd &pyvpZ cai ?d. ~aXlcZi rai rd Xietva rai ~d [itXcva 21 neitner repent& ailver and brazen and rtom bnd wooded, they of their murders, nor of their mrccries E I Y 06rt L i ~ ~ i t e O ~ ,~ A E E P H T ~ T ~ Y * of their farnicp! f T nor di oQrc ~ ~ T E ~ Zb6varae,~ ehiehneither 'to bee 'W 'able, nor to hear, nor t o walk. tion nor of their


these plagnea,


21 rai

they repented not 'their,


their murders, of


EK riw
o f
O ~


of nor


@ ~ a P ) a ~ aI)rt&, u OGTE ~~G ~

aorcerler their theft&

i~ rijg.lropv~ias.aLrijYI
their fornIcatlonr,



TGV.KXE~~&TWV.~~~~Y. roir L And I r m ancoming down out of the ~ ~ ~ ~ d ; h h ~ o m * g g ! h i 'rijg re+- ven, clothed wit% a oirpavoir, r c p ~ p r p h ~ ~ i v o v ue$fXgv, rai beavm, clothed with a aloud, r a d a rainbow on the cloud : and a rainbow W M upon h& head aXGcad, wai rb-?rp6awaov.a&roii 6 ijkoc, rai oi.nd8~s.airro5 and b i i t . ~tws as ii hand, and his fooe W the #an, and his feet were the sun and h v feet u ill& of &c : &Xoi mlp6cw 2 rai e ~ Z ~ @ ~ ~ ~ i p i . a /31/3Xapi8rov 4 and ~ " 6~0~ had in ,]is sr pillnn of fire, rad he had in his hand a little book ?nd a little p ? P ~ aQiL T ~ A W . o itu~ptdber LTA. . n ~v of the (armies) QLTTrAW.
Aqd I saw another 'angel

10 Kai ~ 1 6 dXXov dYYfXoviuxGpA~ 0~ ~araPaivowa;K

- + * -&v QLnrAW.

cinb from GLTIVAW. 8 nAqy&v 'plag~es aLlTrAW. c ;X v $ y i p /&ovria rGv inrrov For the power of the homes (a&v f W +&v l m ~ c W ) jv r4 rndParr a i t r j v i r n ~ v )C& i v y a k oi)pais aitrGv. ie in their mou'th and in their tail8 spouxvvrjuovu~v they shall do homage to LTPIAW. 06 not aw;oi8i TA. O L ~ W .
l. '

{raiubow) etrrrlw. ~ W V having GLl%AWa

+ r& GL~T~AW.

8tivavrab LTPrA. + a p p a x c t v T ; ~ y ~ o j r o A.v l 1 wmv (re& hi8 c * v x w i v I,'lTrAW,

b + 4 the head) O L T h r W

his m e i rlv.x4bn.n2:roir rdv GE,Y~Ev{a; gr,iv r ~ g h tfoot upon the f A v ~ y y l * ~ v ~ v ~ ItI q r ~ v SW, nnd his left fwt own. And IIC ylnccd hir. '*font 'right upon she ou the 4.1'rth. S n'ld ~~Xaaaav,I' rbu.?i ~ b h i - v p o vi a i hr);v yijv," 3 ~ n iiK p t r E p v cried r v ~ t h n loud voice, ren, and the lcfc upou the earth, and cried ns whm L 1100 roiirath nut1 n11t.u he h;td yjwljj r ~ y c ; X v 6 u x ~ p Xdwv pvh-6rai. m i $re &!,nSE?,, C F I C ~ . F C I P ~ I thunders witll Zvoice 'loud ns a lion ronrs. And when he criecl. t!~elr roicus. 4 A U ~ IW ~ U I thc rercu iX6htluav ni iarci ppovrai rcis.iaz~rGu.$wvhs~ 4 rai , *spoke 'the 'scren Jthuudcra their roiccs. And whrn about to n rltc : n n ~ l lXciX11uav ai inxi epol~rai irdS.$cl,>r4c.iavr3v,'1 k + ~ X X ~ ~ ' l I hearcl nroice from hen*spoka q t l c zseren thunders their voices, I was aboot vcn s n ) i n ~unto me up 1ho.a thing; Ypr?$~tv' rni ~ ~ o v a r r( , J ~ J i r uroS obpa11oS, Xfyovuriv 'ror,tl $ )~ which the scren thuu- t o write : Aud I henrd a roicc out of the henven, saying to me, dcr* uttcred, n ~ l d write i h d X v a l ~ Jar& ppovrni, mi pjj n l m C r c c * l ni t h r t ~uot. S And t l ~ e Zyjpiyluov ~ angrl \r.hich I saw Scnl what [thing*] 'spoke 'the 'seren 'thunders, nnd .'not 'I~~III pt:~r~d 111wu the ..fa no,l 11pc)u ~ I I C earth ypr?$p~.5 Kni 6 6yy~Xog.SV dsov ;ar&a ;xi rijc B a X r i a ~ , ~ 11Iiccl up 111s l ~ n n dto 'write. Aud the nngcl whom I saw standing on t h e sea herrn n 6 and switre bs llim'th:rt l i ~ for rai ;ni rijg ycg, ~ ~ l ~ $ p ~ v ~7jw.x~ipa.nGroG eig ri)v 0 6 ~ n i * d v , e r e r a ~ l d evcr, \v110 nnd on the earth, lifted up his hnnd to the hearrn, crentcd I ~ e ; ~ v r n nnd {Gvri E ~ roilc a i 3 i . a ~rGv aiLvwv, i ! ~ S tllinFathatti,er, in 6 ~ a 4pomv i v r$ i are, : ~ u d c:irtR, 2nd tliy and swnre by him rvho lires to the ages of the agen, n.110 t h e things thnt thcrcill tk,e i r r t a ~ vrbv ot'lpn~~bv rai rdr ;v air$, m i n j v yijv ~ n i the things %hle), nre crusted the henren nnd the things in it, and the earth and

nna he

rdr ~ ~hn$nh: : $ the ~ h~ : : l ' things

lollper: 7 but in the of bhe voice tbv srrentb nngcl, when he ahnll brgin to *ollud, the

i v ahi.@, Orai r ~ j v .8uhaaaav ~ a i rci

in it, and the sea but 'no 'shall 'be longer; in tho

i v atr$,'l
ic, of the

nnfl the things in diiys

"Ort X p d v Poiw iarni Irl.I1 7 qciXXd" ;v raic , j p i p n t ~ ~~ rijg @wvijc706 ipdhpov ciyyihov, 5rav piXXp

nugrl, when he is about to souud [the] trumpet. ~ h ~ e l d h n voice of the s e v e u ~ h ~ ~ rr~X~aO$'l rb pvar$piov 706 0 ~ 0 6 , eivlydeclared to his ser- rai the propbets. also should be completed the mystery of God, an he did annouuce



whicll I h,nrd from a ~ l t ink. the iittle n a,,d ~ nud snid Go
hcnrl U W k e a u t o me

'roiS.iavr&.Soihoi~ rois . ~ r p o $ j r a c ~ , ~

the glnd tidings t o

And the


8 Ka1
And speaking

4 $ww$ ;)v Tjrovaa ;K roir the voice which I heard out of the
with me, and sn).lng, Go,

his boudmcn



henven take [was] the


'XaXoCaa" p r ' ipoc, m i ' X f youact," "Yrrnye

rb w@c$Xnlittle

book which is open piPioy" rb Ija,eyyP;~'ov ;V rp' x ~ t p i dyyiXov ro5 ior3roC i n the hnud angel which of the book which is open i n the hand of Ithc.1 angel who is stnudrr~g upon the see ancl ulron i n i r , ? ~ eax&oaqc rai r,?s y i ~ 9 Kai J6~GX66v" . rpbs rbv the earth. And I on the sea nud on the earth. And I weut to the weut unto the angel and snid unto him: h y y ~ X o v Xiywv c t i ~ ( > , 2A6511 , p01 ri) p~pXnpiStov. Kni Give me the little s n p u g to h ~ m , Give me the little hook. And he LnSr angel' book. And be kn'd u n t o me, Tnke it, nnd poll rai ~ariiyjay,E~ 6 ~ rai' ~ t ~ p ~uov rljv~ i 6 l ~ eat i t vp ; nnd i: *hnll to me, Take and eat ' I I ~ 'it : nnd i t sl~nll make bitter thy make thy belly b ~ t t e r but i t -ha11 be in tilgl ~otXiav, ,dXX' i v r@.urc;yrnri.uov iarar yXvri &S i X t . 10 Kai mouthst\.eet anhoucy. belly, hut in thy niouth i t bhnll be'sweet ns toney. And 10 And I took the little book O ~ of the iXa$ov rb /31/3Xap;Ftov ;K r i j ~ E I P ~ rot ciyyiho~,, a ~i a r i L X S ~ nugel's haud, nuit r t e I took the little book out of the hsud of the nugel, and 81te it u p ; nnd it ~ V H Y in my mo,14h ,,weer $nyov aird. m; $v dv rc~.ardpari.pov piXi yXvsli6 mi honey : iind nr boon 'up 'it ; n ~ l d i t \\,nu in my mouth 'as =honey 'rwcet ; and




f $veyyI*ivov LTTrA. C 7ijr O a h i u q r G L n r A W . h T+ y+ GLTTrAW. 76s +wvar ~ I I V T ; I . GI.TTrAW. jptAAov LTrAW. p o t QLTTrAW. m a i d LT~~.\W. 0 [ ! a ; O i h a u u a ~ T& i v aim$ L. icai p o;irir? f ,+v ~ F . $ L & v right a L n r n w . tlie ca+ar GLTTiAW. &M' LTTTA. r Z ~ q h s u 8 ~ completed QI.TTTAW. was 1 TOGS iai.roi) bo<hov$ ~06$,rpo+ljTar1il.lTrAW. haho;uav L T R A W . . ' h i y o v u a v 1.TTrAW. . L &BJ h i j h 0 a LT. 706 of the Q , ~ T ~ B AW. 1 beirva; (wad t c i l ~ ~ t g Aiov book 1 . ~ 4 A.


him to give) GLTTrAW.


when I did ent

it. a w u +m;de 'bitter prophesj 'mnny. like a stag' snyin~, altar,

c X X ; ~ t ' lnq 1 had eaten it. Ny he belly was bitrl-r.
11 And he said Iintn a d pheFy peoples, nnd I I ~ . many nrnin tions. nnd tongnea, ancl kings.

ccpnyov air&,

tlrtrociv8q ;i.rotXin.,iov. 11 mi
'my "belly. as to poopler, and

tongues, and

x&Xtv npocpqrcfiant h i Xnoi~m i d c"8iwstv m i

nations, *kings

me. Thou must ?ro-

to mo, ~ h o must again u

yh&oantc rai ~ n a t x ~ roXXoi~. ~ o t ~

11 Kni

6668q pot r&Xapoc Gpotoc ;&p8

measure the temple o t God, nnd the

Xiyw~l, f"EyeiRise,

And wrrs given to me a reed

pat," rai ptrpqaov rbrr vnbv ro5 BeoG, rai r6 Bvama~prov, mi


ro6r lrpoarcvvoirvrac 11, air$. 2 rai. r$v nhXrjv n j v

worship t h e temple onst

s n d those who within



and *not


court which nnpel stood, snyinc,

$~,,","~aE,"d ; Ill;'
XT. And there w m

nlea~re the Lmennure; altar, and them ttint God.addthe roic ~8veacv' rcni rrjv x6Xtv ~ T ) I , hyinv worship therein. ?Utit 671 i66eq because i t w u ~ i v e n [up] t o the nations, and the 'city 'holy the court which is without the teurple lr~+i)aova?v pijvaq 'reaaa cirovm:l 6Lo. 3 rai 8baw lenve out, n n d m e ~ s r ~ r e ~~d I will give i t not ; for it is given hall they trnmple upon month* t o r tJ =two. uuto ttrc Gentiles: nucl r o i ~ . 6 v ~ i v . ~ c i p ~ u i v . mv , ??po$qr~~uov~cv pi rjp6pnc the holy c i t i sholl [power] t o my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy 7dnya they tread o n er foot forty and two monthu. xtXiaC Gtaroaia~ i&jrovra, Llr~pt/3~/3Xspivor" 3 A U ~I will givu UGC'& 'thournnd =two .hundred ['and] *sixty, clothed in snck- power unto my two witnesses, and thoy eovs. 4 oBroi aiarv ai. 660 iXnTnt, rcai m 6Co X~~xviat prophesy thoIlshall cloth. These are the two olive treer, . nnd [the] t w o lnmpstnnda snnd two huudred o11r1 threescore dnya, clot ha; ivhlrtov nroi?ll 08~oS" i j ~y4c PiorGant.!l 5 m; E; rir e d i n s a c ~ c ~ o t ~ , 4 ~ h r s e r Which 'before 'the 'God .of 'the 'earth 'rtnnd. And if anyone are the two olire t r t w

ge"ow8evu ro5 vnofi c'r@nXehe"~w,u a p i aGrtjv perp)(Iup~, t ~ e and ~ i R ,

aCroLc q8ihql1, &8trijaat, r f i p iriropeC~rar ;K 706 ~r6parog~

"hem 'their, 'should will 'o *injure, t devours thun t o shut fire
goes o u t



~ $ k the God of the en-th.

ahrGv, rai rarFa8i~c rodc.h~8poir~.aGrGv. kai

their enemies. must he the henven, )should will 3t04injure, hnve authority [the] the



And if anyone 'them

will hurt them, fire any proceedeth o a t of their

BiXpll ci6trfiaat, oi;rwc 6ei.ahrbv c i n o m v 8 ~ v n t .6 oProt t n h O , ~ ~ ~ ~ , " i ~ Y " , " ~ ; t ~

bo killed.
that no

E'X~~utvs 'ifovgiav ~Xeianr 7 t h oirpnv6v,'l llva prj T / 3 p E ~ g

'may 'fall


any mnn will h u r t

;~ri)e ;v
'rain in

r)pipncc a$r;v r?c rpo$qreirr~.~~ i f o ~ & ~ heaven, rai shut ~

days of their to turn an.{

Thesehave powc.r to that it rain not in the :1111ii of their prophecy

~ X ~ ~ilri l v u
they hnve over

h6(i~wv, urpi$~tv atr&




,inr&- have.power orer n-nto ters to torn them to

blood nnd to sluite the Larth with all .mite the earth with every plague, as often as they mny wilL And plagueqv they will. 7 And when $rav reXiawalv ~ T ) ~ . p a p r V p i n ~ . Crb ~ ~ ~ , rb they shall hnre finishf 6 eqpiov when they shnll hnvo completed their tebtimony, the beast =ho ed their tcstimony, the beast that n-cendciva@nivov i~ r?c & / ~ ; U U O U noctjotr ~ a b X ~ p o v acirGv," ethout of the bottomper' comesup out of the abym will make war with them, less pit shall tunte war ngniost them, nud m i . v t ~ + ~ ~ahrol;~,rai ixorrevei aciroCc. 8 rai c hall overcome thrm, and will overcome them, and will Kill them I and and kill them. 8 And their dead bodies shnll rr4parafl abrGv ilri rijc trXaraia~ ~ 6 k w ~p- zh in the street o f 'bodies 'their [will be] o n t h e street of 'city 'the the great cicy, which

them into blood; nud

Eat rdv y ? ~ ' l r ( i ~ g.~rXvy$,d ~ h r l ~ B~Xrjowutv." 7 rai bdv



7 4 ~

. I id L 8 ~ A T. 1 I f ~ ab i GyyrAor eiunjror. allri c Aiyouuiv they Say LTTrA. the a),gel stood E. f.Eyebpe LTTrAW. IitwOcv outside p . a ~ n r . 4 ~ . E(w6tv outside ~ m r . reuuep&ovra LTrrA. k + ra'r and LAW. 1 acpt~c,%qpivovc Tr. + a; the (ILTT~AW: 706 L . 0 xvpiov Lord QLTTrAW. P i m & ~ c OL~TI.AW. e s 8 i ~ t wills Ol.TTrkW. t ai)~oi)e.OUe~ them wills Q ; f3dAet ai)roirr LAW ; BEA+J~J airroirs rbv o i ~ p a ~ o u should have willed them T; a6roi)c O e A < q Tr. a + j v the LTF[A]W.

v 4er6r B p i ~ 1 ) 7;s qp&a$ apogqieiar a i ) ~ S v (bi)t& e r frp04. \P) i t o u u i a v rha;uab Q. i v wit11 (every) LTTrA. buirrrc i a v O t A q (read [ d u r i n g ] the days) OLTTrAW. rb m G p a body QLTTrAW. 7 )re< aiJr6v ~ 6 A e p o v QLTTrAW., qwotv i v a i q aAqy$ OW. LITrAW.


$ 6 ~

rpiritunlly sotlorn add ~ g y p t ,Y ~ X alpo our ~~~d great, they crdclAed. g aud wlls of the people And killdreds Muguea and natlous a11311 their and days dead bodies three ,lf, rind ~ 1 1 ~ not suffer thclr 11 dead bodies to bc put in gmvcs. 10 Aud they thnt dwoll upon the ver them and make rucrry, an'd'shall send g f t s one to another ; cause there two rotormented t L 3t dwelt ou t h e tnrrh, l I And after three da a. .and nn half the iplrit of life from God entered lnco them, and they stood upon their feet ; sud great fcur fall upon themwhichsav,thow. 12 And they hoard a grent voice from henvensaying unto &hern Come up hither. b n d they w e n d e d up to in a,loud; their enemier beheId Mme.hour thsre a them 13 h n d the

AIIOKAAT9IX. XI. Q ~'$rig' raXeirar wuevpuirr3~ Z~;?apa rur' AEvvxroL; ;


ia called
our ecrlbes

spiritually wns crucified. 'and 'tonpuea

Sodorn And



Snou rai h r6ptoc brjrGvu h ~ r a v ~ w 9 ~ . CPA6+ovaiu" 8 rai

where also


"shnll "ice ('some]

C K rljv XaGv cai#$vXGv rai yhwuuGu ~ n 6 0 ~ drh wrDl 3 ~

'of =the 'poplec

'and 'Onat~ons


airrijy ;ipipac rp~ig eraill jjp~uv,rai rci,wr6para.air&v

their bodies

"their lednys "three a n d a half, a n d O ~ Kf&$~u~vurvlI reerjvar .sic ~ p u f i r u =not 'they lwill suffer to be put into tombs. dwell on the earth will rejoice over

a ~ arai-0 oi rar.~
And they that and

oiroilvre~EAI rGg yljc h ~ a p 0 6 ~ (iw' ahroic, rcai ' ~ i t @ ~ a v & j vu



will make


iai b G p k ~ i p ~ ~ ~ u ~ v ! i Sri 06~01 860 dhX?jAoq, oi

and gifts tormeuted will send them that days to one another, because these, th'e two

?rpo$Ijrac i ~ a a c i v i ~ a v ro6c

xarorroitvrag iwi rijc yijg.

dwell upon the earth. and a hnlt, [the] and

11 k(12 per&
And after from God

TUC rpaic the three

Gphpa~~ 4 i $prav,
into them,

irveiipa & o { ~
spirit of life

i~ r06 9 ~ 0 6~iujlXtJ~v atroljg,ll rai c"arqaav hsri robe lir'

did enter they stood upon 'feet 'their; and >fo.rr Lgreat fell upon those beholding

adbag airrGv, rai $J$oc piyac m 2 ~ ~ uiwl ur" 6 ~ ~ o BewpoCura~ abro6c. 12 roi $xosuav l l ( w v ~ v ptrd~qwn iir rot o ~ ~ a u o B them: aud they heard a 'voice peat out of the heaven, 0 X 6 y ~ ~ u a ~ I ~ P'Au6@qreU6 8 ~ .Kai Erv6P>laav 1 r b ~ airrois, ~
8ayhg heaven to them, i n the cloud ; Come up and hither. And they went u p .them to thd

p e n t enrthquake, and

~ ~ ~ . ~ $ , h m;thquLke were rrlsln ~ u" ,: t nnnt were affrighted, and gave glory to the Oed of h a v e &


oirpavbv iv rp' ua$iAp, rai hOe3pqaav airro6c oi.i~8poi.airrliv~

%held 'their "enemies.

13 Kai hv dKeiuv r e 5pq ~ dyfvaro aecupbi. ~ ~ ~

And in that
tenth of the city fell, and there were killed 'seven,

pfyae, rai r$ e
and the

Jirarov rrjg r 6 h e w ~ ~ o a e v , ciwerrdv9qaav i v r$ aeiup$ ~ cai

anamr 'bme, .of 'men 'thousaud And the rest '8,fraid

hour there was =earthquake 'a =great,

in the earthquake

bvdpara civOp3nwv ~Atcikclnrd. ~ a oi h o l ~ o iZp$o/30I i kyfvovro, rai Zdwrcau Gdtav r(ii Bat$ 705 oirpavoii.
gaw q$l 'the glory t o the God of the 'wcond heaven. the 'woe

l 4 Tba woond woe k past and, behold, &c t h i d wee cometh


14 ' H o6ai

Gauripa &nfh8ev. iboir, $ ohai

h psst:

4 rp'im

Zpxerai r q 6 .

=were T$ O ~ ~ C I U $ ZXiy~vuai,~ , "EY6~ovro ai in the heaven, clnying, *Are 'become 'the our Lord's, ages and his Christ's, angel rounded @is] trumpet ; and

15 Kai b v b o p o ~ riyyeXog
15 And the newnth angel rounded; )nd there w e r e g m t vo'cet~ i n bnven,sxying, The k i ~ g d o m p ~t this world are become thc khrqdonu of our Lord ; and of h i ~ c h r i s t and he shall reign for ever and ever. 10 And the four and twenty sl. dera, which eat before
And the eeventb


rai byivavro

$uual p~ydhral


~ a b r A ~ i r06~r6apou roir.mpiov.~pGv, xai r ~ ~ . ~ , o r a r o ~ . a ~ at

'kingdoms 'oicthe 'world


he ah.11 reign

/?110&~6~~1' 7 0 6 ~ lg CU'GVU~ v a'l&vwv. 16 Kai 'oin r3

to the of the agea. And the four
U P ~ ~=OiU L E ~ ~U&PLOY 6 ~ 0 6 O roir '1~a8fielders, who befol'e God sit

eik0~1~ a i r f b ~ a p X ~ E ' " ~c

twenty and

C /3Aduovvtv see GLTT~AW. * aGr5v their OLTTCAW. 7b m & p a body GLTT~AW. f &piovu&v they suffer LTTrA ; i+toirutv W. g g&~a tomb QLTTrAW. 8 [uai] A . m.&#e h xaipovu~v rejoice GLTT~AW. i r ~ 4 p a i v o w ~ a ~ merry LTTrAW. k w6paovutv send T. m i r d u e u e v LTTIAW. 1 iv ( i v T~[A])a 6 r o i s OLTTrAW. &vijs prytiAys T ~ A . U r\ryoljm~g TrA. P 'Awd$are LTTrAW. 9 jl W. * A+MPP GLTAW. 'EY~VCTO @ovrAeia *is %ewme 'the 'k~ngdum OLTTrAW. OL LEA]. v rai QLTT~AW. o L ~ ~68qwu (re& who tare1 h4POm God who ait) n r . -9; (ruad aitt~rtg) gr].


~EYOI" iai on

'RE-V E L A T I 0 N. T O ~ ~ . ~ J ~ ~ ~ O Vinaoav i~nT rd.?rp6uwxn.aCrG,~, ~.~~ i;U,

their thronas, G o fell upon their faces, We give thnnks t o thee, ~ying, [He] who is,

2 zn ;zz : ",?'L
:in".z&s4 g;; God AlmiXh;y, which
worrhip d God,


rai apovrxivquav rG8rc- 17 hiyovrrc, EEQ~aploroGpLv 00i9


worshipycd God

art, and wnxt, and n r t ?)v~ r a i6 and who wns, nnd who [is] h ~ s tnken t o theethou t i thy i p ~ 6 / l ~ v o ~ , " ~i:Xq@~c liri rljv GCvapiv aov r1jv rty(iXtlv. great power and Il:nrt cornlug, thnt thou hnst tnken =power 'thy xgrcat, reigned. 1 8 i n d thcnntiuns wcrc nnpry, and Kni i@aaiiavoac. 18 rai rdr E8vTJ & p y i a 8 1 / ~ frai , ? ) A ~ F tvj t l ~ v l~ wrnthi.uo~ur,nud nnd rcigucd. And the nntions were nngry, and in colue %;I;:tiule ol tile dbnd, tllnt tht:y ah~juld be Bpy$ aov, rai ealphc &v verpGv, ~pl8rj~a1, doijvni rhv judged. and O I S ~~ ~ O I I rai 'wrath 'thy, aud the time of the dead to be judged, end to give the ahouldost girc renV~:l.d uato thy sorvau'ts the pioBAv roic.boLXoic.uov roic npo$$raic, ~ a TOTS ciyiorc rai prophcta, find to the i ruward t o tby loudmen the prophets, and t o the nniuts, ,and saint* nnd 111euthat fenr t \ ~ ynnmc snlnll .raic @0/3ovpivoic rb.dvopci.~o~, 'TOTS pirpoic rai r o i ~ and l,lld ;hOlllclto those who fear thy nnme, the small and the enc destroy thvm p~yciXoic,~I a i S~a@eipai roir~b8ta$8~ipovmc" yijv. ~ rijv the grcnt ; and to bring tocorruption those who corrupt the enrth. Lord Almighty,

b Brcic;. b navrokpcirwp,

h t;)v rai d

19 Kai 7jvoiyq b vahc roG 8~oG i v c

And wns opened thc temple of God

T@ i n the

oirpav@,rai 691.
heaven, and

o ~ ~ o f $ ~ h ~ & was heaven, and a'nR

seenof his testulueut : ark in his templethe and therc were lightning~ nnd voices, nnd


sccn the

~iPwrbc~ l j ~ . b i a 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ;v6 r o ihis ~ a r( rai jI in

ark of his covennnt voices lightning8 'groat. md and

bybo~to &arpanai rui $wvd ~ a Ppovrai rai aeia hc Kai i

thcre wcre *hnil

~hXaca peyciXq.

thunders and a n e u t f q u n k e and ~ ~ ~ & ~ ~ $ ~ * hail.

XII. a n d there npheaven ; a woman ~ 1 0 t h -peored a grent.wondcr 1n heaven ; a woman @~Phf]pivq ijXlov, rai ah+q 6Worcirw T ; u . ? ~ Q ~ ~ v . uolahed ~ the stun, rbv ~ T $ with ed with the sun, a d the moo14 under her feet, and the moon nndcr her feet and upon her rai h i r $ c . r e $ a h ~ c . a h rurb@avochuripwv GwJara. 2 ~ bead oroyn of and on her hend a crown of 'stars Itwelve; nnd twelve ntarn : 2 nud she being with chi!d Iv.yaorpi.c";yovua, 'rpci~tr" cj8ivouaa rai @ a a n l ~ c + ~ + v ~ t r a v ~ i l i n g In cried being with child she cries being i n travail, nnd being In pain b i r d and pained to be defivored.
And a '%ign t r e a t wns reon i n the

12 Kai


iya 4$Bq i v

oirpav@, yvv4 repi-

to bring forth.
And there upsign In the henvcn, and behold, s %m- pared wonrwv g~byac nt~p@~,l' J Y K aXdc h r d rni ripara dira. cai der in hcnveu ; RredI ~ $ ~ behold a rest I gon grvt red, haring t e a d s 'seven and .hums 'tun, u d draEon, havfllK i x i rdrc.r~glaXdc.ahr0~ h8ia8$pa~a &rr&.I14 ~ a 7j.obpd.airroii head* and ten horns, i upon his heads 'diadems 'seven ; and hie tnil ~~~~a",,cr\R~", o i p ~ r71) rpirov rGv & u r ~ p u v o'bpavo$, ~ a BPaXev ahrodc t$lt $eget;a,"pi;; i drugs the third of the stars of the heaven, and hu cast them and did is r4v yfiv. rai b Spcirwv E U T ~ K E Y hdtniov rjjc Y U I ~ ~ L I rijc S them to the earth: C ~ to the enrth. And the drngon stands before thc wolnau who and the *t,ood before the womnn pekhoiraqs ' T P K E ~ Y ,(iva 8rav T ~ I C ~ , rb.r~kt~o~~.ahr$c was rcndy to be which delivered for to dehar cl~ild is about t o bring forth, that when she should bring forth, vour her b h i ~ d soon as rcara$iyp. 5 rai Elte~ev v i b ~ i&bp~va," p6XXel aoi- us it WHS born. 5 d u d 8~ he might devour. And ahe brought forth a '#on 'nlale, who is about, to alre brought forth S mnn child who wns t o paiverv T ~ ~ U T rri i8vq i v PhP8tp oibqppi' m i $p+d00q U rule all n'ntions with ehepherd all the nntions with 'rod 'an 'iron : and was caught sway a rod of iron : and ber
And was secn another


3 Kni cjgl8r) 6XXo aqpeiov i v r$ o&puv$, rai iboir, 8p6-


I K& LTrA.

6 Zpxdpevoc OLlTrAW.

the covenant of the Lord) G.

b.8ra$Oaipavrac C O I T U P ~ ~ L.

wiyas LTTrA.

4s7b 8 ~ a S i p a r a CiL1"l'rAW.

706s ~ L K P O ~ F a706s peydhovs ~ i and T. + 6 which [is1LTTr. 70; ~ v p i o v(wad . irrpai~v was crying L. * + rai and LT[A]. mvi@g

+ K&



were given t the o woman two


c'6d.t)tlaav r$ yvvar.ri b G60 ?rripvyec roir &er05 roS P E ~ X O V ,

iva sir7rar rig rrjv iojpov (trae

nwlrished there a time, and

t h t she might fly into the wildarncss into times,'

4ri,v.rlrov.a6ric, h;~'
her placa, half


of t h e 'eagle

;: !;

F ~ o y:'$z:~ ~ w ~ eat\-Ie, t h a t sho n ~ i ~ h I

~ J ~ ~ :
she in nouriahcd for a


irri raiplv, xai m ( p o i c , xni &iov ~ a l p o l ,frh;

a time,,

~ ' $ ~ / ~ ~

face of the serpeut. xpoaljaou 705 8qew~. 15 rai ZpaX~v d S$ig C6riup r?.c 15 And the serpent face of $he scrpcut. And 'cast 'the 'serpent *after *the water asOf flood after Out a his G8wp ~ ' p v a i ~ 6 ~;K r o ~ . u ~ 6 ~ ~ n r o ~ . a & r o &g~rrorapdv, 'lva the woman, t h a t he Yl"woman 'put 'of 6his ?mouth water as a river, t h a t might cause her so be carried away of the d ~ a 6 ~ v. v " r o r a p o ~ 6 p ~ r o u ~ aor$ap. 16 rai flood. 16 And i1:e earth hcl d the wo*her ['as 'one] "carricd %way *by 'Oa "rircr 'he 'might 'make. man, anLfetlle enrth y5 sb ai-dpu ol~cnefihcrmooth,and @o$er]a~v yfi, rg Y u ~ , a ~rai , ljvortev ~i 3 i ~ e l p ~ d'the ze:srln the woman, a n d 'opkncd 'the =earth 6mouth S N U ~ ~ O R ' C ~ the fiuod UP which the dragon cast airrjc, rai cnrhsiev ri)v 1~0rapi,v Sv ;/3aXev d Jp6iw1) out of his mouth. 'its, nud sn~allowedup t h e river which 'cast, 'the 'dragon I7 And thc dragon was wruth with the wo;K ~ o ~ . a r i ) ~ ~ c ~ r 17 rai ~ cjpyiaetl ~~.a ro~. 6 Gpcirwv e i r i i ' mm, and wcut to ont of his mouth. And =was *angry 'the 'drilgon with make war with the rcmnnnt of her sced, 51; yuvarici, rai qix4Xe~v lrbrjjaac ?rdXytov per& r 3 v X o t ~ G vwhich keep the the woman, and went t o mirke m with the rest mandments of God, tc;itiro5.ori.ptiaroc.aCr~g, r 3 v rrl,oo6vrwv T&C bvroAhc roir nnd have the chrias, J~~~~ of. her sced, who kecp t h e commandments

Bcol, ral ix6vrwv r$u ttaprvpiav froS'i'Itlao5 gxpioro5.u

of God, and



testimony upon the aand

of Jesus

Christ. sea; and

18 Kai 1'i~rci8qv'i r7)v &pov ~ $ BaX&caq~*IQ rai hkj 5

I stood
of the


r<g BaX&auqc eqpiov izvapaivov, tY~ov i ~ ~ a a X & g

sen 'tcn, a beast and o n rising., its horns [the] like having 'Ihcads ten Yhorna nud upon

I saw out of t h e
'saren and de~ns,

XIII. Aud I stooil


dnrd rai & p a w 6Ixa." rai hai 'r~v.rep6rwv.n&~oiii ~ a 6 61aJilparn, rai bai
its hcads
And the beast whlcn l saw was


dia- be& rise up out of t h e m bavlng seven @Xaa@qpias.hcad?l ;nd ten horns of blasp'uomy. and upon his horn; 'feot


't rai ri, Btlpiov B ETGOV j v ijpciov rapJLiX~c,rai oi n6o"eg ~ ~ ~ f , " $ & , 5
biasphcmy. And the k,"t;,"ltt;h: lit8 as of a bear, and i t s mouth as [the] mooth of a lion ; and his fuet as t a i , Z B w ~ ~ v r $ d ~ ( J & K ~rtjv.~bvapiv.a&roi?,rni rbv 6pi;'dvov.lac feet of bear, and ai V and h i n o u t h aa tho and 'gave 'to 'it 'the 'dragon hia -power, niouth of a lion: a ~ l d airoii, rni itovaiav peY6Xqv. 3 ~ a ni ~ l b ~piav O 7 3 {:;$a- t h e dragon gave him v" ~ 'his, and 'authority 'great. And I WAW one aheads his power, and his eat, and great auXGv a6roir cjc i a ~ a y p i v q v Q&varov. rai ?rXqyrj roij thority. 3 And I 'of 'its as slain to death ; and tho wound baw one of his L a d s a s i t weie wounded to ~ a v i r q vairoir b&parr68q, rai P8avpCiuerl': '%v1'riiXg rp' death. a n d his deadly "death 'of 'it8 was healed : and there was wonder i n awhoio 'the wound was hea!ed : and all the world won~ $ 1 dniaw r05 Bqpiov. 4 ~ n apoarrLv~cav S ~ 6pCi~ovra~I i b ~ .dcred after the bcnst. e;vth after t h e benst. And they did homagu t o the dri~gon, 4 And t h c ~worahippad the dragou which tijcIi . ~ 6 4 ~T~ E ~ v a i a ur y oqoifp, rai ~ p o ~ ~ ~ i v r j o r r vp;,vtr power U U ~ Othe iu wrb who gave authority t o the b h s t ; and they did hom:rge to t h e benet : and they worsl~ippetl h bcnst sayt ~ Brlpiov,I1 Xiyovr~g,Tic 8potoc r4j Qqpiy; = rig 66varat iug, w h o like bcast, saying, Who [is] llke to the beast 7 who is able tlru benst 7 who is able t o a leopard, and


'ciprrov,"rai rA.ar6pa.atroi; 3 5

arGpcr '"Xiovroc."

d 07h06 i ) n b Tijr yvvutcbs GLTTrAW. ~ b ai the L'TT~[A]W. C <K 70; u ~ d , u a ~ o s f r o i 0 1 . ~ AW. ~1 0 ini (read qj with the) L. OLTTrAW. B xpt(r703 GLTTrAW. h hurd.67 stood I.TrA. i ~ + a r a i ~ ~ a '~ e $ a h a s 6 a c ima GLTTrAW. *dvdFa~a name8 CLTTrW. 1 ~ P K O VGLTTrAW. m h s 6 v ~ w v 11lJllsT of . ci%ovGLTTrAW. 0 P &7aG,uarcv (re@ the whole e:~rth woiideredj EGTAW. q at of (its) G L ~ T ~ A W I FGLTAB.~ r rj EQLTAW. ~ ~ ( ~ K J GLTT~AW. Z ~ T L t'or~ (,.cad bac;r~ise ga?;rd he GLTT~AW! 7 Pjlv the QLl'TrAW. H r+ 6 9 p i ~ GLTTrAT. wai a1111QLTTrAW

+ -



mollthspeakinx VC* prydha xni Yj3Anu(ili~iar." iJdos ifovuia. thinxs :i:td bl:\sphemie-; ; nl,d g r e a t thiugs. and blnsphelny ; and was given t o i t a u t h o r i t y given llnto him t o cat ,~iijvcc~ ~ u u n p C i r ~ ~8I30.ll 6 lcai $~,otrev b . ~ ~ 6 ~ a . a C ar ra r coutiuuo forty and 'forty "NO. And i t opened its mouth %\TO month*. 6 And hc opened his ~ i ~ o ~ 1nt hiq C~Xau$)ll~iavII i npdc rbv 8edu, ~haa,p,lpcanrr3 61,op~ b l i ~ v h e t n y 3g:linst f o r ~~;~al,jlel,ly agninst God, t o Ll;~syl:c~iie Plla~na God, t o blns!jlleulo his name,. and Ilir cnber- abroir, rni r , j ~ , . a h . ~ ~ v ~ j v . a ~ ~ ~ G , dKni'' roic i v rf? otonv+ naclc, :rnd ti1c.m t h ~ t ]his, hi, t;tbernacle, nnd those who "in "the *he'nrau dwell iu hc.rven. 7 A n d i t ~ , L g i v r ~ u u t o h i m ur))voirv~ag. S r 7 EC"Jeq ahr(ij fn6XrPou noiijoail p ~ r a rGv t o m.~ke NW with 'taberuncle. And F;ns given t o i t %at 'to 'make with the t h e saints, a u d t o , overcoluc them: R U ~ uyiic)v, rai V L K ~ ~ Ua Cb~ r~ o i ~ i ~dJ68q ai;r@ Irouaia i x i m~ ~ ~ p o w r VJ%S giveu h i m saints, a n d t o overcome them ; a n d NW given t o i t authority over over a l l kiudreds nnd Ilat'ion9. X ~ ~ T L K U $u;\)ju g rni yA3uoau ral F81to~.8 K U ~apon~:vvi~aovtongues, 8 And 311 t h n t dwell every trib?, and tougue, a n d nirtiou ; aud &ha11do iio~llnge upon the e a r t h shnll hiru, ,.,hoso hairr(ij!l ~ C i v t e ~ K U T O ~ K O C V T E ~ ~ rtic ycq 'Gv', 06 oi i i names are not writ- t o it all who dwell on the e a r t h of whom 'not

t m with a w 7roX~pijrsaiper' abro;; 5 ral

t o make wnr with it ?

a;r$ uTdpn XaXoSv

And was given t o i t s m o u t h ageakiug



yBypaara[ krd dvdparn" bu ' r t pipXy" rijg Z(0tjs T O ; t e n i the book o li;c ofn theLi,mbslnin t f r o m the fouudatiou 'hare becn written t h e nnules 'in "rhe 'book 'of "life "of laths of t h man e world. 9ear, n y dpviov m ha$aypivov d;rb ~f a rara/3oXij~ rda,~~bz~.9 Ei h i m hear. 10 He t h a t laLamb "siain 'from [*the] 3founding ' 'of ['the] 'world. If leadetl' cnptirity [ X E ~O ~ S ,~ ~ K O V U C ~ T W .10 Ei r i ~ ~ a ltnhwu;avtl s h r ~ igo into ci~ptivity: l If anyone ['into] %nptirity he that killeth with anyone h a s a u e.\r, l e t him hias. th0 sword must be Puvu&y~t,~I ai~pnXwaiau ei? &r&Y~i' rtc :v qpaxaipp" killed with thesword. is the paticllc7 'gather$, into captivity he goes. If anyone with [the] sword a n d t h e f a i t h of th.e * & ~ o K T E v E ~ , ~ ~ abrdv bv s8~?'' q ysword i p y " be killed. a~a bnorrav6ijvar' Hare 68; srtiuts. will kill, 'must 'he with [the]



iurcu '4 6xopov)j rai $ aiarig r 5 v iryiwv.

is t h e en~iar.ince and' t h e f ~ i t h of the saints.

11 Kai ~7JouCiXXo 6 ) l p i ~ dva/3aivou dr rijc ytjc, rai v

11 And ? beheld anAnd I saw another beast riaing o u t of the enrth, nud other bcaat coming u E ~ X E rfipa7a 660 8f.ioiffcipviy, KC& out of the ; V iXciXl cjc Gpci~wv.12 K C ; ~ h. hod two.horns like i t h a d 'horns 'two like t o a lamb, a n d spoke a s a dragon ; and a lamb, a n d lie spxke n j v ifovuiau roir apcjrov Bqpiov niicav ~ o c ~ i iv3xiov as 'first :beast 'all i t exercises before exercisoth alll t2h e pow- 'the 3 a u t h o r i t ~*of 'tho
e r of tke firat benat before h ~ m a n d caus, eth the earth nud t h e m which dwell the first benat, whose deadly wound was hecrlcd. 13 And h e doe t h great wonders so t h a t he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth i n t h e sight , o f men, 14 nnd drcetraththem t h n t dwcil on the by n,enlls of those qirncles which

airroil' rai'aoui rdu yiju lcai



t~aro~soGvras a i r $ ' 6v

a n d causes t h e enrth a n d those who 'beast

in of whom


yua V a p ~ u r ~ ~ ~ i j ri) 28qpiov" ri) r p ~ r o u , ~ ~fu

t h a t they should do homage t o t h e 'first,



~ jl, xXqYrj roir.8avcirov.aitroir' 6 6 ~

t h e wouud of its death. t h a t even fire i t ahould cause earth bcforc

13 m aolei aypcsin i
And i t works o u t of t h e he*-

CI~Yciha,. ra.1 r G p Wiva



%ara~aiveiu ;K ,705 oh.

t o come down men. A n d i t niislends

veu those wilo

rtjv yiju fvcjmou rljv 2u0phxwv. 14 rni aXnv@

t o the

r o t i ~ raroiroCvra~ ini r i j ~yijg,

dwell on


rci aqpeia LS
signs which

the e a r t h , by reason of t h e

n 6 k p o v war (read nonj. to make) E. rev. phiur#ql*a b l a s p h e n l o u s [ t l ~ i i l g s ] LA. [ ~ a i and L. ] c j 3 A a a 4 q p i a s LTTrAW. c r a p a ~ o v r a 8 ; o E ; r ~ u u e p d ~ o &io a v ~ LTTrA. d ~ aLTTrAW. i e - rtai i8dOq.. V L K ~ U Q L C r 0 I k L. a f $ ~ ~ rrdhepov ~ ~ u a TTIA, 8 .K& h a t r b v GLTTI AW. 1 o c ( ~ e u de v c r y o n o ] o f w h o n ~ [ has h a b r n ~ : dp e o p l e OLTTrAW. r b 6 v o p a a i r r o i his name LTTrA ; r b ijvoILa the name GW. not beer1 w r l t t e n ) LTTrA. m 70; (lead which was slain) QLTTIAW. n -j- a s [is] 74 j3;phiv QLTTrAW. for LTAW. 0 4 ; ~ p a h ~ ~ i(?'cud ;S for) Tr. av P ouv&ycr LTTrAW. Qip,axa,$g J,TT,A. r A n o ~ r a i v e ~ L ; c t r r o x r a v 6 i v a i k 0 be killed A. kills 6ei A. cv a v q ~ aacp iva i npou~vnjuovv~v they shall do homage LTTcA. ~ a r o r ~ o c OTTrA. v ~ a ~ 4 ~ . i~ obpavo3 ~ a . r a @ a i v e r v ~ a ? a @ f io ; ~arapaivr, ( should Coma down%)QLrr-%F


he hnd power t n do in the of the saylr~gto those who ~L':LSC ; my;ng to thcm that dwell o n tlic '8" earth, t h a t thep ~ k u r ~ i ~ o; f i ~ ~ v y ( ~ , x nvejlbni Z ~ ; ~ c i v ar($ 61)pi(~ " dwell on thc earth, to u~.rkc nu rnrage to the beast, \vLich should marlie an imagtt o rjjv aXr]ytjv rrjc " a ~ u i p a ~cat ~ ' ~ v ~ u15 urni Ic"d0q thntl the beastd d which " E . the w o by o has the wound of thc bword, nud liscd. Aird i t w;rrgrven sword, and drd live. Xu- 15 And he had power Ccrtjrc;,' "oirvac nveijttail E ~ K ~ ~ Ir'o i Bilpiov, i'vct m i L life unto t h e to i t to gire breath t o the iur:~gcof the Ire::st, th;r~'alsu"slould to yivo of the beart, rmngc tlint tuingc tho Xilap ,j eirl;v 1.06 tlrlpiou, rni xoc;~uy, ;not 'iivl' ~ l j the bhould ofboch benst 8spe;ir Ithe Drmape'ot 'the 6 b ~ n ~ tand should ci~use a8 111nuy a8 , -uot s p n k , nud cause th:rt ns ~apooru~~ilawacv" ~ir6va" O ; 6)t]piovii'vall r t n o ~ r a v d ~ u i v . iunng RJ would not hr,jv T rhc image of ;would do homnge CO thc iurtrge of the b c a ~ c [hilt they sliotil~l k u ~ e d . wor~trrp bu tlrc beast should be 16 K U ~A O C E ~ ?rbVmc, 7 0 6 ~ tllKp0bc K U ~7 0 6 ~ y d X ~ ~~sl, t iVrllerl. 16 Aud hecnusr nud Arid i t citu5cs all, the SUL:LIL aild the grunt, aucl etli all, bott~swirll gruirc, rich uxrd poor, ioirl; aAouuiouy ~ a roirc nrwxoirc, rai ro6g i h ~ u B f p o v ~ a iruc ;,nil boud, to rci ~ i tho rich mud the poor, a d the free illid c!.rre a mark i n tlierr rrght hzud, or iu their i u i f c 6oChovc, i'va %3wagll airroic xdpuypa i x i x e i p v ~furc1rc:rdr : J7 nud the bondwen, that i t shoulu give t l r e ~ b a mitrk on -Iztud t t ~ a t n o lnun might buy or sell, aavc Ire aLr3v rtjc GEELGs, ij i x i 'rwv ~ E ~ W T W airrGv, 17 " K C I ~ ~'iva thac tl:td the mark, o r V ! ~ . 'their 41glrc, or on 'toreheads 'tlteir ; uud that the name of chc bensc, of hid pi1.ric Givrlrac ciyopti~crr i j awXjlaai, ~ i . p $ Zxwv TO or clre nuruler re \yidunue. 18 Uerc L U buy or to sell, except lie who 1i:ra the dom. Let h r u t h a t uo one shotiid bu able urrder~t:rudrug ruv cipiBpov 703 h;~ch tire nu~rtbei.of ~cipaypa Orb Gvopa" rofi Brlptov, couut urrk or the uilud' 01 Lire bcabc. UP the riuubur th; bultst : tor l t 1. tlre 1u;lu ; gplparos al;roi. 18 ' U C E uoqbea iarLV. i) ~ X W V Pri)v'l uuwber o orl u :c ~ ris srx aud 11r> u b Tiirnue 'of 'its. Here 's i.uoui 'is. 1Ic who ~ i a ~ h i r u ~ ~ r e d tkcebcore 'vofiv, I , L ~ $ ~ O (r iT W ~ v cipt~1p~v t)~]peou. 70; cip~+L~.yAp a 1 4$U. pnderstlrudiug let LIU cuunt tlre uuluuvr of the buua5 : l u r "nuu~bar
i t w a s given to i t i o work bolurc the Leaat,

XIII, XIV. REV~ELATION. hJIOll a;;<; noiijaai ivc;xiov roG tlrlpcov, Xiywv roig





$vOphaov iortv, ~ a 6.dpctlrv~.aljroC i

*U -111311~s

it'is ; nnd Issw,

rts u u u k r


Kai s~Io"ov,l, idoir, cai

Aud truil n.rrlr hiru

aud balrold,[thcjL;~ul, a huudred [and] uirue And 'mnny,


q [is


dyviov viartlr;cll i r i r b GpoG

btauuiug torty upon uuuut four on the mount Lion a.nd with him a n bun: dred forty and four thousnnd, h:ivrng 111s Yvther's name written in tlieir forelrcnds. 2 Aud l heard U vorce from heaveu, as the roice of nruny wattrs, and as tho voice ot a great thunder: and I he:ud the voice of harpers harping wtth their harps: 3 nud tkuy sung as i t were a new song before tile i tlrrone, rud before the four beasts, and the elders : and no ~ n n u could learu that soug. but the hundred a d

Ztwv, m i t i ~ r 'aliroir ircrrbv

R r ~ a u a p u ~ o v r a a a a p ~ ~ XIV. And I looked, i '~ and, 10, a Lamb stood

wr~cten hea-

X L X L ~ ~ E Cixouaai 23 tvotin ,
bhous~tnd, ou ven urr~:ug the
heir foreheads.

~oC.narp6~.aliro yrypupttivov
of his Pacher

ini r3v.,;rDv,

2 Kai qrouua ~ w Z T ~ ~;K TO^ 06Y

I heard
and a voice out of the as

puvoii &C qwvrjv &dcirwv noXX&v, ~ a &S $wv$v @povrijg i

m voice of 'wntcrs

s voice

or 'thunder

P E ~ ~ X ~rai' Yqwvrjv Grovaan Znrt6)a~~c"3v C rcr6)upi~6vrwvi v

'grant : roice

l hcnrd

of hnrpors ""ljc"


with be-

rai~.~tt)dpai~.alir3v. rai p'8ouacv 3

clierr harps. And rtrey sing and before no oue the

a 'soug

~atv?jv ;v&'new



lrtov roU t)pdvou, ~ a ivwniov r 3 v reaacipwv i

the throne, eldera. the And wax able t o learn


~ a

living creatures nud

rGu x ~ e u $ v r i p o v ~ oitseic % j 8 ~ v a rpaeaiv rrjv yd&, rai 0~~

a ci~ivav L. 6s who LTTrAW. g a x a i p q r LTTrA. a+j (that is, the image) L. d lrveipa doivac W. Eva t h L LT~[A]w. LTTrA. S ~ ~ O U K ~ ~ ~ shibil doU ~ O O V 'iva (omit that they) LTTrAW. ~ homirgu l*. h 7i c i ~ 6 v b I W . L GDQLY tkey slluuld glve GL'1"rrAW. 1 TO J * ~ T W R fureltciid GLTI'rAW. OY " K & LT[A]. )1 O L T T ~ A W . 703 bvor*aros of the l i a n i e L. .P TOW OLI'TCAW. 9 i u ~ i v Tr. r I.SCKOULOL O V T Q 16 ~[~~K 26 six h u l t d r e d [and] s1xt.y-sixLA. i6ov T. 7b the QLTTrAW. v 2~70s CI.C;AW. ~eooapa~ovrasiooapcc EGW ; r e u u c p i ~ o v ~ia o a p c e L1"I'rA. r o a i ~ o u a i TO bvoga x reud kla lr+rllr iind ill8 name) G L . L " ~ ~ A W , r 4 $V ~ ~ o v c the voice w111uul heard ra wnsJ CLlTrA\Y. Ss &c irJl UL'LTZAVT. ws a ~ r r r ~ j . ~ ~ U V LTTtA. ~ T O






fort~ and four thoulaud which thcerrtth. except the hundred [and1 werc redeem'cd from forty four thou~and, who 4 ~ h e s e a r e t h c y ~ h i c h ~ Y o p d b p d ~cirri) re5 ~ $ 5 .4 06roi eia~v O? p ~ d o~ : ~ f ~ ~ C have b: / ~ en ~ purchased from the earth. These are they who with viruins. Thcse arethey y u v a ~ ~ ( ; w oi)~.dpoXirvI3~uav-~ p o ~ l / ~ eiuiv' ( iO ~~ T d ~ i d l ~ ' ~ l . ~ O ~ which follow theLarub whithersoever he gowomen were not ddled, for virgins t h c are : these ~ are eth. These were re0i & O X O V ~ O ~ V ~.r(ij dpviy iirov civ eiirrciyp." 05T0t ~ deemed from an n ! lo& they who follow the Lnmb wheresoever he may go. These man Lclng the first~ r u i l sunto God and ~yop6a8~1ua~u r 6 r 3 v dvophnwv, & dnap)($ r y OE$ xai t o the Lamb. 5 were purchased from among mcn [r& firatfruits to God and iu the* mouth Was found no guile : for r y 6 viy. 5 ~ a i ' i v r$.ur6pari.arirGv oir~.ehpi0r]'8dXoc0" they arz without fault to the f a m b : and in their mouth was not found .guile ; before the throne of Qd"' E&~LU hiv&niov 706 6)pdvov roir 8~oi." for blnmeless they are before the throne of God. 6 A n d I s a w n n o ~ h e r 6 Kai eIBov iciXXov1I ciyyckov ~ ~ E ~ & ~ E I W V I I dv ~ E C O V -gel 5y in the m ~ d s t And I saw another angel flying in midof heaven, haring the evatlaotlng gospa1 t o a v ~ p a r ~ , Bxovra etayyAtov ai&vrov ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ X i c r $reach unto them that feaven, having [the] =glad %idings 'everlasting t o announce [to] well on theearth, and t o every nation, ,and r o h ~' x a f o ~ ~ o ~ v ~ a ~ " ra; l" .rrGv i6vog ~ aQuXrjv ini'rijc yGg, i kindred, and tougue, those who dwell on the enrch, and every natloll and tribe m d people, 7 saylng with a loud voice, ~ a y;\&uaav rai XaGv, ' 7 nhiyo~!ra" i Otvbb P~Y~XP, with a vo~cu 'loud, Fear aud Rive nnd tongue aud people, glory to him ; for the ourof his judgmentL @ o ~ ~ ; ) ~ I ]ri)v 0du, lid Bdre a t r y JdEav, i i r ~?jXt)ev TE Ljpa is come : and worship Fear God, aud give t o 4i~u glory, becuuac is come the hour him that' mnde heaven and earth, . ~ n dn j c - ~ p i ~ ~ w c - a l r o i r . ~ p o a ~juare rrai uv i y 7rocipavrr rbv t h e h a , and the founof hin judgment ; and do homage to him who made the b i ~ u watarr of orioavbv rai rrju yijv icai P Bahauaav rai ?rqydc 6Scirwv. h k n v p and the earth and sea and fountaiu of watera. eAnd*erefollowed 8 Kai 6Xhoc q6yyeX0~'~ ?jroXo68qoev,Xiywv,'~rreaev 'ireanother angel, saying, is fallen, is And another angel ' followed, aafing, Ia fnllen, 'M fallen, that grcatciV', P B a f i ~ X i t$ " T6X1S'1j ~ E ~ C viir~" ' rOir OiVOU706 ~ I ~ X ~ because she all fallen =city 'tke 'great, bucru.e of the wine of the nations drink of the o" h,; r;;: ;" k ic t of Bvp01? rijc-7ropueia~.ab~ T E T ~ ~ L K E Z * ruvra &vq. fury ' of her fornication she haa given 'drink 'all 'nutiona

AITOKAA'YYIZ. XIV. ~ l . ~ laj i;tar;v i Crmqapcirovra ~Saaapecflx&l~ii?c,oi



9 And the third angel folbwed them, saying with s loud voice, If BY U workhip h # r t and his image a d receive l c i o ma& in his forehead, or ln his Laud 10 the same ,h,r~lclri;rkofthewine of the wrath of God, which im poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation. and he shall be tordenred wi!hfire sud brimatone in the preseuce of the holy rugela aud in theprelence 'of the Lamb:

9 Kai

,jpwoc rEyyeAoc1I ?jroXobOqucv ariro?~, Xiywv iv


. i

m.ymng, with

$wv# t ~ e ~ c i X p Ei ,l
a Y v ~ i ~ e lloud,

'rb oqpiov. ~rpoarvvei" rai r j v

Id&* 'homage 3to and on klti iorahcad the a mnrk

, If anyone .the ' 'beast

~ixdva atroir, ~ a Xappuvcr x&paypa ire roirptrw?rov.ariroii, i

*its, and


4 i a i r~jv.~eTpa.aCroir, also 10 xai or upon his hand,

of the

a i r r i ~ nierai
he is mixed

shall drink of

CK r06 oivov

706 @Up06 706

fury cup

of God .which and

~ E O ~70s K K E ~ u ? ~ ~ ~ v o v , aqxirov



i n the and the

TOTqPly fie-bpy$c-ah06, rai ~ a u a v r a ~ ~ o e r c t i rvpi rai ir

of hln wrath, the lie shall be toxrue~lced in angels, and

$ E ~ Y .JV&T~OY
brimatone, before

. &1 7 J1

b & y i ~ (iyydhwv," rai iv6acov 706 b

holy befora

c ~euuapcvrovzaziuuapac E C ;~ zcuuep&owa ~ i a a a p e LITCA. r eiubv (read [are]) LTTrA. 6rLyer he goes LTIA. 1' $sides falsehod QLrrmW. 6 for U, h ;v&r&ovTO; f)povov 706 f)to; CLTTrAW. I [&;hhov] A. I ne~dpovov OLTTrAW. L Lri U ~ L Llwrmw. O 1 K~&IPCVOVS sit CLmrAw. m ini unto QLlTrAW. hewv OLTTrAW. 0 ;v (read $wv$ w ~ t h voice) L. a P 7jlv the GTW. q dcvrcpor zyy6Aoc 8 second angel LTrAW ; 67. 6ev. T. [ineuev] A. 8 BapovAbv E. c n6Arc 0Uf:rrr~W. v +jwhic4 (read new. given to dnnk)LTTrAW. 76 the LITIAW. BMOS anotLer GLTTrAW. 1 iyychot z p i ~ o OLTT~AW. s np~QIUYe; 7Gv LTTr. rb eqpiov 9I.lTrAW. &y&bv a y w v LlTr j hyiwv A .


+ +

+ -

cipvcovo 11 rral

rohuc 706
meuta And

the mark of his name. 12 Here iti thepatience ~ ~ ~ ~ of[the saints : here ~ a t h ~ ure if anyone receircu the n~ark of rta naue. they that keep the irropovlj ri)u dlyiwu iuriv* e&B~lloi r q p o i j u r ~ ~ rhc iv- comm~ndrnentti of Le~ldurnnce %he .saints 'of 'is, here they who keep the eommapd- Jesus,- d the faith of God, a

ric aiGvac a i & w v . " ~ a oirr.iXosu~v i av&?rav~cvi ) , ~ : ! ; ~ ~~~s~~y kr age8 of ages, and the^ lrave no respite who worship the b e u t v u r r t ~oi ? r p o ~ r ~ v v o i j rb ~ ~ . u r 01,p~ou rai rju:~irduu.ahro~, u i d his image, and ~ m its image, and whosoever receiveth
uight who do homage to the beast and

And the

REVELATION. 3 icaruhs roG.$aaav~opo~.air~G~~ Cdvapaiv~t ~

of t h a ~ toruunt r


goes up

&~o,"~~~, eth up. for ever aud


E i

LE XafiEiuec rh xXd~aYpa roir.bvd~a~o~.aLroir. 13'!26~

~ E O ;~

a r+u 7riurtu '11)406. i

faith of Jesqa n voice out of the
U E K ~ O ~ oi

of God and the ILad

13 Kai ,jrovaa $ w v ? ~;K

oi r dGov, Marrdpcoc the
Sri,, Bl-d dead

705 0hpa~06, ~ ~ 0 6 bftp ~ t ,:voice And I heard a X ) ~ n 13 from heaven

heaven, saying

which die in the ,Lord f r o u h~uceforth: Yea ri, br sirith the Spirit, t h s i ~ ~ ? r h p r r . ~ Xiy~c rveirpa, 'iva bdva7ra6uwvra;11 Nai, they may rest from they may rest from their 1Ubours ; and from henceforth. Yea. mith the Spirit, that r a i611' ipya aCrGv ciicoXov6Ei per' a4rGu. their w o r h do follow tliem. and 'works 'their follow wrth dhem. who in rthel Lord - die


K U P ~ ( ~ ) T O ~ J Y ~ U K O Blessed~ a r e the d e 3 ~ Y ~ E

to me, s u ~ i ~ ~ g u n t o me,Wri

14 Kai k r l G ~ ~rail 8 0 6 , ve$6Xq X E U K ~ ~ a i ir i nlv vc$ihqv ,l ,

And [one] -

I saw,

and behold, a 'cloud


'white, and upon the o i mm,



~ZldIal~k,"; . and upon the

w3 t . oat like unto the Sod of man, haviog on hip head a ~~qmXijcIl ahroi ur; avov ~pvuoGv,wi i v r@-~ripi.ahro1 Gpi- golden crown, and in =head 'hk a crown 'golden; and i h h18 hand b h hand a sharp dokle. 15 And another r a v o r 6E6. 15 wai 6Ahoc ByytXos i E i j X B a v i i c roG vaoi?, angelcameout of the Wkle 'sharp. And another angel came out of the, tample, t e m ~ l c ,r ~ b ~ with a loud V0iW to& Ehst wpi&~v i v Op~yLXp'$wy$N raeqpitvp i?ri rijc b~$iXqc,sat ou the cloud, ry' crying with loud vo~ce t o him sitting on the cloud; Thrust in thy srckle. and map : for the t h e XipJ/ov r ~ . ~ p t r a u 6 v - ~ o v ; . ~ ~ L O O &L , 4 x 6 ~p O ~ t " ica; ~ Y ~ i COIIIO l o r thee U s , Send thy sickle and reap ; because ia oome to thee the reap tor the harvest of tde w t h ir rtpc 6pa 4 ~ 0 6 ~ ' Bepiaat, 671 i6qpivb)q d 6Epraphs rijc yiis. 16 Kai 16 a n d he that =t hour to reap, because is &led the fisrveat of the earth. And on the cloud thrust in hr. sickle on theearth; @ ~ X E U raBi,pavo~ i?ri ' r l j v ve$iXqvUrb-6pb7ravov-ahro apd the d wu .put 'forth 'he 'sitting -upon *the 'cloud his sickle reaped.

l ~ a e , j p ~ l ijp0loCu J~E
sitting like

& Y ~ ~ L ~ Xo v i ,r i nrrjc cloud' ~ WY

hating on



l r i .njv ytjv, lcai i6epiub)q


the earth. an& wen rearwd the euth.


yij. i v r$

17 And another anout of the temple which [is] in the gel came our of the otpavy', ixwv ~ a airrbc Gpi7ravov 6%. 18 icai 6AXoc 67- teuple which is in i heaven he also havheaven, *having 'Plea 'he a 'eickls 'ahlup. And snotLcer an- iug a ' shrrp sickle. yAoc ~i~rjXBev1I 703 &ruraarqpiov, t ixwv fEouaiav i r i p03 18 And another ahgel w11e out from the ulgel cume out o the f altar. having authority over tar, which had power rrvpdc, ~ aI94 y a ~ v ~ ~ ~ a v ~ $ p p s ~ d A ~ i ry' $ovrr rh 8piravov o v q h; m d cried with a loudcry to him fire, .sd he &d with a cry 'loud to him having 'sickle that kad the sharp r b bE6, Xiywv, IIip+ov oov rb Gpirauov rb bt6, ~ a rpbyq- srckle, snyiug, T h r u d i 'the ydharp, mying, h d thy Sickle 'sharp, and gather in thy sharp aid&, and gather the c l u & ~ ~ uov r 0 6 ~ pdrpvac rijc yijc, Srr ' ( p u a v . a ora$vXai of the vine of the i earth ;for her g r a m ths brinehen of the earth ; pee~rw f ully ripe are 'gram
Aud auorher angel came &vac ahiivov ve -eirshallerest W. iivngga iyipcfor poL they m vrbv T. 7i)v ~ e + o h i ) v LT. * - 706 71jr vc+iAqr b) w t u 'vui~o ih

- 17

Kai dMos Byydoc iEijXOav ir r o i vaoi r o i


&T& OLA.

h i v a n a ~ u o ~ y 7they ar

a . QLTT~~ 8z + 4 the L T T ~-civarraliuovr~)W . shall A ; peyi?~ OLTTrAW.

k rBov T.




1 +W$


+ 6 s L p u i A ~ vof the vine W)LTT~AB

- ~ b A 8 c vL.

1 ~a.thjpcvov 6potov OLTTIAW. P uor OLlTrAW.


+ b who ( y e a d gxwv


gave fury to the seven angels seven lives "bowls to the 'golden,' ages

golden vials fun of the anxels

@wrrr~ roig i r r d &yy6Xorq i n r d 9tdXas ~ p v a ; f w ~ r b a s t anre tlnto ~ s

of tL.e
of God, who

living creatures full

livethfor ever temever. 8 And the and ~b W" filled with ~~~1~~ And 3was.4filled %he %ernple with smoke from the glory a the ages. t ro; er05, rai dr rijg.6vudp~wc.airro5. rcai o&&ic m ? j 6 ~ v a rpower. and no man ~U of God, aud from his power: and no one was W* able to enter into the temple till the mdaeX0aiv ~ i g rbv vadv, aixpt r~Xea6Gaivai i n r d ~ X q y a irGv van p l a m L of the to enter into the temple until were completed the aeven plagues of the yen angeh were fulfilled.

plloioaS ro3 8vpoG 703 Qeoij ro6 SGvros ri'e roirs aiGvat wrath of ~ o d ,who

TGVac'&vwv. 8 rni iycpiaeq

6 vnbc r a m 0 3 Qrrijc

y%'s Gf:

lnrd ciyyiXw.



And I hew6 6 Kai qrovaa n$w;ig peydXrlcll i r 703 va03, X~yo6uqp XVIioice of the out And I heard a avoice lo~d and out of the temple, the saying temple saying t o the angels, Qo, pour out an 'lr, so$ ways, anfpour out t h bowls of the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.

roTc i d &yyiXotg, 'Yrdyere, rai o i ~ ~ 6 a rrhc P $&as mr e"

to the seven

&OS 1 +v yGv. ~
"dcpayted 'the came ha4 'list, and poured out eril and his bowl grievoas, upgn beast,

of God into the earth.


2 Kai CixijXQ~vi) ~pGrog, xai i(iXeev r ~ ~ - + ~ d X q u . a & r o

4 i f i Y r4v yijv* rai on to the Carth; m d

&%,":,"d vial upon the earth

I ~ ~ Y E AT o ~ a ~ ~ a rovqptv r ~ i g lrodg E K Oz b i '

a sore, the the

dvOp&~ov~ roirc ixovrag rb x d p a y p roG Bqpiov,

men ?o who


of the

".rircdvr.airrol ~pooxvvo3vra~."
'his 'imoae And the sea; 'doing rhomage. second angel poured out his bowl

~ ~ ~ ~ h ~ ~ d f e up,n the rai rode w h i c h h & d t b f t m ~ k ~ f and those the whibhmd o n h i p them w ped his image.

3 Kai i-6r6r~pogthyyrh&l i a r r v r ~ v . ~ ~ ~ X q v a trip ia g ",,; r o i , :" zP"

the snd i t became blood, as of Coue] dead t and every ssoul

*vXIj i t b e e a m e a s t h e d l o d njv eciXaaaavb rcai iyivaro alpa &g v~rcpo;, rai ~ Z a a of a dead man: m d 'ZGaa%niOavcv
iliving died third And the the rivers,

into mal upon the sea . and

every kiviug soul in t h e sas.

iv 76 Bahdaan.
in th: angel


4 Kai 6 rpbor 'Lyyrhogll

ro3g ~ o r a p o i g lcai

~UXEE~ r1jv.(tbhqvairo6
poured out his bowl
~ V 6bhrwv

rdg rrqyd~ r3v ;~&Twu' rai z Q y i v ~ ~ o l l fouutdns o t water*;

E:m;hz;:kt~ upon the rivers and

of watera ; and they became a d they bec-e blood. L And I heosd Xiyovrog, the angelof the waterr blood. And 1'heard the angel of the waters saying, may, Thou a l t righteous, 0 Lord, which Ai~atos,BICr;prs,fi 1, 6 &v rai i) 4v 6" iiaios, art art, and wast, and Righteous, 0 Lord, art thou, who a r t and who wast and the holy one, that shalt be, b e c a w t h o ~ hast judged thus. 6 For raGra i~ptvac. 6 Srr fnTpan ciyiwv cai rpo- they have the these things thou didst judge ; because [the] blood of saints and of pro- blood of sainta bnd and into the fountains

alpa. 5 rai qrovaa 703 &yyQXov T


~ F ~ X E U V ,rai

alpa airroig dic?wsaglle ~ u i v . l h~toe ast glven them blood l thou

another out of the Almighty, true altnr

they poured out, and blood t o them thou didat give to drink ; 'worthy And I heard
~ Q i) & ~ E

to drink ; forthey a m

f7&p" ~ i u i v . ? Kai qmvna ~ ~ X X O ikll 703 evuiaorqpiov X i V

for they are.

my- tar say, Even so,Lord


,ovrog, Nai, K

b ~ ~ a v r o ~ p d r w&X?$tvai i) p,

8iraiar , " , " ~ r & ~ $ ~ ~ N t r

and righteous judgmen&

Yea, Lord



8 Kai b r i r a p ~ o r xbyyeXocn~ G X E~ v . $ 1 d ~ q u - a 6d o ~i g EV r ~
And the



pourcd out

his bowl

~ n d tbc foarth upon angel poured out his

m <&6~1170 LTTrA. fiy&Aq.~.w ~ i j s LTAW. J ;KX~TC I LTA. P i r ~ seven h - 4 . QLTT~AW. cir into L ~ A W . i m i upon LTTrAW. n p o u ~ v ~ o i r vt$a ~ r sixovr a 6 7 0 6 GGT~~AW. t ineAos LTTJAW. ( y e a d soul of life) GLTTIA. 7a the [thingsj LTTIAW. 1 hyyahos CL1"l'rAW. Y ei( LTTrA. i y k v oL ~ . A ~dptc GI.TTrAW. b rrai CT ; x a i b !feud buroc iloly) 1.TrAW. c a G a 7 a blood8 T . d i 6 w a a s thou hast giveu Lr.nw. r t v L nrtv TA. ; f y4p OLTTrAW. o &\OU ir ~ L T T L A W .


+ -

sr s

::2 onto

hi,,I to scorch the

k z :

AIIOKAAY~IX. XVI. rbv ijltov* lcal i8dOq abr$ lcavpn~luacro3c dvOp3~ovcI r t

nun ; nnd i t was given to it And to scorch 'men men aiLh 'hent wi~

men with fire.scorched 9 And men were with blas hemed the nnme plngues : and

.rrvpi' 9 rai h~avpariuequavoi iiv~pwroi mGpa pQyn,KO

fire. 'were ~~lcoiched the name 'great, nr

, '

i,6Xaa$$pquav ri, 8vopa

they blnspbemed


of God,

e f o i roG.~~ovroc dEovuiav h*
r h o ha8 authority ore?

rdE-rXqYd~.ra6ra~, 06.peravdqaav 603vai ahr@ 86Env. lcai

give these pltigues, and did not repent t o give him glory. him glory. 10 And the fifth an10 Kai b x;prroS i&yy~Xoc'l dEExern rrjv.$idXqv.atroG in1 gel poured out his And the fifth angel poured out his bowl ap~r vial upon the Reat of 703 ~qpiov.lcai dyivrOtj.pauihia.atroir Qa~orwthe b e n a t rind his TAY ep61~0v k i n ~ d o m&S full of the throno of the beast ; nnd 'became 'its 'kingdom dark. darkness; and they r ~ e their tongues p i q * K N ~ k b p a ~ ~ & v r rdg-y&hu~ac.n(lrGv K 'TO; T ~ V O V , a ~ll ( or p-, 11 and blna- ened ; nnd they were gnawing their tongues for the distrenr, hemed the God of of 11 eai i,6xnug$@quavrbv &bv 703 O ~ ( ) C I V O ;;K T ~ xdvuv U genven becnu, their pnins nnd their end bln~phemed the Qod of the heaven for 'distresncr sores, and repented not oftheir dee,is. a6rGv lcai dr rGv.iXr3v.a6rGv, ~ a oG.peravdqaav i 5 3 ~ 'tl~eir nnd for their sores, and did not repent of

q y w v crlirGv.
works Itheir.

12 ~ ~ i&yy~Xoc' dl$xtev rrjv.$ikXqv.abroG dri rbv ~ $ ~ , " ~ " , ~ , " h Kai d g ~ r o ~ viol upon the great And tbe sixth angel poured out his bowl upon the ri'er water thereof; was ~ o r a p b vrbv piynv 1 ~ 6 ~ 1 1 the Euphrates Ei~$pdrqv' rai d[qp&veq ri, i;bwp driedup, that the way 'rivpr 'grent, r the Euphrates ; and was dried up 'wata of the kings of the a h o i . 'ivn brorpau8y' t j 6 6 6 ~rGv, @au~Xbwvr3v cin~r east might be prspnred. And I saw lits, that might be prepared the way of the kings 'the 'from unclean suirita like m ~ v a T 0 X 3 v I ~ {XiOU. a; n ~ 1 8 ~ ~ " Ir TO^ urdpnroc 703 Out Of the rising of [the] sun. % ~ d 1 snw out of the mouth of tha mouth of the dragon, and out of tho mouth 8 p h ~ ~ v rlcai , ~c roi) urdparoc roi) eqpiov, K U ~ ik 703 dragon, end out of the mouth of the b e a t , and out of the falne prophet. 14 For urdparoc 703 \Clev8orpo$~rov, xveitpara rpia circieapra they are the of mouth of the false prophet, %pirit8 Ithree 'unclean devils, working miracles,whic~ forth Oiipora Parpdxois'll 14 ~iuiv-yap v a 6 p a r a go ~ PJaipdvwvll xoiunto the kings of the like fro88 i for they are spirits of demonr doearth and of the whole rorld, t o g r 0 3 v ~ a quqpeia I~rope6euear~~ 7 0 6 ~ ixi /3nutXeis ' r i j ~ i j ~tai y ther them t o the bat- ing aigns, t o go forth to the kings of thg earth and tle of that great any of sod Almighty. oireovpiv~c z X r ] ~ , uuvayayeiv atrodc eic* rdhepad 15 Behol I come M of the %bitable [Slporld] 'whole to gat he^ together them unto bnttle

2 ite",",";c: ",






rijs t b i p a y i ~ i v q c pryiXqcI1roi BroG roi xavro~priropo~.

15 p8 1
of "day Ithat xgreat

keepeth his armentm lart he wayk nnked' m d they see h d rhome. 16 And he a. the Armageddon.

of God the


tg b ~ & r e r tongue


06, fp'p~0p4~ ~Xkrqc..p~lchp10c &E

I come
a thief.

Ble~oed [in] he that

d ypfly~pG~,

mi lcai rqpGv r&ipbr~a.a(lroQ, 'iva jj p p v I c a u an$ naked he mnp and k e e p his gnrmeats, that not @Xdrwuiv ~v.ciu~qpou6vqv.a6ro~. 6 l~ai uvvjlyay~v l
they see them



hia shame. place which

And he gathered togethez

~ 6 ~ 0 eic rdv rbnov rdv lcaX06p~vov'EP diuri "Appa6s

to the
ia odlod


geddon. 1 , the seventh 17 Kai rngel poured out hi8 And the
p -

6 i'/38opac w&yeXocn iaFQx~ev rrjv.$ihXtlv.a6~03

seventh angel poured out his bowl

o?yyrAor GLlTrAW. i p a u i w o LTTrAW. ?&V Q T [ T ~ ~ c8ov T . 0 &c (as) B d ~ p a x o c GLTTrAW. P iia~povi~v GLTl'rAW qrcia 6 iKnopcv'e?ac sigus whick g0 forth EoTTrAW ; t q p c i a ' i ~ l T o ~ a v ' siglrs : they p ~ar forth L . 6 9 yrir xa'c G v r A W . TW the OLTTrA-W. pey6hqs j p e p a s 8 . pyyehoc a ~ m rW r . ~ippayc6dv L ~ ~ A W . O JpipaC njt E"ey&r)r TI~A.

+ .+L

~ ~ W .












into the a i r ; and xticn rbw &dpaalcni lEijXOev +my+ ~ ~ ~ ~ ( ~&*i)'ll vaos i X q lroij a into the a i r ; and caule out a 'voice &loud from the temple there out of the voice ' 903 06pavoG,~~ &*b roir eprjvov, Xiyovun, I',iyovev. 18 Kni temple ot henvan, of the hcaveu, from the throne, soylug, I t is done. the Is throne, % g ,: It done. ' iyhvovro b+wvai rai Ppovrai rai c i a r p a ~ a i , ~ ~ nartapbs 18 And there were rai there were voices and thunders and lightuings ; nnd Lenrthquake vOiOw' and tbUnders* and lightning$ ; and byhv~ro piyag, 010~.o&r-iyivero &$' 0 6 'oi ~iv8~wnoc by6- there was a 'them 'WIW a great, lnoh as wns not since man earthquake, 8ucgrr&R; Was not aince men ~ 0 h i 7 ; yGc, rryklcoirros m ~ a p bo$rws piync. 19 rat were upon the earth, ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ Were on the enrth so mighty m earthquake, so great. And '0 might? an earthy k e , a n d so grent. t ~ J E T O r 6 X t s peyhXq tic rpia pipry, rni a; n6Xrt~r 3 v 9 And the grent city *iwame 'the "city 'great into three parts ; and the cities of the wai divided into three parts and theoitles of @ V ~ U ?~EU~~'%ai d Bat3vX;v peyiXrl i p v j ~ e q Bvc~*t0~ Ations fell: and the nntionr fell; and Babylon the great wssremembered before great Bnbylon onme In remembrnnce beTO$ 0~05, 6oSvar aimj rb ronjpcov ro3 oivov 703 8vpo3 rfis f ore GO^, to give unto &d, to give her the cup of the wine of the fury her the cup of the wine of the flercene~s hls of dpy,is ntroij. 20 m r z a a v i j ~ oe'qvytv, rai i ~. iipq O ~ X mnth. ao a n d ever) ' m t h 'of 'his. And every island fled ; and 'mountains 'no island fled sway, and

tipieqnnu. 21 ~ axcihata CL~YhAq i cjC.raXavrtnia uara/3niyel the found 21 were not mohntains And
were found ;


a *hi1

,great u of a tnlent weight comes down

thcre fell npon men a ven hail out of hengreatevery stone about the height of a tnlcht: and men blasphemod God lague of theofhail. $ 1 the plague thereod 0 WM exceeding great.

&c T O ; otpavo3 bni r o k ivt)p&rovc. m i i/3hau$tjpqaav oi ont of the heaven upon men; and 'bluphemed dv0pwrot rbu Oriv, K rijr ?rXqyijs r i s xaX6ks. p'men God, becauw of the plngue of the 'exceeding.



r ~ X 1 BUT~U ~.?rhrylrj.atrijs ~$66pn.

grant .its plague

And came one or the *even angeln of those XVIL And them bring the came one of the cleven h r d $ihiac, kai iXciXtlrrsv PE; ipoc, &hywv e p ~ ~ A"E ~ ~ o , which had the , angcla seven bowls,

17 Kai $

1 9 e?c ~ rijv l n r d &yyiXwv r 3 v bxdvrwv rdc ~ ;C

and spoke with me, saying

I will &hewthce the sentence of the 'harlot


rb lcpipa r,ir r i p v q ~~

4 pyAXq~,T$S s
gwnt, who

to me, Come here, seven vials and talked with me, iayfng unto raoq- me, come hither. I

pbvqc bsi 'r3v" 6bkrwv ' 7 3 ~ToXXL~U* 2 "

sits willshewnnto the,'ths judgment of the gmnt that sithrh upon the 'waters 'many ; with whom acommitted7for. upon many wntarn : 2 with whom the kings oi P ~ a ~ X r irijs yijg, 'rai ipe96aeqaav g b ~ c r05 olvov of theeorthhnye uav nication 'the 'kings 'of .the 'earth ;rmd went made drunk with the wine mitted fomicrction and the inhabitnor; ri)~.sopv~irc~.a&rijs oi K ~ ~ O ~ X O ~ Y yijv.ll ~ E ~ 3 Kai ofthe earth have bn of hcr fornication those that dwell O n the emth. And made drunk with the


irdpvev- who,


pXpvu,$' ~ a xiey rtp+ i

and prrcious stone8 and pearls havln a pold~ortjprov~~ BV sp".;yrtpi.airrijg, *yipovI1 l 8 ~ X v y p L . ~~a ' h ~ a e -en cudin her t n n d tll!l f t ~i cup in her hand, full of abominationv and of nnoleamn- of abominationr and with gold and *stone 'precionr and pearl& kYoving a golden

rai papyaptrlris,


ouua q~pvaoivwith

-vycyd?q & o w a i ~ L n ir xa W . of LTT~A. iyivczo man wne out - 706 01;pav06 L u ~ p a r r ax a i ~ w a xab i r iveporros L~~AW. LTTtAW. c'reuav LTTrAW. -aG7i)sQLTPrAH. t - 7cjv oi r o i w e r *v yi(v CK rot oivov 4 s ropveiQs QLTTrAW. e16a yipowa b v 6 ~ a 7 ~
iai upon c3Lrmr.4W.



!i x o w a TA. LTA : ye'pov ~a(- 'TO W) &v&ata T W. 1 jjv w w QL'IT~Aw. 111 wop. (bvpo6v OLTTrAW. K~XKL~OY QLlTrAW. A. P x p u o i y LAW. P sol+ prov ypvvo3v LTTrAW. yipov T . 1 TA &aapra q s the u~i~lertn thmge Q L ~ ~ A W .

L~I[A]. L. i



fi~t~linesqoi forniher upon

AIIOKAATPIX XVII. cforqroEn ?ropv~ia~-aLrijc, ~ a i i x l rb.pCrlrwrov.atrijc 5

her forehezd wns a ne's nqme writtrn, NYS- 6vopa TEBY, RAByLOY

y ~ ~ p a p p ~ v oY v ~ r ~ o t o ~ ,n s u h j v4 p~ydhq, u, v
written, Mystery, Bsbylon the Qreat, harlots and of the drunk abomtnxtions of the earth. And

of her fornication ;



her forehead

T H E GREAT, T H E an'me

~p6~1)p ~ xopv3v $ a 61) E X I ~ Y , U (riji ~yijc. 6 Kai ~ &V ~ ~ , ~~ i P ~~ OV

m0 her of the

EARTH. 6 And1 rhe womnn drunken with the blood of the saints, aud with the the tyre of Jesus: nnd when I saw her, I wondered with great admirntion. 7 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst than marvel? I w ~ l ltell thee the myster of the woman, andofthe beast that carrieth b r , which hsth the seven heads nnd ten horns 8 The beast that i h O u s a w e ~ t was an11is not ; and shsli nscend out of the bottomleJs and go into per!ition : and they that dwell on the enrth shall wonder, whose namea were


t ~ ~ 8rljvvyvvaira r~e60uaavir 705 &ttaroS r6v ciyiwv, ~ a i ~ "

I saw
the woman with the blood of the sainta, and with the her,

;K ro; a~paroC paprhpwv 'Iqaoii. rcai teairpaaa, i8jv r3v

blood of the witnesses
E ~ T ~pot V

of Jesus. And I wondered, having men

abrhv, Bnitpa t&ya. 7 Kai

with 'wonder 'great. And didst thou wonder? and of the seven was, and beast

b (Eyy~kq, vAtarig
aangel, of the Why woman,

Said .to 'me 'the mystery

iBa6pacraC; iri, waok ipGn rb pvartjptov rijc yvvatr6n

thee will tell the carries which her,

xai roij eqpiov 706 paarcizovroc aGrtjv, roi; ixrir mQaXd~ rd 8ira rrEpara. 8 rai
heads and the ten and
! q


~ ) ( ~ V T Or(ic C hss the

horm about

[ThQ berut which t h o *mweut ~


Bqpiov "o


T qv, rai ohr.icrrw, cai p6XX~t &vapaiv~cv r rig d/3$aaw, i

is not,

to come np out of the


d?rcjX~~av Y;?r(iy~tv"' ~z ~ ~ v p c i a ~ m a tcarol~ l i bi and into destruction to g o ; and shall wonder they who dwell IEOijvrEc ixi ,+jC yjjc, &v a~h-Y~Yparrra~U v 6 p a ~ a ~ brd d blri on the earth, of whom are not written the namos in b v r W x rara3oXijc r6a ov, cpAiEL)C

foundation of the the hook 'of life from [the] foundation of [thefworld, seewhen they berb Oqpiov d$ rtn $v, ~ a OGK iartv, e ~ a i m p i iuriv.' hold the beast that ?~OVTES" was m d %ot 'La, and yet L . ing the .ha& which and h not, yeti& 9 And here 9 686 b voirg 6 OXWY ao$iav. ai ilrrir r~$aXai, filpq w ~ Here [h]the mind which h ~ ~ wisdom : The seven hew& %onntninr ~ ~ herdrueaevenmonn- ~kalvdmcf," 7 0 ~ yuvi)' xu8qrar h' atr3v. 10 cai @a$ tains, on which the 1~ ''even, where the woman slts op them. And there are seven ling. : q l X ~ i ~ d ~iarv. oi TQVTE I r ~ u a vg~ 4 j a b EIS Zartv, o K : the bve are fallen, and the one h, t h %even 'there is not'ret come; md diXXoc oirm f i B ~ v * 8rav cai dXi ov aGrbv.dei c"hBp, he come#* he other I r o t 'yet 'is comb : and when hd shall have come, a l i t t z wh'ie h e mu& mlut continue arhort ,p11 ~ ~ t h ed ~ G V U L . ~ u rb Bqpiov 8 $v, rai otr i m v , rai horfrAs@ n 11 i h l y t that nu,and is -main. And the beart whkh was, and 'not ' Wao %e 4 not, even he La the rai h$ +v iarci ~ u T ~ vrai leai l r c j X E c c t , r eighth, and is of the By60dc i a r t ~ , mven, and b a t h into .an 'eighth 'is, and of the seven is, and into destnjctioo perdition 12 And the ten h o r n ; ~ h i & than 6 ~ c i ~ 18t KO; rd d i ~ a ~ . dpara E Z ~ E ~ ,dika baatXiC aawest are tan kings goes. And the ten horns which thou aawest ten kings


tz ra,$i20g,",

:p&$,,r ss ~are, v o?rtvrr /3aath~iav'not 'yet gAapov, 'Wnibouiaav : h ,whtoh 'a 'kingdom 'obrwn 'received, b u t authority $ but reoeive power
ggsbeg' @aa~XQc Gpav Xap~dvovacuPEA Oqpiou. h;yg2 piav 706
XW One


13 otror
These authority

hrve one mind, and b a l l give their power the and h t . M These &all




the and


t z v *yv$~qv iy~vatv,' rai rGv 86vaptv iai 'rijvW itovaiav

of themeelver to the

"iauriivu r+ Bqpiy 0bradc6Laova~v.' 14 o6ror perk roii

beast they .hail gire u . p These with the

and the


e l h LTRA.


vaa) OLnrAW.

the name is not writfen) LTT~A. rai ~cy,imar and ehaIl be present OLIT~AW. S rai OLTTIAW, h 0570s this R. ioirr not I.. k +A L ~ m -*v LW Irirzbi'~(red their authority)LPTrAW,


~ ~ V ) L ~ U ~ U O W O I L L.

ifi v o r
l 061

L T ~ ~ 76 The QLlTrAW. ~,6?&ye~ +&ypam was not written L. b TO ovopa c &err6vrwv QLlTrAW. P &L (read that it




A W .

Lamb war wiU make,

and the


Lamb will overcome them i because shall overcome them : for he is Lord ofkings and King of lords, r c 6 p ~ ompiwv iariv rai pautAairc /3aaixiwv rai S 0i King of kings : and those that cue] they that are Lord of l o r d he ia and atroQ, Aqroi ~ a irhexrol rai ataroi. 15 i ~~~se,""a,"d~;~*;;~ with him, called, and chosen, and fafthfnL 15 bnd he ~ a i t h unto sdpvt] ticieqrai, Xaoi ~ a me The waters which i pot, Tdr iisara ETBEC, 05 aita, 'peoplesaand thdu saweat where t o me, The waters which thou sawest, where the harlot the whore sitteth, SxXot eiuiv, ~ a lOvv lcai yAGaaai; 16 rai rdr dQra i ~kpara r p l e s , and mulare 4multitudes 'are, and nation8 arid tongue& And the ten horns titu es, aud nation and tongues. 16 An2 qhziurb Oqpiov, 06roi p l ~ f i b ~T v ~~ Y ~ ?rdpvqv, the ten horns which i ii ~ 7 8 ~ s which thou saweat upon the beast, these shall hate the harlot, thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate ~ a tjpr] wpivqv noctjaovotv atrljv rai y ~ p ~ trai~ , i j the whore and shou and Paolate shall make her and naked, and make her desolateand naked m d #hall eat ari rac atrijc $Clyovrai, rai atnjv rararaCaovaiv riv" mpi. her fiesh, and burn .her 'shall .eat, and *her 'shall "burn with Are ; her with fire. l 7 For Qod hath put in their 17 b.ydp.8cbc 3wrav ~ i c rhs.~ap8iac.a6rGv ~oiijaac r j v h earta to full11 hir for Qod gave to their hearh t o do will and to agree

kpvlov soXepi)aovaiv, ral ri, cipviov

ULK;IUEL ~ 1 6 7 0 6 8rt ~~


2; ",?L;:


yvhpqv a6ro8, ' r a i sotioar piav yvljpqv," rai L t v a i +v

Pm~ud akingdom of Qod 'great, which And 'his, a d

to do




to give saying8

/3aa~X~iav al;rGv 703 BEOZ. 18

8qpiy, cixpi ijv


11 l8 be ?h (jfipura God nhall the fulfilled.

i:$~d:dyf 01 ~i until the words

which thou sawest i . thatgreat citylwM*

%heir to the beast,

K U ~

untiI 8h0uld be fulfilled the

And the woman whom thou sawest hae kingship over the

Ij yvvlj

EUEC,iariv t j s6Atc
the 'city kings of the earth. descending

pyciXg, t j ixovaa /3auiXeiav bzi rGv /3aacXQwvrijr yfis.



vKaill )c~.rh raGra elGov

&er these things I saw
L n ig 5authority

cEyyeXov rara/3aivovra0ix
an angel
: g

700 otpavo3 i ovra b);ovaiav pe7LiXljvn rai I j yij


xvm. And aft& these thing# I aaw and the earth w u eahght- another angel coma down from heaven, rioeq br ~ij~.6dFt]~.a&ro3. rai irpatev xbv.ia~iii, 2 having -at werened with . hia glory. And he cried mightily wi a 'voioe and the eart%OHP; p~yhXg,"Xhywv, ' E r e a ~ vy h e a ~ vBapvX&v tj pyfXq, wai ~ f ~ t e ~ ~ ~~ lloud, mying, Is fallen, ia fallen Babplon the peat, .ud mig&ily withaatrong

oat of




%pi- fallen, and is become dc paroc (tra8ri rov: xal $vXam) ?ravrbl bpviov cira8riprov rcai the habitation ofhold vila and the spwt, rlt ' C , and a hold of b d knolean %nd of & '&K oivovU 703 0u)coii njg sop- w d a cage af evew p ~ p l ~ ~ p ~ ~ 0 ~b 'r ~ C 8 iorni- anclean and hateful 'hated : becauae of the wine of the fury bird. 3 For all n r veiac a&rGc es~?rwrev!l arivra rd Zevq, rai oi paacXeic tiona have drnz~kof oation 'of 'her 'have 'drunk 'all *the %ationa; and the kings the wine thd wrath of her fornication, 7ijs Y ~ C ~ diL 4 c p b~dpvavaav, rai 02 ip~opor~ j j c and the ~ a g of the s 0 the earth with % her did commit fornication, m d the merchants of the ~ ~ C $ ~ y i j ~ CC f i s Gvrtipewc ? o ~ . a r p f i v o v ~ . a 6 ~ buAor;rqoay. pnd the merchants o i mrth thr-h the power of her luxury were enrich$, e=&wy 4 KaZ fyovua t i U r ] L 9wvrjv' B l t 703 o~pavoC, Xiyovaav, bundance of her dell&d I heard another voice out of the heaven, mying, caciee. 4 And I heard voion from d ' ~ t f h @ ~ ~ ~ " bXadc-p~v,~~ ~ t j . ' w y ~ o i v w ~ o q r another saying, Coma afirijs 'iva heave a" come Y* a t of her, that ye may not have feuowahip out o , peopir L i my m y peopb,

fr become

tykvero xarotrgnjptov ZBaipdvyv,l~ $vXa~$ rai ?ravrbc m e 6 a habitation of demono, a hold of every





p dnev I P4 and Q L ~ A W . r b (read w p i with fire) T~A]. 8 *a; nobyvcliwv be fulfilled) ia h L QLTTrAW. L ;rai aocriua p& a t ~ l . a o reAcd3tjmvrrrb (~ball OLlTrAW. py aai LTT~AW. v (v& another angel) L. $ A) 4 C jwith a strong voice O L ~ A W . r ;V~UUV ~ [ A J 8 6 a y o v i . r q


W B I ~ O W ~ ~ O U Lb ~ p w a - p . a .


and hetad (eplrit) L, b m l oivov q ~ r ] ~ . 0 r b d m r w have W e n (M by) a ;U ( ~ [ V ~ W WA ir . E&A0aze m A W ;

+ rai ~ e p c r & v o v

~ ~ r ~ that ye receive not of her plngnea. 5 For her d n s have reached unt o henvet), and God bath rmembered her iniquities, G Reward her eveu re-

in her sins, for and that ye may not receive of 'her


raic.6paprini~.aire, raj Gva plj-hhptjre 4~ r3v nAqy3, ~ s , ~ ; a6rijc'11 5 iirr hrj~oho6811aav~~ ai drpaprial &pl airrtjs

06pavoG, rai dpvqpbvevam d 8 t h;i~. ~ 6 &*d.

heaven, and xremembered 'God her unrighteousuessek



as far aa the Ren-

warded you, and don- dore aCr6 xai ai~rrj ai~66wrcev '6t~7v,lI GtnXPaare ka6rg'fl ral ble donb'e der toher M also she rendered to you ; and double ye t o her accord~ng to her works: in the cu 'dtrhz rard rci.~pya.airrijc. ;v worqpiy irtkpaa~v, which she double, recording t o her works. In the cup which she mixed, i l l to her double. 7 How much shc bath K E P ~ U ~ Tairre dt~ho6v. 7 ijaa E iddfaa~v miavnjv'l rai ~lorifiedherself, and mix ye t o her double. So much aa she glorified hornelf , and ved delicior~sly, ao much torment nad hurpqviau~v,T O U O ~ ~ O Y 6 ahp' paaavtupbv rai a i v 8 0 8 6 ~ ~ Borrow give her: lived luxuriously, so much give to her torment and mourning. for she snith in her heart, I sit a queen, BTL bv ru.mpdiq-a6rijc Xiyet, K68r)par paaiXtuaa, rai and am no widow, Because i n her heart she says, I sit nqueen, and


~ ~ . s h a $ s $ ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ ~ r a i n b 8 o c 06.plj ~rjpaoirx-/pi, i8w. ahall her plagues a widow I a m not : and mourning in no wise may I see.



i ~ zur$i; $pip9 ijSovutv ai.wXqyai.atrijc, 06varoc ~ n niveoc a i v p[@ i

On account of thi.

and &mine ; and she i n one day &all come her plagues, death and mourning $ l ~ ! ~ < t t ~ ~ : b ~rai Xrpbc. rai h m p i raraxav8rjatmr~Crr iuppbc ~; v Ov6 rocu among u the k d a d famine, and with dn f~he .hall h burnt ; for strong [iathe] & r d God who the kings of b 8rbc b ~ r p i v ~ v ~ ( L C 2 7 j vxai q ~ ~ a 6 u o v r a ~ " and judgeth her. 9 . ra6rGv,s rai the earth, who have God who judges her. And shall weep for her, and

bnming, 10 standing afar o for the fear of her torment, saying, AIM, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city Iforinone hour is thy jud ment come. 11 Andt tne merchnnts of the earth &all weep and mourn over her ;for no man buyeth them merchandise any more: 12 the merchandine of gold, and silver, bnd recious .tones, and o f pearls and fine linen, and

~d\C/ovrar 'a&rfa oi PaalXtig * S ;yGg, oi per' a(LCrijc xopin'

with her, shall bewail B a l l bewail for her, the kings of the earth, who with her commither, and k m e u t for M ~ U ~ U T rai~ u r p r ) ~ ~ i ~ u a v r ~ PXiwo~rvrbu ra?rZbv E ijrav ~ , ted fornication and lived luxuriously, when they see the smoke


rije-nv hu~wc.ahrijc, 10 6x6 paKpd8eu i u r ) 1 ~ 6 r ~ s did


rbv $dPov roG.~auavtupo3.a6~~, hdyour~c,Oirai, oirai,




'from of her torment,


'standing on account of

?rd.Xi~ y~,ty

4pcy& Igreat,

Ba/3vXhv, 4 r6Xtc
Babylon, the C i t y

4iuxvpci, for 'strongl


Woe, woe, the

t i ~ H GPQ
in oue how weap aud

~ X ~ ~ . V ~ ~ U ~ ~ . U11U . oi + r o p o r rGs y ? ~ E K O Kai xhaiovarv rni

is come thy judgment.

And the merchants of the earth t l e i r lading and of silver,

~ E Y ~ O iw'U ~a6rp","iin ~ ~ Y

rbv. dpov-afir6v oirbric &yop&<c

noone bayr and of P8tom lprecioar, md article of @ilk,

her, lading

becruae of gold,


land all ner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of moat grecioas woqd, and of rsrs mub\e, and iron nud 13 mon, and odours, and ointments,and frnnktnceme, and wine, snd o u . m d b e flour,



any more ; (lit. no more) and and ivory,

l2 yhpov X~VUOG, rai &py6pov, rai XiOov rrpiov,

and of fine linen, a n d all %ood 'thyine, of purple, and every

rai wpapyapirov," rai xPLuuov,nrai nop$6pa~, i Jut]pi~oG,~ m

of pearl, of acarlet, and

~ a KiO K K ~ Y Orai wiiv 66Xou 0Ci'vov, rai nirv ~~

~ L U O Y rni ,

U K E ~ O ~ bhs$civ-



UICE~O~ hw

S6hov rtptwr(irov, lcai . ~ d r o ; ,~ a i

and cinnamon. and oil,

and every

article of %wood 'most p e c i o u r , and of b r w , and

uid~pov, pa phpov, 1 3 .rai 'rrv6popov," xai

of ~ 0 % and

a rai and


xai p6pov, rai Xipavov, rai olvov, rai aarov, rai urpidahiv;
and ointment, and frankincense, and wine, and finert flour,

h 6soM<8r)uav were joined together 8 i r 7 t v f f h q y t v P;_~ljr'iva p+ Li, QLTTrAW. OLlTrAW. 1 V ~ L QLTTrAW. V aiqj LTTrAW. +a the l"l'r[~]. airiu Ll"l'rAW. LTTrA. O [dptos] A. P ~ p i v a judged OLTT~AW. r P KA~~QOVubv TTTAW. r a b n j v GLTT~AW. a;+ TT~AW. t ;v (read [in]) GI.1TrAW. v TT~A. W p a P y a p i + a ~ e a r l s L ; p a p y a p ~ ~ of pearls TT~A. p iv ~vwwivov OLTTrAW, l sai k p o v and amomuru GLI.T~AW. a ~rvvapwpov LIW. 7 urpuroG LT.

and and whent, and cattle, souls and

sheep, of men. and of horses, and of chariots,


xai arrov, rai rrr)vq, rai np6/3ara, rai 'ixxwv, rai { ~ 6 3 v , and"he~tlanabeasb, rai uwpdrwv, rai ~ $ v ~ c civephxwv. 14 rai ic
of slaves, and

(lit. of bodies) soul lusted after are inr6vpiaS r i j J/v~~q.aovII 6 ~ i j h 0 6xb "OOG, K U ~ ~ d ~~ xdvra r(i departed f ~ o m th,ee, desire o thy soul f are departed from thee, and all the nnd all thlngs whlch were dainty and goudv" are Xinapd lcai eru" hapxpci f d ~ i j h 6 ~dxb 006, lcai ~ o 6 r ~ rI i u de R r k d from fat things and the bright things are departed from thee, and 4any lmore and? thou shalt (lit. no more) find them no more a t h 2 & - p ~ ;piape a b r d . V i 5 0 ; Epropoi T O ~ T W V 0i of thesc things which l5 The merchants 'in no3\r-iseshonldst thou find them. The merchants of theiethings, who made by her! h a l l stand IfIrXovr<gavrec cin' atrijc, oinb pa~pdesv uriaovrar 6d 1

4'6ndlpa Crijc slaves, and sduls: uf ldthttd "P: And the ripe fruits of the si$:

: s $

were enriched the fear




sfar weeping

shall stand because of and mourning,


rbv 96Pov roC.paaauiupoir.aLr~~, ~Aaiovrecrai xev9oCvr~c,pY*i"ng

s ~ p i -clothed in'fine linen, xdXiq t'j p ~ y d h ' ~ , 4 Woe, woe, the lcity 'great, which [was] cloth- and and dlcked scarlet, purple lrnd with PPXI1E$v9k ~ 6 t J ~ rai 7rop$v oirv l ~ ~ ~ n k l c d ~ ~ ~ K U ~gold,I I and preciour ~ ~ ~ ,
and saying, ed with decked (fit. gilded) fine l i e n Kth and pupre and scarlet,

16 'rail1 X ~ ~ O V T Ohai, obai, 4 E~,

of her torment,


16 and nay-

re~pvuwpim1'Ivu m ~ p v u @ ~ ~ rai Xiey


and %tone 'precious and so great


rai "papyapi- great riches iscome to

p e u b I "ought shiprndtery:n?e=lf Kai ~?dcO,"$?~~ wealth. And man as trade b sea

and 17 for' in one hour M pearls1

saic-li 17$ dpp



d rouoirroc xhoirroc.

for 1n one hour was made desolate

i n i r i v nhoiwv b 8 p h o c , Y rai "OObafar Off! cried when they saw every steersman, snd all ' i n 'ships 'the 'company, and the smoke of her bnmvairrai, rai 8uor 7ljv.O6hauaavipyd~o~rai, ciad.parp6~av ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ailors, and an many ss trade by sea, afarOff city l 19 b d they r'aquav, 18 rai Ptrparov,n qbplivrecI1 rbv nanvdv nvp3- ~ ~ l d ~ P t , m@pvi)rqc,rai
stood, and cried, seeing




weeping and wailing,




great city wherein were made;ich all that 19 Kai '{/3aXovH xoirv - h i rhg.r~$aXdrs.absiv,~ a 'Erpacovs hadships inher costlii cried, the sea by and reason of And they cast dust upon their heads, ness l for in one hour r r ~ a i o v r erai T E V ~ O ~ V ~XE~ y o v r ~ ~ , obai, ~ ~ , Obai, n6Aic is she made dewlate: weeping and mourning, saying, Woe, woe, the 'city 20 Re'0ioe Orer tkou heaven andhers ye yY&Xq, ;v y' i n X 0 6 ~ a a v ndvrec o l ~ ~ o v r d o i a fv rp' holy apostles and c great, in which were enriched nll who had ships in the prophets-for Godhath avenged lyou on her. Oahauuv i r r i j ~ r i p r 6 r q r o c . a b ~ g , pc$ 5pp 6r1 dpqph- 21 And a mighty anaea through her costliness I for in oqe hour she was made gel took up a atone like a great millstone. oi iiyroi dnb- and cast i t into tha ,~~ Oq. 20 E5 paivov fs' " a & r ? j ~oboavt, rai desolate. &.ice o v her, 0 deaven, and b e ] holy a p sea, ~ a y i n gT h u with , violence shall t h a t arokoi rai oi xpo$ijrar, 'drr Zrptvav b e ~ b ro.rpipa.hpliu c great city ~ ~ stles snd[ye] prophets; for 'did =judge 'God your judgment npon be thrown down and abnjy. 21 Kai dpev ~ l ' c hyyAoc iaxvpb~ XiOov &c rpihovn 'a~befOundnO'Om her. And *took6up 'one 'angel 'strong a_stone, an a 'millstone 'of 'her, saying, What [city is] c k e to the 'citx

azirijc, kiyovrec, Tic

6 oia ?p" &XE'

p y d X p ; sa~ing,Alas, alas that


qiyav, rai
great, and

~ P ~ X E VEie d

v 6ciXauuav, Xiywv, Oiirwc bppises,

7 )

[it] into the Babylon

hsying, great city,





peydhg w6htc, rai ofi.p7j

and not a t aU

violence shall be cast down


crow n j s i n ~ 6 v 6 i a 6 s *xis LTTIAW. s &nAAero are destroyed W. 0 [TA] A. brhAe~o (-Aowo T) are destroyed n r m r a w . g 0 6 ~ 6 W. 7~ h air& 06 p$ e6pqu o v v v (shall they find)(&pp9 W) LAW ; 06 pgua6rA e3p$uovurv m r . i K~~LTT~AW. fiiuut~ov and ~ 6 r t ~ r v o v transposed L . 1 i v (read [with]) LTI[A]. m x p v v i p QLTrAW. p a p y a p i q pearl LTTrA. r i s b ;ni ~ 6 n o v h i u v every one who sail8 to [any]place n GI,TTTAW. P PI~p4av LRA. q /3Ai*ov~cs QLTTrAw. r ~ a l i (read this great q city) L. 8 ZScrhav L ; [ i n l i f i d o v A. i~patav LA. 7 L l W W Q L I ~ A ~ Y rai o i (read Lye] aaillta eud [ye1 apostles) G L ~ I A W . &~ALVOV.L~~


ooice.oP harpers the at el. m and 'ofand musicians, ha piper8 m d trumpetem &had be heard nq iu thee, more and no craftsmnn, of wh4tsoever craft he be, hall be found any more in thee and millthe sound of ; atone shall be hewd no more a t all in thee ; 23 and the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee of and the bridegroom and of inthee : for thy mer-

AIIOKAATYIZ E ~ ~ E hi.~ 22 cai qwv$ ri8app83v O

may be found longer: flute-players and and voice of harpers

K U ~~ O V U ~ K &~

a i




airXqrGu rai aaXrioruiv 04-p?) &covaep^ i u aoi iri, ~ a i

trumpeters not at all may be heard in thee longer, and E ~ P E ~ EY aoi h i , rai $ artificer of any art not a t all may bo found in thee longer, an? (?t?ie:ery) (lit. of @,very,)

?rZc r ~ x u i r ~ c r&qc r6xuq~ 06.p?)

$ W ~ V G X O V 0v.p~ ~ XGXuov olj.pi z$a7411

of bride

sound of millstone not a t all may be heard

& K O U U ~ ~d u

in thee longe?,

aoi in, 23 ~ a i 35
and fight voice of bridegroom and thy merchants were



rai $wvrj vvp$iov ~ a i

the vGp?qg

of lamp not nt all may s h ~ n ein

thse longer, and

~$,r,"r$m~~:lle, 2

not at all may be heard in


&rovuOp^ 81, aoi iri* 6ri boi".~propoi.uov

thee longer ;for thy sorcery

4uau oi p e y t u r i u ~ ~ yijg, ijrc i v ri.c$appareipfl.aov inharijc

$,","~f~~~e,",".h~~b~8 ~ u rhura vd ZOvq. 24 rai BY a6rq' da?pall?rpo$q~< av b thy sorceries were misled all the nations. And in her [the] blood of pro& nation. deceived* ,;dlitou ehp/$, sai ~ ~ T d~ ia$a @WU i r i *E , W Y :&$:$$,"id phets and saints waa foand, and of d l the Lin on the
prophets and mints, of all t h i t ye" wwe s l ~ i nupon the earth' earth.

were the

great ones of the ear~h, for by

19 eKaiil PET& rairra frovaa

h d after t h e thinga

a 'voioe


I heard

theae thmga I henrd a 8great 'loud in the heaven, saying, Hallelujah : the great volce of mnch eoplein heaven,suy- swrqpia m i 66Sa ' ~ a i rtpd%ai 8I;uaprc k ~ v p i y Alleluirr ; Salva- salvation and the glorp and the honour and the power t o tho Lord tion and glory and andpow;r,un. ~y.8~$.$pijv'~I $71 &hv19rv~i 8irainc 2. rai ai.rrpiaar~aliroC* to the i o r d our God : our God : for tme and righteoue [are] hi8 judgments ; % for true and right- jj eous are h,8 judg. ri i ~ p l v ~ u ndpvqv n j v peydXqv, ijric E+B~ipevTT)Y y t v 17jv merits : for he bath for he judged the 'harlot 'great, who corrupted the earth

x~x., Aria


l0XXoi.i ~(eyhXqvIIhu

fs(lj ozipavq,

hhhyovroc,ll'AXXqXofiao 4



hv F:,","," earth with with rf.ropv~iq.a&rFjs, rai ihe her fornication, and

b~e8i~qaev alpa r 3 v 606Xwv rb

hedid avenge the blood %ondmen &hfo',"6$$i,"2 aljroir hr lrij~".~~ipbc.alirij~C ~ E ~ ~ E P O Y 3 Kai eipqrav, 'AXXqher hand. And 8 second time they said, Hall* blood of bis servants lof 'his at a t her hand. 3 And XoCi'as Kal b.ra.lrvbr.atrij~ LvaPaivei ~ i rode aiDvac rSu c again the said Alleluia, ~ n i h e skoke lUjah. r And her smoke goes up to the ages of the roaenp for ever and ai4uwy. 4 Kai m$r~aavlloi n~peap6repor aEicoar rcai riaoi ever. 4 hod the four And fell down the *elders 'twenty 'and and twenty elders ages' and the four b e ~ s t s a a p ~ )CUZ , ~ ~ T& OrEuaa~aII @a, ~ p o u ~ ~ 6 v q ar@ au and and the four living oreatarea and worshipped ~hippedGod that sat Your, on the throne say- Be$ r$ ~aeqp6uyi d Pro: ~ V O V , "X ~ Y O Y T E ~'Api]v' ' f i X q , ing amen; ~ l i e l u i a . God who sits on the t one, saying, Amen, Hallc 5 i n d a volce came out of the throne, Xoiri'a. 5 Kai $wvtj qhdl 703 6'phov h&jXB~v XQyovaa;Aivsirt W'fng Pfifse our lujah. And a voice out of the throne cameforth, #aying, Praise Qod, i l l ye his servants, and ye that ' ~ b ~ . 6 ~ b ~ l ' . 4 p 6E ~ 0i.60irX0l.air~0i.i, a i " o ~ . $ o ~ o ~ A&UT ~ '~ fear him, both small our ~ o d all b e ] his bondmen, and Cye] who few and great 6 And I henrd W it were the a6rbu 'rai" ai prkpoi cai oi peya%oi, 6 Kai ijsovaa &g $ w d v voice of a great mulhim, both the small and the great. And I heard as avoice titude, and as the U ?roXX3v, K M ~ &E ~ X X O V ?roXhoir, rrai'hg" $ W ~ 66a'rw~ voice ofmany waters, and as the voice of of a 'multitude 'great, and as a voice of %vatern 'many, and ss



- &,(read bloods * -~ a i h ~ y 6 - v ~ ~ ~ P P

p p


d y LT.


upon thee) L[A].



+ &p a8 EQLTTrAW.


riuvepa LTTrA. a T A

*- ~ a i

L L m ~ T C U O V EQ. P 73 8povy LTTrAW. OLTTrAW.

oi L a 4 a p p a ~ TA. i~ d a'iC(a7a -r/dhqv 8 Aov noAAoG CSLTTrA. r o i 6eoc +v our God G L m r ~ m KS; QTTrAW ; ~ ~ K O V L U U Q P?7jCCfi67~~0L T~ CF L q i r b from LT~AW. r 70 %c+ LlTrAW. i sL


mighty thnnderings, has sayiug* : for the Lord God omui oXEVOEY ~ 6 ~ 1 6 &6cx 6 ?ravrorcpcirwp.-7 pipci;p~v x ~ tent reigueth. 7 !et 0c ; reigned [the] Lord God the .,Almighty. We should rejoice and Jorce, and giveand reUs. be glad honour rciyaXXt&p~Ba,ll z6cjp~v"rrjv 6d&~v xa; airry' gri ~ X ~ E6 V to him: for the mnrshould exult; and should give glory t o him ; for is come the r i m of the Lamb is come and his wife y h p o ~r06 (ipviov, rai Ij.yvvd.airroG r)roiPaucviavrrjv. 8 Kai hath' made her'Self marringe of the Lamb, and his wife didmake'ready 'herself. And ready. 8 And to her was granted thnt she d8dt)rl a6rG Tvn ?r~~lpdXqral /%CWlvov a ~ a e a p 6 ~ ~~ h o u l dbe arrayed in KU it given to her that shdshould be clothed in fine linen, pure and fine linen, cleau aud for the fine X a p ~ ~ 6 vrb.ydp pt;auivov 'rd GrxarDparoi b d ~ TGV .white: tIlerighteous'~ ~ i linen is ~ bright; for the 5ue linen =the 3righteousnesses 'is of the ness of sniuts., 9 And dyiwv.u 9 Kai Xfyei pot, I'p&$ov, M n ~ & ~ i o i 0; eig 7; he aaith unto met . ~ write, Blesmd c c saints. And he says t o me, Write, Blessed [are] they who t o the they which rue culled a voice of 'thunders 'btrong, saying, Hallelujah, for

REVELATION. $WV$VPpovrcj~iaxvpGv, ~Xiyovrag," 'AXXqXol;ia. c.71 iPaai-



dfirvov ro6 jdpov 705 d viov K E K ~ , ~ .Kaio Xiy~ipoi, ~ L. OBrot oi X6701 c ciX,18ivoi *eiuiv 70s8~06." 10 Kai
These "the 'words bafore =true 'are of God. And supper of the marriage of the k b are called.

And he says to me, And he u i t h unto

p","p","f"m$fi"~,": ei?r~uov" &? I fell 10 And I fell a t his

nd he said unto seethou it not me: :I
am thy fenowser~aut, and of thy brethren that testi-

ip~pouBevrGv.no8Gv.airro ~poamvijaai atr$

his fcet t o do homage

to him.

xai Xtyei
And he says

u'OrShip him.

poi, "Opa
to me,

See [thou do it] not. Fellow-bondman of thee I am and

pi. ~itv60~X6g uov

the testimony


7 t h &YEA'breth-

$ 6 uov rGv ix6wwv njv paprvpiav froill ' ~ ~ u br$of$$ ~ ?

ren 'of 'thy ~ v h o do homage. 'of 4prophecy. have For 'the of Jesus.
% ~ O U K ~ V ~ U O V $.ydp '

timony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

paprvpia *705"'Itluo5 duriv rb a v a 6 p

'testimony 'of *Jesus




. n j ?rpo$r]reiag. ~

11 Khi eI6ov rbv oirpuvbv g & v ~ ~ y t ( ~ xai ~ , ~ ' '/?raog v o i806,

And I saw the heaven opened, and behold, a 'horse

and he that snt upod him was called Baithf u l and True, and in i3g" $Xbt: ?rvp6c,xai i?ri rrjv xe$aX~jvrighteousness he doth 6 b$BaXpoi aLroG ; h d 'eyen 'his [were] ns a flame of lire, and upon 'head judge and make war. 19 His eyes weye as a rr6roC 8ra8ipara aoXX&,Z ~ o v Bvopa y~ypappivov o68eig f;,me of fire, nud.on 8 'his %adems 'many, having a name written which no One his hean we,.e and Trpe, and i n rigiitcouauess he judges and makes war.

d waejpevog i?r' airrdv, h~aXoip~vog U T ~ S "11 bna I 8RW henT~ 'white, and h e w.ho sits upon it, called Faithful ven opened, and be12 oi hold 8 white horse rai ciXr]Biv6g,rcal i v Grxaroobvp xpiv~i ~ a ?roXep~i. i

l d t v ri++ a6r6g. 13 xai a~~i@r@X~pivog ipdnov

kn01~8 but ped of God. himself, and *called armies clothed with 'his Innme, i n the a garment i n blood; and And the

' P E ~ ~; ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , " , h ~ h b :

mnn knen.,bni he him-

p i v o v ~ ' I p ~ xai 'm~nX~7rai" . B v o p a ~ a ~'0oXdyog 706 r~ ~b r ~~

The Word

6 ~ 0 5 . Kui rd 4rpar&6para bv icy' o&pavcG$xoXo6e~ia6rG 14

heaven were following him

self- l3 with he wsolothed And n tu,.e dipped in blood : and his name is cnlled ~eA~~~,,eOfar~,"


which were in heaven upon 2horses 'white, clothed i n fine linen, white and pure. him upon white horses, clothed 15 rai ;K ro5.ordParo~.ahro5 ix?rope6arai ;op$aia bE~7a,i n fine linen, white a 'sword 'sharp, aud clean. 15 And And out of his mouth goes forth out of his mouth go-/ Qv aGr$ P?rar&uup" rd ievr]. xai airr6~ ?ro~pavei eth B sharp sword, that with it he might smite the nationa; and he shall shepherd t h a t with it he shoold

i$' '/?r?roiS XEVKO?~, bv8~8vpQvoi P6uuivov X E V K ~ Voxail'xaeap6v.

Y &ydAtoPsv X $ $pi)v (read Our God) GTTrW. Asy6vrwv ELTTrW; A~YOVTCS QA. a Aaprpbv ra; (- rai LTT~A) aaeaphv QLTTrl. a a&uop~v shall give LA. Lv1.4. &~ua LTTrAW. 706 @COG eiutv LITrA. C o i LAW. b ?&v k y h v duriv LITrA. h T L U T ~ S r \ o ~ p e v o ~; [ K Q ~ O ~ ~ E V O 7TLurbs A. ra Tr S] B~jveo~p~vov LTTrA. t -,l06 LTTrAW. k ~bv6para yeypapp6va, ~ a i names written and A. ] 1 acpo(pepap: i ws TT1 [A]. pdiov spriukled round T . m ~ i ~ A q s LTT~AW. ac f TA which [are]E G ~ A ] W . Kal



\P wnvA#n M.TT~AW-

AlIOKAIY9IX. XIX. ~ ~ ~ h e t h e B a&roirCi ~ $@dy uc8qpqi. rai aCrbc Tar: wv Xqviv roii h ~ ~ t ;v I ~


them with a of them with 3rod 'an 'iron ; and he treads the press of the iron :and he treadeth O ~ V O V r06 evpo6 qrcai" r$g bpycg 705 0eoG ro6 ravrorcp&the winepress of the wine of the fury flercenessandwrathoe and of the wrath of God t h ~ Almighty.
Almighty God. +nd he hnth on hu vesture and on his thigh aonmewritten,KIhG OF KiNGS, AND LORD OP LORDS.

ropoc. 16 rai

~ X E Lbni r6 ipartov KC; dni rbv-pqpbv-a&ro6 And he hnsupon [his] garment and upon his thigh

rrbll 6vopa y~yparpivo+, BaarXrirg paqcXkwv nai nhpios the ,, , written, W of kings and Lord

of lords. 1 7 h d I saw anangel standing in the nun; and he cried with aloud voice eaying to a11 the forvis that fly in the midst of hea-

17 Kai E T ~ O Y h a dyy~Xov iar&ra dv


I snw

the snn;

$(rly@ pyciXP X ~ Y W V



ntanding t o all


and which

~ ~ U TOTE L V

h9 cried

with a vo~ce 'loud,


ven, Come and gather txEr~pi~O~EIIo ~ P a v ~ pA E ~ , v ~ U V V~ ~ ( i~ E I ' hv r ~ u ar TE ~ I [S yourselves together fly in mid-heaven, Come and gather yoursclvea to unto the supper of the ereat God; l8 that ri) ~ E T ~ V O w ~ rey6k0vii8EoC, 18 'lva $Ciy?)r& V ~ 6 Uciprac @aye may eat the flesh the supper of the great God, that ye may eat flesh of of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the urXiwv, nai ariorcag xtXt&pxwv, rai uciprcac ia~vpijv, flesh of mighty men, kings, and fl&h of chief captains, and flesh of strong [men], and the fleah of horses ~ & ~i'aawv ~ a i r3v na0rlphfwv t$ XaLrGv,N a k a ~ I i C and of them that si; on them, nnd the flesh and flesh of horses and of those who sit on them, and of all met both free u&pmS rcivrwv, BXEVOC~WY J rai S O ~ X W V ,tai prrcpGv rai bond, I;oth and great. flesh of all, free end bond, and smnll and

: birds

~ P V C O L ~7 0 i ~


great. 19 And I saw the 19 Kai a~160v'lri) eqpiov, rai TOGS paathei's yqc, benst. and the kings And Isaw the beast, and the kings o f t h e earth, of the earth, and their amlie., gathered to~ d lQ T P . P ~ T E ~ ) ( L ~b aL& ~ G U 'vll J f I y / . l iT~O~L ~ U ~c L&XT( ~ gether to make war and 'armies 'their gathered together t o make agnil~st him that sat 6 v o v , ou the horse, nnd p V PET& r03 ~ a ~ ~ ~ dai 706 ' l r ~ o v sai PET& TO^ O against his nrmy. w r a with bim who sita on tha horse, and with 20 And the beast wns taken, and with him urparrirparog a8roG. 20 rai bnrcia6q rb 6qpio2),rai er~rir the false prophet that 'army 'his. And was taken the benst, and with wrought miracles behi,,, with which ro6rov 6' ~rv80apo$$rqS 1 d ?roc$aac r& uqp~iadv&ntor he drceiv;d them that him the false prophet who wrought the signa before

T G ~

were the two into the k e of fire which burns gr@" 0eiy. 21 ~ a oi Xorroi cixs~rdv~qaav r e i iv of him that ant upon the horse, which brimstone ; and the rest were killed with the rlcord proceeded out Nith of his mouth : and all 6or$aiq roii K ~ ( ? ~ ~ i~ iY70s 'llr?rov, x ov r i "drxothe were lilled Sword of him who sits on the horse, [the swordlwhich goer with their fesh. ~ v o P 6 v p " roS.u~6paro~.atroG. ?r(ivra rd! Bpvra bxopil~ rai forth out of his mouth ; and d the bir& w w

of the benat, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a inke of fire huruing withbrimstone.2lAud the remnant were with the sword

-aAroG, i v 0 1 ~ ink&vqa~v r 0 4 ~ Xaj36vrac ri) xdpnYParoii

him, beast, by which he mislod thone who do homage
I ~




of the Alim

eVpio", nai


?rpoarvvoiivm~ r~.eL6vc.atro3* & ~ V T E S

to his image.

and those who

iPX~j0~uav 860 riE n)/v hi oi

706 r v p i ) ~ T ~ V~ i o p i v q v ' V *

rhaeqaav i* rG~.aap~Gv.a&rGv.
filled with their flesh.

GLTTrAW. iv in (a loud voice)T [ A ~ L Q V Y ~ X ~ ~OLTT~AW. T C 7b p + a ' ~ o c (read the great supper o!) OLFAW. ' ~ 6 7 0 6 LT~A. s Y r e both (free) QLTTI-AW. TC both (spflf) _W; a t8ov T. b a 6 r o i its L. C 7bv LTTrAW. [oil those A. 8 per a v ~ o v o LTTrA ; i) a h o i , aw. f n j K ~ ~ O J * CLTTrA. ~ M)C B r{ GL.2TrAW. h itth8ov'op ctme forth GLTCrAW.

- &a; t s - 7b (read a name) r c ~ o ~ h oGLTTrAW.



*+ -


'~76ov"iiyyeXov rartrpaivovra dr rot obpnvo3,
r s ~ w

20 Kni
And having the

an nugel of the

aeseeuding abyss, and

out of the a :chnin




frolu heaven, having

ixosra rjjv jxh~iba" rijc d,6Loaou, xa; &huaiv prrdhnv i;i :;:I:$

b t,t p ; : great chain i u hi4 r6v , rljv.~eipa.ntro6. 2 rai i ~ p c i r ~ a e v J ~ d r o v r akrbv $@v b u d . 2 And he l n ~ d the Iserpent hold Onold scrpeut, that the dragon* And he laid hold of the dmgon, his haud. i rbv cipxaiov," harrvil 6rcipoXoc rai m aaravlic, ~ a EGqaev which is the Deril ancient, who is [the] dcvil and Satan, and bound him a t h o u a n d years airrbv ~ i X r airq, 3 rai {Paxev acrbv cls rdv (Z,~UUUOV, rai 3 and cast hi$ him a thounand yenrs, and cast him into the abyss, and the pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon irX~taev Dalirdv," m bu$pciyruev Cnhvw atroir, 'r'va i ahut him [up], and sealed over him, t h a t not him, t h a t he should deceive the nations no OxXavrjaV" prd j0vt) ~ E X E C T Q r & xiXia more, till the thou~~ Ihe 'should mislead the nations longer, u n t ~ lwere completed the thousand sand Years should be fulfilled : and after irq' q~ai'' p r d mika 6~i.~airrbv Xu0dvar" ptrpbv thnt h e ~ ~ ube tl m m d s yenrs ; and a ter these things he must be loosed a little a little eeoaon.



r AlaI aawthroner, aud judgment and t and judgment them, h sat upon ~ was iven unto them: 63681 airois* rai rdc t , b v ~ d ~ xtnrX~rraivwv rijv 6td on account of and saw the souls of beheatd wan given to them ; and the souls of those them t h a t were bertjv paprupinv 'Iqaoir, rai Srd rbv hdyov 705 8~05, rai headed for the witthe testimony of Jesus, and on account of the word of God, and ness of Jesus, and for the word of God, d;frvc 0b.xpoae~t;vqaav eqpiy," 'obra" V ~ v . e i ~ 6 v a " . a 6 r o ~ , a h l c h had not those who did not do homnge t o the boast, nor his image, worshipped the beast, neither his i~llage xai oirr.EXa/3ov rb ~ c i p a i n i rb.pirwxov."alirijv," rai i a i .,ither had receiTcd pa and did not receive the m a r 1 upon their forehead, and upon h a mnrk upon their
4 Kai talbovn6pdvovc, rai ircieraav ix' ahrol;~, rpipa rai
h d

I saw

thrones ; and

they sat uyon


njv.~rTpa-alir3v.rai Zlqaav, rai C@aaiXeuaavper& xpraroii

their hand ; the thousand years : and they lived m d but the rest reigned of the dead with 'not Christ 'lived ngain

~P,'~~,"qd,sdao~,,& p ,:" ;
a 3


Jr&" x i h a Ert)' 5
till 'first. rection authority ; ~ n d

horxoi r i j v verpijv o6r bcivhlqaav Christ years.


But t h e thousand
the dend

Blessed &rat but

rd ~ i X i ar q , aijrq l
and holy he whd has the Identh part

civharaai~lived thousnnd y e w the wnin

finished, in the 'resur-

may hare been completed the thousand years. This [is] the 'resurrection

npDrq. 6 pa~ciprocrai Zyioc urciaer r@?r cjr

b e")(wvp6poc iv r i civaIsecond

v' over

dxi ro6rwv b cOdvaroc S 6e5repoc1Ioirr-c.e"xer


f:;;~~,',g,~Ay ;:;st:: 1


6 'he first reslureoBlessed and q 6he

the second death hath

eh811 reign

iaovra~ icpeic ro5 Be06 rai rot ~praroir,no power, but they
of God and of the Clmist, "all be priests Qod and of Christ, with him
a thousand years.


they shall be priests

rai epaarxe6aouarv" per' a&rog x i h a Erq. 7 Kai grav rr- and shnll reign with
And when may him a thousand peare. 7 Bud when the thouSatan oat of have heenoompleted the thousand yenrs, r i l l be loosed

r rd xiXra Zrq, Xv0,joerur b uaravzc ie rijc sand year# are ex-

guXaIcijc abroir, 8 rcai iS~Xa6aarai~Xavijaat d r6vtl r d r

pired, Snrnn shsll be oosed out of his prison, B and shall goout 'prison 'his, and will go out t o mislead the nations which [are] to deceive the nntiom which rue in the four vaic T ~ U O ~ P U ~ Y ywvialc rijc yGc, rbv r & y rai grbvll Mayhy, .m of the earth, four corners of the earth, Gog and ~ a g o g , 80.g and DIagog, to i n the

1 B i m t v 6 which is the T: ~ieiv QLTPrAW. b 641s b dpxa;os LTTrA. a3rbv Q L n r A w . 0 nAav4 G. P i r r 7 h Toy QLlTrA. q Kac LTTrAW. rAv@$vab ailrbv LA. * r b 8qpiov GLTTrAW. 0382 LTTrAW. v eixdvc EG. Y 7h (recd n tlpua ah2v (read [their]) GLTT~AW. 70; the EOLTTrAW. s a d ) LTTrAW. g 88 but LTTrAW. l<qvav axpb g ~ a(wad and the rest) Tr., i 'lived till QLTTrAW. 8ev'repos 9dvaros ELTTrAr &bib TTrW. e JQa~~Ae1;Lu~ovu~v b r T& the (thowaud) TTr[A]. D ~ b LT[T~]&, v

+ b LTTrAW.

i&v T .


gather them together to bnttle: the number of pholn is the sand of the sea. they went up on the brendth of the mrth, and cowassed the czmy ofthe beloved and the saints city : and fire crime down from God ont of heaven, a n t drvoumd them. 10Andthedevilthat deceived was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, whers the benst and the false prophet a r c and shall be torment! ed day and night for ever and ever.

m v ~ y a atroirc:~ 1 h x6Xepov, ~ ~ i ~
t o gather together the them unto


6 hp&p;c

of whom the number [is] as


tj ciF(po~ rfjc 9aXLiuaqE. 9 rai hvipquav h i rb ?rXiroc rijc AnE they went upupon the breadth of the sand of the sea.
encircled 'Iwloved : nnd the cnmy of the saints, and the


yijc, KC(; h ~ 6 ~ X ~ u r?)v ?rappPohjv TOY dlyiwvt rai r4v L av"

earth, and aoity

?rbXtv r1jv IjYa?rqpQvqv* rai raripq srirp 'drnb roir Oeoi be

and 'came .'down '8re from them : the

God out of who


0irpav03,~ a rariqkiyev a6roirg0 10 rai ~ i

heaven devoured was c u t them into lake

dtcipoXoc d


? r X n ~ i h 6 ~ 0 6dpX@q ~ s
mislends of brimstone, where [are] the they shall be tormented day

;c ~4%'Xip~qv 70;
and the

and the

of Are




rb Oqpiov ~ a b + E V S O T ~ O ~ i jrqe* m c
beast nod false prophet ; the night for aged


/3aaavroO+sovrac rjpipag rcui vvrrbc eig rode aiGvaC rcjv

of the

ages. 11 AndIsawagreat 11 Kaj ~ 1 8 0 ~ 6pdvov O X E V K ~ U piyav,' kai rdv ~a6tjpevov white throne, and And I saw a %roue 'white 'greirt and him who nits him thnt snt on it, from xvhose face the pEs'll qabroir," ' 05 drxb ?rpou6?rovi$vyev yij rai b ohearth and the henven it, 'whose %om face ' fled the earth and the hen. On fled awny ; and there was fouud no place pavdc, ~ a rdnoc otX.c; i0q aliroie. 12 rai ~ 1 6 0 o 6 ~ i r~ And I saw and place r a a not found for them. the for them. dead, And I m, the 12 amall and grent, stand be- verpoirc, a p ~ ~ p ~ i a p~y&Xovc.~urcjrac r ci EzvLxiov ' r o i 0~03,' fore God and the dead, smnll and great, standing before God, books weke opened : andanother~bookwas xai ptphia ' ? j l ~ & 6 ~ r Y a Kar~ wplpxiov ai Xou x r j v ~ y ' ~ ~ ~. X opened, whlch Is the and books were opened; and 'book 'another war opened, book of life : and S lartv r i j twijc' ~ a brpi6quav oi V E K ~ Ohr ~ i ~ rcjv the doad wore judged out of those thinga which ia [that] of life. And were judged the dead out of tho thingr prhich were written a the boo?~,accord- y ~ y p a p p iiv ~roic Pt/3XioicI ~ ~ rrarci .rci.ipya.airrGv. iug t o t h e e works. wrltten in t b booh according to their works. 13And tbe sea nveup the dead whicf, were 13 ~ a '?8w~ev e&Xaaua ro6c yhv atrp' vetcpoir~," m b i i i n i t aud dcnth and And Ogave 'up 'the 'sea the 'in 'it 'dead, nnd hell delivered up the ehva70SKai 6 u~~~ g 4 o ~ a v " 0 'hv atrois V E K ~ O I ?~ 'a ii~ 6 ~ ~ ~ dend which were i n them : nnd t h g were bath and k d e s gave up the 'in athem 'dead; ancl they according to man judged every thcLr rPi6tjuav f~aurog Karci rci.ipya.ahrGv. 14 ~ a d ecivaro~ i wOrb. 14 denth were judged each according t o their works : and death


Ythe Eto TMs is ieeca:!


d "Jqc

dpAlj6qaav eic r4v Xi vqv roir m p d ~ .05rdc b i u r c ~

were cast denth.

into the


of fie.


in the

cond donthe R not whosoever W l5 ~And b found written in the the ggtct&;~ast

&I?repoc ehvarol;.'' c. 15 rat

of life written,

ei rtc ot~.a;piOq i v rp'

And if anyone was not found he warr cast into the

pi@iy rijc twGr

of &e.

yrypappivo~ i/3htjOq


Xiln~qv roi,

XXI. And I saw o newheavenandanew earth: for the f i a t




~ 7 8 0 ~ ohpavbv I snw a 'heaven

~ a i v b v~ a iyiiv
'new and 'enrth

'a 'new ;

for the

oGpavo3&nb 706 ee05 a ;

a t r c j v of them OLTTrAW. ~KI~KACWU~V LTAW. ;K 705 +.rod T . ~ aboth GLTTrAW. i (inb 70; ~ E O ; LTAW. r 704 (read from the face 0 piyav h r v ~ 6 v L ~ A W . Q P i n d v o m. q i i d v GT. 703% peydhovc rtat 703% pncpov'r the great and the emall LTT~AW. of whom) LTTrAW. v ~ v o ~ ~ & ) OLTRAW. uav fitpAiov Q L ~ W. A t 703 ~ P ~ V Othe throne QLTTrAW. V Y Y C K P O ~ S7039 ;v a&+ dead which [were] in it Q L T ~ A W . & U . 4,,oiXeV LTTrhW. vcprtobc7039 i v cri17ois dead which [were] in them o~mmw. b o BLva~os b K C Y L. 6 e ~ ; ~ c p o m t v GLTAW ; b 6eli~epos a v a ~ d r ir e imbv T . T Aipy V O s u p & tba lake ~

+ 7bv LmrAW.

+ @

of fie I.TTIAW.


XLT r. REVELATION. rai ~rpGroc-ofpaubS rai ; nphrq yij dnap,7X0eu,~~ 4 81I

first wa 'no And ' henven 'is and the longer. John

be~vonand the firsf
no more sea.


earth nere pnssed away, aud the

2; ~ ~ t ~

Xaaaa oljr Eariu iri.

2 Kac r LI 'Iw6wqg' f~160vu sdhiv nju d iavf, rdv



City from

Q O out ~

2 And I John asw ,,o,y Jerusnlem, oolnlng

down from Q O out ~ he&- of heaven,adorned for a brido prepmod an pavoir,I1 ~roipaapduquhr v6p$t]v ~~roupqp6uqu &v8pi her husband. 3 And 1 r$ ven, prepared an a bride adqrned forq,usbrrad heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold the tnbornacle airrij~. 3 K i rjrovan $?Iwuijcpty&Xqc QK roir hoirpauo6,11 U Iher. And I heard a lvoice 'great out of the heaven, of with men, and he will dwell with hyO(~q~, '1806, ?j aKt,lU7j TO; et06 per& 76")~ U ~ P ~ K Wthorn, nnd they shall ( ~ Y , snymg, Behold, the tabernacle of God [is] with men, be his people nnd God himself shnli be with arqvhaei peg airr3u' rai airroi ikxoi" atro; iaovral, them, a n d be their and be shall tabernacle with them, and they 'peoples =his 'shall =be, Qpd. 4 And God shall WlpB &Way all tWW ~ a airrbs d 6 ~ k6 ~~ aPET' ahr&ulI 1etbc.a&r3v.l' 4 rai 66n- from +heir eyes; and i Z r i and 'himself 'Qod shall be with them their God. And Ishall there shall be no more asnlem 'new, coming down

ovaah~jpraiviuf, rarapaivovaau g&nb 705 0 ~ 0 5;K



Xi+te 6 ~ 6 nfiv ~ ~ K ~ Vncin6" r3~.6@0aX~3v.airrt;rv cr ing, sorrow' ~" O U 9 nor death' neither neither shall tgere be an, 'wipe 'away 'God every tear from their eyes ; m i Od" O&uaroS oljs.Earai iri* O$TEnhuBoc, oiire rpavyfi, n?d death shall b no longer, nor mourning, nor e crying, pnssed away. O And



~ nE 6 ~ O ~ K ' 0 ~ rurai r c r npGra %injjXOou.I1 throne snid, Bohold, l he snt Upon the nor distress 'any 'shall 'be longer, becnuse the former thinga nre passed away. make all things new. (lit. n! o ) And he said nnto me, ~ 6 Kai ~ i n e u o r a 8 ~ p e v ohni 'roir Bpdvov," '1806, raiud Writo:forthesewords And said he who sits on the throne, Lo, new true 6 And ho snidunto me nxAura ~ 0 1 6 . "Kai Xdyec t p ~ ~ ,I'P&#~u'$71 ll oi Xdyoc I t is dono. I am ~ l p h i all things I make. And he says to me, Write, becnuse these words and Omega, the beinning nnd the end. 'db8ivoi rai ncaroi" tbiv. 6 Kai tkiiv poi, "riyovtu." irh will glve unto him . . true m d faithful are. And he said to me, I t is done. that is athirst of t h e fountain of the water x ~ i p ~ ' l K& rb 2Q,I' tj ( i p ~ l j rai ~6 T L X O ~ . ?A" T$ of life freely. 7 He am the A and the 0,the beginuing and the end. I t o him t h a t that overcometh shall inherit all things 'and GiJ/GvriGhaw a I K rijc ~ q y i 703 ij8aroc T ~ Cwij~Gwp~hv. I will be his QOd1and j~ S thirst8 will give of the fonntain of the water of life gratuitously. he shall be my 'son. O


7 d

He thnt overcomes shall inherit

he shall be tome

virGZ/ ~Xqpouop~jae~ bn6ura," rai Eaopac a&r@6 ~ 6 ~ ~

all things, and I mill be to him God, abominable, and murmougerii, and whoredercr" sorcerers idolaters, and son : but to [the] fearful, and unbelieving, sorcerers,

rai airrbc E"arai pot Cb"u i 6 ~ .8 da6eiXois.8~'~ &niaroig rai

and md abominable, idolaters, lake and murderers, and fornicators, a d and which all burns

m i iPhhvypivoic rai ( o v d a v rai ndpvo~c fa$appar~6aiu" rai tai.rI6wXoXarpai~, n2aiu r o i rai

[is] in the second

i v rp' Xipup r$ raiopivp nvpi rai Oeiy,


which burneth with ~ ga+~v6iuiu," r~.pEpoS-ahr(;Ju and brimstone : fire which ie the second liars, death,


~ " , " : ~ e ~

8 dariv

with fire and brimstone ;which is ;the]

f afsov I saw placed after ilr4jhOov GW ; b6jAeav LTTrA. 0 Zyh 'Iwdvaqs QLTTrAW. h 6povov vacvrjv QLTTrW ; @er i y i a v A . B i~r o i o6pavoi i n b 'rot 6606 GLTTrAW. throne LTA. Aabr people Qw. par' a 6 r i v E'urac QLTrAW. 1 Oabs a6rGv TT~'; 67iv a LAW. 1) gabs (read itaAci$ac. he shall wipe away) CITTI[A]W~ i~ LTTrA. b T. P iirc L[T~A]. P irrrjA6av LTTrA ; imjA6ev W. 7y Op6vy GLlTrAW. a o i i a d w a LTTrAW.. t poc LT[T~]AW. v air70i~ akhq8lvob i OtTTrAW. * l"6yovav They are done LTTrW ; re'yova[v] (read I'eyova Byi 1 am become) A. a 6ipc (read [am] T~[A]. air74 to him T[A]W. Y &$a Alpha LTTrAW. & b ra<?athese things GLTTrAW. C b LlTrAW. d. TOTS ( t h c )84 8c~Ao;rGLTTrAW. 4- ;K GaprwAoir and sinners W. . +appaxoi$ ObTTrAW. 8. Jlcriura~s L. ha b Bivaror b 6erirepos GLTTrAW.

n ~ t o A ~ ~ seven angels which the vinls full of the seven ]art plngaer, and talked with me, saying, Come


AIIOKAAY912. XXt 9 Kai 4X9ev 'npdc pel' elc rGv Cnrd dyydXwv rijb BxdvAnd the came seven and to bowla me one of the seven angelr which aplagues had

rwv rdc inrdr 9idXac lrdC yepoiaacu rijv dxrd nXqyijv icjy
with me,


I~i~elhth",, 'ht
th, the

bgx&rwv,icai IXCiXqaev p~r' 6 ~ 0 6 XEywv, Aeirpo, ,

spoke saying,
COLt $ v vhp@qv Nr~ir cipviov

of the aeven

Come hither, I will r L 1 And he carrie away high, m d hewed


Lnmb's wife. 10 And he cnrrled me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, .'ld me grcat city, the holy Jerusnlem, descending Out of heaven from Qud 11 having the [lorf of God: and her ght war like unto 6 etoue most precious w e n like a jaape; atone, clear aa crystal. 13 nnd had a wad

d v y v ~ a i r a .10 Kai dn$v lciv ~


bride Spirit *city


pe bv
me in [the] me the


"iz'l1 b p o ~ pkya icai 6$qXdv, rai l6ecEiv

to a mountain great and
great, heaven the from xoly

p01 rdv 7rd.X~~ peyCiXqv,~r4v dr iav 'IEpovaahtjp, guruOr?)v

ha?& like
b atone

d6the moat p m

paivov~av bc ro5 olipavoir dnb r05 &03, 11 &ouuav njv

scending glory oat of the

8dtav 70; 6~0ir' Prai'l d.@war?jp.airrtjc

of God, and

B, ,:&

rt the gates twelve O~OUS, M b 'rtone ?asper 'oryatnl-like ; having a h o written and asmm an*e1r* thereon,which reixoc piya ~ a 6$qXdv, 'l ovaavUnvXijvac GDGera, at bni i are nam of the a wall great and high ; L i n g br t 'twelve, and a t ih~;;z~~tr\y troic xvAGaivl ciyyiAovc GDGeica,U rai dvdpara inrye pap13 on the ea8t three & gates aangellr 'twelve, and names macribg a m ; on the north piva, ii Hariv v TGV 6DG~ica9 ~ x w~L3vll 5 ~ viijv 'Iupa$X: three atea. on and ed, the which u e [thoae] of the twelve t r i b of the aonr of Israel, on the west ihree 13 xdn'u ~ c i ~ a r o ?ruXirvf~ X ~ ~ ~ kpeic' cinb gatea. 14 And the wall On [the] east Igatea 'three; on north of the city hnd twelve foundntions, and in nvX3vec T p i c 0 X ciib vdrov ?rvXtv~crpci~' a drnb [the] twelve apostles them the nnmeaof the 'gatea 'three 1 on [the] routh 'three, on


her radiance [war] (lit. her luminary)

Spoioc XiOy ripiw-

rdry, 6jc Xi@ i(iani6c icpvaraXXiCos ;c.

12 qixovaciv ~ e f l




Yurlongr ~ , ~ t i rthem- f6P6~ra iXicibwv. rb ptjroc: ~ a rb nXciroc rai rb [iJ/oc ~ o i 'twelve %howand; the length and the breadth and the height of it

i:,"~~$pt:,dz~$g And bpirpqnev r$v ndhcvwith the mh+y nh6roc. rai r@ the of breadth. he measured the city reed*equal 'are.
And he meaaured four its wall,

Lnmb. 16 And he that bvbpGv nv)lGvec T P E ~ J ; .14 rai rb rei oc ndXewc 'ixov' thlked with me had a West 'gates Ithr~, h d the W& of the oity having golden reed to memure the city, and the gatea &peXiovc ddsel~a, b b ~a&roicl' b9dpara 7 t h GD6eira thereof, and the wall 'foundations 'twelve, and in them namer of the twelve thereof. 16 And the cit~ lieth foursquare (inou~dXwv705 ci viov. 16 icai b XaXtv per' dpoc tixvC and the length i a; . apostles of the iamb. And he apeaking with me had large us the breadth. Y and he memu& the L ~ X Q ~ O x ~ J v ~ oTuU~ Y pip$bp T ~ ?TdXlv,K U ~TOZ~E ?TVY ~ , city with the reed a 'wed golden, that he mlght moasnre the city, and twelve thmsand fur! longs, ~ h ~and l XGv~tc h ~ f i ~ , ~b.rrixoc.a&rrj~. icai 1.j ndXtc rerpriywvo~ ~ ~u r ~ rai h 16 the hrasdth and the 'gnta 'its, and its wall. And the cjty 'tour-sqllare height of i t ere equal And he mensurei ~ a rb.ptjroc.alirtjc droaoi;rdv darcv' Soov e~aiYrb ~eirac, i the wall thereof m and it8 length no much ir M rlso tb

ini f o r a l w f l


'laa Bariv. 17 icai bpirpqaev rb.rei~oc.a&nj~; irariv

a hundred

~rraoapcicovrarcoacipovunti~Gvpirpov ~ u O ~ D T O VS, i

i p c OLTTrAW. + ;K of (the)L m A . l 7ds W ; vi)v Y C ~ ~ Y T W which V [angels] were f31 LTTrA. m 7i)v y v v a i ~ 706 &pviov~ T T ~ A W . a iri LTTrAW, 0 +JP p?yi~qv (read the holy city) O L n ' r ~ w . P ~ a QLTTrAW. i j~ovua (omi4 dso)GLTTIAW. r ixovua GLTTIA. rai isi TOTS nvAi)vtv i ~ A o v SrjSexa L s t TO+s m,Gvac TT. + bvdpava the names qTrA]. 7Gv (read o f [the]) ~ I A W . L Anb OLmrAW. &va'~oAGv OW. I + rai and LITSAW. ixwv TTrA. b G & c g aon them twelve CILTTrAW. C + JLCTPOV a meamre OLTTrA, d 70QOV. s 6 i~m t v (?.sad [is]) GLTTIAW. m[~]. aLr6iovs I K ) ~ A . 8 ravuep&




'a mm's, which k ,


- ~ v u p wW LT ; ~ a v v a p ~ ~ ( ~ ~ a(7a04a- i3- .


of the wall of i t was o jnsper : and the f city toas pure gold, iaumc' ~ a i ndX11: ~pvaiovraeapdv, lbpoia" &&Xv raeapcy'. like unto clear glass. jasper ; nnd the city 'gold 'pure, like 'glass 'pure: 19 And the founda19 mxaill oi 8 ~ ~ 6 X l oroil T E L X O U ~ rtjg n6Xwc navri Xi6y tiona of tho wall of the t gnrnished and the foundations of the wall of the city witb every vatone city were mnnner of with nll stoues. The rrpiy ~ ~ r o u p ~ p ~ d o8~p6Xroc d rp0roc ~ O U ? T L $ ' d prociouau n d ~ t i o n w M v i. first 'precious [were] adorned: the 'foundation 'firs*, josyer ; the jasperf o the second ; G~Crepo~ a&n$~.cpoc' rpiroc "xaX~q8&v'~'rirrrproc up&- sapphire ; the ; third' 6 d n chnlcedony the) ! necond, sapphlre ; the third, -chalcedony ; the foal th, emefourth an emerald; 20 thc hftb, surdonyx; paJ:o(' 20 d ripnroc 0 u a p 8 6 v v ~ .d~ &croc Pudpdroc'" d ral the fifth, sardonyx; the mixtb, sprdius; the the hixth, lurrdiua ; t h e seventh chrysolite ; ~pGopoSxpvadXt8ocn 6 tiydooc PtjpvhXocg 6 qivaroc" rona- t11e eighth, beryl; the aevent'o, chrysolitc ; the eighth, beryl ; the ninth, to- ninth, a topna; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; zrov. 6 66raroc r ~ p v a d x p n a o ~ * " i v f f i r n r o ~ d 6cirrv80ge b the eleventh,^ jacinth; p a r ; the tenth, chrysoprasus ; the eleventh, jacinth ; the the twelfth, nn amethyst. 21 And the 8wSbrai-os cipiOvaro~.,21 ~ a oi 8ir8rra rvXGvel;, 6 & 8 ~ ~ a i t~vclve gntes wets tvelfth, amethyst. And the twelve gates, twelve twelve pearls ; every several gate was of papya irate civci E I ~ i'rcaaroc rirv nvXDvwv +v dC: ivbc one pearl: and the pear s ; arespectively *one 'each of the gates was of one street of the city wur pure gold, as i t were ycapyapirov. rai nhareia r i j ~ rdXcwc, ~p,vaiovraflapdv, trnusparent glns& pearl ; and the street of the city gold 'pure, as 22 And I saw no temfor the FaXoc bdta$avic.ll 22 Kai vabv o h ci8ov'iv adrp'. b.ydp le therein:Almighty ord Qod 'gloss 'trnnspercnt. And .temple 'no 'I 'aaw i n it ; for the and the Lamb are the 23 And temple ri, toe d 6tbc b rauro~pdrwp vabc.a.irri)c lurrv, rai rb the city of it. no need hnd Ifbrd God Almighty its temple ir, and the of the sun. neither of shine in ci viov. 23 rai t j n6X1c 06 ~ p ~ i a v roir GXiov, 0684 rijc ithe moon, i o glory of t : for the famb. And the city 'no need 'bud of the sun, nor of the God did lighten i t , arhjvvc, yva $aivwuiv ';vu abrp'. $.ydrp T O ; 8 ~ 0 &h- and the Lamb is the 3 light thereof. 24 And moon, that they should shine in it ; for the glory of God en- the nations of them are saved shall r i u ~ v air&, rcai d XBxvoc a 6 r i j ~ rb cipviov. 24 rai ' r d which in the light of walk lightened it, nnd the lamp of i t [is] the Lamb. And t h e it: nnd the kingsof the do i 6 v q rGv u w ~ 0 ~ 6 u w v r$.$wri.atrijc neptnanjaovorv~l~ a earth and bring their bv i honotu into sations of the saved in its light shall walk ; and glory And the gatit. 25 of i t shall not be nhut oi /3aarX~ic yijc $6pova~v ddcav *ral rrjv riprjv" adrGv a t all b d a y : for rljc rtjv the kings of the earth bring 'glory %nd *honour 'their there shn8 be no night abrrjv. 25 rai oi.rvXGucc.ahrijc rXerae0urv 4p6 ace tbere. 26 And thoy unto it. And ita gates not a t all shall k shut by f a y ; shall bring the glory and honour of the naydp oirr Burai ire;. 26 rai oiaovarv n ) v Gdtav ~ a tions into it. 27 And i there shall i n no wlse .night 'for 5 0 shall be there. And they shall bring the glory and enter into i t any rr)v rrpljv rirv i6u3v eic airrrjv. 27 rai 06.plj riohX8p ris thing t h a t defileth whatdav& the honour of the nations unto it. And i n n6 wise nray enter into neither worketh abomination adrljv r Z v T~oivoirv,u rai zno[oirv" PGfXvypa ~ a #air- or maketh a lie: bud i it anything defiling, and p r ~ c t i s i n g abomination m d 6 they which are written in the Lamb'r book d (lit,. everythiflg) Boc* er.p4 oc yeypapptvoi Q v r$ PrPXiy Cwqc 705 life. nqgel's. And .was 'the 'structure =of 'rta 8wa11

x..i;r. REVELATION. gel. ciyytXov. 18 ~ a l 'Qv".G k6v8drvucsll roir.rei~ov~.adrjj~ ing

18 And the build-




lie ;

but those who

are written

in the


of kfe of the



Kui i8elEfv pot "~a0apdv"worapbv GGaroc

And he shewed me 'pure 'a river

XXII. And he chewed me a ure river of of water of life, water of L e , clear ae


1 $v (read [was]) I.TA. i v b J p q u r c TTr. ~ ~ O L O V LTTrAW. m rai LTA. xahrt8oiv T. a a p 8 r 6 w t L. P uip8rov LTTrAW, pivva~w F&W. ~pvrr61rpauov L v ;v (read at+ for i t ) QLTTrAW. e Gtavyic QLTTrAW. 6 L[A]W. R lrcptrramjcrovutv 76 iOq , 8 r d 703 I # I U T ~a;~+ the nhtions sh&l walk by means of its light ~ QLTTrAW. X +v W ; rai +v ~ r p i v LTTrA. Y KOLV~V common c ~ r r r n w . r (+ 6 he who mr) U O L ~ Y ([hewho] LAW) practleer LTTCAW. ra8crpbv GLTTrAW,

sod nnd of the Lnmb.
2 In the midst of rhe

thzh",",","Pd Xapxpbv t

AIIOKA-4YYIX XXIT, p rp6araXXov, ir?rop~vdpevovin $05 Bpkov 705

crystal, going fdrth out of the throne

of God and of the e m b . In midat o its street, f and of the zzopge, ?rorapoG9bvreG6ev rai biur~GO~v,U 31jXov Cwijp, c?rotoGv~l twelve manner o f river, on thii side and on that sida, [the] free of life, producing fmits, and yielded her rapso6p 8&8ena, ~ a r d dfijva" ePva"&taurov f&&8c8~ij~" rbv fruitavei+y month; nud ltwelvel month 'each fielding the leaves of the tree were for the healing napxhv abroi? rai rd $6XX&70; *t6Xov ;p Bepaxeiav r & ~ Of the nntiOns. And 'fruit, 'its ; and the leaves of the 'tree for healing of the thew shall be no more curse : but the throua b0u;v. 3 Kai niiv graravci6epa" o h larat nai d Op6vos of God and of the netiona And 'any a 'not shall be longer; and the throne Lamb shall be in i t (lit. every) and hi8 servants shnd serve him : and they 70; 6eoG rai roir ci viov hv ~ 4 . ~ 9 ' larar. m i oi.8oGAot.aitroii shall see his face and of God and of the t a m b in it L&ll ;a d be his bondmen



Oo icai ro5 ci uiou. 2 B eG v

Qay rijp.?rXarciap.ab@; nai roii

t&$zh",:f k~
there shall

~arp~6uouatv abrq? 4 r&i 6+ovrat rb-?rp6aw?rov-abro~ nal

Shall serve him, and they shall see his face ; f~nd

z2tt~g,"dtt rb.8vopa.abroG



Qri r3v.p~rD?rwv.a4.rdv. 5 nai

o h larar

ther light of the sun ; hi name on their foreheads [id. And 'night "no shallbe forth0 LordQod giv- h i ~ ~ i n~ p ~ i a v lxoua~v" Xdxvou nai $wrhp *ljXiou," rai ' o4.n 9th thorn light : and *need %o 'they'have of a lamp and of light of[the]sun, they shall reign for there, and ever and ever. iirr n6ptop d 6 ~ m$wriC~~ll 6 ~ aCro6p' nai ~ a u r X ~ u o u a ~ v bec8nse [the] Lord God enlighten6 them, and they shall reign

eip r06p ai3vap r2v aiQvwv.

to the ages of the ages.

6 Kal eIxbv pot, Oirror oi Xdyot

And he said to me, These


[m]faithful and

~1aroirai drXq0rvoi.
true ;

dpiop d 6Ebc rdv OiL iwvU?rpo$~r3u &?rbareiXevtbv he said anto nai me. Those sayings a r e and [the] Lord God of the lolly prophet. sent ~ , " h hlyAov ~ ~ abro5 8~iEar ~ ~ ~ roip-806Ao~~-a6roG B ~ ; ~ ~ yeholy rophets sent his angel 'hi t o shew his bondmen the things which must c o d btg$&~~~ztE" viaOar iv.r&et. 7 P '1806, ip~opat ray$. pacciptog 6 which mast short? t o p m soon. Behold, 18x1 coming quickly. Blessed [in] he who &dzic:,~~~~~;~ wp3v rodp A6yoirc r i j p ?rpo$qreiaproG-~tpAiou.r06rov. qKai 8 he $86 keepeth the k o e ~ s the worh of the prophecy o this book. f And nayinr of the prophe- $U & sIw&vyp 6 rflf?rwv raiira ral t ~ o i r ~ c of this book. 8 And I ohn saw theso thiiga John [wm] he who [was] aeeing stheae %ingo 'and .hearing. and heard them ~ n d br& ~ i 'f?r&ual' when I had heard and And whenG~ouaa asz/3h~J/aR down ?rpoarcvvijaar &?rpougv I fell to I heard and W I fell t o do homage before wodhip before tbe t d v ?ro83v 703 ciyyQXou roG' UktrvGovrb~~ mirra. 9 nai pi feet the feet of the angel who [W&] shewing me t h e things. And whichshewed me theae the things 9 Then saith XQyer pot, "opa ci d v 8 0 ~ ~ uou 'y(ipll ei L, n a 6 ~ he me* See lhou he rays to me, See [thou doit] not : *fellowbondman .ofethee 'for 1 am, and ' & U not: for I am tonowservant, ~ ~ v . & ~ E X $ ~r3vU O U V - .rrpoqjr/rGv,nai rdv rqpoliurwv Of .thy brethren of thy brethren the prophet., and of those who keep the the pro hcts and of 0 them w%ich 'keep the X ~ Y O V S ro6.~t/3hiou.roirov~rrji BE@ rpoarirvgaov. 1 Kai seyings of this hook : words of thii book: to Qod do homage. Ana worship God. 10 And he saith unto me, %a1 Xdy~t pot, Mlj.u$payiayp 706s X ~ ~ O U* p ?rpo$Qriap C TO^ not the aayinga of the he says to me, Seal not the words of the prophecy prophecy of this book: forthe timeis athand, ~ @ X ~TO ~UO U . wiirrN6 ~ ~ r p b p O T hrrv. 11 6 ddi11 He that is unjust, 'book 'of 'thii : beanuse the time near lie. E e that is an-

L i





*o&v T .

r rta70iOepa GLTTIAW.

iXovurv TTI) xpeiav LTTrAW ' *c$coT~~; (+COTLU~L id ~ b f~l ~ ~ L) 0 epirita of the GLTTrAW. P ~ a~1~ ~ . Q L T T ~ A P K&$ LTTrAW. W. &roriw'vrai phfnot racra QLT~AW phinov ; i~oliwv rairra T. m :@hemv W. ~WCQOV Ed. 8e~xMiv1 T T . v ycip QLITKAW. ~ T GLTTKAW L y i p for (the time) LTTKAW.

irt longer QLTRAW.

* fiijvav L. -Zva QLIT~AW. shall have noTT~A. &wdtSo+s i OGX ~ ~ O V U L V they (o6r + #WT& of light LTRA. I - $hiov.w. ~ Q L T T I A + b .the L ~ A n e v p & r w r n* W





~~ let him bounjuat still: and he which is filthy, rai & y; ~ b z r x 3 v zfivHoa&rwl L J ~ ~ ~ ~ K ~ V righteous let him be uurighteous still; and he t h a t is filthy let him be filthy lethim be filthy (Iri' rni 8iraioc no"i~aiw~rjrwll reai b rri. & Y I O E and b e t h a t fa rightbtilr; m d he that [is] righteods let him be righteous still; and he t h a t [is] holy ciyiaa&jrw h. 12 bKai'l i806, Epxop~i rax6, rai b
let him be snnctified still. en.nrd my wlth mc, And, behold, I am colnlng quickly, to each as t o render

r ~ 0 6 cpov p+ ipoO, d~odoBvar. ixdrry I c rb ifyo'v 'uSroi work ahia (Iorar."13 iyD delpcl rb
shall be.

':::E ',"[iFm thnt is holy, let him and :0,2:2 ~ t

sai rb 'Q,"
and the

~ ~ ~ P : , " $ , " ~ , " ~ ~ t i e drst and the the first and the last. Blessed [arc] they t h a t do last. 14 Blessed are they t h a t do his comTEc T U C - ~ U T O X ~ Y - ~ ~ ~ T O ~ , " S Y ~ iafal 7).tfovaia.cthr3v hni rb mandments, t h a t they his commandments, t h a t sshnll 'be 'their lnuthority t o the m;rF hare right to t h e tree of life, nnd mny ~ ~ A o v rni roig H V ~ ~ U L eiaQX0wuiveic r$v n6Ai~.enter i n through the V tree of life, and by the gates they should go in t o the city. gates into the city. 15 For without a m 1; oi K ~ V rai~oi $apparoi rai oi 7~dpv01~ a d o ~ s ,and sorcerers, E i But wlthout [are] the dogs, and the sorcerers, and the fornicators, and nnd whoremongers and murderers, and oi $oueis ~ a i El8wXoXdrpn1, rai TC?S '6" l$iX3v rai idolntcrs, oi whoso. the murderers, and the idolaters, and everyone t h a t loves and ever l o ~ e t h and mrk7r01Lh1' + E O ~ O ~ . ' eth a lie. practises a lie.
nm [ t h e j b y i n n i n g and end,

the A


ghpxr) /cai rEXoc,

ly, ; u1v.t my n w a r d ' i r w n l ~ t o gwe every me, mnn nccording as his work shall be. 13 I

6 np3roc rai 6 iaxaros." 14 M a ~ d ~ i o r

oi b~oioirv-end,

76s C W : ~ , Z&Libiu

16 'EZ& 'haoirc intp$a ri)v.dyyeA6v-pov paprvp foal

Jesus sent mine angel

nnto you these things biCa rai inthechurchcs. IOff-n n 6piv ~aiira mixill raic' i~rhqoiaic.hy6 + l and the to you these things in the assemblies. I a m the root and the spring of David, and i)' XaPTpbs PKai" 9 0 1 - the bright and morn; rb ivos nTOirll OAapia,ll 2) the ogspring of David, the 'star ,bright ing star. 17the n the d Spirit knd ~ bride q X6yovaiv, rlEX0Q.I1 Come. And let say, v ~ s . " Kai rb ~ F Y E O ~a 7) 17 ~ i Come, him t h a t h e ~ r e t h say Ins. And the Spirit . and the Come. .And lot h i d (rai b circo6wv E ~ X ~ T W , r'EX0QSf1 i b Ei$&v 'tX06rw," thnt is athirat come. ~ a And, he that hears let him say, Come. And he that thirsts let him come ; ~ ~ i " , h ~ ' ~ : ~




'rtai" b BQXwvVhap/3avirwrbl' gawp Cwijc Gwpeciv.

~ r n d he t h a t wills, let him take t h e water of life gratuitously.

of life freely.

I8 For I testify an. t o orery mnn t h a t the words of of the prophecy of this book, 1f anyone should add to the prophecy of this book If any manshall ~ a z r a , " H L ~ $ U L 0~bci ~ alirbv" rric .nA~]ydrc ~ ' rcic Y E - add&to thesethings, these things, 'shall 'add IGod unto him the plagues which are God shall nd& u n t o him the plagues t h a t jpcxppiva~ 'hv ptphiq~.ro6ry* 19 rni idv rig bad$a~pfl written i n this are wrltten in this book. And if anyone should t a e book : IQ and if any mnn shall take a&kb TGV X ~ Y W V capiPX~vll dad$alpq-way from the words from the words of [the] book ashall *take of the book of thin prophecy, God shall UEL" e~bc rb.pipoc.aitro5 dxb ea/3iphovl'r i j ~ tw$g, ica; t ske away his a r t 'away 'GO~ his part from [the] book of w e , and out of the book of L e ,
For I jointly testify t o everyone hearing

l 8 wX~ppaprvpo3pa~Lybp11 aavri

Ci~oCovrt rob^ Xdyov~


npo$qr&iasr~ir.pi~hLov.rdCrou~ ric Yabrriri0p'x p b ~ bdv heareth

GW. r b Bvrapbr the filthy [one] OLTT~AW. S bvrTav8<7w L m r A ; b v ~ a p e v 8 < 7 w 8t:at~ n ' y v n o t q o c i ~ w him practise righteousness QLlTrAW. let rai GLTTrAW. c eu7rv a i ~ o i (read his work is) LTTIA. i sipr (read [ a r n ] ) a ~ ' I T r ~ w . e Alpha L'ITrAW. f D L. B i, (- j, L[A]) npGroc rai i) (- 6 L[A]) Zu)(asos, (+ $ the OLTA) Apx+ u a i (+ 7b the QI,TA) 7jAos QLTTrA. h nA6vowes U T O A ~UVTGV S wash their robes LTT~A. 1 8& k b (read lpving and practising) LTTrAW. 1 XOLGV ~ L A GT. rai v hut O L ~ A W . 706 QLTTrAW. m <G(read rais to the) W ; ;v L. O Aavei8 LTTcA ; Aavi8 QW. P rai GTTrAW. n j, rrpoi'v6~ the morning OLTTrAW. ~'EPXOV QLTTrAW. 8 2pxiuBm QLTfrAW. t wai QLTl'rAW. 7 Aapdrw QLTTrAW. M a p w p I j iyb I testify GLlTrAW. t 714 who (hears) OLTPFAW. 7. i n c 8 i in' a;?& ~ L T P ~ A W . in' aJ7bv 6 8ebc P '. 7 CLTTIAW. 6 bb h4iAn GLTTrAW. C 703 /3rBAiw OL'LTrA1p+ . AdxAci OLTRAW# ~ 0 3 k 6 h o vthe tree QLTTrAW.


+ +

eity out Offrom the and the


7 3 ~ yyQt7pp6~"~
rue wntten


r r ; ~T ~ X E Unjc ~

ByiaS, g,caiU

~ ' g which arewrit. out of the s iuu book i v h OiPXiy) in 'book

and of t h w who

~ * t ~ & ~ 20 AIYEC ~ ~ ~ $ ~ ~ F d papw &v sairra,

&reiy I come quickly. amen. Even come, Lard Jeror.
a1 The g r ~ c e oar of Lord Jesw Christ be

Nai G x o p a t 7a v.
P* Imcomingqtri


'ha WO .test& come,

wa -p, ea

' A P $ ~i. ~ a i[pxov, ,~

Amen: - . . yea, The

&pia 'Iquo3.
Jewk OforuLori'

21 'H ~ a i ro3.kvpiov.%j 3vu 'Iquoir l ~ p t s r o i i u ~ r ~

with you all. Amen.

m r & y r ~ vn6pGv.B U





P'Aptj~.~ Q


eaints GT~AW.

+ 7(? QLTWAW. G1L-hNwu (mad of the Lord) m . - ~ p r m iLTTrA.P - 'Au~ivQu~iTvTr u~vA TrA. + &aouciAv+cr 'GLlYrAW. ~ w of John A. the ) m m + 7;v Iw Redation .

; (join Amen with quickly RT~).

uar ( m d&V

which) Q L ~ A W .

- 6p;v +p&v

Greek-English Lexicon

New Testament






S a result of their wide experience as sellers of text-books of all kinds, extending over many years, the publishers have become aware that clergymen, theological students, and New Testament students generally, possess the conviction that none of the smaller New Testament Lexicons is entirely satisfactory. There are several essential and entirely practical features, not embodied in any of the smaller New Testament Lexicons, which should be incorporated in a work intended to fulfil1 all necessary require.. ments. I t is with the definite intention of supplying this need that the publishers nave undertaken the preparation of this new Lexicon. It aims to retain all the desirable features of the best small Lexicons in use, and also nresent the several additional points demanded, while keeping within the nam~ass a vonrme of convenient size. or This Lex~con endeavors to put into a brief and compact form as much as possible of the material found in the larger New Testament Lexicons. The fact has been remembered that in nine cases out of ten the object in consulting a Lexicon is to refer quickly to the standard meanings of a word, rather than to study an exhaustive treatment of it. Hence, while every clergyman would like to possess one of the larger New Testament Lexicons, he still needs the small one for convenience in ordinary use. So it is assumed that this small New Testament Lexicon will be needed both for use independently, and also by those who have one of the larger ?,exicons. I t is hoped that in this volume the publishers' intention has been realized of producing a volume that better than any other so far published will serve this purpose quickly and well. - It may be desirable to point out a few features which have been made prominent. I t at once apparent that some of these are not ordinarily found in the smaller New Testament Lexicons : The inflection of nouns, adjectives, and verbs has been indicated with all the fullness which was considered practically necessary. In nouns, the




ending of the genitive case has regularly been given, being omitted only with indeclinable nouns. The article indicating the gender regularly foilows the genitive ending. Other cases have been given only rarely, when they are irregular or peculiar. In adjectives, the endings of the nominative have been given. In verbs, a different form for the present tense, such as a contracted form, has regularly been given, and ordinarily the ending of the future. The endings of the other tenses have only been given in some special cases when they are peculiar, or irregular. Of course the inflection in general has considered only the forms occurring in the New Testament ; it is only rarely that classical forms not occurring in the New Testament have been given, since they would be of little practical value in ordinary New Testament study. The hyphen, to separate the parts of compound words, has been used with considerable freedom, but in general accordance with the following principles. I t has been used of course to separate the parts of words which are actually compounded of the two or more portions which appear in the word. Words derived from a compound word would not usually have the hyphen, but sometimes it has been inserted, especially when otherwise the derivation would not be obvious. So, too, the hyphen has been used with derivatives of a compound word, in cases where the original compound word does not occur in the New Testament, as otherwise the character of the word would not appear. The hyphen has also been used in many cases where the compound word is slightly changed in form from the parts of v21ich it is composed, where this variation is not very great. Such a wide use of the hyphen has been for the purpose of increasing the practical value of this feature. The original plan in reference to Synonyms was to give in the Lexicon itself definitions of a few of the most important ones. After most of the Lexicon was in type, however, it was decided, in view of the importance of the subject, that a very helpful feature would be a special section devoted to Synonyms. This has accordingly been prepared. The result is, of course, that a few words already treated in the Lexicon have here been given a fuller treatment. The Index to the Synonyms includes all the nouns treated in the Lexicon proper, as well as those in the Synonyms, and this double treatment will always be found to be expressly indicated by its appropriate sign. Some indications of the history of a word will surely be serviceable to the average student. Consequently, the words whose first known occurrence is in the Septuagint, in the Apocrypha, and in the New Testament, are indicated by


the respective abbreviations at the end of the articles. Where the usage is
The material for this has been drawn chiefly from Thayer. The other classifications which Thayer gives, it was thought would not be of sufficient practical use to the average student to be incorporated. In the case of words from foreign languages, the language has been indicated in every instance, except with a part of the proper names, chiefly from the Hebrew, where the origin would be readily inferred. It has been the aim to make this feature accurate and up to date. In this matter, considerable help has been received from E. Kautzsch, Grammatik des Biblisch-A ramaischen. The grammatical references given are to the three grammars which are probably in the most common use, viz. : S. G. Green, Handbook to the Grammar o the Greek Testament, Revised and Improved Edition; G. B. f Winer, A Grammar o the Idiom o the New Testament, Seventh Edition, f f f Translated by J. H. Thayer; and Alexander Buttman, A Grammar o the New Testament Gree&, Translated by J. H. Thayer. These have been indicated respectively by the abbreviations Gr., Wi., and Bu., the references in the first two being by sections, in the last, for convenience, by pages. The usual custom has been followed of making the received text, the so-called Textus Receptus, the basis of this Lexicon, except that sometimes another accentuation has been adopted, which seemed preferable. All the variations of any importance of the text of Westcott and Hort have been given. This does not include all the minor variations in spelling and accentuation. It was thought that to indicate the variants of other editors would occupy more space than it would be profitable to give. For the same reason no mention has been made of variant readicgs of the Textus Receptzcs itself. The asterisk * at the end of many articles indicates that all the passages in which the word occurs in the New Testament have been given. Besides other works which have already been mentioned, much material f has been drawn from R. C. Trench, Synonyms o the New Testament, and from the New Testament Lexicons of Thayer and Cremer, as well as from the small ones of Green and Hickie. The New Testament books have been indicated by the shortest abbreviations that would lie easily intelligible. It is thought that they will be understood without explanation. The list of other abbreviations which is here added includes only those which might not be recognized without express indication.
$ doubt, no indication has been given.


Ap.. = Apocrypha (of the Old Testament). A. v. = Authorized Version. = Alexander Buttman (Gramnzarof N e w Bu. Testament Greek). dim. = diminutive. = figurative. fig. = S. G. Green (Handbook to the Grammar Gr. of the Greek Testament). = that is. i.e. = literally. !it. met. = metaphorically. mrg. E margm. N. T. = New Testament. . aig. = originally.

0.. ' l

= Old Testament.
= Textus Receptus

Rec. R. V. S. sc. sq. W. H.

= Revised Version.
= Septuagint. = namely, to wit. = following. = Westcott and Hort (The N e w

2 S&

ment i n the Orz&kal Greek). Wi. = G. B. Winer ( G m m m a r of the Idiom of the N e w Tesfament). hyphen, see Introduction. *indicates that all the passages in which word occurs in the New Testament have been given.

Concerning the abbreviations for the Books of the New Testament, see last paragraph of Introduction.




6-ytvfis, i s (from yCvos), low17,xvii. 30; Ep. iv. 18; I Pet. born, base, I Cor. i. 28.* i. 14.* dyrdgw, uw ( f r o m dyros), to iyvds, 4, Qu, pzire, 2 Cor. vii. I I ; set apart from common use. chaste, Tit. ii. 5. Syn. : see Hence, to hallow, or regard &ytos. with religious reverence, i y v 6 q s , rqros, ?j,puri&, 2 Cor. u Mat. vi. g ; f consecrate t o vi. 6. xi. " ( W . H.).* . , religious service, whether iyvOs, adv., purely, sincerely, persons or things, Mat. xxiii. Phil. i. 17." 1 7 ; Jn. xvii. 19; to cleanse byvuuLa, as, i), ig7zorartce,spec. for such consecration, Heb. willful ignorance, I Cor. xv. i . 13 ; SO to purify, sanctify, x 3 4 ; I Pet. ii. 1 S.* I Cor. vi. I I . 01 dytacbpsvor, &yvumos, OY, unknown, Ac. those who are beingsanchfied; xvii. 23.* 01 4ytaupPvor, those who are byopd, a s , ; (dyslpw),a place of I sanct3ed, Ac. xx. 32. public resort, fomn6, market dyraupds, 06, 6, sanctification, blace. Ac. xvii. I7 : used for holiness, I Cor. i. 3 0 ; I T h . ;he market, Ma;.'vii. 4 ; as iv. 7. (S.) the place o f public assemgyros, a, ov, hallowed, wotthy of blies, trials, etc., Ac. xvi. 19. vcneration, holy, consccrated, byopdtu, uw, to purchase, buy, whether persons, places, or with gen. o f price, Mar. vi. things. 01 dytoi, "the Sainh"; 37, or E K , Mat. xxvii. 7, once 7b dy~ov, UcTemple; r b dyra, Ev, Rev. v. 9 ; fig., to redeem, the Sanctuary; &yra dylwv, ransom, Rev. v. 9, xiv. 3. thc Holy of Holies; xvri7pa byopaios, ov, belonging to the dytov, the H o b Spirit. Syn.: forzt?iz; hence (sc. $pipar) see Trench, $ lxxxviii. court days, Ac. xix. 38 ; (sc. &yrdqs, r ~ r o s , jl, holiness, dvb'pwnor) idlers, xvii. S.* Heb. xii. 1 0 ;2 Cor. i. 12 ( W . &ypa,as, ?j, a catching, Lu. v. 4 ; H.). (Ap.)* the thing caught, a catch o f i y r u d v q , qs, 4, holiness, Ro. fish, v. g.* i. 4 ; z Cor. vii. I ; I T h . iii. b-ypdpparos, ov? unleame~?, 13. (S.)* a.e., in Rabbinical lore, Ac. h y ~ b X qqs, ?j, the (curve o f the) , iv. 13.* Syn. : dypdpparos a m , Lu. ii. 28.* means ilZiterate, without iiyrrmpov, ov,rb,jishhook, Mat. knowledge gained b y study; lbrdrqs, not a specialist, or xvii. 27.* Lyuvpcr, as, 4, an anchor, Ac. without knowledge gained xxvii. 29, 30, 40; Heb. vi. b y mingling in public life. byp-auXCw, G, to live i n the '9. L-yv+r, ov, adj., titzfullcd, fields, Lu. ii. 8.* undressed, Mat. ix. 1 6 ; Mar. byptGw, uw (to take in huntii. 21. ( N . T.)* ing), fig., to ensnare, Mar. iiyvda, as, ?j, puri9, I T i m . iv. xii. 13.* 1 2 , v. 2.* bypr-Acrcos, ov, 4, wild olive, Ro. xi. 17, 24.* dyvigcu, uw, to cleanse, purify; ceremonially, Jn. xi. 5 5 ; mor- Lypros, fa, tow, wild, o f honey, ally, Ja. iv. 8. Mat. iii. 4 ; Mar. i. 6 ; jerce, dywvpds, oO, 6, ceremonial puo f waves, Ju. 13.* rzj%ation, Ac. xxi. 26.* 'Ayplmrcrs, a, d , Agrippa, i.e., &- d w , 4 ijaw (see ~ L ~ V ~ U K W ) , See Herod Agrippa 11. not to Rnow, lb be igrrorant, 'Hpdbqs. 1Tim.i 13;dyvoGv, ignorant; bypds, 06, d , jicld, spec. tha dywodpevos, unknown, Gal. country, Mat. vi. 28; plur., i 22 ; iporcd, disrcgardcd, . country districts, hamlets, I Cor. xiv. 38 (W. H.); (2) Mar. v. 14. . not to undcrslend, Mar. k &ypvrrv4o, G ( ~ n v o s ) , be sleepto 32 ; Lu. 45. ix. less; hence, met., to watch, to d.yvhpa, azos, 76, a sin of be vz@lant, Mar. xiii. 33 ; Lu. &noranee, crror, Heb. i . 7.* x xxi. 3 6 ; Ep. v i 18 ; Heb. Syn. :see Trench, lxvi. xiii. I j.* Lyvorq a , i s &uorancc, Afi UL b y p w b , as, 4, slce,,kssuas,



watching, 2 CO:. v i 5, x i 27.* Lyu, Ew, 2 a., fiayov, trans., to bad, bring; with r p 6 s (acc.), Cws, rls, o f destination ; with 871 (acc.)., o f purpose, as Ac. viii. 32 ; to bring before, for trial, Ac. xxv. 17. Also to spend, as o f time; to keep, as a particular day, Mat. xiv. 6 (not W . H.); Lu. xxiv. 21 (impers.). Fig., to lead the ivtcfitzation, induce, Lu. iv. I . Mid., to go, depart; subj., bywpav, let us go/ Mat. xxvi. 46. bywytl, 4s, 4 . (dyw), a leadittg, course of ltfe, 2 Tim. iii. 10.' by&, cjvos, 6, contest, co~zjzct; fig., o f the Christian life, as Heb. xii. I ; solicitude, attxiety, Col. ii. I . Lywvla, as, 3, contest, agony, Lu, xxii. 44 (not W . H.).* byuvI~opar,to strive, as in the public gzmes, I Cor. ix. 25; to contend with an adversary, Jn. xviii. 36; fig., o f Christian effort and endurance, Col. i 29. 'ASdp, 6 (Heb.), Adam. b-Sh.rravos, ov, free of charge, g7atuitous, I Car. ix. 18.* 'ASSI, 6 , Ad&, Lu. iii. 28 (not T)* mentioned in 0. . . bScX+4, ijs, 4, a siskr, ( I ) lit, Mat. xix. 2 9 ; ( 2 ) fig. of Christian friendship, I Cor. vii. 15. &StA+6s, 06, 6, a brother, ( I ) lit. (see Gr. 8 256), Mat. i. 2 ; (2) o f more general relations, a fellow-countryman, Mat. v. 47 ; a fellow-Christian, Mat. xxiii. 8 ; a fellow-man, Mat. v. 22-24; also expressing the relation between Christ and believers, Mat. xxv. 40. T h e "brethren o f Jesus" (Mat. xiii. 55 ; Jn. vii. 3 ; Ac. i. 14; Gal. i. 19) are probably to be understood literal1 dSrh467qs, st)ros, 3, We dr+Dthew hood, i.e., the Christian community, I Pet. ii. 17, v. g. (AP.)* LSqXos, ov, not manifest, utt cevtain, Lu. xi. 44; I Cor. xiv. S.* L-6qh6qs, rqsos, uncerhin@, I T i m . vi. I 7. * ~UfiXms,adv., uncrviaidy, r

cor. i . 26.4" x

+ I


k W

of U p d e 6,to be troubled, d i c b-6tvaror, ov, (X) persons, k h p t , w , tolose heart,despond, q o c, Col. iii. 21." act., powerless, Ac. xiv. 8 ; frcssed, Mar. xiv. 33. B ov, ( 2 ) of things, pass., impos- &O. Qos, unpunished, innocent, &S, ov, 6 (d priv. and 16c?v), sible, Ro. viii. 3. Mat. xxvii. 4 (not W . H.) ; the invisibleworld, Hades, Lu. with drb, of the crime, ver. xvi. 23 ; fig., of deep degra- @W, Cow (contr. from delSw), to sing, with cognate acc., 24.* dation, Mat. xi. 23. See rdXv. yi6ljv, a song, Rev. v. g, xiv. atyeros, q, ov (at,goat), o f qr b-Sr+iqarros,or, without unccrbelonging to a goat, Heb. xi. tarnty, unambz&ous, Ja. iii. , xv. 3 ; with dat., to sing l1. a praise) to, Ep. v. 19; Col. 37.* a t y r d k , 06, 6, the shore, beach; iii. 16.* &L&-Xtrmos. ov. without inter -. , uaed of Gennesaret, Mat.xiii. tnissiotz, unceasitzg, Ro. ix. 2 ; brh adv., always; of continu2,48 ; Jn. xxi. 4 ; of the Meous time, unceasing&, Ac. 2 Tim. i. 3. * diterranean, Ac. xxi. 5, xxvii. vii. 51 ; of successive inter@tde[mos,adv., withoutintervals, from ti?nc to time, O I L mission, zrzcessant&, Ro. i. g; 3% 40.* every occasion, I Pet. iii. Alyumros, a, ov, Egyptinn, Ac. I Th. i. 2 , ii. 13, v. 17. * vii. 2 2 . d-Sra-+BopIa, as, 4, incorrupti1s. bility, soundness, Tit. ii. 7 brr6s, 05, 6, an eagle, Rev. iv. Atyvrrros, ov, 4, Egypt, Mat. ii. 7 ; gen. bird ojprcy, as Mat. (not W . H.). ( N . T.)* '3. xxiv. 28. &%LOS, adj. (del), eternal, ov, bSrr&u,G,aoo ( ~ S L K O intrans., S), everlasting, Ro. i. zo ; Ju. 6.* tb act unjust&, commit a &-bpos, ov, unlcavcned, only in plur., sc. Xdyava, cakes, I s , oOs, 4, modesty, I Tim. ii. crime, Ac. xxv. I I ; trans., fo or dproi, loaves; met., the g ; reverence,Heb. xii. 28 ot wrong, injure, Mat. xx. 13 ; W. H. .* +X. :see ,e r% hence, to hurt, without any paschal feast, Lu. xxii. I ; d T h a y e r , p. 14. fig., uniorrupted, sincere, I notion of wrong, Lu. X . 19, AlB[o$, o ~ o s6, an Ethiopian, , and Rev. often ; pass., to be Cor. v. 7, 8. Ac. viii. 27.* wronged, 2 Cor. vii. 1 2 ; mid., 'Afdp, indecl. (Heb.), Rzor, Mat. i. 13,14;not mentioned J p a , aros, 7 6 , blood, ( I )in gento suftr wrong, I Cor. vi. 7. in .. . eral, Jn. xix. 34 ; ( 2 ) natural bGLqpa, aros, 7 6 , a wrong, mis- 0. T.* life, which was believed to OV. 4, deed, Ac. xviii. 14, xxiv. zo ; 'A~WTOS, Azotus or Ashreside in the blood, especialdod, Ac. viii. 40.* Rev. xviii. S.* ly with odpt, I Cor. xv. zo; Urrla, as, +, wrong (towards bfip, dlpos, 6, the air, atmosso human nature generally ; phere, A c xxii. 23 ; Ep. man or God);hence, injustice, hence, (3) natural relation. Lu. xviii. 6 ; Ro. ix. 14; unii. 2. nghteousttess, Ro. i. 18, ag; b4avau&, as, ?f (see Odva~os), sh+, Jn. i. I 3 ; (4) blood shed o f sacrificial victims, Heb. immortality, I Cor. xv. 53, act of unrzghteousness, I Jn. 54; I Tim. vi. 16.* ix. 7, I z ; ( S ) hence, the blood v. 17 ; Heb. viii. 12. of Christ, his atotrirzg death, &-6tros, ov, unjust, unrzghteous, b.BCprms, ov ( @ i f i t s , law), unI Car. X . 16 ; Rev. vii. 14 ; generally, opposed to GL~aros, lawful, criminal, Ac. X . 28; (6) violent death, bloodshed, I Pet. iv. 3. * as Mat. v. 45, to rborp4s, as murder, Lu. xiii. I ; Mat. &-&OS, without Cod, Ep. ii. ov, 2 Pet. ii. g, or to riorbs, as . xxii. 30,35 ; (7) in Ac. ii. 20, 12.4 Lu. xvi. 10. etc., the reference i to the s &[KM, adv., unjusk'y, unndcJem &.Beupos, ov (eeofibr, statute), color of blood. rdly, I Pet. ii. ~g.* lawless, 2 Pet. ii. 7, iii. 17.* b-&rrps, ov (tested, but not b-Be740,8,4oo (er-as in ~LOqfit), alpar-er-XW&, as, I f , shedding of blood, Heb. ix. 22. ( N . T.)* to make void, invalid; of approved),reprobate, rcjcctcd, things, to nullify, Lu. vii. 30; crlpoppoio, G, to snfer from a Ro. i. 28; I Cor. ix. 27 ; jlow of blood, Mat. ix. zo.* 2 Cor. xiii. 5, 6, 7 ; 2 Tim. chiefly of persons, tb slzght, AlvCas, a, 6 Aeneas, Ac. ix. 33, , rrjcct, Lu. X . 16. iii. 8 ; Tit. i. 16; Heb. vi. 8.* 2. d* (L-bkos, ov, without fraud, un- b-Bkqrrs, rot, 4, null@atiott, abrogation, Heb. vii. 18, ix. alGrrs, ros, +,praise, Heb. xiii. adulterated, I Pet. ii. z.* I S . (S.)* Syn.: see Trench, lvi. 26.* 'A6papVmlv6s, bv, of Rdra- 'ABqvar, Bv, al, Athens, Ac. atdo, (3, k w and duo, topraise, only of praise t o God, Lu. mythum, a seaport of Mysia, xvii. I S. ii. 13, 20. Ac. xxvii. 2.* 'ABqvaios, a, ov, Athenian, Ac. dvryga, aror, 7 6 , an enigma, 'A8p[as, ov, 6 , the Adriatic, the xvii. 2 1 , _22.* an obscure thing, I Cor. xiii. sea betweenGreeceand Italy. bBkC0, G (iOXos, a contest), to 12.* corrtend in the ~ u b l i games. c Ac. xxvii. 27.* . avos, ov, b, praise to God, Mat. dspbnlr, ~ q r o r ,4, abundance, 2 Tim. ii. S.* xxi. 16; Lu. xviii. 43.* liberality, 2 Cor. viii. 20.* &Bkqrrs, U S , +, contest, as in ad(^, (3, Buw, to be imposi. the public games; only f g Atviv, 4 (Heb.), Actwn, Jn. iii. 23.* Heb. X. 32.* sible, with dat. of pers., Mat. xvii. ao; or rap6 (clat., W. LOpolfw, to g a t h r logctkr, Lu. +vrs, ewr, 4 (alptw), choice, its act or rosult; hence, a &v. 33 (W. H)* .. H. gen.), L . L 373 u





dead, Mar. xvi. I , Lu. v i i 46. Syn.: xplw has always &tpr@w, G, duw, to inquire a religious and symbolical ov, inconstant, close(y, learn careful& (R. force, which is absent in nnskabk, Ja. i. 8, iii. 8 ( W . V , Mat. ii. 7 , 16.9 dXel@w. as, ?f, cocb the H.).* &cPL&is, adv., exac#Zy,dil&cnt- M r m & o v k , k a r & q w w , ov, that cannot ly, Ac. xviii. 25. crowing, the third watch o f the night, between midnight br restrained, Ja. iii. 8 ( W . k p k , lbos, ?f, locust, Mat. a and dawn, Mar. xiii. 35.* iii. 4. H. read preceding). (S.)* p, 'AKA-S~& (Aram., field o j kpoa-rfiprov, lov, 76 (drpodopui, M i ~ ~ o opos, 6, a cock, Mat. to hear),the place of (judicial) xxvi. 34 ; Jn. xiii. 38. blood). Aceldama. Ac. i. I Q , ' A A ~ a ~ 6 ~ b r 6,an Alexaa Pwr, , W . ' ' ~ r e ~ b a p d ~ j h ~ h gAc. X X V . 23.* . kpoa.rfF, 06, 6, a hearer, Ro. driart, Ac. vi. g, xviii. 24.* 'AhfavSprv&, f , 6v, Alexam ii. 1 3 ; Ja. i. 2 2 , 23, 25.* ov (~epdvvvpi),undrian, Ac. x x v i i 6, xxviii. , maked; hence, fig., simple, b ~ p o f l v a i aas, 4, the foreskin, 11.* Ac. xi. 3 ; uncircumcision, innocent. ~uileless. Mat. X. Ro. iv. 10;met., an uncircum- 'AAeadpos, ov, 6, Alexander. 16; Ro. ;G. 19; ~ h i lii. IS.* . Four o f this name are mencised Gentile, Ep. ii. I I . (S.) &Arvfjs, PS, unbending; hence, a, tioned, Mar. xv. 21 ; Ac. iv. H , steadfast, Heb. X . 23.* b~po-ywvrah, ov (with XlBor expressed or understood), a 6 ; Ac. xix. 33 ; I T . 20 ; i i. *m, U @ , to reach the point corner foundation stone, ref. 2 Tim. iv. 14.* of perfection; so, o f fruit, to t o Christ, Ep. ii. 2 0 ; I Pet. &Acvpov, ov, 7 6 , wheaten flour, be fully ripe, Rev. xiv. IS.* Mat. xiii. 33; Lu. xiii. 21.* ii. 6. (S.)* byrfiv, acc. o f d ~ p 4as adv., men nmu, even yet, Mat. xv. &tpo-Oivwv, lov, ~6,j'irstfruits, MfiOera, as, 4, truth; generally, z.r., the best of the produce, as Mar. v. 33; espec., ( I ) 16.* freedorn from error, exactapplied blur.) to spoils taken &KO @S, ?f (drobw), hearing, in battle, Heb. vii. 4.* ness, as (2) the Truth, or ($ me sense oj hearing, 2 Word of God; Jesus is called Pet. ii. 8 ; (2) the organ of &pas, a, ov, outermost,pointed; hearing, ihc ear, 2 T!m. iv. the Truth, Jn. xiv. 6 ; (3) neut., 7b drpov, ihe end, extremiiy, Lu. xvi. 24. truthf ulness, veracity, sincer3,4 ; (3) the thing heard, a , opposed t o d6rity, integngn&, repor#, speech, doctrine, Jn. ' A ~ G k a sov, 6 (Latin), Aquila, Ac. xviii. 2. rla, Ro. ii. 8 ; I Cor. xiii. 6. xii. 38; Mar. i. 28. droi G,to deprive of power, MqBrGo, to speak the truth, Gal. drobeiv, " t o hear with hear- &+U, iv. 16 ; Ep. iv. IS.* set asidc (a law), Mat. xv. 6 ; ing," i.e, atlentiwely (a HeMqOfis, CS (d, XaS in XavOdvw), Mar. vii. I 3 ; Gal. iii. I p. braism), Mat. xiii. 14. unconcealed, true, Ac. xii. 9 ; YS &okou84o, G, 4uw, ( I )to accom- & K O ~ ~ T (adv.,, fret&, W&Jn. iv. 18 ; hutirful, Mat. out hindrance, Ac. xxviii. pany, follow, or attend, with xxii. 1 6 ; Mar. xii. 14. Syn.: 31.* dat., or w ~ (gen.), or dsluw d clXqB4s means true morally, (gen.), espec. o f the disciples &ov, ovua, ov (a, PKWU), unuillfaithful ; dXqB~v6s,genuine, I Cor. ix. 17.* of Christ; so, met., to obey ov, 76, a box made in contrast either w ~ t hthe and imitate, Mat. iv. 25; Mar. of alabaster, a wssel for perfalse or the imperfect. ix. 38. 4, , fume, Mat. xxvi. 7 ; Mar. M ~ O L V ~ S6v, real, genuine, hobo, uw or uopai, pf., dx$noa, contrasted with the fictixiv. 3 ; Lu. vii. 37.* lo hear, ( I ) without object, boasting, show, tious, as Lu. x v i I I ;Jn. i. 9 ; Mar. iv. 3, vii. 37 ; ( 2 ) with MaEovia, as, ?f, with the typical, as Jn. vi. ostentation, Ja. iv. 1 6 ; I Jn. object(acc.orgen.,Gr. s q g a , ii. 16.* 32 ; Heb. viii. 2 , ix. 24. Syn. : I , W i . 5 30, 7c,. Bu. 165 sq., 6, see dXqB4s. sol), to hear, lzsten to, heed, Maihv, 6~05, a boaster, Ro. i. 30 ; 2 Tim. iii. 2.* M ~ O Wfew, to grind with a , understand, Mat. xii. 19; Lu. handmill, Mat. xxiv. 41 ; Lu. i 41. 01 d~obov7es,hearers McrXbgo, duw, to .raise a cry or . loud sound ; m mourning, xvii. 35.* or disciples. In pass., to k Mar. v. 38; o f cymbals, I MqOGg, adv., tnrly, really, cer noised abroad, Ac. xi. 22. Cor. xiii. I.* tainlv. Ac. xii. I I . d ~ p a v i a , 4, intemperance, as, {W. H. bkeds), Cwr, 6, a incontinence, Mat. xxiii. 25 ; &AMqros, ov, not to be uultcred &L+ i n words, Ro. viii. 26.* fisherman, Mat. iv. 18. I Cor. vii. S. * &-Ados, ov, dumb, making &uGm, e k o , tofish, Jn. xxi. 3. & K P ~ ~ CS, (~pd~or),powcrless, S dumb, Mar. vii. 37, ix. 17, wtthout self-control, 2 Tim. (S.)* &[fa, law, to salt, season with 25.* iii. 3.* a, salt, Mat. v. 13 ; Mar. ix. 49 & K ~ ( L T ov S (repdvvvpi), m- M s 4 7 0 5 , 76, salt, lit. and fig., O , Mbyrlpa, aror, 76, poll~tiom as Mat. v. 13. mixed, undiluted (of strong Mci+o, $W, to anoint, festally, Ac. xv. 20. (N. T.)* wine), Rev. xiv. IO.* or in homage, also medici- &AA6 (prop. n. plur. o f dAAos). &p[@rcr, as, ?f,.fxactness, sh'ctnally, or in embalming the but, an adversative particle. ncss, Ac. xxu. 3.*

L ,

* border, Ja.sedition, ~umult, &cpefis,5.k , exact, sh'ct, Ac phence, iii. 16, Cor. xxvi.


GREEK-ENGLISH N E W T E S T A M E N T LtXICON. (iXVK69,$,bp (dXs),salt,bracRW, Ja. iii. 12.* & A m , ov, ree from sorruw, Phil. ii. z .* &AWLS, cur, 4, a chain or manacle, Mar. v. 3 ; Ac. xxi. 33. h-XwrmA+, h, wiilrout gain, unproftable, Heb. xiii. 17.* T O see A. %$at4, ov, 6,A Q h ~ u s . Two o f the name are mentioned, Mar. i i 14, iii. 18 (the latter being called KXwrds, Jn. xix. 25; acother form of the orig. Hebrew name). &rv, wvor, d , JI, a threshirtgfloor; met., the grain of the threshing-jfoor, Mat. iii. I 2 ; Lu. iii. 17. M& cxor I) a ox, Mat. viii 2 7 ' ~ ~ . applied t o Herod, Lu. xiii. 32.* &Arurs, cos, 4, a taking or catching, 2 Pet. ii. IZ.* (ipa, adv., at the same time, Ac. xxiv. 26; prep., with or together w W (dat.), Mat. xiii. 29; dpa *put, with the dawn, Mat. xx. I-.. -..~. ---.. &pa0fp, Is, unlearncd,igrrorant, z Pet. iii. 16.* ~ ~ ~ Y ~ L V U Q adj., composed O , O , of amaranth, i.e., everlasting, I Pet, v. 4.* d f i p a w o s , ov, adj. (~apalvoW L )unfacling, I Pet. i. 4.* , dpap~dvo, ~ i j u w , to miss a mark, to e w , to sin, Mat. xxvii. 4 ; Jn. v. 1 4 ; with cogn. acc., dwprlav, to sin a sin, I Jn. v. 16; with clr, to sin agninst, Lu. xv. 18,


See Gr. 5 404, W i . O 53, 7 , Bu. 369 sq. M X k r o , dtw, to change, Ac. v i 14; to exchange, Ro. i. 23; to transf own, I Cor. xv. 51. bMax60tv, adv., from elsewhere, Jn. X . I.* MXa 00, adv., elsewhere, Mar. i. (W. H.).* bMqyop(o, 8 , to speak alkgor icalh; pass. part., Gal. iv. 24.i 'AAAqAoG'ia ( W . H. 'AX-), (Heb.), Hallelujah, Praise ye ]ehovah, Rev. xix, I , 3, 496. (S.)* MXfiXov, reciprocal pron., gen. plur. (Gr. 8 61c), one another, each other, Ro. i. 12. W O - y t v i p , I f , of another natio*, aforergncr, Lu. xvii. 18.

IS \*

&&~ar (dep ) dXoCpat, +Xdpqr,


to leap, AC: hi. 8, xiv. 1 0 ; to bubble up, as water, Jn. iv. 14.* & - 7 , o, other, another, Mar. U, vi. 15 ; 6 dXXos, the other, Mat. v. 39 ; 01 dXXot, the others, the rest. Syn.: dXXos hdicates that which is s i m p l y numerically distinct ; repas, that which is generically c * distinct, dzyerent. J' bMwpro-t.rrk~oros, d , one ov, &prpos, ov, beyond measure, immoderate z Car. X . 13, who looRs at or busies him1 S.* self i n the things of another, bp*, Amen, a Hebrew adjeca busyJody, I Pet. iv. 15 tlve, true, faithful, used ( I ) W . H. dXXorprerlrxoror). as an adverb, at the begin. [N. T.)* U b r p m s , la, tov, belonging to ning o f a sentence, verily, truly, indeed; ( 2 ) at the end another, Heb. ix. 25 ;foreign, of ascriptions o f praise, etc., strange, Ac. vii. 6 ; not of one's own family, Mat. xvii. optatively, as Y ~ U O L T O , so 68 21. 25 ; hostile, Heb. xi. 34. it; (3) substantivel. , 2 Cor. LilL6pnlpa, aros, 76, a sin, evil bM6+vXos, ov, adj., foreign, i. 20, as a name o r Christ, deed. Syn. : see dy vb7p.a. the Amen, the faithful witof another h'be or race, Ac. dpaprla, as, 4, ( I ) a sinning (= 76 dfiap~dvctv), V . 1 2 , Ro. X 28.* . ness, Rev. iii. 14. (S.) m w~- adv... otherwise. I Tim. . 13 ; 2 Cor. v. 21.; (2) a sin, &pfi7@~,O P O S , 6, @ij77~), v. zg.* wrthout mother, I.E., 111 the sing., as Ac. vli. 6 0 ; plur. Modo, 8 , ijuw, to beat or thresh, (more freq.), spec. in the genealogies, Heb. vii. 3.* as grain, I Cor. ix. g, 1 0 ; s phrase dq5tCvar ~ d dpaprlas, dplavros, ov (btalvw),undefilcd, I Tim. v. 18.* to forgive sins, Mat. ix. 2, s@,cere, pure, Heb. vh. 26, &Aoyos, ov, ( I ) without sprech x111. 4 ; I Pet. i. 4 ; Ja. i. 5, 6. In Heb. X . 6, 8, 18, or reason, iwaiional, 2 Pet. rep1 dpaprlas is sin-ofering. 27.* ii. 1 2 , Ju. 1 0 ; ( 2 ) unreason'Aprva&i$, b (Heb.),Aminadal., Syn.: see dyvbqpa. able, absurd, Ac. xxv. 27.* dpbprupor, ov, without witness, Mat. i. 4 ; Lu. i i i 33 (not W . M67, vs, 4, the aloe, J p . xix. 39. Ac. xiv. I 7.* H.).* (S.\* dpap~oMs,ov, sinful, or subOU, 4, sand, Ro. ix. 27 ; ~ : ; k b s ,d, salt. Rec. only in stantively, a sinner, espec. Heb. xi. 12. Mar. ix. 49 (dat.), W . H. habitually and notoriously, h d s , 00, d, a lamb; f g , o f i. I Tim. i. 19 ; Lu. xv. 2. T h e only in ix. 50 (acc.). See Christ, Jn, i. 2g,36; Ac. viii Mat.* 32 ; I Pet. i 19.9 . Jews used the word for 6

idolaters, i.e., Gentiles, Mar. xiv. 41. &pax-, ov, not quarrelsome, I Tim. i i i 3 ; Tit. iii. z. * &p&, Lj, ijuw, to reap, J av. 4.* + i h o r , ov, 4, a n amethyst (supposed t o be an antidote against drunkenness. Hence the name, from b, pBlw), Rev. xxi. 2o.* &pAlo, 8 , ijuw, not to care for, to disregard, negtcct, with gen. or inf., Heb. ii. 3 ; 2 Pet i. 12 (not W . H.). &pp-, ov, blameless, Phil. ii. 15 ; Heb. viii. 7. &p4pwrw, adv:,.. blamelessly, I T h . ii. 10, 111. 13 ( W . H. mrg.). &jdprpvos, ov, free f rom solicitude or anxieiy, Mat. xxviii. I4 ; I Cor. vii. 32.* &pr64e7os, OV, unchangeable, Heb. vi. 18 ; T A d p ~ d B c ~ o v , immutabili&, Heb. vi. IT.* d p a - ~ l y r o s ov, adj., i m m m , able,jirm, I Cor. xv. 58.* dpra-@qros, ov, not to be regretted or repented of, Ro. xi. 29 ; hence, undangeable, z Cor. vii. IO.* & p ~ a - ~ b 1 ] ~ o s , adj., unre. OV, Bentant, ilapcnilcnt, Ro. ii.



ba-galwe, B$uopat, 2 a. dvCpsv,

4, a vine, (I) lit., Mat. xxvi. 29; (2) fig., as Jn. ' xv. I. &pmX-ovpy&, 00, 6, 3, a vinedresser, Lu. xiii. 7.* +&&v, Bvos, d, a vineyard, Lu. xx. g ; I Cor. ix. 7. A p r A k , low, d, Amplias, Ro. xvi. 8.* &6w, B, in N. T. on1y in mid., to dqfcnd from, take vengeance on, Ac. vii. 24.* ++r6tr, to clothe, Lu. xii. 28 W H)* A&@&& to cast around, Mar. i. 16 (W. H.).* &p+L@qmpov, ov, 7 6 , ajshing net, Mat. iv. 18; Mar. i. 16 (not W. H.).* Syn.: u a y 4 y is the drag-net, much larger than dp+l,3Aqu~pov, the casting net; 8 l r r u o v is general, a net of any kind. ~ r . h r v y r r ,k w , to put on, to clothe, Lu. vii. 25. %u~kroXrs, cos, 3, Amphipolis, 1 city in the S. of Macedonia, & .; i I.* v, ov, 7 6 , a street, Mar. XI. 4. i(r46rtpor, at, a, both, Ac. xxiii. 8. &phpqros, OV, without blame or fault, Phil. ii. 15 (W. H. d p f i r r o t ) ; z Pet. iii. 14.* *pv, ov, 7 6 , amomum, a spice plant, Rev. xviii. 13 (not Rec.).* & p p s , OV, without blemish, I Pet. i. 19; Heb. ix. 14; fg, blameless, Eph. i. 4; Ju. i. 24. ' W v , d (Heb.), Amon, Mat. i. 10 (W. H. 'Apds).* 'A+&, 6 (Heb.), Amos, Lu. iii. '
k d o s , ov,

&v, a particle, expressingporsi-

bility, uncertarnty, or condirionality. At the beginning of a sentence it is a contraction of Edv. See Gr. $5 3786, 380,3838, Wi. 9 42, Bu. 216 99. dvb, prep.! lit., upon (acc.) ; in composition, up, again; used in many phrases. See Gr. $9 297 and I 470, Wi. $5 494 52, 4, 2 i 9 Bu. 331, 332. b-@9p6s, 06, d @alvw), means o ascmt, steps, stairs, Ac. f u 35,402 i

(I) to ascend, espec. to Jerusalem, Mat. xx. I 7 ; on board ship, Mar. vi. 51 ; to heaven, Ro. X. 6; (2) to spring up, as plants, etc., used of a rumor, Ac. xxi. 31 ;of thoughts comin into mind, Lu. xxiv. 38. & v a - h a , mid., to postpone, defer, Ac. xxiv. 22.*, to draw up, as a net to shore, Mat. xiii. 48.* & v a - w o , (I) to look U), as Mar. viii. 24 ; (2) to look again, lo recover szght, as Mat. xi. 5. 16-fi+rs, swr, 3, recovery of sight, Lu. iv. IS.* &a-$o&, B, to exclaim, c y aloud (not in W. H.), Mat. xxvii. 46, Mar. xv. 8, Lu. ix. 38.* &va-BOX& $5, 3, putting o f , delay, Ac. xxv. I 7.* &vd.yarov, OU, 7 6 , u f l e r room, W. H . in Mar. xiv. 15; 1.u. xxii. 12, for Rec. dv&ysov.* b-ayy&ho, to announce, make knaun, Ac. xiv. 27, xix. 18; to rcpovi, z Cor. vii. 7. bwyrwb, Q, to beget again, I Pet. i. 3, 23.* &a-yrvhw~o, to know again, to know well. N. T., to read, Jn. xix. 20 ; 2 Cor. iii. 15. bvay~kto, duo, toforce, to comp J by force or persuasion, Ac. xxvi. I I ; 2 Cor. xii. I I. b v a y ~ a - m ,a l a , a%v, necessary, fir, Tit. iii. 14; Phil. i. 24 ; also close or near, as friends, Ac. X. 24. & v a y r ~ a & , adv., nccersan7y or by constraint, I Pet. v. 2.* b k y y , qs, 4, (I) nrcessiy, Philem. 14; I Cor. vii. 37 ; followed by inf. (with Curt understood), there is need to, Mat. xviii. 7 ; (2) distress, Lu. ;xi. 23. bva-yvupyo, to make Known, aor. pass., Ac. vii. 13 (Rec.).* 1&yvawrs, cws, 3, reading, Ac. xiii. I 5 ; 2 Cor. iii. 14; I Tim. iv. 13.* bv-&yo, to bring, lead, or take up, Lu. ii. 22 ; Ac. ix. 39 ; to ofer U?, as sacrifices, Ac. vii. 41; pass., toput to sea, to s d sail, Lu. viii. 22 ; Ac. xiii.

i. 24; to appoint, announcct, Lu. X. I.* &v;Y&st~&s, COS, 4, a showing or public announcing, Lu. i. 80.* b a - U p p a r , dep., to receive with a welcome, guests, A c xxviii. 7 ; promises, Heb. xi. I 7.* b d h p r , to give up, delher, as by messengers, Ac. xxiii. 33.: ba-[W, to live again, rmivc G, (W. H. only in Ro. vii. g, and doubtfully Lu. XV. 24). bva-fqdo, B, to seek with dili. gence, Lu. ii. 44, 45 (W. H.) ; Ac. xi. z5.* &va-@vwpr, to gird or bind up, as a loose dress is girded about the loins; mid. fig., I Pet. i. 13. (S.)* b v a - ~ o m p i o , Q (&p), to re, kindle or rouse up; fig., 2 Tim. i. 6.* bva-OMho, to thrive orjourish axain, Phil. iv. IO.* &&Otpa, aros, 7 6 , a prrsofr or thing accursed, Gal. i. 8 ; I Cor. xvi. 22 ; an execratzon or curse, Ac. xxiii. 14. Syn.. dvd&,pa is a thing devoted in honor of God, consecrated; &vd@s~, simply a later form of dvd@gpa, has come to mean a thing devoted to destruction. bvaOrpmlto, l u o , to bind (one's self) by a cwsc, Ac. xxiii. 12, 14, 21 ; to a@rm with curses, Mar. xiv. 71.* &va-&op(o, B, to look at attentively, to consider, Ac. xvi. 23 ; Heb. xiii. 7.* b&&lpa, aros, 7 6 , anything consecrated and laid by, a votive oftring, Lu. xxi. 5 (W. H.).* Syn.: see dv6.
@spa. b-or&la, as, 3, shamelessness, impudence, Lu. xi. 8.* bvarp(urs, ews, 3, a kzkingaway. i.e., by a violent death, Ac. viii. I , xxii. 2 0 (Rec.).* b-crlpto, B (see Gr. $ 103, I, Wi. $ IS, Bu. 53), to t a L away, to abolish, Heb. X. g ; to take o f , to kill, Mat. i i 16; mid., to take up, Ac. vii. 21. b-alrroo,- ov, miltZess, Mat. xii 51 7.* bva-rd[ro, to sit up (properly trans. with 4aw6v under

bva-Sckvvp~, shau, as by upto lifting, to show plainly, Ac. 7


stood, Lu. v 1 5 ; Ac. i. U x 40.* bva-~arvqo,to renew, restore to a former conditzbn, Heb. vi. 6.* &a-~ardo,Q, to renew, amend, to change the life, z Cor. iv. 16; Col. iii. 10. (N. T.)* bva-~alvou~s, +, renewal ews, a or change of heart and life, Ro. xii. 2: Tit. iii. S. (N.T.)* Syn.: see Trench, 8 xviii. b a - ~ d G r r w ,to unveil, make manifcst; pass., 2 Cor. iii. 14, 18.* bva-~dpmo),to bend or turn back, return, Heb. xi. I S . &v&rrrpar,dep., to recline at a, meal, Mat. k. 1 0 ; d dvareG pms, one who reclines at table, a guest, Mat. xxii. 10, 1 1 ( W . H. omit in Mar. v. 40). b a - ~ e g d a r d o Q, C gather to, gether into one, to sum up tinder one head; pass., Ro. xiii. g ; mid., Ep. I. IO.* Bva-Alvo, to lay down an infant, Lu. ii. 7 ; to make to recline at table, Mar. vi. 39 ; pass., to recline, as at a feast, like dvdreipai, Lu. xiii. 29. bva-dmo, to cAeck (lit., beat lack), Gal. v. 7 ( W . H. Cyrbrrw).* bva-~pcifo, C V Out, to shout l0 aloud, Mar. i. 23, vi. 49. iva-rplvo, to invcsfigafe, inquire, examine (judicially), to judge of. Only in Lu., Ac., and I Cor. bv&~pwrs, ews, +,judicial examination, Ac. xxv. 26.e bva-wAh, to roll back, Mar. xvi. 4 ( W . H. for dwor-).* bva-ubm,to raise one's self up, Lu. xiii. r I ; Jn. viii. 7, 10 ; fig., to be clakd, Lu. xxi. 28.* ba:?ap&ivo, to hke up, Ac. vli. 43 ; pass., of Christ's being taken up to heaven, Mar. xvi. 19. bdAqJrrs ( W . H. -Xvp$cs),ews, 4, a being hken up, i.e., into x heaven, Lu. i . 51.' & v d [ Q ~ o ~, C W , to consume, X destroy, Lu. ix. 54; Gal. v. I S ; 2 Th. ii. 8 (not W. H.).* b d o y l a , as, +, proportion, analogy, Ro. xii. 6.* bvdoylgopa~,to think upon, consider a#cnlivrCy, Heb. xii 3 . "

o f a ship from her moorings, cic arture, 2 Tim. iv. 6.* lva-{b., r depart, PhiL i 23; to return, Lu. xii. 36.* &v-ap&pq~os,ov,withoutblame, faultless, Jn, viii. 7 (W. H. omit).* ba-p4vo, to await, I Th. i. ro.* bva-prprfiuro, to remind, admonish, two accs., or acc. and inf., I Cor. iv. 17 ; pass., , to remember, to call to mmd, en. or acc., z Cor. vii. 15. a.v pyurs, ews, +, remembrance, a memorial, Heb. X . 3. bva-wdo, Q, to renew; mid., to renew one'sself, to be renewed, Ep. iv. 23.* ba-rfi+o, to recover sokrness, 2 Tim. ii. 26.* 'Avavlas, a, d (fromHeb.), Ananias. Three of the name are mentioned, Ac. v. 1-5, ix.

& d o s , ov, witAout S&CSJ, ins$id, Mar. i . SO.* x bv&Awro, ews, +,a loosening


10, X X l l I . 2.

&v-awr-phros,ov, indispuhble, not to be contradickd, Ac. xix. 36.* bvarnpp/lrwr,adv., without contradiction, Ac. X . 29.* &v-&S, ov, unworthy, inade uale, I Cor. vi. 2.* a.v h s , adv., unworthily, unbecomingly, I Cor. xi. 27 (not in ver. 29, W . H.).* b v k a v u ~ s ews, +,rest, cessa, tionf rom labor, ref reshment, Rev. iv. 8 ; Mat. xii. 43. bva-rabo, to pwe rest or refreshment, Mat. xi. 28; mid., ia tuke rest, Mar. vi. 31 (W. H. read in Rev. xiv. 13, dvaral)uovrac, 2 fut. pass.). ba-mleo, SW, to persuade, in a bad sense, seduce, mislead, Ac. xviii. IS.* bva-&pro, to remit, send back, Lu. xxiii. I I . &va-q6&, leap up (W. H,, in Mar, X . 50, for Rec. dvfU~'?PL).* &v&qpos,ov, maimed, having lost a member, Lu. xiv. 13, bv:k?&p~, mid., to set 21 ( W . H. dvdrecpos).* declare, Ac. xxv. 14; Gal. ii. 2.* bacrrlrm, to faN down, lie ) down, Mat. xv. 35; N. T., to baroA/l, $9, t, the dawn, day spring, Lu. i. 78 ; generally, recline at table, Lu. xi. 37, the east, where the sun rises, xiv. 10. Mat. ii. 2, g ; sing. and plur, &va-~Aqp6o, to@ up, I Th. 8, ii. 16; toful@Zl,asaprophecy, see Gr. 24oa.

Mat. xiii. 14; Bpcgomr, as a precept, Gal. vi. 2 ; to orcupy or JZ a place, I Cor. xiv. 16; to supply a defi. cienc Phil. ii. 30. &v-aro-fkyqros, ou, adj., inem cusable, Ro. i. 20, ii. I.* bva-mbruo, to unroll, as a volume, Lu. iv. 17 (not W . H.).* &-&mu, to Rindle, set on fire, Lu. xii. 49 ; Ac. xxviii. a (not W . H.); Ja. iii. S.* bv-apl8pqros, ov, innumerable, Heb. xi. IZ.* bva-urh, to stir up, move, in. stigate, Mar. xv. I I ; L u xxiii. S.* & V ~ - U K ~ V to @ , ~ p.+Vef?', U S . settle, destroy, Ac. X V . 24.* bva-wrbr, to draw U?, Lu. xiv. Ac. xi. IO.* aurs, ews, 4, a raking +, as opposed to ialling, $Lu.i i 34; rising, as from death or the grave, resurrection, his future stale, Ro. i. 4, vi. 5. Bva-orarko, (3, to unsettZe, put in commotion, Ac. xvii. 6, xxi. 38 ; Gal. v. 12.* &va-uravp60),(3, to crurfy a. fresh, Heb. vi. 6.* ba-aev&go, to groan or srgh deeply, Mar. viii. 12.* &va-mp(+o, to turn up, over turn, Jn. ii. I 5 ; intrans., to return, Ac. v. 22 ; mid. (as Lat. versari), to be or to live in a place or state, to move among, to pass one's time or be conversant with persons ; general!^, to conduct one's self, 2 Cor. i 1 2 ; I Tim. i i i 15. bvaslpo+fi, 139, +, behavior, manner of life, Gal. i. 13; Ep. iv. 22. bva-r&uuopac, to arrange, coma pose a narrative, Lu. i. I.* bva-r&o, to spring up or rise, as the sun, a star, a cloud, Mat. xiii. 6 ; Lu. xii. 54 ; o f the Messiah, Heb. vii. 14; trans., to cause to rise, Mat.


&YM&~, id subvert, ovep throw, 2 Tim. iL 18 ; Tit. i It.* ba-.rp(+o, to nurse, bring up, educate, Lu. iv. 16 (W. H. mrg.); Ac. vii. 20,21,xxii. 3.* bva-+alvw, mid., to appear, Lu. xix. 11 ; pass., to be shown a thing (acc.), Ac. xxi. 3 (W. H. read act., in sense to come i n sight of ).* bac#po, oluw, to bear or lead, to ofer, as sacrifice, Heb. vii. 27; to dear, as sin, I Pet. ii. 24. &W-+wvCo, G, to cry out aloud, Lu. i. 42.* b & x v v r s , CWS, 4, a pouring out; hence, excess, I Pet. iv. 4.* & v a - ~ a p ( 3,, to depart, with~ draw, Mat. ix. 24; Mar. iii. 7. &v&+v~rs,CWS, 3, a refreshing, Ac. iii. zo.* bcr-JI;xo, refrcsh, to revive, to 2 Tim. i. 16.* &vSpamSumfi& 06, 6, a manstealer, I Tim. i. IO.* 'AvSp(as, ov, 6, Andrew, Jn. i. 40. &vSplgo, Luw, mid., to act like a man, to k brave, I Cor. xvi. I 3.* ' A V S ~ ~ V L KOV, S , Andronicus, O 6, Ro. xvi. 7.* &S+-+ovos, ov, 6, a manslayer, I Tim. i. g.* & v + ~ ~ T o sOV, not open to ac, cusation, unblamable, I Cor. i. 8 ; Col. i. 22. ~ V V - ~ K - S L ~ ~ ~ TnotS ,to be OV, O spoken, inexpressible, z Cor. i . I S. (N. T.)* x &+K-AMq~os, unspeakable, I Pet. i. 8. (N. T.)* bdr-Aermos, ov, unfailing, Lu. xii. 33.* ~ w K T ~6v, , ~ , s tolerable, supportable; only in comp., Mat. X.
&v etjpov, ov, without compac x i 22y sion, cruel, Ro. i. 31.* &wplgo, to agitate or drivc with wind; pass., Ja. i. 6. (N.T.)* b e p ~ sou, 4 the wind, Mat. xi. , 7 ; fig., applied to empty doctrines, Ep. iv. 14. ~ V ~ V S ~ I C T(Cv6ixopac),adj., ov O S , imra~ossibZe, Lu. xvii. I. (N. T.)* &v++(WGqms (W. H. -pa1-1, ov, ad]., unsearchable, Ro. XL



&W&-KQKOP, $ a & t t o in- b d p r p w - ~ o ~ oov, desirous of OD; f o, . * pleasing men, Ep. v i 6 ;Col jury, 2 Tim. ii. 24. (N. T ) &vd-rxvlaaos, ov, that cannot iii. 22. (S.)* be explored, incomprehensi- drvephvos, Lvq, tvov, human, ble, Ro. xi. 33 ; Ep. iii. 8. belonging to man, Ja. iiii 7 ; I Cor. X. 13. (S.)* b~?r-a+vros, ov, having no b 0 p u n m - d v o s , ov, h,+, a homcause to be ashamed, z Tim. icide, a manslayer, Jn. viii ii. I g.* 44 ; I Jn. iii. IS.* b+wl-hqwms (W. H. -Xqpr-), &Bpnros, ov, 6, a man, one o ov, adj., never caught doing the human race (M.homo{ wrong, iirrproachable, I Tim. Like d d p , joined in apposiiii. 2, v. 7, vi. 14.* tion with substantives, as &vdpxopa~, come or go up, to Mat. xviii. 23, xxi. 33. Jn. vi. 3 ; Gal. i. 17, 18.* be-v?ramGo, to be proconsul, &WULS, ews, 4 (dvlqpi), relaxAc. xviii. 12 (not W. H.).* ation. remission. as from & & - h a m s , ov, 6, a proconsul, bondk, burden, etc., Ac. xxiv. Ac. xiii. 7, 8, 12. 23; 2 Th. i 7. &v-(qpr, to unloose, let go, Ac. xvi. 26, xxvii. 40; to give up, &v+~&gw, examine judicial&, to Ac. xxii. 24. zq. (S.)* Ep. vi. g ; to leave, neglect, .. &v, adv. as prep., with gen., Heb. xiii. C.* without, I Pet. iii. I. &v-LXtws, wv, k t h o u t mercy, Ja. &v-~G&Tos, inconvenient, Ac. OV, ii. I 3 (W. H. read dvi'heos). xxvii. 12. (N. T.)* (N. T.)* b - r u p k ~ o t,o j n d by searching ~ G V L ~ O S adj., unwaJed, ov, , for, Lu. ii. 16; Ac. xxi. 4.* Mat. xv. 20; Mar. vii. 2, 5 &v-6x0, mid., to bear with, for(Rec.).* bear, have patz2nce with, en- l - b q p r , to raise U$ one lying or dead, Ac. ix. 41 ; Jn. vi. dure, Mat. xvii. 17 ; Lu. ix. 39, 40 ; intrans. (in 2 a., pf. 41 ; gen. of pers. or thing. &v+&, oi?, 6, a cousin, Col. iv. and mid.), to risc from a r e cumbent posture, Mar. i. 35 ; IO.* Piqeov, ov, 76, anise, dill, Mat. to rise again from the dead, xxiii. 23.* Lu. xvi. 31 ; aor. part., often combined with other verbs, &wjrrr, impers., it i s fl or a s '' rising ( d v a u ~ d s ) he proper; part., ~b d v ~ ~ oT & v, went." dnj~ocowa, becoming, Phithe " A w a , as, 3, Anna, Lu. ii. 36.* lem. 8. &v-fipepos, OV, adj., not tame, *Avvas, a, 6, Annas, Lu. iiii 2 ; Jn. xviii. I 3, 24 ; Ac. iv. jerce, 2 Tim. iii. 3.* 6 &vfip, bv8p6s, 6, (I) a man, in , sex and age (Lat. vir), Ac. d v 6 q ~ o sov,foolish,bought?ess, Ro. i. 14 ; I Tim. vi. g. viii. I 2; hence, (2) a husband, Ro. vii. 2, 3 ; (3) a person Pivora, as, B folly, madness, Lu. vi. I I ; 2 Tim. iii. g.* generally, Lu. vn. 41 ; plur. voc., dvtipss, Sirs I ; often in &vo[yo, [ W , to open, Ac. V. 1% xii. 1o,14; intrans. in 2 perf., apposition with adjectives dviyya, to be open, 2 Cor. vi. and nouns, as dv*p dwprwI I ; I Cor. xvi. g. Xb:, dv+p ? r p o # 4 7 ~ s ,Lu. v. 8, &v-orro-So)l(o, G, to duild up XXlV. 19. again, Ac. xv. 16.* &vB-[q.nlpr, oppose,withstand, to resrst, with dat., Ro. ix. 19, Pivorfrg, ews, 4, opening (the act of), Ep. vi. ~ g . * Mat. v. 39. bB-opAoyiopar, oi?pat, to con- Cvoplu, as, 4, lawlessness, iniguity, Mat. xxiii. 28; Tit. ii. fess. , m thanks &,. dat.,. Lu. + 14; a dvoplai, iniquities, evil 1 -ii. 38* deeds, Ro. iv. 7. Syn.: see ~ B o s , ovs, 776, a jbwer, Ja. i. d y v6qpa. 10, I I ; I Pet. i. 24.* &vBpa~rb, 4, a heap of bum- &vops, O V , (I) w i t h w t law, not as, ing coals, Jn. xviii. 18, xxi. g.* subject to the law, used of Gentiles, I Cor. i . 21 ; (2) &v@&, axes, 6, a coal, Ro. xiii x 'awZess; as subst., a m a L za*



factor; b dvops, fhc krwlcss one, 2 Th. ii. 8. Avdpws, adv., without law, Ro. ii. 12. iv-op06m, G, to make upnght or straaght again, to rebuild, make strong, Lu. xiii. 13; Ac. xv. 16 ; Heb. xii. IZ.* &v&os, ov, unholy, I Tim. i. g; z Tim. iii. z.* &wx/I,+js, $, forbearance, ation, Ro. ii. 4, iii. 25.* Syn.: 6 r o p 4 is patience under trials, referring to things; ~~porpo8vpfa, patience under provocation, referring topersons; dmxQ is a forbearance temporary in its nature. &W-aywvQopar,to resist, strive agaznst, Heb. xii. 4.* &W-6AAaypa, aror, 76,an egrrivalent, price, Mat. xvi. 26; Mar. viii. 37.* &w-ava-dqpbw, i), t o p up in turn, Col. i. 24.* &w-am-S16wp~, recompense, to requite, Lu. xiv. 14; Ro. xii. 19. 6vr-aw6-Sopa, aros, 7 6 , a recompense, requital, Lu. xiv. 1 2 ; Ro. xi. g. (S.)* &W-Q~-SOQLS, a Y ~ Y 4, recompense, Col. iii. 24.* &W-am-~plwpar,to reply against, contradict, Lu. xiv. 6 ; x Ro. i. zo.* /M-(~ov (used a s z aor. o f d w t X C ~ w ,see $qpL), to contradict, to gainsay, Lu. x x i 15; Ac. iv. 14.* &vr-&co, mid., to /mid fast, to adhere to (gen.), Mat. vi. 24; Lu. xvi. 13 ; I Th. v. 14; Tit. i. g* . &vrSprep., gen., inskadof, for. See Gr. $9 291, 147a, W i 9%47a1 5214, 3), Bu- 321. & ~ r - w o ,throw in turn,exto change words, Lu. xxiv. 17.* drm-8raul&lpr, mid., to setone's self against, oppose, z Ti.
avrUucor, ov, 6 (orig. adj.), an opponent at h w , Mat. v. 25 ; Lu. xii. 58, xviii. 3 ; an adversary, I Pet. v. 8* . &vrc&vrr, ews, I f , opposition, I Tim. vi. zo.* &wwcd-(crrrlp,to reist, Heb. x i i &* & m , c d or invik in * ia turn, Lu. xiv. I%.* Cn m lL * 0 oppou, ~~

ii. as.*

&W-o@aA$w, 0, to loo2 in & face; so to meet fhc wind, I ; Ac. xxvii. IS.* & m ~ p GW . H. dlwt~pvs), ( adv., &v-dpor,ov, without water, dty, Mat. xii. 43 ; Lu. xi. 24. over against, Ac. xx. I j.* , &W&-hap~vw, to take hold & v - d - r p r ~ wov, adj., w W o d mid., of, he&, share in (gen.), Lu. hypocraiy, unf eigncd, Ro. x u i.. 54 ; Ac. xx. 35 ; I Tim. g ; 2 Cor. vi. 6. (Ap.) &v-m6-~amos, not subjkt to ov, v1. 2. &m-kbw,to speak against, conrule, o f things, Heb. ii. 8 ; tradict (dat.), Ac. xiii. 45 ; unruly, o f persons, I Tim. i to oppose, deny, Jn. xix. 12. g ; Tit. i. 6, IO.* ~ w L A ~ J T(L o. H. -h&-), ews, &v@, W adv. (dud), up, above, uphe&, ministration, I Cor. xu. wards; rd dvu, h e a z ~ tor ~ 28.* heavenly things,as Jn.viii.23. &m-Aoyb, as, I f , contradichbn, &vByov,ov, 7 6 , an upper chumcontention, rebellion, Heb. vi. k r . See dvbyacuv.* &vcuOrv,adv. (dvw),( I ) of place, 16, vii. 7, xii. 3; Ju. I I.* f rom above, as Jn. iii. 31, xix. &m-Aorbpiw, to revile or reI l ; with prepp. dr6, &K,f rom proach again, I Pet. i i 23.* &wLAwpov, ov, rb, a ~ansom- the &p, as Mar. xv. 38; Ja xix. 23; ( 2 ) of time,from the price, I Tim. ii. 16.* &vrr-~mp(m, to measure in 6, f i s t , only Lu. i 3; Ac. xxvi. return, Mat. vii. z (not W. 5. In Jn. iii. 4, 7, again (see H.) ; Lu. vi. 38. (N. T.)* Gal. iv. g) ; or, perhaps here &W&-pdkr, S, recompmsc, as, also,from above. Ro. I . 2 ; 2 Cor. vi. 13. (N. I w r p n t k , Q, 6v, upper, hagher, 7 T.l* Ac. xix. I.* ' ~ v & ~ t r c r , as, 4, Antabch. Two b k p s , a, ov (compar.of dlvw ; places of the name are menon1 neut. as adv.), hiSAer, to tioned, Ac. xi. 26, xiii. 14. a /?&er place, Lu. xiv. 1 0 ; ~ , 'Avrro~eBs,Cws, 6, a cifiacn of a6ove, before, Heb. X . 8.* Atttioch, Ac. vi. S.* &v-w+tA/Is,CS, unprojitable, Tit iii. g ; Heb. vii. 18.9 &m-wap4pxopar,to pass by o p posite to, Lu. X . 31, 32.1 q i q , ?S, $, an axe, Mat. iii 'Avrkas, a, 6, Anfipas, Rev. 10; Lu. iii. g. * ii. 13.* eror, fa, cov, adj., worthy, de ' d m w a ~ ~18os, 4, Anh), k, sewing of, suitable to (gen.), Ac. xxiii. 3I Heb. xi. 9; xii. 48; Ac Lu. xxvi. 20. &m-dpav (W. H. dvrlrrrpa), adv., on the opposik side or Q r d w , G, to deem worthy (am. rhore, Lu. viii. 26.* and gen., or inf.), L u vii. 7 ; &vrr-wlrrrw,to fall agairrst, re2 Th. i. I I : think fit. Ac. xv. 38, xxviii. 22. sist, Ac. vii. 51.* adv., worthily, suitably &wwrpanGo(rcrr, dep., to make war against, Ro. vii. 23.* ( w ~ t gen.), Ro. x v i 2 ; Phil. h &-ha, mid., to set one's i. 27. seCf against, resist (dat.), Ro. &dpa&oh ov. invisibfe, unsetn, x i ~ 2; Ja. iv. 6, v. 6 ; I Pet. i COLi. 16; X Tim. i 17. . v. 5 ; Ac. xviii. 6.9 &w-ayy4Ahw, to repori, relate, make known, &clare, Ac. iv. drrrkvrros, ov, like i n pa&rn, Heb. i . 24; sb dwlrvrov, x I Th. i. g. cowesponding in form, as mid., ia hang or strangle one's self, Mat.xxvii. wax to the seal, anti&pe, I Pet. iii. zr.* 5 . * 'Avn-~pk"r,ov, b, opposer b-&ym, to lead, carry, or take of C h k t , Antichrist, I Jn. away, Lu. xii. I 5 ; to lrud away to execution, Mat. xxvi. i 18, 22, iv. 3 ; 2 Jn. p. i (N. T.)* 57 ;Mar. xiv. qq, 53 ; to lcn~r &H&, 0,ia draw from a vesor tend, W a way, Mat. v i i sel, Jn. % 8, g, iv. 7, 15." 131I& b A q m , arm, 2 , a dychch Jn. 6 bra^,ov, adj, u n i m h d iv. X. I* rd, & m a Tim. ii. 23* c e o

L. u ddat.), xvi. gx i Lan17, xxi. 15; dvrc~elpems, adversary, Cor. Phil. i. 28.


&k , ;m a




k m io &&caway; in N T + , .. only I a pass., Mat. i. 15 ; x Mar. ii. 20; LU v. 35.* &atria, to a d back, require, reclaim, Lu. vi. 30, xii. 20.* hr-ahyk,, to be past fccling, Ep. iv. rg.* h-crM6ava, pass., to be removed from, to dcpart, Ac. xix. 12 ; pass., to be set fret (with dr6). Lu. xii. 58; to delCuer, Heb. ii. IS.* h d k m , to csfrange,alienate (gen.), Ep. ii. 12, iv. 18 ; Col. i. ZI.* M&, tender, as a shoot 4,6v, of a tree, Mat. xxiv. 32; Mar. xiii. 28.* k m h , B, to meet, to cncounk r (dat.), Mar. xiv. 13. d * d y ~ ( s cos, 4, a meeting, , an encountering; els d r d r rqucr (gen. or dat.), to meet any one, Ac. u v i i i . I 5. W,adv., of time, once, I Th. ii. 18; once for all, Heb. vi.

odstinacy, disobcdicnce, Heb. iv. 6, 11. h r 8 b B, to refuse belief, be disobedient, Jn. iii. 36; Ro. ii. 8. Cnr8fp, ii, rtnbelimnnng, disobedient, Lu. i. 17 ; 2 T i a iii. 2. bnr)l(co, B, fow, to threaten, forbid by threatening, Ac. iv. 17; I Pet. ii. 23.* &nbh4, Gs, % a threatening, threat, Ac. iv. 17 (W. H. omit), 29, ix. I ; Ep. vi. g* . &u-ayir(elpl,to be), to be absent, as I Cor. v. 3. &u-arpt(elpc, to go), togo away, to depart, Ac. xvii. IO.* &u*faov (see elrov), mid., to renounce, disown, z Cor. iv. 2f h l p c r a o r , ov, adj., incapable of being k m k4 Jai. IS.* h t p o s , ou, ad., inex nienced, unskilIfjxl i (genf, H e b v. n I3 * . 4, X. 2. h - a ~ e o p ato wail f or, ex~, d-mp&B..ros, ov, invi~lable, pect carnesfly or patienily, unchangeable, Heb. vii. z&* Ro. viii. 19, 23, 25; Heb. i . x ( G ~ C ( L Q Q Q K ~OU, ,adj., un~ 28. (N. T.) prepared, z Cor. ix. &* d n r ~ & o p a ~ , ship, divest, to renounce, Col. ii. 15, iii g* . kapviopar, otpar, to deny, dirown, Mat. xxvi. 34, 35; io d*(KSvms, cws, 4, a $Wing or disreprd, Mar. viii. 34. sCrr2pingolP;renouncing, Col. adv., of time (seedprc), ii. 11. ( . T.)* N henceforth, Rev. xiv. 13. (W. 6nr-rXcr4va, to drivc away, Ac xviii. 16.* H. read d i dp7~.)* h c r p r r v p h , oG, d, compIeCion, *p+, oc, 6 (JXbxw),78Lu. xiv. 289 pudaatzon, censure, disrcpuk, W x 4 , %S, k the Frsi-f+~(ib, Ac. xix. 27. (N. T.)* consecrated to God (see W . bnAbBtpos, ov, d, 4, a freedH., z Th. ii. 13). *an, I Cor. vii. 22.* 00, h a s , aoa, av (like riis, Gr. 'A~AA*, 6, A ~ C I I C S , RO. 5 37), all, all together, the xvi. IO.* whole. hr-rXwqa, owl to despair, Lu. &mumqopa~,see drrdbpac. vi. 35 ; R. V . "never despair(N.TA* ing" (see R. V. mr ) * &&~6a,,'0, 4ro, to deceive, lead &-h, k r aadv. (genf into ewor, Ja 1 26; Ep. v. . gainst, in the presence of, i n ofpasition to. 6 ; I Tim. ii. 14 ( W . H. &tax-).* (The stronger form 6rlr(pavros, ov (repalw), in* J[aaardo i more freq.) s minablr, I Tim. i &* b q qs, 4, deceit, deceitfd- k " " W " 0 , adq. (*Fd , ness, COL ii, 8 ; Heb. iii. ordo), wtthmrt drslractzon, I Cor. v i i 35. * ~ p ov, unai.cum~ rap, opos, 6, .fi(rarrjp), outfather, i.e., in the genealcised; fig., Ac. vii. 51. (S.)* ogies, Heb. vii.'j.* bu+opa~, to go or comefrom i u - a + r p o , a r o ~76, r e c k d , one place to another, to go bra', Heb. i. 3.* away, depart; to go apart; io go back, C r e h m ; &? p h& H. d+e~ov),aor. V (W 2 ot d@pdw, which see. forth, as a mmor. &, to have in ftJC, Mat. b.+r&ra, i wil{fdunbeIirf, &a as, i ,

v i 2; to be far (abs., or dr6), Lu. vii. 6 ; impers., ctrixcc, it is enough, Mar. xiv. 41 ; mid., to abstain from (gen., or dr6), I Th. iv. 3. bmmda, 0 , to disbelieve (dat.), Mar. xvi. I I ; to be unfaithful, Ro. iii. 3. &-h, as, 4, unbelief, drj. trust, a state of unbelief, X Tim. i 13; Heb. iii. 12, 19: unfaithfulness, Ro. iii. 3. buraoo, ov, not believing, im credulous, Jn. xx. 27 ; hence, an unbeliever or injdel, a Cor. iv. 4 ; unfaith ul, Lu. xii. 46 ; Rev. xxL ?s. as, incredible, only A c x x v ~ 8. . ciarxdoo, oGs, 5,. oov, simple, sound, Mat. vl. 22 ; Lu. xi.


L' a

d n r G s , mqros, 4, simpliciw, sincera'&,puri@,2 Cor. i 12; Col. iii. 22. &X.?c, adv., simply, sincere@, Ja. i. S.* W, prep. gen., f rom. See Gr. g 292, Wi. 47 b, Bu. 321 sq.; and for the force of the prep. in composition, Gr. 3 14712, Wi. 5214, Bu. 344. &~a-@lva(for Balvw, see Gr. g 9 4 I., 6 d ; fut., -j3$aopac),to go or come out of, as from a ship, Lu. v. 2 ; Jn. xxi. g; to h r n out, result, Lu. x x i I3 ; Phil. i. rg.* &m-$&Aa, to thrmu away, Mar. X . o ; Heb. X . 35. * &ao-&~ua,to look away from all besides; hence, to look earnesily at (clr), Heb. x i 26.* &lrd-$kqloo, ov, verbal adj., to be thrown away, rcjcckd, I Tim. iv. 4.* &~a-goX/I, +, a castingaway. ijs, rqkction, loss, A c xxvii. 22 ; Ro. xi. 1 S.* &lroyivopcu, to die, I Pet. ii. 24.* drlroyd4, ijr, 4, a rcrord, rcgiikr, enrolment, Lu. ii. z ; Ac. v. 37.* b.lro-yp@w, to enrol, inscribe in ~ , a rcgiskr, Lu. ii. I, 3, 5 ; Heb. xii. 23.* &Iro-StiKvupr, J m v by iyproof, to demonstrate, setf orth, A c ii. 22, xxv. 7 ; I Cor. iv. g ; z Th. ii. 4.* & & & + S cos, 11, dmronstm , tion, proof, I Cor. ii. 4.*



d a o - & ~ a h ,0, ( I ) to pay the &nth or Pthe, Mat. xxiii. 23; (2) to levy tithes on, acc., Heb. vii. 5. (S.) &-&m, verbal adj., acov, ceptable, I Tim. ii. 3, v. 4.* &m-6&opab to receive with pleasure, to welcome, Ac. xviii. 27, xxviii. 30. &m-&qph, 0 , to go from one's own people, to go into another counhy; only in the parables of our Lord, as Mat. xxi. 33; Lu. xv. 13. &w+6qys, ou, gone abroad, sojournrng m another counhy (R. V.), Mar. xiii. 34.* &WO-SEGopr, give from one's to self, to deliver, Mat. xxvii. 58; in mid., to sell, Ac. v. 8 ; to pay o f , discharge what is due, Mat. v. 26; Lu. xvi. 2 ; to restore, Lu. iv. 20 ; 50 requite, recompense, Ro. ii. 6 ; Rev. xviii. 6. &m-Srsp@, to separate o f , i.e., into parties, Ju. ~g.* dao-So~rpqw, rcjct, as disto approved or worthless, Mar. viii. 31 ; Heb. xii. 17. bm-Soxfi, 69, 9, acceptance, approbation, I Tim. i I S , iv. 9.* da6-Beors, cos, 9, a ppsrtting away, I Pet. iii. 21; 2 Pet. i. 14.* %m-Ofi~q, 9, a repositoy, qs, granary, storehouse, Mat. iii. 12 ; Lu. iii. 17. bm0-&1oaupQw, to treasure up, lay by in store, I Tim. vi. 'g.* bm-OAlgw,to press closely, Lu. 5 ' viii. 4. 6mo4vfp7~w (dn6, intensive ; the simple Ov$urw is rare), to die, ( I ) of natural death, human, animal, or vegetable, Mat. ix. 24; ( 2 ) of spiritual death, Ro. vii. 1 0 ; Rev. iii. 2 ; (3) in Epp. o f Ppul, 50 die to (dat.), as Ro. vi. 2 ; also in other shades of meaning. Far tenses see Bv$urw. Lwo-~a0-fuqpr,dsora~aur$uw (also -ra8rurdw and d v w , see Mar. ix. 12 ; Ac. i. 6), to restore, eg., to health, or as a state or kingdom, Lu. vi. 10, Ac. i. 6. C n o - ~ d 4 m wto uncover, bn'ng , to light, reveal, Mat. X. 26; Lu. X. 2 1 ; I Cor. i i 10. See Thayer, p. 62. mid., 50 taRe aside with one's self, Mar. vii. 33. had-Aauvrs, ews, 9 (XaCw, to I Cor. xiv. 26; Ep. iii. 3 ; z enjoy), enjoyment, I Tim. v i Th. i. 7. (S.) Syn.: see 17; Heb. xi. 25.* Trench, $ xciv. &iro-Kapa-80Kkr, as, 9 (xctpa, &m-Arlww,to leave, to leave 6ehind, 2 Tim. iv. 13, 2 0 ; to head; drb, intensive),earnest desert, Ju. 6 ; pass., to be reexpectation, as i f looking for served, Heb. iv. g. with the head outstretched, &m-AtLxw, to lick, as a dog, Ro. viii. 1 9 ; Phil. i. zo.* Lu. xvi. 21 ( W . H. 2nrXeC &WO-~ar-aAA6nvw,reconcile, to change from one stalr of xw).* feeling to another, Ep. ii. 16; &W-dMupr(see Gr. $ I 16,2 , W i . $ 15, Bu. 64), to destroy, 50 Col. i. 20, 22. ( N . T.)* bring to nought, to put to & ? ~ ~ - K ~ T & - O T E , 9, S , W M L reddeath, Mar. i. 24; Ro. xiv. I S ; tution, restoration, Ac. iii. to lose, Mat. X . 42 ; Jn, v i 21.* 39; mid., pass. (and ad perf.), &w6-~rpa&, be laid away, to to be resewed for (dat.), Lu. to perish, die, Mat. viii. 25; to be lost, Lu. xxi. 18. xix. 2 0 ; Col. i. 5; 2 Tim. iv. 'AiroMGwv, O Y T O S , b (prop. part 8 ; Heb. ix. 27.* of dxoXAbw, Destroyer), Apol&m-~e~dL~w (xe$aA$), to be+on, Rev. ix. 1 1 . ( N . T.)* head, Mat. xiv. 1 0 ; Mar. vi. 'AwoMovla, as, 9, Apollonia, 16, 27 ; Lu. ix. g. (S.)* a city of Macedonia, Ac. x v i i &m-&h, shut close, as a to l .* door, Lu. xiii. 25.* & m - d m w , to srnzte or cut of> 'AlroAXds, J, 6, Apolloos, Ac. xviii. 24. Mar. ix. 43, 45 ; Jn. xviii. 10, 26; Ac. xxvii. 32; mid., Gal. &m-Xop6pac, oi7,uar (Abyos), to defend one's self by speech, v. 1 2 (see R. V.).* Lu. xxi. 14; Ac. xxvi. 24; to &wd-~prpa, aros, 7 6 , an ansuer, defend, excuse, Ro. ii. 15. 2 Cor. i. g.* &TO-~pLvopac aor., see Gr. &TO-AoyLa,as, 4, a verbal de. (for fense, "apqlogy," Ac. xxv. $ 100, W i . $ 39, z), to answer, 16 ; I Cor. I X . 3. Mar. xii. 28 ; Col. iv. 6 ; often used (like the cor- &m-AoBo, mid., to wash away, as sins, Ac. xxii. 16; I Cor. responding Hebrew verb) vi. II.* where the "answer" is not ews, to a distinct question, but &WO-XG.rpwcrrs, 9, redemption, deliverance, Ro. iii. 24; to some suggestion of the acHeb. ix. I S , xi. 35. Syn.: companying circumstances; see Trench, $ lxxvii. so especially in the phrase dsorpt8e1s e k e v , answered &iro-AGo, to release, let go, to send away, Ac. xxviii. 18 ; and said, as Mat. xi. 25; Lu. Mat. xv. 23 ; spec., to pput i. 60. b d - ~ p w r s ,C W S , 9, an answer, away a wife, divorce, Mat. i. 19; Lu. xvi. 18 ; mid., to dereply, Lu. ii. 47. & m - ~ p b m w ,to hide, conceal, part, Ac. xxviii. 25. I Cor. ii. 7 ; Ep. iii. g. &m-p6vsw, SW, to wipe o f , as dust from the feet; mid., Lu. &ud-~pu+os, ov, hidden, conX . 11.* cealed, Mar. iv. 22; Lu. viii. I 7 ; stored up, Col. ii. 3. &WO-vipo,to assign to, appo* &m-wrlvw,evir, &put to death, Cion, I Pet. iii. 7.* mid., to wash one's kiU, Mat. xvi. 21 ; Rev. ii. &WO-vlww, 1 3 ; fig., to abolish, Ep. ii. 16. self, Mat. xxvii. 24.* &wo-K&, 9,to bring forth; &m-.rrhrrw, fall f rom, Ac. i. to x 1 S. * fig., Ja. i. 1 5 , IS.* & m - K v A ~IUV, to roll away, &TO-lrkavbo, 0, to lead astray, , Mar. xiii. 2 2 ; I Tim. v i Mat. xxviii. 2 ; Mar. xvi. 3 ; Lu. xxiv. 2. (S.)* 10.* 6.lro-Aapvvw, to receive from &m-wACrq cbuw, to sail away, any one, Gal. iv. 5 . to receive Ac. xiii. 4, xiv. 26, acx. 15 back, recover, Lu. xv. 27 ; u v i i . I.*

&~-K&u+Ls, 4, revelaiion, COS,





dnrolrWte, to wash or rinse, as (with 6-4 as Ac iii. 2 9 ; restore, replace, Mat. xxvi. nets, Lu. v. z ( W . H. rAlvw).* 52; mid., to desert, r&t, ikm-uvlyw, C sufocaak, choke, Mat. x~ii.7; Lu. viii. 7, 33.* ace, Mat. v. 42. krop(m, G (u6pos, resource , &IO-o-nylm, G, to dcakst) io a& hor, Ro. xii. g.* except Mar. vi. 20 (W. H A only mid. in N. T., to be i n bno-ovv&y.yopyo~, ov, excludcd from the synagogru, excomdoubt, a, be perplexed, Jn. municatcd, Jn. ix. 22, xii. 42, xiii. 22 ; 2 COT.iv. 8. Ampia, as, 4, perplexity, disxvi. 2. (N. T.)* &m-&m, [W,mid., to separate quiet, Lu. xxi. 25.* one's se(f from, withdraw h - p p h m , to throw or cast from (dat.), Mar. ui. 46; to down or o f , Ac. xxvii. 43; Cavzodr understood.* iakc leave of, renounce, send &w-op+avQr (6p@avos), " t o away (dat.), Lu. xiv. 33. G, irw, to pefect, make orphans of l'; to be- &-&lm, Ja. i. I 5 ;Lu. xiii. p ( W . H.).* reave, pass., I Th. ii. 17.* 6nro-~~ru&~o)rar, to pack away, 6;*o-~i&11~, to lay o f or mid., aside, Ac. vii. 58 ;to renounce, pack up, Ac. xxi. 15 ( W . H. Ro. xiii. 12. hU~evd@pai).* &m-crr[crcrpa, aroo, 76 (r~larw), &wo-~ivaucrcu, shake ofl, Lu. to a shade, a s h a h , ]a. i. 17. ix. 5 ; A c xxviii. S.* & m - ~ 1 v (or + h ) , ~ l r w to rea , A N U , pay, Philem. ~g.* G, duo, to draw out, unsheathe, Mat. xxvi. 51 ; to & m . r o A p b , L), to assume boldness, Ro. X. 20.* withdraw, to draw away, A c xxi. I. h - o p i a , as, 4 (rCfirw, to cut), bm-uravla, at, 4, defection, sevrriiy, Ro. xi. 22.e apostasy, Ac. xxi. 21 ; 2 Th. &m-6pm, adv., severeZy,sharpii. 3.* ly, 2 Cor. xiii. 10; Tit. i. IS.* &m-a&mov, ov, 76, repudia- bro-7p)rq mid., to h r n away from, shun, acc., 2 Tim. iii. tion, divorce, Mat. xix. 7 ; c* Mar. X. 4 ; met., bill of di3. vorce, as Mat. v. 31.* &r-owla, as (drsiw), absence, &m-acy&~ (uzCyq),to unroof, Phil. ii. 12.* Mar. ii. 4.* &wo+pm, to bear away from & m d m ,to send forth, send, one place to another, Mar. xv. I ; Rev. xvii. 3. as a messenger, commission, etc., spoken of prophets, &m-te, to escape, z Pet. i. 4, teachers, and other mesii. 18, 20.* sengers, Mat. X. 40; Lu. vii. &ro+Biyyopar, to speak out, 3 ; Ac. X. 36 ; to u n d away, declare, Ac. ii. 4,14, xxvi. 25. dismiss, Lu. iv. 18 ; Mar. v. (.* S) 10, viii. 26. &m+op~lfopa~@ ~ P T O F ,a bur( 6nroanp(m, G, $@W, defraud, to den), to unload, dascharge,A c abs., as Mar. X. 19; deprive xxi. 3.* of by fraud, acc. and gen., & r 6 - ~ p q w , 4(dr6,intens.), swr, I Tim. vi. 5. abuse, misuse, C d . ii. 22.* bromoAfi, fjs, 4, aposilcship, &TO-xODp(m, B, h go away, depart, Mat. vii. 23 ; Lu. i. 39 ; Ac. i. 25; Ro. i. 5; I Cor. x ix. 2 ; Gal. ii. S.* Ac. xiii. IS.* &m, uo &X w ov, d, (I) a mes- &TO-xcopQm, io part asunder, senger, 2 Cor. viii. 23; Heb. Ac. xv. 39; Rev. vi. 14.* iii. I ; (2) a n apostlr, i.e., a &m-Jrkm, to breathe out l+, tofaint, Lu. xxi. 26.; messenger of Christ to the world, Lu. vi. 13; Gal. i. I ; vAwm~~, Appius; Arstov ov, 6, used of others besides Paul $ 6 ~ 0 the Rorum of Appirrs, ~. and the Twelve, Ac. xiv. 14 ; a town in Italy, situated on r Th. ii. 6 ; 2 Cor. viii. 23. the Appian W a y , Ac. xxviii. I 5.0 Amaopa~Qro (076pa), to entice to speak of-hand, Lu. xi. h p d r - r m s , ov rpos, 1 ~ not~ ) to be approac ed, I Tim, vi. 53f d r r o ~ ~ o q t oaway, t r a m ~ r n I&*

(L3pat-~aaor, ( u ~ u T ~act., ov ), not causing to stumble, I Cor. X. 32 ; pass., not caused to s#umblc, blameles~, without ofense, Ac. xxiv. 16; Phil. i. 1 . (Ap.)* 0 ~ ~ o n o - A ~ m (m o H. W. -i$pm-), adv., w i h o u t respect of persons, imparfidy, I Pet. i. 17. ( N . T ) .* &rrrcuaor, ov ( r ~ a l w , faN), without shnrbling or falling, Ju. 24.* &mm, $W, to kindle, as light or fire, Lu. viii. 16, xi. 33; mid., to touch, Mat viii. 3 ; I Cor. vii. I. Syn. : d u r o ~ c to ie touch or handle ; Biyydvw, a lighter touch ; $qXa$dw, to feel or feel after. 'Ar+la,ar, 4, Apphia, Philem

&W-dim, G, drdvw, mid., to ro

pulse, to rcjcct, Ac. vii. 27,39 dwCPkra, as, 4 (dr6AAvp), de. straying, waste, of things, Ro. ix. 22 ; Mar. xiv. 4 ; destruc. lion, in general, A c viii. 20 ; perdition, 2 Th. ii. 3 ; Rev. xvii. 8, I I. &p6, as, 4, curse, imprecation, Ro. iii. 14.* @ , conj., illative, therefore, a thence, since. See Gr. 9 406, Wi. $ 539 8, Bu- 371. &a, adv. ~nterrogatlve, usually s where the answer i negative, Lu. xviii. 8 ; Ac. viii. 30; Gal. i 17.* i 'Apapla, as, 4, Arabia, Gal. i. 17, iv. 25.a "Apap, d (%b.), Aram, Mat. i. 3.4; Lu. nl. 33 (not W. H.).* *ApJr, upor, d, a n Arabian, A c
1 . II.* 1


b ~ l m B, to linger, to delay, 2 , Pet. ii. 3.* h C ,6v (d, gpyov), idle, lary, Mat. xx. 7 : Tit. i. 12. w p c o r , 06;8, 06,. made of srlver, Ac. xix. 24; 2 Tim. i i 20; Rev. ix. zo.* bpybprov, ov, 76, silver, Ac. iii 6 ; a piece of s i h r , a shekeZ, Mat. xvi. I 5 ; money in gen eral, Mar. xiv. 11. + P ~ - K ~ W , ov, d, a s17ver. smrth, Ac. xix. 24.. &pyvpoo, ov, b, silver, Ac xvii 29 ; Ja. v. 3. apt^^ d y w , ov, 6, Artopakr, or Mars' Hill, an open space on a h l in Athens, wham il




the supreme court was held, dpp61~, tojtiogcther; mid., uw, Ac. xvii. 19, 22.* ('Apecos to espouse, to betroth, 2 Cor. is an adj. from'.+tp, Mars.) xi. z.* ' & m y l q s , ov, 6, a judge of dp*, oO, 6, a joint, i.e., o f hie Arcopagiic court, Ac. xvii. limbs in a body, Heb. iv. as, 4, a $leasing, a desire of pleasing, Col. i IO.* 9 dpduw, to be pleasing to, Mat. xiv. 6 ; Gal. i. 1 0 ; to seek to please or grattify, to accommodate one's self to (dat.), I Cor. X . 33; I Th. ii. 4. bp(p7d0, 4,6v, accepriable,pleastg to, Jn. viii. 29 ; Ac. xii. 3. 'Apkas, a, 6, Rrei%zs, a king of Arabia Petriea, z Cor. xi. 32.* W,39, 4, virtue, z Pet. i. 5 ; any moral excellence, perfection, Phil. iv. 8 ; I Pet. ii. g ; 2 Pet. i. 3. * (&qv), gen. dpds, a lamb, Lu. X . 3. * S r p r B p b , 9 , to number, 'Mat. X . 30 ; Lu. x i i 7 ; Rev. vii. g* . ( p p s oO, 6, a number, Jn. vi. 5 d d, 1 0 ; Ac. vi. 7. '&bpa@akr, as, 4, Arimathea, a city of Palestine, Mat. xxvii. 57; Mar. xv. 43. ' & h p x w , ov, 4 Rristarchus, A c xlx. 29 ; Col. iv. 10. (5pm6.m, 9, $uw (dpcu~ov), to breakfast, Jn. x x i 12, 15; to dine, Lu xi. 37. Qwnpds, d , bv,lcft; 4 dpcrrepd (xelp),the left hand, Mat. vi. 3 ; dpru~ep9v, the left, on Mar. X. 37 (W. H.); Lu. xiiii. 33, without g ;2 Cor. vi. 7. (The more common word is
OS, ov, 6, An's& bulus, Ro. xvi. IO.* &p-v, OV, 7 6 , dinner, Mat. xxii. 4 ; Lu. xi. 38, xiv. IZ.* See 8c2~vov. bp~ctrbe, 6v, sujfcient, Mat. 4, vi. 34, X. 25 ; I Pet. iv. 3.* +K&, Li, to be sufiicnt for, Mat. xxv. g ; 2 Cor. xi^. g ; pass., to be satisjed with, Lu. i i i 14; Heb. xiii. 5. & m H. &pros),ov, 6, 4, p (W. a bear, Rev. xiii. 2.* &pp% aros, 7 6 , a Janbt, Ac. viii. 28, 29, 38 ; Rev. ix. g.* 'Xp~yeF6v (Heb. or Aram., der. disputed), (W. H. 'Ap Maye8Bv), Harmageddon, Rev. x v i I& (N. T.)*



penli), prob. tA~foresuil, Ac xxv1i. 4o.r &pm, adv. of time, now, jid now, at this moment; m t h other particles, as Zws bprr, I2 * . till 1020; dr' dprc. f w m now bpv(opcu, oQpzr,to deny, Mat. or henceforward. xxvi. 70 ; Jn. i 2 0 ; z Tim. or, nnuly or r b ii. 12 ; to rmounce, Tit. ii. ceniCy born, I Pet. ii. 2. (N. 12 ; to rcjct, Ac. iii. 14.* T.)* 6pv(ov, ov, r6 (dimin. of dp$v), +OS, ov, adj., perfct, complete, wanting in nothing, 2 a lit& lamb, Jn. xxi. 15; freq. in Rev., of Christ. Tim. iii. 17.* Syn. :+TWS *p&&, 9, duo, to plow, Lu. means full adapted for its xvii. 7 ; I Cor. ix. IO.* purpose ; lhdrhqpos, entire, C;pwpov, ov, 7 6 , a flow, Lu. ix. having lost nothing; ~dhecor, 62.* fully developed, complete. dprmyfi, +Is, 4.(dplrdrw),the act &pros, ov, 6, bread, loaf, food; Of $lundenng, Heb. X . 34 ; fig., spin'tual nuirimmt; dpplunder, spoil, Mat. xxiii. 25 ; sot 73srpoB~rews, sho~u-bread, Lu. xi. 3gf Mat. xii. 4 ; Mar. ii. 26. dp"yp60, 00, 4 spoil, an object (dpw, &bp), JCUSOn, o eager desire, a $nit, Phil. f jlavor, as with salt, Mar. ix. ii. 6.* 50; Lu. xiv. 34 ; fig., Col. t i p u s f ~ ,dew ( 2 aor. pass., iv. 6.* +prdyqv), to sturtch, seize *4 r , b (Heb.), Ar$haxad, - 6s violenrly, take & force, Jn. Lu. iii. 36.* X . I 2 ; to cawy o f suddenly, &p~iyyAos, ov, b, an arch- or Jn. vi. 15 ; Ac. xxiii! 10. chicf-angcl, I Th. iv. 16; Ju. &pug,ayor, adj., rapacious, g. (N.T.)* ravenous, Mat. vii. I 5 ; Lu. &pxatos, a, ov, old, ancient, Lu. xviii. I I ; a robber, an extorix. 8, 19; 2 Pet. ii. 5. iioner, I Cor. v. 10, 11, vi. &X*, ' ov, 6, Rrchelaus, IO.* Mat. 11. zz.* (5ppcr$&v,Qvos, b (from Heb.), 4q4, tir, 4, ( 1 ) a bep'nning, of a pledge, an earnest, ntifytlme, space, or series, Jn. i ing a contract, 2 Cor. i. 22, I ; 2 Pet. iii. 4 ; the oulemost Ep. i. 14.* point, Ac. X. I r . Used of 4% ( W . H. +a@s), ov, Christ, the leader, Col. i. 18; not seamed or sewn, Jn. xix. Rev. iii. 14, xxi. 6, xxii. 13. 23. (N. T.)* Adv. phrases: d d dpxqr, apptlv, ev ( W . H. dpuqv, ev), of fwm beginning; CV dpxZj, the m& sex, Ro. i. 27; Rev. in the beginning; /E dpx$s, xii. 5, 13.* from the bep.nrfing or from G yo , ov, adj., unspoRm, unpr 0 the jrst; rrar dpxds, a t s$eakable, z Cor. xii. 4.* the beginning; 7))v dpx$v, & p m , ov, adj. @Bvvup~), inor@nalZy. (2) rule, prcsick, Mat. xiv. 14 ; I minmce, prinnjkzZi@ (see Cor. xi. 30. dpxw): espec. in pl., Upxac, M - K O~~ , OV, 6 &PU~)V 0 1 ?'ukrs, magcitratrz, as Lu. 7q),a sodomite, I &or. vi. g ; xii. I I ; of supramundane I Tim. i. IO.* powers, principalities, as Ep. iipqv, CV, male, Mat. xix. 4 ; iii. 10. Gal. iii. 28. dgxqy6010Ot 6 (dpx4, &YW), *+piis, B, 4 Arkmar, Tit. beginner, author, prince, Ac. 111. 12.* iii. I S , v. 31 ; Heb. ii. 10, "Bpnpw, 180s or cos, 4, Arkmis, xii. z.* the Persian or Ephesian Ar- ~ ~ X - U P M I4, by, pdonq!iig K ~ temis, to be distinguished t0 hie O#CC of the htgh;P?YC~t, pontiQfcal, Ac. iv. 6.9 from the Artemis of the Greeks, the sister of Apollo, .&px.upC, tws, 4 ( I )the &hAc. xix. 24, 27, 28, 34, 35.* pn'crt, Mat. xxvi. 3; Heb. h, &pdpw, ows, 6 (4rrdu, s u ~ 7, a5 j ao o Christ only ia f Y






Heb., as ii. 17, i i i I , etc.; (2) in pl. used more wide 1 to include high-priestly imilies and deposed highpriests, Mat. ii. 4 ; Lu. xix. 47; Ac. iv. 23. bpxr-mdpqv, evos, 6, the J i c f shepherd, a title of Christ, I Pet. v. 4. (N. T.)* 'dpXrmos, ov, 6, Archippus, Col. iv. 17 ; Philem. 2.* bpxr-~~v&y"yos, 6, presidov, ing oflcer or ruler of a synagogue, Lu. viii. 49 ; Ac. xiii 1 5. &~XL-T&ICTOV,ovos, 6, a mastcr builder, an archilcct, I Cor. iii. IO.* & p x r 4 8 y s ,OV, 6, a chief collector of tcrxes, a chief u& h , U XL.2. (N. T.; . ,. IpX~-~pkXrvos, h, .a super ov, intendent gf a dinrng room, Jn. ii. 8, g. (N. T.)* @XO, to reign, to rule (gen.), on1 Mar. X . 42 ; Ro. xv. I 2 ; midr., to begin, often with infin.; dp.$ivvos dub, be 'Uning from (see Gr. $ 2877 @XOV, M O S , 4 prop. particip:, O ruler, prince, leader, Ac. X V L 19; Ro. xiii. 3. &pep% aros, 7 6 , spice,p~tfi(me, Mar. xvi. I ; Lu. xxiii. 56, xxiv. I ; Jn. xix. 40.* ' A d ,6 (Heb.),Asa,Mat. i. 7,8.* &&woo, ov, unshaken, immarable,~~c.~xxvii. Heb. 41 ; xii. 28.* k h a o s , ov, adj. (u,9Cvvvpi), sot to be quenched, inextinguislrable, Mat. iii. 12 ; Lu. iii. 17; Mar. ix. 43, 45 ( W . H. omit).* Boi@ra, as, JI, impiety, ungodliness, wickedness, Ro. i. 18; Ju.15,18. Syn.: see byvbqpa. Bat$40, G, fiuw, to be ungodly, act impiowh, 2 Pet. ii. 6 ; Ju. IS.* h f i s , i s (uCj9opU1), impious, ungodh, wicked, Ro. iv. 5 ; Ju. 4, ' 5 . &Aycra, as, Q, excess, wantonness, lasciviousness, Mar. vii. 22 ; Ep. iv. 19. &Qflpos, ov, not remarkable,obscure, ignoble, AG.xxi. 39.* 'Wp, Ashcr, Lu. ii. 36; 6, Rev. vii. 6.* H w r c r , as, Q, wea&ness, bodi& injwnity, sickness, I Cor. xv. 43; Heb. x. 34 ; fig., mcnkJ i

weakness, diJtrm, Ro. vi. 19; Heb. v. 2. Wtdw, G, to be weak, Ro. viii. 6 3 ; 2 Cor. xiii. 4 ; to 6 sick, Lu. iv. 40; Ac. ix. 37. W & y p q4709, 7 6 , weaRness, in wnity; fig., Ro. xv. I.* h (uOCvos, strength), " without strength," weak, injrm, Mat. xxvi. 41 ; Ro. v. 6 ; I Cor. iv. 10; sick, Lu. X . g; Ac. iv. g; I Cor. xi. 30'Auk, as, JI, Asia proper or Proconsular Asia, a district in the west of Asia Minor, Ac. vi. g ; I Pet. i. I ; Rev. i. 4; apartof ProconsularAsia, Ac. ii. g. 'Aurav6r, 06, 6, belonging to Asia, Ac. xx. 4.* 'Aurbpxqs, ov, 6, an Asiarch, upresident of Asia, a citizen appointed annually to preside over the worship and celebrations in honor of the gods, Ac. x k . 31.* b b , as, JI (uijos, corn), a6 stincnce, a fast, Ac. xxvii.

to be bound by truce," implacable, 2 Tim. iii. 3 ; Ro. i. 31 (not W . H.).* b d p r o v , lov, 7 6 , a small coin equal to the tenth part of a drachma, an assarium, Mat. X . 24: Lu. xii. 6. See Gr. &h. h u o v , adv. (compar. of d y p ) , nearer, close by, Ac. xxvii.13.e "kbuos, ov. Q, Assos, Ac. xx. . ..
13, 1q.*

&.07a~&0,0, fiuw, to be unsettled, to have nojxed abode, I Cor. iv. I I .* brdoo, ov (dlurv, city, see urbane), fair, deauh~ul,Ac. vii. 2 0 ; Heb. xi. 23.* h 4 p , Cpos, 6, a star, Mar. xiii. 2 5 ; I Cor. xv. 4 1 ; Rev. vi.

W p r w o s , ov (urqpl{w), unseffled,unstable, 2 Pet. ii. 14, iii. 16.* & - U T O ~ ~ O S ov (uropy$),without , natural afection, Ro. i. 31 ; 2 Tim. iii. 3. * b-uroxiu, c (urbxor), to miss 2 in aim, m e m from, I Tim. 21.* i. 6, vi. 21 ; 2 Tim. ii. IS.* &.OLros, ov, fasting, Ac. xxvii. h p a ~ jls, g, laghhing, Lu. , 72 * X . 1 8 ; Rev. iv. 5 ; vivid JJ ' b~k, G, Bsw, to exercisr one's brightness, lustrc, Lu. xi. 36. self, use dilzgcnce in, Ac. b r p & m u , t jlash, as lighto xxiv. 16.* ning, Lu. xvii. 24 ; to be lustrous, xxiv. 4.* b r 6 9 , 06, 6, a boit(e of skin, Mat. ix. 1. . Mar. ii. 2 2 ; Lu. b p o v , O U , 7 6 , a star (orig. con7; stcllation), Lu. xxi. 2 5 ; Ac. v. 37, 38.* bpCms, adv. (from part. of vii. 43, xxvii. 2 0 ; Heb. xi. 48opat),with joy, glad&, A? 12.* ii. 41 ( W . H. omit); Ac. xxi. ' A ~ K ~ L OT, O Async+irU.r, V 6, S , 17.* Ro. xvi. 14.* k o + o s , 09, not wise, Ep. v. &bp+uv~r, OV, dissonant, disI S.* cordant, Ac. xxviii. 25.* b & ~ o p a rdep., to embrace, &bve~os, ov, without under , ~ a l ~ to pect (actually or k, standing, foolish, Mat. xv. byeletter),Mat. X . 2 ; I Cor. 16 ; ko. X . 19. xvi. 19, 2 0 ; alwa s of per- M v k ~ o s ov, c~venant4rmK, . iitf, treacherous, Ro. i. 31 sons, except ~ e i xi. 13, " having embraced (R. V . b + & ~ a , as, JI, secun'ty, Ac. greeted) the promises "; to V . 23 ; I Th. V . 3 ; C t Y h Z i # @ , Lu. i. 4.* take leave of (only Ac. xx. I ; CS in xxi. 6, W . H. read bra- &-U+&*, (u#dXXw, fallo), uudlopai). safe, Phil. iii. I ; secure,fimr, h p & , 00, 6, salutahbn, Heb. vi. 19;certain, Ac. xxv. 26; rb du#aXCs, the certainty, greeting, Mat. xxiii. 7 ; Col. iv. 18. Ac. xxi. 34, xxii. 30.* &anXos, ov (uniXos), without b + a A ~ w uw (mid.), to make , fast, to secure, Mat. xxvii. spot, unblcmishcd, I Tim. vi. 14; I Pet. i. 19. 65, 66; Ac. xvi. 24; pass., to h i s , lbos, +, asp, a venoman be made secure, Mat. xxvii. oru serpent, Ro. iii. 13." 64.* b m v S g , ov (uuovdfi), not b+d(k, safely, M r xiv. adv., a.




pleasing, awogant, Tit. L 7 ; u a ~ b ahb, &gether, only rQ 2 Pet. ii. IO.* Ac. xiv. I . See Gr. 9 335, W L aMalptrw, ov (afi~bs, crlpkpat), 9 22, 3, 4, Bu. 105 89. of one's own accord, 2 Cor. a h G , adv. of place, here,there, Mat. xxvi. 36; A c xviii 19 viii. 3, 17.* a N d , 9 to exercise author . xxi. 4. iiy ov& (gen.), I Tim. ii. 12. airroQ,i)s,d,pron.reflex.(cnntr. IN. T ) .* for laurou), of himself, hfrc* ad&, G; ljuw, toplay on a f i t e , s t y , etc. ( W . H. in the ma. to p&, Mat. xi. I 7 ; Lu. vii. jority of cases read atroi3, 32 ; I COT. xiv. 7. afire, etc., but retain aLroC?, adX/l, qt, fi (dw, to blow), an etc in some, as Mat. vi. 34; ~n.'ii.24; Ac. xiv. 17, etc. open space, uncovered coud or hall of a house, as Lu. xi. aw+cupw, or (+hp, a U i f l ] , 21, xxii. 55 ;a sheepfoId, Jn. in the very act, Jn. viii. 4, I , la . neut. dat. with Prl (W. h adA& oil, d, a flut$layer, omit).* Mat. i. 23 ; Rev. xviii. 22.* x ab6-xrrp, pas, d , wifh one's orun dAQopar (to lodge in the open hand, Ac. xxvii. ~g.* air), to lodge, pass the niglrt, adwqp60, d, bv, dark, dismal, Mat. xxi. 17 ; Lu. xxi. 37.. 2 Pet. i. I$* adAdo, oil, 6 (dw), a jlutc, pipe, W-cup(t0, to hke away, as Lu. I Cor. xiv. 7.* X . 42 ; to hke away sin, only a w v u (also allcw), afitljuw, Ro. xi. 27; Heb. X. 4 ; to trans., to make to p m , as smite of, as Mat. x x v i 51, I Cor. iii. 6,7 ; pass., to grow, and parallel passages. CS ( + a l ~ ) , apjear. not increase,becmcgrcater, Mat. *a+, ing, hiddcn, Heb. i. 13.* ; xiii. 32 ;Col. i. 10 ;generally intrans., to grau,increase,as d+avlgw, to put out of sight, Mat. vi. 28. deshoy, Mat. vi. 19, 2 0 ; .to a6hms, ews, $,growth,increase, disyfgure, Mat. vi. 16; pass., to vanish, pe&h, Ac. xiii. Ep. iv. 16; Col. ii. ~g.* dpwv, adv. (allpa, morning 41 ; Ja. iv. 149 breeze, dw), tontowmu, Mat. -avro#s, 06, 4 a disapgcar rng, destrucfion, Heb. viii vi. 30; Lu. xiii. 32,33 ; 4 (sc. rfjdpa) allpcov, the morww, 13.* Mat. vi. 34 ; Ac. iv. 3. &+am, ov, disappating, not a b o ~ ~ p d d ,, bv (dry), harsh, s seen, Lu. xxiv. 31.* austere, Lu. xix. 2 1 , 22.* cb$sSp6v,Ovos, d, dralcgAt,privy, ad76g~aa,as, 9, suflckncy, 2 Mat. xv. 17 Mar. vii, 19. Cor. ix. 8 ;contenhtcnf, ~ T i m . vi. 6.* a4r-drpmycl es (dpsCw, sufficient iiy, Col. ii. 23.* for self), content, satifid, cb$sA6.qs, qros, simplicity,sin7 Phil. iv. XI.* centy, Ac. ii. 46. (N. T.)* ah-~aAicprrog,ov, seyqon- &&eoro,aws, JI (d+lqpc), dedemncd, Tit. iii. I I . ( N . T.)* liverance; lit., only Lu. iv. 18; elsewhere always of deahdparog, ov, sponhnemcs, of ih own accord, Mar. iv. 28 ; liverance from sin, remio Ac. xii. IO.* sion, forgiveness, Mat. xxvi a h - h m p , ou, d, an eye-wifnes~, 28; Lu. i. 77 ;Ep. i 7. Syn.: Lu. i. 2.* adpruts is a simple surpcna-, 4, 6, pron., he, she, it; don of pwnishment for sin, in nom. nearly always emin contrast with d+eurr, c m phatic. Properly demonstraletc forgiveness. tive, self, very; joined with p, ( ~ T T W , whzch connccfi, a lornt, Ep each o f the persons of the verb, with or without a pen. iv. 16; Col. ii. ~g.* pron., 1mysielf, thou thyself, w r o , a$, 9, i n c m p t i m . c h p etc.; with the article, the immorlality, I Cor. xv. ; Ra same; the same with (dat.), I ii. 7 ; 2 Tim. i. 1 0 ; Ep. vi. 24; Cor. x i $5; &l 76 ah6, at the incorruphrcss, T i t ii. 7 (W. Pamc p&cc or time, t o g r t b ; H. d+@opia).*

Ac. ii. 16.* p o d , (3, to act improperly or unseemly, I Cor. vii. 36, xiii. S.* & q q ~ qs,, 8, unsecmliness, Ro. i. 27 ;shame, nakedness, Rev. xvi. IS.* &QXtlvv, (flxIIw), u=Cot,tely, unseemly, I Cor. xii. 23.* &wrb, as, J) (ubtw),an abandoned course, rojligacy, Ep. v. 18; Tit. i. I Pet. iv. 4.. &k, proflr&te&, disadv., ~0lutt(Y, XV. IS.* Lu. k r a d w , (3, to behave disordcr ly, z Th. iii. 7.* &rawor, ov (rduuw),iweguZar, disorderly, I Th. v. '14.* & r h , adv., disorderly, ir regularly, 2 Th. iii. 6, I I.* & m d , ?f ( ~ C K W V ) , childm ov, , less, Lu. xx. 28, 2g.* &=v@, uw, to look intenfly upon (dat. or rb), Lu. iv. 2 0 ; Ac. i. 1 0 ; z Cor. iii. 7, 13. b p , adv., as prep. with gen., without, in the absence of, Lu. xxii. 6, 35.* 6mp61t0, uw, to dishonor, contemn, whether persons or things, by word or by deed, Lu. xx. I I ; Jn. viii. 49 ; Ja. ii. 6. &mpla, as, dishonor, ignominy, dispce, ignoble use, I Cor. xi. 14; Ro. i. 26, i. x

44 ; Ae. xvi. 2 3 ; assuredly,



or, despised, Mat. xiii. 57 ; Mar. vi. 4 ; I Cor. iv. 10, xii. 23.* &mp6cu,G, to dishonor,CrcatwW indignity, Mar. xii. 4 (not W . H.).* &?C, lFos, 9, a vapw, A c ii. 19; J a iv. 14. &ropov, ov, 7 6 (rdpvw),an atom of time, moment, I Cor. xv. 52.* k-7orroo1 ov (rbros), mkphctd, unbecoming,mischievous,Lu. xxiii. 41 ; Ac. xxviii. 6. 'Atrhta, as, 4, ARtlalia, Ac. xiv. 25.* adybfw, to shinc fad, 2 Cor. iv. A.* abyq, fir, 9, bnghfness, dayliglrt, Ac. xx. I I.* AGyotmos, OV, b (Lat.),A e s &S, Lu. ii I.* Compare Zrflaurbs. aM&qs, er ( & , @OWL), a& salf-

&-nps, ov (r~ptj), wWout hon-






(L+rveor, ov, 6 and 4, worn wood, Rev. viii I I .* &%W, ov, &out lve, in anrma&, I Cor. xiv. 7.*

Gal. L I S); to c?xcommunicaik, ov (#@clpw), incor mpt$ble, imperishub&, Ro. L Lu. v i 22. 23;. I Cor. i. 25, xv. 52 ; **pp% gs, & a n occasion, p x p portunity, RR vii. 8, 11; 2 I Tim. L 17; 1 Pet. i 4, 23, K A* i. Cor. v. 12. & foom at the mouth, as, 4, incmptmss, *p& Mar. ix. 18, 20.* Tit. ii. 7 (W. H.). (N. T.)* , 4-lq)u (see Gr. ) I 12, Wi. ) 14 M 00, b, foam, fwth, Lu. U. 39.* 3), to send away, as (I) to let go, emit, Mat. xxvii. 50; ~ W Y , foolhhness, W, 0, Mar. vii. 22 ;2 Cor. x i I, 17, Mar. xv. 37; dismiss, in 22.* senses varyhg according to the obj. ; spec., to disregard, WPV,ems, 6, b (+~4v)rinconsiderate,foolish, rash, L u ass @ send away, divorce, , xi. 40 ; Ro. ii. 20. at. xv. 14; Heb. vi. I ; I D (drb, intensive), Cor. vii. 11, 12, 13; hence, to fall ask@, Lu. viii. 23.* (2) to forgive (dat. pers.), G to keep back by , very often, Mat. xviii. 27 3 frrrud, J e v. 4 (W. H.).* Mar. ii. 5, 7 ; (3) to ternit, ov, concede, abs., or with d , &+am, dumb, w2hout the .as faculty ds$eech : animals, of Mar. X. 14 ; or acc., as Mat. A c viii, 32; 2 Pet. i 16; i iii. 15 (dat., Mat. v. 40) ; or of idols, I Cor. xii. 2. In Zva, subj., Mar-xi. 6; or subj. I Cor. xiv. 10 the R.V. mrg. alone, Lu. vi. 42 ;(4) to leave, is probably the correct rendcpart f rum, abandon, leave delin .* behind, Mat. xxii. 22 ; Mar. i. 31 ; Lu. v. 11, xvii. 34, 35. 'Axa, (Heb.), A h s , Mat. L O ~ W L (2 aor., d#cg.* Axab, a, A J a i a , a Roman 4, province including all Greece Ro. xvi. ~ g f except Thessaly, Ac. xix. 21 ; &+A4ya@oo, ov, not lm'ng I Cor. xvi. I 5. &odness and good m&, z 'Axcrk6s, 00,b, Achaicus, I Cor. Tim. iii. 3. (N. T ) .* xvi. I?.* ~rX-6pyvp00, ov, not loving moncv. nod avaricious. I Tim. Lx*wloo, ov, uniAankf d,Lu. iii. 3j' ~ e b xiii. 5. (N. T ) . . * vl. 35 ; 2 Tlm. iii. z.* W*, cws, 4, orig. arrival; 'AxeLy, b (Heb.), A J i m , Mat. i. 14.* departure, Ac. xx. zg.* drwr4u(0, trana in &xe~&aolqvos, or, not made with hands, Mar. xiv. pres., imperf., I aor., fut., to 2 Cor. v. 1; Col. ii. 11. lead away, to seduce; intrans. T.\* h perf., plup., z aor., to go away, deport, avoid, with- bX&, 409, & a mist, dimness, Ac. xii. II.* drawf mm (often with drb); mid., to fail, absfain from, &xp(Cos, ov, usclcss, good for nothing, unpwfitable, Mat. absent one's S. # . xxv. 30 ; L u xvii IO.* Qw, adv., suddmly, A c ii. 2, &xp(uh (W. H. dxpcbw), pass., xvi. 26, xxviii. 6.* to L made wckss, R a iiii & + d b , adv., with& fear, IZ.* Lu. i. 74 ; Phi. i. 14;I Cor. ov, w ~ l ~ s p y,% un ~ x v i 10; Ju. rz.* able, Phllem. I I.* &+-opor6s, 0, to make like, in &XP, and dl~pts, adv. as prep., pass., Heb. vii. g.* with gen., even /81 unti2, a s +p&, 1 (2 a., dr- or d@3 ffr as, whether of place, C ~ O V& , louk away from ) time, or degree; U~pts or 06 others a t cls) one, to rrgord U~ps alone, with the force eamsIy, eb. 2 ;& $et, of a conjunction, xnCil. See Phil. i 23.* i W-oplfn, fut. to, ta . r m, @W* separa&fvm ( 4 ~ drb), (Lxupov, ov, 76, ehf, Mat, iii or 12; Lu. iii. 17.* Mat. xi' 49, u v . 32; to ds, f e e w m f d s e s ~ a r a i k a purpose (cls, &+ad+, for ~ r d1 ~ j 4 , . a* , i A ~ x i i i zR a i ~ j o r i n f , j


B, 8, $fpa, bcta, 6, the second


~~, * ,

&rM (W. H. BdaX), b, 4 (Heb. M i r ) , B&, chief d e ~ t y ot the Phcsnicians and other Semitic nations. Ro. xi. L jfem.), from I ~ h gxix. 1 8 s


Numerally, @'


B&JMV, 4, ~obylorr, &*OS, lit.,


Mat. i. 11, 12, 17; Ac. vii. 43, and pmb. I Pet. v. 13; mystically, in Rev. xiv. 8, xvi. 19, xvii. 5, xviii. 2, 10,

@a@pb, 6 Galvw, to SW), a 00,



h +

stcp or degree in dignity, r Tim. iii 13. (S.)* Nos, our, r b , depth, lit. or fig., Mat. xiii. 5; I Cor. i 10; i 2 Cor. viii. 2 (4 rarb pdBovs rrw;yola, their deep pwetfy). @ h & vv&,to make I e p , Lu. , vi. 4 8 t $a?69, c&, 8, dccp, Jn. iv. 11; m Lu. xxiv. 1, dpepov pa@tos, in the earl dawn (W. H. @aBdws, pm%ably a genit. form). b b v , ; , r b (Egyptian),apdm v branch, Jn. xii. 13f W w . 6 (Heb.). Balaam. A namkeemblematic of seduo ing teachers, z Pet. ii. 15; Ju. I I ; Rev. i 14* i M&,(Heb.), Bdak, Rev. .b . .ii. I'+.* W l v n o v (W. H. - - , U ) 76, ov, a monepbag, purse, Lu. X. 4 xii. 33, xxii. 35, 369 f BaXO, B&XVK~, g h b v , i - to throw, cast, put (with more or less force, as modiied by the context); of liquids, C pour. Pass. perf., with intrans. force, as Mat. viii. 6 ("has been cast '0, lies. The verb is intrans., Ac. xxviii 14rushed. In Mar. xiv. 65 the true reading is prob. lihaf3ov. Generally trans. with acc. and dat., or k l (aec., sometimes gen.), eh, dwb, (K, and other prepp. or advv. -4 ro (in form a fre quentative o *m, f see G




5 1444, ( I ) mid. or pass., Bap-wv&~ 6 , Bargonas, surB, reflex., to bathe one's self, name of Peter, Mat. xvi. I 7 only in Mar. vii. 4 ; Lu. xi. (W. H.).* 38 ; ( 2 ) o f the Christian ordi- hp-v&$as, a, d, bar nab^ (pernance, to immerse, su6merge, haps " s o n o f comfort," see to baptize. The material (wa~apdKX?pS),Ac. iX. 27 ; Col. ter, fire, the Holy Spirit) is iv. 10. expressed by dat., els or CV ; $&S, ovs, 76, wckht, burdm, the purpose or result by eb. only fig., Ac. xv. 28; Rev. Pass. or. mid., to be baphked, ii. 24. to receive baptism; (3)fig., of Bap-uaws, B, 6, Barsabas. overwhelming woe, Mar. X. Two are mentioned, Ac. i 23, XV. 22.* 38, 39; Lu. xii. 50. OU, $&mrupa, aros, 76, the rilc or Bap-dpa~~o, 6, Barh'maus, Mar. X . 46.* ceremony of baptism, Mat. iii. 7 ; Ep. iv. 5 ; fig., for over- $apGvcu, td we&h down, Lu. whelming afflictions,Mar. X . xxi. 34 (Rec.).' 38, 39 ; Lu. xii. 50. (N. T.) $apGo, era, I (see Bdpos), ( I ) heavy, Mat. xxiii. 4 ; (2) p a m w p b , 00, 6, the act of cleansing, as vessels, Mar. weigh&, important, Mat. vii. 4, 8 (W. H. omit) ; of xxiii. 23 ; Ac. xxv. 7 ; 2 Cor. Jewish lustrations, washings X . I o ; (3) oflressive or (pl.), Heb. ix. 10. For Heb. ous, Ac. xx. 29; I Jn. v. vi. 2 , see Gr. 5 2606, 2 (b).* 3.* ~ r 00, 6, one ~who bap , $apG.npos, ov, of great price, iizes; the surname o f John, Mat. xxvi. 7.* Christ's forerunner, Mat. iii. $wav&o) (see fidaavos), to exI ; Mar. viii. 28. amine, as by torture; hence, to torment, vex, Mar. v. 7 ; $&TO), ,Sd+w, to dip, Lu. xvi. 24 ; Jn. xiii. 26; to dye, color, Rev. xi. 10, xii. 2 ; o f waves, Rev. xix. 13.* to bufet, Mat. xiv. 24 ; Mar. vi. 48. pbp (Aram.), son, only Mat. , xvi. 17 (Bhp 'IwvB, W. H. $ w a v ~ u p b 00, 1, ton%.~e, tor j3uprwvB). Also prefix t o mcnt, Rev. ix. 5, xlv. 1 1 , xviii. 7, 10, IS.* many surnames, meaning son of. ( N . T.) $wav~Qlfis, 6, one who tor06, Cures,a tomentor,jailer, Mat. Bap-a$$&, 8,6, Barabbas, Mat. xxvii. 16, 17 ; Jn. xviii. 40. xviii. 34.* Ba&r, 6, BaraR, Heb. xi. 32.* B h v o s , ov, 4 (lit., a touchBapax(as, ov, 6, Barachiah, . stone), torture, h m c n t , Mat. Mat. xxiii. 35.* iv. 24; Lu. xvi. 23, 28.* $&p@tps, ou, 6 (prob. onoma- $wAekr, as, JI, a Kingdom, royal top., descriptive o f unintelpmuer or dignity, reign; ?f ligible sounds), properly adj., BaacXela 700 &oil, 700 XPLa forez&cr, barbanan, as I U T O ~ , O oLpavBu (the last ~ V Cor. xiv. 1 1 ; used o f all form only in Mat.), the diforeigners not Greeks, Ac. vine, spirihral kingdom, or xxviii. 2, 4 ; Col. iii. 11 ; Ro. reign o f Messiah, in the world, in the individual, or i. 14.* in the future state; v101 71js $ado), O (see Bdpos), in N. T. only pass. BapJopm, ocpac, to BaocXclar, sons of the Ringdom, Jews, its original posbe weigAed down, to be opp ~ ~ s s t as, b y sleep, Lu. h. d sesson, Mat. viii. 1 2 ; true believers, Mat. xiii. 38. In 32; mental troubles, 2 Cor. i 8, v. 4. . Rev. i. 6, v. 10, for BaurXeis Baficus, adv., heavily, with dif~ a lW . H. read BaucXelav. a , jculty, Mat. xiii. 15 ; Ac. xxviii. 27.* Bap-BoAopaEos, ou, 1, Barfholo- & ~ t r & , ov, royal, regal, I Pet. mew, surname (prob.) of ii. 9, from Exod. xix. 6 ; 7 b Nathanael, Mat. X. 3. fiaulXeia, as subst., a regal Bap-rquok, oil, 6, Bardesws, mansion,palace, Lu. vii. 25.* Ac. xiii. 6.* $w&Gs, dws, 1, a leader, ruler,

king, sometimes subordinate t o higher authority, as the Herods. Applied t o God, always with distinguishing fpithets,. Mat. v. 35 ; 1 Tim. I. 17, vl. 1 5 ; Rev. xv. 3 ; to Christ, Mat. ii. 2 ; Jn. i 49, etc. ; to Christians, Rev. i. 6, v. 10 (Rec., but see under BaotXefu). $w&Go, ebaw, to have author ily, to reigrr, or to possess or exercise dominion; to be ~aarXels generally. W i t h gen. or Brl (gen.), o f the kingdom; Cnl (acc.), o f the persons governed. $euArrds, 4, 6v, belonging to a King, royal, Jn. iv. 46, 49; Ac. xii. 20, 2 1 ; Ja. ii. 8.* $wLX~uua, JI, a queen, Mat. vs, xii. 42 ; Lu. xi. 31 ;Ac. viii. 27 ; Rev. xviii. 7.* $ky, ew~,4 (Balvw), prop ...p gozng, hence, the foot, Ac. m.
. r

$ ~ w a t v o ) , to bewitch, bring avO, under malign infucncc, Gal. iii. I.* $ a ~ r r & g ~~ U W to zifi, rqt up ; , , often with the sense o f bearing away. Thus, ( I ) to carry, a burden, as Lu. xiv. 27; tidings, as Ac. ix. 15 ; (F) to take on one's self, as dlsease or weaknesses, Ro. xv. I ; condemnation, Gal. v. 10 ; reproach, Gal. vi. 17; (3) to bear with or endure, Rev. ii. 2 ; (4) to take away, Mat. viii. 17 ; Jn. xii. 6. @&vs, OU, 6, JI, a thorn-bush or bramble, Lu. vi. 44 ; Ac. vii. 30, 35. " T h e Bush," Mar. xii. 26; Lu. xx. 37 denotes the section o f the 0. T . so called (Exod. iii.).* $&TOS, 6 (Heb.), a both, or OV, Jewish measure for liquids containing 8 or 9 gallons, Lu. xvi. 6. (Ap.)* P&~paxos, V , 6, a frog, Rev. O xvi. 13.* $arro-Xoyh, B (prob. from Bar, an unmeaning sound; see BdpBapos), to babble, talk to no purpose, Mat. vi. 7. (N.


$~(h;ypa,aTos, 76 (see BSeXduuo), something unclean and abominable, an object of mor al rrpugnance, Lu. xvi. 15; spec (as often in O.T.) idol-



NB W T E S T A M E N T L E X I C O N .


atry, Rev. xvii. 4, 5, xxi. 27. " Abomination of desolation," Mat. xxiv. I g ; Mar. xiii. 14 (from Dan. ix. 27) refers to the pollution of the temple by some idolatrous symbol. (S.)* W U K4, S , disgusting, ~ 6v, abominable, Tit. i. 16. (S.)* $&AGuuw, .$W,to dcple, only mid. ; to loathe, Ro. ii. 22 ; and pass. perf. part., defiled, Rev. xxi. S.* B(paros, a, ov, stcadfast,constant, firm, Heb. vi. 19 ; Ro. iv. 16. @@at&, G, to confirm, to e s h b lish, whether of persons or things, Mar. xvi. 20; Ro. xv. 8 ; Heb. xiii. 9. &@abWrs, EWE, conj'irmation, 3, Phil. i. 7 ; Neb. vi. 16.* B(BqAos, ov (pa- in paiw, "that on which any one may step"), common, unr~nctzyeu; profane, of things or persons, I Tim. iv. 7 ; Heb. xii. 16. fip+6w, G, to make common, toprofane, the Sabbath, Mat. xii. 5 ; the temple, Ac. xxiv. 6. (S.)* Ik3r-t&Gh (W. H. BrrfrpoBX), d (Heb.), Beelzebul, a name of Satan, Mat. X. 25; Lu. xi. I 5, 18, 19. (N. T.) BAbA, 6 (Heb. worthlessness), or BrXiap (W. H.), derivation doubtful, a name for Sahn, 2 Cor. vi. I 5. (N. T.)* BrXdy? vs, ?f, a needle, Lu. xvm. 25 (W. H.).* $&S, OVS, (pdhhw), a missile, 76 such as a javelin or dart, Ep. vi. 16.* W r G v , ov, ows (a compar. of dyaebs), better; neut. as adv., z Tim. i. IS.* &v-raplv, d (Heb. Ben = son), Benjamin, Ac. xiii. 21 ; Rev. vii. 8. Brpvbq, qs, 3, e r n i ? Ac. XXV. 13, 23, XXVl. 30. Blpora, as, 4, Bcrc~a, Ac. xvii. 10, 13.* B u m r a " ~ ,a, ov, Bercran, Ac. xx. 4.* B$-, a Hebrew and Aramaic prefix to many local names, meanin house or abode of. %e-a$aP$ Br, $, Bethabara, "house of the ford," Jn. i. 28 (W. H. read BqBavia).* &04vkl) ar.3, Brthany, "house

of misery." There were two places of the name: (I) Jn. xi. I, etc. ; (2) on the Jordan, Jn. i. 28 (W. H.). See BqBaBapd. Bq0-to66, 3, Bethesda, "house of compassion," J?. v. 2 (W. H. Bqe(aBd).* Bq0-Adp, q, Bethlehem, "house of bread," Lu. ii. 4, 15. Bq0-uaS6, 3, Bethsaida,"house of hunting " or " fishing." There were two places of the name : one in Galilee, Jn. xii. 21 ; the other on the east of the Jordan, Lu. ix.

12 ; I Jn. iii 17. Syn. :.$w4 is life in its principlr, and used for spiritual and immortal life; plos is life in its manifrs&tiotzs, denoting the manner of life. $r6w, G, to pass one's lzye, I Pet. iv. 2.* @Loors,604 3, manner or habit of lifr, Ac. x x v i 4. (Ap.)* @uu17~6s, 4, 6 5 of or belofrgng to (this) life, Lu. x x ~ .34; I Cor. vi. 3, q.* P+pbo, d, 6v, hu+ul, I Tim. Vl. 9.* P 6 m w (phap-), @Xd$w, to h u r l 10. or injure, Mar. xvi. 18 (W. Bq0-41ayfi.+,Bethphage,"house H. omit) ; Lu. iv. 35.* of figs," Mat. xxi. I ; Mar. Po v a- a r & (or @Xaurciw, Mar. xi. I ; Lu. xix. 29.* iv. 27, W. H.), pXaa~.iluo, $qpa, aros, 76 (@a-in palvw), a intrans., to sprout, to spn'ng stcp, a space; p e p rcroibs, a up, to ut forth buds, Mat. space for the foot, Ac. vii. 5; 4 xiii. 2 Mar. iv. 27 ; Heb. a raised space or bench, h.iix. 4 ; trans., to bring fo& buwal,judgnent-eat, Jn. xix. (~ap*6v),Ja. v. IS.* 13 ; 2 Cor. v. 10. B& A, ov, 6, Blastus, Ac. xii. 20.* pfiPVMos, av, 6,. ?f, beryl, a a gem of greenish hue, Rev. Pwhph,G, to speak abusivexxi. 2 0 f ly, to rail. abs.. as Ac. xiii. @h, 3, force, violence, Ac. as, ij; to c a l & m n i k , speak cvil v. 26, xxi. 35, xxiv. 7 (W. H. of, blaspheme, with acc., rareomit), xxvii. 41.* ly cls; often of men or things. @taw,to use violence; mid., to Spec. of God, Rev. xvi. I I ; cnkr forcibCy, with rb, Lu. the Holy Spirit, Lu. xii. 10 ; xvi. 16; pass., to sufer viothe divine name or doctrine, lence, to be assaultrd, Mac. xi. I Tim. vi. I. 12.* $AwhpLa, as, 3, evil-speaking, plaros, a, ov, violent, Ac. ii. z.* reviling, blasphemy, Mat. x i i f i r m s , 00~6, who employs one 31 ; Mar. xiv. 64. force, a man of violence, Mat. P w q l r o p , ov, slanderous, Ac. xi. I 2.* vi. r I ; subst., a blasphemer, P~pAaplSrov, 76, a lifflebook, ov, I Tim. i. 13 ; 2 Tim. iii. 2. Rev. X. 2 , 8 (not W. H.), 9, Pdppa, aros, 76, a look, glance, 10. (N.T.)* 2 Pet. ii. S.* prP[ov, OV, 76 (dim. of follow- gXhrw, $W, to see, to haue the ing), a small book, a scroll, power of seeing, to look a$ as Lu. iv. 17 ; Rev. v. I ; behold; with rb, to look to, BcpXiav circroarauiov, a bill of Mat. xxii. 16; Mar. xii. 14; divorcement, Mat. xix. 7; with lva or p4, to take car# Mar. X. 4. (once without, Mar. xiii. g) with drcr6, to beware of; oncr ~ [ P o s ,OV, d, a wn'&n book, roll or volumr, Mat. i I ; with ~ a (acc.), geograph~ d Phil. iv. 3. The word means ically, to look tmuards, Ac. pap rus, from which ancient xxvi'l. 12. booes were made. w q r k , Ca, COY, a verbal adj. BL@PB~KU P$. P J P P ~ K ~ , (BdXXw), that ought to be put, (BP?), to eat, Jn. vi. 13. Mar. ii. 2 2 (W. H. omit) ; B L ~ v vas, ,3, Bitlrynia, A c ~ Lu. v. 38. (N. T.)* xvi. 7 ; I Pet. i. I.* Boavrpyk (W. H. qp), (Heb.), pbs, ov, d, (I) lzye, as Lu. viii. Boanerges, " sons of thunI4 ; (2) means of l f i , livelider," Mar. iii. 17. (N. T.)* hood, as Lu. viii. 43; (3) f i b , G (poll), to shout for joy, goods or property, as Lu. xv. Gal. iv. 27 ; to cry for grief,




Ac. viii. 7 ; to publish openly, to cry aloud, Mar. xv. 34 ; Ac. xvii. 6 ; with np6s (acc.), to appeal to, Lu. xviii. 7 , 38. +S, 4, a loud cry, Ja.v. 4.* $0/10e~a,as, 4, he&, Ac. xxvii. 1 7 ; Heb. iv. 16.* $oqOio, G, to go to the he& of, to succor (dat.), Mat. xv. 25 ; Rev. xii. 16. &06s, 00, 6, 4 (properly adj.), a helper, Heb. xiii. 6.* $60vvoo, ov, 6, a pit, ditch, Mat. xii. 1 1 , xv. 1 4 ; Lu. vi. 39.' $014, +S, 4, a throwing; Aleov pox$, a stone's throw, Lu. xxii. hr.* $ o h Q ~ ,awl to heave the lead, take soundinas, Ac. x x v i i 28. ". ( N . T.)* $oALo, Lbos, 4, a weapon thrown, as a dart orjavelin, Heb. xii. 2 0 ( W . H. omit).* B d g , 6 (Heb.), Boos or Boaz, Mat. i. 5 ( W . H. BoCs); Lu. iii. 32 ( W . H. Bobs).* Bip$opos, ov, 6, mire,jilth, 2 Pet. ii. 22.* BoppBs, 2, 6 (Boreas,t h e north wind). the North. Lu. xiii. 2a : ~ e v . ' k x i .13.* ' $6v~p,$aw, to feed, as Mat. V I I L 33 ; Jn. xxi. I 5, I 7 ; mid., to feed, graze, as Mar. v. I I . Syn.: rorpalvw is the broader word, t o act as shepherd, literally or spiritually ; 86UKO, simply t ofeed the flock. Bovdp, 6 (Heb. Beor), Bosor, 2 Pet. ii. 15 (W. H. BeBp).* FY,(86a~w), as, 4 herbage, pasiurage, Heb. vi. 7.* $hpw, voo, 6, a cluster of yapes, Rev. xiv. IS.* $0vbwfF, 00, 6, a councilor, a senator, Mar. xv. 43 ; Lu. xxiii. so.* $ovklco, aw, to advise, N. T. mid. only; ( I ) to consult, to deliberate, with sf, Lu. xiv. 31 ; (2) to resolve on or pur. pose, with inf., Ac. v. 33, xv. 37 ( W . H. in both passages xxvii. 39 ; La, read @odAopar), Jn, xi. 53 ( W . H.), xii. 1 0 ; acc., 2 C m . i. 17.* $ovX/1, G*, 4 , a design, purpose, plan, Lu. xxiii. 51 i Ac. v. 38; Ep. i. I I . $04Aqpa, aros, 76 (BoIAopai), will, counsel, purpose, Ac. xxvii. 43; Ro. ix. 1 9 ; I Pet. iv. 3 ( W . EIS).*


# ,

, $oGAopan, 2d pers. sing. ,9oIAsr, $ p & ~ aaros, 76 (see ,3ifipBaao), aug. with C or fi, to wiU, as food o f any kind, Mat. xiv. I 5 ; Jn. iv. 34 ; I Cor. viii. 8, ( I )to be willing, to incline to, Mar. xv. I 5 ; ( 2 ) C intend, '3. Mat. i. 19 ; (3) to desire, I BpcSmpos, ov, eauble, Lu. xxiv. T i m . vi. g. Generally with 41.* inf., sometimes understood, $p&rs, swr, 4, ( I ) the act of as Ja, i. 1 8 ; with subj., Jn. eating, as I Cor. viii. 4 ; (2) corrosion, Mat. vi. 19, 20; xviii. 39. $ovvdr, 03, 6, a hill, rising food, Jn. iv. 32 ; Heb. xii. 1 . ground, Lu. iii. 5 ; xxiii. 30.* $uelfoP, am, to cause to sin&, f g , i. $oh, @06s,6, 4, an animal of I T i m . vi. g ; mid., to sink, the ox kind, male or female, Lu. v. 7.* $&c,00, 6, the derp, the sea, Lu. xiii. 15 ; I T i m . v. 18. $pa$ePov, ov, 76, the prize, in 2 Cor. xi. 25. * the games, I Car, ix. 24; $vl)~th, 6, a tanner, Ac. Cos, Phil. iii. 14.* ix. 43, X . 6, 32.* BWetlo (lit.. t o act as arbiter $bQv~vos, OV, made of byssus, q, .. . in the 'games). to 4. arbijine linen, Rev. xviii. 12 ( W . trate, C ~ Iiii.';s.* . ' H.), 16, xix. 8, 14.* $pdbvoP, vtj Vpabdr),to be slow, $6vuos, ov, 4, byssus, a species to linger, I T i m . iii. I 5 ; 2 Pet. o f flax, and o f linen manuiii. g (gen.).* factured from it, highly p r i ~ $pCrSv-wAo(w, 6 , to sail slow&, ed for its softness,whiteness, and delicacy, Lu. xvi. 1 9 ; Ac. xxvii. 7. ( N . T.)* $pd6s, slit, I , slow; dat. o f Rev. xviii. 1 2 (Rec.).* sphere, Lu. xxiv. 25 ; ELS, Ja. $ap6sl 03, 6, a n altar, A t . xvii. i. IQ.* 23.* Syn. :gwp5s is a heathen $pas&, ri/ror, 4, slowness, 2 altar; 8varaor$prov, the altar Pet. iii. g.* o the true God. f $ p a x t v , ovos, 6, the arm; m t , e. strength, Lu. i. 51 ; Jn. xii. 38 ; Ac. xiii. 17.* $paxls, e h , I, short, little, only l?, Y , y b p a , gafnma, g hard, the third letter o f the Greek neut. ; o f time, Lu. xxii. 58 ; alphabet. In numeral value, Ac. v. 34; Heb. ii. 7, g ; place, Ac. xxvii. 28; brd @pa~Cov, +y'-= ; ,v = 3000. ; Heb. xiii. 2 2 , i n f e w words; ra$$aOa ( W . H. -Od),4(Aram.), Gabbatha : a n elevated #lace @pax6T L , Jn. vi. 7, o f quanor t d u n i l , Jn. xix. r3.- See tity, a little.* w oovs, 76, a child unborn, o, A i ~ b u ~ p w o v .N . T ) ( .* Lu. i. 41, 4 4 ; a babe, as Lu. ra$prfiX, 6 (Heb. man of God), ii. 1 2 , 1 6 ; 2 T i m . iii. 15. the archangel Gabriel, Lu. $&W, t o , to moisten, Lu. vii. i. 10. 26.* >, 38, 44 ; to rain, to send rain, Y ~ W P Q L ?VS ,~ 4, a gangrene, I , mortification, 2 T i m . ii. 17.* Mat. v. 4 5 ; Lu. xvii. 29; impers., Ja. v. 17 ; intrans., r 6 6 , 6 (Heb.), Gad, Rev. vii. c * Rev. xi. 6.* 3. $ p 0 ~ / 1 , +S, 4, thunder, Jn. xii. rasapqvds, 4, bv, belonging to 29; Rev. iv. 5. Gadara, Mar. v. I (Kec.); Mat. viii. 28 ( W . H.). See $poxfl, ijs, 51 ( P P ~ Xa heavy ~), I'epyeaqv6r. rain, Mat. vii. 25, 27. (S.)* Bpdxos, ov, 6, a noose or snare, ybga, vs, 4 (Persian), treasure, I Cor. vii. 35.* as o f a government, Ac. viii. &my&, 00, 6, a grinding or 27.* gnashing, as Mat. viii. 12. r q a , qs, 4 (Heb.), Gaza, a strong city o f t h e ancient $&W, t o , to grind or gnash, Philistines in the W . o f as the teeth, for rageor pain, Palestine, Ac. viii. 26. ( T h e Ac. vii. 54.* $ p h , ao, to send forth abunadj., Cpapos, desert, refers t o danlly, as a fountain, J . iii. a 6b6s.)* I I.* yafo+vX&wv, ov, 74 a piacr



V 4



forthdguardianship of treasor conjunction, for, introducinga reason for the thing ure, treasury; a part of the previously said. Used in temple so called, Mar. xii. 41, 43; Lu. &xi. I ; Jn. viii. questions to intensify the 20. (S.)* inquir often with other partick. For the special r k h s , ov, 6 (Lat.), Gaius, or Caius. There are four of the uses of ydp, see Gr. g 407, name in N. T., Ac. xix. 29, W i . g 53, 8, Bu. 370. xx. 4 ; I Cor. i. 14, and Ro. yQQl/lp, ~ (sync.), 15, (1) the 7 6 ~ womb, as Mat. i. 18 ; (2) the xvi. 23 ; 3 Jn. I.* yMa, U K T O S , rb, milk, lit., I Cor. stomach, only Tit. i. 1 2 , from i . 7 : fie.. for the elements x Epimenides, " idle bellies," glu&ns. of 'dhrgiian knowledge, I Cor. iii. 2 ; Heb. v. 12, 13; y4 an enclitic particle indicatI Pet. ii. 2* . ing emphasis, at least, indeed. I ' d 6 q s , ov, 6, a Galatian, Gal. Sometimes used alone, as iii. I.* Ro. viii. 32 ; I Cor. iv. 8 ; I ' d a ~ l a , as, 15, Galatia, or generally in connection with Gallogr~cia,a province of other particles, as dXXd, dpa, er; rl 66 pQys, stronger than Asia Minor, Gal. i. 2 ; I Cor. cl Q& p$, if otherwise indeed; xvi. I ; 2 Tim. iv. 1 0 ; r Pet. i. I.* ~ a l y sandat least, and even; , I'darrb~k,Q, 6v, belonging to ~alrocye, though indeed; p c Galatia, Ac. xvi. 6, xviii. wCvye, yea, indeed; pQrcyr, 23.* "to say nothing of," I Cor. y d f p q , qs, 15, a calm, Mat. viii. vi. 3. 26; Mar. iv. 39 ; Lu. viii. 24.* l?tstc5v, 6 (Heb.), Gideom, Heb. xi. 32.* l?oXAala, as, 4 (from Heb.), Galilee, the N. division of yl-twa, qr, 4 (Heb. valley of Xinnom), met., Gehenna, Palestine, Mat. iv. I 5. place of punishment in the roXAaQro9,ala, aiov, of or befuture world, Mat. X . 28, etc. longing to Galilee, Mat. xxvi. 69 ; Ac. i. I I . Sometimes with 700 U V P ~ S , as Mat. v. 22. Compare 2 l?crMhv, wms, 6, Gallio, a p? ! consul of Achaia, Ac. xv111. Kings xxiii. 10. (S.) n e - q p a v q , or -d W . H.), 4 ( 12, 14, 17.* (Heb. oil$ress), Ge#hsemane, I'apdr@, 6 (Heb.), Gamaliel, a small field at the foot of Ac. v. 34, xxii. 3.* yap&, G, QUW, 1st aor. bdpqaa the Mount of Olives, over the brook Kidron, Mat. and ryqpa, abs. or trans. xxvi. 36; Mar. xiv. 32.* (with acc.), to marry; active proper1 o f the man; pass. ytl~tvv,oms, 6, Jr, a neighbor, and mii. of the woman, with Lu. xiv. 1 2 , xv. 6, g ; Jn. ix. 8.* dat., I Cor. vii. 39 ; Mar. X. $duo, 9 daw, to laugh, Lu. vi. , 12 ( W . H. UXAov for Rec. 21, 25. * UXXy); but in N. T . the act. s also i used o f the woman, y h s , wros, 6, laughter, Ja. iv. as I Cor. vii. 28, 34. 9 '. ywqtv, io give i n marriage (a ycpqo, aw, tojill, with acc. and gen. (also dub or CK),Mar. daughter), Rec. only Mar. xv. 36; Rev. viii. 5;. pass. xii. 2 5 ; Lu. xvii. 27, xx. 35 ; abs., to be full, Mar. iv. 37 ; W . H. add Mat. xxii. 30, Lu. xiv. 23. xxiv. 38 ; I Cor. vii. 38. ( N . T.I \* ylpw, to be full of, with gen. (CK,Mat. xxiii. 25 ; perhaps y a p k ~ t v yaplcw, Mar. xii. 25 = acc., Rev. xvii. 3). (Rec.) ; Lu. xx. 34 (W. H.).* y6p00, OU, 6, marriage, spec. a rvt6, as, 4, gerierathn, as ( I ) ofsspring, race, descent, Mat. marriagefeast, sing. or plur., i 17; Lu. i . 4 1 ; (2) the x Heb. xiii. 4 ; Rev. xix. 7. peo#le of any given time; (3) See Gr. g 240, W i . 27, 3, an age of #he world's duraBu. 23. ydrp (ye Upa), "truly then," a tion, Mat. xxiv. 34; Ac. xiii. 36; cLs ycvects cal ycvcds (W. causal postpositive particle

H.), unto generations and generations (R. V.), Lu. i. go. yevta-AoyIW, G, to reckon L genealogy or pedigree, p m with CK, Heb. vii. 6.* ycvia-hoyk, as, ?I, genealogy, N. T . plur., I Tim. I. 4 ; Tit. iii. g ; prob. of Gnostic specr ulations on the origin of being.* yrdura, wv, rd, a birthday celebration, Mat. xiv. 6 ;Mar. vi. 21.* +r& ec , l . ews, 4, birth, lineage, Mat. i. I ( W . H. add Mat. i. 18; Lu. i.' 14, for Rec. Y / P y a ~ s )Ja. i. 23, rb upbaw~ov ; r1js ~ E V C U I W S ~ 3 ~ 0the,cwn5 tenance of his birth, or, as A. V., R. V., '* his natural face "; Ja. iii. 6, rbv T P O X ~ P sljs yrvCarws, #he wheel of nature (R. V.).* ~ v M T / ) , 15, birth, Jn. h. I.* +S, yhqpa, aros, 76. See y h y p a . yew&, G, Qsw, to beget, give birtlt to, produce, efect, Mat. i. 3,5,6; Lu. i.I3,57; Ac. vii. 8, 29; pass., to be begotten, born (often in John, of spiritual renewal), Mat. i 2 0 ; Jn. i. 1 3 ; I Jn. v. I . y h y p a , aros, 76, ( I )progeny, generaiion, as Mat. iii. 7 ; (2)producegenerally, as Mat. xxvi. 29; fig., fruit, result, as 2 Cor. ix. 10. In sense (2) W . H. always read ydypa, and sometimes elsewhere. I'rvyuapi~ (Aram.), Gennesaret (Chinnereth or Chinneroth, in 0. T.), a region of Galilee,with village or town o f the same name, Mat. xiv. 4. Used o f the adjacent ake, as Lu. v. I . yfwrluw, ews, 4. See yCwars.* ycmqds, Q, bv, verb. adj., begotfen, born, Mat. xi. I I ; Lu. vii. 28.* ylvos, OVS, 76, ( I )ofgring, Ac. xvii. 28, 29 ; (2) family, A A ~ x!ii. 26 ; (3) stock, race, AC vii. 19; Gal. i. 14; (4) nacim Mat. vii. 26 ; (5) Rind or sp8 &S, Mar. i . 29 ; I Cor. xiv. x


I'cpytuqvds, Q,bv,or I'epaaqvbs, Gergesene, belonging to Ger gesa or Gerasa. The copies var between these forms anJFabapqvbs, Mat. riii. 28; Mar. v. I ; Lu. viii. 26, 37.4"

3 1




ycpowk, as, (yipwv),an asadj. or predicative subst., fo and dat., 671 or z f , interrog., sembly of elders, senate, Ac. become, where quality, charCol. i. 27) ; ( 2 ) intrans., ta v. 2 1 3 know, only Phil. i. 22. acter, or condition is speciyipapv, owos, 6, an old man, Jn. fied ; often in prohibitions, yvBv~s, 4, ( I ) subj., knowlcws, h ) ylwv, fi1) ylvrsOe, become 1 iii. 4.* edge, with gen. of obj. (gen. not, as Mat vi. 16; (4) with v t o , to make to taste, only mid. subj., Ro. xi. 33) ; ( 2 ) obj., in N. T.; to task, as abs., to the cases of substantives and science, doctrine, wisdom, as t a h food, Ac. X . 1 0 ; or with the prepositions, the verb Lu. xi. 52. Syn.: see Trench, forms many phrases, to be obj. gen., or acc. See Gr. 8 Ixxv. interpreted according to the y v h s , ov, 6 , one who knows, 8 2498, (21, w i . 55, 3, P. 33, 30, ?c, Bu. 167. Fig., to exmeaning of the case or prep. an expert, Ac. xxvi. 3. (S.)* perience, as Mat. xvi. 28; yrvkros, or yiyvdorw (see Gr. yv-60, 4, 6v, verb. adj., once with 871, I Pet. ii. 3. known, as Ac. ii. 14, iv. 10: 8 94, 86, Wi. 5 39, 3, note 2, Bu. ss), yvdoopac, zd aor. ytrpydcu, O, to cultivate or fiCl knowable, Ro. i. I g ; notable, the earth. Heb. vi. 7.* (lyvwv (imper. yvOOt), perf. Ac. iv. 16; 01 yvwu~ol,one's (lyvwxa, ( I ) to become aware yrhpytov, o i , rd, a tkcd@ldf acguaitztance, Lu. ii. 44. of, toperceive, with acc. ; ( 2 ) yoyybfcu, low, to murmur in a f g , I Cor. iii. g. (S.)* i. ytcupyds, 06, 6, one who tills the to know, to perceive, ztnder low voice, Jn. vii. 32 ; disprotmd. a husbandman. 2 stand, with acc. or Bsi, or contentedly, to grumble, as %m. i i 6 ; Ja. v. 7 1 a vine?cc. and inf., or 7t Snterrog. ; I Cor. X . 10, with acc., or EXXqviori y., to understand ctresser,Lu.xx.g,~o, 14, 16. rcpl, gen., npbs, acc., r a ~ d , Greek, Ac. xxi. 37 ; to be cony4, yes, 4, contr. for yda or gen. (S.) yaia, land or earth, as ( I ) the scious of, by experience, as yoyyw@$, oD,d, muttering, Jn. material soil; ( 2 ) the pro(fucz Cor. v. 21 ; (3) to know vii. 1 2 : murmurinp. Ac. vi. ing soil, the ground; (3)land, carnal& (a Hebraistic eupheI ; ~ h d ii. 14; I pet. iv. g. . mism), Mat. i. 2 5 ; Lu. i. 34; as opposed to sea; (4)earth, (S.)* as opposed to heaven, often (4). specially of the fellow- yoyywrfp, 06, 6, a murmurer, involving suggestions of huship between Christians and complaztrcr, Ju. 16. (N. T.)* man weakness and sin; ( 5 ) God or Christ, I Cor. viii. 3 ; y6qs, qros, 6 (yodw, to moan), re@otz or tc&ory. Mat. vii. 23 (negatively); Jn. an enchanter, an impostor, 2 yf)pas,(aor)ws, 76, old age, Lu. xvii. 3 ; Heb. viii. I I ; Phil. Tim. iii. 13.* iii. 10, etc. 1.36 (dat., Rec. y.ilp(r,W . H. I'oAyoB& ( W . H., some -BB), ~ ~ S K OO S S , 76, sweet or new U (Aram.),Golgotha," the place ?BP~.* wine, Ac. ii. 13.* yqpiurw, or yqpdw, duo, to beo f a skull" (urob. from its come old, Jn. xxi. 18; Heb. ykvltl~, d, meet, Ja. iii. I I , shape), ~ a l v c Mat. xxvii. cia, ~, viii. 13.* 1 2 ; Rev. X . g, IO.* 33 ; Mar. xv. 2 2 ; Jn. xix. 17. ylvopar, for y l y v o ~ i . See Gr. yXBuva, qs, 4, ( I ) the tongue, See ~pavtov. (N.T.)* 8 94, 8a. ycnjoopai, CyevdMar. vii. 33, 35 ; 1 Jn. iii. 18 I'dpoppa, as, 4, and wv, rd, Go2 ) a langu~gc,Ac. ii. I I ; pqv and dyrv.i)Oqv, yiyova morrha, Ro. ix. 29. (with pres. force) and yeyC ov, , a nation or people dis- Y ~ F O C , 6 ( ~ d ~ w ( )1 ) a bur qpacar, to become, as ( I ) to betinguished by their language, den, cg., of a ship, Ac. xxi. gin to be, used of persons, to Rev. v. g, vii. g. 3 ; ( 2 ) wares or merchandise, Rev. xviii. 1 1 , 12.* be bow, Jn. viii. 58; of the yXcuvv6-ropov, ov, 76, a li#le box or case for money, Jn. yovtls, i w s , d (yrv-in ytyvopi), works of creation,to be made, a parent, only in plural, Lu. xii. 6, xiii. 29 (orig. from Jn. i. 3, 1 0 ; and of other holding the tongue-pieces" works, to be wrought or per ii. 41 ; Ep. vi. I . formed; so, to pass out of of flutes, etc.).* ydw, aros, rd, the knee; often yv+tls, dos, 6 , a fuller, clothone state into another, to in plur. after riOdvai or ~ d f i r g r m into, to be changed into, dresser, Mar. ix. 3.* T C L V , to put or bend the knees, a, Jn. ii. g ; often with 19, Lu. ~VIIULOC, OY (sync. from yev+ to kncd, in devotion, Lu. xxii ULOS),leqtimate,genuinc,trzrc, xiii. 19; ( 2 ) o f ordinary or 41 ; Ro. xi. 4. I Tim. 1. 2 ; Tit. i. 4 ; Phil. y o w a ~ i o , (nlrrw), to fall O extraordinary occurrences,to iv. 3 ; rb ymjocov, sincerity, on the knees, C kneel to (acc.), happen, to &&cplace, to be 2 Cor. viii. 8. * Mar. X . 17. done; of the day, the night, Mar. vi. 2 ; 'of thunder, earth. yvqulms, adv., genuinely, sin- yphppa, a.ror,?d (ypd@w),1 ) a ( tcrelv. Phil. ii. zo.* letfer of the alphabet, Gal. quake, calm, etc. ; of feasts .ov, 6, darkness, gloom, or public solemnities, to be -6 vi. 1 1 , in what large letters, Heb. xii. 18.* hcldor celc6rated; frequently perhaps noting emphasis ; in the phraae ral C y d v e ~ oand y v h , ?S, 4, (7~0- y~vdo~w), letter, as opposed to spirit , in opinion, judgment, intention, it came to pass (with ral, or Ro. ii. 29, etc. ; ( 2 ) a wrihhng, I Cor. i. 1 0 ; z Cor. viii. 10. such as a bill or an cpisile, follodring verb, or inf.); also, as Lu. xvi. 6, 7 ; Ac. xxviii C) ydvoizo, let it never hap- yvcupQo, tsw, or 113, ( I ) to make zx ;7 b lepb y p d w ~ a2 T i n , known, C decharr (with acc peal or Godforbid/; (3)with



GREEK-ENGLISH NE W TESTAMENT LEXICON. part of I11 ricum near M* cedonia, 2 %m. iv. IO.* Sapbra, uo, to subdue, tame, Mar. v. 4 ; Ja. iii. 7 , 8.* S&aArs, ews, 4, a heyer, Heb. ix. 13.* A6paprs, tbor, & Damaris, Ac. xvii. 34.* A Q ~ Q Q K ~ 4,~ 6v, belonging V S, to Damascus, 2 Cor. xi. 32.* Acyrowrds, 03,4, Damascus, Ac. ix. 2 , 3. Savelgw, to lend money, Lu. vi. 34,35 ;mid., zb borrow, Mat. 6.425 S~VELOV,76, a loan, a debt, OU, Mat. xviii. 27.* Savtromjs, oO,d, a money-lender, a creditor, Lu. vii. 41.* AavrfiX, b (Heb.), Daniel, Mat. xxiv. I 5 ; Mar. xiii. 14 (not W . H.).* Samav&, G, 4uw, to $and, Mar. v. 26 ; trans., to bear expcnsc for (Crl, dat.), Ac. xxi. 24; (+U&, gen.), 2 Cor. xii. 15 ; C consume i n luxury, to waste, Lu. xv. I 4 ; ]a. iv. 3.* S a d y , *,S, 4, expense, cost, Lu. xiv. 28.* SC, an adversative and distinct i v e particle, but, now, 'moreover, etc. See Gr. 404, ii, W i . Q 53, 7, Bu. 364 sq., and pcv. 8iqvr5 ews, 4; supplication, prayer, Ep. V I . 18; Ja. v. 16. S. : see alrqpa. ? W , lmpers., see Gr. 101, W i . 58, 96, Bu. 147, 164, it is necessary, otre must, it ozqht, Y is vight or proper, with inf. (expressed or implied), as Mat. xvi. 2 1 ; Ac. iv. V ' Mar. xiii. 14. stgypa, aros, 76 (befrvup~), an example, a specimen, Ju. 7.* Stryparqo, uw, to make an em ample or specikcle of (as d L grace), Col. ii. I 5 ; Mat. i. 19 ( W . H.). (N. T.)* Gtlrwpt and B E L K V ~ W(see Gr. Q I 14, Bu. 45), ( I )to present to sight, to show, zb teach (acc. and dat.), Mat. iy: 18; I Col xii. 31 ; Rev. xvn. I ; (2) to prove (acc. and CK),Ja. ii. 18, iii. 13; to show by words (&c), Mat. xvi. 21 inf., Ac. X. 28. &tXkr,as, 4, Cimidity,cowardice, 2 Tim. i. 7.* Syn. :6erXla io always used in a bad senss; e0Ad@eta,regularly in a good

often used in reverence and ;ii. 15, the holy writings, or honor; compare Jn. ii. 4 and the Scriphrres; (3) plur., litxix. 26. generally, erature, lear?zi~zg Jn. vii. r5. r&y,, a proper name, Cog. d In Ezek. xxxviii 2 , king of ypcrpporeGs, Ews, d , ( I ) a clerk, secretary, a scribe, Ac. xix. Magog, a land of the remote north ; hence, in Rev. xx. 8, 35 ; (2) one o f that class among the Jews who copied o f a people far remote from and interpreted the Q. T . Palestine.* ) , Scriptures (see W ~ L K ~ S Mat ymvla, as, 4, a cowzer, as Mat. vi. 5, xxi. 42 (from S.) ; met., xxiii. 34; (3) met., a man of learninggenerally, Mat. xiii. a secretplace, Ac. xxvi. 26. -. ypam6s, 4, (Iv,verb. adj., writfen, Ro. ii. IS.* ~ ~ 4 1$9,, 4, ( 1 ) a writing; A, S, S(Xra, dcltn, a', the fourth 1 letter of the Greek alphabet. (2) spec., 4 ypa+4 or ypaAs a numeral, 6' = 4 ; ,b = $01, the Scriptur:s, writings of the 0. T., 2 Pet. iii. 16; 4 a (3) a particular passage, Mar. Aa$IS, also Aautb, Aaurlb ( W . H.), b (Heb.), David, king of X11. 10. Israel; d Bcbs A., the Son of Y&o.', ?p, -t?pa+a, to grave, David, an appellation of the wrrtr, rnscnbe; &ypd@q, yCypaarar,or yeypapptvov Purl, Messiah; CV A., in David, i.e., in the Psalms, Heb. a formula of auotation, It is iv. 7. wnPtcn; oftexi with dat. o f pers., as Mar. X . 5. Ga~:rovQopar (see bafpov), 1st aor. part., bacpvra&ls, to be ypahSqs, es (ypaik, elbos), oldwomanish, foolish, I Tim. possessed by a demon, Mat. iv. 24 ; Mar. i. 32. iv. 7.* Y ~ Y O & , 6 (from hp4yopa, 8ar@vrov, ou, rd (orig. adj.), a deiiy, Ac. xvii. 18;a demon perf. of Cyelpw),to keep awake, watch, be vigilant, Mar. xiii. or evil spiric; 6atp5vwv Ixecv, to have a demon or to be a 35, 37 ; Rev. xvi. I 5. demoniac, Lu. iv. 33 ;Jn. vii. yufiv610 (yupv6s), to exercise, hain, I Tim. iv. 7 ; Heb. v. 20. Scupovr66qs, er, resembling a 14, xii. I I ; 2 Pet. ii. 14.* demon, demoniacal, Ja. iii. yvpvavla, as, 4, exercise, train15. (N. T.)* ing, I Tim. iv. 8.* yvpqnCo, or rrelw ( W . H.), to S a l p v , ovos, d, JI, in classic Greek, any sp~rit superior be naked or poorly clad, I Cor. t o man; hence often o f the iv. II.* inferior deities ; in N. T ,an . yvprds, 9, 6v, ( I ) naked, Mar. evil spirit, a demon (W. H. xiv. 52 ; Rev. iii. I 7 ;ill-clad, have the word only in one Mat. xxv. 36, 48 ; having only an inner garment, Jn. passage, Mat. viii. 31); barp5vrov is generally used. xxi. 7 ; (2) bare, i.e., open or , . manifest, Heb. iv. 13; (3) 6 & ~ v oto bife, met., Gal. v mere, I Cor. xv. 37. I S.* ou, yvpv&qs, T V O S , 4, ( I ) naked- 8&Kpu, uos, or bd~pvov, rd, ness, Rev. iii. 18 ; (2) scaniy a tear, Ac. xx. 19, 31 : Heb. clothing, Ro. viii. 35 ; 2 Cor. v. 7. Sa~pGcu, to weep, Jn. xi. 35.* uo, xi. 27. ( N . T.)* O a ywarr6prov, ou, 7d (dim.), a ~ ~ K T ~ ~ Lou, S6, (bdr~vXos), ring, Lu. xv. 22.* silly woman, 2 Tim. iii. 6.* ~ U V ~ L K E ~a, , O V , womanish, S 66muhos, ou, d, a f i g e r ; Iv femak; I Pet. iii. 7, the baK7dhy BeoG, met., by the weaker vessel.*' power of God, Lu. xi. 20, comp. Mat. xii. 28. y v 4 , yuvacn6s, voc. ylvar, 4, ( I ) a woman, Mat. ix. 2 0 ; AaApavovB6, 4, Dalmanutha, Ro. vii. 2 ; (2) a wife, Ac. v. a town or village near MagI , 7 ; Ep. v. 28. The voc. is dala, Mar. viii. IO.* the form of ordinary address, A a h p ~ k a ,as, h DaZmatak, a



GRh'EK-LTlVGLfSH N E W T E S T A M E N T LEXICON. or entice, as with a bait, Ja. i. 1 4 ; 2 Pet. ii. 14, 18.* ShSpov, ov, rd, a tree, Mat. vii. I 7 ; Lu. xiii. 19. 8&6-Aa@s, ov, 6, "holding in the r ~ g h hand ";plur., spcart men, Ac. xxiii. 23. ( N . T ) .* &&ts, d, bv, the e h t , opp. t o dprurepbt, the left; 4 be[rd, the +At hand; r h Qo.56,the r&h#handside; PK be[tOv,on the nght (see Gr. 5 293, I, W i . 5 19, I a ) ; 8eEhs 6t66vac, to give the nght hand, i.e., to receive to fn'endship or fellmuship. Mopor, 1st aor. t6e+9qv,to have need of (gen.), as mid. o f QPw see 6e?); to make request of gen.) ; to beseech, pray, abs., or with et, Zwa, or ~ U W S ,o f purpose. %v, ovros, 76 (particip. o f 865 as subst.), the becoming or needful; with Purl= be?, I Pet. i. 6 ; Ac. xix. 36; plur., I Tim. v. I 7.* ovs, 76 (Gir. fear, awe, H.), Heb. xii, 28.* Arp$aiw, ov, b, of Derbe, Ac. xx. 4.* A&&, qs, 4, Derbe, a city o f Lycaonia, Ac. xiv. 6, 20, xvi. I.* Mppa, aros, rd (bCpw), an animal's skin, Heb. xi. 37.* Stppkrvos, q, ov, made of skin, leathern, Mat. iii. 4 ; Mar. i. 6.* %U, I st aor.#6scpa, zd fut. pass. Gap$uo~r, scourge, to beat, to so as to flay off the skin; dCpa Q=!pwv, I Cor. ix. 26, beating air. S t u p ~ h ,go, to bind, put i n chains as a prisoner, Lu. viii. 29 ( W . H.) ; Ac. xxii. 4 ; to bind as a bundle, Mat. xxiii. 4.* & y o , G, to bind, Lu. viii. 29 vA p (Rec.).* &pq, 6 5 , 4, a dundlc, Mat. xiii. 30.* *pros, IOU, 6, one bound, a prisoner, Ac. xvi. 25,27 ;Ep. iii. I . &up&, 06, 6 (bCo),a bond, sing. only in Mar. vii. 35, 6 Qeupbs r7js ~Xduuqs,and Lu. xiii. 1 6 ; plur., GeupI or ( r h ) 6cu&, bonds or imprisonment, Lu. viii. 29; Phil. i.


sense, pious fear; $b,9os is general, denoting either bad or good. StrXrdo, G, to be timid, fearful, Tn. xiv. 27. (S.)* &ASS, I j , 6;, t k d , cowardly, Mat. viii. 26; Mar. iv. 40; Rev. xxi. 8.* &&a, 6, 4, rd, gen. Qeiws,pron., a certain person, such a one, Mat. xxvi. 18.* Strvh, adv. (bscvbs, vehement), vehemently, tem3ly, Mat. viii. 6 ; Lu. xi. 53.* S r r d o , G, to take the Geiuvov, to sup, Lu. xvii. 8, xxii. 20; I Cor. xi. 25 ; met., o f familiar intercourse, Rev. iii. zo.* Srtmov, ov, 76, the chief or evening meal, supper (see dpcurov), Lu. xiv. 17, 24; Jn. xiii. 2 , 4 ; rvpcadv Geirvov, the Lord's Suppcr, I Cor. x. i StrmSanpov[a, as, 4, reliigion, in general, Ac. xxv. ~g.* &rdaLpcuv, ov (Qelbo, fear), to dcvouffydisposed, addicted to worship, Ac. xvii. 22. See Syn.: see Gr. 5 323 C.*. Trench, 3 xlv111. N K ~ , at, rd, ten; i Rev. ii. 01, n 10, a tcn days' Cribulation, i.e., brief. \era-660 ( W .H. 666eKa).twelve. Ac. X&. 7, xxiv. I I."(s.)* . k x a - h , fifteen, Jn. xi. 18 ; Ac. xxvii. 28, Gal. i. 18.* h r r k m k r s , ews, 4, Decapolis, a district E. o f Jordan comprising ten towns. It is uncertain what they all were, but they included Gadara, Hippo, Pella, and Scythopolis, Mat. iv. 25; Mar. v. 20, vii. 31.* &rrVriuuapcs, wv, oi, at, eapa, rd, fourteen, Mat. i. 17; 2 Cor. xii. 2 ; Gal. ii. I.* & ~ & qqs, 4, a tenth part, a , tithe, Heb. vii. 2 , 4, 8, g.* W ~ a m x q, OW, ordinal, tenth, , Jn. i. 39 ; Rev. xxi. 20; rb ~ C K ~ T O W , xi. 13, the tenth Rev. part.* & ~ a r 6 o .G, to receive tithe of, acc., Heb. vii. 6 ; pass., to pay tithe, Heb. vii. g; (S.)* &W,Ij, bv (verbal adj. from GCxopac),accepted, acceptable, Lu. iv. 19, 24; Ac. X. 35 ; 2 Cbr. vi. 2; Phil. iv. 18. (S.)* &h& (QCXeap, bait), to take a



132 "

& p - # 6, a jailer, u ~ tarcor, , w Ac. xvi. 23, 27, 36.* S t u p ~ ~ p r olov, rd, a prison, v, Mat. xi. 2 ; Ac. v. 21, 23, xvi. 26.* &up+s, ov, 6, a prisoner, Ac. xxvii. I , 42. S f d q s , OU, 6, a lordorprince, a master, as I Tim. vi. I ; applied t o God, Lu. ii. 29; Ac. iv. 24 ; Ju. 4 ; t o Christ, 2 Pet. ii. I ; Rev. vi. 10. Syn. : Qeuirbrqsindicates more absolute and unlimited authority than K ~ P U J S . SeQpo, adv., ( I ) o f place, here, hither; used only as an imperative, come hither, as Mat. xix. 2 1 ; (2) o f time, hitherto, only Ro. i. 13. Stir%, adv., as i f plur. o f 6eGpo (or contr. from 6eGp' fre), come, come hither, as Mat iv. 19, xi. 28. & U T ~ P Q ~ S , aav, on the ala, second day, Ac. xxviii. 15 See Gr. 5 319.* &vrcp6.rrpwmx, ov, the second. first, Lu. vi. I ( W . H . omit). See Gr. 3 148, W i . 5 16, 4, and note. ( N . T.)* GrGrtpos, a , ov, ordinal, second in number, as Mat. xxii. 26 ; in order, Mat. xxii. 39; rb bod-repov or 6e6r~pov, adverbially, tYze second time, again, as 2 Cor. xiii. 2 ;so PK 8evrPpov, as Mar. xiv. 72 ; C 74 v GevrCpy, Ac. vii. 13. G(XOpar,1st aor. Pbecdpqv, dep., to take, receive, accept, to receive kindly, to welcome, persons, as Mar. vi. I I ; t h ~ n g s (a doctrine, the kingdom o f heaven),as Mar. X. I 5 ;2 Cor. xi. 4. MW,to want. See 6eP and GCopuc. S(@, 1st aor., PbIjaa; p e d , bC6era ; pass., bddewt; 1st aor. pass. inf., Beeijvac, to bind together, bundles, as Ac. X . 1 1 ; to szuathe dead bodies for burial, as Jn. xi. qq; to bind persons in bondage, 2s Mat. xxii. 1 3 ; Mar. vi. 1 7 : 2 Tim. ii. g ; fig Mat. x v i i ~ 1 8 ; 8eBepCws ~vcl~rc, Ac. xx. 2 2 , bound i n the spirit, under an irresistible impulse. a particle indicating cer tainty or reality, and so augf menting the vivacity o a




ix, xv, xvii ;...Exod. xxiv ; Sra-$e$ardw, G, in mid., to Deut. v, xxvlu). The two a f i m , assert strongly, I Tim. covenants mentioned, Gal. i. 7 ; Tit. iii. 8.* iv. 24; that of the 0. T. is Sra-PAilro, to see through, to see termed r j spBrq a., Heb. ix. clearly, Mat. vii. 5 ; Lu. vi. 15 ; that of the N. T., ~arv)l 42; Mar. viii. 25 (W. H.).+ T. G., Lu. xxii. 20. The 0. SrbfiXos, ov (Gra~dXXw), prone itself ( raXarZL a., z Cor. Ki. G to slander, slanderous, I Tim. 14) as containing the first, iii. I I ; 2 Tim. iii. 3 ; Tit. ii. and the N. T. as containing 3; 6 GtbpoXos, the accuser, the second, are each called the devil, equivalent to the ~LLL~~KI). Hebrew Satan, Mat. iv. I , SL-alpcurs, ews, rj, dzference, 5 ; z Tim. ii. 26. distinctiorz, as the result of SL-ayyMw,to announce everydistribution, I Cor. xii. 4, S, where, publish abroad, Lu. 6.* ix. 60;Ac. xxi. 26; Ro. i .I 7.* x Srdyc, or 8cb ye (W. H.), yet SL-arp(w,B, to divide, distribute, KO.* Lu. xv. 12 ; I Cor. xii. II.* on account of, Lu. xi. 8.* 8qpqyoP(w, B, to deliver a t O, public oration; with rpbs, Sra-ylwpar, to pass, elapse, of Sra-~daplfw, to cleanse thor oughly, Mat. iii. 12 ; Lu. iii. time; in N. T. only 2d Ac. xii. 21.* 17 (W. H. Gca~aealpw). (N. aor. part., gen. abs., having Aqp+rpros, ov, 6, Demetrilrs. T-I elapsed, Mar. xvi. I ;Ac. xxv. Two of the nanie are men- \* Sta-KaT-Aiy~opa~, confutb to 13, xxvii. g.* tioned, Ac. xix. 24, 38 ; 3 Jn. Sra-yrvcSv~o, to distinguish, entirely, Ac. xviii. 28. (N. 12.* T.)* know accurateCy, Ac. xxiii. 6qp~-ovp$s, 00, 6 ("a public 15 ; to examine, decide, Ac. Sra~ovJw,B, to serue or wad worker "), an artisan, a buildupon, especially a t table, Jn. xxiv. 22.* er, Heb. xi. IO.* Syn.: 67prxii. 26 ; Lu. iv. 39 ; to supply to ovpybs emphasizes more the Sta-yvopl~w, publish abroaa, wants, to administer or disLu. ii. 17 (W. H. yvwplfw).* idea of power; se~vlrqs, that fn3ute alms, etc. (dat., per. Srb-yvoors, ems, 3, judicial exof wisdom. son; acc., thing; occasionallj aminatioiz, decrsron, Ac. xxv. 64pos, ov, 6, the people, an abs.), Mat. xxv. 44; Ro. xv. 21.* organized multitude public25 ; specially, to serue as o ly convened, Ac. xii. 22, Sta-yoyyGfw, to murmur greatdeacon, I Tim. iii. 10, 13; xvii. 5, xix. 30, 33.* ly, Lu. xv. 2, xix. 7. (S.)* of prophets and apostles wha 8q~L6ums, ov, belonging to the Sra-ypqyoplo, B, to remain a, ministered the divine will, awake or to be fully awake, people, public, Ac. v. 18 ; dat. I Pet. i. 12 ; 2 Cor. iii. 3. Lu. ix. 32. (N. T.)* fem., as adv., Gqpoalp, pubas, o lice, Ac. xvi. 37, xviii. 28, Sr-byo, t lead or pass, as time, Sra~ovla, 4, service, ministry, in various senses, especially life, I Tim. ii. 2 (j3lov); Tit. XX. 20.* for Christ, 2 Cor. iii. 7 ; R a iii. 3 (PLOY omitted).* ~ ~ V ~ J L O V , rd, properly a lov, xi. 13 ; Ac. vi. 4 ; relief, Ac Latin word (see Gr. 154a), Sra:Mxopar, to succeed to, Ac. xi. 29 ; a serving, Lu. X. 40, vii. 45.* denarius, Mat. xviii. 28 ; Rev. the ofice of deacon, Ro. xii SrkSqpa, aros, r d (6Cw), a diavi. 6. dem. crown. Rev. xii. z. xiii. ~ - w m ,adv. with (3, what7 . I, xix. I 2 . i Syn. : ~ z S~brovos,ov, 6,~ rj, a aservant, ~ ~ soever, giving a generalizing viewed in relation to his always indicates the fillet, force, Jn. v. 4 (W. H. omit).* work, specially a t table, as the symbol of royalty; 0768+mv, adv., indeed, perhaps, 9avos is the festal garland Mat. xxiii. I I ; Mar. X. 43 ; verily, Heb. ii. 16.* one in God's service, a minof victory. 6 4 prep. (cognate with ado, ister, as Ro. xiii. 4, xv. 8 ; fwo; 6ls, twice), through; Sra-S&opr, to distn'dute, divide, Lu. xi. 22, xviii. 22 ; Jn. vi. one who sewes in ihe church, (I) with gen., z%rough, durdeacon or deaconess, Phil. i. I I ; Ac. iv. 35 ; Rev. xvii. 13 ing, by means o f ; (2) with (W. H. 616wpc).* I ; I Tim. iii. 8, 12 ; Ro. acc., through, on account of, xvi. I. O , for the sake of. See Gr. S L ~ ~ ~ O Xov,S6, rj, a successor, Sra~iuror, a, card. num., two ac, Ac. xxiv. 27.* $9 I47a, 299, Wi. 47 i, Bu. hundred, Mar. vi. 37; Jn. S L ~ - ~ & V W Igird, Jn. xiii. 4, to L L , 182, 183, 187. v'. 7 ; 5, xxi. j.* &a-&ivw, to pass throtgh, trLns., Heb. xi. 29 ; or in- S~-@llq,vs, r j (6ta71@~1rc), (1) St-a~ovo, to hear thoroughly, Ac. xxiii. 35.* a will or testament. a disbositrans., with ~ p b s(person), , &m, of property, Gal. iii. Sra-~pivo,to discern, to distim as Lu. xvi. 26; elr (place), Ac. guish, make a distinction, as xvi. g.* 15; Heb. ix. 16, 17; (2) a Ac. xv. g ; I Cor. xi. 29. Mid cotnpact or covenant between &a-mu, to slander, accuse, God and man (see Gen. vi, (aor, pass.), (I) to do~+lr; LW xvi. I.* clause or sentence; true, indeed, by all means, therefore. Used with other particles, ~+HOTE, ~ ~ X O V , which see. Sqxos, q, or, manifest, cuzdent, Mat. xxvi. 73 ; neut., sc. Esrl, it is evident, with brr, I Cor. xv. 27 ; Gal. iii. I I ; I Tim. vi. 7 (W. H., K. V. omit).* 8qXio, B, to manifest, to reveal, to bring to ltght, to imply or n&zYy, I Cor. i . $ ~ iii. 13; I, Col. i. 8 ; Heb. ix. 8, xii. 27; I Pet. i. 11 ; 2 Pet. i. 14.* AqGs, B, 6, Demas, Col. iv. tq; Philem. 24; 2 Tim. iv.




as Mar. xii. 30 ; the understanding, I Jn. v. 2 0 ; the feelings , disposition , afeclions, as Col. i. 21 ; plur., the thoughts, as willful,depraved, Ep.ii.3 (in Ep.i. 18, A.V., the eyes of your understanding (Gcavolas),W . H. and R. V. read ~apbfas, eyes of the your heart). Scav-olya, to o$en fully, i.e., the ears, Mar. vii. 3 4 ; the eyes, Lu. xxiv. 31 ;the heart, Ac. xvi. 1 4 ; the Scriptures, Lu. xxiv. 32. t ~ a - v u ~ n p hpass the whole to , nzkht, Lu. vi. 12.* St-avbo, to perform to the end, complete, Ac. xxi. 7.* Sra-~aw6s,adv., always, continually ( W . H. always read 8c(t rawrbs). S ~ a - u a p a - ~ p r ~ , 4, conten$S, tion, incessant wranglztzg, I Tim. vi. 5 ( W . H., Rec. has rapa8ta~pt/34). ( N . T ) .* Srcwnpb, 9 , dew, to cross over, as Mat. ix. I . Sba-lrXCcu, rdow, to sail across, Ac. xxvii. S.* Sra-.rrovicu, 9 , mid., aor. pass., togricvc one's self, to be vexed, Ac. iv. 2 , xvi. 18.* Sra-wopcGopac, pass., to go or pass through, as Lu. xiii. 22. SL-auop(cu, 9 , to be i n great doubt or $erplexi@, Lu. ix. 7, xxiv. 4 ( W . H. dropPw) ;Ac. ii. 1 2 , v. 24, X . 17.* 8-paypamGopar, to gain bu business or trading, Lu. xix.


hesi&ate, as Mat. xxi. 21 ; Ja. i. 6 ; (2) to dispute with, Ac. xi. 2 ; Ju. g. brd~lcpwrs, 4, the act of discos, 12tzction, discrimination, Ro. xiv. I ; I Cor. xii. 1 0 ; Heb. v. 14.* Sra-~cukCw,to hinder, Mat. iii. 14.* Sra-kdicu, (3, to converse togethn; Lu. vi. I I ; to talk of, Lu. i. 65.* 8 r d h c u , in mid., to reason, to discuss, to dispute, as Mar. ix. 34 ; Ac. xx. 7 ; Ju. g. Sra-Aelwo, to leave o , to cease, f Lu. vii. 45.* S r & h r ~ ~ oov, 4, speech, dialect, s, language, Ac. i. 19, ii. 6, 8, xxi. 40, xxii. 2 , xxvi. I+* Sc-aU&oo, to change, as t h e disposition ; pass., to be reconciled to, Mat. v. 24.* Sla-koy[gopar, to reason, to delibcrate, to debate, as Mar. ii. 6 , 8, viii. 16, ix. 33. S ~ d o y r u p d s , 06, 6, rejection, thought, as Lu. ii. 35 ; reasoning, opinion, as Ro. i. 21; hesitation, doubt, Lu. xxiv. 3 8 ; dispute, debate, as Phii. ii. 14 ; I T i m . ii. 8. Sra-XCo, to disperse, to break up, Ac. v. 36.* Sra-papdpopar, dep. mid., to teslify, sokmnly c h a p , as Ac. ii. 40; I Tim. v. zr ; to teshify to, solemnly aflrm, Ac viii. 25 ; Heb. ii. 6. % a - A o p a r , dep. mid., to contend or dispute jiercely, Ac xxiii. g.* Sra-$v", to remain, continue, Lu. i. 22, xxii. 28; Gal. i i 5 ; Heb. i. I I ; 2 Pet. i . i 4.* Sra-p~pQcu, I )to divide or sepa( ratr into parts, as Mat. xxvii. 35, etc. ; to dishiltrte, as Lu. xxii. 17 ; (2) pass. with &l, to be divided against, be a t discord with ;acc., Ld. xi. 17; dat., xii. 52. Sra-pcp~upds,ov^, 6, dissension, Lu. xii. jI.* Sra-~Cpcu, to disseminate, to spread abroad, Ac. iv. I 7.* Sra-v&, fo make s i p , prob. b y nodding, Lu. i. 22.* Sra-vdqpa, aros, 76, a thought, Lu. xi. 17.* SrLwta, as, 4, the mind, &c intellect, or thinfaculw,

perse i n conquest, as L . L u 51 ; to waste or squander, Lu xv. 13, xvi. I . Sra-cnrdo, 1st aor. pass. GreordoOqv, to break asunder, Mar. v. 4 ; to tear i n pieces, Ac. xxiii. IO.* Sta-uwdpo, zd aor. pass. Greurdpqv, to sca #er abroad, disperse, Ac. viii. I , 4, xi. ~g.* S r a - m p d , Bs, 3, dispersion,state of being dispersed; used of the Jews as scattered among the Gentiles, Jn. vii. 35 ; Ja. i. I ; I Pet. i. I . (Ap.)* Sra-a&Xcu, in mid., to givc a conzniawd or injunction, Mar. viii. I 5 ; Ac. xv. 24; foll. b Iva, Mat. xvi. 20 ( W . mrg.) ; Mar. v. 43, vii. 36, lx. g ; pass. part., 7b OiaureAXbwvov, Heb. xii. 20, thr command.* S d - u q p a , aros, r d , a n inter val o f time, Ac. v. 7.* Sra-oAfi, Gs, 4, distinction, dzference, Ro. iii. 2 2 , X . I 2 ; I Cor. xiv. 7. * S ~ a - a p l + o , to seduce, turn away, Lu. xxiii. 2 ; Ac. xiii. 8 ; to pervert, oppose, Ac. xiii. 10 ; perf. part. pass., airu7papptvo~,pemrst, corru)t, Mat. xvii. 17 ; Lu. ix. 41 ; Ac. xx. 30 ; Phil. ii. I 5.* S w h f c u , CO, to save, to conzvp safe through, Ac. xxiii. 24 xxvii. 43 ; I Pet. iii. 2 0 ; pass., to reach a place i n safe@, Ac. xxvii. 44, xxviii. I , 4 ; to heal perfect&, Mat. xiv. 36; Lu. vii. 1* I S.* . Sca-rrplo, (rpfw,to saw), in pass., Sra-~ajfi,fs, 4, a disposiiion, to be sawn through; f g , to be i. arrangtir/rcnt, ordinmce, Ac. greakly moved with anger, Ac. vii. 53 ; Ro. xii.i. 2.* v. 33, vii. 54.* Srd-~aypa, aros, rd, a mandate, a decree, Heb. xi. 23.* S r - ~ 6 t c uduo, toplunder, Mat. , xii. 29 ; Mar. iii. 27.* SLa-?.apbuo, to troublegreakly, Sra-p&wpr and drapp~suw, to a 'tate, Lu. i. 29.* W, to tear, as garments, in s u to gizv oracrs to c, grief or indignation, Mat. (dat.), arrange, prescribe, xxvi. 65 ; Mar. xiv. 63 ; Ac. Mat. xi. I ; Lu. viii. 55 ; 1 xiv. I4 ;.to break asunder, as Cor. xvi. I ; mid., to appoint, a net, Lu. v. 6 ; as bonds, to ordain, as I Cor. vii. 17 Lu. viii. 29.* (also with dat. person; acc., Sm-u(Ubdcu,G, to make clear, to thing). declare, Mat. xiii. 36 ( W . H.), Sm-~rX4o,9 , to continue, Ac xviii. 31. xxvii. j3.i Sm-ueh. to treat wiih violence. Sraqp(cu, 9 , to guard or RCL as to extort anything, LU: w i d care, Lu. ii. 51 ; wit{ 111. 1q.* Pavr6v, etc., to guard one'^ Gm-u~oprlfo, scamr, to winto self from, to abstain (b* or now, as Mat. xxv. 24; to disdrd), Ac. xv. zg.*





&M[ or 8th r1 (W. H.), whereing, I Tim. iii. 2 ; a Tim. ii. 8~-rppqwGo,to inkeret, Lu. 24.* xxiv. 27 ; I Cor. xii. 30, xiv. fore ? , 3, 7 ; to translate, Ac. L . k L & 1 p r ,only mid. in N. T., SLSaK7d0, Q, 6v, hught, insiruckd, Jn. vi. 45; I Car. ii. !6.I* C dispose, as I to assign, IS.* SdPXopar, ass through, acc. C with cog. Lu. xxii. 29; a, or 616 (genf, destination ee, acc., 6ta@?j~qv, a cove- 8 ~ 8 a a ~ d t as, 9, instruction, make pressed by els or I w s ; to pass nant with (dat. or wpbs, acc.), teaching, as Ro. x i i 7 ; l e doctrine taught, precept, inover or travel, abs., Ac. viii. Ac. iii. 25 ; Heb. viii. 10, 4 ; to spread, as a report, Lu. struction, as Mat. xv. g, e t c X . 16; make a will, Heb. i . x 16, I 7. See araO?jcq.* S L S b ~ d o o ,ov, d, a &acher, v. 15. especial1 of the Jewish law, swporrb, 0, tofind by inquiry, GrcvrpLPw, to spend or pass . . . (xpbvovor +dpas),as Ac. xiv. Ac. X . I y.* master, Actor, as Lu. ii. 46 ; often in voc. as a title of S h s , ,fs (Blr), of tSuo years, 3, 28 ; abs., to stay, as Jn. iii. Mat. 11. 16.* address to Christ, Master, 22. Teacher. Surla, as, +,the space of two Srcvr&fj, !S, +,food, noukhyears, Ac. xxiv. 27, xxviii. mekt, I Tim. vi. 8.* S&&KP, Stldtw, tb teach, to be a teacher, abs., Ro. xii. 7 ; Sccrvybfw, to shine through, to 30.* , dawrt, 2 Pet. i. ~g.* to kach, with acc. of person, S c q y b p , 0 0 ~ 1to relate i n S d + a v f p ds, transparent, Rev. , general1 also acc. of thing ; f ull, describe, Mar. v. 16; Ac. also with inf. or &L,Mat. v. viii. 33, ix. 27. xxi. 2 1 ( W . H. 8cavyQs in S~llyrlvw,ems, 4, a nawative, 2 ; Ac. iv. 2. same signif.).* ha-+ipo, ( I ) to carry through, SOax/I, qs, 4, the a d of tea&Lu. i. I.* Mar. xi. 1 6 ; (2) to spread ing, Ac. i 42 ;2 Tim. iv. 2 ; S q w ~ f p&S, continuous; els rb i , Gmve~Ps, continually, Heb. fhatwhich is taught, doctrine, abroad, Ac. xiii. 49; (3) to . . carry hither and thither, Ac. vii. 3, X . I , 12, 14.* Mar. i. 27: Ac. xvii. 10: Rev. i 24; G t h obj. geL.; per- SL-BManow, ov (61s), lying b i t r xxvii. 27 ; (4) to d ~ y efrom twccn two seas, Ac. xxvii. (gen.), I Cor. xv. 41 ; Gal. haps in Heb. vi. 2, see Gr. 260b, note, W i . 30, I a. 41 .* iv. I ;hence, ( 5 ) to excel, s u r pass, as Mat. vi. 26; (6) im- S p a y ov, rd (prop. adj., ScI~dopar, oilwc, to pass pers., 6ra#Ppec, with oPbiv, it through, pierce, Heb. iv. sc. v prow, coin), a double makes no dzyerence to (dat.), drachma, or silver half-shek12.* matters nothing to, Gal. ii. 6. to put apart, proceed, el (n S. often the Jckel). &-h% i Ac. xxvii 28; 2 aor., intrans., h - h b y o , to escape by /fight, Mat. xvii. 24. (S.)* Lu. xxii. 59, one hour haw Ac. xxvii. 42.* A s u p s , q, ov, doublc, or twin; ing intewened; xxiv. 51, he a surname of Z4omas the 6~a-+qp18w,to report, publish parted from them.* abroad, Mat. ix. 31, xxviii. apostle, Ja xi. 16, xx. 24, I 5 ; Mar. i. 45.* 8c"qupQopa~,to a f l m con xxi. 2.* fidmtly, Lu. xxii. 59; Ac. X L S~a+Brlpw,io corrupt, I Tim. S&pb to givc (acc. and dat.); rc* vi. 5 ; Rev. xi. 18 ; to dest~oy hence, in various connecJ. U&?&,Lu. xii. 33; Rev. viii. tions, to yield, deliver,supply, Sntaw-~pwkr,as, +,just jud'gmcnt, Ro. ii. 5. (S.)* g, xi. 18; pass., to decay. to commit, etc. When used in perish, 2 Cor. iv. 16; opp. a general sense, the dat. d Slrams, a,, ov, just, nght, u p right, nghtcous, impartial; to dva~arvbw, renew.* to person may be omitted, as Sra-+Bo&, 6s, +,decay, r o m p applied to things, to persons, Mat. xiii. 8. The thing given to Christ, to God, Mat. i. 19; lion, i.e., of the grave, Ac. ma be expressed by P or c Heb. xi. 4 ; Ac. X . 22. dnd: with gen. in a partitive ii. 27, 31, xiii 34-37 (from y nghtcousness, sense instead of acc.; so S ~ ~ a w O oPS,, +, S g p o s , or, ( I ) diverse, 0 Mat. xxv. 8 ;Lu. xx. 10. TUB justice, rectitude, Mat. iii. 15 ; dij/ent kind., Ro, x i i Jn.xvi.8,Io; Ro.v.17,21. purpose of a gift ma be exHeb. ix. 10 ; ( 2 ) compar., pressed by inf., as L t . xiv. Swcado, 8, to show to be ~ig/rt eous, I T i m iii. 16;Ro. iii. 4 ; nrore excellent than, Heb. L 16; Jn. iv. 7 ; Lu. i. 73. 4 viii. 6.* usually in N. T . in the deSr-oytlpo, to wake up thoroughclarative sense, to holdguiltSL~-+uh&oo, to guard care. ly, as Lu. viii. 24 ; to excik, less, to justayy, to pronounce f ul&,protect, drfcnd, Lu. iv. Jn. vi. 18 ; fg, to stir up, i. or treat as righteous, as Mat. arouse, 2 Pet. i. 13. 10 (fromS.\.* xii. 37 ; I Cor. iv. 4. S W - ~ ~ L ~ mid N., T., & lay 8wv8up&pa~, L~O~ 03wr (W. H.), to Snabpa, aros, rb, a +i9Akous rflect, Ac. X. 19. (N. T.)* hands on, put to deal, A c v. o xxvi. 21.* SL+-O~W, OV, +, meetrtrng+phce statute, an ordinance, Lu. i. a 6 ; Ro. i. 32, ii. 26; Heb. i. x h X ~ v & t see xlevdfo, u, of roads, a public JPot in a I , 10 ; especially a judicral city, Mat. xxii. g* . S-xoplto, ?,ass. N. T., 'g to be dccree, of ayui#cll (opp. to separated, to depart f ronr Sr-eppqvmfp, 00, b, an in&+ (dnd), Lu. i. 33.. x rardrpcw, condemnation), preter, I Cor. d v . as. (N. S h w u c b 4, bp, apt in T.)* Ra v. I 6 ; of corrdnrrrodiox,

IGLZSH NE W T E S T A M E N T LEXICON. Ro. xiv. 4 ( W . H.) ; 2 Cor. ix. kna'agc (acc and dat.), Ac. 8 (W. H.). ( N . T.)* v i i 6 ; I Cor. i . 1 9 ; pas?, x to be held subjrct to, be m SWMk, 4, bv, able, having power, mighty, Lu. xiv. 31 ; bondage, I Cor. vii. 15. bx& qs, 3 (6i~opar), receiv- I Cor. i. 26; b 8vva76s, tAe a AlmighQ, Lu. i. 49; 6vva76v, ing of guests, a banquet, Lu. possible, Ro. xii. 1 8 ; Gal. iv. v. 29, xiv. IS.* Spkolv, owos, d , a dragon or 1 5. hugc serpent; synb. for Sa- Sbva, or 61w, 2d aor. i!bvv, io sink; to set, as the sun, Mar. tan, Rev. W,obs., to run, see 7pCxw. i. 32 ; Lu. iv. 40.* S+pa, dep., to grasp, take; 8.60, indecl. num., except dat. 6vu1, two. acc., I Cor. i i i ~g.* SPQxpfi, iis, 3, a drachma, SW, an inseparable prefix, implying adverse, d;@cult, or an Attic silver coin nearly gvicvous. equal to the Roman denaor, rius, or worth about sixteen Sw-@&u-rau~~~, hard to be borne, Mat. xxiii. 4 (not W . cents of our money, Lu. xv. H.) ; Lu. xi. 46. (S.)* 8, g.* 8p&vavov, OV, rd, a sickle or S w - t m p b , as, $ ( W . H. cov, rd), dysentery, Ac. xxviii. pruning-hook, Mar. iv. 29; Rev. xiv. 14-19.* 8.* 8p6pos, O V , b, a running; fig., Sw-tpp/lwvroo, ov, hard io explain, Heb. v. 1 I.* course, career, Ac. xiii. 25, SGu-roAos, ov (lit., " difficult xx. 24 ; 2 Tim. iv. 7.* about food "), dz@cult, Mar. ApawhXa, qs, 3, Drusilla, Ac. X . 24.* xxiv. 24.* ~ W,dep. (see G?. 8 ~ o g b , S W K ~adv.,, with d:@cul&, hay&, Mat. xix. 23 ; Mar. X. I ) . to be able. abs.. or with 23 ; Lu. xviii. 24.. i d . (sometimk omitted) or acc. : to have a capacityfor; hil,i)s!3 (only plur., Svu~al), tAe settzngof the sun, the west, to be strong, as I Cor. iii. 2 ; Rev. x x i 13 ; Mat. viii. I I . to have power to do, whether through ability, disposition, 8VU-vhps, or, hard or dapcult to bs understood, 2 Pet. iii. permission, or opportunity. I 6.* NW, erns, $9 ( 1 ) p m r , absolutely or as an attribute, 8VU+$ce, 13,to sprak cvil, defame, I Cor. iv. 13 ( W . H.).* Lu. i 1 7 ; Ac. iii. 1 2 ; (2) power over, expressed b y rls 8VU+plq as, $, evil report, defamation, z Cor. vi. 8.* or i r l (acc.), ability to do; (3) exercise ofpower, mighty S&&ra, indecl. num., twelve; 01 bdberta, the twelve, i.e., the work, miracle, as Mat. xi. 20 ; Aposffes. (4) forces, as o f an army, spoken o f the heavenly hosts, W u a m s , q, OV, ord. num., twelfth, Rev. xxi. 20.* as Mat. xxiv. 29 ; ( S )force, 76, , as o f a word, i.e., s@ijicance, ~ K ~ O ov, V the twelve tribes, Ismcl, Ac. xxvi. 7.* I Cor. xiv. 11. Syn. :ripas & indicates a miracle as a S * aros, 7 6 , a house, a housetop, Mat. xxiv. 1 7 ; Ac. X . wonderful portent or prodi g y ; uqg.eLFav, as a sign, au9. thenticating the divine mis- Supeh, Bs, 4, a gij,Jn. iv. 1 0 ; Ro. v. 15 ; Ep. iv. 7. sion of the doer; 6dwps, as an exhibition o f divine &+v, accus. of preced., as an adv., freely, as 2 Cor. xi. 7 ; power. without cause, groundless&, GMurdol, Q. to strenHhen. conjrk, col. i. I I ; Reb. &. 34 Jn. xv. 25 ; Gal. ii. 21. & p ( o w ocpar, io present, be( W . H.). (S.)* skm, Mar. xv. 45; pass., 2 h d u q s , QV, 6, ( I )a potcniate, Pet. i. 3, 4.* flrince, Lu. i. 52 ; I Tim. vi. i < : (2) one in-auilrorihr. Ac. SOpqpa, aros, rd, a gift, bow&, viii. ; Ro. v. 16 ; Ja. i. 17.* swcvr(oo, Q,to k p o w e f u l , have Siipov, ov, 76, a gift, prcscni, Ep. power, 2 Cor. xiii. 3 ; (d.), ii. 8 ; Rev. xi, 10. 29

E, 1 W h v , epsilon, e, the fifth , ' letter. As a numeral, s = 5 ;

,9= 5'a interj., expressing surprise i,

or indignation, ha l ah l Mar. i. 24 ( W . H. omit) ; Lu. iv. 34.* (L or dv, conj. (for rl &v),i usually construed with su junctive verb. See Gr. 8 383, W i . g 41 b, 2 , Bu. 221 sq. W . H. have the indic. fut. in Lu. xix. 40; Ac. viii. 31 ; pres. in I Th. iii. 8 ; I Jn. v. 15 (Rec. also). Sometimes equivalent to a particle o f time, when, Jn. xii. 32 ; after the relative, with an inde finite force, 8s Cdv,whosoever, as Mat. v. 19, viii. 19; I Cor. xvi.6; ibv 8) rtal, andifalso; Cbv p$, except, unless, Mat. v. 2 0 ; but Slrat, Mar. iv. 2 2 ; &v r C p , z indeed, Heb. vi. 3. # krvro0, $S,00, pron., reflex., gd pers., of one's self; used also in 1st and 2d persons. See Gr. 335, W i . $1 2 2 , 5 , 38,6, Bu. 1 1 1 sq. Genitive often for possess. pron. Xiyecv or elrs& i r CavrG, to say within one's self; ylwueac or &!p xsueac C 2avr4, io come to v one's self; rpbs Cav~bv,to one's home, Jn. xx. 10, or pn'vatcly, as Lu. xviii. I I ; P v Javroa, among yourselves, i.e., one with another; ~ a e ' t a v ~ b v ,apart; rap' lavrbv, at home. ( I G, Cduw ; impf., erwv ; 1st &, aor., rPua, ( I )to permit, inf., or acc. and inf., Mat. xxiv. 33 ; Lu. iv. 41 ; ( 2 ) to leave, Ac. xxvii. 40. i ~ o p f i r o v r aindecl. num., sev, the en*; 01 &~80p$~Owa,seventy disciples, Lu. X . I , 17. ~ @ O ~ ~ K O M ~ K num. adv., scvLS, cnw times, Mat. xviii. 22.
%&&S, ard.num.,scvcnth, q,ov,



. F

Jn. iv. 52 ; Heb. iv. 4. b, Eber or Hebcr, Lu. i i i 35.* 'EBpautk, 4, 6v (from Heb.), Hebrew, Lu. xxiii. 38 ( W . H. .* omit). ( N . T ) ' E b b s ( W . H. ' E ) ,ala, aar (fromHeb.), also subst., 43, a Hebmu; designating ( I )any


GREEK-ENGLISH NE W TESTAMEN2' LEXICON. Jn. X. 22 ; of the feast commemorating the dedicating or purifying of the temple, after its pollution by Antiochus Epiphanes, 25 Chisleu, answering to mid-December. (S.)* I ~ - K ( u v ~ to ,dedicate, Heb. ix. ~ 18, X. 20. (S.)* ~ K ( U ( I ( PB, and d u ~ a ~ t u , , to grow weary, t3 faint ( W . H. in man passages for Rec. dKKaK/W{ i y - ~ d h 0, tow, impf., iverd, Xovu, to bringa chargeagainst, accgse, pers. dat., or ~ a r d en.), crime in gen., Ac. xix. , 40; Ro. viii. 3 ~ - K M Q I ~ [ V ~ ($to desert, $U, lo abandon, Mat. xxvii. 46; 2 Tim. iv. 10, 16; ( 2 ) to leave remaining, Ro. ix. 29. d y - ~ w - o r ~8 ,,to dwelt among h (iv), 2 Pet. ii. 8. * ~ - ~ a u x k o pto boast in, 2 Th. a~, i. 4 ( W . H.).* ly-rtvrpqo, to insert, as a bud or graft, tograft in; fig., Ro. xi. 17, 19, 23, 24.* ty-~Aqpa, aros, sd, a charge or accusation, Ac. xxiii. 29, MY. I 6. *

[d a

fut. (attic),cB, to throw to the pound, to rag, L . u xix. 44.3 li6dos. ovs, 76. the kse. the &o&d, AC xxii. 7.* i6patos, ala,aTov,steadfast,jim, I Cor. vii. 37, xv. 58; Col. i. 23." ispahpa, aros, sd, a stay, su port, I Tim. iii. r 5. ( N . T.$ ' E t a ~ k ov, 6 , Hcsekiah, Mat. , i. g, IO.* (BAo-Bpqu~aLa, Q, voluntary, as, arbih-ary worship, Col. ii. 23. IN. T.)* i ~ A usie e d x ~ . , (BLtu, to accustom ;pass., ped part., neut., rb el~rup/vou, the custom, Lu. ii. 27.* &Bvii~~qs, b, a prefect, cthov, narch, 2 Cor. xi. 32.* &&r~ds, 6v, of Gentile race, 4, heathen, as subst. b ~ ~ V L K the bapan. the Gentile. Mat. v. 4j ?W: H.), vi. 7,'xviii. 17; 3 Jn. 7 ( W . II.).*, &BvrrOs,adv., ltRc the Gentiles, Gal. ii. 14. ( N . T.)* ~ B V O S , O W E , i d , b rac;, a nafion, Lu. xxii. 25 ; Ac. X . 35 ; rb Eevq, the nations, the heathen world, the Gentiles, Mat. iv. (y-~op~dopcu,ot?par,togirdon,as 15 ; Ro. iii. 29; by Paul, even an outer garment, the badge Gentile Christians, Ro. x i of slavery, I Pet. v. 5. (N. 13; Gal. ii. 12. T.)* reor, ovs, sd, a usage, cusbm, v11. 22.* Lu. i. g; Ac. xxv. 16. h-~*,5s, Q ( W . H. J ~ K - ) , a hrndrance, I Cor. X. 12.* iyyGs, adv., ncar; used of both lieu, obs., pf. efwea in pres. - d c $W, to impede, to , place and time, with gen. or h ~ m u signif., to be accustomed, Mat. hinder (acc., or inf. with xxvii. I 5 ; Mar. X . I ; ~b elwebr dat. sot?), Ro. XV. 22 ; I Th. ii. afire, his custom, Lu. iv. 16; iyy.lrrtpov,comp. of preceding, 1 8. nearer, Ro. xiii. I I.* Ac. xvii. 2.* as, q d ~ o hyep8, pass. perf., ly$- &y~pbrtra, 4, self.control, tl, a conditional conjunction , yappar, to arouse, to awaken, confinmce, Ac. xxiv. 25 ; (see Gr. 383), if, since, Gal. v. 23; 2 Pet. i. 6.* though. After verbs indicatAc. xii. 7 ; to raise up, as a Savior, Ac. xiii. 23 (Rec.); h~partbopar,dep., t3 be sew ing emotion, et is equivalent controlled, conrinmt, espeto erect, as a building, Jn. ii. to (171, Mar. xv. 44. As an interrogative particle, el occially in sensual pleasures, 19, 2 0 ; mid., to rise up, as I Cor. vii. g, ix. 25. * curs in both indirect and from sleep, or from a r e (S,. sclf-controlled, cumbent posture, as at table, Iy-~pa*, direct questions, Mar. xv. contrnmt, Tit. i. 8.* Jn. xi. 29. xiii. 4 ; applied to 45 ; Ac. i. 6. In oaths and raising the dead, Jn. v. 21 ; h-~plvu,C adjudge or reckon, solemn assertions, it may be to a particular rank (acc.and used also of risinfup against, rendered b that.. not. cl p$ and el p&&, unless,ezcept; dat.), 2 Cor. X . 12.* as an adversary, or in judgment, Mat. xxiv. 7. h - ~ p t n r ~ ~ ) , in, t3 mix to hide el 6 ) p$, but if not, othcnuisc, w W , Mat. xiii. 33; Lu. xiii. Jn. xiv. 2 ; er r e p , if so be; fytpucs, ews, Q, a rousing up; 21 (W. H. ~paksw).* er r w s , if possidly; ebe of the resurrection, Mat. #y-lcuor, 09, prepant, Lu. ii. efre, whether or. xxvii. 53.* c* (.IK-.In words beginning thus, eaov, see bpdw, o16a. J. W . H. nenerallv write &K-. l y - ~ p bto rub in, anoint, Rev. d6os, ovs, rd, ouhuard appear , t y - ~ b ~ - t r ov,, d , % (6y~aeLqpr), iii. 18.* G ancr, form, Lu. iii. 22, h . a spy, Lu. xx. 2o.* h&, pron., I; plur., +pea, 29; Jn. v. 37; 2 Cor. v.7; pers. Cywalna, lwv, rd, a dedication, we. See Gr. Q 53. species, kind, I Th. v, 2z.u

Jew, 2 Cor. x i 22; Phil. iii. 5 ; a Jew of Palestine, in distinction from 01 EXXqvtoral, or Jewsborn out of Palestine, and using the Greek language, Ac. vi. I ; (3) any Jewish Christian, Heb., (heading). (S.)* Syn. : Eppaios denotes a Jew who spoke Aramaic or Hebrew, in diitinction from 'EXXqvror?~, a Greek-speaking Jew ; IovGaios, a Jew in dist!nction from other nations; Iupa) Xlrqs, one of the chosen people. E()pats (W. H. 'E-), (from Heb.), 160s. t, Hebrew, i.e., the 6ramaic.ianguagc,. vernacular in the time of Christ and the Apostles, Ac. xxi. 40, xxii. 2 , xxvi. 14. See Gr. 5 I 50, W i . 9 3a. (Ap.)* E80a'hL ( W . H. 'E-). (from .. adv., in the 'hibrew Heb.), language, i.e., in Aramaic, Jn. v. 2 ; Rev. ix. I I . (Ap.) kyyqu, fut. att., 6yyr8; pf., Byyr~a, approach, to draw to ncar, to be ncar, abs., or with dat. or els, or 6rl (acc.), Lu. xviii. 40; Ac. ix. 3; Mar.xi. I . ly-yp$+u (W. H. ivy-), to inscrabe, engrave, 2 Cor. iii. 2 ; Lu. X . 2 0 (W. H.).* -S, ov, 6, +,a sureiy, Heb.

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ov, rd, an idol-/cmrple, ebl, in Jn. vii. 36 (not Cor. viii 10. (Ap.)* W . H.).* ov, sacnjfced to tlvaro, c< see herc, ev. idols; used of meats, as Ac. t h p , elrrws, see under el. xv. 29. (Ap.) c t m v (see Gr. 103, 7, W i . dsrPXo-Awptb, at, 4, idolahy, ) 15, Bu. 57), ( W . H. e h ) , I Cor. X. 14; Gal. v. 2 0 ; COL from obs. k w , or elrw, to iii. 5 ; I Pet. iv. 3. (N. T.)* say; in reply, to answer; in narration, to Isll; in authorrlSoXo-A67pllr, ov, 4 an idolakr, I Cor. X. 7; Rev. x x i 8. (N. itative directions, to bid or m\ command, aa Lu. vii. 7. '.I W o v , ov, rd, an idol, a false alplwbm, to have peace, to be at jeace, Mar. i . 50 ; Ro. xii. x god worshipped in an image, 18 ; z Cor. xiii I I ; I Th. v. Ac vii. 41 ; Ro. ii. 22. a m or elra ( W . H.), adv., with13.* out pu@ose, aa Ro. xiii. 4 ; a l p i M , vs, 11,peace, the opposite of strife;peace of mind, orisin vain, I Cor. xv. 2 ( W . H. ing from reconciliation with and R. V. omit in Mat. v. God. In N. T . (like the cor22). responding Heb. word in d m indecl. num., ben&. a , 0 T.), e l p 4 ~ . general1 d e ((I(((, to give way, to yield, Gal. notes a petjrct w e l l & . ii. S.* Often emplo ed in saluta&W, obs., whence 2d perf. kcra, to be like; with dat., tions, as in &brew. ciprlvrr6r, 4, bv, peaceable, Ja. Ja. i. 6, 23.* iii. I 7 ; peaceful, Heb. xii. t k 8 v , bmr, 4, an image, likeII.* wss. Mar. xii. 16 : I Cor. xi. alprlw-woh, G, to make peace, 7. Syn. :see ~ r e n c h5 xv. , reconcilr, Col. i. 20. (S.)* cIArrplvara, as, 4, clearness,sincen'&, I Cor. v. 8 ; 2 Cor. i. etprlvo-m~C, bv, pacjjie, loving peace, Mat. v. g.* 12, ii. 17.0 atbrprr)rt, 4s (derivationdoubt- ak, prep. governing acc, into, ful),sinccre,pure, Phil. i 10; to (the interior). See Cr. )) 124,298. In composition, 2 Pet. iii. I.* it implies motion into or to& l w w ( W . H. dAlvvo), to rall wards. togcthcr, as a scroll, Rev, vi. I4.* ak, pla, Iv, a card. num., onr; used distributively, as Mat. a b l (see Gr. 5 110, W i . ) 14,2, xx. 21 ; by way of emphaal, Bu. 49, so), a verb of existas Mar. ii. 7 ; and indefinite ence, ( I ) used M a predicate, ly, as Mat. viii. 19; Mar. xii. to be, to exist, C happen, to comc to pass; with an infin. 42. As an ordinal, the first, Mat. xxviii. I ; Rev. ix. 12. following, lure, it is convenient, roper, etc., as Heb. t k 4 y o ~ , 2d aor. eb4yayov, to lead in, bring in, Lu. xxii. ix. 5 ; aa the copula o f 54 ; Ac. viii. 45. subject and predicate, simpl e b - a r d ( ~ , to liskn to, to hear to be, or in the sense of to prayer, Mat. vi. 7 ; Lu. i. 13; like, C represent, Jn. vi. 35 ; Ac. X . 31 ; Heb. v. 7 ; to hear Mat. xxvi. 26; I Cor. X . 4. so as to obey (gen.), I Cor. With participles, it is used xiv. 21.9 to form the periphrastic tenses, as Lu. i. 22, iv. 16; tLo-Mxopa, ( f o p a t , to re.,eive with favor (acc.), z Cor. vi. Mat. xvi. 19,etc. W i t h gen., 17, from S.* as predicate, it marks quality, possession, participation, d r r r p r , impf.elvdecv, M.ebcC var (elpc), in, to en&r(with togo etc.; with dat., property, poself), Ac. iii. 3, xxi. 18, 26; session,destination, etc. The Heb. ix. 6.* verb, when copula, is often omitted. Participle, &v, be- ab.(pxo)rcu, 2d aor. elofihOov, to comc in, to enkr (chiefly ing; rb 6v, that which is; 01 with eh), Ac. xxiii. 16, 33; Imes, 7(t 6 w 3 persona or eb4pxopac rat ylp~opac,to things that are. come and go in and out, to go, in nome copiea for 3 '





spoken o f daily life and intercourse, Ac. i. 21 ; fig., o f entrance into any state or condition, Mat. xix. 17; Heb. iii. 1 1 , 18. ak-K*, (3, only mid. in N T , .. to call or invilr in, Ac. X . 23.. ckr&, ov, 4, an enltYIncg, U I act of enkring, Heb. X . xg 2 Pet. i. I I . e k - q S h , 0, to s ring in, Ac xiv. I4 (W. hr-), x v i . . , . 29.0 tk-rroptbyuu, dep., to go in, to m k r ; spoken of persons, a8 Mar. i. 21 ; of things, as Mat. xv. 1f ; eblopeCpac ral &m* @pat, to go in and out in 3ail duties, Ac. t.28. a k - v d o , ad aor. ebI8pap~v, to m n P, Ac. xii. 14.w ak+pm (see Gr. 9 103, 6, W i ) I 5, Bu. 68), to lead i n b with elf),eg., temptation, as U. xi. 4 ; to bring in, Ac. xvii. ao ; I Tim. vi. p. tko, adv., then, afknuardr. drr, con' see et. (K, or, kefore a vowel, 44, P prep. gov. gen., from, out of (the interior), used of place, time, and source. See Gr. 5 293, Wi. (1 47 b, Bu.326 sq. In composition, dr implies egress, removal, o w n , Nci&, unfolding, or i o c : s tensiveforce. IK(LQIOO on1 7, ov, each, every (with partitive gen.); eb iraOTOS, every one. irkmow, adv., at every t h e , always, 2 Pet. i. IS.* i r a d v , card. num., a AundrtG Mat. xiii. 8, xviii. 12. Iwa~ovrcc)nlr, m, a hund~ed years old, Ro. iv. g* . ~KETOVT~AEUCV, or, acc om, a hundredfold. Mat. x t . 20 (not W . h.)' Mar. X. 30; ; Lu. viii. 8.. ~ K E T o H ~ov,X captoin wer ~ 6) ~ S , a hundred m m , a cenluribn, Ac. X. I , 22, xxiv. 23, I r a r d v r a p x ~ r ov, 6 -preceding, , Mat. viii. 5, 8, !3. In many passages a vanant for pre ceding. J r - k l w , 2d aor. YC&v, to go out, Heb. xi. 15 ( W . H.).* &,c PaAQ, to cart ox:, Jn. vi. 37; to drive out, Mat. xxi. 1 2 ; to expcl, Gal. iv. 30; C rend away, dislniss, rrjrrl;


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Mar. i. 43 ; Lu. vi. 2 2 ; to ex- i ~ s i & v , adv., from that place, thence. tract, draw out, Lu. vi. 42 ; O(tiws, q, 0, pron., demonst., Mat. xii. 35. &+me, rwq Jh a way of esthat, that one there; used antithetically, Mar. xvi. 20; cape, I Cor. X . 13;end, issue, Heb. xiii. 7* . and by way of emphasis. icc-W& 4, a throwing out, Mat. xxii. 23. See Gr. $$338, A c xxvn. IS.* 340, W i S 1 8 ~ 4 , I , Bu. 23, 104, 120. bC-yq~@ (W- H. yad2'w), .to adv., z%ithcr, Ac. u i 3 ; givc in marriage, Mat. X X I V . in const. prreg., Ac. xxii. 38 (Rec.) ; I Cor. v i i 38 c* (Rec.). (N. T.) CK-yotrk~a, preceding, Lu. (cc-fqda, 6, to seek out with = diligence, Heb. xii. 17 ;I Pet. xx. 34.35 (Rec.). ( N . T.)* i. 1 0 ; to seek after God, Ac. &-YOYOI) OV, spmngfrom; neut. xv. 17 ; Ro. iiii I I ; Heb. xi. plur., descendants, I Tim. v. 6 ; to require, judicially, Lu. 4 . xi 50, 51. (S.)* &&wuv6ap, G, to spend entirel y ; pass. reflex., to exprnd &r+jnps, rws, A a suyect of inquiry, I Tim. i. 4 ( W . H.).* one's energies for ( h t p ) , 2 icc-Bap$b, B, N. T . pass., to be Cor. xii. r S.* amazed, grrally astonished, tc*op, to expect (Cws), C Mar. ix. 15, xiv. 33, xvi. 5, wait for (acc. or &us),Ja v. 6.* 7 ; Heb. X. 13. astonished, &+h,conspicuous, mani- &-Bap*, or,greaffy ov, amazed, Ac. iii. I I .* fest, 2 Tim. iii. g* . to &K-&&, B, to go abroad, to be 1 ~ - B a u p ~ a , ,wonder greaffy, Mar. xii. 17 ( W . H.).* absent, 2 Cor. v. 6,8, g.* i~4EGapp, T . mid., to let out &c-Buron, ov, cast out, exposed N. to perish, Ac. vii. 19.* for one'sadvanSagc, Mat. xxi. 1st 33141 ; Mar. xii. I ; Lu. xx. IK-~aOalpa,, aor. &rxdeapa, to cleanse thoroughly, I Cor. 9 '. v. 7 ; 2 Tim. ii. 4.* & - q (oGpac, dep. mid., c& Yo w to nawale at length, to de- &c-rab, N. T . pass., lo burn vehemeniYy, as with lust, Ro. clare, Ac. xiii. 41, xv. 3* . i. 27.* &-Guclo, 6, to do justice to, dec , fend, avenge a person (acc. I K - K ~ K ~B,~tofaint, to despond throughfear (Rec., for which and ctsd), Lu. xviii. 3, 5 ; W . H. have +K- and dux-). Ro. xii. 19; to demand requital for, avenge a deed Ir-~vr(o,B, to pierce through, to transfi, Jn. xix. 37 ; Rev. (acc.), 2 Cor. X. 6 ; Rev. vi. i 7.. 10, xix. '2 . &&mpns, rws, 4, an avenging, I K - K A ~ W , C break o f , Ro. xi. 17, 19, 20 ( W . H.).* vindication,punishmcnt, Ac. UW, vii. 24 ; Ro. xii. Ig ; I Pet. i~-&b, to shut out, Gal. iv. I p ; to exclude, Ro. iii. ii. 14. 27.. Z K ~ L K O S , ov, 6, 4, an avenger, an one who adjudges a culprit IccKAquLor, as, 4 ((JxxaXCw), assedly, Ac. xix. 32,39?41 ; (dat.) to punishmcntfor(rrp1) usually legally, sometimes a crime, Ro. xiii. 4 ; I Th. tumultuously gathered. Esiv. 6.* pec. in N. T., an assrmbIy of &~-SL&KO), to persecute, to &CO, Chnitian believers, a church expel by persrcuZing, Lu. xi. in one place, Ac. xi. 26; 49 (not W . H.); I Th. ii. often plural, as Ac. xv. 41; IS.* the whole body of believers & ~ QV, delivered up, Ac. , on earth, r Cor. xii. 28 ; Ep. ii. 23.k i. 2 2 ; or in heaven, Heb. bt&x/l, e r , 4, a wa?iting for, xiii 23. Syn. : see Trench, 7 . expectation, Heb. X. 2' &o & , to unclothe, to sCrip o f 1. to turn away from (two accs.), Mat. xxvii 31 ; &K-&[W, ( b ~ d ) Ro. iii. 12, xvi. 17 ; , I Pet. iii. I I* .

iw-ccoAvpgbu, 0, to swim ont, Ac. xxvii. 4z.a Ir-~opQa,, carry at for buto rial, Lu. v i i 12.a ~ K - K ~ U TK ~,# J w , c U ~ f , Mat. U & o iii. 10, v. 30; 2 Cor. xi. 12 (in I Pet. iii. 7, W . H. read ~ V K ~ T T O , hinder). to i~-Kp(pqm~ (mid. of &xxpepd*. vvw),to hang upon, of earnest attention, Lu. xix. 48.* icc-hdh, B, to spcak out, to disclose, Ac. xriii 22.* i ~ - A & p u , shine fob, Mat. to xiii. 43.. bt-XovO&w, in mid., to forgct entirely. Heb. xii. C.* Icc-Mya, mid. in N. 1st aor. J.$rAr[dpqv, choose out for to one's self, to elect, Lu. X . 42 ; Ac. vi. 5, xiiii 17 ; I Cor. i. 27, 28. ir-Xrlm, 2d aor. t(Acsov, to fail, to cease, to die, Lu. xvi. g, xxii. 32, xxiii. 45 ( W . H.) ; Heb. i. 12.* UrwC, 4, 6v,..!1) chosen, elect, Lu. X V I I I . 7, xxiii. 35; I Tim. v. 21 ; Ro. viii. 33 ; Rev. xvii. I?; (2) choice, elect, 2 Jn. I. 13; I Pet. ii. 4. I-, +js, 4, a choice, selection, Ro. ix. I I ; I Th. i. 4 ; Ac. ix. I 5 (a vessel of choice, i.e., a chosen vessel) ; concr., the chosen ones, Ro. xi. 7 &K-Abo, pass., to become weary in in body, or despondent in mind, Mar. viii 3 ; Gal. vi. g ; Heb. xii. 5. & [W,h to wipe - to wipe, , o f , Lu. vii. 38, 44; Jn. xi. 2 , xii. 3, xiii. S.* i ~ - p u ~ p q a , deride, scof at to , (acc.), Lu. xvi. 14 xxiii. 35.


(K-vQ, (lit., swim out), or J~rtwdo (lit., turn by a side motion), to withdraw, Jn. v. 13.* B* -, to return to soberness of m ~ n dI, Cor. xv. 34.* &&nos, or (Cxdv), voluntary, sponkzncous, Philem. 14.* kowbs, adv., voluntariZy, o on, own accord, Heb. X . I Pet. v. 2. * Zr-.aclXa~,adv., from of old, 2 Pet. ii. 3, iii. S.* &-ua&a,, uw, to put to the t s , et to make trial of, to tempt, Mat. iv. 7 ; Lu. iv. 12, X . 25; I Cor. X. g. (S.)*

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from 'Iovbaios, ]m, as Jn. lp-P96fo, to cause to enter, to vii. 35. Used for Greek proful, Mat. v. 7 ; Heb. ii. 17.* put on board, Ac. xxvii. 6* . &OS, OVS, 76 (and ov, 6, see Gr. selytes to Judaism, Jn. xii. +$A(rrr, to direct the eyes to 3 32 a, W i . $ g, note 2 , Bu. 20 ; Ac. xvii. 4. anything, to look &red+, to consider, to know by inspec22), mercy, pi@, especially 'EUqvb~b, bv, Grecian, Lu. Q, xxiii. 38 (W.H. omit); Rev. on account of misery, Tit. tion (acc., dat., or els), Mar. i . II.* x vii.i: 25 ; Mat. xix. 26; Ac. iii. 5 ; Mat. ix. 13. Udrpla, as, 13,libe@,freedom, 'EAAqvlo, Laos, +,a Creekor GcnXXII. I I. tile woman, Mar. vii. 26; Ac. &pPp~p&pa, &at, dep., to from the Mosaic yoke, as r Cor. X . 29 ; Gal. ii. 4 ; from xvii. 12.* snort, to be v e y angry, Mar. evil, as Ja. ii. 12 ; Ro. viii. 'EAAqVLQTlls, 09, d (4XXqvl~w, xiv. 5 ; Jn. xi. 33, 38; to 21 ; license, 2 Pet. ii. 19. to Helletkize. or adobt Greek chargc strrnljr (dat.), Mat. ix. manners and lan&age), a UcG&poo, a, ov,f rec, as opposed o ; Mar. i. 43.* to the condition of a slave ; r, 9, 1st aor. inf. &Cuai, to Hellenist, Grecian Jew (R. vomitforth, Rev. iii. 16.* delivered f rom oblabtion V.);a Jew by parentage and religion, but born in a Gen- &p-patvopar, to r a p against (often with PK, drd); at libelzy to (inf.); once with tile country and speaking (dat.), Ac. xxvi. II.* dat. of reference, Ro. vi. Greek, Ac. vi. I , ix. 29, xi. 'Eppavovfih, 6 (Heb. God with 20.* 20. us), Immanuel, a name of Christ, Mat. i. 23. (S.)* adv., in the Greek hBrp6r, 9 , to setfree (gener- 'EAAq-l, ally with acc. and drd); with language, Jn. xix. 2 0 ; Ac. 'Eppaoh, J), Emmaus, a village xxi. 37.* modal dative, Gal. v. I . a short distance from Jerusalem, Lu. xxiv. 13.* h*, g p ~ o p c )a com- UAovir (Iv: W . H. - 6 ~,) to ews, J) ( , , . inr, an advent, Ac. vii. 52.e chbV h, io put to one's ac- &p-fivr, C remain or persevere count, Ro. v. 13 ; Philem. 18. Ul+bw~vos, q, ov, madc 4 i ~ z(dat. or ( V ) , Ac. xxviii. IN. T.\* 30 ( W . H.) ; Gal. iii. 10. i v o y , Rev. xviii. 12.* -.l 'EALuK~L~, 6 (Heb.), Eliakim, 'EAlw8hfr (W. H. -W-), 6, El- 'EpNp, 6, Enrrnor, or Hamor, modam, Lu. iii. 28.* Mat. i. 13; Lu. iii. 30.* Ac. vii. 16.* att. fut. PXrr9, 1st aor. $69, 4, bv, mine, denoting p09 IXLYILQ, rd, a roll, Jn. x u . CTOS, fjArcua, to expect (acc. or inf., sesslon, power over, author39 ( W . H. for Rec. pf'yp).* or 671);to hope for (acc.); to 'nap, 6 (Heb.), Eli~zer,Lu. ship, right, etc. See Gr. ~ Y U Jin (Irl, dat.; (v, once ~ 5336, Wi.z2,7,B~.115sq. iii. 29.* dat. only) ; to direct hope to- &pwaby?e, Or, 4, mockcry, 2 'EAirobS, 6 (Heb.), E l i d , Mat. Pet. 111. 3 ( W . H.). (N. T.)* wards (els, h i , acc.). i. 14, IS.* 'EAwb&r, J) (Heb. Elishcba), Uwk, &OS, expectation, hope; Ipwabypb, 09, d, a mocking, J), especially of the Christian scofing, Heb. xi. 36. (S.)* Elisabeth, Lu. i. 5, etc. 'EA~watos,ov, b, Elisha, Lu. hope. Met., ( I ) the author, as &pra&r, fw, to mock (abs. or I Tim. i. I ; ( 2 ) the o&ct of dat.), Mar. X. 34, xv. 20; to iv. 27.* delude, Mat. ii. 16. M l w r , ltw, as clAluuw, to roll hope, as Tit. ii. 13 (in Ro. viii. 2 0 W . H. read I@' &X- &pwal~qs, 6, a mockcr, 2 OV, up, Heb. i. 1 2 ; Rev. vi. I4 rl8i). ( W . H.).* Pet. iii. 13; Ju. 18. (S.)* 9 AKOS, 7 6 , a wound,an ulcer, 'EAGpw, a, d (from Aram.), &p-mp~uadr, , Quw, to walk OVS, about in (CV), 2 Cor. vi. 16. Elvmas. Ac. xiii. 8.* a sore, Lu. xvi. 21 ;Rev. xvi. hot brob: Aram. = Heb. *L), 2 , II.* (S.)* my God1 Mar. xv. 34; Mat. 4pwhrhqpb and -rhdw, I X w + i X ~ h9, to make a sore; pay:, , uw, IvbuAgua, part. pres. &pxxvii. 46 ( W . H.) ; see 4x1. to be full of sores, Lu. xvi. (N. T.)* rcrX9v, to JW up, to satisfy, 20.* O , as with food, etc. (gen.), Lu. A d r , uw, to drag, Ac. xvi. 19 ; & ~ ~ fjs, 09, 4 myself, a reflexive pron., found only to draw, a net, Jn. xxi. 6,11; i. 53 ; Ro. xv. 24. in the gen., dat., and acc. Cprlmr, to fall into or among a sword, Jn. xviii. 1 0 ; to cases ; d i &avroi, f rom my(elr), Lu. X . 36; fig., to incur, draw over, to persuade, Jn. self, Jn. v. 30. as condemnation or punishvi. 44, xii. 32.* Syn. :u6pw ment, I Tim. iii. 6 ; Heb. X . g-BQlvr, 2d aor. Iv4@qv,part. always means to drag Pp@ds, to go upon, into (els), force; P A K ~ won1 sometimes 31. always of entering a ship &prhKcp,2d aor. pass. PvcrAdinvolves force, ogen not. except Jn. v. 4 ( W . H. omit). ~ q v to entangle, involve in, , A K (old form of foregoing), ~ 2 Tim. ii. 4 ; 2 Pet. ii. 20 impf. cfA~ov, ii. 6 ; Ac. I p - P h , to cast into, Lu. xii. Ja (dat. of thing).* xxi. 30.* S.* to 'l?&&,J), H e l h , Greece, 1p86.5~~0, dip into, Mat. ~P-=+I, 6609, fjs, 4,. a plaiting brardrng, of hur, 1 Pet. 111. xxvi. 23 ; Mar. xiv. 20 ; Jn. ='AXata, Ac. xx. 2 * . xiii. 26 ( W . H. Pdrrw).* EAAqv, * v o s d, a Creek, as dis3* . ( W . H. tm-),to breathe tinguished I )from @dp@apor, k f i d m , to cnlcr, io inh?utc, 4& s p y it&, COLii, 18.* in, in&& (gm.), Ac. U.I.* kt+arion, o. i. 14, and (2) 34

Ut4#trv,ov, full of pily, mcrcC




j +

pbopar, dep., to go about; hence, to trade, to traflc, abs., 1 Ja. iv. 13; to use for gain (acc.), z Pet. ii. 3* . lpropla, as, +,trade, merchandise, Mat. xxii. S.* ip-u6prov, ov, 76, emporium, a place for trading, Jn. ii. 16.* &ropos, OV, b, a traveler, merchant, trader, Mat. xiii. 45 ; Rev. xviii. 3, I I , I 5, 23.* ipirpf$w, U W , to set OR $re, to burn, Mat. xxii. 7.* & + r p o d ~ vadv., before (Zp , ?rpouBev ~ a 6rur&v, in ront l and behitrd, Rev. iv. ); as prep. (gen.), before, in pres. ence of, Mat. X 32 ; before, in rank, Jn. L I 5, 30. dpndw, uw, to spit upon (dat. or sir), Mat. xxvii. 30; Mar. X . 34: &+a+, CS, manifest (dat.), Ac. X . 40; Ro. X. 20.* Ip+avQo, luw, to make manifest (acc. and dat.), Jn. xiv. 22 ; Heb. ix. 24 ; to disclose, make knaun (871, or prepp. rpbs, repl, etc.), Heb. xi. 14 ; Ac. xxv. 15. ip-+o@, ov, terrified, afraid, Ac. X . 4, xxiv. 25. $-+W&, B, to breathe upon, acc., Jn. xx. 22.* Zp-+wos, ov, implanted, Ja. i.

gen., i n the presence of, as Zv-Swcs, ews, $, a putting on 4 Lu. xx. 26: Ac. vii. 10. clothing, I Pet. iii. 3* . 7 (v-bpXOpa~, begin, Gal. iii. 3 ; &v-(Spa,as, +, a 2 ambush, Ac. 6 Phil. i. 6.* xxiii. 16 ( W . H.), xxv. 3* . ZWTOS, see tvvaror Cv-tSpGw, to lie i n ambush for & v - q s , CS, i n want, dcstifute, (acc.), Lu. xi. 54; Ac. xxiii Ac. iv. 1 4 f 21.* Zv-&cypa,&OS, .rd,proof, tokcn, iv-trhdw, (3, 1st aor. CvelXqua, to 2 Th. i. C.* roll up, wrap i n (acc. and ~ v - & l ~ v v p r ,.~ ~ . to show, T mid., dat.), Mar. xv. 46.* manif'est, Ro. ix. 22 ;2Tim. Zv-trw to be in, Lu. xi. 41, ~ ( t Ivbura, such things as are i n IV. 14. (the platter, ver. 39), or the b&+rs, ews, +, a proof, manifcstation, Ro. iii. 25, 26; 2 things w W i n your power. Cor. viii. 24; a sign, token, For Zveuri, impers., see gut.* Z M K ~or Cve~ev, sometimes cluePhil. i. 28.* h-&ra, 01, al, 76, eleven; ol rev, prep. with gen., kcause Cvbexa, the elevm, i.e., aposof, by reason of, on account of; o t Ive~ev, kcause, Lu. iv. tles, Mat. xxviii. 16; Ac. i 26. for what 18; ~lvorEve~ev, cause ? Ac. xix. 32. hr&raros, q, ov, eleventh, Mat. xx. 6, g ; Rev. xxi. zo.* Idpyrrcr, as, $, working, CBCV-~&O~'LL, dep., to allow; only ciency, Ep. i. 19, 20, iv. 16; impersonally, O$K Cv&Cxe.rar, z Th. ii. g. it is not admimiblc orpossi6/e, &v-tW(w, B, to be operative, to work, a , s Gal. ii. 8 ; trans., lo Lu. xiii. 33f aCC0mpl2~h, as I Cor. xii. (v-Sqfiw, B, to k at home, 2 Cor. 11 ; mid., to work, to display v. 6, 8, g* . activity, 2 Cor. i. 6 ; I Th. ii. & - S L ~ ~ W K @ , on, Clotht, to put 13; part., Cvep-yovply,Ja v. Mar. xv. 17 ( W . H.); mid., 16 (see R. V.). to clothe one's self wifh (acc.), Lu. viii. 27 (not W . H.), xvi. kipyqpa, aros, rd, workiig, eflect; plur., I Cor. xii. 6, 19; Mar. xv. 17 ( W . H.); see Iv&$vw. IS.\* Io . * Zv-SLKOS, +i9Ateous,just, Ro. Cv-tpyfp, CS, active, efecfual, ov, 21.* I Cor. xvi. g ; Heb. iv. 12 ; iii. 8 ; Heb. ii. z.* Philem. 6.* Iv, prep. gov. dat., in, general1 b-S6lrrlsrs, ewr, the material as being or resting in; wiid ofa 6ui~hing,a siructurc, ~ e v . L V - W T ~ , perf. participle o f in, among. See Gr. 8 295, xxi. I S.* Cl'1U7qa6. W i . 8 48a, Bu. 328 sq. Iv- in Iv-&&, uw, N. T . pass., to be CV+-Xoydw, B, to bless, to confer glorified in, 2 Th. i. 10, 12. bcnejts on, Ac. iii. 25 ( W . H. composition has the force of ifs, upon, into. It is changed eBX-); Gal. iii. 8. (S.)* (S.)* before y, K , 5, and X , into Zv-So&, ov, ha$& esfeemed, I &&(U, ( I )to hold in, enanglc, on1 in pass. (dat.), Gal. v. Cor. iv. 10;splendid,glorious, fy;before B, r , #, JI, and a, 1; to set one's self against Into I p ; and before X , ~ n t o Lu. xiii. 17 ; o f external apIh- (but W . H . prefer the un(dat.), Mar. vi. 19; Lu. xi. 53.* pearance, splendid, Lu. vii. assimilated forms). The v is, 25 ; fig., frcc from sin, Ep. v. Id&&, adv., here, Lu. xxiv. however, restored before the 41 ; Ac. xvii. 6 ; hither, Jn. 27.* hSipa, aTor, ~ d a garment, , iv. 15 ; Ac. xxv. 17. augment in verbs. k-ayrdl$opar, to take into the raiment, Mat. iii. 4, xxviii 3. dv-BYI(Opu, oilpar, dep. pass., (S.\ artfzs, Mar. ix. 36, X. 16.* to revolve i n mind, to think upon, Mat. i. 20, ix. 4 ; Ac. h 6 w ov ( ~ X S ) nrarinc, plur., &v-&~ap6w, B, to strengthen, hh , , n~arirze animals, Ja. iii. 7.* X. 19 ( W . H. itev-).* Phil. iv. 13 ; I Tim. i. 12 ; h-avrr, adv., as prep. with gen., pass., to acquire strength, be h-BGpqcw, ews, 6, thought, restrengfhened, Ac. ix. 22 ; Ro. flection, Mat. ix. 4, xii. 25; in thepresence of , before, Lu. Ac. xvii. 29 ; Heb. iv. IZ.* iv. 20. (S.) i. 8 ; Ac. viii. 21 ( W . H.). &v&Gvw(z Tim. iii. 6)and Ivilw, Zvr, perhaps contracted from (S.)* tver~c, impers., there is in, i t (wvrlos, a, ov, over against, to clothe or to invest with (two accs.); mid., to enter, insinpresent, I Cor. vi. 5 (W. H.) ; contrary, of the wind, as Ac. Gal. iii. 28; Col. iii. I I ; Ja. xxvii. 4 ; adverse, hostile, as uate one's self into (2 Tim. i. 17.* iii. 6), to put on, clothe one's Ac. xxvi. g ; I[ Pvavrfas,over against, Mar. xv. 39. Neut., self WW(acc.) ; often fg, to I~L(LuT&,b, a year, Ac x. i. oil, i inv88t with. ~ M M L O V , adv. a prep. with s 26 ; Jeiv. 13



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offspring, Mar. xii. 1 9 ; Lu xx. 28; (2) zd aor. intrans., to rise up, Ac. xv. e, to dectivc thoroufhb, Ro. vii. I I ; 2 T h . i i .4&mva, adv. (= ).fa[@ sudys), den@, Mar. ix. 8. (S.)* 4-awoplopcu, ocpar, dep., to be u&r@ without resource, to be in despair, 2 Cor. i. 8, iv. 8.* 4 - a * 0 ~ , to send forth, send away, Ac. vii. 12, xi. 1 2 , xvii. 14. Qapr&w, ( I )to completelyfurs. nish ( ~ ~ 6acc.). 2 Tim. iii. I7 'to .com&-tc, Ac. xxi.


~-crcrr&mo, shine, as lightto ning; of raiment, Lu. ix. 29. (S-)* (E-av4s, adv. (sc. &pas),from that very time, instantly, as Mar. vi. 2 s ; Ac. X . 33. if-ryrh, to raise up, Ro. i. x 17 ; I Cor. vi. 14.* +p (slpc, see Gr. 111, Bu. so), to go out, Ac. xiii. 42, xvii. 15, X X . 7, xxvii. 43.* Q-i~pr (W), tteure. see 4 - d d y ~ w , convict, to rebuke to skrn@, to punish, Ju. 15 ( W . H . dXPyxw).* e-*w, to draw out from the rlght way, Ja. i. 14.* 4$ppa,aros, 7 6 , vomit, 2 Pet.
11. 22.*



@ p v b ( W . H. -paw), 8 , to starch diligently, I Pet. i. IO.* (EJpxopar (see Gr. 103,z, W i . P. 33, ' 5 , Bu. 58)9 go or to come out of (wlth gen. or CK, dn-6, f5w, rapd) ; to go a- ' way, to dejart, to issue or to spring f rom ;to go f o h ;of a rumor, to be divulged or spread abroad; to emanate, as thoughts from the heart, healing power from the Savior ; to go out, i.e., vanish, as expiring hope, Ac. xvi. 19. # * a r , part. neut. CE6v (impers. from ZEecpc), it is lawful, as Mat. xiv. 4 ; it is becoming, as Ac. xvi. 2 1 ; it is possible, as Mat. xx. I S . T h e part. is used in the same sense, with or without subst. verb, Mat. xii. 4 ; 2 Cor. xii. 4 (dat. and inf.). &w&rw, to search out, io exMat. ii. 8, X . amine sirrirrctly, 11 ; Jn. xxi. IZ.*

&qY(Opa~,ofipai, dep. mid., to &a&s, Lu. xii. I I ; angeld, narrate ful@, as Lu. xxiv. good and bad, Ep. i. 21, v i 35 ; to declare, as a teacher, 12. In I Cor. xi. 10,Ctovvlav, as Jn. i. 18. a s& of the authon.9 of a a e ~ o v r a01, at, rd, , husband over his wife, i.e., eqs, adv. (fxw),next i n order, the veil. only in the phrase rg Cf$s &OWL&, to exercise authn'& (SC.4 p & p ~ on the next day ), over (gen.), Lu. xxii. 25 ; I (+pip@ expressed, Lu. ix. is Cor. vii. 4 ;pass., to be under the power of (314,I Cor. vi. 37). I#-qxCo, 8 , N. T. only in pass., 12.* to be sounded fortA,promul- 44x4, $S,+,imincnce, distincgated wi*, I T h . i. 8. * tion; only in the phrase K ~ T ' %&S, ews, 5) (Ixw), hadit, use, CtoxQv, by way of distinction, Heb. v. 14.* 300A Ac. xxv. 23 (Gr. Y - b q p ~ -rordw and -wrdvw , d.* (see Gr. 107, W i . g 14, I , 5-&v&o, uw, to wake fm Bu. 44 sq.), to displace; ( I ) sleep, Jn. xi. I I . (S.)* trans., to astonish, Lu. xxiv. &S -, ov, roused out of $l*, 2 2 ; Ac. viii. g, I I ; (2) 2d Ac. xvi. 27.* aor., perf. and mid., intrans., Qw, adv., abs., or as prep. with to be astonished, Mat. xii. 23 ; gen., witlcou: outside; 01 @W, to be insane, 2 Cor. v. 13. those without, as Mar. iv. 11 ; I Cor. v. 1 2 , 13. Used often 4-wxiim, to be perfccl(y able, Ep. iii. 18.* after verbs o f motion com& O ~ O S , OV, 4, an exit, departure, pounded with #K. Heb. xi. 2 2 ; departure, as 500iv, adv. o f place, from without; T A ItwBev, the outsidC, as from life, Lu. ix. 31 ; 2 Pet. i. IS.* Lu. xi. 39; 01 f[wkv, those ~-oho0ptbw,to destroy utter@, from without, as I Tim. iii. Ac. iii. 23. (S.)* 7 ; as prep. gen., M r vii. a. y-opoAoVC.,, 8 , to confessfully, 15 ; Rev. xi. 2. lo make acknnuled!.cnt of, &A, to drive out, expel, 8, as o f sins, etc.; in mid., to Ac. vii. 4s ; to propel, as a acknowledge benefls confervessel, Ac. xxvii. 39 (not W . H. text).* red, to praise (with dat.). Once, to promise, Lu. xxii. 6. &l$kpos, a, ov (comp. o $[W), f outer, In the phrase "outer (S-) &oprl[o, to adicre, put to oath, darkness," Mat. viii. 12, xxii Mat. xxvi. 13, X X V . 30. (S.)* 4-op~~07+3, d, an exorcist, ijOr~a, e f ~ w . 00, see one who expels demons b y iop-rhtw, to keep or celebrratc a conjuration, Ac. xix. IS.* feast, I Cor. v. 8 f ~ s p G v v w , to dig out, Gal. ioprfi, i)s, 4, a feast, a festival; SW, used of Jewish feasts, esiv. 15 ; to dig through, Mar. ii. 4.* pecially of the Passover, as 4-ovkdw=C[ovBevPw,8 (ofiBeIs), Lu. ii. 41, xxii. I . Mar. ix. 1 2 (W. H.).* hr-ayyA(rr, as, I), ( I )a promise, &ouSCv60, 8 = preceding, Mar. as 2 Cor. i. 20; Ac. xxiii. 21, ix. 12 (Rec.).* xenerally plur. ;thepromises, go&io, 8 , to make of no acspecially, e.g., to Abraham, count, to desjise ufferly, Ln. or those o f the Gospel, as 2 Tim. i. I ; (2) met., the thing xviii. g ; Gal. iv. 1 4 ; perf. p~omised, Ac. ii. 33 ; H e h as pass. part. C&v&vqpCvos, conkmncd, despised, I Cor. i. 28, X l . '39 339 3 9 vi. 4. (S.) h - a w w , mid. in N. T., ex. cept pass., Gal. iii. 1% ( I )to ( - w Q as, 4 ($teurO, (1) Eo L 1 power, abiliv, as Jn. xix. I I ; promise, with dat., or =C (2) liberty, license, privilege, and dat., or inf., once cog night, as KO. ix. 21 ; (3) comnate acc, I Jn. ii. 25 ; ( 2 ) C mission, authority, as Mat. make profession or o v d xxi. 23; (4) a1 C&vulac, the of (ace.), I T m U 10, vi i. powers, i.e., rulers, magi* 21. 37


4' .



k-&yqApa, aroq 76,apronrisr, 2 Pet. I. 4, i i i 13. * kr&yo, to b&ag upon, Ac. v. i 28; 2 Pet. i I , S.* k r - a p v Q o w , to contend ear nesty for (dat.), Ju. 3 * . hr-dpo@o, pass., to gather together, Lu. xi. 29.* 'Er-a[-, ou, 4 Epreftck, Ro. xvi. S.* hr-wdm, 0, k w , 1st aor. hrdveua, to commend, to praise, Lu. xvi. 8 ; Ro. xv. I I ;I Cor. xi. 2 , :7, 22.* hr-a~vos,OU, d , comme~dation, praise, Ro. ii. 29 ; Ep. i. 6, 1 2 , I4 ; Phil. i. I I . kr-alpcu (see Gr. 9 92), to raise up, as hoisting a sail, Ac. xxvii. 40 ; to lift up, as the e es, the hands in prayer, tKe head in courage, the heel against, or in opposi? to be lifted up tion ; p, z Cor. X L 20, of the ascen sion of Christ, Ac. i. g. ~ ~ G v o p ato be ashamed, c , abs., 2 Tim. i. 12 ; to be ashamed of (acc. or &l, dat.), Mar. viii. 38 ; Ro. vi. 21. kr-a&, 0, to beg, to ask a h s , Lu. xvi. 3, xviii. 35 ( W . H.).* kr-aroAov8ku, 0, tofollmu aftcr (dat.) ; fig., I Tim. v. 10,24 ; I Pet. ii. 21 ; Mar. xvi. 20 (see W . H.).* hr-aroGcu, to hearken to favwab& (gen. pers.), 2 Cor. vi.
2* .

k-arpobopar, O p t , to hear, listen to (gen. pers.), Ac. x v i 25.* k d v , conj. (Crel &v),after, when i (subj.), Mat. ii. 8 ; Lu. x. 22, 34.* kr&vay~e, adv., necessan'& (with art.), Ac. xv. 28.* k-av&ye, trans., toputa vessel out to sea, Lu. v. 3, 4 ; mtrans., to return, Mat. xxi. I8 . * I v - a v a - ~ L ~ ~ V K U , one to remind again (acc.), Ro. rv. IS.* kr-ay~-sabpcw, to rest upoff (&l, acc.), Lu. X 6 ; to re&, . to trust in (dat.), Ro. i i 17. ;P-av+xopm, to come back again, Lu. X . 35, xix. IS.* h w - h q l u , N. T . mid., to rise up against (&l, acc.), Mat. X. 21 ; Mar. xiii 12.* br.lLv-bpeaww, cos, $ cmec-

(.* S)

tion, reformation, 2 Tim, iii. knv8+np, ov, 6, an upper g r a mcnt, Jn. xxi. 7.* I 6. * kr-&tw, adv., also used as prep. kr-rv-tbo, in mid., to pu/ on gen., above, upon; more than, over, as an upper garment, 2 Cor. v. 2 , 4. * in price or number ; superior kr-ip~opa, comcon,approach, to to, in authority. kr-+a~os, OV, accursed, Jn. vii. overlab, impend, Ep. i 7 ; i Ac. viii. 24; to amck, Lu. xi 49 ( W . ?.l.* hr-crpr4o, W , k o , to aid, to re22 ;r b hrepxopC~a, t h i w the lieve (dat.), I Tim. v. 10,16.* that are coming on (dat.),.La. k-apxb, as, 4, a province, a xxi. 26. reglon subject to a prefect, kr-tpoulboo, 0, ( I )to intewopzte, to question (two accs., or a c c Ac. xxiii. 34, xxv. I.* b-avArs, tos, 4, a dwelling, Ac. and repl, gen., or with cl, i. 20.* T ~ S ,etc.), Mat. xii. 10 ; Lu. kr-aGpv, adv., on the mowow, ii. 46; A c xxiii. 34 ; to in75 dra6p10v (7)pc+p(l), Ue on quire after God, Ro. X. 20; next day, Mar. xi. I 2. (S.) (2) to demand of (acc. and kr-avm+Opp =&' atir&+dpy. inf.), Mat. xvi. I . '+, E& 8, d , Epaphras of krephqpa, aros, 776, probably inquiy, or earnest desire, I C o l o s s ~ ,Col. i. 7, iv. 12 ; Philem. 23.* Pet. iii. 21 ; see K. V.* k - a 4 p & c u , to foam up or out kr-()(m,( I ) to apply (the mind) (acc.), Ju. 13.. to (dat.), givc atlcntion to, Lu. ' ~ p 6 S r ~ oov, ,6, Epafhros xiv. 7 ; Ac. iii. 5 ; I Tim. iv. ditus, a Macedonian, Phil. ii. 16; ( 2 ) to hold out, to exhibit, 25, iv. IS.* Phil.ii. 16;(3)to dday, h w y , kr-cyrh, to raise up, to excite Ac. xix. 22.* to against (&l, acc., or ~ a r d , &rqpc&~cu, insult, to &eat gen.), Ac. xiii. 50, xiv. 2.* abuszve&, Mat. v. 44 (not W. hnl, conj., ( I ) o f time, aftcr, H.); Lu. vi. 28; to accuse only Lu. vii. I ( W . H. Creihj); fa~sc& (acc. of charge),I Pet. ( 2 ) of reason, since, because, iii. 16.* seeing that, Lu. i. 34 ;Jn. xiii. krl, a preposition governing gen., dat., or acc.; general 29. h n r - S f i , conj., since, inasmuch signification, upon. For its as, Lu. xi. 6 ; Phil. ii. 26; of various applications, see Gr. time, after that, only Lu. v i i 5 305, W i . 5s 47~9 8 ~ , 4 9 4 4 I W . H.). 52, 4, 7). By- 336 sp. &l-, hn q - m p , conj., since verily, in composltlon, slgntfies moforasmuch as, L u i I.* tion upon,towards,or against; h4C6ov, see 6@opdw. rest on, over, or at; addition, hr4rp (cl*, Gr. I I I , Bu. so), succession, repetition, renewto come after, tofollour; only s al; and it i often intenin part., trihv, oCa, 6v, fob sive. lming, A c vii. 26, xxiii. I I ; h - p l v c u , to go upon a ship, to mount a horse or ass, to come T $ hFt06u~ $p6pq),on the (SC. f o l h i n g day, Ac. xvi. 11, to or into a count (&l, acc., xx. 15, xxi. IS.* eh, or simple d a q , Mat. x x i h n t m p , conj., since indeed, 5 ; Ac. xx. 18, xxi. 2,4 ( W . Ro. iii. 30 ( W . H. errep).* H.), 6 ( W . H. g&), xxv. I , kr-tw-aycu*, gs, 4, a bn'ttgr'ng xxvii. 2;* in besin'es, Heb. vii. 19.* krr-MAh. ( I ) trans.. fu cast hr-crra, adv., thereupon, thereujon, & ~ a r xi. 7 ; to put . after; marking succession of on, as a patch on a garment, time, as Gal. i. 18; also of Lu. v. 36 ; to lay upon, Lu. order, as I Cor. xv. 46; I xx. 19; Jn. vii. ( 2 ) inTh. iv. 17. trans., to rush upon, Mar. iv. k-irtrva (sc. plpq), adv. with 37 ;to@ the mind steadfast.^ gen., beyond, Ac. vii. 43.* on (dat.), Mar. xiv. 72; ( ) 3 h r - t r - ~ ~ l w , mid., to siretch in part., hrq9dXAwv, fdling 0 forward b (dat.), PhiL iii. his share, Lu. xv. 12. kn-B.pioP, brrrcicu; fig.,a x* e






Car.ii.5; 1 Th.ii.9; z Th. tlmcss, Ac. u i v . 4 ; z Cor. . X. I.* iii. S * C1I-BLB6rfa8to cause to mount, &L&, CS, gm&, m , Phil. & i to place upon, Lu. X . 34, xix. iv. 5 ; I Tim. iii. 3 ; Tit. i . i 3 ; Ac. xxiii. 24.* 2 ; Ja iii. 17 ; I Pet. ii. &W+-, to look upon with I S.* favor (with Crl), Lu. i 48, h f q l ( 0 3 , G, to seek for, search ix. 38 ; Ja. ii. 3.* for, Ac. xii. 19 ; to desire, krkpqpu, aros, 76, a pakh on Mat. vi. 32 ; Ac. xiii. 7 ; to demand, Mat. xii. 39, xvi. a garment, Mat. ix. 16; Mar. ii. 21 ; Lu. v. 36.* 4. h$&+, out, Ac. xxv. krr-0avbrrw, ov, condemned fo G, to cry 24 ( W . H. @odw).* death, I Cor. iv. g.* kn-hkfj, ijo, 4, a desjgn a- krG0wrs, ews, $, a laying on of hands, Ac. viii. 1 8 ; I Tim. gainst, a plot, Ac. ix. 24, X X . 3, 19 (plur.), xxiii. 30.* iv. 14; z Tim. i. 6 ; Heb. vi. kn-yap$(wGco, to marry a 9- 2.* ceased brother's wife (acc.), h-hp&, to long for, to G, Mat. xxii. 24. (S.)* covet, to lust after, Ja. iv. 2 ; krlqews, ov, earthly, belonging KO. vii. 7 ; Ac. xx. 33. (On Lu. xxii. 15, see Gr. $ 2804 to the earth, z Cor. v. I ; Phil. ii. 1 0 ; 7 b Crlyria, earthly W i . 8 54, 3, Bu. 184.) krr4vpq+, oD,1, an eager dethings, Phil. iii. 19. sirer of, I cor. X . 6.* knylvopar, to arise, spring up, as a wind, Ac. xxviii. 13.* krr-Bvpkr, as, 11, desire, cagerh-yrv&rw, ( I ) to know clear ncssfor, I Th. ii. 17 ;generly, understand, discern; (2) ally in a bad sense, inordinate desire, lust, cupidiiy, Ja to acknowledge; (3) io recogi. 14, 1 5 ; 2 Pet. ii. 10. nise? (4) to learn (Usc), become aquaintcd with (acc.). h - r p 0 ~ a l sit upon, Mat. to xxl. 7.* krlqwvrrs, ros, 4, accurate knowledge, Ro. X . z ; Ep. i. k r c r d i u , G, Cow, to call upon, to caN by name, to invoke in 17 ; Heb. X . 26. Syn. : see yvOucs. prayer, Ac. vii. 59 (abs.) ; Ro. X . 1 2 , 14 (acc.) ; mid., krc-ypa+fi, $S,+,an inscription, a title, as Lu. xx. 24, xxiii. 38. to appeal to (acc.), Ac. u v . Cm-yp&Pa,$0, to inscribr, wri& I I ; pass., to be called or surupon, as Mar. xv. 26 ; Rev. named, Lu. xxii. 3 ; Ac. xv. xxi. 12. kn-Srlmpr (see Gr. 8 I 14, Bu. krr-rMuppa, aros, 76, a cover ing, a ccbak, a pretext, I Pet. 45), ( I ) to show, exhibit, Mat. X X I V . I : Lu. xvii. 14 : ( 2, to ii. 16.* . . argu- krr-raAGfirw, to cover over, of ,) demons&ate, prove by sins, i.e., to pardon, Ro. iv. ment, Ac. xviii. 28 ; Heb. vi. 7 (from S.).* 17. O , accursed, h d i x o p a ~ ,to receive hospi- ~ C K U T - ~ ~ Q TYO S , kbly, 3 Jn. 10; to accept, addoomed to punishment or destruction, Jn. vii. 49 ( W . H. mit, 3 Jn. g.* h~-6qJL(co,0, to sojourn, as Crdparos); Gal. iii. 10, 13 foreigners in a country, Ac. (from S.).* hrl-rerpar, to lie upon (dat.), ii. 10, xvii. ZI.* k n - S t a - ~ h o p ato ,ordain be~ Jn. xi. 38, xxi. g ; so topress upon, as the multitude upon sidCs, Gal. iii. I 5. ( N . T.)* Cr-SlSapr, to deliver, to give Christ, Lu. v. I ; as a temup (acc. and dat.), as Mat. pest on a ship, Ac. xxvii. 20; f g ,to be laidon, as necessity, i. vii. g ; Ac. xv. 30 ; to give I Cor. ix. 1 6 ; to be laid or way to the wind, Ac. xxvii. imposed upon, as by a law, &o. - (, to set in order beHeb. ix. 10; to be urgentwith entreaties, Lu. xxiii. 23.* sides, Tit. i. S.* Who, to set, as the sun, Ep. 'Eac~obptrot,ov, d, an Epicuiv. 26.* rean, a follower of Epicurus, kulmo, as, 9, clemmcy, p n Ac. xvii. IS.*
- 8 .

kn-roupkr, as, .tl (woOpos, help), he@, aid, Ac. xxvi. u * . kn-~plva, decree, to give 36% to tencc (acc. and inf.), Lu. xxiii. 24.* knAau06va1. N. T . mid.. c bkc' kold i f (gen.), in kindx x ness, as Lu. i . 47 ; Ac. i . 27 ; Heb. ii. 16 ; to seise, as a prisoner, Ac. xxi. 30, 33 ; met., to lay h$d of, so as t o possess, I Tim. vi. 1 2 , 19. krr-Aav0&vopa~, dep., to f o w t , neglect (inf., gen. or acc.), Mat. xvi. 5 ; Heb. vi. 1 0 ; part. perf. pass., CrcXcA1)up4vor,fo~ottm, xii. 6. Lu. &m-Aiya, in pass., io be named, Jn. v. 2 ; mid., to choose, Ac. xv. 40.* h - h l w w , Xrl$w, not to srflce, to fail, Heb. xi. 32.* h - h l x a , to lick over, Lu. xvi. 21 ( W . H.). ( N . T.)* ~ L - ~ u P $9, $ , forgcWV 11, ncss, Ja. I. 25 ; see Gr. 257. (AD.)* I w i ~ ~ ~ ; rov, sremaining over, o , I Pet. iv. z.* krCAuurs, ews, $, an unloosing, interpretation, 2 Pet. i. 20. (See Otos.)* &m-AGa, to explain, inlrpret, Mar. iv. 34; to decide, as a debated question, Ac. xix. 39.. h r r . ~ P ( c o , to testify ear0, nestly, I Pet. v. 12.* krr-p&era,as, 4, care, attention, Ac. xxvii. 3.* h-(r(Xopar and dopui, oi7pui, fut. tjuopai, to take care oj (gen.), Lu. X . 34, 35 ; I Tim. iii. S.* br-pAb, adv., carefully, dili gmtly, Lu. xv. 8.* h-pLva, prvB, ( I ) to remain. continue, I Cor. xvi. 8 ; Gal. i. 18; (2) met., to be consiant, topersevere (dat.), Ro. vi. I ; I Tim. iv. I 6. h - w G a , to nod to, to assent, Ac. xviii. zo.* &l-vora, as, 4, thought,purpp.~e, Ac. viii. zz.* krr-opda, G), fuw, to sweat falsely, Mat. v. 33.* krl-opros, ov, pcdured, I Tim. i. IO.* h k w , ov, probably from CrcoCua (Frcrw),for the mor row, i.e., necessary or s u rirnt, M t v i I I ; Lu. xi. a.

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casation, A c HV. 18 (not h, elrou. see W . H.); Ju. g * . "Epourroo, ou, 6, EtosW, ( I ) Ac. xix. 22 ; (2) Ro. xvi. 23. lsrb-+V&l, G, to cry out, to shout, Lu. xxiii. 21 ; Ac. xii. 22, Which i meant in 2 Tim. s u.34, xxii. 24 (W. H.).* i iv. 20 is uncertain.* h t + v ~ m , to grmu lkht, to Q Y ~ ~ O ~ L E Udep., perf. in UOCWU, , dawn, Mat. xxvii. I ; Lu. pass. sense, elpywwc; ( I ) xxiii. 54.* abs., to work, to t r d c , Lu. Xiii kCxa~P(m, to h k c in hand, G, 14 ;Mat. xxv. 16 ; ( 2 ) tojc*. undertake, Lu. i. I ; Ac. k. form, do, Col. iii. 23 ; Jn. d 29, x k . 13.* 28 ; (3)to practice, as virtues, h x b , to pour upon, Lu. r . to commit, as sin, A c X. 35 ; Ja. ii. g ; (4) to acquire by 34.* labor, Javi. 27. ~ ~ - x o I " ~ Y ( @ ,iq supply, 2 B, Pet. i. 5 ; 2 Cor. rx. 1 0 ;Gal. -4 as, 3, (1) a woryng, E 5 ; pass., to k f umishcd . performjng, Ep. iv. g ; (2) or supplied, Col. i 19; 2 Pet. i cfort, dtligcnt ldw, L .x i i u i. II.* 58 ; (3) work, gain by work, A c x v i 16,1g ; Ac. xix. 24 ; kr-XoPwb, as, 3, a supply, (4) occupation, business, A c Phil. i. 19; Ep. iv. 16. (N. T) .* xix. 25.* h x p h to sprcad on, anoint , W , d , a worker, laborer, (id, acc.), Jn. ix. 6 (not W . Mat. ix. 37 ;applied t o workH.), 11f ers in the church, 2 Tim. ii. hrouo&)lio, B, to build upon 15 ; a doer, o f iniquity, L . a ( M , acc. or dat.), fig., I Cor. xiii. 27. iii. 10-14; Ep. ii. 2 0 ; to build k o " , & rb, work, employI , up, cdzyy, Ac. ur. 32 (not W . mcnt, Mat. xiii. 34; Jnxvii. H.) ; Col. ii. 7 ; Ju. 20.* 4 ; I Cor. xv. 9 ; anything kr-o~(Mo, forcc forward, & to accemplishcd, A c vii. 41 ; nm (a ship) aground, Ac. Heb. i. 1 0 ; an act, dccd, in xxvii. 41 (P~cwChXw,W . H.).* x various senses, Ja i. 3 ; Rev. ii. 6 ; Ja. ii. 14; I Pet. h r s v o p q ( ~ , namc, or coII by a namc of honor, pass. only, i. 17. Ro. ii. I 7.* IpdQm, to siinrrJlrk, b p k c , krsrrrrQm, to look upon, v M a m 2 Cor. ix. 2 ; Col. i i i ZI.* attmiivcly, I Pet ii. 12, Ki Lpr&!. uo, to s ~ c k art, Ac. f 2 . * X X V l l . 41. * kr-hmp, ou, d, an cyc-wiCmss, ~%IL(u, to-, to u&r, Mat. 2 Pet. i 16.* xui: 35.* h, 76, a word; 0s ros &paw&, B, 4uo (W. H. +vour, rlire5, so to ecak, Heb. viii p d u ) , to search dgigcnffy,Jn. v. 39; Ro. v i i 27; Rev. ii. 9.* ~ ~ v w shcavcnly, cclcsor, , 23. iial, of God, Mat. xviii. 35 @ku, obsolete, see +qpl and ( W . H. o6pdvros) ; of intellirl*ow. gent beings, Phil.ii 10; of the Q I p b , as, 3, a solitude, a starry bodies, I Cor. xv. 40; wilderness, Mat. xv. 33; Mar. so of kingdom, country, etc.; viii. 4 ; Heb. x i 38 ; 2 Cor. neut. plur., 76 imup/rca, xi. 26.* hcavcnly things, or placcs, how, descried, dcsohtc, Jn.iii. 1 2 ; Ep. i. 3, 20, ii. 6, W&, Ac. i. 2 0 ; Gal. iv. 27; iii. 1 0 ; Heb. viii. 5, ix. 23. used in the fern., as a subst., h&, al, 7d, card. nurn, 01, for a wild-SS, Lu. i. 80scwn, Lu. ii. 36; Ac. vi. 3 ; llpqpos 79s ' I o v k h ~hit wil, often symbol. in Revelation; d-SS of j&a, the tract 01 &7d, thc scvcn deacons, f west o the D d Sea, Mat. Ac. xxi. 8. iii. I ; 4 Cpqws, the wilderkrbtw, num. adv., scvcn dimcs, ness in which the Israelites Mat. xviii. 21, 22 ; L u . xvii. wandered, A c vii. p, 36, -0 4* . k r m t q A m , at, a, card.num, 0, n r c ~ i r &, * smcn thousand, Ra xi. +* Mat. xii. 25; Lud. 178 to

reduce to ~ ~ hRev. xvit t , 16, xviii 17, ~g.* b deso&n, at. r u v I S ; Lu. d ao; Mar. X% 14 (S.)* MO, (Cpts),to contcnd, dislow p&, Mat. xii. ~ p * ipr&lar, as, 4 ( W . H. &piefa), self-sccking, a flrtikan and factious spirit, Ro. i. 8 ;Phil. i 16, ii. 3 ; Ja. iii. 14, 16; plus. i 2 Cor. xii. 20; G l n a. v. 20.* +v, ou, 26, wool, Heb. Lt 19 ; Rev. i 1 4 f Zpis, raos, 4, conlmdion, shifr, Ro. i 29 ; Gal. v. 20. ++v, ou, 7 6 , and Cpr@os,W, 6, a goat, kid, Mat. u v . 32,33 ; Lu. xv. 29.. 'Em,a, b, Doric for ' 4 ~ 9 ~ , Hcrmar, Ro. xvi. I+* QILqwb, as, h inicqWclbaion I Cor. xii. 10, xiv. 26.* &pq&, to intcrprct, hares&, Jn. i 38 (not W . H.), 42, ix. 7 ; Heb. vii. z* . 'Epppr, 06, 6, ( I ) the Greek deity Hcrmcs (n Latin, Mcr i cury),Ac. xiv. I 2 ; H m c s , (2) Ro. xvi. I&* ' E p M n p ous, d, H e w n o g s ~ , 2 Tim. 1 I S. . * (prPrdv, 06,776, a crccpingcr#& urc, a rcjtik, Ac. r 12, xi. . 6 ; Ro. i 23 ; Jaiii. 7. d , bp, rrd; 4 +~epdedXauua, fhc Rcd Sca, A . VC. c 36 ; Heb. xi. 29.* Zpxopar, f i e k o p a ~ (see Gr. 103, 2, W i . 15, Bu. 9 ) , to cmnc, to go, of persons or of things; d tpx6pe*os, fhc comingonc, id., the Messiah, Mat. xi. 3 ; Heb. X. 37 ;Rev. i. + 8, iv. 8 ; tq c m c , after, ., before, to, agau~st, etc., as determined b the preposition which fofiom; r c o w forth, as from the grave, I Cor. xv. 35 ;to comc back, m the prodigal, Lu. xv. 30.


& p d n , 0,

10 q u c s ~ ,


Mat. xxi. 24; a -R, to b b e sccch, Lu. vii. 36; P h i iv. 3. Syn. :sss dT&. 9705, 4 (CmpL, 1st aor &&p), clothing, raimcrct, LU xxiii. I I ; Ac xii 21. W, 4, cCoLti%f, I x d v .4( S , W. H.).* Mt, 2d 1 1 tqhyov (mCr. 9; 5 15, Bu-58b f 103, 3

4 1

G R E E X = E N G L Z S N NE W T E S T A M E N T L E X I C O N . h p / - y h o , ov, 6, one of another tongue or language, I Cor. xiv. PI.* h p o - 6 d w ~ d a 6 , to itach a , drj/crerzt docttl't~e,I Tim. i. 3,

k m

f eat, topartake of food, used a abs. or with acc. of food, or BK, a word like some being understood ; with w r d , gen., to eat with; with dat. (as Ro. xiv. 6), to cat to the horzor o f ; met., to devour, to consume, as rust does, Ja. v. 3 ;or fire, Heb. X. 27. WEU H.) = luElw, Mar. i. (W. 6 ; Lu. xxii. 30. &h1 (W. H. *l), d, Esli, Lu. iii. 25.u kr-ompov, OV, 76;.a miwor (of polished metal), Ja. i. 23; I Cor. xiii. IZ.* M p a , as, 4 (prop. adj. with Bpa), evening, Lu. xxiv. 29; Ac. iv. 3, xxviii. 23.* ' E o p h p , b. Esrom, Mat. i. 3; Lu. iii. 33.* ZXQ~W, q, ov, (I) the last, remotest, in situation, dignity, or time, rb IIQxarov, r b guxara, as subst., the extremily, fast statc; (2) used predicatively as an adverb, Mar. xii. 6, 22 ; absolutely, I Cor. xv. 8 ; (3) the end of what is spoken of, c<., the feast, Jn. vii. 37 ; the world, Jn. vi. 39,40 ; (4) spec.. of the Christian dispensation as the last, or lattcr (days), Heb. i. 2 ; (5) the last (day), i.e., the day of judgment; (6) the phrase b ~ p 6 r o s~ a d k ~ a r o s Rev. i. 11, 17, ii. , 8, the j r s t and the last, describes the citrnity of God. tq6.rqadv., extremely, Buxdrws Ixcc, is at the last exCrctnily, Mar. v. 23.* %U, adv. of place, wit/rin, abs., Mat. xxvi. 58; with gen., Mar. xv. 16 ; with an article preced., the inner, Ro. vii. 22 ; of k w , those within the Christian fold, opp. to of #W,I Cot. v. 12. h e w , adv. of place, f r o m within, within, Lu. xi. 7; Rev. iv. 8 ; rb kwOev, the inkrior, i.e., the mind or soul, Lu. xi. 39. & h p o s , a, ov (comp. of row), inner, Ac. zvi. 24; Heb. vi. 1g.* OV, d , a companion, comrade, Mat. xi. 16 (#repos, W. H.); CraGc, v=, fricnd, Mat. y 13, xxii. 12, xxvi .


t d - a p d m , 6 , to be well-pl~asing to (dat.), Heb. xi. 5, 6; pass., . be pleased with, Heb. xiii. & I 6.* td-+mos, ov, accepiable, w d pleasing, Ro. xii. 12. (Ap.) W to be unequally rGaphas,adv.,acceptably, H e b yokcd, fig., 2 Cor. vi. 14. (N. xii. 28.* T) .* EGpvhos, OU, d, Eubulus, zTim. krpdo, a, ov, other, another; iv. 21.u indefinite1 any other; de- rs-yr, well doncl Lu. xix. 17 other; divcrse, finitely, (W. H.).* diyerent from. Syn. : see r ~ e f i s ,is, well-born, noble, UAAos. noble-minded, Lu. xix. I z ; h i p s , adv., otherwise, dayet* Ac. xvii. I I ; I Cor. i. 26.* muy, Phil. iii. I S.* cdSkr, as, 4 (from eb and Zcls, k ,adv., yet, stiff, even, Lu. i. r gen. Ads),f a i r weather, Mat. 15 ; also, Heb. xi. 36; imxvi. z.* and plying accession or addition, r b & ~ h , B, 400, r886~r)aa besides. q886xr)ua, to think it good, korpbfo, duo, to prepare, make decidr, Lu. xii. 32 ; I Th. iii. ready, Lu. xii. 47; Rev. xix. 7. I ; to be well pZeased with, koqbwb, as, 4, preparation, Mat. xvii. 5 ; z Pet. i. 17: readiness, Ep. vi. IS.* rd60~la,01, $, pleasure, good~ O L J L W , 7 , QV, and or, ov, prewill, Phil. ii. 13 ; z Th. i. I I ; pared, ready, of things or Mat. xi. 26. persons, Mat. xxii. 4, 8 ; Lu. tdrpytria, as, 4, a good dcrd to to xii. 40 ; l v Crolpy #XCLV, be (gen.), a benejt, Ac. iv. 9 ; i n readiness, 2 Cor. X. 6. I Tim. vi. z.* h-, adv., readily, i n readi- &&W, 0, to do good, to beness, usually with #xw, Ac. stow bcneji5s, Ac. X. 38.* xxi. 13; 2 Cor. xii. 14; I Pet. rG-tpykp, ov, d , a benefactot-, iv. S.* Lu. xxii. 25.e h, rb, a year, Lu. iv. 25 ; * G - h , ov, well-placed,jt, useour, ~ d &OS, yearly, Lu. ii. 41. i f u l , Lu. ix. 62, xiv. 35 ; Heb. d, adv. (old neuter from &S), vi. 7.* l well, Ep. vi. 3 ; et roreiv &hs, adv., immediaitly, soon, (acc.), Mar. xiv. 7, to do good Mat. iv. 20; Gal.i. 16; 3 Jn.14. to; eb ~ p d u u r ~ to,fare well, tGBv-Spopim, B, to run i n a v to prosfir, Ac. xv. 29 ; used strazght course, Ac. xvi. 11, in commendation,well! well xxi. I.* done l Mat. xxv. 21, 23; Lu. d-hpb, B, C be cheerful, Ac. xix. 17.* xxvii. 22, 25 ; Ja. v.-IS.* EGa, as, 4, Eve, 2 Cor. xi. 3; rG-Bups, ov, cheerful, having I Tim. ii. I l.* good courage, Ac. xxiv. 10 td-ayydqo, U;, c b ~ y d A r u atb , (Rec.), xxvii. 36.* 7yy&Atupac, (I) act., to bring @ G p w , chcer/uly, Ac. u i v . glad tidings to (acc. or dat.), I0 (W. H.).* Rev. X. 7, xiv. 6; (2) mid., tGBGvo, to maBe straighl, Jn. i. to announce, to publish (acc. 23 ; to guidc, to stcer, as a of message), to announce the ship, Ja. iii. 4.* gospel (abs.), to preach to, rGBGs, ria, I , straight; met., evangelise (acc. pers.) ; pass., @l, true; also adv., of to k announced, to have glad time, stra%ht, i.e., immedi. tidii~gs announced C one. atcly, forthwith, as e8Edos See Mat. xi. 5 ; Heb. iv. 2. (W. H. often st@Csfor Rec. t b a f i ~ o vOV, 76, good lidings, , ebEdws). the gospr(, Mar. i. 15; Ac. tGBhs, rqros, 4, rectitude, up xv. 7 ; Ep. i. 13. rigAtness, Heb. i. 8 (from tdayyAw+, 03, 6, a messenger S)" .. of good tidings, a n nvangrlist, rb-xcmp(o, 0, to have leisure or Acxxi.8; Ep.iv.11; ~ T i m . oppoi-tunity, Mar. vi. 31; A c iv. (N. T) .* xvii. t r ; r Cor. xvi 12.*

h;jx :y



G R E E K - E h G t f S H N E W T E S T A M E N T LEXICON. tb-osdw, G, in N. T. pass. only, to be led in a p o d way, to prosper, Ro. i. 10; I Cor. xvi. 2 ; 3 Jn. z.* td-u6p(Spos,ov, see sdrpbuc8pos. (N. T.) td.rrtr%r)s, easi(y obeying, comPS, filiant. la. iii. 17.e t d - m p l a w o s , ov, sAiIrfulZy surroundang, i.e., besetting, Heb. xii. I.* t d m t a , as, 4, well-doing, benejcertcc, Heb. xiii. 16.* td.rrop(w, 0 , mid., to have means, to be prosperous, Ac. xi. 2g.S ed-uopla, as, 4, wealth, Ac. xix. 25.* gd-up&irtra, as, 4, beau&, gracef ulrrcss, Ja. i. I I rdap6u-&twos, ov, acceptable, Ro. xv. I 6, 31 ; 2 Cor. vi. 2 viii. 1 2 ; I Pet. ii. S.* ad-rpdu-tSpoc, ov, assiduous, cortstanflyntfendingon, I Cor. vii. 35 (clrdpe8pos, W . H.). (N. T.)* ehpouwrr(w, G, to make a fair appearance, Gal. vi. 12. (N.

! W

d ~ w p l a as, $, convenient time, , oppor&ni&, Mat. xxvi. 16; Lu. xxii. 6.* &~arpos,ov, well-timed, opporh472r, Mar. vi. 2 1 ; Heb. iv. 16.* #dKa[pWS, adv., opportunely, Mar. xiv. I I ; opposed to d~aLpws, Tim. iv. z.* 2 C~orros, Gay, neut. comp. ov, only, e l ~ o r 3 ~ s p oeasier, as v, Mat. ix. 5. (N. T.) d-kdfira, as, 4, rtvcre~rcc,fear of God, pie&, Heb. v. 7, xii. 28.* Sytt. : see 8etXLa. b A a W p a r , ocpac, dep. pass., to fear, Ac. xxiii. 10 ( W . H . tpo@iw) with p4, to take pre; cautton, Heb. xi. 7.* a d - k a s , is, cautious, Godfearing, relipous, Lu. ii. 25 ; Ac. ii. 5, viii. 2, xxii. 1 2 (W. H.).* Syn. : see 8eroc8alpwv. dkoyku, G, $#W,to praise, i.e., God, Lu. i. 64 ; to invoke blessings on, i.e., men, Ro. xii. 14; to bless or to ask blessing on, i.e., food, Lu. ix. 16; so o f the Lord's Supper, Mat. xxvi. 26 ; I Cor. X . 16; used of what God does, to bless, to cause to prosper, Ac. iii. 26; hence, perf. pass. part. cdXoyqpivos, blessed,favored of God, Mat. xxv. 34. tdXoyqrdo, bv (verbal adj. from preced.), worthy of praise, of blessing, used only of God, Mar. xiv. 61 ; Lu. i. 68; Ro. i. 25, ix. 5 ; 2 Cor. i. 3, xi. I ; Ep. i. 3; I Pet. i. 3. (S.)* d ioyla, as, 4, adulation, flattery, KO. xvi. 18 ; blessing, praise, to God, Rev. vii. 1 2 ; an irrvocation of blessings, benediction, Heb. xii. 17 ; blessing, benefit, z Cor. i . 5 ; x I Pet. iii. g. ad-pr&Sorw, ov, ready to gzvc, liberal, I Tim. vi. 18. (N.T.)* Edv(ml, qs, 4, Eunice, 2 Tim. i. S.* d& ., G, to be well disposed to, Mat. v. 25.* d-wra, as, $, goodwill, I Cor. vii. 3 (not W . H.); Ep. vi. y.* t d w u ~ l ~ w , elvovyLrOqv, to ow, emasculate, make a cunych, pass., Mat. xix. IZ.* tdvoCxos, ov, 6, a eunuch, Mat. xix. I 2 ; Ac. viii. 27-39.* E M b , as, $, Euodia, Phil. iv.


tendet.hearisd, Ep. iv. 3 2 : I Pet. iii. 8.* ( d q q p 6 v w t adv., itz a seem(y manner, decctatly, Ro. xiii 13; 1 Cor. xiv. 40; I Th. iv. 1 2.* t 4 q q p d y , v, 4, dccowm, bccomirrp~ess, Cor. ii. 23.* I eGqr)pwv, ov, reputable, decor ous, Mar. xv. 43 ; Ac. xiii. 50, xvii. 1 2 ; 76 s l u x ~ p o vscent, lincss, I Cor. vii. 35, xii. 24.* td-r6vws, adv., vehcntenlly,forcibly, Lu. xxiii. 1 0 ;Ac. xviii. 28.* t d - ~ p a d l a as, 4, low jesting, , ribaldry, Ep. v. 4.* EGTVXOS, d , E U & C ~ U S , OU, Ac. xx. g.* ed-+qpla, as, 4, commendation, 'rood rcport, 2 Cor. vi. 8.* tG+pw, ov, sounding well, spoken irr a kindly sfirit, Phil. iv. 8.* td+op(w, G, to bearplenhifully, Lu. xii. 16.* td-+pialvw, v0, sl+pdvOqv and qB+pdvBqv, act., to makeglad, T.\* 2 Cor. ii. 2 ; pass., to be glad, - .I to r e i c e , Lu. xii. 19; Ac. ii. edp-a~bkwv,wvos, d, the Euraquilo, a N.E. wind, Ac. 26 ; Rev. xviii. 20. xxvii. 14 ( W . H.). (N. T.)* EG+pdqs, ov, d, the Euphrates, Rev. ix. 14, xvi. IZ.* d p k r w , ehp4ow, ~ ; ~ q r t etpov, a, cdpiOqv, (I) to find, to dis- c d + e y , vs, 4, joy, gladrtcsz, Ac. 11. 28, xiv. 17.* cover, Lu. ii. 45 ; (2) to ascertain, to find by computa- ad-xaprmlw, 0 , to thank, g i v e thanks, Ac. xxvii. 35; Ro. tion, or b y examination, as i. 8. a judge, Ac. xiii. 28 ; (3) to obtaht, Heb. ix. 12; (4) to t d ~ a p r m l a ,as, 4, patitude, thanksgiving, as z Cor. ix. contrive, find out how, Lu. I I , I 2. Syn. : see a h q ~ . xix. 48. tdpo-KAG~wv, wvos, 6 (frometpos, td-x@wros, ov, thankf ul,gratc. the S.E. wirtd, and ~Xd8wv, ful, Col. iii. I S.* wave), Euroclydon, a stormy tdxfi, $S, 4, (1) prayer, J?. v. wirrd, a hurricane, Ac. xxvii. I 5 ; (2) a vow, Ac. X V I I I . 18, 14. (N. T.)* xxi. 23.* Syit. :see'al7qpa. tdpG-xwpos, ov, Broad, spacious, tG~opab, pray, Ac. xxvi. zg ; to Cor. xiii. 7 ; Ja. v. 16 ( f o ? Mat. vii. 13.* tdud&ra, a4 ?j, pie&, godliness, with $rip or rspl, gen.) ; to wish, Ac. xxvii. 29 ; Ro. ix. Ac. iii. 1 2 ; z Tim. iii. 5. 3 ; z Cor. xiii. g ; 3 Jn. z.* tbueg(w, 0 , to show pie&, to worship, Ac. xvii. 23; I Tim. tG-xpqo-ros, ov, useful, z Tim. ii. 21, iv. I I ; Philem. I I.* v. 4.* td-utfir)~,Is, rela@ous, pious, ad-JNXlo,G, to be ingoodspiritk, Ac. x.2, 7, xxii.12 (W.H. to be cheerful, Phil. ii. -rg.* slXap4s) ; z Pet. ii. g.* Syn.: cd-ash, ar, 4, fragrance, good odor, z Cor. ii. 15 ; Ep. v. 2; see 8ecor8aLpwv. tdut$8s, adv.,piously, religiousPhil. iv. 18.* ly, 2 Tim. iii. 1 2 ; Tit. ii. 12.* tdhwpos, ov, Icfi, hand, Ac. tGqlror,ov,dirlinct,intelli~ble, xxi. 3 ; foot, Rev. X . 2 ; it clwvlpwv (neut. p~ur.), thc on I Cor. xiv. g.* I r f , Mat. xx. 21, 23. d a n A a y x w s , ov, f u l l of pi&,




4+-MXopart to leap upon, &l, acc., Ac. xix. 16.* adv., oncef o r all, Ro. vi. 10; Heb. vii. 27, i . 12, x X. 10; at once, I Cor. xv. 6.* ' E h i v o y , q , ov, Ephesian, i.e., church, Rev. ii. I (not W. H.).* 'P#urprs, a , OF, Ephcsian, belongang to Ephcsus, Ac. xix. (one's self) in any manner," S to be, as K ~ K GCxetv, to be ill; k x d ~ w s ixacv, to be at the last extremity; (4) to hold, I Tim. iii. g ; 2 Tim. i. 13 ; to cstrem, Mat. xiv. 5 ; Phil. ii. 29 ; (5) mid., Cxopac, to be near or next to, Mar. i. 38; used of time, Ac. xxi. 26, the day coming, the next day; ~ ( Ptx b p v a uwrqplas, things joined to or pertaining to salvation, Heb. vi. g. xviii. 19, 21, 24. l*,conj. and adv., (I) of time, &?l, unCil, used also as prep. l+-cvpwfjs, 00, 6, a n inventor, with gen. Cws 06, or Cwr 6 7 0 ~ 1 , contriver, Ro. i. so.* until when, Lu. xiii. 8 ; (2) ~ J J ~ I M Pas,~ 4, a course, a ~ , of place, up to, or as f a r as, division of priests fox interchange of service, Lu. i j, also with gen., sometimes with als or apbs (acc.), Mat. 8. (S.)* xxvi. 58 ; Lu. xxiv. 50 ; Ac. +fipcpos, ov, d a i b , Ja. ii. I S.* xxvi. I I ; (3) spoken of a kp-urdopar, dep., ad aor. inf. &@t~laOac,to come to, reach, limit or term to anything, up to the point of, Mat. xxvi. d x p ~ els, 2 Cor. X. 13, 14.* or 38; Lu. xxii. 51 ; Ro. ii. 12 ; kp-+p&, 2d aor. h r & u ~ * v ; perf. part. t'@eorhs; always (4) with particles, Cws dprc, intrans. or mid. in N. T.: Ews 7 0 0 vBv, untd now; Ews (I) to stand by, Lu. ii. 38; &as, to this place; Cws a 6 7 e ; how long?; Cws C u ~ d ~ euntil s, Ac. xii. 7 ; (2) to be urgent, seven times; Cws dlvo, up to 2 Tim. iv. 2 ; (3) to befall one, as evil, Lu. xxi. 34 ; B e brim, etc. (4) to be at hand, to imperod,


;::$ :$ :

2d aor. Prai8ov, to look upon, Lu. i. 25 ; Ac. iv. 20.* ' E+patp, 6, Ephraim, a city, Jn. xi. 54.* &baOb, an Aramaic verb. irnpera&ve, be thou opened, Mar. vii. 34. (N. T.)* IxOk, see ~ O t s . ; ~ O p a , as, 4, enmify, Gal. v. 2 0 ; Ep. ii. 15, 16. h@&, hated, Ro. xi. 28 ; d , 6v, hos#i7e, I Cor. xv. 25; used as subst., a n enemy, Mat. X. 36; d CxOp6s, Lu. X. 19, the enemy, i.e., Satan. 8jpIXa, qs, +,a vz?er, lit., Ac. xxviii. 3 ; fig., as Mat. iii. 7. ko, Ctw, impf. elxov, 2d aor. Cuxov, perf. E u x q ~ a (I) to ; have or possess, in general, physically or mentally, temporarily or permanently; p+ Exeev, to lack, to be poor, Lu. viii. 6; I Cor. xi. 22; (2) to be able, Mar. xiv. 8 ; Heb. vi. 13 ; 2 Pet. i. I 5 ; (3) with adverbs, or adverbial phrases, elliptically,"to have
D , + (3,


the highest sense, to possess spiritual and eternal life, L . u X. 28 ; Heb. X. 38 ; (5) met., as of water, living or fresh, opposed to stagnant, as Jn iv. 10. Zc@SaFos, ov, d, Zebedee, Mat. iv. 21, X. 2. ~ r u d s4, 6v ( ~ C W )boiling, hot, , , fe. Rev. iii. I -, 16.' i. ECG&, our, 7 6 , (I) a yoke (re&yvvpc, to join), Lu. xiv. 19 ; (2) a pair, Lu. ii. 24.* gev~rqpia,as, 4, a band, a fast. ening, Ac. xxvii. 40. (N.T.)* Z r k , A d s , acc. A l a , Zeus (Lat. jupirkr), the chief of the heathen deities, Ac. xiv. 12. 13.* g40, part. @wv, to boil; fig., to be fewent, Ac. xviii. 25 ; R e xii. II.* fqAeGo, to be zealous, Rev. iii. 19 (W. H.).* tfiAoo, ov, o, (I) fervor, zeal, Jn. ii. 17 ; (2) r i v a l v , jealousy, Ac. v. 17, xiii. 45 ;fircencss, . Heb. X. 27. fqA6o, G, h a w , (I) to have zeal for. to desire earnerfly lace.). I Cor. xii. 31 ; 2 CO; xi. 2 Gal. iv. 17 ; (2) to be cnviou~ orjealous, Ac. vii. g ; I Cor. xiii. 4 ; Ja. iv. 2. Z , f , f q ~ a ,zeta, z, the sixth fqA07/19,00,4 (I) one very zealous for (gen.), Ac. xxi. 20; letter, orig. of a mixed or (2) a Zealot, one of a class compound sound, as if 69, of Jews very zealous for the now generally pronounced z Mosaic law, only Lu. vi. 15 ; or is. As a numeral,. - = 7 ; .. Ac. i. 13. See K a v a v l r q s . ,l = 7000. ZafiuABv, 6 (Heb.), Zebulon, t;llp[a, as, 4, damage, loss, Ac. xxvii. 10, 21 ; Phil. iii. 7, 8.* Mat. iv. 13, I 5 ; Rev. vii. 8.* ZaqaKos, ov, 6, Zacchreus, Lu. tqpbio, G, pass., to be damaged, to s u e r loss of (acc.), Mat. xix. 2, 5, 8.f xvi. 26; Phil. iii. 8. Zap& d (Heb.), Zara or Zerah, 21149, B, 6, Zenas; Tit. iii. Mat. i. 3.' ZaxapLas, ov, 6, Zacharias or Zachariah, (I) the father of G, ~ U W ,(I) to seek, abJohn the Baptist, Lu. i. ; (2) solutely, as Mat. vii. 7 ; (2) to seek f o r (acc.), Mat. vi. 33 ; the son of Barachiah, slain Jn. v. 30; (3) to desire, to in the temple, Mat. xxiii. 35 ; wish for, Mat. xii. 46 ; Col. Lu. xi. 51 (in 2 Chron. xxiv. iii. I ; to inquire into, Lu.x i i 20 the son of Jehoiada).* 29 ; Jn. xvi. 19. fdw? Stir, r i , inf. f i v (W. H. tvu), fut. M a w or -ojmr, 1st f h p a , aros, 7 6 , a question, dispute (gen or r e p l , gen.) ; aor. I h r a , to live, as (I) to be alive; part. d ~ G vthe L i w , Ac. xv. 2, x i i i . 15, xxiii. 29, xxv. 19, xxvi. 3.* ing One, a description of God, as Mat. xvi. 16 ; (2) to tfirqu~s, i], question, debate, aws, receive or regain life, Jn. iv. controversy, Jn. iii. 25 ; A. c 50; Mar. xvi. I I ; (3) to @end xxv. 20. life in any way, Gal. ii. 14; frfhvrov, ov, 7 6 (perh. Syriac), z Tim. i i i I z ; (4) to live, in zizanium, darnel, a kind of 44






G R E E K - E N G L I S H NE W T E S T A M E N T L E X I C O N .

bastard wheat, Mat. xiii. 2540. ( N . T.)* ZopovptX, d (Heb.), ZeruC babel, Mat. i. 1 2 , 1 3 ; Lu. iii. 27.* f+s, ov, c), darkness, thick gloom, 2 Pet. ii. 4, 17 ; Ju. 6, 13 ; Heb. xii. 18 ( W . H.).* tuy&, 06, b, a yoke, ( I ) met., o f servitude, I T i m . vi. I ; (2) fig., o f any imposition by authority, Mat. xi. 29,30; Ac. xv. ro ; Gal. v. I ; (3) a 6alancc, pair of scales, Rev. vi. S.* tcpq, ?S, 5, leaverz, Mat. xvi. 6 ; f g , corruptness, r Cor. v. 6, i. 7, 8. fup6a, B, to ferment, to leaven, Mat. xiii. 33 ; Lu. xiii. zr ; I Cor. v. 6 ; Gal. v. g. * fuyp40, B (cubs, dyptw), to fake alive, to catch, capture, Lu. v. 1.0;2 Tim. ii. 26.* f04, .?S, I f (tdw), lifc, literal, splr~tual,eternal ; rw+ alhvtos, eternd lifc, used o f Christ, as the source of lzye, Jn. v. 26. Syn. : see plos. fhvq, qs, i], a @rdle, Ac. xxi. I I ; used as a purse, Mar. vi. 8. fhwvpr or -vdw, see Gr. 9 I I 4, Bu. 45, to @ ' Jn. xxi. 1 8 ; m , Ac. xii. 8 ( W . H.).* f~~~-yoviru, +SW, to presetve B, alive. Lu. xvii. 11 : Ac. vii. 19 ; to give l g e t;,"; Tim. vi. 13 ( W . H.).* fciov, ov, 76, a living creature, animal, Heb. xiii. 11 ; 2 Pet. ii. 12. fao-uol(CO, B, 4u0, to make alive, to give life to, Jn. v , 2 1 , vi. 63 ; 1 Cor. xv. 22, 36, 45 ; 2 Cor. iii. 6 ; Gal. iii. 21 ; Ro. iv. 17, viii. I I ; I Pet. iii. IS.*

4, affirmativeparticle with p4v,


.. .or (excludingvi. 16.other any alternative), Ro.

surely, Heb. vi. 14 ( W . H.

fiyrpov640, to be' governor, as proconsul, Lu. ii. 2 ; procurator, Lu. iii. I.* qyfpovkb, as, 5, rule, as o f an emperor, Lu. iii. I.* jyrp&v, bvos, c), governor, as the head o f a district, Mat. X. 18; especially the procurator o f Judaea, as Pilate, Felii, Festus, Lu. xx. 20; a chief town, Mat. ii. 6. fiybpar, oCpt, dep. mid., ( I ) to be leader, in N . T . only part., d ho6pxvos, the leader or chief (gen.), as Ac. xiv. 12 ; Heb. xiii. 7, 17, 2 4 ; ( 2 ) to cqnsider, reckon, count, as Phil. iii. 7, 8. j k , adv. ( + % S , sweet), gladly, Mar. vi. 20, xii. 37 ; z Cor. xi. ~g.* qSq, adv. o f time, now, already, as Mat. iii. 1 0 ; o f t h e immediate future, Ro. i. 10. qswlcr, adv., most gladly, 2 Cor. xii. g, I S.* 4 8 0 4 , Gs, I f , pleasure, i.e., sensual, lust, strong desire, Lu. viii. 14 ; T i t . iii. 3 ;Ja. iv. 3 ; 2 Pet. ii. 13 ; lust, Jaiv. I.* 486-OU~OV, 76 (Ifbd~, OV, sup$), mint, Mat. xxiii. 23 ; Lu. xi. 42.* BOOS, our, 76, as 8Oos, manner, custom; plur. 1/81, morals, r Cor. xv. 33.* ~ K O , (W (perf. $ m , only Mar. viii. 2. to have come. to be ) presez(see Gr. 9 361 k, note, W i . 9 40, 4b, Bu. 203):. 'HA(, c) (Heb.), Neli, Lu. 111.23.* jhl ( W . H. (Awl), (Heb.), my God. Mat. xxvii. a6 (from ' PS. ;xii. 2). ( N . T.)* ' H h h , ov, 6, Elias, i.e., Elijah, Mat. xi. 14, xvi. 14. H, q, +a, eta, C , the seventh qXrrLa, as, If,. ( I )age, adult age; IfXc~lav Cxet, he is of age, Jn. letter. As a numeral, q' = 8 ; i . zr ; so, prob., Mat. vi. 27 x ,q = 8000. 4, a particle, disjunctive, or; ( R . V. mrg.) ; (2) siature, size, Lu. xix. 3. interrogative, whether (see , Gr. 9 405, W i . 9 57, 16, Bu. ~ X ~ K O Sq, ov, how great, how small, Col. ii. r ; Ja. iii. S.* 249); or comparative, tdan (see Gr. 320, W i . 9 35, I , j h w , ov, c), the sun, the l@htof the sun, Mat. v. 45; Ac. xiii. 2 , Bu. 360). W i t h other particles, &AA' #, excepi; +) ~ a l , 11. or else; t(rrep, than at all, Jn. ~ X W , ou, 6, a nail, In. xx. 25.* xii. 43 ; #rot 4, whefhcr

.. .

fipts! gen. IffiGv, dat. $$v, acc Ifpas, plur. o f Jyh. fipipa, as, I f , a day, i.e., from sunrise t o sunset, Lu. xviii. 7 ;Ac. ix. 24; a day o f twentyfour hours, Mat. vi. 34; fig. in various senses. a, OV, our, our own, Ac. 11. I I , xxvi. 5. ilprBa+, CS, h a y dead, Lu. X. 30.* ~ ~ L o - w!La, U , gen., ~ l u o v s , , half; i n neut. only, h a y o f , (gen.) plur. (?fCtlur), W : H. Ifpluca), Lu. xix. 8 ; smg., Mar. vi. 23; Rev. xi. g, r I , xii. 14.* ~ ~ L & P LOV, V76, a hay-hour, O , Rev. viii. I.* jvlra, adv., when, whenever, 2 Cor. iii. 15, 16.* i m p , see 4. qwros, a, ov, placid, gentk, I T h . ii. 7 ( W . H . vllrtos) ; 2 Tin. ii. 24.* 'p 1 (E:eb.), E r , Lu. iii. 28.* B, qppos, ov, quiet, tranquil, I T i m . ii. 2.* 'Hp+s ( W . H. 4-), ov, 6, Herod. Four o f the name are mentioned: ( I ) Herod the Great, Mat. ii. I ; (2) Herod Anlipas, or H. fhc &&arch, Mat. xiv. I , 3, 6 ; Lu. xxiii. ; (3) H. < p 2 p a , Ac. xii. ; (4) H. &pp4 the younger, called only A p p p a , Ac. xxv. 'HpSravol ( W . H. -p), 01, Gv, Uerodians, partisans o f Herod Antipas, Mat. xxii. 1 6 ; Mar. iii. 6, xii. 13.* 'Hpwsrbo ( W . H. y ) dbos, I f , - , Herodias, Mat. xiv. 3, 6. ' H p o s h v ( W . H. -y-), W W S , d , Herodion, Ro. xvi. II.* ' H u a h , ov, c), Esaias, i.e., Isaiah. Mat. iii. 7 , iv. 14. 'HraG. 8. Esau. RO. ix. I - . 7 ; ~ e b A. 20, xii. 16.* . j q b f o u , uw, ( I ) to rest from work, Lu. xxiii. 56; ( 2 ) to cease from al&rcaCion, to be silenf. Lu. xiv. 4 : Ac. xi. 18, xxi. (3) to lzie quietly, I T h . iv. XI.* ~uux!.~, I f , ( I ) siIenct, Ac. as, X X I I . 2 : I T i m . ii. 11 ; (2) tranpuilli@, quietness, 2 T'h; iii. IZ.* ~ U ~ L O I ov, quiet, m n q d a, , I Tim. ii. 2 ; I Pet. iii. 4 . +oh see Q.






(3, +W, to be of good sense, 2 T .ii. g ; Lu. vi. i courage, to have c o n ~ n c e , 49 ; fig., for the elements of doctrine or life, I Cor. iii. cls or Iv, 2 Cor. v. 6, 8, X. I. In imperative, forms from 10,12 ; Heb. vi. I. BapuCw are used, Bdporc, Bap BtpAda, G, dew, to lay a founu c i ~ rkzke courage. , dariorz, to found, Heb. i. 10; @ + - a s ovs, 76, courage, Ac. , fi to mahe stable, Col. i. 23. xxviii. I g.* Bco&8am, or, *r@f o God, f ~YV~VP. I Th. iv. g. (N. T.)* 4wav or quuwv (W. H.), O Y , BaOpa, asos, 76, a wonder, 2 compar. of naw6s, inferior, Cor. xi. 14 (W. H.) ; wonder, Beo-Myor, ov, 6, one who heair amazement, Rev. xvii. 6.* of divine things, of the aposneut. as adv., 2 Cor. xii. 15 ; tle John in the title to Rev. rb +TOY, as subst., the worse, Bat&@, U W , oruopac,towonder, (W. H. omit).* I Cor. xi. 17.* abs., with 6rd, acc., Irl, dat., rrpl, gen., or drc, et; to won- Bco-paxia, G, to &At against h i m , G, to sound, as the sea, der at, admire, acc. ; pass., God, Ac. xxiii. g (W. H. Lu. xxi. 25 (not W. H.) ; as to be admired or honored. omit).* brass, I Cor. xiii. I.* Baupbows, a, ov, wonderful, Bro-p&xor,ov, 6, ajghter against OV, d, and ovs, 76, sound, Mat. xxi. 1S.* God, Ac. v. 39.* noise, Lu. xxi. 25 (W. H.); ov (rviw), GodHeb. xii. 19 ; Ac. ii. 2 ;rumor, Baupuds, 4, 6v, wonderful, ?-B breathed, rnspired b God, 2 y report, Lu. iv. 37.* mawelous, Mat. xxi. 42 ; Mar. xiii I I ; Jn. ix. 30 ; 2 Tim. iii. 16.* Cor. xi. 14 (Rec.) ; I Pet. ii. L&,03, 6, voc. once Be&, Mat. Rev. xv. I, 3.* xxvii. 46 ; (I) a god, generically, Ac. vii. 43, xii. 22 ; 2 8, B, Bwa, theta, th, the eighth Beg;CS, $, a goddess, Ac. xix. Cor. iv. 4 ; Phil. iii. 19 ; Jn. letter. As a numeral, B' = g ; 27, and Rec. in 35, 37.' X. 34 (quoted from S.); (2) ,B = gwo. Behpac, Gpac, dep., 1st aor. @d&tos, ou, 6, Thaddaus, a God; 6 Bsbs, the revealed CBeaud~v, pass. E&dBqv, to God, Jn. i. I ; Ac. xvii. 24, behold, to contemplate, to visit, surname of the apostle Jude etc. ; (3) applied to Christ, (also called Ledbeus), Mat. Mat. xi. 7 ; Ro. xv. 24. X. 3 ; Mar. iii. 18.* &a~pqa, maRe a spectacle of, to Jn. i. I , xx. 28. BMaowa, V S , i), (I) the sea, Ro. exbose to confembt. Heb. X. Bto-d$eca, as, 4, f e a r of God, p i t y , I Tim. ii. IO.* ix. 27 ; (2) sea, as the Medi3j. (N. T ) .* terranean, the Red Sea, Ac. 06cr~pov,ov, 76, (I) aplacefor Bto-urpfis, CS, God-worshipping, public shows, a thrafrc, Ac. vii. 36, X. 6, 32 ; (3) Hebrapious, Jn. ix. 31.* Syn. :sec 6rrucbalpwv. istically, for the late Genkix. 29, 31 ;-(a) a spekzcle, &o-Qlvyfis, CS, hateful to God, nesaret. Mat. viii. 21. I Cor. iv. g.* KO. i. 30.* @Mm, to'cherish, nou;ish, Ep. & h , ov, 76, su&hur (from the v. 29 ; I Th. ii. 7.* following, a divine incetzse), Bthqs, sr)sos,i), deity, Godhead, Col. ii. g.* Syn.: see 8rc67~s. @&pap, Tamar, Mat. i. 3.* 4, Rev. ix. 17, 18. BauB(a. G. to be astonished. @tab, sla, riov, divine, 2 Pet. 8t69Aos, ov, 6, ZZcophilus, Lu. i. 3, 4.1 ~b @%V, deity, b;naied, .AC. ix. 6 (W. H: lire i. 3 ; Ac. i. I.* omit) ; so pass., Mar. i. 27, Ac. XVII. 29.* Btpcrmkr, as, i), (I) service; h h q s , r ~ o s 4 deiv, divine ,, hence (abs. for concrete), X. 32 ; with I r i (dat.), Mar. . . servants, household, Lu. xii. X. 24.* nature, Ro. i. 20.* Syn.: @ & u hour. 76. amazement. Lu. , Bec67qs is deity, absfractly; 42 ; Mat. xxiv. 45 (not W. 1 36, v:g ;.Ac. iii. 10.4 .; H.) ; (2) medicalservice, heaG &67~s, personally. Bawbrpos, or, deadly, m o d , &&qs, rs, su&hurous, Rev. ix. ing, Lu. ix. I I ; Rev. xxii. 2.* &pado, clruw, (I) to s e w , Mar. xvi. IS.* 17. (N. T.)* minister to, only Ac. xvii. Bavaq-epos, ov, dealirdrinp BAqpa, aros, 76, wiU, Lu. xii. 25; (2) to heal, acc. of pers., ing, Ja. iii. 8.* 47 ;Ep. i. g ;plur., commands, and dr6 or acc. of disease, Bdwams, ov, 6, death, lit. or fig., Ac. xiii. 22 : desire. ED.ii. 7. Mat. xii. 10; Mar. vi. 5. Jn. xi. 4 ; 2 Cor. iii. 7 ; Ro. BAqurs, rws, 4, a willing, wiU, &$-v, OYTOS, 6, a s e m n t , a n i. 32; 1/16 cause of death, Ro. Heb. ii. 4. (S.)* WO), impf. #BcXov, 1st aor. 404atlendant, Heb. iii. S.* vii. 13, Xvia iiB&w is hot found in &pQa, luw, to reap or guther, hva~cb, 3uw, to put to d e a l , 3, N T.); to wish, delight in, : as grain, lit. or fig., Mat. vi. pass., to be i n dangerof death, 26; Jn. iv. 37, 38. prefer, to will, in the sense Ro. viii. 36; fig., to desfroy, of assent, determination, or &W&, 00, b, harvest, lit. or subdue, as evil p&ions, Ro. fig., Jn. iv. 35; Lu. X. 2. viii. 13 ; pass., to become dead requirement. p 00, 6, a reaper, Mat. to (dat.), Ro. vii. 4. B t + o s ,ov, belonging to a foun- &dation; hence, masc. ( s c ~111. 30, 39.* 8 & m , qw, ad aor. 87a$ov, to XIBos), a oundation, or 7 b &p(rcrlw, avd, only mid. in N. bury, Mat. viii. 21, 22. @c-v &U*), in the same T., t warm one's S#, M r a a. 84m, Terah, Lu. i. 34.* 6, i

pass., (I) to be made inferior (abs.), 2 Cor. xii. r 3 ; (2) to be overcome by (dat.), 2 Pet. ii. 19, 20.* h p a , aros, 76, inferiority, diminution, Ro. xi. I 2 ; loss, I Cor. vi. 7. (S.)* Syn. :see


i. 10, I I ; Rev. v. 8, viii. 3, xviii. 13.* BVpmdip~ov,OV, 76, a censer, or an altar of incensr, Heb. ix. 4.* O u p ~ bG, to burn incense, Lu. , i. g.* hpopax(Cp, G, to be very angrl with (dat.), Ac. xii. zo.* @v@, oO, d,passion,grcatanger, wrath, Lu. iv. 28; Rev.xiv.19. Syn.: 8vp5s is impulsive, turbulent anger; dpyQ is anger as a settled habit, both may be right or wrong; rapopyrup6s is the bitterness of anger, always wrong. hpbw, G, to provoke to great anger; pass., to be very angry witlr, Mat. ii. 16.* 05pq as, 4, a door, Lu. xi. 7 ; Mat. xxvii. 60 ; met.,. - X. Jn. 7, 9. h p & , 09 d, a large (door shaped) shield, Ep. vi. 16.* h p k , 160s.4 (prop. U li#Zedoor), a window, Ac. xx. g ; 2 Cor. xi. 33.* hpwp6s, 08, d , $, a door-keeper, porky, Mar. xiii. 34; Jn. X. 3, xviii. 16, 17.* h [ a , as, 4, a s a c r ~ c e ,lit. and fig., Ep. v. z ; I Pet. ii. 5. B u m m p r o v , ov, 7 6 , a n altar, for sacrifices, Lu. i. 11, ii. 51 ; Ja. ii. 21. (S.) Syn. :see Bwp5s. BGw, uw, (I) to slay in sacvijice, Ac. xiv. I 3 ; (2) to kRill an& mals, for feasting, Mat. xxii. 4 ; (3) to slay, generally, Jn.
X. 10.

xiv. 54,67; Jn. xviii. 18, 25 ; Bopu$4w, to disturb, trodle, Lu. X. 41 (W. H.). (N. T.)* l. ii. 16.* a vs, 4, heat, Ac xxviii. BoovMw. G. C disturb, Ac. xvii. . ; pass.,. to ?b ioubled, to . . 5 . 3.* wad, Mat. ix. 23 ; Mar. v. 39 ; Wpq, OUS, 76, summer, Mat. Ac. xx. IO.* xxiv. 32 ; M r xiii. 28 ; Lu. a. 06puw, ou, d , noise, uprocrr, xxi. 30.. Mar. v. 38 ; Ac. xx. I. &vudovi~ds, Cws, 6, a 27aesBpaGw, ow, to break, shatter, Lu. salonian, Ac. xx. 4. iv. 18.* &ooaAovlq, qs, b ThessahBp(pp4 aros, TO (rpC$w), the taica, Ac. xvii. I, 11, 13. young of raffle, sheep, ek., & & & S , d, Thcudas, Ac. v. 8, Jn. iv. IZ.* 36.* @m&, G, to be a sjectabr of, Bprldo, G, Bow, abs., to wail, lament, Mat. xi. 17; Lu. vii. to behold, to see, to know by 32 ; Jn. xvi. 20; to bewaSl, seeing, to expecvicncc; abs., acc., Lu. xxiii. 27.* or with acc. or obj. clause. &cPpkr, 4, a szght, a spectacle, BpQvos, ou, d, a wailing, Mat. ii. as, 18 (not W. H.).* Lu. xxiii. 48.* Bprls~tla,as, 4, external w o r Ofp~, 4 (rLb'tl~~),rec.~:pfacl~, vs, a ship, rel&ous worship, Ac. as a scabbard, Jn. xviii. I I.* xxvi. 5; Col. ii. 18; Ja. i. 26, &lhYa, (I) to give such, Mat. 27.* xxiv. 19; (2) to suck, Mat. BP~b~os, d (prop. adj.), a OU, xxi. 16. devotee, religious person, Ja. Bqkus, eta, U , female, fem., Ro. .* i. 26. (N. T ) Syn. : see i. 26, 27 ; neut., Mat. xix. 4 ; 8e~o~8aLpwv. Mar. X. 6 ; Gal. ii-i. z8.* W j p q as, 4, hunting, hence, a Bpra)r@Gw,so, to triumph over, to h a d in triumph, z Cor. ii. trap, Ro. xi. g.* 14 ; Col. ii. IS.* &IpGw, uw, to hunt, to catch, @pq, rpc~bs,dat. plur. Bpctl, 4, Lu. xi. 4 f a hair, human or animal, Jn. hp(o-pXIw, 0, to jght wi* xi. 2 ; Rev. ix. 8. wild beasts, I Cor. xv. 32.* &Ip&v, ov, 76 (prop. a lit& Bpolw, G, to disturb, terrify by clamor; only pass. in N. T., beast), a wild beast, as Ac. Mat. xxiv. 6 ; Mar. xiii. 7 ; xi. 6 ; freq. in Rev. z Th. ii. z.* OquavpQw, ow, to store up, resewe, lit. and fig., Lu. xii. Bp6p$os, ov, d , a clot, large drop, as of blood, Lu. xxii. 44.* 21 ; 2 Pet. iii. 7. &Ioavpdr, 06, d , a treasure re- Bp6voo, ov, d, a seat, as of judgment, Mat. xix. 28; a throne, ceptacle, treasure, Lu. xii. 33, or seat of power, Rev. iii. 34. 21 ; met., of King+ power, B~yy&vw, aor. CBryov,to touch, ad Rev. xiii. 2 ; concrete, of the handlr, abs., Col. ii. 21 ;with ruler, or occupant of the gen., Heb. xii. zo ; to injure, throne, Col. i. 16. Keb. xi. 28.* Syn. : see 8u6mrpq wv, 76, Tlryatira, A c dr7w. xvi. 14; Rev. i. 11, ii. 18, #l&, $W, to press upon, Mar. 24.* iii. g ; fig., to aflict, 2 Cor. i. 6; pass. perf. part. rsBXrppC- Bvy&71pt 7 ~ 6 % a daughicr, 4, Mat. ix. 18 ; a female devos, contrackd, n a m , Mat. scendant, Lu. xiii. 16 ; met., vii. 14. of the inhabitants of a place, @At+*, rws, 4, pwssure, afliccollectively, Mat. xxi. 5. tion, fribulaiion, Ac. vii. I I ; Bvy&~p~ov, T A (dim. of Bwydov, 2 Th. i. 6. ~ v p )a lit& daughter, Mar. , O f i u ~ w , aor. CBarov, to die; zd in N. T. only perf. ~IBvqra, v. 23, vii. 25.* to be dead, Lu. viii. 49 ; I Tim. @&Aka,qs, 4, a kmpest, Heb. xii. 18.* v. 6. hq~b, 6v, liable to death, BG'ivos, q, ov, madc of the citrus 4, tree, a strongly aromatic tree mortal, Ro. vi. 12, viii. I I ; of Africa, Rev. xviii. IZ.* I Cor.xv. 53, 54; 2 Cor. iv. Cuplqm, aror, 76. incense, Lu. 11, V. c*

0opOs, 2, b (from Heb. = 6Dv. P S ) , Thomas, Mat. X. 3. @&p& atcos, d , a heastpla&, Ep. vi. 14; I Th. v. 8; Rev, h. g, 17.*

I , r, b, i,the ninth letter. iota, ' As a numeral, L = ro ; ,L =


'Ibupos, ou, d , jairus, Mar. v. 22 ; Lu. viii. 41.* 'Ia~r6$, (Heb.), jacob, (I) the d patriarch, Ac. vii. 8 ; (2) the father-in-law of Mary, Mat. i. 15. ' I ~ K W ou, S ,Greek form of ~ 6, preced., jamrs, (I) the son of Zebedee, Mat. iv. 21 ; (2)




'ISovpaiu, as, 3, Idumc~a,the 0. . Edom, Mar. iii. 8.* T Ispcbp, &ros, 6, sweat, Lu. xxii. ' I r ~ a ~ @(Heb.),]eaekl, sym3, bolically used, Rev. ii. zo.* 'IapihoArs, sus, Q, Hierapolis, in Phr gia, Col. iv. 13.* Lrpamla [W. H. -?Ia), as, Q, the oflce of a priest, priesthood, Lu. i. g ; Heb. vii. S.* Lr&nupa, aros, 7 6 , the order of priests, priesthood, applied t o Christians, I Pet. ii. 5, g. (S.)* hpa7(8cu, uw, to oflciate as a priest, Lu. i. 8.* ' I t p r P h , OU, d , Jeremiah, Mat. ii. 17, xvi. 14, xxvii. g (this quotation is from Zecha&h).* &pc%, Cws, 6, a priest, Mat. viii. 4 ; sometimes theHfghPriest, Ac. v. 24 (not W . H.); o f Christ, Heb. v. 6 (PS. cx. 4) ; o f Christians generally, Rev. i. 6, v. 10. 'LprxB, 3 (Heb.), Jericho, Lu. X . 30. kp60wos, ov, oferedin sacrifice, I Cor. X . 28 ( W . H.).* &#v, 09, 76 (prop. neut. o f lepbs), a temple, used of a heathen temple, as Ac. xix. 27; o f the temple at Jerusalem, as Mat. xxiv. I ; and o f parts o f the temple, as Mat. xii. 5. Syn.: lcpbv is the whole sacred enclosure ; va6s, the shrine itself, the holy place and the holy of holies. kpo-rpm'p, CS, suitable to a sacred character (reverent, R. V.),Tit. ii. 3.* Irpds, d, 6v, sacred, holy, of the Scriptures, 2 Tim. iii. 15 ; rd lepd, sacred .things, I Cor. ix. 13.* Syn. : see $ytos. 'Itpor6Avpa ( W . H. I-), wv, rd, the usual form in Mat., Mar., and Jn.; see 'IcpovuaAgp. 'ItpouoAuplqs, ou, 6, one of Jerusalem, Mar. i. 5 ; Jn. vii. 25." kpo-ovAiw, G, to commit sacrilege, Ro. ii. 22.* lfp6-ouAos,ov, robbing temples, sacrilepous, Ac. xix. 37.4' kpoupyia, G (lrpbs, Zpyov), to minister i n holy thzngs, Ro. xv. 16.* 48

the son of Alphzus, Mat. X . 3 ; (3) the Lord's brother, Mat. xiii. 55. Some identify (2) and (3). +, a aros, r6, healing, cure, plur., I Cor. xii. g, 28, 30.* 'Iapep%, d, Jambres, z Tim. iii. 8.* ' I a d , d ( W . H. %l), (Heb.), Jannai, Lu. iii. 24.* ' I a v q s , d , Jannes, 2 Tim. iii. 8.* ihpar, Gpar, Iduopat, dep., mid. aor., but passive in aor., perf. and fut., to heal, to restore to heaW, o f body or mind ; with d d , o f malady, Mar. v. 29 ; Jn. xii. 40. 'Iap(S, d (Heb.),Jared, Lu. iii. 37.* tare, rws, 3, a cure, healing, Lu. xiii. 32 ; Ac. iv. 22, 30.* I-S, rsos, Q, jasper, a precious stone, Rev. iv. 3, xxi. 1 1 , 18, 1g.* 'Ibcuv, ows, 6,Jason, Ac. xvii. 5 6 , 7, g ; Ro. xvi. z I ; perhaps two persons.* hrp6s, 06, d, a physician, Lu. iv. 23 ; Col. iv. 14. S, or 168 (ri6ov), imper. act. as interj., behold! often followed by nominative. IS(a ( W . H. er-), as, Q, form, outward appearance, Mat. xxviii. 3* Syn. :see Trench, . g lxx. amp, a, ov, ( I ) one's own, denoting ownership, Mat. xxii. 5 ; Jn. X . 1 2 ; also what is peculiar to, Ac. i. 19 ( W . H. omit); hence, rd laea, OBE's own things, home, nation or people, business or d u y ; of CGror, one's own peoph, friends, companions, neut. and masc. contrasted in Jn. i. I 1 ; ( 2 ) that which specially pertains to, and is proper for, as I Cor. iii. 8 ; Gal. vi. g ; i ( 3 ) adverbially, ~ a Qrav, privately; 161q, individually. IStOqs, ov, 6, d private person, one unskilled i n anything, Ac. iv. 13 ; I Cor. xiv. 16,23, 24 ; 2 Cor. xi. 6.* Syn. :see dypdpparos. IS& (see t'ar), imper. mid. as interj., lo! behold/ used to call attention not only to that which may be seen, but +so heard, or apprehended m any way.

'Itpovucrhfp ( W . H. ' I - ) , 4 (Heb.), (for form, see Gr. 5 156, W i . g 10, 2, Bu. 6, 16, 18, Z I ) ,Jerusalem, ( I ) the city ; (2) the inhabitants. I n Gal. iv. 25, 26, Q vv^v ' I . is the Jewish dispensafibn, and is contrasted with 3 dvw 'I., the ideal Christian community; also called ' I . iaovpdvtos, Heb. xii. 2 2 ; 3 ~aev.)) Rev. iii. 12, xxi. 2. 'I., k p o w y , qs, Q, the priestly ofice, Heb. vii. 1 1 , 12, 14 (not W . H.), 24.* 'Ierual, 6 (Heb.), Bsse, Mat. i. 5, 6. 'Ir+0&, d (Heb.), Jephthah, Heb. xi. 32.* 'Iqovlas, ov, 6, Jechoniah, or Jehoiachin, Mat. i. I I , IZ.* 'IquoC, 06, 6 (Heb.), (see Gr. g 25, W i . g 10, I , Bu. I I ) , ( I )Jesus, the Savior, Mat. i. 2 1 , 25 ; !~)Joshua, vii. Ac. 45 ; Heb. iv. 8 ; (3) a fellowladorer of Paul, so named, Col. iv. I I ; (4) Barabbas is so named in some early MSS., Mat. xxvii. 16 ; ( 5 ) an ancestor of Joseph, Lu. iii. 29 ( W . H.). i~av6s, 6v, ( I )suflcient, com4, petent to, inf., ~ p 6 s(acc.) or i'va; ( 2 ) many, much, o f number or tune. i~avdrqs, rqros, 3, suflciency, ability, 2 Cor. iii. 5.* i ~ a v d o ,G, to maRe competent, 2 Cor. iii. 6 ; Col. i. 12. (S.)* i ~ f q p l a ,as, +, supplicafzbn, Heb. v. 7.* Syn.: see atrwa. l ~ p i s ,dsos, Q, moisture, Lu. viii. 6.* ' I K ~ v ~ o v , 76, Iconium, Ac. ov, xiv. I , 19, 21. LXapds, ( L , 6v, joyous, cheerful, 2 Cor. ix. 7.* iherp6qs, rqros, 4, cheeffUlness, KO. xii. 8. (S.)* tA&r~opar,dcropac, 1st aor. Adutlqv, ( I ) to be propitious to, dat., Lu. xviii. 1 3 ; (2) to make atonementfor, expzate, acc., Heb. ii. 17.* LXarpJs, oO, 4 a propitiation, atoning sacrifice, I Jn. ii. 2 , iv. 10. (S.)* Syn. :see d r o Xdrpwucs. ihaumjpros, a, ov, atoning, neut., propitiation, Ro. iii. 25 ; (sc. CslBepa, cmering), the mercyx seat, Heb. i . 5. (S.)*



indecl., Judah, ( I ) son of Jacob ; ( 2 , 3) other unknown ancestors of Christ, Lu. iii. 26, 30 ; (4)jude, an apostle ; (5)Judas Iscariot ; ( 6 ) J u h s Barsabas, Ac. xv. 2 2 ; ( 7 ) Judas, a Jew living in Damascus, Ac. ix. I I ; (8)Judas, a leader of sedition, Ac. v. 37 ; (g) Judas, a brother of pur Lord, Mat. xiii. 55. See Idrw~os. 'IOvAla, as, I), Julia, Ro. xvi. I S.* 'IoGAros,ov, d,Julius, Ac. xxvii. I , 3.* 'Iovvlas, a, 6, Junias, Ro. xvi. 7.* 'IoGuros, ov, 6, Justus. Three of the name are mentioned, Ac. i. 23, xviii. 7 ; Col. iv.


wv (Attic for IXaoo),prcf l o u r , mercful, Heb. viii. 12;2Xehs oor,(God be) merciful to thee l God forbid1 Mat. xvi. 22.* Wvpb16v, QV, 76, n w c u m , Ro. xv. ~g.* W, dyos, d, a thong for scourpg, Ac. xxii. 2 5 ; thong, latchet of a shoe, Mar. i. 7 ; Lu. iii. 16; Jn. i. 27.* LparLfo, perf. pass. part. Ipartupdvos, to clothe, Mar. v. I 5 ; Lu. viii. 35. ( N . T ) .* Wrrov, ov, 76 (dim. of fpa = etpa, from Evvvpr), ( I ) clothing, Mat. ix. 1 6 ; (2) the outer garment, worn over the XL7hv, Jn. xix. 2. Syn. : see Trench, $ 1. Lpawp&, ot, d , clothing, raimmt, Lu. vii. 25. Syn. :see fpkrcov. L L o a , to long for, to love p ppb cameslly, I Th. ii. 8 ( W . H. dplpopc).* tva, conj., that, to the end 1Aat; rva p$, that not, lest. See Gr. B 384, W i . S 53,9, Bu. 229 sq. lva-~l, Iva 71 ( W . H.), conj., or in order that what (may h a g pen? sc. ylvqrac),. to-what end l * I 6 v , ? I S , I), Joppa, Ac. xi. 5, . s ~ o & w p ,ov, 6, the Jordan, Mar. i. 5, g. l oil, b, ( I ) poison, Ro. iii. 13 ; & , Ja. iii. 8 ; ( 2 ) tust, Ja. v. 3.* 'Iw6akr, as, I) (really adj., fem., sc. yq), Judrra, Mat. ii. I ; including all Palestine, Lu. vii. 17. 'Iou8aqo (from Heb.), to conform to Jewish pracriee, to Judaize," in life or ritual, Gal. ii. 14. (S.)* 'ZodaY~6s, bv (f!om Heb.), 4, Jewish, or Judatcal, Tit. 1.
I 4.*

' I o v ~ ~ ~ adv, , /ewishly, in KC Jewish st le, Gal. ii. 14.* 'Iov8aF00, a i , abv,Jewish, Jn. iv. g ; Ac. X . 28. Often in plur., with subst. understood, of 'Iovbabc, t/tcjews. -Syn.: see 'Eppabs. ' I o d a w ~ d s 06,b (from Heb.), , Jrrdaism, the religion of the Jews. Gal. i. 13, 14. (Ap.)* ' 1 0 6 8 ~ ~ 4 and 'IoI8a, d , a,

Gr. $ 107, W i . $ 15, Bu. 44) trans. in pres., imperf., fut., 1st aor. ; to cause to stand, to $et up, to place, to /fx a time, to con-, to establish, to put i n the balance, to wczgh; intrans. in perf., plup., and zd aor., to stand, to stand shZl or j r m , to endure, to be conjrmcd or csta6lishcd, to come to a stand, to cease. iuropCo, G, to become personally acquainted with, Gal. i IS.* kqpp6st d, bv, strong, miyhiy, powerful, vehcmrnt, Mar. iii. 27 ; I Cor. i. 25 ; Rev. xix. 6. ~ G s C S , I), strength, power, , 2 Pet. ii. I I ; Ep. i. 19. k G o , Iuw, to be slrong, sound, to prevail, to 66 able (inf.),to have abiliw for (acc.), Mar. ii. 17 ; Rev. xii. 8. II.* imk, dos, 6, a horseman, Ac. k w (loos), adv., perhaps, Lu. . xx. 13.* xxiii. 23, 32.* tmrr~6v(prop. neut. adj.), 06, :IrcrXla, as, I), Italy, Ac. xviii. 2. I T ~ L K4, 6v,, Italian, Ac. X. ~S 7 6 , cavalty, Rev. ix. 16.* 1.* Omros, ov, 6, a horsc, Ja. iii. 3. Lu. tprs, dos, I), a rainbow, Rev. iv. *17ivpakr, as, I), &m, . . iii. I.* 3, X . I.* ' I u a b ~6, (Heb.), Isaac, Ro. ix. Lx~GSWV, ou, 7 6 (dim. of IxBIs), 7. 10. a little &h, Mat. xv. 34 ; Mar. viii. 7.* 14:6yy~os, like angels, Lu. ov, xx. 36. ( N . T.)* IxBC, dos, 6, a fish, Lu. v. 6 1 Jn. xxi. I I . k a u r , see oI8a. i. 'Iuaxbp, or 'Iuaoxdp, or 'Ioua- IXVOS, O ~ J S , 7 6 , a footsiep, f g , Ro. iv. 12 ; 2 Cor. xii. 18 ; xdp (W.H.), (Heb.),Issachar, I Pet. ii. ZI.* Rev. vii. 7.* ' I v ~ a p r B q s ,W , 6 , a man of 'IobOap, b (Heb.),Jotham, Mat i. g.* Kerioth. Mat. xxvi. 14, z<. .. 'Iobvva, vs, *,Joanna, Lu. viii. See ~ o s hxv. 25. . 3, xxiv. IO.* k o s , 7 ,ov (or loos),cqual(dat.), Mat. xx. 12 ; Lu. vi. 34; Jn. 'Ioavvk, 8, 6,Joannas, Lu. iii. 27.* v. 1 8 ; Ac. xi. 17 ; alike, consistent, as truthful witnesses, ' I o b v y s , ov, 6, John, ( I ) the Baptist ; ( 2 ) the apostle ; (3) Mar. xiv. 56, 59 ; Iua, ada member of the Sanhedrmn, verbially, on an cquali& Ac. iv. 6 ; (4) John Mark, Phil, ii. 6 ; Rev. xxi. 16.* Ac. xii. 12. 146719, T ~ T O S ,4, cqualiiy, 2 Cor. viii. 13, 14 ; equiiy, Col. 'I@, 6 (Heb,.), jo6, Ja. v. XI.* ' I o f i S , see 62g48. iv. I.* 146-rrpos, ov, equally precious, 'Iofik, 6 (Heb.),joel, the prophet. Ac. ii. 16.* z Pet, i. I.* M-Jruxos, ov likc-minded, Phil. ' ~ i v k v6, (Heb.),Jonan, Lu. iii. ii..zo:* , 30;" 'IopafiA, 6 (Heb.), hrael, Ac. Iovas, 6, 6, Ionas, or Jonah, vii. 42, met., for the whole ( I ) the prophet, Mat. xii. nation of the Israelites, Ro. 3 9 4 1 ; (2) the father of Peter, Jn. i. 42. xi. 2 , 7, 26. 'IupaqAhqs, ov, d , an Israelite, ' I & + , 6 (Heb.), Joram, or Jehoram, son of JehoshaRo. ix. 4. Syn.: see 'Egpaior. phat, Mat. i. B.* h see ol8a. , k q p r (in Ro. iii. 31, Rec. has 'Irpr(Cr, 6 (Heb.),jodm, L ~ i s 29.* lo~dw,W . H. fsrkvo, see



'Iw@T, d (Heb.), jc/roshaphut, Mat. i. 8.* 'Iow~s, +j (or fires, W. H.), d, joses. Four are mentioned: (I) Lu. iii. 29 (W. H. 'Iqgo$) ; (2) Mar. vi. ,3; Mat. xiiii 55 (W. H. 1 ~ ~ 4 9 (3) Mat. xxvii. 56 (W. H. mrg.), Mar. xv. 40,. 47; (4) Ac. iv. 36 (W. H. Iwu/l$). Some think ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) identical.* 'I@+, 6 Web.), loscph, (1) the patriarch, Jn. iv. 5 ; (2, 3, 4) three among the ancestors of Jesus, Lu. iii. 24, 26 (W. H . ' I W U ~ ~ ) , 30; (5) the husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus, Mat. ii. 13, 19; (6) Joseph of Arimathaea, Mar. xv. 43, 45; (7) Joseph, called also Barsabas, Ac. i. 23. See also under 'Iwu+js. I w h , OU, d,josiah, Mat. i. 10,

~a@apwp&, 06, 6, cleansing, physical, moral, or ceremonial, Mar. i. 44 ; Lu. ii. 22, v. 14; Jn. ii. 6, iii. 25 ; Heb. i. 3 ; 2 Pet. i. g. (S.)* Kaeap6s, k, 6v, clean, pure, ) ; physically, morally, or ceremonlally, Mat. xxiii. 26; Tit. i. 15 ; Ro. xiv. 20. ~da+rqs, rqros, 4, $U+, i.e., ceremonial, Heb. ix. 13.* ~d-(Spa,as, G, a seat, lit., Mat. xxi. I 2 ; Mar. xi. I 5 ; met., a chairof authority, Mat.xxiii.

U T ~ , ioia, yod, the smallest 76, letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Mat. v. IS.*


K, kappa, k, the tenth letter. As a numeral, = 20; ,K = 20,000. KdyB (~dpol,K&&, contr. for ~ a hyd ( ~ a l l Jpol, nal JpiuC), and I l a l s o , men L , K * adv., contr. from raO' 6, according as, Mat. xxvii.


%a@-alprs, ewr, +, demolition, l destruction (opp. to ol~o8op4, which see), 2 Cor. X. 4, 8, xiii. IO.* rag-arpfm, KaOehB, raOe?hov, (I) to take down, Ac. xiii. 29 ; (2) to demolish, deshoy, lit., Lu. xii. 18, or fg, 2 Cor. X. 5. i. x&a+, apB, to cleanse, to pnme, Jn. xvl 2 ; Heb. X. 2 H. ~ a O a ~ l ~ w ) . * K h p , adv., even as,just as, I Th. ii. 11. K ~ - ~ ~ I P T ( I &$W, ), to fastrn on, intrans., Ac. xxviii. 3 (gen.).* adapqce, att. fut. waOaptB, to cleanse, lit., Lu. ki. 39 ; a leper, by healing his disease, Mat. viii. 2, 3 ; from moral pollution, Heb. i . 22, 23; to x declare clean, i.e., from ceremonial pollution, Ac. X. 15.


Cor. viii. Iz ; I Pet. iv. 13.* K ~ @ O ~ L K ~ S , bv, general, uni4, versal (found in the inscrip tions of the seven Epistles of James, Peter, John and Jude, but omitted by W. H.).* ~a@dkou, adv., entirely; ~ ~ 8 6 X u p1), Ac. iv. 18, not at all.* o ra@slrAbo, arm fully, pass., to Lu. xi. 21.* ~a8-o&a), 3, to see clearly, pass., Ro. i. zo.* 2.* K~@-~TL, adv., as, according as, ~a@-(fopac, sitdown, hv or hnl, to Ac. ii. 45, iv. 35; because dat., Lu. ii. 46; Jn. iv. 6. that, for, Lu. i. 7, xix. g ; (W. H. K ~ O ' efs), adv. Ac. ii. 24, xvii. 31 (W. H.).* (see Gr. 5 30081 4, Wi. 37, 3, Bu. SO), one by one, Jn. ~ a @ - 6 s according as, even adv., viii. g. as. K&-~S~S, (see Gr. 9 126d), ~ a @ B u m padv., just as, Heb. adv. , in ordcrljr succession, Lu. i. v. 4 (W. H.).* 3 ; Ac. xi. 4, xviii. 23. With ~ a conj., and, also, cvm. For 4 the various uses of this :onart., Lu. viii. I, (v 74 K., soon afterwards; Ac. iii. 24, junction, see Gr. 403, Wi. 01 K., those that conzc after.* 1-4, Bu. 360 sq. Ka@t6&, to sleep, lit., Mat. viii. 6, Caiaphas, Jn. 24 ; fig., I Th. v. 6. xi. 49. ~ d q y q m i s oG, d, a p i & , mas- Kkiv, 6 (Heb.), Cain, Heb.xi.4. , ter, Mat. xxiii. 8 (not W. H.), Katvdv, 6 (Heb.), Cairzan. Two IO.* are mentioned, Lu. iii. 36, K ~ - / ) K ( I ) , only impers., it used 37.* is fit, it is becoming (acc., ~av&s, bv, n w , Lu. v. 38; 4, inf.), Ac. xxii. 22 ; rb ~aO+j- Ac. xvii. 19. Syn. : vCor is KOV, becoming, Ro. i. 28.* the new under the aspect of ~ d e q p a r 2d pers. K ~ O Vfor ~ d - time; ~acv6s, , new in quality, Oquar, imper., K ~ O O U (see Gr. of different character. S 367. Wi. 5 '5, 4, Bu. 49). ~ c u v h q s , ~ q r o s , 4, newness to be seated, to sit down, to (moral and spiritual), Ro. sit, to be setllEd, to abide; vi. 4, vii. 6.* with sls, hv, er1 (gen., dat., ~ a h p conj., aWough, Phil. , acc.). iii. 4 ; Heb. v. 8. ra@qpptvdo,4, bv, dailjr, Ac. KW*, oD, 6, a /Exrd time, v1. I.* season, opportunit)., Lu. viii. ~d-qa), (I) trans., to cause luw, 13; Heb. xi. 15; Ac. xiv. 17; to sit down, to set; (2) inRo. viii. 18. Syn. :xp6vos is trans., to seat one's self, time in general, viewed simppreps. as rkeqpac ; to sit ly as such; racpbs, definite, down, to be sitlrrtr, to tarry; suitable time, the time of mid. in Mat. xix. 28; Lu. some decisive event, crisis, xxii. 30. opportuniv. K&-lqp, 1st aor. na8i)ra (see Kaiuap, apos, d, Cesar, a title Gr. ) 112, Bu. 46), to send or assumed by Roman emperlet down, Lu. v. 19 ; Ac. i . x ors, after Julius Cresar, as 25, X. 11, xi. S.* Lu. ii. I, xx. 22 ; Ac. xvii. 7; ~ a 9 - (and~ ~ a 8 i u ~ d or h w Phil. iv. 22. -avw), to appoint, consfihrk, Karodpcta, as, 4, Cesarea. Two make, ordain, to conduct, Ac. cities of Palestine, one in xvii. I S ; to appoint as nrCrr Galilee (Casarea Philippi), over ( I d , gen., dat., acc.). Mat. xvi. 13; the other on K&-6, adv. (for K ~ O 'a), as, acthe coast of the Mediter cording as, Ro. viii. 26; 2 ranean, Ac. viii. 40.


Mconj., andyet, although, r a w , ou, d, a stulk, as ( I )a , Heb. iv. 3 ; so ralrocye. reed, growing, Mat. xi. 7 ; (2) a reed, as a mock sceptre, U, & perf. pass. r6raupat, to Mat. xxvii. 29 ; (3) a.pcn, 3 *. kindle, light, Mat. v. 15 ; pass., to burn, Lu. xii. 35; Jn. 13 ; (4) a measunng~rod, Rev. xxi. I 5. ' .tp bum, consume, Jn. xv. 6 ; KAC, , Iuo, ~IrXqra, caU; 0 to fig., Lu. xxiv. 32. hence, ( I ) to summon, Lu. e (ral Ire?), and there, Ac. t xix. 13; (2) C name, Mat. i. X l V . 7. 21, X. 2 5 ; (3) to invite, Jn. &tsC%av Iremev),andlircnce, (ral ii. 2 ; (4) C apfoint, or select, Ac; vii. 4, xx. 15. for an office,Heb. v. 4 ; (5) MW,7, o (ral ireivor), and pass., to be called, or account he, she, it, Lu. xi. 7 ; Ac. xv. ed, i.e., to be, Mat. v. g, 19; 11. J a ii. 23. as, 4, badness, ( I ) of character, wickednrsr, Ac. wcrMthaws, ou, 4, a cultivated olive tree, Ro. xi. 24.* viii. 2 2 ; (a) of disposition, malice, ill-will, Col. iii. 8 ; w d t v (cornpar. of xahbs), better; adv., rdXXuv, Ac. xxv. (3) of condition, afliction, IO.* &;l, Mat. vi. 34. wa~0-/18aa,as, r), maliqnity, ~ d o - S 6 & w A o s , ou, 6, r), a Ro. i. 29.* irclcher of what is good, Tit. wcuo-hoy(tv, G, io speak evil of ( N . T.)* (acc.), Mar. ix. 39; Ac. xix. &$h~ph, Fair Havens, a g; to curse, Mat. xv. 4 ; Mar. harbor in the island of Crete, vii. IO.* Ac. xxvii. 8.* waxo~&sa, as, +, a sufer- ct"xa-.lro[rcu, G to act upr&hlly, , 2 Th. iii. 13. (S.)* ing of evil, adiction, Ja v. IO.* K A ~ c , beauCifYl; ( I )phys4, bv, wa~o-wa8h, , to sufer evil, to 0 ically, Lu. xxi. 25 ; (2) morally beautiful, ood, noble, endure afliction, 2 Tim. ii. 3 ( W . H. uuvxar-), g, iv. 5 ; Ja. Mat. v. 1 6 ; I-Ief;. xiii. 18; (3) excelht, dvantqgrous, v. 13.* wa~omdo), abs., to do harm, G, Lu. vi. 43; 1 Cor. vii. I . , Mar. iii. 4 ; Lu. vi. g ; to do ~Muppa,a ~ o s 76, a covering, veil, 2 Cor. iii. 13-16.* wrong, I Pet. iii. 17 ; 3 Jn. wdburtv, $W, to cover, veil, Lu. II.* xxiii. 30 ; z Cor. iv. 3. w o l r o r C , bv, as subst., an evil-doer, Jn. xviii. 30 (not r d b , adv., weU, r&hty, nobly, J n iv. 1 7 ; I Cor. xiv. 17. W.H.); I Pet. ii. 12, 14,iii. KW, xdyd. see 16 ( W . H. omit), iv. 15.. a KWC, Q, 6v, evil, wicked; 7b ulpqkos, ov, 6, +, camel, Mar. i. 6, X . 25. rarlv, wickedness,Mat.xxvii. , 23: also afliction, Lu. xvi. K ~ ~ L W OU, 4, a furnace, Mat. xiii. 42, 50 ; Rev. i. I 5, U.2.* 35. ucutsQpyos, as subst.,~ ov, male- wap-pbo ( r a d and pfiw),to J u t , factor, Lu. xxiii. 32, 33, 39 ; close the eyes, Mat. xiii. 15 ; 2 Tim. ii. g* . Ac. xxviii. 27.* ~ m - o q b , 0 , only in pass., wbpvcu, xap0, perf. K ~ K ~ ? J KC , be weary, to be sick, Heb. xii. part., treakd ill, harassed, 3 ; J a v. 1 5 ; Rev. ii. 3 (W. Heb. xi. 37, xiii. 3.* W&, 3, duo, to ill-treat, ojH. omit).* see rdyd. press, Ac. vii. 6, 19, xii. I , +l, xviii. 1 0 ; I Pet. iii. 13; to &mm, qw, to bend the knee, bow, Ro. xi. 4, xiv. I I ; Ep. cmbi&r, Ac. xiv. 2.* iii. 14 ; Phil. ii. IO.* pltbk, adv., bad&, wickedly, Jn. xviii. 23 ; aarGs lxetv, to wliv (ral Idv), and i/, Lu. xiii. g ; even if; lough, Mat. xxvi. be sick, or in trouble, Mat. 35 ; if even, Heb. xii. 20 ; iv. 24; Lu. v. 31. elliptically, if only, Mar. v. K ~ K W L S , ews, 4, apiction, U28; Ac. i 15. treatment, Ac. vri. 34.* # X q r), ~ k b b l ~ ,tor. S a d , +,Cana, Jn. iii I , 11. r e , qr, 1 iii. 12.* &vav&mp, ou, d, a Zealot ( r m fo

f m

the Aramaic, meaning the same as &XwQs), Mat. v. 41 Mar. iii. 18 ( W . H. read KG, wva?os, which has the same meaning). ( N . T.)* &v+, qs, r), Candacc, Ac. viii. 27.* wavdv, 6vos, 6, prop. a rod; hence, ( I ) a rule 0 conduct, 1 Gal. vi. 16; Phil. ~ i i 16 ( W . . H . omit); ( 2 ) a limit or sphere of duty, province (R. V.),2 Cor. X. 13, 15, 16.* Karp-vwbp, or Kadap-wedp ( W . H.), J) (Heb.), Capernaum, Jn. vi. 17, 2 4 wamlhbe, to be 4 pet& trader; hence (with acc.), to make merchandise of, or adulterate, corrupt, 2 Cor. ii. 17.* wa-, 06, 6, smoke, Ac. ii. 19 ; Rev. viii. 4. KamcrSowkr, as, 4, Cagpadocia, Ac. ii. g ; I Pet. i. I.* wapskr, as, 4, the heart, met., as the seat of the affections, but chiefly of the understanding ; fig., the heart of the earth, Mat. xii. 40. rap6w-yvdump, au, 6, a knowcf o hearts, Ac. i. 24, xv. 8. T.,* r a & s , '06, d , fruit, producc, Lu. xii. I 7 ; met., for children, Ac. ii. 30; deeds, condrtct, the fruit of the hands, Mat. iii 8 ; efect, result, Ro. vi. ar. Praise is called #he fruit of the lips, Heb. xiii. 15. K6plros, ou, 6, Catyus, 2 Tim. iv. 13.* wopao+op(o), 0, 4uw, to b n k f forthfruit, Mar. iv. 2 8 ; mid., to bear fruit of one's seclf, Col. i. 6. ~crp~ro-+dpw, fruifwl, Ac. ov, X I V . 17.* KQPI~P((P, 3, Quw, to be strong, stcadfart, Heb. xi. 27.* r w o s , O U S , 7 6 , a dty big, a straw, Mat. vii. 3, 4, 5 ; Lu. vi. 41, 42.* wad, prep., gov. the gen. and acc. cases, down; hence, gen., down from, agcirtst, etc.; acc., according to, a. gainst, etc. (see Gr. 55 124 147 a, W i . 55 47 R, 4 9 4 Ba 334 sq.). In composition, nard may import descent, nrbcction, opposition, distri bution,and with certain verbs (PI of destruction, diminu.



tion, and the like) is inhn- ~arQ-sbq, 71, I f , a sentcnce of denmation, Ro. v. .16, 18, sive = "utterly." viii. I.* condemnation, Ac. xxv. 15 raza-korlvw, pfuopar, BCpq~a, ram-rplvw, vB, to judge w o w (W. I*.).* 2(? aor. ra~Cpqv, go or come to K Q T Q - ~ L ~ K ~ , f o l k C ~ O S C ~ ~ , ofpunishment (gen. and dat.), 50 down, descend, used of perto condemn, as Mat. xx. 18; Mar. i. 36.* Ro. ii. I, viii. 3 ; in a more sons and of things, as gifts, ~ a r a - S o v A hB, (5rw,to enslave, , from heaven, of the clouds, general sense, Lu. xi. 31, 2 Cor. xi. 2 0 ; Gal. ii. 4.* storms, lightnings ; also of raza-8wao-m6e, to exercise 32' anything that falls, Lu. xxii. power over, to oppress, Ac. KQT&-KPIULS, C O S , 4, i/le act of condemnation, 2 Cor. iii. g, 44 ; Rev. xvi. 21. X. 38 ; Ja. ii. 6.* r a r a - W O ) , 1st aor. pass. Ka- rar&-&pm, W. H. for ~ a ~ a v d - vii. 3. (N. T.)* T C ~ X ~ B to Vcast down, Rev. ~ , Bepa, Rev. xxii. 3. (N T.)* r a r a - ~ u p d & , exerci~eaufhor to ity over, Mat. xx. 25 ; Mar. xii. 10 (W. H. pdXXw); 2 ra~a-Bepurqw,W. H. for KaCor. iv. 9 mid., to lay, as a X. 42 ; I Pet. v. 3 ; to get the rava0-, Mat. xxvi. 74. (N. foundation, Heb. vi. I.* T.)* rnastey of, Ac. xix. 16 (gen.). rara-$aP(w, G, to we$ down, rar-arqbvcu, to make ashamed, rara-Ad&, G, to speak against to buy&, 2 Cor. xii. 16+ (gen.), Ja. iv. 11 ; I Pet. ii. I Cor. i. 27 ; to dishonor, I rara-@ap6vm= ~a~apapdw,Mar. Cor. xi. 4, 5 ; to shame, as 12, iii. 16.* xiv. 40 (W. H.).* BP, with disappointed expecta- ~arcc-hdrh, I f , evil-speaking, rar6-paubs, SOS, 4, descent, defamati>n, 2 Cor. xii. 20, tion, I Pet. ii. 6 ; pass., to be place of descent, Lu. xix. 37.* I Pet. ii. I. (N. T ) .* ashamed, as Lu. xiii. 17. rara-pc86.~wp to bring down, ~ a T a - ~ a ~bG,u w , f o h Y f Z 7 9 to rar&AaAw, ov; d, a n curl. , 4 cast down, Mat. xi. 23 (W. consume entinre&,as Mat. iii. speaker, a defamer, Ro. i. 30. H. rarapalvw), Lu. X. 15 (N. T.)* 12; Heb. xiii. 11. (Rec., W. H. mrg.).* r a r a - r d h r r w , in mid., to wear ram-kap@vw, X++opac, to seise K ~ . I Q - ~ A 4, ,a founding, er, ~ or lav hold of. as Mar. ix. I 8 : a veil, I Cor. xi. 6, 7.* layingtkefoundatio?~ Mat. r a r a - r a v ~ b o p a ~&par, io reof, , to g a s p , ti 'obhin, as thd xiii. 35 ; Heb. xi. I I. prize in public games, Phil. joice against, to gloty over uara-$pa@br, to give judgment iii. 12, 13; to overtake, I Th. (gen.), Ro. xi. 18; Ja. ii. 13, afainst as umflire of the v. 4 ; mid., comprehend, to iii. 14. (S.)* &mrs, to deprive of riward, rardrnrpar, to lie down, as the perceive, arc, or acc. and inf., Col. ii. 18.* Ep. iii. 18. sick, Mar. i. 30 ; to recline a t raz-ayyrheh, Pws, 4 a p r e rara-Alyw, to register, to enrol, table, Mar. xiv. 3. claimer, a herald, Ac. xvii. r a r a - d b , B, to break inpieces, pass., I Tim. v. 9.* 18. (N.T.)* KC&-hrrppa, asos, 76, a rrmMar. vi. 41 ; Lu. ix. 16.* r a r s y y 4 k h , to declare open&, ~ a T ( ~ - d b , shut Up, COanant, a residue, Ro. ix. 27 to proclaim, to preach, Ac. (W. H. 3n6Xrppa). (S.)* fine, Lu. iii. zo; Ac. xxvi. IO.* xiii. 5, xv. 36. rara-XcIww, $ W , to leave uILC1-&, tars-yrhb, B, to laugh at, ra.IQ-dqpo-6w(o, G, to disto forsake, Mar. X. 7 ; to dederidr, gen., Mat. ix. 24; by Zot, Ac. xiii. 19 pat? from, Heb. xi. 27 ; to Mar. v. 40 ; Lu. viii. 53.* l e e e remaining, to rcserue, W. H. read the following). ~araycvr5u~w, to condemn, Ro. xi. 4. IS.)* blame, gen. of persons, Gal. rara-dqpo-vo+, B, to dishrn& K Q T Q - ~ L @ ~ & , CO, iD stone, to deii. 11; I Jn. iii. 20, 21.* s&oy by stoning, Lu. xx. 6. ate by lot, Ac. xiii. 19 (W. K ~ T - b y w p r ,fut. r a ~ e d t w , to (N. T.)* H.). (S.)* break down, to break i n pieces, rcrra-d[vo, VG, to cause to re- ~araMayft,iis,..reconciZiation. .. . .L Mat. xii. 20 ; Jn. xix. 31-33.* Ro. v. I I, xi. I 5 ; 2 Cor. v. cline at table, Lu. ix. 14, 15 ~ar-&yw, bring down, as Ac. to 18, 19.* Syn. : see droX1(W. H.) ; mid., to recline a t i .30; Ro. X. 6 ; as a nautical x 7pwrrs. table, Lu. vii. 36 (W. H.), term, to bring to land, Lu. v. rar-aAALuuw, [W, to rrconcile xiv. 8, xxiv. 30.* I I ; pass., to come to land, rara-d6Iw, rw, to inundate, (acc. and dat.), Ro. v. 10; I Ac. xxvii. 3, xxviii. 12. deluge, pass., 2 Pet. iii. 6.* Cor. vii. I I ; 2 Cor. v. 18,19, rar-aywvqopac, dep., to con- r a r a - d w p b , 06, 6, a deluge, 20.* tend agninst, subdue (acc.), jlood, Mat. xxiv. 38, 39; Lu. r a ~ 6 A o r m s , plur., the rest, ov, IIeb. xi. 33+ the residue, Ac. xv. 17.* xvii. 27 ; 2 Pet. ii. S.* ra~a-S(@, to bind up, as ~ar-a~oXouBtw,B, io follow ~a.rMvpa,aTos, 76, a lodgrgrngG, wounds, Lu. X. 34.* place, a n inn, Lu. ii. 7; a after (abs. or dat.), Lu. xxiii. ~a76rsqhW,OY, t h o ~ o $ ~ hcvG ly pest-chamber, Mar. xiv. 14 55 ; Ac. xvi. 17.* dent, Heb. vii. I S.* ~aTa-K&lrTo), to wound, Mar. $W, Lu. xxii. 1 I.* rara-&rb!w, to condemn, toprorara-A60), $CO, to unloosr, (I) v. S.* nounce sentence against, Mat. rara-rpqpvLY(!cu,rw, to cast down lit., of a building, to deshoy, xii. 7, 37 ; Lu. vi. 37 ; Ja. v. Mar. xiv. 58; (2) fig., of headlong, Lu. iv. 29.* a* -4-rplpa, aros, 76, c m law or command, & rcndrr




holy of holies, as Lu. d i . mid, Mat. V . t 7 ; (3) topass the night, to lodgc, Lu. k.12, 45. (S.) K ~ M ~ L w ) , 2d aor. r a ~ h t o v , x t . 7. 1st aor. paw. rarerbBgv, to -&h, 2d aor. xa7C Mov, to consider careful&, drink down, swallow, Mat. xxiii. 24 ; Rev. xii. 16 ; fig., Mat. vi. 28.* *~cr-paprup(oP, to k a r tes0, to devour, destroy, I Cor. xv. b'mony against (acc. of thing, 54 ; 2 Cor. ii. 7, v. 4 ; Heb. xi. 29; I Pet. v. 8.* gen. of pers.), Mat. xxvi. 62, uvii. I 3 ; Mar. xiv. 60, xv. ~ a r a m l m a2d aor. nardueuov, , to fall down, Lu.viii. 6 ( W . 4 (not W . H.).* ~araqdva, to remain, abide, H.) ; Ac. xxvi. 14, xxviii. 6.* Ac. i. 13.* ~ara=p6vas H. rarb pbvas), ~ara-d&o, ebuow~, 1st aor. (W. adv., private&, alone, Mar. rarluheuva, to sail to land, Lu. viii. 26.* iv. 10: Lu. ix. IS.* ~ w - a v c i - b aros,r6, a curse, K~T-V(QP, t~ 8, in pass., to be Rev. xxii. 3 ; see rardeep. oppressed, disfresscd, Ac. vii. (N. T.)* 24; 2 Pet. ii. 7.* rcri-avdOtparQr, to curse, de- ~ar-wlga, ppass., to sink down, Mat. xiv. 30; to k vote to desfrucCion, Mat. xxvi. drowned, Mat. xviii. 6.* 74; see raraOepar1~w. (N. T.\* KM+ as, 4, a curse, cursing, Gal. iii. 10, 13 ; Heb. vi. 8 ; K M A V - ~ A I Oto consume, as K~, 2 Pet. ii. 14; Ja iii. IO.* fire, Heb. xii.-zg.* Ka7*vapK&Wru,W , QVW, to k ~ar-qxiopa~, Bwc, to curse, burdensome to (gen.), 2 Cor. Mat. v. 44 ( W . H. omit); xi. g, xii. 13, 14.* Mar. xi. 21 ; Lu. vi. 28; Ro. a-wh, to nod, to ma&es i p s xii. 14; Ja. iii. g; pass., ped part., accursed, Mat. xxv. to, dat., Lu. v. 7.. K-A,, ( I ) to obsewe care0 4r.e ful&, perceive, Lu. vi. 41 ; rar-epy(oP, Q, Quw, to render ( 2 ) to considcr (acc.), Ac. useless, Lu.xiii. 7 ; to cause xi. 6. to cease, abolrsh, a Ro. iii. 3, s ~ar-aw&W,0 , to come to, to 31, and frequent1 in Paul; arrive at, with els, as Ac. Ro. to kver from (h&, vii. xvi. I : once with kvrrrnb. 2 ; Gal. v 4. . Ac. xx: I 5 ; met., to a ~ i n ' t o ; ~ar-aprOph, 8, to number aPhil. iii. 11. mung, Ac. i. IT.* ~dvllfbs, ews, 4, $&for, Ro. ~ar-aprqa,luw, to r@, to repair, Mat. iv. 21 ; to restore xi. 8. (S.)* a. from error or sin, G l vi. I ; *aru-~~uG6, zd aor., pass. SW, razerly~v, prick through, fo C pevect, to complete, I Th. iii. 1 0 ; I Pet. v. 1 0 ; pass., to agitate grcaly, pass., Ac. ii. 37. (S.)* to be restored to harmony, I war-a#dcu, 8, dvw, to judgc Cor. i. 10. worthy of (gen.), pass., Lu. ICQ+~S?.~WS, 4, aperfccfing, u 35, xxi. 36; A c v 41 ; . . 2 Cor. xni. g.* 2 Th. i. 5.* tarapnrp&, oO,b, a edccting, Ep. iv. 12. (X T.J. wm-mI(oi, 0 , to tmmpll on, to tread unakr foot (acc.), as K ~ w G , uw, to shake the Lu. viii. 5. hand, to beckon, Ac. xii. 17, &WIS, ews, +,a resfing, xiii 16, xix. 33, xxi. 40.* rest, Ac. vii. 49 ; Heb. iii. I I , w ~ c w ~ kSW,to dig under, a , to demolish, Ro. xi. 3 ; perf. 18, iv. I , 3, 5, 10, II.* -, h ( I ) trans., to repart., pass., ruins, Ac. xv. 16 s h i n , acc. (also 703fid, and (not W . H.).* inf. ,Ac. xiv. 18; to givc rest, K ~ T Q Q K W ~ ~ O P ,to prepare, duw, to buiCd, to equip, as Mat. He iv. 8 ; ( 2 ) intrans., to rest, du6, Heb. iv. 4, IO.* xi. 10 ; Lu. i. 17 ; Heb. iii. ~ ~ a u p a ( ~ e ~ c t ~ w p ) , 3 4. o r , a~ 9 7 6 , a veil, cuMin, separat- ~WwKllv6t4, &W, O pitch 8, one's tmt, to dwell, Mat. xi& ing the holy place and the 53


32 ; Mar.iv. 32; Lu,x i . 19; ii Ac. ii. 26.* KMQ.QK/IVOWH, ews, 4, a dwell. ing-placc, a haunt, of birds, Mat. viii. 20; Lu. k. 589 K M W K L ~ P D , uw,toovershadow, Heb. ix. S.* K ~ T Q Q K ~ 0 , ,to s$y out, to ~ plot against, Gal. ii. 4.9 K ~ ~ ~ . Q K O W O S ,U , d , a W ,Heb. O xi. 31.* ~ara-uo+Qopar,u o ~ c to deal , deccivully with, Ac. vii. ~g.* ~wa-&a, AB, 1st aor. nar& urecha, to ajpcase, resfrain, Ac. xix. 35, 36.* ~ a d - v q p aaror, 76, behavior, , conduct, Tit. ii. 3.* ~arra-moA4, 4, dress, aa're, qs, I Tim. ii. g. * KQTQ.QIP(+PP, SW,Ib OVC&~~.OZ~ Mat. xxi. I 2 ; M r xi. I 5 ; a. Ac. xv. 16 ( W . H.).* KM&WTptlVl&, 0 , &W, to .fYOW wanton to the loss of (gen.), I Tim. v. I I . (N. T.)* KMWPQ+~I~ qs, +,ove&hr@'W destrucfion, 2 Tim. ii. 14; ' 2 Pet. ii. 6 ( W . H. omit).* K M C ~ - ~ ~ ~ W U ~ LP~VW, 1 UT , 0 prostrate, slay, I Cor. X . g.* K M ~ P I ) , to drag along by force, Lu. xii. 583 KM~-UW(D) Lu. 0, 1 slay, 0 xix. 27.* rcvnr-ubpayQa, uw, C seal a$, as a book, Rev. v. I.* K ~ . Q X ~ U W , ews, +,a posses sion, Ac. vii. 5, 45. (S.)* K M M L B ~ ~ L , BQuw, 1st aor. Krheq~a,t defosit, as a body n in a tomb, Mar. xv. 46 ( W . H. r181p) ; mid. nararleevea~ xdprv, to gain favor with (dat.), Ac. xxiv. 27 xxv. g.* K W M O ~ ~ , ?js, +,mutilation paronomasia with uepc~op+ Phil. iii. 2.* ~wra-m$da, to transfir, Heb xii. 2 0 ( W . H. omit).* KMMP(X(U, 2d aor. rarl8pawv, to .mn down (Pul,acc.), Ac. xxi. 32.* ya, see ra~euBLw. nrolvw, 1st aor. rarQveyra,pass. ~ 0 7 7 ) ~ d x 8 9 ~ to cast down, as an adverse vote, Ac. xxv. 7, xxvi. 10 (W. H.); pass., to be borne down, to be overcome, A c XL 9*

E, &



a thing (ro0 C+, with inf.), rara-+dvo, ad aor. uart#vyov, Mat. iv. 6 , kneath, Mar. to repress, Ro. i. 18; rb ua& flee for refuge, with 19, xiv. 66; o f age, comp., r a w rtxov, the hindrance, z T h . Ac. xiv. 6 ; with inf., Heb. ripw, under, Mat. ii. 16. ii. 6 ; xars?xov ds rbv atyta- radmpos, a, ov (rdrw), ;ewer, vi. 18.* K ~ M - @ E ~ ~ u , pass., perf. K ~ T & Xbv, they held for the shore, Ep. iv. g (on which see Gr. +8appac, 2d aor. ~arc+Bdptlv, Ac. xxvii. 40. Q 259, W i . 6 1 1 , Z C , Bu. 28).* 9 to corrupt, 2 Tim. iii. 8 ; to ~ a ~ q y o P ( (G,, $uw, accuse, raGpa, aros, 76 (raiw), heat, to speak against, abs., or with scorching heat, Rev. vii. 16, destroy, z Pet. ii. 12 ( W . H. person in gen.; charge in +esipw).* xvi. g.* gen. alone or after repl or ravpari~w,aw, to scorch, burn, ram-+&(W,G, to kiss afec2ion~ a r d pass., to be accused; ; Mat. xiii. 6 ; Mar. iv. 6 ; Rev. nte(y, or repeatcdb (acc.), as with 3 ~ or rapd, of the ac6 Mat. xxvi. 49 ; Lu. xv. 20. xvi. 8, g.* cuser. mra-+pv(w, B, +SW, to despise raGu6, ews, Q, a burning, b u m raqyopla, as, +,an accusation, ing up, Heb. vi. 8.* (gen.), as Mat. vi. 24. a charge, pers. in gen. alone, ~ a v v h G, to burn up, pass., , r a ~ a + p o y ~ f06, d, a despiser, p, ?r after rard ; charge also 2 Pet. iii. 10, 12. (N. T.)* Ac. xiii. 41. (S.)* rara-xlw, &TW, 1st aor. ~ a r 4 - m gen., I Tim. v. 1 9 ; Tit. K ~ G Q O D VWYOS, 4 scorching heat; , i. 6. perhaps a hot wind from the Xsa, $0 pour down upon, Mat. ~adjyopos,ov, a, an accuser, . E., Mat. xx. 1 2 ; Lu. xii. 55 ; xxvi. 7 ; Mar. xiv. 3* Ac. xxiii. 30, 35. Ja. i. 1 1 (see Hos. xii. I , etc.). K ~ T ~ - x @ ~ v ~ , osubtewanean, OV T , radjywp, 6 (Heb. ?),anaccuser, Phil. ii. IO.* (S.)* Rev. xii. 10 ( W .H.). (N.T.)* r a q p r & ~ ( W . H . ~ a v s r - )to , rara-xpbopa~,Gpat, to usefula, ly, I Cor. vii. 31,i . 18 (dat.).* r a ~ + ~ as, 4, dejCctio~z,gloom, brand, as with a hot iron; x Ja. iv. g.* aara-+Gxw, to cool, to refresh, fig., pass., I Tim. iv. 2.* KM-qxIw, G, BOW, perf., pass. r a v ~ b p a r , Gpat, ~d pers, ravLu. xvi. 24.* ~ a r - f i S w Xov,, full of idols ~ ~arQxqpat ~ x o s to, instruct ( ) xtiaar, fut. ?loopat, to glovy, orally, C teach, inform, Lu. ( R . V.), Ac. xvii. 16. (N.T.)* to boast, both in a good sense i. 4 ; Ac. xviii. 25, xxi. 2 1 , and in a bad, I Cor. i. 29; rar-ivavrr, adv., or as prep. 24 ; Ro. ii. 18; I Cor. xiv. with gen., over agains2, beEp. ii. g ; followed with prep., 19 ; Gal. vi. 6.* (v, aepi, gen. ; IMP, ; M , gen. fore, in presence or i n szght rar' Siav, separate^,privately, dat. of. by otze's self (see Iaios). rardv&rov, adv., in t4c presuakqpa, aros, 7 6 , the ground K Q T - L ~ ~ 3 ( I ~ s ) , C W t Y with , 0 of glorying, as Ro. iv. z ; ence of ( en.). (S.) rust, Ja. v. 3. (Ap.)* r a r ~ o w r to exercise autw, aglorying, I Cor. v. 6. thorily over (gen.), Mat. xx. rav-rqGo, to prevail against, r a k y s , COS, j, the act of overpower (gen.), Mat. xvi. 2 5 ; Mar. X . 42. ( N . T.)* boaslzng,gloryzng, Ro. xv. I 7 ; 18;Lu. xxi. 36 ( W . H.), xxiii. ~ar-cpybtopar, duopat, with Ja. iv. 16. (S.) 23.* Ka+apvwGp (see Karspvaodp), mid. and pass. aor. (augm. I-), to accomplish, achieve, rar-orrku, G, ( I ) intrans., to Capernaum. dwell, with (v, els (const. K w p r a i , Bv, al, Cenchrere, a Ro. xv. 18; Ep. vi. 1 3 ; to praeg.), $4 gen., or adverbs work out, result in, Ro. iv. port of Corinth, Ac. xviii. of place, Ac. i. 20, vii. 4 ; 1 5 , vii. 8. r 8 ; Ro. xvi. I.* fig., of qualities or attributes, ~ISpos, +,a cedar, Jn. xviii. 1(~r-(pxopar, aor. rar@8ov, 2d ov, to abide, Col. ii. g ; ( 2 ) trans., I ; perhaps a mistaken readto come down, Lu. iv. 31, ix. to dwell in, to inhabit (acc.), ing for following.* 37. Mat. xxiii. 21 ; Ac. i. 19. r a r - s d h and 4sBw (Mar. xii. &+v, 6 (Heb.dark or turbid), Cedron, a turbid brook be40, W . H.), fut. rara+dyopar ~aTOkqo(0,ews, +,a dwelling, habitation, Mar. v. 3.* (Jn. ii. 17, W . H.), zd aor. tween the Mount of Olives rart+ayov, to eat up, to L- rarortcqdjprov, ov, 76, a dwelland Jerusalem, a variant ing-placc, Ep. ii. 22 ; Rev. vour entirely, lit. or fig., Mat. reading in Jn. xviii. I .* xviii. 2. (S.)* xiii. 4 ; Jn. ii. 17; Gal. v. mtpar, sac, rat ; impf. ( ~ ~ i p q v , rawrrla, as, +, dwelling, huba CO, T O ; to lie, to rt~line, be to '5. itation. Ac. xvii. 26.* K Q T ~ G V ~ ,vB, to direct, to laid, Lu. xxiii. 53 ; I Jn. v. to dwell, guide, Lu. i. 79; I Th. iii. I I ; K ~ T - o ~ K & ,caute 1 9 ; met., to be enacted, as Ja. iv. 5 (W. H.).* 2 Th. iii. S:* laws, I Tim. i. g. KOVT-NAOY(~, to bless greaffy, rarn0(1w, mid.. to behold. rc~pia, Q, a band or bandage as, as i i .mirror; 2 Cor. iii: of linen, Jn. xi. 44.* Mar. X . 16 ( W . H.).* 18.* ~ar-u+-Lvqpr,ad aor. xarm4rrtpr, ~epB, shear, as sheep, to aros, szl)v, to rise up against, Ac. K~T-dpeopa, rb, an honorAc. viii. 32 ; mid., to havr able or successful achievexviii. 12. (N. T.)* the head shorn, Ac. xviii. 18 : ment, Ac. xxiv. 2 ( W . H. rar3(0), ~araox+sw,to seize I Cor. xi. 6. * a~bpe~~).* on, to hold fast, C retain, r i x w p a , aros, rb, a command, possess, to prevent f rom doing rbro, adv., downwardr, down, a loud cry, I Th. iv. I&*

GREEK-ENGLISH N E W TESTAMENT LEXICON gain, acquire, Mat. u v . of Noah's ark, Lu xvii. 27 ; 16 (W. H.), 2 2 ; Ja. iv. 13; Heb. x i 7. to gain, win, Phil. iii. 8 ; & ~d&pa, as, 4, a harp, I Cor. xiv. 7 ; Rev. xv. 2. gain ovcr to a cause, I Cor. ~ d a p q o to play upon a harp, , ix. 19-22. K ~ ~ & I s 6 , gain, advantage, ous, 7 , I Cor. xiv. 7 ; Rev. xiv. z f Phil. i. 21, iii. 7 ; Tit. i ~ r @ a p - ~ & , 03, 6, a harper, II.* singer to the harp, Rev. xiv. ~lppa, aros, 7 6 (xelpw),a small 2, xviii 2 2 3 pjece of money, Jn. ii. IS.* KArwfa, as, 4, Cilicia, Ac vi. K ~ P P ~ T 00,S 6, a m0nty~ , g, xxi. 39. ~rdppov (W. H. xrvvd-), ov, changer, Jn. ii. 14.* 7 6 . cinnamon. Rev. xviii. I a.* ~+Marov,ov, 7 6 , a sum of ~~P money, Ac. xxii. 28; the sum, K L V ~ ~ Y Iuw, iO , be in &n&, main point of an argument, Lu. viii. 23; A c x t . 27,40; Heb. viii. I (see R. V. and I Cor. xv. 30.* ~lVSuvoc,ov, 4 danger, p e d , mrg.).* eo. yiii. 35; 2 Cor. x i z6.* ~ t b d a d o W . H. -X&\. ( G. KbYIW, W , fU@, to nPOP/Cl 10 S ~ Y , ~ axii. 4.* i Mat. ~uriii. ; Ac. xvii. 28; 4 to shake the head in mockery, qs, 4, the head, o f human beings or animals ; Mat. xxvii. 39; Mar. xv. 29 ; to remove. Rev. ii. vi. I A : for the whae person, AC: to excitc, AC. xvii. 2g; xxi. j< xviii. 6 ; the hcad of a corner xxiv. S.* (with ywvla), corner-stone, ~ l y o wews, %, , a moving, agr'b l Lu. xx. 17; met., implying tion, Jn. v. 3 ( W . H. omit).* authority, head, lord, I Cor. Kb ( W . H. Kels), d (Heb.). xi. 3 ; Ep. i. 2 2 ; Col. i. 18. Kish, father of Saul, Ac.xii. we+dls, 1600, 4 (prop. top), a 21.* roll, a volume, Heb. X 7.* . q, q @ o , to mu.e&, I Cor. ix. g K ( p p to knd, Lu. xi. S.* &, ov, 6, a branch, as Mat ( W . H. mrg.).* xiii. 32 ; met., Ro. xi. 16-19. ~ ~ ~ 0 Latin (Gr. ) 154d, OU, 6, 0 , Bu. 16), a &X, poll-tar, d a b , a&rw, ( I ) abs., to wad, a to lament, Lu. xix. 41 ; ( 2 ) Mat. xvii. 25, xxii. 17, 19; trans., to weep for (acc.h Mar. xii. 14.* Mat. ii. 18. a m s , ov, 6, a garden, Lu. xiii. 19; Jn. xviii. I , 26, xis. 41.* d&m, 05, 4, a breaking, Lu xxiv. 35 ; Ac. ii. 42.* qlrsup6s, 00, 6, a gardener, Jn. xx. IS.* *pal asos, v6, a broRen piece, a fragnrenl, as Mat. qpiov, ov, 7 6 , a honeycomb, Lu. xiv. 20 xxiv. 42 (W. H. omit).* epyyxr,aros, 7 6 , a pro:laim- K h C h (W. H. Ka08a), ?S, 4, Clauda or Cauda, a small irtg, preaching, as Mat. xii. island near Crete, Ac u v i i . 41 ; I Cor. i 21 ; 2 Tim. iv. I 6. * 17. K+$, UKOS, 6, a herald, a KkauSk, as, Jr.. Claudia, 2 Ti . iv. 21.1 preacher, I Tim. i 7 ;2 Tim. i KAa68w, ov, 6, CZaudius, the i. I I ; 2 Pet. ii. S.* Roman emperor, Ac. xi. 28, qpGuum, 0, ( I ) to proclaim, xviii. 2 ; a military tribune to publish, Mar. v i i 36; (2) ( L sias), Ac. xxiii. 2 6 3 specially, to preach the Gospel, abs., or acc. and dot., ~ a & 6 s 03, 6 (~Xalw), , wctp ing, lamcntalion, w Mat. ii Mar. i. 38; Lu. xii. 3; I Pet. I 8. iii. 19. IcX60, &U, on1 with @TOE K-, OWE, 76, a sea monsICr, a to break breai, iu the ordi whale, Mat. xii. qo.* Kq+&, B, 6 (Aramaic, a rock), nary meal, Mat. xiv. 19; or Ccphas, i.e., Peter, I Cor. i in the Lord's Supper, x x v i 1 2 , iii. 22. 26; fig., of the body of KIC~ODT~S, 00, 4, a wooden chest, Christ, I Cor. xi. 24 (W. H. omit). used of the ark of the covenant, Heb. ix. 4 ; Rev. xi. 19; Ak, aXer8bsl acc. sing. ~Xe28a

A&, au, to eommand, to ordrr, Ac. iv. 15, v. 34. uvob& as, 4, vainglory,empnde, Phil. ii. 3* . ,ov, vainglori4us1Gal. v. 26.* f,6v, cm$&, vain, Ep. v. 6 ; Col. ii. 8 ; cmpiyhandcd, La. i. 53 ;Ja. ii. 20 ;f 'uitlczs, i ~ j " c f u a lI, Cor. xv. 10, 58. Syn. :reAr, empty, refers t o the contents; pdracos, aimIes, puqoseless, to the result. m v l a , as, 4, empty disputing, uscless babbling, I Tim. vi. 2 0 ; 2 Tim. ii. 16. (N. T.)* *, 0, duw, with k v ~ 6 v to , emp& one's self, divcst one's self of nghlful digniiy, Phil. ii. 7 ;to make useless or false, Ro. iv. 14; I Cor. i. 17, k. I S ; 2 Cor. ix. 3. * dvrpv, OV, 7 6 , a sting, Rev. ix. 10; I Cor. xv. 55,56; agoad, Ac. ix. 5 (W. H. omit), xxvi. 14.* m p h v , wvos, 4 Latin (see Gr. ) I 544, a cenkvion, the commander of a hundred foot-soldiers, Mar. xv. 39, 44, 45.* W&, adv., in vairt, Ja. iv. S.* wpala, or icepia ( W . H.), as, 4, a littie horn (the small projecting stroke b which cerletters tain similar ~ e g r e w are distinguished, as 7 and 7 ); met., the minutcstpart, Mat. v. 18; Lu. xvi. 17.* m, + dws, 6, a pot&?-,Mat. xxvii. 7, 1 0 ; Ro. ix. 21.* mpapucds, f , 6v, made of clay, earthen, Rev ii. 27.* u q + o v , QV, 7 6 , an earthen vcssel, a pikher, Mar. xiv. 13 ; Lu. xxii. IO.* dppos, ov, 4 a roofing tilc, Lu. v, 19." +w v p (see Gr. $0 113, 114, Wi. ) 15, Bu. 60), to mix, to pour out for drinking, Rev. xiv. 10, xviii. 6.* h, aros,~b, horn, as Rev. a v. 6 ; fig., for stren@, only Lu. i. 69 ; a prg'cch'ng point, horn of the altar, only Rev. U . 13. wP&Icov, ov, 7 6 , a littic horn, the name of the fruit of the carob tree, Lu. xv. 16.* m$alva~,av9,1st aor. i~dp8qua,




GREEK-BNCWSX N E W TESTAMEN?' LEXICON; or uAt?v, acc. plur. ukclas or r k i f , 4, a key, M a symbol of power and authority, Mat. xvi. 19; Rev. i. 18, iil. 7, ix. I , u I ; met., Lu. xi. 52.. &h, SW, to shut, shut up, Mat. vi. 6 ; Lu. iv. 25. d p p q a~os, ~6'(uAhr~w), #eft, Rev. xi. 21.* a, 4 Clcow, Lu. xxlV. IS.* W, ovs, 76, glory, ptuisr, 1 Pet. ii. 2 0 9 *X)lrrrlr, ov, 6, a Zkirf, M Mat. vi. 19; met., of false teachers, Jn. X . 8. Syn. :wAdr7r)s, a thief, who steals secretly ; X ~ r n f sa robber, who plun, y ders opmly, b violence. *m, $W,to stcal, abs., Mat. xix. 18; or trans. (acc.),Mat. u v i i . 64. A q p q aros, 7 6 (uXdw),a tcnder b m n d , a shoot, of a vine, etc., Jn. xv. 2, 4, 5, 6.. U h m , e n o s 4, Clement,Phil. . . iC 3.* Aqpowpb, 0 , (Iuw, to inhcdt, Gal. iv. 30 ; C ob&in, generally, Lu. X. 25. Aqpowpb, as, 4, an inheritance, Lu. xii 13; a posse* sion, Gal. iii. 18. Aqpo-dps, OV, 6, an heir, Mat. xxi. 38; applied to Christ, Heb. i. 2 ; in general, one who obbins a possession, Heb. vi. 17. Aqpoc, ov, 6, ( I ) a lot, Mat. xxvii. 35; hence, ( 2 ) that which is allotted, a portion, Ac. i. 17, 25, viii. 21, xxvi. 18; Col. i. 1 2 ; plur., persons assigned to one's care, I Pet. v. 3.* uhqp6m, 8, to make a hcdhgc, Ep. i. I I.* UATLS, 4, a calling, inva'taews, bon, i N,T. always of the n divine call, as Ro. xi. 29; Ep. ;v. 4. uhqds, f , bv, verb. adj. (caXlw), called, invited, Mat. xxii. r 4 ; of Christians, the called, Ro. i. 6, 7, viii. 28 ; called to an office, Ro. i. I ; I Cor. ov, 76, a small k d , Ac. v. 15 (W. H.).* Alvq, vs, 4, a bed, Mar. vii. 30 ; a portable bed, Mat. ix. 2, 6 ; a couch for reclining at meals, Mar. iv. 21. &v(8rov, ov, 7 6 (dim.), a small bed, U C O U C ~ , Lu. V . 19, 24.* &(V@, vO, peIf. K ~ K ~ L K( I~ ) , trans., C bow, in reverence, Lu. u i v . 5 ; in death, Jn. xix. 30; to recline the head for rest, Mat. viii. 2 0 ; to turn to jigAt, Heb. xi. 34 ; ( 2 ) intrans., to decline, as the da , Lu. ix. 12. ~ w a6 a company reclin& ing at a meal, Lu. ix. 14.* Mat. xv. 19; W,99 4, Mar. vll. 21.* A&v, wvos, 6, a violent agzitofion of the sea, a wave, Lu. viii. 24 ; Ja. i. 6.0 A&*qo* to be agitated, as waves by the wind, Ep. iv. 14. (S.)* KAa&, B, 6, Chpas, Jn. xix.
K O L V W ' ~ K ~ S ,4

, 6 ~ ready CO* , municafe, liberal, I Tim. v i


~LBQYoI, OV, 6, an own, a f u r

nace, Mat. vi. 30; Lu. xii. 28.. d h aros, 7 4 , a tract of countiy, a region, Ro. xv. 23; 2 Cor. xi. 10; G l i. 2 1 3 a.

1. I .

2 Tim. iv. 3. * Kv-, ov, 4, Cnidus, Ac. xxvii. 7.* ~oSp6vqs, 6, Lat. (see Gr. ov, g Bu. 17), a quadrans, f a d i n g , the fourth part of the Roman as, Mat. v. 26; .* Mar. xii. 42. (N. T ) mAb, as, 4, ( I ) the belly, Mat. xv. 17; ( 2 ) the womb, Mat. xix. 1 2 ; (3) fig., h e inner man, the heart, Jn. vii. 38. K O ~ & , 0 , pass., to faN asleep, Lu. xxii. 45 ; met., to die, Jn. xi. 12. ~obqww, 0, repose, &king ews, rest, Jn. xi. IS.* WLV& (, bv, common, i.e., I shared by many, Ac. iv. 32 ; unclean, ceremonially,Ac. X . I 5 ; Heb. X . 29. K O L Y ~ ~(SOU, to make common G, , or unclean, to profane, Mat. xv. I r ; Ac. xxi. 28. ~otwvim, , (Iuw, to have com8 mon share in, to partohe in, Ro. xv. 27 ; to be associated in, Gal. vi. 6. wobwvb, as, 4, parlicipation, communion,fellowrhiP, as I Cor. X . 16; 2 Cor. xiii. 13; I Jn. i. 3, 6, 7 ; a contn'bucion, Ro. xv. 26 ; Heb. xiii. 16. 56

4 tototicklt : tickled, itch,

; pass., to h ?

6% as subst., a parhrcr, Lu. v. 10 ; a sharrr with, gen. obj., 2 Cor. i. 7. K O ~ qr, 4, a bed, Lu. x i 7 ; , met., mambgc bed, Heb. xiii. 4 ; sexual intercourse (as illicit), Ro. xiii. 13 ; ~017r)v gxcrv, to conceive, Ro. U. I o. * K O L T ~ V ,OWS, 6, a bedslamber, Ac. xii. 20.* K ~ K K L Y O I , q, OV, dyed fY0m the K ~ K K O S ,crimson, Heb. ix. 19; Rev. xvii. 4. (S.) ~ 6 ~ ~OV, 6, a kernel, a pit#, 00, Lu. xiii. 19, xvii. 6. roAYm, ow, mid., to chasttse, to punish, Ac. iv. 21 ; pass., 2 Pet. ii. g.* ~oAarab(W. H. -rla), as, 4, flattery, I Th. ii. S.* ~ A a a r s ,cos, 4, chasliJcmrnt, punishmrnt, Mat. xxv. 46; I Jn. iv. IS.* Kohwuat, Gv, al, see KOAooual. KOA~+YW, , to s t d e with the UW f i t , to maltmat, Mar. xiv. 65. ( N . T.) ~ o M bG, ~ U W pass., to cleave , , to, tojoin one's self to, Lu. X. I I ; Ac. viii. 29. ~oMoGpwv, roAAlprov, ov, 7 6 , or collyrium, ey&salue, Rev. iii. IS.* ~ o M v ~ w v f p , 6 (rbXAv,8os, 00, smaN coin),a money-changer, Mat. xxi. 1 2 ; Mar. xi. 15; Jn. ii. IS.* K O ~ O ~ 8,D ~ , U W to Cut of, to ~ , shot?en, Mat. xxiv. 2 2 ; Mar. xiii. 20.* KoAouuaebs,dos, 6, plur. KoAouoacb ( W . H. KoAaooacb), Colossians, only in the heading and subscription (Rec.) to the Epistle. KoAwwa(, or KoAaaaal, 8v, al, Cohsso, Col. i. 2.* K6Xlror, OV, 6, the bosom, the chest, ( I ) of the body; dv 79 rbXry (or TO& b ~ u o tervac, ~ s) dvare"wOac,to be in the bosom of, i.e., recline next to, at table; Lu. xvi. 22, 23 (of the heavenly banquet); Jn. xiii. 23; the phrase in Jn. i 18 implies a still closer fellowship ; ( 2 ) of the dress, used as a bag or pocket, Lu, v i

K O L W ~ ~ f ,, ~

6 1

G R E E K - E N G L I S N NE W T E S T A M E N T L E X I C O N .

caused b y excessive drink. 38 ; (3) a bay, a krlf o f the gopi, 6 (Heb.), Korah, Ju. 11.* sea, Ac. xxvii. 39.* ing, Lu. xxi. 34.* ~ o A u p $ b G, 4uw, to m i m , Ac. K O ~ W V ~ L , pass. perf. ~ e r b - ~ p a v b v , OU, 76, a skull, Lu. , prupac, to satiate, satisfy, Ac. Xxvii. 43.* xxiii. 33 ; Kpavlou Tbsor, ~okvppfi0pa, 4, a swimmingas, xxvii. 38 ; I Cor. iv. S.* Greek for roXyoOd, which place, a pool, Jn. v. 2 , 4 K o p L v 0 ~ ,ou, 6, a Corinthian, see, Mat. xxvii. 33 ; Mar. xv. (Fee.), 7, ix. 7 , 1 1 (Kec.).* Ac. xviii. 8 ; 2 Cor. vi. I I .* 2 2 ; Jn. xix. 17.* K O ~ U V L ~ K O ~ W U(W. H.), Or ~ ~ K6prveos, ou, 4, Corinth, Ac. ~p6nn&ov, O U , 76, the fringe, as, 4 (Lat.),a colony; Philippi xviii. I , xix. I . tassel, o f a garment, as Mat. is so called, Ac. xvi. 12. ( N . Kopvf+oc, ov, 6, Cornclius, xxiii. <. T.)* Ac. X.* upa~cu6r; bv, strong, m&hty, d, ~opdw, 8 , to wear .t%e hair ~6poc, d (from Heb.), a COY, ou, I Pet. v. 6.. the largest dry measure, K p ~ r T d r ,8 , in pass. only, to long, I Cor. xi. 14, I S.* 6c shong, & gmw grvrwrcrmcg, h . ~ 6 p q V S , 4, hair o f the head, , equal t o ten pd~oe,or ten I Cor. xi. IS.* Attic medimni, Lu. xvi. 7. i. 80, ii. 40 ; I Cor. x v f . 13 ; Ep. iii. 16. (S.)* ~ o p @ a , mid. fut. ~ o p l u o ~ c ( . * uw, S) or ~opcofipac, bear, to bring, K W ~ W , 8 , ~ U Wto j u t i n order, ~ @ a , 8 , 4uw, with acc., or to , to prepare, Mat. xxv. 7 ; to Lu. vii. 37; mid., to bring gen, or acc. and gen. (see for one's self, i.e., to obiain, Gr. 8 264, W i . 3 30, 8 d, Bu. adorn, Mat. xxiii. 29; I Tim. ii. 9 ; met., with honor, Tit. Heb. X . 36 ; to receive again, I ~ I ) to get possession of, ob, ii. 10; I Pet. iii. 5. tain, Ac. xxvii. 1 3 ; to take to recover, Heb. xi. 19. hold of, Mar. i. 31 ; Ac. i i i ~opJlbnpov (comp. o f ~oeqbs), K O U ) U K ~ , 4 , bv, ( I ) earth&, better, o f convalescence, adopp. t o C~oupdveo~. Heb. i . x I I ; C seise, Mat. xiv. 3 ; 0 -verbially with Cxw, Jn. iv. I ; (2) wor(diy, i.e:, corrupt, hold, Rev. ii. I ; to hold fast, T i t . ii. 12.* Rev. ii. 25, iii. I I ; to retain, 52.* ~ o v c b G, to whitewash, Mat. ~ 6 q r o s ov, order&, modest, I , , o f sins, Jn. xx. 23. xxiii. 27 ; pass., Ac. xxiii. 3.* T i m . ii. 9, iii. 2.* K ~ ~ T L W T O S I ) , ov (prop. super, lative o f ~parls,see rpd~os), ~Ovb-Oplk, b ((lpv~pt), OU, dust, ~ o u p o - ~ p h r w opos, b, lord of p, this world, world-ruler (R. Mat. X. 14. most excellent, most noble, a title o f honor, Lu. i. 3 ; A c ~ o n y a uw, to gvow weary, to , V.),Ep. vi. 12.* cease, o f the wind, Mat. xiv. ~ k p o s ,ou, 6, ( I ) ornament, xxiii. 26, xxiv. 3, xxvi. 25.g 32 ; Mar. iv. 39, vi. 51.* W , decoration, only I Pet. iii. 3 ; K ~ ~ T OUS, 76, strengfh; power, dominion, Ep. i. 1 9 ; I Pet. R O W ~ T oir, 6 ( K ~ T T W ) vehement ~ , , hence, (2) the material unilamentatzon, Ac. viii. z* . i v 1 1 ; Heb. ii. 14; KaTh verse, Lu. xi. 50, as well ordered and beautiful; (3) Kpd70~,Ac. xix. 20, gveaffy, KM, *S,.!, cutta'ng, slaughicr, Heb. vii. I.* m zgh lily. the world, Jn. xi. 9 ; world& ~ o m b 0, duo, to be weary, , afairs, Gal. vi. 14 ; (4) the ~pauybEa, uw, to cry out, to Mat. xi. 28 ; to labor, to toil, shout, as Mat. xii. 19. inhabitants of the worhi, I Lu. v. 5 ; in the Gospel, Ro. Cor. iv. 9 ; as opposed t o K P ~ V Y I I , j l f , 4, a crying, outcry, as Heb. v. 7. xvi. 6, 1 2 ; I Cor. xv. 10. God, Jn. viii. 23 ; (5) a vast K ~ S ou, b, labor, toil, frouble, , colleciion, o f anything, Ja. ~ d a (aror, aor, contr. ~pCws), s Lu. xi. 7 ; 2 T h . iii. 8. 76, plur. KpdaTa, ~ p hflesh, , iii. 6. Syn. :see a18v. ~ m p L a ,as, 4 , dung, manure, Kobaplor, ou, b (Latin, see Gr. flesh-meat, KO.xiv. 21 ; I Cor. 5 I 59), Quarhrs, Ro. xvi. 23.* viii. 13.* Lu. xiii. 8 (not W . H.), xiv. 7 C.* ~ofipr (a Hebrew imperative K ~ L P U O V (or -TT-), OY (prop, K ~ T ~ W Vov, 76, dung, Lu. xiii. , fern.), arise, Mar. v. 41 ( W . s, compar. o f ~ p a ~ l see pd. 8 ( W . H.).* T O T ) , stronger, more excellent, H. read KOLP, the masculine ha, mid. fut. ~b11/0pac, cut to as Heb. vii. 7, xii. 24. form). ( N . T.)* o f , as branches, trees, etc., uovoraSkr, as, 4 (Latin, see ~ p ) r d w v p r , Kprpdw, 9,fut. or Mat. xxi. 8 ; mid., to beat or duo, to hang u j , trans., Ac. Gr. 1 54 c, Bu. 17),a guard, cut one's p k f , to bev. 30 ; mid., to be suspended, Mat. xxvii. 65,66, xrviii. 11. to hang, Mat. xxii. 4 0 ; Ac. wail, as Mat. xi. 17. ( N . T.)* ~ 6 ~aror,, b, a raven, Lu. xii. ~ov+[go; li'hkn, as a ship, 4 X X V l l l . 4. to 24.* Ac. xxvii. 38.* ~ p r l p v k ,09, 6 ( ~ p e e d v w ~a , ) ~ o p b r o v ,ou, 76 (prop. dim. K~+LvOS, ou, 6, a basket, as Mat. precipice, from ita overhang. from K ~ P I ) ) , a g i d , as Mar. xiv. 20. ing, Mat. viii. 32 ; Mar. v. 13; vi. 2 2 , 28. K ~ ~ $ @ T ( W . H . ~ p d f l a ~ ~ o s ) , Lu. viii. 33.* OS ~ o p w v( W . H. ~oppdv),(in, ou, b, a couch, a la$t bed, as Kpfis, ~ r b r6, a Cretan, Ac. ii, decl.). and rooBaviis. 6. b I I ; Tit. i. 12.* Mar. ii. 12. ( f r o m Heb.), (;) a gyt, ' a n K&O, (U, to c y out, hoarse1 , K p m s , 6 (Latin), Crcscrns, oftring to God, Mar. vii. I I ; 2 Tim. iv. 10.. or urgently, or in anguisg, ( 2 ) the sacred treasury, Mat. Mar. v. 5 ; Ac. xix. 32. lbjq, v , 4, Crck, now Car* xxvii. 6.* ~ p a ~ n M q V S , jL sut-feiting, , d ~ aAc. xxvn. 7. ,

K P L ~ , 55

GREEK-ENGLISH NE W T E S T A M E N T 40, 4 b)., Mat. X . 9 ; Lu. xviii. 1 2 , xxi. 1 9 ; Ac. i. 18, viii. 20, xxii. 28 ; I Th. iv. 4. * w p a , aros, 76, anything acquired, a possession, Mat. xix. 22 ; Mar. X . 2 2 ; Ac. ii. 45, v. 1. @W, our, 76, a beast of burden (as representing property), Lu. X . 34; Ac. xxiii. 24; I Cor. xv. 39; Rev. xviii. I3.* +p, opos, 6, a possessor, Ac. IV. 34. * ~ s l g a ow, perf. pass. #~rropac, , to create, form, shape, physically or spiritually, as IZo. i. 2 s ; Ep. ii. 10. K T ~ ews, I f , creation, ( I ) the , act, Ro. i. 2 0 ; ( 2 ) the thing created, creature, Ro. i. 25 ; creation, generally, Ro. viii. 19-22; (3) met., an ordinance, I Pet. ii. 13. KTLQJLo, aros, 76, a thing created, a creature, I Tim. iv. 4 ; Ja. i. 18; Rev. v. 13, viii.
K T ~ ~ OU, , 6, S

a founder; a creator, I Pet. iv. 19.* m @ l q as, $,dicc$laying,fraud, .. Ep. iv. I+* mB(pqms1 09, I f , governing, direction, I Cor. xii. 28.* m~pYfr?s, O U , 6, a skcrsman, a palot, Ac. xxvii. I I ; Rev. xviii. 17.* K V K ~ G W io encircle, surround, , Rev. xx. 9 ( W . H.).* 20. ~ p r r r ~4, ,bv, s k i h d i n judg. md68av1 adv. ( K ~ K ~ round k os), about, gen., Rev. iv. 3, 4, 8, ing, gen. obj., Heb. iv. rz.* xpobcu, rw, to knock at a door, v. 1 1 (not W . H.).* Lu. xiii. 25. KGdop, OV, 6, a circle; only in dat., KBKXQ, as adv., abs., ~ p h q gs, I f , a cellar, a vault, , Lu. xi. 33.* or with gen., round about, around, Mar. iii. 34 ; vi. 6. ~pvrrrdr, 4, bv, verbal adj. mKXda, G, to encircle, sur( K D ~ T W ) hidden. secret. Mat. . round, besiege, Lu. xxi. 2 0 ; i.'26 ; RO. ii. I 61 Jn. X . 24 ; Ac. xiv. 20 ; Heb. K ~ P P$W, 2d aor. pass. IK~B, pqv, to hide, conceal, to lay up, xi. 30; Rev. xx. g (Rec.).* as Col. iii. 3. ~Gkrupa,aros, 76, a place for wallouring, z Pet. ii. 22 (not ~pw7crMqcu, to be clear, like crystal, Rev. xxi. I I . (N.T.)* W . H.). ( N . T.)* K ~ ~ U T Q M OVS 6, ctystul, Rev. ~ ~ A w p ioii, d, a rolling, walO , , s, iv. 6, xxii. I.* lowing, 2 Pet. ii. 2 2 ( W . H.).* pass., to be ~pv+aCop, a, ov, hidden, secret, mkla (for ~vXlvBw), Mat. vi. 18 ( W . H.).* , rolled, L wallow, Mar. ix. 20.* ~pv+q ( W . H. -U^), adv., in sccret, secretly, Ep. v. I 2.* ~ v M 6 0 ,4, bv, cra2pled, lame, KTbopa~,;pal, fut. 4UOpa4, #Kespecially in the hands, Mat. r~udfiqv,dep., to acquire, xv. 30 (not W . H.), 31 (not gen., or (K), x procure (pr~ce, W . H.), xviii. 8 ; Mar. i . (see Gr. O 273, W i . g$ 38, 7 , 43.*

I f , barley, Rev. vi. 6.* nplOrvop, q, ov, made of barley; dproi ~ple~voi, barlry loaves, Jn. vi. 9, 13.* cplpa, aros, 76, a judgment, a sentence, condemnation, as I Cor. xi. 29. tplvov, ov, 7 6 , a lily, Mat. vi. 28 ; Lu. xii. 27.* ~plva, K ~ K P ~ 1st aor. pass. VG, K ~ , C~plOqv,I ) to have an opinion, ( to Uink, Ac. xiii. 46, xv. 19; (2) to approve, prefer, Ro. xiv. 5 ; (3) to rcsolve, determine, I Cor. vii. 37 ; Tit. iii. I 2 ; (4) to try, to sit in judgment on, Jn. xviii. 31 ; pass. o and mid., to appeal t trial, i.e., to havc a lawsuit, I Cor. vi. 6. ( ~ p h ,cos, I f , ( I ) opinion, formed and expressed, Jn. viii. 16; Ju. 9 ; ( 2 )judgment, the act or result o f , Ja. ii. 13; Lu. X . 14; (3) condemnation andpunishment, Heb. X . 27 ; Rev. xviii. 10; (4) a hibunal, Mat. v. 21, 22 ; ( S ) ustice, Mat. xxiii. 23. h s , ov, 6 , Crispus, Ac. xviii. 8 ; I Cor. i. 14.* K ~ L ~ P L O O V,, 7 6 , ( I ) a tribunal, V a court of justice, I Cor. vi. 2, 4 (see R. V.) ; Ja. ii. 6.* K~L+S, 06, b, a judge, Mat. v. 2 ~ Ac. xviii. I F : o f the : d.' T. " ~ u d ~ e s , AC. xiii. "-

~ Q p a , 76, a wave, as Mat aros, viii. 24 ; Mar. iv. 37 ; Ju. 13. r6p~aAov1 U , 76 ( ~ d p p o s ,holO foul), a cymbal, I Cor. xiii.


rb (from Heb.), crtmin, Mat. xxiii. 23.* mvdprov, ov, 7 6 (dim. o f rdwv), a little dog, Mat. xv. 26, p 7 ; Mar. vii. 27, 28.* Khrprog, ov, 6, a Cyprian or Cypviote, Ac. iv. 36. KGnpos, ov, I f , Cyprus, A c x i 19, xiii. 4. Kbrn0.9 $U, to bend, to stoop down, Mar. i. 7 ; Jn. viii. 6, 8 ( W . H. omit). Kvpqvatus, O V , 6, a Cyrenaan, Ac. vi. 9, xi. 20. Kvpfpq, qs, I f , Cyrene, a city of Africa, Ac. ii. IO.* Kvpfivros, O U , 6, Cyrenius or Quirinius, Lu. ii. 2 1 . mpla, as, I f , a lady, 2 Jn. i. 5 (some read Kvpla, Cyria, a proper name).* m p ~ a ~ d 4,, bv, of or $ c h i n c irzg to the Lord, as the supper, I Cor. xi. 2 0 ; the day, Rev. i. IO.* mpuGo, tduw, to havc authority, abs., I Tim. vi. I S ; to rule over (gen.), Lu. xxii. 25. ~Gproc,ov, b, ( I ) lord, mashr, Lu. xx. 15 ; Ac. xvi. 1 6 ; a title of honor, Mat. xiii. 27, xvi. 2 2 ; ( 2 ) Ue Lord, applied t o God, Mar. v. 19; Ac. V I I . 33 ; (3) the Lord, employed in the Epp. constantly of Christ (see Gr. 217 6, W i . 19, I a, P. 1?4, nu. 89), Ac. I X . I ; Ro. x ~ v 8. Syn. : . see 8cunbrqr. ccupriqs, rqsos, I f , lordshQ, do. minion ; collective concr., lords, Ep. i. 21 ; Col. i. 16; 2 Pet. ii. 1 0 ; Ju. 8. ( N . T.)* ~vpdcu,G, to confirm, ralify, 2 Cor. ii. 8 ; Gal. iii. I S.* KGOV, ~vvbr, , I f , a dog, Lu. xvi. 6 21 ; f g , of shamelesspersons, i. Phil. iii. 2. ~Pjhov, U , 7 6 , a limb, a carcase, O N T . plur. only, Heb. iii. 17.* KOXGW, uw, to restrain, forbid, hinder, Mar. ix. 38. ~ h p qq!, I f , a village, unwalled, , Mat. I X . 35. ~up&~rohrs, I f , a large, citytor, like village, without walls, Mar. i. 38.* ~iipos, d, a feasting, revelov,

K~~LVOV, ov,




21 ;


Pet. iv. g.* a&+, wros, b, a gnat, Mat. xxiii. 24.* B, 4, Cos, Ac. xxi. I.* b & p , b (Heb.), Cosam, Lu. iii. 28.* K ,* 4, bv ( ~ 6 7 7 0lit., blunt, ed), dumb, Mat. i . 32, 33; x deaf, Mat. xi. 5.

ing, Ro. xiii. 13; Gal. v.

eleventh letter. As a numeral, X' = 30 ; ,X = 30,000. h ~ k v c2d aor. #Xaxov,trans., ~, to obtain by lot, to obtain, acc. or gen., Lu. i. g ; Ac. i. 17 ; z Pet. i. I ; abs., to cast lots, repl, gen., Jn. xix. 24.* Aespor, ou, d , Lasatus, ( I ) of Bethany, Jn. xi. I , 2 ; ( 2 ) in the parable, Lu. xvi. 20-25. W a ( W . H. XdOpq), (XavOdp vw), adv., secretly, Jn. xi. 28. AaQcvJI, aros, g, a whirlwind, a violent storm, Mar. iv. 37 ; Lu. viii. 23 ; 2 Pet. ii. 17.' ~ ~ K T Q ~ Padv., with the Old[, heel), to kick, Ac. i . 5 (W. x H. omit), xxvi. I+* W ,O, ~ U W ,( I ) to utter a sound, to speak, absolutely, Rev. X . 4 ; Heb. xii. 24 ; Ja. ii. 12 ; ( 2 ) to speak, to talk, with acc. of thing spoken, also with modal dat. and dat. of person addressed. Hence, according to the nature of the case, met., to declare, by other methods than vivd voce, as Ro. vii. I ; to preach, to publish, to announce. Syn.: X h w has reference to the lought uttered; X X w simply to the fact of aC utterance. m&&, ( 1 ) sjeech, report, es, g, Jn. iv. 42; ( 2 ) manner of speech, dialect, Mat. xxvi. 73 ; Mar. xiv. 70 ( W . H. omit) ; Jn. viii. 43.* or X p CB (perh. Heb.), ap t and Xapd (Aram.),why, Mat. u v i i 46; Mar. xv. 34 (PS. xxii. I ) . (N. T ) .* W v a , X4$opac ( W . H. X4p +OWL), elXq@a,#XaBov, ( I ) to take, as in the hand, Mat. xiv. 19 ; hence, (a) io claim, pmcure, Lu, xix. I z ; (3) to

d, A, h6p@a, lambda, l, the

tcrke by force, seise, Mat. xxi. 35 ; (4)to take away, by v i e lence or fraud, Mat. v. 40; ( 5 ) to choose, Ac. xv. 14; (6) to receive, accept, obtain, Jn. xvi. 24; JP. iii. I ; Rev. xviii 4 ; (7) in certain periphrastic expressions Xa@dverv &px4v, to begin; X. XllOqv, to forgct; X. Or6pyocv, to remember; X. re?pav, to expericnce; X. rp6owrov, to accept the person," i.e., to be partial. The preposition "from," after this verb, is expressed by Cx, drb, rapd (Orb. 2 Cor. xi. 24). AbM; 6 (Heb.), Lamed, Lu, iii. 26.* h&&91- daos, g, prop. a torch, Rev. iv. 5, viii. 1 0 ; dso a lamp, Jn.xviii. 3. Syn.: @OS is light in general; $tyyos, radiance; @wo~flP,heavena ly body, luminary ; Xaprds, a torch ; Xlxvos, a lamp. hapuph, d , bv, shitring, magngccnt, Rev. xxii. 16; Lu. xxiii. I I . ko(rupkq9, ~ ~ T O 4,, splendor, S brightness, Ac. u v i 1 3 3 hapup&, adv., rnagn@ccndy, Lu. xvi. 19.. k6pu(u, $U,to shine, Mat. v. I 5, 16, xvii. 2. Aad6~0), aor. IXaOov, ( I ) to zd be hidden, abs., Mar. vii. 24 : Lu. viii. 47; ( 2 ) to k hiddin from (acc.), Ac. xxvi. 26; 2 Pet. iii. 5, 8 ; (3) for part. constr., see Gr. 5 394, 2, W!. $ 54, 4, Bu. 299; Heb.

6* . A~pcGo,,ow, ( I ) to worship, to s m e , Ac. vii. 7 ; (2) to e ciate as U )*S:, Heb. X ii. 10. Syn.: Xarpdw is to worship God,as any one may to do; Xec~ovpydo, serve him in a spedd office or min. istry. Mxavov, OV, 76, an he&, a garden plant, Mat, xiii. 32. ou, b, fibbeus, Mat X . 3 (not W . H.). See 8a1 6aTos.* ( W . H. XcycBv), Qmc, b (Lat., see Cr. 5 1546, Bu. 16), a legion, Mat. xxvi. 53 ; Mar. v. g , I 5 ; Lu. viii. 30; in N T .. times containing probably A(z6 men. (N. T ) .* W, only pres. and impf, in T., ( I ) to speak, to say,AC xiii. I 5 ; Jn. i. 29 ; used also of writings, as Jn. xix. 37; ( 2 ) to relak, to tell, Lu, ix. 31, xviii. I ; (3) to call, pass., to be called or named; (4)pass., to be chosen or appointed. Dot. of person addressed Syn. :see XaXCw. * , ~ T O S 76 (Xelru),a armp , nant, KO. xi. ela, ehv, smooth, level, Lu. iii. 5 (fromS.).* k k ,$W, to leave, to be want irrg, Lu. xviii. 22 ; Tit. i. 5, iii. 13;pm., to be lacking, ~3 be dcsti&te of, Ja.i. 4, 5, ii.

h p k , at, 4, w s h * , sendcc rendered to God, Jn. xvi, a; Ro. iL 4, X& r ; Heb. k. I ,




h+rr6r, 4, bv, hewn out o a f rock, Lu. xxiii. 53. (S.)* AaoSrrtb, as, 4, Laodicea, Col. ii. I , iv. 13. AaoSr~tC, 6, a Ladicean, dos, Col. iv. 16; Rev. iii. 14 (not W.H \ * .. X-, G,'b, ( I ) a eople, spec. of the people OPGad, Lu. ii. 31 ; Ac. iv. 10 ; ( 2 ) l e comI 2.* mon people, Mat. xxvi. 5. Xcb~vpy~?,?, hv, emplqed h k I , vyyor, 6, the throat, Ro. rtr mmrsknng, Heb. 1 14 . iii: I 3* . (S.)* 00, Aaacrla ( W . H. AarCa), as, g, h n k ~ v ~ & , 6, a ministcr or Lasaa. Ac. xxvii. 8.* sewant to, obj., Ro. h&UKcP, 1st GOT. & ~ K ~ C10 , xiii. 6, xv. I ; Phil ii. 25; O burst asunder, Ac. i. I 8.* Heb. i. 7, viii. 2.* hano+, O, to hew stones, to cut h4vrrov. ov. 7 6 (Lpt.. see Cr. stones, Mat. xxvii. 60.; M r a. 5 ~ s i e )i, w'el, acrprvn, Jn ? xv, 46. (S.)* xiii. 4, 5. (N. .* T) 59

X l l l . 2* .

G & p r ~ w , 0 , ( I ) to s e w e p d lifCy in sacred things, Ac. xiii. 2 ; Heb. X . 1 1 ; ( 2 ) to ministry io charitably, Ro. xv. 27.* Syn. :see Xazpelw. hrroupyla, as, 4, ( I ) a public minislration or sewice, Lu. i. 23; Phil. ii. 17 ;Heb. viii. 6, ix. 21 ; ( 2 ) a dadtable M, Phil. ii. 30; 2 Cor. ix.




h k , lBos, 4, a scale, Ac. ix. I 8. * Xkrpa, as, 4, the leprosy, Mat. viii. 3 ; Mar. i. 42; Lu. v. 12, 13.f h p & , 00, d, a leper, Ln. iv. 27, vii. 22. h 6 v , 00, 76, prop. verb. adj. (sc. vbprspa), from XCrw (to stn) OK pare down), a mite, a small brass coin,one eighth of an as, the smallest Jewish coin, Mar. xii. 42 ; Lu. xii. 59, x i . 2.* A d , or Aevb ( W . H. Aevsls), gen. Asvt, 6, Levi. Four are mentioned : ( I ) son of Jacob, ancestor of the priestly tribe; (2,3) ancestors of Jesus, Lu. iii. 24, 29; (4) the apostle, also called Matthew, Lu. v. 27, 29. A t v t q s , O V , d, a Levik, Lu. X . 32 ; Jn. i. 19; Ac. iv. 36.* dnikwtds, 4,6v, Levitical, Heb. vii. I I .* h ~ a l v mRUG, aor. iAelS~ava, , 1st to make whi?e, Mar. ix. 3 ; Rev. vii. 14.* h u 6 s , 4, 6v, ( I ) whik, as Mat. v. 36; Jn. iv. 35; (2) bnght, as Mat. xvii. 2. Mmv, OWOS, d , a lion, Heb. xi. 33 ; fig., 2 Tim. iv. 17 ; of Christ, Rev. v. 5. A4&l, qs, 4, forgetfulness, 2 Pet.

9* .


00, 6, 4, a wine-press, Mat. xxi. 33; fig. in Rev. xiv. 19, 20, xix. IS.* hp-, ov, d, idlc ialk, Lu. xxiv.


00,d , a robber, Mar. xi. 17; Jn. X . I , 8. Syn.: see Air~qs. ( W . H. X?jp$rs), ros, 4 .Xap/3dvw), a receiving, Phil.
N. 15.4

Akw, adv., very much; with adj. or adv., very, Mat. iv. 8 ; Mar. xvi. 2. Alj3avog, ov, d , frankincense, Mat. ii. I I ; Rev. xviii. 13.* ~ L B Q v w ~ 00, d , a censer for s, burnin/: frankincense, Rev. viii. 3,-5'* krbprtvos, ov, d &at. liberti.. nus), a freh'mah, k c . vi. g. Probably Jews who had been slaves at Rome under Pompe and afterwards freed.* W 4 qt, 4, Libya, Ac. ii.

the reason, Ro. xii. I ; I Pet. ArOLfm, so, Zo stonc, Jn. xi. 8 ; ii. 2.* Ac. xiv. 19. A ~ ~ L V O SOY, made of stonc, A6yrov, ov, 76,somethingspokcn, 8, , in N. T., a divine communiJn. ii. 6 ; 2 COLiii. 3 ; Rev. cation, cg., the Old Testaix. 20.* Ado-PMm, B, $SW, to throw ment, Ac. vii. 38 ; Ro. iii. 2 ; and the doctrines o f Christ, stones at, to stone, Mat. xxiii. Heb. v. 1 2 ; I Pet. iv. II.* 37 ; Mar. xii. 4 (W.H. omit). A6yros, ov, eloquent, Ac. xviii. (S.) 24.43 AlOos, ov, d , a sfonc, i.e., ( I ) loose and lying about, Mat. Aoywp6s, 00, d , a reasoning, iv. 3, 6 ; (2) built into a wall, decision, Ro. ii. 15 ; 2 Cor. X . 5. * etc., Mar. xiii. 2 ;13) a $7:ciom stone, Rev. IV. 3, X V I I . Aoyo-pax4m, G, to confendabout 4 ; (4) a statue or idol of words, 2 Tim. ii. 14. (N.T.)* Aoyopaxla, as, 4, contention stone, Ac. xvii. 29. about words, I Tim. vi 4. A1Cmprusov, ov, 76 (prop. adj., spread with stones), a mosaic ( N . T.)* pavement, as name o f a place Adyos, ov, d , ( I ) a speaking, a near the praetorium or palsaying, a word, as the expression of thought (whereace at Jerusalem, Jn. xix. 13.* as Croo, (Iwpa,j?jpa refer to words in their outward form, Arupbm, B, Buw, to scatter, as as parts of speech), Mat. grain in winnowing, 40 grind to powder that may be scatviii. 8 ; (2) the thing spoken, Mat. vii. 24, 26 whether tered, Mat. xxi. 44 ; Lu. xx. 18.* doctrine, I Tim. iv. 6;,prophArpfiv, Jvos, d , a harbor, Ac. cry, 2 Pet. i. 1 9 ; question, xxvii. 8, 12.* Mat. xxi. 24 ; a common saying or proverb, Jn. iv. 37 ; A k q , ~ s 4, a lake, e.g., Gen, nesaret, Lu. v. I . a precept, a command, Jn. hp60, 00, d , ( I ) hunger, 2 Cor. viii. 55 ; the truth, Mar. viii. xi. 27; (2) a famine, Mat. 38; conver.ration, Lu. xxiv. xxiv. 7. 17 ; kaching, I Cor. ii. 4 ; a narrative, Ac. i. I ;a public Alvov, ov, 76, flax, linen made rumor, Mat. xxviii. 1 5 ; an of f i x , Rev. xv. 6 ( W . H. argument, Ac. ii. 40; a charge XlOos) ; a lamp-wick, Mat. xii. 20.* or accusation, Ac. xix. 38 ; ACw ( W . H. Alvoo), ov, J, (3) reason, Ac. xviii. 14 ; (4) account, reckoning, Heb. iv. Linus, 2 T i n . iv. 21.* 13 ; Ac. xx. 24; Mat. xviii. Arwapds, d , 6v,faf, dainiy, Rev. 23 ; Ac. X . 29 ; A6yos is used xviii. 14.* Ahpa, as, 4, a pound, a weight by John as a name of Christ, the Word of God, i.e., the of twelve ounces, Jn. xii. 3, xix. 39.* expression or manifestation XL+, Xc@6o,d , the S.W. wind; of his thoughts to man, Jn. i. I , etc. used for the S.W. quarter of the heavens, Ac. xxvii. A 6 y ~ q ,qs, 4, a lance, a spear, Jn. xix. 34.43 12.Aoyb, as, 4, a collection, i.e., AorSop(m, G, to rail at, revile, Jn. ix. 28 ; Ac. xxiii. 4 ; I of money, I Cor. xvi. I , 2. Cor. iv. 1 2 ; I Pet. ii. 23.* (N. T.)* Aoyyowr, aopr, dep. with mid. Aorsopla, as, 4, reviling, I Tim. v. 14 ; I Pet. iii. g* . and pass., ( I ) to reckon; (2) to place to the account of, f o Ao(Sopos, ov, d , a reviler, I Cor. v. I I , vi. IO.* charge with, acc. and dat., or with elr (see Gr. 8 298, 6, A o y k , 00, d , a pcsfi7ence, Mat. xxiv. 7 ( W . H. omit), Lu. W i . 8 32, 46, Bu. 151); (3) xxi. I I ; Paul so called, Ac. to reason, argue, lo rnfer, xxiv. S.* conclude, from reasoning ; Aorw60, 4, 6v, remaining, the (4) to think, suppose. rest, Mat. xxv. I I ; adv. 7b h y ~ ~ 6 0 , du, raCional, i.e., $, Xotr6v, as for the rest, morebelonging t o the sphere of



XGrporocr, rws,
p , -

a deliverance, redemption, Lu. i. 68, ii. 38 ; Heb. ix. IZ.* Awp,rijs, 00, 6, a r e d e ~ m ~a , r delaverer, Ac. vii. 35.* AqvLa, as, )31 a lampshmd, Mat. v. 15; fig., o f a church, Rev. ii. I , 5 ; of a Christian teacher, Rev. xi. 4. hGxvos, ov, 6, a lamp, Mat. v. 15, vi. 22; used of John the Baptist, Jn. v. 35; o f Christ, Rev. xxi. 23. Syn.: S.* X o h , uw, to bathe, to wash, Ac. see Xaprds. ix. 37, xvi. 33 ;. to cleanse, to AGO, uw, to loose, as ( I )lit., to purify, Rev. i. 5 ( W . H. Xlw). unbind, Mar. i. 7 ;Rev. v. 2 ; Syn.: rAdvw is t o wash in(2) to set at liber@,Jn. xi. 44 ; animate things ; Aodw, t o Ac. xxii. 30; (3) topronounce bathe the whole body; Y ~ U T W , not binding, eg., a law, Mat. to wash apart of the body. xviii. 18 ; (4) fo disobey or A S a vs, jl, also Ad66a, wv, G S, nullify the divine word, Jn. rd (W. H.), Lydda, Ac. ix. vii. 23, X . 35 ; (5) to destroy, cg., the temple, Jn. ii. 19; 321 35, 38.* Auskr, as, jl, Lydia, Ac. xvi. 14, (6) to dismiss, i.e., an assembly, Ac. xiii. 43. 40.* Avwaovh, as, jl, Lycaonia, Ac. Auto, t8os, jl, Lois, z Tim. i. xiv. 6.* ~ v ~ a o v r uadv., i n the speech Ak: 6 (Heb.), Lot, L.u. xvii. d, of Lycaonia, Ac. xiv. I I 28-32 ; z Pet. ii. 7.a Av~ia, jl, Lycia, Ac.xxvii.5.* as, Abros, ov, 6, a wolf, Jn. X . 12 ; fig., Ac. xx. 29. AvpaLvopar, to ravage, to de- M, p, pQ, m, m, the twelfth letter. As a numeral, h'-40; vastate, Ac. viii. 3.* A ~ o ,G, to pgr,me, general a ,p --" 40,000. word, z Cor. ii. 2 , 5 ; pass., M&, 6 (Heb.), Maath, Lu. iii. 26.* to be grieved, saddened, Mat. xxvi. 22, 37 ; I Pet. i. 6 ; to May6aA4 jl (Heb.), Map'aZa, ugii'cvc or ofend, Ro. xiv. Mat. xv. 39 ( W . H. and R.V. Maya8dv).* I 5 ; Ep. iv. 30. MaySaAqvfi, ijs, jl, Magdalene, A*, vs, $ CV, ~ ~ W ~ W , 1 i.e., a woman of Magdala, as Cor. ix. 7 ; cause of grief, Mat. xxvii. 56, 61. annoyance, I Pet. ii. 19. Avuaviw, ov, 6, Lysanias, Lu. payda ( W . H. w y l a ) , as, jl, magic, plur., magical arts, iii. I.* Ac. viii. I I.* Awlas, ov, 6, Lysias, Ac. xxiii. paytGo, aw, to practice magical 26. arts, Ac. viii. g* . A G w , sus, jl, a loosing, divorce, I Cor. vii. 27. * pbyos, OV, 6, ( I ) a m a p s , a Persian astrologer, Mat. ii. A W L ~ ~ W (lit., topay taxes), G, I , 7, 16 ; (2) a sorcerer, Ac. impers., -e?, it is projilable or xiii. 6. 8.* preferable (dat. and fj), Lu. ~ay&y,'d (Iieb.), Magog, Rev. xvii. z.* xx. 8 ; see I'&y.* d.647pcr! as, 4, or wv, ~ dLysha, , M d d p , jl (Heb.), Midian, A c Ac. xiv. 6. 8. ASrpOv, OV, 7 6 , a ransom, Mat. viii ZQ.* SW, ( I ) trans., to 5' xx. 28 ; Mar. X . 4 . make a disciple of (acc.), to hwp6a1, G, duw, in N. T. only mid. and pass., to ransom, to inshuct, Mat. xiii. 52, xxviii. 19; Ac. xiv. 21; (2) intrans., deliver b y paying a ransom, to k a disciple, Mat. xxvii. Lu. xxiv. 21 ; Tit. ii. 14; I Pet. i. 18 (acc., pers. ; dat., 57 (Rec., W . H. read pass., W . H. with active in mrg.).* price, and drb or #a).*
over, Ifnally, henceforth, I Cor. i. 16; Heb. X . 13; 706 XocroD,from hrnceforth, Gal. vi. 17. A V S , B, 6 (from Aov~avbs, OKS see Gr. 5 ~ ~ g W i . 5 16,4, d , note I , Bu. 20), Luke, Ac. xvi. 1 0 , xx. 5. AOGKWS, 6 (Lat.), Lucius, OV, Ac. xiii. I ; Ro. xvi. 21.* Aovrpdv, oD, 76, a k t h ; in N.T. baptism, Ep. v. 26; Tit. iii.


06, 6 h v e d ~ )a , di* ciple, Mat. ix. 14, X. 24, xxii. 16 ; 01 pca&)ral, specially, twelve, Mat. ix. 19. pa@+prcr, as, jl, a female disciple, Ac. ix. 36.* M d o v d a , 6 (Heb.), MeBu. selah, Lu. iii. 37.* Maivbv, 6 ( W . H. Mrvvd), (Heb.), Mainan or Menna, Lu. iii. 31.* palvopacrr, dep., to be mad, to rave, Jn. X. 20; Ac. x i i 15, xxvi. 24, 25; I Cor. xiv. 23.* pa~apqw, fut. L&,to pronounce happy or blessed, Lu. i. 48; Ja. v. I I.* padpros, a, ov, happy, blessed, Mat. v. 3-II ; Lu. i. 45, vi 20 ; I Cor. vii. 40. paraprup.k, 06, 6, a declaring blessed, a pronouncing happy, Ro. iv. 6, g ; Gal. iv. 1 S.* Ma~66ovh,as, 3, Macedonia, Ac. xvi. g, 10, 12. Ma~eShv, bvos, 6, a Macedonian, Ac. xix. 29, xxvii. 2. pb~eAAov, 76 (Lat.), a meatOV, market, I Cor. X . 25.* pa~pbv,adv. (acc. o f pupbs, sc. dddv), afar, afar o f , Lu. xv. 20 ; 19 preceding, Ac. ii. 39 ; drb following, Ac. xvii. -. 27. *&v, adv., from afar, Mar. viii. 3 ; with drb, as Mat. xxvii. 5 rKp@V&, G, t$Uw, SB U 7 long, to have patience, to k forbearing, I Cor. xiii. 4 ; to delay, Lu. xviii. 7 ; to wait patiently, Heb. vi. 15. (S.) pa~po-hph, as, jl, forbea~ ance, long-sufering,patience, Ro. ii. 4, ix. 22. Syn.: sea dvou4. pmp6:66p-, adv., atienly, Ac. xxvi. 3. (N. . 5 T p a ~ p k ,6, 6v, long; of place, disbnt. Lu. xv. 13, xix. 12 ; of time, long, o<ly in the phrase pa~pb rrpoard~ou6'ar, to make long pmyers, Mat. xxiii. 14 ( W . H. omit); Mar. xii. 40 ; Lu. xx. 47.* pa~po-xpdvws, ov, long&ved, Ep. vi. 3* . paAmh, as, 4, weakness, in Ifrmily, Mat. iv. 23, i . 35, x

paAa~&, 4, bv, $Oft, o f gar

X . I.*

ments, Mat. xi. 8 ; Lu. vii


p 4

G R E E K - E N G L I S H NE W T E S T A M E N T L E X I C O N . (3) t h e sister o f Martha and Lazarus, Lu. X. 39, 42 ; (4) the wife o f Cleopas, Mat. xxvii. 56,61; (5) the mother o f John Mark, Ac. xii. 1 2 ; n (6) a Christian woman i Rome, Ro. xvi. 6. M d p ~ w ,ov, d, Mark, Ac. xii. 1 2 , 25. p+papos, ov, d,+, marble, Rev. xviii. IZ.* papruP(u, B, $#W, to be a w i t ncss, abs., to icst17y (rrpl, gen.), to give testimony (to, dat. o f pers. or thing), to commend; pass., to be aticsted, i.e., honorably, to be of good repo? paprupla, as, q, icstr'mony, i.e., legal, Mar. xiv. 56, 59; or general, Jn. v. 34; with obj. gen., as Rev. xix. 10. ptpdproy,. ou, 76, testimony, Mat. v111. 4 (to, dat.; against, Crl, acc.). pap7Gpopar, dep., to call to witness, Ac. xx, 26; Gal. v. 3 ; 10 exhort solemnly, Ac. xxvi. 2 2 ( W . H.); Ep. iv. 1 7 ; I T h . ii. I I ( W . H.).* p + w , vpos, dat. plur. pdprvuc, 6, a witness, i.e., judicially, Mat. xviii. 16 ; one who teshifirs from what he has seen or experienced, I T h . ii. 1 0 , Lu. xxiv. 48 ; a martyr, witnessing b his death, Ac. xxii. 20 ; g e v . ii. I 3, xvii. 6. p a m r e p a ~ W . H. -aud-), Gpat, ( to brte, tognaw, Rev. xvi. IO.* p-y60), B, duw, to scourge, Mat. X . 1 7 ; fig., Heb. xii. 6. p"a&w, to scourge, Ac. xxii. 25.* (LQTLL w s , 4, a whiP, a scourge, Ac. xxii. 24; Heb. xi. 36; fig., calamity, disease, Mar. iii. 10, v. 29, 34; Lu. vii. 21.* pavrb, 06, 4 tlrc breast, pl:, Lu. xi. 27, xxiii. 29 ; Rev. I. 13* p a d y k r , as, 4 , vain, f m i b less talk, I Tim. i. 6.* ~ T ~ L O - M ~ O S ,, a vain, OV, d empiy talker, Tit. i. IO.* p 6 r a ~ w(ala), acov, vain, useless, emply, I Cor. xv. 17; Ja. i. 26; 76 p d ~ a i a vanities, , spec. o f heathen deities, Ac. . xiv. I 5 (and 0 T.). Syn. :see


efeminate, Cor. vi. g.* McrXrht/lh, b (Heb.), Malelcel or Mahalaleel. Lu. i . ?7.* i *-a, adv. (superl. o f &a, very), most of all, especicrlly, Gal. vi. 10; z Tim. iv. 13. W o v , adv. (comp. o f pdXa), more, rather; r o X X 4 piiXXov, much more, Mat. vi. 30; rbu y pBXXov, how much more, Mat. vii. I I ; pBXXov 4, more than, Mat. xviii. 13 ; pBXXov is often o f intensive force, eg., Mat. xxvii. 24; Ro. viii. 34. See Gr. 9 321, W i . $5 35, I , 65, 2 , Bu. 83. M M x w , ov, d (Heb.), Malchus, Jn. xviii. IO.* p+cq? vs, JILa grandmotlrer, z Tlm. i. 5. papp* ( W . H. WOYBS), a, d (Aram.), mammon, gaitf, wealth, Mat. vi. 24; Lu. X V I . g, I I , 13. ( N . T.)* Mavafiv, b (Heb.), Manacn, Ac. xiii. I .* MavauQfis, gen. and acc. 9, d, Manasseh, ( I ) son o f Joseph, Rev. vii. 6 ; ( 2 ) Mat. i. IO.* ~ V ~ ~ V C P , pa@$uopac, 2d aor. tipaOov, perf. wpd@qra, to learn, to understand, to know, to be informed, to comprehend. Used abs., or with ace. (dr6 or rapd with gen. v o f the teacher, C with example, I Cor. iv. 6). wvbr, as, Jl, madness, Ac. xxvi. 24.* yAwa, 76 (Heb., deriv. uncertain), manna, the food o f the Israelites in the desert, ; Jn. vi. 3 1 ~ 4 9Heb. ix. 4. (S.) pawdopar, dep., to uircr responses, practice divination, Ac. xvi. I 6.* p p a L w , avB, fut. pass. papaw Ofpopat, to wither, to fade away, Ja. i. I I.* pap& U 6 (two Aram. words), our'Cord cometh (R.V. mrg.), I Cor. xvi. 22. ( N . T.)* ppyaplrqr, ov, d , a pearl, Mat. xiii. 45, 46. Mwa, as, Jl, Martha, Lu. X . 38,408 41. Mapkr, as, or Mapcdp, indecl. (Heb. M i n a m ) , Jl, Mary. Six o f the name are mentioned: ( I ) the mother o f Jesus, Lu. i. 27; ( 2 ) t h e Magdalene, Mar. xv. 40, 47 ;

25 ; disgvacef curl y

2 Pet. ii. 18 ; ( 2 ) CPUCTSE. ness, Ep. iv. 17 ; ( 4 Ro. viii. 20.* paradr, B, to make vain or foolish; pass., Ro. i. 21. (S.)* p k q v , adv., i n vain, f r u i f f e s c ly, Mat. xv. g ; Mar. vii. 7.* M a d a Q i .( W . H. MaBOaios), ou, d, Matthew, t h e apostle and evangelist, Mat. ix. g, 10; also called Arvt. Mar06v ( W . H. MaOOdv), b (Heb.), Matthan, Mat. i. IS.* Mar&, d (Heb.), Matthat, Lu. iii. 24, 29 ( W . H. Ma@@d~).* M a d h ( W . H. Ma@@lar), b, a, Matthias, Ac. i. 23, 26.* Mawa06, d (Heb.), Maftatha, Lu. iii. 31.* McmcdLas, ov, 6, Ma#crLias, Lu. iii. 25, 26.* p6xarpa, as and qs, Jl, a m w d , Jn. xviii. ro, X I ; met., for strife, Mat. X . 3 4 ; fig., o f spiritual weapons, Ep. vi. 17. p&xq! qs, Jl, bftlr.; contention, stnfe, 2 Cor. V I I . 5 ; 2 Tim. ii. 23 ; Tit. iii. g ; Ja iv. I.* pdxopa~,to jght, contend, dispute, Jn. vi. 52 ; Ac. vii. 26; z T i m . ii. 24; Ja. iv. z.* vyd-auxdce, 6,to boast great things, to be arrogant, Ja. iii 5 ( W . H. peydXa alxe?).* peyahb, rla, eiov, grand, mcrg. nificent, Lu. i. 49 ( W . H. pey dXa) ; Ac. ii. I I .* ~ q & r b l s , 7170f, 4 , mal239, magnificence, Lu. ix. 43; Ac. xix. 27 ; 2 Pet. i. 16.* pryaAo-uprrr/lo, CO, gen. &r,fl tinf f o r agrcat man, magnificent, majestic, 2 Pet. i. I 7.* pyd6vcu, vB, ( I )to makegreat, Mat. xxiii. 5 ; (2) to magnify, extol, celebrate with praise, Lu. i. 46; Ac. v. 13. luyMo~r, adv., greatly, Phil. iv.



Q, ( I ) vanity,

7% 4, mal'csrr, Heb. i. 3, viii. I ; Ju. 25. IS.\* &G, ~ d X q &a (see Gr. , D 39), camp. ~ e l f w vsup. d, ywros, great, in size, fdgrown, inicnse, Mat. ii. 10, u v i i i , 8 ; wonderfrrl, 2 Cor. xi. I 5 ; noble, o A&h rank, f Rev. xi. 18, xiii. 16 ;applied t o age, d p l f o v , the elder, Ro. i . 12; &a, indicatu, x the sixc o f things,their m w c




pro-vCwrov, ov, 76, midnrght, as Lu. xi. 5. Metro-~orapla, at, I f , Mesopotamia, the region between the Euphrates and the Tigris, Ac. ii. g, vii. 2.* JUOS, q, O V , middle, o f time or place, irz the midst o f (gen.), as Mat. xxv. 6 ; Jn. i. 26, xix. 18; Ac, i. 18, xxvi. 13; neut., rb pluov, the middle part, used chiefly in adverbial phrases, with prepositions (art. generally omit.), ( K pluou, f rollt alrzong, away; 8v pduy, among; dvb pluov, through the midst, among, between; also with 6td and slr. - . ~ U ~ - T O L X O ov, 76, a partitzbnV, wall, Ep. ii. 14. ( N . T ) .* pu-oupbvvlpa, aros, 76, midheaven, Rev. viii. 13, xiv. 6, xix. I?.* ~ u d o 3, to be i n the middle, , Jn. vii. 14.* Mruu[as, ov, d (from Heb. anointed), ~ e s s i a hthe same , as Greek Xpturbt, Jn. i. 41, iv. 25. ( N . T.)* ~ 0 1 4, ~ ~full, gen., Jn. 6 68, xix. 29; Ro. I. 29. pur60, G, to fill, gen., Ac. ii.

(akin t o filuos), prep., q v . the gen. and acc. ; gen., wzth, among; acc., after (see Gr. 301, w i . $5 47h, 49f9 5 2 , 4, I O ) , Bu. 338 sq.). In composition, p ~ r d denotes participation, rrearrzess, change, or succession (often like the Latin prefix trans-, as in the words transfer, translate). pra-palvw, Blfoopat, to pass over, to depart, Lu. X . 7 ; Mat. xi. I . pra-PMXo, in mid., to change one's mind, Ac. xxviii. 6.* pr-&yo, to t ~ d r g zabout, to direct, as horses, ships, Ja. iii. 3,4.* pra-S18wp~, to share wW, to impart, Lu. iii. I I ; Ro. i. I I ; I T h . ii. 8 ; Ep. iv. 28 ; d w r a GtSots, a distributor o f alms, Ro. xii. 8.* prd-Ocu~s,sus, If! ( I ),a transfer, a translahon, Heb. xi. 5 ; a removal, Heb. xii. 27 ; ( 2 ) a charzge, Heb. vii. IZ.* pm-a(pu, to remove, intrans., to depae, Mat. xiii. 53, xix.
I * .


pera-rddo, G, in mid., to call to one's sedf, to send for, Ac. vii. 14, X . 32, X X . 17, xxiv. 25.* ptra-rrvio, G, to move away, pass., to be moved away, Col. i. 23.* pra-Xapwvo, to ta4e a share of, Ac. ii. 46 ; partake, gen., 2 Tim. ii. 6 ; to obfain (acc.), . . Ac. xxiv. 25. pe76-Xq+u ( W .H.-hqpqts), ems, 7 , participatiorz ;els p., to be receivpd, I Tim. iv. 3.* p e r - a M b o o , to charzge one thing (acc.) for ( ( v , els) another. Ro. i. 2q. 26.* pcra-fiopar, @~4uopar, 1st aor. ~repeA4Eqv, dep., pass., to change one's mind, Mat. xxi. 30, 32 ; Heb. vii. 2 1 ; to repent, to feel sorrow for, regret, Mat. xxvii. 3 ; 2 Cor. vii. 8. Syn.: ~ r a v o h wis the nobler word, the regular expression for thorough repentance ; perapCAopac is more loosely used, generally expressing sorrow, regret or remorse. pra-p0pI$6o, G, to change the form, to transform, Mat.xvii. 2 ; Mar. ix. 2 ;2 Cor. iii. 18 ; Ro. xii. 2.* pra-voiw, G, Ifam, to change one's views and purpose, to repent, as Mat. iii. 2 ; Ac. viii. 22. Syn. : see psrapPAopai. prdvora, as, I f , chanqe of mind, repentance, as Idat. iii. 8, I I . pra-@ (udv or @v), adv. o f time, meanwhile, Jn. iv. 31 ; aftenuards, perh., Ac. xiii. 42 (see Gr. $ 298, 7 6 ) ; as prep. with gen., between, o f place, Mat. xxiii. 35. pera-uip.rro, in mid., to send f o r to one's self, to summon, Ac. X . 5, 22, 29, xi. 13, xxiv. 24, 26, X X V . 3 ; pass., X . 29.* pra-urplI$o (with 2d fut. and zd aor. pass.), to turn about, to change, Ja. iv. 9 ; Ac. ii. 20 ; topemert, t corrupt, Gal. o i. 7.* p r a - q q p a r l f o , LCW, to change thejgure of, transjigure, Phil. iii. 21 ; mid., to assume the appearance of any one, z Cor. xi. 13, 14, I 5 ; fig., to franc fer, i.e., to speak by way of illustration, I Cor. iv. 6.* 64

p~a-r@qpc, tO transpose, to transfer, Ac. vii. 1 6 ; Heb. xi. 5 ; to change, Heb. vii. 1 2 ; mid., to transfer one's self, i.e., to f a l l away, to desert, Gal. i. 6 ; to pervert, Ju. 4.* PT-&bra, adv., afterwards, Heb. xii. I?.* pr-(Xw, P T ~ U X ~ U W ,2d aor. ~ T ~ U X O V , be Parfakd~ f0 of, to share in, I Cor. i . I Q , 12, x X . 17, 2 1 , 30; Heb. ii. 14v. 13, vii. 13.* pcreop&u, in pass., to be troubled with arzxietv, to be i n sus-. pense, Lu. xii. 2g.* p r - o ~ ~ t u l aas, I f , change o , a k d e , nzigration ( o f the Ba ylonian exile), Mat. i. I I , I 2 , I?.* pr-oe~tfw, 0 ,to cause to change ( one's habitatiotz, to cause to migrate, Ac. vii. a, 43.* proxq, fis, ?), sharing, a fela lowship, 2 Cor. vi. 14.* plroxos, ov, 6 (prop. adj.), a partaker, Heb. iii. I , 14, vi. 4, xii. 8 ; a partner; a n associak, Heb, i. 9 ; Lu. v. 7.* prpio, G, to measure, Rev. xi. 2 ; Lu. vi. 38 ; met., to estimate, to judge of, 2 cor. X.


prpqr4s, 00, 6, prop. a measurer; an amtihora, a liquid measure containing 72 sex. tarii, or somewhat less than g English gallons, Jn. ii. 6.* prpbo-waeio, G, to treat with moderation, bear gently with ( R . V.), Heb. v. 2.* perplws, adv., nzoderately, Ac.
X X . 12.*

pl~pov, V , 7 6 , a measure, Mat. O xxiii. 32 ; Mar. iv. 24; a measuring-rod, Rev. xxi. I 5 ; a dejnite portion or measure, Ro. xii. 3 ; Ep. iv. 16; adv. phrases, ( K pdrpov, by measure? sparingly, Jn. iii. 34 ; h plrpy, i n due measure, Ep. iv. 16. $~o.rrov, ov, 76 (dq), the fore. head, Rev. vii. 3, ix. 4 (only in Rev.). plxqb, or pCxp~s,adv., as prep. with gen., unto, time, Mat. xiii. 30 ; Mar. xiii. 30 ; place, Ro. xv. 19 ; degree, z T i m . i i g ; Heb. xii. 4 ; as conj., uw tiZ, Ep. iv. 13. pfi, a negative particle, not; fox


p4 uou, lcst anywhere, Ac. xxvii. 29 ( W . H., for Rec. 1*4sws). pfpww, adv., notyet, Ro. ix. I I ; Heb. ix. 8.* p~i-uws,conj., lest in any way, lest crhaps, as Ac. xxvii. H. p T O V ) , I Th. * 29 iii. 5. pqpb, 00,b, the &&-h, Rev. xix. 16.* conj., differingfrom ogre as pQ from ol (see Gr. $401); and not, used after a preceding pl) or neither nor; in Mar. iii. 20, trot even, W . H. read pqBC. p w p , rpbs, 4, a mother, Mat. I. 18, ii. 11 ; met., a mother c;&, Gal. iv. 26. p, adv.,interrogatively used, * zs it? whether at all ? generally expecting a negative answer; pl)riye ( W . H., Rec. pQri ye), not to say then ? I Cor. vi. 3. p f p s ( W . H. 81 ,rrs), pron. 1 mterrog., has or as any one? whether any one? Jn. iv. 33.* p+pa, as, 4, the womb, Lu. ii. 23 ; Ro. iv. ~g.* pqvp-ak4w. (W. H. oXy(as),ov, 6, a matracrdc, I Tim. i. g.* pla, fem. of ets, one. pralvw, avD, perf. pass. pp1avpar, C stain, pollute, de e Jn. xviii. 28 ; Tit. i. I 5, xii. I 5 ; Ju. 8.* plaupcr, aros, 7 6 , pollutzbn, dejilcment, 2 Pet. ii. 20.* pravpds, 00, b, &c act of dc$lement, pollution, 2 Pet. ii. I o. * plypa, aTos, 76, a mixrtrrc, Jn. xix. 39 ( W . H. text IXiypa).* plywpt, pltw, tprta, perf. pass., to mix, to mingle, Mat. xxvii. 34 ; Lu. xiii. I ; Rev. viii. 7, xv. 2.* pr~pbo,d, bv, little, small, i.e., in size, Mat. xiii. 32 ; quantity, I Cor. v. 6 ; number, Lu. xii. 32 ; time, Jn. vii. 33; dignity, Mat. X . 42; age, Mat. xviii. 6, 10, 14. MAqros, ov, 4, Milctus, Ac. xx. I 5, 17 ; 2 Tim. iv. 2o.* pLXrov, ov, rb (Lat. miliarium), a mile (somewhat .ess than our mile), Mat. v. q r f prp40pat, 00p.a~~ mid., to dep. imitate, 2 Th. iii. 7, g ; Heb. xiii. 7 ; 3 Jn. II.* prpqdp, 00, 6, an imitator, m I Cor. iv. 16. p~pv+~w @a-), mid., with fut. in pass. form pyu8Quopar, 1st aor. 6pmjv@qv, perf. pCp ypar, to call to mind, to remember, gen. pers. or thing, Mat. xxvi. 75; Lu. xxiii. 42; pass., to be remembered, to be had in mind, only Ac. X . 31 ; Rev. xvi. 16. ptdw, 0, Qvw, to hatc, to detest, Mat. v. 43; Jn. vii. 7 ; Ro. ix. 13. p&-am-hula, as, 4, recomacnsc. as ( 1 ) reward. Heb. X . 35, xi. 26;' ( 2 ) punishment, Heb. ii. 2. ( N . T.)* p d - a m - S 6 q c , ov, b, a rewardcr. Heb. xi. 6. ( N . T.)* pfuOwr, a, ov, hired, as' subst., a hired servant, Lu. xv. 17, 19, 2 1 ( W . H. in bra).* ~ w B ~ s 00, b, hire, wages, re , compcnse, Mat. xx. 8 ; used of reward, Mat. v. 1 2 , 46; of putrishment, 2 Pet. ii. 13. pLQ86w, (3, dvw, mid., to hire, Mat. xx. I , 7.* ptdcupa, ams, 1 6 , hire, rent; anythirrg rented, as a house, Ac. xxviii. 30.* p d a v r b , o0,6, a hiredsewant, Mar. i. 2 0 ; Jn. X . 12, I3.* M L T u X ~qs, ,4, Mi&lenc, the ~ capital of Lesbos, Ac. xx. 14.* Mrxa/IX, b (Heb. who is l i h ~ God?), Michacl, an arch. angel, Ju. g ; Rev. xii. 7.* pv&, as, 4, a mina, silver money 100 6paxpa1, or about sixteen or seventeen dollars, Lu. xix. 13-25.. ~ b p a rsee ~ v l ) v n , v&rwv, W U O S , b, Mnason, Ac. xxi. 16.* pwla, as, 4, rcmcmbrancc, re. collection, Phil. i. 3 ; I Th. iii. 6 ; pvelav uorefvb'ac, to mention, Ro. i. g. prflpa, aros, 7 6 , a monrtmenf a tomb, Mar. v. 5 ; Lu. xxiii. 3 ; less frequent than the 2ollowing. pypatov, ov, 76, a tomb, a sep nlchre, Mat. viii. 28 ; J n xi. 31. pwjpq, qr, +, remembrance, mention; pmjyqv aote?v8ai, to maRc rnrntzon, 2 Pet. L 1 S.* pypwdop, t remember (&L), u

distinction between p4 and rl, see Gr. $ 401, W i . g 55, I , Bu. 351 ; elliptically, lest, see Gr. 9 384, W i . $ 56, 2 b, Bu. 241 sq.; interrogatively, see Gr. 369, W i . $ 57, 36, Bu. 248; for the combination ol pl), see Gr. $ 377, W i . 9 57, 3b, Bu. 2 1 1 sq. 14-ye, in the phrase cl 66 pl)ye, but if not, emphatic. pqgapk, adv., by no nrcans, Ac. X . 14, xi. 8.* pqM, compare 0866, and see Gr. 5 401, W i . 55, 6, Bu. 366 sq. ; not even, Mar. ii. 2 ; I Cor. v. 1 1 ; general1 used after a preceding p i and not, neither, but not, nor yet, as Mat. vi. 2 5 , vii. 6. (r?8tlc,pqbepla, pq66v (ets), differing from oldels as p4 from ul (see Gr. 401, W i . $ 55, I , Bu. 351) ; not orw, no one, no person or thing, frothing, Mat. viii. 4 ; Mar. v. 26; Gal. vi. 3. ~q,?8hron, adv., never, z Tim. iii. 7.* +q6(-w, adv., not yet, Heb.




Mqsor, ov, b, a.Mede, Ac. ii. g.* p q ~ i m ,adv. ( h ) , no ~ O Y C ,no x longer, Mar. i . 25, xi. 14; Ac. iv. 17. ~ I ) K O S , OVS, 76, ler@z, Ep. iii. 18 : Rev. xxi. 16.* pq~Gvw,to make lortg; pass., to grow up, as plants, Mar. iv.

?js, +,a sheepskin, Heb.

X1. 17.*

pfiv, Zrpart.of strong affirmation, N. T . on1 in the combination ?j a$, assured&, ccr&in&, Heb. vi. 14 ( W . H. el pip).* pfiv, pqvbs, b, ( I ) a month, as Ac. vii. 20; (2) the new moon, as a festival, Gal. iv. 10. pqvbw, to s h m , declare, Lu, xx. 37 ; Jn. xi. 57 ; Ac. xxiii. 30 ; I Cor. X . 28.* p4 OQK, an interrogative formula, expecting the answer " yes," Ro. X . 18, 19; I Cor. ix. 4, 5. pQuon, adv., never, Heb. i . x 17 ; as con]., lcst ever, lest perhaps, lest at any time, Lu. xii. 58 ; Ac. v. 39 ; interrog. part., whether in&& Jn. vii. 26; Lu. iii. I S .





pov-d+BaApos, O V , having but orzc eye, Mat. xviii. g ; Mar. ix. 4 : 7* p v 6 w , W,to Zcavr alonc; pass., to bc lcjt alone or dcsofalak, I Tim. v. S.* 22. p y p 6 m v o v , ou, 76, a nrcnro- 1.~0~44, 4, outward a p p e a ~ $5, ance, fornz, shapc, Mar. xvi. vial, hottorable rcrncmbrarrce, 1 2 ; Phil. ii. 6, 7.* Syrr. :see Mat. xxvi. 13 ; Mar, xiv. g ; @(a. Ac. X. 4.4' p q u r ~ i ) o ,to ash i n nzarriagc; pop460, 0, duo, to f o r m , to fnshion, Gal. iv. [g.* pass., to be bc&othc, Mat. i. 1 8 ; Lu. i. 27, ii. S.* p6p+oury, rw;, 4; . f o r m , sembfarrcr, 2 Tim. 111. 5 ; f o m r , poyr-XMos, ou, 6 (prop adj.), q s t c m , Ro. ii. 20.* onc speakitrg with dzJicaiily, p o q o - ~ O L ' W0, to makc a n , a stanrmercr, Mar. vii. 32.* image of' a r a y , Ac. vii. 41. fiyrs, adv., with dz@czrl&, hard(N. T.)* ly, Lu, ix. 39 (W. H. p6Xrr).* p6Sros, ou, 6 (Lat.), a dry tneas- @ q w , ou, 6, 4, a calf, a yourzg builock, Lu. xv. 23, 27, 30; zwe ( I 6 sextarii), containing Heb. ix. 12, 19 ; Rev. iv. 7." about a ~ e c ; a tirodius. k ~ ~ V U L K3,6v, skilled i n music, ~ S , Mat. v. 1;; M&. iv. 21 ; LU; a musician, Rev. xviii. 22.* xi. 33. (N. T.)* prxaXls, 1805, 4, arz acizrllrvess, p6xBw, ou, 6, wearisonre labor, toil, 2 Cor. xi. 27 ; I Th. ii. KO. vii. 3 ; fig., for departure g ; 2 Th. iii. 8.* from God. Mat. xvi. 4 ; Ja. pvfX6s, 06, 6, marrow, Heb. iv. iv. 4. (S.) 12.* potxdopa~, Opar, to comnrit p d o , 0, to initiafc into, to itra /rclfrry, Mat. v. 32. strzrct, Phil. iv. 12.. porx~La, as, i), adultery, Mat. pGBos, ou, 6, a word; hence, a xv. 19. firtiort, a fable, a falsehood, porxti~w,uw, to coinnritadultcry, I Tim. i. 4, iv. 7 ; z Tim. iv. abs. (acc., Mat. v. 28); fig., of 4 ; Tit. i. 14 ; 2 Pet. i. 16.* forsaking God, Rev. ii. 22. p r x 6 s , 03, 6, a n adulterer; Lu. puxdopar, J p a ~ ,to bellow, to goay, as a lion, Rev. X. 3.* xviii. I I ; I Cor. vi. g ; Heb. to xiii. 4 ; Ja, iv. 4 (not W. pU~nlpl1~1, turn up fhc rrose; to tirock, dcri(ic, Gal. vi. 7.* H.).* p6Xrs, adv., with dajicuu(/y,hard- puX.~6s, 4, bv, pertairzittg to a rizill; with XfBos, milhtotre, ly, Lu. ix. 39 (W. H.) ; Ac. Mar. ix. 42 (not W. H.) ; Lu. xiv. 18, xxvii. 7, 8, 16; Ro. xvii. 2 (W. 11.). (N. T.)* v. 7 ; I Pet. iv. 18.* M O X ~ X6, (Heb.), Moloch, Ac. pCXrvos, q, ov, in sense of foregoing, Rev. xviii. 21 (W. vii. 43 (from S.).* ILL* poXCvw, uvO, to pollute, to de$le, p4Xos, ou, 6, a millstone, as Mat. I Cor. viii. 7 ; Rev. iii. 4, xiv. xviii. 6. 4.* poXvup6s, 03, 6, pollution, dc- puXhv, Ovor, 6, a nrill-house, the place where grain was jLe:nrrrt, 2 Cor. vii. I. (S.)* pop44, fir, i), cott~pLarnt,g~o~Ind ground, Mat, xxiv. 41 (W. H. pdXos).* of conzplairrt, Col. iii. 13.* povq, jr, G, nrr abode, a <fwelling- M4pa (W. H . Mdppa), wv, 76, Myra, a city near the coast place, Ja. xiv. 2, 23.* of Lycia, Ac. xxvii. S.* povo-ytv/]s, CS, gen. oDs, only begotfrn, Lu. vii. 12, viii. 42, p u p ~ 6 ,6805, 4 , a myriad, irn thousand, Ac. xix. 19; a vast ix. 38 ; tIeb. xi. 17 ;of Christ, multihtdc, Lu. xii. I ; Ac. Jn. i. 14, 18, iii. 16, 18; I Jn. xxi. 20; Heb. xii. zz ; Ju. iv. g.* 14 ; Rev. v. I 1 , ix. 16.* p6v=, q, ov, only, alone, single, 1,u. xxiv. 18 ; solifury,. with- pupqo, ow, to anoint, Mar. xiv. g.* 014i cor7r$any, Mar. vi. 47 ; forsaken, desolate, Jn. viii. puplob, far, La, innumcrabZe, 1 Cor. iv. 15, xiv. 19; &pia, 29 ; adv., pbvov, only. recollect, call to m i n d (gen. or acc.), Mat. xvi. g ; Ac. xx. 31 ; to be m i n d f u l of, Heb. xi. I 5 ; to makc mcntion of (xrpl, gen.), Heb. xi.

tag, ta, trn thousand, Mat. xviii. 24.* pGpov, ou, 76, oinhnrnt, Mat. xxvi. 7. M w l a , as, 4, Mysia, Ac. x v i 7 , 8.* ,. pvurfprov, ou, 76, a mystcry, anythitrg hidden, a secret, Mat. xiii. 11 ; Ro. xi. 25. I n classical Greek, r b pvu74pta are Aiddcn religiolrs rites arrd hrzozuledge, revealed only to the initiated; hence, the word is used in N. T. of the truths of the Gospel as nrystrrics partly hidden, partly revealed, Ep. iii. g ; Col. i. 26, iv. 3 ; I Tim. iii. 1 6 ; a hidiielr nrcanitrg, Ep. v. 32 ; Rev. i. 20. puowdfo, to sce dinzly, z Pet. ,. ig.* poXo4, wrros, 6, a bruise, a s t ~ i p c , Pet. ii. 24.* I popdopar, Opar, dep., aor. mid. and pass., to blarrrc, to find f a u l t with, 2 Cor. vi. 3, viii.

pBpos, ov, b, a blemish; met., d i v a c c , 2 Pet. ii. 13.* popalvo, av9, to nrakc foolish, I Cor. i. 20; pass., to brcome foolish, Ro. i. 2 2 ; to become irtsgid, tasteless, like spoiled salt, Mat. v. 13 ; Lu. xiv. 34.* p p L a , as, 4, folly, absurdi&, I Cor, i. 18, 21, 23, ii. 14, iii. 'g.* ppo-Xoyla, as, i), foolish talk192,~; Ep. v. 4.* pop6s, 6, bv, stupid, fool'ish, Mat. vii. 26, xxiii. 17, 19, (on Mat. v. 22, see Gr. 153, ii.) ; s b pop6v, foolishness, I Cor. i. 25, 27. M o u q s ( W . H. Mwuujs), Pws, dat. si or 5; acc. $v (once (a, Lu. xvi. ~ g ) 6, Moses, met., , the books of Moses, thc Pentateuch, Lu. xvi. 29; 2 Cor. iii. 15.

N , v, vO, n u , n , the thirteenth letter. As a numeral, v'=so; ,v = 50,000. N a a u u h v , 6 (IIeb.), Naasson, Mat. i. 4 ; Lu. iii. 32.* Nayyat, 6 (Heb.), Naggai, Lu.


$G,*-pi@ or -pd (\V.


GREEK-ENGLISH N E W T E S T A M E N T LEXICON. inactive, inoperative, Ro. vii.


to deprave of power, to render weak and impotrnt, Ro. iv. 19; Col. iii. 5 ; Heb. xi. 12.* vi~pwurs,ews, 4, death, a being put ro death, 2 Cor. iv. 10; deadness, impotency, Ro. iv. 19.* W-pqvla, see vovfiqvla. V&S, a, ov, (I) new,fresh, Mat. ix. 17 ; 1 Cor. v. 7 ; Col. iii. t o ; (2) young, of persons, Tit. ii. 4. Syn. :see ~arv6s. ~ o u u &(W. H. voou6s), oO, 6, a young bzrd, Lu. ii. 24.* 71705, 5, YOU^^, Lu. xviii. 21 ; I Tim. iv. I 2. vr6-+1rros, ov, new& planted; fig., a recerd convert, I Tim. iiE 6.* NQwv, wvos, b Nero. the Ro. man' empkr&r, 2 Tim. iv. 23 (Rec.).* vrfo, aw, to nod; so, to beckon, to stgnrfy, Jn. xiii. 24 ; Ac. xxiv. IO.* V(*??. qs, 4, a cloud, Mar. ix. 7, xii~.26. Na&Aelp, b (Heb.), Naphtali, Mat. iv. 13, 15 ; Rev. vii. 6.* d+os, ovs, 76, a cloud; met., a nrultiiude, a great company, N&t-OS, ov, 6, Narcissus, Heb. xii. I.* Ro. xvi. I r .* 06. d, a Kzdney, plur., vauaydw, G (dyvvpt), io safer W+&, the kzdtreys, the lorns, used shzpwrerk, 2 Cor. xi. 25 ; fig., ( a s Heb.) for the secret I Tim. i. rg.* thoughts, desires, and purvaf-Aqpos, ov, 6, a ship-master, poses, Rev. ii. 23.e or owner, Ac. xxvii. I I v a C acc. vaGv, 4, a ship, Ac. vttq-r6pos, ov, 6, ?j (vabs and ~opCw, to sweep), a tempLexxvii. 41.* keeper, a designation of the v a h s , ov, 6, a sazlor, Ac. xxvii. people of Ephesus, Ac. xix. 27, 30; Rev. xviii. 17.* Naxhp, 6 (Heb.), Nachor, Lu. 35.* Y((UT~LK~S,3, 6v, youthful, juiii. 34.* ventie, 2 Tim. ii. 22.* vrcrvlas, ov, 6, a young man, , a youth, Ac. vii. 58, xx. g, v r h t ~ a, ov (comp. of vlos, which see), younger, inferior xxiii. 17, 18, 22 (not W.H.).* in rank, Lu. xv. r 2, 13, xxii. w a v b ~ o s ,ov, b, a young man, 26; I Tim. v. X I ,14. Mat. xix. 20; plur., of soladv., of affirmative sweardiers, Mar. xiv. 51 ; I Jn. ii. ,by, with acc., I Cor. xv. 13, 14 ; an attendant, Ac. v. ?I.* 10. N e h ~ o X ~ cos, ?j, Neapolis, Ac. wjgw, to spin, Mat. vi. 28; Lu. s, xii. 27.* xvi. XI.* Ne~lrhv ( W . H. Natadv),, b y~r6.1:w,to be an infant, I Cor. xiv. 20.* (keb.),'Naaman,1 ~ ; iv.'z7.* w e , d, bv, dead, (I) lit., as vfimos, a, ov, infantile; as subst., aa infant, a babe, Mat. xi. 5 ; oi vc~pol, dead, thr Mat. xxi. 16; I Cor. xiii. 11; generally, r Pet. iv. 6 ; (2) used of an age below manfig., dead, spiritually, Ep. ii. hood, Gal. iv. I ; fig., of unI ;dead to (dat.), Ro. v. 11 ; i

have all the forms), 4, Nazareth, Mat. ii. 23; Lu. ii. 4, 39, 5'. Nafapqwis, 06, b, a Nazarene, as Mar. i. 24. Nafwpatt, ov, 6, a Naearene, an appellation of Christ, Mat. ii. 23, xxvi. 71 ; Christians are called 01 NafwpaZt, Ac. xxiv. 5. N d h v (W. H. 44, b (Heb.), Nathan, Lu. iii. 3r.* NaOava4h, 6, Nathanarl, perhaps the same as Barthole mew, Jn. i. 45-49, xxi. 2.* vai, adv., affirming, yes, Mat. ix. 28 ; even SO, Mat. xi. 26 ; Lu. X. 2 1 ; Rev. xxii. 20; yea, strongly affirming, Lu. vii. 26. N a b , 4, Nain, Lu. vii. I I .* m&, 06, 6 (valw), a templr, a shrrne, in general, Ac. xix. 24; the temple, Mat. xxiii. 16; met., used of Jesus Christ, Jn. ii. 19, 20; of Christians generally, I Cor. iii. 16; 2 Cor. vi. 16. Syn. :see lsp6v. Naofp, 6 (Heb.), Nahum, Lu. iii. 25 (not the prophet).* d@os, ov, 4, nard, 022 or ointntrtrt, Mar. xiv. 3 ; Jn. xii.

vrrp6o, G, to put to death; fig.,

learned, unenl&htened persons, Mat. xi. 25 ; Ro. ii. 20; I Th. ii. 7 (W. H.). Nqptfs, dos, 6, Nereus, Ro. xvi. 15." Nqpi, 6 (Heb.), rVerz, Lu. iii. 27.* y u b v , ov, 76 (dim. of vi]aos), a small rsland, Ac. xxvii I 6.* vfjuos, OV, 4 ( ~ I wto swim), a n , island, Ac. xiii. 6, xxvii. 26. ycrrtia, as, 4, a fastitrg, a fast, Mat. xvii. 21 (W. H. omit); Ac. xiv. 23; the day of atonentent, the chzef jewzsh fastday, Ac. xxvii. g ; watrt of foo(i, 2 Cor. vi. 5, xi. 27. q m G w , uw, to abstazv from food, to fast, Mat. iv. z, vi. 16-18. V~UTLS, LOS, plur. V$UTELS,Ij, 6, fasitrrg, Mat. xv. 32; Mar. viii. 3.* q+6Xros or -Xeos, ov, so6er, &mperate, I Tim. iii. 2, 11 ; Tit. ii. 2.* v4+w, $W, to be sober, temperate, fig., I Th. v. 6, 8. Nlyrp, 6 (Lat.), Nzger, Ac. xiii.

Nb~hvwp,OPOS, 6, Nicanor, Ac.


vi. S.* 4aw, to be ~ictorzous, abs., Rev. iii. 2 I ; to conguer, overcome (acc.), Lu. xi. 22 ; Jn. xvi. 33. V L K ~ , vs, G, v z c t o ~ I Jn. v. q.* , Ncn6-8qpof, ov, b, Nzcodemus, Jn. iii. I. N ~ ~ o X a t q ov, 6, a follower of s, Nzcoiaus (probably a Greek equivalent for Balaam), a Nzcoiartan, Rev. ii. 6, IS.* N t ~ & k a o s ,ov, 6, Nzcolaus, Ac. vi. 5 (not to be confounded with preced.).* NLK~-WO~LS, cws, ?j, Nicopolzs, Tit. iii. 12. Several cities of the name existed ; this was probably on the promontory of Epirus.* V~KOS, OUS, 76, vtctory, I Cor. , xv. 55, 57; eh ~ ~ K O Sfrom S., to a vrc torious consz~mmation, utterly, Mat. xii. 20; I Cor. xv. 54.* Nrwvt, ?j (Heb.), Nineveh, Lu. xi. 32 (W. H. read following).* Nrvrvimp (W. H. -ehqs), OV, d, a Ninevik, Mat. xii. 41 ; L u xi. 30, 32 (W. H.).*
V L K ~ , G,





anu for the Old Testament generally, Jn. X. 34. On the article with vbpos, see Gr. 234, Wi. 19, I U , Bu. 89. vdos, see rots. V O Q ~ O , G, to be s k k ; fig., to have a diseased appehze or craving for, ?rep1 (acc.), I Tim. vi.


vbmvjp,. i]pos, 6, a basin, for wash~nghands and feet, Jn. xiii. 5. (N. T.)* v l m o , $W, to wash (acc.), Jn. xiii. 8 ; mid., to wash one's self, acc. of part, as Mar. vii. Sytr. : see Xobw. voju, G, (vw, to urrderstand, to consider, abs., or with acc., or 871, Jn. xii. 40 ; Ep. iii. 4 ; Mar, xiii. 14. v h p a , aros, 76, (I) a thought, purpose, device, 2 Cor. ii. I I, X. 5; Phil. iv. 7; (2) the mind, i.e., the understanding or intellect, 2 Cor. iii. 14, iv. 4,

. .



rdOos, q, ov, illegagrti~nate, bastard, Heb. xii. 8.* vopvj, <S, 1 (vlpw, to pasarc), 1 (I) pastztrage, Jn. X. g ; (2) met., growth, increas:, as of a gangrene, z Tim. ii. 17.* vollgo, uw (vbpos), (I) to think, to suppose, to expect, as the result of thinking, Mat. v. 17, xx. 10; ( 2 ) pass., to be customavy, only Ac. xvi. 13 (but see W. H. and R. V.). voprrds, 4, bv, pertaining to (the) law, Tit. iii. g ; as subst., a person learned i n or tcacher of the Mosaic law, Mat. xxii. 35 ; Tit. iii. '3. voplpos, adv., lawfully, I Tim. i. 8 ; 2 Tim. ii. S.* vdpwpa, aros, 7 6 , (lawful) money, coin, Mat. xxii. ~ g . * v o p o - S L ~ ~ Kov, b, a teacher ~OS, and inlerbreter of the Mosaic law, Lu v. 17 ; Ac. v. 34; I Tim. i. 7. (N. T.)* vopo-Otula, as, Q, lawgi'ving, lepislation, IZo. ix. d.* vop&Or74o, 3, to enact laws; pass., to be enacted, Heb. viii. 6 ; to be f ttvnished with laws, Heb. vii. I I .* v o p O k q s , ov, b (rleqp),a lawgiver, legislator, Ja. iv. I z.* v d p s , ov, b (vlpw,to apportion), a law, an edict, a statute, Lu. ii. 22 ; a standard of acting or judging, Ro. iii. 27 ; a writzen law, Ro. ii. 14; the Mosaic economy, Mat. v. 18 ; Ro. X. 4 ; the Christian dispensation or doctrines, Gal. vi. 2 ; Ro. xiii. 8 ; met., for the books containing the Mosaic law, i.e., the five books of Moses, Mat. xii. 5 ;

v d q p a , aros, 76, disease, sickrtess, Jn. v. 4 (W. H. omit).* v h s , OU, Q, disease, sickness, Mat. iv. 23, 24. vouudi, is, Q, a brood of young birds, Lu. xiii. 34. (S.)* vovulov, ov, 76, a broodof young birds, Mat. xxiii. 37.* v w v d s , see vcouvbs. wu+ifo, in mid., to remove f o r one's self, to purloin, Ac. v. 2, 3 ; Tit. ii. IO.* V ~ T O S , O V , b, the south wind, Lu. xii. 55 ; the South, Lu. xi. 3'. vov-Otula, as, Q, admoniiion, counsel, I Cor. X. I I ; Ep. vi. 4; Tit. iii. IO.* vow-Otrio, G, to admonish, to cottnsel, Ac. xx. 31. vou-pqvla (W. H. vso-), as, S the new moon, as a festival, Col. ii. 16.* vovv-qBs, adv., wisely, judiciously, Mar. xii. 34.* voQs (orig. vbos), vobs, vot, vo0v, b, the mind, i.e., the understanding or intellect, Lu.xxiv. 45 ; Phil. iv. 7 ; the reason, Ro. vii. 25, xii. 2 ; hence, any afection of t k mind as modes of thought inclinatiorts or dispositions, Ro. xiv. 5 ; I Cor. i; 10. Nvp+&s, ii, b, Nymphas, Col. iv. I F.* v6pht\s, Q, a betrothed woman, a bride, Rev. xviii. 23; a daughter-in-law, Mat. X. 35. wp+Los, OU, 6, a bridegroom, Jn. iii, zg. wp+8v, Gvos, b, a bridal chamthe ber; 01 v101 700 vvp~Gvos, sons of the bridal chamber, friends of the bridegroom, Mat. ix. 15; Mar. ii. 19; Lu. v. 34 ; a room i n which the marriage ceremonies were held, Mat. xxii. 10 (W. H.). PP.)* v9v and vvvl, adv., (I) of time, nmu, i.e., the actually present; now, in relation to time 68

just past,justnow, cven nmu; now, in relation to future time, just at hand, cven now, immediately; h, Q, 7b v0v, the preserrt, with subst. or (neut.) without; (2) of logical connection, now, z Cor. vii. g ; nmu then, i.e., implying the rise of one thing from another, I Cor. xiv. 6 ; (3) in commands and appeals, vtv is emphatic, at this instant, Mat. xxvii. 42 ; Ja. iv. 13. dtf& Y U K T ~ S ,Q, the ?tl@, 9tghb time, lit., Ac. xvi. 33 ; often fig., a time of darkness and agtzorancr, Ro. xiii. 12 ; I Th. v. 5 ; death, Jn. ix. 4. v\iucro, [W,to stzb, to pierce, Jn xix. 34.* wm4o, [W,to nod in sleep, I t be d ~ o w q Mat. xxv. 5 ; fig., , to delay, z Pet. ii. 3.* w~O-fippov, V , 76, a nig/tt and O a day, twerzty-four hours, 2 Cor. xi. 25.* NO, (Heb.), Noah, Lu. iii. 6 36, xvii. 26, 27. vuOpds, d , bv, sluggish, dull, stupid, Heb. v. 11, vi. IZ.* v h s , OV, 6, the back of men or animals, Ro. xi. IO.*

the double letter (= ys, rs, or X S ) , the fourteenth letter of the alphabet. As numeral, 5' = 60 ; ,E = 60,000. fwla, as, +, hospitality; a lo& ing, Ac. xxviii. 23 ; Philem.
X 22.*

2, f , 0, xi,

ftvqo, U W , (I) to receiz~eas n gucst (acc.), Ac. X. 23, xxviii. 7 ; Heb. xiii. 2 ; pass., to be entertained, to lodgr, Ac. X. 6, 18, 32, xxi. 16 ; (2) to astonish by strarrgeness, Ac. xvii. 20 ; pass., to think strangely of, to be surprised at (dat.), I Pet. iv. 4, IZ.* @vo-Sox4u,G,to ~rrtertairrgztests, to practice hospitality, I Tim. v. Io.* ~Cvos, q, ov, masc., a gllesb friend; as subst.. a stranger, foreigner, Mar. xxv. 35, 38, 43! 44; a host, Ro. xvi. 23; alren, Ep. ii. 12 ; izm, zovel, Heb. xiii. g ; I Pet. iv. 12. &-qs, ov, 6 (the Latin sextarius), a sextanus, a vessel




for measuring liquids, holdAc. i. 16 ; fig., o f instructors, ing about a pint ; a pitcher, Mat. xv. 14, xxiii. 16, 24; Ro. ii. ~g.* o f an size, Mar. vii. 4, 8 ( W . E l o*t).* 68or-~op(w,0 , to travel, to p u p &pulvw, avw, 1st aor., act., sue a way, Ac. X . g.* &t$pava, 1st aor., pass., itq- dSor-wopb, as, 11, a journey, a pdvOqv, perf., pass., ($pap- journeying, Jn. iv. 6 ; 2 Cor. (3 s., 8t$pavrar, Mar. xi. xi. 26.* Z I ) , to make dry, to wither, 6869, 06, 4, ( I ) a way, a road, Mat. ii. 1 2 ; (2) a going, a Jai. I I ; pass., to become dry, be withered, Mat. xiii. 6 ; to progress, Mar. vi. 8 ; (3) a bc dried up, Rev. xvi. I 2 ; to journey, a day's or a Sabbe ripened, as corn, Rev. xiv. bath da 'S, Lu. ii. 44; Ac. to pine away, Mar. ix. i. 1 2 ; 4 ) fig., manner of action, method of proceeding, d, 6v, dry, withered, o f Ac. xiii. 1 0 ; Mat. xxi. 32 ; a tree, Lu. xxiii. 31 ; o f a especially (5) the Christian useless limb, Mat. xii. 1 0 ; way, Ac. ix. 2 ; 2 Pet. ii. 2 ; Mar. iii. 3 ( W . H.) ; Lu. (6) used of Christ himself, the Way, Jn. xiv. 6. vi. 6, 8 ; Jn. v. 3 ; of land, Heb. xi. 29 ; I f Eqpd (sc. yq), &Soh, d66vros, d, a tooth, Mat. dry land, Mat. xxiii. IS.* v. 38. &Arm, lvq, rvov, wooderr, ~ T i m . bSuvdw, 8 , in mid. and pass., ii. 20 ; Rev. i . zo.* x to be tormrnkd, to be greatly SAov, ou, 76, wood, c g timber dislressed, Lu. ii. 48, xvi. 24, in building, I Cor. 'Sii. 1 2 ; 25 ; Ac. X X . 38.* anything made of zvood, e.g., bS4y, vs, I f , pain, distress, o f l/rc stocks, Ac. xvi. 24; a staf, body or mind, Ro. ix. 2 ; I Mat. xxvi. 47, 55 ;,.a cross, Tim. vi. IO.* Ac. xiii. 29; Gal. 111. 13 ; a 6Svpp6s, oO, d, lamentation, wailing, Mat. ii. 1 8 ; 2 Cor. living tree, Rev, ii. 7. @p6w, 0 , $uw, perf. pass. Ptdvii. 7.* pqpai, to shave, Ac. xxi. 24 ; OElas, ou, d , UzziaL, Mat. i. I Cor. xi. 5, 6.* 8, g.* 8[o, to stink, be ofensive, Jn. xi. 39.* 88tv, adv., whence, o f place, source, or cause, Mat. xii. 10, o, 6 pr~p6v, omicron, short o, 44 ; I Jn. ii. 18 ; Heb. ii. I 7. the fifteenth letter. As a numeral, d-= 70; ~0=7o,ooo. 6867, qs, 4, a linzn cloth; d, I f , 76, the definlte article, hence, a sheet, Ac. X . I I , xi. thc,originally demonstrative. S.* For its uses, see Gr. $9 193- 606vrov, ou, 76 (dim. of dOdvq), 234, W i . $5 17-20, Bu. 85a linen bandage, Jn. xix. 40. ofSa, plur, ol6apev (for Attic 103. &ySofi~ov~a, num., indeclin., bpev),ot'6are (and Attic t'urs, eighty, Lu. ii. 37, xvi. 7.* Heb. xii. 17), of6aur (and Attic fuaui, on1 Ac. xxvi. ~ S O O S , . ~ ,ord., c+th ; on q 2 Pet. 11. 5, see Gr. 5 331, 4), 1know (see e r . 5 I03,4, W i . 5 37, 2, Bu. 30. W i . 5 40, qb). Fly~os, ov, d, a weigAt, a n en- olrtw6s, 4, 6v, see otrtrartbs. cumbrance, Heb. xii. I.* ol~tfoo, ov, domestic, belong. a, ing to a household, Gal. vi. 6&, j6e, r68e, demon. pron., 1 0 ; Ep. ii. 19; I Tim. v. S. * thzs, that (here). See Gr. 5 339, W i . I 23, 5, Bu. 103. olrhra, as, I f , househola', body of servants, Mat. xxiv. 45 6 & h , to pass along a way, to ( W . H.).* oumey, Lu. X . 33.* yCw, 8 , $#W,to lead along a ol~irqs, O U , 6, a domestic, a household servant, Lu. xvi. way, to conduct, to guide, 13 ; Ac. X . 7 ; Ro. xiv. 4 ; I Mat. xv. 14 ; Lu. vi. 39 ; Jn. xvi. 13 ; Ac. viii. 31 ; Rev. Pet. ii. 18. o t ~ i w0 , $uw, trans., to inhabit, , vii. 17.* I Tim. vi. 1 6 ; intrans., to d8qy6s,oO, 6, a leader, a guide,


dwell, Ro. viii. g ; I Cor. v i i 12, 13. o t q p a , aror, rb, a dwelling, used of a prison, Ac. xii. 7.* ol~q~ljprov, , 76, a dwelling. OU plncc, a habitation, 2 Cor. v. 2 ; Ju. 6.* o l ~ l aas, I f , ( I ) a house, Lu. xv. , 8 ; ( 2 ) met., a honsehol4 a farnib, goods, i.e., a house and all that is in it, Jn. iv. 53 ; Mar. xii. 40. O ~ K L ~ K00, 6, one of a family, ~ S , whether child, or servant, Mat. X . 25, 36.* ol~oStslro~4w,, to manage a 8 household, I Tim. v. 14.* 0 t ~ 0 - 6 t ~ ? rou,~ 6, ,a house 6 ~ holder, a master of a house, Mat. X . 25. ot~olopiw,8 , to erect a buiM ing, build, Lu. xiv. 30 ; fig., o f the building U D o f character, to buildYui, eedify, I Cor. X . 23; to encourage, I Cor. viii. 10. olro-Sopfi, ?js, I f (64pw), the act of building; a budding, lit., Mat. xxiv. I ; of the spiritual body, 2 Cor. v. I ; o f the church, Ep. ii. 2 1 ; met., edification, s b i d u a l advance. mint, ~ o . . d v .19, xv. 2. O ~ K O ~ O Q ~ , I f , ed$catiort, I as, T i m , i. 4 ( W . H. ol~ovopla).* o ~ K o - ~ ~ ~ 6, a ,builder, Ac. ou, o s iv. 1 1 ( W . H.).* ol~ovopiw,0 , to be a skward, Lu. xvi. 2.* ot~ovop[a,as, I f , management of hozrsehold afairs, stewardship, Lu. xvi. 2-4; a dispensatiorz, I Cor. X . 17. O ~ K O - V ~ ~ O U , ,6 ( ~ b p w )a houseOS , ntannleu, a steward, Lu. xvi. I , 3, 8 ; o f the Christian stewardship, I Cor. iv. I ; I Pet. iv. 1 0 ; Tit. i. 7. O ~ K O S O U , 6, a house, a bui(ding, , for any purpose (gen.) ; met., a family resident in one house, a family perpetuated b y succession; the house of God, i.e., the temple ; tht fanlily of God, i.e., the chur,ch. O ~ K O L + ~ V ns, 4, pres. part. ~, puss. fem. of O I K ~ W (SC. yq), the inhabited land, or worh'; ( I ) the Roman empire, Lu. ii. I ; ( 2 ) the world at large, Lu. iv. 5, xxi. 26; (3) met., the inhabitants of z%r world.




as Cv dXLyq, with liftZe trouble, 4 9 , to swear, to take an oath, Ac. xxvi. 28. Mar. xiv. 71 ; to protnise with &Aiyd-JNxos, ov, faint-hearted, an oath, Mar. vi. 23. I Th. v. 14. (S.)* dpo-0vpa86v, adv., with one 6Aryopl0, G, to care little for, nzind, unanimous&, only in to despise (gen.), Heb. xii. 5 Ac. and Ro. xv. 6. (from S.).* d p o r y w , uw, to be like, Mat. &~iycus,adv., a little, scarce&, xxiii. 27 (W. H. mrg.); Mar. 2 Pet. ii. 18 (W. H ) * .. xiv. 70 (not W. H.). (N. &A00~rv.rfis, oD, d, a de~troyer,I T.)* Cor. X. 10. (N. T.)* & p i o - ~ a 0 f i s , Is, being afleckd &Ao0pr6o, to ~ e s t ~ Heb. xi. o~; lzke another (dat.), having 28.* like passions or f telings, A c d k o - ~ a t w o ~ aaros, 7 6 ( ~ a l w ) , , xiv. 15 ; Ja. v. 17.* a whole burnt-ofering, the S p o ~ o r , ola, otov, like, similar whole being consumed, Mar. to, resembling (dat.), Jn. ix. g; Rev. iv. 3; of equalrank, xii. 33; Heb. X. 6, 8. (S.)* 6 A o ~ A q p k r , 3, perfect soundas, Mat. xxii. 39. ness, Ac. iii. 16. (S.)* 6por&rqs, r q ~ o s , i), likeness, dA6-~Aqpos, ov, com$lete h Heb. iv. 15, vii. IS.* every part, sound, perfect, d p i 6 w , G, d u w , (I) to i)zake like; I Th. v. 23 ; Ja. i. 4. Syn. : pass., to be like, or f o resemble, see dprtos. Mat. vi. 8, xiii. 24; Ac. xiv. &AoAGfo, as from the cry 01-01, I I ; (2) to liken, to compare, to h a d , to lament aloud, Ja. Mat. vii. 24; Mar. iv. 30; v. I.* with acc. and dat. SAos, q , ov, all, the whole (see 6 p o t o p a , aros, 7 6 , likeness, siGr. 8 225, Wi. 5 20, I b, a , nzilihdr, Ro. i. 23, v. 14, v i Bu. 94), Jn. vii. 23 ; Ja. iii. ; 5, viii. 3 ; Phil. ii. 7 ; Rev. I Jn. v. 19. ix. 7.* Syn. : see e l ~ d v . b A o - ~ d f p ,( S , peufect, complete, 6 p h s , adv., i n like manner; I Th. v. 27.* Lu. iii. 11 ; Jn. v. 19. 'OAvp?rCs, 1, O&mpas, Ro. 6 p 0 k r s , e m , i), likeness, Ja xvi. IS.* iii. g.* Syn. : see e t d v . iiXVv00s, O U , 4 a n unripe fig, 6po-Aoylo, G, Qaw, 1st aor. &pone which, not ripening in X l y q u a , to speak the same due time, grows through the thing; hence, (I) to zonfess, winter and falls off in the in the sense of conceding spring, Rev. vi. 13.* or admitting, generally with SAos ( ~ X O S ) adv., wholly, al, art, Mat. xiv. 7 ; Heb. xi. 13; fogether, I Cor. v. I , vi. 7 ; (2) to profess, or acknowledge with neg., not at all, Mat. v. open&, acc., or with CV, Mat. 4 ; I Cor. xv. 29.* X. 32 ; Lu. xii. 8 ; Jn. ix. 22 ; (3) as JfopoXoyCw, to praise 6p port ou, 4 a violent rain, S.* Lu. xii. 54.' Lmh, num., indecl., ekht, Lu. (dat.), Heb. xiii. I 5. &pdpopcu, to longfor, I Th. ii. 6 p A o y k r , as, 9, a professiorz, ii. 21. 8 (W. H., Rec. Ipelpopt).* or a confession, 2 Cor. ix. &0pos, ou, 6 , destruction, perdition, I Cor. v. 5 ; I Th. v. dprX{w, G, Quw, f o associate 13; I Tim. vi. 12,13; Heb. with (dat.), to talk with (rpbs, 3 ; 2 Th. i. g ; I Tim. vi. g.* iii. I , iv. 14, X. 23.* acc.), Lu. xxiv. 14, 15 ; Ac. d p k o y o v ~ v o s adv., con & A r y o m a k r , as, i), lzttlefatth, , fessrdxx. I I , xxiv. 26.* &, by assent of all, I Tim. iii. Mat. xvii. 20 (W. H.). (N. dpAlcr, as, 5, intercourse, comI 6.* T.)* panzonshzp, I Cor. xv. 33.* &A+--OS, ov, of little faith, 6 p 6 - r q v o s , ov, of the same SprXos, ou, 6, a crowd, comMat. vi. 30. (N. T.) traradc or craft, Ac. xviii. 3.* pany, Rev. xviii. 17 (not W. d p O , adv., together, at the &Aiyos q , OV, (I) little, small, HI \ --.. * b k f , Lu. X. 2 ; Ac. xiv. 28 ; same place or time, Jn. iv. (2) in plur., f m , sometimes 6 p [ x A q , qs, 4, a mist, 2 Pet. ii. 36. 17 (W. H ) * .. with gen., Mat. vii. 14; Ac. 6#-cbpc~v, ov ( G P Q ~ ,of one mind, I Pet. iii. 8.* xvii. 4 ; (3) neut. as adv., +)rag aros, 7 6 , an eye, Mat. xx. 34 (W. H.); Mar. viii. &p&, see b v u p t . dhlyov. of time, soon, Lu. v. 23.* 3; of space, a liiilr way, Mar. &pw, adv., yet, I Cor. xiv. 7 ; and d p d o , d p b w (see vi. 31 ; (4) with prepositions 6 p w p ~ Gal. iii. IS ; with p6*zor, Gr. 8 116, 3, Wi. 8 IS, Bu. preced. in .various phrases, ncvcrt/celtss, Jn. xii. 42.* 70

Ac. xvii. 6, 31 ; (4) the urriverse, Heb. ii. 5. O ~ K - O V ~ ~ S , 6 , i (otpos, keeper), oD, atfendirzgto houschoMnfjhirs, domestic, Tit. ii. 5 (W. H. ol~oupy6s, with same meaning).* o k r r h , Qaw, to pity, to have compassion on, Ro. ix. 15 (from S.).* o h ~ p p 8 , 06:. 1, cornpassion, p*, Ro. x ~ i I ; 2 Cor. i. 3 ; . Phil. ii. I ; Col. iii. 12 ; Heb. X. 28.* o l m l p p a v , ov, pitiful, nzerciful, Lu. vi. 36 ; J a v. I I .* o t p a , see ofopar. o t w - m k q s , ou, 6, one given f o winr-drinkiizg, Mat. xi. 19 ; Lu. vii. 34.* aIvos, ou, 1, wine, Mar. ii. 22 ; met., a vine, Rev. vi. 6 ; fig., of that which excites or inflames, Rev. xiv. 10, xvii. 2. olvo+Avyh, as, i) (GXbw, to overJow), drunkenness, I Pet. iv. 3.* o h p a and olpar, to think, to supfose, acc. and inf., or art, Jn. xxi. 25 ; Phil. i. 16; Ja. i. 7.f e h , a, OV, rel. pron., correl. to TOLODTOS, what kind, such of as. o k o , see $&pw. & ~ v i o , G, QUW, to be slothful, to delay, to hesitate, Ac. i . x 38.* &~yp&, 6v, slothful, back6, ward, Mat. xxv. 26; Ro. xii. I I ; Phil. iii. I.* &~la-fippos, ov, of or belonging to the ezghth day, Phil. iii.


s R E E K - E N G L I S H N E W T E S T A M E N T LEXICON. 6 4 , +js, an opening, a cavern, JI, Ja. iii. 1 1 ; Heb. xi. 38.* h i d e v , adv. of place, from behind, after, Mat. ix. 20, X V . 23. bwbo, adv., behirid, after, o f place, Lu. vii. 38; o f time, Mat. iii. 1 1 ; abs., or with gen. ; brluw, those things that are behind, Phil. iii. 1 4 ; rls 7d dslow, backward, Jn. xviii. 6. hXLto, ow, N . T., mid., to arm one's self with, acc., fig., I Pet. iv. I.* h k o v , ov, 76, an instrument, Ro. vi. 13 ; hence, plur., arms, weapons, Jn. xviii. 3 ; Ro. xiii. 1 2 ; 2 Cor. vi. 7 , X . 4.* bwotos, ola, oiov, relat. pron., of what Rind or manner, correl. t o T O L O ~ T O S , Ac. xxvi. 29 ; I Cor. iii. I 3 ; Gal. ii. 6 ; I T h i. g ; Ja. i. 24.* hh,adv. of time, when, Lu. vi. 3 ( W . H. are).* iinov, adv. o f place, where, zvhither; where, referring t o state, Col. iii. 1 1 ; i n case that, I Cor. iii. 3. b m b w , to behold; in pass., to appear, Ac. i. 3 ; see bpdw. k a u l a , as, Q, a vision, a super natural appearance, Lu. i. 2 2 , xxiv. 23 ; Ac. xxvi. 19 ;2 Cor. xii. I.* bmds, 4, bv, roasted, broiled, Lu. xxiv. 42.* 6 m w , ds~opar, bpdw. see b ~ h p aas, JI, autumn, autumnal , fruits, Rev. xviii. 14.* h o s , rel. adv., how, Lu. xxiv. 2 0 ; as conj., in order that, so that; with dv, Ac. iii. 19 (see Gr. 384, 2 , W i . 42, 6, Bu. 234) ; after verbs of beseeching,and the like, that, Mat. ix. 38; Mar. iii. 6. 6papa, aros, 76, ( I ) a spectucle, Ac. vii. 31 ; (2) a vision, Ac. ix. 10, 1 2 . ~ P P Q L S ,ews, Q, appearance, Rev. I V . 3 a vision, Ac. ii. 17 ; Rev. ix. 17. 6pads, 4, bv,visible, piur., neut., Col. i. 16.* 6 4 o , 6,dqopur, idparre, elaov (see Gr. 103, 4, W i . 15, Bu. 64), ( I )to see, generally; ( 2 ) to look upon or contemplatr; (3) to see, and so to 71


(Ivap, 76, indecl., a dream; K ~ T(Ivap, i n a dream, Mat. ' i. 20, ii. 12, 13, 19, 22, xxvii. bvbprov, ov, 76 (dim. o f dvos), a oung ass, Jn. xii. 14.* &W, ow, to reproach, revile, upbraid, Mat. xi. 2 0 ; Mar. xvi. 14 ; Lu. vi. 2 2 . bwrSrup&, 00, b, reproach, reviling, Ro. xv. 3 ; I Tim. iii. 7 ; Heb. X . 33, xi. 26,xiii. 13. is.\* ddr-&, our, 76, reproach, disgrace, Lu. i. 25.* ' O ~ W L ~ OUS ,b (profiable), O , Onesimus, Col. iv.g ; Philem.
rn.* 7.


& $ - + o p w , ov, 6, orzcsiphorus, 2 Tim. i. 16, iv. 1g.* ~ V L K & , 6v, perkrining to an 4, a ass; pdhos bvr~bs, millstone turned by an ass, i.e., the large upper millstone, Mat. xviii. 6 : Lu. xvii. 2 (not W . H.) ; ~ a r ix. 42 (W. H.). . ( N -. T.\* -., b i y p r , to be usefirl, to help; mid. aor., opt., bvalpqv, may I have help or @y from, Philem. zo.* (vopa, aros, 76, a name, almost always of persons ; in N. T., as in 0. T., the rzanie o f a person is a mark o f what he himself is, the name expresses the character, Mat. I. 2 1 ; Mar. iii. 16, v. 9 ; Lu. i. 31 ; hence the expressions s o r t b 7 1 Cnl T $ bv6ga~r,4v 74 dvbpa~i, 700 bvbpa~os; 6th the name is often introduced b y bvbpa~r,by name, once b y roevopa (7b buoka), Mat. xxvii. 57 ; fame, repzttation, Ep. i. 2 1 ; Phil. ii. g. bvop&, to give a name to, uw, Lu. vi. 13, 14; to mention, Ep. v. 3 ; to call upon the name of, 2 Tim. ii. 19. &OS, O U , 6, Q, an ass, Mat. xxi. 2 , 7 ; Lu. xiii. I 5. (IVTW, adv. (8v, neut. part. o f eipl), really, truly, I Cor. xiv. 1 25 ;' 1 Tim. v. 3 5. 613s~V S , 76, vinegar; in N. T., O sour wine. mixed with water. a common drink o f ~ o m a n soldiers, Jn. xix. 29, 30. M, ria, d, ( I ) sharp, as a weapon, Rev. i. 16, ii. 1 2 ; (2) mifl, eager, Ro. iii. 15.


participate in, Lu. xvii. 22 ; Jn. iii. 36 ; (4) to take heed, Heb. viii. 5 ; Mat. viii. 4 ; with p4 or equiv., to beware, Mat. xvi. 6 ; (5) pass., to be seen, to aappar to, C present onc's se(f to (dat.). b h , e r , Q, arzger, indipnation, Ep. iv. 31 ; often o f the wrath o f God, and its manifestation, Ro. i. 18. Syrz.: see Bvpbs. bpylto, uw, to irritate, to provoke; pass., to be angry, abs., Mat. xviii. 34 ; to be crzraged with, dat., or Crl, dat., Mat. v . 2 2 : Rev. xii. 17. bpyAos, q, ov, prone to anger, Tit. i. 7.* bpyvrd, 85, JI, a fathom, about five or six feet, Ac. xxvii. 28.* bpiyr, to st~etch forth; mid., to reach after, to desire or long eagerly for, gen., I Tim. iii. I , vi. 1 0 ; Heb. xi. 16.* bfxrvds, 4, bv, moutzhinous, hi& (sc. xdpa), Lu. i. 39,65.* (iptfrs, t w s , Q, shong desire, lust, Ro. i. 27.* bp8o-wos(o, G, to walk i n a straight course, fig., to act uprzghtly, Gal. ii. 14. (N.T.)* bp@&, 4, bv, upnkht, Ac. xiv. 10 ; straight, Heb. xii. 13.* bpeo-mpio, G (rkpvw), to cut strut@; met., to handle nghtly, i.e., io teach correctly, 2 Tim. ii. 15. (S.)* bp8p&o, to rise early i n the morning, to come surly irt the morning, Lu. xxi. 38.

6pdp;vds, I j , bv, early i n the morning, Lu. xxiv. 2 2 ( W . H. ; Rev. xxii. 16 (not W . HI.* 6p8pros1 a, ov, ear& in the morning, Lu. xxiv. 2 2 (W. H. read preceding).* 6pBpos, ou, b, carly dawn, daybreaR, Lu. xxiv. I ; Jn. viii. 2 (W. H. omit); Ac. v. 21.* bpeair, adv., r~ghtly,Mar. vii. 35; Lu. vii. 43, X . 28, xx.

ow, dejine; to determine, Ac. xvii. 26 ; Heb. iv. 7 ; to appoint, to decree, Ac. X. 42, xi. 29 ; pass., perf. part., hpropCvor, decreed, Ac. ii. 23; neut., decree, Lu. xxii. 22. iiprov, ou, 76, plur., the bound




arics o f a place ; hence, dis- &vp/), 1, a snrell, an odor, $S, ) hr'cts, tcrriiory, Mat. ii. 6, iv. lit., Jn. xii. 3 ; fig., 2 Cor. ii. 14, 16; Ep. v. 2 ; Phi. iv. '3. ~PKQQ)) to adjrrre liy, to Jargc I8 . * sobmnly @ with double (lvos, q, ov, relat. pron., how , acd., Mar. v. 7 ; Ac. xix. 13 ; much, how great, ( I ) of time, I Th. v. 27 ( W . H. tvop~l~w).* how long, as long m, Ro. vii. i p ~ o sov, d, an oath, Mat. xiv. , I ; repeated, the meaning is h g; a jromise with an oath, intensified, Heb. X. 37: 671 a vow, Mat. v. 33. p~~pbv doov, yet a liitle, doov bpr-cupkr, as, JI, the taRing of a very, very lit&; ( 2 ) of an oath, an oath, Heb. v i i quantity, of number, how 20, 21, 28. (S.)* much, plur., how many, Mar. (3, $UW, N.T., intrans., x iii. 8 ; Jn. vi. X I ; Ac. i . 13; to rush, Mat. viii. 32 ; Ac. as many as, Mat. xiv. 36; vii. 5 (eh, or &l, acc.). 7 with dv, (dv, as many as, whatsoever, Mat. vii. 12, xxi. h p 4 , <S, +, a rush, a violent assault, Ac. xiv. 5 ; Ja. iii. 22 ; (3) of measure, degree, Heb. vii. 20. 4.* (Ipyqpa,aros, 7 6 , a rushing on, ( l v - m p , *p, &p, the very rmpulse, Rev. xviii. 21.* one who, Mar. xv. 6 (not W . iipwov, ov, 7 6 , a bird, Rev. xviii. H.P' 2, xix. 17, 21.* b d o v , contr. doso0v, o t , ~ 6 a , &ns, (@OS, d , JI, a bird, a hen, bone, Jn. xix. 36. : Mat. xxiii. 17 . Lu. xiii. ~ ~ Q - Tq m ,s , 8, T L , compound Ls relat., whosoever, whichso34.* dpo4rvk, as, a a setting of ever, whatsoever (see Gr. boundan2s, a dt$nifc limit, 55 584 349, W i . 5 42, 3, Bu. Ac. xvii. 26. (N. T.)* 1 1 g ) ; the addition o f dv, &v, lipor, ovs, 7 6 , a mountain, Lu. gives indefiniteness. iii. 5, ix. 28. 6o~pd~rvos, made of earth, q,ov, &p4vvcoy tw, to dig, to ddig out, earthen, 2 Cor. iv. 7 ; 2 Tim. ii. 20.* Mat. xxi. 33, xxv. 18; Mar. . . xii. I.* &v+p?ors, sws, & fhe sense of 6p+av&, 4, bv, bereaved, an smell, smelling, I Cor. xii. orahan. Tn. xiv. 18: as subst.. I 7.* J;.i. 27:* &+by ~ O S ,JI, IAc loins, Mat. kx(Opar, 0Cpa1, $oopal, dep., iii. 4 ; Lu. xii. 35 ; Ac. ii. 30; -mid., to dance, Mat. xi. 17, I Pet. i. 13. xiv. 6 ; Mar. vi. 22 ; Lu. vii. &QV (are, dv), rel. adv., when, 32.* whensoever : alwavs with 8sy4,d, relative pronoun, who, subj. except Mar. iii. 1 1 , x i which (see Gr. $5 58, 34319(W.H.), 25 (W.H.); Rev. iv. g, viii. I ( W . A.). 348, W i . 24, Bu. 281 sq.; for 8s dv, ds (dv, whoever, &r, rel. adv.. when. Mar. xiv. see Gr. 5 380, W i . 5 42, 3, 12. Bu. 288) ;as demonst. in the h, conj., ( I ) that, afterverbs of phrase, 8s piv 8s 66, that declaring, etc., introducing fhis one, as 2 Cor. ii. one the object-sentence; someI 6. tines as a mere quotation &&trs, rel. adv., as ofkn as, mark, Mat. ii. 23; ( 2 ) because always with dv or I d v , I Cor. (see Gr. 5 136, 6, W i . 5 53, xi. 25, 26; Rev. xi. 6.* 8b, Bu. 357 sq.). (iotos (a), ov, hoZy, pious, of &ou (gen. of ~ U T L S ) E s ~ T O U , ,w human beings, of Christ, until, Lu. xxii. 16. and of God; ~ ( doia, the o& adv. (gen. of ds), whew, t holy promises, Ac. xiii. 34. whither; ot tdv, whithersc~ Syn. :see dycos. ever; also used of time, 6 v d q s yT ~ T O YJI, hoZiness, god, $ when, in the phrases, &'I 06, since, dxpis, Ews, pCxpis liness, Lu. i. 75 ; Ep. iv. 24.* 06, until. &h, adv., holily, I I 4 ( O ~ Kbefore a vowel, oGx i f ii. . IO.* the vowel is aspirated), no,



not (see Gr. $9 134, 401, W i 5 55, 56, Bu- 344 sq.). o d , interj., ahl aha! derisive, Mar. xv. 29. (N. T.)* obal, interj., woe! alas! uttered in grief or denunciation,Mat. x i 21 ; I Cor. ix. 16; JI 08~1, as subst., Rev. ix. 1 2 , the woe, U c calamiiy. (S.) obSq&, adv., by no means, Mat. ii. 6.* 04-84, conj., disj. neg., but not, nor yet (cf. pq(116C), neiIAer, nor, not even (see Gr. 5 401, W i . 5 55, 6, Bu. 366 sq.). obs-rlo,08(116cpla, 0866~ (oLGP Is), neg. adj., not one, no one, none, nothing, of no moment, of no value, vain. o b 5 i m , adv., never, I Cor. xiii. 8 ; Mat. vii. 23. ob~-mco,adv., not yet, never, Jn. xix. 41. oi18tls,o806v (ofl~e no one, eh), nothing, Ac. xxvi. 26 ( W .H.) ; I Cor. xiii. 2, 2 Cor. xi. 8 ( W . H.).* ob~&r, adv., no further, no more, no longer. O~K-ofv, adv., not therefore; hence, in ordinary classic usage, an affirmativeadverb. therefore (whereas o6~ovv rctains its negative force, zot thcrefore), Jn. xviii. 37.* 06 p/l, an emphatic negative (see Gr. 5 377, W i . 5 56, 3, Bu. 21 I sq.). &v, conj., therefore,then, Mat. xii. 12 ; employed espec. ( I ) in arguing, I Cor. iv. 1 6 ; (2) in exhortation, Mat. xxii. g, 17, 21 ; (3) in interrogation, Mat. xiii. 27 ; Gal. i i i 19, 21 ; (4) to resume an interrupted subject, Mar. iii. 31; Jn. xi. 6 ; ( 5 ) to indicate mere transition from one point to another, most frequentl in John, as viii. 13. OCMU, a&., not yet. ob&, OS, JI, a tail of an animal, Rev. ix. 10, 19, xii. 4.* o ~ p d v ov,~ heavenly, i n or ~ ~, pertaining to heaven, as Lu. ii. 13; Ac. xxvi. I g. obpav68tv9 adv., from heaven, Ac. xiv. 17, xxvi. 13.* obpav&, 06, d, heaven, ( I ) the visible heavens (both sing. and plural), through their whole extent, the afmosphcre, the S&, fhc starry heavens;




and dat.), Mat. xviii. 28 ; rb d@stXbpevov, .?he due, Mat. xviii. 30 ; (2) to be under obligation, Mat. xxiii. 16 ; to sin against, Lu. xi. 4. ~ A O(see Gr. 5 378, W i . V 5 41 b, 5, note 2 , Bu. 214 sq.), interjection, 0 that! I wish/ would that! followed b y indicative, I Cor. iv. 8 ; 2 Cor. xi. I ; Gal. v. 1 2 ; Rev. iii.

B+tXos, O U S , 76 (d@PXXw,to increase), profi, advantage, I Cor. xv. 32 ; Ja. ii. 14, 16.* 6+0ak~o-Sov~rLa, as, 4:. . eyesemrce, Ep. vi. 6 ; Col. 1ri.z~. ( N . T.)* b+0aAp6s, OS, 6, aa eye; fig., o f the eye as the receptive channel into mind and heart, Mat. vi. 23 (see Mar. vii. 2 2 ; Mat. xx. 15); fig., the eye of the mind, i.e., the understanding, Ac. xxvi. 18. &+is,aws, 6, a serpent, Mat. vii. r o ; an emblem o f wisdom, Mat. X . 1 6 ; o f cunning, Mat. xxiii. 3 3 ; used symbol. for Satan, Rev. xii. g, 14. b+p6s, los, +,the eyebrozu; the (16~). brow o f a mountain or hill, Lu. iv. zg.* OGTWS (and before a consonant , sometimes O ~ T W ) adv., thus, bxXdw, G, to disturb, to vex, only In this wise, so, ( I ) in referin pass., Lu. vi. 18 ( W . H. ence to antecedent or folBvoxXt'w), Ac. v. 16.* lowing statement; (2) cor- bxXo-~odo, G, to gather a relative with &S or ~aOds, crowd, Ac. xvii. 5. ( N . T.)* so as ; (3) qualifying ad- BxXos, ou, b, a crowd, a n unx organized mullr&de, Mat. i . jectives, adverbs, or verbs, S!, Heb. xii. zr ; Mat. ix. 33; 23, 25; the multitude, the ourws . O ; T W S , I Cor. vii. common peopk, Mar. xii. 12. in that. bxGpcupa, aros, 76, afortress, a 7, in this martner strong defense, z Cor. X . 4.* OQXL, adv., ( I ) an intensive form o f otr, Jn. xiii. 10, by b+bpwv, ou, 76 (a relish with bread), a litle fish, Jn. vi. g, no means, not at all, ( 2 ) mostly interrug., as Mat. v. r r , xxi. g, 10, 13. (N.T.)* 46, expecting an affirmative &+l, adv., late, i n the evening, answer. Mar. xi. I I ( W . H.), 19, xiii. &&Adqs, ou, b, a debtor, Mat. 35 ; late in, gen., Mat. xxviii. l * xviii. 24 ; one bound to some -. d u 3 , r.g., obedience t o the B+rpos, ov, latlrr, o f the rain, law, Gal. v. 3 ; a delinquent, Ja. v. 7.* sinner, Lu. xiii. 4. B+ios, a, ov, late, Mar. xi. 1 1 Q e i X q , ?js!.i), a debt, a duty, (not W . H., see mrg.); as subst., dpla, evening, either Mat. xv111. 32 ; Ro. xiii. 7 ; the former o f the two evenI Cor. vii. 3 ( W . H.). ( N . T.)* ings reckoned among the Jews, Mat. viii. 1 6 ; or the b+tUlpa, aros, 76, a debt, what is just.+ due, Ro. iv. 4 fig., latter, Mat. xiv. 23; see ver. an ofense, a sin, Mat. vi. 154 I 2.* &$W, sus, 4, sight; the countenance, Jn. xi. 44: Rev. i. &&&a, ( I ) to owe money (acc.

(2) the spiritual heavens, the abode o f God and holy beings, Mat. vi. 10 ; z Cor. xii. 2 ; " t h e third heaven," above the atmospheric and the sidereal; met., for the inhabitants o f heaven, Rev. xviii. 2 0 ; especially for God, Lu. xv. 18. OQp+bs, oD, 6, Urbanus, Ro. X V l . g. * OQplas,ou, 6, Uriah, Mat. i. 6.* o h , drbs, 76, ( I ) the ear, Mat. X . 27; ( 2 ) met., the faculty of percepl'icrt, Mat. xi. 15. oQvLcr, as, (dv, part. clpi), property, wealth, Lu. xv. 1 2 , r3.* 03-re, conj., and not; neither, nor, with a negative preced.; 0137. OGTE, neither.. nor. ( T h e readings often vary between oGrs and 0666.) e&os, a i ; ~ 70070, demonstr. ~, pron., this (near), appl. to persons and things, sometimes emphatic, Mat. v. 1 9 ; sometimes comtemptuous, this fellow, Mat. xiii. 55 (see Gr. 338-342, W!. 23, Bu. 103 sq.; also 8~sivos and

16; external appearance, J n vii. 24.* b+Bvrov, O U , 76, lit., ~ e l i s 4 sauce, like dpctprov, ( I ) plur., the rations o f soldiers, their wages, Lu. iii. 14 ; I Gor. i x 7 ; hence, (2) wages, generally, Ro. vi. 23 ; z Cor. xi. 8.*
I I , W , wt, pi, p, the sixteenth letter. As a numeral, n'= 80 ; ,a = 80,000. rayt8r6w, uw, to ensnare, to entrap, fig., Mat. xxii. 15. (S.)* sayls, Laos, 4, a snare, a trap, Lu. xxi. 3 5 ; fig., KO. xi. g ; I Tim. iii. 7 , vi. g ; 2 T i m . ii. 26.* sbyos, ou, 6, a hill; only with the adj. "Apstos, Mars' Hill, Areopagus, Ac. xvii. 19, 22.* s&qpa, aros, 76, ( I ) sufering, afliction, Ro. viii. 18 ; ( 2 ) a ection of mbtd, passion, vii. 5 ; Gal. v. 24; (3) a n undergoing, art enduring, Heb. ii. g. naOqr6s, 4,6v, destinedto sufeer, Ac. xxvi. 23.* d o e , our, 76, sufering, emotion, in N.T., o f an evil kind, depraved passion, lust, Ro. i. 26 ; I T h . iv. 5 ; Col. iii. S.* sar8-ayoyds, 00,6,a boys'guart ian or tutor, " pzdagogue, a slave who had the charge o f the life and morals o f the boys o f a family, not strictly a teacher, I Cor. iv. 15 ; Gal. iii. 24, 25.* saitdpiov, ou, 76 (dim. o f rais), a lzttlt boy, a lad, Mat. xi. 16 ( W . H. natGlov) ; Jn. vi. 9.* sarSEla, as, 4, trainingandeducation o f children, Ep. vi. 4 ; hence, instruction, 2 T i m . iii. 16 ; chastisement, correction, Heb. xii. 5-1 1 .* sar8nrr.fis, 00, d, ( I ) a n instructor, Ro. ii. 2 0 ; ( 2 ) a chastiser, Heb. xii. g.* war&6o, uw, to train a child, Ac. xxii. 3 ; hence, ( I )to instruct, I T i m . i. 2 0 , (2) to correct, to chasten, z T i m . ii. 25 ; Heb. xii. 7. 1rar8i60tv, adv.,fronl childhood, Mar. ix. 21. ( N . T.)* ra*SLov, ou, 76 (dim. o f rabb




.. .



G R E E K - E N G L I S H NE W T E S T A M E N T L E X I C O N . a li2Ze child, a n infant, Mat. ii. 8 ; a child more advanced, Mat. xiv. 21 ; fig., I Cor. xiv. w d k q , vs, 4 (fem. dim. of rais), a young@; a young female slave, Lu. xii. 45, xxii. 56wcrR~~, play, as a child, to to sport, to jest, I Cor. X. 7.* wats, ~ar6bs, 4, (I) a child, a 6, boy or girl, Lu. ii. 43, viii. 5 1 ~ 5 4 ; a servant, a slavc, (2) as Mat. viii. 6 , 8 ; d r a & 700 Oeo0, the servant of God, used of any servant, Lu. i. 69; of the Messiah, Mat. xii. 18. w a h , uw, to strike, to smite, with the fist, Mat. xxvi. 68 ; Lu. xxi.. 64; with a sword, Mar. xiv. 47 ; Jn. xviii. 10; as a scorpion with its sting, Rev. ix. S.* f f a ~ a ~ r$5, ~ ,Pacatiana, a a S! part of I'hrygia, I Tim. vi. 22 IRec.).* &a( ad;., of old, I-Ieb. i. I ; long ago, Mat. xi. 21. a d a d s , d, bv, (I) old, ancient, 2 Cor. iii. 14 ; d raXatbs dvOpwros, the old or former man, i.e., man in his old, unrenewed nature, KO. vi. 6 ; (2) worn out, as a garment, Mat. ix. 16. naAat6qs, T ~ T O S , oldness, 4, obsoleferress, KO. vii. 6.* u d a d o , G, to make old, to declure obsolete, Heb. viii. 13 ; pass., to grow old, io become obsolete, Lu. xii. 33 ; Heb. i. I I , viii. 13.* &q, vs, 4, a wre~tling, vi. Ep.
I 2.* 20.

l 9

waAry-yewvia (W. H. raXtvy-), as, 4, a new birth, regeneration, Tit. iii. 5 ; a renovafion of all things, Mat. xix. 28f Syn. :see drvanalvwots. u M t v , adv., again, bark, used of place or of time; a particle of continuation, again, once more, further; and of -antithesis, as 2 Cor. X. 7, on the other hand. mrp-uXqBri, adv., all a t once, all together, Lu. xxiii. 18. (N. T.)* ~ r b ' ~ h k , rapr6XXh .rdp.roXv, very great, Mar. viii. I (not W. H.).* IIq~+vXla,as, 4, Pamfhylia, Ac. xiii. 13.

mv-Soxrtov, OV, 7 6 , a khan, or past, so as to miss or fail; Eastern inn, Lu. X. 34.* occasionally also stealthirrrrv-&xrGs, Iws, 6 ( ~ I x o ~ u L ) , the ness (by the way), as in rapec keeper of a khan, a host, Lu. udyw. X. 35.* wapa-$aivm, 2d aor. rapCBqv, wav-fjyvpu, ews, 4 (Lyelpw), a to transgr.ess, Mat. xv. z, 3; general festal assemb(y, Heb. z Jn. g (W. H. rpoctyw); to xii. 23." Syn.: see $ n ~ X ~ a l a . depart, desert, Ac. i. 25.* mrv-OLK~, with one's whole wapa-$&ha, (I) to compare, adv., household orfamily, Ac. xvi. Mar. iv. 30 (not W. H.); (2) to betake orre's self, ami,e, 34.* wav-Aia, as, 4, complete arAc. XX. IS.* mor, Lu. xi. 22 ; Ep. vi. 11, wap&$avrs, cos, 4, a transgres13.* sion, Ro. ii. 23. Syn.: see wavovpyh, as, 4, shrewdness, cLyv6qpa. skill; hence, (utrning, crafti- uapa-$&-S, ov, d, a transgressness, Lu. xx. 23, I Cor. iii. or, Ro. ii. zg, 27; Gal. ii. 18; 19; 2 Cor. iv. 2, xi. 3 ; Ep. Ja. ii. 9, I I.* iv. 14.. uapa-ptblopar, to constrain b y wav-oOpyos, OOY (Gyov), doing entrealtes, Lu. xxiv. zg ; Ac. everything; cunning, crafty, xvi. I g.* z Cor. xii. 16.* wapa-$oXcGopcu, to expose one's ral*raxi, adv., everywhere, Ac. self to perrf, io be vsnturexxi. 28 (W. H.).* some, Phil. ii. 30 (W. H.). ual*rax68~vJ adv., from all (N. T.)* sia'es, Mar. i. 45 (W. H. rctr rapcr-$oAfj, $S, 5, (I) a comTO~CV).* parisorr, Heb. ix. g ; (2) a wavraxoir, adv., everywhere, parable, often of those utMar. xvi. 20; Lu. ix. 6. tered by our Lord, Mar. iv. w a d f j s , CS, complete; cls 7b 2,10 ; (3) a proverb, arz adage, T~VTE~IF, completely, perfectLu. iv. 23 ; (4) perhaps in ly, Heb. vii. 25; the same Heb. xi. 19, a venture, a riJk phrase, with p$, not at all, (see uapaj3oXehpai). Lu. xiii. I I.* napa$ouXrGopat, to consult ad v q , adv., i n every way, Ac. miss, be rerkless, Phil. ii. 30 xxiv. 3.* (Rec.). (N. T ) .* w&v~00ev, adv., from all sides, uapayycXia, as, +,a command, Mar. i. 45 (W. H.) ; Lu. xix. a charge, Ac. v. 28, xvi. zq; 43 ; Heb. ix. 4.* I Th. iv. 2 ; I Tim. i. 5, 18.* ?nrvro-~p&rop,opos, 6, the al- wap-ayyhXm, to notify, to comrnzghg, used of God, Rev. i. mand, to charge, Lu. viii. 29; 8, iv. 8. 2 Th. iii. 4 ; dat. of person, ~ & V T O T C , always, a t all adv., acc. of thing, or ( I n , Z a ar v times, Mat. xxvi. I I. inf., I Tim. vi. 13. &was, adv., wholly, entirely, mrpaylvopcu, to come w a r , I Cor. v. 10; i n every way, comeforth, come against ( W , by all means, Ro. iii. g ; asrpbs), Lu. xii. 51, xxii. 52 ; suredly, certainly, Ac. xxi. 22. Jn. iii. 23 ; Heb. ix. I r. uapb, prep., gov. the gen., the wap-&p, to pass by, Mat. xx. dat., and accus., beside; with 30 ; to depart, Mat. ix. 27 ; & a gen. (of person), it indipass away, act., I Cor. vii. cates source or o n s n ;with 31 ; pass., only I Jn. ii. 8, 17. a dat., it denotes presence u a p a - F y p a ~ q o , to make a with ;with an accus., i t inpubltr example of, to expose dicates motion tmuards, or to disgrace, Mat. i. 19 (W. H. alongside, and is employed 6rcypa7l~w) Heb. vi. 6.* ; in comparisons, beyond; for wap&wos, ov, d (probably a details see Gr. 5 306, Wi. Persian word, " garden, " "park "1, Paradise, Lu. xxiii 55 47 6, 48+,. 49g~ 339 sq. RuI n compos~tlon, wap6 reta~ns 43; 2 Cor. xii. 4; Rev. ii. 7.* its general meaning, besides, rcrpcr-wpm, dep., mid., to sometimes denoting nmrrecezve, accept, acknowledge, ness, sometimesaohbn by o r M r iv. 20 ; Ac. xv. 4 (W a.




H.), xvi. 21, xxii. 18;

h S

I Tim. v. I ; Heb. xii. 6.* wapa-8a-7pr#, +, useless occupatzon, I Tim. vi. S (W. H. ~ L Q T Q ~ Q T ~ ~(N. )T.)* ~ / ) . r c r p d f f i p c , acc. and dat., (I) to delzver over, as to prison, judgment, or punishment, Mat. iv. 12 ; to betray, spec. of the betrayal by Judas; ( 2 ) to surrender, abandolc one's self, Ep. iv. I g ; (3) to hand over, entrust, commit, deliver, as Mat. xxv. 14; Lu. i 2 ; Ac. vi. 14; (4) to commend to kindness, Ac. xiv. 26 ; (5) to give or prescribe, as laws, etc., Ac. vi. 14; (6) prob. to permit, in Mar. iv. 29, w h m the f r u i t permits or allows. w+So&s, O Y , strange, wonderf ul, Lu. v. 26.* uap&&urs, EWS, Q, an instruction, or tradition, Mat. xv. 2 ; I Cor. xi. 2 ; 2 Th. ii. 15, iii. 6. wapa-fqkdo, 6 , duo, to provoke to rivalry, Ro. xi. I I, 14 ; tojealousy, Ro. X. 19 ; to anger, I Cor. X. 22. (S.)* uapa-Bd&ruros, a, ov, by the sea, Mat. iv. IS.* uapa-Lop(o, G, to overlook, neglect, Ac. vi. I.* wa~a-8/1q, 79, 4, a deposit, anything committed to one's chargc, I Tirn vi. 20 (W. H.) ; 2 Tim. i. 12, 14 (W. H.).* +art&, 6 , to exhort, admonish, Ac. xxvii. g, 22.* nap-arrbpar, oGpar, dep., mid., to entreat for, to beg o f , make excuse, refuse, reject, Mar. xv. 6 (W. H.) ; Lu. xiv. 18, 19; Ac. xxv. 11 ; I Tim. iv. 7, v. 11 ; 2 Tim. ii. 23 ; Tit. iii. 10; Heb. xii. '9, 25.* wapa-waO(fopm, to scat one's self, Lu. X. 39 (W. H.).* aapa-waBqo, int-ians., to sit d m n beside, Lu.x. 39 (Rec.).* u a p a - r d h , 6 , &W, (I) to send for, summon, Ac. xxviii. 20; (2) to beseech, entreat, Mar. i 40; (3) to exhort, admonish, Ac. xv. 32 ; I Tim. vi; 2 ; (4) to comfort, 2 Cor. i. 4 ; pass., to be comforted, Lu. xvi. 25. r r c r p c ~ ~ d to ~ , k hi&, to Conceal, Lu. ix. 45.*


wapa-rara-04q, vs, 4, a trust, a deposit, I Tim. vi. 20; z Tim. i. I 4 (in both passages W. H. read rapa67jrq).* wap&wtrpa+ to be at hand, be present with (dat.), Ro. vii. 18, ZI.* wap&KXqu~~, rws, Q, a calling for, a summons; hence, (I exhorkztion, Heb. xii. 5 ; (21 entreaty, z Cor. vili. 4; (3) encouragement, Phil. i i I ; (4) consolation, comfort, Ro. xv. 4 ; met., of the Consoler, Lu. ii. 25 ; (5) generally, of the power of imparting all these, Ac. iv. 36. wap&~Xqros,O V , 6, (I) a n advocate, intercessor, I Jn. ii. I ; (2) a consoler, comfortt~, hc@er, of the Holy Spirit, Jn. xiv. 16, 26, xv. 26, xvi. 7.* wapaw04, +js, 4, disobedjCnce, KO. v. 19; z Cor. X. 6; Heb. ii. 2.* Syn. :see dyvbqpa. I ~ ~ P - W C O X O ~ ~6 ,U$UW,C f0lC , low closely, to accompany (dat.), Mar. xvi. 17 (not W. H., see mrg.) ; to follow so as to trace out, to examine, Lu. i. 3 ; to f o l h teaching, I Tim. iv. 6 ; 2 Tim. iii. IO.* wap-awob, to hear negligcrrfly, to disregard, Mat. xviii. 17 ; Mar. v. 36 (W. H.).* uapa-&mu, $ 0 , to stoop, Lu. xxiv. 12 ; Jn. xx. 5, I I ; fig:, with EIS, to starch into, Ja. I. 25 ; I Pet. i. 12.* u a p a - X a m v o , X+$opai (W. H. -XJIp$-), fo take to one's self, (I) to take with one, Lu. ix. 10, 28, xi. 26 ; to lead o f a prisoner, Jn. xix. 16 ; Ac. xxiii. 18; (2) to receive by transmission, Col. iv. 17; Heb. xii. 28; fig., to receive by instruction, Mar. vii. 4. uapa-A4yo, N.T. in mid., to lay one's course near, in sailing, C coast along, Ac. xxvii. 8, IS.* w a p - a w , ov, a&cmt to the sea, orz the coast, Lu. vi. 17.* w a p d X a y 4 , +jr, C change, varaation, Ja. i. 17.* wapa-Xoy&opac, dep., to impose upotr, to delude, acc., Col. ii. 4 ; Ja. i. m.* wapa-Xvrrw6s, 4, &v, aflictrd w W paralysis, in the whole

or a part of the body, Mat. iv. 24, viii. 6. (N. T.) uapa-Mw, to relax, to enfeeble, only perf. part., pass., rapaXeXvpCvos, paralyzed, enfeeble.?. uapa-+vo, psv6, to remain 4 (dat., or rpbs, acc.), to abid with, I Cor. xvi. 6 (W. H. rarap6vw); Phil. i. 25 (W. H.); to continue, Ja. i. 25 ; Heb. vii. 23.* wapa-pu04opat, oOpai, to speak to, to cheer, to comfort, Jn. xi. 19, 31 ; 1 Th. ii. 11, v. 14.* uapa-puBla, as, Q, encouragement, comfort, I Cor. xiv.

w&-pir0eov, ov, 76, comfort, Phil. ii. I.+ uapa-wphw, G, to act corztrary to law, Ac. xxiii. 3.* wapa-vopta, as, 4, violation of law, transgression, 2 Pet. ii. 16.* Syn. : see hyvbqpa. wapcl-rrrwpalvw, avG, 1st aor. rapsrl~pava,to provoke God to anger, Heb. iii. 16. (S.)* ~ a p a - r b ~ p ~ o 66s provocap O tion of God, ~ e b'iii. 8, I 5. . (S.)* ~ m p a - w l m o zd aor. rapCrsuov, , to fall away, Heb. vi. 6.* uapalrkio, G. rduopac, to sail past, acc., Ac. xx. 16.* wapcl-rrXfpov, adv., near to (gen.), Phil. ii. 2 7 f rapar)lrqu(ws, adv., similarly, i n like manner, Heb. ii. Id.* uapa-woptiropac, dep., mid., to pass by, to pass alorzgby, Mar. xi. 20, xv. 29. ua&-wropa, aros, 76 (rapar l n ~ w ) a falling away or , aside, a sin, Ep. i. 7, ii. I, 5. Syn.: see dyvbqpu. napa-p$o, ad aor., pass., raps. ppbqv, pass., to be carried past, to lose, Heb. ii. I.* uap&vqps, ov, marked with (dat.), Ac. xxviii. II.* w a p c w ~ w & ~U W , to prepare, o, Ac. X. 10; mid., to prepare one's self, I Cor. xiv. 8 ; pass., to be i n readiness, z Cor. i . 2, 3.* x w y - ~ r " f i , + j ~ , Q, a prtparcftzon. r.e., the day immedlately before a Sabbath or other festival, Mat. xxvii. 62 ; Mar. xv. 42 ; Lu. xxiii 54; Jn. xix. 14, 31, 429


G R E E K - E N G L I S H NE W T E S T A M E N T L E X I C O N ;

ii. 4; (2) to enter in addition, Ro. v. 20.* wap-erv-+(pm, to contribute besides, 2 Pet. i. S.* T ~ P - ~ K T ~ Sadv., besides; r h , rapessbs, the thirtgs that oc10. c u r besides, 2 Cor. xi. 28 (see mtpa-~flpqvrs, 01, 3, observaR.V. mrg.); prep. with gen., tiorz, Lu. xvii. 2o.* except, Mat. v. 32; Ac. xxvi. uapa-rl0qpr, B ? f d o (see Gr. 29 ; also Mat. xix. 9, W. H. I O ~ ) (1) to place near or , mrg.* by the side o f , as food, Lu. xi. 6 ; (2) to set or lay before, wap-cp-WXm, PaXG, to cast u p as instruction, used of a para bank about a citv.,Lu. xix. , 43 (W. H.).* able, Mat. xiii. 24 ; mid., to give in charge to, to entrust, mp-c~-P30X4, i)s, 3, (1) a camp, Heb. xiii. I I , 13 ; (2) soldzers' Lu. xii. 48. to commend, to barracks, Ac. xxi. 34, 37 ; recommend (acc. and dat., or eis), Ac. xiv. 23. (3) a n army in b a d e a w a y , ~rapa-wyxbvw,to f a l l in with, Heb. xi. 34. chance to meet, Ac. xvii. mp-ev-oxhicu, G, to cause disturbance to, to disguiet (dat.), 17.* Ac. xv. ~ g . * rap-avrt~a, adv., f o r the me nzent, 2 Cor. iv. 17.* wap-l-Sgpos, ov, residing i n a strange country; as subst., r a p a - + ( p (see Gr. 103, 6, a stranger, foreigner, Heb. Wi. 52, 4, XI)), to remove (acc. and tisb), Mar. xiv. 36 ; xi. 13; I Pet. i. I, ii. II.* Lu. xxii. 42 ; pass., to be k d v a p Q x o p , e X s I a o ~ r (see Gr. asia'e. carried awav. Heb. 103, 2, Wi. 52, 4, IT)), (I) to pass by, with acc. of xiii. g (W. H.) ; J L ;2 (W. H I .. . ) person or place ; (2) to pass, --. * elapse, as time ; (3) to pass aapa+povdcu, G, to be beside away or p e n i h ; (4) to pass one's s e v , 2 Cor. xi. 23.* uapa-gpovia, as, 3, being besi$.r from any one ; (5) to pass carelessly, i.e., to disreprd, one's self, madness, folly, 2 Pet. ii. 16. (N. T.)* neglcct. mpa-xtrph~cu, dow, to pass thr whp-PVLS, cos, 3 (Ptlpc),passing winter, Ac. xxvii. 12, xxviii over, pr&ermissiorz, Ro. iii. 25.* Syn. :see dL+eatr. 11 ; I Cor. xvi. 6 ; Tit. iii. wap-cXw, d[w, 2d aor. uap4oxov 12.* wapa-~ccpavlu, as, 4, a passi-g (dat. and acc.), (I) to ofer, to supply, Lu. vi. 29 ; Ac. xxii. the winter, Ac. xxvii. I 2 f wapa-xpqpa, adv., insiantly, im 2 ; espec. the phrase rapdxw sbrour, to cause trouble, Mat. m~diately, i. 64, iv. 39. Lu. xxvi. 10; (2) in mid., topre+saXw, ews, 3, a Ieopard, a sent, manifest, Tit. ii. 7 ; to panther, Rev. xiii. 2.* bestow, Col. iv. I. w p - t s p b o , to wait upon, to attend to (dat.), I Cor. ix. 13 wap-qyopla, as, 3, sohce, Col. iv. II.* (W. H.).* dip-rrpr (elpl), to be near, to be wapBtviu, as, 3, virginiiy, Lu. ii. 36.* present; part., xapdv, present; ~b aapbv, the present wap(Yos, O U , 3, a virgita, a maid, time; r h sapbwa, possesMat. xxv. I, 7, 11 ; hence one who is chaste, Rev. sions. xiv. 4, applied to the male vap-erv-hycu, [W, to bring i7r sex. secretly, 2 Pet. ii. I.* ~ a p - e k - a ~ r o s OY, brought i n IIhpBos, ou, d , a Partlrian, Ac. , ii. g.* secretly, surreptitious, Gal. ii. wap-iqpr, to pass by or over, 4.* to relax; pass., perf. part., mp+rv-6Ccu, or -Ivo, duw, to rapeipdwos, weary, Heb. xii. come in by stealth, to enter 12.* secretly, Ju. 4.* u q ~ w 4 p ~ o p (see Gr. 103, ~rcrp[or?pr, or aapcordvo (Ro. ar vi. 1 3 16; see Gr. g 107)~ z), (I) t~ entgr secreffy, Gal. 76
wapa-mlvcu, to extend, to pro-

long, Ac. xx. 7.* w a p v P ( ~ , G, ?Iw (1) to watch, Mar. iii. z ; ( 2 ) to o b serve scrupulously, Gal. iv.

o~./Iuw,(I) trans. in act., pres., imp., fut., and 1st aor., to p l ~ c enear or u t hand, to provide, Ac. xxiii. 24 ; to present, to ofer, KO. vi. 13, 16; specially, to dedicate, to consecrate, Lu. ii. 22 ; to cause to appear, to demonstrate, Ac. xxiv. 13; (2) intrans., perf., plup., 2d aor., and mid., to stand by, Mar. xiv. 47, 69, 70; Lu. xix. 24 ; to have come, Mar. iv. 29 ; to stand by, i.e., for aid or support, Ro. xvi. 2 ; to s a n d i n hostile array, Ac. iv. 26. I I a p p v l , acc. Bv, d , Parmenas, Ac. vi. S * . dip-osos, ov, 3, a passing by or throuxh, I Cor. xvi. 7.* mp-or~icu, G, to dwell i n (&v or eis, const. praeg.) as a stranger, Lu. xxiv. I 8; Heb. xi. g.* w a p - o r ~ h ,as, 3, a sojourning, a dwelling i n a strange land, Ac. xiii. 17 ; I Pet. i. 17.
(S.)* &p-OLKOS, ov, generally as sub-

stantive, a stranger, a foreigner, Ac. vii. 6, 29; Ep. i i 19; I Pet. ii. II.* wap-orpla, as, 3 (olps, a way), (I) a current or trite saying, a proverb, 2 Pet. ii. 22 ; (2) a n obscure saying, a symbolic saying, Jn. xvi. 25, 29 ; (3) a comparative discourse, a n aL legory, Jn. X. 6. wdrp-orvos, ov, given to wine, drunken, I Tim. iii. 3 ; Tit. i. 7.* wap-olxopac, to pass away, of time, Ac. xiv. 16.* rap-oporh~cu, to resemble, Mat. xxiii. 27. (N. T ) .* wap-6poros, ov, similar, Mar. vii. 8 (W. H. omit), 13.* wap-o[bva, to provoke, tr irritate, in pass., Ac. xvii. 16; I Cor. xiii. S.* rap-o[vvp6s, 06, 6, (I) incitement, Heb. X. 24; (2) contention, im'talion, Ac. xv. 39.* wapspy&a, cG, toprovokegreatly, exasperate, Ro. X. 19 ;Ep. vi. 4.* rap-opywpk, 05, d , exasperation, wrath, Ep. iv. 26. (S.)* Syn. :see Bvpbs. ~ p i , v a to stir up, to incite, , Ac. xiii. so,*

1 -



ence, z Cor. X . 10; Phil. ii. $0; (2) a coming, an arrival, ~dvent, often of the second coming of Christ, 2 Cor. v i i 6, 7 ; I Th. iii. 13. +is, ldos, I f , a dish for delicacies, Mat. xxiii. 25,26.* wqpqwtu, as, I f , f reedom, openness, especially in speaking, boldness, conjidcnce, A c iv. 13; Heb. X . 19; rappqulp, dv rappqrlp, or per& wappqulas, boldly, openly. uappqv~&fo)ror, dep., mid., 1st aor. Cuappquraudp~v, speak C freely, b o l e , to be conjdent, Ac. xviii. 26, xxvi. 26. rBua, uBv (see Gr. S 37), all, the whole, every Rind of (see Gr. 5 224, W i . 5 18, 4, Bu. 119 sq., and for negative in phrases, Gr. 5 328, iii., W i . 5 26, I , Bu. 121 sq.) ; adverbial phrases are drarav76s (which see), always; h ravzl, &v rZurv, in cverytlring; and rdvza (neut. plur. acc.), altogether. 76 (Aram.), the pas J a l lamb, Mar. xiv. 12 ; applied t o Christ, I Cor. v. 7 ; the paschal supper, Mar. xiv. 16; thepassover feast, Mat. u v i 2. (S.) d q m (ua8-,see Gr. 5 94, i. 7), to be afected with anything, good or bad ; so, to enjoy good, Gal. iii. 4 ; more commonly, to endure sufering, Mat. xvii. I 5 ; to sufer (sec. of that suffered,dub or 3r6, en., of person inflicting). , 11 rapa, dpwv, ~ dPahra, Ac. xxi. I.* r m r h ( ~ , to mite, to stnxe, W, to smite to death, to aflict, Mat. xxvi. 31 ; Ac. xii. 23. m&, 9, ~ U W to tread upon, , Lu. X. 19 ; to press 6y treading, as grapes, Rev. xiv. 20, xix. 1 5 ; fig., to tread down, to tram@ upon, Lu. u i . 24; Rev. xi. 2.* m , rpbs, d (see Gr. 5 30, ii., + W i . $5 19, I a, 30, 3, Bu.941, a father; often o f God as the father o f men, Mat. v. 16,45 ; as the father o f the Lord Jesus Christ, Mat. vii. 21 ; as the first person in the Trinity, Mat. xxviii. 19 ; as the source of manifold bless-

acrpowk as, 11 (~IPI), pres(1)


mgs, 2 Cor. i. 3. Secondary nd-apxlm, 9 , (X) io obey a ruler or one i n authorily, Ac. meanings are : ( I )a founder of a race, an ancestor; (2) a v. 29, 32 ; Tit. iii. I ; (2) to obey, or conform to advice, senior, a father i n age, I Jn. Ac. xxvii ZI.* ii. 13, 14; (3) the author, or 4,6v, p e r cause, or source of anything, nrO6s ( W . H. st@br), suasivc, I Cor. ii. 4. (N.T.)* Jn. viii. 44 ; Heb. xii. g ; (4) a spinnCual father, or means n @ a , reluw, to persuade, Ac. xviii. 4; to injuence bypersuaof converting any one t o sion, Mat. xxvii. 20; to seek to Christ, I Cor. iv. I S ! (5) one please, to conciliate, Ac. xiv. to whom resemblance rs borne, 29; 2 COT.v. I I ; to appease, Jn. viii. 38, 41, 44. to render tranquil, I Jn. iii. II&rpos, ov, I f , Pahos, Rev. i. n* Ig ; to conciliate, to aspire zb the favor of, Gal. i. 10; wGp-cr~(~'cr) . H. -oXGas), (W pass., to yield to persuasion, ov, 4 a parricide, I Tim. i to assent, to listen to, C obey, 9-* mrp~h, I f , a family (in 0 B$, . Ac. v. 36, 37 ; the zd perf., rdrorOa, is intrans., to hust, T . a division between the to rely on, to have conjidcnce tribe and the household), in, Mat. xxvii. 43; Ro. i t Lu. ii. 4 ; Ac. iii. 25 ; Ep. iii. 15 (on which see Gr. 5 224).* '9. G, inf. rerviiv, duw, ( I ) lmrpdpxqs, ov, d, head or -v&, to be hurzgry, Mat. iv. 2, x i i founder of a family, a patriI , 3;. hence, (2) to be needy, arch, A c ii. zg, vii. 8, g ; Lu. I. 53 ; (3) to desire earHeb. vii. 4. (S.)* neslly, to long for, acc., Mat. w a ~ p ~ 4, ,bv, paternu2, anh v. 6. cestral, Gal. i. 14.* -p5 ldos, I f , one's native *a, as, 4, frial, experiment; with Xappdvw, to maRe trial place, fatherland, Heb. xi. of, t experience, Heb. x i 29, z I4 ; one's nu& place, i.e., 36.* cip, Mat. xiii. 54, 57. IIwpdBcro, acc. or, d. Patrobas, m d m , uw, ( I ) to alkmpt (inf.), Ac. xvi. 7 ; ( 2 ) to make Crial Ro. xvi; 14.* m7po-wapdcSolor, ov, handed to test (acc.), Jn. vi. 6 ; 3) k tempt to sin, Ja i. 13, down from ancestor^, I Pet. 14 ; d recpd{wv, the 'tempter, i. IS.* i.e., tlre devil, Mat. iv. 3. war*, a, or, recrivrd from Syn. :see do~r&tw. the fatlrers, heredi&ty, Ac. xxii. 3, xxiv. 14, xxviii. 17.* mrpaupds, OG, 6, a trying, proving, I Pet. iv. 12; Heb. iii. IIaOkos: ov, d, Paul, ( I )Sergius 8 ; a tempting to sin, Mat. vi. Paulus, Ac. xiii. 7 ; (2) the I3 ; calamiv, advcr~ip,as apostle of the Gentiles, Ac. c , xxi. 40 (see Gr. 5 ~ ~ gW i trying men, Ac. xx. 19. (S.) m* r, 9 , only in mid., to ab 5 18, 6). tempt, Ac. i. 26 ( W . H. wee x rm.60),U W , to cause to ceme, to pdrw), x x v i ZI.* restrain, I Pet. iii. 10; generally mid., to cease, desist, mrqrqvil,$S,If,persuasion, conmciron, Gal. v. 8. ( N . T.)* Lu. v. 4, viii. 24. II*, ov, I f , Paphos, A e xiii d a y w , ovs, 76, the sea, the deep, Mat. xviii 6 ; A c xxvii 6, 13.* lmx.6~0) (wax&), to make fat, S.* O ) i. to fatten; pass., f g , to bc- ~ K L ~ (rdXe~vs,an axe), to behead, Rev. xx. 4.* come stupid, Mat. xiii. 15; Iripmos, q, ov, or& num., bit Ac. xxviii. 27.* fth, Rev. vi. g. &q, qs, I f , a shackle, a felkr pm, $W, ( I )to send, o perf for the feet, Mar. v. 4 ; Lu. m t sons, to send forth, spoken viii. zg.* of teachers, as John Baptist. d r r d o , 4,6v, level, Lu. vi. 17f Jn. i 3 ; o f Jesus, Jn. iv. l r r f a h (uelbs), to travd on foot 34; the Spirit, Jn. xiv. or by land, Ac. xx. 13.e f 26; o apostles, Jn. xiii. 20; adv., on foot, or & hnd, Mat. xiv. 13 ; Mar. vi. 339 (2) to send, of things, J%




Ac. xix. 1 3 ; I Tim. v. 13; Heb. xi. 37; to hck, as a ship, Ac. xxviii. 13 (not W . H.).* npG3(a, to encompass; so, to contain, as a writing, Ac. xxiii. 25 ( W . H. #%W); intrans., to be contained, I Pet. ii. 6 ; to seisc, as astonishment, Lu. v. g* . mpr-fiwvpr, or -lwvvtw (see Gr. 5 114. W i . 5 53, 41 12). Bu. I ~ I ) ,to gird onr's self around, mid. or pass., Ep. vi. 1 4 ; Lu. xii. 35, 37. npl-bras, cwt. a puttirrg around, as ornaments, I Pet. iii. 3. ( N . T.)* m p - b q p r (see Gr. 5 107,W . i 5 14, I ) , in intrans. tenses of act., to skznd around, Jn. xi. 42 ; Ac. xxv. 7 ; mid., to avoid, shun (acc.), 2 Tim. ii. . 1 6 ; Tit. iii. g* npr-rbeappa, a ~ o s7 6 , refuse, , ofscouring, I Cor. iv. 13. npr-rd(nrrco, to cover round about, to cover up, as the face, Mar. xiv. 65 ; Lu. u i i . 64; Heb. ix. 4* . np[-~rrpar, lie about, sut. to ~ound,dat., or rapl, acc., Mar. ix. 42 ; Lu. xvii. 2 ; Heb. xii. I ; to be encompassed or surrounded with, acc., Ac. xxviii. 2 0 ; Heb. v. 2.* m p c ~ + a A a b ,as, 4, a helmet, Ep. vi. 17 ; I Th. v. 8* . nrpr-rpadp, Is, having full power over (gen.), A c xxvii. 16. (Ap.)* mpr-lcpGmru, to hi& antire&, Lu. i. 24. (N. T.)* q~.mKXdw,G, 800,to ~ncircle, surround, Lu. xix. 43.* mpr.X&pme, to shine around, 3 ' Lu. ii. 9 ; Ac. xxvi. 1. mpt-hrluu, to leave remaining; pass., to be lef4 I Th. iv. I S , 17.* mpt-Avrroo, ov, very sowmuful; Mat. xxvi. 38; Mar. vi. 24 xiv. 34; Lu. xviii. 23, 24 ( W . H. omit).* mpr-W, to waitf or (acc),A c i. 4.* d p r S , adv., round about, A c v. I 6f mpwr&, G, to dwell around, to be nezghbot+ngto(acc).Lu. i 65.*

transmit, Rev. xi. 10; to send &ernip, in space, as Mat. among or upon, 2 Th. ii. I I ; xii. 42; or time, Heb. vi. 16. to thnrst in the sickle, Rev. IIIpyapos, OV, Ij, Pergamus or xiv. 15, 18. Pergamum, Rev. i 11, ii. . dqs, q ~ o s , poor, 2 Cor. ix. 6, 12.* 9.* Syn. : ~ 7 ~ x implies IIdpyq, qs, 4, Perga, Ac. xiii. 6 s utter destitution, usually '3. beggary ; rl y s , simply pov- n p 4 a prep., governing the erty, scanty livelihood. gen. and acc.; with gen., mv&pdr, Bs, Ij, a mother-in-law, about, i.e., concerning or rea wife's mother, Mar. i. 30. specting a thing ; with acc., wtdrp6s, oD, 6, a father-in-law, about, around, in reference a wife's father, Jn. xviii. IS.* to (see Gr. 5 302, W i . $5 476, m d i w , 0, tjuw, ( I ) to mourn, 49i, Bu. 335). In composiintrans., Ja iv. 9 ; ( 2 ) to tion, rep1 denotes round mourn passionatdy for, to about, on account of, above, lament, trans., 2 Cor. xii. 21. beyond. d d o s , OVS, 7 6 , mourning, Ja m p d y u , trans., to lead or iv. 9 ; Rev. xviii. 7, 8, xxi. take about, I Cor. i . 5 ; inx A.* trans., to go about (acc. of m;rXp6s, dv,poor, needy, Lu. d, place), Mat. iv. 23, ix. 35, xxi. 2.* xxiii. I 5 ; Mar. vi. 6 ;.Ac. .rrtvr6~w, num. adv.,jivs times, xiii. I I .* 2 Cor. xi. 24.* mpr-arp(or,G (see Gr. 5 103, 2, ~ V T ~ K L U - X U ~ O L ,num., at, a, W i . 5 15, Bu. 53), to kakc /ive thousand, Mat. xiv. 21. from around, take cntirr(y ) I M Q K ~ I , at, a, num., jive away, lit., Ac. xxvii. 40 (to hundred, Lu. v i i 41 ; I Cor. cast o f anchors, R. V.); fig., of the removal of sin, Heb. xv. 6.* h, al, 76, num. indecl., 01, X . 11. jive, Mat. xiv. 17. m d m a , to kindle, Lu. xxii. m ~ - K c u b ( K a ~ O7, ~ ord. S Ov, 55 ( W . H.).* num., fifteenth, Lu. i i . I . m d m w , to l&htcn around; to fish around (acc.. (S.)* . . .ACrr/)~ovra, at, 76, num. ot, or mpl, acc.), Ac. ix. 3,-xxii; indecl.,pf@, Lu. vii. 41. 6. (Ap.)* m v q ~ o + , $9, ?) (lit.jifn'eth), mpr-@hAAw, PaXG, /Xl1pXv~a, to cast around (acc. and dat.), Pentecost, the feast beginning the fiftieth day after Lu. xix. 43 ; to cZobc, Mat. xxv. 36 ; for const., see Gr. the second day of the Passover, i.e., from the sixteenth 5 284, W i . 5 53, 4, I Z ) , Su. 149; mid., to clotlre one's self, day of the month Nisan, to be clothed, Mat. vi. 29. Ac. ii. I , xx. 16; I Cor. xvi. acpc@A&m, T., in mid., to N. 8* . *PlrorBa, rel8w. see look around, abs., Mar. v. 32, mmL&)uw, ews, 4, trust, conix. 8, X. 23; to look round jidence, with sls or (v, 2 Cor. upon, acc., Mar. iii. 5, 34, xi. 1 1 ; Lu. vi. IO.* viii. 22 ; Phil. iii. 4. (S.) rip, an enclitic particle, cog- mpr-@Aa~~v, 76, ( I )a manov, ilc, Heb. i. 12 ; ( 2 ) a veil, I nate with repl, only found joined to pronouns or parCor. xi. IS.* ~ ticles for intensity of mean- I I Y ) ~ to ,bind round about, ing, as Idvuep, ebep, if inpass., plup., Jn. xi. 44.* deed; Inelrep, since indeed; mpr-8pipwJsee repr7pCxw. ralrep, and really; 8urep, mpr-tpyhfopar, fo overdo, to k the very one who. a buqdody, 2 Th. iii. II.* uepa~lipm ~ I p a adv., furiAcr, ( ), mpkpyos, ov, act., overdoing, intcmrcddling, I Tim. v. 13; besides, Ac. xix. 39 ( W . H.).* dpav, adv., over, on the other pass., 7 h replepya, superside, beyond, with article prejuous arts, sorcery, Ac. xix. 19.* fixed or genitive following, apc(pXo~ (see Gr. 5 103, 2, Mat. viii. 18, 28, xix. I . +as, aros. 7 6 , a limi4 t4c rxW i . 53, 4, I*), to go about, 78





4 ; (2) pass., to be fu@lled or completed, o f time, Lu. i. 23, 57ulpwpqp (rpa-), and uipnpdw, pass., inf., rlprpaseai, to be injamed, to swell, Ac. xxviii. 6.f rrva~E6wv,ou, (dim.o f rivafl, 76 a tabletf or writing, Lu. i. 63.* w l v d , ados, b, a plate, platter, L;. xi. 39. wlvm, fut. rlopai, perf. r d r w ~ a , 2d aor. Iriov (inf. re%, W . H.), to drink, abs., or with acc. o f thing drunk (sometimes I K or drb), Lu. xii. Ig, 29; to imbibe, as the earth imbibes rain, Heb. vi. 7 ; fig., to receive into the soul, topartake of, Jn. vii. 37. s1sos, i j , fatness, as o f the olive, Ro. xi. 17.* mrp&ro (rpa-),perf. rbrpawa, 1st aor. pass. Irpdeqv, perf. pass. rCrpapar, to sell, Mat. xiii. 46; pass., with Brb, to be sold under, to be a slave to, Ro. vii. 14. n h o (res-,see Gr. 8 94, i. 8d, W i . 8 13, 1a, Bu. 167), rssoOpat, ( I ) to fall (whence, b y brb or ( K ; whither, b y P or rts, acc.), Mat. xv. 27 ; r L Mar. iv. 5, 7 , 8 ; hence, (2) to fall prostrate, as o f persons, to die, to perish, Jn. xviii. 6 ; Rev. i. 17 ; o f structures, to fall i n ruins, Mat. vii. 25, 27; o f institutions, to f d ; (3) to all to, as a lot, Ac. i. 26; (4{r fall into or u n d n . as condemnation. IIw&h, as, i j , Pisidia, Ac. xiv. 24. xiii. IA. where W .H. have adj. form:* d o (see Gr. 74, Wi. 88 31, 5, 32, 5, 3 3 4 39, 1% Bu. 173 Sq., 337)1 6 ~ ~ 9 to believe, be persuaded o f a thing (acc. or 871) ; to & credit to, dat. ; to have confidence in, to trust, believe, dat., als, Iv, 4rl (dat.) or &*L (acc.), often o f Christian faith, in God, in Christ; to entrust something (acc.) t o any one (dat.); pass., to be entrusted with (~cc.). U L ~ L K ~ S 4 , bv, genuine, pure, , of ointment. Mar. xiv. - .; 3 Jn. xii. 3.* U ~ L SC W S , ij, ( I )faith, gener, ally, as 2 T h . ii. 13 ; Heb. x. i

r ; the object o f the faith is expressed b y obj. gen., or b y cls, CV, upbs (acc.) ; (2) @lity, good faith, KO. iii. 3 ; 2 T i m . ii. 22 ; (3) a pledge, apromisegivcn, 2 Tim. iv. 7 ; (4) met., for the whole o f the Christian character, and(generally with art.) for theChristian religion. mm&, 4 , bv, ( I ) trustworthy, faithful, in any relation or t o any promise, o f things or (generally) persons ; ( 2 ) believing, abs., as 01 r i s ~ o i , the followers of Christ, or with dat. m , G, to maze faithful; h N . T., only i n pass., to be assured of, 2 Tim. iii. 14.* wAa&, G, ~ U W to lead astray, , to cause to wander, Heb. xi. 38 ; fig., to deceive, Jn. vii. 12 ; pass., to be misled, to err, Mar. xii. 24, 27 ; Lu. xxi. 8. w A h y , ? S , +, a wandering; only fig., deceit, delusion, error, Mat. xxvii. 64 ;Ep. iv. 14. wAa+s, O U , d, a wanderer; dsr4p r X a v ~ j r ~ a , wanders ing star, Ju. 13." wAhvoo, ov, causing to wander, misleading, I T i m . iv. I ; as subst., a deceiver, Mat. xxvii. 6 3 ; 2 Cor. vi. 8 ; 2 Jn. 7.* wh&, a ~ b s ,,p tablet t o write !. on, 2 Cor. 111.3 ; Heb. i . 4.* x w A b p a , asos, 76, a thing formed or fashioned, Ro. ix. zof wA&vm, duo, to form, mould, as a potter his clay, Ro. ix. 2 0 ; I Tim. ii. 13.* wAaa7&,4, bv,f o m c d , moulded; fig., feigned, 2 Pet. ii. 3.* whamfa, as, ij (fem. o f uXarls, broad, sc. d8bs), a street, Mat. vi. 5, xii. 19. wk67vs, O U S , 76, breadth, Ep. iii. 18 ; Rev. xx. g, xxi. 16.* wAadvm, to make broad, to enlarge, Mat. xxiii. 5 ; pass., fig., to be enlarged, in mind or heart, 2 Cor. vi. 1 1 , 13.* wAarGs, sia, d, broad, Mat. vii. 1 3. * whiypa, aros, 76 ( ~ X C K W ) , anything intenuoven , braided hair, I T i m . ii. g.* wAeto7os, q, OV, superl. o f roXd9,

the peatest, the most, v e v great; r b rAeiosov, adv, mostly, at most, I Cor. xiv. 27. wAtGv, s%v (for declension see Gr. 44, Bu. 127), compar. o f roXbs, more, w a t e r , in number, magnitude, comparison; 01 nklovsr, of r~elous, the more, the most, the many, majority, 2 Cor. ii. 6 ; rXs?ov or rXCov, as adv., more, Jn. xxi. 15 ; 1r1 ~ X s i o v , f u ~ h e r , longer, Ac. iv. 17. ~ A ~ K( w ,to weave together, to W pluit, Mat. xxvii. 29; Mar. xv. I 7 ; Jn. xix. 2.* whiov, see r?elwv. wAtov6~o,so, intrans., to have more than enough, 2 Cor, viii. 15 ; to abound, to increase, Ro. v. 2 0 ; 2 Cor. iv. I5 ; trans., to cause to increase, I T h . iii. 12. wAtovc~~im, k have more G, than another; hence, to overreach, take advantage of ( R . V.),2 Cor. vii. 2 , xii. 17, 18; I T h . iv. 6 ; pass., 2 Cor. i i

w k o v - i ~ q s O U , 6, a covetous or , avaricious person, 1 Cor. v. 10, 1 1 , vi. 1 0 ; Ep. v. 5.* wAto+h, as, ij, covetousness, avarice, Lu. xii. 15 ; 2 Pet. ii. 3. Syn.: rXsovrCLa is more active, seeking t o grasp the things it hasnot; $iXapyupla, more passive, seeking t o r e tain and multiply what it has. wAevp6, Bs, i j , the side o f the body, Jn. xix. 34. wAdm, see rlprXvpi. wAio, impf. irXsov, to sail, Lu. viii. 23 ; Ac. xxi. 3, xxvii. G, 24 ; Rev. xviii. 17 ( W . H.) ; with acc. o f direction, A c xxvii. 2 (but W . H. read els).* wxtlrl, 55, 4 ( r X 4 s s 4 , a blow, a stripe, a wound, Ac. xvi. 33 ; Rev. xiii. 14 ; an aflic, tion, Rev. ix. 20. wAf$os, our, 76, a muliitudr, a p a t number, Mar. iii. 7, 8 ; Heb. xi. 1 2 ; with art., the multitude, the whole number, the assemblage, Ac. xiv. 4 ; a uantity, Ac. xxviii. 3. wAq&vt~,VG,( I )inrrans., to increase, Ac. vi. I ; ( 2 ) trans., to mulliply, augment, 2 Cor,

ix. 10 ; pass., to k increased,

Mat. xxiv. 12. rAqBu, see rlpuk~pi. u X t m s . ov. d.. a striRcr. a con.. , tktious persotz, I ~ i miii. 3 ; . Tit. i. 7.* W ~ W ~ P Q , ( W . H. v),4, a as. La. V I . 48.* t fiv, adv. (akin to rACov, hence it adds a thought, generally adversative, some times partly confirmatory), besides, but, neverLheless, of a h t k , Mat. xi. 22, xviii. 7, xxvi. 39,64; uA+w &c, except #at, Ac. xx. 23; as prep. with gen., besides, exccphng, Mar. xii. 32 ; Ac. viii. I . rA4pqs, ss, ( I ) full, abs., Mar. iv. 28; (2) full of (gen.), abmrnding in, Mar. viii. 19; Lu. iv. I.. 0 ( ~ J P w )bring to , C the full, to ful/UI, 2 Tim. iv. S, 17 ; pass., of things, to be ful@ accomplished, Lu. . i I ;of persons, to be fully convinced, Ro. iv. z i , xiv. S ; Col. iv. 12 ( W . H.).* wLqpo-+opla, ' as, 4,' fullness, entire possession, full assurh ance, Col. ii. 2 ; I T . i. S ; Heb. vi. 1 1 , X. 22. ( N . T.)* wAqp6cu, B, haw, to jilI with (gen.), to jill up, to pervade, to complete, either time or number ; to bestow abundant&,& furnish liberal+, Phil. iv. 18; Ep. iii. 19; to accomplish, to perform fully, as prophecies, etc. !.pass., to be fult of, 2 Cor. vn. 4 ; Ep. v. I 8 ; to be made f ull, complete, or perfect, Jn. iii. 29; Col. iv. 1 2 ( W . H. read rAqp-


~rqpcupa, aros, 7 6 , fullness, plenitude, i.e., that which fills, I Cor. X. 26, 28; so, the full number, Ro. xi. 25 ;the completion, i.e., that which makes full, the fu@llmcnt, Mat. i . 16; Ro. xiii. 10;the x fdlness of time, Gal. iv. 4, is the completion of an era; the fullness of Christ, Ep. i. 2 3 that which is filled by Christ, i.e., the Church ; the fullness of the Godhead, Cot. ii. g, all divine attributes. ukqcbv, adv., near, near &, with gen., Jn. iv. 5; with the


art., b rA.r)alov,a ne*hbor, m ) u r . r r r & , adv., spzn'hally, i.e., by the aid of the Holy Ac. vii. 27. Spirit, I Cor. ii. 14; in a 1rAqupo4, 4s, 4, full satisfya stical sense, Rev. xi. 8. ing, indulgmce, Col. ii. 23.* vAijwc(o,zd aor. pass. hrAtjyvw, T.)* to smite, Rev. viii. IZ.* A, to blow, as the wind, slow, Mat. vii. 25, 27. a A o + o v , ov, rb (dim. of rkoiov), a small vessel, a .rrvlp, to choke, to seize by the Uroat, Mat. xviii. 28; Mar. boat, Mar. iii. g ; Jn. xxi. 8. v. 13.* u b b v , ov, rb, a ship, a vesseZ, mK760, 4, bw, strangled, Ac. Mat. iv. 2 1 , 22 ; Mar. i. 19. xv. 20, 29; xxi. 25. -Ador, oQs, gen. oQ or obs, 6, a voyage, Ac. xxi. 7, xxvii. g, "04. $S,3, ( I ) breath, Ac. x v i i 25 ; ( 2 ) wind, Ac. ii. 2.* ID * . wA&w, a, OY, m'ch, abounding Irosqpqs, er, reaching to thefeet; as subst. (sc. xcthv or C U ~ ~ S ) , in (&v),Lu. xii. 16 ; Ep. ii. 4. a long robe, Rev. i. IS.* Syn. : ~rkouvbo, ad^.^ richly, abunsee lpdrcov. dant@, Col. iii. 16. &&v, adv., interrog., whcncel aA&, 0 , $SW, become d, to to be rich, to abound in, Lu. of place, Mat. xv. 33 ;from what source ? Mat. xiii. 27 ; i. 53 ; Ro. X . 12 ; Rev. xviii. of cause, how? Lu. i. 43; 1 S. Mar. xii. 37. uk&cu,to make rich, to cause to abound in, I Cor. i. 5 ; z aola, as, 4, grass, hcrbage, according to some, in Ja. iv. Cor. vi. 10, ix. I I.* 14; but more probably the vkoGmsp OV, d (see Gr. 3 32 a, word here is the fern. of W i . 3 ge, note 2 , Bu. 22), roibs, of what see? nnches, weaW, abundance,Ja. v. 2 ; Col. i. 27 ; spiritually, aocko, 0 , Bow, ( I ) to make, i.e., to form, to bring about, to enrichment, Ro. xi. 12. cause; spoken of religious *MW, r0, to wash, Lu. v. t festivals, etc., to obscrvc, ta ( W . H.); Rev. vii. 14, xxii. celebrate; of trees and plants, I4 ( W . H.). Syn.: see AoJw. to germinate, to produce; to d p 4 atos, 7 6 , ( I ) properly, cause to be or to become, Mat. the wind, or the air in moxxi. 13 ; to declare to be, Jn. Cion, Jn. iii. 8 ; hence, ( 2 ) the viii. 53 ; to assume, Mat. xii. human spirit, dist. from sGpa 33 ; (2) to do, generally ; to and @X$, I Th. v. 23; (3) a do, i.e., habitually, to pertemper or disposition of the form, to execute, to exercise, soul, Lu. ix. 55 ; Ro. viii. I 5 ; to practice, i.e., to pursue a (4) any inkrlligcnt, i n c o i p course of acrzon, to be actaze, red being, as (a) the human to work, to spend, to pass, i.e, spirit, separated from the time or life,Ac. xv. 33. Syn.: body, the undying soul; (6) see Trench, 5 xcvi. angels,good and bad; (c)God, Jn.iv. 24 ; ( d )the Holy Spirit, mlqpa, aros, 7 6 , a thing made, a work, Ro. i. 2 0 ; Ep. ii. the third person of the Trin10.* ity (see Gr. 3 217f , W i . 3 19, ?. I a, Bu. 89), in relation t o m t v p s , ews, fi, a doing, Ji i. 25.* Jesus, Lu. iv. I ; Ac. X . 38; ao~'lr/P,oii, d , ( I ) a doer, per in relation t o prophets and former, Ro. ii. I 3 ; Jai. 22, apostles, Ac. xxi. I I ; Jn. xx. 23, 25, iv. I I ;(2) a poet, AC 22 ; and in relation to saints xvii. 28.* generally, Gal. iii. 2. .r), W V ~ U ~ ~ T Lbv, ~spin'tmd, .rroc~U~os, QV, various, of dzf4, K S , ferent colws, diverse, Lu. relating to the human spirit, iv. 4 a or belonging to aspirit,or imparted by the divine Spirit, woqdw, av0, ( I ) to feed a pock, Lu. xvii. 7 ; I Cor. ix. I Cor. ii. 13 (see Gr. 9 316, 7 ; hence, fig., ( 2 ) to be shep w .9 64, 51, 5, .xv. 44 1 i herd of, to tend, to cherish, rvrvpcltird, sparr&aC thzngs, Mat. i i 6 ; Jn. u .16; A c i Ro, xv. 27; s p M @F , ;& I Cor. xii. I . xx. 28 ; I Pet. v. 2 ; Ju. 1 2 ;



8 1




Rev. vii. 17 ; ( 3 ) to rub, parts, 6y many portions, Heb. i. I.* govern, Rev. ii. 27, xii. 5, xix. I S.* Syn. :see j36u~w. m A u - ~ o L ~ A oov, much varied, s, mrpfiv, Cvos, 6, ( I )a shepherd, manifod, Ep. iii. IO.* Mat. ix. 36, xxv. 32; ( 2 ) fig., woAGs, rohXQ, roXd (see Gr. o f Christ as the Shephird, 8 39, 2 ) , many, numerous; Heb. xiii. 20 ; I Pet. ii. 25 ; roXd, much, greatly, as adv. ; and of his ministers as pasroXXol, many, often with tors, Ep. iv. I I partitive genitive, or ( K ; 01 roXXol, the many (see Gr. v, 4, ( I ) a flack o f sheep or goats, Lu. ii. 8 ; I 5 227, W i . 0 18, 3 ) ; woAXd, Cor. ix. 7 ; (2) fig., o f Christ's in like manner, much, very followers, Mat. xxvi. 31 ; Jn. much, often, many times; X. 16.* iroXX4, by much, joined with wolpvwv, OV, 7 6 (= r o l f i v ~ )a , comparatlves ; Irl roXd,for $OCR; only fig., Lu. xii. 32 ; a great while, Ac. xxviii. 6 ; Ac. xx. 28, 29; I Pet. v. 2 , C roXX4, altogether; Ac.xxvi. v ?.* 29 (not W . H.). wombs,rola, ro&v, an interrog. woACslrAayxw, ov, very compronoun corresponding t o passionate, of great mercy, otos and ~oios, what kind, of Ja. v. I I . ( N . T.)* sort, species ? what? what mAv-~cAfp, very costly, very C;, one? In Lu. v. 19, sc. d8oL precious, Mar. xiv. 3 ; I Tim. mArpicP, 8, ?law, to make war, ii. g ; I Pet. iii. 4.* to contend with ( ~ e r dgen.), mA6-~rpos,OY, of p a t value, , Rev. ii. 16, xiii. 4. very costly, Mat. xiii. 46 ; Jn. IrdAq~~s, d, ( I )war, a war, ov, xii. 3 ; cornpar., I Pet. i. 7 Lu. xiv. 31 ; ( 2 ) a batilc, Rev. ( W . H.).* ix. 7 , g ; (3) strzfe, Ja. iv. I . m h v - ~ p d m s , adv., i n many 1CdArs, E W S , 4, a ci9, Ac. V . 1 6 ; ways, Heb, i. I.* met., the inhabitartts of a d p a , aros, 76, drink, I Cor. X . city, Mar. i. 33 ; with art., the 4 ; Heb. ix. IO.* city iy/erusalern, the heavenly r o y p l a , as, 4, evil disposition, city, o f which Jerusalem was wickedness, Mat. xxii. 1 8 ; a symbol, Heb. xiii. 14; Rev. Lu. xi. 39 ; Ro. i. zg ; I Cor. iii. 12. v. 8 ; Ep. vi. 12 ; plur., mawoAr~-&pxqs, b, a ruler of a ov, lignant passions, iniguitiks, city, a city magisirate, Ac. Mar. vii. 2 2 ; Ac. iii. 26.* xvii. 6, 8.* ~ovqpbs, d,6v (rlvor),evil, bad, uoAc~ela,as, +, ( I )citizenship, actively, o f things or perAc. xxii. 28 ; (2) a state, conasons ;wicked, depraved, spec. monwealth, Ep. ii. 12.* m a l z ~ ~ a nopp. to ciyaObs; t, mALrrvpa, aros, 7 6 , a state, d royp6s, the wicked one, i.e., a commonwealth, Phil. iii. Satan ;~b roypbv, evil. 20.* udvos, ov, d , ( I ) labor, Col. iv. *oArrtGo, in mid., to behave as 13 ( W . H.) ; ( 2 ) pain, ana citizen; hence, & live, i.e., guish, Rev. xvi. 10, 11, xxi. A to order one's life, Ac. xxiii. -r. * I ; Phil. i. 27. * IIOVTLK~S, bv, belonging to 4, m k l q s , ov, d , a citizen, Lu. xv. Pontus, Ac. xviii. 2.* 15 ; Ac. xxi. 39 ; with gen., I I ~ V T W Sov, d, Pontius, the , a8700, a fellow-citizen, Lu. prcnomen o f Pilate, Lu. xix. 1 4 ; Heb. viii. I I ( W . iii. I . H.).* II~VTOS, 6, Ponks, Ac. ii. OV, UOAA~~KLS, many times, adv., g ; I Pet. i. I.* often, Mar. v. 4, ix. 22. IIirAros, ov, 6, Publius, Ac. woAAa-wkavhv, O Y , gen. ovos, xxviii. 7, 8.* manifold, many tiwes more, m p d a , as, 6, a journey, Lu. Mat. xix. 29 ( W . H.); Lu. xiii. 2 2 ; a pursuit, underxviii. 30.* taking, J a. i. I I wokv-Aoyk, as, 4, much sfcak- mpeGopar, aowrr, dep., with ing, Mat. vi. 7.* pass. aor., 6uoprbOr)v,to go,to mAv-p@, adv., i n many go away, to depart, tojourney, 82


to travel, often (as Hebrew) to take a course in life. mpOCo, $m, to lay waste, k, destroy, Ac. ix. 21 ; Gal. i. 13, 23.* mprup6s, 06, d , a source of gain, I Tim. vi. 5, 6.* IIdp~ros, ov, d , Porcius, the prznomen o f fistus, Ac. xxiv. 27.* mpvrla, as, +,fornication, Ac. xv. 20, zg ; fig. in Rev., idolatry, xiv. 8, xvii. 2,. 4. mpvtGo, aw, to commrifornicalion, I Cor. vi. 18; f g in i. Rev., to worship idols, xviii. 3, 9. d p y , vs, 4, a harlot, a prostitute, Mat. xxi. 31, 32 ; fg. i; in Rev., an idolatrou~c m munity, xvii. I , 5. ? C ~ P V O S ,O V , d , a man who prop W t e s himsc(f; a fornicatot., Ep. v. 5. w6pw, adv., far, f a r o f , Mat. xv. 8 ; Mar. vii. 6 ; Lu. xiv. 32; comp., roppwrdpw (or -s~pov, . H.), Lu.xxiv. 28.9 W "dppdrv, adv., f rom afhr, f a r o f , Lu. xvii. 12; Heb. x i I3.* m d b p c r , as, 4, a purple g r a men6 indicating wealth or rank, Mar. xv. 17, 2 0 ; Lu. xvi. 1 9 ; Rev. xvii. 4 ( W . L . read following), xviii. 1z.u ~rodirpeos,009, 8, ogv, purplc, Jn. xix. 2 , 5 ; Rev. xvii. 4 ( W . H.), xviii. 16.* wo&p6-ll(0Aw, dos, 4, aferns& seller of purple cloth, Ac. xvi. 14. ( N . T ) .* W O U ~ K L S , interrog. adv., A m ofiCn ? Mat. xviii. 21, xxiii 37 ; Lu. xiii. 34.* w6ors, ews, 4, drink, Jn. vi. 55 ; Ro. xiv. 17 ; Col. ii. 16.* wduos, 7 , ov, how much? hmv great? plur., how many? *bay, as adv. with compara t i v e ~Q how much ? , -ap6s, ov, 6, a river, a torrent, Mar. i. 5 ; 1,u. vi. 48, 49. mrapo-@pq~os, ov, c a h d away by a stream, Rev. xii. 15. ( N . T.)* mraw60, a,.bv, interrog. adj., of what Rand? of what manner? Lu. i. 29, vii. 39. "dm, interrog. adv., when P at what time? with tws, how l o n? ~ d, enclitic particle, at some


[ W

me, at otrc time or other (see Gr. fj 129, Wi. 5 57, 2). d r c p ~ s ,a, OY, which of two? N . '1'. neut, as adv., whether, correlating with f , or, Jn. vii.

vvnjprov, ou, 76, a drinkingcup, Mar, vii. 4, xiv. 23 ; the co)rtettts o f t h c cup, I Cor. xi. 25 ; fig., the portion which Cod allots, whether of good or ill, commonly of the latter, Mat. xx. 22,23, xxvi. 39. w l ~ w , w , to cause to drink r (two accs.) ; to give drink to (acc.) ; fig., I Cor. iii. 2 ; to water or irrzgate, as plants, I Cor. iii. 6-8. IIolloAor, wv, ot, PuhoZi, Ac. xxviii. 13.* 116709, OV, b (rlvw), a drinking, c u ~ o t r s i ?I~ Pet. iv. 3.* ~~, woe, interrog, adv., where? . ~ . d ~ i t h e r ? ii. 4 ; Jn. vii. Mat. 35. roG, an enclitic particle of place or degree, sot,rrwAcre, so~~tciuhcre about, Heb. ii. 6, 16 (\V. H., see Gllrov), iv. 4 ; KO, iv. 19 (see Gr. fj 129, Bu. 71\.* nk6Sl)s, ~ S P T Ob, ,P u d m s , 2 S ,.. 1~ m iv. 21 . roirs, ro86s, 6, the foot, Lu. i. 79; h r b 703s rB8as, under the feet, i.e., entirely subdzrrd, as Ro. xvi. 20. rrp&ypa, aror, 76, a thing done, a -fact, a thirtg, a btrsinrss, a sutf, as at law, I,u. i. r ; I Th. iv. 6 ; ]to. xvi. 2 ; Heb. X. I . vpa.ypartla (W. H. -rLa), as, Q, U hrrsi~rcss, occupation, z Tim. ii. 4.* rrpaypambpar, aopar, dep., to frarrsart bt~sittcss, to trade, Lu. xix. 13.* rparr6piov1 ov, 76 (Lat. protoriuttt), the palace at Jerusalem occupied b the Roman governor, d a t . xxvii. 27 ; Mar. xv 16; Jn. xviii. 28,33, xix. g; so at Caesarea, Ac. xxiii. 35; the quarters of the prrrtorian u m z y in Rome, Phil. i. 13.* r p b ~ r w p ,OPOS, a n OQ~CCY b, em9loycd to execute judicial scnfrrtces, Lu, xii. 58.* u p ~ i s , tws, +, (I) a doins, actioti, mode of action, Mat. xvi. 27; Lu. xxiii. 51 ; plur., deeds, acts, Ac. xix. 18; KO.


viii. I 3 ; Col. iii. g ; and in inscription to the Acts of the Apostles ; (2) function, business, Ro. xii. 4.* n p h , a, ov, Kec. in Mat. xi. 29 for r P a t r (W. H.).* npp6qs, T ~ T O S , Rec. for Q, rpa;vqr (W. H.) in I Cor. iv. zr ; 2 Cor. X. I ; Gal. v. 23, vi. I ; Ep. iv. z ; Col. iii. 1 2 : I Tim. vi. 11 (W. H. s p ~ i i r d 8 t a ) ;2 Tim. 'ii. 25; Tit. iii. z.* n p a u d , 29, +, a company formed into divisions like garden-beds, Mar. vi. qo.* For constr., see Gr. g 242, Wi. S 37, 3, Bu. 30, 739. np6uuw1 or s p d r ~ w ,[W, pf. ndrpaxa, adrpaypai, (I) to do,pcrform, accomplish, with acc., I Th. iv. 11 ; z Cor. v. 10; (2) with advs., to bc irt a n y condztion, i.e., to fare, Ac. xv. 29; Ep. vi. 21 ; (3) to exact, to reqz~ire,Lu. iii. 13. Syn. : see rordw. wpau-raetla (or la), as, 5 (W. H.), ffri~dr~ess, I Tim. vi. I I.* rpafg, tia, U , gm. dos or dws (W. H.), pl. sir, mild,gcntlr, Mat. v. 5, xi. 29 (see rp<or), xxi. 5 ; 1 Pet. iii. 4.* rpqGqs, r q ~ o s .Q, mi(dnrsz, , g e ~ t t l e ~ z e s ~ , 1. 21, 111. 13 , Ja. I Pet. iii. 15; and W. H. (rpahqs) in the passages quoted under rpqbrqs.* np(no, to bccomc, be fitting to (dat.), I Tim. ii. 10; Tit, ii. I ; Heb. vii. 26 ; impers. (see 101, Bu. 278), it beGr. comes., i t is , fittinp. to. Mat, iii. I 5 ; 1 Cor. xi. 13 ; Ep. v. 3 ; fieb. ii. IO.* rrptubla, as, Q, a n embassy, atnbassadors, Lu. xiv. 32, xix. 14.* nptcr(kGw, from rpdrgvs (lit., to be aged, old men being usually chosen for the office), to act as ambassador, z Cor. v. 20; Ep. vi. zo.* U P ( U ~ V T ~ ~ L O VOV, , 76, a n a s s e t bly of el(fers, the S(znhrririn, Lu. xxii. 66; Ac. xxii. S ; oQ7cers of the church assembled, presbytrry, I Tim. iv. 14.* rpto$G.npos, rdpa, rrpov (compar. of rpCrpvc, old), generally used as subst., elder, (I) in age, Ac. ii. 17 ; I Tim.
" 7

v. I ; plur., often, ancestors, as Heb. xi. 2 ; (2) as subst., a n cldcr, in dignity and office, a member ojthe Jewish Sanhedrin, Mat. xvi. 21 ; a n eldrr of a Christian church, Ac. xx. 17, 28; in Rev., of the twenty-four ?nrntbrrs of the hcavcrtly Satrhrdrin, iv. 4, 1 . : rptu$vrqs, ov, b, a n old matl, Lu. i. 18 ; Tit, ii. 2 ; Phile~n. o.* , nptu$C~rs,1809,$,an oldwottrarz, Tit. ii. z.* npqvils, d,; falling headlong, Ac i. 18:s npqw, or rplw, 1st aor. pass. IrploOqv, to suscl, to saw asttndel-, Heb. xi. 37.* rplv, adv., of time, jbrvrcr&; as conj. in N. T., with or without 4, befbre thnt; generally with acc. and inf., Mat. xxvi. 34; bur after a negative we find rplv I l v with subj. where the principal verb is in a primary tense, Lu. ii. 26; rplv with opt. where it is in a historical tense, Ac. xxv. 16. I I p l u ~ a qs, +,and dim. IIpia, ~lXha,qs, +, a proper name, Prisca or Priscilla, Ro. xvi. 3 ; 2 Tim. iv. 19. rp6, prep. with gen., before, i.e., of place, time, or superiority (see Gr. 5 294, Wi. fj 47(f, Bu. 153). In composition, it retains the same meanings. rpo-byw, dfw, to bring orrt, Ac. xvi. 30; gen. intrans., to 80 befote, to lenti the way, to precede, in place, Mat. ii. g ; in time, Mar. vi. 45 ; part.
I Tim. i. 18; Ileb. vii. 18. rpo-arp(w, G, N. T., in mid., to proposr to one's sew, to p u r pose, 2 Cor. ix. 7.* rpo-arrtbopai, Ijpai, to lay to otze's c h ~ r r p brforcharid, Ro. iii. g. (N. T.)* r p ~ a r o 6 o to hear before, Col l l. S.* npo-apaprbvw, to sin befire, 2 Cor xii. ? I , xiii. 2. (N. T.)* woo-a6Arov. ov. 76. U cotrrt bc. )ore a buildihg, ;porch, Mar. xiv. 68.* wpo-$alvo, to go forward, hfat iv. 2 1 ; hlar. i. 19; pf. part






wpo,9e,Tq~br du +pkpais, adBu. I&, (I) i% go forward, vanced i n age. Lu. i. 7,18, ii. advance, Ac. xii. 10; (2) to go before, precede, in time or 36.* r r p o - W O ) , to put forth, as place (gen. or acc.), Lu. xxii. trees their leaves, h ui. . 47 ; z Cor. ix. 5. 30 ; to thrust forward, Ac. wperor&o, uw, to prepare beforehand, to predestine, Ro. xix. 33.* wpo$anK60,.rl, 6u, perlaining to ix. 23 ; Ep. ii. IO.* sheep, Jn. v. 2.* wpo-ru-ayytkeopr, to foretell ~ D O B ~ T L O V . 76, dim. of folOV. good tidings, preach the goslowing, l i d e ihtrp, a lamb, pel beforehand, Gal. iii. 8.* Jn. xxi. 16, I7 (W. H.).* npo-o(o, in mid., to hold one's self before, to be superior, np6gCrmv, ov, 76 (upo,TaLvw),a sheep, Mat. vii. 15; f g , a i. Ro. iiii. g (see Gr. 9 358, Wi. follower of Chrizt, Jn. X. 39, 3, note 3).* w p o q y b p ~ ,oi3pac, to lead on7 8. 1 wpo-@MO, SW, to drag forward by example, Ro. xii. ward, to u t p forward, Mat. I o.* xiv. 8; Ac. xix. 33 (not W. ap6&ow, ews, 11 (*po7iblu), (1) a setting forth; 01 Aproc 71js N. T., in mid., to rpoBCueos, the loaves of the foresee or provide, Heb. xi. presentation, or the showbread, Mat. xii. 4, compare 40. (S.)* wp&ylvk&~, to happen bcforr, Heb. ix. z ; (2) a predetemiKO. iii. PC.* nation, purpose, Ac. xi. 23. npo-ybWk~& to know befort- lrp04&pw, a, OU, set beforehand, appointed before, Gal. hand, Ac. xxvi 5; 2 Pet. iii. 17 ; of the divine foreknowliv. 2.* edge, Ro. viii. 29, xi. 2 ; I wpo&pla, as, 11, inclination, readiness, Ac. xvii. I I; z Cor. Pet. i. 20.* wp6ywir~~, ews, 4, f o r e k m l viii. 11, 12, 19, ix. 2.* edge, Ac. ii. 23 ; I Pet. i. 2 . wpb-Bvv, ov, eager, ready, wzllzng, Mat. xxvi. 41 ; Mar. xiv. w p 6 y o m , ov, d , a progenitor, 38; 7b rpbevpou, readine~s, plur., ancestors, I Tim. v. 4 ; Ro. i. I S.* z Tim. i. 3.* wpoy*, $0, to W& bcfore, 1rpo861wp, adv., read+, with in time, Ro. xv. 4 ; Ep. iii. alacrity, I Pet. v. 2.* 3; to depict orportray opctrly, wp6'ipos, W. H., for wp&ipo* Gal. iii. I ; to designate be- wpo-*p, N.T. only intrans., forehand, Ju. 4.* act., zd aor. and perf., and W@-&$OS, ov, nranifcst to all, mid., (I) to preside over, to cvidcnt, I Tim. v. 24, 25; rule, gen., Ro. xii. 8 ; I Th. Heb. vii. 14.* v. 12; I Tim. iii. 4, 5, 12, v. wpo4@rpr, (I) to givc before, 17; (2) to give aftcntion to, Ro. xi. 35 ; (2) to give f o d h , gen., Tit. iii. 8' . betray ;see following word.* npo-raUw, G, in mid., to provoke, stimulate, Gal. v. 26.* npoS&qs, ov, d, a betrayer, Lu. vi. 16 ; Ac. vii. 52 ; 2 Tim. wpo-war-ay$Mo, to announce beforehand, to promise, Ac. iii. 4.* npd+ow, ov, d. 11 ( * P ~ T P C X ~ ) , iii. 18,24 (not W.H.), vii. 52; a precursor, a forerunner, 2 Cor. ix. 5 (not W. H.).* Heb. v;. 20.E .~rpc-lccr~-crprqw, prrpare beto forehand, 2 Cor. ix. S.* wpo-riSov, ad aor. of wpoopdw. wpo-timv, zd aor. of wp69q+, *p6-urparI to lie or be placed before, to be appointed, as perf. upoelpq~a. dut example, reward, etc., npo-Aui&, to hope before, Ep. i. 1z.* ~ e l ? 18, xii. I, z ; Ju. 7 ; vi. wpo-rv-hpxopar, fo begin.bef ore, to be at hand, to be present, z 2 Cor. viii. 6, 10. (N. T.)* Cor. viii. 12.* II~MW-~~OIXW, in mid., tobro- upo-qp6vum, Cw, h annormcc mist bejore, Ro. i. 2 ; 2 Cor. or grcach bef orehand, Ac. iii. zo (not W. H.), xiii. 2 . 4 h. 5 (W. H.). (N. T.)* fir, 4, progress, adWPXW Gr. 103, 2, (see 84



vancement, Phi. i 12, 25; . I Tim. iv. IS.* n p o - r h o , to make p r o p s s in (dat. or &v),Lu. ii. 52; to advance to (dal, acc.), 2 Tim. iii. g ; of time, fo be advanced or f a r spent, Ro. xiii. I 2. wp6-rpyra, aros, 76, a prrjud' mcnt, a prejudice, I Tim. v 21. (N. T.)* wpo-KV*, G, to es&blish or ratify before, Gal. iii. 17. (N. T.)* npo-Aapwvo, to take before, anticipak, Mar. xiv. 8 ("she hath anticipated the anointing,'' i.e., hath anointed beforehand); I Cor. xi. 21; pass., to be overtaken or caught, Gal. vi. I.* npo-Myo, to tell beforehand. forewarn, z Cor. xiii. 2; Gal. v. 21 ; I Th. iii. 4.* up-papfGpopar, to testzify before5and, to predict, I Pet. i. I I . (N. T.)* w p o - p h b o , G, to medi(ate beforehand, Lu. xxi. 14.f wl;O-pPPv&, G, to be hnxiour beforehand, Mar. xiii. 11. (N. T.)* wpo-voiw, G, to perceive beforehand, to provide f m , gen.. I Tim. v. 8 ; in mid., to take thrmghtfor, acc., Ro. xii. 17 ; z Cor. viii. 21.* wpb-vora, as, 4,forethought, Ac. xxiv. 3 ;provisionfor (gen.), Ro. xiii. I+* w p o - o h , G, zd aor. upoezov, to see beforehand, Ac. ii. 31, xxi. 29 ; Gal. iii. 8 ; mid., to have before one's eyes, Ac. ii. 2s (S.).* wpoop&o, to predetermine, tr foreordain, Aq. iv. 28 ; Ro. viii. 29, 30; I Cor. ii. 7; Ep. i 5, I I. (N. T.)* w p o d q o , to s u f e r bcforehand, r Th. ii. z.* npo-u6nup, opor, d, a forefather, Ro. iv. I (W. H.).* wpo-dpaw, to send forward, to accompany, Ro. xv. 24; to q u i p f o r a journey, Tit. iiii '3wpo-nvrfio, CS ( u l r ~ w )precaj5C , fate, rash, Ac. xix. 36; z Tim. iii. 4.* w p w o p r h i u u , uopac, in mid., to precede, to pass on before (gen.), Lu. i. 76; Ac. vii. 40.* =p60 (see Gr. 307, Wi. 47f,




488, 491, Bu. 3401, Prep., wpw-s6ap, 0 , to permit one to gov. gen., dat., and accus. approach, Ac. xxvii. 7. (N. T.\* cases, general signif., to- -, wards. In composition, it u p v - q y ~ m ,to approach, to come near to (dat.), Mar. ii. denotes motion, direction, 4 (not W . H.).* reference, nearness, addition. 7rpwt8pt6mco, wait upon, to to minister to (dat.), I Cor. ix. q w d $ @ r o v , ov, 76, the day before the sabbath, Mar. xv. 13 (W. H. nape8peficlw).* 42. (S.)* apou-cpy~opa~, mid., to dep. *pw-ayoprCo, to address (5r gain by labor in addition, Lu. name, to designate, Heb. v. xix. 16.* IO.* npou4p~o)rar(see Gr. 103, wpodym, ( I ) trans., to bring 2, W i . 8 52, 3, 4, 1 4 ) ) ~ (1) C, to bring near, Mat. xviii. generally, to come or to go to, 24 ( W . H.) ; Lu. k.41 ; Ac. to alpproad, abs., or dat. of xii 6 ( W . H.), xvi. zo; I Pet. place or person, Mat. iv. 1 1 , ix. 20, xxiv. I ; ( 2 ) specially, iii. 18; ( 2 ) intrans., to come to or towards, to approach, Ac. to approach, to draw near to, xxvii. 27.* God or Christ, Heb. vii. 25 ; (3) to assent to, concur in, I ' I I ~ ~ Q - Q Y + ~ , f s , 4, approach, access ( E ~ s ,npbs, acc.), Ro. v. Tim. vi. 3. 2 ; Ep. ii. 18, iii. IZ.* w p w - t ~ ~ $9,,4, (1) prayer t o ft up-arrCw, B, to beg, to ask God, I Cor. vii. 5 ; Col. iv. earncsffv. Mar. X: ~6 (not 2 ; (2) a place where prayer i is oftred, only Ac. xvi. 13, W . ~ . jLu. xviii. j g (not W . H.) ; Jn. ix. 8.* 16(seeGr. 268,note). Syn.: r p a l r q s , ov, 6, a beggar, Mar. see a h r ) ~ . X . 46 ( W . H.) ; Jn. ix. 8 ( W . wpocr-c4xopai, dep. mid., to H.).* pray to God (dat.), to ofer "pw-ava-@[v@, to go up farprayer, to pray for (acc. of ther, Lu. xiv. IO.* thing, BrCp or rrpl, of perwpw-avaAk~o, spend i n adto son, Iva or brws, of object, dition, Lu. viii. 43 ( W . H. occasionally inf.). omit).* w p 3 ( o , to apply, with voGv w p o v - a ~ A q p 6 wB, to jill up , expressed or understood, to by addingto, to supply, 2 Cor. apply the mind, to attend to, dat.; with drb, to beware of; ix. I Z , xi. g.* *p-ava-rOqpc, to lay up i n also, to@ heed to, inf. with addition; in mid., ( I )to comPB. municate or impart (acc. wpwqk6a, c%, to fasten with nails, nail to, Col. ii. 14.* and dat.), Gal. ii. 6 ; (2) to consult with (dat.), Gal. i. wpov-ftXwog, ov, 6 (from rpouI 6. * Cpxopac, orig. adj.), a newcomer; a convert tojudaism, apw-am&, 0 , to utter additional threats, Ac. iv. 2 I .* a proselyte, Mat. xxiii. I ; apw-6a?rcrvb, B, Ifaw,to spend Ac. ii. 10, vi. 5, xiii. 43. (Sj* in addation, Lu. X . ss.* w e - ~ a r p c r ov, for a season, , apov-&par, to want more, to temporary, Mat. xiii. 21 ;Mar. need in addition (gen.), Ac. iv. 17; 2 Cor. iv. 18; Heb. xvii. 25.* xi. zs.* apw-S(Xo)rar, dep. mid., ( I )to a p w - ~ d b ,0, N. T., mid., to receive to companionship, Lu. call to one's self, to call for, xv. 2 ; ( 2 ) to admit, accept, & summon, Mar. iii. 13, 23, Heb. xi. 35 ; (3) to await, to vi. 7 ; fig., to call to an oflce, & call & the Christian faith, expect (acc.), Mar. xv. 43. Ac. ii. 39, xiii. 2. wpw-Sorb, B, to look for, expect, anticipate,whether with w p w - ~ ~ p n p k P , Buw, to p e r 0, hope or fear, Lu. iii. I S , vii. severe in, to cmft'nuestccrdf ast rg, 20. i n (dat.), Ac. i. 14, ii. 42 ; to u p l o r l a , as, 4, a lookingfor, wait upon (dat.), Mar. iii. g; expectation, Lu. xxi. 26 ; Ac. Ac. X . 7. xii. I I ~ u - ~ ~ ~ ~cos, p r r , p 4, per 85

severance, Ep. vi. 18. (N. T.)* a p o v - w a r o v , ov, 76, a rush ion for the head, a pillow, Mar. iv. 38.* rrpw.xAqp6m, B, to assign Ij lot, io allot; pass. (dat.), Ac. xvii. 4.* ~ p v - d [ v oto incline towards, , Ac. v. 36 ( W . H.).* a p k d r v r s , rws, 4, an inclination towards, particlli&, I Tirn. v. 21.* w p u - ~ o A A b ,i), pass., to join one's self to (dat.), as a companion, Ac. v. 36 ( W . H. rpoo~Xivw); cleavc to (rpbs, to acc.), as husband to wife, Mat. xix. 5 ( W . H. ~oXXdw); Mar. X . 7 ; Ep. v. 31.* W*-~oppa, aros, 7 6 , a stumbling-block, an occasion of falling, Ro. xiv. 13, 2 0 ; I Cor. viii. 9 ; with Xieos. a stone of sh;mbling (R. V.), S Pet. ii. 8 ; Ro. ix. 32, 33 IS.\* =&:KO~, .f s , 4, an occasion of stumblmg, 2 Cor. vi. 3.* apw-dmo, to strike the foot against, Mat. iv. 6 ; so, to stumble, I Pet. ii. 8. wpor-whim, to roll to (dat., ot h i , acc.), Mat. xxvii. 60 ; Mar. xv. 46.* wpov-m&, B, to bow down, to prostrate one's self to, to worship, God or inferior beings, to adore (dat. or acc.). wpov-mydp, 06, 6, a worship per, Jn. iv. 23.* wpov-AaACo, B, to speak to (dat.), Ac. xiii. 43, xxviii.


wpov-Aap@vo, N . T., mid., io take to one's self, i.e., food, companions, Ac. xxvii. 33, xxviii. 2 ; to receive tofellmuship, Ro. xiv. I . u*-Aq+s (W. H. -Xr)fi$rs), cos, 4, a takzng to one's seCf, a receiving, Ro. xi. IS.* wpw-I&@, to continue with or in, to adhere to (dat.), to stay i n (Iv) a place, Mat. xv. 32 ; I Tim. i. 3, v. 5. apoo-opp4o (@CM$), mid., zp come to anchor, Mar. V L 53.* wpov?+hm, to owe 6esidcs, Ph~lem.~g.* wpv-ox8Qo (b~eCo 6~8i&), or to be displeased or ofended



10, 17


with (dat.), Heb. iii.

r p u ~ y w p r to p t e n to, ap. , plied to Christ s being fastened t o the cross, Ac. ii. 23.* r p o v - r i m , ( I ) to f a l l down before (dat., or rpbs, acc.), Mar. vii. 25; Lu. v. 8 ; ( 2 ) io beat against (dat.), Mat. vii. 25. -v-WO&, G, in mid., io conform one's self to; hence, to Pretend (inf.), Lu. xxiv. 28 ; m Jn. viii. 6, perhaps, to regard ( W . H. omit).* .rpov+opr6opar, h, come to, a p pronch (dat.), Mar. X. 35.* apou-ptlywpr, to dash against, ay waves, Lu. vi. 48, 49.* r p o u - r b v o , [W, abs., or a c c and inf., to enjoin (acc.) upon (dat.), LU. V . 1 4 ; Ac. X . 33. apo-vr&rrs, tbos, 4 , a fenzale gunrdian, a proleclor, Ro. xvi. 2.* wpov-dqpr, to place near or by the side of, to add to (dat., or i r l , dat. or acc.), Lu. iii. 2 0 ; Ac. xi. 24; mid., with i . to go on to do a thing, d, i.e., lo do again, Ac. xii. 3 ; Lu. xx. 1 1 , 1 2 ; so 1st aor. pass., part., Lu. xix. I I , rpouBrls rlrrv, he spoke again (see Gr. 3994 W i . 5 54, 5, Bu. 299 sq.). rrpou-rpixo, 2d aor. irpouC8papov, to run to, Mar. ix. 15, X, 17 ; Ac. viii. 30.* rpov-+&yrov, ou, 76, anything eaietr wzth bread, as fish, meat, etc., Jn. xxi. S.* wfl-u+a~os,ov (from u#dfw, toslaughter,justslaughtercd), recent, new, Heb. X . 2o.* rrpov+&ros, adv., rrccnt(y, Ac. xviii. 2.* rpv-#pw, to bring to, dat., Mat. iv. 24,' viii. 1 6 ; to ofer, to present, as money, Ac. viii. 1 8 ; specialiy, to o f e r sacrajFcc, Ac. vii. 42 ; pass., to bear one's self towards, to deal wiilr, Heb. xii. 7. rpou+A4r, CS, pleasitg, acceptable, Phil. iv. 8.* npov-1#1op6,69, 4, a n oftring, a sacrayce, Ac. xxi. 26; Heb. X . 18. npw+&, a,'& call to (dat.),

(.. S)* u ~ v ~ ov (ue?va), very ~ m , hungry, Ac. X. 10. ( N . T.)*

Mat. xi. 1 6 ; io call to one's self (acc.), Lu. ri. 13. r*-xvwbs, e m , 4 (rpouxIw), an afusion, a sprinkling, Heb. xi. 28. IN. T.)* --+aGo, to ' tortcx lI;ehtly, Lu. xi. 46.* r p o v o n r o X d ( W . H. roouw 'roXqpr.r'Cw),G; to respe;t the person of any one, to show pariiali&, Ja. ii. g. ( N . T.)* rpovcurro-hi)mrls ( W .H. wpouw rohtjprrqs), ou, 6, a respecter of persons, a partial one, Ac. X . 34. ( N . T.)* upwom)l?+b ( W . H. -Xgp$-), as, 5, respect of persons, parCiali@, Ro. ii. I I ; Ep. vi. g ; Col. iii. 25 ; Ja. ii. I . ( N . T.)* rpdvanrov, ou, 76 (G$), ( I ) the face, the counirnancc, Ja. i. 23; in antithesis with rapdla, mere appearance, 2 Cor. v. 12 ; ( 2 ) the surface, as o f the earth, Lu. xxi. 3 5 ; o f the heaven, Lu. xii. 56. lrp0-76avo, to appoint bcfire, Ac. xvii. 26 ( W . H. irpou~duuw).* rpo-rdvo, to stretch out, to tie up for scourging, Ac. xxii. 25.* up6npos, Cpa, epov (comparative o f rpb), former, Ep. iv. 2 2 ; rpb?epou or 7b rpb~epov, as adv., before, formerly, Heb. iv. 6. rpo.r(&lpr, N. T . mid., to set f orth, KO. iii. 25 ; to pu+Pose, to design b~forehand,Ro. i. 13 ; Ep. i., g.* rpo-rpclw, m mid., to exhort, Ac. xviii. 27.* rpo.rP(Xto, 2d aor. *poCbpapov, f o run bcfore, to outrun, Lu. xix. 4 ; Jn. xx. 4.* upo-h-bp)(@, to be previously, with participle, Lu. u i i i . 1 2 ; Ac. viii. g.* rp6+avw, ews, 9, a pretext, a n excuse, I T h . ii. 5 ; dat. adverbially, i n appearance, o r irnsibly, Mar. xii. 40. apo+dpo, to bring fortlr, Lu. vi. 45.* u#+qpr, fut. rpoepa, perf. rpoelpg~a,2d aor. rposirov, C say bcfore, i.e., at an earlier time, Gal. i. g ; in an earlier part o f the discourse, 2 Cor. vii. 3; or prophetically, M r xiii. 2 . a. 3 86

n & q r e k r , as, 4, prophecy, as a gift, or in exercise, Ro. xii. 6 ; Rev. xix. 1 0 ; plur, prophecies, I Cor. xiii. 8. rpo+nGo, uw, to be a prophet, to prophesy, to forth-tell, or speak o f divine things (the meaning f oretell is secondary and incidental), Lu. i. 67 ; Ac. ii. 17, 1 8 ; o f false prophets, Mat. vii. 22 ; to divine, used in mockery, Mat. xxvi. 68. rpo-+fiv, 6, (X)prophet, ov, a :.C., one who has insight into divine things and speaks them forth t o others, Mat. v. 1 2 , xxi. 4 6 ; plur., the prophetic books of the 0.T , . Lu. xxiv. 27, 44 ; ( 2 ) a poet, T i t . i. 12. l?po+q1.(~6~,4 , bv, ~ Y O ~ ~ C u#cred by a prophet, Ro. xvi. 26; 2 Pet. i. ~g.* r p S q r r s , (dos, 4, a proph~ttss, Lu. ii. 36 ; Rev. ii. 20.* rpo996vo, to antic+ate, to be beforehand, with participle, Mat. xvii. 25.* upo-x6bp~opa~,..~o appoint, to choose, Ac. 111. 20 (W. H.), xxii. 14, xxvi. 16.* apo-xerpo-~odo,G, to desz&za& beforehand, Ac. X. 41.* IIpd~opor, b, Prochorus, Ac. ou, vi. S.* rpGpva, qs, 4, the hindmost part of a ship, the stern, Mar. iv. 3 8 ; Ac. xxvii. 29, 41.' *pot, adv., early i r z the morrring, at dawn, Mar. i. 35, xi. 2 0 ; with advs., &pa irpwt, Xlav irpwt, very early i n the morning, Mat. xx. I ; Mar. xvi. 2. rpOipos ( W . H. rpb-), g, ov, early, o f the early rain, Ja. v. 7.* rprjivk, 4, bv, belongittg to the mortring, o f the morning star, Rev. ii. 28, xxii. 16. a, ov, of the morning; morning, Mat. fem. (sc. ffipa), xxi. 18( W . H . rpwl),xxvii. I ; Jn. xviii. 28 ( W . H. rpwl), xxi. 4.* rphpa, as, 9, theforwardpar/ of a ship, the prow, Ac. xxvii. 30, 4 . 1' @ U , to have pre-emirrcnce, io be chief, Col. i. 18.*


7GLlSH NE W T E S T A M E N T LEXICON. rparo-waecspla, as, 4, a chief scat, Lu. xi. 43. ( N . T.) npono-dwla, as, 4, the chief place at a banquci, Mar. xii. 39. (AP.) u@ms, q, ov (superlative of up6),first, in place, time, or order: like mdre~os with follo&ng gen.,' bcfbre, on1 Jn. i. 1 5 , 30 ; rpBrov, as adl verb,flrzt, Mar. iv. 28 ; with gen., before, Jn. xv. 18; rb rpOrov, at thejirst, Jn. X . 40. w p w a k q s , ov, 6, a leader, a chief, Ac. xxiv. S.* ~pco7076Kra,wv, rd, the rigAt of the jfmt-bow;, the birthnkht, Heb. xii. 16. (S.)* npavr6-lorw1 ov, firrt-born ; b upwr6roros, specially a title of Christ, Lu. ii. 7-i plur., Iejirst-born, Heb. xu. 23, of saints alreadv dead. n@w, adv., &st, Ac. xi. 26 (W. H.).* make, U W , to stumble, & fall, to sin, Ro. xi. I I ; 2 Pet. i. ro ; Ja. ii. ro, iii. 2.* d p v a , $9, 4, the heel, Jn. xiii. 1 8.. mpGytov, ov, 7 6 (dim. of rrlp u n , an extremiiy, as a batt(cmcnt or parapet, Mat. iv. S ; Lu. iv. g.* *put, vyor, 4, a wing, Rev. IV. 8, xii. 14. q v & , f , 6 v (udrogac),winged, rh urqvd, birds, I Cor. xv. 39.* m b 8 , to tcrrvy, Lu. xxi. g, o , xxiv. 37.* m6quw, ews, 4, terror, cotrster nation, I Pet. iii. 6.* Uwkpats, l o s , 4, Ptolcmais, Ac. xxi. 7.* d o v , ov, 7 6 , a winnowing. shovel, Mat. iii. 12 ; Lu. iii. 17.* &p@, tofriyhten, Phil. i. 28.* h p a , aror, 7 6 , spiWe, Jn. i . x 6.* rrrbwo, W, &fold, & roll up, as a scroll, Lu. iv. 20.*. & , ow, & spit, Mar. vn. 33, a viii. 23 ; Jn. ix. 6.* arOpa, ator, 7 6 ( C ~ C T W )a body , fallen in death, a carcase, Mat. xxiv. 28. m&rr, ewr, 4, a falling, a-fall, lit. or fig., Mat. vii. 27 ; Lu. ii. 34.. n v ~ ~ a L as, 4, btggary,$overty, o, 2 Cor. viii. 2, g ; Rev. ii. g. * muxcBu, S W , to be in poverty, 2 Cor. viii. g . * mwx6s, 4, 6v, reduced & bee gary, poor, destitute, Lu. xiv. 13, 21, xviii. 22 ; Ja. ii. 5 ; spin'tually poor, in a good sense, Mat. v. 3 ; in a bad sense, Rev. iii. 17. Syn.: see ulvqs. ~ruvpfi, 4 4 1 ) ,thclirt, Mar. 95, v11. 3 (see R. V . and mrg.).* IItOuv, wvos, 6, Python; in N.T. a diviningspzrzt; called after the Pythian serpent said to have guarded the oracle at Delphi and been slain by Apollo, Ac. xvi. 16 (see R. V.).* mw69, 4,6v, frequent, r Tim. v. 23; neut. plur. rvnvd, as adverb, often, Lu. v. 33 ; so rvnvbrepov, more frequent&, Ac. xxiv. 26.* mw7e6o (rdr~qs), be a boxer, C io box, I Cor. ix. 26. * &AV, qs, 4, a door or p&; udXar 46av, the gates of Hades, i.e., the powers of the unseen world, Mat. xvi. r8. mkdov, Ovos, 6, a large gate, Ac. X . I 7 ; a gateway, porch, Mat. xxvi. 71. mdkvopar, 2d aor. irvObqv, ( I ) to ask, ask from (rapd, gen.), to inquire, Mat. ii. 4 ; Lu. xv. 26; ( 2 ) & ascertain dy inquiry, only Ac. xxiii. 34d p , r v p i s , 7 6 , fivc generally ; of the heat of the sun, Rev. xvi. 8 ; of lzghtning, Lu. ix. 54; God is so called, Heb. xii. 29; fig. for sttfye, Lu. xii. 49 ; trials, I Cor. iii. I3 ; of the eternal jirc, or future punishment, Mat. xviii. 8. mp6, 65, 4, a jre, a pile of burning fuel, Ac. xxviii. 2, 3.* &pyw, ov, 6, a &wcr, forC!$cd shucture, Lu. xiii. 4, xiv. 28. m $ m , to be rick with afever, Mat. viii. 14 ; Mar. i. 30.* m-, 00, 6, a frvcr, Lu. iv. 38, 39. dprvol, 7, ov, Ifrry, gli&dtcg, Rev. ix. 17.0 mp6u, 0, N. T., pm., C bt S& on M , & bmr, to 6e infimcd, 2 Pet. iii. 1 2 ; I Cor. vii. g ; & glow with heal, a4 87


metal in a furnace, to be punaed by$re, Rev. iii. 18. m p p y u , to be jrc-cobred, to be red, Mat. xvi. 2, 3 ( W . H, omit both). (S. rvpplSrJ.)* mpp6s, d , 6v, jrt-colored, red, Rev. vi. A. xii. 7.* IIBppos, ov,'b, py;rhus, Ac. xx. 4 ( W . H.).* &pours, ews, 4, a burning, a con-atiotr, Rev. xviii. g, 18; severe trial, as by fire, I Pet. iv. IZ.* ?rh, an enclitic particle, men, yet, used only in composition; see pllrw, pq66rw, oifrw, o h nuhlu, 8 , Qow,to srll, Mat. xxi.


naAoo, ov, 6, a colt, a young ass, as Mat. xxi. 2. nh.rwre, adv., at any time, used only after a negative, not at any time, never, Jn. i. 18, v. ?rup6o, 8 , to harden, to rendef callolour, fig., Jn. xii. 40; Roxi. 7. ~rdopurs,ews, 4, hardness of heart, obhrscncss, Mar. iii. 5 ; Ro. xi. 25 ; Ep. iv. IS.* W&, adv., interrog., how? in what manner? by what means? Also in exclamations, as Lu. xii. 50; Jn. x i 36; with subj. or opt. (dv), implying a strong negative, Mat. xxvi. 54 ; Ac. viii. 31 ; often (N. T.) in indirect interrogations (classical (Iuws), Mat. vi. 28, etc. W&, an enclitic particle, in a manner, by any means.

P, p, 68, rho, v, and as an initial alwa s j, rh, the seventeenth ktter. As a numeral, p'= loo ;,p =100,ooo. ' P M , or 'Paxdp, .I) (Heb.), Rahab, Heb. xi. 31. (W. Pa~pel), H. Web.), Rabbi, my master, a title of respect in Jewish schools of learning, often applied to Christ, Jn. iii. 26, iv. 31.

&) or japfivvl (W.H. jappovvel), (Aram.), similar


to jappl, my master, Mrr. 51 ; Jn. xx. 16. ( N . T.)* #@Ltm, luw, to scourge, & bear

~ $ 1



wit% rods, Ac. xvi. 22; 2 Cor. xi. 25.* Mat. &$he, OU, 4, a rod, X . 10 : I Cor. iv. 2 1 : Rev. xi. I ; a rod of authorip, a sceptre, Heb. i. 8. bap-oOxos, ov, 6 (Exw), a hola'er of the rods. a licior, a Roman chicer, AC.xvi. 35, 38.* 'PayaO, b (Heb.), Ragau, Lu. iii. 35.' w r s b p y q ) ~aros, 76, a care~, less action, an act of villainy.. AC.xviii. ' I ~ . * bp;Gr-ovpyla, as, 4, craftiness, villainjj, Ac. xiii. I o.* ba~b (Aram.), an empty, i.e., senseless man, Mat. v. 2 2 (see Gr. $ 153, ii.). ( N . T.)* ~ ~ K O OUS, 76 @$yvvfii),a remS , narzt torn o f , a piece of cloth, Mat. ix. 1 6 ; Mar. ii. 21.* 'Pap&, 4 (Heb.), RamaL, Mat. ii. IS.+ bavrLfa, law, to sprinkle, to cleanse ceremonially (acc.) by sprinklitrg, to purify f rom (dnb), Mar. vii. 4 ( W . H.); Heb. ix. 13, 19, 2 1 , X . 22.

fiavrrupds, oil, 6, sprinkling, purz~cation,Heb. xii. 24; I Pet. i. 2. (S.)* badgo, law, to smite w W the hand, Mat. v. 39, xxvi. 67.* pbwwpa, aros, 76, a blow with the opelz hand, Mar. xiv. 65 ; Jn. xviii. 2 2 , xix. 3.* b 4 l s , iaos, 4, a needle, Mat. xix. 2 4 : Mar. X . 2 < :Lu. xviii. 25 (w.'H. pek64):* 'Paxbp, see 'Pada. 'PaxfiX, 4 (Heb.), Rachel, Mat. ii. IS.* ' P ~ K K ~ 4, Rebecca, Ro. VS, , ix. to.* PSa, or jC67, qs, 4 (Gallic), a chariot, Rev. xviii. 13. ( N .


' P j p w v , or 'Ps@dv ( W . H. Pop&), b (prob. Coptic), Remphan, the Saturn o f later mythology, Ac. vii. 43 (Heb., L'hhn, Amos v. 26).* (do, jsbow, toflow, Jn. vii. 38.* b(o (see @qpl, elnov). From this obs. root, to say, are ; derived : act. perf., ~Fpqxa pass., elpqpar ; 1st aor. pass., 8 p p O v or tpp$Ot)v; part., ppC q j q e s i ~ ; espec. the neut. T A jqelv, that which was spoken b y (376, gen.).

'Plpl~ov,ov, 76, Rhegium, now 'POGO, 4 (Heb.), R u h , M r i. a. Reggio, Ac. xxviii. 13.* S* bqypa, aros, 76 (b$yvvpt), what 'Pov+os, ov, b (Lat.), Rufus, is broken, a ruin, Lu. vi. 49.* Mar. xv. 21 ; Ro. xvi. 13.* bfiywpr (or ,~$uuw, Mar. ix. PGp?, vs, 4, a street, a lane, Mat as 18), P$Ew, to break, to rend, VI. 2 ; Lu. xiv. 21 ; Ac. ix. I I , to burst, to dash down, to xii. IO.* break forth, as into praise, bbopar, aopac, dep. mid., 1st Mat. vii. 6, ix. 17 ; Mar. ii. aor., pass., 8ppdaOqv, to draw 2 2 , ix. 18; Lu. v. 37, ix. 42 ; or snatch from danger, to Gal. iv. 27.* deliver, 2 Pet. ii. 7 ; 6 jv& bqpa, asor, 76, a thing spoken; psvos, the deliverer, Ro. xi. ( I ) a word or saying o f any 26. kind, as command, report, pvwalvw, to defle, Rev. xxii. 11 promise, Lu. vii. I , ix. 4 5 ; ( W . II.).* Ro. X . 8 ; (2) a thing, a mat- (iwraptbopar, to be jlthy, Rev. ter, a business, Lu. ii. I 5 ; 2 xxii. I I ( W . H. mrg.). ( N . Cor. xiii, 1. T.\* 'Pqw6, 6 (Heb.), Rhesa, Lu. iii. bvaapla, as, 4, jilth, pollution, 27.* Ja. I. 21.* bfiuwo, see j$yvvpt. buaapds, d, bv, jlthy, dejled, b f i ~ o p opos, b, an oralor, Ac. , Ja. ii. 2 ; Rev. xxii. I I ( W . xxiv. I.* H.).* b$76is, adv., expressly, in so bbwos, ou, d, j l t h , jlthiness, I ?rra?zywords, I Tim. iv. I.* Pet. iii. 21.* 64% qs, i ( I ) a root of a tree bwrdo, Q, to bejlthy, Rev. xxii. or a plant, Mar. xi. 2 0 ; met., I I (not W . H.).* the origin or source of any- bb~bs,'BWS, 4 o i w ) , a flowing, thitzg, I Tim. vi. 10 ; fig., an issue, Mar. v. 25 ; Lu. viii. constancy,perseverance, Mat. 43, 44." xiii. 2 1 ; ( 2 ) that which comes PVTLS, Laos, JI, a writzkk; fig: from the root, a descendant, a spiritual defect, Ep. v. 27. Ro. xv. I 2 ; Rev. v. 5. ' P w u ~ ~ K ~ bv. Roman. Lu. d. s , btgdo, 3, to root; perf. pass., xxiii. 38 (W. H . omit).& y participle, t p p i f w ~ f v o s , ~ l 'Popabs, O U , 6, a Roman, Jn. rooted, fig., Ep. 111. I 7 ; Col. xi. 48. ii. 7.* ' P o p a ' h l , adv., i n the Latin prmi,, $S, 4 (binrw), a stroke, a lunguage, J ~ I .xix. IO.* twz?zRle,as o f the eye, I Cor. 'Phpq, vs, $,.Romt, Ac. xviii. xv. 52.* 2 ; 2 T i m . I. 17. braQo, to toss to and fro, as bivwpr, to strengthen; only waves b y the wind, Ja. i. 6.* perf., pass., impv., $ppwao, brmio, G, to t,4row o f or away, Eppwues,fareweLl, Ac. xv. 29, Ac. xxii. 23.1 xxiii. 30 ( W . H . omit).* bipro, *W, 1st aor. Epp~qa; part jr$as ; to throw, throw down, t4row oul, prostrate, Mat. ix. 36, xv. 30, xxvii. 5 ; X , W , final S , s e a , S , the Lu. iv. 7 5. xvii. 2 ; Ac. xxvii. eighteenth letter. A s a nu19, z9.<-. meral, al=zoo ; ,0=200,000. *Po$obp, b (Heb.), Reho6oam, uapax0avL ( W .H.+[), (Aram.), Mat. i. 7.* sabachthani, thou hast j o t . 'PdSq, vs, (rose), Rhoda, Ac. saken me, Mat. xxvii. 4 6 ; . ,. xii. 13.* Mar. xv. 34 ; from the Ara'PdSos, ov, 4, Rhodes, Ac. xxi. maic rendering o f PS. xxii. I . I .* (N. T ) .* boigqSdv, adv. @ocfCw),with a ua$ai0 (Heb.), sabaoth, hostf, r'cat noise, 2 Pet. iii. IO.* armies, Ro. ix. 29; Ja. V . 4. bop+aia, as, G, a l a w sword, (S.)* as Rev. i. 16; fig., piercing wap$azrv@s, oil, 6, a Keeping ~?+ef, Lu. ii. 35. of sabbath, a sabbath rest ( R 'Poupfiv, b (Heb.), R e d c n , Rev. V.), Heb. iv. g.* vii. S.* ubppawv, ov, 76 (from Heb.),



GREEK-ENGLISH N E W T E S T AM&NT LEXICON. qr6-flpasr~, moth-eaten, Ja. ov, v. 2.* dav6up B, to strengthen, I Pet. v. 10. (N. T.)* u q O v , 6vor, Q, the jawbone, Mat. v. 39; Lu. vi. 29.* wry&, B, to Reef silcnce, Lu. ix. 36 ; pass., to be concealed, Ro. xvi. 25. ury/l, qs, Q, silmce, Ac. xxi. 40; Rev. viii. I.* mSfpos, Ca, eov, contr., oiis, 8, oOv, made of iron, Ac. xii. 10; Rev. ii. 27. cr6qpoo, ov, d , iron, Rev. xviii.
I 2* .


uerp6, CS, Q, a dairt, z Pet. ii. 4 ( W . H. read following).* uapb, 00, d , a fit, 2 Pet. ii. 4 ( W . H.);* mrrp6s, ov, d, a shaking, as an earthqnah, Mat. xxiv. 7 ; a storm at sea, Mat. viii. 24. mh, ow, to shake, Heb. xii. 26 ; fig., to ag'iak, Mat. xxi.
OV, d (Lat.), Semndus, Ac. xx. 4.* X&rrrcr, as, Q, Sclcucia, Ac. xiii. 4 .* dfi,y, Q, the moon, Mar. qs, X l l l . 24., be epileptic, zb Mat. iv. 24, xvii. r 5 (N.T.)* . X e p t , 6 (IIeb.), ( W . H. Zepselv), Semei or Semein, Lu. iii. 26.* otplsahrs, acc. iv, Q, the lfnest zcdzeafrn florrr, Rev. xviii. 13.* m p v b , Q, &v, venerable, honorcm&, of men, I Tim. iii. 8, I I ; Tit. ii. 2 ; of acts, Phil. iv. 8.* w~pv6qs, ~ q ~ o Q,, dignity, s hottor, I Tim. ii. 2, iii. 4 ; Tit. ii. 7.* Spyros, ov, d, Serg'us, Ac. xiii. 7.* X40, d (IIeb.), Seth, Lu. iii.

10. &KO~&S,

X I S ~ VOvor, Q, Sidon, Mat. xi. ,

2 1 , 22.



X+, d (Heb.), Shem, Lu. iii. 16.* uqialvo, 1st aor. la4pava, to sigrrify, irtdicafr, Jn. xii. 33; Ac. xxv. 27. q p t o v , ov, 76, a sign, that by which a thing is known, a tokcrr,an irtdicaiion,of divine presence and power, I Cor. xiv. 22 ; Lu. xxi. 7, I I ; hence, especially, a miracle,whether real or unreal, Lu. xi. 16,29 ; z Th. ii. g. Syn.: see 81vaprr. u q p h , B, in mid., to mark for one's self, to note, 2 T h . iii. rq.* 4 p p o v , adv., to-day, at this time, now, Mat. vi. 11 ; Lu. ii. r I ; Q sljpepov (Qplpa),this vety aby, Ac. xix. 40. +W, to make rofferz; zd perf. a k q r a , to becotne roZlcn, perish, Ja. v. 2.* qpbrbo, Q, 6v (W. H. uipi~6s!, silken ;neut. as subst., sil , Rev. xviii. IZ.* ~7765, a moth, Mat. vi. 6, 1% 2 0 ; Lu. xii. 33.s

XJkros, a, ov, Sidonian, inhabiiattt of Sidon, Lu. iv. 26 ( W . H.) ; Ac. xii. 20. ~ K ~ ~ L OV,S 6 (Lat.), an assasO , sin, Ac. xxi. 38.* ulrrpa, 76 (Aram.), intoxicating drink, Lu. i. 15. (S.)* XUas, dat. pr, acc. av, 6, Silos, contr. from ZiXovavbs, Ac. xv. 2 2 , 27. XAouav6s, 00. d.. Silvanus. 2 . Cor. i. X A d p , 6, Siloam, Lu. xiii. 4 ; Jn. ix. 7, I I.* U ~ Q L K [ ~ L OV , , 7 6 ( h t . semiOV cittctium), an apron, worn by artisans, Ac. xix. 12. (N. T.)* X N v , wvos, d , Simon; nine persons of the name are mentioned: ( I ) Peter, the apostle, Mat. xvii. 25; (2) the Zealot, an apostle, Lu. vi. I 5 ; (3)a brother of Jesus, Mar. vi. 3 ; (4) a certain Cyrenian, Mar. xv. 21 ; (5) the father of Judas Iscariot, Jn. vi. 71;(6)a certain Pharisee, Lu. vii. 40; (7) a leper, Mat. xxvi. 6 ; (8) Simon M a p s , Ac. viii. g ; ( g ) a certain tanner, Ac. ix. 43. XL&, ~6 (Heb.), Sinai, Ac. vii. 5' 30, 38; Gal. iv. 24, 2 . oivam, cos, 76, mustard, Lu. xiii. 19, xvii. 6. U L V S ~ V , 4, lfnc linen, a bvos, lincrt cloth, Mar. xiv. 51, 52, xv. 16. urvr&t&, to sift, as grain, to prove by h.ials, Lu. xxii. 31. (N. T.)* orpnt&, see uqpr~6r. Ub76vr6~, Q,6v,fattcncd,fattcd Lu. xv. 23, 27, 30.*


m r b v , OV, 76, grain, Ac. viii I 2 ( W . H.).* u r ~ ~ & & ,4,. 6", fa#med; oc7ia~d, fatlzngs, Mat. xxn. 4.* u ~ T o - ~ ( ~ ~ L o v , a measured OV, 76, portion of grain orfood, Lu. .* xii. 42. (N. T ) oiros, OV, d , wheat, grain, Jn. xii. 24 ; I Cor. xv. 37. see Buxdp. r v, 4,76, Zion, the hill; used for the city o f Jerusalem, Ro. xi. 26; fig., for heaven, the spiritual jerusalem, Heb. xii. 2 2 ; Rev. xiv. I . or&, 6, QC@, to k silent, whether voluntarily or from dumbness, Mar. iii. 4 ; Ld. i. 20 ; to become still, as the sea, Mar. iv. 39. uxov8ahl~u, law, to cause to stumble; met., to entice to sin, Mat. xviii. 6, 8, g ; to cause tofaN away, Jn. vi. 61;pass., to be indzarant, Mat. xv. 12. W K ~ . V ~ ~ ~ O V76, a snare, a OV, , stumbling-llock; fig., a cause of error or sin, Mat. xiii. 41 ; Ro. xiv. 13. (S.), $ W , to dig, Lu. vi. 48, xiii. 8, xvi. 3.* U K QS~ ,any h o l h vessel; V , Q, a boat, Ac. xxvii. 16, 30, 32.* ur(Xos, O V S , 7 6 , the leg, Jn. xin 3'1 32, 33.* wrhraupa, aros, 76, clothing I Tim. vi. 8.* Xrevtis, a, d. Sccva, Ac. xix. 14.* urcvi$ $9, Q, furniCUre,lfzYings, Ac. xxvii. xg.* WK~OOI, 76, ( I ) a vesse!, to our, contain a liquid, or for any other purpose, Heb. ix. 21 ; 2 Tim. ii. 20 ; fig., o f recip ients generally, a vessel o f mercy, o f wrath, Ro. ix. 2 2 , 23; an inshutlrent by which anything is done ; h o ~ s e h ~ l d utensils, plur., Mat. xii. 29; o f a ship, the tackling, Ac. xxvii. I 7 ; fig., of God's serv. ants, Ac. ix. I 5 ;a Cor. iv. 7. u q v q , qs, Q,a hnt, a tabenzacle, an abode or dwelling, Mat. xvii. 4 ; Ac. vii. 43, xv. 16; Heb. viii. 5, xiii. 10. uqvo-wqyLa, as, Q, the feast of tabernoclcs, Jn. vii. z.* uqw-mods, oG, d , a tent-maktt; Ac. xviii. 3. ( N . T ) .* UK+OS, OVS, 76, a knt; fg, of i.






the human body, 2 Cor. v. 27 ; fig., spiritual darkness, Jn. i. 5, vi. 17. I , 4.* o q v d o , O, Buw, to spread a v x o ~ r f o ,uw, in pass., to be icnt, Rev. vii. 15 ; met., to darkened, as the sun, Mar. dwell, Jn. i. 14; Rev. xii. 12, xiii. 24; fig., as the mind, xiii. 6, xxi. 3.* Ro. i. 21. 4 v o l r g aros, 7 6 , a t n t V K ~ S O V S , rb (u~bros, V , 6, , O pitched, a dwelling, Ac. vii. only in Heb. xii. 18, where W . H. read fi@os), darkness, 46; fig., of the body, 2 Pet. i. 13, 14.* physical, Mat. xxvii. 45 ; v x d , 65, JI, ( I ) a shadow, a moral, Jn. iii. 19. thick darkness, Mat. iv. 16 V K O T ~ W , 0 , pass. on1 , to be ( S . ) ; (2) a shadow, an outdarkmcd, Ep. iv. 18 H.); lrtrc, Col. ii. 17. Rev. ix. 2 ( W . H.). xvi. IO.* V K L ~ T ~ 0 , ljuw, to leap for , VKGP~LOV,, ' T ~ , rdhse, drrgs, OU Phil. iii. 8.* joy, Lu. i. 41, 44, vi. 23.* mkqpo-xap8h, as, $, hardness XrG&(t, ov, b, a Scythian, as of heart, pcmcrscrtess, Mat. tvpical of the uncivilized. col. iii. I I.* xix. 8 ; Mar. X . 5, xvi. 14. o d p - o n 6 s , 6v, sad-counkU qpds, d, bv, hard, violent, nanced, gloomy, Mat. vi. I 6 ; as the wind, Ja. iii. 4 ; fig., Lu. xxiv. 17.* gricaous, painful, Ac. ix. 5 vx6kka1, pass. perf. part. buxvh( W . H. omit), xxvi. 1 4 ; Ju. plvos, to j a y ; to trouble, an15 ; harsh, stern, Mat. xxv. noy, Mat. ix. 36 ( W . H.); 24; Jn. vi. 60.* Mar. v. 35 ; Lu. vii. 6, viii. 2 * oKAqp6qs1 rqros, JI, fig., hardncss of heart, obstinacy, Ro. vxitov, ov, vb, spoil t a bfrom ii. S.* a 06, Lu. xi. 22.* dqpo-~pb qkos, ov, shy- V K O ) ( I K ~ - $ P Q H O S , OV, eaten by necked; ?ig., obstinate, Ac. worms, Ac. xii. 23.* vii. 51. (S.)* vx&XqE, qxos, b, a gnawing oKAqpQvo, fig., to makc hard, worm, Mar. i . 44 ( W . H. x to harden, as the heart, Ro. omit). 6 ( W . H. omit), ix. 18 ; fleb. iii. 8, I 5, iv. 7 ; 48.* pass., to be hardened, to be- vpap6v&vos, 8, OV, made of cmerala', Rev. iv. 3. (N.T.)* come obstinate, Ac. xix. g ; Heb. iii. IS.* upbpay* ov, 6, an emerald, vxokrds, d, bv, crooked, Lu. iii. Rev. xxi. ~g.* 5 ; .fig., pcwcrsc, Ac. ii. 40 ; vpGpva, qs, $, mywh, Mat. ii. Phil. ii. 15; unfair, I Pet. ii. I I ; Jn. xix. 39.* 1 8.* EpQpva, vs, JI, Smyrna. Rev. i. V K ~ ~ O + , or04 6, a siOke or 1 1 , ii. 8 ( W . H.).* thorn; fig., a sharp infiction, Epvpvator, ov, b, 4, one of 2 Cor. xii. 7. * Smyrna, a Smyrnean, Rev. v r d o , 0, ( I ) to look at, k reii. 8 (not W . H.).* gard a#enrively, Ro. xvi. I 7 ; vCvpvCiop, mingd wwmy&, to 2 ) to take heed (acc.), bcwc re Mar. xv. 23. (N. T.)* p4), Gal. vi. I . 266og(r, wv, rd, Sodom, Mat. u~oak, b, a mark aimed at, 06, X . i 5, xi. 23, 24. agoal; xarb uxonbv, towards Xokophv or -p&, 0vror or the goal, i.e., aiming straight 0,s, 6, Solomon, Mat. vi. 29, at it, Phil. iii. I+* X l l . 42. acopnQo, uw, to disprsc, & mpk, oB, 4, a bier, an open ~ c a t k abroad, as frightened r cofln, Lu. vii. 14.* sheep, Jn. X . I 2 ; to distribute uk, u.rj, ubv, poss. pron., thy, alms, 2 Cor. ix. g. thine (see Gr. 56, 255, Bu. noprrbs, ov, 4 a scorpion, Lu. 11 ) X . rg. d & r o v , ov, rb (Lat.), a Aandv ~ o n b v k4, bv, f u u of darkkerchief, Lu. xix. 2 0 ; Jn. xi. ness, dark, Mar. vi. 23 ; Lu. 44. W T . ) xi. 3 4 36.. eQw6vva, (IS, +, Susanno, Lu. OI(QC~( as, +, dorknezs, Mat. X. viii. S.* 91



as, 9, wisdom, innght, skill, human, Lu. xi. 31 ; or divine, I Cor. i. 21,24. Syn.: see yv0urs. vo+yo, to makc wise, 2 Tim. iii. I 5 ; pass., to be devised s k i l ~ u l l y2 Pet. i. 16.* , m+ds, 4, bv, wise, either ( I ) in action, expert, Ro. xvi. 1 9 ; ( 2 ) in acquirement, Zearncd, cultivated, I Cor. i. 19,zo; (3) philosophically, profound, Ju. 25; (4) practically, Ep. v. 15. Eravfcr, as, JI, Spain, Ro. xv. 24, 28.* orrap&vs, Ew, to convulse, to throw into spasnts, Mar. i. 26, ix. 2 0 (not W . H.), 26; Lu. ix. 39.* arapyavdo, 0 , perf. pass. part. burapyavwpCvos, to swathe, to wrap in swaddling clothes, Lu. ii. 7, 12.* m a r a L h , 0, to live extravagantly or luxurious&, I Tim. v. 6 ; Ja. v. S.* Syn.: T h e fundamental thought of urpqvtdw is o f insolence and voluptuousness which spring from abundance; of rpv#dw, efeminat self-indulgence;of urarahdw, is effeminacyand wasteful extravagance. m 6 o , G, mid., to draw, as a sword, Mar. xiv. 47 ; Ac. xvi. 27.* m t p a , qs, JI, ( I ) a cohort of soldiers, the tenth part of a legion, Ac. X . I ; (2) a military guard, Jn. xviii. 3, I 2. mlpcu, u r ~ p d1st aor. krecpa, , perf. pass. part. burapplvos, 2d aor. pass. krdpqv, to sow or scatter, as seed, Lu. xii. 24; to s read or scatkr, as the w o r l of God, Mat. xiii. 19 ; applied to giving alms, 2 Cor. ix. 6 ; to burial, I Cor. xv. 42, 43 ; and to spiritual effort enerally, Gal. vi. 8. ..Y(OVL%T~I~, opos, 6 (La!), ,a dod'ardsmaa, a soldrcr rn attendance U on royalty, Mar. vi. 27 (see &re g 15.4~).(N. T.)* d i 6 a 1 , fo pour out, as a libation, fig., Phil. ii. I 7 ; 2 Tim. iv. 6.* d p p a , aros, 76, seed, produce, Mat. xiii. 24-38; childrm, ofspring, posicrily, Jn. v i i 42 ; a remnant, Ro. i. 2% x




anpp-A6yos, ov, d, a kbblcr, i.e., one who picks up trifles, as birds do seed, Ac. xvii. IS.* md6a1, uw, (I) to hasicn, intrans., usually adding to another verb the notion of speed, Lu. xix. 5, 6 ; (2) to desire earnest(y (acc), 2 Pet. iii. 12. ~ ~ ~ A Q IOo , v , a cave, a den, U 76, Heb. xi. 38.* d b ,d8os, Q, a rock i n the sea, a reef; fig., of false teachers, a hiddm rock (R. V.), Ju. 12.* d o s , ou, 6, a spot; fig., a fault, Ep. v. 27; 2 Pet. ii.
I ?.*

mX6a1, B, k, dcf;le, to spot, Ja. iii. 6 ; Ju. 23.* m A 6 m v a , wv, ~ dbowels, only , Ac. i. 18 ; elsewhere, fig., the afections, compassion, the heart, as Col. iii. 1 2 ; I Jn. iii. 17. uuAayxv(vqopar, dep., with 1st aor. pass. PurAay~vlutlqv,C feel compassion, to have p i 9 on (gen., or i r l , dat. or acc., once rcpl, Mat. ix. 36). ~ ~ W O S6,,a sponge, Mat. ov, xxvii. 48 ; Mar. xv. 36 ; Jn. xix. 29.* m 6 6 s , 00, Q, ashes, Mat. xi. 21 ; Lu. X. 13; Heb. ix. 13.* mp4 Bs, Q, seed, I Pet. i. 23.* d p r p o s , 6v, sown; neut. plur. 7d urbp~pa, sown jields, Mat. xii. I ; Mar. ii. 23 ;Lu. vi. I.* d p o s , ov, d , seed, for sowing, Lu. viii. 5, 11. m 4 h . f a 1 , duo, to h a s h i , to give dilagence (with inf. ) , Heb. iv. I I; 2 Tim. iv. g, 21. o~ou6crEos, ala, aiov, dilzgcnt, earnest, 2 Cor. viii. 17, 22 ; compar. neut. as adv., unov8aJrcpov, 2 Tim. i 17 (not W. H.).* d k u r , adv., dilzgeni(y, carnesffy, Lu. vii. 4; 2 Tim. i. 17 (W. H.); Tit. iii. 13; hasrily, compar., Phil. ii. 28.* m v S f i , ?S, Q, (I) speed, haste. Mar. VI. 25 ; (2) dilzgence, earnestness, Ro. xii. I I.+ -p[s (W. H. u#~upls), Laos, Q, a plaited basket, Mar. viii. 8,

a Roman mile, Jn. xi. 18; (2) a race-course, for public games, I Cor. i . 24. x d p v o s , OU, h,$, a jar or vase, for the'manna, Heb. ix. 4.* m a a r a w d p , 00,d , on insurgent, Mar. xv. 7 (W. H.).* &rs, cws, Q (i'u~qpi), shnd- . a ing, lit. only Heb. ix. 8 ; a n insurrection, Mar. xv. 7 ; dissension, Ac. xv. 2. marfip, Fjpos, 6, a shter, a silver coin equal to two of the 818paxpv (which see), a Jewish shekel, Mat. xvii. 27.* mav&, 00, d , a cross, Mat. xxvii. 32, 40; met., often of Christ's death, Gal. vi. 14; Ep. ii. 16. mavp6a1, G, Juw, to fi to the cross, to crucify, Lu. xxiii. 21, 23; fig., to deshoy, the corrupt nature, Gal. v. 24. m+vAfi, $9, Q, 4 m e , .p cluster of grapes, Mat. vii. 16 ; Lu. vi. 44 ; Rev. xiv. I 8.* m 6 x w , vos, d , an car of corn, Mat. xii. I ; Mar. ii. 23, iv. 28 ; Lu. vi. I .* E76xw, m, b, Stachys, Ro. xvi.
roof of a house, Mat. viii. 8 ; Mar. ii.,4; Lu. vii. 6.* d y w , C CGVCY, to conceal, to bear with, I Cor. ix. 12, xiii. 7 ; I Th. iii. I , S.* mctpos, a, OY, barren, Lu. i. 7, 36, xxiii. 29; Gal. iv. 27.* to set, awange; in mid., to provide for, take care, 2 Cor. viii. 20; to withdraw from (dr6), z Th. iii. 6.* d p p a , aros, 76, agarland, Ac. xiv. 13.* arvaypds, 00, d, a p-oaning, Ac. vii. 34; Ro. viii. 26.* a r v 6 J w , [W,to groan, expressing grief, anger, or desire, Mar. vii. 34 ; Heb. xiii. 17. m v 6 s , 4, bv, narrmu, Mat. vii. 13, 14 ; Lu. xiii. 24.* m v o - x a ~ p ( a ,G, to be n a r r m ; in pass., to be disZrcssed, 2 Cor. iv. 8, vi. 12.* m v o - x ~ p l a ,as, Q, a n a w m space; p e a t distress, Ro. ii. g, viii. 35 ; 2 Cor. vi. 4, xii.

U&, qr, Q (lit. a cover), a flat



mbSrov, ov, 76, plur.oi u~d8co1, 10.* (I) a shdium, one eighth of map&, d, bv, solid, as food,

Heb. v. 12, 14; fig, firm, steadfast, I Pet. v. g; 2 Tim. ii. ~ g . * m@@, B, Bow, to strengthen, confirm, establish, Ac. iii. 7, 16, xvi. 5.* m p i o p a , aTos, 76, fipmncss, sicadfashress, Col. ii. S.* X n + a v k , B, 6, Stcphanas, I Cor. L. 16, xvi. I 5, 17. d + a v o s , O U , d , a crown, a garland, of royalty, of vic. tory in the games, of festal joy, Jn. xix. 2, 5; I Cor. ix. 75 ; often used fig., z Tim. IV. 8 ; Rev. ii. 10. Syn.: see 8rd8qpa. Xr4lpavos, ov, d , Stcphcn, Ac. VI., ~ i i . me9aAa1, B, Juw, to crown, to adorn, 2 Tim. ii. 5 ; Heb. ii. 7 9.* 9 a 4 8 ~ O V S , 76, the breast, Lu. , X V l l l . L3. (~07?lpl,U T ~ ~ K R )to~tanff, C , in the attitude of prayer, Mar. xi. 25; gene;ally, t6 standfirm, persevere, as Ro. xiv. 4 ; 1 Cor. xvi. 13 ; Gal. v. I. (S.) uqprypds, 00, d, jfymness, steadfastness, 2 Pet. iii. 17.* u q p Q w , l[w or luw, pass. perf. io7gpcyp1, (1) to $X, to set H+,Lu. ix. 51, xvi. 26; (2) to strrngfhen, to c o n f m , t o support,-as Lu. xxii; 32; Ro. i. 11. a t @ s , see u~or@ds. a i y p a , aTos, 76, a mark or brand, used of the traces of the apostle's sufferings for Christ, Gal. vi. 17.* a r y p f i , $S, Q, a point of time, aw instant, Lu. iv. S.* mA+, to shine, toglisten, Mar. ix. 3.* Bs, Q, a colonnade, a portico, Jn. v. 2, X. 23 ; Ac. iii. 11, v. 12.* aor*, d80s, Q (W.H. U T L / ~ ~ S ) , a bot,gA, a branch of a Ire-6. Mar. xi. 8.* m o ~ x e t a ,W V , ~ dclemcnfs, m , dimcnts, Gal. iv. 3, g ; Col ii. 8, 20; Heb. v. 12 ; 2 Pet. iii. 10, 12.* aorx6w, G, ?low, fo walk, always fig. of conduct; to walk in (local dat.), Ac. xxi. 24 ; Ro. iv. I 2 ; Gal. v. 25, vi. 16; Phil. iii. 16.* ovoA/l, $S, Q, a r o k , i.e., the


long outer garment which was a mark of distinction, Lu. xv. 22. Syn.: see l&710v.

n 6 p a , aros, 7 6 , (I) the mouth, generally ; hence, (2) speech,

speakzng; used of testimony, Mat. xviii. 16; eloguence or power in speaking, Lu. xxi. I 5 ; (3) applied to an opening in the earth, Rev. xii. 16; (4) the edge or point of a sword, Lu. xxi. 24. a 6 p a x o s , ov, d, B e stomach, I Tim. v. 23.* mparcla, as, $, warfare, militaary service ; of Christian warfare, 2 Cor. X. 4 ; I Tim. i. IS.* vrp&rwpa, aros, 7 6 , (I) a n army, Rev. ix. 16 ; (2) a detachment of troops, Ac. xxiii. 10, 27 ; plur., Lu. xxiii. 11. arpareGopar, dep. mid., to wage war, to jght, Lu. iii. 14; fig., of the warring of lusts against the soul, Ja. iv. I ; to serve as a soldier, of Christian work, I Tim. i. 18; 2 Cor. X. 3. vrpar-+s, 00, d ( b y w ) , (I) a leari'er of an army, ageneral; (2) a magistrate or governor, Ac.xvi. 20-38; (3) the capiain of the temple, Lu. xxii. 4, 52 ; Ac. iv. I , v. 24, 26.* a p a r r i , i s , i), an army; met., a host of angels, Lu. ii. 13 ; the host of heaven, i.e., the stars, Ac. vii. 42.* a p a ~ r i y s ov, b, a soldier, as , Mat. viii. g; fig., of a Christian, 2 Tim. ii. 3. mparo-Aoyio, G, d a w , to collect an army, to enlist troops, 2 Tirn. ii. 4.3' orPa~om&&pxqs, OU, 6, thcpretorianprefcct, r.c., commander of the Roman emperor's body-guard, Ac. xxviii. 16 (W. 13. omit).* orpar6-mSov, ov, 7 6 , a n err camped army, Lu. xxi. 20.* a p r ~ 6 w ,B, to rack, to pervert, to tzzist, as words from their proper meaning, 2 Pet. iii. 16.* 07p140, $W, 2d aor. pass. b 7 p 6 +qv, to turn, trans., Mat. v. 39; Rev. xi. 6 (to change into, sir) ; intrans., Ac. vii. 42 ; mostly in pass., to turn one's self, Jn. xx. 14; to be con-

verted, to be changed in mind and conduct, Mat. xviii. 3. mprlv&, B, duw, to live voluptuously, Rev. xviii. 7, g. Syn. : see u r a r a h d w . orpqvos, our, 7 6 , projzgate luxury,. voluptuousness, Rev. X V l l l . 3.* a p o d l o v , ov, 7 6 (dim. of U T ~ O U 86s), a small bird, a sparrow, Mat. X. 29, 31 ; Lu. xii. 6, 7.* apmVYilo, or - d v v u p , u r p d u w , pass. perf. part. lurpwp6vos k r p w g a r , to spread, Mat. xxi. 8 ; to make a bed, Ac. ix. 34; pass., to be spread with couches, civdyacov turpwphM Y , an upper room f u r nished, Mar. xiv. 15 ; Lu. xxii. 12. mvyqrC, 6v, hateful, detestable, Tit. iii. 3.* a u y v 4 o , d u o , to be gloomy, Mar. X. 22 ; of the sky, Mat. xvi. 3.* abAos, ov, 6, a pillor, Gal. ii. g ; I Tim. iii. I 5 ; Rev. iii. 12, X. I.* X~o'irds, 4, bv ( u r o d , portico), Stoic, Ac. xvii. IS.* VG, COO, col, 06, plur. h p i s , thou, ye, the pers. pron. of second person (see Gr. 53). W-. In some words commencing thus, W. H. prefer the unassimilated form

ill-teaCmenf with, Heb. xi 25. ( : . * NT) vq-uaA(tu, B, duw, fo. call to gether, Lu. xv. 6 ; mid., tc caM together to one's self, L u ix. I . o v y - ~ d k ~ to conceal close&. @, to cover up wholly, Lu. xii.
$W, to bend b gethcr; to oppress, Ro. xi. ro (S.\* ov+~a.m-@lvo, fo g o dmun wzth any one, Ac. xxv. S.* QUY- ad-@ems, rws, $, assent, agreement, 2 Cor. vi. 16.* vwy-~wa-r@qpr, in mid., to give a votE wzth, to asseat to (dat.), Lu. xxiii. 51.' ovy-~ara-+q.rlQQm, in pass., ts be voted or classed w W ( g e r d ) , Ac. i. 26.* ovy-~epbwupr, 1st aor. OVKKC. p a a a , pass. perf. avyrdrpapar, to mix with, to unite, I Cor. xii. 24; pass., to be united with, Heb. iv. 2.* ovy-u&v(cu, B, 4 u w , C mare gether, stir up, Ac. vi. IZ.* u v y - r k h , u w , to inclose, to shui in, as fishes in a net, Lu. v. 6 ; to shut one up into (sls) or under (6~6, acc.) something, to tnake subject to, Ro. xi. 32 ; Gal. iii. 22, 23.* ovy-dqpo-vhpos, ov, h,$, ajoin1 heir, a joint participant, Ro. viii. I 7 ; Ep. iii. 6 ; Heb. xi. g ; I Pet. iii. 7.* ovy-~orvcudo, B, to be a partaker with, have fellowship with, Ep. v. I I ; Phil. iv. 14; Rev. xviii. 4.* V U ~ - K O L V W V ~ S , ou, 6, 4, a partaker with, a co-partnrr, Ro. xi. 17. (N. T.) ovy-ropQcu, to bear away together, as in burying a corpse, Ac. viii. 2.* ouy-~p(vo, u, join fogether, hco?izbiarre, I Cor. ii. 13; fo c m . pare (acc., dat.), 2 Cor. X. 12.* ovy-~Gurm,to be b m e d fogether or bent double, Lu. xiii. I I.* v - v i a , as, $, a coincidence, an accident; ~ a r u v y ~ v p l a v , d hy chance, Lu. X. 31.* ovy-xatpcu, 2d aor. in pass form uvvcxdpqv, lo rjoicc with (dat.), Lu. i. 58, xv. 6, g ; I Cor. xii. 26, xiii. 6; PhiL ii. 17, 18.* also wyxbrco and r ovy-X&,


vuy-yivcra, as, 4, kindred, family, Lu. i. 61 ; Ac. vii. 3,



my-yrvfF, CS, akin, as subst.,

a relative, Mar. vi. 4 ; Lu. xiv. I 2 ; a fellow-countryman, Ro. ix. 3. my-ycvk, 16os, a kinswoman, Lu. i. 36 (W. H.).* ovy-yvBpq, qs, 3, permission, ina'ulg.Ence, I Cor. vii. 6.* In words commencing thus, W. H. prefer the unassimilated form uvvr-. o u y - ~ i 0 q p a r ,to sit with (dat. or g e r 6 , gen.), Mar. xiv. 54; Ac. xxvi. 30.* oyr-udyor, u o , (I) to cause to rit down with, Ep. ii. 6 ; (2) Sb sit down fogether, Lu. xxii.



e - u a ~ o l r d i o , B, to sttfer

hardrhips together wifh, 2 Tim. i. 8, ii. 3 (W. H.). (N. T.)* T-K~KOVX&I~ pass., fo s ~ f e 6,


GREEAF-ENGLISH N E W T E S T A M E N T valXg+a, ovvdXaPov, (I) to take togetlter, to scixc, Mat. xxvi. 55; (2) to conceive, of a woman, Lu. i. 24, 31 ; (3) mid., to apprehend (acc.), to help (dat.), Ac. xxvi. zr ; Phil. iv. 3. WA-A+, ( W , to collect, to gather, Mat. xiii. 28, 29, 30. wA-Xoylfopar, oopar, to reckon with one's sc(f, to reason, Lu. xx. S.* w k - A k p a r , oCpat, pass., to be gricved (Cal, dat.), Mar. iii. S.* wc$-, Qupp-l QUpw-, WP+. In some words commencing thus, W. H. prefer the unassimilated form ouv,5-,auvp-, uvvlr-, ovvlp-. -p-$alvw, zd aor. vvvCJ3qv,to happen, to occur, Mar. X. 32; Ac. xx. 19; perf. part. rb C V ~ ~ ~ L B E n ~event, , Lu. a~ K ~ S xxiv. 14. m u - W e , zd aor. ovviBaXov. io 'throw. together, hence, t i ponder, Lu, ii. 19; to come up with, to encounter, with or without hostile intent (dat.), Lu. xiv. 31 ; Ac. xx. I4 ; to dispute with, Ac. xvii. 18; mid., to confer, corzsult with, Ac. iv. 15 ; to contribute (dat.), Ac. xviii. 27.* wp-$w~Ax'Bw, uw, to reign together with, I Cor. iv. 8 ; 2 Tim. ii. IZ.* wp-$r~&$o, duw, (I) to unite, or knrt together, Col. ii. 2, 19; (2) to put together i n 21. reasoning, and so, to conWKO-popakr, as, 4 (W. H. clude, prove, Ac. ix. 22 ; (3) - y p l a ) , a sycaqzore-tree, Lu. to teach, instruct, I Cor. ii. XlX. 4.* I 6. OOKOV,V , 76, a&, Ja. iii. 12. O wp.$ovArBo, to give advice w ~ o - + a v r d ~ , ~ U W to accuse G, , (dat.), Jn. xviii. 14 ; Rev. iii. falsely, to defraud, Lu. iii. 18; mid., to take counsel to14, xix. 8 (gen. person, acc. gether (Iva or inf.), Mat. xxvi. thing).* 4 ; Jn, xi. 53 (W. H. PouXeb-A-ayoydo, G, to plunder, Col. o p t ) ; Ac. ix. 23.* ii. 8. (N. T.)* wp$oBAwv, ov, 76, (I) mutual m A b , b, to kob, to plunder, consulkation, counsel; Xap 2 Cor. xi. S.* Pdvw, rotdw ovpJ3obXtov, to wM-. In words commencing hake counsel together, Mat. thus, W. 13. prefer the unxii. 14, xxii. 15, xxvii. I, 7, assimilated form ovvX-. xxviii. I 2 ; Mar. iii. 6, xv. crvA-AaX4o, 1st aor. ouvaMX~oa, I ; (2) a council, a gatherto talk with (dat.), perd (gen.), ing of counsrlors, Ac. xxv. np6s (acc.), Mat. xvii. 3 ; Mar. I 2.* ix. 4; Lu. iv. 36, ix. 30, xxii. &p-$ouAoo, ov, l , an adviser, a 4; Ac. xxv. IZ.* counsclor, Ro. xi. 34.* wA-Aap$bo, suXhl)$opac, ov- XupLv, 6 (Heb.), Simeotr or ovy;yivvw, perf. pass. a v y ~ d Xvpat, to mingle' together; (I) to bewilder, Ac. ii. 6, i. x 22 ; (2) to stir up, to throw k t o corzfusion, Ac. xix. 32, xxi. 27, 31.* ouy-xpbpm, Gpat, to have dcalings with (dat.), Jn. iv. g.* ody-XUULS, aws, 4, confusion, disturbance, Ac. xix. zg.* W-f6a, (W. H. avvf-), G, +SW, to live together with (dat.), Ro. vi. 8 ; z Cor. vii. 3 ; a Tim. ii. I I W-ftGywpr, 1st aor. ovvd@v[a, to yoke together; to unitc (acc.), as man and wife, Mat. xix. 6 ; Mar. X. g.* w-fqr4o, (3, to seek together, to drscuss, dispute, with dat., or r p l s , acc., Mar. viii. 11, ix. 16. W-f/lqurs, aws, 9, mutual questioning, disputation, Ac. xv. z (W. H. Msqsts), 7 (W. H. Msqatr), xxviii. 29 (W. H. omit).* W-fqfrlrrldp,00,6, a disputer, as the Greek sophists, I Cor. i. 20. (N. T.)* VG-fuyes, OV, 6, a yokefillmu, a col(cague, Phil. iv. 3 (prob. a proper name, Syzygus).* W-too-rodo, G, 1st aor. uvvefwosolqoa, to make alive together with, Ep. ii. 5; Col. ii. 13. (N. T ) .* W K ~ ~ ~ V O OSV ! , ij, a sycaminc, tree, Lu. XVII. 6.* W K ~ ) , $S, Q (contr. from 4 a ) , a fig-tree, Mar. xi. 13, 20,

Simon (see Zlfiuv) ; the apostle Peter is so called, Ac. xv. 14 ; 2 Pet. i. I ; and four others are mentioned: (I) Lu. ii. 25, 34; (2) Lu. iii. 30; (3) Ac. xiii. I ; (4) Rev. vii. 7.* wp-1~~&17fio, d, a fellow00, disciple, Jn. xi. 16.* WP-papruP(o, (3, to bear witness together with, Ro. ii. 15, viii. 16, ix. I ; Rev. xxii. 18 (not W. H.).* w p p p l f o , in mid., to dividr ioxtther with, partake with (dat.), I Cor. ix. 13.f w p - p k o x o s , ov, joinlly p a M k ing, Ep. iii. 6, v. 7." w p - p ~ p q ~ f j 00, 6, a joitzts, imitator, Phil. iii. 17, (N. T.)* wp.pop+Qw, see ouppop+bw. (N. T.) u6p-popbos, or, similar, conformed to, gen., Ro. viii. 29 ; dat., Phil. iii. ZI.* wp-pop+do, G, to bbrig to the same fortts WW (dat.), Phil. iii. 10 (W. H. avppop+l&o,in same sense!. (N. T.)* w p w a e i o , W , to syntpathiac wrth, to Lave compassion on (dat.), Heb. iv. 15, X. 34." wp-wa0fis, i s , sympathizing, conrpassionate, I Pet. iii. S.* wp-rrapa-ylvopar, to come together to ( M ,acc.j, Lu. xxiii. 48 ; to stand by one, to help (dat.), z Tim. iv. 16 (W. H. aapay lvopai).* wp-wapa-rcrAio, (3, in pass., to be strcrzgfhened together, Ro. i. rz.* wp-wapa-Aap86,vo, zd aor.oup aapdXaJ3ov,to take with one's self, as companion, Ac. xii. 25, xv. 37, 38; Gal. ii. I.* wp-apa-pIvo, pev0, to remain or contrnuc toyG,ther with (dat.), Phil. i. 25 ( W . H. sapapdvw).* w p w b ~ p to ,be prrsent io~ gethcr with, Ac. xxv. aq.* wp.w&qo, to s u f t r together with, KO. viii. 17; I Cor. xii. 26.* avp-rripww, to send iogcther with, 2 Cor. viii. 18, 22.* wp+epr-Aap$6vcu, to embrace completely, Ac. xx. IO.* uup-wlw, zd aor. uvvdrtov, C drink togrther with, Ac. X. 41






m ~ k a t , tofall together, Lu. vi. 49 ( W . H.).*

wp-~&p6at, g, 'tojill complete ly, Lu. viii. 23 ; pags., to be completrd, to be fullj, come, Lu. ix. 51 ; Ac. ii. I.* mp-wdyr, to choke utter@, as weeds do plants, Mat. xiii. 22 ; Mar. iv. 7, 19 ; Lu. viii. 14;to crowd upon (acc.), Lu. viii. 42.* mp-woAi S, ou, 4 a fellowcitizcn,2p, ii. ~g.* uupwopdoyr, ( I ) to journey together with (dat.), Lu. vii. I I , xiv. 25, xxiv. I 5 ; (2) intrans., C come together, to assemble, Mar. X . I.* w p d u r o v , ou, 76 (ruywlvw), a drinkingparly, a festive company, rups6ura ru~wbura, by cotnpanies, Mar. vi. 39.f mp-lrpru~Grepos, 6, afellowou, elder, I Pet. v. I. (N. T ) .* uvp- &yo, see r~veoOlw. wJIPo, 1st aor. r u w j v q ~ a , to bring together, to collect, only Ac. xix. 1 9 ; generally intrans., and often impers., to conducc to, to be profitable to, I Cor. X . 23 ; 2 Cot. xii. I ; part. rb u~y#Cpov, pro@, advantage, I Cor. vii. 35. a6p-I$qpr1 assent to, Ro. vii. to I 6. * QGp-4oposlov, proj&ble, I Cor. vii. 35, X. 33 (W. H. for Rec. uuyq5Cpov).* UU)r-I$lJk(q,OU, 6, 07ZC of the sanze tribe, a fellou-counhyman, I Th. ii. 14. (N. T.)* u6p-+wos, ov, q o w n togefher, unrird with (R. V.), Ro. vi. mp+o, 2d aor. pass. part. ru~q5uels,pass., to grow at the same time, Lu. viii. 7.* m p + ~ y I Q )G, ~ U W ,to a c e ~ with, agree together, awange with (dat., or p r d , gen.), of persons, Mat. xviii. 19, xx. 2, 13; Ac. v. g ; of things, to be i n accord with, Lu. v. 36; Ac. xv. IS.* m~p-+Bqvm, cos, JI, concord, agrccmml, 2 Cor. vi. I 5. (N. T.\* - -f mp-+av/Q) as, JI, harmony, of instruments, music, Lu. xv. 25.* a b p . + a t ~ , ov, harmorrious, agrariug with; CK rup#8vou, by agreement, I Cor. vii. S.*


w p - h + g m , to compute, recllon feast wit5 (dat.), Mat. i . 1 0 ; x up, Ac. xix. ~g.* part. of ruvava~~lycvoi, the &p-+qos1 OV, of one accord, guests, Mar. vi. 2 2 , 26. (Ap.) Phil. ii. 2. ( N . T) .* mv-ava-pfywpr, pass., to min&v, a prep. gov. dative, with gle together with, to beep com(see Gr. 8 296, W i . 8 488, pany with (dat.), I Cor. v. g, Bu. 331). In composition, I I ; 2 T h . iii. 14.* rfiv denotes association with, wv-ava-~aGopar, royal, t o j n d or is intensive. The final v red or refreshment together changes t o y , X , or p, or is w W (dat.), Ro. xv. 32. dropped, according t o the (.* S) , initial letter of the word m v - a d a t , G, ~ U W ( I )to meet with which it is compounded with (dat.), Lu. ix. 37, xxii. 1 0 ; Ac. X . 25 ; Heb. vii. I , (see Gr. 4 4 5, Bu. 8) ; but W . H. usually prefer the un1.0; (2) o f things, to haapen assimilated forms. to, to befall; r h ruvavr~rovra, mv-&ym, d[w, ( I ) to bring tothe things that shall happen, gether, to gather, to assemble, Ac. xx. 22.* Lu. xv. 13; Jn. xi. 47 ; pass., m v - & v q u ~ sews, 4, a met* , with, Mat. viii. 34 (W. H. to be assembled, to come to3wdv~quis).* gcthcr, Ac. iv. 5, xiii. 44; (2) to receive hospitably, only mv-~WL-Xap@vw, mid., lit., to Mat. xxv. 35, 38, 43. take hold together with; to mvayatYfi, +js, 4, an assembly, assist, help (dat.), Lu. X . 40; a congregatioion, synagogue, Ro. viii. 26.* either the place, or the mv-aw-&yw, to lead away along wtth; in pass., to be led or people gathered in the place, carried away in mind, Ro. Lu. xii. I I , xxi. 12. Syn. : see C~rXqrla. xii. 16 (see K. V . mrg.) ; Gal. uuv-aymv~opar, to strive to11. 1 3 ; 2 Pet. iii. I 7. * gether with another, to aid ~ v - ~ w o - ~ to die K ~ , ~ u togellrer w W (dat.), Mar. xiv. 31 ; z (dat.), Ro. xv. 30.* mv-dA&e, G, ljuw, to strive &Cor. vii. 3 ; z Tim. ii. X I.* gether for (dat. o f thing), wv-aw-dAAvpr, in mid., perPhil. i. 27 ; or with (dat. of ish together with (dat.), Heb. person), Phil. iv. 3* . xi. 31.* mv-aOpoltcu, rw, to gather or m v - a m d a t , to send tocollect zopthcr, Ac. xix. 25 ; gether wzth (acc.), z Cor. xii. pass., to be assembled together, I8.* Lu. xxiv. 33 (W. H. dOp01t~); uvv-appoXoy4w1 6, in pass., to be framed together, Ep. ii. Ac. xii. 12.a mv-aipo, to reckon together, 2 1 , iv. 16. (N.T.)* to make a reckoning with, uvv-ap7r6~o, U W , to seize, or drag by force (dat.), Lu. viii. Mat. xviii. 23, 24, xxv. 19.* 29; Ac. vi. 12, xix. 29, xxvii. uuv-ar~p5Aorot, 6, a fellowou, 'S.* caphve or ptisoner, Ro. xvl. mv-aufbvco, in pass., to grow 7 ; Col. iv. 1 0 ; Philem. 23. tofether, Mat. xiii. 30.* u6v-&ujws, ou, 6, that which (N. T.)* binds together, a band, a h a d , mv-auoAov04m, 2,Bra, tofollow togEflrrr with, to accompany, Ac. viii. 23; Ep. iv. 3 ; Col. Mar. v. 37, xiv. 51 (W. H.); ii. 19, iii. 149 Lu. xxiii. 49.* mv-Mo, in pass., to be bound together with any one, as uvv-ditm, in pass., to be asscnrbLed together with (dat.), fellow-prisoners,Heb.xiii.g.* mvbo&ifo, to glorrjy together Ac. i. 4.* with (rfiv), pass., Ro. viii. uvv-aU&~um,to reconcile, see ruveAabvw. 17.* wv-ava-Bp[w, to go up together &V-SOUXOS, , d, a fellow-slave, OU with (dat.), Mar. xv. 41 ; Ac. a fellow-sewant, Mat. xviii. xiii. 31.* 28-33 ; of Christians, a felmv-ad-mrpw, to recline ioImrcuorker, a colleoguc, Col. gethrr with, as at a meal, to i. 7. 95


go with, to accompany, Ac. i. WV-tqp, inf. avvtlvac, part. uuveOv or u~veel~, U U Y Q I W , fut. 21 ; to comc together, to assemble, Ac. i. 6, v. 16 ; used 1st aor. ovv<~a,fo put toalso of conjugal intercourse, gether, in mind; hence, to to come or live togethcr, Mat. consider, understand (acc.), i. 18. to be aware ( h e ) , to attend to w v - r d h , zd aor. uvvt+ayov, (+l, dat.), Mat. xiii. 23, 51, to eat WW (dat., or p r d , x v ~ 1 2 ; Mar. vi. 52. . gen.), Lu. xv. 2 ; Ac. X . 41, w v - h p r , also ovvw~dvw and uvvturdw, to place togethcr; xi. 3 ; I Cor. v. I I ; Gal. ii. 12.* to conrmend, 2 Cor. iii. I , vi. h w , cos, jl (uvvlr)pr), puta 4 ; to prwe, exhibit, Gal. ii. tihg bgethcr, in mind; hence, 18; Ro. iii. 5 , v. 8 ; perf. and understanding, Lu. ii. 47 ; 2d aor., intrans., to stand the understanding, the source W&, Lu. ix. 32; to be comof discernment, Mar. xii. 33. posed of, to cohere, Col. i. I 7 ; ouwrdc, 4, 6v (rvvlqfic), intel- z Pet. iii. 5. lzgent,prrtdcnt, wise, Mat. xi. ow-o&bo, to journey with, to u 25 ; L .X . 21 ;Ac. xiii. 7 ; I accompany (dat.), Ac. ix. Cor. i. ~g.* 7.* ~ r S w B, to be pleased to- wv-o8kr, as, I f , a company um o L , gether with, to approve totraveling togethcr, a caravan, gether (dat.), Lu. xi. 48 ; Ac. Lu. ii. 44.* viiL I , xxii. 20 ; to be of one ~ w L O, ,o dwell togethcr, t mind with (dat.), Ro. i. 32 ; as in marriage, I Pet. iii. 7.* to consent, agree to (inf.), I wv-or~o&$a, B, in pass., to Cor. vii. 12, IS.* k buiZt up togethcr, Ep. ii. wv-eumxiu, B, in pass., to feast 22.* sumptuotrsly with, 2 Pet. ii. vuv-of~LMop, 0, to talk with 13; Ju. IZ.* (dat.), Ac. X . 27.* to nrise up to- wv-opoph, B, to be conh&ous getber against ( ~ a r d ) ,Ac. to (dat.), Ac. xviii. 7. (N.T.)* XV1. 22.* mv-0x4, $5, 4, constraint of mmd ; hence, distress, anw v - 4 ~ ~ [W, ( I ) to press to0, gether, to close, Ac. vii. 57 ; guish, Lu. xxi. 25 ; 2 Cor. ii. ( 2 ) to press on rvny side, 4.* to conjne, Lu. viii. 45 ; (3) to wv&u, [ W , to arrange with, prescribe, appoint, Mat. xxi. hold fast, Lu. xxii. 63; (4) to urge, impel, Lu. xii. 50; 6 ( W . H.), x x v i 19, xxvii. 2 Cor. v. 14; ( S )in pass., to 1 o. * be aflickd with sickness, Lu. ow&la, as, 4, a completion, a T.\* consummation, an end? Mat. u -v &hq cAdvw, 0 compel, to inward& xiii. 39, 40, 49, x x ~ v . 3, xxviii. 2 0 ; Heb. ix. 26.* to urge (acc. and c b ) , A c v u i n (dat.), Ro. vii. 22.* 26 ( W . H. uuvaAAduow).* o w - / I @ ~ r a as, I f , a custom, Jn. m&, B, Iuw, ( I ) to bring , o u v - m q m p ~ & B, to unik in , completely to an end, Mat. xviii. 39; I Cor. viii. 7 (W. bcanrzg witness, Heb. ii. 4.* vii. 28 ( W . H. .rcXCw); Lu. H.), xi. 16.* ouv.uavr[Brlp, mid., to join i n w v - + w d q s , ov, 6, one of i%c iv. 2 , 13; Ac. xxi. 27 ; (2) to assailing, Ac. xxiv. g ( W . H. same age, Gal. i. 14.* fulfill, h accomplish, Ro. ix. for uvwl#r)lrc).* 28 ; Mar. xiii. 4 ; to make, to ww-B&nc~, ad aor. pass. ovueto ouow mZU12h, to ~ d $ q v ,in pass., to be buricd conclude, Heb. viii 8.* =y n Ac. xx. 4.. tagether with, Ro. vi. 4 ; Col. w v & w , to cut shorf, to bring ii. 12.* to swift accomplishment, Ro, vvv-epyd, &,to co-opena& with (dat.), to work together, I Cor. wv-B&, 0, fut. pass. r v p ix. 28.* xvi. 16; Ro. viii. 28. 8Xau94uopuc, to break, to mwqp(a, B, ( I )to preserve, to oat-apyC, 6v, co-woding, he&break in pieces, Mat. xri. 44 ; keep safe, Mat. ix. 17 ; Mar. ing; as a subst., a companion Lu. xx. IS.* vi. 20; Lu. V . 38 ( W . H. i n work, a fcllow4vorker, wv-BXik, to press on UNsides, omit) ; (2) to keep i n mind, gen. o f person, obj. with eh, to crowd +on, M r v. 24, a. Lu. ii. rg:* or dat., or (met.) gen., 2 Cor. 31.* wvrrl&lp~, mid., to place in i. 24. m-BpbaroP, to break i n Pieces, togethcr, to make an agreeow xopm (see Gr. 5 103, 2, to c m h , f g , A c xxi 13. i. ment, Lu. xxii. 5 ; Jn. i. 22 ; x W g I 5, Bu. ss), to come or (N. .* T) Ac xxiii 20; to arsmt, A& 96

OW-Spop%<S, 4, a rrtnning together, a concourse, Ac. xxi. SO.* w v q d p ~ 1st aor. ruvljyetpa, , pass. uv*qy4p$qv; to raise together, to raise with, Ep. ii. 6 ; Col. ii. 12, iii. I . (S.)* UW@LOV, QV, 76, a council, a tribunal, Mat. X . I 7 ; specially, the Sanhcdrin, the Jewish council of seventy-one members, usually presided over by the high priest, Mat. v. 2 2 , xxvi. 59 ; the council-hall, where the Sanhedrim met, Ac. iv. 15. wv.tEGrtQw, u s , I f , consciowness, Heb. X . 2 ;theconscience, Ro,ii. 1 5 ;2 Cor.iv.2, v. 11; I Pet. ii. 19. wv4Tsov, 2d aor. of obs. pres., to be conscious or aware of, to understand, Ac. xii. 12, xiv. 6 ; perf. r$wcla, part. rvuee8ls, to be pri7.y to a d e sign, Ac. v. 2 ;to & conscious to one's self (dat.) of guilt (acc.), I Cor. iv. 4.* dv+&pr,to be with (dat.), Lu. is. 18 ; Ac. xxii. I I.* e l ~ ) ,part. rvvclv, to . or comc wrth,, to assemble, p Lu. viii. q.* wv-au-o(oiccrr, to entcr to&er with (dat.), Jn. v i 22, xviii. 15.9 vuv-(rSql~~& A, jl, a f e l h OU, traveler, Ac xis. 29; 2 Cor. viii. ~g.* wv-eKXf~~&, bv, eCec&d to4, gether w*, I Pet. v. 13. (N.








or, belonging ro the same (4) for authentication, Ro. body; fig., o f Jews and Genxv. 28. W V - T ~ ~ W ,adv., concisely, brieftiles, in one church, Ep. iii. 4 p a y l s , 8 0 9 , Q, ( I ) a seal, ci ly, Ac. xxiv. 4.* 6. ( N . T ) .* signetring, Rev. vii. 2 ; (2' vw-rpixo, 2d aor. auvl8pafiov, QV-UTWC~VT+, 00,6, a fellowthe impression of a seal to run together, as a multiinsurgent ( W . H. u~aaiao- whether for security anc 7Ijs), Mar. xv. 7.* tude, Mar. vi. 33 ; Ac. iii. secrecy, as Rev. v. I ; or for designation, Rev. ix. 4 ; (3) 1 1 ; to run with (i., I Pet. fg) O U - U T ~ T L U ~ S ,Ij, 6v, commendaiv. 4.* tory, 2 Cor. iii. I.* that which the seal aasts, wv-.rpl@, $W, to break by w - ~ ~ c r v p d o , to crucify toB, theproof, I Cor. ix. 2. gether with (acc. and dat.) ; v vpls, see asupls. crushing, to break i n pieces, lit., Mat. xxvii. 44; fig., Gal. v k p d v ( W . H . a@u8pbv), oJ, Lu. ix. 39; Ro. xvi. 2 0 ; perf. 76, the ankledone, Ac. iii. pass. part. o u v ~ ~ r p t p ~ v o s ,ii. 1.9. ( N . T.) w . Q I ( M w (, I ) to contract, perf. bruised, Mat. xii. 20. 7.* obveprppa, aTos, 76, crushing; pass. part., contrackd, short- q c S 6 v , adv., nearly, almost, fig., destruction, Ro. iii. 16. Ac. xiii. 44, xix. 26; Heb. ix. o ened, I Cor. vii. 29; ( 2 ) t wra round, to swathe, as a 22.* (S.)* Qbv-rpo+os, O V , 6, one brought d e a t b o d y , Ac. v. 6.. q q p a , a ~ o s76,fashion, haiit, , I Cor. vii. 31 ; f o r m , appearup with, a foster-brother, Ac. m-mevbgw, to groan together, Ro. viii. 22.* xiii. I.* ance, Phil. ii. 7.* Syn.: see n v - m y ~ b v o ,2d aor. inf. auv- m-UTOLXEW,n thcsame lbla. B, to be i T V X E ~ V to meet wW, come to , rank with; to answer to, to q q o , law, to rend, to dividr Idat.). Lu. viii. IQ.* correspond to (dat.), Gal. iv. asunder, Mat. xxvii. 51 ; ,* .; . X acc. vv, 4, Syntyche, 25.* pass., to be divided into facPhil. iv. 2.* w - m p a z r & q ~ov, 6, a fellow, tions, Ac. xiv. 4. wv-WO-uplvopar, dep. pass., soldier, i.e., in the Christian q b p a , aTos, 76, a rent, as in 1st aorist o v v v s ~ ~ p l O ~ v , service, Phil. ii. 25 ; Philem. to a garment, Mar. ii. 2 1 ; a 2.* dissemble with, Gal. ii. division, a dissension, I Cor. i. 10. 13.* m-ur&o, $W, to roll or gather m-vrrovpyiw, B, to he@ totogether, Mat. xvii. 22 (W. q o r v b v , O U , 76 (dim. o f u x o t gether, 2 Cor. i. I I.* H.) ; Ac. xxviii. 3.* VOS, a rush), a cord, a rope, wv-o6lv0, to be i n travail to- QV-UTPO+~~, 4, a gathering Jn. ii. 15 ; Ac. xxvii. 32.* qv? gether, KO. viii. 22.* together, a notous concourse, qoAPIJr, duw, to be at leisure; Ac. xix. 40; a conspiracy, Ac. to be empty or unoccupied, wv-opoula, as, 4, a swearing together, a conspiracy, Ac. Mat. xii. 44 ; to have leisure xxiii. 12.* xxiii. 13.* f o r (dat.), give one's self to, w - q q p a ~ q o , in pass., to conXvp&ovua~, Qv, af, Syracuse, form one's self, to be assimiI Cor. vii. S.* Ac. xxviii. 12.* lated to (dat.), Ro. xii. 2 ; I q o A f i , 49, Q, leisure; a place where there is leisure f o r Bvpla, as, 4, Syria, Lu. ii. 2. Pet. i. IA.* ZGpos, ou, 6, a Syrian, Lu. iv. %(P ( W . H.), 0: Z ~ X ~t , anything, a school, Ac. xix. P 27.* Sychar, Jn. IV. 5. 9* . Xvpo-+olv~uua ( W . H. Zupo- Xvxip, Shcchem, ( I ) 6, the o l f o , uduw, perf. aeuw~a, pass. q5orvl~tuua,mrg., Z6pa Ooi~ r i n c e Ac. vii. 16 (Rec.. W . . uluwupa~,1st aor. pass. k B vlrtuua),?S, 4, an appellative, Oqv; ( I ) to save, from evil or H . thd cit ); (2) +;the 'city, aSyrophenician woman, M r a. Ac. vii. I Z * danger, Mat. viii. 25, xvi. vii. 26.* v+ay/l, 99, 4, ( 1 ) ~ ~ ~ u g h ~ y I 25 ; ( 2 ) to heal, Mat. ix. 2 1 , Ac. ZGprrs, E W S , acc. rv, 4, (a quickviii. 32 ; Ro. viii. 36 (S.) ; Ja. 2 2 ; Jn. xi. I 2 ; (3) t saw, u sand), the SyrCis major, Ac. i.e., from eternal death, I v. S.* xxvii. IT.* T i m . i. 15 ; part. pass. 01 u w u+&yrov, ou, 76, a slaughtered d p w , to draw, to drag, Jn. xxi. fbpavor, those who are king victim, Ac. vii. 42.* 8 ; Ac. viii. 3, xiv. 19, xvii. u+&go, [W, pass., perf. part. saved, i.e., who are in the 6 ; Rev. xii. 4.* Syn.: see Pa$aypCvos, ad aor. k $ d y t ] v , way o f salvation, Ac. ii. 47. #XKW. to Rill by violence, to slay, I uOpa, aros, 76, a body, i.e., (i) m-. In some words comthe living body o f an a k m a l , Jn. iii. 12 ; Rev. v. g, vi. 4. mencing thus, W . H. prefer v+66pa, adv., exceedingly,greatJa. iii. 3 ; or o f a man, as I the uncontracted form auvu-. &, Mat. ii. 10. Cor. xii. 1 2 , espec. as the w-urapbuuo, [ W , to convulse cr+ospuir, adv., exceedingly, Ac. medium o f human life, anc conrpletely (acc.), Mar. ix. 2 0 xxvii. IS.* o f human life as sinful; the ( W . H.) ; Lu. ix. 42.* body o f Christ, as the mediu+paylgo, luw, to seal, to set a u G u q p v , OL; 76, a concerted seal upon, ( I for security, u m and witness o f his hu, signal, a sign a p e d upon, manity; o d p a ~ aRev. xviii. , Mat. xxvii. 6 ; (2) for seMar. xiv. 44.* 13, slaves; ( 2 ) a dead oody, crecy, Rev. xxii. 10; (3) for &-vwps (W. H. ubvawpos), designation, Ep. i. 13; or a corpse, Ac. U. 40; (3) fig.


GA'EEII=ENGLISI/ N E l V T E S T A M E N T L E X I C O N . rrixos, ovs, 76, a wall of a city, Ac. ix. 25. n ~ p f i p r o vO U , 76, a sign, a cer, tairr proof, Ac. i. 3.* nrvlov, ou, 76 (dim. of r t ~ v o v ) , a littlc child, Jn. xiii. 33 ; Gal. iv. 1 9 ; I Jn. ii. I , 12, 28,iii.7, 1S,iv.4,v.z1.* rc~vo-yovLo, to dear children, G, I Tim. v. 14.* T~KVO-yovla, 4, child-brarirzg, as, I 'rim. ii. IS.* r i ~ v o v ,ou, 76 ( s f ~ r w a, child, ) a &sc:rtdarrt; art inhabitant, I,u. xiii. 34 ; fig. of various forms of intimate union and relationship, c l ~l'iscz?lt, a foflozc~er,Philem. 10; hence, such phrases a s r k ~ v ar a s so@ias,rt'xva Laa~oijs,r t ' ~ v a TGD + W T ~ V , childrcrt of wasdovr, ober/iencc, the lt@~f, and espsc. 7 t ' ~ v a703 BeoD, chilrz're~rof God, Ro. viii. 16, 17, 21; I Jn. T~KVO-rpo+io, to brirrg 19 G, rhii./rctr, I Tim. v. IO.* T ~ K T ~ O V , S , 6, a carpctrtcr, Mat. V O xiii. 55 ; Mar. vi. 3.* T & ~ L O S , a, ov, prrfect, as (I) cui~iplete in all its parts, Ja. i. 4 ; (2) fjrll p w n of frill I I . , ~ , FIeb. v. 14; (3) specially of the completeness of Christian character, pcrfcct, Mat. v. 48. Syn.: see d p 710s. n k r 6 q s , sr)ros, i), $erfcctrrcss, pr~frctiorr,Col. iii. 14; Heb. vi. I.* r t A t d o , G, haw, (I) to complete, to j n i s h , as a course, a race, or the like, Jn. iv. 34; (2) to accomplish, as time, or prediction, Lu. ii. 43 ; Jn. xix. 28; (3) to ntaRe pcrfcct, Heb. vii. 19; pass., to bcpcrfcctcd, Lu. xiii. 32. d r [ o s (~IAsios), adv., pcrfcct&, I Pet. i. 13.* rcAthurs, sws, i), completion, f ul/lf~~rcrtt, i. 45 ;pcrfccLu. fion. IIeb. vii. I I.* rrkror$s, 03, 6 , a pcrfcctrr, IIeb. xii. z. (N.T.)* ~tAtu-+op(o, G, to bring to r~rafzrrrh. Lu. viii. 14.* ~ t A m & ob, ~to cnd, , jnish, c::.., life ; so, to dic, Mat. ix. 1 8 ; hlar. vii. 10. srArvr$, ijs, i), crrd of life, dcath, Mat. ii. I <.* Xcapai, trcAEoBr)v, (I) to rnd, to j n i s h , Rev. xx. 3, 5, 7 ; (2) to fuIfill, to accomplish, Lu. ii. 39; Ja. ii. 8 ; (3) to pay, Mat. xvii. 24. ~ i X o sour, 76, (I) a n m d , Lu. i. , 33; (2) cvcrrt o r isszrc, Mat. xxvi. 58; (3) the prittcipal end, aim, purposc, I Tim. i. 5 ; (4)..a tax, Mat. xvii. 25 ; KO. x111. 7. 7 t A 6 y s 1 ou, 6, a col(ector of laxcs, Lu. iii. 12, v. 27. rtAOvrov, ov, 76, a full-house, a tax-coffcctor's o&ce, Mat. ix. g ; Mar. ii. 14; Lu. v. z7.f ~ Q a s ,asos, 76, a wonder, a porferrt: in N . T. only in plur., and joined with avpcia, srgrrs and wonders, Ac. vii. 36; Jn. iv. 48. Syrr.: see 6t;vapts. Tdprros, ov, 6 (Lat.), nrtius, KO. xvi. 22.* TipruAAos, ov, d, Tcrtullus, Ac. xxiv. I , 2.* ~ t u u a p b t o w a f o r 9 , Mat. iv. , z ; Mar. i. I 3. ~ ~ u u a p a ~ o v ts,0 -forcv ~ ~ of c ~ years, age or time, Ac. vii. 23, xiii. IS.* riuuapts, r k a a p a , gen. wv, folrr, Lu. ii. 37 ; Jn. xi. 17. n u u a p r s - ~ a r - S ~ ~ aov,~ord. r), ~ s , num., fotrrtecnth, Ac. xxvii. "79 33;* TcTapracos, aia, aiov, of thc fourfh ( d a y ) ; rcrapraios Cartv, he has 6 r m &ad f o u r days, Jn. xi. 39.* ~ C T a ~ o sr), ov, ord. num., , forrrfh, hlat. xiv. 25. nrpd-yovos, or, fozrr-corrtcrcd, sqrrat-c, Rev. xxi. 16.* ~trpdbrov, 76, a quafernion, ov, or g t ~ u ~of f o u r soldiers, d Ac. xii. 4.* ~ t r p a u w - ~ U r o rai, a , f o u r , thousand, Mar. viii. g, 20. mpau6uror, at, a, f o u r hundrcd, Ac. v. 36. n~p&-pqvos, ov, offourmonths; sc. xp6vos, a prl-iod of f o u r morrths, Jn. iv. 35.* ~ t ~ p a - W A ~035, ?, o h , fourOS, fofcf, Lu. xix. 8.* ~ t ~ p & r r o v s , gen. o8or,fourouv, footcd, Ac. X. 12, xi. 6 ; Ro. i. 23.* ~ c ~ p - a p x(iW.H. +crpaapxCw), o B, to rule ovcr as a &trarch (gen.), Lu. iii. I.*

[V '

~ t ~ p - t i p x(W.H. ~ c ~ p a d p ~ ) ~ ~ qs ou, 6, a rulcr ozcer a fourth part of a rtgiorr, U ktrarrh, applied also to rulers over any small dominion, Mat. xiv. I. T ~ C X W ,see rvyxdvw. rt+p6o1 G, duw ( ~ & p p aashcs), , to rc'ucr to ashes, 2 Pet. ii. 6.' d x q , ?S, i), (I) art, skill, Ac. xvii. 19.1 (2) art, a trade, IZC. xvlii. 3 ; Rev. xviii. 22.* ~ q v L q s , ov, d, att arttficcr, crafsnran, Ac. xix. 24, 38; Rev. xviii. 22 ; used of God, Heb. xi. IO.* Sytr.: see 6r)piovpy6s. Ifiro, to nrakc liquid; pass., to trrclt, z Pet. iii. IZ.* qA-avyOs, adv. (++c, afar, a3y4, r(rdiarzce), clear&, disfirrct&, hfar. viii. 25.* ~ A L K - o O r oabrr),o3r0,sogrrat, s, z Cor. i. 10 ; Heb. ii. 3 ; Ja. iii. 4 ; Rev. xvi. IS.* q $ o , G, $SW, to watch car^^frrlfy, with good or evil design ; ( I ) to gzrard, Mat. ~ xxvii. 36, 54; (z) to kcrp 01. reseflr, I Cor. vii. 37 ; (3) to observc, keep, enactments or ordinances, Jn. xiv. I 5, 21. & ~ ~ u L sws, i), ( I ) a prisort, s, Ac. iv. 3, v. 1 8 ; (2) odscrvanre, a s of precepts, I Cor. vii. ~ g . * Tr$tpr&s, d6os, i), Tiderias, Jn. vi. I , 23, xxi. I.* TiPipros, ov, 6, Tibcrius, Lu. iii. I.* r@qpr, B$aw (see Gr. 8 107, Wi. 5 14, I , Bu. 45 sq.), (I) io placc, set, lay, put forth, pzrt down, p u t away, put aside; mid., to causr to put, or to p u t f or one's s t y ; ((2 to constifufe, to make, to r m d c r ; mid., to assign, drtcminc. ~lma), rt[opai, 2d aor. C T ~ K O U , 1st aor. pass. trExBr)v,to bray, k, bringforth, of women, Lu. i. 57, ii. 6, 7 ; to product, of t h e earth, Heb. vi. 7. TAX@, to pluck, to pluck o f , Mat. xii. I ; Mar. ii. 23; Lu. vi. I.* Trpatos, ov, h, T i m e u s , Mar. X. 46.* rcpb", G, (I) to csfimatr, to value atapricr, Mat. xxvii. g ; (2) to honor, to rcvrrcncc, Mar. vii. 6, 10.





76~09, d ov,


9r, 4, (1) a price, Mat. xxvii. 6, g; (2) honor, Ro, ix. 21 ; Heb. v. 4 ; z Tim. ii. 20, 21 ; I Pet. ii. 7. d p s , a, ov, of grcatpn'ce, #recious, honored, Rev. xvii. 4 ; Heb. xiii. 4. qdr?(, rqros, 4, preciousness, cosUtncss, Rev. xviii. ~g.* Trp64tos, ov, b, Timothy, Ac. xvii. 14, 15. T @ v , wvos, d, Timon, A c vi.

(a bringing forth), interest, usurjr, Mat. xxv. 27 ; Lu. xix. 23.* roAp&r, B, 400, ( I ) to dare (inf.), Mar. xi. 34; ( 2 ) 0 endure, Ro. v. 7 ; (3) io be bold, z Cor. xi. 21. roApqpbrtpov (rohpqpbs),neut. compar. as adv., more boldly, Ro. xv. 15 ( W . H. rohpqpoT~~ws).*

xxii. 5, xxvi. I I.* q w ~ p l a , as, 4, punishment, pctralty, Heb. X . zg.* slvos, rluw, to pay; with Bl~qv, 2.* to pay penal&, sufer punish- d t w v , O U , 7 6 , topaz, Rev. ment, 2 Th. i. g.* , ; y.(T.)* a place, i.e., I+, rI, gen. r i d s (enclitic), I) indef. pron., any one, some a district or region, or a p a r titular spot i n a region; (2) one (see Gr. g 352, W i 8 25, the place one occupies, the 2 , Bu. 85, 93). rls, rl, gen. rlvos; interrogaroom, an abode, a scat, a tive pron.. who ? which ? sheath for a sword; (3) a what! (see Gr. 6 210. W i . passage in a book; (4) state, " g 2 5 , I , BU. 1 1 5 , 138). condition; (5) ojportuni@. Tkb-, ov, 6, Titius, Ac. xviii. r r n O r o s , rouahq, TOUOOTO, de7 ( W . H.),* monst. pron. denoting quan7kAoq. ov, d (Lat.), a hhtIt,an tity (see roioi+os), SO great, ins;rip&oon, ' ~ nX&. 19, zo.* . so much, so long; plur., so T l r o s , ov, d , Titus, 2 Cor. vii. many. r d n , demonst, adv., then. 6, 13, 14. rob, an enclitic part., huly, in- ro8vcrvrlov, for rb ivavrlov, on the contrary, 2 Cor. ii. 7 ; deed; see ~atrolye,. . . kvror. rotyapoOv, rolvvv. Gal. ii. 7 ; I Pet. iii. g.* rob-yapsQv, consequently,therc- roGvopa, for rb bvopu, acc. abfore, I Th. iv. 8 ; Heb. xii. I.* sol., by name, Mat. xxvii. rol-yr, aWough (in rtatrolyc). 57.* r o L w v , indeed now, therefore, r o v r l a r , for TOOT' Fun ( W . Lu. xx. 2 < : I Cor. ix. 26 : H, prefer the uncontracted Heb. xiii. i3 ; Jaii. 24 (not form), that is, Ac. i. 19; Ro. W. H.\.* X . 6, 7, 8. r o d r . 6 q J ro~dbe, rotbv8e, de- T O ~ neut. o f otros, which , see. monst, pron., of this kind, such, 2 Pet. i. 17.* rpbyos, ov, 6, a he-goat, Heb. ro~o~ros, 70[ad7$, roiov^ro, de ix. 12, 13, 19, X. 4.* monst. denoting quality (as rpdwtfa, vs, 4, a table, ( I )for rouoi+os denotes quantity, food and banqueting, Mat. and otros simply deterxv. 27 ; met., food, Ac. xvi. mines), ojsuch a kind, such, 34 ; (2) for money-changing or business, Mar. xi. 15. so, used either with or without a noun, the correspond- r p a w e f l q s , or, d , a moneychanger, a banker, Mat. xxv. ing relative is 0109,as, only 27.* Mar. xiii. 19; I Cor. xv. 48 ; 2 Cor. X . I I ; once hoios, rpcrQpa, aros, 76, a wound, Lu. Ac. xxvi. 29. For l ~ o ~ o O ~ o sX . 34.* with the article, see Gr. rpauparqm, luw, to wound, Lu. xx. I z ; Ac. xix. 16.* 8 220, W i . 5 18, 4, Bu. 87. rotxos, ou, d, a ujall of a house, rpaxqXQm, in pass., 0 be laid Ac. xxiii. 3 ; disting. from bare, to be laid opm, Heb. iv. rrixos, a wall of a city.* 13.*

nGmpios, 0, topunish (acc.), Ac.

03, d , a daring, $resumptuous man, 2 Pet. ii. I o. * TOM, shar keen, comp. 4, bv, ropdrepos, H e t iv. IZ.* d f o v , ov, 7 6 , a bow, Rev. vi.

ov, 6, the neck, Lu Ro. xvi. 4. ~ ~ 0 x 6 9 , I, rough, as ways, eta, Lu. iii. 5 ; as rocks in the sea, Ac. xxvii. 29.0 T p a x u v h r s , tbos, 4, T r a c h ~ nitis, the N.E. of the territory beyond Jordan, Lu. iii. I.* rp ck, rpla, three, Mat. xii. 40. rpipos, to tremble, Mar. v. 33; Lu. viii. 47 ;Ac. ix. 6 (W.H. omit); to be afraid, 2 Pet. ii.


20 ;

1'. 0

Bpkpie, perf. pass. part. reBpappcCtCvo9, to red, to nour ish, Mat. vi. ~ 4 A cxii. 2 0 ; . Ja 5 ; 0 bring up, rear, Lu. iv. 16. r h u , ad aor. 16papv, ( I ) to run, in general, Lu. xv. 20; ( 2 ) to exert one's self, Ro. ix. 16 ; (3) to make progress, as doctrine, 2 Th. iii. I . rPqpa, aros, 76, a perforation, the eve of a needle. Mat. xix. 24 (W. H.) ; LU.' xviii. 25 ( W . - -\.* H. rpb6~o& 01, al, rd, indecl., thirfy, Mat. xiii. 8. T ~ ~ ~ K ~ U L O L , a , three hum U, dred, Mar. xiv. 5 ; Jn. xiL S.* r p W A o s , ov, 6, a thistlc, Mat vii. 16 ; Heb. vi. S.* r p l b , ov, 4, a worn path, a beaten way, Mat. iii. 3 ; Mar. i. 3 ; Lu. iii. 4.* r p w r k , as, 4, a space of three years, Ac. xx. 31.* r p u u , 10 grate, to gnash, as the teeth, Mar. ix. 18.* rpl-pqvw, ov, of threc months, neut. as subst., Heb. xi. 23.* r p k , num, adv., thrice, Mat. xxvi. 34, 75. r p G a r y o s , ov, having three stories; neut., tAc third story, Ac. xx. g.* rpw-xlAbor, at, a, three Uousand, Ac. ii. 41.* rplros, 8, ov, ord. num., third; neut. rb rplrov, the third part, Rev. viii. 7 ; the third h'mc, Mar. xiv. 41 ; d~ rp/rov, the thirdtime, Mat. xxvi. 44; TC rplrp (SC. 4@pq), on the third day, Lu. xiii. 32. rplxco, plur. of Bp@, which see. r p l ~ ~ v o s , OV, made of hair, 8, Rev. vi. 12.*




spopos, ov, 6, a trembling, from

out, lo happen, Za happen to fear. Mar. xvi. 8. 7 be; cl rdxoi, $ it should rporrfi,' 49, I f , a turning, J a i. c)ancc, it may be, perhaps, 17 (see R.V.).* I Cor. xiv. 1 0 ; 2d aor., part., rp6uos, OV, b, (i) way, manner; rvxdv, ordinary, commonIv rpbrov, in like manner place, Ac. xix. I I ; neut. T V as, as, Mat. xxiii. 37 ; (2) x6v, it may be, perhaps, I manner of lzye, character, Cor. xvi. 6. Heb. xiii. j. ~vyulravQw, beat to death when to r p m - w o , G, $vw, to bear stretched on a wheel, Heb. with the disposition or charxi. 35.* acter of others, Ac. xiii. 18 -K&, adv., typically, by way (Rec. W . H., some read kpoof example, I Cor. X. I I (W. $0$6pqscv, he bore then as a H.). ( N . T.)* nurse). (S.)* &or, ov, 6 , ( I )a mark, an im?S, 4, food, nourishpression, produced by a blow, ment, Mat. iii. 4, vi. 25. Jn. xx. 2 5 ; (2) the &re of Tpd+yoo, ov, b, Trophimus, a tlting, a pattern, Ac. vii. Ac. xx. 4, xxi. 29; 2 Tim. iv. 44 ; Heb. viii. 5 ; (3) an cm20.* blem, an example, I Cor. X. 6 ; Phil. iii. 17; (4) the form 03, I f , a nurse, I Th. ii. or contents of a letter, Ac. 7.* xxiii. 25 ; (5) a w e , Ro. v. ~po+o+p4w, 0, see rposo@P~w. 14. 1pox~6, Bs, I f , a track of a h w , $W, to beat, to strike, wheel, a path, fig., Heb. xii. as the breast in grief, Lu. 13.* xviii. 13; to inflct punishment, Ac. xxiii. 3 ; to wound rpoxds, 00, 6, a wheel, Ja iii. h* or disquiet the conscience, I rpGflwv, OU, 7 6 , a deep dish, a Cor. viii. 12. platter, Mat. xxvi. 23 ; Mar. TGpwoo, ov, $ ir)lrannus, Ac. L xiv. 20.* xix. g* . r p v y b , B, 3uw, to gather, as m p w w , to a&k or disfurb the vintage, Lu. vi. 44; Rev. in mind. Lu. X. 41 ( W . H. . . 6opvj3dfi).* xiv. 18, ~g.* rpvybv, 6vos, I f (rplfw),a turtle- TGpror, ou, 6, I f (prop. adj.), a dove, Lu. ii. 24.* Tynan, an inhabitant o f rpvlraAr6, Bs, 4, the eye of a Tyre, Ac. xii. zo.* needle, Mar. X . 25 ; Lu. xviii. TGpoo, ov, I f , 5 r e , a city of 25 (W. H. ~ f i ~ ) . * Phoenicia, Mat. xi. 21, 22. rphqpa, aros, rb, a hole, the +X&, 3, 6v, blind, ( I ) physiceye of a needle, Mat. xix. 24 ally, Lu. xiv. 13, 21 ; (2) ( W . H. text T P ~ C L Q ) . * mentally, i.e., stupid, dull of Tp6*arva, qr, I f , Tryphona, Ro. apprehension, Ro. ii. 19; 2 X V I . 12.* Pet. i. g. rpv+b, G, +SW, to live luxuri- +Xdcu, G, dvw, fig., to make ozrs(y and efeminately, Ja. v. blind or dull of apprehcnsion, Jn. xii. 40; 2 Cor. iv. 4 ; S.* Syn. :see uaa7aXdw. rpv+lj,+S, Q, efemhate luxuty, I Jn. ii. XI.* Lu. vii. 2 5 ; 2 Pet. ii. IS.* 4 6 0 , 3, lo raise a smoke; pass., fig., lo be proud, to T & 6 ~ a , 73, I f , Tryphosa, Ro. xvi. 12.* be awogant and conceited, Tpou6s, dlos, 4, Troas, a city of I Tim. iii. 6, vi. 4 ; 2 Tim. iii. 4.* My sia, properly Alexandria Troas. Ac. xvi. 8, I I . I h pres. pass. part. rv+6G , T p q G M ~ o vO,U , 76, Trogyllium, pevos, smoking, Mat. xii. 20.a Ac. xx. 15 ( W . H. omit).* r h o , fo eat, Mat. xxiv. 38; TW#QVLK&, 6v, violent, tem3, Jn. vi. 54-58, xiii. 18.* pestuous, Ac. xxvii. 14.* -6va0, 2d aor. Crvxov, perf. T q ~ b or Tdxt~os( W . H.), , ov, 6, Tychichus, 2 Tim. iv. T ~ T V X Q ,( I ) to obtain, to get possession of (gen.), Lu. xx. 12. 35 ; Ac u i v . 2; (2) lo fall -v, see rv~xdvw.

Y, v, WUov, upsilan, u, the twentieth letter. As a numeral, v'= 400; ,v= 400,000. At the commencement of a word, v is always aspirated. Sa~ivOrvos, , ov, of the color of 7 hyacinth, dark purple, Rev. ix. 17.f MurvOos, ov, 6, a precious stone of the color of hyacinth, acinfh, Rev. xxi. zo.* LVW, q, ov, glassy, transparent, Rev. iv. 6, xv. z.* 6 d w , ov, b, glass, Rev. xxi. 18, 21.* GppQo, vw, to treat W W insolence, to insult, Mat. xxii 6 ; Lu. xi. 45. 6ppcs, ews, 3, ( I ) insolence, insult, 2 Cor. xii. 1 0 ; ( 2 ) dam. age, loss, Ac. xxvii. 10, ZI.* G p p r a / l s , oD, d, an insolent, insulting man, KO.i. 30; ~ T i m . i. 13.* iycalvcu, to be well, to be i n heaW, Lu, v. 31, xv. 27; fig., to be sound, in (Iv) faith, doctrine, etc., Tit. i. 13; part. kyialvwv, healthful, wholesome, of instruction, I Tim. i. 10. bybqr, Is, ( I ) sound, whok, in health, Mat. xii. 13; Jn. v. X I , 15 ; (2) fig., wholesome, of teaching, Tit. ii. 8. by&, d, 6v, moist, p e n , i.e., full of sap, Lu. xxiii. 31.* i16pkr,as, 4, a water-pot, Jn. ii. 6, 7, iv. 28.* 4Spolrorkw, 0, to be a waterdrinker, I Tim. v. 23.* S S p o m ~ b , bv, dropsical, Lu. 3, xiv. 2.* &p, i;baros, 76, water; E8a1a, waters, streams, Jn. iii. 23 ; also a bodj of water, as Mat. , xiv. 28; u l w p ~ G vliving or running water; fig., of spiritual truth, Jn. iv. 14. Qtsb,03, b (h, rain), rain, to Heb. vi. 7. vb-8tvk, as, I f , adoption as a son. into the divine familv. RO.' viii. 15, 23, ix. 4 : G&: ir S ; Ep. i. j.* v16s, oa, b, a son, Mat. X . 37; a descendant, Lu. xx. :I, 44; the ofspring or young of an animal, Mat. xxi. j ; an adopted son, Heb. xi. 24. of various forms of close


GREEK-ENGLISH N E W T E S T A M E N T LEXICON. union and relationship (see ~ l r w v; a disciple or fol) lower, Mat. xii. 27 ; one who resembles (gen.), Mat. v. 45 ; one who partakes of any quali& or character, Lu. X. 6 ; Jn. xii. 36 ; d vlbs 700 du8p&ov, son of man (once only without art., Jn. v. 27), very often used by our Lord o f himself (only once by another of him, Ac. vii. 56); sons of men denote m m generaily, Mar. iii. 28; Ep. iii. 5 ; vlbs 700 BeoO, son of God, used o f men, Lu. xx. 36; Heb. ii. 10; usually of Christ, Mat. viii. 29; Jn. ix. 35; see also Gr. j 2 1 7 ~ . ahq, qs, +,wood, fuel, Ja iii. 5.. bp&, plur. o f ub, which see. ' Y p h w , O U , b, Xymenaus, I Tim. i. 20; 2 Tim. ii. 17.* bphpos, a, OV, possess. pron., your, as belonging to, or as proceeding from; for the use of the article with the word, see Gr. j 223. Qpdu, G, /low, to sing hymns to (acc.), Ac. xui. 2 5 ; Heb. ii. 1 2 ; to sing, Mat. xxvi. 30; Mar. xiv. 26.* Bpvw, O U , d , a hymn, a sacred song, Ep. v. 19; Col. iii. I 6.* Syn. : qaXg6s is used of the Psalms of the 0. T . ; ipws designates a song of praise to God; 484 is a general expression for a song. h - 6 y u , to go away, to drpcrrt, Mar. vi. 31 ; Jn. vi. 67 ; imperat., sometimes an expression of aversion, begone, Mat. iv. 10 ;sometimes a farewell only, Mat. viii. 13,32; to die, Mat. xxvi. 24. 9 s +,obedience, Ro. vi. I (S.) h-aro6o, uw, ( I ) to listen, as at a door, to find who seeks admission, only Ac. xii. I 3 ; (2) t j hearken to; hence, to obey (dat.), Mat. viii. 27 ; Iieb. xi. 8. h-avSpot, ov, subject to a husband, marrird, Ro. vii.:2.* h a w & , 0, /luw,to t)Jeet(dat.), Mat. viii. 28. h - b v q u ~ s COS, +,a meeting, , Mat. viii. 34 ( W . H.), xxv. I ( W . H.) ; Jn. xii. 13. (S.)* h & r s , rws, +,goods,subshncr, proper@, Ac. ii. 45 ; Heb. X. 34.* h-&pxo, to begin to be; to be originally, to tosubsist; hence generally, to be, Lu. viii. 41 ; Ac. xxi. 20; with dat. of pers., to have, to possess, Ac. iii. 6, iv. 37 ; part., neut. pl., 7 & brdpxoura, things which oncpossesscs,goods, proper@, Mat. xix. 21. h k u , to yield, to submP to authorily, Heb. xiii. 17.* hwaw(QI, a, ov, opposite to, adverse, Col. ii. 14; as subst., an adversary, Heb. X . 27.* M e prep., gov. gen. and acc. : w~th gen., over, for, on behaV o f ; with acc., above, sirpcrier to (see Gr. j 303, W i . j 47 l, Bu. 335); adverbially, above, more, 2 Cor. xi. 23. In composition, 0 r l p denotes superiority (above), or aid (on behalf of). h p c l p q in mid., to lift up one's self, to exalt one's s t y , to be awogant, 2 Cor. xii. 7 ; z Th. ii. 4.* M p - u p s , ov, past the bloom of youth, I Cor. vii. 36.* h p - b o , adv. (gen.), abovc, Ep, i. 2 1 , iv. 10; Heb. ix. S.* h p a u f i v o , to increase exceedingly, 2 T h . i. 3.* h p - e l v o , to go beyond, to oveweach, defraud, I Th. iv. 6.* h p $ a M 6 w u s , adv., beyond measure, 2 Cor. xi. 23.. hp$&AAr, intrans., to s u r pass; N.T., only pres. part. Laep/?dXXwv,surpassing, excelling, 2 Cor. iii. 10, ix. 14 ; Ep. i. 19, ii. 7 , iii. ~g.* hp$+fI, is, .fxceJJ,s u e passang excellence, prc-cmC nmce, 2 Cor. iv. 7, xii. 7 ; raB' brcp/?oX/lv,as adv., exceedingly, Ro. vii. 13; I Cor. xii. 31 ; 2 Cor. i. 8 ; Gal. i. 13; raB' baeppoX$v rls barp/?oAfv, more andmore exceedingly ( R . V.), 2 Cor. iv. 17.* hp-ttsov, to overlook, to take no notice of. Ac. xvii. 90.1 h p d ~ t r v c rAV., , beyond,; Cor. X . 16. ( N . To)* h p 4 ~ - m p r u u o O adv., beyond , all nteosfrre, irr the higArst drgrrc, Ep. iii. 2 0 ; I Th. iii.


yond measure, 1 Cor. X. 1. 4 ' hp-cx-xbvo, paw., Zo bepoured out, to overflwu, Lu. vi. 38.* h ~ b v r to, intercede for, Ro. viii. 26. (N. T.)* h p ( X u , to excel, to surpass (gen.), to be supreme; N . T . only pres. part., Ro. xiii. I ; Phll. ii. 3, iv. 7 ; I Pet. ii. 13 ; part. neut. ~b baepdxov, exccltency, super-eminence, Phil. iii. S.* hpll+avla, as, +,pride, awo gance, Mar. vii. 22.* hp-fi+vw, OV, proud, awogant, Ja. rv. 6. h p - A h v , adv., very much, pre-eminently, 2 Cor. xi. 5, xii. I I .* h p - V L K & , 0, to be more than conqueror, Ro. viii. 37. (N.


boas ul, of language, 2 Pet. ii. I [ ; Ju. 16.* h p s x / I , qs, 4, sujeriorily, e r cellmce, I Cor. ii. I ; I Tim. ii. 2.* h p m p d r ,to superabound, Ro. v. 2 0 ; pass., to be very abundant in (dat.), 2 Cor. vii. 4. (N. T.)* h p - m p w v b , adv., supcrabundankly, beyond measure, Mar. 7. N. T.)* d x o v & u , to be acee&np ly abundant, I Tim. i. 14.* Qmp-46o, (3, to Arghly exalt, Phil. ii. g. (S.)* htp-+povdo, 0, to thin4 too Aaghly of one's self, Ro. xii. 3.* h p + v , ov, 76, the #$per par! of a house, an upper chamx ber, Ac. i. 13, i . 37, 39, X X . 8.* k3(r, to submil to, to undergo (acc.), Ju. .I.* Q I ~ ~ K O W ov, listening to, obe, dient, Ac. vii. 39 ; 2 Cor. ii. g ; Phil. ii. S.* brqpsr(u, G, to minister to, to s e w (dat.), Ac. xiii. 36, xx. 34, xxiv. 23.* h-qpPnls, ov, b (dphqs, a rower), a servant, attcna'ant, specially ( I ) an oflcer, a lietor, Mat. v. 25 ; ( 2 ) an aitcndant in a synagogue, Lu. iv. 20 ; (3) a ministrr of the gospel, Ac. xxvi. 16. h,b, toleep, Lu. ix. 32; ov,

M-&~Kw, immoderate, ov,

I I.


L -

fig., spin'tual sleep, Ro. xiii.

b d prep., gov, gen. and acc., u, under: with gen., by, generally signifying the agent; with acc., under, beneath, of place, of time, or of subjection to authority (see Gr. 8 304, W i . $9 4769 Bus 340 sq.). In composition, 0u6 denotes su6jecdion, diminution, concealment. b n o - W @ , to suborn, to inshuct privately, Ac. vi. I I.* h o - y p a p M , ot, 6, a writingcopy; an example, I Pet. ii.

M-strypa, aros, 7 6 , ( I ) a @re, copy, Heb. viii. 5, ix. 23 ; ( 2 ) an example for imitation, or for warning, Jn. xiii. I S ; Heb. iv. I I ; 2 Pet. ii. 6 ; Ja. v. I o.* h-&lr*c, belfw, to show phinly, to teach, to warn, Mat. iii. 7 ; Lu. iii. 7, vi. 47, xii. 5 ; Ac. ix. 16;xx. 35.* buo-8o(opar, to receive as a guest (acc.), Lu. X . 38, xix. 6 ; Ac. xvii. 7 , Ja. ii. 25.* h&, Quw, in mid., to B, bind on one's sandals, be shod with (acc.), Mar. vi. g ; Ac. xii. 8 ; Ep. vi. I S (lit., shod as to your feet).* bndhpa, aros, 7 6 , a sandal, Mat. iii. 1 1 , X . 10. ~ U ~ ~ L K O VS, ,su&ct to O men, underpenaZty to Ro. iii. ~g.* Gm-fGyrov, ov, 7 6 , an anittaal under yoke, an ass, Mat. xxi. 5 ; 2 Pet. ii. 16.* ho-fhwupr, to under-gird, as a ship for strength against the waves, Ac. xxvii. 17.* h - r b u , adv., underneath (as prep. with gen.), Rev. v. 3, 13. h-rplvodep., to act under a mask, to personate, to f et& (acc., inf.), Lu. xx. zo.* h&rpwrs, cos, Q, lit., stage playing; hypocrisy, dissembling, I Tim. iv. 2. h - r p r d p , 03, 6, lit., a s f a e player; a hypocrik, a di$scrnblcr, Mat. vi. 2 , 5, 16. ho-X+wvcu, 2d aor. 3rrCXa@r, ( I ) to kakt from under, C receive up, Ac. i. g; (2) to fake up a di~course,to answer, Lu. X . 30; (3) to think, C


to return, intrans., Lu. ii. 43, suppose, Lu. vii. 43 ; Ac. ii. 1 5 ; (4) to receive, welcome, 3 viii. 37, 40. h o . ~ 7 p & w u p ~ ) -wvvfiw, k) or Jn. 8 ( W . I%).* h6-hrppa (or -Atppa),aros, 7 6 , spread under, Lu. xi.. 36. a remnant, Ro. ix. 27 ( W . (S.)* h - r a y + , 3s,4, subjction, sub H.).* mission, z Cor. m. 13 ; Gal. h - h l w w , to leave behind, ii. 5 : I Tim. ii. 1 1 , iii. 4.* pass., KO. xi. 3.* h-Afivwv, ov, 76 (At)vbs), a h-.r6uww, [ W , 2d aor. pass. 0urrdyt)v, to p t c e under, to wine-vat, a pit under the subject, I Cor. xv. 27 ; mid., wine -press, dug in the to submit one's self, to be obeground, Mar. xii. 1. (S.)* ho-Xrpu&vcu, to leave behind, dient, Ro. xiii. 5 ; Ep. v. 21. ho-lleqpb, to set or put under, I Pet. ii. 21.* bm-gvw, pcvB, ( I ) to remain, to lay down, Ro. xvi. 4 ; mid., to suggest to, put in mind, tarry behind, Lu. ii. 43 ; ( 2 ) to bear up under, to endure I Tim. iv. 6.* (acc.), I Pet. ii. 20; (3) to Buo-lp(Xr, 2d aor. bsitipapav, to run under lee or shelter persevere, to remain conslcmt, o f , Ac. xxvii. 16.* Mat. X . 22. &m-p~pufiurw, 3uopv$ow, 1st B u o ~ o u r s ,t w s , Q, pa#erta, fxample, I Tim. i. I 6 ; 2 Tim. aor. pass. brepvQoBt)v,to re1 13.* . mind (acc. of pers.), Jn. xiv. to 26; mid., to be reminded, to fwo-wpcu, 1st aor. BrQvey~a, bear up under, z sustain, to b remember, only Lu. xxii. 61. endure, I Cor. X . 13 ; 2 Tim. W - p v q m s , ews, Q, ( I )remcmiii. I I ; I Pet. ii. ~g.* brance, recollection, 2 Tim. i. 5 ; (2) a puning i n mind, 2 ho-xwpdw, B, Quw, to w W Pet. i. 13, iii. I.* draw, to retire, Lu. v. 16, ix. &TO-povfi,gs, Q, a bearing up 10.* under, endurance, steadfasb bwcum~cu,to strike under the tzcss, patient waiting for rye; hence, ( I ) to bruise; fig., (gen.), Lu. viii. 15; 2 Th. iii. to bufet, I Cor. ix. 27; ( z ) to weaty out, by repeated a p 5. Syn. : see dvoxlj. h - v d w , B, to conjecture, to plication, Lu. xviii. S.* suppose, Ac. xiii. 25, xxv. 18, &, 36s, 6, 4, a hog, boar or sow, xxvii. 27.* 2 Pet. ii. 22.* B T ~ - v o L ~ ,as, +-, surnzising, 6uuowoo, ov, Q (from Heb.), a hyssop, a stalk or stem of suspicion, I Tim. vi. 4.* two-wMw, 1st aor. O~BrAevaa, hyssop, Jn. xix. 29 ; a bunch of hyssop for sprinkling. to sail under, i.e., to leeward Heb. ix. 19. (S.)* of (acc.), Ac. xxvii. 4, 7.* b m d w , 1st aor. ~rCrvevua, h e p h , B, Qow, to be bchind; to blow getrtly, o f the wind, abs., to be lacking, to faN short, Jn. ii. 3 ; with obj., to Ac. xxvii. 13.* Co-rrdS~ov, 76, a footstool, ov, be lacking in, acc., Mat. xix. 20 ; gen., Lu. xxii. 35 ; d ~ 6 , Lu. xx. 43 ; Ac. ii. 35. Heb. xii. I S ; to be lacking, h 6 a w r s , cos, Q, that which Mar. X. 21 ; pass., to lack, to underlies; hence, ( I )the substance, the reali& underlyh~g come short, r Cor i. 7, viii. 8 ; to sufer need, Lu. xv. 14. mere appearance, Heb. I. 3 ; h l p q p a , aros, 76, ( I ) thaf ( 2 ) confidence, assurance, 2 which is lacking from (gen.), Cor. ix. 4, xi. 17 ; Heb. iii. Col. i. 24 ; I T h . iii. 10 ; ( 2 ) 14, xi. I.* h+v, 1st aor, k k ~ c t l a , pover&, deslilution, Lu. xxi. to draw back. Gal. ii. 12 :mid.. 4. (S.) to shrink, 6 draw onl's scl. bdpqurr, cwr, Q, p over&, pmback, Ac. xx. i, Heb. X . 3 4 ; ury, Mar. xii. 44; Phil. iv. I I . to withhold, conceal (acc.), ( N . T.)* Ac. xx. zo.* bumps, a, ov, compar., laicr, h e r o X f i , 69, 4, a ~Arinking, only I Tim. iv. I and Mat. xxi. 31 ( W . H.) ; neut. as a dra.rcrirag back, Heb, x. 39.* h + $W, to turn back, - , m adv., hsily, afterward,

* l



with gen., Mat. xxii. 27; Lu. xx. 32. & + a d s , 4, bu (O@alvw, to zueavc), woven, Jn. xix. 23.* B h X d o , 4, bv, h@, lof&, lit. or fig., s& bqqXd, things that are hifh, KO. xii. 1 6 ; t v OqqXois, on htgh, Heb. i. 3. ++qAo+povI'~, G, to be higlrminded, proud, Ro. xi. 20 ( W . H. O$qXI 9pbver); I Tim. vi. 17. ( N . T.)* Q\braos, q, ov (superlat. o f ;$L, higlrly), hzkhcst, most htgh; neut., plur., the hig/testplaces, the heehts, i.e., heaven, Lu. ii. 1 4 ; b ir$ruzos, the Most H+, i.e., God, Ac. vii. 48, xvi. I 7 ; Lu. i. 32, 35, 76. GJlos, ovs, 74, hcig/rt, opp. t o /3d8or, Ep. iii. 18 ; Rev. xxi. from on h@, 16; tl $$OUS, i.e., from heaven, Lu. i. 78, xxiv. 49 ; so eb ;$OS, to heaven, Ep. iv. 8 ; f g , h k h i. station, Ja. i. g.* 6460, (3, duo, ( I ) to raise on hagh, to lift up, as the brazen serpent, and Jesus on the cross, Jn. iii. 14, viii. 28 ; ( 2 ) to exalt, to set on hzgh, Ac. ii. 33 ; Mat. xxiii. 12. B+opa, aTos, 76, hezght, Ro. viii. 3 9 ; barricr, bulwark (fig.), 2 Cor. X . S.*

+, +C, phi, ph, the twentyfirst letter. A s a numeral, 9' = 500 ; ,9 = 500,000. +6yor, ou b a glutton, Mat. xi. Ig ; L:. iii. 34. ( N . T.)* W y o , only used in fut. $dyepar, and 2d aor. r$ayov; see iuoiw. +arh6qs, ou, 6 ( W . H. +eXbys), (Lat. penula), a travelingcloak, 2 Tim. iv. 13. (N.
h l v o , + a d , 2d aor. pass. Iedvqv, ( I ) trans., to show, i n N.T. only mid, or pass., to appear, to be seen, to seem; T& +a1v6peva, things which can be seen, Heb. xi. 3 ; (2) intrans., to shine, ft! give ltght, Jn. i. 5, v.35. Syn.. see GorCw. * M ~ Kb, (Heb.), Pelcg, Lu. iii. 35.* 9 v p 0 d , bv, appsrent, manire6, / r ~ t , Ac. iv. 1 6 ; Gal. v. 1 9 ;

Iu 74 @auepQ, adv., manias Cor. v. 10 ( W . H.) ; Tit. ii. 8 ; Ja. iii. 16.* festly, openly, Ro. ii. 28. +avcpba, G, duw, to make u p *W, out, 76, brightness, IigAt, Mat. xxiv. 29; Mar. xiii. 24; parent, to manifcst, to disLu. xi. 33 (W. H. 96s). Syn.: close, Jn. vii. 4, xxi. I I ; pass., to br manifrsted, made see Xaprds. manifest, I Tim. iii. 1 6 ; 2 +alsopar, +eluopar, dep., ( I )to Cor. v. I I . spare (gen.), Ac. xx. 29; +we,adv., clearly, Ac. X . 3 ; ( 2 ) to abstain (inf.), 2 Cor. openly, Mar. i. 45 ; Jn. vii. xii. 6. +arSopivw, adv., sparingly, 2 10.* Cor. ix. 6.* +av(powrs, rws, 4, a manifcstation (gen. obj.), I Cor. xii. 7 ; ,see $u~Xbvqs. 2 Cor. iv. 2.* Syn.: see droW , oruw, Q v r y ~ a , fivCx@qv (see rdAu$~r. Gr. 9 103, W i . 9 15, Bu. 68), bavds, 09, b, a torch, a lantern, to bear, as ( I ) to carry, as a burden, Lu. xxiii. 26 ; ( 2 ) to Jn. xviii. 3.* QawAX. 6 (Heb.). Phanuel. produce fruit, Jn. xii. 24; Lu. ii.-36.*' (3) to bring, Ac. v. 1 6 ; (4) to +avr&go, to cause to appear; endure, to bear with, Ro. ix. pass. part. 7b +aw~a[bpemv, 2 2 ; (5) to bring f onuard, as the appearance, Heb. xii. 21.* charges, Jn. xviii. 29 ; (6) to uphold, Heb. i. 3 ; (7) pars., +avnwta, as, 4, display, pomp, Ac. X X V . 23.* as nautical term, to be borne +dwaoya, aTos, 76, an apparialofzg, Ac. xxvii. I 5, 17 ; (8) mid., to rush (bear itself on), tiotz, a spectre, Mat. xiv. 26; Ac. ii. 2 ; to fo on or advance, o Mar. vi. 49.* in learning, Heb. vi. I . Syn.: +6poy& a ~ y o s , 4, a valley, razlrne. Lu. iii. C.* +op6w means to bear someQapaP, 6, ~ h a r a o ithe title of , thing habitually and conancient Egyptian kings, Ac. tinuously, while in $ipw it -- vii. 13, 21. is temporary bearing, and *a&, 6 (Heb.), P h r r s , Mat. on special occasions. +tGyw, (opal, g#uyov, & f i e , to i. 3 ; Lu. iii. 33.* Qaprvaiw, ov, b (fromthe Heb. escape, to shus (acc. or drb), verb, to separate), a Pharisee, Mat. viii. 33 ; 1 Cor. vi. 18; one o f the Jewish sect so Heb, xii. 34 ; Rev. xvi. 20. called, Mar. ii. 16, 18, 24. Y L ,LKOP, 6, Felix, Ac. X X V . XS (N. T.) 14. +appa~tLa( W . H. -rla), as, 4, +4~'1,v, 4, a repor4 fame, magic, sorcery, enchantment, Mat. ix. 26; Lu. iv. 14.* Gal. v. 2 0 ; Rev. ix. 2 1 ( W . h p l , impf. reqv (for other H. @dpparou),xviii. 23.* tenses, see elrov), to say, +appa~aGT,PWS, b, a magician, with 871, dat. o f pers., rpbs sorcerer, Rev. xxi. 8 ( W . H. (acc.), with pers., acc. o f read following).* thing (once acc., inf., Ro. +6ppa~ov,O U , ~ b a, drug; a n iii. 8). cnchanimcnt, Rev. ix.21 ( W . Qqoms, OV, b, Festus, Ac. X X V . H .).* I , 4r9. +86w, @@duo,perf. &$@arta, 9 a p p a ~ 9 00, 1 (prop. ad$), , magictan, sorcerer, Rev. xxl. ( I ) to be before, to precrde, 8 ( W . H.), xxii. IS.* I T h . iv. I S ; ( 2 ) to am've, +h$, rcporf, tidings, ews, 4, attain to (els, dxpc, Irl), Mat. x Ac. xxi. 31.* xii. 28 : Lu. xi. 20: Ro. i . *K@ (freq.of $ q g , to usserf, 31 ; 2 X . I4 ; ' ~ h i l iii. . to a s r m , toprofess, Ac. xxiv. 16; I Th. ii. 16.* g, xxv. 19 ; Ro. i. 22 ; Rev. + @ ~ p r 6 0 ,4, 6u cop ii. 2 ( W . H. omit).* ~ l i b l e ,flerishablc, Ro. i. Wnq, qs, 4, a manger, a c&, 23; I + : k. 25, x i . 53, 54; r Lu. ii. 7 , 1 2 , 16, xiii. IS.* r Pet. 1. 18. 21.* &crOXor, q, ov, good for nothing, 98dyyopa~, g p i ~ , h M a R Y dep., wicked, base, Jn. iii. 20, v. aloud, to ufter, Ac. iv. 18; 2 Pet. ii. 16, 18.* 29; Ro. ix. I I ( W . H.) ; 2 104





xvi. I 2, xx. 6. ( P l A r ~ ov, a, Philip. Four v of the name are mentioned : (I) Jn. L 44-47 (2) Ac. vi. 5 ;(3) Lu. iii. I ;(4) Mat. xiv. 3. W-&os, ov, loving God, 2 Tim. iii. 4.* (PAd-Aoyq ov, d, Philologws, Ro. xvi. 1g.* +Aovtruh, as, JI, love of d i 5 putt, contmtaon, Lu. xxii. 24.* +rX6-verm, ov, s h y e loving, contentiour, I Cor. x i 16.* +&&h, as, JI, love to strangers, hospiialip, Ro. xii. I 3 ; Heb. xiii. 2.* +A6-&voo, ov, hospiiable, I Tim. iii. 2; Tit. i. 8 ; I Pet. iv. g.* +Ao..rrperr6cu, to love the f i s t place, to desire pre-eminence, 3 Jn. g. (N. T.)* +(X-, 7 , ov, f e n d @ ; d @lXos, as subst., a frirnd, Lu. eii. 6, xi. g ; an associatr, Mat. xi. 19; JI @lAq, a female f rirnd, only Lu. xv. g. + A 0 4 4 as, 4, lfve of wisdom, phrlosophy, m N. T. of the Jewish traditional theology, Col. ii. 8.* +Ad,+, ov, d (prop. adj., wzsdom-loving),aphilosophcr, in N. T. of Greek philosophers, Ac. xvii. 18.* +Ad-opyos, ov, tenderly lovirtg, kzndlyalfcctiona& to (cls), Ro. xii. IO.* +Ai-nltvos, ov, loving one's childr*en,Tit. ii. 4.* +Ao-rrpkpar, oi;pac, dep., to make a thzrrg onc's am8ztion, to desire very strondy (inf.), Ro. xv. 20; 2 Cor. v. g ; I Th. iv. I I .* +Ao+pbvw, adv., i n a fsirndly marzncr, kind@, Ac. xxviii. 7.* +Ad+pcuv, ov,f rirndly, kindly, I Pet. iii. 8 (W. H. ranacrb@P~v).* +y6m, G, duw, to muzzk, I Cor. ix. g ; to reduce to silence, Mat. xxii. 34; pass., to be ueduced to silence, to be silent, Mat. xxii. 12; of a storm, Mar. iv. 39. (PA(yprv, owor, 6, Phlcgon, Ro.

@BepQ, 2d aor. pass. i @ O d p ~ v to comrpf, physic, ally or morally, to spoil, to destroy, 2 Cor. vii. 2 ; Rev. xix. 2. +B~v-mmprv6s,4,611,autumnal, Ju. 12.* +%OS, ov, 6 (+Bly?olrcrc),. a sound. Ro. X. 18; I Cor. xlv. 7.* WO&, G, C envy (dat.), Gal. v. 26.* +ebv&,- ov, c n v , Phil. i. 1g ; Tit. iii. 3. WO,& as, i] (s@crpw),cpmrptzon, Il'rsfruction, physical or moral, I Cor. xv. 42, 2 Pet. i. 4. +tMq, qs, i], a bowl, broad and flat, Rev. v. 8, xv. 7. +rA-6ydos, ov, lovinggoodncss, Tit. i. 8.* (PrAacrs(X+ra, as, i], Philadelphia, Rev. i. I I, iii. 7.* +~AcrGcA+b, as, i], brotherly love, love of L7hristian brethyen, Ro. xii. 10 ; I Th. iv. g ; Heb. xiii. I ; I Pet. i. 22 ; 2 Pet. i. 7.* +A-&SA+, ov, loving the brethren. I Pet. iii. 8.* +(X-av6poo,ov, loving one's husband, Tit. ii. 4.* +A-adptorh, as, i], lovc of nrankind, hrrcvolence, Ac. xxviii. 2 ; Tit. iii. 4.* +A-adpkcup, adv., humanely, kindly, Ac. xxvii. 3.* + d a m L a , as, i], love of money, avarirr, I IO.* Syn.: see sXcova[la. +A-lpyvpos, ov, money-loving, avaricious, Lu. xvi. 14 ; 2 Tim. iii. 2.* (bi?-awop, ov, serf-loving, serfrsh, 2 Tim. iii. 2.* +Ah, G, Quw, (I) to love, Mat. vi. 5, X. 37 ; Lu. xx. 46; (2) to kiss, Mat. xxvi. 48. Syn.: see dcyaudw. (Xq, JI, see @lXor. ovos, ov, pleasurc-~oving; 2 Tim. iii. 4.* +aqpa, aros, 76, a kiss, Lu. vii. 45 ; Ro. xvi. 16. ( P A f p v , ovos, 4 Philemon, Philem. I.* (Plkqros, or * c X ~ b s ov, d, Phi, letrrs, 2 Tim. ii. 17.* +Ah, as, 4, friendship, Ja.iv. 4 (gen. obj.).* ~AL-LOS, ov, d, a P h i l i p pian, Phil. iv. IS.*

Ohmuat, tor, 01, Philippi, Ac. -


+Ad#! 6Xoy6s, JI, a flame, Lu. XVl. 24. +A.aP(o, G, to talk id&, to make rmpiy charges against any one (acc.), 3 Jn. ro.* +A6apos, ov, prating; talking foolishly, I Tim. v. 13.* +$@S, d, 6v, fearful, dreadfill, Heb. X. 27, 31, xii. 21.* + hG, Quw, to make afraid, $ , to i r m y y ; in N.T. only passive, to be afraid, to be ferrifird, sometimes with cognate acc., Mar. iv. 41 ; to fear (acc.), Mat. X. 26; to reverence, Mar. vi. 20; Lu. i. 50. +&rpov (W. H. gpov), ov, 76, a tem'Ble sig/tt, a cause of terror, Lu. xxi I I #@OS, OU, d , (I) fear, terror, alarm, Mat. xiv. 26 ; (2) the object or cause of fear, Ro. xiii. 3; (3) reverence, respect, I Pet. ii. 18; towards God, Ro. iii. 18; I Pet. i. 17. Syn.: see GecXla. (Pol&,qs, i], Phtpbe, Ro. xvi. I.* (Porvlq, ~ s4,, Phtpnice or Phcnicia, Ac. xi. 19, xv. 3, xxi. 2. +(VIE, LCOS, 6, a palm-tree, a palm branch, Jn. xii. 13; Rev. vii. g.* (Potvg, LKOS, b, a proper name, Phanice, a city of Crete, Ac. xxvii. 12.* +ovth, Cos, 6, a murderer, Ac. vii. 52, xxviii. 4. +vtGto, uw, to murder, Mat. xxiii. 31, 35 ; Ja. iv. 2. +v-, ou, d , murder, slaughter, Heb. xi. 37 ; Rev. ix. 21. +op(r, G, Cuw, to bear aborrt, to wear, Mat. xi. 8 ; Jn. xix. 5 ; Ro. xiii. 4 ; I Cor. xv. 49; Ja. ii. 3.* Syn. : see rpdpw. +,pov, ov, 76 (Lat.), forurtz (see Aartos), Ac. xxviii. 15. (N.



XVI. Id.*

+ ~ ~ , i n ~i mfc , o f tofire with f a ~ s w n ,Ja. iii. 6.*


+6poo, ov, d (@Cpw),a tax, especially on persons, Lu. xx. 22, xxiii. 2 ; Ro. xiii. 6, 7.* +pr(fto, perf. pass. part. m+opr~upCvos, load, to burdm, to Mat. xi. 28 ; Lu. xi. 46.* +opr(ov,ou,r6, a bur&n,Mat.xi. 30; thefreight of a ship, Ac. xxvii. 10(W. H.); the burdrfz of ceremonial observances, Mat. xxiii. 4; Lu. xi. 46; the burden of faults, Gal. vi. S.* +6pros, ov, d, load, a shi2's cargo, Ac. xxvii. 10 (W. H. read +oprlov).*

T.\* - -,


G R E E K - E N G L I S H NE W T E S T A M E N T L E X i C O N .


sion, an cxact reproduction, Heb. i. 3.* X, X, xt, chi, ch, guttural, the ~ 6 ~ aaos, d, a palisade, a 4 , As twenty -second !etter. ?~~orrrrdfor besieging, Lu. xix. a numeral, X' = 600 ; ,X = 43.* 600,000. xapqopar, loofiat, dep. mid., X+, x a p d u o p a r , zd aor. pass. fut. pass. ~ a p t u B $ a o p a t , ( I ) as act. I ~ d p v v ,to rrjoicc, to to show favor to (dat.), Gal. be .ffad, Lu. xv. 5, 32 ; Jn. iii. 18; ( 2 ) to forg'vc (dat. iii. 29; impv. x a i p c , x a l p t z s , pers., acc, thing), z Cor. xii. hail! Mat. xxvi. 4 9 ; inf. 10; Ep. 'iv. 32; Col. ii. 13; xalpetv, grrrtitrg, Ac, xv. (3) to ~ e f r c r ( ybestmu, Lu. , vii. 21 ; I Cor. ii. 12. 23. ~ M a f p vs, Q, hail, Rev. viii. x&pis, tros, acc. x d p t v and x d , 7, xi. 19, xvi. 21.* p r r a (W. I I . in Ac. xxiv. 27 ; xaA6o, 8 , d a w , 1st aor, pass. Ju. 4), Q, ( I ) objectively, P x a X d u B v v , to lct down, to agrcmblerress, rhurt)~, iv. Lu, l m e r , Mar. ii. 4 ; Lu. v. 4 , s ; 22 ; (2) subjectively, irrclinaAc. ix. 25, xxvii. 17, 30; z lion towards,fat~or, Rindrzrss, Cor. xi. 33.* liberaliiy, thanks, Lu. i. 30, XaASaIQs, ov, d , a Chaldreatr, ii. 40, 52 ; Ac. ii. 47, xxiv. Ac. vii. 4.* 27; x d p t v &'~etv, to thank; xaAtw6s, 4 , 6 v , (I) hard, trouble~ d p r vY x a v rrp65, to bc irr some, 2 Tim. iii. I ; (2) harsh, favor with; especially of the ficrcc, Mat. viii. 28.* undeserved favor of God or x&rv-ayoy4o, 8, to bridle, to Christ, 2 Cor. iv. 15, xii. g ; srtrh, Ja. i. 26, iii. 2. (N.T.)* x d p t v , used as prep. with X ~ L V ~ S06, d , a bridle, a curb, , gen. (lit., with irrclzrration toJa. iii. 3 ; Rev. xiv. 20.* wards), f o r thc saRc of, err ~MKIOS, 3, o t v , brazrn, otr, accoutrt of, Ep. iii. 14; I Tim. Iiev. ix. zo.* v. 14; Tit. i. 11. x ~ K ~ SCWS, 6 , a workcr in , ~6pwpa,a r o s , 7 6 , a g y t of brass or copper, 2 Tim. iv. gracc, an undcsrrucd favor 14.* from God t o man, Ro. i. 11, xaAr+bv, bvos, 6, chalcedony, v. 15, 16, vi. 23, xi. 29, xii. a precious stone, Rev. xxi. 6; I Cor. i. 7, vii. 7, xii. 4, g, 19.* 28, 30, 31 ; 2 Cor. i. 11 ; I X ~ K ~ O V , ,7 6 , a brazrn vessel, V Tim. iv. 1 4 ; 2 Tim. i. 6 ; Mar. vii. 4.* I Pet. iv. IO.* xaAro-ALpavov, ov, 7 6 (or -VOS, xaprrdo, 8, to favor, bcstow ov, Q ) , meaning uncertain, frcc(y 0 7 Z (acc.), Ep. i. 6 ; either sottu preciorrs nrrtal, pass., to dcfavorcd, Lu. i. 28. or frankrnctnsc (XIj3avos) of (AP.)* a ycllow color, Rev, i. 15, ii. Xapp6v, Q (Heb.), Charran or 8. (N. T ) .* I'faran. Ac, vii. 2., A.* . xdu6s, 00, b, copjcr, brass, xbprrls, ;v, 6 , paper, 2 Jn. tnonry, Mar. vi. 8, I Cor. I2.* xiii. I. x6.QpataToS, 7 6 , a gap, a gulf, xapaL, adv., on or to thc Lu. xvi. 26.* pound, Jn. ix. 6, xviii. 6.* xeiAos, our, 7 6 , a l+; plur., Xava6v, Q , Catraarr, Ac. vii. I I , mouth, Mat. xv. 8 ; I Cor. xiii. ~ g . * xiv, 21 ; fig., short, Heb. xi. Xavavabs, a l a , aiov, Cananrr12. itc, i.e., Phoenician, Mat. xv. xspcifo, in pass., to be stom22.* beaten, or ttmpcs&tossed, Ac. xap6, 8 5 , Q, joy, gladncrs, Gal. xxvii. 18.' v. 2 2 ; Col. i. I I ; a source of xekappw, ov, d, a riorm-brook, joy, r Th. ii. 19, 20. a wirrby torrent, Jn. xviii. xbpaypa, aTos, 7 6 , sczrlpfure, I .* Ac. xvii. 29; rrrgraving, a xa~pbv,awr, 6, (I) a s t o n , a stamp, a sign, Rev. xiv. g, tmlpcst, Ac. xxvii. 20 ; (2) 11, xvi. 2. winter, the rainy season, Mat. xapa4p, ilpos, d, a n impresxxiv. 20.
f 07

6 ; I Tim. 11. 8; met., for any exertion of powcr, Mat. xvii. 2 2 ; Lu. ix. 44 ; espec. in the phrases the hatrci of God, the hand of the Lord, for help, Ac. iv. 30, xi. 21 ; for punishment, Heb. X. 31. xerpayoyio, 8, to lead by the hattci, Ac. ix. 8, xxii.

xdp, xarpbs, +,.a hand, Lu, vi.

xe~payoy6s, Icadittg one b-v 6v,

the hand, Ac. xiii.


x#cpd-yp4ov, ov, 7 6 , a hand-

:uritin,~, bond; fig., of the a Mosaic law, Col. ii. 14.* xerpq.mlq~os, Y , dorzc or #rude O wrth hands, Mar. xiv. 58; Ac. vii. 48, xvii. 24 ; Ep. ii. I 1 ; Heb, ix. I I , 24.* XELPO-TOV~W, 8, to vote by stretch in$ orrt thc harzd, to choosb by vote, z Cor. viii. 1 9 ; a apfoint, Ac. xiv. 23.* W(.PUV, O Y , compar. of aaab!: (which see), urorsc, Mat. xii, 45; W O Y S C , rtrorc scvcre, H e b X. 29; sIr s b xsipov, worst, Mar. v. 26; Crrl 7 6 xsipov, worsr and worsc, 2 Tim. iii. '3. xepovpLp (W. H . X e p o v a s l v ) , r d , cherubim, the Heb, plural of cherub, the golden figures on the mercy-seat, Heb. ix. 5.
(S.)* xIIpa, as, Q, a tuicfow, Ac, vi. I , ix. 39, 41 ; Ja. i. 27. ~84s (W. 11. IxBCs), adv., ycstcrday, Jn. iv. 52 ; Ac. vii. 28 ;

Heb. xiii. 8.*

XLAL-apxos, o v ,

b , a com. rnandcr of a thousand mrrr, a military tributrc, Ac. xxi-

XXV. X L A L ~d80s,Q, a thousan(i, Lu S, xiv. 31 ; 1 Cor. X. 8.

xlAwc, ac, a , a thorrsatrd, z P e t iii. 8 ; Rev. xi. 3. Xb9, O V , 4, Chios, Ac. x x 1j.* XLTO)V, OVOE, 6, a trtttic, a!l under-garment, 1.u. iii. I I , VI. 29 ; a garment, Mar. xiv. 63. Sytr.: see l p d z t o v . xrBv, I v o t , Q, strow, Mat. xxviii. 3 ; Mar. ix. 3 (W. H. omit); Rev. i. 14.* x A q G s , b8or, Q, a short cloak worn by Roman officers and magistrates, Mat. xxvii. zP 31.* Sylr. : see ! p d 7 1 0 ~ .



xpu+rX&qs ( W . H. xpco+rXCrvs), ou, 6 , a debtor, Lu. vii. 41, ,xvi. S.* xpfi, lmpers. (from xpdw), it is rteccssary, it is proper (acc. and inf.), Ja. iii. I o.* x ~ $ w , to have ~tccd of, to rrrcd (gen.), Lu. xi. 8, xii. 30. xpfipa, aros, rb, a thing of use; money, sing., only Ac. iv. 37 ; plur., riches, money, Mar. X. 23 ; Ac. viii. 18, 20. xpqp'~7410, to h-ansact busiIuw, ness ; hence, ( I ) to utter a n oracle, to givc a divine ?claming, Lu. i i 26; Heb. xii. 25 ; pass., to receive a divine response, be warned of Cod, Mat. ii. 12, 22; Ac. X. 22; Heb. viii. 5, xi. 7 ; (2) to rcceive a name, to be called, Ac. xi. 26 ; Ro. vii. 3.* ~ p q p a ~ ~ w p 00, ,6, a n oracle, 6s Ro. xi. 4.* xpfiw~pos,7 , ov, useful, projtublr, z Tim. ii. 14.* x p i j w ~ ,cws, ?f, use, Ro. i. 26, 27.* XPrlXPrlmd~Ca~, dep., to be kind, I Cor. xiii. 4. (N. T.)* xpqmo-Aoyla, as, 4, a kind addrcss; in a bad sense, plausible speaking, Ro. xvi. 18. (N. T ) .* x p q m C , B, 6v, useful, good, I Cor. xv. 33 ; gerztZe, pleasattt, Lu. v. 39; kit14 I Pet. ii. 3 ; T A ~p?jurbv, kindness, Ro. ii. 4. x m m h q s , rvror, 11, (I) goodness, generally, KO. iii. 12; (2) specially, benignity, kindness, Col. iii. 12. Syn. : see dyaew~litq. x p k p a , aror, rb, a n anointing, I In. ii. 20, 27.* Xprorravk, 03, 6, a Christian, Ac. xi. 26, xxvi. 28; I Pet. iv. 16.* xpccnis, oO, 6 (verbal adj. from xplw), anointed; as a proper name, the Messiah, the Christ (see Gr. 5 217c, Wi. g 18, 9, note I, Bu. 89), Mat. xxiii. 10, etc. x p h , uw, to anoint, to consecrate anointing, as Jesus, the Christ, Lu. iv. 18; Ac. iv. 27, X. 38 ; Heb. i. 9 ; a p plied also to Christians, 2 Cor. i. 21. Syn.: see dXel+w. ~ p o v & u , delay, to larry, Mat. to I 08


~Xru&fu, mork, scof (abs.), to Ac. ii. I 3 (W. H. GraxXevd~w), xvii. 32.* ~ A r a p C , bv, lukewarm, Rev. d, 111. 16.* X M q , vs, i, Chloe, I Cor. i. [I.* X?W&, d, bv, (I) p e n , Mar. vi. 39; Rev. viii. 7, ix. 4 ; (3) pale, Rev. vi. 8.* X&, six hundred and six&stx, Rev. xiii. 18 (W. H. write the numbers in full).* x o i ~ d s ,B, bv, earthy, made of earth, I Cor. xv. 47-49. (N. yotvg, [ K O $ , 4, a chenix, a measure containing two sextarii (see &UTI]S), Rev. vi. 6.* xoipos, ov, 6, plur., swine, Lu. viii. 32, 33, xv. 15, 16. xoX&,,,G, to be angry (dat.), Jn, vii. 23.* X O X ~ ! ils, i, (I) gall, fig., Ac. viii. 23 ; (2) perh. bitter herbs, such as wormwood, Mat. xxvil. 34.* 60s, see ~ 0 3 s . opafiv (W. H. Xoparelv), 4, Choraziv, Mat. xi. 21 ; Lu. X. I3.* xop-qylo, c& to lead or /urtrish u chorus; hence, to furnish aburtdanfly, to srrpply, 2 Cor. ix. t o ; I Pet. iv. I I.* xop6s, ot, 6, a dunce, dancirtr, plur., Lu. xv. 25." xopr&, to f eed, to satisfy with (gen. or d s b ) , Mat. v. 6, xv. 33 ; Mar. viii. 4 ; Lu. xvi.


xxiv. 48, xxv. 5; Lu. i. 21, xii. 45 ; Heb. X. 37.* X#VOS, O V , 6, (I) time, gener. all , Lu. iv. 5 ; Gal. iv. 4 ; (z{ a particular tjmc, or season, Mat. ii. 7 ; Ac. i. 7. Syn. : see ~arpbs. X ~ O W - T ~ L G, , to wear away ~ time, to spend time, Ac. xx. I 6.* xpburor, oOs, 4, oOv, goldrtr, 2 Tlm. ii. 20 ; Heb. ix. 4. xpuwlov, ov, rb (dim. of xpvubs), a piece of gold, a aoldetr ornament, Ac. iii. 6 ; I Pet. iii. 3. ~pw0-6aKfGXlor, ov, adorned . with a gold ring, Ja. ii. 2 (N. T ) .* ~pw6-XrOos, ov, 6 (a goiderr stone), a gem of a bright yellow color, a topaz, Rev. xxi. 20. (S.)* ~ p w k p a u o s ,OV, 6, a gem of a greenish-golden color, n chrysoprase, Rev. xxi. 20. (N. T.)* xpwk, 00, 6, gold, anything made of gold, gold coin, Mat. ii. r I , X. 9 ; Ja. v. 3. xpurdo, 6,to adorn with gold, to giki, Rev. xvii. 4, xviii I 6.* xp+, xpwrbs, 6, the skin, Ac.

X W X ~ S , 4, bv, lame, Ac. iii.

XIX. 12.*


x o p ~ a v p a ,aros, rb, food, sustenarrce, Ac. vii. I I xbpros, ov, 6, grass, herbage, hlat. vi. 30 ; growing grain, Mat. xiii. 26; hay, I Cor. iii.



Xouf&s, 8, 6, Chusas, Lu. viii. 3.* X O ~ obs, acc. oOv, 6, dust, Mar. , vi. I I ; Rev. xviii. [g.* xpbopa~, Gwi, dep. (prop. mid. of xpdw), to use (dat.), to make use of, I Cor. ix. 12, I 5 ; 2 Cor. xiii. 10 (dat. om.) ; to deal with, Ac. xxvii. 3. X&, see rlxpvpi. %&a, as, 4, (I) need, necessity, plur nccessrtics, Mar. xi. 3 ; ~it."iii. 14; Ixw xpclov, fo need, Jn. xiii. 10 ; (2) h i ness, Ac. vi. 3.

dcpriz/ed of a foot, Mar. ix. . 4 S. xdpa, as, 4, (I) a country, or rrgior~,Jn. xi. 54 ; (2) the land, opposed to the sea, Ac. xxvii. 27; (3) thr country, dist. from town, Lu. ii. 8 ; (4) plur.,firlds, Jn. iv. 35. XW$W, G, Baw, lit., to maRe room; hence, ( I ) to have room for, receive, contain, Mat. xix. I I , 1 2 3 Jn. ii. 6, x x i 25 ; 2 Cor. vii. 2 ; impers., to be roomfor, Mar. ii. z ; (2) to make room by de$artitzg, to go, Mat. xv. 17; to make p r o p s s , Jn. viii. 37 ; to turn one's self, 2 Pet. iii. g.* x m p c f ~ , LOW, to put apatt, to separate, Mat. xix. 6 ; mid. (1st aor. pass.), to separate one's self, of divorce, I Cor. vii. 11, 15; to depart, to go away (drb or ( K ) ,Ac. i. 4. xviii. I. ~ e p & v , OV, 76, a $Lace, a @. L'


G R E E K - E N G L I S H NZ W T E S T A M E N T L E X I C O N .


Mar. xiv. 32 ; plur., lands, Ac. iv. 34; a farm, cslok, Ac. xxviii. 7. x a p k , adv., scparakly, by itself, only Jn. xx. 7 ; as prep. gov. gen., apart from, wWout, Jn. xv. 5 ; Ro. iii. 21 ; besides, exclusive of, Mat, xiv. 21. %&p-, ov, 6 (Lat. Caurus), I c N. W. wind; used for the N.W. quarter of the heavens, Ac. xxvii. 12. (N. TB)*

W*, ovs, 76, a falsehood,I.a lac, Jn. viii 44; 2 Th. ii. I
4m66)(pwror, ov, b, a false Chnst, a pretended Messiah, Mat. xxiv. 24; Mar. xiii. 22. (N. T.)* +avMwpw, ov, folscQ named, I Tim. vi. 20.* +eQupa, aros, 76, falsehood, perfiry, Ro. iii. 7.* JnCuqr, ov, 6, a liar, a deceiver, Jn. viii. 44, 55; Ro. iii. 4. h A a + h , 8 , to feel, to touch, to handle (acc.), Lu. xxiv. 39 ; Heb. xii. 18 ; I Jn. i. I ; fo fecl after, pope for, fig., Ac. xvii. z7.* Syn.: see drrw. Jnl+Qo, low, to reckon, to compute, Lu. xiv. 28 ; Rev. xiii. I 8.* N+os, O V , l), a small stone, a pebble, Rev. ii. 17 ; used for voting, hence, a vote, Ac. xxvi. IO.* +rhprup&, 06, 6, a whispering, a secret slandering, 2 Cor. xii. 20. (S.)* + ~ h p w d p ,06, 6, a whisperer, a secret slan&rer, Ro. i. 30.* +LX[OV, OV, 76, a crumb, Mat. xv. 27 ; Mar. vii. 28 ; Lu. xvi. 2 1 (W. H. omit). (N. T.)* Jy(4, $S,l), (I) the vital breath, the animal life, of animals, Rev. viii. g, xvi. 3, elsewhere only of man, Mat. vi. 25; (2) the human soul, as distinguished from the body, Mat. X. 28; (3) the soul as the seat of the affections, the will, etc., Ac. xiv. 2, 22 ; (4) thc self (like Heb.), Mat. X. 39 ; (5) a humas person, a n individual, Ro. xiii. I. (IrUXb~69, , bv, animal, natural, Q sensuous, I Cor. ii. 14, xv. 44, 46; Ja. iii. 15 ; Ju. rg.* +%W, our, 76, cold, Jn. xviii.

+apLov, ov, rb, a bit, a mor~ef, Jn. xiii. 26, 27, 30. () S: . +&X@,to rub, to rub to pacces, as ears of corn, Lu. vi. I.*


+t, psi, P S , the twentythlrd letter. As a numeral, )h' = 700 ; L+ = 700,000. +&km, )haXw, to sing, accompanied with instruments, to sing psalms, Ro. xv. g ; I Cor. xiv. 15; Ep. v. 19; Ja. V. 13.' +aAp6s,oO, 6, apsalm, a song of praise, Ep. v. 1 9 ; Col. iii. 16; plur., the book of Psalms in the 0. T , Lu. xxiv. 44. . Syn. : see Cpvor. +-S-ti&A+os, ov, 6, a false brother. a firetended ChrisCian, 2 'Car.-xi. 26; Gal. ii. 4. (N. T.)* JrrvS-ar6uroXos, ov, 6, a false or bretended abosffe, 2 Cor. xi.;3. (N. T ) .% . JrmS4s, CS, false, deceifful, lying, Ac. vi. 13 ; Rev. ii. 2, xxi. 8.* +evb-8r8&u~dos, ov, 6, a false kacher, a teacher of false doctrines, 2 Pet. ii. I. (N. T.\* +&-A~~OO, ov,f alse-spcaking, s taking lies, I Tim. iv. 2.* fiopcu, dep., 1st aor. i)hevudp ~ v to deceive, fo lie, to speak , falsely, Heb. vi. 1 8 ; Rev. iii. g ; ro lie to (acc.), Ac. . . v. 3. J n u s o - p h p , or -vs, vpos, 6, a false witness, Mat. xxvi. 60; I Cor. xv. 1 S.* +tub-paplvpim, 8 , Quw, to testify falsely, Lu. xviii. 20. +-So-paptvpk, v, l), false ksh'mony, Mat. xv. 19, xxvi. 59.* Jnv8o-wpo+ws, ov, 6, a alss *,*et, one who in 4 4 , s name teaches what is false, Mar. xiii. 22 ; 2 Pet. ii. I.


+& ,

sc vdaror); fi cold-hearted, d, bv, cold, Mat. X. 42 Rev. iii, I 5, Jrlxo, 2d fut. paw. +vyQoopac, to cool; pass., f g ,to be cooled, i. to gmu cold, Mat. xxiv.


JropQm, to feed, Ro. xii. 20; to spend i n feeding, I Cor. xiii.

(. S)


0 m ,0, the e twenty- our$ letter. As a numeral, W = 800 ; ,W = 8oo.000. 7b ' 0 . a name of ~ o and chri8.t (see under d A), Rev. i. 8, 1 1 (W. H. omit), xxi. 6, xxii. 13;. 0. interi.. 0. used before the .vocat&e in address, Ac. i. I, xviii. 14; in exclamation, of admiration, Mat. xv. 28; Ro. xi. 13 ; or of reproof, Lu. xxiv. 2 5 , ' O f i s , 6, Obcd, Mat. i. 5 W. n. *rwp48); Lu. iii. 32 [W. H. ' I u ~ ~ A ) . * &, adv., of place, hither, here; so. i n this life. Heb. xiii. 14: hirein, i n hi; matter, ~ e v : xiii. 10; 011 11 Ode, hcre ot there, Mat. xxiv. 23. dS4, $5, l), an ode, a song, pev. v. g, xv. 3. Syn. :see vpvor. &v, ivor, 4, the pain of childbirth, acuk pain, severe anguish, Mat. xxiv. 8 ; Mar. xiii. 8 : Ac. ii. 24 . I T . h .: v. 3.* PSLvo, to fecl the pains of childbirth, to travail, Gal. iv. 27 ; Rev. xii. 2; fig., Gal. iv, 1g.* &p-, ov, 6, a shoulder, Mat. xxiii. 4; Lu. xv. S.* Pdopcu, oGpar, Quopac, to buy (gen. of price), Ac. vii. 16.* ;6v (W. H. 4bv), o6,76, an egg, Lu. xii. 12.* Oapa, as, l), (I) a dejinik space of time, a season; (2) an hour, Mar. xiii. 32 ; Ac. XVL 33 ; (3) U e parfikular time f o r a n y l i n g , Lu. xiv. 17; Mat. xxvi. 45. Opcrtog, ala, aLv, fair, beautif u l , Mat. xxiii. 27 ; Ac. iii. 2, 10 ; Ro. X. IS.* &pGopar, dep. mid., c roar, to howl, as a beast, I Pet. v. 8.* k, an adv. of comparison, as, like as, about, as it were, according as, i Pet. i. 3 ; how, Lu. viii. 47 ; how l Ra X. 15 ; as particle of timq

n, 5




1 -

whm, while, as soon as, Lu. i, 23, xx. 37 ; KO. xv. 24; as consecutive particle, so that (inf.), Ac, xx. 24; (5s Fros rfrriv, so to spca), Heb, vii.
dwsvv&, interj.,

'nqi, a,

9 .

hosanna! (Heb.,

cSs.crQlrg adv., in like manner,

PS, cxviii, 25, save now!), Mat, xxi. g, I S ; Mar. xi. g, 1 0 ; Jn. xii. 13. ( N . T ) .*

likewise, Mat. xx. 5, I Tim. ii. g. k.c(, adv., as if, as thowgh, like as, with numerals. abouk Ac. ii. h 41.

Hosca, RO. iu. 25.0 Lu. xxii. 51 ; yn. xviii. 26 ; &-mp, adv., just as, az, Mat. also in the passages under xii. 40 ; I Cor. viii. 5. O~dpcov(Rec.).* k - m p 4 4 adv., just as i f , ar it &ihtro, as, 5,u rcjulncss, prof cs were, I Cor. xv. 8.* it, advantqp, KO. iii. I ; Ju. 16.* &-W, conj., so 1 a t ( i f . , see Gr. 341, W i . 4q b, 5, &+h4w, G, +W, & be usdtil, note I , 44, I , Bu. ~ 4 4there)~ to profl, to bcncjt, 8, hc@ fort, Mat. viii. 24; Gal. iii. (acc., also acc. o f definition), Ro. ii. 25 ; I Cor. xiv. 9,24. &~&prov, 76 (dim. of oat, see ov, 6 ; pass., to bc projtcd, to bc sardkprov), an car, Mar. xiv. hcipcd, Mat. xvi. 26. 47 ( W . H.) ; Jn. xviii. xo &#~L)Lo$, O V , $rOftablc, 6ene( W . H.).* firial, dat. o f pers., Tit. iii. &bv, ou, 76 (dim. o f 089, an 8 ; spbs (acc.), o f obj., I .W), CIIC ear, Xat. xxvi. 51 ; Tim. iv. 8 ; a T i n . iii. 16.*



A a matter of the utmost importance, and also consequently of considerable

difficulty. But there are some considerations which make a treatment of the synonyms of the New Testament especially difficult and especially necessary. The Greek language in classical times was one which was admirably adapted for expressing fine shades of meaning, and therefore one which abounded in synonyms. In later Greek, outside of the New Testament, some of these distinctions were changed or modified. The writers of the New Testament were men of Semitic habits of thought and expression. They also had theological and ethical teachings to impart which were far more profound and spiritual than had been conveyed by the Greek language previous to that time. These and other facts affecting the New Testament Greek necessarily modify the meaning of many of the synonyms there used, in some cases effecting a complete transformation. The object in the present treatment is to consider the New Testament usage. Hence, the distinctions of classical Greek are stated only so far as they are also found in New Testament usage, or are of importance for determining the latter. For a discrimination of the distinctive meanings of New Testament synonyms, three things must usually be considered : First, the etymological meaning of the words ; Second, the relations in which the words are found in classical Greek ; Third, the relations in which they are found in New Testament Greek, the last being often the chief factor.

careficl discrimination between synonyms in the study of any language is



The use of the words in the Septuagint is also important, for theit connection with the Hebrew words which they are used to translate often throws light on their meaning. The discussions here given aim to be brief, but yet to outline clearly the important and fundamental differences of meaning. Some words which are often given in works on this subject have been omitted, for the reason that the definitions as given in the Lexicon sufficiently indicate the important distinctions. There has been added, however, a consideration of some other words which are not so commonly included. The chief works from which material and suggestions have been drawn are mentioned in the Introduction to the Lexicon. The reason is stated in the Introduction to the Lexicon why in some cases the same word is treated both in the synonyms of the Lexicon itself, and also in this place. In every such instance the treatment here is to be regarded as supplementary to that in the Lexicon proper. The synonyms here discussed do not belong exclusively nor chiefly to any one class of words. Both theological and non-theological terms are included. The aim has been to consider all the synonyms most likely to be confounded with one another, i.e., all those most important, for practical use. to the average student of the New Testament.


This Index includes all the synonyms discussed in any way. even those indicated by simply giving references to literature concerning them. both in the Lexicon itself and in this separate chapter Where the same word is discussed in both. the treatment in this separate chapter. as previously stated. is to be considered as supplementary to that in the Lexicon proper

TAc rrJrrrnccs


are in rvcty case lo the Lexicon i t s t y ; to this scparalc chapter.



........ ........ ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . ......... . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ......... 4 . . . . . . . . . . V dxPpacor . . . . . . . . . . dXafdv .......... dXclgo ........ 5 dhr)O$r . . . . . . . . . 5 dXgOcvbr . . . . . . . . 5 6AXor . . . . . . . . . 6 dwpdwtvor . . . . . . . . .
2 2 2

dyaOwcr6y -dyardw Uycos dy~6~p.a tiyvbs dypdpparos b8oXor a16ds alpuo ala~poA0~1a aluxly ahJw alrla afrvpa aldv

. . . . .

....... ........


1 1


3 5 33

37 7 6 38 3 3 8

dwprror dplavror dp#l~Xqarpov dpwpus dvd8epa dvdOqpa dva~crlvwurr dvdravars dvCyxAgros . dvcpr dverlX~r~os
~ U ~ U L S

. . .. . . . . . . . .



. ...

. . .

~ K ~ K O S

dpdpavror hdprqpu dpap~la


......... ........ 6

g 9

dv~poao~rbvor clvopla dmxd dwlruros dvrf~pruros &rhoas dnoxdXv$ts droAd7posro Urso~c dprcor dpxabr dpxr~eAdyr dv4Peca d b h ~ a a

. . . . . .

. . .. ... .. . .. ..




iuiBvpla irtripdw isi$dveca Jpwrdw Crrpos abXd/3rca eBXap+jt rBucpQs c8rpaurXla eB~apiu~la

. . .




. rb#or . SwQ . . pov .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

BdXauua Bct67qr BX Cw . . . . Cousp~s Babrqs Beppduwv &upbs Bqplov Bcyydvw BXi+cs Bpqviw Bpi)unos B6eXXa Bvpbs Bvotau~~peov

. . . . . . . . . .

. . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . . . .

l8Ca ldih~qs lrpbv lcpls lrrrqpla 1Xaupbs lpdrcov lpartupbs 'Iov8a%s 'IupaqXLrqs

. . . .

. . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . .

...... ......

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . ... ... . . .

. . . . . . .

. . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . 48 50 v l r r w . . . . . . . . . 61 Y4ps . . . . . . . . . . .





snbror sog1a oraraA6w sruplr rrevoxwplr srigavos osoxtj urpqndw ovmrw74 rlpw



.. . . . ..


.. axfiw . . rxlopa .
rugpooly rarecvogpoo~vq rdrvov rmc10r rmos re'hdvqr rlpar rexvlrqt rcrrwpla rpvgdw rhos

. . . . ~(YYOS . gcpw . . giAapyvpla gcxiw . . qibpor . . ~ o r c l r. . gopew . . g6pos . . gp6yris . gvxtj . .

galwwr gavcpwecs gatAot





. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . S . .



. . .

.. .. ..


59 59

.. ... .. .. .. ... vlbr . . . . ; p ~ s . . .

heprlgavos 5rqpdrqr Oropo~


...... ........ . . . . . . 91 ........ ........ ...... .........


........ . . . . . . 29



l 0


g l. Holy, sacred, pure.

None of these words in classical Greek has necessarily any moral significance. Those which now have such a meaning have developed it in Biblical Greek. kpds means sacred, implying some special relation to God, so that it may not be violated. It refers, however, to formal relation rather than to character. It designates an external relation, which ordinarily is not an internal relation as well. It is used to describe persons or things. This is the commonest word for Rob in classical Greek, and expresses their usual conception of holiness, but it is rare in the N.T. because it fails to express the fullness of the N.T. conception. k r o s , used of persons or things, describes that which is in harmony with the divine constitution of the moral universe. Hence, it is that which is in accordance with the general and instinctively felt idea of right, "what is consecrated and sanctioned by universal law and consent" (Passow), rather than what is in accordance with any system of revealed truth. A s contrary to OIULOF, i.e., as bvotrla, the Greeks regarded, e.g., a marriage between brother and sister such as was common in Egypt, or the omission of the rites of sepulture in connection with a relative. tly~os probably as its fundamental meaning separation, has i.e., from the world to God's service. If not the original meaning, this at any rate is a meaning early in use. This separation, however, is not chiefly external, it is rather a separation from evil and defilement. The moral signification of the word is therefore the prominent one. This word, rare and of neutral meaning in classical Greek, has been developed in meaning, so that it expresses the full N.T. conception of holiness as no other does. hyv6s is probably related to dy~or. It means specificallypure. But this may be only in a ceremonial sense, or it may have a moral signification. I t sometimes describes freedom from impurities of the flesh. arp6s is that which inspires reverence or awe. In classical Greek it was often applied to the gods. But frequently it has the lower idea of that which is humanly venerable, or even refers simply to externals, as to that which is magnificent, grand, or impressive. 1) 2. Sin. dpap&, &&prqp, iwk&~a,wapaxori, dcvopla, ~rapavopla, wapdfiw~r, ~rapdv~w, W~P, 4Tw.

bpapda, meant origindly thr missirrg o a mark. When applied to f moral things the idea is similar, it is missing the true end of life, and so it is




used as a general term for silt. I t means both the act of sinning and the means only the sin itself, not the act, in its result, the sin itself. dr(r6p~qpa particular manifestations as separate deeds of disobedience to a divine law. &adpn&ie ultgodliness, positive and active irreligion, a condition of direct opposition to God. napaltd is strictly failing to bear, or hearing carelessly and inattentively. The sin is in this failure to hear when God speaks, and also in the active discbedience which ordinarily follows. &vo(ria is lawless#@ss,contempt of law, a condition or action not simply without law, as the etymology might indicate, but. contrary to law. The law is usually by occurs only once, 2 Pet. ii. 16, is and implication the Mosaic law. ~apawpla practically equivalent to ivopla. nap6$aurs is transgressio~t,the passing beyond some assigned limit. It is the breaking of a distinctly recognized is commandment, I t consequently means more than ripuprla. ~ a p 6 , ~ r a p a used in different senses, sometimes in a milder sense, denoting an error, a mistake, a. fault; and sometimes meaning a trespass, a willful sin. dyvbqpa occurs only once, Heb. ix. 7. I t indicates error, sin which to a certain denotes beieg worsted, dejeated. extent is the result of ignorance. Yr~qpa In an ethical sense it means a failare in duty, a fault. -All these different to words may occasionally but not usually be used s~mply describe the same act from different points of view. The fundamental meanings of these words may well be summed up in the language of Trench : Sin l'rnay be regarded as the missing of a mark or aim : it is then ripaprla or ripdprT,ua; the over. ; passing or transgressing of a line : it is then wapd@au~r the disobedience to a voice : in which case it is ?rapalto.$; the falling where one should have stood upright: this will be wapdv~wpa; ignorance of what one ought to have known : this will be LtyVdqpu ; diminishing of that which should have been rendered in full measure, which is lqrrqpu ; non-observance of a law, which is Izvopla or wapawtpia."

g 3. Sincere.
dw'hoik, hcf;oaroc, dica~or,&So~oc.
hnXoOs is literally spread out without folds, and hence means single, simple, without complexity of character and motive. In the N.T. this idea of simplicity is always favorable ; in classical Greek the word is also occasion ally used in an unfavorable sense, denoting foolish simplicity. d~dparosalsc means simple, literally free from anyforeign admixture, unadulterated, free fvom d i s t ~ r b i n g elements. 8uauas in Heb. vii. 26 means one in whom exists lbsence of all evil, and so by implication the presence of all good. I t passes


I I9

also through the merely negative meaning of absence of evil, found in S., to the unfavorable meaning of simple, easily deceived, credulous, which is foiind in Ro. xvi. 18. 6SoXos, occurring only in I Pet. ii. 2, means siwerc, utcmixed, without guile.

g 4. Sins of the tongue.

papoXoyia, used only once in the N.T., is foolish taDing, but this in the Biblical sense of the word foolish, which implies that it is also sinful. It is conversation which is first insipid, then corrupt. I t is random talk, which naturally reveals the vanity and sin of the heart. atqpoXoy(a, also used once, means any kind of disgraceful language, especially abuse of others. In classical Greek it sometimes means distinctively language which leads to lewdness. eb~pa.rreXia, occurring once, originally meant 7;ersatiZity in conversatiotz. It acquires, however, an unfavorable meaning, since polished, refined conversation has a tendency to become evil in many ways. The word denotes, then, a subtle form of evil-speaking, sinful conversation without the coarseness which frequently accompanies it, but not without its malignity.

g 6. Shame, disgrace.
at60s is the feeling of innate moral repugnance to doing a dishonorable act. This moral repugnance is not found in ala)(irvq, which is rather the feeling of disgrace which results from doing an unworthy thing, or the fear of such disgrace which serves to prevent its being done. ai& is thus the nobler word, aiax6q having regard chiefly to the opinions of others. a;& is the fear of doing a shameful thing, a l u ~ l i q chiefly the fear of being is found out. "ai& would always restrain a good man from an unworthy act, while alux6q might sometimes restrain a bad one" (Trench). i v r p d stands somewhat between the other two words in meaning, but in the N.T. leans to the nobler side, indicating that wholesome shame which leads a man to consideration of his condition if it is unworthy, and to a change of conduct for the better. uo+pouirvq, seF-command, may not seem to have much in common with these three words. As a matter of fact, however, it expresses positively that which ai& expresses negatively.



g 6. Prayer.
64x4, when it means prayer, has apparently a general signification. ~ p o c w ~ $ restricted to is ~ prayer to God, while 6 4 ~ has9no such restriction. 6 4 ~ also refers chiefly ~ 9 to prayer for particular benefits, while wpouwxrj is more general. The prominent thought in Ivrcu~rs that of boldness and freedom in approach is to God. c4xapwria is thanksgiving, the grateful acknowledgment of God's mercies, chiefly in prayer. atrqpa, much like G&crre, denotes a specific petition for a particular thing. In lucrqpta the attitude of humility and deprecation in prayer is specially emphasized. All these words may indicate at times not different kinds of prayer, but the same prayer viewed from different stand-points.

~poucux4and Giqurs are often used together.

g 7. To rebuke; rebuke, accusation.

l~t~rp6a means simply to rebuke, in any sense. It may be justly or unjustly, and, if justly, the rebuke may be heeded or it may not. 1ACy~a, on the other hand, means to rebuke with sufficient cause, and also effectually, so as to bring the one rebuked to a confession or at least a conviction of sin. In other words, it means to convince. A similar distinction exists between the nouns atria and ZAeyxos. a h l a is an accusation, whether false or true. h e y x o ~ a charge which is shown to be true, and often is so confessed is by the accused. It has both a judicial and a moral meaning.

g S. Boaster, proud, insolent.

hxaC&, beprj+avor, 6 p p ~ c r $ r .

bAa$bvis properly a boaster, who tells great things concerning his own prowess and achievements, with the implied idea that many of his claims are false. This word naturally describes a trait which manifests itself in contact with one's fellow-men, not one which exists simply within the heart. +avos describes one who thinks too highly of himself, describing a trait which is simply internal, not referring primarily to external manifestation, although this is implied. It means one who is proud, the external manifestation when it appears being in the form of arrogance in dealing with others. i~~prmijs describes one who delights in insolcni wrong-doing toward others,



finds pleasure in such acts. Cruelty and lust are two of the many forms which this quality assumes. These three words occur together in Ro. i. 30. They are never used in a good sense. They may be said to move in a certain sense in an ascending scale of guilt, designating respectively "the boastful in words, the proud and overbearing in thoughts, the insolent and injurious in acts " (Cremer).

g 9. Incorruptible, unfading.
&+0apros is properly incorruptible, unaffected by corruption and decay. I t is applied to God, and to that which is connected with him. dpbpavros expresses the same idea in another way. I t means unfading, the root idea being that it is unaffected by the withering which is common in the case of flowers. bpapbvr~vos, derived from Lpdpav70~, means composed of amaranths, i.e. of unfading flowers.

g 10. Faultless, unblamed.

1Cpupos is faultless, without blemish, free from imperfections. I t refers especially to character. Lpepros is strictly unblawzed, one with whom no fault is found. This of course refers particularly to the verdict of others upon one. bviyrXqros designates one against whom there is no accusation, implying not acquittal of a charge, but that no charge has been made. bvedXqmos means irreprekensible, designating one who affords nothing upon which an adversary might seize, in order to make a charge against him.

8 11. Regeneration, renovation.

~aAryyevedameans new birth. In classical Greek it was used in a weakened sense to denote a recovery, restoration, revival. In the N.T. it is used only twice, but in a higher sense. In Tit. iii. 5 it means new birth, regeneration, referring to God's act of causing the sinner to pass from the death of sin into spiritual life in Christ. I t has a wider meaning in Mat. xix. 28, where it is used of the change which is ultimately to take place in all the universe, its regeneration, which is the full working out of the change involved in the regeneration of the individual. &vaudvawrs is renewal or



renovation, denoting a continuous process through which man becomes more fully Christ-like, in which process he is a worker together with God. Some, as e.g. Cremer, without sufficient reason, have thought that the early use of ~raXlyyevrcrlaas a somewhat technical term, to denote the Pythagorean doctrine of transmigration, gave to the word a permanent eschatological coloring, so that in the N.T. it has the meaning resurrection, especially in Mat. xix. 28.

g 12. Murderer.
Both in derivation and usage, +ove.Srs and dv0po~rom6vosare distinguished from each other just as the English murderer from manslayer or used only in Ac. xxi. 38, is the Latin sicarius, and homicide. UI,K&~COS, means apt assassin, usually hired for the work, who furtively stabbed his enemy with a short sword, the Latin sica. +ove& is a generic word and may denote a murderer of any kind, u ~ ~ t i p ~ o e one of the specific varieties being which it includes.
@ 13. Anti-Christ, false Christ.
~ ~ ~ X ~ L U ~CVT~X~LUTOF. T O F ,

~ c u 8 6 ~ p ~ m s a false Christ, a pretended Messiah, who sets himmeans self up instead of Christ, proclaiming that he is Christ. Some have given about the same meaning to &wixpimos. But it is much more probable that it means one diametrically opposed to Christ, one who sets himself up against Christ, proclaiming that there is no Christ.

8 14. Profligacy.
The fundamental idea of &rco~ia is " wastefulness and riotous excess ; of MAyrra, lawless insolence and wanton caprice" (Trench). lworin means reckless and extravagant expenditure, chiefly for the gratification of one's sensual desires. It denotes a dissolute, profligate course of life. In dcuhhyeu also there is included the idea of profligacy, often of lasciviousness, but the fundamental thought is the acknowledging of no restraints, the insolent doing of whatever one's caprice may suggest.


g 16. Covenant-breaker, implacable.

These words are quite similar in their effects, but opposite in their conoccurring only in Ro. i. 31, is covenant-breaker, one ception. &uirvOr~os, who interrups a state of peace and brings on war by disregarding an agree. is ment by which peace is maintained. &~?rw&s implacable, one wha refuses to agree to any terms or suggestions of peace. It implies a state of war, and a refusal of covenant or even of armistice t o end it permanently or temporarily. In the N.T. use both words probably refer not to war in the strict sense so much as to discord and strife.

g 16. Beautiful, graceful.

~ O O is properly one living in a city, urban. It soon acquires the S meaning urbane, polite, elegant. Then it obtains to a limited extent the meaning beautzjcul, although never in the highest degree. dpatos, from &fa, hour, period, means properly time&. From that comes the idea of being beautiful, since nearly everything is beautiful in its hour of fullest perfection. ualds is a much higher word. It means Eerutiful, physically or morally. It is, however, distinctly the beauty which comes from harmony, the beauty which arises from a symmetrical adjustment in right proportion, in other words, from the harmonious completeness of the object concerned.

9 17. Wisdom, knowledge.

uo+(a is certainly the highest word of all these. It is properly wisdom. It denotes mental excellence in the highest and fullest sense, expressing an attitude as well as an act of the mind. It comprehends knowledge and implies goodness, including the striving after the highest ends, as well as the using of the best means for their attainment. It is never ascribed to any one but God and good men, except in a plainly ironical sense, +p6aqu~sis a middle term, sometimes having a meaning nearly as high as uogbh, sometimes much lower. It means pnrdence, intelligence, a skillful adaptation of the means to the end desired, the end, however, not being necessarily a good one. yvtb~s &nowZe&#, c~gnitiOn,the understanding of facts or truths, is



or else insight, discernment. M v w has an intensive meaning as corn. yo u pared with yvuiu~q,it is a fuller, clearer, more thorough knowledge. The verb i?rcy~&~o has the same intensive force as compared with y ~ v r j , ~ ~ .

g 18. Religious.
Ocwr$4s, according to derivation and usage, means worship o God (or f of the gods), a fulfillment of one's duty towards God. I t is a general term, meaning religious in a good sense. ~8ur$$sis distinguished from $eouefl+ in two ways. It is used to include the fulfillment of obligations of all kinds, both towards God and man. It is thus applied to the fulfillment of the duties involved in human relations, as towards one's parents. Furthermore, when used in the higher sense, it means not any kind of worship, but, as the etymology indicates, the worshipping of God avkht. rOXap4s, meaning originally careful in handling, in its religious application means careful in handling divine things. It characterizes the anxious and scrupulous worshipper, careful not to change anything that should be observed in worship, and fearful of offending. It mems devout, and may be applied to an adherent of any religion, being especially appropriate to describe the best of the Jewish worshippers. Bpquuos is one who is diligent in the performance of the outward service of God. It applies especially to ceremonial worship. GrrurGdpasv, in accordance with its derivation, makes prominent the element of fear. It emphasizes strongly the ideas of dependence and of anxiety for divine favor. I t may be used as practically equivalent to $eouefi+. Often, however, it Implies that the fear which it makes prominent is an unworthy fear, so that it comes to have the meaning superstitious. In the N.T. it is a, used, as is also the noun & w ~ & ~ p v l in a purposely neutral sense, meaning simply religiaus, neither conveying the highest meaning, nor plainly implying a lower meaning.
1) 19.


ctXruprviis denotes chiefly that which is pure as being sincere, free from foreign admixture; uaBapds is that which is pure as being clean, free from soil or stain. The meaning of both in the N.T. is distinctly ethical. drplavros is ilnsfotted, describing that which is far removed from every kind of contamination.

fj 20. Assembly, church.

According to their derivation, u u v a y u ~ d simply a n assembb, a mass is of people gathered together ; 4suXquia is a narrower word, also a n assem6+, but including only those specially called together out o a larger multitude, f for the transaction of business. dwcXqula usually denotes a somewhat more select company than ovvayoy?j. A significant use of iwcXqula in strict harmony with its derivation was common among the Greeks. It was their common word for the lawful assembly in a free Greek city of all those possessing the rights of citizenship, for the transaction of public affairs. They were summoned out o the whole population, "a select portion of it, f including neither the populace, nor strangers, nor yet those who had forfeited their civic rights" (Trench). uuvaywy?j had been, before N.T.times, appropriated to designate a synagogue, a Jewish assembly for worship, dis.. tinct from the Temple, in which sense it is used in the N.T. Probably for is that reason, and also for its greater inherent etymological fitness, ~ ~ u A q c r l u the word taken to designate a Christian J u r c h , a company of believers who meet for worship. Both these words, however, are sometimes used in the N.T. in a non-technical sense. mawjyup~s, occurring only in Heb, xii. 23, differs from both, denoting a solemn assembly for festal rejoicing.
@ 21. Humility, gentleness.

rame~vo+poa.iry humility, not the making of one's self small whm he is is really great, but thinking little of one's self, because this is in a sense the right estimate for any human being, however great. mpg6rqs is founded upon this idea, and goes beyond it. It is the attitude of mind and behaviol which, arising from humility, disposes one to receive with gentleness and meekness whatever may come to him from others or from God.

g 22. Gentleness.
Both words may be translated gentleness, yet there are marked diff'or. cnces in meaning. mpehqs is rather passive, denoting, as has been said above, see $ 21, one's attitude toward others in view of their acts, bad a

S a6


good. hrttfutra is distinctly active, it is seen in one's deeds toward others, and it usually implies the relation of superior to inferior. It is fundamentally a relaxing of strict legal requirements concerning others, yet doing this in order more fully to carry out the real spirit of the law. It is ckmency in which there is no element of weakness or injustice.

g 23. Desire, lust.

inreupia is the broadest of these words. Its meaning may be good, but it is usually bad. It denotes any natural desire or appetite, usually with the implication that it is a depraved desire. w&Bos has not as broad a meaning as in classical Greek, but denotes evil desire, chiefly, however, as a condition indicates hostile motion of the soul rather than in active operation. 6 p p ~ toward an object, either for seizing or repelling. 3&rs is a desire or appetite, especially seeking the object of gratification in order to mske it one's own.

g 24. Affliction.
BX"L+rs according to its derivation means pressure. In its figurative sense it is that which presses upon the spirit, afliction. mevoxapia meant originally a narrow, conjined space. It denotes affliction as arising from cramping circumstances. I n use it cannot always be distinguished from 8Xi+-~r, it is ordinarily a stronger word. but

g 25. Bad,


These words may be used with very little distinction uf meaning, but often the difference is marked. uads frequently means evil rather negatively, referring to the absence of the qualities which constitute a person or thing what it should be or what it claims to be. It is also used meaning evil in a moral sense. It is a general antithesis to hyaO&. m y p b s is a word at once stronger and more active, it means nrisckief-making, delighting in injury, doing evil to others, dangerous, destructive. gas& describes the quality according to its nature, woypdr, according to its effects. +9Xos is the bad chiefly as the ~ 0 ~ t h l 8the good for nothing. s~#


g 26. Punishment.
~ ~ p p in a l classical and N.T. usage denotes especially the vindicative character of punishment, it is the punishment in relation to the punisher. K ~ A W L Sin classical Greek meant usually punishment which aimed at the reformation of the offender. But sometimes in later Greek, and always in the N.T., the idea of reformation seems to disappear, so that there remains simply the idea of punishment, but viewed in relation to the punished.

g 2 . To pollute. 7
~ ~ V meant originally to stain, as with color. poX4w meant originally Q D to smear over, as with mud or filth, always having a bad meaning, while the meaning of palvw might be either good or bad. According to classical Greek, jualva, has a religious meaning, to pvofane, while poX6m is simply to spoil, disgrace. As ethically applied in the N.T. they have both practically the same meaning, to pollute, defile. It is, however, true that waiva,, to judge from classical usage, refers chiefly to the effect of the act not on the individual, but on others, on the community.

g SS. To do.
These words are often used interchangeably, but in many cases a distinction can be drawn. rroidcp refers more to the object and end of an act, apCuucp rather to the means by which the object is attained. Hence, while WOL& means to accomplish, ~ p d u u omay mean nothing more than merely to busy one's seCf about. W O L often means to do a thing once for all, ~ up&acu, to do continually or repeatedly. From these distinctions it follows that worL, being on the whole the higher word, is more often used of doing good, wpCtaua, more frequently of doing evii.

8 29. Fleshly, fleshy, sensual.

wa.p~drsmeans feskCy, that which is controlled by the wrong desires which rule in the flesh, flesh often being understood in its broad sense, see

X 28


a place which does not belong to it by right.

It describes a man who gives the flesh the dominion in his life, It means distinctly opposed to the Spirit of God, anti-spiritual. Q~PKLVOSproperly meansjZeshy, made of Aesh, flesh being the material of which it is composed. When given a bad meaning, however, it is plainly similar to uapx~xh,but according to Trench not so strong, denoting one as unspiritual, undeveloped, rather than anti. spiritual. Others, as Cremer and Thayer, with more probability make crdpx~vo~ stronger, it describes one who is flesh, wholly given up to the the flesh, rooted in the flesh, rather than one who simply acts according to the flesh (aapu~xdc). There is much confusion between the two in the N.T. manuscripts. ~ U X L K ~has a meaning somewhat similar to uapx~xds. Both S are used in contrast with ~ r v m p s ~ x h .But + v ~ r c khas really a distinct meaning, describing the life which is controlled by the qqrj. It denotes, therefore, that which belongs to the animal life, or that which is controlled simply by the appetites and passions of the sensuous nature. adpt.

g 30. Mercy, compassion.

Both words denote sympathy, fellow-feeling with misery, mercy, compassion. rXtos, however, manifests itself chiefly in acts rather than words, while oCm~pp6sis used rather of the inward feeling of compassion which abides in the heart. A criminal might ask for JXEoc, mercy, from his judge ; but hopeless suffering may be the object of oitcr~ppk, compassion.

g 31. To love.
ityaIr&, +~hhtu.
&ya1~60,,and not +rAJap, is the word used of God's love to men, +hvBporla is, however, once used with this meaning, Tit. iii. 4. ityaIr& is also the word ordinarily used of men's love to God, but 4~X4tuis once so used, I Cor. x i 22. hyaIr& is the word used of love to one's enemies. v. The interchange of the words in Jn. xxi. 15-17 is very interesting and instructive.

g 32. To will, to wish.

@oirXopcu,B d h . In many cases these two words are used without appreciable distinction, meaning conscious willing, ppurpos8. But frequently it is evident that a



difference is intended, although there is much difference of opinion as to the exact distinction. Thayer says that po.irXopa~('seems to designate the will which follows deliberation," BiXo, the will which proceeds from inclinaticn~." Grimm, on the other hand, says that 8 6 X o gives prominence to the emotive element, /3ov'Xopa~ to the rational and volitive ; BhXw signifies the choice, while B o d X o p a ~marks the choice as deliberate and intelligent. The view of Cremer on the whole seems preferable to any other. According to :his view, / 3 o C X o p u ~has the wider range of meaning, but B d X o is the stronger word, BdXw denotes the active resolution, the will urging on to action, see Ro. vii. 15, while @ o l i X o p a ~is rather to have in thought, to intend, to be ~ determined. ~ 0 6 X o p usometimes means no more than to have an inclination, see Ac. xxiii. I 5. Instructive examples of the use of the two words in close proximity are found in Mar. xv. g, I 5, and especially Mat. i. 19.

g 33. Schism.
q i u p a is actual division, sefaration. alpeu~sis rather the separating tendency, so it is really more fundamental than u ~ I u p .
34. Mind, understanding.

uoik, ~ L ~ U O L U .
voQs is distinctly the reflective consciousness, "the organ of moral

thinking and knowing, the intellectual organ of moral sentiment " (Cremer).
sravo~a meant originally activity o thinking, but has borrowed from uoik its f common meaning of faculty o thought. It is more common than voik, and f

has largely replaced it in its usual meanings.

g 36.


d p ~Beup&, h n o X 4 , Uypa. ,
vdpos is the common word meaning law. It may mean law in general. In the N.T., however, it usually means the law of God, and most frequently the Mosaic law. 8eup6s is law considered with special reference to the authority on which it rests. h 0 1 4 is more specific, being used of a particular command. 66yv is an authoritative conclusion, a proposition which it is expected that all will recognize as universally binding.

g 36. Type, image,

T ~ O F~ V T ~ ~ O P . ,

many meanings, among the most comnlon being image,patfertr or model, and type. In the last sense it means a person or thing prefiguring a future person or thing, e.g., Adam as a type of Christ, Ro. v. 14. dvd~ u ~ oas ,used in I Pet. iii. 21, ismbyThayer and many others thought to s correspond to &rov as its counterpart, in the sense which the English word antitype suggests. By Cremer it is rather given the meaning image.

T~POS has

g 37. To ask.
air&, ipurdu. Thayer, as opposed to Trench and others, would make the distinction between these two words to be this: "alrlo signifies to ask for something to be given, not done, giving prominence to the thing asked for rather than the person, and hence is rarely used in exhortation. 4p0760, on the other hand, is to request a person to do (rarely to give) something ; referring more directly to the person, it is naturally used in exhortation, etc."

g 38. World,


airjv, edupo~. I t is only in a part of their meanings that these two words are in any real sense synonymous, and it is that part which is here considered. Both A. V. and R. V, often translate at& by world, thus obscuring the distinction . between it and K ~ ~ O S aldv is usually better expressed by age, it is the world at a given time, a particular period in the world's history. edupr has very frequently an unfavorable meaning, denoting the inhabitants of the vorld, mankind in general, as opposed to God. A similar meaning is often ttached to &&U, it means the spirit of the age, often in an unfavorable sense. See Ep. ii. 2, where both words occur together. An exceptional meaning for the plural of ai&u is found in Heb. i. 2 and xi. 3, where it denotes the worlds, apparently in reference to space rather than time.

g 39. Rest.

Both words in a certain sense mean rest, but from different standpoints. &v6nauu~s rest which comes by cessation from labor, which m g is



be simply temporary. Ivrurs means literally the relaxation of strings which have been drawn tight. Hence, it is used to designate ease, especially that which comes by relaxation of unfavorable conditions of any kind, such as afffiction.

8 40. Wind.
nvriipa when used in its lower meaning to denote wind means simply an ordinary wind, a regularly blowing current of air of considerable force. m t is distinguished from it as being a gentler motion of the air. Ivckos, oj on the other hand, is more forcible than ~ d p u it is the strong, often the , tempestuous, wind. XatXa* is the violent fitful wind which accompanies a heavy shower. 06rAXa is more violent than any of the others, and often implies a conflict of opposing winds.

g 41. Old.
According to their derivation, .rraXa~dsis that which has been in existence for a long time, bpxatos that which has been from the beginning. In use, at times no distinction can be drawn. Often, however, cipxaior does denote distinctively that which has been from the beginning, and so it reaches back to a point of time beyond raAardv. ~ a X a r &has often the secondary meaning of that which is old and so worn out, having suffered more or less from the injuries and ravages of time, its opposite in this sentu being ~auvdc.
fj 42.

Harsh, austere.

a.lmqp6s has not necessarily an unfavorable meaning. I t is well represented by the word austere, it means one who is earnest and severe, strict in his ways, opposed to all levity. By implication it may have the unfavorable meaning of harshness or moroseness. uuXqpds has always an ~nfavorable meaning. It indicates one who is uncivil, intractable, rough and harsh. There is in it the implication of inhumanity.


g 43. Darkness.
UK~TOS is a general word, meaning darkness in any sense. yvb+os usually refers to darkness that accompanies a storm. v + o s meant originally the gloom of twilight. It was then applied in classical Greek to the darkness of the underworld, the gloom of a sunless region. The latter meaning seems to be practically the one which the word has in the N.T. h x X 4 s is specifically a misty darkness.

g 44. People, nation.

ha&, tdvor, G+oc, h h r .
l a b s is a word which is usually limited in use to the chosen people, Israel. Z0vos in the singular is a general term for nation, applied to any nation, even to the Jews. In the plural it ordinarily denotes all mankind aside from the Jews and in contrast with them, the Gentiles. 8fipos is a people, especially organized and convened together, and exercising their rights as citizens. ClxAos is a crowd, an unorganized multitude, especially composed of those who have not the rights and privileges of free citizens.

g 45. Servant, slave.

6oC)Xos is the usual word for slave, one who is permanently in servitude, in subjection to a master. Bep61rcuv is simply one who renders service at a particular time, sometimes as a slave, more often as a freeman, who renders voluntary service prompted by duty or love. It denotes one who serves, in also his relation to a person. ~L&KOVOS may designate either a slave or a freeman, it denotes a servant viewed in relation to his work. O L K ~ S designates a slave, sometimes being practically equivalent to GoGXor. Usually, however, as the etymology of the term indicates, it means a slave as a member of the household, not emphasizing the servile idea, but rather the relation which would tend to mitigate the severity of his condition. hrqpCqs means literally an zlnder-rower, and was used to describe an ordinary rower on a war-galley. It is then used, as in the N.T., to indicate any man, not a slave, who served in a subordinate position under a superior.


g 46. To adulterate.
Both these words mean to ad~lterate, and some maintain that they are practically identical. But it is more probable that 60160 means simply to adulterate, while K ~ T ~ X E O C O conveys the idea of adulterating for the sake of making an unjust profit by the process.

g 47. Animal.
y h v is a general term, meaning living creature, which may include all

living beings, in classical Greek even including man. In the N.T. it means ordinarily animal. Bqpiov is beast, usually wild beast. It implies perhaps not necessarily wildness and ferocity, but at least a certain amount of brutality which is wanting in @ov. C&ov emphasizes the qualities in which animals are akin ta man, Bqplov, those in which they are inferior.

g 4 . Sea. 8
BLXauua is the more general word, indicating the sea or ocean as contrasted with the land or shore. It may be applied to small bodies of water. ~ ( X a y o sis the open sea, the uninterrupted expanse of water, in contrast with the portions broken by islands or with partly inclosed bays. The prominent thought is said by Trench to be breadth rather than depth Noteworthy is the distinction between the twa words in Mat. xviii. 6.

g 49. T grieve. o
Xulrkopar is the most general word, meaning simply to grieve, outwardly or inwardly. ~evBEa,means properly to lament for the dead. It is also applied to passionate lamentation of any kind, so great that it cannot be hid. Bpqvko is to give utterance to a dirge over the dead, either in unstudied words, or in a more elaborate poem. This word is used by S, in describing David's lament over Saul and Jonathan. u h o p a ~ to beat the brcast in is grief, ordinarily for the dead.


g SO. Form, appearance.

t6ia denotes merely ozttwavd appearance. Both pop44 and qqpa express something more than that. They too denote outward form, but as including one's habits, activities and modes of action in general. In pop+$ it is also implied that the outward form expresses the inner essence, an idea which is absent from oX7jp. pop+?j expresses the form as that which is intrinsic and essential, uxfipa signifies the figure, shape, as that which and i6da therefore deal with is more outward and accidental. Both a ~ e p a externals, q 4 p a being more comprehensive than l6da, while p p + d deals with externals as expressing that which is internal.

g 61. Clothing.
tp6~rov used in a general sense to mean clothing, and may thus be is applied to any garment when it is not desired to express its exact nature. In a more specific use, however, it denotes the large loose outer garment, a cloak, which ordinarily was worn, but in working was laid aside. X L T ~ Vis best expressed by the word tunic. I t was a closely fitting under-garment, usually worn next the skin. A t times, especially in working, it was the only garment worn. A person clothed only in the X L T ~ Vwas often called yvp& (Jn. xxi. 7). ~&TLOV and X L T ~ Vare often found associated as the upper and does not denote a specific garment, under garment respectively. ipa~rup6s but means clothing, being used, however, ordinarily only of garments more or less stately or costly. xXap4s is a robe or cloak, it is a technical expres sion for a garment of dignity or office. m o X 4 is any stately robe, ordinarily long, reaching to the feet or sweeping the ground, often worn by women. ~o64pqs was originally an adjective meaning reaching to the feet. It can hardly be distinguished in use from a~oX4. It occurs only in Rev. i. 13.

g 62. New.
d o s is the new as contemplated under the aspect of time, that which has recently come into existence. uarvds is the new under the aspect of quality, that which has not seen service. ~aivdrtherefore often means new



as contrasted with that which has decayed with age, or is worn out, its opposite then being a a h r k . I t sometimes suggests that which is unusual. I t often implies praise, the new as superior to the old. Occasionafly, on the other hand, it implies the opposite, the new as inferior to that which is old, because the old is familiar or because it has improved with age. Of course it is evident that both d o 9 and K ~ L & may sometimes be applied to the same object, but from different points of view.

pdx00s is bbor, hard and often painful. It is the ordinary word for common labor which is the usual lot of humanity. d v o s is labor which demands one's whole strength. I t is therefore applied to labors of an unusual kind, specially wearing or painful. In classical Greek it was the usual word employed to describe the labors of Hercules. udros denotes the zveariness which results from labor, or labor considered from the stand-point of the resulting weariness.

g !X. Drunkenness, drinking.

p401 is the ordinary word for drunkenness. r h o s is rather concrete, otvo+Xu$a is a prolonged condition of drunken-

a drinking, carousi?tg.

ness, a debauch. K@OS includes riot and revelry, usually as arising from upa~.rr&X11 denotes the sickness and discomfort resulting drunkenness. from drunkenness.

g 55. War, battle.

~ 6 X t p o sordinarily means ze~ar, i.e., the whole course of hostilities;

single engagement. I t is also true that p k has often the ~ weaker force of strife or contention, which is very seldom found in a d h p o p .

IL6xti, battle, a

g 56. Basket.
These words in the N.T. are used with an evident purpose to discriminate between them. The distinction, however, does not seem to have



been chiefly one of size, as some have thought, but of use. m p i s is usually is a basket for food, a lunch-basket, a hamper, while ~ b c j i v o s a more general term for basket. The descriptions of the two miracles of feeding the multitude use always different words in the two cases, see e.g. Mar. viii.
19, 20.

g 67. It is necessary.
M the third person of 6dw, is commonly used impersonally in classical , Greek. This usage is less.common, but frequent, in the N.T. 6ei indicates a necessity in the nature of things rather than a personal obligation, it describes that which must be done. dcjeiXai indicates rather the personat obligation, it is that which is proper, something that ought to be done.

g 58. Tax.
+bpos indicates a direct t a x which was levied annually on houses, lands, and persons, and paid usually in produce. r i X o s is an i#direct t a x on merchandise, which was collected at piers, harbors, and gates of cities. It was similar to modern import duties. Kfiwos, originally an enrollment of property and persons, came to mean a poll-tax, levied annually on individuals by the Roman government. GLSpaxpov was the coin used to pay an annual tax levied by the religious leaders of Israel for the purpose of defraying the general expenses of the Temple.

g 59. Tax-collector.
The Roman system of collecting taxes, especially the rdhO~,in their provinces, included ordinarily three grades of officials. There was the highest, called in Latin pubZicanus, who paid a sum of money for the taxes of a certain province, and then exacted that and as much more as he could from the province. This man lived in Rome. Then there were the submagistri, who had charge each of a certain portion of territory, and who lived in the provinces. Then there were the portitores, the actual customhouse officers, who did the real work of collecting the taxes. The N.T. word r e X b y s is used to describe one of the portitores, it is the lowest of these



three grades. I t does not correspond to the Latin publicanus, and the word publican used to translate it in A. V. and R. V. is apt to be misleading, tax. only occurring in Lu. xix. 2, coZlector would be better. d p ~ ~ r a A S y s , evidently describes a higher official than r ~ X ; q c and is probably one of the , swbmagistri, the next higher grade.

g 60. Child.
riwov and ulbs both point to parentage. rh~vov,however, emphasizes the idea of descent, giving prominence to the physical and outward aspects ; while v& emphasizes the idea of relationship, and considers especially the inward, ethical, and legal aspects. rats as well as r L v o v emphasizes the idea of descent, but gives especial prominence to age, denoting a child as one who is young. vaic is also often used of a servant. The number of years covered by the term vaic is quite indefinite. Its diminutives r r a ~ 6 i o ~ and r a ~ 6 6 p ~ oare used without appreciable difference to denote a young v in child. (Irar8lalco~ classical Greek and) r a r 8 i u q , in which the diminutive force is largely lost, cover the years of late childhood and early youth.

g 61. Tribe, family, household.

These words form a series. +uA* is sometimes a race, nation, but usually a tribe, such as one of the twelve tribes of Israel, descended from is the twelve sons of Jacob. r a r p ~ d a smaller division within the tribe, it is an association of families closely related, in the N.T. generally used of those descended from a particular one of the sons of Jacob's sons. O ~ K O S is yet narrower, househoZd, including all the inmates of a single house, being tbe nit of organization.

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