Expreessions Text Analysis

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EXPRESSIONS FOR TEXT ANALYSIS SUMMARY This text is about This text deals with This text is concerned

with The subject of this text is ... The author is concerned to show The author is intent on showing The author wishes/ wants/ would like to show The author is concerned about He concludes by .......ing He comes to the conclusion After considering ......... he comes to the conclusion He continues by ............ing It is clear/ evident/ obvious LANGUAGE/ STYLE simple simple sentence structure complicated complex sentence structure colloquial speech everyday speech specialised terms/ expressions factual matter-of-fact chatty jargon journalistic didactic ironic factual personal 1

detached persuasive convincing objective subjective neutral FIGURES OF SPEECH alliteration Bsp.: On the bald street breaks the bald day. (Tennyson) onomatopoeia Bsp.: The murmuring of innumerable bees. (Tennyson) simile Bsp.: I wandered lonely as a cloud. (Wordsworth) metaphor Bsp: All the worlds a stage and all the men and women merely players. (Shakespeare) personification Bsp.: Love bade me welcome. (Herbert) symbol Bsp.: White is a symbol of purety in Western culture. exaggeration Bsp.: A hundred years should go to praise your eyes. (Marvell) contrast image imagery repetition (to) mean sthg. figuratively (to) mean sthg. literally typical of example of cause of reason for EXPRESSING YOUR OPINION

I think I am of the opinion in my opinion in my view in this respect with regard to he refers to (to) mention (to) point out (to) indicate (to) consider I consider him a genius. I consider him to be a genius. (to) result in (to) cause in considering to problem of .... at the beginning of (the text) at the end of (the text) in the beginning in the end on the one hand ..... on the other hand nevertheless although according to (the text) (to) assume paragraph excerpt

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