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Imagination Explored !

Community Guide Lines

We support the rights of INOVIES fans to express themselves openly and honestly across INOVIES presence on social media. As a host we have the responsibility to keep the conversation fair and decent. We reserve the right to remove content that:

1. is se xua l or o ffens iv e in n ature ; 2. uses foul or abusive language; 3. v i o l a t e s a n y l a w o r r e g u l a t i o n ; 4. is spam, advertisements or posts that are unoriginal and/or off-topic; 5. infringes any intellectual property rights of any person; 6. i s f a l s e o r m i s l e a d i n g i n a n y m a n n e r ; o r 7. is not in compliance with Facebook's Terms and Conditions.

Please keep in mind that INOVIES does not represent nor endorse any opinions expressed and that any content uploaded by anyone other than INOVIES is the responsibility of the submitter.

INOVIES reserves the right to remove content at its sole discretion.

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