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Code No: 64130/MT

M.Tech. – I Semester Supplementary Examinations,
September, 2008

(Communication Systems)

Time: 3hours Max. Marks:60

Answer any FIVE questions

All questions carry equal marks
1.a) Let R, R be rings. Let R × R be the set of all pairs (x, x1 ) with x ∈ R
1 1

and x1 ∈ R1 . Show that one can make R × R1 into a ring by defining

addition and multiplication component wise. In particular what is
the unit element of R and R1 ?
b) Let V be a finite dimensional vector space over the field k. Let U,W
be subspaces and assume that V is the direct sum U ⊕ W. Show
that the dual space V * is equal to the direct sum U ⊥ ⊕ W ⊥ .

2.a) Let V be a vector space over R and f: V → R, g: V → R two linear

mappings. Let F: V → R 2 be the mappings defined by
F(v) = (f(v), g(v)). Show that F is linear. Generalize.
b) Let F: V → W be a linear map whose kernel is {0} if v1. . . vn are
linearly independent elements V then prove that
F(v1) . . . . F(vn) are linearly independent elements of W.

3.a) Slove 10x – 7y + 3z + 5u = 6, -6x + 8y – z – 4u =5

3x + y + 4z + 11u = 2, 5x – 9y – 2z + 4u = 7
by Gauss – Jordan elimination method.
b) Reduce the following matrix to reduced echelon form
1 3 5 7 
A =  2 4 6 8 
 3 5 7 9 

4.a) Apply elementary row operations to transform the following matrix

first into echelon form and then into reduced echelon form
 0 3 −6 6 4 −5
 3 −7 8 −5 8 9 
 
 3 −9 12 −9 6 15 
b) Find a matrix  similar to the matrix

Code No: 64130/MT ::2::

 −1 2 −2 
A=  1 2 1 
 −1 −1 0 

5.a) Let V be a vector space over K and let { v1, v2, …vn } be a basis of V.
Let W be a vector space and let {ω1 , ω2, ....ωm } be a basis of W. Prove
that the mapping LA :V → W is a linear mapping.
b) Let F: V → V be a linear map and let B and B1 be bases of V then
there exists an invertible matrix N such that
M BB1 ( F ) = N −1M BB ( F ) N

6.a) Let A1 ,. . . . , Am be square matrices, of sizes d1 × d1 ,....., d m × d m

respectively. Show that the determinant of the matrix
 A1 0.......0 
A=  0 A2 ......0 
 0 0....... Am 
Consisting of blocks A1 ,. . . . , Am on the diagonal is equal to the
product D(A) =D( A1 ) . . . . D( Am )
b) Let V be the space 2 × 2 matrices over the field K and let B ∈ V. Let
LB : V → V be the map such that LB (A) = BA, show that LB is linear
and that Det( LB ) = ( DetB )

7.a) Let V be a vector space over K and let A: V → V be an operator. Let

v1 , v2. . . . vm be eigen vectors of A with eigen values λ1 , λ2 ,....., λm
respectively. Assuming that these eigen values are distinct, prove
that v1, v2. . . . vm are linearly independent.
b) Let V be an n dimensional vector space over the complex numbers
and assume that the characteristic polynomial of a linear map A:
V → V has n distinct roots. Show that V has a basis consisting of
eigen vectors of A.

8.a) Find the characteristic polynomial, eigen values and eigen vectors of
3 2 1
the matrix A=  0 1 2 
 0 1 −1
b) State and prove Cayley-Hamilton Theorem.


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