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List the advantages of using systems analysis and design techniques in approaching computerized information systems for business. System analysis and design techniques provide the analyst with a systematic procedure for analyzing data input, data flow, and information output; furthermore, the techniques can improve the functioning of business.


List three roles that the systems analyst is called upon to play. Provide a definition for each one. The three roles of a system analyst are: A. B. C. Consultant--hired from outside an organization to address information systems issues within that organization. Supporting Expert--serves as a resource for those who are managing a systems project. Change Agent--an analyst who serves as a catalyst for change, develops a plan for change, and works with others in facilitating that change.


What personal qualities are helpful to the systems analyst? List them. Personal qualities helpful to systems analysts include: A. B. C. D. E. Problem-solving abilities Communication skills Computer experience Self-discipline and self-motivation Project management capabilities


List and briefly define the seven phases of the systems development life cycle (SDLC). The seven phases of the SDLC are: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Identifying problems, opportunities, and objectives--recognizing problems and opportunities confronting the business and determining business objectives. Determining information requirements--understanding what information users need to perform their jobs. Analyzing system needs--structured analysis of information needs and decision making. Designing the recommended system--logical design of the information system. Developing and documenting software--structured development of software and documentation. Testing and maintaining the system--testing and revising the system. Implementing and evaluating the system--training users and reviewing system.


What is rapid application development (RAD)?

Rapid application development (RAD) uses operational prototypes to construct a system. 6. Define what is meant by the agile approach? The agile approach is based on values, principles and core practices. communication, simplicity, feedback and courage. 7. Define the terms object-oriented analysis and object-oriented design. It values

Object-oriented analysis and object-oriented design are techniques intended to facilitate the development of systems that must change rapidly in response to dynamic business environments. 1.What are the three groups of organizational fundamentals that carry implications for the development of information systems? The three groups of organizational fundamentals include: A. B. C. 2. level of management design of organizations other factors--leadership style, technology, and organizational subcultures.

What is meant by saying that organizational subsystems are interrelated and interdependent? Organizational subsystems are said to be interrelated and interdependent when a change in one subsystem affects other subsystems.


Define the term organizational boundary. An organizational boundary separates the system from its environment.


What are the two main purposes for feedback in organizations? The two main purposes of feedback are (a) system control and (b) formulating and revising organizational goals.


Define openness in an organizational environment. Openness refers to an organization with a relatively free flow of information within its boundaries.


Define closedness in an organizational environment.


Closedness refers to an organization with relatively little flow of information within its boundaries. Give an example of how systems analysts could work with users as a virtual team. The example provided in the text allows the analyst to see the software and hardware configuration of the user requesting help. What does a process represent on a context-level data flow diagram? A process represents the whole system on a context-level data flow diagram.



What is an entity on a data flow diagram? An entity on a data flow diagram represents an entity that supplies and receives information that is outside of the system.


What is meant by the term entity-relationship diagram? An entity-relationship diagram is a graphical depiction of organizational system elements and the association among the elements.


What symbols are used to draw E-R diagrams? The three symbols used for E-R diagrams are (a) a rectangle to show the entity, (b) a diamond in a rectangle to join two many-to-many entities, and (c) an oval in a rectangle to represent an attribute, especially a repeating group.


List the types of E-R diagrams. The types of E-R diagrams are: A. B. C. D. a one-to-one relationship a one-to-many relationship a many-to-one relationship a many-to-many relationship


How do an entity, an associative entity, and an attributive entity differ? An entity represents a person, place or thing. An associative entity can only join two fundamental entities. An attributive entity is used to represent an attribute of an entity, often a repeating group, and cannot exist without being linked to a fundamental entity.


List the three broad, horizontal levels of management in organizations. The three levels of management in organizations are (a) operations management, (b) middle management, and (c) strategic management.

What kinds of information should be sought in interviews?

Interviews reveal information about interviewee opinions, interviewee feelings about the current state of the system, organizational and personal goals, and informal procedures. 1. List the five steps in interview preparation. The five steps in interview preparation are:

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

reading background material establishing interview objectives deciding who to interview preparing the interviewee deciding on question types and structure

Define what is meant by open-ended interview questions. Give eight benefits and five drawbacks of using them. Open-ended interview questions allow interviewees to respond how they wish, and to what length they wish. Eight benefits are listed in the text: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) putting the interviewee at ease allowing the interviewer to pick up on the interviewee's vocabulary, which reflects his or her education, values, attitudes, and beliefs providing richness of detail revealing avenues of further questioning that may have gone untapped making it more interesting for the interviewee allowing more spontaneity making phrasing easier for the interviewer using them in a pinch if the interviewer is caught unprepared

The five drawbacks include: asking questions that may result in too much irrelevant detail possibly losing control of the interview allowing responses that may take too much time for the amount of useful information gained (d) potentially seeming that the interviewer is unprepared (e) possibly giving the impression that the interviewer is on a "fishing expedition" with no real objective for the interview When are open-ended questions appropriate for use in interviewing? Open-ended questions are appropriate when the analyst is interested in breadth and depth of reply. 2. Define what is meant by closed interview questions. Give six benefits and four drawbacks of using them. Closed interview questions limit the number of possible responses. Six benefits are: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) saving interview time easily comparing interviews getting to the point keeping control of the interview covering a large area quickly (a) (b) (c)


getting to relevant data

Four drawbacks of closed interview questions include: (a) (b) (c) (d) 3. being boring for the interviewee failing to obtain rich detail missing main ideas failing to build rapport between interviewer and interviewee

When are closed questions appropriate for use in interviewing? Closed interview questions are appropriate for generating precise, reliable data that is easy to analyze. The methodology is efficient, and it requires little skill for interviewers to administer.


What is a probing question? What is the purpose of using a probing question in interviews? Probing questions elicit more detail about previous questions. The purpose of probing questions is to go beyond the initial answer to get more meaning, to clarify, to draw out and expand on the interviewee's point.


Define what is meant by pyramid structure. When is it useful to employ it in interviews? An interview structured like a pyramid begins with very detailed, often closed questions, and expands by allowing open-ended questions and more generalized responses. A pyramid structure is useful if interviewees need to be warmed up to the topic or if interviewees seem reluctant to address the topic.


Define what is meant by funnel structure. When is it useful to employ it in interviews? A funnel structure begins with generalized, open-ended questions and concludes by narrowing the possible responses with the use of closed questions. The funnel structure is useful in providing an easy, nonthreatening way to begin an interview. The structure is also useful when the interviewee feels emotionally about the topic and needs freedom to express those emotions.


Define what is meant by diamond-shaped structure. When is it useful to employ it in interviews? A diamond-shaped structure begins in a very specific way, then general issues are examined, and finally concludes in a specific fashion. The diamond structure is useful in keeping the interviewee's interest and attention through a variety of questions.

What kinds of information is the systems analyst seeking through the use of questionnaires or surveys? Analysts using questionnaires are interested in information about attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, and characteristics from several key people affected by the system.


List four situations that make the use of questionnaires appropriate.

Four situations that help make questionnaires appropriate are: A. B. C. D. 9. the respondents are widely dispersed many people are involved in the systems project and it is meaningful to know what proportion of a given group approves or disapproves of a particular feature an exploratory study for gauging overall opinion is desired problem sensing with the current system is desired

What are the two basic question types used on questionnaires? The two basic question types used in questionnaires are open-ended and closed.


List two reasons why a systems analyst would use a closed question on a questionnaire. Two reasons for using a closed question are (a) when the systems analyst is able to effectively list all the possible responses to the question and (b) when the analyst wants to survey a large sample of people.

List two reasons why a systems analyst would use an open-ended question on a questionnaire. Two reasons for using open-ended questions on a questionnaire are (a) when it is impossible to list effectively all possible responses to the question and (b) when exploratory situations occur. 11. What are the seven guidelines for choosing language for the questionnaire? Seven guidelines for choosing language for the questionnaire are: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. 21. use the language of respondents whenever possible work at being specific rather than vague in wording keep questions short do not patronize respondents by talking down to them through low-level language choices avoid bias in wording target questions to the right respondents ensure that questions are technically accurate before they are included

Define what is meant by scaling. Scaling is the process of assigning numbers or other symbols to an attribute or characteristic for the purpose of measuring that attribute or characteristic.

22. What are two kinds of information or scales that are most commonly used by systems analysts? Two kinds of information that can be gained by the use of scales on questionnaires are (a) measuring attitudes or characteristics of the people answering the questionnaire and (b) having the respondents judge the subjects of the questionnaire. What are nominal scales used for? Nominal scales are used to classify things into categories. 24. Give an example of an interval scale. Examples of interval scales include the Fahrenheit or Centigrade scale. 25. When should the analyst use interval scales? An interval scale is used when it can be assumed that the intervals are equal, but there is no absolute zero. 26. Define reliability as it refers to the construction of scales. Reliability in the construction of scales refers to consistency in response. 27. Define validity as it refers to the construction of scales.

Validity is the degree to which the question measures what the analyst intends to measure. What are four actions that can be taken to ensure that the questionnaire format is conducive to a good response rate? Four actions that can be taken to ensure that the questionnaire format is conducive to a good response rate are: A. B. C. D. 30. allowing ample white space allowing adequate space for responses asking respondents to circle their answers using objectives to help determine format

Which questions should be placed first on the questionnaire? Questions of importance to respondents go first.


Why should questions on similar topics be clustered together?

Similar topics should be clustered together to build a frame of reference for respondents.


What is an appropriate placement of controversial questions? Controversial questions should be positioned after less controversial questions.


List five methods for administering the questionnaire. Five methods of administering the questionnaire are: A. B. ones C. D. E. convening all concerned respondents together at one time personally handing out blank questionnaires and taking back completed allowing respondents to self-administer the questionnaire at work and drop it in a centrally located box mailing questionnaires to employees and supplying a deadline, instructions, and return postage administrating the questionnaire electronically and receiving and storing the responses electronically


What considerations are necessary when questionnaires are Web-based?

When designing Web-based questionnaires, there must be ample space for openended questions and the appropriate use of check boxes, radio buttons, and dropdown menus. It is important to have both Submit and Clear buttons. The Web survey should provide a password system to help ensure confidentiality. 1.Define what is meant by sampling. Sampling is the process of systematically selecting representative elements of a population. 2. List four reasons why the systems analyst would want to sample data or select representative people to interview. Systems analysts do sampling to reduce costs, to speed up the data gathering process, to improve effectiveness, and to reduce data-gathering bias. 3. What are the four steps to follow to design a good sample? They are determining the data to be collected or described, determining the population to be sampled, choosing the type of sample, and deciding on the sample size.


List the three approaches to complex random sampling. They are systematic sampling, stratified sampling, and cluster sampling.


Define what is meant by stratification of samples. Stratification of samples is the process of identifying subpopulations (or strata) and then selecting objects or people for sampling within these subpopulations.


What effect on sample size does using a greater confidence level have when sampling attribute data? A larger confidence level would result in a larger sample size.


What is the overriding variable that determines how many people the systems analyst should interview in depth? The overriding variable that determines how many people the systems analyst should interview in depth is the time an interview takes.


What information about the decision maker does the analyst seek to gain from observation? The analyst gains insight about what is actually done and the relationships that exist between decision makers and other organizational members.


List five steps to help the analyst observe the decision makers typical activities. Five steps to help the analyst observe the decision maker's typical activities are: A. B. C. D. E. Decide what is to be observed Decide at what level of concreteness activities are to be observed Create categories that adequately capture key activities Prepare appropriate scales, checklists, and other materials for observation Decide when to observe


In the technique known as the analysts playscript, who is the actor? The actor is the decision maker.


In the analysts playscript, what information about mangers is recorded in the right-hand column? The decision makers actions is listed in the right-hand column.


Noting that the idea of STROBE originally came from the world of film, what does the systems analysts role resemble? The analysts role resembles that of a film critic.


List the seven concrete elements of the decision makers physical environment that can be observed by the systems analyst using STROBE. The seven concrete elements of the environment observed using STROBE are:

A. office location B. decision maker's placement in an office C. stationary objects like file cabinets and bookshelves D. movable objects like calculators and VDTs E. external objects like journals and newspapers F. office lighting and color G. clothing 8.What is one of the main methods available for the analyst to use when analyzing dataoriented systems? Data flow diagrams (DFDs). 9. What are the four advantages of using a data flow approach over narrative explanations of data movement? The four advantages of using data flow diagrams are: A. too early. B. C. diagrams. D. 10. 11. Freedom from committing to the technical implementation of the system Further understanding of the interrelationships of systems and subsystems. Communicating current system knowledge to users through data flow Analysis of the proposed system to determine if all the necessary data and processes have been defined.

What are the four data items that can be symbolized on a data flow diagram? They are an external entity, movement of data, the occurrence of a transforming process, a data store.


What is a context-level data flow diagram? Contrast it to a level 0 DFD. A context diagram is a diagram to conceptualize data flows within an organization. It usually is a list of external entities, data flows, processes, and data stores, which determines the boundary of the target system. On the other

hand, a level-zero DFD is prepared to show an overview of the system including basic inputs, processes, and outputs. 13. Define the top-down approach as it relates to drawing data flow diagrams. An approach is to prepare DFDs for an overview of the system first, then add detailed aspects of the diagram. In other words, the diagrams move from general to specific. 14. Describe what exploding data flow diagrams means. It is a process to analyze the system further to identify more detailed aspects of inputs, processes, and outputs of the system. 15.Why is labeling data flow diagrams so important? What can effective labels on data flow diagrams accomplish for those unfamiliar with the system? To make the diagrams truly communicative, meaningful labels of all data components are required. Effective labels can help someone unfamiliar with the system understand objectives, functions, and features of the system better. 16. What is the difference between a logical and physical data flow diagram? A logically-oriented data flow diagram shows how the business operates. A physically-oriented data flow diagram shows how the system will be implemented using technology and manual procedures. 17. List three reasons for creating a logical data flow diagram.

A logically-oriented data flow diagram should be created for the following reasons: A. Better communication with users. B. More stable systems. C. Increased understanding of the business by analysts. D. A more flexible system. E. Elimination of redundancy. 18.What is partitioning, and how is it used? Partitioning is the process of dividing a data flow diagram into manual procedures and computer programs. It is used after the physical data flow diagram has been created by examining the processes and the data flowing from one process to another. 19.List three ways to use completed data flow diagrams. Completed DFDs can be used to ascertain both system's and user's information

requirements, to interact with users further, and to document the system. List three reasons for producing process specifications. 1 2 Three reasons for producing process specifications are:

A. Reduce the ambiguity or vagueness of the process. B. Obtain a precise description of what is accomplished. C. Validate the system design, including data flow diagrams and the data dictionary. 2. Define what is meant by a structured decision. A structured decision is a decision for which a representative model can be built or automated easily. It usually involves specific and single objectives which are not difficult to achieve. 3. What four elements must be known for the systems analyst to design systems for structured decisions? They are conditions, condition alternatives, actions, and action rules. 4. What are the two building blocks of structured English?

The two building blocks of structured English are (1) structured logic or instructions organized into nested and grouped procedures, and (2) simple English statements such as add, multiply, move, and so on. Which quadrant of the decision table is used for conditions? Which is used for condition alternatives? The upper-left quadrant contains the conditions, the upper-right quadrant contains the condition alternatives. 8. What is the first step to take in developing a decision table? The first step in developing decision tables is the determination of the number of conditions that may affect the decision. The number of conditions becomes the number of rows in the top half of the decision table. 9. List the four main problems that can occur in developing decision tables.

The four main problems that can occur in developing decision tables are incompleteness, impossible situations, contradictions, and redundancy. What are the main uses of decision trees in systems analysis? Systems analysts can use decision trees when complex branching occurs in a structured decision process. Decision trees are also useful when it is essential to keep a string of decisions in a particular sequence. 13. List the four major steps in building decision trees. The four major steps in building decision trees are:

A. B. C. D.

Identify the conditions. Identify the condition alternatives. Identify the actions. Identify action rules (in order).

20.List six objectives the analyst pursues in designing system output. Six objectives in designing system output include: A. B. C. D. E. F. 21. Design output to serve a specific purpose Make output meaningful to the user Deliver the appropriate quantity of output Provide appropriate output distribution Provide the output on time Choosing the most effective output method

Contrast external outputs with internal outputs produced by the system. Remember to consider differences in external and internal users.

External output differs from internal output not only in its distribution, but in its design and appearance. Often external documents include instructions to the recipient and they include the company logo and corporate colors on printed or Web output. Instructions and the company logo may not be necessary on internal reports. The company logo and corporate colors may be included on internal Web sites. 22.Give two instances that indicate that display output is the best solution for the choice of output technology. C Display output is good for people that work at their desks for a long period of time. Display output is also good if many people need to view data and if the output must be quickly distributed. 23.List 10 factors that must be considered when choosing output technology. Ten factors to consider when choosing output technology are: A. B. C. D. supported? E. F. G. H. distributed? I. J. Who will use the output? How many people need the output? Where is output needed? What is the purpose of the output? What user and organizational tasks are What is the speed with which the output is needed? How frequently will the output be needed? How long will the output be stored? Under what special regulations is the output produced, stored, and What are the initial costs and ongoing costs of maintenance and supplies? What are the human and environmental requirements for output

technologies? 24. What output type is best if frequent updates are a necessity? Display screen or Web output connected to online systems is best if frequent updates are a necessity. 25.What is the difference between constant and variable information presented on a report? Constant information is information that remains the same whenever the report is printed. Variable information can vary each time the report is printed. 26. Why is it important to show users a prototype output report or display? Users should be shown a prototype of the output report so they can make changes. The workup should look as realistic as possible. 27. List six functional elements of printed reports. The six functional elements of a printed report include: A. The heading or title of the report B. The page number C. The date of preparation D. The column headings E. Grouping of related data items together F. The use of control breaks 28.List four guidelines to facilitate the design of good display output. Four guidelines to facilitate the design of good display output include: A. Keep the display simple B. Keep presentation consistent C. Facilitate user movement among display output D. Create an attractive and pleasing display 29.What are the four primary considerations the analyst has when designing graphical output for decision support systems? Four primary considerations for designing graphical output for decision support systems include: A. B. C. D. The purpose of the graph must be determined. The kind of data that needs to be displayed. Its audience. The effects on the audience of different kinds of graphical output.

30.List seven guidelines for creating good Web sites. Choose seven of the following ten guidelines for creating good Web sites: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. Use professional tools Study other Web sites Use the resources that the Web has to offer, sites that give hints on design Examine the Web sites of professional designers Use tools that you have already learned Consult books Look at examples of poor Web sites Create templates of your own Use plug-ins, audio and video sparingly Plan ahead and think out the Web site

15.What are the design objectives for paper input forms, input screens, or Web based fillin forms? The design objective for both an input form and a screen is providing quality output. Also, well-designed input forms and display screens should meet the objectives of effectiveness, accuracy, ease of use, consistency, simplicity, and attractiveness.


List the four guidelines for good form design. Four guidelines for good form design are to make forms easy to fill out, ensure that forms meet the purpose for which they are designed, design forms to assure accurate completion, and keep forms attractive.


What is proper form flow? The proper form flow is a way to minimize the time and effort expended by employees in form completion. The proper forms should flow from left to right and top to bottom.


What are the seven sections of a good form? The seven sections of a good form are heading, identification and access, instructions, body, signature and verification, totals, and comments.


List four types of captioning for use on forms. They are putting the caption on the same line or below the line (line caption or below line caption), providing a box for data instead of a line (boxed caption), lining up choices or alternatives vertically (vertical check off), and lining up choices or alternatives horizontally (horizontal check off).

20.List the four guidelines for good display design. Four guidelines for a good display design are: keep the display simple, keep the display presentation consistent, facilitate user movement among display screens, and create an attractive display screen. 21. What are the three sections useful for simplifying a display?

The three sections of a display useful for keeping the display simple are heading, body, and comments and instructions. 22.When should option buttons be used? An option button (or radio button) is used to select exclusive choices, when only one of several options can be chosen. 23.What are four situations in which color may be useful for display and Web based fillin form design? The four situations where color may be useful in screen design are to contrast foreground and background, to highlight important fields and data, to point out errors, and allow special coding of input. 24.Define HCI.

HCI is the human-computer interface. The concept of designing for HCI is to try to ensure system functionality and usability, to providing effective user interaction support, and to enhancing a pleasant user experience. 25. Explain how fit among the HCI elements of the human, the computer, and the tasks to be performed leads to performance and well-being. The analyst should try to make the best possible use of people in designing a computerized task intended to meet an organizational objective. Better fit results in better performance and greater overall well-being for the human involved in the system. 26.What is meant by the word well-being when used using an HCI approach? Well-being is a concern for a humans overall comfort, safety, and health; it is their physical as well as psychological state. 27.List three physical considerations that HCI design addresses. The three physical considerations that HCI design addresses are vision, hearing, and touch 28.What are the five objectives for designing user interfaces? The five objectives for designing user interfaces are matching the user interface to the task, efficiency, providing appropriate feedback, generating usable queries, and productivity. 29.List five standards that can aid in evaluating user interfaces. The five useful standards in evaluating the interfaces are: The necessary training period for users should be acceptably short. Users early in their training should be able to enter commands without thinking about them, or referring to a help menu or manual. C. The interface should be "seamless" so that errors are few, and those that do occur are not occurring because of poor design. D. Time necessary for users and the system to bounce back from errors should be short. E. Infrequent users should be able to relearn the system quickly. 30.List the five general purposes for coding data. The five general purposes for coding are: A. B. C. D. Keeping track of something. Classifying information. Concealing information. Revealing information. A. B.

E. Requesting appropriate action. 31.Explain what is accomplished with a classification code. Classification codes are used to distinguish one group of data, with special characteristics, from another. Classification codes can consist of either a single letter or number. 32.What are the benefits of using a significant-digit subset code? The benefit of using a significant-digit code is the ability to locate items that belong to a certain group or class. 33.List the eight general guidelines for proper coding. The eight general guidelines for proper coding are: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Keep codes concise. Keep codes stable. Make codes that are unique. Allow codes to be sortable. Avoid confusing codes. Keep codes uniform. Allow for modification of codes. Make codes meaningful.

14.What are the three broad approaches available to the systems analyst for attaining quality in newly developed systems? They are securing total quality assurance through designing systems and software with a top-down and modular approach; documenting software with appropriate tools; and testing, maintaining, and auditing software. 15. Who or what is the most important factor in establishing and evaluating the quality of information systems or decision support systems? Why? The most important factor in establishing and evaluating the quality of information systems is systems users and management, since they are actual users of the system and are most familiar with their problems and information needs. 16. Define the total quality management (TQM) approach as it applies to the analysis and design of information systems.

TQM for analysis and design of an information system conceives quality as an evolutionary process toward development of a perfect information system throughout the systems development life cycle rather than correcting immediate problems. 17.Define modular development. Modular development is a way of programming for a top-down design approach. In the modular development concept, the whole system is broken into several logical, manageable portions.

18.How do structure charts help the analyst? Structure charts help systems analysts by providing a clear picture of modules of a system and relationships among those modules. 19.List two ways that the data flow diagram helps to build a structure chart. ways: A data flow diagram may be used to create a structure chart in the following two

A. Indicating the sequence of the modules B. Indicating modules subordinate to a higher module. 20.Define pseudocode. Pseudocode is an English-like code to represent the outline or logic of a program. It is not a particular type of programming code, but it can be used as an intermediate step for developing program code. It does not have strict syntax rules. 21.List six guidelines for choosing a design and documentation technique. Systems analysts may use the following six guidelines for choosing a design and documentation technique. Choose a technique that: Is compatible with existing documentation. Is understood by others in the organization. Allows you to return to working on the system after you have been away from it for a period of time. D. Is suitable for the size of the system you are working on. E. Allows for a structured design approach if it is considered to be more important than other factors. F. Allows for easy modification. 22.Whose primary responsibility is it to test computer programs? The original author of each program has primary responsibility for its testing. 23. What is the difference between test data and live data? Live data are data that have been successfully processed through the existing system. Test data are data to check various logic of the system before implementation. 24.List the four approaches to implementation. The four approaches to implementation are: (a) shifting more computer power to users via an information center or distributed processing, (b) training users, (c) converting the old system, and (d) evaluating the new system. 25.Who should be trained to use the new or modified information system? All people who will have secondary or primary use of the system must be trained. 26.List the five possible sources of training for users of information systems. A. B. C.

Possible sources of training for users of information systems include: (a) vendors, (b) systems analysts, (c) external paid trainers, (d) in-house trainers, and (e) other system users. 27. Why is it important to have well-defined training objectives? Well-defined objectives are helpful in letting trainees know what is expected of them. Additionally, objectives allow evaluation of training when it is complete. 28.List the five conversion strategies for converting old information systems to new ones. The five conversion strategies are: A. B. C. D. E. 29. Direct changeover Parallel conversion Phased conversion Modular prototype Distributed conversion

Define the terms physical, logical, and behavioral security, and give an example of each one that illustrates the differences among them. Physical security is controlling access to physical computer resources. Example: Chaining a computer to a table in the information center. Logical security is controlling software access. Example: A user ID and password when logging on to Windows XP or the network.

Behavioral security is building procedures to prevent persons from misusing computer hardware and software. Example: A log of unsuccessful attempts to sign on to the computer. 30.List five of the several measures an analyst can take to improve the security, privacy, and confidentiality of data, systems, networks, individuals, and organizations that use ecommerce Web applications. Some of the measures an analyst can take to improve the security, privacy, and confidentiality of the data, systems, networks, individuals, and organizations that user ecommerce Web applications are: A. B. C. D. E. virus protection software email filtering products URL filtering products firewalls, gateways, and virtual private networks intrusion detection products

F. G. H. I.

vulnerability management products security technologies such as secure socket layering for authentication encryption technologies Public key infrastructure use and obtaining a digital certificate

31.List and describe the utilities of information systems that can be used to evaluate the information system. Possession utility answers the question of who should receive output. Form utility answers the question of what kind of output is distributed to the decision maker. Place utility answers the question of where information is distributed. Time utility answers the question of when information is delivered. Actualization utility involves how the information is introduced and used by the decision maker. Goal utility answers the why of information systems by asking whether the output has value in helping the organization achieve its objectives.

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