PPL Imp Ques

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Support for object-oriented programming 1. Describe the three characteristic features of object-oriented languages. 2.

What is the difference between a class variable and an instance variable? 3. What is an overriding method? 4. What is a virtual method? 5. What kind of inheritance, single or multiple, does smalltalk support? 6. Explain the difference between the two uses of private in C++ 7. What is a friend function in C++? Concurrency 1. What are the three possible levels of concurrency in programs? 2. What is the difference between physical and logical concurrency? 3. Define ask, disjoint task synchronization, competition and cooperation synchronization, liveness, race condition and deadlock 4. Describe the five different states in which a task can be 5. What is the purpose of a task-ready queue? 6. What are the design issues for language support for concurrency? 7. Describe the actions of the wait and release operations for semaphores. 8. What is the binary semaphore? What is a computing semaphore? 9. What advantage do monitors have over semaphores? Exception handling and Event handling 1. Define exception, exception handler, raising a exception, disabling an exception, continuation and built-in exception 2. What are the design issues for exception handling? 3. What are the possible frames for exceptions in Ada?

4. Where does execution continue after an exception is handled in Ada? 5. What is the name off C++ exception handlers? 6. How can an exception handler be written in C++ so that it handles any exception? 7. Where does execution control go when a C++ exception handler has completed its execution? 8. What is the root class of all Java exception classes? 9. How can an exception handler be written in Java so that it handles any exception? 10. What are the differences between a C++ throw specification and a Java throws clause? 11. What is the difference between checked and unchecked exceptions in Java? 12. What is the purpose of the Java finally clause? Logic Programming Languages 13. What is the general form of a proposition in clausal form? 14. What are the three forms of a prolog term? 15. What are the syntactic forms and usage of fact and rule statements in prolog?


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