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. The paragraphs below briefly describe the activities which I carried out last week(from june 27 to july1 2011). On Monday, JUNE 27, I was introduced to the different employees of theorganization. Some of these employees include amongst others; THEGENERAL DIRECTOR. THE COMMERCIAL DIRECTOR. THE COMMERCIAL AGENTS. THE ACCOUNTANT. THE PRODUTION DIRECTOR. THE SECRETARY. THE MAGASINIER. EMPLOYEES IN THE PRODUCTION SECTOR. THE RECEPTIONIST. On Tuesday, JUNE 27, I was taught how to make and answer a phone call.I also learnt how to use a photocopy machine.On this same day I was assigned to deposit some letters in the following printing presses. AT GRAPHILINE. PRINT INDUSTRY. INFO MAC. CONCEPT. IMPRIME SERVICES etc. On Wednesday,JUNE 29, I was taught how to use the internet service in making research. I was for example asked to use the internet service to search and find the contacts of the following consulates in Cameroon ( Doula ). THE CONSULATE OF EQUATORIAL GUINEA. THE CONSULATE OF THE REPUBLIC OF CONGO. THE CONSULATE OF IVORY COST. THE CONSULATE OF TOGO etc. On Thursday, JUNE 30, I was sent to two of the above mentioned consulates ( the consulates of EQUATORial guinea and CONGO), to find out the contacts of some potential, buisinessmen in these countries who deal with cosmetics.

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