How The Senegalese Media Reports On LGBTI Issues

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Analysis of representation of homosexuals in print media in Senegal

Press clippings of coverage of articles on homosexuals in Senegalese media

Background Panos Institute West Africa commissioned a study to: Analyse the representation of homosexuals in the media in Senegal Assess whether the media plays any role in discrimination against homosexuals in the country Analyse the access of homosexuals to the media in Senegal

Homosexuals had very little opportunities and access to express their opinions in the media. While political and religious organisations could speak publically without being pursued.

Increase sensitive reporting in the media on homosexuals by sensitising the national and local language media on the recognition of human rights and concepts of tolerance promoted by different religions. Conduct further research on the knowledge and attitudes of journalists from local and national media on HIV, homosexuality and human rights. Facilitate interactions with sensitive journalists and MSM willing to discuss their concerns.

Data was collected through a desk study review, an analysis of newspapers and transcription of radio programs, between 2008 and 2009, when homophobia was at its peak. Interviews were conducted with media practitioners and NGOs working on communication.

Key Findings
Media coverage on homosexuals was limited to key events such as marriage of homosexuals, ICASA and arrest of homosexuals. Media played an important role in increasing homophobia in Senegal by portraying homosexuality as : A new import from the West, supported by dark lobby groups An existential threat against society and its sacred foundations Associating homosexuality with the fear of AIDS Many journalists were ignorant of broader debates on HIV and AIDS, sexuality and human rights, and notions of tolerance towards homosexuals promoted by Islam. The media ignored the principles and rules of production of reliable information. Journalists did not crosscheck facts or spoke with the homosexuals directly. For details contact: 20, Route de Freres, Petion-Ville, B.P. 1595 HT-6110, PortauPrince, Haiti

Where: Poster Exhibition Area, When: 12.30 - 14.30 Hrs

TUPE0593 Tuesday 20 July, 2010

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