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Product life cycle of Gillette

In the more than 100 years since the Company was founded, Gillette has gained, held and strengthened leadership positions through the Company's strategy of managing its business with a long-term, global perspective. In the grooming business, the great majority of male Gillette shavers in developing markets use double-edge blades. The first step up the performance/price ladder for these consumers is to advance to Gillette twin-blade shaving systems or disposable razors. In more developed markets, the movement may be entirely within the systems category, as consumers trade up from twin-blade to triple-blade shaving.

The Gillette Company is a globally focused consumer products marketer that seeks competitive advantage in quality, value-added personal care and personal use products. We are committed to building shareholder value through sustained profitable growth

OUR VISION: The Gillette Company s Vision is to build Total Brand Value by innovating to deliver consumer value and customer leadership faster, better and more completely than our competition. This Vision is supported by two fundamental principles that provide the foundation for all of our activities: Organizational Excellence and Core Values.

Attaining our Vision requires superior and continually improving performance in every area and at every level of the organization. Our performance will be guided by a clear and concise strategic statement for each business unit and by an ongoing Quest for Excellence within all operational and staff functions. This Quest for Excellence requires hiring, developing and retaining a diverse workforce of the highest caliber. To support this Quest, each function employs metrics to define, and implements processes to achieve, worldclass status.

CORE VALUES: As we work toward our Vision, three core Values define the way we operate:

We are dedicated to the highest standards of achievement in all areas of our business. We strive to consistently exceed the expectations of both external and internal customers

Mutual respect and ethical behavior are the basis for our relationships with colleagues, customers and the community. Fair practice is the hallmark of the Company.

We work closely together as one global team to improve the way we do business every day. We communicate openly and establish clear accountability for making decisions, identifying issues and solutions, and maximizing business opportunities.

To study the shaving razors market scenario in India. To suggest ways to convert double-edge users to Gillette twin-blade users vis--vis Presto and Vector Plus. To find ways to upgrade existing Gillette users up the value chain. To know the main lagging factor in different stages


The Product Life Cycle The Product Life Cycle (PLC) is based upon the biological life cycle. For example, a seed is planted (introduction); it begins to sprout (growth); it shoots out leaves and puts down roots as it becomes an adult (maturity); after a long period as an adult the plant begins to shrink and die out (decline). In theory it's the same for a product. After a period of development it is introduced or launched into the market; it gains more and more customers as it grows; eventually the market stabilises and the product becomes mature; then after a period of time the product is overtaken by development and the introduction of superior competitors, it goes into decline and is eventually withdrawn.


No sales revenue during this stage Components of the product concept:

An understanding of desired uses and benefits A description of the product The potential for creating a complete product line An analysis of the feasibility of the product concept

Customer needs should be discerned before developing marketing strategy

Begins when development is complete Ends when customers widely accept the product Marketing strategy goals during this stage:
Attract customers by raising awareness and interest Induce customers to try and buy Engage in customer education activities Strengthen or expand channel and supply relationships Build on availability and visibility Set pricing objectives

Be ready for sustained sales increases Rapid increase in profitability early in the growth stage that decreases at the end of this stage Length depends on nature of product and competitive reactions Two strategies:
(1) Establish a strong, defensible marketing position (2) Achieve financial objectives

Few, if any, new firms will enter the market Still an opportunity for new product features and variations Typically the longest stage in the product life cycle

Two options:
(1) Attempt to postpone the decline (2) Accept its inevitability
Harvesting Divesting

Factors to be considered during this stage:

Market segment potential The market position of the product The firm s price and cost structure The rate of market deterioration




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