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1. Selection of the best man for a particular task based on the results of scientific study. 2. He introduced the management principles with the aim of setting up structures both to promote order and raise morale of the employees. 3. He advocated the form of Bureaucracy. 4. He tested the scientific management theory through studies called the Hawthorne Effect.

5. He is the Father of modern corporate management which both rank and file and management meet in order to understand and agree the organizations objectives. 6. He is the Father of Humanistic Psychology and theorized that a mans various needs for a hierarchy. 7. He came up with two factor theory the hygiene and motivation factors.

8. He expanded the Theory Y with the so called Theory Z. 9. He developed the Human Relations School of Management and dubbed Theory X&Y. 10. She focused on management as a social process to motivate individuals as they achieve a common goal

Arrange the basic Components of Taylors Theory respectively.(11-15) 1. Proper tools and equipment 2. Analysis and synthesis of elements in the operation 3. Proper incentives and payment 4. Scientific selection of workers 5. Training of workers Eg. 11. 3

Identify the Principles of management

16. Fair and just treatment 17. A single mind generates a single plan 18. The right to give orders 19. Asking subordinates to participate in decision making 20. Interconnectedness of people within the organization

21. No slacking or bending of rules 22. Employees receive fair payment 23. Line of authority 24.Limited turnover of personnel 25. Harmony

Identify whether a Motivation Factor(MF) or Hygienic Factor(HF)

26.Satisfaying a meaningful work 27. Safe and tolerable working conditions 28. Good interpersonal relations 29. Opportunities for advancement 30. Appropriate supervision

Short answer question

31. What do you mean by traditional rule of thumb? 32.What do mnemonic PODSCORB means? 33.What is the Theory of Chris Argyris? 34. Give 2 characteristics about Max Webers belief about bureaucracy.

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