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AMITY UNIVERSITY -----UTTAR PRADESH----Amity Institute of Telecom Technology & Management SUMMER TRAINING EVALUATION Student Name Enrollment

No Programme Company's Name and Address

AVINASH KUMAR A1607108185 B.Tech. - E & T Advance level telecom training centre(ALTTC) ALT Centre,Rajnagar,Ghaziabad 201002 Mr.P.K.Agnihotri DGM(SW) &DGM(NGN)

Industry Guide Name Designation Contact Number Ph.(O) : 0120-2728403 Mobile : 9412739206 Fax : 0120-2704609 E-mail : Project Information 1) Project Duration : (39 Days) a) Date of Summer Internship commencement (16/05/2011) a) Date of Summer Internship Completion (24/06/2011) 2) Topic EWSD:An Overview 3) Project Objective The objective of the project is to get an overview of the EWSD switching system,architecture of EWSD(DLU,LTG etc.). 4) Methodology to be adopted The methodology adapted was that regular classes were arranged for theory purpose followed by lab visits. 5) Brief Summery of project(to be duly certified by the industry guide) EWSD Digital switching system has been designed and manufactured by M/s Siemens, Germany. The name is the abbreviated form of German equivalent of Electronic Switching System Digital (Electronische Wheler Systeme Digitale). EWSD switch can support maximum 2,50,000 subscribers or 60,000 incoming, outgoing or both way trunks, when working as a pure tandem exchange. It can carry 25,200 Erlang traffic and can withstand 1.4 million BHCA. It is claimed that with the latest hardware and software version (Ver. 16), the system can withstand a BHCA of 16 million , can connect 6,50,000 subscribers or 2,40,000 trunks and handle 1,00,800 Erlang traffic. It can work as local cum transit exchange and supports CCS No.7, ISDN and IN and V5.X features. (R) : 0120- 2761455

Signature (Student)

Signature (Industry Guide)

Signature (Faculty Guide)

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