Lto Law

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Template for Compilation of Relevant Laws, Regulations and Similar Issuances Pertaining to all types of Power-Driven Vehicles and

Subject Matter Relevant Law Issuance/Regulation Procedures Documentary Requirements and Fees, if any Form Issued Remarks

Department of Energy / Oil Industry Management Bureau Oil Industry Standards & Monitoring Division Focal Person: Alvin David T. Lim 1. Fuel Requirements Sec. 27 of R.A. 8749 (The Phil. Clean Air Act of 1999) Sec. 12 of R.A. 8479 (The Downstream Oil Deregulation Law of 1998) Registration of Fuel Additives 1. Sec. 27 and Sec. 47 of R.A. 8749 (The Phil. Clean Air Act of 1999) 2. Sec. 12 of R.A. 8479 (The Downstream Oil Deregulation Law of 1998) 3. IRR of R.A. 8749 (The Phil. Clean Air Act of 1999) 4. IRR of R.A. 8479 (The Downstream Oil Deregulation Law of 1998) Submission of application/documents Payment of processing/ certification fee Evaluation of application by OISMD Preparation of Memorandum of Approval (MOA) and Certificate of Fuel Additive Registration (CFAR) by OISMD Review/endorsement for approval of MOA/CFAR/ by OISMD/OIMB Endorsement of MOA & CFAR for Secretarys approval by OIMB List of Requirements: 1. Accomplished DOEOIMB Registration Form 2. EMB-DENR PreManufacturing & PreImportation Notification Compliance Certificate 3. Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) 4. Complete Product Identify/Information 5. Description and Analytical Techniques in the determination of concentration if additive 6. Purpose and recommended dosage 7. Emission characteristic/result, Performance test results/feasibility studies 8. Laboratory Quality test results (vs. PNS) 9. Regulatory Status of the Additive in other countries 10. Authenticated copies of SEC/DTI registration, Mayor/Business Permits

Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC) Focal Person: Corazon Japson Subject Matter Relevant Law



Documentary Requirements and Fees, if any

Form Issued


1. Vehicle Classification

DOTC Dept. Order No. 971079 Providing Standard Classifications for All Public Transport Conveyances Date: 29 September 1997 DOTC Dept. Order No. 981127 An Order Providing

Additional Types of Public Transport Services and/or Modifying Certain Provision on DO No. 97-1097 Date: 21 January 1998 DOTC Dept. Order No. 2002-39 An Order Modifying Certain Provision of DOTC DO No. 97-1097 and 98-1127 Date: 13 August 2002 2. Emission Requirements Republic Act No. 8749 The Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 Section 21 Article 4 IRR R.A. 8749 The Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 Rule XXXII, Emission Control for in-Use Vehicle DOTC Dept Order No. 2000-11 An Order Providing Policies and Guidelines in the Enforcement of the Motor Vehicle Permissible Emission Level and other Activities Related to the Mitigation of Air Pollution Emission from Motor Vehicles Date: 17 January 2000 3. Road Transport DOTC Dept. Order No. 96963 Modernization of Public Transport Services this DO sets the minimum age requirement of public transport services to ensure the operation of road worthy vehicles Section 21 (B) of the Republic Act No. 8749 The Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 DOTC/LTO is mandated to implement emission standards for motor vehicles as provided in the Act, authorize private emission testing centers duly accredited by DTI and formulate, together wit DTI, a national motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program that will promote efficient and safe operation of IRR of R.A. 8749 Rule XXXIV National Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program Section 3 DOTC Authorization of Private Emission Testing Centers (PETCs) DENR-DTI-DOTC Joint Admin Order No. 1 (2003) Guidelines and Procedures for the Monitoring of Accredited and Authorized PETCs and LTO Emission Testing

4. Authorization

motor vehicle.

Activities DOTC Dept. Order No. 2004-01 Rules and Regulations Concerning the Issuance of DOTC/LTO authorization of Motor Vehicle Private Emission Testing Center (PETC)

5. Safety Requirements

R.A. 4136 Land Transportation & Traffic Code Date: 20 June 1964 Chapter III Operation of Motor Vehicles Chapter IV Traffic Rules R.A. 8750 Seat Belts Use Act of 1999 Date: 05 August 1999

DOTC Dept. Order No. 94806 Guidelines Prohibiting the Initial Registration of Right Hand Drive (RHD) Motor Vehicle Administrative Order No. 83 AO-DIR-005 Subject: Right Hand Motor Vehicles Date: 13 December 1983

Bureau of Import Services (BIS) Focal Person: Elias V. Deveza Jr. Subject Matter

Relevant Law



Documentary Requirements and Fees, if any

Form Issued


1. Vehicle Classification 2. Registration Requirements Mandatory Accreditation of Rebuilding Center DAO No. 08 signed Oct. 23, 2003 Effective January 2004 See Attached checklist of requirements 1. Application accreditation rebuilding center for of

2. Application for Authority to import (see attached application) 3. Testing and certification 4. Parking 5. Product Specification 6. Packaging 7. Labeling 8. Claims 9. Export Requirements 10. Import Requirements Providing Comprehensive Policy and Dir. For MVDP and its implementing guidelines EO 156 signed Dec. 12, 2002 - Effectivity Jan. 2003 Used Trucks Requirements: 1. Trucks with GVW 2.5 to 6 tons 2. Left Hand Drive 3. Property Fill-up Application for Authority to import for used trucks / buses / No Dollar importation and application form

application form 4. Proforma Invoice Used Buses: 1. GVW 6 to 12 tons 2. Left Hand drive 3. Properly Fill-up Application form 4. Proforma Invoice NO-Dollar Importation 1. Left Hand Drive 2. Not to exceed 3,000 kgs. 3. 1 yr. residency abroad (see attached Checklist) 11. Emission Requirements IRR on EO 156 EO 156 signed Dec. 12, 2002 - Effectivity Jan. 2003 Compliance Standard to Emission

for importation of parts and components

12. Fuel Requirements 13. Road worthiness Transport IRR on EO 156 EO 156 signed Dec. 12, 2002 - Effectivity Jan. 2003 Certificate of Road worthiness from the country of origin

14. Safety Requirements 15. Road signage nomenclature 16. Traffic signage 17. Accreditation DAO No. 08 DAO No. 08 See attached checklist of requirements Application accreditation rebuilding center for of and

18. Authorization 19. Licensing 20. Others

Board of Investments (BOI) Focal Person: Ms. Vicelyn V. Layno Subject Matter Relevant Law



1. Motor Vehicle Development Program (MVDP) Assembly of Motor Vehicles

Exec. Order (E.O) No. 156 Providing for a comprehensive industrial Policy and Directions for the Motor Vehicle Development Program Issued on Dec. 12, 2002 Effectivity: January 2003 Covers the following

Guidelines E.O. 156



Flowchart attached as Annex A Guidelines attaches as Annex B

Documentary Requirements and Fees, if any Please refer to attached Annex B

Form Issued


Please refer attached Annex B


Supplemental guidelines on the implementation of the motorcycle program component or Classification III of E.O. No. 156

declared policies to accelerate the sound development of the motor vehicle industry: - Restructuring of Most Favored Nation (MFN) Tariff Rates - Rationalization of Excise Taxes - Regional Complementation under the AICO Scheme - Provision of Export Incentives - Prohibition of Used Vehicles Importation E.O. No. 262 Modifying the Nomenclature & Rates of Duty on Motor Vehicles under Section 104 of the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978 (Presidential Decree No. 1464, as amended) Issued on: 30 Dec. 2003 Effectivity: 29 Jan. 2004 E.O. 312, series 2004, Providing amendments to Executive Order 244, series 2003, Modifying the Rates of Duty on Motor Vehicles, as provided for under the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978 (Presidential Decree No. 1464, as amended), in order to implement Preferential Rates thereon under the Auto. Export Program. Issued on: 1 May 2005 E.O. No. 397, series 2004, Reducing the rates of import duty on completelyknocked down parts and components for assembly of low engine displacement and hybrid vehicles. Issued on: 31 Dec. 2004 E.O. No. 418, series 2005, Modifying the tariff nomenclature and rates of Guidelines to implement E.O. 262, series 2003, in conjunction with E.O. 264, series 2003 Flowchart please refer to Annex A Please refer to Annex C Please refer to Annex C

Guidelines attached as Annex C

Guidelines to E.O. No. 312


Guidelines attached as Annex D

Please refer to attached Annex D

Please refer attached Annex D


Implementing Guidelines covered under E.O. No. 156

Implementation handled by the Bureau of Customs (BOC)

import duty on used motor vehicles under section 104 of the tariff and custom codes of 1978 (Presidential Decree No. 1464, as amended) Issued on: 4 April 2005 Effectivity: 23 April 2005 E.O. No. 419 series of 05, Temporarily increasing the rates of import duty of high engine displacement completely built up vehicle under section 104 of the tariff and customs code of 1978 (Presidential Decree No. 1464), as amended Issued on: 4 April 2005 Effectivity: 23 April 2005 Land Transportation Office Focal Person: Florencia A. Creus Subject Matter Implementation handled by the Bureau of Customs (BOC)

Relevant Law



1. Vehicle Classification

1. R.A. 4136 Land Transportation and Traffic Code, Section 7, Registration Classification Effectivity: upon approval Approved: June 20, 1964 2. BP 74 An Act Amending Certain Sections of RA 4136 Effectivity: upon approval Approved: June 11, 1980 3. R.A. 8794 An Act Imposing a Motor Vehicles Users Charge on Owners of all types of Motor Vehicles and for other purposes Approved: June 27, 2000 Effectivity: upon approval

1. Administrative Order No. 3 Rules and Regulations on the New System of Registration Pursuant to Batas Pambansa Blg. 43 and 74, Amending Related Provisions of RA 4136 Effectivity: Jan. 1, 1981 Approved: Sept. 24, 1980

Refer to AO No. 3

Documentary Requirements and Fees, if any Refer to AO No. 3

Form Issued


2. MC No. BGC-MC-01328 (26 January 2001) Implementing Guidelines for RA 8794 and the Corresponding Joint DPWH-DOTC IRR dated 16 August 2000 3. MC No. BGC-MC01328A (01 February 2001) LTO Implementing Guidelines for RA 8794 under MC BGC-MC-01328 Procedure is described in the implementing guidelines refer to BGC-MC-01328 and BGCMC-01328A Refer to the Schedule of Motor Vehicle Users Charge in BGC-MC-01328 and BGC-MC-01328A

2. Registration Requirements

1. Philippine Legislative Act 3992 An Act to amend and compile the Laws relative to Motor

1. AO No. 3 2. MC No. BGC-MC-01328

Refer to the attached Registration Procedures


Refer to the attached Documentary Requirements For the fees refer to the MVUC Law and its IRR

Registration Forms are Accountable Forms

Vehicles Approved: Dec. 3, 1932 Effectivity: Jan. 1, 1933 2. RA 4136 3. BP 74 4. BP 43- An Act Providing for the Issuance of Permanent Number Plates to Owners of Motor Vehicles and Trailers, amending for thr purpose Section 17 of RA 4136 5. RA 8794

3. MC No. BGC-MC-01328 4. Memo Circular 546-2004 Streamlined Procedure in the Registration of Used Imported Motor Vehicles Approved 5. Memo Circular 575-2005 Implementing Rules and Regulations on the Initial Registration Scheme for Brand New Motor Vehicles valid for 3 years Approved: Feb. 14, 2005 Effectivity: April 7, 2005 6. AO 010-2005 Initial Registration Scheme for Brand New MV valid for 3 years Approved: Jan. 3, 2005 Effectivity: April 2005 7. Memo Circular 650-2005 Names and Specimen Signature of the Officialsin-charged of Quality Control 8. Circular No. 84C-DIR013 Guidelines in the Confirmation of Commercial Sales Invoice issued to Direct buyers of Motor vehicles, engines and/or Chassis: Duty of Assemblers, manufacturers and importers, discontinuance of Instant Confirmation of MVs, Engines and/or Chassis Number accompanying the Stock Reports, Sales reports and/or Importers report Approved: July 23, 1984 9. AO 83A-DIR-001 Rules and Regulations Governing the Issuance and Use of MV Conduction stickers Approved: Feb. 18, 1983

(also attached) Refer to DO 93-693 on the Revised Schedule of Administrative Fees and Charges of LTO

3. Testing and Certifications (Refer to #11 Emission

Requirements and # 13 Road Transport Worthiness) 4.Markings (Refer to the Markings of the Vehicles being inspected by LTO in #3 Road Transport Worthiness) 5. Product Specifications (NA) 6. Packaging (NA) 7. Labeling (NA) 8. Claims (NA) 9. Export Requirements (NA) 10. Import Requirements (NA) 11. Emission Requirements (NA) 1. RA 8749 The Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 Approved: May 13, 1999 1. DENR AO 2000-81 Implementing Rules and Regulations for RA 8749 2. MC No. 89-094 Amendment to MC 85-018 and 86-005 Re-setting Smoke Emission Standards of Motor Vehicles inspected on Motor Inspection Stations Approved: Feb. 21, 1989 3. MC No. RTL-MC-03423 Mandating Emission Test Approved: Jan. 28, 2003 4. MOA among DENR, DOTC, DOLE-TESDA, DTI, DOH on the National CFC Phase-Out Plan Approved: Feb. 5, 2004 5. DOTC DO 2004-34 An Order Promoting the Operation of CNG Buses in the country Approved: July 8, 2004 6. LTO Memorandum Implementing DOTC DO 2004-34 Approved: July 25, 2004 12. Fuel Requirements (NA) 13. Road Transport 1. RA 4136 1. Memorandum Order 86The procedures are discussed MVIR Form (see Refer to RTL-MC-03423 Refer to the Rules and described in Issuances Implementing Regulations the various

Worthiness 2. Phil. 3992 Legislative Act

003 inspection of Vehicles as Pre-registration Requisite Approved: June 3, 1986 2. AO-91-005 Establishing the New Motor Vehicle Inspection System and Promulgating the Rules and Regulations in the Implementation Thereof Approved: Jan. 1, 1991 3. Inspection/Testing of Used-Imported MVs by Accredited Service Shops as Alternative MV Inspection station for all major Ports of Entry for Purposes of Permit to Travel and Initial / First Registration Approved: July 23, 2002 4. Chapter V Inspection of Motor Vehicles (Motor Vehicle Registration Manual) 5. MC-86-005 Inspection and Taximeter Scaling of Taxicab Units / Pus and other For-Hire Passenger Cars under a Staggered Schedule Approved: April 11, 1986 6. Inspection and Registration of Taxicabs Six (6) years old and above Approved: June 7, 1985

in each issuance. Refer to the attached copies.


3. BP 344 Accessibility Law provides for Expansion of Requirements for Public Transportation, i.e. received seats in buses, jeepneys to enhance the mobility of persons with disability

14. Safety Requirements

In addition to the Road Transport Worthiness Requirements, are the following Safety Requirements: 1. Letter of Instruction No. 229 directing the Installation of Early Warning Devices on Motor Vehicles Approved: Dec. 2, 1974 2. Letter of Instruction No. 291 Effectivity of

1. AO No. 1 Rules and regulations Implementing L01 229, as amended, Requiring Motor Vehicles to be equipped with EWD Approved: Dec. 10, 1976 2. Memorandum EWD Specifications Approved: Aug. 15, 1995 3. Memorandum Early Warning Device Approved: Oct. 16, 1995

Refer to the attached copies of all issuances

Compulsory MV Liability insurance under the PD No. 612 Effectivity: July 8, 1975 3. Presidential Decree 96 Declaring Unlawful the use or attachment of Sirens, Bells, Horns, Whistles or Similar gadgets that emit exceptionally loud or startling sounds, Including Domelights and other similar Signaling or flashing devices on Motor vehicles and providing certain exceptions therefore Approved: Jan. 13, 1973

4. Memorandum Circular No. 92-153 Strict Implementation of Compulsory Installation of EWD in MVs Approved: May 25, 1992 5. Memo Circular 95-219 Guidelines on the Reimposition of EWD as a permanent Accessory of all MVs and as a Mandatory Requirements for the Registration Thereof 6. AO No. 1 Series of 1973 Rules and Regulations Governing the use or Attachment or Sirens, Bells, Horns, whistles or similar Gadgets that emit Exceptionally Loud or Startling sounds, including Domelights and other similar signaling or flashing devices on MVs 7. AO No. 2 Rules and Regulations governing the maximum weights of motor vehicles to use the highways, roads, and bridges Approved: Aug. 9, 1973 8. AO No. 1 Series of 1980 Rules and Regulations Governing the Registration and Operation of Privately Owned passenger MVs known as jeepneys or jitneys 9. Memo Circular No. 2 Letter of Instruction No. 590, Promulgated 27 Aug. 1977 requiring among others that by July 1, 1978 prior to registration by LTC, Reconditioning of Imported Used Trucks should be done by Accredited Reconditioning centers Approved: Jan. 17, 1978 10. Administrative BGC-AO-99004 Order

Implementing Rules and Regulations Governing the installation and use of Seat-belt devices and Seatbelt Anchorage 15. Road Signage Nomenclature (NA) 16. Traffic Signage and

Presidential Decree No. 207 Ratifying the 1968 Vienna Conventions of the United Nations on Road Traffic and Road Signs and Signals, respectively Approved: June 6, 1973 1. R.A. 4136 2. R.A. 6539 AntiCarnapping Act of 1972, An act preventing and penalizing Carnapping Approved: Aug. 26, 1972 Effectivity: Upon Approval 1. Administrative Order 88001 Accreditation of Manufacturers, Assemblers, importers and Dealers Approved: July 8, 1988 2. Memo Circular RTL-MC02402 Inspection / Testing of Used-Imported Motor Vehicles by Accredited Service Shops as Alternate Motor Vehicle Inspection Station for all Major Parts of Entry for purposes of Permit to Travel and initial/first registration 1. DTI-DOTC JAO No. 1 Guidelines for Accreditation and Authorization of Motor Vehicle Emission Testing Center Approved: July 11, 2001 2. Dept. Order No. 2002-31 - Authorization of Private Emission Testing Centers Approved: August 20, 2002 3. Memorandum on Implementation of Mandatory Emission Test prior to registration of Motor Vehicles in NCR Effective 1 Oct 2002 Approved: Sept. 30, 2002 Effectivity: Oct. 1, 2002 Procedures are describe in the issuances Refer to the attached copies See attached list of requirements Re: Application for PETC Authorization See Fees and Charges in DTI-DOTC JAO No. 1 Refer to the attached copies of AO and MC for the procedure 1. Application for Accreditation 2. MAID Inspection Report 3. MAID Committee Findings and Recommendation 4. MAID Routing Slip

17. Accreditation

18. Authorization

1. R.A. 8749

1. Application for Authorization 2. Inspection Report 3. PETC Committee Findings and Recommendation 4. Application for Renewal Authorization 5. Application for Transfer of Location

4. Memorandum on the clarification on coverage and application of various Emission Test Certificates Approved: October 2, 2002 5. LTO MC No. RTL-MC02413 Mandatory Emission Test Approved December 18, 2002 6. LTO MC No. RTL-MC02415 Amendment to LTO MC No. RTL-MC02413 7. MC RTL-MC-03419 Cost of Emission Test for Public Utility Tricycles 8. MC RTL-MC-03423 Mandatory Emission Test Approved: 28 January 2003 9. DO No. 2003-24 An order Amending Certain Section of DO 2002-31 Approved: April 10, 2003 10. Memorandum on the Guidelines and Procedures for the Monitoring of Accredited and Authorized Private Emission Testing Centers (PETC) and LTO Emission Testing Activities Approved: May 6, 2003 11. Department Order No. 2003-51 An order Nullifying Sections 2 and 3 of DO 2003-31 Approved: Oct. 13, 2003 12. DO 2004-01 Rules and Regulations Concerning the Issuance of DOTC/LTO Authorization of Motor Vehicle Private Emission Testing Centers Approved: Nov. 24, 2003 13. DO 2004-60 PETC issued Accreditation and Authorization as Mobile Center Approved: Nov. 23, 2004

14. MC 588-2005 Mandatory Emission Test Approved: March 10, 2003 15. DENR, DTI, DOTC JAO No. 1 Series of 2003 Guidelines and Procedure for the Monitoring of Accredited and Authorized PETC and LTO Emission Activities

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