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Name of traine Nama Peserta magang Name of University Nama Universitas Training Period Periode Magang Department/Section/outlet WITH THE FOLLOWING EVALUATION Dengan Penilaian Sebagai berikut

: : : : : E G F P

Description / Deskripsi Knowledge of Job / Pengetahuan tentang Pekerjaan General Attitude / Kepribadian Umum Appearance / Penampilan Courtesy / Sopan Santun Guest Relation / Hubungan dengan Tamu Job Enthusiasme / Keantusiasan Kerja Accept Training / Kemampuan Penerimaan Pelatihan Initiative / Inisiatif Completion of Task / Kemampuan Menyelesaikan Accuracy Masalah of Work / Keakuratan Kerja Efficiency / Efisiensi Discipline / Disiplin Attendance / Kehadiran Total E = Excellent/Sempurna ( 90 100) F = Fair / Sedang (60 79) Evaluated by Dinilai Oleh,

G = Good / Bagus (80 89) P = Poor / Kurang ( < 60) Acknowledge by Diketahui oleh,



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