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Professional Learning Plan

MAET Program Summer 2011

Previous Experience
Creating a classroom blog Creating a professional development blog for staff Participating in World Read Aloud Day via Skype with International Authors Collaborating over Edmodo and Wikispaces through the Flat Classroom Project Students writing their own blog post on Kidblog Building my PLN through Twitter, Classroom 2.0 Social Bookmarking with Delicious and Diigo Subscribing to blogs through RSS feeds Participating in weekly chat via Twitter Collaborating over Elluminate with other Educators Providing professional development to staff on Voicethread, Blogging, and Kidbogs

Vision: To pursue my passion for Technology by enrolling in the MSU Masters of Educational Technology Program

Top Accomplishments:
TPACK-Understanding the idea of finding that sweet spot and its integral role in 21st Century Learning UDL Principles- The importance of provide a framework for diverse learning opportunities Tutorial on Copyright- Sharing this tutorial with staff to create awareness and understanding between staff and students on copyright, fair use, and creative commons. Formation of a Multi-genre project- This project will be integral in leading discussion on the idea of creativity and diverse learning opportunities in the classroom with students. Wicked Problem Project- Presentation to share the importance of Collaborative Learning with the district.

Vision Statement Provide leadership and facilitate collaboration to effectively integrate 21st Century Learning throughout the district.

The Next Year

Providing Professional Development on the TPACK framework and Collaborative Learning Creating Collaborative Groups with Educators to foster the use of UDL principles in lesson planning Sharing Copyright Tutorial with staff

In the Next 5 Years...

Creating a library of tutorials on Web 2.0 tools for staff. Presenting sessions on 21st Century Learning skills at the District Level, as well as various Technology Conferences Pursue a more active role in the development of Technology in Education by participating in fundamental curriculum committees

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