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Andromeda Urquilla Class 904

March 20, 2011 Ms. Hudson

Final Report
Title: The effect of resting during one minute of squeezing a clothespin Hypothesis: If resting has an effect on squeezing a clothespin than the amount will increase Methods and Materials: We used pencil, markers and paper for recording our group data. My group also used three plastic clothespins so we can squeeze it for one minute after exercising or resting. Procedure Step 1: Gather 5 people with the same lifestyle, age, height, and condition Step 2: Allow all of the people in the group to exercise for one minute and then give them the same type of clothespins so they can squeeze it for one minute Step 3: Then you allow all of the people in the group to rest for one minute and give them the same type of clothespins so they can squeeze it for one minute Step 4: Have one person keep track of time for the people who are exercising and resting Step 5: Start the procedure for the ones who are exercising and resting, make sure everyone is holding the clothespin with the same hand and with the tip of their fingers Step 6: Stop after one minute and record the amount they squeezed the clothespin down on the chart Step 7: Complete steps 1-6 two more times

Data Collected:
Test1 Total Average 168.6 Name of individuals Lisa Andromeda Brandy Sucorah Kristian Resting clothespin 214 120 197 185 127 Test 2 Total Name of individuals Lisa Resting clothespin 191 120 180 190 134 Test 3 Total Name of individuals Lisa Resting clothespin 204 135 177 180 131

Average Andromeda 163 Brandy Sucorah Kristian

Average Andromeda 165.4 Brandy Sucorah Kristian

Test1 Total Average 146

Name of individuals Lisa Andromeda Brandy Sucorah Kristian

Exercising clothespin 138 150 209 120 113


Name of individuals Total Lisa Average Andromeda 156.6 Brandy Sucorah Kristian

Exercising clothespin 270 110 190 180 143


Name of individuals Total Lisa Average Andromeda 116.2 Brandy Sucorah Kristian

Exercising clothespin 103 108 115 98 159

Discussion and Conclusions: The data that my group collected supported our hypothesis because the average amount of resting after squeezing clothespin for all three of the test that we made was greater than the average amount of exercising after squeezing clothespin. Resting average was 168.6, 163, and 165.4 and the average of exercising was 146, 156.6, and 116.2 in which proves that resting increase the amount of clothespin. Suggestion for Improvement: Some possible errors that would make my data less reliable would be using one different technique of exercising in one of the trial test. For example: someone could have run in trail test number one and do jumping jack in the other two trials. Another mistake that could have been done is squeezing the clothespin in the wrong hand or using your whole fingers to squeeze the clothespin in which would give us an inaccurate data. Someone could have exceeded the time limit when someone was squeezing their clothespin. All of these mistakes would not be a controlled experiment. Suggestion for Further Research: Two questions I have when doing this investigation is if your circulatory or pulse rate affect the amount of clothespin you squeeze in one minute. My second question is that is it possible for someone to squeeze more clothespins when youre watching something exciting.

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