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sfEdlman\TiBlelIRbBnsrsR bsaTsVyt

(Autonomic Nervous System Agents)

sfEdlman\TiBlelIRbB&ns rsRbsaT Sympathetic:
1. Adrenergics or Sympathomimetics or Adrenomimetics or Adrenergic Agonists 2. Adrenergic blockers or Adrenergic Antagonists or Sympatholytics or Adrenolytics



1. Cholinergics or Parasympathomimetics or Cholinergic Agonists 2. Anticholinergics or Parasympatholytics or Cholinergic Antagonist or Antispasmodics

Autonomic Nervous System Agents

I. Review of Nervous System

RbB&nsrsRbsaT (Nervous System) EbgEckCaRbB&nsrsRbsaTkNal (CNS) nigsrsRbsaTxageRkA (PNS). CNS manxYrk,al nig xYrqwgxg (Brain and Spinal cord). cMEnk PNS EbgEckCaBIrEpkKW Autonomic Nervous - System (ANS)nig Somatic Nervous System (SNS). vaman NeuronsBIr RbePTenAkg PNS KW Sensory Neurons EdldwknaMBtman (action potentials) BIGkTTYl(Sensory Receptors)eTARbBnssRbsaTkNal nig

Motor Neurons Edldwk

naMBtman BI CNS eTAsriragRbtibti (Effector Organs) dUcCasac;dMurlIg nigRkeBj. Motor Neurons enHdwknaMBtmantam pvBIrRbePTKWmYyrytam Autonomic
Nervous System

CaRbB&nsrsRbsaTEdleyIgminGacb Baa)anrYmman sac;dMuebH dUg sac;dMurlIg nig RkeBj (cardiac muscle, smooth muscles and glands) ehIymYyeTottamry Somatic Nervous System CaRbB&nsrsRbsaTEdleyIgGacRKb;RKg rWbBaa)andUcCa sac;dMuCab;qwg (Skeletal muscles).
Autonomic Nervous SystemEbgEckCaBIrRbePTeTotKW Sympathetic

nig Parasympathetic Nervous System EdlRbB&nsrsRbsaTTaMgBIrenHvae FIV-

karpyKaedI ,I[ragkaymnusSeyIgm antulPaB (Homeost sis) .


Nervous System

(Subdi isions of t e nervous system):

Central Nervous System

Brain Spinal Cord

eri eral Nervous System ( NS)

Autonomi Nervous System Somati Nervous System

Sympat eti Nervous System

arasympat eti Nervous System

III. \TiBlRbBn Sympathetic nig Parasympathetic

m elIsrIrag (Sympathetic and Parasympathetic effects on

body tissues): Body tissues/organ Eye: Sympathetic Response Dilates pupils Dilates bronchioles Increases Heart rate Constricts Blood vessels Parasympathetic Response Constricts pupils Constricts and Increases secretions Decreases Heart rate Dilates Blood vessels Increases peristalsis


Lungs: sYt Heart:

Blood vessels:

Gastrointestinal Relaxes smooth muscles : gastrointestinal tract

RkBHeBaH evon
Bladder: Relaxes Bladder muscles Relaxes uterine muscles Increases salivation Constricts



Salivary gland:

RkeBjTwk mat;
Note: The Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems have opposite responses on body tissues and organs.

IV. Classifications of Autonomic Nervous System Agents:

1. Autonomic Nervous System Stimulants: -Sympathetic Stimulants -Parasympathetic Stimulants. 2. Autonomic Nervous System Depressants: -Sympathetic Depressants -Parasympathetic Depressants.

A. Sympathetic Stimulants:
 Sympathomimetics or Adrenergics or Adrenomimetics or Adrenergic agonist drugs

manskmPaB -Increase blood pressure: begInsm<aFQam

-Increase pulse rate: begIncgVak;CIBcr

-Increase blood sugar: begInCatisrkgQam

-Relax bronchioles: TgsYtrIk -Relax uterine muscles: sac;duMs,nsRmak -Dilate pupils of the eyes: RbRsIEPkrIk B. Parasympathetic Stimulants: Direct acting RkumsfmanskmPaBpal;

Parasympathomimetics or cholinergics or cholinergic


-Decrease pulse rate:

-Decrease blood pressure: - Constricts bronchioles: - Constricts pupils of the eyes:

-Increase urinary contraction: -Increase peristalsis:

Indirect acting

RkumsfmanskmPaBminpal; Rbeyal
 Cholinesterase Inhibitors or Anticholinesterase

-Increase muscle tone.
C. Sympathetic Depressants:  Sympatholytics or Adrenergic Blockers or Adrenolytics or Adrenergic Antagonists

-Decrease pulse rate: -Decrease blood pressure: -Constrict bronchioles:

D. Parasympathetic Depressants:  Parasympatholytics or Anticholinergics or Cholinergic Antagonists or Antispasmodics

-Increase pulse rate:

-Increase urinary retention:

-Decrease gastrointestinal motility: -Decrease mucous secretion: -Dilate pupils of the eyes:

Note: Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Responses to Drugs Sympathetic

Sympathomimetic Sympatholytic Sympathomimetic Sympatholytic

Parasympathomimetic Parasympatholytic Parasympatholytic Parasympathomimetic

Opposite Response Opposite Response Similar Response Similar Response

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