CFD Azad 03

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Science and Research Branch Islamic Azad University Borujerd Project 3: Numerical solution of 1D convectiondiffusion equation with FVM

Suppose the steady-state flow in a channel as shown in figure 1. 1- Drive the energy equation (diffusion-convection) and continuity equation for this flow. 2- Drive the analytic solution for energy equation. 3- Solve numerically this equation with Control Volume Method (FVM). Use the following difference schemes for convection terms: Central differencing scheme Upwind differencing scheme Hybrid differencing scheme QUICK differencing scheme Compare the results with each other and evaluate the stability of each method (Peclet number). Compare the results for deferent step sizes.(for several n-point grids; n=5,20,50,150) (k=0.025 w/m.K)

Figure 1: straight nozzle

Project deadline


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