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Our Ref: AIESEC/SG G/MC1011/00040 y 27th July 2011 mbership The Mem AIESEC Singapore C RE: Not tice

of 39th A Annual Gene eral Meeting g s he hip EC e ails This letter serves as notice to th membersh of AIESE Singapore of the deta of the 39tth Annual Constitution. T details of the meetin are as follo The o ng ows: General Meeting as per Article 13(b) of the C 011, Saturda ay Date: 6th August 20 pm Time: 9.30 am 5 p Venue: Lee Kong C Chian Schoo of Business, SMU, Se ol eminar Room 3-2, m

Should y you be unab to attend the aforementioned me ble d eeting and if you do hav voting rights, then f ve kindly do ownload, com mplete and s submit a hard copy of the Proxy Form by the dead d e m dlines set by your LC y represen ntative(s). All info ormation(s) pertaining to the 3 th 39 com/a/aiesec m/ Annual General Meeting can c be fo ound at

Should y require any clarificati you a ion(s), please email adria

you Thank y

Yours truly,

an Ong Liang Kiat Adria esident, Finance Vice Pre AIESEC Singapore C

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