Anskrit Quote Category

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anskrit Quote Category: Caliber of a Man

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English Translation of Sanskrit quote: Those who do not start the work (at all) fearing the obstacles are (called) men of low caliber. Those who start the work but stop on encountering obstacles are (called) men of medium caliber. Those who even after being destroyed again & again by obstacles do not leave the work once started are (called) men of high caliber. Commentary on Sanskrit quote: On this particular day a middle aged respectable looking gentleman came to my office. As an orthopedic surgeon by profession, I was to teach him physiotherapeutic spinal exercises for his low backache. He was symptomatically relieved of his backache but looked worried. I offered to help him for his mental agitation. He was working as a senior project management professional in human resource department of one of the corporate multinational company. He was given to select the junior staff of three persons from a short listed ten candidates. He had interviewed all the ten candidates & found them all equally able intellectually. I told him to run a search on their past performance & voila. There came the solution. Out of ten, five had left previous company because they thought they were given the job which was out of their capability. Three had started the projects but were told to give charge to somebody else on being unable to negotiate with their clients successfully. Only two of them were found to have completed all the projects allotted to them in spite of ever changing work conditions. No prizes here for guessing whom the manager selected to be his junior staff members. And me????? I got the manager of that corporate multinational company as my client for ever. P. S. I hope you have somebody from the human resource department who can benefit from this Sanskrit quote & the above stated experience. You seeTop level business secrets are not given away like this everyday. posted by Kiran Paranjape at 10:36 PM 1 comments

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