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People sometimes ask the question WHY when it comes to their circumstances.

The y give excuses for why their life is not going the way they feel it should be go ing. They ask themselves why things arent the way they want them or need them to be. Why is my life so bad? Why do I live in a bad community? Why do I have bad grades in school?

I ask what are we doing to change our circumstances and change our lives. The q uestion shouldnt be WHY? But HOW? Not why is my life so bad? but instead, How am I making my life better?

Not why do I live in a bad community? but instead, How am I making my comm unity better? Not Why do I keep getting bad grades? but instead, How can I make my grad es better? You see we need to stop blaming circumstances and take a strong look at the pers on in the mirror and ask HOW? Im not discounting bad circumstances because they are real and they do exist. What I am saying is our circumstances dont define wh o we are or what we want to become. We have to stop allowing our circumstances to dictate the direction of our lives. We have choices. Do we choose to contin ue to have negative expectations or do we choose to make a change. WHO OR WHAT IS DICTATING THE DIRECTION OF YOUR LIFE? IS IT YOU? Johnnie Godette Jr. Chief Operating Officer

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