Reid Ford NEH Proposal

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‘Texas A&M University-Commerce Internal Routing Form for External Sponsored Projects Principal Investigator. Robin Anne Reid Deparment: Literature and Languages o-PUDiestor Judy Ann Ford Deparment History Propose Tolkien's Lord of the Rings in History and Lit Classroom sypmission Deachne: March 3, 2008 Collaborative propos with enema ssttuton? — CO]Ves yes. lead nti? Check al ofthe flowing that apply Typeor Projet: Reseach (Tranny tnsmuenon —JCommumiyPubie Sevier CJStdent Supper Cleat Support Comer TypeofAmand — Gam agement Deonact (Dsubcontae Doain-Donaion Ctswifeton —ZINew Renewal suppement oninaton Amount of FucsReqused_ $175,395 Prot Sat Bae October 1.2008 Pryest nd Buie_December 31,2009 Funding Aponey: NEH ‘ase RFP Program Name Summer Institutes & Seminars Type of Agency: Goverment Foundation Dieerperaon DDtrviduat oer Projet Requirement Human sbjesincohies? Yes (ZINo CiPending cammines review Approval Dat Exempt trom eview L1¥es EINo Vercbate animals imolveg? C1Yes (ZINo Pending camminee view Approval Dt re bichazars, recombinant DNA. radiative an raion poduring meri of aes involved in your pot? vs — DNo Ines admin cot etl [ii ert ate 50% of saris & wags) Drone Pari Facuty Release Tine or Principal lavewtgator= Projet | Number of Course [Total | Aeeount Namber Year | Reteses Requested | Amount or ‘Adjunct Adjuet Yat___spring | Salary s Account Manager's Approval Vent Yar? oes your propel require cost-sharing?” —-«C] Yes (ZINo Does your proposal quire matching funds? C] Yes ZINo Asimvestuntr tery hat 1am aot lingua on any federal deb suchas tes, ten Lanse: Lam not detrod suspen proposed for debament. dead ‘nlp or vokiarilyevelied fom ansacton by 4 ade! dearment or gency, ah espns for wchacal conduct a i war an frsubmosan of ‘ecicleprs, Tam responsible fo compliance with ward tame and coon, Lam nat aware potential por plblishing ston or poner requ Tor pte rps in siolion Bou of ents poli: hve sbi he A&M. Commece Sigua Financ! neret Catcton Sta ‘eg on is oman eee ane a co olin Comte eee? alis/aove Fea nesta Signate Due ‘applica acl Ml emi "au ai intrmstion Coleye Dean Sigiaure Vice Pent {rbd Advaneenent sos Ay Mi Lf 02/auhy/ ae ay Siae Dean Cradate Snes & Resch Signup Attachments Information Final page of application is Attachments Form PDFs must be attached in order 1. contents pdf 2. narrative pdf 3 budget pdf 4 appendices pdf Hard copy of all materials have been delivered to Natalie. Attachments of most of the materials have been delivered, with file names the same as the names above (required by NEH): Doc. Files Contents.doc Narrative.doc Budget.doc Appendices will need to be saved in one large file: Appendix One (2 letters, hard copy, no electronic copy) Appendix Two Detailed Schedule (hard copy, e-copy) Appendix Three Directors’ CVs (hard copy, e-copy) Appendix Four Supplemental Reading List (hard copy, e-copy) Appendix Five Visiting Experts: Letters of Intent and evs (hard copy only) ‘Appendix Six Evaluations from Participants in 2004 NEH Institute (hard copy only) Texas A&M University-Commerce ignificant Financial Interest Certification Significant financial interests occurs when income anticipated from this sponsored project for the Investigator, Investigator’ spouse and dependent children a) Exceeds $10,000 in value as determined through reference to public prices or other reasonable measures of fair market value, and represents more than a five percent ownership interest in any single entity; b) Salary, royalties or other payments that when aggregated for me, my spouse and my dependent children over the next twelve months, are expected to exceed $10,000. ‘The term does not include: salary, royalties or other remuneration from the Texas, A&M University System, income from seminars, lectures, or teaching engagement sponsored by public and nonprofit entities and income from service on adi committees or review panels for public or nonprofit entities. Thereby certify that: J, my spouse nor my dependent children are officers, directors, partners, trustees, employees, advisory board members, or agents of the external agency funding this sponsored project or of any organization from which goods, services, will be obtained under the sponsored activity; 1, my spouse nor my dependent children are the actual or beneficial owner of more than an aggregate of five percent (5%) of the voting stock or controlling interest of the extemal agency funding this sponsored project or of any organization from which goods, services, will be obtained under the sponsored activity \alis/acoe Principal Investigator’s Signature Date ‘This form must accompany the Internal Routing Form

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