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PMI-CCVC CAPM Preparatory Test 1. Take a practice test a. Identify the weak areas after the test b.

Focus on the Rita Mulcahys CAPM Exam Prep first then PMBOK

2. Take another practice test a. Identify weak areas again b. Focus on the Rita Mulcahys CAPM Exam Prep first then PMBOK again c. Write it down on your cheat sheet

3. Develop your cheat sheet with formulas and everything else (brain dump) a. Write it down on the cheat sheet from memory b. One side of the cheat sheet only

4. Take another practice test a. Identify the weak areas again b. Focus on the Rita Mulcahys CAPM Exam Prep first then PMBOK again c. Revise your cheat sheet

5. Take a simulated test with the cheat sheet

Note: Do NOT take more than six (6) tests. Five (5) is recommended and Do NOT take all the tests in one week.

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