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com Invitation to 23rd Commenmoration of 8.8.88 ( ) To solve the political problems, general DPNS (USA difficulties the soonest, the following ) political actions need to be carried out. 1. To immediately release all those who are imprisoned for their political conscience. ) ) 2. To stop all armed offenses against the ethnic nationalities and initiate steps towards true peace. People Uprising in Burma with San Francisco Bay Area Burmese Democratic Community

() Branch) ( (BYA ( () (BAYDA



To stop human rights abuses that take place in many different forms and patterns.



To embark on a dialog that includes all opposition forces.


1. ABSSF 2, Karen Youth Organization 3. Kachin Community 4. Rakhine Women's Union 5. NLD -LA (USA branch) (415-424-5811) (925-207-5696) (415-368(510-851-6501) (510-967-4096) (510-220-1323) 6. DPNS (USA branch) 7. Tri-Color Group (USA Branch) 8. Burmese American Democratic Alliance 9. Burmese American Women Alliance 10. MoeMaKa News Group Volunteers & Support Community 1. 2. Burmese Youth Association Shan Community

Event Schedule on 6th August 2011 11:00-12:00 - Alms to monks and Buddhist religious ceremony in memoriam of the fallen Colleagues at and since 8888 12:00-1:00 - Refreshment will be served 1:00-4:30 - Stage Performance, Exhibition & Presentation Programs Includes; (NLD-LA(USA Branch) - History of 8888 Documentary) (ABSSF & DPNS (USA Branch) - Poem, Song and Play) (Rakhine Womens Union - Documentary on civil war, women issues and human rights) (BYA Burmese Dance & Paly) (Kachin Community Presentation & Talk) (BAYDA Poem & Performance) (Others Ethnics and Group Talk & Performance & Exhibits)

7003) -

Contact Persons - - For Media & Press Ko Toe Lwin (415-424-5811) Ko Nyunt Than (510-220-1323) Subcommittee Programs - Ko Khaing Gyi (925-207-5696) Stage Performance - Ko Win Hlaing (415368-7003), Information - Ko Maung Yit (510-851-6501), Finance - Ma Aye Yi Htay, Ma Mie Mie, Ma Chan Mya Aye Outreach - Aung Zar Ni (510-967-4096)

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