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Human Resources Management System

HR System yang kami tawarkan terdiri dari dua modul, yaitu modul standar dan modul tambahan. Sementara untuk Time Attendance dan Payroll merupakan modul terpisah dari modul akan yang ditawarkan.

Hubungan antar modul

Recruitment, Development dan Training

Leave, Medical dan Employee Self Service

System Design
Operating System
The chosen operating system should be stable, reflects Indonesian market requirement, and easy to maintain.

Database System
The database should be able to handle big amount of data. The structure should be flexible enough to prepare for the future changes.

System Requirement

User Interface
The chosen programming environment should be flexible to fit different environment in different company and also easy to use.

The system should have a backup in order to prevent from loosing any data which will allow the company to secure all the data

Different testing scheme should be conducted to ensure error handling capabilities.

Project Implementation Strategy


Go Live & Support

Client Service

Preparation Pre-Implementation Implementation Final Preparation

Cutover Start New System Support

System Training Maintenance

Project Management
Project Management 7 Quality Assurance

Layanan Perawatan

Kebutuhan Infrastructure dan Network

Infrastructure dan Network Operating Systems Server MS Windows 2008. Desktop Berbasis Microsoft Windows (XP, Vista, 7, dll) Hardware Server Server, Clustering, Firewall, Router, Switch, Storage, Rack + Installation Network Capacity Akan menggunakan WAN pada saat implementasi

Power UPS

Data Database Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Storage Sudah dalam lingkup kebutuhan Hardware

Support Service Level Menerapkan SLA dengan ekskalasi penyelesaian permasalahan On site layanan

Security Antivirus Menggunakan Corporate Antivirus

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