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Miss. Swapna Verma

Mr. Uday Prakash Tripathi

School of Management Sciences

PGDM 3rd Sem.



The theoretical knowledge gained during the pursuance of Post Graduate Diploma in Management(PGDM) has been complemented by the practical training experience of 60 days at Xerox India ltd. With the opening up of the Photocopier machines many companies have come up like Canon,Richo,Sharp and xerox . This has increased the competition among them and also posed a challenge, which was enjoying a monopoly status. The increased competition gives me an opportunity to compare the copiers machines. My study aims To analyze the market shares of Xerox photocopier in Lucknow. I have also made a market survey in order to find out the preference of individuals as to the nature of Photocopier machines. The survey helped me to derive various other facts about the photocopier in market. In todays lots of photocopier machines available in market, it is difficult to customer for choosing the machines. Therefore this study is of importance both from the point of view of the customer, as it compares the salient features of the products offered by the Xerox.


I would like to place sincere thanks to Mr. Shabbir Hasan who is the owner of SHAMS office Automation and Mr. Ritesh Srivastava who is the sales in charge give kind advice and sincere guidance in the completion of this project. The acknowledgement would be incomplete without thanking family and friends, who were of immense help. At last, I would like to place deep sense of gratitude to the entire staff of Xerox who gave me time and were very helpful and cooperative.

Uday Prakash Tripathi PGDM 3rd sem. School of Management Sciences


Chapter A

Chapter B

Chapter C


The research that has been undertake for study was to carry Graduates of Businessman in doing part of time Job in Insurance company and I made a survey of 100 government and non government organizations and the area where my survey was complete in Lucknow. And I feed back which I got from different organizations were quite good enough and it shows a good sign and good image of Xerox India ltd. In this competitive market where customer and dealer is the king, it is very important to analyze the customer as well as dealer perception about the product. Companies, by conducting various market researches, try to improve their products and provide customers better and more services. As without putting customers on the top no company can get success. For achieving success every company should target customers because the market is totally market oriented. The report is prepared for the partial fulfillment of PGDM programme and as a part of curriculum. The topic of my project is To analyze the market shares of Xerox photocopier machine in Lucknow. This exploratory research is being conducted by survey on the people of Lucknow. The survey was conducted through questionnaires by personally interviewing each respondent on a number of queries structured in the questionnaire. The data thus collected through survey was organized in a database, which could be referred for future endorsements. The data thus collected was then subjected to analysis by a mixture of common and advanced statistical technique. The above mentioned survey was conducted on 100 respondents. The respondents were selected from different parts of Lucknow city.

The respondents were taken from various sectors viz.: Governments,Privates,Institutions as well as various customers etc.It is found that still Xerox photocopier machines is the strongest competitor for the companies like: Richo,Canon,Sharp and Godrej.

Problem Definition

Problem Definition refers to the problem that will arise during the course of study of this topic in the months of May and June. Different kinds of problems comes into picture during the course of study as for example people are not ready to share their view for five minutes due to terrible hot condition in which the study is to be undertaken. Because of this reason polite and humble person are chosen carefully so that they can share their view honesty with us. So that the purpose of our study can be fulfilled with in limited time period of study.


Research objective is the basic theme on which the survey is conducted and on which the whole report depends.

The objectives of this survey are:

To study the market of Xerox photocopier machine in Lucknow. To study the growths of Xerox photocopier machine. To observe the extent of the market. To find out which type of product and schemes is preferred by the Organization.

To study the different facilities of photocopier machine(MFD) given by Xerox companies. To study the market strategy of Xerox. To study the organization structure of Xerox India ltd. To study the different product ranges of Xerox. To study the, what is the opportunity for Xerox in Indian market.


A photocopier (or copier) is a machine that makes paper copies of documents and other visual images quickly and cheaply. Most current photocopiers use a technology called xerography,a dry process using heat. (Xerographic office photocopying was introduced by Xerox,in the 1960s, and over the following 20 years it gradually replaced copies made by Verifax, Photostat,carbon copy mimography machines,and other duplicating machine.The prevalence of its use is one of the factors that prevented the development of the paperless office heralded early in the digital revolution. Photocopying is widely used in business, education, and government. There have been many predictions that photocopiers will eventually become obsolete as information workers continue to increase their digital document creation and distribution, and rely less on distributing actual pieces of paper. In 1937, Bulgarian physicist Georgi Nadjakov found that, when placed into an electric field and exposed to light, some dielectrics acquire permanent electric polarization in the exposed areas. That polarization persists in the dark and is destroyed in light.Chester Carlson, the inventor of photocopying, was originally a patent attorney, as well as a part-time researcher and inventor. His job at the patent office in New York required him to make a large number of copies of important papers. Carlson, who was arthritic, found this to be a painful and tedious process. This motivated him to conduct experiments with photoconductivity. Carlson used his kitchen for his "electrophotography" experiments, and, in 1938, he applied for a patent for the process. He made the first photocopy using a zinc plate covered with sulfur. The words "10-22-38 Astoria" were written on a microscope slide, which was placed on top of more sulfur and under a bright light. After the slide was removed, a mirror image of the words remained. Carlson tried to sell his invention to some companies, but failed because the process was still underdeveloped. At the time, multiple copies were most commonly made at the point of document origination, using carbon paper or manual 8

duplicating machines, and people did not see the need for an electronic machine. Between 1939 and 1944, Carlson was turned down by over 20 companies, including IBM and General Electricneither of which believed there was a significant market for copiers.In 1944, the Battelle Memorial Institute, a non-profit organization in Columbus, Ohio, contracted with Carlson to refine his new process. Over the next five years, the institute conducted experiments to improve the process of electrophotography. In 1947, Haloid Corporation (a small New York-based manufacturer and seller of photographic paper) approached Battelle to obtain a license to develop and market a copying machine based on this technology.Haloid felt that the word "electrophotography" was too complicated and did not have good recall value. After consulting a professor of classical language at Ohio State University, Haloid and Carlson changed the name of the process to "Xerography," which was derived from Greek words that meant "dry writing." Haloid called the new copier machines "Xerox Machines" and, in 1948, the word "Xerox" was trademarked. Haloid eventually changed its name to Xerox Corporation.In 1949, Xerox Corporation introduced the first xerographic copier called the Model A. Xerox became so successful that, in North America, photocopying came to be popularly known as "xeroxing." Xerox has actively fought to prevent "Xerox" from becoming a genericized trademark. While the word "Xerox" has appeared in some dictionaries as a synonym for photocopying, Xerox Corporation typically requests that such entries be modified, and that people not use the term "Xerox" in this way. Some languages include hybrid terms, such as the widely used Polish term kserokopia ("xerocopy"), even though relatively few photocopiers are of the Xerox brand.In the early 1950s, Radio Corporation of America (RCA) introduced a variation on the process called Electrofax, whereby images are formed directly on specially coated paper and rendered with a toner dispersed in a liquid.During the 1960s and through the 1980s, Savin Corporation developed and sold a line of liquid-toner copiers that implemented a technology based on patents held by the company. 9

Prior to the widespread adoption of xerographic copiers, photo-direct copies produced by machines such as Kodak's Verifax were used. A primary obstacle associated with the pre-xerographic copying technologies was the high cost of supplies: a Verifax print required supplies costing USD $0.15 in 1969, while a Xerox print could be made for USD $0.03 including paper and labor. At that time, Thermofax photocopying machines in librariescould make letter-sized copies for USD $0.25 or more (at a time when the minimum wage for a US worker was USD $1.65). There are many brnads of photocopier machines available in market, but Xerox is leadinf brand in photocopier market.



Company Overview
Address: 800LongRidgeRoad Stamford,Connecticut06904 U.S.A. Telephone: (203) 968-3000 Toll Free: 800-828-6396 Fax: (203) 968-4312 Statistics: Public Company Incorporated: 1906 as The Haloid Company Employees: 91,400 Sales: $18.17 billion (1997) Revenue: US$17.2 billion(2007) Stock Exchanges: New York Midwest Boston Cincinnati Pacific Philadelphia London Basel Berne Geneva Lausanne Zrich. TickerSymbol: XRX C.E.O. - Anne M.Mulcahy SICs: 3577 Computer Peripheral Equipment, Not Elsewhere Classified; 3579 Office Machines, Not Elsewhere Classified; 5044 Office Equipment; 7374 Computer Processing & Data Preparation

Services; 7375 Information Retrieval Services; 7379 Computer Related Services, Not Elsewhere Classified.

12 Xerox Corporation (NYSE: XRX; name pronounced /zirks/) is a global document management company which manufactures and sells a range of color and black-and-white printers, multifunction systems, photo copiers, digital production printing presses, and related consulting services and supplies. Xerox is headquartered in Norwalk, Connecticut (moved from Stamford, Connecticut in October 2007), though its largest population of employees is based in and around Rochester, New York, the area in which the company was founded.


The Xerox 914 was the first one-piece plain paper photocopier, and sold in the thousands.Xerox was founded in 1906 in Rochester, New York as "The Haloid Company", which originally manufactured photographic paper and equipment. The company subsequently changed its name to "Haloid Xerox" in 1958 and then simply "Xerox" in 1961. The company came to prominence in 1959 with the introduction of the Xerox 914, the first plain paper photocopier using the process of xerography developed by Chester Carlson. The 914 was so popular that by the end of 1961, Xerox had almost $60 million in revenue. By 1965, revenues leaped to over $500 million. Before releasing the 914, Xerox had also introduced the first xerographic printer, the "Copyflo" in 1955. The company expanded substantially throughout the 1960s, making millionaires of some

13 long-suffering investors who had nursed the company through the slow research and development phase of the product. In 1960, the "Wilson Center for Research and Technology" was opened in Webster, New York, a research facility for xerography. Then in 1961, the company changed its name to "Xerox Corporation". Xerox common stock (XRX) was listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1961 and on the Chicago Stock Exchange in 1990. In 1963, Xerox introduced the Xerox 813, the first desktop plain-paper copier, bringing Carlson's vision of a copier that could fit on anyone's office desk into a reality. Ten years later in 1973, a color copier followed. In 1969, Xerox acquired Scientific Data Systems [SDS], and produced the Sigma line of 32-bit mainframe computers in the 1960s and 1970s. The laser printer was invented in 1969 by Xerox researcher Gary Starkweather by modifying a Xerox copier. This development resulted in the first commercially available laser printer, the Xerox 9700, being launched in 1977. Laser printing eventually became a multi billion dollar business for Xerox. Archie McCardell was named president of the company in 1971. During his tenure, Xerox introduced its first color copier. During McCardell's reign at Xerox, the company announced record revenues, earnings and profits in 1973, 1974, and 1975. John Carrol became a backer, later spreading the company throughout North America.

Following these years of record profits, in 1975 Xerox resolved an anti-trust suit with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which at the time was under the direction of Frederic M. Scherer. The Xerox consent decree resulted in the forced licensing of the 14

companysentire patent portfolio, mainly to Japanese competitors. This action marked the start of an activist approach to managing competition by the FTC and U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). It resulted in the forced licensing of tens of thousands of patent from some of America's leading companies, including IBM, AT&T, DuPont, Bausch & Lomb, and Eastman Kodak. Within four years of the consent decree, Xerox's share of the U.S. copier market dropped from nearly 100% to less than 14%. Between 1950 and 1980 Japanese companies consummated more than 35,000 foreign licensing agreements, mostly with U.S. companies, for free or low-cost licenses made possible by the FTC and DOJ. In 1970, under company president Charles Peter McColough, Xerox opened the Xerox PARC (Xerox Palo Alto Research Center) research facility. The facility developed many modern computing technologies such as the mouse and the graphical user interface (GUI). From these inventions, Xerox PARC created the Xerox Alto in 1973, a small minicomputer similar to a modern workstation or personal computer. This machine can be considered the first true personal computer, given its versatile combination of a cathode-ray-type screen, mouse-type pointing device, and a QWERTY-type alphanumeric keyboard. But the Alto was never commercially sold, as Xerox itself could not see the sales potential of it. In 1979, several Apple Computer employees, including Steve Jobs, visited Xerox PARC, interested in seeing their developments. Jobs and the others saw the commercial potential of the GUI and mouse, and redirected development of the Apple Lisa to

incorporate these technologies. In 1980, Steven Jobs invited several key PARC's researchers to join his company in order that they would be able to fully develop and implement their ideas.


The Xerox Alto workstation was developed at Xerox PARC. Xerox later released a similar system to the Alto, the Xerox Star in 1981 as a workstation. It was the first commercial system to incorporate various technologies that today have become commonplace in personal computers, including a bitmapped display, a window-based GUI, mouse, Ethernet networking, file servers, print servers and email. The Xerox Star, despite its technological breakthroughs, did not sell well due to its high price, costing $16,000 per unit. A typical Xerox Star-based office would have cost $100,000.In the mid 1980s, Apple considered buying Xerox; however, a deal was never reached. Apple instead bought rights to the Alto GUI and adapted it into to a more affordable personal computer, aimed towards the business and education markets. The Apple Macintosh was released in 1984, and was the first personal computer to popularize the GUI and mouse amongst the public.The company was revived

in the 1980s and 1990s, through improvement in quality design and realignment of its product line. Development of digital photocopiers in the 1990s and a revamp of the entire product range essentially high-end laser printers with attached scanners which were able to be attached to computer

16 networks again gave,Xerox a technical lead over its competitors. Xerox worked to turn its product into a service, providing a complete "document service" to companies including supply, maintenance, configuration, and user support. To reinforce this image, the company introduced a corporate signature, "The Document Company" above its main logo and introduced a red "digital X". The "digital X" symbolized the transition of documents between the paper and digital worlds. In 2000, Xerox acquired Tektronix color printing and imaging division in Wilsonville, Oregon, for US$925 million. This led to the current Xerox Phaser line of products as well as Xerox solid ink printing technology. In September 2004, Xerox celebrated the 45th anniversary of the Xerox 914. More than 200,000 units were made around the world between 1959 and 1976, the year production of the 914 was stopped. Today, the 914 is part of American history as an artifact in the Smithsonian Institution. Xerox's turnaround was largely led by Anne M. Mulcahy, who was appointed president in May 2000, CEO in August 2001 and chairman in January 2002.[8] Mulcahy launched an aggressive turnaround plan that returned Xerox to full-year profitability by the end of 2002, along with decreasing debt, increasing cash, and continuing to invest in research and development. In November, 2006 Xerox completed the Acquisition of XMPie Press Release. In October 2008, Xerox

Canada Ltd. was named one of Greater Toronto's Top Employers by Mediacorp Canada Inc., which was announced by the Toronto Star newspaper.

17 On May 21, 2009 it was announced that Ursula Burns would succeed Anne Mulcahy as CEO of Xerox as of July 1st, 2009 and hence would become the first African American to head a company the size of Xerox. The Corporate Milestones 1983 Joint Venture agreement signed with Rank Xerox. September 2: Modi Xerox incorporated. November 11: Rampur Plant foundation stone laid. 1984 The maiden Public issue oversubscribed. Major Branch Offices established in 22 cities across the country. 1985 February 13: The first 1045 copier rolls off the assembly line. May 1: Commercial production begins. December 20: 1000th Copier manufactured. Modi Xerox sets up the largest dedicated service network in the country 140 service engineers. 1986

The new 1025 copier helps grow the market. Fully integrated manufacturing facilities operational. Photoreceptor Unit and toner-developer plant - first of its kind in India Commissioned. Leadership Through Quality formally adopted by Modi Xerox. Dayawati Modi Academy, Rampur begins first academic session. 18 Record export order for 1065 & 1075 copiers bagged. 10,000th machine rolls out of Rampur. The 1025 copier becomes the largest selling copier in India. Copier volumes cross 800 million. 1988 Customer Satisfaction Benchmarking initiated. Employee training of 4.9 man-days per employee reaches International benchmarks. 1989 Market share touches 40%. Over 3,000 mid-volume copiers exported to U.K. 1038 upper mid-volume copier launched. Principles of Quality cascaded throughout Modi Xerox. 1990 Value-engineered 1025 ST launched, the only copier of its kind in Xerox Entry into the low-volume segment with the 5012 copier Overall Customer Satisfaction rating of 90% achieved 'Teamwork 90', the first Quality event, showcases 36 Quality Projects

1991 Export of parts and components to Xerox plants initiated 2.2 million accident-free hours at Rampur, amongst the best in the Xerox world Modi Xerox wins National HRD Award Korea Xerox adopted as Benchmarking Partner.

19 1992 Modi Xerox becomes The Document Company with its entry into the laser printer and fax markets ISO 9002 Certification attained Modi Xerox evolves - Laser Printers, fax machines and Quality Office Supplies launched Over 25,000 photoreceptors and 450,000 toner bottles exported to Xerox customers in Europe and USA 1993 Modi Xerox completes 'First 10 Years' First time Business Excellence Certification achieved New products, New technologies introduced: Colour with Xerox MajestiK digital colour copier and printer series, Heavy duty Xerox 1040, Xerox 5331, 2515 Engineer Plan Printers Entry into low volume copier market with the Modi Xerox 5212 value engineered by Rampur 50,000th machine rolls out of Rampur Repro market share crosses 50% mark

Suppliers' Total Quality Strategy initiated. 1994 Plain paper fax and inkjet printer technologies introduced. Rampur wins 1993 Xerox Significant Safety achievement Award & National safety Award. First ever patent for Selenium Waste Disposal field. 20 Xerox quality services launched. Xerox software development commences. 1995 New corporate identity, The Document Company Modi Xerox , and digitised X cut-in. Product MIF crosses the 100000 mark. Colour offering expended; new Work Group rises, high- ended Xerox Printing systems introduced. Complete Waste Free Factory Status : 100% Reuse & Recycling of waste by Rampur. 2 out of five Xerox Earth Award Won. 1996 Tie up with Rank Xerox Technical Centre to boost service operations British Safety Award received for the fifth time Benchmark 2.97 composite defects per hundred machines, normalised for 1000 drawings 3 Xerox Earth Awards won - a benchmark performance Industry No.1 in Overall Customer Satisfaction. Rated No.1 on After Sales Service

by A&M and Marg Survey. 95% Satisfaction rating on Key Accounts achieved Over 55% copier market share achieved 20 new products launched, from low-end copiers to high-end Printing Systems Single Integrated Customer Data Base introduced & through VSATs link the CBUs were linked with National Warehouses, Rampur plant and Xerox First Xerox Document Center opens in Delhi 21 1997 India identified as key Emerging Market for Xerox ISO 14001 Certification attained for complete Environment Management System June 26 - 100,000th Copier rolls out from Rampur plant. 3.8 million Accident free man-hours logged as on 30th September 1997. Suppliers Total Quality Certification for 43 Suppliers. 20 ISO certified New Digital, Networked products launched - Xerox DocuColor 40, the worlds Fastest digital color production system and Xerox DocuTech 135 digital publishing system Xerox awards won: Global Accounts Marketing Pioneer Award, Xerox Channels Group Award, Contract Penetration and Cost of Rental Programs identified as Best Practices by Xerox Emerging Markets Customer Operations (EMCO) First Modi Xerox Supplier, M/s Indal Electronics, certified as Xerox worldwide Supplier 4 Xerox Earth Awards won 90% CSS employees part of SMWG work way - 74 teams across 50 locations QuickJit, a patented Xerox process launched. CMM Level 3 Certification for software development from Carnegie Melons

Software Engineering Institute, USA Exciting digital products launched Docuprint N40, Xerox 8830 DDS Engineering Plan Printer 1998 Digital transition initiated DigIT Certification launched. 50% people trained in digital technology

22 Value Added Partner Program initiated Second Xerox Document Center set up in Bangalore Customer Service Support part of Eureka, Xerox worldwide Service Support database Highest ever 4.7 million accident free hours clocked at Rampur 7 Xerox Earth Awards won and 3 Honourable Mentions Benchmark 97% Toner yield across Xerox Supplies Manufacturing Operations achieves Zero Deficiency Level certification from Xerox First time direct exports to SAARC; Fax Rolls to South East Asia and photoreceptors to Xerox Shanghai Y2K compliance on all products manufactured at Rampur Open Learning Centre established at Rampur 1999 Integral part of Xerox Developing Markets Operations (DMO) Business Restructuring successfully concluded Xerox Management Model & the Managing For Results (MFR) process revitalized

New Convenience Copier series engineered and launched by Rampur. 55% National Integration achieved Channels Premier Club for Extended Sales Promotion Agents ISO 14001 Surveillance Audit successfully concluded Outsourcing Servicing Agents (OSA) activity successfully initiated

23 Export Excellence Award won. First ever copier export to Iraq under UN Oil for Food Program Benchmark Asset Recovery in the Xerox world for fifth consecutive year DMO Assessment rates XMC No. 1 in Digital & Network Knowledge. No. 2 in Color. XMC rated industry No. 1 in Customer Satisfaction for 5th consecutive year New Document Solutions cut in for Telecom, Graphics Arts, Education, Banking & Finance and Manufacturing 2000 Merger of Modi Xerox Limited & Modi Xerox Financial Services into Xerox Modicorp Limited (XMC) concluded Tektronix Colour Printing & Imaging Division (CPID) in India integrates with Xerox Modicorp's Channels Business 7th Employee Day celebrated. Company Merit Awards instituted Knowledge Sharing at work initiative announced Open Door Policy launched Modi Xerox wins 1999 Golden Peacock innovative Product/Service Award from World Congress on Total Quality

Teleweb enabled business intensified omes The Document Company enters laser printer, fax and supplies markets. ISO 9002 Certification attained. A record of 25,000 photoreceptors & 2,50,000 toner bottles were exported to Xerox.


What Xerox Promises

The Document Company Xerox Modicorp in India demonstrates its leadership

in market position.

Wide array of high-end production & printing systems; engineering plan

printers, colour, digital & networked products.

Document solutions for telecom, banking & finance, graphic arts, education, manufacturing & government.

Industry No. 1 in overall Customer Satisfaction and service. Nationwide distribution & reach.

Widespread coverage and strong dealer network for plug & play products and supplies.

Benchmark Manufacturing & Supply Chain operations. The First in industry to achieve ISO 9002 for Manufacturing and Marketing / Customer Service Support.

It also endeavored to be among the first 10 companies in India to obtain ISO

14001 for complete environment management systems World class facility for manufacture of copiers, consumables and parts.

It is also amongst the top 10 networked companies in India and has been

adjudged the most successful joint venture of the decade.


Vision and Mission


Xerox India Ltd, the Document Management Company, will be the leader in the document market in India , helping improve our customer work processes, positively impacting productivity and Costs while digitally empowering them to transform their work. In other words: Helping people find better ways to do great work
OUR MISSION: Our strategic intent is to help people find better ways to do great workby constantly leading in document technologies, products and services that improve our customers work processes and business results.


We are



142 on the Fortune 500 List Business Groups Xerox Office Production Services Xerox Global Services The Group: $25 Billion in Sales Xerox Corporation: $16 Billion FUJI XEROX Ltd: $9 Billion


Operations Groups United States and Canada Europe (Western Europe) Developing Market Operations Latin America Eastern Europe Russia / CIS India Middle East and Africa


Xerox India Limited ((XIL)

Overview Incorporated in 1983, Xerox India Limited (XML) is a part of Xerox Corporation (NYSE: XRX), the US$15.7 billion, Fortune 500 global document management company. Over the past 20 years, Xerox Indiahas shaped the Document Management industry in India by ushering in the world's best documentprocessing products and bringing innovative value-added concepts to cater to customer needs. XeroxIndia has successfully transitioned three major movements in India since its inception, from copying toprinting, black and white to colour and stand-alone analog to digital, networked products. Xerox India's Strategic Intent To become the leader in the document market in India by helping improve the customer workprocesses, positively impacting productivity and costs while digitally empowering them totransform their work. In other words 'helping people find better ways to do great work. Xerox India Limited, erstwhile Modi Xerox was the outcome of one man's vision to usher whitecollarproductivity in India. In the 1960s and 1970s Dr Bhupendra Kumar Modi, erstwhile founder Chairmanand President, Modi Xerox experienced first hand the power of xerography and discovered the simple joyof copying reference study material at the touch of a button. Through a tie up with Rank Xerox, a member of the worldwide Xerox family in UK, Dr Modi founded Modi Xerox, a joint venture partnership and brought to Indian offices a new level of productivity and efficiency in business management.


The Xerox India Limited story can be divided into the following phases: o The Start-up years (1983 - 86) o The Take-off Phase (1986 - 89) o Maturing of the Partnership (1989 - 91) o Evolution into The Document Company (1991 - 95) o Gearing up for Globalization & Knowledge Growth (1995 - 99) o 2000 & Beyond : Leading the Digital Document Revolution

Through its three business groups - Production Systems Group (PSG), New Office Group, Consulting/Outsourcing business group - XIL caters to its three primary markets of high-end production environments, networked offices (small to large) and document management services.


New Office Group The New Office Group of Xerox caters to the requirements of large and mid-sized and small enterprises, providing them with analog copiers, digital copiers, copiers-printers, advanced multifunction devices, color copiers-printers and engineering copiers. These offerings are marketed through "Two-Tier distribution model. Xerox reaches out to its customers through its network of three national distributors (Ingram, eSys and Redington) and two regional distributors (Micromax and Ansatta). The company has network of 1500 channel partners that are supported by a team of qualified and trained indirect sales personnel. Production Systems Group The Xerox Production Systems Group caters to three main production environments - Publishing, Transaction Printing, and Enterprise-wide Printing through its multiple product categories. The group also offers total document solutions and services that can scan, view, manage and produce documents as wells a variety of pre-press and post press workflow options to fully meet customer demands. The group markets its product portfolio through both direct and indirect model. Xerox Global Services Xerox Global Services brings device and document management services to the marketplace. It enables Xerox to be a fully integrated document solutions company by providing a total end-to-end solution. Xerox Global Services helps clients reduce costs and create value by making smarter connections between people processes and technology.


Contribution of Office Groups: It sells office products and contributes over 70% of the companys revenue in India. Revenue from India in the financial year of 2004-05 has been Rs.500crores We have set the target of Rs.800crores by the end of 2008. As of now we have around 620 channel partners and over 1000 resellers. Recognitions achieved: First in industry to achieve ISO 9002 for both Manufacturing and Customer Service Support. Among first 10 companies in India to obtain ISO 14001 for complete environment management systems. National HRD Award Quality training programs and Best Practices imbibed and shared within Xerox (Egypt and SaudiXerox) as well as lead management bodies in India. Export Achievement Awards 1996-97 & 1997-98. 1999 Golden Peacock Award for Value Engineering new Modi Xerox 5216 copier variant.



India Market The Facts Market Available for you.. 1. Mono Laser Printers 6 Lakh Printers 2. Color Laser MFDs 40 Thousand Printers 3. Mono MFDs A3 45 Thousand Units 4. Mono MFDs A4 1 Laks 20 Thousand Units 5. 500 Cr. consumables Opportunity 6. 2000 Cr. Paper Opportunity 7. Rs.4500 CR. Software Industry


The Document Company Xerox streamlined structure

There are four regional directors in the marketing wing to over see operations. These are North, South, East and West. Our study furthered on the operations from the north which is headed by Graham Wing.

ISO stands for Industrial Solution organization which covers the major/key accounts of Xerox. GMO stands for General Marketing Organization which entails channel trade partners. Channel activities cover sales through dealer/ channel networks.


The North operations cover the state of Uttaranchal and Uttar Pradesh with 14 towns as major business focus. The operations are a three tier system with the second line at the operational level reporting to the respective regional director stationed at New Delhi. Regional Channel Structure

The categorization of the cities is based on A, B and C classification.

A: Usually 3-4 channel partners averaging turnover from 60-75 lacks per annum B: Usually 2-3 channel partners averaging turnover from 40-60 lacks per annum C: Usually 1-2 channel partners averaging turnover less than equal to 40 lacks per annum


Marketing Strategy
Steps of Sale SPANCO
Sales approach should be SPANCO which could be further elaborated into Suspect, Prospect, Approach, Negotiate, Close the Call and finally get the Order. The various steps are explained below: 1- Suspect- Fact Finding Mission Record all contacts 2- Prospect- Validation and Classification H/W/C. Time Table preparation, Initiating Next Steps 3- Approach-- Contacting the M.A.N. Submission of the Proposal 4- Negotiation- Demonstration. Submission of fresh proposal 5- Closing- Collecting the order 6- Order- Processing the order, Delivery, Installation and KOT. Collection Suspect: The sales cycle starts from a suspect. The suspect is a new door. To be sure that the new door has a suspect behind it, the salesman must go and see for himself. To convert the suspect into a prospect, the sales man requires information. The information can only be gained with the eyes and so the sales man must go and look. Most of the salesmans information will however come from asking questions of the people he meets when he calls on the suspect. Prospect: The suspect is identified as a M.A.N. and qualifies as a prospect. The business of a prospect will need the services and solutions offered by Xerox. We need to make the prospect recognize these needs and educate him on the same.

Approach: The prospect is approached at this stage of SPANCO sales process. The approach is done through a business appointment that is convenient to the prospect. Even the prospect is open for a Demo of the product through which his need can be met. At the end of this step a proposal of business is submitted to the identified prospect which includes the primary quotation.

38 Negotiation:

Negotiation is your opportunity to demonstrate your commitment (and your company's) to long term relationships to maximize value for both parties (for those who sell to businesses, value is ultimately synonymous with profit). Negotiation in sales can be a formal event, at a specific time and on a specific date, or it can be an ongoing theme at different points of the sales process. Negotiation is beyond price. Negotiation includes the entire value proposition. As a sales Professional you're seeking mutually beneficial relationships with prospects and customers which means you're going to seek a true win/win solution. Practiced and applied, negotiation skills can increase the level of trust and credibility you and your company have with your prospects and customers.
Closing: Closing is defined as obtaining the customer commitment. The Art of Closing: 1. Closing stage of a skillfully run and executed sales process. 2. Natural culmination of everything in sale that has proceeded it. 3. Successful closing depends on a sales persons ability to effectively investigate customer needs and demonstrate the machine capability and ability to effectively seek and obtain customer commitment. The Closing Process 1. Summarize the benefits the customer accepted during the call.

2. Formulate an action point requiring customer commitment.

39 ExampleCustomer: This machine is perfect to our requirement. Salesperson: We have agreed that the machine we have offered offers excellent copy quality and correctly fits into your budget. Lets go and complete the paper work right now. Order: This is the final step of SPANCO sales process. In this stage the order is processed within the turn around time assured by the company. The delivery is made during this stipulated time period and the machine is installed at the customer site for productivity. The Order stage is followed by the collection as per the agreement made during the negotiation stage.



Product of Xerox
Office product of Xerox

Color Multifunction A complete line of office color laser multifunction printers that copy, print, scan, and fax all in one. (A) Phaser 6128MFP

Print, copy, scan, fax, email Best for small, frequent jobs in a small work team or personal environment Color: up to 12 ppm Black: up to 16 ppm Standard paper capacity: 251 sheets Maximum paper capacity: 251 sheets (B) Phaser 6115MFP

Print, copy, scan, fax Best for small, frequent print jobs in a workgroup or personal environment Color: up to 5 ppm Black: up to 20 ppm Standard paper capacity: 200 sheets

42 (C) Phaser 8860MFP

Print, copy, scan, fax Color output for the price of black-and-white Cartridge-free solid ink technology Black: up to 30 ppm Color: up to 30 ppm Standard paper capacity: 625 sheets Maximum paper capacity: 1,675 sheets (D) Phaser 6180MFP

Print, copy, scan, fax Best for small, frequent print jobs Workgroup: Up to 10 users Color: up to 20 ppm Black: up to 31 ppm Standard paper capacity: 400 sheets Maximum paper capacity: 950 sheets

43 (E) WorkCentre 6400

New! Trade-up Rebate! Print, Copy, Scan, Fax, Email Best for everyday office use in small to medium workgroups Color: up to 32 ppm Black: up to 37 ppm (F) WorkCentre 7425/7428/7435

New! Print, copy with optional scan, fax, email Best for everyday jobs in color or black and white Color: up to 20 / 28 / 35 ppm Black: up to 25 / 28 / 35 ppm Maximum paper capacity: 5,140 sheets

44 (G) WorkCentre 7232/7242

Print, copy with optional scan, fax, email Best for black-and-white jobs with color when you need it Color: up to 10 ppm Black: up to 32 / 40 ppm Maximum paper capacity: 4,720 sheets (H) WorkCentre 7328/7335/7345/7346

Print, Copy with optional Scan, Fax, Email Best for black-and-white jobs with color when you need it Color: up to 26 / 31 / 35 / 40 ppm Black: up to 28 / 35 / 45 ppm Maximum paper capacity: 3,140 sheets

45 (I) ColorQube 9201/9202/9203

New! Print, copy, scan, email and optional fax Choose flexible pricing plans to pay less for color pages Cartridge-free solid ink technology Best for high-volume color usage Print and copy up to 50 ppm (with flexible print speeds from 38 to 85 ppm) on ColorQube 9203 Standard paper capacity: 3,300 sheets Maximum paper capacity: 7,300 sheets

(J) WorkCentre 7655/7665/7675

Copy with optional Print, Scan, Fax, Email Best for high-volume jobs of any size with great color when you need it Color: up to 40 / 50 ppm Black: up to 55 / 65 / 75 ppm Maximum paper capacity: 5,260 sheets


Black and White Multifunction Black-and-white multifunction printers that output at speeds up to 30 pages per minute. (A) WorkCentre PE120/PE120i

Copy, Print, Scan, Fax Best for small jobs in a personal use or small workgroup environment 50 Sheet Automatic Document Feeder Maximum paper capacity: 550 sheets

(B) WorkCentre 4118

Copy, Print, Scan, Fax Best for small jobs in a workgroup or small office environment Speed: up to 18 ppm Maximum paper capacity: 1,200 sheets


(C) WorkCentre M20/M20i

Copy, print, fax, scan, email Best for small copying, printing, faxing and scanning jobs 50 page duplex automatic document feeder Speed: up to 22 ppm Maximum paper capacity: 1,200 sheets (D) Phaser 3300MFP

Print, Copy, Scan, Fax, Email Best for everyday use on small work teams (2-10 users) 50-sheet Automatic Document Feeder Speed: up to 30 ppm Standard paper capacity: 300 sheets Maximum paper capacity: 550 sheets


(E) WorkCentre 3210/3220

New! Print, Copy, Scan, Fax (and Email on WorkCentre 3220) Best for personal use or small workteams (1-5 users) 50-sheet Automatic Document Feeder Speed: up to 24 / 30 ppm Standard paper capacity: 250 sheets

(F) WorkCentre 5222

Copier or Printer/Copier with optional scan and fax Best for everyday usage for small- and medium-size jobs Speed: up to 22 ppm Standard paper capacity: 1,100 sheets Maximum paper capacity: 3,100 sheets


(G) WorkCentre 5225

Copier or Printer/Copier with optional scan and fax Best for everyday usage for small- and medium-size jobs Speed: up to 25 ppm

(H) WorkCentre 5030/5050

Copy, with optional Print, Scan, Fax, Email Best for everyday usage for small- and medium-size jobs Speed: up to 30 / 50 ppm


Advanced Multifunction High-performance multifunction printers with advanced scan, fax, security, and accounting solutions (A) WorkCentre 7655/7665/7675

Copy with optional Print, Scan, Fax, Email Best for high-volume jobs of any size with great color when you need it Color: up to 40 / 50 ppm Black: up to 55 / 65 / 75 ppm Maximum paper capacity: 5,260 sheets

(B) WorkCentre 5665/5675/5687

Print, Copy, Scan, Fax, Email Best for heavy office use or in-house production Speed: up to 65 / 75 / 87 ppm Standard paper capacity: 4,700 sheets Maximum paper capacity: 8,700 sheets


(C) WorkCentre 5632/5638

Print, Copy, Scan, Fax, Email Best for frequent usage for small to medium jobs Speed: up to 32 / 38 ppm Standard paper capacity: 1,100 sheets Maximum paper capacity: 8,700 sheets (D) WorkCentre 7232/7242

Print, copy with optional scan, fax, email Best for black-and-white jobs with color when you need it Color: up to 10 ppm Black: up to 32 / 40 ppm Maximum paper capacity: 4,720 sheets


(E) WorkCentre 4150

Print, Copy, Email, Fax, Scan Best for heavy usage of small to medium jobs Speed: up to 45 ppm

(F) WorkCentre 7328/7335/7345/7346

Print, Copy with optional Scan, Fax, Email Best for black-and-white jobs with color when you need it Color: up to 26 / 31 / 35 / 40 ppm Black: up to 28 / 35 / 45 ppm Maximum paper capacity: 3,140 sheets


Environmental Record:

U.S. office workers print an average of 10,000 pages per year. However, developing and designing printers consumes thousands of reams of paper a day. This is not usually seen by the general public but needs to be disclosed nonetheless. According to Xerox, around 40 percent of the pages printed out by people are only viewed once before being thrown away. Xerox is making attempts at reducing that number with erasable paper. This new type of paper is embedded with chemicals that are sensitive to light. When different wavelengths of light touch its surface, the paper darkens, and this in turn gives the printed text or image look. The images stay on the paper for between 16 and 24 hours before dissolving, and this allows the paper to be used again in the future. The average American emits 9.44 tons of carbon dioxide a year. To help offices realize their environmental impact, Xerox released the sustainability calculator in late March 2008. The calculator has been created as a method to measure the environmental benefits so we can use that in our reports and marketing materials says Patty Calkins, who is the vice president of environment, health, and safety at Xerox, as well as to optimize the office equipment. Since the 1990s, Xerox, has been an innovator in the domain of the eco-friendly or the green corporation. Its mission statement on the environment states At Xerox, sustainability is our way of doing business. We strive to maintain the highest standards to preserve our environment and protect and enhance the health and safety of our employees and communities. In fact, Xerox has managed to create environmentally friendly products that are also save millions of dollars per year. In 1993, Xerox created a product stewardship program that began by reprocessing still functioning parts from old office


equipment into new parts. This is called the end-of-life take-back program. In 1990, Xerox introduced its waste-free packaging system where it created two different extendable boxes that would be used to transport and take back equipment and would then be reprocessed after its life cycle. In 2006, Xerox introduced the re-usable or erasable paper, its biggest innovation yet.Xerox created a product stewardship program in 1993 whose keystone program was the end-of-life equipment take-back program. This program was first developed in Europe. Whenever possible, Xerox would take back machines that it had previously sold to companies and reprocessing them into new parts. Previously, companies would specify that new items must be created from 100% new virgin materials. However, Xerox found that equipment that was not useful anymore still had parts that were still functioning. The process was as follows: Xerox would Carefully dismantle equipment down to the base-unit level and then inspect and clean it in the base-unit-preparation stage. Thorough analysis determines each components remaining life. The company reprocesses reusable components and test them to ensure that they meet Xeroxs standards and puts them back into the same assembly lines as virgin parts. The company would then test the product thoroughly in an environment that resembles its final location. In 1997, Xerox reprocessed 3.8 million parts from 160,000 pieces of equipment. This process has been emulated over the years by a number of corporations.Environmental benefits from this process include an end-of-use collection process for customers, reduction of waste to landfills, the avoidance of raw material purchases and the associated use of energy, and the ability to produce environmentally sound equipment. As well, parts reprocessing process is labor intensive and Xerox hired 400 additional staff. In addition, net savings totaled over 80$ million in Europe since disposal costs were transformed into revenue. To combat consumer hesitancy in procuring items that are not made from 100% virgin materials, Xerox offered 3 year guarantee on these products made from recycled materials, the same as its completely new materials. Xeroxs approach was to build customer confidence. For example, Xerox Europe 56

always maintained its focus on total customer satisfaction by combining environmental responsibility with stringent control over manufacturing processes. It offered a total three-year satisfaction guarantee on equipment containing reprocessed parts to demonstrate its confidence in its products, the same as that given on new equipment. Finally, Xerox, stopped distinguishing its products as new or built from manufactured parts and promised to have all new products created with both 100% new and manufactured or reprocessed parts.A second eco-friendly innovation was the waste-free packaging program created in 1990. Xerox created two standard returnable boxes, one steel and one wood, that replace its 25 different disposable packaging boxes. These new, reusable boxes can be reused up to 25 times but were manufactured to last 10 cycles and can be extended to suit past, present and future products. At the end of their life cycle, Xerox will fix the wooden boxes and will reprocess the steel boxes. These totes reduce disposal costs, increase operational productivity and reduce inventory. In addition, using re-usable packaging reduces the cost to the consumer by 15$ and its estimated annual savings in Europe were approximately 3.5 million $. The program has been widely popular.Xerox most current eco-friendly innovation is its creation of an erasable form of paper for copiers. The product has yet to be released for commercial use but Xerox believes that it may do so in the next few years. Brinda Dalal, an anthropologist at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center estimates that, Of the 1,200 pages the average office worker prints per month, 44.5 percent are for daily use assignments, drafts or e-mail. In her research, scouring the waste produced by office workers, she found that 21 percent of black-and-white copier documents were returned to the recycling bin on the same day they were produced. That is why Xerox began developing a new technology that would allow paper to become re-usable. The new system produces documents on special yellow paper; the ink has no toner and is a purple tint. The ink then disappears within 16 hours and the process can be hastened by heating the paper. Currently, individual pieces of paper can be printed on up to 50 times but this number is only limited by the paper; if Xerox could 57

create a type of paper that does not lose quality over time, then a paper could then be reprinted on indefinitely. Xerox has not yet decided whether it will commercialize its technology, but the goal is to create a system where the specially coated paper costs between two and three times standard copier paper, making the total cost of the system substantially less than conventional paper when paper is reused repeatedly. The biggest challenge to this new technology will be to find a market. It is very promising and would reduce the amount of deforestation occurring in all the worlds forests by reducing the amount of paper being consumed. Xerox continues to be an innovator in the areas of reducing waste and reducing the consummation of paper worldwide. It has also been a leader in allowing other companies to follow its lead in a shift to green consumerism. The erasable paper is by far its greatest achievement, one that will surely catch on in the future due greater demands from consumers to reduce waste and reduce deforestation by reducing the amount of paper consumed worldwide.


Trademark: The word "xerox" is commonly used as a synonym for "photocopy" (both as a noun and a verb) in many areas; for example,"I xeroxed the document and placed it on your desk." or "Please make a xeroxed copy of the articles and hand them out a week before the exam". Though both are common, the company does not condone such uses of its trademark, and is particularly concerned about the ongoing use of Xerox as a verb as this places the trademark in danger of being declared a generic word by the courts. The company is engaged in an ongoing advertising and media campaign to convince the public that Xerox should not be used as a verb. To this end, the company has written to publications that have used Xerox as a verb, and has also purchased print advertisements declaring that "you cannot 'xerox' a document, but you can copy it on a Xerox Brand copying machine". Xerox Corporation continues to protect its trademark diligently in most if not all trademark categories. Despite their efforts, many dictionaries continue to mention the use of "xerox" as a verb, including the Oxford English Dictionary.In India, Parle Agro's "Kaccha Mango Bite" candy ran a tagline claiming "Kacche Aam Ka Xerox" which means "Xerox of the raw mango". The tag was later modified to "Kacche Aam Ki Copy", which means "Copy of the Raw Mango." In 2008, Xerox changed its logo to a red sphere with a white X with three grey stripes. The change is meant to reflect less on the photo copying duties Xerox has carried out and instead to refocus on document management and solutions across the world for companies.



Research methodology is used to search answers of the research questions. An attempt has been made to describe the nature of the people of Lucknow city by the study of the samples. Methodology in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. The advanced learners dictionary of current English lays down the meaning of research as a careful investigation or enquiry especially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge. Some people consider research as a movement, movements from known to unknown. It is actually a voyage of discovery. We all posses the vital instinct of inquisitiveness for, when the unknown confront us, we wonder and our inquisitiveness makes us probe and attain full and fuller understanding of the unknown. This inquisitiveness is the mother of all the knowledge and the method, which man employs for obtaining the knowledge of whatever the unknown, can be termed as research. Methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. Learning more about the consumer and about marketing is the heart of the research methodology. The research methodology has many dimensions and research methods to constitute a part of the research methodology.


Problem Formulation

Research Design

Sample Design

Data Collection Technique

Field Work

Analysis and Interpretation and Research Report


In the planning of the project and survey, the entire schedule of work was divided into 13 steps which are as follows-

1. Defining the objectives 2. Defining the population 3. Frame the sample units 4. Data collection 5. Questionnaire 6. Methods of collecting data 7. Non-respondent classification 8. Selection of proper sample size 9. Organizing the field work 10. 11. 12. 13. Execution of the project Summery and analysis Information gathered for the further survey Preparation of the report

Let us understand all the above 13 steps in detail:

1. DEFINING THE OBJECTIVE: The main objective is to find out the dealer perception of fresher and walked out dealer from Xerox photocopier machines. This survey is conducted to depict the behavior of the dealer in making investment, especially in insurance. 2. DEFINING THE POPULATION: Population refers to the total items about which the information is desired. Here in this project I have considered finite population that is we are taking one single individual as single unit which is fixed the 100 questionnaires, each separately by the single individual. 63

3. FRAME THE SAMPELING UNITS: The elementary units or the group of such units may form the basis of sampling process, which are called as sampling units. A list containing all such sampling frames consists of a list of items from which the sample is to be drawn. It is often impossible to draw a sample directly from the population. In case of this project I simply located the different areas of Lucknow and conducted a survey by taking the information in the form of questionnaire.

4. DATA COLLECTION: There are several ways of collecting the data which differ considerably in context of money, cost, time and other resources. In this project the data which was required gave details about the behavior of dealer who make investments in Paint Industry and Construction Industry, etc.

5. QUESTIONNAIRE: To develop an effective questionnaire following points should be kept in mind:

a. Keep in view the problem to be studied. b. Questions should be appropriate and simple and must be constructed with a their forming a logical part of a well thought out tabulation plan. c. Proper sequencing of questions. d. Should be examined properly and if error found, should be removed. view to

6. METHODS OF COLLECTING DATA: Normally there are 2 methods of collecting the data: 64

Primary data Secondary data

In this project we require data which is necessary to obtain the secondary data. We have collected the information by directly communicating with the respondents through questionnaires.

7. NON-RESPONDENT CLASSIFICATION: It is very necessary to classify the respondents from the sample who didnt give proper reply while conducting the research. The reason for doing this is that it may create a systematic 8. SELECTION OF PROPER SAMPLE SIZE: A sample design is a definite obtaining a result from the given population. In this project the sample size is of 100. plan for

9. ORGANISING THE FIELD WORK: Fieldwork is done in this project individually with no biasness. The field work comprises of filling of questionnaire by different sector individuals.

10. EXECUTION OF THE PROJECT: Proper execution of the projects important. Steps should be taken to ensure that the survey is under statistical control so that the collected information is in accordance with the pre-defined standard of accuracy.


11. SUMMARY AND ANALYSIS OF DATA: Once the data is collected the next task is to analyze it. The raw data should be classified into some purposeful usable categories. For example: tabulation, coding, etc. Analysis work, after tabulation, is generally based on the computation of various percentages, coefficients, etc. by applying various well defined statistical formulae. Here in this report it is found that the investment pattern of people in private insurance companies is not satisfactory.

12. PREPARATION OF THE REPORT: Final report is prepared according to the work done. Following points must be kept in mind in this regard: The layout Report should be concise and simple. Proper graphs and charts must be used for the explanation. Limitations in the report should be clearly mention



Data Analysis and Interpretation

Q1: Which brand of photocopier machine you use? Satisfaction level Canon Ricoh Sharp Xerox Respondent (No.) 25 15 20 40

Respondent (No.)

Canon 18% Canon Xerox 52% Ricoh 15% Ricoh Sharp Xerox Sharp 15%

Interpretation: During market analysis we find that mostly organization use the Xerox photocopier Machine in Lucknow. Its indicate that the percentage of Xerox photocopier machine In Lucknow high than other copier machine.


Q2: Does brand name influence your purchasing behaviour while installing the photocopier Machines?

Satisfaction level Yes No

Respondent (No.) 80 20

Respondent (No.)

20, 20% Yes No 80, 80%

Interpretation: During market analysis mostly peoples who work in organization said that brand name influence the purchasing behaviour while installing the photocopier machines.

69 Q3: How printing cost influence your installation decision?

Satisfaction level Disagree No answer Agree

Respondent (No.) 25 15 60

Respondent (No.)

Disagree, 25, 25% Disagree Agree, 60, 60% No answer No answer, 15, 15% Agree

Interpretation: By market analysis of copier used in office ,we analyze that 60% of people said that Printing cost influence installation decision and 25% peoples are disagree , 15% People was not gave the answer.


Q4: Does power consumption of machines is a considerable factor while choosing a machine?

Satisfaction level Yes No

Respondent (No.) 85 15

Respondent (No.)

Respondent (No.), No, 15% Yes No Respondent (No.), Yes, 85%

Interpretation: By market analysis of copier used in office ,we analyze that 85% of people said that Power consumption influence installation decision and 15% peoples are disagree.


Q5: The speed of a machine (ppm-paper per minute) is considerable factor while choosing a


Satisfaction level Disagree No answer Agree

Respondent (No.) 28 15 57

Respondent (No.)

Disagree 28% Agree 57%

No answer 15%

Disagree No answer Agree

Interpretation: By market analysis of copier used in organization ,we analyze that 57% of people said that speed of a machine (ppm-paper per minute) is considerable factor while choosing a machine and 28% peoples are disagree, 15% people was not gave the answer. 72

Q6: Does other feature like MFD(multi function device) play a significant role when you purchasing photocopier machine?

Satisfaction level Disagree No answer Agree

Respondent (No.) 35 15 50

Respondent (No.) 50 45 40 Disagree, 35 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 No answer, 15 Agree, 50

Respondent (No.)

Disagree No answer


Interpretation: By market analysis of copier used in organization ,we analyze that 50% of people said that MFD play a significant role when you purchasing copier machine and 35% people disagree and 15%was not gave the answer. 73

Q7: Does print quality is considerable factor while choosing a machine? Satisfaction level Disagree No answer Respondent (No.) 15 10



Respondent (No.)

Disagree 15% No answer 10% Disagree No answer Agree Agree 75%

Interpretation: By market analysis of copier used in organization ,we analyze that 75% people said that print quality is considerable factor while choosing a machine ,15% was disagree and 10% was not given answer.


Q8: Does price factor affect the buying behaviours? Satisfaction level Disagree No answer Agree Respondent (No.) 20 10 70

Respondent (No.)

Disagree 20% Disagree No answer Agree

No answer 10% Agree 70%

Interpretation: By market analysis of copier used in organization ,we analyze that 70% people said that price factor affect the buying behaviours and 20% people was disagree, 10% was not give the answer.




The aim of the research was to find out the To analyze the market share of Xerox Photocopier machine in Lucknow. All the due efforts were made to find out the appropriate and confide results. Following are the various findings of the research:

Mostly organization and institution said that brand name play a important role when we purchase sing the machine.

After analysis we finding that the printing cost of photocopier machine play a important role. Mostly organizations are satisfied with Xerox, because the printing cost is low in comparison to other photocopier machine.

After data analysis we finding that power consumption of Xerox is better than other photocopier machine.

During data analysis we finding that page print per minute is considerable factor while chosen the machine Mostly people of organization said that the page print per minute is better than the other photocopier machines.

After data analysis we finds that mostly people satisfied with MFD(multi functional devices) of Xerox photocopier machine.


Print quality of Xerox photocopier machines is better. Mostly people satisfied with this statement.

During data analysis we find that the mostly people said that, the price of Xerox photocopier is higher than other photocopier machines




As it has been discussed, Today Xerography Industry has a very high growth potaional in market. Post liberalization, the industry; institution has been growing at a rapid pace in terms of its assets under management. The study aimed at finding out the market shares of Xerox photocopier machine. It was found that mostly organization prefer the Xerox photocopier machine, because the services, facilities of

MFD,power saving, print quality is better than other photocopier company machines.On the behalf of this study the market of photocopier machine in India is bright. The project analysis of the Lucknow market is shown very clear picture that today Xerox is the market leader of the Lucknow market for better market creditability in comparison to other photocopier company. So if Xerox want to shown their strong presence in Lucknow market. They should have better creditability system, better services, best financial transaction, high margin growth. These are some factor which help to Xerox in making leader of the Lucknow market.



Suggestion and Recommendation

On the basis of survey done by me following are the some of points that could be suggested to the dealer of the company so as to increase the sales of products.

On time delivery of the products is the important area that is to focused on.

Brand name of Xerox is very well known in Photocopier market and it is associated with quality thus this has to be maintained in all spheres of the selling and marketing. Another suggestion would be that Xerox should also encourage direct selling a part of from depending fully on dealers. There could be some changes in the products of Xerox according to consumer needs and purchasing power of consumer. There may be improvement in the after sales services of the Xerox photocopier.



Xerox considers itself the global leader in the document management business, stating they offer the widest array of products, services and solutions in the industry. Since the early 1990s. Xerox has reinvented itself from a predominantly black-and-white, light-lens copier company into a digital, color and document solutions company.

Xerox Mission Statement says, Our strategic intent is to help people find better ways to do great work -- by constantly leading in document technologies, products and services that improve our customers' work processes and business results.

Xerox states that since the creation of their company they have operated under the guidance of six core values. These are the belief that: They succeed through satisfied customers; They value and empower employees; They deliver quality and excellence in all they do; They provide superior return to their shareholders; They use technology to deliver market leadership; They behave responsibly as a corporate citizen.

Strengths: The greatest strength that Xerox had in the market place was the recognition of its brand name. The Xerox Company designed and developed the original technology for the first office copiers in 1959.

84 Xerox supplied an entire range of copiers catering to all markets, from low volume users making fewer than 5,000 copies per month at a purchase cost below $4000, to high volume markets with copiers costing over $60,000. They were the only company to provide a comprehensive line of copying devices.

Complementarily, the clients of Xerox ranged from individuals to Fortune 500 companies, a demonstration of Xeroxs scalability and ability to adapt to client specific requirements.

Xeroxs dedication to measurably increasing customer satisfaction and offering new strategies to both management and operations were heavily marketed and the public was aware of these strengths.

The company declared customer satisfaction to be its highest corporate priority having identified it as the means through which they would regain and maintain their market dominance.

Weaknesses: Xerox also suffered a number of weaknesses within the company and within the industry. Although Xerox enjoyed a well-established brand name, their ability to diversify was limited because of the markets perception that Xerox created only copiers. As stated above, in the 1980s, competitors were able to sell their products close to the price at which Xerox was producing similar units. Consequently, Xerox suffered eroded market share (greater than 60%) as they faced cost issues.

85 Following the revisions within Xerox, weakness still existed related to how the company measured and assessed its position regarding customer satisfaction. Xerox measured customer satisfaction via four methods: 1. Periodic customer surveys;

2. Post-installation surveys; 3. Focused surveys following the installation of new product lines; 4. Benchmarking against their competitor; Xerox performed most poorly in the general market, where it received the greatest deviation from its targeted customer satisfaction rate. Finally, one of Xeroxs strengths, its seniority in the industry, also had a downside. Xerox had an install base of customers that were operating with older equipment that was more likely to breakdown and require more costly service. Opportunities: In the early 1990s Xerox faced several opportunities. The technology in the copying field was advancing. Digital copying was expected to surpass the traditional light/lens technology and the emerging color copying technology represented another prospect for Xerox. Multimodality machines combining copying, faxing, scanning and printing i offered a potential for expanding the market and providing customers with more bang for their buck. Xerox addressed many of these issues when it refocused its document-processing line, complimenting its original copying business. The greatest opportunity Xerox faced at this time was the potential to market itself as it achieved the lofty goals it had defined. The successful increases in

86 customer satisfaction and perceived satisfaction, formally recognized by the prestigious awards Xerox won, provided a very powerful advertising and sales tool.

Threats: Xerox also dealt with threats from its rivals in the industry. There were twenty-three companies in the copier market, all vying for market share. Many of these other firms were hungry for business and produced very targeted products for niche markets, placing the large, bureaucratic, monolithic Xerox with its broad product range at a disadvantage.



Corporate Learning

To be a part of Xerox was the best opportunity for me to have: A practical exposure of corporate world. Independently handling of clients. Came to known the problem of clients. Learn the technical procedures and analysis of various research system, such as marketing research and equity research. Learnt the corporate culture.




In the research conducted all the due efforts are made with full effort and diligence but still their might be some error due to the following reasons:

Human behavior is too complex to determine. So the information disclosed by them may not be very accurate.

This research is conducted on a very small sample size, so it might be possible that the information given by such respondents may not match with the reply of the whole public of Lucknow.

There was a time constraint while conducting the report.

It might be possible that the answers given by the respondents are full of biasness.

Some of the respondents were not willing to reply the questions.

As the questionnaire is in English language, some respondents found it difficult to understand it, even many refused.




Docutalk April 2002 Books: C.R.Kothari- Research Methodology K.Paneersalem- Research Methodology Philip Kotler- Marketing Magazines: Business Week



Format of Questionnaire

Name: Age: Gender: (a) Male (b) Female

Organization: (a) Public sector (b) Private sector

(c) Institutions Contact No: Location:

(d) Other sector

Q1: Which brand of photocopier machine you use? (a) Xerox (c) Richo (b) Canon (d) Sharp

Q2: Does brand name influence your purchasing behaviour while installing Photocopier machine? (a) Yes (b) No

Q3:How printing cost influence your installation decision? Low 2 3 4 High

95 Q4: Does power consumption of machine is a considerable factor while choosing a machine?



Q5: The speed of machine (paper per minute) is considerable factor while choosing a machine. SD D N A SA

Q6: Does other factor (MFD) are significant in purchasing decision. SD D N A SA

Q7: Does print quality is considerable factor? SD D N A SA

Q8: Does price factor affect the buying behaviours? SD D N A SA

Q9: Your comment about Xerox machine. ... ... .......................................................................................................................................


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