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Diversity screams piercingly out of a calm beauty, catching every ear and every eye of many.

Africa, the second largest continent, the multicultural sovereignty, the reservoir of purity and vitality, beholds an innate exquisiteness throughout its vast territory. For thousands of years the traditions of different cultures have evolved, often in isolation from one another because of Africa's challenging geographical barriers. The Sahara desert, Kilimanjaro, Nile River, All of which represent the peoples preservation, restoration, and adoration to nature that Africans be evidence for. Its populace that beholds multicultural diversities, with great variety of black, white, Asian, and Colored groups, has influenced the great eternal culture they represent. Africa that is unified by families of varied mixture of people and religion proves an unusual yet significant disposition that upholds its chaste inimitability. Uniquely shaped as a perfect balance of nature and humanity, Africa stands as a magnificent fortress. Africa, certainly, is the dwelling place of an unending freedom and vanishing cripples of hope. It stands strong despite its naturally gentle splendor. Come run. Come jump. Come fly. Its time for Africa. Skreeu (Shout), strek (run), vlieg (fly) in Africa!

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