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loss of voice/sore throat after excessive physical exertion...stanum met. whistling sound from chest,can be heared without stethoscope.........sambuc.

nig leucorrhoea profuse with scanty menses.....causticum. Tonsillitis again ana again...guiacum Neck stiff,stiffness goes to whole back...anacardium Rheumatism in hot weather....guiacum,,and rhododendron premature baldness associated with premature greyness...eclipta alba [bring raj]

*Anger--Quick repentance---Mez. --Harmless things at--Mez. --But soon sorry for it--Mez. --Complaints about ones own-- Aloes --Couldy and rainy season<--Aloes. --Constipation<--Aloes *Fear--Calamity, of impending--Lil-t. --Disease being serious--Lil-t. --Disease incurable--Lil-t,Ars. --Heart disease,of--Lil-t. *Amorous,Lewdness--Hyo,Verat. Lewd- talk--Hyo,Verat. -thought--Anac,Lil-t,Lac.-c,Sel. -songs--Hyo,Stram,Verat. *Lascivious--lustful-Hyo,Lach,Verat. *Weakness Exhausted vital force Crot-h. --Coition after Sel. --Emission after Phos.a.,Staph.

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